Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

“FRANK KUTNICKI’S CHESS CORNER” Is Launched – Under Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline’s Jerusalem Wing. Mazal Tov To All! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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{UPDATE: The actual chess lessons took place today at Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem – see here –}

{Donation link is here – – and below too.}

In the run-up to the launch of “FRANK KUTNICKI’S CHESS CORNER“ – under the  proverbial wings of Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline’s Jerusalem umbrella – many thoughts have been (and still are) swirling inside this head. Mind you, “some” may be inclined to raise their eyebrows at the prospect of these wheels turning, knowing that when said laser focus zeroes in on this and that, well….

Be that as it may, the aforementioned thoughts revolve around ways in which this (unique and first-time) program can best serve the needs of children who are suffering from cancer and other devastating illnesses. As excerpted on February 18, 2019:

Overarchingly, it is my utmost hope and prayer that “FRANK KUTNICKI’S CHESS CORNERwill bring a bit of comfort, relief, normalcy, and distraction to the most vulnerable of all, the kiddies, as they undergo a host of frightening and painful rounds of cancer treatment(s). As a knock-on effect, it may become a fun activity and inspiring too. Who knows, chess may become a lifelong passion, as it was for the program’s namesake.

So, as a kick-start, my initial (and ongoing) charitable contribution will be targeted towards two clear benchmarks. Of course, this program will conform to Israel’s non-profit (AKA amuta/עמותה) guidelines. The following are said benchmarks, however, they can be augmented, if circumstances warrant:

  • Firstly, a suitably patient (that would exclude me – admittedly, a “Type A” personality, even if I knew how to play and lived nearby!) Chess teacher will be hired. This professional will initiate the lessons at Shaare Zedek Hospital. The goal is to make it available at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, once the program gets off the ground. Both are located in the heart of Jerusalem, and in close proximity to Chai Lifeline’s headquarters in Israel.
  • In tandem, a few informal gatherings will be planned for the “students” to show off their newly acquired “skillz.” Meanwhile, they will compete for prizes/trophies, just like their peers who are not undergoing treatment.

More pointedly…..

“FRANK KUTNICKI’S CHESS CORNER” is a project geared towards enriching the lives of the children who have been taken under Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline’s wings, as they courageously battle various childhood illnesses during their hospital visits. The hope is that through the wonders of chess, a game which is fun, challenging, and known to build self-confidence, the soon-to-be players will find some relief, peace, and comfort from the time spent at their special corner of refuge. 
This project came to fruition via Adina Kutnicki, and its essence can be read here.
Although FRANK KUTNICKI, z”l (an avid chess player) never lived to become a saba, no doubt, he would take great comfort in knowing that his warm embrace is enveloping the kiddies within this very cozy corner, created just for them.
May they go from strength to strength – physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

In concert, as this project progresses, timeless words of wisdom from Judaism’s texts are coming to the forefront of my mind. As such, passages from Chapter 3 within the book of Kohelet AKA Ecclesiastes (written by King Solomon, 450-200 BCE), one of 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, are particularly resonant.  

1Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven. אלַכֹּ֖ל זְמָ֑ן וְעֵ֥ת לְכָל־חֵ֖פֶץ תַּ֥חַת הַשָּׁמָֽיִם:
2A time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot that which is planted. בעֵ֥ת לָלֶ֖דֶת וְעֵ֣ת לָמ֑וּת עֵ֣ת לָטַ֔עַת וְעֵ֖ת לַֽעֲק֥וֹר נָטֽוּעַ:
4A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time of wailing and a time of dancing. דעֵ֤ת לִבְכּוֹת֙ וְעֵ֣ת לִשְׂח֔וֹק עֵ֥ת סְפ֖וֹד וְעֵ֥ת רְקֽוֹד:

Indeed, it is at this juncture that it should be emphasized: the game of chess teaches children important life skills – some of which can be applied during highly challenging times.

  • Chess teaches strategy and this creates thinking about two or three moves in advance instead of focusing only on what the next move of your chess piece will be. This changes the usual concentration of only thinking about what is going to happen in the next five seconds. This instructs children to look beyond the first move and the immediate future. This is an enhancement to their planning skills.
  • Chess is a healthy distraction from present trauma that children may be experiencing. If her parents are going through a hostile divorce or if she has witnessed extreme violence, concentrating on chess will provide a meaningful respite from the pain that surrounds her life. Chess will teach them that they have a choice of distancing themselves from their agony through healthy means such as chess or unhealthy escapes like drugs and alcohol.

Alas, it is with all of the above (and so much more) in mind that I invite the public to support this most worthy project. By the act of clicking here (, this program will “go from strength to strength”….as it is written in Psalm 84:8…יֵלְכוּ, מֵחַיִל אֶל-חָיִל .

On a practical level, those in the U.S. who wish to contribute are able to deduct said donation via Chai Lifeline’s U.S. status as a non-profit 501 (c) (3), and  through its reciprocal tax exemption agreement with Israeli non-profits/amutot. 

According to the U.S. Israel Income Tax Treaty, U.S. donors may deduct contributions to Israeli charities as long as the charitable organization would have qualified for exemption according to U.S. standards. Article 15A of the Protocol to U.S. Israel Income Tax Treaty is the supporting document.

In furtherance thereof…..

Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline Israel provides comprehensive emotional and social support to Israeli families living with pediatric illness.

Our mission is to give ill children and their families whatever they need to thrive during the long months and years from diagnosis through treatment, recovery, and beyond. Partnering with medical centers and hospitals throughout the country, Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline Israel ensures that children and families have the necessities of life, activities to escape the ever-present stress of living under the threat of war, and opportunities for pure enjoyment and family fun.

Since incorporation in 1988, the mission of Chai Lifeline, Inc. (“Chai Lifeline”) has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed. Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores normalcy to family life, and better enables families to withstand the crises and challenges of serious pediatric illness. Chai Lifeline has been granted exemption from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code and has been held to be a publicly supported organization, and not a private foundation under Section 509(a). Chai Lifeline is supported primarily by contributions and special event revenues.

Most significantly, leaving aside the personal connection to the formation of this first-time project (housed at an exemplary, blessed, and well established international non-profit), the fact is that the beneficiaries will be those who, in their young lives, face challenges that even adults would find more than daunting. Frightening.

Thus, for the sake of these courageous kiddies, no donation is too small – or, for that matter, too large!

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L’chaim. To Life. And, to the success of “FRANK KUTNICKI’S CHESS CORNER” – under the proverbial wings of Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline in Jerusalem!

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Will Jewish-American Leftists Wake Up In Time, Or Will They Rue The Day They Didn’t Jump (The Demster) Ship?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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IT is not often, in fact, it is rarer than a blue moon, that this writer not only sings (to the high heavens) the praises of another’s on-target analysis, but wishes she had been the scribbler of record! Full stop.

NOT only that, in and of itself, the subject at hand is of such grave import it bears repeating to no end, that is, if the lessons of history’s darkest hour, namely, the Holocaust, are to retain any meaning – dare it be said, repeated.

AS such, this patriotic American-Israeli, an unabashed right-wing Zionist to boot, has sent out countless clarion calls to fellow American patriots, in general, and to Jewish-Americans, in specific: WALK AWAY!

EVEN so, there is always room for the “clarion of all clarion calls”, and this one fits the bill. 

You have the power to determine how history will judge us.

From one Jew to another. From one parent/grandparent to another. From one who utters “Never Again!” to another. From one witnessing the vile anti-Semitic floats in Belgian parades to another. From one in horror watching the U.K. descend into 100 monthly anti-Semitic incidents to another. And from one seeing, in disbelief, the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. to another. We may not agree on much else, but this outrage we have in common.

You are the resounding 72-74% majority of the 5.4 Million American Jewry who have backed the Democratic Party since the sun has risen in the East. We get it; you’re for minority rights because you will forever identify as a minority. You’re forever for JFK , even though his brand of liberalism is long gone and has actually morphed into modern conservatism. You’re forever for FDR, even though it was the Republican Ronald Reagan who delivered approximately 3,000,000 Soviet Jews from bondage of Anti-Semitic leftist oppression.

The Democratic Party of the 1950s was the party of the underdog, and you’re forever the underdog, in your mind, in your memory and by virtue of our tiny demographic. Your parents and grandparents have been married to the Democratic party since before you were born, and you can’t let go of what has been engrained in you with mother’s milk. Understandable.

Today is 2019, not the 1950s. And after the devastating failure of your Party to stand with you (as Jews) unequivocally against the rabid Nazi-era anti-Semitism of Democratic Congresswoman Omar, you stand in the final hour of a critical decision, depleted of all excuses for your political loyalty. And you know it.

We’re in the Situation Room of the 11th hour. Let’s connect all the dots together.

First, your history:

• At the UN, your favorite President Barack Obama, famously called for Israel to return to 1967 Borders. You said nothing and continued to exalt his virtue.
• The same man orchestrated UN’s resolution #2334, de facto proclaiming most of Israel illegitimate in Jewish hands. You said nothing and continued to exalt his virtue.
• On his way out of office, the same Democratic POTUS released a whopping $150 Billion to the mullahs of Iran who have a single clearly stated goal; washing Israel out to sea with their nukes. You said nothing and continued to sing the 44th praises.
• You watched as Obama whispered to French President Sarkozy “…You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day.”, mocking PM Benjamin Netenyahu of Israel. You said nothing and continued to applaud Obama.
• You watched the spiraling souring of America-Israel relations under Obama’s leadership. You said nothing and continued the love affair with Obama.
• You knew of Obama’s $350,000 interference in Israel’s national election to subvert the democratic process. You looked the other way and said nothing.
• You never once heard the word “Jihad” leave Obama’s lips when describing Islamic terror attacks against Jews in France. You said nothing and continued to praise him in your liberal synagogues.

…Because Obama is your guy. Because he had the visible color of the underdog. Because the Democratic party is the perceived home of your ancestors.

Those ancestors are dead, but here is your record:

• President Donald Trump, by virtue of the American Embassy move, underscores Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. You instantly end your supine silence and find your voice in loud opposition to the most logical, lawful, courageous and Israel-loving politic. With trembling knees, you proclaim “he’s angering the Arabs” in your posturing speeches on Shul Bimahs, in schools, social media and in endless editorials. When WW3 failed to occur, you retreat back to your silence, having sufficiently defamed the President.
• President Trump reaffirms a record-setting annual budget of $4 Billion to Israel, including a $200M increase in 2019, for the next 10 years for a total of $40 Billion. What do you do? You bash the President in choir with CNN.
• President Trump defunds Israel-denying UNRWA. You continue to bash the President.
• President Trump defunds murderous Mahmoud Abbas to the tune of $250 Million per year. You continue to bash the President.
• You watch Trump’s appointee Nikki Haley staunchly defend Israel at the UN, time and time again. Speaking against UN’s anti-Israel biases & infinite resolutions of condemnation, like no one has ever before, Trump’s envoy to the UN stuns the world with her courage. Yet you continue to bash the President.
• President Trump stands alone against feckless Europe in ending the disastrous Obama era of Nuclear Appeasement with Iran, undoing the damage done by the your favorite ex-President. Ignoring this courageous unpopular move and Iran’s devotion to the annihilation of the Jewish people as its number one cause, you continue to bash the President.
• In every State of the Union and UN address, you hear President Trump exalt Israel, condemn the Holocaust, and explicitdly exclaim the non-negotiated American support for Israel under his administration. Backed not by his words, but by his deeds! ….You? You continue to bash the President.
Holocaust Survivors and American religious Jewry unreservedly embrace the President with warm support and voter presence. Speaking at Trump’s commemorations of Jewish events & important dates, celebrating Hannukah with singing and candle lighting by Trump grandchildren and children, in full view to the world from the White House. First occurrences ever in history! And you? You continue to bash the President.
• You know of Trump Family long-standing personal financial support for Israel, Fred Trump’s designation of NY buildings for subsidization of Post-Holocaust Jews, complete with a funded synagogue inside. But you continue to bash the President.
• In August of 2015, Donald Trump’s own private jet carried a critically ill 3-year-old Jewish boy from California to New York for medical treatment, when commercial airline refused to fly him. You? You continue to bash the President.
• You’ve even watched the First Daughter, The First observantly Jewish Daughter of the Oval Office (another first in history!) pray at Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall, along with her father, the grandfather of this, de facto, First Jewish Family that every Friday night observes Shabbat. Amazingly, you continue to bash the President to the sound of the CNN drum.
• You, the liberal Jews of America, continue to bash the man who has never once said, let alone done, anything remotely anti-Semitic. You go as far as partaking in discussions and events that compare Trump to Hitler and the KKK. You sign petitions and you echo the cherry-picked sound-bytes of MSNBC’s three-year smear campaign.

How you vote and what you do:

• You vote for the party of Louis Farrakhan, who only months ago called you “termites”!
• You vote for the party whose elected politicians announce that you have duel loyalty, the oldest most vilifying anti-Semitic charge of genocidal racism.
• You vote for the party that can’t remove a repeatedly outspoken rabid anti-Semite from membership in the Foreign Affairs Committee, which sets policy with Israel and its friendly neighbors.
• You vote for the party that dilutes and shoves its unhinged pre-Holocaust brand of anti-Semitism under the table, unable to pass a simple resolution against their hate of YOU.
• While chanting anti-Trump slogans, you march with anti-Israel activitist Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, women who rub shoulders with Farakkhan & Al Sharpton, men who proclaim your children to be “Satanic Jews”.
• You vote for the party of Bernie Sanders, the man who defends Omar’s anti-Semitism and Palestinian militancy against Israel’s citizens. The same Socialist Sanders who once falsely accused Israel of a 10,000 dead-Palestinians genocide. The same Sanders who thinks your children “standing in queues for food is a good idea”.
• Astonishingly, you lend your vote to the party of BDS advocacy against Israel…!
• You stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who praises Jeremy Corbyn, accuses Israel of occupation, and now stands in official support of Congresswoman Omar.
• You even vote for the party whose elected officials tell you (the Jews) that you and your ilk have “hypnotized the world”…!
• You vote with the party whose elected official may be in violation of a federal statute for fundraising for two Muslim Brotherhood charities and its affiliates. Same officials who participate as keynote speakers at events for the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups IRUSA and CAIR.
• You vote for the party whose loyal College Campus Academia ubiquitously advances anti-Israel positions & Israel Apartheid weeks, and writes endless editorial pages against Israel’s “aggression”. The piously liberal Academia that prevents Israeli speakers from speaking on campuses. The Academia that poisonously convinced your children that bashing Israel does not amount to anti-Semitism.
• You vote for the party that morally equates Israel to terror groups and Islamic countries of horrendous human rights abuses.
• You vote for the party whose right arm, the media, exalts the Palestinian cause vis-à-vis Hamas terror on Israeli borders and streets.
• You vote “democrat” alongside anti-Israel groups like Jewish Voices for Peace, J-Street and George Soros.
• You vote for the party, whose members tried to shamelessly tie the Pittsburgh murders to President Trump and even tried to prevent him from visiting the aftermath.
• You voted for Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential for 2016, who by her own admission, was mentored by KKK member Senator Byrd. Photographed and videoed kissing the man while he was alive and proudly eulogizing him at his funeral.
• You vote for the party that gave us the KKK, David Duke and white supremacy. All the while, relentlessly brainwashing the public to tie this Democrat evil to the Republicans.
• You vote for the party that continues to ridicule and defame President Trump in order to keep the hate in you alive.
• You vote for the party that unanimously voted against Lincoln’s abolishment of slavery, championed by the Republicans.
• You vote for the party that stood against the 1964 Act for Civil Rights aimed to benefit American blacks.
• You vote against the party (GOP) who elected first ever African American Senators.
• You vote against the Republican Party that just championed and passed the anti-BDS measure with notable Democrats in dissent…..continue reading the unvarnished, tragic, truth of all truths!

VALERIE, bravo. Take a bow!

BTW, and not one to mix apples and oranges, leftist Jews in Israel are equally afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome, wedded as they are to parties which aim for national destruction!

Alas, with the election looming, there are hard choices to be made for the majority Jewish population, and few spell it out better than the leaders of “The New Right”, Hayemin Hehadash! Take a peek at Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s Justice Minister, as she struts her stuff in a parody like none other – flipping the left’s inversion of democracy upside its head ala their penchant for policies which usher in fascism. Bravo!

MOST significantly, and before it is too late, will they heed the warning and leave yesteryear’s so-called liberal party – that which has morphed into the Socialist-Democratic, Islamic-Aligned Party?

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{re-blogged at The HomelandSecurityNetwork} Click “Archives” to read, dated March 30, 2019
{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:


Jihadi Terrorists Based In The U.S. “Hiding” In Plain Sight: Why Isn’t The Media Raising The Alarm? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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CARDS ON THE TABLE: Aside from the Islamic foxes burrowed inside the Congressional hen-house and embedded throughout the body politic, they are deeply entrenched within every recess of American life. That ship has sailed. As such, let’s not pussyfoot around obsessing over the “chicken-egg” scenario. In other words, it is nearly impossible to tell which devil came first, which spawned the other. Either way, if not beaten back, disaster awaits. Simple as that.


BUT before we proceed with the aforementioned dire prediction, an “in-your-face” message must be understood for what it is. So, whereas this site has evidenced (ad infinitum) that public schools in the U.S. are infected with the Islamic virus, this visual aid should seal the indictment – or not. And, it matters not a whit that Jihad in Houston is played out in a Muslim “educational” center, in so far that the junior Jihadis are part of the national fabric! Understood? Moreover, said indoctrination into war-training against infidels (their neighbors and communities alike) is going on ALL over the nation!

THAT being the case, it is certainly not news that the west’s leftist-based media is running interference for Islamists. In parallel, so-called liberal pols operate in sync. Incontrovertibly. A (western) death dance. 

NOW that that is on the record, it is an absolute fact that the above nexus underpins the ability of Jihadi terrorists to hide in plain sight – with nary a place in the U.S. which isn’t endangered, even as far off the beaten track as Alaska! No kidding. So much so, this site is rife with evidentiary trials, at least, for those who refuse to remain blind as bats. Resultant, consider the following as mere tips of the Islamic spear:


Recap One:

Ahh…the ever metastasizing jihadi compounds…and the cover given to them by many atop the political food chain. Indeed, it has led to jihad here, there, and everywhere in North America!

Recap Two:

But it is not as if the Muslims of the Americas, the subject of this latest commentary, haven’t been in the forefront before.

As reported in December 2009, Jamat ul Fuqra (a leading Islamic terror group, deeply entrenched in North America) is mainly involved in tactical techniques, sort of like high level masters in jihadi boot camp training. You gotta see it to believe it. Unfathomably, they escape much too much public scrutiny – and con many – by operating under innocuous sounding names. Here’s a sampling – The International Quranic Open University  and The Muslims of the Americas . How gullible do they think westerners are? Very.

Jamat ul Fuqra are awash in infidel blood. Most infamously, they are the head choppers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. They are particularly fond of beheadings. Say what? Too close for many fellow New Yorkers (this expert’s home state) comfort, the group receives some of their paramilitary training at their Islamberg compound in New York State. Not to get too specific – as part of a “research” project  in 2006 – I accompanied a trusted contact to the outskirts of the compound, knowing full well that this was as far as we would get. No matter. We came, we saw, we went…..hearing constant sounds of gun popping, and intermittent shouts of “allahu akbar” – god is great – in broad daylight!! Roaming guards dressed in (Islamic) combat fatigues, with watch towers on each side, were clearly visible.

Normal folks surely are wondering: how is it possible that terror compounds can exist in the land of the free, the home of the brave? What is going on here?

To add insult to grievous (US & Canadian) injury, Islamberg is one of 35 ! jihadi compounds in the US. About half a dozen (which are known) exist in places such as Charlotte County in central Virginia, Hancock, New York, and other  rural confines all over the US. ‘Islamberg is not the only radical Muslim compound flourishing in North America’ highlights the dangers, yet there are more than a few corroborating sources. 

 Recap Three:

Whatever the jihadi affiliation, Sunni or Shia, know this: they are burrowed within U.S. (Canadian) cities and have Latin American forward bases!

Recap Four:

Indeed, is it preposterous to suggest: yes, Islamic jihadi terror compounds are invading America!

IN this regard, why would anyone think that the Islamic-driven danger has dissipated, rather than escalated, over the years? After all, even NBC News (March 10, 2019) had to admit….kinda….sorta….that illegal border crossings from Canada are rising, therefore, it rated a mention. Hmm. Of course, they are referred to as “economic migrants”, without a peep pointing to the looming danger: “Middle Eastern types” are among the illegal invaders! Why is that? But never mind, this site has no such qualms: “Canada’s Unprotected Jihadi Frontier: A Clear & Present Danger To America” was blared in 2018. Crystal clear.

AND so it goes….round and round an inordinately dangerous path of “see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil” that the very same leftist-based media can never be counted on to state the unvarnished truth – let alone warn about what lies in wait. So, once again, the following is left to alternative media to shout from the rooftops.

  • Within 2018, Somali refugees rampaged within the Lake Calhoun district in upscale Minneapolis, while threatening to rape and kill all “non-believer” residents! Incontestably, the aforementioned is underpinned by Sharia Law. Now, none of this should come as a shock, that is, if one is familiar with the ins and outs of Islam in particular and the arenas in which Mohammedans infest – this time, Minnesotastan. Mind you, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is both a Somali refugee and tied into the very same Islamist mindset! Coincidence?

  • Onward, who recalls the high profile airings at this site (from 2012, and on multiple occasions in the ensuing years) re a majorly-tied ISIS/Brotherhood Mafia Jihadi, Brooklyn-based Siraj Wahhaj, imam of Al-Taqwa, a jacked-up terror mosque? If not, it is way past time to catch up to speed. After all, he was a 9/11/01 plotter, having honed his teeth in 1993 during the first Twin Tower attack! But what else is new, relative to his terrorism? Well, let’s build up the case. As some of us may know, his nexus to Demsters is duly cemented. How so? Well, how much closer can you get than being duly chosen to lead the opening prayer at their 2012 DNC Convention? Bulls-eye. That being the case, as is said, the (terror) apple doesn’t fall far from the (terror) tree. As such, isn’t the following jaw-dropping, still yet, hardly unexpected?

A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted (March 2019) five Muslims who allegedly trained children to carry out school massacres on terrorism-related offenses, conspiracy to commit murder and kidnapping.

The five were arrested Aug. 3, 2018, after authorities in a raid found 11 hungry children living in squalid conditions in a remote, makeshift training compound.

The leader, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, is the son of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a former board member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations who is on record urging a violent overthrow of the “filthy” U.S. government. The elder Wahhaj gave an opening prayer at an event at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, pointed out Matthew Vadum in an column for FrontPage Magazine. The imam also has been called a spiritual adviser to jihad promoter and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour. Vadum wrote that the “openly anti-Semitic Sarsour sits on the board of the Women’s March organization and openly admits membership in America’s largest Marxist group, the Democratic Socialists of America”…..continue the truth-seeking here….

THE looming questions are: after all the uproar re papa terrorist – and years of surveillance thereof by this one, that one, and the other – how is it possible that his spawn are allowed to plot Jihad via a terror compound? Besides, how many proofs must this Jihadi expert bring to bear, even going so far as to highlight the dangers from terror compounds inside the nation –  be they here, there, and everywhere? Sheesh. Hint: the FBI and the DOJ are captured agencies!

BUT it gets worse, that is, if the reader can withstand it. Hang on….

  • How many have heard about the following through the leftist-based, Islamist sympathizing media? Mind you, ignore the tear-jerkers penned on behalf of Mohimanul Alam Bhuiya‘s, yes, an American ISIS terrorist who was welcomed into the warm bosom of Comey’s FBI, then, safely handed into the arms of the DOJ!! Most significantly, today’s highest echelons violate all moral, duty-bound, and legal boundaries, relative to treachery and more.

One of the biggest questions for Western governments that has played out in recent days in the American media is what to do with Western ISIS recruits who are now in the custody of U.S.-backed forces as the Islamic State’s geographical military presence collapses into nothing.

At least one previous case involving disgraced former FBI Director James Comey — where the FBI under his direction welcomed back an American ISIS terrorist from Syria and gave him a job working with the Justice Department — may be an example of how *not* to handle such cases.

The American media are now rallying around the plight of Alabama ISIS bride Hoda Muthana, who left the U.S. for Syria to marry an ISIS fighter in 2014.

During her time inside the Islamic State, she openly called for attacks on the U.S. and encouraged the supporters of terrorist groups to “spill American blood.”

But now that Muthana has been captured by Kurdish forces and is currently imprisoned by U.S.-backed forces, she’s using the media to make a case for her return to the U.S. and for leniency.

Yesterday, her attorney from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) claimed that she wants to help “deradicalize” others:

The script that Muthana and her attorneys appear to be following is the case of Brooklyn ISIS terrorist Mohimanul Alam Bhuiya, who joined the terror group in Syria in June 2014 and defected back to the U.S. with FBI assistance later that same year.

Bhuiya was charged with material support for terrorism upon his return and faced 25 years in prison, but a federal judge last June sentenced him to supervised release with no jail time the New York Times reported, thanks to the intervention and recommendation of his Justice Department co-workers.

According to the Wall Street Journal, he now works with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn.

Bhuiya’s return helped the FBI under Comey to clear up a case they had previously botched.

According to the criminal complaint against Bhuiya, he had been approached on June 5, 2014, by FBI agents who had been monitoring his interactions online and were concerned he might try to leave the U.S. to join ISIS. He later explained to the Columbia Spectator that he had been radicalized by a “Muslims in Diaspora” course he had taken at Columbia University….continue reading what is really going down within the domestic front.

ON the upside, at least the venerable Middle East Forum backs up my long-standing Brotherhood findings, particularly ala their infiltration and penetration into the body politic and their collaboration with leftists; the ubiquitous red-green alliance. The area that we do part company, respectfully so, is with the notion that there is even spitting distance between followers of Islam and “Islamists.” Hmm. Regardless, put on your listening ears, thus, much of the seemingly counter intuitive smoke will clear.


Islamists have been attempting for years to gain influence within the US political system. They align themselves with the left wing of the Democratic Party not because they support LGBT rights or abortion, but to gain power through the progressive agenda of intersectionality and multiculturalism.

Recently Islamists have begun electing their own candidates, who presented moderate views while campaigning, but after being elected champion left-wing causes. And in private, Islamist activists often say that when they have enough power, they will turn on their progressive allies and implement their own priorities.

OMINOUSLY, all of which, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is “hiding” in plain sight!

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} Click “Archives” to read, dated March 27, 2019
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Reportage On New Zealand’s Terror Attack Vis-à-vis The Double Standard Applied To Islamic-Based Terrorism: What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{UPDATE: FB censors are not allowing this commentary to be shared from this expert’s FB account. Hmm!}

STIPULATED: the killing of innocents is an egregious crime, regardless of the victims and the perpetrators. Period. Full stop.

BUT we dare not tolerate the abhorrent violation of civilized behavioral norms to deter us from much needed truth-telling because that would be a deadly mistake. A (moral) crime and failing.

MORE revealingly, just because the victims were followers of Muhammad, is the Islamic community now deemed innocent of worldwide Jihad, thereby, exculpated?

ACUTELY, this expert on Islamic Jihad has proven (six ways to Sunday) that an increasingly large portion of followers of Islam slaughter infidels in the belief that God talked to Muhammad, their prophet and supreme role-model, and dictated the Koran to him. As such, Muhammadans are indoctrinated into believing the Koran is the revelation of God’s word, hence, they are mandated to act on the numerous incitements against non-believers. It is this uncomfortable, anxiety-ridden and terrifying truth that western leaders (elected and non-elected elites) dare not address. Their stone-cold silence is both manifold and manifest.   

IN this respect, regardless of PC blow-back, pointing out the elephant in the room in no way minimizes the massacre in New Zealand. Simply, true believers of Islam, Muhammadans, are not allowed to embrace the laws of the land outside Dar al-Islam (land of the believers), that is, except for the sake of temporary expediency. Thus, they remain committed to imposing Sharia Law within the west and elsewhere, and by whatever means possible. Killing atop killing. Creep by creep. Despite all else, Westerners must face this ugly truth, if not, it will end up costing a continuous stream of bloody trails.

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WITH said disinfectant now clearing the air, let’s get down to the following brass tacks: incontestably, there is highly disparate reporting from so-called mainstream media (and piggybacked by social media) when Muslims, on the VERY rare occasion, are targeted, as juxtaposed against continuous rampages perpetrated by them. Why is this?

MORE specifically, the core issues remain:


  • Where is the media’s outrage when Muslims massacre at will throughout the west and beyond, even as they live-stream their carnage on Facebook and the rest of social media? Hint: hide nor hair. In fact, “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad ” (9/2016) had to be written to document said enabling of their worldwide bloody trails – in tandem with a back-benching media which operates alongside social media giants. Yes, Muhammadans have to be protected at all costs!   
  • Conversely, this too must be made crystal clear: the media’s fury is consistently selective in nature. Consider: as is known, Christchurch’s killer, Brenton Tarrant, live-streamed via Facebook. This brazen and heinous action (rightfully) sent many poohbahs into collective spasms against social media giants. On the other hand, stone-cold silence ensued after the very same live-streaming during Omar Mir Seddique Mateen’s Jihad at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub, June 2016. What’s going on?
  • It is alongside said double standard and mendaciously biased reporting that the onus is placed on Trump’s head for a massacre which happened across the world! For heavens sake. On the flip side, the very same media-inciters never, ever blamed Obama, most tellingly, when the aforementioned Jihad in Orlando exploded. Mind you, under his two-term tenure, that atrocity came atop countless domestic Jihadi terror attacks. Indeed, why is it no longer expected that reporting remains fair, unbiased, and non-politicized?
  • Even more so, how Pavlovian can their (mis)reporting be when, paradoxically, it dovetails with an admission from New Zealand’s mass shooter? Rhetorical. In other words, contained within Brenton Tarrant’s long-winded 74-page manifesto was a desire to stoke a confrontation between “gun control” advocates and those opposed. Well, even a killer can, at times, see the forest from the trees. Not only that, reportedly, he chose firearms (instead of other explosive methods) as a mode of delivery to ignite the fire which would expedite and reveal the grave divisions within American politics. The man is evil but not stupid. Think about this: in a roundabout way he mirrored Obama Inc. – when the Race-Baiter-in-Chief (with a myriad of associates) sparked the gravest division between blacks and whites, ever since the race-roiled 1960’s! Indeed.
  • So, Tarrant, twisted as he is, understood this corresponding truth: as a New Zealand gun license holder, yes, he was able to purchase a legal firearm. Still yet, legally obtained or otherwise, he would not have been deterred. Duh. And, just as the sun rises and sets, reflexively, the media pounced on this tragedy to reignite “gun control”, exactly like Tarrant predicted – instead of standing up for VERY long overdue truth-telling. No doubt, he pinpointed the western affliction. 
  • Now, the aforementioned should hardly be unexpected, disquieting as it is. After all, how could it come as a shock? For, in reality, these ugly truths were outed in BANNED (Sept. 2016) and well documented in bullet-proof fashion. Intrinsically, the very same media complicity is zeroed in on throughout the book. But, most vividly, it hits home in the book’s “AFTERWORD: JIHAD IN ORLANDO: FACEBOOK TAKES CENTER STAGE “, page 151. 

“As anticipated, the leftward and Islamic captured media went into hyper-drive, yarn-like, they spun what has become incessant fairy tale ‘reporting.’ They parroted Obama’s basic mantra: it’s the gun, stupid! And as if reading from the same demented script, the troika, namely, Obama Inc., media mouthpieces, and a plethora of smug professorial types, all chimed in with nary a hint about Islam’s poisonous roots threatening to upend America/the west. How can this be?”……..

SELF explanatory.

OMINOUSLY, it is into this western nightmare – a vortex of hell, to be more precise – that particular dangers must be highlighted, again, regardless of the anger and blow-back it provokes. 

BRAZENLY, as if on perfect cue from a maestro, CAIR – the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm in North America and Hamas’s U.S. front-arm – jumped right in the fray, that is, to orchestrate “prescriptive” measures to protect Muslims – never mind that it is the worldwide Christian and Jewish communities which require 24/7 guard from Islamic Jihad! No doubt, rational folks realize that this is the truth. 

PREDICTABLY, their remedy is to silence any and all criticism of Islam – dictated by the Koran ala Sharia Law, as weaponized through the ‘made up out of whole cloth’ bugaboo, Islamophobia!

The terror attack on mosques in New Zealand has lent new urgency to educating the public about those questions, say Islamic leaders. It’s not OK to be silent, they stress. But it’s also not a great idea to angrily take the bait.

“We recommend people make a statement that is not aggressive and doesn’t address the topic at hand,” said Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). “If you’re online, you can share a powerful quote from a global leader, a statement of peace. Or an appropriate emoji.”

In personal interactions, don’t engage the aggressor, he said, but rather support the person being attacked. Once one person has spoken up, others often will follow.

These are among the suggestions offered as the world reels from the latest violent attack on Muslims. Friday’s attack by a white nationalist at two mosques in Christchurch, which killed at least 49 people, is an extreme example of growing anti-Muslim sentiment sweeping the Western world, said Muslim leaders, and people with a moral compass need to make their voices heard.

Exactly how to do that is the issue.

Angry verbal sparring doesn’t change anyone’s mind, so it may be one of the least effective ways to combat hate speech, they said. Likewise, arguing your facts against their alleged facts rarely leads to illumination, because they simply don’t believe them.

“You have a certain segment of society that actually believes Muslims are trying to enact sharia law in the United States,” said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the national CAIR organization.

CAIR offers a Challenging Islamophobia Pocket Guide with advice on how to document, report and respond to anti-Muslim statements in the media, workplaces, schools and community. It can be downloaded and tucked in a wallet.

Perhaps the best tool for combating Islamophobia is getting non-Muslims to engage with Muslims, ideally face to face, said Muslim leaders. Americans who have Muslim friends and acquaintances are less likely to spout hate speech than others.

Mosques should continue their outreach into neighborhoods, inviting people in, anti-discrimination experts said. And churches need to help demystify Muslims to their congregations, they said. Civic institutions such as schools and universities also must build more opportunities for Muslims to interact with their non-Muslim neighbors.

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INFIDELS, wherever you are, trust, CAIR’s emphasis on ‘peaceful’ engagement is nothing short of mendacious lies; that which are underpinned, once again, by Sharia Law via taqiyya and tawriya. Inextricably. Dawa alike.

REMEMBER this too:
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INEXTRICABLY, the Jihad which is raging against Christians (across the world) is another manifestation of the concomitant Jihad against Jews, both of which are underpinned by Islam’s basis. Invariably, the left – with the media at the forefront – is wholly invested and aligned in the protection of the Islamist narrative. It is akin to fellow anti-American travelers converging around a common enemy.    
ALAS, the assertion that the slaughter in New Zealand is incompatible within any civilized society in no way obviates the necessity for the above truth-telling. And those who contend otherwise are either ignorant, PC addicted, foolish in the extreme, or malevolent in intent – towards infidels!

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Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '49 Gay Americans are killed by a Muslim in Florida and nobody blames Obama. 49 Muslims are killed by a Eco-Fascists (liberal) in New Zealand and everyone blames Trump Has the world gone crazy?'
{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} Click “Archives” to read, dated March 20, 2019}

{re-blogged at ConservativeFiringLine} –

Reportage On New Zealand’s Terror Attack Vis-à-vis The Double Standard Applied To Islamic-Based Terrorism: What’s Going On?

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Adina Kutnicki Performs Penny Lover (Karaoke Version) At A Top Recording Studio In Israel: “B-Day” Gift For “Doc”, Backgrounder

While millions of readers are familiar with my professional footprints all across the internet and in print media alike, a select grouping also know that aside from this milieu, yes, there are passions which run deep and predate the aforementioned footprints. Thank heavens.

From my earliest memories, music, in general, and singing, in specific, has been central within my heart and soul.


So much so, as an admittedly precocious, assertive, and self-confident pre-teen, it was not unusual (when at home, school, or otherwise familiar surroundings) to hear me belt out the latest tunes, diva-like, when swept away by a particular music genre. And the fact that my beloved parents, of blessed memory, took great pride in my vocal talent, well, that was all the approval that I needed to carry on the show! Shy, what’s that?

Moving right along, as I entered my late teens and into my early twenties, I sang at several of New York City’s downtown clubs, one of which was a rockin’ Israeli hot-spot. It was during that time that I was dating my late husband, of blessed memory, and, naturally, he escorted me to performances. Long story short, while proud of my vocal prowess and stage presence, he became (somewhat) uncomfortable with the flirtatious musicians who backed me up – and they were none too shy in their overtures, even knowing that I was “spoken for!” As such, I made the decision (and without regret) to “retire” my short-lived singing career. Even so, when the occasion arose, I never stopped performing for friends and family at weddings, bar-mitzvahs, or another such life-event.

Fast forward to the present, and, once gain, out-popped the songstress in me – but, this time, not in a New York City nightclub!

A little over a year ago – while enjoying a relaxing car trip with “Doc”, my new partner  – a highly popular 1984 soft rock/pop song, Penny Lover, played on the radio. Without any forethought (akin to an out-of-body experience!) and much to “Doc’s” amazement, I started belting it out. While no stranger to my love of music, until that moment in time, I had yet to put it on display. Oh, boy!

Since then, at his urging, I performed at a biannual fundraiser that his surgical colleagues underwrite. And being that the steering committee agreed that “I brought the house down”, they requested an encore performance at their upcoming dinner-dance. Pleased to oblige.

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With this musical backgrounder in mind, I wanted to gift something special for “Doc’s” birthday. Now, since he lacks for nothing, it dawned on me that an out-of-the-box keepsake would be the way to go. So, in honor of his special day, I decided to head to a top-of-the line studio – to record the very vocals which amazed him (his words), when he first heard me sing.

Having presented the MP-4 clip to him last night, the look on his face said it all. I asked him if I could share the recording with friends and family, if not, it would be kept private between us. Without skipping a beat, he told me to share it as wide and far as I want. Again, and I quote: “After all, what right do I have to keep your alluring vocals all to myself?” Well, not that he isn’t biased…..

All of which brings my most recent musical interlude to these pages – straight to today’s live upload!

Without further adieu….and, hopefully, for your listening pleasure…..

Found here too, a snippet of the live rehearsal –

(As an aside, while the actual recording session took place sans the shades, the studio engineer suggested that I keep them on for pictorial effect, claiming, it lent an aura to a “woman of mystery.” Hmm.)


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“AOC” Unmasked: How Did She “Appear” Out Of Nowhere? Who Are Her Puppeteers/Handlers? What Are Their End Goals? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

NOT unlike the great Houdini, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AKA “AOC”, magically appeared on the political landscape – just in time to unseat Rep. Crowley in New York’s 14th Congressional District. After having served twenty years in the House of Representatives, now you see him, now you don’t. Gone. Poof-like.

MEANWHILE, no one in the left-stream, fake news industrial complex has bothered to ask: Where in the hell did she come from? Alas, other than their so-called reporting via assorted puff pieces and hagiographies (mind you, through what she parroted to her fawning media flock), none of her murky backgrounder even comes close to explaining her meteoric rise to fame, as she catapults into the stratosphere!

SO, what gives?

IN reality, as some may have heard, she was plucked from her last job onto the national stage, yes, when she was known as “Sandy the bartender!” Happenstance? Again, why? And, how did this inglorious feat of magic and fortuitous luck transpire, transforming her into the darling of all socialist spitfires?

SPEAKING of magical happenings, just take a listen, then, hear her regurgitate the EXACT words/phrases mouthed by her handlers! Say whaaat?? To wit, the “mystery” of how she came to be where she is will be solved. Even so, it is way worse….way more nefarious…..than one dares to imagine.

IN bare-boned truth-telling mode:

Freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is a “puppet congresswoman,” and “the people controlling her are very dangerous.”

It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, acknowledges actor, writer and political commentator Christopher Patrick Kohls.

But the first-hand evidence is there for anyone to see, he contends in a video produced under his Mr Reagan moniker.

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not really the congresswoman of New York’s 14th Congressional District,” he says provocatively as he opens the video. “She is essentially an actress. She’s merely playing the part of a New York congresswoman.”

Freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is a “puppet congresswoman,” and “the people controlling her are very dangerous.”

It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, acknowledges actor, writer and political commentator Christopher Patrick Kohls.

Kohls explains that in 2017, a progressive group that formed in response to Trump’s election called the Justice Democrats held “auditions” for potential congressional candidates to run on their platform.

As evidence, he runs a clip from a Justice Democrats video.

“Back in 2016, we put out a call for nominations,” says the group’s executive director, Alexandra Rojas. “We got over 10,000 nominations. Out of those 10,000 nominations, we found Alexandria.”

Ocasio-Cortez herself, in another video, says her brother nominated her.

“My brother told me that he had sent my nomination in the summer, but I was, like, literally working out of a restaurant then. And I was like, there’s no way,” she says.

Kohls comments: “A casting call. They had a casting call. They cast Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the role of congresswoman. And they did this so they could promote their own agenda.

Justice Democrats, on its website, says it aims to reform the Democratic Party by running “a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress.”

In a feature on the group, the New York Times noted that in 2018, Justice Democrats endorsed 78 candidates and recruited 12 to run for office.

Of those 12, Ocasio-Cortez was the only one who won her general election.

However, six other endorsed candidates won, and among them are two other freshman House members who have joined Ocasio-Cortez in challenging the power of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Muslim Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

Last week, their power was demonstrated when a House Democratic Party resolution originally intended to reprimand Omar for anti-Semitic remarks was watered down. Before it went to a vote, Omar’s name was omitted and a long list of other forms of bigotry were added.

Meanwhile, two Justice Democrats tenets, “Medicare for all” and the Green New Deal have become litmus tests for Democratic presidential candidates.

Ocasio-Cortez and her former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, one of the founders of Justice Democrats, are the targets of a Federal Elections Commission complaint by the National Legal and Policy Center alleging violations of campaign-finance laws.

AS outrageous sounding as all this is, Americans must not veer away from the clear and convincing evidence contained within “The Brains Behind AOC.” Incontrovertibly, her mirroring of the EXACT words of her puppeteers is as plain as the nose on one’s face. That obvious.

MOST significantly, “AOC’s” handlers are HIGHLY dangerous revolutionaries, whose “inspiration” comes from mass murderers! And it is in their twisted quest to grab power and total control that the ends justifies the means. As such, pay attentive heed to the video’s backgrounders re the following suspects, among others.

  • Cenk Uygur, the leader of the “Young Turks“, is circumspect about who his inspirational role models are. But never mind. They hail from a Turkish revolutionary leadership responsible for (historically) documented mass murder during the Armenian Genocide. Make no mistake: Ignore at your own peril the group’s gobblygook, as they continuously insert their “progressive” double-speak and mantras. Of course, they use smoke and mirrors verbiage, most often, bandying about the terminologies “social good” and “justice” – as if mass murder is now a qualifying factor.
  • Corbin Trent, “AOC’s” top Congressional aide and Communications Director, is a master in Alinsky-style revolutionary tactics via Rules for Radicals. Through his organization, Brand New, she receives her messaging and marching orders. No kidding.
  • Zac Exley, her campaign organizer, is a Fellow at the Soros Open Borders Foundation, the blueprint organ to the west’s destruction. Similarly, he is a co-author of Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything. Naturally, he is another devotee and disciple of Saul Alinsky, whose inverse of morality and ethics is not difficult to document. Inextricably, there is a reason why “Rules for Radicals” is dedicated to Lucifer, the rebel against God’s rule and vast destroyer of Christian ideology.         
  • Which brings us to “AOC’s” ubiquitous appendage and Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti. But who is he, really, other than a violator of campaign finance laws? Well, his idol is none other than Subhas Chandra Bose, whose face not only adorns his ubiquitous t-shirt (as “in-your-face” as one can get), but who teamed up with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to achieve his goals – hmm, once again, another puppeteer infatuated with a mass murderer! Of course, then as now, Bose’s murderous deeds were veiled under the guise of a “higher” purpose and quest for “justice.” But it in his book, “Indian Struggle“, that his mask drops, when he admits: “India needed a mix of fascism and communism for the greater good.” Invariably, he greatly admired Benito Mussolini too, going so far as to gift him a copy of his book.

PATTERNS, anyone?

PATRIOTS, if anything, internalize this: “AOC’s” puppeteers are the worst of the worst, that is, if freedom and liberty are to remain cherished principles and intact in America. Know this too: If America falls, so too will Israel; the twin pillars of western civilization. The rest of the west will follow.

INCONTESTABLY, they are NOT bit players, nor are they fringe actors. They are, in both words and deeds, very BAD, highly-connected, and well-funded revolutionaries. It is what it is.

AND the very fact that “AOC” is making inroads ala a trajectory which would make a stable of Mafioso kingpins envious – as they operate 24/7 with a religious fervor that only “true believers” of a revolutionary cause, via upheaval and more, can muster –  it must be shouted from the rooftops: They view conservatives, who adhere to the Constitution and love/admire America, as sub-human! Extrapolate from there as to what awaits, that is, if patriots don’t push back with massive force!! Whatever it takes.

BUT never forget this too: None of the above would make a dent without the decades-long undermining from Soros’ hydra-like spears, currently, under the sway of so-called “justice” seekers – in reality, dangerous commiecrats of one variation or another.

AS is said, truth is stranger than fiction. Perilously so.

(Per the reference within, behold Chakrabarti’s “in-your-face” t-shirt – imprinted with the actual ! image of his idol, Subhas Chandra Bose!)

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The Brotherhood’s FULL-ON Infiltration & Penetration Into Congress Via Reps Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib: What’s To Be Done? By Adina Kutnicki

By: Adina Kutnicki

By the time (Islamist) Reps Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib burst onto the scene, in effect, storming the halls of Congress, former President Obama paved the way for the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s entry into the highest recesses of power. In fact, the proofs are beyond manifest – many of which are housed within Adina Kutnicki – A Zionist & Conservative Blog.

Alas, as always, a picture is worth (more than) a thousand words.

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Not only that, when the words, the actual ! admission, come straight from the so-called horse’s mouth, it behooves all Americans to buck up and pay rapt attention. As such, “Homeland Security’s Mohammed Elibary: Caliphate Inevitable” tweet on June 13, 2013 – as analyzed within the CLARION Project – should have put the truth of the administration’s plan in plain view – or not.

In this regard, proper due diligence requires evidentiary trails from as many patriotic megaphones as possible. Most especially, those whose expertise lies within Islamic Jihad must lead the way. Thus, let the following exhibits set the stage and underline the overarching charge-sheet(s). Indictment(s).

  • As laid out (at the onset of this site) in “Barack Hussein Obama Set To Formally Embrace Morsi, Egypt’s Brotherhood Pick: How Did This Happen?”, his footprints shed light on the whys and wherefores to President Mubarak’s toppling – with the full-on assistance of a compliant U.S. administration. HINT: Mubarak refused to play ball with the Brotherhood. Even more so, in his first official trip to Cairo, June 4, 2009, former President Obama signaled to the Islamic world/the ummah the administration’s strategic plans for re-shaping the Middle East – with absolute recognition of the knock-on effects on the U.S. ala the empowerment of the Brotherhood within the highest echelons. For further edification, the video linked below is more than instructive. However, it does require one’s “listening ears” to be finely attuned to his jive-talk which is honed for western consumption, as opposed to the winks and nods meant for Muslim audiences.

  • Added indictments can be found here, here, here, and among a long laundry list of others. In tandem, two global interviews – one of which was a tag-team approach between these authors – are duly supportive. They can be accessed here and here.

Clear as a bell. Again, straight out of the horse’s mouth.

As promised in the opening paragraph – now that the (provable) groundwork has been paved – it is time to link and hook into what is going down in Congress, that is, vis-à-vis the unprecedented infiltration and penetration of the Brotherhood Mafia into its recesses! Incontestably, it is an urgent imperative. Beyond.

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To be sure, over the years and creep-by-creep, the Brotherhood has been boring into Congress under the terror wings of CAIR; its N. American propaganda arm. Resultant, the reporting within has reflected the same.


Consider the following bullet points as highlighted “open sesames” re the Brotherhood’s initial boring into Congress. They are shored up here, here, here, and here – courtesy of access given by the Obama administration in particular and CAIR in specific.

Without further adieu, enter….(Islamist) Reps Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and their tie-ins to CAIR and related Brotherhood Mafia front groups!

  • Hot on the heels of the mid-terms, what are the chances that the following Intel Report (for a privately held Homeland Security entity, which is Israel and U.S. aligned) ties straight into the topic at hand? Rhetorical. So much so, the aforementioned Congressional reps are front and center: “UPDATE TO: Trends/Adaptations In Jihadi Tactics: The Rashida Talib Nexus.

As excerpted…..

To said end, the morning of January 10, 2019, I presented an updated Intel policy paper at the very same secured facility in Tel Aviv which housed last year’s conference. Among several areas of high concern, a segment of the presentation zeroed in on what is really……going down in “The Triangle“; AKA the Wadi Ara, AKA the Nahal Iron. An overview is below, including the nexus to US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib! …..

Of course, this is not the forum to get into specific details and associated plots. Rather, it is the place to enlighten the public as to what is at stake, sans all the Allah-wash from western leaders, including Israel’s. With this in mind, it is imperative to reveal a highlighted security concern from the conference. Incontestably, it links up the inextricable terror nexus between Israel and the US – vice versa.

In brief, many Americans have expressed concern about the newly elected Rashida Tlaib, an ethnic “Palestinian”, who represents Michigan in Congress. Well, they don’t know the half of it.

Effectively, I have been given permission to reveal this tidbit: when two of the assets associated with the conference (counter-terrorism and counter-Intel freelancers) were in Michigan (AKA Michiganstan) on another assignment, by accident, they “stumbled” upon a bombshell. It revolves around a clear connection between particular “Palestinian-Americans” (Jihadis-In-Suits) from clans in East Jerusalem, who happen to collaborate with clans in the Wadi Ara, who just happen to have access to Rashida Tlaib and her associates! This linkage is via what they termed the “Ramallah Connection” ala the AFRP, The American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine. Oh, what a tangled web of terror. Btw, her parental and close extended family live in a small, but highly active, Islamic-laced village, Beit Ur al-Foqa. It lies smack in Israel’s Judean hills….

For those who are still “doubting Thomases'”, Tlaib’s own words are beyond convincing and indicting – as to where her loyalty lies and what her (and fellow Mohammedans) goals are for America. Read: Sharia Law!!

As sister Islamists, both are totally hooked into CAIR/Hamas – to reiterate, the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm in N. America.

Oh, and pay special heed to the 5:02 mark at “Here Comes the (Jihadi) Bride: Access Denied!”, in so far that it is another nail in the coffin of CAIR and their inextricable link with the two anti-American, anti-semitic Muslimas in Congress.

And more of the same…..

And the hits keep coming….

  • More specifically, several non-captured media sites are raising the highest decibel alarms, as to the incalculable threat, that is, if they (alongside their socialist sister, AKA “AOC”, a main glue who holds their red-green alliance together) are not removed from office, let alone taken off key committees!
  • Aside from the “take-no-prisoners” Breitbart News (once again, laying out what’s what, relative to the dangers at bay), along comes the Jerusalem Post, and they too are sounding a high-pitched alarm. It is not for nothing.

Still yet, it is via the blessed work of Laurie Cardoza-Moore, under the wings of  PROCLAIMING JUSTICE TO THE NATIONS (, that millions of patriots (be they Christians, Jews, or others) are hearing the clarion call.

As thousands of signatures flood in responding to PJTN’s petition to demand Ilhan Omar’s resignation from Congress, more disturbing and incriminating evidence continues to mount against her.

Because of your overwhelming response, we are gaining momentum and attention from national and international media in this ambitious campaign to remove her from office.

What Rep. Omar espouses is not garden-variety anti-Semitism, but full-on terrorism. Make no mistake: a sitting representative in the United States Congress is fundraising for entities who give money to terrorists. And not a little, but millions each year!

Here are the facts:

Omar recently spoke at a benefit dinner for Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) in Tampa, a local chapter of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW). IRW has a history of funding terror organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.

IRUSA is today the largest Islamic charity in the West, with branches in more than 20 countries. It has received at least $80 million of funding from Western governments and international bodies, including the United Nations and the European Union. In 2014, the United Arab Emirates designated IRW as a terrorist organization because of its links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

NEXT – On March 23, Omar will be a guest speaker at a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraising event in Los Angeles.

Since 2013, PJTN has been involved in exposing CAIR’s instructional materials being used to indoctrinate our children with propaganda in U.S. schools.

PJTN stands committed to fight the vile effects of anti-Semitism wherever they are found and that is why we are demanding Omar’s resignation – effective immediately! Not only does she pose a threat to our Jewish and Christian Zionist communities, she is equally a threat to the national security of the U.S. and our trusted ally, Israel….continue here…..

Of course, everything which is charged against Omar is a mirror image towards Tlaib.

Most significantly, it is no wonder that those of us who understand what’s what and what’s at stake also pay heed to the Islamists within who spill the beans – even as their co-religionists hide within the underbelly of stealth jihad, thus, adhering to Islamic-sanctioned deceit ala taqiyya, kitman, tawriya, and muruna.

Trenchantly, Chicago’s “native son”, the highly educated Sheikh Omar Baloch, attests to what the end game is for Mohammedans – be they inside America, the west in toto, or within Islamic-ruled lands, respectively, Dar al-Harb or Dar al-Islam.

Most recently, this exchange tells the tale:

While Muslim clerics in the United States typically insist they submit to the U.S. Constitution, an Illinois cleric chastised Islamic relief organizations for not stating that an Islamic caliphate is the ultimate objective for Muslims.

Omar Baloch said many Islamic organizations are afraid of losing funding if they are too vocal about the establishment of a caliphate.

“We all have a higher goal … that is bigger than us, and that is the establishment of the caliphate,” he said in a video uploaded to his YouTube channel Jan. 29 titled “Constructive Criticism of Islamic Relief Organizations,” according to the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer commented that in Sunni Islamic theology, the caliphate is “the sole legitimate government to which Muslims owe loyalty.”

“It is ruled by a caliph, the military, political, and spiritual successor of Muhammad, and implements Islamic law, which is considered the non-negotiable law of Allah,” he wrote.

“How loyal do you think Sheikh Omar Baloch is to the American system of non-establishment of a religion and a republican governmental system? That’s right, not loyal at all. But to question him about this would be ‘Islamophobic.’”

Baloch said Islamic relief organizations do not place enough emphasis on the establishment of an Islamic caliphate as the long-term solution to humanitarian problems.

“If you’re not calling out the forces of injustice and you’re not telling Muslims the long-term solution, the common dream of the Muslims, the common legacy of the Muslims, of uniting the Muslims, in using the relief organization fund platforms to do that, [you’re deficient],” he said.

He was born in Chicago and is the scholar in residence at the Al-Furqaan Foundation in the Chicago suburb of Bolingbrook, Illinois, according to a Facebook page. He studied at Georgetown University, at Al-Azhar University in Egypt and at Jamia Thul Ahlul Hadith in Pakistan.

Baloch said Islamic relief organizations “have a very good platform to also explain the need for a caliphate.”

“I really wish that my brothers and sisters that work in relief organizations would take this task seriously,” he said.

Again and again, another pic is worth (more than) a thousand words – as Islam’s (female) foxes in the Congressional hen-house are feted by CAIR: “An exuberant crowd celebrated the victories of the first female Muslim members of Congress, Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), at a Jan. 10 reception hosted by the national office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) at Arlington, VA’s Hyatt Crystal City Hotel. Fellow Muslim Rep. André Carson (D-IN), in office since 2008, was also in attendance.”

Questions, anyone? To be continued…..

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