James O’Keefe Discusses Character Assassination with Journalism Prof. Jason Watkins…Knock-On Effects

By Adina Kutnicki

LAWFARE: This is the revolutionary left’s go-to method to bludgeon dissenters into silence; the most potent financial weapon in their arsenal re censorship. It goes hand-in-fist with shutting down ‘unapproved’ views by the Deep State Mafia — never mind that it smacks up against ‘viewpoint based discrimination‘ as an absolute legal no-no. Similarly, this bludgeoning via financial ruin is utilized by the red-green axis, that is, comrades on the revolutionary left + Islamic jihadis. Full circle hammering.

INEXORABLY, how can it be that any member of Congress has to BEG the media to cover what has become the largest invasion of America, bar none!?

Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt Passionately Calls on Media to Cover the ‘Nightmare’ at the Southern Border (VIDEO)

 IN tandem,

IN light of the above nation-shattering truths, leave it to the rock star of ‘truth-in journalism’, come what may. So, for all of those who still believe in the underpinnings of America (and every other so-called free nation that talks the talk, but utterly fails to walk the walk), pay heed.

TAKE it away, James O’Keefe!

AND another (out of an avalanche thereof) monstrous knock-on effect of a society falling into the abyss — yes, resulting from the chilling effect via the castration of truth-in-journalism!

PATRIOTS, be afraid…..very afraid….

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam: adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

Islamic “Refugees”+ Submitting To CAIR’s Demands = U.S. Security Nightmare:The Linkages & Fallout – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHILE leftist-fascists are continuously in an uproar re this and that imaginary “racist” bugaboo (especially, when it comes to Mohammedans – never mind that they do not constitute a race), the fact remains that out-sized dangers await to explode. Yes, their incessant and unhinged agitating serves as a shield and a blindfold type cover.

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MIND you, when the sh-t-storm hits, not one “infidel” will be spared. Categorically, they are more than useful idiots. Traitors.

“Infidels and apostates aren’t like us, they aren’t even human and should be given to ISIS to cut their throats,” say Syrian refugees

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BE that as it may, let it be shouted from the (virtual) rooftops: Time and again, continuous warnings re impending threats are blared, but countless would rather “see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil, speak no Islamic evil.” Monkey see, monkey do. Suit yourselves.

ATOP it all,  it has become the “norm” to self-censor. Now, aside from the mountain of evidence housed at this site – in tandem with demonstrative knock-on effects from officialdom’s clamp-down on free speech via so-called “hate speech” – clear-eyed readers understand full well that these ears can turn deaf too, albeit, in the polar opposite direction! Thus, highlighting primary exhibits as prima facie evidence of the same – alas, by no means exhaustive in nature – is where it is at, regardless of certain strategies deployed to shut this mouth up.

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NOW that the unassailable truths are in plain view, let’s connect up some recent and very tangible dangers vis-à-vis so-called “refugees”; that which clearly prove how the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, a/k/a CAIR, is in the forefront – as they submit America to its dictates, creep by creep.

HOW many are aware that strict rules are in place regarding head coverings in venues where security is paramount? If not, time to catch up to speed. The point being, if one is inclined to hide contraband, what better place than under a hat or a hijab? Indeed. 

CONCOMITANTLY, how many are shocked that CAIR jumped into the fray, knowing full well that the City of Atlanta (and elsewhere) does NOT allow prisoners to wear head coverings, including, the non-religious mandated hijab?

CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper with CAIR Executive Director and founder Nihad Awad

(CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper with CAIR Executive Director and founder Nihad Awad)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a terrorist-front group that is often quoted in the news media as a “civil rights” organization for Muslims.  It is one thing for ignorant reporters to not know about CAIR’s background, but there is no excuse for law enforcement! Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the latest outrage:

Caving into the demands of a terrorist front group, the City of Atlanta Detention Center in Georgia is allowing female Muslim inmates to wear a head scarf (hijab) used as a symbol of modesty in the Islamic dress code. Hats and other head covers are banned in American state and federal prisons for security and safety reasons. Making an exception to this rule to appease followers of one religion sets a dangerous precedent. Besides, the Quran doesn’t require Muslim women to wear a hijab. The cover is optional and those who wear it do so willfully as an act of worship.

Nevertheless, corrections officials at the City of Atlanta Detention Center changed the rules to satisfy the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation (read more in a Judicial Watch special report that focuses on Muslim charities). CAIR was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, Nihad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. The Obama administration allowed CAIR to transform the way U.S. law enforcement agencies conduct anti-terrorism training by allowing the group to bully agencies at the local, state and federal level to alter counterterrorism training materials determined to be discriminatory against Muslims…..continue reading….

INESTIMABLY, as always, their thrust is two-fold: On the one hand, if a hiding place is needed, well, they got that covered. On the other, by twisting arms through any means possible – chiefly, through lawfare, that is, if public “shaming” doesn’t work – the main goal, submission, is that much closer – and without non-Muslim citizens the wiser. They got that right!

ALL of which brings the danger from so-called “refugees” to the highest alert possible (Mohammedans in toto, be they “refugees”, or home-grown), most especially, if one considers poisoning the food supply a national security threat, as well as contamination through communicable diseases!

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In an effort to stab President Trump in the back and play politics with their crappy coffee, Starbucks has been on a Muslim refugee hiring frenzy in recent months that has typically backfired. After 10,000 Muslims were given jobs as an act of resistance against Trump’s migrant ban, a watchdog program that performs consumer affairs on popular businesses discovered fecal material in numerous samples of Starbucks coffee. As the coffee giant defiantly moves to hire even more more refugees despite what was just found in their coffee, unfortunately, poop in coffee might be the least of our concerns after what was just discovered in California.

On Tuesday, Starbucks held a hiring event exclusively for Muslim refugees in San Diego, with the coffee franchise proclaiming their intentions to hire more than 10,000 refugees at baristas across the United States over the course of the next 5 years. But unfortunately for the remaining Americans who aren’t scared to sip on possible crap-contaminated coffee, consuming Starbucks could now be fatal.

21.4 percent of Muslim refugees in the San Diego County carry tuberculosis, a disgusting disease that infects the lungs and is easily spread through the air by speaking, coughing, sneezing, or spitting. The location that Starbucks is picking their Muslim workers from is in San Diego County, a place where this highly-contagious disease runs rampant throughout the Muslim migrant community.

Research by a prominent doctor by the name of Timothy Rodwell, who works as a professor and physician in the Division of Global Health at UCSD, warned of the rampant TB after screening Muslim refugees in San Diego. He noted that this leading refugee resettlement site poses the highest rates of active TB in the entire country, where Brietbart reports that an astounding 1/4th of these Muslims have the disease.

Pamela Geller weighed in on the massive threat that these Muslim workers pose to the heath of Americans who will now be sneezing and coughing over steaming hot cups of coffee at Starbucks across America saying, “In other words, the incidence of active TB among the 4,280 refugees who were resettled in San Diego County between January 2010 and October 2012 was 327 per 100,000, more than 100 times greater than the incidence of active TB among the entire population of the United States in 2016.” She went on:

“About four percent of the entire population of the United States tests positive for latent TB infection. Around 10 percent of those with LTBI will develop active TB at some point in their lives. The triggering mechanism to activate latent TB is not entirely understood, but high levels of stress, crowded living situations, poor public health practices, the presence of other diseases that lower the immune system, and behavioral conduct–such as smoking–appear to increase the chances of activation.”

“The 21.4 percent of refugees in the San Diego County study who tested positive for latent TB infection is about five times the national average.”

Breitbart News reached out to Starbucks to inquire if safety measures were being put in place in the form of mandatory testing for latent and active TB in their Muslim workers, but predictably, the liberals running the company have no time to respond to a conservative news site.

KGTV reported:

“About 30 Starbucks managers will conduct on-the-spot interviews at the International Rescue Committee’s office located at 131 E. Main Street in El Cajon from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 8. Applicants are encouraged to visit Starbucks online career center prior to the event and bring resumes along with them. The store managers will talk to the refugee applicants about what it’s like to work for Starbucks and review qualifications for the barista position.”

“The world’s largest coffee chain said it would focus initial efforts on markets where refugee need is greatest and there’s a store base to meet the need.”

“According to state and federal data, San Diego fits the bill.”

“No other California county has received more refugees during the past decade than San Diego county.”

“In 2016, San Diego settled 3,100 refugees, along with 520 military interpreters on special immigrant visas.”

It’s absolutely disgusting that Starbucks would gamble with the lives of millions of Americans in order to make a political statement with their products. But if consumers are willing to ingest Tuberculosis-infected coffee in order to show their solidarity with Muslim migrants, then perhaps the weeding out of the gene pool is something we should celebrate. The less morons running rampant and destroying our country, the better!

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PATRIOTS, BOYCOTT STARBUCKS! Pay it forward. Besides, your very well-being, and that of your loved ones, depends on doing so.

MOST significantly (and somewhat understandably), even though Stealth Jihad a/k/a Civilization/Cultural Jihad is harder for most to recognize and identify, it is not as if hints…clues…bread crumbs…whatever…are not being given – and from Mohammedans themselves, be they “refugees” or homegrown Jihadis. You got that??

AND this is precisely the arena where CAIR reigns supreme. For the most part, leftist-fascists tug at the “heart-strings” whenever so-called “refugees” are mentioned, thus, reeling in clueless Americans in the deadly process.

YES. more than a national security threat!

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(see clip too)

{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click on “Archives”, dated Jan. 18, 2018

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US-Based PA/Hamas Terror Supporters, ISM/BDS Leaders, Weaponize “Lawfare”: The Case. The Verdict. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS night follows day, scratch beneath every Islamic jihadi surface and a Jew-hater will crawl forth. Similarly, they are anti-western and pro Sharia Law. Be they Mohammedans who plot frontal attacks, or fellow Islamists who lend material support, rest assured, a horde of leftist-fascists are on board to assist – some of them literally!

ALAS, it is along this treacherous minefield that ISM/BDS (International Solidarity Movement/Boycott, Divest, Sanction) “peace activists” aid, abet, agitate on behalf of, even lend their bodies in support of PA/Hamas terrorists – whose sole aim is to destroy Israel and replace it with “Palestine.” Don’t ever forget this naked and unvarnished truth, as you watch the late Rachel Corrie – an American ISM human shield – eulogized and heralded as a “martyr” by terrorists, having been less than three degrees separated from their terror activities!! Lesson learned: you lie down with (terror) dogs, you may not wake up. Oops. C’est la vie.

ONTO the background of the cast of (terror-supporting) characters – the case, the verdict.

(Larudee shaking the bloody hand of Hamas’s terror leader, Ismail Haniyeh!)

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(Larudee’s sidekick, Jane Stillwater…prostrating to Allah!)

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ISM/BDS Sues Stop The ISM And Lee Kaplan – And Loses

By Lee Kaplan, StoptheISM.com

On July 6. 2017, I was sued by ISM leader Paul Larudee (of Gaza Flotilla fame) and one of Paul’s acolytes, Jane Stillwater. I managed to get undercover videos of the Board of Directors of Norcal ISM and BDS in California exposing their lawbreaking and how plots were developed to destroy the Jewish state. The videos and reports can be seen here and here.


Jane Stillwater, a seventy-five-year-old grandmother, lives in Section 8 housing in Berkeley, California and is a member of Larudee’s malevolent ISM/BDS group. She claims she is a lawyer (not) and a “war correspondent” (not really) and runs Jane Stillwater’s Weblog where she posts articles that run at various anti-Semitic and anti-Israel websites such as Counterpunch and Electronic Intifada. Jane writes constantly she is not anti-Semitic, then blathers on incessantly about Jewish conspiracies to control the U.S. government – notably, AIPAC – or how Israelis behave like Nazis. Her residing in Section 8 housing is of interest because Jane wrote an article on her weblog about her solution to the home foreclosure crisis in the U.S. a few years ago. She wrote that the way to do this was for people to just claim they are Jewish and then the U.S. government would pay for them to have free subsidized housing in a modern state-of-the-art condo in Judea or Samaria. “You don’t even have to be Jewish,” she explained, “Just say you are Jewish and you are in.” This particular article got Stillwater banned from the notoriously anti-Israel leftist website Daily Kos for its blatant anti-Semitism.

Both these sweethearts recently went to Syria in solidarity with the butcher of his own people, Bashir Assad. Jane Stillwater posted on her weblog that ISIS is actually a concoction of the United States, Israel  and the CIA. She’s a maven on Jewish and American conspiracies for the tinfoil hat audiences comprised of various anarchist movements that want to overthrow the West.

Stillwater is a publicity hound. Even though she allows the U.S. and Berkeley taxpayers to subsidize her home – then manages to travel the world as a phony journalist and “war correspondent” – she somehow is a world traveler like Larudee. Her publishers consist of pseudo news sites that are little more than anarchist, radical leftist and anti-Israel organs. Her latest trip is to Myanmar for this poor impoverished woman who needs subsidized housing.  She even visited Syria in support of Bashir Assad who she thinks is really a great guy deserving her support and getting a bum rap from the West. After all, she explains to us, ISIS and Al Qaeda are really concoctions of the U.S.A. and the CIA (and Israel too, don’t forget).

Stillwater, akin to all media hounds, always makes herself the story. She announces ad nauseum that she was a war correspondent having been twice embedded with U.S. troops in the Middle East. She didn’t embed with the troops in any really hot zones, but was kept safely behind the lines where U.S. soldiers had the added burden to protect her geriatric behind. She applied for a third embed over in Iraq, but this time a more mature officer saw what and who she really is and canceled her embed. She received her notice of cancellation, but instead of seeking a refund on her ticket or an exchange, she flew to Kuwait anyway to force the issue on the military. Along the way, the airline lost her luggage (lucky for U.S. troops!), so she claimed she had to live at Starbucks ingesting fourteen mocha lattes as she waited to hear if the U.S. military would relent (they didn’t). She then flew home at U.S. Taxpayer expense, when the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait made arrangements to get her home. Once back in the U.S.A., she filed a small claims lawsuit against the Department of Defense for $7,500, the maximum allowed in small claims court to reimburse her for the plane ticket she should not have used and for those fourteen mocha lattes. She boasts about how the D.O.D. had to spend thousands of dollars on government lawyers to answer her complaint when they legitimately refused to pay her for her self-imposed “expenses.” The D.O. D got the case moved to a superior court, but some fuzzy-minded judge remanded it back to Berkeley small claims.

She never got the $7, 500. The government settled with her for the cost of the plane ticket to Kuwait – no mocha lattes – in order to save American tax-payers the cost of having attorneys attend the minor case which would have exceeded that amount in payroll anyway. She settled for the cost of the ticket to Kuwait in an arbitration, but wrote that she “won” her case against “da man.”

Once she settled that case, she went back to making accusations in her writings that Gaza is as bad or worse than the Warsaw Ghetto and even posted photos of Auschwitz prisoners during the Holocaust with captions underneath explaining that “these are Palestinians in Gaza.”

(pics of well-fed Gazans!)

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(pics of survivors of the nazi Holocaust!)

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She also posted on Facebook a photo of PFLP terrorist Leila Khaled with an AK-47 directing her followers to donate money for a film to glorify the “freedom fighter” who invented aircraft hijackings. Still another photo showed Marwan Barghouti and declaring “Victory!”  on her Facebook page for the phony hunger strikers in Israeli jails.

Stillwater has trouble with numbers. In her Facebook page next to Barghouti’s smiling puss, she wrote of the 1,600 Palestinian “political prisoners” who were part of the strike. Of course, these were convicted murderers of Israelis, not just Jews, but Jane explained how every last one of them – all given fair trials with lawyers of their choosing – was in prison solely for “political “ reasons. Being an experienced “war correspondent”, Stillwater also entered a post bemoaning the 1,600 civilians killed by the IDF in the 2014 Gaza War. According to her, every casualty reported by Hamas was a civilian “murdered” by the IDF, not a single armed combatant or terrorist attacking the IDF.


Based on this distinguished literary career of hers, and puffed up by her case against the U.S. government, it should have come as no surprise that Jane Stillwater filed a small claims lawsuit against me and StoptheISM.com, also asking for $7,500 for “pain and suffering” she experienced as a result of my exposés of the ISM as a terrorist support group over the last fifteen years. First, she denied the ISM supports terrorist groups such as the PFLP, Palestine Islamic Jihad and Hamas and said this was a false accusation by me. Of course, the leadership of the ISM had on several occasions admitted to such support and collusion for the last fifteen years. Had she bothered to look at the latest exposés by me, she would have seen photos of ISM leaders like Paul Larudee receiving gold medals from Hamas for the Flotillas. I guess it escaped her that Leila Khaled is still a member of the PFLP who Stillwater only recently encouraged her Facebook readers to donate money to a producer for a film praising the first female hijacker as a “freedom fighter.”

I’d never seen, nor wrote about this woman even once before my latest article broke. Ultimately, I learned she was photographed briefly in the background of an undercover scene of Paul Larudee spilling the beans on ISM and BDS activities. She was still unidentified and said nothing, she might as well have been a piece of furniture. But now she was going to make attention for herself and her fellow ISM BDS activists. In her complaint, she claimed she had received death threats (none attributable to me), she also accused me of murdering ISM activists who were actually killed by their own Arab handlers, and she went on to claim she lived in daily fear of me due to never occurring “unrelenting threats” that could only be cured by giving her $7,500. Stillwater tells us she’s also an “actress” having appeared in many unpaid student films. As she whined to the judge she was afraid of me, it was clear she needed more training.

The case filing was seen on the Web by a Judge Judy produced court television show, Hot Bench, that offered to televise it and pay the actual claims as an arbitration. Of course, Jane Stillwater jumped at the chance to be on TV! But as the shoot date approached, she got cold feet, canceling the production four times over three months.

I got Paul Larudee deported from Israel back in 2006 when he went there to meet with Hamas. Once deported, Larudee went to Lebanon to assist Hezbollah there during the 2006 war. Now back in the San Francisco Bay Area, Larudee was leading Norcal-ISM and promoting BDS against Israel. Jane Stillwater must have felt Larudee would be more of a match against me in court. She’d add him as a plaintiff then remove him, then add him, then remove him only to have him show up and claim he was a plaintiff during the actual trial that took place on July 6th because Jane Stillwater no longer wanted to do the show on television.

So little Jane Stillwater, renowned war correspondent, pseudo attorney and journalist and terrible actress, a slayer of the U.S. Department of Defense was now facing the big bad “Israel-firster” investigative journalist Lee Kaplan in court and would even make him pay money! She even asked the judge to tell me to “cease and desist” my reporting on the ISM and BDS.

What this case revealed was the thought processes of those in the ISM and BDS Movements. Where the Big Lies against Israel and the Jews may play well in the lazy mainstream Press, or at endless bash Israel conferences, in a court of law those same lies did her in. Laughably, when asked why she should get $7,500, Stillwater explained to the judge that one of my articles had shown Norcal ISM/BDS was breaking the law by not having a permit nor meeting health code standards to sell Pure Extra-Virgin Olive Oil to the public to raise money for their beloved Palestinians in Hamas. She explained that the California Health Department, when inspecting the facility, found rat feces in their kitchen that had to be closed down, along with several other changes made to upgrade to the national and state health codes that cost them upwards of $10,000. She wanted an even greater sum to cover these expenses from me, and she wanted to amend any award on the spot. “The health inspector told us if Lee Kaplan hadn’t alerted them to the violations, we probably could have just kept going on with what we were doing and nobody would be the wiser,” she explained, hoping to get a bigger payday. In other words, Norcal ISM/BDS was violating the law and exposing the public to health risks and because I tipped off the government agencies with my articles I should have to reimburse them their expenses. I’m sure that to the mindset of these people who report and write that Israel is an apartheid state when it isn’t, and that Israel is committing genocide against the Arabs, that terrorists are “political prisoners” and ISIS is from the USA and Israel, their plea to the judge made perfectly good sense. Stillwater, the pseudo-lawyer even cited state law that when read properly completely back up all my reporting.


The judge didn’t buy Stillwater’s and Larudee’s claims and she awarded them absolutely nothing. Nada. Bupkis. What struck me as interesting was the judge saying at the start of the case, “I’ve never heard of this International Solidarity Movement before”. Now she has, and it should be a lesson to all those who care about Israel to teach as many people about what makes up the ISM and BDS movement in any way possible. There are other Jane Stillwaters and Paul Larudees all over the U.S.  and even inside Israel, so It should be incumbent on all of us to expose them for the liars and terrorist enablers they truly are through the Press and, if necessary, in court.


MOST significantly, whether the accomplices to jihadi terror are Larudee, Stillwater or countless others across the western world, the underlying basis is the same: Jew-hatred. Anti-western values. Their end goal: dead Jews – and all others who dare to support Israel too.

Sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, if anyone still has doubts as to the likes of who the ISM/BDS terror supporters aid and abet, look no further than to the heroic tale of Aynaz Anni Cyrus, an Iranian – a real freedom fighter – who escaped from the clutches of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and, thankfully, lived to tell the tale!

EVEN so, as is said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Demonstrably, Larudee’s pic (with a medal hanging from his neck – gifted from Hamas, in gratitude for this and that as depicted below, seated second from the left) is worth many thousands!! Yes, he was an honorary guest of….guess who….Hamas’s terror leader, Ismail Haniyeh! 

THIS site’s verdict: guilty, as charged – Larudee and Stillwater, et al. Case closed.

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(re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network) click on “Archives” icon to read, dated July 22, 2017

(re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line)

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(re-blogged at RepublicanRise.SwillNews.com)

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Trump’s DOJ Swamp Mirrors HUSSEIN’s: Kow-Towing To Islam, Protecting Its Barracks-Mosques! Jerusalem & More. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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NO doubt, President Trump, on an intellectual and gut level, internalizes that Islam, underpinned by Sharia Law, is irreconcilably dangerous and detrimental to America and the west in toto.

THIS is so despite his recent tap dance in Saudi Arabia which smacked of hogwash and more. The evidence to this analysis is irrefutable and non-negotiable. Regardless, a smattering of proofs can be accessed below.

  • Paradoxically, even though Trump talks tough on Islamic jihad, he appointed McMaster as his top National Security adviser, who, in turn, appointed Powell, both of whom are absolutely on another page – Islamic-wise!
  • Yet, as to the nitty-gritty, one analysis stands out as a primary case study re Islam’s incontrovertible peril: Sharia Law must be eliminated from America’s shores for it is a cancerous scourge. Period.
  • Even so, if an unbiased scholarly rendition is requisite for some, look no further: Islam and Blood more than qualifies, never mind that it passes the ultimate smell test.

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IN this regard – and far be it to mix apples and oranges – it must be stated: Trump is hardly known for being a pushover, so much so that he honored a major campaign promise by pulling out of the “Paris Agreement”; a mega coup for American taxpayers and businesses in general. Suffice to suggest, he knows what’s what and how to buck the braying and hysterical herd. His “go it alone” cowboy stance is hardly at issue, that which happens to be – from this vantage point – his most admirable quality.

TO wit, how does the above square with his shuffling, waffling, and overall inertia when it comes to protecting the nation from the biggest threat of all, domestic Mohammedans?

NOT only that, why did he appoint Jared Kushner to broker “peace” with Abbas’s PA terror junta, which has proven itself to be – over and over again – interested in nothing less than the destruction of Israel? After all, how many death dances is it gonna take – regardless of the party which initiates the “peace train” tango? Effectively, when will Washington take NO for an answer? Most significantly, will Trump be the one to man-up  – or not – by cutting off the PA terror apparatus’s oxygen and hope, that which fuels their salami-like intifada tactics against Israel, decade after decade?

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has allegedly confirmed reports that US President Donald Trump shouted at him during the US’ leader’s visit to the West Bank last month.

“You tricked me in [Washington] DC! You talked there about your commitment to peace, but the Israelis showed me your involvement in incitement [against Israel],”  Mr Trump is alleged to have shouted at the Palestinian leader, an outburst that was followed by several minutes of shocked silence, Israel’s Channel 2 claimed last week, citing an unnamed American official.

The rest of the meeting was reportedly tense and took a while to get back on track.

STILL yet, is the “art of the deal” so alluring that “The Donald” can’t resist the lure of brokering, even if it means that it will place Israel in precipitous danger, and, as a knock-on effect, endanger America?

BESIDES, what makes Trump think that Jared – aside from his “qualified” Jewish roots – who is wet behind the ears in this hotter than hot arena, knows anything of substance about the perilous jungle of the Middle East, let alone the ins and outs of the political, cultural, and religious underpinnings of Islam in general and Islamic jihad in specific? Even more so, Kushner grew up in the loony, liberal confines of NYC and NJ (incidentally, the original stomping grounds of yours truly), and within a family that is politically and ideologically rooted with Demsters. That’s the G-d’s honest truth. Consequentially, his views are shaped by “peace” fantasies endemic within multicultural kumbaya milieus. A recipe for disaster.

WHICH brings the discussion full circle (as you scroll down) to Trump’s DOJ vis-à-vis mosques in America – the cancer within! Mind you, this “delicate” arena is a fatal flaw within the west, as most leaders and citizens alike lack the basic understanding – never mind the concrete knowledge base – as to why mosques are not even remotely akin to houses of worship, at least the way westerners view religious sanctuaries.  

ALONG this explosive trajectory, readers are advised to recall a hotter than hot warning bell from October 2015: DANGER ZONE: N.J. planning board approves mega mosque!

TIME and again, this site has asserted: The Mohammedan takeover of the west runs through their mosques. Their barracks. This is precisely why some very large mosques are built in areas where the Muslim population is barely negligible, yet, Islamists pay huge sums for vast expanses of land. Pray tell, why?

INCONTROVERTIBLY, this is part of a well-oiled plan from the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s top leadership, in anticipation of an Islamic takeover! Believe it. This is NOT a so-called conspiracy theory. So how many even know about “The Plan” via its Five Phases? If not, please apprise yourselves ASAP. It is an intrinsic ‘lesson plan’ for Americans, westerners alike….continue reading….

NOW, onto Trump’s DOJ….

It looks as if the Justice Department swamp not only has not been drained, but is full of more voracious crocodiles than ever before. This case started during the Obama administration, but it is the Trump administration’s Justice Department that is handing down this ruling. President Trump needs to repudiate it, or else he owns it.

In battles over mosques all over the country, the elephant in the room is not allowed to be discussed: the connections of the mosque leaders to the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihad groups. People don’t oppose these mosques because of “racism” or “bigotry,” but because they’re concerned about jihad terror. With most of the mosques in the U.S. getting funding from Saudi Arabia and surveys having shown that most mosques in the U.S. preach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity ultimately to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law, these are legitimate concerns, but discussion of them is foreclosed as “Islamophobic.”

“Diversity and inclusion training,” meanwhile, means having to listen to a lot of lies about how Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims are victimized by “Islamophobia.” The object of the “training” is to intimidate the “trainees” into fearing to oppose Islamic supremacism, jihad terror, Sharia, and the mosques in which such things are preached.

“’Municipalities around the country should pay close attention to what happened in Bernards Township,’ Adeel A. Mangi, lead counsel for the mosque, told My Central Jersey. ‘The American Muslim community has the legal resources, the allies and the determination to stand up for its constitutional rights in court and will do so.’”

Threat noted. It should also be noted that there is no constitutional right to break American laws under the guise of freedom of religion. This principle has been obscured, and needs to be reasserted, or we are in for a world of hurt.

The Trump administration Justice Department should be allowing for such discussion, not strong-arming and extorting communities to support what will likely be a Muslim Brotherhood installation in their midst. Is Sessions even aware of this ruling? Is Trump? If they’re not, it’s criminal negligence, and if they are, it’s something even worse.

“A New Jersey town denied Muslims a mosque. Now it must pay them $3.25 million,” by Katie Mettler, Washington Post, May 31, 2017:

The worshipers waited four years and 39 public hearings for the official denial: Muslims in their small New Jersey town would not be allowed to build a mosque.

The 2015 decision made by the planning board in Bernards Township, N.J., a majority-white suburb of 26,000 people, came after significant public opposition to the mosque that thrust the community into the national spotlight and spurred religious discrimination lawsuits from the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge and the Department of Justice.

On Tuesday, the township learned the cost of its six-year-old decision: $3.25 million.

As part of a settlement of the suits, the township must allow construction of the mosque to begin at its original proposed location, according to the Justice Department. Bernards Township will pay the Islamic Society $1.5 million in damages and $1.75 million in attorney fees and require town officials to submit to diversity and inclusion training.

“Municipalities around the country should pay close attention to what happened in Bernards Township,” Adeel A. Mangi, lead counsel for the mosque, told My Central Jersey. “The American Muslim community has the legal resources, the allies and the determination to stand up for its constitutional rights in court and will do so.”…

IMAGINE that. Adding insult to grave injury, Trump’s DOJ ordered Bernard Township to get “diversity training”, atop shelling out mega bucks extorted by Muslim Brotherhood Mafia front groups via lawfare !!

RESULTANT, Trump’s DOJ more than bears watching, for it is a swamp which is no different than HUSSEIN’s, relative to its kow-towing to Muslims, and not only when their barracks within enter the legal fray. Another evidentiary commentary (June 2015) is excerpted below.

THIS investigative journalist has REPEATEDLY warned about the explosive underpinnings of mosques in America. Not only that, said “audacity” has enraged countless Islamic jihadists and their apologists, thus, the bugaboo of “Islamophobe” has been brandished too many times to count. Threats alike. Boo hoo.

REGARDLESS, without a proper understanding of what mosques in America (the west alike) are designed for, rest assured, it is impossible for non-Muslims to internalize the grave amount of danger they are in.

BE that as it may, sans any poppycock, they are Islam’s barracks” within, and some Islamists have admitted as much. On the other hand, Americans are fed to believe that they are merely houses of worship akin to churches and synagogues. Yada, yada…meanwhile, they hide behind freedom of religion to plot their slaughter under the banner of (pagan) Allah.

The Muslim Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, bragged: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.” Erdogan has also told Turkish immigrants in Germany that “assimilation is a crime against humanity.”….continue reading….

TRENCHANTLY, it wasn’t unexpected (from this media perch, despite supporting Trump) that “The Donald” caved to Islamist AND leftist foreign policy establishment (read: fixtures at the State Dept., who are reflexively hostile to Israel) diktats, re fulfilling his much-hyped campaign promise to finally move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, as per Congressional mandate via the Jerusalem Embassy Act! 

OMINOUSLY, as always, the “peace-pipe” dream is the handily trotted out mantra and excuse for “delaying” the mandated move. Regardless, it is way past time to  address the real elephant in the public sphere: relative to Muslims and their continuous demands (whether domestic-wise or in the Middle East), on a practical level, how does Trump differ from HUSSEIN?

NOT even an iota.


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IT is not for nothing that this investigative journalist considers Dave Gaubatz in a class by himself; an expert among experts in counter-terrorism.

AS a side note, this well-earned distinction in no way mitigates the highly valuable intel work done by others, who just happen to intersect in this direction alike.

THAT being said, before we get to the whoopee-like mazal tov news, a brief backgrounder is in order. 

IN this regard, first and foremost, a working definition of lawfare must be internalized. The go to expert in the American arena is human rights attorney Brooke Goldstein. In Israel it is Nitsana Darshan-Leitner. BTW, both of these “lovelies” rock. Powerhouses.

Lawfare is not something in which persons engage in the pursuit of justice, and must be defined as a negative phenomenon to have any real meaning. It is Asymmetric Warfare by abusing laws.”

SO, it was into this spider’s web that Dave Gaubatz (and his team of investigators, notably, Chris Gaubatz) became ensnared, all for the “crime” of exposing CAIR’s MEGA influence operation. Mind you, its tentacles are embedded inside (and outside) Washington’s power centers.

CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, left, and CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad, center.

(CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, left, and CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad, center.)

A federal judge in Washington, D.C., ruled Thursday that the Council on American-Islamic Relations – a group founded by the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. – has no legal basis to claim its reputation was damaged by an undercover investigation documenting its ties to global jihad.

As WND reported, CAIR filed suit in 2009 against former federal investigator Dave Gaubatz and his son, Chris Gaubatz, after their findings were published in the WND Books expose, “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.

In its lawsuit, which is scheduled to go to trial, CAIR originally alleged it suffered damages after the younger Gaubatz, posing as an intern, obtained access to some 12,000 pages of CAIR internal documents under false pretenses and made recordings of officials and employees without consent.

CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the nation’s largest terror-funding case, complained of the loss of donor revenue and the loss of contact with legislators and policymakers.

But when asked by defendants in the discovery process to identify its donors and name the lawmakers it has contacted, CAIR replied by stating it was no longer claiming damage to its reputation.

U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said CAIR’s filing of a motion to reopen discovery so it can depose an expert witness on the economic impact of damages to CAIR’s reputation is “too late in the game.”

Furthermore, she said, CAIR itself has chosen three times not to claim damage to its reputation.

In March, Kollar-Kotelly ordered that the defendants’ motion for summary judgment – which would resolve the case based on the merits – be granted in part and denied in part. In August, she rejected a request by the defendants to reconsider her denial of summary judgment regarding one of the claims and avoid a trial. The claim is that Chris Gaubatz violated the federal and D.C. wiretap acts when he recorded video and audio of his conversations while serving as a CAIR intern.

Attorney Daniel Horowitz, who represents the Gaubatzes, has insisted that “exposing CAIR as a criminal organization does not give them the right to sue for being exposed in that manner.”

“The case is a vendetta by CAIR against people who exposed their Muslim Brotherhood connection,” he told WND after Kollar-Kotelly’s ruling Thursday. “They seem have unlimited foreign money, but we have an unlimited will to resist.”

While WND is not a target of the lawsuit, the news organization has provided the attorneys for Chris and Dave Gaubatz, a co-author of “Muslim Mafia.”

“This legal fight has been dragging on for years,” said Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND. “We are only involved in this case to defend the First Amendment, the intrepid and courageous work of one of our authors and to expose CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood tentacles operating with impunity inside the U.S.”

Farah said the “tragic story of this case is that no one else was willing to step forward and pay for the world-class defense team we assembled, including famed First Amendment attorney Martin Garbus of the Pentagon Papers case and Dan Horowitz, one of the most knowledgeable lawyers in the country when it comes to CAIR.”

“This was one of several major victories they have scored in this historic case,” he said.

‘Ample evidence’

“Muslim Mafia” documents CAIR’s support of jihad, recounting its origin as a front group for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, the worldwide movement that has stated its intent to transform the U.S. into a Saudi-style Islamic state.

Horowitz previously told WND a trial will likely be set for next year, and the case will not settle unless CAIR dismisses and pays the Gaubatzes’ attorney’s fees.

WND reported that Republican candidate Dr. Ben Carson has called for an investigation of CAIR, and the White House invited a CAIR executive to a meeting on battling religious discrimination. WND reported in October that CAIR’s problems with the IRS, exposed in “Muslim Mafia,” were noted by Carson.

More than a dozen CAIR leaders have been charged or convicted of terrorism-related crimes.

FBI wiretap evidence from the Holy Land case showed CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad was at an October 1993 meeting of Hamas leaders and activists in Philadelphia. CAIR, according to the evidence, was born out of a need to give a “media twinkle” to the Muslim leaders’ agenda of supporting violent jihad abroad while slowly institutionalizing Islamic law in the U.S.

As WND reported in 2010, a federal judge later determined that the Justice Department provided “ample evidence” to designate CAIR as an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator, affirming the Muslim group has been involved in “a conspiracy to support Hamas.”

SIMPLY put, as this site’s readers already know, CAIR is the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s American propaganda arm. Its vise-grip wraps around enumerable jihadi-based hydras housed under the MB’s umbrella.  

ON a personal note: Hey, Dave, know that this public acknowledgement attests to the high esteem you are held in by yours truly. Not only that, a select few of this site’s associates are also considered dear friends. So, depending on whether or not one considers it a good thing to “feel the love” from this direction, well….
Left: Cartoon posted to Facebook depicting David Gaubatz being beheaded - Right: Gaubatz on duty in Iraq.


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Brotherhood Mafia’s CAIR:AR-15 Rifle, Its Biblical Name, “Inciting.” Tennessee Sheriff Targeted Alike. Say WHAAAT? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ONE can’t spin fast enough, akin to a dervish, to move out of CAIR’s cross hairs, that is, if their target refuses to submit to Islamic dictates. Dougie “Schmoogie” Hooper, as CAIR’s National Communications Director, this investigative journalist is talking to you! Yes, a chief propagandist for “Allah’s Muslim Terrorists.”


SAID cross hairs encompass various well honed methods, and usually include intimidation tactics. No doubt, Lawfare sits atop their modus operandi, but high-profile smear campaigns are usually their opening shots. However, actual “hit lists” are increasingly utilized. Yes, Mafia-like.

So, the Muslim Brotherhood front group Hamas-CAIR has decided to build an “islamophobia” website and design a hit list in the same manner as the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate list.” The new site is Islamophobia.com.

According to the website, “Islamophobia is closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. An Islamophobe is an individual who holds a closed-minded view of Islam and promotes prejudice against or hatred of Muslims.”

The problem with such an assertion is nicely summed up by Ned May of the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA) when he said that to use the term “Islamophobia” is “a violation of logic.”

He blasted the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in 2013 saying that the word “fails solely to inclusion of the word ‘unfounded.’ Thus, well-founded fear, mistrust or hatred of Islam does not constitute Islamophobia.”

He also went on to point out, “Millions of non-Muslims have very real reasons to fear Islam and Muslim violence, and cannot reasonably be described as ‘Islamophobes,” he said. “Furthermore, any investigation into the fear of Islam, is denounced as ‘Islamophobia.’ Thus, the definition of Islamophobia is circular, a violation of logic.”

This doesn’t stop the irrational members of CAIR, who follow the murderous founder of Islam, Mohamed. The CAIR site also claims that it envisions “a time when being Muslim carries a positive connotation and Islam has an equal place among many faiths in America’s pluralistic society.”

CONSIDER their recent display of brass balls (and it’s barely a smidgen of their intimidation, just during the summer of 2015), indelicate descriptor aside: 


FLORIDA Gun Manufacturer Spike’s Tactical AR-15 ‘Crusader’ is billed as the rifle ‘Muslims Won’t Touch.’ CAIR calls it a “shameful marketing ploy designed to promote hatred against Muslims.” OK, I’ll take two, please.

A new AR-15 assault rifle model made in Apopka is being billed as one that would “never be used by Muslim terrorists.” The Spike’s Tactical Crusader is a standard AR-15 by design, but this particular model has undergone a few cosmetic modifications to make it reportedly offensive to those of the Muslim faith.

The Bible verse, Psalm 144:1 has been laser etched into the rifle. It says,“Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”

The AR-15 also includes a few other tweaks, including a laser-etched shield and cross. The safety selector features the words “Peace,” for the safe setting, “War” for the semi-automatic mode, and “God wills it.” The reverse site of the safety selector bears the Latin translations of those words and phrases.


Shooting standard .223 or 5.56 ammunition, the rifle may be modified further with the change of a barrel. The new design retails for $1,395, but comes with a lifetime warranty.

The Crusader’s manufacturer, Spike’s Tactical, was launched on Sept. 10, 2001, by Mike and Angela Register. The company is family owned and employs more than 40 people, according to a press release on the Crusader’s launch.

“Right now and as it has been for quite some time, one of the biggest threats in the world is and remains Islamic terrorism,” said Ben “Mookie” Thomas, spokesman for Spike’s Tactical, who is a former Navy Seal and former Blackwater security contractor. “We wanted to make sure we built a weapon that would never be able to be used by Muslim terrorists to kill innocent people or advance their radical agenda.”

Thomas told Patch the reasons behind the new model are two-fold. Spike’s Tactical wants to prompt an open discussion about the threat Muslim extremists pose to the world. Secondly, the gun manufacturer wanted to create a model that would be unlikely to end up in the hands of Muslim terrorists.

The idea for the Crusader model was born, Thomas said, as he was driving into work one morning listing to NPR on the radio, hearing about “ISIS and the inhumanity of their behavior.”


As a former military man and security contractor in the Middle East, Thomas said he understands well that many of the weapons used by terrorists are made in the United States and paid for by others.

The hope is the new model will get people talking openly about the Islamic threat, Thomas said, rather than labeling any discussion “offensive and off the books.”

“There’s a holocaust happening over there and America is at Starbucks,” he said.

To find out more about Spike’s Tactical, visit the manufacturer’s website.

NOW, from this site’s  “tactical” perch, the purchase of this rifle (for all those “bitter clingers”) is probably the wisest investment you can make, gun-wise. It is a bottom line calculus.

BUT getting back to CAIR’s CONTINUOUS threats, imagine how “shocked” a Tennessee Sheriff was when they zeroed in on him. Never ending.

CAIR today said it will call on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the civil rights implications of “raw anti-Muslim bigotry” expressed by a Hamilton County  Sheriff, Jim Hammond, who claims President Obama is a Muslim who “belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood” and says he plans to monitor suspicious members of the local Muslim community.

Considering the recent Muslim terrorist attack in Chattanooga, TN in which a devout local Muslim slaughtered 5 unarmed servicemen, this is a smart policy that should be enacted all over the country.



CAIR  Sevier County Sheriff Ron Seals recently told a local Tea Party meeting that his officers contacted the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after seeing what they viewed as suspicious behavior at a shopping center. That comment, made at a meeting in the Sevier County Courthouse, was prompted by an audience member’s statement about “Muslims in burqas spending long periods of time in shops without making purchases.”

Local Muslims outraged by Sheriff's call for enhanced surveillance of Muslims

The speech and questions from the audience included frequent references to Muslim residents or visitors to the county. One audience member falsely claimed the “first page of the Koran” says “you will believe in Islam, either voluntarily or by force, or we’re going to kill you.” That person added that “there is no such thing as a modern, good Muslim.”

That same person claimed that a church in Dayton, Ohio, is being protected by the FBI because of “people in burqas acting aggressively toward the congregation.”  The audience member continued: “Here’s the important part that I wanted to make you aware of. . .you won’t see this on the Internet. The FBI said this is happening all over the country. They’re going into churches, they’re being aggressive, they’re being controversial, and the government is not allowing this to be reported anywhere.

CAIR says telling the truth about Islam endangers Muslim civil rights in America.

BUT never mind all that ” bigoted ” nonsense from concerned patriots. In point of fact, most significantly, in 2007, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator to the biggest terror trial in U.S. history, the Holy Land Foundation Terror trial.  


Now before the Court are two motions from three organizations: the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations (“CAIR”), the Islamic Society of North America (“ISNA”), and the North American Islamic Trust (“NAIT”) (collectively, “Petitioners”). CAIR filed its Motion for Leave to File a Brief Amicus Curiae Instanter (“Amicus Brief”) on August 14, 2007. ISNA and NAIT filed their Motion for Equitable Relief from the Government’s Public Naming of Them as Unindicted CoConspirators (“Motion”) on June 18, 2008. In the Amicus Brief, CAIR seeks to have its name and the names of all other unindicted individuals and organizations stricken from the Government’s List of Unindicted Co-conspirators (“the List”), that was filed with the Government’s Trial Brief in the first trial of this case on May 29, 2007.

In their Motion, ISNA and NAIT ask the Court to (1) declare the Government’s public naming of them as unindicted co-conspirators a violation of their Fifth AAmendment rights; (2) enter an order expunging their names from any public document filed or issued by the Government that identifies them as unindicted co-conspirators; (3) prohibit the Government from identifying them as unindicted co-conspirators; and (4) order such relief as the Court deems equitable. After careful consideration of the briefing and the applicable law, the Court hereby GRANTS CAIR’s motion to file its Amicus Brief and GRANTS in PART CAIR’s, NAIT’s and ISNA’s requests for relief…read the whole Memorandum Opinion Order….and CAIR’s smoke and mirrors show will dissipate forever!

EVEN so, the FBI – damn them – utilizes them as the “go to” resource, though they supposedly cut off contact in 2008 after the Holy Land Foundation Terror trial!



CONCOMITANTLY, is it any wonder that Psalm 144:1 was etched aside a new AR-15? And does anyone think that it won’t resonate with millions upon millions of patriots? As is said, “the natives…patriots…are getting restless!” And may its manufacturer make a “financial killing” in sales!

YES, this is (“holy”) war – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePmDoGd-7iA

(Psalm 144:1, laser-etched into its side: “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle”….  לדוד ׀ ברוך יהוה ׀ צורי המלמד ידי לקרב אצבעותי למלחמה )

(Image: Spike’s Tactical)

(Image: Spike’s Tactical, Facebook)

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HUSSEIN Obama’s STEALTH Shariah Law Subverts “U.S. Oath Of Allegiance”: Hail To Shariah States of America! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IF you thought that the Islamist-in-Chief couldn’t top his anti-American swathe, well, you would be wrong. Indeed, there he blows again!

LIKE night follows day, a preponderance of his actions are F/B/O Islam, that is, when he isn’t busy upending America via race wars and Gay Mafia thrusts. Heart burn inducing.

STILL, when it comes to laying out the welcome mat for Islam, as is said, there is more than one way to skin a (American) cat. You betcha. So consider the following as just a sampling of ways in which he strengthens and uplifts Islam in America, and mostly through incremental steps towards Shariah Law becoming a fait accompli. The point being, most Americans haven’t a clue what comprises Islamic Law and its dictates, let alone that this is HUSSEIN Obama’s intent when he “accommodates” this and that to (ultimately) comply with its underpinnings and basis, Shariah Law!

BASICALLY, preparatory groundwork has to be laid to achieve one’s end goal, even if one is the POTUS. Sheesh.

FIRST and foremost, thus, those who are more outspoken about the true nature of Islam – its retrograde force and its incompatibility with western civilization – have to be silenced. There are a myriad of ways to handle “knuckledraggers” who refuse to cow and bow, yet, two stand apart: actual physical threats via “hit lists”, and a more “subtle” tactic ala lawfare.


EVEN so, there is one Shariah Law imperative which ratchets up the urgency to silence; the law of blasphemy. Hmm. It requires a full throttle and multi-pronged approach. Yes, it is this Islamic compulsion which drives Muslims utterly insane, and one (out of countless) such wilding was on full display with the assassinations at Charlie Hebdo! Its imposition demands that one never state an “impious” utterance or action concerning (pagan) Allah or (pedophile) Muhammad or anything considered sacred in Islam. Oh, really? Be that as it may, its strictures on non-Muslims are non-negotiable.

ENTER, HUSSEIN Obama and surrogates in a stealth-like manner with accommodations and tweaks:

ALAS, it is under the made up out of whole cloth weapon of “Islamophobia” that HUSSEIN Obama is working overtime. In this regard, his main hatchet man, Eric Holder (with recently appointed race-baiter AG Loretta Lynch fully on board), set the stage.

PATRIOTS, follow the trail from there to here: Americans silenced through Obama Inc.’s Shariah Law blasphemy dictates! Did you know this?

ALAS, true to treacherous form, the following bastardization to the heretofore Oath of Allegiance enters the fray:

The Obama administration recently made changes to the Oath of Allegiance to the United States in a manner very conducive to Sharia, or Islamic law.

On July 21, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced some “modifications” to the Oath of Allegiance which immigrants must take before becoming naturalized.

The original oath required incoming citizens to declare that they will “bear arms on behalf of the United States” and “perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States” when required by the law.

Now the USCIS says that “A candidate [to U.S. citizenship] may be eligible to exclude these two clauses based on religious training and belief or a conscientious objection.”

The new changes further add that new candidates “May be eligible for [additional?] modifications based on religious training and belief, or conscientious objection arising from a deeply held moral or ethical code.”

These changes serve incoming Islamic supremacists especially well.  For, while Islamic law allows Muslims to feign loyalty to non-Muslim “infidel” authorities, it bans Muslims from living up to the pretense by actually fighting or killing fellow Muslims on behalf of a non-Muslim entity, such as the United States.

The perfectly fitting story of Nidal Hassan—the U.S. army major and “observant Muslim who prayed daily” but then turned murderer—comes to mind and is illustrative.

A pious Muslim, Hasan seemed a “regular American,” even if he was leading a double life—American Army major and psychiatrist by day, financial supporter of jihadi groups and associate of terrorists by night.  However, when time came for this American soldier to “bear arms on behalf of the United States”—to quote the original Oath of Allegiance—against fellow Muslims, things got ugly: he went on a shooting spree in Fort Hood, killing thirteen Americans, including one pregnant woman in 2009.

Much of Hasan’s behavior is grounded in the Islamic doctrine of Loyalty and Enmity.  According to this essential teaching, Muslims must always be loyal to Islam and fellow Muslims while having enmity for all non-Islamic things and persons.  

However, whenever Muslims find themselves under the authority of non-Islamic institutions and persons, they are permitted to feign loyalty—even to the point of cursing Islam and pretending to have abandoned it—with one caveat: Muslims must never take up arms on behalf of “infidels” against fellow Muslims.  In other words, their loyalty to non-Muslims must be skin deep.

Many are the verses in the Koran that support this divisive doctrine (3:28, 4:89, 4:144, 9:23, and 58:22; the latter simply states that true Muslims do not befriend non-Muslims—“even if they be their fathers, sons, brothers, or kin”).

Most germane is Koran 3:28: “Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels rather than believers: and whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah—unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions.”…read the whole thing!

A new U.S. citizen holds an American flag during a naturalization ceremony in July. An Arizona law will require graduating high school seniors to pass the same civics test given to candidates for U.S. citizenship.

IT goes without saying – at least it should – when formally stated oaths and allegiances are “modified” to accommodate a particular group that something is terribly amiss. Now, said re-jiggering was not done with any other group in mind, regardless of the spin from his mouthpieces at the USCIS or captured media. Rather, its essence was overhauled to fall in line with Islam’s core. Mind you, the oath was never tampered with, until HUSSEIN Obama came into office and implanted a complete network of Muslim Brotherhood operatives inside U.S. agencies. Fact-based. No exaggeration. And, others are not even included in this who’s who listing!

Image result for pics of obama and brotherhood in administration


NOT only that, adding insult to grave American injury, Muslims are taught via Islamic cultural and religious dictates that America is the enemy, the devil.  Western civilization in toto.


Islamic jihad has declared war on the United States and all of Western civilization. ISIS has announced its intention to dominate the world and fly its black flag from the White House in continuation of a 1,400-year-old war against us “infidels.”

In the first 100 years after the death of Mohammed (a.d. 632)`, Islamic jihad conquered most of the known world except Western Europe. Christian forces blocked the first century of Islamic conquest at the very bloody Battle of Tours on October 10, 732. Islamic jihad continued to threaten the very existence of Christianity throughout the next millennium. October 7, 1571, marked the destruction of Islamic jihad’s massive fleet by the Holy League fleet in the Aegean Sea.

More than a century later, Islamic jihad, having conquered the Middle East and most of Eastern Europe, had surrounded and besieged the crown jewel of Western Christendom, Vienna. If Vienna fell to Islam, all of Western Europe would be likely to follow. After a two-month siege of Vienna, relief forces from Poland and Germany arrived.

The battle for relief of Vienna began on September 11, 1683, and ended with the rout of the Islamic forces the following day. On September 11, 1697, Prince Eugene caught and routed a large Islamic army and delivered a decisive blow at the Battle of Zenta.

In keeping with the September 11 theme, the British established a mandate for Palestine on September 11, 1922, and at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, eleven Israeli athletes were killed on September 11. Millions of Islamists remember the humiliations of September and seek to humiliate the “Great Satan,” the United States. Thus the attacks on the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Islamic jihad can be defeated, and it can be done in less time than it took to defeat the USSR in the Cold War. Our strategy, however, must be tailored to the times and circumstances.

Islamic jihad is our enemy. It has declared war on us and will kill us anywhere it can. No American is safe anywhere in the world until this suicidal ideology is defeated. It is not impossible to defeat an ideology. Within a span of half a century, Western civilization has defeated at least four ideologies. Nazism, Italian Fascism, and Japanese imperialism all went down literally in flames in the face of a superior culture. Next in line was the far more stubborn Russian Communism, which struggled through 45 years of cold war before succumbing to liberty and free enterprise. Islamic jihad can be defeated, and it can be done in less time than it took to defeat the USSR in the Cold War. Our strategy, however, must be tailored to the times and circumstances.

CYBER WARFARE: Islamists are not innovative but do have a history of borrowing technology and deploying it against their enemies. ISIS, for example, is using the Internet to inspire, recruit, and direct terrorists around the world. We have the capabilities to scramble their communications and cause them to doubt the sources of instructions. It’s time to launch cyber warfare against them both offensively and defensively and to do so worldwide. They will stop using the Internet only when they no longer trust the communications network. With a smart cyber-warfare system, we can watch them close down their most important recruiting tool.

FINANCIAL WARFARE: If all its resources could be shut off, ISIS would atrophy. The U.S. has a powerful global financial reach, giving us the capability of cutting off almost all funds flowing to ISIS. We need to shut off the flow of exported oil from the ISIS regions and shut off payments going to them. Banks that deal in transactions with Islamic jihad or with their suppliers can be singled out to be the target of special disincentives that raise the transaction costs well above the financial benefit of doing business with jihadists.

EDUCATION: The next and most difficult task is to shut down the elements of their educational system that teach Islamic jihad. Millions of young boys are indoctrinated daily with the ideology of Islamic jihad. The madrassas are a breeding ground for violent jihad and serve to identify and recruit the most zealous. Countering this indoctrination will require a worldwide effort and may well be endless, but it is necessary to make the attempt, because reduction in the teaching of intergenerational hatred is the foundation for a peaceful future.

MOREOVER, it must be understood that “modifying” the oath’s basis DIRECTLY allows Muslims, when living in Dar Al-Harb – the House of War – to have their cake and eat it too. Effectively, when living outside Islamic lands, the Koranic imperative of taqiyya (in tandem with kitman, tawriya, and muruna) demands that Muslims deceive non-Muslims by pretending to abide by the laws of the land, while cursing them in the process. Plotting. Biding time.


(Muslim deception can be viewed as a slightly less than noble means to the glorious end of Islamic hegemony under Shari’a, which is seen as good for both Muslims and non-Muslims. In this sense, lying in the service of altruism is permissible. In a recent example, Muslim cleric Mahmoud al-Masri publicly recounted a story where a Muslim lied and misled a Jew into converting to Islam, calling it a “beautiful trick.”)

HOWEVER, a sticky point arises when an oath of allegiance for new immigrants binds them to come to America’s defense and to potentially kill a Muslim enemy. U.S. authorities (up until now) had the authority to hold Muslims accountable to said oath, come what may. To wit, changing this particular requirement is more than a nod. It is Shariah compliant, and without the messiness of this or that “beautiful trick.” Simple as that. 

THEREFORE, is it any wonder that HUSSEIN Obama decided to do something about this non-compliant Shariah Law oath of allegiance? Of course not. Indeed, he revealed in “Audacity of Hope”: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition. Clear as a bell.

MOST significantly, ponder what would have happened to America, had Nazi SS officers been running the entire Washington apparatus during WW 2. Rest assured, bratwurst, as the national food, would have been the least of the changes. Goose stepping alike.

SIMILARLY, though on steroids, the Islamic “winds of change” in America conforms and aligns the nation, one step and one creep at a time into the Shariah States of America! 


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America (West) Submits To Islam, One Shariah Dictate After Another! Where Is This Heading? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


(How quaint, a “Muslima” enjoys herself at a water theme park…the event stipulates Islamic adherence, effectively, BARRING entrance to “infidels!” No one bats an eye at this outrageous discrimination. Dear readers, what say you?)

MOST non-supremacists recognize that their personal/religious choices cannot be imposed upon the private domain. In other words, religious non-Muslims internalize that strict dress codes may – or may not – disqualify them from employment at certain private (emphasis placed) establishments which have particular marketing images to convey. What part of the word private is lost in the translation? Sheesh.

STILL, for further clarification, imagine the following scenarios and put on your thinking caps: what would drive females dressed in hijabs (who often display utter contempt for those who fail to dress according to Islamic attire, tarring them as whores) to seek employment at trendy and TOTALLY non-modest clothing chains, even if working in the stockroom and not on the sales floor? Huh? Moreover, aren’t private entities entitled to set their own standards for drawing in customers, even if others find it “discriminatory?” To be sure, corp. headquarters have the final say on what goes on in their respective outlets. Remember that.

BESIDES, what about Muslim-owned stores with similarly bent clientage, why not apply there? Not only that, what if we turn the tables: imagine a hot-looking babe in tight jeans, sans hijab, attempting to get a sales job (let’s just suppose that the commissions are so alluring that she just can’t pass up the job opportunity) at a Muslim-owned boutique which only sells Islamic approved clothing. Now, nobody would bat an eye if this clueless female was told: NO CAN DO! After all, they too have a right to hire a “certain look”, whether we agree with it or not. 

ON the other hand, if the object of the exercise is NOT primarily gainful employment, but to eventually create said brouhaha to cement into the public’s consciousness that Muslims are the “aggrieved” party, all the better. You see where this is going? And don’t think for a nanosecond that the above proposition is “conspiracy” talk. Wishing doesn’t make it so.

IN this regard, every time you read about Muslim “grievances” (whether activist courts back up their claims is neither here nor there, rather, the Islamic-driven “intent” of the lawsuit is the overriding factor) think about the main objective: Islamic supremacy ala Lawfare via CAIR: Muslim Mafia’s CAIR Via Targeted Lawfare: Another Weapon In Their Supremacist Arsenal.”

AND for much needed visual context, here’s the best rendition of CAIR and its tentacled Brotherhood Mafia:

THUS, it is under said microscope that one must consider what’s what. Please ignore the Orwellian knee-jerk reactions of certain dhimmified Christian and Jewish groups, as they reflexively jump on the “amicus brief” bandwagon for “interfaith” purposes. Clueless schmucks.

abercrombieWhat if a job applicant comes to your business in a keffiyeh or a hat with a HAMAS emblem? A Hezbollah emblem? An ISIS emblem? Are you required to hire them–you know, to avoid a costly “religious discrimination” lawsuit filed against you by unindicted HAMAS co-conspirator CAIR with the full cooperation and support of the Obama EEOC? You might be. And, sadly, the Christian Becket Fund and seven Orthodox Jewish groups have filed briefs with the courts in support of Samantha Elauf, a Muslim chick who isn’t really as concerned with the modesty she claims she must have in observance of Islam. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case.

Obama’s EEOC is suing Abercrombie & Fitch on behalf of Elauf, even though the store chain allows Muslim chicks in hijabs to work there and has hired many of them. I have no love for A&F. The store chain, which is now out of fashion favor and behind the fast-fashion times and trends, for years pimped sex, porn, and sleaze in order to sell its wares. I wrote about and protested this for years. But, while it long ago, slinked away from its lowlife marketing, the store continues to have a “Look Policy” on the kinds of people the store will hire. This is a legitimate business purpose, as many stores, just like health clubs, hire people who look like what they want their customers to aspire to. Nobody wants to buy a gym membership from a morbidly obese woman, for example. The “Look Policy” was also used as a reason not to hire Ms. Elauf because the store does not allow employees to wear hats (though it has hired many women in hijabs as noted below, just not her)….read the whole thing….of course, the activist Supreme Court sided with CAIR, after all their noise!!

EVEN more enraging, there is no such thing as fair play within Islamic discourse. None at all. And this is where Islamic supremacy comes in, and their dictates are non-negotiable. Either you submit to Islam’s demands or you die. Period.

POINTEDLY, until they are able to exert full control, Lawfare and such tactics will dominate the public sphere. Nevertheless, guaranteed, it is only a stop-gap measure on their behalf.

BASICALLY, whereas all hell breaks loose if anyone dares to exclude them from private employment or what not, they have ZERO issue with – for all intents and purposes – BARRING others (if they are not dressed “Islamic appropriate”, infidels, you got that?), as evidenced by the following egregious example out of enumerable:

According to Breitbart, the bizarre occurrence is set to take place at Water World in Stoke-on-Trent, England – a water park that boasts nearly half-a-million visitors every year. Oddly enough, this isn’t the water park’s first time obliging the Islamic religion, as they have hosted dozens of “Islamic Fundays” over the past few years.

Their most recent event — sisters only — is set to take place on August 9, 2015. According to the website:

“Our sisters only event is an event restricted to female gender only and boys up to the age of 4 years old. All rides and attractions are open as normal. Clothing during this event must be both culturally and islamically appropriate for the event. There is a designated prayer area located in the reception area. All windows are blacked out with only female staff/lifeguards on duty throughout the night, Female staff will guard the front entrance to make sure that no males enter the facility.”


Yes, you read that right – “Islamically appropriate.”

Although the events don’t necessarily exclude people that aren’t of the Muslim faith from attending, they would be required to follow the strict attire requirements set forth for that day. To ensure you’re not kicked out of the park for wearing something deemed inappropriate, these guidelines were sent out with the invitations:

Dress Code Please ensure that your Awrah [nakedness] is covered at all times. Below are a few suggestions on what you can wear: Top Long Loose T-Shirt/Top. Bottoms Leggings 3 Quarter/Full Length Jogging Bottoms. We would also suggest wearing a leotard under the T-shirt or belt over it as it is likely to float up when you enter the water. A dark-colored T-shirt is recommended as white can become transparent when wet.

So, although you’re not necessarily required to wear a burka, you might as well. That being said, if you think catching a wedgie on the way down a slide is bad in a bathing suit, you should try it in a burka – or maybe not so much…special “dispensation” for the lifeguards, as seen below…


Either way, the problem is excessively clear here — the only religion being granted certain privileges is Islam. Imagine an amusement park wanting to shut everything down because Christians came into town – you know, that brings up an interesting point.

Often times Christians do hold week-long events at amusement parks, but never once have I heard of them turning anyone away, let alone making non-Christians abide by certain rules if they wanted to simply enjoy a day out with the family. In fact, it’s the opposite, they’re more encouraged to come out.

ALAS, let’s stop pussyfooting around. Absolutely, some non-compliant sorts might suggest reverse discrimination is at play, but let’s not quibble.

MIND you, Americans (and other westerners) shouldn’t comfort themselves that because the aforementioned “fun day” act of supremacy (and its concomitant bowing) happened in the UK that their locales are immune. Not at all. Unless, of course, you believe in flying pigs too, then…but we are not done yet.

HOW may realize that America’s turf is their maximum target, in so far as demanding this and that? Well, even uniform dress codes for athletics are not off-limits, that is, if one conforms to Islamic Shariah Law! Headache inducing. Agreed, far too many Americans bow, scrape, comply and then some! Where is their personal and national pride?


(Is it any wonder they look like cats that swallowed the canaries?)

New sports uniforms have been created for Somali Muslim immigrants who refuse to assimilate into American culture and believe that American girls and women dress like whores.

Sihal Ali is a point guard for her Cedar-Riverside community basketball team. But her long skirt and traditional headbag made scoring points difficult. “I wouldn’t be able to do moves or anything because of my skirt and every time I run my wrap will keep falling.”

That all changed with a new sharia-compliant sports uniform designed for them and by them with the help of the University of Minnesota Design School and the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport.

The new uniform features leggings, a long tunic and tighter hijab, which Ali says is perfect for her. “I don’t even have to focus about what I’m wearing. I just play the game,” Ali said.

The uniforms were sewn by members of the community and the girls voted for a red uniform. With “extra grant money” (from whom?), they made a second uniform featuring blue and black.

INHERENTLY, is America turning herself inside out to accede with Islamic dictates or not? If the answer is in the affirmative, when will enough be enough? You decide.

AS if one submissive indignity heaped upon another is not outrageous enough… 

WHAT about the latest diet coke brouhaha ala “flying while Muslim”, and all the risks incurred thereof? 

What is behind her bogus claim of “Islamophobic” victimhood begins to come clear in this context. “‘Diet Coke’ Muslim Discrimination Passenger Has Ties to Radical Imams,” by Jordan Schachtel,Breitbart, June 1, 2015:

A Muslim woman who claimed over the weekend–in a social media post that has since gone viral–that United Airlines discriminated against her because of her faith, has a history rife with deep connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Imams.

31-year-old Tahera Ahmad, who serves as the Muslim chaplain at Northwestern University, claimed over the weekend that she was discriminated against because a United Airlines flight attendant allegedly refused to give her a full can of unopened Diet Coke. When asked for an explanation as to why she had been refused her unopened Diet Coke, the flight attendant allegedly told her that the Coke can could be used as a “weapon on the plane,” Ahmad stated in a Facebook post. After she complained, a passenger told her, “You Moslem you need to shut the f—k up,” according to Ahmad’s recounting of what happened on board. Ahmad’s Facebook page was taken down this afternoon.

Without any evidence (but for her firsthand account) that the incident ever occurred, many in the mainstream media have taken to reporting on Ahmad’s account as a case of “Islamophobia.”

Islamic supremacist groups such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic relations) have condemned United, telling Al Jazeera that they have taken an interest in filing a lawsuit on behalf of Ahmad.

Ahmad’s claims of discrimination have not been corroborated by any passengers, and United Airlines rejects that any wrongdoing or acts of discrimination occurred.

United Airlines released a statement that the flight attendant “attempted several times to accommodate Ms. Ahmad’s beverage request.” However, her post has since gone viral, with many calling for a boycott of United Airlines due to its alleged mistreatment of Ahmad.

Ahmad has shown to have an affinity for radical Islamist groups that seek to employ deceptive tactics in order to advance Sharia law, Breitbart News has found. Ahmad has attended and participated in multiple conferences over the past couple years which were hosted by alleged Muslim Brotherhood front groups. She has also proudly written about, and has happily posed in photos with radical Imams.

In late December, Ahmad attended the MAS-ICNA (Muslim American Society- Islamic Circle of North America) conference, which featured prominent leaders within the global Muslim Brotherhood network.

One month earlier, Ahmad posted a picture to Facebook of her standing next to Suhaib Webb, who is the Imam of the Islamic Society of Boston, an outfit run under the same umbrella organization as the mosque attended by Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and a plethora of other convicted terrorists. Webb has a demonstrated history of radical connections, including him being a close confidant of Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al Awlaki prior to the 9/11 attacks.

Ahmad is well-known” to Yasir Qadhi, a cleric who she has frequently invited to speak to the student body at Northwestern. An audio tape of one of Qadhi’s sermons revealed that he once called for Muslims to wage holy war against non-Muslims. During his speech, Qadhi went on to discuss how he did not believe that the Holocaust had ever occurred.

In April 2014, Ahmad joined an MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council) delegation of American Muslim women, who partnered with the White House “to host a historic forum recognizing the contributions of American Muslim women.” MPAC, like the MAS and ICNA, was originally founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group has in the past endorsed a paper that rejects the designations of Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. In 2009, the group hosted a protest where demonstrators called for the annihilation of the State of Israel. 

In 2013, she recited the Quran at the annual ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) convention. Declassified FBI documents found that the Bureau regarded ISNA as a Muslim Brotherhood front group. The FBI also found that ISNA was founded by prominent members of the global Muslim Brotherhood organization. Ahmad’s bio states that she has “supported leadership for premier Muslim organizations including [ISNA].”

Although she has an extensive record of supporting radical Islamist groups, Ahmad was recognized by the Obama White House as a leading “Muslim female in the United States,” according to a release from her University. She is a frequent Ramadan dinner attendee at the White House, according to the report.”

TRUTH dare be told, for an authentic bird’s-eye view, let’s read what a passenger sitting near the “victim” had to say: “Fellow Passenger Claims Diet Coke Muslim Tahera Ahmad Is A Rude Liar.”

MOST urgently, it must be verbalized that the actual implantation of Shariah Law is their end point. However, Islamic proponents are duly cognizant (have been apprised via one on one discussions with a handful of their mouthpieces, but only after they finish threatening this and that, dictating, shut the hell up!) that a “phase by phase” plan inside America is their best option. Yes, they are duly aware that this Allah-driven (and political) project can take years.

REGARDLESS, never mind all the sticking points. The fact of the matter is, effectively, America  (even though not the law of the land-yet) is bowing and catering to Shariah Law dictates. In and of itself, this is a huge victory. Incontrovertibly, they view a total capitulation as their “divine” right, one that is granted by the “power” of Allah!

INDEED, they never imagined that their inroads would happen as swiftly as they did. Therefore, they are more than hopeful that their heretofore timeline, to bring America into Shariah Law’s full orbit, is closer than ever. Indeed, they reflexively intone, insha’Allah…إن شاء الله…

IN a nutshell, tragically, this Muslim Brotherhood expert affirms that they have more than ample reason to revel in their upped timeline. Bow after bow…submission after submission…

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Muslim Mafia’s CAIR Via Targeted Lawfare: Another Weapon In Their Supremacist Arsenal!Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper with CAIR Executive Director and founder Nihad Awad

(CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper with CAIR Executive Director and founder Nihad Awad)

IF this investigative journalist required additional ammunition to hoist CAIR on its ISLAMIST petard, suffice to state, it has arrived. Gift wrapped. Bow tied.

MILLIONS of readers are duly aware of the first-rate exposure the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia receives at this site (and at other related resources), with special emphasis placed on its main terror hydras.

FOR the record, last week’s commentary should serve as EXHIBIT NUMBER ONE (among countless) and its timeliness is more than kismet. Its basis is more than germane: CAIR, the Brotherhood’s (U.S.) propaganda arm exhorts to Americans: shut the hell up!  

RESULTANT, several main weapons are utilized in their arsenal, and a very effective piece of ammunition is the application of lawfare.

Lawfare: The Use of the Law as a Weapon of War

“Lawfare is not something in which persons engage in the pursuit of justice, and must be defined as a negative phenomenon to have any real meaning. Otherwise, we risk diluting the threat and feeding the inability to distinguish between that which is the correct application of the law, on the one hand, and that which is lawfare, on the other. Because that is the essence of the issue here: how do we distinguish between that which constitutes a constructive, legitimate legal battle (even if the legal battle is against us and inconvenient) from that which is a counterproductive perversion of the law, which should be allocated no precedent? The delineation is not as simple as some may like to make it; that is, that lawsuits against terrorists are good, and legal actions against democracies are bad. The question is not ‘Who is the target?’ but ‘What is the intention?’ behind the legal action: Is it to pursue justice, to apply the law in the interests of freedom and democracy, or is the intent to undermine the very system of laws being manipulated?”

AT its face, their ISLAMIST dictates to Americans can be compared (on hyper steroids) to Mafioso families aiming to control America in toto, yet no one in authority demanding that they stand down – or else! In fact, CAIR was designated an “unindicted” co-conspirator in the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history, the Holy Land Foundation trial!

FBI Special Agent Lara Burns was going over more transcripts from the Philadelphia meeting — the 1993 gathering of Holy Land officials and Hamas sympathizers that the government contends was meant to brainstorm ways to downplay the Foundation’s extremist ties — when talk turned to a passage from defendant Shukri Abu Baker.

He is quoted on the wiretap transcript talking about how it would be beneficial to have more traditional, secular American organizations to help spread the Islamist message.

He and others envisioned an “alternative” organization “which can benefit from a new atmosphere, one whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous,” he said according to the transcript.

Prosecutor Barry Jonas asked Burns whether any groups formed after the Philadelphia gathering fit this mold. “CAIR,” she said.

24079-2001HolyLandRaid-thumb-200x121.jpgCAIR is one of about 300 unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case, and testimony has shown that its founder, Omar Ahmad, and current executive director, Nihad Awad, both participated in the Philadelphia meeting.

CAIR has strenuously denied having any terrorist ties, and has filed a request — similar to other groups — to have its name removed from the government’s list of co-conspirators. CAIR maintains that it is a civil rights group focused on promoting understanding of Islam and combating unfair treatment of American Muslims.

Joshua Dratel, attorney for defendant Mohammad El-Mezain, later grilled Burns on her CAIR testimony.

“Just to be sure,” he said, raising up a large posterboard with the name “Council on American-Islamic Relations” scrawled across it, “this is the one with the inconspicuous Islamist hue?”

+ Later Tuesday, Burns’ counterpart, FBI Special Agent Robert Miranda, began his testimony detailing the type of people Holy Land routinely called on to speak at its fundraisers in the U.S.

He and prosecutor Jim Jacks went through a list of Holy Land speakers, seized from a computer at its Richardson offices in 2001, and compared it to lists of known Hamas members and associates.

They found dozens of matches of names and phone numbers among Holy Land speakers and a roster of Hamas members found at the Mississippi apartment of unindicted coconspirator Abdelhaleem Ashqar. Holy Land speakers’ names also showed up in the address book of Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook, who has extensive ties financially and personally to many of the defendants.

Defense attorneys and their clients grinned and looked at each other every time Miranda referred to the owner of the address book as “the terrorist Marzook.”

Among those on Holy Land’s speakers list are Mahmoud al-Zahar (a Hamas co-founder), Jamil Hamami, Mohammed Siam and Hamed Bitawi. All of them are listed on a huge chart prosecutors made for jurors titled “Hamas Leaders In The 1990s.”

The Holy Land speakers list also shared some names in a pamphlet outlining the roster of candidates for Jordan’s Islamic Action Front political party. The group is, like Hamas, an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Miranda testified. Their platform, according to the pamphlet, says basically that Palestine must be wrested from Israeli occupation through jihad. The FBI found the pamphlet at Holy Land’s offices.

Miranda and Jacks then began going through speaker activity sheets and other records, connecting fundraising appearances by these Hamas-affiliated speakers and money in Holy Land coffers.

AND for much needed visual context, here’s the best rendition of CAIR and its tentacled Brotherhood Mafia:

IN this regard, how Orwellian is it to find out the following: CAIR still believes (after 6 years and ongoing) that they can prevail over the MAIN counter terrorism operative, Dave Gaubatz, who exposed their ISLAMIST ties for all the world to see with the aid of his team of investigators. (Full disclosure: permission was granted, a while back, to reveal the close nexus between this investigative journalist and Dave Gaubatz, otherwise said relationship would NEVER have seen the light of day.)

ONTO the latest update re their “legal” weapon….

A lawsuit brought by the Council on American-Islamic Relations against undercover investigators who probed the group’s connection to radical jihad and its founding as a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood appears to be headed for a trial after a federal judge narrowed the case.

CAIR filed suit in 2009 against former federal investigator Dave Gaubatz and his son, Chris Gaubatz, after the two published their findings in the WND Books expose’ “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.” Later, CAIR added to the suit the Washington, D.C., think tank Center for Security Policy and three of its employees for their part in commissioning a documentary about CAIR. Also added was attorney David Yerusalmi and his non-profit group SANE, which campaigns against the advance of Islamic law, or Shariah.

D.C. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ordered March 6 that the defendants’ motion for summary judgment – which would resolve the case based on the merits – be granted in part and denied in part.

The judge ordered the parties to inform the court by April 1 if they wish to resolve the remaining issues through mediation or through a trial.

Attorney Daniel Horowitz, who represents the Gaubatzes, told WND a trial will likely be set for next year, and the case will not settle unless CAIR dismisses and pays the Gaubatzes’ attorney’s fees.

He said his defense “will include the argument that CAIR cannot suffer damages because a member of a criminal terror conspiracy cannot collect damages when this participation is exposed.”

He also intends to inform the jury that the head of CAIR has claimed to be the Muslim Martin Luther King Jr., even though he refuses to renounce terror and did not recognize the name of King’s wife, Coretta.

“Muslim Mafia” documents CAIR’s support of radical jihad, recounting its origin as a front group for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, the worldwide movement that has stated its intent to transform the U.S. into a Saudi-style Islamic state.

CAIR alleges it suffered damage after the younger Gaubatz, posing as an intern, obtained access to some 12,000 pages of CAIR internal documents under false pretenses and made recordings of officials and employees without consent.

But Kollar-Kotelly has now eliminated from the case any claim that the publication of the material or the transmission it was in itself wrongful, meaning CAIR cannot claim it caused damages.

The judge threw out CAIR’s charges of conversion, breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, fraud and misappropriation of trade secrets.

CAIR’s trespass claim was eliminated for all defendants except for Chris Gaubatz, meaning CSP employees Adam Savit and Sarah Pavlis have been completely dismissed from the case.

Charges under the federal and District of Columbia Wiretap Acts and under the Stored Communications Act remain against Chris Gaubatz, David Gaubatz, CSP, CSP employee Christine Brim, Yerushalmi and SANE.

Horowitz explained to WND that the judge maintained counts that relate to matters of public importance: the privacy of computer information and the question of when it is or is not lawful to record someone.

“She did not decide whether we acted lawfully in protection of the Constitution or not,” Horowitz said. “That she left to the jury.”

One year ago, Kollar-Kotelly addressed CAIR’s formation of two separate legal entities that it has used interchangeably, the CAIR Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and the CAIR Action Network, a lobbying organization that actually is a shell, removing CAIR Action Network from the case.

Yerushalmi has explained that CAIR dissolved into two separate organizations after it faced accusations following Sept. 11 that it was funded by oil sheiks and other foreign supporters of terrorism.

Meanwhile, CAIR’s national organization in the nation’s capital continued to promote its organization as if it were a single entity founded in 1994.

Yerushalmi said CAIR used a maze of shell-corporations and several real estate holding companies to purchase properties with money from oil-rich sources in the Arab Gulf states.

The IRS was unaware, he said, that CAIR was operating a fraudulent scheme in which it sheltered millions of dollars of illicit funding by moving money between the shell corporations while insisting there is only one organization.

Yerushalmi has said that as a result of CAIR’s “dizzying array of cover-ups and fraudulent activities,” it “has no coherent basis for explaining the structure and nature of its operations, much less the status of Chris Gaubatz when he interned with the organization.”

He explained that CAIR has claimed all along that Chris Gaubatz interned with CAIR Action Network, but he insisted that’s impossible, because CAIR Action Network “is a shell organization without any staff or operations.”

In the course of the litigation, CAIR, with the court poised to dismiss the lawsuit, changed its claim, contending that Chris Gaubatz actually interned with CAIR Foundation.

In 2008, Chris Gaubatz was trained by his father to work undercover as an intern with CAIR’s national office in Washington, D.C. Chris wore an audio-video recorder on his clothing to obtain recordings of the routine activities of a CAIR intern.

Shortly after “Muslim Mafia” was published, CAIR filed its lawsuit alleging violations of various federal wiretap and hacking statutes along with several common law torts, such as breach of fiduciary duty and trespass.

CAIR touts itself as a Muslim civil rights group, but federal prosecutors in 2007 named CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to fund Hamas, and more than a dozen CAIR leaders have been charged or convicted of terrorism-related crimes.

FBI wiretap evidence from the Holy Land case showed CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad was at an October 1993 meeting of Hamas leaders and activists in Philadelphia. CAIR, according to the evidence, was born out of a need to give a “media twinkle” to the Muslim leaders’ agenda of supporting violent jihad abroad while slowly institutionalizing Islamic law in the U.S.

As WND reported in 2010, a federal judge later determined that the Justice Department provided “ample evidence” to designate CAIR as an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator, affirming the Muslim group has been involved in “a conspiracy to support Hamas.”

WND reported in March 2013 that Kollar-Kotelly rebuked CAIR and its in-house legal counsel for their “inability to efficiently manage their discovery in this matter and to comply with the court’s scheduling and procedures order.”

Horowitz said at the time that the judge’s rebuke supports the claim that the Muslim lobby group was abusing the court system in an attempt to silence opposition.

In the lawsuit, CAIR does not defend itself against the claims of the book, “Muslim Mafia,” and the FBI seized the CAIR material from the Washington law office of one of the Gaubtazes’ three high-profile lawyers. A previous filing in the case revealed a federal grand jury was investigating CAIR for possible violation of laws that ban financial dealings with terrorist groups or countries under U.S. sanctions.

LAWFARE, anyone??

AT least  for now, until further developments warrant reporting (likely sooner than later), this investigative journalist rests her case and incontrovertible indictment against CAIR and its tentacled Mafia! 

CAIR, “we be” watching…waiting…ready to report…on stand by…stay tuned…

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

CAIR’s Jihadi Tentacles Strike Again:Minnesota Town Forced To Submit!Where Is America Heading?Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

 {re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

IT is difficult for many to absorb that America’s heartland – the Midwest – is a burgeoning jihadi hub, just like the rest of the regions in the country. The misconception stems from the preconceived notion that this geographical area is more conducive to a particular type of laid back lifestyle, one which is regularly associated with small town neighborliness. Thus, the thinking goes, these states are hardly as dangerous as those on the east and west coasts.

WHILE not a black and white issue, the best descriptor is: yes, it used to be (to a greater degree) a safer regional bloc to raise a family. However, said yardstick no longer applies. Far from it. 

BUT to understand the jihadi tentacles of CAIR, one must have a firm grip on their genesis, ultimate goals and intersecting thrusts. IF anything, this investigative journalist knows this Islamic arena, like a pig does its sh-t. That well. Sorry, if said crass analogy offends some, but this is not a time for delicate sensibilities.

SO as a Christmas and Chanukah gift for the visually inclined, the following two videos should answer all (or most) of your questions. Most recently, they have been cited here for introductory viewing. Previews. And from one patriotic heart to another, trust that they should be viewed as lifesaver videos, giving requisite ammo to buck up and soldier on!



RESOLUTELY, with the above knowledge base at your fingertips, does anyone have to question the out-sized dangers the entire Brotherhood presents to America? Concomitantly, isn’t placing a nail in their hydra-like coffin, especially within the U.S., akin to a nation-saver?

NEVERTHELESS, back to the aforementioned intersecting thrusts…

Thrust One:

KNOW this: sans the embedded Islamic doctrine of stealth jihad – demonstrably and tragically a wild success – CAIR’s subversion would be a moot point. Dead on arrival. How so? 

WELL, the (dangerous) reality is that the above imperative is part and parcel of Islam’s “laws of war”, whether admitted to or not. 

TRENCHANTLY, in the main, it operates separate from frontal bloody jihad. Yet, at times, they intersect. Think of it as the stepping stones, building blocks and edifices to bloody jihad, which seemingly just appear out of the blue.

IN other words, stealth jihad is the part of Islamic war which is primarily utilized when the host (western) nation is too strong for them to wage complete frontal jihad. Hence, the “softening up” process; its stealth appellation. So don’t let anyone dare to whine and opine: Islam is a “religion of peace”!

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”

IPSO facto, by not holding their feet to the fire, one lets Islamists and their apologists off the hook, as they audaciously disown this and that barbarism! In fact, the opposite is precisely the case. Effectively, all Islamist terror groups (including ISIS) are indeed behaving like “good” Muslims, when they chop off heads and slaughter in the name of their pagan Allah.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

“When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks,” says an ayah, or verse in Sura (chapter) 47.

NEVER, ever forget said Islamic mandates.

OMINOUSLY, Islam’s mouthpieces, aka CAIR, run circles around American (western) leaders and citizens. This deleterious situation is aside from those who actively collude due to their ideological alignment. OMG!

Thrust Two:

BUT when you add in their incessant “lawfare”, coupled with the fact that they have more staying power than average individuals, municipalities and businesses, is it any wonder that America is submitting on bent knees? This is precisely how it is playing out, and they will never cease their efforts. Why? Simply put, Islamizing the U.S. IS key to the west’s submission

Thrust Three:

MOREOVER, despite the overwhelming, incontrovertible dangers from thrusts one and two, number three is the final nail: the dumping (over decades, and still continuing) of many, many thousands of Muslim “refugees” from Shariah law compliant terrorist nations! National and cultural suicide.

IN this regard, where does the latest Minnesota, Mid West, disaster fit in? Better yet, where doesn’t it?

MINNESOTASTAN: Designated terrorist organization CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) demanded and got the U.S. Justice Department to overturn a near unanimous decision to reject a mosque proposal in St. Anthony Village.

BUT let’s realize that the above Islamic putsch did not happen in a vacuum. Not at all.

MOST significantly, the state is overridden with Somali Muslims, most of whom are unwilling to assimilate into their host country, and many are hostile in the extreme. And guess what? One of their imams (who knows how many others) even refuses to denounce ISIS! By the way, this treacherous scenario, whether of Sunni or Shia origin, is rampant throughout Muslim communities across the United States.

NOT only that, back in Jan. 2009, Site Intelligence Group noted that this same Somali community included members who left the U.S. to fight on behalf of Al-Qaeda and attendant offshoots!

AND true to jihadi form, another Somali from Minnesota got killed fighting for ISIS. Significantly, are we sensing a pattern yet? Hope so.

YET, the main question becomes: what, if anything, can be done to turn the tide? In a very real sense, Americans (westerners) must cease believing that their leaders will save the day. In fact, they are the basic problem, even more so than CAIR and its various Brotherhood tentacles. What?

IN so far as their PC track record already renders an appeasement-oriented outcome, a fait accompli, a rational person should understand that “the fix”, as is said, is in.

SO instead of wasting ones time and effort at city halls, school boards, legal venues and every bureaucracy in between – appealing to their sense of national survival and patriotic ethos – the choice(s) is stark and clear: those who have a stake in preventing their communities from becoming Shariah compliant must let the “powers that be” – who have the ability to exhort “yea” or “nay” – internalize that the non-submissive will stop the Islamic swathe, whatever the costs.

REST assured, Islamic submission is their end goal, once they implant their stealth jihadi supremacist mosques, aka “cultural” centers, in neighborhoods all over the U.S. To a 100% certainty, none of their demands have anything to do with freedom of religion, though multicultural fanatics will spin it as such

INTRINSICALLY, put up or shut up, or be ready to submit. There is no middle ground, meeting of the minds, in this arena.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, if it takes sit-ins at attendant communal bodies, thereby, stopping them from doing business as usual, well, so be it. Eventually, they will get the message and realize that patriotic citizens mean business, every bit as much as the Islamists at their throats. If it requires non-stop bullhorns proclaiming, “no (American) justice, no (communal) peace”, then that too is an option. A patriotic right and duty!

IN a nutshell, if patriotic Americans are as determined as CAIR and their enablers, rest assured, they will prevail.

BUT just because America is predicated on democracy and rule of law, it doesn’t mean that elected leaders and the courts have the last say. Not at all.

FOR once they side with Islamic entities, whose sole goal is to supplant the Constitution – the only law of the land – with Shariah law, then who are the lawbreakers?

An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America

by Mohamed Akram
May 19, 1991

View the full document


This May 1991 memo was written by Mohamed Akram, a.k.a. Mohamed Adlouni, for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the introductory letter, Akram referenced a “long-term plan…approved and adopted” by the Shura Council in 1987 and proposed this memo as a supplement to that plan and requested that the memo be added to the agenda for an upcoming Council meeting. Appended to the document is a list of all Muslim Brotherhood organizations in North America as of 1991.

Notable quotes:

  • Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state, wherever it is.
  • In order for Islam and its Movement to become “a part of the homeland” in which it lives, “stable” in its land, “rooted” in the spirits and minds of its people, “enabled” in the live [sic] of its society and has firmly-established “organizations” on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry [sic] out this grand mission as a “Civilization Jihadist” responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslims and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country.
  • The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Proecess” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.

IMBIBE its essence, as if your very lives depend on it. It does.

BESIDES, since when is it a citizen’s “contractual” obligation to accept the destruction of their nation – albeit incrementally, stealth by stealth – even if their efforts are “koshered” under an umbrella of “rule of law” via compliant leadership?

