Obama Inc. Suspends Constitution:”Black Projects/Sites” Inside America! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

America Domestic Rendition 3 (resized)(HUSSEIN Obama’s illegal use of rendition/detention via its own “BLACK SITE”…shredding the Constitution…in Chicago-land!!)

THOSE of us who are privy to multiple relationships within the murky underbelly of counter terror understand, better than most, why “black projects” at “black sites” are in place. Nation saving renditions are designed (emphasis placed) to be part of a toolbox of security packages, whether one is “comfortable” with said tactics or not. Deal with it.

MOREOVER, a clear distinction must be made between the piercing wails heard from bleeding heart “liberals” (even while they align with Islamists via the red/green alliance  – the most retrograde forces known to man – opining and whining about “torture”), and the absolute necessity to “spirit away” those who are plotting to kill enumerable Americans, let alone a host of other “infidels” !

SNAP out of it.

NOT only that, but when one lives in Israel – within the barbaric Mid East jungle – one tends to grasp why certain “indelicate” counter terror measures are in place. In reality, as opposed to fantasy-land, to elicit time sensitive information from an increasingly dangerous Islamist-based internal fifth column, Israel’s security agencies are known to utilize various levels of “detention” within Israel proper, let alone whatever takes places at facilities abroad. FYI…couldn’t care less what “methods” they use, as long as the lifesaving intel is gleaned!

GOOD vs evil.

THAT being said, nevertheless, this investigative journalist knows for a fact how certain “tools” – those reserved for the enemy within – can be perverted for political purposes on Israeli soil.

IN other words, whether one realizes it or not, the fact remains: Israel’s political leaders have been illegally chasing after Zionists who refuse to give up the Jewish heartland – Judea and Samaria – since the wretched Oslo Peace/Death Accords. Yes, as detailed in a linked interview, this is often the reality of life for an Israeli patriot.

IN this regard, the aforementioned practice of illegal detention/rendition on home soil – strictly to facilitate political outcomes – can best be summed up within the following expose’, one of several this American-Israeli investigated on this very explosive subject: “Administrative Detention Orders” are (ab)used against Jewish nationalists! 

(Editor’s Note: The author variously uses the terms GSS [General Security Services], Shin Bet, Shabak, ISA [Israel Security Agency].  They are all names for Israel’s internal security service.]…..

Few outside Israel’s nationalist sector recognize that these orders, which obviate due process and were held over from the British Mandate era, have been quietly resurrected and expanded in recent years. Currently, administrative detention is pursued under Order Number 1591, updated in 2007. It empowers military commanders in Judea and Samaria to detain a person for a maximum of six months when there is a “reasonable basis for believing that the security of the region or public security necessitates.” The order may be extended for an additional six months, with no maximum cumulative period specified. Within eight days a detainee must be brought before a military judge. Hearings in both the lower and appellate court are held in camera. The judge is not bound by the regular rules of evidence. A judge may admit evidence without revealing that evidence to the detainee’s representative.

When dealing with Arabs residing in Judea and Samaria–many overtly belligerent to Israel– orders of administrative detention become a powerful weapon in the arsenal of the security forces.  But they are abused when they are used as a political tool to silence Jewish nationalists. Political science professor and expert on international law Louis Rene Beres writes: “The point of these orders, of course, has been to quash anti-government dissent in various West Bank (Judea/Samaria) Jewish communities. In issuing these orders, the IDF generally works together with ISS [Israel Security Services] or the Shin Bet. Designated recipients are not informed as to the precise reason for the orders, nor have they any formal right of appeal.” A nation which takes pride in its adherence to basic  democratic principles–the protection of its citizens’ civil/human rights– can ill afford to enact orders which are in direct contravention of these rights.

Administrative detention/expulsion orders aim to achieve political results under the guise of national security interests.  Right wing nationalists are opposed to the leadership’s policy of “land for peace.” Living in Judea and Samaria, they literally stand guard over Israel’s heartland.  Their presence is an obstacle to creating a Palestinian controlled (terror) state. Detention/expulsion orders are used to intimidate, frustrate and hamper Jewish patriots.  The orders are specifically referred to as Harchakah Minhalit (administrative removal).

Once they set their sights on a Jewish nationalist target, the Israel Security Agency utilizes a variety of methods. It may move the process forward quickly by citing ‘information’ which requires immediate detention or expulsion. Gleaned mostly through unsubstantiated intel in the first place, (which is often fabricated) the cases rarely lead to formal indictments, with many charges quietly dropped…..(read the whole thing)

YET, how does the above intersect with a discussion re HUSSEIN Obama and his illegal usage of “black sites” on U.S. soil? Well, in the same manner in which Israel’s political leaders have abused detention/rendition (six of one, half a dozen of another….), even more so, the goons working within Obama Inc. are inching…one step at a time…to a situation where a police state will be the “accepted” outcome, in anticipation of the transformation of America! Pushing the envelope, so to speak.

DEMONSTRABLY, HUSSEIN Obama displays his hyper disdain for the Constitution, as he continually seeks to gut the Second Amendment and to suspend multiple rights enshrined under U.S. law.

NOW, the following “news” – re “black sites” found on U.S. soil – dare not be confused with mandatory interrogation techniques – on or off the grid – of those who aid and abet Islamic terror. Rather, the recently revealed illegal activity has to do with abuses conducted under the guise of the “war on terror”. 

SIMPLY put, it is no accident that clear and convincing evidence has emerged that Chicago-land is front and center in the aforementioned “black site”. Yes, not only is this HUSSEIN Obama’s anti-American stomping grounds, but a fiefdom-run city akin to Mafia Inc. and worse! Now you see someone, now you don’t…down the rabbit hole…six feet under…


Two former senior Justice Department officials are calling on their colleagues to investigate a secretive warehouse used for interrogations by Chicago police and likened to a CIA “black site” facility.

Sam Bagenstos, who during Barack Obama’s first term was the Justice Department’s No 2 civil rights official, said that the Guardian’s exposé of the Homan Square police warehouse raised concerns about “a possible pattern or practice of violations of the fourth and fifth amendments” that warranted an inquiry.

William Yeomans, who worked in the civil rights division from 1981 to 2005, and served as its acting attorney, said the allegations about off-the-books interrogations and barred access to legal counsel reported by the Guardian merited a preliminary investigation to confirm them, a first step toward a full civil rights investigation.

“I would certainly call on them to take a look at it, yes,” Yeomans said.

A Guardian investigation details a secret facility where Americans were unable to be contacted by their legal counsel while locked inside and repeatedly denied access to basic constitutional rights.

At Homan Square, a nondescript warehouse on the city’s west side, police arrest or detain people for hours without booking or otherwise posting public notifications of their whereabouts, preventing their relatives knowing where they are.

Numerous lawyers reported difficulties getting basic information about their clients from Homan Square, with three saying they had personally been turned away by police from entering the building even as their clients were inside. Police denied access to a Guardian reporter who showed up at the facility to seek answers.

Homan Square 1 (resized)

“It certainly raises the very serious question about whether there is a pattern of practice of constitutional violations, of excessive force, denial of right to counsel, coercive interrogations,” said Bagenstos, now a law professor at the University of Michigan.

“This is definitely the kind of practice that you would expect the Justice Department to look into.”

The Justice Department did not return a request for comment by press time.

In operation since the late 1990s, Homan Square is used by special police units, including those investigating gangs and narcotics, that do not operate out of specific police districts. It also is home to an evidence and recovered-property locker. While marked and unmarked police cars line the parking lots and a barrier blocks traffic out front, prominent signage does not indicate that it is an official police facility.

Were he still at the Justice Department, Bagenstos said, “this would be the kind of matter that I would want at least a preliminary investigation of, to see whether it warranted a full-scale investigation.”

“The allegations are certainly disturbing. People are going in there and disappearing? Their attorneys are not allowed to have contact with them? That’s very disturbing,” said Yeomans, now a fellow at American University’s Washington College of Law.

After the Guardian published its story on Tuesday, the Chicago police emailed a statement that did not respond to any of the Guardian’s specific questions. The police department cited the presence of undercover units as necessitating secrecy around Homan Square.

“CPD [the Chicago police department] abides by all laws, rules and guidelines pertaining to any interviews of suspects or witnesses, at Homan Square or any other CPD facility. If lawyers have a client detained at Homan Square, just like any other facility, they are allowed to speak to and visit them,” the statement read.

Several lawyers interviewed by the Guardian said they were prevented from seeing their clients at Homan Square.

“There are always records of anyone who is arrested by CPD, and this is not any different at Homan Square,” the statement continued.

Several lawyers interviewed by the Guardian, however, said that once their clients entered Homan Square, no public records were generated that provided indications of someone’s whereabouts.

Homan Square 2 (resized)

Bagenstos said it was difficult to disentangle the “dark history” of interrogation by Chicago and other law enforcement agencies from a post-9/11 militarization of domestic policework to trace the origins of the disquieting Homan Square allegations.

“It’s certainly not the kind of story that you expect to read as a present-day piece of journalism as opposed to a piece of history,” Bagenstos said.

CONCLUSIVELY, it was not for nothing that much has been written about HUSSEIN Obama turning America into a police state via militarized police forces and the insertion of foreign military onto U.S. soil! Yes, “it be” true.

THUS, the above Chicago-based (surely, many others have yet to be exposed) illegal rendition should not be confused with lawful rendition between states. The main distinction is that the subject at hand is a major notch in tightening the noose, and Obama Inc.’s accomplices are counting on total compliance by even patriotic Americans, daring them to stop their grab for ultimate power and control.


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{re-blogged at Israel’s Voice}


DHS & Their Ongoing Totalitarian Putsch:Coming To A Head After Mid-Terms! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

A common theme at this site’s About tab has been repeatedly hammered, and its essence is coming full circle. Its duality involves the co-option of DHS as Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s totalitarian arm(s); the cement which glues together the red/green alliance. Nevertheless, forbearance is necessary to connect the dots and to recognize the threats to eventually keep them at bay.

DHS, plain and simple, is assisting Obama Inc. in silencing all criticism of their anti-freedom agenda. The insidious encroachment was set in motion from the onset of the Totalitarian-in-Chief’s first term, but it wasn’t until certain trigger points became visible that the general public realized something was amiss. At the same time that they aid the left’s “forward march”, DHS is busy acting as a front-arm (through the “legal” shield of the AG’s office) to empower Islamic mouthpieces by silencing all criticism of Islam. Yes, this is where the propaganda weapon of “Islamophobia” comes into play. What a tangled web of deceit and treachery.

THE evidence is insurmountable, even for a behemoth agency to deny. So let’s begin to connect the threads and see how close DHS is to carrying out the thesis, the purge, at hand.

Evidence One:

SUSPICIONS were first raised, eyebrows too, when reports flooded in re DHS’s shopping spree which accounted for billions of heretofore unprecedented amounts of ammo and hardware for domestic use. Pray tell, for what purpose? To “put down” patriots who challenge the impending loss of liberty and freedom, that’s why.

It is within this Orwellian context that outspoken patriots, be they vets, active duty personnel or those who are thinking to join any nation-saving movement, understand the methods utilized by socialist, Marxist, communist and Islamic propaganda machines. Totalitarian regimes in toto. In fact, it was hardly coincidental that alerts were raised within this site, time and again, to said effect.

DEMONSTRABLY, how many have noticed that DHS is appearing, again and again, as both an adjunct and trainer for civilian police forces? If not, time to catch up. And this is being done via Fed-laced financial incentives (even as the kitty runs dry), but under the guise of the “war on terror”.

Evidence Two:

SO by training community police forces on par with a regular standing army, well, whose needs does that serve (recall the motto, “to serve and protect”…hmm) other than those who are preparing for martial law? Exactly.

Evidence Three:

EXTRAPOLATING further, since DHS appears to be preparing for martial law, then isn’t America becoming closer to a Police State, than not?

Evidence Four:

ALAS, what more needs to be said, after a former NSA official spills the beans? Not much.

BUT the question remains: why are charges being leveled at this particular juncture – yes, keep all the above in mind – that DHS is about to up the ante via silencing tactics which will soon come to a head? Simply put, they are aiming/arming for (unrestricted) broke after November’s mid-terms, that’s what’s going on.

DHS to intensify attacks on freedom oriented citizens

Ahh…DHS’s head, Jeh Johnson….

Within the last two weeks several tips came into the Examiner indicating pending dangers to certain groups of citizens. These tips led to a source who, speaking on condition of anonymity, alleges that just after the election a major initiative will be launched against citizens whose values are diametrically opposite to that of Barack Obama and the current Washington elitist leadership in Congress. According to the source, the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) will greatly intensify its attacks on freedom oriented citizens.

The source indicated that the those within DHS and the rest of the Obama Administration who support a massive crackdown on the liberties of citizens are ready to make a dramatic move once the midterm elections in November are over. These particular government employees, particularly those at the top levels, believe that Christians, Tea Party participants, and those who support the Constitution and oppose Obama and his “progressive” agenda are dangerous and need to be subjected to a purge.

This purge would be in the form of prosecution through the courts. The objective would be to silence their voices and remove them from society by tossing them into prison where they could spend years and a ton of money attempting to get out of jail and defend their reputations. The “progressives” in the administration and Congress believe that the lame duck period just after the November midterm elections is the time to move swiftly to get these things done. Obama doesn’t have to face reelection. And if the internal polling being done by both Democrats and Republicans is true, the Democrats will be forced into minority status in the Senate in addition to the House. Thus, in the two months after the election prior to the time when the new Congress is sworn in January of 2015, a golden opportunity exists for the “progressive” elitist tyrants to make their move. After all, they have nothing to lose.

Although the tip concerning this information came within the last two weeks, the publication of it was on hold until more verification could be received. That verification came today in an article written by colleague David Codrea, who is the National Gun Rights Examiner.

Shortly after the election of Barack Obama, it became all too clear that DHS intended to lay the foundation for a massive purge of Christians and liberty oriented citizens. Internal memos were discovered that referred to these citizens as “potential homegrown terrorists.” The objective was to crank up the propaganda machine in an effort to malign, demonize, and ruin the reputations of otherwise good citizens so that eventually it would be easier to persecute and prosecute them without running too far afield of public opinion.

In 2012 the Examiner received at least one document from DHS that listed the various categories of citizens that would be deemed as “potential homegrown terrorists.” This document is one of the most important, but as you will see, it has been revised to include an apologetic to counteract the heavy criticism the report received. DHS used this report to compile its policy on “potential homegrown terrorists.”

But not once was Islamic extremists mentioned. Those whom DHS mentioned specifically is very telling — Ron Paul supporters, gun owners and gun rights activists, those who promote the Constitution as the final rule of law, U.S. war veterans returning home from overseas, those who support the right of Israel to exist, evangelical Christians and others who are pro-life and who believe the Bible and take it seriously, Tea Party activists, conservative voters who take to the streets to march or to demonstrate in opposition to high taxes, runaway government spending, Obamacare, and other programs of the “progressives” in the current administration. Michelle Malkin provided this report on the issue at the time.

So controversial were these DHS pronouncements that angry citizens began calling their elected representatives. When it became clear that this mindset at DHS may become a political liability for Democrats seeking election or reelection, the agency backed off its public statements concerning “potential homegrown terrorists.” It did not help matters for the elitists that a series of high profile terrorist actions, conducted by Islamic extremists, made the news and only confirmed in the minds of most Americans that DHS had its eye on all of the wrong people. While they were watching us “conservative Christians clinging to our guns and Bibles,” the Islamo-fascists were busy at work behind the scenes planning a resurgence. And now, at least half of what our men and women in the military fought for, and gave their lives for, have fallen back into the hands of Islamic extremists who behead their opposition. Not only does this denote a failed Obama foreign policy but it clearly demonstrates that the current administration does not care about the spread of extremist Islam. They had rather go after ordinary citizens who disagree with their warpedview of the world.

Against that backdrop, David Codrea reports that DHS issued a report Friday that once again places the spotlight on an odd group of people to be tracking — ordinary U.S. citizens who once again are being tarred and feathered verbally as “potential homegrown terrorists.” This time, however, their specific target is U.S. gun owners, 99 percent of whom never use their firearms to commit crimes.

DHS tipped its hand when it cited as a basis for its report the discredited and dangerous Southern PovertyLaw Center (SPLC), which never saw a gun owner it did not hate nor a conservative Christian it did not view as deranged. This organization is a million times worse than anything Joe McCarthy did in the Senate in the 1950s when he warned that Communists had infiltrated the U.S. government. They had. And his charges were confirmed when the old KGB was forced to open its books after the demise of the old Soviet Union, and the new Russian president Boris Yeltsin ordered that those secret records be made public. It turns out that McCarthy was 95 percent correct. But the SPLC can claim no such accuracy. They have maligned and falsely charged a plethora of individuals as “racists” or “anti-government extremists” with absolutely no basis upon which to issue such a charge.

Codrea notes that one of the incidents that SPLC is now using to malign gun owners is the standoff at the Bundy Ranch. Not only did SPLC get many of its facts wrong but it claims that supporters of Bundy prove that they are dangerous homegrown extremists who wish to attack the government. Many gun owners went to the Bundy Ranch to provide protection for Bundy as dozens of government snipers took aim at the Bundy family, ready to blow them all away. Thus, they were there to protect a fellow citizen from government snipers who apparently were ready to initiate another Ruby Ridge or Waco.

Apparently SPLC is oblivious to the possibility that citizens can support the right of a fellow citizen to keep and bear arms and have control over his property without supporting all of that citizen’s political views. Bundy’s views may be problematic for many gun owners, but that does not prevent us from protecting his right to be on that property and to keep and bear arms.

In spite of its dubious agenda, SPLC was used as an important source for Friday’s report issued by DHS. This does not bode well for the next step. If the anonymous source mentioned above is correct, this is all a precursor to massive government action to silence all of the administration’s most effective critics.

INDEED, isn’t it crystal clear that DHS is Obama Inc.’s forward arm, its standing army?

ADDING to the dangers and to the aforementioned charge sheet, please recall a recent commentary, one which weaves together not only the red/green alliance, but underlies why a Brotherhood Mafia jihadi feels secure to issue threats (such as the following one, recently sent to a trusted contact) to such a high profile figure. He knows that CAIR has the Feds in their pockets!

xxxx the attached document is an active case in which you and your kind such as xxxx will soon face under the hammer of the law. A case we brought up long ago, one you have never been aware of.Not only is this now an active case in America but throughout the world for the last two years. A case which we brought up in every country.This is just the start. Today we decided to let you become aware of it.
Now that you know, I think you should also know that this document is old, our interaction with higher law making authorities now have you under surveillance for inciting acts of terrorism against Muslims.By Law “Islamophobia is Illegal”Sent from my BlackBerry®

Bismillahir’RahmaanNir’Raheem (In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful)
To whom it may concern…
Firstly I would like to begin with the Islamic Greeting of As’SalaamuAlaikumWa’RahmatullahiWa’Barakatu (May Peace, God’s Mercy and Blessings be upon you)
This letter serves as a request by THE UNITED MUSLIM NATIONS INTERNATIONAL organization to the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION to bring into effect an effort for a “total ban” on religious Defamation by News Media outlets throughout the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, this request covers all religions and not just the religion of Islam. However we will emphasize on Islamophobic News Media and shed light on the dangers that come with it and why the ACLU needs to take up this case with the utmost urgency.
For instance we want a ban on the highly offensive and defamatory terms such as “Islamist Militants” and “Militant Islam”, we also do not want to see such terminology being used for other faiths.
Our second request is directed at the American Civil Liberties Union itself and we would like to receive a documented response from the ACLU as to whether the ACLU condones or condemns, agrees or disagrees with Religious defamation by linking religion to militant activities. This response should be sent to the UMN Intl for the attention of xxxx

BOTTOM LINE: This site is not suggesting that DHS’s “assets” can be fully thwarted. That’s ridiculous. However, by garnering an understanding of their goals, a person is better equipped to see their tactics/plans etc. heading towards them before they get bushwhacked. Besides, who in their right mind would trust DHS, an agency which is up to their necks in a criminal alien catch and release program! 

NOT only that, if each of you warns your friends, colleagues and neighbors, well, paying it forward will assist countless citizens from being blindsided. It certainly can’t hurt. Better than the alternative.


THOSE unfamiliar with the underpinnings at this site can be forgiven for thinking – after stumbling upon these pages – yes, we have found ourselves in a parallel universe, sort of Alice-in-Wonderland-like….down the rabbit hole, so to speak. This blogger is certainly not offended, if some wish to pooh pooh the dangers away. It’s your right. Your privilege.

BUT knowing some of the following (silencing) tactics from the inside out – what’s the point in accessing high level contacts, if not for such insights – there is NO doubt that the report (featured below) is accurate. Not only that, the info must be considered as a last warning, to those who refuse to toe Obama Inc.’s dictatorial lines!

YET, the handwriting has been on the wall, for heavens sake, too many times to count. Never mind…


DO readers recall the recent plight of a concerned parent, a former prosecutor no less, who was arrested at a school board meeting in New Hampshire, all for the “crime” of questioning the (mis)educators of his 14 yr old daughter? Well, when the fish stinks from the head up, those in positions of authority, whether local school boards or what not, feel freer to bring down the hammer, to silence, if disagreed with! Can you imagine? Is this America, or a third world tyranny?


MOVING right along…away from the tyranny of school boards, their escalation continues from the First Amendment to the Second. Once both are gone, what else is left? Not too much.


PRAY tell, when whistle blowers are threatened and perhaps silenced for good, does anyone – in their sane mind – believe that the average Joe or Jane will freely be able to express themselves, without fear of jail, or worse? Indeed, a tyranny, a police state in the making!

SO on a very selfish, self preserving level, readers should sit up and take note of the warnings within:

Plug pulled on broadcast of intelligence insider-behind the scenes oddities revealed

“If that’s indeed the case, and only if that’s the case, then the dogs of war have been released from their cages, and we are quite far down the path toward full censorship. If that’s the case, then may God help us all.”—Doug Hagmann

by Douglas J. Hagmann

Saturday, July 5, 2014: We have the latest, professional grade broadcasting equipment. We have the largest of lines running to and from our studio capable of supporting our popular broadcast. We also have dedicated computers that were specifically designed for broadcast purposes. We also have back-up alternative power in the event of a storm or other natural disaster. Perhaps most important of all, we have redundancy in the event of a breakdown of any one “link” in the chain of equipment, and the ability to use the resources in another country. Recently, an engineer for a local radio station viewed our studio, equipment and the schematics and told me that it rivaled and in some ways, exceeded the equipment at his station.

Despite our investment of money, time and toil, it appears that someone “pulled the plug” on our July 4, 2014 broadcast before it was permitted to air.

At exactly 15 minutes before airtime, we were connected. All was well. The program clock was set and we conducted routine sound and equipment checks amid the quiet hum of hard drives and other equipment. An automated, audible countdown began at 14 minutes before airtime, marking each minute before the broadcast would air. We began making our usual entries into our log book and engaged in the routine, if not mundane practices that no one sees or even care exist. We powered down other devices, and silenced the ringer of the single studio telephone line we use for emergencies. Then, exactly at the 11 minute, six-second mark, something odd happened. We were cut off from the network. Due to the methods we use to connect to the network, however, we would not realize what happened until we were met with silence as the on-air broadcast clock began to tick down from 180 minutes.

If someone screams in a soundproof studio, does anyone hear it?

At precisely five seconds in to the broadcast, knowing that we were broadcasting “dead air,” we engaged in a series of steps to connect to the network through other means. We established this protocol last year after a series of sound issues plagued us. We activated “plan B,” and did so swiftly, but with futility. Even our scheduled guest could not call in to our studio as the line went dead as soon as he was connected.

As we scurried about in our studio, powering our equipment up and down, following the steps in an “emergency” back-up manual created for us by a local sound engineer, I fought back against a nauseous feeling that someone did not want our broadcast to air. At least, someone did not want this broadcast to air. We watched ourselves fading to black, as our computer studio interface failed to respond to any of our efforts, as did our sound board. We were completely locked out, so to speak, and were also unable to make contact with our secondary link outside of the United States, which is our final, fail-safe measure that has not failed us before.

By the time we completed every step possible, we had already broadcast nearly ten minutes of dead air. We were dead in the water, and there was nothing we could do and no fix to be made. We let as many listeners know of our problems through a chat feature associated with our program, and a messaging service attached to our new mobile app.

Our guest, the “red phone” and S.W.A.T.

Although it took a few attempts, we were able to make contact with our scheduled guest, known to our audience only as “W,” an intelligence insider. We know him well, and have met him face-to-face. I have spent many hours in meetings with him, and know his background. He is a “known and trusted source” with credentials and experience that few can match.

For this specific broadcast, our guest decided to connect from a particular public location using a mobile service. There was a valid reason for this, and it was decided and established in the days before the scheduled broadcast. The location was only known to two people—him and me. My son and co-host did not even know. It is important to note that this was only his second appearance that was scheduled in advance; his first scheduled appearance on 2 May 2014 was plagued with sound issues and disruptions. This time, however, it seems like someone wanted to send a different message. Or, perhaps it was mere coincidence. After all, “sometimes stuff just happens.”

It should be noted that “W” has appeared on our program before, although his appearances were spontaneous and unpublicized. Except for his joint appearance with former CIA operative Robert Tosh Plumlee, those appearances have largely proceeded without interference.

Following a series of text communications from our guest, the “red phone” lit up. On the other end of the line was “W,” calling from the predetermined broadcast location.

“You’re not going to believe this,” he said. At that moment, two unmarked but very visible S.W.A.T. vehicles, staffed by uniformed members of a local militarized police agency, made their presence known to him in a very obvious manner – having arrived several minutes after he was settled in . No, there was no “drama” associated with their presence—except for their presence. They were not engaging him or otherwise threatening him. They were just… there. One vehicle was stationary while the other drove around the lot. Again, it could all be a mere coincidence, and it could be a coincidence that they scurried from the area when “W” began taking pictures of them.

I have one of the photographs, complete with the time-stamp. And now, so do others. I will not publish them to protect the privacy of those curious about his location, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

The “why” of it all

In a “post-mortem” examination of our computer log files and communication equipment, I wanted to learn what happened and why. After a few hours of investigation, I found that the plug was pulled on us exactly 11 minutes and six seconds before our scheduled airtime. Stated differently, that would be 666 seconds before the broadcast. Like the presence of the S.W.A.T. vehicles, though, I’m sure this could be merely a coincidence. I suppose it would be presumptuous of us to believe otherwise.

No equipment was damaged, and no other traces of nefarious doings were left, just dead air. Oh, and the embarrassment that is associated with this event, as I am certain that we will be described as unprofessional, ill-equipped riff-raff just pretending to be professionals. Furthermore, would any “normal” thinking person actually believe that anyone cares what we broadcast? Anyway, censorship and intimidation only happens under tyranny.

Coincidence aside for the moment, looking deeper into the events of our July 4th broadcast, or its prevention, begs the question “why?” Why this particular broadcast?

It’s no secret that our communications are being monitored by an out-of-control surveillance apparatus. It is reasonable, then, to suspect that those who monitor such communications had an idea of the topics to be covered. Could it be that even the opening sentence that “W” planned to speak was so damaging that they, the controllers of the airwaves, could not take the chance of allowing it to be heard? And as the program was promoted, “W” only intended to be speaking to a handful of listeners who would fully understand his message exactly as intended. So, who among our listeners also pose a threat to such powers? Think about it.

The alternative media, as we are called, is under attack. Other talk show hosts have recently experienced inexplicable and unprecedented interference, including the incredibly popular John B. Wells, host of Caravan to Midnight. That interference just so happened to occur during revelations by two guests whose information was quite unflattering to the people in power.

Could it all just be a mere coincidence? Or, could we be witnessing the systematic silencing of dissenting voices and purveyors of truth, of reality, amid a sea of media lies and disinformation?

I believe I know why we were unable to broadcast on July 4, 2014. I cannot disclose the reason, for doing so could jeopardize events and people unrelated to our show. But much like the plans, plots and schemes of those in power, it was a tit-for-tat response—an upping of the ante—for something that was done recently. If that’s indeed the case, and only if that’s the case, then the dogs of war have been released from their cages, and we are quite far down the path toward full censorship. If that’s the case, then, may God help us all.


THERE is little doubt that “Intelligence Insider” – and those closest aligned – understands the risks and has contingency plans. And while there is never a fail safe plan, there are still ways to ensure that unleashed FED forces – their paymasters too – pay the price, regardless of anything else. How so?

WELL, even though Obama’s goons have buried many skeletons, it is also the case that whistle blowers – some of whom are out in the open, others operate in the shadows, it just depends – tend to accumulate secret stashes, unknown to but a few within their trusted inner circles. It is this redundancy of materials, evidence, if you will, which lends particular comfort.

IN effect, hit squads – and this is what they are, just recall Bill and Hill’s…now you see them…now you don’t – often, unfortunately, reach their mark, but well hidden evidence has a way of turning up.

AGAIN, surely precautions are in place…


LET’s be clear from the get go: this site is in constant contact with those whose “boots” are on the ground, be it in the realm of counter terror, or another related sphere. And those who expect this blogger to “give up” contacts, name names, (aside from one or two already cited at this blog, with their permission to do so) well, good luck with that. That’s not the way it works.

THAT being out-of-the-way, the related info at this site, re DHS and other matters, is not speculative, nor wholly from open source. Assuredly, none of it would see the light of day, unless supported by solid backing. Simply put, hardly that stupid.  

AGAIN, it bears repeating: yes, DHS, in its current incarnation, is a danger to America and not its protector! This is a seemingly strange and bold-faced statement, but no less true.

Danger One:

HOW many have noticed that DHS is appearing, again and again, as both an adjunct and trainer for civilian police forces? If not, time to catch up. And this is being done via Fed-laced financial incentives (even as the kitty runs dry), but under the guise of the “war on terror”.

Danger Two:

SO, by training community police forces on par with a regular standing army, well, whose needs does that serve (recall the motto, “to serve and protect”…hmm) other than those who are preparing for martial law? Exactly.

Danger Three:

EXTRAPOLATING further, since DHS appears to be preparing for martial law, then isn’t America becoming closer to a Police State, than not?

Danger Four:

And what more needs to be said, after a former NSA official spills the beans? Not much.

Whitehead: Has the Dept. of Homeland Security become America’s standing army?

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison

“Here [in New Mexico], we are moving more toward a national police force. Homeland Security is involved with a lot of little things around town. Somebody in Washington needs to call a timeout.”—Dan Klein, retired Albuquerque Police Department sergeant

If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders feared most—a standing army on American soil.

The third largest federal agency behind the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense, the DHS—with its 240,000 full-time workers, $61 billion budget and sub-agencies that include the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)—has been aptly dubbed a “runaway train.”

In the 12 years since it was established to “prevent terrorist attacks within the United States,” the DHS has grown from a post-9/11 knee-jerk reaction to a leviathan with tentacles in every aspect of American life. With good reason, a bipartisan bill to provide greater oversight and accountability into the DHS’ purchasing process has been making its way through Congress.

A better plan would be to abolish the DHS altogether. In making the case for shutting down the de facto national police agency, analyst Charles Kenny offers the following six reasons: one, the agency lacks leadership; two, terrorism is far less of a threat than it is made out to be; three, the FBI has actually stopped more alleged terrorist attacks than DHS; four, the agency wastes exorbitant amounts of money with little to show for it; five, “An overweight DHS gets a free pass to infringe civil liberties without a shred of economic justification”; and six, the agency is just plain bloated.

To Kenny’s list, I will add the following: The menace of a national police force, a.k.a. a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored. Indeed, as the following list shows, just about every nefarious deed, tactic or thuggish policy advanced by the government today can be traced back to the DHS, its police state mindset, and the billions of dollars it distributes to police agencies in the form of grants.

Militarizing police and SWAT teams. The DHS routinely hands out six-figure grants to enable local municipalities to purchase military-style vehicles, as well as a veritable war chest of weaponry, ranging from tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, assault weapons and combat uniforms. This rise in military equipment purchases funded by the DHS has, according to analysts Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz, “paralleled an apparent increase in local SWAT teams.” The end result? An explosive growth in the use of SWAT teams for otherwise routine police matters, an increased tendency on the part of police to shoot first and ask questions later, and an overall mindset within police forces that they are at war—and the citizenry are the enemy combatants.

Spying on activists, dissidents and veterans. In 2009, DHS released three infamous reports on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism,” and another entitled Operation Vigilant Eagle, outlining a surveillance program targeting veterans. The reports collectively and broadly define extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.” In 2013, it was revealed that DHS, the FBI, state and local law enforcement agencies, and the private sector were working together to conduct nationwide surveillance on protesters’ First Amendment activities.

Stockpiling ammunition. DHS, along with other government agencies, has been stockpiling an alarming amount of ammunition in recent years, which only adds to the discomfort of those already leery of the government. As of 2013, DHS had 260 million rounds of ammo in stock, which averages out to between 1,300 to 1,600 rounds per officer. The US Army, in contrast, has roughly 350 rounds per soldier. DHS has since requisitioned more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, “enough,” concludes Forbes magazine, “to sustain a hot war for 20+ years.”

Distributing license plate readers. DHS has already distributed more than $50 million in grants to enable local police agencies to acquire license plate readers, which rely on mobile cameras to photograph and identify cars, match them against a national database, and track their movements. Relying on private contractors to maintain a license plate database allows the DHS and its affiliates to access millions of records without much in the way of oversight.

Contracting to build detention camps. In 2006, DHS awarded a $385 million contract to a Halliburton subsidiary to build detention centers on American soil. Although the government and Halliburton were not forthcoming about where or when these domestic detention centers would be built, they rationalized the need for them in case of “an emergency influx of immigrants, or to support the rapid development of new programs” in the event of other emergencies such as “natural disasters.” Viewed in conjunction with the NDAA provision allowing the military to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone, including American citizens, it would seem the building blocks are already in place for such an eventuality.

Tracking cell-phones with Stingray devices. Distributed to local police agencies as a result of grants from the DHS, these Stingray devices enable police to track individuals’ cell phones—and their owners—without a court warrant or court order. The amount of information conveyed by these devices about one’s activities, whereabouts and interactions is considerable. As one attorney explained: “Because we carry our cellphones with us virtually everywhere we go, stingrays can paint a precise picture of where we are and who we spend time with, including our location in a lover’s house, in a psychologist’s office or at a political protest.”

Carrying out military drills and lockdowns in American cities. Each year, DHS funds military-style training drills in cities across the country. These Urban Shield exercises, elaborately staged with their own set of professionally trained Crisis Actors playing the parts of shooters, bystanders and victims, fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers, bystanders and the media into thinking it’s a real crisis.

Using the TSA as an advance guard. The TSA now searches a variety of government and private databases, including things like car registrations and employment information, in order to track travelers’ before they ever get near an airport. Other information collected includes “tax identification number, past travel itineraries, property records, physical characteristics, and law enforcement or intelligence information.”

Conducting virtual strip searches with full-body scanners. Under the direction of the TSA, American travelers have been subjected to all manner of searches ranging from whole-body scanners and enhanced patdowns at airports to bag searches in train stations. In response to public outrage over what amounted to a virtual strip search, the TSA has begun replacing the scanners with equally costly yet less detailed models. The old scanners will be used by prisons for now.

Carrying out soft target checkpoints. VIPR task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams have laid the groundwork for the government’s effort to secure so-called “soft” targets such as malls, stadiums, bridges, etc. Some security experts predict that checkpoints and screening stations will eventually be established at all soft targets, such as department stores, restaurants, and schools. DHS’ Operation Shield, a program which seeks to check up on security protocols around the country with unannounced visits, conducted a surprise security exercise at the Social Security Administration building in Leesburg, Fla., when they subjected people who went to pick up their checks to random ID checks by federal agents armed with semi-automatic weapons.

Directing government workers to spy on Americans. Terrorism Liaison Officers are firefighters, police officers, and even corporate employees who have received training to spy on and report back to government entities on the day-to-day activities of their fellow citizens. These individuals are authorized to report “suspicious activity” which can include such innocuous activities as taking pictures with no apparent aesthetic value, making measurements and drawings, taking notes, conversing in code, espousing radical beliefs, and buying items in bulk.

Conducting widespread spying networks using fusion centers. Data collecting agencies spread throughout the country, aided by the National Security Agency, fusions centers—of which there are at least 78 scattered around the U.S.— constantly monitor our communications, collecting and cataloguing everything from our internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails. This data is then fed to government agencies, which are now interconnected: the CIA to the FBI, the FBI to local police. Despite a budget estimated to be somewhere between $289 million and $1.4 billion, these fusion centers have proven to be exercises in incompetence, often producing irrelevant, useless or inappropriate intelligence, while spending millions of dollars on “flat-screen televisions, sport utility vehicles, hidden cameras and other gadgets.”

Carrying out Constitution-free border control searches. On orders from the DHS, the government’s efforts along the border have become little more than an exercise in police state power, ranging from aggressive checkpoints to the widespread use of drone technology, often used against American citizens traveling within the country. Border patrol operations occur within 100 miles of an international crossing, putting some 200 million Americans within the bounds of aggressive border patrol searches and seizures, as well as increasingly expansive drone surveillance. With 71 checkpoints found along the southwest border of the United States alone, suspicionless search and seizures on the border are rampant. Border patrol agents also search the personal electronic devices of people crossing the border without a warrant.

Funding city-wide surveillance cameras. As Charlie Savage reports for the Boston Globe, the DHS has funneled “millions of dollars to local governments nationwide for purchasing high-tech video camera networks, accelerating the rise of a ‘surveillance society’ in which the sense of freedom that stems from being anonymous in public will be lost.” These camera systems, installed on city streets, in parks and transit systems, operating in conjunction with sophisticated computer systems that boast intelligent video analytics, digital biometric identification, military-pedigree software for analyzing and predicting crime and facial recognition software, create a vast surveillance network that can target millions of innocent individuals.

Utilizing drones and other spybots. The DHS has been at the forefront of funding and deploying surveillance robots and drones for land, sea and air, including robots that resemble fish and tunnel-bots that can travel underground. Despite repeated concerns over the danger surveillance drones used domestically pose to Americans’ privacy rights, the DHS has continued to expand its fleet of Predator drones, which come equipped with video cameras, infrared cameras, heat sensors, and radar. DHS also loans its drones out to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for a variety of tasks, although the agency refuses to divulge any details as to how, why and in what capacity these drones are being used by police. Incredibly, the DHS has also been handing out millions of dollars in grants to local police agencies to “accelerate the adoption” of drones in their localities.

It’s not difficult to see why the DHS has been described as a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.” If it is a beast, however, it is a beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state through its establishment of a standing army, a.k.a. national police force.

This, too, is nothing new. Historically, as I show in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, the establishment of a national police force has served as a fundamental and final building block for every totalitarian regime that has ever wreaked havoc on humanity, from Hitler’s all-too-real Nazi Germany to George Orwell’s fictional Oceania. Whether fictional or historical, however, the calling cards of these national police agencies remain the same: brutality, inhumanity, corruption, intolerance, rigidity, and bureaucracy—in other words, evil.

DESPITE all of the above, the inherent questions become: what are they up to? what is their end game?

Basically, Americans are witnessing the “practical” application of planned “deconstruction”, on a scale heretofore seen in the free world. Meaning, when the (pre-planned) dollar collapse creates massive civil unrest, a militarized police state has to be up and running! You got that?  


BUT not everything meant for America’s demise is executed on its soil. While the planning is (mostly) domestic, the current (purposeful) re-jiggering of the geo-political landscape in the Mid East, designed to usher in the “New World Order” – a plan supported by both Dems and RINOS alike – is taking place across the world.

FOR the historical record, Bush Sr. spoke glowingly of its “eventuality”, in tandem with other high level Americans.

IN essence, this national hit job (and this is what it amounts to) cannot be done without ushering in WW 3; with Russia and its Shia-led proxies fighting against CIA backed Sunni/Al Qaeda-linked/ISS forces. Each side understands that the dollar’s collapse is a “necessary” precursor, for the U.S. to collapse as the world’s superpower.

Down to the trip wire….

DIABOLICAL, but no less true. Undoubtedly, this collapse has been in the works for decades. Barack HUSSEIN Obama, a foreign implant, was brought in to oversee America’s – the dollar’s – demise

UN Hiring Peacekeepers To Disarm American Citizens…yes, they are!


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Obama Inc. ordered its forward arm, DHS, to implement a PLANNED illegal invasion!

BE afraid….very afraid…as…DHS SWAT excessive force raid on innocent couple (see video!)


BEFORE we delve into the heart of the matter, please recall who the Governor of New Hampshire is. In fact, the Mrs. in charge of the citizens of New Hampshire is married to the principal of Phillips Exeter Academy, a prep school featured within these pages. A real power couple. How nice for them.

Full Disclosure: a few close acquaintances/business associates graduated from the halls of Philips Exeter Academy (the subject below) back in the early 1980′s, and just a few years before its Islamic infestation. These individuals are at the top of their chosen professions, therefore, the influence many of its graduates yield is considerable, even if not in the Presidential arena.

‘Academy That Produced Three Presidents Now Terrorist Breeding Ground’

To quote an excellent article by Chris Anu of the New Hampshire Herald:

…On Thomas Hassan’s watch, numerous Islamic scholars and activists with ties to radical Islamic groups have been invited to address student assemblies and other student forums. Among them, Hadia Mubarak, former president of the Muslim Student Association, spoke at a PEA assembly on Oct, 1, 2007. Founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, the MSA was labeled “a virtual terror factory” by terrorism expert Patrick Poole. Its former members include such notable jihadists as Anwar al-Awlaki, Ramy Zamzam, Omar Hammami, Abdurahman Alamoudi, Aafia Siddiqui and Ramzi Yousef.

With the above in mind, it is hardly surprising that strong-arm tactics are being used against anyone who refuses to toe the radical left’s dictates or the increasingly emboldened thrusts by Islamists. Readers must internalize that one does not negate the other, in fact, they feed off of each other! Dracula-like. Hence, the constant reference to the red/green alliance.

Into this arena, along came a concerned father from the small state of New Hampshire (he happens to be a lawyer, having worked in the NYC Prosecutor’s office, not exactly a milieu which renders one squeamish, nor aghast at heavy-handed actions) who became duly alarmed by a particular book assigned to his 14 year old daughter. Not unlike any responsible parent, he placed a call into the principal’s office. No one responded to his concerns. After several failed attempts, he attended a school board meeting to address the issue. Well and good – or so you would think. 

Now, the fact that the book was written by a bestselling author is neither here nor there. But what does matter is the absolute graphic and sexual nature of this work of fiction, which in the “infinite wisdom” of leftist driven school officials is supposed to teach requisite lessons. It is “a fictional account of a school shooting in New Hampshire that lasted for 19 minutes (hence the title) that contains explicit and graphic sexual material, along with arguably controversial messages about homicide and yes, gun violence”.

What’s the point? Well, even though authors are free to sell their stories – PG rated or XXX – responsible parents are allowed (actually obligated) to object to material they consider gratuitously sexual and violent in nature. The questions become: what are the educators in America, the poohbahs, thinking? and what is their driving force?

In the main, there is a concerted push to “desensitize” students to graphic sexual content and lifestyles. At the same time, they are bent on indoctrinating them into a gun control mindset, and their methods are targeted in approach.

Adding to the incendiary mix is the vise-grip surrounding all those who refuse to cow to their radical, revolutionary, anti-freedom agenda. Consider: how much easier is it to deconstruct America, especially when every sexual lifestyle is seen as “equal”(hence the push for graphic materials etc) and citizens are terrified to express opposing views, fearing they too will be arrested for resisting said putsch?

When protecting your children becomes a crime against the state in New Hampshire – The critical back-story now told

Northeast Intelligence Network


baer21By Douglas J.  Hagmann

Thursday, May 7, 2014: “I was arrested.”

It took a minute for me to wrap my mind around those words, uttered by a one of the most decent men I know. He is an attorney by profession, having worked in the prosecutor’s office within the Five Boroughs of New York City. He’s dealt with some of the most unsavory people and unspeakable crimes of our nation in that capacity. More importantly, however, he is a proud and protective family man. He’s a loving husband and a proud father of two children, including Marina Baer, a ninth grader in the Gilford, New Hampshire School District.

My mind raced as I fired questions at him with mind numbing rapidity. “Where, What for? What happened?” I prodded. He answered each question calmly and methodically, combining his replies with an extremely important “back-story” that will probably not be reported anywhere by the mainstream media.

Mr. Baer explained that he was arrested at a meeting of the Gilford School Board meeting on Monday, 5, 2014 and charged with a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct. As audio and video evidence of the events clearly illustrates, however, there was nothing remotely disorderly about Mr. Baer’s conduct at the meeting. It was the first time he was arrested in his life.

No, there was something far deeper at work here, something that you will not see, hear or read about in the “drive-by” reports done by the mainstream media. It is this lead-up to the school board meeting that puts the events of May 5th in a much clearer, and much more unsettling perspective. It should serve as a warning to all parents that there is an agenda much greater than what we are seeing. In the words of Mr. Baer, “something is very wrong.” Indeed it is, and the report that follows should send a chill down the spine of every parent, of every American, for this is coming to your city, town, or municipality if it does not already exist.

The critical back-story

Last Thursday, Mr. Baer sent me an e-mail about a book his daughter was assigned to read by her teacher with the full and complete approval of the Gilford School Board. He wrote that he was stunned, despite his experience working in one of the toughest cities in the country, by what was assigned to his 14 year-old daughter for her ninth grade Honor’s English class, and attached a scanned copy of one page from the book for my perusal. Having over a quarter century of investigative experience myself, I’m no prude in reading graphic text. Regardless, I would never have knowingly permitted my child to read what he sent, even if it was part of a school assignment sanctioned by the school board.

Upon closer scrutiny of the book, Nineteen Minutes by author Jodi Picoult, Mr. Baer saw that it was a fictional account of a school shooting in New Hampshire that lasted for 19 minutes (hence the title) that contains explicit and graphic sexual material, along with arguably controversial messages about homicide and yes, gun violence. Despite its inclusion on the New York Times best seller list, any ordinary parent of reasonable sensibilities would certainly question why such a book was selected as required reading for a ninth-grade Honor’s English class.

After doing his own homework, Mr. Baer followed a logical approach to learn why the book was assigned without his consent, and to be proactive, for he was not about to allow his daughter to be subjected to this subject matter, at least not in this fashion. He first contacted the high school principal, who declined to formally meet with him in order to find a suitable remedy to this issue. After being effectively deferred and deflected at every turn, Mr. Baer was left with attempting to remedy the situation by attending the school board meeting to publicly address this issue.

It was as if it was made impossible for Mr. Baer to be given any remedy to clear this matter up, except by attending the school board meeting that would convene the following Monday. It is here—at this exact point— that people must pay attention to how events were being managed behind the scenes.

According to information obtained by this author, the Gilford, New Hampshire school board was alerted in advance to Mr. Baer’s intention to raise this issue at their normal Monday meeting. In anticipation of Mr. Baer’s attendance, they did a number of things they have not done in the past.

First, they stationed a Gilford Municipal police officer inside the meeting venue “to keep order.” Then, they limited all public comments to two minutes only, and refused to answer any questions of the attendees. Ostensibly, this was done because of the multitudes of those present to speak out against the book, yet not more than a few dozen people were actually present. Also, the number who actually wished to speak remained in the single digits, including Mr. Baer. Accordingly, any sensible person would question the rationale behind such an arbitrary policy instituted for this particular meeting.

No dissent permitted

The critical back-story, then, indicates that the school board not just anticipated Mr. Baer’s attendance, but took very precise steps to make certain that his objections would be muted and otherwise dealt with in a manner that has been inconsistent with previous public meetings. It would appear that dissent about the book as an assignment in an ninth grade honors class was not merely expected, but the response to such dissent was decided in advance.

The meeting

When attendees were called to speak, Sue Allen, the board chairwoman, could be heard asking at least twice if anyone cared to speak before Mr. Baer was recognized. When he was permitted (or confined) to his two minutes, he first noted that there was an unusual “default setting” to the parental authorization that would permit the children to be exposed to this material. Normally, a parent must “opt-in” to allow the book to be read by their child, must like parental authorization is given for a field trip. In this case, however, it was only if the parent had an objection to the book that they would need to “opt-out.”

Secondly, Mr. Baer asked the principal present to read page 313 of the book to give those in attendance the reasons for which he was voicing his objections. After all, not everyone there was aware of the contents of the book. The principal refused as did every other board member, calling it “inappropriate.” Mr. Baer attempted to compel the board members to answer legitimate questions about the class assignment and methods, but they refused, asserting they would only allow the attendees two minutes worth of comments to be put on record. As the video shows, it was an exasperating exercise in futility for Mr. Baer to seek redress in this venue to which he was directed.

Mr. Baer ultimately exceeded his two minutes by 18 seconds, an obviously egregious offense to the royalty of the Gilford School District. After sternly warning Mr. Baer that his time was up and they would have no part in addressing his concerns, he dutifully sat down.

At this point, a man positioned behind Mr. Baer spoke up and glowingly described how the book actually prompted a frank family discussion about the subject matter of the book, taking a tone that seemed to paint Mr. Baer as an advocate of censorship and book banning, which is far from the truth or Mr. Baer’s intent. In response to this false accusation and mischaracterization, Mr. Baer verbally dissented. He calmly defended himself against these public accusations, attempting to set the public record straight.

It was as a result of this egregious offense, one that caused Mr. Baer to add another 30 seconds or so onto his unauthorized 18 seconds beyond the allotted 2 minutes that caused the school board to react – and react with prejudice.

The arrest

Remember that out-of-place municipal police officer standing guard for the first time in recent memory at the Gilford School Board meeting? Based on what appeared to be the hand signal of a member of the school board, the officer responded by walking to a stunned Mr. Baer, who was now seated, reaching to escort him from the meeting. Mr. Baer asked if he was being asked to leave, if he was being arrested, and was further stunned by the rapidity of the response for such a minor infraction of exceeding his allotted time by less than a minute in total, including his unscheduled verbal defense against his character.

According to Mr. Baer and as seen in the video, the arresting officer appeared a bit nervous while escorting this dissenting parent from the room and placing him in handcuffs behind his back. Mr. Baer has a bad neck injury, which he made known to the officer, that restricted the movement of his left arm. This, as is seen, was apparently construed as resisting arrest by the otherwise docile Mr. Baer.

Apparently the officer had his orders, for it is here that the officer could have used his discretion and let Mr. Baer go, as long as he did not re-enter the meeting or otherwise cause problems for the school board.

Unless or until enough Americans rise up to the tyrannical methods used to quell dissent against child abuse at the hands of school authorities, Mr. Baer will be arraigned on June 17th, 2014 for charges of disorderly conduct. I spoke with Mr. Baer, who stated that he feels strongly about not just the book, but how he stood up to the school board to protect his daughter.

As an investigative journalist who thoroughly researched this set-up and a friend of Mr. Baer, I urge everyone to see through the fog of disinformation and to make your own voices of dissent heard on his behalf by demanding that the charges against him be dropped without prejudice.

I am absolutely certain that Billy Baer, attorney, father and American patriot, would do the same for all of us.

Make your voices heard: Gilford NH High School

Principal: Mr. Peter Sawyer (email – psawyer@sau73.org)
Assistant Principal: Mr. Anthony Sperazzo (email – asperazzo@sau73.org)

Video (Part one-Mr. Baer’s statement and subsequent arrest): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HC2LPu8wHQ&feature=youtu.be

Video (Part two – daughter speaking on behalf of her father following his arrest): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryVWfATBT9M&feature=youtu.be

Gilford School Board: http://www.sau73.org/school-board

Listen to Billy Baer discuss the events on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 –CLICK HERE


In a VERY real sense, a police state is forming all over America, from the smallest of states to the largest. Not to switch topics midstream, but isn’t it curious that a military apparatus appeared – seemingly out of nowhere – to cow Bundy and his supporters, not unlike in a fascist police state?

In other words, isn’t there an underlining strategy at work, a common denominator, meant to intimidate/threaten parents whose only “crime” is protecting their children, as well as those who assert their property rights and more?


Gun Control

EVERY U.S. citizen, whatever their ethnicity or social status (for that matter, every so-called democratic country must adhere to the same life-affirming standards), has a right to self defense. This is non-negotiable, at least in a much ballyhooed democratic society, whereby the protection of the Declaration of Independence affords the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In fact, how can a person stay alive, if one can’t LEGITIMATELY defend against those threatening their very existence? Bulls eye.

NOW, even though gun control has been a clear target of Demsters and their revolutionary backers for years, they have become emboldened under the reign of the Criminal-in-Chief. No hyperbole intended.

Let us count the ways:

Count One:

Not only isn’t the safety of America’s citizens a top priority for Obama’s goons, but they are radically bent on placing the greatest distance between the citizens and their Constitutional rights to defend themselves:Barack Hussein Obama’s Deconstruction Plans: Green-Wise Via The Economy, Disarming The Citizens Through Gun Control.Connecting The Revolutionary Dots.

Count Two:

Moreover, if anyone still believes that Obamacare is about affordable care, well, go back to sleep, you will need your rest:Obama’s March Towards Gun Control Runs Through ObamaCare: Its Definition of “Mentally Ill”.

Count Three:

And, isn’t it obvious that radical leftists are gunning for the Second AmendmentLeftists Go Postal Over Gun Control:Threatening To KILL Legal Gun Owners! Outrageous.

Count Four:

Yet still, who benefits from the grabbing of legal guns? EXPLOSIVE – “DHS Insider” Reveals Via Congressman Louie Gohmert Testifies: Disarming Americans (Gun Control) Empowers the Red/Green Alliance;Sharia Law Its Beneficiary!

Count Five:

Alas, the kiddies are the least of their concern, and don’t let Demsters opine otherwise:Gun Control Madness & Its After Shocks Directly Related To (Feigning Concern Over) Students.

Count Six:

And, who even remembers Fast & Furious, you know, the gun running operation via Mexico to shore up gun control, killing many innocents in its wake:Fast & Furious: Its Links To Gun Control Through (Obama & Surrogates) False Flag Operations.

Count Seven:

Most ominously, OBAMA’S NATIONAL GUARD PLACED BULLS EYES ON PATRIOTS:A PATH TO GUN CONTROL & WORSE! But let’s face facts, this is just the beginning of the firestorm ahead, one which is aimed straight at patriotic, Constitutional-leaning Americans!

Count Eight:

Stealthily, (previously) LAWFUL gun owners, from Connecticut and other states, are being put on notice:Maryland: 110,000 gun owners could soon face confiscation if new bill becomes law!

Hell no…

Within this anti-American environment, let’s segue over to the madness swirling overhead in NY (this blogger’s home state), and it’s par for their radical course.The left’s audaciousness on full display. Anti-American.

No Right To Self Defense In New York! Man Charged With Manslaughter For Shooting Back At Armed Intruder (Video)


New York’s attack on legal and lawful gun owners continues as a resident of a home catches a burglar entering his home, armed, shoots him in self defense after the burglar appears to fire a shot first, and the NY authorities are charging the legal resident of the home with manslaughter for protecting his home and family.

Despite the fact that the resident, Youssef Abdel-Gawad , has video footage of the attempted break in and subsequent events, the prosecutors have indicted him of manslaughter.

At the 30 second mark in the video below, the man breaking into the house clearly pulls out a gun before entering.  At the 31 second mark the gun is clearly seen firing.

Do we, as Americans, no longer have the right to protect our homes, our families from armed intruders? New York has been the leading state to attack the Second Amendment rights of it’s citizens and one has to wonder when those very citizens are going to say ENOUGH!

Readers, as a matter of legal record, contained within is the applicable Self-Defense Law in New York State:

Article 35
Defense of Justification

Such conduct is necessary as an emergency measure to avoid an imminent public or private injury which is about to occur by reason of a situation occasioned or developed through no fault of the actor, and which is of such gravity that, according to ordinary standards of intelligence and morality, the desirability and urgency of avoiding such injury clearly outweigh the desirability of avoiding the injury sought to be prevented by the statute defining the offense in issue. The necessity and justifiability of such conduct may not rest upon considerations pertaining only to the morality and advisability of the statute, either in its general application or with respect to its application to a particular class of cases arising there under….

Assuredly, if one cannot defend themselves (and family) against a CLEARLY defined armed robber, then what exactly are the self defense laws supposed to be utilized for?

MORE pointedly, how can one NOT see the insanity run amok, as to the infringement of basic rights, even when it comes to T-shirts, at least if one is a Conservative:New York high school student suspended for NRA pro-2nd Amendment T-shirt!

But never mind…mocking re Christian constructs starts at the top of Obama’s trash heap, as such, slandering every other true Conservative ethos unreservedly passes PC police muster. So, is the U.S. still the land of the free, the home of the brave, or a bastardized carcass thereof? Do consider:are America’s PC police in line with a Constitutional Republic, or a soon to be police state?

It’s your call. Your freedoms. Your liberties.