Israel’s Apoplectic Media Reaching Fever Pitch Over Right-Wing Electoral Merger: A Mirror Image Of Counterparts In America. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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IF one slept for decades, only to awaken in the year of 2019, it would feel as if the west has gone off its axis….its rocker….the rails….and every descriptor attributed thereof. But if one character in American Literature encapsulates said tragic state of mind and affairs, well, “Rip Van Winkle” springs to the fore.

NOW, before anything else, let it be reiterated: this American-Israeli (through the dual lens of being an investigative journalist and Jihadi expert) has been very vocal and straight forward about PM Netanyahu’s gross mishandling of the security threats surrounding Israel; having grown exponentially worse under his tenure. This clear-eyed assessment is not to be confused with his positive stewardship of Israel’s economy. Apples and oranges….giving credit where credit is due. Incontestably, the facts on the ground attest to the same. 

THAT being established, Israelis are riveted by the circus-like media atmosphere vis-à-vis the upcoming election on April 9. In fact, ever since President Trump announced his candidacy, it mirrors the Orwellian, uncontrollable, frothing-at-the-mouth meltdown taking place in the U.S.  

UNSURPRISINGLY, their mania has reached a fevered pitch, never before seen in the nation’s history. Why is this?

BACK to Israel’s electoral hysteria…..

IN a best-case outcome, “King Bibi” will be dethroned – but not because of trumped-up charges about “this case” or “that case” ala the sword of indictment hanging over his head! Besides, ask yourselves: why would the leftist-driven AG, conveniently, choose to lay bribery charges at this delicate moment in time? Hmm.

EVEN so, Naftali Bennett, the head of Hayemin Hehadash, the New Right, should sit atop the helm – not the latest party flavor of the month, the Blue and White. Yes, sitting alongside Bennett are authentic “Lions/Lionesses of Zion”, as analyzed (Jan. 3, 2019) withinIsrael’s Electoral/Security Earthquake: Caroline Glick Joins The Fray Via Hayemin Hehadash!

ALAS, as is always the case within Israel’s fractured political system, Bennett – who is best suited, hands down, to lead the nation on every level – is not immune to petty, partisan politics. Indeed, his well-hyped broadside against “Bibi” revolves around Likud’s momentary and fleeting alliance with Otzma Yehudit – a much maligned right-wing, nationalist party, yes, one who takes no prisoners. Yasher kochachem. More power to them. Bravo too.

IN actuality, Bennett backed the very same nationalist party when he headed the Jewish Home. Credo quia absurdum. Of course, his volte-face is little more than political posturing to “calm” the jittery nerves of the squishy center he hopes to court. Not only that, he is playing to “Team Trump”, ever fearful to remain in their good graces. Regardless, Hayemin HeHadash is best situated to get the (security) job done. Undoubtedly, without consistently executed iron-fisted measures against regional foes (domestic terrorists and their supporters alike), well, the rest isn’t worth a hill of beans.  

SIGNIFICANTLY and overwhelmingly, the western tendency to hue to PC dictates is a mental sickness, and Israel’s leaders are every bit its captives.

IN this respect, for those who are uninitiated in Israel’s political swamp, Otzma’s “crime” is its direct nexus to the much tarred, feathered, and, eventually, banned KACH Party. But before we get down to brass tacks, know that little exhibits the mentally besieged illness plaguing Israel’s leaders (and self-appointed elites) like the banning of an uncompromising Jewish nationalist party, so-called “racists”, even as the Knesset’s Arab List is filled to the brim with outright traitors and terror supporters! Imagine that. Comparatively, the “racist” canard is the same bludgeon and bugaboo tactic utilized by leftist smear-mongers in America to cow and silence conservatives.

SO, just to be inordinately clear: Likud, in direct response to a newly-formed union of “centrist” players (in reality, leftists cloaked as centrists) via the Blue and White Party, feels compelled to hoist and burnish their right-wing, nationalist oomph through Otzma Yehudit! What chutzpah. Mind you, Blue and White, comprised of mucky-muck, leftist-oriented Generals – coupled with Yair Lapid, a matinee idol-looking, coattail-riding, non-educated, smooth-talking politician, as yours truly described within Part 2 of a mainstream interview, Sept. 2014 – aligned itself with the hard left and the Arab List, all their protestations aside.

IN reality, for all practical purposes, as opposed to PC dictates, this expert on Islamic Jihad is more familiar than most within Israel (never mind elsewhere) as to what it takes to beat back Mohammedans – many of whom lay-in-wait inside and outside Israel’s borders.

DEMONSTRABLY, four years after 9/11/01, an urgent shout-out was sent this way to analyze the most misunderstood question of all: What was the “opening shot of jihad on U.S. soil?” 

IN this regard, the highlighted blurb at Israel National News from said expose’  (November 2005) set the stage:

“The logical conclusion that Rabbi Kahane’s supporters drew from his murder was crystal clear. Strangely, it coincided with the assessment of the Islamic jihad: if they can eliminate a problematic “radical” Rabbi on US soil and get away with it, then the hitherto invincible and impenetrable US would become open for their jihad.”

YES, this is the very same “radical” Rabbi who founded Kach – of which Otzma’s leaders derive their inspiration and dedication to the land of Israel.

BUT never mind. Within the ever horse-trading, carnival-like atmosphere of Israeli political-dickering (as dutifully analyzed within “The Paradox of Israeli Politics: Vote Right, Get Left“, June 2012), how many know that the outcome of an election hardly reflects the will of the people? Well, now you do.

EFFECTIVELY, time and again, the majority Zionist public vote in leaders who promise to adhere to Jewish nationalist principles, only to be deeply betrayed through this and that left-turn measure – often, bowing to a jackal-like, braying media and international dictate(s): tread lightly with the Arab minority and surrounding foes!

NOT unexpectedly, the aforementioned apoplectic Israeli media were handed an unexpected gift, that is, when the so-called centrist and squishy conservative AIPAC….this finger is pointing at you …..came out swinging, mind you, as they blatantly interfere in an Israeli election! Tribal war-like, they poured fuel on the fire against Otzma, and their staunch Zionist supporters! How dare they. As excerpted:

WASHINGTON – At first, the crowded ballroom didn’t look that different from the many spin-off receptions on the first evening of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference. The hors d’oeuvres were passed, the wine and cocktails flowed freely at the Renaissance Hotel. But the nature of the conversations in the crowd and the remarks at the podium pointed to the fact that this wasn’t a typical AIPAC event.

For the fourth year in a row, young staffers at the pro-Israel lobby had put together a “Peace Builders” reception, with the stated aim of “celebrating champions of coexistence and honoring the work of peace builders from Israel and the West Bank.”

The names on the invitation included peace and coexistence groups such as the Peres Center for Peace, Women Wage Peace, Givat Haviva and Darkenu, who were all present at AIPAC to participate in panels and breakout sessions.

At the reception, they mingled with progressive-minded AIPAC members. Spotted in the group were Israeli opposition politicians like Labor Party Chairman (and aspiring prime minister) Avi Gabbay, fresh from his first AIPAC address on the main stage, along with fellow party member MK Ksenia Svetlova and the Obama administration’s former ambassador to Israel, Daniel B. Shapiro…..continue reading the wretched two-step, back-shuffle from AIPAC’s leaders here.

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HOW many ways can one say co-option and infiltration, of a once-reliable conservative lobby group?

ADDING to the gang-bang, leave it to CNN…. 

CNN’s Jake Tapper noted that AIPAC had condemned Otzma Yehudit, accusing the party of racism and noting the ties faction leaders had with the now banned Kach party of Rabbi Meir Kahane.

“The United States’ relationship is with Israel. We’re not about to get involved in the election, to interfere in an election of a democracy,” said Pompeo.

“Election campaigns are tough. We will allow the Israeli people to sort this out. And I’m confident that, when the election is over, the United States will continue to have a strong, important, very, very deep relationship with Israel that protects the American people and benefits Israel as well.”

When Tapper pressed Pompeo on suggestions Netanyahu had done “something wrong”, by backing the alliance with Otzma, “something that violates the values of” the US-Israel relationship “and the values of the Jewish state,” the Secretary of State replied that the administration would call out any wrongdoing, by friends or enemies.

“This administration has been very vocal when we see human rights violations wherever we find them. Friends, foes, adversaries, allies, and we have been very consistent. We do it in different ways and do it in different times. We will certainly continue to do that.”

On Friday, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) issued a rare condemnation of Israeli leaders, criticizing Netanyahu for backing the alliance between the Jewish Home and Otzma, and excoriating Otzma as a “reprehensible” and “extremist” party.

INDEED, this is a déjà vu-like moment in time (on steroids!), akin to the run-up of the previous election, March 17, 2015. So much so, it became mandatory due diligence to grant a mainstream interview – “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki – relative to the high stakes drama and security fall-out from “Mr. Security’s” failure of leadership and attendant knock-on effects.


THE more things change, the more they stay the same. Most acutely, within the cauldron of hell-fire surrounding Israel, there is NO room for compromise. Period.

IN a nation which is barely a speck on the Middle East map, Mohammedan warriors (internal and external) will not be satisfied until they lay claim to ALL of Judea and Samaria, the cradle of the Jewish heartland. In tandem, dividing (with the goal of totally conquering) Jerusalem, the Jewish people’s thousands-year-old capital, is their top goal. Prize. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.

INESTIMABLY, if “I forget thee O Jerusalem”…… 

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(re-blogged at ConservativeFiringLine}

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A Final (Public) Ode To Frank Kutnicki, Of Blessed Memory, On The Date Of His Passing, His Yahrzeit – By Adina Kutnicki

Those of us who have been privileged to study the classics may (or may not) recall the great tomes of Shakespeare. And while some scholars (rightfully) argue that the Merchant of Venice is laced with anti-semitism, the fact remains that Shakespeare’s literary contributions are timeless; a reflection of society at large and that of the human condition. 

Thou know’st ’tis common; all that lives must die,
Passing through nature to eternity.”

Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 11

To this day, when in need of “quiet contemplation and reflection”, I curl up with one or another of his masterpieces, as well as others of yesteryear.

To said end, it is a blessing to have access to a special someone’s home library, that is, a classically-styled oasis. In and of itself, it is befitting that it houses a plethora of the foremost literary classics – some of which are rare First Editions and an added treat. It is alongside these outstanding treasures that a mix of thought-provoking contemporary authors beckon. Shelves full of profound, uplifting, and otherwise inspirational texts on Jewish Thought and Philosophy – with Maimonides (AKA Rambam) being the most prominent and in the forefront – abound.

Commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still

Moses Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed

Thus, from time to time, it is among this potpourri of reads that I find myself deep in thought over the most existential question of all: “What Is The Meaning Of Life?” Musing.

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More often than not, after pouring over this and that text, a soothed soul emerges. Yes, while reading alongside a cozy fireplace, a calming “stillness” and an immeasurable sense of inner peace comes to the fore. How could it not. Medicinal….just what “the doctor” ordered. So, relative to the most delicate and esoteric topic of all, namely,“the meaning of life”, when the need arises, I rely on a profusion of insights from this vast and eclectic menu of books. Two such representations are cited above and require little edification from this end. 

In fact, most recently – in anticipation of two “trigger” dates, which happen to fall within the first three weeks in February – I became re-immersed in “When Bad Things Happen To Good People” (by Rabbi Harold Kushner, 1981), one of the many contemporary texts housed within. Indeed, as per the delicate arena of life and death, it is akin to a salve. More than healing. Mesmerizing.   

Tellingly, it was in the midst of re-reading Rabbi Kushner’s personal journey through profound loss and grief that otherwise elusive thoughts became clarified  – and, with it, an understanding that is as old as time.

In reality, few will escape the life-altering experience of losing a loved one. At said “appointed moment in time” and already reeling, those left behind may confront the aforementioned existential query, effectively, knocking the bereaved off kilter in the most unexpected ways. Adding to the inner turmoil, an untimely and sudden death also serves to heighten and exacerbate the loss. Oftentimes, this “bolt out of the blue” has been known to extend the stages of grief, thereby, delaying the recovery process. A double whammy.

Even so, in the most primal sense of all, it is the inevitable commonality of life and death which binds humanity together. This is the case, irrespective of one’s race, religion, gender, or station in life. Inescapable.

Still yet, a preponderance are not fortunate enough to possess (what amounts to as) a public megaphone; that which affords a unique vehicle to remember and honor one’s dearly departed.

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In this respect, since the onset of this site in 2012 (as countless readers already recognize), the yahrzeit date of the passing of Frank Kutnicki (z”l, of blessed memory), my beloved late husband, has been reserved at these pages in his memory and honor. The related musings can be found here, here, here, here, and here.    

Alas, now that I have reached a pivotal juncture in the healing process, a decision has been made to mark this moment in time as my “final (publicode and tribute” – even though, privately, Frank Kutnicki (z”l, of blessed memory) will forever be remembered in countless ways, each and every day.

And it is in celebration of a life well lived that another decision has been made; one which will combine an enduring pursuit throughout his life (actually, a mental “sport”) with a charity that resonated within his heart alike. A win-win.

In this way, I am humbled to announce that “FRANK KUTNICKI’S CHESS CORNER is, with G-d’s help, being formed. It will be housed under the capable auspices of Chai Lifeline via its Jerusalem umbrella. As a global non-profit, he generously supported Camp Simcha (one of its programs) through Chai Lifeline’s NY/NJ arm.

(The much-prized chess board of Frank Kutnicki, of blessed memory….now in the hands of his beloved younger son.)

Realizing that many will wonder how this idea sprang to mind, simply, it relates back to the time spent in “quiet contemplation and reflection” – among others, one benefit thereof. Indeed, this “Aha Moment” is the positive side of the negatively associated “bolt out of the blue.”

As a chess champ at Stuyvesant High School in NYC (actually, the President of the Chess Club) and a stand-out scholar, I know how delighted he would be by this initiative. Smiling. Winking. As always, cheering “his Adinala” on – heartily so, in his uniquely “Frankie way.” 


(A most treasured photo….taken at a restaurant in Brookline, MA, on the evening of our son’s graduation from MIT – as it capped off a weekend of enormous celebration and pride. Infectiously and unabashedly, he hooted and hollered – again, in his uniquely “Frankie way” – as his youngest picked up his diploma!)

Overarchingly, it is my utmost hope and prayer that “FRANK KUTNICKI’S CHESS CORNER will bring a bit of comfort, relief, normalcy, and distraction to the most vulnerable of all, the kiddies, as they undergo a host of frightening and painful rounds of cancer treatment(s). As a knock-on effect, it may become a fun activity and inspiring too. Who knows, chess may become a lifelong passion, as it was for the program’s namesake.

So, as a kick-start, my initial (and ongoing) charitable contribution will be targeted towards two clear benchmarks. Of course, this program will conform to Israel’s non-profit (AKA amuta/עמותה) guidelines. The following are said benchmarks, however, they can be augmented, if circumstances warrant:

  • Firstly, a suitably patient (that would exclude me – admittedly, a “Type A” personality, even if I knew how to play and lived nearby!) Chess teacher will be hired. This professional will divide his/her time between Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and Shaare Zedek Hospital. Both are located in the heart of Jerusalem, and in close proximity to Chai Lifeline’s headquarters in Israel.
  • In tandem, a few informal gatherings will be planned for the “students” to show off their newly acquired “skillz.” Meanwhile, they will compete for prizes/trophies, just like their peers who are not undergoing treatment.

And not to be overlooked in this decision-making process and undertaking – since our young grandson is already a chess champion, just like “his saba” – poignantlythis program is more than symbolic. Divinely imbued. Incomparably thrilling.

Most appropriately, it is at this time that a special shout-out is sent to my nearest and dearest (you know who you are!) who stood beside me through thick and thin.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Most especially, for all of your steadfast support; for lending an ear(s) in need, and for extending strong shoulders to lean on – when moving forward seemed like an impossibility. Finally, for knowing when silence is golden; for realizing that healing is not time-dependent, and for understanding that personal space is necessary for a “second chance.” Step-by-step.  

Most revealingly, as is often the case when it comes to matters of the heart, there are certain feelings which are best expressed through poetry and/or song. And since my abiding, lifelong passion has always been music, it should come as no surprise (to those who know me best) that its effects stir deeply within this heart and soul. Of course, certain ballads move more than others, as expressed below.

Most heartfelt and significant, may Frank Kutnicki (z”l, of blessed memory) rest in peace at Har HaMenuchot, Mount of Rest, in Jerusalem. Now and forever.

Until the “appointed moment in time”….

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(The HomelandSecurityNetwork saw fit to re-blog this tribute – to note the Yahrzeit of a wonderful man, Frank Kutnicki, of blessed memory) Click on “Archives” to read, dated Feb. 19. 2019

Israelis/Jews Slaughtered By ‘Catch & Release’ Terrorists + Americans Murdered By Illegals: Where Are The Parallels? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

“He Who is Compassionate to the Cruel
Will Ultimately Become Cruel to the Compassionate” (450 – 200 BCE)

THE above dictum is a Haggadic commentary on Ecclesiastes {7:16} AKA Kohelet Rabbah (קהלת רבה) and it is included in the collection of the Midrash Rabbot – commentaries on the Hebrew scriptures attached to the Biblical text. Its essence is as true today as it was when it was written.   

AS such, there are certain “life lessons” which should be deemed for time immemorial; they have proven to be timeless, in relation to cause and effect.

IT is in this respect that Israel’s leaders must be judged. In other words, in so far that their habitual usage of “catch and release” continuously costs countless Jewish lives, they must be held to account. Yes, these innocent souls have been “sacrificed” for a sundry of political (domestic and international) calculi. As the late (and much ballyhooed) Shimon Peres infamously and audaciously intoned to a grieving parent:

Months after the first Oslo Accords were signed in 1993, Hamas terrorists kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldier Nachshon Wachsman, 19. Then-Foreign Minister Shimon Peres told the grieving parents that their son had been a “sacrifice for peace.”

In reality, Nachshon was a victim of Oslo, his mother Esther says. “My son was a victim of the whole Oslo process. There was never any reduction in hostilities, it was exactly the opposite,” she told Arutz Sheva.

“Nachshon had another five good friends here in Ramot, in Jerusalem. They were all murdered in that same period after the Oslo Accords,” she recalled. “Yaron Chen, Frankental, Algrabli, they were all Nachshon’s friends from the same neighborhood and they were all killed then.”

Senior Palestinian Authority officials hinted this week that the PA may cancel the Oslo Accords. “When were there Oslo Accords?” Esther Wachsman asked. “They were never kept, except for bringing Arafat and his gang here. When were they kept? We never had even a moment of quiet here, there were more murders than ever.” .

Wachsman recalled the day that Peres told her family that their son had been a sacrifice for peace. “We told him, ‘Let your son be a sacrifice for peace.’”


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(Another, among an endless list of said “sacrifices!”)

BUT before we segue to the most recent casualty of said heinous “catch and release” modus operandi (mind you, an outgrowth of “sacrifices for peace”, regardless of the party at the helm), let’s highlight some Exhibits and previous Charge-Sheets.


  • Who recalls PM Netanyahu’s infamous, outrageous, and otherwise counter-intuitive “prisoner exchange” in October 2011 with Hamas – the Brotherhood Mafia’s Gazan arm – for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit? Well, it’s past time to “take an accounting.” An inventory.
  • So, in “exchange” for Shalit, over 1,000 (the gov’t is “fuzzy” on the exact number) terrorists were released – many of whom went back to terrorize and murder more Jews! Go figure. In fact, from 2011-2014, six Israelis were murdered (with many more maimed by their hands), while the exact number from 2015 to date has yet to be released. Hmm. Not only that, whether by wielding various instruments of death, or through other tactical means, said “catch and “release”   poses a VERY grave danger – never mind all those who have yet to be caught, only to be released! Regardless, consider the recent case of Ramzi Alaouk:

“On November 26, 2018, Israeli media outlets revealed on Sunday evening that special intelligence forces together with the Israeli police have uncovered a Hamas terrorist who was working on building up a new terror infrastructure inside Israel that would enlist new terrorists to carry out large-scale attacks on Israeli. The terrorist, established a new network of activists but worked too hastily and accidentally tipped off security agencies in Israel to his activities. The agencies were thus able to topple the entire network.

The activists who were enlisted, have already been arrested and are currently sitting in prisons across Israel. The majority of the activists revealed the entire operation of the network while being interrogated by the police.

The terrorist who launched the initiative is none other than Ramzi Alaouk, who was a prisoner released during the Gilad Schalit deal and exiled to the Gaza Strip. Alaouk is currently at large……”

INDUBITABLY, the dangerous knock-on effects go on and on – as evidenced by a few more Exhibits and Charge-Sheets.

  • Alas, four years before PM Netanyahu made the decision to free over 1,000 terrorists in 2011 – once again, letting loose genocidal foes on an already terrorized public – this Jihadi expert had the following to say at Israel National News:
  • In July 2007, “No Crime Without Punishment” laid bare how Israel’s leaders (regardless of who sits at the helm) behave akin to “legal outlaws” against the national interest. Yes, “Nullum Crimen Sine Poena.”
  • And like night follows day, a follow-on became necessary in April 2008 via “The Silent Jews.” Inextricably, today’s “catch and release” is nothing new under the (Israeli) sun.
  • Resultant, is it any wonder that it became requisite due diligence to give this interview, namely, “Can Israel Survive As The Jewish State? – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki”, (March 2015).

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ALL of which segues back to the most recent casualty from the very same “catch and release” – the massacre of nineteen-year-old Ori Ansbacher, of blessed memory. May her blood be avenged! “Tzedek, Tzedek, Tirdof….Justice, Justice, Shall You Pursue.”

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Killer in court: Smiling Palestinian charged with brutal murder of Israeli teen girl


Murderer of Ori Ansbacher was arrested two years ago on the Temple Mount and threatened: “If you let me go, I will come back with a knife.”

Terrorist Arafat Irfaiya, who was arrested on suspicion of murdering Ori Ansbacher near Jerusalem last Thursday, threatened to carry out a terrorist attack two years ago in order to become a Shaheed (martyr -ed.).

Channel 13 News on Sunday evening published transcripts of Irfaiya’s interrogation in 2017, after he was arrested by police officers at the entrance to the Temple Mount with a large kitchen knife in his pocket. Irfaiya threatened then that he would carry out an attack again and that he intended to return to Israel with the goal of “becoming a Shaheed” or going to jail.

During his interrogation in 2017, the suspect was asked whether he was a Hamas sympathizer, to which he replied in the affirmative, and detailed, “In what they do, for example, they defend the Palestinian people with weapons.” According to the transcripts, Irfaiya changed versions during his interrogation. For example, he said at first that he did not think of stabbing or harming a policeman, then later claimed that he wanted to be arrested but did not intend to attempt another attack, and finally said he was willing to carry out an attack in order to be arrested.

“I want to be a Shaheed,” he declared at the time. When the interrogator asked him how he intended to become a Shaheed, the suspect replied, “I will do it again, I will buy a knife again and I will come back here to go to jail or be a Shaheed. I will do anything in order to go to jail. And if you release me, I’ll come here with a knife and I’ll be a Shaheed.”

Earlier on Sunday evening, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) confirmed that the murder of Ori Ansbacher was a terrorist attack. In the course of his interrogation, the terrorist reenacted the murder to the Shin Bet and police interrogators and conspicuously connected himself to the case. The interrogation of the terrorist is ongoing and the details of the investigation are under a gag order.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday evening visited the family of Ori and briefed the family on the progress of the investigation.

MIND you, there would have been NO need for the PM’s visit, but for the fact that the buck stops with him re “catch and release!!” Agreed? More bluntly, shouldn’t those who gave the order to release him (and all the rest) be considered accomplices to murder? If not, why not?

TO wit, it is with the above in mind that U.S. patriots must learn some basic lessons – that which are fully exposed from the catastrophic mistakes of Israel’s decision-makers, even though, seemingly, the strategic landscape is hardly a direct parallel.

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INTRINSICALLY, this unyielding Zionist and American patriot urgently advises: in an uncompromising manner, press forward with ZERO tolerance towards the infiltration and penetration of illegals in general, and the subsequent “catch and release” used by derelict law enforcement/security agencies. As is known, it has caused untold death and carnage – and with more to come, if allowed to continue.

BUT, as always, visuals aids are key. Invariably, a picture is worth (more than) a thousand words.

STILL yet, if your heart can withstand it, many others have been sacrificed (by those who truly believe that the entry of illegals is more important than the safeguarding of Americans), and their stories can be viewed here.

INESTIMABLY, don’t let their deaths be in vain!

MOST significantly – and despite all of the above – strategic lessons have yet to be learned by Israel’s so-called smarties. Again and again, they fail to draw the salient lessons/parallels between an endless list of terrorist crimes. Causes and effects. Thus, by any rational calculus, the aforementioned should preclude the release of even one murderous captive!

CONCLUSIVELY – and as repeatedly asserted – Israel’s security services are second to none. Therefore, the notion that Shalit (and other captives alike) couldn’t be extricated from Gaza via this or that (stealth or invasive) method is ludicrous. Hogwash. After all, Gaza (which is within spitting distance and under the 24/7 “watchful eyes and ears” of Israel’s vaunted security services, unlike rescues/operations that have taken place hundreds – and even thousands – of miles away) is a terrain which is more than “accessible”, as well as highly familiar to the top security apparatus.

BUT never mind. This is the same mendacious Israeli leadership that recently assisted in the transfer of millions of dollars (fifteen, to be exact) into Hamas’s blood-soaked hands – paid for via Brotherhood-aligned Qatar!

NOT only that, since 2012 (all of which has been under “Bibi’s” tenure), the very same “serial accommodator” facilitated the transfer of over 1.1 billion to Hamas-run Gaza! Effectively – sans any jive-talk – the PM is helping to fund/fuel Hamas’s genocidal war against Israel. Incontestably, this is more than a crime – despite the “rationales” of various spin-meisters. How can this be? How can the Zionist, majority public tolerate such treachery – year after year – in the “name” of political expediency?

THERE’S more. Not to be overlooked, the very same leaders backbench for the  PA/Fatah junta, again, for the benefit of payments to terrorists! It is ala tax monies collected through Israel that said funds are transferred into the accounts of PA terrorists! Of course, with elections around the corner, all of a sudden, “Bibi” is playing tough (naturally, with his trademark scowl) and promises to finally stop the flow of terror funds to PA/Fatah “shahids!”


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PERHAPS, just perhaps, each and every Israeli poohbah must be mandated to absorb these two primers: The Koran For Dummies, as well as its companion, Islam For Dummies, before being allowed to run for office. After all, countless lives are at stake.

TRENCHANTLY, this requirement should be the first stepping-stone, before placing their hats in the ring, so to speak. Besides, the political rules which apply in western-based democracies can’t apply in Israel – not as long as it’s surrounded by barbaric-laced Muhammadans!



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Sharia’s Insidious Thrust Into America-Creep-By-Creep-Via Brooklyn’s ‘Hood: One “Police” Patrol Unit At A Time! Wherein Lies The Danger? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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IN order to fully internalize wherein lies the mortal danger to the west via “the sword of Allah” – as authoritatively prescribed by Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, the last prophet of Islam – it is imperative to understand Islam’s basis, that is, Sharia Law. In other words, without its immutable laws and dictates, know that Islam would – inevitably and eventually – cease to exist. No doubt.

Shari’a tries to describe in detail all possible human acts, dividing them into permitted (halal) and prohibited (haram). It subdivides them into various degrees of good or evil such as obligatory, recommended, neutral, objectionable or forbidden. This vast compendium of rules regulates all matters of devotional life, worship, ritual purity, marriage and inheritance, criminal offenses, commerce and personal conduct. It also regulates the governing of the Islamic state and its relations to non-Muslims within the state as well as to enemies outside the state. Shari’a influences the behavior and worldview of most Muslims, even in secular states where it forms no part of the law of the land.

Islam teaches that shari’a, as God’s revealed law, perfect and eternal, is binding on individuals, society and state in all its details. By logical extension, any criticism of shari’a is heresy. Muslims who deny the validity of shari’a in any way are labeled as non-Muslims (infidels) or apostates (those who convert to another religion) by traditionalists and Islamists. As such, they face the threat of being prosecuted for apostasy, a crime that carries the death penalty in shari’a…….The death penalty for apostasy relies at the core of it on an authentically verified Hadith from Prophet Muhammad who said, “Whoever changes his religion kill him.”

CLEAR as a bell. Immutable {emphasis added}.

EVEN more so, Sharia’s barbaric-laced laws are hardly reserved for Islamic nations, in so far that the entire ummah (collective community of Islamic people) is bound by its dictates, regardless of locale. Most ominously, its insidious thrust creeps through western society via what is known as stealth jihad – which happens to be an expertise within. CAIRlike.

  • In my capacity as a consultant for a privately held Homeland Security entity (as previously mentioned, it is linked with US and Israeli counterterror and counterintelligence contractors), I was tasked to analyze the extent – emphasis placed – of “soft/stealth” jihad in America (aka “civilization” jihad) through two vantage points: open source data, in conjunction with closely guarded intelligence, that which I have been privy to over the last decade…..continue here….

BUT before anything else, westerners must stop viewing Islam through a liberal based (and exotic, multi-cultural tainted) prism – ala a value system which embraces democratic principles and attendant underpinnings. Period.

IN this respect, whereas western civilization – which is underpinned by Christianity and Judaism – in theory, upholds a clear demarcation between Church and State, such is not the case with Islam.

MORE specifically, the deceptive counter-argument that Christianity’s religious texts resonate violence too, well, that is little more than an Islamic, anti-western smokescreen. Inextricably, Christianity has long since abandoned its violent texts – again, not so with Islam. Not only that, if one renounces any part of the Quran and its associated Hadiths, ipso facto, one is no longer considered a “true/pure” Muslim. As indicated above, said adherents become targets too. Islam is violent at its core – Islam and Blood. Inextricable.

Three things which are particularly mentioned in the Quran as unchangeable or immutable or for which there can be no substitute are: (1) Kalimaat-i-Allah (i.e. Allah’s words, precepts, or laws given in the Quran)[1], (2) Sunnat-i-Allah (i.e. Allah’s laws in the universe or nature or His laws about the rise and fall of people or nations)[2], and (3) Khalq-i-Allah (i.e. Allah’s way of making things whereby He has endowed every creation with a certain nature or constitution)[3].

RESULTANT, if western civilization (or of what’s left of it) intends to survive, Islamic Law a/k/a Sharia Law must be considered a cancerous scourge, hence, never to be given quarter within America in specific and the west in general. 

ALAS, as the above link (akin to countless others within these pages) documents in gory detail, indeed, Sharia Law operates within American institutions and the west at large – albeit, countless still haven’t a clue! 

STEALTH by stealth, even US banking institutions have jumped on board the Sharia bandwagon, regardless of the fact that Jihad is fueled through Sharia financing! You got that? 

In the United States a quiet financial revolution is going on under the radar of the public eye. It’s the rise of Islamic financial institutions — ranging from small community banks in the Midwest to nationwide investment banks and brokerage firms…..continue here….if your nerves can take it….

NOW, before the latest infiltration and penetration of Sharia Law (see below) becomes an indelible marking point within America, know that this intrusion is particularly ominous – in that it is aided and abetted by New York City’s Comrade DeBlasio and the NYPD’s henchmen under his wings, William Bratton (2014-2016) and James O’Neill. In other words, since they serve at the “pleasure” of the Mayor, they must follow his lead! Intrinsically, coddling Muhammadans is a top priority, as he demonstrated when clipping the wings of former Commissioner Kelly’s vaunted “NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau.”

AGAIN, the NYPD is a highly familiar terrain. Yes, hardly, a “Johnny-come-lately.”

Ever since 9/11/01, Americans (as well as most of the Western world) are coming to a terrified conclusion: that their home front is precipitously vulnerable to Islamic terror attacks. As Islamic jihadists literally explode all over the globe, most have felt a wide range of emotions, swinging from fear to outrage, while searching for answers to questions like why are they targeting us? and what do they want? At the same time, few have been able to escape the welling feeling of hopelessness, wondering if their countries will ever be able to beat back the seemingly never-ending onslaught from Islamic jihadists.
Leave it to the out-of-the-box thinking of the head of the NYPD (New York Police Department) to come to the rescue, at least as far as securing New York City, to a degree unprecedented in law enforcement. To this end, after witnessing the horrific attacks of 9/11/01, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly decided to take the offensive, not satisfied to leave New York City’s counter-terror activities to the Feds. He (rightfully) concluded that sharing intelligence was not their strong suit, as layers of obstacles exist between the many competing agencies. Commissioner Kelly instinctively realized that time was of the essence and that he had to act. And act he did.
Therefore, he put into effect New York City’s first ever Counter Terror Unit, operating both inside New York City and outside its borders. In a particularly brilliant strategic move, he also decided to station several of New York City’s best detectives at overseas posts, sites chosen based on their levels of Islamic terror activity…..continue here….

Sarsour (in rust-colored Muslim headbag) is smitten with deBlasio, who cracked down and ended the NYPD's surveillance of Muslims

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The New York Police Department (NYPD) has been ordered by the Mayor to actively start recruiting and hiring more Muslims, a LOT more. Right now, there are about 800 (too many) Muslim uniformed police officers out of about 35,000. Of those, only about 20 are higher-ranked officials. (Gee, I can’t imagine why)


BACK to the aforementioned “new” infiltration and penetration……

Muslim Community Patrol’ in New York, are driving cars that look identical to actual NYPD cruisers — a white Ford Taurus with red and white emergency lights — whilst wearing blue police style uniforms.

These Muslim patrol volunteers are reportedly self-funded and ‘unarmed.’

“Not at all comfortable with this….This looks like Sharia Police in Brooklyn,” former NYPD officer John Cardillo said this week.

While this story isn’t new to those paying attention to Rebel Media’s or Laura Loomer’s recent reporting, the Muslims in Brooklyn have become emboldened and are now expanding their fleet of patrol cars and adding more patrol officers this month.

According to the New York Times, Maeen Ali, who came to the US from Yemen in 1990 set up the Muslim Community Patrol after fearing for his children’s safety after he saw ‘anti-Muslim’ hate online.

“That just boiled inside of me,” said Mr. Ali, 38, told The New York Times. “That’s when I said to myself that it was really important to come out and protect Muslims in the community.”

Maeen Ali is one of 30 people of the all-volunteer Sharia Muslim Community Patrol with a goal of expanding the fleet of patrol cars from 2 to 5 by the end of the month.

Mr. Ali also wants to expand the Sharia patrol citywide.

It gets worse…

The Muslim group of volunteer Sharia enforcers recently held a training led by off-duty Police officers from the Department’s 72nd precinct, reported the NY Times.

The New York Times reported that the Muslim community received a huge backlash after photos of the Muslim Community Patrol cars went viral on social media.

A flurry of phone calls flooded the 68th precinct which led police officials to hold an introductory meeting with Muslim Community Patrol members to discuss parameters: Call 911 if they encounter something suspicious, and take no enforcement action on their own. “We expect them to follow the law in general,” a Police Department spokesman said.

Muslim Community Patrol members claim they will not act as police officers, they just want to work in concert with police.

The Muslim Community Patrol in Brooklyn is reminiscent of the Sharia police in London where the Muslims enforce Sharia law in neighborhoods by harassing gays, targeting people who drink alcohol and telling women in mini skirts to cover up.

Had enough yet, America?

TO wit, if “Sharia Police” (and they are!!) weren’t enforcing the “law” in Brooklyn, mind you, while riding in cruisers that completely resemble the NYPD’s fleet, well that would have been the shocker! 

MOST significantly, said “policing” is a “dry run”….a test case….a sandal-hold….

MARK THESE WORDS, as repeatedly warned at this site, as well as at other accessible megaphones: what starts “across the pond” always crosses into America and leaps throughout the west. Catastrophically.

INCONTESTABLY, a pic is worth (more than) a thousand words, as this one in the Brooklyn ‘hood (tragically, but predictably) illustrates! 


{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork}click “Archives” to read, dated Feb. 10, 2019
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Why Is It That Those Who Expose “Deep State” Actors End Up Meeting An Untimely, Convenient, Demise? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IF there was little else to occupy these hands, still, there would never be enough time to document the trail of dead bodies that have been silenced by the “Deep State.” An endless task. Depressing. But, as always, those atop the criminal pyramid don’t dirty their hands. Yes, they give the orders, albeit, they subcontract out this one and that one for assassination. Hired-guns. So too in the realm of political hits.

EVEN so,  before we get to the latest “sudden death”, the following recaps of (some of the) set-ups by Clinton and Obama Inc. are mandatory reading – even if so-called mainstream media screams: “conspiracy theory!”


  • Back in 2013 (a year into the inception of this site), the following was reported: “Hill’s Skeletons, Bodies, Pile Up At Her Door – As She Positions For 2016.” Business as usual.
  • Fast forward to 2014, and another trail of corpses are not far behind. Tellingly, this go-around, their skeletons intersected with banksters, the CIA, and some top brass at the NYPD! Oh my.
  • Moving right along to the summer of 2016….and, here we go again: “Clinton Inc.’s (Recent) Dead Bodies: Their Nexus To Criminal Cartels & The Brotherhood Mafia.” Never-ending.
  • But there’s more. To wit, November 2016 required an updated list! How can this be? Well, does “dropping like flies” sound like par for their course? It should.
  • Still yet, don’t ever forget this: HUSSEIN Obama has his own pile up! Indeed. As such, here’s a few foretastes: Why are “mysterious” deaths littered in his wake? More specifically, what constitutes/underlies these cold, dead bodies – be they sexually related or otherwise? Naturally, Obama Inc. and Clinton Inc. intersect in many ways, some of which are deadly. Read: Seth Rich’s/Andrew Breitbart’s/Tom Clancy’s (and so on) hits.
  • Within this realm of truth-telling, is it any wonder that – in the summer of 2018 – Clinton Inc.’s ASSASSINATION SQUAD struck again? Of course not.

EVEN so, the “Deep State’s” (permanent) silencing of journalists – who get too close to their underbellies – is nothing new. In fact, several exposés can be found within these pages to document (and analyze) said charges. Consider:

  • In February 2015, several alarm bells rang at this site. Not for nothing. Incontestably, U.S. journalists are dropping like flies – with Hastings and Breitbart the most well-known and already six feet under! How many recall these “mysterious” and highly convenient deaths?
  • And just like left-wing, radicals are wont to do, the “Deep State” has their goon squads deployed and at their disposal – to silence one dissenting/exposing journalist at a time, as reported in 2016.

ALL of which leads straight back to the latest (convenient) demise, that is, the very “sudden” death of Bre Payton on December 28, 2018 – a rising Federalist reporter, a conservative journalist and pundit, who just exposed explosive, radioactive, truth bombs re the Mueller, Strozk cover-up! Coinkydink? Say it ain’t so.

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A top conservative journalist and pundit has died suddenly, just days after she broke a news story alleging that special counsel Robert Mueller and his team had deleted evidence proving anti-Trump bias at the FBI and Justice Department.

“26-year-old Bre Payton was considered a rising star, working as a staff writer at The Federalist, co-hosting the “Problematic Women” podcast, and frequently appearing as a guest on outlets like Fox News Channel, Fox Business Channel, and One America News Network. Bre was found, unresponsive and barely breathing, by her friend in San Diego last week.The 26-year-old California native was admitted to the ICU at a local hospital on early on Thursday morning and tragically passed away on Friday.

Doctors, according to Payton’s family, believe that she had contracted the H1N1 strain of influenza – aka Swine Flu – and encephalitis.”Around 8:30, on December 27th, Bre’s friend went into her room and found her unresponsive and barely breathing,” reads “Bre’s Story” on

“She immediately called 911 and Bre was taken to the hospital where she was admitted to the ICU, sedated & intubated, and doctors began working up a diagnosis.”

George Payton, Bre’s father, stayed with her at the hospital as she fought for her life, though, tragically, her condition worsened and she slipped away on Friday.“From the moment we started talking I realized she was a potential star,” Ben Domenech, of The Federalist, said in a touching eulogy on Saturday…..

Bre Payton embodied fearless journalism; uninterested in pushing narratives and unafraid to tackle subjects that truly mattered to the people.On December 13th, The Federalist published one of Payton’s hard-hitting pieces, entitled, “DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Text Messages Before The IG Could Review Them.”

Payton’s article broke the story that special council Robert Mueller and his team may have deleted text messages from the phones of disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok and ex-Justice Department lawyer Lisa Page in an attempt to conceal evidence of anti-Trump bias at the departments during the ongoing Russia probe.Unlike the mainstream media networks, who pushed the idea that there was “no evidence” the texts were deliberately destroyed, Payton raised questions of whether there was criminal intent in these deletions, a notion supported by President Trump”…..continue reading the “curious and curiouser” reportage here….

MIND you, before believing said physicians and their (convenient) diagnosis, trust, this would not be the first time that hospital staff, including pathologists, “doctored” the truth – when it comes to the “sudden” death of those who defy the “Deep State!”

NOT only that, to be sure, this poor girl’s grieving family is in no emotional state of mind to question this and that. Besides, how many (who are not medical professionals) would recognize when docs blow smoke, especially, when ordered to do so by the highest echelons – or else? Again, this site is rife with proof of the same, especially, re those who “drop like flies” at the most opportune time for the “Deep State.”

BESIDES, “What are the chances that the individual responsible for authenticating Barack Hussein Obama’s long form birth certificate, Loretta Fuddy, just happened to be the sole fatality out of nine on board a small plane that was forced to make an emergency water landing off the coast of Hawaii?” Slim to none. Continue here…..

SIGNIFICANTLY, the powers that be are so entrenched – and dangerous to the nth degree – that the above is just the tip of what they are capable of, as well as being a reliable predictor of what lies in wait.

IN this regard, consider the “Arizona/Mexico/D.C.-Corridor Mafia” (read:“Mama Janet” Napolitano and her gang of launderers) as the facilitating arm to the real-time border threat(s) – as per the entry of millions of illegals, criminal and terror aligned.

IN tandem, internalize this too: alongside a laundry list of political power brokers, the aforementioned illegal and treasonous operation went down throughout her ignoble career, most perniciously, while she was head of DHS  – and continues at her post-D.C. jump to the Presidency of the University of California. More than criminal. Wretched.

IN fact, via a mandated CA audit of University finances, guess what was discovered, more aptly, what was not found? Hint: 175 million went “missing” (euphemistically termed as a “failure to disclose”), thus, created for “slush-fund” accounts. Pray tell, to what end? Well, very simply, they were set up for the benefit of Mexican cartels, as well as to serve as distribution accounts to pay off accomplices within Congress (and elsewhere), in what is known as “pay-for-play” within dirty politics. Yes, the “Arizona/Mexico/D.C.-Corridor Mafia” is more than operational, and Napolitano is still at her Presidential perch. Imagine that. Inexorably, Pelosi is fully on board! Hence, under her watch (read: Demsters) there will NEVER be a wall – if she/they remain in control.

MOST significantly, anyone who gets in the way of the “Deep State” – for whatever reason – will, sooner or later, be eliminated.

THAT’s a fact. A wrap – for now.

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click “Archives” to read, dated Feb. 4, 2019
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