Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

Treasonous Army CSM Who Planned War Against Trump Supporters Scheduled to Hang

By Adina Kutnicki

TRAITORS come from all backgrounds, like it or not. This is indisputable. But it is also the case that some backgrounders are infinitely more dangerous and prone to anti-American treachery — namely, Islamic jihadis.

IT is deep inside said arena that the expertise within is considered second to none — or so other highly qualified experts have asserted. In fact, aside from a compendium of related work across the internet, the proof in the pudding, so to speak, can be found in the seminal book “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.”


IT is within the above book that several instances of jihad within the U.S. military are cited and analyzed; as well as the recruitment of others via Facebook (social media at large) too!

IN tandem, within this site, the below 2 are among many others.

(and others, here, here, here, and on and on.

ALAS, here we go again,

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Former 3rd Brigade Combat Team senior enlisted adviser takes on new responsibility with 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum
Former 3rd Brigade Combat Team senior enlisted adviser takes on new responsibility with 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum

REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | Sept. 20, 2023

The trial of an Armed Forces member who mustered a personal militia for a future war against Trump supporters lasted only one hour, ending when the accused, Army CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, a radicalized Muslim infiltrator, shouted “Allahu Akbar” and said he would avenge himself upon the jurors unless they found him not guilty on the charge of high treason. He said “his people” were everywhere, and no one was beyond their reach.

As reported in August, White Hats arrested Mobarakzadeh and his commanding officer, Maj. David Dunbar, near Fort Drum after discovering the duo had a personal vendetta against President Donald Trump and recruited at least 165 Biden-sympathizing soldiers who participated in mock assault drills against dummies festooned in MAGA attire at a “plywood town” 15 miles from Drum. Once in custody, Mobarakzadeh, separated from Dunbar, refused to answer questions but demanded to speak with the criminal Lloyd Austin. His off-post residence was later searched by CID, who found an unsecured iPad that held a video of Mobarakzadeh standing before an American Flag and pledging allegiance to Joseph R. Biden. He also proclaimed, “Death to all Trump supporters.” They also found a manifesto.

On August 15, JAG flew Mobarakzadeh to Camp Blaz, Guam, to await a military tribunal.

The brief trial finally took place September 11, with Rear Admiral Johnathon T. Stephens showing video of the plywood village, which he crudely compared to the expeditious construction of Los Alamos in 1943, pointing out the splintered remnants of wooden targets in MAGA hats and the thousands of rifle casings left behind. He read aloud abstracts of Mobarakzadeh’s manifesto: “I’ve only stood by two presidents, President Barack Hussein Obama, a believer, and President Joseph R. Biden, because Barack picked him and Barack knows all. He leads, I follow. I hate Trump and his people, hate his people, civilians and military corrupting the uniform, the Armed Forces. I despise his supporters and wish them death, all of them, everywhere. The enlightened see, and together we’ll have a future free of Trump and his followers.”

Adm. Stephens said the defendant exemplified “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” a pejorative phrase for a pseudo-psychological illness that causes liberal Leftists to blame Trump for myriad societal and personal problems.

Mobarakzadeh’s JAG-assigned counsel claimed without evidence that his client was a “victim,” that Lloyd Austin and Maj. Dunbar manipulated his views on President Trump, even invoking the word “grooming.” He argued that Mobarakzadeh had neither the skill nor resources to erect a plywood town. Nor was he charismatic enough to warp the minds of a company of soldiers.

“That’s false,” Mobarakzadeh said. “They came to me ready to fight, and I bettered their skills.”

His attorney urged him to stay silent.

“Yes, we know all about the recruitment procedures and the illegal payouts and we still have others to try. What Mr. Mobarakzadeh is guilty of is every UCMJ infraction in the book and treason against the United States of America,” Adm. Stephens said.

Mobarakzadeh whispered in his attorney’s ear.

“My client again requests to speak with Defense Secretary Austin. He says he can clear this up with a 30-second call,” the defense counsel said to Adm. Stephens.

“This court doesn’t recognize his authority.  If he wants, he’s welcome to stop by. We’d like to talk to him, too,” Adm. Stephens said.

“CSM Mobarakzadeh believes he was acting upon orders of the president,” defense counsel said.

“Allah? Biden? Obama? Which one?” Adm. Stephens said. “They’re all illegitimate.”

“Allahu Akbar. The difference between us, Adm. Stephens, is that I accept death as a transition between worlds. I knew your plans to kill me before I was here. You are a dead man, as are they,” Mobarakzadeh yelled, glancing at the panel. “It won’t be my hand to kill you, but you will die. We have people all over. You, your families—it makes no difference to us.”

The admiral drew a deep breath, steeling himself. “Given the defendant’s candor, JAG and the Office of Military Commissions needn’t wait for a verdict. I am unilaterally finding this defendant, former CSM Neema Mobarakzadeh guilty of treason and sentencing him to hang by the neck at the earliest opportunity.”

Mobarakzadeh did not flinch. Did not say a word.

“This is what we deal with,” Adm. Stephens remarked after the MPs escorted the condemned to his cell.

I am awaiting updates to see if his execution has occured, as well relevant tribunals.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam: adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

DHS’s Kelly Parrots “Islam IS Peace” Falsehood: Mirrors HUSSEIN’s Lying Mantra. What’s Going On? What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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WITH all the jibber-jabber surrounding “swamp draining”, one can be forgiven for wanting to scream bloody murder – again and again. Maddening.

INDEED, “The Donald”, the ultimate “take no prisoners” persona who is larger than life, promised to rid the main toxins within the swamp – still yet, many remain. Agreed, while there are countless (true, Rome wasn’t built in a day either), none is more urgent than dispelling the lie: “Islam IS Peace!” After all, western civilization hangs in the balance. Indubitably.

UGH! If still in doubt, just peer across to “the other side of the pond”, and see if you like what lies in wait: a nation overrun with Islam’s barbaric jihadis, and with citizens frozen in fear! Yes, the combined poisonous fruits of a disarmed populace, coupled with fascist-left leaders tied to the Euro-Arab axis. Tethered. Bowed.

INCONTESTABLY, even while countless patriots across America are “armed to the teeth” – thank G-d for small favors – know that local forces within leftist bastions will be ordered to “stand down” and operate with their “hands-in-their pockets.” On the other hand, within red-aligned localities, by the time they arrive on the scene, for the most part, they are there to perform “mop-up.” The point being, countless innocents will be left to their own devices.

INTERNALIZE: officialdom, housed under the DHS/FED umbrella, will never have your backs, although they opine otherwise: yes, trust us! As evidenced, top security heads are clearly cowed. And, despite that rank and file agents would prefer to come to the rescue, they take their orders from the top, many of whom are politically tainted. It is what it is. Lesson learned: be prepared!!

BACK to the “Islam IS Peace” lie and its knock-on effects.

IN order to save America (and the entire west), it is this bold-faced, fallacious, noxious, shameless, unabashed….and so on and so forth….lie which must be eviscerated. Concomitantly, it is this twisted distortion of the truth which poses the gravest threat, bar none. To said end, if US leaders won’t tell the unvarnished truth and lead the charge, who will? If not now, when?

RESULTANT, let’s recap.

BY shining a spotlight onto where Trump & Co. fall woefully short – through inexplicable security appointments, a top-tier national imperative – the unfathomable actions of DHS Chief John Kelly veer into focus and sharp relief. 

ALL of which circles back to the beyond detrimental damage which will accrue, that is, if a volte-face isn’t forthwith under the stewardship of DHS’s John Kelly – for heaven’s sake, he is a Marine Corps General who should know better! Mind you, this is no sissy-pants, metrosexual dilettante who wouldn’t know how to shoot straight, even if his life depended on it.

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BUT before we get to the crux of his failure to ‘fess up, seemingly, his cognitive dissonance, it is intrinsic to hark back to his own very words, that which appear to recognize what’s what, but stop short of naming the underlying “enemy.” Bucko, it’s Islam! 

In a 2014 speech regarding the War on Terror, Kelly said:

“If you think this war against our way of life is over because some of the self-appointed opinion-makers and chattering class grow ‘war weary,’ because they want to be out of Iraq or Afghanistan, you are mistaken. This enemy is dedicated to our destruction. He will fight us for generations, and the conflict will move through various phases as it has since 9/11.”

INDEED, it is certainly the case that in 2014 – while still an officer in the military – even tough guys cannot state things which are less than “polite”, so to speak. To wit, he tap-danced around the “who” part, failing to identify the enemy. It is as if this amorphous enemy become bogeymen, ghost-like, they swath across the globe under the “holy” banner of Allah! Bloodying. Even so, that was then, this is now. 

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SO, now that he is the chief at Trump’s DHS, the capo di tutt’i of the umbrella of all US security agencies, why is he comporting himself as if part of HUSSEIN’s DHS regime, you know, the one which collaborated with the Islamic enemy within??

The rhetoric of Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly suggests the government’s fundamental assumptions about the threat haven’t changed.

Kelly told the House Homeland Security Committee Thursday that the perpetrators of attacks during the Islamic month of Ramadan have “corrupted” Islam, and he suggested Christian and Jewish beliefs are also causing terrorism, Breitbart reported.

“As far as Ramadan goes, you know, first of all, the uptick in violence and activities is done by a very, very small percentage of people who have just corrupted the whole concept of Islam as a religion; but it is what it is,” Kelly told the chairman of the committee, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas.

On his Jihad Watch website, Robert Spencer summarized the DHS chief’s response: “More denial and willful ignorance from the administration that promised to drain the swamp.”

Kelly indicated attention needs to be focused on the Internet, urging businesses to block access to “some” websites.

“The one constant that I have seen, Mr. Chairman, since I have been in this job, the one constant in all of this has been the Internet. … The one constant is the Internet. I’m not blaming the Internet but I’m just saying that we probably need to step back, and say, maybe [have] stricter rules on what is hung on the Internet,” he said.

Similarly, President Trump’s national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, told his staff in February that Muslims who commit terrorist acts are “perverting their religion,” the New York Times reported, citing people at the meeting.

McMaster said the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic.”

The Times quote William McCants, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, saying there is “a deep hunger for McMaster’s view in the interagency,” referring to the process by which the State Department, Pentagon and other agencies funnel recommendations through the National Security Council.

In his speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, last month to Muslim political leaders, President Trump appeared to distance himself from campaign rhetoric that suggested Islam itself is the problem.

“This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations. This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people of all religions who seek to protect it,” the president said…..continue reading….

REPORTEDLY, even though DHS is taking baby steps toward denying certain funding to KNOWN Islamic terror fronts – huh and duh – the fact remains that the most important step, identifying the enemy, hasn’t been taken. Therein lies the main crux and danger!

MOST significantly, it must be understood that verbiage more than matters, in so far that it signals what’s what, who’s who, and the whys and wherefores. Effectively, if, on the one hand, one is fighting a “war on terror”, yet, at the same time, refuses to name the enemy, how can the public know what’s what, as well as who’s who? By extrapolation, how is it possible to internalize the whys and wherefores, that is, as to the underlying basis of the aforementioned “war on terror”, if the enemy’s underpinning(s) remain a “mystery?” Moreover, by continuing to recycle the shapeless term “war on terror”, as if providentially derived from Moses on Mount Sinai, to whose advantage is it? Just take one guess….

NOW, if the above sounds confusing and akin to chasing a rabbit down a hole, well, it is! 

SUCH is the so-called strategy utilized by “team Trump”, when picking the administration’s top-drawer security heads. In other words, when the highest weight is calculated by their curriculum vitae, cognitive dissonance is not far behind. But, even so, as is said, the buck stops at the main door – and this one belongs to Trump, the Commander-in-Chief. 

SIMPLY put, if President Trump is convinced that it is in America’s best interest to separate political/religious Islam from terror attacks waged under the banner of pagan diety Allah, even as Muhammadans scream “Allahu Akbar” – “Allah is [the] greatest” – G-d help us all! 

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Jihadi Money Laundering Via Counterfeit Cigs/Goods + Drugs Ala “Mom & Pop” Shops Across US = Sunni + Shia Terror! Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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BEFORE Islamists and their leftist compadres go ape-sh-t over another evidentiary trail re jihadi terror financing, let’s be very clear: laundering is part and parcel of Islamic jihad and it takes various forms. Twists and turns.  Besides, no amount of jive-talk will cover up its stench and dangerous intent, at least at this end. Don’t even try it. Deal.

MORE specifically, be it through drugs, cold, hard cash, gold and other precious metals, counterfeit cigs, knock-off goods, or another commodity, rest assured, the funding of jihadi terror on behalf of bloody Allah is continuously operating all across America. Beyond. 

YES, funding jihadi terror is ALL about satiating their nihilistic pagan moon-god, as they inevitably scream: “allahu akbar” or “this is for Allah!!” Currently, Londonistan tells the tale. Indubitably, it is reflective of all their global carnage. Not only that, no longer is Israel the lone epicenter. Ground zero. Still yet, it is their “laboratory” for jihadi terror!

IN this regard, do recall this site’s initial forays into the maze-like jungle of laundering for the benefit of Allah, that is, before getting to the latest proofs and “news.” And, par for the course, the leftist media “swore” an omertà. No matter. If anything, yours truly is a master at ” breaking the silence.”

  • Back in Dec. 2014, two and a half years ago, the linkage between jihadi terror + NYPD assassinations + laundering was explored, and its basis started here. The following is a brief excerpt: Breaking the media’s silence, re the absolute linkage between Islam and jihadi terror, should be the Number One imperative for Americans and westerners. It is this evisceration which will force the leaders to finally ‘fess up. Said turnabout, no doubt, will save millions of lives in the process……

Memo to the clueless and mendacious media and leadership: for years, this investigative journalist has followed the linkages between jihadi laundering, as it traverses through many seemingly “garden variety” transactions.

For the record, more than a decade ago, some explosive info wended this way and it was handed over to trusted investigative contacts. It involved a particular cigarette smuggling AND counterfeit (knock-off) goods operation, in relation to Hezbollah’s sleeper cells in the U.S. Mind you, this jihadi “fund raising” zig zags across the Shia and Sunni divide. Equally busy launderers. Sunnis run their operations mainly, but not exclusively, up and down the I-95 (U.S.) corridor. Shia, on the other end, mainly utilize I-35 and Highway 59. Go figure. It’s a geography thing, ala their concentration of jihadists.


Not to get too specific, chains of convenience stores (from one end of the interstate to the other) and gas stations are deeply in the mix.

Ask yourselves: who do the owners of these terror-supporting businesses, aka “mom and pop” entrepreneurs, bow to? And, re said smuggling, what is their ultimate goal?

Enough said….continue reading….

  • Lo and behold, in February 2015, their laundering footprints popped up again in NYC. Embedded deep inside Brooklyn, one of the five outer boroughs – as well as inside the other four alike – it was noted: Alas, the perfect cover for transfers of large sums of cash F/B/O jihad run through – among other venues – chains of convenience stores. Read: “certain” foreign-owned “quickie” marts, gas stations, kiosks and the like (whether mall-based or street-side) are involved throughout the US. But hauling the cash also requires many moving parts and cooperating partners, one of which entails laundering through cigarette smuggling and counterfeit goods via highways and byways! I-95 is a particularly busy connective point, as repeatedly mentioned. Therefore, the majorly linked states – Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia – for Brooklyn’s jihadists, via their kiosks, are not randomly chosen.Just connect the jihadi dots!…..continue reading….
  • Thus, in a never-ending quest to warn fellow patriots, in March 2015, Mohammedans in Ohio and elsewhere were featured. Resultant, they too were outed as money launderers!! Racketeering. RICO-like.

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Internalize, wherever Americans turn, in one way or another, they will find ISLAMISTS plotting jihad!

In essence, the next time you venture into a Muslim-owned convenience store, gas station or anywhere they sell “knock-off” goods, you may want to stop and think: how much of the price tag is going to fund jihad, never mind the ways in which they launder the money….continue the evidentiary trail….

AND so on and so forth….be it mid-point in Ohio, or any other state in between.

WE are not done. Fast forward (from 2015 to mid-2017) to an indictment handed down on May 31, 2017 to soldiers for Allah, this go-around in St. Louis. Guess what shook out?

A federal grand jury has indicted 35 store owners on federal conspiracy charges for trafficking contraband cigarettes, distributing controlled substances and money laundering.

According to reports, the suspects conspired for more than 2 years to buy contraband cigarettes in St. Louis, a low tax market, while transporting and distributing them in Chicago, Illinois, and New Jersey, which are high tax markets.

The store owners are accused of using several convenience stores that they operated to create the appearance of legal cigarette purchases.

Illegal profits form the contraband cigarette sales were laundered through accounts associated with the stores.

Synethetic drugs, K-2, was sold every day from a handful of the convenience stores. Authorities said the store owners manufactured synthetic drugs themselves by importing chemicals from China.

“The collaboration with our federal and local law enforcement partners is the key to breaking criminal enterprises in this area,” said Special Agent in Charge James M. Gibbons of HSI Chicago.“Synthetic drugs that are sold as purportedly legal substitutes for cannabis and stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, are neither legal nor safe,” said James P. Shroba, Special Agent in Charge of the DEA St. Louis Division. “These substances were never intended for human consumption and only serve to satisfy the avarice of the seller.”

If convicted, the defendants face a maximum of five to 20 years in prison and the possibility of a $1 million dollar fine…..

The list of defendants include:

Mohammed Almuttan, aka Abu Ali, 35, St. Louis, MO

Rami Almuttan, aka Abu Louay, 33, St. Louis, MO

Hisham Mutan, aka Abu Mohamed, 41, St. Louis, MO

Saddam Mutan, aka Abu Ali, 24, St. Louis, MO

Mazin Abdelsalam, aka Abu Mohammad, 38, St. Louis, MO

Najeh Muhana, aka Abu Yazan, 41, Fairview, NJ

Fares Muhana, aka Abu Yamama, 40, Cliffside Park, NJ

Ayoub Qaiymah, aka Abu Faysal, 23, Richmond, VA

Naser Abid, 23, Chicago, IL

Yadgar Barzanji, aka Abu Siver, 47, St. Louis, MO

Wafaa Alwan, 50, St. Louis, MO

Ahmed Abuali, aka Bazilla, 31, North Bergen, NJ

Mohammed Kayed, aka Mohammed Fayez, 21, Clifton, NJ

Momen Abuali, 20, Little Ferry, NJ

Firat Sevindik, 42, Cliffside Park, NJ

Mohammed Mustafa, 30, North Bergen, NJ

Mohammad Karashqah, Abu Yazid, 47, North Bergen, NJ

Fayez Sheikha, 46, Mishawaka, IN

Jihad Shihadeh, Abu Malik, 58, Chicago Ridge, IL

Ismael Abadi, 57, Carol Stream, IL

Abed Hamed, Abed Fawzan, 39, Greenville, NC

Maher Hamed, Abu Alazara, 33, Swansea, IL

Abdel Adi, 25, Oak Lawn, IL

Muhanad Khatib, Abu Alamin, 36, Chicago, IL

Eyad Awad, 38, Chicago, IL

Dale Garbin, 60, Kankakee, IL

Hayder Al Fatli, 40, St. Louis, MO

Kutlay Guvener, 35, Chicago, IL

Saad Al Mallak, 30, Dittmer, MO

Hassan Abdelatif, 29, Collinsville, IL

Mahajir Naz, 32, St. Louis, MO

Talal Abuajaj, 23, St. Louis, MO

Basem Hamdan, aka Abu Ramiz, 57, St. Louis, MO

Zainal Saleh, 29, St. Louis, MO and

Ibrahim Awad, 39, St. Louis, MO


ALL of which must lead the (patriotic) reader to square the circle, so to speak. In other words, the next time you witness the co-option of “any street USA” (read: western), know that it is the other side of jihad. Effectively, it is a “stealth” path – via a myriad of avenues – to force the west to submit. Or, is it inclusion and multi-culti kumbaya at its finest, as leftist apologists and their Islamic partners bray? Nonsense. Hogwash. Defy anyone to prove otherwise.

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INDEED, step-by step….creep-by-creep….ala one stealth tactic after another, multicultural fantasists – aka leftist-fascists – and their Islamic overlords are softening up western society to accept Islamic conquest, albeit, couched as “acceptance” of “the other.” In fact, as just one of countless examples, the public school system in the U.S. no longer adheres to “separation of church and state”, that is, unless one is a follower of Islam! Why is this??

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BE it through the commandeering of public streets to “pray” to their insatiable bloody Allah, or another not so subtle show of supremacy, Islam WILL take over, if not halted in its deadly tracks. By the by, think about it this way: how many times have Christians and Jews hijacked, yes, hijacked, public streets to pray en mass? Never and never. Forthwith, the urgent question is: why are Mohammedans doing this – over and over again? Oh dear, an Aussie Imam is spilling the beans – 

Terrorism in the UK is growing week after week. Having extremists within our societies is not multiculturalism, it’s suicide.

(And the following linked video illustrates Muslims “praying”, as they take over the street in front of Trump Tower!)



INCONTESTABLY, it makes no diff if said aggression is accomplished through “soft/stealth/civilizational” jihad – fully supported by jihadi money laundering – or through its end-point, frontal terror via cars/knives/bombs, methods which are currently their weapons and instruments of opportunity. After all, the end result is the same: terror sown through death and destruction!

BUT despite all the evidence, those who prefer to pooh-pooh this scenario must recall: few believed – a little more than a decade and a half ago – those who warned of Europe’s take over, although on a slow boil. Never mind that the signs were there from the 1970’s, when Eurabia became a done deal.

ADDING insult to grave injury, we were (still are) tsk, tsked. mocked, and called every unflattering name under the sun. Imagine that. Even some “see no evil” relatives (of yours truly) got in on the act. Never mind. Promise, you all, the “enlightened” ones, shall remain nameless! Pray tell, just admit: who was the one who knew what’s what? Now, that’s not so hard, is it?

MOST significantly, and above all else, defying the west’s captured, impotent, and globalist-driven leaders is key and core. And being that they are, for the most part, insulated from the carnage, they will NEVER, EVER admit that Islam IS the omnipresent danger to the entire west.

ISLAM, with its inextricable link to blood, is drowning the west and it will devour it – if not stopped!!

AND for heaven’s sake, if this counter-jihadist hears about one more blasted, insipid, as well as useless “vigil” to memorialize the innocent victims of Islamic terrorism, well, for shame on all the gutless citizens! For those who believe that such a reaction is appropriate and will “honor” the dead, the fact is that it is the coward’s way out. Look into your heart of hearts: how exactly will such behavior make a dent in the carnage, other than to demonstrate a sign of weakness on behalf of any given terrorized population, as they weep and wail, instead of “taking care of business??” Yes, leave the mourning to the families and friends of those cut down by Islam’s barbarians.

SO, once again, imbibe the following pearls of wisdom:  

TO “everything has an appointed season”… as is said in קֹהֶלֶת…Ecclesiastes 3:1:

1. Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven. א. לַכֹּל זְמָן וְעֵת לְכָל חֵפֶץ תַּחַת הַשָּׁמָיִם:


A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break and a time to build. ג. עֵת לַהֲרוֹג וְעֵת לִרְפּוֹא עֵת לִפְרוֹץ וְעֵת לִבְנוֹת


A time to cast stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. ה. עֵת לְהַשְׁלִיךְ אֲבָנִים וְעֵת כְּנוֹס אֲבָנִים עֵת לַחֲבוֹק וְעֵת לִרְחֹק מֵחַבֵּק:


A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace. ח. עֵת לֶאֱהֹב וְעֵת לִשְׂנֹא עֵת מִלְחָמָה וְעֵת שָׁלוֹם:


And moreover, I saw under the sun, [in]the place of justice, there is wickedness, and [in]the place of righteousness, there is wickedness. טז. וְעוֹד רָאִיתִי תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ מְקוֹם הַמִּשְׁפָּט שָׁמָּה הָרֶשַׁע וּמְקוֹם הַצֶּדֶק שָׁמָּה הָרָשַׁע:


SO sayeth the wisest of men, King Solomon. And it is from the book of Proverbs that followers of the merciful G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob internalize the righteous and judicious path forward: to be moral, one has to know when to extend kindness, alongside offers of an olive branch. On the other hand, they understand when it is time to stand up to killers. Mohammedans, followers of the nihilistic creed of Islam, have proven themselves to be such barbarians from time immemorial. 

IF not us, who? IF not now, when?

–  Hillel The Elder (110 BC – 10 AD)

PATRIOTS, do whatever you must to protect yourselves and your families!! G-d speed.

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California Jihadis Plot Outside San Bernardino, (Ex) CIA Boss Confirms Rise Of ISIS Under HUSSEIN Obama: The Linkage. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

 'The Great War Of Our Time'

THERE are very few coincidences within geo-politics, most especially, involving seemingly out of nowhere explosions. And this is precisely what marks HUSSEIN Obama’s two-term as distinctive; the most anti-American tenure in U.S. history!

INSIDIOUSLY, over the last 8 years, step-by-step, militant Islamic jihad has risen from both the Sunni and Shia front to a heretofore unseen degree. Mind you, in particular, this is a threshold which would seem hard to surpass after 9/11/01. So ask yourselves: Is it at all coincidental, reasonable, that an exponential growth of jihadi terror – all over the west – has exploded under his watch? Is it also, per chance, unexpected, that Iran received Washington’s imprimatur to become a nuclear power – and the recipient of billions of previously frozen funds – under his reign too?

OF course not.

BASICALLY, just like in the arena of counter-terrorism, force multipliers of technology, transnational support, media, and religion must be stripped bare to determine where militant jihadi footprints and “trends” are embedded and where they are heading. Effectively, under the dogged “leadership” of HUSSEIN Obama, all four pressure points are exploding to wildly dangerous heights, bringing America (the west) to the brink of disaster and (almost) to its knees. Believe it.

BESIDES, in the first place, who would have imagined that after 9/11/01 the BIGGEST mosque in America under the Brotherhood Mafia’s aegis would be built within the shadow of the U.S. Capitol (Lanham, Maryland) and inaugurated by HUSSEIN Obama? Recall, it was within the tri-state corridor between Washington, Virginia and Maryland (for the most part) that 9/11/01 was plotted. Pointedly, the most indicting evidence within the Holy Land Terror trial was found inside a complex of inter-related Brotherhood Mafia front group offices in Herndon, Virginia, even though its Foundation was headquartered in Richardson, Texas. The crux being, after all of the documented evidence within the aforementioned largest terror trial in U.S. history, how could it be that this same D.C. centric area is, once again, a main jihadi terror nest?    

WHICH brings us to the thrust of this commentary; two converging pressure points which underlie the latest militant jihad from California, coupled with a former deputy and acting CIA director’s admission in the beginning of 2016.  

AS a backgrounder, it is hardly a secret that there is a growing list of militant jihadi compounds throughout America. And atop said highly explosive and incendiary danger, militant Islamic jihadis feel comfortable enough to arm themselves and shout “Allahu Akbar” – not only in “any old place” within America – within spitting distance of the San Bernardino ISIS massacre!! Let’s just let that dose of reality sink in.

NOT only that, even though in most American communities jihad is brewing, the fact remains that returning so closely to the scene of the crime, so to speak, bespeaks the ENCIRCLING and AGGRESSIVE danger. Agreed? 

Deputies from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies responded to a report of “Allahu Akbar” chanting, turban-wearing men shooting assault rifles, handguns and shotguns in a remote desert area, officials have confirmed.

The incident took place Sunday in the Deep Creek Hot Springs area of Apple Valley, according to Victor Valley News.

The area is just north of the city of San Bernardino, where in December two Muslims attacked a Christmas party, killing 14 and injuring another 22. The two terrorists later died in a shootout with police.

In “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” renowned activist Pamela Geller provides the answer, offering proven, practical guidance on how freedom lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in local communities.

The Victor Valley News said witnesses told a 9-1-1 operator that more than 100 shots were heard, and five to seven subjects wearing turbans were seen in the area shooting assault rifles, handguns and shotguns.

The news site said a reporting party told dispatchers there were 15 or more possibly armed men “of Middle Eastern” descent who were camped out in the area, “chanting loudly through the night in what was believed to be their native language.”

Sheriff’s officers who arrived first said a number of men, when approached, grabbed their possessions and began hiking toward a parking lot.

“During the hike, the men reportedly huddled up in possible discussion and at one point split up into two groups,” the report said.

CBS reported the investigation involved both federal and local law-enforcement officers, and a total of 17 suspects.

“Officials say the men were cooperative as they were detained and searched,” CBS reported. “All 17 men were eventually released because sheriff’s investigators say they had no outstanding warrants or criminal histories.”

A sheriff’s spokesman said, “There was no evidence found that a crime had been committed by any of the subjects who were detained and they were released.

But reports also said the FBI may conduct further interviews.

YOU got that? 

MORE specifically, the fact that the police released ! California’s jihadi toting Islamists, well, also underlies what awaits: As reported at this site on multiple occasions, little more than feckless responses from ALL levels of law enforcement should be expected. Patriots, forewarned. Forearmed.

INDEED, if readers prefer to rely on officialdom’s assessment for this and that (from 1/2016), that’s okay, although this site pre-empted (even before 8/15) said analysis. Again, no hard feelings.

A former deputy and acting CIA director told lawmakers on Tuesday that Islamic State group’s recruitment has exploded under President Obama’s watch.

Michael Morell told the House Armed Services Committee that ISIS ”has gained affiliates faster than al-Qaida ever did.” He said 20 countries now have terror affiliates that pledged allegiance to ISIS since last year, up from almost “nothing” last year.

“Let me start with the bottom line. I believe ISIS poses a significant strategic and lethal threat to the United States of America,” said Morell, Fox News reported. “The nature and the significance of the threat posed by ISIS flows from the fact that ISIS is at the same time a terrorist group, a quasi-state, and a revolutionary political movement. We have not faced the likes of it before.”

The former White House official warned:

  • Thousands of ISIS sympathizers are now in the U.S.
  • The FBI has over 900 open investigations into homegrown extremists.
  • ISIS is “almost certainly” planning mass-casualty attacks in the U.S.
  • ISIS now earns “more in taxes than oil sales.”
  • ISIS affiliates are changing focus from local grievances to the pursuit of a global caliphate.

Morell said he “would not be surprised if we woke up one morning and ISIS in Libya had grabbed a large part of Libyan territory – the same kind of blitzkieg, on a smaller scale, than we saw in Iraq.”

The grim assessment came just weeks after Obama blamed concern over ISIS attacks on media coverage.

“If you’ve been watching television for the last month, all you have been seeing, all you have been hearing about is these guys with masks or black flags who are potentially coming to get you,” Obama told National Public Radio Dec. 21, WND reported.

A CNN/ORC poll released Dec. 28 showed Americans have lost confidence in Obama’s ability to “degrade and destroy” ISIS.

The survey concluded:

  • 18 percent of Americans say the U.S. is winning its battle against Islamic terror networks.
  • 40 percent say the U.S. is at a stalemate with Islamic radicals.
  • 59 percent of Democrats are uneasy with Obama’s attempts to keep America safe from terrorists.
  • 79 percent of independents are unhappy with the president’s anti-terrorism approach.
  • 17 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in Obama’s ability to protect the nation.

“Americans are very nervous about the possibility of another terror attack in the U.S. after what happened in Paris and San Bernardino. It appears as though the public has simply lost confidence in the Obama administration’s ability to stop a terrorist attack and defeat ISIS,” CNN’s Jim Acosta said when the results aired, WND reported.

An ISIS attack in Paris, France, on Nov. 13 killed 129 and injured more than 350.

Muslim radicals Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27, killed 14 and wounded 21 in San Bernardino, California, Dec. 2. Malik had pledged allegiance to ISIS.

BOTTOM LINE: As always, Obamabots and militant Islamic jihadis will react, fast and furious, to this on-target analysis. But never mind. Said mendacity won’t change the calculus, nor the imminent danger to America.

AS is said, revenge is sweet, and the more public the better. Yes, their collective heads will spin and spin when an explosive book re militant Islamic jihad (and related intersecting matters) debuts in the Fall of 2016. Stay tuned…

ALAS, hard as some try, one cannot place lipstick on Islamic pigs!

ISIS In America: Islamic Terrorists Take Black Flag Photo At White House, Threaten To Bomb Obama

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WWIII: BEATING BACK The Islamic Invasion. Mosques, Mecca & Medina & A Crusading Enemy. Lessons Learned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

TRAGICALLY, countless well-meaning westerners react from the gut, that is, every time that Allah’s Muslim Terrorists slaughter infidels in this and that western country they become rightfully outraged. Some create makeshift memorials for the dead, while others emit a smattering of tough talk. But in reality, once a little time passes, it is back to business as usual, hence, the outrage and posturing, for the most part, dissipates. Poof. On the other side of the spectrum, leftists veer into their usual fantasy land, opining: Why do they hate us? And what can they do to make things right? Leftists, hopeless and useless cretins.

BUT never mind all that. Indeed, as much as this site hates to be the continuous bearer of bad news, the above is a total waste of time and energy. Deadly. For while westerners are wringing their hands, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists (not just ISIS, if only) are pillaging and slaughtering across the west in the name of Islam! So let’s just damn them all to Allah’s hell-hole, after all, it’s us or them. Right? 

NOW, there is some hopeful news, most of which revolves around American patriots who are actually willing to recognize the main dangers from Islam’s thrust, their barracks within, their mosques.



MOST recently, the aforementioned threat level is being addressed by some Coloradans too:

TRIB Live  FORT MORGAN, CO — For the last decade, Somali refugees have flocked to this conservative farm town on Colorado’s eastern plains. They have started a small halal mini-market and a restaurant, sent their children to the schools and worked at a meat processing plant (form which they were fired for demanding to pray during working hours).

As much as Fort Morgan’s small town feel reminds many of their rural villages back home, some say they will feel like outsiders until they get what has eluded them: a permanent mosque. They are renting two small rooms for a makeshift version, for now.

They don't need a mosque, they can lift their asses to Allah in any room

They don’t need a mosque, they can lift their asses to Allah in anywhere as long as they can segregate themselves from the women

They say they have tried to buy property to build a mosque but believe no one wants to sell to them.

“If we can own a mosque here, we will be more a part of the community,” said Abdinasser Ahmed, a local Somali leader and public schools teacher who fled war-torn Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, in 2003, arrived in Fort Morgan in 2009 to work at the plant and is now an American citizen.

Some longtime residents say they don’t want one in their city of 12,000, a step too far, especially at a time when fears of terrorism have grown following the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif.

Twin Cities human traffickers enslaved girls younger than 13 for a decade. The people charged are: Abdifitah Jama Adan, 28; Abdullahi Sade Afyare, 19; Ahmad Abnulnasir Ahmad, 23; Yahya Jamal Ahmed, 23; Abdikarim Osman Ali, 22; Musse Ahmed Ali, 23; Hassan Ahmed Dahir, 21; Idris Ibrahim Fahra, 22; Fadumo Mohamed Farah, 25; Yasin Ahmed Farah, 19; Abdullahi Hashi, 24; Fatah Haji Hashi, 23; Abdirahman Abdirazak Hersi, 20; Muhiyadin Hassan Hussein, 22; Dahir Nor Ibrahim, 38; Abdifatah Bashir Jama, 23; Andrew Kayachith, 20; Abdigadir Ahmed Khalif, 24; Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed, 22; Bashir Yasin Mohamud, 26; Fuad Faisal Nur, 24; Abdifatah Sharif Omar, 25; Liban Sharif Omar, 21; Mohamed Sharif Omar, 26; Hamdi Ali Osman, 22; Haji Osman Salad, 20; Bibi Ahmed Said, 19; Ahmed Aweys Sheik, 24; Yassin Abdirahman Yusuf, 21. (Courtesy to Pioneer Press: Obtained from a court filing in US District Court in Tennessee.)

SOMALI MUSLIM human traffickers in the Midwest charged with enslaving girls younger than 13 for a decade. The Muslims charged are: Abdifitah Jama Adan, 28; Abdullahi Sade Afyare, 19; Ahmad Abnulnasir Ahmad, 23; Yahya Jamal Ahmed, 23; Abdikarim Osman Ali, 22; Musse Ahmed Ali, 23; Hassan Ahmed Dahir, 21; Idris Ibrahim Fahra, 22; Fadumo Mohamed Farah, 25; Yasin Ahmed Farah, 19; Abdullahi Hashi, 24; Fatah Haji Hashi, 23; Abdirahman Abdirazak Hersi, 20; Muhiyadin Hassan Hussein, 22; Dahir Nor Ibrahim, 38; Abdifatah Bashir Jama, 23; Andrew Kayachith, 20; Abdigadir Ahmed Khalif, 24; Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed, 22; Bashir Yasin Mohamud, 26; Fuad Faisal Nur, 24; Abdifatah Sharif Omar, 25; Liban Sharif Omar, 21; Mohamed Sharif Omar, 26; Hamdi Ali Osman, 22; Haji Osman Salad, 20; Bibi Ahmed Said, 19; Ahmed Aweys Sheik, 24; Yassin A. Yusuf, 21.

Putting a mosque “right in the center of town” would be a symbol “as if to claim the town,” said Candace Loomis, who runs a coffee shop and whose grandparents settled this country of sweeping horizons in a two-room sod house.

Divisions have been exacerbated by rhetoric on the Republican presidential campaign trail, including talk by Donald Trump and others about banning fellow refugees and Muslims from the United States. Each Islamic State-inspired terror attack, each domestic mass shooting adds to the pain of the East African community here, Ahmed said.

It’s a challenge for refugees who fled violence to integrate into a society whose citizens worry about that very same violence at home. Residents say they want to be welcoming. But hesitations remain, especially about Muslim refugees.

“There’s a general feeling out there of, ‘Let’s slow this train down a bit,’ ” Morgan County Sheriff Jim Crone said. “It’s a sense of: ‘We don’t mind people coming here. Just be part of the process.’ ”

What happened in San Bernardino solidified for a lot of residents their worries about how the United States vets refugees, Crone said.

“Some people will throw the racist card to that attitude,” he said. “That’s not what it’s about. It’s about a lack of social structure in their homelands. To ignore that kind of stuff is just not proper. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to treat them any different.”

This is just one of the many reasons people in this Colorado town don’t want even more Muslims in their neighborhood.

And this:

And this:

AND don’t get this investigative journalist started on the insidious threat from Somalis and fellow Islamists. If curious, take a peek here….here….here….and on and on.

MOREOVER, those who still view Allah’s Muslim Terrorists as backwards and not worth any heavy-lifting, well, just know that aside from all their MEGA activity on social media (btw, this investigative journalist’s upcoming book will blow the lid off of this subject, just wait….) ISIS (in league with other militant Islamic jihadis) has more than one 24/7 “media center”, that which rivals any western news outlet. You got that? Welcome to Amaq Agency! Oh, don’t forget about a top-flight glossy, namely, “Inspire!”


STILL yet, Americans, westerners at large, must put an end to political correctness – post haste.

IMAGINE the depths of self-destruction and delusion emanating from westerners – atop the level of insanity of choosing to stand still – waiting for militant Islamists to “settle down”, in effect, hoping they will expend their (endless) thrusts and (limitless) resources before too long. Hmm.

FOR even after Paris, San Bernadino, and Brussels, Western political analysts and politicians persist in the timidity of “political correctness” by closing their eyes to reality. It’s not ISIS, it’s not “radical jihadic terrorism.” 

NO! It’s ISLAM, ISLAM, ISLAM, and without any qualifying adjectives. Thus it has been since the time of MUHAMMAD.

PER the Center for the Study of Political Islam, which reported in the February 21, 2007 issue of FrontPageMagazine, that the disciples of Muhammad and the Qur’an have slaughtered some 270 million human beings since the advent of Islam 1,400 years ago.

THERE is only one way to put an end to Islamic terrorism, and that is to put an end to what animates it: Islam per se.

NO Western statesmen has dared name the real enemy, let alone what must be done to rid mankind of this scourge, whose bellicose arrogance makes a mockery of Judeo-Christian ideas and values.  

NO Western statesman dares set forth a serious strategy to eliminate this pathological scourge of mankind. This demands radical measures: The closure of Islam’s primary religious centers, Mecca and Medina. We are engaged in an ineluctable and unlimited metapolitical war with a crusading enemy.

THE recruiting grounds of this enemy must be systematically emasculated and ideologically demoralized before any Muslim regime acquires weapons of mass destruction.

TO declare war on ISIS would be merely an abbreviated and transient war against Islam. Alternatively, to declare war against “radical Islamic terrorism,” is futile if the head of the snake–ISLAM without adjectives–is not decapitated. 

BY the same token, it would have been futile to declare war on Nazism without devastating Nazi Germany. This is no time for the timidity of “political correctness” when nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles may soon be the hands of an enemy whose mantra is a love of death! 

THUS, it is imperative to immediately come to grips with the facts as they are, not as one wishes them to be. Besides, once reality sets in, rational survival instincts should kick in. Therefore, sitting still and doing nothing is no longer optional – so it would seem.

TO wit, to recap the seriousness of this analysis, the following must be URGENTLY heeded, forthwith, lessons learned: Countless westerners failed to recognize that the moment America was attacked on 9/11/01 (and even before that, but never mind….), coupled with militant Islamic jihad’s decades-long attacks on Israel, WWIII broke out.

OMINOUSLY, the following is the latest, re their immediate thrust towards Israel:

DEBKAfile‘s military sources report (3/24/16) exclusively that the deputy commander of ISIS forces in southern Syria including the Syrian Golan, Abu Diab Al-Nablusi, was killed Thursday afternoon in a battle just five kilometers east of the Israeli border. Al-Nablusi was among ISIS forces battling fighters from the Nusra Front and the Free Syrian Army. The battle, which has been raging since Sunday, can be heard clearly on the Israeli side of the border.

As for the situation of the fighting between the Syrian army and ISIS near Palmyra in eastern Syria, DEBKAfile‘s military sources say that the army advanced several hundred kilometers closer to the historic city on Thursday and captured an intersection leading to the western part of Palmyra, but is still three to five kilometers away. No Russian planes or helicopters are providing air cover for the attack.

INHERENTLY, let there be no argument as to the main lesson of all: The twin pillars of western civilization, America and Israel, are in their cross hairs. Even so, they must deal with Europe and it is ripe for the picking. Alas, western Europe’s main strongholds are nothing less than quasi-socialist, Islamic-centric, multicultural basket cases, as duly described by the inestimable, late Oriana Fallaci.

After September 11, 2001, Fallaci wrote three books critical of Islamic extremists and Islam in general, and in both writing and interviews warned that Europe was “too tolerant of Muslims.” The first book was The Rage and the Pride (initially a four-page article in Corriere della Sera, the major national newspaper in Italy). She wrote that “sons of Allah breed like rats” and in a Wall Street Journal interview in 2005, said that Europe was no longer Europe but “Eurabia“.[10] The Rage and the Pride and The Force of Reason both became bestsellers.

Her writings have been translated into 21 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Urdu, Greek, Swedish, Polish, Hungarian, Hebrew, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, Persian,Slovenian, Danish and Bulgarian.

MORE than prescient.

CONCLUSIVELY, now that the heart of Europe has been targeted via attacks in Paris, alongside this week’s slaughter-fest in Brussels, it should leave westerners with an either/or calculus: Either they will demand (through whatever means necessary, emphasis placed) the obliteration of Islam’s power centers, Mecca and Medina – its underpinnings – or the west will inevitably fall. Mind you, it is more than understood that this is the tallest of orders, a Herculean task. But what option is left, other than succumbing to the boot and sword of Islam?

YES, destroying mosques and laying ISIS to waste should be the first “order of battle”, but with the understanding that they are “symptoms” of the underlying disease of Islam; an expansionist, crusading, politically driven ideology, that which is masked under the protective shield afforded it as a world religion! Not only that, 9/11/01 was not fought under ISIS’s banner, or even al-Qaeda’s, though their soldiers for Allah were front and center. Intrinsically, their battle cry is always committed and waged under the banner of Allah, that which heralds Islam über alles – Allahu Akbar … الله أكبر … 

ON the other hand, just imagine if Christianity and Judaism were laying waste to the west, how fast would western leaders scream to obliterate their main pillars as a final death keel? And this is where the rubber meets the road. In other words, since Judeo-Christian underpinnings are already in the cross hairs of those who lead the west, it is fruitless to seek “approval” for that which must be done. Thereby, it is up to national patriots to conduct the heavy lifting, internalizing full well that the leaders will NEVER lift a hand against Islam, regardless of the devastating carnage inflicted by the fully committed and driven soldiers for Allah. Incontestably, a clash of civilizations, as predicted by Samuel Huntington.

SURELY there are millions of patriots with proper (ex military, logistical and organizational types) training who are qualified to save America – the west – from Islam’s clutches before it is too late. Agreed?

DISCOMFITING as it is, WWIII is raging. The questions remain: Will this generation’s patriots step up? Or, is it time to just admit: Western civilization, RIP?

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Militant Jihad Gains Steam In NYC: Borough By Borough Stealth Takeover! The “Testing” Ground. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

In sha Allah,Islam will dominate the world's photo.

WHEN 9/11/01 blew apart the false “comfort” zone of America’s security, know that NYC and Washington, D.C. were hardly random “targets of opportunity.” Rather, they were chosen as the main symbols of America’s hyper-power.

INCREASINGLY, it is not an accident that NYC (elsewhere alike, but let’s stick to the “Big Apple”) is infested with kneeling Muslims, intent on taking over public streets, thus, asserting their dominance over the non-Muslim public. Besides, can anyone imagine Jews and Christians praying en mass (on a regular basis, no less) within spaces that belong to the public at large? Rhetorical.

AND the fact that Brooklyn, New York is a prime “offender”, that too is not an accident.  Just consider the following report as proof of the same:

MANY of this site’s readership are aware that NYC is this investigative journalist’s hometown, though now living in Israel. Yes, born and bred. A native. In fact, there are few neighborhoods – within its five boroughs – which are unfamiliar. Indeed, like the back of one’s hand, Brooklyn is a singular stomping ground, as is Manhattan.

IN this regard, when trying to comprehend the “news” that several Brooklyn-based jihadists aimed to join ISIS, please keep in mind several intrinsic factors. Don’t get distracted by the fact that they are Uzbekistan and Kazakhastan nationals. Yada…yada…Said locales/nationalities are neither here nor there.  In other words, the fact that they are of Central Asian descent has zip to do with their desire to destroy the west, America being “ground zero.”


FIRST and foremost, jihad is waged under the banner of ISLAM, and nothing else takes precedence.

THE videotaping of Coptic Christians – and others similarly decapitated – must be understood as part of a goal-oriented program with two-tiers: propaganda recruitment, and striking (immediate/concomitant) terror in the west’s heart. Shock value.

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, said acts are absolutely underpinned by the Koran, and can be found in several unambiguous verses: Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” 

SO those who jive talk and scream that this barbarism is not Islamic, they are either ignorant of Islam’s dictates or they are attempting to Allah-wash Islamic-derived jihad. In either case, just ignore them or smack them upside the head. Whatever works….


AS such, since factor one is Islam über alles – regardless of the individual’s ethnic origins, race, or even previous religious background – as long as one is a Muslim committed to Islam (all others are defacto apostates) one becomes a part of the worldwide Islamic ummah

Islam teaches that shari’a, as God’s revealed law, perfect and eternal, is binding on individuals, society and state in all its details. By logical extension, any criticism ofshari’a is heresy. Muslims who deny the validity of shari’a in any way are labeled as non-Muslims (infidels) or apostates (those who convert to another religion) by traditionalists and Islamists. As such, they face the threat of being prosecuted for apostasy, a crime that carries the death penalty in shari’a.

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning “nation” or “community“. It is distinguished from Sha’b (Arabic: شعب‎) which means a nation with common ancestry or geography. Thus, it can be said to be a supra-national community with a common history.

It is a synonym for ummat al-Islamiyah (Arabic: الأمة الإسلامية‎) (the Islamic Nation), and it is commonly used to mean the collective community of Islamic peoples. In the Quran the ummah typically refers to a single group that shares common religious beliefs, specifically those that are the objects of a divine plan of salvation.[1][2] In the context of Pan-Islamism and politics, the word Ummah can be used to mean the concept of a Commonwealth of the Believers (أمة المؤمنين ummat al-mu’minīn).

AND it is under the “proverbial” wings of the ummah, aka the worldwide commonwealth, that jihad is waged. It defies locale, whether one is in the Mid East, Africa, Asia, Europe, America…and so on. Incontrovertibly, Islam’s mandated barbarism spans the globe! This is precisely why screams of Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) are heard all over the world, whenever infidels are slaughtered, thus, raising the banner of Islam even further. Striking fear in their hearts, again, is key: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Believe it.

BACK to NYC…Brooklyn, as a “test” case….

YES, although Islamists are “hiding in plain sight” throughout NY (and EVERY state in America), Brooklyn should be a primary focus, although Queens is not far behind. A runner up….continue reading….

ALAS, once again, Brooklyn “takes the lead”…..

This NEVER happened when Rudy Giuliani was mayor, but Muslim asskissing mayors like Bloomberg and De Blasio allowed this form of Muslim intimidation to take place in the streets of New York. And it is growing worse every year.

INDEED, this investigative journalist can attest that NYC’s former Mayor Giuliani (despite any other flaws) did not tolerate said street takeovers. Never and never. However, under nanny Bloomberg’s reign, Islamic supremacists started gaining ground, and they are ratcheting up their momentum at warp speed. Yes, all “credit” should be given to Commie Mayor de Blasio!

MIND you, under Bloomberg’s naval gazing whip, a restaurateur would receive a four-digit fine when “caught” placing a chair on the sidewalk sans the proper permit. Can you imagine?  Ditto during the current regime’s “watchful” eyes.

SO what does all of this portend, as NYC is turned over to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists? Well, those of us who operate within the various spheres of militant jihad (in whatever capacity) are attuned to the multi-faceted ways in which they gain their (literal) footholds into western society. Hijrah-like.

IN this regard, it must be understood that for said takeover to firmly implant itself it is not necessary for a widely divergent Muslim community to communicate as a monolithic bloc. In other words, while Muslims (who are not a race, as is often opined, due to the obvious fact that they come in ALL colors) surely enjoy varying divergences in their personal and professional lives, it is a fact that committed Muslims view the takeover of the west, be it through stealth or frontal jihad, as a sacrosanct endeavor. 



Migration for the Cause of Allah

IN the same manner in which Islamic mandated hijrah is catapulting millions of Muslims into the west, so too taking over the streets of western neighborhoods is viewed as gaining an immeasurable foothold into each domain they kneel down upon.

BASICALLY, be it in NYC, Los Angeles, or any city/town in between, the outcome is the same: Islam will reign supreme and that is that, that is, if not confronted head on! Ask yourselves; Where is it written that PUBLIC arenas can be converted, effectively, co-opted, into religious prayer spaces??

Muslims Pray in Manhattan to Protest NYPD for Surveillance

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Islamic Massacre In California & Its Nexus To Quranic DAILY Prayers:Mandated To SLAUGHTER Christians & Jews! Westerners, School Yourselves-Or Be Prepared To Die! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

GRANTED, there are certain instances where ignorance may be bliss. However, this is never the case when lives hang in the balance. Not only that, most acutely, said blindness rises to the level of earth shattering when an entire (western) civilization hangs in the balance. No doubt.

MORE specifically, when it comes to the subject of Islam, all sorts of taboos and omertas exist, thus, setting the (duplicitous and immoral) stage that “all religions are equal.” NOT! Even more so, since Islam has been designated as a “religion of peace”, erected to a “special and protected” status, it becomes a herculean effort to unmask its tenets.

President Obama would have us believe Islam is truly the Religion of Peace. He condemned ISIS as completely un-Islamic when he spoke about their beheading of American journalist James Foley, before returning to the golf course to complete his round.

“So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.”

Yet Obama, who openly declares his love for the Qur’an after studying Islam since his childhood, certainly should know Islam’s Holy Book actually encourages the behavior of ISIS.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

continue reading

ALAS, as repeatedly warned, the Brotherhood Mafia’s “Plan” is in its final and 5th stage – frontal jihad!

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

TO wit, whether or not ISIS’s foot soldiers directed Wednesday’s massacre in San Bernardino, California, or not, is merely a pesky detail. On the other hand, it appears that it was ISIS aligned. Still yet, the MAIN thing that matters is that Islam’s roots mandate Muslims to kill infidels. That is that, as discomfiting as it is. 

SWAT teams gather outside a townhouse in Redlands, California, the evening of Dec. 2 after the San Bernardino shooting (Photo: Twitter)

(SWAT teams gather outside a townhouse in Redlands, California, the evening of Dec. 2 after the San Bernardino shooting.)

Syed R. Farook has been identified as one of the suspects in the San Bernardino mass shooting that ended in the deaths of 14 victims and the killing of one male and one female suspect in a gunfight with police…..He also identified his son as “very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”
Regarding a report about the name of a second suspect, Rick Serrano of the Los Angeles Times originally tweeted: “San Bernardino police released the name of a second suspect in today’s shooting as Tayyeep Bin Ardogan. Reports indicate Bin Ardogan is a 28-year-old citizen of the Middle Eastern country Qatar.”….

Gunmen killed 14 people and wounded another 17 at an office party for the county’s public health department. According to San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan, there was an altercation that prompted someone to leave in anger.

Some news outlets reported that the angry person came back with one or more armed friends to carry out the attack.

“Someone did leave, there was some type of dispute at the party but we have no idea if those are the people who came back,” Burguan said.

Farook is citizen of the United States, according to multiple reports. It’s not known if the man and woman were related or how they knew each other…..

INHERENTLY, it would be a FATAL error to conflate Islamic jihadi murderers with other mass killers. Indeed, ignore the reflexive and desperate gyrations of the captured media. They are Islam’s “unofficial” apologists.

MOST significantly, random shooters are rage-fueled psychopaths who are, unfortunately, part of every society. However, when one’s religion MANDATES slaughter to satiate a blood-sucking “diety”, well, the amount of dead will top millions upon millions. Again, do not allow the media to paper over this non-random act of militant jihad!

EGREGIOUSLY, despite shrieks of Allāhu Akbar…الله أكبر…God is great …after most jihadi slaughters, their apologists have the utter temerity to opine that the shedding of rivers of blood to satisfy pagan moon-god Allah is not associated with Islam! As if. Islam and Blood are inextricably linked, as proven.

ATOP all the above, it is into this vortex of hell that “interfaith fetishists” endanger the rest of the west, at the same time that they have no excuse for their ignorance. Yes, faith-based communal leaders are obliged to execute their due diligence, but this is hardly the case.

ALONG this twisted line, the following excerpt is more than urgent reading, as its tie-in to Islam’s daily prayers will demonstrate why allowing Islam’s followers to EVER gain entry into a Church or Synagogue is akin to slitting the west’s throat. Patience.

MUCH has been written at this site about the out-sized dangers of engaging in “interfaith dialogue”, ala “multiculturalism” outreach, with Islamic leaders.

BUT to bring readers up to speed, and before we get to additional “food for thought”, the following should serve as basic underpinnings:


IN the main, leftist clergy backbench for Islam’s supremacy, even if some opine otherwise. The fruits of their “multi-culti” efforts, the basis of “interfaith dialogue”, attest to its bitter outcome. Its poisons.


YET, PC infected congregants are too confused to recognize where their derelict clergy have led them. Tragically, they rely on them to pave the way, but congregants have been shamefully led astray. Indubitably.

AS a matter of record, would anyone have believed – years ago – that the most high profile Cathedral in America would submit to Islamic “interfaith” outreach?Believe it.


IN essence, even the term itself, “interfaith dialogue”, is an Islamic smokescreen. An Allah wash. In reality, there are several Islamic mandates designed to present a benign face of Islam to Christians and Jews, but one stands out above the rest. It is termed “da’wah”. Don’t EVER forget its true meaning and intent.

Da‘wah (also transliterated daawa(h); Arabic: دعوة‎ “invitation”) means the proselytizing or preaching of Islam. Da‘wah literally means “issuing a summons”…. A Muslim who practices da‘wah, either as a religious worker or in a volunteer community effort, is called a dā‘ī (داعي, plural du‘āh/du‘āt دعاة)….continue reading….

ALAS, let’s get down to what’s key and core; Islamic prayers and its poisonous roots!

It is crucial that Westerners discover what Muslims are saying when they recite the Islamic mandatory prayers before sharing their places of worship. A few days ago, an Ontario synagogue invited Muslim worshippers to lead the Friday prayer. This article explains what the Islamic daily prayers mean, with focus on the Friday prayer within the context of Islamic law or sharia. Being better informed will make Westerners think twice before opening the doors to Muslim for prayer.

Canadian Muslims in southern Ontario were invited to preach the supremacy of Islam at a local synagogue and church. In a goodwill gesture, Peterborough’s Mark Street United Church and Beth Israel Synagogue opened their doors to Muslims for prayer following the recent fire damage of the Masjid al-Salaam mosque. President of the Beth Israel Synagogue and his board of directors hosted two Islamic prayer sessions this past Friday with not even a suspicion that the underlying theme in Islamic prayer is to curse and do away with nonbelievers like them.

A deep hatred and rejection of Judaism and Christianity are hardwired into Islamic doctrine, including the Koran. Many of its chapters are incorporated into mandatory daily Islamic prayer. The very first Koranic chapter, considered the most exalted of all chapters, is a prayer directed to Allah asking him to keep Muslims away from the misguided path of Jews and Christians. This chapter is a necessary part of the five mandatory daily prayers, and is recited not once, but anywhere from 17 to 100 times a day by devout Muslims (or in a broader sense, 6200 to 36,500 times a year).

Repetition priming inculcates the notion of superiority over non-Muslims into the minds of all Muslims, instilling a deep mistrust of non-Muslims: “Guide us along the right path, the path of those whom you favored (referring to Muslims), and not along the path of those who earn your anger (referring to Jews), or those who go astray (referring to Christians). The references to Jews and Christians are in accord with Al-Tirmidhi’s authentic hadiths (or Islamic narrations attributed to Mohammed) and other venerated Islamic interpretations, as reflected in some English translations of the Koran.

Friday prayers also include recitation of Koranic chapters 62 and 63 where Jews who reject Allah’s commandments in the Torah are loathed and compared to “the likeness of a donkey carrying books but understands them not.” Jews are told to “long for death if they pretend to be Allah’s favorite. Nonbelievers are condemned to a state of error until Mohammed is sent by Allah to purify them “from the filth of disbelief and polytheism” with his verses or revelations from Allah. “Hypocrites” or apostates from Islam are considered enemies, “so beware of them, may Allah destroy them!”. Is it any wonder why many Muslims are prohibited from being friends with Jews and Christians? The Koran condemns them to hell (which melts their skin and bellies) in nearly 500 verses for not believing in Mohammed and for not converting to Islam.

Such are the prayers that are recited over and over again in mosques, and now in some churches and synagogue across the world as more Muslim communities continue to grow and expand. Oblivious to the ignorant Jewish and Christian hosts — whom the Koran portrays as sons of apes and pigs and as the worst of creatures — those very same prayers were recently recited by the Peterborough mosque’s muezzin (one who recites the Islamic call to prayer) in the local church and synagogue. His sonorous and somber voice evoked emotion and tears expressing compassion and admiration of Islam during the Islamic prayer session at the Mark Street United Church a couple of Fridays ago.

Little did these people know that he was chanting verses expressing disgust and disdain for nonbelievers, such as themselves. They appeared to be in a trancelike stupor as if undergoing a spiritual awakening — despite not understanding one word of Arabic prayer that calls for their rejection and eradication due to their misguided behavior. If they only knew what Islamic prayers meant in English, they would not be shedding tears of ignorance, and certainly thinking twice before allowing Muslims to pray in their places of worship. Love thy neighbor should not be a one-way street.

The Peterborough mosque’s imam Shazin Khan, along with other imams and Islamic spokespeople, uses a common deceptive tactic to show the Church audience that Islam cares about people of all religious faiths. He repeats only part of a well-known Koranic verse taken from the Jerusalem Talmud, asserting that saving one human being is like saving all of humanity. However, unlike the original Talmudic verse that applies equally to all humans, the Koranic verse was modified and prohibits only the murder of Muslims. This verse in its entirety is in accord with Islamic law or sharia, which applies the death penalty for killing Muslims, not non-Muslims.

Referring to Judaism and Islam, Kenzu Abdella, president of the Kawartha Muslim Religious Association (in the Peterborough area near Toronto) who formed an alliance with Larry Gillman, President of the Beth Israel Synagogue, informed the Canadian Broadcasting Cooperation that “we have more similarities than differences. We have so much common”….continue reading….

RESOLUTELY, on a scale of 1-10 – with 10 being the highest threat level – how intrinsic is it to spread the word about the REAL meaning behind Islam’s daily prayers, in relation to the security of America and the west in toto? 

YOU decide.

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

ISIS “Inspired” Jihadis Arrested in Kansas: Officialdom’s & Media’s Jive Talk! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


BEFORE we get to the latest “news” (in a long string of ever-increasing U.S. jihadis, be they converts or not) concerning Islamists caught plotting inside America, let’s veer slightly off course.

THE photo of John Booker (one of 2 confirmed Kansas jihadis, but there are likely others), though 5 years old, is quite interesting. Does anyone else notice that he can pass for a he/she? Androgynous…just a casual observation…small talk.

Bomb Plot Kansas


MOVING right along, several relevant intersections must be explored – related to the recent arrests – and they require an airing before we shine a spotlight on Kansas. In this regard, firstly, ISIS is front and center; secondly, military installations are in the mix; and thirdly, as always, the media sees no Islamic evil, hears no Islamic evil. Deaf, dumb and blind!

IN fact, the script is so predictable that a well-informed high schooler could write it. Be that as it may, let’s start with the first intersection: ISIS’s “inspiration” within the Islamic community in America. Western nations alike.


INHERENTLY, now that assorted jihadi tentacles – in tandem with ISIS – are busy hacking off heads, they understand they must up the ante. On the one hand, never underestimate the art of propaganda, which serves as a dual-edged sword; terrorizing westerners, as well as “inspiring” other Islamists to join their cause. Yes, even one of their slick and gory-filled magazines is called INSPIRE. It is not for nothing.

Samir Khan, a 24-year-old American known for distributing terrorist propaganda material online, was killed by a U.S. drone strike on September 30, 2011, two years after he moved to Yemen to align himself with Al Qaeda.

Federal authorities have claimed that Khan was the principal author of Inspire, Al Qaeda’s first-ever English-language magazine that provides detailed bomb-making instructions and calls on followers to “destroy” America. The graphics, design and overall packaging of Inspire resemble those on Khan’s various blogs and in Jihad Recollections, the self-described “first English Jihad magazine” in which Khan was a contributor.

The inaugural issue of Inspire was released online in July 2010 by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, where Khan has lived since October 2009. In the second issue, which was released in October 2010, Khan writes that he is “proud to be a traitor to America” and criticizes the U.S. government and its military incursions overseas. The U.S. and its allies, according to Khan, must be defeated in order to “implant Islam all over the world.”  “I am acutely aware that body parts have to be torn apart, skulls have to be crushed and blood has to be spilled,” Khan writes.

In the seventh issue of Inspire, published just days before his death, Khan underscored the importance of media for the global jihadist movement, noting that “ideas are bulletproof and have an outstanding lifespan,” and that therefore “the credible ideas that we bring is what intimidates them [the West] the most.”


NOT unexpectedly, the second intersection – military bases on home soil – always present an attractive target. Significantly, a core component to the Kansas saga (demonstrated in a report below) revolves around the jihadi’s plan to infiltrate the military to wage jihad. His failure to become a full time recruit was only an act of fortuitous happenstance. In other words, he initially passed the army’s recruitment muster but was stopped short. Hmm.

SIMILARLY, readers are familiar with several acts of Islamic terror by Muslim-American army personnel, chiefly, repeated jihad at Fort Hood! Seriously, how inept are the recruiters? How low are their standards? 

ANOTHER major act of jihad targeted the soldiers at Fort Hood – 5 years after Major Hassan, a “soldier for Allah” , perpetrated an Islamic terror attack – and mowed down its personnel. In no uncertain terms, said terrorist acts shine a spot light on intersecting and pernicious failures within the Pentagon. And since the Pentagon is subservient to the Commander-in-Chief, well, the buck stops at his derelict, anti-American door. Damn these leaders to hell. And back. 

In this regard, it is all too convenient to point to PTSD, albeit a serious disorder which effects countless others. This illness is commonly attributed to war veterans and high risk law enforcement personnel, but they are hardly the only grouping prone to said affliction. ANY serious stress factor, including drug and alcohol addiction, can trigger it.

Be that as it may, this site’s investigative contacts are affirming:Lopez was a convert to Islam. Yet, Washington and their captured media are attempting to keep a lid on the most relevant info to explain Islamic-inspired mass killings at U.S. army bases. How dare they.

MOST coincidentally, what should rational folks attribute to the FBI’s hunt for another ! jihadi recruit at the very same time as Lopez’s terror attack: FBI, military hunt ex-Army recruit suspected of plotting ‘Ft. Hood-inspired jihad’….

CONSEQUENTLY, rational folks would internalize that allowing Muslims to serve in the U.S. military (except under very strict vetting) poses a grave risk for the nation at large, even if Islamic mouthpieces scream their heads off. Agreed?


ALAS, due to the above and so much more, where does the “fourth estate” fit into the tragic national situation? As stated in a previous commentary:

NEVERTHELESS, it can’t be stressed enough how invested the media is with their self-inflicted omerta, re the biggest threat to western civilization bar none; Islamic-driven (Sunni/ Shia) genocidal jihad! The media is wholly, incontrovertibly, incontestably (and every other similar descriptor) complicit! After all, how many waving flags etc do they require as proof of the same?

Still wondering if the woman named ‘Noelle Valentzas’ arrested, along with Asia Siddiqui, in the recent Islamic terrorist bomb plot on NYC is a Muslim, despite her very Christian-sounding name?

BACK to Kansas…

John T. Booker

A year ago, he wanted to join the U.S. Army to kill his fellow soldiers. When that didn’t work, 20-year-old John T. Booker repeatedly expressed his desire to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or commit a suicide attack in the United States on the terrorist group’s behalf.

Booker, a convert to Islam who changed his name to Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, said American soldiers are enemies to Muslims, and the Quran sanctions killing enemies anywhere.

FBI agents arrested Booker Friday morning just outside Fort Riley, a military base near Manhattan, Kan. He was driving a van loaded with what he thought was 1,000 pounds of explosives. In fact, the bomb was rendered inert by FBI agents and informants. He is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, attempting to blow up government property and providing material support to the Islamic State.

In conversations with an FBI informant, Booker repeatedly expressed his intent to kill. “I will kill any kuffar. I will follow any place … if I was with [the Islamic State] and they said look, we are going to the White House right now … I would go with them without any question,” he saidin November.

He was rejected by the Army in March 2014, after someone alerted authorities to Facebook posts extolling violent jihad and expressing his desire to kill American soldiers. “I will soon be leaving you forever so goodbye! I’m going to wage jihad and hopes that I die.” In another post the same month, he said: “Getting ready to be killed in jihad is a HUGE adrenaline rush!!! I am so nervous. NOT because I’m scared to die but I am eager to meet my lord.”

Booker told FBI agents at that time he wanted to enlist “to commit an insider attack against American soldiers like Major Nidal Hassan had done at Fort Hood, Texas.”

For reasons that aren’t clear, Booker was left alone until October, when an informant started talking with him. Booker suggested several ideas for terrorist attacks, mentioning Fort Riley as an attractive target “because the post is famous and there are a lot of soldiers stationed there.”

He also said “he wanted to see the fear in the kuffar’s eyes as he pushed the button and they ran for their lives,” the criminal complaint filed Friday said.

Last month, Booker said he wanted to emulate a suicide truck bombing by an American known as “Jihadi Joe.” Booker bought supplies to make a car-bomb from a list the informants provided. He made two martyrdom videos, including one in which he gave his bayah [pledge of allegiance] to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and urged Muslims to support them.

The other video, recorded Wednesday, shows Booker describing his 1,000-pound ammonium nitrate bomb. “Inshallah, this will kill many kuffar [nonbelievers]. This message is to you America. You sit in your homes and you think that this war is just over in Iraq . . . we today we will bring the Islamic State straight to your doorstep. You think this is just a game … when this bomb blows up and kills as many kuffar as possible, maybe then you’ll realize it.”

MIND you, upon listening to the bizarre liveleak “news” report re the jihadi terrorists from Kansas, one could be forgiven for “reasonably” believing that Booker (and his accomplices) is any old Joe blow, or right-wing anarchist bent on revenge against the government. Specifically, pay attention to the media’s reference to the term “anyone”… mention of  “a variety of reasons”… and other such obfuscation and jive talk. Yes, the word jihad was referenced but without any Islamic linkage. 

MOREOVER, as expected, the appendage “mentally ill” and “bi-polar” is another handy excuse that apologists use for jihadi behavior!

CONCLUSIVELY, sentient individuals (who are not steeped in Islam) can’t help but conclude, thus, coming to the same (verifiable) denominator: factually, those who wage jihad across the globe have one component in common, that is, killing on behalf of Islam and in the name of Allah…Allahu Akbar! 

ADDING jihad atop jihad, they ain’t done yet: their clarion call to wage Islamic war within America will be blasted ALL over America and here’s how:

Jameel Syed is the leader of Project Muaddhin, which will blast the Muslim call to jihad on loudspeakers across all 50 states beginning Friday. This project is meant to be a wake up call to all American infidels.

The project is not limited to major cities in the United States, but also includes sites like the Grand Canyon. This will ruin many family vacations.

The call to jihad, called Adhan, that will be played by Syed is the final sermon of the Islamic “prophet” Sallallahu ‘alyhi wa sallam.

Most Americans have never heard this sermon before. Until now, this call to jihad was largely limited to Islamic countries.

But now America will get a taste of the sweet sounds of jihad that are so well known throughout these war-torn countries.

YES, this is war by John Preston …

EXPLICITLY, in the words of the Quran (Koran), the Islamic War Book, its mandates couldn’t be any clearer. And if anyone opines that said doctrine is a one-off passage, well, they should just shut their trap. Ignoramuses and dangerous dupes to boot!

Islamic Kiddies Perfect The “Art” Of Beheading:America In The Cross Hairs.What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ISIS have got a kid to execute the 'Israeli spy'


(On the upswing….kiddie beheaders…coming to a western locale near you!!)

FEW are unaware that America (under the anti-American-in-Chief) has purposefully abdicated its mantle of leadership throughout the world. This includes both domestic and foreign areas of concern. However, the arena which is most visible, dangerously so, revolves around Obama Inc.’s (western leaders alike) heinous refusal to link Islamic mandates to barbaric acts of terror. 

President Obama would have us believe Islam is truly the Religion of Peace. He condemned ISIS as completely un-Islamic when he spoke about their beheading of American journalist James Foley, before returning to the golf course to complete his round.

“So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.”

Yet Obama, who openly declares his love for the Qur’an after studying Islam since his childhood, certainly should know Islam’s Holy Book actually encourages the behavior of ISIS.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”


GRANTED, as repulsive as it is, the fact remains that Islamic doctrine advocates beheading (and similar Hudud doctrine) as “appropriate” punishment under Shariah Law. So the question becomes: do Americans (and the rest of the west) agree to live under said dictates or not? Mind you, this is hardly a theoretical question, not at all. In fact, it is completely practical in nature. How so?


AS to the kiddie element, well, all evidence is leading to the fact that their grooming is on the upswing and its lethal effects are spreading. Why would Americans (westerners) think they are immune, knowing full well that what starts in the streets of the Mid East/Africa ends up (sooner or later) in theirs? Indeed. 

HARDLY an anomaly…a spreading cancer!

IN reality, what seems like an endemic problem in far away lands is nothing of the kind. This mindset is wishful thinking.

PRAY tell, is Oklahoma in the U.S. – or not? Is N.J. in the U.S. – or not? There are other states too.

NOW, what about Muslim-Americans who threaten to behead, yet haven’t gotten the chance to carry out their act(s) of Islamic retribution?

Allahu Akbar or Allah is Greater originated as a threat during Mohammed’s genocide of Jews in what is today Saudi Arabia. It still continues to be shouted at scenes of Muslim violence.

Its underlying meaning is “Allah is greater than your God”. And the proof of that is usually violent.

As the number of Muslims in the US grows, the kind of Muslim Supremacist anti-Semitic harassment that had become commonplace in Europe is headed here.

A 24-year-old resident of Miami Beach has been arrested by Miami Beach Police after he repeatedly yelled “Allahu Akbar” and “your heads will be cut off” at a two Jewish men Saturday night, Miami Beach Police said Tuesday.

According to the Police, the two men – David Weberman, 58, and Issac Rosenberg 32, – were sitting outside the Ohev Shalom Synagogue located at 7055 bonita drive at around 9:25 pm on Saturday night when Diego Chaar, 24, walked by with a friend and yelled at them, “Allahu Akbar.” The two first ignored him. But them Chaar yelled twice, ‘heads will be cut off’, which prompted the two men to leave the scene in fear of their safety.

Miami Beach Police responded to the scene, and after canvasing the area with Weberman and Rosenberg they located the two men hiding behind cars. The two Jewish men identified the suspect, but he denied having said anything to them. The officers then let them walk free.

About an hour later, at around 10:10 pm, the same two men again walked by the synagogue and once again yelled “Allahu Akbar” and “your heads will be cut off”. At this point high-ranking detectives responded to the call and arrested the suspects.


BESIDES, rationally speaking, isn’t the common denominator to the “art” of beheading rooted in Islam? Of course.

IN effect, the next query becomes: since Islamic slaughter continues apace all over the world, what exactly will it take for U.S. leadership, Congress especially, to act on behalf of the American people? In other words, how many heads will have to fly within the streets of America, before HUSSEIN Obama (and surrogates) is forced to deal with Islam’s poisonous effects, albeit, not under his own free will?

The Islamic State released a video Tuesday purporting to show a young boy executing an Israeli Arab who it claimed infiltrated the group in Syria to spy for the Jewish state. In the video, a youth identifying himself as Mohammed Said Ismail Musallam recounts how he was recruited by Israeli intelligence.


Dressed in the familiar orange jumpsuit, 19-year-old Musallam is shown kneeling in front of the boy, who appears to be no more than 12 years old, and a man standing at his side. The man, speaking in French, issues threats against Jews in France, before the boy walks around in front of the hostage and then shoots him in the forehead using a pistol.

The boy, who shouts “Allahu Akbar” then shoots the man four more times as he lies on the ground.

'More like Islam and Mohammed.'

ISIS Child executioner

In February, Musallam’s father denied in comments to AFP the ISIS claim that his son was an Israeli agent. “My son is innocent; ISIS accused him of working for Mossad because he tried to run away,” Said Musallam said, claiming that his son had travelled to Syria to join the jihadists.

Following release of the video Tuesday, Musallam said he did “not know anything”. “He is absolutely not religious,” Musallam said earlier, adding that perhaps his son had been recruited through the Internet. Musallam said his son, an Israeli citizen, abandoned his national service in the fire department to join ISIS.

Grieving parents

In the video below, Mohammed Said Ismail Musallam, explains how he was, in fact, recruited and trained by the Israelis to be a spy, after which he was sent to Syria to gather information about ISIS and on any Palestinians there. He says his family  not only approved of his career choice, but encouraged him because of the high rate of pay he would receive.

YES, inch by inch, step by step, stealth by stealth, Shariah Law is being implemented/implanted in the U.S. In fact, who would have thought (even 5 years ago) that demands made by Muslims would override everyone else’s, even to the extent of overhauling the training of all law enforcement? Do they live in an Islamic country or in America? 

As America veers towards Islamic Sharia law in order to cater to the demanding minority of Muslims, citizens are seeing not only an attempt to include and appease Muslims, but an infringement upon the rights of the majority.

With such a vocal group as that of Islam in the U.S., major corporations are making a shift toward including the brutal slaughter that is halal, and the newest addition to the list of Muhammad-approved businesses is the largest superstore yet.

The Miami Student reports that Wal-Mart has taken the leap into dangerous waters, approving the provision of halal meats.

With a petition, Oxford assistant professor Tareq Hasan Khan and the Muslim Student Association (MSA) of Miami University has pressured Wal-Mart into providing meats that have been slaughtered in a manner acceptable by halal standards, as per the Quran.

(Let it be noted that the petition garnered only 50 signatures while passed around the internet.)

According to the Quranic definition, halal livestock should be slaughtered by slitting the throat of the beast, bleeding the animal out by the throat, all while invoking the name of Allah in prayer. It’s often argued that halal slaughter is the most humane form of butchery, claiming that the animal endures as little pain and suffering as possible, but the documented videos reveal the ugly truth.

EFFECTIVELY, Shariah Law courts are already in place (illustrated here too) in America, and others are in the offing. In fact, Muslim-American leaders admit that the implementation of Shariah Law is their absolute goal to subvert the Constitution. Believe them.

AGREED, some may innocently inquire: isn’t it a big leap to suggest that “accommodating” growing demands made by Muslims in certain arenas is a quantum leap from decapitation becoming a reality of life in America? Not at all.

ABOVE all else, as mentioned repeatedly, without Shariah Law there is no Islam. It is all encompassing and one cannot pick and choose which laws are binding and which are not. This includes decapitation, and it is an ingrained part of Shariah Law. Period.  

AMERICANS need to ask themselves the following urgent query: what are their own “green/Islamist lines”? Again, are flying heads said demarcation, or will Americans assert themselves before then?

TIME will tell. Running out…

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}


ISIS’s Footprints In NYC: Brooklyn In The Forefront. Where Are The (Jihadi) Dots? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

MANY of this site’s readership are aware that NYC is this investigative journalist’s hometown, though now living in Israel. Yes, born and bred. A native. In fact, there are few neighborhoods – within its five boroughs – which are unfamiliar. Indeed, like the back of one’s hand, Brooklyn is a singular stomping ground, as is Manhattan. 

IN this regard, when trying to comprehend the “news” that several Brooklyn-based jihadists aimed to join ISIS, please keep in mind several intrinsic factors. Don’t get distracted by the fact that they are Uzbekistan and Kazakhastan nationals. Yada…yada…Said locales/nationalities are neither here nor there.  In other words, the fact that they are of Central Asian descent has zip to do with their desire to destroy the west, America being “ground zero.”


FIRST and foremost, jihad is waged under the banner of ISLAM, and nothing else takes precedence. 

THE videotaping of Coptic Christians – and others similarly decapitated – must be understood as part of a goal-oriented program with two-tiers: propaganda recruitment, and striking (immediate/concomitant) terror in the west’s heart. Shock value.

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, said acts are absolutely underpinned by the Koran, and can be found in several unambiguous verses: Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” 

SO those who jive talk and scream that this barbarism is not Islamic, they are either ignorant of Islam’s dictates or they are attempting to Allah-wash Islamic-derived jihad. In either case, just ignore them or smack them upside the head. Whatever works….


AS such, since factor one is Islam über alles – regardless of the individual’s ethnic origins, race, or even previous religious background – as long as one is a Muslim committed to Islam (all others are defacto apostates) one becomes a part of the worldwide Islamic ummah

Islam teaches that shari’a, as God’s revealed law, perfect and eternal, is binding on individuals, society and state in all its details. By logical extension, any criticism of shari’a is heresy. Muslims who deny the validity of shari’a in any way are labeled as non-Muslims (infidels) or apostates (those who convert to another religion) by traditionalists and Islamists. As such, they face the threat of being prosecuted for apostasy, a crime that carries the death penalty in shari’a.

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning “nation” or “community“. It is distinguished from Sha’b (Arabic: شعب‎) which means a nation with common ancestry or geography. Thus, it can be said to be a supra-national community with a common history.

It is a synonym for ummat al-Islamiyah (Arabic: الأمة الإسلامية‎) (the Islamic Nation), and it is commonly used to mean the collective community of Islamic peoples. In the Quran the ummah typically refers to a single group that shares common religious beliefs, specifically those that are the objects of a divine plan of salvation.[1][2] In the context of Pan-Islamism and politics, the word Ummah can be used to mean the concept of a Commonwealth of the Believers (أمة المؤمنين ummat al-mu’minīn).

AND it is under the “proverbial” wings of the ummah, aka the worldwide commonwealth, that jihad is waged. It defies locale, whether one is in the Mid East, Africa, Asia, Europe, America…and so on. Incontrovertibly, Islam’s mandated barbarism spans the globe! This is precisely why screams of Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) are heard all over the world, whenever infidels are slaughtered, thus, raising the banner of Islam even further. Striking fear in their hearts, again, is key: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Believe it.

BACK to NYC…Brooklyn, as a “test” case….

YES, although Islamists are “hiding in plain sight” throughout NY (and EVERY state in America), Brooklyn should be a primary focus, although Queens is not far behind. A runner up.

WHO recalls this investigative journalist’s op-ed from 2005 (having been less than six degrees separated from said investigative documents), re the Brooklyn-based “Blind Sheikh” and his global jihadi connected dots? Absolutely, his jihad started decades ago, but he was not only given re-entry into the U.S. (despite being on a “watch list”, yet, coddled by the CIA), he was allowed to incite, unimpeded, at two Brooklyn mosques! Rahman was housed at the al Farooq at Atlantic Avenue; the Abu Bakr on Foster Avenue in Brooklyn — a mosque his radical followers soon took over — and the Al-Salaam (Mosque of Peace), located on the third floor of a Jersey City building above a cell-phone store. Unbelievable.

NOW, it has been proven, six ways to Sunday, that he (with key accomplices) had a direct hand in the 1993 attack on the Twin Towers, as well as in 9/11/01. Not only that, but what about the Blind Sheikh’s connection to enumerable acts of jihad (though not identified as such, at least until after 9/11/01), but also with the opening act of jihad on U.S. soil? He gave the direct order to assassinate Rabbi Meir Kahane – in NYC’s midtown Marriott Hotel – in 1990. Yes, he did.

RESULTANT, the fact that the arrested “jihadis of interest” plotted within Brooklyn’s confines makes perfect sense. In reality, nothing has changed, in so far as free rein is given to Islam’s followers within NYC and all points in between.

(their faces are blacked out…they are not minors…so, why??)

Two Brooklyn, New York, roommates who sought to go to Syria and join Islamic State were charged with conspiring to support the terror group that controls a swath of Iraq and Syria and publicly executes its captives.

Also charged was a mall kiosk operator accused of helping buy them plane tickets.

The U.S. is leading a coalition of nations in a battle against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIL or ISIS, with air attacks. The Sunni Muslim insurgent group’s recruiting in the U.S. “represents an evolving threat to our country and to our allies,” Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch said in a statement.

The latest case “sends shivers down the spine of New Yorkers and clearly underscores that we must remain ever- vigilant in the face of terror threats,” U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat, said in a statement.

Akhror Saidakhmetov, a 19-year-old Kazakh national, was arrested as he was preparing to leave from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York to Syria by way of Turkey, according to prosecutors. His roommate, Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, a 24-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan, had planned a similar trip for next month, prosecutors said.

The third man, Abror Habibov, 30, also an Uzbek national, operates mall kiosks in Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and employed Saidakhmetov, according to prosecutors. He was arrested in Florida and is in federal custody.

Juraboev and Saidakhmetov “confessed” to federal investigators that “the purpose of their travel was to go to Syria and join ISIS and wage jihad on behalf ISIS,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Douglas Pravda told U.S. Magistrate Judge Lois Bloom Wednesday when the two appeared in Brooklyn federal court.

The pair, both dressed in hooded sweatshirts and jeans, said little during the appearance. Bloom denied them bail. All three suspects face a maximum of 15 years in prison if convicted.

The men came to the attention of law enforcement last year after Juraboev and Saidakhmetov expressed support online for the establishment of an Islamic state, prosecutors said.

 “Shoot Obama’

Juraboev had posted to an Uzbek-language website that he wanted to “shoot Obama” to “strike fear into the hearts of infidels,” according to a complaint unsealed Wednesday in federal court.

When federal agents interviewed him in August, Juraboev acknowledged he wrote and posted the message and said he would harm U.S. President Barack Obama if he had the opportunity to do so, not “because of ill will toward him, but rather because of Allah,” according to the complaint.

Saidakhmetov also posted to the website and said he wanted to travel to Syria, prosecutors alleged.

While speaking to a third roommate, who was paid to serve as an informant to federal agents and wasn’t named in court documents, Saidakhmetov said he was worried he couldn’t make the journey because his mother “feared” he would wage jihad and “took his passport so he could not travel,” according to the complaint.

Stuck in the U.S., Saidakhmetov said in recorded conversations that he wanted to join the American military to learn information that could help Islamic State or that he would “just go and buy a machine gun, AK-47, go out and shoot all the police,” according to the complaint.

‘Kill the FBI’

Image result for pics of isis arrests in nyc

“We will go to FBI headquarters, kill the FBI people,” he said, according to the complaint..

The informant eventually helped Saidakhmetov obtain substitute travel documents, prosecutors alleged.

“The defendants violated the true tenets of their faith in pursuit of their radical, violent agenda,” Federal Bureau of Investigation Assistant Director in Charge Diego Rodriguez said in a statement. (blogger’s note: actually, they were following the true tenets of Islam, regardless of the FBI’s Allah-wash)

Along with killing Obama, Juraboev told federal agents that he would also “plant a bomb on Coney Island if he were so ordered,” according to the complaint.

In electronic communications with an Iraq-based administrator of the propaganda website “Islamic State News,” Juraboev said: “I am in the land of infidels” and added he might be arrested by U.S. authorities because “of what I told them about Obama,” according to the complaint.

The case is U.S. v. Juraboev, 15-mj-00172, U.S.District Court, Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn).

SIMILARLY, Brinsley, an NYPD cop killer (Dec. 20, 2014), also exhorted the tenets of Islamic jihad throughout various social media venues, one of which landed on his FB page (Brooklyn, there we go again…in the mix) via “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah”…Sura 8!   

So Ismaaiyl Brinsley the killer of the two cops in Brooklyn, NY, has two Muslim names “Ismaaiyl” and a middle name “Abdullah” (see mugshot bellow) which means “servant of Allah,” is a fan of sheikh Yusuf Estes, who is not only neck deep in the Muslim Da’wa movement (the call to convert westerners to Islam) but Estes meets with both ISIS and Hamas financiers, and Brinsley loved the Koran, specifically Surah 8 on his own Facebook page, which calls for arming for preparation for Jihad war; it says all on what we need for motive as to why Brinsley shot the two officers. That accompanied with Hamas supporters who were proven to have been behind the riots in Ferguson is a complete recipe for killing cops as we present the evidence in this article.

Brinsley is a jihad sympathizer who used the racial turmoil as an excuse to kill Americans. The Ferguson riots as we shall see here were pushed and organized by Muslim fundamentalists in America.

Firstly, the verse he likes to read is:

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.

ALL these coinquidinks…

EVEN so, make no mistake: it is of utmost interest that said Brooklyn-based ISIS-aligned jihadis, like others throughout the U.S. (Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia kiosks are part of this latest jihad, though there are likely others, in various states, waiting to be uncovered), operated kiosks. How so?

WELL, readers may recall certain droppings re Hezbollah (Sunni jihadists alike) and their usage of the I-95 as operational highways and byways:

FOR the record, some explosive info wended this way and it was handed over to trusted investigative contacts. It involved a particular cigarette smuggling AND counterfeit (knock-off) goods operation, in relation to Hezbollah’s sleeper cells in the U.S. Mind you, this jihadi “fund raising” zig zags across the Shia and Sunni divide. It runs mainly, but not exclusively, up and down the I-95 (U.S.) corridor.

NOT to get too specific, chains of convenience stores (from one end of the interstate to the other) and gas stations are deeply in the mix.

ASK yourselves: whom do you think owns these terror-supporting businesses, “mom and pop” entrepreneurs? and what are their ultimate goals, in support of said smuggling?…..

ALAS, the perfect cover for transfers of large sums of cash F/B/O jihad run through, among other venues, chains of convenience stores (think: “certain” foreign owned “quickie” marts, gas stations and the like) and kiosks – whether mall-based or street side – throughout the U.S. But hauling the cash also requires many moving parts, one of which is its laundering through cigarette smuggling and counterfeit goods via highways and byways! 

I-95 is a particularly busy connecting point, as repeatedly mentioned. Therefore, the above linked states – Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia – for Brooklyn’s jihadists, via their kiosks, are not randomly chosen.

JUST connect the jihadi dots…enough said! 

(re-blogged at Islam Exposed)

(re-blogged at Israel’s Voice)

COUNTERWEIGHTS Against Islam: Militarily, Cartoon-wise, Commentaries & More. Get Busy! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


LET’S get real: countless Americans (westerners) are just too damn forgiving of the unforgivable and intolerable. They will rue said posture. Similarly, others find it easier to be lulled back to sleep and adhere to PC dictates, rather than admit that the cost of inaction will inevitably extract an exorbitant price. Deadly in scope.

BE that as it may, how is it that 9/11/01 wasn’t enough of a catalyst for major pushback, in a way in which Muslims in America (wherever they reside within the nation, from the biggest cities to the smallest towns) understand the following ground rules: unequivocally, if any terror attack under the banner of Islam – Allahu Akbar-like – takes place within the nation, rest assured, the people will rise up!

As Muhammad Atta wrote in his final exhortation to himself, “Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.” While the mainstream media continues to identify the rioters as “French-born youths of Arab or African origin, many of them Muslim,” in fact the Islamic identity of the rioters is quite clear: rioters have avoided Muslim-owned businesses, preferring obviously non-Muslim targets.

WHETHER in France or in America, truly, how many Boston (read: any city USA) marathon bombings (and other acts of jihad) will it take to awaken the patriotic public (and in an action-oriented way), regardless of the leadership’s orders to treat the Muslim community with kid gloves? How many soldiers will have to die at their hands on US army bases for requisite lessons to be learned? And since all these terror attacks (domestically and globally) have ONE commonality, jihad in the name of Islam, how can it be that adherents to Islam are not seen as the danger within? And so on…

BESIDES, what’s so hard about clarifying said (national) red line? Seriously, is there something wrong with Americans (westerners and Israelis too) wanting to protect their nation? Apparently.

IN this regard, Obama Inc, with malice and forethought, throws the non-Muslim community under the bus, even as they bend over ass backwards to ensure that Muslims in America (and worldwide) are protected!

Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, was quoted by the Tullahoma News this week suggesting that some inflammatory material on Islam might run afoul of federal civil rights laws.

“We need to educate people about Muslims and their civil rights, and as long as we’re here, they’re going to be protected,” Killian told the newspaper….

ALONG a similar protective and mendacious vein,

Wednesday at a ceremony to appoint Texas lawyer Shaarik Zafar to be special representative to Muslim communities, Secretary of State John Kerry said it was the United States’ Biblical “responsibility” to “confront climate change,” including to protect “vulnerable Muslim majority counties.”


AUDACIOUSLY, every time a patriot turns around, another demand is made to “accommodate” their Shariah Law thrust, chiefly via the Brotherhood’s mouthpiece, CAIR. So, aren’t the powers that be demanding that patriots assist in their own national suicide? Rhetorical.


DESPITE all the capitulations, the fact remains that there is a military solution, irrespective of the blatherings of HUSSEIN Obama and surrogates. Otherwise, disband the military and let the chips fall where they may, regardless of the threats.

Sending a giant THANK YOU to those that have served...are serving now...and are about to start their service!  Be safe--we love you!

ON the other hand, listen to the Jihadi-in-Chief’s mouthpiece and decide if you agree:

This truly must be one of the dumbest statements ever about war strategy in general and how to defeat ISIS specifically. Watch Marie Harf babble:

What the West really needs to take on the Islamic State is … a jobs program. 

That’s what a top State Department spokeswoman suggested when asked in a TV interview Monday night about what the U.S.-led coalition is doing to stop the slaughter of civilians by Islamic State militants across the region.

“We’re killing a lot of them, and we’re going to keep killing more of them. … But we cannot win this war by killing them,” department spokeswoman Marie Harf said on MSNBC’s “Hardball.” “We need … to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether –” (blogger’s note: of course, Islam has ZERO to do with decapitating the non-believer…Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” …and other Koranic dictates!)

At that point, Harf was interrupted by host Chris Matthews, who pointed out, “There’s always going to be poor people. There’s always going to be poor Muslims.”

Harf continued to argue that the U.S. should work with other countries to “help improve their governance” and “help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people.” AS to Harf, where’s a barf bag when you need one??

NOT only is there a military “solution” to ISIS and their allied terror offshoots, but its knock-on effects would reverberate across the globe, summarily catapulting straight into the heart of America! How so? If done properly, sans any hesitation, its cascade would be so punishing to global jihadists that their co-conspirators on US soil wouldn’t dare to raise their jihadi banner for decades to come.

NEVERTHELESS, failure to implement other measures – those which are more subtle but no less significant – will be very costly. Yes, their place in the west’s pushback against Islam is absolutely mandatory. Counterweights.

ENTER, cartoon contests…commentaries alike.

AT its base, followers of Islam are intent on implanting Shariah Law across America and the west. They believe it is their “divine” right to submit non-Muslims to the will of Allah. Yes, “it be” true.

AS such, this core Islamic dictate is no longer up for debate and that is that. But in order to effectuate the silencing, the most important thrust is through enacting Blasphemy Laws which punishes any criticism of Islam, including drawing cartoons of the “prophet” and the like. Hence, worldwide mayhem, killings and associated terror, whenever cartoons rear their head – Charlie Hebdo-like!







REGARDLESS, the ultimate and urgent question becomes: will Americans agree to be silenced, hence, submit? Indeed, to be silent is to agree.

IF not, those who are artistically inclined (this investigative journalist can barely draw a straight line…will leave this domain to others who possess said gift) must join the struggle! After all, what are they going to do, kill countless artists? Agreed, those who are in the public limelight certainly need to take requisite precautions. This investigative journalist knows the score – threatened this way and that way  and doesn’t require any reminders. But failure to enter the fray – out of abject fear – is simply unconscionable.

AND those who are adept with words, why not pen some op-eds and letters to the editor, stating that America will not submit, regardless of anything they do? 

WHICH brings us to other patriots, who are neither artists nor writers. Don’t despair. You too can have a mega impact on your communities (for instance, by paying attention to what is going on at community mosques, and coming out in full force, community-wise, against their expansive efforts), as most are in Islam’s cross hairs, sooner or later.

Paris is falling and there is little that can be done about it.  Islamic terrorists and their supporters have captured this great city. They will forever live in fear. The same attacks will soon be in America. Our children, parents, friends, and neighbors will soon face firsthand Sharia law. Young American daughters will be stolen from the arms of their mothers. Jihadists will take your daughter and sell her for a few hundred dinar to the nearest bidder. If you are lucky the jihadists will give you a quick death. If you are pretty and strong you may be sold the purchaser of the buyer who bought your young daughter.

Sharia law in America will destroy America.  Americans will be shamed to the utmost because they will have to do their Arab masters bidding – Judaism and Christianity will be abolished.

The attacks in Paris are only a beginning.  America will suffer many more.

It is time for you to pick and chooses your friends.  The Islamic ideology and Muslims are not your saviors and friends.  You must count on neighbors, family, long-term friends and your religious organizations.

The future war between good and evil is upon us.  Stockpile food, water, medicines, fuel if possible, ammo and guns.  Martial law will be put into place and everything will be scarce.  Buy silver and gold and establish a safe house for you and your family.

The most important thing you can do right now is to begin an extensive campaign mocking and slandering Mohammed and Islam every chance you get.   Mark your cars and homes with these markings.  Wear apparel with slander of Mohammed.  If you own RV’s take travels through cities with anti Mohammed messages.  We must send a strong message to the terrorists.  Americans have said enough and will not take more.  It may be time to fight for our country.

FOR further inspiration – aside from the correction below – listen up!


ONE CORRECTION BILL – You said you never heard of any Muslim rape gangs in America as there are in Britain. Take a look:











ALAS, those who require religious inspiration, be it Christian or Jewish, think about the following flipside, and decide if it rings true – or not.


REGARDLESS of all else, the fact remains that Islamic jihad, as bad as it is now, is going to escalate. Rational folks understand as much.

SO an additional question becomes: what other option is there, aside from engaging in some form of pro-action to beat back Islam? And if the answer is in the affirmative, then every able-bodied American (westerner) of majority age must join the struggle. 

INTRINSICALLY, this generation’s children, as well as future ones, will hold today’s adults responsible for all the blow back which will engulf their lives. Still, if anyone believes that the above propositions are hysteria-induced, recall how shocking 9/11/01 felt (as if it was a bolt out of the blue, yet, it shouldn’t have been viewed as such), and how brazen Islamic barbarians have become since then. Ask yourselves: how many knew that decapitation, cannibalism and mowing down minority after minority is nothing new under the jihadi sun within Islamic circles?

FAST forward to another decade or less, and ISIS’s, Boko Haram’s (and so on) barbarism will appear like “routine business” – in America and the west in toto!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Americans, BAN Shariah Law Before It Is Too Late! Bombard Your Reps & Take A Stand…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



This is the true face of Shariah law, as exposed, expressed, at UC Davis’s BDS intifada! Here too… }

BEFORE we proceed, let’s clear up the following whining and opining from Islamists and leftists: since Jews are allowed to arbitrate certain cases via a Rabbinical Bet Din, surely Muslims should have the same right, if they want to utilize their religious court option ala Shariah law, agreed? A fair question, but only if one is ignorant of the major underlying distinctions between the two, or if the questioner is malevolent in intent. That’s a mouthful, but no less true.

IN the main, the Bet Din … בית דין … handles commercial, communal and matrimonial conflicts, but its renderings can never violate the nation’s laws. Not only that, but the purpose of said adjudication is solely for Jewish litigants. On the other hand, Shariah law, while utilized by Muslims, is designed to (eventually) supplant the (western) laws of the land, to impose its basis upon all citizens, like it or not!              

IF you really want to understand what’s what, one must listen to well known hooked up Islamic leaders, as discomfiting as it is. They pull no punches, yet, are Americans, westerners at large, paying attention?

On the Ben Shapiro Show Thursday, Imam Anjem Choudary said the President Obama is “inventing” his own version of Islam to forward his foreign policy agenda and that the “radical” form Choudary espouses simply aligns with the principles of the Koran and Sharia Law.

Shapiro led into the segment by quoting from Choudary’s USA Today Jan. 8 opinion piece titled People Know the Consequences,” which blamed the French government for allowing publications to “provoke Muslims” and argued that Muslims do not in fact believe in the freedom of expression:

Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people’s desires.

Shapiro then asked Choudary to discuss the Muslim view on the freedom of expression, specifically with regard to the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Choudary explained that Muslim scripture made clear that those who insult the Prophet, like journalists at Charlie Hebdo, must be punished: “Those who would insult the Prophet, kill them.” Sharia Law he said, clearly requires any who would insult those Muslims deem “prophets,” including Moses and Jesus, be tried in court and punished. This a system, he added, that Muslims are willing to “fight for and even die for.”

When Shapiro asked him if he believed that Western governments should ban the blasphemy of Mohammed, Choudary said he wanted Sharia Law in its entirety to be imposed on Western governments because it was a “better” system. However, if that were not possible, laws should be put in place against “provoking Muslims.” As he stressed in his article, Choudary said that killings like those Wednesday are “the consequence of insulting the Prophet.”

Pointing to the incompatibility of the Western and Sharia systems, Shapiro asked Choudary why the West should allow people like him to live in their boundaries. Choudary said he was born in England so he had the right to live there, and that “people always change” and “change is good,” so he believed that it was time for the West to change.

Choudary: The difference between divine law and man-made law—in other words liberal democracy and [inaudible] moralities and liberties—is that divine law can’t be changed. We can’t change the Koran, we can’t change the sayings of the Prophet, which include insulting the Prophet and the consequences. But you can change your laws…

If the West’s laws are not change, he warned, we’ll have a “blood bath.”

Choudary argued that what we’re witnessing is a “clash of two civilizations,” with al-Baghdadi leading on one side and Barack Obama leading on the other, leading Shapiro to ask about Obama’s portrayal of Islam:

Shapiro: President Obama has repeatedly attempted to what he has characterized as “defend” Islam, saying that ISIS is not Islamic. He has said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” […] But the way he characterizes Islam is not the way you characterize Islam […] How many people do you represent versus how many people does President Obama represent when it comes to Islam? Are you in fact representative of a “tiny minority” within Islam or are you representative of something larger?

President Obama, Choudary said, is “lying” about Islam, along with other Western leaders. The Koran itself shows that “Barack Obama is a liar” about the religion’s true nature:

Choudary: Islam for them is whatever they think Islam is in terms of their own interests. Islam is in accordance to the Koran, of the sayings and actions of the Prophet. That’s it. […] I say to you, look at the Koran, look at the sayings of the Prophet, and check for yourself. Is Barack Obama a liar or am I lying? I think that you will find that he’s a liar. He’s only inventing Islam according to what his own foreign policy is.

Shapiro asked Choudary if he took offense to being called a “radical” by the Western media, to which he responded that in Scripture “every prophet of Islam was demonized,” adding that he simply teaches Sharia Law as it truly is.

YUP, you gotta give Choudary props for telling the truth! Always on (Islamic) message. In fact, he has been front and center within counter terrorism analyses for some time. 

IN this regard, those who are truly aghast at their bloodletting must understand that it makes no diff to them if they decapitate, burn alive, etc. in the Mid East, in any city USA or another western locale. The point being, when they reach a certain critical mass (via the activation of sleeper cells, be they ISIS, Hezbollah, or other Sunni branches all over America) it will ensure their deadly swathe.

YET if more evidence is required re the barbarism within Shariah law, this week’s burning of the Jordanian pilot is a prime example. It is explained by an acclaimed scholar of Islam, Dr. Mordechai Kedar:

Islamic State publicized a horrifying twenty minutevideo this week, the high point of which was the execution of a Jordanian pilot, Maaz al-Kassasbeh, by burning him alive. The film attempts to justify the punishment by describing Jordan’s part in the war against ISIS, using photos of ISIS dead, including women, children, men and mainly those burned to death.

The rest of the film has the pilot describing the involvement of the air forces of Jordan, United Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco and United States and notes that American planes take off from Turkish bases.

The film is edited professionally and includes impressive sound and visual effects that attest to the talents and abilities of its editors. Many minutes are spent showing a silent visit the Jordanian pilot makes to the ruins of a large building, which seems to be the staff headquarters of ISIS that was hit by the coalition’s airplanes, possibly even the plane flown by the Jordanian himself.

Anyone who attacks Islamic State will be condemned to Hell on earth – and if he is unsure about how Hell looks and about what happens to the wicked there, he now has a movie that answers both questions.
The entire film is meant to justify the scene that is shown near its end: the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot. The event is carefully staged: the pilot is put in an iron cage so that he has no chance of escaping the fire, and the orange clothes which he wears throughout the film are soaked in gasoline. Even the sand under the cage is full of gasoline and a rivulet of gasoline-soaked sand reaches the spot where a soldier stands carrying a stick to which a gasoline-soaked rag is attached. Another soldier lights the rag, it sets the rivulet on fire, the flames advance towards the cage and set the gasoline under the pilot’s feet ablaze and after the pilot dies in excruciating agony, a bulldozer arrives and covers the cage with rocks.

What the film presents is nothing new to anyone who is familiar with Islamic sources, those that tell about how Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin of Muhammed who  married his daughter Fatma and became the fourth Caliph, burned two heretics to death. There is a dispute among Islamic religious figures about whether that is allowed, opponents claiming that only God is licensed to condemn heretics to the flames – that is, to burn in Hell. Islamic State – which sees itself as the force that will reestablish the original Islamic State – uses Ali’s precedent on the burning of enemies, and allows punishment by fire on earth.

This point is extremely important to those in charge of the ISIS propaganda machine: the message the film conveys is that anyone who attacks Islamic State will be condemned to a living Hell – and if he is unsure about how Hell looks and about what happens to the wicked there, he now has a movie that answers both questions. Just for comparison’s sake: several months ago, the web was full of ISIS fighters talking about Yazidi girls that they were going to have their way with, and that, too, was a clear message: that is, instead of waiting for 72 virgins, whoever joins ISIS gets to enjoy Paradise on earth.

Another reason for burning the pilot to death is the Islamic legal principle of mutuality – the punishment must fit the crime. In the case of the Jordanian pilot the video takes pains to show ISIS victims, including children, burned in coalition attacks. Ths presentation of burned victims is meant to justify the method by which the pilot is executed, based on the mutuality principle.


RESULTANT, listen up…to two of my close contacts, Tom Trento and Dave Gaubatz:



Britain First's photo.
QUESTION: What are some of the most common techniques that Muslims use to become accepted members of U.S. society?

David Gaubatz 

The vast majority of people who identify with Islam in America do not adhere to Sharia law 100 percent as Islam dictates. They are essentially Apostates of Islam. There are thousands, if not millions, of Muslims who assimilate into the American culture by going to our colleges, obtaining legitimate employment, and swearing by the U.S. Constitution just to avoid scrutiny by the U.S. intelligence organizations. They are known as “Sleeper Cells.” When the timing is right, they will openly support physical Jihad operations against America and Israel. Our Mapping Sharia study shows that 75 plus percent of the mosques and Islamic centers in America have materials calling for hate and violence against non-Muslims and their respective governments.

AND not to get off topic, but is it any wonder that the Islamist-in-Chief is pushing for Shariah law, refusing to identify Islam with terror, regardless of the carnage? Well, stop wondering: he condemned violence committed by ISIS and other Islamic militant groups and called for a “push” against those who “try to distort our religion.”

AIN’T that special…once again via “my Muslim Faith”, he outed himself!

SO what’s to be done? Well, take a page out of the following (Mississippi) lawmaker’s playbook, even though a preponderance are deaf, dumb and blind:

AMERICANS (westerners) must fully internalize that the Islamic barbarism rampaging across the world is sanctioned under Shariah law. Forget about all the lies that ISIS (and every other Islamic-based hydra) is against Islam’s laws! The decapitations, and everything in between, are “Pure Islam”. Simple as that. Horrific.

AS a visual (mind’s eye) foretaste, just imagine what will happen to the “face” of America, if Shariah law becomes the law of the land, whether actually enshrined on the books or via practical application, as FULLY implemented already in Dearborn, Michigan! Did you realize that?

MIND you, this “lovely” young jihadi feels secure enough, an untouchable, to display her support for Hamas/Islamic jihad by screaming Allahu Akbar, as well as outfitting herself in Allah’s warrior garb at UC Davis!

PATRIOTS, please listen up: this jihadi-in-training is not dabbling in face paint, as a youthful rebellious streak or sorority hi-jinx. Not at all. She is portraying her true colors – PLEDGING ALLEGIANCE to Islamic jihad – and is just one aspiring Islamist among countless, all across America. She is DEADLY serious.


Islam’s Sexual Fatwas, Ethnic Purging & Worldwide Rampages: Clash of Civilizations…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


REALISTICALLY speaking, rational westerners must be able to recognize that a clash of civilizations is erupting throughout the world, at least wherever Islam has taken root.

IN all honesty, can adults seriously argue that the cultural, political and religious underpinnings of Islam are NOT at the epicenter of the worldwide bloodshed spilled under the banner of Islamic jihad, yet still claim to have their faculties intact? Readers, it makes no sense denying the obvious, unless living under the boot of Shariah Law is the acceptable way forward. Yes, for starters, internalizing the above should be the west’s focal point.

NOT only that, don’t get distracted, deceived or dissuaded by western leaders, as they opine that there is no clash between the west and Islam! Orwellian.

President Barack Obama on Wednesday addressed the United Nations General Assembly, focusing in large part on the U.S.’s current battle against the Islamic terrorist network ISIS.

Obama said that the U.S. is dedicated to fighting al Qaeda “and its associated forces” but said the U.S. “is not and never will be at war with Islam.” {blogger’s note: yes, the arsonist is now claiming to be the firefighter….on the other hand, if not for Benghazigate, arming the “rebels” – Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Salafists, ISIS aligned – then Libya wouldn’t have been blown apart and so on….)

“Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice,” he said. “And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them -– there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country.”

Obama continued: “So, we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations. Belief in permanent religious war is the misguided refuge of extremists who cannot build or create anything, and therefore peddle only fanaticism and hate. And it is no exaggeration to say that humanity’s future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along fault lines of tribe or sect; race or religion.”

SO sayeth the Islamist-in-Chief…..poppycock…horse manure. Besides, said denial is akin to believing that the moon is made of green cheese. Oh, really?

MOVING right along, let us just concentrate on a few major points of “irreconcilable differences” because there are too many to enumerate. Book-worthy. 


IN this regard, the fact remains that sexual deviance is the most compelling aberrant behavior. This is mainly due to its far reaching implications for society as a whole. 

MOREOVER, along these same lines, many readers are also familiar with Islam’s “laws of war” via sexual and slave jihad. If not, please catch up to speed. Why? It is THAT important. 

THINK of it this way: although there are sub-elements within western nations that violate acceptable standards of civilized behavior (mainly hailing from the radical/”progressive” left, like those who seek to legalize pedophilia and other sexual deviance…ala the North American Man/Boy Love Association…may all these twisted perverts die a slow, lingering death…), the fact remains that not only is their behavior criminal and outside the pale of society, but the religious underpinnings of America/west, Christianity and Judaism, hardly sanctions said twisted behavior in their doctrinal teachings!

BUT there’s more…Dr. Nakir Zaik, a Quranic scholar, upholds a fatwa that a man is still considered pure when he releases his lust with a sheep or a goat. Have mercy…on the sheep and goat!

Is there a proper Muslim way to have sex with animals? Indeed, there is! Guidelines for sex with animals can be found in the writings of Ayatollah Khomeini. Two excerpts from his writings serve to clarify the matter.

“A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” Don’t the buyers deserve a discount of some kind?

Khomeini’s “Tahrirolvasyleh” fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

“If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.” What if it was really good and invites another lap or two? Must animals always be one-night stands?


ATOP everything else, who hasn’t heard about the slaughtering of Christians, Jews and minority after minority, all under the banner of Islam, Allahu Akbar? Those living in caves, that’s who.

SO if ethnic purging is considered vile within western civilization (even though it takes place, again, it has never been “religiously” sanctioned), then wait until you read what else they have planned:

 AFP Photo / HO / Al-Furqan Media

Todenhofer lived side by side with the jihadist fighters for ten days in the Islamic State-stronghold city of Mosul, Iraq. He was accompanied only by his son, who served as his cameraman.

“I always asked them about the value of mercy in Islam,” but “I didn’t see any mercy in their behavior,” explained Todenhofer. He added, “Something that I don’t understand at all is the enthusiasm in their plan of religious cleansing, planning to kill the non-believers… They also will kill Muslim democrats because they believe that non-ISIL-Muslims put the laws of human beings above the commandments of God.”

The German reporter then elaborated on how shocked he was about how “willing to kill” the ISIS fighters are. He said that they were ready to commit genocide. “They were talking about [killing] hundreds of millions. They were enthusiastic about it, and I just cannot understand that,” said Todenhofer

He warned that the Islamic State “is much stronger than we think,” and that their recruiting has brought motivated jihadis from across the globe. “Each day, hundreds of new enthusiastic fighters are arriving,” explained Todenhofer. “There is an incredible enthusiasm that I have never seen in any other war zones I have been to.”


THEREFORE, is it any wonder that countless followers of Islam, whose cult-like “religion” condones the sexual violation of children and women, supports bestiality, and aims for wholesale slaughter, feel it is their “right” to kill and rampage, be it over cartoons or any other supposed “offense” in between?  

AS to Islam’s blow back within America… well, the list is too lengthy. But the following should give every American pause:



BUT if a picture is worth a thousand words, then what is a show and tell video worth?


DEAR readers, ask yourselves: due to the above, and so much more, is it at all possible for western nations to co-exist with followers of Islam?

TRUTH be told, the answer should be obvious to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Extrapolating further, indeed, the west is at war with Islam! Indubitably, it is this generation’s most pressing challenge, bar none.

 {re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Australia’s Cafe Jihadist:Known To CIA & Obama Too.Apologists Galore…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ASIDE from the perennially deluded (read:leftists and surrogates), few are unaware that Islam incites/serves as the inspiration for Islamic jihad. G-d have mercy, but not on them. Besides, they deserve whatever blow back wends their way. 


HOWEVER, despite all the slaughters invoked under the banner of Allah – via exhorting, Allahu Akbar – some still require remedial education. Slaps too. Regardless, check the mindless drivel out, almost immediately after the jihad ended in Sydney, Australia:

“That Sydney Sheikh, he’s a phony Muslim cleric. He just wants to kill people. That’s not what, you know, Islam is calling for – to kill people at the cafe.”

AND to all the (worldwide) apologists for Islamic terror, what other heinous acts must accrue, in order to finally admit: Islam is a cancer to the west, as well as to those who refuse to submit to their dictates, regardless of locale!

STILL – being the sort to lend a helping hand – will this latest (out of enumerable others) act of barbarism suffice? Not very likely.

Posing proudly in front of a Taliban banner declaring ‘There is no God but Allah’, this is the hand-picked suicide cell responsible for the cold-blooded slaughter of 132 schoolchildren.

Clutching an array of rocket launchers and machine guns, the crazed gunmen are shown both in traditional clothing of Taliban fighters and the Pakistan military uniforms they wore to avoid suspicion immediately before storming the Army School in Peshawar.

The pictures – apparently taken in the hours before Tuesday’s attack – were released yesterday by the Taliban, together with a threat to carry out similar attacks despite the outrage at the horrific, carefully planned massacre in which 132 children and more than a dozen teachers were killed.

In an email released this morning, Khurasani attempted to justify the attack by claiming that the Pakistani army has long killed the innocent children and families of Taliban fighters.

But he vowed more such militant attacks and told Pakistani civilians to detach themselves from all military institution, adding: ‘We are still able to carry out major attacks. This was just the trailer.’

Depraved: The Taliban gunmen who slaughtered 148 innocent people, including 132 children, are pictured just hours before the massacre. The white banner they pose in front of is the flag of the Pakistani Taliban and reads: 'There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger’
The Taliban gunmen who slaughtered 148 innocent people, including 132 children, are pictured just hours before the massacre. The white banner they pose in front of is the flag of the Pakistani Taliban and reads: ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger’

IN any case, let’s just throw the naysayers under the bus – burying them, if it comes to it – and shout: Allah, the pagan diety of Islam, has EVERYTHING to do with worldwide jihadi slaughter!

MOVING right along, let’s get back to Sydney’s jihad, the CIA and a message to Obama.

TO get to the crux, recall the counter intuitive backtracking, the nonsense, put forth by Australian intelligence, when Man Haron Monis burst into the cafe:

Monis was known to counterterrorism agencies. 

He was on a national watch list but had “dropped off”, the Prime Minister admitted this morning. Since the terror alert was heightened in September in response to threats from Islamic State, the government has been more closely monitoring the activity of those on national watch lists, but NSW Attorney-General Brad Hazzard admitted yesterday one fatal mistake had been made by overlooking this man.

Speaking on ABC radio this morning, Mr Abbott said the threshold for an individual to make the watchlist was, “in a nutshell”, someone who “is regarded as at risk of doing violence against innocent people”. Even though Mr Monis had a known “infatuation with extremism” and had publicly declared his support of IS on his website just last month, he somehow didn’t make the cut.

IN plain-speak, the authorities knew about his fervent desire to commit jihad and they had him in their sights, but decided that he no longer merited their attention. The urgent questions become: did he reform his ways? if not, what warranted his exclusion from their oversight?

THAT being said, where does the CIA fit in? Now, clearly their mouthpieces will never publicly admit to knowledge of this and that, but there are those who are willing to connect the dots.

AS such, pay attention to the oft-cited DHS insider:

According to this DHS source who is well-embedded at a fairly high level within this political leviathan inside the beltway, high level DHS briefings made late Sunday (Washington, DC time) confirmed that various police and intelligence agencies throughout New South Wales and Australia not only know the identity of the perpetrator at the Lindt Café, but “[they] have had numerous dealings with him over the last several months.” This source stated that “he is not just some random unknown perpetrator without a history, but has made his intentions known for some time. Once or if the truth comes out, you will see that he is also known by the CIA.”

It is important to consider that the event started at a time when the Western media was on weekend autopilot, allowing U.S. intelligence agencies time to manage the outflow of information more adeptly. Nonetheless, much of what the event was designed to do has already been accomplished.

BASICALLY, it is not outside the realm of possibility that the CIA intersected with him as an “asset”. Do recall a previous commentary, re CIA double agents and attendant jihadi blow back.

NOW that that is settled, we can head over to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s intersection, to read the “love letter” he received from this very same jihadist!


ISIS-supporter, Sheikh Haron (Man Haron Monis), the Sydney hostage taker, had an extensive website (currently down) where he posted open letters to assorted politicians. These included a letter to Obama written during his original campaign.

12 June 2008
Senator Barack Obama
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 USA

Dear Brother Barack Obama

I got your message. Hiding the religion for political purposes is not permitted. When a Muslim is asked about her/his religion, she/he must tell the truth. You think it is permissible by Shariah law to hide your religion to achieve some positions to be able to help Islam and to give a better service to Muslims. You are wrong, Shariah law doesn’t allow you to do so, your reason for hiding your religion Islamically is not a legitimate reason.

You must rely on Allah (SWT) and avoid the satanic style of politics. If Allah wants you to be the President of the United States of America, you will definitely be the president, no matter you hide your religion or not, no matter you lie to American people or you tell the truth, so it is not worth to commit a big sin just for political purposes.

You will be apostate by denying your religion, I advise you to avoid such a big sin. You must have trust in Allah, you must always remember that  Allah has the absolute power to help you to become the President even if you tell the truth that you are a Muslim. Our rely must be only on Allah.

You will be the President but it doesn’t worth to be a President by selling out your religion, it is not worth to lose hereafter which is permanent life for this short term life. You will be the President but this is a test from  Allah to show to people that Senator Barack Obama chooses the right path or the satanic tactic. I advise you to be careful to pass this test of  Allah successfully. May  Allah guide all of us. Ameen.

Kind regards,

Sheikh Haron

MY heavens…but it was not as if Barack HUSSEIN Obama hadn’t revealed his devotion to Islam, and it can be heard here. Clear as a bell, even for those too tone deaf to listen.

MIND you, this investigative journalist hardly needs the above piece of excrement’s “newsflash”, to out the Islamist/Jihadi-in-Chief. That ship has sailed and sailed…Demonstrably, he has been proven to be Islam’s best friendNevertheless, you gotta hand it to the recently deceased jihadist, as he hit the mark, so to speak.

REGARDLESS, rest assured, every possible lie will be weighed, and the most suitable one will be constructed for mass consumption. It will be messaged as the “new truth” re Australia’s jihad. Indeed, a cover story will be printed for the hapless public; those who are held captive by their lying leaders and the Islamists at their throats! 

Egyptian Islamic Jihad,CIA Double Agent(s) & Benghazigate:The Connections & Cover ups…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Left to Right: Ali Mohamed, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif and  Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm

{Ali Mohamed, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif and Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm…tied into MB’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad…the CIA…and Benghazigate}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Liberty Eagle}

WHILE Benghazigate has (mostly) receded into the background – at least from the pages of the captured media, namely, Obama Inc.’s mouthpieces – rest assured, the dangers to America (and the west) are becoming exponentially graver without its truthful unraveling. Cause and effect. This is not a case of “out of sight, out of mind”. 

THEREFORE, before we pinpoint why the above is crucial to unveil, first and foremost, a western crash course on Shariah law, the underlying tenets of Islam, is imperative. Either through self education or communal awakening initiatives, said knowledge base will hugely assist westerners in their push back against the scourge of worldwide jihad. One must understand the enemy to fight them, as well as recognize who (in the west) has their backs. The enemy within. Simple as that.

IN line with the above, in no small measure, unraveling Benghazigate will aid in figuring out many of Islamic jihad’s knock-on effects.

THERE are only so many lies and treacheries that a true liberal democracy can withstand, before the infected nation implodes. And when it comes to those perpetrated under Obama Inc., well, let’s just say that the weight is unbearably top-heavy. As a result, the blow back (national and international) will exceed the wildest of imaginations. ISIS-like, they are coming home to roost.

AND even countless attempts, to hide and otherwise browbeat witnesses into silence, can only go on for so long. As is said, sh-t has a way of hitting the fan. Besides, when it does, there is no way of avoiding attendant backlash. It’s just nature taking its (corrected) course. Granted, some of us tend to lend our “helping hands” to push said truth forward. Heavy lifting, but worth it.

SUCH is the case with Benghazigate’s chickens, and no amount of media spin will change the calculus. Reverse its course. In fact, a small book can be filled with the warnings blared from these pages, almost immediately after the slaughtering of Americans took place on that fateful day, Sept. 11, 2012. It was, so to speak, an “anniversary” gift from Obama Inc.’s Brotherhood collaborators.

BASICALLY, if the full truth remains shrouded behind lies, the losers will not be the jihadists, nor those covering for them! Agreed, knowledge is power. Guaranteed.

NOT only that, but sans a clear understanding of the major interconnecting jihadi hydras, well, one becomes bogged down in irrelevant minutia. Indeed, jihadis count on their enemies to remain confused. In the dark. In other words, this and that “newbie offshoot” should be seen as “subcontractors” of the main players, even if they have no “formal” linkage. Moreover, don’t bother trying to keep track of their names – the so-called “lone wolves” too – all of whom receive their “inspiration” from the same “laws of jihad”. Their actual names hardly matter, but do concentrate on their jihadi symbols and Allahu Akbar screams. The point being, the directives of Shariah law + jihad, those which which underpin Islam itself, are paramount. Sacrosanct. Resultant, it will become a lot harder for western leaders to blow smoke in your direction, terming lone wolves as “mentally ill” and that’s that… nothing to see, moving right along.

The gunman was identified as 50-year-old Man Haron Monis, whom Abbott said had “a long history of violent crime, infatuation with extremism and mental instability.” He was “a deeply disturbed individual” known to the police but he was not on a terror watch list, Abbott said

OH dear…denial is a river of (innocent) blood!

ON the other hand, there are more than enough top dog terror orgs – many of which are deeply rooted within America and other western countries – and they must become like second skin. 

MORE specifically, how many are aware of the genesis of the Muslim Brotherhood, its Egyptian birthplace? If not, time to catch up to speed. It is a CRUCIAL tie-in to Benghazigate.

BUT before one connects the dots, one’s journey commences here… 

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Ismailia, Egypt by Hassan al-Banna in March 1928 as an Islamist religious, political, and social movement.[1][2] The group spread to other Muslim countries but has its largest, or one of its largest, organizations in Egypt, where for many years it has been the largest, best-organized, and most disciplined political opposition force,[3][4][5] despite a succession of government crackdowns in 1948, 1954, 1965 after plots, or alleged plots, of assassination and overthrow were uncovered. Following the 2011 Revolution the group was legalized,[5] and in April 2011 it launched a civic political party called the Freedom and Justice Party (Egypt) to contest elections….

ABSOLUTELY, the above info is intrinsic to internalize. Thus, to understand the worldwide slaughtering, the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals are its epicenter. Its pinnacle. Everything (blood-related) flows from there. 

CONCOMITANTLY, do recall the oft-mentioned Egyptian connection, in relation to this site’s reporting on Benghazigate. There are many other “connect the (Egyptian) dots” housed within.

NEVERTHELESS, the following info brings the “mystery” full circle. Pay attention.

When Ali Mohamed, the most embarrassing Muslim spy to ever join America’s ranks, was caught and ‘trusted experts’ acknowledged his deep involvement with Islamic terrorism, specifically Al-Qaeda, the government covered up his role as a double agent. It’s an old story many consider dust in the wind until of course now when, in this explosive discovery, exclusively reveals that the same Ali Mohamed is connected to a man whose organization is implicated in the Benghazi attacks.

Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif, an Egyptian after whom the Muhammad Jamal Network (hereafter MJN) is named, has been identified by multiple Congressional committees as having been involved in the Benghazi attacks. But the scheme even gets dirtier when the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and some ‘respected’ conservative republicans, think tank experts, and government officials cover up the truth on Benghazi for the sole purpose of keeping the lid on a major embarrassment and how Ali hoodwinked the entire CIA in order to be the first CIA agent to work exclusively for Al-Aqeda’s interests. He was a double agent who succeeded in getting inside the ranks of the U.S. intelligence committee.

So let’s begin to disclose the details of the juicy story and put the puzzle together so that the American people can see the extent to which even people they think are trustworthy sell out and sacrifice American blood at the altar of vanity.

It has been confirmed that both al-Kashif and Ali are connected to Ayman al-Zawahiri – al-Qaeda’s number one – from a U.S. State Department document dated May 15, 2001. About Ali, it states:

He [Ali] left the U.S. Army in 1989 and in the early 1990s became involved in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization, which also worked with al Qaeda.

The connection to the same entity also stems from yet another State Department document,regarding the terrorist designation of al-Kashif. It reads, in part:

“Upon returning to Egypt in the 1990s, Muhammad Jamal became a top military commander and head of the operational wing of Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), then headed by AQ leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.” (dated October 7, 2013)

This places Egyptians Ali and al-Kashif with EIJ in the same decade and with at least one common thread connecting them with Al-Qaeda’s number 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri. EIJ is also the group recognized for assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Also in the early 1990’s, al-Zawahiri visited the U.S. on a fundraising tour and Ali accompanied him, according to a 2001 Wall Street Journal article.

Ali’s case being shrouded in mystery for years now helps to explain why so little attention is given to the Jamal Network and the Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks.

This answers why so little media coverage was given to this story and answers why the so-called ‘think tank’ terrorism experts and highly respected figures have largely been silent on the issue even despite al-Kashif’s arrest by Egyptian authorities just weeks after the attacks. Another man, Ahmed Abu Khatallah is the only suspect who’s been captured despite the fact that Al-Kashif, who still sits in an Egyptian cell as has reported, begs to differ.

The connection between Ali and al-Kashif helps to explain why the latter is not brought into the spotlight. In Ali’s capacity as a spy for the U.S., he was responsible for an untold amount of death and destruction. Despite all this, intelligence and investigative agencies – as well as the U.S. Army – continued to rely on him in a fatally flawed arrangement.

However, the snow melted and the embarrassing stench was revealed. The straw that broke the camel’s back came when Ali was finally arrested in 1998. According to a very revealing article published by the New York Times later that year, Ali was subpoenaed shortly after the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7th. After appearing in front of a grand jury the next month, Ali was arrested. On October 20, 2000 Ali pleaded guilty for his role in those bombings.


Andrew McCarthy – the man credited with being the prosecutor of the Blind Sheikh – was one of the Asst U.S. Attorneys present when Ali pleaded guilty. Despite knowing all we have said is true, McCarthy has so far done absolutely nothing about calling attention to it.

McCarthy’s history in all this goes way back. As of 2006 – and most likely as of today – Ali, the only man known in America’s history to have been found guilty without being sentenced. One of the suppositions as to why is that upon being sentenced, details of the case may be made public. The refusal of Ali or his attorney to talk continued long after the guilty plea.

The trial of Ali Mohamed wasn’t the first time McCarthy was part of a case that involved Ali. On November 5, 1990 Egyptian El Sayyid Nosair assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane. In December of 1991, Nosair was inexplicably acquitted of the murder but was convicted of other charges that put him in prison; he would later be charged and convicted while still in prison.

In 1994-95, McCarthy was one of the prosecutors in what has become known as the “Day of Terror” trial, which had the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman as being the mastermind of a conspiracy to bomb several Manhattan landmarks. Both the Blind Sheikh and Nosair were given life sentences, with Nosair finally being convicted of Kahane’s murder.

That murder, however, was part of a larger conspiracy.

During the raid on Nosair’s apartment prior to his first trial, boxes of evidence retrieved included classified military documents that were tied back to Ali, who joined the U.S. Army in 1986 and worked at Fort Bragg, NJ in some capacity with Special Forces. Shockingly, two years earlier, after reaching out to the CIA in Egypt to become an asset, Ali was later rejected when the CIA caught him divulging his intentions to Hezbollah. Ali was allegedly placed on a terror watch list, which should have prevented him from getting a visa. Despite all this, in 1985, Ali got a visa anyway and traveled to the U.S.

According to the WSJ article, boxes confiscated from Nosair’s apartment contained…

…training manuals and classified Army documents from Fort Bragg, some of them in Arabic translation, that had come from Mr. Mohamed, the FBI would later learn.

Based on this information, Nosair’s attorney Roger Stavis issued a subpoena for Ali in December of 1994, wanting him to testify. A problem for the Feds was that Ali was working as an FBI informant at the time. His testimony at a high profile trial would indeed be problematic for several high level people. Using private investigators, Stavis was never able to locate Ali. In some ways, this is curious because Ali appeared to be at his home in California for at least some time in December.

Here is a screenshot of part of the court transcript that deals with Stavis’ failed attempts to do so, via IntelWire:….{read the whole thing!}

HERE’s the crux: as noted from the onset, to understand what’s what, one has to dig into certain roots, and the Muslim Brotherhood reigns supreme. Now, its Egyptian branch, of which Muhammad Jamal Network (implicated in Benghazigate) sprung, is, one way or another, connected to all the worldwide terror…less than six degrees separated. Ditto, Egyptian Islamic Jihad (a “cousin” of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) …and up and down the terror tree.

MOST significantly, this investigative journalist reported on the Egyptian nexus to worldwide jihad – re both World Trade Center attacks, in 1993 and 2001 – back in 2005. “The Opening of Jihad on U.S. Soil” tells the tale. Yes, this was seven years before Benghazigate blew up! 

SO, readers, follow the trails…

Rabbi Kahane’s assassin was an Egyptian named El-Said Nosair. Soon after the murder, the investigating authorities found among Nosair’s belongings many boxes of Arabic writings, which for years were inexplicably not translated. Unbelievably, they included detailed plans for the upcoming 1993 World Trade Center bombings. In addition, Nosair was also a protege of Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman, the internationally infamous “blind sheikh” from a Jersey City mosque, convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Furthermore, the gun used to kill Rabbi Kahane was given to him by Wadith El-Hage, a member of Al-Qaeda, who was convicted for the 1998 US embassy bombings. Significantly, in March 1997, an Egyptian Muslim opened fire at more than a dozen people who were congregated on the rooftop of the Empire State Building for a sightseeing visit. Three years later, in the fall of 2000, the USS Cole was attacked, albeit overseas. The nexus to this Islamic hydra was growing exponentially (the above are only some examples of their lethal attacks on US soil and US interests overseas), yet US investigative authorities kept undeniably missing the links. The catastrophic attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the US Pentagon were a direct culmination of their blindness….

Immediately, Mr. Taylor approached the local New York office of the FBI and the US Attorney General’s office with sources of information. Acclaimed terror investigator Steve Emerson produced a documentary, Jihad in America, that exposed that the FBI had buried moles and spies deep within some of the Islamic terror cells. However, no tangible results on Rabbi Kahane’s murder were forthcoming from the FBI. Coincidentally, Mr. Taylor had the occasion to speak with the newly retired CIA head, William Sessions. Mr. Taylor was flabbergasted to learn that Mr. Sessions never saw the crime scene pictures taken of Rabbi Kahane’s murder. This should have been the first order of business, to hand over the pictures to the head of the CIA. After all, that was a logical conclusion to make when Islamic terrorists were being pursued. What was later revealed, though, managed to fill in the blanks as to why no results were forthcoming in Rabbi Kahane’s assassination investigation.

In a nutshell, the FBI was not only taken off Rabbi Kahane’s case, but all Islamic “infiltrating” was halted. President Clinton ordered the CIA, and the CIA then demanded that the FBI cease and desist. The Congress also put the squeeze on the FBI. Why? The true motives are anyone’s guess. However, from 1990 until the 1993 first World Trade Center bombing, these groups were not monitored….

BUT do make sure – when reading the aforementioned op-ed – to make a mental note of the leadership’s purposeful dereliction. The point being: there is nothing new under the (jihadi) sun, all the while various (like musical chairs) Washington players lend them cover.

CONCLUSIVELY, the leadership’s failure to act – to uproot this and that in the 1980’s/90’s – directly led to 9/11/01; the most horrific terror attack on U.S. soil! Similarly, keeping a lid on Benghazigate will make 9/11/01 appear like child’s play.

NO doubt.