WARNING TO US PATRIOTS: PA Governor Fast-Tracking ISLAMIC COMPOUND In Shenango Township! The End-Runs. National Danger Too. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WHEN it comes to the arena of Islamic infiltration and penetration, what burrows within one state infects and affects the entire nation. A cascading reverberation. Fact-based. Resultant, the dangers couldn’t be more acute. By the way, ignorance is not an excuse, especially, when warnings and alarm bells are blaring at the highest decibel!

INCONTESTABLY, its knock-on effects catapult from one coast to the other, and to all the states in between – whether on a slow-boil or full-steam ahead. And, Exhibit Number One is none other than 9/11/01, in so far that the plot was hatched throughout the nation.

IN fact, al-Qaeda’s Islamic jihadis (with assists from related hydras) hunkered down within various safe-houses in California, inside mid-states along the way, and were given material and secondary support by networks spread throughout the east coast. Key cells were burrowed in Paterson and Jersey City, NJ, and with many scattered throughout NYC – with Brooklyn and Queens in the forefront. Ominously, almost 16 years after the largest terror attack in U.S. history, Islam’s jihadis are more ensconced than ever! 

THAT being established, let there be no argument: what happens at point A will, sooner than later, become a cancer within all points in between. Indeed, patriots have NO choice but to step up to the challenge of our time. At hand.

AS reported, readers are aware that HIRA (a shadowy – emphasis placed – Islamic entity) is Allah-bent on “setting up shop” inside an almost 150 acre fortified compound in the midst of Shenango Township, Pennsylvania. By the way, when clicking on the above link, ignore the smiling pics of all-American looking kiddies. A smokescreen.

BUT do pay heed to this site’s (June 18, 2017) initial analysis. Its core dangers were laid out as follows:

A highly shadowy Islamic group (fronted by HIRA Educational Services, aka HESNA, via Asif Kunwar, founder and president, and Abdul Basit, vice-president, of which NOTHING is known about their professional bonafides, nor their associations thereof) is in the process of buying a property which is almost 150 acres, one which – up until Feb. 2013 – housed the Youth Development Center, aka YDC. As of this writing, their bid met the state’s deadline, and it was handed over for final approval. Yes, it is state-owned. Even so, where’s the meat and beef?

ASIDE from the alarming red flags pointed out here, here, here and elsewhere, patriots (wherever they reside in America) must promptly inquire: why would an Islamic so-called educational consulting company (never mind the smiling pics of all-American kiddies at their rabbit-hole site), one which is, no less, shrouded in secrecy, require a facility which resembles a “fortified compound?” Ominously, the property has underground tunnels, jails, 13 buildings, etc., all of which are enclosed within barbed wire fencing!!

CURIOUS and curiouser….

ADDING fuel to the jihadi fire, what should one conclude from HIRA’s association with – and dependence upon – the Federal Erate program, in so far that the potential for fraud (in this case, read: jihadi money laundering) presents a clear and present danger? Know that Erate has a rampant history of fraud. Moreover, trust, this whistle-blowing connector can properly assess what is what. Take it to the bank….heart….

CONCLUSIVELY, since YDC is rural-like – coupled with the above alarm bells – doesn’t it mirror the set-ups of a growing laundry list of Islamic jihadi compounds spread out all over America? If not, why not? continue reading….

MORE specifically, HIRA is linked to ZAYTUNA Islamic College (and other similar “concerns”), and this is no small jihadi matter! It is not for nothing. Along this trajectory, one has to follow the trail to connect the dots. The twists and turns. They are laid out thusly:

  • Firstly, HIRA, as an Islamic “educational” consulting service, must fill out form USAC 471 for “Schools and Libraries Universal Service Description of Services Ordered and Certification.” Essentially, it is a highly valued reimbursement form for educational entities. Mind you, all manner of fraudulent information can be written, and with none the wiser. This is particularly the case when it comes to the “hands-off” approach concerning Islamic entities. Not only that, HIRA’s form is full of jihadi connected fronts which are “hiding in plain sight.” Besides, Islamists understand that uninformed bureaucrats have no idea what any of these “exotic” named so-called educational entities represent. Herein lies the danger.
  • Secondly, there are 10 names listed within HIRA’s form under the category of “Name of Eligible Entity” at line-item Box 1. As part of due diligence, this investigative journalist (whose expertise lies in Islamic jihad in general and the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia in specific) internalizes that digging beneath the surface, aka the dirt, is imperative. It is with this in mind that TARBIYAH INC the 2nd name listed under eligible entities – must be examined. Very closely. In the interest of time and space, it is used as “Exhibit Number One”, and for a very compelling reason; to deny HIRA a foothold in Shenango Township, or within any place in America!
  • Thirdly, in a nutshell, see the “About” tab at TARBIYAH. To wit, ZAYTUNA Islamic College is proudly displayed. OMG! But for those who aren’t duly familiar with ZAYTUNA – along with its jihadi collaborators and apologists for the 9/11/01 terrorists – trust, the linkage between HIRA + TARBIYAH + ZAYTUNA is NOT good news. Nor is it coincidental or incidental. For all intents and purposes, it is a terror-aligned “college” incubator, and that’s putting it mildly. Read its dangerous basis here….

AGAIN, aside from all else, HIRA is “advising” TARBIYAH INC. (among others that are similarly aligned), and TARBIYAH is inextricably associated with a jacked-up jihadi Islamic college in California, ZAYTUNA! If  1 + 1 still equals two….

CONSEQUENTIALLY, they are less than three degrees separated, never mind six degrees of separation. As always, this is the case with Islamic front groups – one overlaps the other. Hence, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is coined: an Islamic hydra!

AND, skate past TARBIYAH’s high-profile Islamic supporters, some of whom are docs. After all, the terror fiend behind Osama Bin Laden was Dr. Zawahiri! In other words, don’t be fooled by the all-star professional (Islamic) line-up of supporters for TARBIYAH. For, in reality, many within Islam’s top-tier are financially flush and professionals alike.

ALAS, the following news should set patriots in America on edge, even those who are nowhere within proximity of Shenango Township and its incipient danger.


Over Objection, Sale Of Shenango Property Moving Forward

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NOW, to make matters worse – if even possible – and more inexplicable, PA Governor Tom Wolf is tone-deaf to the increasingly vociferous pleas of the community. His cognitive dissonance is, seemingly, unfathomable. It extends to his resistance against questions from a growing list of State Legislators, Shenango Township Council members, and community activists alike – beseeching answers to some VERY legitimate concerns, to say the least! Inherently, since the fortified compound is state-owned, suffice to suggest that he can do “this and that” without paying them no mind, come what may, until his term is up in November 2018.

TELLINGLY, a few urgent queries must be asked, but in no order of import.

  • Is Tom Wolf shepherding HIRA through the process due to a possible “pay for play” arrangement, one which is not unheard of in politics, and which is more than operative in PA? Inquiring minds want to know. PA citizens have a right to know.

“Recent studies consistently put Pennsylvania in the Top 10 of most corrupt states with the likes of Illinois, New York and Mississippi. A report last year said corruption in the 10 sleaziest states costs each citizen about $1,300 a year.

In Pennsylvania, we tut-tut about it, maybe make a gallows-humor joke, then go back to the sports page. It’s expected. It’s understood.”

  • ON the other hand, could it be that he is petrified of being labeled an “Islamophobe” – a made up out of whole cloth so-called phobia? And, let’s be honest, it was a brilliantly designed tactical bludgeon to silence and intimidate non-Muslims. For the record, it was conceived by the International Institute for Islamic Thought. Along the same track of PC-induced hysteria, perhaps, he is scared of being tarred a racist, never mind that Muslims aren’t a race!

OH my, not one to forget a most intrinsic dot, dear (patriotic) reader, another proposal is yours for consideration:

  • WHAT are the chances that the “elephant in the room” is all about “refugee” resettlement, not of the Christian (or another minority fleeing Islamic persecution) persuasion, but extended to followers of Islam? Think about it.

AS other states close their borders, Governor Wolf is all in. Hmm. In this regard, is it possible that HIRA – along with tight-lipped Wolf – is fronting for eventual construction of a mega mosque, one which will be in place for scores of Islamic “refugees”, many of whom will also live within its fortified compound? Voilà, another “Refugee” Resettlement Center is born!

CONSIDER: once HIRA owns the land, the Governor and his AG will legally be able to utilize the federal Religious Land Use Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2000cc) to sue Shenango Township into acceptance. A fait accompli.

MORE specifically, Shenango’s current zoning laws would prohibit a “refugee” resettlement camp! Talk about a (federal-based) end-run, courtesy of the guv and HIRA Islamists. 

BUT know this: once HIRA’s foothold (akin to countless jihadi compounds across America) and footprints embed within Shenango Township, let’s be very clear: it will take decades, if even then, to “evict” them from their fortified compound. This will be the case, regardless of any rat-a-tat activities beneath the property’s maze-like tunnel system, aside from whatever “activities” transpire above ground! Coupled with close to 150 acres of barbed-wire fencing – to keep out “infiltrators” and prying eyes, etc. – well, nothing will be off-limits. You got that??

URGENTLY, ask yourselves: why would any educational consulting service require such vast acreage, never mind the fact that HIRA has 1 employee operating out of an apartment in New Jersey, and with an income showing under $ 50,000? Rhetorical. Finally, is it easier to eradicate cancerous cells before they metastasize or afterwards? 

SAME thing.

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BY extrapolation, could it be that those fronting for the $ 400,000 property have other “uses” for it, none of which are even remotely on the up and up? 

Just asking….

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{POSTSCRIPT} A “BOLO” (from this investigative journalist/counter-jihadist to the patriotic community at large) is being issued for Harish Kumar Tony, and his page can be found at –  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013941556095&lst=100007093774998%3A100013941556095%3A1498500034….he is the clean-shaven dude, sporting a white headband, and standing next to an associate. This “person of interest” is, one way or another, the “eyes and ears” of HIRA’s Founder and President, Asif Kunwar.

{UPDATE TOO} You know you are on the right track when CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, picks snippets out of a township meeting to label everyone fighting back against HIRA’s Islamic infiltration and penetration part of a “hate group!” Yes, this IS their modus operandi.

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DHS’s Kelly Parrots “Islam IS Peace” Falsehood: Mirrors HUSSEIN’s Lying Mantra. What’s Going On? What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WITH all the jibber-jabber surrounding “swamp draining”, one can be forgiven for wanting to scream bloody murder – again and again. Maddening.

INDEED, “The Donald”, the ultimate “take no prisoners” persona who is larger than life, promised to rid the main toxins within the swamp – still yet, many remain. Agreed, while there are countless (true, Rome wasn’t built in a day either), none is more urgent than dispelling the lie: “Islam IS Peace!” After all, western civilization hangs in the balance. Indubitably.

UGH! If still in doubt, just peer across to “the other side of the pond”, and see if you like what lies in wait: a nation overrun with Islam’s barbaric jihadis, and with citizens frozen in fear! Yes, the combined poisonous fruits of a disarmed populace, coupled with fascist-left leaders tied to the Euro-Arab axis. Tethered. Bowed.

INCONTESTABLY, even while countless patriots across America are “armed to the teeth” – thank G-d for small favors – know that local forces within leftist bastions will be ordered to “stand down” and operate with their “hands-in-their pockets.” On the other hand, within red-aligned localities, by the time they arrive on the scene, for the most part, they are there to perform “mop-up.” The point being, countless innocents will be left to their own devices.

INTERNALIZE: officialdom, housed under the DHS/FED umbrella, will never have your backs, although they opine otherwise: yes, trust us! As evidenced, top security heads are clearly cowed. And, despite that rank and file agents would prefer to come to the rescue, they take their orders from the top, many of whom are politically tainted. It is what it is. Lesson learned: be prepared!!

BACK to the “Islam IS Peace” lie and its knock-on effects.

IN order to save America (and the entire west), it is this bold-faced, fallacious, noxious, shameless, unabashed….and so on and so forth….lie which must be eviscerated. Concomitantly, it is this twisted distortion of the truth which poses the gravest threat, bar none. To said end, if US leaders won’t tell the unvarnished truth and lead the charge, who will? If not now, when?

RESULTANT, let’s recap.

BY shining a spotlight onto where Trump & Co. fall woefully short – through inexplicable security appointments, a top-tier national imperative – the unfathomable actions of DHS Chief John Kelly veer into focus and sharp relief. 

ALL of which circles back to the beyond detrimental damage which will accrue, that is, if a volte-face isn’t forthwith under the stewardship of DHS’s John Kelly – for heaven’s sake, he is a Marine Corps General who should know better! Mind you, this is no sissy-pants, metrosexual dilettante who wouldn’t know how to shoot straight, even if his life depended on it.

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BUT before we get to the crux of his failure to ‘fess up, seemingly, his cognitive dissonance, it is intrinsic to hark back to his own very words, that which appear to recognize what’s what, but stop short of naming the underlying “enemy.” Bucko, it’s Islam! 

In a 2014 speech regarding the War on Terror, Kelly said:

“If you think this war against our way of life is over because some of the self-appointed opinion-makers and chattering class grow ‘war weary,’ because they want to be out of Iraq or Afghanistan, you are mistaken. This enemy is dedicated to our destruction. He will fight us for generations, and the conflict will move through various phases as it has since 9/11.”

INDEED, it is certainly the case that in 2014 – while still an officer in the military – even tough guys cannot state things which are less than “polite”, so to speak. To wit, he tap-danced around the “who” part, failing to identify the enemy. It is as if this amorphous enemy become bogeymen, ghost-like, they swath across the globe under the “holy” banner of Allah! Bloodying. Even so, that was then, this is now. 

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SO, now that he is the chief at Trump’s DHS, the capo di tutt’i of the umbrella of all US security agencies, why is he comporting himself as if part of HUSSEIN’s DHS regime, you know, the one which collaborated with the Islamic enemy within??

The rhetoric of Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly suggests the government’s fundamental assumptions about the threat haven’t changed.

Kelly told the House Homeland Security Committee Thursday that the perpetrators of attacks during the Islamic month of Ramadan have “corrupted” Islam, and he suggested Christian and Jewish beliefs are also causing terrorism, Breitbart reported.

“As far as Ramadan goes, you know, first of all, the uptick in violence and activities is done by a very, very small percentage of people who have just corrupted the whole concept of Islam as a religion; but it is what it is,” Kelly told the chairman of the committee, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas.

On his Jihad Watch website, Robert Spencer summarized the DHS chief’s response: “More denial and willful ignorance from the administration that promised to drain the swamp.”

Kelly indicated attention needs to be focused on the Internet, urging businesses to block access to “some” websites.

“The one constant that I have seen, Mr. Chairman, since I have been in this job, the one constant in all of this has been the Internet. … The one constant is the Internet. I’m not blaming the Internet but I’m just saying that we probably need to step back, and say, maybe [have] stricter rules on what is hung on the Internet,” he said.

Similarly, President Trump’s national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, told his staff in February that Muslims who commit terrorist acts are “perverting their religion,” the New York Times reported, citing people at the meeting.

McMaster said the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic.”

The Times quote William McCants, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, saying there is “a deep hunger for McMaster’s view in the interagency,” referring to the process by which the State Department, Pentagon and other agencies funnel recommendations through the National Security Council.

In his speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, last month to Muslim political leaders, President Trump appeared to distance himself from campaign rhetoric that suggested Islam itself is the problem.

“This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations. This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people of all religions who seek to protect it,” the president said…..continue reading….

REPORTEDLY, even though DHS is taking baby steps toward denying certain funding to KNOWN Islamic terror fronts – huh and duh – the fact remains that the most important step, identifying the enemy, hasn’t been taken. Therein lies the main crux and danger!

MOST significantly, it must be understood that verbiage more than matters, in so far that it signals what’s what, who’s who, and the whys and wherefores. Effectively, if, on the one hand, one is fighting a “war on terror”, yet, at the same time, refuses to name the enemy, how can the public know what’s what, as well as who’s who? By extrapolation, how is it possible to internalize the whys and wherefores, that is, as to the underlying basis of the aforementioned “war on terror”, if the enemy’s underpinning(s) remain a “mystery?” Moreover, by continuing to recycle the shapeless term “war on terror”, as if providentially derived from Moses on Mount Sinai, to whose advantage is it? Just take one guess….

NOW, if the above sounds confusing and akin to chasing a rabbit down a hole, well, it is! 

SUCH is the so-called strategy utilized by “team Trump”, when picking the administration’s top-drawer security heads. In other words, when the highest weight is calculated by their curriculum vitae, cognitive dissonance is not far behind. But, even so, as is said, the buck stops at the main door – and this one belongs to Trump, the Commander-in-Chief. 

SIMPLY put, if President Trump is convinced that it is in America’s best interest to separate political/religious Islam from terror attacks waged under the banner of pagan diety Allah, even as Muhammadans scream “Allahu Akbar” – “Allah is [the] greatest” – G-d help us all! 

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MINNESOTASTAN Strikes Again: Free Speech Targeted Under Guise of “Islamophobia” & “Hate Speech”; CAIR’s App too. Wherein Lies The Danger? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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FOR decades on end, the fascist left has continuously rampaged, and with no let- up in sight. As it happens, ever since the election of President Trump, their poisonous roots and claws have reached a feverish point. A crescendo.

AND, as always, wherever their destructive swathe lands, Islamists are not far behind. In collaboration. Lurking. Still, if one example (out of countless) is most glaring (via their symbiotic relationship ala the mostly misunderstood red-green alliance), look no further than to Linda Sarsour; a Muslim Brotherhood operative, a Muslima, who happens to be the “darling” of the radical left! Phew, this proponent of Sharia Law cloaks herself under feminist garb, even though she approves female genital mutilation, aka FGM! Mind you, at the same time, taqiyya-like, she recognizes that FGM is viewed with horror in the non-Muslim community, therefore, she claims it is not sanctioned by Islam and that is that. Ipso facto, she is against it. You got that? Dissimulation, at its base.

“Abu al- Malih ibn Usama’s father relates that the Prophet said: ‘Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women.’” — Ahmad Ibn Hanbal 5:75

“Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: ‘Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.’” — Abu Dawud 41:5251


NOW that that is settled, the very same fascists (leftists and Islamists….joined-at the-hip revolutionaries) scored another major “victory” for their anti-freedom agenda. Concomitantly, they struck a deadly blow to free speech, that which is liberty’s cornerstone.

STILL yet, before proceeding onto the following putsch, make sure to ignore the jibber-jabber and sop given to the Jewish community, as to the so-called protection Minnesotastan’s “hotline for hate speech” will extend to them. A mere smokescreen. Nonsense. Hogwash, too.

EGREGIOUSLY, in PC obsessed America (the west at large), reality is flipped upside down. Whereas the Jewish community – a continuously besieged minority – has the highest spike in hate crime acts overall, paradoxically, they are the direct result of increased incitement by Islamists and their leftist cohorts. Imagine that. Talk about knock-on effects. Effectively, the arsonists are now claiming to be the firefighters! And, in case the reader is wondering, it is not the “alt-right” which is causing the dangerous uptick. Duh.

BUT never mind….

ENTER – Minnesotastan, ala the hijacking of free speech under the guise of “hate speech!”

The city of Minneapolis has set up a hotline for residents to report suspected hate crimes, including “speech and actions,” according to statements on the city’s website.

The city, which will operate the “service” through its 3-1-1 helpline, is targeting any “harassing behaviors motivated by prejudice,” according to a press release. Those wishing to report a hate crime from outside the city may dial 612-673-3000.

According to the local newspaper, the Star-Tribune, “the announcement comes amid signs of a recent surge of such incidents affecting Muslims and Jews across the country, many of which go unreported.”

The city’s Department of Civil Rights clearly states on its website that it only enforces hate crimes against certain “protected classes.”

A city official further indicated the impetus for the hate-crimes hotline was the election of President Trump and that the targets would be his supporters.

“Since the general election, many of us have experienced, witnessed firsthand or heard of actions of: racism, xenophobia, sexism and bigotry directed at people here and in cities across the United States,” Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights Director Velma Korbel wrote in a statement posted on the city’s website. “In no uncertain terms, hate-motivated speech and actions have no place in Minneapolis nor will they be tolerated.”

Korbel said the city’s tough stance on “hate” is reflected in the views of its mayor, Betsy Hodges. Korbel states on the city website:

This department echoes Minneapolis mayor, Betsy Hodges’ resolve and commitment when she stated: “I will not compromise the public safety of the people of Minneapolis to satisfy Trump’s desire to put politics before public safety. Minneapolis is being built and strengthened by people from all over the world and I am grateful for their commitment to our city. I stand with them today and will continue to take that stand as the President-elect prepares to take office.”

Continue reading about this VERY dangerous Islamist-leftist thrust into America here.


NOT only that, as always, CAIR, you know, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda front-arm in America, Hamas’s apparatchiks, are in the mix. As such, before their part is revealed, know that they are aware of their front-tier terror status at this site – top Islamic dogs – as well as at this investigative journalist’s book (co-authored with Joe Newby), “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.”

IN this regard, do bear this tidbit in mind: it has been passed onto these hands that a deliberate decision has been made by (some of) CAIR’s mouthpieces to keep their heads down in this direction. One may rightfully inquire: how is this known, and why would it be the case? Hmm.

MOVING right along to what is a matter of open record: Dave Gaubatz, the premiere counter-terror and counter-intelligence professional who outed CAIR – via his explosive investigative book, “Muslim Mafia: Inside The Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring To Islamize America” – wrote the FOREWORD for BANNED. Curious and curiouser.

(WASHINGTON, DC, 6/23/2017) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today launched a new civil rights app, called “Making Democracy Work for Everyone,” which gives users the ability to immediately report bias incidents they experience — an important feature during a period of increased hate incidents targeting American Muslims and other minority groups.

The free CAIR app offers advice about an individual’s constitutional rights when contacted by law enforcement or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and when facing discrimination in the workplace or at school. It also offers contact information for CAIR’s national headquarters in Washington, D.C., and for chapters nationwide.

Other features include a donation function, a feed of news articles and alerts of relevance to the American Muslim community and polls on social and political issues of the day.

For a quick download of the app, click here: http://www.cair.com/app

“We urge all American Muslims and their supporters to download CAIR’s app and to take advantage of its much-needed features, particularly the function allowing reporting of bias incidents,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

He said CAIR has noted an unprecedented spike in hate incidents targeting Muslims and other minority groups since the November 8 election.

The Washington-based Muslim civil rights organization recently released a report showing a 57 percent increase in anti-Muslim incidents in 2016 over the previous year. This spike in anti-Muslim incidents was accompanied by a 44 percent increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes during the same period.

WELL, let’s face facts: is it shocking to find out that their so-called stats are big, fat propaganda lies too?

YES, “faked hate!

EVEN so, the aforementioned out-sized dangers become much more compelling, that is, when certain background info is uncovered and internalized. Therefore, Minnesotasan’s Islamist blood-soaked backdrop must become front and center – now that Americans are having their “speech and actions” monitored for “hate.” Heaven forfend, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists (wherever they reside) become offended! Oh, have no fear, this site will make sure not to speak ill of their madman “prophet”, Muhammad! Promise….getting right on self-monitoring “hateful speech.”

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  • Back to the business at hand. Patriots, do you know that jihadis are hiding in plain sight, so much so that Somalis (and like-minded Islamists, many of whom are burrowed within Minnesotastan’s Muslim communities) are now atop the FBI’s Most Wanted (Terror) List?? Indeed, take a peek. But prepare yourselves to be afraid – VERY afraid. Afterwards, formulate plans to fight back!
  • In light of the above horror show, is it any wonder that Minnesotastan has told non-Muslims (in July 2016) to go to hell, as Bloomington’s City Council bowed down to Islam? Yup, they did.
  • So, if anything, this jacked-up jihadi state (among a growing list of others, all across the heretofore leading nation of the free world) must be viewed as a foreshadowing, if Islam’s barbarians aren’t stopped – forthwith.

CONCLUSIVELY, as per the end-game – due to all of the above, and so much more – have no doubt that an actual civil war is in a “stepped up” stage. Incontestably, the battle-lines have been drawn.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, on one side of the upcoming civil war stand conservative free-thinkers – those who uphold personal liberty as sine quâ non. Inviolate. Arrayed in opposition are others who seek totalitarian control through a hydra-like mix of socialism, Marxism, and communism. Indubitably, aligned with the aforementioned totalitarian forces are Islamists – whose ideology, yes, is cloaked under a religious veneer which is more political than anything else. This is hardly an insignificant factor.   

WHICH brings us full circle to the shutting down of free speech in Minnesotastan – the merging of fascist-leftists and Islamists. To wit, is there even a scintilla of a doubt that whither free speech goes, so too does every other freedom? If so, it is not the question of whether or not a civil war is in the offing, but how bloody it will become, that is, once one side prevails over the other, and all is said and done.

INESTIMABLY, in lockstep with the DNC’s foot soldiers, know that Islam’s fifth columnists will be part and parcel of “Resistance Summer”, one which the “deep state” will ensure is full of blood, even as they opine otherwise. 

TELLINGLY, it is within the “deep state” that many factions plot, some independently and others interdependently. But, one way or another, they are aligned with HUSSEIN’s fascist-left comrades via OFA, Organizing For America; an alliance of community organizing groups designed for frontal agitation and complete mayhem.

MOST significantly, openly positioned to assist the very same radical revolutionary agenda is Minnesotastan’s Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison; a mobbed up Muslim Brotherhood Mafia water-carrier! Fifth columnist. Double dare anyone to counter otherwise.

INHERENTLY, in light of this truthful non-PC disinfectant, is it a coincidence that Minneapolis – a city which is overrun by Somali terrorists and other Islamists – just happens to be Ellison’s Congressional turf, and the first U.S. city to install a Sharia hotline for “hate speech” snitches??

DO pigs fly?

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The “Second Time Around”: Navigating Familial (Emotional) Minefields Will Benefit All. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WHILE this site specializes in Islam in general and jihad in particular, the fact is that other topics deserve to be placed front and center  – at least every once in a while! This is one of those times.

MOST recently, a “special someone” shared a link from a site with its own emphasis – family relationships and various intersecting topics. This back and forth sharing (and caring) is ongoing. Besides, no matter how experienced or smart one is, there should always be room to learn and grow. Ain’t that the truth!

NOW, the aforementioned site is not one which would usually gain our attention, but therein lies its import. In other words, the very fact that the insights gleaned from “The New Couple” are universal in nature accounts for their resonance. Thus, passing it on makes it that much more compelling.

BUT before it’s presented (to a constantly growing readership, thanks so much for that), a few opening comments are important to append. Of special note.

YES, as is said, “it’s complicated.”

UNDER the best of circumstances, one’s immediate (emphasis placed) family has a dynamic all of its own, often swinging within the pendulum. In this regard, to shed some light on what countless parents face the “second time around”, some universal (familial) “food for thought” may be a helpful recipe, so to speak. Hope so. 

TO this end, although remarriage is the focus of “The New Couple”, the very same adult children may – or may not – face the following emotions when their widowed parent (mother or father) starts to date, is in a committed relationship, or is on the verge of remarrying. At the same time, said parent needs to know when it is – or not – the emotionally  appropriate time to “introduce” one to the other, especially when remarriage may not be in the offing. Effectively, one size does not fit all. It just depends.

EVEN so, as is known, emotions, by their very nature, do not follow a logical path. Therefore, differentiating between one level of commitment or another is hardly a factor, when entering the adult child’s specific emotional minefield.


“The New Couple”

“When Daniel’s 35 year-old son told him that he “just wanted him to be happy” the widower assumed his son was giving him permission to remarry. He wasn’t. What the son meant was, “I would hope that mom’s memory will keep you happy enough.” Daniel assumed he had his son’s blessing and got married. His son’s withdrawal from contact alerted him to the problem at hand.

As an older parent and stepparent you must realize that adult children/stepchildren—despite their age—frequently feel:

FEARFUL of being abandoned or isolated from their only remaining parent. Unfortunately, they have already tasted grief in a very real way; your marriage may renew or intensify this sadness.

LOYAL to their original family. Maintaining a strong family identity is important for adult children. Accepting a stepparent means the established family ties and special family holidays and celebrations must stretch to make room for newcomers. This isn’t easy and frankly it hurts. Please don’t take this personally—it’s not really about you. It’s about home no longer feeling like home.

DISLOYAL toward the divorced or deceased parent and guilty about letting the stepparent in.

JEALOUS and replaced by their parent’s new partner. They may have been the “apple of their parent’s eye” but now the stepparent holds the key to the parent’s heart (and time and energy).

CONCERNED about the family finances. Money issues are common and must be addressed. Adult children/stepchildren have a right to know how their family inheritance is going to be managed (this is not “greed”) and you should be proactive in addressing these matters with the children so their fears can be put to rest.

RESENTFUL that their children, the grandchildren, may not receive as much time and energy from their parent as anticipated. Especially when one parent has died adult children may invest heavily in wanting their children to spend time with the grandparent. Your marriage threatens this and creates another loss for everyone.

As a new couple you must apply patience and understanding to these strong emotions. Do not be offended by them. When confronted with difficult responses from adult children, assume a humble position and listen to their fears and concerns. Accept them where they are and try to be responsive to their needs for information (especially about financial matters), emotional contact, and time as they adjust to yet another family transition they didn’t seek out.

Adult Children/Stepchildren

It is very important that you begin by acknowledging your own strong emotions about your parent’s remarriage. The feelings mentioned above are very common; if you don’t take ownership and responsibility of them, they may lead you into withdrawal, criticism, or hurtful behavior.

Without question, a parent’s remarriage ripples through the generations of your family. It may take a great deal of time for you to open your heart to a stepparent and their extended family. Don’t feel compelled to feel love for them, but strive to act in loving ways. Resist the urge to withdraw in anger or judgment. And finally, be sure to acknowledge that your parent has legitimate needs and desires that include pursuing a dating or marriage partner. Doing so does not diminish the important of your other parent, your family history, or their relationship with you.


HERE’s hoping that the above serves to clarify some parent/adult children minefields – re a mostly “elephant-in-the-room” life-topic!

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Allah’s Soldiers & Worldwide Terror: “Cradle To Grave.” What IS The Common Denominator? Hint: ISIS (et. al.) IS Islamic! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FOR the most part, those of us who are well versed – properly schooled, if you will – in the ins and outs of Islam and its inextricable attachment to blood understand why, tragically, countless non-Muslims are totally confused about Islam’s central and non-negotiable murderous dictates. Imperatives.

EFFECTIVELY, befuddlement prevails in the west, akin to “deer in headlights” syndrome. More specifically, the following “gems” add to the mental distortion, and they are courtesy of HUSSEIN Obama and his kindred spirits. Twisted.

1. “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”

2. “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

3. “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

4. “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

5. “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

6. “Islam has always been part of America”

7. “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”

8. “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

9. “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

10. “I made it clear that America is not – and will never be – at war with Islam.”

11. “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

12. “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

13. “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

14. “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

15. “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

16. “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”

17. “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”

18. “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”

19. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

20. “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

OMINOUSLY, demonstrably, this inability “to see from there to here” creates for western leaders (both elected and non-elected) what amounts to “doubling-down” as a “tactical strategy.” Boxed-in. Locked-in. As such, it must be recognized how a preponderance of their (mis)schooling (in this particular arena) went so awry, that which will assist westerners in deconstructing their Arab/Muslim apologias. Invariably, this leads the reader to the tutelage of the late (non-lamented) prof Edward Said – may he burn in pagan moon-god Allah’s hell-hole!

IT is to this intended (mis)education process that those who should know better (mis)learned their lessons. To wit, they are incapable of handling the gravest threat to the west since World War 2 – Islamic-based terrorism! Just think of it this way: should anyone expect a person who is blindfolded to be able to save themselves, pointedly, never mind others, while walking down a gangplank into shark-infested waters? Hardly.

EVEN so, before readers can internalize how the west – with America, as its titular leader – got from there to here, know that the aforementioned non-lamented prof (a so-called “Palestinian”) bears out-sized blame for educational malfeasance. Wait and see. Of course, scores of others were (still are) in league. 

IN tandem, it is along this site’s continuum of truth-telling that the leadership and self-appointed elite must also be subdivided into the following two categories: those who will always be ideologically predispositioned to viewing Islam as a “holy” religion, regardless of this and that heinous act of Allahu Akbar terror; juxtaposed against others who delve into this (more than thorny) subject matter without preconceived biases, genuinely, seeking to understand the maze-like labyrinth of the Arab/Muslim supranational collective, aka ummah.

IT is under this dangerous umbrella that the “unholy” prof reigned supreme, perched aloft at New York City’s Columbia U, a well-known leftist-driven and Arabist-embracing fiefdom! Yes, yours truly knows this Morningside Heights terrain all too intimately.

Columbia University’s English Department may seem a surprising place from which to move the world, but this is what Professor Edward Said accomplished. He not only transformed the West’s perception of the Israel-Arab conflict, he also led the way toward a new, post-socialist life for leftism in which the proletariat was replaced by “people of color” as the redeemers of humankind. During the ten years that have passed since his death there have been no signs that his extraordinary influence is diminishing.

According to a 2005 search on the utility “Syllabus finder,” Said’s books were assigned as reading in eight hundred and sixty-eight courses in American colleges and universities (counting only courses whose syllabi were available online). These ranged across literary criticism, politics, anthropology, Middle East studies, and other disciplines including postcolonial studies, a field widely credited with having grown out of Said’s work. More than forty books have been published about him, including even a few critical ones, but mostly adulatory, such as The Cambridge Introduction to Edward Said, published seven years after his death of leukemia in 2003. Georgetown University, UCLA, and other schools offer courses about him. A 2001 review for the Guardian called him “arguably the most influential intellectual of our time.”

The book that made Edward Said famous was Orientalism, published in 1978 when he was forty-three. Said’s objective was to expose the worm at the core of Western civilization, namely, its inability to define itself except over and against an imagined “other.” That “other” was the Oriental, a figure “to be feared . . . or to be controlled.” Ergo, Said claimed that “every European, in what he could say about the Orient, was . . . a racist, an imperialist, and almost totally ethnocentric.” Elsewhere in the text he made clear that what was true for Europeans held equally for Americans.

This echoed a theme of 1960s radicalism that was forged in the movements against Jim Crow and against America’s war in Vietnam, namely that the Caucasian race was the scourge of humanity. Rather than shout this accusation from a soapbox, as others had done, Said delivered it in tones that awed readers with erudition. The names of abstruse contemporary theoreticians and obscure bygone academicians rolled off pages strewn with words that sent readers scurrying to their dictionaries. Never mind that some of these words could not be found in dictionaries (“paradeutic”) or that some were misused (“eschatological” where “scatological” was the intended meaning); never mind that some of the citations were pretentious (“the names of Levi-Strauss, Gramsci, and Michel Foucault drop with a dull thud,” commented historian J. H. Plumb, reviewing the book for the New York Times”)—never mind any of this, the important point that evoked frissons of pleasure and excitement was that here was a “person of color” delivering a withering condemnation of the white man and, so to speak, beating him at his own game of intellectual elegance….continue reading Said’s fabricated and bastardized historical narrative, that which has poisoned generations of students and many of their profs!

YES, know thy world history well. Indeed, this is a mandatory prerequisite – at least, it should be – in order to recognize when it is being flipped upside its head. Revisioned.

ALL of which brings us back to the scourge of Islam, despite the jive-talking “intellectuals” (mainly, but not exclusively, disciples of Said) via their back-benching cover of its bloody roots. Yes, the continuous and onerous shell game of “blame and shame”, that which is totally directed at westerners, albeit, in a professorial way!

IN this regard, let’s place our (western) cards on the table, and sans any sophisticated sophistry re the aforementioned scourge of Islam. Period.

IT is not for nothing that soldiers for Allah, from “cradle to grave”, are shedding infidel blood on a global scale. Still yet, to understand the roots of their behavior, a few Islamic cultural “norms” must be exposed, and that’s even before Koranic underpinnings are explored. Sickening: An ISIS militant stands over Shurgawi's bloodied corpse and holds the soldier's head aloft. Crowded around him young boys, some of whom gaze with interest at the body, while others pose for photographs

(Islamic militant stands over Shurgawi’s bloodied corpse and holds the soldier’s head aloft. Crowded around him young boys, some of whom gaze with interest at the body, while others pose for photographs)


  • How many understand the psycho-sexual components of Islamic doctrine, duly described by Dr. Nancy Kobrin, a psychoanalytic expert on Islamic suicide terrorism? If not, time is of the essence: “The Psychological Roots of Islamic Terrorism.”
  • And, even though one can fill book after book with the unfathomable (that is, by non-Islamic standards) ecstatic reactions (both male and female) exhibited by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists when infidels are slaughtered on behalf of Allah, there are enumerable “motherly” ones (read: non-anomalies) which stand out for obvious reasons.

  • Concomitantly, is it any wonder that Islam’s kiddies are ripe for terrorizing others, in so far that pricing sex with them is a cultural “norm”, again, even before Koranic underpinnings are understood? Phew.

RESULTANT, ISIS’s bloody swathe must be viewed through its underlying theological roots, and not for what non-Muslims wish it to be, that is, a “distortion” of Islam! Know that it IS the absolute literal interpretation of this “holy” religion. Inestimably, millions upon millions of Muslims adhere to said immutable doctrine. Simply, it is the return to a seventh-century lifestyle and legal dogma, in the expectation of ushering in the Islamic-driven apocalypse. Incontestably. In the interim, their main goal is the reestablishment of the Caliphate through the submission of one population after another, consequentially, conquering massive swathes of territory.

INDEED, for example, when Islamic State leaders exhort to their followers to “stone the enemy”, “poison their wells”, destroy “infidel crops”, etc., these are Koranic-based instructions based upon the “laws of jihad.” 

INSTRUCTIVELY, see: Crush Your Enemies!

IN reality, ISIS is as tied to Islamic doctrine as pigs are to their sh-t. Inextricably. Emphatically, when apologists opine that ISIS distorts the “peaceful” tenets of Islam, that it is “not Islamic”, it is comparable to what liars, fools, or knaves are wont to do – but on steroids!

AND anyone who still believes that making nice-nice with Allah’s Muslim Terrorists – be they so-called “refugees” or what not – will buy them respite from the terror, well, stop hallucinating. It ain’t gonna happen. Never and never!! Mind you, the type of behavior described within The Rebel video (linked above) is just a teeny tiny taste of what they have in store for their infidel western neighbors. Again, millions upon millions ascribe to the Koran’s literal interpretation. Understood?

Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliya (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by God in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And God warns you against Himself (His Punishment), and to God is the final return. Qur’an 3:28.

Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51

“He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” Quran 3:85

“Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good – except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.” Quran 3:28 ……

AS to frontal jihad, the laundry list is too voluminous, but the following Koranic instructions and obligations should round out the impending danger:

  • “But do not think of those that have been slain in God’s cause as dead. Nay, they are alive! With their Sustainer have they their sustenance. They are very happy with the reward they received from Allah (for dying as a shaheed) and they rejoice for the sake of those who have not joined them (i.e., have not yet died for Allah).” (Quran 3:169-70)
  • “Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure” (Quran 61:4).
  • “Allah has purchased the believers, their lives and their goods. For them (in return) is the Garden [of paradise]. They fight in Allah’s Cause, and they slay and are slain; they kill and are killed . . . it [paradise] is the promise of Allah to them.” (Quran 9:111)

YES, this IS Islam. Plain and simple.

ISIS have got a kid to execute the 'Israeli spy'

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Mohammedans, “Refugees”, Overtake America: Utica, N.Y., A Template; New Castle, PA Is Next Up. Patriots, Get Organized – Or Else! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THE notion of quoting any of Europe’s leaders for “words of wisdom” (other than heroic Geert Wilders) is a non-starter at this end. However, Czechoslovakia’s President Milos Zeman certainly qualifies as an exception, as does his counterpart, former Premier Vaclav Klaus.

ABOVE all else, both recognize non-PC truths, and are unafraid to unequivocally state them. No wishy-washy, finger-in-the-air declarations. They are willing to buck the herd of braying Europhiles – never mind their addled non-Euro western peers. Not only that, they internalize their premier role as leaders, that is, the protection of their citizens and the concomitant national interest. Now, what’s so hard to understand about that?? Plenty.

SIMILARLY, they expose the fallacious notion of “global citizenry” for what it is: a whole lot of dangerous hooey and phooey, coupled with all the intended consequences and blow-back! Clear as a bell.

It is time to start preparing the Czech republic at the exit from the European union, it is the only way to “keep and save our state”, said former president Václav Klaus. It bothers him procedure initiated by the European commission for mandatory quotas.

“Fundamentally and completely resolutely protest against the decision of EU to start with the Czech republic management because of the so-called disregard for the admission of migrants on the basis of the Brussels mandated quotas. We protest against the attempt to punish us and to force us to obedience,” said Klaus with the fact that the EU only shows what he has with the Czech republic intentions.

The Czech republic according to Klaus refuses to intention compulsorily dosidlovat the territory of the Czech republic foreigners. Klaus also doesn’t want to commit to the Czech republic happened a multicultural society according to him, the unruly communities…..

It’s the only way our state, which we inherited from our ancestors and which we have an obligation as a separate entity to pass on to future generations, to maintain and to save,” he added.

Zaorálek: Compulsory quotas are a Potemkin village

The head of Czech diplomacy, Lubomir Zaoralek (CSSD) on Tuesday strongly protested against the decision of the European commission to start with the Czech republic management because of the disregard of migration quotas….continue here….

IN a nutshell, the core difference and distinction between a nationalist vis-à-vis a globalist is expressed above.

THAT being established, this is where the (Euro) rubber meets the (American) road, so to speak. Effectively, if one concurs that importing Mohammedans from any point of origin – be it under the duplicitous cover of “refugees” or one visa program or another – is a net positive for America (and the west in toto) and reflects the democratic values of the country, well, the facts attest otherwise!

INESTIMABLY, the privilege (there is NO inherent right thereof) of becoming an American citizen (conversely, being able to keep it) requires a basic respect for the nation’s underlying values. Hence, newcomers must swear to an Oath of Allegiance. As such, integrating into the nation’s fabric is part and parcel. On the other hand, Mohammedans are not allowed to accept the law(s) of Dar al-Harb, as such, their values are as close to the national ethos as the moon is made of green cheese. That far. 

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WHICH brings the most urgent crisis within the nation full circle: despite any political grandstanding, what exactly can millions of patriots expect – once the dust is settled – after waves of Islamic so-called “refugees” embed into all corners of the nation? Know that this is not a theoretical question, but one of practical application.

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When I moved back home (Utica, N.Y.) one of the first things I noticed was that an old Methodist church was being converted into a bright shiny white new mosque. The local paper touted this as immense progress and featured a local woman who had attended the church as a child and was positively brimming with joy it was being turned into a mosque. If that is the general sentiment, then it’s odd that my county went for Trump, right? There are at least two mosques in the city now. They just built another.

Where do I start? Utica had always been “the city that loves refugees” but under Obama things accelerated. Muslim immigrants were suddenly in these local bureaucratic positions where they had power over you. This, in what is probably one of the most corrupt states in the union, where the power of the state is everything.

The social worker at my daughter’s school was a Muslim immigrant. I looked for her profile on the school website, I googled her, I could not find information on her background, resume, qualifications, or educational attainments.

When I began to homeschool my daughter the administrator to whom I had to submit paperwork was a Muslim immigrant. To homeschool in New York State you must submit detailed quarterly reports to an administrator at your local school district. I googled the administrator. He also worked at the local Board of Cooperative Educational Services, but I could not find any other information on his background, resume, qualifications, or educational attainments.

I was friends with the wife of the Orthodox priest at our church, and she told me that this administrator found some problems with her paperwork and challenged her. It turned out she was right about the issue, and he backed down. Comfy little situation, right?

Right before we moved I went to the ER. The nurse practitioner was a Muslim immigrant (Bosnia), and the doctor she worked under was a Muslim immigrant (Pakistan). I remember how during the visit I suddenly became very aware of the cross I always wear around my neck……

So let me just summarize: the social worker at the school is Muslim, the administrator who ok’s homeschooling is Muslim, the CPS worker is Muslim, the nurse practitioner at the ER is Muslim, the doctor at the ER is Muslim. These are positions of authority that wield a lot of power.

Are you starting to get the picture?

The spring before we moved Utica made national news because of a federal grant to the local community college (two million dollars) for a (Muslim immigrant) professor to teach teenage (Muslim) refugees how to build drones. The grant didn’t mention explicitly that the drones would be equipped with bombs or anything, so it was all aboveboard. This was going on like down the road from us. My husband assured me he could shoot any drone out of the sky, and I’m sure he could, but curiously enough that didn’t assuage my anxiety, but only exacerbated it. The last thing I needed was my husband getting arrested on federal charges for taking down a drone.

I looked up the Muslim immigrant professor on Linked In. It was an odd career trajectory. It looked like he had been a soccer coach a few years before. It wasn’t exactly clear to me how he had landed his present job where he was getting federal money to train Muslims to build drones, but, hey, that’s the Obama era for you.

In 2015, a 26-year-old Bosnian refugee in Utica was arrested for supporting ISIS. The local paper reported that in his spare time when he wasn’t supporting ISIS, he enjoyed mixed martial arts fighting at the local gym. Local law enforcement complained they hadn’t been informed of the investigation. You know and I know that if anything happens, local law enforcement are the first responders.

I went to a couple Trump rallies and meetings in Upstate NY before we moved. When I mentioned the arrest of this ISIS supporter to a local businessman at one of the meetings, he got a very serious look and said Utica was full of ISIS and the local police were really worried. The Trump meetings were emotional. The organizer picked a donut shop whose owner was friendly to the Trump platform so we could talk. Everyone went around the table and introduced themselves. Two of the women cried. New York State is not doing well.

Don’t believe the Start-Up NY commercials. Potemkin Village.…..

The Department of Social Services in my area is swamped because of the refugees. 25% of the city are refugees. Virtually all of the refugees are on welfare. And when they apply for welfare, they don’t do so as an independent entity, as I did. They go through their refugee resettlement agency who deals with the Department of Social Services for them. So basically Americans get the short shrift, and refugees get taken care of. And that’s America. This is why so many Democrats voted for Trump. Americans are getting squeezed out by non-Americans at multiple levels.

What else to tell you?

New York State sued our local school district for trying to separate teenage refugees from the rest of the students. I went to a CLE where I sat next to a lawyer for the school district, and she was freaking out over this lawsuit. She was like, The state is coming after us, and we don’t have any money. My county is a Democrat county, and Trump won my county. Issues like this are why. Americans can see that they are being forced to accommodate non-Americans to their own detriment and expense.

There is TB in Utica. I’m sure there is more than reported. Obama stopped screening foreigners for TB, which America has been doing since before the days of Ellis Island, and the refugees are from places where TB is endemic. Whenever I was in a hospital- when I gave birth or when I went to the ER- I would be very aware of my surroundings.

The local Walmart is full of headscarves and burkas. I cried when I went into my first Walmart in North Carolina and all I saw were Americans.

The nice lady who asked me to give a talk a couple months ago on my hometown asked me if there were any refugees who were an “asset to the community”. I replied that they do not consider themselves part of your community, so if they are going to be an asset to any community, it is not going to be yours.

I hope I’ve presented an idea of why I’m so opposed to refugee resettlement. I couldn’t write this blog post where I’m from. I’d be scared that someone would target my house. I’d be scared of the authorities. I had to wait to get to higher ground to speak more openly.

North Carolina is like Heaven. People are so much happier here. I thank God every day we got here. I consider it a “free zone”, and I want it to stay free.

ALAS, increasingly, more and more cities, small towns, as well as rural enclaves (as one traverses up and down the nation’s corridors, aside from the well-known takeover of “Dearbornistan” ) will mirror, model-like, Utica, N.Y., that is, if patriots don’t impose their will and take back their communities! It is as simple as that.

SPEAKING of which, there is an IMMEDIATE danger at bay, and this time it hails from New Castle, Pennsylvania, an area with a population of approx. 26,000. It is a microcosm of “small town” (rural) America. Yup.

SO, what’s the upshot? A highly shadowy Islamic group (fronted by HIRA Educational Services, aka HESNA, via Asif Kunwar, founder and president, and Abdul Basit, vice-president, of which NOTHING is known about their professional bonafides, nor their associations thereof) is in the process of buying a property which is almost 150 acres, one which – up until Feb. 2013 – housed the Youth Development Center, aka YDC. As of this writing, their bid met the state’s deadline, and it was handed over for final approval. Yes, it is state-owned. Even so, where’s the meat and beef?

ASIDE from the alarming red flags pointed out here, here, here and elsewhere, patriots (wherever they reside in America) must promptly inquire: why would an Islamic so-called educational consulting company (never mind the smiling pics of all-American kiddies at their rabbit-hole site), one which is, no less, shrouded in secrecy, require a facility which resembles a “fortified compound?” Ominously, the property has underground tunnels, jails, 13 buildings, etc., all of which are enclosed within barbed wire fencing!! 

CURIOUS and curiouser….

ADDING fuel to the jihadi fire, what should one conclude from HIRA’s association with – and dependence upon – the Federal Erate program, in so far that the potential for fraud (in this case, read: jihadi money laundering) presents a clear and present danger? Know that Erate has a rampant history of fraud. Moreover, trust, this whistle-blowing connector can properly assess what is what. Take it to the bank….heart….

CONCLUSIVELY, since YDC is rural-like – coupled with the above alarm bells – doesn’t it mirror the set-ups of a growing laundry list of Islamic jihadi compounds spread out all over America? If not, why not?

DESPITE all the aforementioned perils (in tandem with Trump’s initial outrage, as detailed below), how is it possible that additional dangerous Mohammedans are about to infest the nation? 

The Trump administration is reportedly preparing to implement the deal with Australia. Under the terms, the U.S. will accept hundreds of unwanted Muslims rejected for asylum by the Aussies in return for several thousand Central American refugees awaiting resettlement at a U.N. camp in Costa Rica.

The deal was negotiated last summer by Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry. And Trump famously tweeted that he was going to study the “dumb deal” before accepting it.

Now, Trump is reported to be moving forward with the deal.

There’s only one problem, say refugee watchdogs.

These really aren’t refugees at all. They are illegal aliens who tried to sneak into Australia, were interdicted at sea and taken to an off-shore detention center in Papua New Guinea. They migrated from some of the world’s worst jihadist strongholds – in Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Iran and Iraq.

The process of resettling these refugees, mostly men, is “well underway,” immigration analyst Nayla Rush reports for the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies.

RESULTANT, the choices are as clear as they are stark. Urgently, pick a door….


  • Stop the infiltration and penetration process – by any means necessary – before countless Mohammedans resettle and takeover. 


  • Alternatively, be prepared to fight the already settled-in stampede, and with all the attendant costs of blood and treasure.

AS always, mental prep is as intrinsic as physical readiness. Thus, if a shot of fortitude is needed, crank it up:

TRENCHANTLY, don’t forget to internalize the peril this way too: is it healthier to prevent the cancer before it metastasizes, or post-spread??

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America’s Death Dance With Islamic Devils: Blowback Via Political, Military, & Academic Ties. Qatari Nexus Exposed. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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REALISTICALLY speaking, dancing with one devil may be the necessary extraction of coinage for an outcome which benefits the greater good. Understood. Such is the case when law enforcement grants a reduced sentence to a “lesser” criminal, but only in order to reel in the bigger fish, so to speak. And while it is hardly judicious bargaining – most inherently, for victims directly affected by said deal-making – it pales in comparison to political leaders who dance with Islamic devils, each of whom are as dangerous as the other, and have an untold capacity for killing millions. 

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MAKING matters exponentially more catastrophic, US leaders (never mind all the rest throughout the west) have yet to imbibe the advice of the greatest military strategist (and philosopher) of all time – Sun Tzu. In fact, his words are as resonant today as they were centuries ago, circa 544 – 496 BC. 

SO much so, the above quote can be found on Page 10 of “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.” It was used as an attribution (one of 3) for this investigative journalist’s/counter-jihadist’s book. Intrinsically, it serves as a book-end to the 2 other attributions. They are:

Image result for pics of george orwell the further a society drifts 

BOTH of which lead to the overriding cited attribution:

Image result for pics of hillel the elder if not us, who? if not now, when?

THE point being, then (centuries ago), as now, Mohammedans are wrecking havoc across the globe, and with no end in sight. Ominously, western leaders have failed to learn their requisite lessons. The west’s landscape has gotten so dire, a trickle of academics – miracle of miracles – are beginning to take note. Better late than never.

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SO whether it’s deals made with Iran’s devils, the Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, or another Mohammedan regime, the fact remains that those who are steeped in Islam will turn on the west – be it directly, through proxy arms, or in the shorter, intermediate, or longer-term.  

IN this regard, Qatar enters the limelight, but not for the right (western) reason. In other words, in order to paint the Saudis (and other Sunni regimes, to one degree or another) in a more “reasonable” light after Trump’s much ballyhooed visit to the region, the emphasis was placed upon the multi-billion financial deals procured for US defense contractors and other businesses, never mind the fact that these top-flight weapons, will, sooner or later, be used against U.S. interests! But business is business, as crowed by the administration.

IN tandem, the boycott against Qatar (led by Saudi rulers, and with other Sunni powers in tow) catapulted onto center stage, an unprecedented Sunni alliance to smack down Qatar’s collusion with Iran. Yes, Sunni nations finally agreed that economic boycotts and blacklists can squeeze Qatar into a corner. This is well and good – for them. But it has nothing to do with a well-orchestrated (and purposefully designed) supposed symbiosis with America, as a step toward western values. Far from it. It is totally in their self-interest(s) to do so. Apples and oranges.

BUT before we jump over to Qatar – an epicenter of global jihad – and the ongoing US relationship with this Islamic devil, it must be understood that Saudi Arabia (and Turkey, in alliance with other Sunni regimes) has never stopped its support for ISIS and its hydra fronts – such as, Hamas – even though countless blather otherwise. Just close your ears.

INDEED, the Wahhabi kingdom is fully “at war” with Iran and its Shia proxies, as has been the case for centuries on end – while Shia and Sunni powers battle for hegemonic rule. Nevertheless, indubitably, the ties that bind Wahhabism run through ISIS’s leadership and its doctrines. Hence, the inviolate nexus between Saudi Arabia and ISIS! 

BACK to the Qatari cancer…..and its little known (unless, one has been following the non-captured media) vise-grip on U.S. interests.

IN the main, this anti-American disaster is inextricably linked to greedy politicians, big business interests, and, as always, enabled by leftist-fascist academics and assorted so-called “thinkers.” 

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  • To be exact, September 14, 2014, Qatar catapulted onto this site’s radar. It was not for nothing. A highly regarded and connected (Israeli) counter-terror associate gave a shout out, with an urgent request to place a laser beam on Qatar. As such, it came to this investigative journalist’s attention that the US Chamber of Commerce is in bed with Islamists. Fact-based. Believe it or not. The evidence can be found here. Resultant, since the Chamber is a 501 (c) (6), its donors can remain anonymous. Effectively, it means that they can accept foreign contributions, and with all due attendant ramifications. Not only that, it is an “open secret” that the Chamber – as a lobbying behemoth among behemoths – enabled Qatar (and other Islamic regimes) to more than generously fund the Chamber’s “pet” projects, with the “stipulation” that they parrot the Qatari regime’s Islamic line. Do you see where this is going?? Quid pro quo, but on mega steroids!
  • Similarly, along these jihadi lines, how many know that Qataris were “bag-men” for those who plotted 9/11/01, in the run-up and during its aftermath? Well, now you do! You can read all about the treacherous “in-bed” relationship between US heavyweights and assorted Islamic devils here. An encircled nation.
  • Speaking of encircled, the kiddies are a prime focus of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, and this is beyond a shadow of a doubt. So much so, to the point that Qatar is a main funder of Common Core, as are their leftist-fascist counterparts. For the record, PEARSON Publishers (others alike) whore for endless cash. Yup.
  • Lo and behold, US academia is inordinately steeped in cash from a host of jihadi nations, and Qatar is in the forefront of said pay-offs. Go figure. But leading the fray are institutions that have no compunction about having campuses within a nation which is rife with the most proficient terror sponsors in the world! Wow. They include: Cornell University’s Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, the Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar (School of the Arts) and Texas A&M University. Trust, not an iota of America’s exceptionalism is being taught at their Qatari affiliate campuses.
  • Along said treacherous terrain enters BROOKINGS, yes, that bastion of anti-American “thinking”, the darling of leftist-fascists! And, wouldn’t you know (alas, do recall the above bullet-point: “Qataris were “bag-men” for those who plotted 9/11/01″), Philip Zelikow, one of BROOKINGS closest affiliated academics, a “leading light”, was the Executive Director of the 9/11/01 Commission! As previously noted: oh, what a tangled web of leftist/jihadi collaboration between officialdom/academia and the MB!
  • Phew….but, we haven’t even gotten to crooked Hill & Bill’s Qatari connections, and they run as wide and deep as one’s nightmares can phatom. That horrific. In this regard, who isn’t familiar with the slush house of all slush houses, the Clinton Foundation? Suffice it to say, even among the criminal so-called elite within Washington’s cesspool, well, this Bonnie & Clyde duo tops the list. But before we segue to the Foundation’s inexorable ties to Qatar, do recall this treachery: “Clinton Inc. Sells Out America To Brotherhood Mafia.” Them’s fighting words….
  • So, without further ado….Clinton’s charity confirms Qatar’s $1 mil gift while she was at State Dept! And, it is just the tip of their Qatari connections!

NOW, aside from the accumulation of weighty evidence (some of which is cited, in so far as America’s dealings with this or that Islamic devil via concomitant blow back, aka knock-on effects, is concerned – 9/11/01 ring a bell?), an urgent question must be asked and answered: pray tell, can non-Muslims pinpoint (just by eye-balling, or even if Mohammedans are one’s neighbors or fellow workers) within the Muslim-American community who the jihadis are within their midst? Didn’t think so….

BY extrapolation, the follow-on query must become: what’s to done?

  • In a nutshell: completely restrict entry to followers of Islam (regardless of point of origin), and deport all those who have been identified – in any way whatsoever – with jihadi activity, or are associates thereof. Indeed, “guilt by association” is a relevant indicator and predictor. Too damn bad.
  • Increase, yes, increase, surveillance in their communities. Specifically, mosques, schools, businesses, etc. – wherever they congregate – are fair game. OMG….can you hear the gnashing of the fascist-left’s teeth, and the hue and cry of “Islamophobia” from Allah’s Muslim Terrorists and their propagandists??
  • Dare it be stated: for the safety and security of America (which is the last bulwark of western civilization), when, not if, push comes to shove – internment!

BUT for those who still remain on the fence, wondering: how can any person who values America’s founding ethos of freedom and liberty suggest the above “heretical” policy prescriptions, do remember this: we are at war, stupid !!

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MOST significantly, this is a war against a nihilistic ideology, Islam. When polled, it was found that 25%, 825,000, of 3.3 mil Muslim-Americans (and growing) agreed with the following: “violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the global Jihad!”

AGAIN, who are the crazies? Are they the clear-eyed, well-informed individuals who (may – or may not – reluctantly) accede with what has to transpire? Or, are those who prefer to die under the sword and banner of “Allahu Akbar” –  for the sake and appearance of multicultural madness with Islam’s warriors – truly out of their minds?

NOT even a contest…..

IN the meanwhile, tragically, the Trump administration can’t see the forest from the trees, despite all their rhetoric to the contrary. How so? Let’s just say that by accepting – instead of vitiating, rightfully so, as Commander-in-Chief – hundreds of “refugees” from Iran under HUSSEIN’s devilish deal, the national landscape got that much more dangerous, if you dare imagine. Insanity knows no bounds. It has no party address.

President Trump is preparing to accept hundreds of refugees from Iran and other terrorist-connected countries, taking them from camps being maintained by Australia under a deal his predecessor struck, without putting them through the long vetting that usually takes place, according to a report being released Monday.

Some of the refugees have tried to cleanse their social media presence to try to delete red flags that could cost them their chance to come to the U.S., the Center for Immigration Studies report concludes.

A staggering 88 percent of the refugees have some level of mental illness or disorder, according to a U.N. health inspection last year. And the center’s report documents incidents of rape and sexual assault perpetrated by the refugees on locals…..continue here….

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CONCLUSIVELY, whenever Washington’s leaders allow terror sponsoring nations (be they Sunni or Shia) to buy them off, either personally, business-wise, or through funding a military base in an Islamic backyard, inevitably, their swords will point in the national direction. How many times has this proven to be the case? Rhetorical.  

Qatar invested over $US1 billion to construct the Al Udeid Air Base southwest of Doha during the 1990s; it did not have a truly substantial air force of its own at the time. The United States Army Corps of Engineers also awarded over $100 million in Military Construction Air Force (MCAF) contracts for the construction of U.S. storage, housing, service, command, and communication facilities. Qatar’s financing and construction of some of the state-of-the-art air force base at Al Udeid and its granting of permission for the construction of U.S.-funded facilities helped deepen cooperation with U.S. military forces.

INDEED, mega deals are being made with the Islamic devil! 

Amid the continuing blockade of Qatar by its neighbors, the Gulf state on Wednesday signed an agreement with the US to purchase $12 billion worth of F-15QA fighters. A Pentagon spokesman said the deal had been signed during a meeting between Defense Secretary James Mattis and his Qatari counterpart Khalid al-Attiyah. Reports said 36 warplanes are to be provided by Boeing. The agreement came despite the ongoing diplomatic crisis and President Donald Trump’s statement last week that Qatar is a “high-level” sponsor of terrorism. Qatar’s Al Udeid airbase, home to about 10,000 U.S. troops, plays a major role in the US-led campaign against ISIS.

MOST significantly, the sooner Americans (westerners) internalize and admit: Islam is, first and foremost, an ideological and political weapon housed under a so-called religious umbrella – that which its madman, Muhammad, handed down through “revelations” from pagan moon-god Allah – well, the push will be on for western leaders to purge it from their shores. 

INESTIMABLY, unless and until this truth is revealed, rivers of innocent blood will continuously flow throughout the west, never mind the slaughter-fest within Islamic hell-holes!

AND, as always, whenever one jumps into bed with (Islamic) dogs, what else can be expected, other than to wake up with fleas and bitten to the core?

FOR now, that’s a (Qatari) wrap!

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Trump’s Swamp Failure: Nominated Wray, Shariah Law Steeped FBI Director Via King & Spalding! What The Hell Is Going On?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

LET it be stated from the get-go: calling out President Trump, in so far that he is a patriot, leaves a sour taste in this mouth. No matter. It has to be done. Incontestably, the fate of America – as a free nation – is in his hands. Besides, his base (including, yours truly) elected him to bring America back from the brink, after a two-term wrecking machine under Obama Inc. So, the well-informed, constructive criticism cited below must lie in the forefront of the reader’s mind.

THAT being established, it is imperative to point out “fatal” flaws in an evidentiary trail, unlike the fake news complex which is bent on bringing down Trump for less than patriotic ends! 

TO wit, readers will recall that several “shout outs” blared from these pages around the same warning bells, revolving around Trump’s clearly unfit (ideological) picks for top security postings, although possessing requisite professional bonafides. A dime a dozen. Mind you, it is more than ironic, considering that his forté lies in hiring “the best of the best” to run his business empire. Not only that, this is a man who has zero problem stating: You’re fired!!Image result for pic of trump saying you're fired


  • Key questions and concerns must be: Why did “Mad Dog” Mattis nominate Anne Patterson, an MB sympathizer? What about McMaster’s (NSC Adviser) aversion to Islam + terror? Precisely.
  • Along this same treacherous terrain, Trump has a golden opportunity to drain the domestic internal swamp, that is, by designating the Brotherhood Mafia a terrorist organization! How so? Well, Congress has already laid the groundwork, and it was spearheaded by Ted Cruz in 2015 under S.2230, and updated in 2017 under S.68. Still yet, Trump has failed to take action! What the hell is he waiting for??
  • But aside from the Sunni Brotherhood Mafia, the same cognitive (Islamic) dissonance extends to the Shia end: HUSSEIN’s Iranian WMD architect is still ensconced at the State Dept. Thus, another urgent query is: Whatever happened to “worst deal/document ever negotiated?” Indubitably. It’s a more than fair question.
  • Resultant, as always, it is absolutely obligatory to highlight knock-on effects. As such, said unpopular task can only be accomplished by bringing them to the fore. Practically speaking, Trump – by failing to deal forcefully with Allah’s Muslim Terrorists within America’s gates – has allowed for an open sesame policy, a sorta front/back door for Sunni and Shia jihadists! Understood?
  • Isn’t it obvious that a paradox is in play, as McMaster and Powell – respectively, Trump’s NSC pick and McMaster’s pick – were caught sabotaging him via leaks and more? Incongruously, while he talks tough on Islamic terrorism, those closest to him are allergic to said linkage, Islam + terror! Yes, one of many – albeit, a main one – knock-on effects.
  • Oh dear. As is known, when dealing with a swamp which necessitates a full throttle draining, if the main threat is left in place, doesn’t it make sense that such failure kow-tows to the danger (read: Islam) at bay?

CONSEQUENTIALLY, wouldn’t you know, all of the above brings the same toxic drainage problem straight to another of Trump’s security picks, Christopher Wray – this time to the FBI’s door! Ironically, this deleterious development has come to pass, even after Trump had the good sense – or so it seemed – to fire Comey! Indeed, one FBI disaster after another. 

BUT in preparation of said upcoming train wreck, a full-on review of Sharia Law must be internalized, as it is the absolute underpinning of Islam and its basis is non-negotiable to those who follow Islam, Mohammedans. Imbibe it here.

HANG on tight….follow the bread crumbs….the trail….

PATRIOTS, in furtherance to dispelling officialdom’s Allah-wash, it is imperative to side-step around the halo imprinted upon Wray’s starched white collar bio (not to mention, his clean-cut and all-American looks), in so far that all is not as it seems. Far from it. By calling an ace an ace and a spade a spade, it winds around to his less than three degrees of separation from that which underpins Islamic terror – the ins and outs of Sharia Law global finance!

This paper exposes the “roadmap” of how modern Islamist terrorism is financed,
through both legitimate and illegitimate means: the networks and linkages between financing obtained on the one hand through sympathetic Islamic governments, Islamic charities and banks, seemingly legitimate businesses operating as fronts, and on the other hand through criminal activities running the full gamut from money laundering, petty crime, organized crime, people smuggling, arms dealing and the narcotics trade. Of particular interest, the paper focuses on the way in which Islamic charities and Sharia compliant financing structures are used as a central mechanism to divert significant funds from Islamic charitable donations and financial activities directly to fund Islamic terrorism, often under the very noses of Western authorities, who fail to understand the what “Sharia compliant” really means in terms of its facilitation of Islamic terrorist financing, both within the West, as well as within the Islamic world. The paper concludes that there is an opportunity for “recalibration” of our existing approach to countering terrorist financing, by the development of a new integrated
‘uniform code’ to replace the existing, and often conflicting, series of ad hoc measures which have been developed on a piecemeal basis over time. And most importantly, the paper concludes that one of the central elements in this “recalibration” is the need to directly confront the seemingly harmless “Islamic aspects” of terrorist financing, in the form of Islamic Charities and Sharia compliant financing structures, so as to effectively shut down the terrorist paymasters.

AS an aside, this complicated arena, terror financing and laundering, is a specialty within…. zero in on the aforementioned link’s third paragraph…..just sayin’…..

CONCOMITANTLY, Wray, as a partner at King & Spalding, yup, is up to his neck in that bastion of all things related to Islamic terror finance, Shariah Law! And if he isn’t up to speed in the most highly promoted division of his firm, conversely, what does that say about his true competency? Effectively, he should be deemed clueless, thus, incapable of leading the nation’s front-arm to domestic security, the FBI! Agreed? Either way, the nomination is dangerous, mendacious, and tainted!

Christopher Wray is a litigation partner in the firm’s Washington, D.C., and Atlanta offices…..

King & Spalding is a leader in Islamic finance and investment.  Our work in the Middle East and our experience with Islamic finance date back to the early 1980s.  In 1995, we were the first law firm to establish a dedicated Islamic finance and investment practice group.  Our award-winning group has been successful in developing the legal architecture needed by our clients to break new ground in this specialized field.  We are the only law firm with recognized experience and the depth to structure and implement sophisticated Shari’ah-compliant investment and financing transactions in the Middle East, Europe and the United States.  Our offices in these jurisdictions are staffed with an integrated group of 30 professionals who are dedicated to Islamic finance and investment, and they are supported by an international law firm with more than 800 lawyers located in 13 offices.

In 2004, King & Spalding was recognized by Euromoney as “Best Legal Advisors in Islamic Finance,” the first such award presented by any publication or group, and since then we have remained at the forefront of this specialized practice area. Recent awards include:

  • Law Firm of the Year in Funds/Asset Management, and honorable mentions for Islamic Finance firm of the year and Banking firm of the year (Islamic Finance News Awards 2014)
  • “Best of the Best” in Islamic Finance: partners Jawad I. Ali and Michael Rainey (Euromoney 2013)
  • Law Firm of the Year in Private Equity (Islamic Finance News Awards 2013)
  • Real Estate Deal of the Year (Islamic Finance News Awards 2013)
  • IPO Deal of the Year (Islamic Finance News Awards 2013)
  • Best Deal in the Middle East and Africa (EuroWeek 2013)
  • Best law firm of the year for Islamic Finance (Islamic Business & Finance)
  • Excellence in Islamic Finance – Contribution to Islamic Legal Practice (International Islamic Finance Forum)
  • Islamic Finance Deal of the Year for Europe (The Banker)
  • Islamic Finance Most Innovative Deal of the Year (Saudi Arabia – Euromoney)
  • Islamic Finance Best Project Finance Deal of the Year (Qatar – Euromoney)
  • Islamic Finance Deal of the Year for Qatar (Islamic Finance News)
  • Best New Private Equity Fund (Private Equity World (MENA))
  • Europe Deal of the Year for the AK Bars Bank transaction (Islamic Finance News Awards 2011)
  • Turkey Deal of the Year for the KT Sukuk Varlik Kiralama A.S. Sukuk (Islamic Finance News Awards 2011)

(UN)holy jihad! 

INCONTROVERTIBLY, the internal (and external) Islamic danger couldn’t be any more acute, and this assessment is not up for debate. Therefore, what should be the takeaway from Trump’s outrageous nomination of a Sharia spreading – as opposed to containing – FBI Director? 

A pro-ISIS news agency has told followers to stay away from the ‘gathering places of the Crusaders’ as it warns that ‘thousands of lonely lions’ are prepared to slaughter civilians at any time.

In a statement published by Nashir News Agency, people in America, Russia, France, Britain, Canada, Belgium, Australia – and those ‘outside the Caliphate’ – are warned of ‘almost daily blessed attacks’ by Islamic State fighters.

‘We will explode, run over people by vehicles and cut off their necks in any time,’ the statement reads.

It comes as the terror group’s online magazine said the focus of its followers has shifted to carrying out attacks on ‘Crusader soil’.

‘We have prepared for you worst days, surprises after surprises, and to answer the call of targeting the crusader’s countries thousands of lonely lions have been prepared in your countries and have sold their bodies and souls for the sake of Allah.’

It concludes: ‘And wait for attacks, and we wait too!’

MIND you, anyone who believes that they are blowing smoke has rocks for brains. In no uncertain terms, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists (be they ISIS, or whatever hydra they belong to) mean what they say, unlike America’s (western) blowhards! 

AS to the precipitous dangers, if a little reminding is necessary for Trump & Co., that’s okay. Even so, it must be understood that ISIS represents “pure” Islam, and there are hundreds of thousands of Muslim-Americans who support ISIS, whether materially or otherwise.

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 25% of Muslim-Americans say that violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the “global Jihad” (64% disagree).

IN real terms, this means that 25% of over 3.3 million Muslim-Americans (and rapidly growing), 825,000, agree that “violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the “global Jihad!”  Don’t ever forget this. That’s a whole lotta jihad.

EVEN so, all is not lost, that is, if one pays heed to certain patriots, as opposed to officialdom and self-professed elitists. Among this list of patriots, along comes another truth-teller. Thus, this counter-jihadist gives him a virtual thumbs up, and with all due support.

Florida’s Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey is urging law-abiding Americans to arm up, get familiar with their firearm, and be ready to make terrorists worry about defending their own lives, for a change.

Ivey made these comments in a video he posted to Facebook in reaction to the horrendous attacks on unarmed, law-abiding Londoners. Looking at terror attacks around the world, Ivey observed:

Terrorists and active shooters are using every weapon available to target citizens. Guns, knives, trucks, hammers, and even explosives have all become the weapon of choice for murderers who only have one goal–killing innocent and law-abiding citizens. It seems that almost everyday we hear of another attack taking place at a concert, tourist destination, church, business, or anywhere else in the world where they can strike fear in the hearts of citizens.

He urged Americans to take their safety seriously and to determine to be “the first line of defense” against a terror attack.  He stressed, “Let me be perfectly clear, doing nothing or just hoping it won’t happen to you is not going to save your life.”

Ivey mentioned that officials in other parts of the world are teaching citizens that the best thing they can do is “run, hide, tell,” and he rejects that paradigm, citing the fact that “this is war” and you win a war by fighting — not by running.

He points out that “terrorists and active shooters know that our citizens have been coached to run and hide, and then patiently await help.” He said attackers “count on” Americans to respond this way, then added, “What they don’t count on is being attacked themselves.” Ivey says it is time to be prepared to counterattack; to be armed and ready to make the terrorists fight to defend their own lives for a change, should they strike.

Ivey said:

No matter who you are or what your position is on guns, there is no denying the fact that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun–or a knife–is an armed and well-prepared citizen or law enforcement officer. There is no doubt that as soon as 911 is called law enforcement is on the way, however, until they arrive it is up to you and those with you to neutralize or eliminate the threat.

ALAS, if patriots believe that Trump’s “fatal” flaw is limited to Islamic cognitive dissonance, per se, well, they would be wrong! 

FOR it is patently clear that a key promise to stop illegal immigration has been ignored, and the stats must be viewed as fact. Yes, the latest DACA” permits have surged under Trump. The exploding numbers tell the tragic tale. Not only that, his DHS head leads the illegal amnesty fray! Say it ain’t so…..

EXTRAPOLATING further, how many of these approximately 1.1 “dreamers” – OMG ! – are illegals from Islamic-driven nations too? 

AGAIN, a more than fair question which deserves an immediate answer.

MR. President, drain the swamp, don’t add to it!!

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Jihadis IDENTIFIED, Yet Taken Off “Watch Lists”: Western Intelligence Failures. Blindness. What’s Going On? What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN one is steeped in the dirty and dangerous business of Islamic jihad, it becomes vital to recognize when smoke – and then some – is blown in this or that direction. After all, a highly developed sixth sense is more than mandatory. Call it a hyper-radar borne out of necessity. On steroids.

TOPPING it off, those of us who have written books on the subject, well, that kinda gives us a leg up. Ya think?

RESULTANT, a common denominator throughout “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” (Sept. 2016) delves into the intersection between Facebook’s censorship re anything remotely critical of Islam in particular and jihad in specific, relative to the ways in which America’s security apparatus (whether from its federal, state, or local arms) drops the ball, and even obstructs a jihadi’s capture. Of course, there are various manifest reasons for this “strange” behavior, most of which tie into politically-driven outcomes through interference into active investigations.

MORE specifically, the above referenced book explores some cases in point and outs “jihadis of interest”, as well as their enablers. It is not for nothing. Know that all due deliberation is always in play.

THEREFORE, consider the following markers as prima facie evidence to today’s thesis – that which shore up the whys and wherefores – as to how it comes to pass that the same disinterest in “follow-up” to the jihadis running amok in the US is a leading and contributory factor to the recent slaughters in Britain. Elsewhere alike. Simply put, it’s the allergic (multi-faceted) reaction of western leaders – evidenced through their failure to hold Islam’s barbarians accountable – which keeps the carnage flowing! Their coverage.


  • In fact, CHAPTER TWO within BANNED is more than a backgrounder. It is evidentiary. An eye-opener. “MILITANT JIHAD: ITS KNOCK-ON EFFECTS TO THE WEST” not only details the ins and outs of Islamic jihad, but the ways in which leftist-fascist political ideology via PC correctness continuously aids and abets jihadi terrorism. No doubt.
  • So much so, this same chapter (page 33) discusses the “opening of jihad on US soil”, that which dates back to November 5, 1990. Nevertheless, it was covered up by officialdom for sundry political purposes, regardless of the (known) dangers at bay. Mind you, said grievously injurious and treacherous misconduct directly led to the 1993 attack on the Twin Towers and its follow-on, 9/11/01!
  • Moving right along, this chapter’s  evidentiary trail between “Islam and Blood” (pages 40-47) can’t be any starker. No matter. US security agencies tolerate (political) arm-twisting by acceding to a “see no (Islamic) evil, hear no (Islamic) evil” “tactical” approach. How can this be?
  • But there’s more. Pages 48-54 directly implicate the FEDS. This is an outgrowth of their obdurate refusal to investigate overwhelming evidence re a sophisticated jihadi gold/money laundering operation housed within Massachusetts, but spread out beyond its borders. The query becomes: why would they fail to protect the American public, when they have in hand more than enough actionable intel to choke many horses?
  • Even worse, interspersed throughout the rest of the book is additional proof of the same. Lo and behold, in the AFTERWORD, “JIHAD IN ORLANDO: FACEBOOK TAKES CENTER STAGE,” a crescendo is reached. Well, the most direct nexus between Facebook’s enabling of Islamic jihad also uncovered recent intelligence blindness of egregious proportions! Incontestably, it would be accurate to assert: if NOT for the actual “hands off” approach to a KNOWN and “on the radar” jihadi (a mirror image to the ignoring of intelligence which led to San Bernardino’s Islamic barbarism ), so too 49 lives wouldn’t have been snuffed out – with 58 sustaining grave wounds – at the Pulse Gay Nightclub on June 12, 2016 ! Internalize: what is laid out in pages 150-153 beats a deadly and direct path from Obama Inc.’s (Islamic coddling and empowering) door, that which, then as now, still includes captured security agencies!!

WHICH brings us full circle to the most recent jihad in Britain and elsewhere in Europe. Londonistan’s devastating knock-on effects replicate the very same sickness which embed and infest from the political level and filter down into myriad security agencies. Inextricably, the jihad which is taking place – again and again – throughout America and Europe is one and the same. Immutable. Hyper-linked.

One of the three jihadists who murdered revellers in central London on Saturday had been reported to the anti-terror police on at least two occasions, it has been claimed.

A former friend of the terrorist, who was shot dead by police along with two accomplices, claimed he had been radicalised while watching YouTube videos and said he contacted the authorities ­after becoming concerned over his friend’s extremist views.

A neighbour also claimed she had contacted police in Barking, east London, after the suspect tried to convert her children to Islam and radicalise them. The man is not being named at the request of the police.

The former friend claimed he contacted police after comments the man made about other previous attacks. But he said the authorities had failed to act and take action despite evidence of increasingly extremist views.

The friend told the BBC’s Asian Network that the terrorist had been radicalised watching videos of the infamous American hate preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril.

He said: “We spoke about a particular attack that happened and like most radicals he had a justification for anything and everything and that day I 
realised I needed to contact the authorities.”

He added: “He used to listen to a lot of Musa Jibril. I have heard some of this stuff and its very radical. I am surprised this stuff is still on YouTube and is easily accessible. I phoned the anti-terror hotline. I spoke to the gentleman. I told him about our conversation and why I think he was radicalised.” 

However, he said he was not arrested and was allowed to keep his passport. “I did my bit, I know a lot of other people did their bit, but the authorities did not do their bit,” the friend said.

Erica Gasparri, an Italian mother of three who lived close to him, claimed she had reported him to Barking police two years ago, after he began “brainwashing” her children at a local park. She said she had confronted him after her two children came home and said: “Mummy I want to become a Muslim.”

She said the police had told her the information had been passed to Scotland Yard but she had heard nothing more.

Ms Gasparri said: “He was trying to radicalise the children, he would go down to the park and talk to them about Islam. He also came to the houses and gave the kids money and sweets during Ramadan.”

Anti-terror police raided the block of flats on King’s Road in Barking, where the man was believed to live with his wife and two children. The couple was said to have had an arranged marriage.

The attacker’s parents were reported to be asylum seekers from Pakistan. His father is said to also live in east London, but his mother is dead….continue reading its devastating truths….

MOST significantly for non-Muslim Americans and the nation’s security, Dearbornistan is involved. Yes, that mid-American (for all intents and purposes, Sharia Law compliant too, despite those who shriek liar, liar, and “Islamophobe” ) city houses the Islamic terror hate preacher (one of a voluminous list throughout the country) Musa Jibril, a major influencer of Londonistan’s jihadi barbarians! Say it ain’t so. In practical terms, similarly, how many Muslim-Americans is he responsible for inciting? Concomitantly, why isn’t he (and the rest of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists) in jail, or deported to one or another Islamic hell-hole?

BUT never mind. Jibril, akin to countless others, is unfettered and protected within the confines of the US. Thus, he is free to spew and incite to anti-American/western terror, both online, inside mosques, and everywhere in between. Yes, America’s leftist-fascists truly believe that said hard fought and treasured right, freedom of speech, must be extended to those who seek nothing less than the death of all infidels, as long as America is destroyed in the process! As to conservatives, oh noes, they must be silenced – at all costs!

OMINOUSLY, no one from American/western officialdom dares to stop Allah’s messengers. On the other hand, many who are sounding the alarms are being banned, effectively, silenced, be it on youtube, social media, or via official dictates.

ALAS, what’s to be done? 

AS is known, this site never holds back and pulls no punches, so why should this time be any different? Precisely. In fact, each year that passes without any concrete and actionable plans from officialdom (other than pithy and toothless soundbites while they thump their chests, when this and that barbaric attack occurs), the more the ante is upped at this end. How could it not? Besides, what’s the alternative?

CONSEQUENTIALLY, one of life’s main lessons can be gleaned within this quote: “G-d helps those who help themselves.” A compelling truth. Inextricably.

TO wit, from one patriot to another, listen up….

Louisiana Rep Clay Higgens

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The free world… all of Christendom… is at war with Islamic horror. Not one penny of American treasure should be granted to any nation who harbors these heathen animals. Not a single radicalized Islamic suspect should be granted any measure of quarter. Their intended entry to the American homeland should be summarily denied. Every conceivable measure should be engaged to hunt them down. Hunt them, identify them, and kill them. Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good and righteous. Kill them all.
-Captain Clay Higgins


UNFAILINGLY, as night follows day, the response from Islamists and their leftist-fascist collaborators (toward this direction) is expected to be fast and furious; all for daring to point out the obvious remedies which must be directed to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists. And just so there is NO misunderstanding, this counter-jihadist is in rock solid agreement with the righteous and lifesaving prescriptive measures of Rep (Captain) Clay Higgins. 

RESULTANT, and not to waste precious time and belabor the point, the answer to all who oppose the aforementioned is….

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STILL yet, and not one to beat a dead horse, think about this: how much safer would the west be had officialdom, media mouthpieces, and otherwise self-appointed liberal-fascist elitists (most of whom detest Israel for the “crime” of being the Jewish people’s homeland, a thorn in the Arab/Muslim side) refused to turn a blind eye – for decades on end – to the PA/Hamas junta’s ongoing terror onslaught inflicted upon Jews in Israel? For truth dare be told, each and every jihadi method “perfected” in Israel has come back, in ten-fold measure, to explode within Europe’s cities and America’s alike.

CONCLUSIVELY, the lesson that should be learned – but probably will fall on deaf ears – is this: non-Muslims, wherever they live, cannot run away, hide from, and ignore jihadi terror, even if it appears to be the path of least resistance and is “only” targeting long-suffering, let’s be honest, despised Jews!

AT the end of it all, each and every non-Muslim is in their jihadi cross hairs – like it or not.

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Jihadi Money Laundering Via Counterfeit Cigs/Goods + Drugs Ala “Mom & Pop” Shops Across US = Sunni + Shia Terror! Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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BEFORE Islamists and their leftist compadres go ape-sh-t over another evidentiary trail re jihadi terror financing, let’s be very clear: laundering is part and parcel of Islamic jihad and it takes various forms. Twists and turns.  Besides, no amount of jive-talk will cover up its stench and dangerous intent, at least at this end. Don’t even try it. Deal.

MORE specifically, be it through drugs, cold, hard cash, gold and other precious metals, counterfeit cigs, knock-off goods, or another commodity, rest assured, the funding of jihadi terror on behalf of bloody Allah is continuously operating all across America. Beyond. 

YES, funding jihadi terror is ALL about satiating their nihilistic pagan moon-god, as they inevitably scream: “allahu akbar” or “this is for Allah!!” Currently, Londonistan tells the tale. Indubitably, it is reflective of all their global carnage. Not only that, no longer is Israel the lone epicenter. Ground zero. Still yet, it is their “laboratory” for jihadi terror!

IN this regard, do recall this site’s initial forays into the maze-like jungle of laundering for the benefit of Allah, that is, before getting to the latest proofs and “news.” And, par for the course, the leftist media “swore” an omertà. No matter. If anything, yours truly is a master at ” breaking the silence.”

  • Back in Dec. 2014, two and a half years ago, the linkage between jihadi terror + NYPD assassinations + laundering was explored, and its basis started here. The following is a brief excerpt: Breaking the media’s silence, re the absolute linkage between Islam and jihadi terror, should be the Number One imperative for Americans and westerners. It is this evisceration which will force the leaders to finally ‘fess up. Said turnabout, no doubt, will save millions of lives in the process……

Memo to the clueless and mendacious media and leadership: for years, this investigative journalist has followed the linkages between jihadi laundering, as it traverses through many seemingly “garden variety” transactions.

For the record, more than a decade ago, some explosive info wended this way and it was handed over to trusted investigative contacts. It involved a particular cigarette smuggling AND counterfeit (knock-off) goods operation, in relation to Hezbollah’s sleeper cells in the U.S. Mind you, this jihadi “fund raising” zig zags across the Shia and Sunni divide. Equally busy launderers. Sunnis run their operations mainly, but not exclusively, up and down the I-95 (U.S.) corridor. Shia, on the other end, mainly utilize I-35 and Highway 59. Go figure. It’s a geography thing, ala their concentration of jihadists.


Not to get too specific, chains of convenience stores (from one end of the interstate to the other) and gas stations are deeply in the mix.

Ask yourselves: who do the owners of these terror-supporting businesses, aka “mom and pop” entrepreneurs, bow to? And, re said smuggling, what is their ultimate goal?

Enough said….continue reading….

  • Lo and behold, in February 2015, their laundering footprints popped up again in NYC. Embedded deep inside Brooklyn, one of the five outer boroughs – as well as inside the other four alike – it was noted: Alas, the perfect cover for transfers of large sums of cash F/B/O jihad run through – among other venues – chains of convenience stores. Read: “certain” foreign-owned “quickie” marts, gas stations, kiosks and the like (whether mall-based or street-side) are involved throughout the US. But hauling the cash also requires many moving parts and cooperating partners, one of which entails laundering through cigarette smuggling and counterfeit goods via highways and byways! I-95 is a particularly busy connective point, as repeatedly mentioned. Therefore, the majorly linked states – Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia – for Brooklyn’s jihadists, via their kiosks, are not randomly chosen.Just connect the jihadi dots!…..continue reading….
  • Thus, in a never-ending quest to warn fellow patriots, in March 2015, Mohammedans in Ohio and elsewhere were featured. Resultant, they too were outed as money launderers!! Racketeering. RICO-like.

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Internalize, wherever Americans turn, in one way or another, they will find ISLAMISTS plotting jihad!

In essence, the next time you venture into a Muslim-owned convenience store, gas station or anywhere they sell “knock-off” goods, you may want to stop and think: how much of the price tag is going to fund jihad, never mind the ways in which they launder the money….continue the evidentiary trail….

AND so on and so forth….be it mid-point in Ohio, or any other state in between.

WE are not done. Fast forward (from 2015 to mid-2017) to an indictment handed down on May 31, 2017 to soldiers for Allah, this go-around in St. Louis. Guess what shook out?

A federal grand jury has indicted 35 store owners on federal conspiracy charges for trafficking contraband cigarettes, distributing controlled substances and money laundering.

According to reports, the suspects conspired for more than 2 years to buy contraband cigarettes in St. Louis, a low tax market, while transporting and distributing them in Chicago, Illinois, and New Jersey, which are high tax markets.

The store owners are accused of using several convenience stores that they operated to create the appearance of legal cigarette purchases.

Illegal profits form the contraband cigarette sales were laundered through accounts associated with the stores.

Synethetic drugs, K-2, was sold every day from a handful of the convenience stores. Authorities said the store owners manufactured synthetic drugs themselves by importing chemicals from China.

“The collaboration with our federal and local law enforcement partners is the key to breaking criminal enterprises in this area,” said Special Agent in Charge James M. Gibbons of HSI Chicago.“Synthetic drugs that are sold as purportedly legal substitutes for cannabis and stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, are neither legal nor safe,” said James P. Shroba, Special Agent in Charge of the DEA St. Louis Division. “These substances were never intended for human consumption and only serve to satisfy the avarice of the seller.”

If convicted, the defendants face a maximum of five to 20 years in prison and the possibility of a $1 million dollar fine…..

The list of defendants include:

Mohammed Almuttan, aka Abu Ali, 35, St. Louis, MO

Rami Almuttan, aka Abu Louay, 33, St. Louis, MO

Hisham Mutan, aka Abu Mohamed, 41, St. Louis, MO

Saddam Mutan, aka Abu Ali, 24, St. Louis, MO

Mazin Abdelsalam, aka Abu Mohammad, 38, St. Louis, MO

Najeh Muhana, aka Abu Yazan, 41, Fairview, NJ

Fares Muhana, aka Abu Yamama, 40, Cliffside Park, NJ

Ayoub Qaiymah, aka Abu Faysal, 23, Richmond, VA

Naser Abid, 23, Chicago, IL

Yadgar Barzanji, aka Abu Siver, 47, St. Louis, MO

Wafaa Alwan, 50, St. Louis, MO

Ahmed Abuali, aka Bazilla, 31, North Bergen, NJ

Mohammed Kayed, aka Mohammed Fayez, 21, Clifton, NJ

Momen Abuali, 20, Little Ferry, NJ

Firat Sevindik, 42, Cliffside Park, NJ

Mohammed Mustafa, 30, North Bergen, NJ

Mohammad Karashqah, Abu Yazid, 47, North Bergen, NJ

Fayez Sheikha, 46, Mishawaka, IN

Jihad Shihadeh, Abu Malik, 58, Chicago Ridge, IL

Ismael Abadi, 57, Carol Stream, IL

Abed Hamed, Abed Fawzan, 39, Greenville, NC

Maher Hamed, Abu Alazara, 33, Swansea, IL

Abdel Adi, 25, Oak Lawn, IL

Muhanad Khatib, Abu Alamin, 36, Chicago, IL

Eyad Awad, 38, Chicago, IL

Dale Garbin, 60, Kankakee, IL

Hayder Al Fatli, 40, St. Louis, MO

Kutlay Guvener, 35, Chicago, IL

Saad Al Mallak, 30, Dittmer, MO

Hassan Abdelatif, 29, Collinsville, IL

Mahajir Naz, 32, St. Louis, MO

Talal Abuajaj, 23, St. Louis, MO

Basem Hamdan, aka Abu Ramiz, 57, St. Louis, MO

Zainal Saleh, 29, St. Louis, MO and

Ibrahim Awad, 39, St. Louis, MO


ALL of which must lead the (patriotic) reader to square the circle, so to speak. In other words, the next time you witness the co-option of “any street USA” (read: western), know that it is the other side of jihad. Effectively, it is a “stealth” path – via a myriad of avenues – to force the west to submit. Or, is it inclusion and multi-culti kumbaya at its finest, as leftist apologists and their Islamic partners bray? Nonsense. Hogwash. Defy anyone to prove otherwise.

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INDEED, step-by step….creep-by-creep….ala one stealth tactic after another, multicultural fantasists – aka leftist-fascists – and their Islamic overlords are softening up western society to accept Islamic conquest, albeit, couched as “acceptance” of “the other.” In fact, as just one of countless examples, the public school system in the U.S. no longer adheres to “separation of church and state”, that is, unless one is a follower of Islam! Why is this??

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BE it through the commandeering of public streets to “pray” to their insatiable bloody Allah, or another not so subtle show of supremacy, Islam WILL take over, if not halted in its deadly tracks. By the by, think about it this way: how many times have Christians and Jews hijacked, yes, hijacked, public streets to pray en mass? Never and never. Forthwith, the urgent question is: why are Mohammedans doing this – over and over again? Oh dear, an Aussie Imam is spilling the beans – 

Terrorism in the UK is growing week after week. Having extremists within our societies is not multiculturalism, it’s suicide.

(And the following linked video illustrates Muslims “praying”, as they take over the street in front of Trump Tower!)



INCONTESTABLY, it makes no diff if said aggression is accomplished through “soft/stealth/civilizational” jihad – fully supported by jihadi money laundering – or through its end-point, frontal terror via cars/knives/bombs, methods which are currently their weapons and instruments of opportunity. After all, the end result is the same: terror sown through death and destruction!

BUT despite all the evidence, those who prefer to pooh-pooh this scenario must recall: few believed – a little more than a decade and a half ago – those who warned of Europe’s take over, although on a slow boil. Never mind that the signs were there from the 1970’s, when Eurabia became a done deal.

ADDING insult to grave injury, we were (still are) tsk, tsked. mocked, and called every unflattering name under the sun. Imagine that. Even some “see no evil” relatives (of yours truly) got in on the act. Never mind. Promise, you all, the “enlightened” ones, shall remain nameless! Pray tell, just admit: who was the one who knew what’s what? Now, that’s not so hard, is it?

MOST significantly, and above all else, defying the west’s captured, impotent, and globalist-driven leaders is key and core. And being that they are, for the most part, insulated from the carnage, they will NEVER, EVER admit that Islam IS the omnipresent danger to the entire west.

ISLAM, with its inextricable link to blood, is drowning the west and it will devour it – if not stopped!!

AND for heaven’s sake, if this counter-jihadist hears about one more blasted, insipid, as well as useless “vigil” to memorialize the innocent victims of Islamic terrorism, well, for shame on all the gutless citizens! For those who believe that such a reaction is appropriate and will “honor” the dead, the fact is that it is the coward’s way out. Look into your heart of hearts: how exactly will such behavior make a dent in the carnage, other than to demonstrate a sign of weakness on behalf of any given terrorized population, as they weep and wail, instead of “taking care of business??” Yes, leave the mourning to the families and friends of those cut down by Islam’s barbarians.

SO, once again, imbibe the following pearls of wisdom:  

TO “everything has an appointed season”… as is said in קֹהֶלֶת…Ecclesiastes 3:1:

1. Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven. א. לַכֹּל זְמָן וְעֵת לְכָל חֵפֶץ תַּחַת הַשָּׁמָיִם:


A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break and a time to build. ג. עֵת לַהֲרוֹג וְעֵת לִרְפּוֹא עֵת לִפְרוֹץ וְעֵת לִבְנוֹת


A time to cast stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. ה. עֵת לְהַשְׁלִיךְ אֲבָנִים וְעֵת כְּנוֹס אֲבָנִים עֵת לַחֲבוֹק וְעֵת לִרְחֹק מֵחַבֵּק:


A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace. ח. עֵת לֶאֱהֹב וְעֵת לִשְׂנֹא עֵת מִלְחָמָה וְעֵת שָׁלוֹם:


And moreover, I saw under the sun, [in]the place of justice, there is wickedness, and [in]the place of righteousness, there is wickedness. טז. וְעוֹד רָאִיתִי תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ מְקוֹם הַמִּשְׁפָּט שָׁמָּה הָרֶשַׁע וּמְקוֹם הַצֶּדֶק שָׁמָּה הָרָשַׁע:


SO sayeth the wisest of men, King Solomon. And it is from the book of Proverbs that followers of the merciful G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob internalize the righteous and judicious path forward: to be moral, one has to know when to extend kindness, alongside offers of an olive branch. On the other hand, they understand when it is time to stand up to killers. Mohammedans, followers of the nihilistic creed of Islam, have proven themselves to be such barbarians from time immemorial. 

IF not us, who? IF not now, when?

–  Hillel The Elder (110 BC – 10 AD)

PATRIOTS, do whatever you must to protect yourselves and your families!! G-d speed.

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Image result for pics of smuggled cigarette jihad operations

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Trump’s DOJ Swamp Mirrors HUSSEIN’s: Kow-Towing To Islam, Protecting Its Barracks-Mosques! Jerusalem & More. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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NO doubt, President Trump, on an intellectual and gut level, internalizes that Islam, underpinned by Sharia Law, is irreconcilably dangerous and detrimental to America and the west in toto.

THIS is so despite his recent tap dance in Saudi Arabia which smacked of hogwash and more. The evidence to this analysis is irrefutable and non-negotiable. Regardless, a smattering of proofs can be accessed below.

  • Paradoxically, even though Trump talks tough on Islamic jihad, he appointed McMaster as his top National Security adviser, who, in turn, appointed Powell, both of whom are absolutely on another page – Islamic-wise!
  • Yet, as to the nitty-gritty, one analysis stands out as a primary case study re Islam’s incontrovertible peril: Sharia Law must be eliminated from America’s shores for it is a cancerous scourge. Period.
  • Even so, if an unbiased scholarly rendition is requisite for some, look no further: Islam and Blood more than qualifies, never mind that it passes the ultimate smell test.

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IN this regard – and far be it to mix apples and oranges – it must be stated: Trump is hardly known for being a pushover, so much so that he honored a major campaign promise by pulling out of the “Paris Agreement”; a mega coup for American taxpayers and businesses in general. Suffice to suggest, he knows what’s what and how to buck the braying and hysterical herd. His “go it alone” cowboy stance is hardly at issue, that which happens to be – from this vantage point – his most admirable quality.

TO wit, how does the above square with his shuffling, waffling, and overall inertia when it comes to protecting the nation from the biggest threat of all, domestic Mohammedans?

NOT only that, why did he appoint Jared Kushner to broker “peace” with Abbas’s PA terror junta, which has proven itself to be – over and over again – interested in nothing less than the destruction of Israel? After all, how many death dances is it gonna take – regardless of the party which initiates the “peace train” tango? Effectively, when will Washington take NO for an answer? Most significantly, will Trump be the one to man-up  – or not – by cutting off the PA terror apparatus’s oxygen and hope, that which fuels their salami-like intifada tactics against Israel, decade after decade?

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has allegedly confirmed reports that US President Donald Trump shouted at him during the US’ leader’s visit to the West Bank last month.

“You tricked me in [Washington] DC! You talked there about your commitment to peace, but the Israelis showed me your involvement in incitement [against Israel],”  Mr Trump is alleged to have shouted at the Palestinian leader, an outburst that was followed by several minutes of shocked silence, Israel’s Channel 2 claimed last week, citing an unnamed American official.

The rest of the meeting was reportedly tense and took a while to get back on track.

STILL yet, is the “art of the deal” so alluring that “The Donald” can’t resist the lure of brokering, even if it means that it will place Israel in precipitous danger, and, as a knock-on effect, endanger America?

BESIDES, what makes Trump think that Jared – aside from his “qualified” Jewish roots – who is wet behind the ears in this hotter than hot arena, knows anything of substance about the perilous jungle of the Middle East, let alone the ins and outs of the political, cultural, and religious underpinnings of Islam in general and Islamic jihad in specific? Even more so, Kushner grew up in the loony, liberal confines of NYC and NJ (incidentally, the original stomping grounds of yours truly), and within a family that is politically and ideologically rooted with Demsters. That’s the G-d’s honest truth. Consequentially, his views are shaped by “peace” fantasies endemic within multicultural kumbaya milieus. A recipe for disaster.

WHICH brings the discussion full circle (as you scroll down) to Trump’s DOJ vis-à-vis mosques in America – the cancer within! Mind you, this “delicate” arena is a fatal flaw within the west, as most leaders and citizens alike lack the basic understanding – never mind the concrete knowledge base – as to why mosques are not even remotely akin to houses of worship, at least the way westerners view religious sanctuaries.  

ALONG this explosive trajectory, readers are advised to recall a hotter than hot warning bell from October 2015: DANGER ZONE: N.J. planning board approves mega mosque!

TIME and again, this site has asserted: The Mohammedan takeover of the west runs through their mosques. Their barracks. This is precisely why some very large mosques are built in areas where the Muslim population is barely negligible, yet, Islamists pay huge sums for vast expanses of land. Pray tell, why?

INCONTROVERTIBLY, this is part of a well-oiled plan from the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s top leadership, in anticipation of an Islamic takeover! Believe it. This is NOT a so-called conspiracy theory. So how many even know about “The Plan” via its Five Phases? If not, please apprise yourselves ASAP. It is an intrinsic ‘lesson plan’ for Americans, westerners alike….continue reading….

NOW, onto Trump’s DOJ….

It looks as if the Justice Department swamp not only has not been drained, but is full of more voracious crocodiles than ever before. This case started during the Obama administration, but it is the Trump administration’s Justice Department that is handing down this ruling. President Trump needs to repudiate it, or else he owns it.

In battles over mosques all over the country, the elephant in the room is not allowed to be discussed: the connections of the mosque leaders to the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihad groups. People don’t oppose these mosques because of “racism” or “bigotry,” but because they’re concerned about jihad terror. With most of the mosques in the U.S. getting funding from Saudi Arabia and surveys having shown that most mosques in the U.S. preach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity ultimately to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law, these are legitimate concerns, but discussion of them is foreclosed as “Islamophobic.”

“Diversity and inclusion training,” meanwhile, means having to listen to a lot of lies about how Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims are victimized by “Islamophobia.” The object of the “training” is to intimidate the “trainees” into fearing to oppose Islamic supremacism, jihad terror, Sharia, and the mosques in which such things are preached.

“’Municipalities around the country should pay close attention to what happened in Bernards Township,’ Adeel A. Mangi, lead counsel for the mosque, told My Central Jersey. ‘The American Muslim community has the legal resources, the allies and the determination to stand up for its constitutional rights in court and will do so.’”

Threat noted. It should also be noted that there is no constitutional right to break American laws under the guise of freedom of religion. This principle has been obscured, and needs to be reasserted, or we are in for a world of hurt.

The Trump administration Justice Department should be allowing for such discussion, not strong-arming and extorting communities to support what will likely be a Muslim Brotherhood installation in their midst. Is Sessions even aware of this ruling? Is Trump? If they’re not, it’s criminal negligence, and if they are, it’s something even worse.

“A New Jersey town denied Muslims a mosque. Now it must pay them $3.25 million,” by Katie Mettler, Washington Post, May 31, 2017:

The worshipers waited four years and 39 public hearings for the official denial: Muslims in their small New Jersey town would not be allowed to build a mosque.

The 2015 decision made by the planning board in Bernards Township, N.J., a majority-white suburb of 26,000 people, came after significant public opposition to the mosque that thrust the community into the national spotlight and spurred religious discrimination lawsuits from the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge and the Department of Justice.

On Tuesday, the township learned the cost of its six-year-old decision: $3.25 million.

As part of a settlement of the suits, the township must allow construction of the mosque to begin at its original proposed location, according to the Justice Department. Bernards Township will pay the Islamic Society $1.5 million in damages and $1.75 million in attorney fees and require town officials to submit to diversity and inclusion training.

“Municipalities around the country should pay close attention to what happened in Bernards Township,” Adeel A. Mangi, lead counsel for the mosque, told My Central Jersey. “The American Muslim community has the legal resources, the allies and the determination to stand up for its constitutional rights in court and will do so.”…

IMAGINE that. Adding insult to grave injury, Trump’s DOJ ordered Bernard Township to get “diversity training”, atop shelling out mega bucks extorted by Muslim Brotherhood Mafia front groups via lawfare !!

RESULTANT, Trump’s DOJ more than bears watching, for it is a swamp which is no different than HUSSEIN’s, relative to its kow-towing to Muslims, and not only when their barracks within enter the legal fray. Another evidentiary commentary (June 2015) is excerpted below.

THIS investigative journalist has REPEATEDLY warned about the explosive underpinnings of mosques in America. Not only that, said “audacity” has enraged countless Islamic jihadists and their apologists, thus, the bugaboo of “Islamophobe” has been brandished too many times to count. Threats alike. Boo hoo.

REGARDLESS, without a proper understanding of what mosques in America (the west alike) are designed for, rest assured, it is impossible for non-Muslims to internalize the grave amount of danger they are in.

BE that as it may, sans any poppycock, they are Islam’s barracks” within, and some Islamists have admitted as much. On the other hand, Americans are fed to believe that they are merely houses of worship akin to churches and synagogues. Yada, yada…meanwhile, they hide behind freedom of religion to plot their slaughter under the banner of (pagan) Allah.

The Muslim Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, bragged: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.” Erdogan has also told Turkish immigrants in Germany that “assimilation is a crime against humanity.”….continue reading….

TRENCHANTLY, it wasn’t unexpected (from this media perch, despite supporting Trump) that “The Donald” caved to Islamist AND leftist foreign policy establishment (read: fixtures at the State Dept., who are reflexively hostile to Israel) diktats, re fulfilling his much-hyped campaign promise to finally move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, as per Congressional mandate via the Jerusalem Embassy Act! 

OMINOUSLY, as always, the “peace-pipe” dream is the handily trotted out mantra and excuse for “delaying” the mandated move. Regardless, it is way past time to  address the real elephant in the public sphere: relative to Muslims and their continuous demands (whether domestic-wise or in the Middle East), on a practical level, how does Trump differ from HUSSEIN?

NOT even an iota.


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