Frank Kutnicki (z”l), My Beloved, Happy 8th Birthday In Heaven. By Adina Kutnicki


WITH each ensuing year that our loved one is no longer among the living, it can become harder to grab, in our mind’s eye, onto those very precious nuances that made that person so special, so unique, in the first place. On the other hand, with said passage of time, it can sometimes feel as if it was just yesterday that our dearly departed walked beside us. Still yet, it appears to be G-d’s way of allowing us to keep them close to our hearts, at the same time gifting us the space to forge forward on our own.

BUT in the scheme of a lifetime, in the case of a spouse, if a person is fortunate enough to have had a partner who completed them in ways that no other could, well, that itself should be appreciated as a blessing. Resultant, they never really leave our sides.

EVEN so, though no longer walking among us in the physical sense, their essence can never be erased. In fact, a core aspect of their being can resonate in the most unexpected ways, and at the least anticipated times. Oftentimes, this intense feeling hits akin to a bolt out of the blue. Thunder-like. Effectively, their souls are intertwined with ours. Thus, we are forever linked.

SO it is with this in mind that those of us left behind have the privilege to honor our loved ones. And whether choosing to signify their birthday, an anniversary, date of death, another poignant calendar marking, or a combination thereof, it is a matter of personal choice. There is no right or wrong way. Just think of all the qualities that made that individual so beloved, and a host of remembrances will rush to the fore. Flooding.

AS such, when it comes to honoring the birthday of Frank Kutnicki, z”l (of blessed memory), my beloved, two visceral images always spring to mind. They intertwine his joie de vivre, his joy of living, coupled with his compassionate heart.

THEREBY, tomorrow’s combined gift of sorts will (hopefully) bring cheer to some in need of uplifting, as this year’s celebration of his birth. He will surely be smiling down on a group of little ones, aka kiddies, in a designated children’s hospital (in Israel) on this very poignant day. Somehow, he will know that he was responsible for a particular bright and uplifting moment during their hospital stay. Yes, clowns, with requisite balloon-making skills, have a way of turning ones frown upside down. After all, it is a more than fitting tribute to a wonderful man who loved children, whose laughter was beyond contagious, and whose heart was always open and larger than life. Transcending. Indeed.

Alas, July 31 is a day etched in stone, like February 20 With it also comes a heartfelt message to my beloved, who is forever the father of our two loving, moral, and strong sons, just like their role model.

Your birthday will always remain a part of those who cherished you. You made everything possible. And for that, plus so much more, your family is forever grateful.

Gone, but never forgotten –

MINNESOTA Bows To Islam: Non-Muslims, Go To Hell!! Islamists, Via City Council, Trample On “Infidels.” What’s The Upshot? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FOR the absolute western record, the following, chapter and verse, must be internalized and become akin to ones second-skin: wherever Islam implants its footprints in Dar al-Harb, aka Dar al-Kufr – that which is not yet under Muslim rule – however long it takes, Islamists will seek to subdue, hence, submit, all under its boot. Is it any wonder that Sharia Law must be viewed as a cancerous scourge, never to gain a foothold in America and the west? Rhetorical.

MORE specifically, as a central part of Islamic doctrine, said dictate is not up for debate. In reality, bar none, Islam is the most imperialistic religiopolitical dogma. Mind you, is there any other so-called religious ideology which inculcates categorical hegemonic rule? None. Not on the face of this planet, that’s for sure. 

IN fact, this is precisely where Islamic hijrah comes in via its conquest ala western migration, whether as “refugees” or another method of penetration. It is Allah-mandated, and that is that. Still yet, the question becomes two-fold: what is their end point, and what is the upshot?

SIMPLY put, the resurrection of a worldwide Caliphate, a supranational Islamic arch, is their ultimate goal. Thus, said outcome also must be understood from the lens of a billion plus Muslims, many of whom dream of its re-establishment in their lifetime. Even so, the western concept of time is of little consequence. Mind you, a preponderance are steeped in a culture which invokes the same strictures and lifestyle from centuries long past. In effect, even if it takes another hundred years, that’s hardly an obstacle to their collective aspiration. Like duck off a water’s back.

CONCOMITANTLY, unlike other immigrant groups, Muslims, for the most part, do not assimilate into their host country. In other words, they view Islamic law above the laws of the land, despite any nation’s Constitution. But what muddies the water, so to speak, is the fact that many are confused when they see Muslims working alongside them, living among them, and otherwise appearing to be part of the community. But never mind, all is not as it seems.

SIMPLY, unless a Muslim is an apostate, there is zero chance that living in Dar al-Harb is what it appears to be. Intrinsically, an overriding Islamic dictate mandates conquering all infidel nations, be it by stealth/civilizational jihad, jihad by the sword, or jihad by the womb. 

SO without truly understanding that this is where it’s at, westerners will reap the whirlwind, relegated to dhimmis (and dummies) in their own countries. It is that clear. 

COMPLICATING matters, the fact that Islam is viewed as a monotheistic religion stands in the way of all reason and logic, at least for far too many addled westerners. It is as if they should be granted special dispensation for whatever heinous actions they commit, and just because they are part of a religious grouping! In a word: bull sh-t.

IN reality, even though many westerners are not religious, they tend to believe that, withstanding the wars in which Christian monotheists engaged in the past, the participants in these wars were actually violating their sacred creeds or scriptures. In other words, they want to believe that religion—at least monotheism—is basically benevolent and peace loving; and that even though history manifests bloody examples to the contrary, they incline to the idea that these wars may be attributed—stated simply—to either (1) intellectual causes, (2) moral causes, or (3) systemic causes, meaning, the international system of sovereign states.

NOW, the irony and insanity couldn’t be any greater or more dangerous. On the one hand, many of their apologists view Judaism and Christianity as little more than a fable and fairy tale, preening their own “enlightened” views as superior “thinking.” Understood.

STILL yet, they lend Islam an exemption from all civilized norms and give it “protected” status, as if Muslims are oh so special. Orwellian.

HENCE, due to the above and so much more, and coupled with an abject fear of Islam’s blood-lust, soldiers for Allah are going from strength to strength, all the while westerners react dumbstruck. Incontestably, they are bloodying and capturing parts of the west – thrust by thrust.

AND this is where Minnesota, as one state-wide exhibit out of many, enters the fray. Yes, it is not for nothing that it is called Minnesotastan!

RESULTANT, readers are familiar with the Somali time bomb within America, a seemingly unstoppable, explosive, and toxic flow into America. The fact is that their influx set the stage for Syrian jihadists and others from Islamic bent hell-holes in the early 1980’s, when the first substantial wave entered America. Its basis can be gleaned within a February 2015 commentary analysis: U.S. jihadis hiding in plain sight, as Somalis top the FBI’s most wanted list! Say it ain’t so.

ALAS, should any rational non-Muslim American be shocked to hear what happened in Bloomington, Minnesota via an anti-American, illegal part played by its prostrating City Council? Don’t be.

A radical mosque known for breeding terrorists has been granted special privileges by the city of Bloomington, Minnesota, which allows its members to take over a public park and treat it as their own, to the exclusion of other residents, according to complaints filed by a citizens group.Mohamed Farah, 22, is the older brother of Adnan Farah. He is also charged with providing material support to an overseas terrorist organization.

(Somali Mohamed Farah, 22, is the older brother of Adnan Farah. He is also charged with providing material support to an overseas terrorist organization.)

The Friends of Smith Park started a petition drive and took its case to the Bloomington City Council with a formal complaint Monday night.

At issue is the Dar al-Farooq mosque, which WND has previously reported has a record of turning Somali refugees into jihadists for ISIS and other terror groups.

At least half a dozen known Somali terrorists have attended Dar al-Farooq in recent years including Adnan Farah, 20, and his brother Mohamed, 22, who pleaded guilty in April to providing material support to ISIS. The mosque is headed by Waleed Idris al-Meneesey, who preaches hatred of Jews straight from the Quran and the hadiths.

“According to your police officers, you’ve privileged Dal al-Farooq worshipers above all other religions. You’ve made Smith Park a Dar al-Farooq-only zone after the park is already closed, excluding citizens of all other faiths and those of no faith,” said Frost, who represents Friends of Smith Park.Now it has come to light that city officials in Bloomington have given al-Meneesy and his Sharia-compliant followers special privileges that violate its conditional-use permit, or CUP, and that are not offered to any other religious group, said attorney and retired Lt. Col. Larry Frost. By doing so, Frost said the city has exposed itself to potential lawsuits from churches and synagogues in the area that have not been afforded the same rights.

The council members sat mum during Frost’s comments.

Long list of abuses

The list of abuses and alleged violations by Dar al Farooq, which was allowed to build in a residential area, is long. They range from dumping asbestos in the trash to having three to five times the occupancy allowed by its conditional-use permit, making excess noise, shining car lights and producing overflow parking at all hours of the night during the month of Ramadan – and to a lesser extent every weekend. The mosque members take over the adjacent public park and force out residents of nearby neighborhoods, often staying in the park well after the posted closing time of 11 p.m.

Neighbors have been told by mosque workers to get out of Smith Park “because the park belongs to [the Muslims],” said one local woman.

Another local resident, Matilda Zumba, who lives in a neighborhood near the mosque, approached the city council Monday night with an interpreter. She said she has two small children who are always playing outside.

“I’m very afraid because there is a lot of traffic and a lot of speeding and the people of Dar al-Farooq don’t respect our speed limits and the safety of our children,” Zumba told the council. “I’m also now afraid to take our children to the park because there are many people there who do not respect the rights of our own children to play there.

“A lot of times the other children don’t want to work together to share with our children. Sometimes their parents are there and they may shout at them but they don’t do anything, they just continue to let their children interfere. The park is very important to the Spanish community especially and we met there a lot, but now we don’t because we don’t feel safe.”

Mosque attendees have flooded the neighborhood with offsite parking, blocked driveways and walked through neighbors’ yards without permission. The city has told neighbors if they park in joint-use parking, the neighbors have to “hurry to the sidewalk” and get out of the parking lot so it would be available for the mosque. 


Last week one supporter of the neighborhood group witnessed mosque abusers using joint-parking areas to practice driving at 1:30 a.m. – by using city garbage cans as obstacles. When the witness came to film the event, three young mosque members confronted him, one demanding to know what he was doing and telling him he could not film the offending car or its license. Later, a police officer told the witness that “only mosque members can use the parking lots after normal park hours” – in other words, the public space is reserved for use by one particular religion after it’s closed to the public.

The city took more than three years and 67 drafts to complete the conditional-use permit with the mosque. Built into that contract is a requirement that the city use a laborious five-phase, six-month enforcement process to correct any Dar al-Farooq violations.

“Clearly that’s a non-enforcement clause,” Frost said. “The city has to give this amazing provision to every new church applicant, and I would argue, every current CUP holder can demand the same. Why? Because you are privileging Dar al-Farooq above other religions.

“One of your own council members said ‘I feel like we’re punishing applicants that came after Dar al Farook,’ because you required them to do things that Dar al-Farooq is not required to do.”

The city council granted a conditional-use permit to Dar al Farooq enabling the mosque to operate in a residential neighborhood, then failed to enforce either the CUP or the joint-use agreement allowing the mosque to use Smith Park.

As a result, the neighbors of Smith Park have been reduced to second-class status, unable to use and enjoy a public park adjacent to their neighborhood.

Mosque actions violating the CUP and JUA were not stopped because the city attorney insisted that the federal Religious Land-use and Incarcerated Persons Act, commonly called RLUIPA, did not allow the city to enforce the CUP/JUA, effectively making the neighborhood around Dar al Farooq a zoning-free area. The city attorney also told council members that enforcement of the CUP could result in lawsuits against council members in their private capacities. Both legal ideas are flatly false, said Frost.

“Your own city attorney, former attorney, told you that you had to do that, but you made a grave legal and moral error when you signed a CUP and then didn’t enforce it, because that’s not what RLUPA says,” Frost told the council on Monday night.

RLUIPA is a federal statute that requires local governments to issue permits for houses of worship equally when it comes to construction projects.

“But once you have the CUP you’re no longer in the permitting phase – it is not a legal permitting issue,” Frost said. “Despite what your previous city attorney said, you can enforce the CUP and you must.”

Friends of Smith Park are asking only that all city council resolutions concerning Dar al Farooq be enforced, including retroactive enforcement where legal and appropriate – exactly as would be the case for all other religious institutions with a conditional-use permit.

A mosque is not just a house of worship

Most Americans believe a mosque or Islamic Center is simply a “Muslim church,” when in fact it operates much differently, said Debra Anderson, coordinator of the Minneapolis chapter of ACT For America.

“In Islam, the prophet Mohammad is viewed as the perfect example of a man,” she said. “Anything he did is considered the example for all Muslims to follow for all time.”

Mohammad used the first mosques as political and military bases as well as houses of worship.There are now as many as 3,100 mosques in America and nearly 80 percent of them have been opened since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

“It has been from the mosque that devout Mohammadans (Muslims) have waged their war of global conquest, slaughtering non-Muslims who refuse to surrender to Islam and producing a trail of blood and tears across world history,” Anderson said.

Last month police in Germany raided a property near a mosque and found a large cache of military-grade weapons being stored by Islamists.

Turkey’s Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, once said: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, and the Muslim faithful our soldiers…”

Bloomington’s Dar al-Farooq is just one out of 83 mosques in Hennepin county. There are 163 mosques, Islamic centers, masjids and prayer spaces in Minnesota at last count, Anderson said.

“How many are in your county? Who is the Imam? What are they teaching? Are they teaching that ‘Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope?” Anderson asks, referring to the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In an email alert Tuesday, Anderson said three civilian Minnesota women, two of which are grandmothers, have been “doing the work that our FBI and law enforcement agencies used to do before all their training manuals were purged of anything deemed offensive by the Muslim Brotherhood … before our military, intelligence, and law enforcement institutions became ‘sensitive’ to blasphemy laws as dictated by Islamic Sharia law. Yes, the country is in great trouble. You are needed.”

“Please, stand with these American patriots in Bloomington in their effort to protect and preserve the safety and livability of their neighborhood from this radical mosque that is clearly demonstrating their utter disregard for American law, their neighbors … and more importantly our national security.”

MOST significantly, know that the above is merely a foretaste of what is coming down the pike, if left unchecked. In other words, once they gain the upper hand, well….

INCONTROVERTIBLY, can anyone honestly state why a bulls eye shouldn’t be placed on Waleed Idrus al-Maneesey, a radical imam who heads up the Al-Farooq mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota, attended by at least six known terrorists and terrorist supporters. If not, why? And what about all the rest??

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

HUSSEIN & Merkel (In Forefront) Destroying The West: Munich Cover-up, Aiding & Abetting Jihadists! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

COMPLICITY can comprise various moving parts and levels via direct and indirect components. This is the case, even if some of them do not meet the exactitude of standards which are required in a court of law. However, said precise legalistic measurements aren’t mandatory, at  least when invoking the judgment, the verdict, if you will, of the court of public opinion. Far from it. 

SO while most of us have lost hope that HUSSEIN Obama (chief surrogates alike) will be held to account through the application of the law – despite his clear nexus to treasonous actions – it doesn’t absolve those of us with megaphones from recording his crimes for time immemorial. To the contrary, it obligates us.

AND it is along the same bloody minefield(s) that other western leaders enter the fray, chiefly, Frau Merkel. In fact, she-devil that she is, Merkel wants to admit even more of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists!

AS foreseen, Europe is now on fire. Raging. Indeed, some of us forewarned: yes, blood-soaked explosions will ensue, sooner than later. Regardless, the deaf, dumb, and blind preferred to mock the few who publicly predicated, and almost to an exactitude, what has come to pass. 

AND as tempting as it is to rub many noses in their (dirt of) denial, there is little time to do so. Duty calls.

IN this regard, hot on the heels of back-to-back militant Islamic jihadi attacks in Germany (aside from explosions all over France), along comes another, this time, a suicide bomb attack in Ansbach. Oh well.

AT LEAST 12 people have been injured after a Syrian asylum seeker blew himself up outside a wine bar in Germany.

The attack took place in Ansbach, near Nuremburg, after the 27-year-old was denied access to the nearby Ansbach Open music festival, according to Germany’s interior minister Joachim Herrmann.

Herrmann said the suspect, who was known to police, had lived in Germany for two years but was denied asylum in the country a year ago.

The suspect, named locally as

MIND you, suicide bombing is a signature hallmark of jihadi terror, and it is their preferred method of choice. Yes, said tactic is very popular with Islamists in Israel, as the following gory listing details. Resultant, is it premature to state: they too are now (Jewish) Israelis!

IN any event, par for the jihadi course, Islamists are Allah-bent on torturing infidels, even in their mourning. Screaming “Allahu Akbar”, as Germans gathered to pay their respects to those gunned down at a German shopping mall, their incitement is unquenchable. Alas, when will westerners scream their own war cries, rallying: enough is enough!!

BUT we are not done yet. In fact, before we expose Germany’s Islamic plague even further, let’s take a break and head over to France. Not long after Nice exploded on July 15, 2016, can anyone guess what else happened? Hint: what is (one of) their favorite “sport”?

WELL, another centuries-long, Koran sanctioned, act of jihad is the “art” of beheading. So how many heard via the PC media about a priest in Normandy, France who was beheaded? If not, time to catch up to speed.

Father Jacques Hamel, 86, was reportedly beheaded after two knife-wielding terrorists crept into a 9am Catholic mass in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, in Normandy, France, near Rouen, Thursday morning, according to The Sun.

ISIS supporters are celebrating the horrific attack at the church which was reportedly on a terrorist ‘hit list’ which it is claimed French police have known about since April 2015 – following the arrest of an extremist in Paris last year.

One of the unidentified hostages is said to be “fighting for their life” in a local hospital, The Sun reported.

The terrorists repeatedly yelled, “Allahu Akbar” during the attack, according to Sky News.

BACK to Germany.

NOW, who would believe that the ever “efficient” German authorities have no idea with whom they are dealing, in so far that the nation’s body count keeps rising due to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists? In fact, their foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, is considered number six in the world. Hmm. Its domestic arm, The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV), is equally adept at sniffing out domestic threats. So what gives?

WELL, since Merkel has tasked the government to overrun Germany (threatening the rest of Europe to fall in line) with “refugees” (for numerous political/financial reasons), its agencies have been relegated to chasing their tails, so to speak. Effectively, they are in denial-mode, or so it would seem.

Two Syrian refugees committed acts of terror in different Bavarian towns Sunday, July 24, the third and fourth violent attacks in Germany in less than a week. One Syrian, a 21-year old, used a machete to murder a pregnant woman in Reutingen near Stuttgart. He was arrested – but only after a motorist saw him attacking two more people and ran him down. Local police assured the populace that there was nothing more to fear since the attack arose from a private quarrel between the Syrian man and a female colleague at work.
This did not explain why the attacker went on to stab another two victims.
That night, in Ansbach, southwest of Nuremberg, a second Syrian refugee of 27 – denied asylum in Germany a year ago but allowed to stay – was refused entry to a three-day summer popular music festival when he aroused the suspicions of guards at the gate. They let him go without asking to search his rucksack. He then went straight to a nearby wine bar and detonated the device he was carrying, injuring 12 people, three of them seriously.
The Bavarian authorities initially attributed the explosion to a gas leak. But then the mayor’s office confirmed it was a deliberately detonated device. The 2,500 music fans were sent home and the event was canceled.
Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann first tried explaining that the Syrian blew himself up in protest at being turned away from the festival.
Only later, on Monday, did the minister tell reporters that he could not exclude the possibility of an Islamist-inspired attack. He said investigators would work tirelessly to investigate the attack and fully understand the man’s motives.
But Hermann also said that the Syrian bomber had tried to commit suicide twice before and was confined to an institution. It was not clear, he said, if he had planned to kill only himself or “take others with him into death.” This suggested that the putative music lover was also a mental case, which sounded much like the snap diagnosis offered by German officials after the Munich mall mass-killer murdered nine people on Friday, July 22.
The first of the four attacks was carried out by a 17-year old refugee from Afghanistan exactly a week ago on July 18.  Wielding an ax and a knife, he wounded eight people on a train near Wuerzbuerg, not far from Munich, before he was shot dead by police.
Although an ISIS flag was found in his room and the Islamic State claimed the Afghan axeman as “one of its soldiers,” the Bavarian interior minister said only, “There may be an Islamic background to this but that is far from clear at this point.”
But the Bavarian police have insisted that neither Sunday’s machete attack nor Friday’s shooting in Munich bore any sign of connections with Islamic State or other terrorist groups.

Some puzzling questions remain unanswered about the slaughter of nine people by the Iranian-German 18-year old Ali Sonboly at the Munich mall Friday – firstly, was he alone?  After viewing aerial photos and maps of the scene at the Olympia Einkaufszentrum mall, many counterterrorism experts infer that he was not the only shooter.
They also find it hard to believe that a 9mmGlock pistol could have produced the scale and power of gunfire described by multiple witnesses.
The only motive officially ascribed to Sonboly was an obsession with mass murder and the claim that he too was receiving psychiatric treatment.
Connecting these attacks in a single week of violence links the German state of Bavaria to a triangle of terror  (see attached map) along with the Nice, France atrocity on July 14, which left 84 dead, and the under-reported attempt by four Arab-speakers to kidnap a British Royal Air Force officer at the Marham air base in Norfolk on July 20.
They add up to 6 violent attacks in 12 days, averaging one terrorist episode every two days in Europe.
But Germany stands out as refusing to admit to a reign of terror, partly because of the fallout generated for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy for masses of distressed refugees.
But the damage is not just political. German authorities recently admitted that while accepting a million refugees, 130,000 failed to register at the special reception centers and have dropped out of sight.
No one can tell how many terrorists are among them and what violence they are plotting. Instead of burying their heads in the sand, German security authorities need to hurry up and devise counter-measures in good time to head off the mounting threat.

IT gets worse.

RECALL, the MSM’s reportage on the mall massacre tried to Allah-wash his heritage. Even more so, the NY Times had this to add:

He had been bullied at more than one school. He played violent video games, and developed a fascination with mass shootings. He kept a copy of the German edition of “Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters,” a study by an American academic psychologist, and he was treated for psychiatric problems.

OKEY dokey. If they say so….

BUT what if the entire story was a put-up German job, fabricating Ali Sonboly’s Iranian heritage, thus, making it a Shiite massacre, as opposed to a Sunni one? The uninitiated will ask: what difference does it make? A whole damn lot.

THE fact is that Iranians are just as adept at jihadi slaughter as their Sunni counterparts, and that’s hardly newsworthy. On the other hand, it is also a fact that Merkel’s pets are Sunni, most of whom are “refugees” from Syria and Turkey. You know, the country where Erdogan, a mobbed-up Brotherhood Mafia leader, is busy purging the country for full-on Islamic rule! Again, as predicted by this investigative journalist several years ago.

WHICH brings us to what smacks of a cover-up, and why the so-called Iranian is looking more and more like a Syrian. Indeed, one who is deeply intertwined with the Turkish jihadi community to boot! As always, Facebook’s jihadis tell the tale…

Sonboly is no Iranian. He is Syrian. His Facebook page showed that he is pro Turkey’s Islamists. That, plus he had a record with the Interpol and was being watched. He is also not a teenager as they show us, but an adult as videos showed. What the reader should conclude after reading is this: why is the eye witnesses account (which is substantiated by material evidence) contradicts media reports (which provide zero evidence that we can verify, just government claim)….continue reading

YES, the (missing) pieces are falling into place.

MOST significantly, in the same manner in which HUSSEIN Obama wouldn’t “identify” the whys and wherefores of the latest (and every other one) militant Islamic terror attack in Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub, refusing to utter “Islamic terrorism”, so too Merkel’s regime is complicit, overtly and covertly, in all the ensuing slaughter.  

BUT  if one is more of a numbers person, in just the first half-year of 2016 – and with Islamic rampages raging across the globe – guess how many Syrian militant Islamic jihadis entered the U.S.? 6,726, that’s how many. 

MORE than complicit, as they aid and abet!

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}



Brotherhood Pisses On Al-Jazeera:Texans Are Armed & Dangerous, Locked & Loaded! Yes, Jihadis, Just Wait….Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is not for nothing that my most valued U.S. contacts, “birdies”, if you will, are based in Texas. While others are spread throughout the nation – even in loosey-goosey NYC – some stand, head and shoulders, above the rest. Such is the case within the Lone Star State. To be sure, whenever this investigative journalist gives a shout out in that direction – for this and that – it always bears fruit. Never misses.

AND this is precisely why Texans are featured, again and again, at these pages. As a side note, one in particular, a highly valued counterterror contact, is indirectly (and discreetly) acknowledged in a soon-to-be published book. Enough said.

IN this regard, a commentary which was written two months ago is more than noteworthy, in that it brings to the fore as to why the Brotherhood’s mouthpieces are becoming itchy and increasingly nervous. Texans take the lead, as Islamists wet their pants over locked and loaded patriots, sets the stage. It is a backgrounder for today’s uptick. Wait and see.

PAR for the jihadi course, the following video presentation by Al-Jazeera is a cross between whining ala victim hood, coupled with atypical in-your-face propaganda-speak, and laced with hints of violence or worse. Said duality is common among Islam’s mouthpieces. Arrogant bastards and supremacists to boot.

AS always, Al-Jazeera tv, owned by Qatar’s ruling family, the House of Thani, performed on message. Yes, a jacked-up Muslim Brotherhood Mafia operation. Period.

BUT in order to appreciate and internalize its full-on assault – yes, this is part of (Sunni) militant Islam’s war efforts – one must be willing to learn requisite (primer) lessons. In this regard, a brief backgrounder on Qatar is mandatory.

STIPULATED, some are familiar with Qatar through their ubiquitous “Doha Debates.” Hmm. Know that they are little more than love/propaganda-fests between the Brookings Institution – a Washington-based, leftist-Arabist bought and paid for “think tank” – and the Muslim Brotherhood’s ruling family in Qatar. Indeed, it is decidedly on target to call them ideological bedfellows, one which fills the other’s coffers with a great deal of incentive  – nearly $4 million worth via Qatar’s government in 2015, according to disclosure reports! In effect, Brookings lends Qatar the “kosher” veneer of “democratic” leanings. In a pig’s eye…..

ONCE the nexus between Al-Jazeera, Qatar, and Brookings becomes clear, it is easier to connect the dots; to internalize the ways in which leftists-Arabists in high-profile Washington connected positions tap dance to the messages of blood-soaked Brotherhood entities.

THAT being said, outside the Beltway and its leftist echo chambers, a particular breed of patriots are unchained by PC restraints, let alone give a rat’s behind about threats from militant Islamic jihadists. Ask them if they intend to back down…Not only that, government officials who attempt to stay their hands will have a better chance of reining in a stampede of elephants. In effect, good luck with that.

AND this is where well-armed, target-practiced Texans come in, as well as others from states with similarly inclined patriotic ethos – Muslim Brotherhood Mafia front groups be damned. Concomitantly, their apologists alike.

FOREWARNED: those who possess “delicate” sensibilities should opt out of this commentary.….continue reading….

BUT even if the above commentary had been written two years or twenty years ago (instead of two months ago), the result would have been the same: non-stop Islamic whining! In fact, no matter how many infidels Allah’s Muslim Terrorists slaughter, they can’t abide any westerners standing up to them. We get that. The advice within is: go suck….

ON cue, once again, along comes the Brotherhood Mafia’s mega media outlet, Al-Jazeera. As always, CAIR, their propaganda arm, is in tow and at the ready. Hmm. And this is their latest whine-fest:

Apparently in Texas, armed and vigilant citizens aren’t sitting around waiting for the “nothing to do with Islam” do-nothing American government to protect them against the next Muslim terrorist attack.

You’ll notice the tone of this report is sympathetic toward Muslims. That’s because it comes from the Muslim Brotherhood owned news outlet in Qatar – Al-Jazeera.

SOUND familiar?

BE that as it may, thankfully, an increasingly restless patriotic community isn’t cowed and bowed.

INDEED, after a continuous upsurge of militant Islamic jihad attacks inside America, it is not lost on the “locked and loaded” crowd what awaits. And adding fuel to their fire, it is not as if their eyes aren’t peeled toward Europe too, recognizing that globalist and pro-Islam leadership have unleashed an unstoppable wave of jihadi “refugees” who are striking at will. If anything, Europe’s body count keeps amassing and spreading like a plague, attack after attack. Yes, patriots in Texas internalize what’s coming down. The urgency is magnified via the flow of many thousands of Islamic “refugees” all across America. Said understanding brings with it a visceral feeling of an imminent dangerif they don’t take action. How could it not.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, no one should be naive enough to believe that hard-charging Texans, guys and gals alike, will ask for “permission” to take on Allah’s Muslim Terrorists. In other words, the scuttlebutt in this direction (that which has yet to lead astray) is that a tipping point is very near. Thus, locked and loaded will take on a very concrete meaning. 

RESULTANT, if officialdom – be they local, state or feds – believes they will be able to hold them at bay, well, as usual, they are not only useless and toothless but delusional. The point being, said Texans (and others like them across the country) understand the calculus: if relevant agencies took care of business they wouldn’t have to step in and start picking them off! Understood?

ALAS, anyone who identifies as a patriot has two options: door one or door two. 

  • Door one involves the participation of all those who are experienced with firearms, whether in Texas or elsewhere. Texans will lead the charge, but that doesn’t absolve others from fighting to save the homeland.
  • Door two should be viewed as the “support network”, and it can take on a variety of duties and measures. Assuredly, those who do not own firearms have an active role to play, and this is where the supportive and surrogate appendage comes in. Use your imaginations.

IN any event, pick a door – number one or number two. But if unable to step up – for whatever reason – at least have the human decency to stay the hell out of their way!!

AS always, every generation has its heroes and its slackers. There is no reason to believe that this go around will be any different.

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

Merkel’s & HUSSEIN Obama’s Blow Back Bloodies The West:Knock-On Effects! Munich, Nice, Orlando, Etc., One & The Same. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(Memo: Facebook flagged this post, blocking shares…wonder why…)

HOT on the heels of this investigative journalist’s latest commentary, ISIS, (“Pure” Islamists) Lays It All Bare: Watch Out Europe & America, Jihad Has Just Begun! Lessons Learned, almost to an orchestrated cue, along comes another militant Islamic jihadi attack. What a shocker! NOT.

STILL yet, before we segue to the latest carnage, knock-on effects, enveloping another western city (as this site pointed out ad infinitum), the jihadi’s origin of birth or Islamic sect (Sunni or Shia) has ZERO bearing when it comes to slaughtering infidels. No diff. But what DOES matter is the absolute impetus for their jihad: Islam. Everything else pales in comparison to their fevered bloodletting, and this is the uncomfortable and paralyzing truth. You got that?

INCONTESTABLY, Islam & Blood (, its inextricable relationship, is the driving force. 

MOREOVER, per this site’s excerpted report on July 21, 2016, in relationship to the axe slaughter on a train in southern Germany, the following is more than mandatory truth-telling:

AND this brings us to the most intrinsic lesson(s) learned, in respect to militant Islamic jihad and its swathe across the west.

INTRINSICALLY, one needn’t be a card-carrying member of ISIS to become a time bomb within the west, be it in America, Europe or elsewhere. Far from it. In reality, one “only” has to adhere to the core tenets of Islam, that which veer off the well-worn propagated path adhered to by Islam’s western apologists. Enablers.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, westerners must learn to separate their horrific reactions from this and that jihadi attack, instead, to keep their eyes and ears peeled on Islam itself!! It is this political (wrapped under religious veneer) ideology which will be the death of the west – if not stopped in its deadly tracks! It must become: The People VS Muhammad!

NO sense in jive-talking otherwise.

MAKING matters exponentially graver for the west, the leader of the heretofore free world is a clinical narcissist, sociopath, Marxist and Islamist. And that’s putting it mildly. He is Islam’s (very best, and most powerful) American friend. There is no sense in arguing otherwise. Mind you, his light-hearted banter, in the midst of mentioning the jihadi attack at the mall, attests to his sociopath tendencies, as well as his figurative thumbs-up to his fellow Muslim terrorists. No doubt. A double (western) whammy and a major F U too.

ONTO his partner-in-crime….

Did Merkel work for the Stasi?

(Merkel pictured under a FDJ banner – Free German Youth, also known in German as Freie Deutsche Jugend – she was one of the leaders of its agitation and propaganda arm for communist and socialist fronts…hmm)

NOT only that, Germany, the EU’s leading nation, has a non-reformed Stasi agent at its helm ala Frau Merkel. Incontrovertibly, she is hell-bent on transforming Germany into an Arabian satellite. The reasons are manifold, and can be found throughout this site. Seek and you shall find.

EVEN so, with the above duly noted and reconstructed, isn’t it par for the course for Allah’s Muslim Terrorists to turn on, to burn, their western hosts? What about biting the hand that houses, feeds, and otherwise provides for their largess? Imagine that. Adding insult to grave injury, it is these same immoral leaders who spit in the faces (and on their graves) of every non-Muslim citizen of their respective countries, leaving them at the “mercy” of the most retrograde forces known to man! 


For seven hours the authorities of the leading European power were paralyzed over how to handle the massacre of nine Germans at he Olympia shopping mall of Munich by an 18-year old Iranian German Friday night, July 22 without uttering the words “Islamic” or “jihadist” – or even “terror.” The gunman, who killed himself far from the crime scene, gained German citizenship after arriving from Iran two years ago. He too has not been named. At stake was Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-arms policy for Middle East refugees. And so a city of 1.5 million was sent into panic by muddled, stammering statements, which for hours refrained from defining the mall attack, locked the entries against the media and refused to specify the number of casualties.. French President Francois Hollande bluntly said it for them. It was a terrorist attack, he said Saturday morning, July 23.
Young people and “adolescents” are among the 9 dead, and children are among the 16 injured. Hundreds of police Saturday searched an apartment believed to have been the shooter’s home.

This was how the episode unfolded, according to DEBKAfile’s initial report Friday night:
With still no official figure on casualties in the shooting spree Friday night, July 22, in the Olympia mall, Munich’s largest shopping center. However medical staff are being rushed to the city from across the state of Bavaria, indicating a casualty emergency of major proportions and multiple deaths.
Munich police now believe that three gunmen were involved and are on the run, but refrain from defining them as jihadist terrorists.
Large numbers of people fled the shopping center at the heart of Germany’s third city, while shopkeepers hid in barricaded stores and eateries.
Following the Olympia mall shooting, sirens were activated in a number of Munich districts warning people that their city was under terror attack which has all the hallmarks of a jihadist atrocity against a soft target.
The public was urged to stay off the streets and away from crowd centers. All Munich transport systems were closed down amid reports of a second shooting at the nearby Marienplatz Metro station at the heart of the capital of Bavaria. The central railway station was evacuated and closed down.
DEBKAfile’s counterterrorism sources report that the gunmen were armed with pistols as well as automatic rifles which were planned to maximize casualties.
It’s the second attack in Germany in less than a week. On Monday, a 17-year-old Afghan wounded five people in an ax-and-knife attack on a regional train in Bavaria. The attacker claimed by ISIS as its “fighter” was shot and killed by police.
The mall is next door to the Munich Olympic stadium, where the Palestinian terrorist group Black September took 11 Israeli athletes hostage and eventually killed them during the 1972 Olympic Games.

AS to the aforementioned proximity to the 1972 Olympic Games and its jihadi aftermath, know that history repeats. It always does, that is, for those who refuse to learn its lessons. In other words, what starts with the Jews NEVER ends with the Jews. Basically, any westerner who thought that they were safe from militant Islamic jihad – you would be wrong!!

AND truth dare be told, if HUSSEIN’s or Angela’s (including, the rest of the west’s leaders who expose their citizens, akin to ducks in a shooting gallery, to Islam’s barbarians) nearest and dearest became part of the body count, that would not only be kismet but too damn bad. Comeuppance. As it stands, they feel completely insulated from any blow back that they facilitated. Accomplice-like. Immoral cretins, the likes of which deserve to burn in hell too.

MOST significantly, readers may recall two intersecting dots connected within. If not, no matter. Let’s just refresh to reconnect and realign them. They are that intrinsic to saving the west from the death grip of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists.

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

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ISIS (“Pure” Islamists) Lays It All Bare: Watch Out Europe & America, Jihad Has Just Begun! Lessons Learned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE one’s inner core may be a million miles apart from a particular ideology, rational folks must learn how to sift through wildly divergent world views. In other words, when wading through the nihilistic netherworld of Islamists, a particular level of skills, subsets, if you will, must be harnessed. Just stay steady, focused, and hold your nose, if necessary. Get busy.

MORE specifically, one must be able to recognize when taqiyya (Shariah sanctioned lying for the sake of Allah) is taking place, as opposed to when the truth is in plain view. This is hardly an inconsequential factor, and it is a distinction with a difference. It is key and core. Admittedly, a far from easy task. It requires a certain level of familiarity and understanding of Islam’s underpinnings, including, its basic texts and the primacy of political Islam’s war on the west. 


THAT being said, know that whenever CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is trotted out, yes, the Islamic weapon of taqiyya is operational and deployed. Laser-like. In fact, CAIR is the main propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Moreover, it has the rightful designation as an unindicted co-conspirator to the largest terror trial in US history, the Holy Land Foundation Terror-Financing Trial, aka HLF. Wow.

SO whereas the Brotherhood Mafia has designated arms for this and that (of which ISIS is one of its deadly spawn, having birthed from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, itself, an outgrowth of the MB), it doesn’t obviate the fact that ISIS (and a few other jihadi branches, but let’s not digress) has a “habit” of telling the truth. Indeed, they do.

IN a nutshell, they adhere strictly to “pure” Islam and mean exactly what they say, unlike western leaders. Basically, when they warn the “infidel” public that they are going to strike, believe them! Not only that, the so-called powerful west lags, light years, behind them in stopping the carnage. Tragically, this is for manifold (political) reasons. Globalist.


BE that as it may, on the other hand, even though ISIS (and other Islamic appendages) admitted that they have infiltrated the west through Islamic mandated hijrah, lo and behold, Frau Merkel and HUSSEIN Obama are non-pulsed. In fact, they have stepped up the importation of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists ala the so-called “refugee” and migrant (purposefully designed) crisis! W T F….

ALAS, after ALL their carnage throughout Europe and America alike, one would think that the latest jihadi-inspired – axe-like – rampage was to be expected. How could it not. After all, Jews in Israel, time and again, have been hacked to death by assorted Mohammedans! For heavens sake.


Online news agency Amaq reported that the terror group was behind yesterday’s ‘lone wolf’ attack by a 17-year-old boy Muslim savage in southern Germany. The youngster monster was shot dead by police after going on the rampage on a train travelling through the state of Bavaria.

An ISIS spokesman claimed the attack was directly inspired by calls for followers living in Europe to carry out attacks at home rather than travelling to fight in Iraq and Syria. The incident followed just days after another lone killer murdered 84 people in an attack in Nice.

Pictures have emerged showing the blood-spattered floor at the scene of the attack.

A statement from ISIS said: “The perpetrator of the stabbing attack in Germany was one of the fighters of the Islamic State and carried out the operation in answer to the calls to target the countries of the coalition fighting the Islamic State.”

Authorities first established a link between the suspect and ISIS when a hand-drawn flag was found in his room.

Witnesses reported that the attacker, who had been living with a foster family in the nearby town of Ochsenfurt, had shouted “Allahu Akbar.”

ISIS released a video which apparently shows the Afghan Muslim teenager who attacked passengers with an axe on a train making threats.

The video released by ISIS’s affiliated Amaq news agency, subtitled in  English, shows teenager “Mohammed Riyadh” – knife in hand – announcing in Pashto he would carry out an “operation” in Germany, and presenting himself as a “soldier of the caliphate”.

BUT to those who will opine that it is impossible to stop a “madman” from chopping/shooting at will, well, it depends. Effectively, a true lunatic (uninspired by a centuries-long nihilistic ideology) can hardly be anticipated or pre-empted. Realistic folks get that. On the other hand, few in their right mind believe that importing Islam’s followers (from whatever country, be they Afghani, Syrian or what not) won’t exponentially up the ante, thus, presenting a clear and present danger.

NOT only that, how many can still rationalize the unfettered growth within Islamic communities inside any western country via mosques – their established barracks within – and more? Isn’t the above evidentiary material more than enough of a precursor to what awaits the ENTIRE west, if not halted forthwith? Concomitantly, how can the “balance of power” not tip in favor of the most retrograde force known to man, Islam, if proceeding apace? 

Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png

AND this brings us to the most intrinsic lesson(s) learned, in respect to militant Islamic jihad and its swathe across the west. 

INTRINSICALLY, one needn’t be a card-carrying member of ISIS to become a time bomb within the west, be it in America, Europe or elsewhere. Far from it. In reality, one “only” has to adhere to the core tenets of Islam, that which veer off the well-worn propagated path adhered to by Islam’s western apologists. Enablers.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, westerners must learn to separate their horrific reactions from this and that jihadi attack, instead, to keep their eyes and ears peeled on Islam itself!! It is this political (wrapped under religious veneer) ideology which will be the death of the west – if not stopped in its deadly tracks! It must become: The People VS Muhammad.

NO sense in jive-talking otherwise.

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

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US Airmen (1,500 & Families) Held Hostage By Turkey’s Brotherhood-Backed President:The Twists & Turns. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FIRST and foremost, ever since Erdogan,Turkey’s Islamist President, took over the country (first as PM), there should have been no doubt that trusting the nation as an ally is wildly dangerous for US (western) interests and Israel’s alike. Even so, don’t get this (American-Israeli) investigative journalist started on the ins and outs of Israel’s leaders and (some of) their strategically indefensible alliances. They hail from the tippy-top via political hacks and worse. 

YES, Erdogan is a Brotherhood “made man.”

IN any case, to internalize how America got from there to here vis-à-vis Turkey’s Brotherhood henchman, a brief backgrounder is in order from an excerpted interview with Inquisitr.

Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?

Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.

It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors.

In the words of Commentary Magazine:

“Hamas is a terrorist group in search of a home. Uprooted by the Syrian civil war, and shaken by the Egyptian coup, the Hamas leadership has taken temporary shelter in Qatar, but that tiny emirate is showing every sign that they want the Islamist radicals to move on. So where would a radical Islamist terrorist group dedicated to the eradication of the State of Israel and whose charter endorses the crudest anti-Semitism turn? Perhaps to Turkey, America’s NATO ally and a country whose leader President Obama identified as one of his top personal foreign friends.”

According to Hürriyet Daily News:

“The prime ministry in Ankara was the venue for a meeting between the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Mashaal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today. The meeting, which started at 7 p.m. and lasted for three hours, was closed to the press. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, National Intelligence Agency (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan, Deputy Undersecretary for the Prime Minister’s Office İbrahim Kalın and advisor Sefer Turan were also present at the meeting, Anadolu Agency reported. The meeting between Mashaal and Erdoğan came around four months after their latest meeting. It came at a time when rumors suggest that Mashaal, currently in exile in Qatar, is searching for another place to live.”

ALONG this same dangerous minefield, Erdogan is a huge admirer of Hitler, therefore, what else is there to say? Plenty.

AS reported by DEBKAfile Intelligence:

Some 1,500 US airmen and their families have been locked in the southern Turkish air base of Incirlik together with a stock of tactical nuclear bombs since President Reccep Erdogan crushed an attempted coup on Saturday, July 16. In the four days up until Wednesday, July 20, therefore, no air strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq have been staged from that Turkish base.
This extraordinary situation, reported here by DEBKAfile’s military sources, whereby a large group of American military personnel are held virtual captive by an allied government, was almost certainly raised in the phone call that took place Tuesday between President Barack Obama and Erdogan.  But the most outlandish aspect of this affair is that no American official has raised it in public – nor even by the administrations most vocal critics at the Republican convention which nominated Donald Trump as presidential candidate.
The situation only rated a brief mention in some Russian publications under the heading: “Turkish investigators enter & search Incirlik air base where US nukes are housed.”
Our military sources report that deep bunkers located near the base’s running strips house B61 tactical nuclear gravity bombs.
In the course of the massive sweep-cum-purge Erdogan is conducting in every corner of the country, hundreds of police officers accompanied by Ministry of Justice and Attorney General Office investigators are the only people permitted to enter the strategic air base, and only emergency cases may leave, after coordinating with the Turkish authorities.
The base is under virtual siege by large police contingents, cut off from electric power for several days except for local generators which will soon run out of fuel. This pressure appears to be Erdogan’s method of turning hundreds of Americans on the base into hostages to force Washington into extraditing Fethullah Gulen, whom he accuses of orchestrating the failed coup from his place of asylum in Pennsylvania.
The victims of Erdogan’s strategy of extortion are several US units deployed in Incirlik under squadron command. They include engineering, communication, logistics, air control, a military hospital with medical and operational facilities, air transportation and more.
The Turkish squadron and base commander, Brigadier Gen. Bekir Ercan, is under arrest, suspected of a senior role in planning and executing the coup, by assigning the aircraft and helicopters to support it, responsibility for the disappearance of a large number of aircraft and aiding the defection of air crews to Greece.
He is one of the more than 6,000 military personnel including fellow generals arrested on suspicion of active complicity in the coup plot.

By Wednesday, more than 50,000 people had been rounded up, sacked or suspended from their jobs by Turkey’s government in the wake of last week’s failed coup, including 9,000 police officers, the suspension of about 3,000 judges and widening Tuesday to include teachers, university deans and the media who are accused of links with Gulen.
However, fears for the fate of the US airmen trapped in Incirlik and the tactical nukes were exacerbated by the comments of two top officials of the Erdogan regime Tuesday.
Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim insinuated that the Americans may be viewed as partners, at least passive ones, in the conspiracy, in view of the use the plotters made of Incirlik for sending aircraft based there and arming them for the missions of intercepting the President’s airplane (which was never realized) and  bombing the Parliament building in Ankara (which was).
The Turkish Labor Minister, Süleyman Soylu, was more explicit: “This coup has America behind,” he twitted in his Twitter account.
The Obama administration’s caution over the scary Incirlik impasse appears to derive from trepidation, shared by Riyadh, Cairo and Jerusalem, that the autocratic Turkish ruler’s Stalinist purge reaching into all branches of government and all walks of Turkish society is part and parcel of a comprehensive Muslim revolution underway in Turkey. An incautious word from Washington may quicken the process.

ON a geo-political level, and to the uninitiated, it would appear as if HUSSEIN Obama and Erdogan are on opposite teams. But nothing could be further from reality. Realistically-speaking, they are truly BFF’s, cheek-to cheek and nose-to nose. They are that close.

IN fact, while it is absolutely the case that the pressure exerted is to force the US to extradite Erdogan’s arch foe (who used to be his close ally and is also a stealth Islamist, but never mind), HUSSEIN Obama’s dog in this is on Erdogan’s side. However, as always (and for appearance sake), there is still a delicate tight-rope to walk. 

BUT most significantly, this site reported on January 7, 2016, and it was a full seven months before the hostage-taking: 

Regardless of volumes of bullet-proof evidencehere….here….here….here….here….here….here….and so on and so forth – that Erdogan is a mobbed up Brotherhood “made man”, HUSSEIN Obama (and other western apologists) considers him a VERY close ally and friend!

IN this regard, Erdogan is less than six degrees separated from ISIS, that which serves his Caliphate goals to an absolute certainty. Resultant, internalizing said nexus is key and core.

Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet provided fresh revelations on the involvement of Mit secret agents alongside Isis jihadists in Syria….continue reading….

WHICH  beings us back to the core question: how did the US get from “there to here”, with 1,500 Airmen and their families held hostage?? Well, if you carefully examine the question through its inversion, and understand the above for what it is, plus factor in all the evidence regarding HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamist bentthe geo-political dots come into (almost) perfect alignment.

TO wit, how couldn’t it have resulted in a hostage-taking?

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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Islamic Barbarism Covered Up;US Mosque Vandalized;Muslims In Texas Scream “Islamophobia” & CAIR Whines! Where’s The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WITHOUT fail, par for the Orwellian course – relative to western apologists for Islamic barbarism – nothing is too egregious within their PC “sensitivities” when it comes to Allah-washing. This is where the end-point of leftist madness juts up against the most heinous crimes against humanity. It is the inevitable slippery slope into the western abyss. No doubt.

CONCRETELY, how many times have American leaders – with Obama Inc. in the forefront, in tandem with RINO counterparts – excused Islamic barbarism under the Orwellian mantra Islam is a “religion of peace?” Countless. Mind you, even after 9/11/01 – the most horrific militant jihadi terror attack to hit the homeland –President Bush babbled the same insane hogwash. It was beyond mind-boggling, as well as the pale of civilized discourse. Agreed?

NOT only that, out of a continuous stream of attacks, let’s see how Frau Merkel handles the latest murderous jihad from one of her protected “refugees”, a 17-year-old to boot. 

Europe has been swamped with refugees from all over the Islamic world. Many of them have been welcomed into Germany.  One of those refugees, a teenager from Afghanistan, went on a rampage in Germany. He attacked passengers on a train in the Bavarian city of Wurzburg with an axe.  

The attacker has been identified as a 17-year-old Afghan man who was a refugee to Germany, according to reports in Germany. 

Bavarian Interior Ministry Joachim Hermann confirmed the news in an interview in which he added the teen had been staying in Ochsenfurt where he boarded the train.

Police have confirmed that at least four people, three of who feared to be fighting for their lives, have been injured in the horrifying attack – which began this evening. Another 14 are being treated for shock.

During the attack, the man chanted “Allahu akbar”, which is a cry many Muslim terrorists chant. It means “God is great” in Arabic.

RESULTANT, how shocking is it to find out that key details to Islam’s (November 2015) monstrous attack in Paris – which included the massacre in the Bataclan theater concert hall, and left a total of 130 dead at six locations in and near Paris – have been covered up by France’s leadership? Rhetorical.

Tension: Armed police prepare their assault on the terrorists at the Bataclan concert hall, where more than 80 people were slaughtered

(The Bataclan theater in Paris, France)

Conservative news site Heat Street is reporting that France withheld information about the tragic Paris nightclub attack that left over 100 dead. Specifically, that terrorists tortured and maimed many of the victims in grotesque ways. Via Heat Street:

 A French government committee has heard testimony, suppressed by the French government at the time and not released to the media, that the killers in the Bataclan tortured their victims on the second floor of the club.

Police witnesses in Parliament said they vomited when they saw the disfigured bodies.

Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.

But prosecutors claimed these reports of torture were “a rumor” on the grounds that sharp knives were not found at the scene. They also claimed that maybe shrapnel had caused the injuries.

In the wake of another unspeakable tragedy, it’s imperative that French citizens understand what they’re up against. Protecting them from sensitive information like this, no matter how difficult it is to hear, does no one any good.

(A photograph of the theatre hall reveals the bloody horror that unfolded when terrorists opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at The Eagles of Death Metal rock concert on Friday night)

EVEN more so, the specifics of the savagery perpetrated by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists at Bataclan are jaw-dropping, especially to those who still believe that Islam is a “religion of peace”! In any case, spin aside, the facts are what they are.

The witness was later asked by Fenech how he had come to learn of the acts of barbarism. He answered that he himself had only witnessed bodies struck by bullets, on the ground floor.

But he learned the gruesome details from another investigator, whom he found vomiting and crying after seeing the carnage upstairs, he told investigators.

“After the assault, we were with our colleagues at the Saint-Pierre-Amelot corridor when I saw an investigator leaving in tears, who was just about to throw up,” the police witness said.

STILL yet, as if on cue, so-called journalists – who are irredeemably PC-addled – are crying foul, insisting that it didn’t happen! As if.
BUT never mind. Those who are awake to the scourge of Islam are starting to rise up, even if most (aside from a paltry few) of the leadership are in full-on denial mode. So it is along these lines that some hopeful signs are emerging.
ON a macro scale, a smattering of nation-states refuse to cow and bow, thus, Islam is going in this direction >>>>> bye, bye!!
ALONG this nation-saving trajectory, the following is also crusade-worthy: “Have the Crusades finally started again?” Patriots, take notes. Incontestably, it is WAY past time for a housecleaning, so to speak. It is what it is.

ALTHOUGH seemingly a drop in the bucket, Rhode Island’s so-called mosque vandalism is a hopeful sign – all the pissants and their howling beside the point.

Vandalism at a Rhode Island mosque discovered not long after the deadly truck attack in Nice, France, spurred a call by the Council on American-Islamic Relations for authorities around the U.S. to increase police patrols to protect Muslim institutions.

Police said they were looking for a hooded person who spray-painted anti-Muslim graffiti in large red letters on the front of the Muslim Community Center of Kingston’s Masjid Al-Hoda and smashed its windows with what looked like an ax. A witness reported the vandalism not long after Thursday night’s Nice attack, which French officials have called an undeniable act of terror though no group had claimed responsibility…..continue reading….

HEY CAIR, STFU! You got that? Your incessant whining – each and every time patriots show a spine, but only after your fellow Islamists, once again, wreck carnage in the name of Allah – is getting on these nerves. And that’s not a good thing. Bleeding ears and all that. Besides, what’s graffiti and a little more, when compared to exploding body parts!

ALAS, please recognize that the aforementioned (mosque-free) “prescriptive” measures have been highlighted within these pages, and on more than one occasion. Indeed, mosques are their barracks within. Simply put, they are enemy encampments which are housed under the guise of religion. As such, they are target-rich for open season. 


AND it is into the fiery fray that Texans always take the lead, and this time is no exception. 

Dozens of Muslims in Irving are upset after the city council passed a resolution in support of a new state house bill some Muslims believe targets their faith.

Council members voted Thursday night on a resolution that support Texas HB 562, which forbids the use of foreign law and codifies the supremacy of U.S. and state law.

“I think it’s the most disgraceful day in the city of Irving,” said Omar Suleiman, an Irving resident who is Muslim. “The elephant in the room is that it’s the anti-Shariah bill.”

Some Muslims in Irving believe the resolution is in reaction to a new Islamic Tribunal that is operating in the city.

Judges had previously told community members their work is non-binding and they only deal with civil disputes like marriage. They also said U.S. and state laws supersede any decisions they make.

“This bill does not mention at all Muslims, Shariah Law, Islam, even religion,” said Mayor Beth Van Duyne.

Mayor Beth Van Duyne said it is important to recognize the constitution and unite behind U.S. and Texas laws.

ONCE again, Shariah law (court) infiltration and penetration has been a focal point at this site. 
CONCLUSIVELY, to those who may be offended by Bill Maher’s crass words (cited in the opening pictorial), well, get over it!! For if one is relegated to monitoring their “p’s and q’s” when it comes to the most retrograde force known to man, where is the morality in that? Effectively, any truth-telling re Islam is not only within bounds, but should be applauded. Indeed, fighting for western civilization – and this IS a clash between civilizations – requires every arsenal imaginable, verbal “attacks” notwithstanding!

Baton Rouge Cop-Killer: Black Separatist, Nation of Islam & “White Crackers.” Ticking-Time Bomb(s)! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


LET’s cut to the chase: the MSM, once again, is purposefully misleading the public via their (miss)reporting on the latest black militant cop-killer, Gavin Eugene Long aka Cosmo Ausar Setepenra. Thus, by focusing on his former background as a Marine, the narrative was spun: THAT was the reason he became a loose cannon!

BUT no matter. Yes, let’s just rectify their spin: their leftist agenda includes (among other biases) an anti law enforcement bias, one which tilts against the military as a result. That is that. Earth to so-called reporters: who exactly, other than law enforcement, is going to protect your sorry asses when the criminally-bent come knocking? Not only that, the fact remains that many haters, racists alike, join the military for one reason or another. So what??

ON the other hand (and purposefully omitted), a preponderance of vets are law-abiding citizens and valuable members of the patriotic community. So the question becomes: when fronting a lead story, where should the digging start? Should it be with the perp’s personal, religious and organizational affiliations, or concentrate on their former employment? Extrapolating further, though Long was a former Marine, it was hardly where his allegiance was cemented, as revealed through mandatory due diligence. Indeed, though buried within a handful of reports, the following is more than germane:

He had reached out to an anti-government group. Long apparently showed support for it online, according to a source familiar with the probe. The group, called the Moorish Science Temple of America, was founded in the early 1900s and does not recognize U.S. government authority over the descendants of slaves, according to court documents in an unrelated lawsuit.

UNSURPRISINGLY, Long’s highly inciting and self-indicting youtubes have now gone down the internet rabbit hole, as indicated by clicking onto them. Okay, clearly youtube is on board with protecting cop-killers! Facebook alike.

A Facebook page associated with Long in the name of Cosmo Setepenra included a post about the need to take a stand.

My bodycam footage of me in Dallas out in them streets educating our people pt3
# Stand Tall, Stand Wild, Stand Free

The most graphic example is a photo posted June 7th of someone shooting into the driver’s seat of police car, which he retweeted using the name @ConvosWithCosmo:

Rabbit-Hole One: “Men, It’s Time To Sacrifice”

In this video Long is hustling a black liberation book that he wrote. Long says that he wrote it for his “dark-skinned brothers.”

“If you look at all the rebels like Black Panthers, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, they was light-skinned. But we know how hard y’all got it,” Long said.

Long can be seen talking to two or three African-Americans. He explains to them that blacks have to promote their “sh-t” or else other blacks will be buying stuff from the “crackers.”

Rabbit-Hole Two: “Listen As I Chop Up Game”

In a video Long posted to YouTube on July 8th, he insists that if any happens to him, it should not be said that he was “affiliated” with any “groups.” Long also states that he was a past member of the Nation of Islam. It appears he may have been planning the attack on the Baton Rouge police at this point. reported that, “Long gave away his material possessions to journey to Africa, his ‘ancestral homeland’” in 2013.

IN this regard, the fact that he was affiliated (even if his membership lapsed, likely, to distance them from any fall out) with the Nation of Islam should tell us all we need to know. In reality, substantively, the association was hardly incidental. Rather, it should be considered prima facie linkage between those who kill cops and seek to upend America as a white nation. To said end, the Nation of Islam’s goal is for a “separatist” nation to arise. In effect, a race war is atop their agenda! Mind you HUSSEIN Obama has been known to align/confab with its leadership!

A former top deputy to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan tells Newsmax that Barack Obama’s ties to the black nationalist movement in Chicago run deep, and that for many years the two men have had “an open line between them” to discuss policy and strategy, either directly or through intermediaries.

“Remember that for years, if you were a politician in Chicago, you had to have some type of relationship with Louis Farrakhan. You had to. If you didn’t, you would be ostracized out of black Chicago,” said Dr. Vibert White Jr., who spent most of his adult life as a member and ultimately top officer of the Nation of Islam.

NOW that that is settled, Long’s (HUSSEIN Obama’s alike) racist and anti-cop bonafides are indubitably rock-solid – having railed against “white crackers” online – time and again! 

CBS News reports Long ranted about protests and oppression onYouTube under the pseudonym Cosmo Setepenra.

“Let’s just go with the numbers, let’s go with the history, 100 percent of revolutions of victims fighting their oppressors, from victims fighting their bullies, 100 percent have been successful through fighting back, through bloodshed,” Long said in one video. “Zero have been successful just over simply protesting. It has never worked and it never will, you gotta fight back. That’s the only way a bully knows to quit, he doesn’t know words.”

Long continued, “If y’all want to keep protesting, do that, but for the serious ones the real ones, the alpha ones, we know what it’s going to take, it’s only fighting back or money that’s all they care about. Revenue and blood … nothing else. You’re in a world that’s run by devils.”

Long made the video in Dallas last week where five police officers were killed by Army veteran Micah Johnson.

MOST significantly, the prevailing facts – as opposed to spin – found within the profile of Dallas’s cop killer (others alike) tells the truthful tale, exposing the toxic mix of black militancy and vile hatred against white culture. Bonafide racism.

AS indicated within the above analysis:

The question becomes: what are the common threads between all the chaos?

(YES, Micah Xavier Johnson, one of the cop-killers, a lethal combo of Black & Islamic supremacy!)

CONCLUSIVELY, the core questions remain the same: what will it take to quell the unchecked racism within the increasingly militant black community? Concomitantly, will Black Lives Matter, as well as the Panthers, finally be designated domestic terror groups? 

IF not, isn’t it clear that America’s top leadership seek a race war – whether through passive or active assistance – to uproot the nation from its founding principles? 

AS is said, to be silent is to agree!

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WARNING:”STAND DOWN” ORDERS To Cleveland Police At RNC! Patriots,This IS WAR! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Wake UP, America's photo.


TIME is of the essence. Hence, no pussyfooting around.

TOMORROW’s kick-off to the Republican National Convention has become that much more dangerous, if you dare imagine. In a nutshell, many are unaware that police brass answer to local politicians, chiefly, those who sit in the Mayor’s office. In fact, they know their top-level careers depend on it.

RESULTANT, depending upon who is in charge at any given time, political orders often require police to “stand down” ala “hands-in-the-pocket” so-called policing. Indeed, said actions are more in line with Keystone Cop images than professional law enforcement duties. In fact, many innocents have been killed due to the nexus between political hacks and the control they wield over local policing agencies.

BUT before we segue to the RNC, let’s learn some requisite lessons from one (out of countless) black and white exhibit, that which wrecked havoc in Baltimore, when its bastard, anti-white and racialist Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, ordered the forces to “stand down.”



Fox News’ Leland Vittert says his source, a “senior law enforcement official”, told him Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake gave the order for police to stand down, “let them loot, it’s only property”! Now many on the left will come out attacking Fox, citing an earlier clip with Bill Hemmer who asked the Mayor directly on this issue. Rawlings-Blake denied it stating equipment was not in position to react. So what proof do we have?

The proof we have to validate this source inside Baltimore PD is HOURS of video! America as a whole clearly witnessed looting and the destruction of property live on air within clear sight of Baltimore PD. Sure the left can come out in defense of the mayor but video doesn’t lie. Are we to believe that because police wagons were not in position to cart away prisoners the police allowed multiple crimes to be permitted right before them? It is the police’s duty to defend property and citizens from criminals, only a direct order to stand down could resort to the chaos and mayhem we watched unfold.

Vittert also reports that police initially were told what they could and could not wear. This too makes sense after the number of officers that were injured; more than likely in an attempt to avoid the imaginary of militarization like we saw in Ferguson.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake is on tape saying the decision was made and ‘gave those who wished to destroy space to do that’. We have her again on tape attempting to walk that back blaming the media for “blatant mischaracterization” of her words. And now someone within the police department, who has probably had enough of the finger-pointing and backpedaling, has leaked that she gave the stand down order.

Gov Hogan said in a press conference that they were ready to send in reinforcements but waited on the Mayor. Why hasn’t anyone demanded the mayors immediate resignation? She is completely incompetent and you should know she serves as the secretary of the Democratic National Committee!

IN this regard, similarly, the Mayor of Cleveland, Frank G. Jackson, is a bi-racial Democrat, and he is following the revolutionary playbook to the letter. Mind you, the fact that he gave the orders to “stand down” is wholly in league with the fires lit by HUSSEIN Obama and others, up and down the line.

Although the radical left has days of protests planned and has a history of protests, the Cleveland police has issued a stand down order to officers, I can exclusively report.

Remember when thugs from the left attacked Trump supporters at his San Jose rally? The San Jose mayor and police chief claimed it would have been “too dangerous” for officers to do their jobs by defending Trump supporters.

That same “logic” is being applied by Cleveland officials, who have given up on even trying to control the radical left.

If you’re attending the RNC, do not travel alone. Be street smart and travel in groups.

Police will not help you.

I and others will be covering the RNC live.

We won’t be inside where it’s air-conditioned. We’ll be outside providing a raw and live look at the protests.

Police are going to be on bicycles. (I kid you not.) They will NOT defend Trump supporters who are attacked. 

KNOW this: chief among the anti-American mayhem is George Soros, the devil incarnate. Yes, beware of his zombies! He is, unequivocally, the most dangerous man in the west. An absolute traitor.



  • More often than not, the election of Marxist-bent Mayors (NYC’s Bill de Blasio is prime meat), be they black or white, has a profound effect on law and order, and in many unseen ways. The above “stand down” orders (again, out of enumerable across the country) are meant to fuel and feed domestic revolutionaries, those who are hell-bent on bringing down America. This is the crux. It is never about one particular event, rather, it is about the collective’s end goal.
  • In no uncertain terms, WAR has been declared by the aforementioned revolutionaries. And those descending upon the RNC (and across Black Lives Matter kill-grounds) intend on implementing it, ensuring that Trump doesn’t get the opportunity to RESTORE AMERICA.
  • Inestimably, an either/or scenario is their goal: either a bloodbath – or close to it – erupts, hence, martial law is declared, leaving in place HUSSEIN Obama, or, Hill ascends to complete that which he implemented during his two-term reign of terror.
  • Resultant, millions of patriots – bikers or what not – must step up to the plate. This is a “do or die” moment for America. No doubt. Guaranteed.
  • Their patriotic and collective roar should be: BRING IT ON!!
Wake UP, America's photo.

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Turkey’s Erdogan, Brotherhood Mafia “Made Man”, In (Coup) Cross Hairs: What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WITH ISIS in the forefront of the world stage, it is easy enough for horrified onlookers, Mid East watchers alike, to lose sight of Erdogan and his out-sized monstrous moves. Said actions are derived from, and deeply connected to, his relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia and ISIS too, one of its offshoots.

BUT what adds to the confusion re Erdogan’s Turkey, in effect, making the regime appear as if it is a “victim” of militant Islamic jihad, is the fact that ISIS has struck deep inside its heart. In other words, if there is little separation between them – as asserted within – why would ISIS strike the hand that transits and fuels its rampages? Moreover, why would Turkey (appear to) operate against ISIS targets in Syria and elsewhere?

OH, time to follow, once again, the ins and outs of the Mid East jungle.

(Bilal Erdogan, alongside one of his shipping fleet, known to harbor at Syrian docks. Pray tell, what for)

Here is a brief, if very disturbing snapshot, of both father and son Erdogan by F. William Engdahl, one which should make everyone ask whether the son of Turkey’s president (and thus, the father) is the silent mastermind who has been responsible for converting millions of barrels of Syrian Oil into hundreds of millions of dollars of Islamic State revenue.

By F. William Engdahl, posted originally in New Eastern Outlook:

Erdogan’s Dirth Dangerous ISIS Games

More and more details are coming to light revealing that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, variously known as ISIS, IS or Daesh, is being fed and kept alive by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish President and by his Turkish intelligence service, including MIT, the Turkish CIA. Turkey, as a result of Erdogan’s pursuit of what some call a Neo-Ottoman Empire fantasies that stretch all the way to China, Syria and Iraq, threatens not only to destroy Turkey but much of the Middle East if he continues on his present path.

In October 2014 US Vice President Joe Biden told a Harvard gathering that Erdogan’s regime was backing ISIS with “hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons…” Biden later apologized clearly for tactical reasons to get Erdogan’s permission to use Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base for airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, but the dimensions of Erdogan’s backing for ISIS since revealed is far, far more than Biden hinted…..they remain amazingly durable. The reason appears to be the scale of the backing from Erdogan and his fellow neo-Ottoman Sunni Islam Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu.

Nice Family Business

The prime source of money feeding ISIS these days is sale of Iraqi oil from the Mosul region oilfields where they maintain a stronghold. The son of Erdogan it seems is the man who makes the export sales of ISIS-controlled oil possible.

Bilal Erdogan owns several maritime companies. He has allegedly signed contracts with European operating companies to carry Iraqi stolen oil to different Asian countries. The Turkish government buys Iraqi plundered oil which is being produced from the Iraqi seized oil wells. Bilal Erdogan’s maritime companies own special wharfs in Beirut and Ceyhan ports that are transporting ISIS’ smuggled crude oil in Japan-bound oil tankers.

Gürsel Tekin vice-president of the Turkish Republican Peoples’ Party, CHP, declared in a recent Turkish media interview, “President Erdogan claims that according to international transportation conventions there is no legal infraction concerning Bilal’s illicit activities and his son is doing an ordinary business with the registered Japanese companies, but in fact Bilal Erdo?an is up to his neck in complicity with terrorism, but as long as his father holds office he will be immune from any judicial prosecution.”Tekin adds that Bilal’s maritime company doing the oil trades for ISIS, BMZ Ltd, is “a family business and president Erdogan’s close relatives hold shares in BMZ and they misused public funds and took illicit loans from Turkish banks.”

In addition to son Bilal’s illegal and lucrative oil trading for ISIS, Sümeyye Erdogan, the daughter of the Turkish President apparently runs a secret hospital camp inside Turkey just over the Syrian border where Turkish army trucks daily being in scores of wounded ISIS Jihadists to be patched up and sent back to wage the bloody Jihad in Syria, according to the testimony of a nurse who was recruited to work there until it was discovered she was a member of the Alawite branch of Islam, the same as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who Erdogan seems hell-bent on toppling….continue reading….

WELL, as always, the fact that one cooperates with a monster does not guarantee that blow back won’t ensue. Indubitably. Nevertheless, a more than warm relationship exists between Erdogan (his clan and surrogates) and ISIS.  

WHICH brings us to the news of the day, the opening (emphasis placed) shot of a military coup against Erdogan. Mind you, even though it is reported to have been “unsuccessful”, this saga has yet to fully unfold. But before we get into that, let’s internalize some (excerpted) Turkish facts that this investigative journalist brought to the forefront in an interview with Inquisitr (Oct. 2013): “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance.”

Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?

Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.

It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors….continue reading

ONTO the reported coup….

Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was greeted by large crowds at Istanbul’s main airport early Saturday, as forces loyal to him battled to fend off a military coup that left at least 42 reported killed and dozens more injured.

In a press conference at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport, Erdogan said the architects of the coup attempt would “pay a heavy price” and vowed he would “not surrender this country to intruders.” Government “is at the helm”’ he said.

Despite claims by multiple Turkish government officials that the takeover attempt had been repelled, reports of ongoing fighting indicated that the authorities did not have full control of the situation.

All Turkish airports are closed and a nationwide curfew was imposed as a section of the armed forces claimed to have taken the country over. It is not clear if this coup has succeeded. The coup leaders have seized national television and the phone network. Gunfire was heard in Ankara and military jets flew low over Ankara and Istanbul where the bridges over the Bosphorus were blocked. The situation appeared fluid as Erdogan in his first response told a local news service that a minority in the army had tried to remove the government and would face retaliation. Speaking from an unknown situation, he said he would soon return to the capital.

In Istanbul, Turkish Gendarmerie and soldiers blocked entrances to bridges over the Bosphorus while tanks blocked Ataturk airport. A TV announcer read out a statement saying that a ‘peace committee’ had taken over the country against autocratic rule and will write a new constitution restoring democracy, whose institutions have been eroded by autocratic rule, and restore secular law.

According to unconfirmed reports Turkish generals are being held hostage at Istanbul HQ, including the chief of staff. This indicates the coup was staged by junior officers. Much depends on the response of the intelligence service and army units loyal to the president including the presidential guard.


The Turkish armed forces’ attempt to overthrow the authoritarian rule of President Tayyip Erdogan was largely extinguished Saturday morning July 16 after less than 24 hours – due to three major miscalculations:

1. They first seized the country’s power centers and state television when their first priority should have been to immobilize Erdogan who was out of the capital on vacation.

2. Although out of control in Ankara and Istanbul, he used his mobile phone to reassert his authority through a private television station and called on the people to take to the streets in protest against the plotters. Civilians responded by surrounding the tanks and tying them down until loyal troops moved in.

3. They relied too heavily on the air force to cow the regime, the jets zooming low over the two main cities while the two main airports were closed. It was soon evident that control of Turkey’s skies was no guarantee of control of the ground. Indeed, the coup leaders did not prevent him from landing at Ataturk airport and declaring immediately that he was in charge, demonstrating that he was on top of events,

in the clashes that followed, Gen. Umit Dundar, the newly appointed acting chief of the general staff, said more than 190 people died in clashes: 41 police officers, two soldiers, 47 civilians and 104 people described as ‘‘coup plotters.’’ Dundar said officers from the Air Force, the military police and the armored units were mainly involved in the attempt.

At the same, the attempt by part of the Turkish armed forces to topple Erdogan in the name of democracy and the return of ‘secular law’ was impressive and evidence of social and political malaise under his rule. It was led by at least half a dozen generals, as may be judged the arrest of Gen. Memduh Hakbilen, the chief of staff of Turkey’s command for the important Aegean region, among the more than 1,500 alleged plotters and the suspension of another five generals.

That elements of the air force joined the attempted uprising is unprecedented in Turkey, whose army is NATO’s second largest.

Erdogan will no doubt want to know why his MIT intelligence failed to scent the conspiracy afoot. He will certainly lose no time in executing a massive purge of Turkey’s armed forces, and especially the air force and intelligence arms, after accusing the coup leaders of treason.


SIGNIFICANTLY, Turkey has a history of military coups, most of which have been outgrowths of resistance towards Islamism. Intrinsically, Islamism is generally despised within the military, as it traditionally sees itself as the guardian of Turkey’s secular democracy, even though most western onlookers are unaware of said key fissure. Thankfully, its cracks are still exploitable.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, know that whatever shakes out from the Turkish front (via its long-term ramifications) will have profound implications for the west, as well as for the Mid East landscape at large. Simply put, if Erdogan, the Brotherhood connected “mad dog”, is put down, rest assured, many Islamist Caliphate-driven dominoes will fall. Extinguish.


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France EXPELS Thousands Of Mohammedeans, Obama Inc. Steps Up Importation Of “Refugees”. Nice Explodes! What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

A mere few days before today’s explosion in Nice (we will get to that), littering its streets with blood and body parts during the annual Bastille Day celebration, the Mayor of Calais finally said: assez…enough. Pray tell, of what?? 

WELL, before Allah’s warriors laid siege to it, the city was described thusly: Calais is located on the Pas de Calais, which marks the boundary between the English Channel and North Sea and located at the opposite end of the Channel Tunnel, 34 kilometres (21 miles) from Dover. On a clear day the White cliffs of Dover can be viewed across the channel.[47] Aside from being an important port and boarding point between France and England, it is at the nucleus of many major railway and highway networks and connected by road to Arras, Lens, Béthune and St. Omer. Dunkirk is located about 47 km (29 mi) by road to the east.[48] Calais is located 288 km (179 mi) north by road from the French capital of Paris, roughly a 3-hour 15 minute journey.[48] The commune of Calais is bordered by the English channel to the north,Sangatte and Coquelles to the west, Coulogne to the south and Marck to the east. The core area of the city is divided into the Old Town area within the old city walls, and the younger suburbs of St. Pierre, which are connected by a boulevard.

CURRENTLY, this is a highly accurate depiction of Calais, another ! dying city:

Calais was once known as a cultural hotspot in northern France, with a five-kilometre beach that beckoned visitors to stay rather than pass through.
Now, tourists are being warned to close their car windows and lock their doors as they drive past.

ALAS, ever since 1999, Islam’s barbarians continuously invaded its space and the results have been nothing short of catastrophic. Predictably so. Jungle-like. 

Calais is not just a “black spot” on Europe, but many Europeans look at is as the face of Europe’s future if Islam takes over.

It has taken a long time, but the French are finally pushing back against the Muslims in Calais. So much is the pushback that the mayor of Calais has promised to destroy a large part of the camp and displace thousands of Muslims in the process:

Thousands of refugees living in the so-called Calais ‘Jungle’ will soon lose their makeshift homes as the northern half of the camp is set to be demolished.

Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart told journalists on Monday that the remaining half of the camp would soon be dismantled, though no date has yet been given.

“We can’t wait any longer, we need to know as soon as possible when and how the Jungle will be torn down,” she said.

“It is absolutely urgent for this town, its people and its businesses.”

According to Reuters, the Calais prefecture, which would issue the order to demolish the camp, declined to comment on the matter yesterday. (source)

I say good for Calais and the French. It is about time they started standing up for themselves. As we have shown, these Muslims want nothing to do with European society except to rob it of all the good it has, destroy the west, and then blame the people who invited them in for the problems which they created.

Islam has no place in Europe. It never did, and it is about time Europe started sending these people back to the lands where they came from.

MIND you, America is on a mirror-image disastrous course. Simply put, not only are many cities becoming mini camps, overflowing with hostile followers of Islam (while others have actual jihadi training compounds gearing up for the final battle), but after numerous Islamic shootings ala San Bernardino, Orlando’s Pulse Club and elsewhere, know that truck/car bombs and IED’s are on tap.

MORE specifically, and on numerous occasions, this site has revealed that stepped-up tactics are in play for America’s cities, regardless of what officialdom states. In a nutshell, several highly-placed intel contacts gave the head’s up in this direction: again and again, interrogated terrorists are repeating a similar theme, that is, IED’s and truck bombs are next for America! You read that right.

EVEN so, HUSSEIN Obama, devil that he is, ratchets up the danger to the home front to an exponential level. Yes, he is in a furious race against the electoral clock to implant tens of thousands of additional war-fighting age “refugees” throughout the nation. 

IN this regard, Islam’s latest monster, Tunisian-born Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, utilized a tried and true tactic in Nice, that which has been very effective in Israel: car/truck jihad! In fact, the same modus operandi – ram + shoot + lob grenades (if possible) – has been repeated countless times. Oh well, looks like it’s Europe’s turn. Nice’s.

Nice attack aftermath

At least 84 people were killed when a huge truck drove into crowds celebrating Bastille Day in the French Riviera town of Nice on the famous Promenade des Anglais seafront Thursday night in a horrific Islamist terror attack. Hundreds more were injured.

From the initial investigation of attack in the French resort city of Nice, it is clear that the large truck used to run down dozens of people on the promenade was carefully prepared for the attack, DEBKAfile‘s counterterrorism sources report. .

The windshield and apparently the side windows of the cab were made of bulletproof glass. In other words, the driver carried out the attack while sitting in the protected cab that he had built for himself. It was the first time for this method to be used by terrorists.

Damage to the windshield showed that at some, if not all, of the bullets fired at the cab did not penetrate it. The fact that the windshield was not broken, and the bullets left round holes without cracks, show that the windshield had been replaced with bulletproof glass or a layer of bullet-resistant protective plastic.

Our sources point out that if the police in Nice, who have already been on a terror alert for an entire year, had been properly prepared for the large-scale event on a national holiday, they would have had more powerful and effective weapons that would have hit the terrorist as he sat in the driver’s seat, or at least been able to stop the truck by puncturing its tires.

Fire from the kind of handguns used by the Nice police cannot stop a speeding truck of this kind.

As it was, the terrorist lived to jump out and open fire on the crowds before being gunned down himself.

PREDICTABLY, regardless of the origin of birth of any given Mohammedean, the fact of the matter is that they all serve Allah, be they from Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Iran, America, Europe, Israel, and so on and so forth. Indeed, their common denominator is, as always, Islam!

“Oh France, you and the all Europe will never be secure until we will live secure on every inch in the land of the Caliphate,” wrote one ISIS supporter whose Twitter account has since been suspended. “This is the beginning of the attack to take the holy revenge for the killing of Abu Omar Shishani, may Allah accept him,” a jihadi posted on the ISIS al-Minbar forum shortly after the attack.

(Translation: “Oh France, you and the all Europe will never be secure until we will live secure on every inch in the land of the Caliphate.”)

CONSEQUENTLY, anyone who still denies that the west is not engaged in a World War is simply in deep denial – or worse. Not only that, this war is not confined to one part of the globe, rather, it is global! You got that? 

THE point being, this is the classic definition of a “clash of civilizations”, when one civilization (the Islamic/east) is unbound by the Geneva Convention’s “rules of war”. Unchained. Resultant, time and space are irrelevant, when one civilization is Allah-bent on destroying the other. Period. Full-stop. Full-force. 

MOST significantly, the leadership of the free world – under HUSSEIN Obama’s two-term reign of terror, domestic and foreign – has turned against the west’s accepted norms. And this is precisely why Allah’s Muslim Terrorists – be they Sunni ISIS, another of their Brotherhood hydras, or Iran’s Shia forces and their proxies – are going from strength to strength, all the while western forces run around chasing their tails, behaving like the storied Keystone Cops.

INCONTESTABLY, their agencies are left to mop up blood-soaked streets and retrieve body parts. This is hardly hyperbole. In fact, Israel has been the “laboratory” for jihadi terror for many decades. Hmm.

TO wit, to those left struggling for answers, querying, what is the underlying key and core to this global war, the following is duly instructive: while there are many layers to this most salient and grave question, this Brotherhood Mafia expert will boil it down to its microscopic size: 

Given two antagonists—one a moral relativist, the other a moral absolutist, then, all other things being equal, the absolutist is more likely to persevere and win in any protracted conflict.

AS to “who’s on first” – aka the moral relativists – well, that’s not hard to figure out: leftists and their cultural Marxist milieu, in charge of America and Europe. Israel too. As to “the other” – aka the moral absolutists – that too is a no-brainer: Allah’s Muslim Terrorists!!


( “Tent villages” in Calais, soon to be demolished!)

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Trump Trumps Repubs Via Convention Platform:Jerusalem, Judea/Samaria & Embassy Take Center Stage! The Aftermath. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN the main, this site stays away from electoral politics. On a good day, it is akin to wading in a gutter-like cesspool. Worse. Phew.

AND don’t even get this investigative journalist started on the topic of died-in-the-wool leftist Jews, you know, those who would rather lick vomit, than support a candidate who is pro-Israel. Pro-American alike.

INDEED, while a main tier within these pages deals with geo-politics, the fact remains that the only reason why the election of 2012 was front and center (at the inception of this site) was because it was understood how dangerous HUSSEIN Obama’s re-election would be for America and Israel. Extrapolating further, to western civilization at large. That simple. That right.

EVEN so, before we veer to some hopeful news, let’s also address the timely release of a new book, irrespective of a few coming out re the criminally-bent Hill.

IN this regard, “The Field of Fight: How We Can Win The War Against Radical Islam And Its Allies”, written by Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (and Michael Ledeen), is prima facie evidence how in the tank Obama Inc. is for jihadi interests. Rational folks understand that pro-American CHANGE is mandatory, as opposed to the kind that HUSSEIN Obama promised – and implemented!

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — being considered by Donald Trump as a possible running mate — says he was axed as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 because of his stand “on radical Islamism” and al Qaida’s expansion around the globe……

“I asked the DNI [Gen. James Clapper] if my leadership of the agency was in question and he said it was not; had it been, he said, they would have relieved me on the spot,” he writes.

“I knew then it had more to do with the stand I took on radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaida and its associated movements. I felt the intel system was way too politicized, especially in the Defense Department.”

An unapologetic Flynn writes he’d been trying “to change the culture” of the agency “from one overly focused on Washington, D.C., to a culture that focused on our forward-based war fighters and commanders.”

“In the end, I was pissed but knew that I had maintained my integrity and was determined in the few months I had left to continue the changes I was instituting and to keep beating the drum about the vicious enemy we were facing (still are),” he writes.

“I would not change a lick how I operate. Our country has too much at stake.”

Flynn asserts the nation is in “a global war” comprised of “an enemy alliance” that stretches from North Korea to Cuba and Venezuela and “picks up radical Muslim countries and organizations such as Iran, al Qaida, the Taliban and Islamic State.”

Flynn writes only a designed “strategy to destroy this global enemy” will win, but decries the nation’s current approach to “timidly nibble around the edges of the battlefields from Africa to the Middle East, and act as if each fight, whether in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya or Afghanistan, can be peacefully resolved by diplomatic effort.”

REGARDLESS, and more than likely, an insider pol will be chosen to navigate Washington’s corridors, even though many would prefer this patriotic military expert to be Trump’s VP. Sigh.
BACK to the hopeful news….Trump’s trump.
AS most patriots – aka true Conservatives – are aware, the Repub Party is about as conservative as high-priced hookers. Really. In fact, back in 2012, this site commented on a particular segment of their convention platform. It was reflective of the same tone-deaf, bold-faced mantras as their Demster counterparts. Yes, two sides of the same political book-ends. Of course, it involved Arab/Muslim barbarians, and the RINOS’s take on regional developments. O M G !!
THUS, as seriously flawed as they were then, they are even more so now. Having had four more years of lock-step moves attached to Obama Inc.’s tether, they can hardly be separated apart, akin to pigs and their shit. Oh, aside from their pithy blowhard statements to the contrary every now and again. 
ALAS, along comes Trump and his independent, bull-by-the-horns moves, and this time they involve Israel, the only reliable ally in the Mid East – bar none. Don’t even bother to contend otherwise, the facts are as they are.
RESULTANT, in a long overdue corrective measure, Trump may very well flip Mid East politics upside its head. Yes, for the betterment of all who truly believe in freedom and its real meaning, there is now a possibility that Israel will finally be treated as an equal among nations, able to lay international claim to its historical, biblical and legal capital. In this direction, the proofs are manifest. Similarly, Israel’s claim to Judea and Samaria, the thousands-year-old Jewish heartland, is irrefutable. In fact, there is no nation in the world which has more solid title to its land than the Jewish people have to Israel. Period. Deal with it.

The Republican Party is in the process of changing its platform on Israel to include language that is more in favor of Israel, including moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

In advance of the party’s nominating convention, the GOP platform committee held its first meeting Monday in Cleveland, where it discussed reinstating a reference to Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided” capital and removing a reference to “Palestine.”

This new draft marks a significant change from the platform from four years ago, which did not include the word “undivided” in reference to Jerusalem, but did include mention of “Palestine.”

The 2012 platform read, “We support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state with secure, defensible borders; and we envision two democratic states – Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestine – living in peace and security.”

On Monday, CNN reported, the subcommittee reviewing the platform specifically rejected language affirming the party’s commitment to what is known as the two-state solution.

Last month a senior official in the Trump campaign said that if elected president,Trump would back Israel annexing portions of Judea and Samaria.

In an interview with Israeli daily Haaretz, Trump’s co-adviser on Israeli affairs, David Friedman, addressed issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how the presumptive republican nominee would handle them if elected in November.

“I think there are parts of the West Bank that will stay part of Israel in any peace deal. I am sure he [Trump] wouldn’t have any problem with that at all,” he said.

“Regarding the entire West Bank  (Judea-Samaria) I think that’s a legal issue. I don’t think he will have a problem with that but he would expect Israel to continue seeking peace. He has no doubt that Israel wants peace,” Friedman continued.

Regarding the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, Friedman said thatTrump recognizes Israel has a “commitment to its citizens in Judea and Samaria” and says that there is no reason not to continue building. (Clinton wants Israel to stop all building)

Achieving peace does not need to focus on land, Friedman said “There are always creative ways to allow people to live in peace. It is not always about the land. We don’t accept the idea it is only about land. Nobody really knows how many Palestinians actually live there.”

An independent Palestinian state, said Friedman, will not happen without Israel’s consent.

“The Israelis have to make the decision on whether or not to give up land to create a Palestinian state. If the Israelis don’t want to do it, so he doesn’t think they should do it. It is their choice. … He [Trump] does not think it is an American imperative for it to be an independent Palestinian state,” he continued.

Trump’s viewpoint is that Israel shouldn’t have “to wait for another generation for the Palestinians to hold more realistic expectations and show less hostile motivation,” Friedman explained. “Trump’s position is that we have to deal with reality and not hopes and wishes.”

TO wit, if elected (exploding heads beside the point), let all the righteous among us hope that Trump follows through on all of the above, finally, ordering the US Embassy to be moved to its rightful place in Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital.
GEO-POLITICALLY, placing it in Tel Aviv is not only cowardly, but it gives a tailwind to those who dream about destroying Israel, believing that Israel is a temporary irritant. Extrapolating further, the symbolism of keeping it in Tel Aviv – Israel’s financial “capital – is thus: even the US doesn’t recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and the location of the Embassy is reflective of the same. Mind you, it is not as if the Arabist State Dept. – and official Washington appendages – haven’t made themselves clear on said end. Message received.
NEVERTHELESS, most significantly, the winds of change may be upon us!





Rape-Jihad, A Catalyst For Civil War In Europe. Racial Terrorists In US Tap Into Jihadists For Domestic War:The Intersections. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS always, Europe’s wildfires, its knock-on effects, continuously ripple toward America. Said fires are generally lit via the continent’s close proximity to Middle Eastern cesspools. North Africa’s alike. And once a tipping point emerges, its cast-offs stir up whatever undercurrents are already roiling inside the US homeland.

MIND you, without decades of suicidal immigration/”refugee” policies (initiated via the Muslim dominated UN, yet, more than readily accepted by America’s globalist linked leaders), the jihadi element wouldn’t be a major factor. Not only that, major world events don’t just drop out of the blue sky, as if by magic or dumb luck. Rather, the ground is carefully prepped for their eventual and inevitable arrival. Yes, capable (even those who straddle the middle tier) students of geo-politics understand how to read the signs – at least they should be able to!

AND if one exhibit stands out above all the rest, look no further than to HUSSEIN Obama’s purposeful upending of the Mid East order – such that it was – when he took over the People’s House.

COMMENCING with his apology tour (June 2009) in Cairo, he set the stage for the Arab world’s most populous nation, Egypt, to oust Mubarak. This interference was facilitated in order to hand the reins to the Brotherhood Mafia. Ahh….Obama Inc.’s pre-set “Arab Spring” lit the region on fire.

MORE specifically, a straight-line – albeit, crooked in intent – can be drawn from HUSSEIN Obama’s machinations in Egypt (January 2011) to his illegal thrust to war in Libya (March 2011), which ultimately led to Benghazigate in Sept. 2012. Readers, are you sensing a pattern?? And this is just the tip. Machiavellian.

IN light of the above, this site has repeatedly focused on the Islamic mandated hijrah, migration for Allah, that which was an intended outgrowth from the wildfires cited above. Its subtext, as well as its cause and effect. Resultant, Europe is on fire via various trigger-points.

WHICH leads us to the impending civil war in Europe, and its inextricable linkage to Islamic barbarians swelling inside its gates. And aside from their takeover of many cities, turning them into “NO GO” zones, American enclaves are now overrun by Islamic style Shariah Law dictates, on the verge of becoming “NO-GO” zones too! Believe it – or not.

ADDING insult to grave injury, one of the main knock-on effects is: rape-jihad! Its effects are endemic within Europe and on the verge of becoming so in America. Again, believe it – or not.

THUS, is it at all unexpected that heads of security agencies throughout Europe are coming to the same conclusion as the French: migrant sex assaults could trigger a civil war! Ya’ think??

The head of French police recently warned that the country is on the verge of a “civil war” that could be triggered by another mass sexual assault of women by migrants like the one that occurred in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

Patrick Calvar, who is the head of the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI), told members of a French parliamentary commission, ” “We are on the brink of civil war.”

Calvar said that the situation in France is so potentially explosive that one more major Islamist terror attack or mass migrant sexual assault could lead to a massive right-wing backlash.

“This confrontation I think it will take place. Even one or two attacks and it will happen. It therefore behooves us to anticipate and block all these groups,” said Calvar.

Hundreds of German women were sexually abused during a series of attacks in Cologne on December 31st, a situation that eyewitnesses described as being akin to a war zone.

Most of the culprits, who were largely comprised of Arab and North African asylum seekers and immigrants, were never charged for the outrage. Two men who were part of the mass frenzy of sexual assaults recently received suspended sentences. Pictures show them cheering and celebrating outside court.

Other mass sexual assaults committed by migrants have also taken place throughout Europe over the past year.

Calvar’s warning has been echoed by numerous other prominent police, army and security experts throughout Europe.

Back in May, Former MI6 head Richard Dearlove cautioned that Europe faces a “populist uprising” if its governments fail to take control of the migrant crisis.

Top security experts in Germany told Chancellor Angela Merkel last October that the middle class was becoming “radicalized” as a result of her open borders migrant policy and that domestic disorder could ensue as a result.

French security forces are also preparing for mass civil unrest and radicalized immigrants taking over entire neighborhoods, according to intelligence sources.

Last year, Swiss army chief André Blattmann warned that the risk of social unrest in Europe was intensifying and that citizens should arm themselves.

Danish Professor Helmuth Nyborg also commented in April that “civil war” was the most likely outcome of current EU immigration policies.

NOW, on this end, a civil war in Europe is the only answer to said onslaught, regardless of any input from official agencies. Yes, it is a people’s revolution, one which mandates freeing themselves from the grasp of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists! Not a moment to lose.

WHICH brings us to the racial fires in America, purposefully alight to bring down the nation. Yes, the 1960’s/1970’s plot to bring down America is currently playing out, in epic color, before the horrified eyes of millions of patriotic citizens.

BRINGING DOWN AMERICA is a gripping tale of plots and subplots, each one aimed at “the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie [and] the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jeff Jones exhorted in their 1974 manifesto, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism”….continue reading….

OMINOUSLY, in tandem, Black Lives Matter terrorists (with the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam’s revolutionary arms) are completely enmeshed with Islamic terror groups, thus, acting as a force multiplier.

Before long, Black Lies Matter will join forces with ISIS to being down our legal constituted republic. You heard it first here.

CONCLUSIVELY, prudent Americans should be carefully watching, transfixed, for the signs of each impending Islamic explosion inside Europe. In turn, it will enable patriots to internalize what’s in store for the nation – aside from what has already taken place – in respect to Allah-inspired wildfires inside America. More than a precursor.

AS to an actual racially-charged civil war, well, its been in process for a few years. Still yet, its soon-to-be explosions will pale in comparison to the racial fires during the 1960’s – all credit to the Race-Baiter-In-Chief and his major surrogates!

ONE terror group….

PLUS another….

INCONTESTABLY, America is in for a mega sh-t storm!!

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

Islam’s Multi-Headed Monster Via Shia & Sunni Jihad:Encircling Israel & America. Confidential Report. Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WITHOUT going into too much backgrounder, it is intrinsic to note: over many years, Iran’s (Shia) jihadi apparatus continually receives mega boosts from official – and non-official – channels in the US. None more so than from Obama Inc. As to Sunni jihadists, the national betrayal runs through the administration’s inextricable nexus to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s terror hydras. Bullet-proof.

(Ben Rhodes, Obama Inc.’s narcissistic mouthpiece) 


IN fact, the New York Post aptly highlighted (May 6, 2016) via “This skilled storyteller duped America into passing Iran deal” the following betrayal:

The Obama administration cooked up a phony story to sell Americans on the Iranian nuke deal, lying that US officials were dealing with “moderates” in the Islamic theocracy who could be trusted to keep their word, it was reported Thursday.

In a revealing article posted on the New York Times website, President Obama’s foreign-policy guru Ben Rhodes bragged about how he helped create the false narrative because the public would not have accepted the deal had it known that Iranian hard-liners were still calling the shots.

The White House line — which Rhodes says he created — was that Obama started negotiations after the supposedly moderate Hassan Rouhani was elected president in 2013.

But Obama had set his sights on working out a deal with the mad mullahs as early as 2008, and negotiations actually began when strongman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was still president.

Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, concedes in the article that the so-called moderate regime is not moderate at all.

“We’re not betting on it,” he said.

Despite having little foreign-policy experience, Rhodes, 38, a former aspiring novelist who grew up on the Upper East Side, was in charge of a massive White House “messaging” effort that fed the bogus line to journalists.

“We created an echo chamber. They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say,” he admitted in the Times interview when asked about the plethora of “experts” praising the deal in the press.

The Times article, which will appear in the paper’s Sunday magazine, notes Rhodes, who has a writing degree from NYU, was skilled as a “storyteller.”

“He is adept at constructing overarching plotlines with heroes and villains, their conflicts supported by flurries of carefully chosen adjectives, quotations and leaks from named and unnamed senior officials,” reporter David Samuels writes. “He is the master shaper and retailer of Obama’s foreign-policy narratives.”

Asked about his misleading version of the deal, Rhodes said, “In the absence of rational discourse, we are going to discourse the [expletive] out of this.

We had test drives to know who was going to be able to carry our message effectively, and how to use outside groups like [the anti-nuke group] Ploughshares, the Iran Project and whomever else. So we knew the tactics that worked. We drove them crazy,” he said of Republicans and others who opposed the deal, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Obama, the article says, misled the public with the idea that negotiations began because of the “moderate” faction’s rise in 2013.

“Today, after two years of negotiations, the United States, together with our international partners, has achieved something that decades of animosity has not,” Obama said last July when announcing the deal…..if you have the stomach, continue reading….

CLEAR as a bell. Out-sized hubris too.

BUT it was not as if some of us required confirmation – and from a braying narcissist to boot, who just couldn’t keep his trap shut – re the underlying sell-out of American interests. Israel’s alike. Know that they are one and the same on this very crucial national security issue.

TO said end, “House of Bribes: How The United States Led The Way To A Nuclear Iran” was completed in October 2015. Its underlying basis serves as a comprehensive national security report on the most catastrophic (and heinous) betrayal, bar none. Its documented evidence is self-explanatory. Read it, weep, and then take the necessary steps to prepare to defend yourselves against what lies ahead. Knock-on effects.

IN this regard, first and foremost, let’s catch up to speed. Incontestably, Shiite and Sunni dangers are knocking on Israel’s northernmost door. Never mind the nation’s other fronts. Afterwards, it is mandatory to connect these same jihadi dots to America, that which erupted on 9/11/01, even though implanted years before. Yes, the opening of jihad on US soil.

AS to what’s what alongside this investigative journalist’s very own front-line:

Whereas Hizballah reported on July 5 that Israeli helicopters had attacked Syrian army positions near the Golan town of Quneitra, in fact, one of the two Israeli “Tamuz” IDF rockets fired on July 4, in response to stray cross-border Syrian army mortar shells, struck the Syrian Ministry of Finance building near Quneitra, which housed Iranian Guards and Hizballah regional headquarters. An unknown number of Iranian officers were killed as a result.
On July 6, Hizballah sources reported a high level of tension at its east Lebanese outposts in Hasbaya, al-Qarqoub and Mount Hermon, indicating possible preparations to retaliate for the Iranian casualties.
The mortar shells that occasionally stray into Israel are aimed by the Syrian forces in Quneitra at Syrian rebel engineering units, which are digging an anti-tank trench on the town’s southern edge to prevent Syrian tanks from mounting an all-out assault against them (See attached map).
These skirmishes are put in the shade by the dangerous gains by Islamist terrorists in southern Syria.
Both ISIS and al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front have overrun the entire Syrian strip bordering on Israel and Jordan – a distance of 106km from Daraa up to the Druze villages of Mount Hermon….continue reading….

MIND you, the fact that Iran’s Shiite proxy arms are fighting Sunni terror counterparts to the death for hegemonic rule, it has zero bearing on their common and intersecting aims – the destruction of America and Israel. Full-stop.

RESULTANT, connecting geo-political dots which span many decades should serve as guideposts to all who seek any coherent understanding as to why/how the world appears to be spinning out of control. And it is.

TO wit, presenting, courtesy of THE WHISTLEBLOWERS ( a summary…..

HAVLISH, et al. v. IRAN, et al. 


The Iran-al Qaeda Connection Before, During, and After the 9/11 Conspiracy

  • CONFIDENTIAL: Part I: Fact Witnesses Part II: Experts Part III: Evidence
  • I. VIDEOTAPED TESTIMONY FROM KEY FACT WITNESSES CONFIDENTIAL  Witness Z (defector: MOIS & Supreme Leader’s Office)  Witness F (defector: Qods Force officer & trainer)  Witness C (defector: MOIS senior officer)
  • Other Sources of Evidence and Information  Abolhassan Banisadr (former president of Iran)  Ali Mohamed (Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard)  Jamal al-Fadl (al Qaeda defector)  Tarek al Charaabi (al Qaeda indicted in Italy)  9/11 Commission Report (pp. 240-41)  9/11 Commission Staff  Declassified U.S. and German intelligence reports  Debriefings of other fact witnesses and sources
  • STRONGLY PROTECT: Witness Z (Hamid Reza Zakeri) is a former High rank officer of the Iranian Ministry of Information and Security (“MOIS”) who was posted undercover to Canada and USA in the early 1990 s . He returned to MOIS headquarters in Tehran in 1994 , and was shifted to the newly -formed Leader’s Intelligence Office in 1999 . He defected in July 2001 and offered information to the CIA in Baku, Azerbaijan, regarding an impending massive terrorist attack against America planned by the Iranian regime in coordination with al Qaeda and finely he was move as an Strong Fact Witness to France and Germany by the help o f French Secret Services in 2001 .
  • STRONGLY PROTECT: Witness Zakeri beside supreme leader of Iran Testimony Highlights Personal knowledge of Imad Mugniyeh, IM’s relationship to Iranian intelligence and IM’s role in terrorist activities Assigned to handle security for pre – 9/11 meetings between Saad Bin Laden, Ayman al -Zawahri, and others with senior Iranian government leaders, and personally escorted them both to these meetings Assigned to handle security for al Qaeda team that stayed behind in Tehran to coordinate with Iran after Jan. 2001 meeting Discussed the al Qaeda -Iran meetings with his superior, the head of overseas terrorist operations in the Supreme Leader’s Intelligence Office Personally observed models and photos presaging the 9/11 attacks at MOIS HQ Warned U.S. intelligence of the impending 9/11 attacks, including the ACTUAL DATE of the attack Provides documents he claims to have stolen from his superior in the Supreme Leader’s Intelligence Office in July 2001, just before defecting; documents relate to the Zawahri and Saad Bin Laden visits, and the role of Mugniyeh as chief liaison to them for Iran
  • STRONGLY PROTECT: Witness F enlisted as a pre -teen in the Revolutionary Guards during the Iran – Iraq war, and was later recruited into the Qods Force, where he became an overseas “military” trainer. Posted to Lebanon in the mid -1990s, he liased with Imad Mugniyeh and Hezbollah, and to Afghanistan in 1997 -1998, where he became knowledgeable of the Qods Force ties to the Taliban and al Qaeda. He later worked for MOIS and in the Supreme Leader’s Intelligence Office, where he personally handled the post – 9/11 debriefings of Imad Mugniyeh, Saad bin Laden, and Abu Musab al – Zarqawi. Detained in 2008 in Istanbul, an attempt to have him summarily extradited to Iran was foiled by U.S. (Havlish consortium) intervention.
  • STRONGLY PROTECT: Testimony Highlights Personal knowledge of Iran’s involvement with the Taliban and al Qaeda in late 1990s in Afghanistan, at a time when few were aware of their collaboration Assigned to security details of Saad bin Laden and Abu Musab al Zarqawi in Iran in 2002-2003; took Saad bin Laden paragliding in Qom as part of his duties Personally summarized the debriefing report of Imad Mugniyeh, in which IM detailed his involvement in the 9/11 plot, for the Supreme Leader’s office Member of the team that reviewed the post-9/11 debriefing reports of Zarqawi and Saad bin Laden and made recommendations to the Leader Describes for the first time ever the operational handling of Imad Mugniyeh, and reveals his Iranian codename (previously unknown in the West) Handled “special passports” provided by Iran’s regime to al Qaeda terrorists after 9/11 to facilitate travel to Saudi Arabia and elsewhere Provides independent corroboration of the “Shaitan der Artash” code name for terrorist operations against the U.S. (see Witness C)
  • STRONGLY PROTECT: Witness C traveled in Ayatollah Khomeini’s entourage from Paris to Tehran in January 1979, and was one of 30 top officials who established the MOIS in 1983. He became the MOIS station chief in Paris, then chief of West European operations. Involved in the Iran -Contra hostage negotiations, he was accused of being pro -American and jailed in Iran for two years. After his release, he worked as a manager / procurement officer for MOIS front companies. C fled Iran in 1996. He became the prosecution’s star witness in the Mykonos trial, the first to name top Iranian officials in a terrorism case. He has since testified against Iran in re: the AMIA bombing, Pan Am 103, and various terrorism and assassination prosecutions. Frequently cited by prosecutors, his information has led to Interpol Red Notices against top Iranian officials. Witness C continues to maintain secret contact with senior intelligence officials in Iran.
  • STRONGLY PROTECT: Testimony Highlights Details of Iranian terrorist operations, and how they fit into regime strategy Describes the 1993 Khartoum meeting between OBL, Imad Mugniyeh, and Iranian officials Describes mission and structure of the Supreme Leader’s Intelligence office First-hand information on MOIS front companies, describing specific roles of named instrumentality-defendants in terrorism financing Provides information on pre-9/11 purchase of a 757-767-777 flight simulator by Iran through an MOIS front company and identifies where it was installed Identifies MOIS safe house in Tehran used to house two of the 9/11 pilots Describes origination of, and the MOIS codename for, plans for major terrorist operations against the USA: “Shaitan Der Artash” (Satan in the Fire/Flames) Details coded messages he received from Tehran in the weeks and days before 911, warning that “Shaitan Der Artash” was being activated, with probable targets in New York and Washington, DC Provided warnings to German intelligence of a major imminent terrorist attack against the U.S. at least one week BEFORE 9/11, including method of the attack
  • Abolhassan Banisadr was the first elected president of the newly-established Islamic Republic of Iran and served in that office from April 1980 until he was deposed by Ayatollah Khomeini in June 1981, when he fled to exile in France. Since then, Banisadr has maintained a network of contacts inside Iran and continues to work with defectors fleeing the regime. In 1996, Banisadr introduced Witness C, who had recently escaped from Iran, to the German court that was hearing the Mykonos case. In a videotaped statement Banisadr describes: The structure and goals of Iranian intelligence The modus operandi of Iranian terrorist operations Pre-9/11 ties between the Iranian regime and al Qaeda in the Sudan; The connection between Iranian Revolutionary Guards General Zolqadr (left) and al Qaeda’s #2 leader Ayman al-Zawahri (right)

MOST significantly, each of the above were high-level insiders within the Iranian regime who, for whatever reason, testified at HAVLISH, et al. v. IRAN.

CONSEQUENTIALLYwhen it comes to bringing down the twin pillars of western civilization, America and Israel, Shia and Sunni jihadists cooperate and collaborate. Effectively, as is said, this is where the rubber meets the road. And it is into this vortex of anti-American (and anti-Israel) hell that Iran’s proxy arms co-join with Sunni monsters, their counterparts, wrapping around each other, despite their centuries-long bloodletting.

IF anything, the intricate planning of 9/11/01 (plus many terror attacks over the years against US interests – both at home and abroad – but let’s stick to the one which penetrated the US like none other) exposes the dangerous nonsense that one side of Islam, one terror branch, is preferable to the other, at least in terms of American and Israeli interests.

SIMPLY put, Islam is Islam. Its prophet, Muhammad, a madman, continues to inspire legions of Islamic followers – Shia and Sunni – to wreck devastation and destruction across the globe. And the fact that the leadership of the free world is in bed with said nihilistic barbarians, well, the heretofore blood spilled on Islam’s behalf will pale in comparison to what lies ahead. 

BUT for the actions of certain hunters and diggers – some of whom operate in plain view, while others never surface – the western public would remain clueless and blinded. Basically, those who prefer to close their eyes and ears to what’s going down will continue to do so. On the other hand, some are hungry for truthful info and intel, that which the general public can never access. Thus, this is where this site’s connections (those which can be cited, and others who can’t be) come into play. 

CHOOSING to learn from them, or not, is your call.

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}