Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

Biden, Inc.-Obama 3.0 Stokes the Flames; This Time in Judea & Samaria, Israel’s Heart Land (VIDEOS)

By Adina Kutnicki

“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” 

“The more things change, the more they stay the same”

SANS those who are hell/Allah-bent on separating Jews from their thousands-year old homeland, that is, Judea & Samaria — via the bastardization of Historical/Biblical/Legal proofs — any student of non-revisionist history recognizes the irrefutable/immutable rights/title of the Jewish People to their Heart Land. Home Land. Cradle of Judaism.

VIA an in-depth scholarly work, a magnificent tour de force, ‘The Legal Foundation & Borders of Israel Under International Law’ by Howard Grief, a preeminent international legal scholar, it is judiciously/manifestly clear: Jewish rights and title to Judea and Samaria (a/k/a the “West Bank”) are legally binding. Full-stop. However, for Jew-haters and sundry political calculi, well, ripping Jews from their heartland remains a decades-long/ unquenchable/irredeemable “passion project!”

BUT before the below videos are internalized for where the truth(s) stand, an intrinsic walk down memory line is more than germane. Yes, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.

NOW, full disclosure comes into play here: this investigative journalist worked side-by side with the aforementioned hero, Tzafrir, Ronen (a/k/a “Tzafi”), may his memory be for a blessing; an inestimable “Lion of Zion” who was always considered a “blood brother” and a friend like none other.

TO said end, when “Tzafi” requested assistance to format his movie script for production, namely, “HADRIAN’S CURSE” (into proper English form, as well as to add this and that for contextual precision), these decks were cleared for months and months on end.

TIDBIT: amidst all of the Herculean writing/production efforts/deadlines (again, to bear historical witness to how the Jewish Heartland went from irrefutable claims and truths to its unyielding bastardization), break-times were necessary for occasional respite. So, the two us went on jaunts into otherwise “no-go” zones (deep inside the cradle of Jewish civilization, where the real occupiers, that is, Arab/Islamic usurpers “settled” to create “facts on the ground”; mind you, with a wink and a nod from Israel’s leftist poohbahs too) without fear and in complete control. Btw, those who dared to stare him down, let’s just say they ended up scampering away, also petrified to look this way in an untoward manner too.

YES, it helped when “tagging along” with a former Sayeret Matkal Commando who was  “double-strapped” and supremely trained in the art of this and that to incapacitate the enemy, come what may….never felt safer!

ATOP all of said lessons learned, along came a “shout-out” (in 2010, and for several years onward) from “HONENU” for the very same reason: to lend an English media voice/perspective, in tandem with investigatory experience to the continuous illegal harassment/threats/incarceration of those pejoratively tarred as “settlers”/interlopers within Judea and Samaria!

ONTO the absolute, coming massacre looming overhead — regardless of the naysayers within the top-tier politico-security realm; the so-called experts!

INDEED, there is no sense pussyfooting around…..time is of the essence!!

CAROLINE, take it away,

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(Cross-referenced at: ConservativeFiringLine)

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam: adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Who gave Hamas the cement for tunnels?

By Adina Kutnicki

AS always, under the guise of “humanitarian aid” (with a bulls-eye, deep-dive by Caroline Glick …. ), all manner of mischief is hidden beneath the surface. Naturally, Arab/Muslim nations take the lead in the covert deception vis a vis Israel. In concert, Washington and Euro capitals join into the fray; the gang-bang!

ONE such (out of countless) shameless deceiver within the apparatus on Capitol Hill is Dennis Ross — having straddled across the aisle for decades on end.

CONSIDER: The following excerpted analytical report (from 2015) as proof of the above charge-sheet against Dennis Ross:


Power, along with Gayle Smith and Dennis Ross, led the Directive 11 project.

Secret proceedings were used to spawn regime change infrastructure. Some of these tools had official names, such as “The Office of The Special Coordinator For Middle East Transitions” which currently reports directly to former ambassador Anne Patterson who told Coptic Christians not to protest against Morsi. After being driven out of the country by angry mobs over her support for the Muslim Brotherhood tyranny, she was promoted to Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.

“The Office” is still focused on “outreach to emergent political, economic and social forces in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya” even though counterrevolutions have pushed out Islamists in Egypt and Tunisia, while Libya is in the middle of a bloody civil war in which an alliance of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda controls the nation’s capital.


TO wit, it is par for the course for so-called “honest brokers”, most especially, U.S. Middle East shuttlers, so to speak, to converse with forked tongues. One of the longest serving and most duplicitous remains: Dennis Ross!

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ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Dr. Rafael Medoff | October 21, 2023

Dr. Medoff is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and author of more than 20 books about Jewish history and the Holocaust. His latest is America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History, published by the Jewish Publication Society & University of Nebraska Press.

So how did Hamas acquire the cement, despite Israel’s blockade of such materials?

Apparently Hamas had some help from former U.S. Mideast envoy Dennis Ross—according to Ross himself.

Ross has been appearing as an expert commentator on major media outlets in recent days, including on NBC-TV’s “Meet the Press” on October 8, CNN’s “Amanpour and Company” on October 13, and Fox News on October 14, among others.

Yet Ross did not think it was relevant to mention in any of those interviews that he himself pressured Israel to let Hamas obtain the cement—a role he admitted in a Washington Post op-ed on August 8, 2014.

In the op-ed, Ross described how, as a U.S. envoy, he urged Israel to allow Hamas to import cement even though he knew, at the time, that Hamas had been using cement for military purposes.

“At times,” he wrote in the Post, “I argued with Israeli leaders and security officials, telling them they needed to allow more construction materials, including cement, into Gaza so that housing, schools and basic infrastructure could be built. They countered that Hamas would misuse it, and they were right.”

In the 1930s, Americans were divided about permitting U.S. exports to another terrorist regime, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt maintained trade with the Nazis, arguing that the persecution of the Jews in Germany was none of America’s business.

But Jewish organizations, and many other Americans, participated in a boycott of German goods. One noted supporter of the boycott was the mayor of New York City, Fiorello La Guardia.

In 1935, the city’s Bridge Authority purchased five hundreds tons of sheet steel from Nazi Germany, in order to build the Triborough Bridge.

La Guardia learned of the deal while bedridden at Mount Sinai Hospital after a painful attack of sciatica. But he did not let his illness deter from him intervening.

In a telegram to Bridge Authority chairman Nathan Burkan, the mayor announced that he did not want that “damned steel” in his city. “The only commodity we can import from Hitlerland now is hatred,” La Guardia declared, “and we don’t want any in our country.”

Technically, the Bridge Authority was an independent agency that did not require the mayor’s approval for its construction purchases, but the mayor found grounds to block the deal: he bore responsibility for New Yorkers’ safety, and he could not vouch for the reliability of Hitler’s steel. He wrote to Burkan: “I cannot be certain of its safety unless I first have every bit and piece of German made material tested before used.” He added, in German: “Verstehen Sie [Do you understand] ?”

La Guardia took his share of heat for his one-man campaign against Hitler Germany. Six thousand German-Americans held a rally in New York City and pledged to vote him out of office. Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels threatened to bomb New York City. Secretary of State Cordell Hull complained that La Guardia’s actions were harming German-American relations.

One dissenter within the Roosevelt administration regarding Nazi Germany was the secretary of the interior, Harold Ickes.

In late 1937, President Roosevelt approved the sale of helium to power Germany’s Zeppelin airships, telling Congress it was “sound national policy” for the United States to be “a good neighbor” to Germany.

At a White House conference between Roosevelt, Ickes, and the administration’s legal experts in May, the solicitor general informed the president that the sale could not go forward without the interior secretary’s approval.

But FDR refused to give up. At a cabinet session two days later, the president again pressed Ickes to support the sale; Roosevelt was backed by all but two of the cabinet members. (Labor Secretary Frances Perkins and Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. said nothing).

FDR suggested he could relieve Ickes of responsibility by giving him a letter stating it was Roosevelt’s “judgment, as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, that this helium was not of military importance.” Ickes still refused to budge.

It’s a pity that statesmen of the caliber of La Guardia or Ickes weren’t around when Dennis Ross was urging Israel to let Hamas import cement. One suspects they would have offered very different counsel.

First published by the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

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(Cross-referenced at: Conservative Firing Line)

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam: adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Top policy expert: Biden is betraying Israel +

By Adina Kutnicki

Biden Doxxed Delta Force In Attempt to Get Them Killed

WHEN it comes to Dementia/Crooked/China Joe, nothing is as it seems. Nothing.

AS such, regardless of any soothing words, that is, aligning with Israel against Islam’s jihadi barbarians, don’t take his sweet-nothings to the bank. Mind you, the hardware coming into Israel (that which fattens US defense contractors too), as well as the armada amassing in the Mediterranean, are a double-edged sword — much of which is meant to stay Israel’s hand, or else.


HINT: despite every puppetered promise, nary a word was uttered re Iran’s Terrorist Mastermind Mullahs! Even more so, a mere few weeks before HAMAS’ genocidal attack, billions were “ransomed” to the chief sponsors of terrorism in the world! More than telling.

IN reality, the aforementioned (plus so much more) is demonstrative as to where Obama 3.0, the puppet-masters — in tandem with their far-left allies  — allegiance truly lies. Ipso facto, but for the in-your-face, genocidal onslaught by HAMAS and hydra offshoots, where it became impossible to ignore their barbarism — a calculated electoral strategy led all of the so-called support for Israel.

EFFECTIVELY, Israel, the nemesis of the regime in Washington — will end up burying the party for decades to come, that is, if they turn their backs on the only reliable ally in the cesspool of the Middle East. Naturally, the exception herein hails via their far-left comrades and their attendant jihadi supporters. On the other hand, no doubt, average Democrat voters would see any open abandonment as their casus belli, their ultimate excuse, to jump ship!

WITH the above in the forefront, and coupled with the following whys and wherefores,

let’s head here….with all due, deliberate speed. Urgency!

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WND | By Bob Unruh | October 19, 2023

Claims U.S. president is acting as a ‘human shield’ for Hamas

A renowned commentator on Israel and Jewish affairs, Caroline Glick, has launched a warning to Israel that America, through the Joe Biden administration, is no longer a friend.

In fact, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was sent to Israel following the recent terror attacks by Hamas, which killed hundreds and hundreds of civilians, sometimes by burning families alive, other times by beheading babies, for a nefarious reason, she explains.

Glick explains that Israel’s newest threat is from the Biden administration itself.

She cited sources who told her of Blinken’s threat to withhold supplies, and his demands of a channel to “resupply” Gaza, or, in fact, Hamas, which controls Gaza.

“Tony Blinken wasn’t trying to help Israel at all,” she said. Instead, he was demanding those “resupply” lines.

Glick explained, in a contemporaneous commentary at, where she is a senior contributing editor and host of the “Caroline Glick Show,” the issue of “humanitarian aid” for Gaza.

“The implications of this position are devastating for Israel. According to reports, there are ‘hundreds of trucks’ lined up on the border in Egypt to enter the Gaza Strip carrying so-called ‘humanitarian aid.’ These trucks, if permitted to enter, will not be inspected in any significant way. There is no reason to believe they are carrying baby formula and foodstuffs that will be delivered to the needy. There is every reason to believe they are carrying war materiel and jihadist fighters who have arrived to augment Hamas,” she explained.

“To the extent that there is food in the trucks, who will it feed? The hostages? The infirm? Who will the medicine be delivered to? The hostages? Will the fuel in the trucks be used in refrigerators to feed the captive Israelis? Of course not.”

She noted that all of the “ministries” in Gaza are, in fact, Hamas itself.

“So whatever and whoever is in the trucks carrying ‘humanitarian aid,’ all of it will be delivered to Hamas and will be distributed to benefit Hamas,” she wrote.

INCONTESTABLY, accordingly.

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(Cross-referenced at: Conservative Firing Line)

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam: adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

The Mirror Image of America’s Deep State Mafia: Israel’s Stalinists; Exposing Dark Money Trails Between Both

By Adina Kutnicki

ONE cannot escape a 24 hr. news cycle without smacking into stepped-up crimes against the American people committed by Biden, Inc. a/k/a Obama 3.0.

STILL, most urgently, what is often lost in the conversation are the synchronized parts performed by their enablers — without which it would be near impossible to execute their anti-American goals. Chief among them include: the DNC Media Complex a/k/a Mockingbird Media; academia know-it-alls; legal fraternities; cultural annihilators; civil society elitists, and various tentacled apparatchiks.

THEIR mission is crystal clear: do as we say and think as we do, otherwise, punishment will be swift and severe. NO dissenters will be tolerated.

IN this regard, it is impossible to deny the deep nexus, that is, via seen and unseen trails — most intrinsically, “dark money” trails between America’s Stalinists and Israel’s.

BUT, before today’s target-bank is fully exposed, recall the following, yes, adjuncts thereof:

IN tandem, it is the considered opinion of this seasoned investigative journalist to bear in mind a few matters of mega import:
*One cannot win a war — indeed, America and Israel, the lynchpins of Western Civilization, are fighting for the survival of western freedoms and ideals — without fighting fire against fire, so to speak. Alas, playing patty cake, that is, while opposing forces are beating down with hammer-blows, well, is a sure-fire recipe for disaster.
* Upon reading the below tour de force by Caroline Glick, pay particular heed to Israel’s key Stalinist apparatchiks. Enablers. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Mind you, the below highlighting is hardly exhaustive.
  – Eyal Naveh
  – Yaya Fink

ONTO the fleshed out “dark money” trails!

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ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Caroline Glick | August 20, 2023

Caroline B. Glick is the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate and host of the “Caroline Glick Show” on JNS. She is also the diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, as well as a columnist for Newsweek. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington and a lecturer at Israel’s College of Statesmanship.

Campaigners against Israel’s Netanyahu government scored a notable victory on Aug. 4. After a six-month demonization, defamation and harassment campaign against the Forum Policy Kohelet and its chief donor, Arthur Dantchik, including raucous demonstrations outside his door, Dantchik, a Philadelphia businessman, announced that he was ending his support for the conservative Jerusalem think tank.

Moshe Koppel, a Bar Ilan University professor, founded Kohelet a decade ago as a full-spectrum policy think tank. Like its opposites on the left, Kohelet has developed policies on legal reform, economics, education and welfare. Its scholars work closely with like-minded policymakers to advance their policies in government ministries and the Knesset.

In March, Kohelet became the target of a demonization campaign the likes of which Israel has never seen. Its offices were barricaded and vandalized. Its leaders were assaulted on the streets and in restaurants, and were subjected to noisy demonstrations at their homes in pre-dawn riots. Israel Defense Forces Brig. Gen. (ret.) Nehemia Dagan called for the military “neutralization” of Kohelet, describing its funders as “Jews of the kind upon which the antisemitic ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ was based.”

Dantchik, whose funding enabled Koppel to establish Kohelet, was subjected to a prolonged, no-holds-barred campaign in Philadelphia.

Yaya Fink is a professional far-left political activist and failed two-time Knesset candidate. Until this year, he served as the CEO of Darkenu, a dark-money leftist pressure group that is associated with continuous efforts to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Darkenu’s billionaire funder Kobi Richter proclaimed Saturday in a radio interview that the left will succeed in its anti-government campaign, because it controls the military and the economy. It will destroy the economy to force Netanyahu to comply with its demands, he added.

Fink is a central figure in the anti-government campaign. He hosted an Aug. 8 Zoom conference with more than 1,000 participants to celebrate the victory over Dantchik and Kohelet. Conference speakers were key actors behind the operation.

‘We cut off their oxygen’

The event opener was Eran Nissan, who leads a digital leftist outfit called “Strengthening.” Nissan initiated a campaign to demonize Kohelet three years ago and his operation was the basis for the left’s successful operation this year.

“If you want to understand in one word what the Kohelet Forum is, Kohelet Forum is the right’s brain,” proclaimed Nissan, sporting a black T-shirt with “FCKBNGVR” (“f*** Ben-Gvir,” referring to Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir) emblazoned in red and white.

Basking in the success of the campaign he spearheaded, Nissan bragged, “We shut off their funding, or to put it more bluntly, the brain of the right had a stroke, because we cut off their oxygen.”

The left’s demonization campaign had done its job. “Kohelet has turned into a poisonous brand, in large part because of the protests, and very much owing to the media,” said Nissan.

By demonizing Kohelet, Fink and his comrades made Dantchik uncomfortable to be associated with it.

But while Kohelet may have been turned into a pariah, it remains a danger because “their ideas haven’t disappeared,” Nissan warned. “We have to keep sharp eyes focused on Kohelet and see what happens to this whole ecosystem.” He fingered the conservative Tikvah Fund, “Kohelet’s big sister,” as the next target.

Creating a monster

Shany Granot Lubaton, a fresh-faced, veteran far-left political operative in Israel, who now works for J Street in New York, spoke next.

Granot Lubaton organized the anti-government demonstrations in New York in May that saw expatriate Israelis ambushing, harassing and at times assaulting government ministers and senior Knesset members, who were in New York to participate in the Celebrate Israel Parade on Fifth Avenue.

Those demonstrations brought Granot Lubaton to center stage, but she has led the left’s anti-government operations in the United States since February. She also organized the slander and harassment campaign against Dantchik.

In the Zoom conference, she gushed with pride. “How great is it to see so many people here who want to celebrate and hear about our victory,” she said. “It’s something we need to mark and revel in.”

Granot Lubaton said she had identified Kohelet as “the enemy” in 2016, when she worked as a parliamentary assistant to then-opposition leader Shelly Yachimovich. “I saw how the lobbyists from Kohelet were present in every discussion against us,” she said.

When anti-government protests began in Israel, Granot Lubaton saw an opportunity to go after donors who enable groups like Kohelet and the Tikvah Fund to think their “wrong” thoughts and discuss them in public.

She organized a group of leftist Israeli expatriates in Philadelphia, who demonstrated three times a week outside Dantchik’s home, synagogue and offices, and at an intersection near his house.

“I had to fire them up, to bring them the light. But what can I say? I created a monster,” she bragged, rolling with laughter.

Granot Lubaton’s campaign against Dantchik included a full-page, derogatory ad against him in the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent. She shied away from taking credit for the ad, but proclaimed that with the ad, “We moved tectonic plates in the Jewish community of Philadelphia.”

The ad also helped “infiltrate” Dantchik’s circles and persuade him that supporting Kohelet “isn’t worth the trouble. He’s better off walking away,” she said.

Her group’s success in “breaking a billionaire’s soul” whet her appetite, and the next targets, she insisted, must be everyone associated with Kohelet—intellectuals and donors.

“We have a lot more work to defame them, to shame their people,” she said. She added that intellectuals affiliated with Kohelet “are in all the government ministries, in negotiations rooms. And the goal remains transforming Kohelet into a brand that people are embarrassed to have on their resumes.”

“I know someone who resigned from Kohelet with a top salary, because he understood it harms him professionally and he’s better off not to be mixed up in this thing,” she added, smiling broadly. “This is a great achievement of the protest. … And I think that this is a very important thing to do.”

Donors need to see Dantchik’s fate as a cautionary tale, according to Granot Lubaton. “If you give money to someone that undertakes the regime coup in Israel, we will destroy your lives,” she said. “Don’t mess with us.”

Like Nissan, Granot Lubaton said the Tikvah Fund is next on her target list. Among its many activities, the fund translates and publishes conservative books and publishes the Hebrew-language, intellectual journal Hashiloach.

In Granot Lubaton’s telling, Tikvah “funds book publishing,” and it “prints the most extreme policy papers in Israel.” So it must be destroyed. “We’ll do everything possible to push them back and prevent them from taking Israel apart,” she said.

‘Like a military operation’

The next speaker on the Zoom was Eyal Naveh, whose Brothers in Arms group operates as the shock troops of the left’s political warfare campaign. Brothers in Arms is behind most of the violent attacks on government ministers, members of Knesset, haredi Jews and conservative intellectuals.

The group used barbed wire and garbage to barricade Kohelet’s offices in March—a criminal act that received so much support in the media that it catapulted the campaign against the think tank onto the national stage. Naveh said the assault was geared towards foreign audiences, to help demonize Dantchik.

“We planned it like a military operation. It went over great from a media coverage perspective,” he said. “We knew what we wanted to accomplish.” He added that the group wrote its banners in English and had English speakers on hand “because we had a clear goal of helping the people in the United States.”

Naveh joined the others in proclaiming the war against Kohelet ongoing. They have already prepared a harassment campaign against Aviad Bakshi, who heads Kohelet’s legal department. Justice Minister Yariv Levin credited Bakshi with helping him prepare the government’s judicial reform program.

#MeToo tactics

The final speaker, Gayil Talshir, devoted her remarks to Bakshi, whom she views as a mortal danger to Israeli progressives.

Bakshi is an effective intellectual operative and the government’s leading candidate to serve as the next president of the Supreme Court, she warned. Blocking his advancement is the next goal of the left’s political warfare campaign, she said.

The conference placed the left’s tactics under a spotlight, demonstrating that it has adopted the tactics of the #MeToo movement.

#MeToo leapt to the forefront of American public life in 2017. Previously, allegations of rape and sexual harassment, like other criminal allegations, were subject to legal review, and suspects had the presumption of innocence and the right to defend themselves against allegations in courts of law.

The #MeToo movement did away with the legal process, replacing it with ground-level punishment for its targets. #MeTwo accusers went straight from accusation to execution. The only court involved was that of public opinion. And in active partnership with the media, #MeToo activists ensured that anyone targeted for destruction was destroyed.

Guy Rolnik, editor of the economics magazine The Marker, paid homage at the conference to Granot Lubaton and her followers in Philadelphia.

They realized there are better targets than politicians and understood that to destroy their political opponents, they had to destroy the latter’s ideas, according to Rolnik. So, they went to the source—the man whose funds enabled the right to produce and advance its ideas.

“Here you have a strategic understanding that there’s one person, a billionaire, who funds a great part of this process,” said Rolnik.

#MeToo’s targets were accused of committing actual crimes. Fink and his apparatchiks aren’t accusing Dantchik, the Kohelet Forum, the Tikvah Fund, academics, intellectuals and journalists on the conservative side of Israel’s ideological divide of doing anything illegal.

But he and his gang are targeting the right’s intellectual base for professional, social and financial destruction, because they dare to think, discuss and advocate on behalf of thoughts and ideas with which Fink and his comrades cannot contend intellectually.

Far from being guardians of Israeli democracy, Fink and his comrades are Stalinists.

The goal of their campaign is to impose a thought police on Israel.

They want all Israelis engaged in public affairs to either side with them or be silent. To this end, they impose a regime of intellectual, social and financial terror on Israeli public life.

Kohelet is far from their only target. Fink and his comrades have made massive advances in the universities, where faculty and students who support the government now live in a state of constant terror lest they be fired or failed by the commissars who run Israel’s academia.

In the Israel Defense Forces, career officers are similarly intimidated. Physicians and surgeons have joined the expanding list of professionals being subjected to intimidation and harassment by Fink and his comrades. Fink began the conference by hailing an earlier victory over the Bar Association.

On its surface, Fink’s conference was a victory lap. But in reality, it was a victory feast—on the entrails of his and his supporters’ prey, planning their next kills on their journey towards building their Stalinist utopia. There, only “the right views” will be permitted in Israel, which of course means leftist views.

“The protest isn’t the goal,” Fink proclaimed, closing the conference. “The protest is a tool for implementing a world view. We’re in the process of building infrastructures for the long haul.”

Our enemies keep their focus … The LIES our leaders tell us + Who is REALLY running the show!

ONE can spend all day, more pointedly, until the cows come home, and never be done cataloging the lies that the Bennett regime tells the majority-held citizens of Israel, a/k/a the right-wing. Truth dare be told, they spin more tall-tales than a stadium full of Pinocchio-like characters. In fact, there is little difference between their spinning and that of the Biden regime — and that’s a high threshold to cross! No kidding.

AS such, let’s cease attempting to place lipstick on this duplicitous pig, be it in Israel or in America. Simply, don’t piss on our heads and tell us that it is raining.

IN this regard, a sampling of the laundry list re the aforementioned within Israel can be found below. Keep in mind, it is hardly exhaustive.


MOST perniciously, in answer to the query: who is REALLY running the show, the following illegal putsch by the enemy within removes the mask completely. Yes, and via electricity hook-ups, no less. Not to mention, the continuous coddling of terrorists ala this or that “goodwill gesture!”

BUT never mind. Here comes the highly astute Caroline Glick, as per what’s what in the hotbed of Israeli politics, aside from the fiery geo-political arena.

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ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Caroline Glick | Jan. 9, 2021

The “quiet” on the northern and southern fronts that Israel’s leaders point to is the result not of Israeli deterrence, as they claim, but deterrence by our enemies. 

(JNS) Something happens almost every day that tells us that Israel’s enemies are preparing for war. On the other hand, Israel’s responses to these events indicate that Israel is not preparing for war.

Three separate events last week exposed this distressing state of affairs.

First, on Monday, Iran and its proxies in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen marked the second anniversary of the U.S. assassination in Iraq of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force. At a ceremony in Tehran, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi pledged to kill former president Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Not only did the Biden administration not condemn the Iranian regime for threatening the life of a former president and secretary of state, but on the day Raisi made the threat, President Joe Biden’s nuclear negotiators were in Vienna beginning another round of nuclear talks with Raisi’s emissaries. U.S. officials told reporters ahead of the talks that they expect to close a deal with the Iranians, perhaps a partial one, in the near future.

To go by the reports of the negotiations, a deal means nothing less than complete U.S. capitulation to Iran’s demands. Last week, Britain’s Spectator published a report titled “Inside Joe Biden’s Disastrous Negotiations with Iran.” It described how the Western position has collapsed due to the radical pro-Iranian posture of the U.S. team led by Robert Malley.

British and other negotiators characterized Malley as “the most dovish official we’ve ever seen.”

One official said that Malley bent over backwards so far that “he now speaks to Tehran between his legs.”

Malley, they explained, presented the Iranians with what was supposed to be the U.S.’s final take-it-or-leave-it offer at the opening session of the negotiations. After the stunned Iranians “caught their breath and climbed back onto their chairs, they set about demanding further concessions.”

And it’s all been downhill from there. Iran has made no concessions of any kind. Clearly, under these circumstances the only way that an agreement—even a partial one—can be reached is if the United States abandons the ostensible purpose of the agreement—to prevent Iran from achieving independent military nuclear capabilities.

Israel’s response to the collapse of America’s diplomatic position has been to paper over the oceanic rift between the U.S. position and that of Israel. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett pretended away the problems, saying, “We’re not a teddy bear that just says ‘No.’ We’re not looking for a fight, there could be a good deal [with Iran].”

In short, the U.S. policy is to appease Iran, and Israel’s policy is to appease the United States. But no one is blocking Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

The second event occurred the day after Raisi threatened to murder Trump and Pompeo, and Biden’s negotiators renewed their genuflections to Raisi’s underlings. On Tuesday, Iran’s Lebanese foreign legion, Hezbollah, launched a UAV into Israel. The IDF responded by downing the drone.

On the surface, the drone story is no cause for concern. But it cannot be seen as an isolated event. Over the past several months, infiltrations and probes of Israeli territory by drones, “laborers,” drug smugglers and others from Lebanon have become routine occurrences along the northern border.

Hezbollah, which exercises complete control over the Lebanese side of the border, allows all these infiltrations and directs most of them. There is a method to these actions. Among other things, Hezbollah uses them to probe Israel’s operational readiness, its force structure and deployments, its intelligence capacity, its speed of response and competence.

Hezbollah’s operations at the border, in turn, cannot be seen in isolation from its “Radwan Plan.”

Around a decade ago, Israel discovered that Hezbollah plans to invade the Galilee in the next war, and seize a village or hostages from a village. Hezbollah intends to use the Israelis it kidnaps either as “human shields” for Hezbollah operations or as bargaining chips in extortionate “negotiations.”

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah publicly unveiled the Radwan Plan in 2015.

The Radwan force, an elite Hezbollah unit with 2,500 soldiers, is charged with invading Israel. Its members are veterans of the wars in Syria and Iraq. Although Hezbollah announced the program years ago, and Israel in 2018 uncovered sophisticated underground tunnels Hezbollah had constructed for transporting forces into Israel, Israel has yet to fortify the border. To date, only 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) of a concrete border wall have been constructed, due to lack of funding for the project. No discussion of preemptive operations to prevent Hezbollah from carrying out the Radwan plan has entered the public arena. And there is no indication that any such operations have taken place.

This brings us to the third event Israel’s foes initiated this past week. Apropos of nothing, last Saturday, Hamas launched two missiles at Tel Aviv. Later, it attacked IDF helicopters with surface-to-air missiles.

Israel’s leaders routinely attribute the “quiet” between Hamas missile and terror onslaughts to Israel’s deterrent strength. But last week, Hamas terror master Ismail Haniyeh dismissed Israel’s claims.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Haniyeh said that since “Operation Cast Lead” in 2009, Hamas has used every respite between campaigns to upgrade its strategic capabilities. It built its domestic missile production capabilities and smuggled thousands of advanced projectiles from Iran to Gaza between campaigns. It built a subterranean tunnel complex for offensive and defensive capabilities between campaigns. Ahead of Hamas’s most recent offensive against Israel in May, it built operational coordination with Arab Israelis that enabled Hamas to use Arab-Israeli pogromists as an integral component of its assault.

The assessment that the Arab mobs who lynched Jews and burned Jewish cars, homes and businesses in mixed Jewish and Arab cities, and the mobs that blocked major traffic arteries in the Negev and the Galilee, were orchestrated by Hamas moved from suspicion to certainty when the violence ended as soon as Hamas agreed to a ceasefire.

Israel’s response to Hamas’s missile assault on Tel Aviv was deflating. In the interests of “preserving the quiet,” Israel’s retaliatory airstrike was tepid, at best. Indeed, according to IDF officials, the Prime Minister’s Office was so intent on not provoking Hamas with the response that it sacrificed operational security by telling the media the attack plan before the aircraft took off for Gaza. The PMO denied the allegations, but Israel coordinated its response with the Egyptians, who are serving as go-betweens with Hamas.

Israel’s extraordinary efforts not to provoke Hamas with its counterattack lead to the distressing conclusion that the “quiet” between Hamas campaigns isn’t a testament to Israel’s deterrent strength. It’s a testament to Hamas’s deterrent strength.

Israel did initiate one event in recent weeks: Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s meeting with Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas. Like Bennett, Gantz insisted the meeting didn’t mark the start of a new “peace process.” Both men claimed Gantz’s meeting with Abbas at Gantz’s private residence was necessitated by Israel’s national security.

During their meeting, Gantz agreed to give the P.A. hundreds of millions of shekels, which Abbas will use to pay salaries to terrorists and their families. Gantz agreed to permit massive Palestinian Arab building in Area C of Judea and Samaria, which Israel requires to defend its national security and its communities in the areas. And he agreed to permit 10,000 foreign Arabs residing in the Palestinian Authority illegally to receive permanent residency status.

Obviously, taken together and separately, Gantz’s concessions to Abbas do not advance Israel’s security. They impede Israel’s security. Gantz wasn’t trying to augment Israel’s security by meeting with Abbas. He was trying to appease a terror-supporting adversary.

Israel remains more powerful than its enemies, but those enemies are no slouches. They lack armored divisions and air forces, but have compensated for those deficits by building three-pronged forces tailor-made to fight Israel. Their operational components are missiles, terror and unconventional weapons.

The missile threat Israel faces from Iran and its proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, Yemen and Iraq has no historical or global precedent. Israel has more missiles pointed at it than any nation on earth.

In a future war Israel can expect to absorb thousands of missiles a day from Lebanon, thousands more from Gaza, and more still from Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Enemy arsenals include tens of thousands of precision-guided missiles as well as rockets. While Israel has the most sophisticated missile defense system in the world, that system cannot withstand thousands of rockets a day. Many will get through.

As for terror, Israel will face both grand terror, of the type envisioned by Hezbollah’s Radwan plan, and local terror, from Abbas’s P.A. and from Arab Israelis who are now integrated into Hamas’s force structure. The purpose of terror is to disrupt civilian life, to undermine IDF mobilization and transport of troops to the battlefield, and in extremis, to bring Israel to its knees.

As for unconventional threats, the most ominous one—Iran’s nuclear weapons program—is apparently not operational at this point. Syria, though, has a large arsenal of chemical weapons. Iran and Hezbollah also have considerable offensive cyber capabilities. In recent months, cyberattacks have hamstrung Israeli hospitals and other critical facilities.

IDF commanders routinely declare that Israel is ready for the storm gathering against it, but it is hard to see evidence of that readiness. For decades, David Ben-Gurion’s doctrine of moving the battle to the enemy’s territory was the guiding concept of Israel’s defense doctrine. Today, that offensive doctrine is barely a flicker of memory.

-Israel is not preemptively striking Hezbollah’s and Hamas’s missiles in Lebanon and Gaza.

-It is not killing their terror commanders.

-Arab Israelis who participated in the organized violence against Jews and blocked roads during Hamas’s missile offensive in May have mostly been released from jail.

-Police and military forces are not confiscating the massive quantities of stolen and smuggled weapons that are nearly ubiquitous in Arab Israeli communities.

Lebanon’s economic ruin is of no concern to Hezbollah, which is largely to blame for the penury of the former Paris of the Middle East. Nasrallah and his terror forces remain scope-locked on readying themselves to attack Israel when given the order by Tehran. The same is the case with Hamas, which rules impoverished Gaza with an iron fist.

Israel’s political and military leadership needs to recognize that appeasement is not a strategic doctrine. It is a political move—and for Israel, a very stupid one. Our military and national leaders need to recognize the gravity of the situation and match Israel’s actions, force levels and resources to the dynamic and deadly form of war our enemies have developed to destroy us.

Caroline Glick is an award-winning columnist and author of “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.This article first appeared in Israel Hayom.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Bennett’s diplomatic tsunami – The regime’s outright betrayal of Zionism; sleigh-of-hand, too

By Adina Kutnicki

IT is no longer a given that a so-called Zionist at Israel’s helm will safeguard the Jewish homeland, despite their sacred and sworn duty to do so.

EVEN more so, PM Bennett committed the ultimate betrayal, that is, he played the part of a fully devoted Zionist, but turned out to be nothing of the sort. In fact, he is the definition of a betrayer!

AND not one to re-work the wheel, so to speak, let’s take an accounting, of sorts.

and on and on ….

ALL of which brings the above discussion to a full circle analysis; straight back to an evidentiary trail presented via Caroline Glick’s on-target, bullet-proof trails.

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ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Caroline Glick | November 7, 2021

(JNS) Naftali Bennett’s government’s diplomatic policies came into full view in recent weeks, and were put to the test at the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow last week. The results are unmistakable.

Under Bennett’s government, Israel’s foreign policy is predicated on making far-reaching concessions—first and foremost to the Palestinians, and second to the international left. Four such concessions stand out.

The first concession is Zionism. Two weeks ago, Defense Minister Benny Gantz abandoned the central tenet of Zionism—redemption of the land of Israel through land purchases for Jewish settlement. After it liberated Judea and Samaria from Jordanian occupation in 1967, the Eshkol government chose to administer these areas via the military while maintaining Jordanian law there. The military government issued orders that updated the laws from time to time to align the legal regime in these areas with basic principles of civil rights.

Jordanian law contains several racist provisions. One of the most prominent racial laws is Jordan’s land law, which bars non-Muslims from purchasing land. In 1971, Israel’s military government amended the law to permit non-Muslim owned companies—but not private non-Muslim citizens—to purchase privately owned land in Judea and Samaria. The amendment required these companies to register the deals with the Civil Administration.

After the Palestinian Authority murdered a number of Palestinian land owners following the registration of their land sales with the Civil Administration, the Defense Ministry and IDF legal advisers recommended amending the law again to permit private citizens who are not Muslims to buy land from private owners.

Gantz refused to enact the recommendation. His refusal caused two Israeli NGOs to petition the Supreme Court to require Gantz to enact the recommendations, which are geared toward ensuring the property rights and the lives of Palestinians Muslims and Israeli Jews.

Gantz told the justices that he chose to bar Jews from purchasing land from Palestinians to avoid angering the Palestinian Authority, which is engaging in the wholesale murder of Palestinian land sellers. He also doesn’t want to tick off the international community which, in an expression of unbridled anti-Semitism, rejects Jewish property rights in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

Israel’s second concession relates to land. Specifically, it regards Area C—the 60 percent of Judea and Samaria that includes the Israeli communities, the Jordan Valley, critical infrastructure for Israel’s national security, Jewish heritage sites and military installations.

While the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria has praised the Bennett government for approving a few thousand building permits inside the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria, the council ignored the larger context in which those permits are being granted. In the hopes of winning brownie points with the Biden administration and the European Union, the government has approved thousands of construction schemes for the Palestinian Arabs in Area C, including plans to build Palestinian settlements inside Israeli communities and settlement blocs.

The consequence of this massive Palestinian construction (legal and illegal) in Area C is self-evident, not least because the Palestinians and their European Union funders have stated it outright. In due course, massive Palestinian construction in Area C will take the flourishing Israeli farms, towns and cities in Judea and Samaria and transform them into isolated, vulnerable enclaves.

Economics is the third area of major governmental concessions to the Palestinian Arabs under Bennett’s leadership. In 2018, the Knesset passed a law barring the government from transferring funds to the P.A. so long as it continues its “pay to slay” policy of giving salaries to terrorists imprisoned in Israeli jails and to families of deceased terrorists. In violation of the spirit of the law, Gantz is pouring hundreds of millions of shekels into the coffers of the P.A. while the P.A. devotes nearly 10 percent of its budget to paying salaries to terrorists. To skirt the law, Gantz winked and called the funds a loan.

As for Hamas, the weekend before last, Channel 13 News broadcast an investigative report undertaken by Choosing Life, a forum of families of terror victims, and the Ad Kan investigative NGO. The report showed that through the Muslim Brotherhood party Ra’am, whose four-member Knesset faction provides Bennett with his bare-majority 61-member ruling coalition, Hamas is also being taken care of by the Bennett government.

The report exposed close financial ties between a Ra’am-controlled fund called the 48 Fund and Hamas. Via the 48 Fund’s 250 million shekel ($80.4 million) budget, huge sums have been transferred to Hamas in Gaza and terrorists in Judea and Samaria. The 48 Fund also has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in Turkey and Syria.

Ra’am received hundreds of millions of shekels of government funds under the coalition agreement. The budget passed in the Knesset last week provides Ra’am with commanding influence over the disbursement of 53 billion shekels ($17 billion) budgeted to Arab Israeli municipal authorities countrywide.

The fourth major concession the Bennett government made in recent weeks was directed toward the international left. Ahead of his trip to Glasgow, Bennett committed Israel to reducing carbon emissions to zero by 2050. If honored, this commitment will lay waste to Israel’s economy while doing nothing to change global temperatures. Even if it burned dirty coal from one end of the country to the other all day and all night, tiny Israel is too small to impact the world’s climate. But since Bennett has chosen to join the virtue signaling post-national Left, he damned Israel’s national economy to destruction.

This brings us to Glasgow. According to Bennett’s advisers, his reception at the conference was a tribute to the success of his brilliant policies. Speaking to Israel Hayom reporter Ariel Kahana, they gushed, “We have experienced a diplomatic tsunami—in a good way. This is a great time for Israel’s foreign relations. The meetings [with world leaders in Glasgow] were like speed dates.”

Unfortunately, Bennett’s flaks were partially right. His meetings with the likes of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison were like speed dates, in the sense that they were momentary thrills entirely lacking in substantive results.

Bennett’s assistants said he held conversations on Iran’s nuclear program, urging his foreign counterparts to join Israel in opposing the reinstatement of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, which provides Iran with an open path to a nuclear arsenal.

Despite his climate hysteria and his strategic concessions to the Palestinians, Bennett got nowhere. No one agreed with this request. Probably the main reason for Bennett’s diplomatic flop is that the Biden administration is pushing the opposite policy.

Not only did U.S. President Joe Biden announce the resumption of nuclear talks with Iran towards reinstating U.S. participation in the 2015 nuclear deal at the outset of the week, but he also refused to meet with Bennett in Glasgow. Those few leaders who agreed to meet Bennett no doubt drew the appropriate conclusions from the U.S. cold shoulder.

For all of Biden’s contempt for Bennett, the two politicians are stuck in the same political and policy trap. To win their leadership positions in their respective countries, Biden and Bennett were both compelled to make far-reaching concessions to the leftist fringe of their countries’ political spectrum. And both men are paying a heavy price for their actions.

Bennett is polling at the edge of the electoral threshold. He enjoys the support of two to six percent of the public. To avoid political oblivion, Bennett is completely beholden to his far-left and Muslim Brotherhood coalition partners. He cannot change course. He’s stuck.

Bennett may well have been the only leader at Glasgow with lower approval ratings than Biden’s. The decision by both China and Russia to blow off the U.N. conference was a statement of contempt for Biden. G-20 organizers also showed Biden the back of their hand when they placed him at the margins of the traditional group photo of G-20 leaders.

While Bennett dangles around the margin of error for zero public support, Biden’s approval numbers are stuck in the low forties. And when Biden returned to Washington last Tuesday, he was greeted with a near sweep by Republicans in local and statewide elections in a slew of Democrat-dominated states.

The Republican victories in Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Minnesota and beyond showed that under a year into his presidency, Biden has become a lame duck. The coalition of progressives and moderate suburbanites that catapulted the Democrats to power in the White House and both houses of Congress last year has disintegrated.

Independent voters and moderate Democrats have abandoned the party in droves. Republicans are the dead favorites to take control over both houses of Congress in next year’s elections. In the meantime, moderate congressional Democrats endangered by the turn of the wheel are likely to oppose Biden’s radical domestic and foreign policies. So a year before the Democrats formally lose their narrow House and Senate majorities at the voting booths, last week they lost their ability to make use of their existing majorities.

But just as Bennett cannot move to the right without being ousted by his coalition bosses, so Biden cannot moderate his own policies without being abandoned by the radical left that controls the party’s grassroots.

To satisfy Biden and please his leftist bosses, when Bennett travelled to Washington to meet Biden in August he refused to meet with Israel’s Republican allies. To their credit, Republican lawmakers held fast to their support for Israel all the same. This week, two hundred Republican House members sent a letter to Biden demanding he abandon his plan to open a consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem. Republican Senator Josh Hawley put a hold on Thomas Nides’ confirmation as ambassador to Israel due to Nides’ statements of support for the opening of such a consulate.

Although Republicans won’t abandon their pro-Israel positions in retribution for Bennett’s rudeness, Israel is harmed by Bennett’s poor relations with its most stalwart supporters and friends. But beholden to his Republican-hating leftist and Muslim Brotherhood coalition partners, Bennett will not dare to develop relations with Republicans in any significant way.

Bennett’s diplomatic failure in Glasgow is testament to the irrationality of the left’s conviction that Israel’s international standing is directly tied to its concessions to the Palestinians. It is also proof that a prime minister bereft of public support is incapable of advancing any meaningful diplomatic initiatives. Captive to his post-Zionist and anti-Zionist coalition partners, Bennett cannot change course—either to advance Israel’s interests abroad or to build up his own standing with Israeli voters.

Last week Bennett did experience a diplomatic tsunami. It came in the form of a cold shower of reality, telling him—and us—that Israel will get nowhere in the world so long as he and his government remain in power.

Caroline Glick is an award-winning columnist and author of “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.


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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Israel’s Electoral/Security Earthquake: Caroline Glick Joins The Fray Via Hayemin Hehadash – The “New Right” Party Emerges!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FULL DISCLOSURE: over a decade ago – specifically, in the summer of 2008 – when this expert in Islamic Jihad immigrated to Israel, a cadre of well-placed and highly-connected Israeli opinion makers stated (in paraphrase form): if we (who know her well) could encourage the inestimable Caroline Glick to join the electoral fray, would you consider bringing your talents into “the process?” Hmm.

LO and behold, two years later, in April 2010, we were introduced at a privately-held security conference in Jerusalem – which was, incidentally, coordinated by these hands. Be that as it may, as it happened, when it came time to shake hands, Caroline stated (again, in paraphrase form): I know who you are, and so does my mother. We love your writing! Sweet.

BUT while going down memory lane is certainly a welcome distraction (from that which is contributing to the west’s decline, namely, the red-green alliance), know that this is inconsequential, especially, when considering the grave matters at hand, that is, who will steer Israel’s helm at this VERY highly critical juncture.

STIPULATED, Israel’s security situation is always on a trip-wire. After all, only the comatose and severely mentally challenged are unaware of said reality within the jungle-like Middle East. Even so, the urgent question remains: why is it that under the long-time leadership of so-called right-wing “Bibi” a/k/a “Mr. Security” (from 2009 to date), the looming dangers have steadily increased, instead of being tamped down? Rhetorical.

YES, he campaigns from the right, but, make no mistake, he governs from the left. The following is more than an evidentiary (recent) trail of this incendiary charge: “PM Netanyahu’s Appeasement of Hamas = Increased Terror Attacks = Dead/Maimed Jews. Why Won’t He Change Course?” Read it. Study it. Pay it forward.

Gal Berger גל ברגר


Exclusive: 3 suitcases w 15 million dollars in cash entered Gaza today w the qatari envoy through Israel (Erez crossing point). The money goes to Hamas, to pay salaries of civil employees. Exclusive pic

THAT being established, a large segment of the majority Jewish public (secular and religious) is, to one degree or another, imbued with Zionist ethos – of which right-wing, nationalist sentiment runs deep and to the core. By extrapolation, coddling terrorists is an absolute NO-NO! Ipso facto, the last straw for many Likud voters was “Bibi’s” (latest) appeasement of Hamas’s terror masters, to a degree unprecedented in Israeli politics! Read: $ 15 million in pay-offs. Blood money. But even within centrist circles, trust, this craven appeasement was a bridge too far. Ya’ think?? Not only that, it is dangerous to underestimate the Zionist public’s underlying betrayal, regardless of “Bibi’s” jive-talk and that of his craven mouthpieces. Never mind the feeling(s) of humiliation….beyond frustration and the pale too.

IN this regard, over the years, it is among the aforementioned public that a volcano of outrage has been bubbling. So much so, it became necessary to document its trajectory. Guess when? On the cusp of the last election, March 17, 2015 – that’s when! In fact, some may recall the following mainstream interview, in so far that it circled the internet like a house on fire: “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki ” Imagine that.

AS night follows day, here we go again, but this time there is an added twist – and some real “hope for change.” Indeed, the seemingly invincible “King Bibi” has, for the first time, the challenge of his political life from the most formidable trio of authentic and proven right-wingers via the newly formed party, Hayemin Hehadash, the New Right! Yippee, the real “Lions/Lionesses of Zion!”


ENTER, the new party’s Chairman, Naftali Bennett. His bonafides not only surpass the highest bar in the security arena, but his business acumen is stellar alike. His political career is no less accomplished. In other words, from day one, he has the chops to lead the nation from a security-wise, economic-wise, and education-wise perspective. Not too shabby. See here.

AS to his right-hand partner, the party’s second in command, well, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked has kept her promises in her capacity as the nation’s top Justice enforcer – despite all of the obstacles (actually, well-laid traps) put in her path by the leftist/Arabist-bent AG’s office! Indeed, she is an intellectual and formidable force to be reckoned with – but don’t be distracted by her foxy-looking physical exterior. As is known, looks are deceiving. Lesson learned: don’t mess with Ayelet!


AND rounding out this “take-no-prisoners” trio is, none other than, the immeasurable Caroline Glick – a multi-talented powerhouse who needs little introduction to this site’s readership.

Longtime Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick is running on Hayemin Hehadash’s list in the April elections, she announced on Wednesday.

Caroline is a relentless Zionist fighter,” party co-chairman Naftali Bennett said. “With her, we are building today the dream team of the Israeli Right in order to expand the right-wing block – so that Israel can be triumphant again.”

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, the party’s other leader, called Glick “a courageous fighter symbolizing the real, pure, conservative Right. She will be a great addition to the Knesset from our side.”

Glick expressed excitement in joining Hayemin Hehadash, and would “join forces with people entirely committed to Zionism and love of Israel.

Together we will work to protect Israel, to increase its security and to enact truly right-wing policies,” Glick stated. “This is an emotional day for me. I call on all those whose hearts beat with a Zionist spirit, secular and religious, to join us. This is your home.”

Bennett and Shaked founded Hayemin Hehadash this week, breaking off from Bayit Yehudi. The party is meant to be solidly right-wing, with a mix of religious, secular and traditional candidates.

Glick has been a columnist for the Post since 2002, and in recent years began writing for Maariv and American far-right website Breitbart.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considered Glick to be one of his appointees to the Likud list in 2015, but decided against it because, Likud sources say, she harshly criticized him in some of her columns.

Meretz came out against Glick, saying “Hayemin Hehadash [the New Right] proved that it is the same old, inciting Right. She who leads wild incitement on social media and on every other stage joins he who tried to destroy secularism and she who tried to destroy the judiciary.”

Also on Wednesday, the National Union, a party that ran with Bayit Yehudi in the last Knesset, began a negative campaign against Bennett and Shaked. The party called the ministers’ political maneuver a “dangerous turn” that divided religious Zionists and the Right “for petty politics and personal promotion.”

The party released a video with the announcement to introduce Glick to the Israeli public.

BY the bye, pay no mind to the sour grapes emanating from National Union. As NU honchos know, religious Zionists are fed up too with the faux right-wing blowhards.  

STILL yet, to round out this earthquake in Israeli politics, listen up to the following brief video. Oh, it has English subtitles for non-Hebrew speakers, thereby, patriots everywhere will not mistake its underpinnings!


AS we say in Israel, sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, it remains to be seen if the majority Zionist public chooses the right (no pun intended) course on election day, April 9th. Not only that, there is no doubt that “King Bibi” will promise the sun, moon, and the stars (with payolas at the ready for certain influential folks) to all those who stay the course – thus, keeping him at the helm, only, to betray them once more. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time….. 

BUT if this unabashed, unapologetic, nationalist, right-winger hasn’t stated a clear and convincing case – as to why reversing course is a must for Israel’s long-term security – it is not for the lack of trying. Still, there are times when doubling-down is the way to go. Thus, a message was posted atop the Facebook page of yours truly. It reads:

“WHILE I have never gone out on a limb to endorse any of the opportunists within Israel’s fractured political sphere, suffice to say: this time is different! It is of the essence.

The trio from the new party, “Hayemin Hehadash” (the New Right), are not only accomplished fighters for Israel, they are LIONS of ZION!! My (discerning) partner, “my Doc”, agrees. So, we are encouraging ALL of our formidable colleagues, friends, family & true (white and blue) Zionists in Israel to support this party & bring them to victory!! KADIMA….”

COLLECTIVELY, they can bring Israel’s enemies to their knees – and that’s enough of a reason to PRAY FOR THEIR SUCCESS!

Image result for pics of bennett shaked and glick


{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click “Archives” to read, dated Jan. 4, 2019
{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:



John Brennan: Pushed for the release of five Taliban leaders since 2011.

John Brennan: Pushed for the release of five Taliban leaders since 2011.

ON matters of grave import, this site checks with its own trusted sources before reporting on explosive information, even though often drawing its own (blog) commentary conclusions. So, as a matter of record, back in February 2013, it was cited: yes, John Brennan indeed converted to Islam and there was no reason to believe otherwise.

In line with this information, the following commentaries were noted and they have now come full circle:

Circle One:

But to truly understand how the circle formed between the Islamist-in-Chief and his choice for Director of the CIA, one must also go back to the oh so “mysterious” death, one which took place during Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s first term.

Circle Two:

Not only that, but in what alternative universe is it acceptable for the Commander-in-Chief’s CIA pick to eschew the Bill of Rights? Indeed, in a fully primed anti-American one – that universe!

Circle Three:

Which brings us back to another ! “mysterious” death, that of investigative reporter Michael Hastings. How many understood Brennan’s related footprints and fingerprints?

Circle Four:

Hence, unraveling the patch quilt connection between Obama’s “mysterious”, non-transparent past and Brennan, sitting atop the CIA, comes into sharp relief.

Therefore, demanding the release of Taliban commanders, under the reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama, appeared to be only a matter of time. An anti-American Commander-in-Chief colludes with an equally Islamist-driven CIA Director, a match made in anti-American hell!

CIA Director Accused of Converting To Islam Pushed For Release of Taliban Commanders

The outrage over the exchange of five top level Taliban commanders for Bowe Bergdahl, a deserter at best and traitor who helped the Taliban murder his fellow soldiers at worst, is palpable. The role of CIA Director John Brennan in pushing for this deal could bolster the claims made by former FBI Agent John Guandolo last year that Brennan converted to Islam while a station chief in Saudi Arabia in the 1990′s, as relayed

According to the Daily Beast, Brennan – along with another interesting figure – have been pushing for the release of these five Taliban terrorist commanders since at least 2011:

For years, CIA Director John Brennan and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough were part of a small group of Obama administration officials who believed that five relatively high-ranking Taliban commanders could be released under certain conditions with manageable risk of harm to American interests. For years, senior defense and intelligence officials disagreed—and were poised to block a potential trade for the Taliban five and American hostage Bowe Bergdahl.

By 2014, many of the skeptics had left the Obama administration; Brennan, McDonough, and their allies assumed new roles at the very top of the Obama administration; and the White House and its allies at State were able to convince their replacements to sign off on the deal.

“All of us on the National Security team were unanimous in supporting and recommending that we take this opportunity,” National Security Advisor Susan Rice told CNN Friday. But for years, that was not the case and Brennan and McDonough were opposed to other senior officials.

The logic Brennan used when making his case was suspect as well. Moreover, two figures that have by and large been Obama loyalists even objected to the deal:

Back in 2011, the idea these five prisoners could be released safely was opposed by Leon Panetta, who served in Obama’s first term as secretary of defense and director of the CIA. James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, was also opposed. But Brennan and others argued that the Taliban five were primarily focused on fighting against other Afghans and never had a record of attacking Americans outside of their own country. They had extensive ties to al Qaeda, but were focused on their own civil war, not international jihad.

As has reported, when it comes to U.S. national security, Brennan has often demonstrated a desire to defer to the umbrella group under which the Taliban essentially resides.

Also in 2011, Muslim Brotherhood agent and attorney Farhana Khera sent Brennan a letter imploring him to create a task force that would “purge” the training materials used to educate law enforcement and homeland security officials. Materials deemed offensive to Muslim Brotherhood individuals and groups (America’s enemies) would be taken out. Not only did Brennan promptly respond to Khera but he granted her much of what she wanted.

Earlier this year, relayed and analyzed the findings of Seymour Hersh and discovered that Brennan’s successor – David Petraeus – was in charge of a weapons trafficking operation run out of Benghazi that was designed to ship weapons to Syrian rebels. The country of Qatar funded this operation in conjunction with Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

It’s rather obvious that the agenda of funding the rebels has remained in place. As such, Brennan is clearly interested in aiding in the effort. Earlier this week, reported on the likelihood that the five Taliban commanders released to Qatar would actually become assets for that country’s interests in Syria.

Based on these new developments relative to the controversial release of Bowe Bergdahl – along with Brennan’s interest in pushing for it – the interview with Guandolo during which he made the explosive claim that Brennan converted to Islam takes on added significance. Here are the relevant portions of it:

interviewed Guandolo nearly a year after he made that shocking claim. If you listen, you will know that Guandolo is adamantly sticking by his story.

DO pay sharp attention to the embedded interview by Tom Trento, another of this site’s contacts.

IF anything, and even though it appears as if the criminal regime of Obama Inc. will make good on its plans to bring down America, the fact of the matter is that a large (patriotic) segment of the population (as well as other westerners, ex pats included) now know why so many anti-American decisions have co-opted the People’s House.

In fact, one such geo-political analyst who holds Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s (Islamic) feet to the fire, none other than Caroline Glick, is an American-Israeli whose voice is heard around the world. Deservedly so.

And if Glick’s op-ed in the Jerusalem Post doesn’t expose the Islamist-in-Chief’s mendacity, heralding the release of Talibans killers as “justifiable” policy, well, little else will suffice:

What was it about the Bergdahl trade tipped the scales? Why is this decision different from Obama’s other foreign policy decisions? For instance, why is the public outraged now when it wasn’t outraged in the aftermath of the jihadist assault on US installations in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, in which US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were murdered? Politically, Obama emerged unscathed from failures in every area he has engaged. From Iraq to Iran to Syria to Libya to Russia and beyond, he has never experienced the sort of across the board condemnation he is now suffering. His political allies and media supporters always rallied to his side. They always explained away his failures.

So what explains the outcry? Why are people like Senator Dianne Feinstein, who have been supportive of Obama’s nuclear appeasement of Iran, up in arms over the Bergdahl swap? There are three aspects of the Bergdahl deal that distinguish it from the rest of Obama’s foreign policy blunders.

First, the Bergdahl deal was conducted in an unlawful manner and the White House readily acknowledged that it knowingly broke the law by not informing Congress 30 days in advance of the swap. This brazen lawbreaking angered Obama’s loyal allies in Congress who, like Feinstein, were insulted by his behavior.

Second, Obama initiated the story and made himself the sole owner of the swap.

Obama didn’t have to make the Bargdahl swap a story about his foreign policy. He chose to. As commentators have argued, if Obama had simply ordered the Defense Department to issue a press release announcing the swap the story probably wouldn’t have caused more than the normal amount of controversy.

And whereas Benghazi was a story about jihadists attacking, and Obama was pilloried – and defended – for his response to an act of aggression initiated by US enemies, Obama presented the Bergdahl swap as his brainchild. So it is impossible to blame anyone else for this move, or wish it away.

As the administration saw it, the public would rally around the leader over this feel-good story.

Obama obviously believed that the Bergdahl trade would help him to surmount his opponents’ criticism over the Veterans’ Administration scandal and other issues.

And this is where his failure to understand the disposition of the American people comes into play.

The third aspect of the swap that distinguishes it from his other foreign policy failures is that by organizing the ceremony at the Rose Garden, and making it a story about himself, Obama denied his supporters the tools they have used in every other instance to explain away his failures and justify his counterproductive decisions.

Obama sailed into office by presenting himself as a non-ideological pragmatist. Obama recognized that the public was tired of foreign policies based on ideology. George W. Bush lost public support for the war in Iraq, and for his foreign policy goal of bringing freedom to the Islamic world more generally, when his ideologically charged rhetoric of American exceptionalism stopped matching the situation on the ground.

A year after Bush declared an end to major combat operations in Iraq, the sight of US military contractors being lynched in Fallujah soured the public on American exceptionalism. In Obama, they hoped that they found the antidote to Bush – a man who promised to replace ideology with hard-nosed pragmatism.

In the event, Obama turned out to be even more driven by ideology than Bush was. Obama is the anti-Bush not because he matches Bush’s ideology with pragmatism. He is the anti-Bush because he matches Bush’s grand foreign policy based on American exceptionalism with his own grand foreign policy based on American moral deficiency.

He made this clear most recently at his commencement address at West Point last month where he stipulated that “American influence is always stronger when we lead by example. We can’t exempt ourselves from the rules that apply to everybody else… .”

As to American exceptionalism, Obama sneered, “What makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it is our willingness to affirm them through our actions.”

But while Obama’s critics have pointed out the radicalism at the heart of his foreign policy from the outset of his presidency, his supporters were always able to explain it away.

Obama’s appeasement of the Iranians was pragmatic.

We don’t want a war there, they say.

His support for the Muslim Brotherhood is not radical. It too is pragmatic, they soothe.

And so on and so forth.

As for Benghazi, in the fog of war, the media preferred its commitment to Obama’s reelection over its responsibility to report the truth of what happened.

Obama’s success in getting away with serial foreign policy failures, and his success in hiding the radical ideological basis of his decisions has always owed to his supporters’ ability to plausibly deny both the failures and the ideological motivation for his actions.

His Rose Garden announcement made such spin all but impossible. Americans are not particularly interested in foreign policy. But there are a few things that they won’t buy.

They won’t buy that a man who comes to the White House sporting a Taliban beard and praising Allah in Arabic is a normal American father.

They won’t buy spin that describes a deserter as an exemplary soldier.

They don’t want to free five senior terrorists and mass murderers in order to buy Bergdahl’s release.

In believing that the public would side with him and Bergdahl and Bergdahl’s dad against critics of the deal, Obama showed that for all his propaganda prowess, he doesn’t understand the public.

The public didn’t oppose the war in Iraq because they thought the US is morally deficient. They opposed the war in Iraq because Bush wasn’t winning it. And the public believed that Bush’s push for the abstract goal of democracy lay at the heart of the failure on the ground.

For nearly six years, Obama and his supporters have managed to fend off allegations that his foreign policy is even more ideological – and far more radical – than Bush’s by channeling the public’s aversion to pie-in-the-sky rhetoric and obfuscating facts. But the Bergdahl announcement at the Rose Garden ended all of that.

The reason Obama is being denounced for the Bergdahl swap is because he orchestrated a radical spectacle. Try as he may to castigate critics of the deal as partisan and cynical, Obama cannot pretend away the fact that the ceremony he arranged and oversaw was an open celebration of an American defeat, by the US president and the unsympathetic parents of an accused deserter.

And worse still for Obama’s protestations of pragmatism, his decision to take sole ownership of the swap revealed his ideological myopia. Only someone blinded by a worldview in which America is morally deficient could have thought that Americans would join him and the Bergdahls in celebrating an American defeat.

And now everyone knows what makes him tick.

MOST inherently, either via impeachment or court-martial – whatever gets the job done – this much is for sure: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is the first head that has to roll. In tandem, several top players have to fall in line too, including Brennan and a gaggle of others. And even though the (mega) damage done to the nation may never be fully reversed, it doesn’t obviate the necessity for national honor to be restored. 

FOR if the POTUS absconds from prosecution (as well as his henchpeople), even though he perpetrated high crimes and misdemeanors, is America, any longer, governed by the rule of law? Furthermore, if allowed to go unpunished, what makes America any different from so many nations ruled by juntas

SEC KERRY’S DUAL LOYALTY: HIS CLOSE IRANIAN FAMILIAL CONNECTION. Conflict of Interest & ILLEGAL, As MANDATORY Due Diligence Thrown Overboard! Where Is The Outrage? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Apparently,“dual loyalty” is only dragged to the fore – within U.S. power centers and beyond – when American Jews voice concern and support for Israel. Not only that, but the case against Jonathan Pollard (as one egregious example, yet there are enumerable others) bespeaks of more than a double standard, and many of America’s top leaders have admitted as much. How so? Well, consider the following analysis from the esteemed Caroline Glick:

According to a new history of the CIA’s involvement in the Middle East, America’s Great Game, reviewed this week in The Wall Street Journal, in 1951 Kermit Roosevelt, the CIA’s operations chief in the Middle East set up a fake anti-Israel lobby in Washington called American Friends of the Middle East. Its job was to weaken popular support for the Jewish state. The CIA’s anti-Israel front group operated for 16 years, until the fact that it was a CIA front group was exposed in 1967 by the far-left Ramparts magazine.

And this brings us to Jonathan Pollard, the American Jewish naval intelligence analyst who is now serving the 29th year of his life sentence for transferring classified materials to Israel.

Snowden’s revelations and the story of the CIA’s anti-Israel front group in Washington make clear that US indignation over Israel’s fielding of an agent in Washington was equal parts self-righteousness and hypocrisy.

There was nothing extraordinary in Israel’s efforts to gain information that its American ally didn’t wish to share with it. Allies spy on each other. And they use sympathetic locals to achieve their ends. South Korean Americans have been caught spying for South Korea. Taiwanese Americans have been caught spying for Taiwan, and so on.

US prosecutors prosecuted, and US judges convicted these agents of friendly countries for their criminal activities. The average prison term meted out to such agents of friendly governments runs from four to seven years. Their average time served in prison is two to four years.

Pollard was different not because of what he did, nor even, necessarily because he transferred classified information to Israel rather than to Britain.

Pollard was unique because he was an American Jew transferring classified information to Israel. And the discriminatory treatment he has received from the US government owes entirely to the same institutional anti-Jewish bias that caused the CIA to form the first anti-Israel lobby in Washington, just three years after Israel gained independence.

As former CIA director R. James Woolsey explained to National Public Radio in March, “I really take the view now that if someone says [Pollard] should not be released after 28 years, just pretend that he’s a Filipino American or a Greek American and pardon him. I see no reason why people should treat a Jewish American who spied for Israel on those grounds more harshly than they treat a Filipino American who spied for the Philippines or a South Korean American who spied for South Korea.”

Pollard’s prolonged imprisonment, and the fact that the criminal justice system has been used against him in such a profoundly discriminatory manner have brought about a situation where his only chance of early release is through a Presidential grant of clemency.

On Tuesday, former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson – a close supporter of President Barack Obama – became the latest in a long line of senior US officials from both parties who have called for Obama to commute Pollard’s sentence.

In his letter to the president, Richardson wrote, “In my view, there is no longer a need for a discussion today. Virtually everyone who was in a high position of government – and dealt with the ramifications of what Pollard did at the time – now support his release.”

Never mind that Israel is the ONLY staunch, reliable ally in the fiery cauldron of the Mid East and always in the cross hairs of those seeking to annihilate half of world Jewry – promising to wipe Israel off the map! 


Such obvious truth is completely two sheets to the wind, with nigh as much attention paid to it as an unwanted child, even as a Sec of State is as compromised as a two bit whore. Perhaps even more so, as prostitutes depend on their pimps for their livelihoods, hardly in positions to two-time them.

Back in March 2013, but buried beneath the radar, came forth a situation so explosive, that it’s underexposing smacks of more than a grave dereliction of duty. The media, as well as many power brokers inside the Beltway, surely knew. A pox on their heads. And now that Obama Inc.’s fingerprints are all over an “accommodation” with Iran’s genocidal regime, well, the truth (and its outing) couldn’t be more acute.

Similarly, Huma Abedin’s terror background has always been stamped with Hill’s “kosher” seal of approval and powerful poohbahs – with the media in tow – acceded to an omerta. Why is this germane? Well, a current Sec of State is compromised on the Shia side, just as Hill, the former Sec, was (still is) duly disloyal on the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood side, in conjunction with her mobbed up (former) Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin.

America (west) and Israel; between a Shia/Sunni rock and a hard place!

Secretary of State John Kerry demonstrates why Huma Abedin’s background mattered

When folks like Andrew McCarthy articulated why our findings about then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s close adviser Huma Abedin were important, his camp was smeared as being discriminatory. His argument had nothing to do with discrimination or Islamophobia. It had everything to do with Abedin’s familial ties compromising her judgment and allegiances to the U.S. Constitution.Here we have an example that demonstrates this reality further and it comes via Kenneth Timmerman, who has picked up on the fact that the new Secretary of State – John Kerry – has a son-in-law with family still living in Iran. This reality could conceivably affect how Kerry deals with the Iranians.Via the Daily Caller:

In a greeting to the Iranian people on the occasion of the traditional New Year (Nowruz) holiday last week, Secretary of State John Kerry exposed a secret that journalists and academics have been agonizing over for the past six weeks: the fact that his daughter has married an Iranian-American who has extensive family ties to Iran. “I am proud of the Iranian-Americans in my own family, and grateful for how they have enriched my life,” Kerry said in the official statement. Kerry also said he was “strongly committed to resolving” the differences between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran, “to the mutual benefit of both of our people.” Politicians like to keep their families off-limits to the press, a decorum enforced vigorously when it comes to politicians who are in favor with the national media but ruthlessly discarded for others. But in Kerry’s case, there could be larger ramifications. Since its inception, the FBI has vetted U.S. government officials involved in national security issues, and it generally won’t grant clearances to individuals who are married to nationals of an enemy nation or have family members living in that country, for fear of divided loyalties or, more simply, blackmail.

There it is. Certainly, even leftists can comprehend this concept without inserting race into their thought processes (oh, wait). Imagine a scenario in which a representative of Iran’s mullahs approaches the State Department with a list of demands that, if not met, could have serious consequences for Kerry’s in-laws living in Iran. In the current political construct, such demands could conceivably involve the U.S. withholding money, weapons, or aid earmarked for a country like Egypt as tensions in the Middle East escalate. While that may not sound like a bad idea to those of us who understand the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood, shouldn’t our Secretary of State’s sole interest be in lockstep with the interests of the United States? Last year, Abedin’s familial ties to the Brotherhood prompted calls to see her Form 86, which she would have had to fill out in order to gain a security clearance. If she did not, we have a problem. Similarly, if Kerry did not, we also have a problem. Who would have thought that two consecutive Secretaries of State would have to deal with such controversy? Then again, enough people have to care in order for it to actually be a controversy. What time is ‘Dancing with the Stars’ on?

Critically intrinsic to the discussion at hand is the way in which Islamic-leaning, anti-Americans shift horses, at least in relation to the Sunni/Shia centuries long war for Islamic hegemony. As a matter of record, although the Islamist-in-Chief’s familial foot is categorically implanted in the Sunni side, special circumstances warranted a (temporary) shift in allegiance, as indicated herein: OBAMA’S SELL OUT TO IRAN: ITS KEY INTERSECTION WITH THE RED/GREEN ALLIANCE. BOXING IN ISRAEL CORE. But have no worries, the Brotherhood Mafia, his Sunni beneficiaries, are reaping many rewards within America’s power centers! Americans, not so much.

Thus, doesn’t the “news” from DEBKAfile Intelligence, as to the Islamist-in-Chief’s desertion of his Sunni brothers (again, temporarily, and only in relation to the Mid East’s reshuffling), as well as Israel, make infinite sense?

After a lecture captioned “Islamic Revolution against Global Arrogance,” which he delivered at the Imam Sadegh University in Tehran Wednesday, Dec. 11, a student asked the Revolutionary Guards commander whether any of the Western powers in Geneva had asked for Iran’s missiles to be reduced.

“We will never do this,” he replied.

Asked by another student to clarify his statement that Iranian missiles can reach Israel, Jafari replied: “We are still increasing the range of our missiles, but currently the Supreme Leader has commanded that we limit the range of our missiles to 2,000 km.”
The general therefore released to the public four facts already known to Israeli, Saudi and Turkish leaders,say DEBKAfile’s military sources:

1. The American and European negotiators in Geneva asked to discuss the ranges of Iranian ballistic missiles with Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, without citing the types capable of delivering nuclear warheads. Zarif refused to discuss this.
2. The Western delegations persevered, stressing that the US and Europe were concerned over the accelerated co-production by Iran and North Korea of the Shehab-6, which has a range of 3,000-5,600 km, and when operational can reach America and most parts of Europe.
3. The US and European delegates gave the Iranians to understand that they would like to extend the six-month nuclear freeze agreed in Geneva (for which no starting date has yet been set) to the apply to extra range being added to Iran’s ballistic missiles.

There was no objection, they said, to Iran retaining the Shehab missiles with a range of 1,500-2,000 km, which would be capable of striking Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They were only concerned about extending their range to cover America or Europe.
4.  Jaafari’s remarks to students’ questions, which were most probably planted beforehand, lifted a corner of the veil concealing from the public the secret provisions of the deal with Iran on its missile arsenal. According to DEBKAfile’s Middle East sources, officials in authority in Ankara, Riyadh and Jerusalem knew all about it.

Alas, those who have little understanding of the inner Muslim strife between Sunni/Shia , yet do know about Obama’s clear nexus to Sunni Islam – via his Kenyan roots and the House of Saud – can’t wrap their thoughts around him jumping ship to the Shia side! Kinship, beside the point.

HOWEVER, if one internalizes that he chose a Sec of State with DEEP Iranian connections, one has to ask: doesn’t Obama’s rush to Iran’s nuclear aspirations become that much clearer?

MOST significantly, is the following assessment from Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld’s policy center, American Center for Democracy:

“IAEA Official: ‘We’re Not Prepared’ to Verify Agreement with Iran,” for the following reasons:

 “* The IAEA was not fully consulted during the November negotiations between Iran and P5+1 nations.

* The IAEA may not have sufficient manpower to carry out required daily activities at Natanz and Fordow.

* The IAEA has very few inspectors with technical knowledge of heavy water reactors such as the one at Arak.

* The IAEA will not be able to render much substantive insight into data supplied by Iran because the agency will not be able to verify with confidence the source or reliability of the information.”

Despite these obstacles and Iran’s latest refusal to allow “inspection of its heavy water reactor in Arak,” the White House killed the amendment that could have allowed the reinforcing of the sanctions on Iran, for its guaranteed failure to stop its nuclear enrichment program. The White House dancing to the mullahs’ tune has dangerous implications.

In the end, while the Islamist-in-Chief’s MAIN consiglieri is Iranian-born Jarrett, and his Sec of State’s son-in-law is Iranian and well connected to its power brokers, what are the chances he even gave a backward glance to Saudi Arabia’s and Turkey’s concerns?

Indeed, there is certainly no love lost for the Saudis and Turks at this site, but they are related to his Sunni side! And even though Barack HUSSEIN Obama is religiously aiding the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood Mafia in various ways, inside and outside the U.S., what makes anyone think that Israel, a nation the POTUS despises to the core of his being, is faring any better?

This is precisely why this blog warned about Obama’s second term plans for Israel and its out-sized dangers – a catastrophe in the making!

VALERIE JARRETT: Iran’s “Deal Maker”, Her Main Mission As Obama’s Consigliere. Western Civilization’s Hit Woman…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

It is seemingly impossible to quantify the amount of treachery committed by Iranian born Valerie Jarrett to western civilization, try as one may. In tandem with her boss, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, they are the most DANGEROUS duo in the western world. That’s not an easy hurdle to pass.

But if not for a highly trusted contact in mid 2012, at the inception of this site, the reportage on Val would have been minimal, if at all. A heads up from an “in the know” Washington, DC associate kept dropping hints….again and again. It is important to give credit where it is due. No one is an island.

That being said, a starting point was documented, one which included Valerie Jarrett’s crimes against America and Israel in particular and the west in general.

Exhibit A: Valerie Jarrett’s Communist Leanings & Why She Matters…Serving As Barack Hussein Obama’s Alter Ego…Cementing The Red/Green Alliance

Exhibit B: Valerie Jarrett…Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Communist/Hidden Hand…Familial & Ideological Ties That Bind

Exhibit C: Valerie Jarrett & Her Mischief Making: Capable of Upending Western Civilization…The Unofficial Buck Starts/Stops At Her Door

Exhibit D: DHS & America’s Planned Deconstruction Via Valerie Jarrett: Domestically & Foreign Policy-Wise…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s Deconstruction Plans

Exhibit E: Valerie Jarrett Reigns Supreme, Even Regarding The “Kill” – Or Not – Of Osama Bin Laden

To wit, Caroline Glick, a leading political/Mid East analyst expounds upon the above geo-political (still reverberating) explosions :

COLUMN ONE: A vastly changed Middle East


When America returns, it will likely find a changed regional landscape; nations are disintegrating, only to reintegrate in new groupings.

US President Barack Obama.

US President Barack Obama. Photo: Reuters
A week and a half ago, Syria’s Kurds announced they are setting up an autonomous region in northeastern Syria.The announcement came after the Kurds wrested control over a chain of towns from al-Qaida in the ever metastasizing Syrian civil war.The Kurds’ announcement enraged their nominal Sunni allies – including the al-Qaida forces they have been combating – in the opposition to the Assad regime. It also rendered irrelevant US efforts to reach a peace deal between the Syrian regime and the rebel forces at a peace conference in Geneva.

But more important than what the Kurds’ action means for the viability of the Obama administration’s Syria policy, it shows just how radically the strategic landscape has changed and continues to change, not just in Syria but throughout the Arab world.The revolutionary groundswell that has beset the Arab world for the past three years has brought dynamism and uncertainty to a region that has known mainly stasis and status quo for the past 500 years. For 400 years, the Middle East was ruled by the Ottoman Turks. Anticipating the breakup of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, the British and the French quickly carved up the Ottoman possessions, dividing them between themselves. What emerged from their actions were the national borders of the Arab states – and Israel – that have remained largely intact since 1922.

As Yoel Guzansky and Erez Striem from the Institute for National Security Studies wrote in a paper published this week, while the borders of Arab states remain largely unchanged, the old borders no longer reflect the reality on the ground.“As a result of the regional upheavals, tribal, sectarian, and ethnic identities have become more pronounced than ever, which may well lead to a change in the borders drawn by the colonial powers a century ago that have since been preserved by Arab autocrats.”Guzansky and Striem explained, “The iron-fisted Arab rulers were an artificial glue of sorts, holding together different, sometimes hostile sects in an attempt to form a single nation state.

Now, the de facto changes in the Middle East map could cause far-reaching geopolitical shifts affecting alliance formations and even the global energy market.”The writers specifically discussed the breakdown of national governments and the consequent growing irrelevance of national borders in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen.And while it is true that the dissolution of central government authority is most acute in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, in every Arab state national authorities are under siege, stressed, or engaged in countering direct threats to their rule. Although central authorities retain control in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Bahrain, they all contend with unprecedented challenges.

As a consequence, today it is impossible to take for granted that the regime’s interests in any Arab state will necessarily direct the actions of the residents of that state, or that a regime now in power will remain in power tomorrow.Guzansky and Striem note that the current state of flux presents Israel with both challenges and opportunities. As they put it, “The disintegration of states represents at least a temporary deterioration in Israel’s strategic situation because it is attended by instability liable to trickle over into neighboring states….

But the changes also mean dissolution of the regular armies that posed a threat in the past and present opportunities for Israel to build relations with different minorities with the potential to seize the reins of government in the future.”Take the Kurds for example. The empowerment of the Kurds in Syria – as in Iraq – presents a strategic opportunity for Israel. Israel has cultivated and maintained an alliance with the Kurds throughout the region for the past 45 years.Although Kurdish politics are fraught with internal clashes and power struggles, on balance, the empowerment of the Kurds at the expense of the central governments in Damascus and Baghdad is a major gain for Israel.

And the Kurds are not the only group whose altered status since the onset of the revolutionary instability in the Arab world presents Israel with new opportunities. Among the disparate factions in the disintegrating Arab lands from North Africa to the Persian Gulf are dozens of groups that will be thrilled to receive Israeli assistance and, in return, be willing to cooperate with Israel on a whole range of issues.To be sure, these new allies are not likely to share Israeli values. And many may be no more than the foreign affairs equivalent of a one-night stand.

But Israel also is not obliged to commit itself to any party for the long haul. Transactional alliances are valuable because they are based on shared interests, and they last for as long as the actors perceive those interests as shared ones.Over the past week, we have seen a similar transformation occurring on a regional and indeed global level, as the full significance of the Obama administration’s withdrawal of US power from the region becomes better understood.When word got out two weeks ago about the US decision to accept and attempt to push through a deal with Iran that would strip the international sanctions regime of meaning in return for cosmetic Iranian concessions that will not significantly impact Iran’s completion of its nuclear weapons program, attempts were made by some Israeli and many American policy-makers to make light of the significance of President Barack Obama’s moves.

But on Sunday night, Channel 10 reported that far from an opportunistic bid to capitalize on a newfound moderation in Tehran, the draft agreement was the result of months-long secret negotiations between Obama’s consigliere Valerie Jarrett and Iranian negotiators.According to the report, which was denied by the White House, Jarrett, Obama’s Iranian-born consigliere, conducted secret talks with Iranian negotiators for the past several months.

The draft agreement that betrayed US allies throughout the Arab world, and shattered Israeli and French confidence in the US’s willingness to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, was presented to negotiators in Geneva as a fait accompli. Israel and Saudi Arabia, like other US regional allies were left in the dark about its contents. As we saw, it was only after the French and the British divulged the details of the deal to Israel and Saudi Arabia that the Israelis, Saudis and French formed an ad hoc alliance to scuttle the deal at the last moment.The revelation of Jarrett’s long-standing secret talks with the Iranians showed that the Obama administration’s decision to cut a deal with the mullahs was a well-thought-out, long-term policy to use appeasement of the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism as a means to enable the US to withdraw from the Middle East. The fact that the deal in question would also pave the way for Iran to become a nuclear power, and so imperil American national security, was clearly less of a concern for Obama and his team than realizing their goal of withdrawing the US from the Middle East.Just as ethnic, regional and religious factions wasted no time filling the vacuum created in the Arab world by the disintegration of central governments, so the states of the region and the larger global community wasted no time finding new allies to replace the United States.Voicing this new understanding, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Wednesday that it is time for Israel to seek out new allies.In his words, “The ties with the US are deteriorating.They have problems in North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Egypt, China, and their own financial and immigration troubles. Thus I ask – what is our place in the international arena? Israel must seek more allies with common interests.”

In seeking to block Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Israel has no lack of allies. America’s withdrawal has caused a regional realignment in which Israel and France are replacing the US as the protectors of the Sunni Arab states of the Persian Gulf.France has ample reason to act. Iran has attacked French targets repeatedly over the past 34 years. France built Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor while Saddam was at war with Iran.France has 10 million Muslim citizens who attend mosques financed by Saudi Arabia.Moreover, France has strong commercial interests in the Persian Gulf. There is no doubt that France will be directly harmed if Iran becomes a nuclear power.Although Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s meeting Wednesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin did not bring about a realignment of Russian interests with the Franco- Sunni-Israeli anti-Iran consortium, the very fact that Netanyahu went to Moscow sent a clear message to the world community that in its dealings with outside powers, Israel no longer feels itself constrained by its alliance with the US.And that was really the main purpose of the visit. Netanyahu didn’t care that Putin rejected his position on Iran. Israel didn’t need Russia to block Jarrett’s deal.

Iran is no longer interested in even feigning interest in a nuclear deal. It was able to neutralize US power in the region, and cast the US’s regional allies into strategic disarray just by convincing Obama and Jarrett that a deal was in the offing. This is why Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei again threatened to annihilate Israel this week. He doesn’t think he needs to sugar coat his intentions any longer.

It is not that the US has become a nonentity in the region overnight, and despite Obama’s ill-will toward Israel, under his leadership the US has not become a wholly negative actor. The successful Israeli-US test of the David’s Sling short-range ballistic missile interceptor on Wednesday was a clear indication of the prevailing importance of Israel’s ties with the US. So, too, the delivery this week of the first of four US fast missile boats to the Egyptian navy, which will improve Egypt’s ability to secure maritime traffic in the Suez Canal, showed that the US remains a key player in the region. Congress’s unwillingness to bow to Obama’s will and weaken sanctions on Iran similarly is a positive portent for a post-Obama American return to the region.

But when America returns, it will likely find a vastly changed regional landscape. Nations are disintegrating, only to reintegrate in new groupings.

Monolithic regimes are giving way to domestic fissures and generational changes. As for America’s allies, some will welcome its return.

Others will scowl and turn away. All will have managed to survive, and even thrive in the absence of a guiding hand from Washington, and all will consequently need America less.

This changed landscape will in turn require the US to do some long, hard thinking about where its interests lie, and to develop new strategies for advancing them.

So perhaps in the fullness of time, we may all end up better off for this break in US strategic rationality.

Rest assured, if not for all of the above, the civilized world would not be facing the most frightening reality of all: the world’s most dangerous weapons in the hands of the most dangerous regime, bar none. And this is exactly what Jarrett & Obama have signed onto, in the expectation that PM Netanyahu’s hands will remain tied. Beyond traitors, reprobates and bastards. WAY beyond.

Sober thinking John Bolton coined it thusly:

The Obama administration feared an Israeli airstrike on Iran more than it feared Iran building a nuclear weapon, and that’s why it pushed for a deal to reduce sanctions against Iran, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton writes in The Weekly Standard

“Buying time for its own sake makes sense in some negotiating contexts, but the sub silentio objective here was to jerry-rig yet another argument to wield against Israel and its fateful decision whether or not to strike Iran,” Bolton writes. “Obama, fearing that strike more than an Iranian nuclear weapon, clearly needed greater international pressure on Jerusalem.”

Family Security Matters also weighed in:

The canary in the diplomatic coal mine, however, is this report, that the US had been secretly negotiating since March 2013 with Iran–(a) without telling its mortally-endangered ally, Israel until two months ago (seven months into the talks); and (b) negotiating (for one of the five meetings) with Rouhani’s predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

As Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeldfrom the American Center For Democracy, succinctly posited: 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s handshake with the Iranian foreign minister effectively wiped off the blood from the hands of the Iranian leadership — the U.S.’s unrepentant sworn enemy — that murdered hundreds of thousands of people directly and by its worldwide terror network. Instead of punishment, Obama through his emissary Kerry, rewarded the murderers of hundreds Americans, 150-200,000 Syrians, and thousands more elsewhere with freedom and funds to build the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.  

Moreover, Kerry’s handshake with Zarif legitimized the mullahs oppressive theocracy and put an end to the hope of regime change. It ensured Iran’s development of nuclear weapons with which it will try to attack Israel, as well as the Arab nations in the Middle East.

Is this handshake not reminiscent of PM Rabin’s bloody-handed clasp with “Chairman” Arafaton that infamous day of September 13, 1993? Think about it. Thousands of Jewish “sacrifices for peace”  – First of all you need to remember, that it is your own esteemed, delusionary elder-statesman, Israeli President Shimon Peres, who coined the infamous phrase ‘korbanot ha-shalom’ – sacrifices for peace – during the first intifada unleashed by his ‘peace-partner’, Yasser Arafat. As the Land of Israel was drowning in the bloody carnage of suicide bombings, road-side shootings and hidden explosives, he needed to justify the fallacy of his misguided vision and the deplorable kowtowing to the arch enemy – litter Israel’s graveyards and many more are maimed for life. Just ramp up to the highest order of magnitude, how many more will eventually die on the altar of the bloody handshake between Kerry and Zarif! More than a day in infamy…

NO doubt, Israel: The Most Imperiled/Targeted Nation In History. What Are Its Options, Now That Its Leaders Left Zion’s Fate To U.S. Dictates? 

As such, let the countdown to an Israeli strike begin….as mentioned by Israel’s Foreign Minster: 

Hinting at the possibility of military action, the foreign minister said “we will do what we must and will not hesitate for one minute – and there is no need to add another word.”

Forward march…kadima…צעדה קדימה !!

Obama Acts As ARSONIST & FIREFIGHTER: Doing “Business” With Rogue Regimes & Covering Tracks Too…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Geo-politics, as stated enumerable times, is akin to a hotter than hot chessboard of rapidly moving and evolving puzzle parts. Getting burnt is not unusual, but being scorched from ones trusted allies, well, that rises to a stratospheric level of betrayal. Never to be forgiven or forgotten. Caroline Glick says it best in her weekly column at the Jerusalem Post, and this should elicit more than deliberate pause: COLUMN ONE: The demise of Pax Americana, 11/14/2013. Heed her warnings well.

So at the same time that Obama and gang sold America’s assets to China (and others); implanted Russian troops on U.S. soil and Chinese forces too; plus aided Iran to the WMD finish line, they still ! have the audacity to become hysterical about Snowden’s revelations. In actuality, he is merely outing their machinations. Pot…kettle.

In reality, it was Snowden’s cache which demonstrated the many methods in which Obama Inc. betrayed its allies and its own citizens, as opposed to where their focus should have been, to wit, on enemy states. Thereby, it was through their own actions that shrill “shout outs” and alerts to foreign intelligence services were necessitated from the get go. Cause and effect. Topsy turvy too.

This criminal regime’s authentic goals are succinctly summed up within NSA Caught Dead to RightsBut, it still begs the specific question: The Snowden Affair and NSA’s Outing – What Is Obama Inc. Really Afraid Of? 

Even more so, Aside From Obama’s Goons Domestic Spying, why are they after the kiddies? To Bring Down America, that’s why. Yet, not content with leaving any semblance of America intact, they jump to another ! betrayal via The Purging Of Islam + Terror And Its Evisceration Of NSA’s Spying. If your head isn’t already spinning, what the hell else are they up to? Ahh…a dissident’s list !

Leading straight to their oh so concerned missives…

US alerts foreign intelligence services on Snowden’s disclosures

DEBKAfile October 2013

The 30,000 documents taken by whistleblower Edward Snowden contains secret data about foreign agencies’ cooperation with the US in collection programs against targets, including Iran, Russia and China. Those documents if disclosed could compromise operations and agents.The Washington Post reports that US officials are sending out alerts to some foreign intelligence services. This process is delicate at a time that Washington is scrambling to placate allies, after disclosures by Snowden that the NSA spied on foreign leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
DEBKAfile: The US alerts are warning allied agencies to immediately recall secret agents from current intelligence operations because their cover may be blown.

Par for the course, when inveterate, unrepentant liars and reprobates are caught with their pants down, any and all cover ups become “legitimate” tools. One only has to dig through Benghazigate’s mountain of falsehoods and tall tales (as just one example out of too many others) to recognize what’s what. 

Even with the following Indictments making the rounds, Obama and gang refuse to ‘fess up and take responsibility for American deaths in Libya. The attendant assists they gave to jihadis, through their weapons running from Libya into Syria and beyond, has yet to reach its full peak. 

Consider: Benghazigate’s linkage/nexus to Morsi’s Mafia and Obama’s half bro’, Malik Obama, has come to the fore, so the fact of the matter is that Egypt’s Brotherhood, its proxy jihadis and the “Blind Sheik’s” release are all interconnected with Obama’s thrust into Libya! One has to wonder: aren’t they ALREADY caught with their pants down, Snowden beside the point?

Intrinsically, there is a growing, burgeoning case for Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s impeachment, as the arming of Al Qaeda and its affiliated terror groups more than rises to said indictment! And it is not as if some in Congress aren’t taking notice. They are. Indeed, impeachable offenses are reverberating on Capitol Hill. Faster…faster…

The Betrayer/Arsonist-in-Chief (and surrogates) has much to atone for. As a result, it is way “too little too late” to feign angst over allied intelligence agents. Let them save their crocodile/fake tears for those who buy their treachery.

Indeed, cozying up to enemies already extracted the blood of SEALS via many insurmountable, monumental costs. The piper is coming due. And IF the American people hold them accountable, it will be Obama and gang who will pay the ultimate price instead of America’s citizens. Hang tight.

Arsonist(s) acting as firefighter(s)….damn him/them to hell.

Israel’s Political Leaders (Via Releasing Terrorists/Murderers & So Much More) Betray Zionist Public: Beholden To The “Gang Of The Rule Of Law”. Professor Paul Eidelberg Elucidates

WITH the ongoing “peace” train chugging apace, much has been written about the seemingly “inexplicable”, counter intuitive behavior of Israel’s leaders, particularly regarding their bowing, scraping and appeasing of foreign players who wish the Jewish homeland ill will. Yes, they do, regardless of their sweet nothings. In fact, what kind of “friends” demand that terrorists/murderers be set free, as a condition for “peace” to spring forth? More to the point, what type of “peace” partners MAKE such demands in the first place? As to Israel’s leaders agreeing to such insanity, well, therein necessitates the commentary. The national tragedy.

Time and again, Israel’s leadership outdo themselves through their mendacious (actionable) behaviorbecoming “legal” outlaws in the process – Nullum Crimen Sine Poena: No Crime Without Punishment. A partial listing of recent terrorists/murderers released by PM Netanyahu cries out for Jewish justice – from Israel’s derelict and craven leadership! So much so, stalwart Zionists can’t help but take them to task and upbraid them publicly. To assert that this is a painstaking, depressing and degrading task, well, is to underestimate the gravity of the situation. The “matzav”.

But before we assess the heart of the matter – to garner a clear understanding of how Israel got from there to here – it is worth reviewing some content for contextual heft. Let us now do so, mainly through Israel’s ship of fools and Confronting Israel’s Precarious Future: An Interview With Dr. Martin Sherman.

Onto the (putrid) meat….

The Reported but Ignored Conspiracy of Israel’s Government:

Ariel Sharon, The Role Model of Benjamin Netanyahu

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Prologue. The time: June 21, 2005. Imagine [then] Prime Minister Ariel Sharon scanning the Jerusalem Post during a trip to Washington. He knows the Post is about the only Israeli newspaper read by American officials. He sees the weekly article penned by the Post’s most respected political analyst, Caroline Glick. Her article is dated June 21, 2005, just a few weeks before Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. The article is entitled:

A coward for a prime minister”

 The longest chapter in Machiavelli’s The Prince is on conspiracy. A profound but unreported conspiracy was perpetrated in Israel ten years ago. Strange as it may seem, details of the conspiracy were publicized by [former] Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin in a wide-ranging interview of Ariel Sharon by journalist Ari Shavit and published in the June 5, 2003 issue of Ha’aretz Magazine.[1] The interview contains unprecedented and startling revelations. Indeed, Mr. Rivlin exposed what may arguably be called a criminal conspiracy of Israel’s entire Political and Judicial Establishment! What is more, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu current endorsement of a Palestinian state is the consummation of this conspiracy!

Part I. Introduction to the Rivlin Revelations

Ari Shavit entitled his June 5, 2003 interview of Speaker Rivlin “Courting Disaster,” à propos of the policy of territorial retreat or “disengagement” adopted by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. This policy necessitated a legal or judicial foundation. Abandoning Gaza required the forced expulsion of 8,000 Jews from their homes. Since this involved a basic issue of law, it required the cooperation or collaboration of Israel’s Supreme Court.

Shavit’s interview of Rivlin tells the unvarnished story. Speaker Rivlin not only had much to say about Ariel Sharon’s character, but also about the mentality of Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak. Sharon needed Judge Barak to “legalize” Israel’s Gaza withdrawal, which amounted to a Jewish cleansing policy. Stated more precisely, Sharon needed Judge Barak’s judicial cooperation because the forced expulsion of Jews from their homes in Gaza was clearly a violation of their property rights, indeed, of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom of which Barak was the principal author!

To legalize the expulsion, the Barak Court simply held that Gaza (as well as Judea and Samaria) are “belligerent occupied territory” to which the Basic Law in question does not apply. But what gave the Supreme Court the authority to designate Gaza “belligerent occupied territory” and ignore that Basic Law?  No such judicial power was granted to the Court by any legislation of the Knesset. Chief Justice Barak simply proclaimed the unprecedented dictum that “everything is justiciable,” a dictum that gave the Court virtually unlimited power. This and more is spelled out in the Rivlin interview of June 5, 2003.

Before examining this extraordinary aspect of the Rivlin interview, the fact that political scientists virtually ignored the revolutionary implications of Barak’s dictum suggests they were either suffering from a cerebral vacuity or that most were reluctant to publicly denounce Sharon’s adoption of Labor’s disengagement policy, even though this policy had been opposed by Israel’s highest military and intelligence officials in public testimony before the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee!

However, rather than impugn the intelligence and patriotism of the political science fraternity, let us exercise our intellects and perhaps amuse ourselves by exploring the more interesting scenario of a publicized but ignored conspiracy, even though it may be nothing more than a case of political cowardice and stupidity, characteristics often attributed to Israel’s government and its advisors. We don’t want to be confused with conspiracy addicts.

Accordingly, to clear the ground for a serious and scholarly inquiry, I shall cite the most relevant parts of Mr. Rivlin’s June 5, 2003 Ha’aretz interview and let the reader himself answer the accusatory question, “What’s going on here in Israel?” I hasten to add that the Rivlin interview is by no means dated, for Israel’s current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is following the Sharon-Barak legacy so candidly exposed by the Knesset Speaker.

Part II. The Rivlin Revelations

Of its many fascinating revelations, most significant are those involving the character of Israel’s ruling elites and the authenticity of Israeli democracy.  Only two need concern us:

  • Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was a “closet leftist,” and
  • Chief Justice Aharon Barak’s dictum that “everything is justiciable” was nothing less than a “putsch,” a coup d’état.”[2]

It was precisely the Barak dictum that “everything is justiciable” that allowed the Court to “legalize” the government’s “unilateral disengagement” policy and the consequent expulsion of Jews from Gaza. This dictum, which virtually transformed Israel into a judicial dictatorship, violates the democratic orientation of the prophets of Israel, who were the primary defenders of the rights of the Jewish people vis-à-vis their government.

For the sake of clarity, I will divide Rivlin’s far-ranging interview into sections and inject only a few explanatory remarks.

Ari Shavit’s Interview of Speaker Rivlin

Shavit asks Rivlin: “Is [Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon tormented by his personal responsibility for the establishment of the settlements and the need to deal with his mistakes?”

Rivlin: “Whereas in the personal realm Sharon is a very sensitive person whose eyes often grow moist, in the national realm he is entirely without emotions. He has no inhibitions. He is a Mapainik without inhibitions, referring to the Mapai party, the precursor of Labor, which was known for its rampant [left-wing (PE)] pragmatism. When he forms an opinion, nothing will stop him. No sentiment and no human commitment will hold him back.”

“Rivlin himself,” Shavit continues, “is agitated and of two minds about the Sharonist shift. In the room of the Jerusalem hotel in which we meet, his voice cracks and his eyes shine as he talks about the shattered dream of the ‘national camp’ and the loss of the Land of Israel. Even though he understands the logic that is guiding his political patron, Prime Minister [Sharon], he is not willing to accept it. He, Reuven Rivlin, will never lift a finger to hand over the Land of Israel. Even if he remains utterly alone, he will prefer to show allegiance to the lost ideal of Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Menachem Begin and to the integrity of the homeland. It is only after some time … that he begins to speak with the same fervor about the subject we are here to discuss: theconstitutional revolution, Supreme Court President Aharon Barak and the threat posed to democracy precisely by the Israeli establishments. The speaker of the Knesset does not mince his words. He talks bluntly and directly about the things that are disturbing him and making him lose sleep [emphasis added (PE)].”

B. The Relationship between Rivlin and Sharon

Shavit: “Ruby Rivlin, you are very close to Sharon. You hold intimate conversations with him. Where is he taking us?”

Rivlin: “Arik is trying to achieve a solution that will put him into the history books as a person who fomented a historical turning point – like Ben-Gurion in 1947, Begin in 1979 and Yitzhak Rabin in 1993. But Arik also understands in the clearest way possible that he cannot achieve a permanent settlement that will satisfy the Arabs. He understands that no one on the Arab side will agree to forgo the areas that he regards as essential for the defense of the State of Israel.

“I refer mainly to areas in the Jordan Rift Valley and to the strip running from Arad to Jerusalem, in the Dead Sea region. Arik is therefore aiming for a temporary settlement. But the temporary settlement he has in mind is far-reaching. He truly intends the establishment of a Palestinian state with territorial contiguity and a true separation between us and 3.5 million Palestinians.”

Shavit: “Are you saying that the moderate Sharon we have seen … is the real Sharon?”

Rivlin: “Undoubtedly. Whether I like it or not, the moderate Arik is authentic. Look, sometimes he zigzags. Sometimes he says things ambivalently, which can be interpreted either way. But to my chagrin, he has passed the point of no return. I can tell you and your readers with certainty that Arik Sharon is resolute in his position that a settlement has to be reached immediately. When he talks about the end of the occupation and about painful concessions, he is not pulling a fast one and he is not lying – unfortunately.”

Shavit: “When did you grasp that this is it, that he crossed the Rubicon?”

Rivlin: “In October. One night he called me into his office and showed me the road map and asked me for my comments. At that moment I understood that we were approaching the moment of truth. That he’s really going for it.”

Shavit: “So deep down he really has remained a Mapainik?”

Rivlin: “Without a doubt. In the end, Arik believes in security above all and is a salient pragmatist, a disciple of Ben-Gurion….

“Look, Arik Sharon has a doctrine of life that is far more coherent than what journalists give him credit for. It’s true that in the past he moved from one place to another. I myself was critical of him for changing certain positions for political purposes. But people here didn’t understand that from the day he assumed the post of prime minister, his security and political outlook was very crystallized.

“He didn’t know, and he still doesn’t know, how to reach a permanent settlement, but he is determined to recognize a Palestinian state and reach a settlement. Think about the fact that when he says the occupation is hard for the people of Israel he is really saying that the occupation corrupts. That we have the right to the land but that we can’t realize it. In this, he is actually accepting the ideology of the left.”

Shavit: “So the person who heads the Likud today is really a Ben-Gurionist?”

Rivlin: “Arik is definitely a Ben-Gurionist. In our conversations, he laughs and calls me the ideologue, and I laugh and call him [Ben-Gurion’s] disciple. But there’s nothing funny about it. It’s completely true. And for me it’s rough, because since October I have been wracked by an inner conflict between my uncompromising belief that all of Zion is ours, and my close friendship with the prime minister. That’s why, when he offered me a cabinet post in his government, I preferred to become Speaker of the Knesset. I told him openly: Arik, we are now on an irreversible collision course. You are a disciple of Ben-Gurion and I am a disciple of Jabotinsky. You are a pragmatist and I cannot free myself of my belief. I will not convert my religion, I told him. I have no intention of converting.”

C. Historic Earthquake

Shavit: “Let’s get back to him. If he is truly serious, as you describe it, there will be a settlement within half a year to a year. That’s not just talk. There will really be a historic earthquake here.

Rivlin: “For many months I’ve been telling my journalist friends that an earthquake is happening. Arik Sharon is serious about the words he is speaking. And the moment you embark on that road, there is no knowing where it will lead, because once a sacrosanct principle is shattered, anything goes. The process is very powerful.”

Shavit: “Give me a scenario. What’s going to happen?”

Rivlin: “There is one thing on which Arik will make no concessions: terrorism. On this subject Arik has no doubts and everyone can trust him, including Likudniks. If there is terrorism, he will not hand over territory. [More Jews were murdered by Arab terrorists during Sharon’s reign than under that of any other prime minister. (PE)]. But if we actually reach a situation in which a solution is found for terrorism, and there are signs that the Palestinians are trying to meet us halfway, he will establish a Palestinian state in the territories held by the Palestinians with territorial contiguity, which could be very significant from the point of view of the Israeli government’s attitude toward the sacred principle of non-evacuation of settlements.”

Shavit: “Are you saying that Sharon will evacuate settlements already in the stage of the establishment of the temporary Palestinian state?”

Rivlin: “It is definitely possible that an impossible friction between certain settlements and the need for a situation in which the Arabs will not pass through our territory and in which we will not rub shoulders with them – that this will thrust him into a situation in which he will make an Arik-style decision that it’s possible that settlements will have to be evacuated.”

Shavit: “I ask again, Ruby Rivlin: Has Arik Sharon accepted the fact that he will evacuate settlements?”

Rivlin: “What he has accepted is that for us to live within borders that make movement possible for them other than through our territory, it will be necessary to reach a decision to evacuate a number of settlements.”

Shavit: “How many settlements are we talking about?”

Rivlin: “When Arik assumed the office of prime minister, and even earlier, in discussions he held with [former prime minister] Ehud Barak, about 17 settlements [in this category] were identified.”

Shavit: “When Sharon mentions painful concessions, is he referring to these 17 settlements?”

Rivlin: “He sees them above all. Arik has made clear and explained a number of times that their evacuation is necessary in order to stabilize some sort of way in which we will be able to reach some sort of settlement. Today we have cantons. Those cantons will be unified and connected. Connecting the cantons will necessitate this blow to the settlement project. It obliges the evacuation of about 17 settlements.”

Shavit: “Are you telling me that Sharon has reconciled himself to the fact that he will evacuate 17 settlements already at the state of the interim agreement?”

Rivlin: “Yes. When he talks about painful concessions, he is talking about a concrete map that some of the Yesha people [referring to the Yesha council of Jewish settlements in the territories (brackets in original] know about and that he has already talked to them about.”

Shavit: “And does Sharon believe that an evacuation on that scale will bring about calm and conciliation?”

Rivlin: “Sharon thinks that it’s necessary to build some sort of relations of trust. Even though, knowing Sharon as I do, I don’t see him placing any trust in the Arab side” (Italics added PE).

Shavit: Not even in Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas]?

Rivlin: “Not even in Abu Mazen.”

Shavit: “So there is a basic problem in placing trust in the Arabs?”

Rivlin: “He has no trust in them (italics PE). Arik doesn’t like them much because he doesn’t believe them. But Arik knows that negotiations are not conducted only with people you believe. Negotiations are conducted in order to solve problems [!?! (PE)]. Look, Arik does not view the Arabs from a position of superiority. He sees the Arabs as people to whom we owe nothing. We owe nothing to anyone who wants to attack and kill us. That side of the issue is of no interest to him. So when he talks about 3.5 million Palestinians, it is not because of their suffering, but because he has reached the conclusion that to go on ruling them is impractical.”

Shavit: “Will he evacuate Netzarim [an isolated settlement in the Gaza Strip]?” (Bracket in original.)

Rivlin: “Arik is ready to pay the price in places where it is necessary to guarantee the Palestinians continuity. There is no such problem at Netzarim. At Netzarim, the problem is that of Netzarim, not of the Palestinians. Therefore he is more accepting of the need to evacuate [settlements] in the Binyamin region than in the Gaza Strip. But the American pressure in the direction of the Gaza District is very heavy” (brackets in original).

Shavit: “And what about the permanent settlement? Will he not forgo the Jordan Rift Valley and the Gaza Strip and the strip between Arad and Jerusalem even as part of a final peace agreement?”

Rivlon: “In my opinion, he will be more adamant on that than on the question of Jerusalem. That is his casus belli. As far as I know Arik, he will not compromise on that issue. To him, these are territories without which it is impossible to defend Israel. But a situation is liable to develop in which the decision about them will not be his to make” (italics PE).

D. New Sounds about Jerusalem

Shavit: “Is it possible that Sharon will also compromise on Jerusalem?”

Rivlin: “I don’t want to believe that. Arik is suffused with a mystical belief about Jerusalem. But when you embark on the road, you will be asked – Will you now ruin everything just because of Jerusalem? I have a musical ear. In one of his recent speeches I heard new sounds about Jerusalem. They worried me.”

Shavit: “So what you fear is that the process will pull him in further than what he himself supposes?”

Rivlin: “When you embark on a trans-Atlantic flight and the pilot informs you that you have crossed the ocean, you can no longer go back to Europe, you have to land in North America. That is Arik’s situation today, without a doubt. Politically, too. He took the risk knowingly and willingly, and he knows he will have no choice but to land on the other side….”

Shavit: “Is it your assessment that the very course Sharon has embarked on will in the end lead to the 1967 borders or something approximating them?”

Rivlin: “That’s more than an apprehension. That’s a clear scenario. Unequivocally (emphasis added (PE). Because once we live in a global village and the American sheriff is the sheriff of the whole world, you can be the world’s greatest ideologue, but you have to take account of the political situation. And from the moment a crack appears in your belief, the crack gets wider and wider. You get into a state of mind that is not amenable to change [emphasis added (PE)].

What Arik is now doing is causing the national movement to largely shed its basic tenets. Even principles that Arik promised me he would uphold just a few months ago have been eroded. We are entering a process here that does not make conditional the end of one stage before the transition to the next stage. We have already recognized the Palestinians’ right to a state and we are talking about the Saudi plan and the right of return. It’s all up for grabs. So it’s clear that even if there are things that Arik really will not forgo, his successor will continue what he began.” …

 [E] Aharon Barak

 Shavit: “Ruby Rivlin, your attack on the Supreme Court was unprecedented. What brought it on? Why do you perceive the court as being so dangerous?”

Rivlin: “In 1992 I was a member of the [Knesset’s] Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, which formulated and passed the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Freedom. So I know what the idea behind that law was. The idea was to consolidate the rights of people insofar as they are people and the rights of the minority insofar as it is a minority. Under no circumstances was the idea to transfer legislative authority from the Knesset to another body. No one even talked about changing the balance of power between the Knesset and the court (emphasis PE).

“So a few months later, when Dan Meridor declared that a constitutional revolution had taken place, I was stunned. Dan Meridor is one of the followers of Justice Barak [Aharon Barak, the president of the Supreme Court]. Follower is a nice word. I don’t want to use a different word, heaven forbid. But unlike him, I thought – like several former Supreme Court presidents – that there had been no constitutional revolution here. No such thing.

Yet as time passed and the court moved ahead with great deliberation and by creeping annexation took over more and more powers, I realized that not only had there been a constitutional revolution, there had been a coup d’état. (emphasis added (PE). [Rivlin continuing:]I do not accept this revolution. In my view, the Knesset never approved it and therefore it is taking place contrary to the democratic spirit and without authorization.”

Shavit: “‘Coup d’état’ is a serious term to use in this context; it means a putsch” (emphasis PE).

Rivlin: “Correct. And that is the term I used at the President’s Residence last month. Supreme Court President Barak was very hurt by the expression, but in my opinion, when a group of people sit in a room and say that from this moment we are the power, that is a putsch. You tell me: Isn’t it a putsch? It’s a putsch. After all, they did not receive authorization from anyone. They did not consult with anyone. They created a situation of going ahead and seizing power.”

Shavit: “Do you see this as the imposition of a particular worldview on the public by means of an improper procedure? Do you see a move to establish a kind of enlightened absolutism?”

Rivlin: “Yes. It’s as clear as day. Aharon Barak says that we have to distinguish between the Knesset as framing and the Knesset as legislating. He says that if you don’t frame a constitution, I will set forth a constitution instead of you. But who gave him the right? Who gave him the right?”

Shavit: “What you are actually saying, then, is that the whole constitutional move that Justice Barak led in the past decade is illegitimate?”

Rivlin: “Of course. On the basis of the false claim of a constitutional revolution, a new reality was created here. A new government was forged that is above everyone: both above the Knesset and above the government and above the law, too. Take note that the court has effectively placed itself above the law….”

F.  Threat to Democracy

Shavit: “Do you really believe that the court is operating contrary to the democratic spirit and contrary to the values of democracy?”

Rivlin: “Without a doubt. The court is disrupting the whole order of government. I will give you an … example. On the issue of the Landau report [a 1987 report about the Shin Bet security service’s interrogation methods, drawn up by a commission headed by Justice Moshe Landau, a former president of the Supreme Court], Aharon Barak comes and says, Look, even if all 120 members of the Knesset tell me that in the case of a human ‘ticking bomb,’ moderate physical pressure can be used [as the Landau Commission recommended in certain interrogations], I will strike it down. In other words, Barak is placing himself above 120 legislators. He says, If I think it’s wrong, I don’t care what the Knesset thinks ….

Shavit: “Still, why now? What decisions by the court made you react so harshly?”

Rivlin: “There was of course the ruling by a Magistrate’s Court that brought the process ad absurdum. When a junior judge allows himself to invalidate a law of the Knesset, you realize that we have reached a state of total madness. But in my opinion what was even more serious was the decision by the High Court of Justice on the question of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem [when armed Palestinians took refuge there during Operation Defensive Shield in May, 2002 (brackets in original).

“The very fact that the court did not kick out the petitioners and agreed to get into a discussion about the conduct of war policy in wartime proved to me that the court is now placing itself above the government, too. Because the moment the court starts weighing the considerations of the government in matters about which only the government can decide and for which it alone bears responsibility, it’s all over. The court has actually turned itself into a meta-government.

“Therefore, I reached the conclusion that someone had to tell His Honor Justice Barak that there is a limit. Someone had to tell him, It’s not your affair. It’s the affair of the government.”

Shavit: “Do you seriously intend to curb the power of the court by means of legislation?”

Rivlin: “Definitely. It has to be done. We are talking about a burning problem. We are talking about a situation in which they are already talking about a requiem for the law, about how the judge overcame the law. And we are talking about a situation in which the judicial system is endangering the democratic system in Israel because its people are sure that they are better than others. What’s going on here, after all? Effectively there is no longer any law here because the law changes every minute according to the interpretation of the court based on some sort of meta-norm that has never been defined, so no one knows what it is. The result is a situation in which a very small group of people has arrogated to itself the authority to decide values and rules and even policy for a whole country and for a whole public that never gave them any such authorization.”….

Therefore I tell you that they are a gang …. A gang like any other gang. Except that the name of this gang is the gang of the rule of law” (emphasis PE).


[1] For the full text, see IMRA – Independent Media Review and Analysis Website:

[2] This dictum effectively nullified Israel’s Penal Law governing treason, since it enabled the Court to legalize the yielding of Jewish land contrary to the Penal Law governing treason, which law defines four kinds of acts as treason:

1.  acts which “impair the sovereignty” of  the  State of Israel—section 97(a);

2.  acts which “impair the integrity” of the  State of Israel—section 97(b);

3.  acts under section 99 which give assistance to an “enemy” in war against Israel, which the Law specifically states includes a terrorist organization;

4.  acts in section 100 which evince an intention or resolve to commit one of the acts prohibited by sections 97 and 99.

The Ever Elusive Quest: Chasing Palestinian-Israeli “Peace” Illusions/Delusions…What Can Israeli Zionists Do To Stop It…DEAD In Its Tracks? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

For the umpteenth time the world is transfixed by the “peace process.” One needn’t even identify the referenced nations, for their identities are (purposefully) seared within the world’s consciousness. It is as if there are no other warring parties in the world. And via a mesmerizing illusion – simply dependent upon mixing this and that potion – this time “peace” will be in the offing between PA Arabs and Israel.

The so called “smarties” behave, and religiously believe, as if by their sheer force of momentum “peace” will break through, but only if they just push Israel a little harder! Thus, if they exert enough pressure points upon Israel’s leadership (read, twist enough arms…paradoxically not a hard feat at all) somehow – this go around – they will be able to conjure up an agreeable formula, one in which the elusive “peace” wand will magically appear. As such, poof, its ingredients will usher in the ever elusive pipe dream. Alas – and herein lies the caveat – this wondrous breakthrough will only come to pass if enough Israeli concessions, gestures and giveaways are sacrificed upon the (‘peace’) table, and Israel’s “true believers”, leftists, are more than willing to ante up. Please. Been there. Done that. Israel’s graves are full to the brim with said “sacrifices.”  Its hospital rehabilitation wards too.

Now, it is one thing for the world’s busybodies to engage in the “business of peace”, however, very few pundits talk about the insanity of Israel’s leaders participating in this dangerous and deadly charade. Yes, Israel is not an island onto itself. And, indeed, its leaders are under enormous international pressure (mostly from Washington) to give “peace a chance.”  However, one would think – and rightfully so – that being burnt, almost to a crisp (with thousands of Jewish graves, and many more maimed for life due to the “process”, thereby, proving its insanity) would disabuse them of participating any longer in this hideous march of madness. IF only.

So, the million dollar question becomes: Why do Israel’s leaders continually place their citizens in jeopardy, even as their so called “peace partners” continually exhort for their nation’s destruction, concomitantly, preparing generations of children for murderous jihad?

According to pre-eminent political scientist Professor Paul Eidelberg (, an American-Israeli PhD from the University of Chicago) “It needs to be understood and emphasized that anyone, regardless of his subjective ideas or feelings, who supports the creation of an Arab-Islamic state in Judea and Samaria is OBJECTIVELY advocating Israel’s destruction. This applies even to an Israeli Prime Minister!

In support of this provocative statement, I offer certain demonstrable facts which indicate there is not a stitch of evidence that contradicts the Palestinian Authority’s commitment to destroy Israel.

This commitment, which is rooted in Islamic theology, is proclaimed in the PLO-Palestinian Charter. Any honest or decent human can read in that Charter their murderous hatred of Jews and Israel. This hatred permeates Palestinian propaganda. It is manifested in the education and military training of Arab children. This ghoulish hatred promises a continuation of the 20 years of Oslo terror that has murdered and maimed 15,000 Jewish women, men, and children…….”

Moreover, many of the heretofore inexplicable answers can be found within a recent interview given by this writer at But in the main, the root of Israel’s folly can be found in the incestuous relationship between its political leaders and its civil society elites. According to Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder of Israel Institute For Strategic Studies “Through their un-elected positions of influence and authority, civil society elites shape the political discourse and hence the perceived constraints on decision-makers…a trinity of interacting civil society elites, comprising groups and individuals who dominate the legal establishment, the mainstream media and much of the nation’s academia – particularly, but not exclusively, in the social sciences and humanities, including law.

These elites, through their unelected positions of influence and authority that their professions confer on them, can to a large measure shape the content and the conduct of the political discourse in the country, and hence the constraints that decision makers perceive themselves to be subject to.

This clearly provides them the capacity to have a dominant impact on the formulation of national policy and to impose their overarching worldview on the elected incumbents, no matter what the latter’s political manifesto or electoral pledges to the voters may be…”

Average Israeli citizens (secular and religious Zionists alike) are scratching/banging their heads, hoping to come up with a ‘plan of action’ – to stop the ‘process’ dead in its tracks. A still birth. So, it is only appropriate to offer up to fellow Zionists some ‘marching orders’, not conjured up via this American-Israeli, but by, none other than, her mentor, Professor Louis Rene Beres – 

Surrendering Judea and Samaria (“West Bank”) in the context of civil disobedience, Jewish law, and the Middle East Peace Process.…..

Sometimes, tragedy and irony may arrive together. Now that it is reportedly back “on track,” the so-called Middle East Peace Process threatens Israel with additional dismemberment, and eventual disappearance.

Aware of these intolerable prospects, thousands of Israelis who are opposed to any further existential surrenders may soon prepare for an appropriate response to “Palestine.” Whatever its particular shape and expression, this “post-peace” response to a new Arab state, one that would be carved out of Israel’s own still-living body, may take some recognizable form of civil disobedience.

To be sure, the Netanyahu Government, inexplicably confident in Palestinian compliance with pre-state agreements on “demilitarization,” will object strongly to any such tactics. Nonetheless, civil disobedience has a long and distinguished tradition in jurisprudence and democratic theory.  In part, as the following argument will make clear, certain roots of this tradition actually lie in Jewish Law.

From its  beginnings, Jewish law has been viewed as a manifestation of God’s will.  Biblically, the law is referred to as the “word of God,” never of humankind.  God, therefore, is the sole authentic legislator, and righteousness necessarily lies in observance of His law.  Moreover, for ancient Israel as well as for the ancient Greeks, the absence of righteousness is expected to place at risk the lives and fortunes of the entire community……

YET, many legitimate questions still arise as to why a leader, such as PM Netanyahu, who was groomed within the national Zionist camp, would even advocate for a “two-state solution.”  A very incisive analysis was penned by Caroline Glick – Bibi and the true believers. Dr. Martin Sherman’s latest J Post column tops the charts, Resign, just resign! Clearly, these analyses are very depressing, but no less necessary. In fact, Dr. Sherman’s recent interview at, Confronting Israel’s Precarious Future: An Interview With Dr. Martin Sherman: Part One demonstrates precisely how Israel’s leaders, via the “peace process”, have evinced a grave dereliction of duty, thereby, placing the nation of Israel in a position of mortal peril. 

All of the above are must reads, if you truly want to understand how/why Israel’s leadership have brought Israel to the brink of disaster.

Moreover, the answers within some of the questions also lie inside a previous op-ed (written by yours truly) at American Thinker, “The Paradox of Israeli Politics: Vote Right, Get Left.”

Basically, there is a colossal tug of war between Israel’s civil society elites – chiefly hailing from academia, media, legal, cultural and diplomatic circles – and the non-existent electoral responsibility between MK’s (Parlimentarians) and the Zionist public, whose votes actually reflect the will of majority public. In this regard, Israel’s political leadership are held captive to those who have the largest megaphones and pocketbooks. Surely, this does not include the average citizen and their political will, in large part due to Israel’s gravely dysfunctional political system.

To wit, Israel’s President (a figurehead/ceremonial post to begin with, and its office is not endowed with policy making decisions), Shimon Peres, is still trotting around the world (a real feat of magic, being that he is past 90!) and selling “peace dreams.”  He infamously intoned that “sacrifices for peace” – alluding to the dead and maimed – are necessary to reach a historic accord! Hmm.

Well, I am not sure about world onlookers, but those who were “sacrificed” – as well as their surviving family members and friends – would beg to differ.

But, then again, President Peres and the perennial “peace chasers” are still open for business! So, they must know better, acutely emblematic within:

State fights for court to uphold prisoner release, despite terror victims’ group petition

“The state files request in response to recent Almagor petition to block mid-August prisoner release; argues gov’t believes prisoner release gives Israel potential for improving security situation……”

At its bare base, Israel’s leadership truly believes that releasing bloody-handed Jew-killers (though their hearts are aching…blah, blah) will IMPROVE the nation’s security! Can you see with whom we are dealing…on the one hand lies our enemies, on the other stands our Oslo-driven mentally besieged leadership. NOTHING good will come of this – at least for Israel’s (and diaspora’s) Zionists.