Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

Leftist Traitors Facilitating White Genocide Via “Refugees”: Whites Becoming Minority In US & Europe. How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


EFFECTIVELY, the long-term mission of the red/green alliance is coming full circle, as it reaches fruition via the explosive invasion of third world Islamic “refugees into Europe, soon to blow back onto America. A White genocide. Wait and see. But don’t be distracted by the usage of the term via White supremacist groups, those who seek to “purify/cleanse” and create their own race war. Apples and oranges.

INTRINSICALLY, decimating national borders suits both sides, yet, the real “winners” are Muslims, the “greens.” Indubitably, they are stampeding the entire continent.


INHERENTLY, while said alliance was facilitated through initial “understandings” between multi-cultural obsessed elitists in Europe, in order to eliminate all borders (within North America as well, with leftist leaders cooperating through AGENDA 21 and UN bureaucrats), it wasn’t until the Euro-Arab Dialogue (in 1973) took hold that the stage was set for today’s border-smashing nightmare. Alas, a little over 40 years in the making; a drop in the historical bucket.

CONSEQUENTLY, while said collusion was initially conceived between France and Arab leaders to Islamise and Arabise Europe, thereby, severing its existing culture and undermining the so-called alignment with the U.S. and Israel, its blow back has taken on a life of its own. Golem-like. Sheesh, as is said, be careful what you wish for!

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SO as Europe’s implosion explodes, its White citizens appear dumbfounded by its (seemingly) bolt out of the blue destructive swathe. Not so fast. As repeatedly stated, the fuse was lit through HUSSEIN Obama’s illegal war in Libya, but its underpinnings were set in Europe in the early 1970’s.

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SIMILARLY, since the 1960’s, non-elected leftists, in tandem with elected counterparts, did more to bring down America than can be accurately calculated. However, the chief legislative kingmaker should be attributed to its rightful owner; Sen. Ted (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy. He was an avowed leftist, a booze hound, a womanizer, and a third world devotee. Anything else? Hmm, a typical limousine liberal (an over-indulgent elitist with comparable out-sized appetites), he set into motion today’s immigration crisis. From 1965 onward, his legislation revamped the entire immigration system, and its poisonous fruits are exploding as this is being written. Mind you, Teddie boy would be so proud of his handiwork!


  • The 1965 revamp of the entire immigration system.  It ended 40 years of low immigration, got rid of solid numerical caps and opened up chain migration into every overpopulated country in the world, exploding annual immigration numbers.
  • Massive expansion of the refugee programs in the late 1970s, opening up massive loopholes and encouraging a domestic resettlement industry that became a major lobby for more and more overall immigration.
  • The 1986 blanket amnesty. Kennedy’s skills may have been best seen here where he got legislators on our side to agree to the amnesty in exchange for enforcement rules that he made sure were written in a way that would not work.  Within a decade, he would be using the inability to enforce the 1986 rules as an excuse for why we needed more green cards and more amnesties. An example of Kennedy’s great skill was that he persuaded Ronald Reagan to enthusiastically support this bill.
  • The 1990 immigration act, which increased overall immigration by another 35%.  The first Pres. Bush was Kennedy’s co-partner, just as the second Pres. Bush was Kennedy’s eager co-partner in trying to force through another blanket amnesty 2001-2008.
  • The 1990 act also established the lottery whereby we randomly give away 50,000 green cards a year to people in countries picked because they have the least ties and cultural association with the United States, and which disproportionately are terrorist-sponsoring countries. This was something of a compromise for Kennedy who was able to ensure that during the first few years, much of the lottery winners would be illegal aliens from Ireland — his own ethnic group.
  • The H-1B visas which have enabled corporations to keep hundreds of thousands of American kids from getting a foothold in the high-tech industry.
  • The total defeat of liberal civil rights champion Barbara Jordan’s blue-ribbon commissionrecommendations to reduce overall immigration and eliminate chain migration and the lottery in 1996.
  • Six mini-amnesties that passed in the 1990s, primarily aimed at specific nationalities.
  • Every year since 2000, Sen. Kennedy pushed an amnesty. Every year, he pushed increases in foreign workers.


AND it is through the above (American and European) footprints that a rapid gateway to White genocide (even though most have a hard time grasping said outcome) is opening.

NOW, this is not to say that overnight killing fields are on tap. But it is absolutely the (historical) case that when Allah’s monsters become the majority they slaughter non-Muslims, as well as Muslim apostates. Just look around at the littered body parts within the Mid East’s landscape, as well as inside parts of Africa. To a tee, they are killing fields. Absolutely, they are the “green” part of the deadly alliance.

INDUBITABLY, the “red” part doesn’t require much introduction, in so far as their capacity for slaughter. Heck, Billy boy Ayers is still dreaming about killing many millions who refuse to be “re-educated”, and they are mostly Whites who are non-leftists!


BUT not to be overlooked in the analysis, no doubt, the imprints of cultural Marxism should be considered front and center. 

MOST resoundingly, when the leader of the so-called free world, an Islamist and cultural Marxist revolutionary, is in sync with “social justice” driven Pope Francis, well, a hellish nightmare (it is what it is) is likely on the horizon.

READERS, no offense intended to those who are devoted to the Vatican, but it can no longer be ignored that Pope Francis is more attached to “social justice” (leftist/socialist ideology) than he is to scriptural teachings.

In his speech to Congress on Thursday, Pope Francis once again demonstrated his pro-Marxist tendencies, hailing the work of Dorothy Day, an American convert to Catholicism who never renounced her pro-Marxist views but has been described by the media as just an activist for “social justice.” She was a founder of the Catholic Worker Movement and was the subject of a 581-page FBI file for her connections to communists and communist groups….continue reading

RESULTANT, his affinity for Muslim “refugees” is not only misguided, but wildly dangerous. Besides, is Vatican City ready to absorb Allah’s followers, even a spare dozen?? Nope. As to fleeing Christians? Well, one ! family has been welcomed into their midst. Hmm….do as I say, not as I do, comes to mind.

It’s not quite a gift from God but, politically, it may be the next best thing.

President Obama increasingly is finding a key policy ally in the Vatican, with Pope Francis standing virtually shoulder to shoulder with the White House on income inequality and a historic diplomatic reboot with communist Cuba. The pontiff next year also appears poised to offer greater support to the president on climate change initiatives and reportedly wants to be a leading voice at a U.N. global warming summit next year, where the American president will make perhaps his greatest pitch to date for more dramatic action on the environment.

For Mr. Obama and fellow Democrats, aligning with Francis offers clear benefits in the short-term, as they are able to highlight agreement on controversial issues with one of the most respected figures on the planet.

But in the long-term, analysts say, Democrats may pay something of a political price.

To soothe American Catholics, who may have grown suspicious of the church’s partnership with a liberal White House, the pope in the coming months and years is likely to zero in on fundamental disagreements with the Democratic Party on issues such as abortion and religious liberty, said Joseph Prud’homme, a political science professor and the director of the Institute for the Study of Religion, Politics, and Culture at Washington College.

“I believe Francis will remind the faithful in his position as supreme pastor about what he has consistently said about life and religious liberty. I hope, and I expect, that he will, after these initiatives [on Cubaand climate change], remind the faithful of the unending position of the church with respect to the sanctity of human life, the importance of religious liberty,” Mr. Prud’homme said.

He added that Francis could create a deeper, almost irreparable rift between the church and the Democratic Party and create further headaches for liberal Catholics in electoral politics unless the Democratic Party “changes and recalibrates its center of gravity away from these issues which, from the position of the church, represent grave and serious moral error.”

While abortion and other moral issues represent a philosophical chasm between the Catholic Church and the Democratic Party, the past several years have proved the two can work together.

The White House praised the pope this month for playing a critical role in a landmark deal with Cuba, one in which the U.S. will re-establish formal diplomatic ties and open an embassy in Havana for the first time in more than five decades

Francis invited administration officials and representatives of Cuban President Raul Castro’s government to the Vatican for a series of meetings this fall. The first Latin American pope also sent letters to Mr. Obama and Mr. Castro, urging the two leaders to change course and end the isolation of the past 50 years.

“He played a very important role,” Mr. Obama said of the pontiff in an interview with ABC News this month. “The pope doesn’t wield armies. He can’t impose sanctions. But he can speak with great moral authority, and it makes a difference. And it certainly made a difference in this case.”

In a Dec. 17 statement, Francis welcomed the normalization of relations, and the White House circulated his words to members of the media.

The Vatican has long been critical of U.S. sanctions against Cuba. Pope John Paul II — one of the few world leaders to have been received by longtime strongman Fidel Castro in a business suit rather than fatigues — called the embargo an “oppressive, unjust and ethically unacceptable” burden on the poor during a pilgrimage to Cuba.

The pope also has become one of the Democrats’ biggest allies on income inequality, which Mr. Obama has cast as perhaps the biggest challenge facing the U.S. economy today.

Last year, Francis offered a clear rejection of “trickle-down economics,” seemingly embracing Democratic policies of greater redistribution of wealth to struggling Americans.

“Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories, which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world,” he said. “This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system.”

High-profile Democrats, such as Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, cited the pope’s words when arguing for more government spending on programs to aid low-income Americans and to shrink the wage gap between the rich and the poor.

“Those of us in America should pay heed” to the pontiff’s words, he said after Francis’ comments on income inequality.

Moving forward, the pope may become one of Mr. Obama’s greatest allies on climate change, described by the president as one of his top priorities in his final two years in office.

Mr. Obama already has struck a historic climate accord with China, begun to impose harsher carbon emissions restrictions on U.S. power plants and taken other steps to curb climate change. He is expected to call for even greater action during a U.N. climate summit in September, and Francis looks ready to do the same….continue reading

(By aligning with Pope Francis, President Obama can highlight agreement on issues with one of the world’s most respected figures.)

BOTTOM LINE: Whether they are in America or Europe, rest assured, the radical left is totally behind their Islamic counterparts, in so far as upending the White majority in their respective countries.

WITH the above in sync, what can go wrong? Have mercy…Whites are in their cross hairs, even though left unspoken!!

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{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

HUSSEIN Obama’s ISIS Sleigh-of-Hand: ‘Rebels’, ISIS-Aligned, Protected By U.S. Air Cover! Smoke & Mirrors Show. To What End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


WHENEVER HUSSEIN Obama wants to deflect from the incendiary fires he ignites in the Mid East, he whips out U.S. military hardware to pretend that he, as Commander-in-Chief, is up in arms. Hmm. And this sleigh-of-hand is after he PURPOSEFULLY left Iraq (and Syria, etc.) exposed, to become an open sesame bazaar for Islamic jihadis to pillage and rummage through. Yes, he gifted a treasure trove of military equipment to those who want nothing more than to kill Americans and subjugate the entire west! Who executes such a treacherous deed? An avowed anti-American POTUS, that’s who.

Ramadi, one of the few remaining cities under Iraqi government control until recently, was widely reported Sunday to have fallen to the radical Islamic militants of the Islamic State, who not only gained a city, but a host of free weaponry — courtesy of President Barack Hussein Obama.

Thanks to Obama’s lackluster approach to securing important cities in the war-torn Middle East, such as Ramadi, Islamic State militants were able to fully seize the western Iraqi city and began posting pictures on Twitter of what they gained in the form of weaponry — American equipment left behind by fleeing Iraqi forces.

The “Ghanima,” otherwise known as “spoils of war,” included multimillion-dollar minesweeper vehicles that the group used to mock the Whitehouse through social media with a #BringBackOurMinesweeper hashtag campaign, showing off their new vehicles.


Additional military prizes, courtesy of Obama, included numerous stacks of weapons crates that were full of the latest and greatest small arms and explosives that will undoubtedly be used against America and our allies in the future.


Other Twitter accounts linked to the Islamic State group reported even more prizes, including 40 Humvees, 10 Abrams tanks, a Howitzer artillery battalion and various armored vehicles. (H/T Gateway Pundit)

The taking of Ramadi by the Islamic State group offers a huge military tactical advantage to complete what will likely be their next conquest — conquering Baghdad.

PATRIOTS, all the blah, blah denying these truths is nothing short of monstrous cover. Collusion.

YET, no one should be foolish enough to think that the hotter than hot (geo-political) Mid East landscape isn’t always verging towards an explosion, regardless of HUSSEIN’s machinations. However, those of us who are intimately familiar with this arena, also realize that certain nudges bring its fires closer to the brink. No doubt.

IN other words, think of a pyromaniac playing with match box after match box in close proximity to acres upon acres of parched and dense forestry, yet, claiming that said activity had nothing to do with the blaze! Scorched earth. 

IN this regard, readers need to wend back to Obama Inc.’s illegal war in Libya in order to gain perspective. Similarly, his obsessive quest to ‘make a deal’ with Iran (at any and all costs) pours the nth degree of fuel from the Shia side, as if they need it! Indubitably, without these ‘assists’ the region would have remained ‘manageable’, at least in terms of regional dynamics and its central power players.  However, for the Islamist-in-Chief the status quo (or a semblance thereof) was untenable. Why?

AS demonstrated via multiple analyses, the so-called ‘rebels’ – fully aligned with ISIS – would have faded away, if not for their ‘grooming’ ala Libya’s war.

THE following lends some much needed context: 


IN Oct. 2013, while assessing the illegal war into Libya – with Benghazigate as its outgrowth – it was specifically noted that the main objective was a weapons-running operation F/B/O Syrian Sunni jihadists and the empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Concomitantly, the Brotherhood is the parent of al-Qaeda and ISIS is its offshoot


MOREOVER, as the region started to melt down after Obama Inc’s. adventure into Libya, requisite players realized that Iraq’s forces were in no position to stand up to ISIS without multiplying its force strength. Therefore, what else did they expect the knock-on effects of said tepid, quasi-intervention in Iraq would be, other than a complete mowing down by ISIS? Huh and duh.

ISIS victory parade in Ramadi, Iraq
INDEED, even the most knowledgeable sources in the region can’t explain what part the US Central Command is playing as a military factor in any of these conflicts– in particular, Gen. John Allen, whom Obama last year named Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS. Some account for their low-to-vanishing profile by their having been preoccupied in preparing a grand campaign for the recovery of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, which is under ISIS rule.

Today, this plan looks like a pipe dream. ISIS has caused a Middle East earthquake after another by capturing Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria in a matter of days.Their alarmed neighbors in Jerusalem, Amman and Riyadh have been forced to conclude that their borders are in danger – not just from Iran, but also from ISIS, and they will have to confront these perils on their own…..

DOES ‘benign neglect’ resonate? And isn’t it reasonable to conclude that HUSSEIN Obama’s two-pronged plan (on the one hand, to prop up the Brotherhood via ISIS as the Sunni ‘strong horse’, on the other, to empower genocidal Iran via their quest to nuclear break out status) is playing out as intended?


WITH that being said, the stage was set to overturn the order of the Mid East, via ISIS and Iran as the region’s Islamist powerhouses. In this regard, Libya had to explode and lay the groundwork for ISIS’s power base. Full circle.

THUS, how surprising is it that ISIS is turning Libya into its African hub? A + B…

Pick up of Isis in Nawfaliyah, LibiaPick up of Isis in Nawfaliyah, Libia

The leaders of Isis have sent money and a growing number of fighters and military trainers to Libya from Syria to boost the Islamic State’s presence in Libyan territory and widen its influence, a US military source has told the Wall Street Journal.

According to the source, Isis now has an operational presence in Libya and aims to turn the country into its hub in Africa.

SO it is into this cauldron of fire, deliberately set by HUSSEIN Obama, that U.S. air cover is pressed into service.

Obama’s hope to do anything of substance in Syria took another severe blow yesterday as the U.S.-backed and armed Syrian Revolutionaries Front (SRF) struck a peace deal with ISIS, according to both Arabic and English language news reports.

The SRF had only a few months ago been deemed by the U.S. foreign policy establishment as “the West’s best fighting chance against Syria’s Islamist armies.”

EVIL on its face.

BUT just to permanently cement HUSSEIN Obama’s malevolent plans, thus, demonstrating his TOTAL allegiance to those whose sole goal is to kill Americans – Jews, Christians and minorities alike – his soon to be intrusion into a court ordered judgment against PA murderers attests as prima facie evidence to his willful (and murderous) intent. 

The Obama administration has signaled it may intervene next week in a civil lawsuit in which 11 American families won a potential billion-dollar judgment from the Palestinian leadership over a series of bombings and shootings that killed or wounded dozens of U.S. citizens, a move that critics say would find the government siding with terrorists over its own citizens.

The families won a $218.5 million judgment in February after a seven-week trial in Manhattan Federal Court in which a jury found the Palestine Liberation Organization and Palestinian Authority were responsible for a string of attacks from 2001 to 2004 that killed 33 and injured hundreds. A 1992 law that requires damages in such cases to be tripled, as well as interest on the award, would push it to as much as $1.1 billion. The judgment, which the Palestinians are appealing, would equal nearly a third of the Palestinian Authority’s annual operating budget.

Late last month, the Department of Justice, which had previously not been involved in the 11-year-old case, informed the court it was considering filing a “statement of interest” in the case by Aug. 10, but officials would not elaborate. A source said the Department of Justice was working with the State Department on the matter.

“As the filing states, the United States is considering whether to submit a Statement of Interest in the [Sokolow v. Palestine Liberation Organization] matter,” a DOJ spokeswoman told “Any filing would be made on behalf of the United States, not on behalf of any other party.”

“An administration which claims to be fighting terror is planning to weigh in favor of the terrorists.”

– Kent Yalowitz, atttorney for families who sued Palestinian leadership…continue reading….

READERS, is there even a scintilla of a doubt left that the leader of the heretofore free world is gunning for an Islamist victory, be it through a sleigh-of-hand via the abuse of U.S. air cover to shelter the ‘rebels’ or a nuclear armed Iran? 

ASKED and answered.

(During that interview where Maroof talks about receiving U.S. military aid and his soldiers receiving U.S. training, there is one curious artifact in the background)

BUT in response to the betrayals of the Bastard-in-Chief, play this forward –

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

HUSSEIN Obama OPPOSES Egypt’s Uprooting Of ISIS In Libya. Why? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

HOW many ways does it need to be proven that HUSSEIN Obama is doing the bidding of the Brotherhood Mafia, even as he aids and abets Iran’s mullahs? Mind you, one alliance does not cancel out the other, it is just the way it is for an avowed Islamist. Not only that, aside from his obsession to race Iran to WMD super power status, American reps are tripping over themselves to secure deals with Iran’s oil industry, knowing full well that Iran is off the (sanctions) hook.

SO it is under this anti-American worldview which readers must judge the Islamist-in-Chief’s support of ISIS, which is part and parcel of the Brotherhood Mafia! 

CONSIDER the facts:

HUSSEIN Obama has irrefutably tasked the DHS (and all related FED agencies) to ‘stand down’ vis-a-vis the threat from the Brotherhood Mafia and its ISIS offshoot. No doubt.

YET, the core question becomes: where is DHS’s Director, Jeh Johnson, in all of this, as was “Mama Janet”? 

IT was noted in Feb. 2015:

THE amount of (Islamist) damage accrued under HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS (starting with “Mama Janet”) is beyond measure. Incalculable.

BUT when DHS’s Jeh Johnson entered the scene, well, only the willfully blind couldn’t discern where his alliances lie. And while there exists a veritable smorgasbord of proofs housed in these pages, suffice it to say that the following link sums up Johnson’s treachery: DHS lies/hides terrorist infiltration…what is he up to? Folks, don’t dare be fooled by his fancy pedigree!

INTRINSICALLY, with the meteoric rise of ISIS (and its aligned terror arms…six of one, half a dozen of another) it became a high priority to follow their western footprints, wherever they lead.

SO as DHS helps to ferry them into the U.S. – while they pretend they are securing the homeland – the fact remains that this investigative journalist has been exposing Somalis in America, even those who top the FBI’s most wanted list. Yes, other tentacled groups have been highlighted, basically, hiding in plain sight. Said threats should not be news to many readers.

TO wit, how can it be that well-informed folks express shock that another ! Somali “refugee” (living in Minnesota) has been charged with aiding and abetting ISIS? In fact, the opposite should be the case…

AND so on and so forth…but it is not as if the following ‘news’ should shock anyone, least of all HUSSEIN Obama’s henchpeople!

The Islamic State terror group is operating a camp in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, just eight miles from the U.S. border, Judicial Watch reported Tuesday.

Citing sources that include a “Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector,” the conservative watchdog group reported that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is organizing only a few miles from El Paso, Texas, in the Anapra neighborhood of Juárez and in Puerto Palomas.

Judicial Watch sources said that “coyotes” working for the notorious Juarez Cartel are smuggling Islamic State terrorists across the U.S. border between the New Mexico cities of Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, as well as “through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas.”

“These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing,”Judicial Watch reported.

Mexican intelligence sources say the Islamic State intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, New Mexico.

“The sources also say that ISIS has ‘spotters’ located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations,” Judicial Watch reported. “ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and….

SIMILARLY, re the complicity of HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS and its purposeful abrogation of duty, the following offers additional supportive and indicting evidence:

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson denied the reports at the time. He told CNN, “Let’s not unduly create fear and anxiety in the public by passing on speculation and rumor.”

AND with the above backgrounder at your fingertips, the linkage between HUSSEIN Obama’s refusal to assist Egypt’s struggle against ISIS veers into sharper relief. 

IN the main, Egypt’s President is in a life and death struggle against the Brotherhood Mafia and its entire hydra-like apparatus. Therefore, their implantation within neighboring Libya is a top danger. Taken a step further, let’s recap some footprints and their links. Full circle.

BACK in March 2011, HUSSEIN Obama entered into an illegal war in Libya. This was not a random intervention. Its basis lied in the plan to empower the Brotherhood Mafia (ISIS alike) across the Mid East and beyond. Moreover, as a matter of record, his Brotherhood pal, Mohamed Morsi, was installed as President of Egypt a year later in June 2012, until he was forcibly removed in July 2013. Mind you, back in 2009, HUSSEIN Obama went on an anti-American apology tour and feted the Brotherhood Mafia at Cairo University. Again, not for nothing.

READERS, let’s also agree that HUSSEIN Obama’s machinations, relative to the “Arab Spring”, started the explosions….got the ball of fire going. Yes, he signaled to his brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia – during his “outreach” tour in Cairo (2009) – that they should get ready…get set…to blow! And blow they did. Since then, they haven’t taken a break from jihad. Is this happenstance, coincidental, accidental…in a pig’s eye.

The Obama administration conducted an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2010 and 2011, beginning even before the events known as the “Arab Spring” erupted in Tunisia and in Egypt. 

IN this regard, the ‘news’ re the Islamist-in-Chief’s ‘F U’ to Egypt’s leader makes total sense, as they prepare to launch a large-scale assault against ISIS in Libya! Again, wherefore art thou HUSSEIN Obama? Rhetorical.

YET, for additional hammer blows, just reacquaint yourselves with the foreign (and domestic) Brotherhood leaders who confabbed at a Feb. 2015 White House conference! Wow.

IT is intrinsic to take very seriously the contents within this site, especially when Brotherhood dots are connected. Simply put, if prima facie evidence is required to trust and verify, well, just think back to a recent commentary, and relate its prognostication to the recent attack in Garland, Texas at the cartoon-fest, ‘courtesy’ of ISIS!

AS stated on April 16, 2015 in ‘ISIS Hyper-Alert: Narco-Terrorists Smuggle ISIS into Texas’, the following bares rapt attention:

CONCLUSIVELY, this investigative journalist’s analysis assesses: although ISIS (and assorted jihadi tentacles) is spread throughout America, let’s agree that Texas, specifically, El Paso, is a front-line arena. Various border communities alike. To wit, the stands taken (or not) at these communities will have a direct psychological (cascading) effect, rebounding to both fellow Americans and Islamists at large.

THEREFORE, akin to any pre-war scenario, there are preparations to be made. Most importantly, understand that the threat is not only real but impending. Not only that, but the U.S. power grid is subdivided into 3 sectors and Texas is smack in the middle of the western interconnection.

NOW, just suppose that Mexican drug cartels (highly familiar with America’s southern landscape and adept at certain “activities”) are operating both as coyotes AND saboteurs/scouts for ISIS? Hmm. As such, stockpile as much ammunition and supplies as possible, and be ready to defend yourselves and loved ones. At all costs.

TRUTHFULLY, the question isn’t: how could ISIS set up training camps right under the eyes of America’s security arms? Rather, it is: how could they not, being that HUSSEIN Obama has ordered DHS (Border Patrol, the FBI, even the CIA) to stand down!

LEST any American foolishly believes that DHS’s cavalry (and agencies directly under their domain) will still come to their rescue, well, they deserve what they get. After all, how many warnings does it take to sink in what’s what?

ONTO ISIS’s attack in Garland… 

View image on Sky News website

Garland police spokesman Joe Harn said it was not immediately clear whether the shooting was connected to the event inside, a contest hosted by the New York-based American Freedom Defense Initiative that would award $10,000 for the best cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

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You kuffs should get more coffins you’re gonna need them 🙂 TexasAttack

Two men drove up to the conference center in the city of Garland, near Dallas, and began shooting at a security guard, police said on Sunday.

The Dallas Morning News reported that critics of the Mohammad Art Exhibit and Contest, sponsored by a group called the American Freedom Defense Initiative, had condemned the event as an attack on Islam, but that organizers had said they were merely exercising their right of free expression.

In January, gunmen killed 12 people in the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in what it said was revenge for its cartoons.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said state officials are investigating, and Dallas FBI spokeswoman Katherine Chaumont said that agency is providing investigative and bomb technician assistance.

The Curtis Culwell Center, a school-district owned public events space where the Texas event was held, was evacuated after the shooting, as were some surrounding businesses.

The identities of the shooters has yet to be confirmed, but the SITE Intelligence Group reported that an Islamic State (IS) fighter claimed on Twitter that the shooting was carried out by two pro-IS individuals.

Police helicopters circled overhead as bomb squads worked on the car. Harn said the bodies of the gunmen, who had not yet been identified, were not immediately taken from the scene because they were too close to the car.

“They Thought They Was Safe In Texas From The Soldiers of The Islamic State,” added the tweet. About 200 people were inside the event, said local police spokesperson Joe Harn.



AS reported by the media, local SWAT intervened and killed the terrorists. Guaranteed, the local factor is hardly an incidental matter. If anything, whatever pre-warnings the FEDS had, rest assured, they were not shared with local agencies. Under wraps. Readers would do well to trust this assessment, one borne of experience and much more. 


One gunman, known to the FBI, sent out tweets prior to the attack, including one with the hashtag, #TexasAttack, US reports say.

AS always, not only were said Islamic terrorists KNOWN to the FBI, but they blared their intent re Texas on social media! Again, why did the FEDS allow these KNOWN terrorists to operate on U.S. turf?

ABSOLUTELY, in a familiar ‘stand down’ pattern – re intel they had acquired two years prior to Boston’s blow up through interviews of said terrorists – they refused to scoop them up! The core question is: why? 

INDEED, Islamists and their apologists whip out said nonsense in order to ‘calm’ and deflect from what is really going on. In other words, on cue, the ‘lone wolf’ scenario is meant to suggest that no one, even from within the Muslim community, can ‘predict’ what a ‘crazy’ person is going to do at any given moment. Uh huh…

MOST significantly, careful preparation mandates ‘sleeper cells’ called upon when ordered to attack. And it is nary a factor, whether or not the actual shooters/bombers are newly arrived via narco-smugglers or buried for months/years on end. 

THE fact remains that an Islamic terror cell (ISIS or another) can be pressed into service at any given time. Incontestably, the cartoon-fest was ISIS’s opening shot in Texas.

MAKE no mistake, they are just revving up – cartoon-fests beside the point!

UPDATE: DEBKAfile INTELLIGENCE confirms this investigative journalist’s overall assessment of the ISIS attack in Garland; the sleeper cell aspect; the FEDS failure to scoop them up, and it being the opening shot of much more to come! 


ISIS’s Turkish Nexus:Brotherhood Ties That Bind.Passports & More…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN the same manner in which ISIS is hammered at this site, Turkey, similarly, remains front and center. By the way, this decision is not the result of a turkey crap-shoot! In fact, Turkey is so central to the chaos engulfing the Mid East (and beyond), its terror aligned leadership deserve a starring role. Central actors.

ERDOGAN, Turkey’s current President (its ex PM), was also featured at a global interview (Oct. 2013), one which flew around the web like a house on fire. For good reason.

Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?

Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.

It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors.

In the words of Commentary Magazine:

“Hamas is a terrorist group in search of a home. Uprooted by the Syrian civil war, and shaken by the Egyptian coup, the Hamas leadership has taken temporary shelter in Qatar, but that tiny emirate is showing every sign that they want the Islamist radicals to move on. So where would a radical Islamist terrorist group dedicated to the eradication of the State of Israel and whose charter endorses the crudest anti-Semitism turn? Perhaps to Turkey, America’s NATO ally and a country whose leader President Obama identified as one of his top personal foreign friends.”

According to Hürriyet Daily News:

“The prime ministry in Ankara was the venue for a meeting between the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Mashaal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today. The meeting, which started at 7 p.m. and lasted for three hours, was closed to the press. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, National Intelligence Agency (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan, Deputy Undersecretary for the Prime Minister’s Office İbrahim Kalın and advisor Sefer Turan were also present at the meeting, Anadolu Agency reported. The meeting between Mashaal and Erdoğan came around four months after their latest meeting. It came at a time when rumors suggest that Mashaal, currently in exile in Qatar, is searching for another place to live.”

As such, a perfect storm. A union for Allah….the rest can be found here.

THAT being established, it is intrinsic for readers to square the circle, so to speak. Besides, much of the backbreaking labor has already been done by this investigative journalist. By the way, this “squaring” is not akin to an impossibly hard geometrical problem set, but it does require the reader’s rapt attention.


FIRST and foremost, Americans (westerners at large) cannot afford to think of the Turkish/ISIS nexus (and all other related Islamic disasters) as far away issues endemic to another part of the world. Dangerous illusion and delusion.

IN reality, yesterday’s commentary couldn’t be more prescient, as it places an ISIS training camp within 8 miles of the U.S. border: Texans, an ISIS hyper terror alert is being issued!


INDEED, it is absolutely the case that Turkey and their ISIS/Brotherhood relations are gunning for America and Israel. In fact, HUSSEIN Obama lends them his shield!

BUT let’s not forget about the fact that brothers-in-arms do each other favors, and herein underlies the aforementioned passports:


Egypt is accusing Turkey of providing more than 10,000 Turkish passports to members of ISIS, the Islamic State, to facilitate travel of fighters across the region.

An Egyptian intelligence official who asked not to be named told WND his country delivered a report to the U.S. documenting the astonishing claim.

The official further charged that Istanbul is serving as the “headquarters” for ISIS planning.

“Turkey continues to allow free passage to Iraq and Syria to IS fighters,” the official added.

If the Turkish passport charge is true, it would present a worldwide ISIS travel threat.

Already, there have been major passport concerns regarding ISIS and its sympathizers.

Earlier this month, a French senate report showed about 47 percent of European jihadists known to have traveled to ISIS-held territory hold French passports.

The free WND special report “ISIS Rising,” by Middle East expert and former Department of Defense analyst Michael Maloof, will answer your questions about the jihadist army threatening the West.

Scores of British citizens are also known to have joined ISIS. Last month, nine British medical students reportedly travel`ed to Syria to work in hospitals in areas held by ISIS.

In a move that clearly is part of the terrorist group’s symbolic creation of a caliphate, ISIS militants themselves reportedly started issuing their own international ISIS passports.

There are concerns ISIS plans to expand beyond the Middle East to Europe.

In February, WND reported documents released by ISIS supporters and propagandists revealed ISIS is planning to use Libya as a “gateway” to Europe.

The documents, obtained by the Quilliam Foundation, a Britain-based think tank that focuses on counter-extremism, raised the possibility of storming southern European cities to cause “pandemonium” or closing international shipping lines in the Mediterranean Sea.

The purported ISIS documents, obtained and reviewed by WND, received widespread news coverage.

However, some of the more sensational possibilities described within the pages were largely overlooked.

The documents indicate ISIS views Libya as not just fertile ground for a headquarters but as a staging base to infiltrate Europe by boat along with the hundreds of migrants who daily attempt to flee to Italy.

One ISIS document recognized Libya has a “long coastline” that “looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat.”

The document notes “the number of ‘illegal immigration’ trips from this coast is massive, estimated to be as high as 500 people a day, as a low estimate.”

It states that “according to many [of these immigrants], it is easily possible to pass through Maritime Security Checkpoints and arrive in [European] cities.”

“If this was even partially exploited and developed strategically, pandemonium could be wrought in the southern Europe. It is even possible that there could be a closure of shipping lines because of the targeting of Crusader ships and tankers.”

The Quillium Foundation warns: “Therefore, the opportunities that lie in the exploitation of human trafficking rings make Libya unparalleled as a launching platform for attacking European states and shipping lines.”

The ISIS documents extensively discuss what they claim are massive caches of light, medium and heavy munitions in Libya. Jihadists are urged to make their way to Libya to help expand the caliphate.

“Not only will pressure on the land of the Caliphate in ash-Sham be relieved, but the territories of the Caliphate in ash-Sham, Iraq and Hijaz will be linked with those of their brothers in Libya and the Islamic Maghreb and the defeat of all regimes and tyrants in their way will be enabled.”…

AS to the Libyan connection, and ISIS’s plan to flood Europe with “refugees”, well, this aspect was completely explored at this site. Its basis can be found here

MOREOVER, ad infinitum, this investigative journalist connected the dots between HUSSEIN Obama’s illegal war in Libya and its blowback, its knock-on effects, as a springboard to all the upheavals in the Mid East, Africa and beyond. Hail, to the Pyromaniac-in-Chief! Chief bastard.

INHERENTLY, “squaring the circle” requires recognition of the following routes: HUSSEIN Obama’s (purposeful) Mid East firesTurkey, as part and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood; the Brotherhood Mafia’s birth of al-Qaeda in Iraq; and its renaming to ISIS aka ISIL! Head spinning.

(Since the June 30 revolution in Egypt, Turkey has become the regional hub for the Muslim Brotherhood’s International Organization. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is pictured here with former Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi.)

AS oft-mentioned, Islamist groups are akin to tentacled hydras, and this is hardly an overblown assessment. Even so, aside from centuries-long fighting over hegemony, the fact remains that the west – with Israel and America atop the spear – is in the cross hairs of Sunni and Shia jihadists. Never forget this.

SO, doesn’t it make infinite sense that Erdogan’s Brotherhood would outfit ISIS, its spawn, with whatever assistance is needed, including passports and then some?

AT the very least, if Turkish Sunni Islamists and their ISIS/Brotherhood offshoots (Shia Islamists alike) “allow” westerners to survive, the following pictorial is highly accurate, sans patriots drawing an American “line in the sand” vis-a-vis Islam’s barbarians and the west’s appeasing leaders!

CONSIDER yourselves warned…

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Right Wing News's photo.

Islamic Cannibalism/Barbarism Ratchets Up: ISIS, Boko Haram & Jihadi Umbrellas Partake! A Western Call To Arms. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THE videotaping of Coptic Christians – and others similarly decapitated – must be understood as part of a goal-oriented program with two-tiers: propaganda recruitment, and striking (immediate/concomitant) terror in the west’s heart. Shock value.

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, said acts are absolutely underpinned by the Koran, and can be found in several unambiguous verses: Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” 

SO those who jive talk and scream that this barbarism is not Islamic, they are either ignorant of Islam’s dictates or they are attempting to Allah-wash Islamic-derived jihad. In either case, just ignore them or smack them upside the head. Whatever works.

ISIS Beheading 21 Coptic Christians in Libya 2 (resized)

FULL Disclosure: the latest gruesome act of jihad hit particularly hard. Why? Aside from the fact that much has been written at this site (out of countless commentaries) to prove the above thesis, a heightened degree of outrage was felt, regarding the Coptic Christian community. Yes, it comes atop enumerable acts of savagery- as Islamists swathe forward – in their absolute goal to wipe out the last vestiges of minorities in the Mid East and parts of Africa.

IN this regard, as a (one of two Israelis) Board Member of Israel’s Voice – a US based 501(c)(3) nonprofit – one of our valued coalition partners represents the Voice of the Copts.  

TO wit, this investigative journalist is duty bound to assert: what is the leadership of the heretofore free world doing to counter the non-stop onslaughts, other than offering pithy platitudes via his mouthpieces: “The Obama administration, in a statement released by press secretary Josh Earnest late Sunday, called the killing of the 21 Egyptian men a “despicable and cowardly murder” that should accelerate the need for a political resolution to the burgeoning conflict in Libya.” (blogger’s note: more than enraging…being that the Pyromaniac-in-Chief’s illegal war in Libya catapulted ISIS’s jihad – attendant offshoots – off the ground….even as he shrilly opines: “In his address last week, the president said “ISIL is not Islamic,” and “no religion condones the killing of innocents.”)

AND if it seems like an endless barrage of barbarism flows through these pages, that’s because there is no other alternative. Sorry for that.

NEVERTHELESS, ignoring the unthinkable certainly won’t solve the worldwide plague of Islam, but exposing some intrinsic linkages will alert countless westerners as to what’s what. 




THUS, a recap of their latest carnage is on display for all to view. Thankfully – unlike the Jihadi-in-Chief – Egypt’s Al-Sisi’s righteous revenge was swift, as it should be:


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has declared “Egypt reserves the right of retaliation and with the methods and timing it sees fit for retribution from those murderers and criminals who are without the slightest humanity.” 

EuroNews The kidnapped Egyptian workers were taken in December and January from the coastal town of Sirte in eastern Libya which is now under the control of Islamist groups. In the video (below link) it was made clear the victims had been targeted because of their faith.


UPDATE! THIS JUST IN: As promised, Egypt launches airstrikes on Islamic State (ISIS) in Libya.

UK Daily Mail  Egypt launched airstrikes on Islamic State targets in Libya this morning as it ‘seeks retribution’ for the barbaric filmed beheading of 21 Coptic Christians. There were at least seven strikes in Derna in the east of the country, which has become a hotbed of Islamic extremism since dictator Libyan Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011.

France Egypt Fighter Jets

It is the first time Egypt announced military action against Islamist targets in its western neighbour, having previously denied it targeted militants there, and the first time militants connected with the Islamic State terror group have been hit with airstrikes outside Syria and Iraq.

The strikes are in response to a gruesome video, released last night, showing a group of orange jumpsuit-clad Coptic Christians being marched to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea by masked, knife-wielding militants.

The 21 men, who were Egyptian migrant workers kidnapped last month, are then seen being forced onto their knees before they are beheaded simultaneously by the militants standing behind them.

Egypt strikes Libya

BUT lest anyone believes that ISIS is the “only” Islamic bloodletting force laying waste across the globe, think again. Whether acting in tandem or solo, the fact remains that they are ALL operating under the banner of Islamic jihad!

Muslims, all belonging to Boko Haram, entered the Christian village of Gwoza and butchered one thousand Christians. Why hasn’t this made the news? They were shot, burned alive, and slashed to death. They were slaughtered with bullets, cooked alive, and hacked to death. Nigerian relations expert Adeniyi Ojutiku received a report from a trusted colleague:

Shoebat  The terrorists seized a number of residents as hostages and killed nine hundred and ninety-seven an eye-witness whose mother among the women that are burying the … bodies confirmed… The insurgents took over the Emirs (mayor’s) Palace as well as a Government Lodge in Gwoza, and have appointed a replacement for the town’s fleeing Emir. They have hoisted their black flags with Arabic insignia all over Gwoza in a show of their total control of the territory.


Ojutiku received from Nigeria marked a phone call and was told that “an unprecedented emergency request for prayers for the inhabitants of the Christian village of Gwoza… The town has … been under siege of Boko Haram for the past nine days”. reported before that the Boko Haram Muslims in this same Christian village killed 100, but now a new report says 1000.

As one report described the slaughter:

Mbitsa, who supports Ojutiku’s grassroots Lift Up Now outreach to Nigeria, is a member of the Church of Christ in Nations on the lower coast of Gwoza, and was away in Maiduguri during the attack. Boko Haram killed Mbitsa’s pastor Musa Ishaya and at least nine members of the Church of the Brethren in the attack, Mbitsa said. He has not heard from many since, as communication towers were destroyed.


“Only my elder brother, I heard from him among my family members,” Mbitsa reported. “Some brethren who escaped to mountains and bush for ten days now; only God knows how they are surviving without food, water, etc. Most of the brethren we communicate and get this information from them, their batteries are down.”

As Boko Haram blocked exit roads from Gwoza and went door to door killing people, Ojutiku said, Nigerian military officials abandoned their weapons and fled, leaving Boko Haram unchallenged.


“Now these weapons have fallen into the hands of the Boko Haram,” Ojutiku said. “A few people were able to escape to the mountainside, just exactly like is happening in northern Iraq. A few people are holding out on the mountains, but most of the people in the village are being slaughtered. There is no communication between Gwoza and other parts of the country.”

“I was told many Nigerian soldiers refused to go and confront Boko Haram, because their wives protested. They felt they were just sending their husbands to an untimely death.”


New reports corroborated Ojutiku’s account. According to AFP, about 300 women and 500 children protested for two days at the gates of a military base in Maiduguri, demanding that their husbands and fathers not be sent to recapture Gwoza, as they did not have proper weapons.

“No weapons for our husbands, no trip to Gwoza or any volatile place,” AFP Aug. 12 quoted Thabita John, one of the protesting wives. “We are tired of burying our loved ones.”

Boko Haram, seeking to establish Sharia law, had killed 4,239 Christians, moderate Muslims, government officials and civilians in attacks targeting religious communities in Northern Nigeria, advocacy group Jubilee Campaign reported July 29. Hundreds of thousands have been driven from their homes.

NEWSFLASH: Boko Haram are HUSSEIN Obama’s kinfolk, yes, they are:

Last, but certainly not least, look who went to bat for terror-laden Boko Haram in 2013?

Therefore, why is anyone shocked to learn: that while the Mid East is burning, so too is Christianity across Africa and the Mid East, all “credit” given to…re-introducing…


IN light of all the above info, is it any wonder that HUSSEIN Obama’s White House failed to mention the faith of Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS? Hmm…

“The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists,” the White House statement said. The victims were also referred to as “innocents,” Spiering said, but no mention was made of their faith.

NOW, as stated from the onset, the fact of the matter is that recruitment of western jihadis (and others) is a prime target for ISIS, Boko Haram and related Islamic terror hydras. This danger is exponentially graver due to their sophisticated online/social media presence and their English language publication(s)!  


MORE specifically, this investigative journalist continually highlights the dangerous Islamic presence within America (the west, including Israel), one which is growing exponentially, including ISIS. This has been made very clear, and with no stone left un-turned. 

THUS, a particular commentary (Oct. 2014) must URGENTLY re-enter the fray, as it featured “star” Bostonians…a “father and son terror tag team”!

INTRODUCING, a bespectacled (jacked up terrorist) grandfatherly looking man, Abdulbadi Abousamra…the proud papa of Ahmad, you know, the social media guru, the propaganda coordinator, for ISIS straight out of the heart of Boston! Hmm…the terror apple doesn’t fall far from the Islamist family tree. Yes, THAT Boston jihadi connection, once again. A cesspool.

SO what’s the point of re-introducing this duo? Well, as stated within said commentary, Ahmad is the MAIN tech guru for ISIS!

The Man Behind the ISIS Media Curtain Ahmad Abousamra

Ahmad Abousamra was born in France in 1981 and grew up in the upper class neighborhood of Stoughton in the Boston area of Massachusetts. Abousamra is highly educated having attended Xavier Brothers Catholic School in Westwood and then Stoughton High school in his senior year. He is also a graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in computer technology. He was also employed at a telecommunications company. Abousamra is a dual citizen of the United States and Syria and is believed to be living in the city of Aleppo, Syria.

Ahmad Abousamra and another individual, Tarek Mehanna, had made multiple trips to places such as Pakistan and Yemen for the purpose of receiving military training to fight American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. The two are reportedly to have celebrated the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States according to at least one report associated with Special Agent Heidi Williams of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Ahmad Abousamra and Tarek Mehanna have both been charged with terrorism related activity. Tarek Mehanna was apprehended at his parents’ home on October 21, 2009 and later convicted in 2011 and sentenced to 17.5 years in prison. The two had previously made a trip to Yemen in 2004 trying to find a terrorist training camp to acquire training. However, they were unsuccessful in either finding one or being accepted in one. Mehanna is said to have worked with another individual in the media wing of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi, which became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), then Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) and finally the Islamic State (IS). Both individuals were originally questioned by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in 2006. Ahmad Abousamra was added to the Most Wanted Terrorists List in 2012. Given the associations Ahmad Abousamra had with Mehanna and background information on Tarek Mehanna is astonishing that the FBI would not have requested he be put on a no fly list with the probable cause they had.

FBI Most Wanted Terrorist Images of Ahmad Abousamra

(read the whole thing)

AT its base, this blog does NOT blow smoke. Promise.

IN any event, the most urgent query becomes: what, if anything, can be done about their online presence? A whole damn lot.

NO one should be foolish enough to assume that the powers that be in Washington (and other western nations) can’t block access to any group that is affiliated with an Islamic terror organ, regardless of shrill screams re “censorship” and what not.

NOT only that, but access to the internet does not apply to a GLOBAL terror movement which seeks to destroy the west, regardless of “free speech/access” hysteria. Say what? Since when do barbarians have any rights, let alone to recruit jihadis, to plot, via social media?

SO one must inquire: why haven’t American (western) intelligence agencies stopped their online recruitment via the internet’s “rabbit hole”, even if some of their digital tracks can be helpful? Moreover, if they didn’t have the internet as a recruiting platform, there would be less reason to angst over their expanded rise. Ya think? A + B…

RESULTANT, a tool box of “traditional” tracking methods would suffice, if Washington took the lead. Clearly, they have zero interest in stopping ISIS’s rise, at least under the reign of HUSSEIN Obama and his Islamic-leaning (CIA/State/Jarrett) surrogates.


{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Obama Complicit (By Omission/Commission) In Slaughter of Christians & Kurds: Islamic Purging of Mid East!Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

NO sane Jew (or self-proclaimed supporter of Zion, whatever one’s religion), whether living in Israel or the diaspora, should expect Barack HUSSEIN Obama to assist Israel in its fight – to the death – against Islamic terrorists. Realistically speaking, under what parallel universe would a man who can’t even bring himself to utter Islam + terror in the same sentence be relied upon for anything but a back-stabbing? Come on…get a mental grip.

CONCOMITANTLY, the above takes place while he outrageously, continuously opines, “Islam is a religion of peace”! And yes, he is not the only misanthrope (though selective in his hatred of humans) to prop up murderous barbarians. We get that. But none, as far as this site knows, is also the supposed leader of the FREE world. 

FOR months on end Islamic jihadists (from one terror appendage or another) have been slaughtering minorities. This is not news. Besides, how many times, how many ways, does this site have to highlight the purging of Christians (and minorities) from the Mid East, and this is coming from a Jewish Zionist to boot!

YET for those just catching up to speed, do read the following (recall) commentaries but also listen to a previously posted clip, re the thesis at hand:


Recall One:

WHEN the civilized world witnesses jihadists kidnapping, selling and slaughtering Christians, yet the leader of the free world is stone cold silent, what messages are forthcoming? Exactly.

Recall Two:

AND when it has already been proven that Benghazigate facilitated the purges – and this was not accidental – on whose head is this? You guessed right.

Recall Three:

BUT to make matters even more incendiary, how chilling is it to know that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is rooted in both nazi socialism and Islamism? Shiver America, the west, timbers.

Recall Four:

INHERENTLY, the Jihadi-In-Chief, aka The Facilitator, aligns himself with multi-culti fanatics, and they aid in the “crimes/acts of omission” described below! Yes, the recalls go on and on at this site.

IN any event, it takes the coldest of black hearts to IGNORE the pleas, the screams, from besieged Kurdish leaders!  So as Islamic atrocities have come to a fevered pitch with the Kurdish situation, isn’t a genocide unfolding before our eyes, sans ANY helpful outreach from Obama Inc.? History will be the judge. G-d too.  

IF we receive help we can push them back,” Anwar Musalem, a Kurdish leader from the besieged Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, told us by telephone this week.

In an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem Post’s sister publication Ma’ariv Hashavua, he told this reporter and Yasser Okbi that “the problem is that Islamic State has heavy weaponry.”

“In recent days, we saw T-57 tanks and Hummers on the outskirts of the town,” he said.

“We are being shelled with heavy artillery.”

Musalem said that thus far Islamic State fighters are occupying 40 percent of the town, particularly the suburbs, though they have been unsuccessful in gaining control of the city center.

“In the last week, they’ve sent truck bombs into the city center,” he said. “We are up against a superior fighting force that numbers over 10,000 men. Islamic State has also enlisted criminals from nearby regions, promising to give them the best houses in the city center if they join in the fighting. But we have managed to repel them. Hundreds of bodies [of Islamic State fighters] are scattered in the city center.”

Musalem declined to give a number as to how many Kurdish fighters are taking part in the defense of Kobani.

“You have to understand,” he said. “We have no interest in divulging military information to the terrorists.”

Kurdish women are also taking up arms and enlisting in the cause. The commander of the all-female units told Asharq al-Awsat this week that 500 women were fighting “at the head of the pack.”

Even if the number is a bit exaggerated, that doesn’t take away from the fact that there is a strong, impressive female contingent that is fighting for the Kurdish town’s survival. There are even rumors to the effect that Islamic State fighters are fearful of being killed by women since it would deny them the promised award of reaching paradise, where the services of 72 virgins await.

“If we receive military aid, with an emphasis on anti-tank weapons, ammunition and humanitarian aid food, and medicine, the town won’t fall, and ultimately we will prevail,” Musalem said.

“Even though there is a slight change in the Turkish position because of American pressure, we still need to see if this will be translated into serious action,” he said. “It’s hard for us to put stock in Turkish promises.”

Musalem was referring to various media reports – which have been denied – that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is showing more flexibility by agreeing to allow the United States and its NATO allies to use a Turkish military base for its aerial bombardments of Islamic State targets. Erdogan has thus far refused to join the campaign against Islamic State, although Turkey is a member of NATO.

According to Musalem, the town of Kobani, which lies just one kilometer from the Turkish border, numbers 15,000 Kurds, 700 of whom are elderly who either refuse to flee or are physically incapable of crossing the border. On the Turkish side of the border, there are hundreds of Kurds willing to aid their brethren, but the authorities have refused to allow them to cross over.

This is Turkish hypocrisy at its worst. Throughout the course of the civil war, Turkish authorities, including the military and other security services, knowingly permitted thousands of volunteers from around the world – including 30 Israeli Arabs – to traverse its territory and join rebel and insurgent forces in Syria and Iraq. These volunteers were primarily interested in joining Islamic State.

Kobani is of great strategic importance. It lies at crossroads.

IN juxtaposition, consider the following fact: if the Kurdish (Christian…other minorities) Mid East genocidal plight were replaced with “Palestinian”, what do you think the Jihadi-in-Chief would do? Does come hell or high water come to mind? 

It’s really staggering how the world is completely ignoring the slaughtering of the Kurds…yet when Israel builds homes in Jerusalem, the world goes nuts over ‘Palestinian’ rights.  I know you’re smart enough to understand the lunacy of this!



FOLKS, who in their right mind believes that today’s air lift, of desperately needed aid to the Kurds, just “accidentally” landed in ISIS controlled territory? An oops….sorry…moment? 

MOST significantly, Obama Inc. had zero compunction to start an ILLEGAL war (without Congressional approval) in Libya F/B/O his Sunni jihadi Brotherhood Mafia. Yes, his brothers comprise ISIS and its tentacled offshoots. So is it any wonder he is allowing them to purge all non-Muslims, both through American weapons procured when Libya blew up and by turning blinded eyes to the unfolding nightmares?

BESIDES, why is it that war is off the table to assist the Mid East’s Kurds & Christians (other minorities), but not when he went into Libya to topple Qadaffi? Understood?

IN this regard, this site has a wealth of evidence backing up said charge sheet. It is more than enough to indict the Traitor-in-Chief for war crimes, if it comes to it. It will be offered free of charge. Promise. A gift from an ex pat American to her patriotic brothers and sisters.

MORE specifically,

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) raised on Monday its black Islamic flags on a building on the eastern side of Kobane. The ISIS militants have been fighting Kurdish forcesfor three weeks before entering Kobane today.

Today Kurdish supporters blasted Barack Obama for sitting back and allowing Kobane to fall to ISIS.

“Obama abandoned his Kurdish allies at #Kobane. But, wasn’t that expected?”

The Rudaw Kurdish News Service blasted Obama for allowing Kobane to fall.

Kurdish-American campaigners are pressuring the US Government to better support embattled Syrian Kurds in Kobane, where Islamic State (IS) fighters are making gains against the holdouts.

Kurdish-Americans across the US have appealed to Senators to boost support for Syrian Kurds who are defending Kobane – a Kurdish town near the Syria-Turkey border – from IS, the sectarian Sunni militia that is also known as ISIS and ISIL.

“Kobane has been surrounded for almost two weeks; the latest reports indicate that the city is under heavy bombardment and parts of the city may have fallen,” says a campaign letter that has circulated among hundreds of Kurdish-Americans.

“If democratic nations fail to provide immediate military support to Kurdish fighters, Kobane will suffer the same tragic fate as Shingal,” it adds, referring to the massacres of Christian minorities in Iraq this summer.

“Obama to let ISIS slaughter Syrian Kurds in Kobane.”

“I support Obama but letting these awesome, secular and brave kurds face ISIS alone in Kobane is inexcusable!”


IN the same manner in which Roosevelt – yes, FDR, that piece of crap – refused to bomb the train tracks to Hitler’s death camps and untold Jews died in the process, no one can state that the U.S. wasn’t complicit in the ensuing slaughters. No sense placing lipstick on this historical pig. Yes, crimes of omission, as culpable as crimes of commission. And for the record, in U.S. jurisprudence, individuals are held to account when they fail to perform a designated duty, and said failure results in the death of another under their care. In effect, criminal liability is accrued for certain “acts of omission”. Know thy law well….

SO since it has already been established – albeit not in a court of law, but certainly in the court of (civilized) public opinion – that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has done little, but pay lip service to the aforementioned slaughters, he too must be held to account. Not only that, as the leader of the free world, and one who assists Muslims throughout the Mid East – even placing America’s security at risk – shouldn’t the same helping hands be extended to those who desperately require life-saving assistance; be they Kurds, Christians or other (non Muslim) minorities? Or, are Islamic barbarians the preferred pets of the leadership of the free world? This investigative journalist demands an answer! What about you?

FROM this perch it is readily apparent: there is a selective purging transpiring in the Mid East and it is undeniable. For time immemorial, sear these words into your consciousness, especially when contemplating the current (in)actions of the malignant POTUS:

In summation, the silence accompanying the slaughtering of Christians, Kurds, and other minorities may well parallel “the unbearable burden of shame which lay upon the shoulders of the world community of silent bystanders after the Holocaust.”

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

ISIS/ISIL INSIDE America & Abutting U.S. Border Too:Short Hike From El Paso, Texas.What Can Patriots Do? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ALERT: ISIS Insurgents Located 8 Miles Away From El Paso, Texas

IN an Orwellian manner of stratospheric proportions –  impinging on the future of western civilization – Americans now find themselves being led by the enemy within. No exaggeration. And there is every good reason why he is being touted as Islam’s Best Friend. It is not for nothing.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, the POTUS addressed the American people on the eve of 9/11/14, a day which will forever live in infamy in U.S. history – with the entire world as his audience – and denied that ISIS/ISIL had anything to do with Islam! In fact, he went so far as to call Islamic adherents “not Islamic”. What utter taqiyya mendacity.

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way……

IN his Islamic-infused mind, the blood-soaked Koran disavow beheading and it also condemns it. Well, tell that to the families of Americans (and others) who literally lost their heads under its pagan Allah-mandated banner! 

Yet Obama, who openly declares his love for the Qur’an after studying Islam since his childhood, certainly should know Islam’s Holy Book actually encourages the behavior of ISIS.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

steven sotloff execution

Steven Sotloff awaits his execution. He was beheaded with a hunting knife by an ISIS Islamist.

The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”

While we can always agree to disagree on religious interpretation, Obama has a history of deliberately distorting or misrepresenting the Qur’an, and he lied to the world with his ‘Islam Is The Religion Of Peace” comments after the Boston Marathon bombings. David Wood produced an absolutely outstanding video on Obama’s post-bombing comments and made of a mockery of the President’s dishonest speech about “Peaceful Islam.” Every single American needs to watch this video and find out for themselves about the never ending program of Islamic deception that goes all the way to the Oval Office of Barack Hussein Obama.

VERY tellingly, the Jihadi-in-Chief is in lock-step with the Brotherhood Mafia’s CAIR, as they too color ISIS/ISIL “NOT Islamic”! View them in their active Allah-wash…..

MIND you, not only did ISIS/ISIL (the rest of Islamic jihad’s hydras similarly decapitate) behead two Americans and scores of others; threaten all out war on U.S. shores while its adherents are comfortable enough to fly their black flags of death within America (don’t think, even for a nanosecond, the N.J. Islamic homeowner is not “in sympathy” with Islamic terrorists and is a “devoted” American, as he now opines), but ISIS/ISIL are cheek to jowl on the southern border! Indeed, they are already embedded within as sleeper agents!

Former CIA officer Bob Baer told the network ISIS is already on this side of the Atlantic. “I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country,” he said. Though CNN said two U.S. officials had refuted the claim, they’re worried ISIS militants with passports might travel to the United States to launch attacks on American soil, CNN reported.

On the other hand, since Hezbollah & Hamas are deep within the U.S., why the hell shouldn’t they aim for the same jugular? Indeed.

RESULTANT, patriots have been warned at this site, time and again: yes, DHS has been co-opted from its original mission of actively hunting down Islamic threats, instead, they are now focusing on “right-wing” domestic terror, vets and patriots! Basically, the preponderance of their efforts are expended towards shielding Islam from ANY connection with terror. This is a fact.

IN reality, even when patriotic Americans, including counter-terror professionals, are threatened by Islamists – whether American-Muslims or converts – those who are sworn to protect are now AWOL. The above link couldn’t be any starker.

BUT if you are still skeptical of the above, just bear uppermost in mind: aside from ISIS already burrowed INSIDE America, they are poised to pounce a hop, skip and a sprint from the Texas border. In tandem, if anyone doubts how easy it is, well, look no further:

Investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe exposes the U.S.-Mexico border’s vulnerability to terrorism in his latest undercover project, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video reminds viewers of recent statements by the president and Obama administration officials that the southern border is secure. O’Keefe then proceeds to Hudspeth County, Texas, to easily cross back and forth cross the Rio Grande wearing the costume of modern history’s most recognizable terrorist.

“I see no border patrol. I see no security,” O’Keefe said in the video before donning a bin Laden mask. “Thousands of people have stood in my footsteps right now. They’ve come from South America, Honduras, Guatemala, and they’ve all crossed the border. And if they can cross, anybody can cross.” (RELATED: The Time Fidel Castro Snuck Into America From Mexico)

O’Keefe’s work often distinguishes itself for proving taboo but accurate premises – in this case, that Islamic extremists are able to gain entry to the United States from Mexico, where drug cartels are linked to numerous terrorist organizations including Hezbollah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the strongest al-Qaida-like organization in the heart of the Middle East.

This summer has seen a whirlwind of terrorist activity on the southern border, with dire anecdotes pouring out of local news stations but ignored by the mainstream press. Security contractors found a Muslim prayer rug on the Arizona border, where 300 extremists affiliated with al-Qaida’s Somalia syndicate al-Shabab recently entered the United States unaccounted for. Terrorist watch-list suspects were also detained trying to get into the country through California. Country music legend Charlie Daniels revealed that, “I personally spoke with an Arizona law enforcement officer who had taken four what he called ‘Taliban’ out of the back of an 18 wheeler.”

Relevant on the contemporary merits, O’Keefe’s video also makes an important symbolic point thirteen confusing years after the attacks of 9/11. The terrorists we’re fighting today are more technologically savvy than their idol Osama bin Laden, the self-designed political figure who tried to fire history’s loudest shot. But their motives have not changed. And they have access to the United States.

NOT to be lost in the discussion, it is imperative to internalize that ISIS/ISIL basically appeared “out of nowhere” yet became the most talked about jihadi organ. All is not as it appears.

SIGNIFICANTLY, ISIS received its thrust from Obama Inc., as it catapulted into prominence out of the pre-designed chaos via Benghazigate. This is, as is said, where the rubber meets the road.

YES, the illegal war in Libya was initiated for the benefit of the MB; to ensure that the Islamic Mafia laid claim to all power bases within the Mid East, Africa and onward.

Photo: Relieved of his command for wanting to respond to the Benghazi attacks

BUT beyond that goal lies a particular area of geo-politics, an outgrowth of its  “sister” discipline, Chaos Theory, within Mathematics and Science/Engineering. However, its “appropriation”, its cross discipline, is not generally well-known outside of the small confines of political science. Hmm. Similarly, its relevant basis has been (re)applied to World Politics.

Chaos doesn’t have quite the pop culture cachet that it used to, but the study of what Lorenz called nonlinear systems – those in which outputs are not necessarily proportional to inputs —  has been highly influential in fields ranging from physics, to engineering, to astronomy, agriculture to economics. (One of the main themes of Gleick’s books is that researchers in different fields were often working along very similar lines without being aware of each other. Some of this work was actually going on years before Lorenz’s “discovery.”)

The late mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot’s ideas about turbulence in financial markets have enjoyed something of a renaissance in recent years thanks the global financial crisis. I was lucky enough to get the chance to interview Mandelbrot for FP a year before his death.

But chaos has also had applications in some less obvious areas, such as politics and international relations. In fact, there’s an argument to be made that the ideas behind chaos are far more intuitive in the study of politics and armed conflict than in the natural sciences where it originated. Take, for example, the old English proverb that’s second only to the Butterfly Effect as a commonly used layman’s explanation for chaos:

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

What, after all, is a better example of chaos theory than the harassment of a street vendor in Tunisia leading to a civil war in Syria?

As Ohio State political scientist Alan Beyerchen has argued, Carl von Clausewitz seemed to have an intuitive grasp of the idea of nonlinear systems and chaos more than a century before anyone used those terms. Take, for example, this passage from On War:

[I]n war, as in life generally, all parts of the whole are interconnected and thus the effects produced, however small their cause, must influence all subsequent military operations and modify their final outcome to some degree, however slight. In the same way, every means must influence even the ultimate purpose.


Oh dear…the capacity for engineered chaos – from the most powerful players in the world – is limitless…endless…infinite…

AND the rest is (pre-designed) history!



IN western ADD-afflicted time frames, the deaths of SEAL TEAM 6 heroes, in 2011, is all but a distant memory. However, this craven mindset needn’t be the case for those of us who seek justice, regardless of passage of time, whether for crimes committed 3 years ago or 30 ….and so on. Besides, as one who will “move mountains” to get to the bottom of GRAVE injustices – whether of a personal nature or not – a long-term memory (not to be confused with harboring grudges for personal slights…whatever) is a requirement. That’s for sure.

MOREOVER, who is to say that patriots, especially Israelis and Americans (westerners) are not “entitled” to the same memory banks as Islamic jihadists (century-like) and those who enable them, specifically, their anti-American cohorts who squat in the People’s House, Islam’s best friend(s).

AND it is this ability to remember, to recollect and reflect, which enables justice – however delayed – to not be denied. Understood?

Justice One:  

AGREED, those who die under less than “kosher” circumstances (and dropping like flies has become a signature hit of Obama and gang), whomever they are, deserve to have their deaths examined, especially through the efforts of their loved ones. Pit bull-like.

NEVERTHELESS, most of us will never be able to lay claim to the nation-saving exploits executed by the likes of SEAL TEAM 6 (and their band of brothers), regardless of costs to their safety. So, isn’t it edifying to realize that their lives were seen as nothing more than disposable garbage, as they were set up to die, and that a cover up – as always – became Obama Inc’s modus operandi?

Justice Two:

IN this regard, several questions must be asked and answered: did they simply “drop from the sky”? were they “sacrificial lambs” for a myriad of (cover up) reasons? and, how did Obama Inc.’s goons respond, as they sparred off against those who understood what’s what?

On August 6, 2011, in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, jihadists perched on top of a building shot down a decrepit CH-47 helicopter, Extortion 17, packed with 30 Special Ops forces–most of them part of the elite SEAL Team 6. Almost immediately, facts about the attack were hushed up that included skirting away the black box. Furthermore, within hours, everyone on board was cremated, supposedly because they were burned beyond recognition. Family members of the victims have learned that virtually everything the Obama administration has revealed about the attack is a lie.

The likely reason for the coverup? The high-tech weapon used to shoot down Extortion 17, a heat-seeking missile, more than likely was supplied by none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

GRANTED, whether in America or Israel (or other relatively functioning democratic countries), patriots are supposed to take the “high road”, one in which the laws of the land are followed to the tee. Now, while said outlook is definitely the preferred way, the fact of the matter is that such “faith” in requisite authorities is often misplaced.  And this is coming from someone who, on a multiplicity of levels, has been known to have close ties to certain law enforcement folks, both in the U.S. and Israel, understanding full well the sacrifices they make. Yet, when the fish stinks from the head up, well, the police become equally infected.

THAT being the case, the real moral road is one which leads in the direction of true justice, however long it takes, irrespective of this or that official approval. So the same Jewish precept which should apply in Israel (but generally doesn’t), tzedek, tzedek tirdof…צֶדֶק צֶדֶק תִּרְדּף…justice, justice, you shall pursue, must also be part of every patriot’s mission; whether glaring a spotlight on the assassination of Seal Team 6 members, Benghazigate’s cover up, or a myriad of other crimes committed by Obama Inc. against the nation.

NO other (internal) mechanism takes its place, at least when seeking to “settle scores”. Gain justice. Not even close.


Training: American troops join Jordan and Iraq for an exercise as it is revealed Syrian rebels are being helped

BEFORE anything else, let it be noted: U.S. troops are often tasked to train outside forces, those which are supposed to be helpful in securing American interests within their respective regions. Otherwise, what’s the point, right? But said strategic doctrine is predicated upon an American patriot situated at the helm and properly vetting this one and that one!
MOST significantly, how many readers recall this site’s continuous harping on the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s entrenchment within Obama Inc.? For those who are newly aboard, time to catch up to speed via this blogger’s interview (Oct. 2013), one which highlights certain DHS top Brotherhood appointments! Mind you, it has EVERYTHING to do with the title, the implications, of today’s commentary.
EXTRAPOLATING further, the VERY same DHS mobbed up Brotherhood honcho, Mohamed Elibiary, is comfortable enough to exhort: 
THAT being said, however indelicately, it has been proven: Barack HUSSEIN Obama operates under an anti-American doctrine, one which empowers jihadists across the board; whether Sunni or Shia.

So from a series of precipitous Mid East fires (think: Mubarak, GO NOW…head over to the illegal war in Libya….) Obama Inc.’s strategy has been to set the region alight. This is no longer up for debate. And, as a bonus, “negotiating” with the mullahs gains a tailwind! The point being, in the Islamist-in-Chief’s worldview, it is a win-win situation. How so?

Well, the ultimate goal is to resurrect the Caliphate, come what may. Now, while he would prefer to see Sunnis astride the Caliph’s seat, the fact of the matter is that he knows that Sunnis and Shias will fight to the death for hegemony. Ain’t much he can do about that one. Nevertheless, we must see the forest from the trees and not become bogged down with their centuries old tribal warfare.

THEREFORE, as to this site’s (incessant) charge sheet, empowering Islamists in general and the ISIS in particular, the following too tells the deadly tale, revealing Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s jihadi handiwork, in whole and in part.

So let us hark back to the Islamist-in-Chief’s declaration that Al Qaeda was essentially dead and buried, metaphorically sticking a fork in them – Obama Has Touted Al Qaeda’s Demise 32 Times Since Benghazi Attack. This “done deal” was facilitated after SEAL TEAM SIX (supposedly) dispatched Osama to greet Allah. Hmm.

Essentially, why would Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and surrogates) utter such blatant hogwash, placing a peremptory nail in Al Qaeda’s coffin, when even a well informed high schooler recognized that all was not as it seemed?

Well, a double-edged sword was wielded; one as “proof” that he was indeed up to snuff to handle the “war on terror” – while in the midst of a heated pre-election season – concomitantly, to appease his leftward flank via (one of) many campaign promises. As such, he precipitously withdrew all U.S. combat forces from Iraq in December 2011 and needed to make sure Americans believed that it was indeed a prudent move, especially now that Osama was dead! Hence, the conveniently-timed nail in his coffin.

Mind you, while all the above lies were deliberately designed to deflect from the real facts on the ground, R2P lurked (still very much alive and well) in the background. And its import lies within the arming of Al Qaeda Sunni jihadists, its blow back, knock-on effects, most widely felt via Benghazigate…..

So as diabolical as it is, anti-American to boot, the same jihadists trained by U.S. contractors are closer to their Caliphate, courtesy of Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Go figure…. 

JERUSALEM – Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.

The Jordanian officials said all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida.

In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.

That report has since been corroborated by numerous other media accounts.

Last March, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Americans were training Syrian rebels in Jordan.

Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms. The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry.

The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the previous three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors.

Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined immediate comment on the German magazine’s report. The French foreign ministry and Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.

The Jordanian officials spoke to WND amid concern the sectarian violence in Iraq will spill over into their own country as well as into Syria.

ISIS previously posted a video on YouTube threatening to move on Jordan and “slaughter” King Abdullah, whom they view as an enemy of Islam.

WND reported last week that, according to Jordanian and Syrian regime sources, Saudi Arabia has been arming the ISIS and that the Saudis are a driving force in supporting the al-Qaida-linked group.

WND further reported that, according to a Shiite source in contact with a high official in the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Obama administration has been aware for two months that the al-Qaida-inspired group that has taken over two Iraqi cities and now is threatening Baghdad also was training fighters in Turkey.

The source told WND that at least one of the training camps of the group Iraq of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria, the ISIS, is in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey, where American personnel and equipment are located.

He called Obama “an accomplice” in the attacks that are threatening the Maliki government the U.S. helped establish through the Iraq war.

The source said that after training in Turkey, thousands of ISIS fighters went to Iraq by way of Syria to join the effort to establish an Islamic caliphate subject to strict Islamic law, or Shariah.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, BLOWBACK manifests in many directions, and when it comes to the ISIS being trained by American contractors within Jordan, well, it doesn’t get any more ominous.
IN the main, Jordan is now in the cross hairs of ISIS terrorists. Not only because the kingdom is considered to be a regional infidel, but because by overtaking Jordan, well, attacking Israel will be that much easier! It’s all a matter of squaring their encirclement. Nevertheless, it never dawned on Jordan’s King to say NO to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s request to train the “rebels”. Similarly, PM Netanyahu’s inability to say NO to the Islamist-in-Chief is beyond the pale. Oh, what a tangled web….via spineless leaders who are wedded to ill-fated “strategic” masters.
YET, for Americans, the danger lies within Al-Qaeda ISIS terror groups having the ability to control the Mid East from one end point to the other, with the freedom to plot the next 9/11/01 (on an exponentially greater level) unimpeded! Can you imagine? Not only that, unlike in Afghanistan, they will control the heart of petrol assets, with that much more booty to finance their western jihad!
Think of it this way: when 9/11/01 was perpetrated, Osama Bin Laden controlled a piker’s pittance, compared to those trained in Jordan via Obama Inc.!
TO wit, Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and others) are aiding and abetting,
The World’s Most Powerful Terrorist



FROM every rational geo-political perspective, the PURPOSEFUL (mis)reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama has precipitated untold disaster, not only for the entire Mid East but for the western world. And it is entirely understandable that most are left in a state of perpetual confusion, wondering, not only, how could this happen, but why would the POTUS aid and abet both Sunni and Shia sides? Yet, it is really not such a head banger, but it is exponentially diabolical. Machiavellian.

Al-Qaeda’s ISIS: Behind the Group That Took Mosul

But before we delve into Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamic goals, the reader must internalize where things stand right now, with the “news” that Washington will “cooperate” with Iran to beat back the ISIS’s destructive swathe in Iraq, as reported in various forums

Kerry: US open to working with Iran on Iraq 

DEBKAfile June 16, 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday in an interview: “I think we are open to any constructive process here that could minimize the violence, hold Iraq together, the integrity of the country and eliminate the presence of outside terrorist forces that are ripping it apart.” He said that President Obama was vetting “every option that is available,” including drone strikes.

Shortly before Kerry made the comments, Islamic fighters captured the northwestern Iraqi town of Tal Afar, the largely Turkmen town that is key their plan for an Islamic caliphate spanning Iraq and Syria.

In fact, it is more than noteworthy to cite: yes, historically, nations “cooperate” with those whose general worldviews are diametrically opposed, not unlike the allies working with Stalin during WW 2. Nevertheless, that was then and this is now, with the caveat being: the POTUS is working AGAINST an American victory! Herein lies the crux.

In any case, it is through this “cooperation” that Barack HUSSEIN Obama gets to assist both Sunni and Shia, and this is where it is at. On the one hand, if not for his wildfires in the Mid East – chiefly to empower the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia – Al Qaeda’s offshoot, ISIS terrorists, wouldn’t be in a position to destroy Iraq.

Nevertheless, after all the American/western blood and treasure spilled on behalf of Iraq, one would expect  that the ascension of an Al Qaeda Islamic State in Iraq and Levant – ISIS – endangers not only all of the Mid East and beyond, but the entire free world. Surely any POTUS would fight against this outcome – or so one would believe.

So the question remains: what is wrong with collaborating with the mullahs, as they too view the ISIS as a mortal danger? Everything. For in addition to Obama Inc.’s back channels to the mullahs, via Valerie Jarrett, to jaw-jaw them to the WMD finish line, it becomes ever more apparent that “dear leader” will proceed to paint the genocidal Iranian regime as a “reliable” partner, even as he continues to prop up the Sunni Brotherhood Mafia! A win-win for the Islamist-in-Chief.
In light of the above, how comfortable should Americans, Israelis and westerners feel about the “talks” with Iran? Btw, ignore the jibber jabber from Repubs, as they seek to place lipstick on this dangerous pig. Instead, they could have recommended utilizing lethal firepower to root out the ISIS  – after the anti-American POTUS cut and run from Iraq in 2011 – rather than subcontracting/collaborating with the world’s largest terror regime, Iran’s mullahs!

US Seeks To Expedite Talks With Iran Over ISIS

Effort under way to set up channel separate from nuclear talks, as one top Republican lawmaker warns of threat to Jordan.

WASHINGTON – Reflecting rapidly changing events on the ground in the Middle East, the United States is readying a new, direct channel with Iran that will allow the two powers to coordinate strategy against the menace of ISIS, a terrorist militia conquering territory throughout eastern Syria and northern Iraq.

The Obama administration is already preparing a channel separate from its efforts to forge a comprehensive agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, and hopes to begin talks this coming week, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

Independently, The Jerusalem Post could only confirm that deliberations are under way among administration officials over what the nature of such a line of communication between Washington and Tehran should look like.

“Whatever dialogue may or may not be taking place [with Iran] would take place on the sideline or outside the mainstream of the nuclear talks” in Vienna, US Secretary of State John Kerry told members of the press on Friday in London, standing with European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. “We don’t want that linked and mixed.”

Kerry phoned his counterparts in Doha, Riyadh and Amman on Sunday over the crisis, which unfolded with dramatic speed last week as ISIS, a Sunni militia seeking a caliphate throughout Iraq and the Levant region, took control of Mosul and threatened an attack against Baghdad.

The group already claims domain in Syria, where the insurgent group formerly concentrated in Iraq managed to recalibrate its tactics and its funding. ISIS began a military campaign in October 2013 with the explicit aim of conquering territory for its own.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that he and US President Barack Obama have exchanged letters, and that Iran stands “ready to help” in coordination with US military operations.

A similar exchange took place under the George W. Bush administration, the Journal noted, over a shared interest in toppling the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001.

But Rouhani’s overture marked a dramatic shift in relations nevertheless, after decades of near-silence between the two governments. A public rapprochement began last September— the first of its kind since the Iranian Revolution of 1979— when Obama called Rouhani congratulating him on his election, and expressing hope for better relations between the two nations.

Talks resume this week in Vienna over Iran’s nuclear program, and US officials might choose to speak on the sidelines of that negotiation with their Iranian counterparts over the ISIS threat.

Qasem Suleimani, commander of the elite Qods Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, was already in Iraq this weekend for consultations over how Iran might assist in Baghdad’s efforts to fight the small Sha’ria army.

Top Republican lawmaker Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Sunday suggested that a deal with Iran might be necessary in the short term to stop ISIS from marching on Baghdad— not dissimilar to America’s alliance with Stalin’s Soviet Union at the height of the Second World War.

“We’re going to have to have some dialogue with the Iranians,” Graham said.

Graham, long a harsh critic of the Obama administration, joined a chorus of his peers from across the American political aisle in warning of the dramatic consequences of what might come next without a campaign to counter the terrorist group.

“We had al Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor of ISIS, on their backs,” Graham said, calling on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to resign. “We had this place in a good spot. They were playing politics, rather than killing each other.”

ISIS “will eventually march on Jordan and Lebanon,” Graham warned. “They’re going to take the king of Jordan down.”

US President Barack Obama remained in Palm Springs, California, over the Father’s Day weekend while his national security team weighed military options to offer the president. In preparation for any possible campaign, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel moved the USS George HW Bush aircraft carrier to the Arabian Gulf, equipped with Patriot missiles with reach throughout the country.

The US intelligence community estimates that ISIS has roughly $1.2 billion in cash flow from the black market trade of oil, pumped by the organization in eastern Syrian fields, and from the takeover of Iraq’s central bank of Mosul, where the group seized nearly $500 million.

That makes ISIS the richest terrorist organization in the world: for perspective, Al-Qaida was said to be rich before September 11, with estimated wealth at that time at $30 million.

MORE specifically, think of the POTUS as both the arsonist and the firefighter. Since he is the one who (through his Mid East adventures) set the stage for Al-Qaeda’s takeover, his intentions, his objectives, are steeped in Islamic rewards.

So from a series of precipitous Mid East fires (think: Mubarak, GO NOW…head over to the illegal war in Libya….) Obama Inc.’s strategy has been to set the region alight. This is no longer up for debate. And, as a bonus, “negotiating” with the mullahs gains a tailwind! The point being, in the Islamist-in-Chief’s worldview, it is a win-win situation. How so?

Well, the ultimate goal is to resurrect the Caliphate, come what may. Now, while he would prefer to see Sunnis astride the Caliph’s seat, the fact of the matter is that he knows that Sunnis and Shias will fight to the death for hegemony. Ain’t much he can do about that one. Nevertheless, we must see the forest from the trees and not become bogged down with their centuries old tribal warfare.

Inherently, geo-politics is never static, but its “players” surely understand certain constants: various pressure points become necessary – manufactured or otherwise – in order for the desired outcomes to prevail. Dominoes falling.

In the end, according to Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Islam wins and that is that.

The American public has trouble understanding why Obama is supporting and arming Islamic extremists in Libya and Syria. He has yet to explain what Chris Stevens was really doing in Benghazi and why on G*d’s good earth our Benghazi consulate was guarded by an al-Qaeda-affiliated militia instead of the U.S. Marines or a diplomatic security team. What is Obama’s justification for granting entry into the United States to Muslims who provided “limited material support” to terror groups, while turning away the multitudes of displaced Christian refugees from Syria, Libya, and Egypt who live in absolute fear for their lives from the mindless hatred of Islamist jihadists?

Obama might even explain why he apologized to the entire Muslim world for a YouTubevideo, but he had nothing to say when Khaled Al-Zaafrani, founder of the Egyptian Justice and Progress Party, went on a major Arabic television network and said,

“It’s well known that during the Passover, they [the Jews] make matzos called the ‘Blood of Zion.’ They take a Christian child, slit his throat and slaughter him. Then they take his blood and make their [matzos]. This is a very important rite for the Jews, which they never forgo…They slice it and fight over who gets to eat Christian blood.”

Khaled continued his revolting presentation by saying,

“It is the Jews who have instigated wars in the world. They instigated World War I, as well as World War II, and they will keep on instigating wars. The Jews cannot live without wars, conspiracies, deceit, and deception. We can rest assured that the Jews will not seek or uphold peace.”

Al-Zaafrani then put a bright ribbon on his package of slander by throwing in a bit of Holocaust denial for good measure, finishing with: “When this subject is raised, the Jews consider it to be a problem, just like the problem of Hitler and the Holocaust.”

Of course, unlike the angry hordes of Muslims across the Islamic world who went on a rampage of burning, beating, and killing over the Mohammad video, the world’s Jews didn’t commit a single act of violence in reaction to the blood libel on Arabic television. Obama, ever so eager to defend “the Prophet of Islam” from the insults of a badly made YouTube video, was strangely silent when Al-Zaafrani’s words were broadcast across the Middle East to millions of Muslims, who were already chomping at the bit to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate every Jew on the planet Earth. While this sort of infantile fantasy may be laughable on one level, we must also remember that many thousands of Jews have been slaughtered over the centuries as a result of insidious blood libels.

Watching Obama ignore the constant demonization of Jews and Israel is distasteful enough, but we must not overlook the crippling instability Obama has fostered in the region. We have seen one relatively secure Islamic state after the other descend into chaos at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and their Islamist allies — armed to the teeth with the latest American weapons, financed by American dollars, and bearing the blessings of the Obama administration.

IF this is not quintessential Machiavellian, what else qualifies?


WHEN most think of jihadists and the chaos surrounding the Islamic world, they fail to understand the intrinsic nexus between said behavior in relation to socialist, communist and Marxist regimes. In fact, their similarities – in ways which truly matter – outweigh their differences, even though Islamic regimes generate more visibility (emphasis placed) through their overtly barbaric behavior. Head chopping, flying body parts, burning their victims alive and such is hard to ignore! Nevertheless, there exists manifest reasons for the red/green alliance.
Controlling the Conversation - 5
Now, factor in the ideological schooling of the “video made them do it” Benghazigate brayers, most especially, Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his Sec of State Hillary Clinton, and, indeed, a clearer picture emerges.
In simplistic terms, think of radical leftists and how they get their messages across – both through “the rules” and frontal assaults, when necessary….then jump over to the brainwashing techniques via stealth jihad and their frontal assaults. Same modus operandi. Yet, where is the tie-in to Benghazigate and the “video made them to it” “defense”? Everywhere.

The infamous “spontaneous” cause of combustion – the video, “Innocence of Muslims”, made them do it! hagmann051814

Everywhere One:
From the nanosecond that it became clear that Americans were sacrificed on the altar of an illegal war in Libya, Obama Inc. worked overtime to cover its tracks – both via surrogates and their Muslim Brotherhood cohorts…damn them all to hell.
Everywhere Two:
Alas, in order to blow smoke in the eyes of the American public – once it became clear that Obama Inc. did nothing to save Americans from certain death – they relied on a tried and true radical left technique: foist the blame onto others, keep elaborating on the lie, and to hell with the truth. So what better way than to opine: yes, Muslims were deeply “offended” by the release of this video, executed by a Christian no less! Their spinmeisters were subliminally excoriating the American public to keep quiet…at the very least, admonishing non-Muslim Americans to have basic decency, and to resist inflaming the situation any further. Yada, yada. What a crock. What chutzpah.  
Everywhere Three:
But no matter. EVERY lying dog has his/her day, and theirs may have (keep your fingers and toes crossed, but do pass along this info for added measure) tripped them up. Along comes Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the supposed Coptic Christian filmmaker of the “video made them do it” clap trap, admitting to Cindy Lee Garcia that he is a Muslim and not a Christian! Folks, wrap your brains around this explosive info and see what shakes out. Plain and simple, this video was DESIGNED to silence, once and for all, criticism of Islam (Shariah law), knowing full well that perpetually outraged Muslims would react – and react they did! Not only that, by stoking the flames in the region, Obama Inc. understood that a silenced American public would allow them to (ad)venture into other operations. Their target: the empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia!

Benghazi’s biggest whistleblower just came forward. Her name is Cindy Lee Garcia and she has revealed that the producer of the video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks admitted to her that he is a Muslim. This is a game changer. It means that the narrative we’ve been fed – that filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was a Coptic Christian is not only false but also a blood libel against Christians.

Cindy Lee Garcia: Benghazi's John Dodson.

Garcia’s phone call with Nakoula three weeks ago provides the key to what Benghazi was all about. It was agitprop (agitation / propaganda to push communism), a vehicle to be used by the Obama administration to launch an all out assault on the first amendment. To quote Hillary Clinton at the 2011 “Istanbul Process” meeting, it would be an example of…:

“…some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.”

When riots across the Middle East broke out in response to the video, Hillary and the bunch were able to use those “old-fashioned techniques” in an attempt to shame people into not using their freedom of expression to be critical of Islam.

The problem they did not foresee – aside from the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi – was a whistleblower coming forward that would help to peel back the curtain.

In much the same way that a brave ATF agent named John Dodson came forward to blow the lid on another Obama administration agitprop operation (Fast and Furious), Garcia has come forward with a smoking gun that exposes the administration as being complicit in an agitprop operation designed to help knock off the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Operation Fast and Furious was also agitprop. It was an assault on the second amendment. In much the same way that the Obama administration was willing to exploit the death and destruction resulting from an anti-Muhammad video, it was also willing to exploit the death and destruction resulting from the ATF mandating that gun store owners sell guns to bad guys who would use them to murder a countless number of innocent people.

Obama, Hillary and Holder didn’t count on a Border Patrol agent getting murdered and an ATF agent with a conscience blowing the whistle on the operation. It was hoping that it could levy a blood libel against innocent gun store owners.

In Benghazi, Obama, Hillary, et. al. didn’t count on four Americans getting murdered in its agitprop operation.

They also didn’t count on Benghazi’s John Dodson – Cindy Lee Garcia – coming forward.

Cindy Lee Garcia is the John Dodson of Benghazi and it’s time for conservatives to stand with her and treat her as the American patriot she is. More important, it’s time for Trey Gowdy, the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi to get an affidavit from her. While he’s at it, he might want to get the deposition of Nakoula before someone in the administration decides he needs to be shut-up before he does any more damage.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, when powerful (world class) propagandists seek to portray their “version” of events, everything is up for grabs – truth be damned. And, the fact that western civilization’s underpinnings are currently in the death-grip of those who operate from both a red and green propaganda perspective, the question is no longer: will America (by extension, the west) overcome all the damage accrued under Obama Inc.? Rather, it should be: how much time is left, before its foundations verge on collapse?

In any case, picking up the west’s, America’s, shattered pieces will uncover untold human suffering. Countless innocents (concomitantly, the video’s propaganda machine was meant to portray the “innocence of Muslims” on the one hand, on the other, to give their rampaging a “kosher” seal of approval, yes, they have reason to rampage, to be aggrieved…blah, blah…by a “Coptic Christian” who maligned Islam!) will surely die.

Hopefully, Obama Inc. will be held to account for their direct parts, duly demonstrated on numerous (inescapably) irrefutable levels. As to the whistle blower and his “confidante”, this blogger offers some well learned advice as an investigative journalist: watch your backs! Those who cross the Islamist-in-Chief (Hill too), intentionally or inadvertently, thereby ripping off their mask(s), have been known to “disappear”



ISIS: Behind the Group That Took Mosul


FROM the get go, it is imperative to understand that the current disintegration of Iraq -even as this is being written – into the hands of Al Qaeda should have been a jihadi no-brainer. And don’t bother scratching your head, pondering: how did this happen? In fact, had this not come to pass, well, that would have been a head scratcher!

In reality, the nanosecond that Barack HUSSEIN Obama announced the end of U.S. troops in Iraq, back in October 2011, just in time to use as a sound bite for his 2012 propaganda campaign, Iraq became the primary target for Al Qaeda’s mega thrust. He understood as much. Yes, he did.

Mind you, while some Americans (other westerners too) understand the geo-political gravity of the situation, the fact of the matter is that this American-Israeli understands what is taking place, not just from an overall geo-political perspective, but from one whose own borders are, to a maximum degree, threatened. And so much more.

To wit, the following is not an exercise in theoretical posturing. Indeed, its knock-on effects are cataclysmic, especially when catapulted onto Iran’s nuclear menace and Syria’s dissolution. So between Iran, via its proxy arm Hezbollah, using Syria as a staging ground, and Al Qaeda jihadists gaining another foothold, the region has never, ever been more menacing. Besides, for the time being, you can put aside the endless warring between Sunni and Shia, a centuries old conflict with no end in sight. If only said inter-tribal warfare were the major issue, what a relief that would be. After all, let them just kill each other and the west will be that much safer. However, this is only a pipe dream.

As a matter of record, within both Islamic streams, splintered groups are jockeying for power to create the first Islamic (Caliphate) arc in modern history, and with a terror entity as its hegemonic power! OMG!! But for westerners, and in the most simplistic of terms, think of the above in relation to the largest criminal organizations bar none, perhaps using the Mafia as a template. Raising the stakes even further, thus postulate Islamic outcomes via mega steroids, as they fight major turf battles, ultimately seeking to extend their authority over everything in their wake. However, not just to those who owe them this or that debt, if you dare imagine.

In fact, make no mistake: this site is not suggesting that Iraq’s Shiite PM has been anything but a pawn of Shiite hegemonic powers, hardly a model “democrat”. Nevertheless, after all the American/western blood and treasure spilled on behalf of Iraq, one would expect  that the ascension of an Al Qaeda Islamic State in Iraq and Levant – ISIS – endangers not only all of the Mid East and beyond, but the entire free world. Surely any POTUS would fight against this outcome – or so one would believe.

As indicated on numerous occasions, starting back in Dec. 2012 – many moons ago, at least in the realm of the average westerner’s ADD-afflicted thinking –  the Islamist-in-Chief’s illegal war in Libya gave Al Qaeda a renewed tailwind! How magnanimous. But there’s more.

Tailwind One: 

How many recall the chemicals unleashed on Syria’s captive population? How many understand how the usage of chemical warfare became a blow back outgrowth, due to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s upending of Libya for the benefit of the Brotherhood Mafia? How many know that Al Qaeda is (one of) its bastard offshoots?

Tailwind Two:

Still and all, no rational observer, let alone national leadership, wouldn’t expect the very same Al Qaeda terror organization to stay clear of Israel’s borders. So isn’t the tailwind given by Barack HUSSEIN Obama to Al Qaeda another one of his weapons used against Israel, a nation he rabidly detests, all the more a grave geo-political disaster, being that Israel is the ONLY western “outpost” in the entire Islamic-riven jihadi region? Of course.

Tailwind Three:

But even if we leave aside Iraq’s current disintegration, what part of Al Qaeda and its vanguard’s barbarism towards Christians and other minorities hasn’t been apparent in both Egypt and Syria, let alone throughout Africa? In other words, when does the leader of the free world step up and proclaim: yes, establishing Islamic jihadi safe havens must be an inviolate “red line”, principally as a high priority western interest?

Tailwind Four:

And, in light of the above, isn’t it apparent as to why a growing case for impeachment is warranted, as the Islamist-in-Chief, for all intents and purposes, aids and abets Al Qaeda takeovers?

Tailwind Five:

So, back in January 2014, how shocking was it to hear: Al Qaeda declared the first independent Islamic state towards a reconstituted Caliphate!

But that was then and this is now…..

U.S. Said To Rebuff Iraqi Requests To Strike Militants

WASHINGTON — As the threat from Sunni militants in western Iraq escalated last month, Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki secretly asked the Obama administration to consider carrying out airstrikes against extremist staging areas, according to Iraqi and American officials.

But Iraq’s appeals for a military response have so far been rebuffed by the White House, which has been reluctant to open a new chapter in a conflict that President Obama has insisted was over when the United States withdrew the last of its forces from Iraq in 2011.

The swift capture of Mosul by militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has underscored how the conflicts in Syria and Iraq have converged into one widening regional insurgency with fighters coursing back and forth through the porous border between the two countries. But it has also called attention to the limits the White House has imposed on the use of American power in an increasingly violent and volatile region.

A spokeswoman for the National Security Council, Bernadette Meehan, declined to comment on Mr. Maliki’s requests. “We are not going to get into details of our diplomatic discussions,” she said in a statement. “The current focus of our discussions with the government of Iraq and our policy considerations is to build the capacity of the Iraqis to successfully confront” the Islamic extremists.

The Obama administration has carried out drone strikes against militants in Yemen and Pakistan, where it fears terrorists have been hatching plans to attack the United States. But despite the fact that Sunni militants have been making steady advances and may be carving out new havens from which they could carry out attacks against the West, administration spokesmen have insisted that the United States is not actively considering using warplanes or armed drones to strike them.

Hoshyar Zebari, Iraq’s foreign minister, last year floated the idea that armed American-operated Predator or Reaper drones might be used to respond to the expanding militant network in Iraq. American officialsdismissed that suggestion at the time, saying that the request had not come from Mr. Maliki.

By March, however, American experts who visited Baghdad were being told that Iraq’s top leaders were hoping that American air power could be used to strike the militants’ staging and training areas inside Iraq, and help Iraq’s beleaguered forces stop them from crossing into Iraq from Syria.

“Iraqi officials at the highest level said they had requested manned and unmanned U.S. airstrikes this year against ISIS camps in the Jazira desert,” said Kenneth M. Pollack, a former C.I.A. analyst and National Security Council official, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutionand who visited Baghdad in early March. ISIS is the acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, as the militant group is known.

As the Sunni insurgents have grown in strength those requests have persisted. In a May 11 meeting with American diplomats and Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, the head of the Central Command, which oversees American military operations in the Middle East, Mr. Maliki said he would like the United States to provide Iraq with the ability to operate drones. But if the United States was not willing to do that, Mr. Maliki indicated he was prepared to allow the United States to carry out strikes using warplanes or drones.

In a May 16 phone call with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Mr. Maliki again suggested that the United States consider using American air power. A written request repeating that point was submitted soon afterward, officials said.

Some experts say that such American military action could be helpful but only if Mr. Maliki takes steps to make his government more inclusive.

“U.S. military support for Iraq could have a positive effect but only if it is conditioned on Maliki changing his behavior within Iraq’s political system,” Mr. Pollack said. “He has to bring the Sunni community back in, agree to limits on his executive authority and agree to reform Iraqi security forces to make them more professional and competent.”

But so far, the administration has signaled that it is not interested in such a direct American military role.

“Ultimately, this is for the Iraqi security forces, and the Iraqi government to deal with,” Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday.

A vehicle belonging to the Iraqi security forces was abandoned in Mosul. CreditReuters

The deteriorating situation in Iraq is not what the Obama administration expected when it withdrew the last American troops from there in 2011. In a March 2012 speech, Antony J. Blinken, who is Mr. Obama’s deputy national security adviser, asserted that “Iraq today is less violent” than “at any time in recent history.”

From the start, experts have stressed that the conflict in Iraq is as much political as military. Mr. Maliki’s failure to include leading Sunnis in his government has heightened the sectarian divisions in Iraq.

But American officials also say that militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria represent a formidable military threat, one that Iraq’s security forces, which lack an effective air force, have been hard pressed to handle on their own.

Adding to that challenge is the fact that the group controls territory on both sides of the Iraqi-Syrian border, and the Iraq and Syria conflicts have been feeding each other.

Said Lakhdar Brahimi, the former United Nations envoy to the collapsed Syria peace talks: “The region is in trouble, starting with Iraq. When I went to Baghdad in December, I was told that for every 100 operations ISIS did in Syria, it did 1,000 in Iraq.”

Critics say the latest developments show the weakness in an administration strategy designed to shore up Iraqi forces and to combat a growing Islamic militancy in Syria that officials say poses an increasing counterterrorism threat to the United States.

In a speech on Wednesday, Susan E. Rice, Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, said that the American effort to buttress Iraq’s forces had been effective. “The United States has been fast to provide necessary support for the people and government of Iraq,” she said in remarks at the Center for New American Security in Washington.

The United States has provided a $14 billion foreign military aid package to Iraq that includes F-16 fighter jets, Apache attack helicopters and M-16 rifles. It has rushed hundreds of Hellfire missiles as well as ScanEagle reconnaissance drones.

A second round of counterterrorism training between American Special Operations commandos and Iraqi troops started in Jordan this week. At least two F-16s are set to arrive in Iraq by September, and six Apaches will be leased for training later this year, Iraqi and Pentagon officials said.

But some former generals who served in Iraq said a greater effort was needed.

James M. Dubik, a retired Army lieutenant general who oversaw the training of the Iraqi army during the surge, summed it up this way: “We should fly some of our manned and unmanned aircraft and put advisers into Iraq that can help the Iraqi Army plan and execute a proper defense, then help them transition to a counter offensive.”

Israeli war planners are, as always, watching the encirclement of the nation’s borders, and not just from Iran’s (usual) proxies. And no one should be oh so shocked when Israeli forces take matters into their own hands, knowing full well that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has no interest in tamping down the flames, even though it will appear as if U.S. cooperation is in the background. Nonsense.

More specifically, and even more incendiary, what kind of a (im)moral cretin, a pygmy, leaves Americans to fend for themselves under jihadi fire:

WND previously reported Friday that private contractors who have recently returned to the U.S. from Iraq said their former colleagues effectively had been abandoned by the U.S. military and were fighting for their lives against an army of jihadists surrounding the base who belong to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.

The U.S. contractors were at Balad to help the Pentagon prepare the facilities for the delivery of the F-16 aircraft the Obama administration has agreed to provide the Iraqi government.

The surrounded Americans said they were under ISIS fire from small arms, AK47s, and rocket propelled grenades, or RPGs.

The contractors had been able to hold the base, but those on the scene reported it was only a matter of time before the ISIS terrorists succeeded in breaking through the perimeter. The sources confirmed the contractors were still under siege, despite an Associated Press report Thursday, citing U.S. officials, that three planeloads of Americans were being evacuated from Balad.

WND learned from sources that the jihadists closed down escape routes, and the U.S. Air Force was in a stand-down position. U.S. forces were not assisting even with air cover so a private extradition flight could land for a rescue, the sources said.

Privately scheduled exit flights had fallen through, sources said, as several private pilots originally scheduled to make the flights quit.

The sources contended the U.S. military could provide the necessary air cover to protect C-130s or other air transport craft sufficient to make the evacuation, but far officials had refused to get involved.

In the main, removing American boots from Iraq literally paved the road for factions of jihadists to plot unimpeded. Predictably, instead of America taking the lead, the wayward Commander-in-Chief is now “in talks” with Iran’s killing machine, deciding how best to beat back Al Qaeda!

Thursday afternoon, Iran’s most powerful gun, the Al Qods Brigades chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani, arrived in Baghdad to take over the push against ISIS, in the same way as he has managed Bashar Assad’s war in Syria, and pull together the demoralized and scattered Iraqi army.

Those steps by Washington and Tehran pave the way for the US and Iran to cooperate for the first time in a joint military endeavor.

Since ISIS forces, albeit boosted by tens of thousands of armed Sunnis flocking to the black flag, are not capable of capturing Baghdad and have halted outside the city, President Obama and Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have won a small space for deciding how to proceed.
Khamenei must determine whether Gen. Soleimani with the help of American weaponry can stop al Qaeda, save Maliki from collapse and prevent the fall of Baghdad, and whether it is worth sending an Iranian army division over to Iraq, our intelligence sources reported earlier Thursday. They have since entered Iraq and are fighting ISIS forces.

These moves by Tehran will determined how Washington acts in the coming hours.

Does any westerner believe this confab will turn out well, let alone for American and Israeli objectives?

For if the POTUS’s “red lines” via Syria and Iran are any indication of his ill intent, what makes anyone think that Al Qaeda’s arc in Iraq – previously aiding their ascension in Syria through Benghazigate – will elicit another result?

Bulls eye.