Israel’s PM, A “Serial Accommodator”, Outfoxed By Iran’s Genocidal Regime: Iran Parked On Golan! How Did This Happen? What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of Netanyahu showing poster board of iranian bomb progress

{In 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned the United Nations General Assembly that Iran was close to building an atomic bomb. So, the question becomes: what happened between 2012 – 2016 that Netanyahu didn’t “go it alone”, knowing full well that HUSSEIN Obama was totally behind Iran’s nuclear quest??}

AS an American-Israeli – a steadfast US patriot and an Israeli Zionist – there is little more noxious than peeling back the dirt from America’s and Israel’s leaders. Trust, there is no pleasure derived. Phew. Regardless, personal discomfit pales in comparison to the dangers at hand.

IN this regard, few are unaware that Iran, over an eight-year stretch, was shepherded to WMD status via HUSSEIN Obama’s “helping hands.” Aiding and abetting. For the record, its basis was duly laid out within the following policy paper, one which has these fingerprints: “House of Bribes: How The United States Led The Way To A Nuclear Iran.” Read it and weep. 

SIMILARLY, many witnessed PM Netanyahu’s stellar speech (he is an incomparable orator) before Congress on March 3, 2015, when he issued a final warning – before the deal was sealed – about the Iranian menace, not only aimed toward the heart of Israel, but to the west at large. 

INCONTESTABLY, while Herculean covert actions against Iran have been undertaken and are likely ongoing – with or without assists from Washington – the fact remains that Netanyahu has been at the helm from March 2009 to date, yet, Iran’s mullahs are closer than ever to their genocidal goals! How can this be? Never mind that he served as PM from June 1996-July 1999. Effectively, he is more than schooled in the ins and outs re Iran’s revolutionary regime. As an aside, his mental prowess is not in question, after all, he is an MIT grad! 

IT is with said sobering background in mind that an interview was requested by the Editor-in-Chief of“Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?-An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.” It was not for nothing.

WHILE the backdrop to the “sit-down” involved analyzing Israel’s geo-political landscape – primarily, in relation to PM Netanyahu’s, seemingly, “tough guy” persona, in juxtaposition to his actual timidity during Israel’s 2014 summer-long hot war with Hamas – certain disturbing patterns came into focus.

IN fact, Hamas, the Brotherhood Mafia’s Palestinian terror arm, was allowed to blitz Israel’s cities with missiles/rockets – from one end of the country to the other – on a non-stop basis for the entire summer! Not only that, their top leaders – military and political – were burrowed underground and survived intact, even though Israel’s military possessed enough firepower to liquidate their leadership in toto! The questions become: Why did PM Netanyahu let them survive? Was it in acquiescence to HUSSEIN Obama’s dictates? You decide.

SO, in geo-political terms, the above “missteps” only serve to shore up today’s thesis – for they are the knock-on effects to Iran’s current encampment on Israel’s Golan border!

TO wit, if not for Netanyahu’s penchant for “serial accommodations” (in contrast to his aggressive deployment of Stuxnet, an unprecedented cyberweapon), Iran’s mad mullahs would not be parked on Israel’s doorstep – as will be proven below. Indeed, Iran’s Revolutionary Quds force, in tandem with Hizbullah (their Lebanese-based proxy arm), have surrounded Israel. Boxed-in.

ALAS, this strategic disaster is atop Iran being a stone’s throw from WMD status, all of which happened under Netanyahu’s watch! Not only that, Israel’s PM pledged, repeatedly, that this grave situation…aka matzav…מַצָּב…would NEVER be allowed to happen!

THE point being, he was more afraid to thwart HUSSEIN Obama’s dictates (throughout their overlapping two-terms at the helm), as opposed to stepping-up and dealing with the menace(s), head on, at Israel’s throat – HUSSEIN be damned.

MIND you, when push came to shove, another Israeli PM resorted to a bold operation (not only that, it was the first of its kind in the annals of warfare), one which Washington’s leaders clearly “disapproved” of, as did the rest of the west’s braying leadership. Intrinsically, said nation-saving strike necessitated statesmanship. Herein lies the difference. The danger.

MOREOVER, as is known, HUSSEIN Obama (with the world’s biggest arsenal at his disposal) did everything possible to break apart the Middle East. It necessitated destabilizing Libya, and with attendant ricochets into the region. No doubt, the end goal was to set Syria on fire. Yes, along with surrogates, this was HUSSEIN’s plan. In the main, it was for the benefit of the Sunni Brotherhood Mafia on the one hand, and Iran’s Shia mullahs on the other. Of course, all of which was designed to encircle Israel! The twists and turns.

THAT being said, one must recognize that the Islamist-in-Chief is known to swing both ways – and this is not in reference to his “down low” sexual appetites! How so? Well, he supports Qatar, a nation which houses the Sunni Brotherhood Mafia, and, at the same time – alongside the Al Thani ruling family – is in league with Iran’s (Shia) hegemonic ambitions! Understood?  

IN light of this twisted truth, PM Netanyahu, for the most part, hitched Israel onto HUSSEIN’s train, so to speak. How did this happen? 

THE following excerpt – from the above referenced interview at Inquisitr – illuminates the trail:

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm…..continue reading….

IN addition to the comparative between the late PM Begin and PM Netanyahu, “Operation Opera”, undertaken in June 1981, is illustrative of the core difference between the two leaders. In a word: statesmanship. Demonstrably.

EVEN so, let’s go a step further. Perhaps, “Bomb Iran” will clarify the “stylistic” differences between both PM’s, when faced with the biggest challenges of their respective tenures. Hint: one was action-oriented, while the other – not so much.

YES, whereas one is bombastic, albeit, an incomparable orator, he is (mentally) incapable of giving the order: finish off the enemy! The other, while hardly a skilled wordsmith, saved Israel from the Iraqi menace. Unreservedly, there is no comparison between the two leaders. And, as a knock-on effect, a bonus, US forces were saved from a nuclear-armed Iraq, when entering the Persian Gulf War during 1990-1991 – thank you very much! 

STILL yet, if additional analytical heft is required, so be it.

The arrival of USS George H.W. Bush on Saturday, July 1, for the first visit a US aircraft carrier has paid to Israel in nearly tow decades is a happy event for the Jewish state. The 5.700-strong crew of the biggest nuclear-powered vessel in the world will be given a joyous welcome when they celebrate America’s Independence Day on July 4.
But amid the comings and goings of helicopters ferrying official VIPs and high officers between the port of Haifa and the decks of the Bush, one question remains unanswered. Why was this mighty ship, with its more than 80 warplanes and cruise missiles, deployed to the eastern Mediterranean at this time? And which bad guy is it meant to deter?

Russia is certainly not in US sights, or even the air force and naval units it has posted to Syria. Washington and Moscow are notg seeminlgy poised for a direct confrontation over Syria and its ruler Bashar Assad.  Since no showdown occurred in the two years since the Russians stepped up their military intervention in September 2015, it won’t be staged days before President Donald Trump’s first face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 in Hamburg, Germany.

Assad can therefore rest quietly; he is out of danger for the foreseeable future. Even the new French President, Emmanuel Macron admitted on June 22: “France is no longer pushing for the departure of Syrian President Bashar Assad.”

Washington and Moscow will no doubt have their ups and downs over military moves in Syria while carving up their spheres of influence, but Putin appears to have got away with his strategy for stabilizing the Assad regime and its future, while setting up a chain of Russian air and naval bases on the western Syrian Mediterranean coast.
Propped up by Russian air might, the regime in Damascus is additionally secured by Iran and Hizballah.

However, unlike the Russians, their presence in Syria directly imperils Israel’s national security.

When Trump entered the White House in January, he and his aides doubled down on two vows, which were to tear up the bad nuclear deal with Tehran, and boot Iran and Hizballah out of Syria. Those steps aimed at  stripping Iran of the leading Middle East power status conferred on the Islamic Republic by Barack Obama; curtail its aggressive expansionism; and snatch away from Tehran the prize of a direct land bridge to the Mediterranean via Iraq and Syria.

Just two months ago, when President Trump visited Riyadh and performed his sword dance with Saudi King Salman, he repeated those vows to provide the platform for a new US-Arab Sunni pact. For a brief moment, Trump appeared to have come up with America’s answer to Putin’s Shiite Iranian-dominated bloc.

But this week, the Riyadh plan had clearly been set aside.

The US armed forces journal Stars and Stripes commented in its June 29 issue: “President Donald Trump decided against killing off the Iran nuclear deal in a Day One spectacular. It may face a lingering death instead.”

No Middle East watcher sees any sign of this happening; just the reverse. Even if Washington did walk out of the nuclear pact, it would make no difference, since, in recent months, the Iranians have fast forwarded the development of their nuclear and missile programs. They sent blunt notice of their stance last month when they fired seven ballistic surface missiles from western Iran into eastern Syria.

Not a peep came out of the Trump administration at the time. And no one stopped Tehran following up with rapid one-two steps designed by Al Qods chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani – and carried forward by Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian forces – to seize control of large parts of the Syrian-Iraqi border and open up their coveted land bridge.

This Iranian-Syrian offensive had two consequences:

1.  The Iranian and allied military moves in eastern Syria hemmed in and cut off the US special forces which had set up a garrison in the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border triangle.

2. While Moscow never declared its support for the Iranian-initiated move on the border, the Russians secretly helped it by supplying intelligence and logistical assistance.
On this too, Washington chose to hold its collective tongue.

On Thursday, June 29, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu solemnly stated in Katzrin, at an anniversary celebration of the Golan town, that he would never permit Iranian forces to reach Israel’s border.

However, as he spoke, the Syrian army and rebel forces were locked in fierce battle just 3 kilometers away from the speaker for control of the village of Al-Baath in the Quneitra district. Netanyahu never let on that Iran had set up its military headquarters for southern Syria at Al-Baath under the command of Gen. Soleimani. Neither did he mention that Soleimani’s plan was to replicate Iran’s grab for the Syrian-Iraqi border by similar attacks on Syria’s borders with Jordan and Israel.

The fact is that the Iranians have already arrived and are sitting on Israel’s border. But the prime minister, like the US president, chooses to turn a blind eye to this rapidly advancing reality.

AS per Trump and his “promises”, you may want to read (or, reread, whatever the case may be) “Team Trump’s (Islamic) Cognitive Dissonance: Iranian WMD Architect Ensconced At State. What Happened To ‘Worst Deal/Document Ever Negotiated’ ?”

OMINOUSLY, as is said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And, tragically, this is precisely an apt descriptor – re what Israel faces due to Netanyahu’s “serial accommodations” during his two-term tenure.

MAY G-d have mercy on the children of Israel – saving them from their enemies, as well as from their derelict leaders!!

Image result for pics of iran near israel's northern golan

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What Happens When Derelict Blowhards Stand At Israel’s Helm? Jews, Innocents, Pay The (Deadly) Price! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FEBRUARY 28, 2017 marked the much-anticipated State Comptroller report re Israel’s 2014 summer-long war with Hamas (and assorted PA terror groups), one which blanketed the entire country under a missile blitzkrieg. Imagine that. How could this have happened under the “watchful” eyes of Israel’s “all-seeing” and powerful security forces?

MOREOVER, its tepid name, “Operation Protective Edge”, was carefully chosen, and it was not for nothing. Simply put, the goal was NOT to vanquish the enemy, but to “protect” the southern perimeter from both a recent escalation and a continuous rocket/missile barrage (over the past decade) which was no longer “tolerable.” Hmm. Intrinsically, it was a follow-on war from “Operation Pillar of Defense” fought in 2012, and so on and so forth. Understood?

ALONG this Orwellian trajectory, the State Comptroller‘s mandate is to oversee and inspect the executive branch of the nation’s governing body. Elected by the Knesset, Israel’s legislative branch, its sworn duty is to remain unbiased and untainted; separate and apart from the PM and his cabinet. Arm’s length. Not only that, its responsibilities are laid out under Israel’s Basic Law(s)

SO it is under the above overriding paradigm that one must evaluate reports from the State Comptroller’s operational findings, most especially vis-à-vis (unfinished) military operations.

IN this regard, it is instructive to wend back to the 2006 Second Lebanon War to determine whether Israel’s resident blowhards, 8 years later, learned their requisite lessons. Know this: whether in the north or south, the basic lessons are more than parallel. To wit, there is no better teaching tool than The Winograd Report.

The state comptroller’s report on the preparedness and performance of the home front during the Second Lebanon War determined that the State of Israel’s political and military leaders, each within the confines of his/her office, failed in the decision-making, preparations, and performances with regard to the home front. The serious defects were defined in terms of neglect and abandonment; or to borrow from the imagery of the state comptroller, “an eclipse” of governmental function.2 In the comptroller’s thick and detailed report, with its incisive survey and harsh criticism of the many serious defects in the home front’s preparedness and the deficient performance of the relevant agencies during the war, few new observations emerged. The problems were apparent during the war itself, and were subsequently investigated and documented in numerous media articles and in the reports of public committees. These include the initial (September 2006) and final report of the Knesset Defense and Foreign Affairs sub-committee, headed by Ami Ayalon, which defined the government’s handling of the home front as a “ failure of leadership.” A report by the NGO support group Shatil spoke of “the sovereign’s absence,” and described “a serious picture of communities that were neglected, local government systems that collapsed, and a government that did not provide for the needs of its citizens……”

WHICH brings us back to the here and now.

Two years of soul-searching and months of high-stakes political battles will reach a climax on Tuesday as State Comptroller Joseph Shapira publishes his landmark report on conduct during the 2014 Gaza war and the Hamas tunnel threat.

The 50-day war led to the deaths of 74 Israelis, some of whom were soldiers killed in surprise attacks from tunnels.

It also included 4,251 rockets fired on the home front – paralyzing the South, briefly halting flights at Ben-Gurion Airport and leaving most regions of the country vulnerable at one point or another.

Shapira’s leaked conclusions and criticism threaten to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or permanently wound his “Mr. Security” image, making him far more exposed politically when the next election comes along.

The report’s conclusions could tarnish the reputations of former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon, former IDF chief of staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, former Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) director Yoram Cohen and former National Security Council chief and current Mossad Director Yossi Cohen. They could also serve as a campaign boost for Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Yesh Atid Party leader Yair Lapid.

On Monday, Lapid pressed Netanyahu to admit his failings and opposition leader Isaac Herzog slammed both Netanyahu and Lapid for mistakes described in the report.

Bennett has also been consistently critical of the prime minister and the focus of Netanyahu’s counterattack.

Leaked transcripts of the security cabinet’s meetings during the war show that Bennett repeatedly confronted Ya’alon over the need to provide more information, and Gantz over Bennett’s desire for him to present more aggressive options for using force against Hamas.

Some key figures in the report who will likely emerge unscathed are former IDF intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, who is likely to be hit with heavy criticism, but is already IDF deputy chief of staff in waiting, and former Mossad director Tamir Pardo, who is frequently mentioned without being criticized. The former head of Southern Command, Maj.-Gen.

Sami Tourgeman, is expected to be portrayed as insightful regarding the tunnel threat.

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and former top Likud minister Gideon Sa’ar are two major political forces who, in the past, blasted Netanyahu regarding his conduct during the war. They have been more subdued recently and Liberman, in particular, appears to be treading carefully after moving from the opposition to leading the Defense Ministry.

The report is so significant that most of the figures previously mentioned, as well as a number of others, have been waging a media battle of leaks about the report for nearly nine months.

In May, Shapira asked the State Prosecution to investigate who leaked drafts of the report, which was under gag order until Tuesday.

The Justice Ministry told The Jerusalem Post that it is still reviewing the leak issue, but when pressed to provide information about the status of its review, refused to provide any details, including whether the issue has become a full criminal investigation or was merely a review.

To protect his stature, Netanyahu held an approximately four-hour long session with the Post and other media outlets, of which about 90% was devoted to his narrative regarding issues raised by the report.

The three central criticisms made by the report are: The war was avoidable; 50 days was too long; and Netanyahu, Ya’alon and Gantz did not properly prepare the IDF, the security cabinet or the public for the scope of Hamas’s tunnel threat.

Besides those issues, leaks have indicated that blame has been placed on Netanyahu and Ya’alon for keeping the security cabinet out of strategy discussions on the country’s long-term plans for Gaza, such that the war itself was not directed at particular long-term goals.

Netanyahu, Ya’alon, Gantz, Kochavi, Yoram Cohen and Yossi Cohen are expected to be hit with criticism that they did not share all necessary intelligence with the security cabinet.

The leaks also indicate that the picture presented to the security cabinet was devoid of the possibility that Hamas might overreact and escalate into a full war on any given incident, if Israel escalated it s military force beyond the usual targets, and of the true extent of the threat posed by the tunnels.

Further, the leaks indicate that the Hamas tunnel threat was only discussed by the security cabinet in March 2014, and only in a serious manner when the war was kicking into high gear.

Even within the IDF, insufficient resources and attention were allocated to coping with the tunnel threat, leaving IDF forces on the front lines having to come up with ad hoc solutions for destroying them.

The unnecessary length of the war, which had terrible consequences for the country, is said to be attributed to miscommunication between the political and military echelons.

The report is also expected to slam the security cabinet ministers for failing to show sufficient interest or sufficiently preparing themselves on a range of issues regarding the war……read the whole devastating analysis!

AS to more proof of the same indictment and the leadership’s “tunnel vision”: 

A Cabinet crisis has erupted in the course of the campaign against Hamas. Prime Minister Binyamin Tuesday fired deputy defense minister Danny Danon for his broadsides against Netanyahu’s acceptance of a ceasefire. The hawkish Danon accused the prime minister of pandering to left-wing opinion. 

BUT above all else, the hugely significant and least mentioned “elephant in the room” remains: how can it be that the most powerful and technologically advanced army in the Mid East – unarguably, wielding one of the fiercest operational forces in the world – hasn’t won a decisive victory since the 1967 “Six Day War”, never mind the fight to the death – while taken by TOTAL surprise – during the 1973 “Yom Kippur War”??

WELL, truth dare be told, when the military objective is “containment”, as opposed to victory; when the enemy is left standing, growing stronger after each successive war; when a so-called sovereign nation is begging for permission to protect its citizens, thus, to attain victory; when the left rules with an iron fist, regardless of the makeup of the executive branch, there is little to wonder, other than how the nation has survived up until now. 

EVEN more so, as a matter of historical record, PM Netanyahu consummated the Oct. 23, 1998 Wye Memorandum which implemented the perfidious Oslo Accords!
(PM Netanyahu, alongside arch terrorist Arafat, with “Bubba” Clinton….helped open up the gates of hell to Palestinian terror!)
BUT if one believes “Bibi” learned his lessons, think again. After countless dead and maimed Jews, guess what? As evidenced below, he ensured that a PA (terror) state will eventually arise from Israel’s heartland, Judea and Samaria, aka the West Bank! How so? Well, he “kosherized” it, despite all the so-called caveats. Mind you, once a leader accedes to the “rights” of another to “inherit” ones patrimony, what else is there to say? Rhetorical. More specifically, instead of ceding Tel Aviv – why the hell not – he ceded the Jewish heartland!

DUE to the above – and so much more – is it shocking that an (excerpted) interview (March 17, 2015) let loose much of the poop and scoop upon Israel’s derelict leadership, inquiring: ‘Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?’

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a ‘serial accommodator’, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s ‘kosher’ stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro-Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be ‘more Catholic than the Pope’, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his ‘reasoning’ doesn’t count for a damn) to the ‘rights’ of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable…read the rest here…

INDEED, attesting as an American-Israeli: unforgivable….unfathomable…. unconscionable.

ALAS, instead of standing tall and telling the unvarnished truth, that is, there has never been a “Palestinian” people, nor a country “Palestine” (until the godfather of Islamic terrorism, Yasser Arafat, took charge), ipso facto, exactly how can they lay “claim” to the Jewish homeland, other than by terror-laden “ownership”? 

To claim that Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel not only goes against secular history and scientific knowledge, but it also flies in the face of Islamic religious history. Not only do the Islamic scriptures recognize the unique Jewish claims to the Land of Israel, but there is no reference whatsoever to any Palestinian people dwelling on any land called Filastin during any part of Islamic history until the twentieth century. The term Jund Filastin was used to describe a military district of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates and had no ethnic or national significance until the twentieth century.

The Qur’an declares that the Jews are the chosen people, exalted among the nations of the world.[14] It clearly declares the Jews (Bani Israil) as the only owners of the Land of Israel, which is al-Ard al-Muqaddasah; al-Ard al-Mubarakah; Ard Bani Israil (the sacred land; the blessed land; the land of the People of Israel), and they are not allowed to leave it, for otherwise they will be punished:[15] “It is the promise of God, and God does not go back on his promise.”[16] The Qur’an goes on to acknowledge that the Jewish first and second kingdoms existed but states that they were punished by God.[17] Arab ownership of Palestine is also critically connected to exegesis on the Qur’anic description of Muhammad’s Night Journey from Mecca to the “furthest mosque,” which is juxtaposed with a verse on the destroyed Temple of the Israelites.[18] The existence of that temple, however, though it had been acknowledged by officials of the Islamic religious endowment authority (waqf ) in their publicity materials from the 1920s and 1950s,[19] was famously denied by Arafat in an exchange with U.S. president Bill Clinton.[20]

YES, PM Netanyahu is a serial accommodator, hence, the devastating State Comptroller’s findings are more than well deserved!!
THERE but for the grace of G-d Israel still stands, despite its negligent leadership!

Jewish Self-Flagellation, Liberalism, A Sickness Unto Itself. Israel’s (Diaspora’s) Demented Left: A Case Study. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS always, whenever it comes to exposing the sickness of fellow brethren, let’s just say a headache ensues. Sigh.
EVEN so, it is both an obligation and an act of love to forge ahead. This is because without said clarifying disinfectant, the damage they continuously wreck will remain indelible. Unthinkable. Unconscionable.

THAT being established, as of late, few are unaware of the increasingly irrational madness engulfing the illiberal left. Yes, so-called liberals have become synonymous with a particular sickness. A diseased mind. And it matters not a whit if one is Jewish, Christian, atheist, or what not. For the record, if one is male, female, gay, straight, or betwixt and between, the diagnosis is still the same. The same goes for one’s skin color, whether white, black, or any other hue. Sick is sick. You got that?

MADNESS. שִׁגָעוֹן.

NOW that that is cleared up, still yet, as an American-Israeli, a special burden is placed upon these shoulders to expose the insidious effects of Jewish leftism, aka liberalism. 

SUCH is the case for manifold reasons, but key and core are the knock-on effects said insanity has on the well-being of Israel, the Jewish homeland. So much so that more than one global interview covered this issue.

THUS, in the run-up to Israel’s March 2015 election, the following was noted within Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?:

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash….continue reading….it gets worse.

AND especially when it comes to Israel’s leaders, many outsiders are shocked by said charge of spinelessness because they believe that tough guys are at the helm, if you will. In a pig’s eye.

IN reality, this investigative journalist has proven, in more ways than one, that the Jewish left not only rules Israel, but has a profound vise-grip on its decision-makers. Resultant, this is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.

THEREFORE, what about the rest of the evidence? Moreover, what else is there to say? Plenty. But first things first. Onto (a few of) the proofs.


IN this regard, in mid 2012, right out of this site’s gate, guess what took center stage? Indeed, the question became: when does delusional thinking become a pathological illness? Alas, even after HUSSEIN stabbed Israel in the heart, more U.S. (liberal/left) Rabbis supported him in 2012, an uptick from 2008. What the hell is wrong with them? Liberalism.


AS always, the leftist media acts as a force multiplier. Concomitantly, Israel’s own resident lapdogs pile on via their dangerous twinning and sell-out of Jewish interests to Washington’s pro-Arab and Muslim camps. Nothing new under the sun.


ATOP the above sampling of proofs, know that this American-Israeli worked closely on various Duma-like railroading of Jewish rights, in so far as the nationalist sector is concerned. Beat-downs.

BUT if more proof of the same is required, so be it: yes, having worked alongside HONENU was more than an eye-opener! Peek inside the link, if you dare. 

NEVER-ENDING, additional treachery can be found throughout these pages.Seek and you shall find.

TO wit, as soon as Duma’s fire-drama hit Israel’s airwaves, this American-Israeli understood what would reflexively go down. And it did.

AS if on orchestrated cue, Israel’s shameless leftist jackals (ranging from politicians, media blowhards, academics, social engineers from the legal sphere, and self-professed elitists from the cultural realm) sunk their teeth into certain right-wing activists within the “settlement” set and pronounced them: GUILTY, as charged! Mind you, fascist-like, due process never entered their smug, holier than thou consciousness. Resultant, as to evidence, what’s what and who’s who, well, they were not even akin to pesky details. Arrogantly, akin to a badge of honor, they wear a who the hell cares attitude. Requisite legalisms simply do not exist in their worldview. Ideology is über alles. Period.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, Duma-one year (and three arson attacks) later, hasn’t even given them pause to volte-face, nor even to apologize to those they gang-banged and tortured!

A year ago — almost to the day — on July 31, 2015, the entire country was horrified by reports of three members of the Dawabsheh family from the village of Duma being burnt to death in an arson attack on their home. Graffiti, in Hebrew script painted on the walls of the burnt out residence, led to the precipitous conclusion that the act was committed by “Jewish terrorists”. Since that deplorable attack, at least three more houses of the Dawabsheh clan have been torched –as were two prior to it–without any hint of involvement of “Jewish extremists.

But more on that later.

Rabid reverse racism?

The ghastly tragedy ignited a flurry of self-righteous handwringing and sanctimonious self-recrimination across wide sections of Israeli society — and almost all sections of the mainstream media. In a stroke, all external threats to the nation faded into near insignificance. Attention was no longer focused on the looming specter of a nuclear Iran, or the threat of radical Islam pressing against the country’s beleaguered frontiers. Suddenly the existential threat facing Israel was that of “Jewish terror” — the “menace” of a few dozen, marginalized, scraggly youth that inhabit the desolate windswept hilltops of Judea-Samaria.

Without a shred of evidence to corroborate their accusations, journalist after journalist seemed to compete in the levels of acrimony in which they attacked the assumed perpetrators. With unquestioning confidence — as unequivocal as it was unsubstantiated–regarding the collective identity of the perpetrators, and the collective guilt of Israeli society at large for the heinous nature of the act, they launched into a savage frenzy of self-flagellation.

Thus, barely two days after the arson attack, in an astounding piece of rabid reverse racism entitled “We’re no better than our enemies,” Yediot Aharonot’s Sima Kadmon lamented: …let no one say that this is a lone incident… Jewish terrorists are just the messengers; there is a well-oiled system of incitement behind them… it’s time to tell the truth, the heartbreaking but inevitable one: After a generation of right-wing rule, we have developed a race…[n]ot proud, not generous, but definitely cruel…”

“Israelis identical with ISIS”

In a flash, all distinction between Israelis and ISIS was erased.

Think I am exaggerating? Think again! Here is a sampling of the” anguished” soul-searching that became the fashionable journalistic ritual in the mainstream media.

On the very night of the dreadful crime, Ynet news’s Ron Ben Yishai had already solved the case. In “How to stop Jewish jihad,” he determined — definitively — “…this is religious-messianic terrorism, committed by people who view themselves as acting according to God’s true will. In simpler words – this is Jewish jihadism, identical in every detail to Islamic jihadism.”

In her previously mentioned piece, Sima Kadmon concurred in “agonized” agreement: “It’s over. If we thought it couldn’t happen among us, that we’re not like that, that Jews don’t do such things, that only they can murder children, go into houses and shoot a baby point blank, burn families, execute murderous terror – that’s it, it’s over. We are, we can and we do. Burn children alive, execute murderous, inhuman, incomprehensible terror. And no, we’re no better than them.”

And then there was the ever-egregious Gideon Levy, the every-day Judeophobe’s dream-come-true, who, a day after the tragedy, published in Haaretz a collective condemnation, headlined: “All Israelis are guilty of setting a Palestinian family on fire.” According to Levy: “Israelis stab gay people and burn children. There isn’t a shred of slander, the slightest degree of exaggeration, in this dry description…”

It did not take long for this barrage to bear bitter fruit. Panicked by the media assault, the political echelons and the security forces threw due process to the wind.

Little but accusations of thought-crimes”?

Within days, administrative arrests were made. Meir Ettinger, Eviatar Slonim and Mordechai Meir were incarcerated without trial, reportedly on suspicion of involvement in the Duma arson.

The arrests were accompanied by ominous warnings of the impending perils to the nation, entailed in the nefarious deeds, both past and planned, of the detainees, who were held incommunicado for extended periods, without any specific charges being brought against them. Persistent rumors of the use of harsh interrogation techniques abounded — but no charges were ever brought.

One after the other, the detainees were eventually released  Meir in early January, Slonim in early February and Ettinger in June this year.

The case of Ettinger particularly reeks of needless mean-spiritedness. In April, in a ruling upheld by the Supreme Court, he was denied — after months in detention — permission to attend the circumcision ceremony (brit mila) of his newly born son. The grounds for the denial were that he still remained “a security threat to the public.” Yet barely a month later, it was announced that he would be released — without charge!

In a disturbing review of the Ettinger episode, Tablet’s Liel Leibovitz  wrote: “Having met with government officials as well as friends and family members, and having extensively reviewed Ettinger’s public and private writing alike, I’ve found plenty that might upset people who do not share his politics but nothing to suggest that the mystically-minded smiling young man had any concrete involvement whatsoever in planning or carrying out any concrete attacks against anyone.”

He added, damningly:In fact, it is hard, reviewing the evidence, not to conclude that the charges against Ettinger amount to little else but accusations of thought-crimes.”…continue reading for the dastardly details….

MIND you, just like in all the trumped-up cases against national Zionists, even though the so-called perpetrators have all been released, the spectacle of incitement against them paid HUGE dividends. Truth be damned. In one fell swoop, regardless of innocence, they managed, once again, to paint a scarlet letter on nationalist Zionism in toto.

MAY all the inciters reap their comeuppance. Faster….faster….

SO it is with these insidious backgrounds in mind that the reader inches closer to the truth, as to how (and why) Jewish self-flagellation is a sickness unto itself. And it is with this understanding and knowledge base that one recognizes that the real danger to Israel comes from within its own belly.

OMINOUSLY, Israel’s (diaspora’s alike) leftists are prepared to sacrifice Jewish brothers and sisters from the “wrong” side of the ideological divide, nationalist Zionists, as well as the entire nation! Heaven forfend to those who stand in the way of their core religion –  liberalism.

YES, the manifest and dangerous delusions of a people under siege!

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

The Unmasking Of Israel’s Generals Via Toxic (Mis)Education: Knock-On Effects Of “Moral Relativism”- Endangering The Jewish Nation! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ONE needn’t be a prof, nor as brilliant as Einstein, to understand the veracity of his concomitant advice:

We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. – Albert Einstein

HUH and duh? Come on, isn’t the above merely rational thinking in its purest form? Besides, even those who can’t shine a candle to Einstein’s intellectual heft should be able to discern its basis. Sheesh.

TRAGICALLY, for the most part, this is not the case within Israel’s higher-up political and military circles. Truth dare be told, it is due to an appalling dearth of rational thinking (instead, replaced by a goodly amount of stupidity, staggeringly so) that the nation’s politicians (many of whom hail from top posts within the IDF via a “revolving door” from the military into political office) almost always drag the Jewish majority citizens, reeling, from one strategic disaster into another! 

BUT none of this madness – שִׁגָעוֹן could be possible without the imposition of an ingrained “conceptzia”, hailing within a leftist-captured academia which inculcates “moral relativism” as the sine qua non of intellectual heft! Phew.

MORE specifically, this poisonous and twisted “thinking” is taught at Israel’s Command and Staff College which has adopted its twin disaster, the IDF Code of EthicsLo and behold, it was conceived by a die-hard leftist prof, Tel Aviv U’s Asher Kasher, a philosopher and a linguist. Oh, dear, now you know why the soldier’s hands are tied into knots! Pay heed:

“Purity of Arms” – The IDF servicemen and women will use their weapons and force only for the purpose of their mission, only to the necessary extent and will maintain their humanity even during combat. IDF soldiers will not use their weapons and force to harm human beings who are not combatants or prisoners of war, and will do all in their power to avoid causing harm to their lives, bodies, dignity and property.

NOW, those who are unfamiliar with its basis will opine that behaving ethically is what separates the Jewish army from its barbaric counterparts. Agreed. Yet, but more importantly, this so-called Code of Ethics gifts the enemy a blank check to terrorize at will, while tying the hands of IDF soldiers and officers, and with concomitant dangers accrued to the majority Zionist public! For enough evidence to choke a horse, see here and here. BTW, these links are just the tip of the facts on the ground, the knock-on effects from obsessive self-flagellating via “ethical” adherence.

ONTO the charges at hand, the unmasking of Israel’s Generals.

Israel’s Estranged Generals: A Serious in-Depth Analysis

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

In one her best articles, “Our Estranged Generals’ (April 4, 2016), Jerusalem Post journalist Caroline Glick writes: “Our generals are not on the same page as the rest of us. In fact, they aren’t even reading the same book.”

She asks:

“What explains our generals’ embrace of positions that most Israelis reject? Why are they willing to sacrifice soldiers and embrace Orwellian notions that weakness rather than strength is the key to peace? It is hard to say. Perhaps it’s group-think. Perhaps it’s the selection process. Perhaps it’s overexposure to Europeans or Americans. Perhaps they are radicals in uniforms. Perhaps it is none of those things.”


It seems that Ms. Glick has never examined what “our estranged generals” learn at Israel’s Command and Staff College, which makes them “estranged from the rest of us.” As the present writer has often pointed out, the formative Director of this college was also the Director of Israel Military Intelligence, Prof. Yehoshafat Harkabi, a self-professed moral relativist. What Harkabi says about Israel’s enemies in his book Arab Attitudes to Israel will shed considerable light in why Israeli generals are estranged from the rest of us. Harkabi’s book was written (of course in Hebrew) just before the Six Day War of June 1967. The English edition appeared in 1972, that is, before the Yom Kippur War. The book is replete with hundreds of quotes from diverse Muslim Arab sources, all vilifying Jews and Israel in the most lurid terms and promising the eventual annihilation of the Jewish state. In some 500 pages one finds not a single exception to this ventilation of Arab hatred – not even from Islamic scholars. Yet Harkabi was convinced before the Six Day War as well as before the Yom Kippur War that a peaceful and political solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict was possible.

I single out Harkabi because he was not only the head of Israeli Military Intelligence, but also an internationally prominent academic and reputed expert on Islam.  In fact he is the reputed mentor of Shimon Peres, the genius behind the disastrous Oslo or Israel-PLO Oslo Agreement.

Harkabi’s book is dedicated to Jews and Arabs alike – a telling example of moral equivalency!  Nevertheless, its central thesis is the Arab’s unmitigated hatred of Jews and Israel. However, the implacable nature of this hatred is obscured or mitigated by Harkabi’s moral equivalency on the one hand, and by his fixation on the idea of “peace” on the other.

Harkabi book does not mince words about the Arabs’ Islamic faith.  He refers to what he terms the “negative characteristics of Islam. Islam, he says, is a “combatant,” “expansionist,” and “authoritarian” creed.  He admits that “The idea of Jihad is fundamental in Islam,” in consequence of which “hatred,” “hostility,” and “conflict” are endemic to Arab culture (p. 133). Furthermore, and of profound significance, he acknowledges that “the use of falsehood” and “distortions of the truth” are typical of Arab political life. He points out that “Political scientists, sociologists and historians seem to feel reluctant to mention this aspect of … the Arab world” (p. 337).

Harkabi goes so far as to say that mendacity is “second nature” to the Arabs, and that one may rightly say “falsehood is an expression of [Arab] national character.” He quotes the liberated Arab sociologist Sonia Hamady: “Lying is a widespread habit among the Arabs, and they have a low idea of truth” (p. 348).

Nevertheless, these “negative characteristics” of the Arabs are diluted or lose political significance by the doctrine of moral relativism which Harkabi imbibed and conveyed at the Hebrew University. This doctrine (mysteriously) induced Harkabi to believe that the Arabs would shed their negative characteristics if Israel would simply withdraw from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza and permit the Arabs to establish thereon an independent and economically well-off state of their own,

This is precisely the position of a policy paper that General Moshe Yaalon produced sixteen years ago at the Shalem Center. The ideas of this paper represent the position of none other than Benjamin Netanyahu. Moreover, not only is the Ya’alon study logically related to Netanyahu’s “two-state solution” to Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians. It also explains Caroline Glick’s confusion concerning Israel’s “estranged generals.” Recall her asking:

What explains our generals’ embrace of positions that most Israelis reject? Why are they willing to sacrifice soldiers and embrace Orwellian notions that weakness rather than strength is the key to peace? It is hard to say…. Perhaps it’s overexposure to Europeans or Americans. Perhaps they are radicals in uniforms. Perhaps it is none of those things.

That’s right Miss Glick, it’s none of those things. It’s the mind-set of these generals. They have internalized the pervasive academic doctrine of moral relativism, which undermines wholehearted conviction in the justice of Israel’s cause and in the unmitigated evil of Israel’s enemies!


DESPITE all else, know that it is beyond distressing, embarrassing to boot, to excoriate Israel’s leaders – this investigative journalist’s leaders, no less – before the vast world of cyberspace. But as a committed Zionist and national patriot, it is an absolute duty to speak the truth, never mind the personal discomfit.

AND this is precisely why those who have megaphones must enjoin with others – and in a groundswell of strength – shouting: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Yes, we recognize that leaders who are “stuck on stupid” (as to a growing list of military leaders who are currently politicians, we know, many of them served courageously and admirably while in uniform) must come to grips with reality on the ground and cease fantasizing that Israel’s implacable enemies will turn into “partners” for anything, let alone peace!

MOST significantly, a rational and an honorable leadership internalizes when a volte-face becomes a national imperative; when strategic decisions calculated upon faulty dogmatic perceptions must be remedied. Eradicated. Even more so, when said policies were made decades ago and proven disastrous – time and time again – with incalculable costs via countless Jewish deaths, others maimed for life, and a general robbing of the Jewish majority public’s peace of mind. 

FORTHWITH, it is time they man-up (or woman-up, whatever the case may be) and proclaim proudly and loudly: our mandated and sworn duty is, first and foremost, to protect Jewish lives. Our raison d’etre is the in-gathering of the Jewish people, as opposed to mimicking multicultural western nations. Resultant, our collective national honor dictates that Israel MUST abandon (never mind the fact that the PA Arab leadership – and their increasingly murderous populace – have violated EVERY obligation they ostensibly undertook when they signed onto Oslo) the fatally flawed “two-statism” paradigm.

HENCEFORTH, it must be replaced with rational strategic imperatives that will reassert the Jewish people’s historical and legal ownership – as recommended by The Levy Report  – to the land of Israel. All of it! In a Orwellian manner, this Commission was established by PM Netanyahu in 2012. Its conclusions: clear as a bell, as to the aforementioned rights. No ifs, ands or butts. However, as of yet – 4 years onward, resultant, with a continuous pile up of dead and mangled Jewish bodies – he refuses to implement it! Is he irrational, a serial accommodator, or what?

REGARDLESS, this onerous topic was dutifully explored in a March 2015 interview at Inquisitr, Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? Indeed, it was not accidental (nor incidental) that it preceded the last election. One excerpt is particularly resonant, and its basis speaks for itself:

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s “kosher” stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be “more Catholic than the Pope”, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his “reasoning” doesn’t count for a damn) to the “rights” of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable.

Most significantly, the “peace process” was irrefutably designed to weaken Israel on numerous fronts, rendering her a walking corpse. This is hardly a secret….continue reading….

FEEL a headache (from heartache) coming on….that’s a wrap!

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

ISIS Catapults Alongside Israel’s N. Border, Readying To Pounce! How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is not for nothing that this investigative journalist, an American-Israeli (who happens to live in Israel) whose expertise lies in Islamic militant jihad, pays special heed to the catapult of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists throughout the Mid East and alongside Israel’s borders. Ditto, re America’s security alike.

THAT being said, those who operate in this murky arena understand full well that relying on mainstream media for a truthful analysis is a fool’s errand. Not only that, Israel’s leftist media (and assorted mouth pieces) is no exception to this lying trend. Therefore, it is mandatory to confer with this and that outside source – non-beholden and non-restricted by outside interests – to weave together the geo-political picture, thus, zeroing in on the dangers at hand.

NOW, it must be stated that the public is trained to believe that their leaders have the nation’s best interests at heart, yes, their experts know how to “take care of business.” Hmm. If so, the core questions become: How could it be that PM Netanyahu, smartie that he is, followed HUSSEIN Obama’s lead in the Mid East theater, even though he is operating against Israel’s security interests? More specifically, how could he have left Hamas – the military arm of the Brotherhood Mafia, in tandem with assorted Gazan jihadi terror groups – standing after their 2014 summer-long missile blitz which blanketed all of Israel, thereby, leaving Israel’s southern border directly in their cross hairs? These are fair questions, aren’t they? So much so, they were duly addressed in an interview on March 17, 2015, election day, at Inquisitr via Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? 

WHICH brings us to this week’s “news”, that is, ISIS is poised on Israel’s Golan border and readying to pounce! But before we get to that, it must be noted that news was placed in quotes for more than good reason. In fact, this site warned about Israel’s encirclement, and placed the onus where it belonged. Let’s recap:


  • ADDING fuel to the hottest fire, during the week of Dec. 20, 2014, this investigative journalist was burning up the phone lines, and meeting one contact after another “in the know”, relative to ISIS’s encirclement of Israel on the Golan border. In effect, this is precisely why the “news” below is hardly “news!” Its basis can be found at: Israel is encircled, Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades backed by U.S./CIA Officers and the IDF too! Yes, they pledged allegiance to ISIS and it was NOT a secret, but it was a knock-on effect of HUSSEIN Obama’s “rebels” smoke and mirror show.
  • ON July 2, 2015, it was further warned: ISIS is encircling Israel pincer-like, from the north and south; the poisonous fruits of Obama’s illegal Libyan war!
  • HOT on its heels, Aug. 6, 2015, another analysis was noted: HUSSEIN Obama’s sleigh-of-hand, as the much ballyhooed “rebels” are ISIS aligned and protected by U.S. air cover, as they directly endanger Israel! 

AND so here we are almost a year and a half onward from the first recap, alas, EXACTLY what this site warned is due to explode! Trust, PM Netanyahu (and his lackeys and lapdogs) will certainly feign – shock…shock…how did this happen….blah, blah too.

ISIS forces in southern Syria overran several Jordanian border crossings south of the Yarmouk River on Tuesday, April 5.

This disastrous turn of events is illustrated by an exclusive picture obtained by DEBKAfile of an ISIS fighter unfurling the organization’s flag at one of the crossings which sports a Jordanian flag.

The picture taken the same day shocked the royal court and the Jordanian military command in Amman.

Our military sources report that an urgent conference was called at the Military Operations Command (MOC), north of Amman to devise measures for containing the Islamic State’s leap into more territory on the Syrian-Jordanian border. It was attended by Jordanian, American, Israeli, Saudi and UAE officers.

They voiced apprehension about three developments which give Daesh a substantial edge

1. A group of high ISIS officers traveled south from headquarters in Raqqa in the last few days, took command of the 3,000 fighters of the affiliated Yarmouk Brigades, and is now working to form a continuous jihadist enclave along Syria’s borders with Israel and Jordan, like the 90-kilometer ISIS strip blocking part of the Turkish border.

This enclave would directly threaten the Israeli Golan and northern Jordan.

2. When ISIS forces retreated last week from Palmyra, a group headed south, fetching up outside Jebel Druze without entering this mountain region. It is now feared that the jihadis are about to turn west toward the Israeli border and link up with the Yarmouk brigades. This would double the number of ISIS forces in southern Syria and make possible a major new assault on the Jordanian and Israeli borders.

3. The strengthening of ISIS forces in southern Syria has attracted some of the Syrian rebel groups fighting the Syria army to the jihadist flag and the Yarmouk Brigades. The largest militia to enlist recently is the Al-Muthana movement. Although its leaders deny taking an oath of allegiance or any other ties with ISIS, Al-Muthana is currently fighting alongside ISIS. This has sent a disturbing signal to the hundreds of other anti-Assad militias in the neighborhood.
Jordan has meanwhile stepped forward to stem this flow of strength to ISIS.

DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that Jordanian military intelligence officers specializing in guerrilla warfare have been infiltrating rebel-held areas in the South, especially Daraa, the regional hub, for the purpose of whipping rebel militias together into a front against ISIS. These officers have succeeded in setting up a joint war room with the three biggest rebel groups in the south, the Southern Front, Jaish Fatah al-Junub and Jaish al-Islam, for action under the direction of the MOC outside Amman.

On Monday, April 4, the joint force saw combat, when rebel forces under Jordanian commanders launched an attack to drive the ISIS forces back into their former corner in the narrow triangle near the meeting-point of the Syrian, Israeli and Jordanian borders. ISIS hit back with suicide bombers, who blew themselves up next to the Jordanian-led rebel assault force. It was the first time ISIS had unleashed suicide bombers so close to the Israeli border.   

MIND you, ISIS is hardly a match for the Mid East’s strongest army, therefore, a salient question looms: Since they have been inching closer and closer to Israel’s borders over several years, why wasn’t the IDF – and all its attendant arms – tasked to blow their encampments to Allah’s hell and back? Surely, that would have been the rational pre-emptive move, ya think, instead of affording them the ability to tighten the noose from a much closer position and with ever more reinforcements and battle-hardened terror groups in tow! Déjà vu re Hamas’s southern encirclement….Hezbollah’s northern alike??

ALAS, many will opine that only Israel’s leaders know what’s what. Similarly, per the (failed) leadership’s ubiquitous fallback position, their tiresome refrain goes like this: “What we see from here, you don’t see from there.” O RLY?? 

BESIDES, why in G-d’s name should we trust that they have any idea how to protect the majority Jewish public, being that “Bibi” has been in power since 2009 (7 years, you do the math), yet, it was under his watch that he allowed Iran to go nuclear!

INDEED, isn’t it reasonable to posit that in relation to the most existential threat of all, Iran’s nuclear arming, that he followed HUSSEIN Obama’s marching orders to a tee, settling for this and that “set-backs” toward their death machine, as opposed to a full throttle, lawful pre-emption?   

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s “kosher” stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be “more Catholic than the Pope”, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his “reasoning” doesn’t count for a damn) to the “rights” of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable.

Most significantly, the “peace process” was irrefutably designed to weaken Israel on numerous fronts, rendering her a walking corpse. This is hardly a secret.

” As early as August 1968, Arafat defined the PLO’s strategic objective as “the transfer of all resistance bases” into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war, “so that the resistance may be gradually transformed into a popular armed revolution.” This, he reasoned, would allow the PLO to undermine Israel’s way of life by “preventing immigration and encouraging emigration … destroying tourism … weakening the Israeli economy and diverting the greater part of it to security requirements … [and] creating and maintaining an atmosphere of strain and anxiety that will force the Zionists to realize that it is impossible for them to live in Israel.”

The Oslo accords enabled the PLO to achieve in one fell swoop what it had failed to attain through many years of violence and terrorism. Here was Israel, just over a decade after destroying the PLO’s military infrastructure in Lebanon, asking the Palestinian organization, at one of the lowest ebbs in its history, to establish a real political and military presence—not in a neighboring Arab country but right on its doorstep. Israel even was prepared to arm thousands of (hopefully reformed) terrorists who would be incorporated into newly established police and security forces charged with asserting the PLO’s authority throughout the territories”…..

Unarguably, PM Netanyahu is the best orator on the world stage. He proved it on several occasions, most recently, at his speech to Congress on March 3, 2015. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he is a highly gifted and polished communicator. But his commanding presence is both a byproduct of having been a special forces commando in Israel’s elite Sayeret Matkal Unit (General Reconnaissance Staff), coupled with the natural confidence gleaned from being a top graduate of MIT, one of the most acclaimed universities in the world. Not too shabby, brawn and brains alike.

To wit, it is not unreasonable to posit (and to expect) that a man of his inestimable gifts should utilize them (unlike at the aforementioned Bar Ilan speech) to highlight ALL the reasons why a PA (terror) state is a non-starter, regardless of any cockamamie caveats of “demilitarization”, in and of itself an illegal demand! For heaven’s sake…

Conclusively, to round out the first part of my interview, let me leave the readers with the following concrete shout out: as to the charge sheet that PM Netanyahu is essentially spineless, I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong, as would millions of others. Intrinsically, he can redeem himself without any oratory flourishes, and this can be accomplished by veering into immediate “action-mode.”

IN other words, it is an “open secret” that Israel’s multi-tiered forces have been preparing for a strike for years, and all they required was a “ready, set, blow!” But we all know that didn’t happen. Yes, it is known that his prior IDF Chief, as well as the former Director of the Mossad, opposed a strike. So what? If PM Netanyahu wanted it done, it would have gone BOOM. Period.

IN any case, if one is more concerned with toeing HUSSEIN Obama’s line, isn’t it that much easier to convince the public that ones key Chiefs are against it and that is that, rather than stepping up as a leader and making the hardest decision of all – getting rid of the Iranian noose? 

IF anything, it only demonstrates that past is prologue. Effectively, since PM Netanyahu didn’t have the balls to step up re Iran, how much more so re ISIS, as dictated by HUSSEIN Obama: Hands off!!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Israel’s TOP Leaders Commit Grave Dereliction of Duty:Smoke & Mirrors Via “Containment” & “Fences”. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(“He who comes to kill you, kill him first.” (Bamidbar Rabba 21:4; Tankhuma Pinkhas c. 3).

THERE are many outright misconceptions within the pro-Israel community (for this discussion, let’s leave aside all the anti-Israel haters), most of which pertain to what is really transpiring within Israel. Ground-based.

ON the one hand, countless (particularly, among non-Jewish supporters of Israel within the Christian American community, along with die-hard “Bibi”/Likud supporters, his Jewish sycophants) believe that PM Netanyahu is a “messiah”, of sorts, and the only one capable of bringing militant jihad within Israel, as well as outside its borders, to heel. Dangerous hogwash.

THE fantastical fairy tale spins along this trajectory: Yes, he is tough-talking, macho-swaggering, highly educated, and a former Sayeret Matkal special forces commando, thus, who better to protect Israel than PM Netanyahu? Not only that, add in his inestimable gift for oratory, and the (smoke and mirrors) deal is sealed. 

NOT so fast.

TRAGICALLY, when it comes to Israel’s legendary warriors, it is almost always the case that they turn into pus-y-whipped political leaders! The proofs are manifest, the reasons are mind-boggling, and the end results are catastrophic. Blood-soaked.

AND as one prima facie example out of enumerable, the following attests to the same:

HOW many recall the nickname of deceased (January 11, 2014) PM Sharon? Well, does “The Bulldozer” ring a bell, affectionately attributed to his bulldozing tactics when leading his troops? If not, no matter. The point being, this legendary war hero (and so-called “settlement” builder) turned around and was responsible for the expulsion (in Aug. 2005) of thousands of loyal Jewish citizens; the TOTAL destruction of their communities; the uprooting of their dead from their resting places, all in order to hand over Gush Katif and parts of the northern Shomron to Hamas terrorists!

NOW, the reasons were multi-pronged (hints: financial deals were on his table and corruption charges were kept at bay), but the fact remains that if NOT for his Orwellian and dastardly betrayal, well, Hamastan would hardly be the menace that it is. Not only that, the 2014 summer-long missile war would never have gotten off the ground sans his bulldozing! Yes, thousands of expelled (highly nationalist) Jews were the bulwark against Hamas’s onslaught. Incontrovertibly.

ALAS, what exactly are PM Netanyahu’s latest “strategic” measures, as Jewish bodies continuously pile up, and from one end of Israel to another? 

The Israeli Security Cabinet held a meeting on Thursday night (March 10, 2016) on the Arab terror wave that has raged since last September, and decided to begin work on fences around Jerusalem and near Hevron – but did not decide on any additional steps.

The Cabinet decided to start work closing the breaches in the security barrier around Jerusalem, and to construct an additional fence near Tarqumiyah, a Palestinian Arab town located near Hevron in Judea.

During the Cabinet meeting the prime minister and governmental ministers received a report regarding the implementation of additional steps, but at the end of the meeting no significant decision was made to crush the Arab terror wave plaguing Israel.

The fence work was one of several steps raised after Tuesday’s flurry of attacks, which included the murder of US tourist Taylor Force in Jaffa (Yafo).

Regarding the decision to patch up holes in the Jerusalem fence, video evidence has shown that Arabs freely scale over the expensive barrier, effectively rendering it useless. Activists have said thousands of Arabs have been caught on security cameras climbing over, but by the time security forces reach the location they have already disappeared in Arab neighborhoods on the other side of the fence.

Aside from the fence initiatives, the Cabinet was also updated regarding several other moves, such as promoting new legal measures against employers of illegal Palestinian Arab workers, shutting down inciting Palestinian Arab media outlets, denying work permits to the families and associates of terrorists, and shortening the time before demolishing terrorists’ homes.

Earlier on Thursday former Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar (Likud) blasted the government for not taking decisive action to quash the ongoing terror wave. He called to expel Arabs who illegally sneaked over the 1949 Armistice lines, and to expel those inciting to terror.

OKEY dokey…scale-able fences and (less than) band-aid “measures”….

STILL yet, for those who remain unconvinced as to the “harsh” assessment within, it is not as if this investigative journalist (living in Israel) is alone in her analysis.

LO and behold, in the run-up to Israel’s last election in March 2015 – via another requested interview – the question became: Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? Not for nothing.  

IN this regard, review the following from military intelligence analysts:

Israel’s city centers will very soon see knots of soldiers armed with special rapid response weapons and gear for scotching Palestinian terrorist attacks before they deteriorate into rampages. Some of them will hide behind sandbag walls. Their deployment reflects the decision to persist in Israel’s defensive strategy as articulated in a special security forum summoned by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8-9, in the face of surging Palestinian terror.

Other members of the forum are Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, Public Security Minister Gilead Erdan, Shin Bet Director Yoram Cohen, Police Commissioner Ronnie Alsheikh and assorted security experts and evaluators.

Dubbing its strategy “containment of terror,” the forum rejected the more proactive measures suggested by members of the opposition, as well as government members, for cracking down on Palestinians resorting to terror and their supportive environments, by such deterrents as long-term lockdowns of their neighborhoods (in Jerusalem too) and villages, the blockage of internet and cell phone services in Palestinian areas and the deportation of families of terrorists to the Gaza Strip.

One suggestion was to “relocate” to other parts of Palestinian Authority-ruled territory the kinsmen who are complicit in, or have knowledge of, a terrorist’s crimes.

All in all, after three Israeli cities were struck by terrorists in a single day, the top decision-making forum on security precluded offensive military action, including the takeover of the Palestinian towns, villages or districts producing terrorists.

The only change discernible Thursday, March 10, was an intensified police sweep for illegal Palestinian workers employed in Israel.

One of the forum’s members commented to DEBKAfile: The forum’s decision amounts to carrying on as before, except that IDF soldiers will boost the security and police forces in their counter-terror functions.

Other sources maintained that the policymakers are not about to change much, despite the spike in attacks to two or three a day on average, and the increasing use of firearms by the assailants.

It is estimated that a hard-core of 200-300 young Palestinian hotheads is orchestrating the violence, whether street disturbances, rocks, firebombs, knifings, car-ramming or drive-by shooting. They use social media for internal communication and for stoking the angry fire that sends Palestinian youths out to seek glory as martyrs by killing Jews.

DEBKAfile’s intelligence and counterterrorism experts note that the Netanyahu government has followed a policy of “terror containment” for nearly two years, ever since Hamas kidnapped and murdered three Israel teens at the Gush Etzion intersection on June 12 2014.

While Israelis argue back and forth on methods for putting a stop to the Palestinian violence, its level keeps on rising.  On Wednesday, a Palestinian car with guns poking out of its windows rampaged in the middle of the day through the streets of Jerusalem in search of victims.

“Containment” is no deterrent for terror. After the guns, bombs may be next.

THEREFORE, is it any wonder that this too was assessed, in relation to the GROWING Iranian/Hezbollah forward-arm parked on Israel’s northern Golan and Syrian border:

is clear that the prime minister and defense minister Moshe Ya’alon were too slow to pick up on the new terrorist menace Iran had parked on Israel’s border. Now their hands are tied, say DEBKAfile’s sources. An IDF operation to evict the pro-Iranian Palestinian Al-Sabirin network from the Syrian Golan, before it digs in,…continue reading

EFFECTIVELY, despite his past in the IDF’s storied Sayeret Matkal (aka “The Unit” –, in tandem with DM “Boogie” Ya’alon (a high-level IDF Major General and former Chief of Staff), they have yet to decide (emphasis placed) on leading Israel to any conclusive victory.

ALONG this derelict terrain, for many months via the domestic front, Israel’s internal fifth column – which encompasses an increasing portion of its minority Arab/Muslim population – continue to slaughter Jews at will and with NO end in sight! The question becomes: How could this be, despite the lying leadership’s balderdash that it is impossible to stop “lone wolves”, even when it is clear that much of it is being orchestrated behind the scenes, and that there ARE prescriptive measures to deal the internal enemy a knock-out blow! 

MORE specifically, hot on the heels of the 2014 “ceasefire” (one of several, during his long tenure as PM) with Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Gazan arm, the following strategic assessment interview was given:

Alas, with said backgrounder in mind, regarding the overall underpinnings of Israel’s leaders – both elected and non-elected – the prism of Israel’s latest “operation” comes into sharper relief. In fact, it was purposefully waged as a pinpointed “operation” and not as a war, and therein lies the end result. Indeed, PM Netanyahu’s personal (and national) onus.

In the main, wars are fought with victory in mind, at least that’s what citizens have a right to expect. On the other side of the spectrum, an “operation”, by definition, is limited in scope. For heavens sake, even the wimpy name “Operation Protective Edge” bespeaks of its narrow and tepid focus. Truth be told, I would have coined it ” Mission Pulverizer” or some such variant thereof. Pray tell, when a regional foe has been rocketing your citizens for years, wouldn’t a more robust name have been appropriate? Some might query: what’s in a name? However, those of us who understand the peculiar jungle-like language of the Middle East – “strong horses rule” – realized what the name was meant to convey, even though it seemed bizarre to signal such (losing) intent to ones enemies. But never mind, Israel’s leaders are not “strategizing” under rational parameters.

Moreover, as an investigative journalist and blogger, my pulse on the situation/mood (coined in Hebrew, the “matzav”) among the majority Zionist public is gleaned from much more than open-source material. Granted, one can also feel the boiling rage, merely by skimming many Israel-focused social media sites as well as Israeli news sources. Simply put, the natives (Zionists) are more than restless. In fact, some very patriotic citizens (and I am hardly just referring to the oft-maligned “right-wing settlers”) are talking about “open rebellion”, if elections are not forthcoming and a Commission of Inquiry is not set up to examine what went wrong and why. Who can blame them?

Significantly, I am able to access some professionals who are just a notch below the actual decision-making level and their rage is duly palpable. It is these intimate “off the record” conversations (through face-to-face meetings, among other avenues) which are particularly scary and worth noting. They are well aware of the acute dangers facing Israel, most of which became greatly exacerbated through too many smoke and mirrors shows (most recently, under PM Netanyahu’s two-term tenure), and “Operation Protective Edge” was more than emblematic of this unflattering descriptor. Besides, it is the most accurate and honest way to define the “operation.”

In other words, without naming names, the following points (via a multiplicity of meetings) became duly resonant….continue reading

MOST significantly, past military warriors are incapable of standing up to Israel’s domestic left – those who really rule the country through their non-elected perches via media, legal, academic, cultural and assorted foreign-funded NGO’s. Aside from their unwillingness to counter leftist thrusts, the leadership is TERRIFIED of going against foreign leaders and their demands to appease Arab terror!

SO it is under this twisted and fateful prism that those who truly care about Israel’s security should view the serial dereliction of duty attributed to PM Netanyahu and his top lieutenants. Lesson learned: Stop propping them up!

TO wit, if not for the likes of the cowed and bowed duo currently leading Israel, there would be scores more Jews among the living, and many more Arabs/Muslims, who plot militant jihad, buried six feet under. 

MORE than indefensible….dereliction of duty of the highest magnitude!

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

Israel’s “Right-Wing” Leadership & Its Discrimination (& Endangerment) Against Jews: Jerusalem, A Prime Exhibit! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

INTRINSICALLY, those who are fully awake understand how endangered Jews are all over the world. But what continually surprises many is that it is also the case in Israel too, the supposed sanctuary for the Jewish people. Hmm.

INDEED, Israel has been the Jewish homeland from time immemorial, but militant jihad has been waged against its Jewish inhabitants on a continuous and endless basis. And even if ones mental perspective is in the “here and now” – whereby a historical memory is nowhere to be found – the facts on the ground attest to the same.

EFFECTIVELY, all one has to do is to “go back in time” – to the last 5 months or thereabouts – and the evidence is overwhelming. So just consider the following as a foretaste of the proofs: 

BEFORE assorted enemies of Israel pounce on this site’s insinuation that the country is not a (normative) democracy, it must be clarified: When compared to its jungle-like neighbors, yes, Israel is a democratic entity. Not only that, its top leaders bend over ass backwards to ensure that unbridled multiculturalism – an anything goes mentality akin to the “wild west” – is their calling card.

CONCOMITANTLY and paradoxically, an increasingly hostile and dangerous Arab/Muslim minority holds the whip over the majority Jewish public as a result of said obsession. Jewish leftists alike hold sway, even as they receive much fuel for their anti-Zionist campaigns through EU funded NGO’s. Foreign agents. In other words, since the leaders are hell bent on proving their liberal bonafides, resultant, they continuously trample on the rights of the majority (secular and religious) Zionist public! Credo quia absurdum. Traitors too.

MORE specifically, countless conflate (and confuse) Israel’s liberalism – for granting unfettered civil and human rights to the gay community and its minority citizens – with the sine qua non of Israel’s democratic veneer. Mind you, as if THAT, in itself, qualifies for its hallowed mantle. Nonsense. In fact, while many (other than those who despise Israel just for surviving, regardless of all else) prefer to believe in this fairy tale, few dare ask the most salient question: Since the majority Zionist public ushered PM Netanyahu – a supposed “right-wing” leader, having won 3 elections since 1996 via said creds – into power, how can it be that this same majority’s wishes are ignored, time and again?

MOST tellingly, it is the right-wing public which stands behind a muscular response to domestic Arab/Muslim militant jihad, but PM Netanyahu holds back from said decisive and victorious tactics!

NOW, while Israel fields the strongest and most technologically advanced army in the Middle East, it is also the case that it has yet to win a real victory, at least since the “surprise” Yom Kippur War in 1973. This too is a fact. The question becomes: How could this be?

WELL, its basis was duly described within “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?”. This interview debuted on March 17, 2015, non-incidentally, it happened to be on the most recent election day in Israel. And in furtherance of this site’s analysis as to what’s what, this week’s security report re the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s Hamas’s Gazastan – published in several Israeli media outlets, regarding Hamas’s MASSIVE rebuild up of its war machine – is happening right under the very noses and “watchful” eyes of Netanyahu’s gov’t. It tells the derelict tale.

NOT only that, it confirms the head-on assessment this investigative journalist has been making for years – as well as in the aforementioned March 17, 2015 interview – relative to PM Netanyahu’s grave dereliction of duty through his failure to give the order to TOTALLY destroy Hamas’s war machine and its TOP leadership! Instead, he allowed them to hide out in their fully equipped bunkers and escape unscathed. Yes, as the strongest military power in the region, after a 2014 summer-long missile blitz covering all of Israel, how could he have left them standing to fight another day? And if said “strategy” isn’t considered gravely derelict, then what exactly qualifies?

Gaza Belt residents record ‘intensive’ Hamas training just over the border, as Netanyahu tries to placate regional heads who demand answers.

Residents of the Gaza Belt region have reported and even recorded the sounds of Hamas terrorists conducting a massive training drill just over the border, in apparent preparation for the organization’s fourth terror war against Israel.

The testimony and recordings were published on Wednesday by Yedioth Aharonoth, ahead of a meeting by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu later in the day with the heads of regional councils in the area.

“For a quarter of an hour we heard the sounds of huge blasts and explosions, and afterwards complete silence – and then calls in Arabic, that sounded like the war calls of fighters,” said one of the Gaza Belt residents on Tuesday.

The sounds were heard and recorded by residents coming from a Hamas post over the border in northern Gaza just a few days ago.

“It was really frightening, it’s clear that it is part of their intensive training,” said the resident to the paper.

The sounds of training come in addition to the sounds of tunnel digging residents have reported hearing from underground beneath their homes, with many reporting the digging has even caused their homes to shake. The government has confirmed that Hamas is rebuilding its terror tunnel network.

The IDF estimates Hamas is focusing its efforts on one major terror tunnel breaching far under the security barrier, with roughly 1,000 terrorists said to be working on the tunnel meant to enable a surprise attack deep inside Israeli territory; the tunnel has yet to be located.

Demanding an explanation

Aside from the tunnels and the training drills, residents have recently reported seeing Hamas showing other new signs of military buildup right on the security barrier.

New antennas have been spotted by the residents at Hamas posts just over the border, located mere meters away from sovereign Israeli territory.

Cameras and various technological means that are anticipated to be used by the terrorist organization in its next war against Israel have also been spotted near the border, in an effort by Hamas to increase its technological capabilities against the IDF.

Netanyahu is to meet with regional council heads on Wednesday, with the tunnel threat set to be a key topic of discussion, as well as Hamas’ rearming and the Israeli preparations ahead of the inevitable next conflict with the terror enclave of Gaza.

The regional heads are to ask Netanyahu for an explanation of his government’s policy regarding the palpable threats from Gaza as Hamas continues to advance its terror tunnel system.

Also to be raised in the meeting is the establishment of a new security barrier along the Gaza border, which is to include technological means to detect disturbances in an effort to confront the Hamas threats. The development of the Gaza Belt region and budgets for the residents are likewise to be discussed.

Hof Ashkelon Regional Council head Yair Farjoun said Tuesday that “we will demand that the Prime Minister launch a process of removing the obstructions to the budgets and projects to advance the settlement in the Gaza Belt.”

STILL yet, what is the nexus between the above endangerment – which discriminates against the majority Jewish public’s safety as a whole, after all, Jews aren’t going around knifing, shooting, car-ramming and otherwise murdering the domestic fifth column  – and specific Jewish discrimination within Jerusalem? A whole damn lot.

INTRINSICALLY, while the oft repeated mantra is that Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital, will never be divided, those in the know recognize that this is utter hogwash. 

THE point being, in so far that The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest site, is de facto off limits to Jews since the 1967 Six Day War, – having recaptured it from the enemy at great cost and human treasure what exactly does that mean in real terms? Bulls eye.

ATOP said outright anti-Jewish “status quo” – as directed by the real masters of Jerusalem, the Islamist Jordanian Wafq – what is more than striking is that under PM Netanyahu’s “right-wing” leadership there are MORE Jews leaving Jerusalem than those making the capital their home. In actuality, younger Jews and their growing families are priced out of Western Jerusalem and the gov’t refuses to allow them to build new homes to solve the housing problem. However, Arabs practically dominate all of East Jerusalem, and they pay half the price for their homes and build and build! Moreover, the East/West separation of the city is nothing less than an already divided capital, albeit, feigned as “non-existent.”

MOST significantly, why is Jerusalem left unprotected by the so-called Jewish leadership? Well, the reasons are manifest, but one is overarching: Without actually admitting to dividing the capital, Israel’s cowed and bowed leaders are creating their own “facts on the ground” to ensure that a Jewish majority will recede within due course.

STEP by step, edict by edict, strategy by strategy, Israel’s leaders have every intention of “gifting” half of the Jewish people’s holy capital to the Arabs/Muslims!

Responding to stats showing capital leads nation in negative Jewish migration…..

Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King explained on Tuesday night the figures published earlier in the day, according to which Jerusalem is leading the nation is negative migration as Jewish residents leave the city in far greater numbers than they are moving to it.

The figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics showed that in 2014, long before the current Arab terror wave that has plagued the capital, the city lost a total of 6,740 residents. Particularly troubling was the fact that the majority of those leaving were young.

Writing on Facebook on Tuesday night, King said, “if someone truly wants to understand how it happens that there is negative migration of Jews from our capital city…the answer is stuck very deep in the halls of the Prime Minister’s Office.”

According to the councilman and founder of the Israel Land Fund (ILF), those responsible for the phenomenon are “first of all the Prime Minister and his ministers in the last two terms, a Prime Minister and ministers who freeze construction for Jews/Israelis simply because of their religion and race – they are the first who are guilty for the current situation of the worsening demographic balance of Jerusalem.”

“The second factor responsible for this warped situation is the Jerusalem city council that I am a member of,” wrote King.“And in the city council, first and foremost is the Mayor who didn’t fight with the government of Israel enough for construction in Jerusalem on the one hand, and on the other didn’t fight the lack of law enforcement against the Arab building criminals in the east of the city.”

Number crunching

He began listing some figures explaining why Jews, and particularly young couples are leaving, noting “an average price for an apartment in the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood in north Jerusalem is 1.5 million shekels, and in the adjacent Arab neighborhood it’s only 600,000 shekels.”

“An average price of an apartment in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in south Jerusalem is around 1.4 million shekels, and in adjacent Jabel Mukaber and Sur Baher it’s only 700,000 shekels,” he added.

“Every year in recent years they demolish more housing units for Jews than they demolish for Arabs, even though there are around 42,000 illegal housing units under Arab ownership and just around 4,000 belonging to Jews.”

“In 2014 the Jerusalem municipality demolished five synagogues (out of nine total illegal ones in the entire city), but did not demolish a single mosque (out of the 57 or so illegal mosques in the entire city).”

Further demonstrating the lack of law enforcement against illegal Arab building, he added that “there was a drop of 45% in putting out demolition orders in the east of the city in 2015.”


Having presented the unfair housing situation in the capital, King wrote that “those guilty for the cost of living and housing (for Jews only!!!) in Jerusalem are the Prime Minister, government ministers (yes, also former Housing Ministers and Jerusalem Affairs Ministers and more…from Jewish Home), the Mayor (Nir Barkat – ed.), and members of the Jerusalem city council (yes, I’m included in this black list!).”

King’s comment refers to how Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett was Jerusalem Affairs Minister in the last government, and Uri Ariel, the head of Jewish Home’s Tekuma faction, was the Housing Minister.

“The time has come for the public to recognize the warped reality according to which the Likud – the ruling party in recent years – together with its partner the Jewish Home-Tekuma faction, advance the division of Jerusalem in practice.”

Using Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s nickname, he added, “against Bibi-Barkat (and Bennett) and against the policies of the Prime Minister and the Mayor, unfortunately I stand alone.”

“The day will come, and God willing it will be soon, when Bennett-Bibi-Barkat are a minority and those who love Jerusalem and build Jerusalem will be in power and will build the Holy City, as expected from a nation that aspires to build its capital and its historical and future center, as expected from a nation that the Creator of the universe chose for Himself from all nations to build for Him in the center of their capital the dwelling place of the Creator of the universe, the King of Kings.”

THE leadership’s “hidden” plan (throughout many years) for Jerusalem is very clear and defies any rational explanation or argument to the contrary. This investigative journalist has proven as much many times and dares anyone to refute otherwise!

(Mahane Yehuda Market empty in Jerusalem)

Mahane Yehuda Market empty in Jerusalem (illustration)

THE CASE FOR INTERNING/EXPELLING ISRAEL’S ARAB POPULATION: Internal Militant Jihad A Cassus Belli! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

DESPITE rivers and rivers of Jewish blood flowing through Israel’s streets – year after year – Israel’s leaders, almost as if in a catatonic trance, continuously bend over ass-backwards to appease the Arab/Muslim fifth column. As always, the questions become: What’s going on? and, what the hell is wrong with their twisted thinking?

WELL, its genesis is a complicated combination of abject fear, but not in relation to militant jihadists. Arab/Muslim barbarism hardly scares the leadership, unlike reflexive (anti-semitic) condemnation from the international community which absolutely causes them to tremble. This is (mostly) why, as if on cue, every time they begin to execute their sworn duty to bring terrorists to heel, they hold back from victory. 

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s “kosher” stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro-Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be “more Catholic than the Pope”, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his “reasoning” doesn’t count for a damn) to the “rights” of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable.

Most significantly, the “peace process” was irrefutably designed to weaken Israel on numerous fronts, rendering her a walking corpse. This is hardly a secret…continue reading

ALAS, under said spineless leadership the 3rd intifada is raging apace (with no end in sight), and it is due to the same failed “strategic” calculus.

NOT only that, even though this past week’s slaughter-fest went from Israel’s heartland all the way into Tel Aviv, the leaders are still operating like deer caught in headlights. This is despite the fact that the IDF and attendant security forces, if given the green light, have the tools to subdue the fifth column.

“A group of 15-20 of us were praying at a [Judaica] shop that serves as our daily makeshift synagogue,” Shimon recounted. “Suddenly, a man entered who was bleeding profusely. [Understanding he had just been stabbed by a terrorist, and that the terrorist was behind him], we closed the doors. The terrorist tried with all his might to get in, but we didn’t let him.”

Shimon added, “He had a knife that looked like a sword. He was shouting in Arabic and tried to slaughter the men praying. We were lucky, because he had already managed to get half of his body inside the door, but we succeeded in keeping him out.”

One of the men caught in the middle of praying phoned a family member and described the bloodbath in real-time, Israel’s Channel 10 reported.

“I am at the scene of a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv,” he said.“We were praying minha [midday Jewish prayers] — because I was at a meeting in the Panorama building. A terrorist started stabbing people outside. We shut the door. He tried to get into our [makeshift] synagogue. There are people here who are seriously wounded. I photographed them. They might be dead. They’re blue. Covered in blood. We didn’t let the terrorist in. Everyone is praying and he’s yelling.”…continue reading

MIND you, the knock-on effects of “gifting” control of Hevron (see below for the whys and wherefores) to the PA/Fatah terror leadership renders the IDF’s mission that much harder. Nevertheless, a FULL “housecleaning” can get the job done. Again, refer below for further edification, but this time to the “RED NOTICE.”  

Terrorist murder at Alon Shevut intersection


All five murders perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists Thursday, Nov. 19, led back to the Hebron district of the southern West Bank. The writing on the wall was there in June 2014, when three Israeli teenage boys, Gil-Ad Sheer, Yakov Frankel and Eyal Yifrah were kidnapped at the Gush Etzion intersection near Hebron, and eventually found murdered.

Since the current wave of Palestinian terror erupted on Oct. 1, it has been obvious that the breeding ground was the town of Hebron and the district of Mount Hebron. This wave hit a deadly peak on Thursday. A Palestinian father of five from the village of Duma in the Hebron district, who a few days earlier received a permit to work in Tel Aviv, slashed to death two Israelis at a makeshift synagogue in southern Tel Aviv. Another terrorist from the village of Deir Samath near Hebron, slammed his car into Israeli vehicles and sprayed a traffic jam with gunfire on the highway to Hebron, killing an Israeli man, a tourist teenager and a Palestinian motorist. Seven others were injured.

The mother of one of the terrorists praised her son for bringing “pride and honor to the Palestinians and to Hebron.”
The controversy in Israeli military circles about whether the Palestinian terrorists have escalated the violence from rocks and knives to guns is hardly relevant, when the first attack of the current wave on Oct. 1 was a well-planned deadly shooting attack on an Israeli couple in a car. The 2015 violence would be more aptly dubbed “the Hebron Intifada.”

Hebron, 30 km south of Jerusalem, is the second largest West Bank city after Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority administration. Around 400,000 Palestinians, roughly a quarter of the West Bank Palestinian population, lives there and in the Mount Hebron towns of Dahariya, Halhoul, Yata, Dura. Samoa, Beit Umar, Bani Naim and Hirbat al-Aroub, as well as a far smaller Jewish population mainly in Hebron, Kiryat Arba and Gush Etzion. Just south of Mt.Hebron are the lands of small Bedouin tribes…continue reading

MORE specifically, many of the jihadists are granted work permits by Israel’s appeasement-obsessed leaders. Their dereliction of duty has been ongoing for years, despite the fact that the leadership realizes they are playing Russian Roulette with Jewish lives. Does insanity know no bounds?? In reality, said permit-holders are neither citizens nor residents, and they hail from terror-laden communities within areas under the control of the PA/Fatah junta! Not only that, they often receive material aid from Arab citizens within Israel who are eager to destroy the nation which bends over to appease them too! 

BUT most significantly, although militant jihadists live ALL over Israel (though a preponderance are in Jerusalem and the northern “triangle region”), it is also the case that many of them also come from – or have ties to – the Hevron (aka Hebron) region.

IN this regard, guess what? PM Netanyahu, a so-called right-wing leader, gave away (during his first stint as PM from 1996-1999) over 80% of Hevron, the holiest city in Israel! This is aside from all the damage accrued to Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital, under his (and others) misguided leadership.

 (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left), US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, andYasser Arafat at the Wye River Memorandum, 1998)


INDEED, as an outgrowth of the biggest betrayal of all – signed on by Israel’s leaders, the Oslo “Peace/Death” Accords – it was the  Wye Accords with Bubba Clinton which facilitated the “gifting” of the heartland of the Jewish people; Hevron, the burial place – for thousands of years – of Judaism’s matriarchs and patriarchs! Again, let this sink in, for those who are unaware.

INHERENTLY, PM Netanyahu committed a double betrayal: On its first tier, he signed away a sacred portion of the Jewish people’s inheritance (in itself,  a grave crime) for political expediency. Atop it (and akin to PM Rabin who signed onto Oslo), he ignored the BLOOD-SOAKED history of Arafat, the godfather of suicide terror. As an arch terrorist, he slaughtered so many Jewish souls that any agreements/gifts with him should be considered treasonous, that is, if Israel’s leaders were operating from a rational prism. They are not.

BUT never mind, the bogeyman…the elephant in the room…as always, is ignored. Resultant, few dare to tie-back the leadership’s political treachery – as well as their continuous appeasement of a murderous fifth column – to the Jewish blood flowing throughout Israel’s streets – with NO end in sight! 

SIMILARLY, in light of (and despite) said uncomfortable truths, isn’t it PAST time for Israel’s (otherwise bellicose) leaders to stand up, be counted, and declare:

OUR supreme responsibility, as leaders of the eternal Jewish homeland, is to protect Jewish lives at all costs. Thus, the following non-negotiable policy will be sworn to and dutifully executed, regardless of any (and all) political pressure:


Henceforth, aside from the actual militant jihadists – front-line soldiers – all their family members will be INTERNED or EXPELLED from our tiny Jewish nation, depending upon whatever course of action is deemed best to FINALLY stop the flow of Jewish blood. This notice applies to Arabs/Muslims who live within the so-called “Green Line”, as well as those who reside in Judea and Samaria, the Jewish heartland.

All heretofore agreements signed with the PA/PLO junta are declared null and void. Each and every one, time and again, has been abrogated. In fact, Abbas already declared – at his UN address Sept. 30, 2015 – that the “principles” were no longer binding upon his people.

Mahmoud Abbas

NO amount of cries of “collective punishment” will be heard. We will follow the example of the greatest democracy, the United States of America, when they declared a national urgency – during WW 2 – to intern their Japanese population. Mind you, that war was fought across the world from U.S. borders, yet, its leaders understood that a Japanese fifth column posed a grave danger.

This notice is effective immediately!

NOW, considering that Israel is barely comparable in size to N.J. (the 5th smallest state to boot, and its narrow waist makes N.J. look like a powerhouse), aren’t Israel’s leaders duty bound to safeguard the majority Jewish population, especially in the midst of a barbaric war with an internal fifth column?

CONCLUSIVELY, the above is precisely what a clear-eyed, non-bent and non-apologetic – just for surviving – Jewish leadership would FINALLY execute to save countless Jewish lives! 

BESIDES, anything less should be deemed GRAVE dereliction of duty – with all its attendant implications!

EVEN more so, is it off target to query: Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?

(The “typical” bloody handiwork of Arab/Muslim terrorists inside Israel…this time in Jerusalem!)

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

PM Netanyahu’s LEGAL & MORAL CASE, Obligation, To Arrest Mahmoud Abbas! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


This Israeli bus was completely incinerated by a suicide bomber.Buses are a favorite target of Palestinian terrorists.

(This Israeli bus was completely incinerated by a suicide bomber. Buses are a favorite target of Palestinian terrorists.)


IN anticipation of Israel’s March 17, 2015 election, the Inquisitr’s Editor-in-Chief requested an interview, one which would (honestly) analyze the multi-pronged dangers facing Israel, as well as the fitness of the candidates.

NOW, while the choices were between awful and less awful, well, rational folks understood which “devil” to vote for, albeit, holding ones nose.

SUCH was the case this past March, even though many were (still are) loathe to publicly admit as much. Ahh…keeping the dirty laundry hidden from view. This American-Israeli has no such qualms. Too much is at stake.

BE that as it may, its focus became clear: PM Netanyahu’s track record demonstrated that he did not have the internal fortitude to beat back domestic and outside foes, yet, voting for Herzog would be tantamount to (sooner than later) national suicide. In reality, it amounted to an either/or proposition: A slow boiling frog scenario, as opposed to a stepped-up version. Hardly palatable.

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: Well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s “kosher” stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be “more Catholic than the Pope”, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his “reasoning” doesn’t count for a damn) to the “rights” of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable.

Most significantly, the “peace process” was irrefutably designed to weaken Israel on numerous fronts, rendering her a walking corpse. This is hardly a secret.

” As early as August 1968, Arafat defined the PLO’s strategic objective as “the transfer of all resistance bases” into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war, “so that the resistance may be gradually transformed into a popular armed revolution.” This, he reasoned, would allow the PLO to undermine Israel’s way of life by “preventing immigration and encouraging emigration … destroying tourism … weakening the Israeli economy and diverting the greater part of it to security requirements … [and] creating and maintaining an atmosphere of strain and anxiety that will force the Zionists to realize that it is impossible for them to live in Israel.”

The Oslo accords enabled the PLO to achieve in one fell swoop what it had failed to attain through many years of violence and terrorism. Here was Israel, just over a decade after destroying the PLO’s military infrastructure in Lebanon, asking the Palestinian organization, at one of the lowest ebbs in its history, to establish a real political and military presence—not in a neighboring Arab country but right on its doorstep. Israel even was prepared to arm thousands of (hopefully reformed) terrorists who would be incorporated into newly established police and security forces charged with asserting the PLO’s authority throughout the territories”…..

Unarguably, PM Netanyahu is the best orator on the world stage. He proved it on several occasions, most recently, at his speech to Congress on March 3, 2015. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he is a highly gifted and polished communicator. But his commanding presence is both a byproduct of having been a special forces commando in Israel’s elite Sayeret Matkal Unit (General Reconnaissance Staff), coupled with the natural confidence gleaned from being a top graduate of MIT, one of the most acclaimed universities in the world. Not too shabby, brawn and brains alike.

To wit, it is not unreasonable to posit (and to expect) that a man of his inestimable gifts should utilize them (unlike at the aforementioned Bar Ilan speech) to highlight ALL the reasons why a PA (terror) state is a non-starter, regardless of any cockamamie caveats of “demilitarization”, in and of itself an illegal demand! For heaven’s sake…

Conclusively, to round out the first part of my interview, let me leave the readers with the following concrete shout out: as to the charge sheet that PM Netanyahu is essentially spineless, I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong, as would millions of others. Intrinsically, he can redeem himself without any oratory flourishes, and this can be accomplished by veering into immediate “action-mode.” continue reading….

NOT only that, in the midst of Arabs killing Jews, what did PM Netanyahu’s henchmen do? They APPROVED housing units in Jerusalem for Arabs, while a building freeze remains in place against Jews! Is this not tantamount to a major betrayal against the Zionist public??

MIND you, even the current round of bloodshed from Israel’s domestic fifth column hasn’t stopped the “serial accomodator” from intoning“I call upon PA President Mahmoud Abbas to return immediately to the negotiating table in order to advance the diplomatic process.”

PAR for the course, on the one hand, PM Netanyahu publicly calls out Abbas as a main inciter to Jewish genocide, in response to his latest brazen exhortation:  “Al-Aksa is ours and so is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. They have no right to desecrate them with their filthy feet. We won’t allow them to do so and we will do whatever we can to defend Jerusalem,” Abbas said in his Ramallah office during a meeting with east Jerusalem activists. Truth dare be told, Al-Aksa squats atop Judaism’s holiest site, The Temple Mount, and defiles it!

EVEN more so, at the latest UN confab, Abbas abrogated the so-called “peace process”: “Palestinians will no longer continue to be bound by the Oslo accords unless they receive “international protection” from Israel.” Nevertheless, as cited above, PM Netanyahu reverts true to form and wants to “engage” in the “peace process.” When will he take NO for an answer and unshackle Israel from the most disastrous “process” to date, one which killed scores of Jews and maimed countless on its altar? 

INEXORABLY, it is due to PM Netanyahu’s (alongside others) deceptively dangerous charade (tantamount to absolute malfeasance) that ardent Zionists within Israel feel compelled to bear witness, akin to this American-Israeli investigative journalist. In tandem, some of notable stature call upon PM Netanyahu to execute his sworn duty, and they are doing so through their public platforms. Resultant, Professor Paul Eidelberg, a close associate (who requires little introduction at this site), put PM Netanyahu on notice:

Urgent: Arrest or Deport Mahmoud Abbas

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

1) The PLO-Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, has been inciting Arabs to kill Jews in Israel. This is not only a violation of International law, but also a blatant violation of the Oslo or Israel-PLO Agreement of September 1993.

2) Mahmoud Abbas must also be charged for having violated the October 1998 Wye Agreement, which was consummated by PM Netanyahu, an agreement that names the United States as its guarantor.

3) Mahmoud Abbas has renounced the Oslo Agreement.

4) Netanyahu, therefore, has solid grounds for arresting or deporting Mahmoud Abbas for inciting Arab terrorism, as a first step for dealing with the Palestinian Authority, whose terrorist activities, according to the United Nations Charter and international law, stamp it as a criminal organization, which must be duly punished.

5) It is the duty all members of the UN to assist in the punishment of such criminal organizations.

6) It logically follows that Mr. Netanyahu has the legal, as well as the moral, right to punish PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, either by having him incarcerated or deported for having committed the crime of incitement.

7) Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations should submit a report covering the preceding facts to the appropriate agency of the UN.

8) Mr. Netanyahu should instruct Israel’s ambassador to the United States to send a copy of this report to Secretary of State John Kerry.

9) To avoid misrepresentation by the media, Mr.Netanyahu should conduct an international press conference and elaborate on the PLO-Palestinian Authority’s violations of international law and of the OSLO and Wye Agreements.

TO wit, keeping up the charade of any “peace” with said Hitlerite regime should be deemed unconscionable and illegal. And being that Arabs in Israel (for the most part) identify with their “Palestinian” brothers and sisters, unless Abbas’s PA/Fatah junta is FULLY held to account, Jewish blood will flow through the streets. No doubt.

Related image


(A Palestinian holding a knife to slaughter Jews….and “instructions” on “How to stab a Jew” can be found in PA textbooks…is this not enough of a reason to arrest Abbas? If not, why not?)

JUST as clearly, PM Netanyahu is reverting true to form, hoping to kick the can down the road by gaining a reprieve through some “quiet” until the next round. Unfathomably, how many Jewish sacrificial lambs will be enough, before said calculus becomes untenable??

ALAS, few would argue that the most sacred obligation of any leader is the protection of the nation’s citizens. In reality, two recent commentaries expose the heretofore inexplicable, at least to those who are unfamiliar with said terrain – “Israel On Fire, Arab-Israelis Wage Militant Jihad Against Jews: What’s To Be Done?” and “Israel’s Leadership Self-Abasement, Its Bloody Knock-On Effects: Arab-Israeli Militant Jihad.”

MOST significantly, Israel’s Jewish/Zionist majority public dare not become sacrificial lambs on behalf of the Arab/Muslim minority. In fact, the Jewish people’s four-thousand (plus) year old homeland was not rebuilt in 1948 to become a multi-culti facsimile of western nations.

IN this regard, nation-saving imperatives have been amply expounded upon by Dr. Martin Sherman, another close contact – arguably Israel’s foremost strategic policy analyst – through his many Jerusalem Post columns and global interviews. Readers would do well to review “Confronting Israel’s Precarious Future: An Interview With Dr. Martin Sherman.” It serves as a clear-eyed analysis, relative to the double and triple standards heaped upon Israel by the international community, as well as reveals the myth of a “Palestinian” homeland. 

INCONTROVERTIBLY, PM Netanyahu has both a LEGAL and MORAL obligation to arrest Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of Israel’s internal fifth column inciters; namely, Arab Knesset members who regularly incite to kill Jews, as well as the leadership of the Islamic movement in Israel’s north.

Burying another brave son of Israel who died to protect his people and his homeland.

(Burying another brave son of Israel who died to protect his people and his homeland.)

ANYTHING less must be construed as another smoke and mirrors show (demonstrated within the link) and duly signed off by PM Netanyahu, the results of which are a foregone conclusion – many more dead and maimed Jews!

JEWISH history will indict all the players, and a goodly portion of the onus will land (rightfully) at PM Netanyahu’s door.

Killing Jews for Arafat's dream of destroying Israel and creating an Islamic Palestine from the River to the sea.

(While Obama pressures Israel to divide Jerusalem and sign a suicidal peace treaty, Hamas, the PA/Fatah junta alike, dreams of finishing what Hitler started.)

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}


ISIS & The Israeli Arab Nexus: How Did This Happen & What Can Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE it is impolitic to state certain truths, well, since when has said “restrictions” mattered at this end? Never and never.

EVEN more so, when it comes to Israel – the only outpost for freedom within the Mid East cesspool, aside from being a highly reliable US ally – there is literally no room for error. Jive-talk alike. Besides, when living among Israel’s Arab population, a certain realistic perspective evolves, or at least it should.

RESULTANT, let it sink in: A distinct majority of Israel’s minority Arab population identify with Israel’s enemies, especially the so-called Palestinian narrative. And it is this allegiance (an Islamic imperative) which causes too many to become entangled with terror, be it actively or through material assistance. Agreed, a small segment are grateful to be living in a country where they not only enjoy equal rights but every opportunity imaginable. As such, recognizing that one doesn’t bite the hand that feeds them, so to speak, they want nothing to do with terror activity. Nevertheless, they are a minority within a minority, and this assessment reflects reality on the ground.

IN this regard, on multiple occasions, this site reported on the entry of ISIS into Israel. It occurred right under the noses of the Shin Bet, Israel’s vaunted internal security services. But before we wade into that, let’s recap how the otherwise highly adept (that is, when political biases are not driving their efforts, ala when they spend valuable resources hunting down Jewish nationalists for the “crime” of saving Judea and Samaria, the Jewish heartland) intelligence agents are hampered by appeasement-addicted leaders. As previously stated:

LET there be no doubt: Israel’s mentally besieged fantasists are running the nation’s “strategic” calculus, such that it is. And this statement is certainly not meant to be flippant, rather, it is heart-wrenching. Nevertheless, it is a realistic assessment borne out of much experience, and it is gleaned through certain in-depth investigations. The fact that this American-Israeli is laser focused on U.S. and Israeli security, rest assured, there is no time (nor inclination) to pussyfoot around. Like it or not.

RESULTANT, if it means taking PM Netanyahu (and his gaggle of associates and sycophantic followers) to the woodshed, so be it. Besides, it is nothing new on this end, and it is not for nothing. In fact, three high-profile interviews did just that:The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot,” “ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World”  (the 2nd part of the interview), as well as “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State.” In 3 words, gut-wrenching projects.

STILL yet, in order to grasp what is going on, one has to sink their teeth into the fact that Israel’s security services are second to none: The Shin Bet or GSS,  [General Security Services], Shabak, & ISA [Israel Security Agency]. Let’s just agree on this basis. Even so, and despite being able to uncover this and that (mostly, BEFORE the plot explodes), the fact remains that the PM (the buck stops at his address) refuses to outlaw a main font of said internal terror! Now, it is intrinsic to note that this terror group is embedded INSIDE Israel proper, as opposed to outside the artificially created “green line,” actually, the heart of Judea and Samaria. Never mind the fact that the aforementioned is the Jewish people’s heartland!….continue reading….

IN light of the above, it was duly reported (and confirmed by multiple sources) that ISIS “slipped” into Israel proper. Period. Mind you, Israel is a tiny state comparative to NJ, the fifth-smallest state. Yes, that miniature. This calculated land mass includes Judea and Samaria, aka the “disputed” territories. The point being, few security-related matters happen in Israel (via ultra high-tech “eyes in the sky”, coupled with very adept human intelligence assets sniffing around) which go undetected.

ALAS, back in Dec. 2014, the following was revealed:

ALONG this dangerous terrain, certain matters have come to this investigative journalist’s attention, being an American-Israeli living in Israel. Significantly (and attributed to a Golani Druze journalist, who shall remain nameless), he interviewed Syrian Druze and they credibly documented ISIS, for quite some time, inside their border, one which is adjacent to Israel’s Golan!

THE urgent query becomes: Could it be remotely possible, in any rational reality – with Israel’s second to none “eyes in the sky” and other operational capabilities – that they haven’t seen the “rebels” merging with ISIS, long before this week’s “announcement”? Whom are they kidding?

IN this regard, there is a growing sense of outrage within the Druze community, as they realize that Israel’s leadership “lent” the IDF to quarterback for Obama’s “rebels”, those whom have proven to be (many months ago) ISIS affiliated.

IT gets worse.

ONCE again, a source has confirmed an unfathomable situation: Israel’s gov’t is clearly taking care of the medical needs of Obama’s “rebels”.

REPORTEDLY (another contact would have to go into hiding, if his identity was revealed), Israeli hospitals are at their disposal! Therefore, it is up to others to document the story’s underlying basis.

IN April 2014, over 10 Islamists (identified as either ISIS or Al-Nusra…six of one, half a dozen of another) were being treated in a Tsfat hospital for almost an entire month. To wit, they were separated from the rest of the patients, they were forbidden to walk around the hospital, and they were always guarded by IDF soldiers. By the way, it doesn’t matter a wit how this source was able to identify their presence. That’s neither here nor there… the whole thing….

TO wit, blow back should be expected, as opposed to querying: How the hell did this happen? 

The Northern District Attorney’s Office on Thursday filed indictments with the Nazareth District Court against seven Israeli-Arabs for founding an Islamic State cell to carry out a terror attack on Israel.

The indictment stated that the defendants illegally purchased weapons, made contact with ISIS agents in Syria and started to plan a shooting attack in the Emek Valley.

One of the defendants, Ahmed Ahmad, 26, is already serving a life prison sentence for his involvement in the murder of taxi driver Yafim Weinstein in 2009.

Three more defendants were accused of the most serious crimes and were named as Mahmoud Ihaav Sarif of Nazareth, Ahmad Omer of Hagana and Muhammad Hamad Gazal of Yafia.

Besides those four, the other three defendants were accused of conspiracy to commit a felony and the weapons related crimes.

INDEED, it doesn’t take a security expert to intuit how the above collaboration evolved: An ever-increasing hostile Arab population, in tandem with the “slippage” of Obama backed “rebels” into Israel proper, allowed for contact between certain Arab Israelis with ISIS handlers. Never mind the fact that there are alternative routes to said contacts, but make no mistake: Due to PM Netanyahu’s strategic (“rebel-backed”) calculus – or lack thereof – it made it easier to connect up. 

MIND you, this is the same PM – unparalleled orator that he is – who continually implores the UN to cease bashing Israel. Hmm. Is this not indicative of delusional thinking? In reality, said expectation is akin to expecting dogs to cease barking at those who come knocking at the door! Credo quia absurdum.

NOT only that, begging PA Arabs (enemies in general) to make peace with Israel is comparative to imploring them to shed their Muslim (and anti-semitic) skin! Understood? 

On Thursday night, Eitam and Naama Henkin were killed in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists who drove by their car and riddled them with bullets. The incident would have caught the attention of the Israeli public in any case. But the fact that the couple was gunned down in front of their four children — aged 9 and under, with the youngest being a 6-month-old baby — made the attack that much more heart-wrenching.

Even Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s voice cracked slightly while issuing an official statement on the tragedy, in which he expressed deep sorrow for the orphans. This was mere hours after he addressed the U.N. General Assembly in New York and said he was “prepared to immediately, immediately, resume direct peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority without any preconditions whatsoever.”

Turning to the Palestinian Authority leader, whose own speech, delivered the day before, was a tirade of threats to renege on all agreements signed with Israel, Netanyahu said, “President [Mahmoud] Abbas, I know it’s not easy. I know it’s hard. But we owe it to our peoples to try, to continue to try, because together, if we actually negotiate and stop negotiating about the negotiation, if we actually sit down and try to resolve this conflict between us, recognize each other, not use a Palestinian state as a stepping stone for another Islamist dictatorship in the Middle East, but something that will live at peace next to the Jewish state, if we actually do that, we can do remarkable things for our peoples.”

Netanyahu went on to appeal to the U.N. to cease “encouraging Palestinian rejectionism,” and to Abbas to “stop libeling Israel, stop inciting hatred and violence … [and] stop spreading lies about Israel’s alleged intentions on the Temple Mount, [where] … militant Islamists … are smuggling explosives into the Al-Aqsa mosque and … trying to prevent Jews and Christians from visiting the holy sites.”

He could have saved his breath, as he did when making a 44-second pregnant pause at the podium — a gimmick that has earned the address the title of “neum hashtika,” or the “speech of silence.” As he well knows, nobody is listening, least of all Abbas, whose only concern of late is that the nuclear deal with Iran, the slaughter in Syria and the refugee crisis in Europe have been upstaging him abroad, the way Hamas is doing at home.

But it is not only Hamas in Gaza that welcomed the double murder of an Israeli mother and father. Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank have been celebrating the event with glee…..continue reading….

ADDING insult to grave mendacity, PM Netanyahu is well aware that if not for HUSSEIN Obama’s efforts, Iran would hardly be joining the nuclear club, and with the imprimatur of the U.S. to boot! Therefore, the fact that he stated “President [Barack] Obama has said that he is committed to preventing dangerous weapons coming into the hands of Iran’s proxies, that he wants to prevent Iran from destabilizing countries in the Middle East,” is beyond reason.

EVEN so, it is hardly a question of whether or not the Shin Bet (and related assets) will (eventually) round-up particular suspects. Yes, this expectation is basically a given. Still yet, what most have a hard time wrapping their brains around is that a Jewish leadership is reflexively blinded, when it comes to the enemy within.

AS to the query: What can be done? Well, the main caveat is hardly rocket science, that’s for sure. In a nutshell, a complete volte-face, a mental paradigm shift (vis-à-vis Israel’s internal fifth column and outside enemies alike, particularly, the PA/Fatah Abbas led junta) has to take place within Israel’s top leadership. Think of it as a trickle down effect.

IN turn, a long-awaited (by secular and religious Zionists) national pride will emerge, leading to an invigorated ability to execute real strategic imperatives. Significantly, regardless of pressures exerted by leftists and Arabists within Israel and beyond its borders, Israel will stand tall and unapologetic. Thus, protecting the Jewish homeland at any – and all – cost will sit atop their strategic calculus.

IN other words, instead of chasing ghosts, expecting those who wish Israel ill to change, the change that MUST take place has to be on the leadership level, starting at the PM’s helm. 

AFTER all, if one’s national leadership is supine, effectively, begging the “other” to accept Israel’s “existence”, how successful a “strategy” is that??

CASE closed.

(Below, Israel’s internal Arab fifth column arrested for plotting with ISIS….pics of others were unavailable!)

israeli tards for islamic state

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Report}

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HUSSEIN Obama’s MASSIVE Geopolitical Blow Back: Israel Veering East, China Ties Burgeoning. What Does This Mean? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Obama & Kerry Lie

IT is a given, almost akin to a “holy grail” within Israel – particularly, in the political sphere –  that Israel’s “best friend” is America. Yes and no. Regardless, a basic backgrounder is in order to understand what’s what.

YES, due to inherent common values and worldviews, the two nations are bound by mutual underpinnings. While a majority of Americans and Congressional Republicans overwhelmingly support Israel (and Israel’s majority Jewish public returns the sentiment towards America), the increasingly hostile Demster machine is on the warpath. Indeed, yesteryear’s Democratic operatives no longer even maintain the pretense of being pro-Israel, nor are they pro-American. But let’s not digress.

ON the other hand, the Executive Branch, for the most part, has been a fair-weather friend, dependent upon who is POTUS. However, no one, least of all Israel’s politicians, should have been shocked by HUSSEIN Obama’s overt hostility. That’s a vast understatement. In reality, even if they failed to execute their due diligence prior to his first term, his 2009 speech in Cairo was crystal clear: The Muslim Brotherhood, Islamism, has his support and that is that. In fact, not only did he prove his loyalty to them throughout the Mid East, but within America’s power centers. No doubt.



SIGNIFICANTLY, PM Netanyahu’s second round at the helm coincided with HUSSEIN Obama’s first term as POTUS. But in order to internalize how far down the rabbit hole the relationship between Israel and the Executive Branch has descended, one must understand the following backgrounder:

INDISPUTABLY, PM Netanyahu’s American roots run deep, even though he was born in Israel. True, many are aware that he served with distinction within the IDF’s Sayeret Matkal…. סיירת מטכ”ל …. aka “The Unit.” Agreed, it is Israel’s most elite special forces commando unit, the General Staff’s Reconnaissance arm. Yet, few know that PM Netanyahu spent a portion of his childhood in a suburb of Philadelphia, having graduated from Cheltenham High School. Not only that, after he completed his service in the IDF – having returned to Israel after high school – he headed back to the U.S. to attend MIT, the most esteemed academic powerhouse in the world. Moreover, upon graduating MIT, he was a doctoral student at Harvard in political science, until his studies were cut short upon the death of his brother, Yoni, during Operation Entebbe. 

MIND you, none of the above is inconsequential to the thesis at hand, in so far as he is every bit American-centric as he is Israeli. Don’t forget this.

IN conjunction, having established that PM Netanyahu is more than intellectually endowed (even though combat hardened, he found it mentally impossible to throw off Obama Inc.’s yoke – until now) the question always looms: How could he hitch Israel’s security, its economic future alike, to the most anti-Israel administration ever to disgrace the People’s House? And since this investigative journalist is not inclined to waste time, the following (March 2015) should serve as partial edification: “Can Israel Survive As The  Jewish State?” 

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s “kosher” stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be “more Catholic than the Pope”, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his “reasoning” doesn’t count for a damn) to the “rights” of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable.

Most significantly, the “peace process” was irrefutably designed to weaken Israel on numerous fronts, rendering her a walking corpse. This is hardly a secret.

” As early as August 1968, Arafat defined the PLO’s strategic objective as “the transfer of all resistance bases” into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war, “so that the resistance may be gradually transformed into a popular armed revolution.” This, he reasoned, would allow the PLO to undermine Israel’s way of life by “preventing immigration and encouraging emigration … destroying tourism … weakening the Israeli economy and diverting the greater part of it to security requirements … [and] creating and maintaining an atmosphere of strain and anxiety that will force the Zionists to realize that it is impossible for them to live in Israel.”

The Oslo accords enabled the PLO to achieve in one fell swoop what it had failed to attain through many years of violence and terrorism. Here was Israel, just over a decade after destroying the PLO’s military infrastructure in Lebanon, asking the Palestinian organization, at one of the lowest ebbs in its history, to establish a real political and military presence—not in a neighboring Arab country but right on its doorstep. Israel even was prepared to arm thousands of (hopefully reformed) terrorists who would be incorporated into newly established police and security forces charged with asserting the PLO’s authority throughout the territories”…..

Unarguably, PM Netanyahu is the best orator on the world stage. He proved it on several occasions, most recently, at his speech to Congress on March 3, 2015. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he is a highly gifted and polished communicator. But his commanding presence is both a byproduct of having been a special forces commando in Israel’s elite Sayeret Matkal Unit (General Reconnaissance Staff), coupled with the natural confidence gleaned from being a top graduate of MIT, one of the most acclaimed universities in the world. Not too shabby, brawn and brains alike.

To wit, it is not unreasonable to posit (and to expect) that a man of his inestimable gifts should utilize them (unlike at the aforementioned Bar Ilan speech) to highlight ALL the reasons why a PA (terror) state is a non-starter, regardless of any cockamamie caveats of “demilitarization”, in and of itself an illegal demand! For heaven’s sake…continue reading…


NOW, this  backgrounder is hardly an exercise in futility. In fact, it serves to connect several intrinsic geo-political fault-lines, all of which lead to the absolute blow back caused by HUSSEIN Obama’s deep animus, his many betrayals to Israel. Other allies alike.  

Obama Illustration - Obama Iran Weapons - Middle East Illustration

WITH the above firmly understood, the fact that any Israeli PM – most of all, PM Netanyahu – would do “business” with China, sans consulting with Washington (as if they should have to consult with any foreign power, but that’s another story), tells the tale. Mind you, it is not inconsequential that under Obama Inc. there is a tacit acceptance of economic sanctions against Israel. Say whaaat? Isn’t U.S. legislation very clear, it is illegal to boycott Israel and other allies?

BUT no matter, punishment for not gifting Judea and Samaria – the Jewish people’s thousands year old historical heartland – in its totality, to the so-called Palestinians, knows no bounds. Obama Inc., ungrateful bastards that they are, is not satisfied with PM Netanyahu’s past capitulation, regarding the Jewish heartland. How many recall that he surrendered (upon the blasted Wye River Accords in 1998, during his first stint as PM from 1996-1999) over 80% of Hevron to Arafat’s PA terror junta, even though it is the cradle of Judaism, it wasn’t his to give away, and is where Judaism’s patriarchs/matriarchs are buried?

WHICH brings us straight back to Israel’s burgeoning relationship with China, mostly due to HUSSEIN Obama’s fiery geopolitical blow back. Assuredly, Israel is certainly not blind to China’s “spotty” human rights record, and neither is the U.S. Indeed, Washington is practically owned by China, and that’s not an exaggeration.

china buying us banks


IN this regard, despite years of capitulation by PM Netanyahu to Obama’s dictates, certain alliances are A-changin’:

As Europe and America continue to be flooded with welfare-dependent Muslim migrants, companies and universities are being pressured to divest their investments and boycott products made in the State of Israel. But while some in the West turn their backs on Israel, Chinese business leaders are investing there more than ever before. China admires the Jewish state, including its emphasis on education, strong family relationships, leading entrepreneurship, breakthrough technological innovations, and most of all its incomparable success despite its size in a hostile neighborhood of enemies.


Around the same time, Gaon Holdings that controls Ahava, informed Tel Aviv Stock Exchange that China’s investment giant Fosan has acquired the company for $77 million.

Ahava’s plant is located in the West Bank that is a target of the BDS movement, and in 2011 it was forced to close its London flagship store after weeks of demonstration by pro-Palestinian groups. In June the Dead Sea cosmetics company was reportedly considering relocating its factory from Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem, located beyond the Green Line, to inside Israel’s pre-1967 border.

However, now that China has acquired the company and seeking to expand the products into China’s enormous and rapidly expanding cosmetics market, Ahava may not need to relocate. Back in 2007, Ahava had already signed exclusive distribution agreement with a Chinese company to build up the brand name in China.


Moreover, if other European nations follow Iceland’s model and boycott all Israeli products and not just those in the West Bank, relocating a factory would not make a difference.

In contrast, while the West boycotts Israel, Chinese companies such as Fosun have been pouring investments into Israeli companies the past years. For Fosun, which also bought Israeli medical and cosmetic energy-based device manufacturer Alma Lasers in 2013, “Israel is a highly attractive market that complements Fosun’s global expansion strategy.”


Unlike Europe that is still reeling from recession and the aftermath of the Eurozone crisis, China recognizes technology and innovations is a factor for continued growth. Tel Aviv-based IVC Research Center said in 2015, Chinese investments in Israeli start-ups would reach $467 million, a 54% increase from $302 million last year.

IVC counts some 30 new Chinese investors in Israel since 2012, with companies like Huawei and Desay seekings deals, and Alibaba—the worlds’ largest e-commerce company—investing $5 million in the startup Visualead in January and later in Jerusalem Venture Partner’s VC fund.

Other deals include acquisition of controlling interest in Tnuva Food Industries, Pegasus Technologies Ltd that develops and sells digital pens for the computer environment, Adama Agricultural Solutions, Ltd., agreement to build the new Ashdod port by China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd., $130 million donation to Technion, $300 million joint center between Tel Aviv University and Tsinghua University for innovative research and education, just to name a few.


But not every Academic institution in the West wants to boycott Israel:


David Fuchs, managing partner of the newly formed $20 million Synergy China Funds, observed Chinese VC market is growing by leaps and bounds. As such many Israeli venture capital funds have raised capital from Chinese backers, and Israeli start-ups can also tap into more Chinese capital when they expand operations in the lucrative Chinese market.

It is interesting to note that just before Iceland and EU’s ominous moves in September to boycott Israel, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a film in late August to mark the 70 anniversary since the end of WWII and to express Israel’s gratitude for China sheltering 20,000 Jews who fled Nazi-occupied Europe.

In the film, the Consul General of Israel in Shanghai Mr. Arnon Perlmansaid, “the film is a token of appreciation to Shanghai and to the Chinese people from the people of Israel. The Israel people will never forget how the Chinese people came to our help during our darkest hour. It is here, in Shanghai, where Jewish refugees could find shelter from the Nazi regime.”

Among the Israelis featured in the video are former refugees from Shanghai, Mayor Yona Yahav of Haifa, Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Robert J. (Yisrael) Aumann, high tech professionals, famous magician Hezi Din, various students and artists. After Israel made the film, which received wide Chinese press coverage, China responded with a video to express a heartwarming “you’re welcome.”

Very prescient considering what would unfold in a matter of days after the film was made, with Israel’s Foreign Ministry condemning Iceland’s boycott and status as “a volcano of hatred spews forth from the Reykjavik city council building”, while EU’s decision provoked Prime Minister Netanyahu to invoke Nazi Germany’s boycott on Jewish stores and that “we have historical memory of what happened when Europe labeled Jewish products.”

One thing for sure, Obama has done what no other American president has been able to do. His policies have forced historical enemies to become allies. Israel has formed close ties with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE, Russia, and apparently, now even in China.


AS things stand, it is certainly prudent for Israel to look eastward. Yes, this is coming from an American patriot, one who happens to also be an Israeli Zionist!

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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Israel’s Appeasement Gone Wild: Jews ARRESTED For “Upsetting” Arab Rioters!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

LET there be no doubt: Israel’s mentally besieged fantasists are running the nation’s “strategic” calculus, such that it is. And this statement is certainly not meant to be flippant, rather, it is heart-wrenching. Nevertheless, it is a realistic assessment borne out of much experience, and it is gleaned through certain in-depth investigations. The fact that this American-Israeli is laser focused on U.S. and Israeli security, rest assured, there is no time (nor inclination) to pussyfoot around. Like it or not.

RESULTANT, if it means taking PM Netanyahu (and his gaggle of associates and sycophantic followers) to the woodshed, so be it. Besides, it is nothing new on this end, and it is not for nothing. In fact, three high-profile interviews did just that: “The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot,” “ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World”  (the 2nd part of the interview), as well as “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State.” In 3 words, gut-wrenching projects.

STILL yet, in order to grasp what is going on, one has to sink their teeth into the fact that Israel’s security services are second to none: The Shin Bet or GSS,  [General Security Services], Shabak, & ISA [Israel Security Agency]. Let’s just agree on this basis. Even so, and despite being able to uncover this and that (mostly, BEFORE the plot explodes), the fact remains that the PM (the buck stops at his address) refuses to outlaw a main font of said internal terror! Now, it is intrinsic to note that this terror group is embedded INSIDE Israel proper, as opposed to outside the artificially created “green line,” actually, the heart of Judea and Samaria. Never mind the fact that the aforementioned is the Jewish people’s heartland!

BE that as it may, while this main terror hydra operates – for many decades – freely throughout Israel, its base (akin to corp. headquarters) is in northern Israel, the notorious Islamic Movement.  Mind you, as always, after Jewish blood flows through the streets – which invariably traces northward – the leadership “convenes” this and that “emergency” cabinet session, discussing whether or not they should FINALLY outlaw the terror apparatus! Did you ever?? What is there to discuss?

AND just as a tidbit, a fully vetted informant inside the hottest (Islamic) spot in northern Israel (who shall forever remain nameless) passes on info to a select group of this site’s Israeli associates, effectively, trickling down in this direction. Understood? So, take what is being assessed to the mental vault, as you read on.

WHICH brings us back to the main thesis statement: “Israel’s Appeasement Gone Wild: Jews Arrested For “Upsetting” Arab Rioters.” Yes, it is absolutely the case that one must have the ability to internalize the related knock-on effects, for only then can the Orwellian nightmare – suffered by nationalist Jews under the dictates of Israel’s political leadership – be understood for what it is. In turn, this eye-washing leads to the whys and wherefores of Jews being arrested for “upsetting” Arab rioters!

Border Police storm yeshiva for non-violent protest against Arab mob. Rights group threatens lawsuit.

Border Police arrest Jews for non-violent protest

Border Police arrest Jews for non-violent protest

A Beit Orot yeshiva [Torah academy] student was arrested in Jerusalem on Tuesday night, after its students retaliated against a steady stream of Arab attacks by blasting the “Shema Yisrael” prayer over a loudspeaker.

Dozens of Arab rioters set off fireworks and threw rocks at Border Police near the yeshiva. After half an hour of clashes, students retaliated by blasting the prayer in a non-violent response. 

Shockingly, instead of Border Police arresting the rioters, they broke into the school, and threatened to arrest students for “agitating Arabs.” 

The student who was arrested, a discharged soldier who until recently was a commander in a combat unit, was detained for noting to the officers that they had no legal grounds to ban the song….see video here ….

In addition, police officers attacked a student who documented the arrest.

The student was taken away and taken to the police station with his hands cuffed behind his back. He said he was put in a room without air conditioning, was placed in a corner facing the wall and was left for a long time.

Only after attorney Rehavia Pilz from the Honenu legal rights organization came to the police station did the officers agree to release him and handcuff him with his hands in front.

He was questioned on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and disturbing the public, denied the allegations and was released around 2:00 am – and only under supervision. Police also returned the speakers to the yeshiva overnight. 

Honenu responded Wednesday that the incident is a scandal. 

“Rather than act decisively against Arab rioters and terrorists hurting Jews in Jerusalem regularly, police officers act rather decisively against Jewish residents,” Honenu fumed. “Why?”

“We will consider a lawsuit against the police officers with respect to the student’s false arrest,” it added. 

AS always, HONENU is the only address protecting Jewish nationalists from their appeasement-sucking leadership. And this statement is also borne out of first-hand knowledge, that which can be found here, if interested.

September 15, after the close of the Rosh HaShana holiday, dozens of rioting Arabs launched firecrackers and threw rocks at border policemen near the Beit Orot neighborhood complex in Jerusalem. Approximately half an hour after the Arabs started launching firecrackers, several yeshiva students at Yeshivat Beit Orot decided to respond with calls of “Shema Yisrael” and other short traditional prayers through a loudspeaker towards the rioters.

The border policemen, who had not responded to either the firecrackers or the rocks, very quickly stormed the yeshiva complex and attempted to confiscate the loudspeaker, claiming that the calls were “agitating the Arabs”. One of the students, a recently discharged soldier who had served as a squad commander in a combat unit, went out to the courtyard at the entrance of the complex in which the loudspeaker is located and attempted to clarify whether the police had a valid reason to confiscate the loudspeaker. When he claimed that there was no legal cause to confiscate the loudspeaker, the policemen confronted him, took his personal weapon, a pistol, and violently detained him, twisted his arms and claimed that he was interfering with the confiscation of the loudspeaker. According to the student the commander of the police force kneed him during the detention. Policemen also assaulted a student who documented the detention.

The detained student was taken from the scene and brought to the police station while his hands were handcuffed behind his back. He reported that he was taken to a room without air conditioning and left in a corner with his face to the wall for an extended period of time with his hands still handcuffed behind his back, in violation of regulations and in a demeaning manner. Only after Honenu attorney Rehavia Piltz arrived at the police station did the policemen agree to release the student’s arms from behind his back and handcuff his hands in front.

The student was interrogated on suspicion of assaulting a policeman and disturbing the public order. He denied all charges and was released at approximately 2:00 a.m. The policemen returned the loudspeaker to the yeshiva during the course of the night.
Honenu: “Instead of acting decisively against rioting Arabs and terrorists who injure Jews in Jerusalem on a regular basis, the policemen act decisively against Jewish residents. The claim that calls of “Shema Yisrael” through a loudspeaker towards dozens of terrorists already throwing rocks and launching firecrackers agitate them is outrageous, and indicates the mood of the police. We will consider filing a suit against the policemen for the false detention of the student.”

Honenu attorney Rehavia Piltz stated that, “It is a shame that the police exhibited decisiveness when dealing with yeshiva students who operated a loudspeaker, but inactivity and weakness when dealing with rioting Arabs who morning and night launch firecracker barrages at Yeshivat Beit Orot.”

MIND you, to assess that Israeli appeasement begets terror – which leads directly to countless dead and maimed Jews – is a no-brainer. No strategic calculus is required for said determinate analysis.

TO wit, it must finally be recognized: Israel’s PM (despite his perpetual tough-guy scowl and fiery oratory) dances to two main tunes, Washington’s dictates and the UN’s. In fact, in relationship to Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount, the UN has decreed: “Keep Jewish Payer Ban On Temple Mount!”

IMAGINE, if you will, the utter gall, the chutzpah. Yet, what did PM Netanyahu say in response? “Netanyahu to Ban: We’re Maintaining Status Quo on Temple Mount.”

HMM…what exactly does THAT mean? Well, as always, Jewish prayer will NOT be tolerated at Judaism’s holiest site, that’s what. Indeed, it is in response to said Jewish self debasement that Arabs/Muslims ratchet up their terror. As a matter of record, Israel’s erstwhile “peace” partner recently incited

Meanwhile, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas glorified Palestinians fighting Israelis in Jerusalem and called for Palestinians to prevent Jews from entering Al-Aqsa with “everything in our power,” Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reports.

“The Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is ours… and they have no right to defile it with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem… We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem, which is clean and pure blood, blood spilled for Allah, Allah willing. Every martyr (Shahid) will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah,” Abbas said in a speech, segments of which were aired on official PA TV and posted on his website.

IS PM Netanyahu merely tone-deaf, or is something else going on?

REGARDLESS, it is due to all of the above (plus so much more) that this investigative journalist reported the following, yet, it is just the tip of the spear.


INDUBITABLY, Israel’s mentally besieged leaders and Jewish self-flagellation is a sickness unto itself. No kidding.


WHICH leads us to the collaboration between Islamists and leftists – some of whom include Jews – inside and outside Israel. They are twin western poisons.


ALAS, is it any wonder that Islamic supremacy is triumphing, and with no end in sight. PM Netanyahu, what say you?

SANS a scintilla of a doubt, this site defies anyone to argue with the basis of the stated thesis: “Israel’s Appeasement Has Gone (Dangerously) Wild!” 

(Even as Jewish blood continuously spills due to Arab terror, Israel’s leftist media rag(s) opine: Jews who protest, calling for “revenge”…נקמה….are deteriorating into anti-Arab mobs!)

MAY the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have mercy on us….save us from our leadership’s appeasement and the enemies at our throats!

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

ISLAMIC MEGA ALERT:ISIS Marches On Jordan, Israel In The Cross Hairs! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ISIS on the march to Jordan

(ISIS on the march to Jordan…a hop, skip and a jump to Israel…)


AS exposed this week in a very revealing commentary, “ISIS-Monster (Iran Alike) Fed By HUSSEIN Obama: Knock-On Effects Of Illegal Libya War & More”, the leader of the free world (through incendiary actions and derelict inaction) has brought the Mid East to the brink. Guaranteed, its eventual blow back will reverberate in the U.S. – sooner than later. Yes, related proofs are conclusive and manifest.

NOW, aside from U.S. special forces stationed in Jordan, the reality is that the IDF is the only military capable of beating back ISIS’s march towards its borders. Not only that, but there is no doubt that ISIS’s columns can be decimated without any IDF ground intervention, at least in the short-term. Yes, “mop up” will be needed, but that’s the extent of it.  

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – ISIS – was on the move Sunday, May 24, from central Syria to the Jordanian border, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources report. They were advancing from the central town of Palmyra, which they seized last week, in columns of US-made tanks and armored cars taken booty in Iraq. No Syrian military force was there to block their advance on the border.

Our sources report that the initial ISIS mission is to take control of the eastern section of the border, including the meeting point between the Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi frontiers. They are estimated to cover the 250 km from Palmyra to the Jordanian border Tuesday, May 26, passing through Deir el-Zour in the east, which they already occupy.
After the border crossing, ISIS is expected to seize villages and towns in northeastern Jordan, especially Ar Ruwayshid, where 800,000 Syrian refugees shelter.

The Jordanian army, our sources report, had the foresight earlier this month to reinforce its western frontier against a potential ISIS assault on the frontier from point where it links with the Israeli and Syrian borders and up to the Tanaf border crossing. However, the Islamists are heading for the eastern sections which the Jordanian army did not fortify with extra troops.

It is important to note that the United States maintains in the Kingdom of Jordan 7,000 special operations troops and an air force unit to guard its northwestern border with Syria. Most are stationed at Jordanian military bases in Mafraq, opposite the central sector of the border with Syria.

By reaching Jordan’s doorstep, the Islamic State is posing a challenge to President Barack Obama and forcing him to reach a decision, avoided thus far, about sending US troops to confront the terrorists.

The ISIS approach may stir into action the clandestine cells the group maintains in the towns of central Jordan with strong local support. ISIS is popular in the kingdom, especially in the southern regions abutting on Israel and Saudi Arabia. Ma’an is seen as an Islamic State stronghold in southern Jordan.

HOWEVER, the open question, as always, is: do Israel’s leaders possess the political will to execute what must be done; a sustained campaign of bombing-runs at their advancing forces until they are little more than billowing smoke? Assuredly, the half-hearted hit and run air operations executed by U.S. forces – so ordered by the Traitor-in-Chief – was little more than a band-aid. Smoke and mirrors. Outrageous.

POINTEDLY, there is literally nothing that happens in the region  -even farting, due to too much partying – without Israel’s “eyes in the sky” taking note. This is not an inconsequential assessment. Hmm.

TAKE PKK Turkish terrorists – who are Iran aligned – as just one example out of enumerable:

No country in the world watches the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) as closely as Israel. Its electronic eyes monitor terrorist camps around the clock; it listens to and records their communications. Israeli satellites are constantly overhead, and there are unidentified unmanned aerial vehicles that occasionally appear and disappear.

Israel has turned the PKK camps into reality TV shows. Not just for important exercises: Israel watches everything live, from their folk dances to the food they eat and of course their moves toward Turkey — not to mention the human intelligence coming from inside sources.

Why do you think Israel is so interested in the PKK? Why is this organization so important to Israel?…read more here

MIND you, still, the above question – as to their political will – is not theoretical in nature, but one of past being prologue. And if anything serves as proof of said harsh indictment, well, the following interview should suffice: “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?”

EVEN so, it is more than clear that HUSSEIN Obama’s game plan is to purposefully box Israel into a confrontation with ISIS and with Iran alike. In tandem, he has left America fully vulnerable to attacks by jihadists, by those who are burrowed deep within its borders and will explode at their time of choosing. Yes, this is reality. Not only that, but this site has enough proof of said charges to necessitate a u-haul to truck the evidence away!



NOW, aside from the fact that the Traitor-in-Chief saw fit to tell a U.S. Coast Guard assemblage that global warning (even though debunked as a fraud six ways to Sunday) causes terrorism and not Islam – the most retrograde force known to man – the world is now threatened as never before, all “credit” to the most dangerous man ever to despoil the People’s House! Besides, how many ways can one call another a liar, scoundrel, traitor and reprobate…and these are the most benign descriptors which come to mind.

CONCLUSIVELY, the inspector general for DHS weighed in re Obama’s record on national security. Inherently, this investigative journalist doesn’t require any independent oversight committee to spell out the dangers that his surrogates – willingly, but at his behest – have wrought upon the nation and the west at large. 

The Texas judge who has temporarily blocked President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty is delaying his final decision so he can investigate how the administration hid the award of three-year amnesties to 100,000 illegal immigrants.“Due to the ser...


The Department of Homeland Security‘s inspector general reported that his office discovered the enormous agency doesn’t keep records how immigration enforcement is managed to avoid compromising national security and the safety of the American public. According to a report appearing on Sunday in the Heritage Foundation’s daily news outlet — the Daily Signal — prosecutorial discretion is a legal process that’s supposed to be applied on an individual case involving an individual. Unfortunately, the Obama administration unilaterally applied prosecutorial discretion large numbers of illegal aliens.

In his report, Inspector General John Roth recommended that his department’s superiors should create and enforce a procedure to gather and report the individual uses of “prosecutorial discretion” to increase the transparency that is so lacking in the current administration. In fact, the House Judiciary Committee has approved legislation – the Michael Davis, Jr. and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act (H.R. 1148) – that if passed would mandate the DHS officials involved in the immigration process to annually report to the U.S. Congress the Administration’s use — or abuse — of prosecutorial discretion.

Prosecutorial discretion has become one of President Barack Obama’s gifts for illegal immigrants. It’s considered by many to be “amnesty-light” and it allows federal law enforcement agencies make decision regarding the extent to which they enforce laws, including immigration deportation statutes. While the process has been used for about four years to stop illegal alien removals by low-level field officers in order to “stonewall” the deportations of illegal aliens — many of whom had criminal records — by using ridiculous rationales.

What has occurred is that prosecutorial discretion guidelines allowed thousands of illegal aliens to stay in the United States, but DHS officials cannot answer questions about the number of “undocumented immigrants” were allowed to remain. “That’s because, unbelievably, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) doesn’t bother keeping track of the illegal immigrants it has failed to prosecute under the directive. In fact, the agency doesn’t even have a data-gathering system in place to document when agents exercise prosecutorial discretion,” according to the inspector general’s report.

“This could create a national security risk, the agency watchdog writes, further stating that DHS may be missing opportunities to strengthen its ability to remove aliens who pose a threat to national security and public safety,” according to the IG’s report. “Incredibly, the various DHS agencies cannot provide the number of DACA-eligible illegal aliens they had released….read the whole disaster here

IN reality, a treasure trove of evidence is housed at this blog which indicts DHS and Fed agencies under its umbrella, all of whom take their orders from the Reprobate-in-Chief.

THUS, may these pages serve as written testimony to the foreshadowing of all of the above. That is, unless by some “accident” this site wends its way down the internet rabbit hole. You never know.

REGARDLESS, may he (and his accomplices) burn in hell for time immemorial!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Israel’s Appeasing Leaders: Supplying & Aiding Hamas’ ‘Rebuilding’ Efforts! To What End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FOR all practical purposes, Israel’s top political echelon continuously aids the enemy. What else should one conclude when a leadership repeatedly allows shipments of building materials (dual use at that!), energy supplies and everything in between into Hamastan, even as its terror leadership lobs rockets and missiles and screams for Israel’s destruction?
BESIDES, is there any price to be paid for terrorizing and murdering Jews? After all, if terrorists are allowed to rebuild and regroup, what incentive is there for them to ‘cease’ their fire? Anyone? 


AS a matter of record (since Hamas’s blitzkreig during the entire summer of 2014, and firing upon Israel, at will, since April 2001), and in contravention of the blatantly illegal ‘ceasefire’ too, Hamas ‘celebrated’ Israel’s Day of Independence, April 23, 2015, with a fresh volley of rockets! 

BUT let’s not quibble about ‘details’, as we walk back to reality and review the facts at hand. Indeed, the following represents a continuous pattern of appeasement under PM Netanyahu’s leadership, and with no end in sight.

AS this site reported on July 15, 2014:

Video of COS Gantz With Troops Amassed At Gaza Border…Chomping At The Bit To Destroy Hamas…Frustrated In The Field!

BACK during the most recent summer-long war, like a yo-yo, a marionette whose strings are waiting to be yanked, PM Netanyahu veers from accepting an absolutely illegal ceasefire – pausing the IDF’s firepower, even as missile blitzes continue apace – to ordering the forces to go ahead and strike back, but only after a constant flow of attacks. What kind of leader behaves this irrationally, in effect, leaving ones citizens in agonizing limbo? 

NOW, in certain situations flexibility is a plus but never in life and death matters. For heavens sake. Intrinsically, no one should be foolish enough to believe that said pause in fire is some sort of deep thinker’s “strategy”. Hogwash. It is PM Netanyahu’s reflexively spineless response to this and that pressure, especially when Washington’s malefactors are in the region.

NEVERTHELESS, within this blogger’s circle of contacts (mainly among a considerably high level cadre of strategic and counter-terror related professionals), no one expects PM Netanyahu to go the distance and vanquish Hamas. In fact, if he does so, well, most would fall off the edge of their seats. Assuredly, this does not mean that they are cynical in nature. Not at all. Rather, they tend to be realistic and operate from a rational paradigm, just like this blogger. Moreover, they internalize that past performance is the best prognosticator of future performance. Thus, PM Netanyahu’s record of capitulation and ‘cease-fires’ are legendary and unprecedented, even within Israel’s long list of appeasing, spineless, genuflecting and apologetic leaders! A humiliating spectacle to boot.

JUST to back track a bit, PM Netanyahu is like a broken record…déjà vu and then some. Let us hark to December 2012 and see what shakes out of his appeasement tree:

YET, for too many years and ongoing till today, malfeasance from Israel’s leadership (vitiating their legitimacy and obviating qualifying due diligence) derives via their failure to protect the citizens above ALL else.

THIS obligation extends to the point of eschewing this or that pressure point. Statesmen understand these distinctions. Agreed, it is not as if the leadership can ignore thousands of missiles/rockets raining down on citizens, thus, pretending that a worthless/toothless cease/death fire is the answer.

THE above is evidenced within DEBKAfiles’s latest report. The leadership’s failures toward its majority public have been on full display, but too many in Jewish circles…hey GA Assembly…’Peace/Death Now’ devotees…how’s that PA/Fatah/Hamas junta working out?  The Gaza (2012) operation’s ending shakes West Bank security, opens door to Hamas…..

BUT a hopeful sort would believe, that was then and this is now. Not so fast. As predicated in today’s thesis, there are many levels of capitulation and Bibi is its master….read more here.

AND even though readers are still scratching their heads, never mind, we are not finished. Let’s recap on the latest unfathomable ‘gestures’ to Hamas’s terror leaders, as reported by Israel National News on April 29, 2015:

Despite Hamas using building material to rebuild terror attack tunnels, Israel lets through single largest shipment since last war.

Israel allowed 14,000 tons of building material into Gaza on Wednesday, the defense ministry said of the largest single shipment since last summer’s Hamas terror war – despite the fact that Hamas is using such materials to rapidly rebuild its terror tunnels to attack Israel.

COGAT, the IDF Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories, told AFP that some 354 trucks passed through the Kerem Shalom goods crossing in southern Gaza carrying “construction materials,” without elaborating what goods were let in.

The news comes as Hamas is working to rebuild its tunnels into Israel that were used to attack Israelis in Operation Protective Edge to lethal effect.

Hamas is intensively rebuilding its terror tunnel infrastructure, with the digging reportedly taking place six days a week with three shifts each day.

Over 1,000 diggers are said to be employed by Hamas to construct the tunnels, and the current estimation is that the tunnels lead up to Israeli territory – Hamas will extend them beyond when it feels the time is right to strike.

It was cleared for publication on Wednesday that Hamas had planned to use its tunnels for a massive abduction operation during last summer’s war.

Despite the overwhelming evidence that Hamas is gearing up for its next terror war against Israel after its third attempt fell short last summer, Israel continues to ship in construction goods that are being used to rebuild the tunnels.

Last month Israel lifted a ban on the import of dual-use Portland cement into Gaza, which can be used for civilian projects or military construction such as attack tunnel construction.

DEAR readers, are Israel’s leaders rational, by any stretch of the imagination?

CONSEQUENTLY, Israeli leftists – Islam’s coddlers – and their diaspora comrades (Jews and non-Jews alike) are none too pleased with said fact-finding(s) and outing(s). Understood. בָּרוּר . But none of their harping will stop the truth from seeping forth, in relationship to those whose political “feet of clay” – whether from the left or the so-called right – imperil the nation. Intolerable.

SO if certain Israeli leftists (and squishy, pliable ‘rightists’) don’t want their dirty laundry revealed, it’s just too damn bad. Deal with it. Get a grip.

PARADOXICALLY, for different reasons, PM Netanyahu’s cheerleaders insist on protecting his ‘strategies’ like an etrog (אֶתְרוֹג), opining: he is the only one who can lead from the ‘right’! Well, said nonsense doesn’t register at this end. Some of us can’t be fooled, nor cowed. Even more so, a well received op-ed at American Thinker – re-posted at Israeli sites – ripped the mask off of the so-called ‘right-wing’ leadership in Israel.

AS always, the recent electoral choices were slim pickings, veering between the Zionist Union’ (in reality, the hard left/Arabist party) or the so-called ‘right wing’ appeasing Likud. Yes, the only 2 front-runners among a gaggle of smaller parties. Akin to a rock and a hard place.

‘Zionist Union Head Herzog Wants Joint Arab Party MK Tibi to Join Sensitive Israel Defense Committee.’

Herzog and Tibi

(MK Yitzhak Herzog of Zionist Union on left and MK Ahmed Tibi of United Arab List on right.)

DUE to the above – and so much more – is it any wonder that a recent (excerpted) interview (March 17, 2015) let loose much of the poop and scoop upon Israel’s derelict leadership, inquiring, ‘Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?’

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a ‘serial accommodator’, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm.

At its base, the moment that PM Netanyahu conceded to a PA (terror) state (during his speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009, two and a half months into his tenure…regardless of how he framed it), the fact of the matter is that he gave Israel’s ‘kosher’ stamp of approval to carve a 23 rd Arab state out of the Jewish heartland. This historical injury lands at his doorstep. Agreed, previous PM’s have been equally appeasing and beyond injurious, but the imprimatur for the above became cemented under his watch. No doubt.

Thus, he weakened Israel’s position within (already hostile, pro-Arab) international forums, once he gutted the nation’s core standing. Realistically, are others supposed to be ‘more Catholic than the Pope’, so to speak? Not only that, why should they disagree with Israel’s PM, in effect, after he already conceded (his ‘reasoning’ doesn’t count for a damn) to the ‘rights’ of the so-called Palestinians? Unforgivable…read the rest here…

INDEED, attesting as an American-Israeli, unforgivable. Unfathomable. Unconscionable.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Israel’s Blinded Leaders Exhort:Hamas/Hezbollah Tunnels NO Longer A Threat! What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

 Hamas terrorists inside Gaza "terror tunnel"
(HAMAS, spring 2015, reconstitute their terror tunnels with the “assistance” of Israel’s leaders, as they allow tons of “dual-purpose” cement to pour into the enclave… most of the tunnels were destroyed during the 2014 summer-long war, and at great cost to the IDF and Jewish civilians, who died as a result)


FROM the get go, let’s be very clear: the last thing this American-Israeli wants to do is to expose the mendacity and dirty laundry of Israel’s (so-called Zionist) leaders, regardless of party alignment. This aspect is neither here nor there.

NOT only that, but a veritable smorgasbord of Israel bashers are always at the ready to gang bang on Israel, merely for having the temerity to survive. Therefore, the immediate inclination is to shut one’s trap, especially when ones love for Israel – as the Jewish homeland – is boundless. 

THAT being said, the fact remains that if an individual is a committed Zionist, the person dare not sweep inconvenient and dirty truths under the national rug. Never.

AS such, much has been written at this site (duly highlighted at several internationally charged interviews) to peel back the dangers, consequences aside.

IN this regard, let the following serve as requisite backgrounder to the latest lies from Israel’s misnamed right-wing leaders, in relation to terror tunnels and more of the same.


AS reported back in March 2013, then, as now, Israel’s leadership capitulated to Hamas’s demands, even as they bragged otherwise.

The above failures of leadership led to November 2012’s unfinished foray into Gaza, but not due to any operational failures by the IDF and its intelligence arms. They performed brilliantly. This is without a doubt. Alas, the politicians, always led around the nose by Washington, allowed the Islamist-in-Chief to dictate Israel’s war plans, as if he is the master of Israel’s fate, and not Jerusalem’s leadership. Ghetto Jews.

Hence, the ground troops never entered to clean out the nest (everyone knows that a “root canal” is mandatory to achieve victory, once the air force/special ops paves the way, and this doesn’t take a military or political genius to figure out), and Israel’s spineless leaders reverted true to form…


THUS, isn’t it fair to term leaders who “ceasefire” with Hamas and Hezbollah – again and again – as perfidious and derelict? Absolutely.


AND even though missiles exploded over Tel Aviv and throughout Israel during the entire summer of 2014, a rational sort would believe that enough was enough, right? Moreover, wouldn’t anything short of victory be construed as a non-starter? Nope.  


ALAS, surprise…surprise, just like within every war fought against the Brotherhood’s Hamas, Israel’s leaders bailed and ceased their fire – after the most fiery war in recent memory – as ordered by Obama Inc., Washington’s latest string-pullers.

SO, instead of vanquishing Israel’s genocidal foes once and for all, appeasement became their “strategic” goal, even though the IDF’s firepower (force multipliers) could have put Hamas, in toto, buried more than six feet under for eternity. Wow…what a missed opportunity!

AHH, as Israel’s leaders are wont to term it, “mowing the grass” has become a viable military “strategic conceptzia”. Madness…שיגעון! Victory has been taken off the table. Period.

DEMONSTRABLY, during the latest missile war in 2014 (even though almost ALL of Israel’s southern citizens fled for their lives, due to Hamas’s missile blitzes, rendering the south a ghost region), and in tandem with Hamas’s ability to pop out of terror tunnels – right under the noses of the IDF – Israel’s tethered leaders are still blind to the dangers. Complicit too! How so?

INEXTRICABLY, the questions and answers are two-fold: how did this nightmare come about? and what have Israel’s leaders learned, if anything, from said experiences of inconclusive war-fighting?

IN answer to the above, we need to link-back to two explanatory interviews at Inquisitr, and readers can gauge for themselves what’s going on.


YES, the Inquisitr Interviews Adina Kutnicki: The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot is more than an overview; a window into the derelict leadership’s mindset as to what’s what.


INDEED, the follow-on question becomes: Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.

AS such, the answers to the first query, “how did this nightmare come about?” can be found within the aforementioned interviews and the above backgrounder(s). 

BUT the answers to the second part, “what have Israel’s leaders learned, if anything, from said experiences of inconclusive war-fighting?” are beyond belief, but no less true.

RELATIVE to Israel’s southern front, as it butts up against Hamas’s terror enclave, “Gazastan”, the following is an accurate and up to date rendering. Mind you, mention is made of a similar (immoral) blindness, relative to Hezbollah’s digging and digging…hang on…

Seven months after Operation Protective Edge in Gaza ended, Hamas may have already returned to digging terror tunnels – despite the IDF’s insistence that all is quiet. 

Gaza Belt residents told Channel 2 Monday that they had heard and felt digging beneath their feet, and that they no longer trust the IDF’s public statements on the security situation in the region.

Today I sat on my living room couch, and I felt everything shake under me,” one resident on a Gaza Belt-area kibbutz told the daily.

Even after alerting the IDF, she noted that “I don’t know whether to actually trust the IDF or not on whether there’s terror tunnel digging here. The uncertainty is terrible.”

Over 30 terror tunnels from Gaza into Israel were uncovered, and destroyed, during the course of the summer war.

But many Gaza Belt residents indicated that they know another war, with more tunnels, is on the way. 

“I’ve been waiting for it, for them to pop out of the ground,” another resident told Channel 2, in frustration. “We’re living here on a lot of adrenaline and with a lot of vigilance.”

The resident added that the entire kibbutz was on alert “every time a dog passes through the bushes [and makes a noise].”

“We know that everything is possible,” he added.

Gaza Division Commander Itay Virov visited the Gaza Belt last week to reassure area residents that the army is doing everything possible to prevent Hamas from re-entering Israel. A special IDF unit was also sent to sites of complaints over digging noises and concluded that they found no indication of terror tunnel digging. 

“The IDF performs a variety of routine security measures and defense forces in the region are prepared,” an IDF spokesperson responded to the report. “Complaints area residents make to the IDF are investigated seriously by special forces.”

History of ignoring complaints?

Gaza area residents’ speculation stems from multiple incidents of the IDF whistling past the terror tunnel graveyard.

In January, residents along the Lebanon-Israel border stated that they would fund their own investigation team to examine the possibility of Hezbollah digging terror tunnels into Israel, after the IDF reportedly denied repeatedly that there was any evidence of digging.

When asked about the digging noises earlier this year, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud) claimed “no tunnels have been located on the northern border. Noises that were heard beneath a home turned out to be a neighbor’s horse stomping with its hooves.” (blogger’s note: Ya’alon, what are you babbling about, how stupid do you think they are??)

But a video posted on YouTube shortly thereafter, said to have been filmed at night in Shtula on the border with Lebanon, had many seriously doubting Ya’alon’s claims. 

Alarm has also been raised after the IDF and Defense Ministry cut guard duty near northern border communities – just one year after a similar move along the Gaza Belt saw an escalation in terror and, eventually, war. 

Concerns were raised as well by geologist and Col. (res.) Yossi Langotsky, who told Arutz Sheva in December that he had tried to warn the security establishment about the tunnel threat from Gaza for nine years, but that his warnings fell on deaf ears. (blogger’s note: here is said warning:

“The facts were known,” he said, regarding terror tunnels in the Gaza belt. “The system went to sleep for a few years and did not do what needed to be done.”

MOST significantly and trenchantly, the tunnels land at the leadership’s (complicit) feet, as they are the ones who repeatedly, yes, repeatedly, supply the Brotherhood’s Hamas with the cement required to build the tunnels!

Israeli authorities allowed 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar to enter the Hamas-enclave of Gaza on Thursday, officials said, in the first major step towards rebuilding the territory that was damaged in Hamas’s latest terror war against Israel last summer.

“Today 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar entered the Gaza Strip for a project included in the scope of the reconstruction mechanism,” Israel’s coordinating body for government policy in the territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza (COGAT) said in a statement, reports AFP.

“There are no fixed quantities (going in) on a daily basis. The quantities (delivered) are at the request of the Palestinian Authority in accordance with the needs of suppliers who are purchasing in Gaza,” it said.

Palestinian Arab officials confirmed the entry of cement, which they said included 175 trucks brought in through the Kerem Shalom goods crossing in southern Gaza.

It was the biggest quantity of building material to come into Gaza in one go since fighting ended in August.

The influx of cement comes despite the fact that Hamas used such humanitarian aid to build an extensive network of terrorist attack tunnels into Israel, and that it has been rebuilding it with cement transferred into Gaza by Israel since the war ended.

Despite the clear evidence that Hamas is using the materials for terrorist purposes, a Palestinian Authority (PA) official revealed earlier this month that Israel had lifted a longstanding ban on the import of dual-use Portland cement into Gaza.

The move came days after documents were leaked, revealing talks between Hamas and Israel for a five-year ceasefire by which Israel would ease restrictions.

BEYOND contemptible. Indeed, the leadership commits crimes against the majority Zionist public, not against those they are mandated to vanquish, as Israel’s enemies are wont to charge at every international forum!

BESIDES, whom do Israel’s leaders think they are fooling when they nauseatingly opine: trust us. Regardless, rest assured, every resultant death lands at PM Netanyahu’s doorstep, despite all the hoopla re his re-election. 

SO as many rightfully celebrate PM Netanyahu’s win, it must be understood that the celebration on this end is not because “Bibi” has been a staunch, unflagging and moral leader. Not at all. However, the alternative, the bastardized name, the “Zionist” Union, was infinitely worse, as they are little more than bought and paid for leftist/Arabist whores, beholden to HUSSEIN Obama and their Euro-trash counterparts.

SIMPLY put, the choice for true Zionists was between worse and much worse, as the following vile sentiments from a “typical” leftist teacher demonstrates. Her hateful bile is emblematic of scores of the left’s supporters, and can be found here too by another ! leftist teacher. That foul.

AS excerpted (March 17, 2015) in this investigative journalist’s latest interview:

WOLFF BACHNER: And speaking of responsible world leaders, why isn’t the Prime Minster of Israel bringing up these serious issues with the nations involved in the peace process and especially with Obama and demanding an end to all military threats to Israel before Israel will negotiate again? Is he trying too hard to appease Obama and the various European talking heads, and by doing so, weakening Israel’s position even further in a peace process that is already an anti-Israeli charade?

ADINA KUTNICKI: It is this lock-step and debasing march which stopped him (during 9 years as PM, from 1996-1999 and 2009 -2015) from declaring victory over Hamas during the 2014 summer-long war, one which blanketed/blitzed the entire country with missile and rocket barrages. More indicting, instead of laying waste, years ago, to Iran’s mushrooming genocidal WMD program, he is still begging President Obama to lead the charge, knowing full well that he has no such intention. Chasing ghosts.

Inherently, he could have taken a page out of (the late) PM Menachem Begin’s playbook, when he defied President Carter and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor. Now, as then, Washington issued threats to “cease and desist”, but one PM ignored said orders, while the other (continuously) caved. Statesmanship, or the lack thereof.

In the main, PM Netanyahu is best described as a “serial accommodator”, comparable to a badly battered wife who just can’t help herself from going back to her abuser, one last time, for more punishment. Now, others may tsk, tsk and opine: well, the POTUS is the big man in the arena, therefore, what can poor “Bibi” do but genuflect? Hogwash.

For the record, PM Menachem Begin didn’t have a problem executing what his mantle required of him; protecting Israel at ALL costs! Similarly, Israel’s first PM, David Ben-Gurion, gave Eisenhower the proverbial finger, when he launched a war in 1956 in concert with Britain and France against an increasingly belligerent Egypt. As always, Washington attempted to stay Israel’s hand. History repeats.

In furtherance to the above charge and indictment, whereas PM Ben-Gurion took on the U.S. when Israel was little more than a military pipsqueak, PM Netanyahu behaves as if Israel is a vassal state. This is the case even though he has at his disposal the most adept forces in the region, let alone technologically advanced. Hence, the question is not one of actual force strength, but one of inner and moral fortitude. Hmm….continue reading…

SIGNIFICANTLY, does the following, or doesn’t it, amount to a dirty (gas) deal between Israel’s leadership and Egypt’s Brotherhood spawn, Hamas: Haniyeh reveals Israel offering Gaza a gas pipeline!

INEVITABLY, just as the sun rises and sets, so will Hamas’s terror tunnels explode under the feet of Israel’s Gaza-belt southern residents. You got that? Ditto for the northern residents alongside the Lebanese border with Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah. 

AGAIN, Israel’s political and military mouthpieces will feign shock… shock that such an explosively dangerous situation developed right under their very noses, all their denials notwithstanding!

LIARS…liars…pants on fire…bastards…reprobates…

liar liar pants on fire photo:  pantsonfire_zpsd711f903.gif

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}