Leftist Traitors Facilitating White Genocide Via “Refugees”: Whites Becoming Minority In US & Europe. How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


EFFECTIVELY, the long-term mission of the red/green alliance is coming full circle, as it reaches fruition via the explosive invasion of third world Islamic “refugees into Europe, soon to blow back onto America. A White genocide. Wait and see. But don’t be distracted by the usage of the term via White supremacist groups, those who seek to “purify/cleanse” and create their own race war. Apples and oranges.

INTRINSICALLY, decimating national borders suits both sides, yet, the real “winners” are Muslims, the “greens.” Indubitably, they are stampeding the entire continent.


INHERENTLY, while said alliance was facilitated through initial “understandings” between multi-cultural obsessed elitists in Europe, in order to eliminate all borders (within North America as well, with leftist leaders cooperating through AGENDA 21 and UN bureaucrats), it wasn’t until the Euro-Arab Dialogue (in 1973) took hold that the stage was set for today’s border-smashing nightmare. Alas, a little over 40 years in the making; a drop in the historical bucket.

CONSEQUENTLY, while said collusion was initially conceived between France and Arab leaders to Islamise and Arabise Europe, thereby, severing its existing culture and undermining the so-called alignment with the U.S. and Israel, its blow back has taken on a life of its own. Golem-like. Sheesh, as is said, be careful what you wish for!

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SO as Europe’s implosion explodes, its White citizens appear dumbfounded by its (seemingly) bolt out of the blue destructive swathe. Not so fast. As repeatedly stated, the fuse was lit through HUSSEIN Obama’s illegal war in Libya, but its underpinnings were set in Europe in the early 1970’s.

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SIMILARLY, since the 1960’s, non-elected leftists, in tandem with elected counterparts, did more to bring down America than can be accurately calculated. However, the chief legislative kingmaker should be attributed to its rightful owner; Sen. Ted (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy. He was an avowed leftist, a booze hound, a womanizer, and a third world devotee. Anything else? Hmm, a typical limousine liberal (an over-indulgent elitist with comparable out-sized appetites), he set into motion today’s immigration crisis. From 1965 onward, his legislation revamped the entire immigration system, and its poisonous fruits are exploding as this is being written. Mind you, Teddie boy would be so proud of his handiwork!


  • The 1965 revamp of the entire immigration system.  It ended 40 years of low immigration, got rid of solid numerical caps and opened up chain migration into every overpopulated country in the world, exploding annual immigration numbers.
  • Massive expansion of the refugee programs in the late 1970s, opening up massive loopholes and encouraging a domestic resettlement industry that became a major lobby for more and more overall immigration.
  • The 1986 blanket amnesty. Kennedy’s skills may have been best seen here where he got legislators on our side to agree to the amnesty in exchange for enforcement rules that he made sure were written in a way that would not work.  Within a decade, he would be using the inability to enforce the 1986 rules as an excuse for why we needed more green cards and more amnesties. An example of Kennedy’s great skill was that he persuaded Ronald Reagan to enthusiastically support this bill.
  • The 1990 immigration act, which increased overall immigration by another 35%.  The first Pres. Bush was Kennedy’s co-partner, just as the second Pres. Bush was Kennedy’s eager co-partner in trying to force through another blanket amnesty 2001-2008.
  • The 1990 act also established the lottery whereby we randomly give away 50,000 green cards a year to people in countries picked because they have the least ties and cultural association with the United States, and which disproportionately are terrorist-sponsoring countries. This was something of a compromise for Kennedy who was able to ensure that during the first few years, much of the lottery winners would be illegal aliens from Ireland — his own ethnic group.
  • The H-1B visas which have enabled corporations to keep hundreds of thousands of American kids from getting a foothold in the high-tech industry.
  • The total defeat of liberal civil rights champion Barbara Jordan’s blue-ribbon commissionrecommendations to reduce overall immigration and eliminate chain migration and the lottery in 1996.
  • Six mini-amnesties that passed in the 1990s, primarily aimed at specific nationalities.
  • Every year since 2000, Sen. Kennedy pushed an amnesty. Every year, he pushed increases in foreign workers.


AND it is through the above (American and European) footprints that a rapid gateway to White genocide (even though most have a hard time grasping said outcome) is opening.

NOW, this is not to say that overnight killing fields are on tap. But it is absolutely the (historical) case that when Allah’s monsters become the majority they slaughter non-Muslims, as well as Muslim apostates. Just look around at the littered body parts within the Mid East’s landscape, as well as inside parts of Africa. To a tee, they are killing fields. Absolutely, they are the “green” part of the deadly alliance.

INDUBITABLY, the “red” part doesn’t require much introduction, in so far as their capacity for slaughter. Heck, Billy boy Ayers is still dreaming about killing many millions who refuse to be “re-educated”, and they are mostly Whites who are non-leftists!


BUT not to be overlooked in the analysis, no doubt, the imprints of cultural Marxism should be considered front and center. 

MOST resoundingly, when the leader of the so-called free world, an Islamist and cultural Marxist revolutionary, is in sync with “social justice” driven Pope Francis, well, a hellish nightmare (it is what it is) is likely on the horizon.

READERS, no offense intended to those who are devoted to the Vatican, but it can no longer be ignored that Pope Francis is more attached to “social justice” (leftist/socialist ideology) than he is to scriptural teachings.

In his speech to Congress on Thursday, Pope Francis once again demonstrated his pro-Marxist tendencies, hailing the work of Dorothy Day, an American convert to Catholicism who never renounced her pro-Marxist views but has been described by the media as just an activist for “social justice.” She was a founder of the Catholic Worker Movement and was the subject of a 581-page FBI file for her connections to communists and communist groups….continue reading

RESULTANT, his affinity for Muslim “refugees” is not only misguided, but wildly dangerous. Besides, is Vatican City ready to absorb Allah’s followers, even a spare dozen?? Nope. As to fleeing Christians? Well, one ! family has been welcomed into their midst. Hmm….do as I say, not as I do, comes to mind.

It’s not quite a gift from God but, politically, it may be the next best thing.

President Obama increasingly is finding a key policy ally in the Vatican, with Pope Francis standing virtually shoulder to shoulder with the White House on income inequality and a historic diplomatic reboot with communist Cuba. The pontiff next year also appears poised to offer greater support to the president on climate change initiatives and reportedly wants to be a leading voice at a U.N. global warming summit next year, where the American president will make perhaps his greatest pitch to date for more dramatic action on the environment.

For Mr. Obama and fellow Democrats, aligning with Francis offers clear benefits in the short-term, as they are able to highlight agreement on controversial issues with one of the most respected figures on the planet.

But in the long-term, analysts say, Democrats may pay something of a political price.

To soothe American Catholics, who may have grown suspicious of the church’s partnership with a liberal White House, the pope in the coming months and years is likely to zero in on fundamental disagreements with the Democratic Party on issues such as abortion and religious liberty, said Joseph Prud’homme, a political science professor and the director of the Institute for the Study of Religion, Politics, and Culture at Washington College.

“I believe Francis will remind the faithful in his position as supreme pastor about what he has consistently said about life and religious liberty. I hope, and I expect, that he will, after these initiatives [on Cubaand climate change], remind the faithful of the unending position of the church with respect to the sanctity of human life, the importance of religious liberty,” Mr. Prud’homme said.

He added that Francis could create a deeper, almost irreparable rift between the church and the Democratic Party and create further headaches for liberal Catholics in electoral politics unless the Democratic Party “changes and recalibrates its center of gravity away from these issues which, from the position of the church, represent grave and serious moral error.”

While abortion and other moral issues represent a philosophical chasm between the Catholic Church and the Democratic Party, the past several years have proved the two can work together.

The White House praised the pope this month for playing a critical role in a landmark deal with Cuba, one in which the U.S. will re-establish formal diplomatic ties and open an embassy in Havana for the first time in more than five decades

Francis invited administration officials and representatives of Cuban President Raul Castro’s government to the Vatican for a series of meetings this fall. The first Latin American pope also sent letters to Mr. Obama and Mr. Castro, urging the two leaders to change course and end the isolation of the past 50 years.

“He played a very important role,” Mr. Obama said of the pontiff in an interview with ABC News this month. “The pope doesn’t wield armies. He can’t impose sanctions. But he can speak with great moral authority, and it makes a difference. And it certainly made a difference in this case.”

In a Dec. 17 statement, Francis welcomed the normalization of relations, and the White House circulated his words to members of the media.

The Vatican has long been critical of U.S. sanctions against Cuba. Pope John Paul II — one of the few world leaders to have been received by longtime strongman Fidel Castro in a business suit rather than fatigues — called the embargo an “oppressive, unjust and ethically unacceptable” burden on the poor during a pilgrimage to Cuba.

The pope also has become one of the Democrats’ biggest allies on income inequality, which Mr. Obama has cast as perhaps the biggest challenge facing the U.S. economy today.

Last year, Francis offered a clear rejection of “trickle-down economics,” seemingly embracing Democratic policies of greater redistribution of wealth to struggling Americans.

“Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories, which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world,” he said. “This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system.”

High-profile Democrats, such as Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, cited the pope’s words when arguing for more government spending on programs to aid low-income Americans and to shrink the wage gap between the rich and the poor.

“Those of us in America should pay heed” to the pontiff’s words, he said after Francis’ comments on income inequality.

Moving forward, the pope may become one of Mr. Obama’s greatest allies on climate change, described by the president as one of his top priorities in his final two years in office.

Mr. Obama already has struck a historic climate accord with China, begun to impose harsher carbon emissions restrictions on U.S. power plants and taken other steps to curb climate change. He is expected to call for even greater action during a U.N. climate summit in September, and Francis looks ready to do the same….continue reading

(By aligning with Pope Francis, President Obama can highlight agreement on issues with one of the world’s most respected figures.)

BOTTOM LINE: Whether they are in America or Europe, rest assured, the radical left is totally behind their Islamic counterparts, in so far as upending the White majority in their respective countries.

WITH the above in sync, what can go wrong? Have mercy…Whites are in their cross hairs, even though left unspoken!!

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BANNING Mosques…Muslims In Congress Too: An American (Western) Imperative. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


FIRST and foremost, let us all agree on the most intrinsic basis for survival: the underpinnings of democracy are not meant to be suicide pacts ! Period. Don’t ever forget this western pact. Imperative. Alas, even if too many multicultural fantasists interpret freedom of religion – a core western component – as a “legitimate” veil to hide behind, rolling over and giving in is NEVER an option. Not on this watch….

IMAGINE, if you will, millions of Jews and Christians slaughtering everyone who offends their religious sensitivities. In fact, there would be so many dead bodies that cemeteries, the size of football fields, would have to be built – world over – to house the corpses! 

IT is precisely for this reason why two twin myths have to be shattered. Obliterated. Post haste. That is, if America (the west will not survive without America as a bulwark, similarly, sans Israel standing strong against Islamic jihad…twin pillars) is to survive the upcoming onslaught of perpetually aggrieved Muslims, westerners need to get with the program. Besides, when are they NOT “offended”?


SO, let’s cut to the heart of the matter and bust open the most DANGEROUS myth, “Islam is a religion of peace”. It is beyond mendacious. It is perhaps the biggest lie on the world stage, and that is saying something. Thus, repeat ad nausea: 

The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”


                                MOHAMMAD  HI-JACKED ISLAM!


ON the other hand, its basis is “religious” in nature, but it was conceived to be used as a bludgeon, against all those who refuse to fall in line with a totalitarian political doctrine, albeit cloaked within a religious basis. Sounds Orwellian? Well, regardless, it is the truth.

PAY strict heed to Ayann Hirsi, a Somali (former) Muslim. Yes, there are scores of irrefutable proofs to back up the following:

“It makes no sense to differentiate between Islam and Islamism. One, sympathetically, probably tries to say that Islam is a normal religion, but the point is that Islam by its nature is a political movement, and that the religious dimension is cosmetic.”

NO ifs, ands or buts about this “diagnosis”.


MYTH one leads straight into myth two…..1 + 1… (a + b) equation-like.  

THUS, it has been established (above, within this site, and elsewhere) that Islam’s basis is totalitarian, to be utilized as a political tool of war, with an end point to submit all to Allah. In factual reality, the actual meaning of Islam = submitin accordance with Quran Sunnah Educational Programs. Hmmm…

Q: Please, illustrate to me the meaning of Islam.

A: Islam means total submission to Allah (Exalted be He) through belief in His Oneness, and showing subservient and servile obedience to Him. This is the meaning of Islam.

IN this regard, multiculti brayers continuously opine: why shouldn’t Muslims be free to build mosques within the west – just like other religions – if said nations are to uphold the mantle of democracy? A fair question, but only if one didn’t know what’s what.  

INTRINSICALLY, their war plans are STRATEGIZED within their mosques (besides, this site’s counter jihad contacts have documented evidence of said charges, so, don’t even try to argue otherwise) and PREACHED inside their “religious” confines! The proofs are manifest and grave. Book-worthy.

BUT just as foretastes, the following should suffice:


MOSQUES in America are a dagger to its heart; a metastasizing cancer !


AS mentioned below – in reference to the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history – Dar al-Hijrah, in Falls Church, Virginia (out of scores of others throughout the U.S.) openly calls for armed jihad within America !

Sheik Shaker Elsayed, the imam of the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Va., advocated armed jihad before an Ethiopian Muslim group gathered at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va. last week.

“Muslim men when it is a price to pay, they are first in line,” Elsayed said in comments seen on a YouTube video found by the Creeping Sharia blog. “They are the first in the prayer line. They are the first in the zakat (charity) line. They are the first in the hajj line. They are the first in the clean-up line. They are the first in the community-service line. They are the first in jihad line. They are the first in the da’wa line.”

“But they are last if anything is being distributed, unless it is arms for jihad,” Elsayed said. “We are the first to rush and run to defend our community and defend ourselves. The enemies of Allah are lining up; the question for us is, ‘Are we lining, or are we afraid because, because they may call us terrorists.'”

Being called “terrorists” should not matter to Muslims because Muslims are being called terrorists anyway, Elsayed said.

“You are a terrorist because you are a Muslim,” Elsayed said. “Well give them a run for their money. Make it worth it. Make this title worth it, and be good a Muslim.”

Elsayed then told Muslims to accept peace when they receive peace, but to fight back when their families, communities, nations and dignity come under attack.

He has been Dar al-Hijrah’s imam since 2005. Law enforcement officials have described the mosque as being “associated with Islamic extremists” and “operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S….His name also appears in a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document detailing the group’s plan to wage a non-violent civilization jihad to destroy “Western civilization from within.”

AT the very least, if anything, wouldn’t it make sense for Americans to immediately follow what a Mayor from Italy has done, a town leader who finally realizes that mosques are (beyond) a dagger to the hearts of non-Muslim citizens!

EXTRAPOLATING further, before it is too late, those already built will need to be demolished, brick by brick, not unlike forward command centers when waging war against ones enemies!  

CONCOMITANTLY, doesn’t it flow (from all of the above) that followers of Islam, Muslims, within Congress (and other western representative bodies) evince a clear and present danger? If not, why not?

André Carson, the U. S. Representative for Indiana’s 7th Congressional District announced at the “Islamic Circle of North America” convention in 2012 that American schools should follow the model of Islamic madrassas – Islamic schools with religious teachings founded on the Quran.

Carson told “America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Quran.”

My guess is that if a Christian Congressman made the same statement indicating Bible-study class, you’d be hearing about it in a more fanatical fashion from the mainstream press. But I digress… Do you believe the comments by Carson raises any red flags? No? Well then how about this:

At the same conference, Carson also made a dire warning to U.S. undercover law enforcement: “Allah will not allow you to stop us.” 

André Carson will soon sit in on meetings where some of America’s most precious secrets are examined because Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is set to appoint him to the House Intelligence Committee…..keep reading….

“HOLY” jihad….

COUNTLESS tools – aside from frontal bloody jihad, the most obvious – are utilized to bring down America, their prime target. In the Brotherhood Mafia’s own words: “their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands….”

AND it matters not a whit which Muslim Brotherhood front group is the main engine to this and that act of jihad. The CENTRAL fact remains that “the mosques are their barracks, the domes are their helmets, the minarets are their bayonets, and the faithful are their soldiers”!

BOTH in words and deeds, be it frontal or stealth, the Muslim Brotherhood are plotting jihad. Moreover, as mentioned, at the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history, evidence was tied to front group after front group, and to mosque after mosque. Not only that, Dar Al-Hijrah stands out as a forerunner – “Federal investigators found Akram’s memo in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.”

In July 2007, seven key leaders of an Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) went on trial for charges that they had: (a) provided “material support and resources” to a foreign terrorist organization (namely Hamas); (b) engaged in money laundering; and (c) breached the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which prohibits transactions that threaten American national security. Along with the seven named defendants, the U.S. government released a list of approximately 300 “unindicted co-conspirators” and “joint venturers.” During the course of the HLF trial, many incriminating documents were entered into evidence. Perhaps the most significant of these was An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” by the Muslim Brotherhood operative Mohamed Akram. Federal investigators found Akram’s memo in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.

Written sometime in 1987 but not formally published until May 22, 1991, Akram’s 18-page document listed the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” that shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation. These “friends” were identified by Akram and the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”

An archived page of the MAS website from 2003 – smack dab in the middle of Elsayed’s tenure there – states the following:

The call and the spirit of the movement reached the shores of North America with arrival of the Muslim student and immigrants in the late 50’s and early 60’s. These early pioneers and Islamic Movement followers established in 1963. Muslim Student Association (MSA) of U.S and Canada as the rallying point in their endeavor to serve Islam and Muslims in the North America scene. Other services and outreach organization soon followed, such as North America Islamic Trust (NAIT), Islamic MedicalAssociation (IMA), Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA) and Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA), to name a few.


REALISTICALLY, Americans (westerners) must understand this ominous fact: the multiple pronged attacks in Paris were precursors/forerunners for the “ready, set, go….blow” attacks within the U.S. The hidden jihadi cells, all over America, are likely to piggyback onto a few more “successful” strikes within Europe. However, as mentioned, Europe is their “testing ground”. Pointedly, the following, from Debkafile Intelligence, should serve as more than “background noise”: Europe rounds up 25 jihadi suspects.

HOW much clearer does it need to be to tie U.S. mosques (similarly, all over the west) into “barracks preparing for war”? And knowing this, isn’t it a matter of national survival, an imperative, to call for their elimination? Or, on the other hand, has democracy become a western suicide pact?

IF not, listen up to this site’s valued contact, Tom Trento, via his latest counter jihad show – 


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Obama Tasks DHS: Whip Up Race War, Proxy Agents Incite. To What End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE intelligence/security agencies have a “habit” of implanting agent provocateurs to effectuate a regime’s political objectives, the fact of the matter is that Obama Inc. tips the scale. As the leadership of the free world, their actions are akin to third world juntas or communist regimes. Pick your poison. Wait and see.

NOW, just to give readers a taste of this investigative journalist’s familiarity with the related subject matter, some may want to peer within. When done, ask yourselves: how did such info (contained in the link, plus so much more still hidden from public view) drop into said lap? 

MOVING right along….this site hammered home, on a multiplicity of occasions, four related and intersecting themes: (1) DHS has been co-opted by an anti-American leadership; (2) the militarization of local police forces are part and parcel; (3) race-wars are “necessary”, and (4) martial law is their end point. Heavy-duty charges, but no less true.

Intersection One:

AGREED, America (like the rest of the west) is facing many threats. We get that. But most rational folks also recognize that a slippery slope exists between a free and unfree society. And herein lies the crux.

THE proofs are manifest: DHS, originally conceived as an umbrella dept. to house the homeland’s security arms – both from internal and external threats – is now tasked with anti-American designs.

SPECIFICALLY, back in Dec. 2013, the following was noted: DHS, an outlaw agency, was caught ferrying illegal aliens into America. It has become a replica of AG Holder’s lawless dept of (in)justice. Hmm.

SIMILARLY, without a doubt, DHS is now Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “standing army”; his “forward march” arm. Incontestably.

Intersection Two:

IN light of unfolding events, isn’t it clear why local police forces are increasingly militarized akin to standing armies?

AND, most alarmingly, Obama’s Pentagon is fully in the mix, as one of its procurement programs clearly demonstrates the close nexus. After all, why would equipment, once utilized by U.S. fighting forces, fit the “needs” of local police forces? A fair question, you think?

Intersection Three:

BACK in Sept. 2013, this site claimed: a DHS (Black) employee was charged with procuring heavy-duty weaponry and caught (online) inciting a race war!  The employee, instead of being arrested, was placed on PAID leave. Okay.

AND shock of all shocks…not exactly…the recent execution of two NYPD officers mirrored race-baiting to its maximum effect! Readers, have no doubt about this direct intersection.  

Intersection Four:

YET, as to the fourth intersecting factor, their end point, martial law: when retired army officers warn about martial law, what more needs to be added? Not only that, but DHS is really Valerie Jarrett’s fiefdom. Yes, her playground.  

IN this regard, even if DHS’s “leaker” hadn’t spilled the beans, what other rational conclusion(s) would fit the (actual) facts on the ground? Besides, aren’t the above proofs (plus others housed within this blog) spot on?

YOU decide.

What the mainstream media is not reporting is beginning to leak out from local citizens in St. Louis and from an informant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who are all telling a different story that the one you are seeing on Fox, CNN and CBS. First, the locals are reporting that the rioting has spread far beyond the Ferguson city limits. Rioting is taking place as far away as St. Charles which is located approximately 20 miles away from Ferguson. Second, more people are becoming aware that the police chief of Ferguson, Thomas Jackson, is not in control of his own police force as he has relinquished control to DHS.

DHS Is Fanning the Flames of Violence

In the past five days I have been contacted, via one of my most trusted sources, a member of DHS who is opposed to the events and DHS involvement in Ferguson, Missouri. This source stated that DHS is running the Ferguson Police Department and their actions are designed to antagonize and to provoke the locals to violence. He further stated that he believed that the ultimate goal is to inflame the local citizens to such a point martial law will be declared.
In even a more shocking revelation, this DHS source stated that the rioting and looting which followed the shooting death of 18 year old, Michael Brown, was encouraged and exacerbated by undercover DHS agents posing as members of the Black Panthers.
Lending support to this latest accusation of DHS complicity in the rioting was the behavior of the Ferguson Police Department during the looting. During the civil unrest, the behavior of the Ferguson Police was to simply create a perimeter around the looting and allow it to continue. This violates every tenet of law enforcement. It more resembles quarantine procedures practiced by DHS, Northcom and the National Guard. The police should have moved to intervene to stop the looting and prevent the spread of violence. If the situation was beyond the control of the police, then the National Guard should have been brought in. Given the revelation of the DHS source, it seems plausible that his story of wanting the violence to escalate appears to be the case.

The Ferguson Police Deliberately Antagonizes the Media for Doing Their Job

Both Ryan Reilly, of the Huffington Post, and Washington Post reporter, Wesley Lowery, were working in a McDonald’s in Ferguson, Missouri, when a SWAT team suddenly descended upon the restaurant. After being told to stop recording the proceedings, and refusing, both men were then violently arrested in yet another case of Ferguson police brutality. Please note that recording police officers is a legal act.
Lowery was shoved into a soda machine. One of Ferguson’s finest slammed Ryan Reilly’s head against glass. Lowery told the police that this would be on the front page of the Washington Post tomorrow and the officer responded, “Yeah, well you will be in my jail cell tonight”.

"Hey Chief, who's in charge"?

Thomas Jackson is supposed to be the Chief of Police in Ferguson, Missouri. Thomas Jackson has largely been reduced to a figure head and is not in command of his own paramilitary police force that has been outfitted and equipped by DHS.
Jackson has so completely lost control of his own force, he expressed extreme surprise when he was told by reporter Matt Pearce that reporters Reilley and Lowery were being arrested (see tweet below).
I just called Ferguson police chief to ask about @WesleyLowery and @ryanjreilly, told him what I knew. His response: “Oh, God.”
Does the Chief know that other members of the media are being threatened for merely covering the events as reporters are mandated and permitted to do? If this “Chief” had control of his police force, he would have strict rules for dealing with the media and these rules would not consist of promoting the police brutality described below. The last thing a police chief should want is to alienate the media in hostile and controversial situation. This Chief should be arresting any provocateurs who have infiltrated his department and are giving orders. Instead, he is laying down in the face of illegitimate DHS authority which is operating in violation of the 10th Amendment. Thomas Jackson needs to immediately resign.


YES, ever since this blog site’s inception (June 2012), a rock solid case has been made against the Anti-American-in-Chief, and its charges have proven to be totally on the mark. Mind you, this is NOT a cause for celebration, for being wrong is often more comforting than being right. This is one of those times.

TO wit, whether or not revolutionary leftists/reds or Islamist/greens (within or outside the White House) carry out the national destruction – working separately or in tandem – their end point is the same. It is through this lens that patriotic Americans (similarly inclined westerners too) must assess ALL of Obama Inc.’s actual moves and verbal cues.

AS oft-stated, a foreign implant is housed within the People’s House. He is attempting to bring down America, and his tentacles are red/green aligned. These facts are provable and no longer up for debate.

THE case against Barack HUSSEIN Obama is closed. It is way past time to force Congress – whatever it takes – to hand down an indictment! 

THE remaining question is: does America still belong to the People or is it currently lunging toward a “soft” dictatorship? Indeed, this is a long overdue query. The answer is either “Door A” or “Door B”. No betwixt or between.

FEMA,Through DHS,Buys Off “Clergy Response Team”.What Are They Up To?Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{FEMA reps, with bought and paid for Pastors, compare notes…hmmm…}

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OBAMA regime’s CIA, led by John Brennan, is gunning to endanger the U.S. by tying the hands of its field agents, as revealed within a recent commentary. Indeed, many fronts/routes have been utilized to bore within and bring down America. This is beyond dispute.

IN tandem, as is said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. In this regard, while foreign-wise there are many ways for America’s traitors to expose the nation to grave peril, the fact is that the purposeful flooding of America with illegals – many of whom are physically ill with communicable diseases, while others are violent gang members – is a fail safe method. Rest assured, many actors are involved in the overthrow, including CIA’s head honchos.

YET if this site’s evaluation is not good enough for doubting Thomases, no matter. No offense taken. But do take the time to review the “shocking” (not to those who understand the score) report/video housed at Red Flag News….and this is no commie/red site! Yes, do recognize that this site fully backs up Red Flag’s conclusions and its main thesis. 

THAT being said, we must back track a bit and review some previous commentaries, involving FEMA and the parts they play in the upending of America. Yup, you read that right.

Back Track One:

A while back, in March 2013, a (rhetorical) question was posed to this site’s readers: CDC & FEMA, what are they up to?

Due to the facts at hand, the following revelations (confirmed by various outside contacts) should be seen as another layer of preparation, not if, but when massive amounts of citizens will have to be subdued. And if you prefer to close your eyes, go right head. Don’t say you weren’t warned…..”Obama’s CDC Has Stackable Coffins Ready…” video embedded….

“FEMA clearly is fast becoming the Obama administration’s secret in-country military operations that is scaring citizens out of their wits.  A video narrated by Dale Bohannan has popped up online with photos of what first appear to be porta-potties.  But on closer inspection, the black plastic containers are what the narrator reveals to be as many as 125,000 outsized casket liners that are in no way there to service the needs of live American citizens!…..

Back Track Two:

HMM…and wouldn’t you know, back in Sept. 2013,  Russian and other foreign troops have been documented, training, inside America. To what end? Russians Train To Disarm US Citizens On US Soil!

YES, FEMA’s detention camps are involved too.

AGREED, to average ears it would seem that FEMA, America’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, is all about safety and welfare. Not so fast. Now, exactly when it got co-opted – into eschewing its original mandate – is up for debate. But that hardly matters at this critical national juncture. What does matter is what they have in store moving forward…march.

IN this regard, in one’s wildest nightmares, who would believe that clergy, Pastors, would team up with FEMA to upend America and act as Obama Inc.’s “front-line” soldiers? How so, you inquire? Bribery and more…

By now most of you are aware of the infamous group formed by FEMA and DHS who recruited 28,000 pastors to be part of the Clergy Response Team—a team of pastors who duty it will be in the event of any beck and call from the Government to round up citizens—be it for a catastrophe, an outbreak, or whatever them deem necessary. These pastors have sold not only their congregations out but also left God at the doorstep by doing so.

Recently Pastor Walt Mansfield, one of the first to be recruited by FEMA, boldly shares with Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show, all the devious workings the government is attempting to do through this organization. Everything from rounding up dissidents, to promoting servitude to the government, to forcing people into camps is involved.

In the video below I dive through all this and more but be aware you may not like what you’re about to hear… go to the 3:14 mark and pay heed…listen to the whole thing…it may save your life, and that of your loved ones. Listen to Pastor Mansfield, the upright man who blew the whistle! 


AS documented on a multiplicity of occasions, Obama Inc.’s DHS is in definite league with targeting patriots, but leaving anti-Americans intact, including terrorists. Yes, this too seems other worldy, as if you have been dropped inside Alice-in-Wonderland’s looking glass. Understood. But let’s look at the facts.

DHS, sans a scintilla of a fact, is a clear and present danger to patriots. How so?

DHS is up to their eyeballs in criminal cover ups, and this is the case whether Jeh Johnson is at the helm or his “feminine” predecessor, “Mama Janet”.

MORE specifically, how safe would Americans feel, if they knew that the litmus test for military commanders (to keep their jobs) entailed: are you willing, or not, to shoot fellow Americans on U.S. soil who refuse to give up their legal guns? Huh?

SO in synchronicity with the lies of an anti-American leadership, Jeh Johnson is aligning with his boss’s directives to “transform” America. Thus, hiding terrorists makes perfect ideological sense, and this is precisely what is transpiring.

Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson gave some peculiar testimony in a House hearing Tuesday about two men tied to a designated terrorist organization who, he says, fled to Canada after “they were released by the judge” in an immigration hearing. Representative Jason Chaffetz pressed Secretary Johnson on the matter but appears either to have run out of time or not known what to ask. He and the committee should follow up promptly.

MORE specifically, in relation to the topic of FEMA and captured Pastors, many readers are already familiar with the Jewish background of this investigative journalist, hence, references are (sometimes) made to the Old Testament. At the same time, it is recognized that many millions in America (and elsewhere) use the New Testament as their path. So it is more than appropriate to cite the following, as back up for what is certainly planned to go down, whenever the time is ripe. But before you lose hope in America’s clergy, there are those who can’t be bought, or fooled, as demonstrated within this revealing video! Yes, Pastors who know that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Muslim and that is that.

Many people in the independent media have reported that an estimated 28,000 pastors were recruited by FEMA/DHS, as part of the Clergy Response Team, and that their initial and primary training was to tell their flock to obey the DHS version of Romans 13. Romans 13, in the King James version of the Bible, begins:

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1

Many of us have been quick to point that this bastardization of the Romans 13 is designed to force compliance to government edicts who might not otherwise comply.

Certainly all governments are not established by God. Were the governments of Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, all ordained by God? What about George the III? Most people in the independent media think that this is the extent of the threat posed by the existence of the Clergy Response Teams.

Romans 13 Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

I have discovered that the Clergy Response Teams are taking on much more nefarious duties and it can be accurately stated that the pastors associated with the DHS/FEMA/Clergy Response Teams are going to be doing a whole lot more than encouraging their flock to obey the government.

On December 9, 2014, I conducted a telephonic interview with Pastor Walt Mansfield. Pastor Mansfield was among the first of the pastors recruited to become a part of the Clergy Response Team. The revelations he conveyed to me about this program had pastors doing a whole lot more than preaching Romans 13. But before going to the disturbing contents of the interview, let’s take a look at relevant legislation which helps to legitimize Pastor Mansfield’s outrageous claims.

Background Legislation

ndaa fema campsOn December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law which in addition to allocating $662 billion to the Pentagon also contains a measure which allows U.S. citizens to be taken into custody and held indefinitely without ever being charged with a crime.

Not only can any citizen deemed a threat to “national security interests of the United States,” be held forever without receiving a trial, but the military will be the ones arresting those citizens.

NDAA Section 1022, subsection c allows “(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”

fema camps superdomeThe National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of to providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill.

The legislation also states that the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”.

The bill also provides that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs”, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. This a carte blanche mandate that many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting following a national emergency or a total economic collapse.

 Pastor Mansfield’s “Insider” Revelations

Pastor Mansfield was recruited to become a member of the Clergy Response Team which would operate under the control of NOVAD and DHS. Mansfield’s revelations about his experiences are stunning and concerning at the same time.

Pastor Mansfield attended several briefings and he could barely believe his ears. He learned of the government’s plan to enact martial law as well as to implement forced population relocations. Mansfield emphasized that when martial law is enacted, the enforcement would be immediate. In other words, family members will be separated from each other and part of the training that the clergy received was how to comfort separated family members.

Pastor Mansfield emphasized that the FEMA/DHS drills were predicated on bioterrorism. The pastors were trained to go to homes were people refused to be relocated by the authorities and  their immediate job was to convince the reluctant to willingly go to the relocation camps. Ostensibly, this was to be done in lieu of sending in the SWAT teams.

I asked Mansfield if FEMA camps were real and he stated that much of the clergy training focused around this scenario of pastors operating within the forced relocation centers. The main goal of a pastor assigned to a FEMA was to bring order and encourage compliance with DHS requests, hence, the emphasis on Romans 13.

The pastors were forced to sign non-disclosure. Interesting, the pastors were told not to quote Scripture. The DHS document which was prepared for the pastors clearly stated that Scripture had been used to “oppress” people in the past and the presenters strongly discouraged the its use. Please see the following excerpt from one of the DHS training manuals:

Healing Scripture and Prayer In the Pastoral Crisis Intervention

 “During a time of crisis people do go through a  “crisis of faith.”

Sometime quick mention of God and scripture may not be helpful. As we all know the Scripture has been used to oppress, dominate and at the same time used for healing and reconciliation- renewing of relationship with God and people. If the pastor senses it is appropriate to use the scripture and prayer, it must carefully be done for healing of victims not to uphold pastoral authority.” (Page 14)  

In other words, all legitimate pastoral authority was abrogated by the pastors who participated in the roundup of American citizens.

Also on page 14 of the same training document, pastors were admonished to avoid“Unhealthy God talk….” Specifically pastors are ordered to avoid using references to God when helping people cope with the loss of a loved one:

        “4. God must have needed him/her more than you.”

        “5. God never gives more than we can handle.

Pastor Mansfield also revealed that pastors will be issued badges under the Clergy Response Team program. Any pastor not displaying the badge, indicating that they have been trained under these guidelines, will not be permitted into the established and designated “DHS safety zones”. This reminds me of the banishment of religious figures from Plymouth Colony who, in good conscience, refused to go along with some of the extremism of that day. Along these lines, the Clergy Response Team is also a “Kool-Aid drinking program”. Pastors are absolutely forbidden to publicly to speak about any aspect of the program. If you were to ask your pastor if they are a FEMA trained pastor, they will not likely tell you.

Disturbingly, Pastor Mansfield reiterated several times that the number one job of these pastors is to calm down people and encourage their compliance within the people’s new surroundings.

Pastor Mansfield also stated that pastors will be utilized as informants. This violates the legal privilege of confidentiality between pastor and church-goer, that is currently recognized by law. All church-goers can no longer trust the sanctity of personal confessions and revelations made to pastors, priests or rabbis’. This one illegal act by DHS completely undermines the Christian Church in America!


What pastor could, in good conscience, participate in this heinous program? Mansfield told me that there are an estimated 28,000 FEMA trained pastors. The pastors in America are being coerced to participate because when an emergency is declared, no pastor, who does not have the “FEMA-trained government badge” will be allowed to be in a declared “emergency” area. Pastor Mansfield felt strongly this was the government’s way of removing Jesus from America’s landscape and set the stage for the ushering in of a new-age religion.

It is mindboggling to fathom how so many reporters and media types deny the existence of FEMA camps under these circumstances. It is also disturbing that any pastor would agree to participate in a program in which Jesus and the Bible end up on the cutting room floor.

Since interviewing Pastor Mansfield, I have been contemplating the potential wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in which made the following quote:

Solzhenitsyn once said that
“We should have resisted the KGB at the front door. If the KGB thought that they might not go home that night, the Russian people might have had a different fate”.

IN light of the above, many rightfully posit: how can it be that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is giving cover to both Islamists, as well as Marxists, communists, socialists, who want nothing more than to purge religion from America, thus breaking its foundation and roots? Yes, while seemingly divergent in their ultimate goals, one must internalize where their symbiosis lies; the complete destruction of America. And in the worldview of committed anti-Americans, the ends, whatever they are, justify the means. Their alliance. This is precisely why reds and greens lock arms throughout the west and beyond. 

THUS, if readers want a “take away” from this blog, look no further than the last sentence at the “About” tab. Seek, and you shall find….











































































































 Secretary Clinton addresses the Istanbul Process for Combating Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, Washington, DC.

Secretary Clinton addresses the “Istanbul Process” for Combating Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, Washington, DC

UNDER the guise of “tolerance”, the truly intolerant and dangerous, Islamists and leftists, are joining hands. They are actual force multipliers, but against liberty! It is under their Orwellian, taqiyya-laden umbrella (via CAIR, the Brotherhood’s American propaganda arm) that the made up out-of-whole-cloth term, Islamophobia, comes into sharp relief.

AND blow hards of whatever variation, who espouse otherwise, are damnable liars. Mind you, often leftists attach themselves to the fight against anti-semitism and work in the human rights arena, yet they become the most deceitful offenders (you know who you are, naming names is unnecessary, at least at this juncture). How so? They operate under what appears to be a righteous tent, but lend cover to Shariah law Islamists, those who are the worst of the worst.   

SPECIFICALLY, the fact that the charade of “combating intolerance and discrimination based on religion and belief” (by feigning, yes, Muslims are the truly injured/aggrieved party…put aside their inner-tribal warfare…whose fault is that!) took place in Istanbul, Turkey, well, what a shock. Not.

IN reality, it was the perfect address, an absolute foil, for the clueless west. Obama Inc. understood as much, as many still believe that Turkey is a “moderate” Muslim nation. Never mind that their Hamas/Brotherhood footprints are leading to the recent kidnapping of 3 Israeli Jewish teens! Oh dear…Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh and Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh and Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Almost like lovers…note the cozy body language. UGH! PHEW!

YES, Erdogan’s Brotherhood is knee-deep in protecting Al Qaeda’s ISIS, a Brotherhood linked operation! Not only that, but the Turkish/Obama link was a focal point of a widely read interview (Oct. 2013), one which minced no words. It pointed to Turkey’s Erdogan as a major Muslim Brotherhood player, as well as backtracked to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s nexus thereof. Why? Turkey’s Erodogan is often painted as a “moderate” Muslim leader, thereby, cooperating, aligning, together is in America’s best interests.Yep, to bridge/heal the divide between the Muslim world and America it’s prudent to “talk Turkey”. Such a tack is nothing but a fairy tale, and this blogger knows as much. Therefore, duty bound to apprise others. 

Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?

Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.

It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at Aina.org. He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors.

In the words of Commentary Magazine:

“Hamas is a terrorist group in search of a home. Uprooted by the Syrian civil war, and shaken by the Egyptian coup, the Hamas leadership has taken temporary shelter in Qatar, but that tiny emirate is showing every sign that they want the Islamist radicals to move on. So where would a radical Islamist terrorist group dedicated to the eradication of the State of Israel and whose charter endorses the crudest anti-Semitism turn? Perhaps to Turkey, America’s NATO ally and a country whose leader President Obama identified as one of his top personal foreign friends.”

According to Hürriyet Daily News:

“The prime ministry in Ankara was the venue for a meeting between the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Mashaal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today. The meeting, which started at 7 p.m. and lasted for three hours, was closed to the press. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, National Intelligence Agency (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan, Deputy Undersecretary for the Prime Minister’s Office İbrahim Kalın and advisor Sefer Turan were also present at the meeting, Anadolu Agency reported. The meeting between Mashaal and Erdoğan came around four months after their latest meeting. It came at a time when rumors suggest that Mashaal, currently in exile in Qatar, is searching for another place to live.”

As such, a perfect storm. A union for Allah.

REGARDLESS of the above truths and dangers, what do they have to do with this commentary’s thesis: yes, there is a direct linkage between Obama’s agents and Shariah law’s blasphemy implementation; “The Istanbul Process”; the “video made them do it” Benghazigate lie and Obamacare’s contractors? Read on.

EVER since the Islamist-in-Chief took office, his surrogates have been working assiduously to “legalize” the Shariah law of blasphemy. Eric Holder, as AG, is his “legal” point man. Others within his administration work in varied capacities to effectuate Islamic silencing, mostly via the U.N. And this is where, as is said, the rubber meets the road. Hill trotted over to Istanbul to begin the silencing “process” of American (western) masses! More precisely, this is where Benghazigate’s video “defense” entered the picture, however, its premature debut was unexpected. How so?

WELL, as reported at this site, the so called “video made them do it” was no more than a false flag operation, one which was commissioned by Obama Inc. to set the stage for these same blasphemy laws! What? Hang on, if you haven’t read it already….

The infamous “spontaneous” cause of combustion – the video, “Innocence of Muslims”, made them do it! hagmann051814

BUT as in all operations, expect the unexpected – the BLOWBACK. Benghazigate was not designed to kill Americans, but to empower the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia through weapons running and whatever else became necessary. The video’s initial intent was meant to spark worldwide Muslim rioting, but not as a “defensive” tool during the Libyan operation. Nevertheless, we all know, premature shit happens, and those who are adept in the art of propaganda, well, they are especially adaptable. Not a very rattled bunch. Nerves of steel. It is all very convoluted, bizarre and Orwellian, but no less true.

THAT being said, how do we jump from Istanbul all the way to Obamacare’s underwriters, so to speak? Easy peasy…and this ain’t a conspiracy theory!

READERS, do recall the specific reporting re John Brennan’s Islamic fingerprints and footprints, Obama’s CIA pick. More than relevant. In this regard, this is where his conversion comes into play, and the rest of his (Obama Inc.’s) anti-American activities flow from there.

SIGNIFICANTLY, he enters via attendant Mid East wildfires, specifically, through the “Innocence of Muslims” video whose producers are the SAME company, CGI Federal, which built Obamacare’s website! You got that? In fact, Brennan was the CEO of Stanley, Inc., the parent company of CGI. Hydra-like. Say what? Indeed, whatever it takes to bring down America.

In a SHOCKING discovery, CGI Federal – the Canadian Company that built the Obamacare website – appears to have a connection to the “Innocence of Muslims” video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks.

And here’s how it was done:

The evidence is well established that in 2010, CGI acquired Stanley Associates, which “provides services to the U.S. federal civilian, defense and intelligence agencies”. [1]

When the crudely produced video “Innocence of Muslims” was posted to a YouTube it needed a boost, especially since it was posted by someone no one had ever heard of and who had only uploaded two videos – that were basically the same.

Well, a YouTube channel known as NewsPoliticsNow3 (NPN3) has been connected to Stanley Associates, the service provider for U.S. defense and “intelligence”…..

BUT there’s more. Another tidbit to remember was noted within these pages and related to CGI/Stanley Associates, aka the “shredder”:

Besides, the CIA’s underbelly has been demonstrably gutted, not by someone from the outside, but by a DEEP cover insider. Folks, when “the agency” veers off the American path, it is lethal to each and every U.S. citizen, regardless of their service to the country. This is a fact.

In the main, readers are free to believe that the orchestrated treacheries, from the hellish bowels of Obama Inc., are merely coinquidinks. That the interlocking trails leading straight back to the White House…to the FBI…CIA…the “contractor”…aka the “shredder” (CGI to Accenture)…are simply happenstance. Whatever floats your boat.

COMING full (Islamic) circle takes on ever more prescient meaning, since Obama Inc. heralded the “process” and sent Hillary (and others) as its emissary. These direct actions fully tie Obama Inc. to Turkey’s Erdogan and the entire Islamic push for Sharia law, and with the CIA’s (and others) deadly fingerprints working stealthily in the background.

WITH the above in mind, the following served as just one, of many, warning: the Islamic conquest of America is on target: its 20 year plan in perspective; a 10 year retrospective

THUS, as a matter of factual record, by reviewing the goals of the “process”, let there be no doubt: Obama and gang, in tandem with their Islamic counterparts, are advocating for the evisceration of the First Amendment in America; the freedom to criticize (even if “it be” Islam/Shariah Law), as enshrined under the Constitution. But this should not be news to the readership because the guideposts have been paved at this site, forewarning of the dangers.

INDEED, this site’s specialty is unraveling the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s global footprints, be it from Islamists deeply embedded inside America or within the Mid East and beyond.

SO yes, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is an agent for the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, as are his key people. This was as true for his first term, as for his second. However, the poisonous fruits of his treachery have come steadily to the fore during his second term.

ALAS, this is precisely why the Mid East is witnessing – for the first time since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire – the real possibility of the resurrection of the Caliphate, as exhorted, just this past week, by one of Obama’s key DHS Brothers, Mohamed Elibiary:

A member of President Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council known for controversial Twitter posts that seem to support the Muslim Brotherhood wrote Friday that it is “inevitable that ‘Caliphate’ returns.”

The Shariah States of America…that close…that dire!



John Brennan: Pushed for the release of five Taliban leaders since 2011.

John Brennan: Pushed for the release of five Taliban leaders since 2011.

ON matters of grave import, this site checks with its own trusted sources before reporting on explosive information, even though often drawing its own (blog) commentary conclusions. So, as a matter of record, back in February 2013, it was cited: yes, John Brennan indeed converted to Islam and there was no reason to believe otherwise.

In line with this information, the following commentaries were noted and they have now come full circle:

Circle One:

But to truly understand how the circle formed between the Islamist-in-Chief and his choice for Director of the CIA, one must also go back to the oh so “mysterious” death, one which took place during Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s first term.

Circle Two:

Not only that, but in what alternative universe is it acceptable for the Commander-in-Chief’s CIA pick to eschew the Bill of Rights? Indeed, in a fully primed anti-American one – that universe!

Circle Three:

Which brings us back to another ! “mysterious” death, that of investigative reporter Michael Hastings. How many understood Brennan’s related footprints and fingerprints?

Circle Four:

Hence, unraveling the patch quilt connection between Obama’s “mysterious”, non-transparent past and Brennan, sitting atop the CIA, comes into sharp relief.

Therefore, demanding the release of Taliban commanders, under the reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama, appeared to be only a matter of time. An anti-American Commander-in-Chief colludes with an equally Islamist-driven CIA Director, a match made in anti-American hell!

CIA Director Accused of Converting To Islam Pushed For Release of Taliban Commanders

The outrage over the exchange of five top level Taliban commanders for Bowe Bergdahl, a deserter at best and traitor who helped the Taliban murder his fellow soldiers at worst, is palpable. The role of CIA Director John Brennan in pushing for this deal could bolster the claims made by former FBI Agent John Guandolo last year that Brennan converted to Islam while a station chief in Saudi Arabia in the 1990′s, as relayed byShoebat.com.

According to the Daily Beast, Brennan – along with another interesting figure – have been pushing for the release of these five Taliban terrorist commanders since at least 2011:

For years, CIA Director John Brennan and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough were part of a small group of Obama administration officials who believed that five relatively high-ranking Taliban commanders could be released under certain conditions with manageable risk of harm to American interests. For years, senior defense and intelligence officials disagreed—and were poised to block a potential trade for the Taliban five and American hostage Bowe Bergdahl.

By 2014, many of the skeptics had left the Obama administration; Brennan, McDonough, and their allies assumed new roles at the very top of the Obama administration; and the White House and its allies at State were able to convince their replacements to sign off on the deal.

“All of us on the National Security team were unanimous in supporting and recommending that we take this opportunity,” National Security Advisor Susan Rice told CNN Friday. But for years, that was not the case and Brennan and McDonough were opposed to other senior officials.

The logic Brennan used when making his case was suspect as well. Moreover, two figures that have by and large been Obama loyalists even objected to the deal:

Back in 2011, the idea these five prisoners could be released safely was opposed by Leon Panetta, who served in Obama’s first term as secretary of defense and director of the CIA. James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, was also opposed. But Brennan and others argued that the Taliban five were primarily focused on fighting against other Afghans and never had a record of attacking Americans outside of their own country. They had extensive ties to al Qaeda, but were focused on their own civil war, not international jihad.

As Shoebat.com has reported, when it comes to U.S. national security, Brennan has often demonstrated a desire to defer to the umbrella group under which the Taliban essentially resides.

Also in 2011, Muslim Brotherhood agent and attorney Farhana Khera sent Brennan a letter imploring him to create a task force that would “purge” the training materials used to educate law enforcement and homeland security officials. Materials deemed offensive to Muslim Brotherhood individuals and groups (America’s enemies) would be taken out. Not only did Brennan promptly respond to Khera but he granted her much of what she wanted.

Earlier this year, Shoebat.com relayed and analyzed the findings of Seymour Hersh and discovered that Brennan’s successor – David Petraeus – was in charge of a weapons trafficking operation run out of Benghazi that was designed to ship weapons to Syrian rebels. The country of Qatar funded this operation in conjunction with Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

It’s rather obvious that the agenda of funding the rebels has remained in place. As such, Brennan is clearly interested in aiding in the effort. Earlier this week, Shoebat.com reported on the likelihood that the five Taliban commanders released to Qatar would actually become assets for that country’s interests in Syria.

Based on these new developments relative to the controversial release of Bowe Bergdahl – along with Brennan’s interest in pushing for it – the interview with Guandolo during which he made the explosive claim that Brennan converted to Islam takes on added significance. Here are the relevant portions of it:

interviewed Guandolo nearly a year after he made that shocking claim. If you listen, you will know that Guandolo is adamantly sticking by his story.

DO pay sharp attention to the embedded interview by Tom Trento, another of this site’s contacts.

IF anything, and even though it appears as if the criminal regime of Obama Inc. will make good on its plans to bring down America, the fact of the matter is that a large (patriotic) segment of the population (as well as other westerners, ex pats included) now know why so many anti-American decisions have co-opted the People’s House.

In fact, one such geo-political analyst who holds Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s (Islamic) feet to the fire, none other than Caroline Glick, is an American-Israeli whose voice is heard around the world. Deservedly so.

And if Glick’s op-ed in the Jerusalem Post doesn’t expose the Islamist-in-Chief’s mendacity, heralding the release of Talibans killers as “justifiable” policy, well, little else will suffice:

What was it about the Bergdahl trade tipped the scales? Why is this decision different from Obama’s other foreign policy decisions? For instance, why is the public outraged now when it wasn’t outraged in the aftermath of the jihadist assault on US installations in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, in which US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were murdered? Politically, Obama emerged unscathed from failures in every area he has engaged. From Iraq to Iran to Syria to Libya to Russia and beyond, he has never experienced the sort of across the board condemnation he is now suffering. His political allies and media supporters always rallied to his side. They always explained away his failures.

So what explains the outcry? Why are people like Senator Dianne Feinstein, who have been supportive of Obama’s nuclear appeasement of Iran, up in arms over the Bergdahl swap? There are three aspects of the Bergdahl deal that distinguish it from the rest of Obama’s foreign policy blunders.

First, the Bergdahl deal was conducted in an unlawful manner and the White House readily acknowledged that it knowingly broke the law by not informing Congress 30 days in advance of the swap. This brazen lawbreaking angered Obama’s loyal allies in Congress who, like Feinstein, were insulted by his behavior.

Second, Obama initiated the story and made himself the sole owner of the swap.

Obama didn’t have to make the Bargdahl swap a story about his foreign policy. He chose to. As commentators have argued, if Obama had simply ordered the Defense Department to issue a press release announcing the swap the story probably wouldn’t have caused more than the normal amount of controversy.

And whereas Benghazi was a story about jihadists attacking, and Obama was pilloried – and defended – for his response to an act of aggression initiated by US enemies, Obama presented the Bergdahl swap as his brainchild. So it is impossible to blame anyone else for this move, or wish it away.

As the administration saw it, the public would rally around the leader over this feel-good story.

Obama obviously believed that the Bergdahl trade would help him to surmount his opponents’ criticism over the Veterans’ Administration scandal and other issues.

And this is where his failure to understand the disposition of the American people comes into play.

The third aspect of the swap that distinguishes it from his other foreign policy failures is that by organizing the ceremony at the Rose Garden, and making it a story about himself, Obama denied his supporters the tools they have used in every other instance to explain away his failures and justify his counterproductive decisions.

Obama sailed into office by presenting himself as a non-ideological pragmatist. Obama recognized that the public was tired of foreign policies based on ideology. George W. Bush lost public support for the war in Iraq, and for his foreign policy goal of bringing freedom to the Islamic world more generally, when his ideologically charged rhetoric of American exceptionalism stopped matching the situation on the ground.

A year after Bush declared an end to major combat operations in Iraq, the sight of US military contractors being lynched in Fallujah soured the public on American exceptionalism. In Obama, they hoped that they found the antidote to Bush – a man who promised to replace ideology with hard-nosed pragmatism.

In the event, Obama turned out to be even more driven by ideology than Bush was. Obama is the anti-Bush not because he matches Bush’s ideology with pragmatism. He is the anti-Bush because he matches Bush’s grand foreign policy based on American exceptionalism with his own grand foreign policy based on American moral deficiency.

He made this clear most recently at his commencement address at West Point last month where he stipulated that “American influence is always stronger when we lead by example. We can’t exempt ourselves from the rules that apply to everybody else… .”

As to American exceptionalism, Obama sneered, “What makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it is our willingness to affirm them through our actions.”

But while Obama’s critics have pointed out the radicalism at the heart of his foreign policy from the outset of his presidency, his supporters were always able to explain it away.

Obama’s appeasement of the Iranians was pragmatic.

We don’t want a war there, they say.

His support for the Muslim Brotherhood is not radical. It too is pragmatic, they soothe.

And so on and so forth.

As for Benghazi, in the fog of war, the media preferred its commitment to Obama’s reelection over its responsibility to report the truth of what happened.

Obama’s success in getting away with serial foreign policy failures, and his success in hiding the radical ideological basis of his decisions has always owed to his supporters’ ability to plausibly deny both the failures and the ideological motivation for his actions.

His Rose Garden announcement made such spin all but impossible. Americans are not particularly interested in foreign policy. But there are a few things that they won’t buy.

They won’t buy that a man who comes to the White House sporting a Taliban beard and praising Allah in Arabic is a normal American father.

They won’t buy spin that describes a deserter as an exemplary soldier.

They don’t want to free five senior terrorists and mass murderers in order to buy Bergdahl’s release.

In believing that the public would side with him and Bergdahl and Bergdahl’s dad against critics of the deal, Obama showed that for all his propaganda prowess, he doesn’t understand the public.

The public didn’t oppose the war in Iraq because they thought the US is morally deficient. They opposed the war in Iraq because Bush wasn’t winning it. And the public believed that Bush’s push for the abstract goal of democracy lay at the heart of the failure on the ground.

For nearly six years, Obama and his supporters have managed to fend off allegations that his foreign policy is even more ideological – and far more radical – than Bush’s by channeling the public’s aversion to pie-in-the-sky rhetoric and obfuscating facts. But the Bergdahl announcement at the Rose Garden ended all of that.

The reason Obama is being denounced for the Bergdahl swap is because he orchestrated a radical spectacle. Try as he may to castigate critics of the deal as partisan and cynical, Obama cannot pretend away the fact that the ceremony he arranged and oversaw was an open celebration of an American defeat, by the US president and the unsympathetic parents of an accused deserter.

And worse still for Obama’s protestations of pragmatism, his decision to take sole ownership of the swap revealed his ideological myopia. Only someone blinded by a worldview in which America is morally deficient could have thought that Americans would join him and the Bergdahls in celebrating an American defeat.

And now everyone knows what makes him tick.

MOST inherently, either via impeachment or court-martial – whatever gets the job done – this much is for sure: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is the first head that has to roll. In tandem, several top players have to fall in line too, including Brennan and a gaggle of others. And even though the (mega) damage done to the nation may never be fully reversed, it doesn’t obviate the necessity for national honor to be restored. 

FOR if the POTUS absconds from prosecution (as well as his henchpeople), even though he perpetrated high crimes and misdemeanors, is America, any longer, governed by the rule of law? Furthermore, if allowed to go unpunished, what makes America any different from so many nations ruled by juntas




Packet given to kids at conference from “Boston GLASS” homosexual activist group includes oral sex instructions . . . and much more.

NONE of this site’s regular readership would ever imagine that a Russian poohbah would require protection herein. Well, color yourselves shocked. Floored too. Don’t keel over.

In fact, this blog is centered around exposing the red/green alliance, so much so that countless are beyond fuming at said truth telling. Regardless, there are always extenuating circumstances and this is one of those times.

Now, before we get to the heart of the matter, one has to internalize that America is in the vise-grip of revolutionary forces. They are equally as dangerous as those attributed to Putin’s Russia, as well as similarly imbued red regimes. Not only that, but a recent commentary revealed the symbiotic relationship between the two:OBAMA & PUTIN:RED TWINS SEPARATED AT BIRTH.POTUS PURPOSEFULLY TAXES A DIVE!

Nevertheless, while they are politically and ideologically aligned, there exists particular fissures, those which touch upon the definition of what constitutes a traditional family and all that it entails.

Most are also aware where the Degenerate-in-Chief aligns, and his alliances are clear as a bell:

Alliance One:

In the history of the United States of America, a nation built upon Judeo-Christian moorings, which POTUS is responsible for altering the underpinnings of the traditional family, one which has sustained the nation for its entirety:The Gay-in-Chief “Exposed” Himself Once Again: Excited About Knocking Down DOMA,. Made Time To Call Gay Couple. Why?


Not your father’s US Justice Department.Attorney General Eric Holder presents special award to transgender activist Diana Flynn, a man wearing women’s clothes, during the DOJ’s LGBT Pride Month program. At right is Chai Feldblum, radical lesbian activist and Commissioner of the EEOC.

Yes, we know that others will babble about “progress” and all that blah, blah hogwash . However, we also understand that radical revolutionaries must eviscerate traditional moorings to bring down America and rebuild from its ashes. We get that. And, Barack HUSSEIN Obama has been brought to power to usher in America’s demise. 

Alliance Two:

In this regard, what worse nightmare is there for traditional Americans than a “down low” POTUS, one whose proclivities are too yucky even to say aloud:The Continued Adventures of The “Down Low” POTUS & His (Previous) “Body Double”, Reggie Love!

Alliance Three:

And who doesn’t recall Rev Wright and his infamous “Church”:The “Down Low” POTUS And Rev Wright’s Guiding Hand: Trinity Church’s Many Secrets Stripped Naked!

Alliance Four:

Moreover, the spillage from the Degenerate-in-Chief’s activities hardly stays within the confines of his private life. That is hard enough to swallow. However, it is the kiddies who suffer, and this site is not referring to “his girls”:DEFILING The Kiddies Via “Koshering” Pedophilia: The Left’s Next Phase For Bringing Down America Midst Sexual Gratification/Perversion!

DUE to all of the above (and more), how many want any input, whatsoever, from the militant, radicalized Gay Lobby, regardless of their insertion into Russian affairs?


‘This is payback for Russian restrictions on abortion, pro-family initiatives’

Video included

A Russian lawmaker known for her outspoken support for traditional marriage and the unborn is among the officials listed in new U.S. sanctions against individuals for their alleged contribution to Russia’s unlawful grab of Ukrainian territory.

Weeks ago, President Obama announced sanctions aimed at several individuals for their alleged roles in facilitating Russia’s actions. But Yelena Mizulina’s seems out of place on the list. Mizulina is chairwoman of the Russian Duma’s Committee on Family, Women and Children’s Affairs.

She was also the lead sponsor of legislation banning Americans from adopting Russian orphans, fearing the children could suffer harm if adopted by homosexual partners.

In the documents outlining the sanctions, the allegations against Mizulina simply cite “her status as a state duma deputy.”

“Yelena Mizulina, as far as I know, has nothing to do with the controversy over the Crimea. She did sponsor a bill to make it easier for residents of the Crimea to have Russian citizenship. That was
before the Crimea was incorporated into Russia. Other than that, (she had) absolutely nothing to do with the Crimea,” said Don Feder, communications director for the World Congress of Families, which promotes traditional values around the globe.

“This is payback. This is payback for Russian restrictions on abortion. It’s payback for the child protection law. It’s payback for all the pro-family initiatives that the Russian people have undertaken in the last few years,” he said.

Feder said this story is another alarming example of who is calling the shots for the Obama administration.

“This administration is clearly controlled by the gay lobby. Whatever organized homosexuals want, the administration gives them. It was about a year or year-and-a-half ago that Obama announced that promoting gay rights abroad would be a major U.S. foreign policy initiative. You have to shake your head in wonder,” he said. “In fact, U.S. ambassadors have been ordered to march in gay pride parades all over the world, wherever they’re held.”

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Don Feder:

It’s a major shift in emphasis for Obama, who only embraced gay marriage publicly two years ago. Feder said it was a pragmatic move by the administration and not the result of any deep soul-searching.

“I think a lot of it has to do with funding. Remember that when Obama ran for president in 2008, he said while he was sympathetic to gay rights, he believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. Then at the beginning of 2012, at the beginning of his re-election campaign, suddenly he decided that he was in favor of gay marriage. What changed?” asked Feder.

“Obviously nothing, it was expediency. He was told by certain gay donors if he didn’t begin supporting gay marriage, they would withhold their donations. On that basis, Obama decided to have this very convenient change of heart. I think that supporting homosexual marriage … has always been Obama’s position. I think he adopted the one man-one woman (position) in 2008 as a matter of expediency. So part of it is Obama’s natural philosophical inclination on social issues and part of it is expediency,” he said.

According to Feder, the impact of the sanctions will be minimal. He said they will restrict Mizulina’s travel but will not impact her legislative work at all. In addition, he said any intended message sent through these sanctions will fall on deaf ears with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I think Putin feels the sanctions are a joke. It gives [Obama] an opportunity to say to the people who are pressuring him to do more, ‘Look, I have this list of people that I’ve applied sanctions to,’” Feder said.

“It’s sort of like his famous red line. He’ll say, ‘I’ve drawn a red line and if Syria crosses the red line there are going to be serious consequences.’ So Syria crosses the red line and the serious
consequences are Obama drawing another red line. I don’t think Putin takes any of it seriously. In fact, I don’t think he takes our president seriously,” he said.

But what about Mizulina’s impact on Americans’ efforts to adopt Russian orphans? Many Americans on all sides of the gay marriage and gay adoption debates were frustrated by Russia putting a halt to them, even for traditionally married couples. Feder wholeheartedly endorses Mizulina’s actions.

“I think her position is absolutely right. The Russians are very traditional people. They have a strong religious orientation. They haven’t gotten caught up in the whole politically correct thing that has captured so many people in this country, that homosexuality is essentially the same as heterosexuality, that it’s genetically determined and what’s called discrimination against gays is the same as discrimination against a racial minority,” Feder said.

“The Russian people don’t feel that way. They don’t want to see Russian children placed with homosexuals,” he said. “Frankly, I don’t blame them.”

EVERYONE who can see the forest from the trees understands why America’s traditional underpinnings are purposefully falling down, one root at a time. And it is beyond Orwellian that the so-called leadership of the free world is busy targeting those in Putin’s Russia, who seek to protect that which used to be America’s priority – family and children. Can you believe it?

Not only that, but a creeping totalitarian, fascist network of underlings are marching full force, ever since the Gay-in-Chief took office. Their militancy started decades ago, but their stridency has reached fevered pitch: meet the new fascists – and their victims!

Thus, if readers look around, wondering, who exactly is controlling Obama’s America, rest assured the answer is: the most radical, anti-American forces bar none, even compared to Putin’s Russia!! 

Perverts of the highest degree are running rampant in Obama’s America! Indeed, they are indubitably cut from the very same sick ilk; cultural Marxists within the (very real) movement to normalize pedophilia!


This site is TOTALLY steeped in the doctrine of Islamic jihad and its mandates to wage war for the “sake of Allah”. This involves two twin pillars and imperatives: the resurrection of the Caliphate on a global scale and the “return of the Islamic Mahdi”. Serious sh-t. Blood soaked.

And if any evidence is emblematic, demonstrating how deeply/seriously into Islamic jihad doctrine this blog is, the following links are its poster children:

Poster Child One:

How much clearer can it get, than to draw the ABSOLUTE scholarly linkage between Islam and its relationship to blood:“Islam & Blood” (a groundbreaking policy paper contained herein):The World Stands On The Precipice.

Poster Child Two:

In this regard, even when operating a blog, tendering a major interview ups the ante. Desperate times require varying counter measures:The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.

Still, where does Benghazigate fit in? Better yet, where doesn’t it?

Benghazigate, as mentioned repeatedly, had nothing to do with freeing Libya from Qadaffi’s grip, but everything to do with “re-jiggering” the Mid East’s balance of power/terror via its INTENDED (eventual) global knock-on effects.

Most significantly, few understood what was behind Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s waffle-like behavior – re whether or not to enter the Syrian theater – unaware that the U.S. was already involved in Syria through his R2p intervention! Talk about misrepresentation of facts…as if this purposefully gobbygook sounding doctrine – cooked up to intercede in foreign theaters, for the benefit of this or that jihadi group – had anything to do with the protection of innocents! Hmm…as scores of dead have been massacred on its behalf, and with no end in sight!

The facts…

Fact One:


Fact Two:


Fact Three:

Thereby, digging further became more than mandatory, to get to the bottom of the nexus: UPDATE TO BENGHAZIGATE: FURTHER PROOF MORSI’S BROTHERHOOD MAFIA INEXTRICABLY LINKED; OBAMA DEEPLY IN THE MIX! 

Fact Four:

Could Benghazigate get any worse? Enter: MALIK OBAMA. HIS LINKAGE TO HILLARY CLINTON!

Fact Five:


Fact Six:

How many times does it bear repeating, in so far as the DESTABILIZATION of Syria has always been the epicenter, the tipping point, to the “re-jiggering” of the Mid East’s balance of power/terror via its INTENDED (eventual) global knock-on effects:BENGHAZIGATE’S JIHADIS & THEIR CONNECTION TO U.S. MILITARY TRAINERS – SYRIA’S THEATER OF WAR!

WITH the above lessons learned, we are now ready to fully appreciate the “hidden hands” assisting Barack HUSSEIN Obama, and on both sides of the political aisle!

The face of the globalist agenda in Syria

4 February 2014: Take a good long look at the face of this 4 year-old boy. He could be your child, your grandchild or nephew. The photo seems to reflect a childhood innocence,  an innocence that is so treasured and so valued that it must be protected at all costs. Who among us could deny that this precious little boy deserves to be protected, deserves to experience the joys of a secure childhood like most of us had so long ago? Funny, that, for it is the very same people who argue that they are acting “for the children” when instead, they are criminally responsible for destroying their childhood, by ruthlessly and shamelessly exploiting them for their own geopolitical agenda. Worse yet, it’s all being done in your name, in our names, with our collective, tacit approval. For behind this face of innocence is a veil of darkness so black that it should shake you to your core as you look at the next image of this same young boy.ISISchild2

Behind the black mask is the face of the young boy identified only as Muhammad, depicted here shooting an AK-47 in Syria. You’ve probably seen it, or at least heard about it. But do you know the whole story behind it? Do you know that it’s our government—your government—that is behind these unspeakable atrocities? Averting your gaze and claiming that this is mere hyperbole might make you feel more comfortable, but it will not change the fact that many of us have looked away for far too long or clung to the belief that what we are seeing is a centuries-old artifact of Islamic savagery.  Whatever helps you sleep at night. However, that does not change the truth, a truth from which you cannot flee.

For those unfamiliar with the images, they were copied from a video uploaded to the Internet titled “A message from one of the cubs of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” known by the acronym ISIS. The video depicts this young boy, identified only as Muhammad, barely able to hold the weapon yet maintaining his posture as his proud father stands behind him amid shouts of “Allahua Akbar.” It’s a video that our elected officials from both sides of the aisle, the power elite and the globalist policymakers didn’t want you to see as the original video was scrubbed from the Internet. Only snippets of the original video remain, having been copied and reposted elsewhere. Nonetheless, the unintended message is clear. Welcome to the hell on earth that is being conducted in your name, with your tacit approval.

It’s a reality that is too disturbing, but one of our own making though the blindness caused by our partisan politics and normalcy bias. It is our death grip on a false political paradigm that has blinded us to the larger agenda of the globalist monsters who will stop at nothing to achieve their ends. It’s a reality brought to you courtesy of the Progressives including Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, as well as  the “Neo-Cons” from George H.W. Bush to every sitting member in congress who support the policies of intervention in Syria and across the Middle East. Nearly every member of Congress, the Executive Branch, the Judiciary and others, from advisors to lobbyists who support such policies, regardless of their political affiliation, have sold their souls and allegiance to the higher power of a globalist agenda in your name. While they claim to intervene “for the sake of the children,” the blood of the innocents are on their hands. Like the unclothed emperor, the captured Western media dares not tell of covert, Western-backed assistance to the very same terrorist groups who have killed and maimed so many of our own.

What you are witnessing here is the extension of the activities that took place in Libya, specifically Benghazi, where the United States, the British, French and Saudi Arabia were involved in the largest arms running operation in the world, all in direct violation of international law. As I have written so many times, Benghazi was never a scandal, but a criminal enterprise conducted by the power elite of Western governments having the objective to topple Assad and destabilize Syria. This is part of a much larger agenda that includes the well planned and finely orchestrated Arab Spring, which was planned years in advance.

Yet, MSNBC types like Chris Matthews continue to wallow in the self-delusion that the deaths and destruction at Benghazi was the result of some obscure internet video, the origins of which should itself raise many questions. Such questions will never be asked by such pseudo-journalists like Matthews, who readily drinks the Kool-Aid from the same trough as many of the “Neo-Con warmongers” he claims to detest so much. Matthews’ love of his personal messiah and his cohorts, and the rabid right-wing cheerleaders serving as water boys for their personal political saviors, all serve to obfuscate the reality you see in the images shown here.

Our government is out of control by assisting terrorist groups to achieve their own despicable and diabolical ends to reshape the world according to the objectives of the globalists. Meanwhile, the corporate media facilitates this agenda of death by rewriting current events to protect their own. Make no mistake, the operation that led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi under Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John O. Brennan as well as their foreign counterparts is continuing by other means. Yet no one is calling for accountability. No one is asking the right questions that require answers that would potentially expose their political icon to the wrath of truth. Instead, we’ve got a bunch of shameless politicians, an impotent press and clueless columnists hell bent on convincing the American public that we’re fighting the good fight, for the sake of the children and their future. How dare you?

To me, the photographic evidence as well as the ample documented list of lies and damn lies prove otherwise. It is time to hold the purveyors of perversion accountable for their deeds. Who among us will be valiant for the sake of truth and justice? Who among us will be the voice of that young boy, armed by a bipartisan, globalist cabal of those seeking to reshape countries in our name? Who among us will speak on behalf of that young boy, who is being mercilessly used as cannon fodder in your name?

The sounds coming from the barrel of the AK-47 held by a 4 year-old cover the deafening silence of those in the seats of power and those tasked to confront them. May God help them, and may God help us all if we chose to remain silent.

FELLOW patriots (including ex pats, wherever you may be), did any of you wonder why the most visible face of the Repub Party – the Bush dynasty – appeared so tone-deaf to Islamic jihad, aside from George Bush’s requisite mantra-like nonsense, “you are either with us or you are against us”? And why did (still ongoing) Karl Rove – aka the younger Bush’s “brain” – recruit a mobbed up Brotherhood operative, Grover Norquist, to bring Muslim-Americans closer to the party? Here’s the connection, and it is just the tip:Karl Rove gave Grover Norquist $26 million in 2012.

NOT only that, but the elder Bush espoused – on multiple occasions – a globalist agenda, which by definition demoted America as a nation-state! Moreover, what must one conclude from George’s Bush’s incongruous intonation, “Islam is a religion of peace”, even after the worst terror attack on U.S. soil, ever since Pearl Harbor? Note: the strategic placement of Islamists in the background of the video. Interesting.

Consequentially – and in light of what we now recognize – he ordered the gov’t to spirit out planeloads of Saudis, those whose blood-soaked fingerprints (with other Islamic helpers, Sunni and Shia alike) were all over 9/11/01! Why did he do it? Rhetorical question.

Thus, as evil as Obama Inc. is  – this site continually shines a spotlight on their plans to bring down America – both parties are in bed with eviscerating America’s underpinnings. Both are guilty (too many times to count) of the following crime:Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Infiltrates U.S. Capitol!

NO one should believe that the globalist agenda is in contradiction to the Islamist Caliphate, Mahdi-driven one. In fact, they dovetail quite nicely, as they both knock down western borders, destroy America as the super power, thus paving the path for red/green aspirations.

It will remain to be seen who lands on top, once the above is taken care of – the revolutionary reds or the Islamist greens. For now, the axiom, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is to be considered their operational factor!


WHILE many still insist that Congress has essential powers, as delineated within the Constitution, you would do well to go back to sleep. Congress is largely irrelevant. Barely a rubber stamp.

And those of us who studied Constitutional Law – not the “living breathing” (socialist) interpretation – understood the signs for what they were:


Its placement, as the First Article, was not for nothing. Spinning in their graves.

Though Congress’s erosion, its insidious undermining, has taken place for years with winks and nods (active assistance too) from many Congressional players on both sides of the aisle, its devastation has been ratcheted up (to an exponential degree) under the Dictator-in-Chief. To wit, the castration of Congress via a total power grab from the Executive branch has come to fruition. Full circle. Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s State of the Union address (January 28, 2014) spelled it ALL out. NO room for equivocation. Cocky…doesn’t even barely describe “The One’s” brash and brass tacks. Nunchucks.

As is said, no man is an island. Many “helping hands” are required –  along the path – to effectuate fateful and fatal outcomes. Some are more central than others, in fact, so much so that they should be coined “string pullers”. But let us not disregard back up players, they are more than necessary. Call them second string.

But what does the above have to do with the Dictator-in-Chief? Everything. Yet, since little happens in a vacuum, therefore, it pays to do a bit of back tracking. How did we get from there to here under the (thuggish) reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama? 

Back Track Number One: 


Back Track Number Two:

Though Number One was the most recent warning, back in the day, October 2012, this too was foreseen:What Are The Chances Of Reining In A Lawbreaker-in-Chief, Who Abets Illegal Aliens Then Punishes Those Who Expose Said Lawbreaking? 

Back Track Number Three:

Yes, in Aug. 2012, this too was highlighted: The Fruits Of Washington’s Dictator-in-Chief…Via Short Video Clip!

Back Track Number Four:

But wouldn’t you know, a fellow Communist in Congress – and there exists quite a big crew – had verbal diarrhea and spilled the beans, one which spelled out how the Dictator-in-Chief will transform “Amerika”:Demster Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee’s Loose Lips, Her “Slip Of The Tongue”. Martial Law.

Back Track Number Five:

How many Americans, patriots no less, realize that OPEN communists are deep within Congress? U.S. CONGRESSIONAL COMMUNISTS & The Ties That Bind:The RED Portion Of The RED/GREEN Alliance. Mind blowing. A “captured” operation.

MOST ominously, stationed in the People’s House is Clinton’s “fixer”. Podesta’s presence raises the stakes for liberty’s (eventual) demise. Yes, a comrade of BOTH Clinton’s. He is running Obama’s show, but on behalf of the devil incarnate – Georgie boy Soros! Listen to the “puppet master” speak:http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcmci9_george-soros-calls-for-a-new-world_news

But have no worries, Val (Obama’s “brain”), is still a very powerful player, though reportedly playing “second fiddle” to the latest hatchet man; communist loving, Podesta –  Soros Moves To Salvage White House Investment – Brings On ‘Project Podesta”

Podesta”, a formula that seeks to greatly enhance the power of the president via executive orders.

Obama promises a dramatic ‘year of action’ — with or without help of Congress

Insists U.S. must ‘reverse the tides’ of inequality

  •   U.S. President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union speech on Capitol Hill in Washington January 28, 2014.  POOL PHOTO/Larry DowningU.S. President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union speech on Capitol Hill in Washington January 28, 2014. POOL PHOTO/Larry Downing

By Dave Boyer -The Washington Times

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

  • Provoking Republican lawmakers with an in-your-face vow to bypassCongress if necessary, President Obama said Tuesday night that he would use his executive authority on a dozen issues including income inequality and job training to spur “a year of action” for his stalled agenda.

“America does not stand still — and neither will I,” Mr. Obama said in the annual State of the Union address. “So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”

SEE ALSO: Truth Watch: Obama a bit too rosy with his State of the Union math

In the Republican response, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington state said the GOP has a more hopeful vision for the nation that empowers people rather than the government.

The president embarked on his go-it-alone strategy even before he started his speech, with the White House announcing a dozen executive actions that the president already has taken or will take in the coming weeks, including a move to create a class of “starter” retirement savings accounts available through employers.

Another of his actions will raise the minimum wage for federal contractors from $7.25 per hour to $10.10. The Labor Department said about 16,000 federal employees in 2012 received the federal minimum wage.

That move was intended to pressure lawmakers to pass a broader increase in the minimum wage for some 21 million workers.

“Give America a raise,” Mr. Obama challenged lawmakers.

The president’s push for executive actions immediately raised the ire of Republicans. Speaker John A. Boehner, who opposes a minimum wage increase on the grounds that it would slow economic growth, criticized the executive action.

SEE ALSO: Text of President Obama’s State of the Union address

“We’re just not going to sit here and let the president trample all over us,” said Mr. Boehner, Ohio Republican. “I have to remind him we do have a Constitution. And the Congress writes the laws, and the president’s job is to execute the laws faithfully. And if he tries to ignore this he’s going to run into a brick wall.”

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, accused Mr. Obama of “acting like a child.”

The president delivered his address coming off his worst year in office, in which his agenda was sidetracked by scandals and the error-filled launch of Obamacare. With lawmakers preparing for pivotal midterm elections that could further complicate the president’s agenda, Mr. Obama called for progress on unfinished business such as immigration reform.

“In the coming months, let’s see where else we can make progress together,” Mr. Obama said. “That’s what most Americans want — for all of us in this chamber to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations.”

Mr. Obama defended his beleaguered Obamacare health care law but didn’t mention the program’s troubled start in October or the continuing concerns about it. He warned the GOP not to attempt any more futile measures to repeal the law.

“The first 40 [bills] were plenty,” he said.

The president said he wants to use all the tools at his disposal to narrow the growing gap between rich and poor in America.

“After four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better,” Mr. Obama said. “But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. Our job is to reverse these tides.”

Citing the lowest unemployment rate since he took office and a rebounding housing market, Mr. Obama said this year “can be a breakthrough year for America.”

Sour public mood

Mr. Obama’s rosy forecast for the economy is in contrast with the mood of the public about the state of the recovery. An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday found that 68 percent of Americans believe they are not better off than when Mr. Obama became president.

In the survey, 39 percent said the country is in worse shape since Mr. Obama took office, and 63 percent said the country is on the wrong track.

The president’s move to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors, from $7.25 to $10.10 per hour, was more of a political statement than an effort to jump-start the economy. Because the order applies only to future contracts, it would affect only a small portion of the estimated 2 million workers who fall under the definition of federal contractors, as opposed to the 21 million workers nationwide who would benefit from a full increase in the hourly wage.

House Speaker John A. Boehner, who opposes a minimum wage increase on the grounds that it would slow economic growth, criticized the executive action Tuesday.

“We’re just not going to sit here and let the president trample all over us,” said Mr. Boehner, Ohio Republican. “I have to remind him we do have a Constitution. And the Congress writes the laws, and the president’s job is to execute the laws faithfully. And if he tries to ignore this, he’s going to run into a brick wall.”

Use of executive initiatives is the latest White House effort to move ahead on Mr. Obama’s agenda without congressional action. The president has used his executive power for action on climate change and on immigration, preventing the deportations under certain conditions of young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally.

Flexing executive power is nothing new, and Mr. Obama hasn’t used his presidential pen as often as his predecessors. Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush signed 213 and 173 orders, respectively, in their first terms, compared with 147 for Mr. Obama. Democrat Bill Clinton issued 200 executive orders in his first term.

New White House counsel John Podesta, an advocate of executive authority, said Mr. Obama has “warmed up” to the idea.

“And I think you’ll see that across a wide range of topics, including retirement security, moving forward on his climate change and energy transformation agenda,” Mr. Podesta told NPR.

Frustrated by Republicans’ resistance to his agenda, Mr. Obama also has taken unilateral steps to try to improve the nation’s employment situation, including securing a pledge by a group of major corporations not to discriminate against the long-term unemployed in hiring decisions.

Mr. Obama convened CEOs from across the country this month in an effort to persuade them to take “a second look” at hiring the long-term unemployed, who have emerged as a particular sore spot in the sluggish job market.

Several companies signed a pledge with the White House, including Bank of America, Xerox, AT&T and Lockheed Martin, stating that they are “committed to inclusive hiring practices.”

“After four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better,” Mr. Obama said. “But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. Our job is to reverse these tides.”

Citing the lowest unemployment rate since he took office and a rebounding housing market, Mr. Obama said this year “can be a breakthrough year for America.”

At the end of it all, sach ha’kol, American patriots can either act now to save the Republic,or let the Dictator-in-Chief bring down America, as the greatest experiment in human liberty fails. Falls. 


When a leader places ones own political/ideological fortunes ahead of national interests the “natural” result is one of disaster – for their nation and those used as bargaining chips. And when the leader of the free world does as much, well more than hell on earth will eventually shake out.

So let us hark back to the Islamist-in-Chief’s declaration that Al Qaeda was essentially dead and buried, metaphorically sticking a fork in them – Obama Has Touted Al Qaeda’s Demise 32 Times Since Benghazi Attack. This “done deal” was facilitated after SEAL TEAM SIX (supposedly) dispatched Osama to greet Allah. Hmm.

Essentially, why would Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and surrogates) utter such blatant hogwash, placing a peremptory nail in Al Qaeda’s coffin, when even a well informed high schooler recognized that all was not as it seemed?

Well, a double-edged sword was wielded; one as “proof” that he was indeed up to snuff to handle the “war on terror” – while in the midst of a heated pre-election season – concomitantly, to appease his leftward flank via (one of) many campaign promises. As such, he precipitously withdrew all U.S. combat forces from Iraq in December 2011 and needed to make sure Americans believed that it was indeed a prudent move, especially now that Osama was dead! Hence, the conveniently-timed nail in his coffin.

Mind you, while all the above lies were deliberately designed to deflect from the real facts on the ground, R2P lurked (still very much alive and well) in the background. And its import lies within the arming of Al Qaeda Sunni jihadists, its blow back, knock-on effects, most widely felt via Benghazigate.

Now, as is said, what does all of this have to do with the price of tea in China, or more directly put, with the title and thesis of today’s commentary – AL Qaeda declares/establishes first independent caliphate: where does Obama’s purposeful strategy shine in? Everywhere.

It should be more than obvious – at least one would hope so – that deliberate fires were set in the Mid East via the Islamist-in-Chief’s handiwork, and with ill intent, in order to hand the Muslim Brotherhood (and its outgrowth, Al Qaeda) a leg up. To wit, they can now proclaim their FIRST arm of their intended Caliphate, a possibility which Barack HUSSEIN Obama crowed would never come to fruition, as he buried Osama and put an end to Al Qaeda. Yup. Looks like Al Qaeda rose from its grave.

Praise and thanks to Allah – Alhamdulillah (Arabic: الحمد لله‎) !

Al Qaeda battles Iraqi army for Falluja

Al Qaeda battles Iraqi army for Falluja
Al Qaeda proclaims first Islamic state from Iraqi Falluja

DEBKAfile January 4, 2014

After seizing the heart of the western Iraqi town of Falluja, Al Qaeda’s local branch (ISIS) Friday night decreed it the capital of a new independent caliphate. The jihadists continue to push Iraqi forces out of another western Sunni town, Ramadi. To cover up the army’s inability to stop Al Qaeda’s advance, the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Saturday reported that the jihadists had sustained heavy losses and that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad had been killed in battle. DEBKAfile: Western sources counter this claim with a report that Al Baghdadi is still orchestrating the counter-offensive against the Iraqi army from Baqouba in the eastern province of Diyala. If this is confirmed, it would mean that al Qaeda continues to seize territory.

Al Qaeda’s most significant victory in the Syrian war was achieved this week in the Iraqi arena. Its Iraq and Syrian branch (ISIS), under the command of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, resoundingly defeated the Iraqi army which two weeks ago launched a major offensive to relieve the country of the jihadist grip. Baghdadi’s troops were able to throw back the Iraqi army’s crack 7th and 1st divisions and keep going to capture large sections of Ramadi and Falluja, the key Sunni cities of western and central Iraq.

This victory enabled ISIS to forge a territorial chain of control stretching from Ramadi in central in Iraq, 110 km west of Baghdad, all the way to the northern Syrian town of Al-Raqqah, 160 km from Aleppo.

It also brought the Iraqi military offensive to a standstill. Soldiers downed arms and fled and units still intact started falling back toward Baghdad, dumping their heavy weapons to hasten their retreat.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that Al Qaeda owes much of its victory to the decision of the Sunni tribes of western Iraq to join and spearhead its counter-attack on Iraqi forces. After smashing whole Iraqi units in the two cities, these tribal militias opened the door for the ISIS jihadists to march in.

Ironically, the tribal militias backing al Qaeda are the same “Awakening” groups which the US army sustained and armed for the battle to root out Al Qaeda from western Iraq during the 2005-2007 landmark “surge” campaign devised by Gen. David Petraeus.
That surge wheel has clearly turned round in favor of al Qaeda. Iraq’s military downfall is the worst it has suffered since the US invasion of the country in 2003 and al Qaeda’s greatest Middle East battlefield triumph, following which its commander Al-Baghdadi has vowed to proclaim the first Middle East caliphate stretching between western Iraq and eastern Syria.
This development has many critical ramifications:

1.  There is no military force in the region capable of going into Iraq and stopping al Qaeda’s advance, which was allowed to happen in consequence of the US army’s precipitate exit from the country three years ago.

2.   Al Qaeda’s fortunes in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula have received a major boost. The Sinai affiliates in particular are in close touch with Al Baghdadi.

3.  The hook-up between them exacerbates the terrorist threat hanging over Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

4.  The Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, has acquired strategic depth in Iraq. Its leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani (Golani) is expected to announce that his movement will join the new Islamist state.

5.  A merger of the Iraqi and Syrian al Qaeda branches could draw in a host of sympathetic Middle East Islamist groups.

6.  The ISIS victory in Iraq represents a humiliating setback for Tehran, which heavily backed the Iraqi army offensive led by its pro-Iranian prime minister Nouri al-Maliki for cleansing the country of the violent Al Qaeda presence.

7. The US, by its decision to send weapons to the Iraqi army for its engagement with al Qaeda, was shown to have backed the losing side.

8.  The Iraqi army used up all its reserves for this offensive. Its only remaining option now is to fall back to Baghdad and regroup for the defense of the capital.

9.  For Syrian President Bashar Assad and his Hizballah ally, Hassan Nasrallah, the Iraqi military debacle was the worst possible news. It struck them at the tipping moment of the Syrian war. Just as they gained the advantage over the rebel movement, they were confronted with a fresh war arena against al Qaeda now invigorated by its Iraq victory.

EVEN The Washington Post jumps into the fray as well – Al-Qaeda-linked force captures Fallujah amid rise in violence in Iraq…are pigs flying too?

Bear completely in mind that the centuries long struggle between Sunni Shia will continue, regardless of who sits in the White House. However, it has been proven that purposefully stirring their pot has become a prime “strategy” of the current occupant of the White House

Now, even as Shia jihadists are smarting from this Al Qaeda defeat, we all know that they coalesce, long enough to pause in their fighting, when it is necessary to fight the “Big and Little Satans” – America and Israel. 

In furtherance to the above question, a core component can be found within a groundbreaking policy paper written by Professor Paul Eidelberg. I had the honor and distinct privilege to participate in its review. Therefore, due to its efficacy, I am providing a link, and it will no doubt answer the heretofore inexplicable: Where is the relentless Jew hatred emanating from? .

Yet the saying, “First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People”, has never been more relevant nor acute, as global jihad swathes across every corner of the world. Essentially, the same religious “holy” war raging against Israel (and by extension to the Jewish people) is meting out against Christians. Their slaughter will continue apace, as long as Islamic overlords hold sway. To wit, it is no longer a question of whether or not there is a clash between civilizations. That ship has sailed. The west is drowning in “infidel” blood, as mandated by Islamic doctrinal Sharia Law.

So even as Barack HUSSEIN Obama has been more than lending a helping hand to Al Qaeda – the Muslim Brotherhood backed progeny – at the same time, he has empowered Iran to reach a nuclear status state.

Do any of the above actions even remotely resonate with a patriot’s strategic policy making, or are they inimical, in line with one who seeks an alternative outcome, perhaps to bring down America?

Obama Acts As ARSONIST & FIREFIGHTER: Doing “Business” With Rogue Regimes & Covering Tracks Too…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Geo-politics, as stated enumerable times, is akin to a hotter than hot chessboard of rapidly moving and evolving puzzle parts. Getting burnt is not unusual, but being scorched from ones trusted allies, well, that rises to a stratospheric level of betrayal. Never to be forgiven or forgotten. Caroline Glick says it best in her weekly column at the Jerusalem Post, and this should elicit more than deliberate pause: COLUMN ONE: The demise of Pax Americana, 11/14/2013. Heed her warnings well.

So at the same time that Obama and gang sold America’s assets to China (and others); implanted Russian troops on U.S. soil and Chinese forces too; plus aided Iran to the WMD finish line, they still ! have the audacity to become hysterical about Snowden’s revelations. In actuality, he is merely outing their machinations. Pot…kettle.

In reality, it was Snowden’s cache which demonstrated the many methods in which Obama Inc. betrayed its allies and its own citizens, as opposed to where their focus should have been, to wit, on enemy states. Thereby, it was through their own actions that shrill “shout outs” and alerts to foreign intelligence services were necessitated from the get go. Cause and effect. Topsy turvy too.

This criminal regime’s authentic goals are succinctly summed up within NSA Caught Dead to RightsBut, it still begs the specific question: The Snowden Affair and NSA’s Outing – What Is Obama Inc. Really Afraid Of? 

Even more so, Aside From Obama’s Goons Domestic Spying, why are they after the kiddies? To Bring Down America, that’s why. Yet, not content with leaving any semblance of America intact, they jump to another ! betrayal via The Purging Of Islam + Terror And Its Evisceration Of NSA’s Spying. If your head isn’t already spinning, what the hell else are they up to? Ahh…a dissident’s list !

Leading straight to their oh so concerned missives…

US alerts foreign intelligence services on Snowden’s disclosures

DEBKAfile October 2013

The 30,000 documents taken by whistleblower Edward Snowden contains secret data about foreign agencies’ cooperation with the US in collection programs against targets, including Iran, Russia and China. Those documents if disclosed could compromise operations and agents.The Washington Post reports that US officials are sending out alerts to some foreign intelligence services. This process is delicate at a time that Washington is scrambling to placate allies, after disclosures by Snowden that the NSA spied on foreign leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
DEBKAfile: The US alerts are warning allied agencies to immediately recall secret agents from current intelligence operations because their cover may be blown.

Par for the course, when inveterate, unrepentant liars and reprobates are caught with their pants down, any and all cover ups become “legitimate” tools. One only has to dig through Benghazigate’s mountain of falsehoods and tall tales (as just one example out of too many others) to recognize what’s what. 

Even with the following Indictments making the rounds, Obama and gang refuse to ‘fess up and take responsibility for American deaths in Libya. The attendant assists they gave to jihadis, through their weapons running from Libya into Syria and beyond, has yet to reach its full peak. 

Consider: Benghazigate’s linkage/nexus to Morsi’s Mafia and Obama’s half bro’, Malik Obama, has come to the fore, so the fact of the matter is that Egypt’s Brotherhood, its proxy jihadis and the “Blind Sheik’s” release are all interconnected with Obama’s thrust into Libya! One has to wonder: aren’t they ALREADY caught with their pants down, Snowden beside the point?

Intrinsically, there is a growing, burgeoning case for Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s impeachment, as the arming of Al Qaeda and its affiliated terror groups more than rises to said indictment! And it is not as if some in Congress aren’t taking notice. They are. Indeed, impeachable offenses are reverberating on Capitol Hill. Faster…faster…

The Betrayer/Arsonist-in-Chief (and surrogates) has much to atone for. As a result, it is way “too little too late” to feign angst over allied intelligence agents. Let them save their crocodile/fake tears for those who buy their treachery.

Indeed, cozying up to enemies already extracted the blood of SEALS via many insurmountable, monumental costs. The piper is coming due. And IF the American people hold them accountable, it will be Obama and gang who will pay the ultimate price instead of America’s citizens. Hang tight.

Arsonist(s) acting as firefighter(s)….damn him/them to hell.

HOMESCHOOLERS NABBED: Authorities Storm Class. The Remnants/Overreach Of Socialist/Totalitarian Roots. America’s Left Watches, Learns & Waits…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Whenever one seeks to gauge where America’s left is heading, it is instructive to look towards Europe’s leftist bludgeon, as they most always lead the way. Not only that, a preponderance of Euro nations, whose authentic roots lie in socialism and fascism, retain remnants of ‘laws’ which help to prop up the (so called) ‘liberal’ left’s ‘democratic’ facade. Hiding in plain sight.

That being said, how many realize that grabbing the “hearts and minds” of the kiddies is an intrinsic method to achieving totalitarian rule? To be sure, they are “prize” possessions, not unlike pimps view their whores.

For if this is not the case, then why is PENETRATING the educational system the sine qua non of radical, revolutionary leadership? Little more evidence is necessary, other than the proofs within the following commentaries.

At the “head of the class” stands Billy Boy Ayers, a domestic terrorist, a LEADING American educator; the “teacher’s teacher”. Ayers works assiduously to control the kiddies. Lies in wait. Ready to pounce. In fact, part of the red/green alliance is an Islamist push into educational spheres to bring down America. 

Back to Europe’s roots…


‘Officers brought a battering ram and were about to break the door in’

The Wunderlich family, with Michael Farris of the HSLDA.

Four children, ages 7 to 14, have been forcibly taken from their Darmstadt, Germany, home by police armed with a battering ram, and their parents have been told they won’t see them again soon, all over the issue of homeschooling, according to a stunning new report from the Home School Legal Defense Association.

HSLDA, the world’s premiere advocate for homeschoolers, said the family of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich has battled for several years Germany’s World War II-era requirement that all children submit to the indoctrination programs in the nation’s public schools.

The shocking raid was made solely because the parents were providing their children’s education, HSLDA said. The organization noted the paperwork that authorized police officers and social workers to use force on the children contained no claims of mistreatment.

“The children were taken to unknown locations,” HSLDA said. “Officials ominously promised the parents that they would not be seeing their children anytime soon.”

The raid, which took place Thursday at 8 a.m. as the children were beginning their day’s classes, has been described by observers as “brutal and vicious.”

A team of 20 social workers, police and special agents stormed the family’s home. HSLDA reported a Judge Koenig, who is assigned to the Darmstadt family court, signed an order authorizing the immediate seizure of the children by force.

“Citing the parents’ failure to cooperate ‘with the authorities to send the children to school,’ the judge also authorized the use of force ‘against the children’ … reasoning that such force might be required because the children had ‘adopted the parents’ opinions’ regarding homeschooling and that ‘no cooperation could be expected’ from either the parents or the children,” HSLDA said.

Dirk Wunderlich told the homeschool group: “I looked through a side window and saw many people, police and special agents, all armed. They told me they wanted to come in to speak with me. I tried to ask questions, but within seconds, three police officers brought a battering ram and were about to break the door in, so I opened it.”

Join the battle over Germany’s homeschooling ban.

His narration continued: “The police shoved me into a chair and wouldn’t let me even make a phone call at first. It was chaotic as they told me they had an order to take the children. At my slightest movement the agents would grab me, as if I were a terrorist. You would never expect anything like this to happen in our calm, peaceful village. It was like a scene out of a science fiction movie. Our neighbors and children have been traumatized by this invasion.”

Human rights violations

Michael Farris, HSLDA founder, said in a report the actions violated a number of established European precedents, including provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights.

“The right to homeschool is a human right,” he said, “and so is the right to freely move and to leave a country. Germany has grossly violated these rights of this family.

“This latest act of seizing these four beautiful innocent children is an outrageous act of a rogue nation.”

Farris said the U.S. Constitution is “not alone in upholding the right of parents to decide how to educate their children.”

“Germany is a party to numerous human rights treaties that recognize the right of parents to provide an education distinct from the public schools so that children can be educated according to the parents’ religious convictions,” he said.

“Germany has simply not met its obligations under these treaties or as a liberal democracy. HSLDA and I will do whatever we can to help this family regain custody of their children and ensure that they are safe from this persecution. This case demonstrates conclusively why the Romeike asylum case is so important. Families in Germany need a safe place where they can educate their children in peace.”

As WND reported, the Romeike case has been submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2010, an immigration judge granted asylum in the U.S. to the family, which fled Germany because their children were forced to go to public schools.

The Obama administration, unhappy with the outcome, appealed and obtained an order from a higher court that the family must return to Germany. The Obama administration has argued in court parents essentially have no right to determine how and what their children are taught, leaving the authority with the government.

See a report on the Romeikes

Government custody

The German government already has confronted the Wunderlich family several times over homeschooling. Less than a year ago, a German court granted custody of the children to state youth officials.

However, government authorities at that time decided to leave the children in the family home because they were well-cared for.

WND reported the government told the family it had failed to meet the government’s demands for “integration.” The decision came from Judge Markus Malkmus, who ordered the children into the custody of the states’ “child protective agency,” called the Jugendamt.

The family earlier was subjected to an ordeal in France when police snatched the children from their home there, accusing them of “being alone.”

At the time, two French social workers and two police officers appeared without notice at the home of Dominique Chanal in St. Leonard, France, where Dirk and Angela Wunderlich and their children were living.

The family had fled Germany because of a series of fines imposed for homeschooling. The children were released a short time later. But Dirk Wunderlich was forced last year to return his family to Germany because he could not find work elsewhere.

Wunderlich told Mike Donnelly, HSLDA director for international affairs, that he and his wife were devastated.

“These are broken people. They said they felt like they were being ground into dust. They were shaken to their core and shocked by the event. But they also told me that they had followed their conscience and the dictates of their faith,” Donnelly said. “Although they don’t have much faith in the German state – they have a lot of faith in God. They are an inspiring and courageous family.

Donnelly said his question to the political leadership of Germany is: “How long will you permit these kinds of brutal acts to be perpetrated against German families?”

“Why is it so important to you to force people into your state schools? The echo of this act rings from a darker time in German history. When will leaders stand up and make changes so that brutality to children like the Wunderlichs no longer happens because of homeschooling? Isn’t there any German statesman willing to stand up for what is right anywhere in Germany?”

Dirk Wunderlich told HSLDA his 14-year-old daughter was forcibly taken out of the home.

“When I went outside, our neighbor was crying as she watched. I turned around to see my daughter being escorted as if she were a criminal by two big policemen. They weren’t being nice at all. When my wife tried to give my daughter a kiss and a hug goodbye, one of the special agents roughly elbowed her out of the way and said – ‘it’s too late for that.’”

After the children were taken, authorities “invited” the parents to a meeting with social workers. They were told they were not even being allowed an immediate court hearing on the status of the children.

Hitler youth

Germany has a long history of persecuting homeschooling families.

It was in 1937 when Adolf Hitler said: “The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.”

Just a few years ago, a German government spokesman, Wolfgang Drautz, emphasized the importance of socializing children through public schools.

His statement followed a response from the German government to another family that objected to police picking up their child and delivering him to a public school.

“The minister of education does not share your attitudes toward so-called homeschooling,” said a government letter. “You complain about the forced school escort of primary school children by the responsible local police officers. … In order to avoid this in future, the education authority is in conversation with the affected family in order to look for possibilities to bring the religious convictions of the family into line with the unalterable school attendance requirement.”

HSLDA previously has documented in the Konrad and Plett cases how the German government considers homeschooling to be child abuse, even though it is recognized as a right by the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

HSLDA has warned that the behavior of German authorities is a foreshadowing of what American parents should expect if the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child ever is ratified in the U.S. Its concerns are detailed at the website Parental Rights.

In nearby Sweden, WND also reported a case in which authorities snatched a 7-year-old child from an airplane as the parents were moving to India so they could homeschool.

Swedish courts have ordered Dominic Johansson to be permanently separated from his parents, Christer and Annie Johansson.

For those who remain unconvinced, as to the linkage between Germany’s storm troopers (who nabbed the homeschoolers) and America’s kiddies – homeschooled or otherwise – rethink your calculus. Fast. 

Take a gander at this, courtesy of Obama and his own storm troopers, as lawbreaking Eric Holder gives the POTUS “legal” cover – Obama Bid to Deport Homeschool Refugees May Threaten U.S. Rights ! 

In this regard, the nexus between Obama’s America and Nazi-socialist tactics is crystal clear. Most significantly, DHS is mirroring Gestapo-like tactics, and it will be their agents who will assist local authorities in descending upon homeschoolers too. Not only that, but the Radical-in-Chief’s “core curriculum” is designed for socialist/Marxist outcomes

In any case, those who cannot afford appropriate private education are hostages to the renegade leftist (mis)educators, whether in the U.S. or elsewhere. As a result, homeschooling is looking better and better, despite the risks. Merge forces with like-minded families. Pool resources. There is power in numbers.

After all, what is more precious than the (mental and physical) welfare of the kiddies? 

The Leader Of The Free World Aims For America’s And Israel’s Jugular – Their “Disarming”: The Benefits Accrued To Iran

As has been charged at this site ad nauseum, the leader of the free world is both anti-American and pro Islamist. As a result, Barack HUSSEIN Obama works to weaken America and to decapitate Israel. Concomitantly, he strengthens Islamic regimes. NO doubt about it. For the record, the plans Obama Inc. has in place won’t be thwarted through partisan bickering. In fact, said squabblings lends the POTUS free cover to pursue his nation- stabbing. Besides, the Islamist-in-Chief’s deadly end point transcends – at least it should – petty politics.

That being said, this site warned against the Islamist-in-Chief’s reelection, to the point of sounding like a broken record. In the main, his efforts to bring down America are well known, and its results are playing out before American’s (and others) horrified eyes. 

Specifically, the Radical-in-Chief’s animus towards freedom is on full display through his dictatorial actions, in relation to his own citizens, as well as his treacherous dealings in the Mid East and beyond. Said dealings expose, yet again, his fealty to Islamic regimes. The deadlier the better. And, back in 2009, when Obama Inc. enjoyed a prime geo-political opening to push the mullahs back, he did no such thing. Most revealingly, Obama acted as a shield for Iran’s Islamic regime, instead of assisting its dying freedom fightersSimply put, Barack HUSSEIN Obama revealed his hand. He had no time, nor inclination, to give them anything but the finger. Absolutely.

Even more so, what else can one conclude from Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s cheerleading for the Muslim Brotherhood, both in the Mid East and Washington? Hardly freedom fighters – Obama or his Brothers!

Which leads us straight back to Iran…and the POTUS’s assists towards the Iranian bomb, as their triumph will be directly accrued to his “helping hands”.

As such, what does a POTUS do to simultaneously aid his Islamic Brothers (even though of the Shiite persuasion), at the same time that he weakens America? He disarms one, but not the other!


Charges president’s move meant to ‘disarm America’

In an attempt to “disarm America,” President Obama has canceled a defense system, placing the U.S. home front in danger of a missile attack, including one that could be launched from Iran, charged the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

In a radio interview today, Sen. James Inhofe R-Okla., warned that Iran is using Western talks to stall the international community while it assembles a nuclear weapon and delivery system.

“Way back in 2007, our unclassified intelligence said Iran is going to have a nuclear weapon and a delivery system by 2015. That was way back in 2007. That’s a year and a half from now and they are right on the road to making that a reality,” Inhofe said.

The senator, recovering at home from quadruple bypass heart surgery, was speaking on Aaron Klein’s WABC radio show.

“I don’t trust the verification is in place, and they haven’t even said that they are going to slow down on their production right now,” Inhofe said of the talks between Iran and six world powers in Geneva earlier this month.

Inhofe told Klein that Obama’s cancellation of the U.S. missile-defense complex in Poland places America in grave danger.

“This president, President Obama, way back in his first budget four and a half years ago, one of the things he did in his effort to disarm America, was to do away with the ground-based interceptors that we were building in Poland.”

The senator asked Klein: “Now why were we building that in Poland? … We were doing it because we have 33 ground-based interceptors all on the West Coast of the United States.”

Inhofe said it “wasn’t until about 10 years ago that we realized how close Iran was.”

“And there shouldn’t be any doubt in anyone’s mind that if they had the weapon and the delivery system they would use it,” he said. “And where would that go? It would come from the east.”

However, Inhofe charged, cancellation of the U.S. interceptor site in Poland has resulted in the inability to effectively shoot down missiles coming from the east.

“Now we could be lucky if we had one shot to get it from the ground-based interceptor on the West Coast,” he said. “But we all know the security of that system is to be able to shoot, look and shoot. Now we can do that for something coming from the west. We can’t do it for something coming from the east.”

The disarming of America is both internal and external. At the same time that Barack HUSSEIN Obama eviscerates actual missile shields, he is busy gutting the Second Amendment. Thereby, he is effectively working towards disarming Americans! 

YET, on the other hand, Iran’s Hitlerite regime is given cover by the leader of the free world, to race towards the ultimate weapons of mass destruction. Now, if THAT doesn’t indict the POTUS, thus, demonstrating what his plans are and where his proclivities lie, then nothing else will suffice. 

Sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, either he will be removed or the free world will fall. Many millions of lives hang in the balance.

Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Volte Face Re An (Imminent) Attack On Syria: The Global Implications. Where Does Blow Back Factor In? Everywhere. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

The concept of geo-political blow back is an oft-repeated refrain at this site. It is not for nothing. For since this address immerses itself in geo-politics, as well as having a laser focus on Israeli and American interests – as events relate to the Mid East in particular and world politics in general – the 360 volte-face from the leader of the free world, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, is resoundingly, alarmingly resonant. It qualifies as an earth shaking point in time for the leadership of the free world, in effect, America’s abdication of the mantle as the world’s superpower. Stick a fork in it…

Make no mistake, this was ‘The One’s’ plan all along, from the moment he entered 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and soiled the People’s House. It will need more than a fumigation when (wifey and Obama’s anti-American crew) Obama Inc. finally departs, willingly or otherwise. This is the case, even if Congress gives the go ahead to exhibit a smoke and mirror’s show over Damascus.

But before we get to the inherent geo-implications, let’s remove something off the table: the POTUS, even though he demurred ‘right makes might’ (a play on words of the refrain, ‘might makes right’), he was full of nothing short of hot air and DANGEROUS hooey and phooey. Ever the poser, he tilted his chin in the air, evincing a sign of ‘righteous’ indignation. As if.

Significantly, he cannot have it both ways: how can he (he can’t, other than through verbal diarrhea) justify entering into a war in Libya sans Congressional approval, whereby Qadaffi – loony as he was – was not gassing anyone, having previously relinquished his WMD’s? Huh and duh? Paradoxically, it was due to the Libyan leader’s fear of America – a once mightily feared hyper-power – that he gave them up. Moreover, as a DIRECT result of injudiciously bombing Libya, Americans were slaughtered. Hence, Benghazigate.

NOT only that, but a massive arsenal of ManPads have gone ‘missing’, and some of them are reportedly showing up, you guessed it, in Syria. So, what exactly was considered ‘right’ about entering said war – again, without Congressional approval – to put forth the massive ‘might’ of the American military? Nothing. But this is what shakes out when a POTUS is also a Liar-in-Chief. The twisted tales…and the pressing quest to empower one’s Brotherhood Mafia, as America becomes a laughingstock before the world. As an American too, livid doesn’t even begin to describe how this feels, witnessing the debasement and degradation heaped upon the greatest liberal democracy in history. Simply put, due to the man-child, America has become a shadow of itself. A stripped shell. It may never recover.

Readers, know this: America’s hands – even prior to Obama Inc., but accelerated under his rule and with both parties in bed – are not clean, as its leaders fight a proxy war to implant another agenda, one which runs through Syria! Again, the lie about seeking Congressional approval has more to do with pressure brought to bear by the ‘Russian bear’ – no pun intended – than any other balderdash/smokescreen.     

Nevertheless, and most revealingly, as the mullahs and assorted terror groups watch/crow in glee, the fantasy of Obama Inc. having Israel’s back is stripped naked. Better late than never. With blinded eyes and much jaw-jaw from Obama Inc., Iran’s mullahs are getting closer to their genocidal plans – to wipe Israel off the map. They have every intention of doing so, and no amount of fantastical thinking will obviate this truth.

To be sure, the nonsense that ‘red lines’ mean anything but colors on a chart, has proven itself to be a dangerous delusion, a ploy. Hey Bibi, where have all the ‘red lines’ gone? Besides, if they mean less than squat in relation to Syria and its chemical warfare, what exactly do they portend for Iran’s genocidal program and the Islamist-in-Chief’s much heralded ‘promises’? Asked and answered. Fool me once, shame on you…

As such, DEBKAfile Intelligence’s latest analysis is more than worth the read.

Obama’s climb-down on Syria attack spells “military nightmare” for allies Israel, Turkey, Jordan

DEBKAfile Special Report September 1, 2013
Israel's Chariot tanks on the Golan

Israel’s Chariot tanks on the Golan

US President Barack Obama’s about-turn Saturday night, Aug. 31 on the planned US military operation against Syria’s chemical weapons has shaken up the volatile Middle East balance of strength, spelling for Israel, Jordan and Turkey what Western and Israeli military sources called the day after “a military nightmare.”
Syria, Iran and Hizballah are let off the hook by the lifting of the imminent US military threat against Bashar Assad over his use of chemical weapons on Aug. 21. Not only that, but the threesome have won an unforeseen tactical advantage: President Obama’s turn to Congress to authorize that attack gives them at least a fortnight for launching a pre-emptive strike against US forces and its allies.
Syria and Hizballah’s defenses are already upgraded against the projected US strike and their forces on peak readiness. Rather than hanging around and waiting for the US Congress to go through with a debate, which only starts in the week of Sept. 9, they are fully capable of forcing the pace on their own terms, with the object of getting the US operation cancelled altogether.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, for his part, will not waste the opportunity for pursuing further advanced weapons transactions with Iran and Syria.

A high-ranking Israeli office commented Sunday that the three hostile allies, having achieving an indefinite postponement of the American military threat with Moscow’s help, can be expected to press their advantage with further diplomatic and military mischief. Trouble looms for Israel, Jordan and Turkey if  Russian and Iranian intelligence experts estimate that an aggressive move will strengthen the hands of the US lawmakers opposed to US military intervention in Syria.

Syria’s allies may deduce that high war flames in the Middle East will stoke the anti-military congressional faction’s pressure on the administration to keep American out of the region. They will argue that even the very limited action proposed by Obama would be enough to drag America deep into the Syrian mire.

Two Republican senators have already come forward as nay-sayers. Directly after the president’s speech, John McCain and Graham Lindsey said they would vote against any limited military action in Syria short of an offensive for toppling Bashar Assad.

September is a sensitive month in Israel because most of it is taken up with festivals, starting in Rosh Hashanah, followed by Yom Kippur and then the Feast of Tabernacles.

DEBKAfile’s military sources say that the government and military command decided in hectic overnight discussions to take no chances. Against possible negative repercussions from the US president’s bombshell, they decided to maintain the high state of security and military preparedness along Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon.
The three-tiered anti-missile system therefore remains in place and the gas mask distributions stations were reopened to the public Sunday morning.

mention what this means for Israel and Iran as to his promises…link israel imperiled…

Evidently, the high art of rhetoric scores points in debate teams, as well as in liberal academia’s faculty lounges, where echo chambers replace thoughtful inquiry and incisive examination of the facts at hand. This was precisely what the world witnessed (both the civilized and the not so civilized), as many stared transfixed at the spectacle of the leader of the free world opining how outraged he was over the horrors of chemical warfare in Syria (HUGE mental note: regardless of which side has dirtier hands; the ‘rebels’ or Assad’s henchmen…and Al Qaeda is DEEPLY in the ‘rebel’ camp, let us dare not forget that), yet, he now needs ‘permission’ to stop the horrors, even though he doesn’t technically need their approval, nor did he seek any when he just didn’t feel like doing so. He might as well just stick his finger in the air and see which way the (political) wind is blowing, you know, to do the ‘right’ thing.

Equally egregious will be the blow back which will eventually emerge from his shilly shallying; an obvious strategic advantage is now part of Syria’s (Iran’s, Hezbollah’s, Russia’s, etc.) immediate war plans – the Islamist-in-Chief’s gift of time. None too incidentally, the geo-political message sent to both allies and rogue regimes is nothing short of catastrophic. Breaking it down to its bare bones, one would be hard pressed to find any world leader who currently takes America seriously, or has ANY reason to trust its word, even if the wayward Commander-in-Chief belatedly gives the go ahead to strike.

By the way, a serious Commander-in-Chief understands that America’s first class military assets would be better spent attacking the head of the snake. Alas, after 5 plus years in office, Iran’s genocidal regime is within a hair’s breath of becoming a nuclear power. 

In a nutshell, while the Poser-in-Chief strove to emit a ‘thinker’s’ pose in the Rose Garden, he exposed himself as an empty, vacuous vessel, and an unworthy adversary to angst over. Most essentially, there is no reason for the mullahs in Iran, the crazy leaderhip of N Korea, or any other rogue regime to lose any sleep over America’s POTUS. IF they weren’t sure before – about the lack of resolve from the Coward-in-Chief – they are now, ‘red lines’ beside the point.  

In reality, anyone worthy of leading the free world should surely understand the basic ‘Law of the Middle East jungle’, the most volatile region in the world. Essentially, the only one worth paying any heed to is the ‘strong horse’, and ANY show of hesitation is not seen as ‘thoughtful’ statesmanship, but evidence of weakness. And, that, my friends, is the cardinal lesson taught by Mid East power brokers, whichever Islamic country America finds itself up against.

This is precisely why Washington’s continual dictates to Israel to use ‘proportional force’ against genocidal foes has been a miserable and deadly (littered with thousands of Jewish graves) failure. Only the mother of all smack downs works in this region. Yet, this blogger places the onus squarely on Israel’s leadership, for it is they who are sworn to protect the citizens.

So, if anything positive comes out of the above American/global fiasco, well, perhaps Israel’s joined-at-the-Washington-hip leadership will finally ! surgically remove the excess weight. 

For all the above, and most especially for his attempts to bring down America, he should be remembered as the most craven POTUS in U.S. history !

UPDATE: Additional sobering food for thought, as if the above didn’t already prove how far removed from reality Israel’s political fantasists are ““It should be understood,” said a high-ranking source, “that the brakes applied suddenly Saturday night on a ready-to-go US strike against Syria was a watershed event in US-Israeli military relations and a game-changer for the Middle East at large”…..