Christian (Leftist) Clergy, Jewish Counterparts, Worship At The Altar of Multiculturalism: In Bed With Islamic Terrorists! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN all is said and done, as we say in Hebrew, sach ha’kol, one cannot place lipstick on a pig, however hard one may try. Got that? 

SUCH is the case with leftist fetishists, most of whom are wedded to multiculturalism and “conflict resolution” ala “dialogue”, its twin devil. In two words: dangerous bull- crap! 

EVEN more so, the ante is upped when leftist clergy insert themselves into Islam’s domain, a cesspool which threatens to drown each and every person who refuses to submit to Shariah Law! Besides, how arrogant can they be, actually believing their jaw-jawing can tame centuries-long barbarism attached to the black hearts of Islam’s savage beasts through “solidarity” via “dialogue”, no less. Are they delusional, clueless, mendacious or simply evil-doers? Pick a door and a concomitant poison. Either way, they are lending them PC “religious” cover, therefore, they must be held accountable for any ensuing terror. Yes, they are guilty as sin!

BUT before we head to the latest clear and present danger to America (highly elevated due to clerical mischief-making), let’s hark back to a few clarion calls from the past, among a laundry list of others. 

Many turn to their religious leaders for guidance and comfort. Understood. But one must also keep their eyes and ears open for certain cues and buzzwords, and they mostly revolve around “dialogue” and “multi-cultural” hug-fests.Well, trust said religious leaders like one would the plague. Seriously. Read the whole thing

  • As to another leftist enabler of jihadi barbarians….this time from Jewish clergy! In July 2014, a Reform “Rabbi” assisted in funding a major Al-Qaeda related mosque! Can you believe it? You better. Most tragically, there is never a dearth of traitors – aka Judenrats – to investigate, be they aligned with the self-hating Jewish variety, or part of the anti-American crew. ONTO the Reform “Rabbi” and his dastardly support of an Al-Qaeda/Brotherhood linked West Windsor, N.J. mosque!Wealthy American Jews Help Major Muslim Jihadists Build 5 Million Dollar Mosque In The U.S.According to Sajid Sayed, a reform synagogue known as Congregation Beth Chaim  is one of the “biggest supporters” of the mosque his group is having constructed after recently breaking ground. The Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS), which is building the West Windsor mosque, is connected to al-Qaeda and Chechen terrorists through one of its most prominent lecturers and has raised approximately 60 percent of the funds necessary to pay for the $5 million structure. IIS continues to raise funds after having an official groundbreaking ceremony on July 12th.Mazen Mokhtar: IIS lecturer connected to al-Qaeda.As for the al-Qaeda connection, it has to do with a very prominent lecturer for IIS named Mazen Mokhtar, who also serves as the Executive Director of Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Muslim American Society(MAS), which holds 501(c)(3) tax exempt status despite its previous Executive Director – Mahdi Bray – being caught on video raising money for Hamas, as reported. Hamas seeks the elimination of Israel. That would be the same Israel that is supposedly being represented by Congregation Beth Chaim and its Rabbi Eric B. Wisnia.

    IIS also has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.

    In 2004, the Washington Post reported the following about current MAS Executive Director and IIS lecturer Mokhtar:

    Mazen Mokhtar, an Egyptian-born imam and political activist, operated a Web site identified in an affidavit unsealed Friday by the U.S. attorney’s office in Connecticut. The Web site solicited funds for the Taliban and Chechen mujaheddin, according to the affidavit. It is an exact replica of Web sites operated by Babar Ahmad, who was arrested in England on a U.S. extradition warrant this week.

    The affidavit said the New Jersey home of the mirror Web site operator, identified on a Web site as Mokhtar, was searched in the recent past and that copies of Azzam Publications sites,operated by Ahmad, were found on Mokhtar’s computer’s hard drive and files.

    According to a 2005 article, Azzam Publications and its corresponding website – (no longer in use) – was named after al-Qaeda founder Abdullah Azzam.

    It appears that Mokhtar also had a connection to the mastermind of the 2004 Beslan school massacre that left 186 children dead through (a mirror site to Materials being sold on the site were essentially being used for PR purposes to help Shamil Basayev:

    On Mokhtar’s Minna site, in the page titled ‘Jihad in Chechnya,’ a video CD depicting terrorist operations was being sold through the website. On the bottom of the page, it states, “Any enquiries regarding the content of this CD should be directed to the Islamic Army of the Caucasus, to Field Commander Shamil Basayev, Field Commander Khattab or their spokesman Movladi Udogov.” In September of 2004, Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for the Beslan school massacre in Russia, which left over 300 dead, mostly children…..continue reading, if you dare….

  • But why stop with N.J., trust, there’s more of the same all over the U.S. In May 2016, “Rabbi” Dan Levin, another leftist useful idiot, aided and abetted Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, this time in trendy Boca Raton, Florida!

STILL yet, before we segue to the 2016 cover lent to Allah’s monstrous barbarians (via a prostrating and apologetic Reform “Rabbi” in Boca Raton’s very large and affluent Jewish community….he is among a growing group), know that the worst offender is the leader of the Catholic Church. Yes, the Pope! 

BACK to Levin….

NOW that readers have become familiarized with some backgrounder, oh, dear, let’s jump to the abject failure of Rabbi Dan Levin‘s leadership, that which required absolute due diligence before he allowed a Muslim Brotherhood linked Prof (who taught at Florida Atlantic U in Boca Raton), Bassem Alhalabi, to provide a smokescreen to the true intentions of Islamists in America, Israel and the wider west!

Score another Stealth Jihad victory for the Muslim Brotherhood over a significant Synagogue in a highly Jewish populated area of Boca Raton, Florida.

This story reads like a psychological thriller with a touch of “James Bond” and a highly respected Rabbi, Dan Levin, who has become a “useful idiot” in the hands of the master, Muslim Brotherhood manipulator and Florida Atlantic University professor, Bassem Al Halabi. At the center of this real-life drama is a very prominent Jewish leader, Dr. Jeffery Zipper.

Do not miss Dr. Zipper’s extended expose’ of the Muslim Brotherhood influence operation at Dr. Zipper’s Synagogue, Temple Beth El. Dr. Zipper is joined in The United West’s TV studio.

CLEAR enough? It gets worse.

ALAS, the dhimmi-witted Rabbi tried to censor congregants who “dared” to haul him on the carpet for inviting a Brotherhood operative into their midst. Imagine that. He then added insult to injury, as he groveled and apologized to the Brotherhood Prof for “offensive” comments made by any congregant! Never mind that Allah’s Muslim Terrorist happens to view Jews as apes and pigs, as prescribed by the highest Koranic scholars of Sunni and Shia Islam! We are not done yet. This same operative was arrested – you got that? – for sending “dual-use” thermal imaging tech to Syria! Even so, he was able to remain in the country.

MORE specifically, what the hell is wrong with an increasing amount of addled clergy? Are they really that stupid, that feckless, or just plain scared chickensh-t to stand up to the barbarians inside (and outside) the gate? Inquiring minds not only want to know, but demand answers!….continue here….

WE can go on and on, but it is time to reveal the latest horror-fest!

ONTO the main event…. 

Image result for pics of bishop mcgrath

The Shia Association of the Bay Area (Saba Islamic Center), an extremist Khomeinist organization, based in San Jose, California, posted the following announcement on one its Facebook page:

“Community Event of Support and Friendship Between Catholics and Muslims, Moulana Abidi, and the Saba boards will be hosting Bishop McGrath from the Catholic Church, Imams from Bay-area Mosques and Civic Leaders who will gather to offer joint prayers and start mutual dialog for solidarity of the two communities in serving humanity and support justice for all. Bishop McGrath leads more than 50 Catholic churches in Santa Clara County. This event will mark the first of many events expressing mutual understanding, support, and friendship between Muslims and Catholics.

‘When: Monday, Jan 16th, 2016 (Martin Luther King Day)

Where: Saba Center, 4415 Fortran Court, San Jose CA 95134”

Why does Bishop Patrick Joseph McGrath willing to urge his Catholic followers to recognize an Islamist organization that is the antithesis of the tolerance and peace that his Church seeks to promote? The Bishop will be declaring “solidarity” with the leaders and educators at Saba’s mosque and madrassa (school), who preach intolerance?

Saba recently inaugurated its new high school, Saba Academy, right in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Many observers of Saba view this development with alarm, as the Association’s activities have been persistently linked to extremism. Indeed, Saba and its imams, including Rafic Labboun (a.k.a. Wilhelm Dyck) and Nabi Raza Mir (a.k.a. Nabi Raza Abidi), have been shown to support Hezbollah. Labboun was jailed for a time for credit card fraud in a scheme the FBI thought was related to funding the terrorist group. He later was caught trying to flee the U.S. by the FBI with a fake Belizean passport using the identity taken from a dead baby. Homeland Security, Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton tried to keep Nabi Raza Mir from reentering the U.S. after he visited Iran due to suspicions of terrorist links but he was finally readmitted after multiple lawsuits filed by the National Lawyers Guild.

Hamza Sodagar and Farrokh Sekaleshfar, two Khomeinist “superstar mullahs” on the Islamist lecture circuit, are frequent speakers at Saba Islamic Center where Saba Academy’s curriculum is taught. Alarmingly, both mullahs justify the execution of gays under Sharia law.

Both men have lived, lectured and studied in Qom back in Iran. Qom is considered a holy city among Shiite Muslims. Sodagar, while in Qom, filmed a biography in which Sodagar calls Ali Khamenei, the present Supreme Leader of Iran and follower of the late Ruhollah Khomeini, the man who started the Iranian revolution against the West, a role model. He also has lectured on a letter from Khamenei where he discusses the obligations of youth in the West and how they should not be corrupted by the “Zionist controlled media [the Jews].”

Sekaleshfar has been seen repeatedly lecturing at a mosque in Cardiff, Wales next to a portrait of Ayatollah Khomeini, something always displayed at Shiite events back in the Middle East, but not inside the U.S. due to the hostage crisis and animus between the U.S. that followed with sanctions and Khomeini’s dubbing the U.S. “the Great Satan.” His Facebook is packed with praises of the late Supreme Leader of Iran, and Sekaleshfar is his best promoter. In a newsletter sent from Qom, Sekaleshfar admonishes Muslim youth outside Iran to follow Khomeini’s edicts and advice if they are to be good Muslims:

“These people have undergone and tolerated a vast array of sanctions during the last 30 years. What have you done for them? How have you contributed in the solidification of the masses in Iran? There are many Muslims struggling worldwide today, but strengthening the people of Iran has an extra significant bonus, i.e. strengthening Islamic Rule and Propagation worldwide.” This is a call to promote jihad and the Absolute Velayat-e-Faqih regime of Ruhollah Khomeini and is posted under a picture of the late Ayatollah in the newsletter (page7).

Sodagar has spoken at schools as far away as Canada’s York University, and even in the UK, but he appeared on a regular basis at Saba where he lectured about Sharia-compliant methods of executing homosexuals:

“For homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One, the easiest one, maybe, is chop their head off, stop their heart. Two, burn them to death. Three, throw them off a cliff. Four, tear down a wall upon them. Five, a combination of these things.”

Public outcry over killing gays elicited a response from Sodagar. He explained he does not advocate executing gays in places where it is illegal, but rather in places where Islam is the law of the land. While such an explanation might mollify fears in non-Muslim communities, it nevertheless does not alter what Sodagar is preaching; Sodagar, a U.S. citizen, was born in Washington, D.C., but spent 14 years studying Shiite Islam in Iran, a country that routinely executes gays in public. Fluent in English, Sodagar lectures throughout the English-speaking world – advocating the execution of gays as being part of God’s will.

Farrokh Sekaleshfar also tours the world spreading the word of Islam and has spoken at St. Louis University and the University of Michigan about how to deal with homosexuals. Sekaleshfar also denies that he advocates genocide against gays where it is illegal, yet he has lectured at the University of Michigan in 2013 that “death is the sentence” for homosexuals and that executing them is an act of “compassion,” since “earthly punishment will gain them leniency in the afterlife.”

Sekaleshfar offered the same religious rulings at the Husseini Islamic Center near Orlando, Florida. A few weeks later, Orlando suffered a terrorist attack on a gay nightclub, carried out by Omar Mateen, which left 49 people dead and is listed as the greatest mass shooting in U.S. history. It isn’t clear if Mateen, a confused fan of Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, who was previously investigated by the FBI, attended Sekaleshfar’s lecture in Orlando. Like Sodagar, Sekaleshfar was not born in Iran or another Islamic country, but in England and he holds a medical degree from Imperial College in London and has studied Islam extensively in the Middle East.

Sekaleshfar was deported from Australia while on a speaking tour there after he said in an interview with ABC that he had made his comments in an academic setting, and he regretted that they had been made public. He said he advocated the death penalty only for homosexuals who have anal sex in public in a country that abides by Islamic law.

Both these mullahs live and link back to the Khomeinist regime in Iran and promote the Iranian revolution against the West here in America. At SABA they are an inspiration. The facts that a mullah advocated genocide against gays in Orlando not long before the massacre at a gay nightclub while another preaches the same ideas illustrate the threat posed by such imams. Does Bishop McGrath claim “solidarity” with Muslims advocating Death to Gays?

STILL yet, some Christian leaders aren’t mincing words, and they are revealing the G-d’s honest truth: Top Bishop: Europe Will Soon Be Muslim Because Of Our Stupidity!

HMM… knowing what you do, are you shocked at this sacrilege: Church Invites Muslims To Recite Koran And Blaspheme Jesus Divinity During Services For Epiphany! Yup, dhimmitude is alive and kicking in 2017.

KNOW this: sans a scintilla of a doubt, those who lend a platform to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are as guilty as the actual terrorists, albeit feigning to be facilitators of “conflict resolution” via “dialogue.” But regardless of all their jibber-jabber and puffed out holier than thou chests, there is no way around the truth, not on a moral level or any other plane.  


SO whether one is Christian or Jewish, devout or otherwise, it is incumbent to push back against two sides of the same anti-western revolutionary coin, NEVER backing down in the process.

PARADOXICALLY, so-called “religious” leftist enablers – who have huge megaphones via pulpits or other platforms – effectively aid and abet those who seek nothing less than the evisceration of the twin pillars of western civilization, that which is Christianity and Judaism! Indeed, they are cutting off their own roots. Thus, outing them and holding their feet to the fire is not only a moral imperative, but a civilization-saving one.

IF not, why not?

Image result for saba academy pics and khomeini

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Mid East’s Christian Genocide Paves Western Onslaught: “Shariahville” USA Emerges! Where’s The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


TIME and again, this site reported on Christian genocide within the Mid East and parts of Africa. This is hardly a secret to dedicated readers. However, said purging is not even “back page” news in the so-called mainstream media. The fact is that western media, with US entities in the forefront, have NO interest in exposing said catastrophe. In effect, as die-hard leftist mouthpieces, many are anti-western civilization and abhor its Christian and Judeo underpinnings. Not only that, they are loathe to reveal the Islamic slaughter of millions. Silent accomplices.

SO, it is under said destructive swathe that the leader of the western world paved the way for Christianity to be expunged from the Mid East, knowing full well that deafening silence from the media would keep the spotlight off of said genocide. Hmm.

NOT only that, while tens of thousands of Islamic “refugees” are due to flood the US via “re-settlement,” what about Christians who are truly fleeing for their lives, no less, from Islamic barbarians? You guessed it, they are denied entrance! Need more evidence? 

In 1915, Christians comprised 20% of the Middle East. Today, they are barely 5% and disappearing fast. Barack Hussein Obama not only refuses to take in any Christian refugees from war-torn Syria and Iraq, he is deporting the ones who are already here.

FAITHKEEPERS, The Movie is a documentary due to be released in 2016 documentary film about the violent persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East. The film features exclusive footage and testimonials of Christians, Baha’i, Yazidis, Jews, and other minority refugees, and a historical context of the persecution in the region. The film also follows the story of a 24-year-old Christian student from North Carolina on her journey of discovery and solidarity with persecuted brothers and sisters in the Middle East.


AND it into this dangerous collusion that “Shariahville” communities are emerging from the shadows. Yes, Islamists in America fully understand that top leadership have their backs. No limits.

A city on the outskirts of Detroit known since 1920 as a thriving Polish community has been fully transformed by globalism and the federal government’s Islamic immigration program….

Hamtramck, known affectionately as “Poletown” by Detroiters and Michiganians for its bustling district of Polish restaurants, markets and beautiful Catholic churches, last week become the nation’s first city to elect a Muslim-majority city council – sending three Muslims to join one incumbent who was not up for re-election.

In butcher shops that once offered juicy Polish sausages in refrigerated display cases, female customers wearing hijabs now purchase halal meats blessed by an imam.

The sound of church bells has given way to the chant of a Muslim holy man giving the call to prayer in Arabic.

Many of the storefronts have been converted to mosques, and the call to prayer is blasted over loudspeakers five times a day. Poletown has been transformed. Some critics in neighboring communities call it Shariahville.

And it’s spreading. The city of Sterling Heights, about 14 miles to the north of Hamtramck, is on the front lines of a contentious battle between the Muslim community with its progressive backers, and those who would rather not see their city transformed in the image of Hamtramck.

GOP Governor stands with Muslim community

Michigan’s Republican Gov. Rick Snyder has made it clear on which side he stands.


Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

He’s with the Muslims, says Dick Manasseri, a resident of Rochester Hills and one of Michigan’s up and coming voices against the Islamization of the Great Lakes State.

He has started a group called Refugee Resettlement Monitor-Michigan that has several members out on the speaking circuit, educating Michigan Republicans with facts and the personal stories of Chaldean American Christians who have lived under Shariah in the Middle East.

“We’ve made 12 presentations since August, designed for Republican groups and they’re not just tea-party groups who are interested,” Manasseri said. “We’ve got a big problem in Michigan. The governor is the problem. We don’t go out of our way to trash the governor but he is doubling down on this.”

Synder has said he’d like to “rebuild” parts of Detroit by importing 5,000 Syrian refugees and as requested that the Obama administration assign those refugees to his state. Detroit Mayor Mike Dugan is on board with the plan.

On Friday, Nov. 6, just a few days after Hamtramck’s historic election, Snyder was on hand to celebrate the city’s Bangladeshi corridor. Bangladeshis, along with immigrants from Yemen, make up the majority of Hamtramck’s Muslim community. Others come from Bosnia and Iraq.

The corridor is being branded Banglatown, and Snyder sees it as a potential tourist destination.

“The branding of Banglatown as a cultural tourism destination is a priority for Global Detroit, (the Bangladeshi American Public Affairs Committee) and the Economic Development Committee of the Detroit City Council Immigration Task Force,” says a statement issued by Global Detroit.

Global Detroit is an organization that says its goal is to improve economies by “welcoming, retaining and empowering” immigrant communities. It is an affiliate of Welcoming America, a nationwide immigrant rights group started by a close Obama associate, David Lubell, with seed money from billionaire philanthropist and open-borders champion George Soros.

“Hamtramck contains one of the nation’s densest Bangladeshi populations and offers the only U.S. voting ballot in Bengali, the so-called ‘Bangla ballot,'” boasts the Global Detroit statement.

Governor ‘really twisted’ on this subject

“The governor was part of a celebration of that event, so it was duly recognized by the governor who is really twisted on this subject,” Manasseri said. “He somehow doesn’t make a distinction between economic development and the influx of people who practice Shariah. It seems he’s very much in favor of Shariahville, as I call it, and wants to see it spread all over Michigan. And so we’re working against that at the grassroots level for the whole state.”

Gov. Snyder also addressed the Islamic Society of North America’s annual convention in August 2014, despite the fact that ISNA is a known front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, which was designated an extremist organization in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing trial. Snyder, ironically, did take the opportunity of his ISNA speech to mention Israel’s right to exist, a comment that infuriated ISNA leaders, causing them to put out an “action alert” for all Muslims to call the Governor’s office and complain.

A 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memo explicitly identifies ISNA among its fronts along with the Council for American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR. The memo states the Brotherhood’s “work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within….continue reading

ALONG this Sharia-driven trajectory, and with Christians (and Jews) in the cross fire, the following threats (among many others) were highlighted at this site re Massachusetts, Michigan, and Minnesota: 


IT was so imperative to highlight MA that it became a focal point at the inception of this site. But after jihad exploded at Boston’s marathon (April 2013) its significance ratcheted up many notches. Thus, in Oct. 2014, a full-blown expose’ became necessary: “ISIS/Islamic Jihad Inculcated Via Boston’s Terror-Tied Father and Son.” 


NEXT, in Aug. 2015, Michigan was front and center, but it too was not the first warning re its threat level: “Michiganstan Bows To Moon-God Allah, Desecrating 9/11/01 Alike. Patriots, What Say You”? Hmm.



IN this regard, what has been going down in Minnesota was impossible to ignore. Again and again, its Islamic – Somali-based – infestation required this site’s clarion call: “Minnesotastan Imperils Kiddies: al-Qaeda Terrorist Given School Bus License and Commercial License!”

IN light of the three highlighted states cited above – via their steep descent into the arms of Islamic Jihadis – but knowing full well that they are just the tip of America’s state by state…city by city…Islamic nightmare – it was not unexpected that John Guandolo, a former Marine Corps officer, currently operating as a strategic intel analyst, took note of the same on Nov. 9, 2015.

The state of Massachusetts appears to have surrendered to Hamas; Hamtramck, Michigan now has a Muslim majority city council; and the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota is carrying the water for jihadis by putting the weight of the U.S. Attorney’s Office behind the terrorist’s information operation to silence those who speak truthfully about Islam.

UTT is again forced to ask the question – how long will Americans sit idly by while their elected officials (at all levels) surrender our nation, piece by piece, to our enemy?


On November 12th, the day after Veteran’s Day, Hamas will be flexing it’s muscles on the steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston by hosting a “Muslim Day.”

Participating in this event will be Massachusetts State Legislators Marjorie Decker and Sonia Chang-Diaz.

marjorie sonia

               Marjorie Decker                                     Sonia Chang-Diaz

Boston is the place where Patriots – the Sons of Liberty – tossed tea into the Boston Harbor in 1773 because we were being taxed by the British Crown without representation (Tea Act).

The citizens of Boston may want to consider throwing their elected officials into the Harbor for aiding and abetting a designated terrorist organization, namely Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

CAIR is a Hamas organization per the evidence in the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history (US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, Dallas, 2008).

The U.S. Department of Justice identified CAIR as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) Palestine Committee (Hamas).

Senator Ted Cruz (TX) and Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) have recently filed legislation to designate the MB a “Foreign Terrorist Organization.”

In Hamtramck, Michigan the city council is now two thirds Muslim, making it the first Muslim majority city council in America.

IC Hamtramck
Those who have been elected are Sharia-adherent Muslims and, therefore, their election is not Constitutionally allowed because they support a system of government that mandates an overthrow of our Constitutional Republic and a suppression/destruction of our liberties.

If recent history is any prediction of future events, we can expect the federal government to do nothing…unless of course Constitutionally minded citizens question this development in Hamtramck.

Meanwhile, unsuspecting citizens in the city of Hamtramck, who appear to be ignorant of the teachings of Islam and the repercussions of Islam in our society, believe the Muslim city council members have “accomplished a lot for the city.”

UTT is hopeful the people of Hamtramck have televisions so they can watch their coming future as they witness European cities being destroyed by these same people.

In keeping with the federal government’s overt support for terrorists, and their disregard for:  (1) their Oaths of Office, (2) the founding principles of the Declaration of Independence, and (3) the Constitution, the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota has joined forces with the international jihadi community to silence the truth and suppress the God-given rights of American citizens to freely express themselves.

Andrew M. Luger, in an open letter in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on November 2nd, said “The current wave of Islamophobia needs to be stopped in its tracks. Minnesota has a thriving, patriotic and entrepreneurial Muslim population. By collectively rejecting attacks on Muslim Minnesotans, we can set an example for the rest of the nation.”

Interesting that Mr. Luger’s comments mirror the language of the global Islamic Movement which calls for “deterrent punishment” for anything that offends Islam.  This quote comes from the OIC’s 10-year plan.  The OIC, of course, is the largest voting block in the UN, and is made up of all 57 Muslim states on the planet.

Mr. Luger has likely never heard of the OIC.

The question citizens of Minnesota should ask Mr. Luger is:  “What Islamic Law have you read.”  He has not read any.  He is taking the Imams and Islamic leaders at their word, despite the evidence they are Sharia-compliant and many are a part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadi network in the United States.

This is unprofessional conduct on Mr. Luger’s part.

“Islamophobia” is saying anything about Islam or Muslims they would dislike.  It is the implementation of the Islamic Law of Slander.  In Islamic Law (Sharia) Slander is a capital offense.

In case Mr. Luger has not noticed, human beings are being killed and silenced by threats of death (including in the United States) for “offending” Muslims.

It is reasonable to assume that if someone threatened to kill Mr. Luger, there would be a full investigation immediately opened and his office would pursue those threatening him to the fullest extent of the law.

Yet, Mr. Luger’s response to the threat of Islam in America is to commit to “stopping” free speech “in its tracks” when it comes to speaking about Islam.  Mr. Luger mistakenly takes the anger of the citizens as hatred towards Muslims, when actually it a demonstration of their frustration of dealing with the legitimate fear of a real threat (Jihadis) while those charged with defending our society (eg Mr. Luger) overtly side with the enemy.

The anger is directed at people like Mr. Luger.

The Road Forward

For Americans, there are difficult decisions which are no longer rapidly approaching – they are here.

Our leaders continue to sit on their hands while our enemies gather strength and prepare to wage war against communities all around America.  Yet, state houses (Massachusetts), cities (Hamtramck, MI), and U.S. Attorney’s like Andrew Luger surrender to or do the bidding of our enemy.

Where are the Sons of Liberty now?

TRAGICALLY, fired up under HUSSEIN Obama, what is happening throughout the Mid East (and parts of Africa) merges with the domestically-infused official stances against the moorings of Christianity and the concomitant uplifting of Islam. And when one recognizes (and admits) that under the reign of HUSSEIN Obama the fiery Mid East became the HOTTEST wildfire to engulf the region (not only endangering Israel/others to an exponential degree ala the rise of ISIS and the nuclear-arming of Iran), and resulted in purging Christianity alike, what else is there to conclude, other than it was intentional? Bulls-eye.

ADMITTEDLY, even the leader of the most powerful nation has to contend with bumps in the road, therefore, adjustments are always made. But no one with intellectual integrity (and possessing all the interconnecting dots laid out throughout this site) can deny that the destruction of Christianity, with its concomitant demeaning throughout America, again, under HUSSEIN Obama, wasn’t pre-planned to elevate Islam.

ALAS, as is said, the proof is in the pudding. So, whereas the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is completely embedded within Obama Inc., turning over city after city….state after state…into Shariah compliant hands, the heretofore “hidden” Islamic/Shariah Law ruled compounds will emerge from the jihadi shadows. 

muslim bros in the whitehouse

CONSEQUENTIALLY, within a matter of a few short years – unless DRASTIC action, forthwith, is taken by patriots – the “merging” of leftist surrogates busying to purge Christianity from the nation’s consciousness will morph with “Shariahvilles” popping up all over America…creep by creep via cultural/stealth jihad.

FOR the doubting Thomases, ask yourselves: How can it be, after 9/11/01’s mega jihadi terror hit America, that a Muslim Brotherhood front group is marching in Veterans Day parades, but certain pro-American/Christian groups are denied permits? Similarly, why is it that Christians are continually denied their civil rights (fined and jailed for not conforming to the re-definition of “marriage“) but Muslims are granted theirs, even when they cherry pick their employment assignments? Mind you, in a blatant violation of equal protection under the law and due process, Obama Inc.’s legal surrogates go to bat FOR Muslims, yet, gov’t lawyers are SICCED on Christians! What’s going on?

MOST significantly, the above is an outgrowth of a confluence and convergence of anti-Christian domestic pressures within the US, that which serve to weaken Christians (and Jews), and at the same time elevating Muslims. Again, what’s going on?

RESULTANT, Americans shouldn’t be foolish enough to think that Islamic genocide in the Mid East didn’t (and won’t continue to) have knock-on effects throughout the nation. Softening the ground.

INHERENTLY, all of the above leads to a very distinct reality for Christians (and Jews) in America, and the choices are stark: Either one willingly (as “suggested” in the following Las Vegas billboards) embraces Islam (de facto, purging Christianity and Judaism) or should expect death. Said reality is more than intimated in a German billboard found below, as well as in other Islamic-Euro infused cities alike! 



german-banner - your children will pray to allah

(Translated from a German billboard: Your children will pray to Allah or die!)

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Islamic “Refugees” Accelerate Gang-Rapes – Kiddies & More! Americans, Watch Out, You’re Next! What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

refugees sweden 2

(As always, Allah’s barbarians are rampaging in Sweden. Now known as one of Europe’s rape-friendly nations, they are upset that some in the non-Muslim public exposed kiddie rape, after all, how dare anyone say it’s wrong…raping kiddies is enshrined in the Koran! Alas, Swedish authorities protected the rapist!!)

BEFORE we examine the rise of rape throughout Europe – “gifted” by Islam’s barbarians – in particular, due to the exponential level of “refugee” invaders, it must be internalized that rape is sanctioned by the Koran and that is that. It is this deeply studied knowledge base which not only stiffens this investigative journalist’s spine against Islam, but against their invasion on any level – apologists be damned. Not only that, but it obligates this site to continually encourage proactive patriots to think outside the box.

TO said end, let’s recap what is coined rape-jihad. Vengeance-like, its basis underlies the plague within Europe. Indeed, it has already hit America, yet, few patriots recognize it for what it is.  


WELL, being that this western crisis is reaching a boiling point (having simmered beneath the surface for quite some time), the following, among enumerable others, was written as a clarion call:

BY emulating ‘prophet’ Muhammad – a pedophile, rapist and murderer, whose soldiers for moon-god Allah pillaged their way to imperial conquest – Islam’s followers are mirroring his bloody swathe all across the globe. Yes, this is the G-d’s honest truth. Sans a scintilla of a doubt, it is precisely why Islam’s barbarians are committing genocide, thus, leaving behind rivers of blood wherever they set foot. This is key and core – hogwash aside.

SIGNIFICANTLY, it is the masking of this truth (via the fallacious argument and mantra that “Islam is a religion of peace”’) and its concomitant unmasking, conjoined threats, which embody the most pressing tasks of our time. Bookends. Ominously, HUSSEIN Obama’s nuclear arming of Shia Iran, in conjunction with the above, constitutes the west’s death knell.

AS is said in Israel: היזהר ! BEWARE!

IN this regard, millions of this site’s readers have been apprised of the fatwa-driven mandate of rape-jihad…a twin-cousin of sexual-jihad….disquieting as it is….continue reading


ATOP the above, what about this info, as further mind-numbing evidence and edification:

Mind you, is there any other “religion” (although more of a political structure, as opposed to anything else, but let’s not digress) which “koshers” sex crimes and more? Didn’t think so.

MOVING right along, it must be understood that ISIS represents ‘pure Islam’, regardless of any hogwash spewed by Islam’s apologists. HUSSEIN Obama, surrogates alike, you got that? And even though a portion of Muslims (worldwide) have little interest in Islam’s basis, the fact remains that countless millions do, including approximately 25% of Muslim-Americans. This is hugely significant.

SO it is under this open-eyed prism that it becomes imperative to know what “pure Muslims” believe, irrespective of any pooh-poohing by Islam’s apologists. Besides, pretending that their beliefs have no bearing on westerners, instead, dismissing their barbarism as acts perpetrated by a minority of “crazies”. well, said pathetic excuse-making is adding (to a maximum degree) to the threat level. Hence, the heavy-lifting at this site. No rest for the weary….

BE that as it may, it is accepted Islamic doctrine that if 10 Muslims rape a non-Muslim woman, she becomes Muslim! Readers, catch your breath, if necessary, but re-examine what this explosive statement really entails. Essentially, by WHATEVER means at hand, it is religiously incumbent upon Muslims to convert non-Muslims to Islam. Yes, nothing is more satiating to pagan moon-god Allah than ‘reverting’ all infidels into Islamic believers. Think of gang or singular rape-jihad as a pillar, an adjunct, to their da’wa efforts (personally described at the former link), all their Iftar food-fests placed aside.

Apparently Islam is a lot like an STD. Except it’s transmitted through rape and mass murder. At least that’s what the Islamic State says. And who can question the Caliph?continue reading


NEVER ending…within Islam it is considered a man’s “right” to rape all kiddies and women, even their own! Here are its underpinnings.

ALONG these same lines, how shocked are readers to find out that not only are 3 year olds (even younger…) raped by Islam’s monsters but Swedish authorities protected the rapist! Similarly, other Euro apologists offer the same nation-sponsored omerta, even when gang-bangs and the like are fully reported!

The Swedish migration board reportedly covered up the rape of a 3 year-old at a refugee center. The officials moved the accused rapist and refuse to disclose his identity despite the horrendous crime.
Speisa reported, via Vlad Tepes (translated):

” A male refugee in an asylum center in Tingsryd municipality in Sweden, on Tuesday raped a three-year-old child.

Responsible of the asylum center learned about the rape during the day, and in collaboration with the Swedish Migration Board had decided to move the man from the accommodation to protect him.

They had also chosen not to contact the police in order to conceal this incident.

However it was revealed when friends of the girl’s mother contacted the police. Eight hours later.

But at the asylum center, the police could not get hold of the man, as he had been moved to another place, and employees at the asylum center were reluctant to tell the police of the man’s new location, who he was, or any information at all.

According to a radio clip from Swedish Radio, the police had to contact a responsible in the Migration Board and force the truth from those in charge of the accommodation.

THEREFORE, what chance do non-Muslims have in receiving justice from Euro authorities (dare it be said, from America’s apologists alike) when their own are victimized – again and again? 

A nineteen year-old girl at Magdeburg University became the fourth gang rape victim by refugees this month.

The German woman was ambushed by “refugees” around 4 AM and brutally raped. She is currently recovering in a local hospital.


No matter if you’re young or old, the climate is getting worse and worse inMagdeburg, a city filled with migrants.

Three people were arrested in the vicinity of the gang rape.

Early in October a 24 year-old woman was brutally gang-raped in a Magdeburg cemetery. Two weeks ago two 19 year-old girls were gang-raped by “refugees.”

The locals are worried.
But Merkel will send them a few more thousand migrants anyway.

– – – –Either These Girls Will Receive Justice From the Courts…or…WE WILL CLAIM THEIR JUSTICE on the STREETS and VERY SOON!

STILL yet, while rape is all too frequent in America (western nations alike), the clinical fact remains that non-Muslim rapists seek power against the most vulnerable and opportune target(s), and they are hardly looking to satisfy the pagan moon-god Allah. So, on the one hand, what this means is that regardless of motivation its lasting effects are the same to the victim. On the other, when rape is doctrinal and condoned by leaders of a billion plus followers – covering 23% of the world’s population – well, in a statistical sense there is no other way to parse it, other than that rapes can’t help but explode to an exponential degree.

HENCE, not a day goes by that we do not read about Allah’s monsters committing rape-jihad, thus, defiling countless kiddies and women! This is wholly unacceptable. Agreed?

IN this regard, not only is it RIGHTEOUS to pursue justice – “Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof…Justice, justice, shall you pursue” …צדק צדק תרדוף …Shoftim/Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9 – but if the courts refuse to mete it out the victimized citizenry are absolutely obligated to do so. Yes, they are.

PAR for the course, cowards and apologists will jibber-jabber about the wrong-headedness of “vigilante justice”. Never mind. As such, ignore or side step around them, or just push them out-of-the-way, if necessary. In fact, this site further advises: Said toothless types should shut the hell up, sit quiet, and let real men (and physically capable women too) “take care of business.”

TO wit, the rock-solid recommendation herein is: Each affected community should form small committees ala tightly forms cells, and with individual tasks compartmentalized and divvied up according to skill sets – whatever they may be.

NOW, if the perpetrator(s) is known, all the better. If not, well, desperate times call for desperate measures. Again, think outside the box!

G-d-speed! Enough said.

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Merkel THREATENS E. Europe: Accept “Refugees”- Or Prepare for WAR! Stasi Roots Destroying Europe. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Did Merkel work for the Stasi?

(Merkel pictured under a FDJ banner – Free German Youth, also known in German as Freie Deutsche Jugend – she was one of the leaders of its agitation and propaganda arm for communist and socialist fronts…hmm)

AS if ensnared in a Kafkaesque dystopia, one cannot help but wonder if the (western) nightmare will ever end vis-a-vis keeping Allah’s barbarians at bay. Alternatively, suspended in animation is another descriptor as to the state of stunned disbelief. Mind you, one needn’t be a cynic to feel this way, nor a pessimist. Rather, just view the geo-political landscape with eyes wide open and it will lend to a realistic picture and perspective.

EVEN so, said depressing reality does not give western patriots (wherever they reside) permission to lie down and surrender. To the contrary, it is our moral obligation to fight them (Islamists, in tandem with western leaders who betrayed their mandates) on all fronts – whatever it takes. Besides, think of all the sacrifices made by past generations (and current forces) on behalf of the treasured freedoms most take for granted, therefore, ingratitude is not an option. How could it be?

Juliet Schwartz-Martinez's photo.


IN light of the impending nightmare, how outrageous is it to find out that Merkel is DIRECTLY threatening leaders with war – if they persist in their struggle to save their nations from Islam’s imperialist invaders – as the only other alternative? Rhetorical. Besides, where is it written that a nation has to commit suicide upon the altar of whatever agenda was contrived decades ago (via Eurabia), despite its out-sized failure? Moreover, aside from that which was heretofore under the radar, what else is going on?

First things first.

WELL, in answer to the above questions, its basis was duly demonstrated on Sept. 30, 2015 via “Facebook Colluding With Communist Infused Merkel: Negative Posts Re “Refugees” Censored”

THERE is little but spitting distance between history’s right-wing fascist leaders and their counterparts on the left. Both are hell-bent on imposing their iron-fisted will, and they brook NO dissent. That is that. Moreover, Islamist leaders feel very much at home within both spheres, in so far as totalitarian ethos is their commonality with each spectrum, irrespective of religious (or the lack thereof) gaps.

NOW, as is said, this is where the rubber meets the road, when it comes to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel. Ominously, many are clueless about her anti-western background. However, thankfully, cracks are opening up. How so?

WELL, illustrative, let’s take the case of a born and bred country fella (personally, find them refreshing, as opposed to the metrosexual type, but let’s not digress) to bring a basic example to the fore, one who spent the first 40 years of his life on a farm. Yet, later on in life, he lands in a cosmopolitan city, only to change his entire outward appearance to throw off his country boy background. Alas, would said makeover fool those closest to him? Of course not. Extrapolating further, steroid-like, Merkel (until her mid-years in the early 1990’s, she is currently 61 years old) was (likely, still is) a well-connected part of the communist apparatus. This is a historical fact. How many are aware of her actual background, both familial and personal? Didn’t think so.

A new biography covering Chancellor Angela Merkel’s life in East Germany has caused a stir by suggesting she was closer to the communist apparatus and its ideology than previously thought.continue reading

THUS, the veil is now lifted through Merkel’s recent threats and her driving force can no longer stay under wraps. Effectively, she has “taken off the gloves.”

Der Chancellor Merkel is warning of war to those countries that do not lay down and surrender to the Muslim invasion. Ironically, Merkel invoked the Balkan wars in the 90s, in which the US (Clinton) and NATO took the wrong side.

Referencing the bloody conflicts in the former state of Yugoslavia, Merkel said: “I do not want military conflicts to become necessary there again.” That’s a threat.

merkel migrant selfie

“Refugee crisis could spark WAR if Austria closes border with Germany, Merkel warns,” By Tom Batchelor,

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of fresh conflicts in Eastern Europe if countries fail to properly manage the refugee crisis.

Ms Merkel said Balkan states could be plunged back into war – the first time since the 1990s – if Germany closed its border with Austria.

She told members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union party that erecting a fence to stem the unrelenting flow of migrants would “lead to a backlash”.

Referencing the bloody conflicts in the former state of Yugoslavia, she said: “I do not want military conflicts to become necessary there again.”

The German leader, giving a speech in Darmstadt, southern Germany, said barbed wire fences along the borders of Hungary and Serbia “will build up fault lines” and threatens to provoke new tensions.

Slovenia has become the latest country to consider erecting a barrier along its frontier.

Prime minister Miro Cerar said his country would not close down its borders but would use “technical obstacles” to control the influx.

He said this could include a border fence “if necessary”.

He added that if Germany and Austria limit the number of migrants arriving at their borders, Slovenia would have to act because it would face “an uncontrollable number of migrants”.

Migrants turned to Slovenia last month after Hungary closed its border with Croatia.

“I want people in Germany to be able to say in a few years ‘they did it well, and we were able to manage it,” she said.

Finland is also facing increasing tensions between ethnic Finns and asylum-seekers.

Interior minister Petteri Orpo said migration posed the biggest security threat to the Nordic country.

HEY Merkel, let’s cut to the chase…when you shamefacedly assert, “I want people in Germany to be able to say in a few years they did it well, and we were able to manage it,” aren’t you really intoning: A “successful” outcome will be a COMPLETE merging of Europe – with Germany as its leader – ala Eurabia and all its provisions?”

MIND you, while Merkel threatens war, that is, if leaders refuse to capitulate to an invasion by Islam’s followers, paradoxically, Muslims in Morocco – an Islamic nation popular with German tourists – brutally hacked with knives German tourists!!






In this shocking footage the two men and a woman seem to be in desperate need of hospital care after the unprovoked attack in broad daylight in the city of Fez which is popular with tourists. 


The trio, believed to have been German tourists, were visiting the neighbourhood of Talaa Lakbira, in northeastern Moroccan city of Fez often referred to as the country’s cultural capital.

The footage shows a commotion in the street as a group of passersby intervene to help the two men, including one who is bleeding from the head.

A few seconds later the cameraman runs over to another site where a number of good Samaritans have detained the two men, aged 21 and 25, who are believed to have been responsible.


The film also picks up what appears to be a large bread knife that has been stabbed into the ground – while pools of blood can be seen all over the cobbled pavements.

The three victims were rushed to Fez University Hospital following the daylight incident.

The news of the attack has sparked concern for the safety of visitors to Morocco as the threat from ISIS continues to send shock waves through North African countries like Egypt and Tunisia which have been rocked by a number of terror incidents.


While this attack has not been linked to militants or Islamic fundamentalists, Moroccan and Spanish authorities seized 14 terror suspects from an Islamic State cell plotting to carry out attacks in the north African holiday hotspot.

Fez was the former capital of Morocco and is the second largest city. It is now regarded as the ‘Islamic spiritual capital’ but has become marred in recent years for its shocking crime rates.

NOW, despite any jive talk re “crime rates” (suggesting that the above knife-jihad was fueled by garden variety criminal intent), and with this savage brutality in mind, veer back to the stated assessment in the opening paragraph, “just view the geo-political picture with eyes wide open and it will lend to a realistic landscape, as discomfiting as it feels.”

TO wit, isn’t it realistic to assert that Merkel’s Stasi roots parallel HUSSEIN Obama’s communist infused roots, rendering them both ideological soul mates, so to speak? Effectively, regardless of all the bloody evidence swathing across the globe due to Islam’s barbarians, Merkel, HUSSEIN, and others of similar ilk have zero intention of slamming Europe’s (and America’s) gates shut. Not only that, couple HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamic fealty, and it doubly accounts for his determination to flood the west with “refugees.” Indeed, he is offering many gifts to those who will “resettle” in America!

The Federalist Papers has reported that a bombshell discovery by the folks at Refugee Resettlement Watch revealed that every incoming refugee is eligible for an Individual Development Account (IDA), a matched savings account where refugees receive $1 of free taxpayer-funded money for every $1 that they themselves save.

The following snippet from the Office of Refugee Resettlement provides more details:

IDA grantees provide matched savings accounts to refugees whose annual income is less than 200 percent of the poverty level and whose assets, exclusive of a personal residence and one vehicle, are less than $10,000.

Grantees provide matches of up to $1 for every $1 deposited by a refugee in a savings account. The total match amount provided may not exceed $2,000 for individuals or $4,000 for households.

Furthermore, the program allows for refugees to save for four things, including a home, a small business development, an education and a car “for employment purposes.” The bottom line is that a refugee can basically get a ‘government subsidized’ car, house or whatever courtesy of YOU AND I!

STILL yet, some may rightfully – no pun intended – inquire: What about Merkel, why is she so invested in Islam’s followers? Actually, the question should be the polar opposite: Why wouldn’t she be?


IN the main, aside from financial deals made decades ago between Eurabia’s leaders ala the “Eurabian Code,” hasn’t it already been proven that there is less than six degrees separated between the reds and greens, at least when it comes to joining forces to destroy the west? 

DEMONSTRABLY, for the stated record – and to prove precisely how on target this site has been on its assessment re the cooperative efforts, the alliance, between the reds and the greens – it was written back in Jan. 2014:

How many Americans (and westerners) are perplexed by the Radical-in-Chief’s delegation, in actuality, his abdication, to Russia as Mid East power broker? And how many more are aware of the history of Russia’s increasingly diminutive status in the region – and its sidelined knock-on effects – only to be resurrected like a Golem under the munificence of the Red-in-Chief?     

Know thy history well!

In concert with the above, no one should be naive enough to believe that bad luck, happenstance, poor political execution, blah…blah…allowed for the Russian bear’s re-entry (from decades-long cold war storage…deep freeze) as a mega force to be reckoned with, and into the most volatile region in the world. If only.

And this isn’t the time for a history lesson, but it is for a linkage of dots stained with the Anti-American-in-Chief’s (red) fingerprints.

With this in mind, does anyone wonder why every anti-American dictator, from Cuba’s Castro to Venezuela’s (late, but non-lamented) Hugo Chavez and others, applauded the POTUS’s (s)election? AND there is more: World leaders who OPENLY endorsed The Radical-in-Chief were the most vile dregs in the international arena. Exactly, why were they simpatico to ‘Dear Leader’?

Wonder no longer…continue reading

CONCLUSIVELY, relative to Merkel’s threats to (mostly) E. Euro leaders who refuse to toe her redgreen line – and to bring matters full circle – don’t be fooled by the fact that Merkel presides over Europe’s largest capitalist economy.

IN reality, Russia and China, communist led countries, have adopted quasi forms of capitalism, albeit, state capitalism. In other words, one can lead a capitalist economy but still be a red ideologue. Think of it as walking and chewing gum at the same time on a macro level!! 

SO, the next time you read about Merkel’s “inexplicable” push toward Europe’s self destruction, forget about Germany’s progress since WW 2 and where you thought the country was headed. Just see it through the eyes of Merkel; one whose lens (and roots) is completely focused on a redgreen outcome. This is where the facts lead and the threats originate from, discomfiting as it is.

A protestor holds a poster showing German Chancellor Angela Merkel wearing a head scarf in front of the Reichtstags building with a crescent on top and the writing 'Mrs Merkel here is the people' during a rally of the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, or PEGIDA, in Dresden, Germany, Monday, Jan. 12, 2015. (AP Photo/Jens Meyer)

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California U’s “Jihadi-Stabber” Masked By Media Omerta: Mirrors “Stabbing-Jihad” In Israel! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


Authorities said that the weapon used in the stabbings was a hunting knife (like the one pictured in this stock photo) between 8 and 10 inches long

(Facsimile of weapon used by Islam’s soldier for Allah at U of C Merced)

WHILE all campus rampages garner news headlines – as they should – when it comes to certain PC protected classes (whenever they are involved in murderous acts, even when outside campus quads), well, digging into the true motive is clearly off the table. Verboten. In other words, suppressing the driving factor is the “norm.” Not only that, grabbing onto any snippet which obviates connecting the dots becomes the media’s main objective – the “real headline”, the heretofore prescribed narrative.

HENCE, the mendacious reportage on the most recent (STABBING) carnage at U of C Merced. Think of it as “the dog ate the homework or “the devil made them do it” excuse, or some such obvious lying drivel. However, in PC media omerta scenarios – unlike garden variety liars who attempt to pass the buck – lying will inevitably and directly lead to deadly consequences. Most resolutely, in the U of C Merced stab-fest, its underbelly couldn’t be more of a red flag, even if a matador was retained to blare said warning to the public. No exaggeration.

BUT before we get to the heart of today’s media disinfectant, let’s veer back to how deep in the tank so-called mainstream “reporting” is, relative to truth-telling. Consider:


FIRST off, it is intrinsic to internalize that US gov’t entities pay the media for “selective” reporting. Yes, they do. Pravda-like. Extrapolating further, being that Obama Inc. (the captured media didn’t start with the current regime but it ramped up at warp speed under its reign) has an orchestrated message re Allah’s soldiers and warriors, that is, in so far as their “peaceful” intent, it is nigh impossible for their whores to tell the truth. In a nutshell, HUSSEIN Obama’s surrogates are so far down the rabbit hole they are terrified to report on Islam’s war-like thrust. 

BUT never mind, this is where this site (and a handful of others) weighs in.


NEXT up, the co-opted media waged a full-on omerta (Dec. 2014) when NYPD officers were assassinated by Allah’s soldiers. Nevertheless, the evidence at these pages was very clear on this linkage, regardless of their spin.

Ismaaiyl Muhammad


SO in light of omertas one and two, is it shocking to find out that the media is similarly silent, re the grave dangers associated with Islamic hijrah into America and the entire west? 

NOW, for those who are having trouble accepting said charges against the media, well, clearly relying on their so-called “reporting” as gospel is wildly dangerous.

BESIDES, who recalls another knife-waving Muslim student within a different California U campus (are readers sensing a pattern yet…knife-wise and campus-wise?) by the name of Mohammad Hammad? If not, time to catch up to speed. His targets? Just guess…

 Tumblr page of Mohammad G. Hammad, president of SFSU-funded General Union of Palestine Students

(Tumblr page of Mohammad G. Hammad, president of SFSU-funded General Union of Palestine Students)

IN any case, back to last week’s California knife-wielding jihadi and the subsequent “report”….

Anger over being kicked out of a UC Merced study group drove an 18-year-old computer science student to make a precise plan to kill “a lot of people,” according to a two-page, hand-written manifesto found during his autopsy, authorities said Thursday.

Faisal Mohammad, a slender freshman in glasses, entered his Wednesday morning class with a 10-inch knife, a backpack filled with zip-tie handcuffs, duct tape and, in his pocket, a point-by-point script for vengeance, Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke told reporters: “He had a pretty elaborate idea of what he wanted to do.”

“We had an upset teenager that was upset over being kicked out of a study group” for being disruptive, the sheriff said. “He was a teenager, he got mad and took it out this way.

“We don’t know what’s going to trigger and we don’t have a crystal ball … We don’t know. The human person is a very unpredictable being.”

Mohammad rolled out his plan, attacking and wounding one student as the professor and others in the room screamed. Then, something happened that interrupted his script, Warnke said. A nearby construction worker heard the screams and burst in. The 31-year-old Merced man tangled with the teen, who slashed him with the knife and then fled the room. Mohammad would stab and wound two other people before he was chased down by campus police and shot to death.

“The fortunate part is,” Warnke said, “his plans went haywire because people fought back … a very brave construction worker who stopped this from going on. It took his script away from him.”

The discovery of the script, with some 24 precise steps and, like a computer software code, instructions to repeat, answered the question of what motivated the quiet teen from Santa Clara to launch the most brazen act of violence to occur on the young UC campus, set in a rural landscape before the Sierra Nevada mountains.

While armchair observers on social media were quick to point to Mohammad’s mere name as evidence of terrorism, Warnke said that was not the case.

Wearing his signature cowboy hat, the sheriff told a crowd of reporters Thursday “there is nothing to indicate this was anything other than a teenage boy who got upset with fellow classmates.”

Asked if the manifesto made any references to Allah, Warnke said there were, but dismissed any suggestion that Mohammad was motivated by religion.

“His belief was through the Muslim faith, but there’s nothing to indicate anything other than that,” Warnke said. “It’d be like a Christian referring to the Lord Jesus.”

“You’ve got to remember there are a lot of Muslim-faith (people) that are very kind, gentle, loving people and to have one person do this, you can’t group that whole section of folks into that. It’s just not right,” Warnke said. The note recovered from his body named three students Mohammad planned to kill, names Warnke declined to release. The plan said Mohammed intended to force a student to help him handcuff others in the class. He intended to move to other locations on campus, to fake a call for help in order to ambush a police officer, then take the officer’s gun and go on to kill people at a dormitory.

But, Warnke said, Mohammad’s plans were clearly those of a teenager. His backpack contained bags of petroleum jelly that, like a scene from a slapstick movie, he planned to squirt onto floors as a slippery obstacle.

“I don’t think he had any actual capability of carrying this out,” Warnke said. “I think he had illusions of grandeur.”

Few seem to have known the student, who spend most of his time alone, according to students. The Muslim Student Association on campus issued a statement on its Facebook page Thursday saying its members were shaken by the violence. “Like all Americans, we condemn this heinous attack.”

Based on the evidence so far, “there is no reason to believe that this was in any way related to terrorism,” the group said. “Once this immediate crisis has passed, our university community needs to begin a serious discussion about campus violence, here and nationwide.” (blogger’s note: there was NO mention that the Muslim Student Association aka MSA was the first group set up by the Muslim Brotherhood in America and Canada!!)

MORE specifically, did anyone hear about the following “tidbit” from US media sources (except for one), that which was indicative of his intent, rather than the spun narrative that he was upset at being kicked out of a study group? Do pigs fly? 

“He had a smile on his face,” the victim said. “He was having fun.”

REGARDLESS of all the tall tales, it must be noted that certain members of law enforcement are not fooled by Obama Inc.’s directives, even if they are stating/lying otherwise before the public. How so? Well, the fact that the bomb squad was called in due to the suspect’s backpack, it suggests that despite the Sheriff’s jive talk before the media, he recognized that bomb-laden backpacks are signature hallmarks of Islamic jihad! Warnke said the bomb squad was called as a precaution because the suspect carried a backpack. Hmm.

MOREOVER, the following renders a clear-eyed professional assessment (re the media and its derelict handling of this most recent act of jihad), and is an essential read:

O’Reilly, Hannity, and Kelly are Destroying America
Nov 6, 2015
Conservatives are fully aware that conservative views are not presented at ABC, CBS, NBC, and the dozens of other news channels scattered across the internet.  Where do conservatives go to get their daily dose of news?  They turn to FOX News.  So do I, but I am changing my updates to the news to friends and internet sites I have faith in.  I no longer have faith that FOX News has been or will continue in the future to provide conservatives news from around the world that is unbiased and captures the most important news for all Americans.
For the last year Hannity has been focused on the upcoming Presidential election.  Virtually nothing else is reported during his time period.  O’Reilly and Kelly are right behind him.  Kelly is fixated on convincing conservative Americans that she is unbiased when it comes to the upcoming election.  Viewers now know Kelly leans further left than we once imagined.  Two years ago I would never have thought Kelly would seek to destroy the character of America’s leading Republican candidate (Donald Trump).  It is apparent FOX News is now trying to act like they adore Trump, but the reality is Trump is being given less positive time on FOX.  Rest assured if Trump is elected there will be hell to pay at FOX News.  Trump does not forgive nor does he forget.
How many readers have a complete understanding of the recent stabbings by a Muslim student at the University of California?  How many people know that the stabber was harming victims because of Jihadi views and not because of his disfavor of a study group?  Does the study group reasoning not seem familiar to the ‘video being the cause of the Benghazi Islamic terrorist attack’?  Faisal Mohammed was stabbing and trying to kill his fellow students because he is Muslim and he was following the actions of other Muslims who were stabbing and killing innocent people in Israel.  Believe it or not there will be politicians who will be calling for the banning of any knife not classified as a basic pocket knife.  One need only travel to any Veterans Hospital.  There are signs on every building, in offices, and in the parking lots informing veterans that even pocket knifes are not allowed on VA grounds.  How silly America has become.
Instead of FOX News focusing on a news event (UC stabbing), that if given the proper time and focus would allow Americans to better understand the Muslim mindset and prepare them for many more such Islamic terrorist events in America, FOX and it’s anchors are so focused on the Presidential candidates than on anything else.  There is little we do not know about any candidate, but there is a lot Americans do not know about the UC stabbings.  Like their counter-parts FOX does not want Americans to get too heavy a dose of negativity for Islam and it’s followers.
Viewers must understand there are numerous conservative U.S. elected officials who consider Saudi Arabia our friends and that deep down they believe overall Muslims love America. In other words there are numerous ignorant people in the conservative party.  Don’t get me wrong by thinking I prefer MSNBC and other liberal (socialist/communist) news media better than FOX.  I don’t.  I have relied on FOX to keep Americans focused in the right direction and by Hannity and the others skipping making the UC stabbing a major news event, they continue to focus on an election many months away.
Americans must demand FOX News focus on Islamic terrorist events because these events are the future of America and sadly for our children.  Islamic terrorist events can only be prevented if Muslims around the world know that even the most basic Islamic terrorist action will receive the attention that is parallel to the coming together of media and Americans on 9-11.

MOST significantly, whereas Allah’s barbarians in Israel are 100% committed to killing Jews, the fact of the matter is that those who are living outside Muslim controlled lands – in Dar al-Harb’s territory of war – have all infidels in their sights, even though Jews are always uppermost in mind. More specifically, stabbing-jihad has become their method of choice, even though other weapons (guns, cars, bombs) are utilized to satiate their Allah-driven blood lust.

(In Arabic: For Palestinians, Conflict With Jews Is Existential in Nature)

(Teacher’s FB page inciting to murder Jews, a UNRWA paid agitator within Abbas’s terror enclave!)

IN other words – and on enumerable occasions – this investigative journalist warned readers as to the overall jihadi directives being given (through mosques, social media, and elsewhere) to Muslims living in Dar al-Harb

IN this regard, a highly specific warning was given, and it came directly from captured al-Qaeda terrorists. Not incidental to the facts presented above, it was told DIRECTLY to none other than the above cited counter-terrorism intelligence professional, Dave Gaubatz:

When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people.

NEVERTHELESS, it is mandatory not to get caught up in nitpicking. Effectively, even though young adults are ensconced at college campuses, as well as workers of every age range – not exactly a kiddie environment – this does not mitigate their jihadi intentions. The point being, jihad is committed at the most opportune time and location. Yes, for an Islamic-infused college student, where better than ones campus?

INEXORABLY, since maximum slaughter is the goal (and America’s non-Muslim offspring are their chief targets, be they at a shopping mall, crowded sports venue, college quad or any available school), the fact remains that hitting at the heart of America always involves its children, albeit even those who have reached majority age.

THUS, each and every time that a Muslim “goes ape-sh-t”, regardless of the locale, toss aside any outrageous “excuse” offered for said murderous rampage – yes, he was “mad” at this one and that one – unless you prefer to believe the lying media, instead of those who operate in the jihadi arena, including this investigative journalist.

KNOW this: AS Obama Inc’s captured media lies, spins, dodges, and weaves, rest assured, Islam’s highly committed soldiers tend to tell it like it is. In fact, their intentions are rarely hidden, nor are they loathe to call it like it is:

The attack drew praise Thursday from a Twitter account associated with the Islamic State, Fox News reported. 

‘May Allah accept him,’ read the tweet in Arabic just minutes after Mohammad’s name was divulged by campus authorities.

AT the end of it all, readers must decide for themselves whom to believe. Will it be this site (and a select few others) or the referenced spin-meisters?

Faisal Mohammad, 18, a freshman from Santa Clara who majored in computer science and engineering, was shot dead by officers after his violent campus rampage on Wednesday morning

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HUSSEIN Obama’s Illegal War In Libya:Nexus To Downed Russian Airliner & MANPAD Danger To US & Europe. Where Is The Linkage? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

MANY analyses are housed within this site regarding Obama Inc.’s decision to enter into an illegal war with Libya. Be that as it may, its rogue basis started with the administration’s failure to garner Congressional approval. This is not an insignificant, nor inconsequential, factor. Incontestably, every President – even “King” Obama – must abide by the War Powers Resolution. It is not optional. It reads in part:
Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. This joint resolution may be cited as the “War Powers Resolution”.


SEC. 2. (a) It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and ensure that the collective judgement of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.

(b) Under article I, section 8, of the Constitution, it is specifically provided that the Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution, not only its own powers but also all other powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.


SEC. 3. The President in every possible instance shall consult with Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities or into situation where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and after every such introduction shall consult regularly with the Congress until United States Armed Forces are no longer engaged in hostilities or have been removed from such situations.


SEC. 4. (a) In the absence of a declaration of war, in any case in which United States Armed Forces are introduced–

(1) into hostilities or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances;

(2) into the territory, airspace or waters of a foreign nation, while equipped for combat, except for deployments which relate solely to supply, replacement, repair, or training of such forces; or

(3) in numbers which substantially enlarge United States Armed Forces equipped for combat already located in a foreign nation; the president shall submit within 48 hours to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President pro tempore of the Senate a report, in writing, setting forth–

(A) the circumstances necessitating the introduction of United States Armed Forces;

(B) the constitutional and legislative authority under which such introduction took place; and

(C) the estimated scope and duration of the hostilities or involvement.

(b) The President shall provide such other information as the Congress may request in the fulfillment of its constitutional responsibilities with respect to committing the Nation to war and to the use of United States Armed Forces abroad

(c) Whenever United States Armed Forces are introduced into hostilities or into any situation described in subsection (a) of this section, the President shall, so long as such armed forces continue to be engaged in such hostilities or situation, report to the Congress periodically on the status of such hostilities or situation as well as on the scope and duration of such hostilities or situation, but in no event shall he report to the Congress less often than once every six months….continue reading

PRAY tell, is there anything ambiguous about the above Constitutional-derived mandate, that HUSSEIN Obama felt he had the right to abrogate its basis? Not a damn thing. Mind you, poli sci and/or law majors would fail first level course work, if they “misunderstood” its essence!  

IN fact, he stated very clearly that the “War Powers Resolution” Act does not apply to his administration. Really?

President Obama is again asserting his right to act unilaterally and without congressional approval in going to war. In what has become a mantra for this Administration, Obama reportedly told members of Congress that he does not need congressional approval to unleash a comprehensive military campaign against the Islamic State. The President informed a few members at a dinner — a striking image of how low congressional authority has become in our tripartite system of government.

We have been discussing the growing concerns over President Barack Obama’s series of unilateral actions in ordering agencies not to enforce law, effectively rewriting laws, and moving hundreds of millions of dollars from appropriated purposes to areas of his choosing. One of the greatest concerns has been his unchecked authority asserted in the national security area. I previously represented members of Congress in challenging Obama’s intervention in the Libyan civil war without a declaration from Congress. In the case, President Obama insisted that he alone determines what is a war and therefore when he needs a declaration. Since the court would not recognize standing to challenge the war, it left Obama free to engage in war operations in any country of his choosing. As with his approach in Libya, Syria and other combat operations (and most recently on whether he will resume the war in Iraq), Obama is again asserting his extreme view of executive power.

As in the past, Democrats are not just silent but actually applauding the circumvention of Congress — a precedent that will likely come back to haunt them if the next president is a Republican.

I have repeatedly testified (here and here and here and here) and wrote a column on President Obama’s increasing circumvention of Congress in negating or suspending U.S. laws. However, war is a particularly egregious form of this unilateralism since the Framers worked hard to limit such powers under Article I and Article II…continue reading


IN this regard, it has already been established that permission was not sought, nor granted, to enter into war with Libya. Still yet, the overarching questions remain: 1) What was the main goal? 2) What were/are the knock-on effects? 3) And how do they intersect with a downed airliner(s)?


DARE it be suggested, how difficult would it be for some of Allah’s barbarians to stow away their newly acquired wares, only to be launched when settled within their Euro destinations as new “refugees?” Realistically, how many US flights fly in and out of said cities on a daily basis, never mind the damage accrued on European soil per se? Okay…more than food for thought

ALAS, let the following serve as “testimony”:


IN answer to questions 1 and 2 – a little over a year and a half ago – this investigative journalist asserted: “The Mysterious Disappearance Of A Malaysian Airliner: Possible Intersection With Libya’s “Missing” MANPADS. What If R2P/Obama’s Benghazigate Bears The Onus?”

YES, bear in mind that Benghazigate was a DIRECT result of the illegal war in Libya. Cause and effect.

THEN, ask yourselves: Was “Testimony One” (once explored and read) a foreshadowing to the recently downed Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 over Sinai? Asked and answered.


SO, now we segue to the downed flight on Oct. 31, 2015 via DEBKAfile – a highly reliable and notable intelligence site – and its assessment:

The British Cobra (emergency cabinet) decision of Wednesday, Nov. 4, not to send airliners to or from Sharm El-Sheikh, where 20,000 British tourists are stranded, further strengthens the assumption that the Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 was downed over Sinai Saturday by a terrorist missile. It confirms that air traffic over Sinai and landings at Sharm are under threat from the ground – else why leave a large group of Britons under virtual siege in the Egyptian Red Sea resort? London said that the suspension of flights to Sharm was “indefinite.”
Moscow early Thursday accused London of being moved to this action out of hostility to Russia rather than security concerns.
Downing Street released a statement Wednesday saying: “As more information has come to light, we have become concerned that the plane may well have been brought down by an explosive device.” This statement was criticized by Egypt as “premature” – not a good omen for the conversation Prime Minister David Cameron is due to hold with his visitor, Egyptian president Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi, later Thursday.

The British government has therefore stubbed toes in Moscow and Cairo without coming up with an emergency plan for evacuating its citizens from Egypt, whether overland to Cairo by bus or by sea aboard ships picking them up at the Red Sea resort and sailing through the Suez Canal.

This lack of initiative is a sign of confusion and uncertainty.
So far, the drawn-out deliberations and prevarications by officials in several countries regarding the crash of the Russian plane are meant for one purpose: to gain time for doing nothing about ISIS in Sinai. Neither the US, Russia or Britain is ready to send forces to the peninsula to confront the terrorists head-on. {note: al-Qaeda/ISIS etc gained a firm foothold in Sinai AFTER Libya was blown up!)

The Ansar al Sharia terrorist organization in Libya, which attacked the US consulate in Benghazi and murdered the American ambassador in 2012, has the very missiles capable of shooting down large airliners flying at high altitudes: Russian-made ground-to-air Buk missiles, which have a range of between three and 42 kilometers. This ultra-violent Islamist terror group has very close operational ties with ISIS-Sinai, and very possibly smuggled the missile system into Sinai from Libya.
A number of intelligence agencies are aware of this and so a flock of leading European and Persian Gulf airlines lost no time in rerouting their flights to avoid Sinai straight after the Russian air disaster.
By causing this disaster, the Islamist terrorists coolly aimed for four goals:

1.  Retaliation for Russian intervention in Syria

2.  An attempt to destabilize the regime of Egyptian President Fattah Al-Sisi

3.  To show up the inadequacies of the 63-member coalition that the US formed in its effort to fight ISIS

4. To parade before the world the Islamic State’s operational prowess, its ability to shoot down the large passenger planes of the world’s biggest powers.

For five days, intelligence and flight safety experts dismissed the claim of responsibility that ISIS issued on the evening of October 31, maintaining that it was not to be taken seriously because no proof had been provided to support the claim – as if the charred fragments of the plane spread across tens of kilometers of desert were deniable.

In the second of its three messages, ISIS repeated its claim Wednesday, Nov. 4, promising details of how it downed the plane at a later date.

While more and more Western governments are coming around to accepting that the Russian airliner’s crash was caused by an explosive device, DEBKAfile’s counterterrorism sources repeat that they cannot rule out the possibility of a missile. The argument made on Wednesday in Washington and London that terrorist organizations do not have missiles capable of downing such planes is are simply incorrect.

ISIS-Sinai’s possession of an advanced ground-air missile system does not only endanger planes in the peninsula’s airspace, but also those aircraft flying over the Suez Canal as well as parts of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel. One of the Egyptian president’s main purposes in his London visit was to try and persuade Prime Minister Cameron to join an Egyptian military operation against Ansar al Sharia in Libya and so eliminate a major prop and arms supplier for ISIS-Sinai. He does not hold out much hope of success.

CONCLUSIVELY, Obama Inc. and its entire intelligence apparatus (other regimes alike) knew full well that Libya was AWASH with advanced MANPADS. In fact, the CIA’s Petraeus warned :

Speaking at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, former CIA director General David Petraeus issued a serious warning about the international threats posed by shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles (Manpads) in the hands of al Qaeda and other terrorists.  Petraeus referred to the January 27th downing of an Egyptian military helicopter by a Russian Strela-2 missile (aka SA-7) by al Qaeda-affiliated Ansar Beit al-Maqdis in the Sinai Peninsula. “Shooting down a helicopter with an apparent shoulder-fired missile is a big deal. … Our worst nightmare [was] that a civilian airliner would be shot down by one,” he said. … “The concern over an attack on civilian aviation flows not only from the loss of passengers’ lives, but also from the likely economic consequences that would follow—a worldwide grounding of air traffic that might bring the global economy to a screeching halt.”

The threat of Manpads in the hands of al Qaeda and terrorist groups has escalated dramatically. After Moammar Gadhafi’s killing by rebels in Libya, on October 20, 2011, some 20,000 Manpads went missing. Months later only 5,000 were reportedly destroyed. Where the remaining 15,000 missiles are is unclear.

While the Obama Administration issued a statement assuring Americans that most of Libya’s weapons, including shoulder-fired Manpads, had been secured, NATO’s then-military committee chairman, Admiral Giampaolo di Paola, was not so sure. His fear that Libyan Manpads could be scattered “from Kenya to Kunduz [Afghanistan]” subsequently materialized.

Libyan, Iranian and possibly Syrian MANPADs found their way to Salafi Bedouins, Hamas and al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups in the Sinai, forcing restriction of Israeli military and civilian air traffic in the area. A year after Gadhafi’s fall, Israeli officials reported that an SA-7 had been fired at one of their military aircraft over the Gaza Strip (AW&ST March 12,2012)….continue reading

libyan-rebel.JPG(An anti-Gadhafi rebel holds his rocket-propelled grenade launcher as he shouts slogans after the capture of the oil town of Ras Lanouf, in eastern Libya on March 5, 2011.TRIPOLI, Libya)


CONCOMITANTLY, despite all the out-sized dangers associated with blowing apart Libya, HUSSEIN Obama accelerated the Mid East’s wildfires, which, incidentally, happens to be my ‘hood! To wit, shouldn’t the Islamist-in-Chief “shoulder” responsibility for the deluge of advanced shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles (that which, heretofore, had been kept under lock and key by Gadhafi’s regime) and all the ensuing deaths?? If not, why not?    


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Canada’s Trudeau – Islam-Lover – Strikes: Guess Who’s Coming “Home” For Christmas?? Hint: Not Santa. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE it may appear indelicate and somewhat crass to phrase Justin Trudeau’s obsessive closeness with Muslims in the following manner, well, the fact of the matter is that Justin Trudeau, the new leader of Canada, has a “hard-on” for Allah’s followers. There, it’s said. 

AND wheras some with softer sensibilities may tsk, tsk at said descriptor and wag their fingers in this direction, never mind, there will not be an apology in the offing. After all, how many wade in the Islamic muck day in and day out? Walk a mile in these shoes…Besides, the underbelly of this relationship is so twisted it would make a whore blush. The truth of the matter is that Trudeau’s obsessive desire to intertwine with Muslims warrants special verbiage and status. 

NOW that that is off the table, first and foremost, he is every bit anti-Canadian (western) as his comrade in the White House is anti-American. Parasites. And it is this intersection which will haunt both countries, arguably the west, for decades to come.

MOREOVER, being that Mexico, America’s southern front, is a cross between a failed state and a narco-terror fiefdom, there is little to hold Islamists and a myriad of anti-western front groups (most inconspicuously, communist/Marxist/socialist revolutionaries) at bay. Have mercy. 

And now that HUSSEIN Obama welcomed Castro’s Cuba into America’s bosom – even inviting Cuba’s ambassador to the White House for a tête-à-tête on Sept. 17, 2015 – could it be any more dangerous?

(Take special note of HUSSEIN Obama’s gleeful mug, as he confabs with Raul Castro aka El Presidente!)

PATRIOTS, in light of everything that you already know, can you now “feel the love” between HUSSEIN Obama and Justin Trudeau ala mano y mano? Even more so, as they visualize Cuban/Latin/South American foot soldiers rubbing their hands in glee – edging closer to their encirclement of the west’s outposts – the bond between the two leaders becomes cemented. Oh, aside from everything else, dare it be stated that Iran’s proxy soldiers, Hezbollah terrorists (currently ensconced in the tri-border region), understand what this portends re their plans for America? How many really internalize the geo-political knock-on effects of what has taken place in Canada with Trudeau’s election, as another western domino has fallen with Harper’s defeat? Shiver the west timbers!

MOST significantly – and despite any of the outlandish nonsense spun re his victory, as being a leap forward towards “co-existence” – Trudeau’s views are a mirror image to HUSSEIN Obama’s, in so far as their radical leftism and Islamic coddling are concerned. To said effect, consider them ideological bookends…fraternal twins separated at birth…anti-western pigs in a poke…and so on.

YET, to internalize the (exponentially) upped threat level, one must square the circle, so to speak, even if it seems like a Herculean task. It is THAT intrinsic.

UNDER said realistic paradigm – in no uncertain terms – America’s southern border no longer exists, except in name only. Few, at least the intellectually aware and honest, can rationally argue that Obama Inc. did not purposefully eviscerate the border which (for the most part) kept out illegal aliens; be they Mexicans; Islamists; narco-terrorists or assorted others.

TO wit, as imperiled as America is due to the above proofs, the stakes have now been raised to the nth degree with HUSSEIN Obama’s kindred spirit sitting at the helm of the northern border. Sans a scintilla of a doubt, a pincer-like encirclement of America is in full force.

G-d have mercy….but not on the above two leaders – anti-western devils that they are…continue reading

NOW, before we segue to his immediate Christmas “gift”, it must be understood that alongside his ideological affinity is growing evidence (which will be left for another time…takes time to amass) that he is politically in bed with Brotherhood Mafia front groups. Yes, they directly assisted his catapult into the premiership. Resultant, it is time for payback. Indeed, how many times does it need to be repeated: Underlying (most) radical leftists one will find an Islamic “sympathizer.” Yes, the ubiquitous red-green alliance.


THUS, in a Orwellian and a finger-in-the-eye manner, what better time than the upcoming Christian celebration to usher in newly minted followers of Allah into the country? Exactly.

How do you do background checks on 25,000 people, coming from a terrorist wasteland, in 7 weeks? Google their names? Ask for a resume? If you’re Justin Trudeau, you do nothing…just send out the ‘halal’ welcome wagons, drop to your knees, and praise Allah.

Remember: These are the so-called “moderates.” For liberals, if gay rights is your thing, you’re pretty much importing 25,000 homophobes. Syria is also the country that was clocking 200 honour killings a year before the civil war — which has surely skyrocketed as Muslim men kill any sisters or wives who have been raped in the course of war.


What about Syrians and other refugees who’ve never been violent, but who, in their regular lives, hate the West, hate women, hate minorities, hate gays, hate Jews, hate liberal democracy?


This is what you can expect by Christmas:

31% of Syrian refugees disagree with the objective of defeating the Islamic State terrorist group. So out of 25,000 refugees, 7,500 will be ISIS lovers.

41% are Jew-hating, America-hating bigots.

97% are gay-hating, probably women-hating bigots.

AND just as night follows day, so too it should have been anticipated what Islam’s “new” best friend, “bad boy” Trudeau, planned as a Christmas present for non-Muslim Canadians, and with knock-on effects for its northern neighbor. A two-fer. Wow, it took less than a “New York minute” to accelerate Canada’s stepped-up infiltration and penetration!

YUP, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words…

Justin Trudeau in a halal sandwich

(Justie…feeling the love couldn’t be any happier…snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug…cheek-to-cheek with Allah’s followers. Think about it, who else could get THAT close to him, other than wifey??)

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Tennessee’s Islamic Explosion: Radical Imam, Yasir Qadhi, A Macro Jihadi Exhibit. What’s The Upshot? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Dr. Yasir Qadhi

(Dr. Yasir QadhiVerified account @YasirQadhi Islamic Theologian & Scholar | Dean of Academic Affairs, AlMaghrib Institute | Religious Advisor, Memphis, TN

IN an otherworldly paradox, America’s deep south is crawling with jihadi terrorists, some of whom are illegals, others are native born, and many more are “newly minted” Muslim-Americans. The fact that Tennessee, a Bible Belt state, is in the forefront (as well as other deep south conservative bastions and Mid West ones alike) and rife with Islamists is not an accident. In fact, a plan is in place to dump as many Mohammedans as possible via the so-called “refugee” resettlement scheme. Effectively, what better way to tip the balance of power in the US in favor of Islam, other than to swamp said communities with Islam’s followers, essentially, turning them upside down? Diabolical. 

The migrant tsunami that is already deluging the European Union is on track to also swamp America.

A huge nationwide “refugee resettlement” network is already in place to ramp up the escalation planned by the U.S. State Department for acceptance of United Nations-designated migrants. A map of the United States produced by the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (shown above) shows the areas where its “contractor” organizations are set up to bring the migrant wave to what the State Department propagandists calls “welcoming communities.”

Organizations such as International Rescue Committee, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Church World Service, World Relief, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and many more “contractors” receive hundreds of millions of tax dollars from the State Department (DOS), Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as well as foundation grants, to bring in migrants designated as refugees by the UN High Commission for Refugees.

Across the country, from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon, from Boston to San Diego, from Seattle to Miami — and dozens of points in between — cities and towns are targeted to receive a flood of Muslim “refugees” from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, and other parts of Africa and the Middle East. It’s not only our major coastal cities that are scheduled to be hit with an enormous influx of unfortunates from foreign lands; smaller heartland cities and towns, such as Sheboygan (Wis.), Twin Falls (Idaho), Grand Forks (N.D.), Lexington (Ky.), Turlock (Calif.), Spartanburg (S.C.), Abilene (Texas), Cedar Rapids (Iowa), and many more, have also been targeted for their “share” of UN-assigned “refugees”…continue reading

Bernhard Pudewell's photo.

AS always, along this same infiltration and penetration and in anticipation of hordes of Muslims, preps for their barracks…aka mosques…lay the groundwork. Yes, the bigger the better! Could it be any clearer? Could it get any worse?

(Memphis Islamic Center – MIC – MEGA mosque monstrosity in Shelby County is a prime exhibit of the above…another Brotherhood operated front arm!!)

NOT only that, when Tennessee’s jihad erupted on July 16, 2015, the following was front and center: “Tennessee’s Brotherhood Mafia Connections: Their Barracks Within Must Be Eliminated!” Mind you, while patriots sent message after message of thanks re the in-depth info, guess how certain Islamists reacted? Hint: Suffice to state that they were hardly pleased, and their reactions ranged from (figuratively) foaming at the mouth to a dartboard with an embedded pic of yours truly found circulating the web, and so on. Sheesh. Now, why would there be such divergent reactions to exposing jihad in Tennessee (America at large), if there is nothing to fear from Islam? Rhetorical.

THUS, it is along this same jihadi trajectory exploding all over the nation that a familiar name and face keeps making an appearance, a highly dangerous Brotherhood backed Imam. Moreover, having popped up at this site on various occasions, and in light of recent ISIS developments, a commentary from Aug. 2014 bears repeating:

Enter, the latest in a long list of Islamic jihadis within America…who have bully pulpits to match!

An Imam in Tennessee named Yasir Qadhi is using the ban on images of James Foley’s beheading to argue for the ban of speech critical of Islam. This is exactly what the purpose behind the Innocence of Muslims video was. It was designed to gin up Muslim protests in order to pressure western governments to enact laws making criticism of Islam criminal; it’s all part of the Istanbul Process as has reported.

In the case of Foley, Qadhi’s twisted logic is as follows: If the U.S. finds it appropriate to censor graphic images of Foley out of respect for his family, it should also find it appropriate to censor images critical of Islam, like the Danish Muhammad cartoons and presumably, Innocence of Muslims.

Here is what Qadhi posted on his facebook page:

Twitter recently announced that they would delete any tweets that showed images of the execution of the American journalist James Foley, and ban the account of the user who posted such images. Facebook as well announced a strict policy in this regard. This was done to respect the memory of the deceased and honor his family’s request.

Now, I actually sympathize with this type of censoring, mainly because I don’t feel that such gruesome images should become commonplace and be seen by millions of men, women and children (and I mean ALL gruesome images, not just of this journalist).

However, what was interesting was the fact that this news wasn’t given that much national attention, nor was there any outcry regarding ‘censorship’ or ‘freedom of speech’ or ‘infringing on rights’. In fact, quite the opposite: most people who commented were supportive. People in the Western world, by and large, are sympathetic to such a ban, and appreciate the respect that Twitter and FB are showing to the families of the bereaved.

This proves my point that I made in a lecture many years ago, when the controversy over the blasphemous images of the Prophet (SAW) erupted. I claimed back then that the issue of the cartoons had nothing to do with ‘freedom of speech’, but rather with each society’s own views on what is acceptable and unacceptable to show.

Each society has a self-imposed and ever-changing red-line of taboos that it will not cross, in speech or in images. For this society, respect should be shown to the deceased’s family; for us Muslims, an infinitely more amount of respect should be shown to our religious symbols and especially to our Prophet (SAW).

Here we have a moral equivalency argument that says posting photos of Foley’s beheading is as taboo in America as posting cartoons depicting Muhammad is in Islam.

On that note, Qadhi has also referred to Jews and Christians as “filthy” and that they may be killed if they don’t convert to Islam in this video:

Qadhi is a highly educated Imam. It shouldn’t take a degree to understand that most Americans would find those words worse than taboo.

Based on his own logic, perhaps Qadhi should censor himself.

Here is Qadhi explaining his relationship with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair:


IN this regard, lo and behold, the aforementioned Islamic barbarian issued a startling warning in an interview, and the fact that he has a huge Shariah Law bully pulpit in Memphis, Tennessee, well, it just begs many questions. 

STILL yet, bear in mind that his views absolutely mirror ISIS’s, even though he attempts to place some distance between the two. Hogwash. Not only that, but it serves his (and fellow Islamic leaders) purpose to discourage Muslim youth in America from going overseas to fight, in so far as they are needed at home! This is a highly consequential factor.

A known radical Imam from Memphis Tennessee made a chilling announcement during an interview with the Christian Science Monitor. Yasir Qadhi told the CSM he is regularly approached by young Muslims struggling whether to answer the Islamic States (ISIS) group call to arms.

“I have had and will continue to have lots of dialogues with young men. I am happy to say that none of the people I have spoken to about these issues have gone overseas” Qadhi warns that U.S Foreign Policy in Muslim lands is the driving force behind radicalization among young Muslims.

Qadhi gives two other factors he believes are pushing young Muslim men considering fighting for terrorists, which are their warped understanding of Islam, and the belief their religion has been demonized since 9/11. The policies regarding the Middle East, the use of drones against innocent people, Gitmo, and the  plight of Palestinians just add to their anger.

So while blaming America for the disgruntled Muslims mindset, the most ludicrous comment from the Imam is regarding his request to federal prosecutors. Qadhi wants a guarantee he and others doing outreach work will not be subject to investigation and threats of criminal charges for aiding and abetting any students if they in fact they do travel to Syria or commit a terror attack.

Yasir Qadhi is the founder and scholar of the Al- Magreb Institute in Houston TX, the same institute Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the designated “underwear” bomber attended.

Qadhi is the same Imam that attended the University of Medina next to Al Qaida terrorist Anwar Al- Awlaki whose radical writings were promoted by Qadhi.

During a lecture at a Boston mosque Qadhi advocated replacing democracy with Islamic rule.

In a sermon in his mosque in Memphis Tennessee, Qadhi repeatedly referred to Christians and Jews as filthy and as apes and pigs.

That is the same sentiment espoused by members of ISIS, the same group Qadhi claims to be saving young men from joining.

isis in america

In a disturbing speech to intelligence officials this past week, FBI Director James Comey stated they are investigating possibly 900 ISIS operatives in the United States.  Director Comey said that the number of concerns about ISIS operatives and Islamic State supporters are “slowly climbing,” MSN reports. Comey added that ISIS has attempted to expand its reach into the U.S. and is using social media to attract “disaffected” young people. You know, the same “disaffected” young men Qadhi is having contact with.

Perhaps instead of the Memphis Imam worrying about himself being charged if one of his students joins ISIS, he should worry about all citizens of Tennessee. Maybe he should even notify the authorities, unless of course they’re Christians or Jews.

(Vicious Islamic Jew-hatred)

“Hitler never intended to mass-destroy
the Jews… The Hoax of the Holocaust
I advise you to read this
book, you’ll want to write this down
The Hoax of the
Holocaust, a very good book. All of this is false propaganda…”

Yasir Qadhi, one of Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow


BUT regardless of anything else, what must be kept uppermost in mind is the fact that countless Muslims in America are ready to fight and die on behalf of moon god Allah, and a preponderance indeed want to replace the Constitution with Shariah Law! Understood?

(Many of the Muslim immigrants said there should be blasphemy laws in America.)

MOST significantly, he was born in Houston, Texas to Pakistani parents, so just let that important tidbit sink in. Resultant, he is native born, yet, as dangerous as they come. In other words, it matters not a whit where Islam’s followers are born, it IS Islam itself which is the common denominator and not their birth place. Know this: This assessment is of utmost importance. Never forget it.

SO the questions become: Since Islam is underpinned by Shariah law, and Shariah law finance funds global terror, what precisely must be done to save the west? Cut off its oxygen…the head of the snake!

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HUSSEIN Obama’s Iran Deal: A Forensic Analysis Reveals Unhinged Rage. A Lethal Danger To The Free World Unmasked! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

MOST view forensic science in terms of crime scene shows they watch on tv, notably CSI and its facsimiles. While said programs render a glimpse into this all important investigative arena, the reality is much less glamorous, though no less important. In fact, evidence (even the most minute) retrieved at any given scene often becomes the lynch pin to solving the case, that is, if it lands in the hands of competent investigators and qualified forensic examiners. But as invaluable as certain investigatory tools are through perfected scientific methods, the field of forensic profiling is a little murkier. This is because it deals with human behavior and its many unpredictable patterns, most of which is well beyond the range of comprehension, that is, unless one is a highly skilled profiler! Now, again, many are familiar with this specific discipline through tv shows akin to Body of Evidence, a criminal profiler series.

AND as an adjunct to the above, a healthy appreciation for forensic science was developed while studying this discipline (alongside political science and law) in school. Even so, criminal profiling stands apart, as a sub-specialty of psychology, psychiatric internships, and advanced courses at the FBI or related criminal justice programs. 

THE point being, uncovering HUSSEIN Obama’s wildfires, when viewed through the lenses of highly qualified – emphasis placed – forensic criminal profilers can’t be stressed enough. It is the requisite missing link in order to assess his mental motivations, as well as the likely trajectory of what lies ahead. Intrinsically, there would hardly be a need for such an evaluation, that is, if his predilections were not criminally bent or otherwise deemed treacherous.


THAT being said, a few points for the reader’s “evaluation”:


FIRST and foremost, Dr. Michael Welner, a leading forensic psychiatrist, invented the Depravity Scale, that which is a measurement tool used by all those who are (in one way or another) involved with evaluating criminals accused of serious crimes. In fact, this investigative journalist utilized (more than once) its basis for investigations, yes, it is THAT useful. An invaluable tool. Not only that, but particular resources and experts have been called upon (as is said, “one hand washes the other”) to aid in grasping that which is often times slippery and elusive. Alas, an opportunity to publicly thank a few notables (who wish to remain anonymous) for their invaluable assistance. You know who you are!

INTRINSICALLY, by classifying crimes within a listing of severity – aggravating factors to depravity – allows experts to weigh in on what is less tangible to the naked eye but modeled via well-researched evaluative scales. Effectively, for example, lawyers from both sides (prosecutor and defense), psychiatrists, clergy and judges are utilizing a standardized application.


RESULTANT, HUSSEIN Obama definitely reveals his malignant intent through his very own words. Nevertheless, they are lost in the shuffle of whatever chaos is erupting at any given time. Moreover, even if recognized by some of the more astute within earshot, most of the lapdog media would hardly question this and that. No matter. Certain well recognized forensic profilers have been taking notes, and one such example couldn’t be more applicable to the thesis at hand; his unhinged rage underlying his deal – at ALL costs – with Iran’s Hitlerite regime! Still yet, first things first…as always, patience, dear readers…building a case…

INDEED, the Dictator-in-Chief has “confessed” on numerous occasions as to his malignant intentions. More specifically, in response to a reporter’s question on March 1, 2013 – relative to his effort to blame possible sequestration on Republicans – a rare moment in time where he even deigned to quasi respond to a probing question, he testily retorted: “I am not a dictator. I’m the president… I can’t force Republicans to do the right thing.” Okey dokey. His (more than hostile and purposeful) verbiage, posturing, and hand signals are not for nothing, nor his attendant actions in support thereof.



(Barack Hussein Obama flashes the Muslim shahada to delegates of the US-African Leaders Conference in Washington DC in August 2014.)


IN tandem, atop everything else, he is a bonafide narcissist. The appended psychiatric profile is duly explained at this video link. This dangerous character flaw has already been established and evidenced. What a national and international disaster! Know this: It is beyond challenging to be involved with a narcissist from any walk of life, and they hail from the lowliest to the most high level individuals. We get that. On the other hand, when the leader of the free world suffers from this clinical malady, well, all hell is bound to break loose.  

BACK to Iran and his unraveled rage…

MUCH has been written about the “deal at all costs” with Iran’s genocidal mullahs. In fact, it is book-worthy. Incontestably, G-d and history will judge him accordingly.

REGARDLESS, it is absolutely imperative for Americans (and all those who care about the free world) to internalize how the aforementioned (looming) catastrophe came into fruition. Ignorance is not bliss, at least in this impending disaster. And there is no other comparative comprehensive report/analysis akin to “House Of Bribes” that this site is aware of. Pay it forward…

EVEN so, while the above link houses a detailed backgrounder, executive summary and a point by point trail from one American betrayer to another, the deal would not have been executed without the sign-off by the Betrayer-in-Chief. Indeed, all of it is irrespective of his chief handlers and surrogates.

TO wit, this investigative journalist deems it an URGENT priority to unmask the unhinged rage behind what is best described as the BIGGEST western betrayal since America’s founding, perhaps since western history has been recorded. Deadly serious.

President Obama is revealing, through his Iran deal, a “destructive rage beyond belief” that should be alarming to the world because of its implication for the balance of nuclear-weapons power, according to a forensic profiler whose work includes the double-murder case against O.J. Simpson and the Natalie Holloway disappearance.

Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice, in a response to WND, cited Obama’s recent description of himself as an “uncaged bear” and his statement there’s “no telling what I might do.”

“He warns us he’s slipping mentally – his judgment impaired,” Hodges said.

Hodges, author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear. Secret Fury” and a new book, “As Done Unto You,” about the Amanda Knox case, previously was assistant clinical professor psychiatry at the University of Alabama School of Medicine.

He has helped pioneer work on the brilliant unconscious mind, which he explained in his 1994 book, “The Deeper Intelligence.”

He teaches that by accessing and interpreting messages from a person’s “unconscious super intelligence,” he can uncover confessions as well as motives for crimes.

Wonder why Barack Obama does what he does? Andrew G. Hodges, a psychiatrist who specializes in forensic profiling, may have the answer, in “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear. Secret Fury.”

And Obama is revealing that he’s not exactly clinically deranged, but he’s not altogether stable, and the nuclear deal with Iran ultimately will threaten the world by giving the rogue regime access to nuclear bombs.

“Secretly his super-intel confesses, ‘I am the biggest threat to the world. I am the climate change that can eliminate us all,’” Hodges said.

Hodges explains Obama uses “three basic psycholinguistic maneuvers, all unconscious: denial, projection and use of key images which reflect his true intent.”

“Secretly his words tell us about his true psyche deep down.”

He cites a 2014 speech by Obama in which “he secretly confessed to hidden attacks on America driven by a deep inner madness.”

“Not a clinical madness but a ‘near madness’ – the disturbance of a secretly angry traumatized leader,” Hodges said.

Obama, noted Hodges, said Republican inaction “drives you nuts … and it drives me nuts.”

After mentioning the Republicans’ frustrating “inaction,” Obama added: “They’re [Republicans] not doing anything – and they’re mad.”

Hodges said that unconsciously, Obama is “telling us that his own famous ‘inaction’ represents secret madness and escalating passive-aggression.”

“In short, Obama was projecting his inner turmoil and disguised rage onto Republicans,” Hodges said.

Another comment furthered the message, Hodges wrote.

“Remember, things said in jest are ideal for true super-intel confessions. Obama said, ‘With Secret Service, I always tease them, I’m like a caged bear and sometimes I break loose. And I’m feeling super loose today, so you don’t know what I might do.’

“He is increasingly out of control – ‘super loose’ indeed,” Hodges wrote.

“Madness in the Oval Office guiding the nation is eerily reminiscent of his ‘uncaged bear’ self-image. His flippant comment, ‘no telling what I might do,’ implies the same complete loss of judgment. His imagery depicts destructive rage beyond belief. What the world has always feared – a near-madman at the controls of a nuclear bomb appearing rational on the surface.”

WND reported when Hodges suggested Obama was “slipping mentally.”

“Not madness such as total loss of control mentally, but more and more drastic behavior seen in disturbed traumatized leaders,” Hodges said at the time.

Hodges, who previously suggested Obama was revealing alarming ideas about martial law and described how the president wants “total gun control,” also has addressed Obama’s opinions on election fraud, how he’s driven by revenge and his ideas about martial law.

Wonder why Barack Obama does what he does? Andrew G. Hodges, a psychiatrist who specializes in forensic profiling, may have the answer, in “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear. Secret Fury.”

The next message from Obama is about climate change, Hodges said.

Obama stated just this year: “No challenge – no challenge – poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change. Twenty-fourteen was the planet’s warmest year on record.

“Add one word and you have his secret confession, ‘[nuclear] climate change greatest threat to future generations’ which fits perfectly with that pact. It’s the ‘Iran deal stupid’ he’s unconsciously talking about. His super-intel sees the truth as he warns the world, not just America, that the Iran deal changes the nuclear climate in an unimaginably dangerous way. Deep down, he knows in a flash it’s utterly foolish and Iran can’t be trusted.

“Unconsciously, Obama’s staggering image reveals he plans to threaten the entire world by changing the nuclear bomb climate – giving into Iranian demands,” Hodges explained.

Then he referred to the complexity of negotiations with Iran.

“Obama noted, ‘It’s a complicated piece of business … negotiating with a regime that chants ‘Death to America!’ But the people who know most about the central challenge … which is making sure that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon, they are overwhelmingly in favor of it .’”

“Read through the denial,” Hodges said. “Obama’s blatant denial confession reveals the truth about the deal he favors, ‘making sure that Iran gets a nuclear weapon.’”

Hodges continued: “Next Obama takes us specifically to his mental functioning. In a familiar projection, he accuses Republicans critical of the nuclear agreement of ‘selling a fantasy’ to the American people. Obama’s super-intel confesses his fantasy that Iran’s not dangerous and the deal’s safe.

“Frighteningly he’s that far out of touch with himself. He constantly rationalizes his secret passive-aggressive attacks driven by deep unconscious fears of being attacked himself,” Hodges said.

“In his conscious mind Obama sees the Iran deal as living up to his Nobel Peace Prize. His super intelligence declares this is the greatest misnomer in history. No single person has ever threatened the world in such a way,” he said.

Hodges is not new to the field, already having identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded Simpson’s “suicide note” to reveal Simpson’s links to a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note in Boulder, Colorado, to identify the child’s killer. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He claims Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s comments about Monica Lewinsky.

ALAS, is it any wonder that FOX’S Psychiatrist-in-Residence assessed: “Barack Obama is ruining America’s kids!” This site challenges anyone to find another POTUS who was deemed a danger to the kiddies by several high level experts – whether from the Demster or Repub side – as lacking as most of them have been. 

IN this regard, HUSSEIN Obama, the leader of the free world is the most “worthy” candidate for a highly qualified forensic analysis, in that his very actions are leading America – let alone the rest of the free world – into the abyss.

MOST significantly, some highly elusive serial killers have been brought to heel with the intervention of forensic science and profiling. To wit, how much more so (as we say in Hebrew, kal v’chomer… קל וחומר ) is it mandatory for the free world to unmask the MOST dangerous man in the world!!

Naveed Anjum's photo.



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HUSSEIN OBAMA WARNS: Protesting Islamic “Refugees” Causes Jihad, Criticizing Islam Alike! O RLY??? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


WHEN any old Joe or John gets caught with his foot in his mouth or with his pants down, so to speak, well, who cares other than his significant other? Exactly. But when it comes to the leader of the free world – whose very actions attest to his contempt and utter hatred for the nation he is sworn to lead – the stakes couldn’t be any higher. Exponentially so. Again, exactly.

EVEN so, raise the ante up to the highest decibel and top it off with a tipping point, and what was once “hidden” under the national surface is no longer tenable. Such is this historical juncture in time. A crossroads in western civilization.


Hate & Deception 11


BASICALLY, after enduring close to 7 brutal years (Jan. 2009 to date) of (purposeful) domestic and foreign wildfires, America is unrecognizable. This is the case, at least to those with fully functioning brain cells. Indeed, the aforementioned tipping point came into sharp relief – with its essence explored – in this week’s commentary – “Islamic Invasion Fuels Anti-Islam Backlash: US Patriots Must Mirror Euro Counterparts.”

THUS, patriots are obliged to listen raptly and with newly sharpened ears to HUSSEIN Obama’s very blatant warning, one which he made on multiple occasions, yet, few took note. Think of it as his personal “fu-k you” to non-Muslims. Yes, he basically intoned: Americans (westerners), like it or not, you are warned. Imagine that. But before the underlying basis of his treacherous, anti-American warning is dissected, please bear in mind the following (bastardized) definition of jihad, that which is twisted by Islamists and their apologists, most prominently, HUSSEIN Obama!  


    • The Arabic word “jihad” is often translated as “holy war,” but in a purely linguistic sense, the word ” jihad” means struggling or striving.
    • The arabic word for war is: “al-harb”.
    • In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), “jihad” has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.
    • If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. If there is no peaceful alternative, Islam also allows the use of force, but there are strict rules of engagement. Innocents – such as women, children, or invalids – must never be harmed, and any peaceful overtures from the enemy must be accepted.
    • Military action is therefore only one means of jihad, and is very rare. To highlight this point, the Prophet Mohammed told his followers returning from a military campaign: “This day we have returned from the minor jihad to the major jihad,” which he said meant returning from armed battle to the peaceful battle for self-control and betterment.
    • In case military action appears necessary, not everyone can declare jihad. The religious military campaign has to be declared by a proper authority, advised by scholars, who say the religion and people are under threat and violence is imperative to defend them. The concept of “just war” is very important.
    • The concept of jihad has been hijacked by many political and religious groups over the ages in a bid to justify various forms of violence. In most cases, Islamic splinter groups invoked jihad to fight against the established Islamic order. Scholars say this misuse of jihad contradicts Islam.
    • Examples of sanctioned military jihad include the Muslims’ defensive battles against the Crusaders in medieval times, and before that some responses by Muslims against Byzantine and Persian attacks during the period of the early Islamic conquests.


    • Jihad is not a violent concept.
    • Jihad is not a declaration of war against other religions. It is worth noting that the Koran specifically refers to Jews and Christians as “people of the book” who should be protected and respected. All three faiths worship the same God. Allah is just the Arabic word for God, and is used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslims.
    • Military action in the name of Islam has not been common in the history of Islam. Scholars says most calls for violent jihad are not sanctioned by Islam.
    • Warfare in the name of God is not unique to Islam. Other faiths throughout the world have waged wars with religious justifications

IT is under this taqiyya driven “definition” and prism that the Islamist-in-Chief exhorts that Islam is a “religion of peace.” Yet, at the same time, he sternly warns that Americans/westerners “invite” jihad, that is, if they continue to criticize Islam and fail to welcome Muslims into their bosoms! In other words, he IS admitting that jihad equals war. Plain and simple. In essence, why should Americans/westerners worry about “inviting” jihad upon themselves, if its basis is really peaceful in nature, as the oft proclaimed interpretation “to struggle or to strive” is its continuous stated mantra. Credo quia absurdum.

American and European citizens and journalists are spurring jihadi violence by protesting the arrival of Muslim populations into their societies, President Barack Obama declared Thursday.

“We’ve also seen, most recently in Europe, a rise in inexcusable acts of anti-Semitism, or in some cases, anti-Muslim sentiment or anti-immigrant sentiment,” Obama told a Feb. 19 audience of U.S. and foreign officials and advocates, who met to discuss ways to minimize jihadi violence.

Peaceful criticism of Islamic culture is bad, he suggested. “When people spew hatred toward others — because of their faith or because they’re immigrants — it feeds into terrorist narratives. … It feeds a cycle of fear and resentment and a sense of injustice upon which extremists prey,” he said.

So “we have to ensure that our diverse societies truly welcome and respect people of all faiths and backgrounds,” said Obama.

ALAS, HUSSEIN Obama, which is it? Even an Islamist-in-Chief can’t have it both ways!!

BUT despite all the willful lies, if his Islamic fealty still isn’t convincing enough – evidencing that Islam has America (Europe) gripped by its throat with the blessing of HUSSEIN Obama – there is no hope of doing so. But bear in mind that he is simply following in the footsteps of Muhammad’s warriors, as they fully admit:

“Get out of the way, you infidel dogs. Prepare to be our slaves. We’re here in force and we call the shots from now on.”

It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world and we will have it soon, God willing.

AND for added context and texture -among countless others – do immerse yourselves in one Islamic mandated Sura:

Sura 5:33

“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.”

CONSEQUENTLY, future generations will hold this generation responsible for having lost America – what had once been a beacon of light and hope for Americans and countless around the world – to the lethal grip of Islamic jihadists, if they fail to remove HUSSEIN Obama’s yoke from the nation – and they would be right!

IN this regard, know that history is replete with coups associated with dictatorial regimes. Indubitably, HUSSEIN Obama’s disregard of the Constitution, the law(s) of the land, renders him as such. Now, it is up to individual patriotic Americans – of majority age – to decide: Is HUSSEIN Obama the leader of “we the people” or is he the arch protector of Islam, its best friend , ipso facto, America’s enemy?

RESULTANT, the way forward is clear: Whatever method is decided upon, be it a military coup, a “we the people” revolution or another method of action – emphasis placed – there is absolutely NO time to lose!

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Islamic Invasion Fuels Anti-Islam Backlash: US Patriots Must Mirror Euro Counterparts. Say Whaaat? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WITHOUT going into lengthy detail about the intersecting string-pullers and motives behind the upending of Europe, suffice it to state that there are several cooperating Wizards of OZ fueling its upending.

AS is known, little happens (geo-politically) in a vacuum, least of which includes the break up of a continent and the impending destruction of the US as the leader of the free world.

ALONG these lines, most importantly – ala the underpinnings of Eurabia – an outline has been in place for decades. But as always, before ones overarching goal is reached, specific steps have to be undertaken to “soften” the ground. As such, it took approximately 4 decades for said outcome to near its marker. The upending.

NOW, it is into this deadly mix that the Islamist-in-Chief, a Brotherhood Mafia devotee, was assigned a major part. Hence, George-the-devil-incarnate backed him in the run up to 2008, as opposed to Hill, another Soros devotee. He clearly was hedging his bets on the “electability” factor etc.

SPECIFICALLY, George Soros, the most vile and evil man in the world who never held elective office, is in the forefront. His insatiable greed, coupled with his hatred for all things western, has brought about the collapse of quite a few nation states.


INHERENTLY, his goal is to rule via the New World Order, and so much more. But what is most relevant for Americans is that Soros, alongside Valerie Jarrett, is HUSSEIN Obama’s “hidden hand”, without which much of the upending of the Mid East couldn’t have taken place. Its importance lies within the knock-on effects, the blow back, to the US and Europe. Never forget this, nor the inextricable part he plays within US domestic upheavals, most prominently through Black Lives Matter. It is unarguably a domestic terror group.

AS is said, this is where the rubber meets the road: As repeatedly stated at this site and within several related interviews, Libya had to implode in order for the Mid East to explode. Yes, the so-called “Arab Spring” was part and parcel of said re-arranged decks. Yet, it was Libya that became the designated hub for the largest weapons-running operation to ever enter the Mid East theater, that which had to take place to arm the Brotherhood Mafia across the board. In effect, Syria had to break apart for the “refugee” crisis to invade Europe and beyond, the US included. A + B….a cascading hijrah!

IT is into this nation-shattering vortex that the oft-referenced “tipping point” entered Europe, soon to reverberate into America. Mark these words.


Anti-Islamization groups in the Czech Republic, which has refused to take in thousands of unscreened Muslim freeloaders, are joined by PEGIDA, the group that started the anti-Muslim movement in Germany.


AND when (generally) loosey goosey populations start to fight back, the situation is definitely fire-worthy!

Looks like all the “REFUGEES WELCOME” signs we saw a month ago have been replaced with angry citizens whose lives and neighborhoods are being threatened by tens of thousands of unscreened and potentially dangerous Muslim thugs and economic freeloaders.










Posters showing Chancellor Angela Merkel in a Muslim headbag are appearing at every anti-Muslim invader protest

AS to today’s Germans, it doesn’t take much for them to tell their leaders where they can go….

Germany scrambled Tuesday to quell a wave of anti-migrant violence, as a suspected arson attack hit a planned refugee shelter just hours after Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced xenophobic protests as “vile”.

Vowing to take tough action against perpetrators of such attacks, top politicians sought to reassure the unprecedented number of migrants arriving in the country that far-right extremists did not represent Germany. “With regards to xenophobic violence, there can only be one answer: police, justice and, if possible for those we catch, prison as well,” said Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel.

Germans are burning down buildings identified as asylum seeker housing

Merkel, who has been criticised for failing to forcefully address the wave of anti-migrant sentiment until this week, will on Wednesday visit a refugee centre targeted by far-right extremists and neo-Nazis in the eastern town of Heidenau.

Germany is expecting to receive a record number of 800,000 asylum-seekers this year, four times higher than the number in 2014.



OH me, oh my, you know that a sh-t storm is brewing when the self-declared “neutral” Swiss come out swinging!

This is not what most people would refer to as assimilation. So much for these Muslims showing how grateful they are to be in a country where they are free from the “persecution” they endured in their homeland…


NEED this site go on, or is a very clear picture emerging re the anti-Islam backlash?? Finally…

IN the main, it is always mandatory to go from Point A to Point B and so on, whenever one is attempting to weave a geo-political picture. Not only that, previously, whenever the New World Order (see video) was mentioned, many rolled their eyes and dismissed it as “conspiracy-talk.” No longer. Suddenly, disbelievers have become believers. Oh, dear…the fog has lifted and the veil pierced. Yes, the times they are a changin’. Well, better late than never.

STILL yet, for those who refuse to believe that it is what it is, ask yourselves: How could it be that Europe, poof-like, is on FIRE from MASSIVE Islamic infiltration and penetration, to an extent never seen before? “It be.”

SANS a scintilla of a doubt – and over the past few decades – a growing number have become increasingly leery by the influx of Islam’s followers into Europe – drip by drip…step by step…encroachment by encroachment…you see where this is going. But a tipping point had to take place, before any meaningful and forceful counter measures took hold. 

CONSEQUENTIALLY, a burgeoning resistance to the takeover of Europe by Islam’s barbarians is now visible for all to witness, even the naysayers. Indeed, the heretofore unimaginable MEGA protests swathing across Europe – against the potential loss of this and that nation state – couldn’t be any starker.

NOW, Euro’s bastard and bought and paid for western leadership (sans a few exceptions, and with Geert Wilders in the forefront, a patriot extraordinaire…western history, if not re-written via historicism, will deem him its “savior” of sorts) have long sold out to its Arab masters (this is where Eurabia factors in) via the UN Kleptocracy and leftist US counterparts, in anticipation of the aforementioned New World Order. 

CONCLUSIVELY, every politically aware US patriot should be hyper-vigilant at home, but with eyes peeled toward Europe. In other words, although US patriots are a breed unto themselves, it is always prudent to learn from others. So if any lessons are to be learned, this site recommends upping the protest level, and with an exponential uptick in numbers from past (mostly meager, sorry for said truth-telling) protests.

INTRINSICALLY, state by state, city by city, and town by town, patriots should have solid (with adaptations for fluidity) plans on tap. Of course, the exact game plan should be left to those who are proven leaders in the area of “resistance” efforts. Most resolutely, this must take place BEFORE hundreds of thousands of Islamic “refugees” descend en mass via HUSSEIN Obama’s “refugee resettlement.” Effectively, the barn door must still be closed and the horses still inside, as opposed to trying to close the stable door after the horses have bolted. Makes sense?

MOST significantly, there is NO getting around this fact: It is no longer tenable to pretend that one is against Islamic immigration and not against Islam itself. It is intellectually (and morally) disingenuous to separate the two. For if moon god Allah’s followers (with many helping hands via Obama Inc.) were not bent on upending America F/B/O Shariah Law, well, this issue would be moot.

ALAS, let us all proclaim together: Islam is a cancerous scourge and that is that. It has NO place in the US and the west. Period.

OH, almost forgot, and from one patriot to another: Trust in G-d and keep your powder dry! The two are not mutually exclusive. They are inseparable.

(My daddy taught me how to pray, salute the flag, and shoot a gun.)


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SOCIAL MEDIA GIANTS INCITE TO JIHAD: Christians, Jews & Others – Raise Your Voices! “First They Came For The Jews” Is More Than A Saying. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

(“We salute the Facebook Jihad, Twitter Jihad and Whatsapp Jihad.”)

BEFORE we proceed, let’s set some basic parameters and clear boundaries: This site will not tolerate any conflation between the all important underpinning of civilized nations, freedom of speech/expression, with the ‘right’ of others to incite to genocide via this same freedom. Dangerous, dangerous immoral inversion.

INDEED, as most rational folks internalize, civilized societies adhere to limits. In fact, NO ethical, moral or legal bases exist which underlie ‘equal’ rights and protections for those who incite to genocide, in juxtaposition to those who rightfully speak out against said inciters to genocidal jihad! Yes, to accede as much is to agree to live in a topsy turvy universe.

NOT only that, a concomitant rallying cry to destroy another nation should be an ethical, moral and legal boundary, one which should never to be crossed by civilized individuals. A slippery slope. More pointedly, what about political leaders and the so-called  ‘fourth estate’ – including social media giants – who hide under the umbrella of freedom of speech/expression and act in the service of radical revolutionary political agendas and ideological sympathies?

EFFECTIVELY, unless one is living in Orwell’s universe, whereby there is no diff between good and evil; whereby killers and victims are ‘equals’; whereby the ‘norm’ is an immoral equivalence across the board, then, and only then, the same freedom of speech/expression should be granted to inciters of genocide and those who are its victims.

ALAS, this site has made itself abundantly clear vis-a-vis the above. Still yet, before we segue to the crimes – yes, they are crimes – relative to social media giants, it is imperative to hear from one who is deemed an expert among experts by many esteemed professionals; international law Professor Louis Rene Beres. Mind you, he is this investigative journalist’s mentor in the legal arena, as documented here.

SO among a HUGE compendium of professional work,  the following is gleaned via his documented footnotes, specifically, # 2: ‘Genocide, Death and Anxiety: A Jurisprudential/Psychiatric Analysis‘ –   

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, opened for signature, December 9, 1948, entered into force, January 12, 1951, 78 U.N.T.S. 277. Although the criminalizing aspect of inter­national law that proscribes genocide‑like conduct may derive from a source other than the Gen­ocide Convention (i.e. it may emerge from customary international law and be included in different international conventions), such conduct is dearly a crime under international law. Even where the conduct in question does not affect the interests of more than one state, it becomes an inter­national crime whenever it constitutes an offense against the world community delicto ius gentium. See M.C. Bassiouni, International Criminal Law: A Draft International Criminal Code 30‑44 (1980). See also Bassiouni, “The Penal Characteristics of Conventional International Criminal Law,” 15 Case W. Res. J. Int’l 27‑37 (1983).

IN this regard, social media giants – with the leader of the pack being Facebook, followed by Twitter, Whatsapp and Youtube – are ‘guilty as charged’, even though appearing to be untouchable.


Still more victimization of Jews in France. Will French authorities act? Or will they continue to cower in fear before predatory Leftists and Islamic supremacists?

“Facebook Page Publishing Identities of French Jews to Encourage Attackers; 15 Men Assault a Jew in Paris Suburb After Confirming Photo,” by by Joshua Levitt, Algemeiner, July 25, 2014:

A violent mob of  more than a dozen men in France assaulted a Jew at his home in a Paris suburb after confirming that his photograph had been published by a French Facebook page identifying Jews to be targeted for physical intimidation, The Union of Jewish Students of France, the UEJF, said in a statement on Friday.

The Facebook page, ‘Jeunes Révolutionnaires Français’, JRF, or ‘Young French Revolutionaries’,posted the names and photos of 32 Jews. The assault on one of those listed took place on Thursday night in Bobigny, Seine-Saint-Denis, a Paris suburb. The assailants were armed with iron bars.

On the ‘Secret Tel Aviv’ Facebook page, Daniel Cohen called the group anti-Semitic, and exhorted Facebook users to report the JRF page to site administrators for removal.

On Facebook, Cohen wrote, “An anti-Semitic page is publishing names and pictures of French Jews in order to target them physically! A few have already been attacked at their homes, one last night by 15 people on one Jewish guy. We need to remove this page!”

The JRF captioned its page with the photos of the Jews to be targeted, “Smile, you’re caught! JRF watches! # AntiLDJ,” referring to the LDJ, the French initials of the Jewish Defense League, an organization created to teach Jews how to defend themselves from anti-Semitic attacks.

The title page of the group’s Facebook presence features a large Palestinian flag and calls for members to attend a rally on Saturday in connection with the international Al Quds Day protests around the world where police are preparing for violence against Jews.

The UEJF condemned the page and provided testimony from the assaulted Jew in Bobigny, according to France’s Le Monde Juif, or The Jewish World on Friday.

The UEJF said three men went to the victim’s house and asked him, “Are you the guy in the photo on Facebook?”

They then said they were there to “break the Jew” and do to him “the same as Ilan Halimi,” a 23-year-old who was kidnapped and tortured for 24 days by a gang led by Youssouf Fofana,described by The Jewish Chronicle as, “the extraordinarily cruel, Paris-born fifth of seven children of immigrants from the Ivory Coast.”

Halimi was found naked, handcuffed and bound to a tree near a railway station in February, 2006, and his body had been mutilated. Still alive, he died on the way to hospital. Halimi’s murder was made into a movie by French Jewish film director Alexandre Arcady entitled, 24 jours: la vérité sur l’affaire Ilan Halimi, or “24 Days: The Truth About the Ilan Hamili Affair,” inspired by a book with a similar title written by the victim’s mother, Ruth.

In Bobigny, after they confirmed him to be the Jew in the photo, the three men werejoined by 15 more, armed with iron bars, who assaulted the victim, the UEJF said. When another resident in the building appeared, the men fled the scene.

The UEJF said: “For several days, many Facebook pages have been created to encourage physical violence against young Jews. Photos were published, with the identities, phone numbers, and contact information. This young man was directly affected by such a Facebook page. It is unacceptable that the Jews are the target of Facebook calls to murder.”

The UEJF said it will file a complaint against the administrators of the Facebook page for incitement to racial hatred and incitement to violence.

In the French media, the LDJ has been blamed for calling for a strong reaction by Jews threatened with violence over the past two weeks since Israel began its Operation Protective Edge to stop Hamas’s rocket fire from Gaza.

But Roger Cukierman, president of the CRIF, the umbrella organization representing the Jewish community in France, told The Daily Beast on Friday that was not instigating further violence, and those accusations were beside the point.

“I am shocked when I hear journalists saying if the De La Roquette synagogue was attacked, it is because of the Jews,” Cukierman told The Daily Beast. “This is propaganda.”

“We had eight synagogues being attacked,” he said. “I am worried about the fact that synagogues are being attacked and not worried about these self-defense groups.”

AND as added back-up to the bloody effects of Arab/Muslim militant jihad, its blow back, look no further: ‘Israel On Fire: Arab Israelis (‘Palestinians’) Wage Militant Jihad Against Jews. What’s To Be Done?’

PARADOXICALLY, it is due to their gargantuan sizes that they have a concomitant responsibility to rein in jiihadi incitement at their platforms. On the other hand, it is this same bigness which renders them seemingly immune to accountability. Not so fast.

AS many have already become aware, an Israeli ‘legal eagle’, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, a ‘rock star’ in Zionist circles – as well as respected by her peers for her ability to hold countless feet to the fire in a worldwide arena – has filed a class action lawsuit against Facebook, and 20,000 Israelis have signed on as plaintiffs. You go girl!!

Twenty thousand Israelis have brought a class-action lawsuit against Facebook in New York requiring the social media giant to immediately remove all Palestinian Facebook posts inciting attacks against Jews.

The plaintiffs allege that Facebook has failed in its “legal and moral” obligation to monitor and remove Facebooks posts — including videos and cartoons — inciting hatred towards Jews and calling for deadly attacks against Israelis.

Haaretz reports that the suit, filed late on Sunday in New York State Supreme Court in Brooklyn by 20,000 Israelis, with the Israeli-American Richard Lankin as lead plaintif, argues that Facebook’s refusal to stop the flood of incitement to violence and murder on its online platform is endangering the lives of Israelis.

According to the Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center in a news release issued on Monday, Facebook posts calling for Palestinians to attack Jews are inspiring deadly attacks against innocent Israeli civilians. Social media posts calling on Palestinians to stage attacks against Israelis are “spurring on the terrorist attacks against Israelis in the past month,” the suit claims.

While acknowledging the “need to keep the web free,” the suit argues that being a publicly traded company that “wields tremendous power,” Facebook has the responsibility to act to stop extremists using its online platform to incite others criminal acts. 

According to the complaint, despite the fact that Facebook employs sophisticated algorithm that is able to “monitor and block postings by extremists and terrorists urging violence,” Facebook has allowed its platform to be used to “connect inciters to terrorists… to perpetrate stabbings and other… attacks against Israelis.”

“Facebook’s algorithms and platform connects inciters to terrorists who are further encouraged to perpetrate stabbings and other violence attacks against Israelis.”

The suit alleges that many Palestinian attackers “were motivated to commit their heinous crimes by incitement to murder they read on Facebook — demagogues and leaders exhorting their followers to ‘slaughter the Jews,’ and offering instruction as to the best manner to do so, including even anatomical charts showing the best places to stab a human being.”

Challenging past precedent that protects Internet services from liability for third party posts, the complaint argues that Facebook has a “legal and moral obligation” to monitor and delete content that contains incitement to murder because its social media platform is “far from a neutral or passive social media platform and cannot claim it is a mere bulletin board for other parties’ postings.”

Masked Palestinian Youths
Masked Palestinian Youths Armed With Slingshots (Photo By Pacific Press/Getty Images)

The 20,000 Israeli plaintiffs are seeking an injunction requiring Facebook to “immediately remove all pages, groups and posts containing incitement to murder Jews; to actively monitor its website for such incitement that all incitement is immediately removed prior to being disseminated to masses of terrorists and would-be terrorists; and to cease serving as matchmaker between terrorists, terrorist organizations, and those who incite others to commit terrorism.”

The suit is not seeking monetary compensation for damages, although the lead plaintiff, 76-year-old Richard Lankin, remains in a critical condition in a Jerusalem hospital following an attack in which he suffered multiple knife wounds and a gunshot wound to the head.

The attack against commuters in a Jerusalem bus on October 13 was staged by Palestinians armed with knives and guns. Two people were killed and more than 20 wounded in the attack.

Although most of the other plaintiffs have not suffered an attack, they claim in the suit that the incitement on Facebook is endangering their lives and that because of it they are living “in the crosshairs of a murderous terrorist rampage carried out by killers who attack people with knives, axes, screwdrivers, cars and Molotov cocktails for no reason other than that the attacker perceives the victims to be Jewish.”

According to Hareetz, the 76-page complaint was prepared by “attorney Robert Tolchin (New York), Asher Perlin (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) and Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, with the Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center.”

Haaretz notes that Palestinian youths and militant organizations have a strong presence on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. The Israeli news site quotes an Associated Press report which says that millions of Palestinians follow the social media accounts of the Hamas-affiliated Shehab News Network and Islamic Jihad-affiliated Quds News Network.

The class-action lawsuit follows eruption of violence in Israel involving attacks by Palestinians armed mostly with knives and handguns. About 10 Israelis have been killed in the attacks while 50 Palestinians have died.

Many of the 50 Palestinians were assailants killed during or after attacks.

AS always, there is no time, nor inclination, to rework the wheel, so to speak. Thus, let us take a page out of history’s most prescient quotes, in so far as its implications couldn’t be more applicable. 


“First They Came for the Jews”
By Pastor Niemoller

 "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." - Ayn Rand
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

INTRINSICALLY, whether or not one is Jewish is beside the point, when it comes to Islamic incitement to genocide. Basically, whereas countless will shrug their shoulders re the exhortations found at social media (giants ) to “kill the Jews”, said incitement is played out – again and again – against the Christian community on a multiplicity of levels. 


HOW to stab a Jew – video


FACEBOOK’s STAB Israelis Community pages


 ( )
TO wit, how is Facebook (other sites alike) NOT responsible??
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DANGER ZONES: NJ Planning Board ‘Approves’ MEGA Mosque; Europe Demolishes Churches F/B/O MEGA Mosques! Where Is The Nexus? What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

TIME and again, this site has asserted: The Mohammedan takeover of the west runs through their mosques. Their barracks. This is precisely why some very large mosques are built in areas where the Muslim population is barely negligible, yet, Islamists pay huge sums for vast expanses of land. Pray tell, why?

INCONTROVERTIBLY, this is part of a well-oiled plan from the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s top leadership, in anticipation of an Islamic takeover! Believe it. This is NOT a so-called conspiracy theory. To wit, how many even know about ‘The Plan’ via its Five Phases? If not, please apprise yourselves ASAP. It is an intrinsic ‘lesson plan’ for Americans, westerners alike.

MORE pointedly, where is all the money coming from to build and build, being that certain communities can barely fill an average sized banquet hall with Islam’s followers? As is said, where’s the beef?

Why is it such a big deal that a Muslim community is simply trying to build a house of worship?

Let’s start with a little math.  Murfreesboro, TN has just over 100,000 residents.  According to estimates provided by the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, there are 200 to 300 Muslim families living in the area.  When they announced their plans to build a 53,000 square foot mega mosque, a lot of questions came up.  One subject of concern was why they needed such a huge compound for so few families.  What is particularly disconcerting is that, according to their own documents (attached 2009 annual report) the ICM only has 45 active paying member families.  Naturally this begs another question – who is paying for this massive compound?

And, what will it really cost to build something that looks like this, per square foot, at 53,000 square feet, when the project is completed?  How many millions of dollars will these “45 active members” be coming up with – and where is all this money coming from?

Now the question of who is paying for this Islamic compound and why is it so big, begs another question:

Why is it that after 9/11, mosque construction in America has nearly doubled? 

It’s not as if the population of Muslims in America suddenly spiked – not even close.  Muslims make up less than 1 percent of the United States population.  So is there any logical explanation for the rapid expansion of new mosque construction?

One need only look to the history of 1,400 years of Islamic conquest to understand that according to the Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of cultural invasion, Muslims are required to build mosques following a successful attack…continue reading

EFFECTIVELY, once mosques are implanted, Muslims flock en mass and create their own ghetto-like enclaves and take over the surrounding areas in various ways, even though countless are oblivious. Yes, it is a slow, incremental and steady encroachment, barely perceptible, up until they have created – in effect – no-go’ zones. Make no mistake: This is not akin to Jewish, Italian, Chinese or other such insular neighborhoods, even though rotten apples exist within them too. But this IS, sans a doubt, about supplanting the Constitution with Shariah Law!


ALONG this Shariah Law trajectory – the absolute underpinning of Islam – NJ poohbahs, once again, entered the fray. This was hardly the first time that American officials bent to Islamic dictates! Do readers recall this site’s previous report on tiny Bridgewater, NJ – re the jizya paid to Islamic supremacists – when a zoning board originally voted down a MEGA mosque?

INTRODUCING, Judge Michael Shipp, via the gravely dangerous precedent he set through his bastardized and twisted ruling. Consequentially, those of us who have a background in law also understand what America’s (legal) future portends; the opening of a pandora’s box through Shipp’s verdict. Yes, he paved the way for the building of MANY more Brotherhood mosques throughout America, despite the growing opposition from an increasingly informed public about the exponential dangers from Islam! Simply put, the weight given to stare decisis (let the decision stand), a grounding (and foreshadowing) legal principle, enjoys a firm basis in U.S. jurisprudence.

The Al Falah case is being watched closely across the nation, as mosques from New York to Tennessee face opposition. In the decade after the September 11th attack, the Justice Department opened more than 28 investigations into efforts to interfere with the construction of mosques and Islamic centers.

The Al-Falah Islamic Center has agreed not to build a mosque on Mountaintop Road, a residential area in Bridgewater, and will instead build one on a $2.75 million 15-acre lot the township will buy for it under the terms of a settlement,

The township’s insurance carrier will also pay the center $5 million for alleged damages, costs and attorney fees to end the years-long lawsuit, according to the report. The township will be given the Mountaintop Road property in exchange for the 15-acre site between Routes 202-206 and Route 287 it will purchase for the mosque.


According to the report, the settlement was approved Monday by the township council, ending a federal court fight that has cost the township hundreds of thousands of dollars n legal fees so far.The township planning board dismissed the mosque proposal in 2011, citing an ordinance that limited houses of worship to major roads. Township officials said they didn’t mind the mosque — only its proposed location.

But a decision by U.S. District Judge Michael Shipp last year, overruling the application of the ordinance, said after the center applied to build a mosque at the former Redwood Inn site, the project faced “anti-Muslim prejudice within the community, including Internet postings and e-mail correspondence.” In one instance, center members were accused of being terrorists, the decision states.

Large crowds against the mosque turned out for every meeting

Municipal officials argued that the purpose of the ordinance was to “preserve the residential character of its various neighborhoods,” last year’s decision states. But the judge found the township had “rendered it nearly impossible for Al Falah and its individual members to adhere to the tenets of their religion.” The judge sent the matter back to the planning board for further review, which has continued up until the settlement.

MOST significantly, aside from Judge Shipp’s Islamic imprint upon American communities, he has also ensured that jizya is paid to the Brotherhood mosque’s umbrella.

Simply put, conquered non-Muslims were to purchase their lives, which were otherwise forfeit to their Muslim conquerors, with money. Instead of taking their lives, they took their money.  As one medieval jurist succinctly puts it, “their lives and their possessions are only protected by reason of payment of jizya” (Crucified Again, p. 22).

Interestingly, just as the mafia rationalizes its collection of “protection money” by portraying it as money paid to buy mafia protection against “outsiders”—when, as mentioned, the money/tribute serves only to protect the client from the mafia itself—so too do Islam’s apologists portray the collection of jizya as money meant to buy Muslim protection from outsiders, when in fact the money/jizya buys protection from Muslims themselves.

YES, Bill Maher correctly noted (and this was indeed shocking, coming from leftist Hollywood) “Islam is the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will f***ing kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture, or write the wrong book.”

IN this regard, lo and behold, unlike in most cases – whereby legal fees and court costs are paid by the loser of the suit – Al-Falah made sure to extract “protection money”, and this was why the Township’s insurer was forced to agree to pay the mosque $5 million to drop the suit! Unholy jihad….continue reading

SO via a look-back to the prior rejection by Bridgewater’s planning board (2011) and the subsequent interference by an Islamist sympathizing Judge Shipp (Oct. 2013) – when he strong-armed them into ‘reviewing’ their negative decision, even after being extorted to pay Islamic jizya by the Brotherhood Mafia – fast forward to Oct. 2015, once again, Islam reigns supreme!

SHEESH…what’s going on now? Lo and behold, the MEGA mosque is going up, and with planning board approval! Voilà…

Despite concerns from residents about future planning and insufficient parking, the Bridgewater Township Planning Board unanimously approved an application Monday for an Al Falah Center mosque to be built on Route 202/206.

In December, the township approved a settlement with the Al Falah Center in regard to litigation concerning a proposed mosque on the former Redwood Inn site on Mountain Top Road.

The settlement agreement preserves the residential zoning on the Redwood Inn site, which was part of an ordinance approved in 2011 to remove houses of worship from sites in the township that do not front on a county, state or designated township road. In addition, the settlement settles all monetary claims related to the litigation.

In 2011, Al Falah sued the township after the ordinance was approved and while the application for a mosque was being heard by the planning board. Enacting the ordinance pushed the application to the zoning board for a variance to be on the Redwood Inn property.

The settlement allows Al Falah to build a mosque on a site on Route 202/206, rather than the former Redwood Inn property on Mountain Top Road.

Muslim Children 13 (resized)

Hearings for the new mosque site began in late August with testimony from the applicant’s engineer, and indicated that the plans have changed from the original Redwood Inn application to actually include two buildings on 10.85 acres, one for the worship center and another for a school.

The applicant presented a few revised plans at Monday’s meeting, first determining that instead of the originally proposed five minarets on the building, there will now only be four. In addition, the applicant plans to lower the height of them by 8 feet, from 78 feet high originally to 70 feet.

West Foothill Road resident Robert Kurz said that still sounds too high for the area. He said he believes there is nothing in the area that will be as visible to residents as the minarets high above the trees.

“If I asked you what your impression of 70, 80 feet is, we would all have different impressions,” he said. “If I’m sitting in my backyard, I’m going to see four towers over the trees. I am asking you to consider not the physical details, but the aesthetic value of the neighborhood.”

But of most concern to many residents in attendance was the parking, and changes suggested by the applicant to provide additional parking if the congregation were to grow large enough failed to comfort them.

The applicant had already provided testimony that it will see 282 parking spaces on the property, about 55 more than is required by township ordinance.

Mitch Ardman, engineer for the applicant, said they have added three parking stalls in the southwesterly corner of the property, as well as seven additional stalls along the easterly entrance, bringing the total number of spaces to 292 on the property.

In addition, the applicant provided information about overflow parking that could be done on the proposed soccer field, if needed.

“It could fit 180 additional parking spaces on the soccer field,” Ardman said. “Access would be through the end of the existing parking lot, and a driveway would come down and people could park there.”

Muslims Are Terrorists 1

Lloyd Tubman, attorney for the applicant, emphasized that they are not currently proposing paving over the soccer field, just that if it were to ever become necessary because of the congregation growing, that is an option they have.

“We would have to come back for a preliminary site plan if we wanted to do that parking lot,” she said. “We are merely demonstrating the ability to provide banked parking, it would require a separate supplemental amendment. We are not doing that now.”

Planning board attorney Thomas Collins said the applicant has offered a condition with the application that there will be no parking on streets in the neighborhood, on Route 202/206, on the nearby Woodmont property, or any other adjacent properties.

“This would be a condition for the site plan, and would trigger moving to more than one worship service on the same day, and, if that didn’t work, they could go to an offsite location for more parking,” he said.

Tubman said that if services on the holidays attracted more people and vehicles than the applicant has currently accounted for, they would move to hold a second service or rent an offsite space for the service before even considering the option of paving over the soccer field for more parking.

Traffic engineer Gary Dean also recounted the amount of parking accounted for in terms of the proposed school, although he cited that schools are omitted from the town’s ordinance on parking requirements. According to calculations, 23 parking spaces are required for the elementary school component, 12 for middle school and 31 for the high school.

That’s a total requirement of 291 spaces for the property, Dean said, and the applicant is providing 292.

“I hope you can see that sufficient parking will be included on the site,” he said. “Recognizing the condition that has been offered that when the mosque is at peak worship capacity, the school would not be in session, we certainly have demonstrated the adequacy of parking.”

But residents expressed concerns about whether the site will accommodate changes in the future, and whether the applicant has even considered that.

“The hope is that if this becomes a nice place, the people would come,” Kurz said. “We’re not discussing what will happen today, you’re planning what’s happening in five years or 10 years.”

“They are planning 292 spaces, but what about in 10 years?” he added. “That’s what I’m concerned about.”

ISIS Muslim Militants 1

The board unanimously approved the building of the mosque and school.

MOST resolutely, it is more than timely that this report on the latest NJ (all over the US and the west at large) capitulation – infiltration and penetration – is on the heels of a pro-active commentary, “Americans, Take Notes: Ban Islam, Save The Nation. Lesson Plans Included”. The following was front and center:


TARGET ONE: Shariah Law

TARGET TWO: Dismantling Mosques

TARGET THREE: Enact laws on the local level to BAN Islam


DON’T waste precious time attempting to convince Congress (led by RINO’S) of Shariah Law’s encroachment, it will fall on (mostly) deaf ears. 

DO head straight to state legislatures and local officials, they will likely be more receptive.

REGARDLESS of all else, citizens still have a ‘contractual’ obligation to save the nation, despite any obstacles placed by the leaders. Indisputably, the fact that the Constitution commences with “we the people”, well, that’s all the legal imprimatur required.

FORWARD MARCH (no pun intended). Get busy!

PATRIOTS, could their mega-funded, well-planned, step-by-step takeover be any clearer? Can you feel (‘taste’, as Islamists are wont to say, that is, before they pounce) the Islamic dangers encircling – jackal-like – all across America and beyond? Is it coincidental – or not – that Islamic hijrah is in MEGA force across the west, not too long after HUSSEIN Obama re-arranged the Mid East decks?


CONCOMITANTLY, how can it be that American leaders – zoning boards alike – ‘see no Islamic evil…hear no Islamic evil’…even as clueless residents babble on about parking spaces? Finally, is the evisceration of the west’s Judeo-Christian underpinnings incidental to BULLDOZING Churches to ‘accommodate’ mosques? If not, why not?

(Landmark Church bulldozed in France to build MEGA mosque!)


(MEGA mosque in Bridgewater, NJ…MEGA minarets – aka bayonets – to boot!)

Bridgewater New Jersey - Al Falah Mosque 1

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Americans, Take Notes: Ban Islam, Save The Nation! ‘Lesson Plans’ Included. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IN the main, one must fully internalize that Shariah Law is the underpinning of Islam, without which Islam would be dead in its tracks. מת…mort… 

CONSEQUENTIALLY, its underbelly must be dissected by Americans and westerners at large – as distasteful as it is – due to its barbarism. Buck up.

AS always, to this end, this site houses a continuous reservoir of materials; lesson plans. Admittedly, most are gory in the extreme, yes, sorry for that. Nevertheless, consider “Shariah Law Must Be Eliminated To Save America And The West: Its Cancerous Scourge” as your primary source and gift.

America is doing everything to usher in Shariah law and all its destructive permutations. Yet, with absolute certainty, Islam without Shariah law is like a bird without its wings. It would simply die. Crash and burn.
Ominously, consider what has transpired under Obama Inc. and you decide where America is headed:
On the legal front there are plans afoot to silence all criticism of Islam, so much so that the First Amendment is in its cross hairs. Moreover, Shariah financing has gained a sandal-hold into America, and Bloomberg Finance is leading the charge.
Now it is not as if (most) westerners begrudge capitalist entities from chasing after future business, but it is decidedly the case that Shariah law financing, in absolute terms, adds to Islamic jihad coffers all over the world.

Reports by Islamic banking scholars, the IMF, or the Congressional Research Service do not mention that Islamic banking was first concocted by Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna in the 1920s. The stated goal was to penetrate the Western finance system, corrupting it from within in hopes of creating a parallel system to re-establish a global Islamic empire governed by Islamic law (shariah). Islamic rules of commerce (fiqh al-muamalat) forbid interest (riba) and investing in a prohibited (hara’am) enterprise. They also mandate tithes on wealth (zakat). However, the Koran fails to precisely define these concepts. Imams and ayatollahs differ, for example, on whether riba prohibits all interest or only usurious interest.

The first successful Islamic banking experiment was the Mit Ghamr Savings Bank in Egypt in 1963. But five years later, the Egyptian government, which subsidized the bank, shut it down after Muslim-Brotherhood-led demonstrations swamped the country.

In 1963, Malaysia also introduced a limited form of Islamic banking, with establishment of Tabung Haji (Pilgrim’s Fund) that served only as a savings institution, to help Muslims save towards their pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).

Ten yerrs later, growing oil fortunes in the Middle East, lead the Organization of the Islamic Conference’s (OIC) to establish the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) “in accordance with the principles of the shariah,” as prescribed by the MB-and to launch the fast-growing petrodollar-based Islamic financing market. The IDB, more a development than a commercial bank, was established largely “to promote Islamic banking worldwide.”  Consequently, the IDB founded the Bahrain-registered and -based Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). Other regulatory organizations followed.

Finally, the most crucial element that helped persuade reluctant Muslims to use Islamic banks, the invention of “Islamic banking windows,” is never noted in reports documenting the development of  Islamic banking. This happened in 1993, when Anwar Ibrahim, then Malaysia’s finance minister, helped to introduce the newly invented “Islamic Banking windows” into conventional banks. This measure, which familiarized clientele with and built confidence in the unknown Islamic banking system, proved central to the development of the global Islamic finance industry.

So the questions become: since Islam is underpinned by Shariah law, and Shariah law finance funds global terror, what precisely must be done to save the west? Cut off its oxygen…the head of the snake…continue reading


MIND you, at the same time that too few are revealing the true face of Islam via Shariah Law, countless apologists (Islamists and leftist enablers) are hawking Shariah Law through financial instruments. Inherently, they are smokescreens marketed under an umbrella of ‘pure’ investment vehicles. In actuality, its basis houses money jihad! 

STILL yet, as depressing as things appear, readers should pay strict attention to two recent developments, those which are practical and forceful in nature: outright BANS against Islam!

A French mayor, Robert Chardon, is calling for governmental legislation that will ban Islam. He said in a recent statement:

We must ban the Muslim faith in France.

He also stated, “It’s the only solution for most of France’s problems,” and, “We also need a Marshall Plan to send Muslims to countries where the religion is practiced.” This man is the mayor of Venelles, a French town with a population of about 8,000 people, and he is more righteous than any of the politicians in Paris. It is amazing how small town people have a better understanding of how to deal with evil than do metropolitan people. Chardon also said (and this is what makes his statements even better):

The Republic should promote the practice of the Christian faith.

continue reading….whoopee!!

WE are not done yet, let’s hop over to Australia:

They want to ban burqas, freeze Muslim immigration and end Australia’s “failed experiment” with multiculturalism.

The proudly anti-Islam Australian Liberty Alliance — the nation’s newest political party — also claims that a growing number of Australians want exactly those same things.

“I do believe that people are waking up to the dangers and the problems that will come from increased (Muslim) immigration,” ALA co-founder and political candidate Debbie Robinson said.

“Islam is a problem and if we don’t take steps to put laws in place to protect our culture and our society, then we are going to lose our freedom.”

It is a message that many Australians who have watched the rise of radicalism at home and abroad with a growing sense of unease are likely to identify with.

But many more will also find those same views confronting and offensive — none more so than members of Australia’s Muslim community who have described the emergence of the ALA as “alarming”.

Not since the rise of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 20 years ago has a political party sought to win the hearts and minds of voters by demonising a minority.

For Ms Hanson, it was “Asianisation” that was threatening to destroy Australia’s national identity.

It is the so-called threat of “Islamisation” that the ALA is hoping will help propel its candidates into Federal Parliament at next year’s election.

Party members stood shoulder-to-shoulder in Perth this week alongside controversial Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders as it unveiled its first crop of Senate hopefuls.

Mrs Robinson will stand in WA, while anti-halal campaigner Kirralie Smith will represent NSW and former Katter’s Australia Party candidate Bernard Gaynor will run in Queensland.

The party hopes to field candidates in every State and claims to already enjoy a strong following.

Mrs Robinson believes most Australians are ready to have a sensible conversation about the nation’s future cultural direction.

“It (Islam) is a taboo subject but we cannot continue to be paralysed by political correctness,” she said.

“People are afraid to talk about it because they are afraid to offend or afraid to call a spade a spade.

“They have a level of concern about what is happening around the world and in Australia but the politicians are not paying attention. They are not facing up to what is really going on.”

Mrs Robinson is a former nurse from well-heeled City Beach who claims to be neither racist nor religious.

She believes in the Judaeo-Christian values that Australia was founded on.

She is also a mother and the wife of well-known orthopaedic surgeon Anthony Robinson who helped co-found the party with her.

But Mrs Robinson was unwilling to discuss her family during a long interview with The Weekend West this week.

Like her party, she is clearly mistrustful of the media, believing that “left-leaning” journalists are hostile to her far-right policies.

She also had another reason for wanting to protect her privacy, claiming she risked becoming a target for violence just like Mr Wilders.

His party enjoys strong support in the Netherlands, but he lives under 24-hour armed guard after many death threats.

Candidate Kirralie Smith claims to have also felt that same fear, having recently been forced to move house in Sydney after receiving threats.

“Why is it that we have to spend a fortune on security,” Mrs Robinson said.

“Why is Mr Wilders surrounded by 24-hour security? It is because the Islamic community have placed fatwas on his head because you cannot speak out against Islam.

“We have a problem with the Islamic community that we do not have with any other group.”

WA Islamic Council president Rateb Jneid said Mrs Robinson’s comments were highly offensive to Australian Muslims who loved their country and wished only to live in peace.

“The Muslim community is very concerned that a virulently Islamophobic political party was launched in Western Australia — a single issue political party based on promoting fear and hate of Islam,” he said.

“This is very reminiscent of 1930s nazi Germany. The acts of Muslim extremists do not represent the great religion of Islam in any way or form.”

Geert Wilders (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Multiculturalism advocate Suresh Rajan has been cautiously watching the ALA’s rise and believes the party will garner some support and may even get some candidates elected.

But he does not believe they will become a force to be reckoned with.

“All our research shows that there are about 10 per cent of Australians who harbour very racist views and there is the potential that they (the ALA) will tap into their concerns about Islam,” Mr Rajan said.

“But the majority of Australians support multiculturalism and want to live in harmony,” he said.

AS to the blah, blah from WA Islamic Council president Rateb Jneid, it mirrors all the Islamic propaganda from the Muslim Brotherhood’s front-arm in America via CAIR. Just close your ears….


STIPULATED, while it may appear to be a fantastical and Herculean task to purge Islam from America (the west), this is far from the truth. In reality, once the underpinnings of its poisonous ideology are exposed and its instruments of jihad are revealed as force-multipliers, citizens will have amassed targeted focal points. Not only that, Islam’s mask as a ‘religion’ – according to western norms – will slip, thus, allowing for the shuttering of mosques, Islam’s barracks

INTRINSICALLY, once Shariah Law’s barbarism becomes widely known, indeed, Islam’s undercarriage will crumble. In practical terms, a targeted pyramid has to be identified post haste.



TARGET ONE: Shariah Law

TARGET TWO: Dismantling Mosques

TARGET THREE: Enact laws on the local level to BAN Islam


DON’T waste precious time attempting to convince Congress (led by RINO’S) of Shariah Law’s encroachment, it will fall on (mostly) deaf ears. 

DO head straight to state legislatures and local officials, they will likely be more receptive.

REGARDLESS of all else, citizens still have a ‘contractual’ obligation to save the nation, despite any obstacles placed by the leaders. Indisputably, the fact that the Constitution commences with “we the people”, well, that’s all the legal imprimatur required.

FORWARD MARCH (no pun intended). Get busy!


The Preamble showing, written larger than the rest, We the People


Bernhard Pudewell's photo.

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

American Taxpayers Fund Female “Palestinian” Jihad-Lover: HUSSEIN’s/NYC’s Comrade De Blasio’s Revolutionary Islamic Hand! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

MOST Americans (hard-working citizens) are sick and tired of the abuse of taxpayer funds, some of which undermine the nation’s security. After all, aside from the fact that the IRS is a behemoth that should be torn down – brick by brick – it is akin to a criminal organization which bullies those who refuse to “play (leftist/Islamist) ball.” 

EXHIBIT A: Lois Lerner, anyone?

(“After stating that their investigation confirms that Tea Party and conservative groups were improperly targeted,” Issa noted, “they dismiss it merely as a byproduct of gross mismanagement and incompetence — ignoring volumes of evidence in the public record and efforts to obstruct legitimate inquiries.”AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

BUT before we get to the heart of the matter, readers would do well to recall how this investigative journalist knows – FIRST HAND – how far down the rabbit hole the IRS has gone, to the point of coddling Islamic terrorists and their supporters! Indeed.

While the International Solidarity Movement, aka the ISM, has been (for years) on the IRS’s radar – due to heavy lifting by Lee Kaplan and this investigative journalist – they have failed to take action, even after handed volumes of evidence.

A recap is in order:

Firstly, a full forensic investigation was undertaken during different points between 2003-2007 by a corporate tax practice (as a co-owner, had full latitude and discretion to do whatever was necessary), regarding the ISM and its tax exempt status (refer to Many hours of pro bono work were accumulated, due to the seriousness of the issue. NO (financial) stone was left without examination.

A midway point in the investigation led to a centerpiece expose’ at Frontpagemagazine – ‘Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Law?’ – At the time, it was intrinsic to keep a lower public profile, therefore, make note of the credits (via a footnote) at the end of the investigation.

But make no mistake, the underbelly of their inter-related terror ties became obvious throughout the investigation. In addition, there were so many 501 (c)(3) IRS violations, they became glaring to anyone with a working background in forensics accounting and the regs governing non-profits. Yes, the office was duly up to speed in said techniques – well before this project was undertaken – the practice offered forensics and non-profits as niche specialties. More to the point, the results from the office always turned out in favor of the client, whenever engaged in said examinations.


That being said, despite all the evidence duly exhibited and annotated; hand delivered (not even entrusting it to FEDEX, a service the office used several times a day!) to the Criminal Division at the IRS for non-profits (Newark, NJ offices); whereas the Chief Investigator for Fraud politely took the binders, glanced through its contents (noting that it appeared highly organized ) and clearly indicated it would be reviewed, yet, time and again, their offices were contacted and their only response was – we are looking into it.

Now, color this investigative journalist suspicious, but updated tax law is written in less time than it took for the investigators to come up with a non-committal response. In other words, they never said there was “no there there”, still, they did nothing about it!…continue reading

SO along comes Linda Sarsour, HUSSEIN Obama’s Brotherhood Mafia confidante, via her mantle of “executive director of the generously city-taxpayer-funded Arab American Association of New York.” Yes, she cloaks herself in tax-exempt garb. Ah…the ubiquitous touchy-feely naming of orgs…placing America in the title…as if THAT gives carte-blanche koshering! Not by a long shot.

AS reported in Jan. 2015:

ALA her feigned “outrage” – whenever any linkage is made between Islam + Muslims relative to terror  – and in pure mathematical terms via the Transitive Law: If A bears some relation to B and B bears the same relation to C, then A bears it to C.

SO Lindala, is this logical construct too complicated for a woman who wears many Islamic/Arab hats, that is, when the object lesson is truthfulness, instead of disinformation? Inquiring minds want to know.

Here is an example of how Leftists and Islamic supremacists advance the “Islamophobia” myth: as far as they are concerned, Islam and Muslims are entirely guiltless in all respects, and the only reason why anyone is suspicious of them is because of a well-heeled “Islamophobia industry” that works full-time, for unaccountable reasons, “to vilify Islam and Muslims.”

Back in the real world, people are suspicious of Islam and Muslims because of Muslim leaders who say things like “We killed the people of Baga. We indeed killed them, as our Lord instructed us in His Book,” and because of Muslims who attack non-Muslims with hammer and machete after writing, “The wrath of Allah is about to come down upon the kaffir.” Muslims have no need of a wealthy industry devoted (for some reason) to vilifying them when they have Muslims like this chap in Spain who screamed, “Allahu Akbar, all you Christians will die!,” and the ones in Italy who destroyed and urinated on a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Then there are Sarsour’s fellow “Palestinians” who celebrated the stabbing of innocent Israeli civilians with #IAmAKnife hashtag, and the imam in Uganda who beat his 15-year-old daughter to death for converting to Christianity.

And all that is just in the last few days. But as far as Linda Sarsour, who has the ear of New York City’s disastrous Mayor Bill de Blasio, is concerned, there are rich people whose full-time job is to vilify Islam and Muslims, and they’re the problem, not the jihadis. In reality, Muslims like the ones who perpetrated the jihad attacks I’ve listed here are doing a great job of vilifying Islam and Muslims on their own. And what is Sarsour doing to stop the spread of the beliefs and attitudes that led to all this Islamic violence and so very much more? Why, nothing at all.

Sarsour is, of course, a practiced exploiter of the “hate” smear against foes of jihad terror and Islamic supremacism, and has never apologized for using the Islamic honor murder of Shaima Alawadi to spread lies about the prevalence of hate crimes against Muslims in America. She is also rabidly antisemitic (and, of course, a darling of the Leftist media), and has said that “nothing is creepier than Zionism” and has equated it with “racism.” She is, unsurprisingly, a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, and has claimed that the jihad underwear bomber was a CIA agent — part of what she claims is a U.S. war against Islam.

Her inversion of reality here, as ridiculous as it is, is mainstream.

“Linda Sarsour speaks to MEMO about Islamophobia in America,” by Amelia Smith,Middle East Monitor, January 20, 2015:

“It’s a very dangerous industry in this country,” says Sarsour. “This is not just Steven Emerson doing this as a side job, or something he just writes about when he has free time. This is what people like Steve Emerson do every morning from when they wake up to when they go to bed. Their job is to vilify Islam and Muslims.”

AND so on and so forth.

UNABASHEDLY, as she screams “Islamophobia”, she has no compunction about spreading incitement against Jews and Israel. How dare she.

An Islamist activist honored by the White House last December as a “Champion of Change” called Zionism “racism” this week and said “nothing is creepier” than the belief in a Jewish homeland.

Linda Sarsour also posted two links on her Twitter feed to a rabidly
anti-Israel video by a New York poet that accuses Israel of ethnic
cleansing and mocks interfaith dialogue as selling out.

continue reading

IN this regard, with Arabs in Israel waging murderous jihad in solidarity with their “Palestinian” brothers and sisters (think: Linda Sarsour’s “Palestinian” cohorts), it behooves reminding Americans where their taxpayer dollars (city or otherwise) are going, even if one does not donate directly to her terror-connected org. After all, much support is “gifted” from gov’t grants, and we all know where said monies derive from!

THUS, the following bears emphasizing:

With the fierce anti-America, anti-Israel, and anti-NYPD Twitter tirades she routinely unleashes against ideological foes, particularly American patriots and supporters of Israel, sharia law advocate Linda Sarsour (photo above) could be the the most vicious and vile Muslim political player you may never have heard of. Until now.

NY Post  Sarsour, a radical Muslim activist useful idiot for Mayor Bill de Blasio, blasted into the mainstream in August with a fawning profile published in The New York Times headlined: “Linda Sarsour is a Brooklyn Homegirl in a Hijab.”

Sarsour (in rust-colored Muslim headbag) is smitten with deBlasio, who cracked down and ended the NYPD's surveillance of Muslims

Linda Sarsour 2

But some observers got acquainted with Sarsour’s anti-Americanism two weeks after the politically correct Newspaper of Record lionized her. Sarsour, who serves as executive director of the generously city-taxpayer-funded Arab American Association of New York, based in her native Brooklyn, responded when Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz tweeted, “America is and remains a nation built on Judeo-Christian values.”

“Genocide & slavery?” she shot back. (Oops!I guess Sarsour is ignorant of her own religion re: slavery, still practiced today all over the Middle East)


Put aside for a moment that the ills about which Sarsour complains do not exist in the United States today, but plague parts of the Muslim world. Sarsour contends that Israel and American supporters of the Jewish state are responsible for slaughter in the Mideast.

Her outrageous online assaults sank to a depressing level this month, when Sarsour tweeted a picture of a small Palestinian boy standing before Israeli soldiers clutching rocks in both hands. She added the words, “The definition of courage.”  “No, the definition of barbarism,” Queens City Councilman Rory Lancman, 46, responded.

Sarsour has the right to free speech, however reprehensible. So says the US Constitution. But as she waged a social-media war with Lancman, first reported by The Post’s Rich Calder, she seemed unaware that he, too, enjoys the same right. She tweeted: “city elected official attacking a constituent on foreign policy issue when they weren’t asked. Welcome to NYC Council.”

“You must be especially proud of the 13-yr-old Palestinian who stabbed the 13-yr-old Israeli,” Lancman wrote. She replied: “don’t put words in my mouth. Shame on you. Using my tax payer $$ to attack people online. Go do your job.”

But this tweet by Sarsour turned the fight downright ugly:

“This is a woman who supports violence and supports terrorists while at the same time proclaiming that this country is founded on Judeo-Christian values of genocide and slavery,” a prominent political insider, who led me to Sarsour’s nasty “genocide” tweet, told me. “And somehow, she receives taxpayer money,” the insider said. “I think that’s a very sad commentary on where this city and society are right now.”

timthumb.php_Sarsour has actively campaigned for Muslim sympathizer Bill deBlasio, who has repeatedly featured her in news releases touting his education agenda and other initiatives. Her organization has been receiving city funds, which have totaled $164,050 since 2012. The Times piece describes Sarsour as some kind of dynamo, celebrating her for helping to partly dismantle the city Police Department’s successful surveillance program of Muslims.

aaanyAmong other successes, she was credited with working with City Hall officials to close public schools for the observance of two Islamic holy days. Last year, she traveled to Ferguson, Missouri, to protest the police killing of Michael Brown, whose death is described as a “murder” on the Arab American Association of New York’s website.


New York City public schools also break for Passover and Rosh Hashanah to accommodate the city’s substantial Jewish population, which makes up between 10 and 30 percent of the total, depending on the borough, according to a 2008 Gotham Gazette report. That same report listed the city’s Muslim population as comprising only 1.6 and 4.9 percent of the population, again, depending on the borough.


1ed6828db6c14fb6b04e4e8884ee3a28_18Someone who recklessly spews the kind of hatred for Jews and America that Sarsour spews publicly on a regular basis, should NOT be rewarded with accolades and public funds. The money spigot to her organization should be shut off. She should be shunned.

This is the same Linda Sarsour who talks about freedom of speech while supporting the imposition of sharia law in America.

This is the same Linda Sarsour who tries to block people from seeing a film about oppression of Muslim women, ‘Honor Diaries.’

This is the same Linda Sarsour who posts videos of her Palestinian father blasting loud, offensive Arabic music in the streets of Brooklyn just to annoy his non-Muslim neighbors.


IF anything (please defer to this investigative journalist’s intimate knowledge base of the “ins and outs” of the IRS’s handling of Islamist – leftist alike – non-profits, regardless of their terrorist associations), the American taxpayer is, in effect, aiding and abetting the ARAB AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK through its tax-exempt status as a 501(C)(3) ORGANIZATION. Understood?

1: Corporation
1: Contributions are deductible
3: Independent
P: Human Services – Multipurpose and Other
15: Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)
1: Unconditional Exemption


6: $1,000,000 to $4,999,999
5: $500,000 to $999,999
990 (all other) or 990EZ return
No 990-PF return


INCREASINGLY, since many Americans are interested in finding out what’s what, therefore, a full forensic accounting is mandatory akin to a colonoscopy. Trust, when one supports the Brotherhood Mafia (its progeny, Hamas/CAIR…etc.), it stands to reason that intersecting associates are hardly pro-American and anti-jihad. You think? 

AS always, “follow the money” via the inter-related (hydra-like) parties! Oh, expect comrade de Blasio to lend the terror org. full-blown cover.