MINNESOTA Bows To Islam: Non-Muslims, Go To Hell!! Islamists, Via City Council, Trample On “Infidels.” What’s The Upshot? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FOR the absolute western record, the following, chapter and verse, must be internalized and become akin to ones second-skin: wherever Islam implants its footprints in Dar al-Harb, aka Dar al-Kufr – that which is not yet under Muslim rule – however long it takes, Islamists will seek to subdue, hence, submit, all under its boot. Is it any wonder that Sharia Law must be viewed as a cancerous scourge, never to gain a foothold in America and the west? Rhetorical.

MORE specifically, as a central part of Islamic doctrine, said dictate is not up for debate. In reality, bar none, Islam is the most imperialistic religiopolitical dogma. Mind you, is there any other so-called religious ideology which inculcates categorical hegemonic rule? None. Not on the face of this planet, that’s for sure. 

IN fact, this is precisely where Islamic hijrah comes in via its conquest ala western migration, whether as “refugees” or another method of penetration. It is Allah-mandated, and that is that. Still yet, the question becomes two-fold: what is their end point, and what is the upshot?

SIMPLY put, the resurrection of a worldwide Caliphate, a supranational Islamic arch, is their ultimate goal. Thus, said outcome also must be understood from the lens of a billion plus Muslims, many of whom dream of its re-establishment in their lifetime. Even so, the western concept of time is of little consequence. Mind you, a preponderance are steeped in a culture which invokes the same strictures and lifestyle from centuries long past. In effect, even if it takes another hundred years, that’s hardly an obstacle to their collective aspiration. Like duck off a water’s back.

CONCOMITANTLY, unlike other immigrant groups, Muslims, for the most part, do not assimilate into their host country. In other words, they view Islamic law above the laws of the land, despite any nation’s Constitution. But what muddies the water, so to speak, is the fact that many are confused when they see Muslims working alongside them, living among them, and otherwise appearing to be part of the community. But never mind, all is not as it seems.

SIMPLY, unless a Muslim is an apostate, there is zero chance that living in Dar al-Harb is what it appears to be. Intrinsically, an overriding Islamic dictate mandates conquering all infidel nations, be it by stealth/civilizational jihad, jihad by the sword, or jihad by the womb. 

SO without truly understanding that this is where it’s at, westerners will reap the whirlwind, relegated to dhimmis (and dummies) in their own countries. It is that clear. 

COMPLICATING matters, the fact that Islam is viewed as a monotheistic religion stands in the way of all reason and logic, at least for far too many addled westerners. It is as if they should be granted special dispensation for whatever heinous actions they commit, and just because they are part of a religious grouping! In a word: bull sh-t.

IN reality, even though many westerners are not religious, they tend to believe that, withstanding the wars in which Christian monotheists engaged in the past, the participants in these wars were actually violating their sacred creeds or scriptures. In other words, they want to believe that religion—at least monotheism—is basically benevolent and peace loving; and that even though history manifests bloody examples to the contrary, they incline to the idea that these wars may be attributed—stated simply—to either (1) intellectual causes, (2) moral causes, or (3) systemic causes, meaning, the international system of sovereign states.

NOW, the irony and insanity couldn’t be any greater or more dangerous. On the one hand, many of their apologists view Judaism and Christianity as little more than a fable and fairy tale, preening their own “enlightened” views as superior “thinking.” Understood.

STILL yet, they lend Islam an exemption from all civilized norms and give it “protected” status, as if Muslims are oh so special. Orwellian.

HENCE, due to the above and so much more, and coupled with an abject fear of Islam’s blood-lust, soldiers for Allah are going from strength to strength, all the while westerners react dumbstruck. Incontestably, they are bloodying and capturing parts of the west – thrust by thrust.

AND this is where Minnesota, as one state-wide exhibit out of many, enters the fray. Yes, it is not for nothing that it is called Minnesotastan!

RESULTANT, readers are familiar with the Somali time bomb within America, a seemingly unstoppable, explosive, and toxic flow into America. The fact is that their influx set the stage for Syrian jihadists and others from Islamic bent hell-holes in the early 1980’s, when the first substantial wave entered America. Its basis can be gleaned within a February 2015 commentary analysis: U.S. jihadis hiding in plain sight, as Somalis top the FBI’s most wanted list! Say it ain’t so.

ALAS, should any rational non-Muslim American be shocked to hear what happened in Bloomington, Minnesota via an anti-American, illegal part played by its prostrating City Council? Don’t be.

A radical mosque known for breeding terrorists has been granted special privileges by the city of Bloomington, Minnesota, which allows its members to take over a public park and treat it as their own, to the exclusion of other residents, according to complaints filed by a citizens group.Mohamed Farah, 22, is the older brother of Adnan Farah. He is also charged with providing material support to an overseas terrorist organization.

(Somali Mohamed Farah, 22, is the older brother of Adnan Farah. He is also charged with providing material support to an overseas terrorist organization.)

The Friends of Smith Park started a petition drive and took its case to the Bloomington City Council with a formal complaint Monday night.

At issue is the Dar al-Farooq mosque, which WND has previously reported has a record of turning Somali refugees into jihadists for ISIS and other terror groups.

At least half a dozen known Somali terrorists have attended Dar al-Farooq in recent years including Adnan Farah, 20, and his brother Mohamed, 22, who pleaded guilty in April to providing material support to ISIS. The mosque is headed by Waleed Idris al-Meneesey, who preaches hatred of Jews straight from the Quran and the hadiths.

“According to your police officers, you’ve privileged Dal al-Farooq worshipers above all other religions. You’ve made Smith Park a Dar al-Farooq-only zone after the park is already closed, excluding citizens of all other faiths and those of no faith,” said Frost, who represents Friends of Smith Park.Now it has come to light that city officials in Bloomington have given al-Meneesy and his Sharia-compliant followers special privileges that violate its conditional-use permit, or CUP, and that are not offered to any other religious group, said attorney and retired Lt. Col. Larry Frost. By doing so, Frost said the city has exposed itself to potential lawsuits from churches and synagogues in the area that have not been afforded the same rights.

The council members sat mum during Frost’s comments.

Long list of abuses

The list of abuses and alleged violations by Dar al Farooq, which was allowed to build in a residential area, is long. They range from dumping asbestos in the trash to having three to five times the occupancy allowed by its conditional-use permit, making excess noise, shining car lights and producing overflow parking at all hours of the night during the month of Ramadan – and to a lesser extent every weekend. The mosque members take over the adjacent public park and force out residents of nearby neighborhoods, often staying in the park well after the posted closing time of 11 p.m.

Neighbors have been told by mosque workers to get out of Smith Park “because the park belongs to [the Muslims],” said one local woman.

Another local resident, Matilda Zumba, who lives in a neighborhood near the mosque, approached the city council Monday night with an interpreter. She said she has two small children who are always playing outside.

“I’m very afraid because there is a lot of traffic and a lot of speeding and the people of Dar al-Farooq don’t respect our speed limits and the safety of our children,” Zumba told the council. “I’m also now afraid to take our children to the park because there are many people there who do not respect the rights of our own children to play there.

“A lot of times the other children don’t want to work together to share with our children. Sometimes their parents are there and they may shout at them but they don’t do anything, they just continue to let their children interfere. The park is very important to the Spanish community especially and we met there a lot, but now we don’t because we don’t feel safe.”

Mosque attendees have flooded the neighborhood with offsite parking, blocked driveways and walked through neighbors’ yards without permission. The city has told neighbors if they park in joint-use parking, the neighbors have to “hurry to the sidewalk” and get out of the parking lot so it would be available for the mosque. 


Last week one supporter of the neighborhood group witnessed mosque abusers using joint-parking areas to practice driving at 1:30 a.m. – by using city garbage cans as obstacles. When the witness came to film the event, three young mosque members confronted him, one demanding to know what he was doing and telling him he could not film the offending car or its license. Later, a police officer told the witness that “only mosque members can use the parking lots after normal park hours” – in other words, the public space is reserved for use by one particular religion after it’s closed to the public.

The city took more than three years and 67 drafts to complete the conditional-use permit with the mosque. Built into that contract is a requirement that the city use a laborious five-phase, six-month enforcement process to correct any Dar al-Farooq violations.

“Clearly that’s a non-enforcement clause,” Frost said. “The city has to give this amazing provision to every new church applicant, and I would argue, every current CUP holder can demand the same. Why? Because you are privileging Dar al-Farooq above other religions.

“One of your own council members said ‘I feel like we’re punishing applicants that came after Dar al Farook,’ because you required them to do things that Dar al-Farooq is not required to do.”

The city council granted a conditional-use permit to Dar al Farooq enabling the mosque to operate in a residential neighborhood, then failed to enforce either the CUP or the joint-use agreement allowing the mosque to use Smith Park.

As a result, the neighbors of Smith Park have been reduced to second-class status, unable to use and enjoy a public park adjacent to their neighborhood.

Mosque actions violating the CUP and JUA were not stopped because the city attorney insisted that the federal Religious Land-use and Incarcerated Persons Act, commonly called RLUIPA, did not allow the city to enforce the CUP/JUA, effectively making the neighborhood around Dar al Farooq a zoning-free area. The city attorney also told council members that enforcement of the CUP could result in lawsuits against council members in their private capacities. Both legal ideas are flatly false, said Frost.

“Your own city attorney, former attorney, told you that you had to do that, but you made a grave legal and moral error when you signed a CUP and then didn’t enforce it, because that’s not what RLUPA says,” Frost told the council on Monday night.

RLUIPA is a federal statute that requires local governments to issue permits for houses of worship equally when it comes to construction projects.

“But once you have the CUP you’re no longer in the permitting phase – it is not a legal permitting issue,” Frost said. “Despite what your previous city attorney said, you can enforce the CUP and you must.”

Friends of Smith Park are asking only that all city council resolutions concerning Dar al Farooq be enforced, including retroactive enforcement where legal and appropriate – exactly as would be the case for all other religious institutions with a conditional-use permit.

A mosque is not just a house of worship

Most Americans believe a mosque or Islamic Center is simply a “Muslim church,” when in fact it operates much differently, said Debra Anderson, coordinator of the Minneapolis chapter of ACT For America.

“In Islam, the prophet Mohammad is viewed as the perfect example of a man,” she said. “Anything he did is considered the example for all Muslims to follow for all time.”

Mohammad used the first mosques as political and military bases as well as houses of worship.There are now as many as 3,100 mosques in America and nearly 80 percent of them have been opened since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

“It has been from the mosque that devout Mohammadans (Muslims) have waged their war of global conquest, slaughtering non-Muslims who refuse to surrender to Islam and producing a trail of blood and tears across world history,” Anderson said.

Last month police in Germany raided a property near a mosque and found a large cache of military-grade weapons being stored by Islamists.

Turkey’s Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, once said: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, and the Muslim faithful our soldiers…”

Bloomington’s Dar al-Farooq is just one out of 83 mosques in Hennepin county. There are 163 mosques, Islamic centers, masjids and prayer spaces in Minnesota at last count, Anderson said.

“How many are in your county? Who is the Imam? What are they teaching? Are they teaching that ‘Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope?” Anderson asks, referring to the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In an email alert Tuesday, Anderson said three civilian Minnesota women, two of which are grandmothers, have been “doing the work that our FBI and law enforcement agencies used to do before all their training manuals were purged of anything deemed offensive by the Muslim Brotherhood … before our military, intelligence, and law enforcement institutions became ‘sensitive’ to blasphemy laws as dictated by Islamic Sharia law. Yes, the country is in great trouble. You are needed.”

“Please, stand with these American patriots in Bloomington in their effort to protect and preserve the safety and livability of their neighborhood from this radical mosque that is clearly demonstrating their utter disregard for American law, their neighbors … and more importantly our national security.”

MOST significantly, know that the above is merely a foretaste of what is coming down the pike, if left unchecked. In other words, once they gain the upper hand, well….

INCONTROVERTIBLY, can anyone honestly state why a bulls eye shouldn’t be placed on Waleed Idrus al-Maneesey, a radical imam who heads up the Al-Farooq mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota, attended by at least six known terrorists and terrorist supporters. If not, why? And what about all the rest??

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

SYRIANS POUR INTO US AT 100 PER DAY! Militant Islamic Jihad – A Guaranteed Knock-On Effect. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AKIN to a well-endowed drunken sailor, soon to be cut off from his endless supply of 100-proof booze, HUSSEIN Obama is going for broke.

AS this site has been warning for years, the Islamist-in-Chief is Allah-bent on transforming America into the Shariah States of AmericaWith his entire like-minded apparatus – officialdom and non-elected surrogates – they are ushering in as many Islamists as possible into America, and sans requisite security vetting to boot!

AND never mind the concrete warnings from various security quarters, relative to bringing in “refugees” from Syria (and other Islamic hot-spots alike) sans proper vetting.

“We don’t have it under control,” Mr. Michael Steinback, Assistant Director for the FBI told the House Homeland Security committee in February. “Absolutely, we’re doing the best we can. If I were to say that we had it under control, then I would say I know of every single individual traveling. I don’t. And I don’t know every person there and I don’t know everyone coming back. So it’s not even close to being under control.”

The chairman of the Homeland Security committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), asked officials from DHS, FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), “if bringing in Syrian refugees pose a greater risk to Americans?” Steinback responded, “Yes, I’m concerned. We’ll have to go take a look at those lists and go through all of those intelligence holdings and be very careful to try and identify connections to foreign terrorist groups.”

Last week Rep. McCaul renewed the concern that ISIS wants to use the refugee crisis to sneak into western countries. “The President wants to surge thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States, in spite of consistent intelligence community and federal law enforcement warnings that we do not have the intelligence needed to vet individuals from the conflict zone. We also know that ISIS wants to use refugee routes as cover to sneak operatives into the West,” he said in a statement.

McCaul continued, “I implore the president to consult with Congress before taking any drastic action and to level with the American people about the very real security challenges we face.”

NumbersUSA has called for passage of Rep. Brian Babin’s (R-Texas) Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, H.R.3314, that would immediately suspend the refugee resettlement program in the United States until the Government Accountability Office can further examine its costs and potential threats to national security. In the meantime, NumbersUSA and other leaders, including Virginia Senator and former Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine have called for the establishment of refugee camps closer to the region.


MIND you, whereas Christians (and other minorities) are slaughtered and enslaved throughout Syria, the wider Mid East and parts of Africa, HUSSEIN Obama is fine with that. Resultant, less than a trickle are gifted coveted refugee status! Why is this? What’s going on? 

IN a nutshell, the implosion of America is operating under deep “humanitarian” cover ala the so-called Refugee Resettlement Program. Effectively, to speed up the process of the transformation of America into a third world country with Muslims as the chief beneficiaries, the hijrah into the west is tailor-made.

FOR more proof of the same….

The Obama administration has created a “resettlement surge center” which has produced a pouring of 100 Syrian refugees in the U.S. per day. The very real risk to Americans – the lack of proper vetting of these individuals by the quick processing that is being done, almost all of them reported to be Muslims.

Over 100 Syrian refugees have been admitted every day in June according to the federal government’s own database from the Refugee Processing Center. More than 1,000 were admitted in May. The rate of those admitted has sky-rocketed when compared to the 3,755 accepted in fiscal year 2016.

The Conservative Review reported these numbers, and that approximately 100-250 were admitted during the first six months of fiscal year 2016. It noted that the Associated Press reported in April that the federal government set up a “resettlement surge center” in Amman, Jordan in February. The center is now interviewing approximately 600 people a day.

The “vetting” process, already questioned by leaders in the country, has been fast-tracked from 18-24 months to just three months. The “refugee mill” can now go through thousands of applications every month.

The Center for Immigration Studies published concerns raised by the comments of Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, when he certified that 12,000 applicants were interviewed in February, March, and April. He wrote:

So the fact that 225 Syrian refugees were admitted into the United States in a new single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals is beside the point. What is of importance here is that 12,000 were interviewed in such a short time driven by the urgency to meet the September deadline.

Henshaw made these statements during a meeting on the “Refugee Crisis in the Middle East,” organized by the Center for Migration Studies (CMS) in May.

Obama promised and the U.S. Congress has acquiesced to 10,000 Syrians being admitted by September 30 when the fiscal year ends. In September 2015, President Obama directed the U.S. government to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country. Now, according to the regional refugee coordinator at the U.S. Embassy in Anman in April, “The 10,000 [number] is a floor and not a ceiling, and it is possible to increase the number.”

A video excerpt from an October 2015 House Homeland Security Committee hearing reveals exactly why U.S. and state leaders have called for “a screeching halt” to Syrian resettlement in the country, as reported by Breitbart Texas.

Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) asked federal security and crime directors whether terrorists would use federal programs to gain access to this country in order to commit terrorist acts. The Director of the National Counterterrorism Center answered, “We have certainly seen terrorist groups talk about, think about, exactly what you are describing, Mr. Smith. Trying to use available programs to get people not only into the United States, but into western European countries as well. So we know that they aspire to do that.”

Rep. Smith asked about the vetting process and noted that terrorist organizations would most likely have individuals come into the country who have not yet committed a crime or had “a public background,” or committed a terrorist act. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson answered the vetting question by saying that every alleged refugee is interviewed, and that they complete an application. Smith responded saying that you are then essentially relying upon the refugee who is filling out the application, and “you can’t go beyond that, so you are sorta having to take their word for it.”

At the time Smith added, “As I say, both the profile and the motive of terrorist organizations, and your admission that there is some risk involved, to me would persuade the administration to go slow, rather than fast, when it comes to admitting individuals who might do us harm.” Smith noted that both FBI Director James B. Comey and Homeland Security Secretary Johnson admitted they do not currently have the ability to properly screen and conduct sufficient background checks on these refugees.

Besides the risk of terrorist attacks in the U.S., there is also a huge financial cost to the U.S….continue reading….re the surging national security threat level due to the stepped-up infiltration and penetration of Syrian “refugees” – countless thousands! It is dire and palpable.

AS the Jihadi-in-Chief infamously intoned in Sept. 2012: “The future must not belong to anyone who slanders the prophet of Islam.”


STILL yet, none of the above makes any sense without internalizing and foreseeing the Islamist-in-Chief’s Bottom Line End Goal. 

IN a nutshell, his aim is precisely that which inspires the ummah’s global, supranational leadership and worldwide adherents; the resurgence of the Caliphate under Shariah Law! 

MOST significantly, it matters not a whit to militant Islamic jihadists (which HUSSEIN Obama is part and parcel thereof, and with Marxism in the mix) how the End Goal is achieved, be it through frontal or stealth jihad. However, whereas stealth-like boring is incremental and steady, it is a slow and patient mission. But the fact remains that with limited time left at the helm, speeding up the process – with mostly fighting age and hardened Muslims via the hirjah for Allah – becomes urgent. Imperative. 

TO wit, come hell or high water, Shariah Law will be implemented in America, that is, if patriots don’t amass in the millions to thwart it. It is that clear, that simple, and that dire.

BELIEVE it – or not.

Multiculturalism And Islamofascism Marches On While Non-Muslims Are Slaughtered On The Altar Of Diversity. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


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IT is manifestly clear – at least to those who are not blinded by the left’s idée fixe that multiculturalism is the only way forward – that a seismic shift in the “balance of power” between western nations and 7th century steeped third world Islamic-infused barbarians is on the march.

IN this regard, civilized westerners should be able to depend upon their so-called enlightened leaders to beat back (militarily, politically, and ideologically) against the aforementioned barbarians hands down. Not so fast.

ALAS, it is due to many mitigating factors that the west is in the throes of a precipitous decline; a life and death struggle. However, certain fault-lines should be considered primary thrusts. To wit, hot on the heels of this site’s most recent commentary, “Cultural Suicide Facilitated Civilization Jihad: The Clash Of Civilizations And The Death Of The West. Is It Too Late?”, it is hardly incidental that a colleague – who happens to be an Editor in Chief and political commentator – wrote the following piece. 

CONCLUSIVELY, his analysis is both stark and indicting.

Multiculturalism And Islamofascism Marches On While Non-Muslims Are Slaughtered On The Altar Of Diversity
Recently, I strayed across a video clip from a segment of Bill Maher’s show that I watched because the topic was Islam, and Maher is probably the only Liberal willing to tell the truth about the alleged “Religion of Peace.” I now realize that the human race is in even more trouble than I originally believed after I heard a Canadian woman with a voice so annoying I clicked on the closed captions for the deaf and muted her to suppress the waves of nausea her voice induced.
I shook my head in utter horror at the incredible nonsense this madwoman was pouring out to mindlessly defend Islam as Bill Maher and his other guests provided irrefutable evidence that between 250 million to 300 million Muslims are on the side of ISIS and believe that it is acceptable to kill an infidel. What this “queen of diversity” doesn’t want anyone to say is that there are more Muslims who would like the entire human race to be either Muslim or dead than the total number of soldiers in the combined armies of the entire Non-Muslim world many times over. She is incapable of even comprehending that the other three people in the conversation might have something to say that she should at least consider. Her childish behavior was the politically correct version of sticking a finger in each ear and screaming, “NA NA NA NA” at the top of her lungs in order not to hear something that may save her life one day.
What she does say in typical Progressive code is anyone who criticizes Islam and refuses to renounce their own culture and national identity in favor of the imaginary “Global Village” is provoking peaceful Muslims into leaving Islam to become mass murderers. As usual, the Allahu Akbar shouting butchers who behead three-month old Jewish babies in their cribs after slaughtering their family are not Muslims, according to our multiculti princess. They are common criminals who were forced to kill because we hate Muslims. She can’t even comprehend what Bill Mahar means as he tells her over and over that no one hates Muslims. The issue is the dogma and teachings of Islam and the demand to permit Sharia law in Muslim communities in secular nations. We are being asked to reject our culture and values in favor of the culture, values and religious beliefs of the people who want to come to live among us as equals. While we should treat all immigrants as equals, asking us to reject our identity and be accepting of theirs is no different from blaming the badly beaten victim of a home invasion for not having better locks on the door.
We are reminded that there are 1.2 billion Muslims, as if that means their lack of concern as the main culprits in the suicidal overpopulation of the planet somehow makes Islam even more special and valid. This comment then segues into reminding us that only a “small percentage” of Muslims support “radical” Islam, another made up word that is used to excuse the vile hatred of non-Muslims found in the Qur’an, the Hadith, and Islamic Law.
In reality, the “small percentage,” according to repeated polls conducted in several important Muslim majority nations amounts to 250 million to 300 million Muslims willing to impose Islam by force and kill anyone who refuses to convert or pay the Jizya to live as virtual slaves in an Islamic Theocracy called the Caliphate. These so-called “radical” extremists outnumber the total combined  military forces of the entire non-Muslim world ten to one, and they are not ordered by their leaders to consult a military lawyer before they return fire as the battle commences. People with her delusional belief in “diversity” have crippled the American military to the point of uselessness by insisting on rules of engagement that guarantee our troops die and the enemy wins or is able to fight for decades.
Either you crush the enemy as quickly and completely as possible or you don’t even bother to fight. While no one wants to see our soldiers deliberately killing civilians, we must remember that in WWII 19,000 civilians died every single day for six years. Now, we are fighting an enemy who deliberately opens fire from inside the homes of their own civilians. If one alleged non-combatant dies during an engagement or battle with an enemy deliberately embedded in the civilian population, the accusations against American (and Israeli) soldiers committing “war crimes” are shouted from the headlines of every mainstream paper and news website on the planet.
The refusal to confront and crush an enemy that has openly and repeatedly declared war on the entire non-Muslim world is so out of hand that Secretary of State John Kerry made a speech warning the Nigerian government not to violate the human rights of Boko Haram terrorists who have told the 85 million Nigerian Christians they will continue to kill Christians until they either convert to Islam or flee Nigeria with nothing but the clothes they are wearing.
Obama refused to give any weapons or even provide intelligence reports to help Nigeria stop Boko Haram while their Christian head of state, Goodluck Jonathan, begged for help.Nigerian schools and churches were blown up along with dozens of Christians and Boko Haram wiped out an entire town killing more than 1000 civilians. Hillary Clinton blocked the State Department from putting Boko Haram on the official list of terrorist groups for more than two years when she was Secretary of State under Obama. Had she not blocked a very legitimate policy, Nigeria would have been able to receive enough technology, intelligence sharing, and weapons to wage an effective war against an army of Islamic supremacist butchers.
The purpose behind Obama’s and Clinton’s treatment of the nation of Nigeria and the betrayal of a Nigerian leader who loved America, and spent part of his life living here, was revealed when the Nigerian national elections approached in 2014. Obama Administration officials put the word out to the media that the Muslim General running against the incumbent was the best choice because of Goodluck Jonathan’s failure to stop Boko Haram. Obama set up the man to fail. He refused to help him as hundreds of Christian teenagers were kidnapped and sold into sex slavery by Boko Haram, hundreds of Nigerian college students were slaughtered in their beds for receiving a secular education instead of studying the Qur’an, and entire communities were annihilated.
Obama’s minions put the word out that Goodluck Jonathan was the reason for the failure to stop Boko Haram. The first Christian President of Nigeria was replaced by another Muslim General with a history of aggression toward Nigerian Christians because imposing Obama’s world view, which is based on shamelessly pandering to Islam just like the Canadian woman did on HBO with Bill Mahar, is more important to him than the lives on 82 million Nigerian Christians and the national identity of the American people, who wish to live in a secular Constitutional Republic.
The Liberal and Progressive refusal to accept reality is truly a severe new form of mental illness that will eventually cost millions of innocent non-Muslims their lives. If and when a clash of civilizations begins, the woman who nauseated Bill Mahar will still be calling us Islamophobes while an Islamist saws off her head. To allow people with her worldview to participate in the governance of a non-Muslim nation is treasonous stupidity, as was electing Obama twice, and anyone who defends her or Obama’s worldview is just as crazy and dangerous as they are.  Of course, people who can think for themselves know that when the SHTF, the useful idiots are always the first to be disposed of by the very people they so blindly defended.
One final point that is never raised is the fact that almost all the heroin killing and crippling millions of American civilians is coming from Afghanistan, yet both Bush and Obama refused to destroy the opium crops that are the raw material for 90 percent of the world’s heroin. Afghani warlords affiliated with an alphabet soup of Islamic terror groups have total control over the poppy crop., The same warlords, who previously supported the Taliban and al Qaeda while spilling rivers of blood, are allowed to grow their poppies and produce their opium in exchange for ending their active support for the various Islamofascists who tore Afghanistan to shreds while receiving financial and military support from Pakistan’s ISI.
Our so-called leaders remain silent as America is flooded with heroin. We could destroy all the poppy fields in Afghanistan in a few days if our military was allowed to do their job, but instead, 40,000 Americans died of heroin overdoses last year, while the poppies bloomed and the raw opium was harvested. Afghani opium provides the Islamists and their terror networks with two billion dollars a year to finance their war on the non-Muslim world, and Obama won’t give the order to bomb the poppy fields into oblivion. Obama is as responsible for their deaths as are the Islamic Warlords who are laughing all the way to the bank.
Bottom line, folks. Multiculturalism? OH, hell no!

Erdogan + ISIS + HUSSEIN Obama + “Refugees” = Jihad Via Western Hijrah! Documented Trails & Linkages. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Wake up America 300x167 The link between Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS

A little over 2 years ago (Oct. 2013), this investigative journalist was “drafted” for an interview by the Chief Editor of Inquisitr to dissect the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, aka the MB.  Many dedicated readers have since become familiar with its basis, but its full impetus was never discussed – until now.

BRIEFLY, Inquisitr’s Chief Editor understood that an “intimate” relationship with the-hydra based global Brotherhood – after several years of investigating its inter-related linkages – was developed. Thus, a basis for the interview was formed, and several sub-sections became mandatory components. But its key focus, by necessity, revolved around Turkey’s Erdogan (surrogates alike) and his inextricable relationship with the MB and HUSSEIN Obama. It is this nexus which not only endangers Israel and penetrates Jewish media, but has grave knock-on effects for America’s safety. By the way, its results are NOW coming to fruition via Obama Inc.’s full-throttle “refugee” resettlement, regardless of all associated security risks. 

(Since the June 30 revolution in Egypt, Turkey has become the regional hub for the Muslim Brotherhood’s International Organization. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is pictured here with former Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi. (File photo: AFP)


NOT only that, a few months before the interview hit the web, a deeply probing investigation was conducted into one of Erdogan’s chief MB mouthpieces, Adnan Oktar. Its conclusions (documented within several commentaries) enraged Turkish Brotherhood operatives. Almost immediately, explicit threats were issued in this direction, Resultant, it was obvious that conducting said global interview would add fuel to the fire, so to speak. Nonetheless, it was advised – by trusted counter terrorism contacts – to go ahead with it.

Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?

Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.

It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at Aina.org. He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors.

In the words of Commentary Magazine:

“Hamas is a terrorist group in search of a home. Uprooted by the Syrian civil war, and shaken by the Egyptian coup, the Hamas leadership has taken temporary shelter in Qatar, but that tiny emirate is showing every sign that they want the Islamist radicals to move on. So where would a radical Islamist terrorist group dedicated to the eradication of the State of Israel and whose charter endorses the crudest anti-Semitism turn? Perhaps to Turkey, America’s NATO ally and a country whose leader President Obama identified as one of his top personal foreign friends.”

According to Hürriyet Daily News:

“The prime ministry in Ankara was the venue for a meeting between the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Mashaal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today. The meeting, which started at 7 p.m. and lasted for three hours, was closed to the press. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, National Intelligence Agency (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan, Deputy Undersecretary for the Prime Minister’s Office İbrahim Kalın and advisor Sefer Turan were also present at the meeting, Anadolu Agency reported. The meeting between Mashaal and Erdoğan came around four months after their latest meeting. It came at a time when rumors suggest that Mashaal, currently in exile in Qatar, is searching for another place to live.”

As such, a perfect storm. A union for Allah…continue reading

IN this regard, once the above nexus is internalized, the next step is to understand where ISIS fits into the MB. Simply put, the MB is its progenitor. Afterwards, a direct trail between Erdogan and HUSSEIN Obama – and all those who are linked to the “refugee” hijrah – will, by extrapolation, be exposed. Mind you, it matters not a wit that Erdogan, taqiyya-like, opines that ISIS is a danger to Turkey too! Said exhortations, regardless of their shrillness, are akin (but on steroids) to the head of the Italian Mafia screaming that the organization’s foot soldiers endanger his family alike, therefore, he couldn’t be involved! Hogwash.

SO, it is into this netherworld of inter-connecting MB relationships that current intelligence estimates cite upwards of 100,000 Islamic terrorists flooding into Europe via Turkey (refer back to this investigative journalist’s highlighted interview – and associated commentaries over several years – on the ever important Turkish connection), and many are on their way to America! Count on it.

Paris is simply the tip of the iceberg. Middle East intelligence reveal that at least 100,000 Muslim terrorists flooded Europe via Turkey.

Tracking the hordes of Muslim immigrants into Europe has sparked questions as to who is sending them, where they come from and why they are flooding Europe? To answer this question, Shoebat.com connected with Taleb Ibrahim who has become a familiar face to Shoebat.com. He works for the Syrian government, a close friend to the Grand Mufti of Syria, is a Syrian Middle East analyst who was also a lecturer at the High Institute of National Security in Syria. His expert explanation from his intelligence background assisting the Syrian government is intriguing and enlightening and he gives a unique insight on what facilitates the smuggling of Muslim Jihadists into Europe. Shoebat.com caught up with him and recorded this eye-opening interview.


It all confirms Donald Trump’s notice of hundreds of thousands young Muslim fighting age, mostly males flooding into Europe. Taleb Ibrahim being on the ground in Syria says that what Europe got was the worst of the litter. Besides ISIS smuggled fighters, there are the fighting forces that were defeated by ISIS and Al-Nusra Front. There were battles where Al-Nusra Front, the top dog defeated Ahrar Al-Sham, Jaish Al-Fateh, Jund Al-Aqsa … as what happened in Idlib. Also included are groups that lost in Daraa (10,000 immigrants) against the Syrian regime at the Battle of The South. All these losing factions migrated directly to Turkey and from there Erdogan claimed them as “refugee crisis” kept them as a sight for sore eyes, and then instead of them returning to Syria to face terrorism and criminal charges, he sent them on their way to Europe. These could not get back to Bashar controlled Syrian sphere without facing arrest and imprisonment so these hordes opted to go to Europe via Turkey to start terror cells.

Also included were many fugitives thugs and murderers who killed their families over Islam and are wanted by the Syrian police or feared revenge for their crimes. It is estimated that there were 100,000 terrorists coming in as refugees. Ibrahim asks everyone to notice why the ages are so obviously young and that they are mostly male within fighting age…..

Obama’s attempts to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees will also have a large percent of terrorist in the litter and will bomb Washington, New York …. Over a month prior to the attacks in Paris, Shoebat.com interviewed Ibrahim and disclosed in our interview titled Turkey Is Sending Hundreds Of Thousands Of Muslim Terrorists Into Europe In An Islamic Invasion, While Russia Is In Syria Fighting The Islamic Terrorists And Defending Christians. A month later we saw Paris at war.

CONCLUSIVELY, this investigative journalist has proven – at this site and elsewhere – what the overall objective and end-goal is: The Caliphate. Demonstrably, its current incarnation has evolved over many years. Still yet, it wasn’t until HUSSEIN Obama implanted his Brothers into the White House that ISIS was “conceived” as a springboard – if you will, a force-multiplier – to effectuate its mandatory component: An Islamic (westward) hijrah

Migration for the Cause of Allah

CONSEQUENTIALLY, blowing apart the Mid East became necessary to allow the space and ripened conditions for ISIS to explode. Thus, exporting a cascading rush of “refugees” – many of whom are fighting-age males between the ages of 18-45 – was an expected knock-on effect. And it is into this mass hijrah migration that countless ISIS-trained soldiers and sympathizers have “escaped” with Turkish helping hands and others.

TO wit, even though it has been conclusively proven that Paris exploded with “refugees” in the forefront, sans any hesitation, HUSSEIN Obama is doubling down and brooking no dissent: Obama’s anger was reserved for those challenging his strategy and those closing their hearts to Muslim refugees.

THE million dollar questions become: Why? To what end?


{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Islamic ‘Tent Cities’ Headed For America: Dresden Template, Dumping Ground. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHENEVER one wants to accurately depict what’s in store for America – vis-a-vis Islamic infiltration and penetration – peel your eyes towards Europe, as discomfiting as it is. And while there are many differences between the two in various arenas, the fact remains that Europe has been the harbinger of things to come, in relation to Islamic encroachment. Indubitably.

IT is hardly a secret that Europe’s leaders made a political/financial deal with the Islamic devil, and what began in 1974 in Damascus, Syria (hardly surprising, considering that the ongoing war in Syria – blow back from HUSSEIN Obama’s illegal thrust into Libya – is the epicenter of the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Christians and other minorities…hmmm) is now coming to fruition. Full circle.  

EFFECTIVELY, EURABIA is a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. It is fundamentally, inherently and viscerally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic. Its genesis began with what is called the Euro-Arab Dialogue. Incontrovertibly, it propagates its ideological message and is directly responsible for the complete transformation of Europe. Furthermore, it was conceived by Euro and Arab politicians and their intellectual elites, aka leftist whores. In point of fact, they paved the road to Allah’s hell throughout Europe. None of it is happenstance.

NOT to get too off the beaten track, but in the same manner in which conservative (red) states are being upended (turning blue) by unfettered illegal aliens (mainly from Mexico and Latin/South America) streaming across the US, so too is the PLANNED invasion of America (and western Europe) facilitating Shariah Law with the flooding of millions of Muslims. A pre-conceived design by the Brotherhood’s leadership, but accepted by the highest echelons in the US. Europe alike.

In a court case involving a Middle East terrorist, the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for North America was entered into evidence. Here are are some of the excerpts with regard to what they have in mind for the United States.

Page 4:

“Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is.”

Page 5:

“…the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’ responsibility.”

Page 7:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

Page 18:

“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends” – This is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S.. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others are named here.”

AND if anyone is foolish enough to argue with the above, go right ahead. But do know that those of us who ‘live and breathe’ the Muslim Brotherhood know better! 

TO wit, when readers are warned, yes, ‘tent cities’, are coming to a US city near you, believe that this nightmare is in the cards, sooner than later.

AS to Dresden being a template….

merkel-cyborg-imagebotDresden residents woke up to find their city turned into a squatter/jihadist camp for 2,000 North African & Middle Eastern MUSLIM illegal aliens. The German city which dared to stand up to its government’s policy of accepting Islamization and massive MUSLIM immigration appears to have been punished for its dissent by the zero-notice imposition of a MUSLIM invader camp in a Dresden city park.

Government employees stood by the entrance of a city park in Dresden, Saxony on Thursday night handing out fliers to passers-by informing them the next day the green space, which lies a short walk behind the city’s famous Semper Opera house was to be transformed into a ‘Muslim tent city’. In reality, a Breitbart source in the city said, the first most people knew about the plan was when a convoy of lorries and construction equipment rolled in to begin work.


Bulldozers worked throughout the night to clear away grass and to pull up trees to make the park ready to receive the large white marquees provided by the German Red Cross to house some 1,100 refugees. That was the number, at least, that residents were given when the plans were announced. Within hours of the first migrants arriving on Saturday, the number the city-centre camp was expected to house had already been uprated to 2,000.


Of those living in the tent city, 79.3-per-cent are Muslim men, 12.4-per-cent are Muslim women, and 8.3-per-cent are Muslim children.

A Dresden eyewitness told Breitbart the invaders had wasted absolutely no time in establishing themselves as black-market businessmen in the hitherto low-crime city. He said he had already been approached in the street by freshly arrived Muslim migrants offering to sell him drugs.

Italy - Illegal Immigration Crisis in Lampedusa

The zero-notice creation of migrant camps is now a common feature in certain parts of Europe, as governments have learnt giving notice and allowing locals chance to engage in the consultation process gives them time to organize and oppose. After all, where plans are made known in advance and the authorities take time making careful preparations for the arrival of immigrants, the buildings earmarked for them have a frustrating habit of mysteriously burning down.

In the first half of 2015 there have been 202 such attacks on refugee centres across Germany, more already than the whole of 2014, and six times as many as the whole of 2013, reports German paper Mopo24.


Not that such shock tactics have proven reliable in cowing locals into passive acceptance when town centre plots are unexpectedly turned into migrant centres. Breitbart London reported last week on the case of Freital, a small town in the vicinity of Dresden where a refugee centre was established earlier this year with no notice.

The ownership of a local hotel quietly changed hands and again the first residents knew of the plans to establish the centre was when the lorryloads of migrants drove in. The whole town is now under German police control which is martial law in all but name – officers can refuse entry to the town, and have set up an exclusion zone around the hotel. Locals now meet every night to protest, opposed by the police.


Dresden itself has been a marked target for left-wing activists and politicians since the city became last year the home of PEGIDA – the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West. The much maligned group has been meeting every Monday night in Dresden since Autumn 2014, to voice their opposition to a number of government policies, from the open-arms approach to migration, the Islamisation of Christian Europe, and the involvement of the German military in the Iraq-Syria conflict.


PEGIDA has consistently drawn a more peaceful crowd of professionals, families, and right-wing students. Despite that, German intellectuals have been left dumbfounded as to why East Germans would want to complain about mass migration at all, and that the feelings of this vocal group must be down to ignorance born of living in the least ethnically diverse part of the country.


To combat this ignorance, the logic goes, Dresden must be made more diverse. Major left-wing charity chairman and former STASI spy Anetta Kahane has already declared the East of Germany “too white”, and that if she could have any wish granted it would be to culturally ‘reconstruct’ the East.

Her comments were in response to remarks by the Green-party prime minister of German state Baden-Württemberg who said that the present formula of migrants being shared out equally should be modified to make less ethnically diverse East German states take more.


The first protest against the new Dresden camp took place on Friday night, as PEGIDA supporters and concerned residents clashed with left-wing ‘antis’ outside the camp. Deutsche Welle reports “several people were hurt” and that stones and fireworks were thrown at the clash between the politically opposed groups, but did not reveal who threw them, or at who.

After putting up the tent city in the dead of night, Germany begins busing in the Muslim illegals:

Feeding the animals.


CONSEQUENTIALLY, Americans with functioning faculties who have little inclination to submit to Allah must internalize the following facts: it has already been proven that ISIS (in tandem with other Islamic tentacled hydras) is fully ensconced in America. That ship has sailed. Thus, the question becomes: what makes any realist believe that what happens in areas under the boot of Islam – all over the globe – will magically skip over America, let alone will not involve Dresden-like ‘tent cities?’ 

IN other words, with unfettered legal and illegal immigration of Muslims into America – coupled with Shariah Law already implanted in certain areas – if one thinks in a logical progression, aren’t tent cities a (more than) likely outcome? Not only that, but with Islamic beheading already ‘introduced’ into America (via Oklahoma, N.J. etc.), how far a stretch is this:

An Islamic State defector from the Hisbah (the Islamic State religious police) told a shocking tale of petty power plays and a cult of vicious violence.

Leena (not her real name) told The Mail Online “’I was horrified by what I saw, the brutality and corruption. I left because I saw so many terrible things, so much destruction, beatings.”

She fled the would-be Caliphate after her boss, a female ISIS judge, was given over to another female judge, for beheading.

She said “Um Abdullah was married with four children. She was kind.

“If the woman brought to her was poor she would give her a very small fine. One time she had to sentence a woman to a beating, so she beat the woman with her pencil so it would not hurt but still be within the law.

‘But there was another judge, a Tunisian, Roaa Um Khotaba al-Tunisi, she was a real monster. She was married to a Libyan fighter and he was killed in battle in Kobane. The ISIS leaders said she should marry again because she was young, maybe 30.

“For her wedding present she asked the emirs to cut off the head of a kuffar, an unbeliever. Her request went to the top of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who considered it for a long time.

“Finally he said she could have a prisoner beheaded, but it had to be a woman. At about the same time my judge, Um Abdullah, disappeared. She had been accused of being a spy, working for the Saudi Intelligence Services. She was captured and taken to jail.

“The Tunisian, Roaa Um Khotaba Al-Tunisi, asked for head of Um Abdullah and she was sentenced to death. When I asked others in Hisbah what she had done I was told not to ask, for my own safety.”

Leena said “You can imagine how frightened I felt because I was her writer [clerk]. I feared I would be next, be beheaded. I don’t know if she is dead or alive but I fear the worst.”

She also spoke about the role of foreign converts in the ISIS administration. She reported there are five British women in the Hisbah¸ who receive preferential treatment compared to local jihadists. They were allowed to carry guns and would travel around the Caliphate. All five were converts and had only been Muslims for a few years.

Although she was initially entranced by what she saw as the romantic idealism of the foreign fighters, she later described them as rapists, looters and thieves only after “money, gold and slaves.”

She spoke about a woman sentenced to 80 lashes for speaking to a man in a shop, even though the man was her husband and many other abuses of power. She convinced her husband to flee, and the family fled Syria with their young children…..


INTRINSICALLY, if a former ISIS police enforcer is scared out of her wits from Islam’s rampant barbarians, what exactly lies in store for those who are used to the comforts of American life, as well as the socialist dominant policies of Europe, once Allah’s monsters unleash a self-styled Caliphate which spans across the west?


ALAS, just internalize what the purposeful dumping of Muslims in America has wrought, all with the helping hands of HUSSEIN Obama. Are tent cities far-fetched? Oh, puleeze….

BESIDES, does anyone believe that the Jihadi-in-Chief – who shares the same overall outlook as Islam’s warriors – would object to the ethos: “There is no good in you if they are secure and happy while you have a pulsing vein. Erupt volcanoes of jihad everywhere. Light the earth with fire upon all the [apostate rulers], their soldiers and supporters. — ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.”

REST assured, ISIS’s (the Brotherhood Mafia in toto) expansion, so far, has proven that it is more than capable of follow through. Wait… and see… 

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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ISIS-Monster (Iran Alike) Fed By HUSSEIN Obama:Knock-On Effects Of (Illegal) Libyan War & More! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS the world is transfixed by the speed in which ISIS captured Ramadi and Palmyra, it must be internalized where the hydra-like monsters spawned from. This knowledge base will explain how they catapulted into top-tier status. Forthwith, let’s begin connecting the dots. It is only by taking the time to do so that we can properly extrapolate what HUSSEIN Obama’s game plan really is.


AS previously asserted (Oct. 2013) while assessing the illegal war into Libya – with Benghazigate as its outgrowth – it was specifically noted that the main objective was a weapons-running operation F/B/O Syrian Sunni jihadists and the empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Concomitantly, the Brotherhood is the parent of al-Qaeda and ISIS is its offshoot


MOREOVER, as the region started to melt down after Obama Inc’s. adventure into Libya, requisite players realized that Iraq’s forces were in no position to stand up to ISIS without multiplying its force power. Therefore, what else did they expect the knock-on effects of said quasi-intervention in Iraq would be, other than a complete mowing down by ISIS? Huh and duh.

ISIS victory parade in Ramadi, Iraq
INDEED, even the most knowledgeable sources in the region can’t explain what part the US Central Command is playing as a military factor in any of these conflicts – in particular, Gen. John Allen, whom Obama last year named Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS. Some account for their low-to-vanishing profile by their having been preoccupied in preparing a grand campaign for the recovery of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, which is under ISIS rule.

Today, this plan looks like a pipe dream. ISIS has caused a Middle East earthquake after another by capturing Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria in a matter of days. Their alarmed neighbors in Jerusalem, Amman and Riyadh have been forced to conclude that their borders are in danger – not just from Iran, but also from ISIS, and they will have to confront these perils on their own.

DOES “benign neglect” resonate?? And isn’t it reasonable to conclude that HUSSEIN Obama’s two-pronged plan (on the one hand, to prop up the Brotherhood via ISIS as the Sunni “strong horse”, on the other, to empower genocidal Iran via their quest to nuclear break out status) is playing out as intended?


WITH that being said, the stage was set to overturn the order of the Mid East, via ISIS and Iran as the region’s Islamist powerhouses. In this regard, Libya had to explode and lay the groundwork for ISIS’s power base. Full circle.

THUS, how surprising is it that ISIS is turning Libya into its African hub? A + B…

Pick up of Isis in Nawfaliyah, LibiaPick up of Isis in Nawfaliyah, Libia


The leaders of Isis have sent money and a growing number of fighters and military trainers to Libya from Syria to boost the Islamic State’s presence in Libyan territory and widen its influence, a US military source has told the Wall Street Journal.

According to the source, Isis now has an operational presence in Libya and aims to turn the country into its hub in Africa.

Libya is now part of the map of terror of Isis, the source was quoted as saying by the Wsj, adding that the presence in the country gives jihadists a new base to plan attacks in North Africa and, through the Mediterranean Sea, in Europe. Some US officials and experts, added the Wsj, also see signs they believe prove the willingness of the group’s leaders to boost relations with Islamic militant groups in the Egyptian Sinai peninsula, sending limited funding, as well as in other countries, but the highest concern is represented by growing relations with Libyan groups. The paper also reported that the US military see few valid options to stem the growth of Isis in the North African country, where the power void has favored the proliferation of militant groups.(ANSAmed).

AND what about their open intent to purchase WMD’s from Pakistan via their mega bulging war chests? Take them at their word. Furthermore, since the Jihadi-in-Chief takes no issue with Iran’s mullahs possessing WMD’s (this is no longer up for debate), why would rational folks believe that he would put the might of the U.S. behind stopping ISIS from doing the same? 

INHERENTLY, HUSSEIN Obama is “sitting on his hands” re ISIS’s onslaught and it is not for nothing!

IT is increasingly clear that the Islamist-in-Chief is straddling both Sunni jihadis and Shia terrorists. However, any given calculation revolves around which side requires pumping up, and which one needs hands off – for the time being. To that end, reigniting the centuries-long war between both factions – for regional and global hegemony – ultimately accrues to the benefit of the Muslim ummah, supra-national.

IN other words, the end goal is to unleash Islamism throughout the world via the eventual resurrection of the Caliphate. Resultant, speeding up their hegemonic war is mandatory. In effect, whereas empowering ISIS ends up benefiting the Brotherhood (this is why Erdogan – Caliphate-in-Waiting – Brotherhood-steeped President of Turkey is squarely behind ISIS), so too Shia Iran becomes ever more unshackled, whenever they are called in to rescue embattled fellow Shiites. Demonstrably, the twists and turns of the war between Sunni and Shia are on full bloody display.

MORE specifically, HUSSEIN Obama’s concomitant goal is to ensure that nothing gets in the way of negotiations with Iran. Thus, it made sense to downplay the threat from ISIS, as was repeatedly done.

Throughout all this, White House officials tried to convince the American public and media that the rise of ISIS was not a serious issue for the United States or a threat to the American people.

Barely having mentioned the group throughout 2011-13, Obama finally broke his silence in January 2014 to David Remnick of the New Yorker by referring to ISIS as a Bush league joke of a non-threat: “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.”

In June, to emphasize the triviality of the so-called “threat,” Obama continued his campaign rhetoric that “American forces will not be returning to combat in Iraq.”

In July, the media barely noticed that National Security Adviser Susan Rice submitted a letter to House Speaker John Boehner asking him to “repeal…the outdated 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq” so as to give “the American people confidence that ground forces will not be sent into combat in Iraq.” Obama repeated that “American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq…because there’s no American military solution to the larger crisis there…continue here

INTRINSICALLY, this anti-American strategy ensures that ISIS will catapult from strength to strength. Assuredly, they are unimpeded due to a dearth of U.S. hyper-power. Not only that, but they are winning via a treasure trove of American weaponry lifted from the battlefield – with upwards of 52 155mm M198 howitzers back in 2014 – and enumerable more platforms since then!

IS it not treasonous to abandon the epicenter of the west’s struggle to global hegemonic Islamic monsters?

ALAS, the above treacherous calculus – played out to the max – leaves little regional recourse, other than to call in Iran’s direct “assistance” to battle ISIS! Mind you, the fact that Iran is already deeply involved in the battles raging in Syria and Iraq (others as well), has little to do with what comes next. 

M198 HowitzerLCpl Samantha L. Jones/USMCU.S. soldiers fire an M198 howitzer

TO wit, within an already convoluted geo-political landscape – and in tandem with continuous machinations by Obama Inc. into the fiery Mid East, with added thrusts into Africa and beyond – the above is the byproduct of a Machiavellian strategic course.

NOW, if all of the aforementioned appears too fantastical and “conspiratorial”, well, that’s okay. Alas, this investigative journalist’s deeply sourced contacts (some of whom are on speed dial, both in Israel and the U.S.) back up said analysis.

IT is what it is. Hang on tight…

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Obama’s ILLEGAL Libyan War Catapulted ISIS Into America & Europe:Maritime Piracy & Global Blow Back!Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


WHEN global leaders purposefully ignite certain fires – domestic or foreign – they do so with the full expectation that some of the blow back will be unanticipated. On the other hand, their main goals are usually met – even if not to an exactitude – due to the massive resources at their disposal. Geo-political chess games are more of an “art”, as opposed to a science. Understood.

SO as westerners stare agape at the bloody catapult of ISIS (and their aligned surrogates), don’t bother scratching your noggins to wonder: how the hell did this happen? Instead, ask the polar opposite side of the geo-political equation: how could it not?

Islamic State has set its sights on taking over Libya as a bridgehead to eventually waging war all across southern Europe, the British Telegraph is reporting on Wednesday.

The newspaper cited letters written by ISIS supporters.

According to the report, ISIS jihadists plan to “flood Libya with militiamen from Syria and Iraq, who will then sail across the Mediterranean posing as migrants on people-trafficking vessels.”

ISIS “would then run amok in southern European cities and also try to attack maritime shipping,” the Telegraph reported.

Earlier this week, Egypt conducted air strikes on ISIS targets in Libya as retaliation for the beheading of 21 Egyptian Copts taken captive.

Libya is a mere 300 miles from the tip of southern Italy. The instability in the North African country has European officials concerned that the tumult could spill over into the Continent.

Italian security chiefs on Tuesday approved a plan to put 4,800 soldiers on the streets throughout the country to help guard against potential militant attacks, the Interior Ministry said.

A statement after a meeting of military and security officials said they would guard sensitive sites and targets until at least June.

Italian media said about 500 would be deployed in Rome, where army troops already help guard diplomatic missions and residences, the capital’s synagogue and Jewish schools. 

Terror threat: Officials are worried Islamic State could bring Somali-style piracy to the Mediterranean after threatening to hide militants among the 500,000 refugees it threatened to send to Europe - if they are attacked in Libya 

'Psychological attack': If ISIS make good on their threat of sending half a million migrants all at once to Europe, emergency services such as the Italian Coast Guards (pictured off the coast of Sicily) may not be able to cope

‘Psychological attack’: If ISIS make good on their threat of sending half a million migrants all at once to Europe, emergency services such as the Italian Coast Guards (pictured off the coast of Sicily) may not be able to cope

Mass emigration: More than 5,000 migrants - including those fleeing the Libya crisis - have arrived in Italy since the start of January alone which is a 59 per cent increase on the same time last year

Death at sea: More than 300 African migrants are believed to have died at sea this week alone, some of which are trying to escape the spread of militancy in Libya


IN a very tangible realm, ISIS’s plan to invade southern Europe (which will lead to an entire wave of ISIS and other aligned militia throughout Europe, flooding its borders under the cover of “fleeing migrants”) is precisely one of HUSSEIN Obama’s tactical thrusts (via “amnesty” and illegal immigrants) to undermine America and lend entry to Islamic jihadists! 

AS a matter of record, several alarms were heard to this same effect, at these pages:


BACK in July 2013, under the DHS (mis)reign of “Mama Janet”, it was reported: DHS “lost” over 226 illegals who were deemed national security threats! Wow…a blind person could have a done a better job of guarding the homeland, but why quibble.


IT gets worse. Additionally, five months later, guess what other method of mischief HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS got caught perpetrating? Well, they ferried illegals across the borders and they made no excuses for their illegal actions! Imagine. 


SO, if you thought this was the end of their reign of terror – their open sesame for Islamists – think again: the Islamist-in-Chief’s henchwoman, Valerie Jarrett, coordinated the dumping!


REGARDING all of the above alarm bells, what’s their end goal? Simply put, Obama Inc’s Brotherhood Mafia are utilizing stealth jihad via a demographic implosion, plus other related tactics! 

(A chief MB honcho within Obama Inc.’s DHS, although now “shifted” to another posting)

IN this regard, ISIS is now on track to hold the maritime gateway to Europe hostage, similar to the Islamic Barbary pirates…aka Ottoman corsairs…from the 16th to 19th centuries. Yes, an effective Islamist weapon of yesteryear is now on tap through ISIS (and related) pirates, a lesson the Jihadi-in-Chief is on board with to maximum effect!! 

NEVER mind the (historical) fact that the U.S. Marine Corps. and the Navy were birthed due to the Barbary Wars. History be damned.

After the United States won its independence in the treaty of 1783, it had to protect its own commerce against dangers such as the Barbary pirates. As early as 1784 Congress followed the tradition of the European shipping powers and appropriated $80,000 as tribute to the Barbary states, directing its ministers in Europe, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, to begin negotiations with them. Trouble began the next year, in July 1785, when Algerians captured two American ships and the dey of Algiers held their crews of twenty-one people for a ransom of nearly $60,000.

Thomas Jefferson, United States minister to France, opposed the payment of tribute, as he later testified in words that have a particular resonance today. In his autobiography Jefferson wrote that in 1785 and 1786 he unsuccessfully “endeavored to form an association of the powers subject to habitual depredation from them. I accordingly prepared, and proposed to their ministers at Paris, for consultation with their governments, articles of a special confederation.” Jefferson argued that “The object of the convention shall be to compel the piratical States to perpetual peace.” Jefferson prepared a detailed plan for the interested states. “Portugal, Naples, the two Sicilies, Venice, Malta, Denmark and Sweden were favorably disposed to such an association,” Jefferson remembered, but there were “apprehensions” that England and France would follow their own paths, “and so it fell through.”

Paying the ransom would only lead to further demands, Jefferson argued in letters to future presidents John Adams, then America’s minister to Great Britain, and James Monroe, then a member of Congress. As Jefferson wrote to Adams in a July 11, 1786, letter, “I acknolege [sic] I very early thought it would be best to effect a peace thro’ the medium of war.” Paying tribute will merely invite more demands, and even if a coalition proves workable, the only solution is a strong navy that can reach the pirates, Jefferson argued in an August 18, 1786, letter to James Monroe: “The states must see the rod; perhaps it must be felt by some one of them. . . . Every national citizen must wish to see an effective instrument of coercion, and should fear to see it on any other element than the water. A naval force can never endanger our liberties, nor occasion bloodshed; a land force would do both.” “From what I learn from the temper of my countrymen and their tenaciousness of their money,” Jefferson added in a December 26, 1786, letter to the president of Yale College, Ezra Stiles, “it will be more easy to raise ships and men to fight these pirates into reason, than money to bribe them.”
SUFFICE to state: Obama Inc. and ISIS (a progenitor of the Muslim Brotherhood) are joined-at-the-hip! EVERY step HUSSEIN Obama takes is designed to weaken America, both domestically and foreign-wise. 

TO wit, the most incendiary region to precipitate worldwide fires is the hotter than hot Middle East.

ALAS, if you follow the Arsonist-in-Chief’s Islamist-empowering timeline, one can then gauge how ISIS is poised to gain a major foothold into Europe (other western nations too), as well as inside America.


IN June 2009, only 5 months into his first term – via his speech at Cairo University – he set his sights on affirming the Muslim Brotherhood’s prominence. Front and center.


FAST forward to a year and a half later (Dec. 2010), and the so-called “Arab Spring” burst onto the scene. Hmm…just like that. Poof. Magic.
AND lo and behold, only 3 ! months later, in March 2011, the Jihadist-in-Chief illegally started a war in Libya to assist the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS’s rise, all in order to set the stage for a global caliphate. 


WITHIN the law of averages, two of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s best buds – inside the Mid East’s Brotherhood Mafia – are scoring 50-50. One is still a “strong horse”, while the other uses allies as stand ins. Sh-t happens. Regardless of who is up and who is down their end goal – Obama Inc. and assorted Islamic players – remains the same. Firmly implanted. No wishy-washy finger in the air fence-sitting.

RESULTANT, when Benghazigate blew up, this investigative reporter honed in on the Islamist-in-Chief’s cooperation with Egypt’s Brotherhood – in tandem with Turkey’s “behind the scenes” assists – in order to clear a path for the Blind (terror) Sheikh’s release, as well as pave the way for the Caliphate’s swathe via the most extensive weapons running in Mid East history. Never forget this. 

THUS, ISIS is laying waste to everything in its path. Indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, HUSSEIN Obama alike, couldn’t be any more delighted. Tickled to death.

CLOCK work!

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Islamic Barbarism Reaches Apex:Children Beheaded;Kiddies Taught To Behead Too!When/How Will This End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

IT is nigh impossible for a civilized society to wrap its conscience around continuous Islamic barbarism; whether it involves mass executions, hangings, beheading or related tortures of innocent…after innocent….and sans ANY let up! 

BUT let’s cut to the chase: Muhammad, Islam’s messenger and prophet, was not exactly a good role model. You think? A wild and dangerous understatement.

NOW, whichever way Muslims attempt to Allah-wash his barbarism and criminality, rest assured, those who know better aren’t buying their pig-in-a-poke fairy tale. Yes, Muslims have zero interest in hearing the truth from anyone, let alone from a despised Jew, a female AND a Zionist to boot. A triple whammy. Too bad. Regardless, don’t blame the (truthful) messenger!

To know why Islam is a mortal danger one must not only consider the Koran but also the character of Muhammad, who conceived the Koran and the entirety of Islam.

The Koran is not just a book. Muslims believe that Allah himself wrote it and that it was dictated to Muhammad in the original version, the Umm al-Kitab, which is kept on a table in heaven. Consequently one cannot argue with the contents. Who would dare to disagree with what Allah himself has written? This explains much of Muhammadan behaviour, from the violence of jihad to the hatred and persecution of Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims and apostates. What we in the West regard as abnormal, is perfectly normal for Islam.

A second insuperable problem with Islam is the figure of Muhammad. He is not just anyone. He is al-insan al-kamil, the perfect man. To become a Muslim one must pronounce the Shahada (the Muslim creed). By pronouncing the Shahada one testifies that there is no god that can be worshipped except Allah, and one testifies that Muhammad is his servant and messenger.

The Koran, and hence Allah, lays down that Muhammad’s life must be imitated. The consequences of this are horrendous and can be witnessed on a daily basis.

There has been much analysis of Muhammad’s mental sanity. In spite of all the available research, it is rarely mentioned or debated. It is a taboo to discuss the true nature of the man whom one and a half billion Muslims around the world regard as a holy prophet and example to be followed. That taboo must be breached in the West, and here in the Netherlands.

Ali Sina is an Iranian ex-Muslim who established the organisation for apostates of Islam Faith Freedom International. In his latest book he posits that Muhammad is a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter.  Sina has offered 50,000 dollars for the one who can prove otherwise. Nobody has claimed the reward as yet. And no wonder, as the description is based on the Islamic texts themselves, such as the hadiths, the descriptions of Muhammad’s life from testimonies of contemporaries.

The historical Muhammad was the savage leader of a gang of robbers from Medina. Without scruples they looted, raped and murdered. The sources describe orgies of savagery where hundreds of people’s throats were cut, hands and feet chopped off, eyes cut out, entire tribes massacred. An example is the extinction of the Jewish Kurayza tribe in Medina in 627. One of those who chopped off their heads was Muhammad. The women and children were sold as slaves. Confronted with the lunacy of Islamic terrorists today, it is not hard to find out where the lunacy comes from.

In Vienna the women’s rights activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was recently sentenced to paying a fine for insulting a religion by calling Muhammad a pedophile. However, that is the truth. Numerous hadiths contain testimonies by Muhammad’s favorite wife, the child wife Aisha. Aisha literally says: “The prophet married me when I was six years old, and had intercourse with me when I was nine.”{read the whole thing}

AND for added context (read it a while back…highly recommend readers do the same) the following text is a very useful primer by Dr. Ali Sina – ‘Understanding Muhammad: The Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet.’

NO sugar coating.
YET, it is imperative to stick to the truth meter, as discomfiting as it may be. As such, you all need to understand where the situation lies, particularly in relation to the kiddies. Did you know there are many across the Islamic world – but coming to a western venue, sooner than later – who are being groomed as “beheaders”? Pray tell, what parent(s) wouldn’t be proud to have a son/daughter capable of executing the “art” of decapitation? Alas, so stop obsessing…dreaming about your little ones growing up to become doctors, lawyers, accountants or (a personal favorite) engineers…there’s a new “vocation” to add to your parental wish list – head chopper! Moreover, think of all the tuition you will save, if you just switch your priorities eastward.

Amid cries of ‘Allah o Akbar’ (god is great), a young boy, barely 12 years old, lifts his machete and strikes at his victim who is lying on the ground, all tied up for the kill. 

Waving a ‘V’ for victory sign with his right hand, the boy picks up the severed head and shows it around to the chants of applause from an audience gathered in a remote part of the region straddling the mountainous range which divides Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The performance in this chilling episode which may simply shock most people around the world, is the case of militant justice meted out to supposed traitors. It involves Al Qaeda and the Taliban slapping exemplary punishment to an individual suspected to be a spy for the government.

“This (boy) is a killing machine who has been indoctrinated from age nine and prepared for his act by the time he is 12″ says a Pakistani intelligence official who showed the video clip to CBS News as just one piece of evidence of Al Qaeda and the Taliban training young boys to become accomplished killers, even before they become teen-agers.

Photos of the 12-year-old beheader trainee:













ADDING heft to the above, along comes a former ISIS monster (who knows why he gave this interview…who cares…) and he backed up the aforementioned:

A former Islamic State [IS] bodyguard of a notorious militant has revealed the depravity of the group’s actions in their battle to expand their self-proclaimed caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

The bodyguard of Saddam Jamal, named only as Abu Abdullah, told The Daily Telegraph about his time guarding Jamal in an exclusive interview.

The IS militant was formerly a drug dealer before joining the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and then defecting to IS.

His bodyguard spoke of a series of shocking incidents, including when Jamal forced a mother and father to watch as a fellow jihadist killed their children one at a time.

“Starting with a thirteen-year-old boy, they lined up the sons according to their height and beheaded them in that order,” said the bodyguard.

“Afterwards, they hung the boys’ heads on the door of the school the family had been hiding in.”

Abdullah was clear that, for Jamal, being a militant of IS was not about a higher calling but to obtain more power.

“There are, of course, some who really believe that killing and whipping is the correct way to spread Islam,” he told The Daily Telegraph.

“But for Jamal, he doesn’t really care if the mission spreads Islam. All he cares about is becoming more powerful. Now, if a stronger organisation emerges, he will join it. And there are lots of men in Isil just like him.”

Force, fear and hypocrisy

Abdullah said that Jamal would copy his fellow “emirs” in IS and control their territory through force, fear and hypocrisy.

“They kidnap and carry out assassinations,” he said. “They think nothing of bringing down a whole building with women and children inside, just to kill one person.

“A lot of their local and foreign fighters smoke but if they ever catch a civilian doing the same they lock him up, whip him and force them into community service. Why the double standards?”

It is now believed that Jamal is second in command for IS’ military affairs, only behind the Chechen “Ginger Jihadist” Abu Omar al-Shishani.

When Jamal was a member of the FSA and the Supreme Military Council that was receiving US funding in Syria, his base in the Deir al-Zour province was attacked by IS, which sent him into hiding.

He next appeared in a video where he pledged allegiance to IS and denounced the FSA fighters as “apostates”.

“Isil blew up Jamal’s house killing one of his brothers. They kidnapped another brother and killed him too. After that Jamal disappeared,” said Abdullah.

The bodyguard’s final, shocking tale was of another “emir”, named Abu Abdullah al-Qahtani, who used his eight-year-old son to slit the throat of a rival captured by the group.

“He [al-Qahtani] held his son’s hand with a knife in it and made him cut the head of an FSA fighter accused of organising attacks on Isil [another name for IS],” he said.

“It would take days to recount to you the violence I witnessed.”

EARTH shaking. Mind blowing. Numbing…and all the rest…

AGREED, there are Muslims who are horrified by the slaughters committed in the name of their religion, but they are hardly in the majority. At the very least, they are, for the most part, complicit in their silence. Not only that, but their end goal is the same; the resurrection of the Caliphate.

IN this regard, whether Sunni, Shia or another minority Islamic tribe/sect, the fact of the matter is that they will join hands (even though they historically war against each other for hegemony) when the Caliphate is “at the ready”. As such, Iran’s Shia, now battling ISIS, will lay down its arms for their Islamic dream to come true. Don’t ever doubt this.

SIMILARLY, as the Caliphate comes closer to fruition, the blood letting against the west will reach its apex, and this juncture in time will appear as a “tranquil” period. But if you don’t believe this investigative journalist, suit yourself. However, what should be considered more than food for thought is offered up from a recent speech given by Brig. Gen. (ret.) Ken Chrosniak, a former member of the USA Joint Chiefs of Staff. He noted that Iran already has nuclear capability – but not on a large scale – and went on to add:

In the future, Iran will be complicit with ISIS […] to establish, or re-establish, the Caliphate,” he added. “That’s their goal: to re-establish the Caliphate and take out all infidels.” 

AND not to rain on this patriot’s well-earned parade, but this same analysis – re the “joining of hands” between ISIS et al./Sunni and Shia/Iran – was addressed in an interview (Oct. 2013) ‘The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.’

Wolff Bachner: Adina, the Jewish people and Israel have been vilified as enemies of Islam for 1400 years. Since this is a centuries old conflict, why should Americans care about Israel’s problems, the Muslim Brotherhood or Adnan Oktar?

Adina Kutnicki: Readers, one and all, relating as an American-Israeli, as someone who loves her birth country as well as her Jewish homeland, there is NO greater danger to western civilization than the Muslim Brotherhood and all its attendant jihadi offshoots. Indeed, the Iranian menace, through its Hitlerite regime, looms very large overhead, and they too are arming for nothing more than complete Islamic hegemony. Yes, once either, heaven forbid, prevails, they will merge forces (Sunni and Shia, after which they will fight each other for ultimate hegemony, as they have done for centuries) and aim straight for the west’s jugular. But whatever shakes out, the Brotherhood’s umbrella – spanning all over the globe – is Allah-bent on bringing down America. Rest assured, they are well positioned to do so, having many friends ensconced within President Obama’s White House. The situation is dire. If America falls, so too does the free world. Ditto, if Israel is, G-d forbid, destroyed. There is no room for equivocating. Like it or not, the two are twin pillars. They are, in effect, holding up western civilization…..

LESSONS LEARNED: every time you hear Muslims and their apologists wax poetic, yes, Islam is a “religion of peace”, keep uppermost in mind two symbiotic factors: the barbarism they wage across the world (in the name of Islam) is endemic to the life and dictates of Muhammad; Muhammadanism. There is no betwixt and between. Muslims worship and emulate Muhammad as Islam’s prophet and role model. Only by understanding him can one know what makes them explode; as they rape, pillage, plunder and awash the world in oceans of blood to satiate Muhammad’s directives to “honor” Allah!






Islamic Jihad Continues At 9/11/01″Ground Zero”:Submission Via Supremacy.Western Civilization At Stake…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



THERE are many aspects and facets to Islamic supremacy, but one stands out above all else: jihad – stealth and frontal – to effectuate submission to Shariah law. Bowing down to Allah. In effect, without jihad’s basis it would be impossible to resurrect the ultimate goal: the Caliphate. This is not pie-in-the-sky dreaming. Not by a long shot. In fact, more than enough evidence is housed at this site to prove said global thrust. Always bear these facts in mind, whenever attempting to make sense of this and that.

MOST recently, Turkey – via its assists from the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia and the Jihadi-in-Chief – has been front and center at these pages. For good reason. The fact of the matter is that President Erdogan (and his Brotherhood fronts) is actively lending helping hands to ISIS, as is the renegade POTUS. Their actions are part and parcel to the re-establishment of the Caliphate, never mind their lying words to the contrary. Watch what they do, as opposed to what they say.

WHILE westerners can hardly conceive of Islam’s global ambitions, it is this state of suspended disbelief which also presents a clear and compelling danger. It leaves one mentally defenseless for whatever lies ahead. But never mind all that perplexity, just believe it! Doing so may very well keep your head atop your shoulders. No joking.

READERS, in this regard, you would do well to absorb the following linked pdf –The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power Of A Nation Revived. However, do not ask why this investigative journalist is zeroing in on this particular document. Just know that there is a very good reason for doing so. Regardless, decide if Islamists are deadly serious – or not. It’s your call. Assuredly, knowing a thing or two about their operational methods/goals, a decision was made with related contacts – at the inception of this site – to warn about certain matters.

ADDITIONALLY, and along these same lines, Erdogan’s quest to resurrect the Ottoman Empire takes center stage at these pages. Prescient. So very soon into this minefield it became overwhelmingly clear: regardless of how much blood they have to spill to achieve their Brotherhood goals, Erodgan (and requisite Brotherhood leaders) will not be deterred. Guaranteed, Turkey’s thrust – with ISIS/Brotherhood as their partners – will reverberate FAR beyond its borders. All of the above is irrespective of Turkey’s inclusion into NATO in 1952. As always, Islamic supremacists behave as ingrates. 

BASICALLY, it is equally intrinsic not to be distracted by the so-called tug of war between Turkey and ISIS. It is nothing short of a smokescreen. Good cop vs bad cop, one of the oldest ploys/plays around. Oh yeah….

MOREOVER, at its base, Islam’s actual definition means submission. How much clearer can its ambitions be? No wiggle room. No half measures. All in or all out.

ONE of this site’s valued counter terror contacts rightfully stipulates:

“The ideology itself is violent and always has been. If one follows Islam it does not allow for an individual to be a good person. Shariah can’t be followed partially, it must be adhered to 100 percent or not at all. Essentially there are practicing Muslims and non practicing Muslims. A so-called moderate does not follow Shariah Law fully and is simply an apostate of Islam.  If we don’t start branding the Islamic ideology itself as the problem, we will never defeat Islamic based terrorism. Islam was founded by a child rapist and my opinion is that anyone who hurts children is evil and the Islamic ideology can’t be given a free pass.” Evil on its face.

BACK to 9/11/01 and its sacred ground. Its continuous defilement.

AND while apologists for Islam will attempt to turn truth upside its head, don’t get sucked in.They continuously opine that it is “Islamophobic” to be upset by Islamic presence (Muslim “memorials”) at Ground Zero. Can you believe their utter gall? Please, smack them across their vile faces….for starters….

Gall One:

WHO recalls the desecration of 9/11/01 through American mosques, as Islam’s mouthpieces collaborate with many anti-American leftists in tow?

Gall Two:

BUT one would think that little could shock, at least when it comes to appeasing Islamic jihad and the Muslim community in America. If so, you would be wrong. Proven terror-tied mosques/schools/”charities” were (still are) given IRS tax-deductible status! Unfathomable, but true.

Gall Three:

IT gets worse. Outrage piles atop outrage, and with no let up in sight. Way too many western appeasers are entering the fray. Even architects are jumping on board to assist Islamic designs – literally. When will their treachery end? Where is it leading?

YES, the symbols of Islamic triumphalism are at the epicenter of jihad. And this is why minarets must be understood for what they really represent in the west for Islam, as well as all over the world. They are NOT merely decorative.

Minarets were introduced in the process of conquest such as in the earliest surviving imperial mosque — the Umayyad Mosque of Damascus — in the beginning of the 8th century. Minarets were in this case an appropriation of a Byzantine church’s bell towers.

IN line with said understanding, how about the out-sized gall of an architect who redesigned a Church DESTROYED on 9/11/01 to resemble Churches that became mosques! Beyond the pale.


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (above), destroyed on 9/11, will overlook the 9/11 Memorial when rebuilt.


via A Church Near Ground Zero Reimagined – WSJ

Mr. Calatrava designed the church and will attend its groundbreaking on Saturday. If everything goes according to schedule, the building should be finished in 2016 or early 2017.

While the 9/11 Memorial, with its twin reflecting pools and alleys of trees, masterfully creates an opportunity for quiet reflection, there’s also something to be said for a sanctuary with four walls—and perhaps for lighting a memorial candle, no matter what religion you practice, or even if you practice no religion at all.

“All the circumstances around 9/11, the memorial embodies that very well,” Mr. Calatrava said as he sat in the stately Park Avenue townhouse that does double duty as his home and his office.

“This is what I want; this is what the church wants: a very ecumenical place; they would like to have 24 hours the church open.”

But Mr. Calatrava conceded the public has the last word.

Hopefully the public reject it. But the archdiocese seems on board with the ecumenical, non-church church idea: St. Nicholas Church, Destroyed on 9/11, to Rebuild With Byzantine Design


That a Spanish architect should design a modern Byzantine church in Lower Manhattan for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, based on buildings in Turkey that were used for Islamic worship, goes to the heart of the message the archdiocese says it hopes to send with the $20 million project. The new St. Nicholas is to open by early 2016.

“If I may quote Jesus, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people,’ ” said the Rev. Mark Arey, a spokesman for the archdiocese. “It will be open to everyone: the believer, the unbeliever, the Orthodox Christian, the atheist. Whoever you are, this is a space that you can come into and find some meditative solace.”

The architect claims it’s inspiration is two Byzantine churches…later conquered and converted into mosques.

Other than the barely discernible cross on top of the dome there is nothing on the exterior or interior for that matter that even suggests it is a church, never mind a rebuilt St. Nicholas.

At one point the city refused to allow St. Nicholas to rebuild. Was making it a mosque-like structure that would not offend Muslims a requirement for allowing them to rebuild?

This is the Flight 93 Memorial to Islamic Terrorists and Ground Zero Mosque redux.

ON the other hand – and despite a NYC condo board’s denials as to why they are pushing back against a “Ground Zero Victory mosque” – the fact of the matter is that they are, and this is cause for a thumbs up.

A NYC Tribeca condo board threatened to stop “Ground Zero Victory mosque” worshipers from renting space in its tony building, sparking charges of discrimination. Park51, the organization behind the controversial Islamic prayer space and community center proposed for Park Place, leased the condo’s 49-51 Warren St. storefront in August.

But by Sept. 18, before any prayer services were even conducted there, the condo — where apartments sell for $1 million and up and one features a bowling alley — posted a legal notice telling Park51 to get out by month’s end.

Park51 needs the space because its planned mosque near Ground Zero is under construction. Christophe Cornaire, the owner of the Warren Street retail space and a former Cantor Fitzgerald managing director (Cantor Fitzgerald where all of its employees were killed on 9/11 in the Twin Towers), has hired a lawyer to make sure the condo board does not evict the mosque.

“The unit owner is rattling sabers at us,” said Richard Menaker, a lawyer for the condo board. “He’s been accusing the board of misbehaving here . . . [of being] discriminatory.”

Menaker says bigotry has nothing to do with it (Yes, it does, nobody wants Muslims down there)— that the condo is simply holding Cornaire accountable for failing to fully disclose how the space would be used and how many people would use it.

“The key thing is, they’re talking about using the basement space which is not allowed to be used by people,” Menaker said. In the past, hundreds of Muslim worshipers crowded a makeshift prayer space on Park Place for Friday services, many spilling over into the basement of the building.

Cornaire’s lawyer, Adam Leitman Bailey, refused to comment. Cornaire, who lives in France, worked for Cantor Fitzgerald from 2000 to 2010. The firm lost 658 employees in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

Bailey represented Sharif El-Gamal, the developer behind the “Ground Zero mosque,” in lawsuits against the controversial project. El-Gamal’s grand plan called for a multistory building with a fitness center, swimming pool, auditorium, a restaurant and prayer space.

But the vision was put on hold for years. El-Gamal announced earlier this year he would scale back the scheme and construct a three-story museum with prayer space designed by noted French architect Jean Nouvel.

Next door to the museum, El-Gamal plans to erect a 39-story glass and steel condo tower. His company Soho Properties received $33 million in financing for the project last month…..



IT goes without saying, or at least it should: those who tolerate barbarism in their midst must share the onus (Islam’s useful idiots…this investigative journalist is referencing Christophe Cornaire, Mr. Calatrava and others of similar bent ilk), as they too are guilty, like the ones they seek to protect. Accomplices. Lending cover.

MORE specifically, said butt-covering is akin to allowing home invaders, rapists and murderers to “memorialize” those they killed, instead of being banished from civilized society! How dare they, even as they spit on the graves of those killed by Islam’s jihadi followers.

SIGNIFICANTLY, one of the 24 books of the Tanach – תַּנַ”ךְ – within the Old Testament, the Ketuvim/Writings – כְּתוּבִים –  houses Ecclesiastes, aka Koheleth, קֹהֶלֶת. And it is within these Writings that the “meaning of life”, the best way of life, is found.

INDEED, while its essence revolves around seeking wisdom and enjoying “life’s simple pleasures”, its inherent value also lies within the Midrash Rabbah, aka Aggadah, אַגָּדָה, and its moral exhortations and practical advice. 

IN this regard, the following has always been a core tenet within this blog, and is as applicable today as it was when written in the 3rd century BCE:

He who becomes compassionate to the cruel will ultimately become cruel to the compassionate.Midrash Rabba, Ecclesiastes 7:16…קֹהֶלֶת.

DON’T ever forget its “learned (life) lessons”!


{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

The Islamic State & Obama’s Limp-Wristed “Blows”:Caliphate Assured…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Islamic state of Iraq and Syria Chappatte_140614

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Jews Down Under}

ONE needn’t be well versed in the sport of boxing to understand one thing: “taking a dive” assures ones defeat, aside from the fact that such machinations are against the rules of the game. Unsportsmanlike, to say the least.

SO too can one describe – and on an exponentially higher decibel – the tepid, the lame ass “campaign” initiated by Barack HUSSEIN Obama against The Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL, or whatever name/acronym you want to ascribe to these rabid Islamic killing machines. Concretely, the Jihadi-in-Chief has already waved America’s yellow belly flag of surrender! Who gave him THAT right? 

IN fact, a most incisive assessment of the Bastard-in-Chief’s nose dive came from a fella named E.T. Williams, who calls himself the “Doctor of Common Sense”. Well, he got it going on! Now, some might find his language offensive – admittedly, hardly PG – but never mind, America is on fire and in grave danger. Therefore, let us all place our delicate sensitivities aside and get real. PLEASE listen very closely to the patriotic “Doc”…..


NOW that you have viewed this spot on, yet unconventional, clip, it is time to flesh things out to the nth degree. One dare not dress up this very ugly pig. A national disaster-in-the-making. Worldwide in scope.

AS previously revealed through Rep. Michele Bachmann’s (she rocks…) most recent interview, the Betrayer-in-Chief knew about the encroachment of The Islamic State et al., way before he admitted to its existence to the citizens he is mandated to serve. Not only that, but he added insult upon grave injury by claiming that they do NOT represent Islam! Beg your pardon, they wage murderous jihad (just like all Islamic terror hydras) under Shariah law’s banner, the laws which guide, prop up, Islamic behavior in EVERY sphere of life and politics. Good grief.   

.“Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic,” Obama said, speaking from the state floor of the White House residence. “No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.”

He added, “And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al-Qaida’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.”

CANDIDLY, the psychological boost given to jihadists because the leader of the free world is on their side, in juxtaposition to the lowering of morale among those who look towards America to take the lead in obliterating said scourge, dare not be discounted. Couple it with their cult-like belief in Islamic supremacy and subjugation, oh well, a cauldron of hell fire awaits the west. 

MORE pointedly, various high level officials admit that the administration has NO plan to beat back ISIS! Yup, the heretofore most powerful fighting force in the world can’t beat back thousands of jihadis, despite their penchant for head chopping and barbaric slaughter. Come on. Bull.

The President said that although he had ordered up options for striking ISIS in Syria, the administration’s priority was shoring up the integrity of Iraq, instead. Syria would have to wait. He also said he would send Secretary of State John Kerry to the region because “We don’t have a strategy yet,” to confront ISIS on a regional level.

To many outside the administration who have worked on Syria and the ISIS problem, Obama’s decision not to decide on a broader course of action will have negative implications for the war against ISIS. The administration raised expectations about altering its three-year policy of avoiding intervention in Syria, before Obama dashed those expectations Thursday…..

SO basically, with The Islamic State going from strength to strength, and with the Commander-in-Chief AWOL, why would anyone believe that the Caliphate is not a (near future) done deal? Concomitantly, why would any western ally trust the leadership of the U.S., at a time when they are leading the west straight into hell. Indeed. 

ENTER, the overall Caliphate:

Obama’s plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group’s fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad and much more. As it seems, the results of what is reported from Syria and Iraq is not only a victory for ISIS, but a defeat for the U.S. This will catapult the image of ISIS across the Muslim globe. As it seems the victory of the Islamic Caliphate is imminent.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama’s plan to “degrade and destroy” Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

Isis reinforcements have been rushing towards Kobani in the past few days to ensure that they win a decisive victory over the Syrian Kurdish town’s remaining defenders. The group is willing to take heavy casualties in street fighting and from air attacks in order to add to the string of victories it has won in the four months since its forces captured Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, on 10 June. Part of the strength of the fundamentalist movement is a sense that there is something inevitable and divinely inspired about its victories, whether it is against superior numbers in Mosul or US airpower at Kobani.

In the face of a likely Isis victory at Kobani, senior US officials have been trying to explain away the failure to save the Syrian Kurds in the town, probably Isis’s toughest opponents in Syria. “Our focus in Syria is in degrading the capacity of [Isis] at its core to project power, to command itself, to sustain itself, to resource itself,” said US Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken, in a typical piece of waffle designed to mask defeat. “The tragic reality is that in the course of doing that there are going to be places like Kobani where we may or may not be able to fight effectively.”

Unfortunately for the US, Kobani isn’t the only place air strikes are failing to stop Isis. In an offensive in Iraq launched on 2 October but little reported in the outside world, Isis has captured almost all the cities and towns it did not already hold in Anbar province, a vast area in western Iraq that makes up a quarter of the country. It has captured Hit, Kubaisa and Ramadi, the provincial capital, which it had long fought for. Other cities, towns and bases on or close to the Euphrates River west of Baghdad fell in a few days, often after little resistance by the Iraqi Army which showed itself to be as dysfunctional as in the past, even when backed by US air strikes.

Today, only the city of Haditha and two bases, Al-Assad military base near Hit, and Camp Mazrah outside Fallujah, are still in Iraqi government hands. Joel Wing, in his study –”Iraq’s Security Forces Collapse as The Islamic State Takes Control of Most of Anbar Province” – concludes: “This was a huge victory as it gives the insurgents virtual control over Anbar and poses a serious threat to western Baghdad”.

The US’s failure to save Kobani, if it falls, will be a political as well as military disaster.

President Obama boasted of putting together a coalition of Sunni powers such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to oppose Isis, but these all have different agendas to the US in which destroying IS is not the first priority. The Sunni Arab monarchies may not like Isis, which threatens the political status quo, but, as one Iraqi observer put it, “they like the fact that Isis creates more problems for the Shia than it does for them”.

Of the countries supposedly uniting against Isis, by the far most important is Turkey. In the course of the past week it has become clear that Turkey prefer Isis to control Kobani, not the Kurds.

As we predicted, a Caliphate is coming and what only can stop it is to revert to Christian militarism but its rare that Christians today would support Christian Militarism (explained here). While many say that Christ will take care of the problem in the end, what they do not realize is He will only use the saints that are willing to fight.


ONE way or another, and whether next year or several down the road, the Caliphate will be established and not just in portions of Iraq and Syria. The real question is: how many millions, yes millions, all over the world will die before they are beaten back?

HISTORICALLY, on October 29, 1923 the Ottoman Empire – the last Caliphate – was officially dissolved. Nevertheless, the entire Caliphate ruled for 700 years! How many know this? The point being, said aspirations are hardly without Islamic foundation and precedent, nor merely the wild meanderings of Johnny Come Lately’s to the jihadi scene. It’s embedded into Islamic culture/history for centuries, and the “dream” is held by millions upon millions of Muslims all over the world. The west’s ultimate nightmare.

TRENCHANTLY, this go around, one must internalize these core differences: for the first time America is in their Caliphate sights and they have every reason to believe they will triumph.

SIMPLY put, the Muslim-in-Chief is leading the way for the Caliphate from the White House. Just ask the Turks. This is a fact. The G-d’s honest truth.

Inquisitr Interviews Adina Kutnicki & Counter-Terrorism Expert Dave Gaubatz: ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World [Special Report]


ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World [Special Report]

in the name of allah

READERS, for the full effect, please access the original link posted above.

AND for the sake of the free world, pay it forward!!


Training: American troops join Jordan and Iraq for an exercise as it is revealed Syrian rebels are being helped

BEFORE anything else, let it be noted: U.S. troops are often tasked to train outside forces, those which are supposed to be helpful in securing American interests within their respective regions. Otherwise, what’s the point, right? But said strategic doctrine is predicated upon an American patriot situated at the helm and properly vetting this one and that one!
MOST significantly, how many readers recall this site’s continuous harping on the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s entrenchment within Obama Inc.? For those who are newly aboard, time to catch up to speed via this blogger’s interview (Oct. 2013), one which highlights certain DHS top Brotherhood appointments! Mind you, it has EVERYTHING to do with the title, the implications, of today’s commentary.
EXTRAPOLATING further, the VERY same DHS mobbed up Brotherhood honcho, Mohamed Elibiary, is comfortable enough to exhort: 
THAT being said, however indelicately, it has been proven: Barack HUSSEIN Obama operates under an anti-American doctrine, one which empowers jihadists across the board; whether Sunni or Shia.

So from a series of precipitous Mid East fires (think: Mubarak, GO NOW…head over to the illegal war in Libya….) Obama Inc.’s strategy has been to set the region alight. This is no longer up for debate. And, as a bonus, “negotiating” with the mullahs gains a tailwind! The point being, in the Islamist-in-Chief’s worldview, it is a win-win situation. How so?

Well, the ultimate goal is to resurrect the Caliphate, come what may. Now, while he would prefer to see Sunnis astride the Caliph’s seat, the fact of the matter is that he knows that Sunnis and Shias will fight to the death for hegemony. Ain’t much he can do about that one. Nevertheless, we must see the forest from the trees and not become bogged down with their centuries old tribal warfare.

THEREFORE, as to this site’s (incessant) charge sheet, empowering Islamists in general and the ISIS in particular, the following too tells the deadly tale, revealing Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s jihadi handiwork, in whole and in part.

So let us hark back to the Islamist-in-Chief’s declaration that Al Qaeda was essentially dead and buried, metaphorically sticking a fork in them – Obama Has Touted Al Qaeda’s Demise 32 Times Since Benghazi Attack. This “done deal” was facilitated after SEAL TEAM SIX (supposedly) dispatched Osama to greet Allah. Hmm.

Essentially, why would Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and surrogates) utter such blatant hogwash, placing a peremptory nail in Al Qaeda’s coffin, when even a well informed high schooler recognized that all was not as it seemed?

Well, a double-edged sword was wielded; one as “proof” that he was indeed up to snuff to handle the “war on terror” – while in the midst of a heated pre-election season – concomitantly, to appease his leftward flank via (one of) many campaign promises. As such, he precipitously withdrew all U.S. combat forces from Iraq in December 2011 and needed to make sure Americans believed that it was indeed a prudent move, especially now that Osama was dead! Hence, the conveniently-timed nail in his coffin.

Mind you, while all the above lies were deliberately designed to deflect from the real facts on the ground, R2P lurked (still very much alive and well) in the background. And its import lies within the arming of Al Qaeda Sunni jihadists, its blow back, knock-on effects, most widely felt via Benghazigate…..

So as diabolical as it is, anti-American to boot, the same jihadists trained by U.S. contractors are closer to their Caliphate, courtesy of Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Go figure…. 

JERUSALEM – Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.

The Jordanian officials said all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida.

In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.

That report has since been corroborated by numerous other media accounts.

Last March, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Americans were training Syrian rebels in Jordan.

Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms. The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry.

The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the previous three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors.

Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined immediate comment on the German magazine’s report. The French foreign ministry and Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.

The Jordanian officials spoke to WND amid concern the sectarian violence in Iraq will spill over into their own country as well as into Syria.

ISIS previously posted a video on YouTube threatening to move on Jordan and “slaughter” King Abdullah, whom they view as an enemy of Islam.

WND reported last week that, according to Jordanian and Syrian regime sources, Saudi Arabia has been arming the ISIS and that the Saudis are a driving force in supporting the al-Qaida-linked group.

WND further reported that, according to a Shiite source in contact with a high official in the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Obama administration has been aware for two months that the al-Qaida-inspired group that has taken over two Iraqi cities and now is threatening Baghdad also was training fighters in Turkey.

The source told WND that at least one of the training camps of the group Iraq of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria, the ISIS, is in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey, where American personnel and equipment are located.

He called Obama “an accomplice” in the attacks that are threatening the Maliki government the U.S. helped establish through the Iraq war.

The source said that after training in Turkey, thousands of ISIS fighters went to Iraq by way of Syria to join the effort to establish an Islamic caliphate subject to strict Islamic law, or Shariah.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, BLOWBACK manifests in many directions, and when it comes to the ISIS being trained by American contractors within Jordan, well, it doesn’t get any more ominous.
IN the main, Jordan is now in the cross hairs of ISIS terrorists. Not only because the kingdom is considered to be a regional infidel, but because by overtaking Jordan, well, attacking Israel will be that much easier! It’s all a matter of squaring their encirclement. Nevertheless, it never dawned on Jordan’s King to say NO to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s request to train the “rebels”. Similarly, PM Netanyahu’s inability to say NO to the Islamist-in-Chief is beyond the pale. Oh, what a tangled web….via spineless leaders who are wedded to ill-fated “strategic” masters.
YET, for Americans, the danger lies within Al-Qaeda ISIS terror groups having the ability to control the Mid East from one end point to the other, with the freedom to plot the next 9/11/01 (on an exponentially greater level) unimpeded! Can you imagine? Not only that, unlike in Afghanistan, they will control the heart of petrol assets, with that much more booty to finance their western jihad!
Think of it this way: when 9/11/01 was perpetrated, Osama Bin Laden controlled a piker’s pittance, compared to those trained in Jordan via Obama Inc.!
TO wit, Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and others) are aiding and abetting,
The World’s Most Powerful Terrorist



FROM every rational geo-political perspective, the PURPOSEFUL (mis)reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama has precipitated untold disaster, not only for the entire Mid East but for the western world. And it is entirely understandable that most are left in a state of perpetual confusion, wondering, not only, how could this happen, but why would the POTUS aid and abet both Sunni and Shia sides? Yet, it is really not such a head banger, but it is exponentially diabolical. Machiavellian.

Al-Qaeda’s ISIS: Behind the Group That Took Mosul

But before we delve into Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamic goals, the reader must internalize where things stand right now, with the “news” that Washington will “cooperate” with Iran to beat back the ISIS’s destructive swathe in Iraq, as reported in various forums

Kerry: US open to working with Iran on Iraq 

DEBKAfile June 16, 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday in an interview: “I think we are open to any constructive process here that could minimize the violence, hold Iraq together, the integrity of the country and eliminate the presence of outside terrorist forces that are ripping it apart.” He said that President Obama was vetting “every option that is available,” including drone strikes.

Shortly before Kerry made the comments, Islamic fighters captured the northwestern Iraqi town of Tal Afar, the largely Turkmen town that is key their plan for an Islamic caliphate spanning Iraq and Syria.

In fact, it is more than noteworthy to cite: yes, historically, nations “cooperate” with those whose general worldviews are diametrically opposed, not unlike the allies working with Stalin during WW 2. Nevertheless, that was then and this is now, with the caveat being: the POTUS is working AGAINST an American victory! Herein lies the crux.

In any case, it is through this “cooperation” that Barack HUSSEIN Obama gets to assist both Sunni and Shia, and this is where it is at. On the one hand, if not for his wildfires in the Mid East – chiefly to empower the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia – Al Qaeda’s offshoot, ISIS terrorists, wouldn’t be in a position to destroy Iraq.

Nevertheless, after all the American/western blood and treasure spilled on behalf of Iraq, one would expect  that the ascension of an Al Qaeda Islamic State in Iraq and Levant – ISIS – endangers not only all of the Mid East and beyond, but the entire free world. Surely any POTUS would fight against this outcome – or so one would believe.

So the question remains: what is wrong with collaborating with the mullahs, as they too view the ISIS as a mortal danger? Everything. For in addition to Obama Inc.’s back channels to the mullahs, via Valerie Jarrett, to jaw-jaw them to the WMD finish line, it becomes ever more apparent that “dear leader” will proceed to paint the genocidal Iranian regime as a “reliable” partner, even as he continues to prop up the Sunni Brotherhood Mafia! A win-win for the Islamist-in-Chief.
In light of the above, how comfortable should Americans, Israelis and westerners feel about the “talks” with Iran? Btw, ignore the jibber jabber from Repubs, as they seek to place lipstick on this dangerous pig. Instead, they could have recommended utilizing lethal firepower to root out the ISIS  – after the anti-American POTUS cut and run from Iraq in 2011 – rather than subcontracting/collaborating with the world’s largest terror regime, Iran’s mullahs!

US Seeks To Expedite Talks With Iran Over ISIS

Effort under way to set up channel separate from nuclear talks, as one top Republican lawmaker warns of threat to Jordan.

WASHINGTON – Reflecting rapidly changing events on the ground in the Middle East, the United States is readying a new, direct channel with Iran that will allow the two powers to coordinate strategy against the menace of ISIS, a terrorist militia conquering territory throughout eastern Syria and northern Iraq.

The Obama administration is already preparing a channel separate from its efforts to forge a comprehensive agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, and hopes to begin talks this coming week, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

Independently, The Jerusalem Post could only confirm that deliberations are under way among administration officials over what the nature of such a line of communication between Washington and Tehran should look like.

“Whatever dialogue may or may not be taking place [with Iran] would take place on the sideline or outside the mainstream of the nuclear talks” in Vienna, US Secretary of State John Kerry told members of the press on Friday in London, standing with European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. “We don’t want that linked and mixed.”

Kerry phoned his counterparts in Doha, Riyadh and Amman on Sunday over the crisis, which unfolded with dramatic speed last week as ISIS, a Sunni militia seeking a caliphate throughout Iraq and the Levant region, took control of Mosul and threatened an attack against Baghdad.

The group already claims domain in Syria, where the insurgent group formerly concentrated in Iraq managed to recalibrate its tactics and its funding. ISIS began a military campaign in October 2013 with the explicit aim of conquering territory for its own.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that he and US President Barack Obama have exchanged letters, and that Iran stands “ready to help” in coordination with US military operations.

A similar exchange took place under the George W. Bush administration, the Journal noted, over a shared interest in toppling the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001.

But Rouhani’s overture marked a dramatic shift in relations nevertheless, after decades of near-silence between the two governments. A public rapprochement began last September— the first of its kind since the Iranian Revolution of 1979— when Obama called Rouhani congratulating him on his election, and expressing hope for better relations between the two nations.

Talks resume this week in Vienna over Iran’s nuclear program, and US officials might choose to speak on the sidelines of that negotiation with their Iranian counterparts over the ISIS threat.

Qasem Suleimani, commander of the elite Qods Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, was already in Iraq this weekend for consultations over how Iran might assist in Baghdad’s efforts to fight the small Sha’ria army.

Top Republican lawmaker Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Sunday suggested that a deal with Iran might be necessary in the short term to stop ISIS from marching on Baghdad— not dissimilar to America’s alliance with Stalin’s Soviet Union at the height of the Second World War.

“We’re going to have to have some dialogue with the Iranians,” Graham said.

Graham, long a harsh critic of the Obama administration, joined a chorus of his peers from across the American political aisle in warning of the dramatic consequences of what might come next without a campaign to counter the terrorist group.

“We had al Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor of ISIS, on their backs,” Graham said, calling on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to resign. “We had this place in a good spot. They were playing politics, rather than killing each other.”

ISIS “will eventually march on Jordan and Lebanon,” Graham warned. “They’re going to take the king of Jordan down.”

US President Barack Obama remained in Palm Springs, California, over the Father’s Day weekend while his national security team weighed military options to offer the president. In preparation for any possible campaign, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel moved the USS George HW Bush aircraft carrier to the Arabian Gulf, equipped with Patriot missiles with reach throughout the country.

The US intelligence community estimates that ISIS has roughly $1.2 billion in cash flow from the black market trade of oil, pumped by the organization in eastern Syrian fields, and from the takeover of Iraq’s central bank of Mosul, where the group seized nearly $500 million.

That makes ISIS the richest terrorist organization in the world: for perspective, Al-Qaida was said to be rich before September 11, with estimated wealth at that time at $30 million.

MORE specifically, think of the POTUS as both the arsonist and the firefighter. Since he is the one who (through his Mid East adventures) set the stage for Al-Qaeda’s takeover, his intentions, his objectives, are steeped in Islamic rewards.

So from a series of precipitous Mid East fires (think: Mubarak, GO NOW…head over to the illegal war in Libya….) Obama Inc.’s strategy has been to set the region alight. This is no longer up for debate. And, as a bonus, “negotiating” with the mullahs gains a tailwind! The point being, in the Islamist-in-Chief’s worldview, it is a win-win situation. How so?

Well, the ultimate goal is to resurrect the Caliphate, come what may. Now, while he would prefer to see Sunnis astride the Caliph’s seat, the fact of the matter is that he knows that Sunnis and Shias will fight to the death for hegemony. Ain’t much he can do about that one. Nevertheless, we must see the forest from the trees and not become bogged down with their centuries old tribal warfare.

Inherently, geo-politics is never static, but its “players” surely understand certain constants: various pressure points become necessary – manufactured or otherwise – in order for the desired outcomes to prevail. Dominoes falling.

In the end, according to Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Islam wins and that is that.

The American public has trouble understanding why Obama is supporting and arming Islamic extremists in Libya and Syria. He has yet to explain what Chris Stevens was really doing in Benghazi and why on G*d’s good earth our Benghazi consulate was guarded by an al-Qaeda-affiliated militia instead of the U.S. Marines or a diplomatic security team. What is Obama’s justification for granting entry into the United States to Muslims who provided “limited material support” to terror groups, while turning away the multitudes of displaced Christian refugees from Syria, Libya, and Egypt who live in absolute fear for their lives from the mindless hatred of Islamist jihadists?

Obama might even explain why he apologized to the entire Muslim world for a YouTubevideo, but he had nothing to say when Khaled Al-Zaafrani, founder of the Egyptian Justice and Progress Party, went on a major Arabic television network and said,

“It’s well known that during the Passover, they [the Jews] make matzos called the ‘Blood of Zion.’ They take a Christian child, slit his throat and slaughter him. Then they take his blood and make their [matzos]. This is a very important rite for the Jews, which they never forgo…They slice it and fight over who gets to eat Christian blood.”

Khaled continued his revolting presentation by saying,

“It is the Jews who have instigated wars in the world. They instigated World War I, as well as World War II, and they will keep on instigating wars. The Jews cannot live without wars, conspiracies, deceit, and deception. We can rest assured that the Jews will not seek or uphold peace.”

Al-Zaafrani then put a bright ribbon on his package of slander by throwing in a bit of Holocaust denial for good measure, finishing with: “When this subject is raised, the Jews consider it to be a problem, just like the problem of Hitler and the Holocaust.”

Of course, unlike the angry hordes of Muslims across the Islamic world who went on a rampage of burning, beating, and killing over the Mohammad video, the world’s Jews didn’t commit a single act of violence in reaction to the blood libel on Arabic television. Obama, ever so eager to defend “the Prophet of Islam” from the insults of a badly made YouTube video, was strangely silent when Al-Zaafrani’s words were broadcast across the Middle East to millions of Muslims, who were already chomping at the bit to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate every Jew on the planet Earth. While this sort of infantile fantasy may be laughable on one level, we must also remember that many thousands of Jews have been slaughtered over the centuries as a result of insidious blood libels.

Watching Obama ignore the constant demonization of Jews and Israel is distasteful enough, but we must not overlook the crippling instability Obama has fostered in the region. We have seen one relatively secure Islamic state after the other descend into chaos at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and their Islamist allies — armed to the teeth with the latest American weapons, financed by American dollars, and bearing the blessings of the Obama administration.

IF this is not quintessential Machiavellian, what else qualifies?


ISIS: Behind the Group That Took Mosul


FROM the get go, it is imperative to understand that the current disintegration of Iraq -even as this is being written – into the hands of Al Qaeda should have been a jihadi no-brainer. And don’t bother scratching your head, pondering: how did this happen? In fact, had this not come to pass, well, that would have been a head scratcher!

In reality, the nanosecond that Barack HUSSEIN Obama announced the end of U.S. troops in Iraq, back in October 2011, just in time to use as a sound bite for his 2012 propaganda campaign, Iraq became the primary target for Al Qaeda’s mega thrust. He understood as much. Yes, he did.

Mind you, while some Americans (other westerners too) understand the geo-political gravity of the situation, the fact of the matter is that this American-Israeli understands what is taking place, not just from an overall geo-political perspective, but from one whose own borders are, to a maximum degree, threatened. And so much more.

To wit, the following is not an exercise in theoretical posturing. Indeed, its knock-on effects are cataclysmic, especially when catapulted onto Iran’s nuclear menace and Syria’s dissolution. So between Iran, via its proxy arm Hezbollah, using Syria as a staging ground, and Al Qaeda jihadists gaining another foothold, the region has never, ever been more menacing. Besides, for the time being, you can put aside the endless warring between Sunni and Shia, a centuries old conflict with no end in sight. If only said inter-tribal warfare were the major issue, what a relief that would be. After all, let them just kill each other and the west will be that much safer. However, this is only a pipe dream.

As a matter of record, within both Islamic streams, splintered groups are jockeying for power to create the first Islamic (Caliphate) arc in modern history, and with a terror entity as its hegemonic power! OMG!! But for westerners, and in the most simplistic of terms, think of the above in relation to the largest criminal organizations bar none, perhaps using the Mafia as a template. Raising the stakes even further, thus postulate Islamic outcomes via mega steroids, as they fight major turf battles, ultimately seeking to extend their authority over everything in their wake. However, not just to those who owe them this or that debt, if you dare imagine.

In fact, make no mistake: this site is not suggesting that Iraq’s Shiite PM has been anything but a pawn of Shiite hegemonic powers, hardly a model “democrat”. Nevertheless, after all the American/western blood and treasure spilled on behalf of Iraq, one would expect  that the ascension of an Al Qaeda Islamic State in Iraq and Levant – ISIS – endangers not only all of the Mid East and beyond, but the entire free world. Surely any POTUS would fight against this outcome – or so one would believe.

As indicated on numerous occasions, starting back in Dec. 2012 – many moons ago, at least in the realm of the average westerner’s ADD-afflicted thinking –  the Islamist-in-Chief’s illegal war in Libya gave Al Qaeda a renewed tailwind! How magnanimous. But there’s more.

Tailwind One: 

How many recall the chemicals unleashed on Syria’s captive population? How many understand how the usage of chemical warfare became a blow back outgrowth, due to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s upending of Libya for the benefit of the Brotherhood Mafia? How many know that Al Qaeda is (one of) its bastard offshoots?

Tailwind Two:

Still and all, no rational observer, let alone national leadership, wouldn’t expect the very same Al Qaeda terror organization to stay clear of Israel’s borders. So isn’t the tailwind given by Barack HUSSEIN Obama to Al Qaeda another one of his weapons used against Israel, a nation he rabidly detests, all the more a grave geo-political disaster, being that Israel is the ONLY western “outpost” in the entire Islamic-riven jihadi region? Of course.

Tailwind Three:

But even if we leave aside Iraq’s current disintegration, what part of Al Qaeda and its vanguard’s barbarism towards Christians and other minorities hasn’t been apparent in both Egypt and Syria, let alone throughout Africa? In other words, when does the leader of the free world step up and proclaim: yes, establishing Islamic jihadi safe havens must be an inviolate “red line”, principally as a high priority western interest?

Tailwind Four:

And, in light of the above, isn’t it apparent as to why a growing case for impeachment is warranted, as the Islamist-in-Chief, for all intents and purposes, aids and abets Al Qaeda takeovers?

Tailwind Five:

So, back in January 2014, how shocking was it to hear: Al Qaeda declared the first independent Islamic state towards a reconstituted Caliphate!

But that was then and this is now…..

U.S. Said To Rebuff Iraqi Requests To Strike Militants

WASHINGTON — As the threat from Sunni militants in western Iraq escalated last month, Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki secretly asked the Obama administration to consider carrying out airstrikes against extremist staging areas, according to Iraqi and American officials.

But Iraq’s appeals for a military response have so far been rebuffed by the White House, which has been reluctant to open a new chapter in a conflict that President Obama has insisted was over when the United States withdrew the last of its forces from Iraq in 2011.

The swift capture of Mosul by militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has underscored how the conflicts in Syria and Iraq have converged into one widening regional insurgency with fighters coursing back and forth through the porous border between the two countries. But it has also called attention to the limits the White House has imposed on the use of American power in an increasingly violent and volatile region.

A spokeswoman for the National Security Council, Bernadette Meehan, declined to comment on Mr. Maliki’s requests. “We are not going to get into details of our diplomatic discussions,” she said in a statement. “The current focus of our discussions with the government of Iraq and our policy considerations is to build the capacity of the Iraqis to successfully confront” the Islamic extremists.

The Obama administration has carried out drone strikes against militants in Yemen and Pakistan, where it fears terrorists have been hatching plans to attack the United States. But despite the fact that Sunni militants have been making steady advances and may be carving out new havens from which they could carry out attacks against the West, administration spokesmen have insisted that the United States is not actively considering using warplanes or armed drones to strike them.

Hoshyar Zebari, Iraq’s foreign minister, last year floated the idea that armed American-operated Predator or Reaper drones might be used to respond to the expanding militant network in Iraq. American officialsdismissed that suggestion at the time, saying that the request had not come from Mr. Maliki.

By March, however, American experts who visited Baghdad were being told that Iraq’s top leaders were hoping that American air power could be used to strike the militants’ staging and training areas inside Iraq, and help Iraq’s beleaguered forces stop them from crossing into Iraq from Syria.

“Iraqi officials at the highest level said they had requested manned and unmanned U.S. airstrikes this year against ISIS camps in the Jazira desert,” said Kenneth M. Pollack, a former C.I.A. analyst and National Security Council official, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutionand who visited Baghdad in early March. ISIS is the acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, as the militant group is known.

As the Sunni insurgents have grown in strength those requests have persisted. In a May 11 meeting with American diplomats and Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, the head of the Central Command, which oversees American military operations in the Middle East, Mr. Maliki said he would like the United States to provide Iraq with the ability to operate drones. But if the United States was not willing to do that, Mr. Maliki indicated he was prepared to allow the United States to carry out strikes using warplanes or drones.

In a May 16 phone call with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Mr. Maliki again suggested that the United States consider using American air power. A written request repeating that point was submitted soon afterward, officials said.

Some experts say that such American military action could be helpful but only if Mr. Maliki takes steps to make his government more inclusive.

“U.S. military support for Iraq could have a positive effect but only if it is conditioned on Maliki changing his behavior within Iraq’s political system,” Mr. Pollack said. “He has to bring the Sunni community back in, agree to limits on his executive authority and agree to reform Iraqi security forces to make them more professional and competent.”

But so far, the administration has signaled that it is not interested in such a direct American military role.

“Ultimately, this is for the Iraqi security forces, and the Iraqi government to deal with,” Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday.

A vehicle belonging to the Iraqi security forces was abandoned in Mosul. CreditReuters

The deteriorating situation in Iraq is not what the Obama administration expected when it withdrew the last American troops from there in 2011. In a March 2012 speech, Antony J. Blinken, who is Mr. Obama’s deputy national security adviser, asserted that “Iraq today is less violent” than “at any time in recent history.”

From the start, experts have stressed that the conflict in Iraq is as much political as military. Mr. Maliki’s failure to include leading Sunnis in his government has heightened the sectarian divisions in Iraq.

But American officials also say that militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria represent a formidable military threat, one that Iraq’s security forces, which lack an effective air force, have been hard pressed to handle on their own.

Adding to that challenge is the fact that the group controls territory on both sides of the Iraqi-Syrian border, and the Iraq and Syria conflicts have been feeding each other.

Said Lakhdar Brahimi, the former United Nations envoy to the collapsed Syria peace talks: “The region is in trouble, starting with Iraq. When I went to Baghdad in December, I was told that for every 100 operations ISIS did in Syria, it did 1,000 in Iraq.”

Critics say the latest developments show the weakness in an administration strategy designed to shore up Iraqi forces and to combat a growing Islamic militancy in Syria that officials say poses an increasing counterterrorism threat to the United States.

In a speech on Wednesday, Susan E. Rice, Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, said that the American effort to buttress Iraq’s forces had been effective. “The United States has been fast to provide necessary support for the people and government of Iraq,” she said in remarks at the Center for New American Security in Washington.

The United States has provided a $14 billion foreign military aid package to Iraq that includes F-16 fighter jets, Apache attack helicopters and M-16 rifles. It has rushed hundreds of Hellfire missiles as well as ScanEagle reconnaissance drones.

A second round of counterterrorism training between American Special Operations commandos and Iraqi troops started in Jordan this week. At least two F-16s are set to arrive in Iraq by September, and six Apaches will be leased for training later this year, Iraqi and Pentagon officials said.

But some former generals who served in Iraq said a greater effort was needed.

James M. Dubik, a retired Army lieutenant general who oversaw the training of the Iraqi army during the surge, summed it up this way: “We should fly some of our manned and unmanned aircraft and put advisers into Iraq that can help the Iraqi Army plan and execute a proper defense, then help them transition to a counter offensive.”

Israeli war planners are, as always, watching the encirclement of the nation’s borders, and not just from Iran’s (usual) proxies. And no one should be oh so shocked when Israeli forces take matters into their own hands, knowing full well that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has no interest in tamping down the flames, even though it will appear as if U.S. cooperation is in the background. Nonsense.

More specifically, and even more incendiary, what kind of a (im)moral cretin, a pygmy, leaves Americans to fend for themselves under jihadi fire:

WND previously reported Friday that private contractors who have recently returned to the U.S. from Iraq said their former colleagues effectively had been abandoned by the U.S. military and were fighting for their lives against an army of jihadists surrounding the base who belong to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.

The U.S. contractors were at Balad to help the Pentagon prepare the facilities for the delivery of the F-16 aircraft the Obama administration has agreed to provide the Iraqi government.

The surrounded Americans said they were under ISIS fire from small arms, AK47s, and rocket propelled grenades, or RPGs.

The contractors had been able to hold the base, but those on the scene reported it was only a matter of time before the ISIS terrorists succeeded in breaking through the perimeter. The sources confirmed the contractors were still under siege, despite an Associated Press report Thursday, citing U.S. officials, that three planeloads of Americans were being evacuated from Balad.

WND learned from sources that the jihadists closed down escape routes, and the U.S. Air Force was in a stand-down position. U.S. forces were not assisting even with air cover so a private extradition flight could land for a rescue, the sources said.

Privately scheduled exit flights had fallen through, sources said, as several private pilots originally scheduled to make the flights quit.

The sources contended the U.S. military could provide the necessary air cover to protect C-130s or other air transport craft sufficient to make the evacuation, but far officials had refused to get involved.

In the main, removing American boots from Iraq literally paved the road for factions of jihadists to plot unimpeded. Predictably, instead of America taking the lead, the wayward Commander-in-Chief is now “in talks” with Iran’s killing machine, deciding how best to beat back Al Qaeda!

Thursday afternoon, Iran’s most powerful gun, the Al Qods Brigades chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani, arrived in Baghdad to take over the push against ISIS, in the same way as he has managed Bashar Assad’s war in Syria, and pull together the demoralized and scattered Iraqi army.

Those steps by Washington and Tehran pave the way for the US and Iran to cooperate for the first time in a joint military endeavor.

Since ISIS forces, albeit boosted by tens of thousands of armed Sunnis flocking to the black flag, are not capable of capturing Baghdad and have halted outside the city, President Obama and Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have won a small space for deciding how to proceed.
Khamenei must determine whether Gen. Soleimani with the help of American weaponry can stop al Qaeda, save Maliki from collapse and prevent the fall of Baghdad, and whether it is worth sending an Iranian army division over to Iraq, our intelligence sources reported earlier Thursday. They have since entered Iraq and are fighting ISIS forces.

These moves by Tehran will determined how Washington acts in the coming hours.

Does any westerner believe this confab will turn out well, let alone for American and Israeli objectives?

For if the POTUS’s “red lines” via Syria and Iran are any indication of his ill intent, what makes anyone think that Al Qaeda’s arc in Iraq – previously aiding their ascension in Syria through Benghazigate – will elicit another result?

Bulls eye.


This site is TOTALLY steeped in the doctrine of Islamic jihad and its mandates to wage war for the “sake of Allah”. This involves two twin pillars and imperatives: the resurrection of the Caliphate on a global scale and the “return of the Islamic Mahdi”. Serious sh-t. Blood soaked.

And if any evidence is emblematic, demonstrating how deeply/seriously into Islamic jihad doctrine this blog is, the following links are its poster children:

Poster Child One:

How much clearer can it get, than to draw the ABSOLUTE scholarly linkage between Islam and its relationship to blood:“Islam & Blood” (a groundbreaking policy paper contained herein):The World Stands On The Precipice.

Poster Child Two:

In this regard, even when operating a blog, tendering a major interview ups the ante. Desperate times require varying counter measures:The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.

Still, where does Benghazigate fit in? Better yet, where doesn’t it?

Benghazigate, as mentioned repeatedly, had nothing to do with freeing Libya from Qadaffi’s grip, but everything to do with “re-jiggering” the Mid East’s balance of power/terror via its INTENDED (eventual) global knock-on effects.

Most significantly, few understood what was behind Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s waffle-like behavior – re whether or not to enter the Syrian theater – unaware that the U.S. was already involved in Syria through his R2p intervention! Talk about misrepresentation of facts…as if this purposefully gobbygook sounding doctrine – cooked up to intercede in foreign theaters, for the benefit of this or that jihadi group – had anything to do with the protection of innocents! Hmm…as scores of dead have been massacred on its behalf, and with no end in sight!

The facts…

Fact One:


Fact Two:


Fact Three:

Thereby, digging further became more than mandatory, to get to the bottom of the nexus: UPDATE TO BENGHAZIGATE: FURTHER PROOF MORSI’S BROTHERHOOD MAFIA INEXTRICABLY LINKED; OBAMA DEEPLY IN THE MIX! 

Fact Four:

Could Benghazigate get any worse? Enter: MALIK OBAMA. HIS LINKAGE TO HILLARY CLINTON!

Fact Five:


Fact Six:

How many times does it bear repeating, in so far as the DESTABILIZATION of Syria has always been the epicenter, the tipping point, to the “re-jiggering” of the Mid East’s balance of power/terror via its INTENDED (eventual) global knock-on effects:BENGHAZIGATE’S JIHADIS & THEIR CONNECTION TO U.S. MILITARY TRAINERS – SYRIA’S THEATER OF WAR!

WITH the above lessons learned, we are now ready to fully appreciate the “hidden hands” assisting Barack HUSSEIN Obama, and on both sides of the political aisle!

The face of the globalist agenda in Syria

4 February 2014: Take a good long look at the face of this 4 year-old boy. He could be your child, your grandchild or nephew. The photo seems to reflect a childhood innocence,  an innocence that is so treasured and so valued that it must be protected at all costs. Who among us could deny that this precious little boy deserves to be protected, deserves to experience the joys of a secure childhood like most of us had so long ago? Funny, that, for it is the very same people who argue that they are acting “for the children” when instead, they are criminally responsible for destroying their childhood, by ruthlessly and shamelessly exploiting them for their own geopolitical agenda. Worse yet, it’s all being done in your name, in our names, with our collective, tacit approval. For behind this face of innocence is a veil of darkness so black that it should shake you to your core as you look at the next image of this same young boy.ISISchild2

Behind the black mask is the face of the young boy identified only as Muhammad, depicted here shooting an AK-47 in Syria. You’ve probably seen it, or at least heard about it. But do you know the whole story behind it? Do you know that it’s our government—your government—that is behind these unspeakable atrocities? Averting your gaze and claiming that this is mere hyperbole might make you feel more comfortable, but it will not change the fact that many of us have looked away for far too long or clung to the belief that what we are seeing is a centuries-old artifact of Islamic savagery.  Whatever helps you sleep at night. However, that does not change the truth, a truth from which you cannot flee.

For those unfamiliar with the images, they were copied from a video uploaded to the Internet titled “A message from one of the cubs of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” known by the acronym ISIS. The video depicts this young boy, identified only as Muhammad, barely able to hold the weapon yet maintaining his posture as his proud father stands behind him amid shouts of “Allahua Akbar.” It’s a video that our elected officials from both sides of the aisle, the power elite and the globalist policymakers didn’t want you to see as the original video was scrubbed from the Internet. Only snippets of the original video remain, having been copied and reposted elsewhere. Nonetheless, the unintended message is clear. Welcome to the hell on earth that is being conducted in your name, with your tacit approval.

It’s a reality that is too disturbing, but one of our own making though the blindness caused by our partisan politics and normalcy bias. It is our death grip on a false political paradigm that has blinded us to the larger agenda of the globalist monsters who will stop at nothing to achieve their ends. It’s a reality brought to you courtesy of the Progressives including Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, as well as  the “Neo-Cons” from George H.W. Bush to every sitting member in congress who support the policies of intervention in Syria and across the Middle East. Nearly every member of Congress, the Executive Branch, the Judiciary and others, from advisors to lobbyists who support such policies, regardless of their political affiliation, have sold their souls and allegiance to the higher power of a globalist agenda in your name. While they claim to intervene “for the sake of the children,” the blood of the innocents are on their hands. Like the unclothed emperor, the captured Western media dares not tell of covert, Western-backed assistance to the very same terrorist groups who have killed and maimed so many of our own.

What you are witnessing here is the extension of the activities that took place in Libya, specifically Benghazi, where the United States, the British, French and Saudi Arabia were involved in the largest arms running operation in the world, all in direct violation of international law. As I have written so many times, Benghazi was never a scandal, but a criminal enterprise conducted by the power elite of Western governments having the objective to topple Assad and destabilize Syria. This is part of a much larger agenda that includes the well planned and finely orchestrated Arab Spring, which was planned years in advance.

Yet, MSNBC types like Chris Matthews continue to wallow in the self-delusion that the deaths and destruction at Benghazi was the result of some obscure internet video, the origins of which should itself raise many questions. Such questions will never be asked by such pseudo-journalists like Matthews, who readily drinks the Kool-Aid from the same trough as many of the “Neo-Con warmongers” he claims to detest so much. Matthews’ love of his personal messiah and his cohorts, and the rabid right-wing cheerleaders serving as water boys for their personal political saviors, all serve to obfuscate the reality you see in the images shown here.

Our government is out of control by assisting terrorist groups to achieve their own despicable and diabolical ends to reshape the world according to the objectives of the globalists. Meanwhile, the corporate media facilitates this agenda of death by rewriting current events to protect their own. Make no mistake, the operation that led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi under Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John O. Brennan as well as their foreign counterparts is continuing by other means. Yet no one is calling for accountability. No one is asking the right questions that require answers that would potentially expose their political icon to the wrath of truth. Instead, we’ve got a bunch of shameless politicians, an impotent press and clueless columnists hell bent on convincing the American public that we’re fighting the good fight, for the sake of the children and their future. How dare you?

To me, the photographic evidence as well as the ample documented list of lies and damn lies prove otherwise. It is time to hold the purveyors of perversion accountable for their deeds. Who among us will be valiant for the sake of truth and justice? Who among us will be the voice of that young boy, armed by a bipartisan, globalist cabal of those seeking to reshape countries in our name? Who among us will speak on behalf of that young boy, who is being mercilessly used as cannon fodder in your name?

The sounds coming from the barrel of the AK-47 held by a 4 year-old cover the deafening silence of those in the seats of power and those tasked to confront them. May God help them, and may God help us all if we chose to remain silent.

FELLOW patriots (including ex pats, wherever you may be), did any of you wonder why the most visible face of the Repub Party – the Bush dynasty – appeared so tone-deaf to Islamic jihad, aside from George Bush’s requisite mantra-like nonsense, “you are either with us or you are against us”? And why did (still ongoing) Karl Rove – aka the younger Bush’s “brain” – recruit a mobbed up Brotherhood operative, Grover Norquist, to bring Muslim-Americans closer to the party? Here’s the connection, and it is just the tip:Karl Rove gave Grover Norquist $26 million in 2012.

NOT only that, but the elder Bush espoused – on multiple occasions – a globalist agenda, which by definition demoted America as a nation-state! Moreover, what must one conclude from George’s Bush’s incongruous intonation, “Islam is a religion of peace”, even after the worst terror attack on U.S. soil, ever since Pearl Harbor? Note: the strategic placement of Islamists in the background of the video. Interesting.

Consequentially – and in light of what we now recognize – he ordered the gov’t to spirit out planeloads of Saudis, those whose blood-soaked fingerprints (with other Islamic helpers, Sunni and Shia alike) were all over 9/11/01! Why did he do it? Rhetorical question.

Thus, as evil as Obama Inc. is  – this site continually shines a spotlight on their plans to bring down America – both parties are in bed with eviscerating America’s underpinnings. Both are guilty (too many times to count) of the following crime:Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Infiltrates U.S. Capitol!

NO one should believe that the globalist agenda is in contradiction to the Islamist Caliphate, Mahdi-driven one. In fact, they dovetail quite nicely, as they both knock down western borders, destroy America as the super power, thus paving the path for red/green aspirations.

It will remain to be seen who lands on top, once the above is taken care of – the revolutionary reds or the Islamist greens. For now, the axiom, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is to be considered their operational factor!