Honoring A Loved One’s Birthday – Frank Kutnicki, z”l – Even When No Longer Among The Living…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Unfortunately, many lose a loved one (some may suffer multiple losses) at some point in their life. The inescapable cycle of life and death. And depending on whether the loss is sudden as opposed to ‘expected’, or tragically involves ones child, spouse, parent or sibling – the four most central relationships –  the emotions may vary widely. The strength, or lack thereof, of said relationship often becomes a mitigating factor. But there are common reactions to the aforementioned losses, especially when certain ‘trigger’ days roll around.

Specifically, the date of death is huge. In Judaism, we refer to the person’s yahrzheit. It looms ever so prominently in the back of ones consciousness, even if not verbalized. Ones anniversary, if missing a spouse, becomes more than bittersweet. Focusing on what could/should have been…Holidays are no walk in the park. But another prominent date is the loved ones birthday. How can one not think of each ‘birth’ year of said nearest and dearest, reminding us, once again, that our lost one will never reach said milestone? One can’t.

In this regard, there are indeed valuable resources for those of us grappling with such personal pain. And not being one who relies on ‘self help’ books, the fact that a particular book resonated at all speaks for itself. Besides, having lovingly received it from a nearest and dearest, today, in particular, it is appropriate to pass it on to others in need.  I Wasn’t Ready To Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping & Healing After The Sudden Death Of A Loved One by Brooke Noel & Pamela D. Blair, PH.D. is heartfelt, written by experts who have experienced their own trials and tribulations, only to pick themselves up from their pain and pass on some highly valuable insights. As to the birthday: ” The deceased person’s birthday is a time for remembering. You may feel your loss anew each time their birthday comes for many years. Your own birthday may feel different. You may wonder why you are still alive and they are not, and it will be difficult to celebrate your own life for a while….Many people find a sanctuary by creating a ritual with which to celebrate the deceased’s birthday. Perhaps you can surround yourself with other people who were close to the loved one. Perhaps you can take a walk in nature and just think and cry and rant and talk…” Most significantly, the book’s essence is crystal clear: It is not a ‘one size fits all’ process. And that’s a crucial component, though seemingly very obvious.

E. Charles Douville, MD, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, in his review of the book, stated: ” As one who deals with unexpected death, I am so pleased to find a truly valuable reference for those souls who are blindsided by such misery…This book is thoughtful, thorough and intensely meaningful. Up until now, Rabbi Kushner’s reference When Bad Things Happen To Good People has been my mainstay in such circumstances; I will add this book to my recommended list.”

So, today, July 31, is a day etched in stone, not unlike February 20. As such, a message to my beloved husband, Frank Kutnicki, z”l (of blessed memory), the father of our wonderful sons: Your birthday will always remain a part of those who cherished you.  You made everything possible. And for that, plus so much more, your family is forever grateful.

Gone, but not forgotten – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyQ31m0zvNY&list=PLeh4IiCHmJJxS_TRyv8x-oiehHvjb2yxE

The way it was…https://adinakutnicki.com/?attachment_id=15659 …the way it should have been…

The Uncomfortable, Yet Possible (Military) Parallels Between Egypt and America: Where Is The Intersection? What Are The Possibilities? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

It would have been hard to fathom, only a few years back, the following imponderable, at least in the United States of America. Alas, these are NOT ordinary moments in time. As such, dangerous periods call for far reaching analysis, even if the mere thought makes one acutely uncomfortable. In fact, more than somewhat queasy. We all need to buck up.

Rest assured, if a patriot was at the helm, none of the following would be in the forefront, let alone up for ‘debate’. But it is what it is, and the evidence is piling up in the affirmative, thus, giving one considerable pause to posit: Could there be a military coup in America against the Obama dictatorship? But before your jaw drops, even reading about such a possibility, consider the following as prima facie proofs: 

Back in Aug. 2012, in anticipation of the election, this site warned against re-electing the most anti-American POTUS in U.S. historyYes, I know, a preponderance of fellow Jews re-elected this miscreant, and they too were taken to the wood shed. However, let’s be honest, their paltry numbers, in relation to the overall population, certainly didn’t push him to victory. So, while their behavior is patently bizarre – definitely in need of a collective psychiatric couch – Barack HUSSEIN Obama did not sail to victory on their shoulders. He got there many different ways, some of which were illegal.

That being said, radical revolutionaries travel in packs, as a result, Obama Inc. is stacked with their malfeasance. But what really is their end game? After we pile evidence upon evidence we are led to NO other conclusion, and its essence is incontrovertible: This is a regime gone wild ! What are the alternatives, unthinkable as they would (otherwise) seem?

ARTICLE 23 July 2013
“Could There Be A Military Coup in America Against the Obama Dictatorship”??
  1. military coup (ˈmɪlɪtərɪ kuː)

    1. a coup organized and carried out by members of the armed forces
    The definition seems simple enough to understand, then why can’t the Obama administration understand that what happened in Egypt was a ‘military coup’?
The answer is they do understand, but are hoping U.S. Military Commanders are not paying attention and listening.
Could a military coup happen in America, during the reign of Dictator Obama?  This would lead to extreme violence in America and I hope it never comes to this, but there are without a doubt U.S. military Generals who are not happy with the Communist run style he is running our government.
Obama is leading our country in the wrong direction.  For those who are keeping up with current times and issues, it is no secret Obama and his flunkies do not like America, and I would go as far as saying Obama hates this beautiful country.
What would it be like if U.S. military leaders decided to oust Dictator Obama.  Many people believe it would take an enormous amount of money, personnel, and time. In reality it would happen just as fast as it did in Egypt.
Are there U.S. Generals who would take this drastic step to save America.  At this time I do not believe there are military leaders who would risk their careers to save America.  I do believe there are U.S. Generals who despise Obama and his anti-American leadership methods.
If martial law were ever declared by Dictator Obama, I believe this would be the turning point in the decision making process of American Generals.  U.S. military leaders have always acted on what is in the best interest of our country.  They would not allow it to be destroyed by self interest mongers such as the Obama administration, the liberal media, and Islamic based terrorist supporters in America.
During a military coup it would take the public opinion of the public to push American Generals forward.  This happened in Egypt.  A military coup would lead to violence in America as we have not seen since the civil war.
Do readers think Dictator Obama and his crew have not thought about the possibility his own military could attempt a coup?  There is little doubt they have.  This is the only reason Obama attempts to placate U.S. military personnel. He needs them on his side if he is to succeed in destroying America.
The big question is, would military leaders in America have enough public support to carry out such an operation?  Publicly most Americans would say no, but I believe behind the scenes at least 50% of the population would.
Islam and their supporting liberals are doing their very best to destroy America.  Will it can? Will U.S. military leaders allow it to happen?
For our children I hope military leaders do not have to engage in a military coup in America.  The only true victims in any war are the children. Dave G.

So, just as Egypt’s military understood that to get rid of Morsi’s Brotherhood Mafia the only way forward was through a coup, it is entirely possible that the same conclusion will result with the U.S. chain of command. Yet, if not for the Brotherhood’s treason committed against Egypt this would hardly, at this volatile point, have come to pass. At the same time, Egypt’s leaders rightfully ignored Obama Inc. as they attempted to keep Morsi in power through threats of this and that.

Concomitantly, America is in very grave peril, and from its leadership too. Indeed, those who are familiar with these pages know full well that wishing doesn’t make it so, therefore, pretending that what is isn’t is a non-starter. Not only that, but magical thinking is NOT a substitute for concrete strategic policy making, certainly not in tiny besieged Israel, nor in the U. S., the (heretofore) greatest democracy in the world. Therefore, though it would be a shock – despite the co-option of many in the Pentagon – others along the chain of command may conclude that they have no other choice, but to grab the reins. It may become the only option to save the nation. But please heed this GRAVE warning from a retired U.S. Army Captain and pass it along, as if your (American) lives depend on it!

Nevertheless, a dark, dark prospect. Bone chilling.

MR. PRESIDENT, For TRANSPARENCY Sake, Isn’t There Something You’d Like To Confess To The American People? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Knowing full well that the leftward, appeasing media will never ask the most penetrating/salient questions it is incumbent upon the alternative media to hoist the mantle. To pick up the slack. In response to this daunting mission – and due to the fact that skeletons in any POTUS’s closet can become wildly dangerous to the national interest, utilizing blackmail as a prime tool – it behooves the rest of us to press Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s buttons. Besides, his skeletons are screaming to “come out”! 

Rest assured, if he was a private citizen and bent on the ‘down low’, well, it would hardly be worth any mention at all. What business is it of ours anyway? Don’t we all have our own lives to lead, and shouldn’t  grown ups recognize when not to meddle in another adult’s bedroom proclivities? Of course, the calculus does change, but mainly if one is a scorned spouse or said ‘person of interest’ is lusting after another’s child! But when it comes to the POTUS, whatever his/her name, lack of transparency is NOT optional. It is obligatory.

Yet, as the man-child, aka the POTUS, soils the People’s House, more secrets lay hidden than not. Besides, is this any way to demonstrate ones electoral mantra – one of many unfulfilled ‘promises’ – for a newly transparent leadership? Nope. And the fact of the matter is that re-shaking the ‘down low’ skeletons in the POTUS’s closet has become irksome and tiresome, but the truth needs to be out in the open. Not known to be much of a complainer, or one to eschew hard work, but some of us need vacations too, just like Michele and the girls! Moreover, the Lowlife-in-Chief continues his adventures sucking at the taxpayer trough, and with no relief in sight. Doesn’t he realize that the coffers are bled dry? Insult to injury. But make little mistake, had the ‘fetch it’ media conducted their due diligence before the wayward crew took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (turning it into a cross between a Hollyweird nightmare, and with the POTUS’s chief supporters knocking about), this too would have caught their attention: Rev Wright and his ‘guiding’ hands. What the hell is wrong with these people? 

Most significantly, Benghazigate and his ‘missing time’ is more than relevant to the discussion, and its blow back is reverberating on a global scale. It will continue to do so for heaven knows how long. And it is this secret which DIRECTLY led to an AWOL POTUS, at the time Americans were killed in Libya. Cause and effect.

‘Barack Obama hid ‘gay life’ to become president?’  By Dean Chambers What did they know and when did they know it? Remember it was Newsweek magazine, while they were still a print publication last year, that proclaimed Barack Obama our “first gay president.” Obama was believed by many in Chicago to be gay because of his decades of involvement in the gay bar scene in the city. This article in World Net Daily reports, “A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.” The article quotes Kevin DuJan, of Hillbuzz.org, as saying, “Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president.” DuJan, who was a gossip columnist in Chicago for years while Obama was a community organizer there, told WND that he know from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.” DuJan also emphasized, that Obama “is not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual He’s homosexual.”

WND also quotes Wayne Madsen, Navy intelligence analyst who worked for the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988, as saying, “It is common knowledge in the Chicago gay community that Obama actively visited the gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago while he was an Illinois state senator.” Obama served four years as a state senator, after being elected to that position in November of 2004. The artice by Dr. Jerome Corsi has much much more proof of it’s claim that Obama is gay and has been gay for a long time. Read the article and decide for yourself, if you think Obama is gay and hid his homosexuality to remain “politically viable” and run for president. For those who are quick to say that his marriage to Michelle Obama and his two daughters disprove that he’s gay, remember that being gay is a choice one makes and it doesn’t change the fact, that even a gay man still has the ability to father children.

Remember Jim McGreevey, the former governor of New Jersey, who resigned the office in shame. He had been married to two women, had a daughter with each, before he announced in 2005, saying “I am a gay American.” Wikipedia lists his third spouse as a man named Mark O’Donnell. http://www.qstarnews.com/a/articletemplate3.cfm?articlenumber=2691

So, come on Mr. President, be a man and step up. Show the people what TRANSPARENCY really means. Besides, it is no longer necessary to hide behind wifey Michele, beard-like. DOMA has been knocked down, and you have already taken a tentative step forward, demonstrating that you are giddy with delight at the prospect of same sex ‘marriages’. So much so that you called a particular happy couple while aboard Air Force One. It is high time you ‘came out’. Be loud and proud! Walk like a man.This American-Israeli will be the first to wish you mazal tov, even paying for the long distance call. Promise.

Barack HUSSEIN Obama Acts As A Shield For Islamic Regimes: Iranian Freedom Fighters Exposed His Hand…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{Watcher of Weasels Award…scroll down to Non-Council Winners}

Many moons ago – at least in the time frame of countless ADD-afflicted westerners – the Islamist-in-Chief was immersed, as usual, in perpetual campaign mode and golf jaunts, all the while Iranian freedom fighters were slaughtered in their streets. Barely 4 years have passed since the leader of the free world ignored their pleas, as Iranians begged for assistance to remove the boot of the mullahs via the so called “twitter revolution. Obama Inc’s national disgrace is amply described within the above Washington Times Editorial.

It goes without saying, the Islamist-in-Chief has no interest in freeing the Mid East from the sword of Islam. His embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is more than emblematic of said charge. In fact, the polar opposite is the case. Currently, the leader of the free world is agitating (also threatening Egypt’s military) for Morsi’s Mafia to be set free, even though Egypt’s military has evidence of treason against them. Think about what this means in terms of which side America is siding with and the geo-political blow back, its knock-on effects. Besides, each and every intervention (“leading from behind” or full frontal) ends in further disaster, both for the west and towards regional factions seeking freedom.

True to form, here is a devilish sampling of the Pyromaniac-in-Chief’s handiwork:

Regarding the Mid East landscape, the planned empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia ala Egypt is resoundingly resonant. Thus, an earthquake in the Arab world’s most populous nation is erupting.  And since the Brotherhood Mafia is a GLOBAL organ the blow back exploded into the heart of Boston’s streets

As such, are the above constructs compatible with a Commander-in-Chief who hearts liberty and freedom, or is he more in line with totalitarian rule emanating from political-theo Islam, the authentic boot of the mullahs and assorted Islamists?


‘We were expecting Mr. Obama to help the Iranian people … but he hasn’t’

  • The sister of a man arrested and tortured to death by the Islamic regime in Iran says the Iranian people love America and Americans and it hurt them when the Obama administration did nothing to help with a sprouting democracy movement there at the outset of his administration.

Nasrin Mohammadi was interviewed by WND about a pending lawsuit against the powers of Iran who jailed her brother, Akbar, for seven years, then killed him.

  • In two videos, she explains how the help sought by the Iranians, repressed under the mullahs of what was ancient Persia, never developed. The pro-democracy movement surged during the time of the Iranian elections, which took place shortly after Obama was elected.

The case in which she is a plaintiff against Iran and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is seeking $387 million in damages.

The claim recently was submitted by attorney Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch on behalf of members of the Mohammadi family, including Manouchehr, Reza, Simin and Nasrin.

“Iran is a state sponsor of terror that is performing acts of terrorism on citizens of its own country as well as the United States,” Klayman wrote in a Memorandum on Damages under the Alien Tort Claims Act, the Torture Victim Protection Act and the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.

He said, “The systematic imprisonment, torture, and extrajudicial killings being performed deserve nothing but the most extreme monetary punishment. Because the award of punitive damages comes from multiple plaintiffs with multiple causes of action an amount of $300 million is appropriate in this instance… The amount is enough to punish the defendants, who continue to imprison, torture, and murder their own citizens and others who they oppose to this day.”

Klayman broke down the claim as $45 million for economic damages, $27 million for pain and suffering, “solatium damages,” which are mental anguish damages, of $15 million, and the $300 million in punitive damages.

“This amount is nothing but a drop in the bucket for the world’s second largest producer of oil and world’s most prolific and dangerous designated terrorist state,” Klayman noted.

He explained, “In cases such as this, the [court] analysis typically results in punitive damages in an amount three times Iran’s annual expenditure on terrorism, or $300,000,000.”

There was testimony submitted just weeks ago on the damages, since the defendants already are in default, having failed to respond to the court action.

The complaint charged Ahmadinejad, the nation’s supreme leader, the Revolutionary Guard, and the Islamic Republic of Iran as a whole brutally tortured and murdered Akbar Mohammadi.

He was the first student leader to call for “regime change” in Iran as part of the so-called Green Revolution, Klayman said.

“Hopefully,” Klayman said, “this trial will serve to wake up Americans and others to the threat of Islamic Iran to the civilized world, in order to have them demand that our government finally support the Iranian freedom movement by abandoning the administration’s policy of appeasement, truly support Israel, and eliminate these neo-Nazi mullahs and their proxies, as the nation was forced to do with Adolf Hitler.”

Testimony in the case was sought from former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, Iran experts Michael Ledeen and Ken Timmerman, and former U.N. Ambassador Alan Keyes.

“President Obama and his administration, rather than supporting freedom fighters like the Mohammadis and working for regime change (which would also eliminate Iran’s nuclear threat), have turned a blind eye to these crimes against humanity and instead, like Neville Chamberlain with Hitler, have sought to appease the Islamic Republic of Iran. Now, justice will finally be done in an American courtroom,” Klayman said.

The second part of Nasrin Mohammadi’s video: (An additional three parts of the series are contained in a report to be published soon).

“He (Akbar) was not just a freedom or political activist,” Nasrin Mohammadi explains. “I miss him today. I was so close to him.”

The goal is to pull back the curtain on the atrocities imposed by the government in Iran, she said.

“I’m proud of him. He lost his life for his nation, for freedom and human rights,” she said. “The regime took him to jail and arrested him. After serving seven years in jail, the regime took him in the dungeon of the jail and tortured him. He was killed under torture. He was chanting viva freedom.”

She said the case will reveal to the world the terrorists in the Islamic regime.

Nasrin Mohammadi relates in her second video how her parents were told by the government to shut her up too, and she eventually left Iran entirely.

“We were expecting Mr. Obama to help the Iranian people. … but he hasn’t,” she said. “Mr. Obama, are you with us or are you with the mullahs? Yes. Mr. Obama is with the mullahs…”

WND reported earlier when Judge Beryl Howell scheduled the trial in the dispute on behalf of the Mohammadi family.

The case originated several years ago on behalf of Akbar and Manouchehr Mohammadi. They were two famous student leaders who were instrumental in kick-starting the freedom movement in Iran.

The students were imprisoned and tortured, and in Akbar’s case, killed by the Islamic regime in Iran. Klayman said the case not only seeks compensation for the atrocities but, more importantly, justice for crimes against humanity.

Howell’s earlier ruling said Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Sayid Ali Hoseyni Khamenei, the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran were in default.

Klayman said Iran is a “major threat” to the world peace, and it needs to be put in its place.

“In so doing, not only will the Persian people be freed from bondage and terror, but the nuclear threat will have been largely eliminated, and Israel and the West protected from the horrors of this regime,” he said.


This site will not tolerate any refuge for the so called “Arab Spring”, in reality, an Arab nightmare, and the outrageous spin put out by Obama’s minions and their assorted leftist henchmen. Hence, the following also inserts the nail in the mendacious mantra, yes, Barack HUSSEIN Obama has Israel’s back!  

Indictment sealed.

The POTUS’s Illegal Actions: A 36 Page Compendium…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Much time, energy and resources (calling in ‘favors’ isn’t a one way street) has been exerted detailing the unlawful actions of Obama Inc. Predictably, the abusive messages from their minions pour in fast and furious…who can keep up…but this is like water off a duck’s back…And yes, the buck does stop at the POTUS’s door, even though his handmaidens and surrogates are equally culpable.  

Lest readers believe otherwise, there is no “malice aforethought” ( the term is generally applicable to the act of murder and its essence holds that of premeditation, but this is not the case herein, even though THEIR actions are fully pre-planned) in reporting their aggregate of malfeasance. In fact, it is downright depressing and degrading, as any patriot can attest. And just because one is an expatriate doesn’t make it any less compelling and onerous/burdensome.

But without having the goods none of the above would amount to squat. In fact, this blog’s compendium of research is so vast and pervasive it would take two lifetimes to completely do it justice. And yes, there are other topical-worthy matters – personal ones as well – which require this writer’s attention!

Hence, a short compilation will have to suffice. So commence with the latest, but start with this charge sheet: Indeed, in which universe is it legal to prop up community organizing grads at taxpayer expense? And with a regime gone wild, aren’t the abuses at the IRS more than meets the eye, knowing full well that the agency holds the keys to Obamacare, as well as the taxpayer trough? 

But why anyone is still shocked by their treachery is beyond comprehension, unless one is missing a few screws. And one needn’t be the sharpest tool in the shed either. Not at all. After all, there are so many poopy droppings, one can’t help but step in them. Yet to aid the process along, go back to this blog’s beginnings, precisely in August 2012, and the following was front and center: An anti-American POTUS runs an un-American campaign was meant to warn the readers of the disasters afoot, if the Radical-in-Chief managed to grab a second term!

Yet it is within Congress’s mandate/purview to rein them in, even if they are becoming more and more irrelevant – rubber stamp-like. And reports, per se, won’t cut it. Quick, decisive actions are mandatory, if America – as a Constitutional Republic – is to survive.


AUGUST 17, 2010 BY Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson, Floyd Reports

Congressman Darrell Issa has produced a shocking new report detailing the Obama administration’s extensive use of taxpayer-funded propaganda, which he says breaks federal law. The report created for theHouse Committee on Oversight and Government Reform details how the former Alinskyite community organizer has channeled the resources of the federal government — that is, your money — to create “a sophisticated propaganda and lobbying campaign” made up of “inappropriate and sometimes unlawful public relations and propaganda initiatives.” The highlights include:

  • Using federal arts grants to spread Obama’s legislative message. Last August 10, administration officials held a conference call with National Endowment of the Arts grant recipients. Buffy Wicks, a college radical who worked in Valerie Jarrett‘s Office of Public Engagement, told the invitees,  “we’re going to come at you with some specific ‘asks’ here,” specifically supporting Obama’s initiatives on health care, the environment, or energy. She suggested, “We wanted folks to connect…with federal agencies, with labor unions, progressive groups, face groups [faith groups, perhaps?], women’s groups, you name it.”  Within 48 hours, no fewer than 21 arts organizations released a statement endorsing ObamaCare.
  • The Dept. of Health and Human Services paid MIT economist Jonathan Gruber nearly $400,000 for various jobs. He did not disclose his employment by HHS while writing a string of op-eds, nor while testifying before the Senate in favor of, ObamaCare.
  • The Justice Dept. hired Tracy Russo, the former blogger for John Edwards, to comment on internet articles or bulletin board messages that criticized Barack Obama and his agenda. She did this anonymously or used a pen name.
  • A Dept. of Education officer used the White House email to send his colleagues eight bullet points to “communicate the merits of the President’s proposal with your members and their audiences.”
  • Andy Griffith starred in a Medicare “update” that doubled as a commercial for Obama’s health care legislation. Not only is the PSAl propaganda, it is erroneous. A writer with the nonpartisan FactCheck.org remarked Griffith’s scripted “promise that ‘benefits will remain the same’ is just as fictional as the town of Mayberry.”
  • The White House routinely drove traffic to websites that lobby for Obama’s legislation.

You can read the full report here.(update: it looks like ALL the links are now broken, having checked back 3 months later on 10/16/13, but they were in FULL view July 2013…pray tell, why??) 

It’s not bad enough the president is a megalomaniac who skirts the law to foist his far-Left agenda on the American people — he also uses your money to do it.”

A very capable rendition of what’s what can be found at Anti-Obama “Witch Hunts”…or WHICH Hunts?“. Western Center for Journalism, as usual, let’s it all hang out. NOT only that, but there appears to be a ‘smoking gun’, one which can bring the whole regime to its knees. Its essence is found within the so called Birther kerfuffle, one which is dismissed as crackpot-worthy. Not so fast. Recall, ‘The Teflon-One’ hired a slew of high priced lawyers to shield his documents from outing. Well and good. However, one of THEIR own resident experts, a forensics document examiner !, is jumping on board – the ‘Birther’ wagon. Holy crap.

And while it is heartening to realize that Rep Issa has led the charge sheet, it won’t matter a whit if Obama & gang are not behind bars, not unlike other Federal criminals. For if abusing tax payer funds (the tip of their crimes) in the service of radical, community organizing “ideals” – to make good on his/their promise to “transform” America – is not a criminal act, then what exactly rises to the definition? 

Isn’t it crystal clear from all of the above, plus so much more, that bringing down America is their raison d’etre?

While America Spirals Downward & The West Is On The Precipice, What Tactics Are Used To Deflect The Public From Obama Inc’s Crimes? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

One would need round the clock surveillance of Obama Inc. (a criminal regime which rivals the worst tin pot dictatorships…no wonder they heart each othereven as the Radical-in-Chief just saluted mass murdering Ho Chi Minh in a press conference, stating that this communist killer was inspired by the Founding Fathers…oh so sickening…what has happened to the late, great USA…this deviant POTUS can also teach a thing or two to the real Mafia Inc) to catch them in their many acts of betrayal.

But like others who flout the rule of law they are not as smart as they think they are, even though this wayward crew is rife with graduates from the once hallowed Ivy League. Instead, they have left enough breadcrumbs to get locked up for life, perhaps two lifetimes, but that would take members of Congress with balls. Nevertheless, if they still want to lay claim to the mantle of the ‘smart set’, this blog highly recommends they return to school for refresher courses. Remedial education is mandated, forthwith. Besides, one is never too old to learn their proper lessons.

And while building more jail cells to house the likes of Obama Inc. would help the flatter than flat job market, surely there are more efficient ways to boost the labor force. But no matter, these are the cards dealt, and those of us who love freedom and its underpinnings will just have to suck it up and charge ahead. Yet, before this can be done, it is imperative to unlock their ‘head fakes’, as the deeper lessons learned are key to liberty’s survival.

So, as Americans (others too) are mesmerized by the reality tv-like sordid saga of Weiner’s sexcapades (a deviant middle aged man…talk about Demsters scraping the bottom of the barrel, but they too have their limits) all is not as it seems. 

On the one hand, the titillating effects of Weiner’s private parts (readers, take mental note of the slang meaning of his last name…you can’t make this stuff up) is grist for the talk show circuit, yet this is SERIOUS business. How exactly? Hint: It has zip to do with Weiner’s inability to keep his pants zipped, but it does involve wifey, Huma Abedin. Pay strict heed to the following: She is part and parcel of the House of Saud and its grand jihad. Moreover, Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s roots are deeply embedded within the Wahhabist kingdom too. But it is not as if Abedin dropped from the sky onto U.S. shores and into Hillary Clinton’s (her real partner) orbit. Not at all. She entered through the same stealth arena detailed in the above commentary, the House of Saud and its grand jihad – the MSA. Becoming a Board Member, exactly like all its infamous Al Qaeda/Brotherhood alumni, she held sway over its recruits. This coy diva shoots for the top and she learned her jihadi lessons well. More pointedly, wayward hubbie is receiving donations from the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, Al Jazeera…listen to these tidbits blow by blow, via terror hunter Tom Trento’s Trentovision! Color this hunter and digger shocked – or not…Not only that, ‘Mama Dearest’ (the wanna be Mayor’s mother-in-law) is the Dean of a women’s university in Saudi Arabia and is a TOP Sisterhood operative. Know this, when it comes to discrimination in the misogynist Muslim/Arab world, dispensation is made for jihad, stealth or direct.

Now, onto the sex, lies and diversions…

By Douglas J. Hagmann – Northeast Intelligence Network

24 July 2013:  Are you growing tired of the continuing distractions created by the Obama-Holder regime of racial radicalization regarding the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman matter? I believe there is one way that this matter could be forever sent to the ever growing black hole of criminal activities perpetrated by this tyrannical regime and media complicity. Perhaps we could ask Mr. Zimmerman to legally change his name to Benjamin Ghazi, or Ben Ghazi, thereby assuring that his name and perhaps the incident itself would never be again spoken by Obama.

I have not computed the print space, air time, or the passion expended by the bobble-headed political pundits pertaining to the Zimmerman case, but I suspect that it far exceeds the coverage of the events leading up to the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. While Obama and his cabal of cronies continue to use the Holder justice department to stir racial tensions and steamroll states into submission, the focus of the American people is purposely being directed away from the historic beginnings of a third world war that we are about to see unfold.

The events in Benghazi, once exposed for all to see, will reveal that the CIA, Obama’s other “private army,” was involved in one of the largest arms trafficking operations in the Middle East by furnishing arms and training to the anti-Assad terrorists. It is the agenda of the Saudis and the Muslim Brotherhood that Obama has been and continues to export, yet Americans remain largely in the dark about such world changing matters.

Speaking of the Muslim Brotherhood, perhaps Hillary Rodham Clinton aide Huma Abedin, now the new Tammy Wynette of New York state politics, could urge her husband, Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner to change his “sexting” handle to something less likely to be picked up by the corporate media. May I suggest Fast ‘n Furious, which just might be more appropriate to his serial disturbance of electrons as images of his private parts stream through the NSA fiber-optic filters, rendering the obligatory government watchers temporarily traumatized.

After all, if it is not picked up by today’s scratch and sniff media, it doesn’t appear to exist.

But while it is doubtful that the wanna be Mayor will last long enough to get on the ticket, meanwhile, the gangsters running Washington are charging forward, distracting the masses through their media surrogates. Yet, where are they heading? Straight towards a World War, which will make the last two pale in comparison. And even though Morsi and his Brotherhood Mafia are on the outs due to Egypt’s military coup (not a bad move on the part of the Generals…never mind) they are creating mayhem all throughout the Mid East, and beyond, with their Al Qaeda brethren. 

It’s way beyond a dangerous worldwide mess, yet the losers, as it stands, will be those who cherish freedom. At the same time, the Islamist-in-Chief is toiling to cement his Brothers into the most important recesses, sooner than later, of the United Sharia States of America!

Al Qaeda Bearing Down On Three Israeli Fronts: PM Netanyahu Dropped The Ball, Barack HUSSEIN Obama-Once Again-AWOL…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

This site has continually lambasted Jerusalem’s dependence on Washington for its ‘red light/green light’ security imperatives. As a result, four months ago, a featured commentary warned of the bellying up of Al Qaeda to Israel’s borders. Nevertheless, despite any babblings to the contrary, PM Netanyahu has indeed been hewing to the Islamist-in-Chief’s ‘hands off’ policy, particularly in relation to any ‘root canal’ operations threatening its borders.    

So, is it any surprise that DEBKAfile’s intelligence analysts are also blasting PM Netanyahu, for his absolute failure to deal with the Al Qaeda menace encircling Israel’s throat, even though it was evidenced many months ago? Not to mention the fire alarm emanating from PM Netanyahu, just 10 days ago: Netanyahu: Iran ‘weeks away’ from crossing red line! What kind of leader cuts it so close to the trip wire? Rhetorical question.
DEBKAfile Special Report July 24, 2013, 8:45 AM (IDT)
That the Netanyahu government took a wrong turn in its policy of non-intervention in the Syrian conflict was manifested by the warning coming from the IDF’s military intelligence (AMAN) chief Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi Tuesday night, July 23, when he said that Syria had become a global battleground for al Qaeda.

Addressing a passing-out ceremony at the IDF’s Officers’ School, Kochavi warned that the thousands of al Qaeda pouring into Syria from around the world are fighting to create an Islamic state there, just as they are in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. This peril, he said, is closing in on Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
At the UN Security Council in New York, his words were echoed by Robert Serry, UN Coordinator of the Middle East peace process, who said Syria “is increasingly turning into a big global battleground.”
It is important to note that Gen. Kochavi issued his warning shortly after returning home from meetings in
Washington with senior US military and intelligence officers.  He flew to the US on July 17, on the day that hostilities flared between the Israeli and Syrian armies in the southern Golan on a scale which was never released to the public.
That clash marked the bankruptcy of the government and army command’s efforts to stop the tide of violence from reaching Israel’s northern borders by means of a tactic of virtual non-involvement, aside from limited aid to certain Syrian rebel groups, medical care for some of their wounded and certain unreported small-scale operations.

Threats from five separate sources now threaten to swamp those efforts entirely. They are posed by the Syrian army; Hizballah; global jiahdists; armed Syrian rebel militias funded by Saudi Arabia; and Al Qaeda groups bolstered for the first time by the arrival in recent weeks Pakistani Taliban groups of fighters.
Islamist forces are thrusting forward strongly in eastern, northern and western Syria. They murder any non-Islamist rebel chiefs, especial Free Syrian Army commanders, standing in their way and are moving on towards Lebanon and Jordan as well.
What strikes most concern in Jerusalem, are the first signs of a tie-in between al Qaeda in Syria and al Qaeda in Sinai. The intelligence chief’ went to Washington with a report that coordinated terrorist operations against Israel were shaping up for the first time from Syria, Sinai and possibly Lebanon too.

It was suddenly borne in on Israel that its two strikes against Syria’s chemical weapons and the transfer of advanced hardware to Hizballah were wide of the mark. The greatest danger has turned out to be Al Qaeda’s spreading potency. Anyway, chemical warfare has since spread across the Syrian battlefield and Hizballah forces fighting in Syria simply take direct delivery of advanced weapons from the Syrian army, without even trying to transfer them to Lebanon.

The IDF has failed to come to grips with Al Qaeda on the Syrian front no less than the Egyptian army, for different reasons, has succeeded in curbing the jihadist marauders in Sinai.
As the mainstream Syrian rebel movement crumbles, al Qaeda is bolstered by an influx of fighters, weapons and funds from across the Muslim world, including the Persian Gulf. Over the past year, the IDF has had to reconfigure its deployment against Syria – first to contend with the potential of chemical weapons, then Iranian military involvement, followed by Hizballah’s advance towards the Israeli border and now al Qaeda’s inroads.
Gen. Kochavi was not led to expect a sympathetic hearing in Washington for Israel’s concerns.
The Obama administration is up to its neck in its efforts to speed the US military drawdown in Afghanistan and break off contact with the Taliban, whose Pakistani branch has meanwhile turned up in Syria.

The Israeli intelligence chief found Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Chiefs of Staff, fully engaged in phrasing an open letter to senators to rebuff their criticism of President Barack Obama’s decision to stay out of the Syrian conflict:
In his letter, he outlined the five options for involvement with price tags:
1. Training, advising and assisting the opposition;
2. Conducting limited strikes;
3. Establishing a no-fly zone;
4. Creating buffer zones inside Syria;
5. Controlling Damascus’s chemical arms.

Gen Dempsey estimated that the first option would cost about $500m a year, while each of the other four actions would require roughly $1bn a month, i.e., $12bn a year.
The US army chief did not elaborate on the long-term cost to the US treasury of non-involvement in operations to keep al Qaeda at bay as it fights to get a stranglehold on Syria, like in Yemen and North African Sahara.
Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and its chief of staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz are struggling with imperatives to cut down on military outlay at the very moment when they need extra funding too keep the Al Qaeda menace away from Israel’s door. Gen. Dempsey has helped them by calculating costs. But that’s as far as it goes. For the fight, Israel is on its own.

IF Jerusalem does not see the Obama regime as a clear and present danger to its interests, then surely they are unfit to lead. In fact, during his first term all the warning signs were neon red, thus, months before the 2012 election, the following clarion call emitted from these pagesAnd not unlike a metastasizing cancer, the past five years (more precisely, since the hellish Oslo Peace/Death Accords…yet the ‘peace’ train is still chugging forward!) have demonstrated a complete breakdown in Israel’s strategic calculus, one in which walking and chewing gum have been a non-starter, even though doing so would have reaped many rewards. But THAT would take statesmen at the helm.

In plain English, in concert with choking off Al Qaeda’s (and assorted jihadi groups under its command…six of one…half a dozen of another) strangehold, Israel’s thrust against Iran’s genocidal program could have been executed in parallel. So, not only are Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, etc freely operating in Syria, as are all of Iran’s proxy arms, but the heretofore ‘red line’ has essentially come and gone.  

Most intrinsically, whatever future actions Jerusalem takes, in relation to the above circle of death, its fallout will be at an exponentially higher cost to Israel’s (held captive to appeasement-oriented leaders) citizens. And herein lies its (strategic) essence.

Terror Hunter, Tom Trento – Once Again – Enters The Fray Via Trento Vision: Is Israel Smart Enough To Attack Iran? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Only those living in a cave, or in their own alternate universe, aren’t aware that the nuclear clock is ticking via Iran’s genocidal regime. In this regard, PM Netanyahu’s infamous ‘red line’ has been explored ad infinitum. Contained within the embedded link can be found the gravity of the situation, aka, the ‘matzav’. 

That being said, ‘to strike or not’ has never been about the ability to do so, as Israel possesses the requisite ‘tools’ without any back up needed from the Islamist-in-Chief. But it has always been, and tragically so, the case that Jerusalem’s joined-at-the-hip dependency on Washington has hampered effective action, and not just in the Iranian orbit. True, booms here and there exploded as required, but they were only tactical delays, albeit momentarily (mentally) uplifting. A false sense of security. ‘Permission slips’ are the usual ‘norm’.

Into the fray enters Tom Trento from The United WestSome readers are familiar with the connection herein, but for those who aren’t it is time to jump on board. His info/intel/insights are priceless. Seal Team Six seems to agree too, otherwise they would not have aired on Trentovision.
Is Israel smart enough to attack
Many people think that a preemptive attack by one country against another is
unacceptable in today’s enlightened world. HA! First of all, we are fighting an enemy,
Jihadi Muslims, who reject the “enlightened” elements of the 21st century and secondly,
we are dealing with actionable threats that can bring about apocalyptic results.
Watch this show as we sift through some very touchy areas related to the
USA and Israel destroying Iran’s nuclear capability.
Join us on Thursday at 5pm eastern, as we talk with Major General Paul Vallely
Billy and Karen Vaughn, parents of SEAL team Six warrior, Aaron,
who was killed in action on August 6, 2011.
This disturbing story of Extortion 17 (call sign of the helicopter that went down)
is a graphic example of how the US government is betraying it’s war fighters
and it’s citizens in prosecuting a convoluted doctrine of modern warfare.
As to the question of pre-emption and its legal legitimacy, look no further than to the world’s expert, Professor Louis Rene Beres (my mentor). Most significantly, Project Daniel was presented to PM Ariel Sharon back in 2003, regarding Israel’s legal right to pre-empting Iran’s genocidal program.
Yes, oftentimes it takes those outside the established leadership to get to the heart of the matter. As a matter of record, if not for alternative media as well as stalwart hunters and diggers, the dangers within – purposefully fueled by Obama Inc. – would be exponentially worse.
In effect, those who are tasked to serve and protect American citizens are doing no such thing. In fact, the citizens need protection from them! But it is not as if it is a bed of roses in Israel either. Hell no. IF not for the leftist machinations from Israel’s civil society elites – who really run the country – its strategic situation would not be in a noose, duly evinced by peering through the enemy’s binoculars!

PHASE TWO To ‘Deconstructing The U.S. Economy’: Gold Plunges 66%, Two Days Later JP Morgan’s MAIN Gold Warehouse Catches Fire. Coincidence? What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Many of us who have been paying attention, especially those who ‘dig’ for the truth, have been raising alarms over the current financial chicanery (as well as the erupting scandals) exacerbated by Obama Inc., in tandem with worldwide players. In particular, the in-bed manipulation, via politicians and banksters, is coming to a head. However, its effects will absolutely explode under the reign of Obama, and it is not for nothing. 

As leader of the (heretofore) free world, whatever the Radical-in-Chief sets in motion reverberates worldwide. As such, a centerpiece expose’ set this particular blog discussion on course, back in August 2012. Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Deconstruction Plans: Green-Wise Via The Economy & Disarming The Citizens Via Gun Control was a warning shot. It was followed up, in rapid succession, by Shoring Up The POTUS’s Second Term PlansBoth were the foundations for future commentaries, based upon highly suspicious information leaking out (from trusted investigative contacts) re ‘mama Janet’s’ DHS, duly described herehereherehereherehereand so on, until its cumulative warning evinced at The Killing Of The Dollar & Obama Inc’s Erupting Scandals: Where Is The Nexus?

Most significantly, before reaching the thrust of the fire – literally – pay heed to the following, warned about at Killing The Dollar

Some might be surprised to learn that the fate of America’s economy has already been determined, verified and announced by the Obama White House. Yet, it has received scant attention from the corporate media. In 2011, economist Kyle Bass interviewed a senior member of the Obama administration about its planned solutions for fixing the US economy and trade deficit[i].The economic agenda: In plain sight

Among the questions he asked was about U.S. exports and wages, but the question itself was not nearly as important as the response he received from this senior administration official. In fact, this single, seven word response clarifies everything, explains everything, and leaves little else to discuss: “We’re just going to kill the dollar.”

Now, onto the ‘deconstruction of the economy’ referenced above, and it includes both currencies – the dollar AND gold.

Massive Fire JPMorgan Gold Depot – False Flag? (Video)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What better way to make sure there is no longer any gold than to ‘destroy the lack of evidence’? A massive fire has struck JPMorgan’s gold depot. Does the FACT that JPMorgan’s gold inventory plunged 66% on Friday have ANYTHING at all to do with this fire? When will American’s learn the bankers have looted us all? At least all of us still doing business with the bankers….something I gave up long ago…

A journalist on scene on Wall Street this evening has just sent us footage of a massive fleet of Firetrucks and ambulances in front of JP Morgan’s former headquarters at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, with fire-fighters stating they are responding to a COMMERCIAL VAULT FIRE IN THE BASEMENT of JPM’s headquarters at 15 Broad St!
With JPM’s gold inventory plunging 66% Friday to an all-time low of 46,000 ounces, and with reportedly over 502,000 ounces still standing against JPM for the JUNE gold contract, is the long anticipated force-majeure event in progress?

*UPDATE: FDNY tweet confirms fire is in a commercial vault!…herein as well – Liveleak.com reports on massive fire in the basement at JP Morgan gold warehouse on Wall Street.

Make no mistake, gold’s plunge 66%, this past Friday, set the actual fire in motion! Coincidence?  

Due to all of the above a decision was made, in April 2013, to agree to review Bringing Down America: An FBI Informant With The WeathermenThis was not undertaken lightly, with the forethought that it could serve as another lightening rod for those seeking – at all costs – to protect this dangerous regime. Nevertheless, this blog stands by every charge presented at American Thinker.

Michael Hastings & His ‘Mysterious’ Fiery Crash: Investigative Reporter Came Too Close For Obama Inc’s Comfort…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

There are many bugaboos used to silence truth seekers. The usual suspects are laced with charges of ‘racism‘. Big whoop.Thus, if you believe Zimmerman is innocent – despite his acquittal – you’re targeted as a vile ‘racist’, never mind that the arresting Florida Police Chief agrees with this blog’s assessment: Yes, Zimmerman was arrested to ‘placate’ the public! In a similar perverted vein, heaven forfend, if you voice opposition to the gutting of DOMA, you’re deemed an unrepentant ‘homophobe‘ – traditional family underpinnings and Judeo-Christian moorings, be damned.              

And the latest one is a made up out of whole cloth         ‘phobia’, ‘Islamophobia‘. Therefore, if you refuse to be silent, regarding the dangers of political/theo Islam, watch your back – literally. Sheesh. And there are too many other leftist silencers, but some of us refuse to be cowed. NOT in this lifetime…

Back to Hastings, and those who work assiduously to frame Obama Inc’s narrative. In this regard, as most realize (though from the media coverage, one would be hard pressed to posit alternative theories…the crash is ‘solved’…case closed, despite ALL the irrefutable discrepancies), car crashes fall into several categories. They can be weather-related, and mechanical failure is sometimes (though less often) at play. It runs the gamut. Forensics often (though not always) determine the proximate cause. However, a fatal crash, more often than not, is the result of the driver or another driver’s impairment or recklessness. 

And it is not as if this blog is unfamiliar with said subject matter. In a tangentially related matter – the wreckage wrought by alcoholism – the following fall out has been explored at these pages on multiple occasions and from various fronts. The Deadly & Devastating Effects of Drunk Driving is one such piece of exploration.

In any case, it is verily impossible to pull the wool over these eyes, and when unsure of the ‘facts’ presented, there are more than a few experts to tap into, that’s a fact. Hastings death is no exception.

So when 1 + 1 and a + b aren’t adding up, it may be easier to let things rest, rather than tarred with another bugaboo – a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Yet, while there are far too many of them out there in cyberspace (and elsewhere), this address spares them no umbrage. Besides, there are overwhelming and pressing matters to attend to – little ones to spoil too – with precious time left for nonsense. Least of all, there is no inclination to see things which are not there. But leaving the ‘truth’ to the lying media is so much worse. Color this blogger ‘this or that’. Who cares.

In light of the above, try the following on for your own thoughtful evaluation, and see what comes to the forefront. Re-shaking the ‘down low’ skeletons is a treasure trove of evidence which indicts the POTUS, whether or not its contents make the reader uncomfortable. Sorry for that.


Jul. 8, 2013 

It has been almost three weeks since BuzzFeed reporter Michael Hastings was killed in a fiery car crash in Los Angeles, yet important details about his death are still unknown.

XETV-TV in San Diego is investigating the mysterious car accident to find answers regarding the award-winning journalist’s sudden death. Hastings is best known for his 2010 Rolling Stone bombshell story that forced Gen. Stanley McChrystal to resign as commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Details of Reporter Michael Hastings Death in Fiery Car Crash Remain a Mystery

XETV-TV details what we know about Hastings’ death so far:

According to City News Service Hastings, 33, “was driving south on Highland Avenue when he apparently lost control of the compact (2013 Mercedes Benz CLK250) near Melrose Avenue and crashed into palm trees in the median about 4:20 a.m. Tuesday (June 18). The car’s engine reportedly ended up about 200 feet away from the impact site.”

An eyewitness at the scene, Jose, employed at nearby business ALSCO Inc said, the car was travelling very fast and he heard a couple explosions shortly before the car crashed.
In fact, the explosion was so intense that it took the LA County assistant corner, Ed Winter, two days to identify the burned-beyond recognition body of Hastings. Officials confirm that an autopsy has been performed, but the cause of death is pending. LAPD media spokesperson Lieutenant Andrew Neiman said, “it will take several weeks to get the toxicology results.” By stark contrast, in Italy, ‘Sopranos’ star James Gandolfini’s family received the toxicology report within a few days.

Despite the intensity of the single car accident, an LAPD statement determined that there was “no foul play” involved.

Shortly after his death, a number of reports surfaced that fueled conspiracy theories across the Internet.

It was first revealed that Hastings reportedly reached out to Wikileaaks attorney Jennifer Robinson just a few hours prior to his death, claiming the FBI was investigating him. The FBI has denied that Hastings was ever under investigation.

An email Hastings sent to friends and colleagues hours before his death created even more mystery. It read:

“Subject: FBI Investigation, re: NSA -Hey (redacted names) — the Feds are interviewing my ‘close friends and associates.’ Perhaps if the authorities arrive ‘BuzzFeed GQ,’ er HQ, may be wise to immediately request legal counsel before any conversations or interviews about our news gathering practices or related journalism issues. Also: I’m onto a big story, and need to go off the rada[r] for a bit.

All the best, and hope to see you all soon. Michael”

In his book, “The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America’s War in Afghanistan,” Hastings revealed that a former McChrystal staffer threatened to hunt him down and kill him “if we don’t like what you write.” Hastings claimed he replied: “Well, I get death threats like that about once a year, so no worries.”

XETV-TV also points out some inconsistencies and concerning details and theories about the crash:

After reading accounts of the car crash and examining the scene of the accident erroneous details were hard to overlook. Stories discussed the road as narrow, not true, it’s a four-lane road with a large median dividing traffic. Some reports said there was a curve in the road, also not true; in fact it’s straight freeway-to-freeway. Also, there was no damage to the median curb, only fire discoloration. But the most significant missing evidence was the absence of any skid marks—even though the car made a 60-degree turn into a palm tree.

Research of this topic reveals a new angle to this story, namely —Boston Brakes.

This theory was explained by a former Marine Gordon Duff who refers to the “Boston Brakes” technique, in which “drive by wire” cars, specifically a Mercedes Benz, can be manipulated remotely to simulate an out-of-control accident, according to his Veterans Today story (The 2010 story is a must read). The story details are eerily similar to Hastings fiery accident scene as there were no skid marks.

Adding credence to the possible car-hacking scenario is former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke. After news broke on the Hastings car accident, he confirmed the “drive by wire” concept.

Law enforcement officials have also discussed the unusual intensity of the fire inside Hastings car. “It’s highly unusual since gasoline generally doesn’t burn that hot,” the report adds. The video of the car fire appears to resemble a “thermite” burn.

“No matter how you slice this highly suspicious car accident, a Mercedes is not going to explode into flames without assistance” XETV-TV explains.

Automobile experts reportedly claim fires in new cars occur due to three main reasons: “Running the engine out of oil, running the engine out of coolant, or a mammoth car mangling accident, that leaves the hot side of the battery to short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse panel.”

Read the station’s full report here. Most intrinsically, Northeast Intelligence Network agrees with this blog’s assessment: Hastings was murdered ! Yes, he was. His recent investigative work, regarding NSAgate, got him killed. And to call this regime criminal in nature is to insult garden variety criminals!

Whether or not the truth wins out, the fact remains that Obama Inc’s skeletons are rattling and will eventually tumble out. The questions become: Will all the dead and buried have their TRUE stories revealed? Consequently, will those involved receive their just punishment? 

IF past is prologue, don’t hold your breath. We all know that the Clinton machine is still running strong, despite their buried bones. Vince Foster, anyone?

On Pretext of Justice for ‘Tray’, Race War Ignited – Courtesy of Obama Inc’s ‘Shock Troops’. White Teens Murdered In The Crossfire. Will AG Holder Investigate, Given The Part He Played? Connecting The Radical Dots…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Commenting on the most incendiary topics of the day is certainly not undertaken in a light-handed manner. Mindful of the many minefields encountered along the way, each one is approached with distinct caution and deliberation, as well as due diligence.

Along this vein, it is this site’s absolute obligation – as well as its mission – to tie in events as they evolve, even though some verbiage herein often appears on the less than delicate side. Regardless, let the chips fall where they may, with the understanding that a sub set are (reportedly) highly uncomfortable by said digging. No worries on this end. Dear readers, just keep spreading the facts, as they emerge.

One such incendiary topic is ‘racial politics’ and its intersection with Obama Inc. His fealty to ‘identity warfare’ has been on full display since he first disgraced/soiled the People’s House, back in 2008. A day in infamy. Regardless of countless domestic disasters – and never mind the foreign explosions affecting American interests – the leader of the free world inserts himself into race-based policing matters. How quaint. So, there is a ‘there there’. And the fact that racial mayhem serves the larger goal, the ‘transformation’ of Amerika, is also glaringly obvious. Thus, becoming ‘involved’ makes (ideological) sense. 

Now, where are the tie-ins referenced above? Better yet, where aren’t they? Well, Zimmerman’s acquittal is inciting riots all across the U.S., but it is not as if their intentions, to create mayhem, wasn’t planned from the get go – if the jury ‘dared’ to judge him NOT GUILTY. To be more precise, they threatened to burn down cities, if the jury determined that Zimmerman should be set free. Shock troops, indeed.

Of course, rational folks understand that Sharpton & gang (encompassing MANY intersecting, radical, hydra fronts) are in the forefront. Again, this is not news. However, what may come as a shock to some – but not at this site – is that several inter-related commentaries wrap around these purposeful explosions. NOT only that, but this blog’s harping on AG Holder as Chief Legal Lawbreaker, as a result, comes full circle. Patience, one and all.

In tandem, the POTUS’s racialist proclivities are evidenced herein, and no amount of verbal gymnastics will set him free of said charge sheet. Adding to the heft of the indictment, along comes the Radical-in-Chief’s latest ploy to ‘secure’ America’s future ‘shock troops’, and, adding mayhem to actual injury, they are being paid to rampage via taxpayer funds! To be more precise, the ‘forgiveness of student debt’.

Alas, one and all, welcome to the boys in the hoodies!



Lawsuit settlement forces police to negotiate on riot control

Under a lawsuit settlement reached earlier this month, the American Civil Liberties Union now must be consulted before Oakland, Calif., police can alter their crowd control policies.

The agreement now may be called into question following WND’s exclusive report yesterday that revealed the ACLU is a full partner of the main group that has been agitating the protest movement surrounding the Trayvon Martin case.

Commentators have been perplexed at how Martin protest crowds last Sunday were reportedly able to control Oakland streets for more than three hours, terrorizing drivers and attacking reporters without police interference.

KGO-TV in San Francisco reported that on Sunday, following the George Zimmerman verdict, “for more than three hours, protesters had complete control of 14th and Broadway near Oakland City Hall, preventing any cars from getting through.”

The report said that at about 8:30 p.m., police opened the intersection to traffic, but the situation “quickly deteriorated when demonstrators surrounded frightened drivers who found themselves trapped. The crowd forced them to turn around.”

“Oakland police officers that had been near the corner retreated, leaving the helpless drivers without police protection. It’s unclear who gave that command.”

KGO documented reporters were attacked by protesters, including a journalist from a partner media group.

“A reporter with our media partner the Bay Area News Group tweeted that she and her photographer were attacked by the crowd. She also tweeted that demonstrators attacked a TV cameraman,” reported KGO.

The police reluctance to stop the violent crowds came 11 days after the city of Oakland agreed to pay approximately $1 million to end a lawsuit filed on behalf of 150 Occupy demonstrators alleging police misconduct during a 2010 mass arrest.

The class-action lawsuit was filed by the radical National Lawyers Guild in coordination with the ACLU.

The Los Angeles Times reported that as part of the settlement, the Oakland Police Department agreed to negotiate future changes to its crowd control policy with the ACLU and National Lawyers Guild.

The settlement also places U.S. District Judge Thelton Henderson in charge of ensuring implementation of the agreement for the next seven years.

The ACLU’s involvement in brokering Oakland police crown control policies may now be considered controversial after WND’s report yesterday detailing the legal advocacy group is partnered with Dream Defenders, the main group leading the Trayvon Martin protests in Florida.

Dream Defenders has been agitating Martin protests since the onset and has been credited with successfully advocating for Zimmerman’s arrest.

The group was behind the protests that blockaded the Sanford Police Department, demanding the police chief be fired for failing to bring charges against Zimmerman, who was acquitted of second-degree murder Saturday.

The small Community Relations Service at Eric Holder’s Justice Department facilitated a meeting between Dream Defenders and city officials that resulted in a Justice review of the police department.

Sanford police chief Bill Lee ultimately was fired. Lee has claimed he was dismissed for not arresting Zimmerman.

Dream Defenders further led protests and marches demanding Zimmerman’s arrest. Just prior to Zimmerman’s arrest in April 2012, the Justice Department reportedly phoned Dream Defenders to inform the group that Zimmerman was to be arrested within 48 hours.

The group is now organizing protests in the wake of Zimmerman’s acquittal. On Tuesday, Dream Defenders demonstrated outside the Seminole County Capitol building and other locations.

Dream Defenders bills itself as a nonviolent sustainable network of youth and student leaders fighting for social change. The group says it trains youth and students in civil disobedience, direct action and civic engagement.

The group is made up of students and recent graduates from several Florida universities and is openly backed by SEIU, the ACLU and the Soros-supported Southern Poverty Law Center.

The groups have held joint initiatives on many occasions. In January, for example, Dream Defenders, the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center held a community town hall in Tallahassee “to discuss the issue of keeping our children in the school system and out of the juvenile justice system.”

Dream Defenders’ ties to these are other radical groups go much deeper.

WND found that Gabriel Pendas, Dream Defenders’ organizer, is also employed as “Lead Organizer” by the SEIU. Pendas has been organizing Dream Defenders’ marches for Martin.

Pendas, who openly identifies as a socialist, previously served as president of the heavily Soros-backed United States Student Association.

The student association is a member of the small Free Exchange on Campus, a group created to oppose the efforts of conservatives who speak at American college campuses. The group seems to mostly focus on opposing the campus education initiatives of former radical David Horowitz.

The far-left Rootscamp.com wrote that without Pendas “there would be no Dream Defenders.”

Continued the website: “With his leadership, within months, a sprawling organization uniting black and brown youth across the state was formed. We have now built the structure necessary to develop youth leadership while also directly challenging racial injustice, the prison-industrial complex, and the criminalization of minority communities.”

Meanwhile, Dream Defenders’ political director is Ciara Taylor, who also serves as campaign coordinator for the ACLU. She previously was community outreach liaison at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Dream Defender founder is Phillip B. Agnew, who also serves as the group’s executive director. Agnew is also listed as a paid SEIU organizer.

Nelini Stamp is a Dream Defenders director. In 2011, Stamp served as an organizer for the ACORN front group Working Families Party.

Stamp was interviewed as one of the earliest Occupy Wall Street organizers.

“We are actually trying to change the capitalist system we have today, because it’s not working for any of us,” Stamp said.

Stamp participated in the “Take Back the Dream” movement with Van Jones, the infamous former “green” jobs adviser to President Obama.

In a November 2012 piece she wrote for Prospect.org, Stamp hailed the organizing efforts of something called the Midwest Academy.

“The Midwest Academy and the Highlander Research and Education Center train organizers, but we have nothing like them in most states and localities. By 2016 and 2020, several more states will have become majority-minority, and we need to be able to shape that change,” she wrote.

Midwest is an activist organization described as teaching the tactics of direct action, confrontation and intimidation as advocated by notorious radical community organizer Saul Alinsky.

WND was first to expose that Obama himself funded the Midwest Academy when he served on the board of the Chicago Woods Fund from 1999 to December 2002 alongside unrepentant Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers…

Not only that, but their shock troops have formed into ‘bash mobs’ all over California, and, like cockroaches, they are spreading across the country. Alas, Obama Inc’s racial mobs in LA are exacting ‘justice’ for ‘Tray’, as they confer with scum bag Sharpton and their ‘hoodie’ forces, how best to beat the crap out of ‘crackers’.  They ransacked and terrorized shoppers in Walmart because they knew their backs were covered by Obama Inc! Not done yet…not by a long shot. Another gang-bang against White America is piled on by…drum roll…Iran’s murderous mullahs as they exhort rallying cries – ‘justice for Tray’This is coming from barbarians who cut the hearts out of those who oppose their rule, but never mind. Most ominously, the following came down the pike, but we all know that these deaths should rightfully be placed at the Lawbreaker-in-Chief’s door, but they won’t be! 

Teens with Free Zimmerman bumper sticker slaughtered in Jacksonville

topconservativenews.com ^ | 7/16/13 


Two white teenagers were murdered in the parking lot of a Golden Corral in Jacksonville, FL. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s office says they were killed by multiple perpetrators, and that they have a photo of the suspect’s car. There were also multiple witnesses. However, they have not released any information or description of the suspects or the suspect’s car.

Family and friends took to social media to report that the brothers had a “Free Zimmerman” bumper sticker on their truck. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office issued a statement denying that the killings were related to the Zimmerman trial…..updated herein.

It is verily impossible, no matter how many knots one tries to twist these facts into, to deem them ‘coincidences’. For the historical record: with the AG at the tippy top; to the POTUS’s inextricably tied radical groups, purposefully inserting themselves into policing matters; to obstructing/instructing the police to ‘stand down’, concomitantly, a complete violation of their sworn duty to protect and serve; to the newbie ‘community organizing’ grads serving as ‘coordinators’, this regime is a mirror image of any fascist-like dictatorship in the world. Isn’t this precisely what the Radical-in-Chief meant when he opined about the creation of a civilian force as formidable as the military

Ominously, his ‘shock troops’ are readying. But are you, patriots, prepared?


A Mark Of Cain: Charges of Pedophilia/Sex Abuse Rocks Yeshiva University, Modern Jewish Orthodoxy’s Flagship Institution of Higher Learning…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Full Disclosure: The following report hits very close to home. A dagger in the heart. It involves an institution which evokes many wonderful childhood memories. There was free rein to explore its vast campus, not to mention the opportunity to flirt with cute boys. This is a result of having a father – of blessed memory – who worked at Yeshiva University (YU), for 45 years, as a Rabbi in its main center of administration. In fact, he taught at its esteemed school for Rabbinical Studies, REITS, when he first arrived in New York from Europe. NEVERTHELESS, the subject matter at hand is so serious that bypassing it becomes unthinkable. Besides, as one who duly reports on the depravities of the Gay-in-Chief (and surrogates), as well as deviance embedded at Hill’s State Dept., surely keeping this topic under communal cover is a non-starter, regardless of its shameful nature.

But for those not in the know, it is important to understand that The Forward (cited below) is a widely read Jewish communal newspaper for many generations of Jews, and by other groups as well. More specifically, it is socialist leaning and highly in sync with Demster politics. Its publishers are reflexively hostile towards Jewish Orthodoxy. So, it is no surprise that they collaborated on an interview with Huffington Post. Fellow travelers.

That being said, just because tragic news is reported at leftward papers, doesn’t obviate the truths discussed, at least in this particular case. Even a broken clock is right once.

And being that this blog rarely veers off geo-politics – aside for occasionally discussing the devastating societal costs due to alcoholism/substance abuse – some may be shocked by this posting. Personally, it’s not a walk on the beach…  

Rabbi Norman Lamm Resigns; Yeshiva University Chancellor Cites Mishandling Of Sex Abuse Allegations

Religion News Service  |  By DAVID GIBSONPosted: 07/01/2013 4:54 pm EDT

Norman Lamm Resigns

NEW YORK (RNS) The chancellor and head of the seminary at Yeshiva University, the flagship U.S. school for Orthodox Judaism, resigned his posts on Monday (July 1) and acknowledged that he had mishandled sex abuse allegations against staff members in the 1980s.

In a letter sent to students, faculty, alumni and donors, Rabbi Norman Lamm, 85, said that in failing to report the abuse complaints to police, he was acting “in a way that I thought was correct, but which now seems ill conceived.”

“I understand better today than I did then that sometimes, when you think you are doing good, your actions do not measure up,” wrote Lamm, for decades a leading figure in Orthodox Judaism.

“And when that happens — one must do teshuvah,” he said, using the Hebrew word for repentance. “So, I too must do teshuvah.”

Lamm’s resignation comes more than six months after a Jewish newspaper, The Forward, revealed that university officials responded to complaints of sexual abuse by staff at an affiliated boys’ school by quietly allowing at least two suspected abusers to leave and find work elsewhere.

More than 20 men have said that they were abused by either Rabbi George Finkelstein or Rabbi Macy Gordon and that the university knew about the allegations and covered them up; both rabbis, who now live in Israel, have denied the charges.

Kevin Mulhearn, a lawyer representing 22 men allegedly abused at Yeshiva University High School between 1971 and 1989, said Lamm’s apology was “a positive first step” but said the university needed to do more.

“The conspiracy of silence at Y.U. involves many high-level administrators, not just Rabbi Lamm,” Mulhearn told The Forward. “It is the institution as a whole, not just one man, which needs to make amends.”

Lamm took over as Yeshiva president in 1976 and remained as chancellor and head of the prestigious seminary after he retired as president in 2003.

In his letter on Monday, Lamm did not directly say that he was stepping down because of the abuse scandal. He said the resignation was “in accordance with an agreement reached 3 years ago” and indicated that he was not in good health, saying that his family had to help him write the letter.

His discussion of the abuse episodes also took up just four paragraphs in a lengthy six-page reflection on his tenure.

The university said in a statement released to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on Monday that Lamm had agreed to leave three years ago when his contract expired in June 30 of this year. The current YU president, Richard M. Joel, released a brief statement that made no mention of the abuse scandal and praised Lamm for guiding the university with “steadfastness and vision” and for making “unparalleled” contributions to Jewish life.

Still, Lamm’s departure is another jolt to a cornerstone of the Modern Orthodox movement.

In May, The Forward reported that an investigation commissioned by Yeshiva’s board of trustees to delve into the charges had stalled.

And in March a top rabbinic dean at Yeshiva’s seminary gave a talk in which he said sex abuse charges can be “tall tales” spun by children and that they should be screened by a board of rabbis before being reported to authorities.

In the talk, Rabbi Hershel Schachter, one of the most respected members of the seminary’s faculty, was also quoted using a derogatory Yiddish term for black people when he said that reporting abuse allegations is especially dangerous because officials could put a Jew “in a cell together with a shvartze, with a … black Muslim who wants to kill all the Jews.”

The YU episodes also tracked reports that leaders in the ultra-Orthodox movement have covered up allegations of child sexual abuse in their insular communities, and may still do so.

These incidents, as well as reporting on sexual abuse scandals in schools, college football, the Boy Scouts and other organizations that work with children, have often mirrored the dynamic that led to the abuse crisis that has rocked the Catholic Church in the past decade.

Child safety experts say that broadening the focus on abuse to communities outside the Catholic Church would be a positive development if it prompts an awareness of the scale of the problem and the need to take act.

Let there be no doubt: This posting will rile up some in the Jewish community, simply by the fact that too many prefer ‘dirty laundry’ to hide behind closed doors. But this address brooks no such quarter, as many already realize from various ‘airings’exposing the problem of alcoholism and substance abuse.

Most significantly, what about the students who are still suffering from the abuse? Do they not deserve the community’s support and courage to tell their tales? And, don’t the perpetrators, regardless of the passage of time, warrant punishment, not only by the justice system, but the court of public opinion? 

It is on behalf of the victims (and future ones too) that it is incumbent to keep the issue at the forefront. This crime cries out for justice. Pedophiles, regardless of their religion, race or stature in the community, deserve nothing but contempt. Certainly not our protection, a circling of communal wagons, so to speak.

A mark of Cain.

IRSgate, Via Its Chief Counsel, Lands Squarely At The Lawbreaker-in-Chief’s Door! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Out of a laundry list of scandals swirling around Obama Inc two resonate the most with average Americans – IRSgate and NSAgate. One deals with financial fleecing and the other with a TOTAL invasion of privacy. Not exactly the way to engender trust, nor endearment, in ones leadership, to say the least.

To be sure, unless operating off the radar financially without requisite SS numbers in the murky waters of ‘cash’ only payments – commonly referred to in business as ‘off the books’ – most are as scared of the IRS as they are of being bit by a Pit Bull or some such wild animal. Maybe even more so. A trip to the dentist, in comparison, is a piece of cake, even if much drilling/pulling needs to be done. The IRS is that onerous.

It is this abject fear of the IRS’s ability to financially ruin a person’s life which has rendered IRSgate to register so high on the Richter scale, not that other scandals implicating Obama Inc. aren’t equally criminal in nature! But most relate better when they can project themselves into the mix, hence, taxpayers – large and small – are hoping for the ax to fall, but this time on the IRS!

That being said, IRS about to be blown wide open was penned less than two months ago, ever mindful of the dread and contempt felt by the average citizen, as juxtaposed against a deep knowledge base of the inner workings of the IRS. Sort of like having a bird’s eye perspective, both as a taxpayer and (previous) co-owner of a corporate tax practice while living in the NY/NJ area.

IRS abuse of Tea Party groups can be chalked up to “rogue employees” in Cincinnati, huh? Not according to the latest from the Washington Post.

The chief counsel’s office for the Internal Revenue Service, headed by a political appointee of President Obama, helped develop the agency’s problematic guidelines for reviewing “tea party” cases, according to a top IRS attorney.

In interviews with congressional investigators, IRS lawyer Carter Hull said his superiors told him that the chief counsel’s office, led by William Wilkins, would need to review applications that the agency had screened for additional scrutiny because of potential political activity.

Previous accounts from IRS employees had shown that Washington IRS officials were involved in the controversy, but Hull’s comments represent the closest connection to the White House to date.

The IRS counsel is a political appointee. Obama appointed Wilkins to that position in April 2009, so he was there across the entire abuse regime. Previous testimony in the IRS scandalhas revealed that Wilkins learned of the abuse by at least August 4, 2011, but White House spokesman Jay Carney told the press in May 2013 that Wilkins never bothered to inform the White House about it. This new information calls the previous testimony into question: Wilkins apparently knew of the abuse earlier than August 2011, because his own office was involved in it. His likely excuse: His staff went rogue and acted stupidly on their own. No one is ever in charge of, or accountable for, anything in Obama’s government, unless they’re in the military or otherwise expendable. Wilkins is probably too high to be expendable.

We’re getting ever closer to discovering that the White House through its counsel’s office was involved in, and probably directing, the abuse of citizens who were organizing to speak out against the Obama agenda. Catherine Engelbrecht’s case indicates that the IRS abuse is just one line of attack; the Obama government unleashed the full alphabet soup on her after she founded True the Vote.

That’s part of why Eric Holder has been unleashed on George Zimmerman. The right hand is hammering an innocent man while the left hand tries to wave Obama’s most dangerous scandal away. They’ll risk civil unrest to keep this particular scandal off the front pages.

And not to be remiss in burying the White House into quicksand, along comes one of their cheerleaders who inadvertently landed them into deeper holes. Kismet. As a Democrat testifying at yesterday’s hearing she inadvertently let the cat out of the bag. Oh, their Pinocchio noses keep growing…

In need of audio visuals? No problem. Take a peek herein To wit, if said revelations do not (eventually) land the Lawbreaker-in-Chief and his underlings straight into jail cells, then no amount of boomerangs will suffice. Therefore, one will then be able to state with assurance that IRSGate is…case closed. And that is that. 

NO Ifs, Ands Or Buts: Barack HUSSEIN Obama Is TIGHTENING The Screws On Israel. What Will Bibi – Israel’s PM – Do, If Anything, At This Late Hour? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

As most of this blog site’s readership are aware, the specialty herein is geo-politics, with an emphasis placed upon the Mid East and the U.S. And in no uncertain terms, there has not been a scintilla of prevarication regarding what is obvious on its face: The Islamist-in-Chief is an AVOWED enemy of the Jewish State. So much so, that many commentaries are written on this very subject, even one as recently as this week. Recall the assertion: The Obama White House: A Clear and Present Danger To Israel. It speaks for itself. Crystal clear. NO ifs, ands or buts. 

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis July 17, 2013, 12:15 PM (IDT)
Obama and Ashton put their heads together

Obama and Ashton put their heads together

It doesn’t take a political genius to see how US Secretary of State John Kerry’s arrival in Amman Tuesday, July 16, for his sixth bid to bring Israelis and the Palestinians to the table, ties in with the new EU anti-Israel funding guidelines published on the same day. To avoid a head-on clash with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the US president has loosed the Europeans in full cry against Jerusalem and its policies. European Union foreign affairs executive Catherine Ashton chairs the international negotiating forum with Iran. And so, the EU has given Tehran a broad wink that it is worth its while to come to a fresh round of nuclear diplomacy while Israel is kept on the run in the settlements-cum-borders dispute.

Israel is further weakened by its own internal political difficulties.
The third Netanyahu cabinet is painfully shorthanded of ministers for dealing with foreign diplomacy and national security affairs. In the absence of a foreign minister, shackled with a new cabinet which took office in February, and beset with a reshuffle of his close aides, the prime minister is obliged to carry himself most of the burden for key decisions on the essential business of state.

When he decides not to decide on any issue, that issue is shuffled into the pending tray to await his attention – and of late, this is happening too often.
Netanyahu is taxed currently with keeping tabs on the conflict close to Israel’s borders in Egyptian Sinai, the threatened spillover of the Syrian war – only part of which reaches the public – and the approach of a nuclear Iran, which he admits is dangerously close to consummation. Every few weeks, he is put on the spot for fast decisions by US Secretary of State Kerry’s peace drive.
It is no wonder that Netanyahu drops some of the balls he is juggling.
The last ball to slip out of his hands was the new European Commission’s new guideline for the alliance to distinguish between the state of Israel and territories outside the 1967 Green Line for the purpose of co-funding projects and grants.

This guideline is grounded in the EU’s fixed determination that East Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan were illegally occupied by Israel after the 1967 Arab-Israel war. The “settlements” housing more than a half a million Jews are likewise deemed illegal. Therefore, from Jan. 1, 2014, any Israeli entity seeking European project funding or grants will be obliged to declare it has no connection, direct or indirect, with a “settlement.”
There is nothing new about this determination. The European Union has for years boycotted goods manufactured in settlements and demanded that Israel exporters label their products with the source of manufacture. Ever since 1967, the UK has withheld pensions and allowances from British expatriates living outside the Green Line until they relocate to addresses London deems kosher.
And that is only one of many examples.

However, the new guidelines have exacerbated the rift between Brussels and Jerusalem and signal a further deterioration. If in future every Israeli firm is required before every financial or business transaction with Europe to disassociate from EU-proscribed Jewish communities, then bilateral trade, whose volume has climbed to 40 billion euros, will gradually decline, with as much economic fallout for Europe as for Israel.

Israel’s prime minister responded fast and hard to the new EU guidelines with a bitter broadside for what he sees as outside interference in the definition of Israel’s borders, in a manner which compromises direct Israel negotiations with the Palestinians. Direct negotiations are the only way to define those borders, he stressed, and the EU measure had the effect of tilting them in the Palestinians’ favor.

Netanyahu was particularly incensed by the EU dropping its bombshell on the day John Kerry arrived in Amman to pick up his mission for reviving the peace track, which he interrupted empty-handed earlier this month.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon greeted Kerry’s arrival by eulogizing his mission, accusing the Palestinians of burying it by sheer obstructionism.  Ya’alon no doubt followed the line set by the prime minister.

Kerry spent five hours talking to Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas Tuesday night, in yet another effort to melt his insistence on Israel meeting his preconditions for a meeting.

By Wednesday morning, the US Secretary had not yet arranged to meet Israeli officials this time round.

Israeli policy-makers understand that Washington is dodging a showdown with Netanyahu by using the Europeans to clobber his policies at a moment of internal weakness in Jerusalem. Now they realize they must brace urgently for the next chapter in the Obama campaign: Ashton will build on the EU steps to get a fresh round of world power-Iranian nuclear negotiations underway by persuading Tehran that Brussels, with Washington’s backing, is in full flight of a diplomatic campaign for cutting Israel down to size.

By pulling the wires behind the European campaign, the Obama administration is after three goals:

1. Persuading Tehran to return to international diplomacy on its nuclear program by diminishing Israel’s leverage.
2.  Confronting Israel with diplomatic isolation on an issue of prime importance to its security, i.e., the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, unless the Netanyahu government agrees to concessions to the Palestinians on final borders.
3. Warning Netanyahu that his failure to toe the Obama line on the Syrian conflict and the Egyptian army coup will cost Israel dear. Instead of lining up with what is seen in the region as an ineffectual Washington, Israel struck out on its own to play ball with regional forces on the move, the Arab rulers of the Gulf and the Egyptian army. The US president has used the European Union to make sure Jerusalem understands that he too will pursue his own game – and it will be at the expense of Israel’s interests.

Sans a scintilla of a doubt, the fact that Israel is bereft of ‘intellectual warriors‘ has allowed its pithy strategic policy-making (which can be ameliorated through aggressive public diplomacy) to fall into a pit of darkness. It is this glaring, gaping deficit which has led to PM Netanyahu’s (and his predecessors) empty ‘tool box’. This cannot be emphasized enough. It is THAT intrinsic.

As a result, the following is more than enough evidence, proving how Israel’s lack of statesmanship has led its majority population from there to here. Thus, isn’t it time for an ‘Israeli Jewish Spring’? – Israeli concessions key to resumed talks with Palestinians DEBKAfile July 18, 2013

On May 28, DEBKAfile first disclosed some of Israel’s key concessions for enabling US Secretary of State John Kerry to sell the Palestinians his blueprint for the resumption of peace talks: They include the first Palestinian international airport at Jericho, the environs of which would be turned into the hub of an independent Palestinian economy; and a Palestinian potash plant on the Kalia shore of the Dead Sea – marking Israel’s first withdrawals from the West Bank. Further withdrawals would be contingent on progress in the US-sponsored bilateral negotiations. Israel will permit the Palestinian Authority to extract gas from the British BP deep-sea drill off the shore of the Gaza Strip. Finally, Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to meet Mahmoud Abbas’s demand for the release 104 Palestinians serving more than 20 years in Israeli jails.

YET, despite the horrific state of Israel’s leadership, when deciding how evil the POTUS’s leadership is, bear uppermost in mind the ‘Sophie’s Choice’ he is presenting to Israel’s often delusional, appeasement-minded leaders. NOT only that, but consider who it is that he is propping up, as well as demanding Israel give its heartland, and part of its capital, to  – genocidal foes. Besides, what type of monumental bastard(s) dictates that Israel – the oldest nation-state in history, aside from two previous destruction’s  – has to either die slowly (piece by piece…’peace by peace’) or through nuclear annihilation? The Barack HUSSEIN Obama kind, may he rot for all eternity!

We all know that Israel has many ‘bombs in the basement, and they were designed for deterrence purposes. But know this: This blog’s position is very clear – the entire Arab/Muslim Mid East should burn to the ground, before any of the above, heaven forbid, comes to pass. And that’s the truth.

More pointedly, Jews are recognized for their cerebral endowment. Well and good. It is time to harness/channel this enormous brain power in a manner which will truly ‘reshape’ the calculus. After all, being smart won’t amount to a hill of beans, if the Jewish people still hue to the dictates of those who seek their destruction. You think?

Arabs/Muslims Threaten Mayhem & Israel’s Response: CONTINUOUS Dhimmitude/Appeasement On The Temple Mount – Judaism’s Thousands Year Old Anchor/Bedrock – Where Does The Onus Lie? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

VERY few political situations cause this blogger to cry, after all, there are so many outrages to well up over. Assuredly, if one cried all the time nothing would get accomplished and that’s not going to help the situation. One just has to buck up and soldier on, at least if the goal is to pursue justice – tzedek tzedek tirdof, justice justice you shall pursueIn fact, this is precisely a major goal of this blog site.

HOWEVER, there is only so much degradation and humiliation a nationalist Zionist can endure, without the tears overflowing. One such devastating point in time was back in August 2005, and the tears flowed all the way from the east coast of the U.S.! Spitting bullets too. In fact, the following should leave no doubt as to how outraged this American-Israeli was, and still is, over the referenced subject – the so called ‘disengagement’ from Gush Katif (aka Gaza) and the Northern Shomron in Judea and Samaria, Judaism’s/Israel’s heartland. The Bitter Fruits of ‘Disengagement’ is so heart rending, it would take a stone cold person not to succumb. 

Aside from too many outrages to count (who can keep up?) within the Jewish homeland, what occurred, at this juncture in time, to bring on the waterworks? Well, it is certainly not a new subject – not by a long shot – however, being that the leadership allowed said humiliation to occur on Tisha Be’av – of all days – is too onerous to bear in silence. 

As proof that this dastardly act is not a one off, peer withinRegardless of what PM Netanyahu opines, the fact of the matter is that Israel’s leadership (despite their immediate outrage after each and every anti-Jewish dictate) have become the poster children for appeasement, even though its armed forces are stellar. The entire spectrum is duly explained within a recent interview at Inquisitr, no sense re-working the wheel, so to speak.

Hundreds of Jews denied entry to Temple Mount after riot threats

Politicians responded with outrage and bitter disappointment as the confluence of Ramadan and Tisha Be’av inflame the situation.

Jews denied entry to Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av by police due to threats of rioting, July 16, 2013.

Jews denied entry to Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av by police due to threats of rioting, July 16, 2013. Photo: Courtesy Joint Staff of the Temple Har Habayit

Politicians responded with outrage and bitter disappointment Tuesday morning after being denied entry – along with hundreds of rank and file Jews and Christians – to the Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av, the sacred annual day of mourning, due to police concerns over Muslim rioting.

Admittance to the Temple Mount, administered by the Wakf Muslim religious trust in conjunction with the Jerusalem Police, has long been a contentious issue among Jews and Arabs.

However, the confluence of Ramadan and Tisha Be’av only inflamed the situation as thousands of Arabs were granted entry to pray at the nearby Dome of the Rock.

Following the incident, a barrage of condemnations by a number of senior government officials – as well as a law suit filed by an NGO – were swiftly issued regarding the police decision.

Bayit Yehudi MK Shuli Muallem, who was with Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin (Likud Beytenu) when the incident occurred, used her Facebook page to protest the decision and called for an immediate Knesset inquiry over the rights of Jews to enter the contested site.

“On this day, the pilgrimage to the Temple Mount was doubly significant due to the connection to the Temple and the will of Jews to continue the connection between them and the holiest place from a position of building and construction, and not destruction,” she wrote. “We reached the place to spread love and to connect hearts, and unfortunately and sadly, it was decided to prevent the entire crowd to go up the mountain.”

Muallem added that she and Elkin addressed their concerns to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein to initiate a formal discussion about the restrictive state of affairs.

“I’m hopeful that the relevant authorities will understand soon that you cannot disconnect any Jew from the Temple Mount, especially on such a special and significant day as Tisha Be’av,” she continued. “It’s incomprehensible that on a day when the government and police need to expand the pilgrimage hours to the Temple Mount – a day when the sovereignty of the State of Israel over the Temple Mount needs to be strengthened – the exact opposite was done.”

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said Tuesday afternoon that the decision by police to bar Jews from entering the site was a preemptive measure enforced after a security assessment determined there was an imminent threat to their safety.

“We made security assessments in the morning in Jerusalem,” Rosenfeld explained, “and in order to prevent any incidents on the Temple Mount, the area was closed to visitors until further security assessments were made.”

Deputy Minister of Religious Services Eli Ben-Dahan (Bayit Yehudi) also took to Facebook to condemn Tuesday’s decision, and implored the government to change the policy determining when Jews can enter the site.

“How, in the State of Israel, which represents the principles of equality and freedom of religion, can Jews be forbidden from entering the Temple Mount – the holiest place – for fear of rioting by Muslims?” he wrote. “It’s time to change this reality. Stop using various pretexts of security and the inability of the police to protect Jewish citizens.”

Dahan, who conceded that the Temple Mount presented a “complex” situation, added that he would endeavor to change the current regulations, no matter how problematic.

“There will be many difficulties, but eternity is not afraid of a long path,” he wrote. “A situation where equality and freedom of religion is held only when talking about other religions – and not the Jewish majority in Israel – is absurd.”

The Joint Staff of the Temple Har Habayit, an umbrella group representing a coalition of 23 organizations, issued not only a scathing statement about the controversy, but also a lawsuit against the police department on behalf of all the people denied entry.

Chaim Richman, International Director of the Temple Insitute called the decision to prohibit Jews from entering the Temple Mount a “reward to Islamic terror.”

He was one of those turned away by police at approximately 7 a.m.

“Despite the bitter disappointment and utter disgrace of the police’s absurd decision – itself a reward to Islamic terror – to prevent Jews from ascending to the Temple Mount [on Tisha Be’av], the hundreds of Jews who arrived this morning at the entrance are testimony to the great awakening taking place within the people of Israel toward the importance of the holy site to our nation,” Elkin said in a statement shortly following the incident.

“The sight of so many Jewish men, women and children coming from all over the country at great personal cost, and converging on the holy mountain, is the clearest indication that the plight of the beleaguered Temple Mount is becoming an important aspect of the national consensus,” he added.

Joint Staff chairman Aviad Visoly, who filed the law suit, said he repeatedly had been assured by Border Police Chief Superintendent Avi Biton before Tisha Be’av that the Temple Mount would be open to Jews.

“This failure of the Israeli police is particularly acute in light of the many recent warnings we gave police commanders responsible for the Temple Mount,” Visoly wrote. “It should be noted that just yesterday we checked repeatedly with… Biton and he promised that the Temple Mount would be open to Jews on Tisha Be’av.

Due to the “pain and suffering” resulting from the forced closure, Visoly, an attorney, said he was petitioning the court to demand that every Jew denied entry be compensated NIS 5,000.

“As a result of the closure of the Temple Mount to Jews today, severe damage was caused to hundreds of Jews,” he wrote. “This includes both monetary damages (including costs of preparation, travel, loss of work days, etc.) and pain and suffering and the loss of autonomy, because they were denied entry to the holiest place on earth on the anniversary of its destruction.”

Visoly also demanded that police issue a formal response, including a detailed explanation as to why the site was restricted, to be submitted no later than July 22…described aptly within The View from Israel.

In other words, the notion that a Jewish leadership should ever restrict Jews from praying on Judaism’s Temple Mount is more than an affront. But to do so on the VERY day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples, certainly raises the level of dhimmitude to a fevered pitch. Not only that, but by restricting Jewish access at any time, Israel’s so called democratic leaders are violating a myriad of laws, stipulated by Israeli law guaranteeing freedom of religion for all – “issued in 1948, describes the country as a Jewish state but clearly extends religious freedoms to all of its inhabitants by stating: the State of Israel “will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions  cited in full hereinAdditionally, Article 18 of the International Declaration of Human Rights is one which Israel’s leaders adhere to, but not when it comes to Jews at their holiest site(s)! Imagine that.

More specifically, doesn’t the following cry out for Jewish justice, whatever it takes? Have the leaders lost all sense of Jewish pride, honor and ability to feel ashamed? Rhetorical question.

Israeli minister mobbed by Palestinians on Temple Mount 

DEBKAfile July 17, 2013, 9:35 AM (GMT+02:00)

Scores of Palestinians shouting Allahu Akbar mobbed and threatened Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin when he and a party paid a visit to Temple Mt. Wednesday morning. Elkin said he had not come to pray but to commemorate a departed friend. All the same, he was forced to leave the shrine for lack of police protection. The minister accuses the police of falling down on their duty, which is to protect visitors of all faiths at the holy sites.

Audaciously, by continuously citing ‘security concerns’, the leadership not only demonstrates that the police are failing to protect its majority population’s religious rights (at the behest of political dictates), but are proving to the Arabs (and others) that threats of violence, and actual terror, is the way to go. The fruits of their ‘labors’.

NOW, wouldn’t it be prudent for Jewish nationalists to take a page out of their playbook, thereby, making some threats of their own? Teachable moments are everywhere. Just seek and you shall find.