Certain scenarios and propositions appear so outlandish it becomes next to impossible to internalize, let alone believe, they are true.

Such is the case with today’s commentary, in so far as it has many elements attributed to “conspiracy thinking”. Agreed. Yet, those of us who keep abreast of matters farther afield than most – checking and double checking said scenarios – relying on trusted contacts to confirm certain matters, certainly realize when smoke is blown. This is NOT one of those (smoke-filled) times.

But to understand what’s unfolding behind the scenes – with many hints and variants in public view – one must backtrack, otherwise none of it makes sense. Patience, dear readers.

Enter: David Rockefeller, bankster and globalist extraordinaire, with others of great wealth similarly in sync (as a side note, being a native New Yorker, can’t count how many times shows were enjoyed at one of NYC’s most well known landmarks, Rockefeller Center…through their family’s capitalist empire they plotted America’s eventual downfall…Machiavellian) have been plotting for decades to destroy the dollar and bring America to its knees.

To catch a glimmer into Rockefeller’s evil designs, a prudent starting point can be found within the following 2 youtubes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUvNP4C_rDo – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZZklPnVs-Y. They are just the opening shots. More specifically,

Rockefeller, who is the founder of the Trilateral Commission, a secretive internationalist think tank, wrote in his memoir, “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

In a speech at the 1991 Bilderberg Convention, Rockefeller stated “we are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty on an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

He even praised Chinese Communist dictator Mao Zedong, who slaughtered millions of people saying, “one is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony…. Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution it has obviously succeeded… in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive….The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly form the singleness of ideology and purpose…. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history.”

Rockefeller and his ilk claim to be defenders of capitalism but what they really are is oligarchist who believe that we are better off being rules by elite bankers who have no regard for nation states and individual liberty. Obama has proven  he is another tool of Wall Street and may only be supporting tariffs as an act or to pander to union support. Globalization is all about plundering the wealth of  American workers and consumers as well as the exploitation of third world resources and labor to benefit the ultra wealthy.

YES, decades in the making, Rockefeller’s own boastful and brazen words indict him, and the above plans are coming to fruition under the “guiding hands” of anti-American, Barack HUSSEIN Obama. And, aside from his “green/Islamist” roots, he was plucked for the Presidency – out of relative obscurity – to usher in the unfolding economic nightmare. His “red” roots assures his fealty to America’s undoing; ushering in the toppling of freedom and liberty, as the west’s epicenter. Once gone, the rest will fall into (obedient) place like dominoes. In addition, uncontrollable greed by banksters and their helpmates is at the plot’s core.  

To be sure, what was harder to accomplish decades ago, has become easy peasy – hi-tech-wise.

Weaponized banking – Cyber security, hacking & Electronic theft of all personal ID and information – Northeast Intelligence Network

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 – video embedded

20 November 2013:  Tonight will be a very important episode of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report as we welcome Steve Quayle, Michael Erevna, and “V,” The Guerrilla Economist for a round table discussion as they expose their findings on the international banking system’s criminal enterprise. We already know that the U.S. dollar is targeted for destruction, but how are events going to unfold?

Regardless of where you live or where do your banking, you are about to be financially raped in a very systematic and methodical manner. It goes far beyond the erosion of your financial wealth that is already taking place by the debasement of our currency. It is much deeper, as the central banks are involved in the collection of your personal identifying information on a global level (in the U.S., under the color of the authority of the PATRIOT Act) and the theft of such information to subjugate you to their control.

The powerhouse of knowledge brought by our guests tonight will leave you more informed and educated on the evil machinations we are about to see unfold – events that will usher in the global economic system planned and plotted so long ago.

Steve Quayle: Steve is an internationally renowned author, researcher, talk show host and regular guest on such radio programs as The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, Coast to Coast AM, and countless other syndicated stations across the world. Always in high demand, Mr. Quayle has been light years ahead of other researchers about a variety of topics, including the construction of a one world system of government that includes the economic political and religious structure that is being implemented before our eyes. Mr. Quayle has predicted with accuracy well over a decade ago, based on his own extensive research and analysis of events, what is taking place today. He is the founder and operator of his website SteveQuayle.com.

Michael Erevna:  Mr. Erevna is the founder and editor of RevelationNow.net and has worked for 20 years as a software engineer for the central banks as well as some of the largest defense contractors in the world. He is truly an insider’s insider, with knoweldge of the mechanics of the methods the central banks are employing to steal your identity and wealth.

“V,” The Guerrilla Economist™: Using the pen-name “v” and the moniker of “The Guerrilla Economist, “V” has worked as a top analyst and commercial banker for one of Great Britain’s largest financial institutions.  He predicted the first shots of our currency war, and the only source who predicted the current state of suppression of precious metals, calling exactly what the price would be contrary to every other voice in the world today. He is a contributor to Steve Quayle’s alerts and is the operator of a subscription based website RogueMoney.net.

But where does NSA’s domestic spying (foreign spying as well, but for this discussion let’s concentrate on its domestic element) arm enter into the plans of globalist banksters?

IF one fully grasps that uncovering terror connections is NOT the epicenter of domestic spying, hence, its out-sized necessity, then other motives loom into focus. How do we know this? Well, more than enough evidence obliterates Obama Inc’s claims, yes, domestic spying is terror related and nothing more. Not exactly.

In fact, there has been a purging of Islam + terror within all of America’s anti-terror/enforcement protocols ! Worse, America’s mosques, the crux of terror activity, are off limits. Thus, balderdash aside, little else matters. Jibber jabber.

At the other side of the spectrum lies NSA’s real thrust, which revolves around its little known marching orders; a two pronged scooping/surveillance mission. 

Creating a dissident’s list, in tandem with collecting all relevant personal data, gives Obama Inc. more than enough ammunition to control millions upon millions of Americans. In particular, those likely deemed “troublemakers”, specifically patriots and vets, are a globalist’s nightmare.

In effect, with such dynamite in hand, the expectation of privacy, upon which liberty and freedom are lynch pins, becomes DOA.

Most significantly, TOTAL control over the world’s citizens is their end game. Once all the pieces fall into place it will become impossible, in many lifetimes, to undo. And that’s the ultimate goal: the passing of the torch from one generation of bankster globalist family/entity to another.


WHEREAS most clear headed thinkers are hardly shocked…shocked…by the Islamist-in-Chief’s sell out to Iran’s hegemonic ambitions, the fact of the matter is that there are a few cogent explanations as to precisely what animates his treachery.

The above not only involves Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s betrayal of Israel – America’s ONLY reliable ally in the region – but western interests as a whole, most especially America’s. Simple, yet complicated, as that.

In effect, The Leader Of The Free World Aims For America’s And Israel’s Jugular – Their “Disarming”: The Benefits Accrued To Iran was written as a precursor to Obama’s traitorous behavior, with tracks laid out which defined his insidious path.

YET, now that the so called  “deal with the Islamic devil” is all but sealed – and aside from this Brotherhood expert’s banging on the same drum for over a year – few others, aside from Caroline Glick, got it right. Her analysis is more than righteous, it is a bulls eye – Jerusalem Post’s Glick: Iran Deal ‘Betrays’ US Allies:

The nuclear disarmament deal with Iran is “a heinous act of aggression by the United States against its allies in the Middle East and against its own national security,” says Caroline Glick, deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post.

Iran has pledged to destroy the United States, it’s developing military bases throughout Central and South America for that explicit purpose, and Obama just approved a deal that all but guarantees that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons,” Glick told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV…..a blow out video is a must view!

Like anything else of major import, there is always room for add-ons, and this time is no exception. To wit, full recognition of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s fealty to the red/green alliance must be understood for what it is; an inherent/requisite basis to his actions. 

In the main, although it appears as if Russia’s Putin runs circles around the POTUS, this is hardly the case. For if this is indeed true, it would mean that their goals are diametrically opposed and Putin trumped Obama. NOTHING could be further from the truth!

So let’s just back track a bit, merely as a starting point to the root of the matter. The Radical-in-Chief & His Communist Hawaiian Roots: More Than Just An Exotic Locale is not meant as a trip down memory lane, but one which cements the Radical-in-Chief’s red alliance. Enter: his “relationship” with Putin, as well as with other red-imbued international players, including Obama’s main consigliere, Valerie Jarrett.

As a result, If It Looks Like A Socialist/Marxist/Communist Plan It Is: Peeking/Peeling Back Into Obama’s Looking Glass – Surrogates Too – Their Bomblets Waiting To Explode – and they are indeed explosive!

Now, as much as Putin has his hands full with a dangerous Islamist presence in outlying regions, the fact of the matter is that he dispatches them efficiently with brute force. NO quarrels on this end.

However, it is absolutely the case that Putin’s Russia has been working on replanting MAJOR Russian influence back into the Mid East, a goal ever since the Soviets were supplanted by the U.S., after the Suez war of late 1956. This is a historical fact. KNOW thy history well.

Russia’s goals are primarily economic concerns, with an eye towards reaping rewards for its burgeoning arms industry – their main financial arm. Hence, Putin’s mega deals with Iran and Syria (and now with Egypt, after Obama bitch- slapped Egypt’s military rulers), the incontestable butchers in the region. Of course, with this economic foothold, it underpins Russia’s equally intrinsic aim – to knock back the U.S. to less than super power status. 

As history unfolds, with a red-infused Obama in the White House, “flexibility” comes in many arenas. Recall their “hot mic” moment: President Obama made light Tuesday of the hot microphone moment he had the day earlier with Russian President Medvedev, where he said that after the November election, he’d have more “flexibility” on the issue of missile defense. 

Accordingly, Obama’s gyrations aside, leaving Russia to “police” the Mid East – once again – suits Obama and Putin equally, despite any smoke blown by either side. 

On its face, the U.S.’s inexorable departure from the Mid East not only knocks America down to “paper tiger” status, but, most significantly, it leaves Israel boxed in between a hostile, pro-Arab Russia and a nuclear armed Iran.

And, this is why, despite Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Sunni roots – and with the Saudis (and others) up in arms about his abandonment of their interests too – the POTUS ignored Iran’s freedom fighters, back in 2009, and gave a heads up to the mullahs to continue as is. It was also the chief reason why his “red line” in Syria was nothing short of hooey and phooey, despite the fact that Assad’s regime has butchered upwards of 200,000 people. Besides, keeping promises to genocidal rulers (Shia or Sunni, as is the case with his fealty to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia) is a necessity, if the fulfillment of red/green alliances are to come to fruition. 

Always remember a central component to Obama’s outreach tour to the Muslim world in the Mid East, back in 2009. His intentions were made clear in a myriad of ways, some of which are documented herein: “I AM A MUSLIM,” OBAMA TELLS EGYPTIAN FOREIGN MINISTER GHEIT – ISLAMIC COUP ON THE WHITE HOUSE:

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, in which President Obama told him that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.

Finally, during the week of 14-18th of January 2010, just on the eve of my winter tour to the US, Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast in which Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit said on the “Round Table Show” that he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel. (more here)

BUT, what if there is NO there even there? How so? Well, the following, passed onto yours truly, more than gums up the works and adds to the deception in play:

The consequences of the Geneva hoax (info # 012811/13 EV) [analysis]

By Jean Tsadik © Metula News Agency

Trans. From French Llewellyn Brown

Of course, in history, kings or governments have already made oral agreements without signing the slightest document. There have already been cases of such understandings being respected. The existence of a signed treaty is not the only way for two States to come to an understanding. As far as we are concerned, we have never claimed the contrary.

It remains nonetheless true that an agreement that is duly written up in legal language, signed by plenipotentiaries and endorsed by the legislative powers of a country has substantial advantages over a contract whose contours are only vaguely defined. Thus including, of course, over a “Joint Plan of Action”, conceived in such a way that each one can present it to his population, his journalists, his supreme guide or his Congress, in the way he deems fit, while a rationally insuperable abyss separates these interpretations.

Moreover, one is obliged to make an absolutely different strategic analysis according to whether there is an agreement in all due form or a common working draft, since they do not have the same consequences: they do not offer the same guarantees and require extremely distinct safeguards.

That is why the scoop the Ména made on Sunday is fundamental. Firstly, it was important to say that there was no agreement at Geneva between Iran and the 5+1; next, that the governments are deliberately lying to the public by claiming the contrary; finally, that the media, all the media, are participating in the hoax, shirking their duty to inform, to analyze and to be curious.

Are the latter sinking into activism? Into euphoria? Into naivety? into anti-Semitism? Into an absence of any professional spirit or simply into stupidity? The details of our colleagues’ reasons do not have the slightest interest in our opinion. What is important, however, is the phenomenon: that of an entire profession, on a global scale, of people that spend their days commenting a text they have never seen, that does not exist and that they do not demand to be entitled to read.

An entire profession of people that interpret and dissect Obama’s Fact Sheet, that peremptorily repeat that at Geneva Iran engaged to do this or that, whereas in the “Joint Plan of Action”, there is not the least phrase starting by “Iran engages to…”. Neither in the form nor the content. There is no mention of a contract, a treaty, an understanding, all of that is simply invention or deception.

President Obama also risks a proceeding of impeachment, having asserted before his fellow citizens that the United States had signed an agreement that they did not sign and that Iran accepted commitments that they did not.

Other places have other rules, other traditions: in France, François Hollande can be “glad about the treaty signed” in the Swiss capital – the laws of the Fifth Republic French are very flexible when it comes to presidential distortions –, in America, it is not the case. In the USA, people do not accept that fact that a head of state can lie to those who have elected him.

Members of the Congress, Democrats and Republicans, doubtless warned by Stéphane Juffa’s article, are considering initiating impeachment proceedings. Soon, they will demand that Barack Obama present them with the “agreement signed in Geneva”. That promises to be spectacular.

In the meantime, Congressmen and Senators are preparing to draw up and enact a law defining the measures that the United States should instantly apply should the Islamic “Republic” break its undertakings. According to the calls we have received from Washington, retaliation would be fierce, and this law is most likely to pass.

Its content will obviously be based on Obama’s Fact Sheet, in the absence of any other document. On Capitol Hill – that is the good side of the fools’ agreement imposed by the president! –, they do not bother themselves, they “trust him” when they take note of all the contractual commitments supposedly agreed to by Iran.

And if the inspectors of the IAEA are hindered from inspecting, or if they discover that the Persians are not acting in accordance with the Fact Sheet, the Congress will hasten to sound the charge. Because they have the justified impression they have been duped by the White House, because they are aware of what is happening in Iran under the present dictatorship, and they do not want it to become a nuclear power, and because they support Israel.

On the international level, one can thus almost act – on the condition that one is the United States of America – on the basis of an interpretation one intends to impose on a text that has not been endorsed by the adverse party. It suffices that one arbitrarily sets the red lines and threatens one’s interlocutor with the worst sanctions if he does not undertake what is mentioned in the Joint Plan of Action.

In these conditions, why does the Ména make such a fuss about the absence of a formal treaty? Answer: because of everything such an absence implies!

Because in spite of all the pressure, the months of secret negotiations between the USA and Iran, which we have written about every week in our columns, the sanctions, the threats of Israeli interventions, the Ayatollahs have not capitulated: they have not publicly accepted to give up their project of an atomic bomb.

Because, and that is for sure – the 5+1 being believable nations – as Laurent Fabius announced yesterday, the sanctions will start to be lifted in December. What haste for Bayard-Fabius since, in such a short time, it will be impossible to observe if the Persians have or have not acted according to the terms of commitments they did not agree to!

Because the economic isolation imposed on Teheran – and which helped oblige the mullahs to discuss with the Westerners – has been irreparably broken. The Indians have already announced they are only waiting to solve a problem of transport insurance before ordering six million barrels of black gold from Khamenei. The head of the French automobile industry has already bought his ticket for Persia, where he hopes to negotiate contracts intended to give some air to his suffocating sector. He was right to hurry, because he will probably come across his Japanese, Korean and European counterparts in his hotel.

The business world is as eager to include the Iranians again, as are the latter themselves. And in the absence of clear and constraining treaty, Teheran will, in the next few days, be transformed into a new Eldorado. Moreover the figures of the increase in the Persians’ revenues resulting from the relaxing of the sanctions that are integrated in Obama’s Fact Sheet appear for what they are: ridiculous.

Besides, no mention is made of these estimations in the “Joint Plan of Action”, and it is one of the other base tricks. Even in their content, even without bothering about the lack of commitments: the facts published by Obama and Rohani do not coincide.

And on that score there is no doubt, the American previsions of 4 to 8 billion dollars of revenue for the ayatollahs will be demolished, as will those of the Israeli Minister of International Relations, Intelligence & Strategic Affairs, Yuval Steinitz, that totaled forty billion. In six months, at Metula, we would be surprised if these revenues did not attain a hundred billion, and above all, if the enthusiasm and interests they generate do not make the commitments of the 5+1 irreversible, with or without a further relaxing of sanctions, whatever the Iranians’ action regarding their nuclear program may be.

To put the Americans on the warpath, in these conditions, there would need to be a huge violation by the theocratic junta of the commitments it did not agree to. But there is nothing on the horizon that could force Obama to reconsider the other options, of which he says they remain “on the table”.

Since these hypothetical violations would not be flagrant: for example, how can one precisely qualify the dilution of the existing stock of 20% enriched uranium? How can one determine when and where it should start, and what ultimate form it should take, since nowhere is it stipulated. And if nothing is provided for, nothing can constitute a violation, that is obvious.

And this example is rather appropriate, since it constitutes the second condition imposed by the Westerners for an agreement with Teheran: 1. the ceasing of enrichment activities, 2. the lengthening of the breakout time, the time necessary for the Shi’a theocracy to build a bomb, if it decides to do so.

Then with the 185 kilos of 20% enriched uranium listed in their possession, the breakout time can be set at about 21 days. Next to nothing, in fact, and that is why the planet at least required a very precise calendar for the destruction of these reserves, starting yesterday rather than tomorrow, and stipulating all the necessary technical items. And above all, a formal, verifiable and signed one!

The agreement hoax, set up by the Obama administration with the active help of the other members of the Security Council and Germany, constitutes this time an attempt to plot [this is the first time, since its creation, that the Ména has spoken of the eventuality of a plot. Editor’s note.]. Barack Obama decided a long time ago that he would not engage in an armed conflict with the Islamic “Republic”; then, by dint of trying to negotiate, he has ended up convincing himself that Khamenei, having doubtless seen through the intentions of the American President, would not give up his nuclear project, and that he would not sign any document to this effect.

That was clear to Obama and Kerry well before the call to the meetings in Geneva, since their emissaries and their atomic experts had been regularly meeting their Persian counterparts for more than six months.

Two options remained for the resident of the White House: to resort to force in order to stop the ayatollahs from progressing on the path to their bomb, or making do with a nuclear Iran, in the short or medium term, hoping that the economic upturn and the fear of a return to sanctions would make the supreme guide and his clique back away.

That is really misjudging them, however; knowing their ability to ruse, it seems to me they will have both.

What is extraordinary, in this matter, is the relaxed manner in which Barack Obama announced to his people the signing of an agreement, and Iran’s equally fictitious commitments. And the ease with which the other powers – who also fear a confrontation that is unimaginable for them without Washington, and who were jubilant about trading with the Iranians anew – participated in the deception.

As for Binyamin Netanyahu, he is most naïve, as it so happens. His Ministry of Foreign Affairs followed in the footsteps of the US administration, and he too drew up a Fact Sheet of his own devising, taking the White House’s one at face value.

Here is a Prime Minister criticizing a non-existent treaty! He complains that Iran has not committed itself to dismantling its production tools for enriched uranium, that it is allowed to continue to enrich up to 5%, and that it has not destroyed its heavy water factory at Arak, while benefitting from a relaxing of economic sanctions. The reality is much darker: Iran is reintegrated into the world of international commerce, but has committed itself to nothing at all.

Were he better informed, better advised, he should content himself with demanding that the 5+1 publish the agreement that they claimed to have signed, that would make his task easier. And demand, alternatively, if the agreement is secret, that they say so, if it is an oral one, that they say so too.

But for that, it is much too late, most of the 5+1 leaders having already spoken of the “signing of an agreement” that is supposedly written. It remains for the Israelis to demonstrate that it is not an agreement, and that the “Joint Plan of Action” contains no commitment on the part of the Iranians.

One option remains on the table: that of an intervention by Tsahal [the IDF]. It worries the conspirators to the highest degree, as they do not want the first condemned to revolt. That explains Laurent Fabius’ comment, according to which, if the Israelis intervened militarily, whereas an agreement had been reached, no one would understand them.

Or the much tougher and even threatening remark made by the British Foreign Office Secretary, William Hague on Monday: “We would discourage anybody in the world, including Israel, from taking any steps that would undermine this agreement and we will make that very clear to all concerned”. W. Hague added that Great Britain “is on its guard”.

Not to hinder the Iranians from making an atomic bomb, but to dissuade the Israelis from putting their spanner in the works. Here, we repeat that William Hague is shamelessly lying when he speaks of an agreement, regarding which he is ideally situated to know that it does not exist.

The British Foreign Affairs Minister is only protecting the plot he is participating in. But basically he is right, as is Fabius: it will be difficult for Israel to act, as long as the conjuration obliging the latter to bend its knee remains powerful.

For Jerusalem to extricate itself, it would have to start by utilizing appropriate arguments, and for the moment, that is limited to officially demanding the treaty be published. I know, I am repeating myself, it is not my style, but here, it is important to be precise and to insist.

But essentially, for Israel to extricate itself, three conditions are necessary: 1. That it demonstrates that there is a plot, 2. That it succeeds in proving – in the juridical meaning of the term – a major violation by the Iranians of Obama’s Fact Sheet, and 3. That Saudi Arabia and other Arab states participate, and not simply half-heartedly, in a military operation with the Hebrews against the Islamic “Republic”.

In these contingent circumstances, in the case where the Jews and the Arabs of the region allied together to intervene, considering the Shi’a nuclear threat to be unbearable, and the “Joint Plan of Action” to be insufficient, no one could oppose their decision, neither Hague nor Obama, and that would delight the Congress.

And I assure you that we are infinitely closer to a coalition of this sort, which seemed improbable for decades, than I have the right to tell you. In fact, Khamenei only has one chance of escaping the joint thunderbolt of Jews and Arabs: by scrupulously respecting a contract he refused to sign and by relinquishing his nuclear project.

It is on every account a wild situation, but it is so.

NEVERTHELESS, despite the heretofore leader of the free world’s ultimate betrayal, the nation of Israel is hardly at his mercy. In fact, the only thing standing in Israel’s way is the spinelessness of many of its top leaders, as they genuflect to Obama Inc’s dictates and obediently take his administration at its (lying) word.

IN this regard, the Betrayer-in-Chief has the pulse of Israel’s leadership in the palm of his hand. He knows that they are malleable and terrified of losing America as an ally, therefore, whenever Israel’s leaders (momentarily) push back, Obama dangles “this and that” to keep them in line. Now, no one with any brain cells left believes that the following sweeteners are worth a damn, considering the POTUS’s track record, as well as the existential threat which a nuclear-armed Iran poses.

Joint Israeli-US war game when Iran deal expires

DEBKAfile November 28, 2013, 5:54 AM (GMT+02:00)

A high-ranking Israeli officer told TIME magazine Wednesday, that the US and Israel have scheduled a joint war game in six months time, when the interim nuclear agreement signed between Iran and the West on Sunday expires.
“The strategic decision is to continue to make a noise,” the  Israeli official, who asked to remain anonymous, said.
“In May there’s going to be a joint training exercise with the Americans,” he added. “It’s going to be big.”
Debkafile reported Wednesday that the administration hopes to stop the flow of rhetoric by a package of measures designed to allay Israel’s concerns over the nuclear deal and the rapprochement in progress between the US and Islamic Republic.
According to our sources, the package will include an upgrade of Israeli Air Force capabilities.

REGARDLESS, Israel’s citizen-soldiers are waiting for their appeasement-oriented leaders to buck up and to behave as statesmen should, not as slavish devotees to their “master” in Washington – I Am An Israeli Soldier, Proud To Be! – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-VzAWJ1yK4 

Future generations will (metaphorically) crucify PM Netanyahu if he fails to step out of Obama’s shadow, in time to save half of world Jewry. Time will soon tell. It’s of the essence. 


In relation to breaking free from the Fed’s choke hold, their strangle hold, previous commentaries touched upon several well qualified rumblings.

And while many are truly fed up with Washington’s dictates, it is also the case that talking is never the same barometer as doing. There are those who just jibber jabber but hardly put their cards on the table. Cowards. But this is not the case with a growing number of (“rural”) Coloradans, and other states/counties are joining the fray.

Consider the past as prologue, particularly as Obamacare’s death grip shocks many heretofore fence sitters into action-mode. Many are now realizing that the health care overhaul was never meant to result in “affordable” care, but for TOTAL control over America’s citizens, especially as up to 80 million are reportedly in jeopardy of losing their health care! Say what? NOT only that, but Obamacare is the linkage to eventual gun control. Yes, its loopholes are designed to disarm Americans. Evil.

In this regard, secession is looking better and better – the real “hope for change”. Its effects are bubbling to the surface and Northeast Intelligence Network renders some clues as to the undercurrent of secession. 

Is anyone surprised that Texans are leading the charge towards secession too ? Enter Coloradans, as they set the stage to blow out ALL Demsters who mess with their Constitutional right to bear arms.


5 counties plunge forward with plan for new state

For the first time since the Civil War, U.S. counties have voted to instruct their elected officials to pursue the possibility of forming a 51st state.

Residents of five Colorado counties voted Tuesday in favor of the resolutions.

“This is an important moment for liberty,” said Jeffrey Hare, founder of the 51st state initiative. “We have five counties in this state that have said they want to exercise their rights under the state constitution and secede.”

Colorado has a strong statement in its constitution saying the people have the right to abolish the government anytime they believe it is necessary. Article II of the Colorado constitution says:

“The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign and independent state; and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided, such change be not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.”

The wording is particularly significant, because Colorado became a state in 1876, 11 years after the end of the Civil War.

With the passage of the ballot measures in the five counties, Coloradans for the second time this year have drawn their authority directly from the state constitution to do something that politics was unable to accomplish.

Earlier they used Article XXI to recall from office two Democratic state senators who voted in favor of a series of gun control laws that were among the strictest in the nation. The recall was the first time the constitutional provision had ever been utilized.

Now residents are taking the first step to exercise their right to abolish their form of government. While media reports have claimed residents were voting on secession, that is not completely accurate.

Secession would need the approval of the state legislature or state electorate and then of the U.S. Congress.

Hare noted that even in the counties that voted against secession the margin of victory was not overwhelming.

“Since this movement began a few months ago we went from zero to 43 percent approval even in the counties that voted against the issue,” Hare said. “This is especially significant when you consider that unlike other ballot initiatives, there was no organized campaign in support of the measure.”

“The most we did was a few radio ads and Facebook posts. We didn’t have the time or money to have meetings advocating the issue. In spite of this, large percentages of voters said they wanted to leave the state.”

The movement has inspired residents in other states to consider similar measures. In California, residents in some northern counties are attempting to secede from the state and form a new state of Jefferson. Residents of other states have also contacted county officials asking about the possibility of starting their own secession movements.

Weld County commissioner Sean Conway said while he respects the wishes of the voters, who turned down the resolution, the issues that prompted the vote still need to be addressed.

“You have to respect the voters’ decision. Weld County commissioners will not pursue a 51st state, but we will pursue other options that I think address the problem,” Conway said from a Weld County election watch party in Fort Lupton. “The (disconnect) problem still exists. I think it’s incumbent upon us to continue this dialogue, which began in June to address the disconnect between rural and urban communities in Colorado, and come together to try and find a solution to addressing that problem.”

Conway told WND the vote raised awareness of the problem and inspired others nationwide.

“I fully understand that our movement is kind of like the young child who said the emperor has no clothes on,” Conway said. “We are setting the example and leading the way for people all across this country who are frustrated at being ignored by government officials and we’re doing what they wanted to do, but were afraid to attempt. People all across the country are now finding courage because of what we did. They’re saying if northeastern Colorado can stand up to a government that doesn’t address their concerns, then we can to.”

Hare said with Tuesday’s vote, the movement is just beginning.

“We now need to focus on educating people in the counties that voted for the issue on the need to put pressure on the legislature to allow them to have an actual vote on the issue,” Hare explained. “These counties are all right next to each other, we have established a beachhead for secession in the state and we need to build on the ground we do have.”

YES, aside from the “east and west left coasts” (alas, this American-Israeli’s home city, NYC, just elected DeBlasio, a true bloody Commissar, therefore, all “hope for change” is gone) there are many other states left over, and they are viewing the handwriting on the wall. The disarming of America. Take Montana as a “test” case….

The plaintiff in a Montana lawsuit seeking freedom from federal gun regulations has written an open letter to members of the U.S. Supreme Court, where his case soon is to be appealed, pleading with them to rein in the federal government’s arrogance and conceit.

“The natives are beyond restless. They are at the stage of collecting torches and pitchforks and preparing to head for the castle gates en masse,” writes Gary Marbut, president of Montana Shooting Sports Association and author of “Gun Laws of Montana.”

FEW can argue that the Radical-in-Chief is up to his neck in disarming America, and in more ways than one. But the fastest route to its dismantlement runs through gun control. Hence, the all out push, even if less than visible surface-wise.

For additional ammunition, a good understanding of Obama’s plans to subdue Americans is an essential read: MARTIAL LAW PLANS RATCHETED UP IN THE U.S.. What Does Obama Inc. Have In Store For “Non-Compliant” Citizens & Others? 

Chillingly, as Coloradans assert their rights, take a listen to the embedded radio show by Northeast Intelligence Network (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cfp-radio/2013/11/27/greg-evensen-and-steve-quayle-on-gun-confiscation), as intelligence insiders send out alarm bells to local police, sheriff’s departments and overall citizens, regarding the Feds plans for Martial Law. But there’s more. Guess which state is first in their cross hairs? Colorado! On the other hand, Tennessee is rapidly becoming a militarized zone, checkpoints, DNA swabs and all! 

And though the leftist controlled media by Obama Inc. has intensely squashed all hope of getting to the bottom of Fast & Furious, gun control was its genesis. Its raison d’etre.

So woe to all “bitter clingers”, Obama and goons are coming for your guns – with or without your approval! Stay alert. Pay this forward.

MARTIAL LAW PLANS RATCHETED UP IN THE U.S.. What Does Obama Inc. Have In Store For “Non-Compliant” Citizens & Others? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

There are many blessings to thank G-d for, even when the world appears to be spinning out of control. And this is something we all have to remember – this blogger included – especially when life throws us the harshest of curve balls. No easy feat. 

So Thanksgiving is one such time to also recall another blessing, by taking the time to thank those who are toiling – often at great personal and professional risks – to alert others to the many dangers lying in wait. Not to scare others, but to empower them. 

Well, in light of the above, let us discuss an ongoing concern at this site, one which would have been unthinkable to comprehend, or even contemplate, a decade ago. Believe it.

Specifically, the following exhibits demonstrate Obama Inc.’s propensity – as well as their actual preparations – towards a trigger point scenario, one which will culminate (at the most opportune crisis-like situation) into executing Martial Law.

Exhibit A – Fomented Chaos By POTUS ‘Allows’ Him To Issue Executive Orders… With Unprecedented Power Grabs (at least since 9/11/01)…Rep Kay Granger (Texas) Raises Alarm

Exhibit B – Black Hawks Swirling Over US Cities…DHS Stockpiling Inordinate Amount of Ammo..Who IS Their Target?Addendum To : RED HOT Warning From Northeast Intelligence Network

Exhibit C – CDC (Centers For Disease Control & Prevention) & FEMA…What Are They Up To? 

Exhibit D – WOE To All “Bitter Clingers”: Yes, They’re Coming To CONFISCATE Your Guns! 

Exhibit E – U.S. Law Enforcement Running Wild: Military Powers Incrementally Bestowed. Where Is This Headed?

Exhibit F – Signs of Civil War Could Lead To Martial Law

Exhibit G – The Opening Of A Pandora’s Box: Martial Law Via Jihad In Boston

Exhibit H – Russian/Foreign Troops Inside America; FEMA Detention Camps & Agenda 21: Training For MARTIAL LAW Against U.S. Citizens!

Exhibit I – The INCREASING THREAT Of MARTIAL LAW: Demster Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee’s Loose Lips, Her “Slip Of The Tongue”

Exhibit J – DHS, Valerie Jarrett’s Fiefdom, TARGETING U.S. (Patriotic) Citizens/Christians: Warnings From (Retired) Army Officers of MARTIAL LAW & More

Basically, only in a nation whereby the leadership is akin to a criminal empire, would the above exhibits NOT land them in jail. Alas, this is the case in Obama’s America: Entering The Parallel Universe of Radical Politics Gone Haywire…A Short Path To Dictatorship (Oct 2012)as such they continue (unimpeded) to “forward march”, aptly used as Obama Inc.’s main campaign slogan! How ignorant does The One think the masses are of historical slogans? VERY.

There are many underlying reasons, as to why patriotic Americans are currently  treated as the enemy, but several stand out among the rest.

The fact of the matter is that at no time in U.S. history have loyal, patriotic Americans been treated worse, than under the abusive reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. NOW, if the goal is to transform America from a superpower, and align it with third world countries, how better to accomplish this, than to hunt down those who are its most actively loyal citizens? For if this feat is accomplished, then there is little doubt, those less patriotically inclined will fall into line…….

Comply or die – Night of the Long Knives for Law Enforcement – Kristallnacht – Broken Glass for Americans

8:00-11:00 PM ET – Northeast Intelligence Network

Plans revealed for subjugation, arrest and even potential termination of law enforcement and citizens?

Special note: Due to emerging events combined with the schedules of those who are traveling for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, our normal “Tuesday’s with Stan” (Stan Deyo) time slot is being rescheduled for its normal time next Tuesday.

On Tuesday, November 2013, Dr. Greg Evensen and Steve Quayle will be sharing critical, time-sensitive newly discovered plans of battle for the subjugation, arrest and even potential termination of law enforcement and citizens who refuse to comply with the upcoming plans for gun confiscation. If you are in law enforcement or are a gun owner, you need to listen to this most important broadcast. Intercessors are asked to pray for a reprieve, for a time, to bring more of his children into His kingdom.


DO get a whiff of this local police armament…a pic is worth a thousand words!

Defense Department gives local police equipment designed for a war zone

Published November 27, 2013

  • MRAP.jpg

    March 12: Attendees look at the Lenco MRAP Bear SWAT Team vehicle at the 7th annual Border Security Expo in Phoenix, Arizona.(REUTERS)

From war zones to city streets, some military vehicles are getting a new life — and not everyone is happy about the recycling.

The Defense Department recently announced it would be giving domestic law enforcement forces hulking vehicles designed to efficiently maneuver in a war zone for use in thwarting any potential high-scale activity.

This did not sit well with those who see a troubling trend: the militarization of local police departments, including the American Civil Liberties Union, which has criticized the Defense Department for giving 18-ton, $500,000 armor-protected military fighting vehicles to local forces.

ACLU affiliates have been collecting 2012 records to determine the extent of military hardware and tactics sent to police and plan to issue a report early next year.

While it is hard to wrap ones mind around America becoming a facsimile of dictatorships world over, the fact of the matter is that America is well on its way to becoming a tyranny. However, as of yet the signs are, for the most part, muted and under the radar. Nevertheless, if not thwarted, the above will indeed come to pass.

Put another way, what else could they have in mind? Precisely.

And, Happy Thanksgiving, all the way from Israel!


Those of us being accused of hyperventilating, over the bloody “hand shake” between Sec Kerry and Iran’s FM Zarif, are not only correct in our assessments, but hardly take pleasure in being right. Too much is at stake.

And since this blogger’s valued contacts are hardly timid in nature, they are not exactly bowled over by ceremonial trappings, handshakes included. Histrionics are NOT their forte. Oh no. But as qualified experts, they certainly do NOT depend upon tea leaves to foretell what’s on the horizon. It is not part of their assessment protocol. Years of experience and expertise are more than enough to rely on, rose colored glasses never play a hand in their arsenals. 

So, hot on the heels of the leader of the free world’s final knife thrust into the west’s back, we are in mortal peril. Not today or tomorrow, but in the foreseeable future. The world will never be the same, and not in a good way!

In this regard, along comes one such expert, more than most, she knows the (terror) score. PAY strict heed to her “prognostications”As Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeldfrom the American Center For Democracy, succinctly posited: 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s handshake with the Iranian foreign minister effectively wiped off the blood from the hands of the Iranian leadership — the U.S.’s unrepentant sworn enemy — that murdered hundreds of thousands of people directly and by its worldwide terror network. Instead of punishment, Obama through his emissary Kerry, rewarded the murderers of hundreds Americans, 150-200,000 Syrians, and thousands more elsewhere with freedom and funds to build the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.  

Moreover, Kerry’s handshake with Zarif legitimized the mullahs oppressive theocracy and put an end to the hope of regime change. It ensured Iran’s development of nuclear weapons with which it will try to attack Israel, as well as the Arab nations in the Middle East.

Now, extrapolating further, 

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report November 25, 2013
Iranian president and nuclear negotiators cheered at home

Iranian president and nuclear negotiators cheered at home

DEBKAfile’s exclusive Washington sources reveal exclusively: President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry secretly agreed to elevate Iran to the status of seventh world power, as a strong inducement for signing the interim nuclear accord in Geneva Sunday, Nov. 24, for living up to its obligations in the coming six months and for then signing a comprehensive agreement.

While Iran has always demanded respect and equal standing as a regional power, never in their wildest dreams had the ayatollahs expected to be granted big power standing, with an authoritative role recognized by the six big powers for addressing issues in a broad region spanning the Persian Gulf, the Middle East and Western Asia, including Afghanistan.

DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report that President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif presented this awesome achievement Monday to their hard-line critics at home, who accused them of giving away too much in terms of Iran’s nuclear program for the sake of a deal with the West.

We come home from Geneva with recognition as a world power, they replied.

The small print of Iran’s new rating is not yet in place, but Western sources familiar with the new US-Iranian understandings say they would not be surprised to find President Rouhani sitting in future summits on the same side of the table as the six powers who faced Iran in the Geneva negotiations. Zarif would also attend future foreign ministers’ meetings as an world-class equal.
Jerusalem and Riyadh are aghast at this development. Our Jerusalem sources report that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who has kept it back from his cabinet colleagues, has been holding back-to-back confidential consultations with the heads of Israel’s security and intelligence services and the high IDF command to decide how to handle Obama’s sudden replacement of Israel with Iran as America’s No. 1 ally in the region.
Most immediately, a hostile Iran with a role in the ongoing US-sponsored negotiations with the Palestinians does not bear thinking off.

The Saudi royal house is deep in similarly anxious and angry discussions.
Some of DEBKAfile’s Western and Israeli sources in the two capitals say Israel and Saudi Arabia both find Iran’s promotion to world status more shocking and deleterious even than its pretensions to a nuclear weapon. Neither had imagined the Obama administration capable of an about face so extreme.
DEBKAfile has obtained full details of the secret US-Iranian deal as concluded between Kerry and Zarif in Geneva and endorsed by the Russian and Chinese foreign ministers. They will be revealed in the coming DEBKA Weekly Issue No. 613 out next Friday, Nov. 29.

As summarized, Obama has set the west up for a cruel downfall. COUNTDOWN TO ISRAELI STRIKE? The Predicted SELL OUT Of Israel & Western Interests By Barack HUSSEIN Obama: Valerie Jarrett, His Major Conspirator…How Did This Happen?, alongside VALERIE JARRETT: Iran’s “Deal Maker”, Her Main Mission As Obama’s Consigliere. Western Civilization’s Hit Woman, is in the foreseeable future. It bears repeating, the world will never be the same.

And when the region becomes engulfed, one way or another, due to the treachery of the leader of the HERETOFORE free world, remember the above related missives. Regional fires will, without a doubt, become global in nature.

Recall this American-Israeli’s previous commentaries, and please read them in full, in light of recent developments: 

The Leader Of The Free World Aims For America’s And Israel’s Jugular – Their “Disarming”: The Benefits Accrued To Iran

As has been charged at this site ad nauseum, the leader of the free world is both anti-American and pro Islamist. As a result, Barack HUSSEIN Obama works to weaken America and to decapitate Israel. Concomitantly, he strengthens Islamic regimes. NO doubt about it. For the record, the plans Obama Inc. has in place won’t be thwarted through partisan bickering. In fact, said squabblings lends the POTUS free cover to pursue his nation- stabbing. Besides, the Islamist-in-Chief’s deadly end point transcends – at least it should – petty politics.

That being said, this site warned against the Islamist-in-Chief’s reelection, to the point of sounding like a broken record. In the main, his efforts tobring down America are well known, and its results are playing out before American’s (and others) horrified eyes. 

Specifically, the Radical-in-Chief’s animus towards freedom is on full display through his dictatorial actions, in relation to his own citizens, as well as his treacherous dealings in the Mid East and beyond. Said dealings expose, yet again, his fealty to Islamic regimes. The deadlier the better. And, back in 2009, when Obama Inc. enjoyed a prime geo-political opening to push the mullahs back, he did no such thing. Most revealingly, Obama acted as a shield for Iran’s Islamic regime, instead of assisting its dying freedom fighters. Simply put, Barack HUSSEIN Obama revealed his hand. He had no time, nor inclination, to give them anything but the finger –  Barack HUSSEIN Obama Acted As A Shield For Islamic Regimes: Iranian Freedom Fighters Exposed His Hand ! 

What more needs to be said?

VALERIE JARRETT: Iran’s “Deal Maker”, Her Main Mission As Obama’s Consigliere. Western Civilization’s Hit Woman…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

It is seemingly impossible to quantify the amount of treachery committed by Iranian born Valerie Jarrett to western civilization, try as one may. In tandem with her boss, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, they are the most DANGEROUS duo in the western world. That’s not an easy hurdle to pass.

But if not for a highly trusted contact in mid 2012, at the inception of this site, the reportage on Val would have been minimal, if at all. A heads up from an “in the know” Washington, DC associate kept dropping hints….again and again. It is important to give credit where it is due. No one is an island.

That being said, a starting point was documented, one which included Valerie Jarrett’s crimes against America and Israel in particular and the west in general.

Exhibit A: Valerie Jarrett’s Communist Leanings & Why She Matters…Serving As Barack Hussein Obama’s Alter Ego…Cementing The Red/Green Alliance

Exhibit B: Valerie Jarrett…Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Communist/Hidden Hand…Familial & Ideological Ties That Bind

Exhibit C: Valerie Jarrett & Her Mischief Making: Capable of Upending Western Civilization…The Unofficial Buck Starts/Stops At Her Door

Exhibit D: DHS & America’s Planned Deconstruction Via Valerie Jarrett: Domestically & Foreign Policy-Wise…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s Deconstruction Plans

Exhibit E: Valerie Jarrett Reigns Supreme, Even Regarding The “Kill” – Or Not – Of Osama Bin Laden

To wit, Caroline Glick, a leading political/Mid East analyst expounds upon the above geo-political (still reverberating) explosions :

COLUMN ONE: A vastly changed Middle East


When America returns, it will likely find a changed regional landscape; nations are disintegrating, only to reintegrate in new groupings.

US President Barack Obama.

US President Barack Obama. Photo: Reuters
A week and a half ago, Syria’s Kurds announced they are setting up an autonomous region in northeastern Syria.The announcement came after the Kurds wrested control over a chain of towns from al-Qaida in the ever metastasizing Syrian civil war.The Kurds’ announcement enraged their nominal Sunni allies – including the al-Qaida forces they have been combating – in the opposition to the Assad regime. It also rendered irrelevant US efforts to reach a peace deal between the Syrian regime and the rebel forces at a peace conference in Geneva.

But more important than what the Kurds’ action means for the viability of the Obama administration’s Syria policy, it shows just how radically the strategic landscape has changed and continues to change, not just in Syria but throughout the Arab world.The revolutionary groundswell that has beset the Arab world for the past three years has brought dynamism and uncertainty to a region that has known mainly stasis and status quo for the past 500 years. For 400 years, the Middle East was ruled by the Ottoman Turks. Anticipating the breakup of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, the British and the French quickly carved up the Ottoman possessions, dividing them between themselves. What emerged from their actions were the national borders of the Arab states – and Israel – that have remained largely intact since 1922.

As Yoel Guzansky and Erez Striem from the Institute for National Security Studies wrote in a paper published this week, while the borders of Arab states remain largely unchanged, the old borders no longer reflect the reality on the ground.“As a result of the regional upheavals, tribal, sectarian, and ethnic identities have become more pronounced than ever, which may well lead to a change in the borders drawn by the colonial powers a century ago that have since been preserved by Arab autocrats.”Guzansky and Striem explained, “The iron-fisted Arab rulers were an artificial glue of sorts, holding together different, sometimes hostile sects in an attempt to form a single nation state.

Now, the de facto changes in the Middle East map could cause far-reaching geopolitical shifts affecting alliance formations and even the global energy market.”The writers specifically discussed the breakdown of national governments and the consequent growing irrelevance of national borders in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen.And while it is true that the dissolution of central government authority is most acute in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, in every Arab state national authorities are under siege, stressed, or engaged in countering direct threats to their rule. Although central authorities retain control in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Bahrain, they all contend with unprecedented challenges.

As a consequence, today it is impossible to take for granted that the regime’s interests in any Arab state will necessarily direct the actions of the residents of that state, or that a regime now in power will remain in power tomorrow.Guzansky and Striem note that the current state of flux presents Israel with both challenges and opportunities. As they put it, “The disintegration of states represents at least a temporary deterioration in Israel’s strategic situation because it is attended by instability liable to trickle over into neighboring states….

But the changes also mean dissolution of the regular armies that posed a threat in the past and present opportunities for Israel to build relations with different minorities with the potential to seize the reins of government in the future.”Take the Kurds for example. The empowerment of the Kurds in Syria – as in Iraq – presents a strategic opportunity for Israel. Israel has cultivated and maintained an alliance with the Kurds throughout the region for the past 45 years.Although Kurdish politics are fraught with internal clashes and power struggles, on balance, the empowerment of the Kurds at the expense of the central governments in Damascus and Baghdad is a major gain for Israel.

And the Kurds are not the only group whose altered status since the onset of the revolutionary instability in the Arab world presents Israel with new opportunities. Among the disparate factions in the disintegrating Arab lands from North Africa to the Persian Gulf are dozens of groups that will be thrilled to receive Israeli assistance and, in return, be willing to cooperate with Israel on a whole range of issues.To be sure, these new allies are not likely to share Israeli values. And many may be no more than the foreign affairs equivalent of a one-night stand.

But Israel also is not obliged to commit itself to any party for the long haul. Transactional alliances are valuable because they are based on shared interests, and they last for as long as the actors perceive those interests as shared ones.Over the past week, we have seen a similar transformation occurring on a regional and indeed global level, as the full significance of the Obama administration’s withdrawal of US power from the region becomes better understood.When word got out two weeks ago about the US decision to accept and attempt to push through a deal with Iran that would strip the international sanctions regime of meaning in return for cosmetic Iranian concessions that will not significantly impact Iran’s completion of its nuclear weapons program, attempts were made by some Israeli and many American policy-makers to make light of the significance of President Barack Obama’s moves.

But on Sunday night, Channel 10 reported that far from an opportunistic bid to capitalize on a newfound moderation in Tehran, the draft agreement was the result of months-long secret negotiations between Obama’s consigliere Valerie Jarrett and Iranian negotiators.According to the report, which was denied by the White House, Jarrett, Obama’s Iranian-born consigliere, conducted secret talks with Iranian negotiators for the past several months.

The draft agreement that betrayed US allies throughout the Arab world, and shattered Israeli and French confidence in the US’s willingness to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, was presented to negotiators in Geneva as a fait accompli. Israel and Saudi Arabia, like other US regional allies were left in the dark about its contents. As we saw, it was only after the French and the British divulged the details of the deal to Israel and Saudi Arabia that the Israelis, Saudis and French formed an ad hoc alliance to scuttle the deal at the last moment.The revelation of Jarrett’s long-standing secret talks with the Iranians showed that the Obama administration’s decision to cut a deal with the mullahs was a well-thought-out, long-term policy to use appeasement of the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism as a means to enable the US to withdraw from the Middle East. The fact that the deal in question would also pave the way for Iran to become a nuclear power, and so imperil American national security, was clearly less of a concern for Obama and his team than realizing their goal of withdrawing the US from the Middle East.Just as ethnic, regional and religious factions wasted no time filling the vacuum created in the Arab world by the disintegration of central governments, so the states of the region and the larger global community wasted no time finding new allies to replace the United States.Voicing this new understanding, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Wednesday that it is time for Israel to seek out new allies.In his words, “The ties with the US are deteriorating.They have problems in North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Egypt, China, and their own financial and immigration troubles. Thus I ask – what is our place in the international arena? Israel must seek more allies with common interests.”

In seeking to block Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Israel has no lack of allies. America’s withdrawal has caused a regional realignment in which Israel and France are replacing the US as the protectors of the Sunni Arab states of the Persian Gulf.France has ample reason to act. Iran has attacked French targets repeatedly over the past 34 years. France built Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor while Saddam was at war with Iran.France has 10 million Muslim citizens who attend mosques financed by Saudi Arabia.Moreover, France has strong commercial interests in the Persian Gulf. There is no doubt that France will be directly harmed if Iran becomes a nuclear power.Although Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s meeting Wednesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin did not bring about a realignment of Russian interests with the Franco- Sunni-Israeli anti-Iran consortium, the very fact that Netanyahu went to Moscow sent a clear message to the world community that in its dealings with outside powers, Israel no longer feels itself constrained by its alliance with the US.And that was really the main purpose of the visit. Netanyahu didn’t care that Putin rejected his position on Iran. Israel didn’t need Russia to block Jarrett’s deal.

Iran is no longer interested in even feigning interest in a nuclear deal. It was able to neutralize US power in the region, and cast the US’s regional allies into strategic disarray just by convincing Obama and Jarrett that a deal was in the offing. This is why Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei again threatened to annihilate Israel this week. He doesn’t think he needs to sugar coat his intentions any longer.

It is not that the US has become a nonentity in the region overnight, and despite Obama’s ill-will toward Israel, under his leadership the US has not become a wholly negative actor. The successful Israeli-US test of the David’s Sling short-range ballistic missile interceptor on Wednesday was a clear indication of the prevailing importance of Israel’s ties with the US. So, too, the delivery this week of the first of four US fast missile boats to the Egyptian navy, which will improve Egypt’s ability to secure maritime traffic in the Suez Canal, showed that the US remains a key player in the region. Congress’s unwillingness to bow to Obama’s will and weaken sanctions on Iran similarly is a positive portent for a post-Obama American return to the region.

But when America returns, it will likely find a vastly changed regional landscape. Nations are disintegrating, only to reintegrate in new groupings.

Monolithic regimes are giving way to domestic fissures and generational changes. As for America’s allies, some will welcome its return.

Others will scowl and turn away. All will have managed to survive, and even thrive in the absence of a guiding hand from Washington, and all will consequently need America less.

This changed landscape will in turn require the US to do some long, hard thinking about where its interests lie, and to develop new strategies for advancing them.

So perhaps in the fullness of time, we may all end up better off for this break in US strategic rationality.

Rest assured, if not for all of the above, the civilized world would not be facing the most frightening reality of all: the world’s most dangerous weapons in the hands of the most dangerous regime, bar none. And this is exactly what Jarrett & Obama have signed onto, in the expectation that PM Netanyahu’s hands will remain tied. Beyond traitors, reprobates and bastards. WAY beyond.

Sober thinking John Bolton coined it thusly:

The Obama administration feared an Israeli airstrike on Iran more than it feared Iran building a nuclear weapon, and that’s why it pushed for a deal to reduce sanctions against Iran, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton writes in The Weekly Standard

“Buying time for its own sake makes sense in some negotiating contexts, but the sub silentio objective here was to jerry-rig yet another argument to wield against Israel and its fateful decision whether or not to strike Iran,” Bolton writes. “Obama, fearing that strike more than an Iranian nuclear weapon, clearly needed greater international pressure on Jerusalem.”

Family Security Matters also weighed in:

The canary in the diplomatic coal mine, however, is this report, that the US had been secretly negotiating since March 2013 with Iran–(a) without telling its mortally-endangered ally, Israel until two months ago (seven months into the talks); and (b) negotiating (for one of the five meetings) with Rouhani’s predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

As Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeldfrom the American Center For Democracy, succinctly posited: 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s handshake with the Iranian foreign minister effectively wiped off the blood from the hands of the Iranian leadership — the U.S.’s unrepentant sworn enemy — that murdered hundreds of thousands of people directly and by its worldwide terror network. Instead of punishment, Obama through his emissary Kerry, rewarded the murderers of hundreds Americans, 150-200,000 Syrians, and thousands more elsewhere with freedom and funds to build the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.  

Moreover, Kerry’s handshake with Zarif legitimized the mullahs oppressive theocracy and put an end to the hope of regime change. It ensured Iran’s development of nuclear weapons with which it will try to attack Israel, as well as the Arab nations in the Middle East.

Is this handshake not reminiscent of PM Rabin’s bloody-handed clasp with “Chairman” Arafaton that infamous day of September 13, 1993? Think about it. Thousands of Jewish “sacrifices for peace”  – First of all you need to remember, that it is your own esteemed, delusionary elder-statesman, Israeli President Shimon Peres, who coined the infamous phrase ‘korbanot ha-shalom’ – sacrifices for peace – during the first intifada unleashed by his ‘peace-partner’, Yasser Arafat. As the Land of Israel was drowning in the bloody carnage of suicide bombings, road-side shootings and hidden explosives, he needed to justify the fallacy of his misguided vision and the deplorable kowtowing to the arch enemy – litter Israel’s graveyards and many more are maimed for life. Just ramp up to the highest order of magnitude, how many more will eventually die on the altar of the bloody handshake between Kerry and Zarif! More than a day in infamy…

NO doubt, Israel: The Most Imperiled/Targeted Nation In History. What Are Its Options, Now That Its Leaders Left Zion’s Fate To U.S. Dictates? 

As such, let the countdown to an Israeli strike begin….as mentioned by Israel’s Foreign Minster: 

Hinting at the possibility of military action, the foreign minister said “we will do what we must and will not hesitate for one minute – and there is no need to add another word.”

Forward march…kadima…צעדה קדימה !!

COUNTDOWN TO ISRAELI STRIKE? The Predicted SELL OUT Of Israel & Western Interests By Barack HUSSEIN Obama: Valerie Jarrett, His Major Conspirator…How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

NOW, let it be known for posterity: this blog anticipated Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s betrayal, to the point in which several scathing, blistering commentaries were written in the run up to his second term, WARNING American Jews (and others): Obama’s second term plans would gravely imperil Israel (never mind the disasters from his first term) and he would go for broke, endangering American interests in toto. Bingo.

But before we get to the Islamist-in-Chief’s treachery, it is only fair to take PM Netanyahu to task, even as it appears he has been operating as a lone voice in the wilderness against Iran’s genocidal regime. Don’t dare feel sorry for him or coin him a hero! Here’s why:

Throughout PM Netanyahu’s 2 terms, it became painfully obvious that he hitched Jerusalem’s decision making to suit Obama Inc.’s dictates, so much so that the following proved itself : IRAN HEADS DOWN TO THE TRIP WIRE: Month(s) Away From Bomb-Making Ability. DECISION TIME For PM Netanyahu. Obama Already Made His. So here we find ourselves, exactly in the deadly place outlined above.

NOT only that, but it was revealed herein how PM Netanyahu’s spinelessness paved the way for the genocidal mullahs – PM Netanyahu’s SPINELESS Leadership Assists Iran’s WMD (More Than Likely) Victory.

Going from there to here is not rocket science and Jerusalem’s leadership knows as much. As such, IRAN, FOR ALL INTENTS & PURPOSES, IS A NUCLEAR POWER: Obama’s LONGSTANDING Quest To Arm Iran. The Jig Is Up! What’s Obama’s End Goal? is another “prediction”.

Thereby, those of us who keep track of such global shaking matters, surely understand that the “deal” has been in the bag, long before any public announcement was made by Obama Inc. How so? Well, Obama’s hatchet woman, his alter ego, Iranian born Valerie Jarrett has been scuttling back and forth inking a deal irrespective of this and that Geneva charade. For those who doubt Jarrett’s out-sized powers, this should pierce the veil – Valerie Jarrett & Her Mischief Making: Capable of Upending Western Civilization…The Unofficial Buck Starts/Stops At Her Door. As a matter of record, her dangerous liaisons were noted over a year ago at this site.

Indeed, Barack HUSSEIN Obama Acts As A Shield For Islamic Regimes: Iranian Freedom Fighters Exposed His Hand.

IntrinsicallyTom Trento, terror hunter from Trentovision, will discuss Obama & Jarrett’s dangerous betrayal to western civilization on tomorrow’s show (Monday, Nov. 25) at 3-4 PM eastern time. Tune in here –

WNN-1470am – http://wwnnradio.com/


http://www.iheart.com/  (search for WNN-1470, south Florida)

The Live Internet broadcast can be watched worldwide on

www.trentovision.tv or www.theunitedwest.org or www.teapartycommunity.com


Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian born, Jew-hating, doctrinaire Socialist, orchestrated this “historic mistake” which is designed to prohibit Prime Minister Netanyahu from attacking Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. As a result of Jarrett and Obama’s appeasement to Iran the world has immediately become increasingly more dangerous with the prospect of nuclear equipped Islamic jihadis…


NEVERTHELESS, despite the expected brouhaha that a breakthrough has brought Iran to heel, well, nothing could be further from the truth, regardless of Obama’s spin machine, operating at warp speed at The Washington Post & elsewhere – Iran, world powers reach historic nuclear dealBesides, history is replete with such “moments”, and most infamously, the Munich Agreement comes to mind – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfCeff19Syc#t=131

The big Iranian nuclear sale

The big Iranian nuclear sale

After all-night talks, a first-step nuclear deal was struck before dawn Sunday in Geneva between Iran and the six powers. It was announced by President Barack Obama and confirmed by Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Obama said key aspects of Iran’s nuclear program will be rolled back for limited sanctions relief. No new centrifuges will added to the enrichment process, work will stop at the Arak nuclear reactor and the UN will expand inspections to ensure that Iran unable to make a nuclear bomb. The overall sanctions architecture will remain in place pending a comprehensive solution to be negotiated in the next s six months, but no new sanctions will be imposed.
Israel and Saudi Arabia said before the deal was signed that they would not be bound by its provisions and reserved their military options.

The US president said he understood the concerns of Israel and the Persian Gulf nations about Iran’s intentions, and promised to closely follow Iran’s compliance and as that he as commander-in-chief of US armed forces maintain the option for military action.

Offering no information about the content of the interim accord, the Iranian foreign minister commended the Geneva process for granting the Iranian people “equal footing and mutual respect” and the deal as a first step towards removing all doubts about Iran’s nuclear program.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague added that Iran had agreed to halt uranium enrichment above the 5 percent grade and the elimination of its stockpile of 20 percent enriched material.

As the Secretary spoke, the Saudi ambassador to London pledged every effort by his government to halt Iran’s advance toward a nuclear bomb, accusing the United States of failing to do this.
DEBKAfile’s military sources add: None of the measures revealed so far about the interim accord reached in Geneva deal with the concealed military features of Iran’s nuclear program, or the details of expanded inspections. Israel is not expected to accept any document with those omissions and will no doubt continue its preparations for exercising a military option.

See DEBKAfile’s Saturday report on the fourth day of negotiatons prior to the deal.

Both sides were pumping up an atmosphere of optimism as the foreign ministers of all six powers facing Iran made tracks for Geneva Saturday morning, Nov. 23, Day Four of the marathon negotiations for an accord on a six-month freeze on Iran’s nuclear program.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Araghchi said the six powers had agreed to respect his country’s right to enrich uranium, so removing a major hurdle in the path of an accord, whereas Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remained silent.

Sergey Lavrov was the first foreign minister to arrive Friday night, followed by Secretary of State John Kerry early Saturday. Both were said to have come to try and narrow the gaps holding up an accord. The Chinese, British, French and German foreign ministers were due in Geneva Saturday morning, after bilateral sessions between Zarif and the other six delegates failed to produce enough progress for them to adjourn to formal negotiations around the same table, least of all reach the signing stage.

This time round, the Iranian team borrowed the Western tactic of constantly maintaining that a deal is within reach. This tactic aims at weakening the resistance of the opposite side by presenting it as dragging out the nerve-wracking talkathon beyond reason. This tactic didn’t work for the Western delegations in the first round of nuclear talks on Nov. 11, which France blew up on the fourth day. The second round had reached the same touch-and-go point by Saturday morning, when none of the six delegations confirmed they had agreed to a clause respecting Iran’s right to enrich uranium as Araghchi had claimed.
This point is pivotal to both sides because it is absent from the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which merely specifies that countries are allowed “to pursue peaceful nuclear energy.”

Rewording this provision to cover the right to uranium enrichment would cut the ground from under the entire treaty by throwing the door open for all its signatories to enrich uranium at will.

Tehran’s goal in making this demand is more than legitimacy for its own weapons program. It is also seeks to deprive the big powers of the prerogative to determine the rights of smaller nations.
On this point, therefore, both Iran and the six powers are digging in their heels.

The other major hurdle facing a deal is the Arak heavy water reactor Iran is building.  Tehran refuses to halt construction of this reactor arguing that like any other nation, Iran is entitled to build nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes. They shoot back at any suggestion that the Arak reactor is designed to produce plutonium as fuel for nuclear weapon, along with enriched uranium, with a charge of discrimination, and declare, “Tehran is not going to sign an agreement that permanently put Iran in an outcast category,”

The Iranians have adopted a negotiating strategy of relegating the vital technical aspects of the draft accord to a lower priority while hammering away at issues pertinent to national respect. Iran is fighting in Geneva for international respect as a legitimate and equal nuclear power on the world stage.
This strategy also has a by-product: By the time they get around to the key technical clauses, the negotiators on the other side of the table are too worn down to cope with a new set of Iranian objections.
The biggest obstacle to a deal, however, is to be found in Tehran in the person of the tough, autocratic Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He will have the final word on whether the second round to talks in Geneva produce an accord – not the American or Russian presidents, and certainly not the foreign ministers assembling there.

Khamenei has boosted his heft by making himself unapproachable – even to Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani.  So no one can influence him or even find out where he stands until the text is ready for signing. Even then, Zarif and Araghchi may be told at the last moment to withhold their signatures over some point and return home for further consultations. The six powers will then have to decide whether it is worth taking the negotiations to a third round, as the Congress in Washington fights back by enacting tighter sanctions against Iran.

UNDOUBTEDLY, PM Netanyahu understands that his administration misdirected half of world Jewry, who believed that under his stewardship Iran would NEVER become a nuclear power. If this blogger had a nickel, a shekel, for every time he said as much, well….even as this is written: Netanyahu: Deal lets Iran gain a nuclear bomb, Israel not bound

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu slammed the interim nuclear deal signed in Geneva early Sunday as “a historic mistake that makes the world a more dangerous place.” Israel is not obligated by this agreement,” he told the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.  Iran is committed to Israel’s destruction, he said and “I want to make clear as the prime minister of Israel, Israel will not allow Iran to develop a military nuclear capability.” For the deal, Iran made “cosmetic concessions that it can do away with in a matter of weeks,” the prime minister said.


IN any case, we are where we are. He surely intuits – smartie that PM Netanyahu is – without eliciting a strike his political career will not only be over, but he will go down in history as the Jewish leader who fell short of stopping Iran from acquiring the ultimate weapons; weapons which will allow them to keep their sworn promise to wipe Israel off the map!

Mind you, Obama Inc. (and attendant world powers) didn’t pause a beat, even as Iran’s Supreme leader exhorted right before the “deal” was inked: Iranian Leader: Israel a ‘Rabid Dog’

It is due to the above, and so much more, that a “bolt out of the blue” will likely take place. Pray it’s not too little, too late and that the following strategic assessment comes to fruition: 

A Strike on Iran: Complex, But Possible

By  November 21, 2013

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 223

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure is a risky and militarily-complicated endeavor, but within reach. Israeli ingenuity and determination could lead to a great operational and political success. The international responses are likely to be bearable.

Recent statements by Israel that it has the ability to strike and significantly damage Iran’s nuclear infrastructure reflect Israel’s growing exasperation with the weak reaction of the international community to the Iranian “charm offensive,” and a gradual realization that only military force can prevent the nuclearization of Iran.

Such an attack would require the capability to reach and destroy distant targets, while overcoming aerial defense systems. Yet the number of facilities that would need to be hit to deal a significant blow to Iran’s nuclear infrastructure is generally overestimated.

The essential ingredient for building a nuclear bomb is uranium enriched to at least 90 percent, meaning that the enrichment facilities at Natanz and Fordow must be taken out. The heavy water reactor at Arak – designed to produce plutonium, another fissionable material suitable for building a nuclear bomb – is not yet active but is a necessary target, similar to the Iraqi reactor that was destroyed by Israel in 1981.

To be sure, an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure would be a risky and complicated military operation. But Israeli ingenuity and determination could lead to a great operational and political success.

Israel’s Military Capabilities

Israel’s long arm is its air force, which has the ability to strike distant targets. According to foreign reports, the Israel Air Force (IAF) has more than 400 fighter planes, more than most countries in the world. The IAF fleet includes the F-15I, one of the world’s most advanced planes, which can carry many precision-guided weapons over long distances.

The IAF also reportedly has a number of aerial refueling tankers that give its fighter jets the option to extend their flight range as far as Iran. The IAF has held a number of exercises, which received much media coverage, in which dozens of aircraft flew long distances, displaying the IAF’s ability to reach Iran.

The flight path to nuclear targets in Iran would cross over Arab countries, as in past long-distance IAF operations. But this time it is possible that these states would turn a blind eye or even cooperate with Israel, because the Sunni Arab world is very concerned about Iran attaining nuclear weapons.

Moreover, the IAF has a remarkable set of technological means that enable it to blind or paralyze air defense systems. Reported IAF operations in Syria and Sudan, which came to light only after the alleged strikes took place, may be an indication of such capabilities. Iran might have good air defense systems that could exact a price from the IAF, but it is unlikely that they could prevent the air force from conducting a successful attack.

An important issue is the ability to destroy underground targets. The US has provided Israel with bunker-buster bombs, and it is likely that the Israeli military industries are also capable of developing and producing similar weapons. An Israeli operation in Iran might also require a ground presence, mainly to ensure that targets hit from the air are indeed destroyed. The IDF special forces have trained for this task. Unfortunately, it would be difficult at this point to achieve a strategic surprise, and it is a shame that a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities was not executed several years ago. But despite Iran’s awareness of the possibility of an Israeli strike, there is still room for tactical surprises.

International Consequences

Iran’s ability to punish Israel is quite limited. Its missile arsenal can partially or perhaps largely be intercepted by Israel’s anti-ballistic missile system, featuring the Arrow 2 missile. Iran’s terrorist activities against Israeli targets abroad in recent years have not been very impressive. Iran’s allies on Israel’s borders, Hizballah and Hamas, have many thousands of missiles that can do much damage. But their full subservience to Iran remains to be seen. Even if they act as Iranian proxies, Israel has the military capability to invade the missile launching areas and limit the price they can exact from Israel’s home front. Finally, preventing a nuclear Iran is an important objective that justifies Israeli losses.

The expectations for serious international negative reactions to an Israeli military strike on Iran are also greatly exaggerated. Israel has attacked nuclear installations in the past, specifically in Iraq (1981) and Syria (2007), with few international repercussions. Many hypocritical denouncements are likely, accompanied by a private feeling of relief. Many countries, particularly in the region, are actually waiting for Israel to pull the nuclear chestnuts from the fire.


At a time when appeasing Iran seems to be in vogue, an Israeli strike could invigorate elements in the international arena who are unwilling to accept an Iran with a nuclear breakout capability. In addition, many people around the world would be reminded that muscular reactions to evil regimes are often truly necessary.

A decision by Israel to strike Iran would be a historic gamble. Nevertheless, history, necessity, and common sense point toward an attack.

For the historical record, Bolton’s analysis is spot on – Bolton: Obama Pushed Iran Deal to Prevent Israeli Airstrike…and this is the assessment from Daniel Pipes-
The Nuclear Deal With Iran is a Foreign Policy Disaster by Daniel Pipes

“For the first time in nearly a decade we have halted parts of Iran’s nuclear program” announced a jubilant Barack Obama after the news of the just-signed Geneva six-month interim agreement with Iran.

But the American goal for the accord was that the Iranians not “advance their program” of building a uranium nuclear bomb (and perhaps a plutonium bomb too); the apparent deal exactly permits such advancement, plus sanctions relief to Tehran worth about US$9 billion.

This wretched deal offers one occasion when comparison with Neville Chamberlain in Munich in 1938 is valid. An overeager Western government, blind to the evil cunning of the regime it so much wants to work with, appeases it with concessions that will come back to haunt it. Geneva and Nov. 24 will be remembered along with Munich and Sep. 29.

Barack Obama has made many foreign policy errors in the past five years, but this is the first to rank as a disaster.

Sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, a Loony Toons descriptor says it best: Obama’s Iranian “Red Line” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttfhSJQPDlY#t=21

That’s all folks!!

VOTE RIGHT, GET LEFT: ISRAEL’S DANGEROUSLY DYSFUNCTIONAL POLITICAL SYSTEM STRIKES AGAIN. Additional Leftist Treachery In Store Via A Newly Appointed COMMISSAR, Shai Nitzan!…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

The following op-ed at American Thinker (by this blogger) was not only well received, but linked to other sites, including The Jewish Press – The Paradox of Israeli Politics: Vote Right, Get Left by Adina Kutnicki. In addition, an interview was conducted by Inquisitr.com regarding this very same subject matter: The Reality of Life For An Israeli Patriot. All of it, headache inducing… head spinning…mind boggling.

Both were written for American (western) and Israeli audiences (translated into Hebrew too) due to the fact that so many have expressed profound bewilderment/befuddlement at Israel’s incomprehensible – dare one say, schizophrenic – decision making process.

In this regard, there is a “coalition of the willing” who refuse to be cowed by the “powers that be” – including this American-Israeli – taking them to task in very public forums, come what may.

Israel’s pre-eminent strategic policy analyst, Dr. Martin Sherman, spelled out the resultant strategic disasters from said dysfunction, in too many prominent venues to count. But a recent analysis is a stand alone, Confronting Israel’s Precarious Future: An Interview With Dr. Martin Sherman.

     The failure of Israel to defend its image—never mind, advance—its image abroad has given its detractors virtually free hand in attacking it and in undermining its international legitimacy. This has the inevitable result of allowing the animosity towards Israel to grow unchecked, leaving its supporters abandoned without adequate arguments to defend it – or themselves – against the unfounded defamation and slander.

    This diplomatic debacle is in fact a grave dereliction of duty by the Jewish state and its official organs. For it has not only made it far more difficult to publicly support, defend and identify with Israel and Zionism. It has made it considerably more dangerous.

   Indeed, Israel’s anemic efforts to explain its policies and the constraints and imperatives that mold it –reflected, among other things, by the miserly budgets it allots its public diplomacy–are putting Jewish communities across the world increasingly at risk. For through their association with Israel, they have become surrogate targets for the anger the distorted portrayal of the country has aroused among numerous sectors across the globe.

  This situation was rather caustically, but aptly, diagnosed by the very eloquent British columnist Melanie Philips, a staunch supporter of Israel, who in a brilliant but scathing interview on Israeli TV, scolded: “Israel has made itself defenseless…Israel has vacated the battlefield of ideas…”

In tandem, do pay keen attention to Dr. Martin Sherman’s latest tv interview at i24newsregarding the counter intuitive, obsessive compulsive “peace process”. A “road map” to Israel’s dismemberment…“peace by peace”“piece by piece”. What kind of dysfunctional leaders continue down such a path? Israel’s.

Moreover, without a doubt, Professor Steven Plaut holds the leadership’s feet to the fire too. Evidence abounds to his broadsides. I’m An Israeli Soldier coupled with Schadenfreude & Israel’s Left are simply two illustrations of his clear thinking.

Netanyahu Appoints a Bolshevik Commissar 
Professor Steven Plaut

Whenever the Likud has been in power, the first priority on its agenda has been to implement the policies of the Labor Party and those to the left of it.  This is why Bibi “two states solution” Netanyahu appointed more leftist judicial activist judges than his Labor party predecessors did.  This is why Netanyahu refuses to end agricultural bolshevism or break up the cartels and monopolies that operate in Israel, ironically including those for milk and for honey.  This is why freedom of speech for non-leftists has been curtailed under Likud administrations.  This is why Netanyahu scuttled laws that required disclosure of funding for leftist anti-Israel NGOs operating in Israel, along with other laws to defend Israeli democracy.  This is why Netanyahu did nothing to end the governmental funding for tenured treason.  Under Netanyahu governments, Israeli state prizes general go to anti-Israel leftists.  Leftist institutions are coddled and often funded with state money.  Netanyahu thinks that such decisions make him popular among the Left and its captive media venues, and make him appear a supra-partisan statesman.

One of the most aggressive enemies of freedom of speech and democracy under the Netanyahu governments has been Shai Nitzan.  He served as the special button man for the Attorney General’s office in Israel to harass and persecute the “Right.”  While Nitzan repeatedly attempted to prosecute “Rightists” for daring to exercise freedom of speech, including Rabbis who expressed opinions not to the liking of the Left, I personally think his very worst assault on democracy took place in the “Bukay Affair,” which is described here:  http://frontpagemag.com/2009/steven-plaut/the-bukay-affair-by-steven-plaut/ .  I issued my own calls for the dismissal of Nitzan as early as 2009 (seehttp://www.isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/Israeli%20extremism%20-%20thought%20control%20in%20israel.htm ). While interrogating Soviet-style a nationalist professor (not me) for things he said in the classroom and prosecuting teenage children for attending rightist demonstrations, Nitzan refused to prosecute leftists and Arabs calling for murder and violence (see http://zioncon.blogspot.co.il/2011/07/open-calls-for-bloodshed-and-violence.html ).

Nitzan is so openly leftist that he ruled that leftist portraits showing Netanyahu in SS uniform are protected speech while anything that implies disagreement with the theology of Yitzhak Rabin or anything that “insults” any leftist public official (like a Supreme Court judge or Shimon Peres) is “incitement” and a crime that must be prosecuted.

 This morning the Netanyahu government announced that Nitzan is to be the next State’s Attorney, in essence the Israeli Chief Prosecutor.

The only conceivable reason for this seems to be that Uri Avnery or Tamar Goszansky (from the Israeli communist party) were not available to serve.

As to the abundance of evidence proving the bonafides of the latest COMMISSAR, Shai Nitzan, Israel’s State’s Attorney, its Chief Prosecutor, “Nitzan is widely perceived as an avowed ideological enemy of the Jewish settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria, a perception that engendered much criticism of the possible appointment in the months leading up to the announcement.”  

As to how “voting right ALWAYS gets left”, thus, rendering pernicious leftist outcomes, bear this uppermost in mind: ALL occurred under a supposed “right wing” leadership! Below are three indictments – out of enumerable – which serve as devastating exhibits: 

ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION ORDERS AGAINST JEWISH NATIONALISTS  – ADINA KUTNICKI – Freeman Center For Strategic Studies is a case study whereby right wing leaders pursue Jewish nationalists with equal impunity, as do their leftist counterparts. Same modus operandi.

 Once they set their sights on a Jewish nationalist target, the Israel Security Agency utilizes a variety of methods. It may move the process forward quickly by citing ‘information’ which requires immediate detention or expulsion. Gleaned mostly through unsubstantiated intel in the first place, (which is often fabricated) the cases rarely lead to formal indictments, with many charges quietly dropped. Sometimes, they dangle incentives before those identified as more likely to succumb to pressure. For instance, they may offer to pay for everyday necessities to ease a family’s financial burdens. Lately the security services have employed a new tool of harassment–arresting those who come home after midnight!….

Justice in the Holy Land? 

Is It Ideologically Driven?  Honenu (Legal Aid to Israeli soldiers & citizens in distress) can attest that it is 

 Adina Kutnicki – demonstrates that there are two parallel legal criteria set up in Israel; one used to judge Jewish nationalists, the other used to adjudicate against leftists and their Arab counterparts.

Could it be true, are there really two parallel sets of justice/rules of law, one applied to leftists and their Arab counterparts, the other to right wing nationalists and their ‘settler’ brethren? These questions require urgent answers, particularly in light of several recent high profile, disturbing events taking place in Eretz Yisrael…..

The outrageous, humiliating spectacles of Rabbi Dov Lior and Rabbi Yaakov Yosef hauled into police stations, for the ‘crime’ of endorsing (issuing a haskama) a leading Jewish legal treatise, Torat HaMelech, The King’s Torah, raises the specter of the arrival of a new level of selective prosecution against the nationalist sector. The threatened charge: Incitement. A troubling thought indeed……

On the other hand, unlike Rabbis and Jewish nationalists, leftists do not suffer the same personal and public humiliations nor are they arrested for their comments which actually incite to Jewish murder!….

Consider the following, albeit a tiny sampling of their high profile utterances: Professor Yehudah “Judd” Ne’eman, Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University Faculty of the Arts, an Israel Prize Winner (usually reserved for those on the far left), publicly called for a civil war. Unlike the above Rabbis who simply interpreted Jewish law, Professor Ne’eman urged his fellow leftists to execute a “war between the political left and the Jews of Judea and Samaria”, AKA the “settlers”. Even though recordings of Ne’eman’s statements were obtained and publicized by Israel’s TV Channel 1, incredulously, he was never called in for investigation by the State Prosecutor’s office.

His call follows a recent statement by former Technion physics professor Oded Regev that he would be willing to volunteer in a civil war against the radical right. Oded lobbed this verbal grenade,”I believe that there is only one way to overcome the religious extremists and that is through organized violence, through launching warfare in the full meaning of the term. Anyone who does not surrender in that war will be incarcerated. Those Rabbis and their friends continue in the tradition of Goebbels”.

Not to be outdone in his leftist vitriol, Professor Eyal Nir, of Ben Gurion University’s Chemistry department, (following in the infamous footsteps of Neve Gordon, BGU’s poster boy for worldwide anti-Israel rhetoric) likewise incited against the nationalist sector, calling “on the world to come and help break these scoundrels’ necks.” His “ scoundrels” were young Jews who marched with Israeli flags on Jerusalem Day through areas lightly populated by Jews in our united capital…..

And, The Hunt Continues:The Hunt Against Jewish Nationalists Continues – Adina Kutnicki – exhibits the brazen, often illegal tactics used to pressure Jewish nationalists into giving up their quest to live within the Jewish heartland, Judea and Samaria aka the West Bank. Simple as that.

Under extreme pressure from the left wing media, Israeli police continue to arrest Jewish nationalists with little or no evidence. Even though most charges are eventually dropped, the detainees face difficult conditions in prison cells and interrogation rooms…

WITH the above firmly planted in mind, the seemingly inexplicable dichotomies and paradoxes have hopefully become clearer. YET, this recent explosive interview with Professor Paul EidelbergOrganized Treachery vs. Organized Hypocrisy: A 35-Year Study of Israel’s Dysfunctional Government strips bare the treachery and the hypocrisy of Israel’s dysfunctional government!

Despite the fact that the Likud Party won more than 70 percent of the votes in February 2003, when it campaigned against the Labor Party’s policy of unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, Likud Prime Minister Ariel Sharon adopted Labor’s policy and thus effectively nullified that 2003 election! Moreover, in October of the following year, the Knesset “legitimated” Sharon’s coup by enacting the “Gaza Evacuation Law,” thanks to the votes of 23 Likud MKs who thus betrayed their February 2003 election pledges to the nation…

Sharon’s nullification of the 2003 election was actually political coup d’etat. Add the spiritual coup that Prime Minister Netanyahu pulled four months after the March 2009 election. In June of that year, Netanyahu, without Knesset or public debate (and contrary to his own Likud Party’s constitution), endorsed the creation of an Arab Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria, the cradle of Jewish civilization! So much for Proportional Representation, exalted as one of the blessings of democracy…

The fact that almost every democracy on the planet manages to conduct its public business by means of multi-geographic- constituency elections should dispel the fiction that Israel cannot function well or justly without its existing system. The truth is that 65 years of this “system” has engendered the shoddiest politics. In the 1999 elections, 29 Knesset Members hopped over to rival parties in order to obtain safe seats! Israel’s political “system” is a disgrace as well as a disaster, and only the ignorant along with self-serving politicians want to preserve it!”…..

Israel has not only flawed politicians but also flawed political institutions—and this includes Israel’s Supreme Court which has usurped legislative and executive powers of government by its pernicious and unparalleled dictum that “everything is negotiable.” This dictum gives the Court the power to negate the cherished values of the Jewish people–and it has done so! The lack in Israel of a Constitution that defines the Legislative as well as the Executive powers of the Government renders the range of these powers extremely vague—so much so that the PEOPLE have no idea of what is permissible or impermissible. Even law professors find it difficult to distinguish a basic law from ordinary legislation. But here’s the coup de grace. In 1992, a coup d’état occurred in Israel without the public having the vaguest idea of what was in store for the Jewish state.In that year the Knesset enacted Basic Law: Human Freedom and Dignity. This so-called basic law was enacted by the absurd vote of 32-21, i.e., with less than half of the Knesset’s membership voting! This was an act of judicial despotism for which Israel may thank the Court’s President Aharon Barak— famous or infamous for his dictum “everything is justiciable.”…….

Does anyone still wonder how/why Shai Nitzan is merely the latest (in a VERY long line) socialist COMMISSAR to be elected by a pithy “right wing” leadership?

Secretary Kerry, A Radical Leftist, Assisting To Disarm (Via “Small Arms” Treaty) Americans: Obama’s U.N. Back Door To Gun Control…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Several commentaries were written – at the inception of this site in mid 2012 – which led to the same clear conclusion: Obama Inc. has absolutely planned to subsume U.S. sovereignty under U.N. control. But to do so requires gun control and the destruction of the economy via its currency – the “all mighty” dollar.

Now, first things first: the killing of the dollar will eventually lead to civil unrest, necessitating martial law, and the taking up of arms – on both sides! Whoa. This is not a science fiction outcome. History is replete with such scenarios.

ENTER gun control and its intersection with the U.N.; an address which has been gunning for disarming Americans for decades.

U.N. Disarmament of America?

Who was it in my life that always told me you can never simply trust the government?   “Oh what a tangled web we weave,  when at first we practice to decieve.”

It would appear that Secretary of State John Kerry has unilaterally without full consent of either body of representatives, and by circumventing We the People’s Constitutional Rights.  This is not only something every single American need to be alarmed about, but where is the outrage?  In a post I published yesterday,  I included a document published by the United Nations. The document will be reposted in this particular post.

The first issue with the United Nations is the notion that this U.N. has been persistent in the advancement of United States of America participating in U.N. Agenda 21.  As part of the advancement of U.N. agenda 21 there are plans of complete disarmament of United States citizens and all citzens of foreign nations.

At any point in history, when an entire populace has been completely disarmed, those who suffer are the disarmed. There is never a greater threat to an individuals liberty, than when their own government is working tirelessly against them in the face of nearly every issue that immediately impacts you.  In the year 2011 and 2012 President Obama signed the N.D.A.A..  I will quickly explain the N.D.A.A. gives authority to any person or agency of the governments approval to not only detain indefinitely any American citizen, but citizens can be arrested without charge, and with no communications to the outside.

This is unprecedented in the History of the United States of America, and it is outright treason.  The outrage comes when then candidate Obama in 2007 ” when I am President I will have my team of judicial lawyers review all Executive Orders and other laws passed by a previous administration, and repeal any law that is Unconstitutional”. These were then candidate Barack Obama’s exact words. Now the fact of the matter is, Barack Obama has passed more controversial laws to the Constitution, and Executive Orders that are not in compliance with the rights bestowed upon man at the time of the Constitution’s authoring. Barack Obama has circumvented the confinements of the Constitution, unilaterally declared war on the American people, and has no intent on working for the people that elected him.

I want to note that this same Small Arms trade Treaty was rejected last year in 2012 in the U.S. Senate. The process of bringing that treaty up for a vote would require Secretary Kerry to actually bring that treaty to a vote. So Secretary Kerry acted unilaterally on behalf of him self, and the President, and of course the United Nations. Where are the American People in this process? The United States Constitution was not written for the Government to reign control, but was intended to restrain the Federal Government. The idea that the Secretary of State John Kerry unilaterally signed a treaty with a foreign entity and circumvented both bodies of Congress by doing so, but that this treaty was also never ratified by  two thirds of the states, and or respectively the people of those  states.

Coincidentally, when Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer of Germany, he was such the charismatic leader of the German peopleas well. Although Adolf Hitler presented him self to the populace in Germany as the leader who had compassion for his people, it did not influence his conscious to act with compassion. Quite the opposite actually.

The reality that Adolf Hitler effectively disarmed the population of Germany and of course those that truly suffered throughout the reign of Adolf Hitler the Jewish people, should never be looked at with the thought something like that could never happen in the United States, it might be time to arouse yourself from that slumber your trapped in.  When Adolf Hitler made it illegal for one to defend themselves in the name of the children, children were not exempt from Hitler and the carnage that took place in Germany.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution clearly specifies the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It states as follows

” A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Nowhere in the Second Amendment does it claim that the right to bear arms is so as the people can hunt. Also if the argument to bear arms was exclusive to the military, the Constitution would specify such.  With this argument I direct you to the Federalist Papers.


The minute possibility that the founders of our country as it were a Free Republic do not argue that a “well regulated militia” is the same definition of our nation’s armed forces. Further, the founders fully specify that the militia is comprised of the PEOPLE, as do they specifically state that militia having the same authority to behold arms that are equally as sufficient as that of the United States Military. The arguments further implicate that their profound reasoning for bestowing the right to keep and bear arms, is to sustain the Freedoms of our Republic.

Let us never forget our founding fathers defeated their own tyrannical government. Also, their sentiments of bestowing these rights upon us, are to be used as a last resort effort to reclaim our nation from a tyrannical government.  The Freedoms passed down to the United States  People for generations upon generations were not given to the people as a priveledge, but are ” certain and inalienable.” This means these rights are guaranteed under God almighty. As these certain rights are guaranteed, they CAN NOT be taken away! No matter how one may choose to argue the twenty three Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama, it is more than necessary to understand your inalienable rights, as well as to know them. There is no arguement in the Constitution nor will an arguement appear in the Federalist Papers that gives the President or any other member of Congress and or the Senate, and Secretary Kerry is not an elected official, irrelevant of his past held office of the U.S.Senate.

In all actuality, Secretary Kerry should be held to higher accountability after having served on the U.S. Senate. Senator Kerry, Barack Obama, and all members of our government who having been complicit in the usurpation of We The People’s Constitutional Bill of Rights must be held to accountability to the utmost highest decree of the laws they are restrained within our Constitution. In which, fully indicate We The People of these United States have the maximum and exclusive authority to imprison impeach and remove public servants.  We The People must invoke our Tenth Amendment to declare this treaty, and all other Unconstitutional laws null and void!  Tenth Amendment states

“The powers not delegated to the United States Government, nor prohibited to it thereof, are reserved to the States, or respectively”.

THE PEOPLE! Without the Second Amendment,  We The People would not have the maximum authority to make null and void any laws declared Unconstitutional. The Second Amendment is what contributes to our diversity of opinion. It allows one to defend themselves in the face of danger.The Second Amendment is how one has the right of choice in any situation. Not to imply that it ought to be used in every situation, but it levels the playing field when you absolutely needed it.

In the event that a criminal has illegally entered your home, if they have entered your home illegally they definitely are not paying attention to what the law specifies. If they are not in compliance with the law and the law states you cannot keep firearms, what are you going to do when that person still posesses a firearm? Police officers take the same amount of time in a life or death situation to make the difference of death rather than life. Are you as an individual comfortable, with the idea that your right to defend yourself against foreign invasions at home, or a rogue new domestic military could take away your ABILITY TO DEFEND YOURSELF, when it clearly states that is certain and inalienable under GOD? Just a little bit of food for thought.

The above indication can be referenced at the top of this post by clicking the link at the top. I just wanted to disclose this statement with everyone who chooses to read my post, but the document released by the United Nations gives the confirmation that this foreign army or rogue domestic military have a stated intention of disarmament of the American citizens. More specifically, We The People. The document claims that Americans are a static problem Iin the implementation of Agenda 21. I will go into that on a different post. The document released also gives an estimated 500, 000 million firearms still remain in the posession of its private citizens. It implies to the United States government that it needs to be more proactive in the disarmament of American citizens. Of course it requests the government confiscate guns either voluntary or whenever possible. It also indicates a glimmer of hope for We The People, it states that there is no doubt Americans will not just surrender their arms. I hope no one reading this has already surrendered. 

Concomitantly, those who uphold their Constitutional (Second Amendment) right to bear arms aren’t sitting still, for they realize that a sh-t storm is coming their way.  Talk of impeachment is rumbling throughout Capitol Hill, and it is not for nothing.

Thus, gun rights adherents in Colorado blew Demsters out of power and Texas gun owners staged a rally at the Alamo – of all places! More than symbolic, if you really want to know. Just go back in history to the Alamo, the raging battle. The turning of the tide. 

Are gun owners taking Obama Inc.’s illegal dismantling of the Constitution lightly? Hardly. One can rightfully posit, yes, they are ready to take more than a stand – if it comes to it.

Evidence abounds: tyranny is taking a grip on America !

ONGOING INVESTIGATION: Into Muslim Brotherhood Backed Adnan Oktar’s (Sinem Tezyapar, et al.) Turkish-Islamic Union & Jewish Media-Related Individuals Lending Cover…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Most investigations hardly operate and run in a straight line, and some even turn “this way and that way.” And while this blogger has engaged in several such meandering courses, one of which is related in the About tab, the current “subject of inquiry” is dicier than most.   

This is the case because of the investigation’s two-tiered prongs: firstly, more than a smattering of Jewish brethren – associated with media and high profile activities – have been swept away by the Islamic cult’s syrupy messages. Fellow tribesmen/women have become an intricate part of the problem. Simply put, without their “helping hands”, the inroads from Islamist Adnan Oktar and his cult, would, for the most part, fall on deaf ears. Herein lies one pillar of the “fits and starts.” In this regard, some relevant players must be reined in, as a requisite order of business.

The nature of their enmeshment with sworn enemies – despite any desperate cover ups – takes divergent forms, but mental besiegement, shedding their Jewish birthright, blackmail and other “incentives” stand out. Use your imaginations.

Regarding the mental side:  

” As to the mental aberration, why Jews (hailing chiefly from the left) side with sworn enemies, well, this is a question which Dr. Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist, as well as a PhD historian from Princeton, answered in his masterpiece; a monumental, epoch feat of scholarship “The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege.” To make a long story short (and to save myself from a throbbing headache…this subject irks to no end), a chronically besieged people – and the Jewish people qualify like none other – often end up internalizing the hatred and delude themselves about the malevolent intent of their enemies. The visceral, non-quenching hatred is too onerous to bear, therefore, fantasy becomes blurred with reality. Feeling totally out of control, they invent a fairy tale, not unlike chronically abused children. But this is just its tip, the rest must be gleaned through the book itself. It is an eye opener and jaw dropper.”

NOT unlike any other group, “perks” are often hard for some to resist, whatever forms they take. A smattering of this seedy aspect is exposed within ‘The Jewish Press’ (Other Jewish/Israeli Media Outlets Too) Has MEGA Explaining To Do: Are They – Unwittingly, Or Not – Providing Cover For Islamic Supremacists? What’s Going On? And, Will They Reverse Course Before It Is Too Late?specifically,

Is it possible that the above same ‘filming’ techniques have been used on some of Judaism’s ‘smitten’ brethren? In other words, is blackmail involved? Don’t get mad at ‘inquiring minds’, thus, pointing (deflecting) fingers in this site’s direction. No Allah-wash.

The second tentacled prong of the investigation involves unmasking those whose chameleon-like personas and messaging targets fellow brethren. Possessing a full understanding of the depth of Adnan Oktar’s nexus to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia takes one from there to here.

Regardless, this task is not undertaken lightly. Underneath their smiling masks, Oktar’s messengers – his “girls” – are involved with stone cold killers. Lest anyone believes that Jews are their sole targets, think again. All “infidels” are in their sights. Nevertheless, as stated previously, ensnaring besieged Jews is their first objective.

As reported within The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki:

Adnan Oktar enters into the Stealth Jihad arena under the protective umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood. Even so, one can be forgiven for not knowing and asking: who is Adnan Oktar? and why does he matter? Furthermore, aren’t there other well known Islamic Brotherhood mouthpieces to report on? Yes and no.

As to the “who”…first and foremost, Adnan Oktar is a highly valued, well connected Turkish Muslim Brotherhood operative, as duly reported within The Global Muslim Brotherhood Report. He is most well known for his brushes (decades worth) with the Turkish legal system, as well as his (more recent) incessant push towards Turkish “creationism”, which is basically a foil for their authentic agenda – the implementation of the Turkish-Islamic Union. Now, his harping on “creationism” only matters due to the fact that he plies it to wedge and insert himself into media arenas. Circus-like. Call it his “shtick”.

Yes, there are too many Brotherhood actors to cite, but there are not enough hours in a day. But for the fact that Adnan Oktar is a “special” case, therein lies his singular status. For our purposes, he is top dog. Patience, dear readers.

Wolff Bachner: As part of his effort to present Islam as a peaceful, modern faith that considers all religions to be equal, Oktar has used a group of rather voluptuous women to promote his ideas. These young, buxom, heavily made up “Barbie Dolls” appear on talk shows and at public events to promote Oktar’s agenda. What is going on here? Isn’t it forbidden for Muslim women to flaunt their sexuality?

Adina Kutnicki: Ah ha…you grabbed onto his sidekicks – more accurately, his harem – and gave them all due props through your visual descriptors. How many westerners are really familiar with a group of kitten-like, pin-up worthy, busty Turkish bombshells? Well, if not, I suggest readers catch up to speed, but certainly do not become enamored or distracted – male readers, I’m referring to you! To be sure, it is not as if hyping overt sexuality is newsworthy in the west, but the outward appearance of these Turkish kittens masks a far more sinister agenda than strutting their smoldering stuff. I kid you not. And, whereas western nymphets have been known to pimp themselves for monetary gain, Oktar’s lovelies are (mainly) in it for “Sexual Jihad”. Say what?…..

Wolff BachnerAmong his many other activities, Adnan Oktar also spends a great deal of time using the media to present his ideology to the world. What is “Building Bridges” and how is Oktar exploiting inter-faith dialogue to accomplish his goals?

Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, you touched upon their direct nerve center, and it is indeed a media weapon. It is a tv/general media conglomerate called “Building Bridges” – A9 TV.

At first blush, you gotta hand it to them, naming their TV station with such a sweet, innocent sounding connotation, yes, it is a work of genius; the building of (ideological/religious) bridges. What could be more friendly than that? A serpent’s bite……read the whole thing!

Just for the record, one of the most well known Allah-washers – aka “peace activist” – is, none other than, Sinem Tezyapar. But not everyone is fooled by her feminine wiles plied on behalf of her mentor, Adnan Oktar. Snake charmer. More than a window can be gleaned through Robert Spencer, as he joins the unmasking- Sinem Tezyapar’s Obfuscation Jihad by SHEIKYERMAMI:

In this entire lengthy piece that purports to establish that Islam “does not command war against Jews,” Tezyapar never mentions Qur’an 5:82, which designates the Jews “the most hostile of men to the believers.” She never mentions 5:51, which tells Muslims not to take Jews or Christians as friends and protectors. She never mentions Sahih Muslim 6985, in which Muhammad says that “the last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.”

In an article purporting to show that Islam doesn’t command war against Jews, these omissions (and there are others) make the whole piece highly questionable. If Sinem Tezyapar really wanted to strike a blow against Islamic Jew-hatred, she could have explained why those and other passages should not be taken at face value, and shown how Islamic antisemites were actually misunderstanding them (if such a thing could really be done). Pretending they do not exist may fool credulous kuffar into complacency, but it will do nothing to stop Islamic Jew-haters from reading such passages and acting on them.

So why did the Jewish Press publish this exercise in soothing deception?

“Listen to Me: Islam Does Not Command War Against Jews,” by Sinem Tezyapar in the  Jewish Press, January 6:

In an op. ed. piece for the Jewish Press, I cited from the Qur’an to show that war is an exceptional matter for Muslims, an unwanted obligation to be fulfilled in limited circumstances, and for defensive purposes only.In response, I’ve been denounced and accused of being a Trojan horse, the wolf trying to devour Little Red Riding Hood, of not being a Muslim or being the worst kind of liar, misguided, deceiver, of practicing taqiyya, of disseminating propaganda with the intention of deceiving Israelis & Westerners, of using jihadist tactics in disguise, etc.

The most moderate reaction has been that I am young, naive… and don’t know my religion and the real world.

Despite the criticism, I stand behind my words, and I say further that Hamas or any other Islamic group that uses violence against civilians is doing wrong according to the Qur’an and that Jews, Christians, and Muslims must and can live co-exist together in harmony and peace. The reactions to my statements have been along the following lines: “What about the jihad verses in Qur’an? What about taqiyyah? What about abrogation of the verses which counsel peace?”

Let me clarify these misconceptions about Islam so that there is no excuse for warmongers and those who wish to shed oceans of blood.

She then goes on at great length, sidestepping the real issues, and thereby raising the question of whether she really wants to take away the “excuse for warmongers,” or aid and abet them.

For further edification, as to Jewish complicity, the following is highly instructive, and it bears repeating:

For the record, in my explosive expose’ “ADNAN OKTAR’s ISLAMIC ‘PEACE’ ACTIVISTS EXPOSED: The Hunt Continues – A Jewish/Israeli Imperative, An American Concern Too“ (which encircled the web at lightening speed), I reveal some additional threats, pointing directly at one of the producers of “Building Bridges”…again, talk about an oxymoronic name.

Adding to the threat level, the following venomous message was sent to a pro Israel activist, all for daring to counter the positions of Oktar and his “lovelies”. To wit, in Arabic, from the same producer, then translated into English via a “helper”:

“قريب ستعلمون مدى ظلمكم وحقارت طباعكم تجاه اهل ارض فلسطين من المسلمين والنصارى يا يهود احذفو قناتي احذفو ردودي ولكن اعلموا ان اهل الارض اجتمعت على بغضكم وعرفوا انكم سفاكين لدم ارهابيين تقتلون النساء والاطفال العزل بالطائرات انتم تعلمون انكم ما انتم الا مجموعة سفله قتله مخربين اعداء للإنسانية ويلكم من الله ياويلكم من نار ستحرقكم في الآخرة”

And its translation is:

“the land of Palestine is to the Palestinians – you should be out of the land of Palestine – the land of Palestine is for Muslims and Christians – you are killing women and children – the Jews have no mercy – but in the future – we expel you from the land of Palestine, and this will happen soon”.

For the umpteenth time, said inter-faith professions of “peace”, “reconciliation” and “harmony” are revealed for what they truly entail – the pocketing of said Jewish friendships and overtures, then pouncing on them at the most opportune time. Simple as that.

So, what the heck does this all amount to? More tellingly, as previously mentioned, some high profile, self professed Zionist activists know about these threats, yet continue to allow some of the showgirls, as well as their boss, Adnan Oktar, to post on their social media pages. Why are they so blind? Well, time…and some investigations…will tell.

In fact, one site worthy of specific mention and highlighting is Israeli Frontline, a well utilized Facebook page for Israel-focused postings. Sweet. Nevertheless, when the main administrator – the buck stops with her – was queried as to her tone deaf attitude towards Stealth Jihadists linking and commenting at her site, her standard mantra has been that other Israeli and Jewish sites also allow them to post. Where is she, in grade school, as she opines; others do it, so she can too! One can just imagine her stamping her feet and getting all red in the face. But, what if the owners of other pro-Israel sites collectively jump into a raging river, will she do so as well? Huh? In other words, even though the aforementioned threat appeared exclusively on her page – though now “scrubbed clean” – she still allows one of the related showgirls, Sinem Tezyapar, to advocate her “Stealth Jihad”.

Despite all the above, there are fellow Jews who remain tone deaf, even after “advising” them to stay clear of those who seek to subsume Israel into a Turkish-led Caliphate. Oh well. Let the chips (eventually) fall where they may. As is said, you can drag a horse to water….

So where is the investigation heading? Well, few operate as islands unto themselves, and this blogger is no exception. As such, others are reportedly “doing their thing”, bringing to bear that which is needed to effectuate a fruitful outcome.

Thus, as soon as there is updated news, the readers will be the first to know. That’s a promise.

FOX’S PSYCHIATRIST-In-RESIDENCE: Radical-In-Chief TOXIC To America’s Children. The PURPOSEFUL Deconstruction Of America’s Exceptionalism…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

“Mind control”, via subliminal messaging, over upcoming generations of American youth has been purposefully designed, one in which a molded, controllable, “transformed”, non-nationalist (read:patriotic) American will (eventually) take shape. And if this sounds straight off the funny farm, well, the evidence supports said thesis. Believe it or not. It’s your choice.

As repeatedly emphasized at this site, the kiddies (pre-school and up) are prime catches, as well as those who are in their teens and twenties. They remain a high priority for Obama and gang. Leftist academia has them by the throat. A vise grip. Even to the point of forgiving student debt for “community organizers” in the making, a tailor made subset of shock troops. Wait and see.  

And in so far as the radical left is concerned, babies (including those still in the womb…even while near-term in the last trimester…this heartless crew has no problem vacuuming out the soon to be birthed…those born with special needs are considered less than human too) and senior citizens are expendable, even though babyhood is necessary to reach pre-school to begin their indoctrination. It doesn’t have to make rational sense. 

The deviant POTUS is so far out of step with mainstream Americans, this is his take on “late-term” abortions. In reality, a license to kill:

Asked specifically if he supports “late term” — second and third trimester — abortions, Obama affirms that he is “pro-choice.”  In other words, yes, if a woman decides to end the life of her child in the ninth month of pregnancy, that should be her “choice.”  He has also voted against bans on a horrifyingly grisly procedureknown as “partial birth abortion.”  These positions put Obama significantly out of step with prevailing opinion.  When he was running for president in 2008, Obamatold a Planned Parenthood audience that one of his first acts in office would be to sign the extreme “Freedom of Choice Act,” which would invalidate the federal partial birth abortion ban, eliminate parental notification laws, and likely lead to public financing of abortion.  This Obama-backed piece of legislation seeks to wipe out most, if not all, of the common-sense restrictions on abortion favored by most Americans.  Obama’s most stunning abortion-related stance, however, was his repeated opposition to the Illinois “Born Alive Infant Protection Act.”  Here are the details:

[The] assertion rests on then–State Senator Obama’s opposition, in 2001, 2002, and 2003, to successive versions of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, an Illinois bill that was meant to provide protection for babies born alive after attempted abortions.The bill gave them protection as legal persons and required physicians to provide them with care, rather than allowing doctors to deal with them as they would, literally, with medical waste. In 2008, Obama’s campaign repeatedly claimed that he opposed the bill because it was unnecessary, since Illinois law already provided protection for infants born alive. However, as Ramesh Ponnuru pointed out on NRO at the time, this extended only to babies whom physicians deemed to have “sustainable survivability.” Thus infants who were not expected to survive could be killed or left unattended to die. Obama, Ponnuru wrote, “did not want the gap filled.” (The National Right to Life Committee has a report on Obama, Illinois’s legal loophole, and its horrific consequences here.)

Twisted, heartless bastard.

The fact of the matter is the above three groupings (babies, disabled and seniors) are assigned pithy “numerical” value – hidden within Obamacare – in what truly amounts to life and death flow charts. Simply put, who “deserves” to live and who dies. Never mind that malignant leftists fight tooth and nail to keep death penalty cases from reaching their judicious endings, as they wage pressure campaigns for all manner of heinous murderers.

As a matter of court record, Black Panther terrorist murderer, Mumia Abul-Jamal, would have been fried, if not for overwhelming agitation from the radical left, not only in America but beyond. They view the likes of this cop killer worthy of saving. Granny, not so much!

Mumia Abu-Jamal (born Wesley Cook[1] on April 24, 1954) is an American radical convicted for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner.[2] His original sentence of death, handed down at his first trial in July 1982, was commuted to life imprisonment in 2012.[3] Described as “perhaps the world’s best known death-row inmate” by The New York Times,[4] supporters and detractors have disagreed on his guilt, whether he received a fair trial, and the appropriateness of the death penalty.

Getting back to Obama Inc.’s distinct toxicity…clearly, through benign, purposeful withholding of medical care, many outcomes become pre-ordained. One needn’t be an Ivy grad to figure out this cold, merciless, heartless calculation. They believe they, and they alone, are as near to G-d-like as possible. They eschew everything predicated under Judeo-Christian foundations, but feign Deity status. Cretins. And, oops? Obama left out ‘under G-d’ during repetition of Gettysburg address! Oh well.

Adding insult to grievous bodily injury – thrown adrift like yesterday’s garbage – The One and surrogates set up Obamacare (mendaciously, the word “care” evinces compassion and the like, yet this health scam is nothing short of  “selective rationing”)akin to “legalized” euthanasia, as their final destination towards “forward march”. To hell with babies who don’t match their prescribed criteria, the disabled and the senior citizen set.

In fact, a senior health policy advisor to the President, Ezekiel Emmanuel, this January published a very revealing “how to” article on the subject in The Lancet. The article, entitled “Principles for Allocation of Scarce Medical Interventions,” argues for something called the “complete lives system.” This system “prioritizes younger people who have not yet lived a complete life and will be unlikely to do so without aid.” Many thinkers have accepted complete lives as the appropriate focus of distributive justice: “individual human lives, rather than individual experiences, [are] the units over which any distributive principle should operate.” The “complete lives system,” to put the matter in plain English, assigns a value to human beings based almost exclusively on their age.

How this “age-based priority” would work in practice is revealed by a graph that Emmanuel helpfully includes (shown above). The best health care would be reserved for twenty-somethings. From this peak, the quality and quantity of care available would gradually taper down until about 55, at which time it would plummet. By age 65, when Medicare starts, the probability of receiving scarce medical care would have shrunk to a mere 20%. Note that the chart ends at age 75, after which time the probability of receiving adequate care in the event of a health crisis is effectively nil. Goodbye, Grandma.

But what does their playing judge, jury and (medical) executioner have to do with the Radical-in-Chief’s toxicity to America’s children? Everything.

This is the precise same mindset, the worldview, in which today’s youth are being (mis)educated, taught that the “collective” (read: the “guv’ment”) is the be all and end all. In fact, parents are ignoramuses, but whatever is written in the Common Core curriculum is true and noble. Oh really?? And get this: ‘Allah-Is-God’ is part of their curriculum, as designed herein:

Source says federal officials pursuing program used in Texas

CSCOPE, the controversial online curriculum that taught “Allah is God” and currently is used in 80 percent of Texas school districts, has caught the attention of the Obama administration’s Department of Education.

A source in the Texas education system has told WND that Common Core operatives in the U.S. Department of Education are actively pursuing CSCOPE as a way around the Texas legislative process.

Texas is one of the few states still resisting implementation of Common Core, Obama’s national standards initiative, which many feel is a transparent attempt to nationalize education and progressively control classroom content with minimal parental oversight.

Implementation of Common Core is known to have been made a condition of school systems’ receipt of federal dollars under Obama’s “Race to the Top” program.

CSCOPE recently has come under fire for evidence of what sources claim to be radical content and secrecy. Now new information of such a radical agenda has surfaced showing CSCOPE connections to Obama mentor and self-acknowledged terror group member Bill Ayers.

WND has documented a strong link between Ayers and CSCOPE heavyweight and Common Core advocate Linda Darling-Hammond. An unrepentant terror group member (and known Obama supporter, financier, and ghost-writer), William “Bill” Ayers was part of the notorious Weather Underground which attempted to bomb the Pentagon in the seventies. After 9/11, Ayers was interviewed by the New York Times, and was quoted as saying he had “no regrets.”

Get the barf bag ready.

These “truths” are being imparted by the leader of the Weather Underground, domestic terrorist turned educator, Billy boy Ayers to upcoming generations! Indoctrinating obedient, lock-step little soldiers leads to a generation(s) of socialist “thinkers”, all the while creativity and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is expunged.

Now, a gimme, gimme generation is much more likely to value handouts, as opposed to free thinking, and herein lies the crux. A victim-free mentality is less pliable and more prone to rise up when tread upon. It is all about radical leftists controlling the outcome. Nothing more, nothing less.

Enter: Fox’s psychiatrist. Previously, this blog assessed the same diagnosis.

Psychiatrist: “Obama Is Ruining America’s Kids” – NOVEMBER 2013 BY  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFCM6vU3DqM

At the same time there is some hope, for a growing awareness is seeping through among young adults, regarding the POTUS’s inability to tell the truth. Deceit is Obama’s way forward, as he steadfastly DENIES each and every scandal which emerges under his rule. Personal responsibility, what’s that?

Alas, many more are coming to the same conclusion: if the Liar-in-Chief still insists on clinging to his bold faced mantras – with his own words coming back to bite…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf3_wsEKVkQ – then surely he is grossly incompetent. As a result, his “star power” is declining, faster than a sinking ship. 

Barack Obama’s Multiplying Deceptions painfully reflects a person who is clinically termed an extreme narcissist. In tandem, Obama’s behavior patterns were assessed by a well qualified and respected forensic profiler, Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., deeming him afflicted with said malignant personality.

His disorder is such that he (and those he surrounds himself with) presents a lethal toxicity to today’s youth. Bereft of any capacity to tell the truth, it is his deceitful worldview – the ends justifies ANY means – which is injected into the entire educational process.

Hence, the out-sized danger to America’s youth; upcoming generations who should be poised to guard liberty and freedom. The gatekeepers of America’s exceptionalism, or what’s left of it.

Jihadi Women Converts KILLING For Allah: Hear Them Roar! A Growing Western Menace…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

It is nigh impossible to convince many westerners of the inherent threat from stealth jihad, let alone frontal – head chopping and all – when it comes to the feminine persuasion. Like it or not, these girls/women are fully primed to strike, and jihadi converts are as bloody-minded as native Muslim devotees who turn to jihad. These feminista converts have proven to be natural born killers! “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4xpDuf84A

In fact, supposed “virginal” teens are more than willing to “assist” their terror-driven brothers, even if not in the “frontal” way which comes to mind. Yes, sexual jihad is all the rage, didn’t you hear? Plus, the Muslim Brotherhood’s quest for global dominance spurs them on!

And, whereas western nymphets have been known to pimp themselves for monetary gain, Oktar’s lovelies are (mainly) in it for “Sexual Jihad”. Say what?

Well, as a matter of Fatwa (Islamic-derived religious dictate) fact, “Sexual Jihad” has been sanctioned by relevant Islamic authorities, so much so that (supposedly chaste) teenage Islamic hotties availed their “services” to the “boys at war” in Syria. Mind you, some of these teens came back with more than they bargained for with Allah; pregnant and with AIDS! Not exactly virgin-like, a high priority preoccupation in Islamic culture. That’s the way it goes.

Be that as it may, okay, let’s be inordinately clear: the above is not meant for entertainment purposes, nor to be flippant. Decidedly, its contents are deadly serious. Therefore, an introduction to the “Oktarettes” is efficacious, as evinced within “Turkey’s Anti-Evolutionist Showgirls“. It is worth taking a peek. Promise. Even so, visuals and all, what are they up to? “Sex, Flies and Videotape” exposes the secret lives of Harun Yahya, aka Adnan Oktar, the benefactor of said sirens.

Oh me, oh my…you can’t make this stuff up.

YES, this is the latest radical, revolutionary, Nazi-inspired feminist parade, but this time from Islamic jihadi converts! 

In a photograph, the girl looks back with casual curiosity, her face scrubbed, her hair pulled a bit untidily behind her ears, her collar crisp, her tie askew, a charming and timeless portrait of the young Catholic schoolgirl in her teens.

Barely more than a decade later, she is called the world’s most dangerous woman, the Muslim terrorist known as the “white widow,” thought to have helpedmastermind last month’s terrorist attacks in Nairobi in which 72 people, including several children, were massacred in a popular shopping mall. Some reports placed her at the scene, commanding others as they gunned down dozens off non-Muslims over a three-day period. (For more on Lewthwaite, click here.)

If the allegations are true, then Irish-born Samantha Lewthwaite, whose husbandGermaine Lindsay was among the suicide bombers responsible for the July 7, 2005 terrorist attacks in London, is by no means alone among violent women converts to Islam. Last May, Michigan-born Muslim convert Nicole Lynn Mansfield became the first American to die fighting with the Syrian rebels opposing the Bashar al-Assad regime. And in 2005, Belgian convert Muriel Degauque blew herself up in a suicide bombing outside of Baghdad. Other examples include Jamie Paulin-Ramirez and Colleen La Rose, better known as Jihad Jane – American converts convicted in 2010 in connection with a plot to murder Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks for “insulting Islam” in his drawings of the prophet Mohammed as a dog; and Canadian Amanda Korody,charged with her partner John Stewart Nuttail, with “conspiracy, facilitating a terrorist activity and making an explosive device” in a failed attack on the British Columbia legislature on Canada Day last July.

This is just a sampling.

It should be said up front that while the vast majority of converts to Islam are women (in the UK, officials say women comprise about 75 percent of the 5,000 people who become Muslim every year), radicalization among them is rare, and violent attacks – or plots to commit them – rarer still . But the numbers are growing, reports the Christian Science Monitor, and becoming an increasingly worrisome phenomenon.

The attraction of Islam to Western women is not new. Experts have repeatedly noted common patterns among female converts, most of whom convert because of a relationship to a Muslim man, as was the case, say, with Katherine Tsarnaev, widow of Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Others seem to find respite in the trappings of Islam. According to Dutch psychiatrist Carla Rus, who frequently works with Muslim women and converts, they are attracted less by the religion itself than by the costume, claiming that “covering up” under an abaya or niqab allows them to escape from a sexualized Western culture in which, they say, women are too often perceived as sex objects. (That the entire purpose of these coverings in Islamic culture is based on the premise that women are nothing but sex objects is a nuance that, evidently, escapes them.) They find, too, comfort in the notion of clear rules for women, a definitive set of guidelines by which to organize their lives in a post-feminist West where women’s roles remain, in many instances and circles, ambiguous.

“The Bible can be vague about the roles of men and women,” a woman called “Saskia” told a reporter for London’s Standpoint magazine in 2010, “and I wanted certainty. Islam gave me that.”

But the journey from hijabi to terrorist is another matter, more complex and less easily explained. Research I have reviewed shows that, in many cases, the women are pressured by their partners, as may have been the case initially with Samantha Lewthwaite (whose husband was also a convert). Muslim husbands and even the Muslim community at large may question their suitability and devotion: it is not unusual for a female convert to be told that she is “not a proper Muslim wife.” Consequently, whether out of a need to please or to prove her mettle, for some women the response is simply to travel deeper into the orthodoxy. They may raise funds for jihad, or assist in recruiting male jihadists – or, as is the case with some of the female members of the Dutch radical Hofstadgroep network, join in the sitting-room gatherings of their radical husbands and lovers, absorbing the discussions – and the beliefs. Such activities can even influence women born into Islam; but for converts – especially those who either are eager to prove themselves, are too naïve and uninformed to know better, or both – they pose a particular danger.

It is, in fact, especially that lack of knowledge, according to many experts, that can lead down the path to radicalization, as much among women as men. Jolande Withuis, a Dutch researcher who has written prolifically on the subject, points out that for many of the radicalized women, the desire to know more about the Quran and its teaching leads them to the Internet, where they land in Salafist online communities eager to embrace them into their world. For a jihadist recruiter, after all, nothing provides a better foil than a Muslim woman who does not look as if she’s Muslim – someone, say, like the blonde and blue-eyed Jihad Jane.

Those recruits are also among the most effective, according to French Islam expert Olivier Roy, who in 2006 told the Washington Post, “For al Qaeda, converts are not just tools to get past security. It’s a way for them to become a global movement.”

But if the growing number of radicalized female converts to Islam is disturbing, at least as troubling is the absence of any real effort to combat it, both from within the Muslim community and from without. This seems especially true in the United States, where it would appear that the threat is becoming particularly acute. Nicole Mansfield’s father, in fact, claims he contacted the FBI about his daughter long before she left for Syria; and while they followed her for a time, nothing ever came of it. “She’d go make U-turns,” Gregory Mansfield told the Detroit Free Press, “They’d make U-turns. She’d pull into a parking lot, they’d pull into a parking lot.”

Eventually, Nicole Mansfield contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who – rather than investigating the situation – ordered the FBI to back off. Now, says Nicole’s father, CAIR has told him and other family members to avoid the FBI completely.

Meantime, the 33-year-old Nicole, like the 38-year-old Degauque before her, is dead, leaving an 18-year-old daughter behind, alone. And Samantha Lewthwaite is still at large, awaiting, plotting, her chance to kill again.

To glean a better understanding as to what floats their Islamic jihadi boats, refer to this incredibly powerful resource-rich source material – </stPDF FILE:”http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001zkMJni2iUe3jUzqeSvJHQE4fjGK-DXAnTBKa2G7MjoJyrgvxrr1SLe6ysIMO9nqDxklVO1otWjD8GkZ3IofOUqacsAMfkCz_G8_QNVDeVenAQ1KKtnX8X0_kJ_dwMNPn3Vfq2P4ju5XdRZKkXa-bE6PHlaKWYfOPvWRBuQVLC1lQsMm9cH7c2FtCuAQ4wZM62mkvEuRzrdrX1RPvHNAtLGV-BqKIVIaZ&#8221; target=”_blank”>JIHAD IN ISLAM-THIS MANUAL IN MANY SUNNI MOSQUES IN AMERICA: A MUST READ!

Interestingly, when women (as well as men, but let’s stick to the “fairer” sex) become immersed in radical left circles, they often become even more lethal than their male counterparts. One only has to look towards the women involved with domestic terror groups, the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers. Behind each front man – with Billy boy Ayers in the lead – stands a lethal woman counterpart, and some of them are cited within this American-Israeli’s book review: Bringing Down America at American Thinker.

Bill Ayers, the foremost leader of the Weathermen “is in his third decade as a national leader in the movement to radicalize the educational training of schoolteachers”. His wife, (an active Weathermen member) Bernardine Dohrn, a top leader too “is a professor of law at Northwestern and a high-ranking officer in the American Bar Association.” Eleanor Raskin (ne Stein, a top member)  “is a law professor at S.U.N.Y Albany and, astonishingly, a NYS administrative law judge”. Jeff Jones “currently heads the New York-based Apollo Alliance, a highly influential coalition of labor leaders and environmentalists, and was responsible for drafting President Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act.”

More pointedly, several of Billy Boy’s “ladies” spent time in prison for murder and other crimes. Currently, more than a few are free as birds, reaping huge professional success and access to Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Domestic terror…it pays dividends, at least when traveling within the powerful left.

 Enter: Kathy Boudin:Weather Underground

In the 1960s and 1970s, Boudin became heavily involved with the Weather Underground. The Weathermen (members of Weather Underground) bombed the Pentagon, the United States Capitol, the New York Police Benevolent Association, the New York Board of Corrections, as well as the offices of multinational companies. Boudin, along with Cathy Wilkerson, was a survivor of the 1970 Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, the premature detonation of a nail bomb that had been intended for a soldiers’ dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey.[5] Boudin was 27 at the time. Both women were awaiting trial, out on bond for their alleged actions in Days of Rage in Chicago several months earlier. She fled underground with other members of the WU during the 1970s, during which time she fell in love with fellow member David Gilbert and gave birth to their son Chesa in 1980.

1981 Brink’s Robbery

In 1981, Boudin and several members of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army robbed a Brink’s armored car at the Nanuet Mall, in Nanuet, New York. After Boudin dropped her infant son off at a babysitter’s, she took the wheel of the getaway vehicle, a U-Haul truck. She waited in a nearby parking lot as her heavily armed accomplices took another vehicle to a local mall where the Brink’s truck was making a pick-up. They confronted the guards and gunfire immediately broke out, severely wounding guard Joe Trombino and killing his partner, Peter Paige. The four then took $1.6 million in cash and rejoined Boudin.

Lethal women…as poisonous snakes…whether of Islamic or leftist brigades. Catching them is one of the most underrated, undervalued and least competent arenas of counter-terror forces. This is precisely why they slip under the radar, and how feminine jihadi warriors are able to carry out their bloody attacks, recently demonstrated in the hostage crisis – leaving many innocents dead – in Kenya’s shopping mall.
And it matters not a whit whether said jihadis are masquerading in western garb, or wearing full body Islamic gear, burqas and all! The real issue is that westerners are TERRIFIED – law enforcement included – of daring to question anything smacking of Muslim/Arab sensitivities, never mind that it is their “value” system which is blowing up “infidels” world over.
When one is confronted with the bugaboo of“Islamophobia” – concocted by leftist sympathizers and their Islamic jihadi counterparts – and the notion that women are too “delicate” to become stone cold jihadis, well, nothing could be further from the truth.  Nor deadlier.

Islamic Dictates Americans/Westerners MUST Internalize To Beat Them Back: The NOT So “Mysterious” Underpinnings…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

This blog is hardly a stranger to Islamic underpinningsits dictates and jihad in particular. In fact, its understanding is core to this site’s raison d’etre, as described within the About tab:

“Hopefully, my small effort will enlighten Israelis and Americans (and the west in general) to the dangers posed by our common foes. These dangers are fueled exponentially by the morphing of the Red/Green alliance-radical leftists and Islamic jihadists.”

That being the case, a MEGA spotlight shines herein, on what actually drives Islamic jihad, regardless of all their obfuscations, outright lies, nonsensical parsing and whatever dung fuels their cover ups – both by Islamic jihadists and their leftist cohorts! Jive talk will never pass this site’s smell test, and neither do threats coming this blog’s way, to “cease and desist”. Seriously, are they smoking too much hooka, to even make such a demand? Their “Allah” only knows for sure.

But before we get to the latest “gift” sent your way, the following are instructive as more than primers. You decide which resonates most. 

Let’s start with Islam’s relationship to blood as a central theme and component. NOTHING matters more than internalizing its essence, as it is Islam’s DRIVING/IMBIBING force. As a result, an understanding of this American-Israeli’s recent interview, Muslim Brotherhood’s quest for global dominance, will fill in the rest of the blanks. The Brotherhood Mafia is the absolute umbrella shielding Islamic jihad, regardless of this and that terror group’s name, designation or tribal derivative.

Significantly, after the above is studied, then the Brotherhood Mafia’s “phased plan” (as demonstrated within the link, stage 3 has been completed) for Americaand where it currently stands, will come full circle. All in due time.

Now, let’s carry onto the main event, but acquaint – or reacquaint, whichever the case may be – yourselves with Dave Gaubatz, a premier “terror hunter”, regardless of what naysayers opine. He is THAT good and America’s/west’s enemies are in a frenzy to shut him up. But never mind. Trust your lives on what he instructs. This blogger does.

When Can A Muslim Engage in Jihad & Who Gives Permission?
“Defense of the Muslim Lands”
By: Dave Gaubatz
7 Nov 2013
Transliteration of Arabic words you should know before reading this article:
1.  Ard: All things held in honor, religion, family, women, country, dignity, etc…
2.  Fard: Compulsory, obligatory duty
3.  Fard Ayn: Greatest degree of obligation

4.  Fard Kifaya:  Initially compulsory, but voluntary upon fulfillment of specific conditions

5.  Fatwa: Legal ruling

6.  Iman:  Belief, faith  

Understanding Islam is not difficult.  You do not have to be a PhD, a Muslim, or an Islamic scholar.  The Islamic ideology was not meant to be a puzzle, or a complex system that would make it difficult for Muslims and potential Muslims to understand.

Islamic based terrorist groups and their supporters want you to believe the Islamic ideology is so difficult to understand and the concepts can only be grasped by a few learned Islamic leaders.  This is false and readers should never fall into the trap of believing this.  The Islamic leaders want you to believe this so they can refute anything said negatively about Islam.  The sad thing is the vast majority of our politicians, media, and law enforcement fall in line with the lies expressed by Islamic leaders.

To understand Islam you simply must study a few materials and understand a few Arabic words.  I will use the following analogy: Suppose that never in your life you had heard about the Nazi’s and Hitler.  Most people with any sense of reasoning know that the term Nazi and the name Hitler are synonymous with hate, violence, and evil.  How long would it take to convince someone who had little or no knowledge of the Hitler regime, that it was a hate filled ideology?  You need not be a history professor in a major university, you need not be a junior or high school teacher of history, you don’t have to be a senior law enforcement officer with a background in murders and the mindset of murderers like Hitler.

There is ample evidence over a 75 year period that the terms Nazi and Hitler are evil and a person who follows and supports the Hitler ideology has the high potential in carrying out hatred and violence against innocent people.

When it comes to Islam there is over 1400 years of evidence that Prophet Mohammed and his ideology (Islam) have been filled with hatred, violence, and evil against innocent people throughout the world.  Mohammed was not trying to keep his thoughts and beliefs secret from the world.  Instead he made the ideology very clear to even the most ignorant of all people.  Mohammed could not read or write and the majority of the world’s people at the time could not.  Mohammed wanted people to follow him and Islam.  He was very clear in his instructions about how to carry out the plans he had for the ultimate takeover of the world, under Sharia law. 

To understand Islam you need only listen and read the same materials that are in your local mosques, and use common sense that God has given ‘most’ of us. 

If you only have the time or patience to understand one Arabic word you must know the term ‘Fard Ayn’.  This is the ultimate obligation a Muslim has.  It is Fard Ayn (mandatory) Muslims always protect Muslim lands and Islam from occupation or oppression.  This through physical Jihad or if you are unable to fight, you must provide material support to the mujahadeen (jihad fighters).  It is especially important to know that jihad is mandatory if non believers occupy land they feel is Muslim land. 

So when can a Muslim engage in physical jihad?  The answer is they were given their marching orders over 1400 years ago by Prophet Mohammed.  He explained the rules of engagement to his followers and these instructions have been passed down by Islamic scholars over the centuries, to include today. 

The law is titled ‘The General March’.  This is the mandate of Fard Ayn and Fard Kafiya. The General March was given by Prophet Mohammed and Muslims are obligated to carry this out.  Many readers will say that most Muslims around the world are not actively carrying this order out.  Prophet Mohammed had said there would be many Muslims who would not carry out their obligations of the General March and they would suffer for this.  In layman terms a person who carries out his responsibilities under Islam is a practicing Muslim. One who does not is a non-practicing Muslim (an Apostate of Islam). 

People must realize there are millions of millions who do not fight in jihad, but they support the mujahadeen in various ways. Some provide funding, shelter, food, and conduct jihad through the pen and tongue (such as CAIR, ISNA, etc…).  The vast majority of Muslims support the mujahadeen by remaining silent.  They are the one’s who say nothing about the hate and violent filled material in their mosques.  They are the eyes and ears of the mujahadeen.  Do not let their silence fool you.  They know what the term Fard Ayn means.  It is a basic concept within Islam.  Luckily there are millions of people who identify with the ideology of Islam simply because they were born into Islam. these are the apostates of Islam, or as some people say, they are the moderates (a term that doesn’t exist in Islam. 

We all know that the lands in Saudi, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and Israel (to name a few) are lands the Muslim people claim are theirs. When these lands are occupied by non believers and foreign governments, it is mandatory the Muslims people destroy (kill) their enemies. There is no magical call the Muslims will receive. Islamic leaders do not need to give their permission for Muslims to engage in fighting and killing non believers the world over (yes to include America). Fard Ayn demands the Muslims closest to the oppressor/enemy to engage in jihad first and then Muslims from all over the world to join the fight. Prophet Mohammed gave them this obligation 1400 plus years ago. It was called ‘The General March’.
Again, the General March in Islam means when it is Fard Ayn or Fard Kifaya, a Muslim’s first duty upon accepting (Iman)Islam into their lives is to engage in physical jihad against their enemies the world over.    

In 2009, in an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” 

Recall that if non believers occupy land considered to be Muslim land, it is mandatory they engage in jihad. this means to kill/murder their enemy wherever they may be.  The actions by Major Hassan at Ft. Hood was a man following the laws of his ideology (Islam).  Boston and Trolley Square are other examples. Of course 9-11 was a major example.  

When Obama made the statement above about America being an Islamic country, he knew exactly what he was doing.  Obama has made these references more than once.  The statements by Obama give Muslims guidance on Fard Ayn.  There are millions of Muslims in America who feel America is their land, it is Muslim land, and the President of the United States has confirmed this. 

What will happen when more Muslims begin fulfilling their mandatory obligations of ‘The General March’.  America will see many, many more attacks such as 9-11, Ft. Hood, Boston, etc…  We will see jihad attacks against our children in schools, malls, and at major sporting events (sports like football, basketball, baseball are Haram/illegal in Islam).  

If you desire to question an Islamic scholar or ‘Pure Muslim’, ask them to define Fard Ayn and the General March for you.  Then give them a copy of the Islamic manual written by terrorists and followed in most Sunni mosques.  The manual is titled ‘The Defense of the Muslim Lands’.

The manual was written by Sheikh Azzam.  He issued a Fatwa in regards to the General March of jihad. Islamic leaders the world over do not dispute it’s findings, because it came directly from Prophet Mohammed.

Fatwa by Sheikh Azzam:

“That if a piece of Muslim land the size of a hand span is infringed upon, then jihad becomes Fard Ayn (global obligation) on every Muslim male and female, where the child shall march forward without the permission of its parents and the wife without the permission of the husband.” (From the manual ‘Defene of the Muslim Lands)

Reaction to Azzam’s Fatwa by Umar Sayyaf, Grand Chair of the Ulama, Sana Yemen

“The truth that jihad now is Fard Ayn and that there is no excuse for anybody.”

Reaction to Azzam’s Fatwa by ” Sheikh Abdullah Nassah al Waan, University of King Fahd Abdul Aziz

 “Jihad will remain Fard Ayn upon its people upon every country close by until sufficient forces are attained to liberate the Muslim countries from the grip of the Unbelievers.  if the Unbelievers are not beaten back, then the Fard Ayn of jihad spreads in the shape of a circle. The nearest to the next in nearness.  Until, the jihad has become Fard Ayn upon the whole earth, the destruction of the enemy and their complete expulsion from the Muslim land.  Now in this time we find many Muslims in all Muslim countries, lazy, ill equipped and idle.  So, in truth, for Afghanistan and Palestine as well as other countries of the Muslims, jihad has today become Fard Ayn on everyone until sufficient manpower and money are collected.

 Therefore it is incumbent upon every Muslim today, capable of carrying a weapon, to march forward to jihad to aid their Muslim brothers in Afghanistan and in every place in need, even though his or her parents do not permit it, until sufficient forces are attained and Allah knows best”. 

In summation, conclude today’s lesson with the following evidence and more:

The White House’s (Washington’s) Romance With The Brotherhood Mafia: What Are The Consequences For America &amp; The Free World? …followed by The Muslim Mafia (aka The Brotherhood) &amp; Their Overarching “Plan”: What It Means For America’s Future.

School’s out.

The RACE BAITER-IN-CHIEF (& His Minions) Set The Stage For INCREASED Black Mob Violence, Terrorizing Whites. Race War A Real Possibility. Why?…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Fanning the flames to racial violence takes many forms. While some of its signals are overt, others are much more circumspect. Regardless, those who are prone to said violence surely understand when a bro’ has their backs. It’s an “entitlement” thing.

From the get go, the Race Baiter-In-Chief pitted Blacks against Whites. Readers may recall – or not – he stepped into (racial) doo doo when he came to the aid of his Black bud, Henry Louis Gates Jr., in July 2009, only a few months into his Presidency. Apparently, Gates had a run-in with the “po-lice”. Oh yeah.

Obama, with his chin in its usual upward tilt, unabashedly opined: the “police acted stupidly”, brazenly admitting that he didn’t even know all the facts of the case. What a chutzpah. Craven narcissist. Forensically diagnosed: The One.

Besides, can anyone imagine the POTUS calling a press conference if a White person was similarly arrested? Do pigs fly? Never mind his copy cat racially-bent surrogates, namely, Holder, Sharpton & gang. Hey, this blogger is talking to you all! 

Just as a backgrounder, a frame of reference: mind you, in June 2009, a month prior to this specific race baiting foray, Iranian freedom seekers were dying in the streets, and their leadership were BEGGING Barack HUSSEIN Obama to support them, in whatever way possible. In fact, the following commentary was written, Barack HUSSEIN Obama Acts As A Shield For Islamic Regimes: Iranian Freedom Fighters Exposed His Hand, and its resonance won it a Watcher of Weasels award

The point being, the leader of the free world’s actions were so egregious in his non-involvement in Iran, others took special note too.  So, what exactly did he, or didn’t, do? NOTHING. He couldn’t even take the time to give them a “shout out”, as many died in Tehran’s streets. Yet, he took the time (despite all his duties, as the leader of the free world) for a press conference to assist his Black (Harvard educated) leftist bro’. You see where this is going?

Lest anyone believes this is old news – reverting back to his missteps from his first term – think again. His race baiting picked up more than a notch since then. In spades.

Consider the pile up of victims, some of whom are no longer among the living:

Yes, on behalf of “Tray”, race wars were ignited in U.S. cities. On whose orders, winks and nods? As such, extracting “justice” for “Tray” meant beating Whites to a pulp !

As if the above is not indicting enough to a burgeoning race war, it’s not coincidental that the following is all the “rage”, yet, the POTUS IS STONE COLD SILENT. Where are his urgent press conferences??

June 2013 – FAMILY PICNIC TURNS TO HORROR THANKS TO BLACK MOB. Woman pistol whipped while trying to defend son

Aug. 2013 – MAN IN COMA AFTER BLACK MOB OF 50 PUMMELS HIM. She saw them strip him of his pants and go through the pockets’

Sept. 2013 – BLACK MOB MURDERS MAN IN SURPRISING PLACE’. If it is happening here, what do you think is happening in the rest of the country?’

Oct. 2013 – BLACK MOB POUNCES ON YOUNG WHITE COUPLE. ‘It keeps happening, and they keep wondering why’

Nov. 2013 – Three “Knockout” Attacks Reported In Philadelphia Area

Nov. 2013 – NEWSPAPERS DIRECTED: COVER UP BLACK VIOLENCE. City’s epidemic silenced by national ‘journalism’ society

Nov. 2013 – Surprise! Media finally wake up to Knockout Game – video included within http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/fox-launches-full-frontal-assault-on-black-mobs/

The listing of racially-inspired winks and nods can go on and on, but this blogger only has so many hours in a day to spare. Nevertheless, the trajectory of Black on White pummeling is very clear.

Now, get this, DHS Still Hasn’t Fired Black Supremacist Who Called for Mass Murder of Whites:Almost four months after he was unmasked as a militant black nationalist who called for murdering “Uncle Tom race traitors,” Ayo Kimathi is still employed. You got that??

So while the Racialist-in-Chief’s Chicago ‘hood is featured below, it is by far – as amply demonstrated above – not an isolated phenomenon. 


Brutal assaults captured on cell-phone videos recorded by suspects

The latest case of black-mob violence in Chicago is far from the worst. We’ll get to that one in a minute.

But when a mob of black people rushed into three Chicago-area Sports Authority stores this week and rushed out dragging entire racks of winter clothing, the local CBS affiliate dubbed that “unbelievable.

CNN said the videos were “shocking.”

Not really: “That crime was only unbelievable or shocking to the reporters who spend all their time ignoring and denying black mob violence,” said one Chicago cop, who would rather keep his job than be identified as a source of stories on racial violence. “More organized, yes. Unbelievable? Hardly. Not to anyone who knows anything about the epic level of black-mob violence and black-on-white crime in this city.”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

First the heist. The CBS affiliate reports:

Unbelievable surveillance video captured flash mobs dashing into store after store and running out with armloads and sometimes entire racks of sporting goods.

It has happened at three different Sports Authority stores in the Chicago area.

The video shows the mob dragging the racks out together in what can only be called a choreographed fashion: Linking them together and rolling them like a freight train through the nearby exit and out to a parking lot.

The thieves targeted clothes and knocked over one employee who tried to interfere. Other than that, no one was hurt.

This heist was comic relief compared to an episode of black-mob violence and rape involving three teenage girls in October. This week, police arrested the ninth black suspect in connection with the rape, kidnapping, drugging and assault. The Chicago Tribune picked up the story:

The girls were walking in the 700 block of North Parkside Avenue in the Austin neighborhood about 9:45 p.m. Oct. 19 when a 1999 Chevrolet van approached, according to police and prosecutors.

As the van parked outside of a liquor store, two suspects exited and started to talk to the girls. Later, the victims agreed to get into the van and left with them. The attackers had the girls sit on their laps and then gave the two 16-year-old victims alcohol and marijuana, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors said at least two of the people took turns driving while the girls were assaulted. Meanwhile, the girl who did not drink the alcohol or smoke the marijuana “fought to protect” the other girls, screaming and pounding the walls of the van, according to court records and prosecutors.

Prosecutors provided more detail about the state of the two girls who were given the alcohol and marijuana in the van. They said one of the girls was “extremely intoxicated” and could not hold her head up. One of the girls had a blood alcohol content of .237, according to prosecutors. Police found that girl unconscious and partially dressed in a suspect’s basement, lying in a pool of her own vomit, prosecutors said.

Several of the assaults were captured on cell-phone videos recorded by the suspects.

Police mugshots of some of the rape suspects.

As graphic as the Tribune’s coverage of the violence was, it was tame compared to the details in other Chicago area blogs: Crime in Chicago did not shy away from presenting a fuller picture of the violence:

Angered at her screams, Robinson held the 15-year-old down while another suspect punched her in the face until she became quiet. Still restrained, she was sexually assaulted and then kicked out of the van because she continued yelling. As she fell out, she managed to pull her 16-year-old sister out with her, even though the attackers tried yanking them back inside.

The second 16-year-old remained in the van as the sisters ran, knocked on doors and screamed for help.

The suspects drove to Durham’s home. The girl was unconscious so Johnson and Price picked her up and carried her into Durham’s home where Price then sexually assaulted her.

Three witnesses who happened to be driving in the area called police after seeing the commotion and the sisters as they escaped from the van.

The Tribune does not usually identify suspects by race. Even if the crime is part of a pattern. Even if the race of the suspects will help identify them. Even if the paper reports every day on other race-related stories about black caucuses, black churches, black colleges, black TV, black radio and on and on.

Everything except black-mob violence.

Tribune editors and columnists spend more time explaining why they do not report on racial violence in Chicago then actually reporting it. And for readers who wonder why the Trib is so heavily invested in ignoring and denying the epidemic of black-mob violence in Chicago, the Trib’s Steve Chapman has an answer: You are a racist for even asking.

“There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It’s the newspaper’s sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.

“My question to readers accusing us of political correctness is: Why do you care so much about the attackers’ race? If you fear or dislike blacks, I suppose it would confirm your prejudice. But otherwise, it tells you nothing useful.”

When readers try to comment on racial violence, black-mob violence or black-on-white crime, the Tribune – like many other papers around the country – either removes the comments or does not run them at all.

“In certain circumstances, we will take down entire comment boards,” said the paper.

The Tribune disabled comments for the several stories on the West Side rapists.

Outrageously, aside for a “license” – a  high five – to steal and rampage against “Whitey”, the fact of the matter is, under Obama Inc., the Black community has been set back exponentially. How so? Their financial gains have been wrecked by an economy falling off the cliff via rampant unemployment, coupled with a gimme gimme mentality. Yes, their bro’, Obama, is responsible for their overall economic devastation. See the damage accrued from Obamacare to his “pets”, even as he claims he has their backs! Who is this creature?

What is even more outrageous is the way he abuses Blacks (his largest support base) for his own political gain and radical goals. As stated, it has been under his (mis)reign that Blacks have lost many of their hard fought gains in the economic sector, leaving many of their communities devastated.
In a nutshell, Allen West, Thomas Sowell and others (Black men of real stature) courageously posit: 
“Tell me, Black Americans, what is it you like about President Barack Obama other than the color of his skin? I ask this question because this humble observer of the asylum we all have to live in can see no reason that over 90% of black voters voted for Mr. Obama the second time. (The first time is understandable.) Everything this man has done since being in office has been done for one reason and one reason only. And that has been to promote a bigger role for government and a lessor role for the individual Americans, including black Americans.  If that sounds a bit like Marxism, that’s because that is who Barack Obama is. The only thing that I can see that our first black president has done for black Americans is to feed them a constant stream of convenient lies so that the grossly under educated black Americans can blame someone other than themselves for their lot in life”.
On the other hand, take Oprah Winfrey and her harping on the “color” of one’s skin, but said pigmentation seems to be important only if one’s hue is Black. What?? Well, hear the daytime diva strutt her racist stuff, and know that she always has Obama’s back –
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like “The Butler,” and it’s the beauty of a film like “12 Years a Slave,” and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with “Scottsboro Boys” is that it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much 

farther we need to go.” Of course problem is not solved. You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south – there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.

So in Winfrey’s view, it’s older white people that are the problem, and once they die, racism ends.

Yet three months ago, she said of the George Zimmerman verdict, “It’s ridiculous to look at that case and not to think that race was involved.”

Zimmerman’s only 30 years old and is Hispanic.

It is patently absurd to suggest that racism is caused by old white people when racism and religious bigotry cut across all generations and ethnicities.

But folks such as Winfrey don’t want to look at it that way, for they have a different agenda:

Egregiously, it was due to “racist” America that Oprah became one of the richest women in America, which gave a Black woman all her opportunities. Hmm. It was “racist” America that elected Barack HUSSEIN Obama to the most powerful position in the world. Double hmm. Now, who are the authentic race baiters?

Do wrap your brains around what she is saying, and don’t forget it, whenever one of her many conglomerates are in view. Winfrey – a DESPICABLE racist! Is it any wonder she hearts Obama and has his back too?

 Birds of a racist, leftist feather!

Obama Acts As ARSONIST & FIREFIGHTER: Doing “Business” With Rogue Regimes & Covering Tracks Too…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Geo-politics, as stated enumerable times, is akin to a hotter than hot chessboard of rapidly moving and evolving puzzle parts. Getting burnt is not unusual, but being scorched from ones trusted allies, well, that rises to a stratospheric level of betrayal. Never to be forgiven or forgotten. Caroline Glick says it best in her weekly column at the Jerusalem Post, and this should elicit more than deliberate pause: COLUMN ONE: The demise of Pax Americana, 11/14/2013. Heed her warnings well.

So at the same time that Obama and gang sold America’s assets to China (and others); implanted Russian troops on U.S. soil and Chinese forces too; plus aided Iran to the WMD finish line, they still ! have the audacity to become hysterical about Snowden’s revelations. In actuality, he is merely outing their machinations. Pot…kettle.

In reality, it was Snowden’s cache which demonstrated the many methods in which Obama Inc. betrayed its allies and its own citizens, as opposed to where their focus should have been, to wit, on enemy states. Thereby, it was through their own actions that shrill “shout outs” and alerts to foreign intelligence services were necessitated from the get go. Cause and effect. Topsy turvy too.

This criminal regime’s authentic goals are succinctly summed up within NSA Caught Dead to RightsBut, it still begs the specific question: The Snowden Affair and NSA’s Outing – What Is Obama Inc. Really Afraid Of? 

Even more so, Aside From Obama’s Goons Domestic Spying, why are they after the kiddies? To Bring Down America, that’s why. Yet, not content with leaving any semblance of America intact, they jump to another ! betrayal via The Purging Of Islam + Terror And Its Evisceration Of NSA’s Spying. If your head isn’t already spinning, what the hell else are they up to? Ahh…a dissident’s list !

Leading straight to their oh so concerned missives…

US alerts foreign intelligence services on Snowden’s disclosures

DEBKAfile October 2013

The 30,000 documents taken by whistleblower Edward Snowden contains secret data about foreign agencies’ cooperation with the US in collection programs against targets, including Iran, Russia and China. Those documents if disclosed could compromise operations and agents.The Washington Post reports that US officials are sending out alerts to some foreign intelligence services. This process is delicate at a time that Washington is scrambling to placate allies, after disclosures by Snowden that the NSA spied on foreign leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
DEBKAfile: The US alerts are warning allied agencies to immediately recall secret agents from current intelligence operations because their cover may be blown.

Par for the course, when inveterate, unrepentant liars and reprobates are caught with their pants down, any and all cover ups become “legitimate” tools. One only has to dig through Benghazigate’s mountain of falsehoods and tall tales (as just one example out of too many others) to recognize what’s what. 

Even with the following Indictments making the rounds, Obama and gang refuse to ‘fess up and take responsibility for American deaths in Libya. The attendant assists they gave to jihadis, through their weapons running from Libya into Syria and beyond, has yet to reach its full peak. 

Consider: Benghazigate’s linkage/nexus to Morsi’s Mafia and Obama’s half bro’, Malik Obama, has come to the fore, so the fact of the matter is that Egypt’s Brotherhood, its proxy jihadis and the “Blind Sheik’s” release are all interconnected with Obama’s thrust into Libya! One has to wonder: aren’t they ALREADY caught with their pants down, Snowden beside the point?

Intrinsically, there is a growing, burgeoning case for Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s impeachment, as the arming of Al Qaeda and its affiliated terror groups more than rises to said indictment! And it is not as if some in Congress aren’t taking notice. They are. Indeed, impeachable offenses are reverberating on Capitol Hill. Faster…faster…

The Betrayer/Arsonist-in-Chief (and surrogates) has much to atone for. As a result, it is way “too little too late” to feign angst over allied intelligence agents. Let them save their crocodile/fake tears for those who buy their treachery.

Indeed, cozying up to enemies already extracted the blood of SEALS via many insurmountable, monumental costs. The piper is coming due. And IF the American people hold them accountable, it will be Obama and gang who will pay the ultimate price instead of America’s citizens. Hang tight.

Arsonist(s) acting as firefighter(s)….damn him/them to hell.