Dave Gaubatz Issues Multiple Alarm Bell Warnings, Heed Them Well. America’s Survival On The Precipice! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Image result for pics of leftists and islamist marching

IF a moment in time exists, one in which the American homeland qualifies as up for grabs – its very existence at stake, its rise or fall – this is it. Yes, historically speaking, the Civil War was no walk on the beach, but that was then and this is now.

STILL yet, the current stakes are raised to an exponential degree due to three converging force multipliers which up the ante.

  • Explosive divisions within the nation, stirred to a boiling point by HUSSEIN Obama; 
  • In tandem, the importation of an endless stream of so-called refugees from the Middle East’s hotbed of Jihad;
  • And atop it all, a complete open sesame border for countless illegal infiltrators, 
  • As such, the combustible combination of all three have the ability to change the face of the nation for decades to come, if not permanently.  

CONSEQUENTIALLY, who better than Dave Gaubatz – the highest level counterterror and counterintelligence professional within America, a true patriot too – to issue the most piercing alarm bells of all, as pre-warnings to millions of like-minded Americans?

WHO indeed.

October 25, 2016

I pray there never comes a day when Americans will fight Americans as we once did only a hundred and fifty years ago.  I pray there will never come a time that American citizens will decide our government has gone astray and needs to be taken back, but it could happen and you must be prepared.

Soon we will have either a U.S. President (Trump) or another dictator like Obama (Clinton).  For a couple of decades the U.S. government paid me to analyze situations, report on them, and provide actions to help our government in a positive way.

Now instead of analyzing national security situations for our government, I analyze security concerns for the American public and provide solutions to protect them from a socialist/communist controlled form of government the liberals in our society have put in place.

The ownership of private firearms is soon coming to an end.  America will face stringent laws such as throughout Europe.  Criminals will have weapons, but the innocent people who simply want to lead a good clean life will be denied them.  It is a guarantee our families will suffer.

In the blink of an eye America as we know it and love, can immediately turn into a land of martial law and governed by a dictator style leadership.  Jobs, food, electrical power, and other routine luxuries we have always had will disappear.

Throughout America we have witnessed our local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies become mini military units controlled by the federal government.

In the very near future you will no longer be able to just sit at home and watch the world go by.  Every aspect of your daily life will demand you be involved 24/7.  Here are some useful tips for the near future.


1.  Protect your rights under the U.S. Constitution.

2.  Prepare for a country with limited resources by storing food, water, silver, firearms/ammunition, shelter, family security plans, have vehicles that do not rely on full electrical systems (purchase older ATV’s, dirt bikes, older cars/trucks). Prepare communication networks with family and friends.

3.  Be prepared to fight for your country.

4.  Be prepared to give your life for your country and your families future survival.

5.  Become involved in your religious institutions.

6.  At any given opportunity denounce Islam as an ideology of Satan and not of a religion.

7.  Support senior law enforcement officers who stand for the U.S. Constitution and decry the ones that don’t and push hard to get them out of office.

8.  Give moral, religious, and ethical beliefs to your children.

9.  Trust only those you would put your life and the life of your family in.

10.  Support patriotic Americans who are going above and beyond to keep our citizens informed and prepared.

God Bless America!

Image result for pictures of alarm bells


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Martial Law Planned Via “Black Lives Matter” Chaos: AG Lynch Aids & Abets! Revelations, Timing & Wherefores. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FIRST and foremost, in order to see what’s what, one must understand what the end goal is. Resultant, core moving parts on the ground will be revealed. In turn, this understanding will aid in internalizing what is taking place in the foreground.

NOW that some (who are newly aboard at this site) are thoroughly confused by the aforementioned seemingly disjointed assessment, it is essential to lay all the cards on the table. Time is of the essence.

AS to whichever way it is accomplished, Obama Inc. has been tasked to bring down America. To its knees. Whatever it takes. No doubt, this week’s cop massacre reflects the latest deadly handiwork of Black Lives Matter!

FOR the stated record, the following Twitter (Facebook alike….”More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper” read a post on the Black Power Political Organisation Facebook account self-proclaimed black power group appears to have claimed responsibility for the assassinations of five police officers at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas) is of piece with those whose goal is to implement martial law, regardless of how they get there.


IN a nutshell, upending America is the end goal. But how (and when) it takes place is what is key and core. The why is no longer in question.

NOW that that is, once again, on the record, let’s jump to the constantly fluid and moving parts. As such….

STILL yet, before we segue to the recently hacked (martial law) revelations, hark back to an excerpted analysis from April 2016, and it will lead us from there to here.


IT is not as if their VIOLENT past shouldn’t be considered prologue, as well as the cover given to them from Obama Inc.’s devastating wreckage across America. Who recalls the “New” Black Panther’s blatant (and violent) voter intimidation during the 2008 election? And how many know that Eric Holder, HUSSEIN Obama’s “legal” hit man, ordered his AG team to drop the case against them?? Why?

IT gets worse.

AS always, it doesn’t get any better than hearing “straight from the horse’s mouth” via someone who has been there and done that. From a reformer, no less. The inside dope. Oh yeah.

What a former member of the Berkeley Black Panther Party said about President Barack Obama during a recent interview may very well have placed him at the risk ofbeing killed.

“Barack Obama hates America,” the former hate-filled race hustler, Clarence Mason Weaver, said during an interview with The Daily Caller.

“His job is to divide by differences and manage our differences,” he continued. “He has done nothing but drive us apart. (He) hates America. It doesn’t matter what color the pimp, the drug dealer, the con artist is.”….continue reading….

THE point being, when someone has been on the inside of an organization and privy to its deepest and darkest secrets, it is impossible to blow smoke in their direction. And the fact is that HUSSEIN Obama’s ties with revolutionary Black movements, be it the “New/Old” Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, or Black Lives Matter – six of one, half a dozen of another –  are already established. So, what else is there to say?


BUT to place the final nail in his efforts to bring down “Amerika”, how much more conclusive does it have to be, other than to tie together his absolute linkage to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafiaaka militant Islamic jihadists – and with Black domestic terror groups too? Rhetorical….continue reading….

MORE specifically, this site was very clear about martial law, and its absolute pre-designed and cursor-like footprints within America. In fact, last summer, via several reports, it was warned: the linkage between JADE HELM 15, federalized policing and the arming of every FED agency – even those which have nothing to do with law enforcement to boot – is to implement gun control. Mind you, it was never asserted that the months’ long exercises would result in an immediate martial law scenario. To the contrary. But no matter. As always, through ridicule and other targeted measures, the enemy within attempts to brow beat truth-tellers off their game (how’s that workin’ out??), veering along these lines: you see, only “conspiracy kooks” thought that JADE HELM 15 was about (UN backed) martial law! 


RATHER, the underlying commentaries re JADE HELM 15 were clearly laid out to demonstrate martial law’s future use as a preparatory tool – emphasis placed. In any case, thus, those of us who saw from there to here, understood that the disarming of Americans directly interfaced with martial law, both of which are two sides of the same thrust to bring down America. Clear as a bell.

WHICH leads us to this week’s hacked “revelations”, having transpired a mere month ago. And the fact that Black Lives Matter has proven to be an inextricable part of the Black Panthers (a designated domestic terror group, according to the FBI and other security agencies, both of which tie into the Dems political machine and its surrogate apparatuses) is all the more revealing.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is coordinating with Democratic activists to so disrupt the upcoming Republican and Democratic National Conventions that martial law will be declared.

That’s the stunning discovery revealed in a series of direct messages between three activists.

On Friday, June 10, 2016, someone hacked into the Twitter account of #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) leader and former Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay McKesson. McKesson later confirmed the hack to The Baltimore Sun.

On June 11, 2016, a Twitterer who calls himself The Saint (@TheSaintNegro) tweeted a direct-message conversation on June 10 between KcKesson and another BLM leader Johnetta Elzie (Netta), in which the two discussed talking with Attorney General Loretta Lynch about plans to bring onmartial law by causing chaos at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, so as to keep Obama in office.

Deray Mckesson & Johnetta ElzieHere’s the conversation over the course of several days between black activists DeRay McKesson (DM) and Johnetta Elzie (JE), and between McKesson and a “white ally” named Sam (S):

JE: “Have you spoken with Mrs. Lynch [Attorney General Loretta Lynch] recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections.

DM: “We spoke two weeks and they want us to start really pushing how racist Trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down.

DM: “If we can get both conventions shut down for messing over Bernie and for having racist Trump, then get martial law declared so Obama can stay in office we will win. Call you soon when I get to my dads so I can use his landline and we can talk more on this.”

DM: “We have to make sure that we use our voices to keep people disrupting Trump all summer and through the fall so martial law can be declared….”

S: “I wanted to touch base with you about the summer of chaos. So far we have over 2,000 people bused in from different cities and another 6,000 to 8,000 expected to drive into Cleveland for the Convention.”

S: “They will not be ready for the crowds we are bringing and they will blame Trump for it, especially if we shut it down. The GOP will have to replace him at that point or we will continue the disruptions nationwide.

DM: “I will pass the info along. Good work, Sam. You never let us down. It’s so important we stop Trump. He can not be president. He will destroy everything we worked so hard for and we can’t trust….”

DM: “…today and he [Sam?] confirmed that there will be around 10,000 protesters disrupting the [Republican] convention. Plans are being made for other cities as well for upcoming Trump events. Ads have already been placed looking for people to help. I know you don’t care for them [white people] but this is the time we need our white allies doing a lot of the work for us. They are the ones who listen the best.”

JE: “That will put fear into the GOP and the country when they can’t have their convention for all their racist supporting Trump. We’ve worked too hard and closely with the Obama administration to have that racist ass take it all away and Hillary…. You know I can’t stand those white allies, but yo right this is the best to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss ass they try to do. Like that changes who they are.”

DM: “We have a lot of white allies volunteering for Trump’s campaign to pass along information to us before it’s made public so we know when rallies are coming up before they are announced. That way we can plan major disruptions in those cities in advance. We just have to keep our names out of this and let these [white] people do the work for us by pushing how Trump’s racist ways will destroy….”

JE: “That’s all those white people are good for in my eyes. I couldn’t imagine even pretending to like that racist ass Trump even to get info on his events. I’ll be glad when we shut his ass down.”

DM: “With the support we have from Mrs. Lynch and the help we’ve got from Sam and others it won’t be hard to cause enough….”

Here are screenshots of The Saint‘s series of tweets:

DeRay DM1cDeRay DM1aDeRay DM1bDeRay DM2DeRay DM3DeRay DM4The authorities seem to be taking the plan to disrupt the Republican Convention seriously.

As reported by Alice Speri for The Intercept, June 23, 2016, local police and federal agents from the FBI, DHS, and Secret Service are knocking on the doors of activists and community organizers in Cleveland asking about their plans for the Republican National Convention in July.

On June 29, 2016, Deray McKesson sort of confirmed the plan when he went public with warnings about “possible” protests at the DNC and RNC, as reported by USA Today.

In fact, a recent survey showed that as many as 67% of Democrats want Obama for a third term.

NOT to beat a dead horse, how on target has this investigative journalist been re this and that planning to bring down America, as posited first via a book review (April 2013) at American Thinker? But whether or not it actually comes to pass this summer, or in the few months left until the election, remains to be seen.

MOST significantly, what is no longer in question is Obama Inc.’s intent to do so, in tandem with a multiplicity of powerful surrogate (read: George Soros)elements!

INDEED, as always, it is under the cover of “national security” that the most insidious threats arise – from ones own Marxist-bent leaders. Never forget it.

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JADE HELM 15 ALERT: “Population Control” Via Analytics. “Mastering The Human Domain!” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

BEFORE we review the latest interpretation of JADE HELM 15’s underbelly, please recall a very clear caveat via a previously reported commentary: “NEVERTHELESS, this site is NOT suggesting that anything discernible (emphasis placed) will take place after the exercises are deemed “over”, sometime in mid September. Yes, the timing of whatever they have planned is fluid and anyone’s guess. Yet, it is no longer tenable to accept their bold-faced lies: these exercises are for overseas fighting scenarios! Bull sh-t.”

THAT being established, many are cognizant that within every operation there exists an overriding and main objective. However, said focus doesn’t obviate, as required, the implementation of other moving parts. Think of JADE HELM 15 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-2SweY33m4 – as the highest powered train imaginable, and with many cabooses following behind. On the other hand, visualize some of them, when instructed, breaking off to go solo. Smokin’ hot.

EFFECTIVELY, though martial law is a MAIN piece of their training, the overall objective is much more insidious. In other words, martial law is a means to an end. Indeed, as posited:

JADE HELM 15 Will Change America Forever
ONCE viewed, if you can hang onto your guts, just walk past the balderdash that the exercises have to do with “evolving” threats. 

The looming Jade Helm exercise, set for July 15 through Sept. 15, labels Texas and Utah as hostile areas. Global Research also reported the military says New Mexico “isn’t much friendlier.” Other states participating: California, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.

Some of the social media commentary so far: “The Pentagon’s ‘Operations Jade Helm 15′: The Floodgate towards Martial Law and World War III?”

And another: “Using Foreign Troops with Jade Helm Martial Law is TREASON.”

Yet one more poster pointed to recent reported Wal-Mart closures in Texas, California, Florida and Oklahoma with concern, saying the cited “plumbing problems” cited as the reason for the sudden shut-downs just don’t meet the smell test.

“Employees impacted by the Wal-Mart closures were given just a few hours notice about the six-month shutdown,” the blog Inquisitr wrote. “Approximately 2,200 employees will now be without a paycheck during the ‘extended repairs.’ … The abrupt Wal-Mart closures announcement has reportedly left employees confused and Americans pondering the existence of Wal-Mart underground tunnels and Operation Jade Helm conspiracy theories.”

One of the theories?

Inquisitr reports: “One of the widely circulating rumors associated with the Jade Helm Wal-Mart story on the Internet speculates that the military will use the underground tunnels to move undetected around certain states with the stores being used as either a communications hub or FEMA camps.”

The fear is ratcheted by the fact city officials who govern the areas of the impacted Wal-Marts say the stores haven’t filed any permit requests for plumbing problems, Inquisitr said.

Meanwhile, a presentation made to Big Spring, Texas, City Council members by Tom Meade, a retired special forces senior non-commissioned officer, to explain some of the upcoming Jade Helm exercises emphasized residents shouldn’t worry about private property trespasses.

“We won’t trespass on somebody’s property without the agreement of that landowner,” he said, in a YouTube video of the presentation.

He also described the operation as a joint military-inter-agency activity involving members of all military branches, the FBI, the DEA and other law enforcement agencies. Meade said the FBI, for example, will do some questioning at one of the airports in Arizona.

One council member asked about the operation’s involvement of NATO and U.N. personnel.

“Currently … it is U.S. only,” Meade said.

AS is known, this site is hardly alone in raising requisite alarm bells, even though others – who should know better – are clinging to a “benign” interpretation of the unprecedented military hardware (and psy ops operations) deployed on America’s streets! Yes, it is becoming increasingly obvious to many, aside from those whose vested interest is the same as Obama Inc.’s. 

During the drill, soldiers will operate “undetected amongst civilian populations,” to see if they can infiltrate without being noticed. Residents will be encouraged to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.

In response, patriot groups led by Pete Lanteri, former president of Icon Tactical Industries, will monitor the exercises.

HANG on for more reality checks…

This week was the new “official” launch date for Jade Helm and a very clear picture is taking shape. It is now apparent that Jade Helm has at least four purposes:

  1. Political dissident extractions to be carried out under the NDAA which “allows” for the unconstitutional practice of indefinite detention without the required 5th Amendment Due Process protections. These extractions will be carried out, at least in the “drill” by Special Operations Forces (e.g. Navy Seals, Green Berets, etc.) who are trained for such activities.
  2. Martial law will be enforced by the “regular military” (e.g. 82nd Airborne).
  3. Jade Helm provides cover for the massive movement of troops in preparation for World War III with the Russians and the Chinese.
  4. The newest Jade Helm mandate, the fourth goal of Jade Helm, which is very dangerous from an historical perspective, is gun confiscation.

This article focuses on the newest Jade Helm revelation, gun confiscation. The evidence presented to support the fact that Jade Helm is about the confiscation of American guns, more than likely centering on the veterans, is divided into two parts:

  1. The contextual legislative background that demonstrates that this administration does indeed have the intention of seizing American guns.
  2. Events on the ground which serve to demonstrate that the contextual legislative background is, or is about to, go live…..read the whole thing!

RESULTANT, as more and more patriots are left with a sinking feeling as to its end game, it is incumbent to think outside-the-box.

IN this regard, it is not enough to latch onto this and that separate component to attempt to connect the dots. But what is mandatory is to honestly assess where the moving parts fit, and then to take a look-back into historical precedent. 

ALAS, what’s the upshot? Well, cogitate over this:

“The term, “Mastering the Human Domain,” reveals to us that Jade Helm 15 is more than just a military exercise, it’s also an exercise of the new field in geo-spatial intelligence using human domain analytics to map the politics and thoughts of any nation, state, city, right down to the individual……

“While the term “eugenics” is no longer used in the mainstream openly, the practice of eugenics is still around and stronger than ever. Jade Helm 15 exercises the next generation of technology in the arena of political domination. It is a technological leap beyond the Cold Springs Harbor Research facilities biometrics program or Thomas J Watson’s census of Germany. Jade Helm 15 exercises the new tech tools of political domination in order to facilitate the new {emphasis place} eugenics.”


GEOINT Symposium 2010 actually laid out the parameters for JADE HELM 15’s “mapping”, and the 2012 symposium fleshed out how to guarantee a “more controlled society.” Rest assured, for every quantum leap garnered via technological genius, there are those who willfully abuse said scientific prowess. Evil. Even so, it is patently clear that national security necessitates said highly developed intelligence formatting for constantly evolving threat levels. Nevertheless, for all practical purposes, said designs can then be turned against ones own population! Herein lies JADE HELM 15’s dangerous thrust.


AS to the above reference, “take a look-back into historical precedent”, let’s listen carefully to President Eisenhower’s oft neglected farewell speech via its underlying messaging. So, pay heed to his prescient warning

Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

MOST significantly, it has been the goal of globalists – and those who operate under their domain, Obama Inc. alike – to “map out a more controlled society.” 

AS Zbigniew Brzeziński haughtily intoned:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”

HMM…the spooky dude is as scary as one gets. Yet, few have a clue that he sits in Obama Inc.’s top tier! This is no accident.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a senior adviser to President Barack Obama on matters of national security and foreign policy, Obama Adviser Brzezinskis Off-the-record Speech to British Elites.

Brzezinski elaborated, “…in early times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”.


CFR Meeting Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening.

Zbigniew Brzezinski giving the CFR branch in Montreal a presentation discussing world government and his fears of the mass global awakening that has taken place.

Brzezinski Decries Global Political Awakening During CFR Speech

CONSEQUENTIALLY, considering the fact that the aforementioned is HUSSEIN Obama’s top foreign policy adviser, juxtapose his clear geo-strategic positions in relationship to the attendant global chaos encircling under his foreign policy (advisory) “domain.” Then, couple said (purposeful) chaotic chess moves with his views on the absolute determination to move towards “a society dominated by an elite.” Thus, how doesn’t JADE HELM 15 fit in on a domestic level? Recall, the above warning: “certain designs can then be turned against ones own population.” Therein lies the crux.

INTRINSICALLY, these exercises fit like a glove; a military mapping out of (mostly, but not exclusively) “hostile” quadrants via scientifically devised techno analytics, those which allow forces to move in and out of the public domain with significant ease. 

CLEAR as a (warning) bell!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

DHS/Pentagon’s JADE HELM Exercises:China’s (Russia’s) Intersection & TARGETED Lists. What’s Going Down? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

MOST well-informed folks realize that a leadership’s core plans, both on the domestic and foreign fronts, are subject to fluid timeline revisions. Tweaks. This is the case when situations on the ground warrant temporary postponement. However, this should never be mistaken for a volte-face, rather, it should be viewed as a re-jiggering.

IN line with the above considerations, readers should internalize a recent commentary and attendant updates regarding upcoming special ops exercises within the entire southwest. Said military “exercises” have left more than a few alarmed at its unprecedented scope. And the very fact that a highly co-opted DHS is in the mix, in tandem with the purging of the top patriotic spears of the military, well, it is good enough reason for patriots to be on HYPER alert. Rest assured, said removals were precursors to future plans and these plans are coming to fruition, sooner than later. 

MOST significantly, it has never been the case – at least up until HUSSEIN Obama catapulted into the White House – that (mostly retired) military officers issued warnings against a sitting administration. Not only are said missives unprecedented, but they decidedly place a target on the backs of those issuing them! Regardless, they refuse to stay silent, and for that we should all give them a mega thumbs up and attendant support, come what may.

BUT let’s also add a DHS whistle-blower to their target bank. O M G !

INCLUSIVE in this growing list of “non-compliant” (retired) officers is…. 

Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30 years of service under his belt, as well as combat experience in both Vietnam and Afghanistan issued a dire warning to all Americans.

The following warning was posted on Hestilow’s Facebook page:

I fully intend to address this in far greater detail within days, but ask yourself, with all the law enforcement available in the United States, who the DHS is preparing to declare war on inside the U.S.?

With the massive purchases of almost 3,000 new armored vehicles (MRAPs) and 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition, with associated weapons,who in the U.S. do they intend to kill? Short answer: You and me! Anyone they think is standing in their way to impose a new Marxist government! Anyone who stands for the U.S. Constitution!

We must demand that our representatives (Senators and U.S. Representatives) stand firm and immediately force, by law if necessary, the DHS turn over their arsenal of war making equipment to the Department of Defense.

Nothing justifies this massive arms build up of an agency whose jurisdiction is internal within the United States of America! They are preparing to go to war against American citizens!

BUT don’t become distracted before you delve into JADE HELM, simply by jumping to the (mentally) comforting conclusion that such drills are part of homeland training exercises. That’s a bold-faced lie. But what is the truth is that Chinese and Russian (with a smattering of eastern Euro forces) troops have been embedded within U.S. territory for a few years, at the behest of the Traitor-in-Chief! Mind you, they are not training to protect patriots. Guaranteed.

NOW, the promised JADE update and its frightening calculus, as it ties together the heretofore inexplicable and unprecedented targeting of patriots!

Jade Helm 15 is not a seven state operation as first advertised. This was a massive lie.

Seven States?Seven States?

Then we discovered a massive extraction of dissidents drill in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. and the drill had expanded to 9 states. This was yet another lie. And why would it be necessary to use the military to “extract” American civilians”?

Did you ever think you would see this in America? This is an extraction of dissidents drill in Florida. Did you ever think you would see this in America? This is an extraction of dissidents drill in Florida.

In the past 48 hours, I have received multiple communications from Michigan regarding the call up of the National Guard to active duty status beginning on July 15, 2015, the start of JADE HELM!

michigan national guard 2

Hi Dave,

I spoke to a national guard members brother today, who is in the same platoon. He says the two month-long training is for the use of what he called strykers (his spelling) which he says is similar to a tank but is completely sealed from the outside, and is capable of being used in chemical and radioactive situations as well as being outfitted with a 50 cal. machine gun


Dear Dave,

My cousin is in the Michigan National Guard. He is being called to active duty on July 15. Doesn’t that correspond to the formal beginning of Jade 15. He said that the drill are going to take place in No. Michigan and it involves the relocation of large populations from imminent danger.  Love your show, keep up the good work!




My neighbor told me he will be drilling in some disaster drill for the Michigan National Guard this summer on July 15. I would bet that this part of Jade Helm. He is an operations officer and he said one thing was very curious. They were told to be prepared to work with foreign troops from several countries.He also said that an UN observer will be assigned to each unit.

Michigan National Guard plans to go to active duty status on July 15th. Michigan National Guard plans to go to active duty status on July 15th.


When someone is caught massively and repeatedly lying about something, isn’t it usually done to conceal a dark truth?

Jade Helm 15 is clearly a national extraction and martial law drill. It is not in 7 states, or 9 states, this drill is a national drill.

INDEED, more than enough evidence is being gathered that JADE HELM is a prep for martial law, whenever the order is given!

IF you can withstand it, read this message too:

fema leaked document  FM 3-39.40 1-5

Good Evening Dave,

I am a former USMC Staff Sergeant that served at Camp Lejeune NC with 1st Bn 8th Marines. All of the training exercises you have been talking about are all true, I have personally participated in them in Virginia at Fort Pickett and on Camp Lejeune. Camp Lejeune constructed a multi million dollar training facility deep inside the artillery and heavy weapons firing K ranges. Attached are PDF files that I had from training exercises that shows the layout of the facility and the future expansion plans for the MOUT Facility. We were told this was supposed to be Iraq or Afghanistan, but it sure looks like hometown USA to me. It has a complete underground sewer system and many multi story buildings made of western style building materials not half shoddy construction to save money or time or Middle Eastern style. It’s a replica of a small western style town (I’d say American since the signs were in ENGLISH). How many Arabic/Middle Eastern towns in Iraq or Afghanistan have a Baptist church and an American high school in them? They have been training FOREIGN TROOPS at this facility and Federal and Local Law enforcement as well. While I was at Camp Lejeune, I personally saw and talked to many UN, NATO troops, and DHS. I have additional material if you are interested and the training guidelines that the military is training the police/DHS with under DOD Directive 302521.


HMM…if it looks like a duck…

NOT only that, but this site warned about DHS’s FEMA co-option from the get go. No shock on this end. Not a pretty picture.

CONCLUSIVELY, many readers know that domestic terrorist cum (mis)educator, Billy boy Ayers, opined about “re-educating” millions of Americans in FEMA-type camps and killing off those who refuse to learn their lessons!

Their long-term goal, however, was to cause the collapse of the United States and to create, in its stead, a new communist society over which they themselves would rule.

With regard to those Americans who might refuse to embrace communism, Ayers and his comrades — including Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Linda Evans, Jeff Jones, (blogger’s note: yes, THAT Jeff Jones who worked as Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar!)  and numerous others — proposed that such resisters should be sent to reeducation camps and killed. The terrorists estimated that it would be necessary to eliminate some 25 million people in this fashion, so as to advance the revolution.

In his 2001 memoir Fugitive Days, Ayers recounts his life as a Sixties radical and boasts that he “participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.” Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Ayers writes, “Everything was absolutely ideal…. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.” He further recalls his fascination with the fact that “a good bomb” could render even “big buildings and wide streets … fragile and destructible,” leaving behind a “majestic scene” of utter destruction.

All told, Ayers and the Weather Underground were responsible for 30 bombings aimed at destroying the defense and security infrastructures of the U.S.  “I don’t regret setting bombs,”said Ayers in 2001“I feel we didn’t do enough.” Contemplating whether or not he might again use bombs against the U.S. sometime in the future, he wrote: “I can’t imagine entirely dismissing the possibility”……

IN this regard, does anyone believe it is a coincidence that the traitor-in-Chief jump-started his political career in the home of Ayers? Realistically, could he not have known about his buddy’s murderous ideas (which were public knowledge)? Rhetorical.

Matthews: Did [Ayers] have a fundraiser for [Obama], or not?

Gibbs: No, he did not have a fundraiser for our candidate as he said ten seconds ago.

Gibbs called the Republicans’ assertion of fact a “myth” that had been debunked by the local and national press.  This was a lie.  Click ‘play’ and watch the balance of the clip, which includes Ayers’ nonchalant admission that the fundraiser did take place after all.  Fact: Barack Obama launched his political career in the home of two people who coordinated bombings of the US Capitol, Pentagon, and NYPD headquarters, among other places.  Their radical organization also plotted to bomb an army dance at Fort Dix, but (thankfully) failed spectacularly.  Did Gibbs knowlingly lie to Chris Matthews, or did Obama lie to his staff?  I’d imagine the reality is some combination of the two.  I wrote extensively on this subject during the last campaign, when I was living in Chicago.  In fact, I’ll direct you to my August 24, 2008 Townhall column, which offered a point-by-point refutation of the campaign’s perfidious Obama/Ayers “fact sheet.”  A brief taste:

Let’s examine Obama’s claim that his connection to Ayers and Dohrn is “tenuous” and “phony.” Is it phony that Obama’s political coming-out party in the mid-1990s was hosted by Ayers and Dohrn? What about the panel discussions in which Ayers and Obama both took part—that were organized by Michelle Obama? Tenuous? I suppose the goodbye party for prominent Israel basher and Arafat apologist Rashid Khalidi, attended by Obama, Ayers and Dohrn, is also unworthy of discussion. That Khalidi himself hosted a fundraiser for Obama’s first Congressional campaign must be completely irrelevant, too.

Then there’s the pesky fact that Obama and Ayers served together on the board of the Woods Fund for three years—and continued to do so even after Ayers was quoted in the New York Times fondly recalling his days as a bomber, and despairing that he hadn’t “done more.” (This quote, the Obama fact sheet reminds us, comes from an interview that just happened to be published on 9/11—Ayers had made the incendiary remarks earlier. I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel a lot better). The funds Obama and Ayers helped control at the Woods Foundation funneled thousands of dollars into both Khalidi’s organization and the now-infamous Trinity United Church of Christ. Irrelevant, phony distractions? So what if the Obama campaign’s top strategist concedes that the Senator’s relationship with the terrorist is “friendly”? I apologize for even devoting this much attention to such tenuous and unimportant information.

Obama’s “fact” sheet then brings us the crucial bulletin that all charges against Ayers were dropped, and that he spent no time in jail. Absolutely true. Except a minor detail was omitted: Ayers openly admits he is “guilty as sin” but “free as a bird.” Charges were dropped because federal authorities overstepped their legal bounds in pursuing the Weathermen,not because the charges were unfounded.

In case there’s any lingering doubt about the nature of Obama’s close relationship with Ayers, watch this extraordinarily thorough CNN report.  Pay close attention to the bit starting around the 4:30 mark:

“Where was that introduction made?  At the home of the sixties radicals, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.  The Obama campaign again says it is just a coincidence.”


BESIDES, what better way to bring down America (the title of this investigative journalist’s book review, 4/2013, at American Thinker) than through exercising the above “drills”, as proffered by a domestic terrorist and head of the Weathermen?

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

DHS Orders Border Patrol: LIE About Islamic Infiltration! To What End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


(SOMALI terrorists entering the U.S…and “hidden” factors…)

WHEN a person is caught without their underwear – in an indelicate situation – they cannot claim that they aren’t naked, at least from the waist down. Agreed?

SIMILARLY, when top level (loose) lips reveal national secrets; and when those operating in the shadows to protect said nation are continually compromised (some even prosecuted for doing their jobs!) by the Feds, at whose doorstep(s) must some of their highly suspicious deaths land? You guessed it. 

AND as is said, the buck stops here, wherever here happens to be. 

IN this regard, there are two major betrayals (out of enumerable, but let’s not digress…) which should be front and center national news, yet both are swept under the (media) rug. What the hell is going on?

WELL, let’s deal with the most recent and then revert back to 2011 – a betrayal of inordinate proportions – though few recognized, 4 years ago, it for what it was.

ADMITTEDLY, DHS is the absolute top of America’s domestic spear, and all attendant agencies answer to its anti-American Director, Jeh Johnson. Oh dear, he even likened the blood-soaked Koran with American values! Well, if one is a patriot this is not good news.

BUT to understand why patriots should rightfully shudder, one has to recognize that DHS, under Obama Inc. (regardless who sits at the head of the agency), is a renegade agency. Yes, it is.


DEMONSTRABLY, under DHS’s supreme umbrella, no one should be naive enough to believe that an actual firing squad is not in the offing against patriots who refuse to “stand down”. Thus, the inherent alarms re DHS and their plans of action.

SO consider the facts at hand, but readers can decide for themselves:


WHY in heaven’s name are so many patriots raising their own alarms? Could it be that they realize that DHS is laser focused on patriots, perhaps those who “stubbornly cling” to the Constitution?


AND in light of fact one, how about DHS’s unprecedented purchase of (domestic) heavy ammo, yet to be explained by any person in an official capacity? Few can argue, even within officialdom, that said requisitions are beyond disproportionate in scope. Again, inquiring minds demand to know: what are they up to?


IT gets worse…the obvious militarization of police forces throughout the U.S. is not for nothing. Could it be in anticipation of a big event, preparing for an unprecedented “expected” chaos, perhaps, necessitating Martial Law? Hmm. Indeed, such planning will be required once the sh-t hits the fan, whatever its “precipitating” factor. Yes, “law and order” will need to be restored.


BUT let’s not forget about DHS’s penchant for dumping thousands of convicted criminals, illegals to boot, into America’s streets! To what end?

AND so we head from there to here, as readers must internalize a two-fold query: what is the purview of Border Patrol? and why in the world is DHS ordering its agents to lie about this and that entry?

FIRST things first…

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

CBP employees manage, control and protect the nation’s border. CBP’s two main stated goals are anti-terrorism and facilitating legitimate trade and travel. CBP works to protect the U.S from acts of terrorism and reduce the vulnerability to the threat of terrorists through a multi-level inspection process. CBP is also responsible for preventing the transportation of drugs, illegal immigrants, traffickers, prohibited agricultural products and counterfeit goods, money, and intellectual goods across the border. CBP is made up of personnel who were formerly with the U.S customs.

OKEY dokey…

BUT now that readers have caught up to (DHS) speed, it gets harder to mask how the purview of Border Patrol has been bastardized, yet the question still remains: to what end?

HERE is where the betrayal becomes so obvious, that even a mental midget can grasp its intent:

Joe S. Adams, Jr. has been working on the US Southern border for years providing security for ranchers and concerned citizens.

Joe is a private investigator and former Central Intelligence Agency operative who trained forces and acted as a security consultant for officials in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe. Adams was the first person indicted in Iran-Contra and served one day of unsupervised probation for the “crime.”

This morning Joe contacted The Gateway Pundit to relay a recent situation on the southern border in Arizona.

According to Adam, several Somali men were recently apprehended crossing the border into Arizona. When ICE officials came to pick up the illegals they told the rancher that the aliens were Mexican. The rancher argued that of course the men were obviously from Somalia. That’s when ICE told the rancher that they were ordered to report all illegals as from Mexico – including these men from Somalia. It’s the latest trick by the Obama administration to deceive the American public on the calamity at the border.

PRESTO, what has this investigative journalist been saying all along, about the nefarious, yes, nefarious intent of Obama Inc.’s Federal apparatuses? 

NOT only is proof positive coming from a former CIA operative with the requisite field intelligence to know what’s what (Obama Inc. ain’t gonna get away with blowing smoke up his derriere), but a veteran investigative journalist is blaring the same whistle. Oh my.

NOW, mind you, this is not just any old media type stating this and that. Rather, among many other notable achievements, Paul Sperry is the co-author of Muslim Mafia with one of this site’s closest confidantes, Dave Gaubatz. As such, take it to the bank…to heart.

Muslim immigration from dangerous nations is dramatically higher in recent years, and government assurances that immigrants are being properly screened is “a farce,” according to accomplished author and columnist Paul Sperry.

“It’s a huge surge under Obama. In the last three years, he’s averaged 100,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations a year. That is very alarming. It’s more than we’re importing both from Central America and Mexico combined. This is a big shift in immigration flows,” said Sperry, who is the author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington” and co-author of “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.” (blogger’s note: read the aforementioned investigative books at your own mental peril…)

“It’s really insane what we’re doing. No one’s really talking about it, but this mass immigration from Muslim countries poses a serious national security threat,” said Sperry, who is also a Hoover Institution media fellow and former Washington bureau chief of WND. Sperry frequently writes for the New York Post and Investor’s Business Daily.

The stated reason for the influx in recent years is the rise in refugees from war-torn nations like Syria and Iraq. The number of people accepted from Syria in particular baffles Sperry, who said there is a long-standing policy of keeping Syrians at bay…..read the whole nightmare…

YET, if your heart can withstand additional ugly “news”, as promised, let’s segue back to a specific 2011 betrayal, and its ongoing ramifications.

HOW many recall the shoot down of a helicopter-load of SEALS, and all the attendant inexplicable anomalies related to their killing?

AS such, several exposés were featured at this site, and the last one  (July 2014) should stand as its standard bearer: SEAL TEAM SIX shoot down and cover up; Benghazigate’s footprints!

ITS rhyme and reason, so to speak.

EVEN so, thankfully, the fight for justice continues, and this is where Larry Klayman’s public interest law firm enters the picture.

Klayman wants the federal courts in the Extortion 17 case to order the government agencies to review their records regarding the Aug. 6, 2011, disaster and respond with information about documents he’s seeking.

It was a Boeing CH47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, that was shot down near Kabul, Afghanistan. Enemy fighters reportedly used a rocket-propelled grenade to hit the aircraft, which plummeted to the ground.

The Extortion 17 attack is considered the worst single loss of U.S. military life in the Afghanistan campaign.

The lawsuit alleges the defendants “have failed to make bona fide, good faith determinations about whether they will comply with plaintiff’s requests. Nor have defendants produced any records responsive to the requests, indicated when any responsive records will be produced, or demonstrated that specific responsive records are exempt from production.”

The suit seeks a long list of documents regarding suspicious circumstances, including the decision “to invite a Muslim cleric to pray at the ramp ceremony” in Afghanistan for the U.S. servicemen.

Also, there are questions about the “missing” black box, the seven Afghani military members who were scheduled to be on the flight, but weren’t, and the seven Afghanis who replaced them.

Also, there were reports it was known that 100 Taliban members had traveled to the location of the attack. Also cited is Biden’s “public disclosures” of classified military information, revealing the identities of members of a high-profile mission….

NOW, if you really want to make heads or tails out of the unremitting disasters, assess its dangers this way: in the same manner in which a committed ISLAMIC POTUS appointed an equally devoted ISLAMIC Director to head the CIA – the counterpart to DHS, but in the foreign arena – this same CIA head, John Brennan, hasn’t a clue as to why followers of Islam are joining ISIS and its offshoots! Go figure…

After assuring all in attendance that al-Qaeda’s ideology is “a perverse and very corrupt interpretation of the Qur’an”; that “al-Qaeda has hijacked” Islam; that “they have really distorted the teachings of Muhammad”—Brennan still confirmed that, even so “that ideology, that agenda of al-Qaeda has gained resonance and following in many parts of the world.”

When asked why such a “perverse and very corrupt” understanding of Islam—one that has “distorted the teachings of Muhammad”—so resonates among Muslims, the CIA responded by saying that it was being “fed a lot of times by, you know, political repression, by economic, you know, disenfranchisement, by, you know, lack of education and ignorance, so there—there are a number of phenomena right now that I think are fueling the fires of, you know, this ideology.”

Interestingly, if you watch the video clip of Brennan’s speech, you will note that he only “you knows” in the above quotation (four times) and right before it, when he says that al-Qaeda has “distorted the teachings of Muhammad, you know, for violent purposes.”

The rest of his talk is relatively smooth. Could Brennan be self-conscious of his own equivocations—hence all these stilted “you knows” in one sentence?

Could he be aware of the Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009? It found that “Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.”

Or consider the following excerpt from Understanding Terror Networks, by Marc Sageman, a former CIA officer who worked closely with jihadi groups in Afghanistan (emphasis mine):

There was a definite shift in degree of devotion to Islam in adulthood by the mujahedin [jihadis],preceding their recruitment into the jihad. This is not surprising given the fact that the global Salafi jihad is a Muslim revivalist organization. Of the 155 mujahedin on whom I could find relevant information, all but one were considerably more devout right before joining the jihad than they had been as children. More than 99 percent were very religious at that time, often donning Afghan, Pakistani, or traditional Arabic garb and growing beards…

“Devotion to Islam” is what causes Muslims to join the Islamic State. Despite this very obvious fact, Obama officials constantly deny it, offering more “sensible” motives. Thus during a recent interview on MSNBC’s Hardball, State Department spokesperson Marie Harf said that one of “the root causes that leads people to join these groups,” a reference to the Islamic State, is a lack of opportunity for jobs.”

“Political repression,” “economic disenfranchisement,” “lack of education and ignorance,” and now a “lack of opportunity for jobs.” These, according to the Obama administration, are why countless, nameless Muslims from all around the world are waging jihad—not the commonsensical fact that jihad is integral to Islam, doctrinally and historically.

A final point of interest. This widespread tendency to project Western cultural explanations onto non-Western people is the height of arrogance and ethnocentrism—precisely what progressives and multiculturalists constantly warn against. Yet the irony is that such “open-minded” proponents of cultural relativism are also the ones most prone to ignore Islamic teachings. When Brennan, Harf et al insist that jihadis are really not motivated by religion but rather are products of political, economic, and social forces, is this total dismissal of the “other” and his peculiar motivations (in favor of familiar, Western paradigms) not the epitome of cultural arrogance?

CONCLUSIVELY, is it any wonder why DHS is ordering Border Patrol to LIE about the identity of “who’s who” on the roster of infiltration and penetration into the U.S.? In tandem, is it any clearer, as to why SEALS (the top spear from special ops, those who “intimately” engage said ISLAMIC terrorists on foreign soil) were brought down in a fiery crash, while others are chased out of the “band of brothers” by trumped-up lies?

ULTIMATELY, whom do you believe: a renegade regime, or your “lying” eyes that witness ISLAM’s bloody swathe from one end of the world to the other?

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

DHS & Their Ongoing Totalitarian Putsch:Coming To A Head After Mid-Terms! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

A common theme at this site’s About tab has been repeatedly hammered, and its essence is coming full circle. Its duality involves the co-option of DHS as Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s totalitarian arm(s); the cement which glues together the red/green alliance. Nevertheless, forbearance is necessary to connect the dots and to recognize the threats to eventually keep them at bay.

DHS, plain and simple, is assisting Obama Inc. in silencing all criticism of their anti-freedom agenda. The insidious encroachment was set in motion from the onset of the Totalitarian-in-Chief’s first term, but it wasn’t until certain trigger points became visible that the general public realized something was amiss. At the same time that they aid the left’s “forward march”, DHS is busy acting as a front-arm (through the “legal” shield of the AG’s office) to empower Islamic mouthpieces by silencing all criticism of Islam. Yes, this is where the propaganda weapon of “Islamophobia” comes into play. What a tangled web of deceit and treachery.

THE evidence is insurmountable, even for a behemoth agency to deny. So let’s begin to connect the threads and see how close DHS is to carrying out the thesis, the purge, at hand.

Evidence One:

SUSPICIONS were first raised, eyebrows too, when reports flooded in re DHS’s shopping spree which accounted for billions of heretofore unprecedented amounts of ammo and hardware for domestic use. Pray tell, for what purpose? To “put down” patriots who challenge the impending loss of liberty and freedom, that’s why.

It is within this Orwellian context that outspoken patriots, be they vets, active duty personnel or those who are thinking to join any nation-saving movement, understand the methods utilized by socialist, Marxist, communist and Islamic propaganda machines. Totalitarian regimes in toto. In fact, it was hardly coincidental that alerts were raised within this site, time and again, to said effect.

DEMONSTRABLY, how many have noticed that DHS is appearing, again and again, as both an adjunct and trainer for civilian police forces? If not, time to catch up. And this is being done via Fed-laced financial incentives (even as the kitty runs dry), but under the guise of the “war on terror”.

Evidence Two:

SO by training community police forces on par with a regular standing army, well, whose needs does that serve (recall the motto, “to serve and protect”…hmm) other than those who are preparing for martial law? Exactly.

Evidence Three:

EXTRAPOLATING further, since DHS appears to be preparing for martial law, then isn’t America becoming closer to a Police State, than not?

Evidence Four:

ALAS, what more needs to be said, after a former NSA official spills the beans? Not much.

BUT the question remains: why are charges being leveled at this particular juncture – yes, keep all the above in mind – that DHS is about to up the ante via silencing tactics which will soon come to a head? Simply put, they are aiming/arming for (unrestricted) broke after November’s mid-terms, that’s what’s going on.

DHS to intensify attacks on freedom oriented citizens

Ahh…DHS’s head, Jeh Johnson….

Within the last two weeks several tips came into the Examiner indicating pending dangers to certain groups of citizens. These tips led to a source who, speaking on condition of anonymity, alleges that just after the election a major initiative will be launched against citizens whose values are diametrically opposite to that of Barack Obama and the current Washington elitist leadership in Congress. According to the source, the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) will greatly intensify its attacks on freedom oriented citizens.

The source indicated that the those within DHS and the rest of the Obama Administration who support a massive crackdown on the liberties of citizens are ready to make a dramatic move once the midterm elections in November are over. These particular government employees, particularly those at the top levels, believe that Christians, Tea Party participants, and those who support the Constitution and oppose Obama and his “progressive” agenda are dangerous and need to be subjected to a purge.

This purge would be in the form of prosecution through the courts. The objective would be to silence their voices and remove them from society by tossing them into prison where they could spend years and a ton of money attempting to get out of jail and defend their reputations. The “progressives” in the administration and Congress believe that the lame duck period just after the November midterm elections is the time to move swiftly to get these things done. Obama doesn’t have to face reelection. And if the internal polling being done by both Democrats and Republicans is true, the Democrats will be forced into minority status in the Senate in addition to the House. Thus, in the two months after the election prior to the time when the new Congress is sworn in January of 2015, a golden opportunity exists for the “progressive” elitist tyrants to make their move. After all, they have nothing to lose.

Although the tip concerning this information came within the last two weeks, the publication of it was on hold until more verification could be received. That verification came today in an article written by colleague David Codrea, who is the National Gun Rights Examiner.

Shortly after the election of Barack Obama, it became all too clear that DHS intended to lay the foundation for a massive purge of Christians and liberty oriented citizens. Internal memos were discovered that referred to these citizens as “potential homegrown terrorists.” The objective was to crank up the propaganda machine in an effort to malign, demonize, and ruin the reputations of otherwise good citizens so that eventually it would be easier to persecute and prosecute them without running too far afield of public opinion.

In 2012 the Examiner received at least one document from DHS that listed the various categories of citizens that would be deemed as “potential homegrown terrorists.” This document is one of the most important, but as you will see, it has been revised to include an apologetic to counteract the heavy criticism the report received. DHS used this report to compile its policy on “potential homegrown terrorists.”

But not once was Islamic extremists mentioned. Those whom DHS mentioned specifically is very telling — Ron Paul supporters, gun owners and gun rights activists, those who promote the Constitution as the final rule of law, U.S. war veterans returning home from overseas, those who support the right of Israel to exist, evangelical Christians and others who are pro-life and who believe the Bible and take it seriously, Tea Party activists, conservative voters who take to the streets to march or to demonstrate in opposition to high taxes, runaway government spending, Obamacare, and other programs of the “progressives” in the current administration. Michelle Malkin provided this report on the issue at the time.

So controversial were these DHS pronouncements that angry citizens began calling their elected representatives. When it became clear that this mindset at DHS may become a political liability for Democrats seeking election or reelection, the agency backed off its public statements concerning “potential homegrown terrorists.” It did not help matters for the elitists that a series of high profile terrorist actions, conducted by Islamic extremists, made the news and only confirmed in the minds of most Americans that DHS had its eye on all of the wrong people. While they were watching us “conservative Christians clinging to our guns and Bibles,” the Islamo-fascists were busy at work behind the scenes planning a resurgence. And now, at least half of what our men and women in the military fought for, and gave their lives for, have fallen back into the hands of Islamic extremists who behead their opposition. Not only does this denote a failed Obama foreign policy but it clearly demonstrates that the current administration does not care about the spread of extremist Islam. They had rather go after ordinary citizens who disagree with their warpedview of the world.

Against that backdrop, David Codrea reports that DHS issued a report Friday that once again places the spotlight on an odd group of people to be tracking — ordinary U.S. citizens who once again are being tarred and feathered verbally as “potential homegrown terrorists.” This time, however, their specific target is U.S. gun owners, 99 percent of whom never use their firearms to commit crimes.

DHS tipped its hand when it cited as a basis for its report the discredited and dangerous Southern PovertyLaw Center (SPLC), which never saw a gun owner it did not hate nor a conservative Christian it did not view as deranged. This organization is a million times worse than anything Joe McCarthy did in the Senate in the 1950s when he warned that Communists had infiltrated the U.S. government. They had. And his charges were confirmed when the old KGB was forced to open its books after the demise of the old Soviet Union, and the new Russian president Boris Yeltsin ordered that those secret records be made public. It turns out that McCarthy was 95 percent correct. But the SPLC can claim no such accuracy. They have maligned and falsely charged a plethora of individuals as “racists” or “anti-government extremists” with absolutely no basis upon which to issue such a charge.

Codrea notes that one of the incidents that SPLC is now using to malign gun owners is the standoff at the Bundy Ranch. Not only did SPLC get many of its facts wrong but it claims that supporters of Bundy prove that they are dangerous homegrown extremists who wish to attack the government. Many gun owners went to the Bundy Ranch to provide protection for Bundy as dozens of government snipers took aim at the Bundy family, ready to blow them all away. Thus, they were there to protect a fellow citizen from government snipers who apparently were ready to initiate another Ruby Ridge or Waco.

Apparently SPLC is oblivious to the possibility that citizens can support the right of a fellow citizen to keep and bear arms and have control over his property without supporting all of that citizen’s political views. Bundy’s views may be problematic for many gun owners, but that does not prevent us from protecting his right to be on that property and to keep and bear arms.

In spite of its dubious agenda, SPLC was used as an important source for Friday’s report issued by DHS. This does not bode well for the next step. If the anonymous source mentioned above is correct, this is all a precursor to massive government action to silence all of the administration’s most effective critics.

INDEED, isn’t it crystal clear that DHS is Obama Inc.’s forward arm, its standing army?

ADDING to the dangers and to the aforementioned charge sheet, please recall a recent commentary, one which weaves together not only the red/green alliance, but underlies why a Brotherhood Mafia jihadi feels secure to issue threats (such as the following one, recently sent to a trusted contact) to such a high profile figure. He knows that CAIR has the Feds in their pockets!

xxxx the attached document is an active case in which you and your kind such as xxxx will soon face under the hammer of the law. A case we brought up long ago, one you have never been aware of.Not only is this now an active case in America but throughout the world for the last two years. A case which we brought up in every country.This is just the start. Today we decided to let you become aware of it.
Now that you know, I think you should also know that this document is old, our interaction with higher law making authorities now have you under surveillance for inciting acts of terrorism against Muslims.By Law “Islamophobia is Illegal”Sent from my BlackBerry®

Bismillahir’RahmaanNir’Raheem (In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful)
To whom it may concern…
Firstly I would like to begin with the Islamic Greeting of As’SalaamuAlaikumWa’RahmatullahiWa’Barakatu (May Peace, God’s Mercy and Blessings be upon you)
This letter serves as a request by THE UNITED MUSLIM NATIONS INTERNATIONAL organization to the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION to bring into effect an effort for a “total ban” on religious Defamation by News Media outlets throughout the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, this request covers all religions and not just the religion of Islam. However we will emphasize on Islamophobic News Media and shed light on the dangers that come with it and why the ACLU needs to take up this case with the utmost urgency.
For instance we want a ban on the highly offensive and defamatory terms such as “Islamist Militants” and “Militant Islam”, we also do not want to see such terminology being used for other faiths.
Our second request is directed at the American Civil Liberties Union itself and we would like to receive a documented response from the ACLU as to whether the ACLU condones or condemns, agrees or disagrees with Religious defamation by linking religion to militant activities. This response should be sent to the UMN Intl for the attention of xxxx

BOTTOM LINE: This site is not suggesting that DHS’s “assets” can be fully thwarted. That’s ridiculous. However, by garnering an understanding of their goals, a person is better equipped to see their tactics/plans etc. heading towards them before they get bushwhacked. Besides, who in their right mind would trust DHS, an agency which is up to their necks in a criminal alien catch and release program! 

NOT only that, if each of you warns your friends, colleagues and neighbors, well, paying it forward will assist countless citizens from being blindsided. It certainly can’t hurt. Better than the alternative.



ANYONE who still expects Obama Inc.’s captured media, its mouthpieces, to report on the true facts on the ground, they would do well to sleep off their delirium. These sleepy heads need all the rest they can get. Why? As is said, the sh-t will hit the fan, sooner than later. And this is no “ordinary” crap pile, but one which will reverberate throughout America – like it or not.

IN line with said bad news, a red line alert is issued to this site’s readers: regardless of the inherent dangers; no matter how many diseases, economic disasters, are in the offing, the FEDS are tasked to secure the illegals and ensure their SAFE entry to all points USA!

YET, even the FEDS can’t conjure up plans on the fly, as such, Obama’s goons have been strenuously training (not unlike third world juntas) for martial law. This has been ongoing for several years, in anticipation of (pre-planned) economic and related chaos. Collapse. Think this is crazy talk? Not exactly…

Martial Law Prep One:

HOW many have wondered why community police forces are armed to the teeth, not unlike military forces, preparing to lay siege like forces in battle? Wonder no longer. And, the reasons have zero to do with the “war on terror”!

Martial Law Prep Two:

MOREOVER, DHS, the umbrella where martial law is housed, is now America’s “standing army”, its forward-arm. Not only that, but do recall DHS’s MASSIVE, inexplicable stockpiling of ammo, unprecedented in U.S. shopping sprees, just a short while ago. For what? Now it’s coming full circle…the ubiquitous swirling Black Hawks too…

Martial Law Prep Three:

FINALLY, what about the purged generals and the training of red-like foreign troops on U. S. soil? But never mind. Back to the illegals…and the stand off at Murrieta…

HOUSTON, Texas–As illegal immigrants continue to spill across the U.S.-Mexico border, federal authorities are attempting to relocate the migrants from South Texas to housing facilities in states across the nation. One such facility is located in Murrieta, California, where a large group of protesters recently blocked a bus full of migrants from arriving. The protesters remain there, adamant that illegal immigrants don’t get dumped in their town. But soon the concerned citizens may be forced to step down–Breitbart Texas has learned that federal agents plan to arrive in Murrieta on Monday with riot gear to ensure that another busload makes it to the housing facility.

Jeremy Oliver, a resident of Temecula, California–a town that neighbors Murrieta–told Breitbart Texas that local police officers warned the protesters that “it’s going to get ugly.”

Oliver said, “The feds are pissed that they haven’t been able to use this facility. Officers out there warned people that federal agents will be in Murrieta on Monday–they are going to get the next bus through no matter what. Riot gear and shields will be used to push the crowd back.”

John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, was told the same thing by local officers. “We’re being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear,” Henry said.

“They’re apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff’s Department showed up last night and brought huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet.”


As Breitbart reported, La Raza activists were also out in force at a town hall meeting last week in Murrieta, chanting “Viva La Raza!” through a bullhorn.Know this: Supreme Court Justice Sotamayor worked on their behalf for many years, as do others in Obama Inc.! They are their forward arm…shock troops….they call upon them to keep the pot boiling….a clear and present danger!!

FURTHER weighing in on the matter, re the infiltration and penetration of illegals -a “crime-terror convergence” – the U.S. Southern Command Chief attests to an EXISTENTIAL threat to America!

HANG on tight…absorb the following Situational Report from one who requires little introduction to these pages…..

SITREP #1:  (Situational Report)  America is in a state of collapse. Destruction from Within

7 July 2014

SITREP By: Dave Gaubatz, Special Agent Retired, OSI

Based on 25 years of service to the U.S. government, and based on having the highest security clearances our country has to offer, the following is my SITREP on the status of the United States as of 0053 hours, 7 July 2014:

1.  Our country is suffering at multiple points in our infrastructure and it has put our country at the highest rate of emergency (grave danger). Infrastructure defined:

  • Public services or systems: the large-scale public systems, services, and facilities of a country or region that are necessary for economic activity, including power and water supplies, public transportation, telecommunications, roads, and schools.  This also includes our local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in their abilities to conduct their duties.  Most importantly it includes our political system at all levels.  Once the system has reached the ‘grave danger’ status there is only one major additional step that will be taken by the federal government.  This is Martial Law….
2.  The President of the United States (Obama) and his administration are intentionally putting our country at risk of collapsing.


  • Through his failed foreign policy and his close ties with Islamic countries that support Islamic based terrorism, and his economic failures in America, America has been set on a possible track of no return.
3.  The policies of Obama in regards to protecting our country from illegal individuals crossing the borders from foreign countries is a deliberate and intentional act being conducted by Obama and his administration.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves”.

Abraham Lincoln

Americans you must be prepared for martial law in our country.  The world events and policies of our current President are putting us close to the point of no return.

 (Source: Sidlinger.tripod)

Martial Law in America

The following guide will help you plan, prepare, and get ready in the event that martial law threatens you safety and well being. It is divided into two parts. The first part describes the framework for martial law and the second part the actions to take in preparing for the actual declaration of martial law.


  • Martial law is defined as: military rule or authority imposed on a civilian population when the civil authorities cannot maintain law and order, as in a time of war or during an emergency.
  • Hitler turned Germany into a Nazi dictatorship through executive orders.
  • Executive Order 10995: All communications media are to be seized by the Federal Government. Radio, TV, newspapers, CB, Ham, telephones, and the internet will be under federal control. Hence, the First Amendment will be suspended indefinitely.
  • Executive Order 10997: All electrical power, fuels, and all minerals well be seized by the federal government.
  • Executive Order 10998: All food resources, farms and farm equipment will be seized by the government. You will not be allowed to hoard food since this is regulated.
  • Executive Order 10999: All modes of transportation will go into government control. Any vehicle can be seized.
  • Executive Order 11000: All civilians can be used for work under federal supervision.
  • Executive Order 11490: Establishes presidential control over all US citizens, businesses, and churches in time of “emergency.”
  • Executive Order 12919: Directs various Cabinet officials to be constantly ready to take over virtually all aspects of the US economy during a State of National Emergency at the direction of the president.
  • Executive Order 13010: Directs FEMA to take control over all government agencies in time of emergency. FEMA is under control of executive branch of the government.
  • Executive Order 12656: “ASSIGNMENT OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS RESPONSIBILITIES”, “A national emergency is any occurrence, including natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or other emergency that seriously degrades or seriously threatens the national security of the United States. Policy for national security emergency preparedness shall be established by the President.” This order includes federal takeover of all local law enforcement agencies, wage and price controls, prohibits you from moving assets in or out of the United States, creates a draft, controls all travel in and out of the United States, and much more.
  • Martial law can be declared due to natural disasters, Y2k Crisis, Stock Market crash, no electricity, riots, biological attack, …. anything leading to the breakdown of law and order.


  • Prepare before any declaration of martial law by becoming self reliant. You may become subject to a bureaucratic system and be prepared to stay one step ahead of it which is easy to do if you are prepared and in a position to be self reliant. You may also face mob rule, chaos, panic, or a complete breakdown in law and order. Survival situations may be easier to handle in rural areas than urban.
  • Avoid areas of marital law. Can be imposed due to natural disasters or man caused events. Important to have a retreat or place in a rural area away from populated areas.
  • Create alliances with like minded neighbors or community members that share your views. Team work and numbers may help your situation.
  • Become transparent in the sense that you do not draw attention to yourself or your family. For instance, do not tell people that you are storing food just store food. Be prepared to render assistance to neighbors if need be. You never know when you will need them.
  • Remain calm! Do not panic.
  • Avoid areas of civil unrest if possible. If caught in civil unrest take appropriate action.
  • Get informed and stay informed. Understand martial law can be a temporary crisis or an extended one. In extreme cases the shape of a whole nation can change.
  • Declaration of martial law means your rights are suspended and it is government by decree. Your constitutional rights may no longer apply. This could mean a state of National Emergency.
  • People can be arrested and imprisoned indefinitely without charges.
  • Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly can be suspended, and censorship of the media imposed.
  • Gun ownership will also come under severe attack during marital law. We could see house to house searches by the military or National Guard looking for guns and seizing any they find along with stored food.
  • Take a stand on issues and make a choice that fits your beliefs and the situation. Do you believe as Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death?” Realize you may have some hard choices to make. Understand you may have to sacrifice your principles on trivial matters or take a hard stand. Always remember that you may have to come back and fight another day.
Solution: Our senior military officers must honor their oaths and protect America from within and focus less on outside forces.  Our U.S. law enforcement officers must decide who they will protect, either American citizens and America, or an administration that is slowly destroying us from within.  Americans must push their political ideologies aside and come together as a people who will protect America and our children at all personal costs.
Prognosis:  Many military officers and personnel  will step up and attempt to protect America.  Many law enforcement officers will step up, and many Americans will step up to protect our country and our children, but it will not be enough.  I sadly say we are on the course to collapse as many other nations before us have.

NOT unlike the stand off at the Bundy Ranch, the Feds are tasked to face off against patriots. They are NOT going after those who break the law, as they enter America ILLEGALLY. Forget about it. America, upside down!

The fact of the matter is that this dire situation has been escalating to a fevered pitch, ever since Obama Inc. took over. However, it is now at a tipping point. A cross roads.

AS evidenced, once a regime threatens docs about revealing an epidemic of communicable diseases – to sound the alarm for the good and welfare of the general public – well, there is little more proof needed that the leaders ARE the enemy! Inestimably, the FEDS have become a threat to law abiding citizens, and the public has to react accordingly, if they choose to survive intact!

The message to doctors and nurses was simple; you talk, you go to jail. That message was delivered by officers of the government security contractors hired to police the Lackland Air Base illegal alien induction facility.

Some have spoken up anyway, because the risks are so great. They say the American taxpayers and citizens have a right to know what disease epidemic risk is being brought into our nation. They were interviewed confidentially by Todd Starnes of Fox News.

The secret nature of the process is itself of concern to the whistleblowers. One psychiatric counselor said, “There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested. We were under orders not to say anything.”

The security guarding the workers is provided by “Baptist Family & Children’s Services,” a contractor hired by HHS. They are referred to by themselves and others within the facility ominously as the “Brown Shirts.”

The counselor said “It was a very submissive atmosphere, once you stepped onto the grounds, you abided by their laws – the Brown Shirt laws.”

Upon entry to the facility all cell phones and other communication devices are confiscated and anyone caught with a phone is immediately terminated. She said, “Everyone was paranoid, the children had more rights than the workers.”

The infectious diseases that are still being brought in include measles, scabies, chicken pox and strep throat. Mental health and emotional conditions are also being diagnosed, and may or may not be treated.

DON’T believe, even for a nanosecond, this is a problem in someone else’s back yard. It is coming to EVERY U.S. backyard, big or small. Like a freight train. And it is not a bullet proof one!

IGNORE the above SITREP – from one of this site’s foremost contacts – at your own peril!




FIRSTLY, who still believes that the “official” reasons given for firing TOP commanders, whose commands handled nukes, are true? Besides, isn’t it other worldly that a week before their summary firings they were judged fine commanders, but suddenly deemed “unfit” for command, no sooner than credible reports of a controlled underwater nuke explosion took place, 200 miles from South Carolina? Come on…Not only that, but the Traitor-in-Chief ordered these same “unfit” heavyweights to transport 3 nukes, 2 of which they whisked away (thank heavens) to parts unknown. G-d bless them. Can’t imagine the hell Obama Inc.’s goons are putting them through now, or the blackmail they are enduring to shut the hell up!

REGARDLESS, the fact is that “missing” nukes, plus warnings from South Carolina’s Senator Graham of an impending nuke strike – ostensibly due to the situation in Syria – should have rung mega alarm bells, unlike any other recent event.

EVEN though reports were circulated, they were in no way commensurate with the out-sized cataclysmic danger. Just imagine how convenient it would have been to blame a (pre-planned, false flag operation by Obama Inc.) nuke explosion in Carolina, an EMP attack, on the fiery Mid East (whereby jihadists would love nothing more than to strike via a nuke!), at the same time that a rogue POTUS ordered his top nuke Generals to detonate one such bomb over a U.S. city? Sounds insane. Loony tunes. Conspiratorial to boot. NOT!

One has to understand that the POTUS is NOT operating from a patriotic perspective, and he is Allah bent on bringing down America, in a similar fashion as our enemies are. They are less than 6 degrees separated.This has been proven, over and over again.

Folks, it is really quite simple. The free world is in the grip of an enemy agent, one whose associations/policies are clear as a bell, even though his records are sealed tighter than Fort Knox. Between his Sunni Wahhabi roots and his Marxist/communist/Hawaiian tutelage, there is no room for American ethos. It is that straightforward.

Back to the “missing” nukes. When this news first broke, the following was reported:

Even before it was announced that the second highest nuke commander in the United States was suspended on the same day of the secret nuke transfer just weeks later, it was Senator Lindsey Graham who went on record hours after our report in saying that a ‘nuclear attack’ could come to South Carolina in the event that we did not move militarily against Syria and Iran — pushing even harder to action against both Iran and Syria. This alone generated hundreds of thousands to view our video reports and millions to examine our reports, which had immediately gone from concerning high level military intelligence to an international topic.

 But now, even after we had Lindsey Graham warn against a nuclear strike in the exact region we told you the nuclear warheads were being transferred without a paper trail, we have the absolute highest level military nuke commanders being removed. But what’s more, the terminations were not meant to be leaked — especially not the fact that the suspension of the #2 in command was issued on the exact day of the nuke transfer.

 From a report in the Daily Mail over the suspension of the second highest nuke commander in the country, we read how the commander was suspended on the exact same day as the transfer:

 “Kunze said Strategic Command did not announce the Sept. 3 suspension because Giardina remains under investigation and action on Kehler’s recommendation that Giardina be reassigned is pending. The suspension was first reported by the Omaha World-Herald.”

 It is also revealed in the mainstream media reports that the government did not want these suspensions and firings to go on record, and that it was an anonymous government insider who provided leaked emails to the Associated Press:

 “An internal email obtained by the AP on Friday said the allegations against Carey stem from an inspector general probe of his behavior while on an unspecified ‘temporary duty assignment.’ The email said the allegations are not related to the operational readiness of the ICBM force or recent failed inspections of ICBM units.”

What this means is that the nuke commanders were terminated behind the scenes in a move that was not meant to hit the public eye — especially not the fact that the second in command was fired on the same day of the leaked nuclear transfer. More importantly, shedding light on the secret transfer of nuclear weapons and the numerous red flags that prove its validity is key in stopping the psychopathic control freaks in government from going through with Graham’s ‘warnings’ of a nuclear explosion that would lead to a war with Syria.

 The highest level generals have now installed a new commander, Pentagon Air Force Commander Jack Weinstein, who may be willing to do the bidding of higher ups that the previous two nuke commanders would not.

MORE specifically, it was also reported that declaring martial law was high up on the “to do” list of Obama Inc. Now, wouldn’t all of the blowback from an EMP strike qualify as one such scenario? And a regime which offs those who come too close to revealing their plans, as they did to Michael Hastings, those who “mysteriously” drop like flies” (similarly, Obama’s “down low” skeletons are six feet under, as are Loretta Fuddy and Breitbart etc…), so with such a batting average, well, Dr. Jim Garrow should watch his back.

The Last Great Stand – Ex-CIA Operative: Military Thwarted Obama’s Plans To Nuke/EMP America!

This appears to be even further coverage of a story I covered, but one that got very little media attention. My coverage was largely speculative, but when a Nuke goes missing, and that gets reported in the main stream media, then a U.S. Senator goes on TV saying he’s worried the missing nuke may be detonated in a city in his state, then a subsequent article comes out with news from Russia about an underwater nuke detonation right off said city’s coast…. well… doesn’t seem too tough to figure they’re all related. 

The speculation was whether it was all an inside job by Team Obama or someone in government to set off a False flag. False flags are not uncommon to the U.S. government. Wikipedia defines them as: 

  • False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities, groups or nations than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation.

See the following links for further coverage on the events I mentioned:

Dr. Jim Garrow, the same one that reported the death of Andrew Breitbart  and Tom Clancy, came out as an ex CIA Agent recently. The same Jim Garrow that runs Pink Pagoda Girls that rescues young girls from death and abortion in China. He revealed in a November 18th Facebook message that among the top brass being purged, actually prevented President Obama from creating a series of  ”False Flag” events this fall. One of the incidents was to be nuclear, the other was make a calculated crippling of the infrastructure of our country.

On November 19th, the entire posts, reposts, and comments were totally scrubbed by social media networks.and outlets. That evening he appeared on Full Contact with Eric Rush.

You can see his scrubbed messages to Facebook here:

Three individuals have just saved 300 million lives in the past 2 weeks. They saved the 90% of the population that would be dead if Bathhouse Barry had not been stopped from using 3 nuclear devices against the American populace. 2 Army Generals and 1 Navy Admiral, whose duties included the safeguarding and oversight of the nuclear arsenal. Obama ordered that 3 nukes be transported in a major breach of protocol and safety regulations of long standing. He wanted it NOW, and these officers were made aware of what the intention was. The admiral had the one Navy nuke taken 200 miles off South Carolina and detonated deep in the ocean. The other 2 nukes disappeared thanks to the handiwork of the 2 Generals, the numbers 1 and 2 men in charge of the Army ordinance. These three men are heroes of the highest order. Look up the events of 2 Generals and 1 Admiral being dismissed in the past two weeks and you will find their names. They saved your lives and the lives of 300 million of your fellow citizens.

Mr. Obama’s intention was to set off the three nukes to devastate all computer related systems on the continent thus taking America back 200 years and guaranteeing a total breakdown in society and with in one year the death of 300 million Americans. To see how this would be possible read, “One Second After”. You can get it on Amazon.

We peered over the edge of the precipice of the death of our civilization and have lived to tell the tale. 3 heroes stood tall for America and the mad man in the white house was stopped for the first time in his life. He is unsure of what to do just now and he does not possess the keys to the nuclear submarines nor the two nukes that are now hidden. For the first time in his life someone said no, meant it, and stopped him from murder and devastation. The next few days are critical. Be afraid and go to prepper sites to find out how to save your family, if you can. – Dr. Jim Garrow, Nov. 18, 2013

In the condominium complex in Casa Grande, Arizona, where I have a unit, a visit was made yesterday by a group of 4 men in a black Suburban with lots of antenna’s on the roof. The management of our large group of condo’s was asked to open the door of my unit. The badges were a combination of many different alphabet agencies including my former one. Interesting because after I posted about EMP’s and missing nukes my phone rang late in the evening and I was requested to cease and desist. My posts have been removed. I am not however repentant, nor cowed. If anything like this happens again I have instructed people to begin the release of documents and information as per prepared plans in the hands of these people. Obama is known for overplaying his hand, and now should be known far and wide as a dangerous amateur. He may have gotten Breitbart, Hastings and Clancy, but they were just writers. I hope that he enjoys the protests today in DC.  – Dr. Jim Garrow, Nov. 19, 2013

A quick search on the internet latter and you can indeed find three Military Men that dealt in Nuclear Arms dismissed in October. Major General Michael Carey and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina (fired amidst rumors of misbehavior involving alcohol and gambling) were both released, then a third one from the Pacific that never made it home. There was also a sizable earth quake off the coast of South Carolina that Russia Claims was an underwater explosion of an American Thermal Nuclear Device.

We, as a nation, are totally in these men’s debt!


Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart & Clancy

Finally he revealed a revelation so shocking to the radio program that can be best described in their own words:

Lastly, he revealed that Obama’s administration was made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Dr. Garrow said that it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals This is why, Garrow said, that all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed.- Now The End Begins

TO fully internalize the dangers to America, to western civilization, one must accept the fact that a foreign implant is embedded in the leadership of the free world. But don’t get distracted by what appears to be a contradiction in terms via “Marxist Muslims”, or some such combination thereof.
NOT only can one be a Muslim/Islamist and a cultural/political/Marxist (one of the underlying reasons why the reds and greens align), but their main linkage has always been the downfall of America, whatever it takes.
AND while it is abundantly clear that Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s roots are Sunni Muslim, his Marxist/red ideology is cemented too. His Hawaiian roots. Herein belies his utter hatred for America, as his Sunni Wahhabi masters (even when publicly appearing to be at odds with some of his Mid East policies) are basically in sync with his main consiglieri, Valerie Jarrett; an Iranian raised under a Marxist/communist umbrella!
AGREED, it is hard for patriotic folks (“knuckle-draggers”) to wrap their mind around such evil, but wrap you must!



This site follows very closely the intelligence gathering coming out of Northeast Intelligence Network and it is not for nothing. Not one, but several counter terror contacts (each operating independently of the other) have “advised” to do as much. While bringing forward their own unique intel to these pages, oftentimes there is an overlap of info. And since our (implied) agreement has been – for the most part – to steer clear of any mention of their names, it is understood if the same basic info comes out of Northeast it should be uploaded. After all, Doug Hagmann has already “come out of the shadows”, despite a concerted online campaign to paint him as a “right-wing” nut job.  Pish posh.

So those of us who know what’s what understand why silencing and intimidating him is a high priority for Obama Inc. It is intrinsic to say as much, even though this blogger is not always in agreement with certain religious overtones taken at his site…let’s just leave it at that. Mind you, as to this American-Israeli’s ultimate goal, however the truth comes out, regardless of attempts to censor this and that, an attempt will be made to do so. Guaranteed.

Assuredly, a regime which is absolutely, incontrovertibly allergic to linking Islam + terror within its official lexicon is incapable of protecting cats and dogs, let alone its citizens. Said protection is NOT on their agenda, but the opposite is the case, even if many refuse to internalize the highly dangerous facts on the ground. 

  • “Page 13 inaccurately states that AQ [al Qaeda] is responsible for the bombing of the Khobar Towers and that AQ is ‘clearly linked’ to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.”
  • The Qur’an is not the teachings of the Prophet, but the revealed word of God.”
  • “Remove sweeping generality of ‘Those who fit the terrorist profile best (for the present at least) are young male immigrants of Middle Eastern appearance’”
  •  “author seems to conflate ‘Islamic militancy’ with ‘terrorism’ and needs to define the difference and use it in their analysis”

In its May 22, 2013, article on some of the Judicial Watch revelations, The Washington Examiner reported, “While the Muslim Brotherhood is not on the U.S. State Department’s official list of international terrorist organizations, some of its offshoots, including the Palestinian group Hamas, are.” Ironically, FBI Director Mueller, who ordered the purge of “offensive” material – including the exoneration of the Muslim Brotherhood – has described the organization as a group that supports terrorism in the US and overseas.

“The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al Qaeda. This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform. As we recently learned from the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, the country is less safe when we allow radical Muslim organizations to tell the FBI how to train its agents and do its job,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The FBI’s purge of so called ‘offensive’ material is political correctness run amok, and it puts the nation at risk. The Obama administration needs to stop putting the tender sensibilities of radical Islamists above the safety of the American people.”

It is within this Orwellian context that outspoken patriots, be they vets, active duty personnel or those who are thinking to join any nation-saving movement, understand the methods utilized by socialist, Marxist, communist and Islamic propaganda machines. Totalitarian regimes in toto. In fact, it was hardly coincidental that alerts were raised within this site, time and again, to said effect. Specifically,

Alert One:

Who in their right (no pun intended) mind can still argue that Obama Inc. does not operate akin to a Goebbel’s-like propaganda machine? Of course it does.

Alert Two:

And knowing what you do, is it outlandish to posit: are Americans being led like sheep to the slaughter, or some such jarring comparison? This site clearly sees the parallels. What say you?

Alert Three:

For what other reason, other than to control the populace, would a so-called democracy (essentially) gut the First Amendment? Exactly.

Alert Four:

But still, in order to go from there to here, what else is required in practical terms? Well, if one finds highly disturbing parallels between DHS and Germany’s World War 2 Gestapo, would that be sufficient to warrant a distinct clarion call? Hope so.

Yes, national/nazi socialism are where it’s at for Obama Inc. and Islamists are following the lead. After all, who isn’t familiar with Islamic nazi salutes?? Totalitarianism is where it’s at, the red/green hatred of Judaism and Christianity.

Onto Obama Inc.’s propaganda ministry…just as in any “good” totalitarian regime, and to take DIRECT aim at patriots of all stripes, a trigger point is needed for a “firing squad”! A bull’s-eye must be painted on their backs, for the purging to begin.

PROPAGANDA Conspiracy Designed To Create A Circular Firing Squad

By Catherine Crabillcontributing columnist

Tuesday, 27 May 2014: When I decided to run for delegate in the 99th District of Virginia, my mission was to change the debate from the mundane and inconsequential of local politics to focus on the alarming erosion of our Constitution and the Rule of Law, while working toward resurrecting the 10th Amendment. I knew whoever controls the dialog controls the debate, and few, if any, were addressing these issues at that time. Little did I know that my entire platform of Constitutional liberty and re-infusing religious expression in the public square in 2009 would make me Public Enemy #1.

The FULL COURT PRESS that followed was astounding. No one could have prepared me for the entire Republican Slate conspiring to publicly denounce me. Denounce me for what? Promoting liberty? The Rule of Law? Quoting the Founding Fathers? Yep.

Had I not personally experienced such bizarre attacks from the party I spent my life supporting I would find the demonization of our military, in particular, “returning Vets”, impossible to conceive of. The list of patently offensive remarks and publications denouncing our veterans are well documented, but most egregiously are those published by the Department of Homeland Security, aka, Obama’s SS.

In concert with the attacks on the character of our military is the propaganda warfare within the military against us.

Incredibly, an Army Training Manuel publication in 2013 identified “Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and Jews as ‘domestic terrorists’. They were listed with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, (which has been invited/allowed to completely infiltrate the White House and Pentagon…), and the KKK!

So while we are being propagandized to distrust our military, they are being propagandized to distrust us. The natural partnership and respect between us is being eroded. I contend that such a bond must be weakened, if not broken, for the militarization of our domestic police to rule the day when the final hammer comes down.

Is it any wonder that those who have demonstrated the most consistent patriotic fervor, willing to seal their commitment in their own life’s blood, are under attack by this administration? The Veteran’s Administration “Wait Lists” to delay/prevent veteran care is not an oversight, not an omission, it is deliberate in its wicked intent to kill off those who pose the greatest threat to prevent the over throw of America from within.

The 2012 NDAA, (National Defense Authorization Act), unconstitutionally authorized the arrest, detention, ‘rendition’ (torture), of American citizens ANYWHERE, ANY PLACE, ANY TIME WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, IF said American is SUSPECTED of associating with ‘terrorists’.

In the NDAA 2013, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987 that banned domestic propaganda was unconstitutionally ‘legalized’. Will the militarized domestic agencies, which are now legion, be implemented to round up demonized patriots while our military ‘stands down’ because they have been propagandized to view us as the enemy?


Yesterday, Memorial Day, I cornered the Key Note Speaker of our Memorial event, an extremely distinguished Active Military Officer. I asked him if he was concerned about the demonization of the military. Without hesitation, his wife nodding vigorously over his shoulder, he affirmed he was deeply concerned and offended. He declared that one could only imagine where all of this was leading.

As a “Conspiracy Theorist”, (Those who question known liars…), I am convinced this is designed to cause the majority of freedom loving, God-fearing Americans, those of us who should be natural allies, to be suspicious of one another.

This propaganda conspiracy is meant to create a circular firing squad.

NO one should be naive enough to believe that an actual firing squad is not in the offing. Consider the facts at hand and you decide:

Fact One:

Why in heaven’s name are so many experienced patriots raising their own alarms…is it that they realize who DHS is laser focused on, perhaps those who “stubbornly cling” to the Constitution?

Fact Two:

In light of fact one, does untold purchases of (domestic) heavy ammo make better sense, yet to be explained, as well as being unprecedented in its scope?

Fact Three:

What about the militarization of police forces throughout the U.S., actually steps to prep for Martial Law? Such planning is required, for once the shit hits the fan – whatever its “precipitating” factor – “law and order” must be restored.

A + B. 1 + 1.






IF anything, there has been a rock solid effort – over several decades – to divide the United States of America into “opposing” sides; a purposeful creation of fissures, which will eventually lead to civil war.

And though time marches on, revolutionaries seeking to upend America are very much alive, agitating for a second go around. The issue of slavery was the catalyst for the first one, but there are many ways to enslave people, aside from the most obvious. Slavery can be a physical manifestation, or a shackling of ones personal initiative and responsibility. Never forget this. 

{Abraham Lincoln}

  1809, abraham lincoln, hodgenville, kentucky

From the leftist’s revolutionary perspective, anything which divides America is a “good” result. Thumbs up…fist bumps all around…This is precisely why decades of “divide and conquer” has been simmering on a slow boil, at least since the 1960’s, when their radical foot soldiers set foot on America’s campuses
Along this vein, purposefully sparking racial discord (paradoxically, racial crimes were the underlying factor to the first civil war, a war which had to be fought and won…but that was then…and this is now) has been a sine qua non to sowing the seeds of discontent. The Radical-in-Chief is a master in this racially divisive domain.
That being said, what does the aforementioned have to do with Obama Inc.’s stoking the fires for a civil war, and the Bundy Ranch stand offas its staging ground? Well, the principles behind implanting time bombs, here and there, are quite similar. Be they racial fires, “typical” class warfare messaging, or pitting those who hold to the Constitution against others who want to rip it to shreds, pressure points run along a continuum…from low…to medium…to high.
ENTER: the infamous “Rules for Radicals”. Saul Alinsky, its author, a freakin’ evil genius. Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s (Hill’s too, and many of their cadre) guru, at least in the community organizing realm. The “how to” creator of “organized” chaos! 
So, as is the wont of most dedicated radicals, the Revolutionary-in-Chief has worked assiduously (and not being a typical hard worker, his efforts required much commitment and discipline) towards applying pressuring points, over his first and second terms.
Pressure Point One:
His first term stoked the ground for racial fires, letting “certain” folks know he (and his entire gangster regime) had their backs. His second (ignominious) term elicited more of the same. Concomitantly, the gimme, gimme, perpetually aggrieved crowd understood that the POTUS “felt their pain”, and whatever outrages they pulled, well, jail time would not be an end result. How “deserving”. How “fair”.
Pressure Point Two:
More pointedly, the Radical-in-Chief gave carte blanche for Federal forces to view themselves as militarized storm troopers, posse comitatus be damned. By ensuring that DHS and its umbrella agencies viewed patriots as “domestic terrorists’, how shocking was it that the BLM behaved as such:

Obama’s national guard placed bulls eyes on patriots:a path to gun control and worse!

DUE to all the above and so much more, perspectives by counter terror expert Dave Gaubatz, re “red line” indicators of an American civil war, must be taken VERY seriously. Few have the “boots on the ground” experience, in this very arena, as does this outstanding patriot. 
Where Are Obama and Holder During a Pending Blood Bath In Nevada?
11 Apr 2014
By: Dave Gaubatz
A few weeks ago I wrote an article about the potential of a civil war in America. While in Iraq it was very easy to see that a civil war was going to happen.  It did. Hundreds of thousands have died in Iraq during the past 10 years.  The signs are now in America and innocent Americans could be murdered by out of control Federal Agents in Clark County, Nevada.
Where are our great leaders such as Obama and Holder?  They sure aren’t standing up for the Constitution of the United States.  Why aren’t they on every major TV channel in America trying to calm the situation brewing in Nevada?  Neither Obama or Holder will get involved in a potential blood war because the victim’s and their supporters are a majority of White people.  They are not Black.  I may be wrong but if Holder can stand up and imply he and Obama receive more negative attention while in office because they are black then I can call this situation as I see it.
During Obama’s 5 plus years he has had no problem getting involved in state level investigations when the victim was Black.  He inserted himself into a minor investigation in Cambridge when local police received a call about a potential burglar in a house.  The local police were simply responding to a call and doing their job.  Obama said, “the Cambridge police acted stupidly”.  He held news conferences and had no problem personally getting involved in a low level non federal investigation (and no one was hurt).  Obama got involved because the accused was a White police officer and the alleged victim was Black.  Obama later apologized and had a beer with the police officer.  Exactly what an example our children do not need to see or hear about.
Now we have a Rancher in Nevada whose family has lived on ‘Nevada Property’ since the mid 1800’s and Federal Agents are on the verge of killing innocent people as they killed innocent children in Waco, TX.  There have been reports that armed militia members are en-route to Nevada to stand up for Rancher Bundy.  Again I ask where are Obama and Holder when they are needed to potentially stop Federal Agents and innocent Americans from engaging in a battle that could kill many, and could be the trigger for a civil war in America.
I travel all across America and if I still worked for the Federal government I would write an investigative analysis and say our country is on the verge of a war between American citizens and the U.S. government.
My analysis is there is a strong possibility Obama and Holder want the ‘range war’.  Keep in mind the ranchers and the majority of their on ground supporters are White and militia members.  My analysis would further state it appears our federal government leaders want a blood bath.  This could help the liberal and communist agenda of both Obama and Holder.  Marshall law could be established by Obama and a federal crackdown on any American who owns firearms and who opposes the Obama regime.  This is what their ideology has been since they took office.  For many years the U.S. government relied on my analysis of major domestic and international situations.  They should now.
I had always been proud of being a U.S. Federal Agent, but if I were in the Nevada ranch dispute, I would consider it dishonorable to target innocent Americans trying to protect their property that has been in their family a hundred plus years.  The Federal Agents on the ground should be ashamed and resign.  The Sheriff of Clark County Nevada should get off his sorry ass and help the citizens under his jurisdiction.
Conclusion: A civil war in America is imminent.  It will happen sooner than most Americans could ever imagine. The poor at best leadership of Obama and Holder is shameful and the murders of innocent people in Nevada could be prevented…if that is what he really wanted.


Pointedly, this site has consistently warned about a predictable looming danger, emanated from turning otherwise benign Fed agencies (initiated to terrorize those who oppose Fed overreach), as well regular police forces, into de facto MILITARY state readiness. So, why is everyone so shocked at the GROWING menace: The United States of SWAT! 

MOST significantly, a civil war allows dictatorial leaders (even those elected “democratically”) to declare “martial law”; the prerequisite for totalitarian rule. Believe it – or not. It’s your freedoms on the line. Quite possibly, your funeral(s)!


IN a much-needed show down between an out of control Federal putsch against Conservative, Constitutional abiding Americans, the Supreme Court, once again, abandons the American people to a fateful end.

To be sure, the very same Justice Roberts made a mockery of the law when he twisted Obamacare into the “law of the land”, as he upheld its non-Constitutional underpinning into “binding” law – pretzel-like – under the taxing authority’s umbrella. Unlawful. Outrageous.

As such, what hand is the Supreme Court playing against the enshrined right to “bear arms”, as an ever-increasing number of States are pushing back against the out of control overreach of the Federal government? Well, all of a sudden the powers that be are “hands off” when it comes to settling two of the hottest issues dividing the American people – States’ Rights and gun control. How accommodating. 

As has been repeatedly demonstrated at this site, the Feds, particularly under the abusive reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama, envision garnering total control via cutting off the oxygen of States’ Rights. And, whereas the Second Amendment is an absolute individual right under the Constitution – thereby, states do not have to beg for rights to uphold its essence – the fact of the matter is that individual states are increasingly butting up against a Federal apparatus which nullifies both States’ Rights and individual rights at every turn. 

Well, turn about is more than fair play, and many states are turning the tables through nullification.



‘It is fruitless to expect federal government to control the lust for tyrannical power’ – VIDEO!


  • Contending it is “fruitless” to expect that the federal government would rein in its own “lust” for tyranny, the instigator of a years-long conflict with Washington over the Interstate Commerce Clause says the battle is over.
At least for now.

Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, said the lawsuit he and his organization brought to uphold the state’s rights on weapons will not be considered at the Supreme Court.

The court’s unwillingness to take the case leaves standing a decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld a lower court’s decision to throw out the Montana Firearms Freedom Act.

The law states that firearms made and kept in Montana are exempt from federal regulation under the Commerce Clause, which gives the federal government authority to regulate commerce only “among” the states.

In a posting to supporters, Marbut wrote that the case is now at the end of the road, but a movement has been spawned.

The Montana Firearms Freedom Act, he said, “caught a sympathetic wave as the first legislation of its type in the U.S.”

“It was cloned and enacted in eight other states, and cloned and introduced in the legislatures of about 23 other states yet.”

Marbut said it’s clear that “a majority of the states of the U.S. are operating under the same frustration with the run amok federal government as is Montana.”

“Further, the MFFA inspired a whole wave of other ‘freedom acts,’ such as the light bulb freedom act, the whiskey freedom act, the tobacco freedom act, the healthcare freedom act, and others. Inspired by the MFFA, the U.S. is now alive with ‘nullification’ efforts at the state level – state efforts telling the federal government to back off,” he said.

All of that activity, Marbut said, means there is a need for the Supreme Court to step into this general controversy “if it has any hope to maintain respect for its historic-but-abandoned turf as any sort of check on the other federal branches.”

“This epic trip to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the court’s rejection of MSSA v. Holder have finally persuaded me that it is fruitless to expect any part of the federal government to control the lust for centralized and tyrannical power that our federal government displays,” he said.

Marbut said further that, perhaps more importantly, his case “proves that it is improper to rely on the federal government, or any branch thereof, to be the judge of what powers the states have delegated to the federal government in the Constitution.”

“As the creator of the Constitution and the federal government, only the states may properly or practically do that.”

WND has reported on the case since it began, including months ago when attorneys general from a dozen states argued that the 10th Amendment essentially has been overturned by decades of incorrect court rulings, and the Supreme Court needed to repair the damage.

“By abandoning any meaningful standard for the substantiality of an intrastate activity’s effects on interstate commerce, this court has enabled the Congress to ‘draw the circle broadly enough to cover’ activity, that when viewed in isolation, would have no substantial effect on interstate commerce at all,” representatives for the 12 states told the high court.

The states were Utah, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming.

The Montana group had petitioned the high court to hear the case, arguing the federal bureaucracy has no authority to impose restrictions on a firearm made, sold and kept inside Montana.

It’s called “The Essential Second Amendment Guide” and the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre has assembled the facts you need to protect your constitutional rights.

The plaintiffs said the U.S. Supreme Court has gradually expanded Washington’s authority under the Commerce Clause so that anything can be regulated under it.

For example, various courts have ruled that under the Commerce Clause, a local law “tracking sex offenders” cannot be allowed because “any effect on interstate commerce from requiring sex offenders to registered is too attenuated to survive scrutiny under the Commerce Clause.”

Further, another court ruled that a disputed statute need not “be a purely economic or commercial statute” to fall under the economic jurisdiction of the Commerce Clause.

States need to ‘check’ Washington

The state of Montana also argued that the independent power of the states “serves as a check on the power of the federal government.”

“If the states are to serve as a real ‘check’ or ‘control’ on federal overreaching, then this court’s Commerce Clause jurisprudence – or more specifically, its Necessary and Proper clause jurisprudence – must provide enforceable limits that are more than just hortatory. This is especially true at the ‘outer limits’ where, as here, Congress tries to regulate purely intrastate activity in the ‘areas of criminal law and social police, where ‘states lay claim’ by right of history and expertise,’” the state said.

“It is long past time for the federal government and the lower courts to stop using [their own precedents] as a license to engage in pure conjecture as to ‘substantial effects’ on interstate commerce. More ‘careful scrutiny’ is required if the ‘constitutionally mandated balance of power’ between the states and the federal government is to continue ‘to ensure the protection of our fundamental liberties.’”

The Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence argued in its brief that the limitations on the federal government to its constitutional duties are foundational.

“Among the powers not delegated to the federal government was the power to regulate the health, safety, and morals of the people – the so-called police power,” it contends. “[Those] always belong to the states.”

And the Weapons Collectors Society of Montana explained that at the time Montana agreed to become a state – and Congress approved its constitution – there were no regulations, limits or restrictions on Montana’s gun industry.

“At the time Montana entered the union, no federal regulation of firearms and ammunition existed, so it would be impossible for the parties to intend that the wholly intrastate manufacture of firearm or ammunition would be subject to federal regulation. … This impossibility also extends to the parties being able to see 50 years into the future to intend that the unforeseen change in Commerce Clause jurisprudence would limit the ability of Montana citizens from these activities.”

WND reported earlier when the shooting sports association filed its request.

A ruling was needed, it said, that would overturn existing precedent and re-establish the powers to which the federal government is limited, restoring the power given to states.

No power

The case argued Congress has no power unless it is specifically granted by the U.S. Constitution.

Marbut, who has been barred by the federal government from building and selling a “Montana Buckeroo” rifle, released an open letter to members of the U.S. Supreme Court.

“The natives are beyond restless. They are at the stage of collecting torches and pitchforks and preparing to head for the castle gates en masse,” he said.

In his letter, Marbut charged that the problem is “overweening federal power,” describing the government’s attitude as “overconfident, conceited, cocksure, cocky, smug, haughty, supercilious, lofty, patronizing, arrogant, proud, vain, self-important, imperious and overbearing.”

He insisted there is plenty of evidence for his assertion.

The movement to enforce states’ rights, as provided by the 10th Amendment, goes beyond gun rights, he said.

“Other states have enacted or introduced other ‘Freedom Acts,’ such as the Whiskey Freedom Act, the Light Bulb Freedom Act, and the Healthcare Freedom Act. But those only tell part of the story,” wrote Marbut.

He noted that states are passing laws prohibiting enforcement of indefinite detention under the National Defense Authorization Act, the NDAA. Police agencies have publicly declared they will not enforce provisions of the Patriot Act, and some states have enacted various marijuana tolerance laws in defiance of federal law.

“These rejections of overweening federal power are happening not only at the state level, but at the county, city level, and with individual citizens,” he said.

“Frankly,” he wrote, “the working people of America are fed up with an overbearing federal government bent on regulating everyone and everything.”

Read Marbut’s letter

Peaceful revolution

In his letter, Marbut cited President John F. Kennedy’s warning: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”

His lawsuit, he said, “is our best, and could be the last or near last, attempt at the peaceful revolution we’d all emphatically prefer to the alternative Kennedy asserted.”

“It could well be that MSSA v. Holder marks an historical cusp similar to that served up to SCOTUS in Scott v. Sandford. (For any non-attorneys reading this, Scott v. Sandford is often known as the ‘Dred Scott decision,’ a Supreme Court decision thought by many historians to have been the spark that set off the Civil War, a decision that effectively upheld the institution of slavery.)”

Learn what you can do about your nation. Get “Taking America Back,” Joseph Farah’s manifesto for sovereignty, self-reliance and moral renewal

The lawsuit was filed by Marbut and several firearms organizations in Montana as well as the Second Amendment Foundation after the state legislature adopted the Montana Firearms Freedom Act.

Washington maintains that under the Commerce Clause, it has the right to control commerce inside states, even though the constitutional provision specifies it’s for commerce “among” the states.

Montana Buckaroo

The case never was only about a Montana Buckaroo.

“I wrote the Montana Firearms Freedom Act (MFFA) in 2004, specifically to use firearms as the vehicle to challenge federal power under the Constitution’s Interstate Commerce Clause (ICC),” Marbut explained.

The lawsuit was thrown out by a federal district judge on grounds of standing and merit. The far-left leaning Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed, stating that the plaintiffs do have standing, but it affirmed the ruling on merit, opening the door to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Marbut argued in his letter that the problem traces back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who in a dispute over wheat price supports threatened to “pack” a Supreme Court with six extra justices so he could ram through his agenda of government control.

The Supreme Court folded, deciding the “Wickard” case in Roosevelt’s favor. The ruling formed the basis for the long string of later decisions that further tightened the federal grip on in-state activities.

New Definitions

Marbut explained the court created new definitions for the terms “regulate,” “commerce” and “among,” which became a de facto amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

He said “commerce” was changed to mean “any economic activity, no matter how minor,” “regulate” was given the meaning “prohibit” and “among” was made to mean “within.”

“The word ‘among’ is a bit slippery to define, although we all grasp what it means,” Marbut wrote. “However, we can easily define what it does NOT mean with a simple thought experiment: You say, ‘Among the three children they had enough money for two ice cream cones.’ I ask, ‘Is an X-ray machine required to find the money?’ You answer, ‘No, because the money is not within them, it is among them.’ Thus, we see clearly that the meaning of ‘among’ does NOT include ‘within.’ Yet to make the Wickard decision do what FDR wanted, SCOTUS had to redefine ‘among’ to mean ‘within.’”

Read Wayne LaPierre’s documentation of “America Disarmed: Inside the U.N. & Obama’s Scheme to Destroy the Second Amendment.”


Marbut also argued in his letter to the Supreme Court that a standard principle of law is that provisions adopted later amend those adopted earlier. He notes that the Second Amendment, as well as the Ninth and 10th, were adopted after the commerce clause, and thus amended it.

“The laws that the U.S. asserts prohibit Montana from implementing the MFFA, and that prohibit me from making and selling the Montana Buckaroo sans federal regulation, are clearly a form of prior restraint,” he contended.

The U.S. Supreme Court, he said, “has been clear that prior restraint upon the exercise of constitutionally protected rights is not to be lightly tolerated.”

“Because federal laws being applied inhibit exercise of Second, Ninth and Tenth Amendment reserved rights in advance, those laws neatly fit the prior restraint definition. Generically, prior restraint of a reserved constitutional right may not be done when supported only by a rational basis. It will be difficult or impossible for the U.S. to muster persuasive arguments to satisfy a level of review more strict than a simple rational basis concerning an asserted federal trump of the MFFA.”

He also argued that Montana entered statehood in 1889 under a compact, or contract, and the state accepted the U.S. Constitution as it was understood at the time.

“If the people of Montana had understood in 1889 that this proposed Compact would preclude them from being able to make firearms, or even repair firearms, without a federal license, I seriously doubt that the Montana Legislature would have approved the Compact and Ordinance 1.”

Attorney Nick Dranias represented friend-of-the-court party the Goldwater Institute and others in the Ninth Circuit’s oral arguments, and Quentin Rhoades represented Marbut and Montana shooting interests.

The arguments presented to the Ninth Circuit were posted online:

In an Orwellian twist, even though many states are looking for relief from the tyrannical grip of the Feds through nullification, the fact of the matter is that the Feds have the power to strike down nullification through the Fed court system!

Therefore, anyone who is fully awake realizes that a looming crisis is in the offing, one which is being (purposefully) ignited under the Radical-in-Chief’s rule. Taunting.

Now, not being the cynical sort, it is becoming verily apparent that Obama Inc. would like nothing more than to have an excuse to enact Martial Law. As such, it is also obvious that millions of outraged Conservatives will never tolerate their individual rights to be further subsumed by the gang ruling Washington.  

Effectively, they are signalling and prepping for a show down, telling Obama Inc: bring it on! 
So be it. This site has heretofore chosen sides. Time for others to do the same.


VIDEO ALERT: Patriots, what do your “lying eyes” see? – 


Seeing is believing…don’t let your “lying” eyes fool you into believing otherwise, that what you actually see isn’t really happening! That’s a good motto to live by.

Along this vein, much has been written – at this site and at other alternative media – about the “captured” media and their allergic reactions to certain facts on the ground. Basically, whatever is radioactive to their leftist, radical narratives – and fails to prop up “The One” – well, deaf, dumb and blind becomes their “journalistic” credo. 

Regardless, pay them no mind, if you want to know what is happening on the ground. Herein the truth is revealed, wherever it lands. Moreover, those who have their shorts (or panties) in knots, over this and that, too bad. There is nothing they can do – threats and all – to stop said revelations. Just let them try. 

Indeed, commentaries about Martial Law, the purging of Generals“mysteriouslydeceased bankers, and journalists who “magically” disappear, isn’t easy reading. Sorry for that.

But the alarms have to be raised, so here we go again:

Alarm One:

The first order of business to impose a compliant citizenry is to confiscate their weapons. Hence, gun control is a main goal. Making sure to cover all bases, Obama Inc. has co-opted the National Guard for gun confiscation duty, in tandem with other agencies. Believe it, or not. OBAMA’S NATIONAL GUARD PLACED BULLS EYES ON PATRIOTS:A PATH TO GUN CONTROL & WORSE

Alarm Two:

But where do patriotic Generals come into play? Everywhere. This is why a purging has taken place, it was not for nothing:ALERT:TYRANNY COMES TO AMERICA. CHINESE TROOPS ON U.S. Soil. Dissent Against Obama Inc “Purged” Via Gestapo-Like DHS Tactics!

Alarm Three

Key to subduing patriots is a doctrine called Martial Law, one which is  only imposed in cases of EXTREME national danger. But those who are paying attention also understand that Obama & gang operate outside the rule of law

The question then becomes:evil, and non-American, as it sounds, in order to subdue patriots, what does Obama Inc. have to impose? MARTIAL LAW PLANS RATCHETED UP IN THE U.S.. What Does Obama Inc. Have In Store For “Non-Compliant” Citizens & Others?

Alarm Four:

Now, how many have heard about the “mysterious” deaths of KEY bankers and journalists, those who were, in one way or another, privy to preparations for a global financial re-jiggering? A RECENT TRAIL OF DEAD (FINANCIAL-RELATED) BODIES:THEIR INTERSECTION WITH BANKSTERS, CIA & NYPD TOP BRASS COVER UPS.GLOBAL ORDER-RELATED.

You Have Been Targeted for Internment & Resettlement

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Common Sense Show

fema home away from home

On January 23, 2014, the U.S. Army opened a one-hundred million dollar urban warfare training facility—a so-called “fake city”—on the outskirts of Bowling Green, Virginia. Despite U.S. Army press releases to the contrary, this is a replica of an American city, complete with American road signs. According to insiders, the subway even has a logo of that used in Washington, D.C.  The so-called “mosque” described in the press release is plainly an American church.

Why is the U.S. Army lying about the purpose of this training facility? Why not admit that they are preparing to roam the streets of America? Because what they are training for is illegaltreasonous. According to the Posse Comitatus Act, the military is forbidden from taking on the police powers of local and state police.

Well, it is legal—in a sense: Only if Obama declares martial law.

This could mean only one thing: Barack Hussein Obama is anticipating—or perhaps even planning—some cataclysmic event that will require the declaration of martial law and suspension of elections.

Will this be the third term Obama’s supporters are clamoring for?

This is not just another FEMA camp article which can be easily debunked. This article deals with the fact that a recent government manual, leaked to the public, details the plans for mass arresting dissident Americans and stripping them of their citizenship so as to be able to violate the Constitution and the Geneva Convention for the treatment of prisoners.

The previously mentioned document which has been leaked online, is entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). The document was originally to be kept secret, but everyone in the military command structure, as we know, is not on board with the encroaching tyranny sweeping across this country.

There are two terms which should concern you, namely, Internment and Resettlement (I/R). As if this needs any further elaboration, the two terms simply mean that you will be snatched from your home and sent to a detention camp for an undetermined period of time and treated in a manner which will not be defined by any law.

The Authorities Practice Targeting Second Amendment Supporters

There exists solid evidence that our illegitimate government, hijacked by the banksters, possesses a detailed plan to mass arrest Americans and it has moved from the pages of government documents and it is actually being practiced by authorities on American soil.

Jesse Hathaway wrote for MediaTrackers in which he said that a recent Ohio State National Guard exercise “reveal the details of a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with ‘anti-government’ opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists.” Hathaway’s article went on to say that the “Ohio National Guard Communications Director James Sims II, MediaTrackers claims, told the website that it was “not relevant” as to why conservatives may feel targeted by being portrayed as anti-government extremists”. “Okay, I’m gonna stop ya there. I’m going to quit this conversation,” Sims told the site when reached for comment. “You have a good day.”

Then there is the ’fake” $96 million dollar Northern Virginia town which is being used to train the military to enforce martial Law. Of course, the government says that this is a foreign town being used to train our troops to occupy a foreign town. If this is true, then someone needs to explain why the town has a Christian church, handicap parking spots, Washington DC subway logos, loading zone signs and road signs in English. A picture is worth a thousand words as you will see in the following video.

In the Words of the Government

Straight from the Internment/Resettlement article (12 February 2010 FM 3-39.40 1-5) it states the following:

“…I/R operations may place Soldiers in continuous contact with or near insurgents, terrorists, or criminals who will exploit every opportunity to escape and kill or injure U.S. personnel or multinational partners“.

Whether you believe there are Russian troops training on our soil, along with other UN “Peacekeeping” troops is an irrelevant argument at this point. The above excerpt makes it clear regarding the INTENT to use “multinational partners” to round up and detain American citizens.

The following is a list of involved agencies involved in the soon-to-be roundups of American citizens who are not drinking from globalist Kool-Aid.


1-40. External involvement in I/R missions is a fact of life for military police organizations. Some government and government-sponsored entities that may be involved in I/R missions include—

International agencies.


International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

International Organization of Migration.

.S. agencies.

Local U.S. embassy.

Department of Homeland Security.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Federal Emergency Management Agency.

There can be no doubt as to the meaning of the above quote from the manual. This government plans to enlist the aid of foreign troops in conjunction with the UN, DHS and FEMA for the purpose of rounding up and detaining American civilians.

Segregation of Civilian Detainees

I have previously been told my military sources that when families are transported to the I/R camps, husbands will be segregated from wives and children from parents.

“Detainees may also be segregated by ethnic and family groups and further segregated to protect vulnerable individuals. Additionally, detainees may be categorized by behavior (cooperative, neutral, or combative) to accurately resource guards and facilities”. Juveniles within the I/R population are typically segregated from the general population. (See DODD 3115.09.)

You Are An Enemy Combatant

Most of us who are detained in these I/R camps will be classified as enemy combatants. The following reads like the MIAC Report on steroids.

“Enemy Combatants

1-15. An enemy combatant is, in general, a person engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners during an armed conflict. (JP 3-63) Enemy combatant includes EPWs and members of armed groups.

1-16. Enemy combatants are divided as follows:

An enemy prisoner of war is a detained person who, while engaged in combat under orders of his or her government, was captured by the armed forces of the enemy.

Member of an armed group is a person who engages in or supports acts against the United States or its multinational partners in violation of the laws and customs of war during a named conflict that do not meet the criteria of a prisoner of war as defined within the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War”

The last sentence is frightening. It says that anyone who supports acts against the United States or its foreign mercenaries, is not entitled to humane treatment under the Geneva Convention. An offense against the US government could include the failure to turn in your gun or to not pay your taxes. This also opens the door to torture and summary extermination as you will not likely have any rights. For those who think this is an exaggeration, ask yourself what does “do not meet the criteria defined within the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war”, actually mean?

We already know that the present administration holds the US Constitution in complete disdain and utter contempt. Do you remember the domestic terrorist designations which are contained in the MIAC Report?  An authority not recognized by this criminal government would include LibertariansConstitutionalists, a former Ron Paul supporter, a Bible believing Christian, a Second Amendment supporter and a veteran. If you belong to any of these groups, you are a domestic terrorist, an enemy combatant, a sovereign citizen and a stateless person.

The Legal Justification to Snatch You From Your Home

The following definition of an “evacuee” should concern all Americans. The definition of the term indicates the right of the military to remove a citizen from their home.

“Evacuee. An evacuee is a civilian removed from a place of residence by military direction for reasons of personal security or the requirements of the military situation.” (JP 3-57)

Do you remember when the globalists began to use the term “sovereign citizen”? This term was applied by DHS to Americans who claimed that they followed the Constitution, but not the “legitimate” governmental authority. The first time that I saw the term utilized by the government was in the Stacy Lynne case in which this anti-Agenda 21 activist had her son stolen by a NWO Judge, Julie Kunce Field, without so much as an allegation of parental wrong doing. This former World Bank and IMF consultant, turned judge, referred to Stacy as a “sovereign citizen” in her courtroom. As a result, Stacy was not allowed to call witnesses or object to the illegal practices she was subjected to while in Fields’ courtroom on the basis of the many  “constitutional violations” of law committed by Judge Field. This is because Field labeled Stacy as a non citizen, a stateless person. The following defines a sovereign citizen as a stateless person.

Stateless Person. A stateless person is a civilian who has been denationalized or whose country of origin cannot be determined or who cannot establish a right to the nationality claimed.

If one is a stateless person, they are, by default, an enemy combatant. I have been assisting the Larimer County resident, Stacy Lynne, for 26 months. Stacy has not been able to see her son in almost a year and a half. I always wondered what kind of chicken outfit could steal someone’s child without cause. When I read this I/R manual, my eyes were opened and chills went up and down my spine. What was done to Stacy was accomplished because she was an anti-Agenda 21 advocate who had her citizenship stripped by a globalist judge.. And through the complicity of this globalist judge.

When martial law comes to our land, we will be snatched from our homes because of our collective verbal and behavioral resistance to the tyranny that is sweeping our land. We will be met by the likes of  the self-appointed authority that globalist judges like Julie Kunce Field, who will subsequently  use their unconstitutional powers to declare a wide swath of Americans to be stateless, or sovereign citizens.


Do I have to spell it out for you? All of us are Stacy Lynne. The NDAA is for you and for me. By virtue of the fact that you have visited this website, or a website that linked into this website, your every keystroke has been cataloged by the NSA and you and your family have been declared to be non-citizens and targeted for forced Internment/Resettlement.

In the eyes of this criminal administration, we are all enemy combatants. We are all “sovereign citizens”. We are all stateless people not protected by either the Constitutional, in the pre-arrest period, or, by the Geneva Convention, in the post-arrest period.

.In the next part of this series, I will spell out what losing your Geneva Convention rights will mean to you and your family.

You will never stand before a judge and jury and have your freedom stripped from you. You will likely be taken from your home at 3AM, loaded into a transport vehicle with other designated sovereign citizens with only the clothes on your back, and shipped to your final designated I/R camp.

Also, the next part of this series will expose more details on the upcoming mass incarcerations and what the dead banksters and fired generals have to do with all of this.

So, what can the average patriot do to avoid the hurtling chaos? Plenty. 

And, yes, it is certainly not newsworthy to report on military training centers duplicating enemy landscapes. This is typical military doctrine. In fact, Israel has certain “replica” training bases which mirror jihadi enemy towns. Heck, even US armed forces come to train at said Israeli bases, all in order to hone their skills against Islamic jihadists!

However, first and foremost, the new “training” facility in Bowling Green, Virginia is NOT what it has been reported to be. Assuredly, several reliable sources – within the U.S. – confirm as much.

Do not despair. There IS strength in numbers. Yes, there are millions of determined patriots who will never allow Obama’s criminal regime to take over America. However, without a massive SHOWING of strength, all good intentions will fall by the wayside.

Now, since this site hates to re-work the wheel, one missive has been constant: circle a RED line around May 16. It may very well be the last chance patriots have to turn the ship of state around, freeing themselves from the (expected) tyranny in the offing.

AGAIN, trust your “lying eyes”. Circling. A confluence of evil.


In relation to breaking free from the Fed’s choke hold, their strangle hold, previous commentaries touched upon several well qualified rumblings.

And while many are truly fed up with Washington’s dictates, it is also the case that talking is never the same barometer as doing. There are those who just jibber jabber but hardly put their cards on the table. Cowards. But this is not the case with a growing number of (“rural”) Coloradans, and other states/counties are joining the fray.

Consider the past as prologue, particularly as Obamacare’s death grip shocks many heretofore fence sitters into action-mode. Many are now realizing that the health care overhaul was never meant to result in “affordable” care, but for TOTAL control over America’s citizens, especially as up to 80 million are reportedly in jeopardy of losing their health care! Say what? NOT only that, but Obamacare is the linkage to eventual gun control. Yes, its loopholes are designed to disarm Americans. Evil.

In this regard, secession is looking better and better – the real “hope for change”. Its effects are bubbling to the surface and Northeast Intelligence Network renders some clues as to the undercurrent of secession. 

Is anyone surprised that Texans are leading the charge towards secession too ? Enter Coloradans, as they set the stage to blow out ALL Demsters who mess with their Constitutional right to bear arms.


5 counties plunge forward with plan for new state

For the first time since the Civil War, U.S. counties have voted to instruct their elected officials to pursue the possibility of forming a 51st state.

Residents of five Colorado counties voted Tuesday in favor of the resolutions.

“This is an important moment for liberty,” said Jeffrey Hare, founder of the 51st state initiative. “We have five counties in this state that have said they want to exercise their rights under the state constitution and secede.”

Colorado has a strong statement in its constitution saying the people have the right to abolish the government anytime they believe it is necessary. Article II of the Colorado constitution says:

“The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign and independent state; and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided, such change be not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.”

The wording is particularly significant, because Colorado became a state in 1876, 11 years after the end of the Civil War.

With the passage of the ballot measures in the five counties, Coloradans for the second time this year have drawn their authority directly from the state constitution to do something that politics was unable to accomplish.

Earlier they used Article XXI to recall from office two Democratic state senators who voted in favor of a series of gun control laws that were among the strictest in the nation. The recall was the first time the constitutional provision had ever been utilized.

Now residents are taking the first step to exercise their right to abolish their form of government. While media reports have claimed residents were voting on secession, that is not completely accurate.

Secession would need the approval of the state legislature or state electorate and then of the U.S. Congress.

Hare noted that even in the counties that voted against secession the margin of victory was not overwhelming.

“Since this movement began a few months ago we went from zero to 43 percent approval even in the counties that voted against the issue,” Hare said. “This is especially significant when you consider that unlike other ballot initiatives, there was no organized campaign in support of the measure.”

“The most we did was a few radio ads and Facebook posts. We didn’t have the time or money to have meetings advocating the issue. In spite of this, large percentages of voters said they wanted to leave the state.”

The movement has inspired residents in other states to consider similar measures. In California, residents in some northern counties are attempting to secede from the state and form a new state of Jefferson. Residents of other states have also contacted county officials asking about the possibility of starting their own secession movements.

Weld County commissioner Sean Conway said while he respects the wishes of the voters, who turned down the resolution, the issues that prompted the vote still need to be addressed.

“You have to respect the voters’ decision. Weld County commissioners will not pursue a 51st state, but we will pursue other options that I think address the problem,” Conway said from a Weld County election watch party in Fort Lupton. “The (disconnect) problem still exists. I think it’s incumbent upon us to continue this dialogue, which began in June to address the disconnect between rural and urban communities in Colorado, and come together to try and find a solution to addressing that problem.”

Conway told WND the vote raised awareness of the problem and inspired others nationwide.

“I fully understand that our movement is kind of like the young child who said the emperor has no clothes on,” Conway said. “We are setting the example and leading the way for people all across this country who are frustrated at being ignored by government officials and we’re doing what they wanted to do, but were afraid to attempt. People all across the country are now finding courage because of what we did. They’re saying if northeastern Colorado can stand up to a government that doesn’t address their concerns, then we can to.”

Hare said with Tuesday’s vote, the movement is just beginning.

“We now need to focus on educating people in the counties that voted for the issue on the need to put pressure on the legislature to allow them to have an actual vote on the issue,” Hare explained. “These counties are all right next to each other, we have established a beachhead for secession in the state and we need to build on the ground we do have.”

YES, aside from the “east and west left coasts” (alas, this American-Israeli’s home city, NYC, just elected DeBlasio, a true bloody Commissar, therefore, all “hope for change” is gone) there are many other states left over, and they are viewing the handwriting on the wall. The disarming of America. Take Montana as a “test” case….

The plaintiff in a Montana lawsuit seeking freedom from federal gun regulations has written an open letter to members of the U.S. Supreme Court, where his case soon is to be appealed, pleading with them to rein in the federal government’s arrogance and conceit.

“The natives are beyond restless. They are at the stage of collecting torches and pitchforks and preparing to head for the castle gates en masse,” writes Gary Marbut, president of Montana Shooting Sports Association and author of “Gun Laws of Montana.”

FEW can argue that the Radical-in-Chief is up to his neck in disarming America, and in more ways than one. But the fastest route to its dismantlement runs through gun control. Hence, the all out push, even if less than visible surface-wise.

For additional ammunition, a good understanding of Obama’s plans to subdue Americans is an essential read: MARTIAL LAW PLANS RATCHETED UP IN THE U.S.. What Does Obama Inc. Have In Store For “Non-Compliant” Citizens & Others? 

Chillingly, as Coloradans assert their rights, take a listen to the embedded radio show by Northeast Intelligence Network (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cfp-radio/2013/11/27/greg-evensen-and-steve-quayle-on-gun-confiscation), as intelligence insiders send out alarm bells to local police, sheriff’s departments and overall citizens, regarding the Feds plans for Martial Law. But there’s more. Guess which state is first in their cross hairs? Colorado! On the other hand, Tennessee is rapidly becoming a militarized zone, checkpoints, DNA swabs and all! 

And though the leftist controlled media by Obama Inc. has intensely squashed all hope of getting to the bottom of Fast & Furious, gun control was its genesis. Its raison d’etre.

So woe to all “bitter clingers”, Obama and goons are coming for your guns – with or without your approval! Stay alert. Pay this forward.

MARTIAL LAW PLANS RATCHETED UP IN THE U.S.. What Does Obama Inc. Have In Store For “Non-Compliant” Citizens & Others? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

There are many blessings to thank G-d for, even when the world appears to be spinning out of control. And this is something we all have to remember – this blogger included – especially when life throws us the harshest of curve balls. No easy feat. 

So Thanksgiving is one such time to also recall another blessing, by taking the time to thank those who are toiling – often at great personal and professional risks – to alert others to the many dangers lying in wait. Not to scare others, but to empower them. 

Well, in light of the above, let us discuss an ongoing concern at this site, one which would have been unthinkable to comprehend, or even contemplate, a decade ago. Believe it.

Specifically, the following exhibits demonstrate Obama Inc.’s propensity – as well as their actual preparations – towards a trigger point scenario, one which will culminate (at the most opportune crisis-like situation) into executing Martial Law.

Exhibit A – Fomented Chaos By POTUS ‘Allows’ Him To Issue Executive Orders… With Unprecedented Power Grabs (at least since 9/11/01)…Rep Kay Granger (Texas) Raises Alarm

Exhibit B – Black Hawks Swirling Over US Cities…DHS Stockpiling Inordinate Amount of Ammo..Who IS Their Target?Addendum To : RED HOT Warning From Northeast Intelligence Network

Exhibit C – CDC (Centers For Disease Control & Prevention) & FEMA…What Are They Up To? 

Exhibit D – WOE To All “Bitter Clingers”: Yes, They’re Coming To CONFISCATE Your Guns! 

Exhibit E – U.S. Law Enforcement Running Wild: Military Powers Incrementally Bestowed. Where Is This Headed?

Exhibit F – Signs of Civil War Could Lead To Martial Law

Exhibit G – The Opening Of A Pandora’s Box: Martial Law Via Jihad In Boston

Exhibit H – Russian/Foreign Troops Inside America; FEMA Detention Camps & Agenda 21: Training For MARTIAL LAW Against U.S. Citizens!

Exhibit I – The INCREASING THREAT Of MARTIAL LAW: Demster Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee’s Loose Lips, Her “Slip Of The Tongue”

Exhibit J – DHS, Valerie Jarrett’s Fiefdom, TARGETING U.S. (Patriotic) Citizens/Christians: Warnings From (Retired) Army Officers of MARTIAL LAW & More

Basically, only in a nation whereby the leadership is akin to a criminal empire, would the above exhibits NOT land them in jail. Alas, this is the case in Obama’s America: Entering The Parallel Universe of Radical Politics Gone Haywire…A Short Path To Dictatorship (Oct 2012)as such they continue (unimpeded) to “forward march”, aptly used as Obama Inc.’s main campaign slogan! How ignorant does The One think the masses are of historical slogans? VERY.

There are many underlying reasons, as to why patriotic Americans are currently  treated as the enemy, but several stand out among the rest.

The fact of the matter is that at no time in U.S. history have loyal, patriotic Americans been treated worse, than under the abusive reign of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. NOW, if the goal is to transform America from a superpower, and align it with third world countries, how better to accomplish this, than to hunt down those who are its most actively loyal citizens? For if this feat is accomplished, then there is little doubt, those less patriotically inclined will fall into line…….

Comply or die – Night of the Long Knives for Law Enforcement – Kristallnacht – Broken Glass for Americans

8:00-11:00 PM ET – Northeast Intelligence Network

Plans revealed for subjugation, arrest and even potential termination of law enforcement and citizens?

Special note: Due to emerging events combined with the schedules of those who are traveling for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, our normal “Tuesday’s with Stan” (Stan Deyo) time slot is being rescheduled for its normal time next Tuesday.

On Tuesday, November 2013, Dr. Greg Evensen and Steve Quayle will be sharing critical, time-sensitive newly discovered plans of battle for the subjugation, arrest and even potential termination of law enforcement and citizens who refuse to comply with the upcoming plans for gun confiscation. If you are in law enforcement or are a gun owner, you need to listen to this most important broadcast. Intercessors are asked to pray for a reprieve, for a time, to bring more of his children into His kingdom.


DO get a whiff of this local police armament…a pic is worth a thousand words!

Defense Department gives local police equipment designed for a war zone

Published November 27, 2013

  • MRAP.jpg

    March 12: Attendees look at the Lenco MRAP Bear SWAT Team vehicle at the 7th annual Border Security Expo in Phoenix, Arizona.(REUTERS)

From war zones to city streets, some military vehicles are getting a new life — and not everyone is happy about the recycling.

The Defense Department recently announced it would be giving domestic law enforcement forces hulking vehicles designed to efficiently maneuver in a war zone for use in thwarting any potential high-scale activity.

This did not sit well with those who see a troubling trend: the militarization of local police departments, including the American Civil Liberties Union, which has criticized the Defense Department for giving 18-ton, $500,000 armor-protected military fighting vehicles to local forces.

ACLU affiliates have been collecting 2012 records to determine the extent of military hardware and tactics sent to police and plan to issue a report early next year.

While it is hard to wrap ones mind around America becoming a facsimile of dictatorships world over, the fact of the matter is that America is well on its way to becoming a tyranny. However, as of yet the signs are, for the most part, muted and under the radar. Nevertheless, if not thwarted, the above will indeed come to pass.

Put another way, what else could they have in mind? Precisely.

And, Happy Thanksgiving, all the way from Israel!

The INCREASING THREAT Of MARTIAL LAW: Demster Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee’s Loose Lips, Her “Slip Of The Tongue”…Commentary By Adina Kunticki

WITH each and every passing day, the noose around American citizens is tightening, but many will still evince palpable shock when its effects strangle the life out of them. And while this blog is certainly not suggesting that Americans won’t be able to elicit actual breaths, nevertheless, the ability to choose life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be gravely diminished, as declared in the Declaration of Independence. Count on it.

This is no doomsday hypothesis, but a clear-eyed focus on what has been transpiring over the last 5 plus years, however, its stepping stones/seedlings sprouted decades ago. As a matter of actual record, those who planted said seedlings are now the gatekeepers to the Radical/Islamist-in-Chief ! Talk about less than six degrees of separation…and certainly not happenstance.

Getting back to the focal point – the noose – this blog keeps zeroing in on the issue of “martial law”, and it is not due to a lack of pressing concerns to report on. But in order to execute “this or that” plan, it is objectively necessary to rein in those who would otherwise object to TOTAL governmental control. Hence, in tandem, they are absolutely gunning for gun control

As to the swirling signs towards martial law, the following is merely a sampling and should just be considered its tip:

Indeed, how scary is it to find out that Russian/foreign troops are implanted in America and training for “this and that” outcome? Be afraid. Very afraid.

And when one carefully examines and dissects the footage and reporting from Boston’s jihad, well, martial law becomes a central component. A focal point.

More to the point, truckers roared into Washington, supported by some SEALS no less and on the heels of bikers too, does anyone believe that a civil/ideological war – of sorts – is not in the air? 

Yes, what’s up with the increased militarizing of police forces? Is this in line with “community policing”, or a well camouflaged response to the so called “war on terror”? You decide.

Onto foot-in-mouth Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee


Ratcheting up argument over federal shutdown     

A Democratic congresswoman from Texas has declared “martial law” is the solution to the current partial shutdown of the federal government.

The comments from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, took some listeners by surprise, since a common understanding of “martial law” would be of an authority – a president or a military commander – using military force to impose its will on an uncooperative people.

Think machine guns, tanks and jail cells.

It came up during Lee’s speech on the House floor on Monday, when she was lamenting the plight of those left with uncertain futures because of the partial federal government shutdown brought on when Senate Democrats refused to consider compromises to a budget plan offered by House Republicans.

She said, “Our economy is bigger than the European Union. That means countries like Spain, Germany, France, England, all those members who as well are our allies, but look to America – how shameful it is for someone to be held, and if you will, tied up by their own individual personal interests.

“One would ask if the Founding Fathers, as imperfect as America was as she began, had come from the 13 colonies and various districts, and probably interests, and had held to those specialized interests, would we have created a nation that started out by saying we organize to create a more perfect union? Albeit that there were groups of populations that did not have dignity and justice and citizenship at that time, something that I could look back at in bitterness, but I do not, because this is the greatest nation in the world. But we are not showing ourselves that way.

“It is not the truth to suggest that there are not enough voters, members of Congress, that would vote right now today to open this government. It is something called a continuing resolution, but it’s a bill that you put on the floor that has been passed already by Republicans and Democrats in the United States Senate. ”

She said, “This is not an idea of anyone over another person. Republican and Democratic senators have already voted for this clean bill that we could vote on today. We have martial law. What that means – and my colleagues know what it means – is that you can put a bill on in just minutes.”

She accused Republicans of forcing people to decide “amongst your children which ones to feed.”

At Washingtonsblog was the comment: “The last time we heard Congress members use the phrase martial law was when Congressmen Brad Sherman and Paul Kanjorski, and Senator James Inhofe, all said that Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson warned of martial law if the TARP banks bailouts weren’t approved.”

A commenter suggested Jackson Lee was using it in the context of House rules that call for one day between announcing legislation and a vote:

“Instead, under ‘martial law,’ the leadership can file legislation with tens or hundreds of pages of fine print and move immediately to debate and [vote] on it, before members of Congress, the media, or the public have an opportunity to understand fully what provisions have been altered or inserted…”

Critics noted that Jackson Lee wasn’t exactly following the Constitution anyway, because she advocated for House approval of a spending bill from the Senate.

“Article I, Section 7, Clause I of the Constitution … states, ‘All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives,” said one of the YouTube users who uploaded the video to share with Americans.

One other observer, who also loaded the footage onto YouTube, noted, “Can someone please explain why the representative from Texas used this language?”

And for a more robust reckoning of what awaits, an audio herein is HIGHLY recommended – Monday on Hagmann & Hagmann: Dave Hodges… U.S. fast approaching date with destiny. Listen up.

Regardless, no matter how you parse it, loose-lipped Rep. Jackson Lee is mirroring the regime’s actions, and having verbal diarrhea, talking off the cuff, happens all the time – all the backpedaling beside the point. Besides, this is a woman who is not exactly known for possessing much brain matter between her ears! 

Sheila Jackson-Lee might be the dumbest person in congress. She might even be the dumbest person outside congress. If there were ever a global championship for idiots, the country could send her there. And leave her there; because unlike Lassie, she wouldn’t be able find her way back on her own……

Dumb ass that she is, make no mistake, she is VERY dangerous. How so? Not only is she a radical leftist, but an Islamist devotee. Yup…take a peek at her name on a list of Reps who receive (and this is what is known…imagine what is given under the table) Islamic cash to buy influence for the Islamic agenda within America!


1. Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) … $16,970

2. Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) … $15,000

3. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) … $14,000

4. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)… $12,500

5. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) … $12,000

6. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) … $8,500

7. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) … $8,000

(tie) Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) … $8,000

8. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-MI) … $7,000

9. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) … $6,000

10. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) … $5,000

 Have mercy…