Canada’s Trudeau Endangers America/West: Brotherhood Mafia Emboldened. GRAVE Knock-On Effects. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


CARDS on the table: Admitted, Trudeau is highly attractive, sort of a cross between a smokin’ hot Hollywood leading man, a tad bad boy mixed in, and with a dash of NYC metrosexual thrown into the picture. Yes, have crossed paths with quite a few over the years, all style and NO substance. Yup. The quintessential pretty (party) boy. Arm candy.

(Atypical bad boy image of Justin Trudeau)

NOW, had he grabbed the brass ring via a contest for Canada’s most sexy looking (well-known) male, his win would have made total sense. However, the reality is that he is a smug and self-entitled legacy politician, one who rode into office ala his papa’s leftist (what a coinquidink) coat tails. In comparison – and viewing this through an American-Israeli’s eyes – Trudeau’s rise into the top spot is akin to Yair Lapid’s catapult, another pretty boy who rode his father’s coattails into power, the late MK “Tommy” Lapid. The fact that both are far leftists and socialists is just another interesting intersection. Vomit.

Indeed, it is hardly news that many politicians (in Israel, America and elsewhere) get where they are through connections. Within Israel it is termed “protectzia”. In fact, Yair Lapid, Israel’s Financial Minister, is one of its best poster boys and this is not due to his matinée idol good looks. Assuredly, he climbed atop his father’s coattails, former MK “Tommy” Lapid, to rise to the top echelons of Israel’s decision-makers. Mind you, this is a man who dropped out of high school and never even earned his “bagrut”, Israel’s high school matriculation qualifier. Not one to mince words, the question becomes: what qualifies him to be Finance Minister, or Minister of anything, if I may be so blunt? Frankly, it is akin to appointing a blind man to an air traffic controller position, and as a Director over all flight controllers no less. Sheesh.

Related image(MK Yair Lapid, former tv “talking head”)

SIMILARLY, Trudeau’s ascension…coronation…whatever…is akin to the all too familiar legacy elections of yet another Kennedy or Bush (without the good-looking factor) in the White House. Hmm…democracy at its worst. 

WITH that out-of-the-way, let’s get down to brass tacks. Readers may recall a Sept. 2015 commentary “America’s Neighbor, Canada, Meets ISIS Nightmare: What’s The Upshot?” and it was not for nothing. 

(Trudeau senior and his legacy offspring)

CANADA’s decades worth of insane leftist governance – via the (mis)stewardship of the Liberal Party’s 9 prime ministers – is bearing its poisonous fruits. Yes, in 2011, they received a deserved smack down to third-party status in the House of Commons, but the damage has been done. Hey Trudeau’s – and all your sycophant bootlickers – enjoy Islam’s barbaric monsters at your throats!

MORE specifically, out of the 4 main parties represented in the National Assembly in Quebec, 3 are liberal socialist and 1 is nationalist and conservative. Hmm. You see where this is going.

TRUE, PM Stephen Harper, elected in 2006, won a clear majority government in the 2011 election. An authentic national patriot. Nevertheless, 9 previous governments paved the way for the infiltration and penetration of Islamic supremacists, and this has been due to multicultural psychosis. No doubt.


IN point of fact, in the same way in which the Brotherhood Mafia has embedded within America, so too they are equally implanted within Canada. Indeed, this is no accident. Much of its basis is exposed within these pages, and at several major interviews. Here’s a foretaste…


MOREOVER, the following is equally illustrative and edifying:

The secret Muslim Brotherhood strategic plan for North America was uncovered by the FBI in 2004. The plan explains how the Ikhwan seeks to extend shariah into the United States and Canada.….continue reading….

IN a nutshell, in anticipation of the election in Canada – being completely familiar with the Brotherhood Mafia – it became imperative to raise an alarm, relative to the (heaven forbid) unseating of PM Harper. Indeed, when one couples the out-sized dangers from Islamists with the wave of so-called “refugees” via Islamic hijrah, the stakes couldn’t be higher for both Canada and its US northern neighbor.

THUS, the reaction to an upcoming Trudeau premiership was swift and alarming:

That’s it for freedom, worldwide. Justin Trudeau is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Islamic supremacists. Harper’s Canada was the last outpost, the last place where government was reasonably sane regarding the jihad threat. Now it is up to individuals to stand, no matter how much it costs them, against the forces of oppression and authoritarianism that will become increasingly aggressive, and soon. Many who were thought to be true have already been proven false, and this will continue: these are and will increasingly be the times that try men’s souls. The cowardice of many will be exposed, and it will surprise those who thought they were standing tall. But the human spirit, the spirit of freedom, will never be wholly extinguished — despite the best efforts of the forces of authoritarianism and oppression.

justin trudeau

“Canada election: networks call victory for Liberals and Trudeau – live,” Guardian, October 19, 2015:

NOT only that, but Israel National News chimed in:

Canada’s prime minister-elect Justin Trudeau on Tuesday told President Barack Obama that Canadian fighter jets would withdraw from fighting the Islamic State (ISIS) group in Iraq and Syria, but gave no timeline, AFP reported.

“About an hour ago I spoke with President Obama,” Trudeau told a press conference.

While Canada remains “a strong member of the coalition against ISIS,” Trudeau said he made clear to the Obama “the commitments I have made around ending the combat mission.”

Canada last year deployed CF-18 fighter jets to the region until March 2016, as well as about 70 special forces troops to train Kurds in northern Iraq.

During the election campaign, Trudeau pledged to bring home the fighter jets and end its combat mission. But he vowed to keep military trainers in place.

His new Liberal government will be “moving forward with our campaign commitments in a responsible fashion,” Trudeau said, according to AFP.

“We want to ensure that the transition is done in an orderly fashion,” he added.

Trudeau on Monday won a landslide victory in the Canadian election, unseating Conservative Stephen Harper after nine years.

Trudeau has consistently opposed Harper’s counter-terror moves, including proposed legislation last year to cancel the citizenship of terrorists.

He sharply criticized Harper’s decision last year to join the coalition against ISIS.

Trudeau at the time acknowledged that ISIS is a “threat to regional and global security” but said that “Mr. Harper has made no effort to build a non-partisan case for war,” claiming a parallel to the 2003 Iraq war he termed the “Iraqfiasco.”

MOST significantly – and despite any of the outlandish nonsense spun re his victory, as being a leap forward towards “co-existence” – Trudeau’s views are a mirror image to HUSSEIN Obama’s, in so far as their radical leftism and Islamic coddling are concerned. To said effect, consider them ideological bookends…fraternal twins separated at birth…anti-western pigs in a poke…and so on.

YET, to internalize the (exponentially) upped threat level, one must square the circle, so to speak, even if it seems like a Herculean task. It is THAT intrinsic.

UNDER said realistic paradigm – in no uncertain terms – America’s southern border no longer exists, except in name only. Few, at least the intellectually aware and honest, can rationally argue that Obama Inc. did not purposefully eviscerate the border which (for the most part) kept out illegal aliens; be they Mexicans; Islamists; narco-terrorists or assorted others.  

TO wit, as imperiled as America is due to the above proofs, the stakes have now been raised to the nth degree with HUSSEIN Obama’s kindred spirit sitting at the helm of the northern border. Sans a scintilla of a doubt, a pincer-like encirclement of America is in full force.

G-d have mercy….but not on the above two leaders – anti-western devils that they are!


{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

23 thoughts on “Canada’s Trudeau Endangers America/West: Brotherhood Mafia Emboldened. GRAVE Knock-On Effects. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

    • V. Martin—one of my pillars is also Rev. 12. I believe we are in the 17/th verse, we are the remnant the dragon is at war with. We differ who the Woman is but can agree on the 17/th verse. strength to strength !

  1. Pingback: Canada’s Trudeau Endangers America/West: Brotherhood Mafia Emboldened. GRAVE Knock-On Effects. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki | OUR WEIRD WORLD

  2. Have the Canadian’s lost their minds, who would trust anyone with the name Justin. Canada has fallen, another Sweden in the making. Bob NZ

    • Canadians have been left leaning longer and deeper than the US.

      Even Harper could hardly be described as conservative.

      the worst part (I am Canadian) is that justine is a retard. in the classical sense of the word.

  3. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Canada’s Trudeau Endangers America/West: Brotherhood Mafia Emboldened. GRAVE Knock-On Effects.

  4. Pingback: Canada’s Trudeau Endangers America/West: Brotherhood Mafia Emboldened. « THE BLACK KETTLE

  5. The biggest liberal lie ever perpetrated on the human race is that “all cultures are equal”. Some are actually vile and despicable.

  6. Pingback: BPI reblog001 Daily Archives: October 21, 2015 | boudicabpi2015

  7. Pingback: BPI reblog001 Daily Archives: October 21, 2015 | Boudica2015

  8. Pingback: BPI reblog001 Daily Archives: October 21, 2015 | Boudica BPI Weblog

  9. At the beginning of the campaign, I didn’t think that kid had a shot. He was a substitute high school teacher for God’s sake and a pot head. Canadians lean hard left. They are enamored of their self-image as multiculturalists and good guys as juxtapositioned to the United States. I am an American-born dual citizen living in BC. I’ve heard no few Canadians say that Obama will go down in history as a great president. Yeah, if the world ever gets that far after he gets done arming Iran with nukes and destroying his own country. And Trudeau can take care of Islamifying north of the border.

  10. Pingback: Canada’s Trudeau Endangers America/West: Brotherhood Mafia Emboldened. GRAVE Knock-On Effects. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki | PUSHING BACK

  11. Pingback: Canada’s Trudeau – Islam-Lover – Strikes: Guess Who’s Coming “Home” For Christmas?? Hint: Not Santa. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  12. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Canada’s Trudeau – Islam-Lover – Strikes: Guess Who’s Coming “Home” For Christmas?? Hint: Not Santa.

  13. Pingback: Canada’s De Facto Islamization:Toronto Police’s Muslim Chaplain Advocates Child Marriages & Muhammad As The SUPREME Role Model!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  14. Pingback: Canada SUBMITS To Blasphemy Laws. “Pretty Boy” Trudeau Squashes Free Speech; Knock-On Effects & Root Causes. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  15. Pingback: Canada SUBMITS To Blasphemy Laws. “Pretty Boy” Trudeau Squashes Free Speech; Knock-On Effects & Root Causes. – Defy Donald Trump

  16. Pingback: Trudeau’s Canada A Jihadi Danger To America: The Northern Front! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  17. Pingback: Apostates of Islam WARN West: Beware of Sharia Law! Meanwhile, America, Canada, Et Al. Advance It. What’s Going Down? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  18. Pingback: Trudeau’s Canada Poses GRAVE Islamic Threat To America, Despite Naysayers. What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  19. Pingback: Canada’s (Unprotected) Jihadi Frontier: A Clear & Present Danger To America – Upped Via Trudeau’s Embrace Of Islam! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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