A “Birthday In Heaven”: Celebrating The Joyful Life Of Frank Kutnicki, Of Blessed Memory


WITH the passage of time, a personal decision was taken to no longer mark the date of death of Frank Kutnicki (of blessed memory) publicly. On the other hand, his “birthday in heaven” is celebrated both privately and publicly; in a manner befitting a man whose essence is best described as one who lived life with a joie de vivre that few are ever able to achieve, this writer included. 

IN this regard, his joyful embrace of life immediately springs to mind, whenever July 31 nears. As such, even though no longer among the (earthly) living, celebrating Frank Kutnicki’s (of blessed memory) life well-lived feels like a natural outgrowth; a tribute and fitting legacy to mark his “birthday in heaven.”

INDEED, the above referenced joyfulness is fully resonant with those who knew him the best and miss his presence, until this day. Most especially, two loving sons; two siblings; a brother-in-law, more like his brother and best friend, as well as a “partner in crime”; an  extended family; close friends, and many devoted (tax) clients. So much so, a few noted (upon his sudden passing) that they looked forward to tax season, just to be able to spend time with him! In the history of gathering ones (dreaded) tax papers, how often has such a sentiment been expressed?

BUT those who missed out the most, knowing but not knowing (through pictures, videos, stories, and more) the quintessence of this most gentle and humble soul, are his precious little grandchildren. For it is out of the mouths of babes that reminders of Frank Kutnicki (of blessed memory) loom largest at this end.

HOW else can one explain such “out of the blue” comments, for example:

My saba (grandfather) is a “good ghost”, and he watches over me and the family in the shemayim (heavens) all the time.

Meanwhile, another chimes in:

Saba is the last star to go to sleep at night, he waits until I fall sleep.

YES, out of the mouths of babes.

IT is due to the above, and so much more, that this writer marks today with a most meaningful tradition; a “birthday in heaven” celebration. Designated with the release of balloons from atop a most scenic and tranquil overlook — high above Haifa’s stunning landscape — this vista is tailor-made for such a special day. It embodies the vast expanse of Frank Kutnicki’s (of blessed memory) open and generous heart, and the warm embrace missed by those who knew him the best.   

Happy Birthday in Heaven

BUT it would be remiss not to mention the genesis of this personal tradition; that which harks back to one week after landing in Israel, 13 years ago. No sooner did these feet hit the ground in Israel, his birthday loomed overhead, larger than life.

AND feeling as if it was impossible to even put one foot in front of the other, the aforementioned “brother-in-law, more like his brother and best friend, as well as a partner in crime”, came up with the idea to mark this day with a release of balloons (from our hearts to his) at a nearby trail that felt appropriately tranquil. Dear brother, thanks for that.

THE rest is “birthday in heaven” history…. 

ALAS, as someone whose spirit lightens when belting out a song, the following is not only hauntingly beautiful, but speaks to this heart  — just substitute Laura with Frank.


Facebook and freedom: Facebook’s nexus to LifeLog, and its linkages to (Pentagon’s) DARPA: What does it mean, and why does it matter? Connecting the dots. Published at Israel National News – By Adina Kutnicki


ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Adina Kutnicki | August 3, 2021

Before the connections between Facebook and the Pentagon are exposed in plain view, one must have a basic understanding and working definition of DARPA. In turn, an evidentiary case will be built demonstrating the whys and wherefores of Facebook’s limitless power:

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.

DARPA is independent of other military research and development, and reports directly to senior Department of Defense management. DARPA comprises approximately 220 government employees in six technical offices, including nearly 100 program managers, who together oversee about 250 research and development programs.

On its face, the above definition and descriptor is all well and good. After all, for the U.S. to maintain its vitally important super-power status in the free world, it is critical for the Pentagon to support a qualitatively superior research and development operational arm; a mandatory, non-negotiable departmental mission.

That being established, it is neither accidental nor incidental that DARPA created LifeLog; a highly specific research and development project which preceded Facebook. Facebook, however, seems to mirror LifeLog to the nth degree! We will get to that.

Pentagon documents state that the goal of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) LifeLog project is to develop software that deduces behavioral patterns from monitoring people’s daily activities, and DARPA officials say the initiative could be used to improve military training as well as the memory of military commanders. LifeLog volunteers would be equipped with cameras, sensors, and microphones to record everything they feel, everything they do, and everywhere they go; the research is not classified, which means that LifeLog software could eventually be made available to private companies.

According to the Pentagon documents, the LifeLog software would not just file geophysical and vital readings, but also emails, instant messages, phone calls, voice mails, snail mail, faxes, and Web-based transactions, as well as links to every radio and TV broadcast the subject hears and every publication, Web site, or database he or she sees. The Center for Government and Technology’s James X. Dempsey is concerned that such a tool could impact privacy…..

Now that it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that DARPA created LifeLog, it is also the case that its core components, total surveillance and privacy intrusions, became burdensome liabilities for the powers that be. As such, much pressure was applied to scrap it. To cease and desist.

But enter Facebook.

On February 4, 2004 the agency shut down its so called “LifeLog Project”. The project’s aim would have been, “to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does”.

Lo and behold:

On February 4, 2004, a Harvard sophomore named Mark Zuckerberg launched The Facebook, a social media website he had built in order to connect Harvard students with one another.

How could this be, unless Lifelog and Facebook are Siamese twins separated at birth? Asked and answered. Indeed, on the very exact day, one program “ceased” to exist and another, its mirror image, was born!

Facebook emerged. In short order, it has become the world’s largest social media site; the defacto internet since nearly every site connects to it. And with that size comes great power – the power to lift up and the power to destroy.

Ask yourselves: why is it that NASDAQ lists Facebook Stock as “Facebook Inc. Cl A?” Could it be that said stock symbol is due to Facebook’s DARPA/CIA roots?

Even more so, another highly consequential query becomes: why are former DARPA employees now working for Facebook? Why, indeed.

Moving right along, how surprising is it that “Facebook’s hardware project called PORTAL was born out of Pentagon-inspired Building 8?” Curious and curiouser.

All of which beats a straight path back to the main thesis: what does it all mean, and why does it even matter?

At its core, the above questions should also be asked (and answered) in the reverse. In other words, what doesn’t it mean, and why wouldn’t it matter?

Well, the above flip-like thesis stems from the purposeful “creation” of Facebook; its designed intent. Read: total control!

Thankfully, after Facebook’s 17 (mostly) destructive years in operation, it became impossible to keep everyone asleep and in the dark.

Most significantly, the slumbering masses – many of whom became enthralled and addicted to its “engaging” features – are now awakening like sleeping giants. The question remains: what happened to exercise such a blessed volte-face?

Simply speaking, a confluence of “adverse events” ripped the mask off, in undeniable and highly stark terms. Still, what has yet to be revealed, despite the recent “unveiling”, promises to rock and shock the west even further.

When rational people consider the fact that Facebook (alongside collusive social media giants) had the ability to manipulate the results of the 2020 election in a myriad of ways – most tellingly, through outright censorship, to the point of removing, thereby silencing, the President of the United States – what other evidence is required, as per its dangers to the free world?

Consider the fact that Facebook (again, in tandem with fellow social media giants) has the ability to delete all information which dares to question the efficacy of everything related to covid!

Effectively, whatever, and whomever, contradicts the leftist narrative becomes a target for communist/socialist style purging on Facebook. This is not hyperbole. It is fact-based.

Conclusively, urgent questions must be asked, answered, and immediately addressed – with all due speed, deliberation, and seriousness – that is, if freedom aligned ideals and rights are to be preserved within Western Civilization.

What will it take to stop Facebook from operating akin to a law unto itself, in direct violation of the Constitution writ large?

Will Facebook be pried loose from its total, lock-step alignment with the Dems, as the operational arm of the left?

Resultant, will Congress, the representatives of the people, be forced to pry loose Facebook’s stranglehold and monopolistic powers, never mind all the much ballyhooed hearings and occasional huffing and puffing on Capitol Hill?

Finally, since Facebook is allowed to freely operate as a government unto itself, will President Trump’s much anticipated lawsuit against Facebook, et al. be the key to opening up the rest of its treacherous Pandora’s box?

[Note: In furtherance to a much needed knowledge base of Facebook’s stealthy control efforts, the reader is referred to this writer’s blockbuster book: BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad]

Adina Kutnicki is an investigative journalist, living in Israel since 2008. Her work concentrates on militant Islamic jihad and its western knock-on effects. She is the co-author of BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad, She blogs at: Adina Kutnicki, A Zionist & Conservative Blog (www.adinakutnicki.com).

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}



Inventor of mRNA Vaccine: Some Covid Vaccines Make the Virus More Dangerous … PLUS … [VIDEO] – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

AT this highly dangerous, Orwellian juncture in time, many living in America (outside its borders, too, are wondering: what the hell is going on??) feel as if they have been (purposefully) pushed down a rabbit hole and dropped into an alternative universe, yes, viewing daily life through a looking glass. Alice in Wonderland-like. Significantly, that’s a mild descriptor of the distorted goings-on and the mockingbird’s media part in it.

EVEN so, instincts and smarts alone won’t turn the tide, at least, when it comes to thwarting the nefarious plans that the deep state implanted for America’s downfall, that is, the “transformation” (do recall when that word was first introduced into the political landscape, yes, as a talking point and goal) of the heretofore leading nation of the free world into a Marxist/socialist/communist hell-hole via a combination thereof. Inexorably, said chaos will ripen the stage for the GREAT RESET!

AND this is where the political weaponization of “all things covid” veer into sharp focus, with full, painful relief — even though the actual science is not supportive of lock-downs, masks, and the mRNA based vax!!

CONSIDER more proof of the same:

ALL of which track-back to a multi-tiered level of anti-freedom force multipliers within America in specific and the wider west in general; unarguably a concerted effort to maintain and exert maximum power and control, covid vax toxicity, etc. be damned!


BUT never mind. Doubting Thomas types don’t have to believe the charges at hand, that is, as if they are the gospel truth and derived from Moses on Sinai, in a manner of speaking. No offense will be taken. On the other hand ….

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THE GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Larry Johnson | July 28, 2021

Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S.,, a distinguished physician who discovered RNA transfection and invented mRNA vaccines, was on Steve Bannon’s War Room Weednesday with some alarming news–new data indicates that people who have taken the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are at greater risk of getting Covid than someone who is not vaccinated.

Before you watch the video, you need to understand the term–Antibody-Dependent Enhancement aka ADE:

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), sometimes less precisely called immune enhancement or disease enhancement, is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication.[1][2] ADE may cause enhanced respiratory disease and acute lung injury after respiratory virus infection (ERD) with symptoms of monocytic infiltration and an excess of eosinophils in respiratory tract.[3] ADE along with type 2 T helper cell-dependent mechanisms may contribute to a development of the vaccine associated disease enhancement (VADE), which is not limited to respiratory disease.

According NBC reporting (I can’t believe I’m citing that outfit as a reliable source):

New data suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting COVID, but could be carrying higher levels of virus than previously understood, facilitating spread, my NBC News colleagues are reporting. New indoor masking guidance expected today.

Dr. Malone has warned of this risk for several months. What are we to do? Malone says that instead of relying on the flawed vaccines, Doctors should use drugs for treating Covid that have proved effective, such as Ivermectin (more about that following the video), is neutralizing Covid:

What should scare the hell out of you is the extraordinary efforts being taken to silence and discredit Dr. Malone. I encourage you to read Michael Haynes piece from July 5, which details Malone’s Kafkaesque ordeal. Here are some relevant paragraphs from his article:

Information about the inventor of the mRNA technology used in certain COVID-19 vaccines was removed from the online encyclopedia site Wikipedia after he publicly warned against giving the experimental gene therapy vaccines to young people and that there was insufficient information about the injections to give informed consent. . . .

On June 10, 2021, Dr. Malone joined biologist Bret Weinstein, Ph.D, on the Dark Horse Podcast, where Malone raised numerous safety concerns about the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, both of which use mRNA technology. He warned about future autoimmune issues caused by the spike proteins within the mRNA injections.

Malone also stated that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was aware that the spike proteins were “biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.”

This is the kind of authoritarian censorship carried out by Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Pol Pot. When the media and the Government conspire to quash dissenting opinions and legitimate, provable facts, we have crossed the threshold of fascism.

The same effort to discredit Dr. Malone also has been unleashed against non-vaccine treatment methods. Remember what happened to anyone who dared suggest using Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin?

And do you remember the news stories in May about how Covid was devastating India? I bet you have heard little about the efficacy of Ivermectin in stopping Covid in Dehli.

Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases

Dr. Pierre Kory told the world on December 8, 2020, that Ivermectin “obliterates” this virus. Obliterate means to decimate, demolish, or annihilate. It means to eliminate or destroy all trace, indication, or significance.

This graph shows that Ivermectin, used in Delhi beginning April 20, obliterated their COVID crisis. No one should be able to talk you out of this – not a salesman, a drug company, a television celebrity doc, and certainly not the top doctor for the WHO or the NIH who is paid to do that.

It is your duty as an American to challenge and question everything the Government represents as true. We now have concrete evidence that Dr. Anthony Fauci has taken diametrically opposed positions without blinking an eye. Some call that “lying.” The same with the CDC (as I pointed out in my last article).  Perhaps the CDC should be renamed the Center for Disinformation & Confusion in light of the contradictory guidance issued regarding masks and vaccines.

Unfortunately, the chaos of Biden’s Covid policy reflects the dysfunction and incompetence evident in the rest of his Administration. Keep praying and continue to resist.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}


TOO many can’t see past the Hollyweird veneer and iconic status of silver screen/tv actors to separate fact from fiction. Yes, the characters they play are not who they are! Never mind that said entertainers don’t even know how to live in reality and function best in this and that world of make-believe via fantastical flights from fancy. For heaven’s sake …

AS such, is it any wonder that many who live their lives in alternate realities are prone to deeply craven activities, the likes of which would land the average Joe or Jane long stretches behind bars, and then some?

NOT only that, those who are higher up on the food chain, regardless of profession, truly believe that they are untouchable; that societal rules and norms do not apply to them. Couple said ego-driven mindsets with constant fawning over by an adoring public, well, nothing is off the table, nor out of reach — even the kiddies!

IN this regard, Tom Hanks was (emphasis placed) long rumored to be a serial pedophile, indeed, and now we know for sure. Atop said decades-long monstrous criminal abuse, he was a pedophile ringleader — and so much more!

HANG on tight … and don’t forget your barf-bag, you will need it!!

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | July 27, 2021

Actor Tom Hanks has left the earth, put to death by a military tribunal that found him guilty of pedophilia and child endangerment.

On June 12, the U.S. military apprehended Hanks after a plane he had chartered in Greece, where he holds dual citizenship, landed at Malpensa Airport in Milan, Italy, where Hanks had been scheduled to attend a foreign film festival.

U.S. military sources told RRN that members of the 173rd Airborne Combat Brigade and INTERPOL were awaiting Hanks’ arrival when the Learjet 75 reached the airport apron. Weapons drawn, they boarded the plane and found Hanks seated beside longtime friend Peter Scolari, who in 1980 starred alongside Hanks in the TV sitcom Bosom Buddies, in which the duo portrayed transvestites living in an all-female college dormitory. Hanks would later say it was his favorite role, and that wearing women’s clothes made him feel more manly.

The military released Scolari but shackled and promptly ushered Hanks aboard a waiting C-130, which had to be refueled twice inflight to reach Diego Garcia, where the Office of Military Commissions has built a penitentiary near its B2 bomber base.  Upon landing, Hanks was placed in a holding cell to await his military tribunal.

Ten days later, Hanks had his day in court, with the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps presenting proof connecting Hanks to a child trafficking ring that, the military alleged, had worked in the shadows for 30 years. It presented into evidence many electronic devices—laptops and cellphones—that held photographs and videos of Hanks engaged in sexual intercourse with male children who were obviously below the age of consent.

Other videos showed Hanks involved in adrenochrome parties, gatherings at which the liberal elite and Hollywood A-listers comingle and inject into themselves an ungodly chemical compound made of oxidized adrenaline, which is extracted from frightened and tortured children, and synthetic opiates. Those who partake in the luciferian ritual believe the compound prevents illness, extends life, and enhances sexual prowess.

One video showed Hanks and songstress Lady GaGa injecting each other while an unseen child’s screams, the wailing sound of death, echoed in the background.

The military’s case was built on 50 video clips and 2,000 images, sources told RRN.

The 3-officer panel, however, found the content so disturbing that it reached a verdict of guilty after watching four snippets.

Hanks, when asked if he had anything to say in his defense, showed no remorse for his crimes and told the tribunal that adult-child intercourse was “natural” and that he proudly supported NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States.

The tribunal declared Hanks receive capital punishment and asked that his sentence be carried out expeditiously.

“My death won’t stop anything; we are everywhere,” Hanks said.

Three days later, Hanks received an injection other than adrenochrome. He was strapped to a gurney and had pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and midazolam injected into his veins. If any adrenochrome remained in his blood, it wasn’t potent enough to protect him against lethal injection.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

American Jews Hold “Anti-Semitism” Rally, Pandering to the Very Same People who Hate Them, Propelling Their Leftist Agenda … Delusions of A People Under Siege! Adina Kutnicki

WHILE leftism is, rightfully, compared to a mental illness — after all, it is not an accident that those who operate from a leftist prism are immune to fact-based findings, pretending what is isn’t — it is especially acute when it affects and infects Jews. This is so for several reasons, but its genesis is best described, and explained, within the following analyses — that which are, seemingly, inexplicable, albeit, no less true.

Leftist Jewish Leaders – Ala Delusions Of A People Under Siege – Stoop To New Depths: Betraying The Kiddies;The Danger Within! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki 

Leftism, Lethal To Jews & Their Overall Health: Others Too…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Will Jewish-American Leftists Wake Up In Time, Or Will They Rue The Day They Didn’t Jump (The Demster) Ship?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ADL Leftists (& Others) Smear Stephen Bannon: Mental Besiegement Props Up Enemy Forces. What’s Going On?What Can Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Analysis: Jews gaslighting Jews – poll on US Jews’ attitudes towards Israel

and so on and so forth. Not only are the above truths beyond the pale, but the bane of this investigative journalist’s (personal and professional) existence. Truly.

EVEN more predictable and outrageous is academia’s Pavlovian negative response to all measures supportive of America and Israel — that which a preponderance of Jewish profs, fantasists, if you will, can be counted on to rally around. Tragic.

YES, there are those who jump ship when this and that anti-semitic resolution/pronouncement is brought forward, but said moral courage is a rarity and not commonplace. Let’s not pussyfoot around.

SO, let’s consider the following as a few and far between moment of clarity for some Jewish profs — alongside others of conscience, as well as those invested in historical accuracy.

ALL of which serves as an unvarnished backgrounder to the focal point of this analysis, that is, the unmitigated disaster of the recent so-called “anti-semitism” rally in Washington!

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[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

American Jews Hold “Anti-Semitism” Rally, Pandering to the Very Same People who Hate Them, Propelling Their Leftist Agenda

Like the convoluted House Resolution that was concocted by Democrats to purportedly address Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism but that was diluted with “other forms of hate — including “Islamaphobia” — and failed to even mention her nameAmerican Jews’ July 11th “No Fear” rally against Anti-Semitism was an epic failure. It pandered to the same leftist people and groups who hate them and propelled their leftist agenda . . .

In America, Corbyn won


The progressive minority in the American Jewish establishment has managed to exploit the majority’s aversion to disunity to seize control over the tone and parameters of the American Jewish discourse.

On July 11, the American Jewish establishment tried to prove that it could fight anti-Semitism and be progressive at the same time. It failed.

Outside of Congress that day, dozens of American Jewish groups co-sponsored a rally against the rising tide of Jew-hatred in America. The organizers had hoped that tens of thousands would show up for the event, and for good reason. In April 2002, a hundred thousand American Jews from all over the country congregated in Washington on short notice to rally in support of Israel during “Operation Defensive Shield.” And here they were supposed to rally not for Jews in Israel, but for themselves, as anti-Semitism rises from coast to coast.

But the multitudes were no-shows. The crowd numbered somewhere between a few hundred by most counts, to 2,000 according to the organizers. What accounts for the failure?

The problems began with the name the organizers chose for the rally. They might have called the event: Zero Tolerance for Jew-haters. But they opted for “No Fear.”

“No Fear” as a banner for a rally against rising levels of anti-Jewish bigotry makes no sense. Of course Jews should fear anti-Semitism. They are being targeted for discrimination and violence nearly everywhere they look—in the classroom and boardroom; on the streets, in their synagogues. Calling the rally “No Fear” denigrates the very people the organizers claim they want to protect.

The content of the rally was equally problematic. First there was the rally’s credo. Titled the “Statement of Inclusion,” it read, “We stand against all hatred. We know that we cannot truly defeat anti-Semitism if we allow other forms of hatred within our midst … This coalition will not tolerate expressions of racism, Islamophobia, misogyny, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia or any other hate … Our tent is big, but those who espouse hate must stand outside it.”

Lauri Regan is a prominent community activist with a decades-long record of achievement in organizing mass demonstrations for communal causes and effectively fighting anti-Semitism. Regan penned a postmortem of the event in the Jewish Voice where she listed the many reasons it failed. The organizers refused to permit Republican congressional leaders, former Trump administration officials, evangelical leaders or conservative media superstars to speak at the event. They would not permit Holocaust survivors or victims of Palestinian terror attacks to speak.

Instead, the rally featured one progressive activist after another, followed by Democrat spokesmen and administration representatives. A Reform leader attacked Israel and the “occupation.” The speakers raved over President Joe Biden, even though he has hired men and women to serve in senior positions in his administration who have records of anti-Semitic statements, support for BDS, Iran and Palestinian terrorism.

Speakers attacked right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis. They did not attack the anti-Semitic lawmakers in the Democrat congressional caucus or criticize the party leaders who promote rather than condemn them.

The speakers failed to condemn Black Lives Matter despite its open anti-Semitism and despite the fact that Jewish institutions and businesses were specifically targeted by BLM rioters.

Given the name of the rally and the speaker lineup, Jews committed to actually fighting anti-Semitism had no reason to make the effort to travel to Washington. And progressive Jews don’t care enough about anti-Semitism to bother.

As Regan summed it up in her devastating analysis, “This failed rally sent the message that Jewish votes and voices don’t matter. They don’t even come out to a rally to fight anti-Semitism so why would a politician stand with Israel and the Jews if Jews don’t stand with Israel and the Jews.”

The rally’s epic failure is even more striking when you compare it to British Jewry’s successful fight against the British Labour Party throughout Jeremy Corbyn’s 2015-2019 tenure as party leader.

Britain’s Jewish leadership is usually divided and not particularly powerful politically, certainly not in comparison to its counterpart in America. But when Corbyn was elected, the normally split community unified to oppose the man who referred to Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists as “my good friends,” rejected Israel’s right to exist and compared the Jewish state to Nazi Germany. In an unprecedented show of unity and concern, in 2016 Britain’s three Jewish papers put their rivalry aside and published the same front-page editorial condemning Corbyn. They referred to the specter of a Corbyn-led government as “an existential threat to Jewish life,” in Britain.

On the eve of Britain’s parliamentary elections in 2019, Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote an article in The Times warning that due to Corbyn’s candidacy, “the soul of the nation is at stake.”

After Labour’s devastating defeat at the polls, many commentators attributed the loss to the Jewish community’s success in demonstrating the truth and implications of its accusations that Corbyn was anti-Semitic and that Labour under his leadership had become systemically bigoted against Jews.

Corbyn was ousted from party leadership after the elections specifically due to his refusal to fight anti-Semitism. His successor, Keir Starmer, takes the job of purging anti-Semites from party ranks so seriously that still today, nearly two years after the election, he continues the job. This week the party’s ruling National Executive Committee was scheduled to vote to oust some 1,000 members who have denied claims of anti-Semitism within the party.

The American Jewish establishment is far more homogenous than its British counterpart. It is composed of a minority progressive faction and a majority moderate faction. Like its counterpart in the Democrat Party, the progressive minority in the American Jewish establishment has managed to exploit the majority’s aversion to disunity to seize control over the tone and parameters of the American Jewish discourse, and through both to largely dictate the actions of the communal leadership.

We got a recent glimpse at how this works when GBAO, the progressive Jewish establishment’s in-house polling firm led by a J Street founder, published a poll regarding American Jewish perspectives on American politics and on Israel. From the way the survey questions were drafted and chosen, it was clear that the purpose of the poll was to promote an agenda, not measure public opinion.

Among the questions included in the survey were a handful focused on identifying anti-Semitism. Participants were asked if Israel has the right to exist and if it is anti-Semitic to question Israel’s right to exist. They were asked if Israel is an apartheid state and if it is anti-Semitic to call Israel an apartheid state. They were asked if Israel is carrying out genocide and if it is anti-Semitic to accuse Israel of carrying genocide. And they were asked if Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is like racism in America and whether it is anti-Semitic to draw the comparison.

The responses to the questions were hard to stomach. The Israeli public reeled at the news that a quarter of American Jews think that Israel is an apartheid state (and 24 percent say it isn’t anti-Semitic to say Israel is an apartheid state); 22 percent believe Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians (and 31 percent say it isn’t anti-Semitic to say that Israel is committing genocide); 9 percent think Israel has no right to exist (and 17 percent say it isn’t anti-Semitic to say Israel has no right exist); and 34 percent believe that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is like American racism (and another 30 percent say it isn’t anti-Semitic to say that the two are the same).

But even more distressing than the responses was the fact that the progressive Jewish establishment wanted to ask these questions. If a polling institute run by neo-Nazis asked Americans if it was right to beat Jews on the streets, no doubt a certain percentage of respondents would answer affirmatively. The Jewish communal response to the poll wouldn’t focus on the results. It would rightly focus on the neo-Nazis who asked the question, and the leadership would justifiably accuse the polling firm of inciting violence against Jews.

Thanks to the progressive Jews who ordered up the GBAO poll, Rep. Ilhan Omar and her fellow Jew-haters inside and outside the Democrat Congressional Caucus will use this poll to deflect criticism as they spew anti-Semitic blood libels against Israel and its “Benjamins” wielding American Jewish supporters.

This brings us to the moderates who comprise the majority of the American Jewish establishment. Like their counterparts in the Democrat leadership, these leaders know full well that Israel is not an apartheid state or committing genocide or guilty of systemic racism, and they know it is anti-Semitic to raise these obscene allegations. But like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, they won’t fight progressives to defend the truth.

They will remove Israeli flags from their synagogues, schools, JCCs and stages at rallies. They won’t talk about Israel. And they will endorse “Statements of Inclusion” that insist you cannot fight anti-Semitism without fighting all forms of hatred because there isn’t anything unique about Jew-hatred. And anyway, “the occupation” is divisive and stuff.

They will repeat these incantations without realizing that they have adopted Jeremy Corbyn’s lexicon. Corbyn after all defended himself from allegations of anti-Semitism by saying he couldn’t possibly be an anti-Semite because he was anti-racism.

The victims of the failed Jewish-American establishment are the American Jews. Last month, City University of New York’s faculty union overwhelmingly passed a resolution labeling Israel an “apartheid … settler-colonial state” that has perpetrated the “massacre” of Palestinians and demanded the Biden administration cease U.S. aid to Israel. The resolution also called for CUNY to join the BDS campaign against Israel.

Some Jewish professors quit the union in protest. In an interview with Algemeiner, professor Robert Shapiro of Brooklyn College said that for him, “It’s hard to figure out what to do.”

“It’s more complex than simply anti-Semitism,” he said.

“It’s the use of the concept of intersectionality and arguing that if you’re really in favor of justice for your particular group or certain groups you have to be in favor of justice for everybody discriminated against.”

The situation is even more complicated by the fact that many of the intersectionality crowd’s preferred victim groups—including the ones included in the “No Fear” rally’s “Statement of Inclusion”—are the chief instigators of anti-Semitic assaults on Jews on campuses throughout the United States. The credo of the American Jewish establishment requires Jews to side with groups that are victimizing and deliberately targeting them.

Anti-Semitism in Britain didn’t disappear with Corbyn’s defeat. It has continued to rise, just as it has in the United States. All the same, the difference between the two communities is clear. When push came to shove, the British Jewish establishment stood up for the Jews, even at the price of turning its back on progressive intersectional slogans.

Through its show of weakness July 11, as in its activities both before and since, the American Jewish establishment has demonstrated to friend and foe alike that in the United States, the situation is reversed. While the progressive faction of the Jewish establishment promotes and abets anti-Semitism, the moderate majority has opted to give up the fight for Jewish rights without a struggle.

Caroline Glick is an award-winning columnist and author of “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.

This article first appeared in Israel Hayom.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

47 Studies Confirm Ineffectiveness of Masks For Covid and 32 More Confirm Their Negative Health Effects + Bombshell Lawsuit: Gov’t Whistleblower Says Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths At Least 45,000 – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericascivilWarRising.org]

IN non-Orwellian times, rational folks would be correct in the following assumptions and beliefs: after a multiplicity of controlled scientific studies, as well as whistle-blowers in the know attesting to alarming evidence contrary to the narratives at hand, the truth, wherever it lands — re the harmful effects of continuous mask-wearing and the increasingly dangerous side-effects from the covid jab —would be enough to sway the powers that be to reverse course. Mind you, said evidentiary conclusions are hardly based upon the feverish imaginations of so-called conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers. Not at all.

AS such, consider the following as beyond credible and credentialed sources of scientific/medical-based information.

TRUST, the proofs go on and on. 

ALL of which brings this most intrinsic discussion, that is, re the well-being of a global population, straight back to masks.

IN a nutshell, absolute science-based truths — not that western political dictators give a damn, never mind their third-world counterparts — are impervious to the thinking of power hungry leaders, yes, whose vested interests lie within maintaining their iron grips and strangleholds over the citizenry.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

LIFE SITE NEWS | July 23, 2021

Young children being forced to wear masks is of particular concern.

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here. 

July 23, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Prior to facemask mandates as an alleged preventive for Covid infection and transmission, such masks were infrequently worn in hospitals and other medical facilities. They were only used in operating theatres or for visiting seriously ill patients in order to prevent infection from spit or droplets into open wounds or to partially protect visitors from acquiring and transmitting pathogens more dangerous than Covid. Many doctors and nurses have told LifeSite that for decades, if not longer, staff wearing medical masks were an uncommon sight in health care facilities other than as mentioned.

No studies were needed to justify this practice since most understood viruses were far too small to be stopped by the wearing of most masks, other than sophisticated ones designed for that task and which were too costly and complicated for the general public to properly wear and keep changing or cleaning. It was also understood that long mask wearing was unhealthy for wearers for common sense and basic science reasons.

There has been an international flood of lies about mask wearing in order to justify the bizarre and disturbing situation we have today of almost everyone wearing masks in many regions, inside and outside healthcare facilities, in schools with children of all ages, during sports events, in churches, in grocery stores and all commercial facilities, while driving and walking, and long after peak infection has passed.

It has also continued long after it was discovered that Covid was not nearly as dangerous as we were led to believe, that many of the mitigation policies caused serious damage of all kinds, including many deaths, and long after prevention and treatment protocols were discovered and used with great success, and the very best ones often criminally suppressed by government and health authorities.

The unnecessary and greatly exaggerated fear during the first few months of this pandemic, which would never have been labeled a pandemic until the WHO unilaterally changed the pandemic definition to include much less dangerous pathogens, has been manipulated to continue to this day, unlike past experiences with similar virus outbreaks. There have been numerous lies fed to the public by the WHO, national and regional government leaders and health bureaucrats and the media and many other institutions – all certainly for the purpose of maintaining fear until the large majority of the public has been injected with the poorly tested, unnecessary and dangerous Covid vaccines for which we have no evidence of their long-term safety. 

President Joe Biden has been consistently presenting numerous, outrageous lies to justify his extreme Covid and vaccine policies and Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D, has written an article published on LifeSite today that summarizes all of the most prominent and damaging lies that have generated continuing fear and caused a large percentage of Americans and citizens of other nations to accept the Covid vaccines in order to allegedly be able to return to a normal life. Included in Alexander’s list are the lies related to mask mandates.

An acquaintance of Paul Alexander has written the list below of 47 studies confirming that masks are useless in preventing Covid infection and transmission and a second list further down of 32 studies confirming the negative health effects caused by frequent mask wearing, especially for young children. This has been a growing, serious concern in recent months as the dangerous health and emotional effects, especially on children, who are at almost zero risk of Covid harm, are becoming more pronounced and deeply worrisome.


1.    Surgical mask / cloth face mask studies
Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years in 11 Outpatient Health Care Facilities — United States, July 2020

The US Centre for Disease Control performed a study which showed that 85 percent of those who contracted Covid-19 during July 2020 were mask wearers. Just 3.9 percent of the study participants never wore a mask.
Original: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6936a5-H.pdf
Erratum. correction: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6938a7.htm?s_cid=mm6938a7_w https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-cdc-study-covid-masks

2. Facial protection for healthcare workers during pandemics: a scoping review

This study used 5462 peer-reviewed articles and 41 grey literature records.
“Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to critical shortages of medical-grade PPE. Alternative forms of facial protection offer inferior protection. More robust evidence is required on different types of medical-grade facial protection. As research on COVID-19 advances, investigators should continue to examine the impact on alternatives of medical-grade facial protection”
So how is your cloth and surgical mask working again if EVEN medical grade alternatives are failing ?
Study Article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32371574/

3.    Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

“There is moderate certainty evidence that wearing a mask probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory-confirmed influenza compared to not wearing a mask”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33215698/

4.    Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery

“We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27115326/

5.    Disposable surgical face masks: a systematic review

Two randomised controlled trials were included involving a total of 1453 patients. In a small trial there was a trend towards masks being associated with fewer infections, whereas in a large trial there was no difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16295987/

6.    Evaluating the efficacy of cloth facemasks in reducing particulate matter exposure

“Our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27531371/

7.    Face seal leakage of half masks and surgical masks

“The filtration efficiency of the filter materials was good, over 95%, for particles above 5 micron in diameter but great variation existed for smaller particles.

Coronavirus is 0.125 microns. therefore these masks wouldn’t protect you from the virus”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4014006/

8.    Comparison of the Filter Efficiency of Medical Nonwoven Fabrics against Three Different Microbe Aerosols

“The filter efficiencies against influenza virus particles were the lowest”

“We conclude that the filter efficiency test using the phi-X174 phage aerosol may overestimate the protective performance of nonwoven fabrics with filter structure compared to that against real pathogens such as the influenza virus”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29910210/

9.    Aerosol penetration through surgical masks

“Although surgical mask media may be adequate to remove bacteria exhaled or expelled by health care workers, they may not be sufficient to remove the submicrometer-size aerosols containing pathogens ”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1524265/

10. Particle removal from air by face masks made from Sterilization Wraps: Effectiveness and Reusability

“We found that 60 GSM face mask had particle capture efficiency of 94% for total particles greater than 0.3 microns”

How big is the virus again? 0.125 microns.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33052962/

11. A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure

This study states that “alternatives” like silk and gauze etc could possibly be good options in the pandemic. It’s done on starch particles. Does not state how big they are either, but they can still get through the material and my research points out that starch particles are “big”, much bigger than most viruses.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32503823/

12. Protecting staff against airborne viral particles: in vivo efficiency of laser masks

“The laser mask provided significantly less protection than the FFP2 respirator (P=0.02), and only marginally more protection than the surgical mask. The continued use of laser masks for respiratory protection is questionable. Taping masks to the face only provided a small improvement in protection”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16920222/

13. Quantitative Method for Comparative Assessment of Particle Removal Efficiency of Fabric Masks as Alternatives to Standard Surgical Masks for PPE

“Worn as designed, both commercial surgical masks and cloth masks had widely varying effectiveness (53 – 75 percent and 28 – 91 percent particle removal efficiency, respectively)”. Different brand, different results and only when they applied “nylon layers” did the “efficiency” improve. Synthetic fibres do not breathe, so this will inevitably effect your breathing.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32838296/

14. The efficacy of standard surgical face masks: an investigation using “tracer particles”

“Since the microspheres were not identified on the exterior of these face masks, they must have escaped around the mask edges and found their way into the wound”. Human albumin cells, aka aborted fetal tissue, is much larger than the virus and still escaped the mask.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7379387/

15. Testing the efficacy of homemade masks: would they protect in an influenza pandemic?

“Our findings suggest that a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals” so why has the government suggested you make your own when they are not effective ?
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24229526/

16. Using half-facepiece respirators for H1N1

“Increasing the filtration level of a particle respirator does not increase the respirator’s ability to reduce a user’s exposure to contaminants”

17. Why Masks Don’t Work Against COVID-19

The site is full of studies proving masks dont work for coronavirus or the flu.

Article: https://www.citizensforfreespeech.org/why_masks_don_t_work_against_covid_19?fbclid=IwAR0Qviyvt6BObOg aMij03Cj0fgTcm_gm5jhXcMkO8GcH3Kur-bwib0o8rf8

18. Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

This is full of studies proving mask protection is negligible for coronavirus, flu etc
Article: https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide- 19-social-policy?fbclid=IwAR0Qviyvt6BObOgaMij03Cj0fgTcm_gm5jhXcMkO8GcH3Kur-bwib0o8rf8

19. Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: a systematic review

There is less data to support the use of face masks or respirators to prevent becoming infected.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20092668/

20. “Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil’s sword?” – A physiological hypothesis

No evidence to suggest that wearing a mask during exercise offers any benefit from the droplet transfer from the virus.

“Exercising with facemasks may reduce available Oxygen and increase air trapping preventing substantial carbon dioxide exchange. The hypercapnic hypoxia may potentially increase acidic environment,cardiac overload, anaerobic metabolism and renal overload, which may substantially aggravate the underlying pathology of established chronic diseases”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32590322/

21. Use of face masks by non-scrubbed operating room staff: a randomized controlled trial

Surgical site infection rates did not increase when non-scrubbed personnel did not wear face masks.
2010 Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20575920/

22. Surgical face masks in modern operating rooms – a costly and unnecessary ritual?

When the wearing of face masks by non-scrubbed staff working in an operating room with forced ventilation seems to be unnecessary.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1680906/

23. Masks: a ward investigation and review of the literature

Wearing multi layer operating room masks for every visit had no effect on nose and throat carriage rates.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2873176/

24. Aerosol penetration and leakage characteristics of masks used in the health care industry

The protection provided by surgical masks may be insufficient in environments containing potentially hazardous submirconometer-sized aerosols.

“Conclusion: We conclude that the protection provided by surgical masks may be insufficient in environments containing potentially hazardous submicrometer-sized aerosols”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8239046/

25. Masks for prevention of viral respiratory infections among health care workers and the public: PEER umbrella systematic review

Meta analysis review that says there is limited evidence to suggest that the use of masks may reduce the risk of spreading viral respiratory infections.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32675098/

26. Modeling of the Transmission of Coronaviruses, Measles Virus, Influenza Virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Legionella pneumophila in Dental Clinics

Evidence to suggest that transmission probability is strongly driven by indoor air quality, followed by patient effectiveness and the least by respiratory protection via mask use.
So this could explain “second waves” and has nothing to do with hand shaking, or not wearing a mask.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32614681/

27. Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings-Personal Protective and Environmental Measures

The use of face masks, either by infected or non infected peresons, does not have a significant effect on influenza transmission.

Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32027586/

28. Effectiveness of personal protective measures in reducing pandemic influenza transmission: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Meta analyses suggest that regular hand hygiene provided a significant protective effect over face masks and their insignificant protection.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28487207/

29. Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta- analysis

Use of n95 respirators compared to surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory confirmed influenza.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32167245/

30. Adolescents’ face mask usage and contact transmission in novel Coronavirus

Face mask surfaces can become contamination sources. People are storing them in their pockets, bags, putting them on tables, people are reusing them etc. This is why this study is relevant:
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32582579/

31. Visualizing the effectiveness of face masks in obstructing respiratory jets

Loosely folded face masks and “bandana style” face coverings provide minimum stopping capability for the smallest aerosolized droplets.

This applies to anyone who folds or shoves a mask into their pockets or bag. It also applies to cloth and homemade cloth masks:
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32624649/

32. Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: a randomized controlled trial

Face mask use in healthcare workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of colds symptoms or getting colds.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19216002/

33. A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers
Penetration of cloth masks by influenza particles was almost 97 percent and medical masks 44 percent. so cloth masks are essentially useless, and “medical grade” masks don’t provide adequate protection.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25903751/

34. Simple respiratory protection–evaluation of the filtration performance of cloth masks and common fabric materials against 20-1000 nm size particles

Cloth masks and other fabric materials tested in the study had 40-90 percent instantaneous penetration levels against polydisperse NaCl aerosols.

“Results obtained in the study show that common fabric materials may provide marginal protection against

nanoparticles, including those in the size ranges of virus-containing particles in exhaled breath”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20584862/

35. Respiratory performance offered by N95 respirators and surgical masks: human subject evaluation with NaCl aerosol representing bacterial and viral particle size range

“The study indicates that N95 filtering facepiece respirators may not achieve the expected protection level against bacteria and viruses”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18326870/

36. Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks?

The n95 filtering respirators may not provide expected protection level against small virons
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16490606/

37. Do Surgical Masks Stop the Coronavirus?

Study article: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/01/coronavirus-surgical-masks-china.html

38. Effectiveness of personal protective measures in reducing pandemic influenza transmission: A systematic review and meta-analysis

This study states that an N95, depending on the brand, can range from 0.1-0.3 microns. however, most people cannot buy an N95 with a micron smaller than 0.3 micron because they are expensive and not readily available on the public market.

“N95 respirators made by different companies were found to have different filtration efficiencies for the most penetrating particle size (0.1 to 0.3 micron)”

“Above the most penetrating particle size the filtration efficiency increases with size; it reaches approximately 99.5% or higher at about 0.75 micron”

” Meta-analyses suggest that regular hand hygiene provided a significant protective effect (OR=0.62; 95% CI 0.52-0.73; I2=0%), and facemask use provided a non-significant protective effect (OR=0.53; 95% CI 0.16-1.71; I2=48%) against 2009 pandemic influenza infection”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28487207/

39. Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta- analysis

“The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory- confirmed influenza. It suggests that N95 respirators should not be recommended for the general public or non high-risk medical staff who are not in close contact with influenza patients or suspected patients”

N95 masks did show a positive effect for BACTERIA but not viruses.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32167245/

40. Adolescents’ face mask usage and contact transmission in novel Coronavirus

This study used dye to show if masks were contaminated. “As a result, masks surface becomes a contamination source. In the contact experiment, ten adults were requested to put on and off a surgical mask while doing a word processing task. The extended contamination areas were recorded and identified by image analysis”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32582579/

41. Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: a randomized controlled trial

“Of the 8 symptoms recorded daily, subjects in the mask group were significantly more likely to experience headache during the study period”

“Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19216002/

42. Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers : A Randomized Controlled Trial

“The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50 percent in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33205991/

43. A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

“An analysis of mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95 percent CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95 percent CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97 percent and medical masks 44 percent”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25903751/

44. Respiratory performance offered by N95 respirators and surgical masks: human subject evaluation with NaCl aerosol representing bacterial and viral particle size range

“The study indicates that N95 filtering facepiece respirators may not achieve the expected protection level against bacteria and viruses. An exhalation valve on the N95 respirator does not affect the respiratory protection”
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18326870/

45. Performance of N95 respirators: filtration efficiency for airborne microbial and inert particles

Coronavirus is 0.125 micron, as you can read in this study, it states that most N95 masks can only filter particles as small as 0.75 microns. This is too big to trap this virus. that is a fact.
And even with an efficiency of 95 percent (depending on brand, so filtration may be lower) IF the virus can be trapped… it’s still missing 5 percent and maybe more based on an N95 that has 0.1 microns .
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9487666/


46. A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019

A chinese study that proves that an airborne coronavirus particle (0.125 micron) can pass directly through an n95 mask
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31978945/

47. Airborne coronavirus particle (<0.125 micron) will pass directly through a N95 face mask.
Study article: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/airborne-coronavirus-particle


Size can vary but all are smaller than 0.3 micron .


“Human coronaviruses measure between 0.1 and 0.2 microns, which is one to two times below the cutoff” This “cut off” is referring to the size an N95 mask can trap. Most of us, are not using MEDICAL or regular N95s. 


1. Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery

Face mask side effects include lowered oxygen levels.

This study proved that surgeons that wore a mask in surgery for an hour + had significant reductions in blood oxygen saturation.

This is relevant because most of us are being made to wear face masks at work for the whole shift, long journeys on public transport, and when we are in a public places doing shopping etc. and this requires a degree of exertion that is not taken into account.

“Considering our findings, pulse rates of the surgeon’s increase and SpO2 decrease after the first hour.”

Decreasing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide in the bloodstream stimulates a compensatory response in the respiratory centers of the brain. These changes in blood gases result in increases in both frequency and depth of breaths. This exposes another risk – if your mask traps some virus you are breathing more hence increasing viral load and exposure.

Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18500410/

2. Impact of structural features on dynamic breathing resistance of healthcare face mask

    Face mask side effects include impeded breathing.

Ask people if they have issues breathing in these masks. anecdotal or not, as everyone is different.

“The results showed that each evaluation index was significantly different (P < 0.05) among different test

Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31280156/

3. Respiratory consequences of N95-type Mask usage in pregnant healthcare workers-a controlled clinical study

The benefits of using N95 mask to prevent serious emerging infectious diseases should be weighed against potential respiratory consequences associated with extended N95 respirator usage.

“Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26579222

“It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20 percent, which can lead to a loss of consciousness, as happened to the hapless fellow driving aroundalone in his car wearing an N95 mask, causing him to pass out, crash his car and sustain injuries. I am sure that we have several cases of elderly individuals or any person with poor lung function passing out, hitting their head. This, of course, can lead to death”

“CONCLUSIONS: Breathing through N95 mask materials have been shown to impede gaseous exchange and impose an additional workload on the metabolic system of pregnant healthcare workers,and this needs to be taken into consideration in guidelines for respirator use”

Yet we force pregnant women to use them…? What could this do to the fetus?

4. Headaches and the N95 face-mask amongst healthcare providers

Face mask side effects include headaches.

These headaches can force you to use added or unnecessary medications like painkillers that carry their own side effects. The theory as to why masks can trigger headaches is the RESTRICTION OF OXYGEN.

What are the long-term health effects on Health Care Workers with headaches arising from impeded breathing?

Here are several sources and studies that back up this claim:
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16441251/

Headaches Associated With Personal Protective Equipment – A Cross-Sectional Study Among Frontline Healthcare Workers During COVID-19
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32232837/

How to Avoid Migraine Triggers While Wearing Your Mask

5.    Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: a randomized controlled trial

“Of the 8 symptoms recorded daily, subjects in the mask group were significantly more likely to experience headaches during the study period”

“Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds”

Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19216002/

6.    Your Health Your Responsibility

This video shows that even reading a book with a mask on decreases blood oxygen levels to your brain. what implications does this have for developing children forced to wear masks at school etc?

7.    Physiological impact of the N95 filtering facepiece respirator on healthcare workers

“CONCLUSIONS: In healthy healthcare workers, FFR did not impose any important physiological burden during 1 hour of use, at realistic clinical work rates, but the FFR dead-space carbon dioxide andoxygen levels were significantly above and below, respectively, the ambient workplace standards, and elevated P(CO2) is a possibility”

Remember in “healthy healthcare workers” even their carbon dioxide levels rose. Most of the wider public have at least one health problem. Even healthy people were shown to have elevated CO2 levelsabove the healthy guidelines.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20420727/

8. The adverse skin reactions of health care workers using personal protective equipment for COVID-19

     Face mask side effects include adverse skin reactions

The adverse skin reactions of health care workers using personal protective equipment for COVID-19
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32541493/

9. Your Mask May Be Causing Candida Growth in Your Mouth

     Face mask side effects include yeast infections


10.  ‘Mask mouth’ is a seriously stinky side effect of wearing masks

Face mask side effects include dental issues.

   “We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them    before,” says Dr. Rob Ramondi, a dentist and co-founder of One ManhattanDental. “About 50 percent of our patients are being impacted by this, [so] we decided to name it ‘mask mouth’ — after ‘meth mouth.’ ”

“While mask mouth isn’t quite as obvious, if left untreated, the results could be equally harmful.

Gum disease — or periodontal disease — will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks,”

says Dr. Marc Sclafani, another co-founder of One Manhattan Dental”

11. All That Mask-Wearing Could Be Giving You (Gasp!) Mouth Fungus—Here’s How to Deal With it


12.  ‘Maskne’ Is a Real Thing—Here’s How to Stop Face Mask Breakouts

Face mask side effects include acne


13. Improper use of medical masks can cause infections Face mask side effects include mould and infections

Masks can cause bacterial and fungal infections around the mouth,and in the mouth and lungs EVEN if you wash the cloth mask. Mould colonies were found in masks in as little as one day.


14. Mould Colonization in Your Sinuses Could Be Holding You Back From Making a Full Recovery <

Information on mould and how it can affect your health.

15.  An investigation into the efficiency of disposable face masks

What are the dangers of bacterial and fungal growths on a used and loaded mask?

This study tested all kinds of disposable masks and proved they cause you to breathe back in your own crap. Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7440756/

16. Can the Elastic of Surgical Face Masks Stimulate Ear Protrusion in Children?

     Disfiguration in children. Can masks stimulate ear protrusion in children?

This is due to masks that are too tightly fitted.

Tight masks can also cause tension headaches. Is this healthy for children long term?
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32556449/

17.  When You Wear A Face Mask Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Lungs

Mask use can trigger allergies due to the mask collecting particles that stay on you for long periods of time.

18.  The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients   with end-stage renal disease

    The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease.

And yet, we make sick people wear them. Even people without breathing issues, have lowered oxygen rates.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15340662/

19.  Other Face Mask Side Effects and Health Implications to Consider

There is a great potential for harm that may arise from public policies forcing mask use on the wider population.

The following unanswered questions arise unanswered:

  • Can masks shed fibers or micro plastics that we can breathe in?
  • Do these masks excrete chemical substances that are harmful when inhaled?
  • Can masks excrete chemicals or fumes when heated, either with bodyheat sunlight or other sources of heat?
  • Clothing dye can cause reactions, so how do we know that the manufacturing process of these masks do not pose a risk to us? Because, in reality, we do not buy our masks from medical companiesor facilities who operate in sterile environments.

20.  [Gaps in asepsis due to surgical caps, face masks, external surfaces of infusion bottles and sterile wrappers of disposable articles]

“It is obvious that the surfaces of the boxes of sterile packed disposable instruments and infusion bottles are not sterile. The disposable surgical masks and surgical caps used for sterile clothing are delivered by the producers not sterile, either.” AND THIS IS HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT.
Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6099666/

21.  Mask Production Video

This is a “factory” that produces alot of masks. Does this look a sterile environment to you? This is what the majority of us are getting when we purchase online or in stores that sell them in bulk. Do you wantthat on your face?

22.  Allergies and the Immune System

Can pathogen-laden droplets interact with environmental dust and aerosols captured on the mask? Can this elicit a greater reaction to viruses? For example, if you have a dust allergy your mask is collecting this thus causing inflamation to the wearer and lowering his or her immune system.

“This can cause wheezing, itching, runny nose, watery or itchy eyes, and other symptoms” would that not

facilitate spread and infection rate of viruses?


23. Virus interactions with bacteria: Partners in the infectious dance

     Bacteria and viruses can interact an increase infection suseptability:

24.  When viruses and bacteria unite!


25. An empirical and theoretical investigation into the psychological effects of wearing a mask

     Face mask side effects include altered behaviour

Are there negative social consequences to a masked society? This study implies that, yes, masks do cause people to adopt altered behaviours based on mask use.

26. Mask mandates may affect a child’s emotional, intellectual development

Face mask side effects stagnate a child’s natural intellectual development. It is well known that children find it hard to recognise faces up until a certain age. Mask use will further interfere with this. Is this healthy for a developing child?

27. Disabled People and Masks Contributing Toward Mental Health Issues

     Face mask side effects and mental health

    What about disabled people? Deaf /people hard of hearing rely on mouth reading. What are the implications for them? What about  people who suffer cognitive and behavioural disorders like autism? This could cause them HUGE distress. Not just from wearing a mask, but seeing others in masks (because let’s face it – IT’S NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR).

Can masks cause anxiety, or make other mental health disorders worse?

Since masks CAN impede breathing, this can cause fainting and other bodily reaction that would otherwise be avoided if masks were not used. Here is a search engine link to prove that it is very common:

28.  Maine study looks into long-term psychological effects of wearing face masks coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic

This is a study on the psychological effects of masks.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/umaine-study-looks-into-long-term-psychological-effects-of- wearing-face-masks-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic/ar-BB13EfiU

29.  Masks: Have You Been Captured by This Psyop?

Are there negative psychological consequences to wearing a mask, as a fear-based behavioral modification? This can easily trigger fear as a mask is reminding you there’s a virus. The use of mask can also cause you to engage in risky behaviours due to a “false sense of security” because you feel protected.


30.  Masking the Truth – Face Masks, Empathy and Dis-inhibition


31. Covid-19 face masks: A potential source of microplastic fibers in the environment

What are the environmental consequences of mask manufacturing and disposal?

Proof of increased littering due to increased mask use. a quick engine search will tell you, people are dumping them EVERYWHERE – into our rivers, into greenland areas etc. Plastics like nylon leach chemicals are going into our environment.


32.  Why Masks Don’t Work Against COVID-19

Can used and loaded masks become vectors of enhanced transmission for both the wearer and other people? (The evidence from studies suggest yes). Masks become useless after about 20 minutes due to the moisture in your breath. This moisture can become the droplets that viruses travel on. Can this not facilitate transmission?

Can masks become collectors and retainers of pathogens that otherwise, could be avoided when breathing without a mask? (The evidence suggests yes).

Can large droplets trapped via a mask become atomized or aerosolized into breathable components? Even down to the virion size. (The evidence suggests yes).



See LifeSite’s extensive resource on masks:

Unmasking Masks
Insights into the issues and concerns surrounding COVID-19.

And a two-part, July, 2020 Special Report that reveals the full context and likely reasons behind the deadly masking phenomenon:

Explosion in mandatory masking isn’t driven by science, but fear

Explosion in mandatory masking isn’t driven by science, but fear – Part II

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles Mirrors Sex Trafficking Inside The U.S. Child Welfare System – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

THOSE who claim to care about the health and welfare of the kiddies can ill afford to remain silent and sit idly by. After all, to be silent is to agree. The cat is out of the bag. Besides, sticking one’s head in the sand, pretending that what is isn’t, is no longer acceptable. Tenable. Too much is at stake.

NOT only that, as it happens, much of the malevolence engulfing America (globally, too) has its roots in pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse. It is no longer in doubt that major human trafficking/pedophile rings are run through intricate political front groups; so-called religious networks; aided and abetted by entertainment icons, and with countless like-minded serial abusers in this and that positions of authority. Think: a multiplicity of spider webs.

AND while we are on this mega explosive and (once) taboo topic, know this: for years, this investigative journalist has been tracking high-level players connected to this very same criminal and horrific subject matter — and from as far away as Israel, too!

SO, consider the following as Exhibit Number One out of countless incendiary investigative pieces:

crime akin to none other.

AND while this cesspool is highlighted within, the following geo-political question is offered up, and as more than food for thought: what underlined the cold-blooded assassination (July 7, 2021) of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, as well as the near-fatal shooting of his wife?

COULD it be that with the above worldwide crime of child-trafficking finally coming to an explosive head, that is, during this critical juncture in U.S. history, Jovenel Moïse was poised to reveal the truth about the “mysterious” goings-on in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and beyond?

IN turn, inextricable tie-ins to the Clinton Foundation would become front and center, with said crimes tracked and traced back to the DemonRAT Party. Moreover, by extrapolation, ask yourselves: how exactly would their Black voting base feel about a multitude of crimes perpetrated against the Haitian people, including child-trafficking, and, no less, under the guise of humanitarian rebuilding efforts? Rhetorical.

INDEED, with tens of millions raised for rebuilding and funneled through the RICO-like Foundation and with nothing to show for it, atop many thousands of kiddies who went “mysteriously missing” and ended up ferried/trafficked to parts unknown for not so kosher purposes, well, who but the President of Haiti was in the position to spill the beans?? Yes, the full facts re Haiti’s kiddies have yet to be told. Stay tuned.

ALAS, the track record within the Child Welfare System in America is more than a nightmare — as bad, if not worse, than a third world country! Incontestably, it is still ongoing.

(July 2014) In the last few years, federal legislators have taken an increased interest in confronting the sex trafficking of domestic children and youth. In the 113th Congress, alone, legislators have introduced over 20 bills that tackle
the issue of child trafficking. The surge in national attention towards the issue of human trafficking has created an opportunity for added awareness, dialogue, and the emergence of a best practices framework that service providers and advocates can use in serving children and youth who have been trafficked for sex.
There is an opportunity to arm policymakers with knowledge and resources, so that they can work with law enforcement, the judiciary, health and human services and other agencies to ensure that sexually exploited
children and youth gain access to the services and supports they need.
Victims of sex trafficking include a broad range of populations such as homeless children and youth, children and youth in the foster care system, refugees, and LGBTQ youth. To date, little effort has been made to
collect comprehensive data on the scope of this problem, but it is estimated that 100,000 children and youth are sexually exploited in the United States each year.1 What is clear is that many of the minors who are
trafficked interact with the child welfare system at some point in their lives. Child welfare service providers are therefore uniquely situated to identify and address issues of children and youth who have been sexually
This brief will explore the vulnerabilities that make certain groups of children and youth particularly vulnerable to sex trafficking. We will recommend policies and best practices that can help to provide these
victims with the services they need and crack down on traffickers and their customers. Finally, the brief will detail current efforts from Congress and states to end child sex trafficking in the U.S. and support services for
sexually exploited children and youth ….. continue the loathsome, but necessary, truth-telling here ….

ONTO the mostly unknown German “experiment”; again, a state sanctioned crime against the most vulnerable of all, the kiddies!!

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THE NEW YORKER | By Rachel Aviv | July 21, 2021

With the approval of the government, a renowned sexologist ran a dangerous program. How could this happen?

In 2017, a German man who goes by the name Marco came across an article in a Berlin newspaper with a photograph of a professor he recognized from childhood. The first thing he noticed was the man’s lips. They were thin, almost nonexistent, a trait that Marco had always found repellent. He was surprised to read that the professor, Helmut Kentler, had been one of the most influential sexologists in Germany. The article described a new research report that had investigated what was called the “Kentler experiment.” Beginning in the late sixties, Kentler had placed neglected children in foster homes run by pedophiles. The experiment was authorized and financially supported by the Berlin Senate. In a report submitted to the Senate, in 1988, Kentler had described it as a “complete success.”

Marco had grown up in foster care, and his foster father had frequently taken him to Kentler’s home. Now he was thirty-four, with a one-year-old daughter, and her meals and naps structured his days. After he read the article, he said, “I just pushed it aside. I didn’t react emotionally. I did what I do every day: nothing, really. I sat around in front of the computer.”

Marco looks like a movie star—he is tanned, with a firm jaw, thick dark hair, and a long, symmetrical face. As an adult, he has cried only once. “If someone were to die in front of me, I would of course want to help them, but it wouldn’t affect me emotionally,” he told me. “I have a wall, and emotions just hit against it.” He lived with his girlfriend, a hairdresser, but they never discussed his childhood. He was unemployed. Once, he tried to work as a mailman, but after a few days he quit, because whenever a stranger made an expression that reminded him of his foster father, an engineer named Fritz Henkel, he had the sensation that he was not actually alive, that his heart had stopped beating, and that the color had drained from the world. When he tried to speak, it felt as if his voice didn’t belong to him.

Several months after reading the article, Marco looked up the number for Teresa Nentwig, a young political scientist at the University of Göttingen Institute for Democracy Research, who had written the report on Kentler. He felt both curious and ashamed. When she answered the phone, he identified himself as “an affected person.” He told her that his foster father had spoken with Kentler on the phone every week. In ways that Marco had never understood, Kentler, a psychologist and a professor of social education at the University of Hannover, had seemed deeply invested in his upbringing.

Nentwig had assumed that Kentler’s experiment ended in the nineteen-seventies. But Marco told her he had lived in his foster home until 2003, when he was twenty-one. “I was totally shocked,” she said. She remembers Marco saying several times, “You are the first person I’ve told—this is the first time I’ve told my story.” As a child, he’d taken it for granted that the way he was treated was normal. “Such things happen,” he told himself. “The world is like this: it’s eat and be eaten.” But now, he said, “I realized the state has been watching.”

A few weeks later, Marco phoned one of his foster brothers, whom he calls Sven. They had lived together in Henkel’s home for thirteen years. He liked Sven, but felt little connection to him. They had never had a real conversation. He told Sven he’d learned that they had been part of an experiment. But Sven seemed unable to process the information. “After all those years, we had gotten out of the habit of thinking,” Marco said.

As a young boy, Marco liked to pretend he was one of the Templars, an order of knights that protected pilgrims to the Holy Land. He was a lively child who occasionally wandered around his Berlin neighborhood unsupervised. At five, in 1988, he crossed the street alone and was hit by a car. He was not seriously injured, but the accident attracted the attention of the Schöneberg youth-welfare office, which is run by the Berlin state government. Caseworkers at the office observed that Marco’s mother seemed “unable to give him the necessary emotional attention.” She worked at a sausage stand, and was struggling to manage parenthood on her own. Marco’s father, a Palestinian refugee, had divorced her. She sent Marco and his older brother to day care in dirty clothes, and left them there for eleven hours. Caseworkers recommended that Marco be placed in a foster home with a “family-like atmosphere.” One described him as an attractive boy who was wild but “very easy to influence.”

Marco was assigned to live with Henkel, a forty-seven-year-old single man who supplemented his income as a foster father by repairing jukeboxes and other electronics. Marco was Henkel’s eighth foster son in sixteen years. When Henkel began fostering children, in 1973, a teacher noticed that he was “always looking for contact with boys.” Six years later, a caseworker observed that Henkel appeared to be in a “homosexual relationship” with one of his foster sons. When a public prosecutor launched an investigation, Helmut Kentler, who called himself Henkel’s “permanent adviser,” intervened on Henkel’s behalf—a pattern that repeats throughout more than eight hundred pages of case files about Henkel’s home. Kentler was a well-known scholar, the author of several books on sex education and parenting, and he was often quoted in Germany’s leading newspapers and on its TV programs. The newspaper Die Zeit had described him as the “nation’s chief authority on questions of sexual education.” On university letterhead, Kentler issued what he called an “expert opinion,” explaining that he had come to know Henkel through a “research project.” He commended Henkel on his parenting skills and disparaged a psychologist who invaded the privacy of his home, making “wild interpretations.” Sometimes, Kentler wrote, an airplane is not a phallic symbol—it is simply a plane. The criminal investigation was suspended.

Marco was impressed by Henkel’s apartment. It had five bedrooms and was on the third floor of an old building on one of the main shopping streets of Friedenau, an upscale neighborhood popular among politicians and writers. Two other foster sons lived there, a sixteen-year-old and a twenty-four-year-old, neither of whom was particularly friendly to Marco. But he was delighted to discover an armoire in the hallway that held a cage with two rabbits that he could play with and feed. In a report to the youth-welfare office, Henkel noted that Marco was “excited about almost everything that was offered to him.”

Every few months, Henkel drove nearly two hundred miles with his foster children to see Kentler in Hannover, where he taught. The visits were an opportunity for Kentler to observe the children: to “hear what they say about their past; their dreams and fears; to know their wishes and hopes, to see how they each develop, how they feel,” Henkel wrote. In a photograph taken during one of their visits, Kentler wears a white button-up shirt with a pen in the pocket, and Marco sits at a dining-room table beside him, looking bored and dazed.

Marco had been living with Henkel for a year and a half when Sven moved in. The police had found him in a subway station in Berlin, sick with hepatitis. He was seven years old, begging for money, and he said that he had come from Romania. Noting that Sven had “likely never experienced a positive parent-child relationship,” the youth-welfare office searched for a foster home in Berlin. “Mr. Henkel seems to be ideally suited to this difficult task,” doctors from a clinic at the Free University of Berlin wrote.

The two boys took on different roles in their new family. Sven was the good son, docile and loving. Marco was more defiant, but at night, when Henkel came into his room asking to cuddle, or waited for him while he brushed his teeth before bed, he had to comply. “I just accepted it out of loyalty, because I didn’t know anything else,” Marco told me. “I didn’t think what was happening was good, but I thought it was normal. I thought of it a little bit like food. People have different tastes in food, the way some people have different tastes in sexuality.” If Sven’s bedroom door was open and he wasn’t there, Marco knew what was happening, but the two boys never talked about what Henkel did to them. “It was an absolutely taboo subject,” Marco said.

One night, Marco took a knife from the kitchen and slept with it under his pillow. When Henkel approached his bed and discovered the blade, he withdrew quickly, called Helmut Kentler, then handed the phone to Marco. “There’s a devil behind my wall,” Marco tried to explain. Kentler had a calming, grandfatherly presence. He assured Marco that there was no such thing as devils, and Marco agreed to surrender the knife.

Marco’s mother and brother were allowed to visit roughly once a month, but Henkel often cancelled the visits at the last minute, or cut them short, saying that they were disruptive. Afterward, Marco would sometimes urinate in his bed or lose focus in school, writing numbers and letters backward. “It was as if he wanted to say: there is no point in anything,” Henkel wrote. Kentler warned the youth-welfare office that Marco’s “educational successes are ruined by a few hours of being with his mother.” Marco’s father was not allowed to see him at all, because Henkel reported that Marco said that his dad had beaten him. Marco was so terrified of his father, Henkel said, that he suffered from “fearful fantasies when he noticed people of Arab appearance on the street.”

Marco’s teachers recommended that he see a child therapist, who was supposed to meet with him for two hours a week. But the therapist said that Henkel was holding Marco “prisoner”—Henkel always sat close by, in an adjacent room. Marco remembers that, once, after a session began without Henkel’s realizing it, he barged into the room and hit the therapist in the face. When a school psychologist referred Sven for counselling, too, Henkel would not allow him to take any psychological tests, according to records. “Not with me!” he shouted. “If you all want to make a ‘case’ out of [Sven], then do it without me.” (Sven seemed upset by the outburst, asking Henkel, “Does that mean you want to give me away?”)

In a letter, Kentler advised the youth-welfare office that, if a psychological assessment had to be done, he would perform it. “Insights beyond my findings are not to be expected,” he wrote. He acknowledged that Henkel could appear “harsh and hurtful,” but “I ask you to consider that a man who deals with such seriously damaged children is not a ‘simple person,’ ” he wrote, in another letter. “What Mr. Henkel needs from the authorities is trust and protection.”

When Marco was nine, his mother petitioned a district judge in Berlin to allow her to spend more time with him. Marco’s father told the youth-welfare office that he could not understand why Marco was growing up in a “strange family,” deprived of an Arabic education. He also “made massive accusations against the foster father’s behavior,” a caseworker wrote. But Marco’s mother had signed an agreement stating that she would “always be guided by the best interests of my child,” and that determination was made by the youth-welfare office.

A hearing was held in March, 1992, a month before Marco turned ten. The judge asked to speak privately with Marco, but Henkel stood directly outside the room and said, “If you are being threatened, call out!” Marco sounded as if he had been coached. He told the judge that his foster father, whom he called Papa, loved him, and his birth family did not. When the judge asked if he still wanted his mother to visit, he responded, “Not often.” He said that once a year would be better, and insisted that “Papa should be there.” He explained that he was afraid of his biological father, and now that he was with Papa he was no longer scared. “Only sometimes at night,” he added.

After the hearing, Kentler sent a letter to the judge, saying, “For the best interests of the child, I consider it absolutely essential that contact with the family of origin—including the mother—be completely suspended for the next two years.” Kentler also emphasized that Marco needed distance from the men in his family, because they set a bad example. He said that Marco’s mood changed when he spoke about his father. Though Kentler had never met Marco’s dad, he characterized him as authoritarian, abusive, and macho. He also disapproved of Marco’s fifteen-year-old brother, who was six feet four and weighed two hundred and twenty-five pounds. The boy “gives the (false) impression of strength and superiority,” Kentler wrote, and was already molding himself in his father’s image; he was “addicted to being the big man.”

Kentler’s career was framed by his belief in the damage wrought by dominant fathers. An early memory was of walking in the forest on a spring day and running to keep up with his father. “I had only one wish: that he should take my hand and hold it in his,” Kentler wrote in a parenting magazine in 1983. But his father, a lieutenant in the First World War, believed in a “rod and baton pedagogy,” as Kentler put it. Kentler’s parents followed the teachings of Daniel Gottlob Moritz Schreber, a best-selling German authority on child care who has been described as a “spiritual precursor of Nazism.” Schreber outlined principles of child rearing that would create a stronger race of men, ridding them of cowardice, laziness, and unwanted displays of vulnerability and desire. “Suppress everything in the child,” Schreber wrote, in 1858. “Emotions must be suffocated in their seed right away.” When Kentler misbehaved, his father threatened to buy a contraption invented by Schreber to promote children’s posture and compliance: shoulder bands to prevent slouching; a belt that held their chest in place while they slept; an iron bar pressed to their collarbone, so they’d sit up straight at the table. If Kentler talked out of turn, his father slammed his fist on the table and shouted, “When the father talks, the children must be silent!”

Kentler was ten during Kristallnacht, in 1938, when Nazi Storm Troopers raided Jewish temples, stores, and houses. Kentler’s family was living in Düsseldorf, and Kentler was awakened by the noise of shattering glass. He came out of his bedroom and saw his father in a nightdress, holding the phone. “In his loud, dominant voice, my father called for a police deployment because someone had broken into our building,” Kentler wrote in “Borrowed Fathers, Children Need Fathers,” a 1989 book about parenthood. “It was a longer conversation, during which my father became ever quieter, and ultimately he timidly hung up the receiver, stood there like he had collapsed and quietly said to my mother, who had been standing next to him for some time: ‘They’re going after the Jews!’ ”

Soon, the doorbell rang. A Jewish family—a mother, father, and three children—who lived in the apartment below stood at the door. Their apartment had been destroyed, and they asked if they could spend the night with the Kentlers. “No, that will really not be possible here,” Kentler’s father said. He shut the door. Kentler glimpsed his father’s nightshirt climbing just above his knee, revealing his soft naked legs. “My whole father suddenly seemed laughable to me,” he wrote.

Shortly afterward, Kentler’s father was called back to active duty. He rose to the rank of colonel, and moved his family to Berlin, where he worked at the High Command of the army of Nazi Germany. “My father’s authority was never based on his own accomplishment, but on the large institutions in which he snuck into, that rubbed off on him,” Kentler wrote. He was seventeen when the Nazis were defeated and his father came home, “a broken man,” Kentler wrote. “I never again obeyed him and I felt terribly alone.”

The postwar years in West Germany were marked by an intense preoccupation with sexual propriety, as if decorum could solve the nation’s moral crisis and cleanse it of guilt. “One’s own offspring did penance for Auschwitz,” the German poet Olav Münzberg wrote, “with ethics and morality forcefully jammed into them.” Women’s reproductive rights were severely restricted, and the policing of homosexual encounters, a hallmark of Nazism, persisted; in the two decades after the war, roughly a hundred thousand men were prosecuted for this crime. Kentler was attracted to men and felt as if he “always had one leg in prison,” because of the risks involved in consummating his desires. He found solace in the book “Corydon,” by André Gide, a series of Socratic dialogues about the naturalness of queer love. “This book took away my fear of being a failure and of being rejected, of being a negative biological variant,” he wrote in a 1985 essay called “Our Homosexuality.” But nothing could be done to remedy his relationship with his parents. “They no longer loved me,” he wrote.

In 1960, Kentler got a degree in psychology, a field that allowed him to be “an engineer in the realm of the . . . manipulatable soul,” he said at a lecture. He became involved in the student movement, and at a meeting of the Republican Club, a group established by left-wing intellectuals, he publicly identified himself as gay for the first time. Not long afterward, he wrote, he decided to turn “my passions into a profession (which is also good for the passions: they are controlled).” He earned a doctorate in social education from the University of Hannover, publishing his dissertation, a guidebook called “Parents Learn Sex Education,” in 1975. He was inspired by the Marxist psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who had argued that the free flow of sexual energy was essential to building a new kind of society. Kentler’s dissertation urged parents to teach their children that they should never be ashamed of their desires. “Once the first feelings of shame exist, they multiply easily and expand into all areas of life,” he wrote.

Like many of his contemporaries, Kentler came to believe that sexual repression was key to understanding the Fascist consciousness. In 1977, the sociologist Klaus Theweleit published “Male Fantasies,” a two-volume book that drew on the diaries of German paramilitary fighters and concluded that their inhibited drives—along with a fear of anything gooey, gushing, or smelly—had been channelled into a new outlet: destruction. When Kentler read “Male Fantasies,” he could see Schreber, the child-care author whose principles his parents had followed, “at work everywhere,” he wrote. Kentler argued that ideas like Schreber’s (he had been so widely read that one book went through forty editions) had poisoned three generations of Germans, creating “authoritarian personalities who have to identify with a ‘great man’ around them to feel great themselves.” Kentler’s goal was to develop a child-rearing philosophy for a new kind of German man. Sexual liberation, he wrote, was the best way to “prevent another Auschwitz.”

The trials of twenty-two former Auschwitz officers had revealed a common personality type: ordinary, conservative, sexually inhibited, and preoccupied with bourgeois morality. “I do think that in a society that was more free about sexuality, Auschwitz could not have happened,” the German legal scholar Herbert Jäger said. Sexual emancipation was integral to student movements throughout Western Europe, but the pleas were more pitched in Germany, where the memory of genocide had become inextricably—if not entirely accurately—linked with sexual primness. In “Sex After Fascism,” the historian Dagmar Herzog describes how, in Germany, conflicts over sexual mores became “an important site for managing the memory of Nazism.” But, she adds, it was also a way “to redirect moral debate away from the problem of complicity in mass murder and toward a narrowed conception of morality as solely concerned with sex.”

Suddenly, it seemed as if all relationship structures could—and must—be reconfigured, if there was any hope of producing a generation less damaged than the previous one. In the late sixties, educators in more than thirty German cities and towns began establishing experimental day-care centers, where children were encouraged to be naked and to explore one another’s bodies. “There is no question that they were trying (in a desperate sort of neo-Rousseauian authoritarian antiauthoritarianism) to remake German/human nature,” Herzog writes. Kentler inserted himself into a movement that was urgently working to undo the sexual legacy of Fascism but struggling to differentiate among various taboos. In 1976, the magazine Das Blatt argued that forbidden sexual desire, such as that for children, was the “revolutionary event that turns our everyday life on its head, that lets feelings break out and that shatters the basis of our thinking.” A few years later, Germany’s newly established Green Party, which brought together antiwar protesters, environmental activists, and veterans of the student movement, tried to address the “oppression of children’s sexuality.” Members of the Party advocated abolishing the age of consent for sex between children and adults.

In this climate—a psychoanalyst described it as one of “denial and manic ‘self-reparation’ ”—Kentler was a star. He was asked to lead the department of social education at the Pedagogical Center, an international research institute in Berlin whose planning committee included Willy Brandt, who became the Chancellor of Germany (and won the Nobel Peace Prize), and James B. Conant, the first U.S. Ambassador to West Germany and a president of Harvard. Funded and supervised by the Berlin Senate, the center was established, in 1965, to make Berlin an international leader in reforming educational practices. Kentler worked on the problem of runaways, heroin addicts, and young prostitutes, many of whom gathered in the archways of the Zoo Station, the main transportation hub in West Berlin. The milieu was memorialized in “Christiane F.,” an iconic drug movie of the eighties, about teen-agers, prematurely aware of the emptiness of modern society, self-destructing, set to a soundtrack by David Bowie.

Kentler befriended a thirteen-year-old named Ulrich, whom he described as “one of the most sought-after prostitutes in the station scene.” When Kentler asked Ulrich where he wanted to stay at night, Ulrich told him about a man he called Mother Winter, who fed boys from the Zoo Station and did their laundry. In exchange, they slept with him. “I said to myself: if the prostitutes call this man ‘mother,’ he can’t be bad,” Kentler wrote. Later, he noted that “Ulrich’s advantage was that he was handsome and that he enjoyed sex; so he could give something back to pedophile men who looked after him.”

Kentler formalized Ulrich’s arrangement. “I managed to get the Senate officer responsible to approve it,” he wrote in “Borrowed Fathers, Children Need Fathers.” Kentler found several other pedophiles who lived nearby, and he helped them set up foster homes, too. At the time, the Berlin Senate, which governs the city—one of sixteen states in the country—was eager to find new solutions to the “life problems of our society,” in order to “confirm and maintain Berlin’s reputation as an outpost of freedom and humanity,” Kentler wrote.

In 1981, Kentler was invited to the German parliament to speak about why homosexuality should be decriminalized—it didn’t happen for thirteen more years—but he strayed, unprompted, into a discussion of his experiment. “We looked after and advised these relationships very intensively,” he said. He held consultations with the foster fathers and their sons, many of whom had been so neglected that they had never learned to read or write. “These people only put up with these feeble-minded boys because they were in love with them,” he told the lawmakers. His summary did not seem to provoke concerns. Perhaps the politicians were receptive because the project seemed to be the opposite of the Nazis’ reproductive experiments, with their rigid emphasis on propagating certain kinds of families, or perhaps they were unconcerned because, in their opinion, the boys were already lost. In the sixties and seventies, the political élite were suddenly taking an interest in the lower class, but their capacity for identification was apparently limited.

If there were ever files in the city’s archives documenting how Kentler’s project came to be approved—or how, exactly, he located the men who served as foster fathers—they have been lost or destroyed. When Kentler publicly discussed his experiment, he offered details about only three foster homes. But, in a 2020 report commissioned by the Berlin Senate, scholars at the University of Hildesheim concluded that “the Senate also ran foster homes or shared flats for young Berliners with pedophile men in other parts of West Germany.” The fifty-eight-page report was preliminary and vague; the authors said there were about a thousand unsorted files in the basement of a government building that they had been unable to read. No names were revealed, but the authors wrote that “these foster homes were run by sometimes powerful men who lived alone and who were given this power by academia, research institutions and other pedagogical environments that accepted, supported or even lived out pedophile stances.” The report concluded that some “senate actors” had been “part of this network,” while others had merely tolerated the foster homes “because ‘icons’ of educational reform policies supported such arrangements.”

Marco remembers Kentler and his foster father talking for hours on the phone about politics. The intensity of their conversations surprised him, because Henkel was laconic at home, rarely speaking in full sentences. Marco and Sven didn’t talk to each other, either. Marco spent all of his free time in his room, on an Amiga computer, playing SimCity and Mega-Lo-Mania. Both boys kept their doors closed. Once, when the neighbors played loud music, breaking the silence in their apartment, Henkel told the boys that he wanted to drill holes in two microwave ovens and then aim the radioactive waves toward each other, at just the right angle, to give the neighbors a heart attack.

Marco’s mother lost her plea for more access to her son. She was still allowed visits every few weeks at the youth-welfare office, but the meetings went increasingly badly. During the first visit after the court hearing, Marco told his mother that he didn’t want to see her, because she didn’t get along with his foster father. “While he was saying this, he did not make eye contact with his mother,” a social worker wrote. At the next visit, three weeks later, he refused to accept his mother’s gift—pens and a pad of paper—or to answer her questions. He repeatedly asked to leave, until his mother reluctantly agreed. She was “visibly shaken and cried,” the social worker wrote. “She no longer knows what to do.” The next day, Henkel called the youth-welfare office and said that he would support Marco “in demonstrating his rejection of his mother.”

A year and a half later, Marco’s father informed the youth-welfare office that he was moving to Syria and wanted to say goodbye to his son. There is no record of anyone responding. Marco’s opinion of his parents became overlaid with the insults he’d heard from Henkel and Kentler. He imagined his mother as a lazy woman who spent her days eating sausages, his father as a violent patriarch. It wasn’t until two decades later that he grasped that his parents had fought to have a relationship with him.

Some nights, when Marco was eating dinner with Sven and Henkel, he would have the sensation that he was among strangers. “Who are you people?” he asked once. Henkel responded, “It’s me—your father.”

When Marco was eleven years old, a new foster son, Marcel Kramer, moved in. Kramer was a small boy with dimples, crooked teeth, and a sweet, open smile. He was half a year younger than Marco and had spastic quadriplegia, a congenital condition that left him unable to walk, talk, or eat on his own. Marco and Sven became Kramer’s caretakers, feeding him strawberry-flavored milk with a spoon and removing mucus from his lungs with a suction hose. When they went to Henkel’s house in Brandenburg, west of Berlin, Marco pushed Kramer for hours on a tire swing. Kramer was the first person in years for whom Marco had felt love.

At school, Marco had no close relationships. Henkel encouraged him to misbehave, rewarding him with computer games if he spat, talked out of turn, or overturned chairs. He skipped class and rarely did his homework. He ended up switching schools seven times, which, he now believes, was Henkel’s plan.

For years, Marco tolerated Henkel, but, as he began going through puberty, he said, “I started to hate him.” He spent an hour each day lifting weights, so that he would be strong enough to defend himself. One night, when Henkel tried to fondle him, Marco hit his hand. Henkel seemed startled but didn’t say anything. He just walked away.

Henkel stopped trying to sexually molest Marco, but he became punitive. At night, he locked the door to the kitchen so that Marco couldn’t eat. (“His greed when eating was noticeable,” Henkel once wrote.) He also hit Marco. “Go on, let off some steam,” Marco sometimes said, taunting Henkel. “He said he wasn’t hitting me—he was hitting the devil inside of me,” Marco told me.

When Marco turned eighteen, he was legally free to leave Henkel’s home, but it didn’t occur to him to move out. “It’s very hard to describe, but I was never raised to think critically about anything,” he said. “I had an empty mind.”

One day, Kramer developed the flu. In the course of forty-eight hours, his breathing became increasingly labored. For years, Marco had checked on Kramer several times each night, to make sure that he was breathing. Now he was so worried that he lay in bed beside him. Henkel had always resisted calling doctors for the boys. By the time he gave in, Kramer could not be resuscitated. “It happened in front of my eyes,” Marco said. “I was looking into his eyes when he died.”

The foster-care files contain only a brief note documenting Kramer’s death. “Call from Mr. Henkel, who says that Marcel died unexpectedly last night,” an employee at the youth-welfare office wrote, in September, 2001. “Previously there were no signs of an infection.” A subsequent note says that Henkel, who was sixty, was looking to take in another child.

After Teresa Nentwig’s report on Kentler, in 2016, she planned to write her habilitation thesis, a requirement for a career in academia, on Kentler’s life and work. But there were many setbacks. Relevant files in the city archives of Berlin were missing, unsorted, or sealed. Friends and colleagues of Kentler, who had died in 2008, told Nentwig that they didn’t want to talk. “Some said that Kentler is a very good man and he has done only things which are good,” Nentwig told me.

Nentwig gives the impression of being a methodical and undramatic scholar, the type who never misses a deadline. In the summer of 2020, when we first spoke, she told me, “I have no future in the university, because it is very hard to have success with this sort of subject. I am criticizing the academic world.” I assumed that, as ambitious people tend to do, she was motivating herself with a fear of worst-case scenarios. But the next time I spoke with her, this spring, she had taken a job with a regional State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, a German intelligence agency that monitors anti-democratic threats. Her university contract had not been renewed, and she blamed the premature end of her academic career in part on her decision to research Kentler. “I’m a political scientist,” she said, “and people were always asking, ‘What is political about this topic?’ ”

Nentwig and her former university are now splitting the cost, some six thousand euros, for a German academic press to publish what would have been her thesis. In the book, which comes out in September, she reveals that Kentler, the single father of three adopted sons and several foster children, appeared to be conducting his own, informal version of the experiment that the Berlin Senate had authorized. Karin Désirat, the co-author of a book called “Sex—Lust and Life,” told Nentwig that two of Kentler’s foster sons had come to her for therapy and divulged that Kentler had sexually abused them. Désirat “owed a lot to Kentler,” she said—he had helped her get her first teaching position—and she did not want to get involved. She referred the boys to another therapist. The boys preferred to keep their abuse private, she said, because they “didn’t want to lose the positives of Kentler’s care—that they had enough to eat and that they were taken care of and things like that.” Kentler’s experiment seemed to rest on the idea that some children are fundamentally second class, their outlook so compromised that any kind of love is a gift, a proposition that his colleagues apparently accepted, too. (Désirat said that she eventually broke off contact with Kentler, concluding that his behavior had been “creepy.”)

Gunter Schmidt, a former president of the International Academy of Sex Research, which attracts the field’s leading researchers, was friends with Kentler for more than twenty years. “I honestly had respect for it,” he told Nentwig of the experiment. “Because I thought, These are really young people who are in the worst situation. They probably have a long history at home, they had miserable childhoods and someone is looking after them. And if Kentler is there it’ll be fine.” He added, “And the Berlin Senate is also there.” When Kentler was fifty-seven, he wrote Schmidt a letter explaining why he was aging happily, rather than becoming lonely and resigned: he and his twenty-six-year-old son were “part of a very fulfilling love story” that had lasted thirteen years and still felt fresh. To understand his state of mind, Kentler wrote, his friend should know his secret.

For much of his career, Kentler spoke of pedophiles as benefactors. They offered neglected children “a possibility of therapy,” he told Der Spiegel, in 1980. When the Berlin Senate commissioned him to prepare an expert report on the subject of “Homosexuals as caregivers and educators,” in 1988, he explained that there was no need to worry that children would be harmed by sexual contact with caretakers, as long as the interaction was not “forced.” The consequences can be “very positive, especially when the sexual relationship can be characterized as mutual love,” he wrote.

But in 1991 he seemed to rethink his opinion, after his youngest adopted son, the one he praised in the letter to Schmidt, committed suicide. Then he read the paper “Confusion of the Tongues Between Adults and the Child (The Language of Tenderness and of Passion),” by Sándor Ferenczi, a Hungarian psychoanalyst and a student of Freud. The paper describes how sexualized relationships between adults and children are always asymmetrical, exploitative, and destructive. Ferenczi warns that to give children “more love or love of a different kind” than they seek “will have just as pathogenic consequences as denying them love.” Children’s “personalities are not sufficiently consolidated in order to be able to protest,” he writes. They will “subordinate themselves like automata.” They become oblivious of their own needs and “identify themselves with the aggressor.”

In an interview with a German historian in 1992, Kentler spoke of his grief for his adopted son and said, “Unfortunately I only read the Ferenczi essay after his death.” He did not confess to abusing his son; instead, he said that the boy had been sexually abused by his birth mother. “He hung himself because of that,” he told the historian. “I’ve experienced it in the biggest way, in a very close way, and certainly I’m partly to blame.” He regretted that, until the Ferenczi paper, he had not read anything about the emotional aftermath of sexual abuse and had not known how to help his son process the trauma. He didn’t understand that a child recovering from sexual abuse feels split, as Ferenczi describes it: he is “innocent and culpable at the same time—and his confidence in the testimony of his own senses is broken.” “I was too stupid,” Kentler said.

By the late nineties, Kentler had stopped seeing Henkel’s foster sons, or involving himself in their upbringing. In what was likely his last recorded public statement about pedophilia, in an interview in 1999, he referred to it as a “sexual disorder,” and alluded to the impossibility of an adult and a child sharing an understanding of sexual contact. The problem, he said, is that the adult will always have “the monopoly on definition.”

When I first began corresponding with Marco, in the summer of 2020, our communication was mediated by a man named Christoph Schweer, who referred to himself as Marco’s “friend.” Initially, I assumed that he was Marco’s lawyer. Then I looked him up online and saw that he had received a Ph.D. in philosophy, publishing a dissertation called “Homesickness, Heroes, Cheerfulness: Nietzsche’s Path to Becoming a Superhero.” He worked for the Alternative for Germany (AfD), Germany’s right-wing party, as an adviser for education and cultural policy. The Party was recently investigated by Germany’s domestic-intelligence agency for undermining democracy by, among other things, minimizing the crimes of the Nazis. The Party’s co-leader has called the Nazi era “just a speck of bird poop in more than 1,000 years of successful German history.”

Last August, Marco, Schweer, and Thomas Rogers, a Berlin journalist, who also works as a translator, met at a hotel attached to Berlin’s international airport, the only place we could come up with that would be sufficiently private. I spoke with them via Zoom. Marco and Schweer sat in chairs beside the bed, and they did not appear to have a particularly familiar rapport. Marco wore a flowery button-up Hawaiian shirt and had not shaved in a few days. Schweer, dressed for the office, had a prim, businesslike manner. Like an agent helping his celebrity client, he seemed a bit bored by our conversation but occasionally chimed in, prompting Marco to share memorable details.

“When you first saw him you thought, What a crooked mouth he has,” Schweer offered, referring to Henkel.

“He had no lips,” Marco clarified. He explained that Kentler, too, had this trait. Schweer demonstrated by pressing his mouth together, so that only a sliver of his bottom and upper lip were visible.

“Do you know people who have no lips?” Marco said. “They are always egotistical and mean—I noticed that.”

Schweer first contacted Marco in early 2018, after reading an article in Der Spiegel about Kentler’s experiment, in which Marco said that he’d been let down by the Berlin Senate. After the publication of Nentwig’s report, Marco wrote to the Senate asking for more information about what had happened to him, but he felt that the Senate was insufficiently responsive.

Schweer had “offered help from the AfD,” Marco told me. “I immediately said, ‘Not for political purposes, only because I want help.’ ”

From the perspective of an AfD politician, Marco’s life story was expedient, a tale about the ways in which the German left had got sexual politics wrong. At meetings of the German parliament, members of the AfD (which won more than twelve per cent of the vote in the last national election, becoming Germany’s third-largest party) rallied around the Kentler case as a way of forcing left-wing politicians to address history that did not reflect well on their parties, but also as a barely disguised vehicle for impugning homosexuality. An advocacy group affiliated with the AfD held “Stop Kentler’s sex education” rallies, to protest the way that sexuality is currently taught in German schools. “Kentler’s criminal pedophile spirit lives on unbroken in today’s sex education,” a brochure printed by the organization explained.

History seemed to be looping back on itself. Right-wing politicians were calling for a return to the kind of “terribly dangerous upbringing” against which Kentler had rebelled. In its party manifesto, the AfD states that it is committed to the “traditional family as a guiding principle,” an idea that it associates with the maintenance of Germany’s cultural identity and power. To counteract the influx of immigrants to Germany, “the only mid- and longterm solution,” the AfD program says, “is to attain a higher birth rate by the native population.”

At a hearing in February, 2018, an AfD representative, Thorsten Weiß, complained that the Senate had not taken responsibility for Kentler’s crimes. “This is a case of political importance, which also requires political action,” he said. “The Senate is double-crossing the victims, and that is a scandal.”

At another hearing, seven months later, Weiß criticized the Senate for being slow to gather more information about Kentler’s experiment. “We will not allow government-sponsored pederasty to be swept under the rug,” he said.

Two politicians from the Green Party, which has championed the rights of sexual minorities, accused the AfD of manipulating the victims. “What the AfD is trying to do, to instrumentalize this crime for its own purposes, is unacceptable,” a representative said.

Schweer, the AfD adviser, tried to find a lawyer who could advocate for Marco in a civil lawsuit. “I stand up for a friend, the victim of the so-called Kentler experiment,” he wrote in an e-mail to a large Berlin law firm. Marco had already filed a criminal complaint, but the investigation was limited because Henkel had died in 2015. The lead caseworker, who retired after working for the office for more than forty years, exercised his right to remain silent when the police contacted him. The public prosecutor, Norbert Winkler, concluded that Henkel engaged in “serious sexual assaults including regular anal intercourse,” but he could not find evidence that anyone at the office was complicit. The dilemma, he told me, was that whenever suspicions arose the employees at the office “relied on the claims from Mr. Kentler, who was at the time a very renowned person.”

Marco and Sven tried to file civil lawsuits against the state of Berlin and the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district, the location of the youth-welfare office, for breach of official duties. But, under civil law, too much time had passed. The AfD asked an expert to analyze whether the statute of limitations had to apply to this case. Berlin’s education senator, Sandra Scheeres, a member of the Social Democratic Party, wanted to see if Marco and Sven would accept a compensation package rather than pursue a lawsuit that seemed doomed. She believed that the AfD was giving them bad advice, unnecessarily prolonging their attempt to get money. She told me, “I found it quite strange how the AfD worked with the victims—how close their relationship was, and that they gave legal advice to them. Of course, it is O.K. if the AfD draws attention to injustices, but what happened here was uncommon. I’ve never experienced something like it.” (Weiß, the AfD representative, told me, “I would have been surprised if she had said anything nice about us.” He believes there is still a pedophile network in Germany, and that those connected to it “use their political influence to make sure that the network remains under the radar.”)

Marco went to visit one of Henkel’s foster sons from the “first generation,” as he put it, to see if he wanted to join his and Sven’s legal efforts. The son, whom I’ll call Samir, lived in Henkel’s house in Brandenburg, where the boys had spent summer vacations. The house, which had only one room, was made from beige bricks and seemed to have been assembled too casually—uneven globs of mortar filled each crack. In photographs from the nineties, the place is a mess: a plastic bag and half-eaten bread lie on the table; outside the house, an old toaster oven, with a badminton birdie lying next to it, rests on a decaying dresser.

Samir, who is fifty-seven and half Algerian, had not had contact with his birth family for more than forty years. He had changed his last name to Henkel, and taken on a new German first name as well. His half sister, who lives in Algeria, told me that she and her sister had tried many times to get in touch with him, to no avail. He was the foster son whose interactions with Henkel sparked a criminal investigation in 1979, when he was fifteen. At the time, a psychologist had given Samir a personality test, and Samir had drawn himself as a fruit tree in winter that “lacks all contact to the nourishing earth.” The psychologist interviewed Henkel, too, and observed that he struggled to hold back his “enormous aggressive impulses” and, through his foster sons, tried to “make up for something that he missed in his own past.”

Marco drove to Henkel’s old property and walked toward the house. Five-foot hedges now surrounded it. The windows were covered with blankets. Marco said, “I wanted to offer him the opportunity to clear things up like I had with Sven, but when I saw that—no, no, no.” Another foster brother, the first to move into Henkel’s home, lived a few miles away, but Marco decided there was no use visiting him, either. He walked back to his car and drove home.

Winkler, the prosecutor, had sent investigators to Samir’s home, and he described it as a “garbage heap.” There was no running water or electricity. There was barely even clear space to walk. Yet one corner of the house was tidy and purposeful. It had been turned into a kind of altar. An urn with Henkel’s ashes was surrounded by fresh flowers.

Henkel had run his foster home for thirty years. When he finally shut it down, in 2003—he hadn’t been assigned a new foster child—Marco was twenty-one. He had nowhere to live. He spent three nights sleeping on benches in the park. With the help of a charity that assists homeless youths, he eventually moved into a subsidized apartment. He sometimes stole from grocery stores. “I didn’t know how the world functioned,” he told me. “I didn’t even know that you need to pay for the electricity that comes out of a socket.” He woke up several times in the middle of the night, a habit from his time caring for Marcel Kramer. But, instead of going into his foster brother’s room, he checked his own body to see, he said, “if everything is still where it should be and that I still exist.” He spent so much time by himself that he had trouble constructing sentences.

Sven lived alone in a small apartment in Berlin, too, but, unlike Marco, he stayed in touch with Henkel. “I always thought I owed the man something,” he told Der Spiegel, in 2017. Marco and Sven lived as they had as adolescents: they spent the day on the computer or watching TV, rarely speaking to anyone. Sven, who has experienced periods of severe depression since he was a child, still lives in what he called a “fortress of solitude,” and he did not want to talk about his past. “I don’t have any more strength,” he told me. “But I can assure you that everything my brother told you about our time in the foster home is one to one—the truth.”

Marco had also existed in a kind of hibernation. But, after five years, he felt as if he were becoming a “monster,” he said. “It didn’t go quite toward criminal actions, but there was a destructiveness, a lack of empathy.” When he was twenty-six, he was on a train in Berlin and noticed three men staring at him. Without making a conscious decision, Marco found himself beating them up. “I should have said, ‘Hey, what are you looking at?’ ” he said. “But, instead, I immediately fought them. I noticed I actually wanted to kill them.” One of the men ended up in the emergency room. Marco realized how much his behavior resembled that of his foster father. “It was a Henkel reaction,” he said. “I was a product. I was turning into the thing he had made.”

Around that time, he was walking on the street when a female photographer complimented his looks and asked if he’d like to do what Marco called “hobby modelling.” He agreed and sat for a series of photographs, adopting a variety of poses: in some pictures, he looks like a chiselled lawyer off to work; in others, he is windswept and preppy. The photographs never led to jobs, but he began hanging out with the photographer and her friends. He compared the experience to being a foreigner in an exotic country and finally meeting people who are willing to teach him the language. “I learned normal ways of interacting,” he said.

The modelling work inspired him to get a haircut, and, at the hair salon, a glamorous woman with a sprightly, cheerful presence, whom I’ll call Emma, trimmed his hair. Marco tends to credit his appearance for the pivotal events of his life: he believes his looks were the reason that Henkel chose him—many of Henkel’s sons had dark hair and eyes—and, twenty years later, the explanation for his first serious relationship. “I was pretty, and she didn’t leave,” he told me, of Emma. He added, only partly joking, “Some women are just really into asshole types, and I was one of those asshole types.”

At first, he was resistant to a relationship, but gradually he found Emma’s devotion persuasive. More than once, she slept outside his apartment door. “I noticed that she really loves me, and that in life there’s probably only one person who comes along who will really fight for you,” he said. He tried to blunt his antisocial impulses by remembering that they were not innate but had been conditioned by his upbringing. “I reprogrammed myself, so to speak,” he said. “I tried to re-raise myself.”

When I visited Marco, in May, he and Emma had just moved from Berlin to a new development on the city’s outskirts that he asked me not to name or describe, because he didn’t want his neighbors to know about his past. He now has two children, and they were playing with Emma in their large back yard. Inside, Marco listened to meditative lounge music and drank water from the largest coffee mug I’ve ever seen. I had the sense that with a different childhood Marco might have aged into a fairly jolly middle-aged man. He was playful and earnest and spoke poetically about his view of the afterlife. He shared his children’s developmental milestones with nuance and pride. In a gust of hospitality, he asked if I wanted Emma to cut my hair, before apologizing profusely and saying that my hair looked just fine.

A few days before my visit, the Berlin Senate had announced that it would commission scholars at the University of Hildesheim, who had published the preliminary report in 2020, to do a follow-up report about pedophile-run foster homes in other parts of Germany. Sandra Scheeres, the senator for education, had apologized to Marco and Sven, and the Senate offered them more than fifty thousand euros—in Germany, where compensation for damages is much lower than it is in the United States, this was seen as a significant amount.

Christoph Schweer, the AfD adviser, had urged Marco and Sven to keep fighting, but Marco couldn’t understand why. “We have gotten our wishes, so there’s no point in further irritating or tyrannizing the Senate,” he told me. But Schweer kept pushing him, Marco said. (Schweer denies this.) “Then I slowly got suspicious. I asked myself, What else should I want? That’s when I got the feeling that the AfD just wants to use me, to play me up. And I said, ‘I don’t want to be a political tool. I don’t want to get pulled into an election campaign.’ ” He dropped his lawsuit and accepted the Senate’s offer. His only remaining goal is that, in the upcoming report, all the names of people involved in carrying out Kentler’s experiment be revealed. (Schweer said that he had been supporting Marco as a “private person,” not on behalf of the AfD. He also told me, “I have new ideas, but for [Marco] it’s over.”)

Marco and Emma were getting married at the end of the month, and he didn’t want to think about his past. “I just wanted to end the whole thing, to have this chapter closed,” he said. He planned to take Emma’s last name. He hadn’t spoken with his birth parents or his brother since he was ten, and now he would become nearly untraceable. He had tried to Google his brother once, but he considered the idea of a reunion to be a waste of emotional resources that he could devote to his children. “It wouldn’t bring me anything, anyway,” he said. “The period of being shaped by my mother is over.”

At the end of my visit, Marco’s wedding ring arrived in the mail. Emma shrieked with joy, but Marco held the ring in his hand dispassionately and joked that he had to marry eventually, so he might as well do it now. He disguised his obvious tenderness toward her with a show of indifference that Emma apparently knew not to take seriously. “These are just the deficits that I have,” he said, referring to the lack of emotion. “I’ll get through it. It doesn’t matter.”

Three weeks later, on the eve of his wedding, he e-mailed me. “In an hour around 10 a.m. we will drive to the registry office,” he wrote. “Symbolically, a new life begins.”

After leaving Henkel’s home, Marco had contact with him only two times. The first time, when Marco was in his mid-twenties, Henkel suddenly called. He appeared to have developed some sort of dementia. He asked if Marco had remembered to feed their rabbits.

The next time was in 2015, when Emma was pregnant with their first child. Marco drove to a clinic in Brandenburg where he’d heard that Henkel was in hospice, dying of cancer. Marco opened the door to Henkel’s room. He saw Henkel lying in bed, groaning in pain. He had a long, wizard-like beard and looked to Marco as if he were possessed. Marco gazed at him for less than five seconds, long enough to confirm that he was actually dying. Then he turned around, closed the door, and walked out of the hospital.

After Marco got home, the radio in his kitchen was playing, but he didn’t remember having turned it on. A singer repeated the phrase “I’m sorry.” He felt as if Henkel were trying to get in touch with him. “I became a little bit crazy,” he told me. “I thought Henkel was a ghost who was following me, haunting me. It was definitely him: he was trying to apologize.”

Henkel died the next day. Marco entered a state of grief so fluid and expansive that, for the first time, he cried over the death of his foster brother Marcel Kramer. He had lain in bed with Kramer for an hour after he died, holding a kind of vigil; then he cut off one of Kramer’s curls, so that he’d have something to remember him by. But he had never properly mourned him. Suddenly, “the blockage disappeared,” he said. He realized why he hadn’t left Henkel’s home when he turned eighteen. “I was bound to the family by Marcel Kramer,” he said. “I would have never left him behind.”

A few weeks after Henkel’s death, the sense of being haunted began to recede. “The freedom came slowly,” Marco told me. “It was like a hunger that grows stronger and stronger. I don’t know how to say it, but it was the first time that I figured out that I am living a life with a billion different possibilities. I could have been anything. My inner voice became stronger, my intuition that I don’t have to live my life the way he taught me, that I can keep going.” ♦

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

U.S. Military Holding White House for Trump’s Return – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

AKIN to a Swiss made stopwatch, anyone who dares to mention certain trigger words, that is, related to voter fraud and the electoral steal, well, hell hath no fury like …

[Yes, while the CHI-COMS played a leading role in the electoral steal, logistical assists from foreign actors were necessary. As such, Italy became key and core … read the below]

EVEN more so, deep-state actors (domestic and foreign) are doing everything and anything to keep hidden, and to protect, the underlying secrets and truths behind the biggest heist in U.S. history, the theft of the U.S. Presidency!

BUT it is not as if patriotic operators — hailing from the highest echelons in the military, with the courageous assistance of many others  — have been standing idly by. To the contrary.

IT is due to the above (and so much more) that the “white hats”, the good guys, have been giving the “black hats”, the traitors within, enough rope to hang themselves — both literally and figuratively.

WHICH brings the discussion straight to the doors of the White House, in actuality, the People’s House.

INEXORABLY, the Biden-Obama 3.0 regime has not been operating from inside its walls, well, since the get-go. Blue-screened. Green-screened. Whatever. Believe it, or not.


The story behind Tyler Perry’s White House 

Perry told AD that his four visits to the White House inspired the three-story, stucco replica that sits on his soundstages as a part of the set for the BET show “The Oval.” The entire faux residence, which is about 80% to scale of the real one, is entirely functional.

“We built it in about 12 weeks!” Perry revealed.


ENTER, the “white hats” from the Military to the rescue; yes, via those who view their sacred oath to protect and preserve the Constitution as their trump (no pun intended) card. Their real mission.


♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | July 23, 2021

The man who calls himself president, Joseph R. Biden, has never set foot in the real White House, Real Raw News can now report. Immediately following the results of the 2020 presidential election, the U.S. military assumed provisional control of the White House amid concerns that Biden and his Deep State allies had indeed stolen the election.

On election night, as President Donald J. Trump’s commanding lead over Biden seemed to magically evaporate, the U.S. military was already investigating reports of collusion between the Biden campaign and the Chinese-sponsored hacking group Nakion, which is surreptitiously funded by the PLA. The shadowy cyberwarfare group has a history of interfering in foreign elections and is a principal player in the PLA’s cyberwar with Taiwan.

The military has evidence proving that the Biden campaign not only had knowledge of but also encouraged Nakion’s intrusion into Dominion voting machines. Dominion provided election equipment and software to 28 states, including battleground states where Trump’s imperious advantage shifted in favor of Biden during the wee hours of the morning.

While America slept, the military watched.

On November 4, at 5:00 a.m., Trump received a telephone call from Joint Chiefs of Staff member Marine Corps General David H. Berger, who revealed that Chinese saboteurs had penetrated Dominion voting machines in at least 6 states. Gen. Berger told Trump the military had failed to thwart the attack because “someone on the inside” fought its efforts to regain control of voting software. When Trump asked Berger to consult Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, Berger reportedly said, “Mr. President, I don’t think we can trust him. I suggest you immediately sign the Insurrection Act.”

The Insurrection Act of 1807, when enacted, supersedes the Posse Comitatus Act, the latter of which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

Three days after the election, as fraudulent votes were still being tallied, Gen. Berger told Trump he’d do everything possible to prevent Biden’s installation as president. But on day 4 almost every media outlet, most of congress, and the liberal elite endorsed Biden as the victor.

Despite his illegitimate victory, Biden met an unwelcome surprise when he arrived at the White House on January 20. Instead of getting a ceremonial greeting, he and Kamala Harris were stopped by National Guard and U.S. Marines at the barbwire fence encircling the White House. The Marines informed them that the military had assumed control of the Executive Branch and instructed them to vacate the area. When Harris belligerently said, “Move aside, we’re president now, the Marines locked the gate.

Although most military supported Trump, Biden had his allies—the intelligence agencies, the Secret Service, and dissident elements of the U.S. Military, including a few high-ranking generals and admirals.

RRN heard but cannot confirm a report of a brief firefight that occurred after Kamala Harris had ordered the Secret Service to storm the White House. According to the report, two Secret Service agents were killed and one Marine seriously injured before Biden’s forces were repelled from the grounds.

To avoid shame and maintain an illusion of power, Biden’s people concocted a ruse, supported by his media allies, to deceive the American public into believing he had won a fair election and had moved into the White House on schedule.

Inside Actor/Producer Tyler Perry’s 300-acre Atlanta estate sits a three-story stucco replica of the commander-in-chief’s residence, which he originally built as a set piece for a television show. Perry, a Democrat who endorsed Biden and funneled millions of dollars into his campaign, allowed Biden to use the faux White House as an operating base. Although the replicant White House is built to 80% scale, on television and in images it’s indistinguishable from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden and Harris have been using the facsimile to feign leadership and impose despotic rule on the nation. It is from there that Biden’s criminal press secretary, Jen Psaki, delivers daily press briefings, and Biden hosts foreign dignitaries. Alas, the whole of the mainstream media, including Fox News, abides this fiction perpetrated on the American public.

Meanwhile, the real White House has been dark, guarded by our nation’s finest. Stalwart observers and even Trump’s allies have proven the White House is empty. In May, Trump ally and attorney Lin Wood penetrated the veil of secrecy by sneaking inside the White House to prove that neither Biden nor any member of the presidential staff dwelt within. Instead, Trump’s photographs still adorned the West Wing, and papers bearing his signature still sat on the Resolute Desk.

RRN has heard from sources both in the military and within Trump’s inner circle, all of whom claim the White House is being preserved for its proper occupant, Donald J. Trump, whose return to authority is imminent.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

The Death of Western Civilization Runs Through America: Ben Stein’s Eulogy To The USA – “Goodbye America” … Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]


HONEST brokers, regardless of party affiliation, will have to admit: the American Republic has long been dead and buried. On the other hand, millions upon millions of patriots still cling to its founding principles — and therein lies its possible (emphasis placed) re-constitution. 

IN reality, ever since Woodrow Wilson, an elitist and a progressive socialist ascended to the helm, the essence of America has been snuffed out; creep by creep.

INDEED, under Wilson’s stewardship, his administration created the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Income Tax and the FTC, among other governmental monstrosities. Naturally, each money-sucking behemoth was presented as “necessary” for the “good and welfare” of the (unwashed) masses. Of course, the same song and dance has been playing out for decades on end, that is, until “The Donald” burst onto the scene. Is it any wonder that he is so hated and so feared by the deep-state and its myriad of tentacles??

TRUTH dare be told, like him or not, this is a man who believes in American exceptionalism. Plain and simple. Thus, sans any apologetics, he operates from said perspective and prism. Yes, “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” aka MAGA says it all.

INCONTESTABLY, America was founded as a Constitutional Republic based upon Judeo-Christian principles and not as a democracy. In fact, countless (those who know better and those who don’t) confuse and conflate democracy with freedom-based values. Herein lies the rub.

FOR all practical purposes, democracy, without its Constitutional basis, is nothing more than mob rule. Effectively, whomever rules the majority (the 51%) is in a position to squash 49% of the rest. Freedom, what’s that?? By extrapolation, the aforementioned warning is evidenced through Thomas Jefferson’s wise words:

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

ALL of which brings the discussion straight back to two prescient thinkers and scholars; one of whom is widely known and respected in the field of political science (in America and Israel), and the other is recognized as a so-called “Jack of all trades.”

FULL DISCLOSURE: as per the former, it is not for nothing that Professor Paul Eidelberg endorsed this author’s book, BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.

NOT only that, his prescience can be found throughout Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog. For example …

NOW, onto the latter’s tragic eulogy, that is, unless the so-called “white hats” manage to turn the nation around, God willing. 

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR | By Ben Stein | July 18, 2021

July 2021. A month that will live in infamy. If there is such a thing as “history” in the Biden–Orwell–Soros omni-dictatorship, July 2021 will mark the month that the Constitution, the “greatest work ever thrown off by the hand and mind of man,” as Gladstone put it, was thrown into the Ministry of Truth Memory Hole.

It was put into the “History Erase” well. A bottomless pit.

In this month, actually starting with the month before, that the superpowers of the tech world, Google, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, and Yahoo, admitted to working with the Biden/NKVD administration to suppress free speech.

For months now, we had known that the tech powers were watching us and suppressing any dissident speech against the current administration. I have seen it up close and personal. But what was argued was that the First Amendment to the Constitution protected us only against Congress and the executive branch suppressing free speech. It did not protect us from private enterprises, even very large private enterprises like Amazon or Google or Facebook, keeping tabs on citizens and shutting them out of the internet-sphere if they expressed views contradicting the views and policies of the Biden–Harris–Big Tech Party.

True, there was one big case involving a large steel company suppressing free speech by its workers, and the Supreme Court ruled that such a big company suppressing free speech on its company properties was indeed a violation of the First Amendment. But that was rare indeed.

Now, in the year 2021, the iron curtain has come down hard. With Big Internet Tech and the White House now admittedly colluding to identify and suppress dissidents, even completely nonviolent dissidents, we no longer have a Constitution.

There is just one big corporate–government–IngSoc superstate running everything. Goodbye, America. The GOP, with 50 senators, does nothing. The state legislatures, by far a majority GOP, and the spineless Supreme Court do nothing. And so goodbye to the greatest experiment in the history of the world.

When the Constitutional Congress ended in the late 18th century, as Ben Franklin was walking out, an onlooker said, “What do we have, sir? A republic or a monarchy?”

Franklin answered, “A republic. If you can keep it.”

God help us.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

FBI Agent At Center Of Whitmer Kidnap Probe Assaulted Wife After Swingers’ Party, Authorities Say … MORE THAN A CRIMINAL DEVIANT … Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

BEFORE we head to the thrust of the matter, it is imperative to flesh out what must be considered a core critical backgrounder to the (latest) deviant at hand.

AS such, peer within …

NOW that that’s understood for what really went down in the put-up job to allegedly “kidnap” the Gretch, a heightened element and factor must be entered into this criminal arena: the “force multiplier effect.”

IN this respect, whereas it is known that abusers (be they male, female, or he-she identified) hail from all walks of life and from the lowliest to the loftiest stations, it is also the case that those who inflict harm from powerful positions of authority do so with a double punch. No doubt.

EFFECTIVELY, if one is (immorally) bent to begin with — and in a (trusted) position to carry both a gun and a badge — well, the outcome of this type of force multiplier dare not be underestimated. More than predictable.

NOT only that, those who have been paying attention shouldn’t be fooled by any clucking, tsk tsking noises uttered by FBI poohbahs re this case, you know, Trask was out of line and we will take care of him internally. Hogwash.

FOR that to happen under the very same criminally-bent stewardship via Wray’s hierarchy, pigs would have to fly, too. Yes, once a dirt-bag Director always a dirt-bag Director!

BUT for the fact that the local Sheriff’s office entered the fray, make no mistake: Special Agent Richard Trask would be free as a bird, likely, receiving high-fives within today’s FBI for showing wifey who’s really in charge.

KNOW this: this investigative journalist is deadly serious.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦ 

DETROIT NEWS | By Oralander Brand-Williams

An FBI agent at the center of the investigation into the plot to kidnap and kill Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is accused of smashing his wife’s head against a nightstand and choking her after a dispute stemming from their attendance at a swingers’ party, according to court records.

Special Agent Richard Trask, 39, of Kalamazoo, was charged Monday with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, less than murder following the alleged incident Sunday.

An affidavit filed by the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office in Kalamazoo County District Court said Trask’s wife had bloody lacerations to the right side of her head and “blood all over chest, clothing arms and hand,” as well as “severe” bruising to her neck and throat.

She told police she and her husband had several drinks at a swingers’ party held at a hotel in the 2700 block of S. 11 Street in Oshtemo Township, just west of Kalamazoo, according to the affidavit. She added that she did not like the party and they argued about it on the way home. 

Once they arrived home, Trask got on top of her in their bed and “then grabbed the side of her head and smashed it several times on the nightstand,” according to the affidavit.

She attempted to grab his beard to free herself, and he began to choke her around the neck and throat with both hands, according to the affidavit. She ultimately grabbed Trask’s testicles, which ended the altercation, the document notes, and Trask left the Oshtemo Township home in her vehicle. 

►Read moreJudge releases video, photos the Whitmer kidnap plot defense didn’t want public to see

Trask, who was tracked down in the parking lot of a supermarket on Main Street in Oshtemo Township, refused to give a statement about the incident after he was read his Miranda rights, according to the affidavit.

Trask, 39, has worked for the FBI since 2011 and served as the FBI’s public face in the Whitmer case, testifying in federal court about the investigation. He has worked on cases involving espionage, terrorism and domestic extremism investigations.

The FBI on Wednesday declined to comment. FBI spokeswoman Mara Schneider on Monday said the bureau is cooperating with the prosecutor’s office. Trask’s job status was unclear.

“In accordance with FBI policy, the incident is subject to internal review, and I cannot comment further at this time,” she said in a statement.

Trask was released on a $10,000 personal recognizance bond following an arraignment in 8th District Court in Kalamazoo and faces a charge punishable by up to 10 years in prison. As part of his bond conditions, he is prohibited from possessing a firearm.

Aside from his FBI duties, Trask opened a gym at his rural property in Oshtemo Township near Kalamazoo and offers CrossFit training, according to social media posts and state business filings. He filed state paperwork for BCB Health & Wellness last year and maintains an active Instagram account showing him exercising, flexing and posing shirtless.

Trask’s arrest comes at a critical juncture in the criminal case against five men charged in federal court with plotting to kidnap Whitmer. Defense lawyers last week leveled a broad attack on the foundation of the high-profile case and suggested a second FBI agent was trying to sabotage defense teams.

“It’s the last thing you want for a major case like this,” said Andrew Arena, former special agent in charge of the FBI’s Detroit office. “Any time you give the defense any ammunition it’s not good.”

The internal review would include an investigation by FBI internal affairs, Arena said.

“Depending on the severity, it could be a suspension until things are ironed out one way or another,” Arena said.

Trask was arrested one week after defense lawyers provided the clearest view of how they plan to attack the kidnapping plot case.

Court filings revealed a defense strategy that involves suppressing evidence, attacking the work of FBI agents and claiming FBI informants entrapped men accused in the conspiracy. Five men are awaiting an October trial in federal court in Grand Rapids, though one defendant has asked U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker to move the trial out of Michigan, arguing media conduct and coverage had “corrupted the potential trial atmosphere.”

The arrest is the second potential problem in the case to emerge in recent months.

In March, prosecutors indicted an informant who sources say helped the FBI infiltrate the alleged conspiracy, a rare legal development. The indictment of Wisconsin resident Stephen Robeson after a prolonged period of cooperation suggests the relationship between Robeson and the FBI is destroyed and that prosecutors do not plan on using him at trial, legal experts said.

But defense lawyers can try to call him as a witness and attack Robeson’s credibility.

Trask testified in federal court in January against Delaware resident Barry Croft, an accused plotter who is portrayed as the group’s bomb maker. Trask identified Croft as the national leader of the 3 Percenters, a small militia that participated in the Jan. 6 insurgence at the U.S. Capitol.

During the court hearing, Trask helped provide context about multiple undercover recordings that included Croft. At the time, prosecutors wanted Croft held without bond, saying he was a violent extremist.

Defense lawyers have portrayed their clients as tough talkers who were exercising their First Amendment rights who never carried out any kidnapping plot.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

HEAD’S UP: mRNA Vaccine Inventor, Robert W. Malone, MD, Threatened With Assassination For Warning Against Experimental Covid Jab [VIDEO]

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

EVEN in today’s Orwellian times, individuals with eyes and ears and a modicum of rational thinking and learning will discern that truth-telling is not only widely discouraged, but a highly dangerous path to forge. The reasons are manifest and manifold. But suffice it to state: anyone, anything and everything which butts up against this or that narrative propagated by deep-state actors (domestic or foreign) and exposes their lies must be destroyed. No ifs, ands, or buts. Period.

OVERARCHING, nothing is left to chance in their decades-long quest — which, at this critical moment in time, is ramped up to the max — to usher in the GREAT RESET aka NEW WORLD ORDER. Incontestably, this is no conspiracy theory. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.

WHICH brings today’s threat level right to the doorstep of Robert W. Malone, MD, that is, all for the “crime” of warning against the abuse of mRNA. But never mind.

AS it happens, countless are beginning to awaken and understand that the deep-state knows no bounds. For even though it is a technology that he invented, still yet, their arrogance is unyielding. Mind-boggling.

IN this regard, in order to silence the very one who really knows what is at stake health-wise — in what has become a non-stop, worldwide campaign to jab every living being with an experimental vax — Robert W. Malone, MD must be taken out.

AS the good doc recently warned …

AND so on and so forth …

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

NEWS RESCUE | By News Staff | July 18, 2021

“Last night an experienced journalist told me that I need to get security because I was at risk of being assassinated,” Dr. Robert Malone claims.

The inventor of the mRNA technology currently used in the COVID-19 shots says he was told he may be assassinated for questioning the ethics of launching an experimental vaccine rollout without informing the public about possible risks.

Clinical scientist and researcher Dr. Robert Malone made the alarming admission on Twitter on Sunday, claiming that an “experienced journalist” told him his life was in danger for speaking publicly about the risks that come with taking the mRNA jab.

“So, I hope that this is hyperbole and an over-reaction, but last night an experienced journalist told me that I need to get security because I was at risk of being assassinated,” Malone wrote.

Robert Malone is credited with inventing mRNA technology used in some coronavirus vaccines.

“I do not know how to even begin to think about this. I am just a middle class person. Security??!!??”

Another user noted that Malone, by being such a prominent voice speaking out against the vaccines, risks stopping the flow of billions of dollars.

“That was precisely his point,” Malone replied, referring to the journalist.


Malone’s concerns aren’t unwarranted.

Several scientists and individuals linked to COVID-19 research or activism have been murdered or died mysteriously over the last year.

Malone started making headlines after speaking on shows like “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to warn about forced vaccination efforts by governments, especially when adverse reactions from the experimental mRNA gene therapy have been documented.

“[O]ne of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are. And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines,” Dr. Malone told Tucker Carlson last month, noting that the vaccines are under Emergency Use Authorization and haven’t yet been formally approved by the FDA.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Military Indicts Venal Gavin Newsom – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

WHEN it comes to haughtier-than-thou Gav, well, it ain’t too shocking that San Fran Nan has/had (who can keep up with the comings and goings of said in-laws and out-laws) a familial relationship with the pretty boy Guv!

BUT that’s not the crux of the (anti-American) matter. Far from it.

INDEED, whereas the thrust of the JAG’s indictment revolves around Gav’s morally grievous and financially injurious crimes against the people of California — never mind his countless fellow travelers, that is, like-minded limousine, Hollyweird liberals who, for decades on end, continuously pollute the God-given natural beauty of the once thriving state — there is much more than meets the eye.

IN other words, even if the venal Guv hadn’t bankrupted, decimated, and gutted the once thriving state, the following crimes are more than enough to seal his fate … ten times over!

INEXORABLY, how many are aware of the highly deep nexus between the power-hungry tyrant — currently, sitting astride the carcass of the left coast’s throne — and the CHI-COM’s, yes, in more ways than one? Well …

…. We have bombshell new intel to share with you today that connects some recent dots on the emerging violence (and civil war attempt) from Black Lives Matter, the militant terrorism wing of the Democrat party.

Summary of what you’ll find in this article:

  • Communist China is supplying full auto AR-15 “mods” to Black Lives Matter militants in America, and a shipment was recently interdicted by Customer and Border Protection (CBP).
  • California Gov. Newsom is involved in a trillion-dollar money laundering operation with communist China to keep him in power. He’s funneling taxpayer money to China, and they are laundering it and funneling money back to him. (See Los Angeles Times link below.)
  • Using the laundered money, Gov. Newsom is stockpiling automatic weapons, ammunition and gold in the underground storage complex at 1616 Capitol Ave. in Sacramento, the East End Complex building – block 174. (Sourced from a former employee who worked there.)
  • Gov. Newsom is plotting with China to have communist troops invade America (via California and other states) and to overrun and occupy the United States, turning it over to communist Chinese rule.
  • China’s EMP weapons, developed using technology stolen from the USA, are planned to be the first wave “Pearl Harbor” event that sets it all off. (Official report to the White House, see link below, or visit https://emptaskforce.us ).
  • Obama helped set up a civilian military force using Operation Fast and Furious gun smuggling to arm the narcos. (Full timeline link below.)
  • Those same narcos are now trained by communist Chinese military instructors and are prepared to invade America with the aid of heavy weapons. (DHS sources via Hodges, link below.)
  • The civil war America is facing won’t be lightly-armed “soy boys,” but rather heavily armed, full-auto wielding Black Lives Matter militants, Mexican narco gangs and communist Chinese troops operating under the protection of Gov. Newsom.
  • Hundreds of companies across corporate America are now directly funding or overtly supporting Black Lives Matter terrorists as part of this civil war effort to destroy America. See the full list of 269 companies here….

IN this regard, at the very least, now that Gav’s greedy grasp on the power levers is in jeopardy, does anyone believe that he won’t flee?? If not, why not?

BUT regardless of the recall outcome, his righteous arrest is a done deal. A fait accompli …

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | July 20, 2021

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps has indicted California Governor Gavin Newsom amid concerns that the embattled, corrupt politician might flee the country if California voters successfully oust him on September 14.

The recall effort, started by voters furious at Newsom’s draconian lockdown measures, has continued to gain traction as Newsom flouts his own restrictions and continues to bankrupt thousands of the very people who voted him into office. Although he claims rightwing political extremists started the recall movement, the U.S. military has obtained irrefutable evidence that he betrayed his oath of office by imposing needless mask mandates and profiting massively by shuttering the state’s principal economic sector, the motion picture industry, in exchange for bribes and kickbacks.

California has long been an anti-business, pro-arson, pro-homeless, and reverse racism policy driven state pandering to woke ideology and Class Marxism (as the old communist Chinese- or French Laundry – adage goes “everyone is equal, except some are more equal than others).

As such, there is little shocking about the recent deluge of accusations against Newsom and Netflix, whose executive has poured seven figure donations into the Governor’s personal coffer and anti-recall campaign, purporting a “quid pro quo” wherein Newsom kept the movie theaters, theme parks and productions locked down while Netflix profited from the “quarantine economy”.

As theatres and theme parks went broke, streaming services added tens of millions of subscribers.

A source at the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told RRN that JAG has obtained phone conversations and verified documents illustrating Newsom’s criminality.  For example: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings contributed $30,000,000 to Newsom’s anti-recall campaign, the finances of which he personally controls. Moreover, Hastings and his wife, philanthropist Patty Quillin, gave $1 million to Future Forward super PAC, which spent tens of millions of dollars in attack ads against President Trump in battle ground states. Netflix currently has a production deal with Barack and Michelle Obama.

Newsom also received a $10,000,000 ‘contribution’ from Hulu CEOs Randy Freer and Jeffrey Katzenberg, a move aimed at suppressing the will of the voters who delivered nearly 1,750,000 petition signatures to recall the much maligned governor. The Golden State Governor’s venality mandated a comprehensive military investigation, our source said.

“The evidence against Newsom is compelling, was compelling enough to issue the indictment, which it has the authority to do under the powers granted in the Insurrection Act.  In addition, JAG has obtained copies of very disturbing telephone calls between Newsom and governors of other Democratic states,” our source said.

One such call allegedly captured Newsom and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer congratulating each other on pushing their respective states closer to Socialist ideology. “When they’re all broke, they’ll have no choice but to rely on us,” Newsom said, to which Whitmer replied, “Barack Obama will be proud.”

“They discussed at length transfiguring the nation into a population of Serfs and laughed about making people wear masks for life, indoors and out. This is treason of the highest form,” our source said.

In closing, he said an indictment does not mean an immediate arrest, but the military is making plans to grab Newsom regardless of the recall outcome.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Israel Strikes Terrorists in Lebanon After Rocket Attack – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

Photo (above): A picture taken on May 20, 2021, from the northern Israeli town of Metula near the border with Lebanon, shows Lebanese army soldiers on the outskirts of the southern Lebanese village of Kfarkila. – The Israeli Palestinian ongoing military conflict has many eyes trained on the Lebanese border for a reaction from the Iran-backed Hezbollah, but observers argue the Iran-backed movement is unlikely to risk an all-out conflict. (Photo by JALAA MAREY / AFP) (Photo by JALAA MAREY/AFP via Getty Images)

Israel Strikes Terrorists in Lebanon After Rocket Attack

Counterstrike launched at suspected Iran-backed militia’s weapons depot

THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON | By Jack Beyrer  | July 20, 2021 11:50 a.m.

Israel Defense Forces struck terrorist targets in Lebanon on Tuesday morning in response to a rocket attack likely from Hezbollah militants.

The vaunted Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted one missile targeting northern Israel. A second missile landed in a vacant area inside the country. Israeli authorities did not report any casualties. Israel Defense Forces returned fire on the source of the missiles in southern Lebanon, where several Iranian-backed Palestinian terror groups operate. One human rights monitor said the Israeli strike targeted weapons depots possessed by Iran-backed militia.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said blame falls on Lebanon for the attack, since it harbors terrorist groups hostile to Israel.

“Israel will act against any threat to its sovereignty and its citizens, and will respond in accordance to its interests—at the relevant time and place,” Gantz said. “[Israel] will not allow the social, political, and economic crisis in Lebanon to turn into a security threat.”

During the Gaza conflict in May, rocket and drone strikes came from southern Lebanon, raising alarm bells that Iran-backed Hezbollah would join Hamas in shelling Israel. Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo warned, due to their advanced weapons technology, Hezbollah’s entrance into the conflict would prove highly dangerous. A Foundation for Defense of Democracies report published in May shows Hezbollah operatives remain deeply entrenched in Lebanon’s financial system and political interests.

Military Convicts Susan Rice of Treason – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

FROM time immemorial, whores have come in all sizes, shapes, races, sexual orientations, and, yes, professions. In fact, the higher up they are on the food chain, well, not only do they accrue endless cash in exchange for this and that “favor”, but, in the process, they create an inordinate amount of damage, that is, domestically and foreign-wise.

AND while the list of the aforementioned deviants and miscreants can fill volumes of books, the focus within is Susan Rice; a treasonous and treacherous snake whose hands are filled with the blood of innocents, in known and unknown ways. 

BUT for the highlights of her grave crimes, look no further than to the charges at hand. 

GOD have mercy — not on her empty soul, but on all the innocents who got caught up in her spiderweb over the decades!

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | July 20, 2021 

On 8 July, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps convicted former National Security Advisor Susan Rice of high treason and sentenced her to death for her participation in a 2017 scheme to defame then-President Elect Trump by falsely and knowingly linking his campaign to baseless allegations of Russian collusion. And for misusing her authority to spy on law-abiding American patriots.

Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, representing the military, opened the proceedings by drawing the three-officer panel’s attention to a declassified email Rice had sent to James Comey and other intelligence officials. In it, Rice instructed intelligence agencies to withhold classified data from the incoming administration because, she claimed, Gen. Michael Flynn had conspired with Russian assets to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Her request was unprecedented and illegal, as no outgoing administration had ever denied an incoming team access to daily intelligence briefings. Her unfounded accusations were later proven false.

“Susan Rice had a history of telling lies for personal gain,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the tribunal. “She fabricated information, which she knew was false, to try to thwart Trump’s installation as President of the United States, and she disseminated those lies among her colleagues.”

To prove his point, Vice Adm. Hannink played an audiotape of a conference call that took place on November 11, 2016, three days after Trump had resoundingly defeated Hillary Clinton. The participants on the call included Rice, James Comey, then-VP Joe Biden, and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Rice said on that call that on July 23, 2016, she had coerced from the Foreign Intelligence Service Court (FISA) a warrant granting the intelligence community permission to wiretap several Trump properties, including Trump Towers, Mar-a-Lago, his campaign headquarters, Trump Park Avenue, and six properties abroad.

“Trump is not fit to be president, and we’ll surely fish out something to keep him out of the Oval Office before his inauguration,” Rice said on the tape. “I’m sure we’ll obtain enough genuine information, so we don’t have to make things up.”

“These wiretaps were placed four days after Trump was officially nominated as the Republican candidate. She admits it was a fishing expedition, not because Trump or his incoming team committed a crime, but because they, well, did not like Trump. This is the ultimate betrayal of office, and, yes, treason,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

“No one close to Trump escaped these illegal wiretaps. They tapped Melania, Eric, Don Jr., their housekeeping staff—the list is exhausting,” Vice Adm. Hannink went on.

Rice, who appeared without benefit of counsel, said, “I acted in the name of preserving this country. And I’d do it again. Donald Trump should never have become president, and if this tribunal, as you call it, is just, I will be exonerated.”

“Preserving this country. Interesting choice of words,” Vice Adm. Hannink said. “Let’s remove Trump from the picture. Were you preserving this nation when you asked NSA Directors General Keith Alexander and Adm. Michael Rogers to tap the phones and electronic devices of American citizens who were not suspected of any crimes but were merely critical of Barack Obama?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

He handed the panel of ream of documents to review, saying each page held the name of innocent persons whom Obama had deemed enemy combatants. Each document bore the signature of either Rice or her subordinate, Deputy NSA Director Antony Blinkin.

“A father and son who ran a website critical of Obama’s immigration policies. Serious stuff there,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, his voice rich with sarcasm.

“They were traitors,” Rice barked. “You’re all traitors.”

“If I cared to spend a week in your presence, I could go back to your days with Clinton, your lies about how Benghazi happened, we could unmask much, much more. But others are waiting to sit in your chair,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

He reminded the tribunal that capital punishment can be imposed for treason and espionage, and recommended that fate, if the commission found her guilty.

And it did.

The three-officer panel unanimously agreed Rice be put to death for her crimes against America.

The date and method of execution were not immediately set.

Correction: We mistakenly wrote the 2016 Presidential Election took place on 20 November, 2016. It is been corrected in the text to the November 8.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}


Trump Pledges to “Blow Lid Off” Global Plandemic … MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE … VIDEO – Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

MUCH has been written by this writer about the sinister and calculating manipulation of the CHI-COM virus — enabled by U.S. deep-state actors, in league with their foreign accomplices — some of which can be found here and here, as well as at several well-trafficked news sites, namely, here. As such, there is no need to rework the wheel, so to speak.

TO said end, this discussion will zero in on the core question: who benefits from the aforementioned, that is, when all is said and done?? Well, when considering the fact that so many from the DemonRAT Mafia have been caught mask-less and whooping it up — all the while  demanding that no one from the unwashed masses dare be exempt, of course, other than BLM/Antifa & black-bloc rioters ….

EVEN more so, most recently, Rep. Swalwell — you know, of Fan-Fan commie-spy bedding — cavorted in Qatar mask-less and shirtless! Not to be left out, let’s add San Fran Nan’s mask-less beauty parlor excursion; Gav Newsom’s laundry outing; Gretch Whitmer’s travel-log, and a continuous list of additional power-hungry leaders who circumvented and defied their very own so-called lock-down mandates! How can this be?

WELL, when edicts are set forth in order to increase power and control over the masses, that is, for countless and sundry reasons having nothing to do with health and welfare, all manner of crimes against the people are committed and hidden in the dark — until now.

WATCH . . .

Video (above): Reported from TrumpHub on Telegram | July 17, 2021

AND, like clockwork, here the deep-state blows ….

AS such, without further ado, let’s head to some highly edifying and uplifting news ….

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | July 17, 2021

Donald J. Trump’s reinauguration is imminent, and his first presidential duty will be to “blow the lid off” the global pandemic and restore order to a fractured society, a source involved in Trump’s Deep State purge told Real Raw News.

On the evening of his inauguration, Trump will address the nation and reveal that the Covid-19 Delta variant is fictitious, dreamt up by maniacal people who feared losing their stranglehold on a compliant citizenry.  As society came to terms with a virus no more lethal than the common flu, and citizens eschewed masking and raised legitimate questions about hazardous vaccinations, the World Health Organization contacted its agents within the CDC and international health agencies and urged them to take part in a program aimed at once again scaring the world into frightened compliance.

It was Biden’s CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, who recommended an illusory solution; fabricating a highly transmissible and potentially more virulent strain to “scare people into wearing masks and getting vaccinations,” our source said.

He told RRN that Trump’s people have obtained irrefutable proof—including verified correspondence and audio communications—that despite mixed messages, the Biden administration is using Covid-19 to both subjugate law-abiding, patriotic Americans and thwart Trump’s bid to resume his rightful place in the Oval Office.

“There is no such thing as the Delta variant. It’s a total fabrication. Trump has letters and taped calls between Walensky and many state and federal officials, including mayors, governors, and county judges, where they all pledged allegiance to support the fake disease.  He’s making headway against these criminals, but many are still at-large. But once he’s back in office, arrests will happen fast and furious. Walensky, Fauci, Newsom, Whitmer, AOC, Pelosi—they’ll be nabbed in a massive sweep preceding Trump’s announcement,” our source said.

Trump will activate the Emergency Broadcast System and seize hostile airwaves—CNN, MSNBC, etc.—to ensure the truth reaches as wide an audience as possible. He will lay bare the facts: a highly communicable but non-life-threatening virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology; that global health organizations in conjunction with the New World Order and the Deep State profited massively through vaccination sales and insurance claims; that the endgame was to bankrupt America, destroy capitalism, and transform America into a single socialist state, like Venezuela.

“Trump’s announcement will rock the earth to its core. He knows he won’t awaken everyone to the truth, because many have become so entrenched in the Deep State’s lies, they can’t break free. But he hopes enough people will believe, so that the Deep State gets a final death blow powerful enough to prevent it from ever rooting itself again. This is what America has been waiting for,” our source said.

Moreover, he said Trump will humble himself and apologize to America for endorsing Operation Warp Speed and the Covid-19 vaccination.

“Trump will explain how he was tricked into supporting the vaccine. He will also explain the steps he has taken to prevent that injustice from ever happening again,” our source said.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PMNo one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED:This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}