Obama’s Ebola Weapon:Controlling Citizens;Settling Scores;Exposing To Untold Dangers..Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Jews Down Under}

AS is said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. And this saying is wholly apropos when describing the Anti-American-in-Chief. He is deadly serious in his animus by exacting revenge on America (and the west in general), come what may. Bringing down “Amerika” is in the forefront.

BESIDES, why is anyone surprised that it turned out this way? We all heard what he said, especially during his first term campaign. We also knew about the cast of rabidly hateful anti-Americans he surrounded (and still does) himself with. Birds of a feather. His plans centered upon “transforming” America from the world’s superpower, effectively, to be on par with third world countries. Indeed, these sentiments were front and center in the run-up to 2008.

THE question begs: aside from the die-hard left, what about the so-called center? Did these folks have wax in their ears, or were they simply incurious as to what type of “hope and change” his “transformation” would bring? How many times did he have to utter said sentiments before the swooners – aka leg-tinglers – got it? And hasn’t he kept his word? Totally. Yup, you have to hand him props for delivering. Yet none of his anti-American hatred emanates from a vacuum. It permeated the air he breathed from childhood, and it will continue to do so until the day he takes his last gasp.

Memo to leftists: are you scared yet, or do you think his “deliverance” will pass you by unscathed? 


ALL of the above – plus so much more – impinges upon his seemingly tone-deaf (non) response to protect America from Ebola. It is no accident. More on this nexus can be gleaned below. Patience.


BUT to get a handle on what is really transpiring, one must logically understand the genesis of his rage. It is this aspect which is completely significant to his seemingly bizarre attitude to the various ills plaguing America’s house. Resultant, one has to internalize a few facts: rabid anti-colonialism permeates his hatred for America, as well as for the west in general. It is his all-consuming fixation which melds together his adjunct passions (aside from gay sex, alcohol/drugs and golf, no facetiousness intended), causing a constant pull towards his roots in communism – as if THAT system isn’t exploitative – though much more destructive than colonialism/imperialism. Rational he ain’t. He is fixated.

SIMILARLY obsessed and pre-biased towards Islam, please read between the excerpted lines from his maiden speech to the Muslim/Arab world in Cairo on 6/4/09, as he laid out his fealty. He gave grudging credit to America for certain “progress”.

We meet at a time of great tension between the United States and Muslims around the world — tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate.  The relationship between Islam and the West includes centuries of coexistence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars.  More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.  Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam…..

Now part of this conviction is rooted in my own experience. I’m a Christian, but my father came from a Kenyan family that includes generations of Muslims.  As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and at the fall of dusk.  As a young man, I worked in Chicago communities where many found dignity and peace in their Muslim faith.
As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.  It was Islam — at places like Al-Azhar — that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment.  It was innovation in Muslim communities — (applause) — it was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed.  Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation.  And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality….. And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear….


ABSOLUTELY, he is drawn to, rooted in, totalitarian constructs. In effect, his Kenyan/Indonesian childhood seared Islam into his consciousness. And later on he imbibed the lies wrought by Edward Said’s Orientalism, though deconstructed by other scholars who exposed Said’s anti-historical “facts”, truth be damned. Hmm…revisionism as a political bludgeon. Indeed, judge people by their friends, and the late non-lamented Said was a constant presence in the Liar-in-Chief’s life. 


THOUGH seemingly non related on the surface, each idée fixe is part and parcel to his destructive policies towards all things western, especially American. This is precisely why he went out of the gate, during his first term, to assure the third world that America is not an exceptional nation, no better than the rest. None of the above is accidental. It is highly germane.


CONSEQUENTIALLY, this site implores the readership to step outside their comfort zones and to see Ebola “through Obama’s eyes”, Orwellian as it seems.

EVEN more so, internalize that Ebola has many uses….none of which appear on the surface, but are very possible outcomes. Weaponized.

PLEASE, pay heed to a courageous on duty General, head of the U.S. Southern Command, whose conclusions mirror those at this site, when reporting on the dangers from America’s (purposefully) open borders. Go figure. 

BUT if you need some qualified psychiatric mental health back up, to prop up this and that, that’s fine:

An Ebola outbreak is being allowed by President Obama because he “wants America to suffer” along with the rest of the world. This is the charge leveled by Fox News columnist Keith Ablow , who is also a psychiatrist.

 “I believe the President may literally believe we should suffer along with less fortunate nations. And if he does, that is a very dangerous psychological stance from which to confront Ebola,” Ablow said.

Ideas like that written by Ablow are starting to take hold throughout the country, mainly due to the administration’s unwillingness to enact an Ebola travel ban to and from affected countries…..

IN line with the thesis at hand, it behooves us to compare and contrast the knee jerk reaction that the Islamist-in-Chief had when ONE rocket exploded well outside the perimeters of Ben Gurion airport during this summer’s fiery war with Hamas. Bear in mind that he immediately BANNED flights to Israel (knowing Europe would follow his lead) in order to wield a double-edged sword: to pin Israel’s appeasement-oriented leaders to the wall and to keep them from wiping out Hamas’s Brotherhood leaders, whom he wants to remain in power. He understood full well that Hamas would crow that they closed down Ben Gurion! “It be” true. They did.

The Revolution's photo.
ON the other side of the spectrum, when asked whether or not a travel ban was in the offing – considering the potential death toll to American citizens – here’s what the Bastard-in-Chief’s newest mouthpiece opined…they are breathtakingly shameless.

PAR for the Demsters butt-kissers, leave it to Sen. Schumer  – damn the opportunistic bastard – to back the outrageous choice of Ron Klain as Ebola “Czar”! Not only is Klain medically ignorant – can you believe it – but as Obama’s chief adviser he touted Solyndra to be a model green company, despite its burgeoning signs of insolvency. A crook. Indeed, a precocious 13-year-old would have been a better Czar choice.

EGREGIOUSLY, despite a possible pandemic, the Reprobate-in-Chief will not allow the facts at hand to get in the way of his ideology and plain political chicanery. Payola. Truth be told, to call Obama Inc. whores is to tarnish the reputation of real prostitutes. It’s that bad.

YET to all those who are still skeptical as to the charges that he is purposefully, maliciously and willfully ignoring action plans (for ex, by not BANNING flights from W Africa and then inviting non U.S. citizens with Ebola to be treated in America to further contaminate/compromise the nation’s health…who behaves this way?) to contain this scourge, just look past all rational paradigms. In its stead, segue over to historical precedents, rife with evil leaders who KNOWINGLY led their citizens (and others) to tortured ends and outright slaughter. Take a peek – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf4zcZHHICE .

WELL before Ebola became a headliner in America, this investigative journalist posited that Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s plans for America lie within deep-seeded roots from national/nazi socialism. You may want to consider this thesis, making it easier to go from there to here. Even more so, its genesis ties in with his Islamic sensibilities.

CONCLUSIVELY, where does the above info leave the American people and others who rely on the U.S. to lead? Well, in the main, do not follow anything the regime is touting as “protocol” via the incompetent CDC. It would be the gravest error. Instead, remain calm and read up (from non-governmental qualified medical/research sources) on what steps you need to take to protect yourself and your loved ones.

BE prepared by stocking up on essentials.

cdc issues a checklist for ebola preparedness


Are you ready for the possibility of an Ebola pandemic that will interrupt the day-to-day life of most Americans?

Because now, the CDC has issued a checklist and said that “Now is the time to prepare.”

You can read the entire document HERE. As well, the state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits.

The checklist is a directory for hospitals and medical personnel.

“Every hospital should ensure that it can detect a patient with Ebola, protect healthcare workers so they can safely care for the patient, and respond in a coordinated fashion…

While we are not aware of any domestic Ebola Virus Disease cases (other than two American citizens who were medically evacuated to the United States), now is the time to prepare, as it is possible that individuals with EVD in West Africa may travel to the United States, exhibit signs and symptoms of EVD, and present to facilities.”

The CDC’s Ebola virus page is HERE.

The World Health Organization and other agencies have gone to great lengths to avoid releasing information that might cause a panic. You can bet that if they’ve gone so far as to issue this warning, things are about to get real.

The state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits. If the government is getting ready for an outbreak, shouldn’t you get ready too?

Are you prepped for a pandemic?

Last month, I wrote an article expressing my concern that the virus was going to rampage across the country. In it, I suggested that the best way to survive unscathed was to go into lockdown with your family:

This Ebola thing could go bad in a hurry. And by bad I mean that it has killed well over half of the people who’ve contracted it in West Africa. Not only do we have the possibility of Ebola to contend with, but several varieties of plague are also on the uptick over the past couple of months, something that has been put on the back burner due to the fear of Ebola. A city in China was locked down last week due to the Bubonic Plague and the Black Plague caused one man to die and 3 more people to become ill in Colorado last month.

If the situation hits close enough to home that you decide to go it’s time to isolate yourselves, the rules to this are intractable.

No one goes out. No one comes in.

I know this sounds harsh, but there are to be no exceptions. If you make exceptions, you might as well go wrestle with runny-nosed strangers at the local Wal-Mart and then come home and hug your children, because it’s the same thing.

Once you have gone into lockdown mode, that means that the supplies you have on hand are the supplies you have to see you through.  You can’t run out to the store and get something you’ve forgotten.

That means if a family member shows up, they have to go into quarantine for at least 4 weeks, during which time they are not allowed access to the home or family, nor are they allowed to go out in public.  Set up an area on your property that is far from your home for them to hang out for their month of quarantine. If at the end of the month they are presenting no symptoms, then they can come in.

It sadly means that you may be forced to turn someone away if they are ill, because to help them means to risk your family.

Now is the time to plan with your preparedness group how you intend to handle the situation. Will you shelter together, in the same location, and reserve a secondary location to retreat to if the situation worsens further or if someone becomes ill? Will you shelter separately because of the nature of the emergency?  Decide together on what event and proximity will trigger you to go into lockdown mode. Make your plan and stick to it, regardless of pressure from those who think you are over-reacting, the school that your children have stopped attending, and any other external influences. If you’ve decided that there is a great enough risk that you need to go into lockdown, you must adhere to your plan. (source)

At about the same time, Mac Slavo of SHTFplan sounded the warning as well. He wrote:

What’s most bizarre and frustrating about all of this is that neither the U.S. government or the Centers for Disease Control have provided any actionable information or advice to the American public. They maintain that they have the facilities to stop any such outbreak and continue to tout the narrative that there is nothing to fear, because they have it all under control.

Should even one single case pop up in a random U.S. city, that narrative will fall apart instantly. If someone in Georgia, Ohio, New York or any other state checked themselves into a hospital and are found to be infected with Ebola it will prove without a shadow of a doubt that all CDC containment efforts have failed.

In such an instance where Ebola is found to be in the “wild” anywhere in the continental United States you can be certain that panic will follow.

Take a look at the following photo. It was taken last week in Toledo about an hour after the city announced that their water supply had been contaminated with toxins:


Notice how every drop of pure H2O has been removed from the shelves.

Imagine for a moment what grocery store shelves, pharmacies and hardware supply stores are going to look like within 12 hours of an Ebola infection or outbreak being announced on U.S. soil.

Things will happen fast.

Now, for all we know the CDC’s containment efforts are successful, and perhaps Ebola will be stopped in its tracks. But being naturally skeptical of our government’s abilities to mitigate such a virus, especially given the lack of any actual information from the CDC or government, we must assume that Ebola will eventually start popping up in the United States.

When it does, the CDC and Homeland Security will likely announce a number of precautions that we need to take. Those precautions are going to include supply lists and strategies. (source)

ALAS, the once maligned “preppers” don’t seem so crazy now… do they?



This site follows very closely the intelligence gathering coming out of Northeast Intelligence Network and it is not for nothing. Not one, but several counter terror contacts (each operating independently of the other) have “advised” to do as much. While bringing forward their own unique intel to these pages, oftentimes there is an overlap of info. And since our (implied) agreement has been – for the most part – to steer clear of any mention of their names, it is understood if the same basic info comes out of Northeast it should be uploaded. After all, Doug Hagmann has already “come out of the shadows”, despite a concerted online campaign to paint him as a “right-wing” nut job.  Pish posh.

So those of us who know what’s what understand why silencing and intimidating him is a high priority for Obama Inc. It is intrinsic to say as much, even though this blogger is not always in agreement with certain religious overtones taken at his site…let’s just leave it at that. Mind you, as to this American-Israeli’s ultimate goal, however the truth comes out, regardless of attempts to censor this and that, an attempt will be made to do so. Guaranteed.

Assuredly, a regime which is absolutely, incontrovertibly allergic to linking Islam + terror within its official lexicon is incapable of protecting cats and dogs, let alone its citizens. Said protection is NOT on their agenda, but the opposite is the case, even if many refuse to internalize the highly dangerous facts on the ground. 

  • “Page 13 inaccurately states that AQ [al Qaeda] is responsible for the bombing of the Khobar Towers and that AQ is ‘clearly linked’ to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.”
  • The Qur’an is not the teachings of the Prophet, but the revealed word of God.”
  • “Remove sweeping generality of ‘Those who fit the terrorist profile best (for the present at least) are young male immigrants of Middle Eastern appearance’”
  •  “author seems to conflate ‘Islamic militancy’ with ‘terrorism’ and needs to define the difference and use it in their analysis”

In its May 22, 2013, article on some of the Judicial Watch revelations, The Washington Examiner reported, “While the Muslim Brotherhood is not on the U.S. State Department’s official list of international terrorist organizations, some of its offshoots, including the Palestinian group Hamas, are.” Ironically, FBI Director Mueller, who ordered the purge of “offensive” material – including the exoneration of the Muslim Brotherhood – has described the organization as a group that supports terrorism in the US and overseas.

“The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al Qaeda. This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform. As we recently learned from the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, the country is less safe when we allow radical Muslim organizations to tell the FBI how to train its agents and do its job,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The FBI’s purge of so called ‘offensive’ material is political correctness run amok, and it puts the nation at risk. The Obama administration needs to stop putting the tender sensibilities of radical Islamists above the safety of the American people.”

It is within this Orwellian context that outspoken patriots, be they vets, active duty personnel or those who are thinking to join any nation-saving movement, understand the methods utilized by socialist, Marxist, communist and Islamic propaganda machines. Totalitarian regimes in toto. In fact, it was hardly coincidental that alerts were raised within this site, time and again, to said effect. Specifically,

Alert One:

Who in their right (no pun intended) mind can still argue that Obama Inc. does not operate akin to a Goebbel’s-like propaganda machine? Of course it does.

Alert Two:

And knowing what you do, is it outlandish to posit: are Americans being led like sheep to the slaughter, or some such jarring comparison? This site clearly sees the parallels. What say you?

Alert Three:

For what other reason, other than to control the populace, would a so-called democracy (essentially) gut the First Amendment? Exactly.

Alert Four:

But still, in order to go from there to here, what else is required in practical terms? Well, if one finds highly disturbing parallels between DHS and Germany’s World War 2 Gestapo, would that be sufficient to warrant a distinct clarion call? Hope so.

Yes, national/nazi socialism are where it’s at for Obama Inc. and Islamists are following the lead. After all, who isn’t familiar with Islamic nazi salutes?? Totalitarianism is where it’s at, the red/green hatred of Judaism and Christianity.

Onto Obama Inc.’s propaganda ministry…just as in any “good” totalitarian regime, and to take DIRECT aim at patriots of all stripes, a trigger point is needed for a “firing squad”! A bull’s-eye must be painted on their backs, for the purging to begin.

PROPAGANDA Conspiracy Designed To Create A Circular Firing Squad

By Catherine Crabillcontributing columnist

Tuesday, 27 May 2014: When I decided to run for delegate in the 99th District of Virginia, my mission was to change the debate from the mundane and inconsequential of local politics to focus on the alarming erosion of our Constitution and the Rule of Law, while working toward resurrecting the 10th Amendment. I knew whoever controls the dialog controls the debate, and few, if any, were addressing these issues at that time. Little did I know that my entire platform of Constitutional liberty and re-infusing religious expression in the public square in 2009 would make me Public Enemy #1.

The FULL COURT PRESS that followed was astounding. No one could have prepared me for the entire Republican Slate conspiring to publicly denounce me. Denounce me for what? Promoting liberty? The Rule of Law? Quoting the Founding Fathers? Yep.

Had I not personally experienced such bizarre attacks from the party I spent my life supporting I would find the demonization of our military, in particular, “returning Vets”, impossible to conceive of. The list of patently offensive remarks and publications denouncing our veterans are well documented, but most egregiously are those published by the Department of Homeland Security, aka, Obama’s SS.

In concert with the attacks on the character of our military is the propaganda warfare within the military against us.

Incredibly, an Army Training Manuel publication in 2013 identified “Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and Jews as ‘domestic terrorists’. They were listed with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, (which has been invited/allowed to completely infiltrate the White House and Pentagon…), and the KKK!

So while we are being propagandized to distrust our military, they are being propagandized to distrust us. The natural partnership and respect between us is being eroded. I contend that such a bond must be weakened, if not broken, for the militarization of our domestic police to rule the day when the final hammer comes down.

Is it any wonder that those who have demonstrated the most consistent patriotic fervor, willing to seal their commitment in their own life’s blood, are under attack by this administration? The Veteran’s Administration “Wait Lists” to delay/prevent veteran care is not an oversight, not an omission, it is deliberate in its wicked intent to kill off those who pose the greatest threat to prevent the over throw of America from within.

The 2012 NDAA, (National Defense Authorization Act), unconstitutionally authorized the arrest, detention, ‘rendition’ (torture), of American citizens ANYWHERE, ANY PLACE, ANY TIME WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, IF said American is SUSPECTED of associating with ‘terrorists’.

In the NDAA 2013, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987 that banned domestic propaganda was unconstitutionally ‘legalized’. Will the militarized domestic agencies, which are now legion, be implemented to round up demonized patriots while our military ‘stands down’ because they have been propagandized to view us as the enemy?


Yesterday, Memorial Day, I cornered the Key Note Speaker of our Memorial event, an extremely distinguished Active Military Officer. I asked him if he was concerned about the demonization of the military. Without hesitation, his wife nodding vigorously over his shoulder, he affirmed he was deeply concerned and offended. He declared that one could only imagine where all of this was leading.

As a “Conspiracy Theorist”, (Those who question known liars…), I am convinced this is designed to cause the majority of freedom loving, God-fearing Americans, those of us who should be natural allies, to be suspicious of one another.

This propaganda conspiracy is meant to create a circular firing squad.

NO one should be naive enough to believe that an actual firing squad is not in the offing. Consider the facts at hand and you decide:

Fact One:

Why in heaven’s name are so many experienced patriots raising their own alarms…is it that they realize who DHS is laser focused on, perhaps those who “stubbornly cling” to the Constitution?

Fact Two:

In light of fact one, does untold purchases of (domestic) heavy ammo make better sense, yet to be explained, as well as being unprecedented in its scope?

Fact Three:

What about the militarization of police forces throughout the U.S., actually steps to prep for Martial Law? Such planning is required, for once the shit hits the fan – whatever its “precipitating” factor – “law and order” must be restored.

A + B. 1 + 1.






                                                             Obama & the Stalinist who mentored him

This site can hardly be described as Johnny Come Lately. To the contrary, as to its foresight, abundant evidence can attest to said claim. It is what it is. But before this blogger proves the aforementioned assertion, it is intrinsic to note: many conservative, rational thinkers – those who are otherwise ahead of the times – cannot/will not make the most salient mental leap: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is not out of his depth. In fact, he is precisely WITHIN his depth, and herein belies the grave danger(s) to the west.

How so? Let’s wave all the red flags:

Red Flag One:

DO recall the emphasis placed upon the Radical-in-Chief’s red roots (May 2013):The Radical-in-Chief & His Communist Hawaiian Roots: More Than Just An Exotic Locale!

Red Flag Two:

And even in the run up to his second term – shortly after this blog’s inception – the following was warned:World Leaders OPENLY Endorsing The Radical-in-Chief Are The Most Vile Dregs In The International Arena.Why Are They Simpatico To “Dear Leader”?

Red Flag Three:

Pray tell, what are Russian, Chinese & other anti-American troops doing on U.S. soil? Better yet, what aren’t they doing:Russian/Foreign Troops Inside America; FEMA Detention Camps & Agenda 21: Training For MARTIAL LAW Against U.S. Citizens! 

Red Flag Four:


Red Flag Five:

Now that the Russian side is explained, what about the Chinese piece of the puzzle:The Sell Off Of America To China Completed: Accelerated Under The Purposeful (mis)Reign Of The Radical-in-Chief! What a conundrum.

Red Flag Six:

In light of the above, does it now seem preposterous that the Radical-in-Chief would take a dive for Putin (ala “flexibility” and all, even if designed to appear as if he has been sucker punched), as his policies mirror socialism/Marxism…and a variant of communism…as opposed to American Constitutional ethos:OBAMA’S END GOAL:ROOTED IN NATIONAL/NAZI SOCIALISM. Obamacare’s “Hidden” Nexus Reveals All!

ONTO…those who refuse to place Obama’s roots into proper context, even though they should know better…. 

Krauthammer vs. Obama: The mismatch

If Barack Obama is simply incompetent, naive, and weak when it comes to dealing with Russia, why is his administration proposing giving Russia free military equipment after announcing suspiciously pathetic sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine? Judicial Watch has linked to a press release from Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) in which the U.S. Congressman openly asks why an Obama administration budget proposal for FY15 includes providing Russia with “high level military technology”.In his latest column, Obama vs. Putin: The mismatch, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer has for some reason constructed a firewall behind his forehead that prevents him from considering that the President is acquiescing to Putin on purpose instead of out of ineptitude. The columnist continues to make an otherwise very cogent argument from an extremely flawed premise about Obama. Shoebat.com has documented his views on what he perceives to be Barack Obama’s ‘weakness’ relative to foreign policy generally, with Russia in particular.The premise that Krauthammer is starting from is that Obama wants to do the right thing when it comes to Russia and Ukraine but that he is simply incapable of doing so. If that were correct, Krauthammer’s critiques of the President would constitute political evisceration. If incorrect, Obama has Krauthammer right where he wants him.Krauthammer is beside himself as he watches from a ringside seat, two leaders of two heavyweight nations in what should be an epic fight. He’s disappointed that the guy he’s invested in isn’t putting up one. No, actually, he’s downright frustrated to the point of pulling his hair out. In his latest column, he says the following about Obama’s assertion that Putin’s behavior in Ukraine isn’t suited for the 21st century:

“Good God. Putin hasn’t transcended the Russian revolution. Did no one give Obama a copy of Putin’s speech last week upon the annexation of Crimea?”

Translation? Mr. President, that was the weakest jab I’ve ever seen. How about if you start fighting?

What the firewall behind Krauthammer’s forehead is preventing him from considering is that Obama is intentionally throwing the fight. Was not the president mentored by a pro-Soviet Stalinist for nearly a decade in the 1970′s? Is it not possible, Charles, that one of the voices in Obama’s head is that of Frank Marshall Davis, which is likely telling him to let Putin win because the United States is the bane of the earth’s existence?

One of the reasons Dr. Krauthammer is so invested in his premise very well may be his dismissal of the Davis factor for so many years. In doing so, he bet on America overcoming Obama. Those of us who understand the true gravity of any American President having such relationships weren’t so sure. For Krauthammer to admit this now would be an admission that he was wrong not to sound alarm bells about Davis in 2008.

Earlier this month, Krauthammer was nearly apoplectic in response to the “humiliating” response of the Obama administration towards Vladimir Putin’s aggression. During an appearance on the Fox News Channel, Krauthammer said of Obama’s handing out of a few sanctions to a few influential Russians, “If he thinks that sanctioning seven Russians out of a population of, what, 150 million is a sanction, he’s living in a different world”.

As for the world Krauthammer’s living in, it’s akin to Putin leaving himself exposed for a haymaker after making an aggressive mistake and Obama responding with a love tap. As Krauthammer watches the fight from the front row, those of us in the cheap seats may be seeing things a bit more clearly.

Since this post is replete with boxing metaphors, here’s a video of one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X2wPWMURJ4

WHEREAS the reign of the Radical-in-Chief has turned the Mid East (always a basket case) into a cauldron of fire, it behooves readers (especially westerners) to internalize his purposeful designs. 

But know this:it takes more than one anti-American at the helm to hand over the nation into red hands. As such, let’s give “credit” where it is due:U.S. CONGRESSIONAL COMMUNISTS HIDING IN “PLAIN SIGHT”. PELOSI ALL IN. OBAMAS’s COMRADE-IN-ARMS! 

YET, major kudos goes to the real power behind the man-child:Valerie Jarrett: Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Communist/Hidden Hand.Familial & Ideological Ties That Bind!


Obama Putin


Though one is clearly effete…the other…not so much (guess which is which) they are both ideologically in bed…herein lies the (western) danger(s)


This site, time and again, has heaped many monikers upon the head of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. All of them well deserved. Yet none – catchy as they are – elicit pleasure. After all, if one considers themselves a patriot, how could slinging mud at the POTUS feel proper? It doesn’t.

DESPITE said discomfit it behooves all of us to brush aside our icky feelings and soldier on. Besides, what other choice is there?

Recall the warnings from these pages, an avalanche of evidence, all of it beating back to the Dictator-in-Chief!

Warning One:

From this blog’s inception, the following was noted: Barack Hussein Obama’s “BRAVE NEW WORLD”:Second Amendment, pro-life supporters bear “watching/labeling”. Islamists – not so muchShades of a dictator!

Warning Two: 

And just as night follows day, conditioning the citizens in the process must take place before U.S. leaders “forward march” towards tyranny.

Warning Number Three:

YET, anyone naive enough to believe that the RINO’S will save the Republic, well, good luck with that mirage: U.S. party politics are at a cross roads: complicit RINO’s play footsie with revolutionary Dems. Where is Congress headed?

Warning Number Four: 

But leave it to a forensic profiler to unmask the Dictator-in-Chief, as revealed herein: Forensic Profiling Unmasks The Leader Of The Free World

Warning Number Five:

And what are Americans supposed to make of this terrifying situation: U.S. law enforcement are running wild, as they are given military powers for “law and order”. Where is this leading to? Rhetorical.

Warning Number Six:

So, is it a stretch or a “conspiracy theory” to assess: the left is marching towards totalitarian ruleone party at a time. Alas, little resistance is coming from the RINO leadership! Why?

Warning Number Seven:

The totalitarian grip of Obama Inc, and its nexus to Germany’s ‘Iron Curtain’, is where they are heading, if no one stops them. Believe it or not.

Obama Promises Dictatorial Rule In 2014

JANUARY 15, 2014 BY  

Photo credit: Fresh Conservative (Creative Commons)

Just a day after the Supreme Court began hearing testimony regarding Barack Obama’s appointment of several National Labor Relations Board members in apparent violation of his constitutional authority, the White House is announcing even more executive overreach in the coming year.

Calling 2014 “a year of action,” White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer explained Obama’s goal in an email he prepared Tuesday morning.

“President Obama has a resolution for 2014,” Pfeiffer wrote, explaining he will take unilateral action if and when he does not get what he wants from members of Congress.

“Instead,” the email continued, “the president will use his executive authority, both his pen and his phone, to work with anyone to get things done….”

While such unilateral governance has been his modus operandi for more than five years, Pfeiffer’s announcement seems to indicate a renewed – and disturbing – focus on forcing his leftist policies onto the nation as a whole.

As a lame duck, he no longer has the threat of an upcoming campaign to keep him honest. He can, and apparently will, begin usurping even more power while further neutering the legislative branch.

Obama himself joined in the rhetoric Tuesday, saying he is “not just going to be waiting for legislation” before echoing Pfeiffer’s assertion.

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” he said prior to a White House cabinet meeting.

Obama’s radical agenda is detrimental to America’s future. As such, Republicans have often been vocal critics of his policies. To such an imperial ruler, however, opposition is seen as an impediment he can overcome through fiat decrees.

Reports indicate he will likely unveil a number of these executive decisions during his upcoming State of the Union address.

Though his attitude toward Congress has often been dismissive in the past, the administration has generally made some attempt to pay lip service to legislators. Now, it seems, Obama is comfortable enough in his position to openly announce his intention to disregard the balance of power developed by our founders and recorded in the Constitution.

Patriots shouldn’t be oh so shocked to wake up one fine day – in the near future – to find out that the last shreds of the U.S. Constitution are finito…six feet under…dead and buried.

In fact, the pretense of democracy will no longer even be necessary, once the last vestiges of Constitutional restraints to keep the Executive branch in check are stripped bare.

Hang on tight…for the past few years – clearly a bumpy ride – will become nothing more than a distant memory. They will be viewed (in retrospect) as the “good ole’ days”.

INDEED, even according to NSA’s (ex) top official, the U.S. has become a police state. Thus, its “natural” outgrowth will be Obama, as Dictator-in-Chief!

So, what’s Obama’s end goal? and where is it rooted? Its genesis can be found within national/Nazi socialism. Obamacare’s “hidden” nexus reveals all.

As promised by Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Chief Consiglieri, Valerie Jarrett

“After we win this election, it’s our turn.

Payback time.

Everyone not with us is against us,

and they better be ready because we don’t forget.

The ones who helped us will be rewarded,

the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve.

There is going to be hell to pay.

Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over.”

And we have two judges ready to go.

Valerie Jarrett, October 2012

That’s a wrap!!