Islamic (Florida) Female Jihadi & “Gay (Lesbian) Mafia” Twin: Intersecting Dangers From Greens & Reds…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki








AN interconnecting case has been solidified at this site, on a multiplicity of occasions, between Islamists and leftists. AKA greens and reds. Most recently, a hyper-link was forged between the “Gay Mafia” and Islam’s soldiers for Allah, even though seemingly (emphasis placed) in divergent camps. 

NOT so fast.

IN this regard, in order to understand the intersection between a “Muslima” jihadist who threatened to blow up a Dominoe’s pizza store (for heaven’s sake), with a lesbian from the “Gay Mafia” who incited to burn down Memories Pizza (again, for heaven’s sake), one must have a foundation and basis to build upon.

ENTER, the alliance, the methodologies, between the two totalitarian factions…

AS reported on April 7, 2015 (in relationship to the strong-arm tactics utilized via leftists, of which the “Gay Mafia” is totally aligned, and the frontal threats from Islamists) the following is a useful starting point, one which will help to weave their interlocking threads:

AND since little happens in a vacuum, the slippery slope is, as mentioned, careening America off the cliff, as well as those throughout the western world.

ENTER…the war on bakeries and pizzerias. Come on, must they have their claws into every establishment, even mom and pop businesses? Mind you, there are “special” exemptions for those who refuse, based on religious convictions, to service gay couples with specific wedding plans. Yes, there are. Now, readers, put on your thinking caps, and decide which grouping is let off their Mafia-like hook.

THESE modern-day storm troopers conveniently forget the fact that gays are killed in Muslim countries (and so on and so forth), but they are terrified of Muslim backlash. Hence, they are left unmolested. On the other hand, Christians (Jews) are “fair” game and the main (extortion) targets of the Gay Mafia.

FOR crying aloud, what the hell is going on in America? Moreover, why is it unacceptable for Christians (Jews alike) to exert their “religious rights” to refuse clients based on a particular inquiry for service? Are they now second class citizens? Apparently.

CONSEQUENTLY, it is increasingly apparent that the militant Gay Lobby must be taught certain primary and street-wise lessons. Boundaries. For instance, if they refuse to cease and desist in their criminal harassment/threats against Christians, perhaps they should learn that a fearsome backlash will be the outcome of any future intimidation tactics. Surely, they must internalize that the Christian (or Jewish) community will react accordingly.

INDEED, the Gay Mafia believes it is their “civil right” to terrorize bakeries, pizzerias and other PRIVATE establishments who decline to decorate their “wedding” cakes and the like. The question becomes: what’s going to be done to cause them to stand down? Time will tell.

Memories Pizza owners Crystal and Kevin O’Connor were forced to close their 9-year-old restaurant In Walkerton, Indiana, (population 2,144) when Crystal answered questions from a local TV reporter about Indiana’s proposed new Religious Freedom Act. She told the reporter who had contacted her that she would have no problem serving homosexuals in her restaurant but it would be against her Christian principles to cater a same-sex wedding.

Within hours she started receiving hundreds of threats on the restaurant’s Facebook page and on Twitter, promising everything from boycotts to physical harm. One woman, a girls’ golf coach at nearby Concord High School, threatened in a tweet to burn the family’s restaurant down. She is now under investigation for possible criminal charges…continue here

SO, being that the lesbian coach, akin to a femi-nazi storm trooper, was already “outed” at this site for threatening to burn ! down a pizzeria, well, at least she has lost her job for her “misconduct”! 


Image credit: YouTube/YouLatestNews

The superintendent for northern Indiana’s Concord Community Schools confirmed that the school district fired coach Jessica Dooley, who asked, via Twitter, for others to join her in burning down Memories Pizza in response to the owners’ stand for traditional marriage.

As reported by Western Journalism, the owners, Crystal (pictured above) and Kevin O’Connor, could not have anticipated the liberal backlash that they would experience after answering a local news reporter’s questions about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).


BUT not to be lost in the discussion is the most salient point of all: the overall threat to America (the west) is evidenced through said thuggish and totalitarian tactics, whether evinced via a leftist/red or an Islamist/green. Makes no diff. For the record, the threat from the lesbian’s counterpart, a female Islamist, can be found below.

INDISPUTABLY, it is this nexus which cannot be overstated. It is really where the thrust lies, in so far as connecting the dots between Islamists and leftists. The proofs are amply visible when viewing their (otherwise inexplicable) locked arms at most anti-American (western) and anti-Israel demonstrations. 

NOW, onto the terror threat from the “Muslima”, her subsequent arrest, ala her Dominoe’s Pizza scuffle in July 2012…

The plaintiff, a Muslim woman, claims the Domino’s Pizza manager accused her of threatening to blow the restaurant up. Hakima Benaddi never imagined what would come from her pizza order in July of 2012. “They take you, put you in handcuffs, take you to jail,” Benaddi said tearfully. (Yep, that’s what happens when Muslims act like terrorists here)

She wore her headbag to the restaurant for the first time that visit to buy her typical halal veggie pie. She believes it made all the difference in how workers prepared the pizza. “It was deformed, missing ingredients, it’s missing crust,” said Thania Clevenger, Muslim Rights Director of CAIR Florida.


When she went back to complain, an incident unraveled she said that changed her forever. “When I complained- I went to the jail,” Benaddi explained. The Davenport Domino’s manager insisted Benaddi threatened to blow the place up. The accusations led to Benaddi behind bars. “That story damaged my life,” Benaddi said, adding she could not get a job for two months until the charge was eventually dropped. (Job? What job? Your job is to wear a headbag so no one will employ you  and you can spend your time trying to get a big payoff by filing lawsuits against businesses)


Through designated terrorist group CAIR’s litigation jihadists, Benaddi is suing the former franchise owner and his company. “We’re going to see what a jury wants to reward for this but at this time we’re asking for the medical damages she had- she went to the hospital,” Clevenger said. (Crap)

Still, the company played damage control on social media Thursday after the news broke, responding to angry tweets about the alleged incident. A CAIR spokesperson said they wanted to bring the suit earlier but resources in the non-profit delayed them. (Awww, what happened? Did the UAE putting CAIR on its list of designated terrorist groups cut into your donations?)

The below video was put out by CAIR so it is very slanted.


AS if on orchestrated cue, CAIR joined the fray, and their entry is of piece with their Brotherhood paymasters. And, more than most, this investigative journalist has this arena covered.


YES, their targeted lawfare.

INDEED, as Orwellian as it seems, it would be a grave error to dismiss the two incidents as anomalies and that’s that. In fact, if this is one’s perception, then it becomes impossible to save America and Israel.

SIMPLY put, if not for the cover (from many directions) that each side gives to the other, the likes of Obama Inc. would be that much weaker.

THE underpinnings to this site’s clarion call, by exposing the aforementioned  merged dangers, are best illustrated in Bringing Down America. An intrinsic “learned lesson.”

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}