
This site follows very closely the intelligence gathering coming out of Northeast Intelligence Network and it is not for nothing. Not one, but several counter terror contacts (each operating independently of the other) have “advised” to do as much. While bringing forward their own unique intel to these pages, oftentimes there is an overlap of info. And since our (implied) agreement has been – for the most part – to steer clear of any mention of their names, it is understood if the same basic info comes out of Northeast it should be uploaded. After all, Doug Hagmann has already “come out of the shadows”, despite a concerted online campaign to paint him as a “right-wing” nut job.  Pish posh.

So those of us who know what’s what understand why silencing and intimidating him is a high priority for Obama Inc. It is intrinsic to say as much, even though this blogger is not always in agreement with certain religious overtones taken at his site…let’s just leave it at that. Mind you, as to this American-Israeli’s ultimate goal, however the truth comes out, regardless of attempts to censor this and that, an attempt will be made to do so. Guaranteed.

Assuredly, a regime which is absolutely, incontrovertibly allergic to linking Islam + terror within its official lexicon is incapable of protecting cats and dogs, let alone its citizens. Said protection is NOT on their agenda, but the opposite is the case, even if many refuse to internalize the highly dangerous facts on the ground. 

  • “Page 13 inaccurately states that AQ [al Qaeda] is responsible for the bombing of the Khobar Towers and that AQ is ‘clearly linked’ to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.”
  • The Qur’an is not the teachings of the Prophet, but the revealed word of God.”
  • “Remove sweeping generality of ‘Those who fit the terrorist profile best (for the present at least) are young male immigrants of Middle Eastern appearance’”
  •  “author seems to conflate ‘Islamic militancy’ with ‘terrorism’ and needs to define the difference and use it in their analysis”

In its May 22, 2013, article on some of the Judicial Watch revelations, The Washington Examiner reported, “While the Muslim Brotherhood is not on the U.S. State Department’s official list of international terrorist organizations, some of its offshoots, including the Palestinian group Hamas, are.” Ironically, FBI Director Mueller, who ordered the purge of “offensive” material – including the exoneration of the Muslim Brotherhood – has described the organization as a group that supports terrorism in the US and overseas.

“The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al Qaeda. This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform. As we recently learned from the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, the country is less safe when we allow radical Muslim organizations to tell the FBI how to train its agents and do its job,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The FBI’s purge of so called ‘offensive’ material is political correctness run amok, and it puts the nation at risk. The Obama administration needs to stop putting the tender sensibilities of radical Islamists above the safety of the American people.”

It is within this Orwellian context that outspoken patriots, be they vets, active duty personnel or those who are thinking to join any nation-saving movement, understand the methods utilized by socialist, Marxist, communist and Islamic propaganda machines. Totalitarian regimes in toto. In fact, it was hardly coincidental that alerts were raised within this site, time and again, to said effect. Specifically,

Alert One:

Who in their right (no pun intended) mind can still argue that Obama Inc. does not operate akin to a Goebbel’s-like propaganda machine? Of course it does.

Alert Two:

And knowing what you do, is it outlandish to posit: are Americans being led like sheep to the slaughter, or some such jarring comparison? This site clearly sees the parallels. What say you?

Alert Three:

For what other reason, other than to control the populace, would a so-called democracy (essentially) gut the First Amendment? Exactly.

Alert Four:

But still, in order to go from there to here, what else is required in practical terms? Well, if one finds highly disturbing parallels between DHS and Germany’s World War 2 Gestapo, would that be sufficient to warrant a distinct clarion call? Hope so.

Yes, national/nazi socialism are where it’s at for Obama Inc. and Islamists are following the lead. After all, who isn’t familiar with Islamic nazi salutes?? Totalitarianism is where it’s at, the red/green hatred of Judaism and Christianity.

Onto Obama Inc.’s propaganda ministry…just as in any “good” totalitarian regime, and to take DIRECT aim at patriots of all stripes, a trigger point is needed for a “firing squad”! A bull’s-eye must be painted on their backs, for the purging to begin.

PROPAGANDA Conspiracy Designed To Create A Circular Firing Squad

By Catherine Crabillcontributing columnist

Tuesday, 27 May 2014: When I decided to run for delegate in the 99th District of Virginia, my mission was to change the debate from the mundane and inconsequential of local politics to focus on the alarming erosion of our Constitution and the Rule of Law, while working toward resurrecting the 10th Amendment. I knew whoever controls the dialog controls the debate, and few, if any, were addressing these issues at that time. Little did I know that my entire platform of Constitutional liberty and re-infusing religious expression in the public square in 2009 would make me Public Enemy #1.

The FULL COURT PRESS that followed was astounding. No one could have prepared me for the entire Republican Slate conspiring to publicly denounce me. Denounce me for what? Promoting liberty? The Rule of Law? Quoting the Founding Fathers? Yep.

Had I not personally experienced such bizarre attacks from the party I spent my life supporting I would find the demonization of our military, in particular, “returning Vets”, impossible to conceive of. The list of patently offensive remarks and publications denouncing our veterans are well documented, but most egregiously are those published by the Department of Homeland Security, aka, Obama’s SS.

In concert with the attacks on the character of our military is the propaganda warfare within the military against us.

Incredibly, an Army Training Manuel publication in 2013 identified “Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and Jews as ‘domestic terrorists’. They were listed with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, (which has been invited/allowed to completely infiltrate the White House and Pentagon…), and the KKK!

So while we are being propagandized to distrust our military, they are being propagandized to distrust us. The natural partnership and respect between us is being eroded. I contend that such a bond must be weakened, if not broken, for the militarization of our domestic police to rule the day when the final hammer comes down.

Is it any wonder that those who have demonstrated the most consistent patriotic fervor, willing to seal their commitment in their own life’s blood, are under attack by this administration? The Veteran’s Administration “Wait Lists” to delay/prevent veteran care is not an oversight, not an omission, it is deliberate in its wicked intent to kill off those who pose the greatest threat to prevent the over throw of America from within.

The 2012 NDAA, (National Defense Authorization Act), unconstitutionally authorized the arrest, detention, ‘rendition’ (torture), of American citizens ANYWHERE, ANY PLACE, ANY TIME WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, IF said American is SUSPECTED of associating with ‘terrorists’.

In the NDAA 2013, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987 that banned domestic propaganda was unconstitutionally ‘legalized’. Will the militarized domestic agencies, which are now legion, be implemented to round up demonized patriots while our military ‘stands down’ because they have been propagandized to view us as the enemy?


Yesterday, Memorial Day, I cornered the Key Note Speaker of our Memorial event, an extremely distinguished Active Military Officer. I asked him if he was concerned about the demonization of the military. Without hesitation, his wife nodding vigorously over his shoulder, he affirmed he was deeply concerned and offended. He declared that one could only imagine where all of this was leading.

As a “Conspiracy Theorist”, (Those who question known liars…), I am convinced this is designed to cause the majority of freedom loving, God-fearing Americans, those of us who should be natural allies, to be suspicious of one another.

This propaganda conspiracy is meant to create a circular firing squad.

NO one should be naive enough to believe that an actual firing squad is not in the offing. Consider the facts at hand and you decide:

Fact One:

Why in heaven’s name are so many experienced patriots raising their own alarms…is it that they realize who DHS is laser focused on, perhaps those who “stubbornly cling” to the Constitution?

Fact Two:

In light of fact one, does untold purchases of (domestic) heavy ammo make better sense, yet to be explained, as well as being unprecedented in its scope?

Fact Three:

What about the militarization of police forces throughout the U.S., actually steps to prep for Martial Law? Such planning is required, for once the shit hits the fan – whatever its “precipitating” factor – “law and order” must be restored.

A + B. 1 + 1.