HUSSEIN Obama Backs BARBARIC Shia Militias In Iraq: The Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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IN a very tangible realm, HUSSEIN Obama is never far behind when it comes to lending assistance to Islamic barbarians. He is clearly ready to give them political cover and military muscle. This is not an overstatement. If only.

RESPECTIVELY, please do not become confused with this or that Islamic strain, be it Shia or Sunni. The fact remains that the Islamist-in-Chief is uni-focused on an Islamic victory (on the domestic and foreign fronts), therefore, he lends aid to whichever terrorist militia requires his helping hands. An equal opportunity Islamist.

Hate & Deception 11


BUT before we get to his latest support for Asaib Ahl al-Haq, (the League of the Righteous) and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, recall his loyalty to Sunni and Shia strands alike.

BESIDES, it is a grave miscalculation to contend that straddling between Brotherhood Mafia front arms obviates assistance to Iran’s Shia proxy pawns. Utter hogwash. For the record, this site affirmed in Aug. 2014:

AS such, the underlying “twinning”  thesis of said commentary – linking the shielding of Hamas and Iran’s mullahs as part of the Islamist-in-Chief’s main geo-political thrust – is further cemented through Valerie Jarrett’s Iranian sprints, as she shuttles back and forth to Iran’s top leadership, ensuring that they attain WMD status. Indeed, there can no longer be any doubt: Barack HUSSEIN Obama has a vested interest in the Shia side of the sword against Israel and the west.

IN furtherance of the aforementioned “twinning”, the following is more than germane:

The launching of two-thousand plus Iranian and Syrian-made rockets of various ranges raining throughout Israel at the same time that Iran’s leadership was sitting with the P5+1 in Vienna to negotiate a deal over its nuclear program has exposed Iran as the root cause of instability in the Middle East.

NOW, juxtaposed against his outright support of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia – of which Hamas is a main spearhead – it is legitimate to query: what is Obama Inc. up to, even as Washington lists Hamas as a terror org?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.continue reading

FURTHERMORE, his backing of top PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) Sunni terrorist, Sami Al-Arian, did not stop him from assisting Shia’s terror arms.

ONTO HUSSEIN Obama’s kindred spirit, Sami Al-Arian, North American head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ):

Called “a master manipulator” by a federal judge, Al-Arian pleaded guilty to one count of “Conspiracy to make or receive contributions of funds, goods or services to or for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a Specially Designated Terrorist.[1]……

LEST anyone believes that his helping hands are outstretched exclusively to his Sunni Brothers, think again. The Jihadi-in-Chief is overjoyed at the hegemonic trajectory of like-minded Shia Islamists. How so? Can anything be more demonstrative, other than his absolute determination to bring Iran’s genocidal mullahs to the nuclear break out point? Of course not. This fact is beyond dispute.

NOT only that, but the Houthi’s Yemen coup was blessed by Iran, and by the Jihadi-in-Chief! ….continue here

AND so on and so forth.

INDEED, Shia and Sunni forge their own alliances – separate and apart from HUSSEIN Obama – when doing so serves their jihadi interests.

Sunni Muslim tribesmen, Shiite militia fighters and Iraqi security forces set out Saturday to recapture a key city in Anbar province and stop Islamic State atrocities against a local tribe in an extraordinary coalition that could stir sectarian tensions or potentially serve as a model for future cooperation against the militants.

The operation to liberate Hit, about 90 miles west of Baghdad, could reshape the situation in Anbar in a way that would impact the mission of U.S. troops who are being deployed to the province from among the additional 1,500 U.S. military advisers the Pentagon said it is sending to Iraq at the end of the year.

“This is a dramatic change,” said Hisham al Hashimi, a prominent Iraqi defense analyst. “We have the Sunni Arab tribes fighting hand in hand with the Shiites.”

SIMILARLY, they join hands when waging jihad against the west. No doubt.

Osama bin Laden may be dead, but Al Qaeda isn’t resting in peace. Intelligence reports suggest that Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s most visible leader, is working with Iran to plan an attack on the West. The New York Post has the details on the plot:

Intelligence sources said Iran has been supplying al Qaeda with training in the use of advanced explosives, “some funding and a safe haven” as part of a deal first worked out in 2009 which has now led to “operational capacity.”[…]

Zawahiri is believed to be planning a “classic” al Qaeda attack, simultaneously on multiple locations, which would confirm the mantle he has assumed as the leader of the global jihad.

A source said, “Iran is the main route through which funding for the organizations is made, the main route for operatives to travel to Pakistan for training, and it is the only real way by which al Zawahiri can control and order a major attack.”

MIND you, their cooperative efforts are beside the point, even as they slaughter each other for hegemonic rule. Faster…faster…

SO aside from HUSSEIN Obama’s clear and convincing support for Sunni ISIS, what has he done lately to catapult Iran’s Shia militias to top dog status? 

Obama’s Iranian backed “boots on the ground” in Iraq are providing the essential service in combating ISIS; a plethora of new and old pro-Iranian Shiite militias that are dominating the battlefields in Iraq and Syria which raises concerns about the growing Iranian influence and the re-creation of vengeance that replaces the brutalities of ISIS by brutalities of Shiites.

Iran’s militias, known as “special groups,” such as Asaib Ahl al-Haq, (the League of the Righteous) and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are running Iraq amok. After so many human rights abuses comes this, a leaked video of an actual barbecue of human beings:

In another leaked video, an autistic child is seen brutally tortured by Iraqi Shiite servicemen:

In another leaked video it shows a religious Shiite figure giving an Islamic allowance to brutally kill by beating someone to death:

We must remember the brutally of the Shiites. One of the most brutal Islamic warlords in Muslim history was a Shiite, his name was Tamerlane, Mongolian Shiite Muslim.  What Obama is doing is simply allowing the repetition of this ugly history which continually repeats itself.


“All Asia is in the arms of Tamburlaine… the scourge of God and terror of the world.” –Marlowe (In McCullough, Chronicles of the Barbarians, ch. xiv, p. 299)

A countless number of people stand before our sights, all of them weeping and wailing for reasons we do not know. They are surrounded by emotionless appearing men, all with Mongolian features on horseback, armored and attired in oriental fashion. A figure appears before them, also Mongoloid. Hairy brows, a long haired mustache, and a fierce countenance ornament his face, and a harrowing aura emanates from his presence which instills into his men an obligation of reverence, while to the others a terrifying hopelessness. His fingers are thick and stoutly, his body robust and burly, his stature lofty, his eyes beaming upon the horrified multitude. (See Arabshah, Life of Timur, in McCullough, Chronicles of the Barbarians, ch. xiv, p. 301)

With a few words in an obscure language, his men grab hold of many of the people–a great chilling lamentation is heard amongst the crowed. We are witnessing those who are seized upon being ruthlessly beheaded; heads tumble to the floor, while others are in the sadistic process of enduring decapitation. Blood spurts from their necks and falls upon the shaggy beards of their executioners, who look upon their suffering victims and hear the heartbreaking sorrowing of their relatives with absolutely no emotion stirred within them; they have no facial expressions, they are as cold as the harsh lands of Central Asia from where they came. Their leader watches with not a single gesture. When it is all over, the only victims left are a few thousand toddlers and their desperate mothers. Their leader gives them some commands and they immediately ride off, with some of them walking on foot to make sure that the children and women follow along.

They arrive in an open field where they begin to separate the women from their little ones. It is truly a gut wrenching site that would make any man with humanity quiver in sadness. The leader of the barbarians says a few words which take hold of the souls of the women: ride your horses and tread upon the young. No one moves–their consciouses are contrary to the demand. Some of his counselors even begin to express their disagreement against it. The leader, in an instant, snaps into a rage and rides on, trampling over the children before him and crushing them to death under the hooves of his horse. He turns himself around, and with a ruthless and loud tone yells to his men: “Now I should like to see who will not ride after me?”

They charge over the little ones, turn their horses and ride toward the women and the counselors who dared to disagree. They continue on, they persist, they are relentless, in this act of the most horrendous barbarity, until they are done. We now see before us an endless span of dead bodies, seven thousand of them to be exact. The men and their leader are at a distance from the scene of carnage, with some remaining women and children with them–to be no doubt used for their own lustful pleasures. The leader says a phrase, and they ride off. (This illustration is based upon the account of Schiltberger, Travels and Bondage, in McCullough, Chronicles of the Barbarians, ch. xiv, p. 318)

This leader is Tamerlane, the fifteenth century Uzbek Muslim tyrant, who was responsible for the deaths of millions and whose history of violence and brutality still penetrates the mind for its complete surpassing of the moral order, and sheer neglect of all sympathy and mercy. He was a Shiite of the most fundamentalist degree, believing whole heartedly that Ali, the nephew of Muhammad, should have been the successor in Islamic hegemony, and that all Sunnis–those who affirmed that Abu Bakr deserved the mantle of the prophet–deserved death and subjugation. His goal was to create, through the means of arms, a universal Shiite empire, and he succeeding in advancing his rule from “Turkish central Asia to the heart of India, the borders of China, the Volga River in Russia, the Syrian shore of the Mediterranean, and finally to Asia Minor.” (Carroll, A History of Christendom, vol. iii, ch. xi, pp. 457-458 See also Moczar, Islam at the Gates, ch. ii, p. 51)

He conquered much of the world under the influence of a certain maxim, that “Allah Almighty said that kings, when they have entered a city, lay it waste and bring low the most powerful of it people; and thus they will do. Therefore prepare for that which will befall you, if you refuse to side with me.” (Arabshah, Life of Timur, in McCullough, Chronicles of the Barbarians, ch. xiv, p. 307)…continue your Islamic lesson here…know thy history well!!

TRENCHANTLY, rid yourselves of the (mental) albatross of this and that terror appendage, Sunni or Shia. It matters not a wit whether they operate separately against the west or in tandem. What should prevail is that Americans – westerners alike – know their Islamic history, but only for the purposes of internalizing: Islam, regardless of sect and the internal struggles of its followers, is a MORTAL danger to the west. Its basis, Shariah Law, must be destroyed. Therein lies the crux.

ON a guttural level, who in their sane mind would root for a Crips victory over the Bloods or vice versa? Extrapolate said analogy to the highest exponential degree, and perhaps all of the above will hit home.

HERE’S hoping….before it is too late!

Religion of Peace Myth - 9

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Christian (Western) Students FORCED To Pray To Allah! Coming To A U.S. School Near You. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


LIKE night follows day, how many times, how many ways, has this site warned about the creeping encroachment of Islam via Shariah Law’s mandates within America, as well as the west in toto? Enumerable. But before we get to the complete encirclement of the kiddies, certain rehashes are necessary. Building blocks.

NOW, it is not as if “The Plan” is news to dedicated readers, however, countless are in the dark about its existence. Its basis. It is this document which spells out how Americans have become increasingly de-sensitized to Islamic indoctrination, and the stealth methods used to effectuate its underpinnings.

Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitr journey with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

While each phase has many subsections and takes years to implement, the fact of the matter is that their goals have been ongoing for decades. They are rapidly, stealth-fully bearing fruit.

Editors note: The following statement revealing the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for America was found in an internal Brotherhood document and presented into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trials in 2007 and 2008.

“The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

INDEED, additional stops on your journey can be found here….and some are housed inside the video. Highly recommended viewing.

YES, the above Obama-vomit is part and parcel of the Brotherhood Mafia’s plan, and it cements (some of) the pieces together – Islam’s forward march!

STEP by step along this nauseous path – sorry for that – the lessons learned at these pages are ongoing and wholly supportable via a highly developed knowledge base, in tandem with access to a network of “experts among experts.” Remember that.

IN this regard, once again, heed the following warning: America’s kiddies are in grave danger! As repeatedly assessed:

SEVERAL warnings were blared but the following sets the stage: Obama Inc. funnels taxpayer revenues to Islamize kiddies. This is transpiring inside America and beyond its borders!

INDEED, housed under the guise of Common Core are lesson plans which ‘innocuously’ slide in the ‘exemplary’ and “benign” aspects of Islam. These plans are usually found within the social studies and English curriculum’s, but not exclusively so. One example (out of countless) is more than instructive, relative to the underlying goal of indoctrination.

AS predicted – and in the same manner in which Europe is always the forerunner to western civilization’s (incremental) demise – Eurabia’s leaders are whole hog into Islam as the continent’s de facto religion, despite any jibber jabber to the contrary. Consequentially, its Christian public school children are being FORCED to submit to (pagan) Allah! Cause and effect.

SCOTLAND: Glasgow public (state) school forces Christian students to recite Islamic prayers and perform Wudu (ritual washing) at a mosque

Why is there no follow-up about parental outrage and threats of legal action against the school that arranged this? Muslim students are NEVER forced to go on similar field trips to churches or synagogues.

HEAD spinning. Heart stopping. Western civilization’s death throes!

EVEN so, we are not done yet. As always, Shariah Law’s encroachment (whatever the western locale) is both subtle – stealth jihad-like – and unrelenting. Hence, “accommodations” to “refugees” is the next step/stop, but no one should be foolish enough to believe that it wasn’t planned in advance. Again, coming to a U.S. school near you. Count on it.

A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts, because emergency accommodation for refugees has been set up next to the gym.

A week ago emergency accommodation for 200 Syrian refugees was erected right next to the gym of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in Pocking, Bavaria, Die Welt reports.

The gym has been closed as a result, and PE lessons have been relocated to a nearby primary school, but the school is still worried about the refugees interacting with students.

So worried in fact that the headteacher recently sent out a letter to parents to give reassurance about extra security measures.

“For the refugees, access to the school gardens and buildings is strictly forbidden. The same goes for the school grounds during the day. The number of teachers on duty during breaks has been increased,” read the letter from headteacher Martin Thalhammer.

The letter goes on to give students instructions on how to deal with the situation:

“The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to, in order to avoid discrepancies. Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.”

The letter has not been met favourably by some parents, but a local politician, who did not want to be named, told Die Welt the move was “absolutely necessary”.

“When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis,” he said.

“These boys, who come from a culture where for women it is frowned upon to show naked skin, follow girls and bother them without realizing. Obviously this is concerning for us,” he continued.

The move by the school has caused a lot of discussion, and Thalhammer has received queries from all over the media, reports the Passauer Neue Presse.

“There have never been uniform rules at this school and there never will be.” He said.

“It is my duty to look after the children. Therefore I wanted to inform everyone about what is going on at school and what the gym is being used for.”

“It was my responsibility to remind everyone that two cultures are coming together here,” he continued.

UNDERSTOOD? And despite the headmaster’s nonsensical rhetoric, “there have never been uniform rules at this school and there never will be”, the fact remains that he did order the female students to dress modestly, so that Syrian Muslim male “refugees” wouldn’t get all riled up: “revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.” 

MOST significantly, instead of the so-called “refugees” being forced to integrate into their host country, the converse is true. Yes, the native population MUST now accommodate them! Is this rational within any non-submitted society? Of course not.

IF all of the above appears too fantastical, alas, preferring to believe that FORCING Islamic prayer upon America’s kiddies could never happen – despite many proofs housed in this site – so be it. But you would do well to take off your (mental) blinders before it is too late. Post haste. Forthwith. Forewarned.

IN this regard, just revert back to pre HUSSEIN Obama’s coronation, and search your heart of hearts for what you never thought could happen within the heretofore land of the free, the home of the brave. Resultant, did you ever conceive that gay “marriage” would become the law of the landin a country built upon Christian and Jewish foundations? Did you believe that citizens would essentially be FORCED to buy any product, let alone health insurance via Obamacare…aka Hitlercare? Did you ever have a nightmare that a global trade agreement – one which DE FACTO gives up America’s sovereignty to foreign (corp) players – would become America’s reality ala the EU? Believe it!




BOTTOM LINE: are you still a disbeliever? On the other hand, have you woken up from dreamland and properly assessed America’s nightmare? Either way, U.S. kiddies are primed to bow to Allah, and this site has already proven it “six ways to Sunday”….er, should it now be known as “six ways to Friday” in “deference” to Islam?

WESTERN lights (almost) out!


ISIS’s Sex Slaves Commit Suicide: Western (So-Called) Feminists, What Say You? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ISIS Sex Slaves 5

(The harrowing tale of one girl repeatedly raped, sent to a slave market and who then committed suicide is just the tip of a horrific iceberg.)

AKIN to Pavlov’s dogs, die-hard feministas scream and rail about all imagined slights, just as long as they can box in those they ideologically/politically disagree with. But let’s be honest, relative to the overall plight of women, well, they care about their fellow sistas as much as they do about the male species they continuously bash.

BASICALLY, they have a very radical agenda, but real justice has nothing to do with it, unless backing Brotherhood Mafia terrorists is now a requisite credential for one’s admission into their twisted tent!

IN this regard, it is absolutely impossible – within any rational discourse – for said shrill banshees to explain how they can link arms with Islamists whose Shariah Law (the Islamic laws which interpret the Quran) views women thusly:

Shari’a discriminates on the basis of gender. Men are regarded as superior. Women are treated as deficient in intelligence, morals and religion, and must therefore be protected from their own weaknesses. Shari’a rules enforce modesty in dress and behavior and the segregation of the sexes. These regulations place women under the legal guardianship of their male relatives. Women are inherently of less value than men in many legal rulings. A man is allowed up to four wives, but women can have only one husband. A man can divorce his wife easily; a woman faces great obstacles should she want a divorce from her husband. A daughter inherits half as much as a son, and the testimony of a female witness in court is worth only half that of a male witness. In cases of murder, the compensation for a woman is less than that given for a man.

Shari’a courts often display a clear gender bias. This is seen in the widespread practice of accusing rape victims of illicit sexual relations (zina), an offense which carries punishments ranging from imprisonment and flogging to death by stoning.

Female genital mutilation is widespread among some Muslim communities, especially in Egypt, East Africa, Yemen, and Indonesia. Many Muslim leaders see the practice as essential for preserving women’s chastity on which family honor largely depends.

In shari’a there are differences between the various schools of law as to the extent of what a woman may reveal in public. The Hanafi and Maliki schools of law permit face and hands to be revealed in public, thus there is no need for a veil over the face. Among Hanbalis there are two opinions, some permitting the revealing of face and hands, others forbidding it. The Shafi‘is demand that a woman’s face and hands be covered in public, thus demanding some kind of veil over her face.

BASICALLY, Islam’s inherent devaluation of Muslim women is concomitantly responsible for their general mistreatment of women and children at large, and its basis is visibly demonstrated within “Islamic Pedophiles Via Rape-Jihad.”  

Good Earth's photo.

WHICH leads us to the following nightmare, one which is becoming all too “commonplace”:

At least 150 Yazidi women and girls killed themselves after they were forced to become Islamic State sex slaves, according to a woman working with some of the survivors who managed to escape.

In one of the most comprehensive accounts of the effects of Islamic State brutality, details emerged of the ordeals faced by hundreds of Yazidi women, very often after their male relatives were butchered by Islamic State members.

Irifan Mahdi, who is trying to help the women rehabilitate into some semblance of normative society spoke of the horrors in an interview with the Sputnik news organization’s Arabic website.

She told the story of Jilan Barjess-Naif, 17, “a beautiful green-eyed girl, with rare blonde hair, who slashed her own wrists in a public bathhouse near Mosul, northern Iraq, which is under Islamic State control.”

She was separated from the less attractive girls and singled out for special rape treatment before being put up for sale in a sex market.

After she committed suicide, Islamic State members threw her body from the bathhouse into the nearest garbage dumpster.

Jilan’s sister, Jihan, committed suicide a few days after being captured and transferred, along with other girls, to A-Raqqa, the Islamic State’s capital, in order to be sold at a slave market.

Their pregnant mother, also captured, gave birth to a child in a cave. She was freed recently and returned home “as a mad woman” after the suicides of her daughters.

As if all of this was not enough, Islamic State executed six of Jilan and Jihan’s siblings and their father and arrested 20 other members of the family. The whereabouts of some are still unknown.

The fate of the Barjess-Naif family from Qar-Aziz in the Sinjar region of Iraq is by no means unique, according to Majid.

Mahdi said she knows of 150 Yazidis who committed suicide and believes the real figure is considerably higher.

“They preferred to die than to live in brutal sexual slavery and violence by organization members,” she said.

“The bodies of some who committed suicide were thrown to the dogs,” said Yazidi nurse Amal Hasou, who works in an IDP (internally displaced people) camp.

Hasou said Islamic State members even told the girls that if one commits suicide her body would be thrown into the garbage and served as a meal for dogs.

Most of the girls cut their wrists or used the hijabs they had been forced to wear to hang themselves. Some threw themselves to their deaths from the vehicles used to transport them.

BEYOND any doubt, the fact that HUSSEIN Obama continuously extols Islam as a “religion of peace”, despite all its horrific treatment towards women and children, only attests to the fact that a hard-core agenda is at work. Indeed, its underbelly has nothing to do with “human rights” but everything to do with a kinship towards a totalitarian ethos.   

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: If you’ll recall, Steve, you had an international network in al Qaeda between Afghanistan and Pakistan, headed by Bin Laden. And that structure we have rendered ineffective. But what I also said, and this was two years ago and a year ago, is that you have regional groups with regional ambitions and territorial ambitions. And what also has not changed is the kind of violent, ideologically driven extremism that has taken root in too much of the Muslim world.

And this week, in my speech to the United Nations General Assembly, I made very clear we are not at war against Islam. Islam is a religion that preaches peace and the overwhelming majority of Muslims are peaceful. But in the Muslim world right now, there is a cancer that has grown for too long that suggests that it is acceptable to kill innocent people who worship a different God. And that kind of extremism, unfortunately, means that we’re going to see for some time the possibility that in a whole bunch of different countries, radical groups may spring up, particularly in countries that are still relatively fragile, where you had sectarian tensions, where you don’t have a strong state security apparatus. That’s why what we have to do is rather than play whack-a-mole and send U.S. troops wherever this occurs, we have to build strong partnerships. We have to get the international community to recognize this is a problem. We’ve got to get Arab and Muslim leaders to say very clearly, “These folks do not represent us. They do not represent Islam,” and to speak out forcefully against them.

CONCLUSIVELY, it must be noted: just like radically left feminazis, HUSSEIN Obama has no issue with Islam’s followers upholding the enslavement of women which is “justified” under the Quran!  

ON the flip side, can you imagine a situation where the leader of the free world – in tandem with those who claim to herald the rights of women – would still proclaim Christianity and Judaism in the same glowing light, if its followers enslaved women and even fed their remains to dogs?

ALAS, if admission into their club requires crawling into the sewer with the dregs of humanity, color this highly independent woman an anti-feminist – a proud and loud one at that!

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ISIS In Jerusalem Sets Up Shop. How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


(Taken atop Judaism’s holiest site, The Temple Mount!)

IN a country approximately the size of N.J. – comparable to the 5th-smallest state in the US – how is it possible that ISIS slithered in under the ever watchful eyes of Israel’s highly trained security services?

MIND you, these are the same agencies which are able to pounce upon Jewish nationalists, every time they fart in the direction of reclaiming Israel’s heartland, Judea and Samaria. As this investigative journalist revealed in a highly explosive expose’ on this very subject:

Administrative detention/expulsion orders aim to achieve political results under the guise of national security interests.  Right wing nationalists are opposed to the leadership’s policy of “land for peace.” Living in Judea and Samaria, they literally stand guard over Israel’s heartland.  Their presence is an obstacle to creating a Palestinian controlled (terror) state. Detention/expulsion orders are used to intimidate, frustrate and hamper Jewish patriots.  The orders are specifically referred to as Harchakah Minhalit (administrative removal).

Once they set their sights on a Jewish nationalist target, the Israel Security Agency utilizes a variety of methods. It may move the process forward quickly by citing ‘information’ which requires immediate detention or expulsion. Gleaned mostly through unsubstantiated intel in the first place, (which is often fabricated) the cases rarely lead to formal indictments, with many charges quietly dropped. Sometimes, they dangle incentives before those identified as more likely to succumb to pressure. For instance, they may offer to pay for everyday necessities to ease a family’s financial burdens. Lately the security services have employed a new tool of harassment–arresting those who come home after midnight…read the whole thing

IN other words, if they are capable of executing precision-like 24/7 raids (though they prefer to do so in the middle of the night, but that’s another politically ordered disaster) into the homes of those they believe are upsetting the “delicate” balance for a potential “two-state solution”, surely they are equally cognizant of ISIS (and related Brotherhood Mafia offshoots) within their security domains. You think? So, the question arises: why wasn’t ISIS nipped in the bud from the onset, considering that Israel’s size allows for its intelligence arms to pounce much more easily, unlike in countries many times its land mass? 

HMM…which brings us back to ISIS in Jerusalem and the country at large.

AS ISIS gained prominence in Sept 2014 with its head-chopping of American citizens, namely, Steven Sotloff, a featured “tag team” interview at Inquisitr was requested. Its timing was not for nothing.

In respect to the strategic implications for Israel – as a result of PM Netanyahu’s utter refusal to bury Hamas – he opened the door for ISIS and in more ways than one. Few are aware that the lengthy battle between Israel and Hamas (with Hamas’s stature growing, commensurate with the amount of time that they were able to hold out against the vaunted IDF) allowed ISIS to slip right into Israel proper! Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy arm, is more than taking note. Other jihadi terror outfits too.

“As the Islamic State (formerly ISIS) continues its bloody conquest of Iraq and Syria and begins invading Lebanon, all in the name of establishing a global Sunni Muslim caliphate system, signs of support for the extremist are being seen among Israel’s Arab citizens.

Channel 10 exposed on Sunday that in recent months black ISIS flags have been commonly seen in Arab-Israeli towns in northern and coastal Israel, notably in the cities of Nazareth and Akko.

The flags have been seen flying among both Muslim and Christian Arab citizens of Israel, an ironic move given that ISIS in Iraq has emptied cities of their Christian populations by issuing them an ultimatum either to convert to Islam, pay non-Muslim jhizya taxes – or die.” –….continue here….

IN effect, as Americans stood dumbfounded (alas, almost a year later, seemingly immune to such barbaric behavior) by ISIS’s onslaught, Israel’s leaders just “wrapped up” a summer-long (defensive) fiery war with Hamas. But like the above interview reveals, PM Netanyahu left Hamas’ top leadership unscathed. Unfathomable. Intrinsically, they were never targeted in their underground lairs! Resultant, the questions became: how could this be? Essentially, what deals were made between Israel and Hamas (the Brotherhood) to spare their lives, even as their foot soldiers blitzed the entire country and killed many citizens and soldiers alike?

DUE to the above  – and so much more – it has become necessary to unmask certain truths. It is said unveiling which wends back to ISIS’s steadfast and continual encroachment vis-a-vis Israel’s “blinded” approach. However, this can only go on for so long, up until their presence can no longer be hidden from public view. Yes, you read that right.

YET, before you process the latest via “ISIS In Jerusalem Threatens Christians”, rest assured, the direct threats against the Christian community in Jerusalem (Israel at large) are barely a foretaste. Their main targets are the Jewish majority. As such, they must be overcome to implant their black flag of death upon all of Israel! That’s the incontestable plan. 

A flier published by in the name of the brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization was put up around eastern Jerusalem on Thursday, in what is thought to be the first such announcement in the Israeli capital.

The flier threatens Christians in the area with “revenge,” and is signed by the organization “ISIS Palestine,” reports Channel 10.

ISIS does not have an operational presence in Israel, but support for the group among Islamists is on the rise, with dozens of Arab citizens leaving for Syria and Iraq to fight for the jihadist organization after ISIS members took part in Hamas’s terror war against Israel last summer.

An ISIS-inspired cell was nabbed in Hevron in Judea last November, while in Gaza an affiliate of the group has clashed with Hamas and repeatedly fired rockets at Israel to spark fighting between Israel and Hamas.

Perhaps as a result of that threat to Hamas presented by ISIS, Palestinian Arab commentator Halad Ameira, who is considered to be a follower of Hamas’s terrorist ideology, told Channel 10 the group should hold talks with Israel.

“A negotiation between Muslims and non-Muslims is something that should be taken into account,” said Ameira. “Enemies negotiate when they’re killing each other. What is forbidden according to religious law is concessions undercutting the key principles.”

Hamas’s charter calls for a genocide against all Jews, and the destruction of the State of Israel.

Ameira claimed that even if Hamas were to sign a ten-year “tahdiya” or temporary lull deal with Israel, it would not be a breach of key principles.

“Jihad is not a goal in and of itself but rather a means to achieve peace,” he claimed, asserting that the terrorist violence aiming to destroy Israel was meant for “peace.”

AS to the balderdash that Hamas and ISIS are at odds, just chuck that into the (mental) trash heap. Yes, there are turf wars going on, but that’s neither here nor there. Do pay strict attention to additional truths from the above “tag team” interview at Inquisitr:

Such is the hyper-induced case with Hamas and ISIS, as ISIS is planning a key role ( ‘s), on the Brotherhood’s behalf, in Hamas’ war against Israel. In fact, they are already doing so, but more on the “down-low.”

Trenchantly, the facts on the ground are visible for all who wish to live in reality, juxtaposed against believing lullabies recited by deceitful leaders. Pay heed:

“The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has asked the Palestinians (Hamas & PA controlled Fatah) to be patient and stressed that the group will come to fight the “barbaric Jews”.

In a statement released on Twitter, through an account affiliated to the ISIS, it stated that it was aware of the “massacre” of Muslims in Gaza.

“As for the massacres taking place in Gaza against the Muslim men, women and children, then the Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its paths towards Palestine,” the group said.

The statement from ISIS seems to be a response to critics who have questioned why the group and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi aren’t coming in support of the Palestinians.

Replying to that, the statement said: “It is not the manner of the Islamic State to throw empty, dry and hypocritical words of condemnation and condolences like the Arab tawaghit do in the UN and Arab League.” The ISIS militants instead promised that actions speak louder than words…..

“It is only matter of time and patience before it (Islamic State) reaches Palestine to fight the barbaric Jews and kill those of them hiding behind the gharqad trees – the trees of the Jews,” the statement concluded.

Earlier this month, the ISIS spokesperson had stated that while Palestine was an important agenda, but before taking on Israel it wants to consolidate its position in north.

According to Israel National news, ISIS spokesperson Nidal Nuseiri reaffirmed that group’s priority was conquering “Bayt el-Maqdis” [Jerusalem] and destroying the State of Israel. He noted that it was the central agenda of their “jihad”.

#IS #ISIS The Islamic State’s comment on Gaza in Dabiq Issue #2:

— أبو مصطفى الأنباري(@amustafaanbari1) July 29, 2014

While ISIS has claimed that it has no plans as of now for Israel, a recent video released on YouTube claimed an Islamic State fighter group has been formed in Palestine.

In the video, the supposed-to-be Islamic State fighters can be seen firing rockets towards Israel, before they are spotted by an Israeli fighter jet, which then starts a counter attack.”

BY the way, aside from the fact that Israel wields the strongest army in the Mid East, it doesn’t amount to squat, if PM Netanyahu refuses to take them off their leashes. Again, while they were allowed to reduce the Gaza Strip to rubble, they were ordered to keep their hands off of Hamas’s top leaders! As such, does this sound like a gaggle of leaders that the Jewish majority in Israel should trust to have their backs? Not from this Israeli perch.

MIND you, as shocking as the above seems, this is the same leadership which continues to nurse back to health Sunni terrorists from al-Nusra (al-Qaeda linked and ISIS aligned), the so-called “rebels” which are HUSSEIN Obama’s offshoots from his illegal war into Libya. Did you ever?

(Jabhat al-Nusra fighters in the Syrian Golan Heights praise Osama bin Laden.)

TO wit, the IDF is ferrying their wounded from the northern Golan border for medical treatment in Israel! Indeed, the whys and wherefores can be found within

MOST significantly, it is this obsequious (and prostrating) mentality to Washington’s dictates which has allowed ISIS to slip into its borders “unawares.”

NO one should be shocked – Israel’s leaders, least of all – when ISIS starts its decapitation campaign in the heart of Jerusalem. Rest assured, they will spread their horrors to the entire country! As mentioned, Israel is barely the size of N.J.  

MORE than doable. Mark these words: heads will roll. Literally.

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Islamic Pedophiles Via Rape-Jihad:Western Leadership’s Collusion.Police Ordered To Lend Cover! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


MUCH has been written at this site about the nexus between Islam’s underpinnings and jihadi-rape. The links are solid and unbreakable, as well as endemic and cultural. 

RESULTANT, in order to internalize how Islam’s dangerous underbelly is enveloping the west, it is first incumbent to reiterate the underlying basis of Islam + jihadi-rape.


EVEN so, lest anyone dismisses the facts at hand, instead, jabbering that this site is simply sexually obsessed, that’s a whole lot of hooey and phooey. Islam’s sexual deviance is what it is and wholly “understandable” being that it was founded by a pedophile!

NOW that that is off the table, and with a full understanding of the non stop targeting of minorities, jihadi-rape is escalating throughout the Mid East, Europe and Africa. This is a fact. Americans, westerners at large, be on the alert…a BOLO is issued…coming your way!

Women belonging to Iraq’s Yazidi minority, who follow a religion that is neither Christian nor Muslim, have borne much of the worst of the horrors to which Islamic State terrorists subject so-called “infidels.” Turned into sex slaves for and sold as wives to jihadists, the Iraqi doctors who treat them say the abuse is often beyond anything they have seen.

NOT only that, but Koranic backup is more than available: Al-Khallaf read the fatwa that purportedly justified such actions during a 2012 Fadak TV episode. After praising Allah and declaring that sodomy is forbidden in Islam, the fatwa asserted:

However, jihad comes first, for it is the pinnacle of Islam, and if the pinnacle of Islam can only be achieved through sodomy, then there is no wrong in it. For the overarching rule of [Islamic] jurisprudence asserts that “necessity makes permissible the prohibited.” And if obligatory matters can only be achieved by performing the prohibited, then it becomes obligatory to perform the prohibited, and there is no greater duty than jihad. After he sodomizes you, you must ask Allah for forgiveness and praise him all the more. And know that Allah will reward the jihadis on the Day of Resurrection, according to their intentions—and your intention, Allah willing, is for the victory of Islam, and we ask that Allah accept it of you.

AS to further evidence – related to the Koran’s insertion into jihadi-rape, its “koshering” – take a peek here: 

10382: Ruling on having intercourse with a slave woman when one has a wife

STILL, for those who are seeking psychological insights, perhaps the following will be enlightening: yes, jihadi-barbarism ties into Islam’s sexual/cultural rage; the Madonna-Whore Complex!

WHATEVER…if the above isn’t bullet proof worthy, how about the following stats? Mind you, they barely scratch the surface, as most jihadi-rapes are never officially reported in terms of ethnic/religious origin. Hmm.

The MUSLIM men, mainly from Halifax, have been charged with various offences including rape, trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, sexual activity with a child under 16, sexual assault, voyeurism, sexual grooming, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16, causing a child under 16 to engage in sexual activity without consent and supply of a Class B drug.

The MUSLIM men are: 

HEDAR ALI, 35, of Nantwich, Cheshire. He is charged with rape (x2) and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation (x2)

FASIL MAHMOOD, 35, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B Drug

ZAMEER ASIF, 24, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child

MOHAMMED RAMZAN, 34, of Bradford. He is charged with Conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16, rape and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

KHALID ZAMAN, 37, of Bradford. He is charged with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16, rape (x2) and supply of a class B drug

ATAF ALI, 32, of Bradford. He is charged with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16 and voyeurism.

MOHAMMED FIAZ ASKAR, 32, of Bradford. He is charged with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16

AESAN PERVEZ, 26, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual assault (x3)

MANSOOR AKHTAR, 23, of Huddersfield. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 (x2) and the supply of a class B drug.

FURQAAN GHAFAR, 30, Derby. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16

AFTAB HUSSAIN, 35, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual grooming, sexual assault and sexual activity with a child under 16 (x2)

TALIB SADDIQ, 29, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 (x2)

AMAAR ALI DITTA, 25, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 (x2)

SIKANDER MALIK, 30, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16

AKBAR AZIZ HUSSAIN, 29, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B drug

AZEEM SUBHANI, 23, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 (x2)

TAHIR MAHMOOD, 42, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 (x3) and sexual assault

MOHAMMED AHMED, 41, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16

HAARIS AHMED, 31, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 (x3) and supply of a class B drug (x3)

TAUKEER BUTT, 29, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16 (x4)

ARSHAD MAJID, 24, of Shipley. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16

CHRISTOPHER MULQUEEN-BENNETT, 36, of Newport (Gwent). He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16.

MUHAMMED ASIM JANJUHA, 33, of Bradford. He is charged with rape.

HAIDER ALI, 39, of Halifax. He is charged with rape, sexual activity with a child under 16 and causing a child under 16 to engage in sexual activity without consent

SIKANDER ISHAQ, 30, of Halifax. He is charged with sexual activity with a child under 16.

IN this regard, don’t upchuck your last meal, as we catch up to speed on the scourge of jihadi-rape in the UK and its Euro counterparts. Mind blowing. Numbing. Chilling.

UK Police withheld bombshell report revealing how PAKISTANI MUSLIM pedophile gangs were raping and pimping out hundreds of very young white schoolgirls for years in case it inflamed ‘racial’ tensions ahead of General Election


West Midlands Police, Britain’s second largest police force, withheld a report about gangs of Pakistani Muslim men kidnapping, raping and pimping out young white girls in case it inflamed ‘racial’ (What ‘race’ is Islam?) tensions ahead of a General Election, it was revealed today. Police and social workers in the South Yorkshire town were accused of being too concerned about being labeled ‘racist’ to speak out about the crimes involving 1,400 young white Christian children.


UK Daily Mail – Yesterday it emerged that the massive inquiry into the Rotherham sex abuse scandal could run until at least 2018 and has so far identified 300 suspects. Investigators say the number of possible offenders is changing on a ‘daily basis’ and they suspect ‘thousands of offences’ have been committed.

West Midlands Police were warned more than 100 predominantly white children – some as young as 13 – were at serious risk of child exploitation five years ago. A document entitled ‘Problem Profile, Operation Protection’ from March 2010 reveals Asian MUSLIM gangs targeted schools and children’s homes across the force area.


The report, written for senior officers, also reveals how white girls were used to recruit other vulnerable victims on behalf of the gangs. But there were fears over a row ahead of the May 2010 General Election and an English Defence League rally in April leading to a ‘backlash against law abiding citizens from Asian/Pakistani communities’.

Despite the warnings police did not warn the public or appeal for information about the men responsible and the report was only published this week under the Freedom of Information Act.


In one heavily redacted passage, the document reads: ‘In (redacted) a teacher at a (redacted) that a group of Asian MUSLIM males were approaching pupils at the school gate and grooming them. Strong anecdotal evidence shows this MO (modus operandi) is being used across the force.

‘Operations in other forces have identified an MO where offenders use a young girl in a children’s home to target and groom other residents on their behalf. ‘This has also been evidenced within the force in (redacted) and (redacted).

‘The girl’s motivation to recruit new victims is often that the provision of new girls provides her a way to escape the cycle of abuse.’ The report said police had identified a potential 139 victims, 78 per cent of whom were white while more than half were aged 13 to 15. Half of all victims, who were from Birmingham, Dudley and Walsall, lived with their parents, while 41 per cent were in care.


Police pin-pointed 75 grooming suspects – most with a history of sexual violence – with most being from a MUSLIM background from Birmingham.

The report stated: ‘The vast majority of identified suspects (79 per cent) areAsian MUSLIM (59 of 75), 12 per cent are white and five per cent are African Caribbean. 62 per cent of Asian suspects are of Pakistani MUSLIM origin. ‘Pakistani MUSLIM males account for half of all identified suspects in the force (37 of 75).


‘Offenders are likely to have a history of previous sexual offences, as well as a wide range of other offences and convictions. ‘A high level of organised criminality has now been evidenced both across the force area and regionally, with multiple offenders working together to identify, groom and abuse victims.

‘In a number of organised groups victims are forced into prostitution and high levels of intimidation and force are used to keep the victims compliant.’ The shocking document also highlighted fears of ‘community tensions’ if the police made the report’s findings public.


It stated: ‘The predominant offender profile of Pakistani MUSLIM males… combined with the predominant victim profile of white females has the potential to cause significant community tensions.

‘There is a potential for a backlash against the law abiding citizens from Pakistani MUSLIM ommunities from other members of the community believing their children have been exploited. ‘These factors, combined with an EDL protest in Dudley in April and a General Election in May could notably increase community tension.


‘Police will be criticised if it appears we have not safeguarded vulnerable children, investigated offences and prosecuted offenders.’ The lengthy report concluded authorities in the West Midlands needed to improve its care of missing care home children.

It stated: ‘There is strong evidence in the vast majority of all cases that the victims are enticed, stupefied or controlled by alcohol and a mixture of controlled drugs. ‘The victims are already suffering from health conditions relating to their chaotic lifestyle and exploitation (Pregnancy, termination, STDs, neglect, and physical and psychological problems).’


West Midlands Police Assistant Chief Constable Carl Foulkes said: ‘These reports, spanning six years, give a real insight into the journey we have undertaken along with our partners into investigating and tackling child sexual exploitation.

‘There is no doubt that there has been a significant cultural change within the force in respect of this issue and it is now very clear that the responsibility of tackling CSE (child sexual exploitation) lies with every police officer, staff member, PCSO and special constable.


‘We continue to take great steps and as a result of our efforts and without doubt the coverage within local and national media, we are seeing more victims coming forward to report abuse, knowing we will take their allegations seriously and treat them sensitively and respectfully.’

IN an Orwellian context, as instructed, cowed and bowed police heads hid all of the above from an unsuspecting public. Yes, said liars and reprobates are now desperate to walk-back their parts, as they have the utter audacity to opine: “we continue to take great steps and as a result of our efforts….”

BUT never mind…hang on, there’s more: even leftist-driven Sweden is plagued with Muslim rape!Over 700 women and 300 children within the first seven months of 2013 were violated. (un)Holy jihad…and the left can’t Allah wash these stats, plus so many others, even Norway is under their boot –

TRENCHANTLY, what separates the Muslim rape/pedophile plague from the “garden variety” non-Muslim pedophile is decidedly clear: one grouping has the Fatwa backing of its religion, the other is considered a pariah. Guess which is which? Indeed, within the pecking order of criminals, rapists and pedophiles are deemed the worst of the worst, even in prison! Outcasts and plagues within society. 

DESPITE it all, the fact that Islam breeds barbarism – including the sanctioning of sexual perversions and attendant crimes against children and all “infidels” – what is “Allah’s (White House) Muslim Terrorist” doing to set the western tone? Well, once again, he held a SECRET White House meeting with Islamists! President Obama met with American Muslim leaders this afternoon, according to the White House schedule, but so far the administration is unwilling to reveal who attended the meeting, which was closed to the press.

CONCLUSIVELY, if anyone believes that the same dastardly collusion between UK police and their political echelon – to quash a bombshell report re Islamic pedophile/rape and its explosive stats -is not part and parcel of an underlying omerta between HUSSEIN Obama and U.S. law enforcement agencies, well, you haven’t been paying attention.

MOST significantly, if you consider the (criminal) orders given to U.S. Special Forces to stand down against actual genocide, does anyone really believe that the directives given – top-down – to domestic police entities, relative to rape-jihad and what not, are legal and kosher?

DO pigs fly too?

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HUSSEIN Obama Shields (Accessory To) Boko Haram’s Genocide:Orders U.S. Special Forces To Stand Down! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

READERS cannot help but conclude from these pages: HUSSEIN Obama is not only an enemy to America and Israel (take a peek who sat at the ‘President’s Table’ during this week’s Ramadan dinner), but to all minorities who are threatened under the boot of Islamic warfare via Shariah Law.

Islam teaches that shari’a, as God’s revealed law, perfect and eternal, is binding on individuals, society and state in all its details. By logical extension, any criticism of shari’a is heresy. Muslims who deny the validity of shari’a in any way are labeled as non-Muslims (infidels) or apostates (those who convert to another religion) by traditionalists and Islamists. As such, they face the threat of being prosecuted for apostasy, a crime that carries the death penalty in shari’a.

The mandates of shari’a are extremely harsh compared to modern Western standards. They infringe on many modern principles of human rights, religious freedom, and equality of all before the law. For example:

Hudud punishments are the severe penalities prescribed by shari’a for offenses defined as being against God himself. The punishments for these crimes are seen as divinely ordained and cannot be changed by humans. These include 100 lashes or stoning to death as punishment for adultery; 80 lashes for false accusation of adultery; amputation of limbs for theft; 40 or 80 lashes for drinking alcohol; imprisonment, amputation or death (by crucifixion in serious cases) for highway robbery; and the death penalty for apostasy from Islam. Methods of execution for apostasy can include decapitation, crucifixion, burning, strangling, drowning, impaling, and flaying. Apostates are denied a decent burial after their deaths, and the Muslims who participate in killing them are promised an eternal reward in paradise.

Discrimination on the basis of religion is fundamental to shari’a. By religious edict, Islam must be dominant; only Muslims are considered to be full citizens. Jews and Christians are defined as dhimmis (literally “protected” i.e. permitted to live). However this protection is on condition that they do not bear arms, know their lowly place in society, treat Muslims with respect, and pay a special poll tax (jizya).

Shari‘a divides the world into two opposing domains: the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam) and the House of War (Dar al-Harb). Muslims are supposed to wage jihad to change the House of War (where non-Muslims are dominant) into the House of Islam, dominated by Muslims. While some modern Muslims reject this aggressive understanding of jihad, and see it merely as a strengthening of personal faith, most agree that jihad includes defending Muslim territory and Muslims from any form of aggression; this leaves the door open to interpreting any conflict involving Muslims as a case of defensive jihad. Islamic terror groups justify their atrocities by references to the shari’a rules on jihad….read on…

THUS, it is imperative to internalize that without the Sharia’s barbaric basis, its “koshering”, Islam would cease to exist. Its bloody oxygen. Concomitantly, the chaos enveloping the world would be lessened.

IN this regard, relative to HUSSEIN Obama’s related treachery, the proofs are beyond manifest and would take more than a book to document. However, for this discussion, let us concentrate on the latest re his assistance – both active and passive – to soldiers for Allah and the rest will come full circle.

NOW, hardly a nitpicker, but isn’t it noteworthy that Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and surrogates) refuses to label the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist org, even after the UAE (and other Mid East actors) are begging him to hop on board??

SO in light of this earth shattering development – whereby certain regional  (though hardly all) players in the Mid East finally understand the grave dangers presented by the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood Mafia – there must no longer be any doubt as to what’s what.

SIMPLY put, the most dangerous man in the world is at the helm of the free world. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Surely there are enumerable others who rate inclusion on this nefarious listing/ranking, however, none of them have the same assets at their disposal which Barack HUSSEIN Obama commands.

MORE specifically, Boko Haram has recently (March 2015) pledged its allegiance to ISIS, even though their barbarism has always been in sync with ISIS. A match made in Allah’s hellish bowels!

boko haram(Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram, pledges allegiance to ISIS caliph Al-Baghdadi.)

IN no uncertain terms, this investigative journalist has proven that HUSSEIN Obama serves as a shield for Islamic terror hydras, Sunni and Shia alike. Specifically, on this very subject matter, a “Watchers of Weasels Award” (found under Non-Council winners, Aug. 2013) was given for said efforts via “Barack HUSSEIN Obama Acts As A Shield For Islamic Regimes: Iranian Freedom Fighters Exposed His Hand.” 

THAT being established, it was further assessed (April 2015) that while Christian heads were (still are) sawed off in Nigeria, HUSSEIN Obama backed Muhammadu Buhari, Boko Haram’s Presidential choice, a man who supports Boko Haram! Yes, he does.

AMERICANS, westerners, are you ready for some more treachery via HUSSEIN Obama, as it intersects with the aforementioned Nigerian election between President Goodluck Jonathan and former military dictator Muhammadu Buhari? If not, get a grip. Why? Well, the Islamist-in-Chief interfered in Nigeria’s election and guess which side he put America’s considerable muscle behind? And don’t let any news outlet convince you that Buhari is going to stamp out Boko Haram. That’s a damnable and Orwellian lie.

Obama Accused of Obstructing Battle against Boko Haram to Promote Axelrod’s Nigerian Muslim Client… the whole thing!


WHICH brings us to the latest crime committed by the Islamist-in-Chief ala U.S. Special Forces!

From a retired Special Forces Officer, now consulting with Rescue Christians.

In another act of brutality committed by Boko Haram The Obama Administration’s brazen disregard for human life and continued tacit support of Islamic extremists, is again highlighted by an incident revealed in an intelligence briefing given at Ft. Huachuca Arizona this morning.

This past Saturday, near the town of Damasak, Nigeria, 264 Christian men, women and children were herded into an open pit and burned alive. Seventy-eight of the victims were children. This atrocity was committed by an ISIS affiliate more commonly known as Boko Haram.

Military briefers told their listening audience (military and government intelligence personnel), that the White House had issued very specific orders that no effort was to be spared in an attempt to limit media and other humanitarian agencies from finding out just how bad the human carnage in the Middle East and Africa was becoming. A huge concern of course, is hide from the world that another genocide is happening which is either an embarrassment to Obama or Obama wishes to see the Christians massacred from so called Muslim territory. As a part of the Executive edict, was specific instructions to all military personnel, restraining them from any action or attempts to interdict these depraved killers.

Note that USAFRICOM (United States Africa Command) had received credible reports from U.S. Army Special Forces personnel operating in the area concerning the impending attack on innocents by Boko Haram. This intelligence was in the hands of AFRICOM nearly 48 hours before the actual attack took place.

If that were not sufficient cause to act; further corroborating intelligence was submitted from several indigenous resources. One of whom is rumored to be embedded with Boko Haram forces operating in the very area where this horror was committed. And yet in spite of fore knowledge well in advance of the atrocity, no action to prevent the murder of these 278 Christians was taken by American forces.

As a former Special Forces operator, several significant factors are plainly evident to me.

The first fact to catch my attention is that the briefing officer was quoted as saying that “CENTCOM gave the order” to the Special Forces personnel operating in the area. The order was given, directing US Special Operations personnel that there was to be “No Contact” with enemy combatants. This order was to be followed to the letter, regardless of what actions enemy combatants might be inflicting on the indigenous population.

If in fact CENTCOM (Central Command) did issue these orders; the question that beggars an answer, “why CENTCOM and not AFRICOM”? From a practical point of view and in light of the command structure established by the United States Military in the region; all of us know that CENTCOM is not the command authority for Africa. Rather, Africa is the responsibility of AFRICOM. So why did CENTCOM become involved?

One might draw the conclusion that CENTCOM is being tasked with a larger area of responsibility and that AFRICOM has been restricted to a lesser role on the African continent. This is not a new command factor. There was a time when CENTCOM was the command authority for several countries on the African Continent. Might we also conclude that in part this shift in command responsibility is in large part due to the poor performance record by AFRICOM in dealing with terrorist forces substantially smaller in size and capability, than those currently established in a great majority of the Middle East.

Regardless, we can conclude with absolute certainty, that in spite of what may be afoot regarding the shift in command authorities in Africa; the Obama Administration is doing all that it can to direct media and humanitarian observers focus away from the increasing reality of an impending genocide on the African continent.

The entire Obama Foreign Policy debacle would be almost laughable were it not so stark and the consequences such a catastrophic reality. Remember that Obama campaigned heavily prior to being elected for President in 2008, on the platform that he would not allow another holocaust to occur. At the time he was referring to the holocaust involving the Armenian people during the early 19th century. But of course when he made that statement, America was inebriated with the liquor of Hope!

Then in 2012, Mr. Obama again showed his true colors. Suddenly in spite of the growing evidence from the Middle East, Obama would no longer acknowledge genocide of any kind or at any time. (Past, present or future) During this time he adamantly refused to ever use the word, “genocide” and repeatedly denied that such a horror could ever again overtake mankind. Of course, shortly thereafter we began seeing graphic images as ISIS began to expand their choke-hold in the Middle East. ISIS began inflicting greater and greater acts of depravity upon the human race; particularly in the Middle East.

This past Saturday we saw clearly the consequences of Obama’s Foreign policy.

A policy that is summarized in 9 words. Embolden our enemies…Abandon our friends…Emasculate our country!

AS to HUSSEIN & wifey’s “concern”, re the unremitting Christian slaughter, well, a photo op sufficed. More than telling….

CASE closed. Indictment sealed – against the Abettor-in-Chief for accessory to genocide!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

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Shariah Law & The “Art” Of Beheading:An Islamic Mandate. Western Nations On Notice. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



WHENEVER Islam’s apologists blather, prattle on, about the “religion of peace”, think about all the flying heads! Hardly kidding. And for those who don’t have the stomach for such reality talk, no matter, it’s not going to avert the dangers to the west and keep them at bay. Buck up.



BUT what’s the point in this discussion, other than to (virtually) smack some sleepyheads from their stupors? Yes, as important as it is to awaken fellow patriots, the whys and wherefores are equally intrinsic. In other words, the more info one has the better one can (mentally) equip to deal with whatever comes next. Indubitably, ignorance will only serve to blindside.

WITH the above in mind, let’s get to the root of the disaster enveloping the Muslim world – as it increasingly mutates towards the west – via the underpinnings attributed to their barbarism. It is not coming from any “misinterpretations.”

Violence and intolerance envelop the Muslim world. People who commit barbaric acts — slaughtering Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus, almost anyone — say they are merely upholding Islamic sharia law against “blasphemy,” apostasy and “unbelievers.”

These Islamic extremists daily take those laws in their own hands, murdering anyone who wants to think freely or differently. Every day, arrests, trials, floggings, torture and the murder of journalists, poets, students and human rights activists are a routine practice.

In 2013, a Pakistani Professor of English, Junaid Hafeez, was arrested and jailed on blasphemy charges after a student affiliated with the Jamaat-i-Islami party accused him of insulting Muhammad, the founder of Islam, on Facebook. His original lawyer, Chaudhry Mudassar, left the case in June 2013 after facing a multitude of death threats. His second lawyer, Rashid Rehman, was shot dead in his office in front of his colleagues on May 7, 2014. His current lawyer, Shahbaz Gurmani, has received death threats, including guns fired outside his house, and a letter from the Islamic State (ISIS), warning him against pursuing the case, and stating that he will be beheaded unless he stops.

Junaid Hafeez remains in jail.

On December 28, 2014 the Egyptian writer Fatima Naoot was brought to court for allegedly “insulting” Islam. Her “crime” was to write comments on her Facebook page criticizing the slaughter of animals during Eid al-Adha, the Muslim feast of sacrifice. “I will not be defeated even if I am imprisoned,” Naoot told Reuters. “The loser will be the cultural movement.”

Fatima Naoot is a columnist and poet with a critical mind. She has the courage to speak out against the injustices in her society — traits apparently too threatening for many Muslims.

Article 98(f) of the Egyptian Penal Code prohibits citizens from “ridiculing or insulting heavenly religions or inciting sectarian strife.”

A Muslim cleric, Hussein Ya’qoub, said in 2009, “The Jews are the enemies of Muslims regardless of the occupation of Palestine. You must believe that we will fight, defeat and annihilate them until not a single Jew remains on the face of the earth.”

Another Muslim cleric, Sallah Sultan, said in a speech aired on Hamas TV in 2012, that people he meets everywhere “thirst for the blood of the Jews…. Israel used girls with AIDS to seduce young Egyptians and infect them,” he said, evidently without bothering to validate the story, which is just another example of fabricated Jew-hate.

Neither cleric has yet been brought to court for proudly calling for genocide, but Fatima Naoot is tried for criticizing the slaughter of animals during Eid al-Adha….read on….

NOW, lest anyone believes their “dreams” of genocide are an anomaly, get that out of your head, while it is still atop your shoulders! 

MORE specifically, one of the main Koranic “justifications” for beheading – supported by enumerable strictures – revolves around the following basis:

Will some moderate spokesman in the West explain how Libyan cleric Muhammad Bouajila is misunderstanding Islam and the Qur’an? Anyone? Anyone? “Libyan Cleric Boujela Justifies Beheadings and Body Mutilation “to Strike Terror in the Heart” of the Enemies,” MEMRI, May 16, 2015:

In a May 16 interview with Al-Tanasuh TV, Libyan cleric Muhammad Bouajila, a member of the Libyan Ulema Association, explained that in principle, beheadings and body mutilation are prohibited, but that they are allowed under certain circumstances “especially if this serves to strike terror in the heart” of the enemy. Sheik Bouajila further commented that Muslims should fight non-Muslims who refuse to convert to Islam or pay the jizya poll tax. Al-Tanasuh TV is owned by Sadiq Al-Ghariani, Mufti of Libya, who is associated with the Libya Dawn forces.

MORE tellingly, as it is written in the Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”….plus a host of others. Hmm.

SO, how many times does it need to be reiterated: ISIS (like each Muslim Brotherhood hydra, and Shia cousins alike) is hardly alone in the beheading phenomenon. After all, they are simply following the Koran – plus leading Islamic nations dating back to the Arabian Peninsula, reverting back a few centuries – into the head chopping arena. Devoted disciples.

AND, speaking of the “lovely” Saudis, whose Arabian roots are poisonous to the core – you know, the ones who are mainly responsible for 9/11/01 and all the Wahhabi-based terror taught in U.S. (western) mosques – let’s set the record straight. Primitives.

Eighty percent of major mosques in America are under Saudi-Wahhabi influence, according to Stephen Schwartz, Director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, an organization that “challenges the dominance of American Muslim life by militant Islamist groups” including control of property, buildings, training and appointment of imams, content of preaching, literature distributed in mosques and charitable solicitation.

Most of the Wahhabi mosques work closely with Saudi state funded organizations such as the Muslim World League (MWL) and the World Association for Muslim Youth (WAMY), institutions identified as participants in the funding of al Qaeda. The Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a main Wahhabi ideological institution in America with a well-documented network of support for radical Islam, has received at least $750,000 from the Saudi government and its officials, including a donation by the Islamic Development Bank, a Saudi government-controlled financial institution, to purchase their headquarters in Washington D.C….read more here

MORE specifically, how many heads flew off, so far, this year in the Kingdom? “Only” 100!

On the upside, unlike the brutal, dull-knife beheadings we see carried out by the Islamic State (ISIS) savages, at least the Saudis use a long sword which enables them to smite the head off in one fell swoop.

Anyone looking for a job?

ALAS, for those readers who are tired of all the horrific news, relax. Wouldn’t you know, Islam’s monsters have taken over “Heaven Square!”

It’s called Heaven Square, but after the Islamic State (ISIS) group started using the roundabout in Raqqa for gruesome public executions it earned a new name: Hell Square.

In the year since the jihadist group announced its “caliphate” last June, its de facto Syrian capital of Raqqa has been transformed into a macabre metropolis.

Human heads are displayed on spikes at the central roundabout and crucified bodies hang for days to terrorize local residents, said Abu Ibrahim Raqqawi, a Raqqa resident and anti-ISIS activist.

“From the first moment of its control over Raqqa, ISIS adopted a policy of horror and terror, resorting to executions, beheadings, cutting off hands and legs, and crucifixion,” said Raqqawi, who uses a pseudonym.

He belongs to the “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” undergroundactivist group, which documents ISIS abuses in the northern Syrian city and surrounding province.

STILL,  if beheading seems too far off your radar, perhaps a more “benign” intro to Shariah Law – already making its presence known throughout Europe, and entering Muslim dominated arenas in the U.S. too – will suffice. Think: ice cream!

A woman in a full face veil runs the ice cream van in the Savile Town area in Dewsbury West Yorksire


(Dewsbury, UK…how lovely!)


IN light of the above – and so much more – is it any wonder that some are calling Islam a “doctrine spawned in hell?”

YET, the fact of the matter is that if one thinks that Islamic barbarians can’t top themselves, you would be (deadly) wrong. Moreover, Americans (westerners) can’t afford to pretend that what happens within Shariah Law adherent nations won’t boomerang on them. 

NOT only that, but it should be understood that dry runs for beheading, sanctioned under Shariah Law, has already debuted in their midst. 

BEFORE we get to the heart of the matter, let’s be clear: prior to Oklahoma’s recent beheading, who recalls 2 beheadings in 2013, whereby a Muslim chopped off the heads of Coptic Christians in NJ? You guessed it, most haven’t heard a peep about it, but why would they? Aside from brief reportage on the “crime”, no mention was made about a “possible” Islamic connection, one which mandates to behead non-believers. Hmm.

“When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks,” says an ayah, or verse in Sura (chapter) 47.

Authorities in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, bringing the horror of the persecution of Christians in Islamic nations to the United States.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.

The report said investigators alleged Ibrahim killed the victims then severed their heads and hands, and buried the remains in the back yard of a home in Buena Vista, N.J.{blogger’s note: Barack HUSSEIN Obama, as expected, stone cold silent re heads flying…}

MOST significantly, it is not a question of whether or not one believes the danger impinges upon the west. It’s a given. The open question is: are you willing to bet your noggin on it? 

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

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ISIS’s Dirty Bombs,”Sudden” Jihad Syndrome, Rape Galore, Etc: Pick Your Islamic Poison! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


AS is said, pick your poison. In other words, a preponderance of westerners – leadership alike – have yet to admit that Islam’s committed followers are waging a worldwide war. In effect, WW 3 is going full steam ahead, but only one side is fighting to win. Guess which one? Basically, western leaders have thrown the game. Losers!

NOW, before we move onto where this struggle – to the death – for western civilization stands, it is intrinsic to recognize why so many leaders refuse to fight, aside from HUSSEIN Obama’s obvious allegiance to Islamic victory. Yes, THAT ship has sailed.

CONSEQUENTLY, at a March 2015 interview – “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State?” – this investigative journalist cited particular whys and wherefores to the aforementioned clash, and a related excerpt attests to the same:

WOLFF BACHNER: How can the elected leaders of America’s closest allies, many of whom have been victims of Obama’s temper tantrums, insulting lectures and juvenile bullying, remain silent while Obama continues to ignore the Islamist war on the entire non-Muslim world?

ADINA KUTNICKI:…Consequentially, the aforementioned damage is the deadly coinage paid for Peres’s (and others) “peace” illusions and delusions. Effectively, once “peaceniks” (aka leftists) become invested in their besieged mindsets, frankly, it is easier to separate pigs from their crap, instead of attempting to convince them to volte-face.

Along this dangerous trajectory, increasingly, as Islamic forces smell weakness, the west’s encirclement by Islamic jihad grows by leaps and bounds and in direct proportion. In the meanwhile, western leaders (Israel’s in the forefront) are gripped with a form of collective Stockholm Syndrome. Essentially, they are held captive by the biggest lie propagated (miss-educating) within Middle Eastern Studies Departments; the historical falsity of Orientalism.

Audaciously, through mendacious falsehoods, the late Edward Said was able to guilt (and game) western leaders (elected and non-elected) into paying penance for all the ills endemic within the Arab/Muslim world.

In other words, traditional U.S. allies, by and large, are liberal in outlook. We get that. However, liberalism, when coupled with Orientalism, becomes a recipe for western defeat. It is within this warped (mental and so-called historical) prism that barbarians morph into victims and victims become aggressors… Alice-in-Wonderland….through the looking-glass too. Additionally, once you add into the tempest certain pressure points (exerted by unelected power players within the radical left), the notion of fighting for western values becomes a Herculean task. DOA.

Inherently, in order to struggle for ones national ethos, one has to believe that its concepts and underpinnings are worth fighting (possibly dying) for. Ominously, because traditional allied leaders place little (to zero) value in preserving western civilization, Obama can behave akin to both a blatant bully and a petulant child, secure in the knowledge that there will be no meaningful push back. PC (im)moral relativism/equivalence has catapulted the west to the brink. Yes, it has….

THAT being settled, after a recent statistical analysis even the Arabist-bent U.S. State Dept. came to its own dire conclusions. Basically, certain facts are impossible to deny, try as they (ordinarily) might. But never mind, the notion of a volte-face towards a favorable western outcome is zero to none.

Terrorist attacks worldwide surged by more than a third and fatalities soared by 81 percent in 2014, a year that also saw Islamic State eclipse al Qaeda as the leading jihadist militant group, the U.S. State Department said on Friday.

In its annual report on terrorism, the department also charts an unprecedented flow of foreign fighters to Syria, often lured by Islamic State’s use of social media and drawn from diverse social backgrounds.

Taken together, the trends point to a sobering challenge from militant groups worldwide to the United States and its allies despite severe blows inflicted on al Qaeda, author of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in Washington and New York…..

LET’S just admit: Islam’s jihadists – and not just ISIS – have hit their stride!

BE that as it may, Americans (westerners at large) must face up to the challenge and by step their leadership’s capitulation. Yes, it can be done. Let history be your guide.

OTHERWISE, the following poisons will become so commonplace that there will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Literally.


WHILE rape is no stranger to western countries, there exists a definite correlation between increased Muslim immigration and its epidemic proportions.

“In Sweden, everything is considered “racist” but nobody has to explain why. Sweden’s former prime minister claimed: “Sweden belongs to the (Muslim) immigrants, NOT to the Swedes.” If you get recruited to become a terrorist by a Muslim terrorist group to commit acts of violence, then you, too, are a victim.


AS to number two, how many are aware that Jews in Israel never know when an Islamic jihadi will decide to mow them down with a vehicle via “sudden jihad syndrome?”

Police escort Khaled Koutineh, who rammed his car into Israeli pedestrians, to a hearing at the Magistrate's Court in Jerusalem. April 16, 2015. (photo credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90)

Police escort Khaled Koutineh, who rammed his car into Israeli pedestrians, to a hearing at the Magistrate’s Court in Jerusalem. April 16, 2015.


ALAS, what Islamists use as “test cases” in Israel inevitably “transports” to other locales. Hmm.

At least three people are reported dead and another 34 injured. The incident took place in Graz, Austria’s second largest city, and police officers have now sealed off the area. German-language website Krone reported that the man arrested by police is of Bosnian origin. 

UK Daily Mail The driver did not resist when he was arrested by the police – who say he acted alone – and they have no reason to believe it was an act of terrorism. (If he’s a Muslim, it was terrorism, no doubt inspired by ISIS)


Eyewitnesses say the driver rammed into crowds at up to 90mph before he got out and began randomly stabbing bystanders, which included the elderly and policemen. “People were screaming in panic and ran into the shops to get to safety,” according to an eyewitness. A seven-year-old boy and a woman are thought to be among those killed in the onslaught on the main shopping street of Herrengasse.

A local resident told Sky News that her friend saw people flying through the air, adding: ‘Apparently he was attacking elderly people with a knife.’

The governor of the state has described the driver as a ‘deranged lone(MUSLIM?) assassin’ and the police say the man, who is believed to be a 26-year-old Austrian (Bosnian roots), was distressed over ‘family problems’.

He killed two people while speeding towards the main square where he ploughed into an outdoor dining table full of people, a spokesperson for the regional police said during a press conference today.

The busy square was hosting an event relating to the Austrian Formula One Grand Prix which is being held nearby, in the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, in Steiermark.


Dr Sea Rotmann says her friend told her how the driver was ‘doing between 100km-an-hour and 150km-an-hour’ on the busy road. A waitress at the Pronto restaurant on the main square told the Kleinezeitung website she heard screaming before she even saw the driver.

Simone Zucca added: ‘He raced through the front of the restaurant without braking… He then caught a boy who was thrown against the wall.’ Another eyewitness told the BBC he saw bodies lying on the ground ‘covered in blood’.

About 60 ambulances converged on the scene and the Austrian auto club sent four helicopters to bring the victims to hospitals.  The city council released a statement which read: ‘At 12pm there was an appalling incident in the centre of Graz, which has caused major alarm and left the city deeply shaken.’

Provincial Governor Hermann Schuetzenhoefer said at least one of his injured victims is in a critical condition. He added: ‘We are shocked and dismayed… there is no explanation and no excuse for this attack. (Yes, there was if he’s a muslim)


‘We have much to do to ensure cohesion in our community, which has clearly become difficult for many people.’ (Who in Europe is destroying cohesion in a community lately? Hmmmm)

The incident took place in Graz, Austria’s second largest city, and police officers have now sealed off the area.

Police chiefs told the Austrian  Kleine Zeitung newspaper that the suspect got out of the SUV and started stabbing people with a knife. Austria’s APA news agency said two bodies were lying near the scene, covered with blankets.


UPDATE: BOSNIAN MUSLIM man, Alen Rizvanović, who ran down and killed several people in Austria yesterday, allegedly was a fan of violent jihad and terrorism supporters.

Frontpage  When Alen Rizvanović plowed into a crowd in an SUV and then got out and began stabbing people with a large knife, the local media and authorities in Austria insisted that the Bosnian Muslim refugee was A: Mentally ill or B. Reacting to a failing marriage. C. Operating under completely inexplicable motives

The authorities have been quick to rule out terrorism and an Islamic connection, but they may have spoken too soon. Of course we don’t know at this stage know Alen Rizvanović’s motives, but his actions were very similar to Muslim terror attacks carried out in Israel, which also involved running people over and then getting out and stabbing them.

A Facebook account registered to a man of the same name also living in Austria suggests that the killer was a devout Muslim. His favorite book appear to be Islamic texts. They include entries like Light of the Koran and the Hadiths of Mohammed.

More troublingly his likes include this Facebook page which promote Islamists like Mohamad al-Arefe who has been linked to Jihadists.

A notorious Saudi cleric preached at a mosque accused of  radicalising three young Britons fighting in Syria.

Although banned from entering Switzerland because of his extremist views, al-Arifi has visited the UK several times. A Sunni Muslim, he has been accused of stirring up tensions with the rival Shia sect, reportedly calling it evil and accusing adherents of kidnapping, cooking and skinning children.

He was briefly arrested by the Saudis, banned from the UAE and from Switzerland for promoting beating women. His views on abusing little girls are sick. In a talk show appearance, al- Arefe gave advice to victims of parental molestation, and urged family members to not call the authorities. According to al-Arefe, “The girl should not be left alone with her father nor should she wear provocative clothing around him.”

And he’s all in on the Jihad.

In another YouTube video cited by the authors of the FDD report, Jonathan Schanzer and Steve Miller, al-Arefe advocates violence against non-Muslims.

“Devotion to jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls, and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is, undoubtedly, an honor for the believer,” the Muslim cleric says. “Allah said that if a man fights the infidels, the infidels will be unable to prepare to fight [the Muslims].”

Some skulls were probably smashed when Alen Rizvanović rammed his SUV into a crowd. Alen Rizvanović’s likes also include Naser Oric, a Bosnian war criminal, whom he liked twice. Also liked was Zakir Naik who had said, “Every Muslim should be a terrorist.”

THEREFORE, do Americans (other westerners) believe “sudden car jihad syndrome” is far from their shores? 


OKEY dokey, but what about the ultimate poison? Well, a dirty bomb certainly qualifies!


The Pentagon has confirmed to WND that the Islamic State has seized enough radioactive materials from captured Iraqi facilities to develop “dirty bombs,” just as ISIS’ recent English-language magazine, Dabiq, claimed.

NEED this Muslim Brotherhood expert say any more?

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HIT LIST:Anti-Shariah Law (American) Women Targeted By Obama Inc.’s Southern Poverty Law Center! What’s The Upshot? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Page 1: SPLCanti-Muslim

WOW…what are the chances that Obama Inc. is not backing (quietly or otherwise) the radically left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), in their patently illegal silencing tactics of outspoken American women via an actual HIT LIST? Do pigs fly? Is the moon made of green cheese? And so on and so forth.

BESIDES, what will it take to haul “legal” lawbreakers into jail, those who have turned America’s laws upside down by abrogating the Constitution in the process? Indeed, don’t they have pressing national issues to attend to, other than to intimidate, harass and give a head’s up to wild-eyed Islamists, who want nothing less than to slit the throats/decapitate those who counter Shariah Law? Apparently not.

BUT for those who require nitty gritty details, take a peek inside their actual so-called “intelligence report”, “Women Against Islam/The Dirty Dozen”. Simply put, they have placed, what amounts to, bull’s eyes on their backs! Markers. Sans a scintilla of a doubt, they are aiding and abetting jihadists who seek to PERMANENTLY silence said women! More specifically, Shariah Law jihadists already tried, more than once, to kill Pamela Geller, and she is Number One on their “to do” list! Prima facie evidence, anyone? If that doesn’t smack of being an accessory, well, little mirrors said legal definition.

Usaamah Rahim, who was fatally shot after waving a military knife at law enforcement officers in Boston, was originally plotting to behead Pamela Geller, an activist and conservative blogger, law enforcement sources told CNN on Wednesday.

MIND you, knowing a thing or two about authentic intelligence reports, the SPLC’s is no such thing. It is a HIT LIST. Plain and simple. 

AND even though the insidious SPLC will jive talk, thug-like, assuring, that they are not endangering the very lives of certain brave American women, reasonable and sentient folks know that’s nonsense. Fallacious.

NOT only that, the SPLC may well be brought up on criminal charges, and this is not outside the realm of possibility nor theoretical in nature. How so? Well, a preponderance of the “Dirty Dozen” are also high-powered attorneys! Did you ever? As to the rest who are not well versed in the legal realm, they too have options. Consider: The Lawfare Project. 

IN fact, the aforementioned public interest legal entity has been featured – on multiple occasions – at this site. It is not for nothing. In fact, said push back is right up their (legal) alley.

SIGNIFICANTLY, SPLC spends most of their time (supported through IRS sanctioned non-profit status and other tax-free matching funds) agitating against American patriots, and this too is a fact.

YOU got that, patriot groups are the prime targets of SPLC, the real radical “threats” du jour of the left/red set! Indeed, the absolute minions of HUSSEIN Obama.

IN any case, onto the promised HIT LIST….

The Obama-tied leftist group that helped a gunman commit an act of terrorism against a conservative organization has assembled a starter kit for Islamists to attack American women who refuse to comply with Sharia law, the authoritarian doctrine that inspires Islamists and their jihadism.

It’s the summer special from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremist nonprofit that lists conservative organizations that disagree with it on social issues on a catalogue of “hate groups.” A few years ago a gunman received a 25-year prison sentence for carrying out the politically-motivated shooting of the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters after admitting that he learned about the FRC from the SPLC “hate map.” Prosecutors called it an act of terrorism and recommended a 45-year sentence.

Now the SPLC, which has conducted diversity training for the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ), is targeting female bloggers, activists and television personalities who refuse to comply with Sharia law which is rooted in the Quran. The European Court on Human rights has repeatedly ruled that Sharia is “incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy” yet politically-connected radical Muslim groups—such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—keep pushing to implement it in the United States and the movement has gained steam.

Among those resisting this effort publicly are the high-profile women being targeted by the SPLC. Some of them are colleagues or friends of Judicial Watch and now they must fear for their safety simply for practicing their rights under the U.S. Constitution. The new hate list is titled Women Against Islam/The Dirty Dozen and includes illustrations and detailed information on all the women, who are branded “the core of the anti-Muslim radical right.” The new SPLC hate brochure further targets them by claiming that they’re “a dozen of the most hardline anti-Muslim women activists in America.”

Political activist and commentator Pamela Geller is branded the “country’s most flamboyant and visible Muslim-basher” for, among other things “smearing and demonizing Muslims.” Blogger Ann Barnhardt is identified as one of the “most extreme Muslim-bashers in the United States” and radio talk-show host Laura Ingram made the list for saying that hundreds of millions of Muslims were delighted that 12 people were massacred by Islamic terrorists in the Paris headquarters of a satirical magazine. Former CIA agent Clare Lopez, who runs a Washington D.C. think-tank focusing on national security issues, made the list for saying that the Muslim Brotherhood has “infiltrated and suborned the U.S. government to actively assist…the mission of its grand jihad.”

Others appearing on the anti-Sharia docket include television personality and former judge and prosecutor Jeanine Pirro, former chairwoman of the Texas Republican Party Cathie Adams, talk-show host Sandy Rios of the American Family Association, syndicated columnist Diana West, attorney and columnist Debbie Schlussel, blogger Cathy Hinners, ACT! for America founder Brigitte Gabriel and conservative writer and TV personality Ann Coulter. Among her biggest offenses, according to the SPLC, is proclaiming that “not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims—at least all terrorists capable of assembling a murderous plot against America.”

Incredibly, the SPLC is one of a number of leftist special interest groups that has colluded with the DOJ since Obama moved into the White House. A few years ago JW uncovered government records that show the DOJ Civil Rights and Tax divisions engaged in questionable behavior while negotiating for SPLC co-founder Morris Dees to appear as the featured speaker at a 2012 “Diversity Training Event.” JW pursued the records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to determine what influence the SPLC’s branding of hate groups has had on government agencies.

IN light of all of the above, one has to wonder: why are they specifically targeting women? Is this due to basic misogyny, or is it something else?

WELL, there is no doubt that the SPLC is doing the bidding of the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, CAIR.

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/28/15) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the FBI to withdraw its representative from a February event in Texas sponsored by the anti-Muslim hate group ACT! for America and featuring notorious anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist John Guandolo, who claims the CIA director is a secret Muslim agent.

CAIR said the February 13 event, called “Domestic Jihad & ISIS” hosted by St. Mary’s University’s Center for Terrorism Law in San Antonio, will feature a keynote address by a representative of the FBI academy in Qauntico, Va., along with a presentation by Guandolo on “Understanding Shariah & Jihad.”

“St. Mary’s University’s Center for Terrorism Law is free to take funds from an anti-Muslim hate group and to host anti-Muslim conspiracy theorists like John Guandolo, but the FBI should not legitimize their Islamophobia by sending a representative to this event,” said CAIR Department to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia Director Corey Saylor.

Saylor noted that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an organization that tracks hate groups in America, describes Guandolo as “a disreputable character, who regularly attacks the U.S. government, claims that the director of the Central Intelligence Agency is a secret Muslim agent for the Saudi government and says that American Muslims ‘do not have a First Amendment right to do anything.'”….read the rest here….the Brotherhood’s mouthpiece….

SO, along this same trajectory, could it be that CAIR decided that women would simply be easier to intimidate, rather than their male counterparts, even though the HIT LIST includes women who would sooner eat dirt than stand down? The point being, due to the 7th century mindset of CAIR’s Islamists – though dressed up in 21st century designer suits – they are incapable of thinking outside their twisted Allah-driven prisms. As such, when women dare to speak out – particularly, against the barbaric underpinnings of Shariah Law – the price to be paid is that much steeper.

TO wit, what do they – the SPLC and their Islamist counterparts – really have in store for the above champions of free speech? Inquiring minds demand to know! 

READERS, this site will keep you abreast of developments. Count on it.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

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Shariah Law’s Stranglehold: West Submits To Blasphemy. Free Speech Squashed. What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


CIVILIZED folks recognize that something is terribly awry with a particular segment of society, one whose leadership and adherents feel entitled to threaten WW 3 – via mayhem and murder over cartoons, plus every other perceived slight towards their religion – if their dictates are not met. Oh, really?

ATOP said nightmare, almost as if dropped into Orwell’s universe, what’s the response from western leaders and an increasingly terrified society? Basically, for all practical purposes, they have adopted the strictures of Shariah Law’s blasphemy. That is that. Regardless of anything else, let’s not delude ourselves by placing lipstick on a pig. Effectively, cowed is cowed and bowed is bowed. And if anything is emblematic of said reality, well, the outrageous reaction to cartoon contests in America – from Islamists and western mouthpieces – tells the devastating tale.

ILLUSTRATIVELY, just imagine a marauding gang of scores of teenagers on a city-wide wilding spree, all the while the police hand them the keys to the domain and plead: have at it, we just want to keep the peace! Ratchet said insane response to the highest exponential factor, and the tip of the danger from Allah’s soldiers is barely peeled back.

NOT only that, think about all the cartoons and art work which violate bounds of decency towards Jews and Christians. Stipulated, the amount of anti-semitic imagery, cartoons alike, is beyond the pale. Moreover, what about images defiling Jesus in particular, and Christianity in general? Are those who are offended “entitled” to rampage and murder? If so, why don’t they? Furthermore, if they did, would they too be appeased? These are more than fair questions. Germane.

THEREBY, rational individuals, whatever their beliefs, understand that special dispensation is being given for Allah’s soldiers, despite the framing of the issue. Simply put, western leaders have submitted due to the specter of continuous threats of destruction and death. Have they (their mouthpieces too) collectively lost their minds and spines? Apparently.



MORE specifically, let’s get the following off the table: the fact that Muslims consider drawing cartoons (or any likeness thereof) of Muhammad blasphemous is neither here nor there, that is, if you are living in a western nation! Understood?

MOST recently, the Dutch government has gone berserk, to the extent of threatening one of its leading party officials. Get this: 








Dutch MP Geert Wilders, the leader of the Freedom Party will use a political party TV broadcast to air the controversial cartoons in his slot on Saturday in order, he said, to “support the right of free speech.” Dutch authorities said Wilders’ right to airtime could be suspended for up to four years if he decides to show the cartoons.

SKY News  Under the Dutch constitution, no prior supervision is allowed of any content of a radio or television broadcast. The cartoons were entered into an anti-Islamic competition in Texas that was attacked last month. Two Muslim terrorists were shot dead during the attack on the event, at which Mr Wilders gave a speech.

Garland, Texas: Draw the prophet Muhammad Cartoon Contest

There are fears over the inflammatory nature of the stunt, as many Muslims find drawings of the prophet to be disrespectful or outright blasphemous. Dutch embassies are understood to have been told what measures to take if the broadcast goes ahead, as it could spark violent MUSLIM protests around the world.


The Dutch Media Authority provides airtime to parties to make political statements, but says it only looks at what is broadcast after they are shown. Mr Wilders tried to put on an exhibition of the Mohammed caricatures at the Netherlands parliament but was turned down.

He said previously: “If we say, ‘it might be offensive, so let’s not do it,’ then we send a signal to the people who wanted to get into the event in Texas … and all their followers that it works … that we can be intimidated, that we get frightened.”

BOSH FAWSTIN (left) winner of Muhammad cartoon contest with Geert Wilders and Pamela Geller

The winning Bosch Fawstin cartoon

NOW that we are convinced that even freedom-loving leaders in Europe are having their free speech eliminated, what can an average citizen expect? But never mind all that. As is known, there is power in numbers. Essentially, if tens of thousands – at the very least – assert their fundamental rights across the west, well, what are the authorities going to do, place them all in jail and worse? Come on…

MOVING right along, let’s seque to the latest kerfuffle in Northern Ireland. Oh yeah, as always, Islamic dictates mutate like cancer.

An evangelical pastor in Northern Ireland is under fire and will be prosecuted after calling Islam “satanic” and claiming that its doctrine was “spawned in hell” during a controversial 2014 sermon that streamed over the Internet.

Pastor James McConnell, 78, of Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast, Northern Ireland, made his comments — which included calling Islam “heathen” — in a sermon delivered last May, the BBC reported.

“The Muslim religion was created many hundreds of years after Christ. Muhammad, the Islam Prophet, was born around the year A.D. 570, but Muslims believe that Islam is the true religion,” he preached. “Now, people say there are good Muslims in Britain. That may be so, but I don’t trust them.”

McConnell continued, “Islam’s ideas about God, about humanity, about salvation are vastly different from the teaching of the holy scriptures. Islam is heathen. Islam is satanic. Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell.”

He initially defended his comments, but relented and apologized for offending anyone after a public outcry; the police were subsequently called to investigate him for a potential hate crime.

Watch McConnell’s comments about Islam below:


McConnell, who is accused of violating the law, reportedly denied the issuance of an “informed warning,” which is not a conviction, though it stays on a person’s criminal record for the period of one year.

Accepting the informed warning, though, would have prevented the pastor from being prosecuted in court.

A representative for the Public Prosecution Service in North Ireland told the BBC that McConnell had violated the Communications Act 2003 and that his offence was “one of sending, or causing to be sent, by means of a public electronic communications network, a message or other matter that was grossly offensive.”

But McConnell — who retired from Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle following the controversy — isn’t backing down, proclaiming in an interview that he is “not going to be gagged.”

“The police tried to shut me up and tell me what to preach. It’s ridiculous. I believe in freedom of speech. I’m going to keep on preaching the gospel,” he said, according to the Guardian. “I have nothing against Muslims, I have never hated Muslims, I have never hated anyone. But I am against what Muslims believe.

McConnell continued, “They have the right to say what they believe in and I have a right to say what I believe.”

ONCE again, as posited above, “thus, rational individuals, whatever their beliefs, understand that special dispensation is being given for Allah’s soldiers, regardless of how the issue is being framed.” Agreed?

REGARDLESS, if addled westerners believe Islam’s stranglehold is something they can escape – if not beaten back – think again:

Bit by bit, Western nations are adopting Muslim legal standards on blasphemy and on the treatment of women.

The excuses are manifold. Racism, cultural differences, Islamophobia, relativism… but it all ends the same way, with Western writers, artists and thinkers being censored and Western women being subject to Taliban treatment.

This is how it began.

An Afghan refugee would drive from his home in Tullamarine to nightclubs in Frankston late at night searching for drunk, vulnerable young woman to prey on, a court was told today.

He would pick them up in his white 1988 Honda Civic and rape them.

The victim was sitting on the footpath behind the 21st Century Dance Club when Esmatullah Sharifi approached her and offered to give her a lift to the Bay Hotel.

She accepted but became anxious and confused when they had been driving for an hour and she saw a road sign saying Sorrento.

Sharifi then pulled over into a dark side street and raped her in the front passenger seat.

“She began to scream and cry out for help,” Ms Dalziel said.

“The accused put his left hand over her mouth and his right hand around her neck, restricting her breathing. He said to her, ‘I’ll take you home after it, I’ll give you back your phone as well’.

In the rapist’s defense, his lawyer argued that he wasn’t at all clear about this whole “Women are human beings” thing.

Mr Regan said Esmatullah Sharifi was uneducated, illiterate, inexperienced in forming relationships with women, and was confused about the nature of consent. He is in Australia on a permanent protected visa.

The judge didn’t buy it then, but the usual lefty approach is to just keep appealing until you find a bleeding heart judge who accepts the horrible notion being put forward. And that didn’t take very long.

Granting leave to appeal, Court of Appeal Justice Robert Redlich said: “The sentencing judge rejected any suggestion (Esmatullah Sharifi) didn’t have a clear concept of consent in sexual relations.”

In April last year, a psychologist told the County Court that Sharifi had “an unclear concept of what constitutes consent in sexual relationships” in Australia.

“It proves, in my view, an adequate basis for most grounds of appeal that (Sharifi) wishes to pursue,” the judge said.

We’re not just dealing with ignorance of the law. We have Western judges setting out the notion that if a Muslim settler in Europe, America or Australia does not understand the concept that women can refuse sexual contact, that this is a mitigating circumstance….

YOU got that? So, atop said threats via wild-eyed Islamists to shut your (western) traps, leaders have no issue with accommodating said submission with any loophole they can find, irrespective of the consequences to western civilization. 

BE that as it may, those who first issued the clarion calls – as to the west’s fate – they too must be acknowledged. Besides, let’s not give center stage to the barbarians inside (and outside) western gates.

AS such, Bat Ye’or and the late Oriana Fallaci should be heralded as heroines, for they were the only ones who shouted from the rooftops, even though most played deaf, dumb and blind. They courageously pointed out where the Euro-Arab collusion originated: Brussels: The New Capital of Eurabia. They understood where the sell-out was headed – a complete western betrayal. Its downfall.

NOT only that, it was obvious to anyone with eyes intact and a working brain that Eurabia was their first stop. The big prize, America, has always been the ultimate brass ring. Ditto Israel. Viewed as an American “outpost”, wedged within the heart of the Islamic beast, the Islamic cancer encircles the Jewish state virtually unabated.
According to Daniel Pipes,
Bat Ye’or has traced a nearly secret history of Europe over the past thirty years, convincingly showing how the Euro-Arab Dialogue has blossomed from a minor discussion group into the engine for the continent’s Islamization. In delineating this phenomenon, she also provides the intellectual resources with which to resist it. Will her message be listened to?[18]

Robert Spencer, an American writer on the West’s relationship with Islam, described her as “the pioneering scholar of dhimmitude, of the institutionalized discrimination and harassment of non-Muslims under Islamic law”. He argued that she had turned this area, which he believed the “Middle East studies establishment” has hitherto been afraid of or indifferent to, into a field of academic study.[19] British writer David Pryce-Jones called her a “Cassandra, a brave and far-sighted spirit.”[20]

Johannes J.G. Jansen, Professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at Leiden University, wrote in the Middle East Quarterly that “In 1985, Bat Ye’or offered Islamic studies a surprise with her book, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam, a convincing demonstration that the notion of a traditional, lenient, liberal, and tolerant Muslim treatment of the Jewish and Christian minorities is more myth than reality.”[21]

According to historian Niall Ferguson, “future historians will one day regard her coinage of the term ‘Eurabia’ as prophetic. Those who wish to live in a free society must be eternally vigilant. Bat Ye’or’s vigilance is unrivalled.”[22]

Irshad Manji describes her as “a scholar who dumps cold water on any dreamy view of how Muslims have historically dealt with the ‘other’.”[23]

REALISTICALLY, the only shock is that Europe’s FULL submission took as long as it did. It has been in place, implanted, for decades. Indeed, Islamic Law (Sharia) is adopted by British legal system.


ALAS, “stick a fork in it”, unless MORE contests are run, as opposed to less. America is on the precipice….tumbling….falling… down…

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JADE HELM 15 ALERT: “Population Control” Via Analytics. “Mastering The Human Domain!” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

BEFORE we review the latest interpretation of JADE HELM 15’s underbelly, please recall a very clear caveat via a previously reported commentary: “NEVERTHELESS, this site is NOT suggesting that anything discernible (emphasis placed) will take place after the exercises are deemed “over”, sometime in mid September. Yes, the timing of whatever they have planned is fluid and anyone’s guess. Yet, it is no longer tenable to accept their bold-faced lies: these exercises are for overseas fighting scenarios! Bull sh-t.”

THAT being established, many are cognizant that within every operation there exists an overriding and main objective. However, said focus doesn’t obviate, as required, the implementation of other moving parts. Think of JADE HELM 15 – – as the highest powered train imaginable, and with many cabooses following behind. On the other hand, visualize some of them, when instructed, breaking off to go solo. Smokin’ hot.

EFFECTIVELY, though martial law is a MAIN piece of their training, the overall objective is much more insidious. In other words, martial law is a means to an end. Indeed, as posited:

JADE HELM 15 Will Change America Forever
ONCE viewed, if you can hang onto your guts, just walk past the balderdash that the exercises have to do with “evolving” threats. 

The looming Jade Helm exercise, set for July 15 through Sept. 15, labels Texas and Utah as hostile areas. Global Research also reported the military says New Mexico “isn’t much friendlier.” Other states participating: California, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.

Some of the social media commentary so far: “The Pentagon’s ‘Operations Jade Helm 15′: The Floodgate towards Martial Law and World War III?”

And another: “Using Foreign Troops with Jade Helm Martial Law is TREASON.”

Yet one more poster pointed to recent reported Wal-Mart closures in Texas, California, Florida and Oklahoma with concern, saying the cited “plumbing problems” cited as the reason for the sudden shut-downs just don’t meet the smell test.

“Employees impacted by the Wal-Mart closures were given just a few hours notice about the six-month shutdown,” the blog Inquisitr wrote. “Approximately 2,200 employees will now be without a paycheck during the ‘extended repairs.’ … The abrupt Wal-Mart closures announcement has reportedly left employees confused and Americans pondering the existence of Wal-Mart underground tunnels and Operation Jade Helm conspiracy theories.”

One of the theories?

Inquisitr reports: “One of the widely circulating rumors associated with the Jade Helm Wal-Mart story on the Internet speculates that the military will use the underground tunnels to move undetected around certain states with the stores being used as either a communications hub or FEMA camps.”

The fear is ratcheted by the fact city officials who govern the areas of the impacted Wal-Marts say the stores haven’t filed any permit requests for plumbing problems, Inquisitr said.

Meanwhile, a presentation made to Big Spring, Texas, City Council members by Tom Meade, a retired special forces senior non-commissioned officer, to explain some of the upcoming Jade Helm exercises emphasized residents shouldn’t worry about private property trespasses.

“We won’t trespass on somebody’s property without the agreement of that landowner,” he said, in a YouTube video of the presentation.

He also described the operation as a joint military-inter-agency activity involving members of all military branches, the FBI, the DEA and other law enforcement agencies. Meade said the FBI, for example, will do some questioning at one of the airports in Arizona.

One council member asked about the operation’s involvement of NATO and U.N. personnel.

“Currently … it is U.S. only,” Meade said.

AS is known, this site is hardly alone in raising requisite alarm bells, even though others – who should know better – are clinging to a “benign” interpretation of the unprecedented military hardware (and psy ops operations) deployed on America’s streets! Yes, it is becoming increasingly obvious to many, aside from those whose vested interest is the same as Obama Inc.’s. 

During the drill, soldiers will operate “undetected amongst civilian populations,” to see if they can infiltrate without being noticed. Residents will be encouraged to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.

In response, patriot groups led by Pete Lanteri, former president of Icon Tactical Industries, will monitor the exercises.

HANG on for more reality checks…

This week was the new “official” launch date for Jade Helm and a very clear picture is taking shape. It is now apparent that Jade Helm has at least four purposes:

  1. Political dissident extractions to be carried out under the NDAA which “allows” for the unconstitutional practice of indefinite detention without the required 5th Amendment Due Process protections. These extractions will be carried out, at least in the “drill” by Special Operations Forces (e.g. Navy Seals, Green Berets, etc.) who are trained for such activities.
  2. Martial law will be enforced by the “regular military” (e.g. 82nd Airborne).
  3. Jade Helm provides cover for the massive movement of troops in preparation for World War III with the Russians and the Chinese.
  4. The newest Jade Helm mandate, the fourth goal of Jade Helm, which is very dangerous from an historical perspective, is gun confiscation.

This article focuses on the newest Jade Helm revelation, gun confiscation. The evidence presented to support the fact that Jade Helm is about the confiscation of American guns, more than likely centering on the veterans, is divided into two parts:

  1. The contextual legislative background that demonstrates that this administration does indeed have the intention of seizing American guns.
  2. Events on the ground which serve to demonstrate that the contextual legislative background is, or is about to, go live… the whole thing!

RESULTANT, as more and more patriots are left with a sinking feeling as to its end game, it is incumbent to think outside-the-box.

IN this regard, it is not enough to latch onto this and that separate component to attempt to connect the dots. But what is mandatory is to honestly assess where the moving parts fit, and then to take a look-back into historical precedent. 

ALAS, what’s the upshot? Well, cogitate over this:

“The term, “Mastering the Human Domain,” reveals to us that Jade Helm 15 is more than just a military exercise, it’s also an exercise of the new field in geo-spatial intelligence using human domain analytics to map the politics and thoughts of any nation, state, city, right down to the individual……

“While the term “eugenics” is no longer used in the mainstream openly, the practice of eugenics is still around and stronger than ever. Jade Helm 15 exercises the next generation of technology in the arena of political domination. It is a technological leap beyond the Cold Springs Harbor Research facilities biometrics program or Thomas J Watson’s census of Germany. Jade Helm 15 exercises the new tech tools of political domination in order to facilitate the new {emphasis place} eugenics.”


GEOINT Symposium 2010 actually laid out the parameters for JADE HELM 15’s “mapping”, and the 2012 symposium fleshed out how to guarantee a “more controlled society.” Rest assured, for every quantum leap garnered via technological genius, there are those who willfully abuse said scientific prowess. Evil. Even so, it is patently clear that national security necessitates said highly developed intelligence formatting for constantly evolving threat levels. Nevertheless, for all practical purposes, said designs can then be turned against ones own population! Herein lies JADE HELM 15’s dangerous thrust.

AS to the above reference, “take a look-back into historical precedent”, let’s listen carefully to President Eisenhower’s oft neglected farewell speech via its underlying messaging. So, pay heed to his prescient warning

Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

MOST significantly, it has been the goal of globalists – and those who operate under their domain, Obama Inc. alike – to “map out a more controlled society.” 

AS Zbigniew Brzeziński haughtily intoned:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”

HMM…the spooky dude is as scary as one gets. Yet, few have a clue that he sits in Obama Inc.’s top tier! This is no accident.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a senior adviser to President Barack Obama on matters of national security and foreign policy, Obama Adviser Brzezinskis Off-the-record Speech to British Elites.

Brzezinski elaborated, “…in early times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”.

CFR Meeting Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening.

Zbigniew Brzezinski giving the CFR branch in Montreal a presentation discussing world government and his fears of the mass global awakening that has taken place.

Brzezinski Decries Global Political Awakening During CFR Speech

CONSEQUENTIALLY, considering the fact that the aforementioned is HUSSEIN Obama’s top foreign policy adviser, juxtapose his clear geo-strategic positions in relationship to the attendant global chaos encircling under his foreign policy (advisory) “domain.” Then, couple said (purposeful) chaotic chess moves with his views on the absolute determination to move towards “a society dominated by an elite.” Thus, how doesn’t JADE HELM 15 fit in on a domestic level? Recall, the above warning: “certain designs can then be turned against ones own population.” Therein lies the crux.

INTRINSICALLY, these exercises fit like a glove; a military mapping out of (mostly, but not exclusively) “hostile” quadrants via scientifically devised techno analytics, those which allow forces to move in and out of the public domain with significant ease. 

CLEAR as a (warning) bell!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

DHS & Its Mafia-Like Tentacles: Blowing The Whistle On The Long-Arm Of HUSSEIN Obama. The Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 1.52.35 AM

EVERY time that the appellation Mafia is applied, it conjures up criminal intent. This is the case because its underlying derivative is Mafia Inc. 

NOW, it makes little diff if said criminal tentacles are housed within America, Europe, the Mid East or elsewhere. Rather, its basis lies in the organizing and oversight of illegal agreements and transactions under the umbrella of a syndicate. 

THAT being said, relative to the most well known of Mafias, the Italian Mob, most think about what they have seen on tv as to what’s what. A starting point. On the other hand, as dangerous as these “wiseguys” are, the fact remains that most who end up in their firing line – through intimidation and strong-arm tactics or literal elimination – are those who have “done business” with them and end up in their cross hairs. Yes, innocents get caught in their web, but that’s not the norm nor the point.

POINTEDLY, this investigative journalist utilizes the aforementioned designation with all due deliberation and diligence, ala referencing the Muslim Brotherhood and the administration of HUSSEIN Obama, Obama Inc. It is not for nothing.

STIPULATED, both operate akin to criminal hierarchies and all that it entails. In fact, relative to the Brotherhood, it has been proven to be the case beyond a shadow of a doubt. Effectively, the back up of said charges can be found in the “book of books” on this subject matter, “The Muslim Mafia.” To affirm that there is a familiarity with its contents and its author is a mild understatement. Trust this.

ALONG this same trajectory of understanding, let’s first prove that DHS – in its current status – is similarly bent. Once done, the latest allegations within today’s thesis will come full circle. Inherently, today’s report will further serve as prima facie evidence to substantiate this site’s own volume of evidence.


BACK in May 2013, the following was reported at these pages: “DHS, A Malevolent Anti-American Behemoth Targets Whistleblowers & Patriots: Valerie Jarrett’s Fiefdom.” Its contents are more than indicting.


BUT whereas the current Director of DHS is Jeh Johnson (and we will get to him), his predecessor was Janet Napolitano. Mamma mia! An attesting commentary was written in July 2013: ” ‘Mamma Janet’ Loses ! 226 Illegals Deemed National Security Threats: How Did This Happen?”


IN relationship to this same trail, Oct. 2013 included a follow-up to Jarrett’s stranglehold on DHS: “Targeting Patriots: Warnings From (Ret.) Army Officers of Martial Law & More.” Does it get any clearer, as to the groundwork being laid by Obama Inc.’s DHS? Not really.


SO, adding fuel to the fiery charges, guess what was found out in Dec. 2013? “DHS was caught ferrying illegal aliens”, thus, usurping its own “law and order” enforcement mandate! That’s what.


COULD it get any worse? You betcha. It was asserted in July 2014: “Obama’s Goons Silencing/Threatening Whistleblowers: Shut Up, Or Else.”




PAR for DHS’s criminal course, Mafia-like, they not only lie but aid and abet terrorist infiltrators, as indicated in a Dec. 2014 commentary! Believe it.


EVEN so, DHS’s (Obama Inc.’s) criminal behavior begs the main questions: why is DHS ordering Border Patrol to lie about Islamic infiltration? and what are they up to?

AND, as is said, this is where the rubber meets the road, relative to today’s concomitant proofs via the latest Mafia tactics against Special Agents who blow the whistle on the regime’s concomitant treachery. Still, before we get to another twisted evidence-based report, hark back to a previous alert at these pages, starring…Julia Davis. O M G!


ONTO the main nail in DHS’s, Mafia Inc.’s, charge sheet:


Inside any criminal organization there is a prime directive that says “support Big Brother in every way or their will be serious consequences to pay.”  It’s no different in the Obama administration. Time after time they are quick to punish anyone who dares to reveal to outside world what is really going inside their insidious agencies. Then, should you be brave, or foolish enough to violate the directive they’ll take your job, your reputation, and as in this disgusting case — they’ll even try to take your children.

A Department of Homeland Security agent blew the whistle on the feds . . . and they went after her with a vengeance! Now, she’s speaking out before Congress. Where will this end for her?

According to the Conservative Tribune, Taylor Johnson, a senior special agent with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs that she faced massive retribution after revealing irregularities in the EB-5 visa program. The EB-5 visa grants green cards to foreigners who invest $500,000 in American companies. Johnson, an 11-year veteran of the ICE, told the committee that she found corruption and mismanagement that, in her words, posed “national security risks.” Johnson revealed the following:

“Some of the violations investigated surrounding the project included bank and wire fraud, and I discovered ties to organized crime and high-ranking politicians and they received promotions that appeared to facilitate the program,” she also discovered that:

“applicants from China, Russia, Pakistan, Malaysia had been approved in as little as 16 days. ‘In addition, case files lacked the basic and necessary law enforcement queries.’” Johnson added:

“I found over 800 operational EB-5 regional centers throughout the U.S.,” commenting that this was, “odd because the United States only allows 10,000 EB-5 visas per year.”

Obama’s cohorts don’t take well to being called to task. After blowing the whistle on the EB-5 program, agency retaliation was swift and severe. Johnson was escorted from her desk and denied access to her own case files. The government then informed adoption social workers that Johnson had lost her job due to criminal activity.

“When an adoption social worker tried to contact and verify employment, she was told that I had been terminated for a criminal offense,” Johnson said, holding back tears. “I almost lost my 1-year-old child.” Johnson was also denied her constitutional right to carry a firearm.

“I was told I couldn’t even carry or own a personal weapon which is a constitutional rights violation,” she testified (H/T WZ).

Eliminating your job, your reputation, and your constitutional rights seems to be policy for the Obama administration . . . but trying to take your children?

VIDEO: DHS Agent Exposed Obama!  Feds Take Her Job, Her Reputation . . . And Go After Her DAUGHTER!


RESULTANT, akin to all criminal complaints, attendant testimony becomes part of the case file. To wit, please review this hyper-charged document, if interested in where the truth lies.

Testimony of Senior Special Agent Taylor Johnson, Department of Homeland Security, Office of Investigations (DHS/HSI) “Blowing the Whistle on Retaliation: Accounts of Current and Former Federal Agency Whistleblowers”

REGARDLESS of anything else, it doesn’t matter who fronts for a criminal cartel, be they Ivy League educated and tailor-made suit types (pantsuits or dresses, whatever the case may be) or “wise-guys”, some of whom likely never graduated from high school. 

NOT only that, from this well-connected perch, suffice to state: place this investigative journalist one on one with a “wise-guy” any day of the week, for on this end their messaging would be deemed more trustworthy than anything uttered by DHS’s Mafia goons. Absolutely.

MOST significantly, the amount of damage accrued under HUSSEIN Obama’s crew (on a macro scale) has an exponentially graver and greater quotient level in juxtaposition to other cartels, in relationship to America and its knock-on effects to the entire west. Consequentially, if the generally held definition of Mafiosos deserve jail time, what exactly do DHS’s criminals warrant?


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NYC ISIS Jihadi Caught Red-Handed. Outgrowth Of Free Rein Given By DHS/FEDS. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is not by accident that pressure cookers are becoming chosen methods for jihadi recipes, in so far as they have proven to be quick-fire components for Islamists addicted to explosions. 

AND while many view committed Islamists as little more than wild-eyed fanatics, the fact remains that they are quick studies, capable of gauging what works and what doesn’t. Adaptable.

IN other words, few can argue with “success”, and a repeat performance ala Boston’s marathon is very appealing, regardless that the Tsarnaev brothers got caught. Effectively, it’s less about getting away with it, but more about taking down as many “infidels” as possible with the limited amount of resources available at the time. And this is where pressure cookers come in.

NOW, it is an open secret that the FEDS played possum with intel (given to them) from Russia, relative to Tsarnaev and his radical Islamic connections. Hmm. In fact, after Boston exploded in April 2013, this site reported on said grave dereliction of duty. So too it was repeated in Sept. 2014. Its relevance cannot be overstated.

COUPLE the above knowledge base with another undeniable fact and nexus: egregious malfeasance had a DIRECT hand in Boston’s terror attack. The bloody outcome resulted in a straight path back to Obama’s/Holder’s pro-Islam directives! 

“However, of all the issues on which he’s battled with Holder, Rep. Gohmert said one stands out from all the others.

“One that is very troubling to me is his lack of investigation and enforcement of the laws of the land as it pertains to radical Islam,” he said, asserting, among other things, that the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing could and should have been prevented.

The FBI under his watch got a heads-up from Russia that (bomber Tamerlan) Tsarnaev had been radicalized. As best I can tell, they didn’t do anything but talk to Tsarnaev and talk to his mom and said, ‘Well, they say he’s not radical so we’re OK.’ If Holder’s department had done a proper job, the Boston bombings would not have had to have occurred,” said Gohmert.

While his criticism of Holder on the issue of radical Islam started with the Boston Marathon bombings, it certainly doesn’t end there.

“Rather than investigate (radical Islam), they partnered with them. They had community outreach programs with them. They still have those programs. They have been responsive to CAIR’s [Council on American-Islamic Relations] and ISNA’s [Islamic Society of North America] demands. Federal courts have found that those two organizations are fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islam,” he said.

“[Holder]‘s been helping to lead the charge to support and be sensitive to what these supporters of radical Islam want him to do,” Gohmert said. “I think that is going to reap benefits for radical Islam for the future, until we have a president that’s serious about going after them and not just bombing some empty buildings when nobody’s there.”

SO as we segue from April 15, 2013’s jihad in Boston – an attack which could have been prevented – Americans are now faced with the growing ISIS fall out due to grave dereliction of duty and “hands off” directives: do not touch Islam’s hubs of terror!

ONTO ISIS and its deep connection to Boston and elsewhere in America…read on….

MOVING right along the jihadi-laden eastern seaboard, let’s segue to NYC, approximately a four and a half hour car ride from Boston. But why are we heading to NYC? Well, aside from the fact that 9/11/01 put it on the worldwide jihadi map, its neighborhoods are rife with Islamic foot soldiers. Assuredly, it is only a matter of timing before multiple attacks explode within its landscape. A powder keg.

AS previously warned:


IN Feb. 2015 the following was assessed:

MANY of this site’s readership are aware that NYC is this investigative journalist’s hometown, though now living in Israel. Yes, born and bred. A native. In fact, there are few neighborhoods – within its five boroughs – which are unfamiliar. Indeed, like the back of one’s hand, Brooklyn is a singular stomping ground, as is Manhattan. 

IN this regard, when trying to comprehend the “news” that several Brooklyn-based jihadists aimed to join ISIS, please keep in mind several intrinsic factors. Don’t get distracted by the fact that they are Uzbekistan and Kazakhastan nationals. Yada…yada…Said locales/nationalities are neither here nor there.  In other words, the fact that they are of Central Asian descent has zip to do with their desire to destroy the west, America being “ground zero”…..

AND it is under the “proverbial” wings of the ummah, aka the worldwide commonwealth, that jihad is waged. It defies locale, whether one is in the Mid East, Africa, Asia, Europe, America…and so on. Incontrovertibly, Islam’s mandated barbarism spans the globe! This is precisely why screams of Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) are heard all over the world, whenever infidels are slaughtered, thus, raising the banner of Islam even further. Striking fear in their hearts, again, is key: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Believe it.

BACK to NYC…Brooklyn, as a “test” case….

YES, although Islamists are “hiding in plain sight” throughout NY (and EVERY state in America), Brooklyn should be a primary focus, although Queens is not far behind. A runner-up.

WHO recalls this investigative journalist’s op-ed from 2005 (having been less than six degrees separated from said investigative documents), re the Brooklyn-based “Blind Sheikh” and his global jihadi connected dots? Absolutely, his jihad started decades ago, but he was not only given re-entry into the U.S. (despite being on a “watch list”, yet, coddled by the CIA), he was allowed to incite, unimpeded, at two Brooklyn mosques! Rahman was housed at the al Farooq at Atlantic Avenue; the Abu Bakr on Foster Avenue in Brooklyn — a mosque his radical followers soon took over — and the Al-Salaam (Mosque of Peace), located on the third floor of a Jersey City building above a cell-phone store. Unbelievable….continue reading…


HOT on its heels, April 2015 elicited another NYC plot: ISIS’s Brotherhood is at it again, and female jihadis are caught dead to rights!


ATOP said disasters, ISIS flags wave breezily in NYC, yet, the media is stone silent. What’s going on? Well, NYC’s commie Mayor is also a supporter of guerilla terror groups, therefore, hiring Muslim cops is his TOP priority! You see where this is going….

WHICH brings us to the latest NYC terror plot, and this time via ANOTHER pressure cooker!

Downtown New York (file)

Downtown New York 

A 20-year-old New York City college student has been arrested for plotting a pressure cooker bombing attack in the city to support Islamic State (ISIS), as revealed in Brooklyn court documents published on Tuesday.

The student, Munther Omar Saleh, was arrested along with another man on Saturday morning when they got out of their car and charged at a surveillance vehicle that had been following them, reports Reuters.

Saleh, who hails from Queens, invested hours researching online how to build a lethal pressure cooker bomb stuffed with nails and other shrapnel according to federal agents.

He also read accounts from the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, in which an attack with two pressure cookers at the finish line murdered three and wounded over 260 others.

The student vocally supported ISIS online, and in one Twitter post said of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization “I fear AQ could be getting too moderate.” He likewise praised terrorist attacks carried out by ISIS, as well as the lethal January attack on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris.

Saleh evidently began his attempts to translate his online terrorism craze into real world action back in March, when a police officer saw him on successive days walking about the George Washington Bridge between New Jersey and New York just looking around, apparently planning an attack.

Officers interviewed Saleh following his suspicious behavior, and he denied sympathizing with ISIS while allowing them to examine his computer.

On the computer, investigators found ISIS propaganda according to the court papers.

Saleh is enrolled at a college which specializes in aeronautics.

MIND you, recall the Queens reference from a Feb. 2015 commentary, “YES, although Islamists are “hiding in plain sight” throughout NY (and EVERY state in America), Brooklyn should be a primary focus, although Queens is not far behind. A runner-up.”

MOST significantly, if not for an alert police officer stationed nearby the George Washington Bridge – whose antenna went up re the back and forth activities of the ISIS jihadi – let there be no doubt: a repeat performance of Boston’s terror attack would have taken place. Intrinsically, the fact that he was a student at an aeronautics college, well, that about sums up what lies ahead, if not stanched.

WITHOUT question, dedicated readers of this site have come to expect that “connecting the dots” is a main specialty at these pages. Rightly so. 

AS such, another fair warning rings forth: lo and behold, it points back to Boston’s terror-laden tree! Specifically, even though this investigative journalist evidenced the inextricable links between Boston-based jihadi mosques (other cities alike) and attendant Islamic terror plots, still, one (out of countless major league terror aligned mosque leaders) of Boston’s most fiery Islamic radicals feels confident enough to “express” himself. 

(Listen to Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, of the Mosque for the Praising of Allah in Roxbury, Mass….Boston imam denies radicalizing Muslims, despite his jihad-preaching videos)

HOW could the likes of said terror inciting leader walk around free, continuing to radicalize Allah’s foot soldiers? More specifically, for every Abdullah Faaruuq there are enumerable others. And just in case you believe that dominating America, the west, is basically the preoccupation of ISIS, think again: ” ‘Palestinian’ Jihadist: We  Want The Whole World, And Will Fight All Infidels Until They Adopt Islam.” Fighting words. 

TO wit, where are Obama Inc.’s FEDS when you need them? Oh, hide nor hare. Par for their see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil blinded mindset (and despite bullet proof evidence re gold/money laundering in…guess where…Massachusetts) their response, when gifted said intel, was: NO CAN DO!

SO, how safe do you feel in America, let alone in Boston or NYC? 

SHIVERING timbers…

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

Al-Qaida/Al-Nusra Knocks At Israel’s (Golan) Door: Druse In The Mix. Blow Back Predicted At This Site. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(Jabhat al-Nusra fighters in the Syrian Golan Heights praise Osama bin Laden.)

WHILE one doesn’t necessarily have to be an expert in geo-politics in order to see from there to here, it certainly doesn’t hurt ones ability to prognosticate. Moreover, a solid grounding in Islam (and its relationship to jihad) is germane to said assessments.

ALONG this treacherous minefield, this site often serves as the eyes and ears – a repository, if you will – of matters which impinge upon the security of America and Israel, that which inevitably blows back upon other western nations. 

IN this regard, certain information – some of which is first hand – is passed along, and its value can be gleaned through a careful read of today’s commentary and its links. It attests to said ability to see from there to here.

IN light of the above, several previous analyses wend into this week’s alarming (yet expected) Jerusalem Post report, relative to Al-Qaida/Al-Nusra’s “knock” on Israel’s door. Not only that, but they must be viewed in juxtaposition to what has become the updated nightmare at Israel’s northern Golan border.

ALAS, in Dec. 2014, the following was predicted:

LITTLE has been publicly discussed about PM Netanyahu’s decision to “assist” Barack HUSSEIN Obama with his oft ballyhooed “rebels”, to aid Washington in rolling back ISIS. Yes, that would have been a righteous strategic mission, and arguably in Israel’s national interests. Few would contest to the contrary. Just listen to the Druze community on both borders of the Golan (albeit, a little farther down in the analysis), where they make their voices known.

STIPULATED, PM Netanyahu’s joined-at-the-hip scenario depended upon many factors. Nevertheless, as always, Israel’s citizens must demand that any outcome results in their favor. Inherently, two compelling factors stood in the forefront and had to be taken into account. Alas, they weren’t. Why not?

TRENCHANTLY, the “rebels” had to be incontrovertibly in the camp of the “good guys”. Otherwise, why would Israel go anywhere near them, regardless of Washington’s arm twisting?

NOT only that, from the onset, the second benchmark obviated the first. In other words, PM Netanyahu hadn’t learned his requisite lessons. The (rhetorical) question becomes: was he in the dark about Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamist aligned proclivities? Sheesh….

NOT to be lost in the discussion, nearby the impending storm butting up against the encroachment of ISIS, live Israel’s Golan Druze (alongside Israeli Jewish communities), many of whom have relatives right over the border within Syria’s Druze community. Druze, on both sides of the border, are terrified by what they are actually witnessing with their own eyes; their encirclement by ISIS, with the “rebels” in tow! 

IN the main, Israel’s Druze are very loyal citizens, serving with distinction in the IDF. Emblematic of said devotion, look no further than to Ghassan Alian, a true Israeli hero. Similarly, another hero emerged, but Zidan Saif was tragically killed in a firefight, while defending Jews praying in a Jerusalem (Har Nof) Synagogue. G-d rest his soul.

ALONG this dangerous terrain, certain matters have come to this investigative journalist’s attention, being an American-Israeli living in Israel. Significantly (and attributed to a Golani Druze journalist, who shall remain nameless), he interviewed Syrian Druze and they credibly documented ISIS, for quite some time, inside their border, one which is adjacent to Israel’s Golan!

THE urgent query becomes: could it be remotely possible, in any rational reality – with Israel’s second to none “eyes in the sky” and other operational capabilities – that they haven’t seen the “rebels” merging with ISIS, long before this week’s “announcement”? Whom are they kidding?

IN this regard, there is a growing sense of outrage within the Druze community, as they realize that Israel’s leadership “lent” the IDF to quarterback for Obama’s “rebels”, those whom have proven to be (many months ago) ISIS/Al-Qaida/Al-Nusra affiliated!

IT gets worse.

ONCE again, a source has confirmed an unfathomable situation: Israel’s gov’t is clearly taking care of the medical needs of Obama’s “rebels”. 

REPORTEDLY (another contact would have to go into hiding, if his identity was revealed), Israeli hospitals are at their disposal! Therefore, it is up to others to document the story’s underlying basis.

IN April 2014, over 10 Islamists (identified as either ISIS or Al-Nusra…six of one, half a dozen of another) were being treated in a Tsfat hospital for almost an entire month. To wit, they were separated from the rest of the patients, they were forbidden to walk around the hospital, and they were always guarded by IDF soldiers. By the way, it doesn’t matter a wit how this source was able to identify their presence. That’s neither here nor there….read the rest here….

ATOP said analysis, a follow-on was reported in Jan. 2015, attesting to its hotter than hot northern Golan border. Pay special attention to these excerpts:

MORE pointedly, it has been shared (as always, the confidentiality of sources are never revealed) with this investigative journalist that “there are two schools of thought in the government about Syria, one that we should help al-Nusra/al-Qaeda and the other that we should not get involved. So far the pro-al-Qaeda position is the one which has been adopted.

This had apparently not changed as a result of information that al-Qaeda and ISIS are working together, this is going on now, and there is no indication that they are going to change this. The idea is that Al-Qaeda will defeat Hizbollah for Israel. There is no thinking about what will happen after that, the likelihood that this will mean that it will turn out that we are supporting ISIS, or any other obvious objections to this.”  

MOST significantly for Israel, assisting Al-Nusra in Syria is official (albeit on the QT) government policy, and this investigative journalist has this information from people in contact with the highest levels of the Israeli government.

Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front has issued a new threatening audio message featuring its leader warning the West “will pay the heaviest price” for its actions. The Syrian group is reportedly now joining up with the estranged Islamic State militants….

TAKE it to the (strategic) bank.

INTRINSICALLY, what leader in his right (no pun intended) mind, other than a mentally besieged one, would place his nation’s lot in with Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “strategic” plans, understanding full well that Washington’s backed “rebels” are laying waste to Christian and minority communities in the Mid East and Africa? 

AGAIN, what’s the reason for today’s updated commentary and its repeated alarm bells? Well, this week’s Jerusalem Post report will bring matters full circle, just as this investigative journalist predicted!

Two Syrian army soldiers keeping guard in the Syrian Golan village of Hader killed a Druse commander that was serving with them before defecting to the Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of al-Qaida, early Tuesday morning. The two soldiers may have been agents of the Nusra Front.

The Nusra Front began an offensive on Hader in the aftermath of the murder which mainly consisted of mortar fire and light weapons fire. The village of Hader, which is right across from northern Israel’s Druse town of Majd al-Shams, on the other side of Mount Hermon, is home to some 25,000 Druse.

Concerns for Syria’s 700,000 Druse has risen in recent days amid the Nusra Front’s advances near Hader and the advancement of Islamic State in the region known as Mount Druse, 60 km. from the Jordanian border and 50 km. from Israel’s Golan Heights.

The Druse community in Hader and in Israel is concerned over the development because the Nusra Front has sought to control Hader for some time in order to gain control of the entire Golan Heights. The al-Qaida-linked fighters number several hundred men as well as dozens of tanks that they have seized. Five Druse have been injured in the fighting, and they have been offered the chance to come to Israel for treatment, but they refused because they fear the response of the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Amid the threat to Syria’s Druse community, the IDF began setting up a field hospital on the border, but they have frozen the process, as the situation has calmed. The IDF has sent messages to the Nusra Front through the Free Syrian Army, warning the Islamist group not to harm Syria’s Druse.

The IDF Spokesman’s Office stated that IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon held a situation assessment about the plight of the Syrian Druse and spoke with the OC Nothern Command Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi who reported to them that the siutation is currently calm. The defense minister ordered continued surveillance of the events and instructed the IDF to take steps to maintain the quiet.

Likud MK Ayoub Kara, who himself is a Druse, plans to ask Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon to allow Israeli Druse to cross the border to Hader in order to provide humanitarian aid. Entering Syria without permission is illegal for Israelis and Druse who do so can be charged with entering an enemy state, or aiding the enemy.

INHERENTLY, had PM Netanyahu resisted HUSSEIN Obama’s pressure to assist the so-called “rebels”, Israel would not have facilitated – through hospital care and what not – the very same Al Qaeda/Al Nusra beating down its door! Talk about knock-on effects… Not only that, but the warnings blared by Israel’s own Druse community would have been heeded months ago, not giving the “rebels” months of lead time to cement themselves on the Golan. Understood?

BASICALLY, it bears repeating, “the idea is that Al-Qaeda will defeat Hizbollah for Israel. There is no thinking about what will happen after that, the likelihood that this will mean that it will turn out that we are supporting ISIS, or any other obvious objections to this.” Most significantly for Israel, assisting Al-Nusra in Syria is official (albeit on the QT) government policy, and this investigative journalist has this information from people in contact with the highest levels of the Israeli government.

REGARDLESS of anything else, when this site acts as a (sort of) conduit it is fraught with absolute personal angst, as to whether or not to out certain “dirty laundry” which falls in this domain.

IN other words, it is not taken lightly to air the leadership’s missteps. Even more so, there are countless who wish Israel ill will, and they are foaming at the mouth to rip the nation apart. Therefore, this aspect must be weighed when revealing this and that. 

BE that as it may, this site’s duty is NOT towards any particular leadership, but to the overall health and welfare of the nation. Herein lies the basis to all of the above. Nothing less will suffice. Let the chips fall where they may.

UPDATE: Syrian “Rebel” Force Launches Offensive near Golan To Clear Path To S. Damascus…Israel Acts To Protect Druse

UPDATE: Just as this site steadfastly asserted, it has now been confirmed: Israel’s Druse expose the dire situation PM Netanyahu has created, as he tethered Israel to HUSSEIN Obama’s Al-Nusra!

DEBKAfile Intelligence, June 22, 2015: Fallout from Syrian war in Israel. Monday, dozens of Israeli Druze villagers from Horfesh in the north attacked an Israel military ambulance carrying two wounded Syrian fighters to the Galilee hospital in Nahariya. When the driver took evasive action, they ran after vehicle, pelted it with stones and blocked its path. The driver was able to reach the nearest police station at Ma’a lot and obtain a police escort for the trip.

Israeli Druze claim that some of the wounded Syrians hospitalized in Israel belong to Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front rebel forces which threaten their community in Syria and with which Israel cooperates.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

America’s ISIS/Brotherhood Spear: U.S. Teenagers Jump On Board! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


(Virginia’s own little jihadi…how quaint!)

ANYONE with eyes in their head and a duly functioning mental capacity understands that America (the west at large) is in the DIRECT cross hairs of Shariah Law via Islamic jihad. Jihad is the conduit but Shariah Law is its basis. Underpinning. Spear.

IN a nutshell, the global bloodshed – and its spread is worldwide – has ONE main commonality, and it revolves around Shariah Law in its totality. Effectively, Islam would cease to function without its dictates. But never mind, it is not necessary to believe what this site expounds. However, it is more than cautionary to listen to what Islamists exhort, even though its essence is too terrifying to contemplate. We will get to that.

YET, once again, before we do so, the following should serve as more than food for thought:


IF anything bears the closest inspection and scrutiny, readers are directed to a policy paper linked within “Islam & Blood.” It was this site’s first gift, and it was given in July 2012. Having been asked to review its basis (and to add any insights) before publication, well, it was a distinct honor. Let’s just leave it at that. 


AND as an adjunct to “Islam & Blood”, please indulge in its twin pillar, its counterpart, “Shariah Law Must Be Eliminated To Save America & The West.” Agreed, both are neither light nor easy reading, but let’s face the fact that ignorance isn’t bliss in this arena. In reality, it is deadly.

MORE specifically, Islam’s apologists – be they from the political or civil society realm, whether Muslims, leftist Christians or their self deceived Jewish counterparts – refuse to admit the obvious: Islam is at war with the west. America is their top prize, and Israel is next in line. Count on it.

NOW, a book can be filled with admissions from leading Islamists about the absolute intent to implant Shariah Law upon the west, but let’s suffice with one such mouthpiece whose megaphone extends far beyond the UK. He is ubiquitous at many news channels. Tangentially related, this intelligence analyst was called upon (in a global interview) to deconstruct ISIS related lies spun by said Islamist. In any event, the following serves as his partial message/warning to the west:

Culturing the masses about Islam involves explaining to the society how Islam will resolve all the problems that beset it from the economy, social, to the judiciary and ruling etc., to invite people to submit exclusively to Allah (SWT) in all their affairs, not just in ritual matters.

A Muslim must not obey, submit or follow anyone or anything other than Allah in his life. This means that democracy is anathema to Islam, which says that sovereignty belongs to man, whereas Islam says that sovereignty belongs to God and that the authority must be in the hands of Muslims who must implement the sharia.

In the absence of Islam being implemented anywhere in the world as a complete way of life since 1924, today we can see that we have 55 so called Muslim countries who all implement oppressive man-made law whether they are monarchies or secular systems, and that none of them implement Islam.Choudary, center, with mic

Some such as Saudi Arabia and Iran may give lip service to Islam and implement aspects of the judiciary and social system, but in the absence of the whole package such as the education system, the social and economic justice etc, these regimes only increase the hatred towards the sharia instead of encouraging its full implementation and enticing people towards it….

'***MUST SEE VIDEO***<br />
Just who the hell does Anjem Choudary think he is?<br />
This is a known Islamic hate preacher telling a British police officer that he should not wear a Help for Heroes wristband!<br />
We now have Muslim extremists telling police officers that they cannot support charities which support our troops!<br />
He should be kicked out of Britain!<br />
(Third party video)'….Anjem Choudary threatens British police….

WHY is the above even being mentioned? Well, without recognizing Islam’s underpinnings, it is absolutely impossible to deconstruct its basis. Concomitantly, without the proper national (global alike) discourse, how can one triumph and stench the bloodshed, if not even addressed by name? Rhetorical.

IN this regard, the danger to America (the west) couldn’t be more acute, even more so via countless teens who have been linked to ISIS and Islamic jihad. Yes, these are the ones that have been caught, imagine how many others are at large!


WHEREAS one state is often held up as a special area of concern, rest assured, its mirror images are found across America. However, for brevity sake, let’s first highlight the “North Star State”: Minnesota’s Terror Infestation Ratchets Up Via Brotherhood Dictates.”


OKEY dokey…many more “transformations” are in “any city USA.”

AND lest anyone believes that Minnesota is being unfairly maligned, let’s hop on over to “Old Dominion”, Virginia.

Junior Jihadi, Ali Shukri Amin, from Alexandria, Virginia, pleaded guilty in a federal court to providing material support to ISIS and faces up to 15 years in prison when he is sentenced Aug. 28th.

The 17-year-old was accused of helping, Reza Niknejad, 18, who officials believe went on to join ISIS in Syria, a law enforcement source said in March. Niknejad was also charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, conspiring to provide material support to ISIS and conspiring to kill and injure people abroad. Amin was also accused of passing messages between ISIS contacts.

IT gets worse. As to the Muslim diaspora, here are some facts via Arizona:

Back in 2004 or so, the Arizona Daily Star ran a piece entitled, ” How Southern Arizona became home base for terror,” which is no longer available on their site but linked here as a backup.

Southern Arizona became the home to numerous radical Islamists in the early 1980s when they moved here and began raising money for Afghan freedom fighters, some experts say.

Their anger and fund-raising efforts were redirected against the United States after America ended its financial and political efforts in Afghanistan as the Cold War with the Soviet Union began to thaw.

People such as Wadi el-Hage, a personal assistant to Osama bin Laden who raised money in Tucson for the Afghan effort, did not cease raising cash because the United States withdrew its support of the Afghan mujahedeen, or holy warriors, said Harry Ellen, a Phoenix businessman and an FBI informant in the 1990s.

“That helped radicalize them not only for their cause but against us, too,” said Ellen, who met el-Hage several times. “We became a host that slapped their guest.”

El-Hage is now in federal prison for life after his conviction for conspiring to bomb two U.S. embassies in Africa.

With the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the U.S. government took notice of the radical leanings held by some Arizona Muslims.

A joint FBI-CIA analysis titled, “Arizona: Long Range Nexus for Islamic Extremists,” likely explores the history of Tucson’s rise to prominence among Muslim radicals but remains classified. Its existence was revealed in the bipartisan 9/11 commission’s final report released Thursday.

That leaves others to explore the reasons why Tucson and Arizona became a destination for Islamic fundamentalists.

Tucson and the Phoenix area have been home to numerous al-Qaida operatives, including:

● Hani Hanjour, who attended the UA and a flight school in the Phoenix area before piloting American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.

● Mubarak al Duri, who lived in Tucson and, according to the 9/11 commission’s report, served as bin Laden’s principal procurement agent for weapons of mass destruction.

Wa’el Jelaidan, who was president of the Tucson Islamic Center in 1984-’85 and helped found al-Qaida later that decade.

Most known or suspected terrorists seem to have been drawn to Tucson and Arizona by two lures – the availability of flight schools and student visas, said David D. Van Fleet, a professor and terrorism expert in the School of Management at Arizona State University.

He said that may also explain why fund-raising organizations linked to bin Laden branched into certain U.S. cities with “little clusters” of Muslim extremists. The 9/11 commission reported that the al Khifa organization, which had branches in Tucson, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh and New York City, recruited American Muslims to fight in Afghanistan – including some who later took part in terrorist actions in the United States and against U.S. embassies in East Africa.

OH dear, it is what it is, like it or not. And it is not as if the statistics don’t bear out what is at stake. In fact, here are additional factoids to cogitate over: 

A recent poll taken at (not found that 80% of Muslims supported the ISIS conquests in Syria and Iraq.

Al Jazeera Poll 1 (resized)

NEVERTHELESS, if Americans (westerners) prefer to believe that a preponderance of Islam’s committed followers in their midst feel otherwise, feel free to indulge in fantasy land.

A shocking new video from documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz reveals that some American Muslims living in Minneapolis want Sharia law here in the United States.

Horowitz explained to Sean Hannity tonight why he made the video.

“Over the past 12 months, we’ve had over a dozen terrorist attacks here in the United States,” Horowitz stated. “In Minnesota in particular, there have been maybe 20 to 40 Minneapolis-based Muslims who have gone to fight for ISIS or al-Shabaab.”

Horowitz said that he was “blown away” as he was doing research. He told Hannity that he felt like he needed to find out what was happening in Minneapolis, which sparked him to make the video.

Hannity asked if the people he spoke with are naturally-born American citizens or if they’re immigrants.

Horowitz replied that the vast majority of the people he spoke with were either born in the U.S. or immigrated here legally.

Hannity noted that Horowitz’s video revealed that a number of the Muslims he interviewed think it should be illegal to insult the prophet Muhammad and that they don’t believe in the First Amendment.



MOST significantly, reality does (eventually) bite!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

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