MINNESOTA(STAN) Imperils Kiddies: Al-Qaeda Terrorist Given Commercial License, School Bus Driver His Goal! What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



MOST highly (emphasis placed) qualified professionals are adept at their “skill sets”, otherwise, they wouldn’t be recognized as experts in their fields, right? Now that said barometer is set straight, let’s push the bar higher.

SPECIFICALLY, in investigative journalism – with an emphasis placed upon counter-terrorism and related Islamic and geo-political topics – little is more intrinsic than the tactical ability to “connect the dots.” While this highly attuned skill is imperative for a variety of fields, re the aforementioned, it can be a matter of life and death. Stipulated, failure to hone this critical component is not necessarily because of an imminent loss of life, rather, it is often about future events. Folks, this reference is not about soothsayers, nor hindsight is 2020!

NOW that many readers are thoroughly confused, let’s point to the biggest illustrative case: 9/11/01. In other words, re “connect the dots”, via an op-ed from 2005 (ala first-hand intel given to this investigative journalist), “The Opening of Jihad On US Soil” attests to said monumental failure. The following are excerpts:

The Islamists counted on the US authorities turning a blind eye to their intentions; and their assumptions proved demonstrably and deadly accurate.

Rabbi Kahane’s assassin was an Egyptian named El-Said Nosair. Soon after the murder, the investigating authorities found among Nosair’s belongings many boxes of Arabic writings, which for years were inexplicably not translated. Unbelievably, they included detailed plans for the upcoming 1993 World Trade Center bombings, the trial-run for 9/1101! In addition, Nosair was also a protege of Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman, the internationally infamous “blind sheikh” from a Jersey City mosque, convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Furthermore, the gun used to kill Rabbi Kahane was given to him by Wadith El-Hage, a member of Al-Qaeda, who was convicted for the 1998 US embassy bombings. Significantly, in March 1997, an Egyptian Muslim opened fire at more than a dozen people who were congregated on the rooftop of the Empire State Building for a sightseeing visit. Three years later, in the fall of 2000, the USS Cole was attacked, albeit overseas. The nexus to this Islamic hydra was growing exponentially (the above are only some examples of their lethal attacks on US soil and US interests overseas), yet US investigative authorities kept undeniably missing the links. The catastrophic attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the US Pentagon were a direct culmination of their blindness.

However, from day one after Rabbi Kahane’s murder, his supporters besieged US authorities to view it as an Islamic act of jihad. But to no avail. Coincidentally, Rabbi Kahane’s personal lawyer, Mr. Shannon Taylor, was also at his side when he was gunned down. In fact, he collapsed at Mr. Taylor’s feet. He never imagined that the camera he brought along to take pictures of the gathering at the Marriott Hotel would later be used to takephotos of a dying Rabbi Kahane. These pictures were taken to compile evidence for eventual prosecutorial purposes. In fact, these same images were the ones which circulated all over the world right after the murder.

Immediately, Mr. Taylor approached the local New York office of the FBI and the US Attorney General’s office with sources of information. Acclaimed terror investigator Steve Emerson produced a documentary, Jihad in America, that exposed that the FBI had buried moles and spies deep within some of the Islamic terror cells. However, no tangible results on Rabbi Kahane’s murder were forthcoming from the FBI. Coincidentally, Mr. Taylor had the occasion to speak with the newly retired CIA head, William Sessions. Mr. Taylor was flabbergasted to learn that Mr. Sessions never saw the crime scene pictures taken of Rabbi Kahane’s murder. This should have been the first order of business, to hand over the pictures to the head of the CIA. After all, that was a logical conclusion to make when Islamic terrorists were being pursued. What was later revealed, though, managed to fill in the blanks as to why no results were forthcoming in Rabbi Kahane’s assassination investigation.

In a nutshell, the FBI was not only taken off Rabbi Kahane’s case, but all Islamic “infiltrating” was halted. President Clinton ordered the CIA, and the CIA then demanded that the FBI cease and desist. The Congress also squeezed the FBI. Why? The true motives are anyone’s guess. However, from 1990 until the 1993 first World Trade Center bombing, these groups were not monitored.

Fifteen years after Rabbi Kahane’s murder, National Geographic, much to their credit, finally connected the most undeniable and intrinsic dot in their very well-documented four-part series entitled Inside 9/11. The focus of their documentary was on a timeline of the Islamic jihad against the US. Lo and behold, they concluded, much like Kahane’s supporters, that Rabbi Kahane’s assassination was the opening of jihad on US soil. This documentary was deemed so important and so relevant that it was made available free of charge to those areas that do not have access to the National Geographic cable channel…..continue reading…

DOTS, anyone?

EVEN so (re America’s kiddies and the looming Al-Qaeda/ ISIS/Islamist danger), patriots do not have to revert back to 2005 because a recent commentary – in tandem with today’s “news” – will DIRECTLY “connect the dots.”

LET’S start with “American Schoolchildren In Cross Hairs!” because it was written 2 weeks ago, yet, the danger was exposed in Sept. 2014, as will be demonstrated below! Regardless, to a certitude, the kiddies are in their cross hairs, and this is where the wannabe school bus terrorist comes in, as will others, if the tide is not turned. Still, the only thing missing (from “American Schoolchildren…”) was identifying the state where the opening shot would be fired! The following is an excerpt:



SO it is with the highest decibel level warning that the following intel assessment is being given to the American people, at least to those who care about the welfare and safety of the kiddies. Now, this is not the first time that said warning has blared from this expert, as its basis was set forth in a tag-team interview (Sept. 2014) via “ISIS, Islam and Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World.”

DAVE GAUBATZ: When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al-Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people…..continue here….

AND in case readers are wondering why the “terrorist of interest” feels so connected and comfortable in his home state, well, Minnesota(stan) didn’t become Islamized overnight. Think: Michigan(stan) and its trickle down knock-on effects! Yes, Dearbornistan alike.

WHICH brings us directly to today’s Egyptian-American featured terrorist, and exposes why ignoring this site’s repeated warnings can accrue deadly consequences. BTW, there is some nonsense being reported by FOX, mainly, that two mosques wanted him booted, and that the FBI/DHS had/has him in their sights. Not exactly accuracy in reporting, but why quibble.

If you live in Minneapolis, an Al-Qaeda Muslim terrorist suspect could soon be driving your child’s school bus.

A Minneapolis MUSLIM man suspected of terror activities has been granted his commercial truck driving license, and he is now vying for a special endorsement to drive school buses, says Fox News 9.


Almost a year ago, Amir Meshal was booted from two Minnesota mosques for radicalizing and recruiting men to go to Syria for terrorist training:

In May 2014, Meshal was removed and trespassed from a Bloomington, Minn. mosque, Al Farooq, after he was suspected of radicalizing young people who would later travel to Syria. According to the police report, religious leaders said, “We have concerns about Meshal interacting with our youth.” Meshal had previously been asked to leave an Eden Prairie, Minn. mosque for similar reasons.

And Meshal has been on the FBI’s radar for quite some time. He was arrested by the FBI in Kenya in 2007 because he was suspected of leaving a terror training camp in Somalia. He was held overseas for three months, according to an ACLU lawsuit.


In 2007, The New York Times reported about Meshal:

A 24-year old American who told the F.B.I. that he went to Somalia last December to help build an Islamic state there is now being held in an Ethiopian prison, where he was sent after being detained in Kenya.

Despite going to Africa to establish an Islamic state, the Egyptian-born man was not determined to have firmly established terror ties. But now officials have changed their tune.

Meshal is currently on the “No Fly” list. The ACLU has sued to get him delisted. Meshal claims the FBI was attempting to turn him into an informant.

Fox News 9 says that Homeland Security believes Meshal is a threat:

Homeland Security responded in a letter obtained by the FOX 9 Investigators that Meshal, “..may be a threat to civil aviation or national security,” adding that, “It has been determined that you (Amir Meshal) are an individual who represents a threat of engaging in or conducting a violent act of terrorism and who is operationally capable of doing so.”

Fox News 9 says they haven’t yet gotten an answer as to why a man suspected of terror ties would be given the keys to a semi truck or a school bus full of children:

The FOX 9 Investigators asked the Minnesota Department of Public Safety why they issued a Class A license for someone who Homeland Security believes has the “operational capacity” to carry out a terror attack. We have not heard back.

They also report that taxpayers paid Meshal’s truck driving school tuition:

The FOX 9 Investigators revealed last May that Amir Meshal was attempting to get his Class A license from a South St. Paul truck driving school. The $4,000 tuition was paid for through the state workforce program.

Needless to say, people are shocked by the news:

HMMM…”needless to say, people are shocked by the news”, well, not those who regularly read these pages!

MIND you, even FOX News is behind the curve, in so far as they have NEVER exposed the related investigative counter terror dots, ones which led to this dire situation to begin with. 

PRAY tell, FOX fails to ask the LOOMING query, where heretofore disjointed dots would become fully connected: Why, in heaven’s name, would Amir Meshal…six of one, half a dozen of another…want a “special endorsement to drive a school bus??” On the other hand, they did ask the opposite side of the question: “Why would a man suspected of terror ties be given the keys to a semi truck or a school bus full of children?” Yet, they shied from the real thrust. Intrinsically, their inquiry is a tsk, tsk type of question, yes, the FEDS missed another “bad guy”, as if the core issue is that they merely have to step up their game. 

BACK to the opening thesis – the mandatory “skill sets” – and its life-saving resonance. It is through a highly developed and attuned skill set re Islamic jihad (and all its aspects) that this investigative journalist implores patriots to bypass elected officialdom, as well as major media outlets, relative to what’s what.

DESPITE all of the above, if one recent (emphasis placed) case attests to officialdom’s “blinded eyes” re KNOWN terror activities, the following commentary (an ACTIVE investigation) is Exhibit Number One: 

Image result for pics of gold laundering

THE ‘persons of interest’, now living in Massachusetts, are Sunni Muslims from a very large clan spread throughout Lebanon. While this part of the Mid East is most well-known for its Shia/Hezbollah/ Tehran axis – over 54% of Lebanese are Muslim – approximately 27% are Sunni.
IT is into this vortex that money/gold laundering comes into the picture. So what’s the upshot?
AN entire clan operates as successful retail entrepreneurs, owning stores ‘related’ to this particular type of operation. Even more so, they have a distinct presence within community-based organizations and clubs, just like many successful retailers. Hiding in plain sight. Hmm…..
NOW, which group receives an abundance of cash from their laundered money/gold? Well, the HABBASH Group is a main recipient and it is a branch of Al-Qaeda in Lebanon. Recall, this information too: ISIS is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, its creator !
MOST significantly, an informant (vetted by an impeccably credentialed counter-terror contact) handed over very detailed information (which is not posted, and for various reasons) with NAMES, ADDRESSES, TRAVEL plans etc to relevant FED agencies.
THESE agencies include the FBI, the Attorney General’s Office in Massachusetts and the IRS. They all refused to investigate said charges. Why?
CONCLUSIVELY, the following response (going back to Aug. 2011) to said (courageous) informant should serve as prima facie evidence (Exhibit One), attesting to the FEDS utter refusal to even look into the charges, which more than met the criteria for immediate investigation.
The Attorney General of Massachusetts

(617) 727-2200
August 23, 2011
Dear Mr. XXXXX
The Attorney General’s Office has reviewed your recent inquiry to the Criminal Bureau for the purpose of deciding whether to assign this matter within the Criminal Bureau for a more comprehensive review of the facts, make an inquiry on your behalf, or intervene in this matter.
The Criminal Bureau of the Attorney General’s Office receives inquiries and alleged complaints on a daily basis from citizens, police departments and other governmental agencies. Every such inquiry or complaint is reviewed and a decision made whether to take action on the inquiry or complaint. This type of evaluation is necessary because the volume of complaints and inquiries we receive, coupled with the finite resources available, precludes the Bureau from investigating and prosecuting every
allegation that is brought to our attention.
I am advising you that the Criminal Bureau will not be conducting any further review or investigation of your complaint.
I am sorry that this office cannot be of further assistance to you.
Assistant Attorney General
Criminal Bureau
SINCE then, several attempts (most recently, within the first quarter of 2015) were made to re-engage the FEDS by Dave Gaubatz, a premiere counter-terror expert. Nevertheless, it was to no avail.
CAN readers dare imagine the sheer amount of terror operations financed (at least) since 2011, due to their inexcusable refusal to investigate (provable) Islamic jihad in the heart of Massachusetts?…read the whole thing!
CONSEQUENTIALLY, if nothing else moves patriots to step it up more than a notch (again, ignoring officialdom), picture the kiddies and the very likely prospect of an Al-Qaeda terrorist (whether this one or that one…ISIS aligned or attached to another jihadi group…makes no diff) blowing up a school bus, or gaining access to a school through employment as a custodian or what not! 

nm(Acts of terror against the young are the unadvertised “latest trend” in global political violence. For the first time since the Holocaust, slaying children has turned into a modus operandi. Since 9/11, they are terrorists’ preferred targets.)


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ISIS DEEP Inside U.S., Waiting To Pounce! Military Worried, Mexican Cartels On Stand By. Which Side Will Prevail? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


WHILE ISIS goes from strength to strength…מחיל אל חיל…., “seemingly”, the strongest nation in the world can’t beat them back in the heart of the Mid East. Now, put on your thinking caps and ponder: How can this be? Has the world turned upside down? In a word, yes.


NEVERTHELESS, in a nutshell, you need to put forth an additional query to get closer to the truth: IF you helped to create a super star team, would you want to see it beaten, let alone participate in its demise?? Of course not.


NOW, not only has Obama Inc. shaped and assisted them, but the military has been ordered to “tread lightly.”



MOREOVER, aside from a few swipes and jabs, the fact remains that not ONE source of their money supply has been wiped out. And considering that convoy after convoy hauling oil – their major source of funding – has gone unscathed, what does that tell you? What about all their oil fields, why are they still operational? Is the U.S. military lacking tactical ordinance to set them ablaze? Not only that, but why would the military, under the purview of the Commander-in-Chief, leave behind a treasure trove of hardware, upon turning tail from Iraq? Who did they think would inherit said booty?


Additional military prizes, courtesy of Obama, included numerous stacks of weapons crates that were full of the latest and greatest small arms and explosives that will undoubtedly be used against America and our allies in the future.


YES, these are fair questions, ya think? 

EVEN so, where are the connections between ISIS (jihadi hydras) and related deep cover within America (as they await to pounce in full force, unlike in Garland and Chatanooga, akin to “opening shot” probings), coupled with an increasing awareness and angst by enlisted (and retired) military? All over the place, that’s where.

AND as dedicated readers recognize, this site is anything but “Johnny-come-lately”, even if this and that analysis is not to one’s liking. Oh well, that’s the way it goes.

IN this regard, pay strict attention to the following excerpts (from 3 1/2 months ago, assuredly, since then, they had more than enough time to implant many bombs) within “ISIS & San Diego, CA: A Prime Jihadi Hub”:

HOW many know that California is a mobbed up Brotherhood Mafia state, atop a list of other top dogs with said “distinction?” Now, while some view sunny California as a cross between Hollyweird’s loony leftism (which it is), coupled with an increased swelling of illegal aliens, what is often missed is the dangerous Islamic foothold throughout the state.

EVEN so, why does any of this matter, unless one lives in California?Actually,the question should be the polar opposite: How doesn’t it matter?

SPECIFICALLY, San Diego is a front-line city in southern California near the border with Mexico. Assuredly, its location is highly germane to the ISIS factor, even though the city would still be a major jihadi player without their entry into the mix. Hang on tight.

BUT before we delve into the latest bombshells, some backgrounder is in order. It involves two seemingly separate areas of concern, however, they are inextricably linked. Wait and see.


LET’s start with CA in general via its network of jihad within the University of California system in toto, as well as housing the first Islamic college in the nation. The undercarriage and incubator…..


WHEREAS the above sets the stage for California as a receptive repository, a prime conduit, for Islamic terror, a specific nexus underpins San Diego as a hub for ISIS. Not only that, its point of entry (alongside the Mexican border) for ISIS is directly due to the absolute malfeasance of DHS, under the wayward stewardship of Jeh Johnson. In the main, Somali terrorists are major beneficiaries.

ALAS, an ISIS hyper-alert was issued from these pages and it too was not for nothing….read the whole thing!

Image result for pics of isis in mexico

WITH the above in mind, let’s veer towards where else they have been “hiding”, before we hear what some military folks are saying. Alas, consider the following as additional food for thought: “ISIS sleeper cells in U.S.: WMD’s & infiltration via Mexico.” Clear enough?

BUT let’s get to the latest concerns from active duty types:

In talking to a Sergeant first class in the Army Guard yesterday, Guardsmen said many Americans are not aware of what is happening in the country.

They said ISIL is everywhere in our country. Americans think that by stocking up on guns and ammo they will be able to stop ISIL. ISIL is so very well-trained, most Americans just are not prepared for what is coming.

They were also very concerned that Obama was going to send most of the military out of the country. And if that were to happen, a major attack could happen on our soil carried out by Muslims.

This individual said a majority of those in the military think this is going to happen, and a lot of them talk about it often.

This person also said Obama is cutting the number of those in the military to a number where next year, there would not be enough people in military service. This could create a situation where our military would not be ready for any conflict that might flare up anywhere, be it in our
country or around the world.

This Sergeant first class has Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) training. They are wanting to return to full-time service in the Army, but they have not been able to since Obama is cutting military personnel to such low numbers.

This is a first-hand account talking to him directly during a conversation on 26 August 2015.


INDEED, those of us whose eyes are peeled in the jihadi direction (for sundry reasons), also understood what it meant for America’s national security when a jihadi cleric – banned even in leftist Canada and socialist France – was caught (in 2011) when smuggled into America through Mexico. In other words, this “catch me if you can” has been ongoing for years, and 2011 was hardly the opening gate.

U.S. border guards got a surprise when they searched a Mexican BMW and found a hardline Muslim cleric – banned from France and Canada – curled up in the boot.

Said Jaziri, who called for the death of a Danish cartoonist that drew pictures of the prophet Mohammed, was being smuggled into California when he was arrested, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler.

The 43-year-old was deported from Canada to his homeland Tunisia in 2007 after it emerged he had lied on his refugee application about having served jail time in France.

His fire and brimstone sermons and rabble-rousing antics catapulted him into the public eye during his short tenure as imam at a Montreal mosque.

He branded homosexuality a disease and led protests over cartoonist Kurt Westergaard’s illustrations poked fun at Islam and were published in a Danish newspaper in 2006.

He also caused anger when he campaigned for a bigger mosque to accommodate Montreal’s burgeoning Muslim population.

Caught: Jaziri was arrested being smuggled across the San Diego border crossing, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler

(Caught: Jaziri was arrested being smuggled across the San Diego border crossing, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler)

SAN DIEGO border…where have you heard THAT before… hmmm….scroll back up, if need be.

IN any event, other highly reputable intelligence sites are in agreement with much of this site’s jihadi and geo-political analysis, even if some have not said so outright, like others have already done.

BUT never mind all that, just take a peek at the following intelligence analysis (Aug. 27, 2015) and see if it sounds familiar:

News that White House pressure on military and intelligence brass have led to massaging the truth about the United States led coalition success in defeating ISIS, did not come as a surprise. Especially so, since independent sources have been providing a different picture.

Commenting on the ongoing investigations into pressuring intelligence analysts to “adjust” their assessments to show that ISIS is losing the battlefield and that unless an unforeseeable event takes place, ISIS will be defeated, Defense Secretary Ash Carter declared: “We, starting with the president, but all of us need the most candid information and the most accurate information in order to make the kind of decisions that will lead most rapidly to victory.” He said this with a straight face. And for future deniability he added: “I myself have tried to be very candid throughout about my own assessments of the counter-ISIL campaign…I also expect candor on the part of everybody else. ”

Was this a trial balloon to pin the disinformation and outright lies of the Obama administration not only about ISIS, but mostly about Iran’s nuclear agreement on skewed intelligence analysis? An attempt to save face if despite Obama’s efforts Congress vetoes his deal with Iran? We shall see.

In the meantime, for accurate, unbiased information about ISIS, read the weekly Spotlight Global Jihad.

Accordingly, Turkish and Western media reports said that “the US and Turkey are planning to establish an “ISIS-free” buffer zone north of Aleppo, near the Turkish-Syrian border, in the area between the Jarabulus crossing and the town of Marea. This is an area of great importance to both ISIS and Turkey: ISIS’s vital logistics routes between Turkey and Syria pass through it. From a Turkish perspective, it serves as a buffer of sorts between the Kurdish-controlled areas to its east and west. It is now a battle zone between ISIS and several rebel organizations (some of which are apparently supported by Turkey and the United States). This week, according to Syrian sources, ISIS made use of mustard gas in the town of Marea. These reports require verification.”

On the Libyan front, “ISIS has called for a general mobilization of operatives to travel to Libya and carry out jihad in order to “defend Islam” in Libya. According to this call for jihad, Libya is the key to Rome. In the ITIC’s assessment, the call was made after the Tobruk government in eastern Libya asked the Arab countries to carry out airstrikes against ISIS targets and asked the UN Security Council to lift the arms embargo imposed on it. In the meantime,ISIS continues to establish its presence in the important city of Sirte, in north-central Libya, which has become its major stronghold in Libya and in North Africa in general.”

In Uzbekistan – On August 21, 2015, ISIS posted a video entitled Message to the Army of Khorasan. The video shows ISIS operatives, one of them masked, with Asian-Muslim features.The Uzbek-language speaker congratulates the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) on its pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He also calls on Muslims from Khorasan to join ISIS. The speaker expresses the hope that all Muslims will unite under one flag (isdarat.tv website, August 21, 2015).

The full report, as well as previous ones are published weekly on the website of the Meir Amit Intelligence and Information Center.


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Michigan(stan) Bows To (MOON GOD) Allah, Desecrating 9/11/01 Alike! Patriots, What Say You?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(Michigan’s NO GO Zones…spreading….)

TIME and again – akin to beating a dead horse, sorry for that – evidence has accrued to prove that America is barely on life support, and this is aside from the (purposefully set) looming economic disasters. 

NEVERTHELESS, what most are in the dark about is that Obama Inc. sold out the nation to a combination of Marxist and Islamist front groups. Yes, his ideological partners. Yet, for this discussion, let’s concentrate on the wreckage due to their prostrations to Moon God Allah’s followers. 

YES, you read that right. Therefore, before we proceed, how many realized that Islam’s “diety”, Allah, is actually a Moon God? Historically, “prophet” Muhammed was born into the tribe which worshiped BAAL, HUBAL, and MOLECH. Yup, the Arabian Moon God! Please take note of the moon’s presence atop all mosque minarets. Pray tell, why is it placed so prominently? Inquiring minds want, demand, and deserve to know. Mind you, this commentary accurately depicts (as you scroll down) that minarets are considered the bayonets of Muslims! Patience.

The Biblical and historical evidence shows that the Moabites worshiped Baal. The pre-Islamic and Muslim sources show (a) that the Meccans took over the idol Hubal from the Moabites and (b) that Allah and Hubal are actually identical. Thus, whether the Meccans are Ishmaelites or not, the evidence is still strong and sufficient to conclude that Muhammad’s Allah is actually Hubal, i.e. the Baal of the Moabites and thus not the God of the Bible. Muhammad incorporated the characteristics and names of various other gods into his new monotheistic message about Allah, but he apparently started the construction of Allah with Hubal, the chief god of the Meccans.

“The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of “Allah.” The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. The issue is thus one of continuity. Was “Allah” the biblical God or a pagan god in ‘Arabia during pre-Islamic times? The Muslim’s claim of continuity is essential to their attempt to convert Jews and Christians for if “Allah” is part of the flow of divine revelation in Scripture, then it is the next step in biblical religion. Thus we should all become Muslims. But, on the other hand, if Allah was a pre-Islamic pagan deity, then its core claim is refuted.”

EXTRAPOLATING further, digest what this really means: Its essence is such an explosive revelation (for mass consumption) that Islamic leaders will do everything to refute that what is isn’t. This is because of its earth-shattering ramifications. No kidding.

BASICALLY, it explains why Islam’s followers are willing to sacrifice their children (and others) to satiate pagan Allah! Yes, this Moon God required (still does) child sacrifices, as evidenced by the fire beneath the idol’s outstretched hands in ancient renderings. This is a fact.

TO wit, ask yourselves: As HUSSEIN Obama (and countless others) prattles on about Islam being one of three great religions and a “religion of peace” – and on and on – what exactly would transpire if a full throttle alternative media blitz really told the truth? Effectively, Islam’s mask would be ripped off, proving that the BIGGEST con job in the world sold western masses on the false construct of Islam, as a religion on par with Judaism and Christianity!

NOW, putting aside all of HUSSEIN Obama’s lies about Islam – some of which are quoted below – does worshiping a DEATH CULT (child sacrifice-like, etc) have a place at the western table? If so, why??

1. “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”

2. “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

3. “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

4. “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

5. “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

6. “Islam has always been part of America”

7. “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”

8. “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

9. “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

10. “I made it clear that America is not – and will never be – at war with Islam.”

11. “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

12. “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

13. “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

14. “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

15. “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

16. “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”

17. “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”

18. “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”

19. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

20. “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

BACK to HUSSEIN Obama’s sell out of America….

NOW, this is not to suggest that each city/state submission is due to a direct exchange between them and Obama Inc., even though it has been known to happen. But what it does mean is that the groundwork has been laid for such outcomes. Intrinsically, considering the fact that Michigan has the largest Muslim population, well, its non-Muslim leadership are tripping over themselves, whore-like, to submit, though they will hardly admit this is the case.

AND the fact that Dearbornistan is indeed Shariah Law compliant since 2013; plus, other cities – big and small – are moving in said direction; and NYC under its commie Mayor Bill de Blasio has the NYPD prostrating to Allah, well, isn’t it almost a “done deal?”



STILL yet, giving in is NEVER an option, at least from this perch. So, on a positive note, outrage over the unconscionable is the first step towards taking – emphasis placed, no “may I, please” – control. However, such emotional state, sans concrete plans, isn’t worth a damn. And in practical terms, a clear head is a mandatory requirement to get the job done. Never forget that. Not only that, hot-heads tend to muddy the waters, and that’s counterproductive. In other words, the only plans which really matter are those which are calculated, action-oriented and possess teeth. Non-negotiable.

ENTER, Michiganistan, and the outrage accrued from patriots – 

Yes, September 11th, which not only is a symbol of the Muslim attack on America, it is also two months after Ramadan ended. One million bikers showed up in Washington DC in 2013 when Muslims planned a ‘MILLION MUSLIM MARCH’ there on Sept. 11th. Perhaps they need to take a ride up to Michigan this year?


The Democratic mayors of two Michigan cities plan to celebrate September 11th this year by honoring Sharia and hosting their “9th Annual Ramadan Unity Dinner.”

Ramadan ended in July, but the Islamic Society of Greater Lansing has scheduled its dinner at the city-owned convention center on the very day when 19 Muslim terrorists killed 2,977 innocent victims at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and three crashed airliners, 14 years ago.

In an almost unbelievable act of callousness and dishonor of those victims, Mayors Virg Bernero and Nathan Triplett of Lansing and East Lansing, respectively, will host a dinner themed “Hope, Not Hunger.”  The event’s poster features an Islamic crescent and a skyline of mosque-styled buildings.

Adding insult to injury, the cities are sponsoring—with taxpayer dollars—a high school essay contest whose winners will be honored at the dinner and given prizes of up to $500.

I wonder if they will be reminiscing with this video?

The event was tweeted by Twitter user @creepingsharia and picked up by several blogs. Although the media seems to have ignored this in-your-face jab at America’s grief, the tweet garnered replies of shock and shame.

AGAIN, political whores, anyone?

ALAS, it is this site’s considerable opinion that a heretofore first suggestion and address, a stop at your reps office, is not only useless but too little too late. Toothless. Thus, the first “order” is to march on local mosques because they are Islam’s spearheads – their barracks within America. The west in toto.

AGREED, the notion of demonstrating outside a so-called “house of worship” (this is where recognizing where Moon God Allah came from becomes imperative!) goes against the grain of freedom of religion, an American bedrock. As is said, this is where the rubber meets the road.

IN no uncertain terms, there are several imperatives at play and they must be internalized, unmasked, for what they are.

IN the main, Islam, aside from all of the above, is based upon Shariah Law, as such, it is antithetical to the Constitution. Thus, abusing one of America’s core values should be a non-starter. Besides, any self-respecting nation should demand as much. Muslims cannot have it both ways. Simple as that.

SECONDLY, Islamists have openly stated what mosques really represent, unlike churches and synagogues which are houses of worship and communal fellowship. The following are two prime examples, one from a most authoritative and primary source, the other from the leader of Turkey, the seat of the last (Ottoman) Caliphate! Nevertheless, they are hardly exhaustive.

“The whole earth has been declared unto me a mosque” (Muhammad: Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1062).

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers….” (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey since 2003.)


THIRDLY, Islam, unlike Judaism and Christianity, has evolved into a political system. This is the case because Islam’s top leadership are Islamists who adhere to Islamism, a fusing of religion and state. How many know this too? Absolutely, this piece of the puzzle is one of the most crucial, particularly because its underpinnings are derived from Shariah Law, a retrograde force.

SIGNIFICANTLY, the morphing of a political construct with a quasi religious basis allows for total control within the Islamic ummah, as well as grabbing the reins inside western nations. Incontrovertibly, their leadership are well aware of the freedoms within the west and exploit them to the max. A win-win – for Islam! 

AND just in case this site has not made itself clear, HUSSEIN Obama’s BFF, Erdogan, a jacked up Brotherhood Mafia leader, had this to add:


RESULTANT, take back America, before it is too late! 

Congressional Vote On Iran A (Impotent) Formality:WMD’s A “Done Deal”! Whys & Wherefores. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(NYers fighting Iran deal gather on Sept. 1good luck with that!)

AS someone who refuses to live in fantasy land, it became apparent, around 2012, that nothing would be done to stop Iran’s genocidal project. Effectively, matters become clearer for those who are well versed in geo-politics and Islamic related issues, assisting to navigate through what is always present: a smoke and mirrors show. Even so, a flicker of hope intermittently did seep in, but only to be quickly extinguished with reality-based thinking: PM Netanyahu will NEVER muster the necessary mental fortitude, in order to defy HUSSEIN Obama and go it alone. Rather, he would shamefully rely on his oratorical flourish. He is a master of this domain.

(March 3, 2015 speech before Congress)

MORE specifically, upon completely acknowledging that HUSSEIN Obama would not be deterred from gifting Iran hegemonic status over the Mid East (for starters), the fact that anyone in their right mind (no pun intended) would waste precious time, attempting to convince him otherwise, is wholly irrational. PM Netanyahu, what say you??

AND this is where holding PM Netanyahu’s feet to the fire enters the fray, as he unequivocally imperiled the Jewish nation. No ifs, ands or buts, despite his high rhetoric, so-called “red lines”, and his embarrassing tough guy scowl. 

Image result for pics of netanyahu scowling

RESULTANT, the urgent question became:

CAN ISRAEL SURVIVE AS THE JEWISH STATE? – AN INTERVIEW WITH ADINA KUTNICKI (March 2015)….the following excerpt is wholly germane:


The answers are varied and complex, but a few intrinsic factors are noteworthy. As detailed within our last interview (Sept. 2014), ISIS, Islam and Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free world, PM Netanyahu is tethered (for a multiplicity of reasons) to Washington’s harness, even though he is at odds with the Obama administration regarding Iran. You don’t say…

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warns the United Nations General Assembly that Iran is close to build an atomic bomb.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warns the United Nations General Assembly that Iran is close to build an atomic bomb.

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm…….

Conclusively, to round out the first part of my interview, let me leave the readers with the following concrete shout out: as to the charge sheet that PM Netanyahu is essentially spineless, I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong, as would millions of others. Intrinsically, he can redeem himself without any oratory flourishes, and this can be accomplished by veering into immediate “action-mode.”

In the starkest of terms, one of my close counter terror contacts, Tom Trento, demonstrated said efficacy via: “Bomb Iran” – The Musical. Don’t be fooled by the title, the players within are beyond reproach. Deadly serious. They are TOPS in their respective fields – intelligence and military.

MEMO to PM Netanyahu: way past time to stop talking and to give the order – bombs away! Don’t fall short by caving. Muster your courage. Otherwise, (Jewish) history will be very unforgiving….continue here….

IN fact, this site spent considerable time and resources to spread certain clarion calls (called in particular favors), in the hope of alerting others. This effort reflects in the following trails – with recaps on Aug 14, 2015 – albeit not exclusively so:


AS reported in Sept. 2013: the Islamist-in-Chief was jaw-jawing Iran to the WMD finish line. No doubt. Hence, its centrifuges spun (and continue to) on and on.


RESULTANT, was there any reason to believe that a nuclear armed Iran wouldn’t be a reasonable foregone conclusion?


THEREBY, it was asserted in Oct. 2013: Iran’s triumph has been ensured by the leader of the free world. Indeed.


REGARDLESS, the question, as always, is: to what end? Well, America’s and Israel’s jugular are primary targets. Yes, they are. 


IN other words, the jig is up, and in Nov. 2013 it was asserted as such. Okay.


AND if there were more than 24 hours in a day there would be time to re-document all the breadcrumbs housed within this site. Nevertheless, the following must be highlighted: it has always been claimed within these pages – to a 100% certainty – that Valerie Jarrett was HUSSEIN Obama’s point woman and consigliere, Iran’s deal maker.

NOW, as to Kerry, suffice to state that he was the final bagman. He was chosen for his “patrician” stature, yet, most importantly, his close ties to the mullahs on a familial and ideological basis. Plain and simple….continue reading

NEVERTHELESS, this America-Israeli – now living in the eye of the storm – would be gravely remiss not to look outward, to some who possess serious heft, in order to amplify said exponential dangers. 

President Obama recently dubbed anyone against the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Iranian agreement “crazies” — how very presidential. Such name-calling is just evidence that one doesn’t want to debate the issue and would rather revert to Saul Alinsky’s tried-and-true tactic of demonization and ridicule — it ain’t working. This is a serious issue, but Iran’s laughing all the way to the bank — literally.

As reported by the Washington Post:

The ink was barely dry on a landmark agreement with Iran to limit its nuclear program before a German government plane packed with the nation’s economic elite touched down in Tehran

They were just the first in a rush of European ministers and businesspeople flocking to a market that is poised to reopen after years of grinding sanctions. Upscale Tehran hotels are packed and tables at trendy restaurants are scarce as foreigners jostle for bargains, even amid uncertainty over whether President Obama can overcome congressional opposition to the deal

The steady stream of visitors to Tehran is the latest sign of the Atlantic-wide divide between the United States and Europe, where there is scant opposition to the pact that aims to crimp Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Obama and Secretary of State John F. Kerry have warned detractors that they would be unable to reimpose a multinational trade embargo if Congress rejected the plans. The five other countries that helped broker the deal have also told Congress that they will not return to the negotiating table. The high-level trips show that U.S. leaders can’t even keep Europeans from booking tickets to Tehran ahead of the congressional vote, which needs to take place by Sept. 17. 

“We are talking here about 80 million people who need energy supplies, who naturally also need health care, who want to get back off their knees in the oil and gas businesses. There are opportunities and chances,” Joe Kaeser, chief executive of Siemens, a German industrial conglomerate, told German television last month.”

Ladies and gents, let’s be honest, this is over. Even if by some amazing grace there are enough votes to override President Obama’s veto, the floodgates are already open and folks are looking to establish new economic markets — free market supply and demand. And in the end, the Iranian regime will be able to say to their people, “we defeated the great Satan and now look how we’ve restored Iran’s prominence and influence.”

Interesting to note that it’s Germany rushing into Tehran to enable them to build their economy. In the 1930s, Chancellor Adolf Hitler spoke of restoring German pride after the embarrassment of World War I.

Indeed, Hitler did this, by increasing production and manufacturing; improving road networks; and rebuilding the German economy destroyed under the Weimar Republic. And once Hitler had restored a sense of superiority in the German people, he had them. And once he had the the German people’s blind loyalty, he then transitioned to the next phase: military strength.

This is exactly what the JCPOA has enabled. The first phase for Iran’s leaders is building the country’s economic strength. And when, by strategic design, the Ayatollahs have allowed enough economic improvement, the Iranian people will not remember their repressive nature. The Iranian people will become loyal followers — recall the massive rallies of 1930s Germany.

Then the Ayatollahs will shift to their hegemonic designs. For Hitler, it was the creation of the Thousand-Year-Reich; for Iran, it’s the global Islamic caliphate. And just as Mussolini and others followed, so shall other nations see Iran as the strongman who stood up to America and Israel. They will see Iran as a powerhouse where European nations come and seek to establish economic trade and procure oil and gas. And all the while Iran will be building the tools of war.

It will start with innocuous requests, responded to with appeasement and acquiescence. Then the requests will turn to demands. For Hitler, let us not forget, these included Rhineland, Sudetenland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and then the blitzkrieg and Poland.

And just Hitler had an ally in Josef Stalin’s Russia, Iran has one in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Then, it was Japan in the Pacific; now, it is China. And instead of fascist Italy, Iran has Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas — and with their power and economic prowess will come other Islamic jihadists.

And let us never forget it was the Jewish people who suffered horribly as a result. The world restored the Jewish homeland and swore, “never again.”

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and it’s playing out today just like it did last century. The recalcitrant lovers of peace who attacked Winston Churchill exist in a different form today — but the tactics are the same. Churchill was castigated as an alarmist and warmonger, but he proved to be spot on!

Amazing, the world came together against apartheid and South Africa, but for some odd reason the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism — Iran — is cool.

Siemens sent a top official to Tehran with German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel last month. Their government plane touched down at Imam Khomeini International Airport five days after world powers agreed on the nuclear deal on July 14. 

“The agreement reached between the E3+3 and Iran in Vienna has laid the foundations for a normalization of economic relations with Iran,” Gabriel said, using another term for the group of six world powers that negotiated the deal. The vice-chancellor was accompanied by a delegation of top officials from some of Germany’s largest companies, including Daimler, Volkswagen and ThyssenKrupp. 

Since Gabriel’s visit, high-ranking ministers from France and Italy also have visited Tehran. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond plans to rush there Saturday to reopen his nation’s embassy, amid concerns that British business is falling behind its continental counterparts. Spain, Sweden and Poland plan to follow in the fall. Most of the lawmakers have brought top business leaders with them. 

Next month, Austrian President Heinz Fischer plans to be the first European head of state to visit Tehran since 2004. Vienna also hosted a major E.U.-Iran trade conference just a week after the deal was signed. 

“A lot of companies at the moment are preparing agreements to be signed the moment sanctions are lifted,” said Michael Tockuss, the head of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce. He said his association is organizing a trip every week for companies interested in doing deals in Iran. Requests for advice have tripled since the accord was announced.”

What’s at stake with the September vote in Congress on the JCPOA? Yes, it’s an historic event, launching us on the path to a replay of one of the darkest periods of history, World War II. The indicators and warnings are strikingly — and scarily — parallel. Who will history deem the “crazies” when all is said and done? Sadly, it will be Obama and his herd of followers.

FOLKS reading these words (as well as those who aren’t, but may someday) who survive the oncoming onslaught, whether living in Israel or not, will ask themselves: How could we not have seen this coming? What, if anything, could we have done? Yes, don’t think that the U.S. isn’t in their TOP cross hairs…Israel is but a tiny pit stop for the Mahdi-driven mullahs.

A woman passes a poster of the Khomeini and revolutionary guards, Iran.

MOST significantly, if history is any guide, let’s be honest: countless stood callously aside in the run-up to the Holocaust. Some believed it had nothing to do with them, that it was “just” a Jewish problem. Others, Jews and non-Jews, thought it was better to stay quiet and not “incite” the Nazis to a larger onslaught! Truth dare be told, too many couldn’t wait to be rid of the “Jewish problem”, and nothing has changed. Hence, the dark resurgence of classical anti-semitism, even from “polite” society.

  • AGAIN, those who refuse to see the historical parallels will rue the day. And not because this investigative journalist says so, but because of what the mullahs have in store. It will render the Holocaust little more than a small footnote.

BESIDES, future generations will be much less forgiving, than anything that can be found at these pages. Count on it.

TRENCHANTLY, this site queries fellow Americans: Did you vote for the most dangerous POTUS in American history? If so, you bear a certain onus, whether Jewish or not. (BTW, this has no bearing on party politics. Not at all.) Did you stay silent, even while there was still time to exert certain pressure points, to only awaken in time to go to a rally here and there when it no longer became tenable to sit on the sidelines? Did you contact Congress when force multipliers could have made their votes relevant, before deals were done and the issue was a fait accompli? And so on….

AS always, G-D will be the judge, whether one believes in Hashem, or the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

HISTORY alike.

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TAKING BACK America & Europe: Anti-Islam Push Back Ratchets Up. Faster…Faster…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is hard to fathom (and one needn’t be a cynic to feel this way, just realistic and somewhat knowledgeable) how unbelievably naive so many non-Muslim western citizens are, in relation to a preponderance of Allah’s followers who are feverishly turning the west upside down. Not only that, but they are now faced with an onslaught of a new wave of invaders, with ramifications beyond anything heretofore imaginable. 

ESSENTIALLY, it is this long overdue recognition – if you will, a tipping point – which is mustering some to finally fight back. As is said in Jewish  circles…mazal tov!

BESIDES, since when is it considered “natural” to hand over (even if it not intended as such, alas, this should have been seen as an obvious outgrowth) ones national homeland, merely to satisfy some twisted sense of “tolerance” for “the other”, regardless of this and that pressure group? And this indictment includes the insane level of willingness to accommodate Muslims born within said western countries, yet, they refuse to recognize that Shariah Law violates the Constitution – leftist bastardizing beside the point – as well as many European laws. 

NOT only that, adding insult to grave injury, HUSSEIN Obama (and Eurabian counterparts) is waving in tens of thousands “refugees” from the most hostile region(s) in the world, Allah’s followers, with no end in sight. But let’s be very clear: without his Mid East wildfires, the so-called “refugee crisis” wouldn’t exist! Cause and effect. Understood?

BUT never mind said truth-telling, let’s proceed with some welcome news, albeit, so much more must be done. Post haste.

WELL, a small but growing portion of Americans are finally fed up with Islamist encroachment from the Muslim-American community. Moreover, they are rightfully fearful of the stampede brought in through Obama Inc.’s “refugee” directives, clearly a menace to the nation’s health and welfare.

TO wit, a small protest erupted in Indiana and it’s worth taking notice, even for its creativity aspect:






The protest is in remembrance of the five U.S. Military members slaughtered by a Muslim terrorist in Chattanooga, TN. Passersby are invited to draw their own image of ‘MOO-HAM-HEAD.’

NOW, while this investigative journalist surely applauds said memorial efforts, wouldn’t it be better to be proactive, effectively, to march on mosques because they are Islam’s spearheads – their barracks within – and not after one of their own executes a deadly attack? Think of it like preventative medicine.


AND to bring to bear the utter gravity of the crisis – the fed up aspect to full boil – isn’t it more than revealing that Obama’s goons understand that what they have in store for America surely necessitates (and would result in) push back? Hence, they devised a play-by-play counter response! Evil incarnate. Anti-American reprobates and devils.

WND has discovered what amounts to the government playbook for countering the rising “backlash” against the secret planting of Muslim refugees into cities and towns across America.

The 2013 report anticipated two years ago that resistance would increase to the seeding of communities with Muslim refugees if counter measures were not undertaken.

Last year, WND reported how the mayor of Athens, Georgia, requested the federal government not send any refugees to her town until she could get a handle on the costs. Earlier this year, another high-profile case of pushback emerged in Spartanburg, South Carolina, in Rep. Trey Gowdy’s district, a story WND first reported in April.

In Wyoming, the only state that does not have a refugee resettlement agreement with the U.S. State Department, Gov. Matt Mead was “exploring” whether he should start such a program. But after stories in the local media and on WND, Mead dropped the plan.

Now, WND has learned the government and its contractors have a stock plan on how to deal with what they call “backlash” to refugee resettlement in American cities.

Titled Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities,” the report by one of the federal government’s top resettlement contractors admits that communities “across the country” are pushing back against the refugee program, especially when it involves the infusion of Muslims into their city or town.

In the wake of the report, the Obama administration has handed out millions of dollars in grants to organizations like Welcoming America, which works to “educate” elected officials and the public in “receiving communities” before refugees arrive. Welcoming America was started in 2010 with seed money from George Soros’s Open Society Institute.

The U.S. State Department, working with the United Nations, accepts about 70,000 foreign refugees for permanent resettlement in the United States each year, distributing them to more than 190 cities and towns across America. (See list of 190 office locations in every stateDealing with uncooperative elected leaders…read the whole thing!

TELLINGLY, it is a sign (and clarion call) of sheer urgency that this site is actually recommending fellow American patriots (even being an ex pat!) to mimic their Euro counterparts. Oh, my. The tide has indeed turned.

Posters showing Chancellor Angela Merkel in a Muslim headbag are appearing at every anti-Muslim invader protest

Yahoo News  Germany scrambled Tuesday to quell a wave of anti-migrant violence, as a suspected arson attack hit a planned refugee shelter just hours after Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced xenophobic protests as “vile”.

Vowing to take tough action against perpetrators of such attacks, top politicians sought to reassure the unprecedented number of migrants arriving in the country that far-right extremists did not represent Germany. “With regards to xenophobic violence, there can only be one answer: police, justice and, if possible for those we catch, prison as well,” said Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel.

Germans are burning down buildings identified as asylum seeker housing

Merkel, who has been criticised for failing to forcefully address the wave of anti-migrant sentiment until this week, will on Wednesday visit a refugee centre targeted by far-right extremists and neo-Nazis in the eastern town of Heidenau.

Germany is expecting to receive a record number of 800,000 asylum-seekers this year, four times higher than the number in 2014.


The sudden surge in people coming from war zones such as Syria as well as countries that are not at war like Albania and Kosovo has left the authorities struggling to cope.

It has also exposed anti-migrant sentiment, particularly in eastern Germany, which still lags behind the western part of the country in terms of jobs and opportunities 25 years after reunification.

The latest case of suspected arson hit a temporary shelter in a sports hall in Nauen, a town near Berlin, just a week before 130 refugees are due to move in. Police said the speed of the flames ripping through the site early Tuesday suggested arson was the cause.The state president of Brandenburg, where Nauen is located, Dietmar Woidke urged residents to “distance yourself from xenophobic mobs”.


“Be it agitations against foreigners or attacks against people in need in Heidenau or the hindering of the arrival of refugees in Nauen by arson, such action is shameful and unworthy of Germany,” he said in a statement.


Over the weekend violent protests broke out as patriots and demonstrated against a refugee shelter in Heidenau.

Merkel also had strong words on Monday for those marching alongside in support of the anti-migrant cause. “It is vile for far-right extremists and neo-Nazis to try to spread their hollow, hateful propaganda but it is just as shameful for citizens including families with children to join them” in their protests, she said in her strongest statement to date about a wave of anti-refugee protests in eastern Germany.

These are the people Angela Merkel is calling "Neo-Nazis"

Justice Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday said the extremists “have no place in the street but before the courts”. But he ruled out the establishment of security barricades around refugee shelters, telling ARD television: “I don’t want to live in a country (where such measures have to be taken) for people to feel secure”.

– A flood of threats – As Europe’s top economy braces to receive an unprecedented number of asylum seekers this year, the number of migrant hate crimes appear to have increased in tandem.

Wherever there are Muslim invaders, there are violent brawls

Arson has hit refugee homes and Red Cross volunteers pitching tents for asylum-seekers have been attacked. On Monday, police said two neo-Nazis had been arrested for urinating on two children onboard a Berlin train because they were foreigners.  “Asylum-seeker scum,” one of them was reported as saying by the Bild tabloid.


The Social Democrats evacuated its headquarters after receiving a bomb threat — apparently linked to party chief Gabriel’s comments against the far-right, although police said the threat was not serious.


Since Gabriel’s visit to the Heidenau refugee centre, the party has received “a flood of threats linked to xenophobic agitators”, general secretary Yasmin Fahimi said.


German filmstar Til Schweiger — who has been openly supportive of asylum-seekers — is under police protection after a fire was reported within the grounds of his house and intruders were apparently seen in his garden.

Right wing anti-Muslim immigration parties are rising all over Europe as a result. Germany needs to step it up.


MOST significantly, the very fact that Germany is being held up as a “model” for Americans to follow – re qualified push back – attests to the absolute dangers, if not emulated.

CONSIDER: It is a country where 6 million fellow Jews were slaughtered-G-d rest (and avenge) their souls – some of whom were family. Agreed, neo-Nazis are a part of the protests, but this site’s considerable sources (within Europe) have attested that they are NOT the driving force. And the fact that German leaders are tarring ordinary German patriots – not to be confused with Nazis – is both shameless and reprehensible.

BUT if one considers history as a guide, one must imagine what waves of Islamic savages will do, if they gain total control. Know this: they will win the upper hand, if not stopped in their tracks. Nationalists must ignore their leaders and let them be damned.

EFFECTIVELY, the tepid – but growing – push back from patriots in America is primarily an outgrowth of HUSSEIN Obama’s refusal to tighten the borders, thus, halting illegals from pouring in en mass. Even so, what’s Obama Inc.’s game plan? In a nutshell, he ordered DHS to step up illegal entry, in essence, to finish the transformation of America into a Marxist/Islamist nation!

AND being that this site never minces words, it is imperative to note: even though it is heartening to see that proud citizens are rising up, it will not make a dent in the outcome – whether in America or Europe – unless a groundswell sweeps across each country. In other words, NO let up should be countenanced, and the numbers have to increase on a MASSIVE scale.

AGAIN, the fact that Indiana had a small protest is “sweet”, but it won’t avert the looming dangers. On the other hand, imagine many thousands in attendance, week in and week out. 

TO illustrate: view in your mind’s eye roving gangs of thieving thugs (and worse) stampeding into your communities. Then, wonder what the result to your homes and neighborhoods would be, if only a few in the community step up, while the rest take a wait and see approach. Hmm. Do you really think that anything will remain intact? And, if law enforcement are ordered to “stand down”, are you expecting them to come to your aid?

EXTRAPOLATING further, use Baltimore’s (Ferguson’s alike) marauding Black thugs as a template, and consider how a conspiracy between the Mayor and her hench people “gave space” to the rioters!


WOULD you ever believe such a thing could happen, other than in a lawless nation?

SO it is this jungle-like mindset which must be seen for what it really is, and it extends across America’s leadership, as they prop up certain coddled segments of society. Intrinsically, when the fish stinks from the head up, one must ratchet up – to an exponential level – what will take place when Islamic jihad sweeps the nation. And it will. “The Plan” is in its last stages. Take it to the bank.

YES, it has been proven, six ways to Sunday, that the Muslim Brotherhood is running things at the White House. Ipso facto at DHS.

QUESTIONS, anyone??


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U.S. (Leftist) Academia UPHOLDS Incitement To Murder! Israel/Jews Favorite Target. Parents/Students Beware, Recommended Push-Backs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

UNDER the guise of the oft abused concept of “academic freedom”, all manner of incitement is fomented, tolerated and condoned. But before we unmask its underbelly, here’s the thing: this investigative journalist has this particular subject on her radar, and for various intersecting factors.

PRIMARILY, the teachings within American academia, the so-called “gold standard”, reverberate throughout the entire world. Its lethal mischief makers continuously poison generations of students, and with no end in sight. Effectively, laser-focused on America and Israel, their incitement targets western civilization,.

MORE specifically, major knock-on effects cascade from the U.S. (this investigative journalist’s birth place) to Israel (current home), the two core focuses of this site – “A Zionist Conservative Blog.” Not for nothing.

THAT being said, almost to an exactitude, the highly dangerous (mostly tenured) profs are leftists and Islamists. They often operate as a tag-team. No doubt. The red/green alliance.

YET, to flesh out said charge (as well as alert new readers to the dangers), let’s start with Israel’s poisonous academia. Resultant, those who adhere to western values should internalize how far-reaching America’s profs are. Relative to Israeli academics, who for the most part mimic, ape-like, their U.S. counterparts, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

THUS (Feb. 2012), the following was featured in the print edition of The Jewish Press. Many online media sites picked it up too.

Aside from the obvious looming dangers associated with a nuclear-armed Iran as well as attendant regional menaces, there exists an equally explosive strategic threat to Israel emanating from the country’s post-Zionist and anti-Zionist circles.

Those ideological forces dominate a large swathe of Israel’s media outlets, diplomatic corps, legal system, cultural institutions and, most important, universities. A significant element of teaching and research, housed within the social sciences and humanities faculties, is demonstrably post- and anti-Zionist in contents and outlook.

A Hebrew University Law School syllabus typifies the post- and anti-Zionist agenda:

The course will focus on the controlling techniques that were generated by the Israeli occupation in the territories. We will study the historic sources of these techniques and will attempt to place them within the colonialist context, especially that of the British and French.

In addition to Prof. Yehouda Shenhav, attorney Michael Sfard will oversee the course as a guest lecturer and as legal advisor to the Yesh Din NGO Volunteers for Human Rights. Twice a month students will participate in activities within the framework of Yesh Din’s Monitoring the Military Courts Project and with Machsom Watch’s District Coordination and Liaison Aid Project.

By the school’s own description, the course (paralleling many others) serves not as an academic exercise but rather as deliberate brainwashing by leftist/Arabist-focused partisans with the collusion and funding of hostile NGOs.

Because a significant number of future Israeli leaders will be the products of leftist social sciences and humanities departments, the pernicious effects of such schooling are a long-range in nature…continue reading

NOW, let’s move on to America’s academic cesspools…phew! Regardless, the following should not be deemed exhaustive, rather, it is a sampling.


ALAS, in consideration of this site’s focal points – as detailed here – San Francisco State University (SFSU) is a prime exhibit.

(SFSU’s President of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s MSA, Muslim Student Association, Mohammad Hammad!)


MSA President 4

Without a scintilla of a doubt, it is both a paradox & pitfall of liberal democracies, in a time of (im)moral relativism, which is mainly responsible for the havoc wrought by leftist academia.

As a result, the death of the west, or its survival, runs through the campuses, though many still have their blinders on when it comes to academic life at U.S. campuses, and elsewhere in the west. And this false sense of security precludes any normal safety tips which should accompany everyday living, both inside or outside university confines.  

Even more so, few bat an eye when Israel’s Jewish soldiers are maligned for NOT RAPING “Palestinian” women, as evidenced at a recent U.S. college campus forum. Yes, the twisted hatred/sickness leveled against Israel & Jews alike has poisoned the campus well, to the point that a leader at a student club feels free enough to lob terrorist threats and incitement towards Israelis/Jews in plain view!

Did SFSU Student Post Selfie with Knife: ‘I Want to Stab an Israeli Soldier’ It appears the president of a university-funded student group at San Francisco State boasted how much he loved his knife and that it made him want to stab an Israeli soldier….read the whole thing

AS to left coast California – the poster prof re said vile incitement to murder – presenting, Hatem Bazian, UC Prof Incites To Destroy Israel! Should he – and fellow haters of America and Israel – be allowed to teach anyone’s children, other than the likes of mini Osama Bin Ladens??



BUT why stop at California, let’s head over to MIT (ranked number one in the world, 2014-2015) in Cambridge, MA. Oh, dear….feel a headache coming on… yes, the connections to this (otherwise) esteemed university run deep.  Adding insult to injury, mega bucks shelled out too.

BACK in Aug. 2012, at the inception of this blog, a siren was emitted re the MSA and its absolute dangers to American security. Included within were the MSA Brotherhood/Sisterhood bonafides of Huma Abedin and several of the plotters of 9/11/01, featuring an MIT MSA leader (while a grad student), Ms. Aafia Siddiqui! (Un)holy jihad…

IN this regard, Well, Whaddya Know ? Huma Abedin Was A Muslim Students Association Board Member’ places another nail in her Islamic infiltration/penetration, and the part played by the MSA!

SEGUING to Boston’s 4/13 jihad, though a fading memory for far too many, the following was highlighted: Bomber’s Cambridge, MA mosque tied into MIT and local U’s: its front and center part played by the MSA! Poisons, if not uprooted, will continue to kill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJT9igCqZmg&feature=youtu.be

YET, even so, why is the MSA’s terror nest being rehashed at this juncture? After all, since the inception of this site (mid 2012), MIT’s Islamist created front arm (and the MSA in general) was expounded upon.

BUT never mind, this site welcomes other respected outlets onto the bandwagoncontinue reading

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At the end of April, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology unveiled a permanent memorial to MIT Police Officer Sean Collier. Officer Collier was gunned down by the Boston Marathon bombers, Chechen refugees Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, three days after they blew up the Marathon.

It is painful to learn that in the late 1990s, there were students at MIT who helped recruit for the Chechen jihad and raised funds for Al Qaeda-affiliated groups operating in the Tsarnaevs’ homeland. It is even more painful that the man who led this fundraising effort was still on MIT’s staff when Officer Collier was gunned down.

Suheil Laher had been MIT’s Muslim chaplain for almost 20 years. Today hecontinues to preach at the Islamic Society of Boston, the extremist mosque founded by MIT students near campus, where the Tsarnaevs worshipped during their radicalization.

Americans for Peace and Tolerance have just released a mini-documentary, Al Qaeda’s Base at MIT,” showing how MIT Muslim chaplain Suheil Laher used his leadership of the MIT Muslim Students Association as a vehicle for raising money for Al Qaeda causes around the world. We especially focus on the Al Qaeda affiliate in Chechnya, which Laher and his associates lionized, even as MIT trusted him to be its Muslim students’ spiritual guide….continue reading this explosive expose’.

STILL yet, before we veer to the latest outrage (this time in Pennsylvania), let’s not forget about a liberal arts college in the heart of loony left NYC (the hometown of this investigative journalist…sigh…), Marymount Manhattan College! Indeed, their coddling of Islamists is a dirty secret, well, until recently. 

AS to other culprits in NYC, namely, Columbia and NYU, they are more than serial abusers, when it comes to incitement against America and Israel. Again, under the guise of “academic freedom.”

MIND you, all of the above didn’t touch upon profs/admins (a few from Cornell & Barry University, but who knows how many others across the nation) who endorsed ISIS! Yes, caught “green-handed!”


The only objection? Asking students to support a group with 'ISIS' in its name, a multicultural program coordinator thought, might hold the organization back – so why not rename it?

When an honors student at Barry University in Florida asked campus administrators about getting college funds for a club supporting the ISIS terror army, her idea was met with approval


AS promised, the latest outrage from Pennsylvania…. 


A Pennsylvania state senator wants Lincoln University to discipline a tenured English professor who defended killing those who blaspheme the Muslim Prophet Muhammad.

The professor, Kaukab Siddique, also made numerous statements in an online newsletter and on Facebook rationalizing the actions of the Islamic State, Hamas and al-Qaida.

Sen. Anthony Williams wrote a letter Aug. 17 to Lincoln University’s president after seeing comments by Siddique in the Aug. 10 Philadelphia Inquirer and in other national publications.

Siddique has a long record of statements rationalizing and defending terrorist actions and has written repeatedly about the Islamic prohibition against insulting the faith, including images of Islam’s prophet Muhammad.

“Almost all Islamic scholars agree that one who insults, abuses or ridicules the Prophet, pbuh (peace be upon him), should be killed,” Siddique wrote after January’s massacre at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo killed 12 people.

He also claimed that “Abuse of the Prophet, pbuh, is a form of cultural genocide” and described making cartoons of Muhammad as “acts of war against Islam.” Siddique further stated that “[a]cts of war are always countered by those Muslims who have the ability and will do it.”

The Muslim world would never “accept the abuse of the Prophet, pbuh, in the name of freedom of expression,” Siddique wrote.

Lincoln University has disassociated itself from Siddique’s inflammatory rhetoric – he also has questioned the Holocaust and made anti-gay statements – but says the “bedrock principle” of academic freedom limits further action against the tenured English professor.

In his letter, Williams challenged the university’s position.

“Academic freedom is certainly important, but so is academic integrity,” Williams wrote. “Allowing a member of your faculty to continue spreading hateful, vile lies in the public arena is irresponsible; to protect him from any form of discipline for such actions is unconscionable.”

In an interview, Williams told the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) that Siddique’s defense of terrorists violates the requirements for him to keep his tenure and warned they threaten Lincoln University’s integrity and that of its students.

“Free speech does not mean that you can walk into a crowded theater and cry fire,” Williams said. “Dr. Siddique has crossed that line several times.”

The most recent example involved Siddique’s claim to The Philadelphia Inquirer that free-speech advocate Pamela Geller’s “Draw Muhammad” contest was tantamount to killing Muslims. Geller told the IPT that she felt Siddique’s comment equaled incitement for Muslims to kill her.

Williams previously expressed concern over Siddique’s anti-Semitic rhetoric and Holocaust denial. In 2010, he and State Sen. Daylin Leach wrote to then-Lincoln University President Ivory Nelson, inquiring whether Siddique’s sentiments were reflected in his classroom teaching. Leach described Siddique’s comments as “blatant hate speech.” Lincoln kept Siddique on its payroll despite that controversy citing academic freedom.

A university spokesman declined to comment when contacted by the IPT, but pointed to a statement on its website.

“At Lincoln University, we acknowledge Dr. Siddique’s right to free speech,” thestatement said. “Academic freedom is a bedrock principle for institutions of higher education. However, the university does recognize why many have reacted negatively to his comments. Lincoln University does not condone bigotry in any form and does not hold the opinions of Dr. Siddique. We are committed to providing a learning environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all.”

Williams is scheduled to meet with Lincoln University President Richard Green later this week.

Siddique told the Inquirer he had no regrets for directing a prior anti-Semitic diatribe at Geller, calling her and others who share her beliefs “dirty Jewish Zionist White Supremacists thugs” in a May 30 Facebook post.

Siddique rebutted Williams’ accusations against him on Facebook on Wednesday, saying that the senator did not know anything about him or his relationship with his students. He made no effort to confront the facts contained in Williams’ letter and deflected his criticism.

“The Senator thinks I should be dismissed because I stand against his views and those of the supporters of Israel. I would remind him that this is not Israel. I am a citizen of the United States and we still have First Amendment rights,” Siddique wrote. “Our students are struggling against the situation in American cities. We have police brutality in many cities. I stand with my students in all these issues.”

Siddique Accuses Pamela Geller of All But Killing Muslims

Siddique’s views about the Charlie Hebdo attack raise questions about what he meant in his Philadelphia Inquirer interview. He claimed that Geller’s “Draw Muhammad” contest in May amounted to “cultural genocide” and that that it was tantamount to killing Muslims.

“She did the worst, other than killing us,” Siddique told the Inquirer.

Two gunmen agreed and tried to storm the cartoon contest and kill Geller and as many people inside as possible. They were shot dead by law enforcement officers before they were able to get inside the building….continue here….

ASIDE from all the out-sized dangers emanating from willful professorial misconduct (and subsequent cover given to them), whose incitement towards America and Israel knows no bounds, the fact remains that “academic freedom” does NOT include justifying murder. Basically, they are allowed to light pinpointed bonfires, yet, academic admins expect no one to get burnt! 

NOT only that, profs have built-in impressionable audiences who are easily swayed and manipulated by supposed role models, some of whom become mentors. Co-option and political indoctrination alike. How can this toxic situation be allowed to stand as is?

AND if one considers the fact that students are relegated to “free speech” zones (designed to squash conservative exchanges), what the heretofore exposes is that the bugaboo of “academic freedom” is little more than a smokescreen. 

INTRINSICALLY, if pro-American, pro-Israel and conservative students really want to put their campus administrators to the “academic freedom” test, thus, holding their feet to the fire, the following templates should accomplish just that:

IN whatever way possible, perhaps via initiating (and recording) classroom discussions, (filming) rallies on campus, or even letter writing campaigns to campus newspapers (be creative, use your youthful imaginations), let it rip:

1 – Islam is a violent and retrograde force.

2 – Transgenders and gays have no right to special treatment, and to force their lifestyles on others….try this costume on for size…no kidding…see if you don’t get pummeled by the PC police!


3 – Black thugs are protected under “Black Lives Matter” (see this video link as a template) at the expense of White Lives.

 4 – Plus, Planned Parenthood is a criminal enterprise, selling baby parts (again, utilize attached video) and using fetuses for satanic blood rituals to boot! This (partial) hot button list should get students on the right track.

OH, feel free to pick and choose, as back ups, any commentaries housed within this site. Additionally, give a shout out, if you require additional assistance. At your disposal.

REST assured, the “academic freedom” mask will be ripped off, and it will tatter into shreds. In a very real sense, it will take courageous students to set the academic record straight. But that doesn’t mean that the adults in their lives (to assist them, in whatever capacity their offspring require) are off the hook.

GOT that? 

(Lincoln University’s – Pennsylvania – very own tenured English prof, Kaukab Siddique!)

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

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ISIS, Cartels, Open Borders & Hill’s Email-Gate: Narco-Terror Nexus & Obama Inc.’s Complicity Exposed. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ISIS: "We are here and we are funded by your government through Swiss banks".

IF patriots want to understand how ISIS catapulted (seemingly, out of nowhere) to become the mega terror force that it is, they must be willing to revert back to Fast & Furious. Yes, the illegal gun running by the ATF, DEA and FBI from 2006-2011 should be viewed as a “test run” template for the CIA’s (with assists from various FED agencies and Mid East terror groups) Libyan operation; the largest weapons running operation into the Mid East theater, aka Benghazigate, bar none. Hill’s domain too. Not only that, Congress (yes, the erstwhile “august” body) koshered a mega weapons airlift (Oct. 2014) into the bloody Syrian war, ostensibly to supply the so-called “rebels”, those who had already been proven to align with ISIS! Hmm.

(Weapons approved by Congress, airlifted. now in ISIS’s hands…shocked??)

MOREOVER, let’s also agree that the CIA (and DHS) is akin to a criminal cartel, and it does NOT operate F/B/O America’s citizens. Indeed, their efforts are directed at guarding whatever the banksters – and their bought and paid for politicians – demand at any given time.

THAT being established, ISIS, created by Obama Inc. (and the progeny of al-Qaeda), is amok inside and outside America’s borders. Multiple high decibel alarms are ringing, yet, are Americans hearing them? 


MOST ominously, a road map to their Mexican base – and how it came to pass – has been detailed at this site. Indeed, “ISIS is making preparations to strike U.S. southern border states” was written in Aug. 2014. 

AMERICA’s compromised borders are not the result of an operational inability to control infiltrators, whether under the guise of kiddies or not. The absence of proper controls were designed to aid and abet the overthrow of America, both through an unbearable crush of illegal aliens, further coupled with an ability to ferry Islamic terrorists for whatever havoc they have in store. Sounds bizarre, yes, but not from an Anti-American-in-Chief’s perspective.

MOVING right along…the poisonous fruits of HUSSEIN Obama’s labors are prepping to explode. As indicated, a two-prong probing is in place within America and poised inside Juarez, Mexico.

IN fact, as a main hub for narco-terror (alongside the tri-border region of Latin America), MS-13 became a front center concern at this blog. This site is anything but Johnny-Come-Lately.


EFFECTIVELY, as related in Dec. 2014, “ISIS (and attendant jihadi tentacles) is embedded in America” and planning multiple terror attacks. Mind you, this prognostication took place a full 5 months before their opening shot in Garland, Texas. Dead on.


AND, as predicted, only a few months onward, an ISIS hyper-alert was blared from these pages, relative to narco-terrorists and their direct nexus to jihadi smuggling!

DEMONSTRABLY, all of the above is the nexus to the seemingly disparate wildfires under the tenure of HUSSEIN Obama, and the footprints to Hillary’s (illegal) private email server housing State Dept. classified secrets. The twists and turns.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, it is due to this incendiary mix that readers should take the time to view the following clip, at least those who are concerned about America becoming the next regional wildfire.

County after county, the takeover of parts of Arizona by the drug cartels is evidenced by Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeu. The situation is so bad that it has drawn the attention of Presidential candidate, Ben Carson who has pledged to put the National Guard on the border in order to secure the border. Babeu bemoans the fact that the Obama administration releases convicted illegal alien felons back into American communities instead of deporting them as our laws call for.

Why would the Obama administration be complicit in these highly illegal activities? The office of the Secretary of State would be involved.

When one follows the evidence trail, Hillary Clinton is implicated in supporting terrorism and served as an accomplice in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens at Benghazi….read the whole thing!

STILL yet, aside from all the devastating news re those who have betrayed America in unimaginable ways, there are others who will stand up and refuse to stand down. This is the case whether they are army trained or in the civilian population.

Benjamin James's photo.

SO considering the fact that 3 American heroes (2 of whom are army trained, despite being unarmed at the time of the terror attack) took down an ISIS aligned terrorist, it becomes clear that there are Americans ready to step up, when the time comes.

NOT to be overlooked, relative to America’s heroes – though currently purged from the military, others duly “missing” – HUSSEIN Obama’s abuse toward (previous) top brass warrants the following urgent questions: Since General Carter Ham and Admiral Charles M. Gaouette know the answers to what happened during Benghazigate, it behooves further inquiry: Where are Ham and Gaouette today? Why haven’t they testified in open – or closed – hearings? Were their actions akin to a military coup, knowing full well that the Commander-in-Chief had (still is) betrayed the American people? And, as loyal Americans, did they place their oaths of duty first and foremost? Apparently.

EVEN so, if one digs deep enough into the underwriters of the decades worth of terror plaguing the Mid East and its cancerous spread (knowing full well that Islams committed followers live to die for Allah, necessitating the destruction of the west on behalf of the ummah), certain factors are front and center and must be recognized for what they are. Let the chips fall where they may.

MOST significantly, looking to Congress to right said wrongs is whistling past America’s graveyard. Both sides of the aisle have already bowed, submitted, to (pagan) Allah. This is a fact.

INCONTESTABLY, both Congressional parties are inextricably linked to Booz Allen Hamilton, yes, the private equity fund owned by The Carlyle Group. Indeed, that same gov’t contractor, aka fixer, is the go to group for the CIA and its dirty deals. Yup. And when one connects the narco-terror dots, guess which ones keep popping up? Lo and behold, entities attached to the Clinton’s, the Bush’s, the House of Saud and the Bin Laden’s, yes, THAT Bin Laden – in tandem with other Mid East and global players – assist in laundering monies to fund Islamic chaos for whatever economic and political goal necessitates said funding. Moving right along, ask yourself: Where does UBS whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld’s CIA-NSA-Swiss Banks-Booz Allen Hamilton-Terrorist Finance connections enter the picture? Everywhere. Hint: at its base, there is much more than tax evasion involved. 

YES, HUSSEIN Obama’s ascendancy was timed to be the undertaker of decades worth of world chaos, particularly related to Mid East terror. And as a CIA connected “made man”, a communist/Marxist /Islamist hybrid alike, the take down of America has always been part of his tenure.

AND the fact that America is poised to become a facsimile of a narco-terror state (like Mexico and other Latin/South American nations) through unfettered open borders – facilitated by Obama Inc.’s turning a blind eye to ISIS setting up shop right across the southern border  indicates that the plan is close to fruition. 

CONCOMITANTLY, is it any wonder that ISIS feels emboldened by its plans to smash the borders of the Mid East, as well as America’s southern ones alike?

ISIS Plans To Smash Borders Of Mideast Map

ISIS in America 6

AS is said, just one strike of a match (set via the axis between ISIS/Islamic hydras and drug/criminal cartels) will indubitably alight the southern border and spread like wildfire across America. And if anyone thinks this is hysteria-talk, and not the anticipated outcome by Obama Inc., well, this site has a bridge to sell you too.

OH, and all of the above is hardly the result of a fevered imagination and conspiracy theory stone-throwing! If only.

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}



Islam, A DEATH Cult: Raping Kiddies AND Animals, Slaughtering Worldwide! What’s To Be Done?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


WHENEVER certain individuals are faced with seemingly insurmountable dilemmas, their first reactions are to fold, run and hide. That’s one tack to take in frightening situations, however, it is absolutely misguided. On the other side of the spectrum, there are folks who would rather eat dirt than give in to threats and the like. Readers can guess which side this site identifies with. Besides, the idea of NOT overcoming obstacles, pushing oneself to be “the best one can be”, is alien at this end. Said, “yes, can do” outlook should be taught (by one’s parents) from the time a child enters elementary school. Stamina-building. Character-forming. Taking personal responsibility. One of the most valuable gifts a parent can give to a child.

NOW that that is settled, consider which of the above mindsets has a better chance of survival against the onslaught from Allah’s barbarians. Know this: mind over matter is an apt idiom to keep uppermost in one’s (mental) arsenal. It is an invaluable tool, alongside hard assets to safeguard oneself and loved ones. Use your imaginations.

SO it is with the above duly implanted that one must ALWAYS approach Allah’s monsters. In fact, Americans must never forget that they have legal ways to defend themselves, yet, this is not the case within socialist gun control ruled Europe. Sitting ducks. And this is why patriots must NEVER EVER give up their Constitutional right to bear arms, regardless of all else. Inherently, demanding that a law-abiding (emphasis placed) American give up said right is itself illegal!

BE that as it may, where does the raping of kiddies and animals – slaughter alike – come in? Everywhere.

IT is an open “secret” that Muslim savages are inextricably linked to – and fascinated by – blood. And this has been proven through the MOST extensive and exhaustive policy paper to date (written in 2012, and reviewed by this investigative journalist), one which draws upon a vast reservoir of historical, theological and cultural proofs. Unassailable.

THEREFORE, when the following is asserted, Islam is a death cult, recognize that the weight of the evidence is insurmountable.


INDEED, where but in a death cult would it be considered a “religious” duty to decapitate and more? Yet – and merely as a thought experiment – let’s wend back to almost a year to date, a time when Islamic beheading actually catapulted onto the west’s radar.

steven sotloff execution

(Steven Sotloff awaits his execution. He was beheaded with a hunting knife by an ISIS Islamist.)

Tuesday, September 2, the Islamist butchers of ISIS beheaded Steven Sotloff, a captured American journalist. Sotloff, who was kidnapped last year in Syria, was forced to read a statement condemning America, and then his throat was slowly cut with a hunting knife until his head was removed from his body. Of course, apologists for Islam will shout to the heavens that ISIS does not represent Islam, but it is becoming harder.

President Obama would have us believe Islam is truly the Religion of Peace. He condemned ISIS as completely un-Islamic when he spoke about their beheading of American journalist James Foley, before returning to the golf course to complete his round.
“So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.
Yet Obama, who openly declares his love for the Qur’an after studying Islam since his childhood, certainly should know Islam’s Holy Book actually encourages the behavior of ISIS.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” …..continue reading….

DOES anyone still require a non-stop rendering of beheading(s), burning(s), crucifixion(s) and a laundry list of barbaric acts committed by Allah’s beasts – just since last Sept. – to flesh out the picture? If so, how much time do you have? Didn’t think so.


MOVING right along, Islamic raping of kiddies and animals – slaughtering-alike – is all in a day’s work for Allah’s followers, disquieting and discomfiting as it is for westerners to internalize. 

Mohammed’s most famous marriage did involve raping a little girl and plenty of Islamic clerics have made a case for doing it today. Just one more way that Islam is incompatible with the West. (via Religion of Peace)

Thirteen Muslims have been found guilty in Bristol for a whole catalogue of sexual offences including child rape and grooming  under age school girls. Two separate grooming gang trials took place with a complete media blackout being enforced.

A slight variation from the Muslim grooming gangs we are becoming so used to now. The repulsive paedophiles committing the sex offences were all Somali immigrants.

One nonce who had sex with multiple victims told the court at his trial that sharing girls for sex “was part of Somali culture” and “a religious requirement”.

NOT only that, in their own words, admittedly, “white meat” always tastes better than the rest. Can you imagine? Moreover, they are considered “fair game” because they are uncovered. Really. Even so, westerners must put a stop to their incursions and violations, otherwise, the nightmare will continue as is. It’s now up to each committed westerner to take matters into their own hands because the leaders have abandoned their sworn duties. It is what it is.


REGARDLESS, adding heft to one and two, just because western leaders are bent on committing national suicide, it doesn’t mean that Americans, in particular, shouldn’t learn requisite lessons. In other words, unless patriots are prepared to go down the path of Europe – effectively, handing their kiddies over to Allah’s rapists – well, it is past time to set the nation back on course. After all, the stampede of Muslim “refugees” imported by HUSSEIN Obama require housing and more, just like in Europe!


UK Express  The three-storey former Ladesfield care home will house 40-50 male refugees aged 16 to 18 who have arrived without parents at Folkestone and Dover.

Blacked-out windows, barbed wire fences, CCTV and security guards will be added to the temporary reception centre, next to Joy Lane School in Whitstable, Kent. It is due to open next month but it has already triggered concerned families to find new schools for their children (rather than risk them being raped by the Muslims)


TO wit, unless Americans are resigned to all of the above – plus worse – understand and internalize what the outcome will be. Btw, unlike HUSSEIN Obama, Islam’s barbarians keep their promises!








BUT just when you thought Europe’s masses had decided to lie down and capitulate, along comes a groundswell of citizens, those who are bent on saying NO to Islam’s takeover. If anything, it is surely time for American patriots to consider MASS protests all over America, the leaders be damned…permits or not…


Similar demonstrations have taken place in other countries such as Italy, where 100,000 anti-Islamic protesters gathered at Piazza Duomo in Milan to demonstrate against the spread of radical Islam in their country. The enormous turnout received attention from residents all over Europe, encouraging citizens in other countries to stand up and defend their homes against radical Islam, since most governments seem too timid to do it themselves.


AND relative to the question in today’s heading – what’s to be done? – actually, there are always lessons to be learned. The first and second one piggyback one another.

FIRSTLY, if one stays focused and committed to beating back Islam’s barbarians, it follows that one must also be every bit as dedicated as they are in their missions. Similarly, studying their weak spots and the forces which drive them is a critical component. Failure to do so is akin to flying blind.

ALAS, lesson one leads to number two, resulting in this and that remedy. As such, whether fighting on the communal level against the encroachment of mosques; Shariah Law; “Islamophobia”; or even following in the footsteps of angry Oklahomans, there are many tactics available. Think outside the box. Be creative.

o mosque(That would be raw bacon wrapped around the door handles of the building. Police are now trying to track down the perpetrators of the porcine incident. Don’t the cops have more important “crimes” to solve??)

NEVERTHELESS, as stated above, there is nothing as convincing as the willingness to stand ones ground with whatever it takes, and said posture is not dependent on garnering “permission” from any level of authority. Fatal error.

YES, the above understandings are where the time spent as a tenacious student enters the fray, aside from the rewards of a challenging career. Learning lessons. Dog with a bone-like. Never giving up, nor giving in. Always studying the facts at hand. Uncompromising. Leadership skills. Team player too. And so on and so forth….

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Islam Surging & Sunni & Shia Align. NYPD Prostrates To Allah-Again! Where Is The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

DEFINITION-WISE, a tailwind is a wind from directly behind a moving object, and it is in reference to an aircraft or a ship. But if you stretch its meaning a tad from its traditional mooring, the obvious outcome applies to Islam, that is, unless you prefer to pretend that what is isn’t. Suit yourselves.

EFFECTIVELY, when you conjure up said newly derived construct, what readily comes to mind is the unimpeded path of Islam’s gains, and this applies to both the Sunni and Shia arenas. Think about its catastrophic implications.

IN other words, as demonstrated, Sunni ISIS (and its Brotherhood hydras) is gaining territory at breakneck speed, bringing to mind Islam’s historical invasions through imperialistic conquests. So too Islam’s Shia barbarians. How can this be?

WELL, “it be”. In fact, western leaders are doing next to nothing to stop them and they even accommodate their demands, coddling them alike. Let’s be honest, if one is an Islamist supremacist, wouldn’t it appear as a sign from (pagan) Allah that said path is “righteous and just”, and jihad is the way forward? 

TO make matters even more incendiary, again, akin to a mega force multiplier, Sunni jihadists ALWAYS lock arms with Shia – when overriding interests collide – even after slaughtering one another for hegemony ad infinitum, perplexed eyebrows beside the point. Still, whenever folks challenge said analysis, this Muslim Brotherhood expert has to repeat its basis, but it is always helpful to cite additional proofs. 

HERE we go again:

A disturbing message is being elevated by the Islamic Revolution Design House via a video that is spreading like wildfire all over the internet. The message portrayed reads, “Israel must be destroyed by Iran and Jerusalem brought under Muslim control.”Algemeiner news discovered the video and this is what they had to say about its contents:  

“The animated video, produced by the Islamic Revolution Design House, depicts soldiers preparing for battle. One dons the IRGC insignia on his left arm, another the emblem of the Iran-backed Iraqi Shia Badr Organization. Yet a third dons a headband bearing the Lebanese Hezbollah logo, and a fourth is seen clad in Hamas’ (Sunni Brotherhood) characteristic balaclava and the Qassam Brigades green headband.

“Each brandishes a weapon, a helmet and a keffiyeh. They are shown poised on a hill overlooking the Israeli capital of Jerusalem, prepared for battle.…

“The clip then transitions to a black screen with Persian script that says “Israel must be obliterated,” or literally, “erased from the annals of history,” a command first issued by Iran’s late Ayatollah Khomeini and famously repeated by former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as well as leaders of Iran’s proxies such as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

“The video continues, “and the youth will definitely see that day when it comes.”…”

In a nut shell, this video suggests an Islamic alliance between (Shia) Iran, (Sunni) Hamas, and (Shia) Hezbollah and ignites a muslim call to readiness for war against Jerusalem. Here is the breaking video…just click on!


MOREOVER, let there be no doubt, as to this site’s continuous claim that Islam is rising and winning. The reasons are manifest, and the evidence is scattered throughout these pages. Let your mouse do the clicking…

ATOP the disturbing and dangerous realities already cited, along comes another back-stab but this time it bushwhacks patriots from the heart of NYC. Inherently, it is hardly the first time, nor will it be the last. Nevertheless, its implications are wildly perilous, even if the poohbahs within One Police Plaza haven’t a clue. Heaven help. 

In this video, the current New York City Police Commissioner, William Bratton with all members of the NYPD at the Jamaica Muslim Center are seen worshipping Allah:

The video was proudly tweeted  by the NYPD News.

On its Facebook the Jamaican Muslim Center announced the visit.jmc copybratton19n-3-webIt seems that Bratton and Mayor Bill de Blasio are two butt-cheeks in one underwear. Like Mayor Blasio, the spiritual harlotry is part of Bratton’s efforts to add more Muslims to the NYPD Police Force, so he sees it fit to pray to Allah with Muslims. In June, Reuters reported:

Even with minorities nearly outnumbering whites among New York City police officers, the department is struggling to hire enough blacks and Muslims to reflect changing city demographics, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said in an interview on Monday.

Adding “Muslims” to the NYPD police force is “to reflect changing city demographics”. In other words, Islam is part of America. Bratton believes that Islam is a great religion and was hijacked by a few crazies. (blogger’s note: hey, Commish Bratton, pull your head out of the nearest Muslim’s behind, why don’t you!) In May he stated:

“This crazy hijacking of the Muslim religion by these fanatics, twisting it into an ideology that’s all about hate and murder and killing.”

Bratton after Muslim outrage and pressure from civil libertarians who argued the surveillance violated the Constitution decided to disband the former Demographics Unit, which was part of the aggressive anti-terror strategy put in place by former NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly, city officials said.

“Our administration has promised the people of New York a police force that keeps our city safe, but that is also respectful and fair,” Mayor de Blasio said.

So if we do not have to spy in churches, why should we spy at mosques? Sounds “fair” according to Blasio.

Members of the Demographics Unit, which was created in 2003 and later renamed the Zone Assessment Unit following an uproar over disclosure of its activities, infiltrated Muslim communities, eavesdropped on conversations and built detailed files on people’s eating, praying and shopping habits. (blogger’s note: yup, and they did a damn good job of it!)

What can I say, the Muslim Kaaba kissers will always be with us and you will always find with them American traitors kissing something else.

AIN’T that the dastardly truth!

NOW, only a fool would challenge this investigative journalist, re the ins and outs of the NYPD and its top leadership’s political whoring. It’s a topic that most haven’t a clue about, but never mind, they think they know better. And this is noteworthy because it is also a fact that the NYPD is considered the “gold standard” re national policing, and this too is not for nothing. So, if their leadership can get in bed with Allah’s monsters, what are the expectations of the rest?


SO take it to (mental) vault when this claim is asserted: New York City’s security net has taken a dangerous nosedive, ever since a chief radical revolutionary, Bill DeBlasio, took over the Mayoral helm. In fact, it took less than a New York minute for him to dispatch the NYPD’s top gun Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, an “out-of-the-box” leader and counter terror expert, and to replace him with a malleable surrogate, butt-kisser, William Bratton. Rest assured, this is the case even though Bratton served as top cop under Giuliani and Dinkins. The fact is that Bratton wouldn’t have been appointed, if he hadn’t agreed to gut the most effective counter terror tools, bar none, developed by Ray Kelly. Believe it.

Attesting to its importance, an NYPD unit tasked with spying on the city’s Muslims was publicly killed Tuesday, just days after a ruling that upheld its legal basis. So what gives? Read the whole thing….

OH, this too tells the dangerous tale, as a Miami Assistant Chief of Police, an Islamic fox, refused to pledge allegiance to the U.S. Hmm…a top cop exhibits her own version of F U America – ala a preponderance of Muslims in America – and she still has her job! Imagine that. Isn’t that too a sign of a deteriorating national safety net?

BUT do bear in mind that Bratton’s & de Blasio’s NYPD Allah whore-fest (Dec. 2014) was hardly a one-off, and this is a fact.

MOST significantly, whenever the “strong horse” appears to be the front-runner, it doesn’t take many (generally, fence-sitters and leftists to begin with) to jump aboard.

INTRINSICALLY, this is where the danger lies and why, once again, another NYPD Police Commish is dancing to Islamic tunes! Mind you, even under the most vaunted counter terror leadership – ex Police Commish Ray Kelly’s – said prostrations took place, though a robust counter terror unit was firmly in place. No longer.

AS in Orwell’s universe, one would believe that Muslims/Islam had nothing to do with the most devastating terror attack on U.S. soil, and straight in the heart of NYC to boot!

IF dancing in their parades and attendant prostrations are not emblematic of Islam’s surge, well, can’t think of a damn thing that is!

Donkeys asses…the whole damn lot of them!

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged Joe For America}

Islamic Purges: Christianity Razed. Obama Inc.’s Accomplices. Others Alike. Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


IF one evaluates jihadi wildfires engulfing the world, at its epicenter is one constant and consistent component: Islam. Stipulated, geo-political maneuvers play a role wherever one turns, however, as always, there are leaders and followers. Twists and turns.

IN this regard, consider HUSSEIN Obama as an underwriter of both of Islam’s main ringleaders: ISIS as Sunni (Brotherhood’s) Islam’s “A Team”, Iran as Shia Islam’s counterweight, another “A Team.” They are both cooperating and opposing partners, and whether they fight each other or align depends upon who needs elimination. Regardless, their underlings are deemed junior varsity teams ala subcontractors and subsidiaries. The point being, other than the aforementioned key players, forget about the particular Islamic hydras under which they hoist their jihadi banners to satiate (pagan) Allah. After all, it matters not a whit because dead is dead.

NOW that that is settled, let’s point to the obvious: the empowerment of Iran as a nuclear state ensures that Iran’s killing machines wreck destruction and a scorched earth outcome for many generations to come. This is a fact, despite any spin otherwise from Obama Inc.’s henchpeople. 

SIMILARLY, being a patron of ISIS obviates any rat a tat tat which Obama Inc.’s Pentagon is tasked to do. Water off a duck’s (terror) back. Therefore, it makes total sense that purging Christianity from the Mid East (and beyond) is a major component of their rampages. ISIS understands full well that nothing worth a damn will be done to stop them, especially via cutting off their MAIN fuel and oxygen, their income source. We will get to that.

EVEN more so, on the heels of said wholesale liquidation, the fact remains that the Islamist-in-Chief is waving Islamic “refugees” unfettered entry into the U.S., yet, denying shelter to persecuted Christians! Satan-in-Chief like.

SO it is hardly shocking that it is under HUSSEIN Obama’s very own umbrella that ISIS feels free to purge Christianity from Iraq, Syria, and so on and so forth. However, concomitantly, Islam’s adherents are heading towards American and Euro cities to stake their claims. Pray tell, what do they have in mind, will they take up knitting and quilting? Just askin’…Alas, once they find their “sanctuary cities” they will set up shop. Oh, my….



MOST significantly, a serious Commander-in-Chief would decapitate their financial revenue streams. Ya think? 

THUS, as Iran’s genocidal regime salivates over billions in U.S. windfall dollars to refuel their terror apparatuses (including their WMD program) to the highest of heights, HUSSEIN Obama and his Iranian sycophant negotiator, John-the-Mullah-lover Kerry, dismiss all the naysayers concerns. Why is this? 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry dismissed concerns that Iran will use its newly found billions of dollars in sanctions relief to ramp up its support for international terrorism.

Speaking to the BBC after the nuclear agreement between Iran and six world powers was reached, Kerry said that the more than $100 billion that Iran is set to receive “is going to make all the difference in the world is just – it’s not true.”

Acknowledging Iran is an international player in wreaking terror across the globe, Kerry said, “What Iran has done for years with Hezbollah does not depend on money.” He similarly stated Iran’s support of the Houthi rebels against the government in Yemen has not “depended on money.”

“Sure, something may go additionally somewhere,” Kerry added. “But if President [Hasan] Rouhani and his administration do not [use the money to] take care of the people of Iran, they will have an enormous problem.”

Earlier this year, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted the U.S. would have no control over Iran’s use of monies freed by sanctions relief. However, he said it was “common sense” Iran would use the money to pump up its economy that was devastated by the international sanctions and not put the money into terrorism.

Still, Earnest said, “I’m not going to make any predictions about what they are going to do, and I’m certainly not going to be in a position to prescribe what they should do,” he said. “This is a sovereign country that will make their own decisions.”

Kerry contended it was the opinion of the U.S. intelligence community that Iranian money “that finds its way somewhere, is not the difference in what is happening in the Middle East.”

However, many contend that Kerry’s prognosis is not rooted in fact. Up until the 9/11 attack on the U.S. by Al Qaeda, the State Department reported Hezbollah was “responsible for more American deaths than any other terrorist group.”

In its most recent report, the State Department wrote, “Iran has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in support of Lebanese Hezbollah in Lebanon and has trained thousands of its fighters at camps in Iran.”

In 2010 alone, State reported “Iran provides roughly $100-$200 million per year in funding to support Hezbollah.”

Efforts by Republicans in Congress to make the current deal contingent on Iran removing its support for terrorism failed earlier this year when U.S. President Barack Obama said he would veto any such legislation.

Meanwhile, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former head of the Saudi Arabian intelligence services and the kingdom’s ambassador to the U.S. in Washington, said the current deal will result in Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon and “wreak havoc in the region.”

He also contended America’s traditional allies in the Arab world are now distrustful of the U.S. and looking elsewhere to make alliances. Writing in The Daily Star, a Lebanese newspaper, bin Sultan commented, “People in my region now are relying on God’s will and consolidating their local capabilities and analysis with everybody else except our oldest and most powerful ally.”

IN no small measure, what does this make the U.S., other than complicit in worldwide terror? In reality, America will not even be 3 degrees separated, that’s the truth.

STILL yet, (oh, no rest for the weary or wicked) we must revert back to ISIS and its bloody swathe across the region (and the world) and figure out what HUSSEIN Obama should be doing but has zero intention to execute.  As to defanging the destroyers of western civilization, NO CAN DO!

BUT never mind all that, just pay heed to the master of the financial narco-terror domain, Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld:


Presidential candidate and billionaire businessman Donald Trump has the right idea regarding how to stop ISIS. “I would knock out the source of their wealth, the primary source of their wealth, which is oil,” he told MSNBC.

A year into it, the United States-led daily air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has done little, if anything, to stop the murderous Islamist group’s oil lifeline.

The U.S. Treasury Department estimated last month that ISIS netted at least $1 billion from public and private banks in the cities it overran. ISIS generates additional income from taxes, ransom, sexual slave trade, antiquities and the smuggling of everything. However, the revenues from oil and oil products fuel the umbilical cord of ISIS.  According to the assistant secretary of treasury for terrorist financing, Daniel Glaser, ISIS has been making “about $500 million a year” from oil sales.

Soon after taking over Mosul, in June 2014, ISIS embarked on developing the oil trafficking business. The U.S. and its allies could have stopped this industry in its infancy, but chose not to. Since then, ISIS has even issued ads for highly paid refinery and rig operators….(blogger’s note: W T F ??)

While allied targeted bombing had reportedly killed a few ISIS leaders and hundreds of their easily replaceable fighters, they strangely did not target the easy-to-spot movement of hundreds of oil tankers and thousands of smaller vehicles on the same route daily. You’d think a continuous movement like this would not escape notice of the intelligence services given the war-torn landscape and the small number of border crossings into Turkey. Indeed, the failure to target ISIS oil fields and tankers is reminiscent of the allied forces’ reluctance to bomb the rail tracks that carried the trains packed with Jews to the Nazi concentration camps.

Dr. Norman Bailey, of the Center for National Security Studies and Geostrategy at Haifa University, has pointed out the obvious. “The Islamic State’s barbaric conquests are financed by collaborators among the business and financial circles of the West.” In his Globes online commentary, Bailey explains that the funds to pay for oil and oil products can be obtained in banknotes, only through the cooperation of a chain of “correspondent banks.” 

Bailey rightly argues that the “oil buyers are readily found in the West and tanker trucks are permitted to reach ports where oil tankers are waiting to load it…All this requires ready, willing and able collaborators among the business and financial circles of the West as well as surrounding countries…. The buyers and the facilitators and the financiers are not that difficult to identify, so that if the opponents of Islamic State were really serious about doing something about it, along with the occasional bombing raid, the Islamic State could be starved of funds to continue its rampage of murder, destruction, rape and slavery.

Bailey notes that while Iran was forced to the negotiating table because the sanctions regime effectively deprived it “of necessary funds (along with a falling oil price), ISIS, however, doesn’t even have to negotiate. It has had no trouble finding collaborators among the worshippers of MAMMON in the West, allowing [it] to pursue…bloody conquests.”

President Obama opposes putting American troops on the ground to fight ISIS and his (now former) Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno told the Washington Post that he disagreed with Trump. According to Gen. Odierno, destroying ISIS’s oil resources  will solve the problem only temporarily, “because we haven’t properly looked at the political and economic side of it.” He concluded, as Obama does, “In order to resolve that, you need countries of the Middle East and those surrounding the Middle East to be involved in the solution.” This is a very poor excuse.

Right now, neighboring countries and their banks collaborate with ISIS, helping its oil sales and laundering the money. However, destroying the oil production facilities under ISIS control and their oil tankers is likely to minimize the financial temptations to collaborate with ISIS.

Obama’s reluctance to harm the terrorists’ major financial resources helps strengthen ISIS fighting power on the ground and increase its global appeal through the Internet. Together with his very bad Iran deal, Obama will be leaving behind a very bloody legacy.

BEAR in mind what this investigative journalist noted in a (March 2015) interview with Inquisitr, and the excerpt reads as follows:

Basically, western leaders are playing a numbers game, and the Arabs/Muslims win hands down. Placating them, despite their barbarism, manifests in two directions. Firstly, there are more financial deals to be made with a billion plus people, as opposed to a paltry few million Jews. This is despite the fact that western collusion with the Arab/Muslim world has a direct hand in what they excel at best; the import/export of jihad through money laundering via narco-terror and various criminal enterprises. The main umbrella under which they operate is the Muslim Brotherhood; a Mafia-like syndicate of jihadi enterprises, which, at times, traverses with Hezbollah’s narco-terror networks F/B/O Iran.

The above is accomplished through a maze-like hydra of financial institutions throughout the west, as the dirty money wends its way into all corners of the world, wherever funds for jihad are required. Yes, “it be” true, there are many western leaders (political and others) who are accomplices, and HSBC is one such “slush” house….

ATOP all that, a real statesman would let history be his/her guide. Indeed, the historical facts are as clear as they are stark, that is, Islam’s march on Christianity and Judaism is as alive today as it was centuries ago. And never mind the lying mantra proffered by willful revisionists who opine: Islam is a religion of peace! In a (non-halal) pig’s eye.

MORE specifically, in 624, Mohammed led a bloody raid for booty and plunder against a Meccan caravan, slaughtering 70 Meccans. In the time period between 630 A.D. and the death of (war-lord and pedophile) Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims — on at least one purging by Mohammed — the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine was conquered through an estimate of a dozen separate invasions and barbaric conquests. Per their usual Orwellian constructs, said invasion were in large part deemed “Holy wars”. Its significance is manifest, in so far as it puts paid to the lie that the Crusades were the “The First Holy War,” feigning as if the Christians had invented the concept of a holy war. Nonsense.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, it was after Mohammed’s death in 632, the new Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, catapulted Islam into almost 1,500 years of constant bloody conquest through imperialist methods, thus, subjugating and submitting others to Islam. Truth dare be told, said war-lording continues apace to this very day. Go figure.

THE only diff being, at this historical juncture Allah’s soldiers enjoy the actual protection – “protectzia”, as is said in Israel – and shielding under the umbrella of the leader of the (heretofore) free world!


{re-blogged at Joe For America}

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NOT being the sort who hands out high honors lightly, it is indeed a privilege to be attached to The American Report. As aptly expressed by one of its key members, it is “a grouping of patriots who are dedicated to exposing and routing out the Muslim Brotherhood from the United States government. We include retired military and intelligence, investigative journalists, and political activists.” 

IN this regard, said association hardly comes out of thin air. It is borne via recognition of what this investigative journalist brings to the mix. Along this trajectory, an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood is acknowledged.

MOREOVER, enumerable dedicated readers are duly aware that being an expat in no way lessens patriotic leanings at this end. To the contrary. In fact, living in Israel, in the cross hairs of Islamic jihadism, ratchets (western-based) national security issues to the highest decibel. Piercing. Wailing.

TO wit, it is with utmost urgency that patriotic Americans are encouraged to seek out the most comprehensive resources available which address domestic dangers (as well as foreign security concerns via knock-on effects) and remedies alike.

RESULTANT, this site is pleased to present a premiere, cutting edge and comprehensive coalition of experts via the links provided below. They are amply positioned to lead patriots in the right direction. Introducing….

The American Report (www.theamericanreport.org) is a news and analysis organization dedicated to the most important issues facing the American people today.  The American Report focuses on corruption and treason at the highest levels of government and international affairs. It offers a sharp look at the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic terrorism, the United Nations, and the shadowy networks undermining American sovereignty.
Working with Major General Paul E. Vallely (Ret.) and Stand Up America, The American Report is now actively seeking to inform Tea Parties around the nation of the challenges facing our Republic.  
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The Betrayal Papers (Investigative Report on Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration)
The Betrayal Papers is a six-part series about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama administration’s foreign and domestic policies.  To access The Betrayal Papers, click here.  
American Report – Weekly Radio Program – LIVE Saturdays, 8AM EST
The American Report is a live, hour-long, weekly news round-up and review featuring a panel of expert insiders.   The program airs on Studio A on Red State Talk Radio at http://redstatetalkradio.com.
Show archives show can be found on the website of the producer, JJ McCartney (www.jjmccartney.com).
Benghazi Report
The Benghazi Report is the strongest summary of events surrounding the two years leading up to the Benghazi Libya attack on 9/11/12. This Brief has been embedded in an audio PowerPoint presentation so that it can be communicated to others.  To access it, click here.
INDEED, “This Is War” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePmDoGd-7iA ….
“I Am America” rocks too – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0heL2Czeraw ….“This We’ll Defend!”


U.S. Counter Terrorism Expert: American Schoolchildren In Cross Hairs! Where Is This Intel Coming From? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


NOT unlike all professional realms, there are many who are considered qualified to execute their duties to a satisfactory degree, yet, few would be considered experts, let along “experts among experts.” Besides, the west’s PC fealty to equality – regardless of one’s less than stellar qualifications – is hogwash and dangerous in the extreme. That’s just the way it is, harsh as it seemingly sounds. Get over it.

EVEN so, when it comes to counter terrorism fewer meet set rigorous standards, and this is hardly an insignificant and inconsequential (nitpicking) factor. In other words, with so many lives at stake the most stringent bar re achievements and thresholds must be in force. Nothing less will suffice.

IN this regard, readers already understand that there are indeed “experts among experts” within this investigative journalist’s sphere of influence. Just scroll within. Again, nothing less will be tolerated. 

SO it is with the highest decibel level warning that the following intel assessment is being given to the American people, at least to those who care about the welfare and safety of the kiddies. Now, this is not the first time that said warning has blared from this expert, as its basis was set forth in a tag-team interview (Sept. 2014) via “ISIS, Islam and Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World.”

DAVE GAUBATZ: When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people…..continue here….

NEVERTHELESS, trust that its repeating herein is hardly jibber jabber. Not for nothing. Think: Beslan’s school massacre as a template!

American School Attacks
19 Aug 2015
I have returned to writing after about a six month period.  I felt it was time to discontinue writing articles for a few months so I could use the time to watch, research, analyze, and think long and hard if now is the right time to return to putting out articles on Islamic terrorism based issues.
I have read many articles by very good and well-meaning authors from America, Canada, and England.  Many of these articles are very valuable and are worthy of people taking their time to digest the information.  The majority though have in common what the GOP Candidates aside from Donald Trump have in common.  They are too political and they leave the reader with a positive note that all will work out for the good.  All is not going to turn out for the good.  There will be no happy ending.  America will suffer war ten times that of any war we have been involved in.  There will be more death in America for our near future than even Nostradamus could have imagined.
Over a period of a decade plus of my writing articles I have been criticized for being too brutal in my writings on how I explain situations.  I agree with anyone who says my writing style is straight to the point and I leave very little room for people to misunderstand my point of view on many subjects and about many people.  Yes, my articles are sometimes brutal and they make people cringe and sometimes cry instead of leaving a happy note for them to reflect on.
Our children are the hearts of the American people.  Most parents go out of their way to show love for their children and we are not ashamed to show the world how much they mean to us.  The world has watched and unfortunately satanic Islamic terrorists and their supporters have watched us show our love to our children.
A common misconception non-Muslims have about Islamic terrorists and the people who support them is that they are disorganized and have an IQ equivalent to American gang bangers and liberal stooges who support such people as Obama and the Clinton’s.  This way of thinking is wrong and it is very, very dangerous.
Islamic terrorists and their support groups such as CAIR and ISNA are very organized, have an enormous amount of money, have a strong will and mind to carry out acts in the name of Allah, are educated, and they have the huge support of liberal Americans and our Muslim Commander-in-Chief (Obama).
Islamic terrorists and their supporters are putting together very detailed plans pertaining to conducting violent attacks against our children and in the schools they feel safeWhile I was serving in Iraq, Islamic terrorists told us over and over they were going to attack the ‘hearts of the American people’ and nothing will prevent them from.
My final analysis: Before our Muslim President leaves office his Islamic terrorist friends will carry out a major attack in one of our public schools and many of our children will be harmed.  This could be the starting point of a major civil war in America with Conservatives fighting Liberals and developing into a war with America against all Islamic countries.  This is not what I desire, but it is my conclusion based on many years of analyzing the same type of intelligence for the U.S. Government.
Again I believe most good people are praying our children never become primary targets of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, and we pray there is never a civil war in America, but we will stand as one if we are pushed too far.
AND for those who are placing their faith in U.S. intel agencies, well, good luck with that. And it is not just this site’s qualified analysis that asserts as much. Not at all.


Just three weeks after an ISIS-inspired attack on a Muhammad cartoonist event in Garland, Texas, the FBI began circulating an intelligence bulletin that alerts state, federal and local law enforcement about the likelihood of attacks against Muslims by “militia extremists.”

The bulletin, marked “sensitive” and not for distribution without FBI authorization, cites evidence gathered since 2013 that American militia groups are planning attacks on mosques, Islamic centers and possibly individual Muslims.

The document is dated May 28, 2015, and was leaked to Public Intelligence, an online information site committed to exposing government secrets and data. Public Intelligence posted the document on its site Aug. 18.

Named in the bulletin as news sites that provide information that supposedly fuels the militia groups were WND.com, Fox News, the Blaze, Western Journalism Center, Patriot Newswire and Pamela Geller’s blog, AtlasShrugs.com.

Militias fueled by ‘conspiracy theories’

These websites have reported “conspiracy theories” about Islamic terror training camps across the U.S., providing fodder for the militias that want to attack Muslims, the bulletin states. These private Islamic enclaves are operated by Jamaat al-Fuqra, which also goes by the name Muslims of America or MOA.

Interestingly, the FBI confirms in the report that nine MOA enclaves with approximately 1,500 “dedicated members” devoted to radical Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarik Ali Gilani do exist in the following U.S. cities: Hancock, N.Y. (headquarters); Coldwater, Michigan; Dover, Tennessee; Sweeney, Texas; Commerce and Odum, Georgia; York, South Carolina; and Red House and Meherrin, Virginia.

But the FBI states that “assertions MOA communities provide terrorist training are unfounded.”read the whole damnable thing!

FAST forward to almost a year to date from the Sept. 2014 tag-team interview, and ISIS is more empowered than ever. Much of this “credit” must be given to HUSSEIN Obama’s empowerment thereof. This is America’s (the west’s) reality. Catastrophe. Nightmare.

in the name of allah

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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{re-blogged at Joe For America}

U.S. Gov’t Pays Media For “Selective” Reporting: Foreign (Dictatorial) Regimes & Propaganda On The Payroll! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THE directional markers have always pointed towards America’s media outlets being in bed, completely in lock-step, with several big corps. It is this corp/media relationship which is, to one degree or another, bought and paid for by powerful interests within Capitol Hill. Effectively, the so-called free media is not exactly free. And since there are less than six degrees separated between Demsters and faux Repubs, well, let’s not waste precious time splitting hairs as to “what difference does it make” kinda nonsense, depending upon which party is in power. Garbage in, garbage out.

THAT being established, whatever took place prior to HUSSEIN Obama pales in comparison to the past 7 years. In other words, even the veneer of impartial journalism is no longer in place because Obama’s America is shaped by Obama’s Media. Period.

IN this regard, let’s line up the most relevant markers to date and finally unmask what has long been apparent. Proofs in the pudding.

IN years gone by, would anyone have believed that U.S. media giants were (still are) actually paid ! to plant stories, ones which were (still are) in line with the administration’s narratives, as well as bought and paid for by foreign governments alike?? Believe it.

According to Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist, CNN is routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report on certain events. Furthermore, the Obama administration pay CNN for editorial control over some of their content.

Back in March 2011, CNN sent a four person team to Bahrain to cover the Arab Spring. Once there, the crew was the subject of extreme intimidation amongst other things, but they were able to record some fantastic footage. As Glenn Greenwald of the UK’s Guardian writes in his blockbuster article from September 4th 2012:

“In the segment, Lyon interviewed activists as they explicitly described their torture at the hands of government forces, while family members recounted their relatives’ abrupt disappearances. She spoke with government officials justifying the imprisonment of activists. And the segment featured harrowing video footage of regime forces shooting unarmed demonstrators, along with the mass arrests of peaceful protesters. In sum, the early 2011 CNN segment on Bahrain presented one of the starkest reports to date of the brutal repression embraced by the US-backed regime.

Despite these accolades, and despite the dangers their own journalists and their sources endured to produce it, CNN International (CNNi) never broadcast the documentary. Even in the face of numerous inquiries and complaints from their own employees inside CNN, it continued to refuse to broadcast the program or even provide any explanation for the decision. To date, this documentary has never aired on CNNi.
Having just returned from Bahrain, Lyon says she “saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.”

Here is a segment of the Bahrain report that Amber Lyon and her team put together. CNNi refused to allow it to air because the Bahrain Government had paid them not to show it.


When Amber Lyon recognized the extent of the reasoning, she challenged CNN. CNN told her to be quiet, and began to view her as a risk. She knew, and found out, too much.
Amber is now trying to tell the story, the real story, of what is going on behind the closed doors of US Media entities. Amber has created her own website, and additionally as noted in the Guardian Article she is trying to share the truth of the deceptions.

What Amber Lyon describes is exactly the reason why CNN never aired the Nick Robertson interview with Muhammed Al Zawahiri in Egypt.

Amber recently did a web interview with Alex Jones on InfoWars. Generally the TreeHouse does not appreciate Alex Jones. He is wound up tighter than piano wire, and unfortunately much of his truth is diminished because of the hype he places upon it.

Alex Jones is easy to disregard as a “conspiracy theorist”, not because of what he says, but because of how he says it. Everything is desperate and dangerous with him.

That said, the words and explanations of Ms. Lyon in the discussion/interview are poignant and vastly informative. So I share the video with you so you can hear from Amber herself exactly what is being described and articulated.


It is critical to listen to what she says, not just about Bahrain but also about what the Obama administration is specifically doing.

WHOA….now, as additional ammunition, ask yourselves: how much media play (other than from alternative sites) has been given to the likes of race-baiting, Jew-hating Farrakhan inciting to a “final solution” via a race war, and his latest cry of “Allahu Akbar?” Rhetorical.


AT the other side of the spectrum, what about DHS’s tarring of patriotic citizens/groups as domestic terrorists? Indeed, it is through this lying and slanted filter that the media colludes with Obama Inc.’s basic narrative, one which is meant to stick to the likes of heroic efforts by Oath Keepers, while they flood the streets of Ferguson (and elsewhere) to keep security in check. Yes, depicting them as “armed thugs” bent on clinging to their Constitutional Second Amendment right to bear arms, you know, the “bitter clingers”, is core and key.


SO it behooves digging even further, and the following are merely samplings: what are Obama’s (bought and paid for) Media afraid of, in so far as grave national security issues are fueling the necessity for these militia patrols? Could it be that this disinfectant would, under its own weight, open up a true discourse as to where the 5 (heretofore) standards in journalism have gone: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? 

EXTRAPOLATING further, would such findings reverberate and elicit cascading and knock-on effects towards a new awakening, one which results in even more patriots stepping up? Moreover, wouldn’t said “journalists” have to explain why Oath Keepers (and the like) are necessary in the first place, thus, exposing the free hand given to black thugs and terror aligned rioters? Indeed, inquiring minds have an absolute right to know these things in a free society, and the media has a ethical duty to report on all issues without a biased agenda. As if.

AND if the above isn’t scary enough, what about outright media brainwashing? 


Did you know that only a handful of corporations, 6 to be exact, control over 90 percent of the media? That means nearly everything we hear on the radio, read in the news, and see on television (including ‘news’). I’m talking about General Electric (GE), News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS.

Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing. This is also evident by blatant lies that continue to spam the TV screen, especially when it comes to topics such as health, food, war (“terrorism“), poverty  and more. Corporate interests always seem to get in the way.

Multiple celebrities have even spoken out about this. Roseanne Barr, for example, said that MK Ultra rules in Hollywood. MK Ultra was (and I believe still is) a program run by the CIA to practice methods of mind control and experiment on human beings. (source)(source)

Filled with clever marketing tactics designed to tell us what to think and what to buy, mainstream media manufactures public opinion and popular trends. It’s time to really take a look at what’s going on here and consider the type of information we’re being bombarded with.

In the below eyeopening talk, veteran investigative journalist (and Former CBS NEWS investigative reporter) Sharyl Attkisson shows how “astroturf,” or fake grassroots movements, funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.



ALAS, it should go without saying that the government controlled media veil was pierced during the run-up to the 2008 election, when an omerta was placed upon the bonafides of Barack HUSSEIN Obama.  Atop it all, independent types who attempted to dig for the truth – re scandal after scandal attached to his administration – were (still are) threatened with this and that retribution, some of whom are (literally) buried six feet under! Hmmm.

YES, one can revert back to many previous administrations where the narrative put forth by the media appeared at odds with the facts at hand – but in line with any given U.S. leadership’s agenda –  yet, the charade of a free media was kept intact. It is no longer necessary.

AS is said, the jig is up. Thus, the truth of the absolute collusion (and indoctrination) between the above interests can now come out of the shadows – PRAVDA-like!

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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Islamic Blood Lust Unquenchable: Humans AND Animals In Their Cross Hairs! Psychopathic. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN one studies Judaic teachings it becomes apparent that the ethical treatment of animals is a core concept. A fundamental connection is made early on within the Book of Genesis (chapters 1 -3), the first of the five books of the Torah.

IN this regard, Adam and Eve’s naming of the animals establishes that first bond. But it is within Genesis 9:3-4 that a balance is struck between permitting the use of animals for human need and the clear prohibition against unnecessary cruelty to animals. Mandated. But it is within the Talmud (Bava Metzia 32b) that this injunction against unnecessary cruelty acquires a definitive name–tzaar baalei hayim: the suffering of animals. Judaism provides a very clear path, relative to the relationship between man and animal. 

ALONG this vein, as is said, the proof is in the pudding, regardless of any Allah-wash. Yes, trust your ‘lying’ eyes. As always, one enters into Orwell’s universe, when juxtaposing the absolute barbarism which is continuously inherent within the behavior of Islam’s committed followers and the cherry-picked verses from the Koran re this and that. Sheesh.

SO to clear away the smoke and mirrors, just consider how many times Islam’s mouthpieces (HUSSEIN Obama alike) exhorted: ISIS’s barbarism is not Islamic because Islam is a religion of peace!


in the name of allah

YET, chopping off heads (every limb) is indeed sanctioned under Islamic law:  

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

THUS, how convinced are you that Allah’s soldiers would treat animals any better than humans, even though their ‘prophet’ – war-lord and pedophile Muhammad – decried via the Koran: 

“If someone kills a sparrow for sport, the sparrowill cry out on the Day of Judgment, “O Lord!  That person killed me in vain!  He did not kill me for any useful purpose.”[1]

“We were on a journey and during the Prophet’s absence, we saw a bird with its two chicks; we took them.  The mother bird was circling above us in the air, beating its wings in grief.  When Prophet Muhammad returned he said, “Who has hurt the feelings of this bird by taking its chicks?  Return them to her.[5]

“God has ordained kindness (and excellence) in everything.  If the killing (of animals) is to be done, do it in the best manner, and when you slaughter, do it in the best manner by first sharpening the knife, and putting the animal at ease.”[8]

When you set your dog (for the chase), mention the name of God if he catches the game, and you reach it while it is still alive, cut, its throat quickly (so it won’t suffer).”[9]

OKEY dokey….

NOW, personally, as the owner of a beautiful but rather large Golden Retriever, one would be foolish in the extreme to attempt to harass her, as playful as she can be. After all, a dog’s teeth are their best weapon against aggressive behavior, be it from a human or another animal. Agreed? 

STILL, when it comes to Islam’s barbarians, their quest for blood knows no bounds. Indeed, this is where their vile mistreatment of animals comes into play. Regardless, keep your animals FAR away from Islam’s adherents!

RESULTANT, how do you feel about the crucifixion of cats and dogs? Do you wonder who (other than garden variety psychopaths, who routinely torture animals, usually in the run-up to killing humans) is responsible for a spate of these barbaric rituals? A real head scratcher.

(The police was notified that an animal had been tied to a cross, killed and hanged. The dog was found tied upside down attached to a cross.)

(The same slaughtered style of killing has been found of several cats and dogs in recent years.)

EVEN so (and knowing more than most about what animates Islam’s followers), certain renditions bear repeating as reminders to westerners. The following is an additional face of Allah’s monsters:

The other night two drivers smashed their cars through a 30-meter fence around a field in Motey-Besuche (Haute-Saône), then intentionally drove the cars into several Montbéliard cows, before attempting to cut their flesh and steal the meat while the cows were still alive. 


According to the police report, two vehicles intentionally rammed three cows at a full speed. All three cows suffered broken legs and one had all four legs broken. All had to be humanely euthanized by a veterinarian.

The  dairy farmer found the massacre when he saw one of the cars on fire in  his cow field. According to police, the vehicle had been stolen a few hours before.

Knives were used to slash the flesh of the cows, slicing them open just below their neckline. In typical Islamic ‘halal’ slaughter style, it would seem the intent was to take meat from the cows while they were still fully alive and conscious.


”Such insane violence. These animals never hurt anyone. We don’t understand. We still don’t know if this is a case of ”sheer brutality for fun or if they intended to steal the meat”, says the farmer Serge Baussaint. A police investigation is ongoing to find the SAVAGE perpetrators.

anmd57978cfa673e556-viThe (Muslim?) savages even tried to behead one of the cows! The photos below are not of the cows from this story but shows other Muslims taking joy in inflicting pain and torture on cows before they finally kill them.


The cow attackers had no limit to their cruelty, even attempting to behead one of the cows the Haute-Saône pasture. During the autopsy, many knife wounds were identified by the veterinarian. Apparently they did try to steal the meat while the cows were alive and in agonizing pain. Also, using an ax, they tried to bring home the head as a trophy.

The perpetrators of these savage acts while the cows were still live included deep cuts found on top of the neck one one cow. The contents of a fire extinguisher was also flushed to the animal.

A second cow has multiple wounds on the legs and back, which are more indicative of rage than an attempt to cut the animal to remove the meat. A blade was pressed at the end of the muzzle the Montbeliarde cow, who also received a violent blow to one eye, perhaps with a hatchet or a blunt object. A true “massacre” witnesses said.


The report of the autopsy performed by the veterinarian has brought a little more cruelty in this case. The side of a cow was notched 15 to 20 centimeters long, an injury made by a knife. But it is the other much deeper wounds observed on the other two cows that have attracted the attention of the veterinarian.

First, the marks on the skull of the cow are so deep that they likely were committed with a machete or with an ax. The vet found symmetrical cuts on each side of the neck of this animal as if someone had tried to behead him.

The police investigation is ongoing to identify and question the perpetrators. For acts of torture on animals, they risk two years in prison and 30,000 euros fine.


RETCH….as to the underlying dangers from Islam’s monstrous followers to humans, well, the world is awash with their bloodletting. To wit, little more needs to be evidenced, other than the continuous slaughtering of Christians, Jews and other minorities, as well as Muslims considered apostates. 

Boko Haram Chainsaw Massacre

(Islam’s committed followers are now chain-sawing their way to jihadi ‘infidel’ slaughter)

NEVERTHELESS, truth dare be told, as long as Islam’s barbarism ‘only’ boomeranged onto Israelis/Jews, well, most of the world remained silent, including Americans. If anything, had the west spoken out and awakened to unremitting, unquenchable bloodletting against Jews, they would have understood that whatever hate starts with the Jews never ends with the Jews.


NOT only that, but said insight would have extended to the overt joy which Arabs/Muslims throughout the world exhibited, especially when the Arab-Palestinians danced and celebrated the 9/11 Islamic massacre of 3,000 innocent people! 

YES, Americans/westerners would have internalized that the core danger from Islam emanates from the nexus that its followers (through their blood-soaked Koran, culture and history) have with blood. Islam & blood. Lustful. 

YA think??

(As just one example of said fascination with blood, Ramallah Arab, Aziz Salha, proudly showing his blood-stained hands after lynching to death Israelis!)

(Tossing Israeli from a window in Ramallah’s Police Station, as recounted by A British photographer, Mark Seager, a witness to the lynching…..a window in Ramallah’s Police Station: ” I thought that I’d got to know the Palestinians well. I’ve made six trips this year and had been going to Ramallah every day for the past 16 days. I thought they were kind, hospitable people. I know they are not all like this and I’m a very forgiving person but I’ll never forget this. It was murder of the most barbaric kind. When I think about it, I see that man’s head, all smashed. I know that I will have nightmares for the rest of my life.”)


(Muslims taking joy in inflicting pain and torture on cows before they finally kill them.)

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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Islamic Supremacy TRIUMPHING In America & Israel: Way Past Time To Punch Back! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


IN a very real sense, tragically so, Islam’s followers run circles around Americans, Israelis and westerners at large. And considering the fact that it is impossible to cite any positive contributions made by 50 Muslim-majority countries – other than perfecting the ‘art of terror’ – one is left stupefied (and horrified) by their ability to continue their rein of supremacy. Outrageous. Enraging.

THE point being, one would believe that just like the Nazis were brought to heel so too would their Islamic counterparts. However, not only isn’t this the case but they are being rewarded and accommodated to the hilt. The urgent questions should be: why is there a dichotomy between two similarly bent killing (ideological and political) machines? and, what can be done to avert the impending nightmares?

STILL, before we address this most critical aspect, let’s review the latest – atop countless others – rewards given to Islam’s barbarians.

Not surprisingly, they named it a “Reflection Room,” so Americans won’t suspect what it really is. Because Arab-Muslim owned Emirates Airlines will start flying in and out of Orlando International Airport within a few weeks, airport officials have been pressured, bribed, or forced into catering to Muslim religious needs.


(Note: There are no special Christian-only prayer rooms at the airport.)

IN juxtaposition, let’s contrast how patriots (young ones, no less) are (mis)treated by the (mis)educators of America’s youth, with nary a word of disapproval by the captured media! And not to be a nitpicker, but if you fly an Israeli flag within certain situations in Israel, well, the police issue you a ‘warning.’

YES, the following flag flap is one example (out of countless) within America’s high schools:

A couple of high school students in Carrollton, Ga., recently responded to what they felt was unfair treatment of a friend by school administrators.

LaChristopher Herbert and Nate Maples reportedly learned that a fellow student was reprimanded for displaying an American flag on his vehicle while parked at the school, a decision they felt was unwarranted. To display their dissatisfaction, both teens returned to Mount Zion High School the following day with flags prominently displayed from their trucks.

The story mimicked both the cause and effect of a South Carolina rally in May. Locals in that incident responded to York Comprehensive High School’s decision to dismantle and hide an American flag and pole attached to a student’s vehicle.

Herbert said administrators threatened the same remedy in his case.

“When we got here,” he said, “they was all yelling at us to take our flags down or they would be cut down, and stuff like this.”

In Carrollton, both Herbert and Maples expressed incredulity at the notion that displaying an American flag on school property is somehow detrimental.

“We pledge that flag every day in the classrooms,” Maples reasoned. “Why can’t we show our support outside the classrooms?”

The school insisted it reacted to disruptive behavior by students displaying the flag.

Herbert agreed with Maples, however, noting that the school’s decision was “not right” in this instance.

“This is what we live for,” he concluded. “That’s what our soldiers are overseas fighting for us and everything like this.”

HMMM…is this America or a fascist facsimile? What the hell is going on? Extrapolating further, what about the continuous vile mistreatment of Jewish patriots within Israel  – as ordered by Israel’s top echelon – to appease the Islamic barbarians within? Mind you, the following took place (as has been the case for decades) at Judaism’s holiest site, The Temple Mount:

It was a “two-fer” on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem on Sunday.

Israel Police arrested a Jewish boy for wearing his tzitzit (tallit katan) as commanded in the Torah, and a Jewish man for singing into the ear of a Jewish groom ahead of his nuptials a few hours later.

No one arrested anyone for subsequently attacking an Israeli police officer, who suffered an injured leg….continue reading….

BUT if your head is not spinning, as promised, let’s segue back to the crux of America’s and Israel’s nightmares. Its basis was laid out in the second paragraph of this commentary, “one would believe that just like the Nazis were brought to heel, so too would their Islamic counterparts. However, not only isn’t this the case, but they are being rewarded and accommodated to the hilt. The questions should be: why the dichotomy between two similarly bent killing (ideological and political) machines? and, what can be done to avert the awaiting nightmares?”

IN a nutshell, patriots must be able to (mentally) eviscerate (and dispel) the biggest falsehood of all, that is, that there is a distinction between  ‘moderate’ and ‘radical’ Islam! Lying Allah-wash. Hogwash.

INDEED, this subject has been tackled from the onset of this site (and onward), as its basis is imperative to our western struggle: “Repeat, Until The Cows Come Home, There Is NO ‘Moderate’ Islam.” 

IN this regard, the comparative rendered by Raymond Ibrahim, between Nazism and Islam, MUST be internalized:

If Islamic doctrines are inherently violent, why isn’t every single Muslim in the world — that is, approximately 1.5 billion people — violent?

This question represents one of Islam’s most popular apologetics: because not all Muslims are violent, intolerant, or sponsor terrorism — a true statement — Islam itself must be innocent.
Let’s consider this logic.

There are many people who identify themselves as Muslims but who do not necessarily adhere to or support Islam’s more supremacist and intolerant doctrines. If you have lived in a Muslim majority nation, you would know this to be true. The all-important question then becomes: “What do such Muslims represent?” Are they following a legitimate, “moderate” version of Islam, one more authentic than the terrorist variety?

That’s what the media, politicians, and academics would have us believe. The best way to answer this question is by analogy.

German Nazism is a widely condemned ideology due to its (“Aryan”/”white”) supremacist element. But many Germans who were members or supporters of the Nazi party were “good” people. They did not believe in persecuting Jews and other “non-Aryans,” and some even helped such “undesirables” escape at no small risk to themselves. Consider Oskar Schindler: An ethnic German and formal member of the Nazi party, he went to great lengths to save Jews from slaughter.

How do we reconcile his good deed with his bad creed? Was Schindler practicing a legitimate, “moderate” form of Nazism? Or is it more reasonable to say that he subscribed to some tenets of National Socialism, but when it came to killing fellow humans in the name of racial supremacy, his humanity rose above his allegiance to Nazism?

Indeed, many Germans joined or supported the National Socialist Party more because it was the “winning” party, one that offered hope, and less because of its racial theories. That said, other Germans joined the Nazi party precisely because of its racial supremacist theories and were only too happy to see “sub-humans” incinerated.

Now consider how this analogy applies to Islam and Muslims: first, unlike most Germans who chose to join or support the Nazi party, the overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world were simply born into Islam. They had no choice. Many of these Muslims know the bare minimum about Islam — the Five Pillars — and are ignorant of Islam’s supremacist theories.

Add Islam’s apostasy law to the mix — leaving Islam can earn the death penalty — and it becomes clear that there are many nominal “Muslims” who seek not to rock the boat.

That said, there are also a great many Muslims who know exactly what Islam teaches — including violence, plunder, and enslavement of the kafir, or infidel — and who happily follow it precisely because of its supremacism.

In both Nazism and Islam, we have a supremacist ideology on the one hand, and people who find themselves associated with this ideology for a number of reasons on the other hand. We have those born into it, those who join it for its temporal boons, and those who are sincere and ardent believers.

The all-important difference is this: when it comes to Nazism, the world is agreed that it is a supremacist ideology.

Those who followed it to the core were “bad guys” — such as Adolf Hitler. As for the “good Nazis” who helped shelter persecuted Jews and performed other altruistic deeds, the world acknowledges that they were not following a “moderate” form of Nazism, but that their commitment to Nazism was nonchalant at best.

This is the correct paradigm for viewing Islam and Muslims: Islam contains violent and supremacist doctrines. This is a simple fact. Those who follow it to the core were and are “bad guys” — for example, Osama bin Laden.

Still, there are “good Muslims.” But they are good not because they follow a good, or “moderate,” Islam, but because they are not thoroughly committed to Islam in the first place.

Put differently, was Schindler’s altruism a product of “moderate Nazism” or was it done in spite of Nazism altogether? Clearly the latter.

In the same manner, if a Muslim treats a non-Muslim with dignity and equality, is he doing so because he follows a legitimate brand of “moderate Islam,” or is he doing so in spite of Islam, because his own sense of decency compels him?

Considering that Islamic law is unequivocally clear that non-Muslims are to be subjugated and live as third-class “citizens” — the Islamic State’s many human rights abuses vis-à-vis non-Muslims are a direct byproduct of these teachings — clearly any Muslim who treats “infidels” with equality is behaving against Islam.

So why is the West unable to apply the Nazi paradigm to the question of Islam and Muslims?

Why is it unable to acknowledge that Islamic teachings are inherently supremacist, though obviously not all Muslims are literally following these teachings, just like not all members of any religion are literally following the teachings of their faith?

This question becomes more pressing when one realizes that, for over a millennium, the West deemed Islam an inherently violent and intolerant cult.

Peruse the writings of non-Muslims from the dawn of Islam up until recently — from Theophanes the Confessor (d. 818) to Winston Churchill — and witness how they all depicted Islam as a violent creed that thrives on conquering, plundering, and subjugating the “other.”

Here, read Marco Polo’s thoughts.

The problem today is that the politically correct establishment — academia, mainstream media, politicians, and all other talking heads, not ones to be bothered with reality or history — have made it an established “fact” that Islam is “one of the world’s great religions.”

Therefore, the religion itself — not just some of its practitioners — is inviolable to criticism.

The point here is that identifying the negative elements of an ideology and condemning it accordingly is not so difficult.

We have already done so with Nazism and other ideologies and cults. And we know the difference between those who follow such supremacist ideologies (“bad” people), and those who find themselves as casual, uncommitted members (“good” or neutral people).

In saner times when common sense could vent and breathe, this analogy would have been deemed superfluous.

In our times, however, where lots of nonsensical noise is disseminated far and wide by the media and tragically treated as serious “analysis,” common sense must be methodically spelled out. Yes, an ideology/religion can be accepted as violent or even evil, and no, many of its adherents need not be violent or evil — they can even be good — for the reasons discussed above.

This is the most objective way to understand the relationship between Islam as a body of teachings and Muslims as individual people.

MOST significantly, decades of damage via leftist academia and the captured media – having infected generations of Americans (Israelis and westerners alike) through (im)moral relativism and multi-cultural hammering – has come to a head. Boiling over. And it is into this volatile mix that HUSSEIN Obama’s handlers inserted him, that is, to upend America and Israel from various vantage points! 

SO the open questions remain: how far are patriots in America and Israel willing to go to preserve liberty and freedom (hallmarks of their nationalism) against Islam’s encroachment? and, are they equipped to fight back against the dangers through a dual track, whether it requires various methods of resistance against Islam’s communal thrusts (papered over by leftist enablers) or literally fighting fire with fire?  

TIME will tell…of the essence!

(Just as one example out of enumerable…a pro-Palestinian rally in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, a heretofore Italian – somewhat Jewish – and mixed neighborhood…clearly, emboldened enough to display Islamic murderous signage!)

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}