“Whose Ever Got the Guns Can Win- Let’s Take Over the Buildings!” -WOW! Lisa Fithian, BLM, Radical Leftists Are Working with Federal Workers For Post Election Mass Violence (Video) – By Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

For all practical purposes and intentions, democracy is not intended to be a suicide pact. In other words, while demonstrations and protests must always be deemed a legitimate form of expression, in no uncertain terms dare it be misconstrued and conflated as a “right” to destroy and upend that which “offends” this and that groups’ sensibilities — that is, the social order itself!

It is this core social contract which distinguishes democracies from revolutionary regimes; whereby the (untainted) ballot box replaces threats, guns, incendiary devices and the like — do what we want or else!!

To wit, being that past is prologue, and if the last several months taught us anything, it is this: never, ever underestimate the intentions, nor the threats, found within the (decades-old) revolutionary, hard-left. Said domestic terror groups operate deep inside America and must be dealt with as such. Again, they are not legitimate protesters!

In this regard, the loudest clarion call is ringing forth from within the above analysis — as per its direct nexus to the following “marching orders.” As such, it is more than imperative to pay it forward, that is, as if your life depends on it!!

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

“Whose Ever Got the Guns Can Win- Let’s Take Over the Buildings!” -WOW! Lisa Fithian, BLM, Radical Leftists Are Working with Federal Workers For Post Election Mass Violence (Video)

Lisa Fithian is a radical revolutionary who has been organizing chaos operations and antigovernment demonstrations in the United States for decades.

Lisa Fithian was a key organizer of violent demonstrations that caused the shutdown of the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle, Washington.

Fithian is an anti-capitalist revolutionary.

wto riots seattle

Police use gas to push back World Trade Organization protesters in downtown Seattle on Nov. 30, 1999. The protests delayed the opening of the third WTO conference in Seattle. (Indymedia)

Lisa Fithian later became a top street organizer of the violent Occupy Wall Street movement.


Occupy Oakland goons rioting in 2011.

While you were going to work, paying your bills, taking the kids to their ballgame… Lisa Fithian was training activists.

This is an eye-popping video by the EAGFoundation. The video shows anti-capitalist radical Lisa Fithian training Chicago union teachers on how to stage their arrests for the camera in 2011:

Lisa Fithian held training sessions in the St. Louis area during the Ferguson rioting in 2014.

And this revolutionary is now plotting violent takeover of Washington DC next week following the presidential election.

Win or lose the communists are going to rip this country apart next week!
Be warned.
Be prepared!

Earlier today journalist Millie Weaver posted video of leftist groups including Black Lives Matter, being led by Lisa Fithian, and including federal employees plotting their mass chaos in the nation’s capitol next week.

Fithian is heard in the video telling her minions to support their cohorts with guns who are plotting to take over federal buildings.

UPDATE– Filmmaker Jeremy Segal was on America’s Voice with Frank Gaffney on Thursday discussing organizer of the revolution Lisa Fithian.

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

[Cross-referenced at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork]

[Cross-referenced at ConservativeFiringLine]

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:

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    And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.


Obama, Clinton, Biden and Brennan Will “Hang For Treason” When This Evidence Comes Out… BOMBSHELL Recordings Prove They Had Seal Team Six EXECUTED To Cover Up Deep State Crimes [VIDEO EVIDENCE] By Adina Kutnicki


Whereas many Americans (westerners, in general) are afflicted with ADD, that is, when it comes to yesterday’s crimes perpetrated by deep state political operatives, some of us are not so forgetful. Forgiving.

In this regard, this investigative journalist wrote several exposés, in relation to the purposeful “shoot-down” of SEAL TEAM SIX, August 6, 2011. Mind you, it may have been 9 years ago, but it’s not 100 years and counting!

SEAL TEAM 6/Extortion 17: Sacrificial Lambs On Behalf Of Obama Inc. The Bin Laden “Kill”. Why Were They Set Up ? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Fast forward to October 2020….and, as is said, every dog has its day!!

Obama, Clinton, Biden and Brennan Will “Hang For Treason” When This Evidence Comes Out… BOMBSHELL Recordings Prove They Had Seal Team Six EXECUTED To Cover Up Deep State Crimes [VIDEO EVIDENCE]

NATURAL NEWS | By Mike Adams | October 13, 2020

This story is rapidly unfolding and looks to be one of the most damning indictments of the deep state in modern U.S. history. According to numerous firsthand sources and witnesses, a treasure trove of audio, video and photographic evidence exists that reveals Obama, Clinton, Brennan and Biden to be complicit in outright treason against America.

According to multiple reports, these traitors ran a multi-billion dollar payoff and bribery operation with Iran, staged the fake killing of Osama Bin Laden, then had the entire Seal Team Six that carried out the Bin Laden raid executed in a staged accident to cover up their own crimes.

The evidence exposing all this has already been forwarded to multiple independent news organizations as well as a sitting U.S. Congressman, say firsthand sources.

This story exploded onto the scene following a bombshell presentation by Charles Woods and Nick Noe at AMPfest. User “harrier808” has been posting the relevant videos to Brighteon.com, the independent, uncensored free speech video platform, so you can watch the full presentation here:


One of the firsthand sources who was part of the US military command and control infrastructure and witnessed these events going down in real time, has also been interviewed by Anna Kait, at AMPfest. Here’s his jaw-dropping story of what’s about to come out and why Clinton, Obama, Biden and Brennan will “hang for treason” once the full facts are known:


In addition, Gary Franchi from Next News Network has covered some of the developing story in this eye-opening video news report:


A Twitter thread that claims to link to two audio recordings that are part of this emerging evidence is found at the following link:

Note to the deep state: We are not in possession of any of the evidence mentioned in these videos. And from what we’ve heard, it’s already too late to stop this evidence from going viral across the ‘net anyway. Once other sources release this evidence, we will cover the breaking news and link to the audio, video and photos as they go public.

It’s time to put these criminals behind bars!


{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:

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  • adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.com
    About your post
    Today at 4:34 PM
    • No one else can see your post.

    And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.


What Binds the Radical US Left is Hatred for Both Israel and the USA – By Adina Kutnicki [Originally Published at Israel National News]

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Adina Kutnicki | October 11, 2020

In the USA – and outside its borders, as well – people are discovering an explosive grassroots movement, #WalkAway.

#WalkAway’s basis coalesces around former Democrats who have jumped ship, so to speak. Its founder, Brandon Straka launched the movement in the leadup to the 2018 mid-term elections. A charismatic hairstylist from New York City, he believes that an incurable and irredeemable sickness underlies and pervades the heretofore liberal Democrat Party – with its radicalization oozing anti-American, anti-Israel, and anti-Democratic venom.

Within a short time span, hundreds of thousands joined # WalkAway’s grassroots effort – loudly and proudly disavowing their former political home, the Democrat Party. Via social media platforms, videos, and rally after rally, they have returned to what defined traditional democratic activists.

More specifically, this includes:

-Unabashed, full-throttle support for President Trump and the MAGA movement.

-Time and again, its spokespeople have pledged to uphold the twin pillars of Western Civilization, America and Israel.

At its base, this support, for the most part, has been derived from the shared values inherent within the founding principles of both nations.

On the other hand, every time thousands upon thousands peacefully rally in support of President Trump, all hell breaks loose. Anarchists and revolutionaries, as if on cue – who, in one way or another, back the destructive agenda of the progressive elements in the Democrat Party – “magically” appear out of nowhere. How can this be?

A prime exhibit (out of a plethora) of the aforementioned highly dangerous and tactical-like surges took place on September 6, 2020, in Dallas, Texas. Front and center, anarchists from Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and assorted rioting bloc groups stormed, en masse, #Walkaway’s lawful assembly. Akin to a bolt out of the blue, they attacked Straka, and created a massive riot in the process

It seems as though those pulling the strings within the Democrat Party are more than tranquil seeing that domestic terrorists are tearing the nation down. As such, they lend them more than a wink and a nod. In reality, they are cheering them on and possibly even funding them! For starters and for further edification, commence your educational journey here:

Note that the ammunition being used to separate the heretofore special bond between the U.S. and Israel is based on the lie that Israel is a usurper and an “illegal occupier” of another’s land!

To understand the calumny, read for yourselves what is enshrined in international law, as well as in historical fact. The preeminent expert in this legal arena is Howard Grief (deceased, June 2013). All the facts are contained within Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and Palestine under International Law

For all intents and purposes, the Democratic Party’s current incarnation (as it moved left-ward, incrementally, over a period of years) is ideologically imbued with those who would like to see Israel’s destruction. America’s, too. Even though the Democrat Party of yesteryear, tradition-wise, has always been supportive of Israel, this no longer seems to be the case.

The party’s radical, Marxist/communist element hates Israel for the same reasons they hate America. This tragic truth is plain for all to see, but only if one’s eyes are wide open enough to absorb the seismic upheavals taking place all over America. Akin to the outcome of a civil war, the upcoming 2020 election will determine the absolute fate of the nation. This is so on both the domestic and foreign fronts.

In addition to conservative leaning Americans – those who believe in the Constitution and all that it represents and upholds – the next biggest losers to a Biden win will be those who seek to safeguard the “sacred and special” friendship between America and Israel. This includes not only American Jews who seek to ensure the safety of Israel from within the diaspora, but millions of Christians in America who not only pray for Israel’s safety, but support the Jewish homeland in a myriad of ways, seen and unseen.

The upcoming 2020 choice for President of the United States couldn’t be any clearer, starker, or more monumental.

Adina Kutnicki is an investigative journalist, living in Israel since 2008. Her work concentrates on militant Islamic jihad and its western knock-on effects. She is the co-author of BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad, She blogs at: Adina Kutnicki, A Zionist & Conservative Blog (www.adinakutnicki.com)



As fully analyzed within these pages — hereherehereherehere and so on — it is incontrovertible and crystal clear that a force multiplier exists between communists/socialists/Marxists, inside and outside the U.S. body politic, who are operating in a myriad of ways and means to bring down the nation. Unarguably.

Not only that, this alliance has been ongoing for years, that is, in preparation for the “right” lightening rod to ignite all across the nation. Incontestably, the death of George Floyd, a violent criminal and a full-blown drug addict, served as the spark.

In this regard, let the following analysis (highlighted on September 5, 2020) serve as a backgrounder to the Riot Act video (and its adjunct below), as well as to the above embedded links.

It is not for nothing that the Communist regime in China is smuggling lethal weaponry into the U.S. to facilitate the nation’s downfall. Indeed, ANTIFA, BLM, and assorted black bloc terror organs are its recipients. After all, their ideology is one and the same, even though BLM self-identifies as Marxist….six of one, half a dozen of another.

As per the opening indictment, know this: It is an absolute fact that under the “watchful” eyes of the Feds, yes, caches of weaponry are not only in the hands of the aforementioned domestic terror groups, but MEGA stashes await for distribution for the final onslaught —  appropriately named the “TET OFFENSIVE”! Mind you, the main “coordinator/facilitator” is Commifornia’s Guv Newsom — who happens to be a nephew by marriage to the shameless, anti-American Speaker of the House a.k.a. San Fran Nan!

Indeed, in investigative parlance, dead to rights….

Even so, to tie-up all the evidentiary trails which run from BLM (ANTIFA, too) to the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) — the worldwide arm of Communist regimes in the US, be they Russian, Chinese, or associates thereof — the following is more than bullet-proof. Indeed, akin to twins separated at birth!



{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:

This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:
  • adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.com
    About your post
    Today at 4:34 PM
    • No one else can see your post.

    And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.



When it comes to Joe Biden, much has been discussed about his mental acuity, or lack thereof. In fact, this investigative journalist has been called into action on more than one occasion to “assess” this and that.

In this regard, the reader is referred to the below analysis. It was featured at the print and online edition (May 2020) of The Boston Broadside:  ACWR FEATURED IN THE BOSTON BROADSIDE — www.AmericasCivilWarRising.org Launching of a Patriotic/Intel Site! By Adina Kutnicki

As is said, desperate times call for desperate measures –yes, these are desperate times!
    This is so, particularly due to the unprecedented havoc sweeping across the world via the unleashing of a global pandemic – incontestably, corona is a Chinese-manufactured virus!
   Even though the economy was roaring like gangbusters prior to the onslaught of corona – thanks to President Trump’s economic foresight and Midas touch, and despite the continuous investigations and incessant incitement hurled his way – the full-on economic wreckage has yet to be calculated. Not only that, despite it all, the deep state and the corporate media mob will never, ever cease and desist. They want him gone. Destroyed and diminished. They will do anything and everything to effectuate said end. Period.
  For in reality and for all practical purposes, yesteryear’s liberal Democratic Party has devolved into an outright arm of fascism on Capitol Hill  – albeit couched under so-called Democratic-socialism which is, in and of itself, an absolute oxymoron.
   And despite the few who still cling to its dead and buried centrist roots, well, if it looks like a duck …
   More pointedly, the all empowered left on Capitol Hill are hell bent on instituting a deadly mix of socialism, Marxism and communism, come what may. This is their end goal – through whichever Democratic candidate they field, even if it takes a mostly somnolent Joe Biden to be the party’s standard bearer!
   Indeed, be it through a smoke-and-mirrors diet of outlandish promises, lies, spin, and shuck and jive, they will push forward their re-shaping of America.
   Yes, Sleepy Joe, a faux centrist, is being propped up by Democrat power brokers who are running scared. “Gaffe- prone Joe” is being kept alive – despite his mental decline – to the delight of the deep-state puppeteers operating behind the scenes to guide him. This highly dangerous, outrageous, and outlandish spectacle is reminiscent of “Weekend at Bernie’s,” a 1989 comedy starring Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman. No kidding. As a result, the party of non-ideas will never loosen its grip on power. Never.
   Be that as it may, the aforementioned power-brokers stand ready to shred the nation’s constitutional underpinnings – having been taught the tools of the revolutionary trade at college campuses across America.
   To wit, millions of patriotic Americans are witnessing the main knock-on effect of leaving the far-left in charge of educating generations of students, from K-12, only to arrive at colleges which serve as higher education boot camps.
   Yes, ever since the Weathermen and Black Panthers terrorized the public during the 1960s and 1970s, the campuses have been their playing field to (inevitably and eventually) bring down America.
   Incontestably, today’s red-aligned troops are the devoted disciples and inheritors of said torchbearers. Having honed their tactics through years of domestic terrorism, the baton is now being handed to the poisonous fruits of Bill Ayers and like-minded revolution- aries. They are ready… set… go… to blow apart America’s foundation(s).
   Due to the above and so much more, the urgency for AmericasCivilWarRising.org couldn’t be more acute. ♦
{Continue reading here}

In other words, the above zeroed in on the highly acute, attendant danger(s) of a Biden Presidency, that is, in light of the incontestable nexus between his handlers and a myriad of black bloc-aligned domestic (foreign-tentacled) terror groups — namely, ANTIFA and BLM.

More specifically, fast forward to the recent debate between President Trump and Joe Biden and circle back to one (among countless) of Biden’s most outrageous statements of all, that is, “ANTIFA is an idea!” It can be found at the 3:31 marker in the below video. But please bear the following uppermost in mind: when “Sleepy Joe” uttered the aforementioned, he was doing so from a vantage point unknown to most, albeit parroted. Wait and see.

Most significantly, in order to distance ANTIFA from its incendiary footprints, well, couching it as an “idea” (yes, it is, in a key facet of operational terms) is akin to six of one, a half a dozen of another — one and the same.

Now that that is placed front and center, it is time to connect the (revolutionary) dots to today’s thesis: hiding in plain sight!

But know this: while this address is highly familiar with said operational mode(s) when it comes to their comrades-in-arms, green/Islamic jihadis, this site will take a back seat and leave it to others to expose the ins and outs of the red-aligned shock troops!


The Conservative Trans Woman Who Went Undercover With Antifa in Portland to discover this and that and lay it all out. Bravo! Hang on tight, too.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦


Erin Smith was at a GOP election watch party at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco on November 8, 2016. For the one-time deputy vice chair of communications for the city Republication Party, it should have been a time of jubilation.

“As soon as they announced Trump the presumptive winner, we’re told, ‘Hey, there’s a mob of protestors out front,'” says Smith, who stepped outside to find the San Francisco cops being pushed back by a crowd, some in head-to-toe black: clothes, helmets, face masks. 

A trans woman, conservative, and former tugboat captain who says she’s “a weird activist/analyst-type person right now,” Smith soon became galvanized to find out more about a group that dressed as revolutionaries and took their fight to the streets. What was animating them? Trump animus? The romance of revolution? The boredom and frustration of COVID sequestration? An unfocused desire to fuck shit up?

It takes a special moral blindness to see setting fires, breaking windows, and threatening journalists as the road to justice. I’ve seen this moral blindness rise along with the violence in Portland. Young activists have told me frankly that they don’t give a shit if someone working in the basement of the police station burns to death because, hey, she chose to work there. I’ve seen activists cheer the murder of a member of the conservative group Patriot Prayer. You cannot employ the violence of your perceived enemies and expect your revolution to end in peace.

What Smith has experienced has not been peaceful. She’s had friends beaten up by antifa. She’s been threatened herself. It made her curious. This summer, she decided to find out more by going undercover with the black bloc anarchists in Portland.

I went out with Smith several nights, and while I could not follow her directly—black bloc avoids having those outside its ranks interview or photograph them—I was able to watch her, wearing all black and carrying a shield bearing an anarchist “A,” slip into the group. I saw that she was present at the same locations where black bloc attacked buildings and set fires.

After one such night, Smith and I sat over a couple of hard seltzers and discussed why she decided to infiltrate the black bloc and what she found.

What did you know about antifa when you first encountered them in San Francisco?

I had a vague idea of what antifa was, but it wasn’t nearly as big a deal as it is now, outside of maybe Berkeley or Seattle. I’d had friends that got attacked at the Trump rally they tried to hold in San Jose [in April 2016]. I’d had a year of watching that happen, and basically, I don’t like bullies, so I started showing up at these things, at rallies and protests and places where my friends were getting beaten up. It felt like in 2016, everything really changed in the Bay Area. It stopped being so carefree, in a sense Everything started kind of feeling like it was for keeps.

April 27, 2017, was the first rally I went to, in Berkeley. This was a Trump MAGA rally. I started livestreaming in June and I got to be pretty good at talking to people from the other side. The first time I ever actually dressed in black and put on a mask on and tried to slip into the bloc was last weekend. It is a little scary, because I’ve faced them down so much. I’m like, “I’m going to dress in black and slip in?”

I’ve studied them for a bit, watching videos and stuff. I wrote a piece on antifa tactics for a monograph that’s coming out next month, for the Center for Security Policy. And I have an advantage, having gone to the rallies. But they know who I am. When antifa hates you and know who you are, the best way to hide is right in the middle of their black bloc. That’s the last place they think to look. It’s one of the advantages of dressing in black and wearing your mask. 

You had a shield tonight. Did you make it?

Actually, I acquired it at the riot. Someone set it down, and I’m like, “That’s cool. It’s communism, no property. This is mine.”

How organized are things on the inside?

There are different types of bloc organization styles. The building block of antifa is what’s called an affinity group, people you live and work with and trust and know in real life. All the planning is done within that closed bloc, and they don’t let everyone know [what they’re going to do]. I didn’t know that they were going to burn the Portland Police Association when I joined. What they did was put a call out that said, “Anyone show up in black that night at this place, and you can join the action.”

That’s called a semi-open bloc. The planning is done within the closed group, but anyone who’s dressed in black can come join the action. If you know what you’re looking for, you can spot affinity groups that are working together. One thing they’ll do sometimes is have written agreements with other protest organizations that aren’t in black bloc. I know of one from Berkeley that illustrates this: “We agree that to not take pictures of anyone in antifa.” It will say that literally in writing, so everyone’s working together. It’s like a combined arms type thing, almost like the military. They work together and are mutually reinforcing.

So your first night with them, you burned the Portland Police Association…

We get to the Portland Police Association and immediately, they blockade both ends of the street. They built the shield wall and they’re hammering the door open. I went over and I’m standing in the bloc as they’re breaking the door down. It took them a little while longer than what I thought. They could have found better ways to breach the building, but they had hammers and pry bars and they pry it open and pry the plywood back and they pour fuel and light it on fire and start burning stuff.

Strategically what they’re doing is, they’re forcing a dilemma action. A dilemma action is when you put your opponent in a no-win situation. Your enemy has to react. If they don’t react, they look weak; if they do react, they have to react in a certain way where it looks like it’s an overreaction.

When the feds were in Portland, they were presented as overreacting, a presentation helped by innumerable people with PRESS written across their clothing flooding the internet with images that presented protesters wholly as victims of an authoritarian regime.

That’s their [antifa’s] objective. It’s not a tactical thing. That’s why all the “press” is there, the sympathetic press. They’re trying to create propaganda. They know how the police are going to react, so they carefully calibrate what they do to try to provoke the police into reacting and then filming it. They want to try to push public opinion in favor of removing the police. The police aren’t perfect, but what a police force is, it’s putting force under an objective third party, under government control. Antifa wants to separate the police from the populace.

This is basically guerilla warfare. They’re trying to undermine legitimacy of the state. The police right now, I think some of them are catching up. There’s a playbook for how police respond to riots and they’re not actually doing it; it’s not an actual riot. I mean, it is a riot, but at the same time, it’s a specific type of riot that’s trying to make the police respond in a certain way.

Meaning, they’re able to provoke the police into taking the bait.

Yeah. Basically they’re baiting the police into overreacting.

So how did you feel when the police station was on fire?

It was pretty wild, actually. Right when the fire was lit, the police announced, “This is a riot” and they [the black bloc] started marching. For me it was really kind of amazing, because they were incredibly proficient. This was 600, 700 people. They moved a group of people through the city in close order, quickly and efficiently, and attacked a target and caught it on fire and then escaped from the police.

I describe it as an open-source networked insurgency. They were incredibly efficient. They hit a target and vanished into the city and got away. Basically, they’re like skirmishers: They come in, they attack the cops, they get out.

Antifa goes for a certain type of violence, a mid-level violence. Most people aren’t practiced in violence, and what they’ll do is, they’ll either back down or they’ll overreact. Antifa basically as a group does the equivalent of just pushing someone on the shoulder, and again, and again.

They keep it at a simmer.

Yes. It’s very tricky to react to because people get angry. If you just go in public and pick someone and start pushing them, if you keep pushing them, they’re going to slug you; it’s just how it’s going to work, at the individual level but also at the group level too. I’m also speaking metaphorically, in a sense. Of course if you hit them, they’re going to fall down and go, “Oh, God, you’re violent. You’re a Nazi!”

What they’re intending to do is use that level of violence that will scare people enough to back down. [The radical left] learned in the ’70s that killing people is bad PR. A body count is horrible.

So we’re not going to see another Weather Underground?

Not at this point. They’ve learned and adapted. What they want to do is make it difficult for people [they don’t like] to organize.

So that’s really the two responses. Most people don’t know how to handle that mid-level force. So they either back down or they slug people; either way is a win.

When you don’t know what you’re looking at, you see a lot of random, rage-filled kids. You sometimes wonder: Do they even know how to formulate a plan? But you go out with them a few nights and understand, people are actually working together.

It’s really interesting. I did a breakdown of the Grant Park video, the tech they had. And that was freaking incredibly sophisticated. This is Grant Park in Chicago, when they attacked the statue and put like 49 police officers in the hospital. [Tonight] was so much like this, in terms of operational sophistication, how coordinated everything was. 

But not centralized.

Let me explain that a little more. People keep looking for a chain of command, and you don’t necessarily need that, as long as everyone understands a basic level of instruction it works.

What are the basics?

Basically, don’t talk about it. Don’t photograph people’s faces. “What did you see?” “I didn’t see shit!” is a chant you’ll hear. You can go to websites like CrimethInc. and they’ll have a lot of breakdowns of tactics. It’s an anarchist website. It’s an open-source network insurgency, not so much a chain of command.

People think antifa and they picture people in black. Antifa is bigger than that. Black bloc is a tactic. Dressing in black, it’s a tactic. You don’t have to dress in black to be antifa. You don’t even have to hit the streets. There are people who work in tech, hackers who never hit the streets, and they’re still antifa. [The media] play these little word games, “Oh, antifa doesn’t exist.” Yes and no. It’s not an organization where you have to sign up for a membership. It’s one of those things where it’s just a loose-knit network of people.

Whose message can be a sweet song, not just young people looking for identity, or those for whom COVID-19 has cooped up, but anyone wanting to be part of what they see as a fighting force for justice.

People want to fight through things. I first heard of CrimethInc in 2000. I’ve got their seminal work, Days of War, Nights of Love. I’ve got it inscribed, “Love and insurrection”; it’s anarchist stuff. I’m not an anarchist or a communist or anything like that. But it is a siren song. Young people, they sense there’s something wrong, and they want to fight. That’s a human instinct. Francis Fukuyama talks about it: People want to struggle. And if everything is fine, they’ll struggle against democracy. 

I understand where some of that comes from. People want community and want to feel like they’re fighting. That’s why we love Star Wars. We love the underdog fighting. And I think young people that don’t have a network, it’s just something very intoxicating.

And totally honestly, when I was out there with black bloc [and] busted open a door to a police station, set it on fire and ran from the cops? It was fun. I know that sounds weird. I don’t support that as a policy, but when you’re there in the street, it’s fun.

Violence is fun. This is one of the things we don’t talk about as a society. It’s like, wow, this is pretty fun, especially when you feel like you have grounds for any type of legitimate complaint. It’s easy to knock on these people. And I still do. I don’t agree with what they’re doing, but I respect them. I’ve been facing these people down for four years. I take them seriously and I respect their skill at what they’re doing and their dedication.

What are the ages of the people you were hanging out with?

Anywhere from twenties to thirties.

Do you have any idea what they do for work?

In the Bay Area, we’ve had people arrested that were physicists. Look up Freddy Martinez. He was arrested for punching some guy in Berkeley. And Freddy Martinez is the director of Lucy Parsons Labs. I know there’s another guy who was a Johns Hopkins grad. You can dismiss them as a bunch of losers, but I’ve seen some incredibly smart people.

I’ve told some demonstrators mouthing off to me to read Utopia or Auschwitz, about the 1968 generation in Germany who were livid with their Nazi-collaborating parents and were going to build a better society. The movement became progressively less peaceful and eventually took to bombing and murdering people. Antifa right now is able to keep things at a simmer and provoke others into behaving badly, but history tells us things usually don’t stay at a simmer. Do we get to skip the part where people are building bombs in basements in Portland?

Well, they are making those primitive small IEDs made out of commercial grade fireworks. They’re roughly about the power of police flash-bangs. I’ve had them go off right next to me and you feel it; you feel the heat wave hit you. But a big thing for them [antifa] is they have convinced themselves that they’re doing something good. They’re very big about trying to maintain, at least in their eyes, the moral high ground. Part of that is not killing people. They want that moral high ground and they construct it. And that’s kind of what they do by using that mid-level of violence. They want you to overreact because not being extremely violent is how they convince themselves they’re better. And it’s also great propaganda. 

Do you see antifa as getting more than a toehold in city government here?

Quite possibly, yes, I think by weakening the police, or defunding the police. They have the organization that if the police went away tomorrow, you would basically have an antifa police force. They wouldn’t call themselves antifa, but they have the organization that, if there’s no objective third-party security force, then who’s going to stop it?

I think the worst case is if they weaken the police; they don’t go away because then the police are still there and they’ll be able to target the normal law-abiding people. It’s what we have in San Francisco. It’s anarcho-tyranny. It’s like the law really only applies to people that are trying to follow the law.

I wouldn’t say the majority of people in Portland are sympathetic to antifa, but you’ve got a lot of people that either are apathetic or don’t think it matters or they’re scared. You put all of those people together, maybe you have a majority. There’s a woman running for mayor that is openly pro-antifa, a woman who was photographed wearing a skirt with Chairman Mao’s face on it. It could be that Portland is the place where antifa goes Main Street.

I think that in many areas they are already there. I don’t think antifa will get out there and start dressing in police uniforms and be the official police. I think they’ll always stay kind of a paramilitary. But the police are weakened to the point where they can barely oppose [antifa] now as it is. So the police go away, it’s operant conditioning. If every time I grabbed this [hard seltzer] I got shocked, after a while I would stop grabbing it. And that’s basically how they operate. It’s not so much a matter of ruling the whole city, it’s the sense that antifa [moves] the Overton window. “If this person is advocating for something we don’t agree with, we can go punish them and we can punish their friends and family.” It’s a self-censorship. If the cops are a token force now, and they can’t stop anyone, and antifa can destroy your life, then people are going to know that. 

And they’re going to shut up and just try to go about their lives.

That’s what they’re going to do.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

[Cross-posted at ConservativeFiringLine]

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:

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    And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.


DEJA VU EVIDENTIARY TRAILS WITHIN & MORE! MALKIN:MN Rep Who Witnessed Omar Voter Fraud Went to Veritas After FBI Seemed Uninterested [VIDEO]

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]


Those who are familiar with the underbelly of the security apparatuses in the U.S., in specific, the FBI, understand that the fish stinks from the head up — and that’s a generous descriptor.

In fact, the clued-in are no longer in shock that crooked, holier-than-thou Comey not only lies through his teeth, but gets amnesia when asked this and that under oath!

Not only that, if anyone believes that under his successor, Christopher Wray, the toxic smell has lifted, well, think again! Wait and see.

More specifically, under the two-term, anti-American tenure of the Radical/Islamist-in-Chief, the agency’s malodorous stench became highly entrenched. No exaggeration.

As it happens, the below must be viewed as a mandatory due diligence compendium. The toxicity of the aforementioned necessitated a thorough recap of FBI malfeasance, that is, in relation to the Islamic carnage accrued from 2008-2016. It is as clear as a bell.   

FBI (Islamic) Malfeasance Confirmed: Jihadi Investigations (Purposefully) Dropped – Carnage Ensued! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Now that that’s settled — but before heading to the main event — know this, too: the fact that the stand-up MN State Rep felt compelled to “blow the whistle”, so to speak, on Rep. Omar’s voter fraud scheme through Project Veritas is not a side-bar to the national scandal. Rather, it is the twin bookend to the entire danger!

This is so because even when one Director replaces another at the FBI, the outcome is the same: there is “no there there”, especially, when it comes to Islamic foxes in the hen-house! Nothing to see….moving right along….

Alas, patriots, take a peek below. Yes, the more things change, the more they stay the same — be it at the FBI, AG, or another intertwined (captured) agency. To wit, other avenues had to be explored to sound the alarm!

Islamic Money/Gold Laundering In Massachusetts Finances Jihad:Feds Ignore Evidence! What Can Be Done?

Finally, onto the promised main event….

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

American Announcement | By Adam | September 30, 2020

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently testified to the Senate that he wasn’t aware of any major voter fraud existence other than a few local issues in the past.

Perhaps he missed a few recent examples in the last couple of weeks.

In fact, the Minneapolis Police Department is looking into the explosive voter fraud video that Project Veritas released that caught a campaign worker engaging in ballot harvesting ad exchanging ballots for cash.

A former Minneapolis political worker told Project Veritas that Ilhan Omar’s campaign deputy district director Ali Isse Gainey was coordinating ballot harvesting from elderly people as well as had paid women and young people for their ballots in the primary.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Michelle Malkin dropped another bombshell about this on Monday night.

Michelle Malkin reported last night that the Minnesota Representative who uncovered the voter fraud scheme went to the FBI first but because of their “languid” response, decided to go to Project Veritas.

Surely something of this magnitude would pique the interest of the FBI, right?

If the FBI won’t move on this or the violence plaguing Democrat cities then what exactly is their function?

[Cross-posted at ConservativeFiringLine]

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:

This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:
  • adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.com
    About your post
    Today at 4:34 PM
    • No one else can see your post.

    And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.