Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

CIA’S ISLAMIST Director, John Brennan, Expunges Islam From ISIS. “War On Terror” DOA…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN any old jerk-off expounds on matters beyond the individual’s “pay grade”, common sense should prevail that it isn’t necessary to give them the time of day, let alone take them seriously. But when the Director of the CIA – for heavens sake – bastardizes the truth on its most essential basis, well, the entire west is significantly imperiled. Compromised.

NOT only that, in no uncertain terms, the gravest threat against western civilization is political Islam. As a starting point, dealing with this MAJOR threat level mandates NAMING the enemy. This is non-negotiable. You think? If this point is not designated a top priority, America may as well roll over and submit. In fact, one needn’t be a master at warfare to understand as much – Sun Tzu-like. 

ON the other hand, since the head of the nation’s spy agency is himself a qualified ISLAMIST and his boss is the Islamist-in-Chief, there is every expectation that the truth will NEVER be revealed.

IN the main, HUSSEIN Obama is Islam’s best friend. All the evidence leads to this conclusion.



TO wit, it goes without saying that his surrogates are of like mind. Enter, John Brennan.

THE CIA Director is incapable of stating the truth about ISIS and here is why:



ISIS is precisely following Muhammad’s war-like jihadi dictates and Brennan knows it too. HUSSEIN Obama alike.


NOW that that is out in the open, the question becomes: what’s Brennan up to, and where do America’s open sesame borders factor in? In a nutshell, a former CIA agent, Josh Plumlee, spills the beans. 

Tosh Plumlee, former CIA Agent, reveals startling information about our nation, and our government!  This is jaw-dropping information that we are definitely not supposed to know about!  He discusses covert operations, including what’s really going on at the ‘border’ and why we are being distracted! He also reveals information about drug cartels and government involvement, (coming martial law), and the fact that Muslim terrorists are walking straight into our country, and a lot of them!


BUT as required, a due diligence “background check” was conducted on the CIA Chief at this site, and with several “helping hands.” Its findings boiled down to: John Brennan is a Muslim convert! Go figure…


AND in light of the above, Brennan’s fingerprints were deeply embedded in Benghazigate and investigative findings queried: was the Benghazi video linked to the CIA? Affirmative.


IF your heart can withstand the betrayals, it gets worse: the head spook pushed forward with the release of TOP Taliban terrorists!


MORE specifically, why did HUSSEIN Obama and his CIA chief gift a “torture” report to the ISLAMIST ummah? Rhetorical.

SO in coming full circle, one can now gauge the “reasoning” behind why the head spook insists: ISIS aren’t Muslims, they are “psychopathic” thugs! 







“They are terrorists, they’re criminals,” Brennan asserted during the audience Q&A portion of an interview at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Most–many–of them are psychopathic thugs, murderers who use a religious concept and masquerade and mask themselves in that religious construct.”

“Let’s make it very clear that the people who carry out acts of terrorism – whether it be al-Qaeda or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – are doing it because they believe it is consistent with what their view of Islam is,” the intelligence agency director continued. “It is totally inconsistent with what the overwhelming majority of Muslims throughout the world.”

Brennan, who gave a speech earlier at the event on the structural changes facing the CIA, also slammed a popular conservative talking point about the White House’s reluctance to describe ISIS as Islamists.

“Quite frankly, I’m amused about the debate that goes on about, you know, unless you call it by what it is, you don’t know what you’re fighting,” Brennan said. “I think we have to be very careful also in the characterization because the words that we use can have resonance.”

President Obama has spoken extensively about the administration’s decision to deny ISIS a religious name.

The notion that the West is at war with Islam is an ugly lie,” the president said last month at a White House summit on countering terrorism. “And all of us, regardless of our faith, have a responsibility to reject it.”

Like the president, Brennan cautioned against the unilateral lumping of terrorists with a religion that has over a billion followers worldwide.

OKEY dokey….

BUT never mind all the bloody evidence and footprints…they (and all the inter-connecting ISLAMIST hydras, many of whom have pledged allegiance to ISIS, most notably Al Qaeda/Al-Nusra et al. and Boko Haram) are just “thugs”!

ISIS has declared its intention to “blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower,” its official spokesman said in a new audio message.

An ISIS spokesman said Thursday that the organization had accepted a pledge of allegiance from the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram, Canada’s National Post newspaper reported.

ISIS has declared its intention to “blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower,” its official spokesman said in a new audio message.

An ISIS spokesman said Thursday that the organization had accepted a pledge of allegiance from the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram, Canada’s National Post newspaper reported.

In a 28-minute Arabic-language audio, translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani declared that Boko Haram’s move was “a new door opened by Allah” and said jihadists should go to West Africa.

Adnani said ISIS wanted control of numerous cities across the globe, including Jerusalem, Kabul, Rome, and Paris.

The ISIS spokesman warned Jews and Christians that they could either “convert to Islam or pay the ultimate price when your armies are expelled from Muhammad’s peninsula, from Jerusalem, and all Muslim lands,” Ynet News reported.

He said that if Jews and Christians continued on their current path, they would soon regret having done so and be incapable of preventing the surge to the caliphate. “The Jews and the Crusaders are scared and weak,” said Adnani.

“We — with Allah’s help — want Paris, before Rome and Islamic Iberia and after we blow up the White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower before Paris, and Rome,” he warned. “The Muslims will return to power, to be the vanguard and lead in every place.”

NOTHING ISLAMIST about them at all…moving right along….

AS long as Americans understand that they are being led by those who are in deep sympathy with the enemy, the rest of the seemingly inexplicable components fall into place.

SIGNIFICANTLY, patriots may inquire: what can we do to protect our families and the national interest, in light of the above treachery? In reality, the answers are really quite obvious: assume that whenever Obama Inc.’s lips are moving they are lying. Whatever “advice” they give, ignore it. Whatever your gut tells you to do, do it.

 IN a nutshell: trust them like you would lethal enemies – that little!

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

HUSSEIN Obama Outed:Susan Rice Spills Iranian Beans.Iran IS U.S.’s (Mid East) “BFF”! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

EVER since HUSSEIN Obama catapulted to the leadership of the free world, folks of average intelligence realized that America and Israel – and by extension the civilized world – were headed towards a high stakes roller coaster ride. Earth shaking.

AND those of us who understood that “hope and change” meant a rocket-like boost to Islam (in tandem, a sea change in America’s leaning towards a Marxist/communist /Islamist infused nationknew it would result in America’s sell-out to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia alike, a key intersection of the red/green alliance.

AS always, well, instead of gratitude for said insight, this bearer of bad news was mocked, marginalized AND threatened by this and that Islamist attack dog. Oh, dear…even certain family members and friends (who shall remain nameless) got in on the unseemly mocking. But being a generous sort, apologies will be accepted, though only from a few. Still waiting…

EVEN so, before this investigative journalist repeats, yet again, for a million plus readers (and F/B/O the above tsk tskers) that said prognosis was more than on target, a recap is efficacious. The following are snippets from an all-encompassing look back.

Look Back One:

IN the run-up to the 2012 election (a few months into this site’s inception), several siren calls wailed from these pages: Revealed:The Second-Term Plans of An Obama Presidency, Nothing Short of A National Nightmare! Hardly an overstatement. Ya think?

Look Back Two:

IN tandem with the American nightmare, rest assured, this investigative journalist was (as always) equally fixated on the Israeli equation, re the prospect of HUSSEIN Obama capturing a second term. Thus, a number of warnings were emitted, knowing full well that his visceral hatred towards Israel would be unrestrained, unleashed and unchained: Obama’s Second-Term Plans For Israel If Re-elected: Going For Broke! Predicted.

NOT only that, a special clarion call went out to American Jews, those who reflexively can’t help themselves from voting for Demsters, despite demonstrable voting records displaying animus towards America and Israel. Ideologically, said leftist Jews are blind as bats…wedded to leftist dogma. Tragically, what will it take for American Jews to internalize what HUSSEIN Obama has in store for Israel and America? Rhetorical.

ALAS, as far back as 2008, the Islamist-in-Chief’s ideological background was proven to be a danger to America and Israel. Yet, said dire outcome was re-emphasized back in mid 2014, incontrovertibly it was demonstrated: HUSSEIN Obama is Israel’s enemy (by extrapolation, America’s too) and Islam’s best friend.

REPEATEDLY, ad nauseum…ad infinitum…this site has warned: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a clear and present danger, not only to America and Israel but to western civilization. That’s a mouthful.

AGREED, in general, such a sweeping statement sounds so over the top it is easy to dismiss it as hyperbole. Crazy-talk. Alas, have no fear, this blogger remains in good company. A stalwart American patriot, ex Rep. Colonel Allen West, has publicly stated the same thesis.

On Wednesday, former GOP Rep. Allen West minced no words,calling Barack Obamaan “Islamist” whose administration is “working counter to the security of the United States of America.” And, he added, “all” of the evidence points to that conclusion.

According to West, that is the only way one can rationalize Obama’s actions regarding foreign policy, especially on matters pertaining to the Middle East. He cited six specific examples:

  1. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
  2. Providing weapons of support to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Egyptian government — F-16s and M1A1 Abrams tanks — but not to the Egyptian government after the Islamist group has been removed.
  3. Negotiations with Qatar and Turkey, two Islamist-supporting countries.
  4. Negotiations with Hamas, a terrorist group.
  5. Returning sanction money, to the tune of billions of dollars, back to the theocratic regime led by Iran’s ayatollahs and allowing them to march on towards nuclear capability.
  6. Obama’s evident support of Islamists in Libya.

How much clearer does it need to be, other than threatening to shoot down Israeli fighter jets, if Israel dares to attack Iran’s WMD sites?  

TO wit, lo and behold, Susan Rice, yes, THAT Susan Rice…liar, liar…pants on fire…(who shilled for her boss after Benghazigate exploded, in her capacity as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations) is now HUSSEIN Obama’s National Security Advisor and she is doing more of the same – shilling, spilling beans and what not! 

liar liar pants on fire photo:  pantsonfire_zpsd711f903.gif

“Washington, D.C. – Susan Rice, the US National Security Advisor, sharply criticized the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Congress next week as “destructive,” just the latest shot in a back-and-forth between the White House and Netanyahu.

“Rice said Tuesday that Netanyahu’s decision to accept a unilateral invitation from House Speaker John Boehner behind President Barack Obama and his administration’s backs injected politics and “a degree of partisanship” into the US-Israeli relationship.

Netanyahu will address Congress next week where he is expected to sound the alarm over Iran and negotiations underway in Geneva.

““What has happened over the last several weeks, by virtue of the invitation that was issued by the Speaker, the acceptance of it by Prime Minister Netanyahu on two weeks in advance of this election, is that on both sides there has now been injected a degree of partisanship which is not only unfortunate but it’s destructive of the fabric of the relationship,” Rice said Tuesday in an interview on PBS.

“Rice added that the relationship between Israel and the US “has always been bipartisan.” Administration officials and American diplomats were fuming after Boehner announced that Netanyahu would address Congress about Iran. Obama asked Netanyahu over the phone just about a week before to give him some space on negotiations with Iran and not lobby against his position and Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer met with Secretary of State John Kerry just a day before without mentioning plans for the address.

“Some Democratic lawmakers, including Sen. Patrick Leahy, plan to skip out on Netanyahu’s address because of the snub and because Netanyahu will be directly opposing Obama’s diplomatic efforts on Iran. And Israeli leaders, including former President Shimon Peres, have criticized Netanyahu’s visit as damaging to the relationship with the United States.

Speaking exclusively to Newslo, National Security Advisor Rice said “mutual understanding is crucial in these types of situations.”
“I’ve already said that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s secretive address is very damaging to the relationship between our two countries, but we are prepared to exert a certain level of understanding, and even forgiveness. On the other hand, the same is expected from him – he needs to understand that, although the relationship between the US and Israel has been traditionally prosperous, the US will still need to support its best friend in the Middle East, which at this point in time happens to be Iran. It’s sort of like a threesome – the wife should not get angry at her husband for focusing on the other girl; after all, the wife is the reason the other girl is there.”

BASICALLY, does anyone truly believe that the following bitch slap to Israel’s PM happened in a vacuum, so much so that it became mandatory to marshal and amass huge resources to keep HUSSEIN Obama from destroying the Jewish homeland?

RESULTANT, this investigative journalist is working non-stop (through several highly placed channels) to raise all the requisite alarm bells. Nappy time…gonna have to wait…

ALONG this continuum, a chief perch can be found at Israel’s Voicea 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Yes, its megaphone – via a seat on the Board of Directors – affords various intersecting entry points.

THE following is a sampling of our (with major assists from Defenders of Liberty MC, etc.) clarion call. Please do your part and join our western struggle!!

Israel’s Voice and Voice of the Copts have partnered together, sending a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to support and stress the urgency of his upcoming March 3 address to a Joint Session of Congress.….(read the whole thing)

IN this regard, even S. Africa’s intelligence agency is raising the roof:

Reports sent from Israel’s Mossad and Britain’s MI6 detail how Iran is using local businesses to hide its acquisition of materials necessary for developing nuclear weapons capability.

South African intelligence also collected reports on local Iranian agents, and suspects members of the diplomatic corps, journalists and members of the Iranian business community in Africa of operating as agents of the Islamic Republic. The South African report even notes that many Persian rug stores have been used as covers for secret intelligence activities by the Iranian government.

The report discusses one incident in which one agent who was under the influence of alcohol admitted that he was a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, and that he used his rug store as a “meeting place with Iranians, including the country’s diplomatic staff in South Africa.”

One 2010 document shows that Iranian intelligence had been using various other civilian covers, including an Iranian news agency, the country’s national airline, its shipping services, and much more.

Among other things, these Iranian spies were making contact with citizens of the country considered to be extremists, and who maintained ties with Hezbollah and Hamas cells in certain target countries, or who recruited people to join them.

One of the more troubling details was the shipment of arms to Iranian embassies, “both the Ministry of Intelligence and the revolutionary committees have used diplomatic tags in order to send weapons to Iranian embassies overseas,” the report said. These weapons are “then stored in the embassies, with full knowledge of the local ambassadors.”

The next step, according to the intelligence report, was to train terrorist cells in various missions against specific targets, which are usually “Israeli or American.” By using local terrorist cells, South African intelligence noted, the Iranians can claim that they are not involved in the subsequent incidents….

MOREOVER, from day one, how could anyone think it would turn out differently  with the Traitor-in-Chief at the helm, especially with countless mega alarm bells blaring to the highest decibel imaginable?

THUS, the heretofore super power of the world, the global destination for freedom-seeking people, has declared that the world’s largest sponsor of worldwide terror is now its best friend in the Middle East, its “BFF”!


{re-blogged at Israel’s voice}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Australia’s Cafe Jihadist:Known To CIA & Obama Too.Apologists Galore…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ASIDE from the perennially deluded (read:leftists and surrogates), few are unaware that Islam incites/serves as the inspiration for Islamic jihad. G-d have mercy, but not on them. Besides, they deserve whatever blow back wends their way. 


HOWEVER, despite all the slaughters invoked under the banner of Allah – via exhorting, Allahu Akbar – some still require remedial education. Slaps too. Regardless, check the mindless drivel out, almost immediately after the jihad ended in Sydney, Australia:

“That Sydney Sheikh, he’s a phony Muslim cleric. He just wants to kill people. That’s not what, you know, Islam is calling for – to kill people at the cafe.”

AND to all the (worldwide) apologists for Islamic terror, what other heinous acts must accrue, in order to finally admit: Islam is a cancer to the west, as well as to those who refuse to submit to their dictates, regardless of locale!

STILL – being the sort to lend a helping hand – will this latest (out of enumerable others) act of barbarism suffice? Not very likely.

Posing proudly in front of a Taliban banner declaring ‘There is no God but Allah’, this is the hand-picked suicide cell responsible for the cold-blooded slaughter of 132 schoolchildren.

Clutching an array of rocket launchers and machine guns, the crazed gunmen are shown both in traditional clothing of Taliban fighters and the Pakistan military uniforms they wore to avoid suspicion immediately before storming the Army School in Peshawar.

The pictures – apparently taken in the hours before Tuesday’s attack – were released yesterday by the Taliban, together with a threat to carry out similar attacks despite the outrage at the horrific, carefully planned massacre in which 132 children and more than a dozen teachers were killed.

In an email released this morning, Khurasani attempted to justify the attack by claiming that the Pakistani army has long killed the innocent children and families of Taliban fighters.

But he vowed more such militant attacks and told Pakistani civilians to detach themselves from all military institution, adding: ‘We are still able to carry out major attacks. This was just the trailer.’

Depraved: The Taliban gunmen who slaughtered 148 innocent people, including 132 children, are pictured just hours before the massacre. The white banner they pose in front of is the flag of the Pakistani Taliban and reads: 'There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger’
The Taliban gunmen who slaughtered 148 innocent people, including 132 children, are pictured just hours before the massacre. The white banner they pose in front of is the flag of the Pakistani Taliban and reads: ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger’

IN any case, let’s just throw the naysayers under the bus – burying them, if it comes to it – and shout: Allah, the pagan diety of Islam, has EVERYTHING to do with worldwide jihadi slaughter!

MOVING right along, let’s get back to Sydney’s jihad, the CIA and a message to Obama.

TO get to the crux, recall the counter intuitive backtracking, the nonsense, put forth by Australian intelligence, when Man Haron Monis burst into the cafe:

Monis was known to counterterrorism agencies. 

He was on a national watch list but had “dropped off”, the Prime Minister admitted this morning. Since the terror alert was heightened in September in response to threats from Islamic State, the government has been more closely monitoring the activity of those on national watch lists, but NSW Attorney-General Brad Hazzard admitted yesterday one fatal mistake had been made by overlooking this man.

Speaking on ABC radio this morning, Mr Abbott said the threshold for an individual to make the watchlist was, “in a nutshell”, someone who “is regarded as at risk of doing violence against innocent people”. Even though Mr Monis had a known “infatuation with extremism” and had publicly declared his support of IS on his website just last month, he somehow didn’t make the cut.

IN plain-speak, the authorities knew about his fervent desire to commit jihad and they had him in their sights, but decided that he no longer merited their attention. The urgent questions become: did he reform his ways? if not, what warranted his exclusion from their oversight?

THAT being said, where does the CIA fit in? Now, clearly their mouthpieces will never publicly admit to knowledge of this and that, but there are those who are willing to connect the dots.

AS such, pay attention to the oft-cited DHS insider:

According to this DHS source who is well-embedded at a fairly high level within this political leviathan inside the beltway, high level DHS briefings made late Sunday (Washington, DC time) confirmed that various police and intelligence agencies throughout New South Wales and Australia not only know the identity of the perpetrator at the Lindt Café, but “[they] have had numerous dealings with him over the last several months.” This source stated that “he is not just some random unknown perpetrator without a history, but has made his intentions known for some time. Once or if the truth comes out, you will see that he is also known by the CIA.”

It is important to consider that the event started at a time when the Western media was on weekend autopilot, allowing U.S. intelligence agencies time to manage the outflow of information more adeptly. Nonetheless, much of what the event was designed to do has already been accomplished.

BASICALLY, it is not outside the realm of possibility that the CIA intersected with him as an “asset”. Do recall a previous commentary, re CIA double agents and attendant jihadi blow back.

NOW that that is settled, we can head over to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s intersection, to read the “love letter” he received from this very same jihadist!


ISIS-supporter, Sheikh Haron (Man Haron Monis), the Sydney hostage taker, had an extensive website (currently down) where he posted open letters to assorted politicians. These included a letter to Obama written during his original campaign.

12 June 2008
Senator Barack Obama
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 USA

Dear Brother Barack Obama

I got your message. Hiding the religion for political purposes is not permitted. When a Muslim is asked about her/his religion, she/he must tell the truth. You think it is permissible by Shariah law to hide your religion to achieve some positions to be able to help Islam and to give a better service to Muslims. You are wrong, Shariah law doesn’t allow you to do so, your reason for hiding your religion Islamically is not a legitimate reason.

You must rely on Allah (SWT) and avoid the satanic style of politics. If Allah wants you to be the President of the United States of America, you will definitely be the president, no matter you hide your religion or not, no matter you lie to American people or you tell the truth, so it is not worth to commit a big sin just for political purposes.

You will be apostate by denying your religion, I advise you to avoid such a big sin. You must have trust in Allah, you must always remember that  Allah has the absolute power to help you to become the President even if you tell the truth that you are a Muslim. Our rely must be only on Allah.

You will be the President but it doesn’t worth to be a President by selling out your religion, it is not worth to lose hereafter which is permanent life for this short term life. You will be the President but this is a test from  Allah to show to people that Senator Barack Obama chooses the right path or the satanic tactic. I advise you to be careful to pass this test of  Allah successfully. May  Allah guide all of us. Ameen.

Kind regards,

Sheikh Haron

MY heavens…but it was not as if Barack HUSSEIN Obama hadn’t revealed his devotion to Islam, and it can be heard here. Clear as a bell, even for those too tone deaf to listen.

MIND you, this investigative journalist hardly needs the above piece of excrement’s “newsflash”, to out the Islamist/Jihadi-in-Chief. That ship has sailed and sailed…Demonstrably, he has been proven to be Islam’s best friendNevertheless, you gotta hand it to the recently deceased jihadist, as he hit the mark, so to speak.

REGARDLESS, rest assured, every possible lie will be weighed, and the most suitable one will be constructed for mass consumption. It will be messaged as the “new truth” re Australia’s jihad. Indeed, a cover story will be printed for the hapless public; those who are held captive by their lying leaders and the Islamists at their throats! 

Islamist-In-Chief Gives Safe Harbor To Jihadists In America:Kenya’s Leaders & Putin Pummel Them.Lessons Learned…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

FIRST and foremost, there is an absolute moral line between evil and good. Those who refuse to demarcate said paths are in for a whirlwind of trouble, so much so that they will rue the day. Besides, they have zero right to drag the rest of us down into the depths of their hellish vortex. 

SIMILARLY, when a person (or group) takes a defensive (or offensive) posture against those who are attempting to murder them, well, there is little more righteous than such a pre-emptive kill. Not only that, but international law is very clear on this legal issue, though it addresses the matter on a macro scale:

The imminent threat is a standard criterion in international law, developed by Daniel Webster as he litigated the Caroline affair, described as being “instant, overwhelming, and leaving no choice of means, and no moment for deliberation.” The criteria are used in the international law justification of preemptive self-defense: self-defense without being physically attacked first (see Caroline test). This concept was introduced to compensate the strict, classical and inefficient[how?] definition of self-defense used by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, which states that sovereign nations may fend off an armed attack until the Security Council has adopted measures under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

The Caroline affair has been used to establish the principle of “anticipatory self-defense” and is also now invoked frequently in the course of the dispute around preemptive strike (or preemption doctrine).

Along these same lines, this is why self defense is considered a non-criminal act, and victims vs. criminals/terrorists are judged accordingly. Yes, this should be the case in a civilized society, unless abiding by the laws of the jungle. Besides, it is the height of immoral equivalence, a byproduct of blurred (im)morality, not to understand the distinction between Islamic barbarians, who are Allah-bent on killing all those who refuse to submit to their pagan, as opposed to those who fight back against them.

RESULTANT, when a leadership fails to take direct aim at the dangers encircling their citizens they must be removed from office, as a very first recourse. You think?

AND for more reasons than this investigative journalist has time to enumerate, isn’t the fact that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is Islam’s best friend, as opposed to America’s, indicative that his bony behind must be booted from the People’s House and hauled into a jail cell? Concomitantly, his consiglieres too.  

BUT what does the above charge sheet have to do with Kenya’s leaders and Putin? Everything.

FIRST things first. Not unlike all over the globe, Kenya’s Christians are in the crosshairs of Islamic jihadists, regardless of the hydra’s name they hail under. 

Among the dead were six children of church pastors in Mpeketoni, mostly boys, said one source.

[Muslims] selecting out Christian males as they killed more than 57 people

…. chanting “Allahu Akbar [God is Greater]” and killing whoever could not recite verses from the Koran.

If you recall, during the Westgate mall massacre all the Muslims were released and the non-Muslims were tortured and murdered in cold blood.

Obama has said nothing of Muslims mass murdering Christians in his patriarchal homeland.

Christians Targeted in Massacre by Al Shabaab in Kenya Killings in coastal town of Mpeketoni could top those of Westgate mall attack.

, June 16, 2014 (Morning Star News) – Somalia’s Islamic extremist Al Shabaab rebels attacked a predominantly Christian town on Kenya’s coast Sunday night (June 15), selecting out Christian males as they killed more than 57 people, area sources said.

The estimated 50 Al Shabaab militants attacked two hotels, a police station and other buildings in Mpeketoni, in Lamu County, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the Somali border, in a five-hour assault with guns and grenades that began after 8 p.m. Al Shabaab reportedly took responsibility for the attack, saying it was to avenge Kenya’s military involvement in Somalia and the killing of Muslims.

Sources told Morning Star News the assailants were chanting “Allahu Akbar [God is Greater]” and killing whoever could not recite verses from the Koran.



THEREFORE, Kenya’s leaders executed their sworn duty to protect their citizens, when they sent in their forces to strike down Islamic jihadists before they slaughtered again.

Kenya’s vice-president, William Ruto, said:

Following the Mandera bus attack, our security forces swiftly initiated a response. They identified, followed and struck the perpetrators of these heinous crimes

The vice president said that the troops caused “more than 100 fatalities”, that is, they killed 100 terrorists. According to another report:

Kenya’s army said it killed more than 100 fighters of the Islamist group al-Shabaab in assaults on its camps in neighboring Somalia after the militants claimed responsibility for a bus attack in northeastern Kenya that left 28 people dead.

Fighter jets targeted two camps near Godondowe in Somalia, killing 95 militants, Kenya’s Defence Ministry said late yesterday in an e-mailed statement. Ground troops and helicopter gunships killed another 20 members of the al-Qaeda-linked group as they fled to the Arabia Hills along the Kenya-Somali border, it said.

NOW let’s be inordinately clear: all of the above in no way, shape or form supports Kenya’s leaders, as they vacillate from quasi-democratic (outer) trappings to outright dictatorship. A very motley crew, to say the least.

SIMILARLY, this investigative journalist is as far removed from strong-arm communist Putin and his KGB tactics/roots as one can be. Not only that, but his actions in the Mid East and beyond (read: Iran) are anti-western to the max. However, let’s not mix apples and oranges.

THE point being, there is no doubt that Islamic terrorists have massacred many Russian citizens. This is a fact. Beslan, anyone? 

Russia, in stepped-up efforts to quell Muslim violence, plans to pass a law, by 2015, that will prohibit certain Islamic literature deemed as extremist and dangerous to society. As of now, Russian police are already searching Muslim schools (madrassas) and stopping veiled Muslim women and bearded Muslim men to interrogate them in Crimea.

Shoebat   It is the Russian Inquisition, and I can already hear the empty leftist and modern minded Christians complaining about it. Eider Ismailov, the assistant mufti of Crimea, said:

“This shows that Russian police do not trust headbagged women and see them as a separate group in the general public … This is nothing but an insult against our beliefs as Muslims.”


One report informs us:

Recently, Muslim women in the capital Simferopol and Bakhchysarai have accused Russian police of pulling women with Islamic hijab over for passport checks.

Women added that they were being treated as if they were ‘enemies’ on their Facebook profiles.

Security check did not target women only.

Over the past few days, Crimea religious schools, or madrassahs, have been searched for banned Islamic literature.

Three madrasas were searched during August 13, ahead of a law that will come into force in 2015 that bans a number of popular Islamic books, another assistant mufti, Esadullah Bairov, said.

“The books are removed as a warning, as the law is not in force in Crimea yet. Still no extremist literature was found in Crimean madrasas that were searched,” Bairov said.


WSJ Crimea’s chief prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya said members of the Crimean Tatars’ self-governing council, known as the Mejlis, were suspected of “extremist activity.” She didn’t announce any charges but warned that the council could be dissolved and banned across Russia. The threat comes after the breakaway region’s new authorities last month barred a prominent leader of the Muslim group from returning to Crimea for five years after he left for meetings in Kiev.

Prosecutors have warned Crimean Tatars that their main self-government body will be liquidated if it engages in “extremist” activities, a move that comes amid protests by local Tatars over the authorities’ refusal to allow their leader, Mustafa Dzhemilev, into the region. imagesizer


IN this regard, let’s give credit where credit is due. Putin is placing his citizens first, unlike Barack HUSSEIN Obama, who is making sure that Islamic jihadists have free rein throughout America!

LESSON LEARNED: Exodus, the second book of the Torah and the Old Testament, is very clear on this life-saving subject, and its implications are as profound today as when they were first written: “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him (first).” If there is homicidal intent, self-defense is more than permitted; it is required. This is a common principle of all legal systems, America’s included.

RIGHTEOUS. Good triumphing over evil.

Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof…Justice, justice, you shall pursue…צדק צדק תרדוף

SIMPLE as that.

Islamic Jihad Rears In Texas:Saudi Rams Explosive-Laden Vehicle Into 502nd Air Base…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

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TRAGICALLY, the more one witnesses Islamic barbarism the more one becomes immune to its effects. As time marches onward their monstrous behavior feels like “business as usual”, and with its ability to shock less and less. Yes, the above descriptor is akin to the battered wife syndrome but on a macro scale, whereby the Muslim ummah terrorizes the entire west on steroids! 

SIMILARLY, leftist revolutionaries implant threats in every sphere they seek to dominate. Bogeymen-like. While a big portion of their intimidation invariably materializes, some of it is basically designed as strong-arm tactics – do this, or else. Inherently, both leftist/reds and Islamist/greens count on a trait within human nature; one which deconstructs mental defenses via constant pressure points, be it of the physical or verbal variety. In fact, radical reds have their own bible of sorts, their guiding force, Rules For Radicals:

* RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)

SO too Islamic jihadists depend upon similar tactics. While swathing wreckage wherever they implant their feet, they are also mindful that westerners are as afraid of what “may” happen, as much as they are of what has already happened. The fear of the unknown is a leverage like none other. 

IN this regard, even their fellow Muslims – those who prefer a more secular outlook, actually non-religious Muslims – who refuse to toe the line are targeted. To wit, no one is safe from their clutches:

A prominent Egyptian-German author has gone into hiding after Islamist hardliners in Egypt called for his death, accusing the writer of insulting Islam.

The threats against Hamed Abdel-Samad came afterhe told a conference in Cairo earlier this month that “religious fascism” can be traced back to the origins of Islam, when the Prophet Mohammed’s followers were urged to destroy pagan idols. 

That provoked a sharp reaction from Islamist hardliners on television and social media. Assem Abdel-Maged, a prominent member of the ultra-conservative Gamaa Islamiya party, described Mr. Abdel-Samad as an infidel.

“He has blatantly taken a stab at Islam, he must be punished by death,” Mr. Abdel-Maged said during an appearance last week on Al-Hafez, a privately-owned religious channel.

THUS, it should hardly shock that jihad against “infidel” America is up-ticking, especially with one of their own implanted in the People’s House. Yes, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Islam’s best friend.

BESIDES, how many acts of domestic Islamic terror will it take for the threat to be identified by western leaders and poohbahs? But never mind. Regardless, the following is a select rendering out of innumerable:

DESPITE all of the horrific information cited above, the attendant dangers are much worse, if you dare imagine. They include “hidden cells” operating out of plain sight and waiting for the orders to strike, when least expected. This is not hooey and phooey talk. It is America’s dire reality…burrowed in its heartland and in all points in between!

AND aside from all the known jihadi compounds/cells (detailed in the aforementioned links), how about the newly discovered ones:

The depositions revealed that MOA has a previously unknown property outside of Anchorage, Alaska. They also confirmed the existence of an additional New York property, as well as California and Michigan locations.

The Deputy Director of MOA, Hussein Adams, is the son of terrorist Barry Adams. During questioning he was unable to provide evidence which would indicate a lack of reasonable basis for the defendants’ claims.

While MOA officials denied assertions that they are a terrorist organization, they refused to provide basic information regarding the group and their activities.

They contended that the group kept no records, with director Adams asserting that he did not know the names of those on the town council at their flagship location, Islamberg. The identity of the person entrusted to issue checks to pay the organization’s bills was also unknown, according to director Adams.

MOA is the umbrella organization operating 22 “Islamic villages” nationwide, including “Mahmoudberg” in Sweeny, Texas

YES, Texas, once again….keep reading…

ALAS, every time it rears its head the Jihadi-in-Chief’s official mantra is one or the other, or a combination of both: Islamic mandated jihad is coined “workplace violence” , but certainly NOT related to Islam. Period. Case closed.

Israel Defense Forces's photo.

HMM…self explanatory…

SO how surprising was it that another “peaceful” follower of Islam woke up one morning, loaded his car with explosives, got behind the wheel and decided to ram into a Texas air base? Do pig’s fly? Is Islam capable of reforming?


CBS  Officials at Fort Sam Houston say they’ve taken into custody the driver of a vehicle that military officials say contained explosive materials, and which sparked a lockdown at the San Antonio Army base. The Bexar County Sheriff’s Department said on Twitter that the lockdown was being handled by military police, and the sheriff’s department had no units assigned to the case.

Alex Delgado, spokesman for the 502nd Air Base Wing, says in a statement that the lockdown was lifted Sunday night after officials decided it was safe to return to normal operations. It wasn’t clear how long the person taken into custody would be held or if charges would be filed. Nobody else was in the vehicle.

Military officials told KCEN-TV that the man that drove through the gate at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio was a Saudi National and that explosive materials were found in the vehicle. The unidentified man was taken into custody and officials are still trying to determine his motive. Military officials are not yet calling this an attempted terrorist attack.


According to the city of San Antonio’s website, the base was established in 1910 — the ninth-oldest Army installation in the country. Fort Sam Houston now encompasses 3,000 acres and is home of military medicine and part of Joint Base San Antonio

WE all know that Obama Inc. is busy stirring up race riots related to Ferguson, we get that. But one would think that explosive jihadi threats should be front and center on the national burner. Agreed?

LET’S be very clear here: Obama Inc.’s spinmeisters will make sure that doubt is sowed, as to whether or not there were even explosives in his car to begin with. Allah washing. Guess what? This site assures there were, in so far as trusted investigative contacts have affirmed as much.

Now, whom are you gonna believe: the lying and captured media or this site?

Islamic Barbarism “Koshered” By Barack HUSSEIN Obama:Ramadan Serenade Tells The Treacherous Tale…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THERE are many levels of mendacity, though some rise above the rest. Dangerously and exponentially so.

INTRINSICALLY, on a multiplicity of fronts, the Islamist-in-Chief attempts to deny Islamic terror, as if their bloodletting has nothing to do with Islam! His tactics run the gamut; whitewashing their barbarism; ignoring it altogether; lending them assists, and using silencing tactics via AG Holder’s “lawfare” – end-runs – ala “Islamophobia”

ADDING insult to grave injury, his obfuscations grow larger every year, even as their worldwide bloodletting intensifies against Christians and Jews through jihadi warfare!

IN fact, Obama’s treachery can no longer be denied, since his anti-western policies have placed Americans (by extension, western civilization) in greater danger than ever before. Indisputable.

SO what has the Islamist-in-Chief done this time? He feted and fed the Islamic monsters, urging them onward towards America’s destruction…yallah…يا ألله…let’s get going…hurry up…

President Obama’s (June 28, 2014) Ramadan Speech On the first day of Ramadan, June 28th, President Obama delivered an address for the Muslim faithful in the United States. In this address he expressed sympathy for Gazans, especially those who have had Ramadan celebrations foiled by Israeli missiles.

Most significantly, President Obama equated Islamic principles of Ramadan with American values: “I…know that Ramadan is a time of intense devotion and reflection…reciting and listening to the entire Koran over the course of the month. These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

But is this true or even remotely true? Ahmed Shehad, a prominent Canadian imam said two days after the president’s speech that “The [Prophet Mohammad], peace and blessing be upon him, used to carry out jihad during the month of Ramadan and to order his companions to strengthen themselves for encountering their enemy…”

What the president has consistently asserted is a false equation of values which generally misleads a gullible public and media spokesmen inclined to reflexively adopt the president’s position. He also manages to confuse a utopian view of Islam with the actions of Hamas and other terrorist groups that claim to act in the name of religion. While the Koran can be read and interpreted in a variety of ways and has its pacific and militant passages, there is little doubt that if you accept the principle of “abrogation” – that which came later has greater validity than what came before – “the verses of the sword” or violence to promote the spread of Islam is countenanced, alas promoted.

Comparing Mohammed with George Washington is absurd on any level. Suggesting that the Koran and the Bible are similar is an argument for the ignorant or the innocent. Suggesting that the principles of the Founders and the comments by Mohammed in the Hadith are comparable is absurd.

Peace, as a word in the West, means tranquility, a time when people and nations give voice to different viewpoints and opinions in an atmosphere of openness and mutual respect. Peace in Islam is that time after the swords have been dropped because they are unnecessary. Peace is at hand since victory has been achieved. A global caliphate has been imposed and opposition in the form of different religious beliefs doesn’t exist. Words are the simplest expression of ideas and President Obama must know that tolerance – to cite a word he employed in his speech – means something quite different in Islam and Western Civilization.

For Muslims, there cannot be tolerance for infidels; the non-believer must be forced to cast aside his convictions or face financial penalty or death. Tolerance only exists for those who share the faith. In the West, there are many paths to salvation. No one is permitted to impose his religious doctrine on others, a condition memorialized in the First Amendment to the Constitution. “Advance justice,” “dignity,” “tolerance” are words put through the cauldron of political ambiguity. They have no real relationship to Islam, at least not in any conventional sense. Does President Obama realize this? Perhaps this is his plea for world cooperation. Unfortunately it is difficult to cooperate with those who are resistant to another point of view.

BEYOND a scintilla of a doubt, this site has proven that the Anti-American-in-Chief meant every word he told to his ghostwriter (yes, he was not the primary author of Dreams From My Father or Audacity of Hope, but let’s not digress) when he exhorted:   In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope. B. Hussein was writing about the injustices suffered by some in America. In that context he wrote that sentence. Will injustices in America ever go away completely? No. We live in an imperfect world. Therefore, will the situation ever arise by which Muslims in the United States will cry out for B. Hussein to lean in their favor. Of course. And will he?

BESIDES, no amount of spin, from whichever direction, will change what the POTUS said. His calculus. The intended meaning was crystal clear. Remove the wax from your ears, if you must. It will be a lifesaving procedure. Not only that – though his words were uttered in relation to Muslims in America – readers must fast forward to his two-term Presidency and it becomes indisputable: he is Islam’s best friend worldwide!

SIGNIFICANTLY, while he opines over the plight of Gazans, he ignores worldwide Christian slaughter, and treats kidnapped and butchered Jewish teens as less than worthy of mention, other than the requisite blah, blah noises. Consequentially, he purposefully fails to admit why Hamasnick (terror) clans are unable to enjoy their Ramadan. The stampeding elephant in the room. They are genocidal barbarians, pagan blood slaughterers, as they use their own children as cannon fodder. Human shields.


SO, this blogger will correct, for web posterity, his dastardly Ramadan message: may Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his fellow Islamists rot in fiery hell, as they worship their monstrous pagan Allah! May the Jewish G-d of this blogger’s forefathers – Abraham, Issac and Jacob  – vanquish this scourge upon humanity! Faster…faster…


CASE CLOSED. INDICTMENT SEALED – against Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his Brotherhood Mafia!

Worldwide Islamic Killing Machines:Christians & Jews In Cross Hairs.Obama Silent.What’s To Be Done,If Anything? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

The balaclava-wearing fighters claim to have seven massacre sites.
“We have come to you with slaughter.” ISIS has declared its intentions to conquer Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza, Sinai as well as Jerusalem, Rome, and Spain!


Folks, this is ISIS rampaging in Australia! Embedded video here!

AGAIN, in Australia….Mother Jacqui Blackburn said her three daughters on the bus, aged eight, 10 and 12, were traumatised. “The bus driver opened the doors for these strange men and allowed them on to torment the kids,” she said.

“They were screaming ‘Heil Hitler’, ‘Kill the Jews’, ‘Palestine must kill you Jews’, ‘We are going to cut your throats and slice your throats open’ — just all very bad, anti-Semitic stuff.


stormING A school bus with racist rant

“Jewish schools need to be on high alert. I am shaking like a leaf. My kids were on a private school bus only for Jewish schoolchildren.”

WHILE few with any sense of historical truth can argue that Christians do not have have their own bloody history against Jews, for the most part, that was then and this is now. And, yes, there are still too many “(il)liberal” Christians who hue to leftist doctrine as their real “religion” of choice, hence, they are in league with Islamist murderers, at least when it comes to the “Joos” and anti-western platforms. And, don’t get this blogger started on Jewish leftists and their complicity…they are more than a bane!

SIMILARLY, far right fascist Christian counterparts – documented (above) this week in Australia – are equally infected with rabid anti-semitism and demonstrative of countless alarming examples of an immutable disease. This is the G-d’s honest truth. Yet, thankfully, many more have seen that Church doctrine is often manipulated by ideological/political haters. On the other hand, Islamic doctrine via Shariah law is centuries behind in catching up! Herein lies the crux and bloody thrust.

OMINOUSLY, leftist Churches shrilly call for BDS campaigns against the “Zionist entity”, aligning with their Islamist compadres. How dare they. It would seem that the Jews are the only people in history “unworthy” of living in their historical, ancestral and biblical homeland; whose title/deed can be proven from time immemorial. Besides, who rolled over and appointed them the rulers over Zion? NOT this Zionist.

NONETHELESS, Islamists wage a worldwide bloody campaign against Jews and Christians (apostates in general) which has no historical equal. How so? Well, its endpoint will surely – if not stopped – surpass the Nazis and the crusaders! In fact, they are a mirror image combination of Islamic-Nazis. Historically, their ancestors collaborated with Hitler during WW 2, mostly due to their co-hatred of Jews. Like-minded ideological murderous machines. History repeats.

CATCHING up to speed, let us fixate our gaze onto Islam’s current march; relentless, unyielding, unquenchable slaughter.

Muslims, all members of ISIS, slaughtered a Christian family of eight in Iraq, by shooting all of them in the face. Their bodies were found on top of a deep puddle of blood, next to a lonely Bible. Anglican minister Andrew White, who lives and tends to the Christians in Iraq, described the carnage as such:

A family of 8 all shot through the face laying in a pool of blood with their Bible open on the couch. They would not convert it cost them there life.

Mr. White has in his possession a photo of the slaughtered family, and says:

You know I love to show photos but the photo I was sent today was the most awful I have ever seen… A family of 8 all shot through the face laying in a pool of blood with their Bible open on the couch. They would not convert it cost them there life. …I thought of asking if anybody wanted to see the picture but it is just too awful to show to anybody. This is Iraq today..…We give thanks to G-d for all you have enabled us to do. We move forward and know we have just begun and know with your help and the Lord’s direction we will make great advances,” he wrote. …Pray for our perseverance that we and our people will not give up the spiritual fight before us.

Does the above remind anyone of the ritual Islamic slaughter of the entire Fogel family in Judea and Samaria in 2011, the Hatuel’s in 2004, and too many others to recount?

3-Month-Old Hadas Fogel: Decapitated by Muslims

 The little boy (Elad Fogel, Age Four) . . .

Rabbi Udi Fogel, their father….



The ENTIRE Fogel Family . . . Murdered By Islam in 2011….Butchered!

AND, alas, to those who still can’t make the connection, Islamic blood lust is insatiable. Here’s why…..

INDEED, Islam & Blood is on full display…here….there…and everywhere!

From Northern Iraq to Northeastern Syria, from Nairobi, Kenya to Benghazi, Libya, from Lahore, Pakistan to the rugged mountains of Mali and Afghanistan, militant Muslims have executed tens of thousands of their fellow Muslims and are on a killing rampage against Christians. The world is shocked and distressed.

As for democracy, the rule of the people, Muslims have no use for it at all.
The Islamic killing campaign did not end with the defeat of the Muslim armies at the gates of Vienna. Their eviction from Spain was a temporary forced retreat. But now Muslim extremists have, in huge numbers, penetrated the gates of every city and town in Europe and North America without even having to use their swords.

Distressed by the Islamists’ trouble-making and killing sprees, civilized nations are bending over backwards in the hope of placating them and helping them join the family of humanity by admitting hordes of immigrants and offering them all manner of hospitality and assistance. All these gestures remain in vain and to no avail. Many of the new arrivals, deeply infected by the Islamic ethos, find it impossible to assimilate in the host countries. Instead, they strive to impose their defunct order which is the cause of their own backwardness and inhumanity on the host nations.

The non-Muslim world is at its wits’ end. No accommodation or kindness seems to stem the tide of Islamist violence. Countless numbers of proposals have been advanced in dealing with this systemic Islamic disorder. Some feel that, in general, Muslims are law-abiding citizens of their adopted countries and it is only a minority that is responsible for the violence and mayhem. Thinking along these lines has prompted people to say that the solution to Islamic violence rests with Islamic leaders. That is, Islamic leaders should speak up and condemn jihad and jihadists.

Western armchair theorizers and wishful thinkers need to take time and study the Islamic system in order to avoid making demands on Muslim leaders–demands that will never be met because they are completely unrealistic.

Islam presently has its stranglehold over on a billion humans, posing an existential threat to all non-Muslims. When this billion and a half adhere to the pathological belief of Islam and use it as their marching orders of life, the rest of humanity ignores this threat at its peril.

Islam, yet again, has risen from the ashes and is on a campaign of conquest throughout the world. Hordes of fanatical Islamic foot soldiers are striving to kill and get killed. What they all want is the opportunity to discharge their homicidal-suicidal impulses, on their way to Allah’s promised glorious paradise. And in the background, granting the foot soldiers’ wishes, are their handlers, the puppeteers, who pull the strings and detonate these human bombs.

Those who cherish life must recognize these emissaries of death — what makes them, what motivates them, and how best to defend against them.

America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call.

There is a glimmer of hope that the American people are finally waking up to the deceit and the menace of the creed called Islam. Their opposition to the building of the mosque at Ground Zero showed that the creeping Islamization of America is indeed something to stand against and prevent before it is too late.

As more and more radical Muslims arrive in America, as they reproduce with great fecundity, as they convert the disenchanted and minorities, and as petrodollar-flush Islamist treasuries supply generous funds, they gather more power to undermine a serious challenge to the American system of governance—representative democracy.

As for democracy, the rule of the people, Muslim fundamentalists have no use for it at all. The fundamentalists believe that Allah’s rule must govern the world in the form of a Caliphate—a theocracy. Making a mockery of democracy, subverting its workings, and ignoring its provisions is an Islamist’s way of falsifying what he already believes to be a sinful and false system of governance invented by infidels.

I have been sounding the alarm for decades about the ever-increasing menace Islam is posing to America and our way of life. Apathy, political correctness, and massive Islamic lobbying have successfully prevented the public from truly grasping the all-pervasive assault of political Islam.

Time and again we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We’re also told, not to worry about the horrific things that are happening on the other side of the world! If Muslims act heinously toward non-Muslims, it is just the way things are in those countries and it is hardly any of our business.

This is the same attitude that set the Islamization of Europe on a seemingly irreversible track. One European country after another is rapidly buckling under the weight of Islamism.

With heavy assurances like this, coming from so many know-it-all authoritative figures, we can sleep soundly without the aid of sleeping pills. Yet, the Islam problem is very real and deadly. Neither the pronouncements of the experts, nor the tranquilizing pills of the mind can make it go away.

Islam will continue its bloody conquest.

Islam is a belief of blood. It lives and thrives on blood. It can be animal blood, enemy blood or even its own blood. Unless we see the handwriting on the wall and deal with them accordingly, before very long, America will have to turn its deed over to the new Islamist invaders or rebel and fight block by block, city by city. That’s when there will Be Blood.

DRIVING the dangers home even further, what about ACTUAL RIVERS of blood? 

river of blood copy


ISIS just released a video showing what they claim are Iraq’s Army POWs captured by ISIS, driven away in truck loads and then shot them all dead. The video caption stated that there were 1,500 individuals. The video shows their end being shot at point blank in several horrific mass slaughters reminiscent to what we see during Nazi Germany. The young teens begged for their lives as they were made to curse Al-Maliki but to no avail while they were forced to chant “long live the Muslim nation”. were the first to discover the video:

The voice speaks how they captured soldiers covering their uniforms with civilian cloths. Then they show soldiers pleading cursing Maliki while other chant “long live Islamic Nation”. The last man they slapped as they went down to the river had part of his back showing as his shirt was short and they blurred his skin lest it was sexually arousing. Then they are seen shooting the captives in the head and tossing them in the river under a pool of blood as the narrator from the ISIS stated victoriously:

We will revenge and will return measure with measures … soon the Muslim will walk everywhere dignified with his head high …

After the men were executed and tossed in the river the voice goes to say “Here was the spark ignited in Iraq. It will arise Allah willing until they burn the armies of the cross in Dabiq“.

According to Islam, Dabiq is a prophetic battle which spesurrounded their village literally run with their blood. When the outcome was in Khalid’s favor, it actually took a day and a half to behead all of the captives. The obstacle for Khalid was that the ravine of blood coagulated and Khalid’s troops were forced to eventually release water into the canal in order that it would run red with the blood of the slain lest Khalid’s vow be left unfulfilled.

Some of Khalid’s men wanted to meticulously fulfill his wishes:

Even if you were to kill all the population of

aks of the Last Hour (Day of Judgment) would not come until the Christian masses would land at Dabiq (in Syria) and they will be defeated and then the cross is finally destroyed and all Christian survivors that are left will convert to Islam.

The reason for throwing victims in the river stems from Khalid bin Walid. When the Christians and Persians from Ullays turned down a peace offer by Khalid bin Al-Walid, the most respected Muslim general in Muslim history.

The story goes that when Khalid made a vow to Allah during the battle that if he defeated these resistors, he would make the canal that

the earth, their blood would still not run… Therefore send water over it, so that you may fulfill your oath.

Khalid had blocked the water from the canal. Now Khalid brought the water back, so that it flowed with spilled blood. Owing to this it has been called Blood Canal to this day. (1)

But this is not an ancient phenomenon. Today the world can watch it in the clip.

CONCLUSIVELY, incontrovertibly, the slaughter of Christians and Jews has been well documented at this site.

MOST significantly, the leader of the heretofore free world is more concerned about granting entry to criminal illegals, to overwhelm America, rather than to use his influence to squash worldwide genocide – yes, it is – against non-Muslims!

SO, what does that tell everyone about Barack HUSSEIN Obama? He is Islam’s best friend, that’s what! Christian genocide, who the fu-k cares? Jews blitzed in Israel – their ancestral homeland-   attacked all over Europe and beyond, it doesn’t even hit his snooze meter. After all, there is golf to play, “down low” nookie time to consummate and drugs/alcohol to consume.

LESSONS LEARNED: we (non-Muslims) are on our own! Get used to it. NO time to lose…




Islamist-in-Chief Shields Hamas & Iran.Brotherhood Hegemony & Iran’s Nuclear Status Ensured….Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

JUST as the sun rises and sets, the following truth is a constant: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is Allah-bent on acting as a shield for Islam.

Many moons ago – at least in the time frame of too many ADD-afflicted westerners – the Islamist-in-Chief was immersed, as usual, in perpetual campaign mode and golf jaunts, all the while Iranian freedom fighters were slaughtered in their streets. Barely 4 years have passed since the leader of the free world ignored their pleas, as Iranians begged for assistance to remove the boot of the mullahs via the so-called “twitter revolution“. Obama Inc’s national disgrace is amply described within the above Washington Times Editorial.

It goes without saying, the Islamist-in-Chief has no interest in freeing the Mid East from the sword of Islam. His embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is more than emblematic of said charge. In fact, the polar opposite is the case. Currently, the leader of the free world is agitating (also threatening Egypt’s military) for Morsi’s Mafia to be set free, even though Egypt’s military has evidence of treason against them. Think about what this means in terms of which side America is siding with and the geo-political blow back, its knock-on effects. Besides, each and every intervention (“leading from behind” or full frontal) ends in further disaster, both for the west and towards regional factions seeking freedom.

EMBLEMATIC of the charge that Obama Inc. uplifted Islamism at the expense of freedom, just recall the slap in the face – back-handed by the Islamist-in-Chief – given to Iran’s Green Revolution in 2009; its freedom fighters. Indeed, in both verbal messaging and through inaction, he was deaf to their pleas and their cries, even as their blood flowed in the streets. What a bastard. They literally screamed to the anti-freedom POTUS: help us overthrow the mullahs; the biggest sponsors of world terror!

IN furtherance of said charges….

During their brutally suppressed protests in 2009, Iranian freedom fighters sent the White House an urgent memo calling for help. Under Obama, America ignored it.

‘So now, at this pivotal point in time, it is up to the countries of the free world to make up their mind,” Iranian opposition leaders told the Obama administration in an eight-page memo in 2009. “Will they continue on the track of wishful thinking and push every decision to the future until it is too late, or will they reward the brave people of Iran and simultaneously advance the Western interests and world peace.”

President Obama made his choice, and like so often before it was to vote “present.”

The memo, written by leaders of Iran’s Green Party after the summer 2009 anti-government demonstrations, was obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The document confirms GOP candidate Rick Santorum’s charge that the U.S. squandered an opportunity to undermine the government established by the Ayatollah Khomeini three decades ago.

In the Arizona GOP debate last week, Santorum noted that “we did absolutely nothing to help” the Green Revolution. But “when the radicals in Egypt and the radicals in Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood … rise against either a feckless leader or a friend of ours in Egypt, the president is more than happy to help them out.”

AS such, the underlying “twinning”  thesis of the commentary – linking the shielding of Hamas and Iran’s mullahs as part of the Islamist-in-Chief’s main geo-political thrust – is further cemented through Valerie Jarrett’s Iranian sprints, as she shuttles back and forth to Iran’s top leadership, ensuring that they attain WMD status. Indeed, there can no longer be any doubt: Barack HUSSEIN Obama has a vested interest in the Shia side of the sword against Israel and the west.

IN furtherance of the aforementioned “twinning”, the following is more than germane:

The launching of two-thousand plus Iranian and Syrian-made rockets of various ranges raining throughout Israel at the same time that Iran’s leadership was sitting with the P5+1 in Vienna to negotiate a deal over its nuclear program has exposed Iran as the root cause of instability in the Middle East.

NOW, juxtaposed against his outright support of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, of which Hamas is a main spearhead, it is legitimate to query: what is Obama Inc. up to, even as Washington lists Hamas as a terror org?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated




Play Video

INCONTROVERTIBLY, evidence abounds as to Obama Inc.’s fealty to Iran and his absolute allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Iran (in concert with Turkey and Qatar) is the biggest financier of Hamas‘s genocidal goals, though one is Shia and the other Sunni.

While the world powers seek to end Iran’s illicit nuclear-weapons program, the Islamic Republic and its strategic partner Syria are supplying the Palestinian terrorist entity Hamas with conventional arms – which Hamas is using right now to target Israel.

With the above in mind, the geo-political picture comes into sharper focus. And this is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. Therefore, leaving Hamas standing, by holding back the IDF’s FINAL victory, becomes a must.

Obama: I repeat and expect Israel to unilaterally stop all its military activity. The pictures of destruction from Gaza distance the world from Israel’s position.

Netanyahu: Kerry’s proposal was completely unrealistic and gives Hamas the military and diplomatic advantage.

Obama: Within a week of the end of Israel’s military activities, Qatar and Turkey will begin negotiations with Hamas on the basis of the 2012 understanding [following the end of Operation Pillar of Defense – ed.], including Israel’s commitment to removing the siege and restrictions on Gaza,

Netanyahu: Qatar and Turkey are the biggest supporters of Hamas. It is impossible to rely on them to be fair mediators.

Obama: I trust Qatar and Turkey, and Israel is in no position to choose its mediators.

INTRINSICALLY, one must not get confused by his support for both Sunni Hamas and Shia Iran. Such mental meanderings will only serve the enemy’s interests, including Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s!

ONTO more of the same…

The Iran Talks’ Gaza Connection

Lost amid the understandable focus on the fighting in Gaza was a major Middle East news story. On July 18, the U.S. and its Western allies agreed to extend the Iran nuclear talks for four months. But rather than the fighting between Hamas and Israel allowing the negotiations to continue under the radar, the events unfolding in Gaza ought to make it harder rather than easier for the Obama administration to evade its obligation to deal with this threat.

The leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee groused in public yesterdayabout the way the Iran talks are proceeding with little public accountability. Both Democratic Chair Senator Robert Menendez and ranking Republican Bob Corker expressed dismay about the way the supposedly finite period for negotiations with Iran had effortlessly transitioned into injury time with every possibility that the four-month period could be extended again in November. There was no appetite on the committee for a rerun of the bruising and losing fight Menendez waged against the administration on behalf of tougher sanctions on Iran in order to strengthen the West’s hand in the talks. Yet the frustration about the P5+1 process is clear.

While their comments didn’t get much attention, Menendez and Corker are right to be worried. More to the point, the Gaza crisis ought to be causing more concern about the Iran talks rather than allowing Secretary of State John Kerry’s negotiating team a free pass to continue to work toward an agreement that will both legalize Tehran’s nuclear program and fail to curb its support for terrorism.

It is important to understand that without Iran much of what is happening in Gaza wouldn’t be possible. Iran supplied Hamas with advanced rockets and money for years enabling it to create the infrastructure of terror that has plunged the region into conflict. Iran and Hamas had a very public spat in recent years when the Islamist terrorists chose to oppose Tehran’s ally Bashar Assad in the Syrian civil war. But the breach between the two may be over. Yesterday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he supported replenishing Iran’s arsenal. If, due to international pressure and the desire of the Obama administration to halt the current fighting, Hamas is left standing and in control of Gaza, the odds are good that Khamenei will make good on his pledge.

Economic sanctions on Iran made it harder for the regime to divert money to Hamas as well as to Islamic Jihad, which has stayed in Tehran’s good graces these past few years. But if Kerry gets the deal he is looking for, the sanctions that were weakened in the interim deal concluded last November would be eviscerated. At that point, Hamas may be able to count on refinancing and resupply from Iran as well as from their ally Qatar.

What has this to do with the nuclear talks?

The assumption on the part of most foreign-policy observers is that these are two separate issues. But that belief is a mistake. Iran’s status as the leading state sponsor of international terrorism through its support of Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and perhaps Hamas again makes it imperative that the P5+1 process not limit itself to talks that ignore the threat that Tehran’s auxiliaries pose to the West.

Kerry signed a weak deal with Iran last fall because, as he publicly admitted, the secretary decided sticking to the West’s demands for Iran to dismantle its nuclear program was not possible. Instead, he appeased Iran and granted tacit recognition to their “right” to enrich uranium in exchange for concessions that do little to retard the Islamist regime’s nuclear ambitions. The willingness of the West to go into overtime with an Iranian negotiating partner that has clearly signaled their unwillingness to agree to measures that would make it impossible for them to build a weapon may herald another retreat by Kerry. If so, that will bring us closer to the day when Iran will not only be able to threaten the West with a nuke after a brief “breakout” period but also hasten the moment when it can extend a nuclear umbrella over its allies in Lebanon and Gaza.

While the prospect of such a dismal outcome to these negotiations raises the possibility that Israel will decide at some point to act on their own to stop the Iranians, it also raises the stakes in Gaza. The U.S. decision not to keep its word about limiting negotiations with Iran makes it even more imperative for Israel not to allow Hamas to escape the current fighting with its arsenal and control of the strip intact. Just as Iran’s nuclear dream poses an existential threat to Israel, the American willingness to kick the can down the road on the nuclear issue makes it more vital that Israel finishes off Hamas now before an end to the blockade and Western appeasement of Tehran changes the strategic equation in Gaza and the Middle East.

WHEREAS there are many things which can’t be predicted, there are some which can. In essence, the Islamist-in-Chief – and surrogates – understands that leaving Gaza armed to the teeth allows a Sunni terror enclave to attack Israel from the south. In concert, assuring the nuclear status of Iran brings Israel to heel, either through nuclear blackmail or by an actual strike, akin to a bolt out of the blue.

AND it should go without saying: once Iran goes nuclear they will not hesitate to smuggle WMD into Gaza, even as they similarly arm Hezbollah. Notably, since PM Netanyahu has demonstrated that he is mentally incapable of extricating from Obama Inc.’s dictates, imagine the hegemony gained by nuclear bombs in the hands of genocidal foes, including Hamas!

MIND you, not only is Barack HUSSEIN Obama counting on Israel’s compliance, but so too are Hamas and their attendant terror accomplices, Sunni and Shia. They internalize PM Netanyahu’s penchant for burying his head in the sand, even though fully aware of the tunnel threats for years! Nothing was done. Nothing. Don’t confuse strategic victory with smoke and mirrors via exploding buildings. Worlds apart. 

REPEATEDLY, this site asserts: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is intent on ensuring the triumph of Islam, whether Sunni or Shia. He is, in both word and deed, Islam’s best friend.

OMINOUSLY, with the world’s attention riveted on Gaza, it serves Obama Inc’s agenda very well. Hamas stands in place to assist in Israel’s demise, at the same time that Iran’s genocidal mullahs push to the finish line. None of what is transpiring in both arenas is happenstance. It is by design – the POTUS’s.

MOST significantly, jaw-jaw has worked very well for the mullahs through Washington’s “side deals”.

Therefore, what’s a few more months of dragged out “talks” in the scheme of things? 

A done nuclear-capable deal, that’s what!

American-Islamic Brotherhood Political Party Formed:A LETHAL Danger! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN an Orwellian nightmare, Americans (the west in general) are facing the fruits of a double-edged sword, one which will absolutely turn on them, if not stopped in its deadly tracks. On the one hand, drummed into the public’s discourse, its consciousness, politicians, media pundits, academics and civil society (non-elected) elitists have allowed democracy to be turned upside its head. It has become the west’s suicide pact. This was no accident, it was planned decades ago.

IN this regard, Islamists, due to the opening lent them via their leftist collaborators, grabbed westerners by the short hairs. They are running circles around patriotic Americans, as well as nationalists within western countries. But while leftists surely are pleased with said outcome, the fact of the matter is that many average folks truly think that being liberal simply means demonstrating compassion for the other. Not so fast. There is such a thing as being so wedded to liberalism that your brains fall out. Yet, the most salient question remains: how did it get to this tipping point?

INHERENTLY, it was due to the see no evil, hear no evil mindset that the most reactionary force known to man, Islam, has been able to hide behind a so-called religion, all the while they abused the west’s “hands off” approach to all things regarding the “other”.

IN the meanwhile, Islamists are free to wage a bloody war across the globe in the name of the same “religion”! Not only that, political Islam, its mainstay, is implanting across the world and nothing is being done to stop its thrust. Yes, America is ripe for their picking. Indeed, the once mighty nation leading the free world has now become the gateway for barbarism. Its epicenter.

SO even as they slaughter Christians and Jews in the name of Islam, nothing deters Obama from empowering them throughout America. In both word and deed, it is no exaggeration to proclaim: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is Islam’s best friend!

IN this regard, while the IDF engages in a bitter war to stop Hamas – the progeny of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood – from blitzing the entire nation of Israel, the fact of the matter is that the Islamist-in-Chief has sent his henchman, Sec Kerry, to forge a “cease-fire”. Such a move is designed to stop the IDF in its tracks, as they make inroads into wiping out Hamas’s arsenal and all that it entails. Most egregiously, the IDF is fighting a battle which the entire west will benefit from, all the while Obama Inc. places every obstacle in its path! 

SIGNIFICANTLY, the Muslim Brotherhood’s new “American” political party – the basis for this commentary, the parent of Hamas which uses its civilians as human shields, while they target Israel’s civilian population – is front and center within Capitol Hill and ready to take America by storm. Literally.

IN essence, while the Brotherhood’s spawn commits a double war crime – that which western civilization should be seeking to eliminate and certainly not embrace within the community of nations – they go from strength to strength within America! More specifically, Hamas murdered, during its call for a so-called cease fire for “humanitarian” reasons, 25 of its own people who “collaborated” with IsraelUnderstood? If still not convinced, make sure to internalize what this new “political” party means for America and the west in toto. Being silent, despite a PC omerta, will lead to countless dead Americans. Guaranteed.

American Muslim Political Party Member Cheers Israeli Casualties & Hamas

A facebook post by Taher Herzallah, leader of one of the groups represented in a recently formed Muslim political party in the U.S., clearly celebrates Israeli casualties and the group that has caused them – Hamas. The post has since been taken down (screenshot below).Taher_Herzallah_Facebook_postAs the National Campus Coordinator for American Muslims for Palestine, Herzallah also represents the US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), an organization formed with Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America to create the first Muslim Brotherhood political party in the U.S. Earlier this year, reported on the founding member groups of USCMO. They include CAIR, MAS, and ICNA. As far as posts to social media that reveal the true feelings of these supposed Muslim civil rights groups, CAIR’s Executive Director Nihad Awad was caught using doublespeak earlier this month with twitter. Upon learning the news that convicted terrorist financier Sami al-Arian had been released from jail, Awad sent out two tweets – one in English and one in Arabic. They were not the same; the Arabic tweet blamed the ‘Israeli lobby’ as reported. Last month, USCMO held its inauguration in Washington, DC. Two of the speakers at the event were Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN); they represent the only two Muslims in Congress. The goal of USCMO is clearly to help elect more.USCMO_SpeakersAnother prominent figure within USCMO is Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing who is closely connected to the infamous “Blind Sheikh”, Omar Abdel Rahman. Wahhaj was one of the speakers at the USCMO inauguration, alongside Ellison and Carson. As Shoebat.comreported, Glenn Greenwald and Wahhaj shared a podium at a 2013 CAIR banquet. Siraj Wahhaj (far left) and Nihad Awad (second from left) in screen shot from USCMO home page. Greenwald is the ‘journalist’ who provided Edward Snowden a platform to release highly sensitive NSA information. According to an exhaustive article Greenwald wrote in defense of highly suspect Muslim figures in the U.S., he claimed that though Awad expressed support for Hamas in 1994, he stopped doing so when the group moved into the realm of suicide bombings. If that were true, Awad should condemn the elation of Herzallah.

Hamas/CAIR Wave the Banner of Jihad in Miami! {presented by this blogger’s contact, Tom Trento}

ASIDE from all the other proofs offered above, the fact of the matter is that the Muslim Brotherhood is a defacto terror org, as designated by U.S. authorities!

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated





MERELY thirteen years after the most devastating terror attack on U.S. soil in recent memory – a mere blip on the historical radar – one would think that an Islamic cohort of Osama Bin Laden would be banned from American soil. Not only that, it appears rational to assume that the terror org he leads, CAIR, would be outlawed, in tandem with many of its hydras. 

Think again.

NOW, it matters not a whit whether Osama and Nihad ever crossed paths. But what absolutely matters is that CAIR is part and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Al Qaeda is its outgrowth! Less than six degrees of (terror) separation.

That being said, many still believe that others feel as they do about the American dream. Its possibilities. Therefore, they tend to accrue the most benign sensibilities to Muslim-Americans. GRAVE error.

U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations - USCMO


Well, now that that is settled, the question becomes: since Hamas is the absolute terror spawn of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood…

Based on the principles of Islamism gaining momentum throughout the Arab world in the 1980s, Hamas was founded in 1987 (during the First Intifada) as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.[3][4]

and this is not up for debate, how can its parent, the Muslim Brotherhood, open its own political party (under whatever cockamamie hydra name they conjure up) via a membership list which is a who’s who listing of the Brotherhood? In the main, less than zero degrees separated!

NOT only that, but this site’s readership is more than familiar with the tie-ins between Obama Inc. and the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Volumes of evidence. Truckloads.

NOTHING written within this site inflames the ire of certain readers (nor brings it more applause from an increasing global audience…thanks for that) like the hammer blows given to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Alas, from reading some of their invective hurled in this direction, one would think that this blogger is just being mean-spirited, with nary a reason to claim this and that. Oh really?

SO, Islamists and leftists, listen up. DO take the following evidence very seriously. There is no intention to let up. Besides, even Egypt has indicted Barack HUSSEIN Obama & Hill as conspirators to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s reign of terror!

Would these men be terrorists under Bachmann's Bill?

THEREFORE, it makes total sense, under Barack HUSSEIN Obama, a Muslim Brotherhood political party would emerge. But it doesn’t answer the most pressing question of all: will millions of patriots allow their treachery to infiltrate and dominate America’s body politic, eventually destroying the nation as a Constitutional democracy? 

The Shariah States of America is their plan. It is on target. It is more likely than not.

IT’S your call to make. NO time to lose!


IN western ADD-afflicted time frames, the deaths of SEAL TEAM 6 heroes, in 2011, is all but a distant memory. However, this craven mindset needn’t be the case for those of us who seek justice, regardless of passage of time, whether for crimes committed 3 years ago or 30 ….and so on. Besides, as one who will “move mountains” to get to the bottom of GRAVE injustices – whether of a personal nature or not – a long-term memory (not to be confused with harboring grudges for personal slights…whatever) is a requirement. That’s for sure.

MOREOVER, who is to say that patriots, especially Israelis and Americans (westerners) are not “entitled” to the same memory banks as Islamic jihadists (century-like) and those who enable them, specifically, their anti-American cohorts who squat in the People’s House, Islam’s best friend(s).

AND it is this ability to remember, to recollect and reflect, which enables justice – however delayed – to not be denied. Understood?

Justice One:  

AGREED, those who die under less than “kosher” circumstances (and dropping like flies has become a signature hit of Obama and gang), whomever they are, deserve to have their deaths examined, especially through the efforts of their loved ones. Pit bull-like.

NEVERTHELESS, most of us will never be able to lay claim to the nation-saving exploits executed by the likes of SEAL TEAM 6 (and their band of brothers), regardless of costs to their safety. So, isn’t it edifying to realize that their lives were seen as nothing more than disposable garbage, as they were set up to die, and that a cover up – as always – became Obama Inc’s modus operandi?

Justice Two:

IN this regard, several questions must be asked and answered: did they simply “drop from the sky”? were they “sacrificial lambs” for a myriad of (cover up) reasons? and, how did Obama Inc.’s goons respond, as they sparred off against those who understood what’s what?

On August 6, 2011, in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, jihadists perched on top of a building shot down a decrepit CH-47 helicopter, Extortion 17, packed with 30 Special Ops forces–most of them part of the elite SEAL Team 6. Almost immediately, facts about the attack were hushed up that included skirting away the black box. Furthermore, within hours, everyone on board was cremated, supposedly because they were burned beyond recognition. Family members of the victims have learned that virtually everything the Obama administration has revealed about the attack is a lie.

The likely reason for the coverup? The high-tech weapon used to shoot down Extortion 17, a heat-seeking missile, more than likely was supplied by none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

GRANTED, whether in America or Israel (or other relatively functioning democratic countries), patriots are supposed to take the “high road”, one in which the laws of the land are followed to the tee. Now, while said outlook is definitely the preferred way, the fact of the matter is that such “faith” in requisite authorities is often misplaced.  And this is coming from someone who, on a multiplicity of levels, has been known to have close ties to certain law enforcement folks, both in the U.S. and Israel, understanding full well the sacrifices they make. Yet, when the fish stinks from the head up, well, the police become equally infected.

THAT being the case, the real moral road is one which leads in the direction of true justice, however long it takes, irrespective of this or that official approval. So the same Jewish precept which should apply in Israel (but generally doesn’t), tzedek, tzedek tirdof…צֶדֶק צֶדֶק תִּרְדּף…justice, justice, you shall pursue, must also be part of every patriot’s mission; whether glaring a spotlight on the assassination of Seal Team 6 members, Benghazigate’s cover up, or a myriad of other crimes committed by Obama Inc. against the nation.

NO other (internal) mechanism takes its place, at least when seeking to “settle scores”. Gain justice. Not even close.