Obama Inc.’s Black Panthers: “Gonna Hunt Down, KILL, White People.” DOJ, What’s Your (Legal) Position? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ASIDE from what you already know, regarding Baltimore’s powder keg, the most obvious fact is that the Race-Baiter-In-Chief is verily pleased by the charred ruins. In reality, he finally found his voice well into the fires, but not in relation to calling a halt to the devastation wrought by the Black ‘youths.’ No siree. Yes, as always, he jive-talked and called their actions ‘criminal’…with caveats and wiggle room…with a wink and a nod to continue on as is. 

TRUE to his anti-American thuggish form, can anyone honesty state that the following sentiments aren’t akin to a rabble rousing criminal agitator, rather than the leader of the free world? In a pig’s eye. 

NOW, it makes little sense to repeat reportage proffered by the apologetic media, albeit, not to the true victims, but to the marauding gangsters and thugs. Regardless, HUSSEIN Obama’s words can’t be sugarcoated…walked back…peppered…

Barack Obama today ripped on the nation’s police forces for targeting poor African-Americans which he says started in Ferguson, Missouri.

“Since Ferguson we have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like, once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the nation saying this is a crisis.”

Evidently he missed the fact that a grand jury his DOJ exonerated Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of robber Michael Brown.

MIND you, as to FREDDIE GRAY’S ARREST RECORD: Here’s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They’re Destroying Baltimore Over

BESIDES, the Agitator-in-Chief is gifting Baltimore’s criminal rioters more than enough ‘space’ to destroy the city. Meanwhile, he utilizes his megaphone to create additional ammunition for the grievance-mongers, thus, fanning the flames to racial strife, as each tier continues to blame (ultimately, target) White America!

President Obama has asked Americans, on more than one occasion, to search their souls on the question of race. But on Tuesday, in the wake of riots in Baltimore, he told them that unless this “soul searching” leads to concrete policy changes and more opportunities in communities of color, civil unrest across the nation will not end.

OH yeah, the Bastard-in-Chief is threatening more of the same, if America doesn’t coddle its minority thuggish elements to the max. Come again?

NEVER mind the fact that the POTUS, AG and the she-devil Mayor of Baltimore are all Black, and VERY powerful at that. As expected, the canard of ‘racism’ is stoked and White America is ‘guilty’ as charged.

ON the other hand, if the system wasn’t co-opted by criminal elements within Obama Inc., multiple charges of criminal negligence (and the like) would be forthcoming to a roster of indictable inciters to violence, as well as to those who ‘looked the other way.’

Despite a firm denial by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, a senior law enforcement source charges that she gave an order for police to stand down as riots broke out Monday night, raising more questions about whether some of the violence and looting could have been prevented.

The source, who is involved in the enforcement efforts, confirmed to Fox News there was a direct order from the mayor to her police chief Monday night, effectively tying the hands of officers as they were pelted with rocks and bottles.

EVEN so, where does Baltimore (et al) tie into Obama Inc.’s Black Panthers and their screams to KILL Whites? Everywhere. Patience…takes time to build a bullet proof case.

FIRSTLY, gang members, many of whom are allied with the Black Panthers, have set their gun sights on killing White police officers. Hmm. Indeed, hark back to the Gangster-in-Chief’s own words, duly cited above too:

baltimore gangs unite

“Since Ferguson we have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African-Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like, once a week now, or every couple of weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the nation saying this is a crisis.”

DEMONSTRABLY, Sharpton, another Black thug, possesses a revolving door free pass into HUSSEIN Obama’s inner sanctum. This fact has already been established via visitor logs.

AS of Dec. 2014, Sharpton has visited the White House 61 times! 

My God, the guy probably has his own desk in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

President Obama’s embrace of Al Sharpton, as National Review points out, has helped legitimize Sharpton as the preeminent black leader. Sharpton and his idiotic rantings, his message of victimization instead of self-help, and his fomenting of racial divisions, now takes the place of Martin Luther King Jr., thanks to Obama….

TO wit, let’s just admit that they are thick as thieves. Meanwhile, aside from evidence found below – linking HUSSEIN Obama to the Black Panthers – Sharpton is deeply connected to the Panthers too:

Al Sharpton whipped up the crowd with a mortifying, race-baiting speech, and with NBPP (New Black Panthers Party) members standing directly in front of the stage.

new black panthers

“We are tired of going to jail for nothing and others going home for something. Zimmerman should have been arrested that night … you cannot defend yourself against a pack of Skittles and iced tea. Don’t talk to us like we’re stupid! Don’t talk to us like we’re ignorant! We love our children like you love yours. Lock him up!”

… Trayvon represents a reckless disregard for our [black] lives that we’ve seen for too long, and we’ve come here tonight to tell you enough is enough….

…. you thought it was hot,…. well, the heat has just arrived….

DEAD to rights.

SO, what can go wrong when chief inciting elements – HUSSEIN Obama and Sharpton – lead the charge into Baltimore, ostensibly, to lend ‘assists’:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

HOUSED under the above umbrella – and within said context – readers must urgently view the incitement to outright WAR against White America. The following must not be taken as ‘over the top’ hyperbole. Rather, it must be understood for what it is: their opening shot in the upcoming race war, yes, race war!

On Sunday, a New Black Panther Party leader using the name General Taco said members of the New Black Panther Party will hunt down and kill white people, The Blaze reported Wednesday. Saying that the future of the organization is “absolute total destruction” of what he called “white supremacy” and capitalism on the planet, General Taco said the group would hunt their “pink a**es down.”

Taco, whose name stands for “taking all capitalists out,” wasn’t finished. “Once [white people] die, we should dig ‘em up, and kill ‘em again, bury ‘em, dig ‘em up, and kill ‘em again, and again, and again!” he exclaimed, getting more agitated as he spoke. He justified his remarks by claiming white people have a “history” of pushing “crack, AIDS and unemployment” on black people in order to “exterminate” them. Taco’s call for racial violence is nothing new for the group.

On Sunday, the St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida, chapter of the New Black Panther Party issued a tweet calling for the murder of white people.

“Kill these racist h**keys, these cr***ers, these pigs, these pink people, It has been long overdue!” the organization said on Twitter.

In a 32-page newsletter released in May, NBPP leader Malik Zulu Shabazz suggested that violence may be the most effective way to advance their agenda.

“Black America, you must decide who will best represent you in 2012. You must decide if you will choose the ballot as a means to change, or the bullet,” he wrote, saying that “demanding change does come by any means necessary.”

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the New Black Panther Party is a “virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.”

INDEED, the NBPP fully recognize that there is no time like the present. It is under the ‘guiding hands’ of the present occupant of the White House that they will be able to shed as much blood as possible, sans having to face the long-arm of justice.

AS such, White America, be prepared to ‘lock and load’, if necessary.

INHERENTLY, a set of urgent queries must be asked: are the ‘New’ Black Panthers – akin to their predecessors, the Black Panthers – a qualifying domestic terror group? If not, why not? If the answer is in the affirmative, the follow-ups are: why isn’t DHS branding them as such? and why isn’t the DOJ scooping them up, one by one? Rhetorical.

CONCLUSIVELY, rock solid evidence links HUSSEIN Obama – an anti-American, pro-Islamist, wholly anti-semitic POTUS – to the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers; itself a domestic terror group. ALL three are tied into another domestic terror group, the Weathermen.

During a dangerously volatile period of domestic terrorism, young anarchists were plotting the upending of America. In the vanguard stood the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers.

Implanted in 1969 in the heart of a revolutionary movement, Larry Grathwohl, a 22-year-old Vietnam vet, found himself acting as an FBI informant. Inserted into the Weather Underground organization under deep cover, he became privy to their terror plots as well as the leadership’s “reasoning”. It is this facet which still resonates today. BRINGING DOWN AMERICA is a gripping tale of plots and subplots, each one aimed at “the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie [and] the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jeff Jones exhorted in their 1974 manifesto, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism.” The subtext of this gripping memoir is brought to the fore in Chapter 14: “The Cover Is Blown”……

Highly dangerous in their bomb-making days, their capacity to cripple America, sans firing actual weaponry is that much greater at this critical juncture in time. Deeply involved in the “transformation” process, as promised by President Obama, many of them working inside the executive branch, while others operate through progressive think tanks, they want nothing more than to distance themselves from their bloody past. Therefore, an omerta has descended from the denizens of the leftist media and their powerful organs….

INCONTESTABLY, the racial fires set in Baltimore (including, Ferguson and other cities) contain the (less than 3 degrees separated) fingerprints and footprints of the above players and their surrogates, whether Americans recognize the facts at hand or not.

The tension over Ferguson continues to get worse around the country with President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Al Sharpton leading the way. 

According to local media reports, members of the New Black Panther Party planned to blow up the St. Louis Gateway Arch and to assassinate Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson and prosecutor Bob McCulloch in response to the non-indictment of former police officer Darren Wilson by a grand jury….

Will these New Black Panther members be heavily prosecuted? Hardly. In typical fashion, Attorney General Eric Holder has their back and is giving them a pass with only minor gun charges. More from the Free Beacon:

The communist and racist New Black Panther Party plotted to bomb St. Louis’ Gateway Arch and assassinate local law enforcement officials, but the Justice Department so far has limited its prosecution of the group to an indictment of two members on minor gun charges….

RESULTANT, when the Black Panthers exhort – and incite – to KILL WHITE AMERICANS, they understand very well who has their backs. Their community ‘foot soldiers’ are ready for battle, and Baltimore (Ferguson) was their ‘testing’ ground.

CONCOMITANTLY, every drop of innocent blood will trace back to the White House, the AG’s office (which gives them ‘legal’ cover…fully evidenced at this site) and to elected and non-elected fellow travelers!

FULL circle. Case closed. Simple as that.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

19 thoughts on “Obama Inc.’s Black Panthers: “Gonna Hunt Down, KILL, White People.” DOJ, What’s Your (Legal) Position? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Obama Inc.’s Black Panthers: “Gonna Hunt Down, KILL, White People.” DOJ, What’s Your (Legal) Position? | Islam Exposed Online

  2. Pingback: Obama Inc.’s Black Panthers: “Gonna Hunt Down, KILL, White People.” DOJ, What’s Your (Legal) Position? | Conservative Right Wing News. Conservative News for Political Conservatives–Today's Best Rightwing Conservative News Blogs and Cons

  3. If the police in Baltimore had ignored the mayor’s order to stand down and not dress for a riot, I think the outcome would have been different. It all made twisted sense, when i heard that Valerie Jarrett had been in touch with the mayor on Monday, before the destruction started. That was the kiss of death. Now the police have been charged and we shall see how that goes. Hussein will not be impeached.

  4. Yes, these guys are vicious, only problem is 30 minutes after the shooting starts the EBT cards stop working and their folks hang them from the street lights.
    If they don’t fight any better than they work the black kitty’s will be extinct in 3 days or less.
    Nobody is losing any sleep over these jackasses.

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  6. Pingback: Congress’s Islamic Reps Advance CAIR’s Dictates:Silence Free Speech! Iraqi Nun Targeted Too,The Tie-Ins | Islam Exposed Online

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