Special Forces Fight FEMA Brigades in Storm-Battered Southwest Florida

President Joe Biden participates in a briefing on hurricane season at FEMA headquarters in May.

By Adina Kutnicki

UNFORTUNATELY, countless still believe that FEMA was put in place to aid disaster- afflicted areas and its victims. Not so fast. A Fed smokescreen.

BACK in June 2015, FEMA was exposed for what it is; a ruthless gang of enforcers for the deep state and all of its lackeys. Nothing has changed. In fact, they have become even more brazen. Outlaws.

INDEED, the above is just the tip of their poisonous spear.

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 29, 2022

As Hurricane Ian smashed into Southwest Florida and inundated entire communities, the criminal Biden regime’s Federal Emergency Management Agency began a campaign of terror against displaced persons whose lives and homes the storm had shattered. Rather than dole out bottled water, food, and blankets, or guide desperate storm victims to shelters, armed FEMA brigands pillaged battered homes in search of cash, gold, and guns.

In Naples, torrential rain flooded streets and turned vehicles into floating debris. Many of the city’s affluent residents, mostly retirees, had heeded evacuation orders and fled their homes for higher ground. After the storm passed over the city and the winds waned, FEMA agents in motorized rafts launched into action—but not to conduct water rescues. On Turtle Hatch Lane, just west of Inner Doctor’s Bay, homeowners stranded atop the roofs of single and two-story homes tried in vain to flag down the FEMA boats cruising the floodwaters. Instead of helping marooned citizens, agents took potshots in their direction, laughing, according to reports, at people who had literally lost everything. They systematically targeted what had been the city’s most expensive homes. Agents in wet weather gear unlawfully entered flooded houses and emerged from them carrying jewelry boxes and firearms.

It was not the first time callous FEMA agents had used the cover of a hurricane to burglarize homes, and, in some cases, murder hurricane exiles.

During 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, FEMA agents perched atop the Louisiana Superdome practiced marksmanship skills on homeless persons seeking refuge in the structure. Some were taken out to sea aboard FEMA barges and thrown overboard as shark food. And in 2017, FEMA looted hundreds of Southeast Texas homes in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Yesterday, however, the regime’s paramilitary force had only ransacked a dozen before meeting an obstacle.

The White Hat partition of the U.S. military had expected FEMA’s move and sent Special Forces to Southwest Florida immediately after the National Weather Service predicted Ian would make landfall near Fort Meyers. Sources told Real Raw News that U.S. Marine Corps General David H. Berger and 5th Special Forces Commander Col. Brent Lindeman had devised a plan to thwart FEMA’s plans to loot or murder innocent civilians. Lindeman had requested permission to send Special Forces “Alpha Detachments” to the vicinity to protect people and property.

On Tuesday afternoon, hours before Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered the shutdown of airports in Ian’s projected track, a C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft touched down at Ft. Meyers International Airport. The plane held six 12-man squads and an equal number of inflatable airboats, each powered by water-cooled, large-displacement, V8 automotive engine rated at 500hp. Special Forces set up a mobile command center in Naples, near Freedom Park where the storm surge was expected to crest.

“Gen. Berger believes FEMA was acting on orders of administrator Denise Criswell, a truly evil bitch, and Alejandro Mayorkas, a Deep State handler. FEMA’s motto has been never let a good crisis go to waste. The agency’s historical actions proved that. We fully anticipated they’d take advantage of this hurricane to torment good people. But this time, we were ready for them,” a source in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.

At approximately 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, a Special Forces airboat travelling east along West Drive in Naples merged with a FEMA raft heading the opposite direction. The FEMA agents, our source said, tried to shed their official attire—windbreakers with FEMA stamped in yellow ink—when they saw uniformed military encroaching on their position. FEMA’s raft was so overladen with confiscated gold and guns it barely stayed afloat. From 25 yards, the Special Forces commander, shouting through a bullhorn, ordered the FEMA raft to hold position. That’s when all hell broke loose. The FEMA agents raised their rifles, but they were too late; Special Forces unleashed a hailstorm of gunfire, striking both the raft and agents aboard it. The raft deflated, and surviving agents were swept away in the floodwaters.

Special Forces rescued trapped civilians after FEMA had been dealt with.

“FEMA is still out there, but we’re dealing with them. We’re not letting them threaten storm survivors anymore. We have teams in place, working to safeguard civilians and their property,” our source said.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Brian Stelter Executed

By Adina Kutnicki

Humpty dumpty egg cartoon character on white

AS readers recognize, there is no incentive, nor inclination, to re-work the wheel, so to speak.

IN this respect, the same can be said re the recent execution of Brian Stelter, yes, one of the pedos ensconced within the Mockingbird Media. To wit, the charges against Humpty Dumpty’s look-alike can be gleaned below.

AS such, back to the well-deserved execution!

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 28, 2022

Former CNN host and convicted pedophile Brian Stelter was hanged to death at Guantanamo Bay on Friday, just hours before the facility locked down in preparation for Hurricane Ian.

Sources on the island told Real Raw News that guards roused Stelter from bed at 5:00 a.m. and told him to prepare for his big day. Stelter gorged himself on scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage patties, and whole wheat toast—his final meal—with one source saying the breakfast could’ve fed five inmates.

No sooner had he finished eating than he began sobbing uncontrollably and rambling incoherently about how he, a world-famous broadcaster with millions of fans, was a victim of malicious prosecution whose only crime was endearing himself to young boys in whom he saw enormous potential. The guards who escorted him to the gallows listened to him bemoan “Trump’s military.’’ Stelter wailed on, saying he had only touched children the way he himself had been touched as a child.

They soon arrived at the gallows where Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall and a pair of high-ranking officers stood waiting. Upon exiting the Hummer, Stelter glanced at Admiral Crandall and said, “If you, too, were born a minor attracted person, it might be your head going in the noose. I can’t help who I am.”

“You’ll have time for final words in a moment here,” Admiral Crandall barked.

“Please don’t murder me,” Stelter croaked as an armed Marine steered him to the shallow flight of metal stairs that ascended to the platform on which many Deep Staters had uttered their final words. The hangman, a soldier who wore no name tag and whose uniform bore no insignia, fitted and tightened the braided rope on Stelter’s fleshy neck. Stelter told him, “Don’t do this to me, you’re following illegal orders.” The soldier silently took a step back and stood at parade rest.

“Detainee Stelter, you have been found guilty by a military tribunal and sentenced to hang for crimes committed against children. Normally, we ask the condemned if they want Last Rites, but we have no Rabi or Jewish Chaplains here now. If you have last words, now’s the time,” Admiral Crandall said, looking up at Stelter with a steely gaze.

“Don’t kill me. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know,” Stelter pleaded. “I have a family.”

“Maybe with you gone, they won’t wake up screaming in the middle of the night, and unfortunately for you, there’s really nothing you can tell us,” Admiral Crandall said, and motioned with an index finger to the hangman.

“No, plea—” Stelter began.

But it was too late. The hangman had pushed the button that triggered the swinging door beneath Stelter’s feet. A final cry, the wailing sound of death, escaped Stelter’s lips an instant before his neck broke.

A Navy physician pronounced him dead.

Real Raw News Received this report Saturday.

Since then, GITMO has suffered an almost total loss of power, except for backup generators. One source said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will furnish additional generators if power is not promptly restored.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Sodom And Gomorrah Infests Christian School in Florida: Education In America, To Hell-In-A-Handbasket … Churches, Elsewhere Infected, Too!

By Adina Kutnicki

EVERYWHERE one turns within America (the west, in toto), the kiddies are being groomed for “softening”; towards eventual, and inevitable, advances made by pedos. It is accomplished in countless ways. Stealthily and openly. In your face.

FOR the most part, the destruction of the family is at its heart. It is a concerted campaign and effort by the revolutionary left, with back-up by radical, socialist globalists.

NOT a week goes by that this isn’t the case.  Consider:

and  on and on ….

AS such, the most urgent questions are:

ARE WE REALLY?? And, another thing: When has tolerating the intolerable become a Christian (or Jewish) value??

 Image may contain Human Person Interior Design Indoors and Kindergarten


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Christian school wants photos of 8-year-olds ‘in bathtub’ — fights dirty when parents object

BLAZE MEDIA | September 27, 2022

‘We have been sending this homework assignment for years, and you’re the only one complaining about it’

An 8-year-old student at Victory Christian Academy in Jacksonville, Florida, was “administratively withdrawn” from school after her parents objected to a homework assignment instructing second-graders to “send picture of you doing reading homework in bathtub,” reported parents Misty and Christopher Dunham.

Christopher told CBS-47 that he and his wife were shocked when their 8-year-old said she needed to send a picture of herself in the bathtub doing her reading homework to her second-grade teacher.

“I emailed the teacher [to say] ‘Hey, you may want to explain that. Send something out to the parents. Let them know what the intentions are.’ This just does not sound OK,” Misty explained.

Though the teacher responded by adding that students could “be in pajamas, be in your uniform, have fun with it,” something about the assignment still “didn’t sit right,” Misty explained. So she reached out to the school administrators, who claimed that “we have been sending this homework assignment for years, and you’re the only one complaining about it.”

Soon after, a school administrator called to encourage the Dunhams to “do a parental withdrawal for the child.” When Misty refused to withdraw her daughter, the administrator said the school was “going to proceed with an administration withdraw.”

CBS-47 reported that school documentation indicates that the Dunhams’ daughter is “no longer a student at Victory Christian Academy.”

On “The News & Why It Matters,” BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales and guests Matthew Marsden, Tayler Hansen, and John Doyle discussed the strange homework assignment and the Christian school’s draconian reaction when parents raised objections.

“Just because they say it’s a Christian academy doesn’t mean that it is,” Marsden warned. “You don’t do this … the internet is forever. You take a picture like that, it’s out there forever. This is just so weird … it’s just a head-scratcher. Is this where we are in America? This is, it’s evil,” he added.

Watch the video clip below or find full episodes of “The News & Why It Matters” here. Can’t watch? Download the podcast here.


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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}


IRS Boss To New Hires: Get Their Money!

By Adina Kutnicki

Venomous Lizards List - With Photos

OVER the years, this investigative journalist called for the dismantling of the IRS; a rapacious, thieving behemoth. Heists in broad daylight! Its many poisonous tentacles underwrite the most nefarious agendas in America, that is, with the hard-earned monies of taxpayers. This is nothing new.

AS someone who is highly familiar with the ins and outs of its operational methods, the aforementioned is not said lightly nor ignorantly. Not only that, the IRS is much worse than most even realize, in fact, even without,

and the below marching orders, etc.

INDEED, holy smokes! As such, take precautions — whatever they may be.

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 22, 2022

The criminal Biden regime has in recent weeks stated its new and improved Internal Revenue Service will only perform additional audits on citizens earning greater than $400,000 annually. However, the Service’s disgraced director, Charles P. Rettig, told new hires at the “Dallas Tax Assistance Center” that employees working for “my revamped IRS” would in 2023 collect “inarticulable” tax revenue from the old and the young, the rich and the poor, and the healthy and the indigent.

On Tuesday, September 20, Rettig visited an orientation class of 45 new employees whose applications had been approved the evening the Senate passed the cabal’s unconstitutional Health, Tax, and Climate Bill, which bestowed on the IRS $80bn and the ability to hire 87,000 tax enforcement agents.

It’s unclear how many of the 45 will be pencil pushers and how many will become members of the IRS’s gestapo police force, the armed Criminal Investigation Unit, but Rettig’s message to all was as ominous as it was universal and meticulously clear: “Show me the money.”

That brief quote should not be interpreted as comedy. A Service whistleblower privy to the class told Real Raw News that Rettig thrice parroted the phrase from the film Jerry Maguire. In it, the eponymous character, a sports agent portrayed by Tom Cruise, shouts “show me the money” at his clients. Although Rettig did not shout, his repetitive use of the phrase should alarm all hard-working, taxpaying citizens. Rettig, our source said, spoke coolly and calmly when telling the class that the IRS had a moral and financial impetus—and the right—to scrutinize, dissect, and analyze every American tax return.

“Show me the money. Get their money, our money” Rettig said.

“Under my guidance, the Internal Revenue Service will collect unprecedent federal tax revenue in coming years,” Rettig went on. “Your responsibility is getting what we’re owed. Some of you will fulfill this role from an office, others from the street. You will hear sob stories; people will beg, they will plead. Yours is not a sympathetic ear. You may have to audit your mother who’s on a fixed income and failed to report a winning scratch off ticket.”

Rettig also suggested all Americans are tax cheats: “Some of you sitting here have probably taken a deduction or five you weren’t entitled to.  Maybe you logged a vacation as a business expense. They all do it, but it stops now.”

When a new hire raised his hand to ask a question and wanted to know what the IRS plans to do about illegal immigrants that get paid under the table and, therefore, file no tax returns, Rettig shamed him for using the word ‘illegal,’ calling it pejorative hate speech, and said the IRS would not at this time chase down “undocumented residents.”

“Rettig didn’t talk specific brackets,” our source said. “But he definitely wanted it ingrained in their heads that his word is law, and what he says goes. Right now, these new hire classes are taking place in cities across the country.”

The website is undergoing modifications and formatting that may cause it to temporarily render wonkily. As many know, when RRN launched two years ago, we had an AdSense account that allowed us to earn revenue through ad serving. When Google began cancelling sites that challenged the 2020 election results, RRN was caught in the mix and canceled. After that, we turned to our loyal readers to help us stay afloat; many generous persons gave donations, large and small, and for that we are thankful. We have always been in search of other advertisers to work with, but for conservative sites, they are few and far between. We may have found one. We don’t know how it will turn out. If the ads work and are profitable, we will naturally stop soliciting donations. In the meantime, we certainly appreciate those who continue supporting us. In these perilous times, every dollar helps.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}


(Caretaker) Israeli PM Lapid to Make History, Announces Israeli Support for PA (Terror) State at UN

By Adina Kutnicki

President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid agree to stop Iran  nuclear program, differ on how | PBS NewsHour
POLITICAL opportunists are endemic within all nations. However, when it comes to Israel — the tiny nation-state of the Jewish people within the belly of the Islamic beast — well, they run amok.

THERE are core reasons for this political disaster. Primarily, this is so because of an entirely unaccountable political system; a quagmire of self-interested power brokers, that is, in total defiance of the will of the majority voting public. But to understand what’s what,

NOW, there are certain times when it is possible to ignore the blow-hards at the tippy top — this is NOT one. In NO uncertain terms, Lapid’s utterances will present a clear and present danger to the security of Israel. Full-stop.

VIA his prepared support at the UN for a so-called “two-state solution” — through the declaration of a PA (terror) state — said hallucinatory words stand in direct opposition to decades-long reality on the ground.

INCONTESTABLY, as is said, the proof is in the pudding. Atop the wreckage of countless mangled and dead Jews (alongside others caught in the cross-fire) who have littered the streets throughout Israel, the bloody toll leads directly to Rabin’s acceptance of the infamous Oslo Peace (Death) Accords (Sept. 1993). It should require little edification. But, if it does,

ALAS, come what may, with all of the unvarnished truths revealed via the above, why in the world would Lapid (a “caretaker” PM, until the slated Nov. elections, no less) feel compelled to inflict such (provable) injurious harm upon the people he is purportedly sworn to protect?

WELL, as a die-hard leftist he is in sync with the radical left in the U.S. This is the damnable truth. Currying their favor takes precedence, all his protestations beside the point. In fact, it is no accident that another global interview in Nov. 2017 stated the following (at the bottom half of the interview) within the below excerpted geo-strategic/security assessment:


Indeed, it is hardly news that many politicians (in Israel, America and elsewhere) get where they are through connections. Within Israel it is termed “protectzia”. In fact, Yair Lapid, Israel’s Financial Minister, is one of its best poster boys and this is not due to his matinee idol good looks. Assuredly, he climbed atop his father’s coattails, former MK “Tommy” Lapid, to rise to the top echelons of Israel’s decision-makers. Mind you, this is a man who dropped out of high school and never even earned his “bagrut”, Israel’s high school matriculation qualifier. Not one to mince words, the question becomes: what qualifies him to be Finance Minister, or Minister of anything, if I may be so blunt? Frankly, it is akin to appointing a blind man to an air traffic controller position, and as a Director over all flight controllers no less. Sheesh.

Such is the tragic state of Israel’s “strategic” affairs, always leading its majority Zionist public, year after year, into an increasingly worsening “matzav”.


BACK to today’s looming UN disaster,

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Lapid to make history, announce Israeli support for Palestinian state at UN 

It would mark the first time an Israeli prime minister has declared support for a two state solution at the UN.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid is expected to announce his support for the establishment of a Palestinian State during his speech to the UN General Assembly on Thursday, Israel’s Arutz 7 website reported citing a source close to the Israeli premier.

The endorsement will mark the first time an Israeli prime minister has called for the two state solution at the UN.

The source acknowledged that there was pressure from the Biden administration to public endorse the two state solution, but added that “Israeli security policy will be determined by Israel.”

“Support for the two-state solution is … best for the State of Israel. The greatest danger we face is one state,” Arutz 7 cited the source as saying.

During his address to the UNGA on Wednesday, President Joe Biden also endorsed the two state solution, saying that the Palestinians were “entitled” to their own state, and that it was the only way to ensure Israel’s security going forward.

“We will continue to advocate for a lasting, negotiated peace between the Jewish and democratic state of Israel and the Palestinian people,” Biden told the UN General Assembly.

Brian Stelter Convicted …. ANOTHER Pedo Bagged!

Conservatives mock Brian Stelter after CNN cancels his show Reliable  Sources | Sky News Australia

By Adina Kutnicki 

THE crime of pedophilia is akin to none other; the crime of all crimes! Its poisons have a ripple-down effect, that is, from generation to generation — for the victims never fully recover from said dastardly, criminal deviance. As such, in one way or another, it amounts to a life-time sentence for the victim. For example,

and on and on the traumas reverberate. Never-ending.

IN this regard, last month, a decision was taken by JAG,

and off they went to snatch up the most high profile pedos, mostly, in political, media,  entertainment, and associated circles thereof. Beforehand, others were scooped up, but with pedo charges tacked atop treason and other piggyback national security offenses.

AND it is the above stand-alone charge, crimes against the kiddies, that led to the initial arrest of Brian Stelter, a/k/a Humpty-Dumpty! Alas, JAG operators paid this most arrogant cretin a “knock-knock” and the rest is JAG JUSTICE-STYLE!

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REAL WAR NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 20, 2022

A military tribunal on Monday found former CNN host Brian Stelter guilty of child molestation and possession of child pornography, and, owing to Stelter’s unrepentant nature and failure to grasp the gravity of his crimes, recommended he be hanged by the neck until dead.

As reported previously, U.S. JAG investigators arrested Stelter outside his New York City condominium on August 27. At the time of his capture, Stelter had been carrying a laptop holding a plethora of inappropriate images of children.

In an opening statement Monday morning, Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall said JAG’s evidence would prove conclusively that Stelter was a serial pedophile who impulsively fondled young boys during his tenure at CNN. JAG, he said, had sworn statements from 8 minors alleging Stelter had confronted them in isolated areas and, wearing a sheepish grin, touched or fondled their genitals. Although no statement mentioned penetration or sodomy, all the statements told eerily comparable stories on how Stelter had targeted specific children that caught his eye.

“I submit to you,” Vice Adm. Crandall addressed the 3-officer panel, “that no child would ever be safe around detainee Stelter. You’re going to hear him say touching and rape are disparate offenses. But I say his groping of young boys is a ‘gateway’ crime. We know that adult serial killers often tortured, mutilated, and killed small animals long before they set their eyes on human prey. Left unchecked, the detainee’s crimes would most assuredly escalate eventually, once he finds the right persons and situations to carry them out.”

Sitting alone at the defense table, Stelter, wearing an oversized jumpsuit and handcuffs, grinned and giggled. He asked permission to speak.

“I’ve committed no crimes,” Stelter began. “You have the nerve to label me a pedophile, a gross misrepresentation of the truth. I identify as a MAP, a minor attracted person; it’s a lifestyle choice, not a crime. In a few years, maybe sooner, laws will be passed protecting MAPs everywhere—”

“—Not if we have anything to say about it,” Vice Adm. Crandall cut him off.

He showed the panel the victims’ depositions, as well as blurred-out images from Stelter’s laptop. The panel also saw cellphone video and audio taken by a 13-year-old boy identified as Adam, whom Stelter molested while visiting a NYC elementary school in January.

“I appreciate speedy cases, detainee Stelter. You’re repulsive, and I really don’t enjoy being around you. Just so we’re clear: Are you admitting to crimes you’ve been charged with? We have three of your victims on standby, alongside their parents, to testify remotely if needed. But I’d rather spare them the horror of looking at you again,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Stelter evaded the question. “Have you heard of NAMBLA—North American Man-Boy Love Association? MAP is an extension of it. We’re everywhere. What’s that phrase you guys are so fond of saying? The storm is coming, is it? Well, our storm is coming, and it will be a typhoon.”

After a lengthy back-and-forth that went nowhere, the panel said it had heard enough. Subjecting the witnesses to Stelter’s perverse prattle, they said, would be counterproductive and injurious to the children, all of whom were still minors.

Vice Adm. Crandall recommended Stelter spend the rest of his life incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay, but the panel, in an unprecedented move, disagreed with the admiral’s punishment, saying Stelter should be executed for his crimes.

The highest-ranking officer on the panel, a Marine Corps major, said Stelter’s absence of remorse and lack of accountability ought to affect sentencing.  “With respect, Admiral Crandall, why spend money and manpower keeping this remorseless monster alive?” he asked.

Vice Adm. Crandall furrowed his brow, seemingly pondering the question. After a moment, he nodded. “I’ll go along with this tribunal’s recommendation, sentence to be carried out on Friday, September 23.”

The website is undergoing modifications and formatting that may cause it to temporarily render wonkily. As many know, when RRN launched two years ago, we had an AdSense account that allowed us to earn revenue through ad serving. When Google began cancelling sites that challenged the 2020 election results, RRN was caught in the mix and canceled. After that, we turned to our loyal readers to help us stay afloat; many generous persons gave donations, large and small, and for that we are thankful. We have always been in search of other advertisers to work with, but for conservative sites, they are few and far between. We may have found one. We don’t know how it will turn out. If the ads work and are profitable, we will naturally stop soliciting donations. In the meantime, we certainly appreciate those who continue supporting us. In these perilous times, every dollar helps.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

EAS on Standby for Midterms

QC for Presence of Emergency Alert System (EAS) Message

IT is absolutely a given that the mid-term electoral steal is in process. A sealed deal. Incontestably, it is the precursor to 2024, that is, predicated on the “success” of the biggest heist in American history; the 2020 electoral steal!

AS such, one would have to be daft not to believe that MEGA (deep state) coordinated hanky-panky is in place to ensure the status quo within Congress. You got that?

IN this regard, no one but “The Donald” (with the White Hats taking the lead) can thwart the aforementioned in its tracks. In fact, as a more than accomplished 3-D chess player, the following has been put in place, of course, just in case!!

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 18, 2022

If the Deep State Democrats cheat their way to victory in the November midterms, President Donald J. Trump will implore the U.S. military to trigger the Emergency Alert System (EAS), White Hat sources told Real Raw News.

The EAS, formerly called the Emergency Broadcast System, was established in 1963 to alert Americans in time of war and was in later years expanded for use during peacetime emergencies at state and local levels. Until recently, the nation’s most contemptible police force, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, had control of the EAS—until the White Hat partition of the U.S. military seized it during a brazen assault on FEMA’s Mount Weather stronghold last March. When activated, the EAS, in brief, overrides local and cable broadcasts and transmits an audio tone and a text message to cellular phones. It is somewhat similar to but more powerful than the Amber Alert System and the National Weather Service’s severe weather notification system.

Over the last few months, President Trump and White Hats have disagreed on when exactly the EAS should be activated. For example: When the FBI raided and occupied Mar-a-Lago, Trump beseeched Marine Corps General David H. Berger to spin up the EAS, saying the nation was under siege. But Gen. Berger, having consulted his team, argued that an isolated incident, though unlawful and unconstitutional, should not constitute a national crisis. Had the FBI raided Trump’s other properties, or illegally detained Trump, he would have considered engaging the EAS. Trump had ultimately concurred with Gen. Berger’s assessment, saying that prematurely triggering the EAS could backfire and play into the Deep State’s hands.

Nonetheless, Trump said the military must use the EAS if the Deep State steals the midterms, for the results will affect the 2024 presidential election.

Gen. Berger had no issue with that.

If the Deep State sweeps hotly contested senate, state, and regional races, a chain of events will take place: once victors are announced, U.S. Army Cyber Command and U.S.M.C. Forces Cyberspace Command will conduct an independent investigation. They will evaluate not only the Senate and House of Representatives, but also analyze gubernatorial and mayoral races. Even county judge results could face intense scrutinization. The joint cyber command force will also look to see if illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities had cast ballots.

Then, if election theft is proven, White Hats will switch on the EAS. An image of the U.S. flag flown upside down will appear on cell phones and televisions across the nation. Patriots should recognize this as a sign of national distress. Sources told Real Raw News this should not be interpreted as an immediate call to arms, as the military does not want citizens caught in the crossfire when it storms state and federal buildings and drags treasonous officials into the streets, in chains.

“This won’t be time for a civilian uprising,” a source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office told RRN. “We want all patriots to hang their flags upside down, to spread the word, not get themselves killed. We have people who have been training for this day for a very, very long time. If things go south and we need patriot assistance, we will send out a follow up message explicitly stating that. Otherwise, we don’t want to see the Wild West in America’s streets.”

In addition, White Hats wish patriots would stop posting selfies of themselves and their firearms on social media.

“People who do this are inviting the ATF to knock at their door. It’s problematic. Yes, we all have First and Second Amendment rights, but now is not the time to invite trouble. If we eventually need help, and I emphasize the word “if,” we won’t have it people have had their firearms confiscated,” our source said.

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. Help us reach our Annual goal. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.
GiveSendGo Fundraising Link.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Facebook directly linked to decline in mental health, new study says + A letter to META re Al Jazeera: Its poisonous effects

By Adina Kutnicki

LEST there is a scintilla of a doubt, think again: Facebook, a/k/a META, is akin to poison on every measurable scale. Venomous.

THIS charge-sheet is not borne out of one particular study or another — valuable as they may be. Rather, it is tracked-back to years of in-depth research, culminating, in a ground-breaking book.

INDEED, the rest of the irrefutable trail can be found here, here, here, and here.

EVEN so, when a direct scientific correlation is linked between a decline in mental health (of impressionable youth) to their time spent on Facebook/META, well, it is certainly another nail in its toxicity to generations of youth.

NOT only that, the attached letter to META (addressed to its VP and GM in Israel) re its absolute support of the Muslim Brotherhood through its Qatari mouthpiece, namely, Al Jazeera, should be deemed: Case closed!

ONTO the mental health breakdown …..

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TIMES OF ISRAEL | By Ash Obel | September 18, 2022

While previous research established correlation between social media platform and increased anxiety and depression, study in American Economic Review finds direct causation

New research has found a direct link between Facebook use and a “worsening” in reports of anxiety and depression among college students.

The study, published by the American Economic Review, discovered that in the first two and a half years of the platform’s existence, college students who had an account on the site were 7 percent more likely to suffer from depression, and 20% more likely to suffer from anxiety.

Facebook’s initial 2004 rollout was staggered, with Harvard students gaining access first, followed by Columbia, Stanford and Yale universities. Researchers utilized medical data from these campuses, comparing their mental health surveys with mental health surveys from college campuses without access to the platform.

While there have been hundreds of studies showing a correlation between social media use and a decline in mental health, researchers say that their unique methodology has allowed them to confirm the link.

The study, produced in part by Ro’ee Levy of Tel Aviv University, suggested that “unfavorable social comparisons” were likely to blame for the increase in anxiety and depression among young people.

“Today, as we know, all of us recognize social media platforms very well. They create jealousy, and users find it difficult to understand that what they see online does not necessarily reflect reality. How much more so 16-18 years ago, when the phenomenon was completely new,” Levy told Channel 12 news.

“The effects seem to increase with time,” said Alexey Makarin, assistant professor at MIT Sloan, another contributor to the study.

“If, in late fall 2004, a freshman at Harvard had Facebook available to him for one semester and a sophomore for two semesters, it appears as though the effect is stronger with the sophomore, who had greater exposure,” Makarin told MIT Sloan’s website.

Makarin said he initially viewed mental health as “just one more” element of social media use, but after conducting his research, he reflected, “I came to realize how truly bad the situation is, and that stuck with me.”

“Any insights that this paper, or others, can offer into what’s behind this trend will be very valuable to society,” he said.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, the suicide rate among 10- to 24-year-olds was stable from 2000 to 2007, then increased 57% between 2007 and 2017.

Today, Facebook boasts 2.5 billion daily users. More than half the world’s population, 4.3 billion people, maintain at least one social media account.

According to the the American Economic Review study, in 2021 the average user spent two and a half hours per day on social media.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Trump Tells Allies to Shred Unlawful DOJ Subpoenas + Trump: THE STORM IS COMING!

Logo of telegram channel thestormishere_q17 — The Storm Is Here 🇺🇸

By Adina Kutnicki

AKIN to personal crises, similarly, national ones reach a boiling point, a/k/a a “point of no return.” This is one of those historical times.

INCONTESTABLY, the timing of a full-on scoop-up of the deep state is predicated on conditions that are dire in the extreme. NO time to lose. Clearly, it is a “do or die” moment in time, as detailed below. Indeed, one analysis piggy-backs the other.

CALLING all patriots, pay heed!


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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 16, 2022

A defiant President Donald J. Trump on Thursday offered aides, allies, and staffers a verbal suggestion: at once shred any subpoenas served by the FBI or other militarized branches of the department of justice, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

Trump’s proclamation comes days after the feds issued unlawful subpoenas and/or search warrants to 40 of his longtime associates or friends, including My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, whose vehicle the FBI surrounded after he had just finished a meal at an Arby’s restaurant. In all cases, the FBI unconstitutionally seized cell phones and other electronic devices as part of a broader operation—a witch-hunt—to dissuade Trump from entering the 2024 race while simultaneously waging a war of attrition against his most ardent backers.

President Trump, our source said, is now saying the regime is not a lawful body of governance, and, therefore, its DOJ appendages have no authority to subpoena Trump’s allies, or any American, for that matter. The subpoenas do not carry the weight of the law and are unenforceable, he added.

“This is a cabal, a felonious administration. President Trump wants people to know they don’t have to abide unconstitutional orders,” he went on.

Trump on Thursday evening made a phalanx of phone calls, reaching out to over 100 persons he said might be next on the FBI’s hitlist. He told them that anyone abiding a DOJ subpoena was doing so voluntarily, though likely unwittingly. He excoriated the Biden cartel for its flagrant contempt of the Constitution, saying the weaponized DOJ has no qualms suppressing free speech and violating the 4th Amendment.

“You can do what you want to do, but if you comply with them, you’re acknowledging and legitimizing some very bad people,” Trump reportedly said.

On some phone calls, Trump told a story about how his personal pilot, John Dunkin, had been harassed by the FBI at Dulles International Airport earlier this week. While Trump visited his Virginia golf course, FBI agents cornered Dunkin at an airport restaurant, handed him a subpoena, and demanded he surrender his cell phone. Rather than blindly surrendering his private property, Dunkin phoned Trump for advice. “They’re harassing you, John?” Trump said. “This is outrageous. The country has never seen anything like this. I can’t tell you what to do, John, but if I were you, I’d shred it in their faces.”

And that, our source said, is exactly what Dunkin did, and the FBI, though flustered, left sans Mr. Dunkin’s cell phone.

“That they targeted the president’s pilot shows this isn’t about January 6. They’re going after anyone close to trump, trying to scare them, isolate Trump. Not everyone Trump spoke to was as brazen as John Dunkin. Some, and I’m not naming names, said they were afraid,” our source said.

Some people Trump spoke with, our source added, challenged his notion that the FBI was powerless to prosecute them. They had family to think about, and their careers. They didn’t have military protection, they argued, and wanted absolute assurance that Trump would shield them from Deep State retaliation.

A few bemoaned Trump’s inability to free the dauntless, intrepid patriots whom the DOJ wrongfully imprisoned for visiting the Capitol—the People’s House—on January 6.

If you couldn’t protect them, how can you protect us? was the message. Trump replied that truly patriotic Americans—as opposed to the Antifa activists involved on January 6—would eventually be vindicated and receive full pardons.

“Everything going on with the Biden regime is factitious, Trump wanted them to know. The Deep State is easily provoked—that’s true. Trump wants a cohesive stance against it. The Deep State is empowered by blind compliance. The greater the resistance, the stronger we are,” our source said.


On Tuesday, President Donald J. Trump reposted an image of himself wearing a lapel pin overlaid with the words “The Storm is Coming,” a message, Mar-a-Lago sources told Real Raw News, informing Trump’s constituents that White Hats have been selectively targeting and eliminating Deep State assets as part of his pledge to “drain the swamp”—with many more mass arrests to come.

Trump, sources said, is more determined now than ever to wage “full-scale” war against a criminal regime that has eroded the rights and freedoms Americans hold dear and prejudicially targeted persons who vehemently criticize the cabal’s agenda. Trump’s wearing the pin, he added, sent a subliminal message to the White Hat partition of the U.S. military—You now have carte blanche, if you will, to pursue mass arrests instead of singling out specific individuals that betrayed their oath of office or engaged in criminal malfeasance in contravention of the Constitution of the United States.

Trump’s message marks a reversal in posture. Earlier this year, he had asked White Hat commanders to abstain from mass arrests until after the midterm elections. Now, with proof the Deep State has a plan in place to steal the midterms, Trump is asking the military, empowered by his invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 prior to January 20, 2021, to take whatever steps are needed to capture and incarcerate “several THOUSAND primary targets” whose names appear on sealed indictments that Trump had helped author.

These persons, our source said, include myriad politicians, celebrities, and pedophiles, many of whom have committed mass murder or unspeakable crimes against our nation’s most vulnerable demographic—children. The military is said to have “troves of data” implicating these heinous individuals in unimaginable crimes.

“This is it. The time is now,” our source said. “Although Trump’s signing the Insurrection Act ceded authority to the military, he’s now hoping they will act with the full force of the law to bring wrongdoers to justice, returning the power of this nation to the people, not a corrupt puppet government.”

According to our source, Trump afterward spoke directly to USMC General David H. Berger, who reportedly said, “This is what we’ve been waiting for,” and pledged to honor his oath to God, the Corps, and his president. Gen. Berger reportedly told Trump that White Hat council members who had previously questioned Trump’s reluctance to embrace mass arrests would now likely reevaluate their allegiance.

“We’re on it, Mr. President,” Gen. Berger told Trump. “We have your back. We’ll make the storm a hurricane.”

TWO ….

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

A Birthday Tribute to NYPD Homicide Detective, First Grade, Morty Dzikansky, z”l, on His 60th: A Celebration of Life

Campaign main image

By Adina Kutnicki

At one time or another, most of us will experience the loss of a close, beloved family member; the cycle of life and death. This writer is no exception. No stranger. As such, March 17, 2022 is forever marked as the moment in time, first and foremost, that an unwavering, loving husband, father, brother, and uncle was no longer on this earth. Searing.

Akin to a bolt of lighting, upon learning of his (sudden) death, in a flash, everything went dim. The room started to spin and screams were emitted, as if having an out-of-body experience. Thankfully, a loved one was on hand to deliver the life-altering news. The alternative, to this day, remains unthinkable.

As if on auto-pilot, words started to pour forth via the keyboard. Turning profound grief into a heartfelt memorial — and, in no small measure, a “Celebration of Morty’s Life” — the following tribute appeared at Israel National News, March 19, 2022:

Who was anti-terror agent NYPD Det. Mordecai Zev Dzikansky z”l? He had a stellar ability to gather Intel and navigate within the murky jihadi cesspool, was cited for saving NYC from such attacks.

It was followed up at Israel National News, April 24, 2022, with Yizkor, on the last day of Passover

As to the wider NYPD community, they, too, lost a special “brother-in-blue.” To said end, the Shomrim Society, the Fraternal Order Of Jewish Police Officers — his NYPD “home away from home” — will pay tribute to his life and legacy. No doubt, it will be both spectacular and humbling. At its end, there won’t be a dry eye in attendance.


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Temple Emanu-El
1 E 65th St, New York, NY 10065
Stay Tuned for Details

Most significantly, with the marking of Morty’s, z”l, 60th — into what should have been his entry into the “second act” in life — this dear man would not want any tears shed on his behalf.
A special soul — despite many hardships he faced and lived through — this sister could hear him whispering:
Don’t be sad. Raise a L’Chaim to celebrate my birth, 60 years ago today. Trust, I am in the loving and merciful arms of God, reunited with much-missed parents, and a brother-in-law; truly, my best friend. Honor this marking by living life to the fullest!
Rest in Peace, Dear Brother.

How America’s Ukraine War Response Endangers Our Free-Market Regime

Ukraine War

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Dr. Alexander G. Markovsky | September 14, 2022

Economic freedom is tied to democracy. Sanctions not only wrecked the pillars of capitalism, they violated fundamentals of democracy.

The capitalist free-market system rests on three pillars: sanctity of contracts, inviolability of private property, and trust in the banking system. Economic sanctions imposed on Russia led to the abrogation of existing contracts, expropriation of Russian companies’ properties, and freezing Russia’s government assets and bank accounts. Moscow reciprocated by expropriating foreign assets on Russian territory.

The economic war triggered the collapse of the established exchange of goods and services. The stability and solidity of the capitalist system reliant on economic interdependence dissipated and were replaced by black markets.

Inefficiencies of the black markets caused commodity prices to skyrocket, devastatingly impacting the world economy, especially in Europe. Inflation and shortages, including food, may erupt in political upheavals. The ability of capitalism to create wealth, which is its purpose, was significantly impaired. Its grit and resilience are about to be tested.

Since economic freedom is inextricably tied to democracy, the sanctions not only wrecked the pillars of capitalism, but also violated the fundamental principles of our democracy. Free-market democracy, which in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse proclaimed itself the most viable alternative to communism, in a dramatic reversal of history, adopted attributes of communism thirty years later.

In striking resemblance to the Bolsheviks’ tactic, President Biden, in his 2022 State of the Union address, announced, “[W]e are joining with European allies to find and seize their [Russian oligarchs’] yachts, their luxury apartments, their private jets.”

Ironically, most are Jews, but there are Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, and a few Russians. They have in common that they do not live in Russia; their assets are outside Russia, and they are rich. Some E.U. countries are canceling Schengen visas and banning Russian citizens from entering the E.U. in violation of E.U. law that explicitly prohibits a blanket citizen-based ban.

From Bloomberg Law:

As of March 10, Biden declared the situation an emergency. President Obama declared such an emergency in 2014 after Russia’s annexation of Crimea. The emergency order has been amended and expanded several times and these orders have provided the basis for OFAC’s designation of various Russian oligarchs and politically exposed persons (PEP’s) as specially designated nationals (SDNs).

When someone is designated an SDN, all of their property, including property belonging to entities in which they own a 50% or more interest, is “blocked.” The SDN need not be criminally charged or convicted and the property need not have any connection to the reasons for the designation.

And there is the First Amendment. Although we have witnessed numerous violations during the last two years, this one is probably the most blatant and egregious. By an ironic twist of fate, 40–50 years after fleeing communist tyranny, former Soviet immigrants discovered the Soviet style of censorship in America. Yes, “the land of the free,” in a brazen display of tyranny and lawlessness, is blocking the Russian news service Russia Today (RT) because it is “spreading lies promoting pro-Kremlin narratives.”

Indeed, that was the reason the Soviets used to jam Voice of America and other Western broadcast services: because they broadcasted the “Western lies.” At the time, the United States accused the Soviet Union of being afraid of the truth. Disgracefully, the United States performs a “reverse Soviet Union.”

Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged wrote, “The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.” And those who seek it continue getting alternative news using the internet and other means, just like the Soviet citizens who used all means at their disposal to seek the truth from Voice of America.

Paradoxically, American liberals, who for two centuries have defended this country’s economic and political order built on the inviolability of private property, fought for the freedom of speech, and upheld the rule of law, do not condemn the expropriation or censorship; they enthusiastically support them.

It is no coincidence that neither “The Most Trusted Name in News” nor “America’s #1 News Source,” nor any other network, covers the assault on capitalism and democracy. Thanks to the fatuity of the American public, Americans do not grant the greatest interest and highest importance to the ideological transformation of the country.

As a consequence, with the process of transformation proceeding unabated, our economy dented, democracy faltered, and the rule of law is under duress.

When an existing order is fundamentally altered, a new order must emerge as a product of perpetual evolution. The emerging new order has the characteristics of Soviet-type totalitarian socialism.

Alexander G. Markovsky is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a conservative think-tank that examines national security, energy, risk analysis, and other public policy issues. He is the author of Anatomy of a Bolshevik and Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It. Mr. Markovsky is the owner and CEO of Litwin Management Services, LLC. He can be reached at alexander.g.markovsky@gmail.com. Reposted with author’s permission from American Thinker.

Trump’s Advisor Checks on White House

By Adina Kutnicki

THE deep state and the Mockingbird Media — in lock-step with the captured, beyond compromised security agencies — watch every nuance, word and gesture (perhaps, every fart) of “The Donald.” Hawk-like. Atop said obsessive scrutiny rests his travels. Hmm.

MOST recently, can you hear the Pravada-like propagandists, spinmeisters, as they echoed in parroted tune?



INDEED, a “Where in the World is Waldo” moment in time! Exhausting.

BUT never mind, it is not as if the country is collapsing: economically, criminally, border-wise, educationally, and by every other metric which a first-rate, civilized nation rests upon! Yes, Trump’s bird has touched down and must be tracked! Hunted.

STILL, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist nor, for that matter, an investigative journalist, to query: Why do the circling jackals give a rat’s behind where in the world he is, that is, unless all is NOT as it seems in D.C.? Rhetorical.

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 13, 2022

The mainstream media yesterday went bonkers with speculation when President Donald J. Trump’s Boeing 757-200 landed unexpectedly at Dulles International Airport, in Washington, D.C. Why was he there? Was he sick, headed to Walter Reed? Was he surrendering himself to the DOJ? Had a grand jury summoned him? Was he in D.C. to play golf? The flurry of gossip seemed unending. The media got an answer after Trump, shadowed by a procession of thirsty paparazzi, showed up at his Virginia golf course. But, sources told Real Raw News, Trump’s golf excursion was a diversion: while the rabid media focused on Trump, a senior aide who had travelled with him aboard the 757, quietly slipped away from the crowd on a clandestine mission—to visit the White House and, as once source put it, “Make sure it is as Trump left it.”

In July 2021, Real Raw News published an article claiming that Biden, despite appearances to the contrary, had not set foot in the White House, and was in fact turned away by the U.S. military when he and Kabula Harris sought entry on January 20th that year. Although multiple independent sources confirmed the story, we still questioned its veracity, for if true, it meant that every media organization in the country, including Fox News, was part of the fraud. Sources had said the Biden regime and its media enablers used movie sets and sound stages to mimic White House press events.

Yesterday’s information affirms last year’s contentions.

A source within Trump’s inner circle confided in RRN that the aide—we’ll call him “Jeff”—was greeted at the White House by the U.S. soldiers who have been safeguarding the Oval Office for either Donald J. Trump or the next “lawful president.” According to our source, Jeff was at the White House on Trump’s behalf to deliver an “extremely important message” to U.S. Army General James C. McConville, who has overseen White House security since Trump signed the Insurrection Act of 1807, which provisionally cedes authority to the military in matters of national security.

“I don’t know the nature of the message, but for Trump to take these steps, it must be of paramount importance. It was important enough to require hand delivery. Trump felt it was too risky to send by email, text, or even discuss on a phone call. It may be a coincidence, but the timing coincides with 40 of his advisors getting raided or subpoenaed by the DOJ,” our source said.

Trump, he added, did not visit the White House himself because he was shadowed by paparazzi, and news of his presence anywhere near the Oval Office would have sounded Deep State alarm bells throughout the Beltway, otherwise known as the Swamp. Trump sashaying up the White House steps, simply put, would be damn conspicuous.

In closing, our source said he’d share further details when possible.

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. Help us reach our Annual goal. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.
GiveSendGo Fundraising Link.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Medical Board Suspends License of Texas Anesthesiologist Suspected of Tampering With IV

By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE surgical patients on the table have no option but to rely upon the team in place, fellow team members have an absolute ethical obligation to immediately, post haste, report on any misbehavior, shenanigans, if you will, to the higher ups. Some do. Some don’t.



MIND you, today’s report out of Texas, horrific as it is, is not an anomaly. It could happen anywhere. Anytime.

IN reality, a betting person would not be off the mark to conclude: Said egregious behavior, more often than not, will be covered up by the powers-that-be within hospital administration, as well as at the Licensing Board.

AS it happens, when “accidents” occur, hospital administrators labor to find “work-arounds.” Mind you, licensing can be re-instated (after one year) with the click of a mouse, that is, upon appeal of one’s case! As such, a slap on the wrist, with the trappings of an investigation, may become “case closed.”

THE question becomes: Why is this harsh position being taken? Well, if past is prologue, this writer’s significant other — as head surgeon in the operating room, at a leading hospital in Israel — more than once, found himself saddled by replacement anesthesiologists, that is, when his hand-picked team member was unable to operate, and for reasons out of anyone’s control.

MORE specifically, in one hair-raising instance, the operation couldn’t wait, so, when a (properly credentialed) replacement showed up high as a kite, an immediate call was made to the head of the hospital to haul him off. Luckily, another anesthesiologist was grabbed out of a post-operative room and was able to assist.

BUT when an inquiry was made as to what actions would be taken against the drugged-up doc, silence ensued. Again and again.

BOTTOM LINE: After a year, he was “quietly” transferred to another hospital, supposedly, after some Mickey Mouse treatment program was completed. The point being, hospital administrators are more concerned about negative PR and lawsuits than anything else. So, a hush-hush, most always, is the outcome.


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GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Cristina Laila | September 11, 2022

Texas – A Dallas anesthesiologist’s license was suspended by the Texas Medical Board amid an investigation into death and injuries caused by ‘compromised’ IV bags.

Dr. Raynaldo Rivera Ortiz Jr. is under federal investigation for tampering with IV bags at Baylor Surgicare North Dallas, the Texas Medical Board announced Friday.

According to reports, Dr. Ortiz was caught on surveillance video putting IV bags in a warmer next to operating rooms.

Shortly after he put an IV bag in a warmer, the patient would suffer serious injuries, NBC DFW reported.

In late June, another doctor who worked at the same facility took a compromised IV bag home with her and died after having a “serious cardiac event.”

“[Dr. Melanie Casper] died after taking home an IV and administering herself fluids because she was feeling dehydrated. She suffered cardiac arrest minutes later, a source with direct knowledge of the investigation said.” NBC DFW reported last week.

NBC 5 reported last week an autopsy of the doctor, Melanie Kaspar, concluded her death was caused by accidental bupivacaine toxicity, according to the Dallas County Medical Examiner.

“My wife Mel was an incredible person,” her husband John said Friday. “She was beloved by her patients, peers, and everyone she worked with. To watch her die in such a tragic manner is something I will have to live with forever. She was a beautiful woman.”

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}



Military Heightens On Trump Amid Assassination Chatter

By Adina Kutnicki

THE Number One target for the deep state — from the nanosecond that “The Donald” placed his hat in the Presidential ring — remains fixed. Locked. This is so because they know, to an absolute certainty, that his main goal has always been to “drain the swamp.” Like him or not, this is a man who executes a plan and accomplishes it — and then some. Incontestably, a man of action.

COUPLED with said attributes, his love of country is second to none. Not only that, he knows where the “bodies are buried”, as well as where the decades-long stolen money from taxpayers is hidden and wants to return it via a planned compensation package, etc.! Is it any wonder they outsourced “the biggest (electoral) heist in history” and are fixated on his DOA status before he runs again??

IN conclusion, May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob lend him shield and cover. May the evildoers be struck down in their tracks!!

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | September 11, 2022

The White Hat partition of the U.S. military has strengthened security on President Donald J. Trump, his family, and Trump-owned properties, sources in Gen. David H. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.

The sources familiar with the security arrangements said that Gen. Berger authorized the move after JAG told him that a person currently imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay offered to share details on how the Deep State plans to assassinate President Donald J. Trump ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Real Raw News was not given the detainee’s name but was told he is a former state department staffer who served under Obama and, for a brief time, the current illegitimate president, Joseph Biden. The person in question was purportedly arrested in February and has been held without trial, for reasons our sources were unwilling to share. He—sources said the detainee is a male—wanted freedom in exchange for supplying info on the Deep State’s agenda.

“He had the audacity to demand ten million in diamonds and safe transport to South America, and said he’d supply info once he was safe. He said his terms were non-negotiable. Naturally, we didn’t entertain his request and would’ve dismissed it as nonsense. But he shared tidbits of knowledge he really shouldn’t have,” our source said.

The detainee, who has been in solitary confinement since April, knew of the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, even though he’s had no access to newspapers or periodicals that discuss current events. More alarming, he claimed to have classified data on several Trump-owned properties, including Trump Towers in New York City, the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey, and the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago. The Deep State, he said, knows that Trump’s 26th floor office in Trump Tower has a secret elevator that ascends to a rooftop helipad (NYC banned rooftop helipads after 9/11) and descends to a remote parking garage, where an armored limo is always on standby to whisk Trump away if necessary. In addition, the detainee said he and his colleagues had penetrated Trump’s defenses and could “take him anytime we want.”

Gen. Berger, our source said, called the detainee’s threats bloated bluster, but nevertheless made Trump aware of what the Deep State stooge had threatened.

“Trump told Gen. Berger the guy—and Trump knows who he is—was spitting out a mix of half-truths and common knowledge. Trump suggested a GITMO guard might be feeding the detainee information,” our source said.

“They’ve tried assassinating me before, and they failed big time,” Trump reportedly told Gen. Berger.

As an aside, some alternative news outlets have said that Trump survived as many as 15 assassination attempts, though Real Raw News has empirical evidence on only one failed attempt on President Trump’s life.

“It’s probably bullshit, Mr. President, but the Deep State grows more desperate every day to get you out of the picture. If they can’t wrongfully imprison you, and we’ll make damn sure that never happens, they just might come for you again, or your family. I can’t take that risk,” Gen. Berger said to Trump.

When Berger laid out his ideas on improving security, Trump countered that Mar-a-Lago had been reinforced in the aftermath of the FBI’s unconstitutional occupation of his private property, and said he disdained having his homes resemble a military encampment.

General Berger, however, pressed the issue: “With all due respect, Mr. President, now is not the time to relax our guard. I assure you, we will use discretion and respect the privacy of you, your guests, and your family. But, please, let me do what I must, if only as a precautionary measure in these perilous times. The prisoner is probably yanking our chain, but the Deep State’s animosity toward you and their willingness to go to great lengths to make you go away, so to say, can’t be ignored.”

In the end, Trump acquiesced, asking the general to ensure the safety of his family. Trump also said, “If the prisoner really does know something, I’m sure the guys at GITMO can get it from him.”

Citing operational security, our sources would not elaborate on exactly what deterrents were employed to protect the Trump family, saying only that the Deep State would be unable to pierce the military’s “impregnable bubble” surrounding the Trumps.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Transgressive, The Cult of Confusion in Plain View: The Whys, the Wherefores & the Exploiters!

“Transgender activists are targeting America’s children. In part one of our special two-part episode, meet the detransitioners speaking out against the transgender movement’s most powerful centers of indoctrination.”



By Adina Kutnicki

SOME CAUTIONARY ADVICE: Do NOT view the above 2-part series on a full stomach! If so, at least, keep a vomit-bucket nearby — trust, you will need it. Mind you, this warning is coming from someone who is hardly squeamish, let alone cowed by the braying crowds, that is, as they lunge at the throats of the “non-compliant.”  Never and never gonna happen.

THAT being established, alongside incendiary, looming western dangers, the capturing of the hearts and the minds of the kiddies — with their bodies as the biggest prize — remains at the forefront of this site, and with “sister” sites serving as force multipliers.

NOW, as an American-Israeli investigative journalist (living in Israel, since 2008) little escapes these eyes and ears. This is so because key contacts from all segments of Israeli society, as well as deep within so-called “middle America” — a/k/a the heart of where the “basket of deplorables” live, yes, as infamously coined by crooked, pedo-driven Hill — help to keep this writer informed of this and that.

KNOW this: It is not as if there are one or two outliers within the hyper-power centers that are busy diddling/grooming the kiddies. Not at all! As one exhibit out of countless,

STILL yet, it cannot be overstated: Akin to all complex, inter-related criminal fronts (from RICO-primed money laundering, to murders-for-hire, to the ins and outs of political dirty/dark money trails), those of us steeped in investigative journalism must always be prepared to utilize all kinds of tools at our disposal, regardless of where it lands. Simply, no one should be immune from prosecution. No one.

IN this regard, the identity of the “bag-men” are critical to uncovering who sits astride the funding pyramid — for without which the so-called elites would have a much easier time to hide their criminality. Herein lies the aforementioned, all-important “follow the money“, as a core investigative tool.

AS such, buried underneath a very fluid and maze-like infrastructure, it is akin to peeling back series after series of open sesame boring points; that which groomers utilize within the most powerful, trusted, cooperative institutional forces. One such mega-groomer/funder (out of countless pedo-inclined fellow travelers) is revealed below.

ONCE the above is understood and digested for what it truly is, due diligence mandates that NO grouping should be allowed to hide and escape justice, even if doing so is more than disquieting.

ALAS, the pedo-train traverses all sectors and segments of society.

AND, as always, the radical left in Israel joins every anti-traditional bandwagon that mirrors their cult-driven revolutionaries in the U.S.; evil twins separated at birth!

SO much so, even Orthodox Jewish institutions in the Holy Land have become ensnared into said transgender- kiddie madness. Imagine that.

REFLEXIVELY, the naysayers are tarred as so-called “transphobic” — whatever the hell that means — and deniers of mantra-like “equity” to garner their (shameful) silence! Sound familiar?? The main question becomes: Why does the majority have to bend to the will of the tiny minority, that is, normalizing the abnormal via the beyond shrill and all-powerful backers of Transgressives, actually, the “Cult of Confusion?” After all, what’s equitable about that?

REST assured, NO kiddies are safe from their indoctrinating, clawing, highly dangerous grasp.


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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}