Adina Kutnicki

A Zionist & Conservative Blog

Adina Kutnicki

Obama Inc. CONSPIRES With Muslim Brotherhood:Toppling President al-Sisi & Empowering MB In America. What’s The End Game? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Muslim Brotherhood lobbyist Anas Altikriti standing next to Iraqi Parliament Speaker Usama al-Nujaifi shaking hands with President Obama

Anas Altikriti standing next to Iraqi Parliament Speaker Usama al-Nujaifi shaking hands with President Obama – Anas Altikriti, a top British lobbyist for the Muslim Brotherhood whose father heads Iraq’s Muslim Brotherhood party, met with the president and Vice President Joe Biden as part of a delegation discussing problems in Iraq, back in Feb. 2014.

“Non-interference in a state’s internal affairs used to be a rule of international law: is it still?” was intended to be rhetorical. There is no doubt that the principle of non-intervention remains well-established in contemporary international law. It is part of customary international law, as the International Court of Justice has reaffirmed on a number of occasions. And it is also reflected in many treaties, such as the Charter of the Organization of American States and the Constitutive Act of the African Union. While not expressly set out in the UN Charter, it is generally held to be implicit in various of its provisions, in particular the principle of the sovereign equality of States (Article 2.1). It was of course included in the 1970 Friendly Relations Declaration.

The International Court dealt with intervention in its very first case, Corfu Channel. Twenty years later, as we have already seen, the Court expounded on the principle of non-intervention in its 1986 judgment in the Nicaragua case: “The principle of nonintervention [so said the Court] involves the right of every sovereign State to conduct its affairs without outside interference; though examples of trespass against this principle are not infrequent, the Court considers that it is part and parcel of customary international law. […] international law requires political integrity […] to be respected” (para. 202). The Court went on to say that “the principle forbids all States or groups of States to intervene directly or indirectly in the internal or external affairs of other States” and that “a prohibited intervention must accordingly be one bearing on matters in which each State is permitted, by the principle of State sovereignty, to decide freely. One of these is the choice of a political, economic, social and cultural system, and the formulation of foreign policy. Intervention is wrongful when it uses methods of coercion in regard to such choices, which must remain free ones. […] the element of coercion […] defines, and indeed forms the very essence of, prohibited intervention” (para. 205). The Court also dealt with the principle of non-interference in its judgment of 19

REGARDLESS, Barack HUSSEIN Obama will not tolerate anyone getting in the way of Iran’s nuclear program, therefore, he is actively seeking to make sure that PM Netanyahu loses the upcoming March election.

In this warning, the Iranian official introduced two new features: Tehran has never before set red lines for Israeli military action; neither have the Iranians ever admitted to relaying a warning to Israel through Washington – at least not in public.

SIMILARLY, his relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is set in stone, therefore, he sabotages anyone who points out the obvious – its Islamic terror apparatus! Well, too damn bad.

NOT only that, but his full-on shield extends to CAIR, even though it has been designated a terror org by the UAE!

SO, as noted, ad infinitum, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is in concert with the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. The linkage is solid.
AMERICA’S POTUS is a bonafide Sunni Muslim, like it or not. This is the case whether he is open about it or in the shadows. No matter.
AS such, each and every Sunni (when tactically to their benefit, Shia align with the Brotherhood, but let’s not digress) group operates under the Brotherhood’s (terror) umbrella. In effect, he needn’t be a “card carrying” member to be part and parcel thereof. The aforementioned is the ideological and religious basis for his Mid East wildfires.
THUS, basically, according to his “principled” pathway, it is simply unthinkable to allow President al-Sisi to remain in power, since he is spearheading the Brotherhood’s demise in Egypt. President al-Sisi went so far as to issue an INTERPOL “RED NOTICE” for its spiritual godfather, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi! This is war – between the Islamist-in-Chief and Egypt’s al-Sisi. Understood?
INTERPOL 2014-12-06 00-22-52
INDEED, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, from the get go, has been hosting (at the People’s House, no less) Middle East Brotherhood leaders, as well as domestic ones. In fact, he feted them at his Muslim “outreach” tour in 2009, at the time that his admin started the putsch against Mubarak via GO NOW! 
U.S. President Barack Obama met with members of Egypt’s Islamist opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, earlier this year, according to a report in Thursday editions of the Egyptian daily newspaper Almasry Alyoum. The newspaper reported that Obama met the group’s members, who reside in the U.S. and Europe, in Washington two months ago, April 2009. (blogger’s note: this meeting was 3 months into his Presidency!)According to the report, the members requested that news of the meeting not be publicized. They expressed to Obama their support for democracy and the war on terror.The newspaper also reported that the members communicated to Obama their position that the Muslim Brotherhood would abide by all agreements Egypt has signed with foreign countries.Obama landed in Cairo on Thursday to deliver a conciliatory speech as part of his outreach to the Arab and Muslim world.The Muslim Brotherhood is considered a Sunni-dominated fundamentalist Islamic organization that has spawned numerous factions across the Arab world that have engaged in terrorist activity, including the Palestinian rejectionist group Hamas. It is also the main opposition bloc to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whose regime is viewed favorably in the West due to its adherence to the thirty-year-old peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.The Cairo University setting in which Obama will make his Middle East speech is spectacular and will accommodate a highly unusual audience…(blogger’s note: Mubarak was NOT at the “outreach”..hmm…)
MORE specifically, they are ensconced in his administration!
BHO & the Muslim Brotherhood - 7
IN line with all of the above, it became incumbent for this site to issue its own “RED NOTICES”, including, but not exclusively so: 
IN this regard, it was noted: al-Sisi has been beating back the Brotherhood Mafia, irrespective of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s interference. Indeed, this linked report was written in Aug. 2013, but it was still while al-Sisi functioned as Egypt’s military leader. His fight against the terror hydra is well known, and the Islamist-in-Chief has been gunning for him for several years. 
MOREOVER, in July 2014, Congress finally stepped up and demanded: label the Muslim Brotherhood a terror, as the UAE has done! Guess who balked? Not only that, Egypt indicted Obama and Hill as Brotherhood co-conspirators. Imagine that.


DUE to the fact that Barack HUSSEIN Obama bushwacked Egypt’s al-Sisi, yet, al-Sisi gave him the finger, this investigative journalist nominated him as the west’s best hope. Yes, capable of keeping the Muslim Brotherhood at bay, he is also calling for an Islamic “reformation”, all the while smacking down the anti-American leader of the (heretofore) free world! Not too shabby.


ALAS, America’s Chief Muslim Brotherhood collaborator NEVER takes a break…

The State Department (in the latter part of Jan. 2015) hosted a delegation of Muslim Brotherhood-aligned leaders this week for a meeting about their ongoing efforts to oppose the current government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, who rose to power following the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, an ally of the Brotherhood, in 2013.

One member of the delegation, a Brotherhood-aligned judge in Egypt, posed for a picture while at Foggy Bottom in which he held up the Islamic group’s notorious four-finger Rabia symbol, according to his Facebook page.

That delegation member, Waleed Sharaby, is a secretary-general of the Egyptian Revolutionary Council and a spokesman for Judges for Egypt, a group reported to have close ties to the Brotherhood.

The delegation also includes Gamal Heshmat, a leading member of the Brotherhood, and Abdel Mawgoud al-Dardery, a Brotherhood member who served as a parliamentarian from Luxor.

Sharaby, the Brotherhood-aligned judge, flashed the Islamist group’s popular symbol in his picture at the State Department and wrote in a caption: “Now in the U.S. State Department. Your steadfastness impresses everyone,” according to an independent translation of the Arabic.

Screen Shot 2015-01-27 at 2.43.16 PM

Another member of the delegation, Maha Azzam, confirmed during an event hosted Tuesday by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID)—another group accused of having close ties to the Brotherhood—that the delegation had “fruitful” talks with the State Department.

Maha Azzam confirms that ‘anti-coup’ delegation, which includes 2 top [Muslim Brothers], had ‘fruitful’ conversations at State Dept,” Egypt expert Eric Trager tweeted.

Assam also said that the department expressed openness to engagement, according to one person who attended the event.

Trager, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), told the Washington Free Beacon that the State Department is interested in maintaining a dialogue with the Brotherhood due to its continued role in the Egyptian political scene.

“The State Department continues to speak with Muslim Brothers on the assumption that Egyptian politics are unpredictable, and the Brotherhood still has some support in Egypt,” he said. “But when pro-Brotherhood delegations then post photos of themselves making pro-Brotherhood gestures in front of the State Department logo, it creates an embarrassment for the State Department.”

When asked to comment on the meeting Tuesday evening, a State Department official said, “We meet with representatives from across the political spectrum in Egypt.”

The official declined to elaborate on who may have been hosted or on any details about the timing and substance of any talks.

Samuel Tadros, an Egypt expert and research fellow at the Hudson Institute who is familiar with the delegation, said that the visit is meant to rally support for the Muslim Brotherhood’s ongoing efforts against to oppose Sisi.

“I think the Muslim Brotherhood visit serves two goals,” Tadros said. “First, organizing the pro Muslim Brotherhood movement in the U.S. among the Egyptian and other Arab and Muslim communities.”

“Secondly, reaching out to administration and the policy community in D.C.,” Tadros said. “The delegation’s composition includes several non-official Muslim Brotherhood members to portray an image of a united Islamist and non-Islamist revolutionary camp against the regime.”

The delegation held several public events this week in Maryland and Virginia, according to invitations that were sent out.

Patrick Poole, a terrorism expert and national security reporter, said the powwow at the State Department could be a sign that the Obama administration still considers the Brotherhood politically viable, despite its ouster from power and a subsequent crackdown on its members by Egyptian authorities.

“What this shows is that the widespread rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Middle East, particularly the largest protests in recorded human history in Egypt on June 30, 2013, that led to Morsi’s ouster, is not recognized by the State Department and the Obama administration,” Poole said.

“This is a direct insult to our Egyptian allies, who are in an existential struggle against the Muslim Brotherhood, all in the pursuit of the mythical ‘moderate Islamists’ who the D.C. foreign policy elite still believe will bring democracy to the Middle East,” Poole said…..

The Muslim Brotherhood called for “a long, uncompromising jihad” in Egypt just days after a delegation of the Islamist group’s key leaders and allies met with the State Department, according to an official statement released this week.

Just days after a delegation that included two top Brotherhood leaders was hosted at the State Department, the organization released an official statement calling on its supporters to “prepare” for jihad, according to an independent translation of the statement first posted on Tuesday.

The State Department meeting was attended by a deputy assistant secretary for democracy, human rights, and labor and other State Department officials.

The Muslim Brotherhood statement also was issued just two days before a major terror attack Thursday in Egypt’s lawless Sinai region that killed at least 25.

RESULTANT, is Obama Inc. in league with the Brotherhood Mafia…or not? You decide.

MEMO to all who directly, indirectly or otherwise support Islamic jihad: henceforth, you will be coined “Allah’s Muslim Terrorists” aka “AMT”!

WHAT’S the upshot? Well, as often stated, politicians, media mouthpieces, academics and assorted blowhards (most of whom have zero knowledge base about Islam, Shariah Law, Islamic jihad and the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia et al.) keep confusing the public with this and that group name.

NOW, who gives a damn which name they slaughter “infidels” under, after all, dead is dead! But what does matter is they all do it under the banner of Islam, and to satiate their pagan, Allah.

BOTTOM LINE: Obama Inc. IS a terror supporting admin, therefore, they qualify as this site’s first inductees as “Allah’s Muslim Terrorists”.

MIND you, one doesn’t have to mix the bomb ingredients or wield the beheading knife to rate on this newly inaugurated list. Again, one has to lend Islamic jihadists aid, be it material-wise, succor or assistance in covering their tracks – their group name matters not a whit.

HOW many road maps are required to understand that the enemy within is leading America?

Taliban not a terrorist group? White House official says it’s ‘armed insurgency’ 

Taliban fighters (Reuters)

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HALTING Islam’s March In America, A National/Western Imperative. Pro-action Mandatory! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

RATIONAL folks understand that “taking the bull by the horns”, so to speak, can often be a life-saving measure. Remedial. Hence, Shariah Law (Islam’s underpinnings) must be eliminated in America.

BUT to extend the thought process even further, isn’t it a fact that Islam’s march into America poses a precipitous danger, as well as to the west at large? Yet, if flying heads – plus every other barbarism housed under Shariah Law’s banner – isn’t enough to spur westerners into action, then what else is there left to say? Nite…nite…alas, don’t expect to have sweet dreams!

MOST significantly, behind every Islamic danger hides a tentacled Muslim Brotherhood front group. This truth cannot be swept under the rug, nor double-talked. You gotta deal with reality, discomfiting as it is.

STILL, as onerous as it is, there has to be a starting point. Therefore, let’s begin by unmasking Islam, and we can proceed from there. Why is this necessary? Well, once the (mental) band aid is ripped off, not only will it get easier to do what must be done, but it will allow westerners to realize that stepping up is a matter of national security. Concomitantly, the above unveiling (delineated at the link) has zero to do with prejudice or bias, as assorted jackals are wont to scream. Besides, you can always invest in earphones or resort to your childhood ditties: call me this, call me that…sticks and stones…so, express yourself…liberating…

ONCE this task is accomplished, the next step is to understand, then to admit, just how embedded Islam/Shariah Law is within America’s power centers. Absolutely, sans Shariah Law, Islam would cease to function. Exist. A blessing.

NEVERTHELESS, despite the uphill battle there is no other option, but to ensure that Shariah Law is gutted from America’s courts (refer to attached pdf), schools, financial centers and everywhere that affects America’s security.

IN this regard, especially when Muslims refuse to abide by America’s laws, the gutting, its lessons, must commence. Shariah Law violates the Constitution, the law(s) of the land. That is that. 


KEEP uppermost in mind that as hard as you are working to secure America, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is operating to influence the political outcome, one which will tilt in Shariah Law’s direction to obliterate the Constitution.

They say that all politics are local. When you want to bring about real change, influencing and impacting the minds of people, then you start local and grow from there. That is precisely the strategy currently being used by the Muslim Brotherhood who are now officially in America trying to influence the political system. Their initial target? Chicago.

Known for its massive corruption and already home to a very active chapter of the Communist Party USA, Chicago has made a name for itself with its radicalism. Being the home of the anti-American, racist Black Liberation Theology church attended by Barack and Michelle Obama for over 20 years, which was led by Pastor Jeremiah Wright, perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that the Muslim Brotherhood would have Chicago as their first target to try to influence the American political system.
Sabri Samirah, who is a member of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood, was exiled from the United States after being investigated for a possible role in the terrorist attacks by al Qaeda on 9/11/2001. He was allowed to return last year and is using his return to organize an official political party, UMMA. (blogger’s note: on Dec. 7, 2014 this site’s readers were warned of the aforementioned political danger!)

Samirah is listed with the Illinois Secretary of State as the registered agent. The goal of the group, according to the Center for Security Policy, is to formally promote the political ambitions of the Muslim Brotherhood.

UMMA is not an acronym, but an Arabic word meaning worldwide community of Muslims. The group held a candidate forum before the mid-term elections. Nearly two dozen Democrats attended to speak to the group of 100 at that forum.

 The group has attempted to portray a patriotic message with a series of pictures. According to the Center for Security Policy, one of the photos used to promote their group is a picture of Barack Obama with the words that he spoke at the United Nations, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

That picture has since been removed. However CSP was able to capture a screenshot before the group had a chance to do so.

obama islam

AS such, is it any wonder why Barack HUSSEIN Obama keeps bowing during his visits to the Middle East?

RESULTANT, be afraid, but not too scared to fight back.


HOWEVER, to counter them you must understand their methods, hence, a gift: The Book of Jihad!


AND as one example out of countless, refer to their particular type of bullying, CAIR-style:

On January 15th the Tennessean newspaper published Paul “Iesa” Galloway’s response to the Paris jihadi murders. Galloway is the new executive director of the American Center for Outreach (ACO) which he says represents the political voice of Muslims in Tennessee.

Galloway’s resume includes running his own public relations firm. He claims an expertise in “rebranding,” aka, professional spin doctor. He founded CAIR-Houston and operated it for four years. He served on Mohamed Elibiary’s Freedom and Justice Foundation board alongside arch Islamist Abdulhakim Mohammed, former imam at the Islamic Center of Nashville (ICN), who was a mentor to Memphis jihadi Carlos Bledsoe. (blogger’s note: trust this, the “fella” is a JACKED-UP Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator!)

Galloway’s predecessor at ACO, Remziya Suleyman also used the “Muslim as victim” narrative and Islamophobia as her rallying cry. AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council) founder and former chair, Daoud Abudiab will try to revive the Islamophobia tactic with his spring 2015 Islamophobia Conference.

“Islamophobia” is name-calling designed to suppress any criticism of Islam and Muslims. It was invented specifically for this purpose by a Muslim Brotherhood front organization, the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT). The IIIT was part of a 5 year terrorism financing investigation for being the largest monetary donor to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group and because it has other questionable ties to terrorist groups.

Being a Muslim Brotherhood insider by virtue of his CAIR leadership, Galloway knows the Islamophobia tactic is losing its impact because subsequent to each jihadi attack, the public is less convinced that Muslims are the real victims. The Associated Press eliminated the term “Islamophobia” from its stylebook which is the media “bible” to guide accuracy in reporting. Remember this the next time you pick up a newspaper or read a report.

Tennessee Islamists Galloway, Suleyman, and AMAC representatives claim that the way to counter what they believe is hate speech against Islam and Muslims, is more speech. But when they don’t like what they hear or when their propaganda is exposed, they revert to bullying.

Whether its “American Muslims” or “Muslim Americans” doing the bullying, they still can’t put lipstick on the Islamophobia pig. (blogger’s note: yes, the “Islamophobia” bugaboo”!)

We shouldn’t be making that distinction and should just refer those who act in the name of or to advance Islam and sharia as Muslims. Some Muslims use terror (jihadists) to do it, others wearing suits and ties use the law and intimidation as their form of jihad. They are all Muslims.


BUT for those who prefer a more “direct” approach, or have a megaphone reach, perhaps the following tactic suits your temperament: Dallas radio host calls Muslims in the U.S. and Europe cockroaches.

CAIR is trying to get him fired: Send support to Chris here:

MOST significantly, the epicenter of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia; the jihadi mosques! Their spearheads.


BUT never be too proud to learn from a smaller power, Slovakia…

“Given that Slovakia is a country where the Catholic Church dominates, followed by the Lutheran Church, we cannot tolerate an influx of 300 – 400,000 Muslim immigrants who would start building mosques all over the place and endeavoring to change the nature, culture, and values of the state,” explained Fico.


The prime minister pointed out that some countries in the world are passing special laws concerning the fight against Islamic terrorism which give more leeway to police. “Maybe the world or events would (eventually) press on us to set different rules for certain groups when it comes to privacy, telephones or bank accounts,” said Fico.

Concerning Muslim terrorist attacks in Europe he said that Slovakia cannot act as if this problem is not also our concern. This is why, nowadays certain persons or ethnic groups are monitored much more carefully.

EU Muslim Population

“Most of the people in these groups are foreign born, but there also could be persons who are citizens of our country, acting in a way to raise suspicion that in the future they might do something harmful to the country (as we’ve seen in Western Europe) and we must be prepared.

GUESS what, Milan gets in on the act too.

Passes a new ‘anti-mosque’ law

no.mosque_alahram.captionPoliticians in the Lombardy region have passed a provisionary law that would make it almost impossible for new mosques to be built in Milan and that would heavily monitor existing Islamic houses of worship, not to mention stopping Muslims from lifting their asses to Allah in the middle of the street.


AS to the “fairer sex”, who said they don’t “got it going on”? One such patriot has taken aim at the danger ala her gun range!

In the five months since Hot Springs, Arkansas, gun range owner Jan Morgan banned Muslims from her facilities, she has seen business quadruple. She has also faced threats and the prospect of lawsuits, which so far, have not materialized. Morgan owns Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range.

According to Fox News, Morgan decided to ban Muslims after “two customers she deemed suspicious” showed up in September. Since that time, she has excluded those “she believes to be Muslim based upon their names.” Morgan sees it as a safety issue. She said, “We are dealing in lethal firearms. I am not going to let a Nazi shoot in here, or a Ku Klux Klan member in here, either.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has written Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to intervene. In the letter, CAIR said, “Given the recent spike in anti-Muslim rhetoric, including Islamophobic statements by government officials, community leaders and media outlets, death threats, and other bias incidents targeting Muslims, I urge you to investigate this matter soon.” CAIR argued that banning Muslims from the shooting range “is a violation of federal laws prohibiting racial and religious discrimination.” (blogger’s note: there they blow again!)


The ACLU is also asked the DOJ to do something about Morgan’s policies, and they want to talk to any Muslim who gets turned away from Morgan’s shooting range. But Morgan is standing her ground. She compared “offering target practice to potential terrorists to flight schools offering lessons to the 9/11 terrorists.” A caption on an image of Morgan with a gun says, “I am the infidel your imam warned you about.”

 YOU go girl!! Gotta love her…


AS hyper vigilant as Americans must be (as well as all westerners…Europeans, Australians etc.), Canadians must be equally so. If not, they are in for a very rude, an explosive, awakening. In fact, it has been uncovered that a major Canadian Muslim (Brotherhood front) group funds Hamas! Yet, is not as if anyone should be surprised…besides, their ambitions are not regional, they are global in scope.

MOST devastatingly, though hardly unexpected, top U.S. defense analysts have proven how Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s (domestic and foreign) policies have imperiled America. Western civilization. 

IF anything, the most intrinsic step you can take to “see from here to there” is to listen to this video analysis –

THE only two points of departure this investigative journalist takes issue with – in regard to the above link – is when they specifically call out “radical Islam”, as opposed to Islam itself! So, repeat: there is no “moderate” Islam. Islam is Islam. Period. Moreover, they allude to the “misguided” intentions of their Commander-in-Chief, instead of his purposeful incendiary fires. Pyromaniac-like.

NO matter, the report is (strategic-wise) devastatingly accurate, all “credit” given to the Traitor-in-Chief!

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ISLAMIC ALARM ALERT: Shariah Law Implanted in America! What/Where Are The Dangers? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary at a rally for shariah law.

IN order to internalize the grave danger America is in – relative to the injection of Shariah Law – one must first recognize why ANY semblance of Shariah Law implanted within America is a clear and present danger. Civil, criminal, Shariah financing laws…makes no diff.

SPECIFICALLY, the Muslim Brotherhood’s overall plan is to subsume all of America under the boot of Shariah, not “just” the Muslim community. They are deadly serious, and their track record attests as much. Don’t dare to dismiss their American (and global) designs.

AT its base, Shariah Law is a knock out blow (despite protestations to the contrary, ala Islamists and anti-American leftists) to the U.S. Constitution, the law of the land. 

Shari’a is an Arabic word meaning “path” or “way.” Today the term is used most commonly to mean “Islamic law,” the detailed system of religious law developed by Muslim scholars in the first three centuries of Islam and still in force among fundamentalists today.

Shari’a tries to describe in detail all possible human acts, dividing them into permitted (halal) and prohibited (haram). It subdivides them into various degrees of good or evil such as obligatory, recommended, neutral, objectionable or forbidden. This vast compendium of rules regulates all matters of devotional life, worship, ritual purity, marriage and inheritance, criminal offenses, commerce and personal conduct. It also regulates the governing of the Islamic state and its relations to non-Muslims within the state as well as to enemies outside the state. Shari’a influences the behavior and worldview of most Muslims, even in secular states where it forms no part of the law of the land.

Islam teaches that shari’a, as God’s revealed law, perfect and eternal, is binding on individuals, society and state in all its details. By logical extension, any criticism of shari’a is heresy. Muslims who deny the validity of shari’a in any way are labeled as non-Muslims (infidels) or apostates (those who convert to another religion) by traditionalists and Islamists. As such, they face the threat of being prosecuted for apostasy, a crime that carries the death penalty in shari’a.

The mandates of shari’a are extremely harsh compared to modern Western standards. They infringe on many modern principles of human rights, religious freedom, and equality of all before the law. For example:

Hudud punishments are the severe penalties prescribed by shari’a for offenses defined as being against God himself. The punishments for these crimes are seen as divinely ordained and cannot be changed by humans. These include 100 lashes or stoning to death as punishment for adultery; 80 lashes for false accusation of adultery; amputation of limbs for theft; 40 or 80 lashes for drinking alcohol; imprisonment, amputation or death (by crucifixion in serious cases) for highway robbery; and the death penalty for apostasy from Islam. Methods of execution for apostasy can include decapitation, crucifixion, burning, strangling, drowning, impaling, and flaying. Apostates are denied a decent burial after their deaths, and the Muslims who participate in killing them are promised an eternal reward in paradise.

Discrimination on the basis of religion is fundamental to shari’a. By religious edict, Islam must be dominant; only Muslims are considered to be full citizens. Jews and Christians are defined as dhimmis (literally “protected” i.e. permitted to live). However this protection is on condition that they do not bear arms, know their lowly place in society, treat Muslims with respect, and pay a special poll tax (jizya).

Shari‘a divides the world into two opposing domains: the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam) and the House of War (Dar al-Harb). Muslims are supposed to wage jihad to change the House of War (where non-Muslims are dominant) into the House of Islam, dominated by Muslims. While some modern Muslims reject this aggressive understanding of jihad, and see it merely as a strengthening of personal faith, most agree that jihad includes defending Muslim territory and Muslims from any form of aggression; this leaves the door open to interpreting any conflict involving Muslims as a case of defensive jihad. Islamic terror groups justify their atrocities by references to the shari’a rules on jihad.

Shari’a discriminates on the basis of gender. Men are regarded as superior. Women are treated as deficient in intelligence, morals and religion, and must therefore be protected from their own weaknesses. Shari’a rules enforce modesty in dress and behavior and the segregation of the sexes. These regulations place women under the legal guardianship of their male relatives. Women are inherently of less value than men in many legal rulings. A man is allowed up to four wives, but women can have only one husband. A man can divorce his wife easily; a woman faces great obstacles should she want a divorce from her husband. A daughter inherits half as much as a son, and the testimony of a female witness in court is worth only half that of a male witness. In cases of murder, the compensation for a woman is less than that given for a man.

Shari’a courts often display a clear gender bias. This is seen in the widespread practice of accusing rape victims of illicit sexual relations (zina), an offense which carries punishments ranging from imprisonment and flogging to death by stoning….

BUT it is not as if “God is our objective, the Koran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, struggle [jihad] is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations” hasn’t been made clear via “The Plan”, delineated below.

THUS, little is more important than understanding Shariah Law’s underlying basis, as well as how the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s tentacled arms wrap around the power centers inside America. Operate. Indeed, Americans (the west) must agree that when a POTUS states: he is not a “secret” Muslim, but that it wouldn’t be a bad thing if he were, well, that is about the closest to an admission re what’s what and who’s who.

Founded in 1928 by the Egyptian schoolteacher/activist Hasan al-Banna (a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis), the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) — a Sunni entity — is one of the oldest, largest and most influential Islamist organizations in the world.

While Egypt historically has been the center of the Brotherhood’s operations, the group today is active in more than 70 countries (some estimates range as high as 100+). Islam expert Robert Spencer has called MB “the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.” In 2003, Richard Clarke – the chief counterterrorism advisor on the U.S. National Security Council during both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations – told a Senate committee that Hamas, al Qaeda, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad were all “descendants of the membership and ideology of the Muslim Brothers.”

MB was established in accordance with al-Banna’s proclamation that Islam should be “given hegemony over all matters of life.” Toward that end, the Brotherhood seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate, or kingdom — first spanning all of the present-day Muslim world, and eventually the entire globe. The organization further aspires to dismantle all non-Islamic governments wherever they currently exist, and to make Islamic Law (Shari’a) the sole basis of jurisprudence everywhere on earth. This purpose is encapsulated in the Brotherhood’s militant credo: “God is our objective, the Koran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, struggle [jihad] is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations.”

Consistent with the foregoing credo, MB since its founding has supported the use of armed struggle, or jihad, against non-Muslim “infidels.” As al-Banna himself wrote: “Jihad is an obligation from Allah on every Muslim and cannot be ignored nor evaded.”Added al-Banna: “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.”

TRENCHANTLY, it is under their “proverbial wings” that Shariah Law has deeply embedded into the heart of America, and its poisonous fruits have given birth in Texas! Yes, the so-called “Lone Star” state, heretofore a bastion of conservatism. Go figure…

YET, before we get to the latest “news” re Texas (others following suit too, more on that in upcoming commentaries), this site warned about the steady encroachment/progress the Brotherhood was making. Not only that, it was “predicted” at these pages!

 Encroachment Warning One:

PLEASE recall (one of) this site’s initial commentary (July 2012), one which detailed “The Plan”. It was not for nothing. Imbibe its basis.

Encroachment Warning Two:

BUT fast forward to merely 16 months later, Nov. 2013, a blip on the yearly calendar. The following was duly noted:

A recent commentary, EXPOSED: A List Of Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Operatives Inside America, Their Linkage To Obama Inc., flew across the web like a house on fire. A six-alarm siren call, or higher.

The point being, many Americans (westerners in general) are waking up to their new reality; an Islamic imposed nightmare readying to encircle their way of life, if not thwarted in equally warp speed. As a result, much time, energy and qualified resources herein are busy uncovering the designs of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, the progenitor of the entire plot, Al Qaeda included. Yes, an actual plot….

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).


CAIR discussing establishment of Shariah divorce system….

(refer below:Texas-style, Shariah Family courts have been implemented!)

Encroachment Warning Three:

BUT they won’t be satisfied until the overthrow of the Constitution (with help from the Islamist-in-Chief) is a fait accompli. Therefore, they formed their own political party! Yup, introducing, the US Council of Muslim Organizations:


OH dear, as always, the bearer of (more) bad news…the Islamic Tribunal inside Texas!


On Tuesday, Breitbart Texas said it confirmed the existence of an Islamic tribunal dispensing Sharia law in Texas. According to the report, the tribunal consists of four attorneys operating in Dallas. The tribunal, Breitbart added, issues voluntary rulings on civil disputes like divorces and family problems. While one might think the existence of such a tribunal would make national news, a Google search found that the so-called “mainstream media” has yet to issue a single report as of this writing.

Taher El-badawi, one of the so-called “judges” of the tribunal, told Breitbart the tribunal applies Shariah law only to litigants who voluntarily accept their rulings on disputes involving family and business issues. According to El-badawi, the organization is “a tribunal, not arbitration.” Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines tribunal as “a court or forum of justice.”

“While participation in the tribunal is voluntary, a married couple cannot be considered divorced by the Islamic community unless it is granted by the tribunal,” he said. And, he admitted, men and women are treated different under Sharia law. “The husband can request the divorce directly from the tribunal,” he explained. “The wife must go to an Imam who will request the divorce for her.” But when it comes to child support, visitation, and custody, the tribunal follows Texas family law, El-badawi said. Most of the time, he added, custody is awarded to the mother.

El-badawi said that most of the time, Texas law and Sharia law are in agreement. But when pressed, he admitted that in the event of a conflict, the tribunal follows Sharia law.

“If the parties are not satisfied with the tribunal’s decision, they do not have to accept it and they can take the matter to Texas civil courts,” he added. But, Bob Price wrote, El-badawi “did not say what the social ramifications of rejecting the ‘judge’s’ decision would be.”

“The courts of the United States of America are costly and consist of ineffective lawyers,” says the website for the tribunal. “Discontent with the legal system leads many Muslims in America to postpone justice in this world and opt for an audience on the Day of Judgment.”

“It is with this issue that Muslims here in America are obligated to find a way to solve conflicts and disputes according to the principles of Islamic Law and its legal heritage of fairness and justice in a manner that is reasonable and cost effective,” the site adds. It also says that “stoning adulterers, cutting of the hands, polyandry and the like (all can be traced in the relevant literature and can be explained in their Islamic legal mentality and rational context in fairness and justice), are mainly a part of Islamic Criminal Law. In fact criminal law within Islam only makes up a fraction of the Shari’ah. It is unscholarly and unfair to generalize that type of understanding, that is Criminal Law, to compromise the whole of Islamic law if we stick to speaking in technical terms.”

The idea of an Islamic tribunal in Texas is not new. In 2008, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh wrote about a case in Texas where the courts upheld the results of arbitration by an Islamic tribunal. Moreover, he said at the time, it seems the courts apparently have no problem with Sharia law being dispensed in Minnesota and New Jersey.

SIGNIFICANTLY, the U.S. court system has been dangerously compromised by the Brotherhood’s various bludgeon’s, and by anti-American judges who preside at the benches. Thereby, they take little issue with Shariah Law invading their judicial territory. Isn’t it clear that the powers that be are so thoroughly corrupted, they no longer even feel the need for any pretense that the Constitution is the law of the land? Rhetorical.

SO from this week’s Shariah Law coming out of Texas, a mere 14 months went by for the Court plan to be implemented, as described within Encroachment Warning Two. Voila! Do you still think they are blowing (Islamic) smoke?

LIKE night follows day, it is not a “coincidence” that last week’s MEGA Islamist conference in Garland, Texas is incidental in both its location and timing. Not by a long shot. Added context can be found here.

READERS, as a matter of record, this investigative journalist was relayed a few tidbits (yes, these “birdies” must remain anonymous…they prefer their head(s) to remain atop their shoulders) re the Texas conference. In fact, “break off” groups were putting the finishing touches on what has been in the works for years; actual Shariah Law courts/tribunals which are binding, regardless that their decisions contravene the laws of the land! Indeed, Texas is their “test” case, and many more are in the works. You got that?

MEMO to Brotherhood Islamists who planned/attended Garland, Texas’s “Islamophobia” conference: you never know when patriots are just one, two or three steps ahead of you…behind you. Even though Islamic enforcers kept most bonafide media at bay, a few investigative types (thankfully) slipped through your nets!

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Obama Empowers Iran; Hezbollah’s S. American Jihadi Cells & Argentina’s Murdered Prosecutor. How Are They Linked? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

GEO-POLITICS operates at warp speed, but its moving parts are rarely understood for what they are. Rather, too many (until recently) have relied upon their leaders (political and media-based) to “set the strategic record straight.”

GRAVE error.

IN this regard, there is little more pressing than stopping Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, irrespective of any obstacle. And for those who believe that the threat is “only” to Israel, think again. Agreed, wiping Israel off the map is their absolute plan, but destroying America is on their target bank too.

BUT to ensure that this existential point is duly cemented, please refer to what Israel just uncovered: satellite images reveal new long-range Iranian missile and launcher! In other words, said missiles are NOT required to strike Israel, but they are target-worthy for America. Bull’s eye.

NEVERTHELESS, first and foremost, Israel’s leaders are duly sworn to eliminate threats, whether near or far. In this regard, PM Netanyahu has a spotty record of accomplishments. Said details were delineated (at a global interview), immediately after this summer’s war with Hamas “ceased”. No sense re-working that wheel.

NOT only that, but PM Netanyahu’s spineless tethering to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “rebels” has catapulted ISIS into Israel proper! Don’t believe it? Well, here is the poop and scoop.

ACUTELY, in regard to the existential threat from Iran, PM Netanyahu failed miserably, despite ordering proxy strikes here and there. His inability to abide by his own “red lines”, those which have come and gone, is beyond the pale. As such, let’s place our cards on the table: in the main, he caved. He opted to leave the gravest threat to Israel in the hands of an Islamist POTUS, but now he is attempting to walk back his spinelessness by pleading before Congress!


TRUTH dare be told, back in Dec. 2012 (5 months into this site’s inception), it was painfully obvious that PM Netanyahu’s much ballyhooed U.N.”red line” graph was nothing but a cartoon-like drawing. Meaningless.


MORE pointedly, in Feb. 2013, PM Netanyahu’s worthless “red line” exposed the symmetry between Washington’s gambit to halt N. Korea’s nuclear program – a game of cat and mouse – with Iran’s. Parallels. 


EVEN so, it doesn’t take a strategic master to figure certain moves out: Obama is Israel’s enemy and an avowed Islamist. Incontrovertibly, he is committed to Israel’s destruction, thus, exposing PM Netanyahu’s fatal flaw – relying on him to “take care of business.”

OMINOUSLY, as a shadow war plays out on Israel’s northern border – between Israel, Iran, Hezbollah and Syrian/ISIS agents – it is astonishingly obvious that PM Netanyahu has NOT learned his (tunnel digging) lessons.

AS a matter of record, just as Hamas dug a labyrinth of explosive tunnels right under the IDF’s nose in Gaza – PM Netanyahu ordered them to play deaf, dumb and blind – so too Iran’s proxy pawn, Hezbollah, is tunneling its way underneath northern Israel!  

Israeli settlements along the border with Lebanon have almost given up. They even made recordings of the digging sounds right under their homes, but even this did not convince anyone in the IDF that Hezbollah is digging tunnels.

So let me tell you. The Hezbollah is digging tunnels. Very rapidly. Just like the IDF did not know how many assault tunnels there were in the Gaza Strip, they also do not have a clue as to what’s going on right under its nose along Israel’s northern border. Ego issues? Lack of means? No, just being stubborn. It would take an incident before they would actually believe those living right on the border with Lebanon.

An army which pulls its own soldiers out of settlements along the border with Gaza, won’t believe their digging tunnels right under the border with Lebanon either.

CAN you believe it? Do.

STILL, yet, a three-part mutually inclusive question remains: how does one explain Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s counter intuitive, seemingly inexplicable unpatriotic “negotiations” with Iran, when he understands full well that the mullahs are scamming and scheming? Moreover, where is the linkage between Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s empowerment of Iran; Hezbollah’s Latin American sleeper cells, and Argentina’s newly deceased Prosecutor, albeit under less than kosher circumstances? Everywhere.

INTRINSICALLY, Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s mad dash to secure an “agreement” with Iran’s genocidal mullahs renders ZERO room for “obstacles”, be they from domestic opponents, foreign-wise via Israel, or even emanating from apoplectic Sunni regimes. He is Allah bent re Iran and that is that.

In this warning, the Iranian official introduced two new features: Tehran has never before set red lines for Israeli military action; neither have the Iranians ever admitted to relaying a warning to Israel through Washington – at least not in public.

The Islamic Republic was saying in effect that it is not only acting in concert with the Obama administration over a nuclear accord, but the two powers will also be aligned against any potential Israel military action against Iran that is intended to upset the nuclear accord unfolding between Washington and Tehran.
In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki declined to comment on “private diplomatic contacts with Iran” beyond saying that no threat was delivered to Israel in the latest round of nuclear talks….

AS reiterated, the Islamist-in-Chief has the mullahs backs. He will NOT tolerate any “interference” re the “negotiations”, as such, Iranian mouthpieces felt secure enough to publicly state as much!

POINTEDLY, jihadi cells primed throughout South America help to accelerate a front arm, one which is within striking distance of America. In fact, this trigger hair scenario is sans nuclear weapons! Imagine that.  

(In 2011, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad palling around with Hugo Chavez…hmm)

AS to the Argentinian Prosecutor’s very suspicious death, look at what he was on the cusp of exposing, thus, even causing the investigative journalist – who broke the story – to flee for his life to Israel: 

Damian Pachter, a reporter with the Buenos Aires Herald, broke the news that a prosecutor who accused Argentina’s government of a cover-up had been found dead from a gunshot wound in his apartment.

Alberto Nisman’s death has rocked Argentina, and the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner – who Nisman accused of secret and illegal dealings with Iran – first called it a suicide before suggesting he had been killed.

In the latest development in the murky saga, Mr Pachter abruptly fled the country on Saturday and flew to Tel Aviv after concluding he was being tracked by Argentine intelligence agents.

“They are using their security forces to chase me,” Mr Pachter said after arriving in Israel. “I just had to move fast and quick, as fast as I could in order to get onto a plane and leave the country.”

“I was sitting around there for two hours or so when a very strange person came in. He wore jeans, a jeans jacket and Ray-Ban sunglasses. I noticed him immediately but stayed where I was. He was sitting two tables from me,” Mr Pachter wrote.

“I then had to consider the best thing to do, because when an Argentine intelligence agent is on your tail, it’s never good news. He didn’t just want to have a coffee with me, that’s for sure.”

He left on Saturday morning, flying first to Uruguay, then Spain and on to Israel, where he is a citizen.

The Argentine government responded by tweeting out the details of his flight from the official account of the presidential palace, apparently in an effort to show that Mr Pachter was due to return in February and had not really fled.

CONCLUSIVELY, understanding that the Islamist-in-Chief is more in league with rogue actors, rather than with his sworn duty to protect America, Hezbollah’s ready-to-pounce factor suits him very well. By the way, Putin is in league with the S. American jihadi thrust into America. Similarly, he shields Iran’s mullahs from any attacks on their nuclear facilities. Yes, the oft-mentioned highly flammable red/green alliance.

MOST significantly, is it any wonder that Barack HUSSEIN Obama went ballistic when Congress recently issued PM Netanyahu an invite to address Congress (lying that he was not notified, when he was), so much so that he is refusing to meet Israel’s duly elected leader, ostensibly, on the bizarre grounds that the White House doesn’t interfere in Israel’s elections! Liar, liar, pants on (Islamic) fire….

NEVER mind the fact that Bubba Clinton made sure to invite “never say die to peace” PM candidate Peres for a pow wow, a month before Israel’s election. Yet, even more revealing, the Liar-in-Chief has dispatched a TOP GUN team to ensconce themselves in Tel Aviv, chiefly, to ensure that PM Netanyahu loses the upcoming March elections! Brass balls.

 NOW, aside from the fact that the Anti-American-in-Chief wants radical leftist/Arabist Livni  – a crass political opportunist, no less – to take over Israel’s premiership, in tandem with her comrades, the real thrust lies within his desperate quest to stop PM Netanyahu from having any real say during the “delicate negotiations” with Iran.

BOTTOM LINE: let’s get this straight: from the get go, the Renegade-in-Chief, in tandem with his main consiglieri, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, have made it their mission to assist Iran in becoming an emerging empire, a nuclear power. Thus, she has been in secret talks with Iran’s leadership since 2012, at the very least! 

MIND you, the fact that he has empowered the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is decidedly not in contradiction with assisting Iran’s ascendancy, even though Sunni Arab/Gulf states are in an uproar over Washington’s drive to essentially usher Iran to the nuclear threshold.

WHAT the hell is really going on?

IN effect, he has been hedging his Islamic-driven bets, indubitably, as both Shia and Sunni powers are ascending. The point being, an Islamic Shariah law (global) takeover is the end point.

BUT if Obama Inc.’s intentions are still unclear, ponder what his mouthpiece at State, John Kerry, has been stating, even as Islamists (Shia and Sunni) slaughter in the name of their pagan, Allah: terrorists kill for thrill seeking, not Islamic jihad! Heck, even many Egyptians are livid, becoming very vocal about Obama Inc’s machinations and intentions. Not exactly complimentary.


AGAIN, Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s goal is NOT to eliminate Iran’s nuclear program, but to create the appearance that his “peaceful” “negotiations” stopped Iran from becoming a nuclear power under his stewardship! In a pig’s eye.

B H O – the (west’s) devil incarnate. No doubt.



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Islamic Leader (Pakistani) Threatens World War 3: Charlie Hebdo Its Catalyst….Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ASSUREDLY, westerners have to keep their eyes peeled on a multitude of Islamic threats. Guaranteed, this investigative journalist is more than up to speed. However, there is one which receives too little attention, and it is nuclear armed Pakistan.

YES, let’s shift our focus to so-called “Pock-kee-stahn”. Readers may recall the very “down home” way that the Islamist-in-Chief pronounces certain terms, thus, demonstrating his affinity for all things non-American, even linguistically. Never mind that his surrogates, fellow leftist elitists, tender high fives for his penchant to “go native”, but just as long as his verbiage doesn’t include American (“jingoistic”) ethos. Heaven forfend.

REGARDLESS, Pakistan is a hair-trigger away from a jihadi takeover, as a matter of fact. Irrefutably, the basis for this analysis is predicated on Pakistan’s genesis, its raison d’être.

The relationship between Pakistan and jihadism cannot be understood without understanding the country’s ideological dimension, the fact that it was created as the result of an idea. Pakistan has a national narrative, a national milieu, and a national identity—all built around Islam. For the first 30 years of Pakistan’s existence, the clamor was for religiosity within and Pan-Islamism in foreign policy. For the next 30 years, global jihadism was the overarching security and foreign policy idea that advanced the ‘ideology of Pakistan.’

Even though three successive commanders of the Pakistan Army—Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, and now Gen. Raheel Sharif—have sought to curtail the jihadists’ influence within Pakistan, including through military operations, their efforts have always fallen short because of the nation’s ideological compulsions. The ‘ideology of Pakistan,’ and the falsified historic narrative taught in schools to justify it, produces sympathy in society for Shariah rule, for an Islamic caliphate and an Islamic state. This works in favor of more than 33 militant groups that operate out of Pakistan. Pakistan’s strategic planners may see no difficulty in eliminating global terrorists and fighting local jihadists while supporting regional ones. But the public is conflicted in its attitude toward jihadist groups. Unfortunately for those who want to stop the Pakistani Taliban, their rhetoric about Shariah and against Western values resonates with supporters of other, ostensibly ‘more palatable’ jihadist groups even if their methods are abhorred by Pakistanis.

For most countries, nuclear weapons are the ultimate guarantee against invasion or territorial extinction. But to the disciples of the ‘ideology of Pakistan,’ security is not enough. Built in into the Two Nation theory is the notion of parity between Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India. The events of the last 67 years may have rendered the Two Nation theory redundant. The number of Muslims living in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh is now roughly equal and there are more Muslims in the subcontinent that live outside Pakistan than in it. But the ideological conception of Pakistan requires that it claim the mantle of Muslim nationhood and pursue equivalence to India in status, power and international standing….

RESULTANT, it makes complete Islamic sense that Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb, proliferated his deadly designs to rogue regimes like N. Korea, Iran and others. NOT only that, but Pakistan’s army chiefs were deeply in the mix, all their feigned protestations to the contrary.

MIND you, Pakistan’s collaboration with highly dangerous regimes is not solely based upon financial gain. Alas, more importantly, it is steeped in Islamic hegemony. Don’t forget this intrinsic aspect, in so far as spreading jihad – via a nuclear umbrella – is the biggest sword Islamists can wield. Yes, spearheading Islam throughout the globe – through frontal and stealth tactics – IS the epicenter of jihad! 

THEREFORE, to flesh out the grave threat from Pakistan’s Islamic thrust, it is mandatory to highlight the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb. Consequently, his central devotion to jihad is a prime factor. In other words, he wields enormous power and influence through his technical knowledge base. Simple as that.

Former Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan glorifies the advancement of the Pakistani nuclear program, inculcates global Islamism among his followers, and seeks to legitimize attacks against the West…..

ALONG this same jihadi train, it is NO small matter when a Pakistani political leader threatens the west – actually, his aim is laser-focused towards America, understanding full well that the rest will fall in line – with World War 3. (un)Holy jihad!

SO as a backgrounder to the above “Islamist of interest”: 

Siraj ul Haq (born 5 September 1962) (سراج الحق) also known as Sirajul Haq is a Pakistani Islamist conservative politician who was elected as the chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, a strong rooted politico-religious party in Pakistan[1] having objective to establish Islamic laws in Pakistan. He also serves as the senior minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, serving in the Pervez Khattak administration.[2]

NOW, the heart of the threat emanates from several directions, and they piggyback one another. On the one hand, the Islamist-in-Chief is diligently pursuing an omerta re criticizing Islam, and it manifests through cooperation with U.N. kleptocrats, as well as via the U.S. Justice Dept. Hmm.

ON the other side, said Islamic putsch occurred well before the blow ups from Charlie Hebdo. If anything, the recent jihad in Paris only pushed its focus up a notch.

BUT in a very basic and practical realm, herein belies the human costs from Pakistan’s (Islam’s) draconian Blasphemy Laws!

INHERENTLY, isn’t paying rapt attention to said OUTRIGHT threats an American, western, imperative?

Jamaat-e-Islami chief Sirajul Haq has said the west’s ‘extremist standpoint’ on blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) may lead to a third world war. “The path that the West has chosen will take the world to a third world war,” Siraj said on Friday.

He was addressing thousands of people at a rally, organised to protest against the insulting caricatures published in Western publications, particularly French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.


The JI chief demanded that the United Nations make laws to discourage blasphemy of all religious personalities. He said France must apologise for hurting sentiments of billions of Muslims across the world.

Addressing the rally, Federal Minister for Railways Khawaja Saad Rafique said the life of a Muslim is useless if he cannot protect the honour and dignity of his Prophet (pbuh). Earlier, the rally marched from Faizabad Flyover through Islamabad Highway to the Blue Area of the capital.


Meanwhile, activists of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) also held a protest in Islamabad and assembled outside Lal Masjid after Friday prayers.

ASWJ head Maulana Muhammad Ludhianvi condemned the caricatures and urged the Muslim world to play a role in making international laws to discourage blasphemy. The ASWJ leaders also demanded expulsion of the French ambassador.


Hundreds of people also came together in various parts of Faisalabad to stage a protest demonstration against the French magazine.

The protests were organised by various religious organisations, including Tehreek-e-Ahle Sunnat and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam.  The protesters carried placards inscribed with slogans against the publication. They said they would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives to protect the honour, prestige and esteem of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).


Tehreek-e-Ahle Sunnat chairman Qazi Muhammad Faiz Rasool Rizvi said Western countries had conspired to incense Muslims by publishing the caricatures in an effort to alter the ideology of Islam. He said love for the Prophet (pbuh) was a basic tenet of Islam.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Faisalabad president Abdus Shakoor Rizvi condemned the publication of the offensive caricatures. He said anti-Islam elements should stop hatching such conspiracies or be ready to face consequences.

Kurt Westergaard is the Danish cartoonist who drew the Mohammed exploding head bomb cartoon

Business and trade activities in the provincial capital of Balochistan came to a standstill due to a shutter-down strike called by different religious and political parties to protest against the caricatures.

The strike was jointly called by Jamaatud Dawa, Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam-Nazaryati, Jamaat-e-Islami, ASWJ, Mutheda Mahaz Balochistan and Khilji Quomi Ethad. The Anjuman-e-Tajeran, traders’ union Balochistan, also backed the strike call.


The religious parties took out separate procession and held protest demonstrations near the Quetta Press Club.  The protestors demanded that Pakistan snap diplomatic relations with France and put pressure on international community to punish all who played with the sentiments of Muslim world.

Thousands of people took to streets on Friday in several districts of Hyderabad and Mirpurkhas divisions to protest against the French magazine.



TO wit, Americans, westerners, would do well to vigorously fight their own political leaders, ensuring that Islam’s “Blasphemy Laws” never see the light of day. For if it does, well, the west’s lights will be out, irrespective of the dangers from an Islamic nuclear umbrella!

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Obama’s Brotherhood Confidante, Linda Sarsour, SCREAMS “Islamophobia!” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(Linda Sarsour, Islamic supremacist… a “Palestinian”… an apologist extraordinaire….Profile: she is the National Advocacy Director for the National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York and lead organizer for The Campaign to Take on Hate. Follow her on Twitter at @lsarsour)

TRUE to form, shakedown artists do what they do best – con and deceive, be they radical leftists or Islamists. We all know this is the truth, even if apologists dodge, weave, spin and scream from the rooftops: up is down, black is white and right is wrong. Topsy turvy too.

MOREOVER, while so-called mainstream media lie like drunken sailors, counter- jihadists aren’t even allowed to make genuine mistakes, nor are they given any leeway for the tiniest of misquotes. What gives?

Steve Emerson, a bonafide counterterrorism expert, made a small error when he misidentified Birmingham, England as an Islamic “no go” zone, even though the context of the entire topic was TOTALLY on target. Not only that, while FOX News groveled and apologized for his misquote (a very bad move on their part, but no matter….), the jackals couldn’t help but bare their fangs. Yup, all hell broke loose! What a shock. 

ON the other hand, one would think that these same denizens of “truthfulness” – and their jihadi pouncers – never “misspeak.” Oh, give us all a freakin’ break…whom are they kidding? Indeed, do they really believe they can intimidate those who know better into silence and worse? When hell freezes over.

BUT before we delve into specifics, it is imperative to internalize why (and how) Islamic grievance-mongers and their apologists invented – yes, they did – their stealth weapon of choice,“Islamophobia”. They understand full well the Achilles heel of westerners: any hint or perception of prejudice/bias lands one into PC purgatory! The omerta. Clockwork.

Now here’s a point you might deeply consider: The neologism “Islamophobia” did not simply emerge ex nihilo. It was invented, deliberately, by a Muslim Brotherhood front organization, the International Institute for Islamic Thought, which is based in Northern Virginia. If that name dimly rings a bell, it should: I’ve mentioned it before, and it’s particularly important because it was co-founded by Anwar Ibrahim–the hero of Moderate Islam who is now trotting around the globe comparing his plight to that of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, a former member of the IIIT who has renounced the group in disgust, was an eyewitness to the creation of the word. “This loathsome term,” he writes,

is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.

In another article concerning the many moderate Muslims whose voices have been drowned out by Saudi-financed Muslim Brotherhood front groups, Muhammad describes the strategy behind the word’s invention:

In an effort to silence critics of political Islam, advocates needed to come up with terminology that would enable them to portray themselves as victims. Muhammad said he was present when his then-allies, meeting at the offices of the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT) in Northern Virginia years ago, coined the term “Islamophobia.”

Muhammad said the Islamists decided to emulate the homosexual activists who used the term “homophobia” to silence critics. He said the group meeting at IIIT saw “Islamophobia” as a way to “beat up their critics.”

TRAGICALLY, Islamic jihadists know their prey very well, yet, too many westerners hardly have a clue, as to what drives them to rampage and slaughter. Duped.

BACK to Sarsour and her feigned “outrage”, whenever any linkage is made between Islam + Muslims relative to terror. Or, in pure mathematical terms, via the Transitive Law: if A bears some relation to B and B bears the same relation to C, then A bears it to C.

SO, Lindala, is this logical construct too complicated for a woman who wears many Islamic/Arab hats, that is, when the object lesson is truthfulness, instead of disinformation? Inquiring minds want to know!

Here is an example of how Leftists and Islamic supremacists advance the “Islamophobia” myth: as far as they are concerned, Islam and Muslims are entirely guiltless in all respects, and the only reason why anyone is suspicious of them is because of a well-heeled “Islamophobia industry” that works full-time, for unaccountable reasons, “to vilify Islam and Muslims.”

Back in the real world, people are suspicious of Islam and Muslims because of Muslim leaders who say things like “We killed the people of Baga. We indeed killed them, as our Lord instructed us in His Book,” and because of Muslims who attack non-Muslims with hammer and machete after writing, The wrath of Allah is about to come down upon the kaffir.” Muslims have no need of a wealthy industry devoted (for some reason) to vilifying them when they have Muslims like this chap in Spain who screamed, “Allahu Akbar, all you Christians will die!,” and the ones in Italy who destroyed and urinated on a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Then there are Sarsour’s fellow “Palestinians” who celebrated the stabbing of innocent Israeli civilians with #IAmAKnife hashtag, and the imam in Uganda who beat his 15-year-old daughter to death for converting to Christianity.

And all that is just in the last few days. But as far as Linda Sarsour, who has the ear of New York City’s disastrous Mayor Bill de Blasio, is concerned, there are rich people whose full-time job is to vilify Islam and Muslims, and they’re the problem, not the jihadis. In reality, Muslims like the ones who perpetrated the jihad attacks I’ve listed here are doing a great job of vilifying Islam and Muslims on their own. And what is Sarsour doing to stop the spread of the beliefs and attitudes that led to all this Islamic violence and so very much more? Why, nothing at all.

Sarsour is, of course, a practiced exploiter of the “hate” smear against foes of jihad terror and Islamic supremacism, and has never apologized for using the Islamic honor murder of Shaima Alawadi to spread lies about the prevalence of hate crimes against Muslims in America. She is also rabidly antisemitic (and, of course, a darling of the Leftist media), and has said that “nothing is creepier than Zionism” and has equated it with “racism.” She is, unsurprisingly, a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, and has claimed that the jihad underwear bomber was a CIA agent — part of what she claims is a U.S. war against Islam.

Her inversion of reality here, as ridiculous as it is, is mainstream.

“Linda Sarsour speaks to MEMO about Islamophobia in America,” by Amelia Smith, Middle East Monitor, January 20, 2015:

“It’s a very dangerous industry in this country,” says Sarsour. “This is not just Steven Emerson doing this as a side job, or something he just writes about when he has free time. This is what people like Steve Emerson do every morning from when they wake up to when they go to bed. Their job is to vilify Islam and Muslims.”

AND so on and so forth…..

UNABASHEDLY, as she screams “Islamophobia”, she has no compunction about spreading incitement against Jews and Israel. How dare she!

An Islamist activist honored by the White House last December as a “Champion of Change” called Zionism “racism” this week and said “nothing is creepier” than the belief in a Jewish homeland.

Linda Sarsour also posted two links on her Twitter feed to a rabidly
anti-Israel video by a New York poet that accuses Israel of ethnic
cleansing and mocks interfaith dialogue as selling out.

FOR added vitriol and insult to injury, she includes patriots (and anyone who doesn’t want to submit to the boot of Islam under Shariah Law) as “fair” game. She is proud of her reputation as a rabid Islamic mouthpiece. 

IN this regard – while Islamic jihad sweeps across the globe – the last bastion of any semblance of western (media) backbone fell to Islam’s “Islamophobia” sword. Ostensibly, this was due to a teeny tiny mistake re Birmingham, England, but other factors are assuredly at play: FOX NEWS apologizes for its coverage of Islamist terror attacks in Europe! 

YET, to complete Obama Inc.’s gang bang, along comes John Kerry (Jan. 23, 2015) on the “Islamophobia” bandwagon; leftist driven, Islamic-inclined, and with an Iranian son-in-law to boot. It just keeps getting worse.

“Countries must devote more resources to fight global extremism, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday, but the battle would falter if it becomes consumed by sectarian division or Islamophobia.”

ALONGSIDE all of her mendacity, Sarsour (and Islam’s apologists) has a golden opportunity to set the Islamic record straight. Basically, she can answer a very unambiguous query: was it okay for bonafide journalists – be they from FOX NEWS or elsewhere, Jews and non-Jews alike – to be refused entrance, as they attempted to cover a large Islamic conference in Garland, Texas, supposedly to “combat Islamophobia?” A “yes or no” will suffice. A or B.

This past weekend in Garland, Texas, Muslim leaders affiliated with a radical, terror-linked group held a “Stand with the Prophet” rally. Their stated purpose? To “combat Islamophobia” and stand up for their “prophet” Muhammad.

Their keynote speaker was a radical imam Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 world trade center bombing.

Wahhaj once said “It is my duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran.”

Hundreds of patriots showed up to counter protest the event, holding their own “Free Speech Rally” nearby. Fox News Producer Jesse Watters showed up too, but not just for the free speech rally.

Watters tried to report from inside the Muslim convention, but they wouldn’t allow him in.

Why can’t the press go in? What’s going on in there?” Watters asked.

“Did you fill out the media form?” a man appearing to be an organizer asked Watters outside the ”Stand With the Prophet” event.

“Yeah, I filled out the media form and I bought tickets too, personally,” the Fox News producer replied. “And now they’re saying I can’t go in.”

“There’s a certain type of media allowed,” the man replied to Watters.

“I thought this was supposed to be open press and I came all the way down here from New York,” Watters countered, but the man just turned and walked away.

SHARIAH V. AMERICA….deadly as that!


Muslim Brotherhood’s Huma Abedin Penetrated/Infiltrated America: The House of Saud! What Are The Ramifications? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Huma Abedin (L) and Malik Obama (R)

{Two major Brotherhood operatives within America’s power centers!}

Huma Abedin, in tandem with Hill (her joined-at-the-hip gal pal), was front and center at the onset of this site. It was not an accident.

ALAS, back in June 2012, an initial commentary revolved around Huma and Hill, and it was entitled “Six Degrees of Separation.” They were featured as “persons of concern.”

PLEASE recall the time frame, it was more than germane. Still is. Yes, it coincided with the terrifying likelihood that the Islamist-in-Chief would gain a second term, as well as Hill being able to continue her (mis)reign as Sec. of State. Mind you, this all came into play only 3 months before Benghazigate blew up, a hardly incidental point of reference. What? Well, it was at this most “opportune” time that Huma Abedin  “conveniently” flew out of line of fire at the State Dept, only to re-emerge and continue her work as a “special government employee.” Hmm. How fortuitous.

Ms. Abedin declined a request for an interview, but the picture that emerges from interviews and records suggests a situation where the lines were blurred between Ms. Abedin’s work in the high echelons of one of the government’s most sensitive executive departments and her role as a Clinton family insider…..

Ms. Abedin reached her new working arrangement in June 2012, when she returned from maternity leave, quietly leaving her position as deputy chief of staff and becoming a special government employee, which is essentially a consultant…..

NOT only that, but the evidence soon became overwhelming that the empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood  – through a mega weapons smuggling operation – was a main focal point for blowing apart Libya. So, how likely was it that a major Muslim Brotherhood (Sisterhood) player was in the dark about this operation, but had no hand in its implementation, like Hill, whose hands steered State’s wheel at the behest of Barack HUSSEIN Obama? 

NOW that Huma’s tenure…now you see her, now you don’t…at State has become clearer, it is time to paint an additional Islamic picture, regarding her infiltration and penetration into America. Coin it, from henceforth, her “House of Saud undercover” operation!

STILL, for one to understand the most revealing aspects to her infiltration and penetration, one must fully recognize exactly how Muslims are dealt with when they marry outside the faith to infidels. Not only that, what about an intermarriage with Jews, those their Quran (Koran) deem no better than “apes and pigs?”

Sura 7:166 – But when even after this they disdainfully persisted in that from which they were forbidden, We said to them, “Become apes—despised and disgraced!” (Maududi)

Sura 2:65 – And you know well the story of those among you who broke Sabbath. We said to them: “Be apes—despised and hated by all.” 66 Thus We made their end a warning to the people of their time and succeeding generation, and an admonition for God-fearing people. (Maududi)

Sura 5:60 – Then say: “Should I inform you [People of the Book] of those, who will have even worse recompense from Allah than the transgressors? They are those whom Allah has cursed; who have been under His wrath; some of whom were turned into apes and swine; who worshipped taghut [the devil or idols]; those are the people who are in a far worse plight and who have turned farthest away from the Right Way.” (Maududi)….etc.

READERS, are you detecting a pattern, as to how Islam depicts Jews? If not, know this:

Question: Why does Islam not allow Muslim women to marry Christian or Jewish men while it allows vice versa?

Quite often non-Muslims raise the question as to why does Islam not allow Muslim women to marry Christian or Jewish men while it allows Muslim men to marry Christian or Jewish women.

Answer: If a Jewish or Christian girl marries a Muslim, she may rest assured that none of the persons who are holy to her will ever be spoken of irreverently among her new family; while, on the other hand, should a Muslim girl marry a non-Muslim, it is certain that he whom she regards as God’s Messenger will be abused… and perhaps even by her own children: for do not children usually follow their father’s faith? Dost thou think it would be fair to expose her to such a pain and humiliation?’

(Muhammad Asad, The Road to Mecca, 1985, Dar Al-Andalus, Gibraltar. pp 186-187)

THUS, if we are to assume that Huma is a female, yet she married a Jew and had his child too, isn’t it VERY clear that she VIOLATED a basic tenet from the Quran? Concomitantly, isn’t it also the case that her family, a highly religious and prominent one within Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabi Kingdom – their history can be accessed here – would have disowned her or worse? 

It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a kaafir (non-Muslim), whether he is Jewish, Christian or an idol-worshipper, because the man has authority over his wife, and it is not permissible for a kaafir to have authority over a Muslim woman. For Islam is the true religion and all other religions are false. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone)” [al-Baqarah 2:221]

“And never will Allaah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers” [al-Nisaa’ 4:141]

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam should prevail and should not be prevailed over.”

If a Muslim woman marries a kaafir when she knows the ruling, then she is a zaaniyah (adulteress), and her punishment is the punishment for adultery. {blogger’s note: the deadly punishment for adultery is here}

Muslim (17:4192) – This hadith clarifies the different penalties for adultery (when the subjects are married), and fornication (when they are not): “in case of married (persons) there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then stoning (to death). And in case of unmarried persons, (the punishment) is one hundred lashes and exile for one year” (See also 17:4191)

If she was ignorant of the ruling then she is excused, but they must be separated, and there is no need for a divorce because the marriage is null and void. On this basis, the Muslim woman whom Allaah has honoured with Islam and her guardian must beware of that and must adhere to the limits set by Allaah, and they must feel proud of Islam. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Those who take disbelievers for Awliyaa’ (protectors or helpers or friends) instead of believers, do they seek honour, power and glory with them? Verily, then to Allaah belongs all honour, power and glory” [al-Nisaa’ 4:139]

RESULTANT, according to this recap, isn’t Huma Abedin being given “special” dispensation? Of course. The question becomes two-fold: by whom, and to what end?

Saudi Arabia isn’t just governed by a strict interpretation of sharia law. It prohibits the public practice of any other religion; it is also Judenrein. Apostasy is considered much worse than being a Jew and is worthy of death. A Muslim woman marrying a Jew is about the most unspeakable crime a Saudi woman can commit. That is what makes the recent trip of close Hillary Clinton adviser Huma Abedin to Saudi Arabia quite inexplicable if she is not a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood. Joining Huma in what should have been seen as a dishonor to the family was Huma’s sister Heba Abedin.

Instead, Huma traveled to Saudi Arabia without fear of death for her crime.

Despite being married to Anthony Weiner (a Jew), Huma Abedin (a Muslim) was allowed to travel to Saudi Arabia to witness her mother Saleha being honored by Dar al-Hekma University, where Saleha works as a Vice Dean. As a leader with the Muslim Sisterhood, Saleha should have been dishonored by her daughter’s marriage four years ago. Yet, Huma is permitted to attend the honoring of her Muslim Sisterhood mother at a Muslim fundamentalist University.

Once again we see evidence that Huma is an agent of the Brotherhood, not the innocent, moderate Muslim she is portrayed as being….

According to the Saudi brand of Sharia law, Huma dishonored her family when she married Weiner. At a minimum, she should have been disowned by the family. That she was not means that the family dishonored itself. In other words, Saleha and Heba further dishonored the family. Since Dar al-Hekma decided to honor Saleha anyway means that the University dishonored itself.

Of course, all of this is forgiven if Huma is practicing Muruna by using the tactic known as the Doctrine of Balance.

TO wit, know their Islamic tactics well, your very lives depend on this knowledge base! In essence, in order to understand what is going on under the radar, taqiyya, kitman, tawriya, muruna, etc. are the places to commence your journey. Get busy.

IN all inherent aspects, Huma Abedin, via the following “dossier” (as well as enumerable others) is “hiding in plain sight.”

MOST significantly, while she has access to the deepest repository of America’s national security secrets – never mind that she is no longer “employed” by the State Dept. – she enjoys the protective shield of Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Bonnie and Clyde Clinton, scores of Beltway power brokers, and the entire Brotherhood apparatus! Whoa, Nellie.

NOW, you tell this investigative journalist: does it get any more dangerous than that?

AND, as an exercise in journalistic curiosity, the captured media should (but they won’t) ask Huma the following “yes or no” queries with no hemming and hawing in between: is she “for or against” what the latest female jihadi (from Colorado) tried to do, as “Jihad Shannon” attempted to board a flight from Denver International Airport to Turkey, not as a sightseer, but to join up with the Islamic State? If not, why not?

INDEED, the above questions (begging for answers) should just get the (media) ball rolling !

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

“Israel’s Voice”, A U.S. 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, Launches New Site: Educational & Action-Oriented…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

One People | One Nation | One Voice

With all of the chaos encircling the globe – resulting from Islamic-driven soldiers seeking to impose Shariah law upon the west – the emergence of Israel’s Voice is more than efficacious. Timely. 

Indeed, it is a distinct honor to be on the Board of Directors of Israel’s Voice….. .

Founded officially in 2014, Israel’s Voice has long been instrumentally active in building a coalition of grassroots volunteers, leaders, and organizations.

A natural outgrowth of our mission, Israel’s Voice (as a nonprofit) was forged to expand our outreach and capabilities through multimedia and direct approaches.


Michael Mendelson, Lisa M. Goldstein, Adina Kutnicki, Donny Kligman, Cema Milicich, Ram Lubranicki and Grissell A. Gallegos.

In this regard, Israel’s Voice, its raison d’être, dovetails with a guiding principle of my life –

” If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when? “

 —Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14 Pirkei Avot

Resultant, we are a “match made in heaven”.

Yet, before you click onto our site (linked above), I would like to take this opportunity to tender a special thank you, a shout out, to Lisa M. Goldstein – a fellow Board Member – on behalf of our entire team.

Sans her design prowess, her keen visual eye, and (most significantly) her Herculean efforts, the final product would not be as awesome as it is.  

Lisa, take a much deserved bow. As we say in Jewish circles, יִישַׁר כֹּחֲךָ ….yishar koḥakha…may your strength increase !


                                       OUR MISSION

Brochure - Front Page


                             OUR DECLARATION


and to everything else housed within our site, rest assured, its components are not meant to merely serve as academic exercises, as important as they are. Rather, our Mission is to inspire and embolden those who support Israel, through educating, promoting, and raising worldwide awareness about past, present, and future events related to the Jewish nation, and to – most importantly – TAKE ACTION!



(The following quote from my blog was cited at “Defeat, Trauma, Lesson:Israel Between Life and Extinction”- by Professor Raphael Israeli, July 2014 –…/…/B00QJM654S)

The following blog quote was cited at "Defeat, Trauma, Lesson:Israel Between Life and Extinction"- by Professor Raphael Israeli, July 2014 -

Islam’s Thrust Through America’s (West’s) Christian & Jewish Clergy: ‘Interfaith Dialogue’ & Spying…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


MUCH has been written at this site about the out-sized dangers of engaging in “interfaith dialogue”, ala “multiculturalism” outreach, with Islamic leaders. 

BUT to bring readers up to speed, and before we get to additional “food for thought”, the following should serve as basic underpinnings:


IN the main, leftist clergy backbench for Islam’s supremacy, even if some opine otherwise. The fruits of their “multi-culti” efforts, the basis of “interfaith dialogue”, attest to its bitter outcome. Its poisons.


YET, PC infected congregants are too confused to recognize where their derelict clergy have led them. Tragically, they rely on them to pave the way, but congregants have been shamefully led astray. Indubitably.

AS a matter of record, would anyone have believed – years ago – that the most high profile Cathedral in America would submit to Islamic “interfaith” outreach? Believe it.


IN essence, even the term itself, “interfaith dialogue”, is an Islamic smokescreen. An Allah wash. In reality, there are several Islamic mandates designed to present a benign face of Islam to Christians and Jews, but one stands out above the rest. It is termed “da’wah”. Don’t EVER forget its true meaning and intent.

Da‘wah (also transliterated daawa(h); Arabic: دعوة‎ “invitation”) means the proselytizing or preaching of Islam. Da‘wah literally means “issuing a summons”…. A Muslim who practices da‘wah, either as a religious worker or in a volunteer community effort, is called a dā‘ī(داعي, plural du‘āh/du‘āt دعاة).

NOW, don’t confuse Islamic proselytizing with that of other religions. Worlds apart. Regardless, what brought da’wah full circle was witnessing its handiwork on MIT’s college campus, surely a replica throughout America’s campuses via the Muslim Student Association, the Brotherhood’s student arm!

For this discussion it is intrinsic to note the intersection between an “occupational” interest in the Muslim Student Association, and its morphing with a mother’s growing concern. This is an understatement.

Many have heard of the “student group”, but few understand its essence and mission. Fewer have spent time watching their Dawah (the Muslim mission to convert others to Islam, mainly through “outreach” programs) efforts too.

In this regard, like most mothers of college-aged students, this blogger visited her son at his MIT college campus, as often as time allowed. Of course to keep a watchful eye, but from a respectful distance. You gotta know when to let go, but we all know it is easier said than done!

Moving right along….already immersed in “tracking the money laundering” of Islamic jihadists (see ), and understanding full well what the Muslim Student Association represented, imagine the shock when I noticed that their offices were cheek-to-jowl with Hillel, the Jewish Student Association !

Be still, a motherly heart.

Observing their in your face “outreach” was a sight to behold, even for someone well versed in their tactics. Unfortunately, most of the kiddies – as insanely smart as “Techers” are – didn’t have a clue. Babes in the woods.

Moreover, there were rumblings about MSA’s MIT most infamous alumni – none other than Ms. Aafia Siddiqui – a 9/11/01 Al Qaeda plotter, now in jail for life….

DUE to all of the above, how intrinsic is it to get a grip on what (a preponderance) of America’s Christian and Jewish clergy are shoving down their congregants throats?

Is your Christian or Jewish leader a spy for Islam?  There are approximately 2500 Muslim Imams in America, an estimated 4000 plus Jewish Rabbis, and over 600,000 Christian Pastors, Ministers, Preachers, Bishops ministering.  Why then is Islam expanding and church/synagogue attendance dwindling?  Why do Islamic leaders have so much influence over Christian and Jewish leaders?

The best answer is a question.  What tool do Islamic leaders use to recruit Christian and Jewish leaders in America?  Islam uses ‘Interfaith’ meetings to infiltrate churches and synagogues.  The Muslim leaders use the Christian and Jewish leaders as confidential informants.  Many of the Christian and Jewish leaders are unwitting sources, but many are witting.  This means for whatever reason the Christian and Jewish leaders are essentially being indoctrinated into the fallacy that Islam is peaceful and most Muslims love Christians, Jews, and of course Jesus.

In reality most Muslims are taught from birth to hate all non Muslims and to use physical Jihad to strengthen and expand Islam.  The people used by Islamic leaders to conduct interfaith meetings are well trained, educated, and are wiz kids at double talk and deceit.  The majority of the Christian and Jewish leaders are not as savvy and are easily influenced.  Christians and Jews desire that all people are essentially good, regardless of their faith.  So when they are hoodwinked by an Islamic leader, they fall as prey to their Islamic masters.


When my son (Chris) and I were conducting firsthand research at the Dar Al Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, VA (Wahhabi nation), I had the opportunity to meet and have long conversations with a leading Islamic scholar in America.  He is Yusef Estes, a former Christian leader who converted to Islam.  He resides in Texas, but travels all over America conducting dawa (missionary work) on behalf of Islam.  Estes informed me of the ‘Interfaith’ strategy.

Estes advised Islamic leaders conduct these conferences with Christian and Jewish leaders so they can have as many of them in their pocket when needed.  Islamic leaders spend an enormous amount of time, resources, and money convincing Christian and Jewish leaders to side with Islam and not American Islamaphobes.  Estes continued to say once a Christian or Jewish leader is hooked, then it is easy to control him/her.  If a particular church or synagogue leader falls under spell of Islam, Islamic leaders know it doesn’t matter if 2000 people in their (Christian/Jewish) congregation are anti-Islam.  The Christian and Jewish leaders will control their respective congregations.

The goal of Islamic leaders is to ‘Reform America’ just as the tape says above.  Tapes just as this are found in almost every mosque (there are over 2300) in America.  The objectives of Islam are not being hidden as many think.  Their books, manuals, audio, video, and brochures are available all across America.

6 ways to know if your Christian or Jewish leader is a ‘Spy’ and facilitator of Islam:

1.  Point blank ask your religious leader if he/she opines that Islam and Sharia law can exist alongside Christianity and Judaism in America.  If he/she says yes then you know this person fundamentally believes Islam and Sharia law are peaceful but has been hijacked by a few radical terrorists.

2.  Is your religious leader a supporter of President Obama?  If so, you can correctly assume they are vulnerable to being recruited to be an apologist for Islam.

3.  Does your religious leader hold ‘Interfaith’ meetings with Muslim leaders?

4.  Is your religious leader anti any type of war in the Middle East?

5.  Does your religious leader inform you that the Islamic ideology is a false religion?  If they do then it is unlikely this particular religious leader has already been recruited into the fallacy of Islam.

6.  Would your religious leader allow ACT For America or Dave Gaubatz to speak at your church/synagogue?  If not it is highly likely your religious leader has already been recruited and/or they are very, very vulnerable to becoming confidential informants for the advancement of Islam.

America was founded on Christian and Jewish values.  Islam had no positive influence in the building of the best country on earth.  We need ‘all’ of our Christian and Jewish leaders to denounce the violent and dangerous ideology known as Islam.  The truth about Islam should be taught at the pulpits so our children and their children will become less vulnerable to recruitment to the Islamic ideology.

We already have pro-Islam leaders in the White House, senior law enforcement positions, media, Hollywood, and in all levels of politics.  America can not survive if our Christian and Jewish leaders abandon us.

LISTEN up to the above patriot and counter-terrorism expert, one who has operated deep within the belly of the Islamic beast for years. 

AND the fact of the matter is that a preponderance (though not all, some are die-hard leftists and fully embrace the enemy, knowing full well what this means) of America’s Christian and Jewish clergy are seeking to come to an “understanding” with Muslims in their midst, a kind of “meeting of the minds”. But never mind. It will never happen, for Islam’s teachings dictate the polar opposite

NOT only that, some clergy are too terrified to admit what they know in their heart of hearts is the real truth: Islam is a precipitous danger to Christianity and Judaism, the basis of western civilization.

MOST significantly, as is said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Therefore, it matters not a whit, whether said clergy mean well or not. At the end of the day, Islam IS at war with America and the entire west. A clash of civilizations is sweeping the globe. Deal with it.

IF anything, surely this recent incitement (right after jihadists murdered Jews, yes, similar joy has been expressed time after time…after time….) should put paid to the Orwellian fetish that clerical “outreach” via “interfaith dialogue” is the way forward – the hashtag #JeSuisCouteau which means “I am knife” has begun trending on Twitter as users flock to social media to heap praise on the Palestinian terrorist who stabbed 11 Israelis on a bus in Tel Aviv Wednesday, the Daily Mail reported – but you would be wrong. Rabbis (and Christian clergy) won’t miss an “interfaith” beat!

Sickening: cartoons revel in bloody attacks

REST assured, even the precipitous Holocaust of Christians (minorities) across the Mid East (and parts of Africa) hasn’t stopped the (never say die) clerical psychosis. Thus, it is up to America’s (the west’s) congregants to tell their clergy:

NO more “dialogue”. Just shut your traps already. Your “outreach” is only helping to “disarm”, to inevitably kill us!

ENOUGH ….מספיק …..די !!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

NYPD’s Counterterrorism Unit Gutted: Islamic Jihad Report “Offensive” To Followers of Islam! The Blow Back…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


NO one has to educate this investigative journalist on the ins and outs of Islam and the “radicalization” process which leads to jihad. Ain’t that the truth.

SO take it to (mental) vault when this claim is asserted: New York City’s security net has taken a dangerous nosedive, ever since a chief radical revolutionary, Bill DeBlasio, took over the Mayoral helm. In fact, it took less than a New York minute for him to dispatch the NYPD’s top gun Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, an “out-of-the-box” leader and counter terror expert, and to replace him with a malleable surrogate, William Bratton. Rest assured, this is the case even though Bratton served as top cop under Giuliani and Dinkins. The fact is that Bratton wouldn’t have been appointed, if he hadn’t agreed to gut the most effective counter terror tools, bar none, developed by Ray Kelly. Believe it.

An NYPD unit tasked with spying on the city’s Muslims was publicly killed Tuesday, just days after a ruling that upheld its legal basis. So what gives?

New York is the country’s largest city and one of its most progressive but since 2001 it’s also been at the forefront of some of the most aggressive and controversial anti-terrorism tactics. Yesterday, city officials announced the end of one of those major tactics: targeted spying on Muslim communities.But there’s some strange timing going on here. For one thing, New York’s liberal Mayor Bill de Blasio was in favor of the surveillance program before he was against it. Then there’s the fact that just days after the New York Times reported that Attorney General Eric Holder will sign off on new guidelines for the FBI that would allow it to continue using nationality to map and surveil neighborhoods, the NYPD program that had been assembling detailed files on Muslim neighborhoods is being publicly dismantled.More on that in a bit, first some background on the program itself.Officially, the spying was done under the auspices of the NYPD’s “Zone Assessment Unit.” Muslims in New York City saw their mosques, restaurants and, in some cases, student associations infiltrated by undercover NYPD officials and confidential informants who took notes on overheard conversations, television programs that were playing, nationality of store owners and customers, and anything else that NYPD officials thought gave them a flavor for what was happening in the city’s cloistered immigrant communities that catered to Muslims from the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe.


BUT to understand why this “touchy” subject hits to the core, its particular resonance comes from being a native New Yorker (notwithstanding other related matters), though currently living in Israel.

REGARDLESS, some high level professional contacts keep tabs on evolving dangers. Alas, not too much escapes certain finely tuned eyes and ears. Thus, the notion that De Blasio is endangering New York City, America as a whole, is untenable. Not only that, essentially, his pro jihad actions invariably blow back onto Israel and that is a fact . 

DUE to the above, this is precisely why it was incumbent to jump into the fray, when two of the NYPD’s finest were assassinated, execution style, in Bed-Stuy. As a tidbit, Bed-Stuy houses one of New York City’s most Islamic infested enclaves, for that matter, one of the most jacked up terror nests in the U.S. Yes, this ‘nabe bears close watching, and then some.

AS a matter of jihadi record, Masjid At-Taqwa boasts a “star” player in the hierarchy of the terror arena. And this is why he has been featured, more than once, at this site – Siraj Wahhaj!


THE notion that any NYC Mayor would cease surveillance within said Islamic infused areas, well, bespeaks of nothing less than supporting the plotting and execution of terror attacks within NYC, and beyond its borders. Like night follows day.   NYC may yank terrorism report to appease mosque ‘spying’ critics


In top-secret talks to settle federal lawsuits against the NYPD for monitoring mosques, the city is weighing a demand that it scrub from its Web site a report on Islamic terrorists, The Post has learned.

The groundbreaking, 92-page report, titled “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat,” angers critics who say it promotes “religious profiling” and discrimination against Muslims. But law-enforcement sources say removing the report now would come at the worst time — after mounting terror attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris, Boston, Sydney and Ottawa.

Here in New York, Zale Thompson, a man who heeded online calls by ISIS for jihad, attacked two NYPD officers with a hatchet in October.

“The harm is that it sends the message that the NYPD is ­going to back down on its counterterrorism effort in the name of political correctness,” said a former NYPD official. “Shame on the NYPD if they do.”

Sources familiar with the case confirmed that removal of the NYPD report is one of the major sticking points in settlement negotiations.

Also on the table are demands that the NYPD halt any ongoing surveillance in the Muslim community and that records of prior monitoring be expunged, sources said.

With what seems today like a crystal ball, the 2007 NYPD report identified an “emerging threat” — al Qaeda-inspired jihadists in the United States and abroad, hell-bent on attacking their host countries.

“Radicalization is something the NYPD saw happening in Europe,” said the former NYPD official. “It was prescient in identifying this phenomenon and predicting it would increase.”

Among the report’s warnings:

  • “The majority of radical individuals began as ‘unremarkable’ — they had ‘unremarkable’ jobs, had lived ‘unremarkable’ lives and had little, if any criminal history.”
  • Most terrorist wannabes are reasonably well-educated male Muslims between ages 18 and 35, local residents, second- or third-generation with roots in the Middle East or South Asia, and from middle-class families.
  • “The Internet is a driver and enabler for the process of radicalization” — providing information on extremist beliefs to practical advice on constructing weapons
  • Recent converts to Islam can be the most radical. “Their need to prove their religious convictions to their companions often makes them the most aggressive.”
  • Potential jihadists flock to mosques as their religious beliefs deepen, then withdraw from them when “the individual’s level of extremism surpasses that of the mosque.”
  • Once a person is radicalized, an attack can happen very quickly. “While the other phases of radicalization may take place gradually, over two to three years, this jihadization component can be a very rapid process, taking only a few months, or even weeks.”

Under former Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, the report served as a blueprint for the NYPD’s “demographic unit,” which sent plainclothes detectives into Muslim cafes, stores and mosques to detect potential terrorists.

After the initiative was exposed by The Associated Press Muslim leaders and groups filed two lawsuits in Brooklyn federal court claiming they were subjected to unwarranted surveillance. {blogger’s note: that’s what should be expected when Islam’s followers plot jihad, you think?}

The suits complain the radicalization report puts virtually all Muslims under suspicion.

Last April, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton disbanded the intelligence-gathering unit.

A spokesman for the city Law Department said, “Discussions are ongoing, and nothing is final.”

YET, if any of the above appears out of left field – no pun intended – consider the fact that Comrade DeBlasio and Barack HUSSEIN Obama are absolute kindred spirits, both red and green imbued and aligned. Anti-Americans to their core. Therefore, the following video link is of piece with an Islamist-in-Chief, one who exhorted on September 21, 2014: America is the Number One Muslim country in the world! 


KNOW this: the counter terrorism unit which Ray Kelly birthed, conceived and developed has been the main reason why NYC hasn’t suffered another 9/11/01. And those who argue otherwise do not know what they are babbling about. Trust this info. Not only that, it is not a politically biased statement, but one borne out of a host of knowledge-based material. Readers may also want to “sit in” on a bird’s eye view of what had been regular briefings, under the stellar command of Ray Kelly.

AND if folks truly want to know what’s what, you must internalize – pass along too – the following report, and then extrapolate its findings from NYC to ANY city USA!

ON the other hand, those reporting to Bratton, regarding Islamic threats, are working akin to a game of blind man’s bluff. How so? Since the so-called Islamic-based “spying” is no longer on the table; and the most comprehensive, fact based analysis compiled by the NYPD’s counterterrorism intelligence division is on the chopping block, well, how do you think the security situation (NYC’s and America’s) is going to be affected, positively or negatively? 

CASE closed!

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America, The West, IS At WAR With Islam: What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

INDEED, it may appear to this site’s vast readership that there is nothing else to concentrate on, ad infinitum, other than Islam’s incessant barbarism against Israel, America and the west in toto.  

YES, while there are other pressing concerns which are addressed at this site, the fact remains that since Islam IS at war with Israel, America, and nations which refuse to submit to its dictates, concomitantly, these same nations are at war (they should be) with Islam. Agreed?

IN other words, if the definition of survival is the defense of ones personal safety and national security, surely the above paradigm has to be true. As such, doesn’t it make sense that the highest priority is placed on said (worldwide) incendiary area of concern?

SO atop yesterday’s highlighted commentary it was blared: there is a clash of civilizations. Plain and simple. 

BUT it is not enough to just assert a position, sans a concrete evidentiary case. Therefore, the following is more than germane, in order to rip off Islam’s mask!

IN this regard, America’s jihadi cells are primed, and they are ready to blow!


TO wit, once imbibed, how can one not assert:

“We are at War with Islam:  Muslims in America R Unwelcome Guests”

“A Radical Muslim’ is a ‘Practicing Muslim’, a ‘Moderate Muslim’ is a ‘non Practicing Muslim’ or otherwise known as an Apostate of Islam” – by Dave Gaubatz (Islam Exposed: Ask the Expert …ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World

By keeping in mind my definition of Practicing and non Practicing Muslims, we should have shown the door to Muslims the day after Sept. 11, 2001.  Sharia law and the U.S. Constitution are not compatible and only one can operate in America.  I pick the U.S. Constitution.

We must stop kidding ourselves about Islam.  This ideology is very dangerous and has no place in this world, especially in America.  How many examples of violence in the name of Islam does it require to convince people Islam and Sharia law go together.  They are one in the same.  Sharia law is the 10 Commandments equivalent of Christianity.  You can no more as a Muslim practice Islam without Sharia law than a Christian could practice Christianity without the 10 Commandments.

It appears to be a simple solution to help prevent Islamic based terrorist attacks in America we should deport ‘all’ Muslims who practice Islam.  We should shutdown all mosques and Islamic centers.  We must close all of the acronyms related to Islam, beginning with CAIR National.

America and Americans have always been a land of friendly people and we have built America by allowing from all over the world migrate to this beautiful country.  From the beginning though we should have insisted all Americans must pledge allegiance to America.  Is this asking too much?

Muslims are taught to show no allegiance to any person, government, or country.  CAIR and ISNA send out brochures informing Muslims to not pledge their allegiance to America.  This should be a hint to senior law enforcement and politicians that trouble may arise from the people who will not show their allegiance to America.

Here are a list of words that mean the opposite of allegiance:

Do any of the opposites to allegiance have even a glimmer of hope that they are good for America?  Of course not.I ask each reader to answer one question.  Do you believe Islam is a healthy, fruitful, peaceful and non violent religion?  Only Obama and Sharpton would argue with you.  Most of you understand Islam is not good for the world.  Why then do we allow it to flourish in America?We allow Islam to flourish because politicians and the media (liberal and conservative) propagandize Islam as a peaceful religion that has been hijacked by radicals.  We have people like Hannity and O’Reilly (Fox News) who should be the voices of truth about Islam, yet each night they continue to broadcast that Islam was founded by a peaceful religious leader (Mohammed) and there are people within Islam (Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc..) who distort the true meaning of Islam and Muslims.  This must stop.Islamic based terrorist events make great news for media outlets.  These outlets spend millions to bring you firsthand information about terror events, but they never attack the basic ideology of Islam.  They will never tell you the Quran and ideology of Islam are the true dangers to our world.  Why will they not tell you the truth?  Because they make many more millions in revenue from broadcasting the terror events, but they understand if they come too close to telling you that Islam is violent and Islam was founded by a child rapist, they would lose sponsors.So the cycle will continue.  Muslims from around the world will continue to murder, rape, and sell innocent children into slavery.  They will continue to bomb our shopping malls, media outlets who begin to tell the truth about Mohammed and Islam, and sadly they will soon be attacking our children at their schools.If you love America and want your children to be safe from Islamic based terrorism committed by Muslims (not radicals), it is time we no longer provide a safe haven in America for practicing Muslims.  Being born in America does not meet the definition of an American.  You must pledge allegiance to this great country or you are no better than the worst of Boko Haram.  We do not need you if you cannot put America’s interest ahead of Prophet Mohammed’s violent ideology.

Islam is at war with the world and Americans are at war with Islam.

MIND you, stating the obvious is an unpopular position to stake out. Boo hoo. Regardless, there is no other alternative, when one understands what is at stake. But for some added disinfectant, listen to what Thomas Jefferson had to say, afterwards, we can segue to Winston Churchill’s foresight.

Thomas Jefferson’s response to Muslims in 1801 is more important today than ever. America’s first war with Islamic terrorists should be remembered.

The First Barbary War (1801–1805) also known as the Tripolitan War or the Barbary Coast War, was the first of two wars fought between the United States and the Northwest African Berber Muslim states known collectively as the Barbary States. These were the Ottoman provinces of Tripoli, Algiers, and Tunis, which were enjoying a large autonomy, as well as the independent Sultanate of Morocco. The war was fought because U.S. President Thomas Jefferson refused to pay the high tributes demanded by the Barbary states and because they were seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for high ransoms. It was the first declared war the United States fought on foreign land and seas.

In 1786, Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Great Britain. They asked this ‘diplomat’ by what right his nation attacked American ships and enslaved her citizens and why the Muslims held such hostility toward this new nation, with which neither Tripoli nor any of the other Barbary Coast nations had any previous contact. The answer was quite revealing. Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja (the ambassador) replied that Islam:

“Was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

READERS, as promised, let Winston Churchill’s sage advice ring in your ears:

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”

As the Liberty Party press release on Weston’s arrest noted, following this portion of his remarks:

“Reportedly a woman came out of the Guildhall and asked Mr Weston if he had the authorisation to make this speech. When he answered that he didn’t, she told him “It’s disgusting!” and then called the police.

Six or seven officers arrived. They talked with the people standing nearby, asking questions about what had happened. The police had a long discussion with Mr Weston, lasting about 40 minutes.

At about 3pm he was arrested. They searched him, put him in a police van and took him away.”

ABSOLUTELY, Europe has gone off the rails. But the question begs asking: is America next?

IN the immortal words of George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


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Islam’s Sexual Fatwas, Ethnic Purging & Worldwide Rampages: Clash of Civilizations…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


REALISTICALLY speaking, rational westerners must be able to recognize that a clash of civilizations is erupting throughout the world, at least wherever Islam has taken root.

IN all honesty, can adults seriously argue that the cultural, political and religious underpinnings of Islam are NOT at the epicenter of the worldwide bloodshed spilled under the banner of Islamic jihad, yet still claim to have their faculties intact? Readers, it makes no sense denying the obvious, unless living under the boot of Shariah Law is the acceptable way forward. Yes, for starters, internalizing the above should be the west’s focal point.

NOT only that, don’t get distracted, deceived or dissuaded by western leaders, as they opine that there is no clash between the west and Islam! Orwellian.

President Barack Obama on Wednesday addressed the United Nations General Assembly, focusing in large part on the U.S.’s current battle against the Islamic terrorist network ISIS.

Obama said that the U.S. is dedicated to fighting al Qaeda “and its associated forces” but said the U.S. “is not and never will be at war with Islam.” {blogger’s note: yes, the arsonist is now claiming to be the firefighter….on the other hand, if not for Benghazigate, arming the “rebels” – Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Salafists, ISIS aligned – then Libya wouldn’t have been blown apart and so on….)

“Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice,” he said. “And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them -– there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country.”

Obama continued: “So, we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations. Belief in permanent religious war is the misguided refuge of extremists who cannot build or create anything, and therefore peddle only fanaticism and hate. And it is no exaggeration to say that humanity’s future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along fault lines of tribe or sect; race or religion.”

SO sayeth the Islamist-in-Chief…..poppycock…horse manure. Besides, said denial is akin to believing that the moon is made of green cheese. Oh, really?

MOVING right along, let us just concentrate on a few major points of “irreconcilable differences” because there are too many to enumerate. Book-worthy. 


IN this regard, the fact remains that sexual deviance is the most compelling aberrant behavior. This is mainly due to its far reaching implications for society as a whole. 

MOREOVER, along these same lines, many readers are also familiar with Islam’s “laws of war” via sexual and slave jihad. If not, please catch up to speed. Why? It is THAT important. 

THINK of it this way: although there are sub-elements within western nations that violate acceptable standards of civilized behavior (mainly hailing from the radical/”progressive” left, like those who seek to legalize pedophilia and other sexual deviance…ala the North American Man/Boy Love Association…may all these twisted perverts die a slow, lingering death…), the fact remains that not only is their behavior criminal and outside the pale of society, but the religious underpinnings of America/west, Christianity and Judaism, hardly sanctions said twisted behavior in their doctrinal teachings!

BUT there’s more…Dr. Nakir Zaik, a Quranic scholar, upholds a fatwa that a man is still considered pure when he releases his lust with a sheep or a goat. Have mercy…on the sheep and goat!

Is there a proper Muslim way to have sex with animals? Indeed, there is! Guidelines for sex with animals can be found in the writings of Ayatollah Khomeini. Two excerpts from his writings serve to clarify the matter.

“A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” Don’t the buyers deserve a discount of some kind?

Khomeini’s “Tahrirolvasyleh” fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

“If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.” What if it was really good and invites another lap or two? Must animals always be one-night stands?


ATOP everything else, who hasn’t heard about the slaughtering of Christians, Jews and minority after minority, all under the banner of Islam, Allahu Akbar? Those living in caves, that’s who.

SO if ethnic purging is considered vile within western civilization (even though it takes place, again, it has never been “religiously” sanctioned), then wait until you read what else they have planned:

 AFP Photo / HO / Al-Furqan Media

Todenhofer lived side by side with the jihadist fighters for ten days in the Islamic State-stronghold city of Mosul, Iraq. He was accompanied only by his son, who served as his cameraman.

“I always asked them about the value of mercy in Islam,” but “I didn’t see any mercy in their behavior,” explained Todenhofer. He added, “Something that I don’t understand at all is the enthusiasm in their plan of religious cleansing, planning to kill the non-believers… They also will kill Muslim democrats because they believe that non-ISIL-Muslims put the laws of human beings above the commandments of God.”

The German reporter then elaborated on how shocked he was about how “willing to kill” the ISIS fighters are. He said that they were ready to commit genocide. “They were talking about [killing] hundreds of millions. They were enthusiastic about it, and I just cannot understand that,” said Todenhofer

He warned that the Islamic State “is much stronger than we think,” and that their recruiting has brought motivated jihadis from across the globe. “Each day, hundreds of new enthusiastic fighters are arriving,” explained Todenhofer. “There is an incredible enthusiasm that I have never seen in any other war zones I have been to.”


THEREFORE, is it any wonder that countless followers of Islam, whose cult-like “religion” condones the sexual violation of children and women, supports bestiality, and aims for wholesale slaughter, feel it is their “right” to kill and rampage, be it over cartoons or any other supposed “offense” in between?  

AS to Islam’s blow back within America… well, the list is too lengthy. But the following should give every American pause:



BUT if a picture is worth a thousand words, then what is a show and tell video worth?


DEAR readers, ask yourselves: due to the above, and so much more, is it at all possible for western nations to co-exist with followers of Islam?

TRUTH be told, the answer should be obvious to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Extrapolating further, indeed, the west is at war with Islam! Indubitably, it is this generation’s most pressing challenge, bar none.

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Obama’s Mid East Sunni “Rebels” (Backed By PM Netanyahu) Catapulted ISIS Inside Israel! How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

A fighter of the Islamic State (ISIS)

BACK in September 2014, this investigative journalist was asked to assess the (eventual) blow back from Israel’s defensive war against Hamas – the Brotherhood’s Gazan arm – at a major interview. Its necessity, its basis, lied in the fact that Hamas’s leadership was left unscathed, even after a summer long, fiery hot war. The central query became: why weren’t they vanquished?

IT is no exaggeration to state that PM Netanyahu fell far short of achieving victory, regardless of the leadership’s bloviating, huffing, and puffing. It serves no purpose, other than cosmetic in nature, to place lipstick on a less than kosher pig. If anything, those who recognize when strategic imperatives haven’t been met must never, ever cover up their leadership’s shortcomings. In fact, it is incumbent to highlight them, bringing to bear related (and what should have been anticipated) knock-on effects.

THAT being said, pay attention to the aforementioned interview:

In respect to the strategic implications for Israel – as a result of PM Netanyahu’s utter refusal to bury Hamas – he opened the door for ISIS and in more ways than one. Few are aware that the lengthy battle between Israel and Hamas (with Hamas’s stature growing, commensurate with the amount of time that they were able to hold out against the vaunted IDF) allowed ISIS to slip right into Israel proper! Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy arm, is more than taking note. Other jihadi terror outfits too.

“As the Islamic State (formerly ISIS) continues its bloody conquest of Iraq and Syria and begins invading Lebanon, all in the name of establishing a global Sunni Muslim caliphate system, signs of support for the extremist are being seen among Israel’s Arab citizens.

Channel 10 exposed on Sunday that in recent months black ISIS flags have been commonly seen in Arab-Israeli towns in northern and coastal Israel, notably in the cities of Nazareth and Akko.

The flags have been seen flying among both Muslim and Christian Arab citizens of Israel, an ironic move given that ISIS in Iraq has emptied cities of their Christian populations by issuing them an ultimatum either to convert to Islam, pay non-Muslim jhizya taxes – or die.” –

Understood?….(read the whole thing)

Just like Hitler, ISIS executes 100's of Iraqi POW's and dumps their bodies in a ditch. It is no coincidence that Mein Kamph is the second most popular book after the Qur'an in the Islamic world.

(Just like Hitler, ISIS executes 100’s of Iraqi POW’s and dumps their bodies in a ditch. It is no coincidence that Mein Kamph is the second most popular book after the Qur’an in the Islamic world.)

ISIS’s foreshadowing within Israel, housed at the above (Sept. 2014) interview at Inquisitr, led to a follow up strategic commentary analysis at this site, Dec. 20, 2014. It asserts, in part: 

MUCH has been written at this site about Obama Inc.’s support for the “rebels”, most of whom have long been connected to Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and Salafist offshoots, including ISIS. 

IN fact, regarding the connections – on a multiplicity of occasions – mega alarm bells blared. Most recently, the following was cited: U.S. military confirms that Obama is sabotaging fight against ISIS! As is said, them’s fighting words.

BUT little has been publicly discussed about PM Netanyahu’s decision to “assist” Barack HUSSEIN Obama with his oft ballyhooed “rebels”, to aid Washington in rolling back ISIS. Yes, that would have been a righteous strategic mission, and arguably in Israel’s national interests. Few would contest to the contrary. Just listen to the Druze community on both borders of the Golan (albeit, a little farther down in the analysis), where they make their voices known.

STIPULATED, PM Netanyahu’s joined-at-the-hip scenario depended upon many factors. Nevertheless, as always, Israel’s citizens must demand that any outcome results in their favor. Inherently, two compelling factors stood in the forefront and had to be taken into account. Alas, they weren’t. Why not?

TRENCHANTLY, the “rebels” had to be incontrovertibly in the camp of the “good guys”. Otherwise, why would Israel go anywhere near them, regardless of Washington’s arm twisting?……

The Syrian rebel militia Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades, backed and trained for two years by US officers, mostly CIA experts, in Jordan, and supported by the Israeli army, has abruptly dumped these sponsors and joined up with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military and counter-terrorism sources reveal.…..

NOT to be lost in the discussion, the impending storm, butting up against the encroachment of ISIS live Israel’s Golan Druze (alongside Israeli Jewish communities), many of whom have relatives right over the border within Syria’s Druze community. Druze, on both sides of the border, are terrified by what they are actually witnessing with their own eyes; their encirclement by ISIS, with the “rebels” in tow……

ALONG this dangerous terrain, certain matters have come to this investigative journalist’s attention, being an American-Israeli living in Israel. Significantly (and attributed to a Golani Druze journalist, who shall remain nameless), he interviewed Syrian Druze and they credibly documented ISIS, for quite some time, inside their border, one which is adjacent to Israel’s Golan!

THE urgent query becomes: could it be remotely possible, in any rational reality – with Israel’s second to none “eyes in the sky” and other operational capabilities – that they haven’t seen the “rebels” merging with ISIS, long before this week’s “announcement”? Whom are they kidding?

IN this regard, there is a growing sense of outrage within the Druze community, as they realize that Israel’s leadership “lent” the IDF to quarterback for Obama’s “rebels”, those whom have proven to be (many months ago) ISIS affiliated.

IT gets worse.

ONCE again, a source has confirmed an unfathomable situation: Israel’s gov’t is clearly taking care of the medical needs of Obama’s “rebels”.

REPORTEDLY (another contact would have to go into hiding, if his identity was revealed), Israeli hospitals are at their disposal! Therefore, it is up to others to document the story’s underlying basis.

IN April 2014, over 10 Islamists (identified as either ISIS or Al-Nusra…six of one, half a dozen of another) were being treated in a Tsfat (Israeli) hospital for almost an entire month. To wit, they were separated from the rest of the patients, they were forbidden to walk around the hospital, and they were always guarded by IDF soldiers. By the way, it doesn’t matter a wit how this source was able to identify their presence. That’s neither here nor there…..(continue reading)

NOT only that, but this week’s “shocking” confirmation (albeit, hardly hinting how this nightmare came to pass…almost as if out of thin air) brings ISIS full circle, and into the heart of Israel! Just hang on….

The Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) has arrested seven Israeli Arabs, residents of the Galilee, for setting up an official Islamic State (ISIS) affiliate branch in Israel, it was cleared for publication Sunday. 

The Shin Bet said that the seven admitted that over the last year they had formed a Salafi jihadi group, which they later aligned with ISIS.

One of them also admitted to purchasing weapons to commit terror attacks on Israelis, specifically against the security establishment and the Druze community, in ISIS’s name. Several more Galilee residents were arrested in this context.

The seven have now been named as:

  • Adnan Jameel Said Al-A-Din, 40, from Nazareth; a lawyer by trade.
  • Karim Morsal Khaled Abu Saleh, aged 22, from Sakhnin.
  • Hussam Aziz Hamdal Marsiat, aged 30, a resident of Deir Hanna and past terrorist prisoner.
  • Alaa Mahmoud Khaled Abu Saleh, aged 27, from Beer Sheva; originally from Sakhnin.
  • Fadi Mohammed Salim Bashir, aged 29, a resident of Sakhnin.
  • Khaled Marsal Khaled Abu Saleh, aged 30, a resident of Sakhnin.
  • Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed Abu-Saleh, aged 27, a resident of Sakhnin, a pharmacy intern by trade.

All seven met with a senior Sheikh running anti-Israel terror groups in the north, who was not named in the report; the Sheikh encouraged them to form the jihadist group and carry out terror attacks.

Meeting the group held included preparations to join ISIS in Syria, tutorials on how to make Molotov cocktails, and animal slaughter as “training” to slaughter “infidels” in jihadist attacks.

In addition, the group was in touch with ISIS terrorists via social media, including with other Israeli Arabs who have left for Syria to join the group. In October, sources revealed that no fewer than 30 Arab citizens of Israel have joined ISIS; there is a move in the Knesset to revoke their citizenship.

Al-A-Din presented himself as an “ISIS representative in Palestine,” according to the ISA, and operated as the ringleader of the group. Al-A-Din preached terror attacks against Jews specifically and ran much of the activities during meetings.

Karim Abu Salah actually attempted to leave for Syria in July 2014 to join the jihad forces fighting there, but was turned away at the last minute by securityforces after intelligence came in on his intentions, the ISA further revealed. Abu Salah then turned to Al-A-Din to make contact with ISIS in Syria and raise money for his departure.

An indictment has been filed against all seven in the Haifa District Court, on suspicion of membership and activity in an unlawful association, supporting a terrorist organization and attempted contact with a foreign agent.

An additional man, Omar Musa Khalil Abu Kush, born in 1986, was also arrested in connection to the case. Abu Kush recently completed his medical studies at the University of Jordan Science and Technology (JUST). Abu Kush was arrested in November for attempting to join the Galilee cell; he admitted under interrogation that he supported ISIS and met with members of the organization in Jordan to discuss going to fight there.

The indictment follows news earlier this month that an ISIS-inspired terror cell was broken up by the IDF in Hevron.

RECALL, the above cited commentary (Dec. 20, 2014) specifically tied in the dangers to the Druze community, as well as to the majority Jewish public at large. 

MORE pointedly, it has been shared (as always, the confidentiality of sources are never revealed) with this investigative journalist that “there are two schools of thought in the government about Syria, one that we should help al-Nusra/al-Qaeda and the other that we should not get involved. So far the pro-al-Qaeda position is the one which has been adopted.

This had apparently not changed as a result of information that al-Qaeda and ISIS are working together, this is going on now, and there is no indication that they are going to change this. The idea is that Al-Qaeda will defeat Hizbollah for Israel. There is no thinking about what will happen after that, the likelihood that this will mean that it will turn out that we are supporting ISIS, or any other obvious objections to this.”  

MOST significantly for Israel, assisting Al-Nusra in Syria is official (albeit on the QT) government policy, and this investigative journalist has this information from people in contact with the highest levels of the Israeli government.

Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front has issued a new threatening audio message featuring its leader warning the West “will pay the heaviest price” for its actions. The Syrian group is reportedly now joining up with the estranged Islamic State militants….

TAKE it to the (strategic) bank.

Islamist Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra members gesture while posing on a tank on Al-Khazan frontline of Khan Sheikhoun, northern Idlib province.( Reuters / Hamid Khatib)

(Islamist Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra members gesture while posing on a tank on Al-Khazan frontline of Khan Sheikhoun, northern Idlib province.)

INTRINSICALLY, what leader in his right (no pun intended) mind, other than a mentally besieged one, would place his nation’s lot in with Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “strategic” plans, understanding full well that Washington’s backed “rebels” are laying waste to Christian and minority communities in the Mid East and Africa? 

MOST significantly, what kind of supine leadership would “climb down” from a righteous strategic hit and operational coup against Iran/Hezbollah, on behalf of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s arm twisting? 

INHERENTLY, no one with an ounce of strategic acumen should evince shock…shock…at the latest ISIS encampment within Israel. To the contrary. Had it not occurred, now THAT would have been the shock!

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Obama Bushwacks Egypt’s El-Sisi, Aligns America With Jihadists! What Does This Portend? The Geo-Political Blow Back…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Malik Obama (C) provides el-Sisi (R) with a LOT of Leverage against Barack Obama (L)

AS the west reels from global Islamic jihad, what is the leader of the free world doing to abate its thrust? Incontrovertibly, he is deliberately, decidedly, and incrementally siding with Islamists. This is beyond a reasonable doubt.

BUT one only needs to look at his domestic and foreign fires to glean whose side he is on. Yes, his allegiances become overwhelming clear, linkage after linkage, unless one is willfully malignant.

ADDING to his malfeasance, several very recent treacheries stand apart:

                                                 TREACHERY ONE:

ON the domestic front, his Congressional (red/green) front arms increasingly empower radical Islamists within Congress. Rep Andre Carson, a devoted Muslim, had this to say:


KNOWING this, one would expect that an American President (Congressional Repubs alike) should block Carson from sitting on ANY intelligence or related homeland security committees. Indeed, the POTUS’s fingerprints are imprinted all over Congress, regardless of the so-called separation of powers.

The lawmaker House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi plans to name to a House intelligence committee received political contributions from Islamist groups named as unindicted co-conspirators of terrorist organizations and once gave a speech in which he said that the U.S. education system should be based on the Koran.

Pelosi will name Democratic Indiana U.S. Rep. André Carson to the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, it was reported Tuesday.

Carson will be the first Muslim to hold that position. He is one of two Muslims currently in Congress.

Carson has raised eyebrows with some of his past political and religious remarks, and he’s received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign money from groups implicated in terrorism investigations.

In a May 26, 2012 speech at the 37th Annual Islamic Circle of North America-Muslim American Society Convention in Hartford, Conn., Carson spoke about how Islamic teachings would improve the U.S. education system.


IT is clear as a bell where Carson’s allegiances lie, and the danger he presents. Is it any wonder that Barack HUSSEIN Obama (and assorted surrogates) is full square behind his appointment?

                                                    TREACHERY TWO:

CONSEQUENTIALLY, while Europe explodes, Islamists in America are not sitting idly by. We know this. Thus, what type of American leader would release the most dangerous terrorists to plot, once again, to kill Americans, his Taliban “trades” included? Rhetorical.

And Obama just keeps freeing more. These men are seasoned, trained, battle-hardened jihadis. What are they going to do, open a deli?

“Freed Gitmo Captive Opens ISIS Base in Afghanistan,” Judicial Watch, January 15, 2015:

As President Obama frees droves of terrorists—including five Yemenis this week—from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo news reports confirm that a Gitmo alum who once led a Taliban unit has established the first Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) base in Afghanistan.

His name is Mullah Abdul Rauf and international and domestic media reports say he’s operating in Helmand province, actively recruiting fighters for ISIS. Citing local sources, a British newspaper writes that Rauf set up a base and is offering good wages to anyone willing to fight for the Islamic State. Rauf was a corps commander during the Taliban’s 1996-2001 rule of Afghanistan, according to intelligence reports. After getting captured by U.S. forces, he was sent to Gitmo in southeast Cuba but was released in 2007.

Rauf’s Department of Defense Joint Task Force Guantanamo file describes him as being closely associated with several senior level Taliban commanders and leaders. It also says that Rauf admitted involvement in the production and sales of opium as well as associations with criminal elements within the Taliban and the Northern Alliance. From the file: “Due to recent findings that detainee may have had a more important role within the Taliban than previously thought detainee’s intelligence value has been updated from low to medium due to his possible knowledge of: (1) Taliban leadership, (2) Taliban command and control.”

Rauf is one of a number of Gitmo terrorists who have returned to the fight after getting released, yet Obama continues freeing captives to keep his campaign promise of closing the prison. Just this week he let four Yemenis go, despite the risk that they will likely join Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemen-based terror group that claimed responsibility for last week’s attack in France. In fact, dozens of freed Gitmo detainees have rejoined Al Qaeda in Yemen, the country where the 2009 Christmas Day airline bomber proudly trained. In 2010 Judicial Watch reported that a number of high-ranking Al Qaeda militants in Yemen—once held at Gitmo—may have been involved in a sophisticated scheme to send bombs on a U.S.-bound cargo plane….


But his anti-American (western) foreign fires are even more bold-faced, egregiously so, when he thwarts an important Middle East leader from fighting Islamic jihad. In other words, Egypt’s El-Sisi is battling the Muslim Brotherhood and its global arms, all the while the Islamist-in-Chief empowers them, both domestically and worldwide! As demonstrated, each and every jihadi explosion IS linked to one of the Brotherhood Mafia’s tentacles.

Political battle lines between the Egyptian government led by el-Sisi and the Barack Obama administration, which leads the U.S., have been drawn. A major salvo was fired on January 1st, when Egyptian president, Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi admonished Islamic scholars at al-Azhar University. As reported, this was a brazen statement against Barack Obama himself, who nearly six years earlier launched his pro-Muslim Brotherhood / pro-Arab Spring agenda in a speech at that very same university.

In many ways, what el-Sisi did to Obama from a podium at al-Azhar was the political equivalent of what he did by leading the overthrow of Mohammed Mursi in 2013. It was also a speech that created pro-Obama and pro-Sisi camps by providing a stark contrast to the Obama ideology that western leaders like Cameron of the UK, Hollande of France and Merkel of Germany have not.


Days later, on January 7th, it was events that provided even more contrast as Muslim terrorists in Paris murdered people in cold blood for their speech. Western leaders send muddled messages instead of clear ones. The best example can be seen in the much ballyhooed Paris march on January 11th that included Cameron, Hollande and Merkel showing solidarity with Mahmoud Abbas and Turkey’s Ahmet Davutoglu.

Normally reliable conservative Newt Gingrich attempted to put his finger on the problem by going after Obama for not attending the Paris rally. Gingrich concluded Obama is either cowardly or crazy. Neither is correct; Obama is pro-Muslim Brotherhood because his family is part of the organization and Egyptians are the only ones who have been so vocal about this; they also have the proof.

TO further elucidate the stark, ominous, and contrasting worldviews – between the heretofore leader of the free world on the one hand, juxtaposed against Egypt’s El-Sisi’s struggle against the Muslim Brotherhood via Islam’s global thrust – look no further than to Israel’s foremost strategic policy analyst, Dr. Martin Sherman, a close contact. 

HIS most recent Jerusalem Post column is more than noteworthy:

Ironically, Sisi spoke at the same venue that Barack Obama chose to deliver his 2009 “Outreach Speech” to the Muslim world. But the contrast between the two could hardly be more striking. As one US analyst deftly noted: “Obama began the 2009 speech by praising the same seminary that Sisi reprimanded,” emphasizing “That [Obama’s approach] is different from Sisi, who is trying to suppress the Brotherhood movement and push Al-Azhar’s Islamic leaders toward modernity “Sisi used the occasion to condemn the ongoing practices in the Islamic world, after having coercively removed the regressive and ruinous regime of the Muslim Brotherhood from power.

By contrast, Obama heaped effusive praise on Islam, and insisted on places of honor for senior Brotherhood representatives – to the chagrin of his host, president Hosni Mubarak. Indeed, many consider Obama’s words and gestures in Cairo as providing a considerable – arguably, crucial – fillip in the process that swept the Brotherhood to power barely two years later.…..(read the whole thing)

MOST significantly, Americans, westerners alike, must understand that behind EVERY Sunni Islamic group beats a Brotherhood linked groupMoreover, don’t waste your energy separating the Sunni from the Shia, as long as America, the west, is the target. Yes, Shias also FULLY cooperate with Sunni Brotherhood jihadists. Shia Iran facilitated, plotted and gave cover to Sunni Al Qaeda to bring about 9/11/01, as delineated within a federal district court ruling in the Havlish decision. Their jihadi cooperation has nothing to do with their centuries long inter-tribal warfare. Historically, just as long as the west is the target, their hegemonic struggles are (temporarily) cast aside. Never forget this. 

A federal district court in Manhattan yesterday entered a historic ruling that reveals new facts about Iran's support of al Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks. U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels ruled yesterday that Iran and Hezbollah materially and directly supported al Qaeda in the September 11, 2001 attacks and are legally responsible for damages to hundreds of family members of 9/11 victims who are plaintiffs in the case.  

Judge Daniels had announced his ruling in Havlish,   et   al.   v. bin Laden,   et   al. , in open court on Thursday, December 15, 2011, following a three-hour courtroom presentation by the families' attorneys.  Judge Daniels entered a written Order of Judgment yesterday backed by 53 pages of detailed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law.  

Fiona Havlish, whose husband Donald perished in the World Trade Center North Tower on 9/11 said, "This is a historic day.  For ten years we've wanted the truth to be known about who was responsible forour losses.  Now we have that answer......"

FOLKS, the entire legal rendering is mind numbing. Read it.

NOT only that, but the POTUS is Allah bent on forging a “deal” with Iran’s mullahs, knowing full well that 9/11/01 was as much their handiwork, as it was Al Qaeda’s! Why isn’t this “tidbit” front and center, especially as he tightens the screws on those in Congress who want to increase the (sanctions) pressure on Iran?

BUT think of it this way: what would have happened to the leader of the free world during WW 2, had he aligned the nation with the Nazi war machine, instead of siding with western powers?

HINT: he would not have lasted 24 hours in office, and that would have been for starters. His days would have been numbered, literally. Capital punishment-like.

THE urgent question becomes: why are millions of patriotic Americans allowing (by not surrounding the White House via their absolute right to democratically protest – however long it takes – they give him their consent) the Traitor-in-Chief to form an alliance with the Islamic axis?

BANNING Mosques…Muslims In Congress Too: An American (Western) Imperative. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


FIRST and foremost, let us all agree on the most intrinsic basis for survival: the underpinnings of democracy are not meant to be suicide pacts ! Period. Don’t ever forget this western pact. Imperative. Alas, even if too many multicultural fantasists interpret freedom of religion – a core western component – as a “legitimate” veil to hide behind, rolling over and giving in is NEVER an option. Not on this watch….

IMAGINE, if you will, millions of Jews and Christians slaughtering everyone who offends their religious sensitivities. In fact, there would be so many dead bodies that cemeteries, the size of football fields, would have to be built – world over – to house the corpses! 

IT is precisely for this reason why two twin myths have to be shattered. Obliterated. Post haste. That is, if America (the west will not survive without America as a bulwark, similarly, sans Israel standing strong against Islamic jihad…twin pillars) is to survive the upcoming onslaught of perpetually aggrieved Muslims, westerners need to get with the program. Besides, when are they NOT “offended”?


SO, let’s cut to the heart of the matter and bust open the most DANGEROUS myth, “Islam is a religion of peace”. It is beyond mendacious. It is perhaps the biggest lie on the world stage, and that is saying something. Thus, repeat ad nausea: 

The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”


                                MOHAMMAD  HI-JACKED ISLAM!


ON the other hand, its basis is “religious” in nature, but it was conceived to be used as a bludgeon, against all those who refuse to fall in line with a totalitarian political doctrine, albeit cloaked within a religious basis. Sounds Orwellian? Well, regardless, it is the truth.

PAY strict heed to Ayann Hirsi, a Somali (former) Muslim. Yes, there are scores of irrefutable proofs to back up the following:

“It makes no sense to differentiate between Islam and Islamism. One, sympathetically, probably tries to say that Islam is a normal religion, but the point is that Islam by its nature is a political movement, and that the religious dimension is cosmetic.”

NO ifs, ands or buts about this “diagnosis”.


MYTH one leads straight into myth two…..1 + 1… (a + b) equation-like.  

THUS, it has been established (above, within this site, and elsewhere) that Islam’s basis is totalitarian, to be utilized as a political tool of war, with an end point to submit all to Allah. In factual reality, the actual meaning of Islam = submitin accordance with Quran Sunnah Educational Programs. Hmmm…

Q: Please, illustrate to me the meaning of Islam.

A: Islam means total submission to Allah (Exalted be He) through belief in His Oneness, and showing subservient and servile obedience to Him. This is the meaning of Islam.

IN this regard, multiculti brayers continuously opine: why shouldn’t Muslims be free to build mosques within the west – just like other religions – if said nations are to uphold the mantle of democracy? A fair question, but only if one didn’t know what’s what.  

INTRINSICALLY, their war plans are STRATEGIZED within their mosques (besides, this site’s counter jihad contacts have documented evidence of said charges, so, don’t even try to argue otherwise) and PREACHED inside their “religious” confines! The proofs are manifest and grave. Book-worthy.

BUT just as foretastes, the following should suffice:


MOSQUES in America are a dagger to its heart; a metastasizing cancer !


AS mentioned below – in reference to the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history – Dar al-Hijrah, in Falls Church, Virginia (out of scores of others throughout the U.S.) openly calls for armed jihad within America !

Sheik Shaker Elsayed, the imam of the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Va., advocated armed jihad before an Ethiopian Muslim group gathered at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va. last week.

“Muslim men when it is a price to pay, they are first in line,” Elsayed said in comments seen on a YouTube video found by the Creeping Sharia blog. “They are the first in the prayer line. They are the first in the zakat (charity) line. They are the first in the hajj line. They are the first in the clean-up line. They are the first in the community-service line. They are the first in jihad line. They are the first in the da’wa line.”

“But they are last if anything is being distributed, unless it is arms for jihad,” Elsayed said. “We are the first to rush and run to defend our community and defend ourselves. The enemies of Allah are lining up; the question for us is, ‘Are we lining, or are we afraid because, because they may call us terrorists.'”

Being called “terrorists” should not matter to Muslims because Muslims are being called terrorists anyway, Elsayed said.

“You are a terrorist because you are a Muslim,” Elsayed said. “Well give them a run for their money. Make it worth it. Make this title worth it, and be good a Muslim.”

Elsayed then told Muslims to accept peace when they receive peace, but to fight back when their families, communities, nations and dignity come under attack.

He has been Dar al-Hijrah’s imam since 2005. Law enforcement officials have described the mosque as being “associated with Islamic extremists” and “operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S….His name also appears in a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document detailing the group’s plan to wage a non-violent civilization jihad to destroy “Western civilization from within.”

AT the very least, if anything, wouldn’t it make sense for Americans to immediately follow what a Mayor from Italy has done, a town leader who finally realizes that mosques are (beyond) a dagger to the hearts of non-Muslim citizens!

EXTRAPOLATING further, before it is too late, those already built will need to be demolished, brick by brick, not unlike forward command centers when waging war against ones enemies!  

CONCOMITANTLY, doesn’t it flow (from all of the above) that followers of Islam, Muslims, within Congress (and other western representative bodies) evince a clear and present danger? If not, why not?

André Carson, the U. S. Representative for Indiana’s 7th Congressional District announced at the “Islamic Circle of North America” convention in 2012 that American schools should follow the model of Islamic madrassas – Islamic schools with religious teachings founded on the Quran.

Carson told “America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Quran.”

My guess is that if a Christian Congressman made the same statement indicating Bible-study class, you’d be hearing about it in a more fanatical fashion from the mainstream press. But I digress… Do you believe the comments by Carson raises any red flags? No? Well then how about this:

At the same conference, Carson also made a dire warning to U.S. undercover law enforcement: “Allah will not allow you to stop us.” 

André Carson will soon sit in on meetings where some of America’s most precious secrets are examined because Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is set to appoint him to the House Intelligence Committee…..keep reading….

“HOLY” jihad….

COUNTLESS tools – aside from frontal bloody jihad, the most obvious – are utilized to bring down America, their prime target. In the Brotherhood Mafia’s own words: “their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands….”

AND it matters not a whit which Muslim Brotherhood front group is the main engine to this and that act of jihad. The CENTRAL fact remains that “the mosques are their barracks, the domes are their helmets, the minarets are their bayonets, and the faithful are their soldiers”!

BOTH in words and deeds, be it frontal or stealth, the Muslim Brotherhood are plotting jihad. Moreover, as mentioned, at the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history, evidence was tied to front group after front group, and to mosque after mosque. Not only that, Dar Al-Hijrah stands out as a forerunner – “Federal investigators found Akram’s memo in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.”

In July 2007, seven key leaders of an Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) went on trial for charges that they had: (a) provided “material support and resources” to a foreign terrorist organization (namely Hamas); (b) engaged in money laundering; and (c) breached the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which prohibits transactions that threaten American national security. Along with the seven named defendants, the U.S. government released a list of approximately 300 “unindicted co-conspirators” and “joint venturers.” During the course of the HLF trial, many incriminating documents were entered into evidence. Perhaps the most significant of these was An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” by the Muslim Brotherhood operative Mohamed Akram. Federal investigators found Akram’s memo in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.

Written sometime in 1987 but not formally published until May 22, 1991, Akram’s 18-page document listed the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” that shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation. These “friends” were identified by Akram and the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”

An archived page of the MAS website from 2003 – smack dab in the middle of Elsayed’s tenure there – states the following:

The call and the spirit of the movement reached the shores of North America with arrival of the Muslim student and immigrants in the late 50’s and early 60’s. These early pioneers and Islamic Movement followers established in 1963. Muslim Student Association (MSA) of U.S and Canada as the rallying point in their endeavor to serve Islam and Muslims in the North America scene. Other services and outreach organization soon followed, such as North America Islamic Trust (NAIT), Islamic MedicalAssociation (IMA), Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA) and Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA), to name a few.


REALISTICALLY, Americans (westerners) must understand this ominous fact: the multiple pronged attacks in Paris were precursors/forerunners for the “ready, set, go….blow” attacks within the U.S. The hidden jihadi cells, all over America, are likely to piggyback onto a few more “successful” strikes within Europe. However, as mentioned, Europe is their “testing ground”. Pointedly, the following, from Debkafile Intelligence, should serve as more than “background noise”: Europe rounds up 25 jihadi suspects.

HOW much clearer does it need to be to tie U.S. mosques (similarly, all over the west) into “barracks preparing for war”? And knowing this, isn’t it a matter of national survival, an imperative, to call for their elimination? Or, on the other hand, has democracy become a western suicide pact?

IF not, listen up to this site’s valued contact, Tom Trento, via his latest counter jihad show – 


{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

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