Multiculturalism And Islamofascism Marches On While Non-Muslims Are Slaughtered On The Altar Of Diversity. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


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IT is manifestly clear – at least to those who are not blinded by the left’s idée fixe that multiculturalism is the only way forward – that a seismic shift in the “balance of power” between western nations and 7th century steeped third world Islamic-infused barbarians is on the march.

IN this regard, civilized westerners should be able to depend upon their so-called enlightened leaders to beat back (militarily, politically, and ideologically) against the aforementioned barbarians hands down. Not so fast.

ALAS, it is due to many mitigating factors that the west is in the throes of a precipitous decline; a life and death struggle. However, certain fault-lines should be considered primary thrusts. To wit, hot on the heels of this site’s most recent commentary, “Cultural Suicide Facilitated Civilization Jihad: The Clash Of Civilizations And The Death Of The West. Is It Too Late?”, it is hardly incidental that a colleague – who happens to be an Editor in Chief and political commentator – wrote the following piece. 

CONCLUSIVELY, his analysis is both stark and indicting.

Multiculturalism And Islamofascism Marches On While Non-Muslims Are Slaughtered On The Altar Of Diversity
Recently, I strayed across a video clip from a segment of Bill Maher’s show that I watched because the topic was Islam, and Maher is probably the only Liberal willing to tell the truth about the alleged “Religion of Peace.” I now realize that the human race is in even more trouble than I originally believed after I heard a Canadian woman with a voice so annoying I clicked on the closed captions for the deaf and muted her to suppress the waves of nausea her voice induced.
I shook my head in utter horror at the incredible nonsense this madwoman was pouring out to mindlessly defend Islam as Bill Maher and his other guests provided irrefutable evidence that between 250 million to 300 million Muslims are on the side of ISIS and believe that it is acceptable to kill an infidel. What this “queen of diversity” doesn’t want anyone to say is that there are more Muslims who would like the entire human race to be either Muslim or dead than the total number of soldiers in the combined armies of the entire Non-Muslim world many times over. She is incapable of even comprehending that the other three people in the conversation might have something to say that she should at least consider. Her childish behavior was the politically correct version of sticking a finger in each ear and screaming, “NA NA NA NA” at the top of her lungs in order not to hear something that may save her life one day.
What she does say in typical Progressive code is anyone who criticizes Islam and refuses to renounce their own culture and national identity in favor of the imaginary “Global Village” is provoking peaceful Muslims into leaving Islam to become mass murderers. As usual, the Allahu Akbar shouting butchers who behead three-month old Jewish babies in their cribs after slaughtering their family are not Muslims, according to our multiculti princess. They are common criminals who were forced to kill because we hate Muslims. She can’t even comprehend what Bill Mahar means as he tells her over and over that no one hates Muslims. The issue is the dogma and teachings of Islam and the demand to permit Sharia law in Muslim communities in secular nations. We are being asked to reject our culture and values in favor of the culture, values and religious beliefs of the people who want to come to live among us as equals. While we should treat all immigrants as equals, asking us to reject our identity and be accepting of theirs is no different from blaming the badly beaten victim of a home invasion for not having better locks on the door.
We are reminded that there are 1.2 billion Muslims, as if that means their lack of concern as the main culprits in the suicidal overpopulation of the planet somehow makes Islam even more special and valid. This comment then segues into reminding us that only a “small percentage” of Muslims support “radical” Islam, another made up word that is used to excuse the vile hatred of non-Muslims found in the Qur’an, the Hadith, and Islamic Law.
In reality, the “small percentage,” according to repeated polls conducted in several important Muslim majority nations amounts to 250 million to 300 million Muslims willing to impose Islam by force and kill anyone who refuses to convert or pay the Jizya to live as virtual slaves in an Islamic Theocracy called the Caliphate. These so-called “radical” extremists outnumber the total combined  military forces of the entire non-Muslim world ten to one, and they are not ordered by their leaders to consult a military lawyer before they return fire as the battle commences. People with her delusional belief in “diversity” have crippled the American military to the point of uselessness by insisting on rules of engagement that guarantee our troops die and the enemy wins or is able to fight for decades.
Either you crush the enemy as quickly and completely as possible or you don’t even bother to fight. While no one wants to see our soldiers deliberately killing civilians, we must remember that in WWII 19,000 civilians died every single day for six years. Now, we are fighting an enemy who deliberately opens fire from inside the homes of their own civilians. If one alleged non-combatant dies during an engagement or battle with an enemy deliberately embedded in the civilian population, the accusations against American (and Israeli) soldiers committing “war crimes” are shouted from the headlines of every mainstream paper and news website on the planet.
The refusal to confront and crush an enemy that has openly and repeatedly declared war on the entire non-Muslim world is so out of hand that Secretary of State John Kerry made a speech warning the Nigerian government not to violate the human rights of Boko Haram terrorists who have told the 85 million Nigerian Christians they will continue to kill Christians until they either convert to Islam or flee Nigeria with nothing but the clothes they are wearing.
Obama refused to give any weapons or even provide intelligence reports to help Nigeria stop Boko Haram while their Christian head of state, Goodluck Jonathan, begged for help.Nigerian schools and churches were blown up along with dozens of Christians and Boko Haram wiped out an entire town killing more than 1000 civilians. Hillary Clinton blocked the State Department from putting Boko Haram on the official list of terrorist groups for more than two years when she was Secretary of State under Obama. Had she not blocked a very legitimate policy, Nigeria would have been able to receive enough technology, intelligence sharing, and weapons to wage an effective war against an army of Islamic supremacist butchers.
The purpose behind Obama’s and Clinton’s treatment of the nation of Nigeria and the betrayal of a Nigerian leader who loved America, and spent part of his life living here, was revealed when the Nigerian national elections approached in 2014. Obama Administration officials put the word out to the media that the Muslim General running against the incumbent was the best choice because of Goodluck Jonathan’s failure to stop Boko Haram. Obama set up the man to fail. He refused to help him as hundreds of Christian teenagers were kidnapped and sold into sex slavery by Boko Haram, hundreds of Nigerian college students were slaughtered in their beds for receiving a secular education instead of studying the Qur’an, and entire communities were annihilated.
Obama’s minions put the word out that Goodluck Jonathan was the reason for the failure to stop Boko Haram. The first Christian President of Nigeria was replaced by another Muslim General with a history of aggression toward Nigerian Christians because imposing Obama’s world view, which is based on shamelessly pandering to Islam just like the Canadian woman did on HBO with Bill Mahar, is more important to him than the lives on 82 million Nigerian Christians and the national identity of the American people, who wish to live in a secular Constitutional Republic.
The Liberal and Progressive refusal to accept reality is truly a severe new form of mental illness that will eventually cost millions of innocent non-Muslims their lives. If and when a clash of civilizations begins, the woman who nauseated Bill Mahar will still be calling us Islamophobes while an Islamist saws off her head. To allow people with her worldview to participate in the governance of a non-Muslim nation is treasonous stupidity, as was electing Obama twice, and anyone who defends her or Obama’s worldview is just as crazy and dangerous as they are.  Of course, people who can think for themselves know that when the SHTF, the useful idiots are always the first to be disposed of by the very people they so blindly defended.
One final point that is never raised is the fact that almost all the heroin killing and crippling millions of American civilians is coming from Afghanistan, yet both Bush and Obama refused to destroy the opium crops that are the raw material for 90 percent of the world’s heroin. Afghani warlords affiliated with an alphabet soup of Islamic terror groups have total control over the poppy crop., The same warlords, who previously supported the Taliban and al Qaeda while spilling rivers of blood, are allowed to grow their poppies and produce their opium in exchange for ending their active support for the various Islamofascists who tore Afghanistan to shreds while receiving financial and military support from Pakistan’s ISI.
Our so-called leaders remain silent as America is flooded with heroin. We could destroy all the poppy fields in Afghanistan in a few days if our military was allowed to do their job, but instead, 40,000 Americans died of heroin overdoses last year, while the poppies bloomed and the raw opium was harvested. Afghani opium provides the Islamists and their terror networks with two billion dollars a year to finance their war on the non-Muslim world, and Obama won’t give the order to bomb the poppy fields into oblivion. Obama is as responsible for their deaths as are the Islamic Warlords who are laughing all the way to the bank.
Bottom line, folks. Multiculturalism? OH, hell no!

Christian Heads Sawed Off In Nigeria & HUSSEIN Obama Backs (Nigeria’s) Muhammadu Buhari, Boko Haram’s Presidential Choice! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Boko Haram Chainsaw Massacre

(Islam’s committed followers are now chain-sawing their way to jihadi “infidel” slaughter, and below will explain the why’s and the wherefore’s)

WHETHER from the Shia or Sunni side, Islamists scream “Death to Israel” and Death to America” in a continuous cycle of jihadi incitement. This is beyond dispute. Not only that, but throughout the so-called “negotiations” with Iran’s genocidal mullahs, the exact same murderous proclamations have been exhorted. Unremitting.

Iran’s supreme leader rallied his country to endorse the ongoing nuclear negotiations with the US — while at the same time shouting, “Death to America!” along with the unruly crowd.

Ayatollah Khamenei addressed the rowdy mob and derided the sanctions against his country, demanding they be removed at once and not gradually, the Times of Israel reported….

MORE specifically, ever since the mullahs grabbed the reins, screams to annihilate Israel have been front and center. But the following is a recent shout out and bears special note:

“Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini spews the oldest hatred of anti-Semitism with the newest technology. He tweets that Israel must be annihilated. He tweets. You know in Iran there isn’t exactly free Internet, but he tweets in English that Israel must be destroyed,” Netanyahu said.

As previously reported, Khamenei called for Israel to be annihilated in one of a series of anti-Israel tweets last year:

“This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of #Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated. 7/23/14 #HandsOffAlAqsa” the tweet stated.

“For those who believe that Iran’s threatened the Jewish state but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, Iran’s chief terrorist proxy. He said, ‘If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world,’” Netanyahu told Congress Tuesday…

CLEAR as a bell.

YET, it is not as if any of the above comes as “news”, least of all to HUSSEIN Obama.


IS he complicit in the slaughter of Christians, Jews and other minorities, or not? More specifically, how about this juicy tidbit from the world’s leading Islamic U, Egypt’s Al-Azhar: eating dead Jews, Christians and infidels “halal” if necessary! Mr. Prez, what say you?


(Al-Azhar University where President Obama made his apology speech to the Muslim world. Al-Azhar University renowned as “Sunni Islam’s most prestigious university.”)


WHEN the civilized world witnesses jihadists kidnapping, selling and slaughtering Christians and other minorities, yet the leader of the free world is stone cold silent, what messages are forthcoming? Exactly.


AND when it has already been proven that Benghazigate facilitated the purges – and this was not accidental – on whose head is the onus? You guessed right.


BUT to make matters even more incendiary, how chilling is it to know that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is rooted in both nazi socialism and Islamism? Shiver America, the west, timbers.


INHERENTLY, the Jihadi-In-Chief, aka The Facilitator, aligns himself with multi-culti fanatics, and they aid in the “crimes/acts of omission” which assist in the slaughtering of innocents worldwide.

IN this regard, as the west watches on in horror at decapitations committed to satiate (pagan) Allah, know that it is mandated via the bloody book of jihad – Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” . Therefore, aside from the shock value, it must be understood for what it really is.


INHERENTLY, now that assorted jihadi tentacles, in tandem with ISIS, are busy hacking off heads, they understand that they must up the ante. On the one hand, never underestimate the art of propaganda, which serves as a dual-edged sword; terrorizing westerners, as well as “inspiring” other Islamists to join their cause. Yes, even one of their slick and gory-filled magazines is called INSPIRE. It is not for nothing.

Samir Khan, a 24-year-old American known for distributing terrorist propaganda material online, was killed by a U.S. drone strike on September 30, 2011, two years after he moved to Yemen to align himself with Al Qaeda.

Federal authorities have claimed that Khan was the principal author of Inspire, Al Qaeda’s first-ever English-language magazine that provides detailed bomb-making instructions and calls on followers to “destroy” America. The graphics, design and overall packaging of Inspire resemble those on Khan’s various blogs and in Jihad Recollections, the self-described “first English Jihad magazine” in which Khan was a contributor.

The inaugural issue of Inspire was released online in July 2010 by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, where Khan has lived since October 2009. In the second issue, which was released in October 2010, Khan writes that he is “proud to be a traitor to America” and criticizes the U.S. government and its military incursions overseas. The U.S. and its allies, according to Khan, must be defeated in order to “implant Islam all over the world.”  “I am acutely aware that body parts have to be torn apart, skulls have to be crushed and blood has to be spilled,” Khan writes.

In the seventh issue of Inspire, published just days before his death, Khan underscored the importance of media for the global jihadist movement, noting that “ideas are bulletproof and have an outstanding lifespan,” and that therefore “the credible ideas that we bring is what intimidates them [the West] the most.”

Militants from extremist group Boko Haram attacked several Nigerian towns, torching houses and fatally shooting those who fled before reportedly beheading some of the bodies with chainsaws. The string of terror attacks comes amid the presidential vote.

At least 25 people were killed and more than 30 injured in the village of Buratai in Borno state, local officials confirmed.

Surviving witnesses described gruesome scenes of murder, saying that not only did the extremists set homes on fire and shoot those trying to escape, but also decapitated the bodies.

Local politician Ibrahim Adamu, who fled the scene, told CNN that Boko Haram “slaughtered their victims like rams and decapitated them,” adding that “they burned a large part of the village and we are afraid some residents were burnt in the homes because most people had gone to bed when the gunmen struck.”

Meanwhile, at least 14 people were killed in separate attacks by the radical Islamist group in the towns of Biri and Dukku, located in Gombe state. The victims included a legislator, AP reported.

Video courtesy of: Press TvPigMine 2

The attacks came after the Nigerian military announced Friday that it had cleared all major centers in the northeast from militants. They also coincide with the country’s presidential election, which Boko Haram had vowed to derail.

Tens of millions took to polling stations on Saturday in Africa’s most populous nation to vote in a closely contested election, with two of the 14 candidates – President Goodluck Jonathan and former military dictator Muhammadu Buhari – being the frontrunners.

Legislators for the 360-seat lower house of the Nigerian parliament are also being elected.

There were reports of attempted bombings attributed to Boko Haram at several polling stations, but those failed to disrupt the voting process and no one was injured.

The elections had been delayed due to a sharp increase in violence in the country, where 20 regions were controlled by Boko Haram extremists at the beginning of the year. On March 17, Nigeria’s army managed to regain control over large swathes of the country’s northeast, making further progress in recent days. Niger-Chad forces assisted in freeing parts of Nigeria’s border areas.

That, however, did not stop the attacks, as the extremists captured more than 500 women and children from the Nigerian town of Damasak, killing at least 50 straight away, according to Tuesday reports.

Last April, nearly 300 schoolgirls were abducted by Boko Haram in the town of Chibok, which caused international outrage and attracted global attention to the group’s six-year insurgency.

Boko Haram recently pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militant group.

AT the same time that the art of propaganda marches forward, let’s dare not mitigate the “practical” aspects of their decapitations. In a nutshell, let’s get down to the “efficiency” aspect. Yes, as opposed to the old fashioned method of knifing, how many more heads can an Islamist deliver via a modern day chain saw? Think about it. It’s a numbers calculus.

IN essence, the usage of the chain saw is, for all intents of purposes, a message to both the jihadists and to westerners: yes, there are enumerable heads which have to be separated from shoulders. Resultant, a more “efficient” method will be utilized and Boko Haram’s should not be considered a “one-off” act of jihad. 

“INFIDELS”, you got that?

AMERICANS, westerners, are you ready for some more treachery via HUSSEIN Obama, as it intersects with the aforementioned Nigerian election between President Goodluck Jonathan and former military dictator Muhammadu Buhari? If not, get a grip. Why? Well, the Islamist-in-Chief interfered in Nigeria’s election and guess which side he put America’s considerable muscle behind? And don’t let any news outlet convince you that Buhari is going to stamp out Boko Haram. That’s a damnable and Orwellian lie.

Obama Accused of Obstructing Battle against Boko Haram to Promote Axelrod’s Nigerian Muslim Client!

Obama refused to sell Nigeria arms and supplies critical to the fight, and stepped in to block other Western allies from doing so. The administration also denied Nigeria intelligence on Boko Haram from drones operating in the area. While Boko Haram was kidnapping school girls, the U.S. cut petroleum purchases from Nigeria to zero, plunging the nation’s economy into turmoil and raising concerns about its ability to fund its battle against the terrorists. Nigeria responded by cancelling a military training agreement between the two countries.

The Nigerian presidential election is coming up Saturday, March 28, 2015. AKPD, the political consulting group founded by Obama confidante David Axelrod, is assisting Retired Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, a Muslim presidential candidate from Muslim-dominated northern Nigeria, where Boko Haram was spawned and wields the most influence. Buhari is well-known throughout the country, having led as “Head-of-State” following a military coup in 1983. He was dislodged following another coup in 1985.

Democracy is a recent phenomenon in Nigeria. With the exception of two short periods from its independence in 1960 to 1966, and the second republic from 1979 to 1983, the country was ruled by a string of military dictatorships between 1966 and 1999.

Under the All Progressives Congress (APC) banner, Buhari is putting up a stiff challenge to the sitting president, Dr. Ebele Goodluck Jonathan who hails from Nigeria’s Christian south….

YOU get the picture…and even mass graves in Nigeria aren’t enough to dissuade HUSSEIN Obama from supporting the side most closely associated with Boko Haram!

MOST resonantly, the very fact that the heretofore leader of the free world (and surrogates) refuses to acknowledge that the relationship between Islam & Blood is inexorable, well, HUSSEIN Obama becomes part of the problem, and with little space between himself and murderous jihadists. Americans (westerners) must understand how dire the situation is.

IS it any wonder why the occupant in the People’s House is called Islam’s American (best) friend? Rhetorical.

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”  quote from page 261 of “The Audacity of Hope” by America’s first (and hopefully last) Muslim POTUS Barrack Hussain Obama.

Financing Jihad: Hussein Obama Enables Muslims to Pay Zakat

IT is under this basis that HUSSEIN Obama should be considered an absolute danger to the west at large. Indeed, his animus, most inherently towards America and Israel, is on full display, whether via his surrogates at a leftist-Arabist hate-fest or at any other opportune moment.   

HECK, even the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency recognizes what’s what.

TO wit, as far as HUSSEIN Obama is concerned, Christian (Jewish/minorities ) heads can fly off interminably; Israel can disappear from the map, still, he will continue supporting Islam’s followers. Indubitably, his second term is emblematic of his intense hatred. Unshackled.

BOTTOM LINE: never forget where his allegiance lies. Trenchantly, his (green) ideological basis mirrors the jihadi tweet found below, even though he dresses his “policy-making” in American garb!

Image from Twitter campaign showing Anwar al-Awlaki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

Islamic Cannibalism/Barbarism Ratchets Up: ISIS, Boko Haram & Jihadi Umbrellas Partake! A Western Call To Arms. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THE videotaping of Coptic Christians – and others similarly decapitated – must be understood as part of a goal-oriented program with two-tiers: propaganda recruitment, and striking (immediate/concomitant) terror in the west’s heart. Shock value.

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, said acts are absolutely underpinned by the Koran, and can be found in several unambiguous verses: Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” 

SO those who jive talk and scream that this barbarism is not Islamic, they are either ignorant of Islam’s dictates or they are attempting to Allah-wash Islamic-derived jihad. In either case, just ignore them or smack them upside the head. Whatever works.

ISIS Beheading 21 Coptic Christians in Libya 2 (resized)

FULL Disclosure: the latest gruesome act of jihad hit particularly hard. Why? Aside from the fact that much has been written at this site (out of countless commentaries) to prove the above thesis, a heightened degree of outrage was felt, regarding the Coptic Christian community. Yes, it comes atop enumerable acts of savagery- as Islamists swathe forward – in their absolute goal to wipe out the last vestiges of minorities in the Mid East and parts of Africa.

IN this regard, as a (one of two Israelis) Board Member of Israel’s Voice – a US based 501(c)(3) nonprofit – one of our valued coalition partners represents the Voice of the Copts.  

TO wit, this investigative journalist is duty bound to assert: what is the leadership of the heretofore free world doing to counter the non-stop onslaughts, other than offering pithy platitudes via his mouthpieces: “The Obama administration, in a statement released by press secretary Josh Earnest late Sunday, called the killing of the 21 Egyptian men a “despicable and cowardly murder” that should accelerate the need for a political resolution to the burgeoning conflict in Libya.” (blogger’s note: more than enraging…being that the Pyromaniac-in-Chief’s illegal war in Libya catapulted ISIS’s jihad – attendant offshoots – off the ground….even as he shrilly opines: “In his address last week, the president said “ISIL is not Islamic,” and “no religion condones the killing of innocents.”)

AND if it seems like an endless barrage of barbarism flows through these pages, that’s because there is no other alternative. Sorry for that.

NEVERTHELESS, ignoring the unthinkable certainly won’t solve the worldwide plague of Islam, but exposing some intrinsic linkages will alert countless westerners as to what’s what. 




THUS, a recap of their latest carnage is on display for all to view. Thankfully – unlike the Jihadi-in-Chief – Egypt’s Al-Sisi’s righteous revenge was swift, as it should be:


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has declared “Egypt reserves the right of retaliation and with the methods and timing it sees fit for retribution from those murderers and criminals who are without the slightest humanity.” 

EuroNews The kidnapped Egyptian workers were taken in December and January from the coastal town of Sirte in eastern Libya which is now under the control of Islamist groups. In the video (below link) it was made clear the victims had been targeted because of their faith.


UPDATE! THIS JUST IN: As promised, Egypt launches airstrikes on Islamic State (ISIS) in Libya.

UK Daily Mail  Egypt launched airstrikes on Islamic State targets in Libya this morning as it ‘seeks retribution’ for the barbaric filmed beheading of 21 Coptic Christians. There were at least seven strikes in Derna in the east of the country, which has become a hotbed of Islamic extremism since dictator Libyan Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011.

France Egypt Fighter Jets

It is the first time Egypt announced military action against Islamist targets in its western neighbour, having previously denied it targeted militants there, and the first time militants connected with the Islamic State terror group have been hit with airstrikes outside Syria and Iraq.

The strikes are in response to a gruesome video, released last night, showing a group of orange jumpsuit-clad Coptic Christians being marched to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea by masked, knife-wielding militants.

The 21 men, who were Egyptian migrant workers kidnapped last month, are then seen being forced onto their knees before they are beheaded simultaneously by the militants standing behind them.

Egypt strikes Libya

BUT lest anyone believes that ISIS is the “only” Islamic bloodletting force laying waste across the globe, think again. Whether acting in tandem or solo, the fact remains that they are ALL operating under the banner of Islamic jihad!

Muslims, all belonging to Boko Haram, entered the Christian village of Gwoza and butchered one thousand Christians. Why hasn’t this made the news? They were shot, burned alive, and slashed to death. They were slaughtered with bullets, cooked alive, and hacked to death. Nigerian relations expert Adeniyi Ojutiku received a report from a trusted colleague:

Shoebat  The terrorists seized a number of residents as hostages and killed nine hundred and ninety-seven an eye-witness whose mother among the women that are burying the … bodies confirmed… The insurgents took over the Emirs (mayor’s) Palace as well as a Government Lodge in Gwoza, and have appointed a replacement for the town’s fleeing Emir. They have hoisted their black flags with Arabic insignia all over Gwoza in a show of their total control of the territory.


Ojutiku received from Nigeria marked a phone call and was told that “an unprecedented emergency request for prayers for the inhabitants of the Christian village of Gwoza… The town has … been under siege of Boko Haram for the past nine days”. reported before that the Boko Haram Muslims in this same Christian village killed 100, but now a new report says 1000.

As one report described the slaughter:

Mbitsa, who supports Ojutiku’s grassroots Lift Up Now outreach to Nigeria, is a member of the Church of Christ in Nations on the lower coast of Gwoza, and was away in Maiduguri during the attack. Boko Haram killed Mbitsa’s pastor Musa Ishaya and at least nine members of the Church of the Brethren in the attack, Mbitsa said. He has not heard from many since, as communication towers were destroyed.


“Only my elder brother, I heard from him among my family members,” Mbitsa reported. “Some brethren who escaped to mountains and bush for ten days now; only God knows how they are surviving without food, water, etc. Most of the brethren we communicate and get this information from them, their batteries are down.”

As Boko Haram blocked exit roads from Gwoza and went door to door killing people, Ojutiku said, Nigerian military officials abandoned their weapons and fled, leaving Boko Haram unchallenged.


“Now these weapons have fallen into the hands of the Boko Haram,” Ojutiku said. “A few people were able to escape to the mountainside, just exactly like is happening in northern Iraq. A few people are holding out on the mountains, but most of the people in the village are being slaughtered. There is no communication between Gwoza and other parts of the country.”

“I was told many Nigerian soldiers refused to go and confront Boko Haram, because their wives protested. They felt they were just sending their husbands to an untimely death.”


New reports corroborated Ojutiku’s account. According to AFP, about 300 women and 500 children protested for two days at the gates of a military base in Maiduguri, demanding that their husbands and fathers not be sent to recapture Gwoza, as they did not have proper weapons.

“No weapons for our husbands, no trip to Gwoza or any volatile place,” AFP Aug. 12 quoted Thabita John, one of the protesting wives. “We are tired of burying our loved ones.”

Boko Haram, seeking to establish Sharia law, had killed 4,239 Christians, moderate Muslims, government officials and civilians in attacks targeting religious communities in Northern Nigeria, advocacy group Jubilee Campaign reported July 29. Hundreds of thousands have been driven from their homes.

NEWSFLASH: Boko Haram are HUSSEIN Obama’s kinfolk, yes, they are:

Last, but certainly not least, look who went to bat for terror-laden Boko Haram in 2013?

Therefore, why is anyone shocked to learn: that while the Mid East is burning, so too is Christianity across Africa and the Mid East, all “credit” given to…re-introducing…


IN light of all the above info, is it any wonder that HUSSEIN Obama’s White House failed to mention the faith of Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS? Hmm…

“The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists,” the White House statement said. The victims were also referred to as “innocents,” Spiering said, but no mention was made of their faith.

NOW, as stated from the onset, the fact of the matter is that recruitment of western jihadis (and others) is a prime target for ISIS, Boko Haram and related Islamic terror hydras. This danger is exponentially graver due to their sophisticated online/social media presence and their English language publication(s)!  


MORE specifically, this investigative journalist continually highlights the dangerous Islamic presence within America (the west, including Israel), one which is growing exponentially, including ISIS. This has been made very clear, and with no stone left un-turned. 

THUS, a particular commentary (Oct. 2014) must URGENTLY re-enter the fray, as it featured “star” Bostonians…a “father and son terror tag team”!

INTRODUCING, a bespectacled (jacked up terrorist) grandfatherly looking man, Abdulbadi Abousamra…the proud papa of Ahmad, you know, the social media guru, the propaganda coordinator, for ISIS straight out of the heart of Boston! Hmm…the terror apple doesn’t fall far from the Islamist family tree. Yes, THAT Boston jihadi connection, once again. A cesspool.

SO what’s the point of re-introducing this duo? Well, as stated within said commentary, Ahmad is the MAIN tech guru for ISIS!

The Man Behind the ISIS Media Curtain Ahmad Abousamra

Ahmad Abousamra was born in France in 1981 and grew up in the upper class neighborhood of Stoughton in the Boston area of Massachusetts. Abousamra is highly educated having attended Xavier Brothers Catholic School in Westwood and then Stoughton High school in his senior year. He is also a graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in computer technology. He was also employed at a telecommunications company. Abousamra is a dual citizen of the United States and Syria and is believed to be living in the city of Aleppo, Syria.

Ahmad Abousamra and another individual, Tarek Mehanna, had made multiple trips to places such as Pakistan and Yemen for the purpose of receiving military training to fight American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. The two are reportedly to have celebrated the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States according to at least one report associated with Special Agent Heidi Williams of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Ahmad Abousamra and Tarek Mehanna have both been charged with terrorism related activity. Tarek Mehanna was apprehended at his parents’ home on October 21, 2009 and later convicted in 2011 and sentenced to 17.5 years in prison. The two had previously made a trip to Yemen in 2004 trying to find a terrorist training camp to acquire training. However, they were unsuccessful in either finding one or being accepted in one. Mehanna is said to have worked with another individual in the media wing of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi, which became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), then Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) and finally the Islamic State (IS). Both individuals were originally questioned by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in 2006. Ahmad Abousamra was added to the Most Wanted Terrorists List in 2012. Given the associations Ahmad Abousamra had with Mehanna and background information on Tarek Mehanna is astonishing that the FBI would not have requested he be put on a no fly list with the probable cause they had.

FBI Most Wanted Terrorist Images of Ahmad Abousamra

(read the whole thing)

AT its base, this blog does NOT blow smoke. Promise.

IN any event, the most urgent query becomes: what, if anything, can be done about their online presence? A whole damn lot.

NO one should be foolish enough to assume that the powers that be in Washington (and other western nations) can’t block access to any group that is affiliated with an Islamic terror organ, regardless of shrill screams re “censorship” and what not.

NOT only that, but access to the internet does not apply to a GLOBAL terror movement which seeks to destroy the west, regardless of “free speech/access” hysteria. Say what? Since when do barbarians have any rights, let alone to recruit jihadis, to plot, via social media?

SO one must inquire: why haven’t American (western) intelligence agencies stopped their online recruitment via the internet’s “rabbit hole”, even if some of their digital tracks can be helpful? Moreover, if they didn’t have the internet as a recruiting platform, there would be less reason to angst over their expanded rise. Ya think? A + B…

RESULTANT, a tool box of “traditional” tracking methods would suffice, if Washington took the lead. Clearly, they have zero interest in stopping ISIS’s rise, at least under the reign of HUSSEIN Obama and his Islamic-leaning (CIA/State/Jarrett) surrogates.


{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

Leftist Christian & Jewish Leaders Enable Islamic Slaughter:Silencing Truth-Tellers…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

AS an American-Israeli, and a committed Jewish Zionist living in Israel, one would believe that there are more than enough localized menaces to angst over, leaving little time or inclination to take on U.S. leftist-driven Christian leaders and their flock. Not only that, particularly since the Mid East is on fire and encircling Israel in a vise-like grip, as demonstrably proventime and again –  by a close associate, Dr. Martin Sherman, it is admittedly strange to make mention of this or that Chapel’s leadership. In this regard, the real question is: why should what happens in a U.S. Chapel be more than a blip on this site’s radar? A fair supposition, but deadly inaccurate.

INTRINSICALLY, it is impossible to beat back the enemy at hand, when the political, military, academic and religious leadership of the free world refuse to identify the cancer in their midst. What’s what and who’s who. Deadly.

REGARDLESS, the leftist menace has been a focal point at this site many times – even from its inception, as shown in the above link – and for good reason. Basically, it is their civil society elitists (throughout the west, most notably in America and Israel) who set the tone for policy making, irrespective of the majority public’s wishes. Yet why does this matter?

LEAVE it to Muslim apologists – both followers of Islam and leftists who detest the west, their blasted collaborators – to keep up the pretense: NO, ISIS/ISIL does not represent Islam and what not. Blah…blah…blood-soaked hogwash too.

DEAR readers, to further flesh out the left’s collusion, how many realize that PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) is bought and paid for by left-wing money men/foundations, in particular, Soros-the-devil incarnate? In this regard, is it at all shocking that Boko Haram, one of ISIS/ISIL fellow Islamic jihadi hydras – six of one…half a dozen of another – was sanitized by one of its reporters, even as he opined that this was not the intent of his series? Oh yeah…

Reporter/producer Evan Williams set out to investigate atrocities committed by Boko Haram, but along the way he uncovered a very different story. Video footage given to Williams by numerous sources appeared to show state-sponsored militias — and in some cases the Nigerian military — conducting brutal interrogations and even executions of civilians suspected to be Boko Haram members.

Williams talked to FRONTLINE about how he and his team found the story, how they verified the footage, and how they tracked down witnesses to corroborate the evidence.

Off the bat, let’s be clear: ISIS didn’t “invent” beheading, even though it is the main reason why they are front and center throughout the world. Yes, it became their calling card and it was planned as such. Regardless, as a matter of Islamic record, beheadings are par for their Allah-mandated course. More pointedly, not only does Hamas partake but so does Saudi Arabia, and up and down the Sunni and Shia line. It’s a tradition thing.

And if written proofs are necessary – to segue from there to here – so be it:

As always, one only has to understand the blood-soaked Koran – – to see why Islamic-driven monsters can “justify” their horrifying practices.

“When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks,” says an ayah, or verse in Sura (chapter) 47.

Sura 8:12 reads: “I will cast dread into the hearts of the unbelievers. Strike off their heads, then, and strike off all of their fingertips.”

Moreover, decapitations aka beheadings are also described in some of the earliest histories of Islam.

For the historical record, Muhammad’s earliest biographer, Ibn-Ishaq, describes how the prophet approved the beheadings of between 600 and 900 men from the Jewish Banu Qurayza tribe following the Battle of the Trench. History not only repeats, but followers of Islam are still implementing centuries-old “practices”, as if civilized society passed them by. It has.

Not only that, but it was a common form of execution under the Ottoman Empire, where it was the “primary form of symbolic aggression among Ottoman soldiers”, according to historian James J Reid. Graphically-speaking, let this tidbit sink in, in so far as Turkey’s President Erdogan (ex PM) is actively planning to resurrent the (reportedly benign…as if) Ottoman Empire. His main helpmates are the Muslim Brotherhood – with Hamas as its front-arm – and Barack HUSSEIN Obama. You read this “news” right here.

As mentioned, Saudi Arabia is neck-deep into the “art form” where a strict interpretation of Sharia law is enforced. Beheading is the form of punishment for a range of crimes, including drug running and apostasy, with approximately 80 people believed to have been beheaded by the kingdom last year. Oh boy, the bitter fruits of Wahhabism.


WHAT more needs to be said to prove that Islamic blood lust is insatiable? Moreover, the left “approves” their tactics, just as long as America (the west) is dead and buried along with as many bodies as it takes. Besides, didn’t Billy boy Ayers, one of the “elder statesmen” of American domestic terror, Obama’s ghost writer, the person who hosted Obama’s first political fundraiser in his home, infamously intone:

In his 2001 memoir Fugitive Days, Ayers recounts his life as a Sixties radical and boasts that he “participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.” Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Ayers writes, “Everything was absolutely ideal…. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.” He further recalls his fascination with the fact that “a good bomb” could render even “big buildings and wide streets … fragile and destructive,” leaving behind a “majestic scene” of utter destruction.

Ayers summed up the organization’s ideology as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.”

With regard to those Americans who might refuse to embrace communism, Ayers and his comrades — including Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Linda Evans, Jeff Jones, and numerous others — proposed that such resisters should be sent to re-education camps and killed. The terrorists estimated that it would be necessary to eliminate some 25 million people in this fashion, so as to advance the revolution.

NOW that the red/green alliance is seen for what it is, let’s get to the “Chapel”, hopefully, on time:

A Christian man named Chris Garcia was thrown out of Calvary Chapel for wanting to talk about the Islamic persecution of Christians. Mr. Garcia was kicked out of Calvary Chapel Montebello in California by pastors Pancho Juarez, Carlos Mendoza, John Paul Jones  because he was urging the church to bring awareness about Saeed Abedini, a fellow Calvary Chapel pastor who is now in prison in Iran for preaching Christianity to Muslims. did an interview with Chris Garcia and he explained the story:

ON the other hand, if sissy pants leftists – be they Christians or Jews – need some lessons in how to grow a pair, well, perhaps they just need to take a page out of the following playbook. But for those who just don’t give a damn, they too will reap the Islamic whirlwind. Guaranteed.

Hundreds of vigilantes took up bows and arrows, spears and machetes, and slaughtered no fewer than 100 Muslim jihadists who were a part of Boko Haram. They defeated the Boko Haram Muslims in the area of Mubi, and drove them out. Mubi is the same area where Boko Haram Muslims were forcing Christians to say the Shahada, or that “there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” 

 A vigilante group of traditional hunters pose for a picture at their camp in Maiduguri

In another development, a combined team of local hunters, civilian Joint Task Force (JTF) and the military on Wednesday recaptured Mubi, killing no fewer than 100 Boko Haram insurgents in the process and wounding a good number of them.

A source from Mubi said the combined force launched a sustained offensive on Wednesday night which also led to the recovery of five Nigerian Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) seized by the dreaded Islamic sects in the area.

The source said there were jubilations galore within Mubi as people were seen trooping out in hundreds to show solidarity to the local hunters and civilian JTF following their consistency in chasing out the insurgents from Mubi town.

It was gathered that the 234 Army Battalion as well as other security formations in the area which hitherto fell into the hands of the insurgents had been recaptured and the soldiers were seen trooping in and out of the barracks taking strategic positions against any eventuality.

Daily Independent gathered that all the flags hoisted by the insurgents in some government quarters were destroyed and replaced by Nigerian flags while the Emir’s palace converted to their “Madinatul Islam’ has now been taken over by the Nigerian team.

The source said with the development, the combined fighting spirit should not be stopped until the criminals are completely chased out of Mubi, Michika, and Madagali, adding that any attempt to pause would be more dangerous as it would give the insurgents opportunity to regroup and give them a hot chase.

Others who spoke in Yola but preferred to remain anonymous opined that, “anybody found within the Boko Haram’s vicinity should also be flushed out since most of them are serving as agents to the Islamic sects.”

Corroborating, Baba Dauda, a local hunter said the hunters made up their mind to fight because the insurgents had been maiming too many people in the area.

“We had to wake up and fight the bastards that keep plaguing our societies killing innocent souls.

“People should brace up and start fighting them, we killed many of them. We are not afraid of being killed,” he added.

The state co-ordinator of Civilian Joint Task Force, Bako Goni, said over 2,000 people, including youth vigilantes, local hunters, retired military, police and para-military operatives, artisans and petty traders have signed up to confront Boko Haram insurgents in the state.

RESOLVED, a historical memo must be sent to the following addresses: avowed Islamists; Christian counterparts; leftist Jews; assorted limp-wristed Israeli leaders, and to all those who continuously, obsessively opine about the so-called “Palestinian” nation as the agitating sore point in the Mid East “conflict”, that which reverberates into the west. Poppycock.

SO for the actual historical record, pay heed to Arab leaders who have already spilled the beans, and who can’t place the genie back into the bottle, try as they might.

Fathi Hammad, Hamas’s Minister of the Interior and National Security, had this to say, ” Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.” Likewise, Zuheir Muhsin, late member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Executive Council, intoned: ” The existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian State is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel.” Similarly, Hussein bin Talal, late King of Jordan, opined,” The appearance of the Palestinian personality comes as an answer to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish.

Hamas minister admits: The Arabs Are Aliens In The Land Of Israel!

CONSEQUENTIALLY, knowing what we know about Islam’s barbaric dictates, how intrinsic is it to expose their leftist collaborators, being that they help wield the west’s forceps in tandem with Islam’s followers?



Traitor-in-Chief Deconstructs U.S. Military:Ebola Weapon Deployed! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

President Obama said during a recent NBC News interview that African Ebola might be a threat to the U.S. if it was not crushed out quickly, and allowed to mutate. First, does this look like a POTUS who has a care in the world? and since it is such a threat, why is he refusing to stop travel from HOT zones into America? Bulls eye.
'National security': President Obama said during a recent NBC News interview that African Ebola might be a threat to the U.S. if it was not crushed out quickly, and allowed to mutate

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

IF the Traitor-in-Chief could do so, he would literally drop bombs on the heads of U.S. armed forces and be done with it! And this is not smack talk, nor hyperventilation. It is reality, albeit stated in a less than delicate manner. Who cares…

HIS treachery against the military is not for nothing and is highly selective. From the onset, when he first despoiled the People’s House in Jan. 2009, he knew that gutting the military (as well as the economy) would destroy America. Clearly, without a robust economy, it becomes “necessary” to slash military readiness. A two-fer.

IN light of his palpable rage against America, an obsessive hatred pulses through his veins. A recent commentary documented his anti-American fever.

AS is said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. And this saying is wholly apropos when describing the Anti-American-in-Chief. He is deadly serious in his animus by exacting revenge on America (and the west in general), come what may. Bringing down “Amerika” is in the forefront.

BESIDES, why is anyone surprised that it turned out this way? We all heard what he said, especially during his first term campaign. We also knew about the cast ofrabidly hateful anti-Americans he surrounded (and still does) himself with. Birds of a feather. His plans centered upon “transforming” America from the world’s superpower, effectively, to be on par with third world countries. Indeed, these sentiments were front and center in the run-up to 2008….read on….

BUT first things first. So let’s follow the building blocks, to understand how we came from there to here.

Building Block One:

FIRSTLY, the Bastard-in-Chief, Alinsky-like, picked his target, froze it and personalized it. He dictated that America’s front-arm, its military (vets too), has to be “deconstructed”, whichever way possible.  Whatever the costs. Forward march.

TO wit, he set in motion certain bulls eyes. The main hammer blows, bludgeons, filter through DHS and its instructions to attendant Fed agencies: right-wing patriots, tea party supporters, gun owners et al. ARE potential domestic terrorists! Now, among this illustrious group, how many are active duty or vets? Exactly.

In concert with the attacks on the character of our military is the propaganda warfare within the military against us.

Incredibly, an Army Training Manual publication in 2013 identified “Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and Jews as ‘domestic terrorists’. They were listed with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, (which has been invited/allowed to completely infiltrate the White House and Pentagon…), and the KKK!

So while we are being propagandized to distrust our military, they are being propagandized to distrust us. The natural partnership and respect between us is being eroded. I contend that such a bond must be weakened, if not broken, for the militarization of our domestic police to rule the day when the final hammer comes down.

Is it any wonder that those who have demonstrated the most consistent patriotic fervor, willing to seal their commitment in their own life’s blood, are under attack by this administration? The Veteran’s Administration “Wait Lists” to delay/prevent veteran care is not an oversight, not an omission, it is deliberate in its wicked intent to kill off those who pose the greatest threat to prevent the over throw of America from within……

ARE you feeling Obama & gang’s hatred yet? Hope so.

Building Block Two:

IN the meanwhile, his comrades are boring from within and emasculating the military’s fighting spirit, by replacing traditional gung ho ethos with PC politics and castration. Do you think this is an overstatement and over the top?

Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, as well as other top retired officers, say President Obama’s agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point members no longer feel prepared to fight or have the desire to win.

“There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,” Brady told WND….

YES, the “gaying”, the feminizing, of the military! That ought to up morale…

Building Block Three:

ONCE building blocks one and two are in place, the actual gutting of force strength is the next on the chopping block. Therefore, how shocking is it to find out that TOP military leaders were purged when they raised alarms over this and that? 

Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is underway.

The timing comes as the five branches of the U.S. armed forces are reducing staff due to budget cuts, and as U.S. troops are expected to withdraw from Afghanistan next year.

Retired generals and current senior commanders that have spoken with TheBlaze say the administration is not only purging the military of commanders they don’t agree with, but is striking fear in the hearts of those still serving.

“I think they’re using the opportunity of the shrinkage of the military to get rid of people that don’t agree with them or not tow the party line. Remember, as (former White House chief of staff) Rahm Emanuel said, never waste a crisis,” a senior retired general told TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity because he still provide services to the government and fears possible retribution.

“Even as a retired general, it’s still possible for the administration to make life miserable for us. If we’re working with the government or have contracts, they can just rip that out from under us,” he said.

SHADES of Putin, anyone?

ONTO the Ebola weapon…

NO rational player(s), other than the Traitor-in-Chief’s YES men, believe that the U.S. military should be sent to “fight” Ebola, whatever the nature of the tasks given. Similarly, this site has already proven: Ebola is being used to “settle scores” and to expose America (again, feel his radiating anti-American hatred) to untold dangers. Have no doubt about this.

MORE specifically and highly germane, follow the timing of an interestingly “coincidental” set of circumstances.

EBOLA started popping up in West Africa in December 2013, but it was not hot on the U.S. radar until Aug. 2014. Fair enough. Besides, the World Health Organization (WHO) is tasked to deal with these matters. On the other hand, Obama Inc.’s national priority should have been to set in motion restricted travel bans from the region, but we all know that no such precaution is even on the radar. Barack HUSSEIN Obama is resisting any, and all, efforts to protect the nation.

HOWEVER, keep in mind the above nation-saving “non-starter” on his agenda, all the while a visiting delegation from Africa, a summit, took place with the malignant POTUS in Aug. 2014.

President Barack Obama’s speech at the U.S.-Africa Summit Dinner late Tuesday hailed the relationship between the United States and the African continent as “deeply personal,” invoking slavery and his own African roots.

Obama toasted to “the new Africa,” a lyric borrowed from a song he said he first heard in Senegal and later quoted as a reference to “the Africa that is rising and so full of promise,” according to White House pool reports.

“I stand before you as the president of the United States and a proud American. I also stand before you as the son of a man from Africa,” the president said at the dinner, to applause. “The blood of Africa runs through our family. And so for us, the bonds between our countries, our continents, are deeply personal…..”

In his toast Tuesday, the president also mentioned that the “painful past” of the U.S.-Africa slave trade. “We’ve walked the steps of a painful past — in Ghana, at Cape Coast Castle; in Senegal, at Gorée Island — standing with our daughters in those doors of no return through which so many Africans passed in chains.”

YOU get the drift…and he is NOT done yet with his “assists” to his African brothers and sisters: Obama brought in 1,900 people from another Ebola afflicted nation! OMG…when is this TRAITOR going to be dragged out of the People’s House, whatever the costs? And will the nation survive his onslaught, if left in place for another 2 years?

PATRIOTS, absorb his words and ponder his actions, then decide: does his heart, his responsibility, lie with America?

WE’RE not done…

THOUGH not being one to make a mountain out of molehill, it is intrinsic to listen to someone on Capitol Hill who IS a well-documented patriot. Listen up…

Barack Hussein Ebola has already told America that he is sending US military troops to Africa to fight against Ebola, something we should not be doing and that is clearly unconstitutional. There is no power in the Constitution that authorizes him to act on his own using the military in this fashion. Yet, politicians, instead of calling him on this constitutionally are using it politically to speak out against him before mid-term elections. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told Sean Hannity that he believes that America will eventually discover that Obama has secretly “cut a deal” with African leaders to “bring people in” Ebola patients to the US from Africa following the mid-term elections.

BOTTOM LINE: the wayward Commander-in-Chief is approaching his fealty to Africa in a two-prong fashion: sending in troops to “fight” Ebola, piggybacked by back-dealing with African leaders (they too are his kinfolk, on par with the Mid East’s Brotherhood Mafia) via shipping Ebola patients into America! Illegal on its face.

AS such, in no uncertain terms and for the record, those given “deployment” orders to “fight” Ebola should disobey. If there ever was a time to defy the Commander-in-Chief this is it.

INDEED, it would be much more honorable to spend time in a military jail, rather than to follow these blatantly illegal orders. Pray tell, where is it written in the Constitution – the law(s) of the land the POTUS is sworn to uphold – that he has the authority to send them into medical death zones? Yes, they must fight the enemy on behalf of America, but are not obligated, mandated, to act as social workers, clinic builders etc!

Gohmert said he appreciates that President Barack Obama paused the “massive fundraising and the political trek he’s been on” to attend meetings about the crisis, but isn’t confident the president has a practical plan to contain the spread of Ebola.

“I think you’re right, Glenn,” Gohmert said. “Texas is going to have to do it itself. This president has shown nothing but contempt for the people of Texas, and it ought to be clear Texas is going to have to protect itself.”

The two agreed that CDC Director Thomas Frieden needs to resign or be fired, but Gohmert said the problem doesn’t end there. He said he is especially concerned about the U.S. military personnel, including soldiers, U.S. Marines and Navy Seabees, who have been deployed to West Africa to build treatment units for Ebola.

“[They’re] basically unarmed,” he said. “Many living in tents. I thought we learned that you don’t send people to places unless you’re prepared against terrorists? And they’re going to wear, according to the general in charge, they’re going to wear gloves and masks and they’re going to wash their hands several times a day.”

EVEN more egregious, they are being ordered to head into terror infected Muslim regions unarmed, as reported by Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert. Yes, this site is very familiar with Boko Haram territory (Obama’s regional kinfolk) and they are aiming/arming for American blood! Can you believe it? He may as well tell these brave men and women to jump off the nearest cliffs and just wave goodbye…to commit hari kari! Outrageous.

IN fact, a refusal of orders would be more than about contracting Ebola and bringing the infection into America, once flown back for treatment. It would start the nation-saving ball rolling on the much talked about military coup; one which is entirely lawful under the Constitution, when faced with a renegade Commander-in-Chief!

BESIDES, think of it in practical terms: since we know that the Betrayer-in-Chief is refusing to restrict travel into America from Ebola infected countries; that illegal aliens are swarming into America’s open borders with highly contagious diseases; and that he is allowing foreigners with Ebola to be treated in the U.S., in what parallel universe is the safety of Americans, military included, factored in?

YES, FEMA’s unparalleled purchase of body bags, millions of stacked coffins and other rounds of prep are ready for a reason! Can you guess who the targets are? Bingo.

Islamic Blood Lust/Savagery, Leftist Allah-Wash & Their Inexorable Collusion:A Clash of Civilizations…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

These pics are NOT Halloween horror masks…they are heads impaled by Islamic barbarians!!

LEAVE it to Muslim apologists – both followers of Islam and leftists who detest the west, their blasted collaborators – to keep up the pretense: NO, ISIS/ISIL does not represent Islam and what not. Blah…blah…blood-soaked hogwash too.

DEAR readers, to further flesh out the left’s collusion, how many realize that PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) is bought and paid for by left wing money men/foundations, in particular, Soros-the-devil incarnate? In this regard, is it at all shocking that Boko Haram, one of ISIS/ISIL fellow Islamic jihadi hydras – six of one…half a dozen of another – was sanitized by one of its reporters, even as he opined that this was not the intent of his series? Oh yeah…

Reporter/producer Evan Williams set out to investigate atrocities committed by Boko Haram, but along the way he uncovered a very different story. Video footage given to Williams by numerous sources appeared to show state-sponsored militias — and in some cases the Nigerian military — conducting brutal interrogations and even executions of civilians suspected to be Boko Haram members.

Williams talked to FRONTLINE about how he and his team found the story, how they verified the footage, and how they tracked down witnesses to corroborate the evidence.

Off the bat, let’s be clear: ISIS didn’t “invent” beheading, even though it is the main reason why they are front and center throughout the world. Yes, it became their calling card and it was planned as such. Regardless, as a matter of Islamic record, beheadings are par for their Allah-mandated course. More pointedly, not only does Hamas partake but so does Saudi Arabia, and up and down the Sunni and Shia line. It’s a tradition thing.

And if written proofs are necessary – to segue from there to here – so be it:

As always, one only has to understand the blood-soaked Koran – – to see why Islamic-driven monsters can “justify” their horrifying practices.

“When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks,” says an ayah, or verse in Sura (chapter) 47.

Sura 8:12 reads: “I will cast dread into the hearts of the unbelievers. Strike off their heads, then, and strike off all of their fingertips.”

Moreover, decapitations aka beheadings are also described in some of the earliest histories of Islam.

For the historical record, Muhammad’s earliest biographer, Ibn-Ishaq, describes how the prophet approved the beheadings of between 600 and 900 men from the Jewish Banu Qurayza tribe following the Battle of the Trench. History not only repeats, but followers of Islam are still implementing centuries-old “practices”, as if civilized society passed them by. It has.

Not only that, but it was a common form of execution under the Ottoman Empire, where it was the “primary form of symbolic aggression among Ottoman soldiers”, according to historian James J Reid. Graphically-speaking, let this tidbit sink in, in so far as Turkey’s President Erdogan (ex PM) is actively planning to resurrent the (reportedly benign…as if) Ottoman Empire. His main helpmates are the Muslim Brotherhood – with Hamas as its front-arm – and Barack HUSSEIN Obama. You read this “news” right here.

As mentioned, Saudi Arabia is neck-deep into the “art form” where a strict interpretation of Sharia law is enforced. Beheading is the form of punishment for a range of crimes, including drug running and apostasy, with approximately 80 people believed to have been beheaded by the kingdom last year. Oh boy, the bitter fruits of Wahhabism.


WHAT more needs to be said to prove that Islamic blood lust is insatiable? Moreover, the left “approves” their tactics, just as long as America (the west) is dead and buried along with as many bodies as it takes. Besides, didn’t Billy boy Ayers, one of the “elder statesmen” of American domestic terror, Obama’s ghost writer, the person who hosted Obama’s first political fundraiser in his home, infamously intone:

In his 2001 memoir Fugitive Days, Ayers recounts his life as a Sixties radical and boasts that he “participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.” Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Ayers writes, “Everything was absolutely ideal…. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.” He further recalls his fascination with the fact that “a good bomb” could render even “big buildings and wide streets … fragile and destructible,” leaving behind a “majestic scene” of utter destruction.

Ayers summed up the organization’s ideology as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.”

With regard to those Americans who might refuse to embrace communism, Ayers and his comrades — includingBernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Linda Evans, Jeff Jones, and numerous others — proposed that such resisters should be sent to reeducation camps and killed. The terrorists estimated that it would be necessary to eliminate some 25 million people in this fashion, so as to advance the revolution.

AND aside from all the irrefutable evidence – via their blood lust swathing across the globe – just listen to the testimony presented by former Muslim(s), “apostates”, those who live to tell the barbaric tales:

I can tell you with confidence that ISIL speaks for Islam. ISIL is a Muslim organization.”

I have had the opportunity and pleasure to meet several former Muslims in my lifetime and they make excellent and powerful Christians. It is a sometimes dangerous conversion as Islam calls for the death of all Muslims who leave the religion. Islam calls for the conversion, subjugation, or elimination of all peoples who fall under its control. Leaving the religion to join another is simply not an option in Islam and frequently leads to the death or imprisonment of those who decide that the teachings of Muhammad are not for them.

Politicians in particular insist that this is not a war of religion or clash of civilizations. We see an endless spewing of “religion of peace” quotes, diatribes on “a nation of immigrants,” and complaints about ethnic profiling at airports. I wish that someone would tell that to the enemy, for that is exactly the war that they are waging……

BUT leave it to the lying Jihadi-in-Chief to set the bar with his mendacious spin:

Tuesday, September 2, the Islamist butchers of ISIS beheaded Steven Sotloff, a captured American journalist. Sotloff, who was kidnapped last year in Syria, was forced to read a statement condemning America, and then his throat was slowly cut with a hunting knife until his head was removed from his body. Of course, apologists for Islam will shout to the heavens that ISIS does not represent Islam, but it is becoming harder.

President Obama would have us believe Islam is truly the Religion of Peace. He condemned ISIS as completely un-Islamic when he spoke about their beheading of American journalist James Foley, before returning to the golf course to complete his round.

“So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.”

Yet Obama, who openly declares his love for the Qur’an after studying Islam since his childhood, certainly should know Islam’s Holy Book actually encourages the behavior of ISIS.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

YET, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where his allegiance, his fealty, lies, but the following video does help!

ALAS, if readers are still unclear as to where this investigative journalist, an American-Israeli – a right wing Zionist to boot – is coming from, just bear the following uppermost in mind and never forget these sage and righteous words:


obama muslim photo: obama l_d4420725f0829989ef29ac108cf95930.jpg

IT can’t be stressed enough: please internalize how intertwined and inextricably linked Barack HUSSEIN Obama is with his Kenyan family. Their ideological roots. If necessary, their nexus will be written about ad infinitum, until it becomes clear to Americans and westerners alike. A neon sign. Whatever it takes.

Significantly, most cannot wrap their minds around the “exotic” sounding jihadi names – of enumerable Islamic terror groups swathing the globe – therefore, they throw up their hands in despair and disgust. Resigned. Agreed, the laundry list is endless. Stupefying. And some names – more than others – take on their own infamy, not unlike the Brotherhood’s spawn, al-Qaeda!

Regardless, there is no other option but to charge forward. In this regard, similarly, Boko Haram has become a “superstar” killing machine in its own right. Atta boychiks…and don’t think that the Islamist-in-Chief isn’t high-fiving them too. Truth be told, that’s their “pet” name, their authentic name is:Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad, which in Arabic means “People of the Sunnah (the practice and examples of the Prophet Muhammad’s life) for Preaching and Jihad Group”Now, don’t you feel much better knowing that these same killers, kidnappers and garden variety “soldiers for Allah” have their own adopted moniker? But if you have been on vacation, or took a break from all the bad news, well, maybe you haven’t heard about the “goings on” inside Boko Haram!

Nigerian kidnappers willing to trade more than 300 school girls for terrorists

Abubaker Shekau, leader of the terror organization Boko Haram, may swap his prisoners for comrades, according to a Nigerian mediator who says it’s a good sign that the extremist have threatened to marry off the hostages rather than kill them.

Readers, think about it: what if this Boko Haram monster (not unlike his worldwide Islamic counterparts) showed up at your door, demanding to take your daughter to parts unknown – or else??

VERY seriously, these dudes are bad asses…unlike the (often) unfairly maligned bikers, whose looks are simply non-conventional: jihadists kidnap, sell, slaughter Christian girls (and boys)…Obama stone silent, other than wifey’s photo op signage! 

Michelle Obama posted an Instagram photo of herself holding a #BringBackOurGirls sign with the caption, 'Our prayers are with the missing Nigerian girls and their families.'

YET, how do we go from there to here, charging Barack HUSSEIN Obama with their very same agenda? More pointedly, how can’t we? Actually, almost every major player within Obama’s clan – the ones he IS reportedly closest with – share the same goals: eradicating Christianity. Judaism too. First things first.

In reality, the POTUS’s familial terror linkage has already been documented at this site, while reporting on a well known Obama commodity. Subject: Malik Obama! But he is far from an anomaly within Obama’s jihadi clan! No kidding. This is a fact. The embedded links are more than supportive of said charge. Read…you shall see… 

Fact One:

Malik Obama, the POTUS’s VERY closely linked half ‘bro, works directly with Boko Haram’s Sudanese patron, Omar al-Bashir. Both terrorists enjoy the support of Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Their linkage has been explored – more than once – at this site. As revealed, the noose is tightening! 

Fact Two:

How many ways, how many times, does it need to be spelled out: Malik Obama’s Sudanese tentacles ensnare the POTUS too!

Fact Three:

Consequentially, if not for the Islamist-in-Chief’s familial linkage, his tie-ins to the Brotherhood Mafia would not be as rock solid. And it this Mafia which underpins all the rest – Boko Haram included!

Fact Four:

Thus, one would think, the “peaceful” narrative spun by Obama re Islam – as well as all their apologists – should come unraveled, with the kidnapping of Christian schoolgirls. Not exactly.

Fact Five:

Last, but certainly not least, look who went to bat for terror-laden Boko Haram in 2013?

Therefore, why is anyone shocked to learn: that while the Mid East is burning, so too is Christianity across Africa and the Mid East, all “credit” given to…re-introducing…


Few pay attention to the common agendas shared by Boko Haram (the terrorist group that has kidnapped over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls) and the non-profit organizations ran by the Obama family. The primary goals of both is to eradicate western education in Africa; the evidence is overwhelming.

To the Hausa Muslims in northern Nigeria, the word “Boko” is a code word for “Western Education” and “Haram” means “forbidden”, which translates to “Western education is forbidden”. Prior to his death, Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf gave a Lecture in the state of Yobe in which he answered a question about why Boko (Western education) was prohibited by saying:

“It’s the study in schools established by missionaries and this includes: the curriculum prescribed since kindergarten through high school and colleges, to national Service.”

This is precisely the Obama family’s agenda in Kenya. As has revealed, President Obama’s cousin Musa Ismail Obama may demonstrate this better than any other Obama family member. Al-Arab Newspaper interviewed Musa about his efforts in spreading the same brand of Islam that Boko Haram seeks to spread. The headline of the article reads, Scholars in Kenya Call Their Brethren to Spread Islam and Teach Arabic (translated). It further states:

Muslims [in Kenya] suffer from the monumental Christianization aided by Zionist expansionism that infiltrates the nation.

Musa was photographed for the article on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of World University Ruff in Nairobi, a school that teaches Islamic fundamentalism and rejects western education.

Musa Ismail Obama (L) at inauguration ceremony of Muslim school in Nairobi. also revealed that it was Musa, who during an interview with Al-Jazeera in Qatar exposed the foundation bearing the name of Barack’s grandmother – the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation (MSOF). In the interview, Musa confessed that the MSOF accepts western donations under faulty premises (helping orphaned children with AIDS) and then uses those funds for scholarships to send Kenyan students to extremist Wahhabist schools in Saudi Arabia. In a shocking admission, Musa explained how there were so many students that the Saudi schools couldn’t accommodate all of them and that Musa himself had to manage the overflow by sending them into Qatar.

Musa Ismail Obama (far left) seated next to Uncle Sayyid in Saudi Arabia.

Musa also stated during his Al-Jazeera interview that he aided refugees in the Dadaab refugee camp in northern Kenya. As has reported, Dadaab has become infested with al-Shabaab terrorists from Somalia.

President Obama’s uncle Sayyid is also a key figure in the spread of Islam. It was Musa who identified Sayyid as Barack’s preferred conduit of communication to and from his Kenyan family. It was Sayyid who wascaptured on video stating that his whole family is Muslim. Of course, has also done extensive research on the role of Barack’s brother Malik Obama, who works as an Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’Wa Organization (IDO) under the control of Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir. Like Boko Haram, the agenda of the IDO is to spread wahhabist Islam and reject western education.

This is why Boko Haram kidnapped schoolgirls.

Of all the Obamas, it is Malik who may have the closest link to terrorism in his capacity as an arm of al-Bashir.

Malik Obama and Omar al-Bashir: at same 2010 Islamic Da'wa Organization Conference in Khartoum, Sudan.

In an explosive declaration made by a Franco Majok, a Christian activist during an interview with Fox News, Boko Haram’s origins can be found in the Sudan, which has been led by al-Bashir since long before Boko Haram was founded.

As reported extensively by, al-Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity and leads a country that is on the U.S. State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Al-Bashir is also Malik Obama’s boss.

According to Majok, who works on the ground in Nigeria:

“The [founders] of Boko Haram trained in Khartoum [Sudan] with Usama bin Laden and then they were sent to Nigeria.”

If Boko Haram’s founders trained with bin Laden, it would have been between 1992-1996. One of al-Bashir’s henchmen at that time was a man named Abubaker Ahmed Al Shingieti, who has since gained positions of prominence in the U.S., as reported by Al Shingieti was a Political Affairs Director and a Secretary General for al-Bashir’s External Communications Council. Today, Al Shingieti resides in the U.S. and sits on the Board of Trustees at the Hartford Seminary and serves as a Regional Director for the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), a Muslim Brotherhood front.

Shingieti (L) with Feisal Abdul Rauf (R) at CFR event in 2013.

In a 1994 interview, Al Shingieti discussed Sudan’s ‘ghost houses’ or “people’s camps” that were used to train Muslims to become Mujahideen to “fight infidels”. This squares with the claims of Majok.

In his interview, Majok explained that a big reason for Nigerian Muslims ending up in Sudan has to do with the hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca. Sudan serves as a gateway for these fundamentalist pilgrims. After leaving Mecca, many of these Muslims didn’t have the means to get all the way back to Nigeria and remained in Sudan, where they were trained before being sent back to Nigeria as part of Boko Haram. This reality today validates putting Sudan on the terror list in 1993 after it was learned that one-third of the suspects in the first World Trade Center attack were Sudanese citizens, as reported.

Boko Haram founder Yusuf after his death.

Reports indicate that Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf, was receiving funds from al-Bashir’s Sudan as far back as the 1990′s. Yusuf died in Nigerian custody in 2009 after an intense battle. He was replaced by his deputy, Abubakar Muhammad Shekau, who was injured in the battle and reportedly fled to Sudan only to resurface as Boko Haram’s leader in Nigeria. It is Shekau who has taken credit for the recent schoolgirl kidnappings.

Abubaker Muhammad Shekau

Shekau’s Islamic vision includes a resurrection of what’s known as the Borno Empire, which includes Sudan as well as Nigeria.

If the Obama administration is serious about rescuing the kidnapped girls, perhaps it should commission Malik – who has essentially served as his brother’s unofficial ambassador, as revealed by – to negotiate with al-Bashir and Boko Haram for their release.

The African Union (AU), to which Nigeria belongs, refuses to acknowledge the ICC indictment of al-Bashir and declared that it will not help to arrest him. To illustrate how Muslim Brotherhood-friendly the AU is, Egypt was suspended from the continental body for removing Mohammed Mursi from power last year.

Perhaps more confounding than Nigeria’s AU membership is al-Bashir’s entry into the country last year for the AU Summit. Al-Bashir was then allowed to quickly leave the country when protesters gathered to call for his arrest by Nigerian authorities. Reports suggest that al-Bashir abruptly left to escape arrest but it strains credulity that Nigeria’s government didn’t know he was there.

It is known that al-Bashir’s Sudan harbored bin Laden in the 1990′s and that al-Bashir does indeed fund warlords to do his bidding. One such example is Joseph Kony, whom the Obama administration has been targeting since the infamous Kony 2012 campaign. Yet, the very same Obama administration that targets Kony wants to ease relations with al-Bashir and remove Sudan from the State Sponsor of Terrorism list.

Kony: Terrorist agent of al-Bashir.

The geopolitical situation in Nigeria is also very similar to that of Sudan. South Sudan is a new country and is largely Christian. To its north sits Al-Bashir’s Muslim Sudan. For years, al-Bashir has funded Kony’s heinous efforts to terrorize Christians in the south and in neighboring Uganda. As in Sudan, Boko Haram operates in northern Nigeria and seeks to Islamize the entire country. Again, this fits the Omar al-Bashir model.

Yet, as with its campaign against Kony, the Obama administration ignores the Sudanese / al-Bashir root to the Boko Haram problem. A familial conflict of interest would certainly play a factor.

When these realities in Nigeria are put in the proper context, the more culpable entity behind the Nigerian schoolgirls being kidnapped by Boko Haram very well could be Sudan and al-Bashir. The Obama administration, however – as is the case with Kony – does not mention Sudan. In fact, Obama tends to find more culpability with the Nigerian government for the atrocities committed by Boko Haram.

Last year, while in Lagos, Nigeria as reported by, Barack Obama fielded a question about terrorism in Nigeria during a town hall. Obama began his response by referring to the ‘so called’ war on terror while flashing a subtle middle finger. He then proceeded to say:

“It is my strong belief that terrorism is more likely to emerge and take root where countries are not delivering for their people and where their sources of conflict and underlying frustrations that have not been adequately dealt with.”

Of course, this line of thinking actually helps terrorists by creating the perception that Muslim fundamentalists commit acts of terror because they’re disadvantaged and lashing out because they’re impoverished and disillusioned. It’s a premise akin to giving a fire more oxygen and has been used in Europe for years. In the 2005 Muslim riots in France, dozens of cars being set ablaze and it was all blamed on impoverished Muslim youths.

At about the 9:00 mark, Obama blames the terrorist problem in neighboring Mali on the government there for not “reaching out” enough. He then says that “responsiveness and governance and democracy” become “defense mechanisms against terrorism” before saying he doesn’t seek a “military solution to these problems”. As Boko Haram and other terrorists were committing horrendous atrocities, Obama advocated for more government programs instead of actually killing terrorists.

A newer Boko Haram splinter group known as Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimina fi Biladis Sudan (Ansaru), which broke from Boko Haram over different ideological interpretations of sharia, actively recruits members from Sudan.

Here is the entire interview with Franco Majok mentioned at the beginning of this article:

The Obama’s are invested in spreading wahhabist ideology through education and eliminating western education. In fact, if first lady Michelle Obama were truly interested in rescuing the victims of such tactics, she’d do well to start by calling her in-laws and telling them to stop Boko Haraming all across Kenya instead of using instragram to promote a twitter hashtag.

Equally significant, those who surround Obama Inc. are indeed Muslim Brotherhood “stealth” jihadists. There is no room for argument, and their support of Boko Haram is a done deal!

Understand this: the leader of the free world doesn’t have to send in any American boots, in order to eradicate the cancerous Boko Haram. They are VERY easily identifiable. Drones would work just fine.

Alas, to America’s shame, many of its citizens (some who are not even citizens…felons too…but why quibble) elected a leader with “personal complications”, and it is these “stumbling blocks” which demonstrate why Barack HUSSEIN Obama does not see eye to eye – with millions of other Americans – re the entire Islamic scourge.

In the main, he is interested in spreading the roots of his faith, a central component to his overall Mid East (and beyond) “strategic” wildfires. Further complicating matters, to venture into Boko-controlled territory would endanger many of his own kinfolk and their clans! Not gonna happen on his watch.

That’s the G-d’s honest truth.