Student Journalist (Pro-Israel Leader) THREATENED At Brandeis: Exposed Inciting/Racist Rant Re NYPD Assassinations! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{In an Orwellian twist, Brandeis’s own logo, emblazoned in Hebrew, reads: אמת = truth!}

THE poisonous atmosphere at U.S. college campuses (Israel’s too) is often highlighted at this site. It is not for nothing. They have become little more than radicalized cesspools. Tragically, public menaces. Readers are well aware that there is “zero tolerance” for said subject matter. None.

AND considering that revolutionaries, domestic terrorists, are some of the top admins and profs at many of these campuses (“Bill Ayers, the foremost leader of the Weathermen “is in his third decade as a national leader in the movement to radicalize the educational training of schoolteachers”. His wife, Bernardine Dohrn, a top leader too “is a professor of law at Northwestern and a high-ranking officer in the American Bar Association.” Eleanor Raskin (ne Stein) “is a law professor at S.U.N.Y Albany and, astonishingly, a NYS administrative law judge”….), does it surprise anyone that a Muslim (Palestinian) student leader, at SFSU, publicly threatened to shoot, knife and otherwise terrorized Jewish students (in general, Israel supporters) who dared to show support for Israel, yet, SFSU’s leadership didn’t bat an eye? Well, don’t be shocked, just sickened to your core. Outraged.

IN this regard, before we get to today’s ACTION ALERT, let’s be very clear: as many already know, this site stands shoulder to shoulder with the NYPD blue, in expressing utter contempt for the execution-style assassinations of two of New York’s Finest.

MOST significantly, if not for the radical left’s revolutionary incitement, in conjunction with the assassin’s linkage to Islamic jihad, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu would be alive today.

THE Conservative Tribune had this to say:

Despite a first and middle name that would appear to give it away — or at least make people suspicious of it — the left-leaning American mainstream media is barely reporting  the truth about Ismaayil Abdullah Brinsley’s motivations for the execution-style killing of two NYPD officers.

Yes, Brinsley was a thug with a criminal history, as were Michael Brown and Eric Garner, making it easy for journalists to produce a narrative that Brinsley was motivated by a desire for revenge for the death of these two men because they were black men who died during confrontations with police officers.

Conservative writer Adina Kutnicki, however, said that Brinsley’s primary motivation was not revenge, but jihad.

Kutnicki cited a post from his Facebook page in which he showed an image of a page from the Quran that read, in part, “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah.”

Calling the murders a “poisonous morphing of Islamic jihad + race warfare,” she said they were the result of the communist policies of men like President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio combined with Islamic violence….

NO doubt.

NOW that that is settled, and if 1 + 1 still equals two, it is easy to extrapolate: the left’s stranglehold on mainstream public discourse, in tandem with their indelible presence on college campuses, has indeed poisoned their atmosphere(s). Their well(s).

AND it is under this dangerous paradigm which Daniel Mael, a student journalist (who happens to be openly pro-Israel), became the target of serious threats, as did his family too! The reason? He dared to cover a hot and compelling campus story, one which should have been held up as a gold standard for “truth in journalism” – currently, an oxymoron – even on America’s rancid college campuses. 

FIRSTLY, here is a backgrounder:

The Crisis at Brandeis University – Brandeis President Fred Lawrence Must Immediately End His Silence

We, the undersigned, are alarmed by the on-going crisis at Brandeis University, in which students and their right to free speech are under attack. The university administration has been shamefully unresponsive and must immediately take corrective action.

On December 20th, Brandeis student journalist Daniel Mael reported on inflammatory statements made by a Brandeis student leader on Twitter. Referring to the two NYPD policemen, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, who were recently assassinated, she wrote, “I have no sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” and “lmao [laughing my a—off] i just really dont have sympathy for the cops who were shot. i hate this racist f—ing country.”Most alarmingly, the student leader’s online messages included calls for violence in comments like, “burn this country down,” and, “i need to get my gun license. asap.”

Commenters, responding to Mael’s article, posted disparagements, curses and threats to the student who had insulted the dead policemen. Daniel Mael immediately and in no uncertain terms publicly condemned these reactions.

Soon however, Mael himself became the target of personal, sometimes violent threats to his safety and well-being made by his fellow students on the Brandeis campus and others. Instead of censuring the hatred expressed toward innocent murder victims, an array of student groups, including several students in student leadership positions at the university, launched a campaign of vilification and intimidation against Mael, demanding that the Brandeis administration punish him for doing nothing more than truthfully reporting hateful comments made in a public forum by a student in a position of authority at the university.

University officials have a legal and moral obligation to protect their students.  Since the crisis began on December 20th, University President, Fred Lawrence, has remained silent. This silence encourages the violent incitement against Daniel Mael, who did nothing wrong. At the same time, it implies official tolerance for community members using derogatory language to intimidate a student journalist — behavior that may be in violation of the school’s own code of conduct.

Brandeis officials must take immediate steps to ensure that no harm will come to any student. The climate of intimidation and hostility to free speech on the Brandeis campus must end immediately.

We call on Brandeis Trustees and Brandeis President Fred Lawrence to take the following steps:

  1. Declare that any Brandeis student who threatens or intimidates another student will be held accountable.
  2. Condemn any Brandeis student or faculty member who expresses support for the murder of policemen, or any human being, for that matter. Students have the right to their opinions; the University has the duty to judge some opinions as beneath contempt.

What Brandeis needs most now is courageous and determined leadership to steer its community through this crisis. We hope that President Fred Lawrence has the wisdom and ability to display it.

IT gets worse. Much worse…

FOR ATTORNEYS: Police informed Daniel he will not be safe on campus. He needs legal help to liaise with Brandeis admin and local police

Message from Brooke Goldstein of the Lawfare Project:

Dear friends,

I am writing because you have expressed interest in providing your legal services on a pro bono or reduced fee basis in connection with lawfare-related matters.

A troubling situation has recently come to our attention for which we need your immediate help. Daniel Mael – an outspokenly pro-Israel student activist at Brandeis University and contributor to the website Truth Revolt – and his family are being targeted with vicious threats and harassment. Following the recent execution-style murder of two New York City police officers, Mael reported that a Brandeis student leader, Khadijah Lynch, had posted publicly viewable statements on Twitter expressing her lack of sympathy for the slain officers, as well as her disdain for Zionism and her call for an “intifada” (violent uprising) in the United States.

Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies (“AAAS”) Department, posted the following from her Twitter account:

Khadijah (خديجة)

i have no sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today.
– Khadijah (خديجة) (@punQros3) December 20, 2014

lmao, all i just really dont have sympathy for the cops who were shot. i hate this racist fucking country.
Khadijah (خديجة) (@punQros3) December 21, 2014

a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.
– Khadijah (خديجة) (@punQros3) December 1, 2014

i am in riot mode. Fuck this fucking country
– Khadijah (خديجة) (@punQros3) November 25, 2014

i need to get my gun license. asap.
– Khadijah (خديجة) (@punQros3) December 21, 2014

amerikkka needs an intifada. enough is enough.
– Khadijah (خديجة) (@punQros3) December 21, 2014

Most of the above tweets have since been deleted, and Lynch’s Twitter account is now private.

Mael’s original article on Lynch can be viewed here:

After Mael’s article went viral, Lynch received negative public feedback (including threatening and racist comments) and resigned from her position as Undergraduate Department Representative for the AAAS Department. Mael publicly denounced the threats against Lynch, as well as calls for her expulsion from Brandeis. Nevertheless, campus activists, including the Student Conduct Board, have demanded that the school punish Mael for “exposing” Lynch’s tweets (despite the fact that they were publicly viewable until recently), and that he be held accountable for the public’s reaction to Lynch’s abhorrent statements. In an email sent to the president of Brandeis, senior administrators, professors, and students, a member of the 2014-2015 Student Conduct Board alleged that Mael “has potentially violated multiple parts” of a Brandeis code of student conduct, including “stalking.” Mael’s expulsion from school has also been requested.

Mael, as well as his immediate and extended family (including his grandmother), have since received threatening messages and harassing phone calls to their homes. Lynch’s Twitter post, “i need to get my gun license. asap,” appeared after Mael contacted her for comment regarding the tweets.

Campus police have advised Mael that he will be a target when he returns to campus, and that it is reasonable to expect that his tires may be slashed, his car keyed, and that other violent acts may be perpetrated against him. Mael has also been advised not to travel alone on campus during the day or night and to carry a bottle of mace.

Thus far, Brandeis administration has issued no public statement in support of Mael’s First Amendment rights, nor any denunciation of the racist and threatening comments being made against Mael by other Brandeis students. Moreover, administrators have not indicated that any measures will be taken to protect Mael.

Mael’s family will be meeting with the president of Brandeis and has requested legal representation at the meeting. They are also in need of counsel to act as a liaison with the local police department.

If an attorney can be secured, The Lawfare Project will assist, as needed, with legal research, analysis, or other work required for representation of the Mael family.

Please join us in helping the Mael family. There is no justification for a student, nor anyone else, to be targeted with threats and harassment for exercising his or her First Amendment rights.

My very best,

Brooke Goldstein
Attorney at Law
Director, The Lawfare Project

YES, in essence, his “crime” was exposing the very words uttered by a vile, inciting and racist student leader. As such, he is receiving a campus lynching, akin to “shooting the messenger”, and with the real possibility of bodily harm!

IN other words, within today’s campus quads, those who truly get punished are not the actual inciters to violence, but anyone who blows the whistle. Mind you, if said blower happens to be a pro-Israel force on campus, well, hell, and its furious path, comes to mind.

MEMO to Daniel Mael:


This site – which reaches millions of readers – stands behind you. Yes, Brooke Goldstein…she rocks…foxy too…is more than capable of handling the legal end.

THAT being said, if a hair on your head is harmed and can be traced back to the incitement against you on campus, well, Brandeis will have nowhere to run…nowhere to hide…from this site’s mega reach. Rest assured.

AND if Brandeis believes this investigative journalist is blowing smoke, its admins would do well to reconsider…re-calibrate…they just have to contact their colleagues at Marymount Manhattan College!

MORE than a promise…from one Zionist and Conservative truth-teller – come what may – to another!

DANIEL, go forth from strength to strength…לך מחוזק לחוזק… ישַׁר כֹּחֲךָ

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}      

Obama Tasks DHS: Whip Up Race War, Proxy Agents Incite. To What End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE intelligence/security agencies have a “habit” of implanting agent provocateurs to effectuate a regime’s political objectives, the fact of the matter is that Obama Inc. tips the scale. As the leadership of the free world, their actions are akin to third world juntas or communist regimes. Pick your poison. Wait and see.

NOW, just to give readers a taste of this investigative journalist’s familiarity with the related subject matter, some may want to peer within. When done, ask yourselves: how did such info (contained in the link, plus so much more still hidden from public view) drop into said lap? 

MOVING right along….this site hammered home, on a multiplicity of occasions, four related and intersecting themes: (1) DHS has been co-opted by an anti-American leadership; (2) the militarization of local police forces are part and parcel; (3) race-wars are “necessary”, and (4) martial law is their end point. Heavy-duty charges, but no less true.

Intersection One:

AGREED, America (like the rest of the west) is facing many threats. We get that. But most rational folks also recognize that a slippery slope exists between a free and unfree society. And herein lies the crux.

THE proofs are manifest: DHS, originally conceived as an umbrella dept. to house the homeland’s security arms – both from internal and external threats – is now tasked with anti-American designs.

SPECIFICALLY, back in Dec. 2013, the following was noted: DHS, an outlaw agency, was caught ferrying illegal aliens into America. It has become a replica of AG Holder’s lawless dept of (in)justice. Hmm.

SIMILARLY, without a doubt, DHS is now Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “standing army”; his “forward march” arm. Incontestably.

Intersection Two:

IN light of unfolding events, isn’t it clear why local police forces are increasingly militarized akin to standing armies?

AND, most alarmingly, Obama’s Pentagon is fully in the mix, as one of its procurement programs clearly demonstrates the close nexus. After all, why would equipment, once utilized by U.S. fighting forces, fit the “needs” of local police forces? A fair question, you think?

Intersection Three:

BACK in Sept. 2013, this site claimed: a DHS (Black) employee was charged with procuring heavy-duty weaponry and caught (online) inciting a race war!  The employee, instead of being arrested, was placed on PAID leave. Okay.

AND shock of all shocks…not exactly…the recent execution of two NYPD officers mirrored race-baiting to its maximum effect! Readers, have no doubt about this direct intersection.  

Intersection Four:

YET, as to the fourth intersecting factor, their end point, martial law: when retired army officers warn about martial law, what more needs to be added? Not only that, but DHS is really Valerie Jarrett’s fiefdom. Yes, her playground.  

IN this regard, even if DHS’s “leaker” hadn’t spilled the beans, what other rational conclusion(s) would fit the (actual) facts on the ground? Besides, aren’t the above proofs (plus others housed within this blog) spot on?

YOU decide.

What the mainstream media is not reporting is beginning to leak out from local citizens in St. Louis and from an informant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who are all telling a different story that the one you are seeing on Fox, CNN and CBS. First, the locals are reporting that the rioting has spread far beyond the Ferguson city limits. Rioting is taking place as far away as St. Charles which is located approximately 20 miles away from Ferguson. Second, more people are becoming aware that the police chief of Ferguson, Thomas Jackson, is not in control of his own police force as he has relinquished control to DHS.

DHS Is Fanning the Flames of Violence

In the past five days I have been contacted, via one of my most trusted sources, a member of DHS who is opposed to the events and DHS involvement in Ferguson, Missouri. This source stated that DHS is running the Ferguson Police Department and their actions are designed to antagonize and to provoke the locals to violence. He further stated that he believed that the ultimate goal is to inflame the local citizens to such a point martial law will be declared.
In even a more shocking revelation, this DHS source stated that the rioting and looting which followed the shooting death of 18 year old, Michael Brown, was encouraged and exacerbated by undercover DHS agents posing as members of the Black Panthers.
Lending support to this latest accusation of DHS complicity in the rioting was the behavior of the Ferguson Police Department during the looting. During the civil unrest, the behavior of the Ferguson Police was to simply create a perimeter around the looting and allow it to continue. This violates every tenet of law enforcement. It more resembles quarantine procedures practiced by DHS, Northcom and the National Guard. The police should have moved to intervene to stop the looting and prevent the spread of violence. If the situation was beyond the control of the police, then the National Guard should have been brought in. Given the revelation of the DHS source, it seems plausible that his story of wanting the violence to escalate appears to be the case.

The Ferguson Police Deliberately Antagonizes the Media for Doing Their Job

Both Ryan Reilly, of the Huffington Post, and Washington Post reporter, Wesley Lowery, were working in a McDonald’s in Ferguson, Missouri, when a SWAT team suddenly descended upon the restaurant. After being told to stop recording the proceedings, and refusing, both men were then violently arrested in yet another case of Ferguson police brutality. Please note that recording police officers is a legal act.
Lowery was shoved into a soda machine. One of Ferguson’s finest slammed Ryan Reilly’s head against glass. Lowery told the police that this would be on the front page of the Washington Post tomorrow and the officer responded, “Yeah, well you will be in my jail cell tonight”.

"Hey Chief, who's in charge"?

Thomas Jackson is supposed to be the Chief of Police in Ferguson, Missouri. Thomas Jackson has largely been reduced to a figure head and is not in command of his own paramilitary police force that has been outfitted and equipped by DHS.
Jackson has so completely lost control of his own force, he expressed extreme surprise when he was told by reporter Matt Pearce that reporters Reilley and Lowery were being arrested (see tweet below).
I just called Ferguson police chief to ask about @WesleyLowery and @ryanjreilly, told him what I knew. His response: “Oh, God.”
Does the Chief know that other members of the media are being threatened for merely covering the events as reporters are mandated and permitted to do? If this “Chief” had control of his police force, he would have strict rules for dealing with the media and these rules would not consist of promoting the police brutality described below. The last thing a police chief should want is to alienate the media in hostile and controversial situation. This Chief should be arresting any provocateurs who have infiltrated his department and are giving orders. Instead, he is laying down in the face of illegitimate DHS authority which is operating in violation of the 10th Amendment. Thomas Jackson needs to immediately resign.


YES, ever since this blog site’s inception (June 2012), a rock solid case has been made against the Anti-American-in-Chief, and its charges have proven to be totally on the mark. Mind you, this is NOT a cause for celebration, for being wrong is often more comforting than being right. This is one of those times.

TO wit, whether or not revolutionary leftists/reds or Islamist/greens (within or outside the White House) carry out the national destruction – working separately or in tandem – their end point is the same. It is through this lens that patriotic Americans (similarly inclined westerners too) must assess ALL of Obama Inc.’s actual moves and verbal cues.

AS oft-stated, a foreign implant is housed within the People’s House. He is attempting to bring down America, and his tentacles are red/green aligned. These facts are provable and no longer up for debate.

THE case against Barack HUSSEIN Obama is closed. It is way past time to force Congress – whatever it takes – to hand down an indictment! 

THE remaining question is: does America still belong to the People or is it currently lunging toward a “soft” dictatorship? Indeed, this is a long overdue query. The answer is either “Door A” or “Door B”. No betwixt or between.

Obama’s 2015 “Surprise”:Iran A U.S. Ally?Cuba’s Recognition On Steroids…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

IN the run up to the 2012 election – only a few months into this blog’s inception – and ever since then, it was repeated ad nauseam: Barack HUSSEIN Obama has proven to be a clear and present danger, not only to America, but to Israel. This indictment was not tendered lightly. To the contrary; like a knife in this American-Israeli’s patriotic and Zionist heart.

REGARDLESS, recaps are in order, since so much damage has transpired under his second term. Indeed, it is impossible for dedicated (and new) readers to recall this and that warning. Besides, mental gymnastics (like a contortionist) can be very tiring, especially when attempting to keep up with all the domestic and international betrayals accrued under Obama Inc.

Recap One:

IN Aug. 2012, a month into this site’s operation, alarm bells went off, and they rang in the direction of the voters: Obama’s second-term plans are nothing short of a national nightmare!

Recap Two: 

Now, as the readers can attest, there was nothing ambiguous about the first warning. Yet, a second one  – and in very short order – was issued: “D Day” fast approaching…Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s plans involve – but not exclusively so – “deconstructing” the economy. 

BUT being that this investigative journalist is both a Conservative and a Zionist, the focal points of this blog are viewed through lenses that are equally fixated on America and Israel. In general, the west.

IN this regard, fellow Jews were placed on notice:

Kerry with Iranian leaders

{Kerry, all atwitter, with Iran’s sponsors of worldwide terror}

Notice One:

SANS a scintilla of a doubt, this site warned: a second-term Obama, in relationship to Israel, plans to go for broke. No ifs, ands or buts.

Notice Two:

BUT in addition to several others, this analysis brought it home, even winning this blog a “Watcher of Weasels Award” (Non-Council Winner): Barack HUSSEIN Obama acts as a shield for Islamic regimes; Iranian freedom fighters exposed his hand! 

OKAY now, so what else is new? Don’t we already know that the POTUS is a grave danger to America and Israel, the twin pillars to western civilization? Hope so.

YET, who better than Rep. Michelle Bachmann (a rock star…on this end) to bring home the goods. Oh yeah.

In a recent radio interview with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, retiring Rep. Michele Bachmann indicted Barack Obama for his perceived complicity in the ongoing Islamic effort to destroy Israel.

“I was privileged to serve on the Intelligence Committee for the last four years,” the Minnesota lawmaker said. “We deal with the classified secrets of the nation – in particular, we deal with terrorism.”

She explained that she had a “front row seat in watching this up-tempo of Islamic jihad across the world,” describing the rise in terrorism and targeting of Israel as a “spiritual battle.”

Bachmann emphatically disputed Obama’s contention that the acts of Islamic radicals have nothing to do with the religion they espouse.

“I beg to differ,” she said. “This has everything to do with the tenets of Islam; and it is a new state that is being put together for the purpose of destroying Israel and to turn the United States also into an Islamic caliphate.”

Acknowledging such an allegation might sound “wild and fantastic,” she continued by assigning a significant portion of the blame to the Obama administration.

She said she has watched Obama, “at every turn, cut the legs of our ally, Israel, and in fact embrace and lift up the agenda of Islamic jihad.”

Obama’s ostensibly enthusiastic support of Iran’s leader as that nation reportedly moves toward the creation of a nuclear weapon, Bachmann said, is a further cause for serious concern.

There’s a recent report that the president is trying to have private meetings with the ayatollah in Iran,” she said, explaining the country is “very clear about their goal” to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Obama believes, she asserted, that “through his own charm and negotiating skills … he can cause them to change course.”

She recalled her last one-on-one conversation with Obama, during which she explained to him the importance of stopping Iran before it can achieve its goal.

In response to her concern, Bachmann said Obama laughed at her “condescendingly” and told her “it isn’t that easy.”

She responded by saying that, “if Iran has a nuclear weapon, it will be on your watch,” adding that “the history of the world will change because of your failure to act.”

ATOP the above MEGA fire bells, along comes a “word from Jerusalem”: Obama desperate for a deal with Iran at any price! Of course the traitorous bastard is.

IN tandem with the Islamic wreckage strewn all over America and the west, so too he exponentially uplifted the radical red forces in America, and well beyond its borders. 

ENTER, Castro’s communist Cuba!

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FROM the onset, it must be understood that there is a distinct difference between private individuals who travel to Cuba – via this or that circuitous route for language immersion, adventure lust or the like – and recognition given to an avowed communist regime by the leader of the free world! A regime which is no less hostile today than it was 55 years ago, following the Cuban Revolution of 1959! Mind blowing. Numbing. Wrenching.

IF anything, their leadership has hardened over time, so much so that Raul Castro mocked Obama – who can blame him – essentially, kicking his skinny and effeminate butt! Can you believe it? Do. But please pay attention to Kevin Jackson…a real man…a patriot with balls to spare. Just read his pearls of wisdom:

In his zeal to “make history” and condoning Communism, Obama instead allowed the public sodomy of America.

After a televised speech last week in which Cuban dictator Raúl Castro declared President Obama’s unilateral actions towards Cuba a victory for “a more prosperous and sustainable socialism,” Castro visited the Cuban National Assembly to declare that, against the United States, “now we’ve really won the war.”

“…he recycled the words of his brother, Fidel, upon beginning his guerrilla warfare in the 1950s: “now we have really won the war.” He once again reiterated his desire for President Obama to act unilaterally, without the support of Congress, on as many issues in the White House’s Cuba proposal as possible. “We hope that Obama will use with determination executive prerogatives to substantially modify the blockade in those aspects that do not require Congressional approval,” demanded Castro.

He added that he does not expect any changes in the Cuban regime: “just as we have never proposed to the United States a change in their political system, so too do we demand respect for ours.”

After America had proven that communism only fails and our tactics showcasing Cuba as the Third World armpit that it is, Obama validates Cuba by offering an olive branch.

And they say that Obama is concerned about optics?!

Cuba can claim victory, as the United States under Obama has certainly become a more oppressive country run by a mad man.

YES, Kevin Jackson, from the, got it going on. But let this investigative journalist add her shekels (the currency used in Israel) to the mix, even though it is an otherwise on target assessment. 

AGREED, the Narcissist-in-Chief is fixated on “making history”, come what may. Nevertheless, his obsession with Cuba is of piece with his deep and abiding communist (socialist/Marxist infused) roots. This reflexive hug towards Cuba is as natural for him as breathing. An imprint from his DNA. Rock solid.

MOST significantly, Cuban-American leaders, including Senators Cruz and Menendez, are livid at the White House’s betrayal to the American people, as well as to the Cubans still living under the boot of Castro’s regime. After all, those whose roots lie deep within communist Cuba, they categorically understand what the Betrayer-in-Chief’s gifting means. If many could wring his scrawny neck and get away with it – including the aforementioned Senators – don’t bet the farm they wouldn’t. You would lose.

SIMILARLY, his Islamist roots always drive him into the arms of both Sunnis and Shias. It just depends.

HENCE, as we enter 2015, the gifting of an American “stamp of approval” to Castro’s Cuba was to be expected.

AND being that so many mega warnings are signaling in the direction of the Islamist-in-Chief’s warm embrace of Iran, what are the chances that a “reset” with Iran’s (worldwide) terror sponsoring mullahs is not in the offing?

BETTER yet, if it doesn’t happen, well, just be prepared to pick this investigative journalist off the floor…falling…falling…can’t get up!

UPDATE: it appears as if help won’t be necessary in “picking up from the floor” – the prognostication was more than on schedule!!

Olive branch to the mullahs: Obama won’t rule out embassy in TEHRAN but says the Iranian capital is a country – not a city

  • Interview was conducted in the Oval Office the day after Obama said he would normalize relations with Cuba – but held back for 11 days
  • Embassy in Tehran would be the first since 1979 hostage crisis, which Iranians still celebrate as the ‘Conquest of the American Spy Den’
  • Obama said if Iran proves it’s not seeking nuclear weapons, it would become a ‘very successful regional power’
  • Claimed credit for isolating Tehran through economic sanctions 
BOTTOM LINE: his reference to the “possibility” of an embassy is, first and foremost, a “softening up” smokescreen (for domestic and foreign consumption) to complete rapprochement with the mullahs, regardless of all else. Wait and see….



Obama Inc. Persecutes Christians, At Home & Abroad:Rewards Shariah Law Nations.Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Joe For America}
{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

STIPULATED, most Americans are too busy living their lives and trying to put one foot in front of the other – let alone food on the table – and have little interest in becoming political junkies. Understood.

OVERALL, who has the time to keep track of this and that (national/international) political machination, especially when the impact “appears” to have minimal impact on any given individual’s everyday life. Nevertheless, some matters require the public’s rapt attention, even if it is a pain and a bane. Yes, in order to connect the dots, one cannot veer or wish away the deadly undercurrents.

ALONG this trajectory, bear in mind that most of the malfeasance is hidden behind the scenes. Yet, as is often the case, if one scratches beneath the surface the amount of dirt becomes obvious. An overwhelming stench. And it does help if ones expertise lies in two intersecting arenas: the Muslim Brotherhood (the overall incubator for global Shariah law) and geo-politics. The twists and turns.

BUT before we head to the unfathomable, unconscionable and anti-American rewards gifted to Shariah compliant nations – by Obama Inc. and with RINOS in tow – let us first juxtapose said preferential status, to say the least, against the hounding and persecution towards expressions of Christianity in America.

NOT only that, the leadership’s stone silence against global genocide against Christians by jihadists, as well as the 1930’s reminiscent resurgence of anti-semitic acts against Jews in Europe – by these same Shariah bound Islamists, in tandem with their leftist and far-right compatriots – stands in stark contrast to what is unfolding behind the national/international scenes, ala trade partnerships with Islamist (and a communist) anti-western regimes.

HANG on tight…

ENTER, Brunei…an Islamist oppressor of Christians, soon to be rewarded by Obama Inc…

On Christmas Eve, religious police in the capital city of the Islamic Sultanate of Brunei ordered business owners to remove Christmas decorations or face arrest.

When Brunei, a tiny oil-rich fiefdom that shares the island of Borneo with Malaysia and Indonesia, adopted Shariah law earlier this year, some questioned whether the harsh penal code that includes amputation and stoning for blasphemy and other crimes would actually be enforced since a third of Brunei’s population is not Muslim. The crackdown on Christmas this year answers the question.

Restaurant and café owners in Brunei’s capital city of Bandar Seri Begawan told reporters they were ordered to remove Christmas decorations from their establishments by authorities who cited Shariah Penal Code Order 2013 prohibiting exhibits of decorations that are against Islamic beliefs.

Violators face a $15,000 fine and imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

The ban on Christmas decoration is not the only restriction on religious freedom. The Shariah penal code bans non-Muslims from teaching or even speaking freely to Muslims about their religious beliefs, punishable with heavy fines and imprisonment.

And all religious groups are required to register with the government. Muslims who convert to another faith could face the death penalty, and Christians who have brought Bibles into the country have been imprisoned.

Despite the nation’s record of religious persecution, the Obama administration is pressing forward with plans to designate the Sultanate of Brunei as a most favored nation with special trade privileges under the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said approving the agreement is one of his top priorities.

During the Cold War, Democrats and Republicans restricted trade with countries that denied their citizens basic freedoms.

For example, the Jackson-Vanik amendment cut off trade with communist nations that did not allow citizens to freely emigrate. It was approved unanimously in both houses of Congress in 1974 over the objections of Henry Kissinger, who saw it as an obstacle to a smooth-running global order.

Jackson-Vanik and similar measures used America’s economic power as the world’s largest consumer market to promote American values and reward countries that respected them. Over 1.5 million Christians and Jews were allowed to emigrate from the Soviet Union alone following the adoption of Jackson-Vanik.

Now that the threat is not communism, but Islamist totalitarianism, Obama and the GOP congressional leadership are ready to embrace a Shariah regime as a privileged trading partner under the rubric of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.

The TPP is a trade and global governance agreement the Obama administration is negotiating with eleven Pacific Rim nations: Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Chile, Malaysia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Mexico and Peru.

Brunei is not the only nation in the proposed agreement with a record of persecuting Christian believers. In neighboring Malaysia, Christians are sent to concentration camps for forced conversion to Islam. Vietnam requires churches to register with the Communist authorities and monitors all prayer services. House churc

Ditto Malaysia

AND Vietnam, a communist Christian oppressor.



YET, none of the above should come as a shock. Obama’s regime has been the most anti-Christian in American history, yet the most pro Islam. This charge is borne out by the (worldwide) facts at hand.

Prominent indicators confirm that the U.S. is the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today.

According to the recently released 2014 World Watch List, which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted, Syria is the third worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, Iraq is fourth, Afghanistan fifth, and Libya 13th. All four countries receive the strongest designation, “extreme persecution” (other designations are “severe,” “moderate,” and “sparse” persecution)

Aside from being so closely and harshly ranked, these four nations have something else in common: heavy U.S. involvement. Three — Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya — were “liberated” thanks to U.S. forces, while in the fourth, Syria, the U.S. is actively sponsoring “freedom fighters” against the regime, many of whom would be better labeled “terrorists.”….


MOST significantly – as to why the regime is chomping at the bit to prop up Islamist regimes – aside from attendant mega financials deals at play, an overriding fact remains: Obama Inc. is incontestably and irredeemably hostile to the Christian and Judaic underpinnings of America. Its foundations and roots. Western civilization.

ALAS, under the guise of the Trans Pacific Partnership – instead of selectively rewarding its true partners like Singapore, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada and Chile, for their overall contributions to western principles – the Islamist-in-Chief is Allah-bent on partnering/uplifting with those whose direct actions go against everything the U.S. stands for…Brunei, Malaysia & Vietnam surely qualify as non-partners!

MESSAGE received on all ends: freedom of religion, go to hell, unless one is a follower of Islam!

TO wit, if this is not a stealth-like jihadi ploy under the banner of “partnership”, little else qualifies. Yes, the U.S. conducts mega business with many nations whose records on human rights leave much to be desired, but the passage of this trade partnership will uplift (in the long-term) Islamic goals like none other. As aptly cited, “A most-favored-nation trade agreement with a regime that tramples on religious freedom signals the world that the U.S. government believes religious freedom is not important.”

IN effect, with the stroke of a pen, Barack HUSSEIN Obama will be responsible for ensuring that a special status accords (and accrues) to Shariah law, despite the fact that its tenets are directly inimical to democratic principles, as well as a grave danger to the west.

The mandates of shari’a are extremely harsh compared to modern Western standards. They infringe on many modern principles of human rights, religious freedom, and equality of all before the law. For example:

Hudud punishments are the severe penalties prescribed by shari’a for offenses defined as being against God himself. The punishments for these crimes are seen as divinely ordained and cannot be changed by humans. These include 100 lashes or stoning to death as punishment for adultery; 80 lashes for false accusation of adultery; amputation of limbs for theft; 40 or 80 lashes for drinking alcohol; imprisonment, amputation or death (by crucifixion in serious cases) for highway robbery; and the death penalty for apostasy from Islam. Methods of execution for apostasy can include decapitation, crucifixion, burning, strangling, drowning, impaling, and flaying. Apostates are denied a decent burial after their deaths, and the Muslims who participate in killing them are promised an eternal reward in paradise.

Discrimination on the basis of religion is fundamental to shari’a. By religious edict, Islam must be dominant; only Muslims are considered to be full citizens. Jews and Christians are defined as dhimmis (literally “protected” i.e. permitted to live). However this protection is on condition that they do not bear arms, know their lowly place in society, treat Muslims with respect, and pay a special poll tax (jizya)…..

THE eventual blow back from the above (treacherous) partnership will be nation-shattering. Global in its scope.




CAIR’s Jihadi Tentacles Strike Again:Minnesota Town Forced To Submit!Where Is America Heading?Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

 {re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

IT is difficult for many to absorb that America’s heartland – the Midwest – is a burgeoning jihadi hub, just like the rest of the regions in the country. The misconception stems from the preconceived notion that this geographical area is more conducive to a particular type of laid back lifestyle, one which is regularly associated with small town neighborliness. Thus, the thinking goes, these states are hardly as dangerous as those on the east and west coasts.

WHILE not a black and white issue, the best descriptor is: yes, it used to be (to a greater degree) a safer regional bloc to raise a family. However, said yardstick no longer applies. Far from it. 

BUT to understand the jihadi tentacles of CAIR, one must have a firm grip on their genesis, ultimate goals and intersecting thrusts. IF anything, this investigative journalist knows this Islamic arena, like a pig does its sh-t. That well. Sorry, if said crass analogy offends some, but this is not a time for delicate sensibilities.

SO as a Christmas and Chanukah gift for the visually inclined, the following two videos should answer all (or most) of your questions. Most recently, they have been cited here for introductory viewing. Previews. And from one patriotic heart to another, trust that they should be viewed as lifesaver videos, giving requisite ammo to buck up and soldier on!



RESOLUTELY, with the above knowledge base at your fingertips, does anyone have to question the out-sized dangers the entire Brotherhood presents to America? Concomitantly, isn’t placing a nail in their hydra-like coffin, especially within the U.S., akin to a nation-saver?

NEVERTHELESS, back to the aforementioned intersecting thrusts…

Thrust One:

KNOW this: sans the embedded Islamic doctrine of stealth jihad – demonstrably and tragically a wild success – CAIR’s subversion would be a moot point. Dead on arrival. How so? 

WELL, the (dangerous) reality is that the above imperative is part and parcel of Islam’s “laws of war”, whether admitted to or not. 

TRENCHANTLY, in the main, it operates separate from frontal bloody jihad. Yet, at times, they intersect. Think of it as the stepping stones, building blocks and edifices to bloody jihad, which seemingly just appear out of the blue.

IN other words, stealth jihad is the part of Islamic war which is primarily utilized when the host (western) nation is too strong for them to wage complete frontal jihad. Hence, the “softening up” process; its stealth appellation. So don’t let anyone dare to whine and opine: Islam is a “religion of peace”!

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”

IPSO facto, by not holding their feet to the fire, one lets Islamists and their apologists off the hook, as they audaciously disown this and that barbarism! In fact, the opposite is precisely the case. Effectively, all Islamist terror groups (including ISIS) are indeed behaving like “good” Muslims, when they chop off heads and slaughter in the name of their pagan Allah.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

“When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks,” says an ayah, or verse in Sura (chapter) 47.

NEVER, ever forget said Islamic mandates.

OMINOUSLY, Islam’s mouthpieces, aka CAIR, run circles around American (western) leaders and citizens. This deleterious situation is aside from those who actively collude due to their ideological alignment. OMG!

Thrust Two:

BUT when you add in their incessant “lawfare”, coupled with the fact that they have more staying power than average individuals, municipalities and businesses, is it any wonder that America is submitting on bent knees? This is precisely how it is playing out, and they will never cease their efforts. Why? Simply put, Islamizing the U.S. IS key to the west’s submission

Thrust Three:

MOREOVER, despite the overwhelming, incontrovertible dangers from thrusts one and two, number three is the final nail: the dumping (over decades, and still continuing) of many, many thousands of Muslim “refugees” from Shariah law compliant terrorist nations! National and cultural suicide.

IN this regard, where does the latest Minnesota, Mid West, disaster fit in? Better yet, where doesn’t it?

MINNESOTASTAN: Designated terrorist organization CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) demanded and got the U.S. Justice Department to overturn a near unanimous decision to reject a mosque proposal in St. Anthony Village.

BUT let’s realize that the above Islamic putsch did not happen in a vacuum. Not at all.

MOST significantly, the state is overridden with Somali Muslims, most of whom are unwilling to assimilate into their host country, and many are hostile in the extreme. And guess what? One of their imams (who knows how many others) even refuses to denounce ISIS! By the way, this treacherous scenario, whether of Sunni or Shia origin, is rampant throughout Muslim communities across the United States.

NOT only that, back in Jan. 2009, Site Intelligence Group noted that this same Somali community included members who left the U.S. to fight on behalf of Al-Qaeda and attendant offshoots!

AND true to jihadi form, another Somali from Minnesota got killed fighting for ISIS. Significantly, are we sensing a pattern yet? Hope so.

YET, the main question becomes: what, if anything, can be done to turn the tide? In a very real sense, Americans (westerners) must cease believing that their leaders will save the day. In fact, they are the basic problem, even more so than CAIR and its various Brotherhood tentacles. What?

IN so far as their PC track record already renders an appeasement-oriented outcome, a fait accompli, a rational person should understand that “the fix”, as is said, is in.

SO instead of wasting ones time and effort at city halls, school boards, legal venues and every bureaucracy in between – appealing to their sense of national survival and patriotic ethos – the choice(s) is stark and clear: those who have a stake in preventing their communities from becoming Shariah compliant must let the “powers that be” – who have the ability to exhort “yea” or “nay” – internalize that the non-submissive will stop the Islamic swathe, whatever the costs.

REST assured, Islamic submission is their end goal, once they implant their stealth jihadi supremacist mosques, aka “cultural” centers, in neighborhoods all over the U.S. To a 100% certainty, none of their demands have anything to do with freedom of religion, though multicultural fanatics will spin it as such

INTRINSICALLY, put up or shut up, or be ready to submit. There is no middle ground, meeting of the minds, in this arena.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, if it takes sit-ins at attendant communal bodies, thereby, stopping them from doing business as usual, well, so be it. Eventually, they will get the message and realize that patriotic citizens mean business, every bit as much as the Islamists at their throats. If it requires non-stop bullhorns proclaiming, “no (American) justice, no (communal) peace”, then that too is an option. A patriotic right and duty!

IN a nutshell, if patriotic Americans are as determined as CAIR and their enablers, rest assured, they will prevail.

BUT just because America is predicated on democracy and rule of law, it doesn’t mean that elected leaders and the courts have the last say. Not at all.

FOR once they side with Islamic entities, whose sole goal is to supplant the Constitution – the only law of the land – with Shariah law, then who are the lawbreakers?

An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America

by Mohamed Akram
May 19, 1991

View the full document


This May 1991 memo was written by Mohamed Akram, a.k.a. Mohamed Adlouni, for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the introductory letter, Akram referenced a “long-term plan…approved and adopted” by the Shura Council in 1987 and proposed this memo as a supplement to that plan and requested that the memo be added to the agenda for an upcoming Council meeting. Appended to the document is a list of all Muslim Brotherhood organizations in North America as of 1991.

Notable quotes:

  • Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state, wherever it is.
  • In order for Islam and its Movement to become “a part of the homeland” in which it lives, “stable” in its land, “rooted” in the spirits and minds of its people, “enabled” in the live [sic] of its society and has firmly-established “organizations” on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry [sic] out this grand mission as a “Civilization Jihadist” responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslims and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country.
  • The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Proecess” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.

IMBIBE its essence, as if your very lives depend on it. It does.

BESIDES, since when is it a citizen’s “contractual” obligation to accept the destruction of their nation – albeit incrementally, stealth by stealth – even if their efforts are “koshered” under an umbrella of “rule of law” via compliant leadership?




ISIS Embedded In America:PLOTTING MAJOR Terror Attack! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Play Video

ON December 20, 2014, a huge Islamist-warning flag, re ISIS, waved at this site. It was not for nothing.

CONSEQUENTLY, a growing portion of this site’s readership (well into the millions) are aware that Islam – in relation to its underlying poisonous Koranic fruits – is a mainstay at these pages. That’s just the way it has to be.

IN the main, the (Dec. 20, 2014) commentary zeroed in on Israel’s encirclement by ISIS, a knock-on effect from PM Netanyahu’s submission to Obama Inc’s dictates to support the “rebels”! Resultant, the attendant and explosive blow back became a front and center focal point.

NOW that the Israeli nightmare has sunk in, let’s segue to ISIS and their absolute, concomitant footprints inside America.

FOR the record, this grave situation was also a centerpiece at a tag-team interview given at Inquisitr (Sept. 2014), between this investigative journalist and Dave Gaubatz, America’s premiere counter-terrorism expert. Again, it was another warning shot and it ricocheted – at lightening speed – around the net. Its webstats attest to this claim. 

Wolff Bachner: We have heard so much about ISIS over the last few months, but most Americans still have no real idea what they are facing.

Since you are an acknowledged expert on the Islamic world and have spent a good deal of time in Iraq, you are certainly in a position to give our readers an accurate picture of the vicious Islamist death cult called ISIS.

How great a threat is ISIS to America and the rest of the free world?

Finally, describe for our readers what life would be like for the average American if ISIS actually managed to takeover the United States and create a worldwide Caliphate?

David Gaubatz: ISIS, other Islamic based terrorist groups, and the Islamic ideology are the world’s most dangerous threat. ISIS has money, supporters, world leaders, a military, and a ‘Strategy’ to conquer the world. President Obama even admitted he does not have a strategy to defeat ISIS, so how can we even think about defeating them?

If people want to know what life would be like under an Islamic caliphate, they need only travel to Saudi Arabia, spend a few weeks under the Taliban, or spend some time with ISIS in Iraq. People (both Muslim and non-Muslim) have no rights under Shariah law. Even your life or the life of your children can be taken away with little or no proof you actually violated one of the many aspects of Sharia law.

Islamic based organizations, terrorist groups, and their supporters truly do hate the Jewish people and the American people. When they say they desire to wipe Israel and America off the face of the earth they are being serious. We must all begin to take them seriously. We must always support and align ourselves with Israel. If Israel ever falls, America will also. The people of Israel are our true friends and the American people must demand our politicians never forget this.

I will provide my final analysis on this subject: In a very short period of time America will be attacked by ISIS. The attacks will be simultaneously across America and the terrorists know we do not have the leadership in our government to survive such attacks occurring on a regular basis. We will implode. America has only one chance of surviving if these attacks happen. There are over 22 million American veterans living in America. There are several million non-military who will fight for our country and the U.S. Constitution. Americans will never release our right to own guns. 22 million plus veterans and the several millions of other American patriots will fight like no other people have ever fought. They will fight to the end against enemies both outside and from within who seek to destroy America….

AS readers have grown to expect, more than enough proofs can be found within, backing up this and that claim. Similarly, as to ISIS in America, well…

Proof One:

ON Dec. 3, 2014, a direct warning was blared to Americans, regarding ISIS and their directives to “sleeper agents” in America. Inherently, countless jihadists are scattered throughout the U.S. Therefore, the commentary focused on their specific target; military personnel – whether active duty or vets – and their families. Unfathomable. Reportedly, as per their wretched course, DHS doesn’t have the soldiers’ backs. Beyond the pale.

Proof Two:

AND housed within this site’s Nov. 20, 2014 analysis, U.S. military leaders confirmed: Obama is sabotaging the fight against ISIS! How alarming is that? And if this news doesn’t add to the charge, yes, he is aiding and abetting their terror Caliphate, then nothing will suffice!

Proof Three:

MORE specifically, on Oct. 10, 2014, it was revealed that ISIS is infiltrating through America’s (purposefully) “open sesame” borders -Texas and more!

September’s info mirrored more of the same…a short hike from El Paso, Texas evidenced a compelling ISIS threat! 

Proof Four:

YET, let’s dare not forget the burgeoning threats from jihadi compounds throughout the nation.

BUT if your heart can withstand it and your head isn’t spinning out of control, please read on: the latest terror warning, relative to ISIS in America!

READERS, do pay very close heed, whether living in Tennessee, Arkansas or any other American state on the map:

The FBI is warning of a possible ISIS terror plot to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge after receiving an “anonymous threat,” FOX13 reports. What most are unaware of is that ISIS does have such ability and technology to carry out such a mission with ease as we shall demonstrate from real footage obtained from Middle East sources the ability to create a bomb with strength of a mini nuclear blast.


Nearly 60,000 vehicles cross the bridge every day, the station reported. The bridge connects Tennessee and Arkansas.

“According to an anonymous complainant, as of December 2014, ISIS instructed an ISIS member, a presumed USPER (U.S. person) in Memphis, with a direct order to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge on an unknown date, activating ISIS terror cells in the United States,” the warning obtained by FOX13 reads.

Memphis cops have been patrolling the area looking for unusual activity, the station reported. Surveillance cameras watch over the bridge 24 hours a day.

But what they are unaware of is that ISIS can use unconventional moving bombs that cannot be stopped with conventional small arms that police carry. In order to protect such infrastructure the U.S. would have to use serious military force. has been warning that ISIS will attack the United States. To understand more on ISIS threat for the United States read our ISIS Manifesto which has been SERIOUSLY WARNING since September of this year that a terror attack by ISIS is imminent  and asked all U.S. citizens to file complaint to the FBI to stop social media, especially Youtube from allowing the training videos terrorists post giving ability to manufacture high explosives, rockets and rocket launchers. Youtube refuses to remove such training material which will enable homegrown ISIS terrorists to carry out such missions. It is only a matter of time and they will when it’s too late.

screen-shot-2014-10-08-at-3-19-59-pm has been reviewing some of ISIS’s abilities in converting trucks into an explosive bomb that would release tremendous destruction equal to a mini nuclear bomb.

Here is a video from Middle East sources explaining how it works.

The tanker truck is built with a shield of iron all around it with an air gap loaded with sand and metals chards. And with 10 barrels of chemical material which is easily made (no thanks to Youtube) it has an amazing destructive force. Such a moving truck is not easily stopped by using conventional weapons like machine guns or RPG and the only way to stop it is by rocket launched by a jet fighter plane. It is what ISIS is using in Iraq and the Taliban used for maximum destruction. ISIS used this method on Baiji Oil Refinery, Tikrit university, Samira and in the Anbar.

Terrorists can even manufacture the explosive material from raw manure which was perfected by Sufi Muslims. warns farmers or any tanker type truck sales to Muslims and yes, do profile.  Its better to be paranoid than sorry.

Prior to perfecting the tanker truck similar designs were used which were not as effective as the new model. Just to show the strength of such an operation we obtained some footage from Afghanistan (start at 3:17), notice at 4:23 even the blimp far up in the sky was downed.

This following footage is against an American military base in Afghanistan. It’s the type of stuff they will never show you. While we were fortunate in the U.S. we have not experienced this type of attacks, but it’s not far-fetched that in the future we could see ISIS carry such attacks in the U.S.:

The Arabic speak of detail explaining the operation before its carried out to deliver the truck and detonate when it hits the mess hall cafeteria where U.S. soldiers gather for breakfast in which in the end they praise Allah for vengeance against the sons of “monkeys and pigs”.

The song was for the truck driver titled Fil-Janna Houriyya “in heaven you will have the virgins”.

AS always, rest assured, between Obama Inc.’s collusion with Islamists – regardless of this or that terror group’s name – and the submissive media, citizens won’t know what hit them, until it is too late. Mark these words.

BESIDES, no well-informed, non-submissive American (westerner) can claim they weren’t warned – they were!!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

America’s Media Omerta:Jihadi Linkage To NYPD Assassinations Verboten,Breaking The Silence.Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Ismaaiyl Muhammad

EVER since two NYPD officers were assassinated (Dec. 20,2014), execution-style, in Brooklyn’s Bed-Stuy neighborhood, media spinmeisters have been weaving, bobbing and dodging the (Islamic) elephant in the room. The 800 lb. gorilla too!

BEFORE we proceed, the fact of the matter is that U.S. news channels are accessible, even to those of us living in Israel. Thus, while FOX is part of this investigative journalist’s cable tv package, the rest are closely monitored (for spin) by a network of interested parties.

THAT being said, a definitive and lock-step narrative has emerged, regarding the “motivations” of Ismaayil Brimsley. Two competing story lines are front and center, both of which point towards his “garden variety” criminality.

THE lying saga spins in this direction: admittedly, yes, he was a thug and skell, so what else can be expected? The second-tier of their mendacious mantra concentrates on his “grievances”, as the underlying factor. Consequently, reportedly, his execution spree was the direct result of revenge for 2 Blacks who encountered friction with cops. Yada, yada…boo hoo too. 

RESULTANT, for the sake of accuracy, let us just place the following on record: the “martyred” in Ferguson & Staten Island (Brown and Garner) were criminals with rap sheets, resisted arrest and tangled with law enforcement. Not to be lost in the discussion, even a grand jury saw through the witch hunt in the justifiable shooting of Brown, whereas Garner died of a heart attack due to his resistance! Indeed, they weren’t boy scouts…innocents. Regardless, no amount of spin will change the facts at hand. 

MEDIA whores, you copy that?

MOST significantly, just as one should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, the Islamist-infused cop-killer wanted revenge on cops for this and that, but it was NOT the PRIMARY factor. Calculus.

INTRINSICALLY, any journalist who is not beholden to leftist group-think (or scared sh-tless of Islamic threats) would perform their due diligence, relative to their positions as the “Fourth Estate”. Inherently, they are mandated to dig beneath the surface, come what may. Egregious malfeasance. 

FROM the onset, this site was very clear:

{Brooklyn cop killer’s FB page: “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah”…Sura 8}  

BEFORE we get to the heart of the matter, the meat, one must fully internalize the following: the fact that the latest cop killer, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, was also a typical thuggish hood, said vile characteristic in no way obviated the real impetus for his NYPD bloodletting. Bear this factoid uppermost in mind. It is critical and irrefutable.

IN a nutshell, the assassinations were the poisonous morphing of Islamic jihad + race-warfare; the explosive linkage between the red/green alliance. Yes, it was (still is) the combustible combination of a commie revolutionary’s “winks and nods” – geared towards forward march – in tandem with free reign given to Islamists, those who are protected under the umbrella of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. No doubt, the mutating of Bill de Blasio’s reign of anti-American fervor, coupled with jihadi doctrine to kill and kill, set the deadly stage! This week’s killing spree is only a foretaste, if not beaten back. Post haste.

IN conjunction, a lethal dose of fuel has been lobbed via many verbal and action-oriented grenades. These signals are well understood by the powers that be; yes, let’s just wait and witness the fireworks. Indeed, their foot soldiers know that their backs are covered. Yes, they are.

NEVERTHELESS, we must fully connect (and indict) the direct nexus between Obama Inc. and attendant race-baiters-in-arms – primarily through Sharpton’s megaphone via his army of Black militants and assorted white malcontents – with the blood already accrued. They are murderous-inciting thugs, to be exact. Resultant, they want little more than to bring down “Amerika”…..

ADDING fuel to the above nexus, the following is more than indicting, but “mainstream” media remains deaf, dumb and blind. Thankfully, a few alternative media sites are catching up to speed.

“BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE: NYPD Cop Killer Worked For Muslim Terror Front Group,” by Charles C. Johnson, GotNews

NOW, those of us who understand what’s what, also know that the Islamic Society of North America is the top Brotherhood organ/umbrella in North America. In a nutshell, it is the capo di tutti capi, if you get the drift. No wiggle room. So why was Bed-Stuy’s cop killer employed by them, as indicated very clearly on his FB page highlighted at the top of this commentary?

HANG on…we are not done.

AS always, let’s just seal the deal. Bullet proof. Impregnable.

“Islam, Obama, de Blasio & Sharpton Murdered NYPD Cops”  

21 Dec 2014

By: Dave Gaubatz






Ismaaiyl Brinsley (Islamic Terrorist), murdered the two NYPD cops, but not alone. He had in his arsenal the numerous Islamic leaders teachings about the hatred for America and our law enforcement.This dvd by an Islamic leader in America, Ahmad Sakr, is popular in the Islamic schools throughout America.  Sakr informs young Muslim children to not trust the U.S. government and our law enforcement officers.  He tells small children that if they do, they will go to hell.It is no wonder Muslims are taking up arms around the world against innocent people.  This is what is taught in the mosques.  They are simply following the Quran and the Islamic ideology.CAIR’s Man of the Year was Al Sharpton.  Both CAIR and Sharpton are also responsible for the murder of these two NYPD cops.  Sharpton should be prosecuted, but in order to do that we would have to arrest and prosecute Dictator Obama and Eric Holder.  These criminals are covered from the top to the bottom.I recently uncovered a document from the Fraternal Order of the NYPD Muslim Police Officers Association.  This fraternity of Muslim cops advised CAIR National they would support and protect Islam and Sharia law, before they would the U.S. Constitution. 

Due to the teachings of Islam and anti-cop inflammatory rhetoric by Obama, de Blasio, and Al Sharpton, more U.S. law enforcement and military personnel will be killed in America and in the near future. 

This 81 page manual informing Muslims how to go underground if they are wanted by U.S. law enforcement.  Originally located in the Islamic bookstore attached to the mosque of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Brooklyn, NY.,  Dave Gaubatz has found this 81 page anti-law enforcement manual in numerous mosques and Islamic Centers in America…. 

Muslims Arrested For Smuggling Tobacco to Fund Islamic Terrorists

Since the cigarette bandit (Eric Garner) from NY was apprehended and later died allegedly from excessive law enforcement action, Sean Hannity has ridiculed law enforcement about arresting “petty” cigarette smugglers. Someone needs to inform Hannity (and others) that millions of dollars of tobacco is smuggled (by Islamic terrorist supporters) from North Carolina and Virginia into NY. The Islamic terrorists use tractor trailer units to purchase million of dollars of tobacco in low tax are states, and then resell the tobacco in NY and elsewhere. The money in turn is used to support Islamic terrorism around the world. Our cops do not need to stop arresting tobacco smugglers, but instead should double their efforts to arrest these terrorist supporting smugglers.

THERE’S more…Staten Island’s hood, the now deceased Eric Garner, was a “cigarette smuggling” bandit, hardly an innocuous past time. By the way, Sean Hannity should have known better, for he too joined the gang bang on law enforcement, conflating cigarette smuggling with “petty” crime. Oh, really? In effect, messaging: why did the police bother the “poor fella” in the first place! Huh?

READERS, choose which set of facts appear reality-based, as opposed to those manufactured by leftist/Islamist mouthpieces.

MEMO to the clueless and the mendacious: this investigative journalist, for years, has known about the nexus between the financing of jihad through many seemingly “garden variety” criminal activities. What’s Hannity’s (and the rest of the apologists) excuse?

FOR the record, some explosive info wended this way and it was handed over to trusted investigative contacts. It involved a particular cigarette smuggling AND counterfeit (knock-off) goods operation, in relation to Hezbollah’s sleeper cells in the U.S. Mind you, this jihadi “fund raising” zig zags across the Shia and Sunni divide. It runs mainly, but not exclusively, up and down the I-95 (U.S.) corridor.

NOT to get too specific, chains of convenience stores (from one end of the interstate to the other) and gas stations are deeply in the mix. 

ASK yourselves: whom do you think owns these terror-supporting businesses, “mom and pop” entrepreneurs? and what are their ultimate goals, in support of said smuggling? 

ENOUGH said! 

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Obama Inc.’s FULL-ON Shield Towards Muslim Brotherhood: CAIR Not A Terror Org!Surrogates Go To Bat…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

BACK in the day, before Eric Holder (who never met an Islamist/leftist who was guilty of anything, let alone terrorism /subversion/treason/murder and mayhem) took the reins, the DOJ, to a large degree, was an address for American justice.

IN effect, an unindicted co-conspirator to the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history (Holy Land Foundation Trial) would hardly be in a position to ask any Fed agency, let alone the Executive Branch, for “assistance”. But that was then (in 2007/2008) and this is now. 

INTRINSICALLY, the criminal proofs against CAIR are crystal clear, even for those who are (ideologically rendered) blind as bats. However, pathological hatred for America – fueled by leftist/Islamist fixations – is impregnable. Fortress-like.

CAIR is indeed an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounceHamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.

Although it has received millions of dollars in donations from foreign Islamic entities, it has not registered as a foreign agent as required by the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), despite spreading Islamic supremacist propaganda within the United States.

And although it presents itself as a civil rights group, CAIR actually has numerous links to hateful and violent Islamic supremacist and jihad groups.

CAIR founders Omar Ahmad and Niwad Awad (who still serves as CAIR’s executive director) were present at a Hamas planning meeting in Philadelphia in 1993 where they and other Hamas operatives conspired to raise funds for Hamas and to promote jihad in the Middle East. CAIR has steadfastly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups.

Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror:

  • Ghassan Elashi , founder of CAIR’s Texas chapter, in 2009 received a 65-year prison sentence for funneling over $12 million from the Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation to the jihad terrorist group Hamas, which is responsible for murdering hundreds of Israeli civilians
  • Mousa Abu Marzook, a former CAIR official, was in 1995 designated by the U.S. government in 1995 as a “terrorist and Hamas leader.” He now is a Hamas leader in Syria.
  • Randall Royer, CAIR’s former civil rights coordinator, in 2004 began serving a 20-year prison sentence for aiding al-Qaida and the Taliban against American troops in Afghanistan and recruiting for Lashkar e-Taiba, the jihadist group responsible for the 2008 Mumbai jihad massacres.
  • Bassem Khafagi, CAIR’s former community relations director, was arrested for involvement with the Islamic Assembly of North America, which was linked to al-Qaida. After pleading guilty to visa and bank fraud charges, Khafagi was deported.
  • Rabih Haddad, a former CAIR fundraiser, was deported for his work with the Global Relief Foundation (which he co-founded), a terror-financing organization.

In 1998 Omar Ahmad, CAIR’s co-founder and longtime Board Chairman, said: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

After he received unwelcome publicity as a result of this statement, Ahmad denied saying it, several years after the fact. However, the original reporter, Lisa Gardiner of the Fremont Argus, stands by her story.

CAIR’s spokesman Ibrahim Hooper once said: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”

STILL, even with the above in mind, a few visual aids/proofs require additional edification:

Edification One:

THUS, before one views the two upcoming videos, please recognize that its host, Tom Trento, is not a so-called talking head. As such, blow him off at your own (western) peril. The evidence he brings to bear is second to none, and it will frighten you out of your mind. But that’s okay. Besides, it is better to have some mental discomfit now, before it is too late to (help) turn the tide. In any case, it doesn’t hurt that he has this site’s back, in a manner of speaking.

BUT before you click on, a brief synopsis is a must read:

In 2008 the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned America that the self-proclaimed “Muslim civil-rights” group, CAIR, was really part of the Palestinian terrorist organization the HAMAS. In fact, as we have proven, CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations actually functions as the “Special Operations Division” (SOD) of the political department of the HAMAS. Part of the CAIR “SOD” functions is to attack with media propaganda any person or organization who analyzes or criticizes CAIR. For several years now, CAIR has been able to maintain their non-terrorist Islamic “hue,” that is, until they have become a subject of our ground-breaking series, “Enemies of the State.” Stay tuned to this unique series as we send our research investigators deeply into the federal files on CAIR and present factual conclusions that will disrupt, disable and destroy the operations of CAIR/HAMAS USA.


TO wit, now that you are scared witless – so sorry for that – is it any wonder why CAIR, aka Muslim Brotherhood Mafia leaders, is inextricably linked to jihad terror-related crimes??

MORE specifically, this investigative journalist is completely up to speed on the intersecting terror hydras accrued under the Brotherhood’s umbrella. CAIR is front and center.

NOT only that, but being less than six degrees separated from a counter-terror expert who has been (and still is) within the belly of the MB beast – having provided much of the critical evidence to indict top Brotherhood terror leaders at the Holy Land Foundation trial – well, let’s just say they were none too pleased with the captured evidence revealed within Muslim Mafia. Poor dears, they still hold a grudge! Hmm…makes you want to shed a tear for their angst…just kidding…

Buy This Explosive Book Today!

The four Congressmen then wrote Attorney General Eric Holder on October 21, 2009, saying that in light of the book’s claims of CAIR attempting to influence national security policy within Congress, they were very concerned about CAIR’s relationships with terrorist groups, and requesting that the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) provide each Congressman a summary of DOJ’s evidence and findings that led DOJ to name CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism trial…


Left: Cartoon posted to Facebook depicting David Gaubatz being beheaded - Right: Gaubatz on duty in Iraq.

{Left: Cartoon posted to Facebook depicting David Gaubatz being beheaded – Right: David Gaubatz on duty in Iraq}

WITH the above info in tow, listen very carefully to the Mafia-like money laundering frauds utilized by the Muslim Brotherhood, with CAIR as “Exhibit Number One”. Yet, please bear in mind, it is not an accident (nor incidental) that the same two counter-terror hunters are housed within these pages.

READERS, grab a snack, put up your feet, get comfy and pay heed to what we (who operate separately, but also in tandem) term – “follow the (jihadist) money”

{a sampling of the monies laundered/exchanged – out of scores – between HLF and CAIR, some of which individually ranged from 100,000 on up, and collectively totaled into the many millions}

BACK to Obama’s “FULL ON” shield…but now that readers are more in the (terror) loop, just listen to his mouthpiece spin, dodge and weave. Good grief.

INCONTROVERTIBLY, the leader of the (heretofore) free world assiduously lends cover for the most dangerous Islamist Mafia, bar none – the Muslim Brotherhood.

AND since it has been demonstrably proven, six ways to Sundays, that CAIR is the Brotherhood’s American propaganda arm – akin to the machine run by Joseph Goebbels during the Nazi regime – it is only due to an Islamist-in-Chief at the helm that they remain under Washington’s protective shield and also “at large” throughout the U.S.

INDICTMENT SEALED….against Obama Inc. and the Brotherhood Mafia in toto!!

Obama Embraces Al-Qaradawi:Egypt Issues Interpol “Red Notice” On Muslim Brotherhood’s Godfather,What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

INTERPOL 2014-12-06 00-22-52



LIKE a (terrorist) rock star, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is one of the most revered scholars in Sunni Islam. Not only that, his influence and spiritual guidance, relative to the Muslim Brotherhood, is second to none. Yes, he beats all the other Mafia-like fatwa leadership hands down, though some are nipping at his heels.

Based in Qatar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is one of the most influential clerics in Sunni Islam. He currently serves as president of the European Council for Fatwa and Research(ECFW), and is a highly influential spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. Qaradawi has twice (in 1976 and 2004) turned down opportunities to serve as the Brotherhood’s highest-ranking leader. His preference, he explains, is to avoid tying himself to “any movement which might constrain my actions, even if this is the Muslim Brotherhood under whose umbrella I grew and which I so defended…..”

BE that as it may, the Islamist-in-Chief sees no problem in “reaching out” to his Brother-in-Arms, regardless of the spin put forth…blah, blah, blah.

Unnamed government sources assert that Qaradawi helped in putting together a “road map” whose purpose is to provide America a “face-saving political settlement ahead of its planned withdrawal from Afghanistan which is due to begin in 2014.” Once again, for an Obama administration concerned with the 2012 election, a “political settlement” becomes a viable substitute for victory.

OTHERS confirm the same treacherous collaboration:

After thousands of young Americans have laid down their lives to protect the United States from jihadist terror, President Obama apparently seeks to end the war by asking Qaradawi, a jihad-stoking enemy of the United States, to help him strike a deal that will install our Taliban enemies as part of the sharia state we have been building in Afghanistan.

If the Hindu report is accurate, the price tag will include the release of Taliban prisoners from Gitmo — an element of the deal Reuters has also reported. The administration will also agree to the lifting of U.N. sanctions against the Taliban, and recognition of the Taliban as a legitimate political party (yes, just like the Muslim Brotherhood!). In return, the Taliban will pretend to forswear violence, to sever ties with al-Qaeda, and to cooperate with the rival Karzai regime…..

NOW, some of us recognize that Obama Inc. is neck-deep entwined with the Brotherhood. We get their symbiotic relationship.

A growing amount of Americans (westerners) also understand that the ultimate goal of this Islamic hydra is to impose Shariah law all over the world, most especially within America. Once she falls, so too will the rest of the west. Global domination.

IN this regard, how can it be that President Al-Sisi of Egypt understands the dangers posed by the Brotherhood Mafia, but Barack HUSSEIN Obama doesn’t? Or should we be asking the polar opposite question: why is the Islamist, who is despoiling the People’s House, Allah-bent on bringing down America? Why indeed.

SO it is with this dangerously Orwellian situation in mind that we need to interpret the Interpol “Red Notice” from Egypt, as a warrant is placed for the arrest of the Brotherhood’s leading spiritual adviser, Sheikh Yussuf Al-Qaradawi. He is an inordinately dangerous menace to Egypt, as well as to the west. On the other hand, the Islamist-in-Chief is resolutely in his corner, doing whatever he can (behind the scenes) to mitigate his capture.

The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) issued on Friday a high level alert in a bulletin seeking arrest of the Islamic cleric Yusuf Al-Qaradawi , head of the International Union for Muslim Scholars and a lifelong Muslim Brotherhood supporter.

Interpol stated that the Qatar-based sheikh is wanted by the judicial authorities of Egypt to serve a sentence. He is charged with agreement, incitement, and assistance to commit premeditated murder, facilitating a prison escape, as well as involvement in arson, vandalism, and theft.

Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat requested Interpol to arrest Qaradawi and turn him in to Egyptian authorities in December 2013.

The 88 year-old faces charges alongside ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi and 129 others for a mass jail break that was allegedly carried out with the help of Hamas and Hezbollah during the 2011 uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak.

Qaradawi had urged Egyptians to boycott last May’s presidential elections, which President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi won. Qaradawi had also published a fatwa on his website calling the 30 June events a military coup, and urging all Egyptians to support ousted president Mohamed Morsi to restore him to his “legitimate post.” He also claimed that Al-Sisi had consulted personalities who “do not represent the Egyptian people,” including Ahmad Al-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar.

Al-Qaradawi was stripped of his citizenship by former president Gamal Abdel Nasser. He was arrested under Egypt’s King Farouk in 1949, then again under Nasser in 1956 and later in 1963. He then fled to Qatar, where he became a citizen in the 1970s.

After the January 25 Revolution Qaradawi made his first public appearance in Egypt in Tahrir Square when he led Friday prayers on 18 February, 2011.

In 2004, Qaradawi refused the leadership of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood for the second time.

Qaradawi had been banned from entering the US since 1999 and UK since 2008. Authorities also refused him entry into France.

The Al Jazeera television network has been broadcasting Qaradawi’s programme “Shariah and Life” for the past 18 years. His fatwas in support of suicide bombings against Israeli civilians sparked considerable controversy.  Hi son, Abdurrahman Yusuf al-Qaradawi, is a poet and a political activist in Egypt.

AS we have tragically grown accustomed to, the Jihadi-in-Chief makes no bones about his Islamist proclivities, even though he becomes outraged when any non-submissive reporter directs queries in said direction. 

MOST significantly, he not only utilized the Brotherhood’s head honcho as an “adviser”, but feted (in June 2013…who knows how many other times) their Mafia’s top lieutenant, Sheikh Abdullan Bin Bayyah, from the International Union of Muslim Scholars, founded by Qaradawi. This terror-tied org., for accuracy sake, must be deemed a “Who’s Who” laundry list of jihadi players. No exaggeration.

The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) was launched on July 11, 2004 in conjunction with a visit by Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi to London for a meeting of the European Council for Fatwa and Research. Qaradawi is the IUMS President while  many prominent individuals tied to the Global Muslim Brotherhood and/or Hamas serve as IUMS Trustees including:

  • Basheer Nafi (Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader, formerly associated with the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
  • Salah Sultan (former U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, notorious antisemite)

Past lists of IUMS members have included other prominent individuals such as

  • Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza)

The IUMS has:

  • Criticized French military intervention in Mali aimed at Al Qaeda
  • Helped Qatar draft a law aimed at banning attacks on or offenses to religion
  • Demanded that Pope apologize “just as he apologized to the Jews”
  • Called for punishment of U.S. soldiers who burned Korans

THE upshot is this: American leadership has reached the cesspool of all cesspools, especially when an American patriot – and a right wing Zionist living in Israel too – would rather cast her absentee vote for Egypt’s Al-Sisi (if the option arose) to replace Barack HUSSEIN Obama, if that was the only way to remove him from power!

AS to Al-Sisi’s citizenship impediment, well, the Usurper-in-Chief has been able to circumvent said requirements for not one, but two terms. And what about Al-Sisi being a Muslim, is that not a concern? Yes, it is. But truth be told, at least he would have the balls to kick out the Brotherhood Mafia from the White House, all its attendant agencies and from the nation in toto! 

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Jihad & Race-Baiting:De Blasio & Obama Inc.’s Bloodletting.What’s To Be Done?Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Koranic favorite of Ismaaiyl Brinsley which calls for the preparation to kill from Surah 8.

{Brooklyn cop killer’s FB page: “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah”…Sura 8}  

BEFORE we get to the heart of the matter, the meat, one must fully internalize the following: the fact that the latest cop killer, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, was also a typical thuggish hood, said vile characteristic in no way obviated the real impetus for his NYPD bloodletting. Bear this factoid uppermost in mind. It is critical and irrefutable.

IN a nutshell, the assassinations were the poisonous morphing of Islamic jihad + race-warfare; the explosive linkage between the red/green alliance. Yes, it was (still is) the combustible combination of a commie revolutionary’s “winks and nods” – geared towards forward march – in tandem with free reign given to Islamists, those who are protected under the umbrella of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. No doubt, the mutating of Bill de Blasio’s reign of anti-American fervor, coupled with jihadi doctrine to kill and kill, set the deadly stage! This week’s killing spree is only a foretaste, if not beaten back. Post haste.

IN conjunction, a lethal dose of fuel has been lobbed via many verbal and action-oriented grenades. These signals are well understood by the powers that be; yes, let’s just wait and witness the fireworks. Indeed, their foot soldiers know that their backs are covered. Yes, they are.

NEVERTHELESS, we must fully connect (and indict) the direct nexus between Obama Inc. and attendant race-baiters-in-arms – primarily through Sharpton’s megaphone via his army of Black militants and assorted white malcontents – with the blood already accrued. They are murderous-inciting thugs, to be exact. Resultant, they want little more than to bring down “Amerika”.

MOST significantly, ever since “Tray” became the poster boy for “never letting a crisis go to waste”, White America has been deemed an open season target, as have the guardians of law and order. No exaggeration. 

{Two black males in Milwaukee walked up to the home of a white family, in a majority black neighborhood, and unleashed a hail of gunfire. A five year old white girl was murdered while sitting on her grandfather’s lap….where is the outrage, the marches, via Sharpton and gang?}



INDEED, once again, the Race-Baiter-in-Chief – like a piece of excrement – reacted in the same flippant manner to the cold-blooded murders of 2 NYPD officers, just like when news of the beheading of an American broke. Both times he barely paused from his golf game. Similarly, after two NYPD cops were assassinated in Bed-Stuyhe proved that he is unfit to lead. That’s a wild understatement. Alas, other than haughty intonations from his mouthpieces that they “were monitoring the situation”, the Agitator-in-Chief went straight back to his golfing/playtime.

MIND you, his stone cold silence is in stark contrast to his repeated bully pulpit statements, “the police acted stupidly”, soon after his Black brother, comrade Henry Louis Gates Jr., was questioned (inconvenienced) by Cambridge, MA police. Hmm…

ASSUREDLY, NYS criminal law is very clear about punishments meted out to those who incite others to commit crimes. Now, the above links are more than enough to get the (indictment) process moving, whether against a civilian or elected official. Makes no diff. 

ONTO the jihadi component of Ismaaiyl Brinsley cited above; his main impetus, the Islamist/green part of the deadly alliance!

So Ismaaiyl Brinsley the killer of the two cops in Brooklyn, NY, has two Muslim names “Ismaaiyl” and a middle name “Abdullah” (see mugshot bellow) which means “servant of Allah,” is a fan of sheikh Yusuf Estes, who is not only neck deep in the Muslim Da’wa movement (the call to convert westerners to Islam) but Estes meets with both ISIS and Hamas financiers, and Brinsley loved the Koran, specifically Surah 8 on his own Facebook page, which calls for arming for preparation for Jihad war; it says all on what we need for motive as to why Brinsley shot the two officers. That accompanied with Hamas supporters who were proven to have been behind the riots in Ferguson is a complete recipe for killing cops as we present the evidence in this article.


Brinsley is a jihad sympathizer who used the racial turmoil as an excuse to kill Americans. The Ferguson riots as we shall see here were pushed and organized by Muslim fundamentalists in America.

Firstly, the verse he likes to read is:

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, tostrike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.

Brinsley took advantage of the Ferguson controversy, and is using it as a pretext to carry out Jihad. Its the type of thing has been warning about, since we exposed the ISIS Manifesto in September which calls for Muslims in the US and abroad to kill Americans. (CLICK HERE TO READ THE MANIFESTO) Even an armed cop is not safe and we have been warning about this prior to the events in which Americans were killed. We expect more Americans will be killed not just on the home front but internationally as we had incidents in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates all confirmed to be linked to ISIS sympathizers.

Profile of Ismaaiyl. Notice how it says he speaks Arabic.

Photo of Ismaaiyl in his Facebook. The face of a terrorist

The Ferguson riots were pushed and organized by Muslim fundamentalists in America, alongside their far-left allies. The violence perpetrated in Ferguson was part of a jihad, just as the murder of these two officers done by a Muslim who is sympathetic to the Ferguson cause, is part of the same jihad.

The Ferguson riots are a jihad against America organized by Muslims. This is stealth jihad at work, and it foreshadows that major street jihad is coming to America. Muslim activists and organizers are using the rioters as a means to launch jihad in America. I did a whole video on this:

The Feguson-Jihaddist connection, in fact, was also reported by Fox News who just released a whole report on the Islamic involvement in the Ferguson riots:

Muslim groups have stepped up efforts to co-opt protests over the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., with a drive to equate the teen’s death to the death of a radical Islamist shot during an FBI raid in 2009, a Washington-based security watchdog group is warning.

Using social media, conference calling and traditional outreach methods, leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are portraying Brown and Detroit mosque leader Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah as African-American victims of police targeting, according to the Washington-based Center for Security Policy (CSP). In a conference call organized by CAIR-linked “Muslims for Ferguson, a CAIR official called Abdullah a “Shaheed,” or martyr, and said both he and Brown were victims of a national security apparatus that had “completely gone wild” and engaged in “demonizing and criminalizing Muslims.”

“The reality is that this country, in law enforcement, be it local, state or federal law enforcement, people with guns have always seen black men and black people as threats,” Dawud Walid, executive director of CAIR’s Michigan Chapter, told the some 100 protest organizers on the call, made on the five-year anniversary of Abdullah’s death and which was monitored by CSP.

Walid claimed Brown was a Muslim, although when pressed, Walid denied he had made such a claim. Brown was buried in August after a memorial service at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis.

Another Muslim activist behind the Ferguson chaos wrote that Muslims, including CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) have been involved since the beginning of this controversy:

From day one, Muslims have been on the ground in Ferguson. The Facebook group Muslims for Ferguson and other efforts were just later manifestations of what was already happening. Muslims were in Ferguson first and foremost because we live in the community like everyone else and are concerned about its well-being.

Along with Brothers Anthony Merrill and Naji Fakhrid-deen Adams, I was on the ground in Ferguson on the first night. I grew up in the area and have been talking about issues of violence and policing and surrounding economic issues for years.

For me, it was a no-brainer to stand in solidarity with those protesting in the streets. Brother Anthony also grew up in the area and has been vocal on local issues for years. Brother Naji is a reformed East St. Louis gang leader and substance-abuse counselor who works in the community every day.

Talal Ahmad was also on the ground from day one. A native of the O’Fallon Park Neighborhood in North St. Louis living in Jennings Brother Talal is a local independent-journalist who emerged as a protest leader with the group Tribe X. Brother Talal was instrumental in the successful occupation and subsequent negotiations with St. Louis University.

Brother Anthony Shahid of the Tawheed Youth Group and Masjid Tawheed is a long time St. Louis activist and veteran of the African-American struggle for justice. Brother Shahid was on the ground from day one and played a pivotal-role as a peacekeeper.

Missouri State Senator Jamillah Nasheed and her aide Eric Vickers, both Muslim, have also been mainstays at the protests. Ministers Donald and Akbar Muhammad, members of the Fruit of Islam security, and the Final Call News and others components of the Nation of Islam have also been active on the ground as have members of the Moorish Science Temple.

Mustafa Abdullah of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri has not only been active on the ground he has taken local police to court over the “5 second rule” and other egregious abuses of civil-liberties. Faizan Syed, director of the St. Louis Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations along with community-activist and Hafiz Abdul-Basit Syed, have also been of assistance to activists starting at an early date.

The Muslims are using the rioters, and of course race, as an instrument for jihad, and Obama is as well playing a major role in this. The entire movement is a conspiracy to weaken the American police force to further enable jihad in America. To prove this point here is a video of Ferguson native, a Palestinian who is openly a pro-Hamas Muslim, Bassem Masri. We can even hear him threatening police officers saying “I support Hamas 100%” “I see ISIS in front of me” (see the video above, at 8:30) and then in this video he talks about demilitarizing the police:

By “demilitarize” and by saying, “What happens when we demilitarize your police force, are you going to keep the badge?” he no doubt means neutralizing the police force and bringing in anarchy to America.

Here is another video of Ferguson Muslim activist telling police that neither them nor their children will ever be safe:

This is a terrorist threat, and we must ask ourselves why the police are not arresting him? This is not something police officers tolerate. Some sort of measure must of have been done within the government to force the officers not to react to these low-lives.

God bless Police Chief Edward Flynn for expressing the truth: the people who hate the police don’t care about African Americans, because African Americans kill each other every day, and if they really cared they would be focusing on that instead of trying to create sedition.

Obama wants to cause a race war in order to overthrow the American government. All of the violence in society comes from one view: complete freedom of speech. Some speech, like that of these despotic mobs, should not be given freedom……


THERE is only so much jihadi and racial incitement that a citizenry dares to tolerate, before they pass the point of no return. But when it comes to NYPD cops, well, they are known to be a breed onto themselves, and for good reason. In a word, probably the most highly trained police force in the nation. So they must capitalize on a burgeoning negative sentiment against NYC’s Commie-in-Chief, as many are boldly stating: “he has blood on his hands”!! 


The blood of 2 executed police officers is on the hands of Mayor de Blasio. May God bless their families and may they rest in peace.

Former New York Gov. George Pataki tweeted: “Sickened by these barbaric acts, which sadly are a predictable outcome of divisive anti-cop rhetoric of #ericholder & #mayordeblasio. #NYPD”

CONSEQUENTIALLY, the renegade running NYC is a grave danger to the guardians of law and order, as well as to the citizens at large. A bucket list of incitement has accrued under his watch, thereby, warranting his removal from office by any legal means necessary. Let him kick and scream. 

Chant: "What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want 'em? Now!"

SO now that the NYPD blue have literally turned their backs on the revolutionary Mayor despoiling Gracie Mansion, perhaps surrounding it is in order. Just take a page from his compadre’s playbook, “no justice, no peace”.

IN other words, sans his resignation, he will not know a day of peace, regardless of how many cops it takes to teach him requisite lessons. As to Sharpton & gang, well, they must be dealt with in turn. Use your imaginations. But first things first.

SPECIAL ALERT to NYPD rank and file: this investigative journalist has full confidence that you know how to “take care of business”. Egregiously, the blood of your “brothers-in-blue” – who fell under the sword of an anti-cop leadership, both elected and through relevant surrogates – cries out for justice!

John Vigil's photo.

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Islamic Doctrine & Rape:U.S. Stats Will Mirror Europe’s Epidemic.Islam’s Blow Back…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

UNFORTUNATELY, while the crime of rape is no stranger to America’s landscape, the fact of the matter is that its presence wends across the board. An “equal opportunity” crime. In other words, while one grouping may, at any given time, be incarcerated for more rapes than another, it has never been the case that any “religion” (guess which one) actually backs up the sexual violations of its followers! Say what?


SO, statistically speaking, once their numbers and concomitant power grows, the number of rape victims will be commensurate. Guaranteed. Absolutely, the stats will climb to an exponential factor. Not good news, except for the rapists!

IN this regard, the Koran’s view of women, as sexual slaves, dovetails with the permission slips they receive from Islam’s “holy” book. Thus,  adding rape to their barbaric menu list is easy peasy. Deadly serious. 

ITS sexual underpinnings are highlighted here.

Does Islam condone slavery?  Does Islamic teaching allow Muslim men to keep women as sex slaves?

Summary Answer
Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery.  In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice.Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader.  He captured slaves in battle.  He had sex with his slaves.  And he instructed his men to do the same.  The Qur’an actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (0).

NOW, why should Americans (and other non-European westerners) care about skyrocketing rape stats in Europe, after all, they have enough problems in their home countries? A fair assessment.

INDEED, before Muslims started their colonialist invasion of Norway, the city of Oslo was virtually rape-free. Go figure…

THEREFORE, some boomerang effects just can’t be ignored and they require the west’s hyper vigilance.  

ALONG this vein, the Islamist-in-Chief is assiduously working towards aligning America with Shariah law dictates, the Constitution be damned. And if one thinks this is smack talk, feel free to believe in magical thinking. It’s your choice.

REGARDLESS of wishful thinkers, facts are stubborn and can’t simply be erased at will. Basically, once Shariah law overrides the laws of the land, well, rape (and the enslavement of women) will become legal! You got that?

YET, even though a culture is steeped in sexual depravity, it doesn’t mean that the rest of us are obliged to go along to get along. Agreed?

Mohammed’s most famous marriage did involve raping a little girl and plenty of Islamic clerics have made a case for doing it today. Just one more way that Islam is incompatible with the West. (via Religion of Peace)

Thirteen Muslims have been found guilty in Bristol for a whole catalogue of sexual offences including child rape and grooming  under age school girls. Two separate grooming gang trials took place with a complete media blackout being enforced.

A slight variation from the Muslim grooming gangs we are becoming so used to now. The repulsive paedophiles committing the sex offences were all Somali immigrants.

One nonce who had sex with multiple victims told the court at his trial that sharing girls for sex “was part of Somali culture” and “a religious requirement”.

Esmatullah Sharifi, an Afghan refugee, offered an Australian woman a ride home and then put his right hand around her neck and his left hand over her mouth and raped her. Sharifi’s lawyers claimed that due to cultural differences he was confused about the nature of consent.

This wasn’t Sharifi’s first misunderstanding of the difference between rape and sex. He had already been sentenced to 7 years in jail for raping an Australian teenager on Christmas Day in 2008.

In the Ashfield rapes, four Pakistani brothers raped eighteen women and girls. Their father urged that his sons be pardoned because they “did not know the culture of this culture.”

Our culture and religion however tells us to keep men who behave like the Prophet Mohammed away from our families and our children.

Surely the Somalis and Pakistanis will agree to respect our culture.

ALAS, isn’t it befitting, tragically so, to apply the following appendage to America (the west), “now the end begins”?

Obama Authorizes First Wave Of 9,000 UN-Approved Muslim Immigrants For US Resettlement – The US Department of State announced on its website that the Obama administration has approved over 9,000 Muslim immigrants, hand-selected by the United Nations, for admission into the United States as residents.

HARDLY one to be a nitpicker, nor wishing to appear off course, do parents understand that Common Core is neck-deep in promoting Islam? Basically, their kiddies are being told that Islam is the way to go, believe it or not. 

On Friday, Fox News’ Todd Starnes reported that a high school in Farmville, North Carolina, promotes Islam and the Prophet Muhammad in a Common Core vocabulary assignment handed out to seniors in an English class. Starnes said one parent he spoke to was troubled by the assignment, calling it classwork disguised as Islamic propaganda.

“In the following exercises, you will have the opportunity to expand your vocabulary by reading about Muhammad and the Islamic word,” the worksheet said. Starnes said the lesson uses words like astute, conducive, erratic, mosque, pastoral, and zenith in sentences about Islam.

For example, the reading says that, “The zenith of any Muslim’s life is a trip to Mecca.” Another sentence reads: “The responses to Muhammad’s teachings were at first erratic. Some people responded favorably, while other resisted his claim that ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammad his Prophet.”

“It’s very shocking,” the parent told Starnes. “I just told my daughter to read it as if it’s fiction. It’s no different than another of fictional book you’ve read.”

A Pitt County School District spokesman defended the lesson, explaining that it came from a state-adopted supplemental workbook and met the “Common Core standards for English Language Arts.” The spokesman also said it “is designed to accompany the world literature text, which emphasizes culture in literature.”

But, Starnes added, the problem with the lesson is that it emphasizes a specific culture and religion. The school district even acknowledged concerns “related to the religious nature of sentences providing vocabulary words in context.”….

IN this regard, do the promoters of Common Core even care that Islam condones rape and sexual slavery? Of course not.

NEVERTHELESS, more than a fair and urgent question!

Israel Encircled:Obama’s “Rebels”,Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades-Backed Up By IDF & U.S./CIA Officers-Pledged To ISIS.What Are The Knock-On Effects?Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Liberty Eagle}

MUCH has been written at this site about Obama Inc.’s support for the “rebels”, most of whom have long been connected to Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and Salafist offshoots, including ISIS. 

IN fact, regarding the connections – on a multiplicity of occasions – mega alarm bells blared. Most recently, the following was cited: U.S. military confirms that Obama is sabotaging fight against ISIS! As is said, them’s fighting words.

BUT little has been publicly discussed about PM Netanyahu’s decision to “assist” Barack HUSSEIN Obama with his oft ballyhooed “rebels”, to aid Washington in rolling back ISIS. Yes, that would have been a righteous strategic mission, and arguably in Israel’s national interests. Few would contest to the contrary. Just listen to the Druze community on both borders of the Golan (albeit, a little farther down in the analysis), where they make their voices known.

STIPULATED, PM Netanyahu’s joined-at-the-hip scenario depended upon many factors. Nevertheless, as always, Israel’s citizens must demand that any outcome results in their favor. Inherently, two compelling factors stood in the forefront and had to be taken into account. Alas, they weren’t. Why not?

TRENCHANTLY, the “rebels” had to be incontrovertibly in the camp of the “good guys”. Otherwise, why would Israel go anywhere near them, regardless of Washington’s arm twisting? 

NOT only that, from the onset, the second benchmark obviated the first. In other words, PM Netanyahu hadn’t learned his requisite lessons. The (rhetorical) question becomes: was he in the dark about Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamist aligned proclivities? Sheesh.

IN tandem with the above, several hints were dropped (by this investigative journalist) at Inquisitr – regarding the anticipated blow back to Israel – ever since PM Netanyahu hitched Israel’s wagon to Obama’s regime. Tragically, when a (supposed) sovereign nation is unable to untie their apron strings to an Islamist-bent POTUS, more than a few boomerangs should be (at least by its leaders) anticipated. Blow back.

HOUSED at “ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World”, the following (Sept. 2014) served as a foretaste:

In respect to the strategic implications for Israel – as a result of PM Netanyahu’s utter refusal to bury Hamas – he opened the door for ISIS and in more ways than one. Few are aware that the lengthy battle between Israel and Hamas (with Hamas’s stature growing, commensurate with the amount of time that they were able to hold out against the vaunted IDF) allowed ISIS to slip right into Israel proper! Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy arm, is more than taking note. Other jihadi terror outfits too.

“As the Islamic State (formerly ISIS) continues its bloody conquest of Iraq and Syria and begins invading Lebanon, all in the name of establishing a global Sunni Muslim caliphate system, signs of support for the extremist are being seen among Israel’s Arab citizens.

Channel 10 exposed on Sunday that in recent months black ISIS flags have been commonly seen in Arab-Israeli towns in northern and coastal Israel, notably in the cities of Nazareth and Akko.

The flags have been seen flying among both Muslim and Christian Arab citizens of Israel, an ironic move given that ISIS in Iraq has emptied cities of their Christian populations by issuing them an ultimatum either to convert to Islam, pay non-Muslim jhizya taxes – or die.” –


NONETHELESS, due to the increasingly dire situation unfolding on Israel’s borders (as ISIS builds it strength on Israel’s northern Golan, as well as its southern Egypt/Sinai fronts), it is mandatory to offer a short recap, relative to the so-called “rebels”. It will aid in bringing the situation…the “matzav”…מצב…full circle.

Recap One:

BACK in March 2013 a warning was issued about Syria’s “rebels”, and a chemical alert was part and parcel thereof. Indeed, it stated: “rebels” more dangerous than Assad’s thugs; Al Qaeda/Salafists in the forefront.

Recap Two:

BUT fast forward to Sept. 2013…Syria’s kiddies were actually gassed! Shocking, but certainly not on this end. Nevertheless, how many even realized that these same children were actually kidnapped – a week prior to their gassing – by Obama Inc’s supported “rebels”? Not too many.

Recap Three:

AND who recalls Senator McCain’s intensive, shrill-pitched backing for “rebel” factions, even though irrefutable evidence piled up about their real fealty? Take a peek. Holy jihad!


So here’s a heck of a thing: Back in May 2013, forever Warmonger John McCain was really excited about the prospects of arming the Syrian “moderates” who were fighting to free that country from the iron grip of Bashar al-Assad. He even sneaked into the country to meet with the head of the Free Syrian Army, Gen. Salim Idris, the fellow in the striped shirt there (Idris was ousted in February of this year).

Only one small problem with the little photo-op: In addition to Idris, some of the other guys in the pic are apparently members of a slightly less “moderate” group: ISIS, the guys who are currently bringing down Iraq, and the photo is reportedly being circulated by ISIS as proof of their legitimacy. Oops.

OOPS, indeed. But the above should be considered a sampling, an abbreviated list, of what has been revealed (foreshadowed) at this site.

IN this regard, others have finally caught up to speed, but it may very well be too late.

DEBKAfile spilled the beans, yet there appeared to be a fly in their ointment, so to speak. Note their claim, “the sudden defection”, and internalize its meaning. Indeed, it was an obvious smokescreen! But whereas the rest of the analysis was spot on, there was NOTHING “sudden” about the defection of the “rebels”. It will be proven below. Hang on, if you dare.

The Syrian rebel militia Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades, backed and trained for two years by US officers, mostly CIA experts, in Jordan, and supported by the Israeli army, has abruptly dumped these sponsors and joined up with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military and counter-terrorism sources reveal.

The sudden defection of this 2,000-strong anti-Assad force leaves IDF defense formations on the Golan, US and Jordanian deployments in the northern part of the kingdom, and pro-Western rebel conquests in southern Syria in danger of collapse.

The Brigades’ jump into the radical jihadi camp was negotiated in the last two weeks by its commander Mousab Ali Qarfan, who also goes by the name of Mousab Zaytouneh. He was in direct contact with ISIS chief Abu Baqr Al-Baghdadi, whom our sources report has recently relocated from Iraq to his northern Syrian headquarters at al-Raqqa.

Unlike the Sinai Islamists, Ansar Beit al Maqdis, the Yarmouk Brigades did not pledge allegiance to ISIS. The ir pact was forged as an operational alliance, which is just as grave a peril for the rebel militias’ abandoned allies.

For Israel, in particular, the new development is fraught with three dangers:

1. The Yarmouk Brigades are strung out along Israel’s Golan border with Syria, from the UN peacekeepers camp opposite Kibbutz Ein Zivan (see map) in the north, down to the Israeli-Syrian-Jordanian border junction in the south. The Brigades therefore sit along 45 of the total 76 kilometers of the Syrian-Israeli border. This means that a long stretch of Israel’s Golan border with Syria has fallen under the control of the Islamic State.
2.  This militia also commands sections of the Syrian-Jordanian border, as well as districts of the southern Syrian town of Deraa. Therefore, the link between Jordan and southern Syria, which served American strategic interests, is now under military threat.
3.  Islamic State forces are preparing to take advantage of their new asset with a buildup near the Druze Mountains (see map) for a rapid push south towards the town of Deraa, where they will join forces with their new ally.

ADDING to the indictment, even Haaretz (the leftist/Arabist Israeli site) weighed in. Assuredly, they have yet to come across an Arab “militant” they haven’t apologized for. Essentially, they are too busy tarring right wing Zionists, who happen to be IDF too. Intrinsically, they are (ISIS) terrified. Oh dear.

For the first time since the Syrian civil war began in early 2011, Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) has gained a presence near the border with Israel on the Golan Heights.

NEXT up, Syria Direct had this to say:

While various pro-opposition media activists spread the news Sunday on social media websites that Liwa Shuhada Yarmouk, the most prominent of the three groups, had pledged allegiance to IS, the group itself has not yet released a statement.

The group did, however, upload a video to YouTube in late September displaying its fighters at a training camp, in which what appears to be the IS banner flying above the Liwa Shuhada Yarmouk logo.

Activists had written about the group’s pledge of allegiance to IS weeks ago “in preparation for IS entering Daraa,” reported Cham Times.

BASICALLY, even Syria’s site made mincemeat out of the “sudden defection” mantra, the confabulation. But wait…there’s more evidence. Ominously, a compendium of videos placed the “rebels” (months ago) in league with ISIS! Mind you, the following visual aids came directly from Al Yarmouk Shuhada’s own webpage. Thus, Israel’s leaders surely had a duty to check them out!

Video One:

(Pay attention to their training camps, Sept. 30, 2014…at 0:29 the “rebels” emblazon the ISIS flag over their logo. Definitively, it appears in the upper left corner throughout. And when the action in the camp starts after the introduction, they begin by waving an ISIS flag (1:21-1:29). In other words, they have publicly advertised themselves as being ISIS affiliated, for at least 2 and a half months! Again, so where is the “sudden” factor, as detailed at DEBKAfile’s Dec. 17, 2014?)

 Video Two:

(The above documents one of the “rebel’s” dead fighters being buried in an ISIS flag – the flag appears from 0:29 – and this evidence is from Jun 15, 2014. So, the “sudden revelation” goes up in smoke)

Video Three:

(An ISIS flag – the white version – on one of their trucks. The flag is visibly displayed, June 3, 2014)

Video Four: 

(ISIS – with the “rebels” – control 30 km of Israel’s border)

VIDEOS Five, Six and Seven:

(The above grouping shows them bragging they are strongest power in the area abutting Israel’s border…more than food for thought)

Video Eight:

(“Rebels” holding 4 UN troops hostages….in May 2013!) 

MOVING right along…yet…

NOT to be lost in the discussion, the impending storm, butting up against the encroachment of ISIS live Israel’s Golan Druze (alongside Israeli Jewish communities), many of whom have relatives right over the border within Syria’s Druze community. Druze, on both sides of the border, are terrified by what they are actually witnessing with their own eyes; their encirclement by ISIS, with the “rebels” in tow! 

IN the main, Israel’s Druze are very loyal citizens, serving with distinction in the IDF. Emblematic of said devotion, look no further than to Ghassan Alian, a true Israeli hero. Similarly, another hero emerged, but Zidan Saif was tragically killed in a firefight, while defending Jews praying in a Jerusalem (Har Nof) Synagogue. G-d rest his soul. 

ALONG this dangerous terrain, certain matters have come to this investigative journalist’s attention, being an American-Israeli living in Israel. Significantly (and attributed to a Golani Druze journalist, who shall remain nameless), he interviewed Syrian Druze and they credibly documented ISIS, for quite some time, inside their border, one which is adjacent to Israel’s Golan!

THE urgent query becomes: could it be remotely possible, in any rational reality – with Israel’s second to none “eyes in the sky” and other operational capabilities – that they haven’t seen the “rebels” merging with ISIS, long before this week’s “announcement”? Whom are they kidding?

IN this regard, there is a growing sense of outrage within the Druze community, as they realize that Israel’s leadership “lent” the IDF to quarterback for Obama’s “rebels”, those whom have proven to be (many months ago) ISIS affiliated.

IT gets worse.

ONCE again, a source has confirmed an unfathomable situation: Israel’s gov’t is clearly taking care of the medical needs of Obama’s “rebels”. 

REPORTEDLY (another contact would have to go into hiding, if his identity was revealed), Israeli hospitals are at their disposal! Therefore, it is up to others to document the story’s underlying basis.

IN April 2014, over 10 Islamists (identified as either ISIS or Al-Nusra…six of one, half a dozen of another) were being treated in a Tsfat hospital for almost an entire month. To wit, they were separated from the rest of the patients, they were forbidden to walk around the hospital, and they were always guarded by IDF soldiers. By the way, it doesn’t matter a wit how this source was able to identify their presence. That’s neither here nor there.

DOES it get any more Orwellian? Besides everything else, is this within the IDF’s stated mission, its code of ethics? 

CONCOMITANTLY, does anyone wonder why Israel’s leaders are incapable of resisting pressure, spinelessly capitulating to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s dictates – “accommodating” ISIS-linked “rebels” – as well as Hamas/PA hydras at Israel’s throat? 

WELL, stop wondering. Just watch the following (linked) video of an unfettered pro-Hamas rally on the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, even as Jewish worshipers are treated as pariahs and worse!

BLOG NOTE: as more info drops in this direction, rest assured, it will see the light of day. Stay tuned.


Australia’s Cafe Jihadist:Known To CIA & Obama Too.Apologists Galore…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ASIDE from the perennially deluded (read:leftists and surrogates), few are unaware that Islam incites/serves as the inspiration for Islamic jihad. G-d have mercy, but not on them. Besides, they deserve whatever blow back wends their way. 


HOWEVER, despite all the slaughters invoked under the banner of Allah – via exhorting, Allahu Akbar – some still require remedial education. Slaps too. Regardless, check the mindless drivel out, almost immediately after the jihad ended in Sydney, Australia:

“That Sydney Sheikh, he’s a phony Muslim cleric. He just wants to kill people. That’s not what, you know, Islam is calling for – to kill people at the cafe.”

AND to all the (worldwide) apologists for Islamic terror, what other heinous acts must accrue, in order to finally admit: Islam is a cancer to the west, as well as to those who refuse to submit to their dictates, regardless of locale!

STILL – being the sort to lend a helping hand – will this latest (out of enumerable others) act of barbarism suffice? Not very likely.

Posing proudly in front of a Taliban banner declaring ‘There is no God but Allah’, this is the hand-picked suicide cell responsible for the cold-blooded slaughter of 132 schoolchildren.

Clutching an array of rocket launchers and machine guns, the crazed gunmen are shown both in traditional clothing of Taliban fighters and the Pakistan military uniforms they wore to avoid suspicion immediately before storming the Army School in Peshawar.

The pictures – apparently taken in the hours before Tuesday’s attack – were released yesterday by the Taliban, together with a threat to carry out similar attacks despite the outrage at the horrific, carefully planned massacre in which 132 children and more than a dozen teachers were killed.

In an email released this morning, Khurasani attempted to justify the attack by claiming that the Pakistani army has long killed the innocent children and families of Taliban fighters.

But he vowed more such militant attacks and told Pakistani civilians to detach themselves from all military institution, adding: ‘We are still able to carry out major attacks. This was just the trailer.’

Depraved: The Taliban gunmen who slaughtered 148 innocent people, including 132 children, are pictured just hours before the massacre. The white banner they pose in front of is the flag of the Pakistani Taliban and reads: 'There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger’
The Taliban gunmen who slaughtered 148 innocent people, including 132 children, are pictured just hours before the massacre. The white banner they pose in front of is the flag of the Pakistani Taliban and reads: ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger’

IN any case, let’s just throw the naysayers under the bus – burying them, if it comes to it – and shout: Allah, the pagan diety of Islam, has EVERYTHING to do with worldwide jihadi slaughter!

MOVING right along, let’s get back to Sydney’s jihad, the CIA and a message to Obama.

TO get to the crux, recall the counter intuitive backtracking, the nonsense, put forth by Australian intelligence, when Man Haron Monis burst into the cafe:

Monis was known to counterterrorism agencies. 

He was on a national watch list but had “dropped off”, the Prime Minister admitted this morning. Since the terror alert was heightened in September in response to threats from Islamic State, the government has been more closely monitoring the activity of those on national watch lists, but NSW Attorney-General Brad Hazzard admitted yesterday one fatal mistake had been made by overlooking this man.

Speaking on ABC radio this morning, Mr Abbott said the threshold for an individual to make the watchlist was, “in a nutshell”, someone who “is regarded as at risk of doing violence against innocent people”. Even though Mr Monis had a known “infatuation with extremism” and had publicly declared his support of IS on his website just last month, he somehow didn’t make the cut.

IN plain-speak, the authorities knew about his fervent desire to commit jihad and they had him in their sights, but decided that he no longer merited their attention. The urgent questions become: did he reform his ways? if not, what warranted his exclusion from their oversight?

THAT being said, where does the CIA fit in? Now, clearly their mouthpieces will never publicly admit to knowledge of this and that, but there are those who are willing to connect the dots.

AS such, pay attention to the oft-cited DHS insider:

According to this DHS source who is well-embedded at a fairly high level within this political leviathan inside the beltway, high level DHS briefings made late Sunday (Washington, DC time) confirmed that various police and intelligence agencies throughout New South Wales and Australia not only know the identity of the perpetrator at the Lindt Café, but “[they] have had numerous dealings with him over the last several months.” This source stated that “he is not just some random unknown perpetrator without a history, but has made his intentions known for some time. Once or if the truth comes out, you will see that he is also known by the CIA.”

It is important to consider that the event started at a time when the Western media was on weekend autopilot, allowing U.S. intelligence agencies time to manage the outflow of information more adeptly. Nonetheless, much of what the event was designed to do has already been accomplished.

BASICALLY, it is not outside the realm of possibility that the CIA intersected with him as an “asset”. Do recall a previous commentary, re CIA double agents and attendant jihadi blow back.

NOW that that is settled, we can head over to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s intersection, to read the “love letter” he received from this very same jihadist!


ISIS-supporter, Sheikh Haron (Man Haron Monis), the Sydney hostage taker, had an extensive website (currently down) where he posted open letters to assorted politicians. These included a letter to Obama written during his original campaign.

12 June 2008
Senator Barack Obama
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 USA

Dear Brother Barack Obama

I got your message. Hiding the religion for political purposes is not permitted. When a Muslim is asked about her/his religion, she/he must tell the truth. You think it is permissible by Shariah law to hide your religion to achieve some positions to be able to help Islam and to give a better service to Muslims. You are wrong, Shariah law doesn’t allow you to do so, your reason for hiding your religion Islamically is not a legitimate reason.

You must rely on Allah (SWT) and avoid the satanic style of politics. If Allah wants you to be the President of the United States of America, you will definitely be the president, no matter you hide your religion or not, no matter you lie to American people or you tell the truth, so it is not worth to commit a big sin just for political purposes.

You will be apostate by denying your religion, I advise you to avoid such a big sin. You must have trust in Allah, you must always remember that  Allah has the absolute power to help you to become the President even if you tell the truth that you are a Muslim. Our rely must be only on Allah.

You will be the President but it doesn’t worth to be a President by selling out your religion, it is not worth to lose hereafter which is permanent life for this short term life. You will be the President but this is a test from  Allah to show to people that Senator Barack Obama chooses the right path or the satanic tactic. I advise you to be careful to pass this test of  Allah successfully. May  Allah guide all of us. Ameen.

Kind regards,

Sheikh Haron

MY heavens…but it was not as if Barack HUSSEIN Obama hadn’t revealed his devotion to Islam, and it can be heard here. Clear as a bell, even for those too tone deaf to listen.

MIND you, this investigative journalist hardly needs the above piece of excrement’s “newsflash”, to out the Islamist/Jihadi-in-Chief. That ship has sailed and sailed…Demonstrably, he has been proven to be Islam’s best friendNevertheless, you gotta hand it to the recently deceased jihadist, as he hit the mark, so to speak.

REGARDLESS, rest assured, every possible lie will be weighed, and the most suitable one will be constructed for mass consumption. It will be messaged as the “new truth” re Australia’s jihad. Indeed, a cover story will be printed for the hapless public; those who are held captive by their lying leaders and the Islamists at their throats! 

U.S. Sheriff Confirms:Patriots In Their Cross Hairs & DHS On Board.What’s The End Game? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Liberty Eagle}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

THOSE of us who have some familiarity with the discipline of philosophy (more than likely) recognize the philosophical “forefathers”. Their dialectical forms.

IN reality, within the discourse of “modern philosophy”, the front-runner is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, aka (shortened to) Hegel. A scary dude, that is, if you recognize what his dialectic has construed; shaping (rather misshaping) the relationship between the “state and its citizens”. Yes, by extrapolation from his philosophical theories, whatever outcome(s) leaders seek to impose, well, becomes the art of the doable.

ONE such “gem” was coined the “negation of the negation”. In effect, a “done deal”, before citizens even realize what’s happening around/to them. Though the above can be construed (or misconstrued) as an elemental explanation, this site’s sophisticated readership will glean its meaning and intent.

READERS may (rightfully) wonder: has this investigative journalist lost her mind, bringing up a long-deceased philosopher – albeit a rock star in his own milieu – in relationship to today’s subject matter, patriots in the cross hairs? Nope, brains are still intact. 

HOWEVER, to internalize how/why so much chaos in America is erupting, as well as the bold-faced, shameless manner in which Obama Inc. (Demsters and RINOS) thumb their noses at the majority’s wishes, a paradigm shift must evolve. Most significantly – and through a dispassionate lens – one must view seemingly chaotic world events through a non-obstructed prism. Afterwards, step outside the imposed (through many subliminal tactics and messagings) dialectic and gauge who benefits most. Hint: it ain’t American patriots, nor others who seek freedom throughout the west.

THAT being said, think of all the domestic upheavals, in particular, the most intense racial incitement since the 1960’s, and ask yourselves: who are the main players? similarly, who accrues the benefits? Then, segue over to the leadership’s (on both sides) profligate (taxpayer) spending sprees and relate it to the erosion of Constitutional rights via Obamacare, illegal amnesty, gun control edicts and every brazen scandal in between. 

AT the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood is deeply ensconced in the White House et al; Islamic domestic terror is deemed “workplace violence”; ISIS is found inside the borders, and Barack HUSSEIN Obama is signing off on thousands of Muslim refugees, but denying the same refuge to Christians…and so on.

TO what end? It is a (purposeful) witch’s brew for national disaster, and its roots are sown through domestic chaos. In turn, the chaos is aided by knock-on effects from Islamic terror. All of the above is orchestrated with Obama Inc., in tandem with other partners. The “transformation” of America, as promised, by Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

IN this regard, stealthily, slowly and without many the wiser, the aforementioned relationship between the “state and its citizens” is “transformed”. In essence, how many won’t be relieved when the sh-t hits the fan, only to witness the leadership swoop in with a “safety” net and promises to alleviate the suffering? This includes both mental anxiety/turmoil and the actual upheaval on the streets. Precisely. Evil sociopaths.

BACK to the Sheriff’s juicy tidbits….

NOW, how worrisome (and perplexing) is it to realize that America’s policing agencies have become increasingly militarized? At the same time, what’s up with the inexplicable (billion plus) shopping sprees by DHS, almost as if they know that a domestic war is on tap, and that unprecedented amounts of hardware (and bullets) must be at the ready? Not only that, but who recalls another promise from the Dictator-in-Chief, to create a “civilian force” ( comparable to the military? Again, what for?

WELL, a particular Sheriff (and others) spilled the beans, thus, warning the citizens what is coming their way.

A video posted to YouTube Saturday shows what appears to be a Washington state deputy sheriff explaining that armored vehicles are needed by police departments to confront “Constitutionalists” with firearms. According to Infowars’ Mikael Thalen, the footage was shot in Spokane Valley, Washington, a community that sits between Spokane and the Idaho state line.

Thalen said a local resident asked two deputies why vehicles designed for combat in places like Iraq and Afghanistan would be needed. The deputy responded by saying there are “a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition.”

“They have weapons here locally,” the deputy added. Thalen said the shocking admission indicates that law-abiding gun owners who support the Constitution are under surveillance by local authorities and it solidifies concerns by many that conservatives are being targeted by law enforcement agencies.

Thalen said the talking points are not that surprising, given that the department has received training from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal organization that has declared Christian organizations “hate groups” for opposing gay marriage. State Rep. Matt Shea, a Republican who represents Spokane Valley, was clearly appalled with the footage, Thalen said.

“Will law abiding citizens who love the Constitution and Rule of Law be hunted down with MRAPs?” he asked. “Constitutionalism is fundamental to being an American. To hate the Constitution and those who support it means you are a traitor to this country.”

“This is spitting in the face of all those heroes that fought, bled, and died so we might live free,” he added. “The question should be, why aren’t you a Constitutionalist? Why don’t you believe in the rule of law? Why don’t you believe that the Constitution means what it says?”

This is not the first time such an admission has been made by law enforcement officers, Thalen said. Last May, a Morgan County, Indiana, police sergeant told Fox 59 his department received an armored vehicle in part, to deal with returning veterans the Homeland Security Department deemed a threat in 2009.

“When I first started we really didn’t have the violence that we see today,” Sgt. Dan Downing of the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department said. “The weaponry is totally different now that it was in the beginning of my career, plus, you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.” Downing went on to say the vehicle was not part of an effort to take guns from law-abiding Americans.

“We were actually approached when we’d stop to get fuel by people wanting to know why we needed this…what were we going to use it for? ‘Are you coming to take our guns away?’” he added. “To come and take away their firearms…that absolutely is not the reason why we go this vehicle. We got this vehicle because of the need and because of increased violence that we have been facing over the last few years…I’ll be the last person to come and take anybody’s guns.”

Concord, New Hampshire, Police Chief John Duval also requested an armored vehicle to deal with Occupiers and libertarians he reportedly claimed posed a domestic terror threat. He backed down after the request was made known to the public, Mother Jones said.

“The State of New Hampshire’s experience with terrorism slants primarily towards the domestic type,” Duval’s filing read. “We are fortunate that our State has not been victimized from a mass casualty event from an international terrorism strike however on the domestic front, the threat is real and here. Groups such as the Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges.”

Thalen said that despite a drop in the deaths of police officers and gun crime in general over the last 20 years, agencies “continue to adopt military tactics in order to fight anything that represents traditional America.” Fortunately, he added, officers who still respect their oath and the Constitution still serve throughout the country. Video of the comment can be seen above.

AT the same time, what other outcome can Americans expect, when Obama and surrogates are decidedly partial toward anti-American regimes? But don’t forget the left’s (and their enforcers) tricks of the trade, when legal gun ownership is spun around and turned upside its head, as soon as questions are asked by ordinary citizens or outside journalists. Basically, it is as if those who “cling” to the Constitution (aka “bitter clingers”) are the threat, not those who shred it! Classic disinformation.

IN the main, average folks have a hard time internalizing that their leaders are, for the most part, operating off a prescribed playbook. This is far from a conspiracy theory. The facts are there, you just have to know how to thread them together. 

TO wit, step outside the prescribed dialectic, Hegel (and Obama Inc.) be damned!

YES, one is already six feet under, but the other is attempting to do the same to America’s patriots.


Egyptian Islamic Jihad,CIA Double Agent(s) & Benghazigate:The Connections & Cover ups…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Left to Right: Ali Mohamed, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif and  Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm

{Ali Mohamed, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif and Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm…tied into MB’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad…the CIA…and Benghazigate}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Liberty Eagle}

WHILE Benghazigate has (mostly) receded into the background – at least from the pages of the captured media, namely, Obama Inc.’s mouthpieces – rest assured, the dangers to America (and the west) are becoming exponentially graver without its truthful unraveling. Cause and effect. This is not a case of “out of sight, out of mind”. 

THEREFORE, before we pinpoint why the above is crucial to unveil, first and foremost, a western crash course on Shariah law, the underlying tenets of Islam, is imperative. Either through self education or communal awakening initiatives, said knowledge base will hugely assist westerners in their push back against the scourge of worldwide jihad. One must understand the enemy to fight them, as well as recognize who (in the west) has their backs. The enemy within. Simple as that.

IN line with the above, in no small measure, unraveling Benghazigate will aid in figuring out many of Islamic jihad’s knock-on effects.

THERE are only so many lies and treacheries that a true liberal democracy can withstand, before the infected nation implodes. And when it comes to those perpetrated under Obama Inc., well, let’s just say that the weight is unbearably top-heavy. As a result, the blow back (national and international) will exceed the wildest of imaginations. ISIS-like, they are coming home to roost.

AND even countless attempts, to hide and otherwise browbeat witnesses into silence, can only go on for so long. As is said, sh-t has a way of hitting the fan. Besides, when it does, there is no way of avoiding attendant backlash. It’s just nature taking its (corrected) course. Granted, some of us tend to lend our “helping hands” to push said truth forward. Heavy lifting, but worth it.

SUCH is the case with Benghazigate’s chickens, and no amount of media spin will change the calculus. Reverse its course. In fact, a small book can be filled with the warnings blared from these pages, almost immediately after the slaughtering of Americans took place on that fateful day, Sept. 11, 2012. It was, so to speak, an “anniversary” gift from Obama Inc.’s Brotherhood collaborators.

BASICALLY, if the full truth remains shrouded behind lies, the losers will not be the jihadists, nor those covering for them! Agreed, knowledge is power. Guaranteed.

NOT only that, but sans a clear understanding of the major interconnecting jihadi hydras, well, one becomes bogged down in irrelevant minutia. Indeed, jihadis count on their enemies to remain confused. In the dark. In other words, this and that “newbie offshoot” should be seen as “subcontractors” of the main players, even if they have no “formal” linkage. Moreover, don’t bother trying to keep track of their names – the so-called “lone wolves” too – all of whom receive their “inspiration” from the same “laws of jihad”. Their actual names hardly matter, but do concentrate on their jihadi symbols and Allahu Akbar screams. The point being, the directives of Shariah law + jihad, those which which underpin Islam itself, are paramount. Sacrosanct. Resultant, it will become a lot harder for western leaders to blow smoke in your direction, terming lone wolves as “mentally ill” and that’s that… nothing to see, moving right along.

The gunman was identified as 50-year-old Man Haron Monis, whom Abbott said had “a long history of violent crime, infatuation with extremism and mental instability.” He was “a deeply disturbed individual” known to the police but he was not on a terror watch list, Abbott said

OH dear…denial is a river of (innocent) blood!

ON the other hand, there are more than enough top dog terror orgs – many of which are deeply rooted within America and other western countries – and they must become like second skin. 

MORE specifically, how many are aware of the genesis of the Muslim Brotherhood, its Egyptian birthplace? If not, time to catch up to speed. It is a CRUCIAL tie-in to Benghazigate.

BUT before one connects the dots, one’s journey commences here… 

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Ismailia, Egypt by Hassan al-Banna in March 1928 as an Islamist religious, political, and social movement.[1][2] The group spread to other Muslim countries but has its largest, or one of its largest, organizations in Egypt, where for many years it has been the largest, best-organized, and most disciplined political opposition force,[3][4][5] despite a succession of government crackdowns in 1948, 1954, 1965 after plots, or alleged plots, of assassination and overthrow were uncovered. Following the 2011 Revolution the group was legalized,[5] and in April 2011 it launched a civic political party called the Freedom and Justice Party (Egypt) to contest elections….

ABSOLUTELY, the above info is intrinsic to internalize. Thus, to understand the worldwide slaughtering, the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals are its epicenter. Its pinnacle. Everything (blood-related) flows from there. 

CONCOMITANTLY, do recall the oft-mentioned Egyptian connection, in relation to this site’s reporting on Benghazigate. There are many other “connect the (Egyptian) dots” housed within.

NEVERTHELESS, the following info brings the “mystery” full circle. Pay attention.

When Ali Mohamed, the most embarrassing Muslim spy to ever join America’s ranks, was caught and ‘trusted experts’ acknowledged his deep involvement with Islamic terrorism, specifically Al-Qaeda, the government covered up his role as a double agent. It’s an old story many consider dust in the wind until of course now when, in this explosive discovery, exclusively reveals that the same Ali Mohamed is connected to a man whose organization is implicated in the Benghazi attacks.

Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif, an Egyptian after whom the Muhammad Jamal Network (hereafter MJN) is named, has been identified by multiple Congressional committees as having been involved in the Benghazi attacks. But the scheme even gets dirtier when the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and some ‘respected’ conservative republicans, think tank experts, and government officials cover up the truth on Benghazi for the sole purpose of keeping the lid on a major embarrassment and how Ali hoodwinked the entire CIA in order to be the first CIA agent to work exclusively for Al-Aqeda’s interests. He was a double agent who succeeded in getting inside the ranks of the U.S. intelligence committee.

So let’s begin to disclose the details of the juicy story and put the puzzle together so that the American people can see the extent to which even people they think are trustworthy sell out and sacrifice American blood at the altar of vanity.

It has been confirmed that both al-Kashif and Ali are connected to Ayman al-Zawahiri – al-Qaeda’s number one – from a U.S. State Department document dated May 15, 2001. About Ali, it states:

He [Ali] left the U.S. Army in 1989 and in the early 1990s became involved in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization, which also worked with al Qaeda.

The connection to the same entity also stems from yet another State Department document,regarding the terrorist designation of al-Kashif. It reads, in part:

“Upon returning to Egypt in the 1990s, Muhammad Jamal became a top military commander and head of the operational wing of Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), then headed by AQ leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.” (dated October 7, 2013)

This places Egyptians Ali and al-Kashif with EIJ in the same decade and with at least one common thread connecting them with Al-Qaeda’s number 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri. EIJ is also the group recognized for assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Also in the early 1990’s, al-Zawahiri visited the U.S. on a fundraising tour and Ali accompanied him, according to a 2001 Wall Street Journal article.

Ali’s case being shrouded in mystery for years now helps to explain why so little attention is given to the Jamal Network and the Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks.

This answers why so little media coverage was given to this story and answers why the so-called ‘think tank’ terrorism experts and highly respected figures have largely been silent on the issue even despite al-Kashif’s arrest by Egyptian authorities just weeks after the attacks. Another man, Ahmed Abu Khatallah is the only suspect who’s been captured despite the fact that Al-Kashif, who still sits in an Egyptian cell as has reported, begs to differ.

The connection between Ali and al-Kashif helps to explain why the latter is not brought into the spotlight. In Ali’s capacity as a spy for the U.S., he was responsible for an untold amount of death and destruction. Despite all this, intelligence and investigative agencies – as well as the U.S. Army – continued to rely on him in a fatally flawed arrangement.

However, the snow melted and the embarrassing stench was revealed. The straw that broke the camel’s back came when Ali was finally arrested in 1998. According to a very revealing article published by the New York Times later that year, Ali was subpoenaed shortly after the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7th. After appearing in front of a grand jury the next month, Ali was arrested. On October 20, 2000 Ali pleaded guilty for his role in those bombings.


Andrew McCarthy – the man credited with being the prosecutor of the Blind Sheikh – was one of the Asst U.S. Attorneys present when Ali pleaded guilty. Despite knowing all we have said is true, McCarthy has so far done absolutely nothing about calling attention to it.

McCarthy’s history in all this goes way back. As of 2006 – and most likely as of today – Ali, the only man known in America’s history to have been found guilty without being sentenced. One of the suppositions as to why is that upon being sentenced, details of the case may be made public. The refusal of Ali or his attorney to talk continued long after the guilty plea.

The trial of Ali Mohamed wasn’t the first time McCarthy was part of a case that involved Ali. On November 5, 1990 Egyptian El Sayyid Nosair assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane. In December of 1991, Nosair was inexplicably acquitted of the murder but was convicted of other charges that put him in prison; he would later be charged and convicted while still in prison.

In 1994-95, McCarthy was one of the prosecutors in what has become known as the “Day of Terror” trial, which had the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman as being the mastermind of a conspiracy to bomb several Manhattan landmarks. Both the Blind Sheikh and Nosair were given life sentences, with Nosair finally being convicted of Kahane’s murder.

That murder, however, was part of a larger conspiracy.

During the raid on Nosair’s apartment prior to his first trial, boxes of evidence retrieved included classified military documents that were tied back to Ali, who joined the U.S. Army in 1986 and worked at Fort Bragg, NJ in some capacity with Special Forces. Shockingly, two years earlier, after reaching out to the CIA in Egypt to become an asset, Ali was later rejected when the CIA caught him divulging his intentions to Hezbollah. Ali was allegedly placed on a terror watch list, which should have prevented him from getting a visa. Despite all this, in 1985, Ali got a visa anyway and traveled to the U.S.

According to the WSJ article, boxes confiscated from Nosair’s apartment contained…

…training manuals and classified Army documents from Fort Bragg, some of them in Arabic translation, that had come from Mr. Mohamed, the FBI would later learn.

Based on this information, Nosair’s attorney Roger Stavis issued a subpoena for Ali in December of 1994, wanting him to testify. A problem for the Feds was that Ali was working as an FBI informant at the time. His testimony at a high profile trial would indeed be problematic for several high level people. Using private investigators, Stavis was never able to locate Ali. In some ways, this is curious because Ali appeared to be at his home in California for at least some time in December.

Here is a screenshot of part of the court transcript that deals with Stavis’ failed attempts to do so, via IntelWire:….{read the whole thing!}

HERE’s the crux: as noted from the onset, to understand what’s what, one has to dig into certain roots, and the Muslim Brotherhood reigns supreme. Now, its Egyptian branch, of which Muhammad Jamal Network (implicated in Benghazigate) sprung, is, one way or another, connected to all the worldwide terror…less than six degrees separated. Ditto, Egyptian Islamic Jihad (a “cousin” of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) …and up and down the terror tree.

MOST significantly, this investigative journalist reported on the Egyptian nexus to worldwide jihad – re both World Trade Center attacks, in 1993 and 2001 – back in 2005. “The Opening of Jihad on U.S. Soil” tells the tale. Yes, this was seven years before Benghazigate blew up! 

SO, readers, follow the trails…

Rabbi Kahane’s assassin was an Egyptian named El-Said Nosair. Soon after the murder, the investigating authorities found among Nosair’s belongings many boxes of Arabic writings, which for years were inexplicably not translated. Unbelievably, they included detailed plans for the upcoming 1993 World Trade Center bombings. In addition, Nosair was also a protege of Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman, the internationally infamous “blind sheikh” from a Jersey City mosque, convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Furthermore, the gun used to kill Rabbi Kahane was given to him by Wadith El-Hage, a member of Al-Qaeda, who was convicted for the 1998 US embassy bombings. Significantly, in March 1997, an Egyptian Muslim opened fire at more than a dozen people who were congregated on the rooftop of the Empire State Building for a sightseeing visit. Three years later, in the fall of 2000, the USS Cole was attacked, albeit overseas. The nexus to this Islamic hydra was growing exponentially (the above are only some examples of their lethal attacks on US soil and US interests overseas), yet US investigative authorities kept undeniably missing the links. The catastrophic attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the US Pentagon were a direct culmination of their blindness….

Immediately, Mr. Taylor approached the local New York office of the FBI and the US Attorney General’s office with sources of information. Acclaimed terror investigator Steve Emerson produced a documentary, Jihad in America, that exposed that the FBI had buried moles and spies deep within some of the Islamic terror cells. However, no tangible results on Rabbi Kahane’s murder were forthcoming from the FBI. Coincidentally, Mr. Taylor had the occasion to speak with the newly retired CIA head, William Sessions. Mr. Taylor was flabbergasted to learn that Mr. Sessions never saw the crime scene pictures taken of Rabbi Kahane’s murder. This should have been the first order of business, to hand over the pictures to the head of the CIA. After all, that was a logical conclusion to make when Islamic terrorists were being pursued. What was later revealed, though, managed to fill in the blanks as to why no results were forthcoming in Rabbi Kahane’s assassination investigation.

In a nutshell, the FBI was not only taken off Rabbi Kahane’s case, but all Islamic “infiltrating” was halted. President Clinton ordered the CIA, and the CIA then demanded that the FBI cease and desist. The Congress also put the squeeze on the FBI. Why? The true motives are anyone’s guess. However, from 1990 until the 1993 first World Trade Center bombing, these groups were not monitored….

BUT do make sure – when reading the aforementioned op-ed – to make a mental note of the leadership’s purposeful dereliction. The point being: there is nothing new under the (jihadi) sun, all the while various (like musical chairs) Washington players lend them cover.

CONCLUSIVELY, the leadership’s failure to act – to uproot this and that in the 1980’s/90’s – directly led to 9/11/01; the most horrific terror attack on U.S. soil! Similarly, keeping a lid on Benghazigate will make 9/11/01 appear like child’s play.

NO doubt.