The Paradox & Pitfalls of Liberal Democracies, In A time Of (im)Moral Relativism: The Havoc Wrought By Leftist Academia…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Let this writer set the record straight from the onset – the utmost respect for higher education is definitely in play. For if this was not the case, would expending a veritable fortune to educate one’s progeny at two of the highest esteemed institutions in the world – MIT and Caltech – make sense ? Of course not.

Hardly a genius, but certainly not dense nor fool hardly.

And, herein lies the paradox.

On a micro/personal level, what tack does a parent take when they intuit that the western academy has become little more than a cesspool of (im)moral relativism, and, by extension, (mental) boot camps in the process? Intrinsically, parents must be prepared to honestly ask themselves: can their (dear) offspring withstand the process of leftist indoctrination? This is not an easy question, but it mandates an honest assessment.

Too much is at stake.

And while the sciences/engineering disciplines are (still) relatively safe from the left’s grasping clutches, the same dare not be said of the social sciences/humanities.

Why is this important?

On a macro/societal level, the damage wrought by leftist academics is incalculable, so much so, western civilization hangs in the balance.

NO kidding around.

As such, this site has attempted to bring the above issue to the fore — from several seemingly diverging, yet, ultimately converging directions. In fact, several op-eds have addressed its import and impact.

Specifically, ‘Post-Zionist Academics Further Israel’s Delegitimization’ was featured at The Jewish Press, as a maiden attempt to raise the clarion call within Israel – Part of the effort includes working with leading political scientists Dr. Martin Sherman and Professor Paul Eidelberg — primarily, revolving around beating back the deleterious effects described above.

Similarly, ‘Leftist Dogma The Same World Over … Freedom Loving People, Beware’ attempts to connect the leftist dots, regardless of where it embeds itself –

‘When Intellectual Honesty Smacks Up Against Leftist Delusions…A Nation-Saving Prescription To Beat Them Back’ demonstrates, in absolute terms, the havoc leftists heaped – and continue to – upon the Jewish nation –

Once again, ‘When Leftists, Mega-Rich, ‘Peace’ Obsessed Instigators Get Involved…What Can Go Wrong?’ spells out a catastrophe of their (leftist) making –

To make matters clearer – at least on a psychological level – ‘Leftism…Lethal To Jews & Their Overall Health…Others Too’ demonstrates how their ‘religious’ devotion to leftist ideology kills –

And, ‘What Happens When Resident Leftists/Peace Fantasists Hold The Reins Of Power…Regardless of Which Party Holds Sway’ allows the reader to clearly see the demonstrable repercussions of leftist hegemony – .

Last, but not least, is an academic exercise on Israeli politics, explaining why Israel is where it is via ‘The Paradox Of Israeli Politics:Vote Right, Get Left’

Enter … esteemed Professor Paul Eidelberg  ( ) and his sage wisdom:‘ The Crisis of Our Times:Connecting The Dots’

The Crisis of Our Times: Connecting The Dots

Prof. Paul Eidelberg, President

Israel–America Renaissance Institute

Part I. Introduction

Will Israel or the United States strike Iran before it deploys ballistic tipped nuclear weapons? Why this belated question? Why has America, the most powerful nation in the world, refrained from launching a preemptive strike against a regime whose president has the audacity to scream “Death to America”? Given the deadly attacks on American forces by Iranian proxies in the past, should the malediction by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad be deemed a casus belli and elicit some sort of U.S. military attack on Iran?

Did Nazi Germany attack America before December 11, 1941? It was not till that day that the United States Congress declared war on Germany. Did the U.S. Congress base its declaration of war on international law? Would this have made any difference? Franklin D. Roosevelt understood very well that a Nazi-dominated Europe would have been the gravest threat to the United States. The same may be said of a nuclear-armed Iran, except that the present occupant of the White House is a post-American President, more precisely, a moral relativist. Never mind his exalting Islam, which exudes moral absolutism.

As a moral relativist, Mr. Obama should be morally indifferent to the number of civilian casualties that would inevitably result from a U.S. attack on Iran. Relativism aside, can a people rightly be held responsible for the official acts of its government?

Albert Einstein, a kindly man and a pacifist, answers this question. In a message honoring the heroes of the Warsaw ghetto, Einstein declared: “The Germans as an entire people are responsible for the mass murders and must be punished as a people if there is justice in the world and if the consciousness of collective responsibility in the nations is not to perish from the earth entirely”

Neither Roosevelt nor Churchill, who were not moral relativists, seems to have had moral qualms about the napalm-bombing of Dresden, which incinerated an estimated 25,000 Germans. The firebombing of the much more densely populated Tokyo on the night of 9/10 March 1945 was more deadly; indeed, it has been said to be single deadliest air raid of World War II, greater than Hiroshima or Nagasaki as single events.

Whether moral distinctions should be made differentiating Germany from Japan in that war is an issue beyond the scope of this essay. But this issue may arise again should the United States or Israel launch a preemptive attack on Iran. Such an attack is bound to kill “non-combatants,” but would they be entirely innocent? Have they not heard the genocidal maledictions of their government?  Besides, Iran’s government has a long criminal record of fostering and financing international terrorism. Its leaders have not only issued genocidal threats against America and Israel, but Iranian proxies have killed hundreds Americans and Israelis during the past two decades.

However, even at this late date—and Israel and America may be approaching the moment of truth—we may hope it will not be necessary to launch a preemptive attack on Iran. But we dare not obscure or minimize what is at stake in this juncture of history. Iran, a Shi’ite Muslim country of almost 80 million people stands athwart the Persian Gulf. Through the Hormuz Strait there flows much of the oil on which the world’s economy depends. It’s not just oil. The lives and quality of life of hundreds of millions of people depend on that oil.

Nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles deployed by Iran’s ruling Revolution Guard would constitute not only an obvious existential threat to Israel. Such missiles would enable Iran to control the Middle East and beyond. Ahmadinejad’s visit to Venezuela’s American-hating dictator Hugo Chavez should remind us Fidel Castro’s Cuba. Remember Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban missile crisis?

And then there’s Europe. Iran has tested a variety of missiles. Its long range missiles can reach not only Israel but also and Europe. Europe, cowed by its own growing Muslim population will roll over. With the loss of its European markets America will collapse. This is not hyperbole. But let’s probe a little deeper, into the realm of ideas and regimes.

Part II. Post-Modern Democracy

A liberal and egalitarian democracy like the United States is psychologically ill-equipped to deal with the catastrophic threat mentioned above. America is steeped in the vulgar and anti-heroic doctrine of moral relativism. This relativism undermines national pride and a person’s readiness to fight and if necessary die for his country.

Relativism is not the only emasculating doctrine of liberal democracy. Unknown to most academics and intellectuals, liberal democracies suffer from a political versus pedagogical contradiction. On the one hand, they exalt individual freedom; on the other hand, their behavioral sciences—sociology, psychology, and criminology—generally attribute antisocial or criminal behavior to economic and genetic causes. In other words, while democracies preach freedom, their universities, by and large, teach determinism. This confusion leads to another.

Democracies are based on the primacy of consent as opposed to coercion. This predisposes their governments to resolve conflicts even with non-democratic regimes by diplomacy and reciprocity, ignoring the fact that these adversarial regimes are based on the primacy of intimidation. But what is most striking and ludicrous, as well as shameless, is the sight of liberal democratic diplomats consorting with Muslims who despise democracy and for whom mendacity is very much a way of life—a statement that can be confirmed by Muslims who have somehow liberated themselves from the decadence that has befallen Islam.

The failure of democracies to take Islam seriously—for which we may thank the Iilluminati that dominate western universities—is the reason why the awful moment of truth is approaching. While Iranian Ahmadinejad screams “death to America,” Mr. Obama’s advisers, academically processed idiots, urge him to challenge a facsimile of Genghis Kahn to a game of “Conflict Resolution.” Here, let us pause.

It should be obvious that the character of a regime shapes its foreign policies. In a democracy, those policies are very much influenced by the dogmas of democratically subservient political scientists. These academics very often become the advisers of governments, of the political officials that formulate a nation’s foreign policy. Nietzsche has said that great learning and great stupidity go well together under the same hat. I have validated Nietzsche’s adage by subjecting to critical analysis books written by Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser, and books written by the late Professor Yehoshafat Harkabi, a Middle East expert who was the mentor of Shimon Peres, Israel’s erstwhile Defense Minister and Prime Minister. These two high-placed academics were moral relativists. Unsurprisingly, both were leftists.

Dot One: Brzezinski advocated drastic reductions in military expenditures on the one hand, and “outreach” to the Soviet Union on the other. (Professor B has been linked to Barack Obama, himself a relativist, who is aping the Brzezinski-Carter appeasement policy.)

Dot Two: Shimon Peres opposed the bombing of the Iraq’s Osirak reactor; orchestrated the Israel-PLO Agreement; and, like his academic mentor, advocates the creation of a Palestinian state—a nation state for what Mr. Newt Gingrich calls an “invented people” (which should make us wonder about the mentality of Harkabi, which I discuss at length in my book Demophrenia, whose thesis is that moral relativism is a mental disorder that afflicts contemporary democratic societies.)

Connect the dots. It’s not a conspiracy. The university-bred doctrine of moral relativism is a phenomenon of post-modern democracy—democracy in its senility. This doctrine, which surfaced in America in the beginning the second decade of the twentieth century, has been propagated, first by a few, then by many, and now by almost all American colleges and universities. The subject is elaborated in my article “The Crisis of Our Rimes.” The article was published in the American Congressional Record, Senate, pp. E.7150-E.7157.”

Paul, take a well deserved bow. The world is richer for your penetrating insights.


35 thoughts on “The Paradox & Pitfalls of Liberal Democracies, In A time Of (im)Moral Relativism: The Havoc Wrought By Leftist Academia…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: The Dangerous Morphing/Twinning/Sell-Out Of Israel’s Leftist Media…With A Lethal, Leftist Washington Regime…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  2. Pingback: The Subversion of America Through The Fault-Lines Of Democracy…Muslims in America… Plotting In PLAIN Sight…With Their Leftist Counterparts…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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  6. Pingback: The Death Of The West…Or Its Survival…Runs Through Western Academia…Addendum To: The Paradox & Pitfalls Of Liberal Democracies…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  7. Pingback: BENGHAZIGATE’S Truths Ensnaring (Some) Leftist Media…Admitting That Qadaffi’s Main Beneficiary Is Al Qaeda…Addendum To: Benghazigate’s Stink Bombs…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  8. Pingback: Domestic Terrorist, Bill Ayers (Educator Too!), Exhorts Control Over The Kiddies…Addendum To: First They Came For The Kiddies…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  9. Pingback: The Morphing Of Socialism & Nazism…One & The Same…Their Hatred of Judeo-Christian Ethics…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  10. Pingback: The Moral Decline Of America…The Part Played By Progressives…Israel’s Essence Exposed…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  11. I found myself in the same predicament with my daughter’s acceptance to Carnegie Mellon. If she were inclined toward humanities I would have loved to see her at Hillsdale College. However she is a graphic artist and Jewish, so Hillsdale was not on the radar. Taking mostly art and since a “core” curriculum is now non-exist ant, she is safe from the Illuminati. as Dennis Prager says”. A taxi cab driver is exposed to more diverse opinions and ideas than anyone in academia. Great Blog, I will visit often.

    • Indeed, academia is (for the most part) tragically a cesspool. Good luck to your daughter!

      Sorry to give readers so much heartburn, but it is what it is. Keeping ones head buried is not an option. In fact, it is very dangerous.

      Thanks for tuning in.

  12. IT is indeed a problem, what must be done? First, the government must stop funding education (most certainly in America where it is a violation of the 10th Amendment), or at least stop funding all but the hard sciences, engineering, math and maybe trade schools. Second we must pursade the public that a most college degrees, especially a liberal arts is a waste of time and money.

    I’m praying for a position with a non-profit organization that has as it’s goal the teaching of the free market system. It is not a school. We must abandon the idea that it is the government’s responsiblity to ‘educate’ everyone. It is rarely about education, it is about wharehousing. And it must stop.

    Thanks for the great article.

    • Yes, it is about warehousing, but mostly about deep indoctrination.

      BTW, the national teacher’s union is now housed within the government. In effect, it is openly operating as an arm of the Feds! If you capture them from elementary school on, then it is a done deal by the time they come to university campuses. More than a national disaster….

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