HUSSEIN Births “MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA”, Quietly, Stealthlike, As Parting F U To America. The Out-Sized Perils. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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FIRST and foremost, it must be understood that two major ideologies encompass HUSSEIN’s worldview: Islamism and Marxism. Intrinsically, underpinned by totalitarianism, the aforementioned enjoy many intersecting parameters, of which anti-colonialism is a main converging factor – a meeting of the (totalitarian) minds.

THAT being said, once the above becomes foundational, the smoke, the overt and covert lies, begin to clear. In this regard, interpret the following as epicenters to his destructive swathe across America. Its reverberations are jolting across the globe, and will continue to do so for many years to come.

IN the main, HUSSEIN’s promised “transformation” is summed up thusly:

  • Race relations had to reach a boiling point in order to attain a core Marxist goal; the “re-ordering” of society. Resultant, DHS became his instrument of choice, and with all attendant muscle applied to get the job done. Indeed, among other unflattering monikers, he shall forever be coined: the Race-baiter-in-Chief! In a nutshell, said Marxist transformation, by its very nature and construct(s), necessitates mayhem and more to usher in a classless society.
  • Coupled with the chaos, unprecedented wealth destruction – with a concomitant redistribution – became a signature aim of his overhaul. Hmm.
  • Atop it all, having undermined America’s core Judeo-Christian underpinning via uprooting the traditional family with a gender-bending identity makeover, millions (with malleable tendencies to begin with) have become so confused they don’t know if they are coming or going. No kidding. 
  • Conclusively, stacking his admin with Islamists, plus gifting unfettered citizenship to Muslims from jihadi-riven nations, albeit, under the guise of “refugee” status, is more than a prognosticator. And this minefield doesn’t even include the millions upon millions of non-jihadi illegals who have been granted open sesame access to all that America has to offer. Phew.

INCONTESTABLY, the Bastard-In-Chief has accomplished his core goals, and this is just on the domestic side. As to Israel, the only democracy within the jungles of the Middle East, let’s just say that he isn’t finished giving the Jewish homeland his F U – and worse!

EVEN so, in order to ensure that all his heavy-lifting cements into place – not unlike a loyal student of all things totalitarian – he anchored his signature boot-print into law via the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act”! Oh my   

In a statement, Obama said that:

 Today, I have signed into law S. 2943, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017.” This Act authorizes fiscal year 2017 appropriations principally for the Department of Defense and for Department of Energy national security programs, provides vital benefits for military personnel and their families, and includes authorities to facilitate ongoing operations around the globe. It continues many critical authorizations necessary to ensure that we are able to sustain our momentum in countering the threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and to reassure our European allies, as well as many new authorizations that, among other things, provide the Departments of Defense and Energy more flexibility in countering cyber-attacks and our adversaries’ use of unmanned aerial vehicles.”

Much of the balance of Obama’s statement blamed the GOP for Guantanamo’s continued operation and warned that “unless the Congress changes course, it will be judged harshly by history,” Obama said. Obama also said Congress failed to use the bill to reduce wasteful overhead (like perhaps massive F-35 cost overruns?) or modernize military health care, which he said would exacerbate budget pressures facing the military in the years ahead.

But while the passage of the NDAA – and the funding of the US military – was hardly a surprise, the biggest news is what was buried deep inside the provisions of the Defense Authorization Act.

Recall that as we reported in early June, “a bill to implement the U.S.’ very own de facto Ministry of Truth had been quietly introduced in Congress. As with any legislation attempting to dodge the public spotlight the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 marks a further curtailment of press freedom and another avenue to stultify avenues of accurate information. Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu, H.R. 5181 seeks a “whole-government approach without the bureaucratic restrictions” to counter “foreign disinformation and manipulation,” which they believe threaten the world’s “security and stability.”

Also called the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S. 2692), when introduced in March by Sen. Rob Portman, the legislation represents a dramatic return to Cold War-era government propaganda battles. “These countries spend vast sums of money on advanced broadcast and digital media capabilities, targeted campaigns, funding of foreign political movements, and other efforts to influence key audiences and populations,” Portman explained, adding that while the U.S. spends a relatively small amount on its Voice of America, the Kremlin provides enormous funding for its news organization, RT.

“Surprisingly,” Portman continued, “there is currently no single U.S. governmental agency or department charged with the national level development, integration and synchronization of whole-of-government strategies to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation.”

Long before the “fake news” meme became a daily topic of extensive conversation on such discredited mainstream portals as CNN and WaPo, H.R. 5181 would task the Secretary of State with coordinating the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to “establish a Center for Information Analysis and Response,” which will pinpoint sources of disinformation, analyze data, and — in true dystopic manner — ‘develop and disseminate’ “fact-based narratives” to counter effrontery propaganda.

In short, long before “fake news” became a major media topic, the US government was already planning its legally-backed crackdown on anything it would eventually label “fake news.”

Fast forward to December 8, when the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” passed in the Senate, quietly inserted inside the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report.

And now, following Friday’s Obama signing of the NDAA on Friday evening, the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act is now law….continue reading….

AS this investigative journalist points out in her new book, BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad (within Chapter Three, What Does The Obama Administration, The “Fourth Estate”, And Academia Have In Common?), capturing “the narrative” via various methods of collusion has become that much easier (paradoxically, more urgent due to the rise and influence of alternative, truthful, media) with the assistance of biased injection into the Trending Topics section to place them at the top of the heap! Mind you, even those which have already been proven to be actual fake reports pose no barrier to their “narrative”! And so on and so forth. Clearly, the so-called “fake news” brouhaha is hardly what it seems. Not by a long shot. In reality, this is its encapsulation: 

“I think the anti-fake news movement itself is a campaign for a narrative-driven propaganda campaign that started about September,” reflected Attkisson.

And what’s the purpose of the anti-fake news movement?

“I think there’s an agenda to censor the news as opposed to actually trying to eliminate fake news,” she said.

Attkisson won five Emmy Awards and received an Edward R. Murrow Award for investigative reporting during her stint as the top correspondent for CBS News from 1993 to 2014. Before joining CBS, Attkisson was an anchor and correspondent for CNN from 1990 to 1993.

She is now the anchor of her own Sunday morning national TV news program, “Full Measure,” which focuses on investigative and accountability reporting. The show had it highest ratings ever, last week.

Years ago, Attkisson noticed the emergence of what is now called fake news, only she called such stories by their traditional name: a smear. The reporter began researching the topic in earnest, and the result is her new book, coming out on May 22, titled “The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote,” due to be published on May 22, 2017…..

ALAS, this is how it is created – astroturf and more!

STILL yet (and not to place a too fine point on what should be obvious), it is hardly accidental, incidental, or coincidental that America’s “Ministry of Propaganda” came into being under the guiding hands of HUSSEIN. After all, he spent eight torturous years implanting its core totalitarian underpinnings.

MOST significantly, akin to all totalitarian leaders, such “achievements” are always buried under innocuous sounding names. This one is housed under the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” passed in the Senate. It was quietly (emphasis placed) inserted inside the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report and signed into law on Christmas Eve, no less, when few are paying attention, other than to what is hiding under their tree! Did you ever? 

INHERENTLY, while the necessity of beating back propaganda from hostile regimes is a no-brainer, the likes of what has been buried underneath the NDAA bespeaks of turning truth upside its head! Indubitably.

MORE specifically, whereas Obama Inc.’s goal is purposefully designed to appear like a protective national measure – yes, this is how propaganda works – the fact remains that a regime which has labeled truthful (alternative) reporting as “fake news” is certainly not one to be trusted, even to watch over cats and dogs, let alone to protect citizens, millions upon millions strong. Can you believe it?

TO wit, stealth-like is more than an appropriate descriptor….beyond Orwellian alike!

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Americans, WATCH OUT, Islamic “Refugees” Will CONTROL Your Streets, If Not Sent Packing! Enslaving. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

OH NOES! Image result for oh noes

FOR heavens sake, PC dictates have become the madness of our time. שִׁגָעוֹן. And it is this irrational and Orwellian insanity which has turned a large swathe of Europe into Allah’s hellhole. Guess what? America has suffered the very same knock-on blowsand with many more on tap. Wanna bet? Well, the following represents a teeny, tiny sampling of what is taking place all over Europe, and more of the same awaits America, if left unchecked. This is an absolute guarantee. Alas, nothing happens in a (political) vacuum without the imprimatur of the leadership, elected or otherwise.

DONKEY’s ass(es)….

  • How many know that Sweden is coined the “rape capital of the west”? Here’s why: Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.Significantly, the report does not touch on the background of the rapists. One should, however, keep in mind that in statistics, second-generation immigrants are counted as Swedes.In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.The internet radio station Granskning Sverige called the mainstream newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen to ask why they had described the perpetrators as “Swedish men” when they actually were Somalis without Swedish citizenship. They were hugely offended when asked if they felt any responsibility to warn Swedish women to stay away from certain men. One journalist asked why that should be their responsibility.
  • Moving right along to France, as well as to Britain and other locales, “no-go” zones are ubiquitous, and “infidels” may not enter them, unless willing to confront death threats. Re more proof of the same….
    Columbes is a quiet little suburban town about six miles northwest of Paris. It is not Marseille, it is not even one of the 750 notorious Muslim NO GO Zones in France where non-Muslims, for the most part, dare never goIn fact, there isn’t a western European country which isn’t affected, and THAT tells us all we need to know.

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BUT if the above isn’t enough to scare the daylights out of non-Muslims in America, well, perhaps Germany’s steep descent into the vise grip of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists will re-calibrate the calculus – or not.

Anis Amri, 24, a Tunisian asylum seeker who arrived in Germany last year, was investigated for “preparing a serious crime endangering national safety”, involving funding the purchase of automatic weapons for use in a terrorist attack.

Amri had been arrested earlier this year and was known to be a supporter of the terrorist group thought to be behind the Sousse terrorist attack in Tunisia, as well as being a suspected disciple of a notorious hate preacher.

He had multiple identity documents with six different aliases under three nationalities, and a criminal record in Italy and Tunisia. He spent four years in an Italian prison before travelling to Germany after an expulsion order expired.

The German authorities, who were on Wednesday facing serious questions about how Amri was still at large, tried to deport him in June, but because he had no valid papers proving his nationality he was allowed to stay.

In a further twist, Germany had asked Tunisia to issue a new passport for him so he could be deported, but the document only arrived on Wednesday – two days after the Christmas market attack that claimed 12 lives. It also emerged that the killer might have received hospital treatment for his injuries before slipping away….

AND this was the parting shot of Islam’s soldier for Allah:

Anis Amri was shot dead in Milan early Friday, Dec. 23, shows him swearing allegiance to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad. He then says: “I call on my Muslim brothers everywhere… Those in Europe, kill the crusader pigs, each person to their own ability.” Turning to camera, the 24-year old Tunisian added: “My message to crusaders bombing Muslims everyday… Their blood will not go in vain. We are a nation behind them and will take revenge for them.”




MOST significantly, listen up: just like Amri was taken off the hook by German authorities prior to executing his Christmas carnage, so too Omar Mateen, Orlando’s Pulse gay nightclub jihadi – responsible for the largest body count since 9/11/01 – was gifted special “hands off” treatment by an indoctrinated and infiltrated FBI! Again, as proven in the above link, Mateen could have been stopped, that is, if the FBI conducted its due diligence sans PC “hands-in-the-pocket” politically-driven ‘policing.” Not only that, this is hardly the first time that U.S. security services let an Islamic jihadi slip through their net, akin to Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, San Bernardino’s husband and wife terrorist tag team duo. Coincidence, or are so-called “enforcement” rules against Muslims tipped in their favor? You decide.

RESULTANT, let’s augment the west’s frightening reality – yes, an absolute actuality, as opposed to a so-called possibility – with some updates. Still yet, beforehand, it is imperative to internalize the following: the out-sized dangers are the same from all followers of Sharia law, be they “refugees” aka migrants, native born westerners, or possess any other variation of western citizenship thereof. The point being, Islam, Sharia law, is the common denominator. Equalizer. Simple as that.

MORE specifically, Berlin’s truck jihadi found refuge in Europe, having “escaped” to Italy with other so called “endangered migrants” in 2011!

Defying Statistics - 6

AS per the referenced updates: let’s segue from what is known as stepped-up infiltration and penetration, Step A, to its “natural” outcome, the overtaking of one neighborhood/city at a time, Step B.  And before long, full-on jihad, Step C, Phase 5, is a done deal. Mind you, the alarm bells have been ringing at the highest decibel, still yet, countless are ignoring them. Unfathomable. Which brings us back to the beginning, to Step A, here:

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The fast approaching anniversary of the Cologne sex attacks prompted Christian Social Union politician Markus Söder to blame the country’s “deteriorating” security situation on mass migration that is leaving citizens, feeling “unsafe”.

Söder – whose party is aligned with Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union – said: “Our wives and daughters are increasingly afraid of sexual assaults. The state must act more decisively than in the past. “Last year we lost control of our borders. Now we are beginning to lose control of streets and squares.

“When citizens no longer feel safe to visit neighbourhoods, the state loses its authority… this is now about homeland security,” he said speaking to a German newspaper.

The minister of Bavaria expressed his “outrage” towards police officials who have only managed to issue 18 convictions from the Cologne sex attacks which rocked Germany last year. Sober expressed his “deep disappointment” in the lack of convictions, adding: “What has become of Cologne? Nothing. Few condemnations, hardly any deportations.”

With a wealth of legal barriers preventing asylum seekers from being deported easily, Sober called for a renegotiation of checks that will enable migrants to be removed “effectively.”

Almost 50 migrants are deported from Germany each day, but with hundreds of thousands of failed asylum seekers still arriving, the Conservative politician said the country “needs a bigger plan”.

Nearly 1,310 victims reported sex crimes to the police following the New Years Eve attacks in Cologne last year, but 820 incidents have not been investigated by police.

The Christian Social Union politician said Germany was developing a problem with Muslim migrants just like France and Belgium.

AS to another visual aid, ala Step B….Image result for pics of no go zones

AND, par for the jihadi course, this site’s well documented stepped-up infiltration and penetration always end up here:

Politicians have even declared war after an unknown assailant ploughed into crowds in Berlin.

Police had arrested a man from Pakistan called Naved B who they claim was approved for asylum after arriving in the country in February, however it has since been claimed he is not thought to have been the driver after DNA tests.

Now in a veiled attack on Chancellor Merkel’s open-door refugee policy, Klaus Bouillon of Mrs Merkel’s CDU party said told Saarland radio: “We must state that we are in a state of war, although some people who want to see only the good can not see.

Bouillon announced intensified security measures amid fears there could be more attacks today.

“We will take it wherever we think it is necessary.

“That means long-range weapons, short weapons, machine guns, even if this sounds martial.”

Chief executive of the populist right wing Alternative for Germany party, which is widely expect to obliterate Mrs Merkel’s party in next year’s elections, say the country is now no longer safe.

AfD chairwoman, Frauke Petry, blamed the federal government for the alleged attack insisting they could have done more.

She said: “The milieu in which such acts can flourish has been negligently and systematically imported over the last one and a half years. 

“On such a sad day, the AfD does not attach any importance to “keeping right”.

Our [migration] limits, should be finally controlled.

“Germany is no longer safe.”

Mrs Merkel addressed the public this morning calling for an investigation into how the carnage happened.

Police raided a refugee camp in a disused airport at 4am this morning, where a suspect known as Naved B was known to be living.

But police sources have later said that they have “the wrong man” and that the real culprit is on the run and armed.

According to police the man arrested from Turbat in Pakistan and used numerous aliases including the name David.

German media is reporting that police special forces stormed the hangar at Berlin’s defunct Tempelhof airport, which now houses a refugee accommodation centre.

Four young men were questioned at the police station in the refugee camp on the grounds of the former Tempelhof airport in hangar 6, but there were no arrests, according to Sascha Langenbach, spokesman for the refugee agency.

Police later said that they are investigating all angles but the driver who is believed to have hijacked and killed a Polish man responsible for the truck carrying 25 tonnes of steel is still on the run.

AND not to be a nitpicker – heaven forfend – car/truck jihad is all the rage. Lo and behold, it is a phenomenon in Israel, it has been executed in Nice, France, and, most recently, at Ohio State U alike!  Las Vegas was a mirror image too. Jihadi copy cats. Ask yourselves: is it possible that Islam’s followers – world over – just happen to wage jihad via cars/trucks for sport and share no common denominator? 

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AND speaking of integration, isn’t it glaringly obvious: whatever their age, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists will sow death and destruction, even 12-year-olds! Inestimably, take a peek at the following linked videos for this and that evidentiary material.

STILL yet, due to incredibly discomfiting truths, there are countless who prefer to remain deaf, dumb and blind to what lies in wait. Suit yourselves, but don’t come crying when the Islamic sh-tstorm lands nearby, or claim you weren’t warned!

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ON the other hand, there is a highly dangerous (leftist) enabling segment of the American population, and they would be pleased to turn the streets into Europe’s, that is, overrun by Islam’s barbarians, just as long as the nation falls.


RESULTANT, know this: patriots are faced with a two-fold life and death struggle. Firstly, beating back Allah’s Muslim Terrorists (and their incessant boring within) is of primary importance. Secondly, grinding down their enablers – whatever their persuasion may be – must follow. A + B. Thus, regardless of all else, backing down against both symbiotic dangers must never be an option, unless the European “model” is an acceptable outcome.

OMINOUSLY, how many more times does this site have to expose the unvarnished, non-PC truth: “refugees”, Mohammedans, are a clear and present danger to America and the entire west! 

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HUSSEIN’s Parting Gifts To Allah’s Terrorists:Islamic Immigration Registry ERASED! Israel Bit-h Slapped Too! A + B. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Hate & Deception 11

SLOWLY but surely, over the past eight years, Allah’s Muslim President, HUSSEIN Obama (Islam’s American, best, friend), with malice and forethought, exposed the nation to the gravest threat, bar none, Islamic terrorism. So much so, in a rational universe he would be facing charges of treason and given the death penalty. From this well-informed perch, a firing squad or a hanging would be righteous (national) justice. Agreed? If not, why not?

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AND just for some further edification and disinfectant, consider the following as a tiny foretaste of the unequivocal belief system that HUSSEIN supports and protects with the full force of America’s might at his disposal, until his last ignominious days as the leader of the free world.

  • “Infidels are your sworn enemies.” (Sura 4:101)
  • “Be ruthless to the infidels.” (Sura 48:29)
  • “Make war on the infidels who dwell around you.” (Sura 9:12366:9)
  • “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day.” (Sura 9:29)
  • “Strike off the heads of infidels in battle.” (Sura 47:4)
  • “If someone stops believing in Allah, kill him.” (al-Bukhari 9:84:57)
  • “Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (Sura 5:5160:13)
  • “Never be a helper to the disbelievers.” (Sura 28:86)
  • “Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them.” (Sura 2:191)
  • “No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel.” (al-Bukhari 1:3:111)
  • “And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al-Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.” (Sura 2:191)
  • “Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah. But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.” (Sura 2:193)
  • “Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book [Jews], until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” (Sura 9:29)

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OMINOUSLY, the immutable tenets listed above are upheld by the delisted (per HUSSEIN’s Allah-washing, a veritable erasing) immigrants/”refugees”, sacrosanct to ALL followers of Mohammad, the Koran’s madman.

TO wit, knowing what you do about Europe’s latest jihadi (among a continuous list), how much longer can Americans sit back and allow their leaders to do less than squat about granting them access and more, other than jibber-jabber?

A man identified by Corriere della Sera and other news outlets as Amri, then aged 18, sits with his hood up as he watches police on the Italian island of Lampedusa.

Taken on 3 April 2011, he would have just made the treacherous sea crossing from his native Tunisia in a bid to escape the Arab Spring revolutions sweeping the Middle East.

Five years later, Amri brought death to the streets of Germany after he was radicalised in an Italian prison.

This picture, taken in April 2011 is said to show the first days of Anis Amri’s five years in Europe after he made the crossing from Tunisia to Lampedusa. It first appeared in Italian media

This picture, taken in April 2011 is said to show the first days of Anis Amri’s five years in Europe after he made the crossing from Tunisia to Lampedusa. It first appeared in Italian media

A second image taken Lampedusa appears to feature the same man sitting among several migrants on the Mediterranean island

A second image taken Lampedusa appears to feature the same man sitting among several migrants on the Mediterranean island

Amri’s mother, Nour Al Houda, today showed a picture of her son before he left for Italy as a teenager

Amri’s mother, Nour Al Houda, today showed a picture of her son before he left for Italy as a teenager 

Amri is understood to have taken a boat to Lampedusa from the Tunisian port of Sfax on 3 April 2011.

IN reality, “sympathizers” of ISIS believe they are executing Allah’s will, a pagan Moon god. Yes, whether  “refugees”, western born Muslims, or converts to Islam, they are one and the same, that is, once they become committed Muslims. The fact that some actually carry out jihad, while others lend material or “moral” support, is inconsequential and little comfort to the victims of jihadi slaughter! Patriots, don’t EVER forget this.

WHICH brings us to a sampling of HUSSEIN’s parting gift(s) to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, as they piggyback one another and form the basis for today’s commentary. Pay heed!

  • Even though there is actual proof that the migrants and refugees are causing a tremendous amount of problems overseas, the liberals still want to invite them all to the United States. Not only that, but they want to make sure that they aren’t tracked or located.They claim that tracking migrants is against the law. It doesn’t matter what is happening overseas, including the fact that terrorists are posing as migrants and committing unspeakable acts of terror, such as driving a truck through a market. Wouldn’t you want to know the location of someone who was going to do these things? Liberals can complain all they want, but the fact of the matter remains this. There are a ton of migrants that have caused damage to their host countries by being terrorists. Do the countries really want to put their native citizens in danger by not seeing where these migrants are at all times?In the United States the answer is yes. That is because the Obama administration has officially ended a post-9/11 registration system for immigrant men that come from mostly Muslim countries. Yes, President Obama has ended a system that would have allowed the administration to see what the incoming migrants were doing…..The system was called the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, and as it suggests, it was a way to monitor the people who are in the country that have gone through the system. It was initially started after 9/11 after the country was hit hard by the terrorist attacks.Except now by banning it effectively, it is sending a message to the terrorists that liberals aren’t going to do anything to stop them. The liberals desire to be politically correct all the time is the reason that the terrorists are allowed to behave the way they do….continue reading….

ALAS, is anyone actually shocked that another ! U.S. jihadi followed suit?

  • Investigators say a Phoenix man was plotting a lone wolf attack in support of ISIS.Derrick Thompson, who also goes by the name Abu Talib Al-Amriki, was arrested by the Arizona Joint Terrorism Taskforce earlier this week.In October, investigators say Thompson made several Google searches including: midnight mass, martyrdom vs suicide and which type of gun is the most powerful. He also reportedly posted on his Google Plus account in October, “We need to get down with this ISIS S***.”According to court paperwork, it was January 2015 when Thompson tried to buy gun from with the intent to carry out an attack for ISIL. However, Thompson is a convicted felon – which prohibits him from buying a firearm.Investigators say since 2014, Thompson has been an “avowed jihadist,” and has conducted 100’s of Google searches for handguns, rifles, scopes and crossbows….continue reading….

WE are not done yet.

ENTER, one of the aforementioned piggybacks….another one of HUSSEIN’s bitch slaps to Israel!

INESTIMABLY, if anything reeks of the hatred harbored by Allah’s Muslim U.S. President toward western civilization, little is more illustrative, other than the utter contempt he displays toward one of its pillars, Israel, the Jewish homeland. Indeed, America, as its twin pillar, is built upon Judeo-Christian principles. For heavens sake, HUSSEIN knows the historical truth! 

MOST significantly, the clearest nexus between his parting gifts to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists run through “erasing” them from the national immigration registry on the one hand, and bitch slapping Israel at the U.N. in support of a terrorist people who are part and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia!

With the U.S. taking the extraordinary move of abstaining, the Security Council unanimously passed the resolution, which also calls for the limiting of the Jewish state to the borders it had before the 1967 war.

The resolution declares the Israeli settlement policy has “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.”

Critics say the move effectively strips Israel of any bargaining power in any future peace negotiations by forcing the state to forfeit its biggest bargaining chip.

The resolution was approved 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining. To pass, a U.N. resolution requires approval by 9 out of 15 members of the Security Council, and no vetoes by any of the 5 permanent members, including the U.S.

By not using the United States’ veto to prevent it from coming up for a vote, Obama effectively endorsed the resolution. As Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz put it, “an abstention is a vote for the resolution.”

A defiant Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to ignore the vote, issuing a statement that said, “Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the U.N. and will not abide by its terms.”

“At a time when the Security Council does nothing to stop the slaughter of half a million people in Syria, it disgracefully gangs up on the one true democracy in the Middle East, Israel, and calls the Western Wall ‘occupied territory.’”

Netanyahu said Obama’s administration “not only failed to protect Israel against this gang-up at the U.N., it colluded with it behind the scenes.” Israeli leader added, “Israel looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and with all our friends in Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, to negate the harmful effects of this absurd resolution.”

After the resolution passed, President-elect Trump tweeted, “As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.”

Republicans responded to the resolution by threatening to cut off funding for the U.N.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said in a statement, “[T]he consequences of this disgraceful U.N. resolution should be severe. I look forward to working with Sen. Graham, and with the incoming Administration of President-elect Trump, to significantly reduce or even eliminate U.S. funding of the United Nations, and also to seriously reconsider financial support for the nations that supported this resolution.”

He added, “For eight long years, the Obama administration has worked systematically to undermine the nation of Israel. They actively worked to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu, and illegally used U.S. taxpayer funds to do so. Never has there been a more anti-Israel Administration, and today’s United Nations vote is the culmination of their systemic agenda to weaken Israel and strengthen its enemies”….continue reading….

MOREOVER, HUSSEIN also recognizes that world history attests to the fact that a nation called “Palestine” has never existed. Ipso facto, how can they call themselves “Palestinians”, let alone demand the birthplace/cradle of the Jewish people, Judea and Samaria, never mind their historical capital, Jerusalem?? In reality, many Arab leaders admit as much.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has described Jordanian and Palestinian Arabs as “one people living in two states,” during a meeting with the head of the Jordan Football Association on Tuesday. Bethlehem-based Maan News cited the Jordanian al-Ghad newspaper as saying that Abbas arrived in Jordan from Doha along with several other senior PA officials, including its intelligence chief Majid Faraj. The Arabic-language Al-Quds news outlet directly quoted Abbas, who it said “stressed that the relationship between Jordan and Palestine is the relationship of ‘one people living in two states,’ adding that this relationship will not be affected by anything.”

Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that. More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri [“Egyptian”]. Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. We are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are a part of you.

CONTEMPTIBLY, HUSSEIN’s siding with “Palestinians”, a terror-laden group, no less, tells us all we need to know, both from a moral and historical basis. Incontrovertibly, many who behave likewise are acting out of the same vile hatred towards the Jewish people via targeting Israel, their ancestral and biblical homeland. Evil personified. History repeats.

AND straight out of the horse’s mouth too!

CONCLUSIVELY, in the same manner in which his magic act erased Allah’s Muslim Terrorists from oversight, signaling to them that they have nothing to fear from the FEDS, so too Mohammedans recognize that they can step up their   terror attacks and murder as many Jews in Israel as they want, and without any U.S. intervention or price to be paid by international (criminal) leadership.

AGAIN, a hanging or a firing squad….

{As per HUSSEIN’s Islamic attire and posturing, Bill O’Reilly has finally discovered incontrovertible proof, even though Media Matters – a Demster, left-wing appendage – attempts to deflect the truth through ridicule, mockery, and more of the same.}

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President Trump’s Muslim Brotherhood Imperative: Enactment of Congressional Bill S.68 – Designating Muslim Brotherhood A Terror Org! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

NO doubt, as soon as President Trump is sworn into office on January 20, 2017 as America’s 45th president, his laundry list of national (and international) disasters requiring “reverse engineering” – from HUSSEIN’s 8 year swathe of terror – will necessitate a Herculean effort. In fact, between the repeal of ObamaCare, to rebuilding the military, to building a protective wall between the U.S. and Mexico, to economic/job regrowth, to deporting millions of illegals – terror related or otherwise – the list is endless. 

BUT not to be lost within the countless quagmires atop the national agenda, the dismantling of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia MUST take precedence, without which little else will matter. Succeed. In other words, commencing with CAIR, if the head of the poisonous snake within the body politic isn’t excised, the rest of the nation will suffer from metastasis. Implode.

Hussam Ayloush, the long-time director of CAIR-Los Angeles, Tweeted out the following message:

“Ok, repeat after me:
“Al-Shaab yureed isqat al-nizaam.
“(Arab Spring chant)”

The second line in Arabic translates to “The people want to bring down the regime.”

“In other words, Ayloush unambiguously and directly called for the overthrow of the U.S. government,” observes scholar Daniel Pipes of Middle East Forum.

STIPULATED, unless living in a cave, many Americans (other than Sharia law adherent Muslims who are supportive – materially, ideologically or otherwise – notwithstanding their denials) recognize that Islam has been elevated within America (and the west at large) to a protected status. Mind you, this is precisely the goal of each and every hydra within the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, as well as their Shia counterparts! Yes, (ab)using Constitutionally protected freedoms to destroy the nation from within is a central pillar to their strategic goals. And if one believes that said assessment is “bigoted”, well, uncovered docs attest otherwise.

In July 2007, seven key leaders of an Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) went on trial for charges that they had: (a) provided “material support and resources” to a foreign terrorist organization (namely Hamas); (b) engaged in money laundering; and (c) breached the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which prohibits transactions that threaten American national security. Along with the seven named defendants, the U.S. government released a list of approximately 300 “unindicted co-conspirators” and “joint venturers.” During the course of the HLF trial, many incriminating documents were entered into evidence. Perhaps the most significant of these was “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” by the Muslim Brotherhood operative Mohamed Akram. Federal investigators found Akram’s memo in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrahmosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.

Written sometime in 1987 but not formally published until May 22, 1991, Akram’s 18-page document listed the Brotherhood’s 29 like-minded “organizations of our friends” that shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation. These “friends” were identified by Akram and the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”

Akram was well aware that in the U.S., it would be extremely difficult to promote Islam by means of terror attacks. Thus the “grand jihad” that he and his Brotherhood comrades envisioned was not a violent one involving bombings and shootings, but rather a stealth (or “soft”) jihad aiming to impose Islamic law (Sharia) over every region of the earth by incremental, non-confrontational means, such as working to “expand the observant Muslim base”; to “unif[y] and direc[t] Muslims’ efforts”; and to “present Islam as a civilization alternative.” At its heart, Akram’s document details a plan to conquer and Islamize the United States – not as an ultimate objective, but merely as a stepping stone toward the larger goal of one day creating “the global Islamic state….

THUS, how central to national security is the passage of the following Act?

S.68 – Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017115th Congress (2017-2018)

To require the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress on the
designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist
organization, and for other purposes.______________________________________________________________


January 9, 2017

Mr. Cruz (for himself, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Inhofe, and Mr. Roberts)
introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the
Committee on Foreign Relations

To require the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress on the
designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist
organization, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist
Designation Act of 2017”.


It is the sense of Congress that–
(1) the Muslim Brotherhood meets the criteria for
designation as a foreign terrorist organization under section
219(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C.
1189(a)); and
(2) the Secretary of State, in consultation with the
Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, should
exercise the Secretary of State’s statutory authority by
designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist


(a) Definitions.–In this section:
(1) Appropriate congressional committees.–The term
“appropriate congressional committees” means–
(A) the Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs of the Senate;
(B) the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate;
(C) the Committee on Foreign Relations of the
(D) the Select Committee on Intelligence of the
(E) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate;
(F) the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban
Affairs of the Senate;
(G) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House
of Representatives;
(H) the Committee on Armed Services of the House of
(I) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House
of Representatives;
(J) the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
of the House of Representatives;
(K) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of
Representatives; and
(L) the Committee on Financial Services of the
House of Representatives.
(2) Intelligence community.–The term “intelligence
community” has the meaning given that term in section 3(4) of
the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4)).
(b) Report.–Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment
of this Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the
intelligence community, shall submit a detailed report to the
appropriate congressional committees that–
(1) indicates whether the Muslim Brotherhood meets the
criteria for designation as a foreign terrorist organization
under section 219(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8
U.S.C. 1189(a)); and
(2) if the Secretary of State determines that the Muslim
Brotherhood does not meet the criteria referred to in paragraph
(1), includes a detailed justification as to which criteria
have not been met.
(c) Form.–The report required under subsection (b) shall be
submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex, if

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MOST significantly, under HUSSEIN’s guiding hands, the Brotherhood’s entrenchment within America’s power centers – in tandem with civil society – has increased exponentially, as opposed to diminishing. This is the case, even though leaders should have become fully aware of their “grand jihad” over a decade ago! 

MORE specifically, Obama Inc.’s plan to bring America to her knees manifested into their diabolical plot to overthrow Egypt’s strongman, Mubarak, in favor of a top MB leader, Morsi. Effectively, extending the Brotherhood’s power base throughout the Mid East (and beyond) was meant to box in Israel and choke the life out of the Jewish homeland. In the meanwhile, their power grew commensurately within America. Hmm.

The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) is reporting today that Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (Mossad) and Egypt’s General Intelligence Service (GIS) have begun an unprecedented joint crackdown in both Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula against forces loyal to and backing the Muslim Brotherhood whose leader Mohamed Morsi was recently overthrown in a coup d’etat.

Even more startling, according to this report and confirmed by the Wall Street News Service, Israeli and Egyptian intelligence forces are presently engaged in a “growing, sensitive relationship” against what they both claim is their main enemy, US President Barack Obama.

On 3 July, this report continues, General and Commander-in-Chief of Egyptian Armed Forces, Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi (more commonly known as General Sisi), staged a coup d’etat against President Morsi after being presented with evidence provided by Mossad proving that President Obama had signed a secret agreement with the Muslim Brotherhood to give 40% of the Sinai Peninsula to the terror organization Hamas in exchange for $8 billion that has already been paid to the Muslim Brotherhood by Obama.

As first aired to the Egyptian nation by Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by Egypt Daily News following President Morsi’s ouster [see video HERE], this GRU report says, the terms of this agreement between Obama and Muslim Brotherhood were:

• SECRET agreement between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood (not the Egyptian government) to give 40% of the Sinai and the annexation of that part of Egyptian territory in Gaza. The objective is to facilitate the conclusion of a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians

• This agreement was signed by Khairat el-Shater (number 2 of the Muslim Brotherhood) by Morsi and the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood.

• A sum of U.S. $ 8 billion was paid in exchange for the land.

Following this stunning revelation to the Egyptian people following Morsi’s ouster, this report says, the Obama regime has attempted to reach an agreement with General Sisi offering recognition of the legitimacy of the coup d’etat in exchange for his silence about this secret agreement.

In what this GRU report calls an even “stranger move” by the Obama regime, President Obama sent two of Americas most notorious neocons, Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, to negotiate with General Sisi and threatening to suspend all US aid unless Morsi was reinstated and the secret agreement with the Muslim Brotherhood was kept silent about, a message no one in Obama’s Democratic Party said they would deliver.

CONCOMITANTLY, as a force multiplier, this Muslim Brotherhood Mafia expert  (author alike) has proven herehere, here, here, here , here, here (and so on and so forth) how Obama Inc. set the stage for an Islamist takeover throughout America and the Middle East. In fact, HUSSEIN enlisted anti-American leftist forces to close in for the kill. 

SO who better than Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook – the largest social media site on the planet – to lead the charge? Rhetorical.

“FAKEBOOK”, yes, you read that right, has been caught censoring conservative news and voices, thanks to one of its Trending Topics contractors, a whistle-blower. In reality, those who speak out against Islam and jihad are in the tech giant’s direct cross-hairs. Fascists. Enablers.

OMINOUSLY, Zuckerberg’s leftist/Islamist “fact-checkers” will now be controlling which news is “real” and which is “fake.” Orwellian. Steroid-like. Adding one anti-freedom thrust after another, again, said “monitoring” will be through Soros controlled “fact-checking” entities! Hence, the urgency for President Trump to fast-track S.68 couldn’t be more acute.

RESULTANT, once passed, a major sea change will take place through an immediate round-up of each and every leader/member of the Brotherhood Mafia’s front groups. Forthwith, it will finally ! be legal to close down the following seditious (egregiously, tax exempt too) terror entities, as well as facilitate sweeping arrests.

MIND you, CAIR, the Brotherhood’s propaganda arm, will no longer be able to team up with DHS – or any other agency, governmental or private – to “train this one or that one. Intrinsically, their made up out of whole cloth bugaboo, “Islamophobia, will be designated what it really is – a terrorist organization’s lethal ploy!

PATRIOTS, view this commentary as a call to arms. As a first step, inundate Congress and the newly elected Trump administration with the demand to enact the most righteous and nation saving law, bar none, the updated version of S.2230 – Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act., S.68 – Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017 115th Congress (2017-2018). Post-haste. In tandem, be prepared to “lock and load”, after all, it is your Constitutional right to protect yourselves!

AMERICA’s survival, the west’s, depends upon it!

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HUSSEIN’s Bombs Priming To Explode Via Secret ‘Refugee’ Resettlement;Al-Qaeda Compounds Inside America,& ICE’s 100 Mil Illegal Ferrying:The Nexus. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for picture of prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h.) and his family
Okey dokey, if Memoirs and Mohammedans say so….on the other hand….
  • “I was ordered to fight all men until they say ‘There is no god but Allah.” – Prophet Muhammad’s farewell address, March 632
  • “I shall cross this sea to their islands to pursue them until there remains no one on the face of the earth who does not acknowledge Allah.” – Saladin, January 1189
  • “We shall export our revolution throughout the world … until the calls ’there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah’ are echoed all over the world.” – Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 1979
  • “I was ordered to fight people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet Muhammad.” – Osama bin Laden. November 2001

IF anything is as true today as decades gone by, let alone centuries ago, it is this: Mohammedans – followers of Islam – will never, ever allow anyone to live in peace who refuses to submit to Allah. Yes, Islam means submission! Period.

The Arabic term “Islam” itself is usually translated as “submission”; submission of desires to the will of God. It comes from the term “aslama”, which means “to surrender” or “resign oneself”.

SO if it takes a million plus times to reiterate, so be it:

Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology that uses religion as a tool to achieve their ultimate goal, which is to establish an Islamic caliphate world-wide and under sharia law.


IN light of the non-PC disinfectant cited above, a distinction must be made between when it is necessary to maintain transparency and openness, as opposed to secrecy. This is not a distinction without a difference.

MOREOVER, as such, few can rationally argue: when it comes to intelligence work (yes, blowing smoke in this direction, as to its multi-faceted qualifiers, is a non-starter….don’t even go there) mum is the word. On the other side of the spectrum, in relation to secretly “spiriting” Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, aka “refugees”, into the U.S.; ICE ‘s orders to ferry and resettle illegals, whatever their national origins; and jihadi compounds inside the nation left unmolested, well, what else, other than bombs priming to explode, should one expect! Understood? A + B.

TO wit, how shocking – though hardly unexpected – are the following national betrayals:

  • 1 – In a supposed nation of laws, how many ways can ILLEGAL be interpreted and twisted, pretzel-like? Infinite, apparently. In this regard, HUSSEIN and gang have perverted the rule of law to an unprecedented degree, not unlike third world dictators. Thus, ICE’s (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) top-tier have morphed into an arm of illegality, operating, for all intents and purposes, as de facto smugglers and assorted henchmen under the cover of a “legal” umbrella. Incontestably.

The federal agency that handles deportations spent more than $100 million of its money over the last few years to ferry illegal immigrant children around the U.S., according to calculations by a watchdog group that says the cash could have been better spent on enforcement.

Government figures obtained by the Immigration Reform Law Institute through an open records request show Immigration and Customs Enforcement spent an average of $665 per juvenile in 2014, with most of that going to the cost of airplane flights to shuttle the children among government agencies, to relatives here in the U.S. or back to their home countries — if they’re deported.

At that rate, ICE will spend about $4.5 million flying just the children nabbed at the border in October, and somewhere north of $100 million since the surge began in earnest in 2014.

“It’s insult to injury on a massive scale,” said Dale Wilcox, executive director of IRLI.

He blamed President Obama’s 2012 deportation amnesty for young adult illegal immigrants, the so-called Dreamers, for the surge, saying it enticed tens of thousands of new migrants, particularly juveniles, to take a risk on making the trip.

Instead of being sent back, they are shuttled among various federal agencies until they are eventually delivered to their parents, other relatives or sponsor families — where they often disappear into the shadows.

  • 2 – Similarly, Obama Inc. has been inundating America with Mohammedans by the tens of thousands. Limitless.Thus, it follows: not only is HUSSEIN bringing in Sharia law adherents to transform the nation, but is doing so secretly too!

Like seeds in a garden, refugees are being planted in cities and towns all across America. But the fact that it’s being done in secret should set off alarm bells, according to veteran WND reporter Leo Hohmann.

“No good thing usually happens in secret,” Hohmann said in a recent appearance on “The Conservative Conscience podcast with Daniel Horowitz.” “Secrecy is the enemy of truth, and this is what we’ve seen in one community after another. People just feel like their community is being changed without them having any say-so in the matter.”

Hohmann attempts to cut through the secrecy of the federal refugee resettlement program in his forthcoming book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.” He told Horowitz refugees are being placed in small cities all over the country – places such as Stone Mountain, Georgia; Twin Falls, Idaho; and Rutland, Vermont – with no input from the local communities.

Once residents find out about the plan, it is almost always too late to stop it or even to ask any questions. And those who do ask questions are often castigated as bigots or xenophobes who hate refugees.

So native residents are left with a town they no longer recognize.

“Before long you end up with cities like Dearborn, Michigan, Hamtramck, Michigan, where your vote is going to be watered down and eliminated by a foreign culture,” said Hohmann, referring to two cities with large Muslim populations….

Even though over two decades have elapsed since the collapse of the Somali government, we are taking in refugees from this extremely dangerous country at the fastest pace ever.

As of December 13, we’ve admitted a total of 21,854 total refugees for FY 2017, according to the State Department’s refugee database. That is a pace we have not seen since the fall of the Soviet Union. More disturbingly, we’ve admitted 2,836 refugees from Syria and 3,014 from Somalia, almost all of them Muslim. Once again, Minnesota (364) and Ohio (334) are being saddled with more refugees from Somalia despite the terror recruiting problems in Minneapolis and Columbus.

Obama is also continuing his social transformation by seeding small-to-mid-sized cities with relatively large sums of Somali and Syrian refugees. A quick search of the database shows that places like Bowling Green, Ky., Owensboro, Ky., Glendale, Ariz., and Erie, Penn have all been seeded with more Middle Eastern refugees than the entire state of New Jersey.

This is a clear violation of the refugee law. The statute directs the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to “insure that a refugee is not initially placed or resettled in an area highly impacted by the presence of refugees or comparable populations.” When making this determination the director of ORR is supposed to take into account, among other things, “the proportion of refugees and comparable entrants in the population in the area.” [8 U.S.C. 1522]…..

TRENCHANTLY, and beyond the pale too, as they rape at will:

Judicial Watch, the Washington-based government watchdog, released documents with many details redacted that describe “community engagement tours,” including security briefings, in secured areas of at least three major U.S. airports – Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Columbus, Ohio — given to members of the Somali community, including individuals who were the subject of federal investigations, by Homeland Security Officials….

SPEECH-MINDERS, what say you?? To wit, are the lunatics running the asylum, or not?

  • – But there’s more… this site reported in 2014, how many are informed about the mushrooming jihadi compounds within America, and with the full knowledge – and tacit approval – of FED and State security agencies? Kid you not. Mind you, as so-called “religious” compounds they are deemed off limits, even while plotting jihad and more! Yes, a planned national suicide from all quarters – the jihadis and Washington’s traitors!

Fox TV's map of Fuqra MOA locations in the U.S.

AND the recently-declassified evidence is reported below.

The Clarion Project has obtained newly-declassified FBI documents from 2003 revealing that the jihadist cult Jamaat ul-Fuqra, also known as Muslims of America (MOA), had ties with al-Qaeda in Pakistan. The group is best known for its network of about 22 Islamist compounds on American soil.

The disclosures come on the heels of the release of the Fuqra Files website, an authoritative database of information about the group.

The FBI reports show there was a counter-terrorism investigation into Jamaat ul-Fuqra / Muslims of America (MOA) in New York in 2003. One file has the heading, “American Islamic Radicals.” The reports point out, “Prior to assuming the name MOA, JUF has had a profound history of carrying out violent actions to include, arsons, bombings, shootings and assassinations.”


The reports warn that MOA serves as a conduit to foreign terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda and its affiliates in Pakistan. It states:

“The MOA is a loosely structured U.S. based organization. Several current members in New York have been convicted of criminal acts to include murder and fraud. Recruitment most often occurs in prisons or neighborhood mosques. Once recruited, some members are selected to receive training in firearms and explosives in Pakistan.

While overseas, some of these recruits are then handpicked by high-ranking terrorist operatives, like that of Al-Qaeda, and are sent to receive more specialized training. Upon completing of their training, many of these recruits are ultimately asked to pledge ‘beyat’ [allegiance]. If they do not receive beyat, they become what source information reveals as a ‘friend of Al-Qaeda’ who are called upon no matter where he is living around the world to assist Al-Qaeda”…….

SO let’s get down to brass tacks and cease with any, and all, PC bullsh-t.

WHAT immediately springs to the forefront is the saying, “there is more than one way to skin a cat”, but on mega steroids. Obama Inc. and surrogate traitors – inside and outside officialdom – understand that it will take years to completely upend the nation, necessitating bomblet after bomblet.

MORE specifically, these bomblets will be set off through the Traitor-in-Chief’s latest treachery, OFA, Organizing For Action. Recall, HUSSEIN’s “occupational” roots – as a community organizer – set the stage for all his wildfires to date. Ominously, his foot soldiers are plotting national chaos on a MEGA scale, the likes of which has yet to be seen. Know that its basis will be couched under the “democratic” right to protest. Not only that, it will make the Weathermen’s and Black Panthers domestic terrorism – designed to bring down America during the 1960’s and 1970’s – appear as a walk on the beach. Guaranteed. And just like Bill Ayers and top-tier domestic terror revolutionary associates got away with murder and more, so too will HUSSEIN and gang, that is, when all is said and done. 

MOST significantly, HUSSEIN’s 8 years of destabilizers were never designed to exact immediate results, rather, to set the stage and blow up down the line. Intrinsically, it is not a matter of if, but when, Islamic jihad hits its apex within the homeland. So suffice to recognize that the aforementioned bombs, priming to explode, were pre-set by Obama Inc. to blow, but at the time and place of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists choosing, and with the assistance of like-minded anti-Americans.

INDEED, firing squads are too lenient for all their treachery – Obama Inc.’s and Islam’s barbarians!

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The Truth Re Islam Shall Save The West & Set It Free: What It IS & What It ISN’T! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of ben carson bare naked islam

WESTERN leaders – with America’s in the forefront, as the titular heads of the free world – are allergic to non-PC truth-telling. No doubt.

IN this regard, the subtle and pernicious infiltration of cultural and moral relativism into America’s power centers, particularly, its academic institutions, paved the way to the current tipping point. Abyss. Resultant, incrementally, knock-on effects continuously filter down into media outlets, legal spheres, cultural centers, and entertainment vehicles. In toto, a full-on deconstruction of western civilization has always been the left’s end goal. 

BE that as it may, starting with Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency from 1913-1921, the above seeds were planted. Impregnated. Most would agree that he was the initial and leading force in the Progressive Movement.

THUS, step by step, the American mind has been fed doses of progressivism, aka leftism, which has brought the college campuses to the brink of madness. Intrinsically, whereas the college experience was meant to open the student’s mind to thoughtful inquiry – via the ability to critically question anything and everything and think outside the box – the opposite has been the case. Purposefully. The point being, uniformity and conformity are sine qua nons, absolute ingredients, to the perpetuation of generation after generation of leftist foot soldiers. Community agitators. And this is precisely how America morphed from its roots as a Constitutional Republic to the brink of almost full-on socialism. Exactly.

IN fact, the lunacy is so dire that it would take penning more than one book to house its encyclopedia of thrusts, in tandem with countless examples supportive of the same. In any case, the following is merely a foretaste. 

Image result for pics of pc indoctrination

  • Who would have foretold that college quads would encourage ‘safe spaces’ for young adults to pacify themselves, as if in the throes of toddlerhood? In this regard, is it over the top to state: U.S. academia has hit a new low? 
  • Similarly, imagine how demented the campuses have become that William Shakespeare’s depiction – in an English Department’s hallway – became too much for the PC kiddies at U Penn to endure, therefore, they tore it down and defaced college property! Kid you not. Mind you, it is against the school’s honor code to deface any, and all, school property. Indeed, the profs and the students are equally gripped by PC-driven insanity. Case closed.

STILL yet, know that its flip side necessitates Islamic PC Allah-washing, a melding of anti-American/western minds, that which will change western civilization for many generations to come, if not thwarted post-haste. Both anti-western prongs feed off each other. Patience, dear readers. 

SO in the same manner in which the left’s stranglehold has progressed to western madness – some of which, inadvertently, has been exposed via Facebook – similarly, Islamic barbarians have reaped many rewards within America at the expense of national (western) security. Can you believe it? If anything, the aforementioned is wildly understated. Leftism and Islamism are akin to yin and yang – and not in a positive sense!

EVEN so, despite the west’s Orwellian state of affairs, this IS where it is at. Yes, learn these life/nation saving lessons well.

 Ten Reasons to Criminalize Islam

1. Islam is not a religion. Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology that uses religion as a tool to covertly spread Islam and Sharia law throughout the world.
Islam advocates child marriages. Prophet Mohammed is the pure example of Islam to all Muslims and he married an innocent six-year-old girl and raped her repeatedly while she was a child.
Islam dictates that no man-made law is above Sharia law. Islamic scholars routinely teach young Muslim children to hate America and the U.S. Constitution.
4. I
slamic scholars demand Muslims show no allegiance to any country, specifically America and Israel. Muslim children in America are taught to not stand for the American flag.
Physical jihad is advocated toward all non-Muslims and non-Muslim countries.
Islamic scholars distribute materials through their mosques and Islamic book stores advocating the overthrow of America and the total destruction of Israel.
There are Islamic organizations in America that advocate Muslims to kill Jews and Christians (and apostates of Islam) wherever they find them, and specifically in America.
Mosques are safe havens for Islamic terrorists and their materials for war. We saw this in Iraq and it is being conducted in America.
Numerous mosques distribute manuals to their worshipers advocating killing U.S. Law enforcement officers and how to go underground to escape apprehension. This manual originated in Brooklyn, NY, and is placed in mosques throughout America.
There are Islamic terrorist supporters throughout our government at all levels; in our liberal media; law enforcement, and military.

AT its base, we must understand the goal of Islam is to dominate the entire world and place all countries under Shariah law.

BUT on a high note, it is more than noteworthy that President-elect Trump appointed ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis to DOD’s helm, as well as others of like-mind, military ‘badas-es’ and all. Real men, not metrosexual castrated types. Yippee! Resultant, the calculus is about to change.

ABOVE all else, as evidenced, the west IS at war with Islam, the most retrograde force known to man. Like it or not, and discomfiting as it is. It is not against so-called ‘radical’ Islam – Islam IS Islam – and the ‘hijacking’ of a ‘peaceful religion’, as often opined by western apologists and Islamic propagandists. More than dangerous hogwash. Rather, again, as aptly and bluntly described by Dave Gaubatz: the west’s war is against a “political, economic, and military ideology that uses religion as a tool to achieve their ultimate goal, which is to establish an Islamic caliphate world-wide and under sharia law.” 

TRENCHANTLY, there is hope, that is, if PC mania is kept at bay!

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INDEED, in case those newly on board this site aren’t aware, there is ZERO tolerance for ‘stupid shit.’ Never and never.

(When the Marines arrived in Iraq in 2003, Mattis advised them in a speech: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”)

ALAS, is it any wonder that CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s chief propaganda machine, is beside itself – exploding heads and all – due to Trump’s appointment of this one and that one, those who are more than capable of kicking their barbaric asses six ways to Sunday?


INCONTESTABLY, sans national security little else matters, in so far as the fate of the nation is concerned. Let’s just accept this as a fact based given. Hence, by extrapolation, the unvarnished and non-PC truth re Islam is the Number One national security priority.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, it will save the west and set it free from Islam’s death/vise grip. Inestimably, what it IS and what it ISN’T is of absolute supreme value and importance. 


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Islamists Prep U.S. Attacks; Locked & Loaded Texans Readier Than Most. Will The Rest Of The Nation Follow Its Lead Before It’s Too Late? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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SOME of this site’s dedicated readers know that this investigative journalist – a counter-jihadist and Brotherhood Mafia expert – grew up in NYC, a city with much to offer, however, rife with loony leftist pols and their red and green (Islamist) foot soldiers and apologists. This is beyond dispute. 

NOW living in Israel, still yet, the fact remains that the main state which is close to heart is Texas, even though a few others are ‘contenders’. It is not for nothing. So much so, that the following commentaries have been devoted to the ‘Lone Star’ state, despite evidence that its big cities tilt to the left. Yes, Austin, Dallas, and Houston are bastions of leftism. Arlington, for the most part, remains conservative in bent. Even so, the state’s ethos is born via a respect for the Constitution and all that such thinking entails. Mindset.

AND so on and so forth…..

INHERENTLY, it is inordinately clear that the leader who sits at the state’s helm, the Governor, sets the tone. In other words, if a PC addled leftist and an Islamist apologist to boot is on top, well, the dangers accrue at an exponential level. Inextricably. 

INDEED, this is exactly why Governor Abbott (G-d bless and protect him) should be viewed as an exemplar, being that he understands which measures require execution, and which ones necessitate chucking in the permanent garbage heap. Shredding. Thus, even after the FED’s boot attempted to strong-arm his administration into accepting ‘refugees’ and illegals in general – which, in any case, falls under the rubric of States’ Rights from the get-go, but never mind the Constitutional overreach – he is ‘standing his ground’, Texas style! Of course, we all realize that Obama Inc. extracted this and that financial punishment and ‘resettled’ as many as possible from jihadi-driven nations, but at least it was without the State’s assistance! In effect, as night follows day, a show-down is looming, if their ever-present lurkers attempt to wrestle with the new ‘sheriff’ in Washington, ‘The Donald’!  Awesome.


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MORE specifically, this same rockin’ Governor gave the same ‘No Can Do’ treatment to so-called sanctuary cities, yes, the cities where illegal infiltrators are harbored by officialdom! Not only that, where criminal infiltrators are hidden alike. So it is only natural that banning sanctuary universities would be off the table too.

Image Credit: Center For Immigration Studies

Governor Greg Abbott has made it clear that he will NOT put up with sanctuary cities in his state. Now, he’s also in the process of signing a law that that will ban state universities in Texas from giving sanctuary to illegal aliens.

Yes. I’m going to sign a law that bans sanctuary cities. Also I’ve already issued an order cutting funding to sanctuary cities. 

Texas will not tolerate sanctuary campuses or cities. I will cut funding for any state campus if it establishes sanctuary status. 

AND if anyone requires edification and disinfectant, as to where the dangers lie, look no further:

Some 175 immigrants were approved for citizenship even though their names weren’t properly run through the FBI’s name-check databases, potentially missing red flags that may have disqualified them from naturalization, the Obama administration admitted this weekend.

Homeland Security officials blamed computer code for the problem, which affected about 15,000 applications in total. {yours truly notes: Jeh Johnson, liar, liar, pants on fire!}

The problem was significant enough that the government halted all naturalization ceremonies already in the pipeline and banned U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers from approving new citizenship applications beginning on Nov. 29, when officials acknowledged the problem in an internal email that was later obtained by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte.

In the internal email, Daniel M. Renaud, associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, ordered all officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System that serves as the case management system for processing applications.

“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” he wrote.

It was another embarrassing black eye for USCIS, which earlier this year admitted it had granted citizenship to hundreds of criminals who should have been barred but who escaped notice because the agency wasn’t properly checking their fingerprints. Tens of thousands of fingerprints remain in paper files, and the agency was only checking electronic records, an internal audit said.

IN any event, with President-elect Trump about to take the reins, the rest of the nation would do well to take a page out of Texas’s playbook. As is said, the sh-t is about to hit the fan. Yes, it’s long overdue, that is, if ridding the nation of its embedded poisons are primary goals. 

BESIDES, one has to weigh the alternatives: with Islamic compounds inside America prepping to do battle, and with ISIS taking the lead in attacks across the nation, whatever they have in store for inauguration day or thereafter, will require the likes of brass knuckle, lock and load Texas style justice.

MOST significantly, who exactly will fare better when the real battle in the home front begins: Texan types or those on the loony left? No contest.


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Facebook (Social Media),Once Again, Pledges To Rein In ‘Extremist’ Content & Incitement To Terrorism.Liars!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS the kiddies are wont to scream: liar(s), liar(s) pants on fire! 

ALAS, whenever the heat is turned up against social media giants via do-nothing government types (merely seeking to cover their useless butts for failing to protect the public against Islamic jihad), par for the course, voilà, Facebook’s denizens – in reality, censors – lead the pack and trot out the so-called big guns: yes, we are on the job! O RLY??  Meanwhile, truth tellers in alternative media are busy exposing Facebook’s enabling, relative to the continuous stream of heinous acts exploding within America, Israel, and Europe.

Web giants YouTube , Facebook , Twitter and Microsoft will step up efforts to remove extremist content from their websites by creating a common database.

The companies will share ‘hashes’ – unique digital fingerprints they automatically assign to videos or photos – of extremist content they have removed from their websites to enable their peers to identify the same content on their platforms.

“We hope this collaboration will lead to greater efficiency as we continue to enforce our policies to help curb the pressing global issue of terrorist content online,” the companies said in a statement on Tuesday.

Tech companies have long resisted outside intervention in how their sites should be policed, but have come under increasing pressure from Western governments to do more to remove extremist content following a wave of militant attacks.

YouTube and Facebook have begun to use hashes to automatically remove extremist content.

But many providers have relied until now mainly on users to flag content that violates terms of service. Flagged material is then individually reviewed by human editors who delete postings found to be in violation…..

OKEY dokey.

TO wit, simply knowing about Omar Mateen‘s (June 2016) jihadi barbarism at Orlando’s Pulse Club  whose intentions to kill as many ‘infidels’ as possible were in plain view via Facebook, akin to an endless stream of others – why would anyone believe the tech giant intends to cease its enabling now? Rhetorical.

In the hours after he blasted his way into a Orlando gay nightclub, and with his victims lying dead or wounded around him, Omar Mateen took to Facebook to pledge his loyalty to ISIS and threaten more attacks on the civilized world, a key lawmaker privy to the gunman’s posts told Wednesday.

Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded 53 inside Pulse early Sunday, died when a SWAT team stormed the club. But in the roughly four hours between his initial rampage and his death, the 29-year-old radicalized Muslim broadcast his twisted message of hate on social media, according to Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wisc.


“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me,” Mateen wrote in one post early Sunday morning. “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west” …“You kill innocent women and children by doing us taste the Islamic state vengeance.”

Mateen’s social media accounts were taken down before they could be widely viewed by the public, but Johnson’s committee investigators have uncovered some or all of them. The senator has also written a letter to Facebook executives expressing concern about Mateen’s postings and asking for more information on his activities.

“It is my understanding that Omar Mateen used Facebook before and during the attack to search for and post terrorism-related content,” read Johnson’s letter. “According to information obtained by my staff, five Facebook accounts were apparently associated with Omar Mateen.”

The posts uncovered by Johnson’s committee shed light on Mateen’s actions in the hours that followed his 2 a.m. raid on the nightclub. Mateen, armed with a Sig Sauer MCX rifle and a handgun, shot his way past an off-duty cop and sprayed bullets throughout the club, which was packed with more than 300 revelers when he arrived. Some escaped, many died or were wounded and scores more waited out the horrific ordeal, knowing each moment could be their last.

As survivors cowered in darkened rooms, praying and texting police and relatives, Mateen accessed his Facebook account to search for media reports, using search words such as “Pulse Orlando” and “Shooting.” An FBI source told he also made 16 phone calls from inside the club after the bloody spree began. Investigators are tracking down each of the recipients of those calls.

Mateen proclaimed his hatred for Westerners in one Facebook post uncovered by Johnson’s committee.

“America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state,” Mateen wrote.

In his final post, Mateen made an ominous prediction.

“In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa.” 

Besides looking for information on himself, Johnson noted Mateen used Facebook to search for information on the jihadist couple behind the Dec. 2 San Bernardino attack, used the search term “Baghdadi Speech,” and scouted for posts by local law enforcement and FBI, Johnson told

Johnson called on Facebook to hand over all information the company has on Mateen for review and to brief his committee on all of Mateen’s activity logs, Facebook timeline information, Facebook messages, photos, and posts by June 29.

Facebook officials confirmed to they have received Johnson’s letter.

SO fast forward five months later to Ohio State’s jihadi, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, and guess what? It happened again!

The Israel-based civil rights organization, Shurat Hadin, today released a YouTube video in a campaign to support its two major lawsuits against Facebook for inciting terrorism.

The video comes shortly after a stabbing and car-ramming attack by a Muslim Ohio State University student last week which closely followed the student’s posting a rant on his Facebook page.

That attack and video underscore Shurat HaDin’s lawsuits against Facebook, pending in a district court in Brooklyn, New York. A hearing to decide whether those cases can proceed to trial is scheduled for January 19, 2017.

The video, “Who’s Behind Terror? Rewind!, inspired by the movie “Memento,” opens with a slow-motion replay of a terrorist bomb attack in New York City, then rewinds time 10 minutes, then two hours, then 24 hours, then three months, to show the key moments when Facebook helped incite the terrorist to act.

“Facebook and other social media platforms have become a crucial component for international terror, the same as guns, bombs and money,” said Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the founder of Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center. “For years now, Facebook has continued to provide a platform for terrorist incitement despite repeated warnings. This has become one of today’s top global threats. Social media platforms want to believe terror has nothing to do with them and that they have unlimited immunity and can do whatever they want. We are going to put an end to it.”

Shurat HaDin’s first case against Facebook, Cohen v. Facebook, was filed after the wave of stabbing attacks in 2015 to stop allowing Palestinian terrorists to incite for violent attacks against Israeli citizens and Jews on its internet platform.

In this case, Shurat HaDin seeks to shut down terrorist pages on Facebook not because of their content but because by allowing this content, Facebook allegedly facilitates terrorism by providing services to terrorists. The case seeks an injunction forcing Facebook to actively monitor and block such pages, similarly to the way banks block transactions with known terrorists.

In a second lawsuit, Force v. Facebook, Shurat HaDin seeks $1 billion in damages on behalf the families of five Israeli victims of the terrorist group Hamas. This case, under the U.S. Antiterrorism Act, charges Facebook with providing material support and resources to Hamas – a “foreign terrorist organization” – in the form of Facebook services that the group used to carry out terrorist actions.

“One cannot transfer even one dollar to Hamas because banks know not to permit transactions with terrorists, but Hamas and known Hamas officials can open Facebook pages, and use Facebook to recruit terrorists and aggrandize terrorism,” said attorney Robert J. Tolchin, who represents the plaintiffs in Brooklyn as the local counsel for Shurat HaDin.

“Facebook’s sophisticated platform and services are used by terrorists for communication, logistics, intelligence, fundraising and even prestige,” Shurat HaDin said in filing the first lawsuit. “Facebook has the data and the capability to cease providing services to terrorists, and it has chosen not to do so.”

Shurat HaDin, the Israel Law Center, is an Israel-based civil rights organization which combats terrorist organizations and the regimes that support them in the courtroom via lawsuits on behalf of the terror victims. Shurat HaDin seeks to bankrupt the terror groups and grind their criminal activities to a halt – one lawsuit at a time.

BUT if more evidence is required as to past being prologue, well, there are so many examples that it would require a sequel to ‘BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad’! However, if one is a prime exemplar, this is it because it goes back to 2014 and is a mirror image of countless others! 

Users of Facebook have reported this week that the website is refusing to take down a known ISIS terror group fan page titled “Shia Ibn E Mutta” (a derogatory term for Shia marriages). The fan page has nearly 6,000 members, and adoringly quotes Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, founder of al Qaeda in Iraq who was killed by U.S. forces in 2006.

The most recent quote from al-Zarqawi is an exhortation for followers to attack the Iraqi government. The United States believes that al-Zarqawi was responsible for more than 700 deaths in Iraq alone, and has designated his group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

In attempts to report the fan page as hate speech, Facebook responds with a nondescript message simply saying “This page wasn’t removed.” In the response, Facebook says “We reviewed the page you reported for containing hate speech or symbols and found it doesn’t violate our Community Standards.” No further explanation is provided, and users are thanked for their contribution.

WHAT else is there to say?

IN a nutshell, if selling a pig in a poke has become the acceptable barometer, norm, and standard for truthfulness, well, Facebook (et al.) is to be believed. On the other hand, if truth has any meaning left, suffice to suggest that Facebook’s honchos wouldn’t know it if it smacked them upside their collective heads.

INDEED, one only has to read Chapter 7 from ‘BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad’ – ‘Facebook’s Counter-Terror Efforts: Closing The Barn Doors After The Horses Have Escaped’ – to understand the depth and extent of Zuckerberg’s bold-faced tall tales.



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Will U.S./Western Patriots Allow Islamists To Close In For The Kill? The West’s Clock Is Ticking Down…Down…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS is said, G-d helps those who help themselves. Mind you, this reference does not include the pagan moon-god Allah, the nihilistic deity attached to Islam. Sheesh.

The Biblical and historical evidence shows that the Moabites worshiped Baal. The pre-Islamic and Muslim sources show (a) that the Meccans took over the idol Hubal from the Moabites and (b) that Allah and Hubal are actually identical. Thus, whether the Meccans are Ishmaelites or not, the evidence is still strong and sufficient to conclude that Muhammad’s Allah is actually Hubal, i.e. the Baal of the Moabites and thus not the God of the Bible. Muhammad incorporated the characteristics and names of various other gods into his new monotheistic message about Allah,but he apparently started the construction of Allah with Hubal, the chief god of the Meccans.

NOW that that is settled, one can hardly be aghast at today’s commentary title, coming hot on the heels of full-blown arson jihad in Israel, as well as the latest militant Islamic terror attack, this time, at Ohio State. Not only that, it was only 6 months ago, to be exact, June 12, 2016, that Omar Mir Seddique Mateen exploded within Orlando’s Pulse Gay Nightclub. Yes, another follower of Islam! Go figure. Again, jihad is jihad is jihad wherever Islam’s followers implant their nihilistic creed, that which is based upon the worldwide spread of Sharia Law via a political, economic, and military ideology. Inestimably, Islam is mired in necrophilia under the veneer of religion. Incontestably, Sharia law must be eliminated to save western civilization.

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DESPITE the horrific truths cited above, let’s not forget about some good news, alas, even though it is few and far between. To wit, this brings us to Europe’s most stalwart patriotic leader, Geert Wilders, head of the Netherlands Party for Freedom, the PVV. And as an interesting tidbit, a side-note, this investigative journalist has more than one dog in this direction, that is, interview-wise.

MOST recently, a reporter from World Net Daily (WND) asked some pointed questions re the trial against Geert Wilders, which officialdom’s speech-minders claim “incited” to “hate-speech” against Muslims! Mind you, this is all for daring to point out the continuous – and more than obvious – dangers from followers of Islam, both in the Netherlands and the west as a whole. The non-apologetic and bulls-eye interview can be found here

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Geert Wilders’ anti-Islamization Party for Freedom (PVV) is now the biggest party in Dutch polls. With elections coming up in March 2017, the populist politician seems to be on track to become the Netherlands’ next prime minister…and the Netherlands, the next country to exit the EU.

According to the latest poll of Maurice de Hond, the Netherlands’ most famous pollster, the PVV would become the biggest party in parliament if elections were held today (link in Dutch): they’d get 33 seats in the 150-seat lower chamber.

Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party (PVV) is leading the polls in the Netherlands. The party wants to stop Islamisation and restore law and order.

Wilders is especially well-known for his criticism of Islam and Europe’s open-borders policy, which he routinely — and accurately — describes as suicidal. His main goal is to end “the Islamization” of Europe generally and of the Netherlands specifically.

Additionally, Wilders and his party are the most Eurosceptic of all the parties currently in parliament. He is the Netherlands’ very own Nigel Farage, which he once again proved earlier this year when he and his allies won the Dutch referendum on the EU’s upcoming treaty with Ukraine.

Wilders campaigned hard against the deal, arguing that it would eventually lead to the poor (and not entirely democratic) Eastern European country joining the European Union. Although proponents of the treaty said that would not be the case, the Dutch voter wasn’t convinced. Wilders and the “no” campaign won.

Donald Trump’s victory has taught Dutch voters that there’s nothing shameful about wanting to get rid of the establishment. And because Wilders clearly has a coherent vision for the future of the country, the risks of electing him are rather small. Unlike with Trump, you do know what you’ll get if you vote for Wilders.

MOVING right along to the west’s bad news, which is more often than not. Sigh.

(Yes, a Somali jihadi from Minnesotastan!)

ONCE again, in reaction to Ohio State’s jihadi attack, due to a never-ending line of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, guess how some reacted? Hang onto your seats…your last meal….have you ever heard of “chalk therapy”? Say Whaaat??

WELL, par for their demented and PC addled course, leftists feel veddy sorry and veddy afraid for the tens of thousands of Somalis in their midst, in so far that Islam’s barbarians are now doubly “traumatized”….oh my….from Trump’s triumph and the reactions of non-Muslims due to the latest (Somali) jihadi terrorist attack! Readers, you can’t make this sh-t up.

BUT never mind, Germany’s leaders beat America’s fantasists by a mile. Now, how many are unaware of the takeover of German/other cities by Islam’s jihadis? If not, wake the hell up. Pronto. After all, the same Islamic “treatment” is coming to a city near you!

SO, in order to “integrate” Islam’s rape-jihadists into Germany’s cosmopolitan milieu, what have its (miss)educators been instructed to teach? 

INDEED, the “art of seduction”!


THOSE who still believe that western leaders will save them (and their loved ones) from Islam’s onslaught, well, psychiatric evaluations are in order. And while Trump’s heart is in the right place, it remains to be seen if even he can roll-back their (near) complete infiltration and penetration into America.

YES, G-d helps those who help themselves. Patriots in America, listen up!!

BUT as to saving Europe from their death grip, the jury is in: BUH-BYE….SEE YA….in a few hundred-odd years!

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HUSSEIN “Spirits” Jihadi-Laden “Refugees” Into U.S., FEDS Scramble: Where Does “Mad Dog” Mattis Fit In? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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THE Department of Defense – aka DOD – has many responsibilities, most of which focus overseas. However, aside from guarding military bases throughout the nation, the agency is tasked with protecting the homefront’s citizens. How many are aware of this domestic oriented protective mandate? Indeed, homeland security is part and parcel, much of which is centered around Islamic terror plots inside America, at least since 9/11/01. So think of the DOD as the umbrella of umbrellas to the nation’s security. The capo di tutti capi.

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RESULTANT, the one who leads the charge is of grave import, as is the POTUS from whom he takes his marching orders. In this regard, President-elect Trump’s USMC pick for DOD couldn’t send a stronger message, to both domestic and foreign enemies and friends alike, yes, we have your back(s)! Mind you, it is not necessary to agree with all of the positions of this USMC warrior among warriors, but to appreciate what he brings to the national table on an overall basis. Indeed, an America which leads from the front, as opposed to “from behind”, is the only thing standing between the west’s disintegration. Incontestably. 


BASICALLY, for the most part, readers of this site do not require schooling in HUSSEIN’s wildfires, those he wrecked upon the national landscape, as well as foreign venues. But the ways in which the Jihadi-in-Chief executed end-runs around a mostly ineffective and compromised Congress, may – or may not – come as a surprise. 

SO let’s catch up to speed re HUSSEIN’s recent machinations, and the too little, too late reaction of Capitol Hill types and FED agencies, to what should have been obvious to them from the get-go. Bought and paid for.

Nearly 2,500 refugees from terrorism hotspots around the world are bound for the U.S. after being rejected by Australia, but not even top lawmakers can get answers about who they are.

In an unprecedented move, the U.S. State Department has classified details on refugees to be resettled in America via a secret deal made with Australia. The bi-lateral agreement, which Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a “one-off,” involves 2,465 people currently being held in Papua New Guinea and Nauru who will now be transferred onto U.S. soil.

Iran, Sudan and Syria are the three countries on the U.S. current State Sponsors of Terrorism list. But Barnett said the “stateless” category is most worrisome.

“These could be Burmese Muslims, who have posed assimilation issues for every nation which has taken them,” said Barnett. “It’s a dangerous precedent which says, ‘We’ll take any ethnic group with which you don’t get along.’”

Australia has been under fire for paying poor surrounding island nations to house detention centers for refugees. Australia created the camps in an effort to curtail “people smuggling” and has long had a policy which prevents individuals seeking asylum from entering the country before being vetted.

In a statement, the State Department said the Obama administration is proud of its role in taking in refugees, even ones other nations don’t want.

“The United States is proud of its long history as the largest refugee resettlement country in the world,” read the statement. “As the President has announced, our refugee resettlement program has grown substantially in the last year.

“The United States has agreed to consider referrals from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) of refugees now residing in Nauru and Papua New Guinea,” the statement continued. “These refugees are of special interest to UNHCR and we are engaged on a humanitarian basis, as we are in other parts of the world.”

The Goodlatte-Grassley letter also asked why Australia and other countries refused to take in the refugees.

“If they’ve been vetted and deemed inadmissible, the U.S. can’t say, ‘You don’t want them, so we’ll take them,’” said Barnett.

Speaking at a Nov. 14 press conference, Turnbull said, “Nobody is taking any more refugees, but what the Americans are doing is assisting these individuals on Nauru and Manus by bringing them in within their existing quota.”

The Obama administration increased the quota for the 12-month period that began in October to 110,000 refugees, up from 85,000 the previous year.

Turnbull’s announcement that his country would be “taking more refugees from Central America” as part of some “commitments at President Obama’s Refugee Summit” has also sparked speculation that the deal is a trade of refugees from the most dangerous areas of the world for ones from Central America.

In July, Costa Rica agreed to set up a detention center for those wishing to enter the United States through a new program the administration established initially for children to reunite with U.S. -based parents. The program has been expanded to include those fleeing gang violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. It also created a special category for female heads of households.

“All you have to do is say is you’re a single mother and you’re in,” said Barnett. “There is all sorts of twisting of the law here.”

A “particular social group,” is one of the five categories applicants must meet to obtain refugee or asylum status. The designated group could be a religion, nationality, race or political group whose members have a “well-founded fear” of persecution for belonging.

While U.S. law stipulates refugee status should not be granted based on generalized violence, according to officer training materials obtained by, status can be considered for women heads of households who are vulnerable to crime, economic hardships or could be a victim of “Machista,” described in materials as a “cultural pattern where men father children, [then] abandon [their] family.”

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that 146,000 individuals will apply to enter the U.S. through the Costa Rican Center.

In a July 26, 2016 press release the State Department laid out the logistics in which after pre-screening and transfer to Costa Rica, “they will undergo refugee processing before being resettled to the United States or another third country.”

Representatives from the Grassley-Goodlatte committee are set to receive a classified briefing on the Australian refugee deal next week. However, numerous questions could remain shielded from public view including costs, timing, benefit to the U.S. and perhaps most importantly why it was done in secret.

LO and behold, keep in mind the following underlying caveat: the “do nothing” Congress, the Brotherhood infested FED apparatus alike, understands that President-elect Trump will chew them up and spit them out, once his inauguration takes place. Thus, they are scrambling….

The government suspended naturalization ceremonies and banned officers from approving any new applications for citizenship earlier this week after realizing its background check system was broken and ineligible people may have been slipping through, a key congressman revealed Friday.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, whose office was tipped off to the monumental error, said he was stunned by the problem — and also by the fact that the administration never bothered to inform him of it.

In the internal email Mr. Goodlatte obtained, the associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ordered all officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System that’s the case management system for processing applications.

“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” Daniel M. Renaud, the associate director, said in the email.

FBI name checks are a critical part of the application process, giving immigration officers a look at potential criminal histories or other national security red flags that would make someone ineligible for citizenship….continue reading the rest of the horror show…the national betrayal….

ENTER, “Mad Dog” Mattis….the kind of guy yours truly wants at the helm!

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AND as a fitting intro into his worldview and mindset, as to why he earned his stellar nickname, its basis should give many pause. This includes those who infect the nation from deep inside Washington’s bowels, to assorted domestic enemies, and all the way to foreign theaters across the globe. Oh, dedicated readers already know that the manner in which he got it was music to these ears. Onto the specifics….yippee!

He earned the “Mad Dog Mattis” handle as a battlefield commander in Iraq when he said: “If you f-k with me, I’ll kill you all.”

“Mad Dog” Mattis has a legendary status among Marines for his reputation as a warfighter. He’s also among the most quotable people alive.

When the Marines arrived in Iraq in 2003, Mattis advised them in a speech: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

Some more memorable Mattis quotes:

  • “I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word.”
  • “The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.”
  • “Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”
  • “The most important six inches on the battlefield is between your ears.”

  • “There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.”
  • “No war is over until the enemy says it’s over. We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote.”
  • “There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great.”

  • “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”
  • “I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”
  • “Demonstrate to the world there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”

AT the end of the “process”, know this: “He who becomes compassionate to the cruel will ultimately become cruel to the compassionate.” – Midrash Rabba, Ecclesiastes 7:16 .

NOT sure about others, but will sleep like a (contented) baby, knowing “Mad Dog” is at the helm!

MOST significantly, waving in “refugees” from jihadi-driven nations is, no doubt, a heinous act of cruelty to citizens who want little more than to be safe within their borders and protected by their leaders. 

“MAD DOG”, kill EVERY last one of them! Leave NONE behind!

Image result for pics of refugees from australia entering us

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When Is It Time To “Erase” Ones Digital Footprints? Prepare For Some Truths. Twists. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of internet stalkers against doctors

IT is hard for many to recall a time when being online hasn’t been a part of their lives, be it on an hourly, daily, weekly, or some such regular basis. This is surely the case for those who are coined millennials, as many entered their teens on the cusp of the World Wide Web, the thrust of the modern internet. It has become their (and others) second skin.

ON the other hand, even though countless from previous generations are benefiting personally and professionally from the internet – some of whom have become experts among experts as top-flight CEO’s in hi-tech – the fact remains that many did just fine before its “birth.” Yes, there was life before its advent as a mainstay for all types of communication!

THAT being said, imagine the reactions….the gasps….when hearing about those who purposefully remove (most of) their online footprints, thus, inquiring: have they taken leave of their senses? and how are they going to move forward?

Image result for pics of facebook spying

EVEN more so, what about when one jumps off social media, in particular, erasing all linkage from Facebook the de facto Internet since nearly every site connects to it? Concomitantly, isn’t it a form of social heresy and a kamikaze response to whatever precipitated said action? Not at all. Besides, knowing a thing or two about the power of Facebook, well, the advice within is: carefully weigh the risk-benefit ratio! Again, this position is hardly coming from someone who is blowing hot air. Not only that, for the most part, there are underlying reasons why some shouldn’t hop on board in the first place, never mind being smart enough to realize when it is time to get off. Know this: all is not (always) as it seems. Don’t be so quick to judge.

STIPULATED, too many would rather eat dirt than give up what has become a lifeline, for whatever outlet the internet and online community offers. Mind you, this discussion does not include criminally bent reasons to “disappear”, such as, hiding from law enforcement and the like.

REGARDLESS, it is hardly the case that erasing ones online footprints is an easy task. And even if one is capable of following google’s (supposed) poof-like directions, it is much more complicated than type and click. In reality, it takes concrete tech savvy to become “invisible.” So you either gotta have some serious bucks to spare, or be fortunate enough to be connected to someone who is a techie and will do it for love and not money!

BE that as it may, this commentary has an unanticipated twist, one which this site’s readership would hardly expect. In other words, how can an investigative journalist, Brotherhood Mafia expert, in general, a counter-jihadist, suggest leaving the online domain? Exactly. But never mind this site’s raison d’être.

STILL yet, none of the above obviates the fact that the dangers lurking within the internet require all due deliberation and diligence. Paradoxically, this is despite the fact that reliable news is gleaned through alternative media housed within the internet, a valuable byproduct. Nevertheless, catching up on global and national events is a far cry from exposing oneself for all the world to see, some of which involves high risk, life and death, for certain individuals. Inherently, one can still read online news but keep one’s exposure to a minimum. But how to do so is best left to qualified techies.

FOR this discussion, most significantly, the following two arenas cover some of the dangerous territory. Its basis should be viewed as prime exemplars but hardly exhaustive. In any case, let’s first head to the kiddies, to the Sexual Predators Who LIVE and LURK Online!


  • Many have heard about the dangers associated with children and online predators, This is not news. But what do they really know, including, parents? Consider: One of the attractions of the Internet is the anonymity of the user, and this is why it can be so dangerous. A child doesn’t always know with whom he or she is interacting. Children may think they know, but unless it’s a school friend or a relative, they really can’t be sure. Often we think of pedophiles as having access to children out on the playground and other places, but because of the way the Internet works, children can actually be interacting on their home computers with adults who pretend to be children.
  • Child sexual exploitation occurs in every economic, social, ethnic, and religious group. With the explosion of the Internet into a powerful, worldwide medium, the danger to children, whether they are from New York or New Zealand, has drastically increased. Pedophiles and other sexual predators can use the Internet, with no precautions, to exchange names and addresses of other pedophiles and of potential child victims. Hidden behind screen names that are pseudonyms, they gather online and swap child pornography with amazing speed and in amounts beyond our wildest imagination, which excites them to molest even more.
  • Offline, pedophiles typically operate in isolation. Never before have pedophiles had the opportunity to communicate so freely and directly with each other as they do online. Their communication on the Internet provides validation, or virtual validation, for their behavior. They share their conquests, real and imagined. They discuss ways to contact and lure children online and exchange tips on seduction techniques. They are using the technology of the Internet to train and encourage each other to act out sexually with children. The Internet also serves as a tool for predators to exchange tips on the avoidance of law enforcement detection.
  • The most common means by which sexual predators contact children over the Internet is through chat rooms, instant messages and email. In fact, 89% of sexual solicitations were made in either chat rooms or instant messages and 1 in 5 youth (ages 10-17 years) has been sexually solicited online (JAMA, 2001). Considering that 25% of kids online participate in real-time chat and 13 million use instant messaging, the risks of such children, either knowingly or unknowingly, interacting with a predator is alarming

AND this is not a fairy tale!

  • Moving right along, this time, to the adult realm. Thus, how many realize that dedicating one’s life to saving lives, chiefly, in the medical arena, can be dangerous to one’s well-being? Believe it.
  • And without going into too many personal details, two (male) docs, the first, a friend, the second, a significant other, have been stalked online and offline. BOTH were forced to bring in the police and other private resources as reinforcements. Not an insignificant coincidence. What is noteworthy is that said stalking is irrespective of where one practices. Effectively, one can be a big city or small town doc, it makes no diff. Inestimably, the risks are the same. Intrinsically, BOTH became “objects” of fixated (female) patients. However, their subsequent reactions were polar opposite. One, much to his (later) regret, kept his online footprints. The other had himself professionally “erased.”


THANK heavens for the latter’s decision, otherwise, he may not have lived to tell the tale and (eventually) become a significant other. And having recently read the entire police/investigative file on said stalker, hair-raising hardly begins to describe it. This descriptor is coming from one who has a stronger constitution than most. Understood?

EVEN so, the following is one of life’s ironies: the aforementioned Doc recognizes that the work within these pages is wholly imprinted with millions of footprints, and it is what it is. Regardless, duly supportive, although (quietly) apprehensive. To be sure, filled with gratitude and side by side.

BUT as momentarily interesting as personal stories may be to readers, they are quickly forgotten. Indeed, stats are stats and they dare not be ignored. Thus, consider some sobering facts and truths. Mind you, stalking didn’t start with the internet. However, its inherent dangers have become exponentially more acute since its rise via readily available footprints. No doubt.

More than 20% of physicians say they have been stalked by a current or former patient, according to a survey presented at the American Psychiatric Association‘s annual meeting.

In an online survey, Penn State University Medical Center researchers asked 597 physicians and residents at two Pennsylvania hospitals about their experiences with 10 patient stalking behaviors:

    1. Spying or surveillance;
    2. Following;
    3. Loitering;
    4. Unwanted personal approaches;
    5. Unwanted phone calls;
    6. Unwanted written communication;
    7. Sending offensive materials;
    8. Ordering or cancelling services or goods;
    9. Spreading rumors; and
    10. Interfering with property.

Based on the responses, the researchers found that:

  • 38.7% of physicians have experienced at least of the 10 stalking behaviors; and
  • 20.6% had at least one patient who exhibiting stalking behaviors at least three times.

According to the surveyed physicians, the most common stalking behaviors in patients are unsolicited phone calls, letters, faxes, and emails. Meanwhile, unwanted personal approaches and loitering were among the least common behaviors.

Who stalks physicians
The survey found no clear pattern in patients’ motivations for stalking. Altogether, the survey found that only 40% of stalked physicians thought their stalker was mentally ill. It also found that:

  • 30% of stalked physicians thought their stalker liked or was in love with them;
  • 21% thought their stalker was motivated by revenge or punishment; and
  • Nearly 50% had no idea why they were being stalked or offered no explanation in the survey.

Which physicians are stalked
The survey found that male and female physicians report stalking at about the same rate, although female doctors mostly reported male stalkers while men reported being stalked by men and women equally.

No specialty was particularly prone to stalking in the survey.

About 11% of the survey respondents said they considered quitting as a result of stalking, and 7% said they considered changing specialties.

The survey also found that:

  • 26% of physicians increased security at home;
  • 24% increased security at work;
  • 16% contacted the police;
  • 14% contacted an attorney;
  • 11% changed their phone numbers;
  • 9% went out less often; and
  • 2% moved out of their homes (Gever, MedPage Today, 5/8).

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IN a (psychiatric) word, think: transference. Concretely, from a patient to (the “god-like” figure of) one’s doctor.

TO wit, the next time you hear about others removing themselves from cyberspace, going through great pains to become “invisible”, know that all is (usually) not as it seems.  

AS is said…Walk A Mile In Their Shoes….

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