Texas Governor Ordered State Military: MONITOR JADE HELM! Why? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


Bob Welch holds a sign at a public hearing about the Jade Helm 15 military training exercise in Bastrop, Tex./Photo: AP

IT is surely not lost on the Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, that it is best to pay attention to the concerns of the citizens who elected him. Such a calculus should be a no-brainer for any astute politician, regardless of party affiliation.

BE that as it may, under said (practical) rubric, he ordered Texas’s military to ‘monitor’ the Feds, vis-a-vis the increasingly suspect JADE HELM 15 theater of operations within Texas. We will get to that in a bit…

BEAR in mind, this was after the shuck-and-jive show from the Fed’s mouthpiece, US Retired Non-Commissioned Special Forces Officer Tom Mead . His mission was to ‘calm down’ an increasingly alarmed public…oh yeah, the tens of thousands of ‘crazies’…’conspiracy and tin-foil hatters’ too! However, an order of this magnitude wouldn’t be given, if Texas’s chief executive didn’t see a ‘there there’, regardless of political calculi. 

In the question and answer portion of the presentation, Mead further explains to board members how Jade Helm, a new exercise he describes as also being developed by US Special Operations General Charles T. Cleveland, will now be conducted within the United States annually.

Further, Mead points out that the FBI and DEA will be involved in “questioning” individuals. It is unclear whether the individuals being interrogated are part of the exercise, or what they will be questioned about. “They will actually do some questioning for us at one of the airports in Arizona.” A military or civilian airport? He doesn’t elaborate.

Mead also provides a conflicted response when asked by the county officials if only US military and law enforcement personnel will be involved in the exercise. “Do you use any personnel from NATO, the UN or DHS?” one board member asks (at 12:56 in the above video). “Currently for Jade Helm it is US only. We, ah, that has been one of the discussions that, uhm, I’m not sure if it has occurred yet.” (blogger’s note: a W T F rendering…)

A sober observer might conclude (as a portion of the public already has) that Jade Helm is likely a means to acclimate America for eventual martial law. Since September 11, 2001 US citizens have experienced a steady erosion of their civil liberties associated with the dubious rationale of the “war on terror.” The increased militarization of law enforcement and now operations like Jade Helm being carried out on domestic soil further indicate how the Posse Comitatus Act, introduced in 1878 and intended to prevent the federal government from using the military for domestic law enforcement, is being steadily eviscerated, though it is important to note that as recently as 2002 the US Congress reaffirmed the significance of the law.

Even the Rand Corporation has suggested that the US military has no clear criteria concerning when and how Posse Comitatus applies to exercises such as Jade Helm. “[I]t is critical,” Rand researchers observe in one study, “that the Army develop doctrine, leadership, and training programs that can provide clear and specific guidance on when and how the Posse Comitatus Act—as well as any other laws that proscribe Army activities in the domestic arena—applies and when it does not…..

ADDITIONAL JADE HELM 15 ‘issues’ were amassed at a previous commentary, and they can be found here

NOT only that, its planners, including the above referenced mouthpiece, will NOT answer a straight up question re the inclusion of foreign troops – “Currently for Jade Helm it is US only. We, ah, that has been one of the discussions that, uhm, I’m not sure if it has occurred yet.” Lying bastard. Okey dokey too.

TELLINGLY, this particular lie, cum evasion, underlies the core danger. Intrinsically, many alarm bells rang as to the absolute fact that Chinese, Russian and a smattering of E European troops have been training on U.S. soil! Now, anyone who understands what this means also knows that the LAST thing a patriotic POTUS would want is communist troops running loose in the U.S., let alone learning tactics from U.S. command. Ya think?

CONCOMITANTLY, training mock ups (which involved aforementioned foreign forces) were NOT designed along the contours of environments required to battle Mid East jihadists or other known enemies. To the contrary. They are facsimiles of American cities with all the trappings of ‘any city USA’, down to the English street signs! Why?


Reuters / Lucas Jackson


The U.S. Army has constructed a 300 acre city in Virginia, complete with subways and signs in English, to practice drills for “problems we may not know we have yet,” according to the UK Telegraph.

The site cost $96 million to build and only 2 years to complete, and replicates the typical American city, with signage that replicates those in Washington D.C. and the same architecture seen across the nation.

“This is the place where we can be creative, where we can come up with solutions for problems that we don’t even know we have yet….This is where we’ll look at solutions for the future–material solutions and non-material solutions…anything from how you’re going to operate in a subterranean environment to how you dismount a Humvee to avoid an IED strike,” according to Colonel John P. Petkosek.

The troubling part of this mock city is that a recently leaked Army manual contained plans for the military to carry out “Civil Disturbance Operations” where American soldiers would be deployed across the nation to quell civil uprising, even firing on and killing American citizens if the need arose…..read here.

BACK to Texas’s foresight and watchful eyes….

The Lone Star State’s Republican governor, Greg Abbott, is answering citizens’ concerns over Operation Jade Helm 15, a lengthy military campaign to train U.S. troops in an urban setting, with a call to arms of his own: he’s ordered members of the Texas military to monitor the special-ops exercises.

Jade Helm, as WND has previously reported, kicks off in July in seven states, including Texas, Utah, California and Colorado. The two-month campaign involves special forces with all four branches of the U.S. military working with local law enforcement, as well as with FBI and DEA officials, to respond to mock hostilities in community settings. The campaign has launched a swell of opposition from social-media posters, who say the mission is little more than an attempt for the federal government to pave the way to declare martial law.

Abbott, in a letter to Maj. Gen. Gerald Betty of the Texas State Guard, said his order to monitor the feds was “to address concerns of Texas citizens,” SFGate.com said.

He wrote: “During the training operation, it is important Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property right[s] and civil liberties will not be infringed. I am directing the Texas State Guard to monitor Operation Jade Helm 15.”

Jade Helm concerns are tearing up the Internet.

The State Guard is made up of volunteer reservists who act at the pleasure of the governor, mostly in times of catastrophe…more here.

CONCLUSIVELY, regardless of anything else, Obama Inc., in collusion with foreign leaders – most especially Chinese – are prepping for the eventuality (the timing is fluid, but the prep has to take place) of martial law

Martial Law Prep One:

ADDITIONALLY, why are community police forces ‘armed to the teeth’, like military forces’, preparing to lay siege as if in battle formations? Hint: the reasons have zero to do with the ‘war on terror’!

Martial Law Prep Two:

MOREOVER, DHS, the umbrella where martial law is housed, is now America’s ‘standing army, its forward-arm. Not only that, but do recall DHS’s MASSIVE, inexplicable stockpiling of ammo, unprecedented in U.S. shopping sprees, just a short while ago. For what? Now it’s coming full circle…the ubiquitous swirling Black Hawks too.

Martial Law Prep Three:

FINALLY, what about the purged generals and the training of red-like foreign troops on U. S. soil?  But never mind. 

PONDER what this means: Americans are (legally) well armed, in comparison to any other nation. As such, the Second Amendment is sacrosanct. Thankfully, the Founders understood that a day would come when citizens might be required to stand up against an out of control leadership. Yes, that time has arrived. Absolutely, an armed citizenry remains the only bulwark against an increasingly totalitarian grasp.

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, HUSSEIN Obama’s domestic (and foreign) upheavals are not meant to protect Americans, and JADE HELM 15 is the other end of the same crisis point. Its preparation is mandatory (with yrly exercises planned for more of the same) for an eventual totalitarian grab, one which requires not only U.S. agencies but foreign ‘assistance’ too.

INDEED, gun control is on the way, in order to implement martial law. It is not if, but when.

“President Obama is using executive actions to impose gun control on the nation,” Bedard wrote Feb. 27, 2015. “Targeting the top-selling rifle in the country, the AR-15 style semi-automatic, with a ban on one of the most-used AR bullets by sportsmen and target shooters.”

We left phone messages and sent emails several times to Bedard and did not hear back. Our focus is whether Obama is using executive action to impose gun control through a bullet ban…


CONSPIRACY-TALK ? Well, if it looks like a totalitarian duck….

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

American Patriots, Your Kiddies Must Dress Islamically For ‘Field’ Trips! What Say You? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki








(A bulletin board at Minneha Core Knowledge Elementary in Wichita, Kansas with the Five Pillars of Islam!)


PATRIOTS, your head may feel like exploding after reading the upcoming report. Alas, that’s a good result. “Say WHAAT?” Well, it means that you are duly outraged, enough to put your individual school board on the following notice: hell no, don’t dare mess with our kiddies!

NOW, it is near impossible to know where to begin because the (mis)educational system’s transgressions are so voluminous. Never mind. Part of this site’s mission statement includes conducting whatever heavy lifting is required, irrespective of this or that direction. No rest for the weary or the wicked. Can you hear (in your mind’s eye) the guttural sigh all the way from Israel?

THUS, whereas countless teachers are busy oogling your children via the leftist direction, there are others creating mischief through linkages with Islamic infiltrated front groups. Yes, ‘it be’ true.

CONSIDER the evidence:

OOPS, this ‘packet’ was featured in a previous post but it requires a second debut, awful as it is. 

Packet given to kids at conference from “Boston GLASS” homosexual activist group includes oral sex instructions . . . and much more.


MIND blowing. Numbing.

FROM the time that the kiddies enter (public school) kindergarten they are firmly within the left’s vise-grip. For heaven’s sake, Common Core was designed to accommodate the penetration and indoctrination of America’s children for generations to come…..INDUBITABLY, sexual deviance runs rampant among leftist academia! But let’s segue to their Euro counterparts:

READERS, how many are aware of the hypersexualization of schoolchildren from kindergarten and upwards? If not, it is way past time to check out what is really going on.

IN tandem with the left’s grasping, Islamists are equally busy. Mind you, leftists and Islamists have equally influenced the underpinnings of teacher’s lesson plans! 

ONCE again, this time in California, Islam reigns supreme, at least in its public schools. Mind you, separation of church and state means squat when Islamists are controlling school boards, even as they opine that it is just a cultural lesson! In a pig’s eye…as if Judaism and Christianity would ever be taught within the same contextual lesson plan…or if Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah is, heaven forfend, uttered within public school premises. Hell hath no fury like a leftist and Islamist “offended” by anyone who refuses to bow to their dogmas.

It happened again.  A parent saw a child’s assignment regarding Islam and the parent objected to what is being taught in a public school – the faith tenets of Islam.  This time in California and this time with more details as to what parents objected to in a school assignment.


AND the following is just another (among a rapidly growing list…akin to America’s house on fire) such outed Islamic-indoctrination assignment within a previous commentary:

SEVERAL warnings were blared but the following sets the stage: Obama Inc. funnels taxpayer revenues to Islamize kiddies. This is transpiring inside America and beyond its borders!

INDEED, housed under the guise of Common Core are lesson plans which ‘innocuously’ slide in the ‘exemplary’ and “benign” aspects of Islam. These plans are usually found within the social studies and English curriculum’s, but not exclusively so. One example (out of countless) is more than instructive, relative to the underlying goal of indoctrination.

FOLKS, it was under the aforementioned deceptive rubrics which students in Douglas County, Colorado (other states too) were shown how to behave as ‘proper’ Muslims! You got that? And the school board’s claim that the outing was an ‘optional’ field trip was an Allah-wash – “Three students out of 155 did not attend the field trip that included stops at a mosque, synagogue and Greek Orthodox church. School officials said they do not know why the trio opted out. Participation in field trips is optional.”

ASIDE from the fact that 3 students had the fortitude to ‘opt’ out, it is entirely the case that children – whether in primary, middle or high school – tend to go along with the majority of their peers, aka their packs. Thus, those who decide not to attend said programs are very few and far between. Besides, how often is a 100% attendance rate within any realm of reality? Ridiculous.


Allah is replacing God in our schools.

A perfect example is happening in a school in Douglas County, Colorado. The school is forcing students to wear Muslim head coverings during a field trip to local mosque.

Peter Boyles, radio host, said he got a hold of the permission slip sent to parents for the excursion.

Here’s what it says:

“ In the world religions field trip we will be visiting the Denver Mosque (blogger’s note: its exact name purposefully omitted), the Assumption Greek Orthodox Cathedral, and the Rodef Shalom Synagogue. We will then eat lunch at Park Meadows Food Court.

Students must either bring a sack lunch or money to purchase lunch at the food court.
THERE IS A DRESS CODE FOR THIS TRIP: All students must wear appropriate long pants. Ankles must be covered. Girls must bring wide scarves or hooded sweatshirts for the mosque.”

Why are they visiting a mosque? If they do not practice that religion, why are they being forced to abide by its laws?

So many keep quiet because they worry about being politically correct or being labeled a bigot.

WHY indeed.

MOREOVER, the reflexive rejoinder that adults who visit the Vatican or a Jewish holy site are asked to dress appropriately, ipso facto, what’s all the fuss about, is not only specious but mendacious. While adults choose to visit whatever sites they want, effectively, schoolchildren have no such choice. Apples and oranges…and the (mis)educators know it.

ASIDE from the fact that it has already been proven that Islamic (leftist alike) indoctrination is key and core within public school education…certain private schools too…it is also the case that the reflexive mantra via the (mis)educators, re learning about world religions, is a whole lot of hooey and phooey.

AGREED, a world history/social studies program surely encompasses world religions, but not by ELEVATING one over the other. We must all agree on a parity between playing fields. Education, not indoctrination.

BESIDES, what about ENGLISH classes and other subjects too, where do they fit in with ‘promoting the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith.This is a yes or no, true or false question and not that complicated for the core mischief makers!

BUT the case against their dangerously deceptive ‘lesson plans’ are deeper than most can grasp. How about the fact that trips to houses of worship are a violation of (at the very least) the spirit of the Constitutionally mandated separation of church and state? Moreover, this is due to the fact that the public school system is part of the Federal Education Department, resultant, they have defacto control over what they plan on emphasizing, Common Core-like – The federal government is responsible for four basic functions in public education today, according to the U.S. Department of Education website. 

NOT only that, even if one closes their eyes to the above absolute violation, ask yourselves: when the kiddies enter a church or a synagogue are they required to dress (et al) according to religious guidelines? In other words, are they taken to orthodox synagogues where a required dress code is the norm, where girls dress modestly and the boys don yamulkahs (skullcaps) etc? Hardly. 

MOST significantly, the trip to Congregation Rodef Shalom in Denver is absolutely instructive. How so? It is a conservative congregation, but not in the traditional meaning of the word. The Conservative Synagogue Movement, much like its Reform counterpart, is as loosey goosey as it gets. Trust this descriptor. The notion of a field trip to an Orthodox Synagogue would never be acceptable to the ‘lesson planners.’ Guaranteed.

ON the other hand, the mosque visit was PURPOSEFULLY left ambiguous, not re the mandated dress code but via directly identifying the name of the mosque. Holy jihad.

THE importance and relevance of this ‘oversight’ cannot be overstated. It was not for nothing – “ In the world religions field trip we will be visiting the Denver Mosque (blogger’s note: pray tell, which one?), the Assumption Greek Orthodox Cathedral, and the Rodef Shalom Synagogue.”

THE point being, they understood that the ‘inquiring’ public would be able to identify any linkages to this and that, if a specific mosque was mentioned. Inherently, folks who dig beneath the surface – and also have a megaphone – would inform the public as to how jacked up the mosque is with Islamic terror front groups! Wanna bet?

BOTTOM LINE: it can no longer be explained away that Islam is being taught as a just one part of the ‘world religions’ curriculum…blah, blah, blah…so why the fuss and angst.

INCONTESTABLY, once the kiddies are taught the shahada and the five (lying) pillars of Islam, well, let’s just call it what it is: outright indoctrination, and with a dose of subliminal/brainwashing messaging in between. Damn them all to hell and back – the (mis)educators and their Islamic (leftist) counterparts.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

HUSSEIN Obama’s Gestapo-Like Tactics: TERRORIZING Supporters Of Gov. Scott Walker. America, A Police State! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


swat(America’s increasingly militarized police…)

BEFORE we delve into the ‘liberal fascist’ tactics adopted by Obama Inc. – vis-a-vis conservatives via Gestapo-like goons – it must be recognized, in general, a preponderance who hoist the appendage of ‘liberalism’ are increasingly exhibiting fascistic tendencies.

STIPULATED, if anything is emblematic of said charge, the militant Gay Lobby (aka ‘Gay Mafia’ ) is a prime exhibit. Even as they herald the mantle of ‘liberal tolerance’ as their ‘holy’ grail (in the meanwhile, physically and verbally intimidating those who refuse to accede to their dictates, and tarring them as so-called ‘intolerant bigots’), they threaten to kill, blow up and otherwise terrorize their opponents. Pot kettle.

ONTO Wisconsin, the ‘birthplace’ of the Labor Uniona mid-western state with an extreme leftist bent! 

NOW, before we proceed to the recent storm trooping, the charges at hand stem from a previous budget proposition. Back in 2011, Governor Scott Walker attempted to bring fiscal sanity to the state of Wisconsin, and said action stirred Obama Inc.’s goon squads into a frenzied and fiendish meltdown.

The 2011 Wisconsin Act 10, also known as the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill,[1] was legislation proposed by Republican Governor Scott Walker[2] and passed by the Wisconsin Legislature to address a projected $3.6 billion budget deficit.[3] The legislation primarily impacted the following areas: collective bargaining, compensation, retirement, health insurance, and sick leave of public sector employees. In response, unions and other groups organized protests inside and around the state capitol. The bill was passed into law and became effective as of June 29, 2011. Public employees exempted from the changes to the collective bargaining law include firefighters and most law enforcement workers.[1] The bill was ruled to be constitutional by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2014, after several years of litigation.

wisconsin unions rally

IN fact, as always, the ‘occupy movement’  was pressed into high gear, like storm troopers are wont to do.

(On cue, one femi-nazi wore the ubiquitous ‘ F U ‘ garb. No matter.This investigative journalist has a polar opposite message: GO Scott Walker…give them hell…bring back desperately needed fiscal sanity…put these ‘activists’ out of business!)

IN this regard, even though officialdom has managed to stay six degrees separated from particular death threats – will get to that in a bit – the fact remains that an atmosphere has been created to encourage more of the same. Yes, America has become a quasi police state, thus, criminal actions have become ‘legal.’ Orwell’s universe.

THRUST by thrust, this site has amply evidenced that Obama Inc. has instituted certain measures to render the trappings of a police state. There is no walking back this grim reality.


EFFECTIVELY, under this Orwellian umbrella, the following video exemplifies the lengths Obama Inc. is willing to go to, in order to silence anyone who warns (even through proper operational chains of command) about far-reaching security failures. Serious sh-t. In reality, being a whistle-blower can be exceedingly dangerous to your safety and welfare!


AS exhibited, the so-called ‘protections’ afforded to whistle-blowers are nothing of the sort. They are a mirage, at least under the purview of HUSSEIN Obama’s Federalized goon squads.

EXTRAPOLATING further, if employees tasked with securing the safety of America are not protected from retribution – simply because they warned about serious breaches – what can average citizens expect to happen under this type of regime?
WITH the above in mind, is it an exaggeration to state that America is mirroring a police state? Still, requisite back ups are necessary, before such charges are taken seriously. Understood.
IN Dec. 2013, this site documented:

IN reality, said citations are emblematic of a police state. The following serves as more proof of the same:

AS reported (March 2014), America has become a pre-police state and its militarized police forces are a main underlying precursor. 

Police State One:

SIMILARLY, isn’t it curious that a (former) TOP NSA official sang like a bird: AMERICA, A “SOFT TYRANNY”!

Police State Two:

DUE to the above, is it any wonder that Coloradans Are Seeking Freedom From Washington’s Vise-grip & Five Counties Are Voting For SECESSION? Indeed, Montana Too Is “Up In Arms”!

Police State Three:

NEED numbers…visual aids: The Militarized U.S. Police, by the Numbers (w/Infographic)

ENTER: the U.S. Navy….

Navy database tracks civilians’ parking tickets, fender-benders, raising fears of domestic spying

TO wit, with the above backgrounder in place, the Gestapo-like tactics in Wisconsin (all across the U.S., but let’s stick to Wisconsin) cements the case. 

AS stated, 2011’s fiscal re-ordering let loose Obama Inc.’s goons, to the point in which like-minded surrogates felt safe enough to threaten Governor Walker’s entire family, if he didn’t reverse course and safeguard the union’s demands! Mafioso tactics. No doubt.

Chilling note sent to Scott Walkers wife


            “Governor, I’ve been at this awhile, and when the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, you have to be concerned,” Dave said. “They know where you go to church; they’ve been to your church. They’re following your children and tracking your children. They know where your children go to school, what time they have class, what time they get out of class. They know when they had football practice. They know where your wife works, they know that she was at the grocery store at this time, they know that she went to visit her father at his residence.”
            We talked about some of the additional measures he would take to keep the family safe. Dave increased the size of our detail and assigned troopers to keep an eye on the kids at school. (Both of my sons were attending a public high school, and the Wauwatosa police officers really looked out for Matt and Alex too.) He also explained that we could no longer do simple tasks like going to the curb to pick up the mail, which would now have to be screened…..
We soon began to get a steady stream of death threats. Most of these Dave and his team intercepted and kept from Tonette and me. They were often graphic (one threatened to “gut her like a deer”), but for the most part they amounted to little more than angry venting.
            But one afternoon, as I prepared to go out to the conference room for my daily press briefing, Dave came into my office and shut the door. “Sir, I don’t show you most of these, but I thought you ought to see this one.” He handed me a letter addressed to Tonette that had been picked up by a police officer at the executive residence in Maple Bluff. It read:
            Has Wisconsin ever had a governor assassinated? Scotts heading that way. Or maybe one of your sons getting killed would hurt him more. I want him to feel the pain. I already follow them when they went to school in Wauwatosa, so it won’t be too hard to find them in Mad. Town. Big change from that house by [BLANK] Ave. to what you got now. Just let him know that it’s not right to [EXPLETIVE] over all those people. Or maybe I could find one of the Tarantinos [Tonette’s parents] back here.
Lots of choices for me.
            The letter had a Green Bay postmark, but there were no fingerprints or other indications of who had sent it. Dave explained that it raised red flags because, unlike most of the hate mail and death threats we received, it was very specific. The sender talked about following our kids to school, the street where we lived, and threatened not just me but my children and my in-laws….

CLEAR as a bell.

FAST forward to Obama Inc.’s most recent storm trooper tactics, but this time they were not directed at Governor Scott Walker and his family. Rather, they were bull’s-eye focused on supporters of Governor Walker! Branching out.

Walker supporters in Wisconsin targeted with Gestapo-like police raids.

Fox’s Trace Gallagher explained how prosecutors were allowed to go after conservative groups like the Wisconsin Club for Growth. Then, he said, it expanded to supporters. Cindy Archer was one of those supporters.

Recounting the NRO story, Gallagher said that “late one night she was jolted awake by what she thought was a home invasion. It turned out to be a police raid. More than a dozen police officers holding a battering ram, yelling and pounding on her door. She said she was trying to calm down her dogs and get dressed with her body in full view of police. When she opened the door, she kept begging them not to shoot her dogs.” Archer, the NRO explained, was “one of the lead architects of Wisconsin’s Act 10 — also called the ‘Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill,’ the measure that sparked what we dubbed the “Wisconsin Insurrection.”

Police refused to let Archer speak with an attorney, and told her not to speak out about her ordeal to anyone. Doing so, they threatened, would see her face contempt of court charges. Police left with her laptop and cell phone, David French said at NRO.

“The entire neighborhood could see the police around their house, but they had to remain silent,” French said. “This was not the ‘right to remain silent’ as uttered by every cop on every legal drama on television — the right against self-incrimination. They couldn’t mount a public defense if they wanted — or even offer an explanation to family and friends.”

Archer was not the only conservative to experience Gestapo-like tactics at the hands of police. Another victim, identified only as “Rachel,” was also targeted by a pre-dawn raid in which police carted off personal possessions, some of which had nothing to do with the search warrant….read all the chilling details…

AND for additional supportive details, the following audio/visual aid will wrap up the Gestapo-like case:

PRESENTING, EVIL JUSTICE: The raw truth about the Wisconsin John Doe Raids With/Joe Newby….


INDEED, evil ‘justice’…a chilling rendering…a must listen…

INHERENTLY, Americans are essentially living in a police state. Tragically, few recognize what’s what, until they butt up against the powers that be. However, alternative media, for now, is still able to blare siren calls.

EFFECTIVELY, this state of (national) being transpired, as detailed, thrust by thrust. Basically, a ‘conditioning’ takes place, creep by creep, until the sight of militarized police (a direct violation of Federal Law, Posse Comitatus) becomes the ‘norm.’

IN no uncertain terms, this investigative journalist developed a case attesting to the facts at hand. Not only that, but the latest involved ‘JADE HELM 15’ and it can be found here

BUT don’t take this site’s analysis as the final word, others are jumping on the bandwagon too. Thus, pay special heed to the jive-talking, co-opted US Retired Non-Commissioned Special Forces Officer Tom Mead :

In the question and answer portion of the presentation, Mead further explains to board members how Jade Helm, a new exercise he describes as also being developed by US Special Operations General Charles T. Cleveland, will now be conducted within the United States annually.

Further, Mead points out that the FBI and DEA will be involved in “questioning” individuals. It is unclear whether the individuals being interrogated are part of the exercise, or what they will be questioned about. “They will actually do some questioning for us at one of the airports in Arizona.” A military or civilian airport? He doesn’t elaborate.

Mead also provides a conflicted response when asked by the county officials if only US military and law enforcement personnel will be involved in the exercise. “Do you use any personnel from NATO, the UN or DHS?” one board member asks (at 12:56 in the above video). “Currently for Jade Helm it is US only. We, ah, that has been one of the discussions that, uhm, I’m not sure if it has occurred yet.” (blogger’s note: a shuck-and-jive show…a W T F rendering too…)

A sober observer might conclude (as a portion of the public already has) that Jade Helm is likely a means to acclimate America for eventual martial law. Since September 11, 2001 US citizens have experienced a steady erosion of their civil liberties associated with the dubious rationale of the “war on terror.” The increased militarization of law enforcement and now operations like Jade Helm being carried out on domestic soil further indicate how the Posse Comitatus Act, introduced in 1878 and intended to prevent the federal government from using the military for domestic law enforcement, is being steadily eviscerated, though it is important to note that as recently as 2002 the US Congress reaffirmed the significance of the law.

Even the Rand Corporation has suggested that the US military has no clear criteria concerning when and how Posse Comitatus applies to exercises such as Jade Helm. “[I]t is critical,” Rand researchers observe in one study, “that the Army develop doctrine, leadership, and training programs that can provide clear and specific guidance on when and how the Posse Comitatus Act—as well as any other laws that proscribe Army activities in the domestic arena—applies and when it does not…..

WHILE reserving the right to raise any (and all) requisite alarm bells, this homemade sign, in its simplicity, states it best: police state, out of our communities!

NO time to lose.


{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}


Islam’s Pedophilia Fetish: Pricing Sex With Kiddies, Its Intersection With The Madonna-Whore Complex…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Child slave

LEAVING aside the fact that the scourge of pedophilia is alive and well in the west, it must be recognized that a preponderance of westerners are beyond outraged by said criminal and vile behavior.

BASICALLY, citizens depend upon the legal system (for the most part) to mete out the prescribed punishment. If not, there are other methods to deal with “delicate” situations. Let’s just leave it at that. Be that as it may, child molesters are considered the lowest form of pond scum, even within the hardened prison population! 

THAT being established, it is also the case that radical leftists are deeply pushing to “legalize” sex with kiddies. Yup, this is a tragic fact. Regardless, don’t let their twisted thrust into the kiddie playground pass under your radar. Stay hyper-vigilant. Protect the children at all costs, emphasis placed.

IN any case, let’s segue to Islam’s cesspool of perversions, and they are aplenty!

CATEGORICALLY, it is an absolute fact that Islam upholds sex with children and the most vile (mis)treatment of women. They go hand-in-glove. Patience, dear readers.

FUNDAMENTALLY – for added context re the shielding of sexual crimes under Islamic Law – the western world must internalize how women are really viewed within the Islamic world, in order to understand why children are treated as little more than objects for sexual releases. Cause and effect.

SO, aside from what is already self evident, how about this: indeed, women’s existence is against Islam, so sayeth the council of Islamic ideology! Really.

YET, if the above is more than a rational mind can bear, sorry, we are just getting started. Yes, this too must be recognized, to understand the catastrophic dangers facing the west, as Islam encroaches within its borders: an Islamic fatwa “koshers” the sale of kiddies and wives!

NOT only that, aside from the sexually gratifying component (free of guilt from the prohibition of pre-marital sex), countless jihadi women are completely ready to bed AND roar, all for the sake of satiating their monstrous Allah! Monstrous Islam.

STILL, despite the absolute Koranic dictates to kill all infidels, including Muslims deemed apostates, the fact of the matter is that there are sexual roots endemic in “jihad by sex”. In other words, Muslim women, while valued as chattel, are starting to roar, not away from their suppressors but towards jihad! Go figure.

SAY what? Well, jihad is inextricably linked to repressed sexual rage within the Islamic male psyche, defining their relationship to women. And this is not psycho babble. Simply put, the women are getting with the program.

RESULTANT, in light of the above, it makes entire “sense” for “sex by jihad” to become the new rage!

Muslim Terrorists In Iraq (ISIS) Issued A Decree Ordering All Families To Send Their Unmarried Women To Participate in “JIHAD BY SEX”!

AND intertwined into this Islamic madness, we still need to deal with Islam’s absolute support of pedophilia, as it links back to the Madonna-Whore Complex. This is irrespective of said sexual diagnosis within non-Muslim males.


Muslim girl{This little toddler is “kosher” to marry, so deemed by the highest authorities in Saudi Arabia, Sunni Islam’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh…others will follow suit!}

DEFINITIVELY, the normative legal classification of the crime of pedophilia is very clear and without ambiguity. It specifies sexual engagement – direct contact with males or females – who are under the legal age of consent. Child molestation is its cornerstone.

IT matters not a whit that the medical community has labeled it a “disease”, as has been done with addiction, specifically alcoholism. In others words, when material harm is caused to another, it is neither here nor there – to the victim – what labels are used to “explain” away ones actions. 

NOW, no one who is honestly familiar with the “Black Heart(s)” of Islam can deny: its underpinnings support the most heinous crimes imaginable. That too is a fact.

BUT to understand the latest Islamic fatwa (فتاوى ) found below, is to also recognize what it means, both from an Islamic jurisprudence rendering and a cultural perspective.

INTRINSICALLY, while sex with children has always been an Islamic “norm”, the fact that it is now underpinned by an Islamic ruling via a MAJOR legal decision, well….

You should know that the “religion of peace” says it’s perfectly okay for an adult male to “marry,” that is, rape the girl.

BUT if the above isn’t sickening enough, let’s connect the dots which allow for Islamic pedophilia via its intersection with the Madonna-Whore complex.

PRAY tell (as an aside), a shower is certainly on tap, but only after this analysis is wrapped up.

MOVING right along to the Madonna-Whore complex, and its nexus to pedophilia…

Muslim terrorists wage jihad against infidels chiefly in response to injunctions communicated via the Koran and Islam’s other authoritative texts. There are, however, also some noteworthy psychological and anthropological factors in play. Of particular interest is the relationship between the widespread physical and sexual abuse of children in Muslim society, and Islamic terrorism.

In her book, The Sheik’s New Clothes: the Psychoanalytic Roots of Islamic Suicide Terrorism, the Minnesota-based psychoanalyst and Arabist Nancy Kobrin and her Israeli co-author, counter-terrorism expert Yoram Schweitzer, describe barbarous family and clan dynamics in which Muslim children, both boys and girls, are routinely raped, orally and anally, by male relatives; where infant males are sadistically over-stimulated by being masturbated; where boys between the ages of 7 and 12 are publicly and traumatically circumcised; where girls are clitoridectomized; and where women are seen as the source of all shame and dishonor and are, accordingly, treated very badly.

According to Dr. Kobrin, both male and female infants and children are raised by mothers who themselves have been debased and traumatized. As such, all children areforever psychologically “contaminated” by the humiliated yet all-powerful mother. Kobrin further explains that Arab and Muslim boys seek to disassociate themselves from their mothers in spectacularly savage ways; that, on a deep unconscious level, they may also wish to remain merged with the source of the contamination; and that suicide bombers act out this conflict when they kill their presumably most hated enemies, the Israeli Jews, who may actually function as substitutes or scapegoats for an even more primal enemy that is both loved and hated: Woman.

TO wit, most of us understand the indelible scars perpetual abuse sears upon ones psycheits life-long impact. It is unlike the made up out of whole cloth blatherings, the “devil made me do it” lie.

THUS, Muslim men who are violated from childhood and onward (by their mothers and fathers) and have nowhere to turn to for help, are ripe to become ticking time bombs. And when sexual overstimulation/violation – starting from infancy – is viewed as an “acceptable norm” within cultural dynamics, is it any wonder that Islamic men (and women) are ready and willing to explode themselves (and take others down with them) for the sake of (their pagan) Allah, whose Koran promises otherwise forbidden delights as gifts for their “martyrdom”?

The Quran contains many verses that stress the importance (and the nobility) of jihad. For example: 

  • “But do not think of those that have been slain in God’s cause as dead. Nay, they are alive! With their Sustainer have they their sustenance. They are very happy with the reward they received from Allah (for dying as a shaheed) and they rejoice for the sake of those who have not joined them (i.e., have not yet died for Allah).” (Quran 3:169-70)
  • “Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure” (Quran 61:4).
  • “Allah has purchased the believers, their lives and their goods. For them (in return) is the Garden [of paradise]. They fight in Allah’s Cause, and they slay and are slain; they kill and are killed . . . it [paradise] is the promise of Allah to them.” (Quran 9:111)

What makes a young Muslim man (or woman) strap a high explosive vest on his chest and blow himself to smithereens—in Israel, for example? They say, it is for establishing a better world. It  is against Israeli “occupation.” Is it his frustration? Is it the $25,000 the family receives for Jews successfully murdered? Or is it the Quran [Koran] … the holy book of Islam!

Years ago, the Prophet Mohammed cleverly devised a devilish scheme to bribe Arabs into committing hideous crimes by promising them materialistic things which they couldn’t obtain in the harsh desert. The Quran exhort Muslims to sacrifice themselves in suicide-bombing style in order to gain access to Islam’s Paradise—a better world in the next life:

[Quran 9:111] Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:

The Islamic Paradise contained six important items: beautiful virgins, young boys, water, wine, fruits and wealth.



Mohammed knew that sex would sell very well among the group of his lecherous followers who were motivated to fight battles by the promise of sex slaves and booty. Once the followers got to heaven, they could pleasure themselves with endless sexual encounters with ‘Houris’ (beautiful young virgins)… 72 virgins girls and 28 young pre-pubescent boys. Mohammed goes one step further and expands the promise of virgins to include a free sex market where there is no limit of the number of sexual partners. Women and young boys are on display as if in a fruit market where you can choose the desired ripeness. Allah is indeed merciful!

Relevant verses from the Koran and quotes from the Hadiths:

Koran 78:31
As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards, and high-bosomed virgins for companions: a truly overflowing cup.

Koran 37:40-48
…They will sit with bashful, dark-eyed virgins, as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.

Koran 44:51-55
…Yes and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris. (beautiful virgins)

Koran 52:17-20
…They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris (virgins) we shall wed them…

Koran 55:56-57
In them will be bashful virgins neither man nor Jinn will have touched before. Then which of the favors of your Lord will you deny ?”

Koran 55:57-58
Virgins as fair as corals and rubies. Then which of the favors of your Lord will you deny ?”

Koran 56:7-40
…We created the houris (the beautiful women) and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand.. ”

Koran 55:70-77
“In each there shall be virgins chaste and fair… Dark eyed virgins sheltered in their tents whom neither man nor Jin will have touched before..

WE are not done yet…since we already dealt with the underpinnings, let’s get down to brass tacks; the “pricing”:

The Islamic State (IS/ISIS) has put captured female sex slaves from Iraq’s ethnic minorities on sale and has also released a price list based on age. According to a document issued by the ISIS, Christian and Yazidi girls, between 1 and 9 years old, are up for grabs for $172. Girls that are 10 to 20 years old are sold for around $129, while those 20 to 30 years old are sold for about $86. ISIS sex slave prices for women that are 30 to 40 is about $6 and for those 40 to 50, it is $43. Slaves are not listed as women – they are labelled as Merchandise.

Price List–Sale of Booty
We have been informed that the market for sale of women had been witnessing a reduction in price which effects the needs for the Islamic State and the funding for the Mujahideen. For this, the commerce department had decided to set a fixed price regarding the sale of women. Therefore, all auctioneers are to abide by this and anyone who breaks the rules will be executed.

200,000 age 1-9/Yezidi/Christian
150,000 age 10-20/Yezidi/Christian
100,000 age 20-30/Yezidi/Christian
75,000 age 30-40/Yezidi/Christian
50,000 age 40-50/Yezidi/Christian
Limit to 3 Sex Slaves with exception to foreign sales to Turks, Syrians and Gulf states.

The terrorist organization, that has full-fledged slave markets in Mosul, Iraq and Raqqa, Syria, has cited Islamic theology to justify its kidnapping of women as sex slaves. In October 2014, the Islamic State, in an article in the fourth edition of the ISIS English-language digital magazine called Dabiq, claimed that Islamic law permits its fighters to take religious minority women as concubines.

CONCLUSIVELY, it must be stated for the record: ISIS is not alone in its violation of kiddies and its captured female booty. Not at all. In fact, they are doing precisely what their “prophet” demands of them, and what he did during his lifetime – for Allah’s-sake!

ISLAM’S sexual deviance is what it is, and wholly “understandable” being that it was founded by a pedophile!

YES, to understand how the “religion of peace” cons the world, the following will be edifying. Its satire-like tack is decidedly on target.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}




ISIL US Border.jpg

LIKE a broken record, this site has been sounding siren calls re ISIS and its ability to launch devastating attacks inside the U.S.

THESE blaring warnings (almost always) expose two main lies, resultant, they COMPOUND and piggyback one another.


ON the one hand, the Feds DENY that ISIS is even a real threat. Indeed, they have “assessed” that it is a fragmented organization without requisite juice, although attention seeking. Ipso facto, all the “crazies” in alternative media should calm down and shut the hell up! Yup, this is what we are being told, some directly, others indirectly.   

BE that as it may, this investigative journalist raked HUSSEIN Obama’s top General over the coals, for the umpteenth time, over said insane “assessment”:

IT would have been inconceivable, even less than a decade ago, for the top General of the U.S. military to utter the mother of all lies:

According to General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, losing Ramadi to ISIS “is not symbolic in any way.” Why? Because “It’s not been declared, you know, part of the caliphate on one hand or central to the future of Iraq,” he reasoned. What will it take for the Gen. to understand that any territory taken over by ISIS becomes part of caliphate?

BLAH blah doesn’t even come close to describing such dangerous gibberish. He has lost his mind, aside from being clearly co-opted by an Islamist-in-Chief! Indeed, the guideposts were all leading in this Orwellian direction, now that patriotic Generals (and top officers) have been purged from the Pentagon. The reasons for the putsch become clearer every day.

MIND you, this is the same spineless, limp-wristed Dempsey who opined, “ISIS will win”! Alas, which is it: are they rising or not? Schmuck, make up your mind!

NOT only that, but with Obama Inc.’s Generals literally falling over themselves to bow down and prostrate before ISIS (and attendant Islamic terror offshoots), is it any wonder that ISIS IS rising….going from strength to strength?….read the rest here….


SO, whereas the Pentagon’s boot-licking top Gen opines that ISIS, effectively, is not rising, DHS’s head, Jeh Johnson, denies that ISIS is even inside the U.S.!

RESPECTIVELY, Oct. 2014, this site warned:

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson denied the reports at the time. He told CNN, “Let’s not unduly create fear and anxiety in the public by passing on speculation and rumor.”

IMAGINE that…but some of us don’t rely on the Islamic-co-opted DHS for “situational” assessments!

STILL yet, those who doubt, even for a nanosecond, whether or not this site is plugged in, well, do so at your own peril. And aside from shouting from the rooftops re the purposeful infiltration of the Brotherhood Mafia under Barack HUSSEIN Obama, dots have been connected from A-Z, as to what is coming down the pike. How much clearer does it need to be, other than through detailing the Muslim Brotherhood’s quest for global domination?

AND is harping on jihadi training camps inside America, plus exposing the “hands off” directives from Obama Inc. re Islamic jihad, getting any closer to the truth? What about the myriad of ISIS warnings within too?

Thus, as “news” swirls around that ISIS was apprehended in Texas, keep this tidbit uppermost in mind: know that they are already embedded within America, irrespective of this recent “capture”. Blaring alarm bells were issued at a Sept. 3, 2014 “tag team” interview with this investigative journalist, and we couldn’t have been any clearer. In lockstep.

David Gaubatz: ISIS, other Islamic based terrorist groups, and the Islamic ideology are the world’s most dangerous threat. ISIS has money, supporters, world leaders, a military, and a ‘Strategy’ to conquer the world. President Obama even admitted he does not have a strategy to defeat ISIS, so how can we even think about defeating them?

NEVERTHELESS, regardless of all their lies, denials and jive-talk (for political purposes), at a certain point the Feds are pressured to issue alerts. This (as of this writing) IS one of those times.

While the FBI investigates a possible ISIS terror attack on the basis of intercepted chatter and intelligence information, the TSA issued a classified warning that ISIS is planning an attack on U.S. soil.

Little is known about the nature of the attack other than its imminence, which has prompted the TSA to deploy its new Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response teams, or VIPR, to various undisclosed locations. The VIPR teams include airports, train stations and other busy transportation hubs.

One law enforcement source suggested parts of California were of special concern.

As a result of the FBI warning, some cities have increased security as a precaution, but those cities have not been disclosed.

The TSA classified warning was issued Friday. The FBI investigation was confirmed Saturday.

While ISIS has warned repeatedly it planned to target the U.S., this is the first time the U.S. intelligence community has acted on what it perceives as a viable, if general, threat. So far, ISIS has only attacked U.S. targets abroad.

NOW, this investigative journalist specifically warned about California and Texas too. But this in NO way means that the rest of the country is safe. NOT by a long-shot, as they are embedded all over America. 

Image result for pics of isis in mexico

BUT first things first. And being that Mexico is a hop, skip and a jump into the border states, some analyses are easier to make than others.

NOT only that, it is under the direct purview of HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS (via the cover of supposedly thwarting illegal immigration) that terrorists – amid tens of thousands of illegals – are purposefully pouring across the borders. Open sesame. The facts are manifest and would indict “lesser” Americans for long stints in jail.

MOST significantly, it has been proven that narco-terrorists from Mexican drug cartels, in tandem with E. European smuggling rings, are slipping ISIS (Hezbollah agents and assorted Islamic offshoots) right past border patrol, leading them into Texas and to destinations all over the U.S…..

The Islamic State terror group is operating a camp in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, just eight miles from the U.S. border, Judicial Watch reported Tuesday.

Citing sources that include a “Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector,” the conservative watchdog group reported that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is organizing only a few miles from El Paso, Texas, in the Anapra neighborhood of Juárez and in Puerto Palomas.

Judicial Watch sources said that “coyotes” working for the notorious Juarez Cartel are smuggling Islamic State terrorists across the U.S. border between the New Mexico cities of Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, as well as “through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas.”

“These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of theirunderstaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing,”Judicial Watch reported.

Mexican intelligence sources say the Islamic State intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, New Mexico.

“The sources also say that ISIS has ‘spotters’ located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations,” Judicial Watch reported. “ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and….

ADDED into the Islamic jihadi mix, the following merits significance. It was reported, rather, hinted, at the end of another ISIS related commentary:

AND on a related note, readers shouldn’t be shocked (likely during summer time…the case is still being worked) when additional ISIS threats are revealed, heretofore unknown, those which are closely related to Brotherhood et al activity. Hint: the heart of a major U.S. city will be involved. Exposed. Islamists, know this: you don’t have the jump on those who make it their business to track this and that.

STAY tuned.

BOTTOM LINE: not if, but when ISIS attacks with an Islamic mandated vengeance inside America (wherever and whenever….at the time of their choosing), recall the evidence presented here. Also, please don’t forget the up and down lies proffered by HUSSEIN Obama’s chain of command, relative to what’s what. 

INCONTROVERTIBLY, rest assured, in whatever way the attack plays out, look for a similarly worded pre-orchestrated message: that the Feds (DHS is their umbrella organ) are blameless for any ensuing carnage. That they did their best and trust that they will “mop up”, whatever that entails.

EVEN so, do recall the pre-warnings given to Obama Inc., well before Boston’s marathon blew up.  Unconscionably, they ignored an actionable threat assessment, as if the gifted alarms were a cross between overblown and falsified.  

Boston and Massachusetts law enforcement officials confirmed Thursday that federal agents left them in the dark on the growing warning signs about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the run-up to the Boston Marathon bombing. 

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis, in testimony on Capitol Hill, said his officers on a joint terrorism task force were never told about an explicit warning from the Russian government or about Tsarnaev’s travel to the Chechnya region last year. Davis said he would have liked to have known about that activity, and that it “absolutely” would have merited a second look at Tsarnaev.

Davis and Massachusetts homeland security official Kurt Schwartz testified that their officers were not looped in on Tsarnaev until after the bombing.

“At no time prior to the bombings did any member of the Massachusetts State Police or the fusion center have any information or knowledge about the Tsarnaev brothers,” Schwartz said.

Current and former lawmakers at the committee hearing Thursday expressed disbelief at the lack of information-sharing.

COMPLICIT on every level; re whatever is coming down the pike, “courtesy” of ISIS, sooner than later!

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Islamic (Florida) Female Jihadi & “Gay (Lesbian) Mafia” Twin: Intersecting Dangers From Greens & Reds…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki








AN interconnecting case has been solidified at this site, on a multiplicity of occasions, between Islamists and leftists. AKA greens and reds. Most recently, a hyper-link was forged between the “Gay Mafia” and Islam’s soldiers for Allah, even though seemingly (emphasis placed) in divergent camps. 

NOT so fast.

IN this regard, in order to understand the intersection between a “Muslima” jihadist who threatened to blow up a Dominoe’s pizza store (for heaven’s sake), with a lesbian from the “Gay Mafia” who incited to burn down Memories Pizza (again, for heaven’s sake), one must have a foundation and basis to build upon.

ENTER, the alliance, the methodologies, between the two totalitarian factions…

AS reported on April 7, 2015 (in relationship to the strong-arm tactics utilized via leftists, of which the “Gay Mafia” is totally aligned, and the frontal threats from Islamists) the following is a useful starting point, one which will help to weave their interlocking threads:

AND since little happens in a vacuum, the slippery slope is, as mentioned, careening America off the cliff, as well as those throughout the western world.

ENTER…the war on bakeries and pizzerias. Come on, must they have their claws into every establishment, even mom and pop businesses? Mind you, there are “special” exemptions for those who refuse, based on religious convictions, to service gay couples with specific wedding plans. Yes, there are. Now, readers, put on your thinking caps, and decide which grouping is let off their Mafia-like hook.

THESE modern-day storm troopers conveniently forget the fact that gays are killed in Muslim countries (and so on and so forth), but they are terrified of Muslim backlash. Hence, they are left unmolested. On the other hand, Christians (Jews) are “fair” game and the main (extortion) targets of the Gay Mafia.

FOR crying aloud, what the hell is going on in America? Moreover, why is it unacceptable for Christians (Jews alike) to exert their “religious rights” to refuse clients based on a particular inquiry for service? Are they now second class citizens? Apparently.

CONSEQUENTLY, it is increasingly apparent that the militant Gay Lobby must be taught certain primary and street-wise lessons. Boundaries. For instance, if they refuse to cease and desist in their criminal harassment/threats against Christians, perhaps they should learn that a fearsome backlash will be the outcome of any future intimidation tactics. Surely, they must internalize that the Christian (or Jewish) community will react accordingly.

INDEED, the Gay Mafia believes it is their “civil right” to terrorize bakeries, pizzerias and other PRIVATE establishments who decline to decorate their “wedding” cakes and the like. The question becomes: what’s going to be done to cause them to stand down? Time will tell.

Memories Pizza owners Crystal and Kevin O’Connor were forced to close their 9-year-old restaurant In Walkerton, Indiana, (population 2,144) when Crystal answered questions from a local TV reporter about Indiana’s proposed new Religious Freedom Act. She told the reporter who had contacted her that she would have no problem serving homosexuals in her restaurant but it would be against her Christian principles to cater a same-sex wedding.

Within hours she started receiving hundreds of threats on the restaurant’s Facebook page and on Twitter, promising everything from boycotts to physical harm. One woman, a girls’ golf coach at nearby Concord High School, threatened in a tweet to burn the family’s restaurant down. She is now under investigation for possible criminal charges…continue here

SO, being that the lesbian coach, akin to a femi-nazi storm trooper, was already “outed” at this site for threatening to burn ! down a pizzeria, well, at least she has lost her job for her “misconduct”! 


Image credit: YouTube/YouLatestNews

The superintendent for northern Indiana’s Concord Community Schools confirmed that the school district fired coach Jessica Dooley, who asked, via Twitter, for others to join her in burning down Memories Pizza in response to the owners’ stand for traditional marriage.

As reported by Western Journalism, the owners, Crystal (pictured above) and Kevin O’Connor, could not have anticipated the liberal backlash that they would experience after answering a local news reporter’s questions about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).


BUT not to be lost in the discussion is the most salient point of all: the overall threat to America (the west) is evidenced through said thuggish and totalitarian tactics, whether evinced via a leftist/red or an Islamist/green. Makes no diff. For the record, the threat from the lesbian’s counterpart, a female Islamist, can be found below.

INDISPUTABLY, it is this nexus which cannot be overstated. It is really where the thrust lies, in so far as connecting the dots between Islamists and leftists. The proofs are amply visible when viewing their (otherwise inexplicable) locked arms at most anti-American (western) and anti-Israel demonstrations. 

NOW, onto the terror threat from the “Muslima”, her subsequent arrest, ala her Dominoe’s Pizza scuffle in July 2012…

The plaintiff, a Muslim woman, claims the Domino’s Pizza manager accused her of threatening to blow the restaurant up. Hakima Benaddi never imagined what would come from her pizza order in July of 2012. “They take you, put you in handcuffs, take you to jail,” Benaddi said tearfully. (Yep, that’s what happens when Muslims act like terrorists here)

She wore her headbag to the restaurant for the first time that visit to buy her typical halal veggie pie. She believes it made all the difference in how workers prepared the pizza. “It was deformed, missing ingredients, it’s missing crust,” said Thania Clevenger, Muslim Rights Director of CAIR Florida.


When she went back to complain, an incident unraveled she said that changed her forever. “When I complained- I went to the jail,” Benaddi explained. The Davenport Domino’s manager insisted Benaddi threatened to blow the place up. The accusations led to Benaddi behind bars. “That story damaged my life,” Benaddi said, adding she could not get a job for two months until the charge was eventually dropped. (Job? What job? Your job is to wear a headbag so no one will employ you  and you can spend your time trying to get a big payoff by filing lawsuits against businesses)


Through designated terrorist group CAIR’s litigation jihadists, Benaddi is suing the former franchise owner and his company. “We’re going to see what a jury wants to reward for this but at this time we’re asking for the medical damages she had- she went to the hospital,” Clevenger said. (Crap)

Still, the company played damage control on social media Thursday after the news broke, responding to angry tweets about the alleged incident. A CAIR spokesperson said they wanted to bring the suit earlier but resources in the non-profit delayed them. (Awww, what happened? Did the UAE putting CAIR on its list of designated terrorist groups cut into your donations?)

The below video was put out by CAIR so it is very slanted.


AS if on orchestrated cue, CAIR joined the fray, and their entry is of piece with their Brotherhood paymasters. And, more than most, this investigative journalist has this arena covered.


YES, their targeted lawfare.

INDEED, as Orwellian as it seems, it would be a grave error to dismiss the two incidents as anomalies and that’s that. In fact, if this is one’s perception, then it becomes impossible to save America and Israel.

SIMPLY put, if not for the cover (from many directions) that each side gives to the other, the likes of Obama Inc. would be that much weaker.

THE underpinnings to this site’s clarion call, by exposing the aforementioned  merged dangers, are best illustrated in Bringing Down America. An intrinsic “learned lesson.”

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Islamic Foxes Within U.S. Police Depts: Miami Chief, What Say You, Re Your “F U” Non-Pledge of Allegiance? How Many More Are Embedded? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(Anita M. Najiy…the “subject of interest”…Assistant Chief of Police, City of Miami Police congratulates Jorge R. Colina as Assistant Chief of Police during the promotions of seven executive staff members for the City of Miami Police on Friday, April 17, 2015)






AS is said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Even more so, some are assigned a higher “market” value.

IN this regard, oftentimes, what is missing from a certain photo is the authentic and inner pictorial, the heart and thrust of the situation. In other words, when a law enforcement official, a top cop, fails to acknowledge the pledge of allegiance, what exactly does that signal as to “intent”? Could it be any clearer? 

(Assistant Chief (Muslim) Anita Najiy, just left of the flag, has raised the ire of police union head Javier Ortiz.)

The head of the city’s police union is accusing the assistant chief of police, Anita Najiy, of lacking respect for the United States, and he’s circulating a video he says should lead to disciplinary action against her. Her alleged crime against America? Not holding her hand over her heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Fraternal Order of Police President Javier Ortiz was in the front row at a promotional event last week at Miami Police College to film Najiy, a 32-year-veteran of the agency, during the pledge. As other members placed their hands over their hearts, Najiy kept her arms by her sides.

In doing so, Ortiz says, she failed to exhibit courtesy and etiquette that “must be exercised when wearing a law enforcement uniform.”

“If you’re not pledging allegiance to the United States, my question is what country are you pledging allegiance to?” Ortiz says. “Anyone who isn’t offended by that is not American, because when you become a U.S. citizen, you pledge allegiance to the .US.”

Yesterday evening, Ortiz sent a letter to Chief Rodolfo Llanes outlining the event. He also suggested appropriate discipline, including Najiy’s removal from a commander position.

Though the police department’s code of conduct allows for reprimand if an officer doesn’t salute the flag, it makes no mention of protocol during the Pledge of Allegiance, according to the Miami Herald.

The Herald also reports that part of the code of conduct for U.S. military personnel supersedes the police’s code — and it states that “when in uniform, indoors, stand at attention, remain silent, and face the flag.”

And that’s exactly what Najiy did. Still, the matter is “currently under review,” according to a spokesman from the Miami Police Department.

That’s not Ortiz’s only complaint. He also says he’s heard “rumors” that Najiy is Muslim, adding that if true, he respects her religion but that some normal “protections” of the freedoms of religion and speech don’t apply to those in police uniform, because “you’re supposed to be neutral.”

“The flag is a symbol of our country,” he says. “What is the difference if I decide to light a U.S. flag on fire in a police uniform?”

Najiy declined to discuss the complaint with New Times.

MOREOVER, the fact that she is part of 3 ! protected classes – female, Muslim and Black – she can literally get away with breaching all protocol (and much more) and will remain untouchable. What a deal.

SO, let’s get real: feministas aka femi-nazis; Blacks; most resolutely, Muslims and their apologists, will have her back. Like night follows day. But no matter. This is a very serious national issue, and involves much more than her personal “F U”, leaving aside her smiling and smug mug. She recognizes the cards she holds, and that she has little to fear from the top brass! Media in toto.

INDUBITABLY, Najiy is a committed Muslim and this is the reason why she stood – at an OFFICIAL police ceremony – with her hands at her sides, failing to pledge her allegiance to America! She surely had the forethought to internalize that her non-pledge would be frowned upon. She didn’t care. This is because her real and authentic allegiance lies elsewhere. Americans (westerners) must understand this core aspect, otherwise none of what is transpiring, the visceral hostility within the Muslim community, will make sense. Resonate. 

RESOLUTELY, she mirrored – akin to a like-minded anti-American, HUSSEIN Obama  –  his “F U” non-salute pictorial! Concomitantly, the absence of his pledge!

YES, while Senator, in Oct. 2007, sans hand-over-heart, he was the lone “objector” (even Hill, as despicable as she is, didn’t dare to demonstrate said open disdain) during a ceremonial event when the pledge of allegiance was recited. Indeed, the pic was vetted six ways to Sunday and deemed authentic. That is that.

TO wit, what should we conclude from the fact that BOTH leaders (a preponderance of Muslims alike) refused to openly pledge their allegiance to the United States of America? Simply put, it must be viewed through the eyes, the prism, of a Muslim, and their commitments derived thereof. Forthwith, remove your (American) glasses to see the true picture. 

FIRST and foremost, it must be recognized that said stances are not akin to general protests against the flag, even by those who are ill-advised to do so, at least while operating in an official capacity. In uniform, no less.

ALAS, relative to Miami’s Deputy Police Chief, while her behavior was a breach of protocol, offensive and certainly grounds for demotion, her action – or lack thereof, like HUSSEIN Obama’s – stemmed from her one and only allegiance; to Allah and the Muslim ummah. NEVER forget this and that.

As an American Muslim,
I pledge allegiance to ALLAH and His Prophet,
I respect and love my family and my community,
and I dedicate my life to serving the cause

of truth and justice.
As an American citizen, with rights

and responsibilities,
I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands,
one nation, Under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

INDEED, the Islamic pledge is incumbent upon ALL Muslims, regardless of their western locale. Resultant, pledges of allegiance to ones (resident) nation is forbidden and sinful in Islam. Ḥarām… حَرَام … Understood?

THUS, in a bare-bones manner, what this means is that the very LAST pledge – evidenced in the above order of commitments – is to America, and only if what is expected of them, as Americans, is not in contradiction to Islamic Law, the Shariah. Immutable.

EXTRAPOLATING further, since Shariah Law is in DIRECT contravention to the Constitution, it is absolutely impossible to fulfill their very last pledge, though inserted for appearance’s sake. Their hierarchical order of allegiances are NOT random in nature. 

INCONTROVERTIBLY – just as one example out of enumerable – the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, freedom of speech and freedom of the press, is considered blasphemy under Sharia Law. It is this Islamic edict, blasphemy, which underpinned (even demanded) the recent massacre of the entire team of Charlie Hebdo. In fact, all of the non-stop Muslim rampages throughout the world – whenever an “insult” is perceived towards Islam – stem from Shariah Law. For the record, the weapon of “Islamophobia” was conceived to silence and mute all such “criticism”! This is one such merging/marriage of stealth and frontal jihad.


NOT only that, but the knock-on effect (one of many) to the aforementioned is the evisceration of freedom of religion, again, inviolate and rooted in the U.S. Constitution but unacceptable within Islam! We can go up and down the line and come to the same irrefutable findings: Islam is incompatible, in DIRECT conflict, with the west due to Shariah Law. Conclusively, sans Shariah Law there is NO Islam.  

DEAR readers, Muslims (exclusive of apostates from Islam, whether they officially convert to another religion or want nothing to do with Islam) simply can’t pledge their allegiance, hence, immerse, within western nations. This is the central and key element to what accounts for much of their ingratitude when living in the west. Fuggedaboutit!

MOST significantly, first and foremost, they commit themselves to Allah. It is this pledge which abrogates their ability to properly integrate, regardless of anything else.

KNOW this: none of their hostility stems from economic factors, in fact, the polar opposite is true. Incontrovertibly, a preponderance of the leading terrorists (increasingly, their followers alike) enjoy financial success and possess higher educational degrees, yet, their wealth and opportunities do not dissuade them from jihad.

AND for more proof-in-the-pudding:

Tareq Kamleh






A PERTH doctor has appeared in an Islamic State propaganda video urging medicos to join his jihad.

Dr Tareq Kamleh is filmed cradling a newborn baby in a hospital in the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa in Syria, saying: “Please consider coming, please don’t delay.’’

The blue-eyed paediatrician says he is offering his medical services as part of his “jihad for Islam”.

The Sunday Times can reveal Dr Kamleh made multiple visits to an army surplus store in Perth late last year to buy gear for his trip.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency website shows he was registered as a medical practitioner in Subiaco in 2010.

A former friend said Dr Kamleh, now going by the name Abu Yusuf, left Perth for Adelaide to begin his medical degree about 10 years ago.

After graduating from Adelaide University, he began his pediatrics career at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

The friend, who knew Dr Kamleh when he was a paediatric registrar in 2011, said he showed no signs of radicalisation.

“I am just shocked and sort of saddened for him because it’s the end of his life in Australia, I imagine,” the friend said.

The video introduces the “ISHS” – or IS Health Service – and features a number of doctors talking about medical facilities.

Dr Kamleh is filmed telling converts that his only regret is not joining the terrorist state sooner.

A worker at the Perth surplus store said a man instantly recognisable as the doctor in the video made multiple visits last December.

The worker said the man spent $400 on a backpack, jacket, socks and several pairs of pants popular with security contractors in the Middle East.

“He didn’t speak about Islam or anything to do with religion during the entire conversation,” he said.

“Take away the beard and I just thought he was a young doctor going overseas to do his part.”…

SO, post haste, erase all that nonsense, as Harf barfed via her State Dept. story line fairy tale! 

IN fact, Jews (Christians et al) are not religiously obligated to choose sides, rather, they are encouraged to show gratitude for the countries that they live in. Oh yeah.

THUS, as an American-Israeli (living in Israel), this investigative journalist feels goosebumps when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the Star Spangled Banner, each and every time. Similarly, when singing Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem.

AN equal stirring of the patriotic heart. No divided loyalties.

STIPULATED, herein underlies the key and core to a committed Muslim’s refusal to place hand-over-heart; Islam’s civilizational jihad!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

ISIS IS Rising, Gen. Dempsey Assesses Otherwise. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT would have been inconceivable, even less than a decade ago, for the top General of the U.S. military to utter the mother of all lies:

According to General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, losing Ramadi to ISIS “is not symbolic in any way.” Why? Because “It’s not been declared, you know, part of the caliphate on one hand or central to the future of Iraq,” he reasoned. What will it take for the Gen. to understand that any territory taken over by ISIS becomes part of caliphate?

BLAH blah doesn’t even come close to describing such dangerous gibberish. He has lost his mind, aside from being clearly co-opted by an Islamist-in-Chief! Indeed, the guideposts were all leading in this Orwellian direction, now that patriotic Generals (and top officers) have been purged from the Pentagon. The reasons for the putsch become clearer every day.

MIND you, this is the same spineless, limp-wristed Dempsey who opined, “ISIS will win”! Alas, which is it: are they rising or not? Schmuck, make up your mind!

NOT only that, but with Obama Inc.’s Generals literally falling over themselves to bow down and prostrate before ISIS (and attendant Islamic terror offshoots), is it any wonder that ISIS IS rising….going from strength to strength?

ALAS, another tool and toadying fool, as retired Marine General John Allen caves to Islam and Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Besides, whatever happened to “men with chests”, those who are able to stand up to America’s enemies, whether they sit in the White House or lay waste to innocents all over the world?

Retired Marine General John Allen

UNDER this set of facts, let there be no doubt: Commanders, be they from the military or the high level political realm, must exert authority and ooze take charge personas. If not, who is going to follow, respect AND fear them? Yes, a pussy cat leader won’t last long, that’s for sure. But this descriptor is a far cry from a dictator-like personality. We all know to whom this reference is alluding….

THAT off the table, the Pentagon’s highest ranks have been gutted of national patriots, despite their pinned medals and puffed up chests. The remaining have agreed to toe to his Islamic diktats and that is that. Plain as day.

According to Allen, to defeat ISIS:

The solution is to “celebrate” Islam and show our “profound respect” for it.

“As we seek to expose ISIS’ true nature,” Allen told the gathering on Monday, “we must also tell a positive story, one that highlights our respect – our profound respect for Islam’s proud traditions, its rich history, and celebration of scholarship and family and community.” “We must work with clerics and scholars and teachers and parents to tell the story of how we celebrate Islam, even as we show that ISIS perverts it.”

Allen said that ISIS propaganda serves both to attract recruits and “perverts the innocent.”

“It is only when we contest ISIS  presence online and deny the legitimacy of its message – the message that it sends to vulnerable young people – and as we expose ISIS for the un-Islamic, criminal cult of violence that it really is, it is only then that ISIS will be truly defeated.”

U.S. European Command Commander, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Philip M. Breedlove

Similarly infected, the schmuck from U.S. European Command Commander, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Philip M. Breedlove had this to say….


“The best way to beat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s success at recruiting Westerners is for moderate Muslims to step up and counter the message,” the commander of NATO forces in Europe said Monday.

U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove said the extremist group’s ability to recruit foreign fighters to come to Syria and Iraq is a “real problem” for the alliance. And it is compounded by concerns about “lone wolf” terror attacks by fighters returning from the Middle East and others inspired by the group’s ideology.

“It’s hard to address recruiting until we address those hearts and minds,” Breedlove told reporters at the Pentagon. “We need to hear the voices of moderate Muslims in the mosques.”

NOW, let’s get down to specifics, proving just how devastatingly off target Dempsey is. Absurdly, he asserted, “losing Ramadi (or another piece of territory) to ISIS is not symbolic in any way.” Why? Because “It’s not been declared, you know, part of the caliphate on one hand or central to the future of Iraq,” so sayeth the top General poohbah!

AGAIN, he has been co-opted. Regardless, the consequences of his statement are unimaginably frightening and portends disaster for America and the west. Dempsey’s entire chain of command – following his lead – is not being taught, thus, operating, under a doctrine which includes a deep understanding of Islamic warfare. Know thy enemy. Plain and simple.

Meanwhile, ISIS began issuing “smart” identity cards – On April 11, 2015, ISIS-affiliated Twitter accounts posted tweets stating that ISIS has begun to issue “smart” identity cards in the areas under its control, containing chips to prevent forgeries.

ISIS also continues to recruit American sympathizers and fighters. A unknown number of those fighters receive “terrorism training on weapons, combat and tactics,” in ISIS camps in Syria and are sent back to carry out attacks in the U.S. On April 17, in Columbus, Ohio, “Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud, a U.S. citizen originally from Somalia, was charged with supporting terrorism, supporting a terrorist group and making a false statement involving international terrorism.”  Mohamud traveled to Syria because he wanted to “join you in the high ranks as a Mujahid.” After training in “shooting weapons, breaking into houses, explosives, and hand-to-hand combat.. A cleric then instructed him to return to the U.S. to carry out an act of terrorism..[to] “kill three or four American soldiers execution style,” or attack a prison.

Other supporters of ISIS arrested in the U.S. since the beginning of April include:

  • Keonna Thomas, 30, AKA Fatayat Al Khilafah and Young Lioness, who was arrested on April 4, 2015, in Philadelphia. She was charged with attempting to send aid to ISIS and planning to join the ranks of the organization. According to the security authorities, an ISIS operative asked her to take part in a suicide bombing attack and she expressed her consent. She used the Internet to search for ways of getting to Turkey, obtained a visa and purchased a plane ticket online (Reuters, April 4, 2015).
  • Joshua Ray Van Haften, 34, was arrested at the airport in Chicago on charges of attempting to help ISIS. Van Heften was detained in Turkey since October 2014 and was sent back to the United States. According to the FBI, he wanted to go to Syria via Turkey to join the ranks of ISIS. He left the United States in August 2014. His contact on the Syrian border abandoned him because he couldn’t pay him. He returned to Turkey, where he was arrested (The Investigative Project on Terrorism, April 9, 2015).
  • John T. Booker Jr., a 20-year-old US citizen, was arrested in the US. He told an undercover FBI agent that he and two partners had planned to carry out a suicide bombing attack by means of a truck bomb against US soldiers at Fort Riley. He also made a video in which he pledged allegiance to ISIS (AFP, April 10, 2015).

More examples on ISIS propaganda efforts in past two weeks were published by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Information Center:

Publication of another issue of the ISIS organ

  • On April 1, 2015, ISIS published the eighth issue of Dabiq, its online English-language organ intended for supporters of the organization in the West. The organ includes a series of articles describing the expansion of ISIS’s activities in Africa, including an article about Boko Haram’s pledge of allegiance to ISIS. It also includes an article encouraging foreign fighters to go to Libya and an interview with a Tunisian operative. In an article by abducted British journalist John Cantlie, he warns of additional terrorist attacks that will be carried out in the future against Western countries. The issue also includes criticism of the Al-Nusra Front, claiming that the organization is adopting an ideology with Syrian nationalistic characteristics and is collaborating with the Syrian rebel groups.

New news format on the ISIS radio station

  • ISIS has issued a new format of news summaries on its radio network Al-Bayan, in Arabic, Russian and English. The first news broadcast included updates on Iraq, Syria and Libya, including the death of an ISIS commander in the Al-Yarmouk refugee camp, a suicide bombing attack in Iraq, and ISIS’s military activity in Libya (Daily Telegraph, April 7, 2015).

Left: Logo of ISIS’s radio network Al-Bayan. Right: Issue 8 of the organ Dabiq, which came out in April 2015.
Left: Logo of ISIS’s radio network Al-Bayan. Right: Issue 8 of the organ Dabiq, publised in April 2015.

Encouraging young people to sacrifice their lives for ISIS as suicide bombers

  • On April 11, 2015, ISIS’s media arm in Al-Raqqah published a video showing an ISIS operative lecturing to young boys in uniform about the “Crusaders” who operate against the Sunnis (i.e., the Christians, the US-led coalition). The speaker notes that the Islamic State has provinces in many parts of Africa and Asia, and with the help of Allah it will soon have them in Europe as well: “Allah willing, we will return Andalusia [i.e., modern-day Spain][to the fold of Islam].”
  • The speaker tells the boys that any of them who becomes a suicide bomber against the “Crusaders” will have the privilege of being faithful to the path of Allah and will even see Allah in heaven. He called on the boys to pledge allegiance to death.Following his statements, the boys stand up and shout “we pledge allegiance to death!”(ISIS’s media arm in the Al-Raqqah province, as it appeared on YouTube, April 11, 2015).

ISIS preacher encouraging young people to sacrifice themselves on behalf of ISIS as suicide bombers (ISIS’s media arm in the Al-Raqqah province, YouTube, April 11, 2015)

ISIS preacher encouraging young people to sacrifice themselves on behalf of ISIS as suicide bombers (ISIS’s media arm in the Al-Raqqah province, YouTube, April 11, 2015)

LET’s cut to the core, since the jive-talking General (and his underlings) refuses to do so: under HUSSEIN Obama the objective is NOT to beat ISIS or any other Islamic terror forces.

AS reported in Feb. 2015: The Obama administration was given multiple chances to endorse a long-time ally’s airstrikes on America’s biggest enemy at the moment, the so-called Islamic State. Over and over again, Obama’s aides declined to back Egypt’s military operation against ISIS. It’s another sign of the growing strain between the United States and Egypt, once one of its closest friends in the Middle East.

This shouldn’t be a complete surprise; Cairo, after all, didn’t tell Washington about its strikes on the ISIS hotbed of Derna, Libya. Still, Wednesday’s disconnect was jarring. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest passed on a reporter’s question about an endorsement of Egypt’s growing campaign against ISIS. So did State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

“We are neither condemning nor condoning” the Egyptian strikes, is all one U.S. official would tell The Daily Beast.

In other words, these once-close nations are now fighting separate campaigns against their mutual foe. And that could prove to be very good news for ISIS. The rift between U.S. and the region’s most populous country portends of another division that ISIS could exploit, this time for its expansion into northern Africa and the broader Middle East.

MOST significantly, HUSSEIN Obama totally supports Brotherhood backed Erdogan, a CHIEF ally of ISIS! 

LESS than 3 degrees of separation…and proof positive as to why his top Generals utterly refuse to admit that ISIS IS rising.

YES, it is incumbent upon patriots to do the heavy lifting. Precisely, this was why the following analysis was written: ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World!

BUT cementing the case against HUSSEIN Obama – re the catastrophes he (purposefully) unleashed in Mid East – requires fine-tuning: 

(the evidence gets going around the 21:47 point)

SO, grab a drink (not the inebriating kind), a sweet or two and put your feet up. But hold on tight. Be prepared for a rocky ride from Tom Trento, a close contact.

BY the way, this investigative journalist (and Brotherhood expert) attests to the veracity of his entire analysis and findings. A slam dunk.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}


Islamic Supremacism & Maryland’s Intersection: Obama’s Turkish Nexus. Where Do Patriots Stand? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN the shadow of America’s Capitol in Washington, DC, in fact, a mere 13 miles away, the largest mosque (aka Islamic “cultural” center) in the western hemisphere is due to open in Lanham, Maryland. G-d have mercy.

INDEED, back in May 2014, it was reported:


BEFORE we delve into the heart of the matter, it is imperative to internalize who the main mischief makers are on American soil, in so far as mosque jihad is concerned. While many are familiar with Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi-infused thrust into America, few have a clue about Turkey’s PM Erdogan, a major player in the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia and Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s BFF. So much so, he was front and center at this blogger’s global interview: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance: An Interview With Adina Kutnicki. Clear as a bell.

YET, if the above isn’t enough for the doubting Thomases, that’s okay too, just peer within.

THE evidence regarding mosques in America (Canada and the rest of the west) leads to only one conclusion: they are a clear and present danger!

LET’s connect the dots:

Dot One:

WHERE to begin? How about here: American mosques are training for jihad; priming assaults on unsuspecting citizens!

Dot Two:

INDEED, jihadi training IS religiously garbed, yet leftist cohorts afford them dangerous cover. Can you believe it? You better.

Dot Three:

AND if jihad in Beantown didn’t spell out the dangers, then little more will. Its mosques were (are) DEEPLY in the fray: U.S. based Wahhabi-infused mosques and Boston’s jihad…rock solid!

Dot Four:

MOREOVER, since Marxist-loving NYC Mayor De Blasio recently castrated the NYPD’s surveillance demographics unit  – re the Muslim community/mosques – well, let’s just say that his new Police Commish was ordered to (effectively) UNDO all of ex Police Commish Raymond Kelly’s “infiltration & penetration”, to the degree in which NYC was kept safe under his tenure. Holy jihad!

ONTO the swirling dangers…and they make NO secret of their intentions.

NOW, after you are done saying your prayers to save America from the enemies within, let’s get busy. As we say in Hebrew, in typical no nonsense (somewhat aggressive) Israeli fashion, it is past time to get down to business…Takhlit … תכלית … stop wasting precious time…get your rear(s) in gear!

THE point being, two primary facts must be laid out and accepted, in order to internalize how this latest mega mosque (a reported 100 million ! dollar monstrosity, again, the biggest Islamic project in the western hemisphere) made its way within easy distance of America’s Capitol. 


IN no uncertain terms, mosques (Islamic “cultural” centers alike), aside from their Da’wah prostletizing activities, are the epicenters for jihadi planning. They are Islam’s barracks. Period.

AS such, their presence in America (the west at large) is akin to allowing Nazis to set up SS barracks headquarters (without the requisite calls to prayer) throughout the nation to plot its destruction. Pray tell, how would that turn out?


INCONTROVERTIBLY, Islam’s soldiers for Allah are WARRING against Christianity and Judaism (the two pillars of western civilization) and that is that. Thus, what other evidence is required to wake Americans (westerners) up, effectively, to TEAR down Islam’s barracks, as opposed to giving them a license to build, build and build some more? 

BACK to Lanham, Maryland….








IN this regard (and being that it is an absolute fact that in the last 100 years only one new church has been given permission to build in Turkey, albeit, on the ruins of a graveyard), why would Americans allow Turkey to implant Islam’s spearhead, its beachhead, atop America?

ABSOLUTELY, Erdogan is Allah-bent on sitting astride the resurrected Caliphate and this is no secret.

READERS, it is intrinsic to absorb the following linked pdf –The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power Of A Nation Revived. However, do not ask why this investigative journalist is zeroing in on this particular document. Just know that there is a very good reason for doing so. Regardless, decide if Islamists are deadly serious – or not. It’s your call. Assuredly, knowing a thing or two about their operational methods/goals, a decision was made with related contacts – at the inception of this site – to warn about certain matters.

ADDITIONALLY, along these same lines, Erdogan’s quest to resurrect the Ottoman Empire takes center stage at these pages. Prescient. So very soon into this minefield it became overwhelmingly clear: irrespective of how much blood they have to spill to achieve their Brotherhood goals, Erodgan (and requisite Brotherhood leaders) will not be deterred. Guaranteed, Turkey’s thrust – with ISIS/Brotherhood as their partners – will reverberate FAR beyond its borders. All of the above is neither here nor there re Turkey’s inclusion into NATO in 1952. As always, Islamic supremacists behave as ingrates. 

BASICALLY, it is equally intrinsic not to be distracted by the so-called tug of war between Turkey and ISIS. It is nothing short of a smokescreen. Good cop vs bad cop, one of the oldest ploys/plays around. Oh yeah.

DEMONSTRABLY, various commentaries were written, and 2 major interviews were given, all of which highlighted said plans and its precipitous dangers for the west.  Barack HUSSEIN Obama is deeply in the fray.

AND it is also known, as indicated above, that Erdogan and Obama are thick as thieves, therefore, it makes total sense that the Islamist-in-Chief can’t wait to officiate at the largest Islamic indoctrination and jihad training center in the western hemisphere! You got that? 

IT was reported, “During a phone call, President (Recep Tayyip) Erdogan asked President (Barack) Obama to accompany him in opening the center together and  Obama accepted his offer.”


NEVER mind the fact that Turkey’s nexus to ISIS is rock solid, and this investigative journalist defies anyone to state otherwise. Bring it on…

NOT to be overlooked in the discussion, aside from breaking another ! campaign promise, why exactly did HUSSEIN Obama refuse to recognize the Armenian genocide? Hmm.

Further breaching his 2008 pre-election promises to “recognize the Armenian genocide” at the hands of the Ottoman Turks between 1915-1917, US President Barack Obama will not recognize the genocide ahead of the 100th anniversary this Friday according to officials.

Armenian American leaders were invited to the White House on Tuesday to discuss the anniversary, but according to the Turkish Hurriyet Daily News, they were told by administration officials that Obama will not recognize the genocide.

“His failure to use the term genocide represents a major blow for human rights advocates and sets the clock back on genocide prevention,” Bryan Ardouny, director of the Armenian Assembly of America, was quoted as saying.

Obama’s failure to recognize the genocide comes after Pope Francis last Sunday publicly recognized the genocide, angering Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Last Thursday the EU Parliament also voted to recognize the genocide, making Obama’s silence all the more noticeable.

Partially explaining his silence is the close relationship between Obama and the Islamist Erdogan, who Obama reportedly called the Middle Eastern leader who he feels closest to.

Meeting the Armenian American leaders on Tuesday was White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, a leading foreign policy adviser of Obama.

According to a National Security Council statement, McDonough and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes “discussed the significance of this occasion for honoring the 1.5 million lives extinguished during that horrific period,” all while carefully avoiding the term “genocide.”

ISLAMIC bastards, the whole damn lot of them!

AND a direct outgrowth of Obama Inc.’s consorting (with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran et al ) with Islam’s warriors has resulted in the most populous county in America, Los Angeles, teaching the Shahada! Cause and effect.

La ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasul Allah.

There is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.

LOS ANGELES public school teaching “Allah is the one true God”!

REGARDLESS of anything else, permits must be given by local authorities to expand Islam’s presence within America. But the fact remains that American patriots live all over America, so, yes, they too have a say as to what goes up or down in their communities. Agreed?
MOST significantly, let’s conduct a thought experiment: how many have noticed that Islam’s warriors use “certain” tactics when they are “outraged” and don’t get their way? As such, think about the intimidation techniques they use, and extrapolate (refine) them for your collective plans to retake America. 
IN other words, is there anything more pressing than saving one’s nation, without which everything else ceases to (eventually) exist? 
CONCLUSIVELY, how has the delicate, inclusive and hands off approach worked out for Christians and Jews in America (the west), in relation to the encroachment of Islam; stealth by stealth, intimidation by intimidation and creep by creep? Not so well!
DON’T your rights as Americans count? Think about it. Faster…
{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}
{re-blogged at Joe For America}

JADE HELM’s Federalized Policing: A Lead-In To Martial Law. What’s The Ultimate Goal? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


american-martial-law-600(U.S. military Special forces marching in America in violation of Posse Comitatus!)

READERS who still believe that America is a sovereign nation, well, go back to dreamland. After all, a restful night’s sleep will become a rare commodity, when you awake to the (sooner than later) unfolding chaos. So, catch those zzzz’s while you can!

SUPPORTIVE of the above, how many have noticed countless non-stop implosions within America, since HUSSEIN Obama took over the helm? Are they just happenstances and Fed mismanagement, thereby, relegated to “business as usual” national issues?

ON the other side of America’s (realistic) continuum,  how many finally see a pattern of “planned chaos” as the epicenter? Actually, the wreckage appears to be the result of enumerable careening trains – let loose at the same time – via an orchestrated national collision course. And that isn’t conspiracy-talk!

CONSIDER: what exactly are the required ingredients, the pressure points, to destabilize America? Well, for starters, if the economy falls off the cliff; if illegal immigration catapults to the nth degree; if race relations are on a trip wire, and if Islamists are running amok within the White House and other power centers, isn’t that enough to deconstruct America? 

IN tandem, how many signals re martial law have to blare, before they are recognized for what they are?

Martial Law Prep One:

ADDITIONALLY, why are community police forces “armed to the teeth”, not unlike military forces, preparing to lay siege as if in battle formations? Hint: the reasons have zero to do with the “war on terror”!

Martial Law Prep Two:

MOREOVER, DHS, the umbrella where martial law is housed, is now America’s “standing army”, its forward-arm. Not only that, but do recall DHS’s MASSIVE, inexplicable stockpiling of ammo, unprecedented in U.S. shopping sprees, just a short while ago. For what? Now it’s coming full circle…the ubiquitous swirling Black Hawks too…

Martial Law Prep Three:

FINALLY, what about the purged generals and the training of red-like foreign troops on U. S. soil? But never mind. 

NOT only that, but the above is the SHORT list, albeit, the most recognizable. Know this: if readers really internalize how “in bed” HUSSEIN Obama’s top Feds are with Islamist forces, there would be little reason to even mention anything else. It is THAT serious.


AS previously noted, DHS/Pentagon’s ongoing exercises involve Russian, Chinese, E. European troops AND “targeted” lists. Yes, lists. What’s that about? 

 JADE HELM 15 Will Change America Forever
ONCE viewed, if you can hang onto your guts, just walk past the balderdash that the exercises have to do with “evolving” threats. 


The looming Jade Helm exercise, set for July 15 through Sept. 15, labels Texas and Utah as hostile areas. Global Research also reported the military says New Mexico “isn’t much friendlier.” Other states participating: California, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.

Some of the social media commentary so far: “The Pentagon’s ‘Operations Jade Helm 15′: The Floodgate towards Martial Law and World War III?”

And another: “Using Foreign Troops with Jade Helm Martial Law is TREASON.”

Yet one more poster pointed to recent reported Wal-Mart closures in Texas, California, Florida and Oklahoma with concern, saying the cited “plumbing problems” cited as the reason for the sudden shut-downs just don’t meet the smell test.

“Employees impacted by the Wal-Mart closures were given just a few hours notice about the six-month shutdown,” the blog Inquisitr wrote. “Approximately 2,200 employees will now be without a paycheck during the ‘extended repairs.’ … The abrupt Wal-Mart closures announcement has reportedly left employees confused and Americans pondering the existence of Wal-Mart underground tunnels and Operation Jade Helm conspiracy theories.”

One of the theories?

Inquisitr reports: “One of the widely circulating rumors associated with the Jade Helm Wal-Mart story on the Internet speculates that the military will use the underground tunnels to move undetected around certain states with the stores being used as either a communications hub or FEMA camps.”

The fear is ratcheted by the fact city officials who govern the areas of the impacted Wal-Marts say the stores haven’t filed any permit requests for plumbing problems, Inquisitr said.

Meanwhile, a presentation made to Big Spring, Texas, City Council members by Tom Meade, a retired special forces senior non-commissioned officer, to explain some of the upcoming Jade Helm exercises emphasized residents shouldn’t worry about private property trespasses.

“We won’t trespass on somebody’s property without the agreement of that landowner,” he said, in a YouTube video of the presentation.

He also described the operation as a joint military-inter-agency activity involving members of all military branches, the FBI, the DEA and other law enforcement agencies. Meade said the FBI, for example, will do some questioning at one of the airports in Arizona.

One council member asked about the operation’s involvement of NATO and U.N. personnel.

“Currently … it is U.S. only,” Meade said.

SERIOUSLY, are they really expecting citizens to believe that WALMART’s closures are due to “plumbing” issues spanning across various sectors of America? How stupid do they think the citizens are? Apparently, very.

EVEN so, if folks still wish to look past the absolute Constitutional violation of Posse Comitatus – in tandem with too many others to count – again, go back to sleep. But know this: Obama Inc. is counting on said somnolence. On the other hand, if the birdie on your shoulder is telling you that something massively hinky is going down, well…

NOT only that, but JADE HELM 15 is more than operational in nature, per se. The exercises are part of a conditioning process, designed to gauge levels of resistance – or not. 

YES, as warned repeatedly, the transformation of America – part and parcel of HUSSEIN Obama’s “hope and change” campaign – is coming to its “natural” tipping point. Alas, little did many realize what he meant, even though alternative media kept warning of the dangers.

IN reality, all of the so-called chaos became “necessary” to aid in said “process”. Absolutely, the piper has come due. So, whether its coinage is paid after the exercises are over, or delayed for a more precipitous date, the fact remains that the only bulwark against their plans are the millions of (armed) patriots ready to stand up and take back America.

YET, some positive news is forthcoming:

Secrets Poll: Do you support gun control?

Exactly two years after President Obama’s bid for gun control following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting died in Congress, a new poll has discovered a huge shift in public opinion to backing Second Amendment gun rights and away from controlling gun ownership.

The reason: Americans now believe having a gun is the best way to protect against crime, 63 percent to 30 percent.

Pew Research Center found that while support for gun control once reached 66 percent, it has dropped to 46 percent while support for gun rights has jumped 52 percent, the highest ever in the past 25 years.

“We are at a moment when most Americans believe crime rates are rising and when most believe gun ownership – not gun control – makes people safer,” said the survey.

To say the shift in opinion is radical is not an understatement. It follows a short period where Americans were torn over gun ownership, but eventually sided with gun rights groups during the Obama years.

The findings also track with support for the National Rifle Association which had its second biggest national convention earlier this month and whose membership has reached five million.

Pew suggested that the change is the result of Americans believing that crime is a big problem, despite statistics showing the opposite….

BESIDES, more than a few Sheriffs are bucking the Feds, and this is one more piece of glad tidings: Sheriff to Legislators: I refuse to enforce your unconstitutional gun laws!
THINK about it two ways: as dangerous as “average” criminals are, in comparison to the thuggish regime of Obama Inc., citizens should be much more wary of government forces, the likes of which will make garden variety burglars the least of their concerns.
MOST tellingly, ever since HUSSEIN Obama catapulted into office, the Second Amendment right to bear (legal) arms has been an obsession with this administration.


{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

America Upside Down: Anti-Jihadists Under Fire, Eliminating Jihadists Verboten! Bring It On…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


(Why is the above considered a lightening rod statement within  America?)

WHETHER a patriot is a candidate for national, state or local office, be it for the school board or even glorified dog catcher, the fact of the matter is that Obama Inc. will shut said person down and that is that. This is the case even if it appears that leftist goons and Islamist Brothers are hide nor hare.

NOW, this assessment may appear a tad exaggerated but it isn’t. In fact, it is much worse. But to understand how the nation is now upside down, is to realize who really calls the shots. Hint: it is not patriotic Americans.

YES, let’s dig beneath the surface because doing so will demonstrate why any calls to destroy Muslim jihadi terrorists brings out rabid attack dogs – even if seemingly out of nowhere – as well as unyielding wrath. This is the case, even to the point that the media feels obliged to pounce on anything which smacks of anti-Muslim jihad! Indeed, reflexively, they join in on the gang bang. As always, officialdom is either mute or jumps into the (coddling) fray. Topsy turvy.

THEREFORE, the questions become: why is the topic of Islamic jihad verboten? why isn’t such truth-telling considered a positive trait for potential office-holders, as opposed to the opposite? and who will take on the forces who defend jihadists, as they too are enemies of the nation?

IN the main, a brief overview of America’s dangerous landscape will expose why jihadists (and their apologists) feel emboldened to threaten those who dare to confront the enemy within. Fifth columnists.

RESULTANT, akin to Mafia cartels, the Arab/Muslim influence operation within America took years to develop and nurture, and HUSSEIN Obama became its top (grooming) Presidential candidate. Thus, his insertion into U.S. national politics for the Muslim Brotherhood’s global domination – via the “Great Satan” – became their highest priority.

CONCOMITANTLY, the profile of (one of) his main Arab/Muslim Chicago bag man, Nadhmi Auchibecomes a national priority, akin to George Soros via his leftist roots.

The Iraqi operator Nadhmi Auchi is the sort of rarefied sort of gentlemen you would normally come across in a spy novel. On the surface, Nadhmi Auchi is a business magnate, a dynamo philanthropist, and an honored citizen of many countries. As was explained by a former senior official of the Defense, State, and Commerce departments, John A. Shaw, Mr. Auchi made a name for himself as the international financier and arms dealer extraordinaire of Saddam Hussein. By 1980, Auchi was an asset of the British foreign intelligence service, MI6. (So multi-faceted is this billionaire mystery man that he has his own dedicated Wikileaks page.)  Auchi and Tony Rezko were partners in real estate and pizza.

  • Contemporary to the timeline of Obama’s political rise in Chicago, Auchi was building an influence operation one brick at a time in the very same city. His ties from the Middle East to America’s Midwest made his enterprise a conduit of Middle Eastern money into the United States of America.
  • Shaw writes, “Nadhmi Auchi, despite his purchased respectability in England, was the financial eminence behind the Chicago-Arab combine, and the man who, with Rezko, helped invent Barack Obama as a political star.” Through Tony Rezko, his local bagman, Auchi financed and guided Obama (and Jarrett) into the Oval Office.
  • While a large shareholder in BNP Paribas, Auchi was involved with the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal, which was based on the sale of Iraqi oil.
  • In 2004, Auchi was banned from entering the U.S. for scamming the Pentagon on an Iraqi cellular deal he helped broker. After securing rights to Iraq’s cellular services, Auchi went on to corner the market on power contracts for the post-war transition, as well.
  • If Soros personifies the Progressive wing of Obama’s politics, it is Auchi that personifies the wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Auchi’s stances on litmus test issues tell who he is, politically speaking, in the Middle East.  Auchi is anti-Semitic, and led support for the Turkish terror flotilla (an operation which ties him to Ayers, Dohrn, and Soros).
  • It may seem an odd dichotomy that two people in low cost housing, Valerie Jarrett and Toni Rezko, and two artful and sophisticated investors, Auchi and Soros (both of whom are convicted of financial crimes in France), ushered Obama to the presidency. Yet each one of these individuals shares one lethal trait: they are masters at using government for their personal gain.
  • Auchi has a history of suing his critics, and silencing those who cause too much trouble.  His reputation as an aggressive litigator and someone who won’t hesitate to kill may have convinced journalist David Ignatius to think twice about disclosing his knowledge of Auchi’s activities. For instead of a nonfiction book, Ignatius did indeed pen a spy novel, The Bank of Fear, based on Auchi’s career….

IN retrospect, alongside his Islamist familial roots, is it any wonder that HUSSEIN Obama supports his Brothers above all others, as delineated time and again?

AS such, the above background portrait (responsible for co-opting, thus, poisoning the national well) brings us that much closer to understanding why a heretofore unknown Massachusetts candidate (for a local school board) is now under fire. He has become a lightening rod and a “poster man” for “Islamophobes”, and everything which smacks of “bigotry”. Yes, Baleanu dared to state the obvious: Muslim jihadists must be eliminated. Annihilated. For heaven’s sake.  A truer patriotic statement can’t be found.

Baleanu of Raynham is in a three-way contest for two Raynham seats held by incumbents Patricia Riley – the Bridgewater-Raynham committee’s chairwoman – and Louis “Tony” Ghelfi. The issue surfaced Monday when Baleanu’s campaign pitch on the “Bridgewater Residents” Facebook page prompted resident Kimberly Burke to engage him in conversation and also search his name online.

What popped up was a disconcerting stream of posts including a March 15 tweet about American students being “forced” to recognize Muslim holidays, she said. “We need to stand up, America! We need to send these barbarians back from where they come from, the 7th century,” Baleanu wrote.


On Jan. 15, referring to an Arab woman killed by militants, he said, “Yet again I repeat my claim to annihilate Muslims.”Last August, he wrote: “We will annihilate every one of you jihadists!”

Burke, of Bridgewater, said her initial reaction was “anger and shock. “As a private citizen he can believe what he wants to believe,” she said. “And he can tweet what he wants to tweet.” But once Baleanu entered the race for public office, she said the rules changed.

Non-Muslim school children being forced to pray to Allah on a mosque field trip

On Wednesday, Baleanu told The Enterprise his posts were a response to “extremism” and groups that continually call for the annihilation of the United States. “You have to fight fire with fire,” said Baleanu, who says he is a conservative Republican. “You can’t reason with these people. We have to defend ourselves.”

“Where are my rights as an American citizen to have freedom of speech?” he said. Baleanu, a Romanian emigre, earned citizenship in 2005. “I see a problem and I want to fix it for all Americans,” he said. “I haven’t seen any Muslims stand up against extremists.”

INTRINSICALLY, while his school board opponents blah, blah about the “extremism” of his statements, they have no legs to stand on when it comes to the dangers from Muslim jihadists. Besides, have they forgotten about what happened at Boston’s marathon, when Muslim jihadists blew it apart?

MOST significantly, those who really care about the kiddies should embrace Baleanu’s candidacy because the evidence is overwhelmingly in his favor: 

INDEED, housed under the guise of Common Core are lesson plans which “innocuously” slide in the “exemplary” and “benign” aspects of Islam. These plans are usually found within the social studies and English curriculum’s, but not exclusively so. One example (out of countless) is more than instructive, relative to the underlying goal of indoctrination.

“It really caught me off guard,” a Farmville Central High School student who was in the class told me. “If we are not allowed to talk about any other religions in school – how is this appropriate?”

The Islamic vocabulary worksheet was assigned to seniors.

“I was reading it and it caught me off guard,” the student told me. “I just looked at it and knew something was not right – so I emailed the pages to my mom.”

I asked the school district to provide me with a copy of vocabulary worksheets that promoted the Jewish, Hindu and Christian faiths. The school district did not reply…..

SO, after reading the evidence within the above link, you decide who is telling the truth about Islamic indoctrination – Baleanu, or Louis “Tony” Ghelfi (one of his opponents), as detailed below.

On Tuesday, during a candidates forum, Ghelfi rebuked Baleanu about his stated concerns that Islam is taught in class during another forum.

“It was claimed because of Common Core (education standards), Islam was taught,” Ghelfi said in his opening statements. “In a great deal of respect to Ion, it’s not right. It’s not correct.”

Ghelfi, an elementary school teacher, said that the only link to Islam in a state Common Core standards manual is the suggestion that the Koran could be used as a possible resource, to teach about the differences between world religions. The Bible was also suggested.

Baleanu insisted the courses are taught, and said religion should be taught at home.

Ghelfi, oh really??

POINTEDLY, it is due to an entrenched Islamist influence operation throughout America – and with the educational system deeply in the mix – that a local school board (Massachusetts) candidate came under fire, for daring to call for the annihilation of Muslim jihadists!

DENIAL is a (dangerous) river.

REGARDLESS, wherever you turn in America (and the west), despite the brayers…here, there and everywhere…the manifest dangers from Islam are rock solid.

QUESTIONS, anyone?

SCHOOL’s out.

US Capitol Terror Week

U.S. Constitution Rewritten By Senate F/B/O “Negotiations” With Iran. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



EVER since HUSSEIN Obama took over America’s helm, one anti-American thrust after another has jiggered the Constitution. Let’s just agree on this basis of fact.

TIME and again, patriots expected Congress to conduct their due diligence (but not through this and that theatrical “commission of inquiry”) towards a remedial process, even if the only alternative left was impeachment.

YES, this site also held out (false) hope that Congress would step up, but recognized when such a position became akin to chasing ghosts. Untenable. After all, how many times does a patriot need to be knocked upside the head to come to the depressing conclusion: regardless of countless unsustainable executive actions, as well as illegal foreign interventions, it is readily apparent that Congress has little inclination (nor incentive) to set Obama Inc. on the straight and narrow. You think?

STILL, back in Jan 2014 (while a lifetime ago in accrued mischief-making, even though a blink of the eye in real life terms), hope sprung eternal. In other words, this site reported:

This site is asserting on a multiplicity of levels: a Constitutional crisis, a storm of earth-shaking magnitude, is looming on the horizon and its basis is not pie-in-the-sky meandering.


And since a Maryland judge has it in her power to rectify an unprecedented national/western nightmare, whether or not she rises to this unparalleled challenge is the nation-shaking question.

In any event, whatever her decision, it will change the course of American history. Hell, America’s place in the free world, its founding principles, depends on which course she takes! The west in toto. Indeed, the WEIGHTY question becomes:is she up to the (mental) challenge? Who knows. Pray for her sound (legal) judgment. Her resolve, moral compass and steel spine are all prerequisites. She needs them all. Sigh. If only this blogger sat in her seat.

ONCE again, herein presented, one can examine a fraction of this blogger’s accumulated trails…hopefully, they will be put to use for the “trial of the century”!

ALAS, that was then and this is now. Without a doubt, HUSSEIN Obama is still upending the laws of the land with nary any push back. On the upside, Judge Hollander ruled in May 2014 thusly:

But now a judge is demanding the federal government respond to the fraud. Judge Hollander has subpoenaed all documents from the Social Security Administration that relate to Bounel’s, or Obama’s, Social Security number. If the federal government refuses to turn over the “missing documents,” individual employees will be held responsible.

NEVERTHELESS, if, by some miracle, the court eventually ends up as the address which will finally unmask and upend the Fraud-in-Chief, the fact remains that he can commit even graver domestic and foreign harm, up until any compelling punishment is rendered. By the bye, from this perch’s standpoint, there are countless “legal” retributions which would be more than appropriate punishment, but let’s not digress.

THAT being stated, in juxtaposition to a runaway POTUS, Congress can hardly claim (patriotic) bragging rights, and that’s not an overblown assessment. And this truth brings us right back to the recent hullabaloo over the “veto-proof” (aka “hard bargain”) vote they supposedly boxed HUSSEIN Obama into, relative to Iran’s mullahs. Ahh….the watered down and leaky “Corker Bill”. In reality, if it stands as is, it will go down in history as their most craven appeasement to date. Here’s why….

YES, while the president has the authority to negotiate treaties – emphasis placed on negotiate – the Constitution demands that 2/3 of the senators agree. Indeed, this is the case because of the inherent danger to too much power accruing in one leader’s hands, even/especially if POTUS. Bulls eye. Stipulated, the Founders were more than prescient.

“Alexander Hamilton tells us” that joint possession of such power provides the greater prospect of success, he said.

Under the proposed legislation, Congress can review the president’s deal with the radical Islamists and can reject it with a 60-vote margin. But Obama then can veto it, and it would take a 67-vote total to overturn the veto.

“We’ve turned the treaty provision on its head,” Levin said. “Instead of requiring two-thirds of the senators present to approve, this bill explicitly” demands 67 votes to stop the president.

“You need 67 votes to override a presidential veto to undo what Obama’s done,” he said. “Now we need a supermajority to override the president rather than a supermajority where the president needs approval for a treaty.”

WITH the above in mind, let’s pull back the curtain. Hence, the smoke will clear. AT its stripped base, the Senate just rewrote the Constitution, despite their bloviating:

“The United States Senate just rewrote the treaty provision of the Constitution,” he exclaimed. “This may be over the heads of most commentators … but it’s not over my head, and it won’t be over yours.”

He (Mark Levin) said under the Constitution, the president has the power to negotiate treaties, and they are approved “provided two-thirds of the senators present concur.”

He said such a supermajority (67 votes) was called for by the nation’s Founders because they believed that leaving such decisions to a single person or a single body wasn’t responsible.

“Alexander Hamilton tells us” that joint possession of such power provides the greater prospect of success, he said.

Under the proposed legislation, Congress can review the president’s deal with the radical Islamists and can reject it with a 60-vote margin. But Obama then can veto it, and it would take a 67-vote total to overturn the veto.

“We’ve turned the treaty provision on its head,” Levin said. “Instead of requiring two-thirds of the senators present to approve, this bill explicitly” demands 67 votes to stop the president.

“You need 67 votes to override a presidential veto to undo what Obama’s done,” he said. “Now we need a supermajority to override the president rather than a supermajority where the president needs approval for a treaty…..”

AS always, the devil is in the details, if one is astute enough to understand them. Talk about flipping the Constitution upside its head…

DO readers still require additional bullet proof ammunition to pinpoint what the Senate has really done, all in order to appear accommodating and non “warmongering”? Just imagine what the world would look like, if this gaggle of blow hards were in the Senate, when Hitler’s killing machine needed vanquishing. And what if Roosevelt wanted to give Hitler even more time (than he did) to prove his “peaceful” intent, and the Senate gave him said wiggle room?

DIANA WEST on Sam Sorbo’s show discussing Iran, Obama and Republicans:


WE are not done yet….let’s head over to Dr. Andrew Bostom (http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/) a well-known expert on Islam and geo-politics:


THE above should set the “deal” straight.

IT goes without saying that Congress, for the most part, does “get it”, at least in terms of the inherent dangers (to the entire free world) attributed to a nuclear armed Iran. This is no longer up for debate. 

BUT the above knowledge base hardly translates into Congress’s (the Senate, in this instance) ability to muster the will power to actually thwart Obama Inc.’s bullying tactics, whatever they entail.

BOTTOM LINE: Congress has been a front row witness to two-terms of wrecking balls, and each volley has been more devastating than the last. But now that HUSSEIN Obama is in his second term, the gravest damage of all is within his anti-American (anti-Israel) grasp, as he gifts a genocidal regime nuclear arms! 

AND those who still opine that the POTUS doesn’t have ill intent, well, they may want to absorb the contents of a previous analysis, one which sent shock waves across the internet: HUSSEIN Obama’s deal with genocidal Iran: Hitler redux. How did this happen?

CONSEQUENTIALLY, view the Senate’s “deal” with the White House as little more than a deal with two twin devils; HUSSEIN Obama and Iran’s mullahs! 

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Islamic Indoctrination, Via America’s Kiddies, Intensifies. What Can Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



IT is impossible to quantify the GRAVE amount of damage being perpetrated under the noses of America’s parents. Moreover, others should be equally concerned about what is being taught within the (mis)educational system. Yes, its blow back will affect the entire nation, and the west in toto. Other western nations will topple like dominoes, once America’s edifices fall. It is that simple.

RESULTANT, several warnings were blared but the following sets the stage: Obama Inc. funnels taxpayer revenues to Islamize kiddies. This is transpiring inside America and beyond its borders!

INDEED, housed under the guise of Common Core are lesson plans which “innocuously” slide in the “exemplary” and “benign” aspects of Islam. These plans are usually found within the social studies and English curriculum’s, but not exclusively so. One example (out of countless) is more than instructive, relative to the underlying goal of indoctrination.


Parents in Farmville, North Carolina want to know why their children were given a Common Core vocabulary assignment in an English class that promoted the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith.

“It really caught me off guard,” a Farmville Central High School student who was in the class told me. “If we are not allowed to talk about any other religions in school – how is this appropriate?”

The Islamic vocabulary worksheet was assigned to seniors.

“I was reading it and it caught me off guard,” the student told me. “I just looked at it and knew something was not right – so I emailed the pages to my mom.”

I asked the school district to provide me with a copy of vocabulary worksheets that promoted the Jewish, Hindu and Christian faiths. The school district did not reply…..

BUT why stop at North Carolina, let’s segue to the latest in Ohio:

Several parents have passed on to me the notice below, which they received from the school. Note that the Muslim Student Association is involved — a group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. When is A Cross-Wearer’s Challenge day at Mason High? When is A Yarmulke Wearer’s Challenge day at Mason High? Or is it only Islam that gets this treatment?

STILL doubtful, hop on over to Wisconsin:

‘Pretend to be a Muslim’ is what 10th grade Union Grove High School World History teacher, Beth Urban, asked students to do for a writing assignment at a Wisconsin high school recently. 

YOU get the (mis-educational) picture…

IN light of the above – in order to understand the gravity of the situation – Americans must internalize who is really behind Common Core, other than the publicly held sanitized version. Yes, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) are listed as the chief architects. Not so fast.

LO and behold, all of these core curriculum changes came about in 2009, very soon after HUSSEIN Obama took over the nation’s reins. Hmm. Well, the timing was absolutely not incidental to the unveiling of said subliminal messaging within the system.

THE point being, no other than Bill Ayers (a domestic terrorist) has been working on this “challenge” for years, and his equally red/green-aligned protégé, HUSSEIN Obama, has been right by his side! Did you know this?

Actually, Barack Obama did not simply “embrace” a concept that others developed; instead, the very roots of Common Core are in the early ideas generated by him and his fellow radical community organizer, Bill Ayers.

Just prior to the presidential election of 2008, Dr. Stanley Kurtz, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, wrote an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal in which he observed that then-Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s “most important executive experience” was heading up the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), an education foundation that was the invention of Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s.

Obama led the CAC from 1995 to 1999 and remained on the board until 2001. The foundation funneled more than $100 million into community organizations and radical education activists.

The CAC’s stated purpose was to improve Chicago’s public schools using funding from an education initiative by Walter Annenberg. As chairman, Obama handled fiscal matters while Ayers co-chaired the CAC’s other key entity, the “Collaborative,” which influenced education policy. Archives from the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago showed that Obama and Ayers worked as a team to advance the CAC agenda.

In his op-ed, Kurtz explained that the Obama campaign at the time said that Ayers had nothing to do with Obama’s “recruitment” to CAC’s board. However, as Kurtz discovered, the Daley archives showed that:

…along with [Deborah] Leff and [Patricia Albjerg] Graham, Mr. Ayers was one of a working group of five who assembled the initial board in 1994. Mr. Ayers founded CAC and was its guiding spirit. No one would have been appointed the CAC chairman without his approval.

Kurtz continued that the CAC’s agenda channeled Ayers’ educational philosophy “which called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in favor of activism.” Ayers wrote that teachers should act as community organizers whose focus is provoking resistance to American racism and oppression.

I’m a radical, Leftist, small ‘c’ communist,” Ayers said in an interview in Ron Chepesiuk’sSixties Radicals.

Implementing Ayers’ radical philosophy in schools required them to associate with “external partners” that received the actual funding, such as ACORN, the South Shore African Village Collaborative, and the Dual Language Exchange. In addition, funding was extended to promote “leadership” among parents who would ultimately adopt Obama’s political agenda.

The Chicago Public Education Fund was created in 1998 by Obama, Ayers, and the rest of the CAC board. Then-Illinois state Sen. Obama was a member of the leadership council, as was Bill Ayers’ father, Thomas Ayers, and brother, John Ayers. Ultimately, the CAC closed down in June of 2001, leaving the Fund to distribute grant money.

According to Kurtz, when CAC, prior to closing, conducted its own study of the effects of its grants on the test scores of Chicago public-school students, they found no evidence of educational improvement.

As Danette Clark at EAGnews.org noted regarding the Fund:

The Fund existed and still exists to carry on the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge — that work being the expansion of Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools, the reform movement that now (even absent Common Core) indoctrinates students in several states and districts nationwide with a Marxist-Communist political, moral and social ideology.

As Clark wrote, Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) opened a regional office called the National Equity Project/Bay Area CES in 1991. A long-time advisory board member to the National Equity Project is Linda Darling-Hammond, who served as education advisor to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and who has since been involved in the development of assessments for the Common Core standards.

One of the major goals of the National Equity Project is to “redesign” school districts, and the project’s website boasts as one of its “major accomplishments” its support of “the comprehensive redesign of two urban school districts (Oakland and Emery Unified) to create systems of equitable resource allocation, accountability, central office support for schools, and community engagement.”

As Clark noted, Darling-Hammond has been an avid advocate for repayment of what she has referred to as “an education debt” owed to African-Americans, a view that had also been supported by the late Derrick Bell, one of Barack Obama’s law professors.

Clark wrote that as CAC was closing down, a pilot program called Grow Network was starting up in New York. Founded by David Coleman–known as the “Architect” of the Common Core standards – and Jason Zimba, the Grow Network negotiated a contract in 2001 with the Chicago Public Education Fund on behalf of Chicago Public Schools (CPS).

In that same year, current U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan began as CEO of CPS; two years after taking on his new role, Coleman’s Grow Network finalized its $2.2 million contract with CPS to provide the school district with student performance data for the 2002-2003 school year.

Grow Network was introduced as a new endeavor in CPS’s 2002 Education Plan, in which the school district announced that the initiative would “produce more accessible reports on student performance” and provide “clear and effective tools for principals, teachers, and parents.”

In the CPS Education Plan, “The Honorable Senator Barak [sic] Obama of Minor, Barnhill, and Galland” was listed as a member of the Planning and Development Advisory Committee, while Janet Knupp and Sonya Choe Miller of The Chicago Public Education Fund, and Ken Rolling of The Chicago Annenberg Challenge were listed as members of the Steering Committee in the Professional Development Audit. In addition, John Ayers and Mike Klonsky of Bill Ayers’ Small Schools Workshop were listed as participants in the Education Plan’s discussion groups.

As Clark observed, in 2004, Coleman and Zimba sold Grow Network to McGraw Hill, which has continued its lucrative relationship with CPS.

Today, Coleman and Zimba head Student Achievement Partners, an organization that has played a leading role in the development of the Common Core standards and has actively supported their adoption in the states.

IT was because of the aforementioned (incestuous) dangers that “Bringing Down America” (plus other endeavors) was written, and why this investigative journalist readily agreed to be one of its first reviewers. The linked review will tie up some loose threads, and should lead readers from point A to point B.

MOST resolutely, to bring down America, its core edifices have to fall. The cohesion of the traditional family is front and center, as such, the following link is required reading.

EVEN more so, in tandem, grabbing the hearts and minds of the kiddies is a central “hit” job. Hence, the alliance of “reds and greens” – as exemplified by communist/Marxist (NYC) Mayor Bill De Blasio’s reaction to HUSSEIN Obama’s involvement with Common Core – is exposed  : 

Free education for all children in government schools. The Department of Education and the teachers’ union control the education process. – and now they’re pushing for Common Core. According to Politicker, De Blasio said the group talked about universal pre-K and said a lot of the mayors talked about early childhood education as “one of the breakthrough things we have to do to change the dynamics.’ And of course Obama agrees: “There was real passion in the president’s voice when he talked about how fundamental it is to move forward an early education agenda in this country and I think we all now know clearly that he will be a partner in all we need to do.” Early indoctrination is key…..

INCONTROVERTIBLY, this is the case whether one is communist-aligned or Islamist-bent. The point being, reds and greens are working hand-in-hand to destroy America from within. The kiddies are core and key.

IT is this symbiotic (goal-oriented and ideologically-based) relationship which brings both, seemingly divergent, sides together. Repeatedly, they show up in full force at anti-American and anti-Israel events, as if they are “blood” brothers. They are. 

AND those who believe that there is nothing they can do to stop the indoctrination, well, stop being negative and take charge, just like these parents did:

Update, 10:22 p.m.: The Mason High School’s Muslim Student Association April 23 event – the “Covered Girl Challenge” – has been canceled by principal Mindy McCarty-Stewart.

(Muslim-American student who issued said school “challenge” at the behest of the Muslim Student Association; a jacked-up Brotherhood Mafia front group!)

The cancellation, announced in a Thursday night email to MHS parents, comes in response to negative backlash received by school officials for an email sent by school officials earlier Thursday.

The initial, informational email sent by school officials from their Student Activities Department account publicized the event, and appeared to endorse it.

McCarty-Stewart has apologized for the initial email, and to anyone offended by receiving it.

“This (previous) communication should not have come from our Student Activities Department because this was a student-led initiative, rather than a school-sponsored activity,” McCarty-Stewart wrote in the email. “We will put procedures into place in the future that ensure that any communication from a school email is for a school-sponsored event, and not merely supported by a student-run group.

“As the event spread beyond our school community, however, we received many strong messages that made me reconsider the event’s ability to meet its objectives. I now realize that as adults we should have given our students better guidance. After much consideration and after talking with the student event organizers, we have cancelled the event.”

As part of the MSA’s Covered Girl Challenge, female students were to be asked to consider wearing a hijab, or a traditional Muslim woman’s headdress, during the April 23 school day, according to the initial email. The event was to have been voluntary.

Mason City Schools officials did not respond to multiple Enquirer requests for comment Thursday night.

TO wit, if this issue cuts to your (patriotic) core, well, turn your local School Boards inside out and upside down, until they completely rid Common Core’s poisons; Islamist and communist indoctrination alike! 

INDUBITABLY, the buck stops at their doors. Patriots alike.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}


ISIS’s Turkish Nexus:Brotherhood Ties That Bind.Passports & More…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN the same manner in which ISIS is hammered at this site, Turkey, similarly, remains front and center. By the way, this decision is not the result of a turkey crap-shoot! In fact, Turkey is so central to the chaos engulfing the Mid East (and beyond), its terror aligned leadership deserve a starring role. Central actors.

ERDOGAN, Turkey’s current President (its ex PM), was also featured at a global interview (Oct. 2013), one which flew around the web like a house on fire. For good reason.

Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?

Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.

It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at Aina.org. He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors.

In the words of Commentary Magazine:

“Hamas is a terrorist group in search of a home. Uprooted by the Syrian civil war, and shaken by the Egyptian coup, the Hamas leadership has taken temporary shelter in Qatar, but that tiny emirate is showing every sign that they want the Islamist radicals to move on. So where would a radical Islamist terrorist group dedicated to the eradication of the State of Israel and whose charter endorses the crudest anti-Semitism turn? Perhaps to Turkey, America’s NATO ally and a country whose leader President Obama identified as one of his top personal foreign friends.”

According to Hürriyet Daily News:

“The prime ministry in Ankara was the venue for a meeting between the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Mashaal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today. The meeting, which started at 7 p.m. and lasted for three hours, was closed to the press. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, National Intelligence Agency (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan, Deputy Undersecretary for the Prime Minister’s Office İbrahim Kalın and advisor Sefer Turan were also present at the meeting, Anadolu Agency reported. The meeting between Mashaal and Erdoğan came around four months after their latest meeting. It came at a time when rumors suggest that Mashaal, currently in exile in Qatar, is searching for another place to live.”

As such, a perfect storm. A union for Allah….the rest can be found here.

THAT being established, it is intrinsic for readers to square the circle, so to speak. Besides, much of the backbreaking labor has already been done by this investigative journalist. By the way, this “squaring” is not akin to an impossibly hard geometrical problem set, but it does require the reader’s rapt attention.


FIRST and foremost, Americans (westerners at large) cannot afford to think of the Turkish/ISIS nexus (and all other related Islamic disasters) as far away issues endemic to another part of the world. Dangerous illusion and delusion.

IN reality, yesterday’s commentary couldn’t be more prescient, as it places an ISIS training camp within 8 miles of the U.S. border: Texans, an ISIS hyper terror alert is being issued!


INDEED, it is absolutely the case that Turkey and their ISIS/Brotherhood relations are gunning for America and Israel. In fact, HUSSEIN Obama lends them his shield!

BUT let’s not forget about the fact that brothers-in-arms do each other favors, and herein underlies the aforementioned passports:


Egypt is accusing Turkey of providing more than 10,000 Turkish passports to members of ISIS, the Islamic State, to facilitate travel of fighters across the region.

An Egyptian intelligence official who asked not to be named told WND his country delivered a report to the U.S. documenting the astonishing claim.

The official further charged that Istanbul is serving as the “headquarters” for ISIS planning.

“Turkey continues to allow free passage to Iraq and Syria to IS fighters,” the official added.

If the Turkish passport charge is true, it would present a worldwide ISIS travel threat.

Already, there have been major passport concerns regarding ISIS and its sympathizers.

Earlier this month, a French senate report showed about 47 percent of European jihadists known to have traveled to ISIS-held territory hold French passports.

The free WND special report “ISIS Rising,” by Middle East expert and former Department of Defense analyst Michael Maloof, will answer your questions about the jihadist army threatening the West.

Scores of British citizens are also known to have joined ISIS. Last month, nine British medical students reportedly travel`ed to Syria to work in hospitals in areas held by ISIS.

In a move that clearly is part of the terrorist group’s symbolic creation of a caliphate, ISIS militants themselves reportedly started issuing their own international ISIS passports.

There are concerns ISIS plans to expand beyond the Middle East to Europe.

In February, WND reported documents released by ISIS supporters and propagandists revealed ISIS is planning to use Libya as a “gateway” to Europe.

The documents, obtained by the Quilliam Foundation, a Britain-based think tank that focuses on counter-extremism, raised the possibility of storming southern European cities to cause “pandemonium” or closing international shipping lines in the Mediterranean Sea.

The purported ISIS documents, obtained and reviewed by WND, received widespread news coverage.

However, some of the more sensational possibilities described within the pages were largely overlooked.

The documents indicate ISIS views Libya as not just fertile ground for a headquarters but as a staging base to infiltrate Europe by boat along with the hundreds of migrants who daily attempt to flee to Italy.

One ISIS document recognized Libya has a “long coastline” that “looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat.”

The document notes “the number of ‘illegal immigration’ trips from this coast is massive, estimated to be as high as 500 people a day, as a low estimate.”

It states that “according to many [of these immigrants], it is easily possible to pass through Maritime Security Checkpoints and arrive in [European] cities.”

“If this was even partially exploited and developed strategically, pandemonium could be wrought in the southern Europe. It is even possible that there could be a closure of shipping lines because of the targeting of Crusader ships and tankers.”

The Quillium Foundation warns: “Therefore, the opportunities that lie in the exploitation of human trafficking rings make Libya unparalleled as a launching platform for attacking European states and shipping lines.”

The ISIS documents extensively discuss what they claim are massive caches of light, medium and heavy munitions in Libya. Jihadists are urged to make their way to Libya to help expand the caliphate.

“Not only will pressure on the land of the Caliphate in ash-Sham be relieved, but the territories of the Caliphate in ash-Sham, Iraq and Hijaz will be linked with those of their brothers in Libya and the Islamic Maghreb and the defeat of all regimes and tyrants in their way will be enabled.”…

AS to the Libyan connection, and ISIS’s plan to flood Europe with “refugees”, well, this aspect was completely explored at this site. Its basis can be found here

MOREOVER, ad infinitum, this investigative journalist connected the dots between HUSSEIN Obama’s illegal war in Libya and its blowback, its knock-on effects, as a springboard to all the upheavals in the Mid East, Africa and beyond. Hail, to the Pyromaniac-in-Chief! Chief bastard.

INHERENTLY, “squaring the circle” requires recognition of the following routes: HUSSEIN Obama’s (purposeful) Mid East firesTurkey, as part and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood; the Brotherhood Mafia’s birth of al-Qaeda in Iraq; and its renaming to ISIS aka ISIL! Head spinning.

(Since the June 30 revolution in Egypt, Turkey has become the regional hub for the Muslim Brotherhood’s International Organization. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is pictured here with former Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi.)

AS oft-mentioned, Islamist groups are akin to tentacled hydras, and this is hardly an overblown assessment. Even so, aside from centuries-long fighting over hegemony, the fact remains that the west – with Israel and America atop the spear – is in the cross hairs of Sunni and Shia jihadists. Never forget this.

SO, doesn’t it make infinite sense that Erdogan’s Brotherhood would outfit ISIS, its spawn, with whatever assistance is needed, including passports and then some?

AT the very least, if Turkish Sunni Islamists and their ISIS/Brotherhood offshoots (Shia Islamists alike) “allow” westerners to survive, the following pictorial is highly accurate, sans patriots drawing an American “line in the sand” vis-a-vis Islam’s barbarians and the west’s appeasing leaders!

CONSIDER yourselves warned…

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Right Wing News's photo.

ISIS HYPER ALERT: Narco-Terrorists Smuggle ISIS Into Texas. What, If Anything, Is DHS Doing? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of isis in mexico

READERS, just suppose that Obama Inc.’s security heads are really as inept as fictional Keystone Cops. Afterwards, switch (mental) gears and assess their actions from a vantage point of patriotic American professionals, leaders who take their duties very seriously and would do anything to protect and serve the nation. Keep dreaming.

NOW, utilize the above either/or propositions and take visual recaps, regarding all the smoldering security mayhem within America. It is under this status assessment that rational folks have to admit: HUSSEIN Obama’s security heads are executing their sworn duties from a deliberate anti-American mandate. Decidedly proficient too.

RESULTANT, the above prism exposes heretofore operational failures, at least from a patriot’s perspective. Besides, even the aforementioned Keystone Cops would be able to do a better job at securing the borders.

NOT only that, it is under the direct purview of HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS (via the cover of supposedly thwarting illegal immigration) that terrorists – amid tens of thousands of illegals – are purposefully pouring across the borders. Open sesame. The facts are manifest and would indict “lesser” Americans for long stints in jail.

MOST significantly, it has been proven that narco-terrorists from Mexican drug cartels, in tandem with E. European smuggling rings, are slipping ISIS (Hezbollah agents and assorted Islamic offshoots) right past border patrol, leading them into Texas and to destinations all over the U.S.!

THAT being said, let’s segue to a few proofs – out of many – at this site.


IN Aug. 2014, relative to ISIS and Mexican narco-terror smugglers, it was reported:

AMERICA’s compromised borders are not the result of an operational inability to control infiltrators, whether under the guise of kiddies or not. The absence of proper controls were designed to aid and abet the overthrow of America, both through an unbearable crush of illegal aliens, further coupled with an ability to ferry Islamic terrorists for whatever havoc they have in store. Sounds bizarre, yes, but not from an Anti-American-in-Chief’s perspective.

The evidence is irrefutable.

MOVING right along…the poisonous fruits of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s labors are set to explode; those already INSIDE America and others poised to strike from their operational points inside Juarez, Mexico to overthrow the U.S.!

In fact, as a main hub for narco-terror (alongside the tri-border region of Latin America), MS-13 became a front center concern at this blog. This site is anything but Johnny-Come-Lately.

SO in light of all the above factoids, is anyone shocked that a strike is poised to occur, sooner than later?


IT was furthermore noted at these pages (Jan. 2015), but this time it involved E. European cartel smugglers:

In tandem, an idea was percolating where “following the (jihadi) money” evolved, and it can be found at – adinakutnicki.com/about/. It became obvious that being a co-owner of a corporate tax practice could be useful, and not just as a way to comfortably support one’s family. As such, a place where one earns a living could also be utilized for the greater good.

Thus, joining forces with several investigators became a force multiplier with infinite potential. Having more than enough business resource material/access to sift through the financial muck of Islamic jihadi (inter-related !) US non-profit groups, a starting point was born. After much painstaking effort, a treasure trove of goodies was uncovered.

Not only was it galling to witness said abuse of U.S. non-profit tax laws (and their tax violations are ongoing), but upon learning who supported the terror organs (even though it wasn’t readily apparent in the supplementary 990 IRS attachments, but this was where a forensic colonoscopy came in), as well as whose hands the monies ended up in, the findings were more than enough reason to march on.

And this is where Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld intersected…having coming to the realization that a tax practice can only get one so far – even with the IRS Criminal Complaint Division (Newark, NJ) on speed dial and occasional “in-their-face” drop-ins to their headquarters – as such, a main contact who knows her well sent the following research material gratis…and many more droppings along the way – www.amazon.com/Confronting-Terrorism-Financing-American-Foreign/dp/0761830669/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1364714251&sr=1-2.What a “helper”. A very connected fella.

Yet, to understand why she is the master/mistress of the narco-terror domain, see this too – en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Ehrenfeld. 

So pay rapt attention to the good Doc, housed in the link certain subjects evolve….
‘Latin America’s Narco-Terrorism Nexus ‘

the Obama Administration

ALWAYS one who won’t take no for an answer, as well as a tenacious and dogged student, a wealth of info was painstakingly uncovered. This treasure trove (sorry, it can’t be shared publicly), even a decade later, helps to serve as building blocks (to report on) for today’s Eastern Euro connection; one which SOLELY involves smuggling Muslims (Islamists) into America!

The report on a Houston television news program describes how an Eastern European smuggling connection is being utilized by Muslims wishing to enter the United States through the wide-open border Hussein Obama has provided for them.


ASIDE from the above two proofs, El Paso, Texas’s nexus became a focal point at this site’s radar in Sept. 2014:

Former CIA officer Bob Baer told the network ISIS is already on this side of the Atlantic. “I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country,” he said. Though CNN said two U.S. officials had refuted the claim, they’re worried ISIS militants with passports might travel to the United States to launch attacks on American soil, CNN reported.

RESULTANT, patriots have been warned at this site, time and again: yes, DHS has been co-opted from its original mission of actively hunting down Islamic threats, instead, they are now focusing on “right-wing” domestic terror, vets and patriots! Basically, the preponderance of their efforts are expended towards shielding Islam from ANY connection with terror. This is a fact.

IN reality, even when patriotic Americans, including counter-terror professionals, are threatened by Islamists – whether American-Muslims or converts – those who are sworn to protect are now AWOL. The above link couldn’t be any starker.

BUT if you are still skeptical of the above, just bear uppermost in mind: aside from ISIS already burrowed INSIDE America, they are poised to pounce a hop, skip and a sprint from the Texas border. In tandem, if anyone doubts how easy it is, well, look no further:

Investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe exposes the U.S.-Mexico border’s vulnerability to terrorism in his latest undercover project, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller...


YET, the core question becomes: where is DHS’s Director, Jeh Johnson, in all of this, as well as “Mama Janet”? 

IT was noted in Feb. 2015:

THE amount of (Islamist) damage accrued under HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS (starting with “Mama Janet”) is beyond measure. Incalculable.

BUT when DHS’s Jeh Johnson entered the scene, well, only the willfully blind couldn’t discern where his alliances lie. And while there exists a veritable smorgasbord of proofs housed in these pages, suffice it to say that the following link sums up Johnson’s treachery: DHS lies/hides terrorist infiltration…what is he up to? Folks, don’t dare be fooled by his fancy pedigree!

INTRINSICALLY, with the meteoric rise of ISIS (and its aligned terror arms…six of one, half a dozen of another) it became a high priority to follow their western footprints, wherever they lead.

SO as DHS helps to ferry them into the U.S. – while they pretend they are securing the homeland – the fact remains that this investigative journalist has been exposing Somalis in America, even those who top the FBI’s most wanted list. Yes, other tentacled groups have been highlighted, basically, hiding in plain sight. Said threats should not be news to many readers.

TO wit, how can it be that well-informed folks express shock that another ! Somali “refugee” (living in Minnesota) has been charged with aiding and abetting ISIS? In fact, the opposite should be the case…

AND so on and so forth…but it is not as if the following “news” should shock anyone, least of all HUSSEIN Obama’s henchpeople!

The Islamic State terror group is operating a camp in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, just eight miles from the U.S. border, Judicial Watch reported Tuesday.

Citing sources that include a “Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector,” the conservative watchdog group reported that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is organizing only a few miles from El Paso, Texas, in the Anapra neighborhood of Juárez and in Puerto Palomas.

Judicial Watch sources said that “coyotes” working for the notorious Juarez Cartel are smuggling Islamic State terrorists across the U.S. border between the New Mexico cities of Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, as well as “through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas.”

“These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing,” Judicial Watch reported.

Mexican intelligence sources say the Islamic State intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, New Mexico.

“The sources also say that ISIS has ‘spotters’ located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations,” Judicial Watch reported. “ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and….

SIMILARLY, re the complicity of HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS and its purposeful abrogation of duty, the following offers additional supportive and indicting evidence:

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson denied the reports at the time. He told CNN, “Let’s not unduly create fear and anxiety in the public by passing on speculation and rumor.”

WND reported last fall a warning from Judicial Watch there was an ISIS presence in Mexico, just across the border from Texas.

One Texas sheriff said last fall he was confident he could handle the threat.

“If there are ISIS fighters that may already be in the United States, or in your area who’ve crossed the border, what’s your message to them?” CNN’s Don Lemon asked Midland County Sheriff, Gary Painter.

“If they rear their ugly heads, we’ll send them to hell,” Painter said.

CONCLUSIVELY, this investigative journalist’s analysis assesses: although ISIS (and assorted jihadi tentacles) is spread throughout America, let’s agree that Texas, specifically, El Paso, is a front-line arena. Various border communities alike. To wit, the stands taken (or not) at these communities will have a direct psychological (cascading) effect, rebounding to both fellow Americans and Islamists at large.

THEREFORE, akin to any pre-war scenario, there are preparations to be made. Most importantly, understand that the threat is not only real but impending. Not only that, but the U.S. power grid is subdivided into 3 sectors and Texas is smack in the middle of the western interconnection.

NOW, just suppose that Mexican drug cartels (highly familiar with America’s southern landscape and adept at certain “activities”) are operating both as coyotes AND saboteurs/scouts for ISIS? Hmm. As such, stockpile as much ammunition and supplies as possible, and be ready to defend yourselves and loved ones. At all costs.

TRUTHFULLY, the question isn’t: how could ISIS set up training camps right under the eyes of America’s security arms? Rather, it is: how could they not, being that HUSSEIN Obama has ordered DHS (Border Patrol, the FBI, even the CIA) to stand down!

LEST any American foolishly believes that DHS’s cavalry (and agencies directly under their domain) will still come to their rescue, well, they deserve what they get. After all, how many warnings does it take to sink in what’s what?

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}