News for Fort Hood shooter Lopez a convert to islam

[Note:every alternative site which links to the shooter’s conversion to Islam has gone poof…why??]

ANOTHER major act of jihad targeted the soldiers at Fort Hood – 5 years after Major Hassan, a “soldier for Allah” , perpetrated an Islamic terror attack – and mowed down its personnel. In no uncertain terms, said terrorist acts shine a spot light on intersecting and pernicious failures within the Pentagon. And since the Pentagon is subservient to the Commander-in-Chief, well, the buck stops at his derelict, anti-American door. Damn these leaders to hell. And back. 

In this regard, it is all too convenient to point to PTSD, albeit a serious disorder which effects countless others. This illness is commonly attributed to war veterans and high risk law enforcement personnel, but they are hardly the only grouping prone to said affliction. ANY serious stress factor, including drug and alcohol addiction, can trigger it.

Be that as it may, this site’s investigative contacts are affirming:Lopez was a convert to Islam. Yet, Washington and their captured media are attempting to keep a lid on the most relevant info to explain Islamic-inspired mass killings at U.S. army bases. How dare they.

MOST coincidentally, what should rational folks attribute to the FBI’s hunt for another ! jihadi recruit at the very same time as Lopez’s terror attack:FBI, military hunt ex-Army recruit suspected of plotting ‘Ft. Hood-inspired jihad’!

Coupled with the above, how insane, irrational and anti-American is it to designate any army base a GUN-FREE ZONE? Have Pentagon heads gone mad, or worse? You decide:OBAMA’s PENTAGON STOMPS ON ITS SOLDIERS/OFFICERS ALIKE: MUSLIM-AMERICAN SOLDIERS CODDLED.A NATION BETRAYED!

Like sitting ducks in a shooting gallery….


Master sergeant: ‘People shooting at us and we can’t return fire’

The unthinkable has happened at Fort Hood, Texas, the site of a 2009 terror massacre that killed 14, with another mass shooting leaving four dead and 14 people injured Wednesday at 4:25 p.m. CDT at the U.S. Army’s largest military installation.

The shooter, identified as 34-year-old Ivan Lopez, is among the dead. Lopez reportedly died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and had been wearing an Army combat uniform at the time of the attack. Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, III Corps commander at Fort Hood, said the shooter was a soldier who was under evaluation for post-traumatic stress disorder.

Six injured soldiers are being treated at Scott & White Memorial Hospital in Temple, a city about 20 minutes outside Fort Hood. According to hospital officials, the victims have a variety of injuries, including multiple gunshot wounds to the neck and abdomen.

The local newspaper, the Killeen Daily Herald, ran the following photo of a man named Spc. Ivan Lopez at Fort Hood in 2010. At the time, he was in the Warrior Transition Brigade, described as “command and control, primary care, and case management for warriors who have suffered injury or illness while serving as a member of the U.S. Army.”

The brigade’s website states, “We ensure the each Service Member receives the appropriate medical care and administrative processing that is needed to return to duty. Return to their units or their community and their Families in a timely manner and with respect.”

The FBI and ATF responded to the scene of the shooting. While it was happening, soldiers began jumping over fences to escape the attacker.

Fort Hood, a sprawling Army post next to Killeen, Texas, was under a shelter-in-place order most of the evening. Sirens sounded across the post, warning, “Close your windows! Seek shelter immediately!”

Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham, who spoke exclusively to WND as he was attempting to leave Fort Hood, expressed frustration at the military’s gun-free policy for soldiers.

He told WND, “What really bothers me is that the very people who are trained to take out armed attackers are left defenseless to do just that, which is to take out an armed attacker.”

Grisham, who also confirmed that he’s the founder and president of Open Carry Texas, tweeted earlier in the day, “This reminds me of Afghanistan: People shooting at us and we can’t return fire.”

He said, “As you may know, Fort Hood is a gun-free zone and soldiers are unable to defend themselves. Someone tell that to the shooter please.”

For several hours after the shooting, soldiers sat in traffic jams, stuck in their cars as they tried to leave through the crowded gates of the post.

President Obama issued a statement Wednesday evening saying, “Obviously we’re following it closely. The situation is fluid right now. But my national security team is in close contact with not just the Defense Department but the FBI. They are working with folks on the ground to determine exactly what happened to make sure that everybody is secure. And I want to just assure all of us that we’re going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened.

“Any shooting is troubling. Obviously this reopens the pain of what happened at Fort Hood five years ago. … We’re heartbroken that something like this might have happened again. … The folks there have sacrificed so much on behalf of our freedom. Many of the people there have been on multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They serve with valor; they serve with distinction. And when they’re at their home base they need to feel safe. We don’t yet know what happened tonight, but obviously that sense of safety has been broken once again. And we’re going to have to find out exactly what happened.”

Washington Examiner writer Charlie Spiering tweeted, “After addressing Fort Hood shooting, Obama is going to another Chicago fundraiser – abt 55 supporters in attendance, contributing up to $10k.”

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel called the event a “terrible tragedy.”

Just 24 hours prior to the shooting, Fox News had reported, “The FBI is searching for a recent Army recruit believed to be planning a ‘Fort Hood-inspired jihad against U.S. soldiers.’” It’s still unclear whether that threat is related to the Wednesday attack.

In 2009, Army psychiatrist and Islamist Maj. Nidal Hasan, who called himself a “mujahedeen,” or holy warrior, shot 43 people. The Obama administration labeled it “workplace violence,” not terrorism. Hasan was convicted and received the death penalty in August 2013.

Authorities have already concluded, as they did in the Hasan massacre, that the April 2 attack is not related to terrorism.

On Nov. 5, 2009, Hasan shouted “Allahu akbar!” (“Allah is greater!”) and brutally murdered 14 people (including an unborn baby) and injured 29 others at Fort Hood. Hasan described himself as a soldier who “switched sides,” claiming he was acting to protect Islamic insurgents from American aggression.

Hasan had been on federal officials’ radar screen for at least six months prior to the shooting over postings he made on the Internet. He likened a suicide bomber who kills women and children to a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to give his life in a “noble cause.”

Intelligence officials also intercepted at least 18 emails between Hasan and the radical American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. Hasan told al-Awlaki in one of the emails, “I can’t wait to join you” in paradise. He also asked al-Awlaki whether it was appropriate to kill innocents in a suicide attack, when jihad was acceptable and how to transfer funds without attracting government notice.

As WND reported, nearly four years after Hasan’s brutal attack, he received free helicopter rides from the local jail nearly every day, lived in a private room built to accommodate his medical needs, wore a beard against Army regulations, traveled with his own security detail, had received numerous trial delays and collected a full salary of about $80,000 a year – all while many of his victims said they’ve been forgotten.

IN the same lying manner in which Major Hasan’s Islamic jihadi spree was attributed to “workplace violence”, so too was Washington’s Naval Yard MASSACRE (Spt. 2013) swept under Obama Inc.’s carpet…nothing to see…moving right along.

In the main, the latest Islamic terror attack will be attributed to everything BUT jihad, and his Hispanic surname will be their “proof”. Now, who doesn’t know that the family lineage, the color of one’s skin, has NOTHING to do with who is a Muslim or not. Leftist fascists and their Islamist cohorts – that’s who. But never mind. The fact of the matter is that it is a mendacious lie to claim that one is a “racist” if one links jihad to Muslims/Islam. 

How so? Race doesn’t even enter the equation, unless one prefers to hide behind leftist and Islamic bugaboos. The red and green alliance.

Dear readers, just tell the truth, raise your voices and proclaim:anyone who follows Islam has NO business in the U.S. army. Period. Why? Because those who do follow Islam are mandated to wage jihad against the infidel; the Great Satan. One way or another, they are incapable of pledging allegiance to the United States of America. Simple as that. For real proof: Ask the Expert with Paul “Dave” Gaubatz – Islamic-Based Sleeper Cells in the U.S. and Israel and the Prevention of More Islamic-Based Terrorist Attacks

Trust your “lying eyes”




  1. Thanks Adina! I was wondering about that. Haven’t seen anything in the mainstream media about that, sounds like they are all desperately trying to cover it up.

  2. Please urge your Senators and your Reps. to cosponsor this bill:
    H.R.3199 – Safe Military Bases Act – Bill allows guns on military base

    (VCY America) Fort Hood Shooting: Why Is An Army Base So Vulnerable?
    Larry Pratt is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America.

    In yet another Fort Hood incident, 3 people were recently killed and 16 were wounded before Ivan Lopez turned the gun on himself and took his own life.

    Why did this happen a second time? Weren’t steps taken to prevent this from happening again? After all, isn’t an Army base one of the more secure locations one could be at? Larry noted that nothing meaningful was done although they may have had seminars and/or sensitivity training.

    He also noted that what gun control advocates need to remember is that of all the mass murders in America, all have occurred in gun-free zones. Since the Clinton presidency it’s been a choice for the base commander and since the first President Bush was in office, gun-free military bases have been an executive order applied to all military installations. So if there’s a shooting, those at the base must wait for the police to arrive and hope that no one dies in the meantime.

    On September 26th of last year, Congressman Steve Stockman of Texas introduced H.R.3199. This is a piece of legislation that would safeguard military and civilian personnel on military bases by repealing the ban on military personnel carrying firearms. The problem is, there are only 12 co-sponsors who’ve signed on to this legislation.

    More Information
    – Poll: 88 percent believe soldiers should be allowed to carry guns on military bases. http://libertyunyielding.com/2014/04/04/poll-88-percent-believe-soldiers-allowed-carry-guns-military-bases/#6v2kh8BFUkgj2fiT.99

  3. Whether or not Lopez was a convert to Islam is extremely important. The one report I did see which claimed he was a convert, was on Bare Naked Islam. When asked for a source the reply was, “I heard it somewhere”. We cannot afford to lose credibility by making claims we cannot substantiate or we risk having people tune us out when we talk about the very real threat of Islamic jihad, subversion and infiltration of our nations and organizational principles.

    Having soldiers come back from battle, especially where the rules of engagement are so obscene as they are in Iraq and Afghanistan, and where the population is as savage and primitive and hate-fueled, and then attack their own is quite common. This used to be covered up but since jihad came to America now each incident gets reported. Remember the two soldiers shot by a muslim convert at a recruiting center a few years ago? That was jihad as was Maj. Hasan. This one needs evidence. Was their a cover up? Very possibly. But the Federal government is too incompetent to cover up something large for long fortunately. (The exploding islamic center in Minneapolis not withstanding so far)

    All this to say, it is important to get this right. I would like to see any kind of decent evidence of his conversion to Islam. Relatives, his wife or parents, friends, photos of him at mosque or something. Please lets get this right.

    • Let’s put it this way: the main media will NOT touch this with a ten foot pole. This is a fact. And those (more than one trusted contact) who told me about this from the get go, well, they amass info that others can’t.
      Now, if said individuals want to be able to continue what they do – dig for the truth – there are more reasons for them to stay out of the limelight than not.
      Sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, it would be much better for me if I could state their names. I can’t. Regardless, this was an act of jihad, all the PTSD talk beside the point. Significantly, even if this info goes mainstream, it won’t matter a whit. When the powers that be have another agenda, other than protecting the homeland, the fact that he was a convert to Islam will only be more proof that Islam is incompatible with America. And this we already know!



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