Thesis of “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” Gains Steam: Tech Giant(s) in the Cross Hairs! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WHILE too many are loathe to admit to the horrors unfolding before their bugged-out eyes, the fact remains that denial will never change a damn thing. As is said, it ain’t just a river in Egypt. But as my beloved mother (the wisest and most compassionate woman I have ever known) instilled, most especially, when things got tough: Just put one foot in front of the other. Take the bull by the horns. Buck up! Like mother, like daughter. Hopefully.

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ALAS, for those who prefer to keep their eyes and ears closed, that’s okay – as is known, reality just isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Thus, this site’s truth-telling will fall on their deafened ears. Admittedly – re folks who prefer to remain blind as bats – serving as an irritant has its own rewards.

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BE that as it may, for those who value confronting what’s what – whatever shakes out – this address is tailor-made. Standing shoulder to shoulder with reality seekers is not an easy path to take, however, a smattering of non-fake news sites, in particular, Conservative Firing Linehave taken up the gauntlet.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, countless who read these pages were hardly shocked when they found out that this author – with co-author Joe Newby – wrote the very first book which exposed Facebook’s underbelly: “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.

AFTER all, someone had to execute the heavy lifting! Besides, the rest of the books about Facebook are puff-pieces by Zuckerberg’s sycophants. Toadies. By the way, BANNED debuted at AMAZON on August 31, 2016.

IN this respect, whether “coincidental” or not, increasingly, Facebook (and related tech giants) has been in Congress’s cross-hairs – despite so-called mainstream media’s attempt to downplay what’s going on. No matter.

EVEN so, in order not to repeat what already has been revealed at BANNED – as well as at these pages – let’s just detail several (out of enumerable) updates; that which should, as stand-alone evidence, be more than enough proofs to hold Facebook to account.


  • Out of the gate, the overarching indictment against Facebook is easily discerned within the full title of BANNED, that is, the platform enables militant Jihad! Clearly, this type of charge sheet would be deemed incendiary and libelous – if unsupportable. Got that? So, along comes the “anything goes” British leadership – which never met a Mohammedan they didn’t embrace  – yet, even they supposedly….reservedly….realize that Facebook (along with Google/tech giants) is out of control ala their support of Jihad and “extremist” incitement. As such, they are threatening to levy taxes, to compel them to enforce that which Facebook already deemed a “priority.” Mind you, Facebook’s very own PR honcho, Monica Bickert (in Feb.. 2016), assembled a circus-like media – assuring an already enraptured gaggle of journalists – that the platform will be overseen by a “counterterrorism squad.” Promises, promises. Regardless, know that this counter-Jihad expert took Facebook to the woodshed re their much ballyhooed “counterterrorism squad” via Chapter Seven of BANNED – Facebook’s Counterterror Efforts: Closing The Barn Door After The Horses Have Escaped. Indeed, self explanatory. Indicting.
  • As to Britain’s leadership and their newly “enlightened” understanding – not so fast. Just when you thought that they finally woke up from their multicultural psychosis, well, you would be wrong. In a counter intuitive directive – cognitive dissonance, if you will – British police have been ordered to “hunt down Facebook users who made ‘offensive’ comments about Muslim grooming gangs online!
  • Moving right along from Europe’s (self-inflicted) nightmare, Facebook, in a rare admission, revealed that its team of “community standards” censors make wrong calls nearly 50% of the time. Whoa! Process its subtext: If they admit to being more wrong than right, imagine what the real stats are! Intrinsically, with such a horrible batting average, how can their “watchdogs” be trusted to run an entity which is the largest social media site on the planet – the de facto Internet since nearly every site connects to it – and remain unregulated? Incontestably, Facebook has accrued more power than any nation’s armed force! 
  • Atop it all, Facebook won’t say why it deletes some political accounts and not others – Read: conservative accounts get the boot.
  • Even more so, how sickening is it that Facebook rejected an ad for a documentary about Christian persecution and genocide by Mohammedans? Know that this type of out of control bias is repeated on a continuous basis, even when it comes to Christmas card postings – BANNED!

NOW, even though BANNED set the train in motion against the dangerous overreach of Facebook (big tech), it is enormously gratifying to see others jumping on board. Accordingly, in Aug. 2017 – almost a year after BANNED exposed Facebook’s underside – Breitbart reported:

…….And most recently, they have been accused of helping steer the politically correct posse that seeks to censor—or worse—the authentic voices of many Americans.  In fact, the tech companies needn’t be accused of this censorship, because they proudly proclaim that they do it.

Thus we can see: The hard-won freedoms of the American tradition, including those of the First Amendment, don’t mean much if some billionaire geek can simply delete them.

Some might insist that private companies have a right to do what they want to private customers—that the dictates of the free market should give them the right to do as they wish.  To be sure, we should believe that the virtue of personal freedom should extend to tech titans.  And yet at the same time, these are publicly traded companies, protected by our laws, and operating on an Internet that was created with public money (by the Pentagon, back in the 1960s).

The tech companies are, in fact, by their own desire, common carriers.  We can add that common carrier is a well-understood legal term, dating even before English common law, all the way back to Roman times. Common carriers have a duty to serve the public—all of it.  And so today, these companies should of course be good corporate citizens and treat everyone fairly.  That’s the American Way.

Of course, some might assert that, ironically enough, the tech companies are doing their victims a kind of favor—by removing them from the danger zone of being tattled on by the techsters.

Without a doubt, it’s obviously an abuse that tech companies can censor at will and without recourse, and yet someday we might wake up and realize that those same techies haven’t just been censoring their users, but have actually gone even further, to informing on their users.  That is, we might learn that techsters have been handing over all their data to government authorities, or even to such left-wing activist groups as the notoriously biased Southern Poverty Law Center.  If so, many might come to realize that while being thrown off a social network is bad, staying on, and being tattle-tales, would be even worse.

The only answer to such possible abuse is closer supervision, not letting left-wingers pick political winners and losers…..continue reading….

UNRESERVEDLY, par for their wretched and tainted course, guess what? In a display of narcissistic hubris, mouthpieces from Facebook and Google swore before Congress that they ARE fighting “extremist” content! 

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MIND you, in an Orwellian twist, even though Zuckerberg assured Merkel (in Sept. 2015) that he would stifle anti-immigrant posts re “refugees” (and he is making great strides in this direction), still, her Stasi roots have more in common with Facebook’s Zuckerberg than even she realizes. But never mind. Seemingly, she is applying additional pressure re this and that “hateful” content. Birds of a feather – Merkel and the “geeky techster.”

Did Merkel work for the Stasi?

{Merkel pictured under a FDJ banner – Free German Youth, also known in German as Freie Deutsche Jugend – she was one of the leaders of its agitation and propaganda arm for communist and socialist fronts…hmm)

The law “requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the (German) government.”

“Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online ‘criminal offenses’ within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint – regardless of whether the content is accurate or not,” Bergman writes.

“While such policies would doubtless have earned the German authorities many points with the old Stasi regime of East Germany, they more than likely contravene the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) to which Germany is a party, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights,” she writes.

The new law, which took effect Oct. 1, 2017, obligates social media companies to “delete or block” any material about which a complaint has been filed, but it was not fully enforced until Jan. 1, 2018.

IT should go without saying: When a monopolistic entity accrues overwhelming power, proving itself to be the world’s most dangerous censor to boot (while directly violating the right of the people to free speech via the Constitution, in tandem with lending its platform in support of Jihad and other criminal/terror activities, ANTIFA-like) effectively, Congress not only has a right to regulate it, but a duty to do so!

MANIFESTLY, due to all of the above (and so much more), no one should dare to fool themselves into believing that without Congressional intervention Facebook (and other social media behemoths) will be brought to heel. 

 QUESTIONS, anyone?


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FEDS (Still) “Spiriting” Illegals Across the Country Under Trump’s DHS/HHS Cover; the Islamic Cancer Metastasizes. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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SIGNAGE aside, how much teeth does the above red-letter WARNING really have?? Hang on. Tight.

BUT before your head starts to explode, it is decidedly the case that many positives have transpired under President Trump’s watch, particularly, on the economic front. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the most pressing of all, illegal immigration, is stuck in neutral – and that’s an overly generous assessment. Of course, the fascist-left (inside and outside officialdom) will fight to the death to keep the ILLEGAL “dream” alive!

ON the positive side of the ledger, ICE has been scooping up “certain” (read: MS-13) ILLEGALS, even in the face of lawbreaking officials from so-called sanctuary cities. Mind you, brazen acts of defiance from those who are sworn to uphold the “laws of the land” via the Constitution bespeaks a sickness within America, that which will metastasize, if Team Trump fails to stop them in their tracks – the ILLEGALS and their official benefactors.

NOTABLY, despite ICE’s efforts, it has been reported that illegal immigration across the Mexican border is expected to double during 2018! What the hell is going on?  

Expect illegal immigration across the Mexican border to double next year

President Trump has promised to reduce illegal immigration to the United States. More likely, however, 2018 will see one of the biggest waves of illegals from Central America since the start of the Great Recession.

The number of undocumented border crossings, which are unknown, can be inferred from arrest rates, which are well documented. Therefore, discussions of border jumping inevitably focus on apprehension rates, and we do here as well.

A new study by the Department of Homeland Security puts the border patrol’s interdiction rate at the Mexican border in the 55-80 percent range. The same study notes that smuggler fees to “coyotes,” who help migrants avoid the border patrol, appear to have increased by more than half since 2011, suggesting that law enforcement has indeed tightened.

On the other hand, arrests have remained range-bound around 500,000 annually since 2010, suggesting that the smuggling business has adapted. The statistics do not speak of an impenetrable border, but rather one that requires more planning and money than it used to.For analytical purposes, a 55 percent interdiction rate seems about right. Just under half of those who try to cross the border, and are not deterred along the way, make it through. With that ratio assumed to be constant, we can draw conclusions about border crossings from apprehension rates…..continue reading….

ALL of which brings the discussion and spotlight back onto Mohammedans, as they are (still) being “spirited” (alongside others…but let’s not get distracted) into the country, akin to when HUSSEIN was in office. How can this be? 

ALONG this treacherous trajectory, recall the following warnings – out of numerous others.


  • Back in December 2013, blaring alarms were emitted at this end: DHS has become an outlaw and renegade agency, having been caught ferrying illegals! Yes, in “cooperation” with HUSSEIN’s DOJ and FBI, the main domestic security arms of the nation eviscerated law and order. Mocked. Undermined. Really, is anyone shocked to learn that the two largest and most powerful enforcement agencies in America operate as “legal” outlaws? Asked and answered. In fact, so much so, expecting them to obey the rule of law would entail believing in the tooth fairy and whimsical fantasy tales in toto. No kidding. Besides, how many rational adults cling to said childhood dreams? Not too many.
  • In this regard, let us step back into one front of Obama Inc.’s lawlessness, and then segue into the latest revelation at hand. It is important to internalize that too many Americans have misplaced their faith, in the false belief that the top law enforcement agencies/arms of the land have their backs. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a matter of record, AG’s Holder/Lynch ran a renegade and lawless entity. Indeed, their records were manifestly injudicious.
  • In tandem, DHS & DOJ (Obama Inc.’s double swords) actively colluded with illegal aliens, and their blatant violations impinged upon law abiding citizens; a double crime, as they picked the public’s pocket and enriched/validated illegal aliens. Courtesy of the Thief-in-Chief …..continue reading….

  • Three years onward, as reported on December 18, 2016, to be exact,“refugee” resettlement in secret ratcheted up ala ICE’s (100 mil price tag) helping hands. Not only that, guess what cropped up in the midst of all this? Al-Qaeda-run compounds, that’s what!

SO, where do things stand, now that Team Trump has taken over? Read on. Patriots, be prepared to get red-hot. Steamed.

Federal escorts dressed in civilian clothing are quietly putting illegal immigrants who cross the U.S.-Mexico border on taxpayer-funded flights and secretly taking them to unsuspecting communities across the U.S., according to a government-watchdog agency.

“In the last few days alone, groups of illegal aliens boarded planes at airports in Texas and Arizona accompanied by a taxpayer-funded government escort in civilian clothes to avoid drawing attention,” Judicial Watch reported Friday. “The first flight originated at Valley International Airport in Harlingen, Texas, and was bound for Minneapolis. The second left from Tucson International Airport and arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, federal sources said.”

In both cases, illegal immigrants, who appeared to be in their teens, were reportedly escorted by Health and Human Services chaperones.

Judicial Watch said Friday that “high-ranking Homeland Security officials” confirmed its report. The organization said it reached out to HHS for comment but hadn’t received a response from the agency. WND requested comment from HHS on Monday but hadn’t received a reply at the time of this report.

‘Shameful and dangerous’

A source described as a “veteran federal official” told Judicial Watch the illegal immigrants, who are given a red HHS wristband, receive “the gold glove treatment.” They’re reportedly boarded on the commercial flights before other passengers and even law-enforcement authorities.

“It is shameful and dangerous,” said a “seasoned Homeland Security agent with direct knowledge of the secret operations.”

Judicial Watch noted that personnel from Department of Homeland Security agencies have expressed serious concern about costs and security risks of transporting illegal immigrants to communities all over the U.S. The government watchdog cited an unnamed Immigration and Customs Enforcement official who was reportedly present at meetings on the issue. One closed-door meeting in late 2017 is said to have included President Trump and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. As WND recently reported, Kelly has said some of Trump’s campaign promises on immigration were “uninformed” and that the U.S. only needs about 700 miles of border wall, which Mexico’s government will not fund.

“It appears that the Trump administration has chosen to ignore the concerns of rank-and-file federal agents, instead opting to quietly extend the controversial Obama-era policy that relocates illegal immigrants to unsuspecting communities nationwide,” wrote the government watchdog agency. “It is known as ‘Catch and Release’ and frustrated DHS sources tell Judicial Watch the Trump administration is essentially facilitating the ongoing commission of a federal immigration crime despite its tough border security rhetoric.”

Judicial Watch cited a Nov. 15, 2017, Washington Times report that revealed U.S. Border Patrol agents who bring illegal immigrants to U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement, or ICE, detention facilities have actually been turned away because the federal deportation agency says it doesn’t have beds for the illegals.

“We’re going to have to release them out our front door,” Brandon Judd, an agent and president of the National Border Patrol Council, told the Times. “Even if we try to turn them over to them, they’re just not going to take them. The moment we start releasing them out our front door, you’re going to see a huge increase take place in the numbers coming across.”

That’s because illegal immigrants send word back home that the U.S. is simply catching and releasing people who come to the state illegally. And it triggers a flood of U.S.-bound migrants.

“The people that are supposed to be enforcing Trump’s policy, they’re just not,” Judd said. “They’re not following through on the promises he made.”

‘Just move those bodies across the country’

Judicial Watch said many Americans had great hope that President Trump would put a stop to Obama-era policies that released illegal immigrants into communities across the U.S.

In 2016, the organization issued a bombshell report revealing the Department of Homeland Security had been “quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents.”

The illegal immigrants, who were classified as “Other Than Mexican,” or OTMs, came from countries including Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala.

“They’re telling us to put them on a bus and let them go,” an Arizona law enforcement official told JW at the time. “Just move these bodies across the country.”

Meanwhile, the federal government was shut down for days as Democrats demand legislation to protect illegal immigrant youth protected from deportation under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. By Monday afternoon, it appeared Congress would pass a deal to keep the federal government funded through Feb. 8. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly promised to bring forward a DACA bill before that date.

“I am pleased that Democrats and Republicans in Congress have now come to their senses,” President Trump said in a statement Monday. “We will make a long term deal if and only if it’s good for our country.”……continue reading…..

ALAS, upon catching your breath (and atop the accrued dangers from “standard” illegals hailing from Mexico, Central and South America – many of whom are attached to gangs), know that narco-terror mules have never stopped ferrying in illegal Mohammedans by the many thousands. Many of them are “spirited” by officialdom all across the nation, resettled, with communities none the wiser. 

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TRUST, as of late, this site’s highly credentialed counterterror and counterintelligence sources have been whispering in these ears, imploring: Get the word out – again !! 


{UPDATE: See what popped up after this analysis was uploaded – “Trumps Says He’s Open To U.S. Citizenship For DACA Illegal Aliens“}

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Trudeau’s Canada A Jihadi Danger To America: The Northern Front! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WHILE Canada, America’s “northern neighbor”, has always been a loosey-goosey liberal/leftist playground (filled to the brim with metrosexual “males”, femi-nazis and their confused ilk, not unlike the east and west/left coasts of the USA), the fact remains that conservatives have a base too. On the other hand, from the likes of Trudeau & Co., well, one would be hard-pressed to know it. Phew. Where have all the real men gone??

BE that as it may, for the historical record, Stephen Harper was Canada’s 22nd Prime Minister from 2006-2015, and his conservative bonafides have never been in question. Even so, it was the first time that the Conservative Party of Canada sat at the top post, albeit with the smallest minority government by proportion of seats. Hmm. In any case, it was decidedly not the “norm” for the oft-nicknamed “The Great White North.”

BUT before seguing to the increasingly upped Jihadi threat level from “the northern front”, let’s be clear: Trust, this Brotherhood Mafia expert is more familiar than most with the acute dangers stemming from Mexico, “the southern front.” Hence, today’s northern exposure should not, in any way, be misconstrued as a mitigating factor to the real-time threat level from the south. 

EVEN more so, to demonstrate a clear evidentiary trail, it is not an accident that more than a handful of investigative reports attest to the same.


  • In May 2015, this site reported on an updated danger from “the southern front”; that which revealed the presence of ISIS sleeper cells in the US, having infiltrated through Mexico! Not only that, WMD’s were smuggled in too! OMG.
  • And if that wasn’t enough to awaken rational Americans, surely an August 2015 analysis should have set the record straight – or not: ISIS is testing US defenses via Mexican springboards,
  • Alas, go figure, it has gotten so dangerous that a follow-on report in Oct. 2015 couldn’t be ignored: Top law enforcement in the US finally ‘fessed up: Islamic Jihadis have infiltrated through Mexico! And to make matters exponentially worse, Obama Inc. sent upwards of 10,000 “refugees” into over 180 cities! If that’s not a force multiplier, what else qualifies? Rhetorical.
  • As expected, more of the same popped up at this site. In fact, a blaring January 2017 headline read: Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are (verifiably) poised at the US-Mexico border: Fatwa Issued and ISIS “refugee” cubs await strike-orders inside America! Say whaat??

BUT in the interests of time and space – as per the promised update of “the northern front” – just consider the above as foretastes of incipient threats from Mohammedans ala “the southern front.”

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SO from the get-go, let’s set the record straight: Re the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s presence in Canada (inclusive of its majorly tentacled arms, a/k/a fronts), what’s going on?

IN response, let’s start from the tippy top by inquiring: Who is Tariq Ramadan? Well, he is a “rock star” on the Jihadi front, and it is not for nothing – considering his pedigreed lineage! Sheesh.

Actually, Tariq Ramadan (via this linked video) is as slippery as a snake, as he continuously opines that “Islamophobia” is a “root” issue to examine, yet feigns “moderation” in this and that. Oh yeah. Orwellian doublespeak…..

Most crucially, Tariq Ramadan….hold onto your head, lest it spins…is the GRANDSON of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, Hassan al-Banna!!

Incontestably, it must be understood how earth-shaking this factor is, as he is an heir apparent to the most dangerous (worldwide) Islamic umbrella/front group, bar none. Regardless, Barack HUSSEIN Obama gave him open sesame, as indicated below….

MUSLIM SUPREMACIST TARIQ RAMADAN says, “We are not here to adopt Western values, we are here to colonize the U.S. (and Canada) and spread Islamic sharia law” ….continue reading….

MORE specifically, Canada’s National Post reported on May 27, 2014: 

TORONTO — The Muslim Brotherhood has established a “significant presence” in Canada, says a study released Tuesday that asks whether the government should follow the lead of the United Kingdom and launch an investigation into the group.

Calling the Brotherhood the “antithesis” of Canadian laws and values, the study urged Ottawa to deny public support and charity status to organizations aligned with the group, which promotes political Islam as an alternative to Western-style democracy.

The report is “intended to focus public attention on the requirement to have a national level discussion on the Muslim Brotherhood and its role in Canada,” said Tom Quiggin, the former Privy Council intelligence analyst who authored the study.

Mr. Quiggin, a court-recognized expert on terrorism, wrote the study without government or private funding. “Questions need to be raised about the accreditation, public funding and charity status of the organizations involved,” he said.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in the 1920s by the Egyptian cleric Hassan Al-Banna, whose writings were hostile to the West and envisioned its downfall, proposing instead a “world living under the tranquility of Islam.”….continue reading….

ALL that being established (and with additional evidence housed inside this site to fill up a football stadium), one should rightfully append a piggyback query: How could it get any worse for North America in toto? 

ENTER, “Pretty Boy” Trudeau. 

NOW, few are unaware of his leftist bonafides, this is not news. But how many realize the ACTUAL dangers accrued under his tenure (as the heir apparent to his father’s failed liberalism – not to be confused with classical liberalism – sycophants be damned) via the merging of leftism and Islamism? Unholy Jihad!

And there they are, all (Pierre) Trudeau’s sins, laid out in meticulous detail. And so many of them: the sheer breadth can’t fail but impress, even to those already familiar with the record.

Trudeau on the economy, piling up massive debts and leaving the bill for later generations. Trudeau the internationalist, cavorting with dictators while barely masking his contempt for occupants of the Oval Office he viewed as lesser beings. Trudeau the constitutionalist, condemning the country to a decade of wrangling over amending formulas and opt-out clauses while unemployment soared and the economy slipped into stagflation. Trudeau the champion of unity, fatally alienating western Canadians while he focused obsessively on his home province…..continue reading….

WHICH brings us full circle to Justin’s treachery, which make his father’s misdeeds appear like that of a piker. That bad.


IN this regard, the following Jihadi threats (never mind the rest of his policy disasters) land at his doorstep, since assuming office in 2015. However, they must serve as a synopsis, for they are by no means exhaustive.


  • A Special Forces soldier blinded in attack by a Guantanamo detainee who was given millions by the Canadian government says Justin Trudeau is guilty of treason.

    Layne Morris, was injured and another soldier was killed when a 15-year-old Omar Khadr in a firefight with US Marines in Afghanistan in 2002.

    He was captured, and the teen spent the next ten years in Guantanamo Bay where he was tortured and interrogated.

    Now Khadr, 30, who has since returned to Canada, has won $8 million ($10.5 million CAD) from the Canadian government after winning his wrongful imprisonment suit for the abuse he sustained while in prison.

    But Morris, who was blinded in one eye by the attack, said the news felt, ‘Like a punch in the face,’ Toronto Sun reported.

  • In line with said treachery – indeed, treasonous – toward the “bravest of the brave”, another punch in the national gut occurred in the run-up to Christmas 2015.  Patriots, Canadian and American, having recognized that Trudeau’s Islamic affection knows no bounds, was it untoward to query: Guess who invaded the national home for Christmas? Hint: It wasn’t Santa, nor far-flung family!
  • Upping the Islamic ante, this site reported in October 2016: Canada is (slowly) submitting to Sharia’s Laws of Blasphemy – creep by creep.
  • As should be expected along the very same Jihadi trajectory, Trudeau’s Canada is Islamized to the degree that installing a Muslim Chaplain to Toronto’s Police Department (one who openly advocates Mohammed’s lifestyle – child marriages) is now considered “acceptable” practice!
  • Ominously, it is little wonder that free speech in Canada is DOA, as Justie’s Muslima in Parliament, Brotherhood-connected Iqra Khalid, drives a stake through its heart!

Brotherhood-founded MSA alumni and stealth jihadist Mississauga-Erin Mills Liberal MP Iqra Khalid

OF course, it stands to “reason” that free-wheeling types such as Wild Bill (and countless others) won’t fare well in Trudeau’s Islamic-submitted Canada. Ya’ think?

RESULTANT, the Jihadi dangers from “the northern front” must be deemed as much a threat as “the southern front” – perhaps, even more so. This is because Americans, for the most part, remain blissfully unaware that their so-called friendly “neighbor” – a formerly liberal one, at that – is dancing to the tune, submitting, to the Jihadi side. Mexico, on the opposite border, has been a failed state for many years – a narco-terror haven to boot! Therefore, with the passage of time, Americans have become more than leery of “the southern front.” Threats. Yes, decapitated bodies have a way of removing the blinders, once they become the “norm” throughout the region.

INEXTRICABLY, per the proofs this Jihadi expert cited above, isn’t the following (Jan. 18, 2018) professional assessment from the American Center for Democracy proof of the same at “the northern border” – and then some?

Has the Islamist influence in the Canadian government become so dominant that the American government should monitor and assess this issue?  Is the penetration of the Canadian political system by the Muslim Brotherhood (and others) so severe that it is becoming a national security threat to the U.S.?  A wall and its northern border?

Prime Minister Trudeau has done himself few favors by telling Canadians and the world that he believes returning ISIS fighters can be rehabilitated into “powerful” voices against radicalism. This despite the absence of a rehab program in Canada.  In Canada’s Parliament, the Prime Minister stated that anyone who opposed the return of ISIS fighters was Islamophobic.  Trudeau also amended the Canadian law that allowed the deportation of terrorists with dual citizenship. Convicted terrorists can now keep their newly acquired Canadian citizenship and remain in Canada after their release.

A team of Canadian experts of Islamist terrorism led by Tom Quiggin, a former Canadian military intelligence officer, and intelligence analyst for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and a court-appointed expert on jihadist terrorism, have documented the development and advance of Political Islamist groups in Canada in a the new book: SUBMISSION: The Danger of Political Islam to Canada (With a Warning to America)…… continue reading…..

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MOST significantly, a two-prong peril looms large over both nations. As such, it bears raising the ante: How much more emboldened has the Brotherhood Mafia become under the shield and cover of Islamist-loving Trudeau, and with knock-on effects to America in tandem with Canada? To wit, isn’t it a patriotic duty for Canadians to scream to the high heavens:

“Canada Needs You To Stop JIHADI JUSTIN!

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Image result for pics of muslim brotherhood in canada parliament

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Islamic “Refugees”+ Submitting To CAIR’s Demands = U.S. Security Nightmare:The Linkages & Fallout – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE leftist-fascists are continuously in an uproar re this and that imaginary “racist” bugaboo (especially, when it comes to Mohammedans – never mind that they do not constitute a race), the fact remains that out-sized dangers await to explode. Yes, their incessant and unhinged agitating serves as a shield and a blindfold type cover.

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MIND you, when the sh-t-storm hits, not one “infidel” will be spared. Categorically, they are more than useful idiots. Traitors.

“Infidels and apostates aren’t like us, they aren’t even human and should be given to ISIS to cut their throats,” say Syrian refugees

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BE that as it may, let it be shouted from the (virtual) rooftops: Time and again, continuous warnings re impending threats are blared, but countless would rather “see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil, speak no Islamic evil.” Monkey see, monkey do. Suit yourselves.

ATOP it all,  it has become the “norm” to self-censor. Now, aside from the mountain of evidence housed at this site – in tandem with demonstrative knock-on effects from officialdom’s clamp-down on free speech via so-called “hate speech” – clear-eyed readers understand full well that these ears can turn deaf too, albeit, in the polar opposite direction! Thus, highlighting primary exhibits as prima facie evidence of the same – alas, by no means exhaustive in nature – is where it is at, regardless of certain strategies deployed to shut this mouth up.

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NOW that the unassailable truths are in plain view, let’s connect up some recent and very tangible dangers vis-à-vis so-called “refugees”; that which clearly prove how the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, a/k/a CAIR, is in the forefront – as they submit America to its dictates, creep by creep.

HOW many are aware that strict rules are in place regarding head coverings in venues where security is paramount? If not, time to catch up to speed. The point being, if one is inclined to hide contraband, what better place than under a hat or a hijab? Indeed. 

CONCOMITANTLY, how many are shocked that CAIR jumped into the fray, knowing full well that the City of Atlanta (and elsewhere) does NOT allow prisoners to wear head coverings, including, the non-religious mandated hijab?

CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper with CAIR Executive Director and founder Nihad Awad

(CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper with CAIR Executive Director and founder Nihad Awad)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a terrorist-front group that is often quoted in the news media as a “civil rights” organization for Muslims.  It is one thing for ignorant reporters to not know about CAIR’s background, but there is no excuse for law enforcement! Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the latest outrage:

Caving into the demands of a terrorist front group, the City of Atlanta Detention Center in Georgia is allowing female Muslim inmates to wear a head scarf (hijab) used as a symbol of modesty in the Islamic dress code. Hats and other head covers are banned in American state and federal prisons for security and safety reasons. Making an exception to this rule to appease followers of one religion sets a dangerous precedent. Besides, the Quran doesn’t require Muslim women to wear a hijab. The cover is optional and those who wear it do so willfully as an act of worship.

Nevertheless, corrections officials at the City of Atlanta Detention Center changed the rules to satisfy the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation (read more in a Judicial Watch special report that focuses on Muslim charities). CAIR was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, Nihad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. The Obama administration allowed CAIR to transform the way U.S. law enforcement agencies conduct anti-terrorism training by allowing the group to bully agencies at the local, state and federal level to alter counterterrorism training materials determined to be discriminatory against Muslims…..continue reading….

INESTIMABLY, as always, their thrust is two-fold: On the one hand, if a hiding place is needed, well, they got that covered. On the other, by twisting arms through any means possible – chiefly, through lawfare, that is, if public “shaming” doesn’t work – the main goal, submission, is that much closer – and without non-Muslim citizens the wiser. They got that right!

ALL of which brings the danger from so-called “refugees” to the highest alert possible (Mohammedans in toto, be they “refugees”, or home-grown), most especially, if one considers poisoning the food supply a national security threat, as well as contamination through communicable diseases!

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In an effort to stab President Trump in the back and play politics with their crappy coffee, Starbucks has been on a Muslim refugee hiring frenzy in recent months that has typically backfired. After 10,000 Muslims were given jobs as an act of resistance against Trump’s migrant ban, a watchdog program that performs consumer affairs on popular businesses discovered fecal material in numerous samples of Starbucks coffee. As the coffee giant defiantly moves to hire even more more refugees despite what was just found in their coffee, unfortunately, poop in coffee might be the least of our concerns after what was just discovered in California.

On Tuesday, Starbucks held a hiring event exclusively for Muslim refugees in San Diego, with the coffee franchise proclaiming their intentions to hire more than 10,000 refugees at baristas across the United States over the course of the next 5 years. But unfortunately for the remaining Americans who aren’t scared to sip on possible crap-contaminated coffee, consuming Starbucks could now be fatal.

21.4 percent of Muslim refugees in the San Diego County carry tuberculosis, a disgusting disease that infects the lungs and is easily spread through the air by speaking, coughing, sneezing, or spitting. The location that Starbucks is picking their Muslim workers from is in San Diego County, a place where this highly-contagious disease runs rampant throughout the Muslim migrant community.

Research by a prominent doctor by the name of Timothy Rodwell, who works as a professor and physician in the Division of Global Health at UCSD, warned of the rampant TB after screening Muslim refugees in San Diego. He noted that this leading refugee resettlement site poses the highest rates of active TB in the entire country, where Brietbart reports that an astounding 1/4th of these Muslims have the disease.

Pamela Geller weighed in on the massive threat that these Muslim workers pose to the heath of Americans who will now be sneezing and coughing over steaming hot cups of coffee at Starbucks across America saying, “In other words, the incidence of active TB among the 4,280 refugees who were resettled in San Diego County between January 2010 and October 2012 was 327 per 100,000, more than 100 times greater than the incidence of active TB among the entire population of the United States in 2016.” She went on:

“About four percent of the entire population of the United States tests positive for latent TB infection. Around 10 percent of those with LTBI will develop active TB at some point in their lives. The triggering mechanism to activate latent TB is not entirely understood, but high levels of stress, crowded living situations, poor public health practices, the presence of other diseases that lower the immune system, and behavioral conduct–such as smoking–appear to increase the chances of activation.”

“The 21.4 percent of refugees in the San Diego County study who tested positive for latent TB infection is about five times the national average.”

Breitbart News reached out to Starbucks to inquire if safety measures were being put in place in the form of mandatory testing for latent and active TB in their Muslim workers, but predictably, the liberals running the company have no time to respond to a conservative news site.

KGTV reported:

“About 30 Starbucks managers will conduct on-the-spot interviews at the International Rescue Committee’s office located at 131 E. Main Street in El Cajon from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 8. Applicants are encouraged to visit Starbucks online career center prior to the event and bring resumes along with them. The store managers will talk to the refugee applicants about what it’s like to work for Starbucks and review qualifications for the barista position.”

“The world’s largest coffee chain said it would focus initial efforts on markets where refugee need is greatest and there’s a store base to meet the need.”

“According to state and federal data, San Diego fits the bill.”

“No other California county has received more refugees during the past decade than San Diego county.”

“In 2016, San Diego settled 3,100 refugees, along with 520 military interpreters on special immigrant visas.”

It’s absolutely disgusting that Starbucks would gamble with the lives of millions of Americans in order to make a political statement with their products. But if consumers are willing to ingest Tuberculosis-infected coffee in order to show their solidarity with Muslim migrants, then perhaps the weeding out of the gene pool is something we should celebrate. The less morons running rampant and destroying our country, the better!

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PATRIOTS, BOYCOTT STARBUCKS! Pay it forward. Besides, your very well-being, and that of your loved ones, depends on doing so.

MOST significantly (and somewhat understandably), even though Stealth Jihad a/k/a Civilization/Cultural Jihad is harder for most to recognize and identify, it is not as if hints…clues…bread crumbs…whatever…are not being given – and from Mohammedans themselves, be they “refugees” or homegrown Jihadis. You got that??

AND this is precisely the arena where CAIR reigns supreme. For the most part, leftist-fascists tug at the “heart-strings” whenever so-called “refugees” are mentioned, thus, reeling in clueless Americans in the deadly process.

YES. more than a national security threat!

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The Last Two Jews of Mogadishu: Living Under Al Shabaab’s Fire – By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.: A Review By Adina Kutnicki

When Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, is brought up to most Americans (and westerners in general), the first image which springs to mind is the hideous spectacle of the bloodied corpse of U.S. Staff Sgt. William David Cleveland being dragged through the streets by supporters of Somali warlord Mohammed Aideed to the ecstatic cheering and jeering from a braying and ululating crowd. Jackal-like.

More specifically, when the subject of Somalia is raised, those of us who toil in the Jihadi muck veer in the direction of the multi-headed Islamic terror hydra Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (حركة الشباب المجاهدين) – more commonly known as al-Shabaab, when unspeakable horrors are perpetrated in the region.

Briefly, it was founded in 2006 in East Africa. In 2012, its members pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda. Its ideology is based upon Salafi Jihadism, a/k/a Wahhabism, within Sunni Islam.

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So it is with said backgrounder in mind that Dr. Kobrin’s recently released (January 10, 2018 ) book, The Last Two Jews of Mogadishu (MultiEducator, Inc.), must be read. Internalized.

Under the aforementioned umbrella, westerners are led to believe that Somalia is a 100% Islamic country. Not exactly. Reportedly, 99.8% are Muslim, with the majority adhering to the Sunni branch of Islam. It goes without saying, Sharia Law is the law of the land – with all its barbaric underpinnings. Even so, minorities do exist. Christians comprise less than 0.1%, non-Somali ethnics practice animism, while less than 0.1% are Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, or unaffiliated with any religion.

Unsurprisingly, all is not as it seems – even more so, on the historical front.  As Ben I. Aram writes:

“The history of Christianity is considered to be very brief and as such receives
only cursory mention in many of the books surveying this subject for Africa.
Furthermore the story is often assumed to have begun just over a century ago,
with the advent of modern western mission activity. However, evidence from
three directions sheds light on the pre-Islamic Judaeo-Christian influence:
written records, archeological data and vestiges of Judaeo-Christian
symbolism still extant within both traditional Somali culture and closely
related ethnic groups. Together such data indicates that both Judaism and
Christianity preceded Islam to the lowland Horn of Africa.11”

But not to be lost in the immensely intrinsic discussion about the real status of minorities in Somalia – with “the last two Jews of Mogadishu” in the forefront – Dr. Kobrin, a world-class psychoanalytic expert on suicide terrorism, analyzes its knock-on effects into western society – with a particular emphasis placed on Somalis within America, many of whom continue to pose a grave danger to national security.

Thus, it is against this backdrop of unremitting Islamic fire and fury within Somalia (yes, the bloodletting never wanes, despite the so-called homogeneous nature of the nation’s super-majority Sunni Muslim population) that Dr. Kobrin deftly introduces Rami and his mother Ashira – “the last two Jews of Mogadishu” – to the reader. At the same time, she exposes the region’s cauldron of hell.

Living like anusim (אֲנוּסִים….Jews who have been forced to abandon their faith throughout the centuries), mother and son practice Orthodox Judaism secretly at home, while publicly hiding “in the closet.”

Back in 2007, Dr. Kobrin began a three-year correspondence with nineteen-year-old Rami, a/k/a  “Av M.” As she poignantly describes on page 14: “It is his nickname, short for Avraham and Mordechay, his last name and his father’s name, Shamul Mordechay. The letter “M” was also a play on the name of the city that he loved so much ‒ Mogadishu. However, in his later emails, Avraham shifted to calling himself “Rami,” the more intimate nickname he used, which is a shortened form of “rahamim,” Hebrew for mercy: Avraham – Av [father] + rahamim [mercy]. Hence, I also switched from Av to Rami.”

It was during the period of 2007-2010 that a flurry of emails were exchanged between the two. Infused with harrowing details re al-Shabaab’s rampages and world events, they are juxtaposed against “ordinary” life. Awe-inspiring and heart-rending.The following is emblematic:

To: Nancy/Ayaan
Date: 17 May 2008, 17:00 PM
Shaloooooom Ayaan.
See tahay? maa ficaan tahat, waqt badan maan is maqlin [Som. We haven’t heard
from each other for a long time] ,
Waan iska ficana nahay anaka, wax sas maku hayno, oo aan barwaaqo aheen,:)
[Som. We are fine, we have nothing to report but prosperity] tomorow lesson.
We heard rumors, that some jewish returned to yemen from israel, or my mother
did, when she was in her younger days, but it was just rumor, we didn’t know.
Anyway, we are doing good, I will not write much today, because we have to save
some gas, it has been a little bit hard finding gas now days, like two these days, and u
can not trust the electricty, it of and on. about the food riot, it was terrible, it was
not far from us, but it was scary, some even went in to house, and stole food, i mean only food, noting else, it was very supricing because u expect people to steal some value, but they just stole food.
and another good thing is, the ethiopian soldier, gave some food to poor people in
Mogadishu, the money was from they pay check.
did u hear about this ? and the sad thing is, people were happy, but they were scared
that the shabab will name those who went there, and they they will get punnishment,
meaning assination, so the people who went there, had their face covered, like abaya,
you know abaya?it is the ninja cloths or nikhab?? even the male wore some kind of face cover, because it was dangerous for them to go there without covering their face
It was amazing, we saw it on the news, I think hole Mogadishu stopped that day,
it was all over the tv and radio, some even said, it was somalis who is pretending to
be Ethiopians, many theory and stories.
how was your shabat? our was ok, noting special, just normal. little bit sad about
the chinese earthquake.
talk soon rami

As the reader fasts forward to April 10, 2010, Rami wrote:

To: Nancy/Ayaan
Date: 8 April 2010, 8:01 PM
Salaan Qaali [Som. Greetings Dear].
Ayan my friend how are you?
I’m so happy to write you this email.
We are well. we are in yemen at the moment. In aden.
i will write you a longer email next time.
it is sign from hashem [Hebr. The Name, i.e. G-d], i remembered my secret
question to this email account.
and now i’m in touch with you. again

Worryingly, despite repeated attempts through various channels, Dr. Kobrin never heard from Rami again. The very fact that he treasured the correspondence, promising, “I will write you a longer email next time“, does not bode well.

In the meanwhile, Rami’s bravery should serve as an abiding and shining example to the young, not so young, and those in between. Not only did he (and his mother) demonstrate that Judaism is an eternal light that can never be extinguished, but he “came out” as a Jew through a blog he started in 2007.

Av M
Greetings from Mogadishu: Just wanted to share my energy with the world, a normal
citizen of the world,
Av’s Profile
About Me
Sex: Male
Location: Mogadishu, Mogadishu
Introduction: A world citizen just like you
Fields of interest: Political, Jews, Music, tv Yemen, Somalia, teyman culture
Favorite movies: Rambo
Favorite music: Hindi, teyman music, Somali
Favorite books: i don’t think i have a favorite. i have read all my books.
Email at:
A blogger since 2007

(Rami, if you see this – from one Jewish blogger to another – I salute you, and wish you and your mother nothing but safe passage!)

Above all else, The Last Two Jews of Mogadishu (Dr. Kobrin’s fifth book) is an exemplary and distinguished work of scholarship. It is infused with historical accuracy, as opposed to PC revisionism via sanitation. At the same time, the incomparable heroism and abiding faith of Rami and his mother Ashira – “the last two Jews of Mogadishu” – coupled with the humanity of the “good people” of Somalia, permeates its riveting pages.

Im nin’alu daltei n’divim daltei marom lo nin’alu
“Even if there is no mercy left in the world, the doors of heaven
will not be closed”
— Rabbi Shalom ben Yosef Shabazi


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Adina Kutnicki is the co-author of BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad (WND Books, September 2016). Her investigative work concentrates on Islamic Jihad and its western knock-on effects. She blogs at: Adina Kutnicki, A Zionist & Conservative Blog (, and is a contributing author to several news sites. She is a consultant to a privately held Homeland Security entity.

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Jihad in “The Sunshine State” Unimpeded: Al-Qaeda/ISIS/MB in the Forefront! How Can This Be? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ACROSS the U.S., Jihadi activity continues apace. Unmolested. Even so, some states are more “active” than others. Superstars. Such is the case with the Sunshine State, Florida – a veritable hub….terror-nest….worse than a cesspool. It is that bad.

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AS a matter of record, Florida should be considered a “Jihadi playground” – open sesame-like. As always, to catch readers up to speed, a look-back is mandatory for patriots and discerning readers.


  • While many have heard of Sami al-Arian, too few are familiar with his terror bonafides; that which should have caused a football stadium full of law enforcement types to sit up and pay attention to from the get-go. In brief, a legal resident of the U.S. since 1975 – up until his deportation in 2015 – for years, he was the Brotherhood Mafia’s head chieftain for PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) in the U.S.! His headquarters were in – you guessed it – Florida! To be exact, Tampa U of South Florida was his professorial cover and hub. For the devastating details,Top Islamic Dog, PIJ’s Sami al-Arian, Deported reveals his trail of Jihad. Trial.Terror_arrest_made_in_South_Florida_3232250000_22073758_ver1.0_640_480
  • On the other hand, very few have heard of Harlem Suarez, a/k/a Almlak Benitez – another Florida Jihadi among a laundry list within the state, never mind the rest throughout the nation. Regardless, “ISIS American Jihadi Arrested in Florida” should serve as a wake-up call – or not.
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  • But let’s not forget Florida’s Omar Mateen, you know, the ISIS Jihadi who rocked the U.S. with his massive death toll – killing forty-nine and wounding fifty-three at Orlando’s Pulse Gay Club! So much so, he “earned” a chapter within “Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.” It is entitled, “Jihad In Orlando: Facebook Takes Center Stage.” It is not for nothing.

THE point being, despite the fact that the above is hardly a drop in the (Florida) bucket and elsewhere alike – and that the list is too unwieldy and onerous to cite – still yet, there is one piece of Jihadi information which dare not be overlooked – it is that important to national security!

ENTER, Nabil-el-Shukri! 

OUT of the gate, know that el-Shukri is the scion of one of the most infamous and influential al-Qaeda families, that is, aside from the bin Ladens’! Yes, he is part of Islamic Jihadi royalty. Dynasty.

AND while it is the case that several high-ranking al-Qaeda Commanders of his familial tree have been dispatched to Allah’s hell-hole, “sonny-boy” is charging full-steam ahead – yes, you guessed it, in Florida!

NOW, before an update is provided, know that the “person of interest”, Nabil-el-Shukri, is the “prodigal” son of (deceased) “Sheikh Gulshair” – having been an Imam at (some of) the most dangerous mosques in the U.S. That should tell you something!

MORE specifically, he was assigned to the “Blind Sheikh’s” terror mosque, the Al Farooq (attached to the Al Kifah Refugee Center) on Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn, NY. As it happened, Gulshair was his main translator in the early 90’s. And if some of this sounds a tad familiar, well, it should. The “Blind Sheikh” planned the 1993 Twin Towers bombing – the “dry run” for 9/11/01!

AS an interesting side-note: Before immigrating to Israel, this Brotherhood Mafia expert had the occasion to “slip in and out” of Al Farooq via this and that contact – and with none the wiser. Mind you, the referenced associate is of Sephardi Jewish descent, whose appearance resembles an Arab much more than a Jew! Not only that, having lived in several Middle Eastern countries, he has their mannerisms and inflections down pat, aside from being completely fluent in Arabic – never mind  Hebrew and English. Let’s just say that when one is a “fly on the wall”, well…..

MOVING right along…..

NABIL-el-SHUKRI’s (deceased) older brother, Adnan El Shukrijumah, was a TOP-ranking al-Qaeda Commander! Imagine that.

AND with his “stellar” pedigree at your fingertips, it’s time for the promised (Floridian) update.

WITH the above in the forefront, one needn’t be a so-called “Islamophobe” to urgently inquire: How can it be that U.S. security agencies have not only failed to arrest el-Skukri for his many acts of material support for Jihad – let alone incitement to acts of terror – but are turning blind eyes to his fundraising via GO FUND ME for his terror-tied Tamarac, Florida-based Alazhar School website??

Assalamu Alaikum,

 عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ إِذَا مَاتَ الْإِنْسَانُ انْقَطَعَ عَنْهُ عَمَلُهُ إِلَّا مِنْ ثَلَاثَةٍ إِلَّا مِنْ صَدَقَةٍ جَارِيَةٍ أَوْ عِلْمٍ يُنْتَفَعُ بِهِ أَوْ وَلَدٍ صَالِحٍ يَدْعُو لَهُ 

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When the human being dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him.”

Source: Sahih Muslim 1631

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

Donate now to Alazhar School Expansion Project, any amount will help. This is the only free standing Islamic School in all of South Florida, where all the funds raised go directly back to the school and children. “Teaching our Children to Live, Love, and Learn Through Islamic Values.”
The project Total Cost around $4.5 Million
The School have saved around $2 Million
We’re able to get a No interest loan for $1 million
We raised Last Saturday 05/13/2017 $540,000 (Alhamdulilah)
We Need $960,000.

There are two names prominently found on the Tamarac, Florida-based Alazhar School website. One is that of the school’s principal, Dina Ibrahim, and the other is that of the school’s administrator, imam and finance officer, Trinidad-born Nabil el-Shukri. Recently el-Shukri took to the fundraising site GoFundMe to ask for money for a school expansion project. Given the terror-related background of el-Shukri and the extremism coming from a number of Alazhar teachers, any expansion of the school presents an increased threat to the community.

Nabil el-Shukri first arrived in the United States in late 1995, when he, along with his mother and siblings (three sisters and a brother), was summoned to come to Brooklyn, New York by his father, Gulshair Muhammad el-Shukri-Jumah (Shukrijumah). Gulshair, then-missionary for the Saudi Arabian government, found himself in the middle of a federal terrorism trial dealing with the February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center….

Following their January 1996 sentencing, Gulshair ushered his family out of New York and into South Florida.

In May 2001, el-Shukri’s brother, Adnan, left the United States for Trinidad. Following the September 11 attacks, a number of al-Qaeda terrorists in US custody, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, identified Adnan as a key al-Qaeda operative. Years later, Adnan would serve as a Senior Commander for al-Qaeda. As head of al-Qaeda’s external operations, Adnan was in charge of the September 2009 plot to conduct multiple suicide bombings in the New York City subway system. In December 2014, Adnan was killed during a pre-dawn raid conducted by the Pakistani military in South Waziristan.

While Nabil el-Shukri cannot be blamed for his family’s past, his own past – and present – is rife with Islamist extremism. This includes his MySpace page,, named for el-Shukri’s former graphic design and printing company. Today, apart from a photo of el-Shukri, the page is restricted from public view. Previously, though, everyone was able to see its disturbing content.

There were the graphics containing black al-Qaeda flags. There was the poster of a Hamas militant with an upraised rifle on a horse watching Jerusalem burn in the distance, with the threatening slogan (in Arabic), “Oh Jerusalem, we are coming.” And there was the graphic containing images of dead and captured US troops. The graphic was taken from the Iraqi terrorist site The site features a number of photos of masked jihadis brandishing rocket launchers. One photo on the site depicts an Iraqi boy in front of a burning car proudly holding up a leaflet, which states (in Arabic), “Fallujah, the cemetery of the Americans.”

In his position as administrator of Alazhar School, el-Shukri was interviewed for a video produced by al-Hikmat, the media arm of the Pembroke Pines, Florida-based Darul Uloom Institute mosque. The video was published in June 2011. Later that same year, in December 2011, a link was placed on the homepage of the Alazhar website to al-Hikmat’s site and remained there until July 2014.

Darul Uloom has numerous links to al-Qaeda terrorists, starting with el-Shukri’s brother, Adnan, who was a prayer leader there. “Dirty Bomber” Jose Padilla was a student at Darul Uloom. And Darul Uloom Arabic teacher Imran Mandhai, along with fellow mosque attendees Hakki Aksoy and Shueyb Mossa Jokhan, hatched an operation at Darul Uloom to blow up power stations, Jewish businesses, and a National Guard armory. 

Currently, el-Shukri is looking for assistance to expand his school, $500 thousand of assistance. Computer photos from the expansion project depict a brand-new, attractive and technologically sound infrastructure. However, the city of Tamarac and all those who are effected by the school’s presence need to determine whether or not the school should exist in the first place. And Nabil el-Shukri is not the only concern about Alazhar. There are dangerous radicals within the ranks of its teachers, as well.

One, a third grade teacher whom the school has promoted, is children’s book author and black power advocate Tauheedah Stephens. This past August, Stephens posted on her Facebook page a video from the anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-gay Black Times, making the outrageous claim that sex hormones placed in produce have caused homosexuality to “run rampant.” Other videos on the Black Times site mock Orthodox Jews and teach how to build homemade guns. Last month, Stephens promoted on Facebook a cartoon book in support of the violent Black Panther Party being marketed to young children, titled ‘The ABCs of the Black Panther Party.’

Azza Ibrahim is a former kindergarten teacher at Alazhar School. Today, she works at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy (NUIA), a children’s school with past links to Hamas. Ibrahim is very public about her support for the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. She posts innumerable graphics onto social media featuring Brotherhood symbols and leadership. She, as well, has posted images denouncing Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, one of him draped in American and Israeli flags and one threatening his life with him staring at a hangman’s noose. Last month, she posted a photo of herself along with a graphic of Israel covered completely in a Palestinian flag…..

IF the above is not enough to make a patriot howl at the moon, another U.S. mosque leader has been caught preaching: “Kill the Jews!” Are America’s security arms even listening? If not, why not? 

BUT if all of the above fails to raise the alarm to the highest decibels, perhaps this intel will resonate – or not.

The statement said that overnight on Jan. 6, Syrian “militants” (terrorists) sent a large swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles to attack Russia’s Tartus Naval base and Khmeimim air base. Russian defenses took control of six drones and its Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system shot down another seven. DEBKAfile’s military sources learned from the Russian statement that they used electronic measures to manipulate the UAVs’ navigation systems and bring them down intact. Moscow has now launched an urgent technical analysis of the captured drones, which were revealed capable of enabling terrorists to conduct attacks from a range of some 100km, and discovered using for the first time modern guidance technologies on satellite GPS.
Russian security services are also urgently investigating who supplied these advanced UAVs to terrorists, warning that they make it possible for them to conduct air strikes anywhere in the world.

AND while many in the U.S. pooh, pooh anything which the Russians report, well, that’s a good thing because they are finely-honed propagandists. But when it comes to this issue, pay heed: This site’s considerable counter-terror and counter-intelligence sources assure that the Russian assessment is devastatingly on target. Trust, if that’s good enough confirmation at this end, it should be enough for all the rest!

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Europe’s Mohammedan (“Migrant”) Nightmare + America’s Exploding Islamic Population = Unspeakable Acts of Barbarism! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for einstein quotes insanity

ONE needn’t be a genius type to understand the following axiom: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Ain’t that the (1 + 1 = 2) easy peasy truth!

AND being that the self-evident proofs are beyond overwhelming as to the following calculus, that is, the greater the influx of Mohammedans into the west, the rise of barbarity increases commensurately, ipso facto, why would any rational western leader accede to their entry, let alone champion it? Indeed.

SO now that the mental health issue is brought into the forefront of the discussion, let’s recap. Afterwards, hopefully, the reader will see from there to here.


  • With all due deliberation, how much clearer must it be, other than to hear it from their own lips: Yes, Islamists admit that the end goal of the so-called “migrants” (aka “refugees”) is to execute the Mohammedan mandate of hijrah – Islamic migration into the west! Pray tell, to what end?
  • In furtherance to the above, this site reported on May 28, 2016: Rape-Jihad is exploding in Europe, but police and judges are blaming the victims! Is there even a modicum of rational thinking, by any discernible yardstick, within this “judgment?”
  • Not only that, relative to exposing their barbarism to the max, what about this blood-thirsty depiction: Mohammedans gang-raped an interpreter, while she filmed a documentary on the “Plight of Refugees!!” Did you ever?
  • Incontestably, is it any wonder that a Euro nation, Sweden, has been coined the “rape capital” of the west in Feb. 2015? By extrapolation, western women must be deemed sacrifices at the altar of Islamic “migration.” Those who contest – stand up and say your piece, otherwise, sit down and shut up!

IN this regard, as we move forward to Europe’s Islamic onslaught at the lead-in to 2018, get a load of this: An Italian woman received a New Year’s “gift” from one of Allah’s Muslim terrorists – and it wasn’t wine and roses! Ominously, it was par for their barbaric “norm.” Get used to it.

A Muslim immigrant from Somalia snuck into a hospital and tried to rape a woman – while she was in labor!

Ali Abdella, 38, entered Rome’s Sant’Eugenio Hospital, where he stole a hospital uniform and went into the unidentified pregnant woman’s hospital room. He then began groping her thigh and masturbating in front of her.

The woman screamed, which alerted hospital staff to the intruder. Police arrived soon after, and arrested Abdella on the scene.

Abdella, who had been living in Italy for five years, has been charged with sexual violence and theft. His first day in court is scheduled for January 10.

SO it is along this Mohammedan minefield (be it via “migrants” or home-grown Islamists living in the west, it makes no diff) that a study within the German government could no longer deny the obvious, despite Frau Merkel’s Allah-wash insistence: “I didn’t say it would be easy. I said back then, and I’ll say it again, that we can manage our historic task – and this is a historic test in times of globalisation – just as we’ve managed so much already, we can manage it.”

A study conducted by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs has found a direct correlation between the mass influx of migrants during the migrant crisis and the rising level of violent crime in Germany.

The criminologists behind the study looked at the period between 2014 and 2016 in the state of Lower Saxony and found that before the migrant crisis violent crime had only increased by 10.4 per cent compared to after the height of the crisis where the number had dramatically increased to 92.1 per centDie Welt reports.

Migrants have been shown to commit far more violent acts proportionally to their size of the population in Germany and according to the researchers, they accounted for suspects in one in every eight violent crime cases. 

The authors give several potential explanations as to why the migrant crime rate is so much higher than the rest of the population, saying that most migrants are men aged 14-30 who are the age bracket most likely to commit violent crimes.

The study also notes that crimes that occur within asylum homes are much more likely to be reported due to the presence of social workers and security guards.

In order to combat the rise of violent crimes among migrants, the researchers say the young migrant men should be put in sports programmes and other social projects.{Author’s note: OMG, does insanity know no bounds??}

Criminologist Christian Pfeiffer, one of the authors of the study, also noted the lack of women in the asylum homes and said the all-male environments tend to devolve into “violent masculine norms of legitimacy”. 

Despite that, crime reports clearly indicate violent attacks still occurs in migrant homes despite the presence of women. In one infamous case last year an Afghan migrant killed the five-year-old son of a woman living in the same accommodation and was later shot dead by police. Female migrants have regularly been the victims of crimes, by their fellow migrants as well as those employed to protect them.

Since the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, cities like Berlin have seen migrants and non-Germans account for around half of all criminal suspects. Areas like Alexanderplatz or the Ebertplatz area in Cologne have been described as “no-go zones” due to the high number of young migrant gang members operating in them.

Asylum seekers have also been the alleged perpetrators of some of the most shocking murders in Germany in recent years, including the suspected rape and murder of Maria Ladenburger by 33-year-old Afghan Hussein Khavari and the recent fatal stabbing of a 15-year-old girl in Kandel.

EVEN so, what does all of the above have to do with America & the so-called “refugee” crisis? Everything.


  • In light of Europe’s downfall, is it an exaggeration to assess: Cultural suicide is facilitated by civilizational Jihad – the clash of civilizations = the death of the west! And, inextricably, the U.S. is the main domino! Indubitably.
  • More specifically, Islam’s parasitic underpinnings mandate that adherents turn on their western “host” countries, as they advance via this and that “probing.” No doubt.
  • And for more proof of the same, Europe’s self-immolation is a foreshadowing for America – like it or not.
  • Alas, as to the so-called “refugees”, well, Americans, watch out – they will control your streets, if not sent packing!

MOST significantly, let there be no doubt: The very fact that the amount of Mohammedans is expanding within America, trust, it lends to a Europe-style nightmare – sooner than later.

Pew Research Center came out this week with an updated estimate of the American Muslim population, which is sure to cause a stir on all sides of the issue.

The new numbers come in at 3.45 million Muslims living legally in the U.S. in 2017. That represents only 1.1 percent of the U.S. population but it’s up, by Pew’s estimates, from 3.31 million in 2016.

The U.S. Muslim population grows by about 100,000 every year, according to the Pew study.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, says Pew’s estimates are way off, and that the true number is roughly double, in the 6 to 8 million range – and that was more than two years ago.

“Muslim advocacy groups such as the Council on American Islamic Relations routinely cite a span of 6 million to 8 million people in describing the size of Islam in America. That would be between 2 percent and 3 percent of the U.S. population and make Muslims greater in number than Mormons or Jews,” CAIR stated on its website in March 2015.”

If CAIR, an offshoot of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, is correct and there are at least 6 million Muslims living in the U.S., that would represent 2.4 percent of the total population and exceed the number of Jewish Americans by about a million.

The facts bear out that the higher a nation’s Muslim population, the more anti-Semitic attacks occur in that nation. France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the U.K. have all seen increasing numbers of hate crimes against Jews and Jewish properties since they began importing mass numbers of Muslim migrants. It has gotten so bad in France and Germany that many Jews have been quietly migrating out of those countries in recent years.

Both Pew and CAIR note that they are watching closely for the day when Islam surpasses Judaism as the second most populous religious group in America. CAIR, as stated above, thinks that has already happened, while Pew forecasts it will not happen for another 22 years.

Pew estimates that 5.3 million Jews live in the U.S., but unlike the Muslim population, Judaism is not growing in America, due largely to low birthrates.

Pew says the Muslim population will continue to increase and should surpass Judaism as the nation’s second most common religious faith by 2040.

The main drivers of Muslim population are high fertility rates of Muslim women, compared to Christian and Jewish women, along with continued migration of Muslims into the U.S. from abroad.

Pew itself admits that that estimated Muslim population growth is difficult because there is no official count — the U.S. Census does not ask Americans their religious affiliation. So Pew is offering what amounts to its best guess based on its own surveys, outside sources and previous research.

The true size of the U.S. Muslim population is likely somewhere in the middle of the Pew estimate and the CAIR estimate, probably around 5 million.

Previous reporting by WND has documented that one of the main drivers of Muslim immigration into the U.S. is the food processing industry, especially the meatpacking sector, which employs an estimated 5 to 12 percent of its workforce with refugee labor…..

REGARDLESS of anything else – as per the exact amount of Mohammedans in America – the fact remains that their adherence to the barbaric underbelly of Islam, Sharia Law, is a clear and present danger. 

We already know this is happening in London and Paris.

St. Cloud Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota, came out with its annual list of top 10 most popular baby names for 2017, and No. 3 on the list of boys’ names was a bit of a surprise.

No. 1 – Henry
No. 2 – Liam
No. 3 – Mohamed
No. 4 – Jack
No. 5 – Nolan
No. 6 – William
No. 7 – Jackson
No. 8 – Logan
No. 9 – Wyatt
No. 10 – Grayson

INEXTRICABLY, the question becomes: Are patriots willing to wait until major portions of America resemble mirror images of Europe’s Mohammedan nightmare, or not? 


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Iranian Freedom Fighters Rise Up, Again – Will 2018 Fare Better Than 2009? and, Wherein Lie The Differences? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of iran freedom fighters 2018

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TO those who are unfamiliar with the jungle-like apparatus of Mid East dictatorships – as well as the knock-on effects to the geo-political landscape – much of what is transpiring in the Iranian arena appears to be déjà vu. Yes and no.

BUT before we delve any further, the reader dare not conflate Iran’s freedom fighters to the likes of so-called Palestinians! Hogwash. The point being, one side is bravely fighting to remove the tyrannical and bloody yoke of their leaders, while the other are guerrilla terrorists, whose sole aim is the destruction of another nation, Israel. Apples and oranges.

AS a matter of record, in Aug. 2013, a particular analysis on the 2009 struggle  was cited for a “Watcher of Weasels” award, and it was not for nothing.

Many moons ago – at least in the time frame of too many ADD-afflicted westerners – the Islamist-in-Chief was immersed, as usual, in perpetual campaign mode and golf jaunts, all the while Iranian freedom fighters were slaughtered in their streets. Barely 4 years have passed since the leader of the free world ignored their pleas, as Iranians begged for assistance to remove the boot of the mullahs via the so called “twitter revolution. Obama Inc’s national disgrace is amply described within the above Washington Times Editorial.

It goes without saying, the Islamist-in-Chief has no interest in freeing the Mid East from the sword of Islam. His embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is more than emblematic of said charge. In fact, the polar opposite is the case. Currently, the leader of the free world is agitating (also threatening Egypt’s military) for Morsi’s Mafia to be set free, even though Egypt’s military has evidence of treason against them. Think about what this means in terms of which side America is siding with and the geo-political blow back, its knock-on effects. Besides, each and every intervention (“leading from behind or full frontal) ends in further disaster, both for the west and towards regional factions seeking freedom.

True to form, here is a devilish sampling of the Pyromaniac-in-Chief’s handiwork:

Regarding the Mid East landscape, the planned empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia ala Egypt is resoundingly resonant. Thus, an earthquake in the Arab world’s most populous nation is erupting.  And since the Brotherhood Mafia is a GLOBAL organ the blow back exploded into the heart of Boston’s streets

As such, are the above constructs compatible with a Commander-in-Chief who hearts liberty and freedom, or is he more in line with totalitarian rule emanating from political-theo Islam, the authentic boot of the mullahs and assorted Islamists?


‘We were expecting Mr. Obama to help the Iranian people … but he hasn’t’

  • The sister of a man arrested and tortured to death by the Islamic regime in Iran says the Iranian people love America and Americans and it hurt them when the Obama administration did nothing to help with a sprouting democracy movement there at the outset of his administration.

Nasrin Mohammadi was interviewed by WND about a pending lawsuit against the powers of Iran who jailed her brother, Akbar, for seven years, then killed him.

  • In two videos, she explains how the help sought by the Iranians, repressed under the mullahs of what was ancient Persia, never developed. The pro-democracy movement surged during the time of the Iranian elections, which took place shortly after Obama was elected.

The case in which she is a plaintiff against Iran and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is seeking $387 million in damages.

The claim recently was submitted by attorney Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch on behalf of members of the Mohammadi family, including Manouchehr, Reza, Simin and Nasrin.

“Iran is a state sponsor of terror that is performing acts of terrorism on citizens of its own country as well as the United States,” Klayman wrote in a Memorandum on Damages under the Alien Tort Claims Act, the Torture Victim Protection Act and the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.

He said, “The systematic imprisonment, torture, and extrajudicial killings being performed deserve nothing but the most extreme monetary punishment. Because the award of punitive damages comes from multiple plaintiffs with multiple causes of action an amount of $300 million is appropriate in this instance… The amount is enough to punish the defendants, who continue to imprison, torture, and murder their own citizens and others who they oppose to this day.”

Klayman broke down the claim as $45 million for economic damages, $27 million for pain and suffering, “solatium damages,” which are mental anguish damages, of $15 million, and the $300 million in punitive damages.

“This amount is nothing but a drop in the bucket for the world’s second largest producer of oil and world’s most prolific and dangerous designated terrorist state,” Klayman noted.

He explained, “In cases such as this, the [court] analysis typically results in punitive damages in an amount three times Iran’s annual expenditure on terrorism, or $300,000,000.”

There was testimony submitted just weeks ago on the damages, since the defendants already are in default, having failed to respond to the court action.

The complaint charged Ahmadinejad, the nation’s supreme leader, the Revolutionary Guard, and the Islamic Republic of Iran as a whole brutally tortured and murdered Akbar Mohammadi.

He was the first student leader to call for “regime change” in Iran as part of the so-called Green Revolution, Klayman said.

“Hopefully,” Klayman said, “this trial will serve to wake up Americans and others to the threat of Islamic Iran to the civilized world, in order to have them demand that our government finally support the Iranian freedom movement by abandoning the administration’s policy of appeasement, truly support Israel, and eliminate these neo-Nazi mullahs and their proxies, as the nation was forced to do with Adolf Hitler.”

Testimony in the case was sought from former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, Iran experts Michael Ledeen and Ken Timmerman, and former U.N. Ambassador Alan Keyes.

“President Obama and his administration, rather than supporting freedom fighters like the Mohammadis and working for regime change (which would also eliminate Iran’s nuclear threat), have turned a blind eye to these crimes against humanity and instead, like Neville Chamberlain with Hitler, have sought to appease the Islamic Republic of Iran. Now, justice will finally be done in an American courtroom,” Klayman said.

The second part of Nasrin Mohammadi’s video: (An additional three parts of the series are contained in a report to be published soon).

“He (Akbar) was not just a freedom or political activist,” Nasrin Mohammadi explains. “I miss him today. I was so close to him.”

The goal is to pull back the curtain on the atrocities imposed by the government in Iran, she said.

“I’m proud of him. He lost his life for his nation, for freedom and human rights,” she said. “The regime took him to jail and arrested him. After serving seven years in jail, the regime took him in the dungeon of the jail and tortured him. He was killed under torture. He was chanting viva freedom.”

She said the case will reveal to the world the terrorists in the Islamic regime.

Nasrin Mohammadi relates in her second video how her parents were told by the government to shut her up too, and she eventually left Iran entirely.

“We were expecting Mr. Obama to help the Iranian people. … but he hasn’t,” she said. “Mr. Obama, are you with us or are you with the mullahs? Yes. Mr. Obama is with the mullahs…”

WND reported earlier when Judge Beryl Howell scheduled the trial in the dispute on behalf of the Mohammadi family.

The case originated several years ago on behalf of Akbar and Manouchehr Mohammadi. They were two famous student leaders who were instrumental in kick-starting the freedom movement in Iran.

The students were imprisoned and tortured, and in Akbar’s case, killed by the Islamic regime in Iran. Klayman said the case not only seeks compensation for the atrocities but, more importantly, justice for crimes against humanity.

Howell’s earlier ruling said Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Sayid Ali Hoseyni Khamenei, the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran were in default.

Klayman said Iran is a “major threat” to the world peace, and it needs to be put in its place.

“In so doing, not only will the Persian people be freed from bondage and terror, but the nuclear threat will have been largely eliminated, and Israel and the West protected from the horrors of this regime,” he said.

This site will not tolerate any refuge for the so called “Arab Spring”, in reality, an Arab nightmare, and the outrageous spin put out by Obama’s minions and their assorted leftist henchmen. Hence, the following also inserts the nail in the mendacious mantra, yes, Barack HUSSEIN Obama has Israel’s back!  

Indictment sealed!

BACK to 2018, the here and now.

Brave Iranian women can be heard chanting “Dignified Iranians, support us” in this latest anti-regime protest in Khomeyni Shahr (‘s Isfahan Province) on Day 5 of nationwide for a . video sent out via the MEK network.  

EVEN though their cries for freedom in 2009 – for the most part – mirror the crux of today’s struggle, there are intrinsic differences. Effectively, they may determine a different outcome.

YES, then as now, the “Green Revolution” in 2009 echoed shouts for personal freedom, plus an end to economic corruption. But little emphasis was placed on the regime’s support for terror – both internally and outside its borders. On the other hand, this go-around, distinct clarion calls against the fanatical Mullahcracy are ricocheting – in relation to their financial (and immoral) backing of stone-cold killers, as they plunder Iran’s economy in support of dictatorships in Syria and beyond.  

AS such, ever since the uprising began last week, cries of “Death to Dictator” are reported throughout the nation. This is hardly an inconsequential development. No small matter.

(Protesters scream: Down with Hezbollah!!)

MORE specifically – and inordinately significant – the foreign front is completely turned upside its head. A much needed blessing!

BACK in 2009, when the Islamist-in-Chief took over, shamelessly, he stood silent while the regime killed protesters en mass. Not only that, due to his nod of approval, the regime is stronger today, as they consolidated their power in 2009. Inestimably, coupled with HUSSEIN’s support from that point onward, their march toward nuclear power status in 2015 was always in the bag, so to speak.

EVEN so, there is a tiny window of opportunity to turn the tide, but it depends upon how President Trump decides to proceed. So far, on the public front, his straight-shooting verbal support lends Iranians much needed moral courage from the leadership of the free world. It must not be underestimated. Essentially, he has their backs.

Image result for iranian protesters thank Trump

BUT not to be overlooked, “western hands” (read: U.S.) are surely assisting behind the scenes, while certain Arab Sunni regimes (more than likely, the Saudis & Gulf Emirates) are doing the same. For in raw survival and political terms, the calculus is the following: What better way to topple the “mad mullahs” – the nemesis of the aforementioned Sunni regimes – than to create a climate for their demise, thereby, lending a tailwind for regime change and the space for a moderate leadership to emerge? Think: pre 1979. Indeed.

{UPDATE: As always, this site’s hooked-in counterterror sources are spot on. On Jan. 8 – 4 days after this commentary – it has been reported:

Before the eruption of this upheaval, Western intelligence agencies had ranked Iran as the sixth cyber power in the world after the US, Britain, China, Russia and Israel. But when Western and Arab agencies operating behind the anti-government movement acted to reverse the government shutdown and restore the networks, they were amazed to find how easy it was. The US State Department played its part by encouraging virtual private networks to help users gain access to blocked websites. In no time, the cyber weapon had slipped out the grasp of the ayatollahs’ regime……

STILL yet, don’t get distracted by the brutal tactics of the fanatical regime and their true believers. In tandem, they can always amass enough foaming at the mouth Mohammedans to scream “Death To America” and “Death To Israel.” It is like their second skin. Nevertheless, “average” Iranians (unlike “average” Sunni Muslims) are more in sync with Americans and Israelis, than with the fanatics in Iran. They too are willing to place their lives on the line for the sake of freedom.

IN fact, before the rise of the Islamic Republic in 1979, relations between Iran and Israel were not only friendly, but based on mutually shared interests via cooperative efforts. However, no sooner did the Mullahs take over, Israel became a targeted enemy of Iran’s genocidal regime, as did America alike. 

BUT it doesn’t erase what once was, and what can be again, that is, if their boot is removed. Thus, the following message from PM Netanyahu:

The Iranian regime tries desperately to sow hate between Iranians and Israelis. They won’t succeed. When this regime finally falls – and one day it will – Iranians and Israelis will be great friends once again. I wish the Iranian people success in their noble quest for freedom.

— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) January 1, 2018

Netanyahu continued: “I will not insult the Iranian people. They deserve better.” He predicted the regime’s eventual demise as its citizens pursued freedom.

LET us all pray – and assist, in one way or another – that Iranian freedom seekers are successful – not only because it is the moral course to take, but their success will be the west’s. Meanwhile, pay no heed to the revolting responses from America’s leftist-fascists, as well as their counterparts abroad. Simply, their interests are antithetical to freedom.

INCONTESTABLY, if the regime is toppled, much of their worldwide terror will grind to a halt, sooner than later. Resultant, is that not a win-win for the entire free world? If not, why not? 

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