Black Lives Matter Much Less to UN World Food Programme Head Arif Husain

By Noah Beck 

(Originally published at Israel National News)

The UN World Food Programme (UNWFP) admirably aims to bring “life-saving food to people displaced by conflict and made destitute by disasters,” and to “help countries and communities prepare for and cope with climate-related shocks.” Such a broad and important mandate is intrinsically global, so one would hope that this NGO distributed its resources and focus as fairly as possible, on a per capita basis, rather than preferring certain nationalities, religions, or races.

But Arif Husain, the Pakistani-American who heads the UNWFP, which he joined in 2003, has some very strong preferences that emerge from his Twitter feed and press statements. Husain clearly prioritizes hunger in Gaza over territories where exponentially more people have been affected by famine for far longer, according to the data published by his own organization. The website of the UNWFP alphabetically lists 14 territories with a food emergency; if they are ranked by the total number of people affected, Nigeria has the most (26.5 million) and Gaza has the least (1.1 million). Note that the UNWFP is hardly hostile to Gaza, to which it has already granted statehood (the UNWFP’s page for Gaza is called “the State of Palestine”).

Husain has tweeted more about hunger in Gaza than anywhere else since October 7th. Nearly all of Husain’s Twitter feed since then concerns Gaza, and his bias particularly stands out in his Tweet of November 23, 2023, where Husain notes that “Evil comes in all ways, shapes and forms!” and shares the infamous video of the ex-Obama official harassing a NY street vendor. While such harassment is indefensible by anyone (VIP or not), it’s hardly at the level of raping, burning, beheading, and massacring 1,200 people and abducting another 240; yet Hamas’ October 7th atrocities against Israel never inspired a single tweet about “evil” from Husain. Indeed, his Twitter feed is conspicuously silent from October 7th until October 15th, when he reposted about the need to help Gaza.

Because Husain is a widely quoted and respected figure, his obsessive focus on Gaza contributes to the disproportionate media coverage of and the global spotlight on hunger there. Indeed, as early as January 11, the New York Times noted this trend: “While hunger crises in regions such as South Sudan and Tigray have unfolded with little media attention, there is intense international scrutiny on Gaza.”

In the January 1 New York Times article titled “Half of Gazans Are at Risk of Starving, U.N. Warns,” Husain is quoted as saying, “I’ve been doing this for about 20 years…I’ve been to pretty much any conflict, whether Yemen, whether it was South Sudan, northeast Nigeria, Ethiopia, you name it. And I have never seen anything like this, both in terms of its scale, its magnitude, but also at the pace that this has unfolded.”

But the NYT article negligently publishes Husain’s sweeping claim without any further investigation, comparative analysis, or caveats. Both the NYT and Husain apparently forgot about two far bigger famines during Husain’s tenure: the 2003-5 famine that killed about 200,000 in Darfur, and the 2011 famine in Somalia that claimed 260,000 lives. By contrast, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that “As of 12 March…27 people…have died of malnutrition and dehydration….in…Gaza.” While every starvation death is tragic, the UNWFP should have the basic ethical intelligence to prioritize hundreds of thousands over dozens.

The New York Times apparently shares Husain’s bias and moral blindspot. The same NYT article notes that, according to Mr. Husain, Gaza meets “at least the first criteria of a famine, with 20 percent of the population facing an extreme lack of food,” but the paper never asks Husain why he emphasizes that over the exponentially larger hunger emergency in Nigeria reported by his organization:

“Conflict and insecurity, rising inflation and the impact of the climate crisis continue to drive hunger in Nigeria – with 26.5 million people across the country projected to face acute hunger in the June-August 2024 lean season. This is a staggering increase from the 18.6 million people food insecure at the end of 2023.”

In other words, according to the UNWFP, in the last few months, the already huge number of Nigerians facing acute hunger (i.e., about nine times the entire population of Gaza) increased by 7.9 million, but the 20% of Gaza “facing an extreme lack of food” (i.e., 440,000 Gazans) deserve virtually all of Mr. Husain’s Twitter attention and priority in the New York Times interview he gave. Mr. Husain’s broken moral math reveals a bias that has no place in an organization ostensibly dedicated to addressing global challenges based on the greatest need, without favoritism for any country, religion, or race.

Arif Husain’s disproportionate emphasis on Gaza inevitably causes the international community to neglect exponentially greater hunger problems. But since at least October 7th, for Mr. Husain and the UNWFP, Black lives matter much less than Gazan lives do.  

Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic submarine thriller about Iranian nukes, Hamas, and Hezbollah  — 

WARNING: ‘Thousands of guillotines pre-positioned across America for left-wing terrorists to execute conservatives, Christians and Whites in the unfolding CIVIL WAR’ (EXPLOSIVE VIDEOS, Dr. Celeste Solum, FEMA/DHS Contractor Reveals) – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{Published at}


Only a few short months ago, few would believe that countless officials in America would behave akin to totalitarian dictators, of course, at the first available opportunity. Not only that, if another “prediction” had been made, that is, that anarchists would be given the leeway and the freedom to lay waste across the nation; that police departments would be “de-funded”; that national statues would be toppled with impunity, and that politicians across the spectrum and within corporate America would bow down to communist/Marxist terrorists, well, conspiracy theorist would have been the kindest words hurled this and that way!

But never mind. For even if a smattering of the below Intel is off the mark, the rest of it is more than supportable and should bring shivers down a rational person’s spine. Indeed, it is no longer viable to pretend that what is isn’t, nor to aver one’s eyes to the carnage at hand. By extrapolation, the same goes for what awaits — believe it or not.

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NATURAL/NEWS | Mike Adams | June 29, 2020

A deep background source has provided us with a document detailing the distribution of genocide machines — guillotines — across America in preparation for a left-wing coup attempt that will see Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists literally beheading conservatives, Christians and White people.

This news comes on the heels of left-wing terrorists placing a guillotine in front of the home of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, stating, “when they become threatened, and we have no voice, the knives come out,” according to

It’s not mere symbolism: The radical Left intends to overthrow private property and private businesses across America, mass murder all political leaders and business leaders who support capitalism, and usher in an authoritarian, communist regime that will mass slaughter millions of Americans.

Here’s a video of the left-wing terrorists who are threatening to kill Jeff Bezos and virtually all other capitalists in America as part of their violent insurrection attempt:

Over the weekend, a group of over 100 left-wing terrorists formed a mob that threatened to burn down the house of a St. Louis couple, who now famously defended their home with a pistol and an AR-15. Notably, this couple supports Black Lives Matter and donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, yet even that wasn’t enough to keep the violent mob away from their own property. (The lunatic Left always eats its own sooner or later, because they’re all deranged, mentally ill sociopaths.)

This shows that Americans are arming up as they watch the violent left-wing terrorist groups — which includes the left-wing media that’s providing narrative cover for the terrorists — initiate their takedown plan for America.

“A mob of at least 100 smashed through the historic wrought iron gates of Portland Place, destroying them, rushed towards my home where my family was having dinner outside and put us in fear of our lives,” said Mark McCloskey, as reported by KMOV4. “We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed. We were all alone facing an angry mob…”

Notably, Jeff Bezos has bent over backwards to virtue signal to Leftists, banning conservatives books and transforming Amazon and — owned by Amazon — into something of an altar of worship for Black Lives Matter terrorists who are destroying America. But apparently that’s never enough.

The mob wants Bezos’ head. And they aren’t stopping there…

Deep source document describes thousands of guillotines being pre-positioned across America

Now, we have acquired a document from a deep background source that details estimated counts of guillotines being pre-positioned across America, ready to be deployed to mass murder conservatives, Christians, Whites and Trump supporters who end up in FEMA camps. Why guillotines? It’s the symbol of the socialist left-wing French Revolution which used guillotines to mass murder thousands of political “dissidents,” followed by the murder of revolutionaries.

According to this document, thousands of guillotines have already been placed in storage under the control of military bases and FEMA camps. Here are some of the cities where guillotines are reportedly being stored right now:

Seattle, Washington
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Topeka, Kansas
Boston, Massachusetts
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Newark, New Jersey
Wilmington, Delaware
Providence, Rhode Island
Baltimore, Maryland
Washington D.C.
Boise, Idaho
Las Vegas, Nevada
Salt Lake City, Utah
Phoenix, Arizona
Billings, Montana
Denver, Colorado
Madison, Wisconsin
Chicago, Illinois
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Atlanta, Georgia
Jacksonville, Florida
New York City, New York
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Lexington, West Virginia
Durham, North Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina
Dallas, Texas
St. Paul, Minnesota
Des Moines, Iowa
St. Louis, Missouri
Little Rock, Arkansas
New Orleans, Louisiana
Portland, Oregon
Oakland, California
Detroit, Michigan
South Bend, Indiana
Columbus, Ohio
Louisville, Kentucky
Nashville, Tenneessee
Jackson, Mississippi
Mobile, Alabama
Portland, Maine
Concorde, New Hampshire
Burlington, Vermont


In addition to the guillotines, many of these locations also boast “corpse processing facilities” which includes large numbers of the same type of incinerators which were ordered in large numbers under the cover of the covid-19 pandemic.

According to this source, there are literally thousands of incineration ovens positioned across America, ready to process the bodies after they are decapitated.

The document also warns of 500,000 Chinese-trained narco troops that have been positioned near the Southern border of California, in Mexico, in Tijuana, ready to invade and occupy California as part of the globalist invasion of America. Their ultimate goal is the removal of President Trump, the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and the mass killing of all conservatives, Christians and Whites.

Bapist pastor Robert Jeffress warned Lou Dobbs that radical Leftists plan to “bring out the guillotines”

The left-wing Black Lives Matter terrorist movement has morphed into a Jacobin style French Revolution “reign of terror” movement, explains Victor Davis Hanson at He says:

I never imagined that NPR would be telling listeners to decolonize their library or there would be women to shave their heads so they wouldn’t have non-African American hair, or they wouldn’t privilege their whiteness. When you have FBI people or health care workers that are in reeducation camp mentalities, where they bend a knee, take a formal oath… We’re entering a space now that’s even transcending the violence. We’re in a revolutionary fervor that’s going to change everything we look at, from our sports to our politics, everything.

Responding to the left-wing “reign of terror” movement, Baptist pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas told Lou Dobbs that Leftists are going to “bring out the guillotines” if they regain the White House in November. As explained on

The forces behind the French Revolution were out to eliminate people of faith as the enemies of France and to shut the mouths of God-fearing dissenters. They even placed a nude statue of a woman on the altar in the church at Notre Dame and proclaimed the God of Christianity dead. Soon thereafter, the French government collapse…

…some scholars note how practitioners of occultism comingled with evil nonhuman energies that emanated from their actions, symbols, and incantations and that, once summoned, were released upon a gullible society to encourage a destructive collective group mind. As people passed these “thoughtforms” or memes from one to another and the ideas became viral, the power and reach of “the entity” spread with it until it became an unimaginably destructive force.

FEMA camps will be used to execute tens of millions of Americans who can’t be “re-educated” into socialists and communists

I recently interviewed Celeste Solum, a former FEMA camp administrator, who warns that FEMA has long been planning to enslave and then exterminate tens of millions of Americans.

This genocidal attack on Christians and conservatives is likely being unleashed this year, warns Celeste. And guillotines are already distributed across America, stored in FEMA camps, ready to deploy as mass murder machines. Why guillotines? They’re low-tech and have just one moving part. They don’t break down and require no ammunition, no electricity and no fuel to operate. Unlike all other death machines, guillotines can be effectively used even when societal infrastructure is crippled.

Plus, guillotines are so simple that even people as stupid as Democrats can figure out how to use them. (Although it’s questionable whether basement-dwelling Antifa soy boys have the physical strength to reset the blade after each beheading…)

By the way, the solution to stopping people from using guillotines is to shoot the people who are operating them, in case you were wondering.

Here’s the full interview:

Dr. Celeste Solum warns of final depopulation attack to be unleashed against humanity THIS YEAR

The plan all along has been to corral the masses into FEMA camps

The bottom line? The radical, terroristic Left is pursuing a playbook of mass murder targeting conservatives, Christians and Whites. Everything you’ve seen this year — COVID-19, the plandemic economic collapse, the false flag riots — was engineered and deployed in order to push people into starvation and destitution in order to drive the masses into FEMA camps by the end of this year. Once there, people will be sorted into communist “sympathizers” vs. “resistance,” and those who resist communism will be beheaded, with their corpses burned in Nazi-style ovens, run by obedient left-wing lunatics like Antifa, Black Lives Matter or just ordinary Democrats who are willing to follow orders no matter how insane they might be.

The only thing that will stop all this, it turns out, is the Second Amendment.

Lock and load, America. This whole situation goes kinetic very, very soon, and once it does, the only way America survives is if American citizens defeat the domestic enemies who are trying to tear this country down.

Achieving victory is not possible to achieve through negotiations, appeals to reason or voting at the polls, since the lawless Left has already rigged the media, the tech giants and the elections (through cheat-by-mail schemes and Big Tech election rigging operations). Victory will only be achieved through the eradication of all treasonous enemies of America and authoritarian fascists who have already admitted their goal is the mass murder of conservatives, Christians and Whites across America.

Remember: The Left is a dangerous CULT that indoctrinates people with ginned up fanaticism, transforming them into obedient puppets filled with emotional rage and bigotry. You can’t reason with cult members, as they are immune to logic and facts. They live in a delusional bubble of contradictory lies and hate-fueled disinformation that’s pushed out by the corporate media, the CIA and the communist-infiltrated tech giants like Facebook and Twitter.

To survive, America must annihilate the cult of left-wing terror

Now, to survive, America must annihilate the cult and end the spell of frothing delusion that has ensnared tens of millions of people into believing Black Lives Matter somehow isn’t a George Soros-funded militant terrorism group that’s trying to overthrow this nation. It’s amazing how quickly a wave of terrorism can be halted if a nation simply decides to fight back against anarchy and lawlessness.

If we fail to fight back — or end up paralyzed by a twisted desire to obediently conform to the sniveling social media mob — we all end up in Nazi-style FEMA camps where we will be literally beheaded by drooling left-wing fanatics who have been brainwashed into believing they are “fighting fascism,” even as they are the authoritarian fascists themselves.

Finally, if you end up in a FEMA camp because you didn’t bother to prepare with enough food, firearms, ammunition and water to make it through the coming disruptions, that’s your own damn fault for being so stupid that you didn’t bother to prepare. The only sure way to stay out of the FEMA camps is to practice self-reliance on every front (and get out of the cities while you still can).

If you do end up in a FEMA camp, don’t think the militia is coming to save you, by the way. They’ll be too busy fighting the UN troops who will be occupying America under the rule of none other than Barack Hussein Obama. (Yes, he’s coming back, and as a radical Muslim extremist, he’s plotting the complete destruction of America.)

Your best play here is to fight like hell to stay out of the FEMA camps, since going into one is basically surrendering to being slaughtered. They might not even bother to vaccinate you, since they’re going to kill you anyway.

None of this is fiction, by the way. This is what’s coming, and I’m not pulling any punches here. Deal with it now or be destroyed by it later.

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NEW INTEL: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter… some stored in democrat-run government buildings including East End Complex Capitol building in Sacramento – Block 174 (EXPLOSIVE VIDEOS)-Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{Published at}


Beyond a shadow of a doubt, it has been proven, again and again, that BLM and ANTIFA are communist/Marxist-rooted, backed, and funded terror organizations. If a smattering of said proofs bear repeating, so be it.

Not only that, once today’s “New Intel” is absorbed and internalized, it is well-advised to take a look-back into what amounts to as a highly prescient analysis from 2015 — and with it, evidence that wends back to 2013. Btw, the linked videos within have gone down the rabbit hole — in a manner of speaking. Poof-like. No matter.

JADE HELM 15’s Chinese Connection: Obama Inc. Sold Off U.S. Mineral Wealth, Necessitates Foreign Troops

Most ominously, it is atop the above evidentiary trails that the following is offered up — and it must absolutely be deemed beyond BULLET PROOF, that is, even for the willfully blind and woefully ignorant, one and the same!

NATURAL/NEWS| By Mike Adams | July 3, 2020

We have bombshell new intel to share with you today that connects some recent dots on the emerging violence (and civil war attempt) from Black Lives Matter, the militant terrorism wing of the Democrat party.

Summary of what you’ll find in this article:

  • Communist China is supplying full auto AR-15 “mods” to Black Lives Matter militants in America, and a shipment was recently interdicted by Customer and Border Protection (CBP).
  • California Gov. Newsom is involved in a trillion-dollar money laundering operation with communist China to keep him in power. He’s funneling taxpayer money to China, and they are laundering it and funneling money back to him. (See Los Angeles Times link below.)
  • Using the laundered money, Gov. Newsom is stockpiling automatic weapons, ammunition and gold in the underground storage complex at 1616 Capitol Ave. in Sacramento, the East End Complex building – block 174. (Sourced from a former employee who worked there.)
  • Gov. Newsom is plotting with China to have communist troops invade America (via California and other states) and to overrun and occupy the United States, turning it over to communist Chinese rule.
  • China’s EMP weapons, developed using technology stolen from the USA, are planned to be the first wave “Pearl Harbor” event that sets it all off. (Official report to the White House, see link below, or visit ).
  • Obama helped set up a civilian military force using Operation Fast and Furious gun smuggling to arm the narcos. (Full timeline link below.)
  • Those same narcos are now trained by communist Chinese military instructors and are prepared to invade America with the aid of heavy weapons. (DHS sources via Hodges, link below.)
  • The civil war America is facing won’t be lightly-armed “soy boys,” but rather heavily armed, full-auto wielding Black Lives Matter militants, Mexican narco gangs and communist Chinese troops operating under the protection of Gov. Newsom.
  • Hundreds of companies across corporate America are now directly funding or overtly supporting Black Lives Matter terrorists as part of this civil war effort to destroy America. See the full list of 269 companies here.

We begin with the recent news that China was caught attempting to smuggle “10,800 assault weapons parts” into Louisville, Kentucky. This news was announced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on June 26, 2020:

At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country.

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. This is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or a legitimate commodity in hopes of eluding further examination.

The official CBP announcement did not offer any specifics on what exactly the “assault weapons parts” were, but we have since learned from another source that the parts were drop-in full-auto mods for AR-15 rifles.

Full auto drop-in parts are very simple but highly illegal parts which turn a semi-auto AR-15 into a full-auto AR-15, which is illegal for civilians to own. Such parts replace a small number of existing parts in the AR-15 trigger mechanism and safety selector. Because the parts are very small, a high number of them — such as 10,800 — can be hidden in shipments that claim to be other things such as machinery parts or samples.

This means China was sending 10,800 full-auto rifle mods to Melbourne, Florida, which no doubt serves as a distribution hub for moving those pieces nationwide.

You might reasonably wonder, then, why China would be sending full-auto rifle mods to the USA. The answer is that China supports the civil war attempt by Black Lives Matter, and China is coordinating with BLM terrorists to arm up their militant troops across the country, upgrading their legally-acquired AR-15 weapons to “full auto” status, which makes them far more formidable in a kinetic assault.

Melbourne, Florida, is known as a human trafficking, drug trafficking and weapons trafficking mecca, with smuggling routes that are well established across both land and water. With easy access to both Orlando and Miami airports, contraband that comes into Melbourne is easy to distribute across the USA within days. The human trafficking is so bad in Melbourne that every law enforcement officer working the area has had contact with human trafficking operations there.

We now believe that some of these full-auto weapons mods end up under the control of Democrat governors like Newsom, the California Governor who actively seeks to see America destroyed.

Weapons, ammo and gold storage: East End Complex – Block 174 – Capitol building, Sacramento, California

Several weeks ago, we learned from a source in California that the East End Complex – Block 174 – of the Capitol building in Sacramento, California, has a vast underground storage complex that consists of multiple floors, much like a giant underground parking garage. The construction alone cost a quarter of a billion dollars:

From, the firm that designed the facility:

…this project is an ambitious multi-block mixed-use development to consolidate the headquarters operations of three major departments of California State government. 6,400 employees of the Departments of Health Services, Education and General Services are housed in the five-building, 1.5 million square foot development, along with 1,500 parking spaces…

The Department of Health Services and General Services are housed in the second portion of the Capitol Area East End Complex, known as Blocks 171-174. This design-build team is made up of Clark Construction and Gruen Architects who completed this $225.6 million complex.

Here’s a link to the official web page for this building.

And here’s a satellite map of its location:

Our source, who served as an employee inside the building complex for several years, tells us that the underground storage facility in this building houses “vehicles, firearms, ammunition and gold bullion.” You’ll hear more from this source below…

Governor Newsom send half a billion dollars to China for completely fabricated “covid-19 mask” deal

Governor Newsom is fully aware of this operation and has been bought off by China, which is covertly providing loans to Newsom to keep him in power and prevent California from defaulting in an epic financial collapse. As Paul Preston reported on

(Washington DC)-Sources in Washington DC speaking under condition of anonymity have revealed to AENN that California Governor Gavin Newsom has entered into discussions with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) to loan the state of California $1 trillion dollars by way of a collateralized loan.

Newsom is making “payments” on the loans from China by funneling money to China through other corrupt means, such as this recent bombshell that finds Newsom helping communist China receive $1 billion in coronavirus aid. Via

California announced a $1,000,000,000 outlay to purchase N95 respirator masks… “The governor’s advisors have so far declined requests for information about the agreement with BYD, the Chinese electric car manufacturer hired to produce the masks, though the state has already wired the company the first installment of $495 million,” the Times reported.

“Newsom, who has been praised for his efforts to slow the spread of the disease, bristled on Saturday at suggestions that his administration has been too slow to explain a deal that will cost California taxpayers 30% more than his January budget would spend on infectious disease prevention for an entire fiscal year.”

Furthermore, he hasn’t bothered to brief the California Legislature on what, exactly, he agreed to.

That’s because this isn’t a billion dollars for “masks.” It’s part of a massive money laundering operation to funnel money to China, so that China can funnel money and weapons back to Newsom in preparation for the civil war that they’re launching. (Nobody believes Gov. Newsom is spending a billion dollars on N95 masks… it’s absurd. Just a cover story.)

Even the Los Angeles Times was shocked by Gov. Newsom agreeing to send a billion dollars to China for N95 masks. As reported by the LA Times:

Gov. Gavin Newsom‘s decision to spend almost $1 billion in taxpayer funds to buy protective masks drew national attention as an aggressive move by California to solve one of the most nagging problems of the coronavirus crisis.

But almost two weeks after he announced the deal during a cable TV interview, very few details have been disclosed. The governor’s advisors have so far declined requests for information about the agreement with BYD, the Chinese electric car manufacturer hired to produce the masks, though the state has already wired the company the first installment of $495 million.

Seriously? An electric car company in China? Folks, this is as corrupt and dirty as it gets. But it’s all part of the money laundering operation that sends money to China, so that Chine can send “clean” money back to Newsom, which he diverts and uses to buy weapons, ammunition and gold.

Gov. Newsom is stockpiling weapons, ammunition and gold at the Capitol building in Sacramento

Back to the Easy End Complex in Sacramento, our source says they personally witnessed “insane amounts” of ammunition — pallets at a time — being delivered and stored there, harkening back to the DOJ purchases of 2 billion rounds of ammunition under President Barack Obama, who also said that he wanted to build a civilian army that was just as powerful as the U.S. military, by the way. Obama called this his, “Civilian National Security Force,” as explains, Barack Obama said:

We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set… We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

One pallet of 5.56 ammo is well over 50,000 rounds, by the way. So the ammo stockpiling by Gov. Newsom is off the charts, and it appears he got ammo from the DOJ under Obama as well as new ammo funded by communist China. Essentially, Gov. Newsom has been stockpiling weapons and ammo in preparation for a civil war that he’s been helping to make reality.

Back to Obama, how do you create a civilian military force? You stockpile weapons in Democrat-controlled cities like Sacramento. You work with communist China to import full-auto weapon mod parts to upgrade your civilian forces to military-grade automatic weapons. And you put more weapons into the hands of your loyalists through legalized gun-running operations like Operation Fast and Furious.

Listen to this bombshell interview between Dave Hodges and Bob Griswold, start playing at 17:15

Griswold: If you look closely at CHAZ, they were passing out AR-15s, where did they get those AR-15s from? They were in a closed area… where did all these AR-15s just miraculously appear from?

Hodges: Well I can tell you what my intelligence sources tell me: Pre-stashed weaponry… suspected courtesy of communist Chinese money and backing.

Griswold: Of course! We’ve mentioned this many times, that Long Beach, California was the Chinese way of bringing it into the country, the Southern border was [also] the way of bringing it in, and they funded these people… I was wondering why the FBI and the ATF didn’t go in when they were passing out AR-15s to minors [in CHAZ].

Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gun-running operation

Barack Obama, a “sleeper cell” president who had been meticulously plotting to see American overthrown and destroyed, launched Operation Fast and Furious in 2009, under the control of DOJ AG Eric Holder, a treasonous criminal who continues to work to undermine America today. Under operation Fast and Furious, the ATF was ordered to allow Mexican drug gangs to purchase high-caliber weapons from U.S. gun dealers in Arizona. These guns, Obama and Holder knew, would later be used in gun crimes in the United States, allowing President Obama to decry “gun violence” and call for new restrictions on the Second Amendment.

CNS News publishes the full timeline of Operations Fast and Furious at this link.

In essence, this operation was a way for Barack Obama to put heavy weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. We have since learned that the narcos are being trained by communist Chinese military instructors, completing the circle of anti-America warfare tactics that involve both China and Mexico.

Remember that China has, for many years, been engaged in chemical warfare against the United States of America through the manufacture and distribution of fentanyl, a highly toxic drug that is right now killing over 60,000 Americans a year (that’s more than all the U.S. casualties of the Vietnam War combined). But how is fentanyl brought into the United States? Mexican drug cartels and smuggling routes which are protected by Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom as part of their “open borders” policies. (The narcos pay tens of millions of dollars each year to California Democrats to maintain the open borders policy for drug smuggling and human trafficking.)

Importantly, these same routes will be used by the communist Chinese to invade the United States of America once the civil war achieves sufficient destabilization. That’s why China is dumping full-auto weapon mods into the continental United States — because it’s a destabilizing vector that will lead to mass chaos, death and blood in the streets. This will set the stage for Chinese-trained narcos to invade Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, aided by the guns they acquired via Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious.

At the same time, Democrat-controlled areas like Sacramento will activate their stored weapons and ammunition, handing out guns and ammo to left-wing loyalists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, urging them to kill conservatives, Christians, Whites and Trump supporters.

The multi-faceted attack that’s about to hit the United States while 99% of Americans are totally oblivious to reality

Dave Hodges at has extensively documented the interactions between Mexican drug cartels and Chinese military troops. See some of his analysis in stories like, “Mexican Oil Official Says UN-Mexican Cartels and Chinese Are Provoking a Border War” or, “Leaked Document Shows Chinese Intent to Commit Mass American Genocide Followed the Occupation of America.”

In effect, America is about to be hit with a multi-faceted attack that has been largely funded by communist China, consisting of:

  • A domestic civil war uprising of Black Lives Matter militants who have been heavily armed with automatic weapons and are intent on killing Whites, Christians, conservatives and Trump supporters. In addition, Black Lives Matter is already receiving enormous funding through U.S. corporations such as McDonald’s, Netflix, Google and others who have pledged almost half a billion dollars so far.
  • A border invasion consisting of armed Mexican narcos who have been trained by Chinese military instructions and given heavy weapons paid for by China.
  • The release of financial weapons against America, including China selling off U.S. Treasury debt and announcing its own gold-backed currency.
  • The unleashing of emotionally charged, drooling left-wing “zombies” who have been whipped up into a frenzy by the treasonous left-wing media pushing deliberately fake news such as claiming that America is a “racist” nation or that Trump himself is racist.
  • The continued chemical warfare against America via fentanyl, heroin and other drugs that are devastating America’s young males who might otherwise be capable of serving in a military draft, if not for the fact that they are now trembling drug addicts.
  • The likely deployment of EMP weapons against America, using stolen technology, unleashing a “Pearl Harbor” attack that could kill 90% of the American population. This was the subject of a recent bombshell authored by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry and filed under the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security. You can read my coverage of this at this link on See the official website of this task force at – from that article:

The EMP weapons that China is perfecting would destroy the power grid, collapsing the United States of America into mass starvation, chaos and economic collapse. Although this seems to be exactly what Democrats want for America, it’s obviously a very dangerous scenario. This achieves China’s goal of eliminating the American people without destroying the natural resources and farmland through the use of nuclear weapons, which contaminate soils for three centuries with radioisotopes.

As Pry explains in the report, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Once the American people begin to die off in large numbers, China will stage a military invasion to occupy America and kill any remaining resistance. At that point, China will claim America for itself and begin a mass migration effort to colonize America with communist Chinese.

(Click on the following 3 explosive interviews here)

All this has been meticulously documented by people like J.R. Nyquist ( and Dave Hodges (, both of whom I have interviewed about these critical issues: (1)

And here’s a recent interview with Hodges about the coming invasion of America by Chinese troops: (2)

I’ve also just posted an interview with “Scout” from BrushBeater, who warns of the coming civil war and makes specific recommendations about communications gear, night vision, training protocols and much more. If you have any desire at all to survive the civil war that has already begun, you need to listen to this interview: (3)

‘NYPD disbands anti-crime unit after ‘disproportionate’ number of shootings’ – Commish Shea, De Blasio’s “Hit-Man”, BOWS to BLM, a COMMUNIST Org. (VIDEOS) – By Adina Kutnicki

[Pic of Commish Shea, in all his ignominy!]

[Published at]


A most staunch supporter (and the list within officialdom is, tragically, endless) behind the howling, braying, raging, and criminal elements that are now the full-throttle front-arm(s) of the DNC — namely, BLM and Antifa, communist front groups — is the Mayor of the largest city in the nation, Comrade De Blasio. Birds of a revolutionary feather.

As it happens, NYC (this investigative journalist’s birthplace, hometown, and personal/professional stomping grounds, that is, until 2008) used to be considered the financial and cultural epicenter of America. No longer. Stick a fork in it. Take this well-informed assessment to the bank.

Indeed, ever since a revolutionary Marxist/communist took over the helm, it has been in steady decline. More specifically, a swift exodus of higher-income taxpayers is in process, as they flee a continuously lawless and over-taxed city. Sound decision-making.

But little is more dangerous and revealing than De Blasio’s (and fellow totalitarian, Guv Cuomo) utter contempt towards law enforcement in general and the NYPD in particular. Animus. And it is precisely why, all of a sudden, “social distancing” is no longer a “health and welfare” issue for both of New York’s dictatorial leaders — as long as the mega-sized crowds bring down the city’s law and order apparatus!

To said end, New York City’s Comrade ordered the “NYPD Blue” to “stand down!” Mind you, this very grave dereliction of duty is of piece with letting loose scores of criminals to prey on the hapless public, too. Alas, to level the playing field, so to speak, wouldn’t it be justified to remove the Mayor’s NYPD crack security detail and see how long he lasts, most especially, in the face of the abdication of his sworn duty to protect the citizens? Fair is fair. Right?

But never mind. For average folks, the urgent question becomes: Could it get any worse? You bet. The knock-on effects will be measured in the shedding of much innocent {emphasis placed} blood and (looted) treasure. Not only that, the castration of the NYPD — unarguably, the gold-standard in policing in America and well beyond its borders — and its capitulation via De Blasio and his “strong-man”, Commish Shea, must now be deemed the “bar” that is set for “defunding the police”, unit by unit.

In reality, the NYPD’s “clipped wings” style of policing will be the more likely template in big cities, at least, those who are Demster-run, as well as RINO-headed. Shiver the nation timbers.

Know this, too: The lies, spin, and conflated stats surrounding the so-called “justification” for disbanding the 600-strong anti-crime unit has nothing to do with “bad” policing. Rather, it has everything to do with the fact that said plainclothes officers caught countless blacks in the act of criminal activities — and that truth doesn’t sit well with the far-left’s narrative and Marxist-style “policing”, that is, where the outlaws are in charge! You got that?

SHOCKING VIDEO: BLM Mob Abush NYPD Cruiser By Tina Moore & Craig McCarthy June 15, 2020

The NYPD is disbanding its undercover anti-crime unit — nearly six years after one of its plainclothes cops killed Eric Garner with a chokehold, sparking the rallying cry of “I can’t breathe” for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Police Commissioner Dermot Shea announced the change Monday afternoon at police headquarters, describing ending the unit as “seismic” shift culturally in the NYPD.

The roughly 600 cops — spread out at precinct and public housing patrols across the city — will be reassigned into other posts, including the detective bureau and neighborhood policing efforts.

“I would consider this in the realm of closing on one of the last chapters on stop, question and frisk,” Shea said — while praising the squad members for getting guns off the streets.

The department, however, will still deploy plain-clothes cops in Gotham. The NYPD would not say how many cops would continue to patrol in plainclothes.

“This is a policy shift coming from me, personally, and the men and women in the police department we’re doing what I asked… they have done an exceptional job, but again I think it’s time to move forward and change how we police in this city,” Shea said.

“When you look at the number of anti-crime officers that operate within New York City, and you look at a disproportionate, quite frankly, percentage of complaints and shootings — and they are doing exactly what was asked of them,” Shea said.

The unit has had a history of high-profile shootings and deaths and, year-over-year, the cops in the patrol account for more than half of police-involved shootings, according to NYPD’s annual discharge reports.

Former officer Daniel Pantaleo was assigned to the anti-crime unit on Staten Island in July 2014 when he tried to arrest Garner for selling loose cigarettes and put him in a chokehold.

Pantaleo was found guilty of internal charges over Garner’s death and fired last year. A grand jury chose not to indict the former officer.

Slain Bronx anti-crime cop Brian Mulkeen was killed in a hail of friendly fire from fellow anti-crime officers while trying to make a gun bust in 2019. The suspect was also killed.

Shea concluded the brief press conference by raising the spectre of increased violence, adding the disbanding the unit will be noticed.

“It will be felt immediately throughout the five district attorney’s offices, it will be felt immediately in the communities that we protect,” he said.

“However, the key difference, we must do it in a manner that builds trust between the officers and the community.”

Gun violence in New York hit is at a two-year high, according to NYPD data released Monday.

Shootings have spiked almost 25 percent this year compared to last — with incident jumping to 394 from 317 as of Sunday.

While at the same time, gun arrests year-to-date were up 8 percent — even as other arrests were down one-third, the data shows.

Murders are also up 25 percent for the year, according to the numbers.

One source praised the move — saying the plainclothes unit had become too lenient in assigning younger cops to the patrol.

“Get those cops back on the street,” the source said. “It used to be you needed 10 years to get on plainclothes. Then they started bringing all these young guys in. I’m glad they’re doing that.”

The city’s largest police union, however, slammed Shea’s decision while issuing a similar but more explicit warning than the commissioner.

“Shooting and murders are both climbing steadily upward, but our city leaders have clearly decided that proactive policing isn’t a priority anymore,” PBA President Patrick Lynch said.

“They chose this strategy. They will have to reckon with the consequences.”

MEMO to Commish Shea: Your head is so far up De Blasio’s butt, it is hardly a wonder that you can’t see what is happening right under your nose! Moreover, if you had half the integrity, courage, love of country, and policing skills as former Commish Kelly, well, the NYPD would never, ever have been put on a leash from the get-go — the nanosecond that the city erupted in flames!! Bastard. And, that’s the G-d’s honest truth, like it or not.

Most significantly, Americans are now enslaved, yes, you read that right, to the most powerful political power brokers in America, that is, Black Lives Matter — again, no matter (no pun intended) its communist underpinnings and roots!

BOMBSHELL: Undercover Investigation – Minneapolis Riot Was PRE-PLANNED Via RADICAL Climate Change Movements (VIDEOS) – Piggyback To: NYPD TERROR CHIEF: Nationwide Violence Was Planned – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

[Published at]


Anyone who understands the grave threat posed by communist front groups within America to its underpinnings (with ANTIFA and BLM most visible and in the forefront) via decades-long infiltration and penetration into every sphere, also realizes that the so-called “spontaneous” anarchy across the nation did not erupt due to the death of Floyd. Nonsense. Yes, while some protesters — the peaceful contingent — are exercising their constitutional right to demonstrate peaceably, they are in the minority of minorities. This is a fact.

So, in the same manner in which the below recent analysis

NYPD TERROR CHIEF: Nationwide Violence Was Planned

evidenced that the domestic terror enveloping the nation was pre-planned, so too the following will blow the lid off of the so-called “spontaneous” uprising! Mind you, the myriad of anarchist groups are neither here nor there. Know this: In one way or another, they are all inter-related through this and that “cut-out” front groups.

A side-note: Guys, don’t be distracted by “Millennial Millie”, the foxy narrator. She knows her stuff and she is (deadly) on point – and that’s where it’s at. Agreed?


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Baton Rouge Cop-Killer: Black Separatist, Nation of Islam & “White Crackers.” Ticking-Time Bomb(s)! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


LET’s cut to the chase: the MSM, once again, is purposefully misleading the public via their (miss)reporting on the latest black militant cop-killer, Gavin Eugene Long aka Cosmo Ausar Setepenra. Thus, by focusing on his former background as a Marine, the narrative was spun: THAT was the reason he became a loose cannon!

BUT no matter. Yes, let’s just rectify their spin: their leftist agenda includes (among other biases) an anti law enforcement bias, one which tilts against the military as a result. That is that. Earth to so-called reporters: who exactly, other than law enforcement, is going to protect your sorry asses when the criminally-bent come knocking? Not only that, the fact remains that many haters, racists alike, join the military for one reason or another. So what??

ON the other hand (and purposefully omitted), a preponderance of vets are law-abiding citizens and valuable members of the patriotic community. So the question becomes: when fronting a lead story, where should the digging start? Should it be with the perp’s personal, religious and organizational affiliations, or concentrate on their former employment? Extrapolating further, though Long was a former Marine, it was hardly where his allegiance was cemented, as revealed through mandatory due diligence. Indeed, though buried within a handful of reports, the following is more than germane:

He had reached out to an anti-government group. Long apparently showed support for it online, according to a source familiar with the probe. The group, called the Moorish Science Temple of America, was founded in the early 1900s and does not recognize U.S. government authority over the descendants of slaves, according to court documents in an unrelated lawsuit.

UNSURPRISINGLY, Long’s highly inciting and self-indicting youtubes have now gone down the internet rabbit hole, as indicated by clicking onto them. Okay, clearly youtube is on board with protecting cop-killers! Facebook alike.

A Facebook page associated with Long in the name of Cosmo Setepenra included a post about the need to take a stand.

My bodycam footage of me in Dallas out in them streets educating our people pt3
# Stand Tall, Stand Wild, Stand Free

The most graphic example is a photo posted June 7th of someone shooting into the driver’s seat of police car, which he retweeted using the name @ConvosWithCosmo:

Rabbit-Hole One: “Men, It’s Time To Sacrifice”

In this video Long is hustling a black liberation book that he wrote. Long says that he wrote it for his “dark-skinned brothers.”

“If you look at all the rebels like Black Panthers, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, they was light-skinned. But we know how hard y’all got it,” Long said.

Long can be seen talking to two or three African-Americans. He explains to them that blacks have to promote their “sh-t” or else other blacks will be buying stuff from the “crackers.”

Rabbit-Hole Two: “Listen As I Chop Up Game”

In a video Long posted to YouTube on July 8th, he insists that if any happens to him, it should not be said that he was “affiliated” with any “groups.” Long also states that he was a past member of the Nation of Islam. It appears he may have been planning the attack on the Baton Rouge police at this point. reported that, “Long gave away his material possessions to journey to Africa, his ‘ancestral homeland’” in 2013.

IN this regard, the fact that he was affiliated (even if his membership lapsed, likely, to distance them from any fall out) with the Nation of Islam should tell us all we need to know. In reality, substantively, the association was hardly incidental. Rather, it should be considered prima facie linkage between those who kill cops and seek to upend America as a white nation. To said end, the Nation of Islam’s goal is for a “separatist” nation to arise. In effect, a race war is atop their agenda! Mind you HUSSEIN Obama has been known to align/confab with its leadership!

A former top deputy to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan tells Newsmax that Barack Obama’s ties to the black nationalist movement in Chicago run deep, and that for many years the two men have had “an open line between them” to discuss policy and strategy, either directly or through intermediaries.

“Remember that for years, if you were a politician in Chicago, you had to have some type of relationship with Louis Farrakhan. You had to. If you didn’t, you would be ostracized out of black Chicago,” said Dr. Vibert White Jr., who spent most of his adult life as a member and ultimately top officer of the Nation of Islam.

NOW that that is settled, Long’s (HUSSEIN Obama’s alike) racist and anti-cop bonafides are indubitably rock-solid – having railed against “white crackers” online – time and again! 

CBS News reports Long ranted about protests and oppression onYouTube under the pseudonym Cosmo Setepenra.

“Let’s just go with the numbers, let’s go with the history, 100 percent of revolutions of victims fighting their oppressors, from victims fighting their bullies, 100 percent have been successful through fighting back, through bloodshed,” Long said in one video. “Zero have been successful just over simply protesting. It has never worked and it never will, you gotta fight back. That’s the only way a bully knows to quit, he doesn’t know words.”

Long continued, “If y’all want to keep protesting, do that, but for the serious ones the real ones, the alpha ones, we know what it’s going to take, it’s only fighting back or money that’s all they care about. Revenue and blood … nothing else. You’re in a world that’s run by devils.”

Long made the video in Dallas last week where five police officers were killed by Army veteran Micah Johnson.

MOST significantly, the prevailing facts – as opposed to spin – found within the profile of Dallas’s cop killer (others alike) tells the truthful tale, exposing the toxic mix of black militancy and vile hatred against white culture. Bonafide racism.

AS indicated within the above analysis:

The question becomes: what are the common threads between all the chaos?

(YES, Micah Xavier Johnson, one of the cop-killers, a lethal combo of Black & Islamic supremacy!)

CONCLUSIVELY, the core questions remain the same: what will it take to quell the unchecked racism within the increasingly militant black community? Concomitantly, will Black Lives Matter, as well as the Panthers, finally be designated domestic terror groups? 

IF not, isn’t it clear that America’s top leadership seek a race war – whether through passive or active assistance – to uproot the nation from its founding principles? 

AS is said, to be silent is to agree!

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Martial Law Planned Via “Black Lives Matter” Chaos: AG Lynch Aids & Abets! Revelations, Timing & Wherefores. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FIRST and foremost, in order to see what’s what, one must understand what the end goal is. Resultant, core moving parts on the ground will be revealed. In turn, this understanding will aid in internalizing what is taking place in the foreground.

NOW that some (who are newly aboard at this site) are thoroughly confused by the aforementioned seemingly disjointed assessment, it is essential to lay all the cards on the table. Time is of the essence.

AS to whichever way it is accomplished, Obama Inc. has been tasked to bring down America. To its knees. Whatever it takes. No doubt, this week’s cop massacre reflects the latest deadly handiwork of Black Lives Matter!

FOR the stated record, the following Twitter (Facebook alike….”More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper” read a post on the Black Power Political Organisation Facebook account self-proclaimed black power group appears to have claimed responsibility for the assassinations of five police officers at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas) is of piece with those whose goal is to implement martial law, regardless of how they get there.


IN a nutshell, upending America is the end goal. But how (and when) it takes place is what is key and core. The why is no longer in question.

NOW that that is, once again, on the record, let’s jump to the constantly fluid and moving parts. As such….

STILL yet, before we segue to the recently hacked (martial law) revelations, hark back to an excerpted analysis from April 2016, and it will lead us from there to here.


IT is not as if their VIOLENT past shouldn’t be considered prologue, as well as the cover given to them from Obama Inc.’s devastating wreckage across America. Who recalls the “New” Black Panther’s blatant (and violent) voter intimidation during the 2008 election? And how many know that Eric Holder, HUSSEIN Obama’s “legal” hit man, ordered his AG team to drop the case against them?? Why?

IT gets worse.

AS always, it doesn’t get any better than hearing “straight from the horse’s mouth” via someone who has been there and done that. From a reformer, no less. The inside dope. Oh yeah.

What a former member of the Berkeley Black Panther Party said about President Barack Obama during a recent interview may very well have placed him at the risk ofbeing killed.

“Barack Obama hates America,” the former hate-filled race hustler, Clarence Mason Weaver, said during an interview with The Daily Caller.

“His job is to divide by differences and manage our differences,” he continued. “He has done nothing but drive us apart. (He) hates America. It doesn’t matter what color the pimp, the drug dealer, the con artist is.”….continue reading….

THE point being, when someone has been on the inside of an organization and privy to its deepest and darkest secrets, it is impossible to blow smoke in their direction. And the fact is that HUSSEIN Obama’s ties with revolutionary Black movements, be it the “New/Old” Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, or Black Lives Matter – six of one, half a dozen of another –  are already established. So, what else is there to say?


BUT to place the final nail in his efforts to bring down “Amerika”, how much more conclusive does it have to be, other than to tie together his absolute linkage to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafiaaka militant Islamic jihadists – and with Black domestic terror groups too? Rhetorical….continue reading….

MORE specifically, this site was very clear about martial law, and its absolute pre-designed and cursor-like footprints within America. In fact, last summer, via several reports, it was warned: the linkage between JADE HELM 15, federalized policing and the arming of every FED agency – even those which have nothing to do with law enforcement to boot – is to implement gun control. Mind you, it was never asserted that the months’ long exercises would result in an immediate martial law scenario. To the contrary. But no matter. As always, through ridicule and other targeted measures, the enemy within attempts to brow beat truth-tellers off their game (how’s that workin’ out??), veering along these lines: you see, only “conspiracy kooks” thought that JADE HELM 15 was about (UN backed) martial law! 


RATHER, the underlying commentaries re JADE HELM 15 were clearly laid out to demonstrate martial law’s future use as a preparatory tool – emphasis placed. In any case, thus, those of us who saw from there to here, understood that the disarming of Americans directly interfaced with martial law, both of which are two sides of the same thrust to bring down America. Clear as a bell.

WHICH leads us to this week’s hacked “revelations”, having transpired a mere month ago. And the fact that Black Lives Matter has proven to be an inextricable part of the Black Panthers (a designated domestic terror group, according to the FBI and other security agencies, both of which tie into the Dems political machine and its surrogate apparatuses) is all the more revealing.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is coordinating with Democratic activists to so disrupt the upcoming Republican and Democratic National Conventions that martial law will be declared.

That’s the stunning discovery revealed in a series of direct messages between three activists.

On Friday, June 10, 2016, someone hacked into the Twitter account of #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) leader and former Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay McKesson. McKesson later confirmed the hack to The Baltimore Sun.

On June 11, 2016, a Twitterer who calls himself The Saint (@TheSaintNegro) tweeted a direct-message conversation on June 10 between KcKesson and another BLM leader Johnetta Elzie (Netta), in which the two discussed talking with Attorney General Loretta Lynch about plans to bring onmartial law by causing chaos at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, so as to keep Obama in office.

Deray Mckesson & Johnetta ElzieHere’s the conversation over the course of several days between black activists DeRay McKesson (DM) and Johnetta Elzie (JE), and between McKesson and a “white ally” named Sam (S):

JE: “Have you spoken with Mrs. Lynch [Attorney General Loretta Lynch] recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections.

DM: “We spoke two weeks and they want us to start really pushing how racist Trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down.

DM: “If we can get both conventions shut down for messing over Bernie and for having racist Trump, then get martial law declared so Obama can stay in office we will win. Call you soon when I get to my dads so I can use his landline and we can talk more on this.”

DM: “We have to make sure that we use our voices to keep people disrupting Trump all summer and through the fall so martial law can be declared….”

S: “I wanted to touch base with you about the summer of chaos. So far we have over 2,000 people bused in from different cities and another 6,000 to 8,000 expected to drive into Cleveland for the Convention.”

S: “They will not be ready for the crowds we are bringing and they will blame Trump for it, especially if we shut it down. The GOP will have to replace him at that point or we will continue the disruptions nationwide.

DM: “I will pass the info along. Good work, Sam. You never let us down. It’s so important we stop Trump. He can not be president. He will destroy everything we worked so hard for and we can’t trust….”

DM: “…today and he [Sam?] confirmed that there will be around 10,000 protesters disrupting the [Republican] convention. Plans are being made for other cities as well for upcoming Trump events. Ads have already been placed looking for people to help. I know you don’t care for them [white people] but this is the time we need our white allies doing a lot of the work for us. They are the ones who listen the best.”

JE: “That will put fear into the GOP and the country when they can’t have their convention for all their racist supporting Trump. We’ve worked too hard and closely with the Obama administration to have that racist ass take it all away and Hillary…. You know I can’t stand those white allies, but yo right this is the best to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss ass they try to do. Like that changes who they are.”

DM: “We have a lot of white allies volunteering for Trump’s campaign to pass along information to us before it’s made public so we know when rallies are coming up before they are announced. That way we can plan major disruptions in those cities in advance. We just have to keep our names out of this and let these [white] people do the work for us by pushing how Trump’s racist ways will destroy….”

JE: “That’s all those white people are good for in my eyes. I couldn’t imagine even pretending to like that racist ass Trump even to get info on his events. I’ll be glad when we shut his ass down.”

DM: “With the support we have from Mrs. Lynch and the help we’ve got from Sam and others it won’t be hard to cause enough….”

Here are screenshots of The Saint‘s series of tweets:

DeRay DM1cDeRay DM1aDeRay DM1bDeRay DM2DeRay DM3DeRay DM4The authorities seem to be taking the plan to disrupt the Republican Convention seriously.

As reported by Alice Speri for The Intercept, June 23, 2016, local police and federal agents from the FBI, DHS, and Secret Service are knocking on the doors of activists and community organizers in Cleveland asking about their plans for the Republican National Convention in July.

On June 29, 2016, Deray McKesson sort of confirmed the plan when he went public with warnings about “possible” protests at the DNC and RNC, as reported by USA Today.

In fact, a recent survey showed that as many as 67% of Democrats want Obama for a third term.

NOT to beat a dead horse, how on target has this investigative journalist been re this and that planning to bring down America, as posited first via a book review (April 2013) at American Thinker? But whether or not it actually comes to pass this summer, or in the few months left until the election, remains to be seen.

MOST significantly, what is no longer in question is Obama Inc.’s intent to do so, in tandem with a multiplicity of powerful surrogate (read: George Soros)elements!

INDEED, as always, it is under the cover of “national security” that the most insidious threats arise – from ones own Marxist-bent leaders. Never forget it.

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