Islam’s Dirty “Secret” Seeping Out: Apostates Tell All! Its Intersection With “Islam & Blood.” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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THOSE of us who are non-Muslims but know what’s what (and are unafraid to “spill the beans”) are either thanked, ridiculed, placed on so-called “fake news/ fact checking” watch lists (oxymoronic…the “fakers of fakers” becoming the “fact-checkers”….sticks and stones too), or downright threatened for revealing the truth. Whatever. Regardless, keeping it hidden is NOT an option, all attempts at censorship be damned. Have at it.

THAT being established, it is more than appropriate to bring forth a smattering of nation/life-saving information which is largely unknown by non-Muslims and kept hidden by committed Muslims. 

IN this regard, let’s segue to Sunni Islam’s highest Imam, Yusuf al-Qaradawi. He has been featured at this site on numerous occasions, and it is not for nothing. In fact, his Muslim Brotherhood roots are second to none. Tippy-top.

ALAS, if this Muslim Brotherhood Mafia expert had to pick the main Islamic dog within its entire spiritual hierarchy, look no further than to Qaradawi. This is so because he is considered the premier wielding authority for all Sunni Muslims, irrespective of where they live throughout the world. 

SO the very fact that he freely admits the following “news”, isn’t it beyond unfathomable – not to mention, mendacious and treasonous – that western leaders have yet to seize the moment by latching onto Sunni Islam’s most revered scholar’s words like a life raft, finally, “spilling the beans” on apostasy in Islam? W T F are they waiting for?

“If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today….opposing apostasy is what kept Islam to this day.” 

INTRINSICALLY, doesn’t the above “poop and scoop” bury the Orwellian mantra that Islam is a “religion of peace”? For heavens sake, isn’t it obvious that the truth has been in plain view for all who care to see? Yes, in order to keep Islam from collapsing, the pain of death ensures that (a preponderance of) Muslims do not abandon the faith!! Moreover, aside from all the other barbarism attributed to Islamic Sharia law, is it acceptable to allow its imposed cruelties within any civilized western nation? If so, why? If not, what is going to be done about it?

BUT there’s more. 

BACK in 2012, yours truly was requested to review (and add input to) “Islam & Blood”, the most comprehensive essay – with knock-on aspects of a full-blown policy paper – re Islam and its inexorable relationship to blood. And it is this nexus which fuels all the bloodletting on behalf of Islam throughout the world. 

THE point being, a centerpiece of Islam & Blood concentrates on the testimony of apostates, among many other documented, interdisciplinary, transnational, and multiracial factors of Islam. The following is a small sampling of these apostates:

Part I. What Muslims and Arabs Say About Islam

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Is Aryan Hirsi Ali a racist? She was born in Somalia, from which she escaped to avoid an arranged marriage, and she eventually became a Member of Parliament in the Netherlands. She helped produce a film with Theo Van Gogh which criticized Islam’s treatment of women. Van Gogh was shot to death by a Muslim in retaliation, and a note was pinned to his chest with a knife — a note that threatened Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She made her way to the United States, and has since written two books critical of Islam: Infidel and Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations.

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Is Wafa Sultan a racist? She was born and raised in Syria, and was trained as a psychiatrist. On February 21, 2006, she took part in an Al Jazeera discussion program, arguing with the hosts about Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations theory. A six-minute composite video of her response was widely circulated on blogs and through email. The New York Times estimated it was seen at least one million times. In the video she criticized Muslims for treating non-Muslims differently, and for not recognizing the accomplishments of Jews and other non-Muslims. The video was the most-discussed video of all time with over 260,000 comments on YouTube.

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Is Ibn Warraq a racist? Warraq was born in India to Muslim parents who migrated to Pakistan after the partitioning of British Indian Empire. Warraq founded the Institute for the Secularization of Islamic Society. He is a senior research fellow at the Center for Inquiry, focusing on Quranic criticism. Warraq is the author of seven books, including Why I Am Not a Muslim and Leaving Islam. He has spoken at the United Nations “Victims of Jihad” conference organized by the International Humanist and Ethical Union alongside speakers such as Bat Ye’or, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Simon Deng, whose devastating letter to the Durban Conference reveals the blight of Islamdom on the one hand, and the blessings of Israel on the other.

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Is Francis Bok a racist? Francis Piol Bol Bok, born in Sudan, was a slave for ten years but is now an abolitionist and author living in the United States. On May 15, 1986, Bok was captured and enslaved at age seven during an Islamic militia raid on the village of Nymlal. Slavery is a standard feature of orthodox Islam. Bok lived in bondage for ten years before escaping imprisonment in Kurdufan, followed by a journey to the United States by way of Cairo, Egypt. Read more of his story here. Bok’s autobiography, Escape from Slavery, chronicles his life from his early youth and his years in captivity, to his work in the United States as an abolitionist.

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Is Nonie Darwish a racist? Now an American, she grew up a Muslim in Egypt, the daughter of an Egyptian general whose family was part of President Nasser’s inner circle. Darwish founded Former Muslims United with Ibn Warraq, an organization dedicated, in part, to helping Muslims reject the inherent intolerance, violence, and supremacism in their doctrine. Darwish is the author of two books critical of Islam, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law, and Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror. And she is an outspoken critic of Sharia law. Most active is the Lebanese-born American citizen Brigitte Gabriel who heads a national network to awaken Americans to the nature of Islam and its threat to America and Western civilization.

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Is Mark Gabriel a racist? Born in Egypt, he became an Islamic scholar in the Muslim world’s most prestigious university, Al Azhar. Early fears by relatives that Mark would grow up a Christian because he had been breastfed by a Christian woman resulted in him being given a thorough Islamic education. So he grew up immersed in Islamic culture and was sent to Al Azhar at the age of six. By the time Gabriel was twelve years old he had memorized the Quran completely. After graduating from Al-Azhar University with a Master’s degree, he was offered a position as a lecturer at the university. During his research, which involved travel to Eastern and Western countries, Gabriel became more distant from Islam, finding its history, “from its commencement to date, to be filled with violence and bloodshed without any worthwhile ideology or sense of decency. I asked myself ‘What religion would condone such destruction of human life?’ Based on that, I began to see that the Muslim people and their leaders were perpetrators of violence.” On hearing that Gabriel had “forsaken Islamic teachings,” the authorities of Al Azhar expelled him from the University on 17 December 1991 and asked for him to be released from the post of Imam in the mosque of Amas Ebn Malek in Giza city. The Egyptian secret police then seized Gabriel and placed him in a cell without food and water for three days, after which he was tortured and interrogated for four days before being transferred to Calipha prison in Cairo and released without charge a week later. He escaped Egypt and has since written several books, including, Islam and Terrorism.

AND the list of all the brave-hearts goes on and on….

WHICH leads the discussion from there to here, straight back to apostates who, at grave risk, are telling the ominous truth: Islam is a cauldron of murderous hatred!! 

TO wit, it behooves each and every free-thinker, people of conscience, to click on the “tell-all” link provided below. It’s the very least that should be done. Not only that, pay all the embedded videos forward. Resultant, link it to every single list, group, and social media site you are a part of. It is that important! Know that officialdom will never, ever, spread the word, therefore, it lands on all of our shoulders to do so. It is what it is.

 (Click here to view the “tell-all” videos!)

“Mum said, ‘You can’t tell anybody else … they will kill you.'”
Sadia, British

The trap:
1. abused by family
2. law of silence in the community
3. misunderstood by the rest of us
4. murdered

“So many ex-muslims hide because so many muslim scholars say ex-muslims should be put to death.”
Imtiaz, British

“My dad said he wished he strangled me when I was born.”
Safiyya, British

Murdered for… questioning islam
Avijit, American-Bangladeshi

“Islam was used to control what I did, what I wore, who I spoke to, how I ate and how I thought.”
Aliyah, British

“I have turned into the enemy.”
Sara, British

“Killing ex-muslims isn’t a wahhabi or salafi law: it is islam.”
Aliyah, British

“If my family finds out I married a Christian, I will be subject to what’s dictated by islam.”
Maryam, Egyptian

“My ex-muslim friends pretend to be muslims so family doesn’t become hell.”
Sara, British

“The community will tell my parents they should probably have killed me when I was young.”
Sameera, British

AS always, shining a floodlight upon the dangers lurking within is always the best course of action. This is irrespective of the fact that certain matters must be kept under wraps in order to allow for a sneak and stealth-like attack. So much so, it is absolutely the case when operating within counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence arenas. 

NO doubt, revealing the truth about Islam, in one way or another, will lead America (the west at large) to eventual safe harbor from the ravages of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists! Inevitably.

WHILE the reasons are manifest and manifold, suffice to state that crawling under the dirty rocks, the filth, which underlie Islam as a so-called religion “worthy” of respect (thus, accepted by the civilized world, let alone, described as a “religion of peace”) is a necessary evil. At the end of the digging, Islam will be exposed for the lie that it is – a politically-driven substructure designed to submit and subjugate the world under Islam’s boot and sword. That’s the damnable truth.

AND, as an added bonus to the truth-telling, it will lend an increasing tailwind to Muslims chafing at the bit to release themselves from its chains and bonds, as well as offer a protective shield to apostates who feel abandoned by the west’s shielding of Islam, that which threatens to upend western civilization!

IPSO facto, a win-win for the civilized world.

LET the secrets spill forth….faster….faster!!

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Will Trump’s Anti-Terror Squads Prosecute PAUL LARUDEE, A Top (CA-Based) Launderer For Hamas?Lee Kaplan:The Nexus Between BDS & Olive Oil Fraud! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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It is not for nothing that some of us who operate in the counter-jihad domain, at one time or another, intersect with what is known as terrorism financing. Money laundering. What is less known are the myriad ways in which to accomplish said aiding and abetting, be it through narco-terror, gold/money, or another illegal revenue stream.   

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Still yet, how many know that olive oil, a staple in most pantries, is a major source of terrorism financing – Mafia-style? Well, it is! 

Resultant, it is urgent to (re)introduce Lee Kaplan, a long-standing colleagueHe is a first-class investigative journalist, an expert on the BDS movement and the ISM, both of which are part and parcel. Integrally linked.


Poisoning People for Palestine? How BDS raises its funding through Olive Oil Fraud

By Lee Kaplan, Stop the

(Would You Like Hamas-Pure BDS Olive–Oil in Your Salad?

California Olive-Oil Fraud Funds the BDS and Hamas) 

Olive oil is not only a food product but a commodity that is extremely valuable. This agency previously showed that BDS leader and ISM activist Paul Larudee has laundered and transferred funds to Gaza under the false name Arlington Market, but, besides this, has also been involved for several years in selling fake “pure Palestinian extra-virgin olive oil” he bottles here in America. The bottling is done by hand, by as many ISM activists Larudee can sucker to work for free for him to do so. He arranges “olive oil bottling parties” where he gets BDS and ISM activists (other Israel haters) like himself to work for free bottling the olive oil that he sells at street fairs and especially on the Internet to benefit “Palestine.” Larudee not only makes his living doing this, but he has also developed over the years a lucrative business that raises money to ultimately fund Hamas (not to mention himself and BDS) through the illicit sales of olive oil he claims is the product of “poor Palestinian farmers”.

Olive oil fraud is such a good business that even the Mafia has been involved in production and exploitation. Trade experts have stated that more money can be made selling olive oil fraudulently than can be made with drugs. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Larudee, who should have been jailed years ago for aiding and supporting terrorist groups such as Hamas, continues to operate his olive oil scam in blatant violations of U.S. laws. What’s also distressing is that U.S. law enforcement, from the FBI to the FDA has been feckless in doing something about it.

The Israeli government controls exports of agricultural products from the Palestinian Authority (West Bank and Gaza) due to threats of terrorism by poisoning. Palestinian terror leaders have tried on more than one occasion to poison the Israeli water supply, so the Israelis take this seriously.

Despite his advertised claims that the olive oil he sells is made by poor impoverished Palestinian farmers merely trying to eke out a living, the olive oil that Larudee and company have been hand bottling here in the US cannot be what he says it is. Israel until recently, in fact, did not allow the exportation of raw olives or olive paste from the Palestinian Authority for security reasons. In addition, Larudee falsely advertises and labels that his bottles contain “cold pressed pure extra virgin olive oil” from “Palestine.”

Research into the olive oil trade has revealed that Larudee is more likely purchasing olives within the US market then bottling them, selling the oil as “Palestinian” olive oil to an unwary public. Industry experts advise that olive oil, especially the pure extra virgin kind is very difficult to import because it spoils within two days of the produce being picked. Likewise, any oil bottled at the growth site spoils during shipment by sea on pallets.

The National Olive Oil Association of America ( is the trade group that seeks to assure quality and responsibility in the USA while the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for olive oil standards.The USDA defines olive oil grading in much the same way as the International Olive Council IOC, but while the standards are voluntary in Europe, in the USA it is fraud if there is a claim of USDA grade on the bottle label or case.

Larudee deceptively puts on his labels “USDA Organic” which has a different meaning than most consumers understand. The FDA does set the standards for the USA which extends to using processing facilities that Larudee has consistently violated. He provides no proof of such certification on his labels (probably because none exists). Of more importance, bottled olive oil is required in the U.S. to have nutritional information on the outside label. Larudee does not provide these guides among his many violations.

The FDA requires that bottled olive oil be processed in a FDA approved facility that receives twice-yearly inspections by FDA. The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 ( directs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as the food regulatory agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, to take steps to protect the public from a terrorist threat or attack on the U.S. food products and supply.

Larudee has been rubbing elbows with designated terrorist group Hamas for years. There are even photos of him shaking hands with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah and on another occasion his receiving an award from the terrorist group. Larudee was also caught and deported from Israel when he went there to meet with Hamas operatives, later going to Lebanon to work with Hezbollah, another designated terrorist group. More recently funds he sought to send to Hamas-infested Gaza were frozen then returned to him by Mellon Bank due to suspicions of laundering funds for terrorism. The FBI did nothing.

(Larudee is shaking the blood-soaked hand(s) of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah) Image result for Larudee in Gaza

(Larudee, an “honored” award-winning guest, sitting at the dais with top terrorists from Hamas)

Larudee routinely bottles his olive oil in an old ramshackle house in Berkeley, California known as the Grassroots House, a shared meeting-house with other radical and communist groups a few blocks from the UC Berkley campus. In the past, he also used his home in Emeryville, California.

The shared communal kitchen in the Berkeley building where the olive oil is bottled has no FDA clearance for sanitation. The pro-BDS volunteers who help him wear no hair nets and no one knows if they even wash their hands, or follow minimum sanitation requirements.

The Federal Trade Commission also requires truth in labeling for olive oil products, another violation by Larudee and his BDS gang. Mislabeling of olive oil is a continuing problem, according to the FTC. FTC regulations state “The FTC and the FDA have overlapping jurisdiction to regulate the advertising and labeling of foods. Section 403(a) of the FDCA prohibits the ‘misbranding’ of food which includes labeling that ‘is false or misleading in any particular. This shared jurisdiction over labeling and advertising of food products operates under a longstanding Memorandum of Understanding between the agencies. Under this agreement, the FDA exercises primary responsibility for regulating food labeling, while the FTC assumes primary responsibility for ensuring that advertising of food products is truthful and not misleading.

Larudee’s olive oil bottle labels say that his Hurriya bottled olive oil is “pure extra virgin olive oil” when it is not. To verify this mislabeling, we have hired Anresco Laboratories in San Francisco; a FDA approved food testing facility. Testing just one bottle of Larudee’s olive oil cost over $400, which professional olive oil bottlers and producers regularly pay to assure FDA quality for the end-user.  Each new lot of olive oil requires such sample testing. In fact, such testing can be like playing the whack-a-mole game where one bottle might pass while others are not the same quality.The difference between “extra virgin olive oil” and lesser quality oil is determined by the acidity level in the oil. Cheaters who intentionally mislabeled their products’ acidity levels are guilty of fraud according to the FDA and FTC rules.

In the case of the Hurriya olive oil test, the acidity level showed that Larudee’s product is not the extra virgin quality claimed on the label. Genuine “extra virgin olive oil” usually commands a higher price from consumers, about $20 a bottle on average. Larudee charges $20 per bottle for his product, part of the proceeds going into his own pocket besides helping to fund the BDS movement or generating money to be sent to Gaza and potentially Hamas.The test noted excessive amounts of filth patently visible in the bottle and that it was not extra virgin olive oil at all.

Larudee once wrote a letter about his pleasure at sleeping in the bed of a suicide bomber and stated he recognizes the Palestinians’ right to violence to achieve their goals.  Most people would not feel comfortable consuming a food product prepared by a Hamas apparatchik if they knew more about it.  Would you want someone who works closely with Hamas preparing your food?

Besides cheating buyers of his olive oil, Larudee and his Norcal-ISM that produce the product are also cheating the public out of tax dollars due on sales. The city finance and business tax collection and health departments of both the cities of Berkeley and El Cerrito, Ca., require that sales be reported on a regular basis to compute business taxes owed. Both cities reported that not only does Larudee not have a permit to bottle olive oil from the city or county health departments (nor from the state of California) but that he has also been cheating these government agencies and the public out of taxes due on sales for at least the past ten years. This also means he is not reporting those numbers to the IRS on a federal level. While his Norcal-ISM has nonprofit tax status as an “educational nonprofit,” he nevertheless is required to keep records and report his sales when he is engaged in selling a product for profit in case of a necessary recall if a threat to the public health emerges. Larudee does not do this.

California has just begun clamping down on misrepresented olive oil products like Larudee sells to fund the BDS Movement.  This might explain why he is now looking to import pre-bottled olive oil from a Palestine Fair Trade Association set up by the PLO to bypass scrutiny in the U.S. market.  Importing pre-bottled olive oil usually, means the product will not have the freshness needed to assure proper quality as required in the U.S. market that the EU is more willing to overlook. The EU is also more willing to overlook misrepresentation of the olive oil product. The Palestine Fair Trade Association website says that olive oil will be certified as labeled properly through the “Fair Trade Labeling Association of Germany” (FLO), yet only a few lines later read: “FLO has not yet developed international product specific guidelines for olive oil.”

One thing is certain: the likelihood of Paul Larudee and his BDS activists at Norcal-ISM providing a genuine product to the consuming public is very remote.  Current U.S. FDA standards for bottling and labeling olive oil must be adhered to in the U.S. market for health and consumer products, and Larudee’s using a shell trade association administered by the PLO government in Jenin is unlikely to change past practices of ignoring uncleanliness, mislabeling and tax evasion. Larudee has long violated U.S. Customs regulations also that require that bottled olive oil products as sold by Larudee’s Nor-Cal ISM to raise funds for BDS must say “product of the West Bank” (a recent political development since U.S. Customs used to require they read “Made in Israel”). Currently, and for over ten years, Larudee’s bottles have been labeled “Produced by Palestinian farmers in Israeli-occupied Palestine and packed by volunteers of the International Solidarity Movement in Berkeley, California.”.

By bringing in pre-bottled goods as he suggests he will be doing, Larudee risks bringing in spoiled olive oil because the transport time for the oil will result in spoilage. Despite being sent via “Palestine Fair Trade Association,” the labels also state the product is packed in the United States requiring the same permits, health and sanitation inspections and true labeling that Larudee to date has not been doing, not to mention tax reporting on sales. Even if he continues bottling the oil here and selling it, repeated violations of U.S. Customs requirements on truth in labeling calls for such bottles if imported to be destroyed on entry to the United States.

Readers are encouraged to send copies of this article to the enforcement agencies below to hopefully see some action with the change in a new administration coming in Washington. In particular, U.S. Customs has a new e-allegation email system readers can write to electronically. An U.S. Customs source has recommended this article be copied simultaneously to the plaintiff’s congressional representatives.

1.  U.S. Customs

Office of International Trade,

U.S. Customs and Border Protection,

1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, ATTN: 1400 L-11,

Washington, DC  20229.

Ph. 800 232-5378

2. California Dept. of Health Re: Olive Oil complaint line

(800) 495-3232 ext. 5

3. FDA Compliance and Enforcement:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332)

4. Federal Trade Commission (labeling)

Bureau of Consumer Protection
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20580

Phone  (202) 326-2222

5. City of Berkeley Finance Department Business Licenses and Taxes:

1947 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94704
TEL: (510) 981-7200, TDD: (510) 981-7250, FAX: (510) 981-7210
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:30am-4:00 pm, Email:

Revenue Collection: Mila Serna, Supervisor
Phone: (510) 981-7272 ;

Business Licenses
Phone: (510) 981-7200
Fax: (510) 981-7210

6. City of El Cerrito Finance Department Business Licenses and Taxes:

(Larudee“We believe that the movement will grow stronger each time we are thwarted”)

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Image result for pics of paul larudee

(AgainLarudee is seen front row, 2nd from left wearing medal awarded by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh (center).

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Jihadis In America OPENLY INCITE Against President Trump (& The Nation) Under The Guise Of Democracy! What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN this age of Islamic terrorism, the most urgent imperative for U.S. (western) leadership is to FINALLY draw the (legally) prescribed line between Constitutionally protected rights afforded to citizens, as juxtaposed against those whose sole agenda is to destroy the nation. What’s so hard about that?

BUT in order to enact this nation-saving “line in the sand”, the cart can’t be placed before the horse. Understood? Agreed?

IN this regard, in order to draw said red line, it is mandatory to ensure that the top of the Islamic spear is deemed incontestably illegal. Impenetrable. Therefore, Congress must immediately pass Bill S.2230, declaring the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia ILLEGAL in America, thus, the law of the land! Hence, it’s death keel.

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AND it will be this righteous course of action which will not only be nation-saving, but will ultimately exact knock-on effects to the west at large. Inevitably. All of which leads to the absolute imperative at hand; drawing an inviolate red line between what is allowable under a nation protected and governed by the Constitution, as opposed to the absolute concomitant dangers from tolerating treasonous/seditious/subversive activities shielded under its umbrella ala the “democratic” process!

IN true Orwellian style, it must be internalized that America’s (Israel’s alike, but let’s not digress) leadership (through their inaction and PC indulgent and cooperative efforts) gift the room and space for freedom-based principles to protect the enemy within! Credo quia absurdum. 

MORE  specifically, it is beyond outrageous, immoral and mendacious – let alone illegal – to sacrifice innocent American lives so that an appearance is given of “inclusion”, whatever the exorbitant costs in human capital. In tandem, actual acts of subversion are tolerated, just as long as the offenders hail from “protected pet” groups. Read: leftists, Islamists, Black militants, and all those who seek nothing less than the upending of America’s Constitutional underpinnings.

WHICH brings us full circle, and to the discussion about the outright lawbreakers who permeated President Trump’s inaugural, many of whom hailed from the left and were arrested and charged with felonies, as hard as “fakestream” media tried to cover their asses. Oh my….as if they too enjoy the “right” to VIOLENTLY protest!


This is the most comprehensive list of the leftist groups supporting the DisruptJ20 event designed to thwart President-elect Donald Trump and his supporters.

These are the anarchist cells, affinity groups, student consortiums, left-wing bookstores, propaganda distribution outlets, anti-American websites, hacker collectives, and other leftist groups on the shadowy edge of the worldwide radical movement that sees Trump’s political victory as the main barrier to their goal of fundamentally transforming the world.

This is the far left of the far left – the anarchist, communist, and socialist organizations, some of which urge lawbreaking “direct action” including violence, arson, and intimidation.

The establishment media doesn’t cover these groups in any significant way, and it’s hard to estimate how many people are part of this vast network. They often operate above ground, seemingly unconcerned about exposure from the mainstream media, although a significant amount of their work is secretive.

The most shocking thing, however, is the ideology of these fringe leftists is echoed by the establishment media, the mainstream Democratic Party, and even many #NeverTrump Republicans.

The message repeated endlessly for months is that Donald Trump is Hitler and his supporters are fascists.  We’ve heard this exact narrative from media outlets from the New York Times to the Huffington Post to CNN to The National Review.

As you read through this list, we have included what these groups say about themselves. Read this list, and you’ll notice that when the radical anarchist groups discuss policy, they take open borders positions on immigration and are pushing for the same prison reform that some Republicans and many Democrats have been clamoring for in the era of Black Lives Matter,

This is the list of the people who hate Donald Trump and his supporters and want to do them harm, but it’s only the tip of the leftist iceberg…..continue reading

BUT what is TOTALLY rendered an omertà – akin to the plague – is the continuous part played by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, not only in their OPEN threats to the “infidel” public, but in their DIRECT nexus to leftist revolutionaries! How can this be? Incontestably, that linkage entails the poisonous fruits accrued via the oft cited red/green alliance. Mind you, it is not as if this site is void of (more than enough) indictable proof of the same. For heavens sake, it is this site’s overriding basis!

The fact that social justice warriors are now using ISIS propaganda in an effort to intimidate their political adversaries is interesting given that ISIS has written in its own manifesto of plans to recruit members of the far-left since both groups broadly share the same goals.

Entitled Black Flags from Rome, the December 2015 manifesto includes a section called European Muslims Allying With Left Wing Activists which states that jihadists and left-wingers “will start to work together in small cells of groups to fight and sabotage against the financial elite.”

It appears as though at least some members of Antifa, the anarchist/communist group that caused mayhem in DC yesterday, are open to that possibility.

BUT if the above doesn’t scream out, yes, the aforementioned deadly alliance must be uprooted (with Bill S.2230 as the FIRST corrective course of action), perhaps featuring a linked analysis from Jan. 2015 should render (some of) the mandatory clues. Introducing, a major Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Islamic jihadi, Linda Sarsour! 

BET you thought the above was “old news”, alas, officialdom must have placed her jihadi ass in jail! If so, you would be manifestly, gravely, and deadly wrong.

Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.

Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.

While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.

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(Salah Sarsour (left) with Linda Sarsour (right) at MAS-ICNA convention. Via Facebook)

Salah Sarsour, who is also a board member of American Muslims for Palestine, served as a bodyguard of sorts at the convention for Sumeyye Erdogan Bayraktar, the daughter of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

While it is unclear if Salah and Linda are related (though they share the same surname, she has suggested in the past on social media that they are not and did not respond to requests for comment), she has other family ties to alleged Hamas operatives. Though she avoids discussing it now, Sarsour has acknowledged in past interviews that she has cousins serving prison time in Israel because of their work for Hamas.

Sarsour has denied having any contact with the terror group. She told The New York Times in 2012 that she would not have been appointed an Obama “Champion of Change” if she had.

The activist has risen to national attention recently. She served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and she is one of four lead organizers for the Women’s March.

The event is expected to attract 500,000 people and will feature several high-profile progressive speakers. But it has been heavily criticized for excluding pro-life women’s groups. Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights group which opposes abortions past 20 weeks, was asked to take part in the event.

Linda Sarsour has close ties to that organization, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) terrorism case.

HLF was found to have funneled money to Hamas, which was designated a terrorist group in the 1990s.

Salah Sarsour has ties to that group.

Sarsour was implicated in Hamas activity in the West Bank in the 1990s, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

ADL cited a Nov. 2001 FBI memo detailing information provided by Sarsour’s brother, Jamil, to Israeli investigators in 1998.

“According to statements given to Israeli investigators by his brother Jamil, Sarsour was personally involved in fundraising for Hamas. According to a November 2001 FBI memorandum, Jamil Sarsour was arrested in 1998 for funding Hamas and told Israeli investigators that Salah Sarsour was involved in funding Hamas through his fundraising for the Holy Land Foundation (HLF),” ADL reported.

The FBI memo stated that the Sarsours passed money in $1,000 and $2,000 increments to a Hamas operative named Adel Awadallah through their Milwaukee furniture store.

Awadallah was a commander in the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ militant wing.

Salah Sarsour met Awadallah in 1995 while serving an eight month prison sentence in Israel for supporting Hamas.

Sarsour has not been charged with any crimes in the U.S. His brother Jamil was arrested and charged in 2003 with money laundering after returning back to the U.S. from Israel. He served a four year jail sentence for his work for Hamas.

HEY, “LINDA(LA)”, this is a shout out from an American-Israeli to you. So, listen up, pay heed too. This investigative journalist, author, AND recognized Muslim Brotherhood expert has some questions for you, starting with: are you, or aren’t you, a Muslim Brotherhood operative? If not, prove it. We will start from there….looking forward to interviewing you, if you dare!



AND guess what? Sarsour, as already established, is a highly connected Muslim Brotherhood implant. Clearly, she had no qualms about flashing the ISIS hand-signal at the DC Women’s March against Trump, knowing full well that officialdom has her back!! (Past) time to change the calculus….

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Frau Merkel WARNS Trump & Pisses In Her Pants:”Declaration of War” Re Comment, “Migration Policy A Catastrophe”! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

LET’s face it, when it comes to blunt truth-telling – aka “shooting from the hip” – President Trump hardly requires any pointers, least of all from yours truly. No doubt, we are peas in a pod in that impolitic arena.

BUT it is this penchant for telling it like it is which will turn America around, all the PC captured and addled sissy-pants be damned.

NOT only that, actions ALWAYS speak louder than words, as true and harsh as they may – or may not – be. Thus, the fact that President Trump appointed tippy-top war-fighting USMC Generals to head the DOD and DHS, “Mad Dog” Mattis and John Kelly, respectively, well, it’s worth more than its weight in gold.

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AND it is these appointments (plus so much more) which has Merkel and accomplices not only pissing but frothing at the mouth. Consider the following analysis from Dec. 4, 2016:

THE Department of Defense – aka DOD – has many responsibilities, most of which focus overseas. However, aside from guarding military bases throughout the nation, the agency is tasked with protecting the home front’s citizens. How many are aware of this domestic-oriented protective mandate? Indeed, homeland security is part and parcel, much of which is centered around Islamic terror plots inside America, at least since 9/11/01. So think of the DOD as the umbrella of umbrellas to the nation’s security. The capo di tutti capi.

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RESULTANT, the one who leads the charge is of grave import, as is the POTUS from whom he takes his marching orders. In this regard, President-elect Trump’s USMC pick for DOD couldn’t send a stronger message, to both domestic and foreign enemies and friends alike, yes, we have your back(s)! Mind you, it is not necessary to agree with all of the positions of this USMC warrior among warriors, but to appreciate what he brings to the national table on an overall basis. Indeed, an America which leads from the front, as opposed to “from behind”, is the only thing standing between the west’s disintegration. Incontestably….


LO and behold, keep in mind the following underlying caveat: the “do nothing” Congress, the Brotherhood infested FED apparatus alike, understands that President-elect Trump will chew them up and spit them out, once his inauguration takes place. Thus, they are scrambling….

The government suspended naturalization ceremonies and banned officers from approving any new applications for citizenship earlier this week after realizing its background check system was broken and ineligible people may have been slipping through, a key congressman revealed Friday.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, whose office was tipped off to the monumental error, said he was stunned by the problem — and also by the fact that the administration never bothered to inform him of it.

In the internal email Mr. Goodlatte obtained, the associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ordered all officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System that’s the case management system for processing applications.

“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” Daniel M. Renaud, the associate director, said in the email.

FBI name checks are a critical part of the application process, giving immigration officers a look at potential criminal histories or other national security red flags that would make someone ineligible for citizenship….continue reading the rest of the horror show…the national betrayal….

ENTER, “Mad Dog” Mattis….the kind of guy yours truly wants at the helm!

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AND as a fitting intro into his worldview and mindset, as to why he earned his stellar nickname, its basis should give many pause. This includes those who infect the nation from deep inside Washington’s bowels, to assorted domestic enemies, and all the way to foreign theaters across the globe. Oh, dedicated readers already know that the manner in which he got it was music to these ears. Onto the specifics….yippee!

He earned the “Mad Dog Mattis” handle as a battlefield commander in Iraq when he said: “If you f-k with me, I’ll kill you all.”

“Mad Dog” Mattis has a legendary status among Marines for his reputation as a warfighter. He’s also among the most quotable people alive.

When the Marines arrived in Iraq in 2003, Mattis advised them in a speech: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

Some more memorable Mattis quotes:

  • “I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word.”
  • “The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.”
  • “Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”
  • “The most important six inches on the battlefield is between your ears.”

  • “There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.”
  • “No war is over until the enemy says it’s over. We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote.”
  • “There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great.”

  • “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”
  • “I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”
  • “Demonstrate to the world there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine” ….continue reading….

SO it is particularly disturbing and galling that with all the OVERWHELMING evidence pointing in the “migrant” aka “refugee” direction – coupled with incessant “harping” from this Muslim Brotherhood expert – Frau Merkel still has the audacity to finger-wag toward President Trump: your condemnation of Europe’s “migration” policy is a “declaration of war”!

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Crazy is as crazy does. 

EVEN so, before we segue to Merkel’s “condemnation” and condescension of President Trump, a little background info is in order. 

AMERICANS may not be paying too much attention to what is going on in Europe, but that would be a big mistake. A grave error.

THE bottom line is that even though American patriots are of a hardier stock than a preponderance of Europe’s so-called nationalists, the fact remains that HUSSEIN Obama is working hand-in-glove with Merkel, Germany’s communist-socialist infused leader. Simply put, she is his ideological twin.

RESULTANT, don’t underestimate their kinship, and what it portends for the onslaught of Islam’s imperialist invaders into America and Europe!

IN light of the impending nightmare, how outrageous is it to find out that Merkel is DIRECTLY threatening leaders with war – if they persist in their struggle to save their nations from Islam’s imperialist invaders – as the only other alternative? Rhetorical. Besides, where is it written that a nation has to commit suicide upon the altar of whatever agenda was contrived decades ago (via Eurabia), despite its out-sized failure? Moreover, aside from that which was heretofore under the radar, what else is going on?

First things first.

WELL, in answer to the above questions, its basis was duly demonstrated on Sept. 30, 2015 via “Facebook Colluding With Communist Infused Merkel: Negative Posts Re “Refugees” Censored”

THERE is little but spitting distance between history’s right-wing fascist leaders and their counterparts on the left. Both are hell-bent on imposing their iron-fisted will, and they brook NO dissent. That is that. Moreover, Islamist leaders feel very much at home within both spheres, in so far as totalitarian ethos is their commonality with each spectrum, irrespective of religious (or the lack thereof) gaps.

NOW, as is said, this is where the rubber meets the road, when it comes to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel. Ominously, many are clueless about her anti-western background. However, thankfully, cracks are opening up. How so?

WELL, illustrative, let’s take the case of a born and bred country fella (personally, find them refreshing, as opposed to the metrosexual type, but let’s not digress) to bring a basic example to the fore, one who spent the first 40 years of his life on a farm. Yet, later on in life, he lands in a cosmopolitan city, only to change his entire outward appearance to throw off his country boy background. Alas, would said makeover fool those closest to him? Of course not. Extrapolating further, steroid-like, Merkel (until her mid-years in the early 1990’s, she is currently 61 years old) was (likely, still is) a well-connected part of the communist apparatus. This is a historical fact. How many are aware of her actual background, both familial and personal? Didn’t think so.

A new biography covering Chancellor Angela Merkel’s life in East Germany has caused a stir by suggesting she was closer to the communist apparatus and its ideology than previously thought.continue reading

BACK to communist and Islamist infused Merkel’s “declaration”, in tow with like-minded Euro globalists!

GO ON….freak out, all the good it’s gonna do!!

STILL yet, not to belabor the obvious, there are certain folks (read: yours truly) who would rather eat dirt than succumb to the boot of another’s dictates. And this is exponentially more the case when said pressure comes from Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, their leftist compadres, or a combination thereof! Never and never. 

BUT not to veer too far off course, don’t think for a second that this strength of character (when exhibited in women) is only appreciated by like-minded professionals for “getting the job done” – as understandable as that is. Hardly.

IN reality, not to get too personal, there is a “special” someone who views this attribute as highly attractive – endearing alike! 

CONCOMITANTLY, is it any wonder that highly principled and action-oriented men resonate most within these pages?

ENOUGH said.

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Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s Death Keel: An American (Western) Imperative! The Whys And Wherefores. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS is known among an increasingly growing readership, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is this investigative journalist’s specialty. So much so that Islamic jihad, be it from the Sunni or Shia spear, is a prime focus of this author’s professional work and recent book.

THE point being, even some within their top terror tier are loathe to challenge this and that analysis, other than through threat after threat. As if that will do them any good!

SO know that “harping” on the most dangerous terror organization in the world is not for a lack of other subjects to tackle. In fact, without ridding the U.S. (other western nations alike, but the focus at this site is America and Israel, as the twin pillars of western civilization) of this tentacled Islamic cancer, well, security-wise, the rest is akin to smoke and mirrors. In reality, it is worth little more than swatting at flies. That worthless.

IN this regard, countless commentaries, interviews and closed-door security meetings center on this incendiary topic. Resultant, the most recent analysis on this dire security issue was featured at a commentary on December 21, 2016, and it was directed at President-Elect Trump: The Enactment of Muslim Brotherhood Congressional Bill S.2230 Is Imperative. Outlaw The Brotherhood Mafia, A Terror Org.!

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BUT not to be lost within the countless quagmires atop the national agenda, the dismantling of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia MUST take precedence, without which little else will matter. Succeed. In other words, commencing with CAIR, if the head of the poisonous snake within the body politic isn’t excised, the rest of the nation will suffer from metastasis. Implode.

Hussam Ayloush, the long-time director of CAIR-Los Angeles, Tweeted out the following message:

“Ok, repeat after me:
“Al-Shaab yureed isqat al-nizaam.
“(Arab Spring chant)”

The second line in Arabic translates to “The people want to bring down the regime.”

“In other words, Ayloush unambiguously and directly called for the overthrow of the U.S. government,” observes scholar Daniel Pipes of Middle East Forum.

STIPULATED, unless living in a cave, many Americans (other than Sharia law adherent Muslims who are supportive – materially, ideologically or otherwise – notwithstanding their denials) recognize that Islam has been elevated within America (and the west at large) to a protected status. Mind you, this is precisely the goal of each and every hydra within the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, as well as their Shia counterparts! Yes, (ab)using Constitutionally protected freedoms to destroy the nation from within is a central pillar to their strategic goals. And if one believes that said assessment is “bigoted”, well, uncovered docs attest otherwise….continue reading….

TO wit, after all the ceremonial hoopla runs its inaugural course, it is beyond a national emergency to implement Ted Cruz’s legislation. So much so that leftists, in tandem with anti-American Islamist terror front groups, are increasingly concerned about its passage. Now, why would that be?? 

A bill introduced this week by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) calls on the U.S. State Department to declare the Muslim Brotherhood and its American affiliates like CAIR, a foreign terrorist organization (as 5 other Muslim countries already have). Advocates for American Muslims suspect a darker purpose ― to smear and potentially prosecute American Muslim advocacy groups, a move that could prove disastrous for the civil rights of Muslims in this country (but would protect Americans from Muslim groups whose goals are anti-American at their core)

Ted Cruz and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) introduced the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act in both chambers of Congress on Tuesday. In a press release, Cruz said that the brotherhood espouses “a violent Islamist ideology with a mission of destroying the West” and that formally designating them a terror group would “enable the U.S. to take action that could stifle the funding they receive to promote their terrorist activities.”

It’s the fifth time members of the Senate and House, urged on by a network of anti-Muslim groups, have attempted to label the Muslim Brotherhood a terror organization.

 A 2009 American Civil Liberties Union review of Muslim charities in the crosshairs found that Bush’s executive order “effectively allows the government to shut down an organization without notice or hearing and on the basis of classified evidence, and without any judicial review.”

Now Cruz’s legislation looks like another step along that road.“The bill is about domestic control of Muslims,” Corey Saylor, director of the department to monitor and combat Islamophobia at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), told The Huffington Post. “It has everything to do with a theory that Muslim organizations are nefarious.”

“Let me be extremely clear,” J.M. Berger, a counterterrorism analyst at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, told BuzzFeed last fall, speaking of the broader idea of a terrorist designation for the Muslim Brotherhood. “This initiative is concerned with controlling American Muslims, not with any issue pertaining to the Muslim Brotherhood in any practical or realistic sense.”

For years, anti-Muslim groups have claimed that CAIR, the country’s largest Muslim civil rights organization, and other pro-Islam groups in the U.S. are, in fact, fronts for the brotherhood.

Saylor vehemently denied that allegation on Wednesday. “The Muslim Brotherhood affects CAIR the way a dust storm on Mars affects the weather in Washington, D.C.,” he said, adding that CAIR has never received funding from the brotherhood. (They are funded by Muslim Brotherhood surrogates in the Muslim world)…continue reading….


MIND you, while cutting off ISIS’s legs in the Middle East (and North Africa) is beyond a western emergency, the fact remains that leaving the Brotherhood hydra intact in America will not mitigate any of its effects. This is the case despite the fact that ISIS is one of its progeny. In other words, it is the Brotherhood Mafia which is the head of the snake!

WHICH brings us to here: aside from the growing colonization of America – for political purposes  – through Mohammedans via an unending “refugee” dumping ground since the 1970’s, how many times must it be proven that allowing Islamists into America is nothing short of America’s – of western civilization’s – death keel, as jihadi-laden clerics continue to preach….and preach….hatred all across America, and not just in central Florida?

YES, Muhammad Rateb Al Nabulsi (and others of his jihadi ilk) are invited “guests” at upcoming mosque events to “welcome refugees”! As repeatedly stated, mosques must be eliminated, they are the barracks within!

NOW, since we know that ISIS is an offshoot of its parent, the Brotherhood Mafia, ipso facto, if 1 + 1 = 2, the UK’s ISIS Women Unveiled is no doubt a mirror image of what is taking place inside America. Wanna bet??

MOST significantly, outlawing the Brotherhood Mafia – its entire terror apparatus – would pave the way for countless arrests/deportations, plus the raiding of each and every mosque and safe house within America, be they in large or small cities, towns, rural outposts and every community in between.

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Christian (Leftist) Clergy, Jewish Counterparts, Worship At The Altar of Multiculturalism: In Bed With Islamic Terrorists! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN all is said and done, as we say in Hebrew, sach ha’kol, one cannot place lipstick on a pig, however hard one may try. Got that? 

SUCH is the case with leftist fetishists, most of whom are wedded to multiculturalism and “conflict resolution” ala “dialogue”, its twin devil. In two words: dangerous bull- crap! 

EVEN more so, the ante is upped when leftist clergy insert themselves into Islam’s domain, a cesspool which threatens to drown each and every person who refuses to submit to Shariah Law! Besides, how arrogant can they be, actually believing their jaw-jawing can tame centuries-long barbarism attached to the black hearts of Islam’s savage beasts through “solidarity” via “dialogue”, no less. Are they delusional, clueless, mendacious or simply evil-doers? Pick a door and a concomitant poison. Either way, they are lending them PC “religious” cover, therefore, they must be held accountable for any ensuing terror. Yes, they are guilty as sin!

BUT before we head to the latest clear and present danger to America (highly elevated due to clerical mischief-making), let’s hark back to a few clarion calls from the past, among a laundry list of others. 

Many turn to their religious leaders for guidance and comfort. Understood. But one must also keep their eyes and ears open for certain cues and buzzwords, and they mostly revolve around “dialogue” and “multi-cultural” hug-fests.Well, trust said religious leaders like one would the plague. Seriously. Read the whole thing

  • As to another leftist enabler of jihadi barbarians….this time from Jewish clergy! In July 2014, a Reform “Rabbi” assisted in funding a major Al-Qaeda related mosque! Can you believe it? You better. Most tragically, there is never a dearth of traitors – aka Judenrats – to investigate, be they aligned with the self-hating Jewish variety, or part of the anti-American crew. ONTO the Reform “Rabbi” and his dastardly support of an Al-Qaeda/Brotherhood linked West Windsor, N.J. mosque!Wealthy American Jews Help Major Muslim Jihadists Build 5 Million Dollar Mosque In The U.S.According to Sajid Sayed, a reform synagogue known as Congregation Beth Chaim  is one of the “biggest supporters” of the mosque his group is having constructed after recently breaking ground. The Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS), which is building the West Windsor mosque, is connected to al-Qaeda and Chechen terrorists through one of its most prominent lecturers and has raised approximately 60 percent of the funds necessary to pay for the $5 million structure. IIS continues to raise funds after having an official groundbreaking ceremony on July 12th.Mazen Mokhtar: IIS lecturer connected to al-Qaeda.As for the al-Qaeda connection, it has to do with a very prominent lecturer for IIS named Mazen Mokhtar, who also serves as the Executive Director of Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Muslim American Society(MAS), which holds 501(c)(3) tax exempt status despite its previous Executive Director – Mahdi Bray – being caught on video raising money for Hamas, as reported. Hamas seeks the elimination of Israel. That would be the same Israel that is supposedly being represented by Congregation Beth Chaim and its Rabbi Eric B. Wisnia.

    IIS also has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.

    In 2004, the Washington Post reported the following about current MAS Executive Director and IIS lecturer Mokhtar:

    Mazen Mokhtar, an Egyptian-born imam and political activist, operated a Web site identified in an affidavit unsealed Friday by the U.S. attorney’s office in Connecticut. The Web site solicited funds for the Taliban and Chechen mujaheddin, according to the affidavit. It is an exact replica of Web sites operated by Babar Ahmad, who was arrested in England on a U.S. extradition warrant this week.

    The affidavit said the New Jersey home of the mirror Web site operator, identified on a Web site as Mokhtar, was searched in the recent past and that copies of Azzam Publications sites,operated by Ahmad, were found on Mokhtar’s computer’s hard drive and files.

    According to a 2005 article, Azzam Publications and its corresponding website – (no longer in use) – was named after al-Qaeda founder Abdullah Azzam.

    It appears that Mokhtar also had a connection to the mastermind of the 2004 Beslan school massacre that left 186 children dead through (a mirror site to Materials being sold on the site were essentially being used for PR purposes to help Shamil Basayev:

    On Mokhtar’s Minna site, in the page titled ‘Jihad in Chechnya,’ a video CD depicting terrorist operations was being sold through the website. On the bottom of the page, it states, “Any enquiries regarding the content of this CD should be directed to the Islamic Army of the Caucasus, to Field Commander Shamil Basayev, Field Commander Khattab or their spokesman Movladi Udogov.” In September of 2004, Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for the Beslan school massacre in Russia, which left over 300 dead, mostly children…..continue reading, if you dare….

  • But why stop with N.J., trust, there’s more of the same all over the U.S. In May 2016, “Rabbi” Dan Levin, another leftist useful idiot, aided and abetted Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, this time in trendy Boca Raton, Florida!

STILL yet, before we segue to the 2016 cover lent to Allah’s monstrous barbarians (via a prostrating and apologetic Reform “Rabbi” in Boca Raton’s very large and affluent Jewish community….he is among a growing group), know that the worst offender is the leader of the Catholic Church. Yes, the Pope! 

BACK to Levin….

NOW that readers have become familiarized with some backgrounder, oh, dear, let’s jump to the abject failure of Rabbi Dan Levin‘s leadership, that which required absolute due diligence before he allowed a Muslim Brotherhood linked Prof (who taught at Florida Atlantic U in Boca Raton), Bassem Alhalabi, to provide a smokescreen to the true intentions of Islamists in America, Israel and the wider west!

Score another Stealth Jihad victory for the Muslim Brotherhood over a significant Synagogue in a highly Jewish populated area of Boca Raton, Florida.

This story reads like a psychological thriller with a touch of “James Bond” and a highly respected Rabbi, Dan Levin, who has become a “useful idiot” in the hands of the master, Muslim Brotherhood manipulator and Florida Atlantic University professor, Bassem Al Halabi. At the center of this real-life drama is a very prominent Jewish leader, Dr. Jeffery Zipper.

Do not miss Dr. Zipper’s extended expose’ of the Muslim Brotherhood influence operation at Dr. Zipper’s Synagogue, Temple Beth El. Dr. Zipper is joined in The United West’s TV studio.

CLEAR enough? It gets worse.

ALAS, the dhimmi-witted Rabbi tried to censor congregants who “dared” to haul him on the carpet for inviting a Brotherhood operative into their midst. Imagine that. He then added insult to injury, as he groveled and apologized to the Brotherhood Prof for “offensive” comments made by any congregant! Never mind that Allah’s Muslim Terrorist happens to view Jews as apes and pigs, as prescribed by the highest Koranic scholars of Sunni and Shia Islam! We are not done yet. This same operative was arrested – you got that? – for sending “dual-use” thermal imaging tech to Syria! Even so, he was able to remain in the country.

MORE specifically, what the hell is wrong with an increasing amount of addled clergy? Are they really that stupid, that feckless, or just plain scared chickensh-t to stand up to the barbarians inside (and outside) the gate? Inquiring minds not only want to know, but demand answers!….continue here….

WE can go on and on, but it is time to reveal the latest horror-fest!

ONTO the main event…. 

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The Shia Association of the Bay Area (Saba Islamic Center), an extremist Khomeinist organization, based in San Jose, California, posted the following announcement on one its Facebook page:

“Community Event of Support and Friendship Between Catholics and Muslims, Moulana Abidi, and the Saba boards will be hosting Bishop McGrath from the Catholic Church, Imams from Bay-area Mosques and Civic Leaders who will gather to offer joint prayers and start mutual dialog for solidarity of the two communities in serving humanity and support justice for all. Bishop McGrath leads more than 50 Catholic churches in Santa Clara County. This event will mark the first of many events expressing mutual understanding, support, and friendship between Muslims and Catholics.

‘When: Monday, Jan 16th, 2016 (Martin Luther King Day)

Where: Saba Center, 4415 Fortran Court, San Jose CA 95134”

Why does Bishop Patrick Joseph McGrath willing to urge his Catholic followers to recognize an Islamist organization that is the antithesis of the tolerance and peace that his Church seeks to promote? The Bishop will be declaring “solidarity” with the leaders and educators at Saba’s mosque and madrassa (school), who preach intolerance?

Saba recently inaugurated its new high school, Saba Academy, right in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Many observers of Saba view this development with alarm, as the Association’s activities have been persistently linked to extremism. Indeed, Saba and its imams, including Rafic Labboun (a.k.a. Wilhelm Dyck) and Nabi Raza Mir (a.k.a. Nabi Raza Abidi), have been shown to support Hezbollah. Labboun was jailed for a time for credit card fraud in a scheme the FBI thought was related to funding the terrorist group. He later was caught trying to flee the U.S. by the FBI with a fake Belizean passport using the identity taken from a dead baby. Homeland Security, Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton tried to keep Nabi Raza Mir from reentering the U.S. after he visited Iran due to suspicions of terrorist links but he was finally readmitted after multiple lawsuits filed by the National Lawyers Guild.

Hamza Sodagar and Farrokh Sekaleshfar, two Khomeinist “superstar mullahs” on the Islamist lecture circuit, are frequent speakers at Saba Islamic Center where Saba Academy’s curriculum is taught. Alarmingly, both mullahs justify the execution of gays under Sharia law.

Both men have lived, lectured and studied in Qom back in Iran. Qom is considered a holy city among Shiite Muslims. Sodagar, while in Qom, filmed a biography in which Sodagar calls Ali Khamenei, the present Supreme Leader of Iran and follower of the late Ruhollah Khomeini, the man who started the Iranian revolution against the West, a role model. He also has lectured on a letter from Khamenei where he discusses the obligations of youth in the West and how they should not be corrupted by the “Zionist controlled media [the Jews].”

Sekaleshfar has been seen repeatedly lecturing at a mosque in Cardiff, Wales next to a portrait of Ayatollah Khomeini, something always displayed at Shiite events back in the Middle East, but not inside the U.S. due to the hostage crisis and animus between the U.S. that followed with sanctions and Khomeini’s dubbing the U.S. “the Great Satan.” His Facebook is packed with praises of the late Supreme Leader of Iran, and Sekaleshfar is his best promoter. In a newsletter sent from Qom, Sekaleshfar admonishes Muslim youth outside Iran to follow Khomeini’s edicts and advice if they are to be good Muslims:

“These people have undergone and tolerated a vast array of sanctions during the last 30 years. What have you done for them? How have you contributed in the solidification of the masses in Iran? There are many Muslims struggling worldwide today, but strengthening the people of Iran has an extra significant bonus, i.e. strengthening Islamic Rule and Propagation worldwide.” This is a call to promote jihad and the Absolute Velayat-e-Faqih regime of Ruhollah Khomeini and is posted under a picture of the late Ayatollah in the newsletter (page7).

Sodagar has spoken at schools as far away as Canada’s York University, and even in the UK, but he appeared on a regular basis at Saba where he lectured about Sharia-compliant methods of executing homosexuals:

“For homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One, the easiest one, maybe, is chop their head off, stop their heart. Two, burn them to death. Three, throw them off a cliff. Four, tear down a wall upon them. Five, a combination of these things.”

Public outcry over killing gays elicited a response from Sodagar. He explained he does not advocate executing gays in places where it is illegal, but rather in places where Islam is the law of the land. While such an explanation might mollify fears in non-Muslim communities, it nevertheless does not alter what Sodagar is preaching; Sodagar, a U.S. citizen, was born in Washington, D.C., but spent 14 years studying Shiite Islam in Iran, a country that routinely executes gays in public. Fluent in English, Sodagar lectures throughout the English-speaking world – advocating the execution of gays as being part of God’s will.

Farrokh Sekaleshfar also tours the world spreading the word of Islam and has spoken at St. Louis University and the University of Michigan about how to deal with homosexuals. Sekaleshfar also denies that he advocates genocide against gays where it is illegal, yet he has lectured at the University of Michigan in 2013 that “death is the sentence” for homosexuals and that executing them is an act of “compassion,” since “earthly punishment will gain them leniency in the afterlife.”

Sekaleshfar offered the same religious rulings at the Husseini Islamic Center near Orlando, Florida. A few weeks later, Orlando suffered a terrorist attack on a gay nightclub, carried out by Omar Mateen, which left 49 people dead and is listed as the greatest mass shooting in U.S. history. It isn’t clear if Mateen, a confused fan of Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, who was previously investigated by the FBI, attended Sekaleshfar’s lecture in Orlando. Like Sodagar, Sekaleshfar was not born in Iran or another Islamic country, but in England and he holds a medical degree from Imperial College in London and has studied Islam extensively in the Middle East.

Sekaleshfar was deported from Australia while on a speaking tour there after he said in an interview with ABC that he had made his comments in an academic setting, and he regretted that they had been made public. He said he advocated the death penalty only for homosexuals who have anal sex in public in a country that abides by Islamic law.

Both these mullahs live and link back to the Khomeinist regime in Iran and promote the Iranian revolution against the West here in America. At SABA they are an inspiration. The facts that a mullah advocated genocide against gays in Orlando not long before the massacre at a gay nightclub while another preaches the same ideas illustrate the threat posed by such imams. Does Bishop McGrath claim “solidarity” with Muslims advocating Death to Gays?

STILL yet, some Christian leaders aren’t mincing words, and they are revealing the G-d’s honest truth: Top Bishop: Europe Will Soon Be Muslim Because Of Our Stupidity!

HMM… knowing what you do, are you shocked at this sacrilege: Church Invites Muslims To Recite Koran And Blaspheme Jesus Divinity During Services For Epiphany! Yup, dhimmitude is alive and kicking in 2017.

KNOW this: sans a scintilla of a doubt, those who lend a platform to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are as guilty as the actual terrorists, albeit feigning to be facilitators of “conflict resolution” via “dialogue.” But regardless of all their jibber-jabber and puffed out holier than thou chests, there is no way around the truth, not on a moral level or any other plane.  


SO whether one is Christian or Jewish, devout or otherwise, it is incumbent to push back against two sides of the same anti-western revolutionary coin, NEVER backing down in the process.

PARADOXICALLY, so-called “religious” leftist enablers – who have huge megaphones via pulpits or other platforms – effectively aid and abet those who seek nothing less than the evisceration of the twin pillars of western civilization, that which is Christianity and Judaism! Indeed, they are cutting off their own roots. Thus, outing them and holding their feet to the fire is not only a moral imperative, but a civilization-saving one.

IF not, why not?

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Allah’s Muslim Terrorists POISED At U.S.-Mexican Border; FATWA Issued, & ISIS “REFUGEE CUBS” Inside America.The Linkages. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AT this highly dangerous juncture in time, few are unaware (other than the kiddie set, the comatose, or extremely infirm) that Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are on a tear, as they rampage across the world. Resultant, little is more imperative, other than beating them back. Agreed?

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MORE specifically, like a broken record, this Muslim Brotherhood expert has been warning readers that tentacled jihadi leaders in America have a VERY specific and deadly plan, that which involves several clear phases; five, to be exact. Yes, the “Phased Plan” has now reached its fifth – and final – thrust! Incontestably, said professional assessment will become obvious throughout this commentary.

MIND you, back in Nov. 2013, this investigative journalist asserted: “Revealed: Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Completes ‘Phase 3’ From ‘The Plan’, 2 More Phases To Go!” Indeed, America’s Family Court system has been infiltrated, as outlined in “Phase 3.”

NOW, cogitate over the most recent threats to the School Board – via the brazen words shrieked by Allah’s dutiful supremacist – with her aggressive entourage in tow. Afterwards, read through the following “Phased Plan”, and decide if the above meets “Phase 4.” Then, extrapolate further, and understand where America is headed: “Phase 5”, final conflict through frontal jihad!

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

MOST significantly, should Islam’s followers, under any realm, be allowed to enter America? If so, why? If not, what’s to be done?….continue reading….

NOT only that, in preparation thereof, jihadi compounds are scattered across the nation, as well as “safe-houses” and other material support networks. 

THAT being said, this site also established – via numerous clarion calls – the absolute presence of jihadis on the U.S.-Mexican border, and their infiltration and penetration thereof. 

MOVING right along the truth meter, recall that this site zeroed in on the encampment of ISIS alongside the U.S. southern border, as well as inside America.


YES, as related Dec. 2014, “ISIS (and related jihadi tentacles) is embedded in America” and planning major terror attacks. Mind you, this prognostication took place a full 5 months before their opening shot in Garland, Texas.


MORE specifically, a road map to their Mexican base – and how it came to pass – has been detailed here as well. Indeed, “ISIS poised to strike U.S. southern border states” was written in Aug. 2014. Okey dokey.


AND, as predicted, only a few months onward, an ISIS hyper-alert was blared from these pages, relative to narco-terrorists and their direct nexus to jihadi smuggling!

ATOP all of the predictions linked above, along came an IED/dirty bomb warning, and its specificity was outlined in a June 2014 commentary, almost a year ago.

ALMOST 13 years after the most horrific terror attacks on America since Pearl Harbor, Al Qaeda’s ISIS soldiers march on, blowing up everything and everyone in its wake. Tribal rivals en mass. The point being, does anyone in their rational mind believe that Americans, Israelis, and the west in general will escape their cross hairs, as exhorted by their mouthpieces on multiple occasions? Ignore them at your peril. Oh, and flush down the toilet Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s lying rhetoric: Al Qaeda is on the run!! …..continue reading….

BUT never mind previous warnings, here we go again.

THIS past week, the following was reported:

A new report by a government watchdog agency says jihadists are partnering with Mexican drug cartels along the U.S.-Mexican border, preparing to carry out precision attacks in American cities.

Judicial Watch cites confidential U.S. and Mexican law enforcement sources for the disturbing report, which builds on earlier JW reports shining light on the jihadists’ exploitation of the porous border policies of President Barack Obama.

As part of the plan, Islamists have arrived recently at the Monterrey International Airport situated in Apodaca, a city in the Mexican state of Nuevo León, about 130 miles south of the Texas border, JW reports.

“An internal Mexican law enforcement report obtained by Judicial Watch confirms that Islamic terrorists have ‘people along the border, principally in Tijuana, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.’”

U.S. intelligence sources have also warned that the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria will lead to many of those jihadists escaping and relocating into Western Europe and the United States.

But JW reported as early as April 2015 that ISIS had established a training camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, in an area known as “Anapra” just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Just ‘waiting for the order’

According to the JW report, cartel informants have told law enforcement that “they are only waiting for the order and the times to carry out a simultaneous attack in the different ports of entry or cities of the United States of America.”

Drug cartels have a working “agreement” with Islamic terrorists, according to a high-ranking Mexican police administrator, who told JW that men from the Middle East arrive regularly into the country to train jihadists.

Judicial Watch sources include veteran law enforcement officials in the U.S. and Mexico as well as longtime undercover informants who have worked for intelligence agencies in both countries. They can’t be identified out of fear for their safety.

One seasoned Mexican law enforcement official told Judicial Watch that a key cartel informant verified picking up various Middle Eastern men from “evil groups” at the Monterrey Airport in the last few days alone. JW described the informant as “extremely credible” having also worked for several U.S. government agencies.

U.S. about to reap what it has sown

John Guandolo, a former FBI counter-terrorism specialist who now heads up the private consulting business Understanding the Threat, said the U.S. is about to reap the bitter fruit it has been sowing under the last several administrations – the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas — all of whom invited the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House as an inside policy player….continue reading….


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SO, once again, patriots, listen up:

ISIS have got a kid to execute the 'Israeli spy'


HOW many are aware of the “cute” little kiddies, you know, ISIS “cub” types? Actually, the above pics were featured at this site (3/12/2015) with an attendant analysis tooBut no matter. Alas, 2017 upped the ante via a growing force of Islamist trained killer kiddies, and “rumor” has it that they have infiltrated under Obama Inc.’s “refugee” program!

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The young children, who look to be at toddler age and around 10 years old, are filmed wearing camouflage army style uniforms while brutally killing their victims in Deir ez-Zor, Syria.

One extremely young boy is filmed shakily clutching a gun and shooting a man in the head, as another brandishes a large knife before savagely cutting a man’s throat.

Sick footage from ISIS shows children executing three Kurdish fighters

As part of the video the youngsters are also seen in rifle training and waving the group’s distinctive flag.

A victim, thought to be from the Kurdish group PKK, speaks to the camera before he is killed in an abandoned amusement park by one of the children.

In the disturbing scenes a young boy climbs into an old part of a funfair ride where a man is being held and stares angrily at him, while clutching a large blade.

The extremely young boy closes his eyes as he fires a gun at one of the victims

The extremely young boy closes his eyes as he fires a gun at one of the victims

Another child is filmed holding a large knife while he stands over the victim

Another child is filmed holding a large knife while he stands over the victim

The young boy walks up to his victim, still alive but unconscious, over old and dusty balls in an abandoned ball pit

The young boy walks up to his victim, still alive but unconscious, over old and dusty balls in an abandoned ball pit

Later a toddler walks over broken and dusty balls in an old ball pit and is handed a gun.

He shoots a man in the head while screwing up his eyes and looking away from the weapon clutched in his hands.

The video was released by ISIS today with an Arabic title which roughly translates to “Occasional in His Own Blood”.

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OH, know that Islam’s barbarians inside the PA/HAMAS terror junta have been training their kiddies for many years! Six of one, half a dozen of another.

ALL of which brings us straight back to the final element to the “Phased Plan”, as it links up to the fatwa…فتاوى , so ordered upon the election of President Trump!


AMJA Post-Election Statement: Principles and Roadmap

North American Islamic scholars have issued a legal ruling or “fatwa” in the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning victory and imminent presidency, instructing the faithful on what to expect and how they should respond to shifting political realities.

Changes are coming, warns the Assembly of Muslim Jurist of America, and Muslims are told to get ready. The fatwa is titled “AMJA Post-Election Statement: Principles and Roadmap.”

While the fatwa received no media attention, this declaration contains the principles to which imams in the nation’s more than 3,100 mosques will be looking for guidance on how to instruct their congregations.

Philip Haney, a retired Homeland Security officer and co-author of the whistleblower bookSee Something Say Nothing,” said the document is loaded with coded language that signals a possible uptick in jihadist attacks during Trump’s presidency.

The fatwa starts out by referring to a “political storm” that has “taken over this country.”

The Islamic scholars at AMJA go on to explain that “Muslims of America are neither guests nor strangers” and they will strengthen their bonds with the country’s civil rights organizations and work to defend Muslim rights “whenever needed.”

“However, at the same time, we must always fulfill our obligations completely and be active participants in society working to protect the security and well-being of its inhabitants,” the fatwa states.

And what are their “obligations?”

The AMJA never had to issue such a declaration under President Obama because he gave the Muslim community everything they wanted, Haney said.  Now, they are expecting to meet resistance and they are preparing the troops.

“This whole fatwa is about fitnah,” Haney said.

“Fitnah” is an Arabic word meaning “trial” or “test,” which can take the form of oppression against Muslims in a society dominated by infidels. In the modern sense, “fitnah” equals “Islamophobia.”

“And the whole fitnah they expect to encounter is the new administration of Donald Trump,” Haney said. “That is what this whole fatwa is about, that the American Muslim community is about to encounter an intensification of what they consider Islamophobia.”

The AMJA’s Fatwa Committee is led by its senior member, the Egyptian-born radical Waleed Idris al-Maneese, imam of al-Faroq mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota, which has been attended by at least five Somali refugees who ended up being terrorists, as previously reported by WND.

The fatwa committee never mentions Trump by name, but it’s clear who they are talking about. They quote the Quran to reiterate that they themselves are the proper authorities to which all American Muslims should look for guidance in the coming days of trial.

“They’re laying the groundwork on the response to this fitnah,” says Haney. And what is the response?

While they don’t come right out and say it, the language of the directive will be understood by Muslims to mean that violent jihad could be within the realm of what is expected of them in the fight against the Trump-led fitnah or “oppression,” Haney said.

The threat is made with the following statement:

“There is no blame upon a country if it does what is needed to protect its interests and security as long as it does not transgress or oppress by denying or violating rights.”

Of course under Islamic law, where Muslims are able to rule, the government tramples all over people’s “rights,” especially those of Christians, Jews and other religious minorities. But in a Western democracy where Muslims are the minority, it helps further the cause of Islam to play the victim and claim to be “oppressed.”

“Osama Bin Laden was always talking about oppression,” Haney said. “These are capital offenses in Islam,” he added, as long as it is non-Muslims who are doing the oppressing. Otherwise it is expected that Muslims should oppress and subjugate non-Muslims where Muslims have the upper hand in a Muslim-majority society.

The fatwa continues by stating that Islam, with respect to its beliefs and legal foundations, is “unalterably fixed. It does not accept any replacement for change.”

That’s a warning to any moderates within the Islamic community, that they have no standing to make any claims on behalf of Islam, Haney said.

“What about all this talk about moderate Muslims? This is AMJA telling you there is no conceivable flexibility in Islam, it’s fixed, it will not change,” he said. “This ruling or fatwa is to accommodate anybody through any time or place, that’s why AMJA exists, to help Muslims in this non-Muslim community navigate the challenges of fitnah under Donald Trump.”

The fatwa states that only the AMJA can be trusted to represent the face of Islam in America:

“One must refer to the people of knowledge to know that the principle is being applied properly. A Muslim must comply with his faith and refer confusing or troublesome matters to the well-grounded scholars. AMJA is of the view that there has yet to occur – and they do not expect to occur – a situation in which one is required to flee with one’s faith or wherein one is excused from performing some parts of the faith’s teachings.”

“They’re telling the people you have to comply with the parameters of Shariah law,” Haney explains. “They’re telling Muslims, ‘we’re about to go down into a danger zone, so don’t go off on your own, you must listen to the enlightened ones.’

“They’re saying we’re not at that point yet where you need to flee. They’re telling you you’re not excused from observing Shariah law and we are telling you now you are obligated to keep it. You will flee America before you compromise with Shariah law. ”

The fatwa exhorts Muslims to “reach out to the other ethnic and religious group as well as political movements on the left and right. This will be the only way to stop those who deal in hate.”

The fatwa authors then re-emphasizing that Muslims must double down and support civil rights organizations, which signals that the Muslim community plans to step up its filing of lawsuits against governments and businesses that do not continue the Obama-era policies of affording special rights and privileges to Muslims and mosques that practice Shariah.

Without naming them, the call for donations is clearly directed at lining the coffers of the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, which is an offshoot of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, identified as a co-conspirator in funding Hamas terrorists in the Holy Land Foundation trial of 2007.

The fatwa states:

“From among the most important obligations during this stage is to support those institutions and organizations that serve the Muslim community, such as those interested in defending freedoms, civil rights and political activism, those dedicated to social services and relief, and those dedicated to dawah, religious instruction and providing religious rulings.

“It is most unbelievable that there are some who cry over the state of the community and then they are too stingy to donate their time or money to such organizations. Worse than that are those who are even too stingy to pray for them or give them a kind word. But the worst of all are those who seek to destroy such organizations.”

‘Prepare for any possibility’

Haney said this is perhaps the most revealing segment of the fatwa.

“They’re telling you the whole structure of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States right there, and when you see it it’s as clear as day,” he said. “And they’re saying it is your obligation to support them.”

They see oncoming time of trial or Islamophobia as a test but that doesn’t alleviate the consequences for those people who are causing the difficulties for Muslims.

“That last line, where it says, ‘But the worst of all are those who seek to destroy such organizations’ is very revealing,” Haney said. “That is directed at those who go around trying to get CAIR out of our police departments, out of the FBI and out of our military. This could include Congress itself if they designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. This is the worst kind of fitnah, and what is the fate of those people? Jihad.”

The last admonition in the fatwa is perhaps the most chilling.

“No one knows the unseen except Allah. It is possible that an individual hates something while Allah has placed a lot of good for him in it. We must prepare for any possibility while hoping for the best outcomes.”

This comes directly from the Quran.

“The thing you hate you may have to do,” Haney says. “Devout Muslims know when they hear that phrase what it means. So it’s written in shorthand for those who know what it means.”

COLOR this site the connector! Interpreter.

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Jihadi Terror EVERYWHERE: Truck/Car Ramming in Israel & America. Israel’s Leftist Junta On The Hook. America’s Alike. Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS night follows day, so too can westerners depend upon Allah’s Muslim Terrorists to infiltrate and penetrate, unopposed, into western spheres. And while they wreck jihad throughout Israel, rest assured, America is their TOP target. Inextricably, leftists in both countries have blood-soaked hands, as they lend Islam’s barbarians “legitimate” PC cover! Bastards. Fig-leafs.

EVEN so, Israel, as the homeland of the Jewish people, stands in the way of jihadists and their leftist compadres, as they close in for the kill toward a total collapse of western civilization. This is the case, regardless of who sits at the helm.

INHERENTLY, the historical and biblical homeland of the Jewish people serves as the west’s moral barometer; its standard-bearer to what humankind should aspire to. Now, none of this should be misconstrued as an apologia for Israel’s gravely derelict leadership, in so far as leftists rule its roost. Still yet, despite its poor excuse for leaders, the Jewish homeland stands as a beacon of light to the west, and Islam’s barbarians and their fellow leftist travelers must, heaven forfend, destroy and extinguish it. NEVER forget this.

INESTIMABLY, Israel, if it falls, will become a knock-on blow – as the co-pillar to western civilization, or of what remains of it – to America’s collapse due to its moral failing(s). On the other side of the spectrum, Europe is considered the soft target, and this is so for a multiplicity of reasons. Let’s leave that aside for now.

BUT before we continue with the latest jihadi terror, it must be noted that none of the following reportage should be unexpected. In fact, the opposite is the truth.

AS a matter of record, the west has been falling off the cliff, albeit undetected, for decades. However, at least since 9/11/01 blew apart its teetering state of being, its vulnerability to jihad and leftist cheerleaders was, for the most part, unknown.

IN fact, the recent indicator of “see no (Islamic/leftist) evil, hear no (Islamic/leftist) evil” is revealed by the absolute non-response, the deafening silence, re the decimation of Christianity throughout the Mid East and North Africa, even as it inches closer to America. How can this be? How can the Pope, the entire European ecumenical hierarchy, as well as America’s political and religious leadership, remain stone cold silent? Asked and answered.

SO is it any wonder that while Christendom burns and Jews are continuously slaughtered, the west’s pusillanimous leaders and so-called elites party on? In tandem, a collaborative media and anti-western academia must be deemed colluding partners. Thus, the disintegration of the west marches forward.  

IN this regard, let’s start with the nexus between jihadi ramming (as just one method of slaughter) in America, and then segue to its fore-bearer in Israel, aka “the jihadi laboratory.”


Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan posted on Facebook that he was ‘sick and tired of seeing my fellow Muslim brothers being killed and tortured’ shortly before he went on a slashing rampage at the Ohio State University that left 11 injured.

Authorities are currently investigating the posts, allegedly made by Artan, which mention radical cleric Anwar Awlaki and accuse America of ‘interfering’ with other nations.

‘I am sick and tired of seeing my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters being killed and tortured EVERYWHERE,’ it stated. ‘I can’t take it anymore.

‘America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially Muslim Ummah (communities)… [if] you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks….continue reading….

WHICH brings us full circle to the LATEST act of Islamic jihad in Israel, out of a list that could fill book, after book, after book….

A heavy crane truck, driven by a Palestinian terrorist, rocketed back and forth across a patch of grass at the Armon Hanatziv promenade in Jerusalem, murdering 4 soldiers, three of them female servicewomen, and injuring 15, before a civilian security guard, Eytan Rond, and a soldier shot and killed the driver.

Present at the scene were some 300 trainees of the IDF Officers’ School, Bahad 1 – all of them armed. Eytan described how he shot at the truck’s wheels but, when it kept on coming, he ran round to the driver’s side of the cab and shot him straight through the wind screen. The driver was killed on the spot.

The photo attached to this article shows no more than 9 or 10 bullet holes, confirming the security guard’s statement that he emptied a magazine. He also reported that the officers and men closest to him hesitated to use their M-16 rifles, which he said were better than his own, and could have stopped the truck much sooner before it began wheeling back and forth and slamming into more victims.  

His account was confirmed by video footage, which shows dozens of uniformed men 30-50 meters from the rampaging truck and heading away. There were also witnesses who reported that groups of Palestinians stood by and watched and some clapped and shouted encouragement to the truck driver.

A straight line must clearly be drawn between the conduct IDF soldiers exhibited in Jerusalem Sunday and the case of the Hebron soldier, Elor Azaria, whom a week ago a military court convicted of manslaughter for killing an injured terrorist.

The Azaria case has proved highly divisive in Israel, with heated arguments going back and forth over his action. But, the fact remains that, just a week later, a large group of IDF servicemen, most of them officer cadets, bolted instead of challenging the terrorist, when they were faced with the first major Palestinian terrorist attack after the court’s verdict.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who visited the scene at the end of the day called an urgent security cabinet meeting for Sunday night.
Members of the terrorist’s family have been taken in for police questioning  His neighborhood, Jabal Muqaber, is under lockdown.

INDEED, requisite huffing and puffing and bloviating aside by Israel’s derelict leadership – par for their leftist-captured course – is on display. But make no mistake, it will not even make a dent! This is the G-d’s honest truth, as they bow to the left’s dictates and demands: do NOT use a “heavy hand” against the Arabs/Muslims and that is that!

Fadi Al Qunbar, the terrorist who carried out the ramming attack at Armon Hanatziv in southern Jerusalem and murdered four soldiers, escaped serving a prison sentence in the past due to a court decision, it was revealed tonight (Monday) on Channel 10.

According to the report, the terrorist was convicted a few years ago for receiving a stolen vehicle and was sentenced to 180 hours of community service. He failed to contact the probation service to begin his sentence, as the court decision had demanded, and police asked the judge to be strict with him.

A court request was filed to convert his sentence to imprisonment. However, the judge rejected the police request.

The terrorist refused to attend a portion of the hearings claiming to be “afraid of the security situation”. Yesterday he carried out the attack with an unregistered vehicle.

KNOW this: ever since 9/11/01, Islam’s barbarians have been winning, and it is due to all of the above and so much more. But what is most significant is the confused mindset of those who hold sway in Israel and America, leftists, the whole damn lot of them!

STILL yet, proofs in the pudding, so to speak, must always be front and center. Thus, if NOT for the fact that Israel’s ruling left – that which permeates the political AND military hierarchy – has made it impossible for soldiers and officers alike “to shoot to kill” each and every terrorist, there is NO doubt that this week’s terrorist would have been shot that much quicker, and some of his victims would still be alive! Cause and effect. 

MORE specifically, is it accidental or coincidental that just last week a valiant Israeli soldier was convicted of manslaughter for killing a terrorist, followed up by soldiers and officers “standing down” (as revealed above) on the heels of the latest truck jihadi, afraid to meet the same (jailed) fate? Yes, due to Israel’s leftist braying jackals, Elor Azariya’s Orwellian conviction led to the latest non-responsive reaction, thus, the soldiers kept their hands off the trigger! At the end of it all, it took a private security guard to finally put him down, like the rabid dog that he was!

Azariya, accused of manslaughter after shooting a wounded terrorist in Hevron on March 24th, 2016, claimed that he opened fire on the terrorist as an act of self-defense, arguing that he feared the terrorist was attempting to detonate an explosive device.

Following the decision by the court, Azariya is expected to be transferred immediately from the court to prison, even before a final sentence is handed down. Azariya will likely receive his sentence in February. He could face up to 20 years in jail….

“The accused opened fire against the [army’s] rules of engagement,” said Heller. “The terrorist was not a threat. The accused denied the claims against him and argued that the terrorist did in fact constitute a threat. He argued that… there was a concrete threat to him and his peers due to concerns that [the terrorist was armed] with a [concealed] knife or explosive device.”

Heller added that shouting heard at the scene of the attack, which included claims that the terrorist appeared to be concealing a bomb and exhorting those in the area to keep their distance, did not justify Azariya’s actions.

The ruling also touched upon the rules of engagement themselves, restricting the ability of soldiers in the future to open fire – even when they believe their lives to be at risk.

“Henceforth,” said Heller, “justifying opening fire [with intent] to kill based only upon suspicions [of threats] will be forbidden.

“Even if we were to accept the [defendant’s] version of the story regarding his suspicion [that the terrorist was carrying] a bomb, it would not justify shooting. There is no justification for shooting when there is only suspicion of a threat, [and not] definitive identification of a weapon.”

The court also rejected testimony by Dr. Yehuda Hiss, former head of the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, who had argued that the terrorist was not killed by the shot fired by Azariya, but had in fact already succumbed to injuries caused by the initial shooting which neutralized.

Outside of the court, hundreds of protesters demonstrated against the ruling, facing off against 350 police officers deployed around the Kirya compound.

ASK yourself: are Israel’s (leftist) lunatics running the asylum, similar to America’s cesspool? 


LET there be NO doubt that Islam’s barbarians are winning this war to the death. Not only that, it is inordinately clear that the leadership of the twin pillars of western civilization, America and Israel, are assisting in wielding the forceps. 

THINK of it this way: given two antagonists – one a moral relativist, the other a moral absolutist, then, all other things being equal, the absolutist is more likely to persevere and win in any protracted conflict.

SIMPLE as that. Ominous.

(Latest truck used by Allah’s Muslim Terrorist!!)Truck used by terrorist

Churches BurningThroughout Europe & Mid East;Jihadi Rapists On The Rise. Loose.Americans, Watch Out! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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A main barometer to a nation’s health, at a minimum, is when the leadership is capable, willing, to identify the enemy. On the flip side, what are patriots to conclude when identifying said enemy is absolutely verboten? Crazy is as crazy does.

AND for those who believe that the above charge sheet is borne out of hysterical rantings, the fact remains that it is precisely on target. Mind you, western jive-talkers and spin-doctors find every excuse imaginable NOT to link Islam + terror, but it is getting harder and harder to swallow their bald-faced lies. Shameless and undisguised; barefaced.

SO much so, the last eight years under HUSSEIN Obama are a study in cognitive dissonance and a facsimile of his ideological ilk. Regardless, countless are stepping aboard the truth-telling train, and counter-jihadists are working overtime to ensure its success.

Tuesday, September 2, the Islamist butchers of ISIS beheaded Steven Sotloff, a captured American journalist. Sotloff, who was kidnapped last year in Syria, was forced to read a statement condemning America, and then his throat was slowly cut with a hunting knife until his head was removed from his body. Of course, apologists for Islam will shout to the heavens that ISIS does not represent Islam, but it is becoming harder.

President Obama would have us believe Islam is truly the Religion of Peace. He condemned ISIS as completely un-Islamic when he spoke about their beheading of American journalist James Foley, before returning to the golf course to complete his round.

“So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.”

Yet Obama, who openly declares his love for the Qur’an after studying Islam since his childhood, certainly should know Islam’s Holy Book actually encourages the behavior of ISIS.

Quran (8:12)“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

Steven Sotloff awaits his execution. He was beheaded with a hunting knife by an ISIS Islamist.
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The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”

While we can always agree to disagree on religious interpretation, Obama has a history of deliberately distorting or misrepresenting the Qur’an, and he lied to the world with his ‘Islam Is The Religion Of Peace” comments after the Boston Marathon bombings. David Wood produced an absolutely outstanding video on Obama’s post-bombing comments and made of a mockery of the President’s dishonest speech about “Peaceful Islam.” Every single American needs to watch this video and find out for themselves about the never ending program of Islamic deception that goes all the way to the Oval Office of Barack Hussein Obama.

To further illuminate the difficult subjects we are discussing, we asked Israeli journalist Adina Kutnicki and American investigator and security specialist David Gaubatz to weigh in on the threat from ISIS and the expanding Islamist army…..continue reading

NOW with enough facts at ones fingertips, isn’t it “understandable” why churches are burning; why Jews are slaughtered non-stop; why Allah’s Muslim terrorists commit rape-jihad on a continuous basis, plus so much more? 

EVEN so, none of this stops HUSSEIN – nor countless anti-American surrogates – from protecting Islam’s soldiers for Allah, as they burn down the underpinnings of western civilization! Now, what does THAT tell you? Precisely. 

Shhhh…don’t tell anyone, but a 1,000 Muslim “Allahu Akbar”-chanting mob attacked police and set fire to Germany’s oldest church on New Year’s Eve

But, but but…The events of the night were described as “quiet” by German police in a statement, and as “normal” by a spokesman for the city government.

At New Year’s Eve celebrations in Dortmund a mob of more than 1,000 Muslim men chanted ‘Allahu Akhbar’, launched fireworks at police, and set fire to a historic church.

Already by 7 pm a man was hospitalized with first-degree burns to his face and hands after fireworks were hurled at a group of homeless people outside the city’s main train station. More than two dozen people were injured at festivities in Dortmund, some seriously.

At midnight, the situation threatened to escalate. A livewire published by the Ruhr Nachrichten reported that a crowd of “at least 1,000 young men” began throwing fireworks into crowds of visitors, which also included families with children. Asked by officers to stop, the mob turned to pelt fireworks at police instead.

Despite the prohibition of lighting pyrotechnics near churches, firemen had to intervene after fireworks were launched at St Reinolds, Germany’s oldest church, setting the roof alight.

Also reported by the Ruhr Nachrichten was that “a group of Syrians sang in celebration of the ceasefire in Syria.” However, a video posted to Twitter by one of the newspaper’s reporters, paired with the caption “Syrians celebrate the truce in their country”, shows a group of men chanting ‘Allahu Akhbar’ around the flag of al-Qaeda and Islamic State collaborators, the ‘Free Syrian Army’.

STILL yet, if you thought Islam’s barbarians couldn’t get any more dangerous, twisted, you would be wrong!

MORE specifically, this site’s readers are familiar with rape-jihad via several featured commentaries, and they can be found within these pages. And while civilized westerners are duly aware of the special consideration given to people with challenges, not so with Islam’s barbarians!

A refugee newly arrived from Somalia has been tried and convicted for attempting to sexually assault a special-needs woman while she was sitting outside of a home for the disabled in Aberdeen, South Dakota.

Liban Mohamed, 39, was in the United States for only about a week when he tried to force himself on a 31-year-old woman with severe disabilities. He is not a U.S. citizen, but whether he will be deported in the wake of his conviction remains unclear.

The trial for Mohamed was held just a few days before Christmas and not a word of the conviction has made it into the local media, residents of Aberdeen told WND on Tuesday.

Mohamed speaks no English and required two interpreters at trial, according to the state’s attorney who prosecuted the case.

“I do know he lived in Aberdeen,” prosecutor Christopher White told WND. “The day that it happened, he was staying at the White House Inn hotel in Aberdeen. What came out at trial, in his defense attorney’s opening statement, was that he arrived in Aberdeen that day and had only been in the United States for approximately a week, and he had come to work at the beef plant in Aberdeen. But I don’t know if he had already started working or was about to start work there.”

Mohamed mentioned to law enforcement that he had been hired on at the Demkota Ranch beef plant, White said.

WND called the executive editor of Aberdeen’s daily newspaper, the American News, and asked why nothing has been reported on the crime committed by Mohamed. He said he had no knowledge of Mohamed’s arrest, trial or conviction.

“I’m not seeing it in our system, and I really don’t recall it,” said editor J.J. Perry when asked about the case Tuesday by WND. “I’ll have to talk to our court reporter. It might be we just missed it on the docket.”

The newspaper’s court reporter, Elisa Sand, did not attend the trial, WND was told by officials who were present on Dec. 20.

Nor has the case received any coverage from local TV stations in South Dakota or neighboring Minnesota.

Mohamed was convicted of attempted sexual contact with a person incapable of consent, which is a class 4 felony in South Dakota and punishable by up to five years in prison. The victim is a mentally impaired woman living at a facility operated by a local nonprofit, Aspire Inc. She is unable to fully communicate, said White.

Two police officers and a woman employed with Aspire testified against Mohamed at trial, according to court records.

Civilization jihad calls for changing a nation by changing its people and its values—gradually, over time. Stealth Invasion blows the lid off a corrupt, fraudulent program that has been secretly dumping Third World refugees, many of them radical, on American cities for three decades. Americans have been kept largely in the dark about the radical plans to permanently transform their nation. Until now.

What else happened? continue reading….


SO is it any wonder that Geert Wilders (back in 2012) had this to say on BBC’s Hardtalk, you know, the typical “news” show which defends the indefensible and tolerates the intolerable? Rhetorical.

BUT never mind, there’s more. Now, while nowhere near – as of yet – the burning physical wreckage throughout the Mid East and wherever Islamdom rules, the fact remains that continuous incitement via denigration from power-brokers throughout America – as they wage a non-stop campaign to delegitimize Christianity for the benefit of hedonistic secularists – will lead to an eventual, inevitable, powder keg. Insidious. Indubitable. At the same time, Islam is protected at all costs, and from all fronts.

According to a new report from International Christian Concern, for the first time the United States has been placed on the “Wall of Shame” for countries to watch for Christian persecution. While noting that what Christians experience in the USA in not at all what Christian in countries like Iraq or Nigeria experience, the report notes the fact that Christianity is being publicly marginalized by an increasingly hateful, militant secularism that is encoding their open disdain into law in the United States:

In short, Christians in the US are facing constant attacks in the media, where they are portrayed as bigoted, racist, sexist, and closeminded. The characterization in the media may be translating into direct attacks as well. The First Liberty Institute, the largest legal organization in the US dedicated exclusively to protecting religious freedom, documents such actions and reports that attacks on religion doubled between 2012 and 2015. More importantly, Christians and all religious people are being marginalized through the law…..continue reading…..

NEVERTHELESS, the truth is FINALLY burning to the forefront. Again, Americans, WATCH OUT!

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The Case For ENHANCED SURVEILLACE Of Mohammedans In America,The West:Mosques & More! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

PAR for the course, once Orwell’s PC police get wind of the “suggestions” within this commentary, well, all hell will break loose. In fact, threats hurled in this direction are as ubiquitous as sunrise and sunset. That predictable. Mind you, Islamists and leftists (so-called liberals) are like-minded totalitarians, therefore, they brook NO dissent. Who cares.

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BUT what should matter is one’s ability to assess the situation through a clear-eyed lens, instead of kow-towing to the encircling leftist speech-minders. In tandem, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, always hovers overhead.

RESULTANT, each and every hair will stand up, that is, once one “gets it.” Almost to the nth degree, Imams – those who are charged with leading Islamic prayers – will be unmasked as MORTAL enemies.

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(Imam Qadhi in Tennessee!)

{Imam at mosque frequented by Strathroy terrorist: “O Allah, help the mujahideen”}

AS to the inherent dangers from mosques, the barracks within, peer inside the preceding link. As per jihadi compounds, yes, they are spread, primed, throughout the country. See below. OMG! 

BUT if still unconvinced, no matter, little else will sway. Even so, one would be foolish in the extreme to stand in the way of efforts which, hopefully, President-elect Trump’s security appointees implement. Private citizens alike. Trust, those who interfere in bringing the Islamic menace to heel will regret it – in more ways than meet the eye. 


ADDITIONALLY, until an Islamic reformation transpires (a flying pig moment), allowing Mohammedans – followers of Islam – into the west, let alone into America, is sheer lunacy. This assessment has everything to do with national security, and that is that. In fact, any leader who refuses to place national security atop their agenda should be deemed guilty of gross negligence and malfeasance and placed on trial.

AT the end of it all, and discomfiting as it may be, committed Muslims are adherents to Sharia Law, thusindoctrinated into jihad and hatred toward the kafir. In the meanwhile, they long for a worldwide Caliphate and operate in its service, regardless of locale. It is precisely for this reason that leftists never had a chance in hell to bring their western fixation, multiculturalism, to fruition. On the other hand, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are winning their protracted war against infidels, as they fulfill a mandated hijrah into the west for the sake of Allah! Let’s be honest about this.795_large


GUARANTEED, continuing to tap dance around the “feelings” of Muslims is a recipe for a MEGA disaster, the likes of which has yet to be witnessed!

MOST significantly, aside from ceasing ALL Muslim immigration into America (and the wider west), a stepped-up surveillance program must be initiated from all levels of government – local, state, and federal. 

He [Omar Mateen] was born here, but his parents weren’t, and his ideas weren’t. His ideas [radical Islam] were born from some place else.”

~ Trump

“If you look at who the bad people are in this country right now, they’re not Muslims, they’re not people who identify with Islamic faith. They’re these right-wing fanatics who go to churches, who go to other institutions and do harm to people.”

~ Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.)

8 Years later: Obama still refuses to link ‘Devout’ Islam with Terrorism

Fox News political analyst, Monica Crowley, said last Thursday that Obama’s failure to combat Muslim terrorism in America (exemplified by the latest mass shooting of over 100 people in Orlando, Florida by Omar Mateen), is due to his reluctance to rightly link terrorism with Islam. In other words, if you don’t know the problem, you will never arrive at a logical and effective solution to fix the problem especially if as Trump implies regarding President Obama—that his motives as the U.S. Chief Executive are duplicitous.

This week marks one years since Trump announced his candidacy as president which as part of his political platform has declared that Muslims from war regions (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Gaza, Afghanistan) be prohibited (or ‘paused’) from entering the United States until a proper vetting system is enacted and the need to conduct surveillance on suspect Imams and mosques in order to take a proactive approach to prevent terrorism during his campaign rally on Wednesday in Atlanta, Georgia, rather than being reactive to terrorism after the bombs and guns have taken their grotesque toll on U.S..

With succinctness and eloquence Trump declared that the Orlando terrorist, Omar Mateen, who killed 50 people, injuring 53 inside the Pulse nightclub on Sunday may have been born in the U.S. but “his ideas were born from someplace else.” Trump further stated “We have to maybe check, respectfully, the mosques and we have to check other places because this is a problem that, if we don’t solve it, it’s going to eat our country alive.”

Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, the Presumptive Democratic nominee mocked Trump’s rhetoric, saying it has grown “even more inflammatory.” And in a sarcasm-laden bit of demagoguery stated an assumption that is completely illogical and unsustainable regarding Trump’s ideas to combat Muslim terrorism— “Not one of Donald Trump’s reckless ideas would have saved a single life in Orlando,” Clinton argued during a campaign event in Virginia.

8 Years later: Obama, Hillary and the Democrats, all still stubbornly refuse to link devout Islam with terrorism. Why? Because it would necessitate that they stop playing politics with the lives of U.S. and create some real, substantive strategies to combat the genocidal cult which is devout Islam. It’s much easier to demagogue U.S. security by blaming Republicans, the Tea Party, Christianity, Israel and of course their favorite scapegoat, Donald Trump. In the meantime, the corpses of innocent U.S. citizens continue to pile up.

FBI’s Countering Violence Extremism Initiative

“The FBI is developing a Web site designed to provide awareness about the dangers of violent extremist predators on the Internet, with input from students, educators and community leaders,” read the statement from the FBI. The FBI at least temporarily suspended a web-based anti-extremism program on Monday, reportedly putting it on hold after it was criticized for unfairly profiling Muslim Americans.

According to a New York Times story, last Nov. 2015 the FBI was engaged in creating an anti-terrorism program, entitled “Don’t Be a Puppet,” as part of a comprehensive strategy to stop the recruitment efforts of radical Muslim groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda. The website uses games to teach users, particularly the youth, how to recognize warning signs of radical Islamic extremism (FBI policy refuses to call it ‘Islamic terrorism’). As partakers collect correct answers to questions, scissors gradually cut away at a puppet’s strings until it is set free.

However, when members of Islamic, Arab, and related groups were invited to a screening of the software a few weeks earlier, most were offended at how it unfairly fixated on Muslims while ignoring religious radicalism of other faiths like the current number of school shootings by White Americans with no Islamic affiliation in Newton, MA and Columbia, SC.

The public outrage from the Muslim community was predictable and united— “The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee demands that the FBI cancel the launch of its controversial ‘Shared Responsibility Committee’ program,” an email read. “Since learning about the program last fall, ADC has frequently expressed serious concerns about the initiative, which is part of the government’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program. The FBI’s job is to protect children of all faiths and backgrounds, not to offer programs that introduce suspicion into their relations with teachers and can lead to stigmatization and bullying by their peers. “We were all on the same page in terms of being concerned,” Hoda Hawa, MPAC Director of Policy and Advocacy, told the Washington Post. “It seems like they’re asking teachers to be extensions of law enforcement and to police thought, and students as well. That was very concerning to us all.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group with ties to the grandfather of all Islamic terrorist groups, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, declared that the “government’s pattern of stigmatizing the Muslim community through its [countering violent extremism] initiative and fails to deal with the main threat to students, that of school shootings.”

FBU must surveil all U.S. Imams and Mosques!

Trump is right that for the survival of America and the protection of our national sovereignty, we must start surveilling all U.S. mosques and where these radical Imams are spewing anti-American hatred and encouraging jihad, they must no longer be allowed to hide behind their religion but must immediately be brought up on federal terrorism and conspiracy charges.

Why are we allowing Muslim terrorist front groups like CAIR, ADC and MPAC dictate to the FBI how to safeguard domestic safety? The public must become aware that both of these organizations are sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood’s STATED mission is as follows:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ’sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

It seems self-evident that any organization sanctioned by or affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood should be on the FBI watch list, placed under surveillance (including Mosques) and NOT taking an advisory rule on Muslim outreach. Since the Bataclan Theater terrorist murders in France (Nov. 13, 2015), even ‘egalitarian’ France has come to Jesus about their Muslim terrorist problem which as reported by the Muslim propaganda media, Al-Jazeera, France is likely to close more than 100 mosques where according to French President François Hollande all unlicensed mosques and those preaching hatred will be shut down under emergency rule.

Former Iraqi MP, Ayad Jamal Al-Din tells the truth about jihad- sympathizing Imams and Mosques in America

Here are just four radical Muslim organizations and Mosques preaching hatred in America today:

There are a total of 2,600 Mosques in France alone and America has over 2,200 Mosques and growing. In a recent interview on MSNBC Trump would not back down on his Mosque surveillance policy— “You’re going to have to watch and study the mosques because a lot of talk is going on at the mosques,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says on MSNBC when asked what should be done to protect U.S. citizens.

“From what I heard, in the old days, meaning a while ago, we had great surveillance going on in and around mosques in New York City and I understand our mayor totally cut that out,” Trump asserted. Asked about possibility of France shutting mosques with radical ties and whether he’d do same as U.S. president, Trump says, “I would hate to do it, but it’s something that you’re going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the absolute hatred, is coming from these areas.”

While Muslim American groups equate Mosque surveillance programs with FBI trying to turn Muslim community leaders into snitches, or perverting the issue like Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) who said, “If you look at who the bad people are in this country right now, they’re not Muslims, they’re not people who identify with Islamic faith. They’re these right-wing fanatics who go to churches, who go to other institutions and do harm to people,”

INTRINSICALLY, if state and local leaders refuse to execute their sworn mandate to protect the citizens – assuming President-elect Trump gives the order – ignore them. Do whatever it takes to get the job done, be it block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, county-wide, state-wide, and up and down the line.

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MIND you, in “open carry” states (so far, 30…with 15 requiring a permit) patriots should hardly be intimidated by leaders who fail to execute their duties. In other words, they are the ones who are breaking the law, as they violate basic Constitutional rights. In juxtaposition, those who choose to surveil Islamic dangers at hand have every right to do so, indeed, an obligation. Understood?

CONCLUSIVELY, each and every mosque, Islamic community center and attendant school is (more than) fair game – the PC police (official and otherwise) be damned!

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When Is It (Past) Time To BANISH The World’s Largest Kleptocracy From America’s Shores?The U.N., An Anti-Western Cancer! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is often the case that when one waits too long to drain a dangerous swamp, one ends up being bitten. Big time. Or, at the very least, one will feel an overwhelming sense of suffocation from its wretched stench. It is just the way nature intended it to be, that is, if one is neglectful and negligent in carrying out necessary tasks.

TRAGICALLY, the failure to recognize when to let go of any abusive relationship has far reaching, often deadly, consequences, even if blinded by them at the time. Besides, wishing doesn’t make it so. Yes, akin to too many poisonous relationships, you know, when one spouse repeatedly gets beaten, only to forgive the offender (again and again), the victim returns to an even far worse situation. Not only that, some refuse to learn their lessons, as they jump into bed with one abusive partner after another! Not to mention, countless end up dead due to their blinded eyes and failure to leave, while they still had an opportunity to escape. How can this be? Gluttons for punishment, or so it would seem.

WHILE seguing from a stink-filled swamp to an equally dangerous abusive domestic relationship may appear unrelated, the underlying premise remains the same. To wit, isn’t it way past time for millions upon millions of hard-working taxpayers to assert their own actionable demands, inquiring: after so many years of anti-American (anti-western) abusive behavior, why exactly have American leaders continued to fund 22% of the budget – let alone one red cent – of a massive kleptocracy? Indeed.

American taxpayers will pony up around $3.024 billion this year towards the United Nations’ regular and peacekeeping budgets, more than what 185 other countries combined are paying, an expert on the international body told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday.

While the U.S. contribution in 2015 to the U.N. regular budget is $621.9 million, the 35 countries contributing the least will pay just $28,269 each, Heritage Foundation scholar Brett Schaefer told the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee responsible for multilateral institutions.

And where the U.S. will pay $2.402 billion towards the separate peacekeeping budget, the 20 countries contributing the least will pay just $8,470 each.

Putting those together, “the United States will be assessed approximately $3 billion this year, based on the projected budgets for the regular and peacekeeping budgets, while the 20 least-assessed countries will be assessed less than $37,000 [each] this year for both of those budgets,” he said.

“For the regular budget, the U.S. is assessed more than 176 other U.N. member-states combined,” Schaefer said. “For the peacekeeping budget, the U.S. is assessed more than 185 other U.N. member-states, combined”…..

AS to American leaders, elected and non-elected elitists (hey, Soros, this investigative journalist and author is pointing the finger at you!) who view the U.N. as the main venue, address, to implement their long-held vision of a One World Government, well, dealing with thuggish kleptocrats is a small price to pay.

UN Agenda 2030 exposed

EVEN so, as bad as it appears, in reality, it is much worse. The blueprints are found within U.N. Agenda 2030. Still yet, as always, when evil permeates an entire institution – a world body, no less – there is always a MAJOR tipping point. This time is no different.

IN this regard, the following bullet points must be clearly understood for what they are, they are THAT intrinsic to America’s survival. Simple as that. 

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MOVING right along its rancid halls of power, let’s wend back to how they treat the only beacon of light in the darkened, barbaric, Islamic Middle East and catch a glimpse as to what awaits, if a volte face isn’t executed forthwith. Righteous blow back.

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NOW whether or not one is pro Israel, a blind person can see that vile animus toward the only democracy in the Middle East, the sole Jewish State too, is a recipe for disaster. This is where blow back comes in.

MORE specifically, in political science there exists a huge volume of evidence pointing to the out-sized ramifications from blow back. And while this is not the time and place for a political science lesson, the link within is highly instructive, in so far as little is more self-evident than knock-on effects from Merkel’s and HUSSEIN’s bloody blow back, as they flood the west with “refugees” from jihadi-riven nations!

MOST significantly, it remains to be seen if President-elect Trump – in concert with Senator ‘s Graham and Cruz in the lead – rises to the occasion and defunds the cesspool polluting 405 East 42nd Street in the heart of mid-Manhattan, as promised. Not only that, it gives true American leaders, patriots, the last chance to make America great again!

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INHERENTLY, as it stands, this is a rare moment in historical time when the return to national pride is very high. In other words, an increasingly fed up and restless western electorate has no appetite to please crooked bureaucrats, be they housed at EU headquarters or the U.N. – six of one, half a dozen of another. Extrapolating further, President-elect Trump, as the leader of the free world, has a golden window of opportunity to extricate America from the U.N.’s vise-grip. And the fact that the worst human rights violators on the global stage hold sway at its headquarters, many of whom are leaders of Islamic jihadi hell-holes, there is little doubt that if America says bye-bye that other democratic leaning nations will follow suit.  
IF not, rest assured, the brazen anti-Israel putsch taken by HUSSEIN and his gangster-like surrogates – alongside thuggish regimes and others who have lost their moral footing – will pale in comparison with the U.N.’s next moves.
IT goes without saying – at least it should – that once resident bullies fully comprehend that there is NO ONE who will stand up to them and exert MASSIVE retaliatory push-back, what else should be expected but more of the same – and worse? 
TEAR it done! Send them packing, preferably, to the worst hell-hole among the so-called international body of nations!!
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