WARNING: Video contains images and content that some may find graphic or disturbing. 

NOTHING written within this site inflames the ire of certain readers (nor brings it more applause from an increasing global audience…thanks for that) like the hammer blows given to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Alas, from reading some of their invective hurled in this direction, one would think that this blogger is just being mean-spirited, with nary a reason to claim this and that. Oh really?

SO, Islamists and leftists, listen up. DO take the following evidence very seriously. There is no intention to let up. Besides, even Egypt has indicted Barack HUSSEIN Obama & Hill as conspirators to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia’s reign of terror!

Would these men be terrorists under Bachmann's Bill?

Would these men be terrorists under Rep Bachmann’s Bill?

STIPULATED, you know the world has turned upside its head when Egypt, hardly a bastion of free thinkers (let alone a hotbed of Jew-hatred), has recognized what’s what. A truly astonishing, earth-shaking and Orwellian event. NO exaggeration.

NOW, while it is more than efficacious, decidedly heartening too, to be proven correct in ones analysis, the fact of the matter is that being proven wrong – in this instance – would have been that much better! Say what? 

WELL, this blogger has been hammering home one consistent theme, among several others. Nail in the coffin….

Hammer Blow One:

BACK in the day, mid 2012, at the inception of this blog, Rep Bachmann was front and center. And this was not because of her general likability factor, but because she was (still is) spot on about the Brotherhood Mafia. Oh dear…lookee here…as she smacks down mobbed up Brotherhood Rep Ellison, and the ever so apologetic RINO, Sen McCain! 

Hammer Blow Two:

INDEED, aside from a paltry few others, she is the front-line defense against the infiltration and penetration of the Brotherhood Mafia on Capitol Hill. A hydra-like cancer. You go girl….

Their basis, justification for slaughter, Shariah law, must be excised. Simple as that.

Hammer Blow Three:

MOST significantly, those on Capitol Hill who still want to live free of the sword and the boot of Islam, they would do well to understand what is really taking place, and right under their noses. For if the following evidence is not convincing enough, well, little will make a dent:

YES, they have been exposed and the proofs are within. Their tentacles are burrowed DEEP inside Obama Inc and throughout major power centers. This is irrefutable. Defy anyone to counter this claim.

Hammer Blow Four:

AND how many know that they are nearing their goal, and that there are only 2 more “phases” to go, out of the 3 already accomplished? Shiver all Americans, the west in general, timbers. IF America falls…

ENTER, once again, 

Michele Bachmann Introducing Legislation To Label Muslim Brotherhood A Terrorist Organization

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), known for calling out Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the past and being rebuked by members of her own Party for doing so, will be introducing a bill to identify the group as a terrorist organization. Said Bachmann:

I’m working on legislation to do exactly that. I’ll be introducing the bill very shortly. The Muslim Brotherhood is a violent terrorist organization. Egypt wisely designated them an FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization), and the United States needs to do the same. The US needs to defund, sanction, do everything we can to delegitimize the Muslim Brotherhood.

Even if such a Bill were to pass in the House, it would never be brought to the floor of the Senate with Harry Reid as the majority leader. At that, there is no way Barack Obama would sign a bill that targets his allies

Nonetheless, for the U.S. to ultimately confront its Islamic enemies, the passage of such a bill is certainly one of the necessary steps that will have to be taken one day. This fact demonstrates how far the U.S. is from actually confronting those enemies. Moreover, for Bachmann’s bill to be an accurate predecessor of the bill that will actually have to pass one day, it must also include language that identifies all Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. as well (CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, MAS, MSA, etc. etc. etc.).

As Americans and their politicians are being dragged – kicking and screaming – to a reality they simply want to deny, if Bachmann’s bill is introduced, Congressmen will have the opportunity to be on the right (or wrong) side of history.

Any such should also call on all Muslim Brotherhood front groups to be stripped of their tax exempt status and banned. explored this matter in depth recently.

Just two years ago, Bachmann was one of five signatories to five letters sent to five separate Inspectors General. Each letter focused on the issue of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. One figure named became the face of the controversial letters – Huma Abedin. Only one elected member of Bachmann’s Party – Rep. Steve King (R-IA) – expressed support for the Bachmann five. The following Republicans sided with Abedin andrebuked Bachmann:

Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
Senator Scott Brown (R-MA)
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)
Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID)
Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY)
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI)

Former Bachmann campaign chief Ed Rollins was despicable in his criticism. At the time, he wrote the following about Bachmann:

As a member of Congress, with a seat on the House Intelligence Committee, Mrs. Bachmann you know better. Shame on you, Michele! You should stand on the floor of the House and apologize to Huma Abedin and to Secretary Clinton and to the millions of hard working,loyal, Muslim Americans for your wild and unsubstantiated charges. As a devoted Christian, you need to ask forgiveness for this grievous lack of judgment and reckless behavior.

Since Rollins penned those irresponsible words, Bachmann’s five letters have aged like a fine wine of accuracy and foresight. Muslim Brotherhood infiltration has become far more obvious. Yet, people like Rollins, McCain, Rogers, Boehner, et. al. remain silent on the matter.

Shame on THEM!

ASSUREDLY, without question, the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.  Concomitantly, the Islamist-in-Chief and Hillary (and the entire crew embedded in the White House) are guilty as charged. But it is a question as to whether or not Congress – through public pressure – will convict Barack HUSSEIN Obama for high crimes and misdemeanors, once the Muslim Brotherhood is properly designated. Consequently, Hill and the rest of the crew will fall like dominoes.
NEVERTHELESS, it is doubtful that the charged duo will step foot in Egypt, at least until the indictment wends through their legal system and pronounces their guilt or innocence. Prognosis: they shouldn’t hold out too much hope for a not guilty verdict!
BESIDES, from this site’s birds eye perch, suffice it to say that laying a toehold into Egyptian territory could serve as a death sentence for them. It’s been known to happen….

MOST edifying, how can it be that Egypt’s new President, General Al-Sisi, outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood, yet they are duly ensconced within America’s leadership? Well, “it be”!

AS always, Demsters and RINOS truly believe they will escape blow back, just as long as they back them in their Shariah law ambitions. Moreover, quite a few are in sync with their designs, and in bed with these same Islamic devils. This too has been proven. NOT a wise strategy.

INCONTROVERTIBLY, what they fail to internalize – and they will more than deserve their comeuppance, as they aid and abet said monstrous plans – is that they will be squashed, trampled like maggots, once the Muslim Brotherhood takes over the reins via the Shariah States of America!

IT remains to be seen what, if anything, the formal charges by Egypt’s courts against Obama & Hill will actually entail. Mind you, America is gripped by its own junta, the likes of which render them the most dangerous regime in the west.

STILL…Congress is obligated to lay down its own gauntlet!

Islamophobia - 4


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