HOT on the heels of this week’s explosive commentary (encircling the web like a raging wildfire), FINAL WARNING FROM “DHS INSIDER”: PLANS “READY TO GO” TO COLLAPSE U.S. ECONOMY WHEN “CRISIS” POINT EMERGESanother highly valued counter-terror contact, Dave Gaubatz, lends his on target analysis to America’s domestic front. He renders a strategic assessment which only a former U.S. Air Force special agent, one with years of experience on the ground (inside world hot spots and domestically), can gauge as “seismic-worthy”. Ignore his warnings at your peril.

But before we learn about the latest “threat level”, we must be quipped to digest and internalize certain facts, as they percolate underneath U.S. ground. As such, it is instructive to backtrack a bit, at least for contextual impact. 

Hark back a few months ago, specifically March 2013, and the following was highlighted at this blog: Signs of Civil War Could Lead To Martial Law. Readers, this link (others too) did not go unnoticed by portals attached to DHS. Hmm. 

Catching up to speed…clear cut evidence/proof of a “good to go” dress rehearsal for an eventual imposition of martial law turns up in Boston, only 2 months after its first signs were reported on. Never mind the fact that its “necessity” was a moot point, as it did nothing to effectuate the capture of the jihadis! In essence, it was the opening shot of DHS’s pandora’s box: martial law already entered via jihad In Boston !

Stage left, enter foreign forces; already training for this and that expected “crisis”.  Russian/foreign troops are inside America, as FEMA detention camps & Agenda 21 are prepped. Yes, the training for MARTIAL LAW continues apace.

But just when you thought you may be hallucinating, and that your “lying” eyes were deceiving you, well, leave it to certain Congressional reps (with verbal diarrhea) to spill the beans. Yup, the  INCREASING THREAT Of MARTIAL LAW: Demster Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee’s loose lips and her “slip of the tongue”. Good grief.

Yet for those who believe that the head of DHS is really calling the shots…not so fast. DHS, Valerie Jarrett’s fiefdom, is where she makes plans to target U.S. (Patriotic) citizens/Christians as Obama Inc.’s first pickings. Warnings can be heard from (Retired) Army officers re MARTIAL LAW & more.

The evidence is insurmountable and leading to one overall plan: MARTIAL LAW.  What does Obama Inc. have in store for “non-compliant” citizens?

Thus, is it any wonder that states are attempting to break free of the Feds grip, as an outcome of pressure from citizens to DO something drastic?

A Civil War in America
By: Dave Gaubatz  29 Dec 2013
When I was in Iraq (2003) I was asked by our government to conduct an assessment of the ground situation in Iraq, and what is the likelihood of a civil war developing between the Sunni and Shiite people of Iraq.

I spent 6 plus months conducting an analysis of the situation.  The assessment consisted of talking with hundreds of Iraqis, both Sunni and Shiite.  This included military, former military, Iraqi police, and Iraqi government personnel.


My conclusion was that a civil war would occur once our military left the area.  It happened.  Hundreds of thousands of Sunni and Shiite have been killed during their civil war.


In America I have conducted the same type of assessment.  I have talked with hundreds of Americans from all walks of life. My conclusion is there will be a civil war within the next five years in America.


The war will be between liberals and conservatives.  There have been some people who say I desire a civil war.  I do not want any type war.  The victims in every war are the children.  The war will begin when Obama and his crew announce martial law.  No one thinks that this is possible, but one need only look at how Obama has already made a joke of our U.S. Constitution.
Within 5 years martial law will be declared and it is possible this will happen in 2016 when Obama makes up his own rules and laws and attempts to remain President.  The patriotic Americans will shout ‘we are no longer going to allow our country to be taken over by liberals, communists, Islamic leaders and their supporters’.
There will be some U.S. military leaders who will decide to no longer follow the Commander in Chief (Obama).  These Generals will be followed by thousands of our troops.  There will be many Generals who will fight for Obama and the New World Order.
There will be chaos in the streets of America.  Conservatives will not allow their First and Second Amendment rights be taken from them.  There will be a shortage of food, water, housing, and medical care.  FEMA will begin arresting tens of thousands of conservatives and place them into concentration camps.
Islamic leaders will have their Jihadi trained terrorists to begin making life ‘hell’ in America.  One will not know the difference between Afghanistan and our beautiful country.  We will see hundreds of suicide attacks by Muslims.
The conservative movement will suffer tremendously in the beginning of a war, but will bounce back and take our country back from ruins.
In actuality their will be no winners.  Our country will be devastated and it will take decades to recover.
Readers should not shake their heads and say this can’t happen in America.  We should all pray this never happens, but great society’s have been falling for centuries.  America will be no different than Rome or England.
What can we do?  We must now demand our Constitution be the law of the land, and not taken over by a Dictator regime.  We must educate our families, neighbors, friends, and co-workers to the realities our country is facing.  Do not be afraid to speak the truth about Christianity and Judaism.  We need these values in our lives more than ever.
America has a long and hard road ahead, but we can be one of the great empires that does not collapse if we take our country back now.  In the 2014 elections we must put people into power who do not sugarcoat the truth simply to appease liberals and communists.

YES, while it is more pleasant to pretend that what is isn’t, such magical thinking has no place within rational adult discourse. More to the point, how pleasant will it be when militarized law enforcement comes knocking on doors to confiscate this and that, warning citizens to “stand down”?  


  1. Joe Farah and Larry Klayman have written that revolution is coming. Today Walter Williams warned that a civil war between the statists and the freedom lovers will come unless the two groups can find a way to separate themselves peacefully. I would say that this is a very serious situation.

  2. Protect the Constitution and especially 1st 2nd and 4th Amendments.
    Strong America, limited government, fiscal conservatism, personal responsibility.
    BUT DON’T push the personal moral values on others (abortions, religion, drug, etc)


    Conservatives generally agree at this point several actions of current Federal and State and local government officials constitute criminal acts up to and including treason.

    These include and are not limited to:

    * Use of office to interfere with the electoral process. (Such as IRS targeting of Tea Party groups for sidelining applications.)

    * Use of office to interfere with criminal investigations. (Such as refusal by Obama subordinates to cooperate with Fat and Furious, Benghazi, IRS investigations in Congress and elsewhere.)

    * Use of office to circumvent legal bounds of office and use of office to implement laws contrary to the Constitution. (Such as ‘Administrative Action’ used to circumvent limits on Congress on taxation, on passing law interfering with gun rights, choosing to ignore immigration laws, passing blanket exemptions to political allies re: ACA contrary to express law that states such laws much be applied uniformly, etc.)

    * Use of office to undermine national security by deliberately weakening our borders and aiding enemies foreign and domestic, which is nothing short of treason. (Such as using office to aid and abet an invasion of our sovereign soil by 11-30+ million illegal ‘immigrants,’ refusing to uphold laws protecting our borders, using office in aiding and abetting enemies self-declared to be in a struggle to overcome us and destroy our way of life, such as Muslim Brotherhood in America, Libya, Egypt, and Palestine, and al Qaeda in Syria, inhibiting first-strike capabilities of ground troops in Afghanistan, etc.)

    * A military tribunal (not led by officers beholden to the current Administration) into suspicion of treason for participation into the above activities that involve our sovereignty and national security.

    Thus it seems prudent to organize a general peaceful protest and strike against the current regime and ruling party to take place nationwide, said event taking place July 3rd and 4th, 2014.

    The targets of this strike should be all government offices Thursday, July 3rd, 2014.

    The targets of this peaceful protest should be main media outlets (national offices for major television news and print networks, as well as State and Federal capitols esp. legislative, judicial and administrative centers Thursday, July 3rd and Friday, July 4th 2014.

    The demands will be the arrests, trials, and suspensions from office of the persons suspected of committing these crimes during their trials and upon findings of guilt. It will be during this time that impeachment trials can begin for high officials.

    It will be to the discretion of each organization the means and details of their participation. If areas overlap, communication between organizations is encouraged, esp. regarding any protests planned for Washington D.C.

  4. Pingback: A PATRIOTIC CALL TO ACTION: MAY 16, 2014. TAKE BACK AMERICA, YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!..Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki



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