Thesis of “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” Gains Steam: Tech Giant(s) in the Cross Hairs! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WHILE too many are loathe to admit to the horrors unfolding before their bugged-out eyes, the fact remains that denial will never change a damn thing. As is said, it ain’t just a river in Egypt. But as my beloved mother (the wisest and most compassionate woman I have ever known) instilled, most especially, when things got tough: Just put one foot in front of the other. Take the bull by the horns. Buck up! Like mother, like daughter. Hopefully.

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ALAS, for those who prefer to keep their eyes and ears closed, that’s okay – as is known, reality just isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Thus, this site’s truth-telling will fall on their deafened ears. Admittedly – re folks who prefer to remain blind as bats – serving as an irritant has its own rewards.

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BE that as it may, for those who value confronting what’s what – whatever shakes out – this address is tailor-made. Standing shoulder to shoulder with reality seekers is not an easy path to take, however, a smattering of non-fake news sites, in particular, Conservative Firing Linehave taken up the gauntlet.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, countless who read these pages were hardly shocked when they found out that this author – with co-author Joe Newby – wrote the very first book which exposed Facebook’s underbelly: “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.

AFTER all, someone had to execute the heavy lifting! Besides, the rest of the books about Facebook are puff-pieces by Zuckerberg’s sycophants. Toadies. By the way, BANNED debuted at AMAZON on August 31, 2016.

IN this respect, whether “coincidental” or not, increasingly, Facebook (and related tech giants) has been in Congress’s cross-hairs – despite so-called mainstream media’s attempt to downplay what’s going on. No matter.

EVEN so, in order not to repeat what already has been revealed at BANNED – as well as at these pages – let’s just detail several (out of enumerable) updates; that which should, as stand-alone evidence, be more than enough proofs to hold Facebook to account.


  • Out of the gate, the overarching indictment against Facebook is easily discerned within the full title of BANNED, that is, the platform enables militant Jihad! Clearly, this type of charge sheet would be deemed incendiary and libelous – if unsupportable. Got that? So, along comes the “anything goes” British leadership – which never met a Mohammedan they didn’t embrace  – yet, even they supposedly….reservedly….realize that Facebook (along with Google/tech giants) is out of control ala their support of Jihad and “extremist” incitement. As such, they are threatening to levy taxes, to compel them to enforce that which Facebook already deemed a “priority.” Mind you, Facebook’s very own PR honcho, Monica Bickert (in Feb.. 2016), assembled a circus-like media – assuring an already enraptured gaggle of journalists – that the platform will be overseen by a “counterterrorism squad.” Promises, promises. Regardless, know that this counter-Jihad expert took Facebook to the woodshed re their much ballyhooed “counterterrorism squad” via Chapter Seven of BANNED – Facebook’s Counterterror Efforts: Closing The Barn Door After The Horses Have Escaped. Indeed, self explanatory. Indicting.
  • As to Britain’s leadership and their newly “enlightened” understanding – not so fast. Just when you thought that they finally woke up from their multicultural psychosis, well, you would be wrong. In a counter intuitive directive – cognitive dissonance, if you will – British police have been ordered to “hunt down Facebook users who made ‘offensive’ comments about Muslim grooming gangs online!
  • Moving right along from Europe’s (self-inflicted) nightmare, Facebook, in a rare admission, revealed that its team of “community standards” censors make wrong calls nearly 50% of the time. Whoa! Process its subtext: If they admit to being more wrong than right, imagine what the real stats are! Intrinsically, with such a horrible batting average, how can their “watchdogs” be trusted to run an entity which is the largest social media site on the planet – the de facto Internet since nearly every site connects to it – and remain unregulated? Incontestably, Facebook has accrued more power than any nation’s armed force! 
  • Atop it all, Facebook won’t say why it deletes some political accounts and not others – Read: conservative accounts get the boot.
  • Even more so, how sickening is it that Facebook rejected an ad for a documentary about Christian persecution and genocide by Mohammedans? Know that this type of out of control bias is repeated on a continuous basis, even when it comes to Christmas card postings – BANNED!

NOW, even though BANNED set the train in motion against the dangerous overreach of Facebook (big tech), it is enormously gratifying to see others jumping on board. Accordingly, in Aug. 2017 – almost a year after BANNED exposed Facebook’s underside – Breitbart reported:

…….And most recently, they have been accused of helping steer the politically correct posse that seeks to censor—or worse—the authentic voices of many Americans.  In fact, the tech companies needn’t be accused of this censorship, because they proudly proclaim that they do it.

Thus we can see: The hard-won freedoms of the American tradition, including those of the First Amendment, don’t mean much if some billionaire geek can simply delete them.

Some might insist that private companies have a right to do what they want to private customers—that the dictates of the free market should give them the right to do as they wish.  To be sure, we should believe that the virtue of personal freedom should extend to tech titans.  And yet at the same time, these are publicly traded companies, protected by our laws, and operating on an Internet that was created with public money (by the Pentagon, back in the 1960s).

The tech companies are, in fact, by their own desire, common carriers.  We can add that common carrier is a well-understood legal term, dating even before English common law, all the way back to Roman times. Common carriers have a duty to serve the public—all of it.  And so today, these companies should of course be good corporate citizens and treat everyone fairly.  That’s the American Way.

Of course, some might assert that, ironically enough, the tech companies are doing their victims a kind of favor—by removing them from the danger zone of being tattled on by the techsters.

Without a doubt, it’s obviously an abuse that tech companies can censor at will and without recourse, and yet someday we might wake up and realize that those same techies haven’t just been censoring their users, but have actually gone even further, to informing on their users.  That is, we might learn that techsters have been handing over all their data to government authorities, or even to such left-wing activist groups as the notoriously biased Southern Poverty Law Center.  If so, many might come to realize that while being thrown off a social network is bad, staying on, and being tattle-tales, would be even worse.

The only answer to such possible abuse is closer supervision, not letting left-wingers pick political winners and losers…..continue reading….

UNRESERVEDLY, par for their wretched and tainted course, guess what? In a display of narcissistic hubris, mouthpieces from Facebook and Google swore before Congress that they ARE fighting “extremist” content! 

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MIND you, in an Orwellian twist, even though Zuckerberg assured Merkel (in Sept. 2015) that he would stifle anti-immigrant posts re “refugees” (and he is making great strides in this direction), still, her Stasi roots have more in common with Facebook’s Zuckerberg than even she realizes. But never mind. Seemingly, she is applying additional pressure re this and that “hateful” content. Birds of a feather – Merkel and the “geeky techster.”

Did Merkel work for the Stasi?

{Merkel pictured under a FDJ banner – Free German Youth, also known in German as Freie Deutsche Jugend – she was one of the leaders of its agitation and propaganda arm for communist and socialist fronts…hmm)

The law “requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the (German) government.”

“Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online ‘criminal offenses’ within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint – regardless of whether the content is accurate or not,” Bergman writes.

“While such policies would doubtless have earned the German authorities many points with the old Stasi regime of East Germany, they more than likely contravene the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) to which Germany is a party, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights,” she writes.

The new law, which took effect Oct. 1, 2017, obligates social media companies to “delete or block” any material about which a complaint has been filed, but it was not fully enforced until Jan. 1, 2018.

IT should go without saying: When a monopolistic entity accrues overwhelming power, proving itself to be the world’s most dangerous censor to boot (while directly violating the right of the people to free speech via the Constitution, in tandem with lending its platform in support of Jihad and other criminal/terror activities, ANTIFA-like) effectively, Congress not only has a right to regulate it, but a duty to do so!

MANIFESTLY, due to all of the above (and so much more), no one should dare to fool themselves into believing that without Congressional intervention Facebook (and other social media behemoths) will be brought to heel. 

 QUESTIONS, anyone?


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{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:


Israel’s Fire Jihad, Intifada, A Weapon of Mass Destruction:(Past)Time To Place Arab/Islamic Sector On Notice.What Are Israel’s Leaders Waiting For? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(Haifa on fire, Nov. 2016!)

FEW could argue – most of all, their counterparts in the intelligence security realm – that Israel’s Shin Bet, aka Shabak….GSS, its internal domestic security agency, isn’t up to snuff. Indeed, generally, they nab their targets before they strike, or soon thereafter.

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MOREOVER, relative to jihadi terror, it must be noted that Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are adept at waging jihad by arson, and on a yearly basis. Specifically, they honed this terror tactic back in 2010. Who recalls the devastating wreckage from Haifa’s Carmel region forest fires? If not, time to catch up to speed!

IN this regard, how believable is it that said internal security forces had no clue as to the internal fifth column’s plans to wage a COORDINATED intifada via jihadi arson, and on a scale heretofore unseen in Israel’s history? Come on….

NOT only that, unarguably, plans to use a WMD – yes, indubitably, arson on a mass scale is a weapon of mass destruction – to burn down Israel is hardly something that a hard-charging security agency would miss. This is especially the case in a country that it is not that much bigger than New Jersey, the 5th smallest state in the U.S. Extrapolating further, if their U.S. counterpart, the FBI, only had New Jersey (or a similar sized state) to guard over, would anyone believe that their agents failed to hear whispers relative to said fiery plot, even within the lowest level of chatter? Hogwash.

AND if proof of the same is required as to how adept, creative and agile they are, how many know that their agents get wind of every fart that Jewish nationalists make – regardless of their locale in Israel – in so far as when they assert their righteous claims, birthright, to the so-called “settlements” in Judea and Samaria? Believe it.

MIND you, this is not to suggest that Israel’s security agency ignored said “chatter” from orders at the tippy top. Not at all. But it is not for nothing that some birdies within these pages – those who operate within the deepest underbelly of the national landscape – have suggested that murmurs, suspicions, or what not went in one ear and out the other. As to why, well, there is speculation, most of which revolves around leftist and Arabist-bent agents who are not exactly operating in Jewish nationalist interests. Cogitate.

AND while some feathers will surely be ruffled with this and that line of disinfectant, so be it. Even so, and in no uncertain terms, the fire services, IDF, police and attendant agencies worked heroically to save lives and stamp out the wildfires. Kudos to one and all.

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AS to Israel’s domestic jihadists – in line with PA/Hamas brethren – they understand that they haven’t a prayer in Allah’s fiery hell to win a conventional war against Israel. Therefore, they hurtle from one method of terror to another, hoping to cause as many Jewish deaths and destruction as possible. So as they jump from knife-jihad, to stabbings, to car-jihad, onto shootings, bombings, and lobbing rockets in between, lo and behold, they have now reached their peak via an arson intifada! 

Homes were evacuated in one residential neighborhood after another Thursday, Nov. 24, ahead of the huge flames and thick smoke enveloping Israel’s third city, Haifa, three days after hundreds of wildfires, most caused by arsonists, began spreading across the country.  At least 100 people suffered injuries in Haifa, most from smoke inhalation, and dozens of shock victims were taken to hospital. Haifa University and the Technion was cleared and closed. as flames consumed buildings around the campuses. The Damon and Carmel prisons are being evacuated. Efforts were made with volunteers to help inmates of nursing homes and hospitals to safety…..

The Israeli government was called into emergency session Thursday night, as the fires continued to blaze out of control, whipped up by dry winds which are forecast to last another six days.

Five Palestinians were detained on suspicion of arson. A contraption used by arsonists was discovered at the scene of one of the fires. The Shin Bet and fire brigade’s investigators have gone into action to put a stop to the wave of arson attacks, which are encouraged by Palestinian social media..

As the fully mobilized fire teams rushed from scene to scene, backed by Homeland Security Ministry reserve firefighters and soldiers, it became apparent that there was no clear organization in place for mass evacuations, especially of citizens without private cars, the elderly, handicapped and families with small children. The emergency services issued conflicting guidelines to the public causing chaos. Families told to evacuate in their own vehicles gridlocked the roads needed to stay open for fire engines and other emergency traffic, instead of the city hall commandeering buses. Haifa is an industrial city with petrochemical industries and an oil refinery with abundant woods and parks, especially on the Carmel. Yet the central operations room for managing the emergency was set up too late to control the town as fires sprang up in five places..

The outskirts of Modi’in, a town between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem caught fire again Thursday after the flames were brought under control during the night. There were signs of arson. Schools and kindergartens were closed early morning….

STILL yet, despite the horrific lethality of arson jihad as a weapon of mass destruction, as always, the key and core lies with officialdom and their responses, or lack thereof. As to Islamic Jew-killers – wherever they are – they will never stop their quest to destroy the Jewish homeland and murder as many Jews as they can. We get that. 

Nearly 2,000 fires, many which began simultaneously, blazed from November 18-26. Many of them were arson, in which victims saw the fires being set and the suspects fleeing, or saw Molotov cocktails being thrown at the site. However, only 10 people are currently being held and only 2 indictments have been filed. Meanwhile, the government has agreed to treat 29 of the largest fires as arson terror attacks, paying billions to victims but still refusing to name or punish perpetrators.

RESULTANT, what is of dire concern is the usual huffing and puffing ala officialdom, almost as if on robotic cue. Déjà vu too. To wit, each time another wave of terror envelops Israel, the leadership raises its collective roar that they will NOT tolerate this and that, as if THAT will cause the fifth column (some of whom sit in Israel’s Knesset to shake and quake! Blowhards – Israel’s leadership. 

SO just like during the start of last year’s knife jihad in the Fall of 2015 – and it is ongoing – Israel’s huffers and puffers had this to say:

The Israeli authorities erected roadblocks and checkpoints in some Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem on Wednesday and deployed hundreds of police officers and soldiers on the roads and buses, a response to a series of Palestinian knife assaults that the government called a “wave of terrorism.”

Even with the intensified security, at least two assaults were reported Wednesday.

A few hours later, an attacker stabbed and wounded a woman about 70 years old as she was about to board a bus near the central bus station in West Jerusalem, according to the police. A police officer saw the assailant with a knife and shot him, the police said. It was not immediately clear if he was killed.

Seven Israeli Jews have been killed this month by Palestinian assailants, including three on Tuesday in Jerusalem: two in an attack on a bus at the juncture of Jewish and Arab areas, and one pedestrian in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood who was rammed by a vehicle and then hit with a meat cleaver…..

Hmm….you got that? Not only did their pithy fist-waving fail to deter Israel’s internal fifth column, but they raised the ante through arson jihad!

SIMILARLY, at the same time that so-called right-wing leaders are promising to quell the latest fiery terror, guess what? Par for their course, they reverted true to bloviating form! For crying out loud, MK Bennett, one who surely knows what’s what – understanding full well that carving out a PA terror state from the heart of Israel is a non-starter – intoned at the Jerusalem Post Conference, trenchantly, which happened to coincide with the start of the wildfires.

Regarding what to do with the Palestinians instead of forming a state, he said Israel should take steps to improve the Palestinians’ quality of life, such as giving them full freedom of movement, tourism projects, and helping them reach jobs in Israel easier. For the first time in a public speech, Bennett called for the creation of a “land-port” to help Palestinians enter Israel.

“We should seek to manage the conflict in a reasonable way,” he said. “We can’t create them a state, but let’s see what we can do. We can give them a Marshall plan to boost their economy and an autonomy on steroids.”

WRAP your brains around his “solution.” Effectively, in so far that PA Arabs are wholly nourished on Jew-hatred and have aided and abetted terror for decades on end – in tandem, Israel’s own internal fifth column consider themselves part of the “Palestinian” people – why in heaven’s name would Bennett babble about “improving” their lives and making it easier for them to enter Israel, be it for work or anything else?? Mind blowing.

IN other words, are the lunatics running the asylum – or not? You decide. 

SO in light of the above, how much credence should be given to the following announcement by PM Netanyahu, as well as another blowhard in Israeli officialdom?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that any of the fires plaguing northern and central Israel this week found to be the work of arsonists will be considered terrorism.

“Every fire that was the result of arson or incitement to arson is terror in every way and we’ll treat it as such. Anyone who tries to burn parts of the state of Israel will be severely punished,” Netanyahu said.

About 1,500 fires have broken out in Israel since Tuesday, and it is now believed that at least 60 percent of them were caused by arson.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, who joined Netanyahu in Haifa, along with Interior Minister Arye Deri and Construction Minister Yoav Galant for a briefing on the situation, said it is clear that a large part of the fires were caused by arson.

He also reported that a number of suspects have been arrested, and that teams have been set up to investigate each fire.

Erdan pledged that the investigations will be thorough, and punishment will be meted out in order to create deterrence – not only to those lighting fires, but also to those on social media inciting others to set them.

AND speaking of incitement to jihad via social media, well, no one has to school in this direction, after all, this expert wrote the book!  

CONCOMITANTLY, as Shurat HaDin is acutely aware, the following must be internalized and treated as the gospel truth:  

Horrifically, thousands of Arab internet users have been gleefully applaudingthe arson attacks and calling for additional fires to be set in Israel. The social media messages have been posted by Arab government officials as well as regular Arab citizens from Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt and Qatar.

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Meanwhile, the Arab language social media networks have been ablaze with postings encouraging additional arson attacks. “#Tel_Aviv_IsBurning” was the most common Arabic hashtag trending on Arab social media platforms this morning.

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These postings continue to incite terrorist violence on the Internet against Israel without the social media companies taking any steps to block the messages nor terminate the accounts of those calling for attacks.

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Once again the social media companies are turning a blind eye to this dangerous incitement and becoming a tool in the hands of those urging violence against innocent Jews.

WATCH: Palestinians celebrating fires in Israel by singing: “They tried to ban the muezzin’s call, and Allah rained fire on them.”

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MOST significantly, one has to honestly and urgently inquire: why should anyone believe that Israel’s mentally besieged leadership will finally raise an iron fist…barzel…בַּרזֶל …against them, and that this time the punishment will be swift and shockingly severe?

INESTIMABLY, rationally speaking, revoking the citizenship of all terrorists and their families should be the first step. And one would think that stripping them of all benefits – yes, terrorists and their families still receive state benefits! – as well as those found to have ANY hand in aiding and abetting, would be automatic!

FOR if punitive measures and deterrence are to factor in at all – as the leaders continuously and shrilly exclaim – why aren’t the forces ordered to lay siege to each and every village which houses them, so-called “collective punishment” be damned? Besides, what about the continuous punishment meted out to the Jewish majority by the Arab minority, as their towns are burnt to the ground and its residents forced to flee for their lives! Is it normal to allow the Arab sector to live in their homes, while Jews are relegated to refugee status in their homeland? Pray tell, who are the crazies? 

LET’S get real: how many times have Allah’s Muslim Terrorists been threatened, only to realize that they can literally get away with killing Jews, still yet, look forward to one gift after another by Israel’s demented leaders? Readers, know that goodies are not only offered to PA Arabs to placate the savage beasts and to quiet down international anti-Semites, but to the entire Arab sector in Israel! Yes, the aforementioned increasingly growing fifth column.

Israel’s minister of construction signed a deal last week to build thousands of public housing units for the country’s Arab population.

MK Yoav Galant (Kulanu) agreed to allocate 1.41 billion shekels ($374 million) toward building public housing for Israeli Arabs and to lift restrictions from construction on private land, Ynet reported. The deal, which was reached with the heads of 15 local municipal Arab authorities, is set to facilitate the construction of 30,000 housing units on private and public land.

“Over the next 20 years, the Arab sector will require 200,000 apartments. During the last few weeks, we have made it a point to work side by side with the Arab leadership in a quick, transparent and equality-conscious process, the effects of which will shortly be visible on the ground,” said Galant. “Strengthening the Arab sector is a national interest.”

CONSEQUENTIALLY, why shouldn’t they wage jihad, knowing full well that nothing will be done to tamp down their quest to destroy Israel as the Jewish homeland? Rhetorical.


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ADL Leftists (& Others) Smear Stephen Bannon: Mental Besiegement Props Up Enemy Forces. What’s Going On?What Can Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

PAR for their demented course, Jewish leftists (akin to their Christian, atheist, and like-minded revolutionary counterparts, regardless of affiliation) never miss an opportunity to gang-bang atop those who profess pro-American and pro-Israel ethos. Patriots. Nationalists.

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AS always, they trot out the usual bugaboos, tarring and feathering their opponents as racists, xenophobes, and every “ism” in between. O RLY?? 

BUT what is entirely enraging and galling, actually, the mother-lode, is when Jewish (BBO’s….by birth only) leftists – many of whom are fantasists – cash in and trade upon their bonafides, as if hoisting their heritage should shield them from any radical, anti-American, and anti-Israel stance they uphold.

EARTH to “tribesmen”: not on this watch!

MENDACIOUSLY, they act as if they are uniquely qualified to lend their revolutionary actions a “kosher” stamp of approval. Hmm. More specifically, they hide behind the unique and horrific suffering of the Jewish people throughout the ages, oftentimes, abusing the memory of the Holocaust to suit their ideological purposes. Low-lives.

AS to Greenblatt’s bonafides, here is the poop and scoop:

Jonathan Greenblatt, the National Director and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who spread the rumor that Trump appointee Steve Bannon was an anti-Semite, has worked for George Soros and Barack Obama.

In fact, before joining the ADL, Greenblatt had almost no experience in fighting antisemitism.  Greenblatt moved directly from the Obama administration to his position at the ADL.  He had worked for Obama as Director of the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation.  Prior to that, he worked for Soros as Director of the Impact Economy Initiative at the George Soros-funded Aspen Institute.


SO how shocking is it to find out what else he has up his anti-American sleeve?

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, pledged to register as a Muslim on the national database that President-elect Donald Trump vowed to create during his campaign.
Greenblatt made the vow in his opening remarks at the ADL’s Never Is Now conference on anti-Semitism, held Thursday and Friday in midtown Manhattan. It came the day after a spokesman for a pro-Trump PAC cited World War II-era Japanese internment camps in an appearance on Fox News.
Greenblatt said, “In the past we were not able to live, work or learn anywhere we wanted to. Anti-Semitism was acceptable in society. Those were days that were much darker in this country. At that most difficult moment the founders of the ADL said that we American Jews, a group that lacked power and had no real standing, whose future was shaky and uncertain, would use our power for good.”

INHERENTLY, they scream that those who oppose “the other” (most prominently, Islamists) are no better than the Nazis! W T F. Non-leftist Jews (Christian conservatives alike) are their main target base. Not only that, they dare to bastardize a well-known Jewish concept, “tikkun olam”, that which they turned upside down into a secularized catch-all phrase, intrinsically, into the mandate to “repair the world.” Nonsense. Hogwash.

IN fact, the Jewish people are NOT instructed to “save the world”, but to comport themselves properly, to observe the Jewish Commandments via Judaism’s imperatives. In so doing, to contribute to society and civilization both by leading by example and through practice and action.

INSTEAD, Jewish BBO’s, yet again, abuse Judaism’s teachings as a convenient tool to exculpate themselves from their actions and allegiances.Thus, “repairing the world” was born. Invented. Hey ADL, and fellow travelers….talkin’ to you….

EVEN so, before we catch up to speed, Bannon-style, know that their misfiring, for the most part, revolves around a real illness, that is, “besiegement syndrome.” As excerpted from this author’s interview (May 22, 2013), The Inquisitr Interviews Adina Kutnicki: The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot:

As to the mental aberration, why Jews (hailing chiefly from the left) side with sworn enemies, well, this is a question which Dr. Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist, as well as a PhD historian from Princeton, answered in his masterpiece; a monumental, epoch feat of scholarship The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege.” To make a long story short (and to save myself from a throbbing headache…this subject irks to no end), a chronically besieged people – and the Jewish people qualify like none other – often end up internalizing the hatred and delude themselves about the malevolent intent of their enemies. The visceral, non-quenching hatred is too onerous to bear, therefore, fantasy becomes blurred with reality. Feeling totally out of control, they invent a fairy tale, not unlike chronically abused children. But this is just its tip, the rest must be gleaned through the book itself. It is an eye opener and jaw dropper…….

YES, this site is rife with countless proofs of the same. Seek and you shall find.

TRAGICALLY, nothing is off the table for those whose real “religion” is tied and bound to leftism, and all its permutations thereof. Paradoxically, they are marching arm in arm, in lockstep, with the sworn enemies of the Jewish people, and in direct opposition to liberty and freedom. Believe it. 

AND this is why non-leftist Jews – those who are the real seekers of freedom and justice, conservatives, if you will – are forced to hold their “brethren’s” feet to the fire. A never-ending cycle.

MIND you, it is not for nothing that said courageous Jews – many of whom live in the Biblical heartland, Judea and Samaria, AKA the “West Bank” – refuse to stand down, as Stephen Bannon is tarred and feathered as an anti-semite. As if.

Yossi Dagan, chair of Israel’s Shomron Regional Council, the most prominent Israeli municipal body in Samaria as well as a key player in the central committee of the Likud Party, the party of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, publishes an open letter confirming Israeli support for Steve Bannon.

During the U.S. presidential campaign, Dagan attended the opening of a campaign office for Donald Trump in Judea/Samaria. 

The letter, provided to Breitbart News, follows:

Dear Stephen Bannon,

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the amazing election results for President-Elect Donald Trump and the United States of America. I would also like congratulate you personally on being appointed as Chief Strategist.

We know that you are a strong supporter of Israel and a true friend to the Jewish people and we look forward to your leadership in the White House.

It saddened me to hear about the uncalled for smear campaign against you by political opponents who refuse to accept the reality of losing a fair and democratic election. I am pleased that we in the Shomron, were first to openly support Donald Trump’s campaign and also opened a campaign headquarters here.

I, as leader of the second largest group with-in Israel’s Likud party central committee and Chairman of the Shomron Regional Council, am glad that after 8 hard years we now have decent minded people like yourself, coming to power in Washington DC.

Again, I would like to send my sincerest wishes to you and the American people. Please consider me a friend and resource for all of your Israel related interaction, and I look forward to meeting with you soon.

Blessing from the people and Land of Israel,

Yossi Dagan
Shomron Regional Council

What’s more, ‘America’s Rabbi,’ Shmuley Boteach,  in an open letter to Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (far left Jewish organization), also defends Steve Bannon against accusations of anti-Semitism — which erupted after president-elect Donald Trump announced that Bannon would serve as White House Chief Strategist.

From The Hill: You recently attacked Bannon’s appointment as senior adviser to the president, saying, “It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premier website of the ‘alt-right’ — a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists — is slated to be a senior staff member in the ‘people’s house.’” Your comment was widely — though perhaps unfairly — interpreted as accusing Bannon of anti-Semitism.

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We at @ADL_National oppose the appt of Steve Bannon to sr role at @WhiteHouse bc he & his alt-right are so hostile to core American values

I barely know Mr. Bannon, having met him for the first time last week at The New York Hilton. But I do know Joel Pollak, an orthodox Jew who is my friend of many years and is a senior editor at Breitbart. Joel is one of the proudest Jews I know and one of the premier fighters for Israel in the national media.

He tells me that Steve Bannon has shown him, and the many other Jewish employees at Breitbart, especially those who are observant, incredible sensitivity and flexibility in helping them always keep the Sabbath and observe the Jewish holidays.

In addition, Breitbart has served as one of the leading publications in The United States that strongly opposed the Iran nuclear agreement, with its $150 billion given to the murderous Mullahs and their genocidal promise to perpetrate a second holocaust of the Jewish people.

In light of this fact, why would you immediately assume that Breitbart is anti-Semitic? Some of the world’s leading publications — including The New York Times — extolled the virtues of the Iran deal even though it never even punished the Iranian regime for being in constant violation of the 1948 UN Anti-Genocide Convention which expressly forbids genocidal incitement.

Even the ADL opposed the Iran deal and Breitbart stood with the pro-Israel community in making the argument against an agreement that legally gives Iran nuclear weapons in little over a decade.

Breitbart also defends Israel constantly against the anti-Semitic BDS movement whose goal is the economic destruction of the State of Israel.

The Jewish people, as you and I can both agree, face a new era of increased anti-Semitism, especially among Islamist governments and increasingly in Europe. We have real enemies who need to be combatted. Israel especially faces three emboldened, genocidal enemies: Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Breitbart columnists have stood strongly against all three.

Accusation Bannon is “anti-Semitic” is bald-faced lie. He is staunchly pro-Israel. 

Photo published for Zionist Organization of America: ADL Falsely Alleging Steve Bannon Is Anti-Semitic - Breitbart

Zionist Organization of America: ADL Falsely Alleging Steve Bannon Is Anti-Semitic – Breitbart

Morton Klein writes: “To accuse Steve Bannon and Breitbart of anti-Semitism is Orwellian.”

AND while the following may appear unrelated and out of the blue sky, well, think again. 

INDEED, “the Borking” of Bannon – via a multitude of counterparts, including, die-hard Jewish leftists – is picking up (furious) steam! 

BY definition, fantasists are those who truly believe that a “world without hate” is even remotely possible. Atop it all, this is the case, given the fact that the ADL (and others) defends some of the most vile haters of all – Islamists and radical left conjoined forces!

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WANTED: SOROS, DEAD OR ALIVE – By The Russians! Will President Trump Hand This Treacherous Traitor Over? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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DEMOCRACY is not a suicide pact. Simple as that.

NOW that that is settled, die-hard leftists truly cannot differentiate between the Constitutionally protected and democratic principle of free speech – yes, even “offensive” speech – as the main pillar, an inherent hallmark, to a healthy and functioning democracy. This is in juxtaposition to anarchists who incite to mayhem and murder, whenever the other side refuses to cave into their demands. Effectively, the above is a major fault-line between freedom-based underpinnings and totalitarian beliefs.

IN other words, the aforementioned worldview revolves around revolutionary game plans and concomitant constructs. Namely, the end always justifies the means, and with every manner of stepped-up heinousness and criminality brought to bear. Moreover, what they deem to be true, de facto, is the “gospel” truth. Full-stop. Therefore, it is their way or the highway. Period. 

RESULTANT, in contrast to those who support the crooked and criminal Clinton machinethe above serves as a very distinct marker and departure from the majority who support President-elect Trump. In effect, leftists feel entitled, duty bound, to rampage across America. They utterly refuse to accept defeat through the democratic process. Not only that, despite the Demster’s machinations via a mega funded (primarily, through the most dangerous man in America, George Soros) “get out the vote” campaign and “in-bed” incestuous relationship with the so-called mainstream media – which included deceased individuals, felons, and, of course, more than 3 million illegals – Hill still lost! Big time. You got that?

CONSEQUENTLY, how much clearer can the majority be, as they not only voted against a continuation of Clinton’s wrecking ball machine, but in repudiation of 8 years worth of domestic and foreign policy disasters ignited by HUSSEIN and gang?

IN this regard, it has been reported that Putin placed a hefty (and righteous) price tag on his head. Scalp.


Russia has officially declared that Billionaire George Soros is a wanted man in their country, citing him and his organizations as a “threat to Russian national security”.

Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that Soros helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s.

Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone said of Goldman Sachs six years ago:

“The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.

“In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.”

Obviously Soros wants to be like Goldman Sachs. Phil Butler puts it well when he says: “George Soros has a finger in every political pie there is. If there is a crisis on our world, it’s a safe bet he’s had a hand in it.”

One can say that Soros and Goldman Sachs are ideologically part of the same brotherhood. Their strategy is a little different, but the end result is the destruction of lives via the economic system (be it capitalism or socialism) and political manipulation.

That’s why Soros seems to think that he is invincible. He thinks he can move the political and economic planet in a few blinks of an eye and no one can tell him to stop. In fact, he writes books such as The Alchemy of Finance. Soros thinks he can kill political stability throughout Europe and indeed in America with no challenge.

Soros is certainly old, but he doesn’t want to be obsolete. His organization has recently been caught conducting covert operations designed to destabilize Russia. Here is an interesting quote from the leaked files of Soros’ Open Society Foundation:

“Our inclination is to engage in activities and with actors that will understand and counter Russian support to movements defending traditional values…Naming and shaming from us is problematic: we are also in the business of channeling money into other countries for political purposes.”

MIND you, it isn’t often the case that the advice within is to follow Putin’s lead. Nevertheless, this is a clear-cut exception. No ifs, ands, or buts. Time is of the essence.

MOST significantly, the endless list of anti-American inciters ensconced within America – from the highest perches to the lowest hanging fruit – must be considered “the enemy within.” Agreed?

According to a first responder, his ambulance was was delayed for 45 minutes due to Anti-Trump protesters blocking the road. He wrote the following on his Facebook:

SUCH is the case with the most venal and dangerous man in America (for heavens sake, it is not as if there is a short list), one whose mission is to utterly, completely, destroy America. The indictment for treason against Soros can fill book after book, but that’s best left for another discussion. Rather, the crux is that the leadership has an obligation, is duty bound, to protect the nation from enemies within and without. 

By Section 110 of Article III. of the Constitution of the United States, it is declared that:

“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason.”

In 1790, the Congress of the United States enacted that:

“If any person or persons, owing allegiance to the United States of America, shall levy war against them, or shall adhere to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States, or elsewhere, and shall be thereof convicted on confession in open Court, or on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason against the United States, and SHALL SUFFER DEATH….

Image result for pics of george soros to destroy america

TO wit, President-elect Trump must urgently put forth to Congress a charge-sheet for treason against George Soros (with others to follow…faster….faster), one which should have two options: 

  • DOOR ONE: a trial within the U.S., and with all due deliberation and adherence to Section 110 of Article III.
  • DOOR TWO: forthwith, he must be handed over to Russia, and dealt with however Putin sees fit.

LET’s not pussyfoot around, after all, it is do or die. Besides, one needn’t guess which Door this investigative journalist prefers.

YES, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Image result for pics of hanging traitors

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Trump’s Triumph & The Brotherhood Mafia’s “Reaction”: What’s The Upshot? Where Does Huma Abedin Factor In? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WHILE red, white and blue Americans are overcome with a renewed sense of optimism – a real transformative moment in time – “hoping for change” due to The Donald’s ascension (never mind his landslide victory over crooked Hill), relative to the other side – not so much!

BUT before we head to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s overriding “reaction” – ala the domestic and global fronts – it is equally intrinsic to monitor what their radical counterparts are up to, be they generalized leftists, Marxists, socialists, communists, and otherwise aligned shock troops. As repeatedly reported at these pages, the reds and greens operate hand-in-fist.

MORE specifically, their immediate and frenzied meltdown is an outgrowth of hard-core anti-American ideology, ignited and exacerbated by Trump’s stunning triumph. Yes, domestic leftists, anarchists, illegals and assorted anti-American Americans are on a literal tear. Foaming. That’s a vast understatement.

NOT only that, countless death threats on social media are exhorting to assassinate Trump, and who knows how many more are in active stages of planning. As to the codified illegal aspect of intent to murder, let alone inciting others to do the same, well, said criminal behavior tells us what we need to know about crooked Hill’s supporters. No doubt, they are, for the most part, uncivilized animals. Unhinged. They are world’s apart, a far cry, from those who recognize the absolute democratic right to peacefully protest and voice their discontent.

T witter is exploding with people calling for president-elect Donald Trump to be assassinated


YES, the above (and so much more) proofs are manifestly clear. Resultant, said criminals must be charged with actual intent, incitement, to assassinate Trump. Extrapolating further, they must be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. 

WHICH leads us directly to their comrade-in-arms, the Brotherhood Mafia. From their deep entrenchment inside America, as well as outside the nation’s borders, their intention to upend the nation has been proven, as is said, six ways to Sunday. Still yet, despite their decades-long vast worldwide operational apparatus, in a quest for global dominance, it is their embedded tentacles throughout the nation’s power centers which must be swiftly declawed. Forthwith.

BHO & the Muslim Brotherhood - 7

EVEN so, while the continuously burgeoning list of Islamist subversives throughout America’s epicenter is book-worthy, the fact remains, as always, “cutting off the head of the snake” is where it’s at.

IN this regard, only those of us who are experts (the few and far between) in the Brotherhood Mafia’s hydra-like apparatus understand the underlying bases and dangers, the urgency, of today’s commentary.

ENTER, Huma Abedin, the Brotherhood Mafia’s top-tier agent in America!

WHICH brings us to a most intrinsic backgrounder, vis-a-vis the “reaction” of the hydra-like monster continuously plotting to destroy America. 

The terrorist Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group — praised by Democrats, President Barack Obama, and presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — has reportedly denounced “racist” Republican Donald Trump’s victory over the former secretary of state as a “disaster” for the Arab and Muslim world.

On Wednesday, a day after Trump won the U.S. presidential election, Mamdouh Al-Muneer, a spokesperson for MB who also serves as a member of the supreme body of the Egyptian Islamist Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), reportedly wrote on social media that the results of the elections were a catastrophe and a “racist” has ascended to the White House, according to the Middle East Monitor (MEMO).

“Goliath is coming himself, with his horses and men… what our nation has witnessed in the last period is something and what is to come is something different,” he added. “God willing it will be for us not against us.”

The MB was founded in Egypt and has expanded into the West — namely the United States, Europe, and Australia — in addition to other countries across the world.

Although various nations have deemed the group a terrorist organization, including Muslim-majority Egypt……the Obama administration has refused to join those countries and has blocked Republican lawmakers from designating MB a terrorist group.

The Washington Free Beacon has obtained a declassified U.S. State Department document that shows that, as secretary of state, Clinton supported Muslim Brotherhood member and former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

Obama invited Morsi to the White House and has met with other party representatives there.

Current Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, as military chief, led the public movement to overthrow Morsi in July 2013.

The dream is over: Abedin, who has only ever worked for Hillary Clinton, was back at the campaign headquarters for the first time. She was its vice-chair and seen as the most important of her personal retinue

(The dream is over: Abedin, who has only ever worked for Hillary Clinton, was back at the campaign headquarters for the first time. She was its vice-chair and seen as the most important of her personal retinue)

ALAS, Humala, the poor dear, has been seen crying throughout NYC, as if she deserves any sympathy for having let down the Clinton machine, never mind, her closest gal pal, Hill. Boo hoo.

INDEED, all is not as it seems. Not by a long shot. Her tears and anguished expressions are more about the distance placed between her – which would have been just a heart beat away – and the nation’s nuclear suitcase. O M G !!

IN reality, the crux of her misery reflects the level of intel she can pass DIRECTLY onto al-Qaeda, ISIS and every manner of top-tier jihadi, whether in Saudi Arabia, America, Europe, or the vast expanse of Islamic nations. Believe it.

MOST significantly, it is incontestably urgent for President-elect Trump to drain the Islamic swamp, so to speak. In effect, legal provisions are already on the books to rid the nation of their infestation.

IN other words, how many understand that the Smith Act is a main ticket to do so?

Title I. Subversive activities. The Smith Act set federal criminal penalties that included fines or imprisonment for as long as twenty years and denied all employment by the federal government for five years following a conviction for anyone who:

…with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or…organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof.

The Smith Act’s prohibition of proselytizing on behalf of revolution repeated language found in previous statutes. It went beyond earlier legislation in outlawing action to “organize any society, group, or assembly” that works toward that end and then extended that prohibition to “membership” or “affiliation”—a term it did not define—with such a group.

THUS, the very fact that the Brotherhood Mafia’s stated mission is ominously clear, as.compiled within an 18-page document listed the Brotherhood’s 29 “organizations of our friends”  shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation. These “friends” were identified by Akram and the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions”……, it more than meets the absolute standard, the test, for subversive and treasonous conduct.

AND this is the case, irrespective of the fact that HUSSEIN’s subversive admin refused to label the Brotherhood a terrorist organization, despite the fact that al-Sisi’s Egypt has done so, as have others. Mind you, it has been reported that Trump and al-Sisi are in sync, in so far as internalizing the grave threats posed by the Brotherhood Mafia to their respective nations and the west at large.

CONSEQUENTLY, couple the above with more indicting proofs – literally!

SIMPLY put, some of the Brotherhood Mafia’s highest ranking terrorist masterminds have been put down, as a result of the Holy Land Foundation Terror Trial, the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history. But let’s not bring out the bubbly, there are scores more who must meet the same treasonous fate.

SO aside from a list of core and urgent imperatives atop the incoming administration’s to-do list (immigration, health care, job growth, education, taxes and energy, to name a few), it would be a grave oversight to ignore the Brotherhood Mafia within America, and in all its permutations.

Trump and America’s Real “Arab Spring” — on The Glazov Gang

CONCLUSIVELY, it is this Brotherhood expert’s considered opinion that placing Huma Abedin on trial – as the tippy top of its American spear – will reap the biggest dividend re the uprooting, the penetration and infiltration, of Islamic jihad in America.

AND while there is much chatter about HUSSEIN “pardoning” crooked Hill and her cadre of law-breaking surrogates, it must be understood that Huma Abedin cannot be allowed to get away scot-free. If jail is not an option, deportation, as a subversive citizen, must be (more than) considered.

NO time to lose!

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HUSSEIN’s Legacy:Empowerment of Islamic Jihadis & Enriching Castro’s Communist Apparatchiks.Knock-On Effects F/B/O Anti-American Regimes. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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IN line with all of HUSSEIN’s high crimes and misdemeanors (as is known, they are voluminous – and counting – on the domestic and foreign fronts alike), few patriots are paying attention to two converging and precipitous wildfires. War-fronts. They piggyback each other. Igniting. Combustible.

INCONTESTABLY, it takes a clear-eyed understanding of the ever-powerful nexus between the reds and greens to recognize the encroaching dangers. Warning signs. Alarm bells. Yes, they are more than force multipliers.  

AS is said, a picture is worth a thousand words….

“Here are two brother countries, united like a single fist,” said socialist Hugo Chávez during a visit to Tehran last November, celebrating his alliance with Islamist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Che Guevara’s son Camilo, who also visited Tehran last year, declared that his father would have “supported the country in its current struggle against the United States.” They followed in the footsteps of Fidel Castro, who in a 2001 visit told his hosts that “Iran and Cuba, in cooperation with each other, can bring America to its knees.” For his part, Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (“Carlos the Jackal”) wrote in his book L’islam révolutionnaire (“Revolutionary Islam”) that “only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.”

Ken Livingstone literally hugged Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

It’s not just Latin American leftists who see potential in Islamism.Ken Livingstone, the Trotskyite former mayor of London, literally hugged prominent Islamist thinker Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Ramsey Clark, the former U.S. attorney general, visited Ayatollah Khomeini and offered his support. Noam Chomsky, the MIT professor, visited Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and endorsed Hezbollah’s keeping its arms. Ella Vogelaar, the Dutch minister for housing, neighborhoods, and integration, is so sympathetic to Islamism that one critic, the Iranian-born professor Afshin Ellian, has called her “the minister of Islamization”…..

CLEAR as a bell. There you have it. The absolute ideological nexus. Alliance.

INDUBITABLY, as repeatedly reported at this site, the reds and greens are not only literally locking arms, they are outright embracing, in anticipation of America’s (with Israel as the cascading and knock-on domino) downfall. 

RESULTANT, it is under said menacing umbrella that the following should be taken VERY seriously. 

FIRST, as a backdrop: many are aware of HUSSEIN’s quest to empower America’s mortal foes – whether reds or greens – and this benchmark must sink in. As such, when he ran into Cuba’s arms, it shouldn’t have surprised, regardless of the high crimes and misdemeanors in doing so. Ditto with Iran via the “House of Bribes.”  

SO par for HUSSEIN’s wrecking ball against America, what else should have been expected, other than the ACTUAL enrichment and empowerment of Cuba’s communist leaders via money transfer mechanisms as the opening prize? Anyone?

With little fanfare, the U.S. government recently amended regulations to allow Cuban government officials and members of the Communist Party to benefit from the softening of sanctions, including receiving cash remittances and other perks.

The new beneficiaries include members of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior (MININT), the Central Committee of the Communist Party (PCC) and other branches of the Cuban government.

The change is part of the new round of regulations announced last week by the Obama administration. Along with measures that attracted widespread attention — such as the removal of the restrictions on the purchase of rum and tobacco by American travelers — this more discreet provision debunks a long-standing policy of prohibiting U.S. transactions with most members of the Cuban government, its political organizations and defense system.

As the updated Cuban Assets Control Regulations now stand, the prohibitions remain only for the members of the Politburo of the PCC, members of the Council of Ministers and high-ranking officials in the Cuban armed forces (FAR).

The category of “prohibited members” of the Cuban government and the Communist Party previously included members of MININT; the PCC secretaries and members of its Central Committee; members of Parliament; the Supreme Court; state media editors; deputy ministers and mid-level officials within the ministries; directors of companies and other state institutions; secretaries of the Confederation of Cuban Workers; and local chiefs of the Defense Committees of the Revolution (CDR).

These officials can now receive remittances without limits and take advantage of other benefits such as having their mobile phone accounts recharged from the U.S.

MININT has under its jurisdiction the police, the Department of State Security and the Directorate for Immigration and Naturalization, among other agencies. The Central Committee of the Communist Party, on the other hand, controls all state institutions, including the media.

The U.S. government has begun a low-key cooperation with MININT, which has been present in several official dialogues, including one that took place in Miami in February of this year. Members of this ministry also visited U.S. military installations in Key West in March.

As part of the efforts to normalize relations, the U.S. removed Cuba from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism. Some Cuban companies were also eliminated from the list of entities that are blocked by the Treasury Department.

Critics of the Obama policy toward Cuba immediately questioned the measure.

“The Obama administration has just opened the door for the overwhelming majority of Castro regime officials to take advantage of the sanctions relief that was purportedly aimed to support the Cuban people and, more specifically, for Cuba’s independent entrepreneurs,” Mauricio Claver-Carone, director of the U.S.-Cuba Democracy political action committee that seeks to maintain the embargo, said in a scathing statement.

Claver-Carone added that “neighborhood repressors,” members of “its puppet legislature, secret police” and intelligence officials can “enjoy unlimited remittances, gift parcels, U-turn banking transactions, communication devices and even employ U.S.-based internet-related services.”

CONSEQUENTIALLY, due to the above – and so much more – treachery via the disemboweling of the nation’s hyper-power status, as well as its moral compass, a heretofore unseen battle will emerge within America’s shores.

BUT, once again, Americans (westerners at-large) will be oh, so shocked, when the next major global war breaks out. No doubt, it will erupt in the near future. Again, the U.S. homeland will be deeply in the mix.

KNOW this: neutralizing – but preferably defeating – America is the highest priority for enemy states, as well as non-state (Islamic) terror actors. And whatever it takes – emphasis placed – to bring down America, have no doubt the reds and greens will aim towards, be it separately or collaboratively. In fact, they have been working towards this very same end-goal for decades.

AS excerpted from this author’s April 2013 book review:

During a dangerously volatile period of domestic terrorism, young anarchists were plotting the upending of America. In the vanguard stood the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers. Implanted in 1969 in the heart of a revolutionary movement, Larry Grathwohl, a 22-year-old Vietnam vet, found himself acting as an FBI informant. Inserted into the Weather Underground organization under deep cover, he became privy to their terror plots as well as the leadership’s “reasoning”. It is this facet which still resonates today.

BRINGING DOWN AMERICA is a gripping tale of plots and subplots, each one aimed at “the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie [and] the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jeff Jones exhorted in their 1974 manifesto, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism.” The subtext of this gripping memoir is brought to the fore in Chapter 14: “The Cover Is Blown:”

Once in the van we drove around the city… while we were driving Maynard & Green (my FBI handlers) began telling me about the mystery man waiting for me. He was an Arab guerrilla. My meeting was to be in strict confidence. They refused to tell me why he was in the country, how he got in, obviously he was working for the U.S….

The implication was very clear. The FBI understood that the Weathermen were deepening their foreign ties. It was inevitable that Arab terror contacts would be made. Thus, Ali Baba, an Arab informant, was sending a warning to Larry: having him as a “go-between” would mitigate any hesitation to cooperate with the Weathermen, in effect, keeping the FBI one step ahead.

Not only that, Ali Baba issued other warnings to Larry: “the Arabs plan to strike at the next Olympic games in 1972 [reviewer’s note: and they made good on their threat] and there is talk of doing something at the World’s Fair in Spokane in 1974.”

For the record, El (Al) Fatah was the referenced Arab guerrilla group. Yes, the very same terror outfit spawned by the godfather of suicide terror, “Chairman” Yasir Arafat, a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. In tandem, the Weathermen conspired with the KGB and attendant communist regimes. The war being waged against the U.S. by the radical left and Islamist jihadis is premised on the U.S. as the Western spear and Israel as its twin “imperialistic” cousin. It has been playing out for decades, in one form or another. Nothing has changed other than the fact that many escaped justice and are entering their senior years. Despite their advancing age, they are as dangerous as ever — perhaps more so…..

AND with all due “credit” given to HUSSEIN and surrogates, WMD’s are now in the mix. Non-shockingly, he received the Nobel “Peace” Prize, as did the godfather of suicide terrorism, “Chairman” Arafat!

EVEN so, despite all of HUSSEIN’s (and surrogates, with Soros and Clinton Inc. in the forefront) machinations, if millions of patriots – many of whom are ex-military –  took to heart the real “art of war”, well, even an impending war on the homefront would be less threatening. Surprising.

Image result for pic of the art of war

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

MOST significantly, the key element, the “art of surprise”, is always a main contributory factor to a nation’s defeat, regardless of its size and military prowess.

SOMETHING to (more than) think about and to ensure doesn’t happen.

TO wit, millions of patriots – many of whom are well-armed and army-trained – should never allow it to come to this: too little (prep), too late.

OTHERWISE….heaven forbid….lights out on freedom!!

The Inextricable Linkage Between Islamic “Refugees” (Immigrants) And Jihad. Americans (Westerners), You Are Forewarned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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REGARDLESS of this or that period in time, an Islamic “refugee” (immigrant) is still a potential soldier for Allah. Simple as that. This is irrespective of all the jibber-jabber from jive-talkers and apologists.
EFFECTIVELY, while a majority are followers of the barbaric practices of Sharia Law which uphold jihad, concomitantly, they are expected to lend safe haven or material support to effectuate Islam’s triumph. And that is that.

UNLIKE in Judaism or Christianity, there is NO middle ground. Thus, there are no ifs, ands, or buts. And while a small segment do not align with the underpinnings of Sharia, the fact remains they are considered apostates. In other words, they are deemed traitors and worthy of death. Inherently, they are targeted akin to infidels.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.

The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God. Most contemporary Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book’s call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Their apologists cater to these preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally do not stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.

Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad’s own martial legacy, along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history….continue reading….

IN this regard, with Islam’s soldiers for Allah waging jihad under the sword of Allah world over, patriots are alarmed about tens of thousands (and counting) entering the U.S. (all over the west alike) as “refugees” under the Resettlement Program. Know this: it is just the tip of a million plus followers of Islam that HUSSEIN brought into the U.S. during his two-term reign of domestic and foreign terror.

RESULTANT, it is past time to set the record straight, vis-à-vis what amounts to treachery from America’s leaders, as they infest the nation with stone-cold killers for Allah. And if there are those who are “offended” by such a blunt assessment, who the hell cares.

MIND you, the following listing of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists is “only” of those who caused fatalities!

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
1972.04.14 USA New York, NY 1 3 Ten members of a local mosque phone in a false alarm and then ambush responding officers, killing one.
1973.01.19 USA Brooklyn, NY 1 1 Muslim extremists rob a sporting goods store for weapons, gunning down a police officer who responds to the alarm.
1973.07.01 USA Bethesda, MD 1 0 An Israeli diplomat is gunned down in his driveway by Palestinian terrorists.
1973.07.18 USA Washington, DC 8 2 Nation of Islam members shoot seven members of a family to death in cold blood, including four children. A defendant in the case is later murdered in prison on orders from Elijah Muhammad.
1973.10.19 USA Oakland, CA 1 1 Nation of Islam terrorists kidnap a couple and nearly decapitate the man, while raping and leaving the woman for dead.
1973.10.29 USA Berkeley, CA 1 0 A woman is shot repeatedly in the face by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.11.25 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A grocer is killed in his store by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.12.11 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A man is killed by Nation of Islam terrorists while using a phone booth.
1973.12.13 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A woman is shot to death on the sidewalk by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.12.20 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 Nation of Islam terrorists gun down an 81-year-old janitor.
1973.12.22 USA Oakland, CA 2 0 Nation of Islam terrorist kills two people in separate attacks on the same day.
1973.12.24 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A man is kidnapped, tortured and decapitated by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1974.01.24 USA Oakland, CA 4 1 Five vicious shooting attacks by Nation of Islam terrorists leave three people dead and one paralyzed for life. Three of the victims were women.
1974.04.01 USA Oakland, CA 1 1 A Nation of Islam terrorist shoots at two Salvation Army members, killing a man and injuring a woman.
1974.04.16 USA Ingleside, CA 1 0 A man is killed while helping a friend move by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1977.03.09 USA Washington, DC 1 1 Hanifi Muslims storm three buildings including a B’nai B’rith to hold 134 people hostage. At least two innocents were shot and one died.
1980.07.22 USA Bethesda, MD 1 0 A political dissident is shot and killed in front of his home by an Iranian agent who was an American convert to Islam.
1980.08.31 USA Savou, IL 2 0 An Iranian student guns down his next-door neighbors, a husband and wife.
1989.11.06 USA St. Louis, MO 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her parents for bringing ‘dishonor’ to their family by dating an ‘infidel’ African-American.
1990.01.31 USA Tuscon, AZ 1 0 A Sunni cleric is assassinated in front of a Tuscon mosque after declaring that two verses of the Qur’an were invalid.
1990.11.05 USA New York City, NY 1 0 An Israeli rabbi is shot to death by a Muslim attacker at a hotel.
1993.01.25 USA Langley, VA 2 3 A Pakistani with Mujahideen ties guns down two CIA agents outside of the headquarters.
1993.02.26 USA New York, NY 6 1040 Islamic terrorists detonate a massive truck bomb under the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring over 1,000 in an effort to collapse the towers.
1994.03.01 USA Brooklyn, NY 1 0 A Muslim gunman targets a van packed with Jewish boys, killing a 16-year-old.
1997.03.23 USA New York, NY 1 6 A Palestinian leaves an anti-Jewish suicide note behind and travels to the top of the Empire State building where he shoot seven people in a Fedayeen attack.
1997.04.03 USA Lompoc, CA 1 0 A prison guard is stabbed to death by a radical Muslim.
2000.03.17 USA Atlanta, GA 1 1 A local imam and Muslim spiritual leader guns down a deputy sheriff and injures his partner.
2001.09.11 USA New York, NY 2752 251 Islamic hijackers steer two planes packed with fuel and passengers into the World Trade Center, killing hundreds on impact and eventually killing thousands when the towers collapsed. At least 200 are seriously injured.
2001.09.11 USA Washington, DC 184 53 Nearly 200 people are killed when Islamic hijackers steer a plane full of people into the Pentagon.
2001.09.11 USA Shanksville, PA 40 0 Forty passengers are killed after Islamic radicals hijack the plane in an attempt to steer it into the U.S. Capitol building.
2002.03.19 USA Tuscon, AZ 1 0 A 60-year-old man is gunned down by Muslim snipers on a golf course.
2002.05.27 USA Denton, TX 1 0 Muslim snipers kill a man as he works in his yard.
2002.07.04 USA Los Angeles, CA 2 0 Muslim man pulls out a gun at the counter of an Israeli airline and kills two people.
2002.09.21 USA Atlanta, GA 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down an employee at a liquor store.
2002.09.21 USA Montgomery, AL 1 1 Muslim snipers shoot two women, killing one.
2002.09.23 USA Baton Rouge, LA 1 0 A Korean mother is shot in the back by Muslim snipers.
2002.10.02 USA Wheaton, MD 1 0 Muslim snipers gun down a program analyst in a store parking lot.
2002.10.03 USA Montgomery County, MD 5 0 Muslim snipers kill three men and two women in separate attacks over a 15-hour period.
2002.10.09 USA Manassas, VA 1 1 A man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas two days after a 13-year-old is wounded by the same team.
2002.10.11 USA Fredericksburg, VA 1 0 Another man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas.
2002.10.14 USA Arlington, VA 1 0 A woman is killed by Muslim snipers in a Home Depot parking lot.
2002.10.22 USA Aspen Hill, MD 1 0 A bus driver is killed by Muslim snipers.
2003.08.06 USA Houston, TX 1 0 After undergoing a ‘religious revival’, a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4″ butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
2004.04.15 USA Scottsville, NY 1 2 In an honor killing, a Muslim father kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested.
2006.06.16 USA Baltimore, MD 1 0 A 62-year-old Jewish moviegoer is shot to death by a Muslim medical student in an unprovoked terror attack.
2006.06.25 USA Denver, CO 1 5 Saying that it was ‘Allah’s choice’, a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.
2006.07.28 USA Seattle, WA 1 5 An ‘angry’ Muslim-American uses a young girl as hostage to enter a local Jewish center, where he shoots six women, one of whom dies.
2008.01.01 USA Irving, TX 2 0 A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their ‘Western’ lifestyle.
2008.07.06 USA Jonesboro, GA 1 0 A devout Muslim strangles his 25-year-old daughter in an honor killing.
2009.02.12 USA Buffalo, NY 1 0 The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
2009.04.12 USA Phoenix, AZ 2 0 A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.
2009.06.01 USA Little Rock, AR 1 1 A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.
2009.11.02 USA Glendale, AZ 1 1 A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too ‘Westernized.’ (10-20-09)
2009.11.05 USA Ft. Hood, TX 13 31 A Muslim psychiatrist guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.
2009.12.04 USA Binghamton, NY 1 0 A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for ‘persecuted’ Muslims.
2010.04.14 USA Marquette Park, IL 5 2 After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to ‘take them back to Allah’ and out of the ‘world of sinners’.
2011.04.30 USA Warren, MI 1 0 A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.
2011.09.11 USA Waltham, MA 3 0 Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.
2012.01.15 USA Houston, TX 1 0 A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.
2012.11.12 USA Houston, TX 1 0 A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.
2013.02.07 USA Buena Vista, NJ 2 0 A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.
2013.03.24 USA Ashtabula, OH 1 0 A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.
2013.04.15 USA Boston, MA 3 264 Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as ‘very religious’ detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.
2013.04.19 USA Boston, MA 1 1 Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.
2013.08.04 USA Richmond, CA 1 0 A convert “on a mission from Allah” stabs a store clerk to death.
2014.03.06 USA Port Bolivar, TX 2 0 A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.
2014.04.27 USA Skyway, WA 1 0 A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.
2014.06.01 USA Seattle, WA 2 0 Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.
2014.06.25 USA West Orange, NJ 1 0 A 19-year-old college student is shot to death ‘in revenge’ for Muslim deaths overseas.
2014.09.25 USA Moore, OK 1 1 A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.
2014.12.18 USA Morganton, NC 1 0 A 74-year-old man is shot several times in the head by a ‘radicalized’ ISIS supporter.
2015.07.16 USA Chattanooga, TN 5 2 A ‘devout Muslim’ stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.
2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA 14 17 A ‘very religious’ Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.
2016.06.13 USA Orlando, FL 49 53 An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.

EVEN so, despite a growing list of Islamic “refugees” (immigrants) – many of whom harbor killing Americans as their religious duty – their infiltration continues unabated. 

ALAS, how surprising is it that another jihadi “refugee” got caught pledging allegiance to ISIS AKA ISIL, despite all of the largess offered as an “asylum” seeker in 2009? 

A Houston man plead guilty to charges of conspiracy to provide material support to the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, 24 (a Palestinian-Iraqi), was accused of plotting to bomb the Galleria and Sharpston malls in Houston.

He has been in the US since 2009 and was granted permanent residency in 2011.

Hardan was on the track to citizenship before he became involved with terrorist activity. He now faces a sentence of up to 20 years in federal prison.

The news follows the indictment of a Baltimore man on unrelated charges of conspiring to kill an American serviceman on behalf of ISIS. Federal prosecutors allege that Nelash Mohammed Das believed himself to be in contact with Islamic State operatives in Iraq and Syria whom he thought would send him $80,000 to carry out the attack.

Originally from Bangladesh, Das has been in America since 1995 and is a legal permanent resident….


(Featuring….one of the Somali-American jihadis!)

MOST alarmingly, it behooves repeating the out-sized danger from the ballooning Somali-American jihadi-infused community. With upwards of 150,000 spread throughout the nation, some have even made it onto the FBI’s Most Wanted List for plotting jihad against their adopted home. Ingrates. In the main, they pledge allegiance to ISIS and assorted terror offshoots.

QUESTION: what is the common denominator re all of the above??

MOST significantly, if the DIRECT linkage between Islam and jihad is still unclear, it is obvious that no amount of evidence will penetrate.

STILL yet, it can’t be overstated: if millions of patriots fail to step up (big time) to take back America, they will only have themselves to blame, not if, but when non-Muslims are forced to submit to Islam – or else! And if one analysis is illustrative of what is required, at a minimum, well, look no further than here: anti-Islam push back ratchets up. Use it as a template. It was featured at Joe For America. Not for nothing.

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NYPD’s Crooked Top-Tier Hooked Into Bribes, Prostitutes, Hedge Funds & Mayoralty Via “Orthodox” Deal-Makers:The Sordid Twists & Turns. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS always, cards on the table: whenever one of the “tribe” (especially, those who portray themselves to the outside world as religious Orthodox Jews, no less) gets caught with their hand(s) in the cookie jar, or with their pants (literally) around their ankles, well, let’s just say it doesn’t go down well. More than disgraceful. Distressing. Btw, this is despite all their denials that they didn’t “partake” in any of the monkey business. Oh yeah….and this experienced investigative journalist has a bridge to sell.

EVEN so, aside from the personal discomfort and angst, the (communal) Jewish dirt dare not be swept under the rug. Never has been at this end. Never will be. Besides, if you don’t do the crime(s), you won’t be exposed. Simple as that.

AND with that out in the open, it is equally intrinsic to assert that this American-Israeli has a very clear-eyed focus, a healthy and well-earned admiration for the exceptional job done by many in the NYPD. In particular, the stellar work of former Police Commissioner Kelly and his counter-terror division bears special note. Few are aware of their herculean efforts to secure the city.

BE that as it may, it is time to connect the linkage of crooked dots, that which bind some within the NYPD’s top-tier to bribes, prostitutes, fraud, “deal-makers”, and assorted high-flying international and national players. This charge sheet includes “His Honor”, (Marxist) NYC Mayor DeBlasio! 

BUT there’s more.

OH where, oh where, to begin?

AT the beginning of the fall out, that’s where.

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SO, let’s track-back to late 2013/early 2014, the approximate timeline when the FBI/FEDS hooked into a wave of corruption at the NYPD. More specifically, this ongoing – emphasis placed – probe involves:

1) Top NYPD brass,

2) Prostitutes,

3) (Literally) high-flying – so-called Orthodox Jewish businessmen – Jona Rechnitz, Jeremy Reichberg, Murray Huberfeld, Moshe Feuer, Scott Taylor, and David Levy,

4) NYC Mayor DeBlasio and assorted Demster politicians,

5) Norman Seabrook, a mob-like union chief of the city’s correction officers,

6) Platinum Partners, fraudsters, a ponzi-like hedge fund, coupled with their inter-related player, Beechwood Reinsurance, an offshore company licensed by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, and,

7) Lev Leviev, a billionaire real estate developer, aka the “king of diamonds”, whose conglomerate, Africa Israel, employed Rechnitz.

HMM…what can go wrong with such a cast of high-charging, self-important players??  

CONCOMITANTLY, a parallel investigation by the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau -designed to “clean house” – ensued. Resultant, in April 2016, 4 top-ranking brass were summarily disciplined, while others of lesser rank became ensnared. 

BUT let’s segue to the majorly connected culprits of interest, although a host of others are involved.

FIRSTLY, the following are the (main) bent top cops:

  • Police Commissioner Bill Bratton disciplined four high-ranking officers Thursday(April 7, 2016) amid an FBI corruption investigation rocking the NYPD.
  • Two of the cops — Deputy Chief Michael Harrington, commanding officer of Manhattan North, and Deputy Inspector James Grant, head of the Upper East Side’s 19th Precinct — were transferred and stripped of their guns and badges.
  • Two others — Deputy Chief Eric Rodriguez, second in command of Patrol Borough Brooklyn South, and Deputy Chief David Colon, executive officer of the Housing Bureau — were transferred to desk duty.
  • The disgraced officials were arrested on June 20 along with Sgt. David Villanueva.
PRIMARILY, but not exclusively, the charges against them revolve around….go figure….illegally providing “special” police protection (pray tell, what for?) to the businessmen named below, with other favors on the table. This was in exchange for sky-high sex orgies with prostitutes, coupled with on-the-ground rockin’ trimmings with all expenses paid, once their private plane – also, courtesy of the businessmen – hit the ground! Within the quid pro quo menu listing, pricey gifts (some of which went to the wives of the cops, no less….talk about brass balls) were part of the deal making. You can’t make this stuff up.  
Gabi Grecko donned a skimpy flight attendant outfit to service now-disgraced NYPD Deputy Inspector James Grant, since-fired Detective Michael Milici and the others while flying over the American heartland in February 2013, she claims.

She was hired by a pair of businessmen to entertain Grant in exchange for official favors, according to a federal corruption case filed against him this week.

Grecko, 27, told The Post she performed oral sex on each man in the cabin — sometimes simultaneously having sex with more than one of them.

“I was doing it while they were in their seats,” Grecko recalled.

They all seemed really comfortable to take their pants off in front of each other and laugh about it. It’s like they’d done this before.”

Grant’s co-defendant, Brooklyn businessman Jeremy Reichberg, directed the sexcapades, shouting out instructions and providing running commentary, she said.

Reichberg and Rechnitz arranged for Grecko “to come on the private jet and spend the weekend with the group in Las Vegas,” the Manhattan federal court complaint says.

Jeremy Reichberg (left) and Jona Rechnitz (right) flanked former top NYPD officer Philip Banks at a charity dinner. The two businessmen are major donors to New York City mayor Bill de Blasio

(Jeremy Reichberg (left) and Jona Rechnitz (right) flanked former top NYPD officer Philip Banks at a charity dinner….posing as squeaky clean Orthodox types….phew!)

SECONDLY, it is time to shine a spotlight on the high-flying, corrupt-laden, businessmen:
  • Jona Rechnitz, a more than well-connected thirty-something piss-ant from JSR Capital – who happens to be described as a mid-level investor with major league political and top appointed police brass – is enmeshed with both the aforementioned NYPD probe and DeBlasio’s questionable political financing.The JSR Capital founder, formerly of Lev Leviev’s Africa Israel Investments, owns just a handful of properties, with a focus on residential buildings with retail components, as well as individual condominium units, according to an analysis by The Real Deal.
  • Rechnitz’s corrupt cohort, Jeremy Reichberg, is a Brooklyn-based diamond dealer. They are both at the center of an investigation by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara into Mayor Bill de Blasio’s political financing.The pair allegedly provided gifts in exchange for favors to as many as 20 New York Police Department officers, including top department brass.

As reported: Rechnitz also donated generously to de Blasio’s election campaign, and to the Campaign for One New York, a political nonprofit supporting the mayor, largely funded by contributions from real estate players. Rechnitz reportedly donated $50,000 to the group. He and Reichberg were both members of de Blasio’s inaugural committee in 2013. He also gave $102,000 to New York’s Democratic Party to fund its campaign to take control of the state Senate.

Rechnitz and Reichberg, of Borough Park, a diamond dealer, also funneled contributions from Manhattan jewelers Paul “Effy” Raps and Yaron Turgeman, who were subsequently accused of defrauding millions of dollars from Africa Israel founder Lev Leviev, according to the New York Post. Reichberg  was arrested in relation to the corruption scheme, in which the cops allegedly acted as a “private police force” for more than $100,000 worth of perks.

Reichberg, who faces charges of payment of bribes, gave the cops these gifts, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has alleged. Harrington, 50, and Grant, 43, also face charges of receiving bribes, according to court papers. The prosecutor says they did the bidding of Reichberg and another major de Blasio donor, whom sources have identified as Jona Rechnitz.

MIND you, DeBlasio claims he can’t remember any quid pro quos….you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours, a pay-for-play discussion with Rechnitz. Yup, he now has a case of amnesia!

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WE are not done yet. Far from it.

THIRDLY, leave it to a crooked union boss – oh dear, a NYC correction officers’ head – to land squarely in the middle.

ENTER, stage left, Norman Seabrook….inextricably tied to the NYPD, Platinum Partners and inter-related (an absolute no-no under the regs of financial investing and attendant accounting/auditing principles) Beechwood Reinsurance, De Blasio, and, of course, Rechnitz and Reichberg!

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(Seabrook and the amnesiac Mayor)

Norman Seabrook, the leader of the union that represents New York City corrections officers, was arrested on federal fraud charges Wednesday.

As CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez reported, police said Seabrook, head of the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association, was arrested without incident at his home in the Bronx. He appeared in U.S. District Court in Manhattan Wednesday afternoon…..

Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday, de Blasio distanced himself from Seabrook – a man he has publicly called his friend. He said Seabrook would be terminated from the force in the wake of the arrest.

“These are allegations,” de Blasio said. “But I’ll say this – if proven true, it’s disgusting and it’s very, very sad. It means he’s stolen money from his own workers.”

Authorities said the money exchange between Seabrook and Platinum’s Huberfeld stopped after a 2014 federal investigation of de Blasio’s fundraising campaign lead investigators to subpoena the corrections officer and Platinum Partners…..

In 2013, FBI agents were alerted to a series of large transfers and deposits in multiple bank accounts held by a small wholesale liquor business in Harlem, the law enforcement officials said.

Ultimately, investigators concluded that a Harlem restaurant owner was using the accounts to run a $12 million Ponzi scheme, in which Rechnitz and Reichberg were investors.

Rechnitz and Reichberg have also been tied to a federal probe involving corruption within the NYPD.

So far, at least nine other police officials have been transferred or stripped of their guns and badges as internal affairs detectives and FBI agents examine whether officers accepted gifts and trips from businessmen in exchange for police escorts, special parking privileges and other favors.

It is believed Rechnitz referred Seabrook to Huberfeld (founder of Platinum Partners), WCBS 880’s Marla Diamond reported.

A resident of Lawrence, New York, Huberfeld founded Centurion Credit Management in 2005. He was convicted of fraud in 1993 for having someone else take a broker license exam in his name. In 1998, he and his partner settled a civil complaint brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission by giving up $4.6 million in profits and paying a $50,000 penalty.
(Murray Huberfeld’s Lawrence, Long Island home.)

ONCE a crook, always a crook.

Murray Huberfeld, seen outside federal court in New York on June 8, helped lead Platinum Partners, a hedge-fund firm that is now under investigation. Mr. Huberfeld was accused in an alleged bribery scheme.
(Murray Huberfeld, seen outside federal court in New York on June 8, helped lead Platinum Partners, a hedge-fund firm that is now under investigation. Mr. Huberfeld was accused in an alleged bribery scheme.)

BUT we dare not exclude Moshe Feuer, Scott Taylor, and David Levy as culpable fraudsters, for they are part and parcel of said Platinum related indictment. No doubt.

NOW, in following the twists and turns of these sordid crimes and cast of characters, the experience within keeps wending back toward one direction. And not being one to rework the wheel, so to speak, another’s assessment (cited below) is precisely of like-mind. 

Most interesting, perhaps is that the article, enhancing the curriculum vitae of Rechnitz, mentions his work:

“at a real estate firm, Africa Israel, owned by Lev Leviev, a free spending Israeli-Russian diamond merchant who invested heavily in New York real estate during the last boom.”

We believe that Rechnitz’s position at Africa Israel is the key to everything that has happened since. If we had to speculate, we would posit that the diamonds both from Lev Leviev’s other endeavors and from those of Rechnitz and Reichberg, were used as leverage. The diamonds needed to be transported periodically, along with cash and other goods (perhaps including Peralta’s alcohol and in return they were used as untraceable payment, a quid pro quo for Rechnitz’s high-ranking friends.

READ: Rechnitz’s and Reichberg’s penchant for renting private planes!

AND while the full scope of the crooked twists and turns of the above players (with others in tow) has yet to be fully revealed, exposed – and may never be – suffice to state: there is a special place in hell for those who not only betray the public trust, but who present themselves as dedicated to “law and order.”

STILL yet, adding to this site’s indictment, is particular outrage directed at Rechnitz, Reichberg and Huberfeld; three puffed-up blowhards, empty suits and souls, bereft of all integrity, but full of out-sized hubris.

NOT only did they bring shame and dishonor upon the heads of their respective families (that is, if their nearest and dearest are not the sort of folks who “circle the wagons”….hide their dirty laundry….play deaf, dumb and blind….when it comes to their familial miscreants and deviants), but to the Orthodox Jewish community at-large. Shameless and brazen, descriptors which barely scratch the surface.

TO wit, as the end of one Jewish New Year closes and a new one commences, the real judge, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, 

אלוהי אברהם יצחק ויעקב

will eventually hold them to account. Never mind the righteous punishment they will (hopefully) receive from the criminal justice system. 

LOCK THEM UP…but not in one of the ten cushiest pens for politically connected and protected criminals!

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{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at Lost Messiah}

Pentagon “Loses” Afghani Special Forces Training Inside America:The Back-Story To “Missing” Soldiers For Allah. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is a known fact, a dirty “secret”, that countless foreigners overstay their visas, many of whom should have been barred from entering the U.S. to begin with, be they students, tourists, or up to no good business types. But this is a pressing subtopic on its own merits, that which requires one commentary after another to flush out its dangerous toxins. And never mind the millions of illegals who are otherwise “lost in action”, ensconced inside America due to open sesame so-called borders. 

THAT being established, when it comes to those of the Mohammedan persuasion, a particular danger accrues to the nation at large when they “go missing.” This well-informed assessment hardly requires further edification. Disinfectant.

STILL yet, before we segue to the “lost” Afghanis, it is instructive to hark back to the IED explosion at the Boston Marathon – perpetrated by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists – on April 15, 2013. Say whaaat?

WELL, when it comes to “lost” Muslims within America, it matters not a whit what their purported occupational interests are. More specifically, they are, in one way or another, above all else, soldiers for Allah. Therefore, look no further than to 6,000 plus “students” who magically “disappeared”  within America, as reported at this site on September 4, 2014. In fact, some have footprints to Boston’s jihad! Incontrovertibly, many of these “students” are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood’s MSA (Muslim Student Association), whose epicenter operates from within Boston’s prominent university quads, including MIT! More indicting, several Al-Qaeda plotters were part and parcel thereof. Not only that, Huma Abedin, Clinton’s joined-at-the-hip mate, is one of the MSA’s “illustrious” Board Members!

READ the above links and be prepared to shiver.

MIND you, two years onward, the so-called Islamic “students” are hide nor hare! And, does anyone really believe they have taken up knitting and quilting in the interim??

BUT let’s get back to the Pentagon’s Afghanis….

Forty-four Afghan troops visiting the United States for military training have gone missing in less than two years, presumably in an effort to live and work illegally in America, Pentagon officials said.

Although the number of disappearances is relatively small — some 2,200 Afghan troops have received military training in the United States since 2007 — the incidents raise questions about security and screening procedures for the programs.

They are also potentially embarrassing for U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration, which has spent billions of dollars training Afghan troops as Washington seeks to extricate itself from the costly, 15-year-old war. The disclosure could fuel criticism by supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has accused the Obama administration of failing to properly vet immigrants from Muslim-majority countries and has pledged a much tougher stance if he wins.

While other foreign troops on U.S. military training visits have sometimes run away, a U.S. defense official said that the frequency of Afghan troops going missing was concerning and “out of the ordinary.”

Since September alone, eight Afghan troops have left military bases without authorization, Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump told Reuters. He said the total number of Afghan troops who have gone missing since January 2015 is 44, a number that has not previously been disclosed.

“The Defense Department is assessing ways to strengthen eligibility criteria for training in ways that will reduce the likelihood of an individual Afghan willingly absconding from training in the U.S. and going AWOL (absent without leave),” Stump said.

Afghans in the U.S. training program are vetted to ensure they have not participated in human rights abuses and are not affiliated with militant groups before being allowed into the United States, Stump said.

The defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added there was no evidence any of those who had absconded had carried out crimes or posed a threat to the United States.

(Brig. Gen. Muhaiuddin Ghori, commanding general, 3rd Kandak, 205th Corps, Afghan National Army, maneuvers alongside a Marine fire team on patrol in a virtual village in the infantry immersion trainer during a visit at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in California, U.S. on January 20, 2010. Courtesy Christian M. Harding/U.S. Marines/Handout via REUTERS)
The Afghan army has occasionally been infiltrated by Taliban militants who have carried out attacks on Afghan and U.S. troops, but such incidents have become less frequent due to tougher security measures.

Trump, whose other signature immigration plan is to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims seeking to enter the country, and has said that law enforcement officers should engage in more racial profiling to curb the threat of attacks on American soil.

After Omar Mateen, whose father was born in Afghanistan, killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando in June, Trump said an immigration ban would last until “we are in a position to properly screen these people coming into our country.”


Washington has allocated more than $60 billion since 2002 to train and equip Afghan troops, but security remains precarious and the Taliban are estimated to control more territory in Afghanistan than at any time since 2001 when the U.S. invaded.

Earlier this year Obama shelved plans to cut the U.S. force in Afghanistan nearly in half by year’s end, opting instead to keep 8,400 troops there through the end of his presidency in January.

The military training program brings troops to the United States from around the world in order to build on military relations and improve capabilities for joint operations.

In some cases, officials said, the Afghan students who went missing were in the United States for elite Army Ranger School and intelligence-gathering training. The officials did not identify the missing troops or their rank.

Even though the troops were in the United States for military training, they were not necessarily always on a military base.

If students under the military program are absent from training for more than 24 hours, they are considered to be “absent without leave” (AWOL) and the Department of Homeland Security is notified.

In one case the Pentagon confirmed that an Afghan student had been detained by Canadian police while attempting to enter Canada from the United States.

It was unclear how many others have been located by U.S. authorities, and the Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Experts said low morale and insufficient training to fight the Taliban could explain the troops leaving, in addition to a dearth of economic opportunities in the impoverished country.

“They face a formidable enemy, with very limited resources and many Afghan troops aren’t getting paid on time,” said Michael Kugelman, a South Asia specialist at the Woodrow Wilson Center, a Washington think-tank.

IF readers still believe that said Islamists are “missing” in order to seek livelihoods, well, pigs fly too. Indeed, don’t even bother reading on.

NOW for the rest….

MOST significantly, U.S. officialdom has learned nothing – absolutely nothing – from a continual build up of attacks from Muslim-Americans who served with the U.S. military. Infamously, Nidal Hasan (in 2009), an army psychiatrist, no less, went on a killing spree for Allah, as he screamed “Allahu Akbar.” Hiding in plain sight. Countless others alike.

Nidal Hasan, the convicted shooter in the Fort Hood attack that left 13 dead and more than 30 injured, has written a letter to the head of the Islamic State, requesting to become a “citizen” of the terrorist organization.

“I formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State,” Hasan wrote in the letter to “Ameer, Mujahad Dr. Abu Bakr al-Baghadadi,” Fox News reported. “It would be an honor for any believer to be an obedient citizen soldier to a people and its leader who don’t compromise the religion of All-Mighty Allah to get along with the disbelievers.”

Hasan signs his letter with his name and the abbreviation SoA — Soldier of Allah.

John Galligan, the attorney for Hasan, said the letter “underscores how much of his life, actions and mental thought process are driven by religious zeal. And it also reinforces my belief that the military judge committed reversible error by prohibiting Major Hasan from both testifying and arguing … how his religious beliefs” motivate his shooting,” Fox News reported.

The court trial of Hasan generated great controversy because he was not prosecuted for a terrorist attack, but rather for an act of workplace violence.

IN other words, devoted followers of Islam, Sharia Law, are incapable of upholding a sworn allegiance to the Constitution, America. The proofs are manifest, at least for those whose eyes and ears are functioning properly.

Article VI: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land

Constitution: Article VI: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby” 

Shariah: “The source of legal rulings for all acts of those who are morally responsible is Allah.” (a1.1, Umdat al-salik or The Reliance of the Traveller, commonly accepted work of Shariah jurisprudence); “There is only one law which ought to be followed, and that is the Sharia.” (Seyed Qutb); “Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the country or the nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of its own ideology and program.” (Seyed Abul A’ala Maududi) First Amendment: Freedom of religion 

Constitution: First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ” 

Shariah: “Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take hold of them and kill them wherever you find them.” Quran 4:89 ; “Whoever changed his [Islamic] religion, then kill him” Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:57. In historic and modern Shariah states, Shariah law enforces dhimmi status (second-class citizen, apartheid-type laws) on nonMuslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices publicly, building or repairing churches, raising their voices during prayer or ringing church bells; if dhimmi laws are violated in the Shariah State, penalties are those used for prisoners of war: death, slavery, release or ransom.(o9.14, o11.0-o11.11, Umdat al-salik). First Amendment: Freedom of speech 

Constitution: First Amendment: Congress shall not abridge “the freedom of speech.”

Shariah: Speech defaming Islam or Muhammad is considered “blasphemy” and is punishable by death or imprisonment. First Amendment: Freedom to dissent  Constitution: First Amendment: “Congress cannot take away the right of the people “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 

Shariah: Non-Muslims are not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state or give comfort to those who disagree with Islamic government.

Second Amendment: Right to self-defense 

Constitution: Second Amendment: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” 

Shariah: Under historic and modern dhimmi laws, non-Muslims cannot possess swords, firearms or weapons of any kind. Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments: Right to due process and fair trial 

Constitution: Fifth Amendment: “no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime… without due process of law.” Sixth Amendment: guarantees a “public trial by an impartial jury.” Seventh Amendment: “the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.” 

Shariah: Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari: Muhammad said, “No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir (infidel).” Non-Muslims are prohibited from testifying against Muslims. A woman’s testimony is equal to half of a man’s. Eighth Amendment: No cruel and unusual punishment 

Constitution: Eighth Amendment: “nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” 

Shariah: Under Shariah punishments are barbaric: “Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishment for what they have done – a deterrent from Allah.” Quran 5:38; A raped woman is punished:”The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication – flog each of them with a hundred stripes” (Sura 24:2).

Fourteenth Amendment: Right to equal protection and due process

Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. “ 

Shariah: Under dhimmi laws enforced in modern Shariah states, Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims before the law. Under Shariah law, women, girls, apostates, homosexuals and “blasphemers” are all denied equality under the law.

AND it is this diametrically opposed worldview, this grave internal conflict, which renders it impossible for (a preponderance of) Muslim-Americans to be loyal citizens, let alone trusted to serve in ANY military capacity.

THUS, as previously asserted, has officialdom learned anything, even as the bodies of dead and maimed Americans pile up at the hands of soldiers for Allah? Besides, how far down the rabbit hole have America’s leaders gone, that they continuously engage in risky and deadly behavior by bringing over Islamic infused soldiers to not only learn the nation’s latest military tactics, but to have the freedom to “get lost” within its vast expanse?

IS something else going on here? Yes, disregard their gobbledygook explanations.

YOU decide.   

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NYC’s (Latest) Jihad Leads Back To Mid East Pilots:Officaldom/Media Cover Ups, Open Sesame To Domestic Islamic Terror! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS always, investigations are only as reliable as corroborative evidence brought to the fore, that which inevitably leads to a truthful conclusion, regardless of where it lands. That being said, sans proper backgrounder information, little makes sense or falls into place for the average onlooker. 

RESULTANT, as a first-tier backgrounder, know that every airplane which “mysteriously” exploded or disappeared over the years, in one way or another, had causal links to Islamic terrorism. And it would take writing another book to catalog the volumes of evidence. Heavy lifting. Believe it – or not. It’s your call.

SPECIFICALLY, re the continuous cover up of Islamic terrorism within America, it is more than instructive to cite a key and main exhibit which officialdom actively buried, and continues to lie about to date. Not only that, its many moving parts involved a truck bomb-like load of evidence, as opposed to the examination of fragments from a plane’s explosion. The point being, whichever instrument of death is used is beside the point. Yes, the truth (most) always can be found in the cover up.

SO it is along this continuum of fiery trajectories deployed by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists that Americans (in general, Israelis and westerners alike) must never become pre-occupied with, that is, by allowing officialdom to distract via this and that jihadi-named hydra, nor their method of delivery. Six of one, half a dozen of another.

EFFECTIVELY, whether they operate under the sword and banner of one or another jihadi group – for instance, those who blew apart the Murrah Federal Building in 1995 in Oklahoma City, or Islamists who imploded the Twin Towers and executed every other attack in between – is beside the point. In other words, their main emphasis has nothing to do with any group allegiance, rather, their missions have everything to do with Mohammedan teachings, the roots, of Islam. Simple as that. Critical. Core.

BACK to the cover ups. To wit, 21 years after the fact, countless still believe that two anti-government domestic terrorists were solely responsible for the gravest domestic act of terror pre 9/11/01. Not by a long shot.

AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg

(The Black Standard of ISIL aka ISIS, which was adopted by Abu Sayyaf)

FOR the record, Mid East terrorists, primarily, from the Iraqi Military intelligence Service – Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard – coupled with their Islamic jihadi counterparts in the Philippines, Abu Sayaff, brought devastating carnage to the homeland by way of Oklahoma City.

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IN fact, Clinton Inc.’s mouthpieces covered up each and every jihadi fingerprint and footprint attached to the 1995 wreckage. And, for the record, had Bubba Clinton not been in financial bed with Arab/Muslim regimes, well, 9/11/01 could have been stopped. Suffice to state, it was officialdom’s cover-ups – starting with the opening of jihad on U.S. soil in 1990, via the brazen Islamic assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane in NYC – which opened up the door to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists on U.S. soil.

NOW that that is settled and in plain view, let’s revert back to the present. More specifically, and most recently, let’s segue to NYC as one specific exemplar. As an aside, it is this (American-Israeli) investigative journalist’s hometown ‘hood.

STILL yet, where do Mid East pilots fit into the purposefully misreported, hence, misdirected, IED pressure cooker attack on September 17, 2016 in NYC, as if it was the work of a so-called lone wolf jihadi? Everywhere.

BUT before we get to that, let’s examine just one mainstream report via US Today:

At a news conference before the discovery of a second device, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the explosion injured at least 29 people. He said the blast was intentional, but there was no specific terrorist threat.

A device believed to be a pressure cooker was subsequently found on West 27th Street, four blocks from the initial blast on West 23rd, according to the New York Police Department. “The suspicious device on West 27 Street in Chelsea has been safely removed by the NYPD Bomb Squad,” the police department tweeted at 2:24 a.m. ET Sunday.

“There is no specific and credible threat to New York City from any terror organization,”  de Blasio said late Saturday at the news conference….

THEN, let’s segue to this site’s excerpted reportage:

LET’s take a brief look-back into some critical backgrounder. They will help to clarify why bombs – whatever variant – are blowing up, back-to-back, in America’s streets.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, since 2013, this site has placed heavy emphasis on said incendiary terrain. Readers, is anyone listening??

MORE specifically, the eventual (and inevitable) usage of IED’s – as a stepped-up method to jihad in America – was repeatedly noted. Basically, its flooring includes variants of pipe-bombs, pressure cookers, and the like. Said prognostication, prediction of sorts, pre-dated the jihadi blow up during Boston’s Marathon on April 15, 2013. However, the following was even more explicit, and it was dated June 2014….

TRENCHANTLY, how many patriots even heard about the aforementioned WMD dangers implanted by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists on U.S. soil, aside from this site’s publication in June 2014? And where is the reporting from the MSM on such an existential danger? Besides, don’t they possess their own counter terror and counterintelligence sources? After all, how much heavy-lifting is this investigative journalist supposed to exert? Moreover, what is the (Islamic-captured) DHS doing about it?

ALAS, fast forward to yesterday (September 17, 2016), whereby twin pipe-bomb attacks exploded. And the past being prologue, indeed, (one of) yesterday’s Islamic attack contained a pressure cooker connection, which is akin to Boston’s carnage in April 2013. Coincidence? Moreover, a bomb factory element was also an under-reported factor of the jihadi shooting in San Bernardino, CA  (December 2015), perpetrated by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Hmm.

ONTO jihad in New Jersey…..a targeted attack on U.S. Marines and their supporters! Incontestably, a hop, skip and a short ride to NYC, their next coordinated attack….

ONTO the jihadi pilots at hand….

A “duo came across the airline tote bag on the sidewalk between 8 and 9 p.m. on W. 27th St. between 6th and 7th Aves. They removed the pressure cooker containing the explosives and walked away with the luggage, leaving the unexploded device behind.”

The media initially told us that these duo were homeless bums. Now what is the chances of these “duo” being rather well off two Muslims and not homeless as the media told us?

This is exactly what happened. And it even gets worse, the two were not bums as we are told, but civilian Muslim PILOTS from Egypt.Investigators were hoping to speak with these two men who stumbled upon a second bomb in Chelsea on Sept. 17, but didn’t report it.

ABC News stated that the two men who came across a travel bag containing an undetonated pressure cooker bomb in Chelsea have been identified as Egyptian pilots who have returned to their native country, according to the report. Law enforcement sources told ABC News the two men seen pulling the bomb from a bag on W. 27th St. on Sept. 17 — then walking off with the bag — are Egypt Air pilots.

This is what they are telling us so far.

But how about the more logical scenario. These two EgyptAir pilots were very likely also Muslim terrorists. They came with the bomb which was in the bag. They took the pressure cooker bomb out of the bag, placed the bomb, took the bag and left.

How can the scenario by the FBI make any sense? Why would two seasoned pilots accidentally find a bag, open it, see a wired pressure cooker, not know its a bomb, rob the bag (without the pressure cooker) and then cut and run? Would any logical mind buy this scenario? A bomb in a bag accidentally found by two Muslims from Egypt?

They must have known it’s a bomb because they were part of the cell.

How does this media version make any sense? Here is a photo of both, the Muslim pilots and the pressure cooker. Would anyone believe that these two pilots not know what this is all about after they see this specific pressure cooker with wires dangling from it? How can anyone believe that these two had no training being pilots about recognizing explosives?  Or is it that the FBI does not want to alarm us?

If they announced suspicion that these EgyptAir pilots are possible terrorists, now we must deal with all the flights coming out of the Middle East into the U.S. This would make a huge ruckus, especially in the midst of an election.

And how far-fetched is our theory here? It is not unlikely, but possibly is the case.

For example, when in May reported that EgyptAir Flight 804 which crashed into the Mediterranean Sea while traveling from Paris to Cairo, we reported that the possibility of foul-play was extremely high. First of all, the pilot was Muslim Brotherhood. Now investigators just found explosive residue (TNT) on the wreckage. We were correct. French news outlet Le Figaro reported that:

“French investigators have found traces of TNT on the plane’s debris. This could potentially support the theory that there was an explosion aboard the plane prior to the crash. The origin of the traces isn’t immediately clear, but their discovery seems to be inciting a disagreement between the French and Egyptian authorities. Egyptian officials didn’t let the French investigators examine the debris in greater detail, according to Reuters:

Egypt wishes to write a joint report with France to validate the presence of TNT on the debris. France has refused to do this because the investigators were not able to carry out an adequate inspection to determine how the traces could have got there, Le Figaro said.

Responding to Le Figaro’s report, sources on the Egyptian-led investigation committee denied the French team’s work had been obstructed.

“None of the investigators were prevented from participating in investigations, but rather the work is being done jointly according to the conduct of the investigative process,” one of the committee sources said.

Fears are growing that EgyptAir Flight 804 was downed by a ‘laptop bomb’ device similar to one which blew a man out the side of a passenger jet. Such a device could explain the reports of multiple smoke detectors going off inside the jet before it crashed. If this is the case, it could mean that terrorists have discovered a way of evading airport security checks.

And besides being able to smuggle explosives into a plane. When it comes to even the pilots of EgyptAir, there is one who influenced the pilot of MS804. in May reported on Flight MS804 pilot Captain Ahmad Shukeir was an Islamist involved with Amr Khaled a well-known Muslim Brotherhood Jihadi of the first class known in Egypt.

Amr Khaled: “I was with Captain Ahmad Shukeir in the plane that is missing in one of my journeys. He is the kindest of pilots whom I travelled with. May Allah have mercy on him and give patience to his family. I hope who reads my words to pray for him and the rest of the passenger”

Amr Khaled is a Jihadi who lent material support to Jihadists in Benghazi that killed Americans. Ahmad Musa, a well-known journalist and TV personality correctly exposes Amr Khaled showing from his own voice of sending young men to Libya and Benghazi for Jihad. Khaled is an Islamic tele evangelist who runs a TV show called “The Makers of Life” and in the video link which Ahmad Musa exposes when Khaled sent material support to Libya during the attacks in Benghazi which killed Americans. Here is Khaled’s own words from the video [translated by Shoebat]:

“This is a message to our brothers in Mistrata, Tripoli and Benghazi. May Allah get vengeance from the evil doers (West). Allah will give you victory. We pray for you day and night. We sent young men to aid you [from Egypt] from our program Makers of Life to Benghazi. We sen you doctors. I dispatched a team and will communicate with you continually with the team in Benghazi and we will do our efforts and continue communicating via Youtub. We want [Islam’s] justice to be established through your hands in Libya.”  (see video link in the article)

Here Khaled (the same guy you see on the photo) is calling for victory for the Jihadists against the west in Libya (May 2nd, 2011)

In the above video, it is almost identical message “we have sent aid to you in Benghazi, we will aid you… pray for you  …” with the youth saying “Amen”.

We also provided the testimony of Osama Abdel Basset, the captain in charge of the air hospitality in Egyptian Air says it all: “The Captain Mohammed Shakeir, the pilot of that fateful flight” had organized a “last supper” knowing he is “about to die”:

he called on his colleagues before the incident a few days to lunch at his house hinting that the end is near, the end of his life that is and that he is ready to meet his maker and gave his farewell. He was bidding them [his friends] farewell with words that came out of his mouth for the first time in his life“

This was from Al-Hurra News which titled its article “The Call Of Death Embrace The Pilot Of The Egyptian Plane During His Last Supper”. 

WOW…just calculate the fact that a recent U.S. census report noted: Record 42.4 million immigrants, 23% of school kids, Muslims biggest jump. You got that? Extrapolate the upcoming dangers!

ABOVE all else, America and Israel – its twin rooted western spearhead – must survive to save the west. And this survival depends upon the most significant two-prong volte-face: mental toughening and practical applications.

Westerners must understand that Islam is violent, dangerous, and has never been a peaceful ideology. It has NO place within the civilized west. None!

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Islam MANDATES Jihad Against Non-Muslims:Poisonous Teachings Via Mosques.Patriots, Get Busy!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ONE can chant “Islam is a religion of peace” until the cows come home, but said mantra won’t obliterate one iota of its poisonous roots. Wishing doesn’t make it so, nor does jive-talking. Pick your poison.

SO as the leader of the free world spent eight torturous years spouting (and enabling) said dangerous Orwellian-speak, millions upon millions of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists had – and continue to have – the freedom to execute, at will, jihadi attacks within America.

BUT if the epicenter of Islam’s poison is still elusive to countless, dedicated readers of this site should be familiar with its central and core component: their religiously cloaked barracks, their mosques. Yes, a clear and present danger. This is the case, whether in America, Turkey, or any other nation in between. No doubt, location, time, and space are irrelevant to Islam’s poisonous teachings. Its roots.

IN this regard, it is critical to pry off the veil of secrecy and anti-western treachery from Islam’s mask via its “prophet” Muhammed’s dictates. Paradoxically, Islam’s worldwide carnage is protected via its religious status. Consequentially, scholars in the West are reluctant to say anything pejorative of a creed that poses – emphasis placed – as a worldwide monotheistic religion.

BUT never mind all that PC nonsense. In fact, it is beyond URGENT to shout from the west’s rooftops: Islam is a unique form of nihilistic paganism, so much so its love of death or necrophilia remains an ineluctable aspect of its theology. Incontestably.

THUS, time is of the essence for desperately needed truth-telling, that which will save America (the west) from the clutches of Islam and the ravages of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists! Resultant, Dave Gaubatz is the Number One counter terror (and Islamic) expert to cut to the core. The heart.

Can One Attend a Mosque & Be a Good Person?

Can a person attend a mosque as a Muslim worshiper and be a good person?  This seems like a simple enough question and 99.9% of non-Muslims would answer ‘of course’.  I feel it is necessary to first define some very basic aspects of Islam that every Muslim who claims to be following Islam must adhere to and advocate for others.

Again, these ten basic aspects of Islam are taught in 100% of mosques, agreed upon by all Muslim scholars, agreed to by both Shia and Sunni Muslims, and followed by all Islamic based countries.  These are not radical beliefs shared by a few, but beliefs shared by all Muslims:
1. There is but one God, and in Islam this spiritual being is referred to as Allah.  Allah is not the same God as the one worshiped by Christians and Jews.
2.  Muslims are not allowed by Sharia law to hold any allegiance to any country or person.  They can only hold allegiance to Islam and Allah.
3.  Islam teaches all Muslims to always be opposite their enemies and their enemies are the Jewish people, Israel, all non-Muslims, and any country or person who supports Israel.
4.  The Muslim male is the head of all Muslim households and he is allowed to punish his children and wife or wives physically.
5.  All Muslims must respect and honor the teachings and actions of their leader Mohammed.  Prophet Mohammed married girls as young as six years old.  In 2016, Muslims still believe and advocate the marriage of young girls to elderly men.
6.  Slavery was accepted in Islam from its very beginning, and slavery in 2016 is still allowed in Islamic based countries and caliphates.
7.  Being homosexual is a major crime within Islam and the death penalty can and has been applied to homosexuals for 1400 plus years.  Muslim scholars even today advocate death for homosexuals.
8.  A female Muslim can be stoned to death for sex outside of marriage, and if a Muslim woman claims she was raped and does not have at least four witnesses to prove the rape, she can and has been sentenced to death for bringing disrespect to a Muslim male.
9.  It is a basic obligation of Muslims to support Muslim fighters the world over either by fighting themselves, providing material support such as money or supplies, safe havens, and medical care to the Muslim fighters.
10.  Islam teaches there are three ways of acceptable Jihad.  By the pen such as articles supporting Islam and downgrading and disrespecting their enemies, by the tongue, such as Islamic scholars voicing (through media) their hatred for their enemies, and by the sword, which is taking up arms against their enemies.
Now we get back to my question.  If a person accepts Islam and attends a mosque can they be good people and respectful members of their communities such as in America?  The answer is no.  Any Muslim worshipping at a mosque must at the very least support the 10 aspects of Islam and Sharia law as indicated above.  One can’t advocate and accept child marriages and be a good person.  One can’t call for the killing of Jewish people worldwide and for the destruction of Israel and be a good person.
Anyone who worships at an Islamic mosque must consider all non-Muslims as their enemies.  A good person can’t believe in and advocate this type behavior, but unfortunately this is what is taught in 100% of all mosques.
Do American and America need 4 million Muslims in America who attend mosques and praise their Prophet Mohammed for marrying and raping a six-year-old child (Aisha)?
People must understand that Islam is violent, dangerous, and has never been a peaceful ideology.  Mosques are built as safe havens for the Muslim fighters and their supporters.  Our country must realize this and begin closing all mosques, because all mosques advocate hate and violence.  There is no other way to describe mosques and their worshippers than the way I described.


EVEN so, despite all the accrued (and ensuing) dangers from a preponderance of Muslims in America (the west at large), HUSSEIN’s anti-American wrecking ball has more surprises in store, atop the many thousands of Islamic “refugees” he is shepherding through America’s gates.

MORE specifically, the questions become:

  • How many are aware of Obama Inc.’s plans to set aside a new “racial” class (never mind the fact that Mohammedans are NOT a distinct racial class by any quantifiable or qualitative standard, aside from a PC designed and protected one) for Muslims in America?
  • Inextricably, why isn’t there a collective national uproar – millions upon millions strong – demanding that “we the people” ensure that the government ceases and desists its elevation of Muslims/Islam to the Number One (protected and empowered) group in America?
  • Moreover, what about the out-sized political implications from said special status, the mortal danger it poses to the underpinnings of the nation?


If the Obama regime has its way, there’ll be a new “race” of people on planet Earth — Middle Eastern or North African — USA Today reported on Sunday…..

MIND you, whereas followers of Islam are accorded every advantage imaginable under the preferential and protective umbrella of Judeo-Christian rooted America, HUSSEIN and surrogates are dead silent when it comes to the continuous slaughter of Jews in Israel under the sword and banner of Islam’s barbarians.

NOT only that, what about the plight of millions of Christians throughout these same Middle East and African hell-holes, many of whom are slaughtered, while others run for their lives from an Islamic onslaught? Where is the uproar? Hide nor hare. Still yet, they are blocked from entering America, while Christians nationwide are becoming targets from officialdom and non-elected elitists. 

AGAIN, what’s going on? To wit, when are non-Muslim Americans going to stop the madness, tipping the scales back in favor of the nation’s underpinnings, before its Judeo-Christian roots are forever eviscerated? 

GET BUSY….and forget about relying on officialdom to do the right (no pun intended) thing!


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Islam’s FINAL Nail Near Fruition: Cultural/Civilization Jihad Via The Hijab. Social/Mainstream Media In The Forefront. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



FROM one end of the west to another, a concerted two-prong thrust is operational: on the one hand, an Islamic onslaught is playing out through continuous Islamic jihad, in tandem with cultural/civilizational jihad; a two-step death dance on the west’s graveyard. On the other, revolutionary and cultural Marxists are busting through the underpinnings of western civilization, aiming towards its collapse. No ifs, ands, or buts.

IT is due to the above – and so much more – that it necessitates examining the main ways in which Islamists and Marxists are targeting the destruction of America, the lynch pin of western hyper-power. 

AND while frontal (explosive) jihad is readily identifiable to those with eyes to see, the more insidious danger, cultural/civilizational jihad, is harder to identify. Pinpoint. Yes, its subtlety bores from within on a steady, slow-boil basis, at least, in its primary stages. The crux being, what appears (to some) as exotic, cutesy, frivolous, and PC from the get-go, rest assured, will be compulsory, once the underpinnings of the west are fully destroyed. Guaranteed.



IN this regard, this site has issued many warnings as to its knock-on effects, most especially, the Islamic indoctrination of the kiddies within America’s schools.

IN concert, functionaries within Merkel’s Germany (others throughout the EU’s bureaucracy alike, rife with socialists, Marxists, and anti-western functionaries) are busy doing their parts to destroy western civilization. Blaming media and social media’s lax “rules” for the rise of “Islamophobia” and hysterical anti-immigrant (in reality, the entry of millions of Islamic jihadi “refugees” inside their borders) sentiment, they march, goose-step-like, into fascist rule. Albeit, this go-around, in a “subtle” manner. Imagine that.

THUS, “Special Hijab Days” was born!

“Enjoy difference – start tolerance,” says the blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman in a new TV ad running in Germany as she appears in a Muslim head covering.

The 18-second ad encourages German women to embrace “tolerance” by wearing the hijab.

The commercial begins with the text “Turkish women wear the hijab,” as a veiled woman is seen with her back to the camera.

But when she turns around she reveals herself as, not a Turk, but a fair-skinned German, before she says, “Me too! It’s beautiful!”

Is Germany ‘conquered?’

Anti-Shariah activist Pamela Geller said the ads are not only deceptive but coercive.

“The German government is determined to force its people to accept massive numbers of Muslims into their country, and as this commercial shows, to force them to accept Islamic culture as well,” Geller said. “But this cultural generosity will not be reciprocated. Where are the ads in Saudi Arabia telling Saudis they must accept and tolerate women who go out without their heads covered? It is always only the West that must be tolerant, even to the point of civilizational suicide.

“These are the actions of a conquered people.”

IN a nutshell, cultural/civilizational jihad at its most insidious!

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AND to ensure that every freedom-based opening was closed down, Stasi trained Merkel enlisted the aid of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. He agreed to purge all “negative”, aka “hateful”, speech from the largest social media site on the planet, his U.S. (corporate based and founded) obligation to the First Amendment be damned.


On the sidelines of a United Nations luncheon on Saturday, Merkel was caught on a hot mic pressing Zuckerberg about social media posts about the wave of Syrian refugees entering Germany, the publication reported.

The Facebook CEO was overheard responding that “we need to do some work” on curtailing anti-immigrant posts about the refugee crisis. “Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted…..

SO ordered by a true totalitarian, and obeyed by a leftist-driven, multicultural globalist.

In an open letter seen by German daily “Tagesspiegel,” which he links to on his Twitter account, Maas tells Facebook that “we need to talk.”

In the letter, which he sent to Facebook’s European head office in Dublin as well as to its German subsidiary, he says the social media site’s community standards needed to be more efficient and transparent.

In the wake of the recent openly xenophobic and hateful attacks on and protests at refugee camps in Germany, Maas said that the Justice Ministry had received many complaints about abusive content not being banned on Facebook.

Often, users get a message saying that the posts they reported did not violate Facebook’s community standards without giving any further explanation “even in very obvious cases,” according to Maas.

He says this standard response had become a “farce” and that users were struggling to understand why Facebook is quick to ban nudity, for example, referring to its community standards, but often fails to ban xenophobic and racist posts.

BUT never mind all that, when it comes to affixing the final nail(s) into western civilization’s coffin, well, nothing, absolutely nothing, is off the table. Mind you, this investigative journalist’s new book (with co-author Joe Newby), BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad, proves that Zuckerberg has been shielding/enabling Islamists for years. 

REGARDLESS, the lying, mendacious, and complicit media march on.

ALONG this incendiary trajectory, U.S. media lapdogs – joined-at-the-hip with their anti-American, revolutionary counterparts inside and outside officialdom – are hard at work distancing Islam from back-to-back jihadi attacks. In a pig’s eye.

ALAS, despite the stepped-up attacks from Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, as if on cue, New York’s Islamic/Marxist captive leadership – with a PC obsessed media in tow – decided to up the ante, that is, to further protect Muslims from so-called anti-Muslim backlash! If only. More than Orwellian.

New York City kicked off a social media advertising campaign on Monday to combat negative perceptions of Muslims and counteract increasing instances of threats and violence, officials said.

Showing an array of photographs of Muslim men and women, the campaign reads “I am Muslim. I am NYC”, according to the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

The campaign is aimed at addressing negative depictions and rhetoric, officials said.

Anti-Muslim sentiment has been playing a major role as the U.S. presidential race has heated up. Republican nominee Donald Trump claimed he saw thousands of people cheering after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and has called for shutting down mosques and banning Muslims from certain countries from entering the United States.

In New York, an Afghan-born man is accused of wounding 31 people in a bombing on Sept. 17 that authorities called a “terrorist act”. The suspect had embraced militant Islamic views, authorities say.

“Now more than ever, it is important for every New Yorker to stand united as one city and reject hate and violence,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement announcing the ad campaign.

“In New York, everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, agnostic and atheist — it doesn’t matter,” he said. “We are all New Yorkers and we all deserve to live safely and free from hatred or discrimination.”

Some 3.3 million Muslims live in the United States, and thousands live in New York City, according to the commission.

The ads will be placed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #IamMuslimNYC.

Investigations by the Commission on Human Rights into cases of discrimination based on race, national origin and religion have grown over the last two years, from 194 cases in 2014 to 326 cases in 2015, officials said.

Nationwide, since the first candidate announced a presidential bid in March 2015, there have been about 180 reported incidents of anti-Muslim violence, including 12 murders, according to a study by researchers at Georgetown University released in May.

By comparison, prior to the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the FBI, there were 20 to 30 anti-Muslim hate crimes annually, the study said.

Along with the ad campaign, New York City is planning events and outreach efforts such as public forums, cultural workshops and publicizing information on laws against religious discrimination.

NOW, is it at all surprising that another knock-on effect from a highly successful cultural/civilizational jihad – assisted under the protective umbrella of key U.S. power centers – results in Muslims demanding more and more special treatment in line with Sharia Law? Mind you, the ever increasing list with such demands is book-worthy.

EVEN so, despite all the inherent and provable dangers related to “partnering” with countries whose life-blood is adherence to Islam – a nihilistic, pagan-like creed of jihadi dictates – U.S. traitors, Hussein and Hill in the forefront, partnered with secretive Mid East programs to destabilize the Middle East. To what end? In an effort to create the conditions for a massive inflow of “refugees” into the west – which would implode the west’s nation-states, the balance of power – fires had to be lit via the so-called Arab Spring.

MORE specifically, it was understood that to perform Islamic hijrah (Allah-mandated migration into the west to eventually force Sharia Law onto said nations) necessitated lighting the final matches to an already fiery Mid East order.


CONCLUSIVELY, as night follows day, it is up to millions of patriots to take matters into their own hands, if saving America (and the west) is atop their personal agendas. 

Inventor tried to patent controversial anti-terror device which sprays Muslims with pigs blood

AND – on numerous occasions at these pages – it was “suggested: PIGS AHOY!

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WARNING: FBI Unable To Prevent Islamic Onslaught, Reactive “Mop-Up” Its Forte: What’s The Upshot? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ACCORDING to public consumption, the FBI is designated the most effective domestic law enforcement arm in the west, and perhaps in the world. Yes and no.

YES, it is, if said ranking is judged by the following yardstick: which agency possesses an endless list of highly advanced tech tools, coupled with the most rigorous training available to solve major crimes, whatever the category within the criminal or civil arena? Indeed, under the aforementioned rubric, the FBI is certainly in the lead. On the other hand, NO, it is not, when the measurement falls under preventative action, notably, vis-à-vis domestic militant Islamic jihadi terror. 

ADVISEDLY, this assessment is not smack-talk, nor judged without authoritative basis. If only.

IN reality, there are two parallel tracks which render said ominous verdict.

ON the other hand, it is the case that the FBI (with assistance from local law enforcement, particularly, the NYPD) is adept at (what is known as) “mop-up” operations, that which includes tracking, tracing, and subsequently arresting jihadi perpetrators AFTER the fact. In real terms, they must execute their terror plot(s), before they can be brought to heel! Yes, the FBI has been reduced to being a reactive agency, in juxtaposition to an offensive domestic intelligence force.

IN this regard, it is instructive to take a look-back (September 2014) at an excerpted threat analysis entitled, ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free Worldthat which foretold the inability of the Federal and State policing agencies to prevent Islamic jihadis from exploding within America.

Wolff Bachner: Since Obama took office in 2009, U.S. law enforcement has been under constant pressure from the White House to restrict their efforts to examine Islam as a source of terrorism.

How has Obama changed law enforcement’s ability to detect and control Islamic terrorism and why on earth would our President try to restrict law enforcement’s ability to get to the root of terrorist activity?

Are the American people properly protected from a potential terrorist attack under Obama’s new rules and regulations?

Why are Obama and his administration so unwilling and / or unable to acknowledge the absolutely unavoidable connection between Islam and the vast majority of the violence in the world today?

David Gaubatz: U.S. law enforcement are not properly trained to conduct adequate Islamic based counter-terrorism operations. Obama and his staff have restricted the training our law enforcement receives. The training can never discuss the Islamic ideology itself. The trainers can only discuss individual terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hamas. Their training does not focus on Islamic groups only; they must equally discuss U.S. militia (non-Muslim) groups.

I think most Americans believe Obama although maybe not a full-fledged Muslim, but a man who puts Islam and Shariah law ahead of the U.S. Constitution. Our national security is more vulnerable in 2014 than it has ever been in history. Obama and his senior Muslim leaders whom he has appointed to important government positions are destroying America from within.

Our first line defenders (U.S. law enforcement) are not protecting our country. They are great at reacting to terrorists attacks, but fail at conducting proactive terrorist investigations before an attack. Our liberal media will hype a FBI investigation involving a couple of very low-level Muslims threatening America, but they can never stop major attacks like 9-11. Americans are becoming tiresome when it comes to our law enforcement responding to terrorist attacks, they demand protection that prevents attacks. If our law enforcement and military had the same rigorous and valuable training the Israeli police and military receive we would be able to protect our country……

MORE specifically, two years onward, the sobering threat analysis from September 2014 is that much more terrifying. Not only have Allah’s Muslim Terrorists become more deeply entrenched within officialdom, but their battle- hardened brothers and sisters are coming in as force multipliers through HUSSEIN’s open-door “refugee” resettlement program.

THUS, the following threat analysis from the very same counter terror/counter intelligence expert, Dave Gaubatz, should be considered as a last chance clarion call to the patriotic community in America. The threat is that dire. Listen up. Pay heed.

UPDATES:  I have focused on collecting first-hand counter-terrorism intelligence from various mosques across America.  Recently, I was in Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama.  It is apparent the influence of ISIS and the other Islamic terrorist groups are making a major influence in the mosques.  They are controlled primarily by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and the materials they have inside are violent, anti-America/Israel, and anti-Christianity/Judaism.  Of course, and they still have materials calling for killing innocent people all over the world, yes, my friends right here in America.  They still advocate child marriages and slavery, especially young girls.  There is something important we must keep in mind: Not all people who pray in mosques will commit violent acts, but all Muslims who have committed violent acts have worshiped at a mosque.
Mosques in America are safe havens for Islamic terrorists and are the breeding grounds for future terrorists.  Our law enforcement are ignoring the mosques for two reasons.  First they have their hands tied by the federal government led by Obama.  Second, they have no idea on how to investigate a mosque or what to even look for inside the mosque.
There are over 2300 mosques in America.  I have been inside over 280.  Unless our government completely closes down each and every mosque we will never be safe from Islamic terrorism.
The pic on the right is from an Islamic manual that is prevalent in mosque Sunni mosques.  The manual discusses the hatred the Muslim community has for our law enforcement and encourages violence against them.

The role of our FBI must be changed.  They are poor at being proactive.  They are not trained to prevent Islamic terrorist acts.  Our FBI are the greatest investigators in the world at resolving a crime once it has been committed, but are failures at preventing the violent acts.  The majority of cases the FBI claims to have prevented are actually instances in which they entrapped low level Muslims with anti-American sentiment.  Americans no longer are satisfied with our law enforcement showing up at Islamic terrorist events such as recently in NY and NJ, and blasting their sirens, taping off crime scenes, and then boasting on all the media networks at how fast they responded.  Responding to a terrorist scene is not defeating Islamic terrorism.  Responding is a failure of our security system. Our FBI needs to be restructured so they simply solve crimes and not proactively tries to prevent them.

America needs a separate department to work solely on stopping Islamic terrorism before it happens.  They must be properly trained by American counter-terrorism professionals who understand that the Islamic ideology itself is the enemy we are facing and not individual terror groups.

I continually watch our inadequate news networks inform Americans to report all suspicious activity involving possible terrorism to our FBI.  In reality this is how it works.  Americans across our lands report suspicious activity to Law enforcement on a daily basis about Muslims suspected in criminal activity.  In the vast majority of cases the FBI makes the American feel as though he/she is an Islamaphobe, bigot, and hater of all Muslims.  I get letters of frustration from Americans on a regular basis who have tried to do their civic duty.  Just as with the recent Muslim terrorist in NY, his father had informed the FBI he was involved in terrorist activity and was a bad person with anti-American feelings.  The FBI ignored the father!  If the FBI will ignore the father of a suspected terrorist, do you honestly believe they will listen to an American citizen with no connection to the alleged suspect?  Of course not.

A POINT TO PONDER: As parents we have enough common sense to warn our children not to talk with strangers, get into a car with a stranger, or invite a stranger into our homes.  Our law enforcement emphasize this as well.  It is common knowledge many of our children have been raped and murdered by the hands of strangers. On the other hand the government of Obama informs the American people to do just the opposite.  They tell parents and our children to welcome strangers from a part of the world and from a religion (Islam) that has tried to destroy non-Muslim countries for 1500 years and who to this day advocate the destruction of Israel and America.  These strangers (refugees) are invited into our neighborhoods with no vetting and no supervision and Obama wants our children to open the doors of their sacred homes and allow the strangers in.  Advice:  Listen to your parents and not Obama’s government.

WITH the above life and death analysis out in the open, to wit, is it inaccurate to finally assess: truth dare be told, FBI training more than falls short, misses the mark, when it comes to protecting Americans from jihadi terror. If not, why not? 

EXTRAPOLATING further, if the evidence presented is brought to its most logical and rational end-point, the question becomes: how long will it take before the following takes place within America, and on a more than intermittent basis?

A gunman killed Sunday the prominent Christian Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar outside a court where he was facing charges for sharing a cartoon deemed to be offensive to Islam.
Mr Hattar died after being shot three times and the gunman was reportedly arrested. Witnesses said that the shooting took place in front of the court-house in Amman, the Jordanian capital.
The 56-year-old writer was arrested in August after posting a cartoon mocking jihadists on his Facebook account.

CONCLUSIVELY, if there are still Americans, you know, the doubting Thomas types, who believe that the FEDS wouldn’t dare to ignore reports on active jihadi planning, well, they would be wrong!

AS previously stated for the record, this investigative journalist possesses first-hand knowledge re a long-standing, currently active, mega jihadi operation, that which was reported to the FEDS, but willfully ignored. In fact, the amount of intelligence handed over was enough to catch them red-handed. No doubt.

YOU got that?

STIPULATED, the FBI is unwilling and unable (whatever the case, it doesn’t much matter a damn “who’s on first”, the results are still dead Americans) to secure the nation from jihadi terror attacks. 


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HUSSEIN’s Internet Hand Over Intersects With Facebook’s (Social Media) Censorship: Where Is The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN order to grasp a clearer understanding of world events (granted, complicating matters, as they catapult at lightening speed), first and foremost, one must learn how to examine a constantly evolving volume of moving parts attached to the geo-political landscape. Indeed, some may appear to be more transparent than others, while a preponderance present themselves as disjointed. Random. Presumably, they are judged as totally unconnected. Memo to “we the people”, wherever you reside: nothing could be further from the truth. And herein (under)lie the cataclysmic dangers.

STIPULATED, totalitarian globalists (inside and outside the U.S.) have been encircling America for decades, that is, even before HUSSEIN, the Anti-American, entered the mix. Be that as it may, step-by-step groundwork is required to set the stage for the destruction of the world’s superpower. And thus, the underpinnings of the (freedom-based) west will shatter. To said end, it necessitated the infiltration and penetration of America’s academic (and cultural) institutions, indoctrinating generation after generation with anti-American hatred; the castrating of the American mind.

MIND you, currently, a cadre of yesteryear revolutionary graduates (some of whom are unrepentant domestic terrorists) lead the pack. Forward march, they aim toward the nation’s collapse. This awareness is key and core. Clear as a bell. Documented.

The war being waged against the U.S. by the radical left and Islamist jihadis is premised on the U.S. as the Western spear and Israel as its twin “imperialistic” cousin. It has been playing out for decades, in one form or another. Nothing has changed other than the fact that many escaped justice and are entering their senior years. Despite their advancing age, they are as dangerous as ever — perhaps more so. Bill Ayers, the foremost leader of the Weathermen “is in his third decade as a national leader in the movement to radicalize the educational training of schoolteachers”. His wife, Bernardine Dohrn, a top leader too “is a professor of law at Northwestern and a high-ranking officer in the American Bar Association.” Eleanor Raskin (ne Stein) “is a law professor at S.U.N.Y Albany and, astonishingly, a NYS administrative law judge”. Jeff Jones “currently heads the New York-based Apollo Alliance, a highly influential coalition of labor leaders and environmentalists, and was responsible for drafting President Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act.”

The list of “respectable” cover, of other “notables” in the Weathermen, is equally impressive. Through a stringently planned operational “stealth jihad”, yesteryear’s Weathermen have returned, fully primed to carry out their original goal — the “transformation” of “Amerika.” Most significantly, they subvert the national interest from a distinctly dangerous vantage point. They are currently ensconced in some of the most powerful positions in academia and political life. The only difference is, this time they are dressed in “capitalist” garb, not only in their clothing choices, but in the wealth they have accumulated, paradoxically, through joining the “establishment”. Who said one can’t enrich oneself, but at the same time deny the masses/proletariat said wealth potential? Highly dangerous in their bomb-making days, their capacity to cripple America, sans firing actual weaponry is that much greater at this critical juncture in time. Deeply involved in the “transformation” process, as promised by President Obama, many of them working inside the executive branch, while others operate through progressive think tanks, they want nothing more than to distance themselves from their bloody past. Therefore, an omerta has descended from the denizens of the leftist media and their powerful organs…..

BUT what does this have to do with HUSSEIN’s putsch to cede the internet, and its relationship to Facebook’s (social media’s mega sites) censorship? Everything.

INEXTRICABLY, when one connects the geo-political markers from HUSSEIN’s two-term reign of anti-freedom thrusts within America, as well as his Mid East/global wildfires which fan the flames for worldwide chaos, the linkages can’t help but paint a very ominous global picture: by gutting the military, squandering national assets, and stripping it from a once fearsome force to be reckoned with, the U.S. is no longer in a position to be the world’s hyper-power. Cause and effect.  

STILL yet, in order to break down America’s free-thinking basis to a point of no return, its bludgeon must be the “gifting” of said freedom-based instrument to international bodies, namely, the kleptocratic, pro-Islamist, and Marxist U.N.! 

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AND this is where ceding control of the internet – mind you, conceived and developed by America – takes center stage. Effectively, since the internet has overtaken all other forms of communication, its unimpeded access is tied and linked to the free exchange of information. In other words, if totalitarians – whether leftists and Islamists, or a combination thereof – control its domains, ipso facto, the free-flow of information ceases. Period.

“Donald J. Trump is committed to preserving Internet freedom for the American people and citizens all over the world. The U.S. should not turn control of the Internet over to the United Nations and the international community. President Obama intends to do so on his own authority – just 10 days from now, on October 1st, unless Congress acts quickly to stop him. The Republicans in Congress are admirably leading a fight to save the Internet this week, and need all the help the American people can give them to be successful. Hillary Clinton’s Democrats are refusing to protect the American people by not protecting the Internet.

The U.S. created, developed and expanded the Internet across the globe. U.S. oversight has kept the Internet free and open without government censorship – a fundamental American value rooted in our Constitution’s Free Speech clause. Internet freedom is now at risk with the President’s intent to cede control to international interests, including countries like China and Russia, which have a long track record of trying to impose online censorship. Congress needs to act, or Internet freedom will be lost for good, since there will be no way to make it great again once it is lost.”

Watch what this disastrous Obama giveaway would mean to you:

 WHICH brings us to social media’s censorship in general and Facebook’s in particular. With over 1.6 billion users worldwide, Facebook is clearly the largest social media site on the planet. For all practical purposes, Facebook has become the de facto Internet since nearly ever site connects to it in one form or another.
SO is it any wonder why many free-thinkers, if you will, conservatives, have experienced the insidious hammer-blows utilized by Facebook to censor information which they deem “hateful” and against their ubiquitous and insidious “community standards?” Significantly, is it accidental or coincidental that Facebook’s banning (almost always) relates to Islam and its relationship to militant Islamic jihad, as well as any speech deemed “hateful” which goes against leftist, aka progressive, dogma? 
On the sidelines of a United Nations luncheon on Saturday, Merkel was caught on a hot mic pressing Zuckerberg about social media posts about the wave of Syrian refugees entering Germany, the publication reported.
The Facebook CEO was overheard responding that “we need to do some work” on curtailing anti-immigrant posts about the refugee crisis. “Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted. 
CONCLUSIVELY, as stated: “be that as it may, step-by-step groundwork is required to set the stage for the destruction of the world’s superpower, thus, the underpinnings of a freedom-based west. To said end, it necessitates the infiltration and penetration of America’s academic institutions and cultural institutions, whereby generation after generation must become indoctrinated into anti-American hatred.” Schooled.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, the likes of 72-year-old Bill Ayers (a domestic terrorist, the founder of the Weather Underground ….through a myriad of progressive illiberal entities) works hand-in-glove with 32-year-old Zuckerberg and others of his age group, up and down the generational divide. All of whom are marching toward the same end-goal: U.N. global control of the internet. Censorship. 

A + B….1 + 1…. (western) lights out!

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The Criminal Ties That Bind Obama Inc., Clinton Inc. & FBI’s Comey To HSBC’s Launderers. Banksters. What Does This Mean? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS is said, every dog has its day. The urgent question is: Will the following (national) criminally-bent dogs be brought to heel, that is, before they bring America to her knees? Well, from this highly informed perch, the assessment is: Ominously, much more damage will accrue – due to their (and others) corrosive and collusive treachery – before any measure of justice is meted out. Effectively, any semblance of righting said wrongs will emanate via the public – ala a massive groundswell of wrath – as opposed to from the thoroughly compromised “justice” system. As if. Trenchantly, the crook’s are in charge of “law and order.”

CONSEQUENTIALLY, with a bought and paid for FBI Director at the helm – yes, he is – who exactly is going to bring him to heel, thus, rounding up the rest of the suspects, other than millions of patriots demanding his removal and more? Huh and duh?

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IT is along this nation-shattering trajectory that countless have been asking some very pressing questions. Inestimably, they are of national (and international) import.

ONE such query is: Why did James Comey, the Director of the FBI, exonerate Hillary Clinton from the (legal) hook? Mind you, he knows full well that she (more than) meets the legal threshold for indictment, to the point of laying out a bullet-proof prosecutorial case in his testimony before Congress!

SO, what the hell is going? As an aside, forget the following spin: Haven’t you heard, he is reported to be an “honest” man. In a word: Hogwash.

INDEED, he possesses all the requisite proofs for Clinton’s indictment. Most are found within a treasure trove of emails. Trails. In tandem, as a result, a host of additional indictable offenses seep to the fore.

NOW, even though he affiliates with the Republican Party, one (of several) nonsensical mantra spins like this: Indeed, he would never “take a hit” for Hill, after all, he is a Republican and she is a Democrat! Stipulated, he served under Bush as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years, but so what? Never mind. Republican slush and hush (read: criminal) money is a mirror image of their Demster counterparts. Not only that, he was appointed FBI Director (in 2013) under Obama Inc., and that’s not an inconsequential factor. Think: Quid pro quo. We will get to that. Incontestably, both parties are up to their necks in pay-for-play dirty dealings.

When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.

But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.

Comey served as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years of the Bush administration. When he left the Bush administration, he went directly to Lockheed Martin and became vice president, acting as a general counsel.

How much money did James Comey make from Lockheed Martin in his last year with the company, which he left in 2010? More than $6 million in compensation.

Lockheed Martin is a Clinton Foundation donor. The company admitted to becoming a Clinton Global Initiative member in 2010.

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WITH the above build-up of indictable offenses (against the obvious email suspect(s), and those who shield themselves under “legal” umbrellas), let’s flesh the case out by encircling the triad; Obama Inc., Clinton Inc., and Director Comey to HSBC launderers!

HSBC enabled thousands of Americans and others – including drug traffickers, arms dealers and “wealthy power players” around the world – to avoid taxes by hiding their money in a Swiss bank they owned.

These are unscrupulous people.

So, of course, Hillary Clinton is tied to them.

However, not just Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey and even Barack Obama, has ties to the criminal organization at HSBC. 

Loretta Lynch’s Ties:

Loretta Lynch – then the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Manhattan – reportedly brokered the deal with Holder, that allowed HSBC to pay fines instead of being criminally charged.  The settlement was highly criticized, and Lynch and Holder were accused of acting as if the bank was “too big to prosecute,” and people likened the fine (without criminal charges) to a parking ticket.

James Comey’s Ties:

James Comey was nominated by Obama for a post on HSBC’s Board of Directors in June 2012, and he was subsequently appointed to the board on March 4, 2013.  He served on the HSBC’s Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee. Comey’s appointment was for three years, however, he resigned effective Sept. 4, 2013, following his confirmation to serve as FBI Director.

Hillary Clinton’s Ties:

Hillary Clinton also benefited from HSBC’s Swiss bank account division during the same time period – leaked files revealed the identities of at least seven donors who were HSBC clients and contributed to the Clinton Foundation – to the tune of $81 million in total contributions.

It seems like every time you turn around Hillary is tied to another scandal or unscrupulous organization.

INESTIMABLY, the above is just the tip of their criminal spear!

BUT not to forgotten in the aforementioned indictments, countless are still unaware of Obama Inc.’s and Clinton Inc.’s propensity for piling up “mysterious” deaths. As always, whistleblowers who go up against their Mafia-like syndicates “coincidentally” die, just as they are about to expose all manner of criminal dealings. Adding insult to grievous injury, what are the chances that AG Lynch’s Justice Department, or Comey’s FBI, would have prosecuted, even had they survived to publicly record this and that? Do pigs fly? Nevertheless, death is a permanent state, hence, no (murderous) stone is left unturned.

EVEN so, that shouldn’t stop the rest of us from sounding national alarms. Once again, let’s just place more of the same on the record, but this time via Wikileaks and its explosive (murder-laden) email trails! 

The source of the leaks was all but confirmed by Wikileaks to have been a DNC insider and not a Russian operative. Said insider, Seth Rich, was shot and murdered in a senseless crime that many suspect was a politically-motivated homicide. The murder of a Wikileaks’ lawyer also followed a few days later.

MOST significantly, it has become increasingly apparent that those in charge of America’s power centers (in countless countries alike, but let’s stick to U.S. hyper-bases) are criminally corrupt, never mind morally compromised. No doubt, they are gangsters in professional and political garb.

IN this regard, this investigative journalist’s charge-sheet is beyond dispute. Such is the case, even first-year law students and fledgling investigative journalists can pick up their trails. Scents. They are that transparent.

CONCOMITANTLY, co-conspirators are always on hand to cover up their crimes, as well as to mislead the public in the opposite direction. Yet, there are none more dangerous than collusive media whores, many of whom are bought and paid for. This too is beyond dispute.

STILL yet, not to veer too far off course, who recalls the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 during Clinton Inc.’s, aka Murder Inc., reign of criminal terror? Oh yeah. Just hark-back to the fabricated tales re the Murrah building’s incineration (that which had so many jive-talking holes in it), and know that a fully loaded truck could have been rammed through it, with barely making a dent in the process! Mind you, countless lies were uncovered through exhaustive investigative work, much of which was conducted by Jayna Davis via The Third TerroristNot only that, Obama Inc. had a (cover-up) hand in it too! Indeed, less than six degrees separated.

THE point being, if someone truly wants to get to the bottom of officialdom’s cesspool, there is no better place to start wading through, other than into Obama and Clinton Inc.’s cesspool of muck. Of course, expect that the FBI’s higher-ups will execute their “due diligence”, as they perpetrate the requisite cover-ups! 

AND the very fact that HSBC banksters – a veritable jacked-up laundering financial conglomerate, a slush house – are part and parcel of the aforementioned, it tells us that America’s power brokers are wholly and irredeemably compromised. So much so, even the head of the FBI has no compunction about ignoring his sworn duty to uphold the Constitution, the laws of the land. His lies, Obama and Clinton Inc.’s alike, are akin to what transpires under third world juntas, reaching to the point of criminal misconduct which would land average folks in jail for many decades to come. No parole.


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REST assured, let it be known: This investigative journalist knows her way around the laundering terrain, and this doesn’t refer to the dry cleaning business! 

RESULTANT, due to the above and so much more, why should anyone trust the lying and mendacious media, let alone obey any of the powers that be? Rhetorical!  Image result for pics of hsbc laundering and loretta lynch

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