
This site’s most trusted contacts kept pointing in two directions when Benghazigate first exploded and they duly “advised”: it would be prudent to rely on, to pass on, their insider information (Northeast Intelligence has Insider “W”, others have…), that which these sources developed over time. Significantly, it was this information which played out when Benghazigate broke.Concomitantly, they realized that the captured media would not report on key developments (under any circumstances) and only a few alternative media sites would even enter the fray.

In this regard, they counted on this site to do the right thing. Well, not only were said contacts spot on re the underbelly of Benghazigate, but a paltry few conservative sites touched the second tier of this explosive story, heretofore referenced below. However, for the most part, various media came on board with the first tier when its efficacy could no longer be denied.

Specifically, the first tier involved definitive markers which led towards the largest weapons running operation in Mid East history, illegal on its face. Not only was Congress left in the dark, vitiating the War Powers Resolution, but the toppling of Qadafi – no longer a strategic threat to the U.S. – became “necessary” to give open sesame to Muslim Brotherhood strongmen to attain hegemony. 

The Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President’s authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict…..

Now, it is a fact that al-Qaeda has been the beneficiary of Barack HUSSEIN’s wildfires in the Mid East, so much so that they are embedded in places heretofore less “hospitable” to their terror forces. The knock-on effects of the Islamist-in-Chief. The “gift” that keeps giving.   

al-Qaeda terror thug celebrates after Benghazi compound explodes

On top of tier one, let us segue over to the all important tier two, the one which is so germane, so explosive, that very few sites dare to touch it. Radioactive. Cowards.

Nevertheless, several commentaries (at this site…some even questioned if this American-Israeli lives in a bunker…oh yeah…) spelled things out and they couldn’t have been clearer.

Starting with the general query: what/who was occupying Barack HUSSEIN Obama when Benghazigate went down? to: POTUS AWOL during Benghazigate slaughter, sexually compromised, drugged up and inebriated too, could it get any starker? Not much, unless one requires video evidence! But never mind, it is hard for committed ideologues to think outside the box, for if they did, the most intrinsic piece of the puzzle, its missing piece, would tell the very tawdry tale.

Regardless, if bonehead Boehner’s special panel to investigate Benghazi does not include his “missing time”, well, a key piece to the AWOL POTUS will stay buried and that would be a travesty of mega injustice and historical falsehood. Unfathomable. Unconscionable. Indeed, if most understood what REALLY went down with Barack HUSSEIN Obama while Americans were slaughtered, it is very likely that even the captured media could not stop them from “storming the gates”. 

Obama with Reggie Love

The “down low” POTUS & his “body double”: Reggie Love, his hunk of lovin’!

The Single Most Dangerous Question To Obama Re Benghazi – Northeast Intelligence Network

22 May 2014:  Although numerous unanswered questions continue to plague the Obama White House about the criminal and murderous events of the Benghazi attacks on September 11, 2012, there is one single question that needs to be asked with absolute precision and answered with authenticated specificity.

It is the question that Obama and a very small contingent of his innermost circle fear the most, for it is my professional investigative assessment, based on insider information, that the answer to this question alone will cause the immediate demands for the impeachment and removal from office of Barack Hussein Obama. It is this precise question:

Where exactly within the White House was Barack Hussein Obama, from the time he left the Oval Office at approximately 7:30 p.m. ET, until the following day when he boarded Air Force One destined for Las Vegas, who was he with, and what were the exact nature of his activities during this period?

Unfortunately, I have significant doubts that specific answers to this multi-part question, subject to verification by Secret Service logs, will be forthcoming or cross-referenced with other internal White House logs and other records that are known to be kept and maintained. I also have serious doubts that the Select Committee will press the issue beyond any vague, superficial and peripheral testimony offered by those called before the investigative body.

It is this one particular question—and a complete, truthful and verifiable answer—that has the ability to completely change the perception of events that have been carefully crafted like a cheap paint-by-numbers picture set suitable for children 8-12 years of age.

Just where was the Commander-in-Chief while Americans were fighting for their lives and awaiting assistance that would never arrive? We now know where he wasn’t, which was in the White House situation room. What activities could possibly take precedence over even a brief “pop-in” to the Situation Room for a strategic, election year photo-op? Think about that and all that it implies for a moment.

Based on information supplied to me by two insider sources, the truthful answers to this multi-part question will never be disclosed—ever. Based on one DC insider who is legally muzzled by multiple national security secrecy oaths, “negotiations” are in progress (or perhaps complete) to make certain the committee will stay away from this question beyond a very narrow line of inquiry. This explains the ostensible partisan cooperation under the direction of Nancy Pelosi, according to my source. There is immense pressure being forced upon the committee chair and others to stay away from this line of questioning beyond the requisite superficiality designed for our entertainment.

Moreover, I have been informed that the Secret Service logs, White House visitor logs, and cross-referencing records “including and especially of those individuals present in the private presidential quarters that would identify the names, ages and alleged purpose for their presence” will never be remitted, at least not in their original form, if at all. Furthermore, any answers relating to this question by witness testimony will not be properly reconciled with any documentation at the depth required.

Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, CIA whistle blower, posed 11 questions about Benghazi to elected officials from both political parties and received no responses in return. I pose one, publicly, for it is the truthful answer to this question that is, and forever will be, the “third rail” of the deepest recesses of insider knowledge.

Wait. Watch. And mark my words.

It gets worse, if you dare imagine. The foxes in the Repub hen house have already compromised the investigation, by dint of the fact that the LEAD Executive Director of the select committee is tied into both far left AND Islamist groups! Need proofs?

The American people are supposed to trust Republicans appointed to investigate Benghazi but as it turns out, the Executive Director appointed to the House Select Committee on Benghazi – Philip Kiko – is a lobbyist for the Smith-Free Group, in which his clients include the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the radical environmentalist group the Sierra Club, Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), National Council of La Raza “the Race” (NCLR), and the National Organization for Women (NOW), NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (NLDEF) and others.

And it even gets worse, it also turns out that he lobbied for a group with strong connections to Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S.

Philip Kiko

This constitutes a major problem

Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy and House Speaker John Boehner.

Let’s address the elephant in the room. When it comes to Benghazi, the attackers all resided under the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella.

Muslim Advocates
Kiko, appointed by Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, has been a lobbyist for Smith-Free Group since 2013. One of Smith-Lee’s clients is the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, a consortium of racial and liberal organizations that includes the highly suspect Muslim Advocates (MA). There also appears to be a connection to Wisconsin politicians. The head of MA used to work for U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Kiko for Rep. James Sensenbrenner as Deputy Chief of Staff from 2001 – 2007. Sensenbrenner is credited with authoring the Patriot Act.

MA’s President and Executive Director Farhana Khera worked directly for Feingold for six years and was Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. Ironically, a primary focus of Khera has been to water down the Patriot Act to protect Muslims. The degree to which she was successful can be seen in both how politically correct the law is as well as Feingold being the only U.S. Senator to vote against the law.

Farhana Khera with Nancy Pelosi.

Khera represented the Muslim Students Association (MSA) in the U.S. and Canada in a suit filed against the City of New York over the surveillance of the Muslim community. MSA is a known Muslim Brotherhood front group and Khera is clearly a pro-Muslim activist who has argued that sting operations lead to “anti-Muslim sentiment”.

In 2010, Khera spoke at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention. In her speech, Khera tipped off Muslim leaders about law enforcement surveillance techniques. ISNA is also a Muslim Brotherhood front.

Perhaps one of Khera’s most prized accomplishments was a letter she received from then-Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan, who is currently the Director of the CIA. Brennan’s letter was in response to a letter sent by Khera and 57 Muslim organizations requesting that training materials offensive to Muslims be purged from counter-terrorism manuals. Brennan expressed agreement with Khera in his response.

When it comes to other Muslim Advocates members advocating for terrorist organizations, at a 2007 Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) convention, Muslim Advocates counsel Akil Vohra vouched for the Holy Land Foundation, insisting that it was not connected to terrorism. One year later, the HLF was found guilty on all charges related to terrorism.

When former Deputy Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton Huma Abedin found herself at the center of controversy after Rep. Michele Bachmann raised questions about Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, at least one Muslim Advocates member expressed support for Abedin. Board member Amber Khan sent out the following tweet about Abedin’s attendance at the White House iftar dinner in 2012:


Curiously, Kiko’s former boss – Sensenbrenner – was one of a handful of Republicans who publicly defended Abedin, thereby siding against Bachmann.

Rep. Keith Ellison, one of two Muslim U.S. Congressmen, was one of Abedin’s staunchest of defenders against Bachmann. Ellison responded to Bachmann’s questions with an incoherent two-page letter that was rebuked with a 16-page letter from Bachmann; it would be her last public words on the matter.

Ellison also has a connection to Muslim Advocates. The organization’s Director of Program to Strengthen Muslim Charities, Mohamed Sabur, was once an employee of Ellison.

Mohamed Sabur

Mohamed Sabur (r) selling Islamic materials circa 2002.

Sabur is also credited with founding The Qunoot Foundation. This organization is a partner with CAIR. Muslim Advocates is identified as a kind of offshoot from the Muslim Brotherhood front. In fact, their advocates work with CAIR. In fact, on CAIR’s official website, an application was accepted for a CAIR / Qunoot Fellowship.

Another co-founder of Qunoot Foundation – Zahier Janmohamed – supports Hamas, which is itself a Muslim Brotherhood group whose beliefs are in line with the Benghazi attackers.

Other figures on the Muslim Advocates website that warrant further scrutiny are Deputy Director Naheed Qureshi and Board Asifa Quraishi-Landes. As we have learned, the Qureshi name (can be spelled differently) is quite prominent within the Muslim Brotherhood. Suheir Qureshi was identified by as one of the 63 Muslim Sisterhood leaders. Naheed joined other Muslim Brotherhood figures at the 2010 White House Iftar Dinner, to include Huma Abedin’s mother Saleha Abedin.

Here is a promo video on the Muslim Advocates website, the organization Kiko has lobbied for. The video features Sabur, Khera, and Ellison:

Foley and Lardner
Another potentially noteworthy aspect to Kiko’s background is his time with Foley and Lardner as Of Counsel.One of the partners of this firm is Cleta Mitchell, who inexplicably defended Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan in the face of overwhelming evidence of their complicity in the Muslim Brotherhood agenda.

Mitchell: Insists Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan are clean.

The evidence against both Norquist and Khan is incontrovertible. Yet, Mitchell chose to vehemently defend them while smearing those who pointed out their Muslim Brotherhood connections, as reported. The extent of Kiko’s relationship with Mitchell is unclear but it is noteworthy that both Mitchell and he have either advocated for or defended individuals or groups with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. As a partner with Foley, Mitchell would have been senior to Kiko, who was listed as ‘Of Counsel’.

Kiko Should Recuse Himself
Shortly after Speaker John Boehner appointed Trey Gowdy to head the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Gowdy appointed Kiko. To what extent Boehner may have had a hand in Gowdy’s naming of the longtime DC lobbyist is not known but Boehner sure seemed pleased with the appointment immediately after it was announced, saying:

“Phil Kiko is a man of unquestioned integrity with a record of distinguished service to the House and the American people. His appointment today is further proof of Chairman Gowdy’s commitment to an investigation that is serious, fact-based, and professional. The American people deserve the full truth about what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, and there is no better person to help lead this effort than Phil.”


Like Sensenbrenner, Boehner was one of the handful of Republicans who defended Abedin against Bachmann, as reported.

Let’s face it, Congress has a poor track record with the American people. It’s a place where corruption thrives like weeds in a garden that needs constant tending. Despite this, there is an industry in Washington, DC that is viewed with even more contempt, perhaps the most unprincipled profession in the nation’s capital – lobbying. Often, the extent to which any one lobbyist’s principles – or lack thereof – can be known are by looking at his clients.

When doing this with Kiko, it becomes apparent that he should recuse himself from the Benghazi investigation. Boehner, Gowdy and every member of the House Select Committee should demand it.


ASIDE from all the mutating, co-joining and bedding patterns between Demsters and RINO’s with Islamic mouthpieces, let us never forget the part played by “dear Hill”. Now, there are several hot commentaries demonstrating why she too belongs in jail due to her immeasurable complicity re Benghazigate, but we don’t even have to rely on her recent crimes.

In a nutshell, if the buck is truly going to stop with Obama Inc, don’t let the Clinton machine off the hook either. Via their body counts over the years, especially when Hill runs for POTUS, Benghazigate is just her latest criminal activity. 

So for your (dis)pleasure, sit back, bring out the popcorn or whatever suits your personal taste buds, and view the following movie, one which Clinton’s gang is desperate to hide!



      • Sometimes I wonder – why bother – because nothing ever happens – it’s all a charade to make people think congress is doing it’s job, and yet… maybe this time? – hope springs eternal – but for how long?



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