HUSSEIN Obama’s Deal With Genocidal Iran: Hitler Redux. How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS the Islamist-in-Chief awaits with bated breath to sign off on “peace in our time” – duly backed up by a recent Iranian defector, a top aide to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani – it must be understood, in relation to Obama Inc. and Iran, the “negotiations” have been little more than theatrical spectacles. Window dressing. Don’t ever forget this.

NOT only that, but guess who is one of his chief adviser’s via said “negotiations”? A highly connected mouthpiece for the Iranian regime! Say what? As is said, the fix is in!

BY the way, Sec Kerry has gone native, and not least of which because his son-in-law is Iranian.

Secretary of State John Kerry exposed a secret that journalists and academics have been agonizing over for the past six weeks: the fact that his daughter has married an Iranian-American who has extensive family ties to Iran.

“I am proud of the Iranian-Americans in my own family, and grateful for how they have enriched my life,” Kerry said in the official statement.

Interesting. Nothing to see there…

Friend of colleague ran into at chocolate shop tdy. She said friends in are looking forward to deal. He said ‘inshallah’

Inshallah means – If Allah wills it.

BUT if anything lends itself to said dire outcome, well, this site’s (Nov. 2013) commentary should be considered a centerpiece: “Valerie Jarrett, Iran’s Deal Maker: Her Main Mission As Obama’s Consigliere.”

NOT only that, since this site’s inception, mega alarm bells (seek, and you shall find) rang, and all indicators pointed towards this moment in time. But let’s use the following one (Dec. 2013) as an exemplar, in so far as one of the world’s most authoritative experts on nuclear doctrine, Professor Louis Rene Beres, gave this investigative journalist a special shout out (among many) to said effect, and this one was especially high on his register: “Iran, A (De Facto) Nuclear State: Israel’s Former AMAN Chief Concurs With Former CIA Head.” Them’s fighting words. 

FAST forward 15 months to the here and now, and DEBKAfile Intelligence sets the record straight: “U. S. Surrender On Break Out Time To A Bomb Leads To Breakthrough On Nuclear Deal.”

FOLKS, who’s still shocked…shocked. After all, how many alarms bells had to be rung here and there?

STILL, let’s dare not overlook the historical parallels to the run up to Hitler’s genocidal swathe, if any sense of history still counts among non-blinded and rational thinkers. 

PAY (historical) heed to the (un)learned lessons:

‘Subhumans’ rhymes with ‘Infidels’

Netanyahu, Obama, Iran, nuclear bombs, and a new Munich

Francisco Gil-White – March 26, 2015 –
( Times of Israel )

“Israel must vanish from the page of time!”

–Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Iranian Islamist State (1979)

 “Israel must be wiped off the map!”

–Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former president of Iran (2005)

 “Israel… has no cure but to be annihilated.”

–Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran (2014)

“Peace for Our Time,” announced a proud Neville Chamberlain after placing the Czechoslovaks in Hitler’s foaming bite, one he relaxed only to spit threats of European war and anti-Jewish genocide. “Peace in our time” promised Barack Obama in his inaugural speech of 2013. History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Obama prepares already the signature that will normalize the nuclear program of terrorist Ali Khamenei, ‘Supreme Leader’ (official title) of Iran, and would-be emulator of Hitler’s crime against the Jews.

Santayana was right: lest we understand history we are doomed to repeat it. So let us interrogate this history and find the rhymes to grasp our moment: How could Chamberlain vault over public opinion to commit his diplomatic barbarities? Historians have answered this already.

In The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1960) William Shirer remarked that the Times of London, “This great journal, one of the chief glories of English journalism, …play[ed]… a dubious role in the disastrous British appeasement of Hitler.” How so? By raising the Führer’s prestige every time he interrupted his violent tantrums to communicate his commitment to ‘peace,’ promised always in return for some license (to reoccupy the Rhineland, rearm Germany, absorb Austria, consume Czechoslovakia…).[1] This media barrage gave Chamberlain cover when he repeated each time—another time—that Hitler could be ‘appeased.’

It wasn’t just the Times.

Neville Chamberlain’s Conservative Party created, in the late 1920s, “ ‘a little intelligence service of our own’ ” that jerked the conservative press around with a clandestine bridle every bit as short as that employed in the totalitarian states. It was led by Sir Joseph Ball, Chamberlain’s most intimate friend, as documented in research published by R.B. Cockett in The Historical Journal. Ball began extending his control over the rest of the British press when the Great Depression called forth the so-called ‘national’ government, in truth conservative to the hilt.[2].

According to Anthony Adamthwaite’s investigations, published in the Journal of Contemporary History, by 1936 this conservative government had “the BBC… firmly on the leash.” That was not enough. In 1937, with Chamberlain installed as Prime Minister, Goebbels complained about remaining criticisms of Hitler still daring to rear their heads in the dailies. Lord Halifax, foreign minister, “promised to do all he could to secure ‘the cooperation of the British Press’ ” and rushed to solve the problem with the owners of the Daily Herald, the News Chronicle, the Daily Mail, and the Evening Standard. There were “awkward questions” about all this in the House of Commons “[that] were met with denials, evasion and ambiguity.”[3]

One newspaper went to extremes: Truth. Chamberlain confessed in a letter to his sisters that “the paper was ‘secretly controlled by Sir Joseph Ball’ ” (he had purchased it clandestinely). And “Truth,” explains Cockett, “as an expression of the views of Ball and Chamberlain, seems to have differed little in its ideological content from the professed prejudices and beliefs of the Nazi leaders.” In fact, “Truth adopted an overtly antisemitic and racialist tone…, [and] any opponent of appeasement came to be branded as a Jewish/Communist traitor to the true English cause.” Naturally, “Truth also became overtly pro-German and pro-Italian as Chamberlain proceeded in his search for a diplomatic settlement with Hitler and Mussolini.”[4]

And in the United States?

Historian Frederick Marks points out in The Historical Journal that Franklin Delano Roosevelt projected in public positions quite at variance with his backstage dealings, producing a “gap between appearance and reality” that was “very wide indeed.” To British ambassador Ronald Lindsay, Roosevelt confessed that he would be the first to celebrate the success of British and French pressure on Czechoslovakia, but that he would be impeached if the US public came to know his opinion.[5]

What about the press? Hearst all by himself owned half of the US press, and it was by “making overtures to William Randolph Hearst and other like-minded businessmen” that Roosevelt had managed to get the White House.[6] What did Hearst want? This was well known, because “Hearst’s editorials were usually printed in all of his 26 newspapers.”[7]

Consider a few of Hearst’s opinions, compiled by historian Rodney Carlisle in the Journal of Contemporary History: 1) Nazism was a welcome barrier against communism; 2) the United States should not threaten Germany or support the League of Nations; 3) Nazi demands about redrawing Germany’s borders were reasonable and the desire to unify German lands quite just; 4) the reoccupation of the Rhineland was justified; 5) if the Nazis attacked US navy ships, this should be tolerated if they issued a sincere apology (!?); and 6) Chamberlain did well in giving Czechoslovakia over to the Nazis.[8]  It was not by accident that Hearst was called “the keystone of American fascism.”[9]

Support for the ‘appeasement’ (is that what it was?) of Hitler was an Anglo-American, and not merely a British phenomenon.

In our time US and British leaders invade Afghanistan and Iraq creating voids that Iran is quick to fill. Now they rush to negotiate with Iran that country’s development of nuclear weapons. In charge is Wendy Sherman, undersecretary of state, author of the deal that allowed North Korea her nuclear bombs and possessor of quite some gall for scolding the South Koreans who insist those bombs are unacceptable.[10]

And to all this, the respected press of our day, what does it say?

On November 2014 the Economist confessed that “Iran is hard to fathom,” and that “journalists who have been able to obtain a precious visa still leave with a sense of uncertainty as few Iranians feel free to speak their mind.” Despite these limitations the British magazine, the most prestigious in the world, the most influential with ‘intelligent’ and ‘educated’ people, stated confidently that “The [Iranian] Revolution is over” and that “the country has unmistakably changed,” flooding its readers with statistics and anecdotes that speak to the supposed liberalism, modernity, and education of the Iranian population.[11]

However, the nuclear agreement will not be signed with the Iranian population but with the tyrants who rule it. In November 2014, when the Economist published said piece, those rulers were energetically financing, as they still do, terrorist groups with a genocidal and antisemitic ideology; prosecutor Alberto Nissman was still around to denounce with his own voice the Argentinian government’s cover up of the Iranian officials responsible for the terrorist attack against the Jewish community of Buenos Aires (85 dead and 300 wounded); and one could still hear echoes of Iranian ‘Supreme Leader’ Ali Khamenei’s July threat of “annihilation” against the Jewish State.[12]

One has got to take this seriously. Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani—former president of Iran and father of Iran’s nuclear program—has already made plenty clear what that program is for: “the application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world.”

Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, orated eloquently some days ago before the US Congress on the intentions of the ayatollahs and the dangers of signing with them. The Economist replied with firm support for Obama.[14] As did the New York Times.[15]

Thus were we spoken to right before Czechoslovakia was thrown to Hitler. But that wasn’t (not exactly…) a free press. Have things changed? What does recent historical research reveal on the influence of the Western power elite over the media?

Research by Christopher Simpson, professor of communication at American University, documents that US intelligence agencies spent rivers of money to create in the postwar—in a snap—schools and academic departments of ‘communication’ (and related institutes) and staffed them with the researchers who had created the WWII ‘psychological warfare’ programs for the US government. (McCarthyism took care of any dissenters.) This infrastructure “underlies most college- and graduate-level training for print and broadcast journalists, public relations and advertising personnel, and the related craftspeople who might be called the ‘ideological workers’ of contemporary U.S. society.”

        (Watch some related videos here.)

These same intelligence agencies were granted explicit permission, in the National Security Act of 1947, to use ‘covert actions’ to corrupt foreign media.[17]

There is more than enough here for whoever sees in the press nothing less than Power’s megaphone. It was Chamberlain who celebrated Chamberlain’s policies; now Obama sells Obama.

History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme. We should take heed, because antisemites are dangerous to us all. In World War II more than 54 million non-Jews lost their lives. For Hitler we were ‘subhumans’; for Khamenei, ‘infidels.’ Will the outcome be very different?


(An Islamist wind is blowing through the White House…the People’s House…threatening to destroy the west, if left unchecked!)

IN the same manner in which the geo-political stage was pre-set for World War 2, make no mistake, so too this go around is heading towards World War 3. In fact, whatever doubts one had re his intentions – as to what HUSSEIN Obama has been up to – there should no longer even be a scintilla. For when one factors in the requirements – the geo-political fault lines – for Iranian hegemony (and this is the mullahs and HUSSEIN Obama’s end goal, aside from everything else), it became necessary to alight the entire Mid East (and parts of Africa) to effectuate their plans. None of the fires were happenstance.

BASICALLY, a Sunni-Shia showdown had to take place, and the hyper-muscle of the Islamist-in-Chief was pressed into action to stir the ever-brewing cauldron of inter-Islamic/Arab struggle for regional (then global) hegemony. This was precisely what the so-called “Arab Spring” was about, followed up by the illegal thrust into Libya, Benghazigate. Precursors. 

NOW, for the newly initiated it becomes confusing because HUSSEIN Obama is Sunni and in deep sympathy with the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood. However, overriding factors are in play, and allowing Iran’s regime to gain nuclear weapons surpasses certain inherent fealty.

REGARDLESS, Valerie Jarrett’s Iranian roots pave his way forward, and she is his absolute right hand…left too. Therefore, rest assured, the west will soon be living under the shadowy threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.

MIND you, PM Netanyahu bears partial responsibility for this nightmare, as repeatedly stated at several forums. Most recently, his onus can be found here. Indeed, he has been in power for years, and did little more than order certain counter measures to push back against Iran’s genocidal march, many of which will never (rightfully so) be known.

NEVERTHELESS, when re-elected in 2009, had he brought to bear (knowing full well that HUSSEIN Obama would never stop Iran’s mullahs) Israel’s FORMIDABLE and multi-layered strike forces, that would have been 6 years less time for Iran’s centrifuges to spin, and said determinate action would have cut the wind out of both their sails, Iran’s and the Islamist-in-Chief’s.

INEXORABLY, as a result of all of the above, back in Dec. 2012, the following was written and this investigative journalist had the foresight to query: Where Have PM Netanyahu’s “Red Lines” Gone…HUSSEIN Obama’s (Ostensibly) Too?”


{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

DHS Orders Border Patrol: LIE About Islamic Infiltration! To What End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


(SOMALI terrorists entering the U.S…and “hidden” factors…)

WHEN a person is caught without their underwear – in an indelicate situation – they cannot claim that they aren’t naked, at least from the waist down. Agreed?

SIMILARLY, when top level (loose) lips reveal national secrets; and when those operating in the shadows to protect said nation are continually compromised (some even prosecuted for doing their jobs!) by the Feds, at whose doorstep(s) must some of their highly suspicious deaths land? You guessed it. 

AND as is said, the buck stops here, wherever here happens to be. 

IN this regard, there are two major betrayals (out of enumerable, but let’s not digress…) which should be front and center national news, yet both are swept under the (media) rug. What the hell is going on?

WELL, let’s deal with the most recent and then revert back to 2011 – a betrayal of inordinate proportions – though few recognized, 4 years ago, it for what it was.

ADMITTEDLY, DHS is the absolute top of America’s domestic spear, and all attendant agencies answer to its anti-American Director, Jeh Johnson. Oh dear, he even likened the blood-soaked Koran with American values! Well, if one is a patriot this is not good news.

BUT to understand why patriots should rightfully shudder, one has to recognize that DHS, under Obama Inc. (regardless who sits at the head of the agency), is a renegade agency. Yes, it is.


DEMONSTRABLY, under DHS’s supreme umbrella, no one should be naive enough to believe that an actual firing squad is not in the offing against patriots who refuse to “stand down”. Thus, the inherent alarms re DHS and their plans of action.

SO consider the facts at hand, but readers can decide for themselves:


WHY in heaven’s name are so many patriots raising their own alarms? Could it be that they realize that DHS is laser focused on patriots, perhaps those who “stubbornly cling” to the Constitution?


AND in light of fact one, how about DHS’s unprecedented purchase of (domestic) heavy ammo, yet to be explained by any person in an official capacity? Few can argue, even within officialdom, that said requisitions are beyond disproportionate in scope. Again, inquiring minds demand to know: what are they up to?


IT gets worse…the obvious militarization of police forces throughout the U.S. is not for nothing. Could it be in anticipation of a big event, preparing for an unprecedented “expected” chaos, perhaps, necessitating Martial Law? Hmm. Indeed, such planning will be required once the sh-t hits the fan, whatever its “precipitating” factor. Yes, “law and order” will need to be restored.


BUT let’s not forget about DHS’s penchant for dumping thousands of convicted criminals, illegals to boot, into America’s streets! To what end?

AND so we head from there to here, as readers must internalize a two-fold query: what is the purview of Border Patrol? and why in the world is DHS ordering its agents to lie about this and that entry?

FIRST things first…

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

CBP employees manage, control and protect the nation’s border. CBP’s two main stated goals are anti-terrorism and facilitating legitimate trade and travel. CBP works to protect the U.S from acts of terrorism and reduce the vulnerability to the threat of terrorists through a multi-level inspection process. CBP is also responsible for preventing the transportation of drugs, illegal immigrants, traffickers, prohibited agricultural products and counterfeit goods, money, and intellectual goods across the border. CBP is made up of personnel who were formerly with the U.S customs.

OKEY dokey…

BUT now that readers have caught up to (DHS) speed, it gets harder to mask how the purview of Border Patrol has been bastardized, yet the question still remains: to what end?

HERE is where the betrayal becomes so obvious, that even a mental midget can grasp its intent:

Joe S. Adams, Jr. has been working on the US Southern border for years providing security for ranchers and concerned citizens.

Joe is a private investigator and former Central Intelligence Agency operative who trained forces and acted as a security consultant for officials in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe. Adams was the first person indicted in Iran-Contra and served one day of unsupervised probation for the “crime.”

This morning Joe contacted The Gateway Pundit to relay a recent situation on the southern border in Arizona.

According to Adam, several Somali men were recently apprehended crossing the border into Arizona. When ICE officials came to pick up the illegals they told the rancher that the aliens were Mexican. The rancher argued that of course the men were obviously from Somalia. That’s when ICE told the rancher that they were ordered to report all illegals as from Mexico – including these men from Somalia. It’s the latest trick by the Obama administration to deceive the American public on the calamity at the border.

PRESTO, what has this investigative journalist been saying all along, about the nefarious, yes, nefarious intent of Obama Inc.’s Federal apparatuses? 

NOT only is proof positive coming from a former CIA operative with the requisite field intelligence to know what’s what (Obama Inc. ain’t gonna get away with blowing smoke up his derriere), but a veteran investigative journalist is blaring the same whistle. Oh my.

NOW, mind you, this is not just any old media type stating this and that. Rather, among many other notable achievements, Paul Sperry is the co-author of Muslim Mafia with one of this site’s closest confidantes, Dave Gaubatz. As such, take it to the bank…to heart.

Muslim immigration from dangerous nations is dramatically higher in recent years, and government assurances that immigrants are being properly screened is “a farce,” according to accomplished author and columnist Paul Sperry.

“It’s a huge surge under Obama. In the last three years, he’s averaged 100,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations a year. That is very alarming. It’s more than we’re importing both from Central America and Mexico combined. This is a big shift in immigration flows,” said Sperry, who is the author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington” and co-author of “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.” (blogger’s note: read the aforementioned investigative books at your own mental peril…)

“It’s really insane what we’re doing. No one’s really talking about it, but this mass immigration from Muslim countries poses a serious national security threat,” said Sperry, who is also a Hoover Institution media fellow and former Washington bureau chief of WND. Sperry frequently writes for the New York Post and Investor’s Business Daily.

The stated reason for the influx in recent years is the rise in refugees from war-torn nations like Syria and Iraq. The number of people accepted from Syria in particular baffles Sperry, who said there is a long-standing policy of keeping Syrians at bay… the whole nightmare…

YET, if your heart can withstand additional ugly “news”, as promised, let’s segue back to a specific 2011 betrayal, and its ongoing ramifications.

HOW many recall the shoot down of a helicopter-load of SEALS, and all the attendant inexplicable anomalies related to their killing?

AS such, several exposés were featured at this site, and the last one  (July 2014) should stand as its standard bearer: SEAL TEAM SIX shoot down and cover up; Benghazigate’s footprints!

ITS rhyme and reason, so to speak.

EVEN so, thankfully, the fight for justice continues, and this is where Larry Klayman’s public interest law firm enters the picture.

Klayman wants the federal courts in the Extortion 17 case to order the government agencies to review their records regarding the Aug. 6, 2011, disaster and respond with information about documents he’s seeking.

It was a Boeing CH47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, that was shot down near Kabul, Afghanistan. Enemy fighters reportedly used a rocket-propelled grenade to hit the aircraft, which plummeted to the ground.

The Extortion 17 attack is considered the worst single loss of U.S. military life in the Afghanistan campaign.

The lawsuit alleges the defendants “have failed to make bona fide, good faith determinations about whether they will comply with plaintiff’s requests. Nor have defendants produced any records responsive to the requests, indicated when any responsive records will be produced, or demonstrated that specific responsive records are exempt from production.”

The suit seeks a long list of documents regarding suspicious circumstances, including the decision “to invite a Muslim cleric to pray at the ramp ceremony” in Afghanistan for the U.S. servicemen.

Also, there are questions about the “missing” black box, the seven Afghani military members who were scheduled to be on the flight, but weren’t, and the seven Afghanis who replaced them.

Also, there were reports it was known that 100 Taliban members had traveled to the location of the attack. Also cited is Biden’s “public disclosures” of classified military information, revealing the identities of members of a high-profile mission….

NOW, if you really want to make heads or tails out of the unremitting disasters, assess its dangers this way: in the same manner in which a committed ISLAMIC POTUS appointed an equally devoted ISLAMIC Director to head the CIA – the counterpart to DHS, but in the foreign arena – this same CIA head, John Brennan, hasn’t a clue as to why followers of Islam are joining ISIS and its offshoots! Go figure…

After assuring all in attendance that al-Qaeda’s ideology is “a perverse and very corrupt interpretation of the Qur’an”; that “al-Qaeda has hijacked” Islam; that “they have really distorted the teachings of Muhammad”—Brennan still confirmed that, even so “that ideology, that agenda of al-Qaeda has gained resonance and following in many parts of the world.”

When asked why such a “perverse and very corrupt” understanding of Islam—one that has “distorted the teachings of Muhammad”—so resonates among Muslims, the CIA responded by saying that it was being “fed a lot of times by, you know, political repression, by economic, you know, disenfranchisement, by, you know, lack of education and ignorance, so there—there are a number of phenomena right now that I think are fueling the fires of, you know, this ideology.”

Interestingly, if you watch the video clip of Brennan’s speech, you will note that he only “you knows” in the above quotation (four times) and right before it, when he says that al-Qaeda has “distorted the teachings of Muhammad, you know, for violent purposes.”

The rest of his talk is relatively smooth. Could Brennan be self-conscious of his own equivocations—hence all these stilted “you knows” in one sentence?

Could he be aware of the Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009? It found that “Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.”

Or consider the following excerpt from Understanding Terror Networks, by Marc Sageman, a former CIA officer who worked closely with jihadi groups in Afghanistan (emphasis mine):

There was a definite shift in degree of devotion to Islam in adulthood by the mujahedin [jihadis],preceding their recruitment into the jihad. This is not surprising given the fact that the global Salafi jihad is a Muslim revivalist organization. Of the 155 mujahedin on whom I could find relevant information, all but one were considerably more devout right before joining the jihad than they had been as children. More than 99 percent were very religious at that time, often donning Afghan, Pakistani, or traditional Arabic garb and growing beards…

“Devotion to Islam” is what causes Muslims to join the Islamic State. Despite this very obvious fact, Obama officials constantly deny it, offering more “sensible” motives. Thus during a recent interview on MSNBC’s Hardball, State Department spokesperson Marie Harf said that one of “the root causes that leads people to join these groups,” a reference to the Islamic State, is a lack of opportunity for jobs.”

“Political repression,” “economic disenfranchisement,” “lack of education and ignorance,” and now a “lack of opportunity for jobs.” These, according to the Obama administration, are why countless, nameless Muslims from all around the world are waging jihad—not the commonsensical fact that jihad is integral to Islam, doctrinally and historically.

A final point of interest. This widespread tendency to project Western cultural explanations onto non-Western people is the height of arrogance and ethnocentrism—precisely what progressives and multiculturalists constantly warn against. Yet the irony is that such “open-minded” proponents of cultural relativism are also the ones most prone to ignore Islamic teachings. When Brennan, Harf et al insist that jihadis are really not motivated by religion but rather are products of political, economic, and social forces, is this total dismissal of the “other” and his peculiar motivations (in favor of familiar, Western paradigms) not the epitome of cultural arrogance?

CONCLUSIVELY, is it any wonder why DHS is ordering Border Patrol to LIE about the identity of “who’s who” on the roster of infiltration and penetration into the U.S.? In tandem, is it any clearer, as to why SEALS (the top spear from special ops, those who “intimately” engage said ISLAMIC terrorists on foreign soil) were brought down in a fiery crash, while others are chased out of the “band of brothers” by trumped-up lies?

ULTIMATELY, whom do you believe: a renegade regime, or your “lying” eyes that witness ISLAM’s bloody swathe from one end of the world to the other?

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

America’s (West’s) Academic Cesspools: Full-On Support For ISIS & Appendaged Groups! Parents, Donors, BEWARE…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS is said, one can be so open-minded that ones brains are in danger of falling out. Really. Mind you, to begin with – under the best of circumstances – some folks do not possess that many marbles to spare. Sheesh.
IN fact, once upon a time, a liberal arts education was designed to enable students to develop core critical thinking skills, in order to aid with their newly emerging adulthood and responsibilities. Tragically, higher education took a decided leftward turn (in the 1960’s) into some very dark, dangerous and hellish places and it never recovered its educational footing, nor its moral foundation.
THE reasons for this are manifest, but suffice to say that the upending of America, its transforming, started in the 1960’s and many of yesteryear’s radicals (domestic terrorists) are ensconced in the highest recesses of academia. Not only that, they are part and parcel of Obama Inc. and this is no exaggeration. Said claim is fully verified at the following book review:
BRINGING DOWN AMERICA is a gripping tale of plots and subplots, each one aimed at “the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie [and] the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jeff Jones exhorted in their 1974 manifesto, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism.”…..continue reading here
BUT why does any of this matter? Well, if not for some of the proofs cited within, the fact is that ISIS (and its ISLAMIC terror offshoots) would hardly receive a welcome mat on America’s campuses. No kidding around. But we will get to that in a bit, just hang on.
SO, as more than an academic exercise into the darkest recesses of American/western academia, the requisite warning bells should include:
MOST glaringly, the paradoxes and pitfalls of liberal democracies are such that (im)moral relativism has the west in its deadly vise-grip. 
THUS, there is absolutely no demarcation between good vs evil, right vs wrong, up vs down…and on and on. A topsy-turvy (mental) universe cannot fight against that which threatens western civilization. Simple as that. 
UNDER the circumstances, is it hyperbole to suggest that U.S. academia is, at the very least, partly responsible for placing a nail in the west’s coffin?
INDEED, the scourge of ISLAMIC barbarism receives its oxygen and fuel by the radicals within American and western (Israel’s too) academia. No doubt.
AS promised, some matters require visual aids as adjunct therapy, and even then they are hard to swallow. Unfathomable. But never mind, it is what it is. Guaranteed, Cornell’s cesspool is hardly a one-off anomaly within America’s campuses. If only.
DEAR readers, before you click on, please make sure to remove any heavy objects nearby, you may just get the urge to swing at the computer screen afterwards, not that that would make a dent, other than in your computer screen! As another suggestion, you may want to have a barf bag nearby. Just sayin’…

AGAIN, not only does this Dean at Cornell think it’s ok to start a pro-ISIS club, he even advises on how they can get an ISIS freedom fighter to come on campus to train students:

Joseph Scaffido, Assistant Dean at Cornell University, is captured on hidden camera advising a Project Veritas investigative journalist on how to start and fund a pro-ISIS club on campus, how to obtain funding to send care packages to ISIS and Hamas, and astonishingly, how to bring a member of ISIS to Cornell to run a “training camp.”


DEMONSTRABLY, how surprising is it that a lesser known liberal arts college is equally infected? Enter, Marymount Manhattan College ala its Dean’s heavy hand against ISLAMIC truth-telling! Basically, an academic welcome mat is offered at America’s campuses to the biggest barbarians in the world, but those who reveal said dangers are treated as pariahs. Can you believe it? 
AND herein lies the absolute danger which emanates from western academia, with America’s cesspools in the forefront. After all, as the heretofore model for the free world, America sets the so-called gold standard for the rest of the west. More’s the pity.
BESIDES, this is an arena which has been fully investigated and vetted on this end, and in more ways than one. In tandem, recognizing that huge sums of monies would be in play, this investigative journalist certainly conducted requisite due diligence, when considering which universities should receive the thumbs up or thumbs down within the family unit.
AS such, as any college applicant (and their parents) can attest, one doesn’t place ones eggs in just one basket, regardless of talent.
SO when it came time to advise two nearest and dearest – as to the best fits among all the college admittance’s – it boiled down to certain specifics. One of the main (parental) questions became: since all the programs were basically equal in the academic (engineering/hard sciences) realm, which ones rated best in the intangible arenas? In essence, which campuses valued a true “marketplace of ideas”, without a price to be paid unless lock-step uniformity was adhered to? In other words, which were not “so open-minded that ones brains were in danger of falling out”, even for those who actually have more than enough to spare?
AND, for the record, despite Cornell’s School of Engineering (yes, THAT Cornell, as well as Columbia U’s Fu Foundation College of Engineering, albeit 4 years later) generous offer of substantial financial incentives – via their so-called “bidding wars” to attract top flight talent – this parent told the respective Deans, “thanks, but no thanks”. Instead, both times, it was preferable to pay full freight at two other schools vying for the same positive response; respectively, MIT and Caltech won out. Why? It was readily apparent (after much due diligence) that Cornell and Columbia’s campuses (and their IVY peers) had poisonous atmospheres and that was simply unacceptable, as it should be. 
EITHER way, it was understood (from a parental perspective) that even though Cambridge, Massachusetts and Pasadena, California are bastions of loony leftism, the fact remains that both campuses are hardly known for their liberal arts programs, even though they offer said courses. Therefore, the ability of said radical profs to capture impressionable minds was less of an issue, yet vigilance was surely required. If anything, at hard-core engineering and science-oriented schools, liberal arts profs are low on the professorial totem poles. In fact, they are often mocked. Tough luck.
THE point being, one dare not underestimate the precipitous dangers lurking within the halls of western academia, if ones choices are relegated to liberal arts schools and said profs rule the roost. To wit, it behooves every parent to pay heed to the underlying indoctrination at hand. Campus donors must also shoulder some of the responsibility, as it is their donations which help keep the mischief going, even if inadvertently. After all, said funds are part of the university’s engine.
URGENTLY, ask yourselves: is it, or is it not, acceptable for a Dean (or any prof) to operate under the assumption than an “ISIS (Hamas, etc) club” is indistinguishable from any other regular college club? AND if one thinks that the Cornell Dean (cited in the video) is an anomaly, well, fantasyland is another option too. And will anyone believe that the following Catholic U joined the fray: Barry U approves raising funds for ISIS! (un)holy campus jihad!
A MUST view video can be found within the above link…it will BLOW your mind…truly.
 The only objection? Asking students to support a group with 'ISIS' in its name, a multicultural program coordinator thought, might hold the organization back – so why not rename it?

When an honors student at Barry University in Florida asked campus administrators about getting college funds for a club supporting the ISIS terror army, her idea was met with approval
IF anything, the above miscreants just happened to be the ones (out of countless immoral relativists lording over academia) who were caught on tape, stating that which should send shivers down any non-ISLAMIC loving spine!
JUST imagine what goes on behind academia’s “closed doors”, and to whom they lend their support when no one is the wiser and in earshot. Beyond an American nightmare…shiver us all timbers… 
POSTSCRIPT: now, just dream, if you will, that the following young man (who, paradoxically, happens to be a Muslim) becomes a future Dean at one of America’s (or Europe’s) academic cesspools…oh, what a breath of fresh air he would bring! But his appointment is as likely to happen – within the incestuous confines plaguing academia – as pigs learning to fly.
REGARDLESS, listen up. 

It’s obvious from the administrators response that Barry University, an appropriate name if we ever heard one, has no problem raising money to support Muslim terrorism. To say that the school got their panties in a wad over this video would be a major understatement.

The young woman who produced the video, an honor student at the University, was summarily suspended from school and barred from campus.Here’s the letter she received.

The University is accusing Laura of creating a hostile environment for the University staff. If that’s not the stupidest thing we’ve read today we don’t know what could be. If a hostile environment was created it was obviously a product of a university administrator who has no problem supporting a terrorist organization that does things like this.

Islam’s Kamikaze Pilots & The Lying Media: A Match Made In Allah’s Hell. What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


FOLKS, truthfully, is there a person who can honestly state that he (or she) never met a colleague, neighbor, friend or relative who hasn’t been depressed, especially at a difficult point in their life? But like everything else, some depressions are chronic, while others are fleeting. We get that. 

REGARDLESS, most have a hard time believing that a lock-step media would latch onto this mental health issue as if it is their life-rafts – all in order to avoid a more horrifying truth – which also entails disobeying their leftist masters. Heaven forfend. Cowards.

AGREED, severely depressed people commit suicide (more often than most) and have been known to kill others alongside themselves, including their families. But when was the last time that a so-called depressed individual took down an ENTIRE plane to that end? Never happened. Had this been the case, rest assured, it would have made headlines.

YES, even if certain “sick notes” can “prove” that Andreas Lubitz, the German co-pilot, had bouts of depression, so what? This proves absolutely nothing, other than that he was part of a large pool of people who had depressive thoughts. 

MOVING right along….

THE core issue revolves around the so-called elephant in the room…the monkey on the back…the 800 pound gorilla too. Resultant, this investigative journalist is duty bond to set the (media) record straight:

IN this regard, let’s revert back to a previous commentary, one which this site exposed as the “legacy” of ISLAM’s Kamikazi pilots! But one may rightfully inquire: what does this have to do with the German co-pilot’s take down? Patience, dear readers…

BUT few can argue – aside from the willfully blind and the ideologically malignant – that certain ISLAMIC explosions have more “bang for the buck”, so to speak. In fact, the downing of passenger aircraft has always been their main goal, and they have been working non-stop for a repeat 9/11/01….a “spectacular” attack!

Al-Malahem for Media Production

مـؤسســة الملاحــــم للإنتــــاج الإعلامــــي


Inspire Magazine Issue13

العدد 13 من مجلة إنسباير

NEUROTMESIS: Cutting the Nerves & Isolating the Head

نيوروتمسيس: قطع الأعصاب وفصل الرأس

In 1999, a Muslim Kamikaze Jihad pilot named Gamil el-Batouty killed 217 people when he commandeered EgyptAir Flight 990 which crashed off the coast of New England. El-Batouty was heard saying several times during the plane’s descent, “I rely on Allah” in Arabic. A 2002 report from the Guardian didn’t point out the possibility that el-Batouty’s religion may have played a role, only that he was seeking revenge for being reprimanded for sexual misconduct.

Gamil el-Batouty

Like Iriyanto, el-Batouty had also been an Air Force pilot for his country. A 2012 article that was published in the Atlantic included the following excerpt:

Experts informed viewers of Egyptian television that it was impossible for el Batouty to have taken his own life because he was a good Muslim and suicide is haram (forbidden) in Islam.

For the record, all 19 hijackers on 9/11 considered themselves “good” Muslims who were committing suicide while killing infidels. As we have learned, the fundamentalist tactic known as Muruna even permits the killing of other Muslims in the process if it serves a greater “good”.

Here is a video which shows a timeline for Flight 990:

What the Evidence Shows

When it comes to modern day Islamic terrorism on western airlines, it can be argued that the modern era began in 1985 with the hijacking of TWA Flight 847. This airline wasn’t commandeered to commit suicide and mass murder; such a tactic hadn’t been implemented yet. Though terrorists took control of the plane, they simply forced the pilot to land in Beirut before making their demands.

While the hijackers did murder a U.S. service member named Robert Stethem before dumping his body off the plane, they didn’t yet have aspirations to be martyred in such operations. There were also survivors.

TWA Flight 847 in 1985

It can therefore be logically concluded that when it comes to modern day Kamikaze jihad, it’s ironic that individuals like Seiji Katagiri can be excluded. He should not be included in the post 1985 era. As for candidates that qualify as modern day Muslim Jihad Kamikazes…

Younes Khayati – 1994
Tsu Way Ming – 1997
Gamil el-Batouty – 1999
Khalid Al-Midhar – 2001
Majed Moqed – 2001
Nawaq Alhamzi – 2001
Salem Alhamzi – 2001
Hani Hanjour – 2001
Satam Al Suqami – 2001
Waleed M. Alshehri – 2001
Wail Alshehri – 2001
Mohamed Atta – 2001
Abdulaziz Alomari – 2001
Marwan Al-Shehhi – 2001
Fayez Ahmed – 2001
Ahmed Alghamdi – 2001
Hamza Alghamdi – 2001
Mohald Alshehri – 2001
Saeed Alghamdi – 2001
Ahmed Alhaznawi – 2001
Ahmed Alnami – 2001
Ziad Jarrahi – 2001
Zaccarias Moussaoui – 2001
*Richard Reed – 2001
*Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab – 2009
Zaharie Ahmad – 2014
Fariq Abdul Hamid – 2014
Captain Iriyanto – 2014

*Though Muslims who attempted to die in acts of suicide / mass murder, these two jihadists attempted to do so without seizing control of the cockpit.

Until more information can be gleaned – which SHOULD be readily available – about Santos Fernandes, it can be assumed that his name does not lend itself to Kamikaze Jihad. Since Fernandes falls within the window of modern day Kamikaze Jihad, his incident shall be considered an outlier. It’s worth noting that since 1994, the only incident of possible pilot suicide / mass murder that doesn’t appear to have a Muslim connection involves Fernandes. He is not on this list primarily because his name indicates he was not a Muslim. However, little is publicly known about him and an Islamic motive cannot officially be ruled out.

BACK to last week’s German jihad….

lubitz(Facebook photo, February 2013)

AS discomfiting as it is to western hearts and minds, let’s face some horrifying truths:

WHEN mass shootings occur in the west, it is hardly the case that jihadists proclaim they are direct acts of ISLAMIC jihad on their behalf. While joyful at infidel deaths, even they have to admit that said tragedies are unrelated to ISLAMIC jihad, insistent that the west’s “decadence” is the culprit. No matter, they always feign that they are completely immune from mass murder and related mayhem! We know better….

BE that as it may, Andreas Lubitz was a convert to Islam, as such, we must also recognize that many “newbies” become radicalized to the point that even those born into Islam are, by comparison, considered tame. Yup. Have mercy.

TO wit, let’s cut to the chase:

According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.

Translation from German:

All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of “radical”, ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he – as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York – received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.

Converts are the most important weapon of Islam. Because their resume do not suggests that they often are particularly violent Muslims. Thus Germany now has its own 9/11, but in a reduced form. And so it is clear that Islam is a terrorist organization that are in accordance with §129a of the Criminal Code to prohibit it and to investigate its followers. But nothing will happen. One can bet that the apologists (media, politics, “Islamic Scholars”) will agree to assign this an act of a “mentally unstable” man, and you can bet that now, once again the mantra of how supposedly peaceful Islam is will continue. And worse still, the attacks by the left against those who have always warned against Islam, will be angrier and merciless.

For now the German Islam supporters like never before have their backs against the wall.

Michael Mannheimer, 26.3.2015

The Daily Mail today writes:

Police investigating the Germanwings crash said tonight they had made a ‘significant discovery’ at the home of pilot Andreas Lubitz, who deliberately ploughed the Airbus A320 into the French Alps.

Officers refused to reveal details of the potential breakthrough but said it was not a suicide note.


THE question becomes: despite the braying of ISLAMISTS and leftists, will western nations allow Muslim pilots (whether converts or not) to fly for their carriers, be it a major airline or a smaller outfit?

MORE specifically, this western imperative would absolutely involve the dreaded bugaboo, “profiling”. Oh dear…imagine that, a pilot’s religious background should be a consideration for hiring! In other words, while such a safety measure should be as important as any other pre-flight (mechanical) precaution, countless leftists in positions of power would prefer to sacrifice as many westerners as it takes, rather than to dare to question another’s “religious” convictions. Oh, really now?

A lot of profiling restrictions are stupid, but in this case religion is the motivation. Banning profiling of perpetrators by their motives is a sure way of crippling investigations…..

The Justice Department will significantly expand its definition of racial profiling to prohibit federal agents from considering religion, national origin, gender and sexual orientation in their investigations, a government official said Wednesday.

The Bush administration banned profiling in 2003, but with two caveats: It did not apply to national security cases, and it covered only race, not religion, ancestry or other factors.

Since taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has been under pressure from Democrats in Congress to eliminate those provisions.

It is not clear whether Mr. Holder also intends to make the rules apply to national security investigations, which would further respond to complaints from Muslim groups.

“Adding religion and national origin is huge,” said Linda Sarsour, advocacy director for the National Network for Arab American Communities. “But if they don’t close the national security loophole, then it’s really irrelevant.”

The Justice Department has been reviewing the rules for several years and has not publicly signaled how it might change them. Mr. Holder disclosed his plans in a meeting on Wednesday with Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York, according to an official briefed on the meeting who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the conversation was private.

Bloomberg, as bad as he was, might have objected, but Bill de Blasio is on the same page as Holder when it comes to empowering terrorists.

THUS, in the same manner in which a deep background check is requisite due diligence for certain positions, isn’t the fact that pilots are responsible for so many lives a more than qualifying factor? If not, why not? 

AND as to finding this intel out, as to what’s what in said applicant’s background – particularly those whose names miss the (ISLAMIC) mark, similar to the recent convert’s act of jihad – well, there are many qualified agencies whose jobs are to perform this and that background check. But just in case certain outfits need some assistance, just give this site a shout out and high level investigators will be in touch. Promise.

BUT as always, expect the leftist captured media to deny, deny and deny the absolute connection between the German pilot’s devotion to Islam and Kamikaze Jihad.

UNLESS western civilization promptly comes to grips with the growing phenomenon of Muslim Kamikaze Jihad – as should have sunk in, especially after 9/11/01, less than 14 years ago – we must expect an increase in the number of Muslim commercial airline pilots. Guaranteed. Extrapolating further, as that number increases, we can also expect a concomitant increase in the number of Muslim Kamikaze Jihad attacks. A + B…1 + 1…

SIMPLE as that. Deadly.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Israel’s Blinded Leaders Exhort:Hamas/Hezbollah Tunnels NO Longer A Threat! What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

 Hamas terrorists inside Gaza "terror tunnel"
(HAMAS, spring 2015, reconstitute their terror tunnels with the “assistance” of Israel’s leaders, as they allow tons of “dual-purpose” cement to pour into the enclave… most of the tunnels were destroyed during the 2014 summer-long war, and at great cost to the IDF and Jewish civilians, who died as a result)


FROM the get go, let’s be very clear: the last thing this American-Israeli wants to do is to expose the mendacity and dirty laundry of Israel’s (so-called Zionist) leaders, regardless of party alignment. This aspect is neither here nor there.

NOT only that, but a veritable smorgasbord of Israel bashers are always at the ready to gang bang on Israel, merely for having the temerity to survive. Therefore, the immediate inclination is to shut one’s trap, especially when ones love for Israel – as the Jewish homeland – is boundless. 

THAT being said, the fact remains that if an individual is a committed Zionist, the person dare not sweep inconvenient and dirty truths under the national rug. Never.

AS such, much has been written at this site (duly highlighted at several internationally charged interviews) to peel back the dangers, consequences aside.

IN this regard, let the following serve as requisite backgrounder to the latest lies from Israel’s misnamed right-wing leaders, in relation to terror tunnels and more of the same.


AS reported back in March 2013, then, as now, Israel’s leadership capitulated to Hamas’s demands, even as they bragged otherwise.

The above failures of leadership led to November 2012’s unfinished foray into Gaza, but not due to any operational failures by the IDF and its intelligence arms. They performed brilliantly. This is without a doubt. Alas, the politicians, always led around the nose by Washington, allowed the Islamist-in-Chief to dictate Israel’s war plans, as if he is the master of Israel’s fate, and not Jerusalem’s leadership. Ghetto Jews.

Hence, the ground troops never entered to clean out the nest (everyone knows that a “root canal” is mandatory to achieve victory, once the air force/special ops paves the way, and this doesn’t take a military or political genius to figure out), and Israel’s spineless leaders reverted true to form…


THUS, isn’t it fair to term leaders who “ceasefire” with Hamas and Hezbollah – again and again – as perfidious and derelict? Absolutely.


AND even though missiles exploded over Tel Aviv and throughout Israel during the entire summer of 2014, a rational sort would believe that enough was enough, right? Moreover, wouldn’t anything short of victory be construed as a non-starter? Nope.  


ALAS, surprise…surprise, just like within every war fought against the Brotherhood’s Hamas, Israel’s leaders bailed and ceased their fire – after the most fiery war in recent memory – as ordered by Obama Inc., Washington’s latest string-pullers.

SO, instead of vanquishing Israel’s genocidal foes once and for all, appeasement became their “strategic” goal, even though the IDF’s firepower (force multipliers) could have put Hamas, in toto, buried more than six feet under for eternity. Wow…what a missed opportunity!

AHH, as Israel’s leaders are wont to term it, “mowing the grass” has become a viable military “strategic conceptzia”. Madness…שיגעון! Victory has been taken off the table. Period.

DEMONSTRABLY, during the latest missile war in 2014 (even though almost ALL of Israel’s southern citizens fled for their lives, due to Hamas’s missile blitzes, rendering the south a ghost region), and in tandem with Hamas’s ability to pop out of terror tunnels – right under the noses of the IDF – Israel’s tethered leaders are still blind to the dangers. Complicit too! How so?

INEXTRICABLY, the questions and answers are two-fold: how did this nightmare come about? and what have Israel’s leaders learned, if anything, from said experiences of inconclusive war-fighting?

IN answer to the above, we need to link-back to two explanatory interviews at Inquisitr, and readers can gauge for themselves what’s going on.


YES, the Inquisitr Interviews Adina Kutnicki: The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot is more than an overview; a window into the derelict leadership’s mindset as to what’s what.


INDEED, the follow-on question becomes: Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.

AS such, the answers to the first query, “how did this nightmare come about?” can be found within the aforementioned interviews and the above backgrounder(s). 

BUT the answers to the second part, “what have Israel’s leaders learned, if anything, from said experiences of inconclusive war-fighting?” are beyond belief, but no less true.

RELATIVE to Israel’s southern front, as it butts up against Hamas’s terror enclave, “Gazastan”, the following is an accurate and up to date rendering. Mind you, mention is made of a similar (immoral) blindness, relative to Hezbollah’s digging and digging…hang on…

Seven months after Operation Protective Edge in Gaza ended, Hamas may have already returned to digging terror tunnels – despite the IDF’s insistence that all is quiet. 

Gaza Belt residents told Channel 2 Monday that they had heard and felt digging beneath their feet, and that they no longer trust the IDF’s public statements on the security situation in the region.

Today I sat on my living room couch, and I felt everything shake under me,” one resident on a Gaza Belt-area kibbutz told the daily.

Even after alerting the IDF, she noted that “I don’t know whether to actually trust the IDF or not on whether there’s terror tunnel digging here. The uncertainty is terrible.”

Over 30 terror tunnels from Gaza into Israel were uncovered, and destroyed, during the course of the summer war.

But many Gaza Belt residents indicated that they know another war, with more tunnels, is on the way. 

“I’ve been waiting for it, for them to pop out of the ground,” another resident told Channel 2, in frustration. “We’re living here on a lot of adrenaline and with a lot of vigilance.”

The resident added that the entire kibbutz was on alert “every time a dog passes through the bushes [and makes a noise].”

“We know that everything is possible,” he added.

Gaza Division Commander Itay Virov visited the Gaza Belt last week to reassure area residents that the army is doing everything possible to prevent Hamas from re-entering Israel. A special IDF unit was also sent to sites of complaints over digging noises and concluded that they found no indication of terror tunnel digging. 

“The IDF performs a variety of routine security measures and defense forces in the region are prepared,” an IDF spokesperson responded to the report. “Complaints area residents make to the IDF are investigated seriously by special forces.”

History of ignoring complaints?

Gaza area residents’ speculation stems from multiple incidents of the IDF whistling past the terror tunnel graveyard.

In January, residents along the Lebanon-Israel border stated that they would fund their own investigation team to examine the possibility of Hezbollah digging terror tunnels into Israel, after the IDF reportedly denied repeatedly that there was any evidence of digging.

When asked about the digging noises earlier this year, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud) claimed “no tunnels have been located on the northern border. Noises that were heard beneath a home turned out to be a neighbor’s horse stomping with its hooves.” (blogger’s note: Ya’alon, what are you babbling about, how stupid do you think they are??)

But a video posted on YouTube shortly thereafter, said to have been filmed at night in Shtula on the border with Lebanon, had many seriously doubting Ya’alon’s claims. 

Alarm has also been raised after the IDF and Defense Ministry cut guard duty near northern border communities – just one year after a similar move along the Gaza Belt saw an escalation in terror and, eventually, war. 

Concerns were raised as well by geologist and Col. (res.) Yossi Langotsky, who told Arutz Sheva in December that he had tried to warn the security establishment about the tunnel threat from Gaza for nine years, but that his warnings fell on deaf ears. (blogger’s note: here is said warning:

“The facts were known,” he said, regarding terror tunnels in the Gaza belt. “The system went to sleep for a few years and did not do what needed to be done.”

MOST significantly and trenchantly, the tunnels land at the leadership’s (complicit) feet, as they are the ones who repeatedly, yes, repeatedly, supply the Brotherhood’s Hamas with the cement required to build the tunnels!

Israeli authorities allowed 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar to enter the Hamas-enclave of Gaza on Thursday, officials said, in the first major step towards rebuilding the territory that was damaged in Hamas’s latest terror war against Israel last summer.

“Today 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar entered the Gaza Strip for a project included in the scope of the reconstruction mechanism,” Israel’s coordinating body for government policy in the territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza (COGAT) said in a statement, reports AFP.

“There are no fixed quantities (going in) on a daily basis. The quantities (delivered) are at the request of the Palestinian Authority in accordance with the needs of suppliers who are purchasing in Gaza,” it said.

Palestinian Arab officials confirmed the entry of cement, which they said included 175 trucks brought in through the Kerem Shalom goods crossing in southern Gaza.

It was the biggest quantity of building material to come into Gaza in one go since fighting ended in August.

The influx of cement comes despite the fact that Hamas used such humanitarian aid to build an extensive network of terrorist attack tunnels into Israel, and that it has been rebuilding it with cement transferred into Gaza by Israel since the war ended.

Despite the clear evidence that Hamas is using the materials for terrorist purposes, a Palestinian Authority (PA) official revealed earlier this month that Israel had lifted a longstanding ban on the import of dual-use Portland cement into Gaza.

The move came days after documents were leaked, revealing talks between Hamas and Israel for a five-year ceasefire by which Israel would ease restrictions.

BEYOND contemptible. Indeed, the leadership commits crimes against the majority Zionist public, not against those they are mandated to vanquish, as Israel’s enemies are wont to charge at every international forum!

BESIDES, whom do Israel’s leaders think they are fooling when they nauseatingly opine: trust us. Regardless, rest assured, every resultant death lands at PM Netanyahu’s doorstep, despite all the hoopla re his re-election. 

SO as many rightfully celebrate PM Netanyahu’s win, it must be understood that the celebration on this end is not because “Bibi” has been a staunch, unflagging and moral leader. Not at all. However, the alternative, the bastardized name, the “Zionist” Union, was infinitely worse, as they are little more than bought and paid for leftist/Arabist whores, beholden to HUSSEIN Obama and their Euro-trash counterparts.

SIMPLY put, the choice for true Zionists was between worse and much worse, as the following vile sentiments from a “typical” leftist teacher demonstrates. Her hateful bile is emblematic of scores of the left’s supporters, and can be found here too by another ! leftist teacher. That foul.

AS excerpted (March 17, 2015) in this investigative journalist’s latest interview:

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm….continue reading…

SIGNIFICANTLY, does the following, or doesn’t it, amount to a dirty (gas) deal between Israel’s leadership and Egypt’s Brotherhood spawn, Hamas: Haniyeh reveals Israel offering Gaza a gas pipeline!

INEVITABLY, just as the sun rises and sets, so will Hamas’s terror tunnels explode under the feet of Israel’s Gaza-belt southern residents. You got that? Ditto for the northern residents alongside the Lebanese border with Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah. 

AGAIN, Israel’s political and military mouthpieces will feign shock… shock that such an explosively dangerous situation developed right under their very noses, all their denials notwithstanding!

LIARS…liars…pants on fire…bastards…reprobates…

liar liar pants on fire photo:  pantsonfire_zpsd711f903.gif

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

ISLAM’s Kiddie Sex Slaves & Suicide Soldiers For Allah: Bought At Auction! Obama Silent. Complicit. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Slavery in Islam

AS the left’s braying race hustlers and baiters whine and opine, ad infinitum, about (collective) White America’s “racist” crimes, the fact of the matter is that they have it ass backwards, pardon the descriptor. Indeed, whereas all moral folks admit that slavery was a sordid blight upon America’s history, the fact remains that said ship has sailed. Literally. Get over it.

IN reality, generations of White Americans have paid penance for a history which had nothing to do with them. Not only that, but Black America has more than caught up, so much so that two Blacks, the POTUS and his AG, are ruling over America with the biggest racial stick in U.S. history. Blood suckers. Iron fists too. For crying out loud…

IF anything, countless Black leaders hurl the most vile racist garbage into the public arena, fanning the flames to a race war, but act as if THEY are the victims. How dare they. Not only that, the Race Baiter-in-Chief has their backs and they behave as if America is theirs for the grabbing, all Whites be damned. Hey, Sharpton and gang, this investigative journalist is talking to you all! Yes, this heated charge is more than provable, to the point that HUSSEIN Obama affords him (and his gangsters) an open sesame revolving door at the People’s House!

MORE specifically, shakedown artists always revert true to criminal form, and Sharpton’s crew is adept at said jail-worthy tactics. In fact, conservative Black leaders have called them out on these same charges, yet they couldn’t care less. As a matter of record, Dr. Ben Carson, a man of impeccable repute, has called HUSSEIN OBAMA a psychopath. No kidding. What does that tell you? 

Ben Carson thinks President Obama is a “psychopath.”

In a new GQ profile of the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, reporter Jason Zengerle shares an unguarded moment with Carson, during which the famed neurosurgeon called President Barack Obama a “psychopath” for his ability to shamelessly lie to the American people. (VIDEO: Ben Carson Suggests Obama Could Be ‘Guilty Of Treason’)

Carson reportedly went off on the president after his adviser Armstrong Williams said the president “looks good” during his State of the Union address.

“Like most psychopaths. That’s the way they look, they all look great,” Carson replied. (VIDEO: Dem Operative: Ben Carson Taps Into ‘Anger Among Right Wing White People’)

“He’s gotta convince people to believe him,” Williams reportedly responded, “That’s all he’s doing: selling his narrative.”

Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon, addresses the 42nd annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) February 26, 2015 in National Harbor, Maryland. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

(Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon, addresses the 42nd annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) February 26, 2015 in National Harbor, Maryland.)

BESIDES, who are you gonna trust and believe, Sharpton and crew or Dr. Ben Carson?

Reports surfaced last year that Sharpton hustled large corporations and bullied them into donating to NAN in exchange for not causing problems in the form of accusations of racist practices that could lead to public relations embarrassments and lost revenue.

It’s certainly not surprising that auto racing, viewed by a heavily white demographic, would be extorted by NAN to keep Sharpton at great distance.

But according to the NLPC, enough is enough. They explained to France that “police lives matter” and laid out the case that Sharpton was partly responsible for the murders of two New York City police officers due to his obvious attempts to stoke anti-police sentiment around the country.

NOW, what does the above have to do with ISLAM’s kiddie slaves and suicide bombers in training? Everything.

TRUE to lying form, the above suspects (who generally support Islam’s thrust, but denigrate the west’s Christian and Judaic underpinnings) have never uttered a word about ISLAM’s history with slavery, and its ongoing one at that. Why not? Well, it obviates the bludgeon used against White America (colonial powers alike), as well as proves to the world that Islam has never evolved, akin to America and its western counterparts. 

Based on meticulous investigation of the Quran, the author has abundantly demonstrated that Islam—more specifically, its doctrine of Jihad or holy war—unequivocally calls for forced conversion and enslavement of non-Muslims and for the establishment of an imperial Islamic rule globally.

Thereafter, based on extensive study of the original biographies and traditions of the Prophet, he demonstrates how these commands of the Islamic God, of eternal relevance, were scrupulously applied by Prophet Muhammad: he engaged in forced conversion and enslavement, and established the first imperial Islamic state in Arabia. Through rich historical documentation, this book further demonstrates how Muslims have expanded and perpetuated these paradigmatic models of Jihad over vast parts of the world throughout history to this day. The author predicts that Islamic Jihad, in all likelihood, will intensify over coming decades with serious consequences for humankind, for the infidel and Western world in particular. This book, I believe, will be a very important contribution for making a thorough understanding of the rising challenges both Muslim and non-Muslim world faces from Islamic extremists. – Ibn Warraq, Author of Why I Am Not a Muslim

MOVING right along, whereas the half-breed POTUS (in tandem with his she-devil, his “down low” beard, Moochelle) turns blinded eyes to worldwide Christian slaughter by ISLAMIC foot soldiers, ISIS (and its growing tentacled Brotherhood allied terror groups) is rampaging across the globe. Scorched earth. Not only that, but they are on the march in the U.S., yes, they are.

MORE indicting, when young Christian girls are taken captive by ISLAMIC forces, America’s Jihadi-in-Chief  – with wifey in tow – couldn’t even muster up enough outrage, other than holding up a pithy sign:

Hmm…damn them all to hell.

IN this regard, for each and every non-Muslim kiddie sold into slavery, sexual or otherwise; for each one forced to become a suicide soldier, bought and sold at auction, not only is HUSSEIN Obama an accomplice, but so too are his lackeys – his Black and (leftist) White foot soldiers who service ISLAM’s march across America and lend them free rein across the globe!  

MORE specifically, if one believes they can refute the evidence presented here re HUSSEIN Obama’s allegiance to ISLAM’s swathe, here’s an offer: reach out to this site, why don’t you. In other words, do you dare?

ALAS, if there is any justice left in this world, the righteous result would be a massive amount of blow back at Obama Inc.’s doorstep(s)! 

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

ISIS & MINNESOTA: Rep. Ellison & Somali Threat Level: The Nexus.Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

minneapolis islamic state

AS the civilized world watches in horror as ISIS actually reverts to the 6th and 7th centuries, adopting the exact faith-like precepts of the Arab world, everything preceding it has to be obliterated. Nothing existed pre-Islam and that is that.

IN essence, per true ISLAMIC doctrine, erasing past empires mandates the destruction of all their artifacts and archaeology. Hence, their warpath. From decapitations, to death by immolation, to crucifixions, nothing is off limits.

IN this regard, every committed ISLAMIST (the Brotherhood in toto) is of like mind, except for the fact that some are more “pragmatic” than others. In other words, “practical” Brotherhood leaders (and their followers) realize that every time and place mandates a preferred method of destruction towards western civilization, hence, stealth jihad is the way to go – for now. 

Wolff Bachner: After the Muslim Brotherhood took control of the government in Egypt, despite their constant promises that they had no interest in holding political office or influencing Egypt’s elections, we began to see and hear a new expression used to describe their activities; Stealth Jihad. What is Stealth Jihad and how is the Muslim Brotherhood using this powerful new weapon to achieve their goals?

Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, you are obviously up to speed on your Islamic verbiage. Definitely, Stealth Jihad is a mandatory concept to master. So, in order to follow the winding, often unfamiliar terrain attributed to Islam’s thrust into the west, its essence must be adequately explored.

It revolves around the ability of dedicated Islamists to fly below the (communal/national) radar, but only until the Islamic community is strong enough – both politically, economically and otherwise – to emerge from the shadows. Operating out of full view affords anonymity, yet allows jihadists to build up as many war chests as possible. Two key components are monetary bases and hidden terror cells. They must be ready and prepared to spring into frontal action, if necessary. As a matter of record, staying burrowed for years is often a requirement. As is said, “hiding in plain sight” is more than a saying to Islamists. It is an actual method of jihad!

NO matter. ISIS is going for broke and their annihilating wrecking balls have been unleashed. The ISLAMIC genie is out of the bottle.

IN any case, how does the above tie into Rep. Ellison, his main constituents in Minnesota and ISIS? More succinctly, where don’t they link into each other?


HARDLY a “lone” wolf…


(Another Somali-American jihadi…and so on…)

(Hmm…ISIS feels secure enough to threaten the largest mall in America, which happens to be in Minnesota!)

STILL before we connect the ISIS dots, let’s recall a previous commentary (March 2013) re Ellison, a hooked up Brotherhood rep inside Congress: 

“Keithy” (feel like he is an old friend, having featured him several times at this blog, thus, the term of “endearment” – is feeling quite spunky these days, even to the point of shouting down Sean Hannity, not exactly a timid opponent. Oh my…the guy has cajones, as is said in some Brooklyn, NY ‘hoods. See for yourselves –

Sean Hannity Battles Disrespectful Keith Ellison In Epic Heated Interview’-

Now, it is not as if Muslims aren’t used to lording their supremacy, but this is kind of over the top, even by Washington standards. So, what gives? Well, the Muslim Rep, for all intents and purposes, is a “made man”. In other words, the POTUS has his back. High fives all around. Fist bumps galore.

Why? BOTH are Dems, heart with the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, and the Nation of Islam. They have more than a few converging interests.

MOVING right along, let’s segue to this site’s warnings re Somali Muslims in Minnesota (other states too) and their linkage to ISIS and ISLAMIC Brotherhood front groups. Like pigs to their sh-t.

BUT just in case some may think that Rep. Ellison is being given an unfair rap, well, you may want to re-calibrate your calculus.

Reported on March 20, 2015….Rep. Keith Ellison, known for defending the Islamic State group against allegations of being Islamic, just decided to upgrade himself from a mere jihad apologist to a full-fledged jihad lobbyist.

He did so by travelling to the terrorist-ridden nation of Somalia to help some terror-sympathizing constituents in Minnesota funnel money right into the hands of … wait for it … radical Islamic terrorists.

These transfers of money are allegedly designed to help American Somalis support their friends and family members back home. More often than not, however, the money winds up in the hands of the jihadists.

“I told my constituency I would come here and work for the United States and Somalia relationship, and I am doing that in today’s visit,” Ellison announced at a news conference in Mogadishu.

Yet logic suggests that helping American Somalis indirectly fund terror does nothing whatsoever to aid that relationship. If anything, it puts the Somali government, which battles daily with militants from the Al-Shabaab jihadist group, in an even more precarious position.

It also does nothing to help the Minnesota legislator’s own country in its bid to wipe out Islamic terrorism. But that Ellison would try to spin what he’s really doing should be no shocker, given his past actions.

In 2008, for instance, Ellison accepted a $13,350 donation from the Muslim American Society, which according to Steven Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, “is the de facto arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.”

It should be as clear as day to everyone that the Democrat congressman aligns himself much more closely with radical Islamic ideology than he does with good old-fashioned American values.

This raises a question: Why is this man in Congress, when he ought to be in prison?

NOT only that, aside from the material (regarding Somali terror within Minnesota, especially in Minneapolis) which has been presented at numerous commentaries within this site, Dr. Rich Swier fleshes out the dangers too; the hub for ISIS recruitment!!

The article covers the story we wrote about last September concerning  the death of Abdirahmaan Muhumed an ISIS jihadi, a 29 year old  Somali Emigre from Minneapolis, who had airport security access while working as a airline cleaner.  The article attempts to explain what attracted Somali émigré youths and other American Muslims to the Salafist Jihadist Takfir doctrine. Why they were motivated to pick up stakes, abandon their families, cruise IS social media, eventually downloading a veritable Fodor –type guide for Hijrah (immigration) to the Islamic State and obtain free plane tickets to travel to the Caliphate. The Times authors focus on federal investigations and local community intervention and re-education programs that appear to offer few if any relevant answers.

This is the latest story of how  the U.S. humanitarian refugee program, controlled by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, flooded this major Midwestern community with 100,000 East Africa Muslims.  Many of them failed to assimilate into American culture with radical Mosques recruiting dozens of native born jihadists to fight and die for first al Shabaab in Somalia and now for ISIS in Syria. We have written about this repeatedly since 2008. The Times article didn’t delve into how the Somali refugees came to the Twin cities with the assistance of voluntary agencies  paid by the State Department and Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement to process them, provide cash assistance, Medicaid and receive a green card to  eventually citizens. All while many of these Muslim émigrés rejected American values, instead seeking to impose their Sharia law on the host non-Muslim community….

CONCLUSIVELY, the all important ISLAMIC doctrine of stealth jihad crops up in EVERY act of infiltration and penetration. However, most westerners haven’t a clue they are being led like “infidel” sheep to the slaughter.

THEREFORE, the following (from the summer of 2010) should serve as a scholarly tie in, one which links Ellison’s jacked up association with the Brotherhood to his “assistance” to Somalis and ISIS, both in the U.S. and in Somalia! It is not for nothing.

Thus, any connections Ellison might have to CAIR are, at best, unwise for a politician seeking to improve the nation’s understanding of Islam and at worst an indication of his true sentiments. On October 14, 2006, shortly before the national congressional elections, Ellison appeared as the keynote speaker at a closed-door meeting of CAIR in Pembroke Pines, Florida.[49] While attending CAIR-Tampa’s sixth annual banquet in 2008, Ellison called on listeners to a local Tampa radio station to support Sami al-Arian. Arian, a former professor at University of South Florida, confessed two years earlier to conspiring to supply goods and services to Palestinian Islamic Jihad,[50] a terrorist organization responsible for numerous suicide attacks on Israel.

In 2009, after the FBI cut off contact with CAIR, Ellison spoke at no fewer than three fundraising dinners for the organization and gave videotaped statements at others and has also appeared with CAIR officials at meetings on healthcare reform and Eid festival celebrations.[51] In October 2009, he rebuked four House of Representatives Republican members who called for an investigation of CAIR for infiltration of government committees.[52] Although the congressmen were focused on the question of CAIR’s role, Ellison cast the inquiry as a modern-day witch hunt, declaring: “The idea that we should investigate Muslim interns as spies is a blow to the very principle of religious freedom that our Founding Fathers cherished so dearly.”[53] Soon afterwards, he attended a CAIR fundraising event in Washington and called for CAIR supporters to apply for jobs in the incoming Obama administration.[54]

Associations with Other Islamist Groups

Muslim American Society: Ellison’s connections to other groups such as the Muslim American Society (MAS) reinforce questions about where he stands. MAS was founded in 1993 following an arrangement reached between Muslim Brotherhood leaders in America and Egypt. MAS is, in fact, the Brotherhood’s American chapter.[55] That the Brotherhood (Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun) represents a significant threat to Western civilization is made clear from this excerpt from a 1991 briefing captured by the FBI:

The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a “Civilization-Jihadist” process with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all religions. … It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes.[56]

In December 2002, for example, MAS used its website to denigrate non-Muslims, speaking of “the degenerate moral condition of the Jews and Christians” and declaring: “If you gain a victory over the men of [the] Jews, kill them,” and “May Allah destroy the Jews.”[57] It also issued statements endorsing terrorism and praising Hamas.[58] According to an extensive dossier prepared by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, MAS has links to Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. Its websites have praised Muslim Brotherhood ideologue and godfather of modern Islamism, Sayyid Qutb, and provided links to several extremist and terrorist organizations. Mahdi Bray, executive director of the MAS Freedom Foundation and the public face of the society, has claimed that the United States is engaged in a war against Islam and has defended a long list of terrorism-linked organizations and individuals. The MAS magazine, The American Muslim, often contains references to suicide bombings as “martyrdom operations” and to terrorists as “freedom fighters” while condemning U.S. antiterrorism actions. At MAS conferences, extremist speakers address their audiences while Islamist and jihadi literature is on sale.[59]

It is, then, disturbing to see that one year after his first election to Congress, Ellison was the keynote speaker at MAS-Minnesota’s fourth annual convention in May 2007.[60] The following spring, Ellison was again the keynote speaker at the MAS-Minnesota convention, appearing alongside Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted coconspirator of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing.[61]

Islamic Society of North America: Ellison also enjoys a relationship with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an organization that has been linked by several agencies to support for terrorism. In December 2003, U.S. senators Charles Grassley and Max Baucus of the Senate Committee on Finance formally identified ISNA as one of twenty-five American Muslim organizations in a probe into groups that might “finance terrorism and perpetuate violence.[62] More recently, in July 2008, Federal prosecutors in Dallas filed documents showing a link between ISNA and Hamas.[63] In an account of the 2008 conference, Dave Gaubatz, coauthor of Muslim Mafia (blogger’s note: assuredly, a close contact within) writes:

In 2008, ISNA had several booths with anti-American slogans on shirts, along with pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian, and anti-Israel garments … It was easy to find DVDs, books, manuals, and pamphlets calling America a terrorist organization and for the destruction of our country and Israel. It was very easy to find material calling for killing innocent men, women, and children in American [sic] who did not believe in an Islamic Ummah (Nation) worldwide and under Sharia law. … If you wanted Muslim Brotherhood material, this was the location to obtain the intelligence you desired.[64]

Despite these troubling connections, Ellison has spoken at ISNA’s 2007, 2008, and 2009 conventions, events estimated to be the largest annual Muslim gatherings in the Western hemisphere.[65] In 2008, Ellison spoke on “mobilizing the Muslim political machine.”[66]

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Ellison also spoke in December 2006 to the sixth annual convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC),[67] a seemingly moderate body that seeks to conceal its strong anti-Semitic,[68] pro-Hamas, and pro-Hezbollah views.[69] Again, he addressed a town hall forum during MPAC’s “Activate ’08 Election Campaign,” at one of the Council’s “Rock the Muslim Vote” events.[70]

North American Imams Federation: He also addressed the North American Imams Federation (NAIF) at their November 19, 2006 conference in Minneapolis.[71] Many of NAIF’s imams, in charge of mosques across the United States, are trained through an institution called the American Open University (AOU), a distance-learning medium for Muslims wishing to train as clergy. The AOU is a radical school that emphasizes the paramount role of Shari’a law in an American context. Its chairman Jaafar Sheikh Idris regards democracy as “the antithesis of Islam,” arguing that human beings have no right to make their own laws. “No one,” he claims, “can be a Muslim who makes or freely accepts or believes that anyone has the right to make or accept legislation that is contrary to the divine law.”[72] He also declared that no Muslim elected to Congress can swear to uphold the U.S. Constitution and remain a Muslim “for in order to pledge loyalty to the constitution, a Muslim would have to abandon part of his belief and embrace the belief of secularism—which is practically another religion.”[73] That Keith Ellison supports an institution linked to someone who holds views in such deep conflict with normative American values is deeply troubling.

ONCE again, the following must be asked and answered: what are the chances that Rep. Ellison is not in line with ISIS’s agenda, even though his point of departure is simply via his preferred method of stealth jihad? and how dangerous are the likes of Somalis (and similar ISLAMISTS hiding in plain sight) in America to the nation at large?

MOREOVER, should patriots believe that Ellison’s support of major Brotherhood front groups is just happenstance, and that he “don’t know nothing about nothing”?

YOU decide. 

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

ELIMINATING The Brotherhood’s Leadership, al-Sisi Style: One Hanging At A Time! A Western Imperative. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

The source said his condition has stabilised and that the heart attack resulted from the

(Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie has been sentenced to death…”so sad”…)

NOW, western (leftist) poohbahs prefer to pretend that they are holier than thou – even as they apologize for the most vile barbarians since the Third Reich – and become insane if anyone dares to speak the truth about Islam’s frontal forces.

BE that as it may, this investigative journalist is in a position to utilize a wide-reaching megaphone, resultant, to offer some stern advice: get over yourselves! Rest assured, patriots are up in arms over the precipitous state of affairs in America, as are non apologetic Zionists in Israel; core “constituencies” of this blog.

IN this regard, in all frankness and starkness, this site receives countless messages attesting to said truthful reality and patriots are  “locking and loading”. Simply put, they will not sacrifice themselves, their families, on the altar of appeasement, regardless of anything else. So, listen up…leftists and ISLAMISTS…to the facts at hand, it is what it is. Besides, how ethical was it to allow Hitler’s war machine to live another day, even as they plotted the deaths of millions? Bull’s eye.

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed el-Beltagy gestures from the defendants cage during his trial at the non-commissioned police officers institute in the capital Cairo on February 28, 2015.

(Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed el-Beltagy gestures from the defendants cage during his trial at the non-commissioned police officers institute in the capital Cairo on February 28, 2015)

IN no uncertain terms, indubitably, sans the Muslim Brotherhood and its hierarchical apparatus, ISIS wouldn’t have a power base to lay swathe from. Recognizing this and that will allow the smoke to clear (between ones ears), as long as one admits certain facts.

PLAIN and simple: ISIS was birthed from Al Qaeda in Iraq and Al Qaeda was birthed from the Muslim Brotherhood. As such, it becomes increasingly obvious where the top of the jihadi spear lies. Incontestably. 

The Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments says that the Islamic State terrorist group (also known as ISIS or ISIL) was birthed from the Muslim Brotherhood movement, according to an October 13report  in an Egyptian newspaper called the Seventh Day.

Other Egyptian leaders have made the case in recent days that the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist terrorist groups belong in the same category as the Islamic State. The Egyptian government has banned the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian branch, Hamas, as terrorist groups.

According to the report, Dr. Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa said that the Muslim Brotherhood is the progenitor of the Islamic State and similar terrorist groups. He accused the Brotherhood of disrupting education at Egyptian universities and said the group is harmful to Islam.

The Islamic State used to be Al-Qaeda’s branch in Iraq. Al-Qaeda’s leaders are known to have been influenced by the Brotherhood, but the two groups sparred over the latter’s relative restraint and involvement in elections.

The Islamic State is publicly hostile to the Brotherhood, though the two have nearly identical goals. In a new Islamic State video, the group pledges to overthrow the Turkish government and derided it as the “Caliph of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

In May, Gomaa told a reporter that Egypt’s Al-Azhar University should promote a “centrist form of Islam” that is different from Political Islam, otherwise known as Islamism.

“Islam should not be part of politics because the role of religion should only be about preaching a moral public life and for the betterment of society,” he was quoted as saying.

CLEAR as a bell.

INDISPUTABLY, ISIS (and those who pledge allegiance to it) is inherently involved in an inner turf battle with its parent, the Muslim Brotherhood. They are at odds over the methods to destroy the west but not about the absolute ISLAMIC mandate to do so! Six of one…half a dozen of another. As exemplified, both seek Islam’s global domination.

THEREFORE, it is beyond dispute that ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood apparatus are “Public Enemy Number One” to the west at large. In fact, it defies belief that Egypt’s al-Sisi is taking the lead, yet Obama Inc. is in lock-step with them. Regardless, el-Sisi is taking no prisoners, as he spares no effort to protect the national interest. Bravo.

The Egyptian government under General al-Sisi just sentenced twenty-one more Muslim Brotherhood members to death by hanging. Amongst the twenty-one sentenced is Mohamed Badie, the chief of the Muslim Brotherhood. Badie and thirteen other Muslim Brotherhood terrorists were found guilty of organizing an “operation room” by which to guide terrorists and mobs to revolt against the al-Sisi government and spread chaos throughout Egypt.

Badie is also standing trial for violence that was done by certain acolytes Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who controlled Egypt before being ousted out by the Egyptian military.

These same terrorists who were sentenced to death were found guilty of planning attacks on police stations, churches, and other private property. The other terrorists sentenced to death are very prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood, such as Mahmoud Ghozlan, Saad El-Hossainy, Salah Soltan, and Fathy Shehab.

The Egyptian government has already set up a date, April 11th, in which to declare the final verdict in regards to other jihadist criminals, such as Egyptian-American Mohamed Soltan, Jehad Haddad, Saad Khairat El-Shater and Gamal El-Yemani.

The death sentences are awaiting for the approval of the Mufti of Egypt, but his decision will not guarantee the exemption of these terrorists, because in the end the court will release the final verdict. But once the verdict is made, the terrorists can still actually appeal.

Over the past year in a half, hundreds of members of the Muslim Brotherhood members have been put to death. This makes al-Sisi better than Obama who has actually brought in Muslim Brotherhood members into the US government. (blogger’s note: ain’t that the truth!)

BHO & the Muslim Brotherhood - 7

Here is a report showing the Muslim Brotherhood members and their positions given to them by the US government under Obama:

Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, or MPAC; Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA; and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

SANS a scintilla of a doubt, while America supports the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt is killing them off. Al-Sisi has proven to be more righteous than most of American and Western politicians.

MORE specifically, due to all the out-sized dangers demonstrated above, the following commentary bears resonance:

AMERICA’S POTUS is a bonafide Sunni Muslim, like it or not. This is the case whether he is open about it or in the shadows. No matter.
AS such, each and every Sunni (when tactically to their benefit, Shia align with the Brotherhood, but let’s not digress) group operates under the Brotherhood’s (terror) umbrella. In effect, he needn’t be a “card carrying” member to be part and parcel thereof. The aforementioned is the ideological and religious basis for his Mid East wildfires.
THUS, basically, according to his “principled” pathway, it is simply unthinkable to allow President al-Sisi to remain in power, since he is spearheading the Brotherhood’s demise in Egypt. President al-Sisi went so far as to issue an INTERPOL “RED NOTICE” for its spiritual godfather, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi! This is war – between the Islamist-in-Chief and Egypt’s al-Sisi. Understood?
INTERPOL 2014-12-06 00-22-52
INDEED, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, from the get go, has been hosting (at the People’s House, no less) Middle East Brotherhood leaders, as well as domestic ones. In fact, he feted them at his Muslim “outreach” tour in 2009, at the time that his admin started the putsch against Mubarak via GO NOW!
The newspaper reported that Obama met the group’s members, who reside in the U.S. and Europe, in Washington two months ago, April 2009. (blogger’s note: this meeting was 3 months into his Presidency!) According to the report, the members requested that news of the meeting not be publicized. They expressed to Obama their support for democracy and the war on terror.The newspaper also reported that the members communicated to Obama their position that the Muslim Brotherhood would abide by all agreements Egypt has signed with foreign countries.Obama landed in Cairo on Thursday to deliver a conciliatory speech as part of his outreach to the Arab and Muslim world.
The Muslim Brotherhood is considered a Sunni-dominated fundamentalist Islamic organization that has spawned numerous factions across the Arab world that have engaged in terrorist activity, including the Palestinian rejectionist group Hamas. It is also the main opposition bloc to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whose regime is viewed favorably in the West due to its adherence to the thirty-year-old peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.The Cairo University setting in which Obama will make his Middle East speech is spectacular and will accommodate a highly unusual audience…(blogger’s note: Mubarak was NOT at the “outreach”..hmm…)
YES, they are ensconced in his administration!
THUS, the most urgent question before us is: which tactic should patriotic Americans (westerners) take, that of Obama Inc.’s or al-Sisi’s? 
A no-brainer…

ISLAM’S DISMANTLEMENT Necessary To Save Western Civilization: A Blueprint…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

A group called the Islamic State Hacking Division posted information about 100 US military members online

(A group called the Islamic State Hacking Division posted information about 100 US military members online)

In the posting, the ISIS hacking division asked its followers to kill military members 'wherever you find them'

AS is said, give them a hand and they take an arm, but with followers of Muhammad that’s just the tip. In no uncertain terms, ISLAMISTS demand a FULL dismantlement of western civilization’s undercarriage and nothing less will suffice. Total destruction. They are well on their way, as they swathe through the Mid East and Africa leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake. In reality, the incompatibility factor with the west emanates from said all or nothing ISLAMIC imperative.

AS such, ad infinitum, this site has proven that Islam is a lethal enemy to western civilization. Hence, by extrapolation, so too are its committed followers, whether in the here and now or in the future. Yes, the following policy paper, “Islam and Blood”, documents all the factual evidence required to prove said thesis. Sans a scintilla of a doubt, it was a distinct honor and privilege to assist its author, Professor Paul Eidelberg (in 2012), with related finishing touches.

MOST significantly, the facts within “Islam and Blood” are not up for debate. As such, there is not a damn thing that any apologist for Islam can say to convince otherwise, either via their leftist mouthpieces or ISLAMISTS themselves. Let them save themselves the time and trouble….falling on deaf ears.

BUT for those who are newly aboard, here are some additional brief underpinnings to lean upon, if you choose to join our righteous struggle. If not, just get out of our way and keep your head down. Indeed, in no uncertain terms, if America and Israel fall sway to Islam, the rest of the west will topple like dominoes. Post haste.

AS noted within this investigative journalist’s most recent interview, one of the questions (within part two) rendered a foretaste:


(While children recoil in horror, men murder shouting Allah’s name and women cower in Burqas)


As we reflect on the trials and tribulations of the last six years since a little-known US Senator from Illinois was proclaimed the Second Coming at his presidential inauguration, we see a world in chaos under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama. When we examine the global repercussions of Obama’s time in office, a frightening pattern emerges. Every corner of the planet has experienced a never-ending cycle of violent Jihad and Islamic terrorism as America’s President embraces the Muslim Brotherhood, apologizes for America’s past behavior, and throws one ally after the other under the proverbial bus.

No longer able to blame Bush, Obama’s presidency is marred by the obliteration of one Arab nation after the other at the hands of ISIS and an ever-increasing roster of like-minded Islamic terror organizations. Millions have fled their homes to struggle for survival in refugee camps or starve to death on lonely mountain tops. Parents have literally flung their own children to their doom from the heights rather than allow them to fall into the hands of the demented child molesters of ISIS, who sell girls as young as six as sex-slaves.

Happy to fill the void created by Mr. Obama’s unconscionable decision to completely withdraw the American military from Iraq and his misguided campaign of destruction in Libya, the Twelvers of Iran now control Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Gaza. The Ayatollahs who rule Iran with an iron fist are quite content to be the world’s leading financiers of Islamic terrorism as they make speeches calling for the total destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jewish people……(read the whole thing….)

MORE specifically, to extend the thought process even further, isn’t it a fact that Islam’s march into America poses a precipitous danger, as well as to the west at large? Yet, if flying heads – plus every other barbarism housed under Shariah Law’s banner – isn’t enough to spur westerners into action, then what else is there left to say? Nite…nite…alas, don’t expect to have sweet dreams!

MOST inherently, behind every Islamic danger hides a tentacled Shariah Law’s banner. This truth cannot be swept under the rug, nor double-talked. You gotta deal with reality, discomfiting as it is.

STILL, as onerous as it is, there has to be a starting point. Therefore, let’s begin by unmasking Islam, and we can proceed from there. Why is this necessary? Well, once the (mental) band-aid is ripped off, not only will it get easier to do what must be done, but it will allow westerners to realize that stepping up is a matter of national security. Concomitantly, the above unveiling (delineated at the link) has zero to do with prejudice or bias, as assorted jackals are wont to scream. Besides, you can always invest in earphones or resort to your childhood ditties: call me this, call me that…sticks and stones…so, express yourself…liberating…

ONCE this task is accomplished, the next step is to understand, then to admit, just how embedded Islam/Shariah Law is within America’s power centers. Absolutely, sans Shariah Law, Islam would cease to function. Exist. A blessing.

NEVERTHELESS, despite the uphill battle there is no other option, but to ensure that Shariah Law is gutted from America’s courts (refer to attached pdf), schoolsfinancial centers and everywhere that affects America’s security.

IN this regard, especially when Muslims refuse to abide by America’s laws, the gutting, its lessons, must commence. Shariah Law violates the Constitution, the law(s) of the land. That is that. 

YET, for a visual rendition, it is incumbent upon Americans (westerners at large) to understand the whys and the wherefores of Islam’s actual wrecking balls; the west’s cultural and heritage edifices! It is NOT for nothing. Moreover, it is not simply a manifestation of ISIS and its offshoots, they just happen to be the ones in a position to lay certain cultural/heritage foundations to waste, as exemplified by Muhammad’s jihad throughout his tenure of barbarism.

“In their self-promoting video of their wanton destruction, an ISIL spokesman says: “The prophet ordered us to get rid of statues and relics, and his companions did the same when they conquered countries after him.”

AND in answer to those who stubbornly view the above as a far off problem, well, you could not be more wrong-headed.  Misinformed. Not only is ISIS (and its Brotherhood offshoots) inside America, but the threat is exposed from a multiplicity of directions.
A decade ago ISIS was on the front page of every major newspaper. Then Obama won and declared victory over Al Qaeda and it went away. ISIS, then Al Qaeda in Iraq, didn’t actually go away, but the administration and its media allies began pretending that it had.While the current round of fighting may be taking place in Iraq and Syria,Jihadist groups have a history of using Western countries as staging platforms for taking over Middle Eastern countries, the Ayatollah Khomeini hung out in Paris, the Muslim Brotherhood is embedded in London and Washington, and asStackelbeck points out, “Some 60 percent of foreign fighters in Syria follow a Dearborn, Michigan-based Imam named Sheikh AhmadJibril on Twitter.”The Caliphate serves to rally Jihadists to its black flag and while they may burn their passports, their final endgame is here, as an ISIS spokesman recently warned, “We – with Allah’s help – want Paris, before Rome and Islamic Iberia and after we blow up the White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower.”……

NEED more?

PREVIOUSLY, this investigative journalist reported on a “kill list” and it can be found here. Besides, it has become quite personal….

IN any case, they upped the ante, if you dare imagine. They have published the complete details of their “kill list”, relative to military folks in America and their personal info is in full jihadi view.

The online document contains names and photos along with some of the addresses.

“[W]e have decided to leak 100 addresses so that our brothers residing in America can deal with you,” the group warned, The Blaze reported.

“Kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets thinking that they are safe,” the “Islamic State Hacking Division” added…..

AGAIN, no one should believe that ISIS operates as a “lone wolf” ISLAMIC terror org, far from it. It operates with the full backing of its Brotherhood parent, from which its Al-Qaeda in Iraq origins sprang!

IN this regard, as promised, a BLUEPRINT:

By Professor Paul Eidelberg

“The Only Rational Goal for America and Israel: Dismantle Islam”

Since Islam has declared war against America and Israel, PM Benjamin Netanyahu and a new American President should organize for their respective countries a strategy board whose purpose is to formulate and implement an 8-pronged strategy for dismantling Islam by (1) Political, (2) Diplomatic, (3) Psychological, (4) Economic, (5) Military, (6) Electronic, (7) Clandestine, and, above all, (8) Theological means. Here is what each nation should do according to its respective capabilities:

1. Table a Resolution in the UN General Assembly demanding the expulsion of Iran from the UN. For this purpose the Resolution should cite Iran’s many violations of (a) the UN Charter; (b) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; (c) the anti-Genocide Convention, citing Teheran’s malediction “Death to America,” its vow to “Wipe Israel of the map”; and (d) its sponsoring mosques that advocate jihad and foster hatred of America and Western Civilization.

2. Pressure various nations that receive American aid to sever diplomatic relation with Iran.

3.  Establish a counterpart to the Voice of America to publicize the vicious policies of Iran.

4.  Disseminate the writings of former Muslims critical of Islam.

5.  Disseminate information concerning Islam’s denial of man’s creation in the Image of God.

6.  Disseminate the critiques of Islam by eminent statesmen, philosophers, and theologians.

7.  Disseminate information about the crimes committed by Muslims against non-Muslims.

8.  Distribute by air drops to Iranians flyers denouncing Iran’s mistreatment of women.

9.  Intercept and disrupt by electronic means Iranian communications with its agents abroad.

10.  Do not permit Iranian government officials to enter the United States.

11.  Institute a selective blockade of Iranian ships on the high seas.

12.   Intercept Iranian supplies to its clients such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

13.   With few exceptions, do not take jihadists alive.

14.   Do not release Muslim terrorists.

15.   Prosecute Muslims and Muslim institutions in the U.S. that preach jihad.

16.   Employ clandestine operations to disrupt Iran’s military research and operations.

17.   Publicize Iran’s global ambition is to stifle freedom of conscience in general, and of Christianity and Judaism in particular.

18.   Aid Iranian freedom fighters.

19.   Establish in the United States a program of advanced education for Iranian dissidents.

20.   Establish in America community schools for teaching American Exceptionalism, focusing on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These schools should also teach students about Islam’s bellicose doctrines and history.

THE preceding should not be regarded as exhaustive of what must be done to dismantle Islam. It is extremely important to undermine the basic ideological and institutional sources of Islam, which has rightly been called the greatest murder machine in history.

in the name of allah
NOW, as another incentive to jump aboard our western struggle (not that the above isn’t more than adequate….for heaven’s sake) this investigative journalist has intersected, interview-like, with the following rabid ISLAMIST. Resultant, he (and fellow ISLAMISTS) needs to be put in his place, whatever it takes…. 


{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

BANNING MOSQUES: A Western Imperative. Who’s Leading The Charge? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


IT is self-evident that America, the heretofore bulwark of liberty for the free world, has taken a rear end seat – to the back of the bus ! – towards safeguarding western civilization. Ain’t that the tragic truth.

MORE specifically, under the ISLAMIC-centric leadership of the current administration, it is accurate to state: regardless of the dangers inherent to mosques in America, not only won’t Obama Inc. rein them in, but they will increase their presence exponentially. WHY?

WELL, as is said, there is no sense to rework the wheel, therefore, the following will serve as a recap:

BEFORE we delve into the heart of the matter, it is imperative to internalize who the main mischief makers are on American soil, in so far as mosque jihad is concerned. While many are familiar with Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi-infused thrust into America, few have a clue about Turkey’s PM Erdogan, a major player in the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia and Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s BFF. So much so, he was front and center at this blogger’s global interview: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance: An Interview With Adina Kutnicki. Clear as a bell.


Yet, if the above isn’t enough for the doubting Thomases, that’s okay too…peer within.

MOREOVER, it is an absolute waste of time and energy (this site’s resources too) to try and convince leftists – the red-set – to decouple themselves from their dangerous liaison with Islamists – the green-set. It is akin to repeatedly banging ones head against the wall, but expecting not to receive brain damage in the process, or a very bad migraine condition as a result.  Fuggedaboutit!

The evidence regarding mosques in America (Canada and the rest of the west) leads to only one conclusion: they are a clear and present danger!

Let’s connect the dots…

Dot One:

Where to begin…how about here: American mosques are training for jihad; priming assaults on unsuspecting citizens!

Dot Two:

Indeed, jihadi training IS religiously garbed, yet leftist cohorts afford them dangerous cover. Can you believe it? You better.

Dot Three:

And if the recent jihad in Beantown didn’t spell out the dangers, then little more will. Its mosques were (are) DEEPLY in the fray: U.S. based Wahhabi-infused mosques and Boston’s jihad…rock solid!

Dot Four:

And since Marxist-loving NYC Mayor De Blasio recently castrated the NYPD’s surveillance demographics unit  – re the Muslim community/mosques – well, let’s just say that his new Police Commish was ordered to (effectively) UNDO all of ex Police Commish Raymond Kelly’s “infiltration & penetration”, to the degree in which NYC was kept safe under his tenure. Holy jihad!…

YOU get the picture….

NOW, it is more than noteworthy that Australia is entering the fray, basically, leading the western charge.

LET’s delve deeper: Aussies have been victims of Islamic jihad, as have countless nations. In fact, in Dec. 2014, the world witnessed said barbarism when a Sydney cafe was held hostage to Islamic terrorists

SO, even though Aussies have a worldwide reputation for being a “laid back” type of people, it is also apparent that when it comes to maintaining their actually security, well, they run circles around Americans.

RESULTANT, Queensland, the second largest and the third most populous state in Australia, is taking a DIRECT stand against Islam’s barracks; its mosques!

Sunshine Coast Safe Communities launched the petition last year calling on the State Government to support changes to the Sustainable Planning Act to the definition of “place of worship.”

Sunshine Coast Daily  Steve Dickson will take a Sunshine Coast group’s petition, which is effectively calling for a ban on mosques, to State Parliament. They have asked for the definition to “exclude any applicant who advocates, teaches or practices an ideology philosophy or political system which contradicts the tenets of Australian Law” .

They have also requested the House make legislative changes to exclude any group or members which encourage practices like Sharia law, the subjugation of woman, honour killing and polygamous marriage.


Further they ask that the change would “defend Queensland communities and eliminate the threat of terrorism and the threat from political Islam”.

The Member for Buderim, Mr Dickson said he had met with members of Safe Communities and had agreed to present their petition “as I have with countless other petitions before this.”


He declined to answer a direct question as to whether he supported the petition, only to say he would consider any legislative changes if they were proposed by the government.

Sunshine Coast Safe Communities has also prepared a petition to take to the Sunshine Coast Council, requesting it to adopt the “precautionary principle” and refuse the application for a mosque in Church St, Maroochydore.


This petition has not been presented yet. Sunshine Coast Safe Communities is hosting a forum in Kawana tomorrow to “provide understanding on the politics of Islam”.

The Sunshine Coast Daily approached all the Sunshine Coast MPs to gauge their views on the Sunshine Coast Safe Communities forum and whether the region had reason to be concerned about Muslims.

The only MP who indicated support for the forum was Mr Dickson. He said he believed there was a need for the forum “to boost awareness of key topical issues within today’s modern society”.

LET this investigative journalist state for the absolute record: too many westerners refuse to recognize the ISLAMIC cancer in their midst, aside from those who actually support its rise, regardless of the reasons why.
NOT only that, but elected officials (and their non-elected so-called elitist back benchers) have a vested interest in supporting the encroachment of the front line of Islam; its mosques.
MOREOVER, some in Australia – as in America and elsewhere – have their professional and financial interests tied into screaming the reflexive canard, “Islamophobia“, if anyone dares to state the truth about the inherent dangers from political Islam, all the while it masquerades as a religion! Yes, Islamists and their enablers have decided that Islam is a “race” and a “peaceful religion” too, both of which are lies of an exponential order. Intrinsically, it would be as if Nazism was deemed an “accepted” race and a religion, instead of a fascist political ideology! Can you imagine??
REGARDLESS, since American (western) leadership lies in bed with ISLAMISTS it is up to average citizens to lead the charge. That’s just the way it is. So, as a very first step, help to place a western ban on mosques. They are terror headquarters, the barracks, of political Islam!
NO time to lose….

Islamic “NO GO” Zones: Already In A U.S. City Near You! Mirror Images To Europe’s Nightmare…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS usual, too many refuse to believe that ISLAMIC “NO GO ” zones are already a part of the U.S. (nightmarish) landscape, refusing to recognize the handwriting on the wall.

ON its face, their “infrastructure” is rooted inside America and it is growing by leaps and bounds. Unimpeded. Law enforcement has been ordered: stand down!

Federal Bureau of Investigations documents detailing a 22-site network of terrorist training villages sprawled across the United States. According to the documents, the FBI has been concerned about these facilities for about 12 years, but cannot act against them because the U.S. State Department has not yet declared that their umbrella group, MOA [Muslims of the Americas]/Jamaat ul-Fuqra, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.”

In other words, the FBI can not act because the President and the Department of Homeland Security will not classify MOA, with known ties for decades to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization despite a mountain of evidence.

CONSIDER: what exactly are ISLAMIC compounds, if not “NO GO” zones? In this regard, start your American ISLAMIC journey here: ….but once you regain your equilibrium, well, continue…

BASTARD leadership…

HOW many know that ISLAMIC war camps – that’s really what they amount to – on U.S. soil have been ongoing for years and they were exposed, in detail, from several non mainstream sites? Hang on…

READERS may recall one of the initial commentaries at this site, back in mid 2012. If not, here is a recap:

Jamat ul Fuqra are awash in infidel blood. Most infamously, they are the head choppers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. They are particularly fond of beheadings. Say what?

Too close for many fellow New Yorkers (this investigative journalist’s home state) comfort, the group receives some of their paramilitary training at their Islamberg compound in New York State. Not to get too specific – as part of a “research” project  in 2006 – I accompanied a trusted contact to the outskirts of the compound, knowing full well that this was as far as we would get. No matter. We came, we saw, we went…..hearing constant sounds of gun popping, and intermittent shouts of “allahu akbar” – god is great – in broad daylight !!  Roaming guards dressed in (Islamic) combat fatigues, with watch towers on each side, were clearly visible.

Normal folks surely are wondering – how is it possible that terror compounds can exist in the land of the free, the home of the brave? What is going on here?

To add insult, to grievous (US & Canadian) injury, Islamberg is one of 35 ! jihadi compounds in the US. About half a dozen (which are known) exist in places such as Charlotte County in central Virginia, Hancock, New York, and other  rural confines all over the US…..

PLACING an additional nail in America’s coffin – as well as putting paid to the lie that “NO GO” zones were a figment of certain folks hallucinations – well respected investigators duly reported, yet they were derided as hysterics and worse. No matter.

“Nearly four years after our initial investigative report about a domestic terrorist group was made public, we can provide readers the first in a series of exclusive comprehensive updates about Jamaat ul Fuqra’s presence and activities in the U.S. and Canada. While much has been written about this terrorist group and their ‘training compounds,’ the cold, hard facts are far more disturbing than the Internet folklore they attract.”

Readers of Canada Free Press and the Northeast East Intelligence Network will recall our initial report published in February 2006 about Jamaat ul Fuqra, an Islamic terrorist group operating under the guise of legitimacy by adopting benign sounding identities such as the International Quranic Open University and the Muslims of the Americas. The reality is that Jamaat ul Fuqra is a fully operational Islamic terrorist organization firmly embedded throughout the U.S. and Canada and led by top Pakistani terror leader Shiek Mubarek Ali Gilani of Lahore, Pakistan. Gilani is most well known for his role in the death of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, a claim denied by Gilani and the subject of an ongoing dispute among terrorism investigators.

Federal investigators confirmed that Jamat ul Fuqra members have been responsible for at least a dozen murders, 17 bombings and fire bombings, and several assassinations and attempted assassinations. The perpetrators of those terrorist acts received their paramilitary training at the Islamberg compound in New York State. In the weeks preceding the 9/11 attacks, nearby residents to the Islamic compound witnessed male residents of the compound, dressed in military type fatigues, running in military style formation on the rural road adjacent to the Muslim owned property.  Other residents heard the sounds of gunfire and small explosions coming from the depths of the expansive property.

In our 2006 report, the public was informed of specific activities of this terrorist organization that were taking place on our own soil. Such activities included paramilitary training such as live-fire weapons training, using an elementary school bus as a practice target for weapons and bomb training, repelling, and various forms of urban assault training. It is critically important to understand that our report was a product of a lengthy investigation performed by skilled, veteran investigators with years of field experience in covert surveillance and investigative techniques.

To state that the publication of our investigative findings in 2006 report caused a stir domestically and even internationally would be quite an understatement.  Our report was met by a scathing, if not delusional and inherently threatening response by Gilani himself, who claims that our report was the product of a Zionist conspiracy to fuel a holy war by Jews and Christians against Muslims. The report was printed and shown to Jamaat ul Fuqra leaders, who called it a product of “Kosher kids,” and obviously denied every aspect of the report…..

DHS’s TARGET Bank: Retired Military Officers Issue DIRE Warnings…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT has never been the case – at least up until HUSSEIN Obama catapulted into the White House – that (mostly retired) military officers issued warnings against a sitting administration. Not only are said missives unprecedented, but they decidedly place a target on the backs of those issuing them! Regardless, they refuse to stay silent, and for that we should all give them a mega thumbs up and attendant support, come what may.

BUT let’s also add a DHS whistle-blower to their target bank. O M G !

INCLUSIVE in this growing list of “non-compliant” (retired) officers is…. 

Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30 years of service under his belt, as well as combat experience in both Vietnam and Afghanistan issued a dire warning to all Americans.

The following warning was posted on Hestilow’s Facebook page:

I fully intend to address this in far greater detail within days, but ask yourself, with all the law enforcement available in the United States, who the DHS is preparing to declare war on inside the U.S.?

With the massive purchases of almost 3,000 new armored vehicles (MRAPs) and 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition, with associated weapons,who in the U.S. do they intend to kill? Short answer: You and me! Anyone they think is standing in their way to impose a new Marxist government! Anyone who stands for the U.S. Constitution!

We must demand that our representatives (Senators and U.S. Representatives) stand firm and immediately force, by law if necessary, the DHS turn over their arsenal of war making equipment to the Department of Defense.

Nothing justifies this massive arms build up of an agency whose jurisdiction is internal within the United States of America! They are preparing to go to war against American citizens!

Don’t wait on people like John McCain or Lindsey Graham to recognize the threat! Citizens you must demand Congress act to force these weapons, ammunition, and armored vehicles be turned over immediately to the DoD! Then let us dissolve the DHS (or SA, or SS… whatever you call them)!

Hear me, America. The DHS can only be preparing to declare war on us with the arsenal of weapons and equipment they are purchasing as they methodically dismantle our legitimate military made up of patriotic Americans!

If I live and still have a page to speak out on later this week, I will discuss a proper Constitutional response in a couple of days. Standby. Out.

Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired

Of course, this comes on the heels of the news that DHS is purchasing 2,717 ’Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for urban use.

In light of the Obama administration’s push for gun-grabbing legislation, a flurry of “multi-agency training drills” inside our cities and towns, the dismissal of several well-respected military leaders and the purchase of urban tanks, along with 2 billion rounds of ammunition…

One need not be a conspiracy theorist to be genuinely concerned about the imminent threat to our freedoms, as well as to our very lives.The Last Great Stand…

MOST significantly, the aforementioned reference to “multi-agency training drills” is beyond demonstrative and indubitably frightening. In the main, how many are aware of an unprecendented upcoming military drill during July 15 to Sept, 15 called ” Jade Helm 15″? Well, here’s the poop and scoop:

FOREWARNED is forearmed…pay particular attention to the areas deemed “hostile” on page 6 –*xv59EDKMkurdSp1EvK7kqORZH91WrhgwGsDt1zwRWBJiF82vRytGGVp/JadeHelmMartialLawWW3PrepDocument1.pdf

IT will encompass the entire American Southwest. Yup, you read that right. But to what end? It is described thusly:

“Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado.”

Thomas Mead, the operations planner for the U.S. Army’s Jade Helm realistic military training has publicly stated that “We have Army Green Berets, Navy Seals, Marine Special Operations Command, the 82nd Airborne Division and we also have some of our interagency partners such as the DEA, FBI and the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) that will be working with us.”

The use of Green Berets, Navy Seals and Special Operations Command forces speaks to the unconventional composition of the overall makeup of this group. Among the many duties for these three Special Operations groups include infrastructure raids, assassination of key enemy personnel, reconnaissance, and extraction of key enemy personnel for detention and/or intelligence gathering. It is the latter duty that has me concerned as there has been much discussion over the execution of a “Red List” in which key resistance figures would be kidnapped and “dealt with” in advance of the implementation of martial law. A detailed analysis of the language of Jade Helm has convinced me that we are looking at the implementation of the “snatch and grab” of key resistance figures to the coming marital law. My sources have told me that in past drills of this nature, Red List extraction troops are helicoptered in the early morning hours (e.g. 3AM) land, offload personnel and extract the intended targets, SWAT team style.

In the Jade Helm section entitled What to Expect, operation planners state that the public should anticipate “Increased aircraft in the area at night“, and “May receive noise complaints“. What aircraft would be loud enough at night to guarantee noise complaints? My vote would be the helicopters. And who would be on these helicopters at night? What time are snatch and grab activities historically held? And who typically conducts snatch and grab arrests? The answer to these questions would be the special operation forces, which in martial law, would be the Gestapo version of the Green Berets, the Navy Seals and Marine Special Forces as they arrive at your home at 3AM.

Role players will be participating in Jade Helm. In fact, the same section goes on to state that “Some individuals (i.e. civilian insurgents) may conduct suspicious activities…..” What would constitute a “suspicious activity for the purpose of this drill? Would it consist of pretending to be dragged off to a FEMA camp? Would it be engaging in simulated insurgency activities associated with guerrilla war strategies? There are so many possibilities and they are all associated with civilian resistance against a tyrannical force.

Not only is the use of three special operations forces suspicious with regard to Jade Helm, but more notably is the announced use of JPRA, and this is frightening event. The Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) maintains a series of training school sites whose subject matter includes:

“Prisoners of war; hostages and DETAINEES (emphasis added); evasion and escape; search and rescue; Prison survival techniques and experiences; geography and cartography, natural science, ethnology, and country studies; terrorism; military and Naval science; natural and emergency medicine.”


BUT regardless of the precise target dates to upend America, DHS is well positioned to do so. And before you proceed any further, listen to this hooked up whistle-blower/informant and digest its (fluid) moving parts:

AFTERWARDS, let’s just continue along this frightening trajectory via a short list of names, out of many, who agree that Obama Inc. is purposefully purging high level patriotic officers. The urgent question is: to what end?



General McCrystal


General Ham




NO one should be naive enough to believe that an actual firing squad is not in the offing, for patriots who refuse to “stand down”. Thus, the inherent alarms re DHS and their plans of action:

SO consider the facts at hand and you can decide:


WHY in heaven’s name are so many experienced patriots raising their own alarms…is it that they realize who DHS is laser focused on, perhaps those who “stubbornly cling” to the Constitution?


AND in light of fact one, how about untold purchases of (domestic) heavy ammo   – yet to be explained, by any person in an official capacity as well as unprecedented in scope?


What about the militarization of police forces throughout the U.S., actually steps to prep for Martial Law? Such planning is required, for once the shit hits the fan – whatever its “precipitating” factor – “law and order” must be restored.


BUT let’s not forget about DHS’s penchant for dumping thousands of convicted criminals, illegals to boot, into America’s streets! To what end?

A + B. 1 + 1.

IN the main, if a patriotic leader was at the helm; if patriots were not defined as “domestic terrorists”; if loyal commanders weren’t purged; if the militarization of local police was not a factor, the above drill would be questionable, but not in the same frightening realm.

BUT there’s more. Aside from military officers, Sheriffs are equally concerned, and the following is emblematic of their growing alarm:  

A video posted to YouTube Saturday shows what appears to be a Washington state deputy sheriff explaining that armored vehicles are needed by police departments to confront “Constitutionalists” with firearms. According to Infowars’ Mikael Thalen, the footage was shot in Spokane Valley, Washington, a community that sits between Spokane and the Idaho state line.

CONCLUSIVELY, DHS is a malevolent behemoth targeting patriots and whistle blowers!

The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny,” so said Aesop in the “The Wolf and the Lamb,” Aesop’s Fables. HUSSEIN Obama, what say you?

AS to the true underlying nature of DHS, HUSSEIN Obama’s goon squads, pay heed to Ayn Rand’s prescient words:

A statist is a man who believes that some men have the right to force, coerce, enslave, rob, and murder others. To be put into practice, this belief has to be implemented by the political doctrine that the government—the state—has the right to initiate the use of physical force against its citizens. How often force is to be used, against whom, to what extent, for what purpose and for whose benefit, are irrelevant questions. The basic principle and the ultimate results of all statist doctrines are the same: dictatorship and destruction. The rest is only a matter of time.  Ayn Rand


HUSSEIN Obama’s Iran (WMD) “Outreach” Predates 2008 Election:Urged Mullahs To Await His Win.Say What? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


( Even before becoming POTUS…as snug as a bug in a – Shia terror – rug! )

AS Obama and gang wagged their anti-American fingers at 47 Senate Republicans who affixed their signatures to a letter sent to Iran’s genocidal leadership, they would have the world believe that “dear leader” is above said “outreach” to the mullahs. Not only that, one shout out was to warn the largest state sponsor of terror that a deal was not in the bag, if they could help it.  On the other hand, one was to urge the mullahs to hold out for better terms! Guess who’s who….as is said, who’s on first?

In an upcoming interview with Vice News, President Obama said he was “embarrassed” for Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)–and other Senate Republicans–who signed a letter to Iran, warning that “the next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen” (via NPR):

President Obama said he’s “embarrassed” for the 47 Republican senators who tried to undercut nuclear talks with Iran by writing a letter directly to the Iranian leadership.”For them to address a letter to the Ayatollah, who they claim is our mortal enemy, and their basic argument to them is, ‘Don’t deal with our president because you can’t trust him to follow through on an agreement,’ that’s close to unprecedented,” Obama said in an interview with Vice News.

The youth-oriented news outlet released an excerpt of the interview on Friday. The full conversation is to be released Monday.

First, the letter by Sen. Cotton doesn’t say you can’t trust the president. It details the functions of our constitutional system, how Congress ratifies treaties, and term limits for the president and members of the Senate. It does say, “Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement.” Hence, the next president and stroke of pen references towards the end of the letter.

Also, let’s not forget that President Obama also sent a letter to Ayatollah Khameni about fighting ISIS last November. Oh, and it was a secret letter (via WSJ):

President Barack Obama secretly wrote to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah AliKhamenei in the middle of last month and described a shared interest in fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, according to people briefed on the correspondence.The letter appeared aimed both at buttressing the campaign against Islamic State and nudging Iran’s religious leader closer to a nuclear deal.

Mr. Obama stressed to Mr. Khamenei that any cooperation on Islamic State was largely contingent on Iran reaching a comprehensive agreement with global powers on the future of Tehran’s nuclear program by a Nov. 24 diplomatic deadline, the same people say.

Moreover, Tim Mak over at the Daily Beast wrote that the Obama administration may have fallen into a Republican trap over the letter; they had to admit any deal with Iran would be non-binding:

The Obama administration was so outraged with the Republican attempt to undercut the president’s foreign policy negotiations that it sent the Vice President, the White House press secretary, and others to attack the letter rather seriously—instead of treating as the “cheeky” reminder of Congress’ role that GOP senators intended.In the process of engaging, the Obama administration highlighted that any deal with Iran would be, like many other past international security initiatives, a “non-binding” agreement. And by taking this bait, the administration undercut its own credibility in making longer-term assurances about American sanctions relief.

“A non-binding agreement with Iran is easier to make (because the President can clearly do it on his own) and easier to break (because there is no domestic or international legal obstacle to breaking it),wrote Jack Goldsmith, a former Assistant Attorney General who now teaches law at Harvard, at Lawfare on Wednesday.…

Some Republicans thought twice about whether the open Iran letter was a needless agitation that hurts bipartisan Congressional efforts to prevent a bad nuclear deal.

But several days after its release, the effect of the open letter has been to clarify how precarious a deal with Iran could be after January 2017.

This raises questions about the durability of a deal that President Obama has said could have Iran agreeing to roll back its nuclear capabilities “for 10 years or longer.”

Whatever you may feel about the letter, it certainly wasn’t a communiqué telling Iran to distrust president. Now, was it violation of the Logan Act?  First, it’s an old law; it was enacted in 1799. It’s constitutionally questionable, and the text suggests that what Sen. Cotton did wasn’t a violation.  But, besides all that, the DOJ isn’t going to prosecute 47 members of the Senate, which makes this whole debate over this very arcane law nonsensical. In fact, the last time the Logan Act was used in a serious legal manner was in 1803.

AND to prop up the chicanery of the above charges against 47 Senators, Senator Cotton demonstrates at Breitbart: Obama should worry about Iran, not letters!
BUT before we segue to yesteryear’s deceit and meat – via another “emissary” – let’s recap a bit re HUSSEIN Obama’s ploy(s), chiefly via his Iranian-born second skin, “madame” Valerie Jarrett.

VAL’s footprints are all over this blog. Iranian Footprints Galore.

BASICALLY, throughout the so-called “negotiations” with Iran’s Hitlerite regime, America’s own hatchet woman has been shuttling back and forth between Washington and other world capitals, ensuring that Iran joins the “nuclear club.”

AS this American-Israeli noted in Nov. 2013…it is seemingly impossible to quantify the amount of treachery committed by Iranian born Valerie Jarrett to western civilization, try as one may. In tandem with her boss, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, they are the most DANGEROUS duo in the western world. That’s not an easy hurdle to pass.

MOST significantly, Iran armed with nuclear missiles is a threat to western civilization. HUSSEIN Obama recognizes as much.

BUT if not for a highly trusted contact in mid 2012 – at the inception of this site – the reportage on Val would have been minimal, if at all. A heads up from an “in the know” Washington, D.C. associate kept dropping hints….again and again. It is important to give credit where it is due. No one is an island.

THAT being said, a starting point was documented, one which specifically included Valerie Jarrett’s crimes against America and Israel, as well as the west as a whole. Her trail is all over this site. Seek, and you shall find.

MOREOVER, aside from her promises to Iran’s (Shia) genocidal mullahs that its WMD program will remain a fait accompli, it was not at all contradictory that Barack HUSSEIN Obama sided with Sunni Qatar and Turkey’s mischief against Israel, in its latest defensive war (summer of 2014) against Hamas – an offshoot of Egypt’s Brotherhood. Trenchantly, they aid their Sunni and Shia compadres, but “it just depends where her/their hatchet is needed” at any given time. Equal opportunity ISLAMISTS.

REST assured, she (her boss and surrogates) is as jacked up with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sunni terror groups – proven by their orchestrations via Benghazigate – as she is with her Shia treachery. Whatever it takes. As long as America and Israel go down, all options are on the table.

AS promised, HUSSEIN Obama has been scheming to arm, to marry, the world’s largest sponsor of state terror with the most lethal weapons known to man.
The U.S. government has consistently stated that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism, providing a wide array of weaponry, funds, intelligence, safe harbor and logistical support to Shiite and Sunni terrorists. In some cases, Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards Force directly perpetrates acts of terrorism. 1 Congress has considered legislation requiring the State Department to label the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.2 The IRGC is currently on the Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals involved in terrorism. It was added in 2007….
Iran has been on the State Department’s list of State Sponsors of Terrorism since 1984. Its 2013 Country Reports on Terrorism states that Iran is supporting Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, the Syrian regime (also labeled a State Sponsor of Terrorism), Houthi rebels in Yemen, Shiite militants in Bahrain and Shiite militias in Iraq.5 The State Department confirmed that Iran continues to work with Al-Qaeda elements, despite their expressed hostility towards one another. It stated: “Iran remained unwilling to bring to justice senior Al-Qaeda (AQ) members it continued to detain, and refused to publicly identify those senior members in its custody. Iran allowed AQ facilitators Muhsin al-Fadhli and Adel Radi Saq al-Wahabi al-Harbi to operate a core facilitation pipeline through Iran, enabling AQ to move funds and fighters to South Asia and also to Syria….
MIND you, indications of HUSSEIN Obama’s collusion with Iran circled for years, even going back to his days as a Senator in Congress.
HOWEVER, as always, leave it to foot-in-the-mouth Biden to (inadvertently) stir up “ghosts of the past.”

The facts of this story have existed in discussion since last year, yet failed to capture traction until the recent protestations of VP Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry.

kerry in cairo

From a radio interview in October of 2014 Mark Levin discusses with Michael Leeden the details of a secret message sent by candidate Senator Barack Obama to Iran in 2008 via a former Ambassador, William G Miller.

In essence the content of the communique was Senator Obama telling the Iranian government not to negotiate with the outgoing George Bush administration because Obama was more friendly toward the position of Iran and he would work to structure a more favorable outcome to the Iranian people.

Here’s audio of the 2014 conversation between Levin and Leeden:

It is a remarkable revelation given the level of apoplectic response recently from the White House and State Dept. to a rather innocuousopen letter from 47 Senators.President Obama, Joe Biden and John Kerry shouting about how wrong it is for the Senate to publish their opinion, yet it is now clear that Senator Obama not only communicated with the Iranian government in secret, but he did so specifically to undermine President George W. Bush during prior Iranian negotiations.

As Breitbart explains: […] Biden, like his boss, fails to do his homework before making outlandish statements or else chooses conveniently to overlook the facts.

Livid over the GOP letter, Biden proclaimed: “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance in which Senators wrote directly to advise another country.”

Directing his venom at the Senate’s Republican majority, Biden claimed the GOP letter was “expressly designed to undercut a sitting President in the midst of sensitive international negotiations…(an act) beneath the dignity of an institution I revere.”

Biden need not go back that far to find a senator who sent advice to a foreign power when similar “sensitive” negotiations were ongoing. Seven years back is far enough.

According to Pajamas Media columnist Michael Ledeen, in 2008, a Democratic senator sent a personal emissary to Tehran encouraging the mullahs not to sign an agreement with the outgoing Bush Administration as negotiations would take on a much friendlier tone following President Bush’s departure from office.

That senator was a presidential candidate at the time. His name was Barack Obama. (read more)

Here is one of the original articles written by Michael Leeden on the subject. – CLICK HERE –


Upon consideration of this latest revelation – things like this (2014), and like this (2013) make more sense.

DON’T they ever!

BESIDES, this investigative journalist asserted from the get go: there is an absolute lock-step, in the bag, collusion between the Islamist-in-Chief and assorted Shia (and Sunni) agents. Yup.

NOW, not one to beat a dead horse, isn’t it a coinquidink that Obama and gang are currently reversing course – expunging Iran and its terror proxy Hezbollah from the terror threat list – at the lead up to the so-called negotiations deadline?


(Lebanese Hezbollah, Iran’s surrogate proxy arm, gesture as they march during a religious procession to mark Ashura in Beirut’s suburbs November 14, 2013)

Controversial: Hitler gives the Nazi salute in 1934. A court in Switzerland has ruled that the gesture is not illegal if intended as a personal statement

SO let’s put on our thinking caps: could this be a multi-pronged approach, one being a “softening up” process, a trial balloon of sorts, waving in the direction of the U.S. public to see if it flies? and is this also one of the (many) quid pro quos designed by Iran’s mullahs to ensure that their growing hegemony is no longer officially linked/tainted – for a multiplicity of reasons – to worldwide terror?

NOT only that, but as evidenced repeatedly, Iran’s proxy pawn (for decades) is deeply embedded in Latin America’s tri-border region. Its sleeper cells. This is a fact.

YET HUSSEIN Obama ignores all of the above evidence  – even as Iran EXPANDS its Hezbollah linked tentacles deeper into Bolivia, Argentina and Venezuela… straight into the heart of America’s hemisphere – and empowers the mullahs to the nth degree.

TO what end? Asked and answered

 {re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged Islam Exposed}

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CIA’S ISLAMIST Director, John Brennan, Expunges Islam From ISIS. “War On Terror” DOA…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN any old jerk-off expounds on matters beyond the individual’s “pay grade”, common sense should prevail that it isn’t necessary to give them the time of day, let alone take them seriously. But when the Director of the CIA – for heavens sake – bastardizes the truth on its most essential basis, well, the entire west is significantly imperiled. Compromised.

NOT only that, in no uncertain terms, the gravest threat against western civilization is political Islam. As a starting point, dealing with this MAJOR threat level mandates NAMING the enemy. This is non-negotiable. You think? If this point is not designated a top priority, America may as well roll over and submit. In fact, one needn’t be a master at warfare to understand as much – Sun Tzu-like. 

ON the other hand, since the head of the nation’s spy agency is himself a qualified ISLAMIST and his boss is the Islamist-in-Chief, there is every expectation that the truth will NEVER be revealed.

IN the main, HUSSEIN Obama is Islam’s best friend. All the evidence leads to this conclusion.



TO wit, it goes without saying that his surrogates are of like mind. Enter, John Brennan.

THE CIA Director is incapable of stating the truth about ISIS and here is why:



ISIS is precisely following Muhammad’s war-like jihadi dictates and Brennan knows it too. HUSSEIN Obama alike.


NOW that that is out in the open, the question becomes: what’s Brennan up to, and where do America’s open sesame borders factor in? In a nutshell, a former CIA agent, Josh Plumlee, spills the beans. 

Tosh Plumlee, former CIA Agent, reveals startling information about our nation, and our government!  This is jaw-dropping information that we are definitely not supposed to know about!  He discusses covert operations, including what’s really going on at the ‘border’ and why we are being distracted! He also reveals information about drug cartels and government involvement, (coming martial law), and the fact that Muslim terrorists are walking straight into our country, and a lot of them!


BUT as required, a due diligence “background check” was conducted on the CIA Chief at this site, and with several “helping hands.” Its findings boiled down to: John Brennan is a Muslim convert! Go figure…


AND in light of the above, Brennan’s fingerprints were deeply embedded in Benghazigate and investigative findings queried: was the Benghazi video linked to the CIA? Affirmative.


IF your heart can withstand the betrayals, it gets worse: the head spook pushed forward with the release of TOP Taliban terrorists!


MORE specifically, why did HUSSEIN Obama and his CIA chief gift a “torture” report to the ISLAMIST ummah? Rhetorical.

SO in coming full circle, one can now gauge the “reasoning” behind why the head spook insists: ISIS aren’t Muslims, they are “psychopathic” thugs! 







“They are terrorists, they’re criminals,” Brennan asserted during the audience Q&A portion of an interview at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Most–many–of them are psychopathic thugs, murderers who use a religious concept and masquerade and mask themselves in that religious construct.”

“Let’s make it very clear that the people who carry out acts of terrorism – whether it be al-Qaeda or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – are doing it because they believe it is consistent with what their view of Islam is,” the intelligence agency director continued. “It is totally inconsistent with what the overwhelming majority of Muslims throughout the world.”

Brennan, who gave a speech earlier at the event on the structural changes facing the CIA, also slammed a popular conservative talking point about the White House’s reluctance to describe ISIS as Islamists.

“Quite frankly, I’m amused about the debate that goes on about, you know, unless you call it by what it is, you don’t know what you’re fighting,” Brennan said. “I think we have to be very careful also in the characterization because the words that we use can have resonance.”

President Obama has spoken extensively about the administration’s decision to deny ISIS a religious name.

The notion that the West is at war with Islam is an ugly lie,” the president said last month at a White House summit on countering terrorism. “And all of us, regardless of our faith, have a responsibility to reject it.”

Like the president, Brennan cautioned against the unilateral lumping of terrorists with a religion that has over a billion followers worldwide.

OKEY dokey….

BUT never mind all the bloody evidence and footprints…they (and all the inter-connecting ISLAMIST hydras, many of whom have pledged allegiance to ISIS, most notably Al Qaeda/Al-Nusra et al. and Boko Haram) are just “thugs”!

ISIS has declared its intention to “blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower,” its official spokesman said in a new audio message.

An ISIS spokesman said Thursday that the organization had accepted a pledge of allegiance from the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram, Canada’s National Post newspaper reported.

ISIS has declared its intention to “blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower,” its official spokesman said in a new audio message.

An ISIS spokesman said Thursday that the organization had accepted a pledge of allegiance from the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram, Canada’s National Post newspaper reported.

In a 28-minute Arabic-language audio, translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani declared that Boko Haram’s move was “a new door opened by Allah” and said jihadists should go to West Africa.

Adnani said ISIS wanted control of numerous cities across the globe, including Jerusalem, Kabul, Rome, and Paris.

The ISIS spokesman warned Jews and Christians that they could either “convert to Islam or pay the ultimate price when your armies are expelled from Muhammad’s peninsula, from Jerusalem, and all Muslim lands,” Ynet News reported.

He said that if Jews and Christians continued on their current path, they would soon regret having done so and be incapable of preventing the surge to the caliphate. “The Jews and the Crusaders are scared and weak,” said Adnani.

“We — with Allah’s help — want Paris, before Rome and Islamic Iberia and after we blow up the White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower before Paris, and Rome,” he warned. “The Muslims will return to power, to be the vanguard and lead in every place.”

NOTHING ISLAMIST about them at all…moving right along….

AS long as Americans understand that they are being led by those who are in deep sympathy with the enemy, the rest of the seemingly inexplicable components fall into place.

SIGNIFICANTLY, patriots may inquire: what can we do to protect our families and the national interest, in light of the above treachery? In reality, the answers are really quite obvious: assume that whenever Obama Inc.’s lips are moving they are lying. Whatever “advice” they give, ignore it. Whatever your gut tells you to do, do it.

 IN a nutshell: trust them like you would lethal enemies – that little!

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki (

( Originally published at )       


Today is a day of decision in Israel. The citizens of the Jewish state will either re-elect Prime Minister Netanyahu, who despite his faults, refuses to bow to Obama’s demands and will not give the Palestinians half of Jerusalem or they will replace him with Issac Herzog, a Leftist politician who is willing to divide Jerusalem and surrender more of Israel’s precious land. Herzog’s vision of peace with the Palestinians will confine Israel to indefensible borders and turn Jerusalem into a battlefield.

To discuss the Zionist perspective on the future of the Jewish state, the Inquisitr welcomes back Adina Kutnicki for another no-holds-barred interview, Adina is an investigative journalist, Political Commentator and security expert who has never hesitated to speak out on behalf Israel and the Jewish people. She is committed to maintaining the Jewish character of the world’s only homeland for the Jewish people with an undivided Capital in Jerusalem.



Young Arab throwing rocks at Israelis. Far from harmless, quite a few Israelis have been killed by rock throwers.

Young Arab throwing rocks at Israelis. Far from harmless, quite a few Israelis have been killed by rock throwers.

Israel is now surrounded by well-armed bitter enemies, none of whom are calling for a Palestinian state to exist side-by-side in peace with the Jewish state of Israel. Instead, they have all called for the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic Palestinian state from the river to the sea. These enemies include Hamas in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon in the North and the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria.

In the north, Syrian troops, Hezbollah and ISIS have set up positions in the Golan Heights near the Israeli border. Lebanon, ruled by Hezbollah, has literally thousands of Iranian-supplied rockets aimed at Israel’s civilian population centers, which they will launch any time Iran gives them a green light. Hamas in Gaza is bragging that they are rearming and digging new tunnels, and they have openly declared they intend to wage a war of extermination against every Jew on earth. The Palestinian Authority says whatever they have to in English to keep the foreign aid flowing, but in Arabic, they too talk about eliminating Israel, and there are several heavily armed terror group in Judea and Samaria that are all affiliated with the Palestinian Authority.

Making matters even more complicated, the leaders of the BDS movement have said they will not stop calling for sanctions on Israel when Palestine becomes a nation. They are demanding the full right of return for all 5.5 million so-called Palestinian refugees as a condition of ending the demand for sanctions on Israel. This flood of Arab Muslims would be a death blow to the existence of a Jewish state.

At the moment, Egypt and Jordan are dealing with their own terror groups who are making life very difficult for al Sisi in Egypt and King Abdullah in Jordan. However, should the rest of Israel’s neighbors and their assorted state-approved terror groups launch a coordinated attack on Israel, there is a strong possibility Egypt and Jordan would attack Israel as well.

This Israeli bus was completely incinerated by a suicide bomber.Buses are a favorite target of Palestinian terrorists.

This Israeli bus was completely incinerated by a suicide bomber.Buses are a favorite target of Palestinian terrorists.

WOLFF BACHNER: Adina, considering the dangers facing Israel, plus the threat of ISIS in Iraq, Libya and Syria, how can any sane world leader expect Israel to surrender more land, divide Jerusalem, and create a 23rd Arab state at this time?

ADINA KUTNICKI: Wolff, thank you for inviting me back to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing Israel, since its modern rebirth in 1948.

In point of fact, her enemies (near and far) continuously “forget” that Israel has been the nation state of the Jewish people for upwards of 4,000 years, and this convenient amnesia is not for nothing. Instead, they mendaciously claim that the state of Israel is recompense for the six million souls slaughtered during the Holocaust! Have mercy.

Now, a preponderance of Israel’s detractors will grudgingly concur that Jews are, for the most part, an intelligent people, albeit, some more so than others. Therefore, logic dictates that an intellectually endowed group would hardly settle for a sliver of land, one which is barely the size of New Jersey, never mind its total lack of strategic depth. Alternatively, the flip side becomes: were they collectively dropped on their heads to agree to “settle” in, of all places, the fiery Mid East? By extrapolation, those who are up in arms (due to the “stubborn” claim of Jewish ownership/title to Israel) shouldn’t they be curious, querying: to begin with, why are Jews insisting on living within this postage stamp sized land mass? Not only that, but since Israel (up until its recent gas find) is barren of natural resources (relying on its tremendous Jewish intellectual capital for its stunning success) — – again, why would Jews (myself included, living in Israel close to 7 years) want to reside in the midst of the barbaric Middle East?

Furthermore, have any of Israel’s vitriolic critics bothered to examine: where does the word Jew derive from? Well, the fact of the matter is Jews are called Jews due to the tribe of Judah. Consequentially, the region of Judea (originated from Judah) is the mountainous southern part of the historic land of Israel; the Jewish inheritance. Incontrovertibly, irrespective of all else, the heartland of the Jewish people is Judea and Samaria. This is the truth within every realm which is based upon a factual standard; historically, biblically or legally. Case closed.

Egregiously, this is the same territory which is purposefully bastardized as the “West Bank”, all in order to rip the heart out of the Jewish people’s historical, biblical and legal title to Israel. The same ahistorical claim is laid to Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital, Zion.

Yet, before we proceed with your highly charged questions, it must also be internalized that the same dark forces encircling Israel are targeting America. Indeed, the entire west is in the cross-hairs of Sunni and Shia Islamic jihadists, most especially the “Big Satan” and the “Little Satan”.

Resultant, within any rational discourse, the hegemonic ambitions of Arabs/Muslims should, on its face, obliterate all demands for Israel to forfeit even a centimeter of Jewish land. Besides, the bullet proof Jewish title to the entire land of Israel (intrinsically, Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem) is more than enough ammunition to shoot down the braying jackals. For the record, some readers may recall a tangential discussion in our first interview (Oct. 2013), The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot.


This ISIS commander, surrounded by his hand-picked fighters, was known for his brutality. He was killed in a US airstrike.

WOLFF BACHNER: Now that the world is witnessing first hand the homicidal explosion of violence and Jihad in the Middle East, and the massive increase in the threats to annihilate the Jewish state, shouldn’t responsible world leaders call for a halt in the peace process until ISIS is defeated, Hamas is disarmed, Iran stops arming Israel enemies to the teeth, and the thousands of advanced Iranian missiles aimed at Israel’s cities are destroyed?

ADINA KUTNICKI: Assuredly, this has not stopped so-called sane world leaders from obsessively clamoring for Israel to relinquish its historical heartland, all for the sake of the “peace process”. Mind you, the only “peace” which has evolved since the “process” began has been thousands of pieces of (mostly Jewish) body parts blown to smithereens, and countless others maimed for life. And never mind those who are severely traumatized, plagued with PTSD and associated distress disorders, due to their obdurate quest for “peace.”

Atop said proven disastrous outcomes, and in light of the nation’s encirclement by Hamas in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon in the North and the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria, and with Syrian troops, Hezbollah and ISIS positioning in the Golan Heights near the Israeli border, it is mind boggling to conceive that any non-malignant world leader (including some of Israel’s too) would push her to give up even a centimeter from the tiny ancestral homeland. As always, the salient question becomes: why?

Basically, western leaders are playing a numbers game, and the Arabs/Muslims win hands down. Placating them, despite their barbarism, manifests in two directions. Firstly, there are more financial deals to be made with a billion plus people, as opposed to a paltry few million. This is despite the fact that western collusion with the Arab/Muslim world has a direct hand in what they excel at best; the import/export of jihad through money laundering via narco-terror and various criminal enterprises. The main umbrella under which they operate is the Muslim Brotherhood; a Mafia-like syndicate of jihadi enterprises, which, at times, traverses with Hezbollah’s narco-terror networks F/B/O Iran.

The above is accomplished through a maze-like hydra of financial institutions throughout the west, as the dirty money wends its way into all corners of the world, wherever funds for jihad are required. Yes, “it be” true, there are many western leaders (political and others) who are accomplices, and HSBC is one such “slush” house.

Secondly, it is not inconsequential that the side most willing to use barbaric methods is the one which demands (and receives) appeasement. In other words, even though experience has proven that feeding the poisonous snakes will not keep the dangers at bay, still, the course of least resistance has its appeal to a mostly opportunistic, craven, highly intimidated western leadership. Couple the above with some who are rooting for Islam’s triumph, consequently, the waters become red and overflowing with innocent blood.

Still, in a highly Orwellian manner, Israel is accused of being the “bully” in the Mid East neighborhood, by dint of the fact that it has the strongest military force. Even so, if this scurrilous appendage was remotely correct, the discussion herein would be moot. DOA. How so?

Assuredly, Israel has the military capability to crush its menacing neighbors, and from several diverging force multipliers. On the other hand, time and again, Israel’s political leaders (unduly influenced by the nation’s leftist-driven media and non-elected, but very powerful, self-appointed elitists, be they from the academic, legal or cultural realm) have shied away from victory. Why?

The answers are varied and complex, but a few intrinsic factors are noteworthy. As detailed within our last interview (Sept. 2014), ISIS, Islam and Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free world, PM Netanyahu is tethered (for a multiplicity of reasons) to Washington’s harness, even though he is at odds with the Obama administration regarding Iran. You don’t say…

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warns the United Nations General Assembly that Iran is close to build an atomic bomb.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warns the United Nations General Assembly that Iran is close to build an atomic bomb.

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s “kosher” stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be “more Catholic than the Pope”, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his “reasoning” doesn’t count for a damn) to the “rights” of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable.

Most significantly, the “peace process” was irrefutably designed to weaken Israel on numerous fronts, rendering her a walking corpse. This is hardly a secret.

” As early as August 1968, Arafat defined the PLO’s strategic objective as “the transfer of all resistance bases” into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war, “so that the resistance may be gradually transformed into a popular armed revolution.” This, he reasoned, would allow the PLO to undermine Israel’s way of life by “preventing immigration and encouraging emigration … destroying tourism … weakening the Israeli economy and diverting the greater part of it to security requirements … [and] creating and maintaining an atmosphere of strain and anxiety that will force the Zionists to realize that it is impossible for them to live in Israel.”

The Oslo accords enabled the PLO to achieve in one fell swoop what it had failed to attain through many years of violence and terrorism. Here was Israel, just over a decade after destroying the PLO’s military infrastructure in Lebanon, asking the Palestinian organization, at one of the lowest ebbs in its history, to establish a real political and military presence—not in a neighboring Arab country but right on its doorstep. Israel even was prepared to arm thousands of (hopefully reformed) terrorists who would be incorporated into newly established police and security forces charged with asserting the PLO’s authority throughout the territories”…..

Unarguably, PM Netanyahu is the best orator on the world stage. He proved it on several occasions, most recently, at his speech to Congress on March 3, 2015. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he is a highly gifted and polished communicator. But his commanding presence is both a byproduct of having been a special forces commando in Israel’s elite Sayeret Matkal Unit (General Reconnaissance Staff), coupled with the natural confidence gleaned from being a top graduate of MIT, one of the most acclaimed universities in the world. Not too shabby, brawn and brains alike.

To wit, it is not unreasonable to posit (and to expect) that a man of his inestimable gifts should utilize them (unlike at the aforementioned Bar Ilan speech) to highlight ALL the reasons why a PA (terror) state is a non-starter, regardless of any cockamamie caveats of “demilitarization”, in and of itself an illegal demand! For heaven’s sake…

Conclusively, to round out the first part of my interview, let me leave the readers with the following concrete shout out: as to the charge sheet that PM Netanyahu is essentially spineless, I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong, as would millions of others. Intrinsically, he can redeem himself without any oratory flourishes, and this can be accomplished by veering into immediate “action-mode.”

  • In the starkest of terms, one of my close counter terror contacts, Tom Trento, demonstrated said efficacy via: “Bomb Iran” – The Musical. Don’t be fooled by the title, the players within are beyond reproach. Deadly serious. They are TOPS in their respective fields – intelligence and military.

MEMO to PM Netanyahu: way past time to stop talking and to give the order – bombs away! Don’t fall short by caving. Muster your courage. Otherwise, (Jewish) history will be very unforgiving.


While children recoil in horror, men murder shouting Allah’s name and women cower in Burqas.

As we reflect on the trials and tribulations of the last six years since a little-known US Senator from Illinois was proclaimed the Second Coming at his presidential inauguration, we see a world in chaos under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama. When we examine the global repercussions of Obama’s time in office, a frightening pattern emerges. Every corner of the planet has experienced a never-ending cycle of violent Jihad and Islamic terrorism as America’s President embraces the Muslim Brotherhood, apologizes for America’s past behavior, and throws one ally after the other under the proverbial bus.

No longer able to blame Bush, Obama’s presidency is marred by the obliteration of one Arab nation after the other at the hands of ISIS and an ever-increasing roster of like-minded Islamic terror organizations. Millions have fled their homes to struggle for survival in refugee camps or starve to death on lonely mountain tops. Parents have literally flung their own children to their doom from the heights rather than allow them to fall into the hands of the demented child molesters of ISIS, who sell girls as young as six as sex-slaves.

Happy to fill the void created by Mr. Obama’s unconscionable decision to completely withdraw the American military from Iraq and his misguided campaign of destruction in Libya, the Twelvers of Iran now control Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Gaza. The Ayatollahs who rule Iran with an iron fist are quite content to be the world’s leading financiers of Islamic terrorism as they make speeches calling for the total destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jewish people.

Now a lame duck president, Obama is showing his true colors to Israel. While he once proclaimed, “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided,” he has made a mockery of his words. No longer worried about alienating voters who support Israel, he demands the Jewish state divides Jerusalem, returns to the indefensible borders of 1948, and creates a 23rd Arab Islamic nation in Judea and Samaria. While constantly browbeating Israel for even building Jewish homes in Jerusalem, Obama has not said a single word about Abbas announcing to the world that the nation of Palestine will be 100 percent Jew-Free.

Israel faces the threat of total annihilation if Iran acquires deliverable atomic bombs and the slow death of the Jewish state if Palestine becomes a nation under the Obama peace initiative. As Israel struggles for its very survival in a world that deliberately forgets the United Nations reestablished Israel in 1948 specifically to be the national homeland of the Jewish people, a relentless Obama demands that Israeli leaders shut up, do what he tells them and trust him alone with Israel’s very existence.


WOLFF BACHNER: How can the elected leaders of America’s closest allies, many of whom have been victims of Obama’s temper tantrums, insulting lectures and juvenile bullying, remain silent while Obama continues to ignore the Islamist war on the entire non-Muslim world?

ADINA KUTNICKI: Wolff, oh my. In no uncertain terms, your questions are akin to rapid fire exchanges of ammunition. Regardless, I will dive into them sans any armor, sugar coating or PC balderdash. Pointedly, it is through conducting said interviews, depressing as they are, that I hope to offer Inquisitr’s readers additional insight into some of the most pressing issues of our time. Nevertheless, I apologize in advance for being the (constant) bearer of bad news, and for any ensuing headache and heartburn.

From the onset, discussions relative to Obama, his nexus to Islamic terror and Israel piggyback each other. As a result, some of my analysis will, by extrapolation, intersect between segmented questions. Subsequent answers are, de facto, inter-linking parts of the same (geo-political) jigsaw puzzle.

That being said, in the main, western leaders are collectively “tired of fighting…tired of winning.” This self defeating (Orwellian) phrase was coined by none other than the most appeasing leader within Israel, ex President Peres. Tragically, there exists a laundry list of candidates who possess the requisite traits for such a distinctive appellation. However, Peres is in a class by himself, and the “honor” belongs to him. Readers may innocently inquire: why is he being singled out?

Acutely, Peres’s lengthy political life (refusing to retire gracefully from the political stage, despite all the wreckage and mangled body parts his “peace at all costs” train caused) is infused with the same sickness plaguing a preponderance of western leaders – an unholy addiction to appeasement. Therefore, he serves as their “poster boy”, the elder “statesman”. More specifically, he is treated like a rock star within Euro capitals and Washington’s leftist elite, hence, he must be unmasked. Birds of a feather.

Simply put, he ingrained within Israeli society the damnable “conceptzia” of appeasement, as a preferred way forward. KADIMA… קדימה. His ilk replaced unapologetic hard-core Zionism – a righteous and valued Jewish doctrine – and substituted surrender as a “strategic” and national imperative. Did you ever??

Resultant, since then, Zionists have paid (with no end in sight) in blood, sweat and tears for the fantasies of successive leaders. Now, does this sound like a gaggle of leaders (similar to their Euro counterparts) who are (mentally or morally) capable of raising their voices against ” Obama’s temper tantrums, insulting lectures and juvenile bullying while Obama continues to ignore the Islamist war on the entire non-Muslim world?”

Consequentially, the aforementioned damage is the deadly coinage paid for Peres’s (and others) “peace” illusions and delusions. Effectively, once “peaceniks” (aka leftists) become invested in their besieged mindsets, frankly, it is easier to separate pigs from their crap, instead of attempting to convince them to volte-face.

Along this dangerous trajectory, increasingly, as Islamic forces smell weakness, the west’s encirclement by Islamic jihad grows by leaps and bounds and in direct proportion. In the meanwhile, western leaders (Israel’s in the forefront) are gripped with a form of collective Stockholm Syndrome. Essentially, they are held captive by the biggest lie propagated (miss-educating) within Middle Eastern Studies Departments; the historical falsity of Orientalism.

Audaciously, through mendacious falsehoods, the late Edward Said was able to guilt (and game) western leaders (elected and non-elected) into paying penance for all the ills endemic within the Arab/Muslim world.

In other words, traditional U.S. allies, by and large, are liberal in outlook. We get that. However, liberalism, when coupled with Orientalism, becomes a recipe for western defeat. It is within this warped (mental and so-called historical) prism that barbarians morph into victims and victims become aggressors… Alice-in-Wonderland….through the looking glass too. Additionally, once you add into the tempest certain pressure points (exerted by unelected power players within the radical left), the notion of fighting for western values becomes a Herculean task. DOA.

Inherently, in order to struggle for ones national ethos, one has to believe that its concepts and underpinnings are worth fighting (possibly dying) for. Ominously, because traditional allied leaders place little (to zero) value in preserving western civilization, Obama can behave akin to both a blatant bully and a petulant child, secure in the knowledge that there will be no meaningful push back. PC (im)moral relativism/equivalence has catapulted the west to the brink. Yes, it has.

Killing Jews for Arafat's dream of destroying Israel and creating an Islamic Palestine from the River to the sea.

While Obama pressures Israel to divide Jerusalem and sign a suicidal peace treaty, Hamas dreams of finishing what Hitler started.

WOLFF BACHNER: Why do millions of American voters continue to support a duplicitous, deceitful President who blames the depraved crimes against humanity being perpetrated by the Qur’an waving Islamist butchers of ISIS, Boko Haram and dozens of other Islamofascist terror groups on an imaginary lack of career opportunities and good jobs in the Islamic world?

ADINA KUTNICKI: Specifically, as to why a segment of American voters still support Obama (my “tribe” included), well, the same combination of historical and moral blindness permeates the electorate, as much as it does western leadership. Not only that, but it is decidedly more comfortable to believe that Islamic barbarism has nothing to do with Islam, rather than the reverse. Additionally, we can’t afford to discount basic ignorance, so let’s be honest: not all folks can separate fact from fiction. Thereby, they believe Obama and gang’s fairytale stories: yes, Islam is a “religion of peace.” Dumb as oxen.

Yet, an added caveat to their willingness to “see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil” (regardless of the unyielding butchering) simply dovetails into the “gimme gimme…everything for free” crowd. Ask yourselves: how could it be that countless Americans value free cell phones (and attendant services) above national concerns?

In gut-wrenching seriousness, you cannot make this stuff up. Crazy.

Alas, those of us who value hard work (while maintaining a healthy dose of patriotism, perhaps, coupled with Zionism), in a nutshell, are considered whack jobs.

Obama and Netanyahu acting civil for the cameras.

Obama and Netanyahu acting civil for the cameras.

WOLFF BACHNER: In your opinion, is Obama trying to force Israel to surrender to a peace plan that would endanger the very survival of the Jewish state? Does he view Israel as a sovereign democratic nation and a valuable ally of the United States or as a racist, rogue state in need of correction and outside intervention?

ADINA KUTNICKI: Segueing back to Obama’s malignant mistreatment of Israel, its dimensions are all over the map, so to speak. In both word and deed, he blames Israel for every calamity befalling the Arab/Muslim world. Again, his worldview harks back to Orientalism and its “intellectual” twin poison, colonialism.

Notably, he was raised in a family where colonialism shaped his outlook. It also doesn’t help that he harbors unremitting anti-semitic feelings emblematic to leftists and Islamists. A double whammy. Under this converging vortex a perfect storm is always brewing, eliciting the real question: how could he not despise Israel, being that those closest to him uphold similar leanings? The axiom, “tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are” is an authentic truism.

Revealingly, the following video attests to the efficacy of the aforementioned worldview. Lo and behold, Edward Said (the godfather of Orientalism) is its author. Even more so, Said (up until his death) and Obama were VERY close friends, and this is a fact.

Due to all of the above (and so much more), let there be no doubt: Obama views Israel as a “rogue” nation-state, a historical “mistake” which must be rectified. It follows that any envisioned “peace” plan (which would be acceptable to him) would, in actuality, result in Israel becoming a miniaturized rump, incapable of fending off her enemies. In essence, dying a slow death is his preferred option, but he is no longer counting on one avenue to eliminate Israel as an “irritant.”

Iran's pursuit of the atomic bomb has brought the world to the brink of a nuclear nightmare

Iran’s pursuit of the atomic bomb has brought the world to the brink of a nuclear nightmare

WOLFF BACHNER: Do you believe that Obama is determined to sign a treaty with Iran just to enhance his reputation and establish his legacy? Or do you believe Obama has far more nefarious and destructive intentions that will do unimaginable harm to Israel and the entire world? Is he willing to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons to punish Israel for refusing to submit to his demands and to payback Netanyahu for putting Israel’s survival ahead of Obama’s policies?


In answer to your all important question relative to Iran, I firmly believe that Obama views Iran as a double-edged weapon. On the one hand, Obama wants to go down in history as the only world leader capable of bringing Iran’s mullahs to the negotiating table, such that it is. But the overriding factor involves much more than his legacy, falsified, as we know it will (eventually) be.

Paradoxically, American patriots and Israeli Zionists are not the only ones who see through Obama’s willful deceit, his smoke and mirrors show.Glaringly, the Gulf states are more than leery and hold Obama wholly responsible for the regional (and global) chaos. Yes, what a startling turn of (geo-political) events.

Writing in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah, columnist Dr. Ahmad Al-Faraj, while supporting Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, not only called Obama “one of the worst U.S. presidents;” he also exposed the nature of so-called “democratic revolutions” in the region. Stated al-Faraj:

“Since Obama is the godfather of the prefabricated revolutions in the Arab world, and since he is the ally of political Islam, [which is] the caring mother of [all] the terrorist organizations, and since he is working to sign an agreement with Iran that will come at the expense of the U.S.’s longtime allies in the Gulf, I am very glad of Netanyahu’s firm stance and [his decision] to speak against the nuclear agreement at the American Congress despite the Obama administration’s anger and fury.”

Even so, as some of Inquisitr’s readers are already aware, I operate a geo-political blog, among other related endeavors. Its overriding essence revolves around American and Israeli concerns. This is no accident.

So as an American-Israeli (possessing a strong grounding in geo-politics, the Middle East and with a specialty in the Muslim Brotherhood), Islam, with all its facets, has become a steady “companion”, almost like a second skin.

Most advisedly, always keep the following uppermost in mind: there is no distinction between Sunni and Shia Islamic designs towards America, Israel and the west in general. Their main point of friction revolves around an internal struggle for hegemony, as to who lands on top for ultimate control of the ummah, the collective community of Islamic peoples. Supra-national.

Thus, it makes no sense to rework the wheel, being that a full-on analysis (re Obama’s intentions respective to Iran) has been recently explored at my blog site.

Consequentially – and as a parting “gift” and adjunct to this interview – let me present, ” HUSSEIN Obama’s Subterfuge Via Iran’s Centrifuges: “Israel’s Voice” Takes Charge In Washington, D.C. March 3, 2015. Raise Your Voices Too!”-

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Truer words never spoken.

Biography Of Adina Kutnicki:

Adina Kutnicki is an investigative journalist, political commentator, and an independent op-ed contributor to various Zionist and Conservative media outlets. She contributed to an in-depth series at FrontPage Magazine (from 2003-2007) with Lee Kaplan – still working together – a well known investigative journalist. The series explored the question: “Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Laws?” Her op-eds have been featured at American Thinker, Israel National News, The Jewish Press, MidEast Outpost, The Freeman Center For Strategic Studies and other publications. Adina blogs at

Born and raised in New York City, Ms. Kutnicki made aliyah to Israel in the summer of 2008. Being fluent in Hebrew allows her to gauge the mood (aka matzav) of the country, thus, enabling her to report on core Zionist issues with much more accuracy. Adina assists Dr. Martin Sherman and Professor Paul Eidelberg through their policy centers. Her “go to” expert on all matters pertaining to international law, and a country’s right to anticipatory self defense – via preemptive strikes – is Professor Louis Rene Beres of ‘Project Daniel’.

Adina Kutnicki is the devoted mother of two outstanding sons. Both are electrical engineers (MIT & Caltech educated) and proudly serve as IDF reservists.