Erdogan, Turkey’s Brotherhood Mafia Strongman, Floods/Storms Europe: What Does This Portend For America? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

EVER since this Brotherhood Mafia expert stepped into the jihadi arena, a laser beam has been focused on Erdogan, Turkey’s President and Brotherhood Mafia strongman. The heat ramped up when it became absolutely clear that Turkey’s  turning point – a full throttle pivot away from a (more or less) secular outlook in the public square – coincided with his ascendancy (in 2003) to PM. 

WHILE there are multiple geo-political fault-lines for zeroing in on Erdogan, chief among them is the public’s misconception that Turkey can still be a bridge between east and west. Hogwash. That was then, this is now. As such, it is urgent to continually rip off Erdogan’s Caliphate-driven Islamic mask – in specific, for the sake of America and Israel, as well as for the wider west. 

IN this regard, before Erdogan’s most recent destructive swathe against the west is examined below, it is imperative to take a look-back into key, bulletproof backgrounder.


  • October 2013 will forever be marked (across the internet, as described within) with a blockbuster interview at Inquisitr, namely, “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.” The following excerpts are wholly germane to the crisis at hand:

Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?

Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.

It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors.

In the words of Commentary Magazine:

“Hamas is a terrorist group in search of a home. Uprooted by the Syrian civil war, and shaken by the Egyptian coup, the Hamas leadership has taken temporary shelter in Qatar, but that tiny emirate is showing every sign that they want the Islamist radicals to move on. So where would a radical Islamist terrorist group dedicated to the eradication of the State of Israel and whose charter endorses the crudest anti-Semitism turn? Perhaps to Turkey, America’s NATO ally and a country whose leader President Obama identified as one of his top personal foreign friends.”

According to Hürriyet Daily News:

“The prime ministry in Ankara was the venue for a meeting between the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Mashaal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today. The meeting, which started at 7 p.m. and lasted for three hours, was closed to the press. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, National Intelligence Agency (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan, Deputy Undersecretary for the Prime Minister’s Office İbrahim Kalın and advisor Sefer Turan were also present at the meeting, Anadolu Agency reported. The meeting between Mashaal and Erdoğan came around four months after their latest meeting. It came at a time when rumors suggest that Mashaal, currently in exile in Qatar, is searching for another place to live.”

As such, a perfect storm. A union for Allah……continue here…..

BUT once the above is digested in full, what must be understood and internalized is Erdogan’s (with fellow Islamic leaders in tow) decades-long blueprint to bring about the west’s implosion. He recognizes (unlike historically ignorant and appeasing western leaders) that this demise will not come about through frontal jihad, but through other bombs, that is, hijrah + demographic explosions! Yes, the main knock-on effect, that is, whenever Mohammedans implant their feet within non-Muslim lands. 

EFFECTIVELY, through continuous “Migration For the Cause of Allah”, yes, “soft power” ala “stealth jihad” will pave the way for the west’s eventual collapse – and with frontal jihad as its final nail, if necessary. 

ALL of which brings us to the here and now – as per Erdogan’s latest thrust into Europe, that which will inevitably impact America!

PER the New York Post, March 3, 2020:

Turkish tyrant Recep Tayyip Erdogan is only trying to blackmail the European Union with his latest let-loose-the-refugees ploy — but he could end up destroying it.

On Friday, Ankara announced it was opening its land and sea borders with Europe, thereby letting potentially millions of refugees and asylum-seekers from Syria and beyond head for the EU via Greece.

Erdogan is eager for Western help as his forces battle the Syrian army near Idlib — the last rebel-held stronghold. Turkey has gone on the offensive after an airstrike (likely Russian) killed 33 Turkish soldiers last Thursday. Turkey is winning that battle — but Russia might intervene to turn the tide.

Either way, the fighting has pushed more Syrian civilians toward Turkey, and Erdogan (whose nation already hosts 3.5 million refugees) opted to pass the problem on to the EU.

But Greece refuses to let them in: It has suspended all asylum applications for a month and vowed to deport all illegal entrants.

Already, thousands of migrants have clashed violently with Greek riot police wielding tear gas, batons, stun grenades and rubber bullets — and Athens says it will start using live ammo next. Other refugees are trying the sea route; a small child died when a dinghy full of migrants capsized Monday.

EU law forbids Greece’s actions, but Athens refuses to be overwhelmed — and the rest of Europe doesn’t want a return of the 2015 refugee crisis, either: It’s still feeling the aftershocks, including the rise of anti-immigration parties, as well as Brexit.

Indeed, a fresh wave of refugees could push Italy over the brink: Coronavirus has already shut down much of its most productive regions, and Rome isn’t that far from fiscal problems that could make the Greek debt crisis of 2007-8 look mild.

All this, when overall EU leadership is at its weakest in decades: Britain is gone, Germany’s Angela Merkel is on her way out with no clear successor and France’s Emmanuel Macron is deeply unpopular at home.

It doesn’t help that the EU never settled its own refugee policies after 2015: It just bribed Erdogan into enforcing its own borders — and now he’s demanding a bigger bribe.

It may be as simple as sending Erdogan the Patriot missiles he wants to fend off Russian planes, or it may require Europe to finally figure out how to settle some refugees without inviting another flood, but the EU can’t get out of this one via its usual answer — kicking the can down the road.

NOW, while the March 3 article is, on its face, an accurate assessment, it falls way short of being a core analysis, as examined throughout these pages.

INCONTESTABLY, in very basic geo-political terms, Erdogan appears like a garden variety hijacker – accede to Turkish demands, or else! Indeed, while bankrupting (through unsustainable welfare programs handed out to millions of illegal immigrants) Europe surely aids in its collapse, said demand is being used as part of Erdogan’s multi-faceted toolbox towards the ultimate goal, again, overturning Europe into part of the ummah, the Islamic supra-national community!

MOST significantly, once Europe is nearly subsumed, the Islamic thrust within America – via fully awakened sleeper cells – will commence with lightening speed campaigns all across the nation. Said fully Qur’anic indoctrinated and commanded “soldiers for Allah” have been prepping for decades. Have no doubt: Islamic jihadi terror compounds have invaded America!


erdo mosques

{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:




Islam’s FINAL Nail Near Fruition: Cultural/Civilization Jihad Via The Hijab. Social/Mainstream Media In The Forefront. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



FROM one end of the west to another, a concerted two-prong thrust is operational: on the one hand, an Islamic onslaught is playing out through continuous Islamic jihad, in tandem with cultural/civilizational jihad; a two-step death dance on the west’s graveyard. On the other, revolutionary and cultural Marxists are busting through the underpinnings of western civilization, aiming towards its collapse. No ifs, ands, or buts.

IT is due to the above – and so much more – that it necessitates examining the main ways in which Islamists and Marxists are targeting the destruction of America, the lynch pin of western hyper-power. 

AND while frontal (explosive) jihad is readily identifiable to those with eyes to see, the more insidious danger, cultural/civilizational jihad, is harder to identify. Pinpoint. Yes, its subtlety bores from within on a steady, slow-boil basis, at least, in its primary stages. The crux being, what appears (to some) as exotic, cutesy, frivolous, and PC from the get-go, rest assured, will be compulsory, once the underpinnings of the west are fully destroyed. Guaranteed.



IN this regard, this site has issued many warnings as to its knock-on effects, most especially, the Islamic indoctrination of the kiddies within America’s schools.

IN concert, functionaries within Merkel’s Germany (others throughout the EU’s bureaucracy alike, rife with socialists, Marxists, and anti-western functionaries) are busy doing their parts to destroy western civilization. Blaming media and social media’s lax “rules” for the rise of “Islamophobia” and hysterical anti-immigrant (in reality, the entry of millions of Islamic jihadi “refugees” inside their borders) sentiment, they march, goose-step-like, into fascist rule. Albeit, this go-around, in a “subtle” manner. Imagine that.

THUS, “Special Hijab Days” was born!

“Enjoy difference – start tolerance,” says the blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman in a new TV ad running in Germany as she appears in a Muslim head covering.

The 18-second ad encourages German women to embrace “tolerance” by wearing the hijab.

The commercial begins with the text “Turkish women wear the hijab,” as a veiled woman is seen with her back to the camera.

But when she turns around she reveals herself as, not a Turk, but a fair-skinned German, before she says, “Me too! It’s beautiful!”

Is Germany ‘conquered?’

Anti-Shariah activist Pamela Geller said the ads are not only deceptive but coercive.

“The German government is determined to force its people to accept massive numbers of Muslims into their country, and as this commercial shows, to force them to accept Islamic culture as well,” Geller said. “But this cultural generosity will not be reciprocated. Where are the ads in Saudi Arabia telling Saudis they must accept and tolerate women who go out without their heads covered? It is always only the West that must be tolerant, even to the point of civilizational suicide.

“These are the actions of a conquered people.”

IN a nutshell, cultural/civilizational jihad at its most insidious!

Image result for pics of merkel and zuckerberg at open mic

AND to ensure that every freedom-based opening was closed down, Stasi trained Merkel enlisted the aid of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. He agreed to purge all “negative”, aka “hateful”, speech from the largest social media site on the planet, his U.S. (corporate based and founded) obligation to the First Amendment be damned.


On the sidelines of a United Nations luncheon on Saturday, Merkel was caught on a hot mic pressing Zuckerberg about social media posts about the wave of Syrian refugees entering Germany, the publication reported.

The Facebook CEO was overheard responding that “we need to do some work” on curtailing anti-immigrant posts about the refugee crisis. “Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted…..

SO ordered by a true totalitarian, and obeyed by a leftist-driven, multicultural globalist.

In an open letter seen by German daily “Tagesspiegel,” which he links to on his Twitter account, Maas tells Facebook that “we need to talk.”

In the letter, which he sent to Facebook’s European head office in Dublin as well as to its German subsidiary, he says the social media site’s community standards needed to be more efficient and transparent.

In the wake of the recent openly xenophobic and hateful attacks on and protests at refugee camps in Germany, Maas said that the Justice Ministry had received many complaints about abusive content not being banned on Facebook.

Often, users get a message saying that the posts they reported did not violate Facebook’s community standards without giving any further explanation “even in very obvious cases,” according to Maas.

He says this standard response had become a “farce” and that users were struggling to understand why Facebook is quick to ban nudity, for example, referring to its community standards, but often fails to ban xenophobic and racist posts.

BUT never mind all that, when it comes to affixing the final nail(s) into western civilization’s coffin, well, nothing, absolutely nothing, is off the table. Mind you, this investigative journalist’s new book (with co-author Joe Newby), BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad, proves that Zuckerberg has been shielding/enabling Islamists for years. 

REGARDLESS, the lying, mendacious, and complicit media march on.

ALONG this incendiary trajectory, U.S. media lapdogs – joined-at-the-hip with their anti-American, revolutionary counterparts inside and outside officialdom – are hard at work distancing Islam from back-to-back jihadi attacks. In a pig’s eye.

ALAS, despite the stepped-up attacks from Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, as if on cue, New York’s Islamic/Marxist captive leadership – with a PC obsessed media in tow – decided to up the ante, that is, to further protect Muslims from so-called anti-Muslim backlash! If only. More than Orwellian.

New York City kicked off a social media advertising campaign on Monday to combat negative perceptions of Muslims and counteract increasing instances of threats and violence, officials said.

Showing an array of photographs of Muslim men and women, the campaign reads “I am Muslim. I am NYC”, according to the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

The campaign is aimed at addressing negative depictions and rhetoric, officials said.

Anti-Muslim sentiment has been playing a major role as the U.S. presidential race has heated up. Republican nominee Donald Trump claimed he saw thousands of people cheering after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and has called for shutting down mosques and banning Muslims from certain countries from entering the United States.

In New York, an Afghan-born man is accused of wounding 31 people in a bombing on Sept. 17 that authorities called a “terrorist act”. The suspect had embraced militant Islamic views, authorities say.

“Now more than ever, it is important for every New Yorker to stand united as one city and reject hate and violence,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement announcing the ad campaign.

“In New York, everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, agnostic and atheist — it doesn’t matter,” he said. “We are all New Yorkers and we all deserve to live safely and free from hatred or discrimination.”

Some 3.3 million Muslims live in the United States, and thousands live in New York City, according to the commission.

The ads will be placed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #IamMuslimNYC.

Investigations by the Commission on Human Rights into cases of discrimination based on race, national origin and religion have grown over the last two years, from 194 cases in 2014 to 326 cases in 2015, officials said.

Nationwide, since the first candidate announced a presidential bid in March 2015, there have been about 180 reported incidents of anti-Muslim violence, including 12 murders, according to a study by researchers at Georgetown University released in May.

By comparison, prior to the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the FBI, there were 20 to 30 anti-Muslim hate crimes annually, the study said.

Along with the ad campaign, New York City is planning events and outreach efforts such as public forums, cultural workshops and publicizing information on laws against religious discrimination.

NOW, is it at all surprising that another knock-on effect from a highly successful cultural/civilizational jihad – assisted under the protective umbrella of key U.S. power centers – results in Muslims demanding more and more special treatment in line with Sharia Law? Mind you, the ever increasing list with such demands is book-worthy.

EVEN so, despite all the inherent and provable dangers related to “partnering” with countries whose life-blood is adherence to Islam – a nihilistic, pagan-like creed of jihadi dictates – U.S. traitors, Hussein and Hill in the forefront, partnered with secretive Mid East programs to destabilize the Middle East. To what end? In an effort to create the conditions for a massive inflow of “refugees” into the west – which would implode the west’s nation-states, the balance of power – fires had to be lit via the so-called Arab Spring.

MORE specifically, it was understood that to perform Islamic hijrah (Allah-mandated migration into the west to eventually force Sharia Law onto said nations) necessitated lighting the final matches to an already fiery Mid East order.


CONCLUSIVELY, as night follows day, it is up to millions of patriots to take matters into their own hands, if saving America (and the west) is atop their personal agendas. 

Inventor tried to patent controversial anti-terror device which sprays Muslims with pigs blood

AND – on numerous occasions at these pages – it was “suggested: PIGS AHOY!

Image may contain: text and one or more people

DANGER ZONES: NJ Planning Board ‘Approves’ MEGA Mosque; Europe Demolishes Churches F/B/O MEGA Mosques! Where Is The Nexus? What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

TIME and again, this site has asserted: The Mohammedan takeover of the west runs through their mosques. Their barracks. This is precisely why some very large mosques are built in areas where the Muslim population is barely negligible, yet, Islamists pay huge sums for vast expanses of land. Pray tell, why?

INCONTROVERTIBLY, this is part of a well-oiled plan from the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s top leadership, in anticipation of an Islamic takeover! Believe it. This is NOT a so-called conspiracy theory. To wit, how many even know about ‘The Plan’ via its Five Phases? If not, please apprise yourselves ASAP. It is an intrinsic ‘lesson plan’ for Americans, westerners alike.

MORE pointedly, where is all the money coming from to build and build, being that certain communities can barely fill an average sized banquet hall with Islam’s followers? As is said, where’s the beef?

Why is it such a big deal that a Muslim community is simply trying to build a house of worship?

Let’s start with a little math.  Murfreesboro, TN has just over 100,000 residents.  According to estimates provided by the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, there are 200 to 300 Muslim families living in the area.  When they announced their plans to build a 53,000 square foot mega mosque, a lot of questions came up.  One subject of concern was why they needed such a huge compound for so few families.  What is particularly disconcerting is that, according to their own documents (attached 2009 annual report) the ICM only has 45 active paying member families.  Naturally this begs another question – who is paying for this massive compound?

And, what will it really cost to build something that looks like this, per square foot, at 53,000 square feet, when the project is completed?  How many millions of dollars will these “45 active members” be coming up with – and where is all this money coming from?

Now the question of who is paying for this Islamic compound and why is it so big, begs another question:

Why is it that after 9/11, mosque construction in America has nearly doubled? 

It’s not as if the population of Muslims in America suddenly spiked – not even close.  Muslims make up less than 1 percent of the United States population.  So is there any logical explanation for the rapid expansion of new mosque construction?

One need only look to the history of 1,400 years of Islamic conquest to understand that according to the Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of cultural invasion, Muslims are required to build mosques following a successful attack…continue reading

EFFECTIVELY, once mosques are implanted, Muslims flock en mass and create their own ghetto-like enclaves and take over the surrounding areas in various ways, even though countless are oblivious. Yes, it is a slow, incremental and steady encroachment, barely perceptible, up until they have created – in effect – no-go’ zones. Make no mistake: This is not akin to Jewish, Italian, Chinese or other such insular neighborhoods, even though rotten apples exist within them too. But this IS, sans a doubt, about supplanting the Constitution with Shariah Law!


ALONG this Shariah Law trajectory – the absolute underpinning of Islam – NJ poohbahs, once again, entered the fray. This was hardly the first time that American officials bent to Islamic dictates! Do readers recall this site’s previous report on tiny Bridgewater, NJ – re the jizya paid to Islamic supremacists – when a zoning board originally voted down a MEGA mosque?

INTRODUCING, Judge Michael Shipp, via the gravely dangerous precedent he set through his bastardized and twisted ruling. Consequentially, those of us who have a background in law also understand what America’s (legal) future portends; the opening of a pandora’s box through Shipp’s verdict. Yes, he paved the way for the building of MANY more Brotherhood mosques throughout America, despite the growing opposition from an increasingly informed public about the exponential dangers from Islam! Simply put, the weight given to stare decisis (let the decision stand), a grounding (and foreshadowing) legal principle, enjoys a firm basis in U.S. jurisprudence.

The Al Falah case is being watched closely across the nation, as mosques from New York to Tennessee face opposition. In the decade after the September 11th attack, the Justice Department opened more than 28 investigations into efforts to interfere with the construction of mosques and Islamic centers.

The Al-Falah Islamic Center has agreed not to build a mosque on Mountaintop Road, a residential area in Bridgewater, and will instead build one on a $2.75 million 15-acre lot the township will buy for it under the terms of a settlement,

The township’s insurance carrier will also pay the center $5 million for alleged damages, costs and attorney fees to end the years-long lawsuit, according to the report. The township will be given the Mountaintop Road property in exchange for the 15-acre site between Routes 202-206 and Route 287 it will purchase for the mosque.


According to the report, the settlement was approved Monday by the township council, ending a federal court fight that has cost the township hundreds of thousands of dollars n legal fees so far.The township planning board dismissed the mosque proposal in 2011, citing an ordinance that limited houses of worship to major roads. Township officials said they didn’t mind the mosque — only its proposed location.

But a decision by U.S. District Judge Michael Shipp last year, overruling the application of the ordinance, said after the center applied to build a mosque at the former Redwood Inn site, the project faced “anti-Muslim prejudice within the community, including Internet postings and e-mail correspondence.” In one instance, center members were accused of being terrorists, the decision states.

Large crowds against the mosque turned out for every meeting

Municipal officials argued that the purpose of the ordinance was to “preserve the residential character of its various neighborhoods,” last year’s decision states. But the judge found the township had “rendered it nearly impossible for Al Falah and its individual members to adhere to the tenets of their religion.” The judge sent the matter back to the planning board for further review, which has continued up until the settlement.

MOST significantly, aside from Judge Shipp’s Islamic imprint upon American communities, he has also ensured that jizya is paid to the Brotherhood mosque’s umbrella.

Simply put, conquered non-Muslims were to purchase their lives, which were otherwise forfeit to their Muslim conquerors, with money. Instead of taking their lives, they took their money.  As one medieval jurist succinctly puts it, “their lives and their possessions are only protected by reason of payment of jizya” (Crucified Again, p. 22).

Interestingly, just as the mafia rationalizes its collection of “protection money” by portraying it as money paid to buy mafia protection against “outsiders”—when, as mentioned, the money/tribute serves only to protect the client from the mafia itself—so too do Islam’s apologists portray the collection of jizya as money meant to buy Muslim protection from outsiders, when in fact the money/jizya buys protection from Muslims themselves.

YES, Bill Maher correctly noted (and this was indeed shocking, coming from leftist Hollywood) “Islam is the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will f***ing kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture, or write the wrong book.”

IN this regard, lo and behold, unlike in most cases – whereby legal fees and court costs are paid by the loser of the suit – Al-Falah made sure to extract “protection money”, and this was why the Township’s insurer was forced to agree to pay the mosque $5 million to drop the suit! Unholy jihad….continue reading

SO via a look-back to the prior rejection by Bridgewater’s planning board (2011) and the subsequent interference by an Islamist sympathizing Judge Shipp (Oct. 2013) – when he strong-armed them into ‘reviewing’ their negative decision, even after being extorted to pay Islamic jizya by the Brotherhood Mafia – fast forward to Oct. 2015, once again, Islam reigns supreme!

SHEESH…what’s going on now? Lo and behold, the MEGA mosque is going up, and with planning board approval! Voilà…

Despite concerns from residents about future planning and insufficient parking, the Bridgewater Township Planning Board unanimously approved an application Monday for an Al Falah Center mosque to be built on Route 202/206.

In December, the township approved a settlement with the Al Falah Center in regard to litigation concerning a proposed mosque on the former Redwood Inn site on Mountain Top Road.

The settlement agreement preserves the residential zoning on the Redwood Inn site, which was part of an ordinance approved in 2011 to remove houses of worship from sites in the township that do not front on a county, state or designated township road. In addition, the settlement settles all monetary claims related to the litigation.

In 2011, Al Falah sued the township after the ordinance was approved and while the application for a mosque was being heard by the planning board. Enacting the ordinance pushed the application to the zoning board for a variance to be on the Redwood Inn property.

The settlement allows Al Falah to build a mosque on a site on Route 202/206, rather than the former Redwood Inn property on Mountain Top Road.

Muslim Children 13 (resized)

Hearings for the new mosque site began in late August with testimony from the applicant’s engineer, and indicated that the plans have changed from the original Redwood Inn application to actually include two buildings on 10.85 acres, one for the worship center and another for a school.

The applicant presented a few revised plans at Monday’s meeting, first determining that instead of the originally proposed five minarets on the building, there will now only be four. In addition, the applicant plans to lower the height of them by 8 feet, from 78 feet high originally to 70 feet.

West Foothill Road resident Robert Kurz said that still sounds too high for the area. He said he believes there is nothing in the area that will be as visible to residents as the minarets high above the trees.

“If I asked you what your impression of 70, 80 feet is, we would all have different impressions,” he said. “If I’m sitting in my backyard, I’m going to see four towers over the trees. I am asking you to consider not the physical details, but the aesthetic value of the neighborhood.”

But of most concern to many residents in attendance was the parking, and changes suggested by the applicant to provide additional parking if the congregation were to grow large enough failed to comfort them.

The applicant had already provided testimony that it will see 282 parking spaces on the property, about 55 more than is required by township ordinance.

Mitch Ardman, engineer for the applicant, said they have added three parking stalls in the southwesterly corner of the property, as well as seven additional stalls along the easterly entrance, bringing the total number of spaces to 292 on the property.

In addition, the applicant provided information about overflow parking that could be done on the proposed soccer field, if needed.

“It could fit 180 additional parking spaces on the soccer field,” Ardman said. “Access would be through the end of the existing parking lot, and a driveway would come down and people could park there.”

Muslims Are Terrorists 1

Lloyd Tubman, attorney for the applicant, emphasized that they are not currently proposing paving over the soccer field, just that if it were to ever become necessary because of the congregation growing, that is an option they have.

“We would have to come back for a preliminary site plan if we wanted to do that parking lot,” she said. “We are merely demonstrating the ability to provide banked parking, it would require a separate supplemental amendment. We are not doing that now.”

Planning board attorney Thomas Collins said the applicant has offered a condition with the application that there will be no parking on streets in the neighborhood, on Route 202/206, on the nearby Woodmont property, or any other adjacent properties.

“This would be a condition for the site plan, and would trigger moving to more than one worship service on the same day, and, if that didn’t work, they could go to an offsite location for more parking,” he said.

Tubman said that if services on the holidays attracted more people and vehicles than the applicant has currently accounted for, they would move to hold a second service or rent an offsite space for the service before even considering the option of paving over the soccer field for more parking.

Traffic engineer Gary Dean also recounted the amount of parking accounted for in terms of the proposed school, although he cited that schools are omitted from the town’s ordinance on parking requirements. According to calculations, 23 parking spaces are required for the elementary school component, 12 for middle school and 31 for the high school.

That’s a total requirement of 291 spaces for the property, Dean said, and the applicant is providing 292.

“I hope you can see that sufficient parking will be included on the site,” he said. “Recognizing the condition that has been offered that when the mosque is at peak worship capacity, the school would not be in session, we certainly have demonstrated the adequacy of parking.”

But residents expressed concerns about whether the site will accommodate changes in the future, and whether the applicant has even considered that.

“The hope is that if this becomes a nice place, the people would come,” Kurz said. “We’re not discussing what will happen today, you’re planning what’s happening in five years or 10 years.”

“They are planning 292 spaces, but what about in 10 years?” he added. “That’s what I’m concerned about.”

ISIS Muslim Militants 1

The board unanimously approved the building of the mosque and school.

MOST resolutely, it is more than timely that this report on the latest NJ (all over the US and the west at large) capitulation – infiltration and penetration – is on the heels of a pro-active commentary, “Americans, Take Notes: Ban Islam, Save The Nation. Lesson Plans Included”. The following was front and center:


TARGET ONE: Shariah Law

TARGET TWO: Dismantling Mosques

TARGET THREE: Enact laws on the local level to BAN Islam


DON’T waste precious time attempting to convince Congress (led by RINO’S) of Shariah Law’s encroachment, it will fall on (mostly) deaf ears. 

DO head straight to state legislatures and local officials, they will likely be more receptive.

REGARDLESS of all else, citizens still have a ‘contractual’ obligation to save the nation, despite any obstacles placed by the leaders. Indisputably, the fact that the Constitution commences with “we the people”, well, that’s all the legal imprimatur required.

FORWARD MARCH (no pun intended). Get busy!

PATRIOTS, could their mega-funded, well-planned, step-by-step takeover be any clearer? Can you feel (‘taste’, as Islamists are wont to say, that is, before they pounce) the Islamic dangers encircling – jackal-like – all across America and beyond? Is it coincidental – or not – that Islamic hijrah is in MEGA force across the west, not too long after HUSSEIN Obama re-arranged the Mid East decks?


CONCOMITANTLY, how can it be that American leaders – zoning boards alike – ‘see no Islamic evil…hear no Islamic evil’…even as clueless residents babble on about parking spaces? Finally, is the evisceration of the west’s Judeo-Christian underpinnings incidental to BULLDOZING Churches to ‘accommodate’ mosques? If not, why not?

(Landmark Church bulldozed in France to build MEGA mosque!)


(MEGA mosque in Bridgewater, NJ…MEGA minarets – aka bayonets – to boot!)

Bridgewater New Jersey - Al Falah Mosque 1

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}