HUSSEIN Obama Outed:Susan Rice Spills Iranian Beans.Iran IS U.S.’s (Mid East) “BFF”! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

EVER since HUSSEIN Obama catapulted to the leadership of the free world, folks of average intelligence realized that America and Israel – and by extension the civilized world – were headed towards a high stakes roller coaster ride. Earth shaking.

AND those of us who understood that “hope and change” meant a rocket-like boost to Islam (in tandem, a sea change in America’s leaning towards a Marxist/communist /Islamist infused nationknew it would result in America’s sell-out to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia alike, a key intersection of the red/green alliance.

AS always, well, instead of gratitude for said insight, this bearer of bad news was mocked, marginalized AND threatened by this and that Islamist attack dog. Oh, dear…even certain family members and friends (who shall remain nameless) got in on the unseemly mocking. But being a generous sort, apologies will be accepted, though only from a few. Still waiting…

EVEN so, before this investigative journalist repeats, yet again, for a million plus readers (and F/B/O the above tsk tskers) that said prognosis was more than on target, a recap is efficacious. The following are snippets from an all-encompassing look back.

Look Back One:

IN the run-up to the 2012 election (a few months into this site’s inception), several siren calls wailed from these pages: Revealed:The Second-Term Plans of An Obama Presidency, Nothing Short of A National Nightmare! Hardly an overstatement. Ya think?

Look Back Two:

IN tandem with the American nightmare, rest assured, this investigative journalist was (as always) equally fixated on the Israeli equation, re the prospect of HUSSEIN Obama capturing a second term. Thus, a number of warnings were emitted, knowing full well that his visceral hatred towards Israel would be unrestrained, unleashed and unchained: Obama’s Second-Term Plans For Israel If Re-elected: Going For Broke! Predicted.

NOT only that, a special clarion call went out to American Jews, those who reflexively can’t help themselves from voting for Demsters, despite demonstrable voting records displaying animus towards America and Israel. Ideologically, said leftist Jews are blind as bats…wedded to leftist dogma. Tragically, what will it take for American Jews to internalize what HUSSEIN Obama has in store for Israel and America? Rhetorical.

ALAS, as far back as 2008, the Islamist-in-Chief’s ideological background was proven to be a danger to America and Israel. Yet, said dire outcome was re-emphasized back in mid 2014, incontrovertibly it was demonstrated: HUSSEIN Obama is Israel’s enemy (by extrapolation, America’s too) and Islam’s best friend.

REPEATEDLY, ad nauseum…ad infinitum…this site has warned: Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a clear and present danger, not only to America and Israel but to western civilization. That’s a mouthful.

AGREED, in general, such a sweeping statement sounds so over the top it is easy to dismiss it as hyperbole. Crazy-talk. Alas, have no fear, this blogger remains in good company. A stalwart American patriot, ex Rep. Colonel Allen West, has publicly stated the same thesis.

On Wednesday, former GOP Rep. Allen West minced no words,calling Barack Obamaan “Islamist” whose administration is “working counter to the security of the United States of America.” And, he added, “all” of the evidence points to that conclusion.

According to West, that is the only way one can rationalize Obama’s actions regarding foreign policy, especially on matters pertaining to the Middle East. He cited six specific examples:

  1. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
  2. Providing weapons of support to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Egyptian government — F-16s and M1A1 Abrams tanks — but not to the Egyptian government after the Islamist group has been removed.
  3. Negotiations with Qatar and Turkey, two Islamist-supporting countries.
  4. Negotiations with Hamas, a terrorist group.
  5. Returning sanction money, to the tune of billions of dollars, back to the theocratic regime led by Iran’s ayatollahs and allowing them to march on towards nuclear capability.
  6. Obama’s evident support of Islamists in Libya.

How much clearer does it need to be, other than threatening to shoot down Israeli fighter jets, if Israel dares to attack Iran’s WMD sites?  

TO wit, lo and behold, Susan Rice, yes, THAT Susan Rice…liar, liar…pants on fire…(who shilled for her boss after Benghazigate exploded, in her capacity as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations) is now HUSSEIN Obama’s National Security Advisor and she is doing more of the same – shilling, spilling beans and what not! 

liar liar pants on fire photo:  pantsonfire_zpsd711f903.gif

“Washington, D.C. – Susan Rice, the US National Security Advisor, sharply criticized the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Congress next week as “destructive,” just the latest shot in a back-and-forth between the White House and Netanyahu.

“Rice said Tuesday that Netanyahu’s decision to accept a unilateral invitation from House Speaker John Boehner behind President Barack Obama and his administration’s backs injected politics and “a degree of partisanship” into the US-Israeli relationship.

Netanyahu will address Congress next week where he is expected to sound the alarm over Iran and negotiations underway in Geneva.

““What has happened over the last several weeks, by virtue of the invitation that was issued by the Speaker, the acceptance of it by Prime Minister Netanyahu on two weeks in advance of this election, is that on both sides there has now been injected a degree of partisanship which is not only unfortunate but it’s destructive of the fabric of the relationship,” Rice said Tuesday in an interview on PBS.

“Rice added that the relationship between Israel and the US “has always been bipartisan.” Administration officials and American diplomats were fuming after Boehner announced that Netanyahu would address Congress about Iran. Obama asked Netanyahu over the phone just about a week before to give him some space on negotiations with Iran and not lobby against his position and Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer met with Secretary of State John Kerry just a day before without mentioning plans for the address.

“Some Democratic lawmakers, including Sen. Patrick Leahy, plan to skip out on Netanyahu’s address because of the snub and because Netanyahu will be directly opposing Obama’s diplomatic efforts on Iran. And Israeli leaders, including former President Shimon Peres, have criticized Netanyahu’s visit as damaging to the relationship with the United States.

Speaking exclusively to Newslo, National Security Advisor Rice said “mutual understanding is crucial in these types of situations.”
“I’ve already said that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s secretive address is very damaging to the relationship between our two countries, but we are prepared to exert a certain level of understanding, and even forgiveness. On the other hand, the same is expected from him – he needs to understand that, although the relationship between the US and Israel has been traditionally prosperous, the US will still need to support its best friend in the Middle East, which at this point in time happens to be Iran. It’s sort of like a threesome – the wife should not get angry at her husband for focusing on the other girl; after all, the wife is the reason the other girl is there.”

BASICALLY, does anyone truly believe that the following bitch slap to Israel’s PM happened in a vacuum, so much so that it became mandatory to marshal and amass huge resources to keep HUSSEIN Obama from destroying the Jewish homeland?

RESULTANT, this investigative journalist is working non-stop (through several highly placed channels) to raise all the requisite alarm bells. Nappy time…gonna have to wait…

ALONG this continuum, a chief perch can be found at Israel’s Voicea 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Yes, its megaphone – via a seat on the Board of Directors – affords various intersecting entry points.

THE following is a sampling of our (with major assists from Defenders of Liberty MC, etc.) clarion call. Please do your part and join our western struggle!!

Israel’s Voice and Voice of the Copts have partnered together, sending a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to support and stress the urgency of his upcoming March 3 address to a Joint Session of Congress.….(read the whole thing)

IN this regard, even S. Africa’s intelligence agency is raising the roof:

Reports sent from Israel’s Mossad and Britain’s MI6 detail how Iran is using local businesses to hide its acquisition of materials necessary for developing nuclear weapons capability.

South African intelligence also collected reports on local Iranian agents, and suspects members of the diplomatic corps, journalists and members of the Iranian business community in Africa of operating as agents of the Islamic Republic. The South African report even notes that many Persian rug stores have been used as covers for secret intelligence activities by the Iranian government.

The report discusses one incident in which one agent who was under the influence of alcohol admitted that he was a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, and that he used his rug store as a “meeting place with Iranians, including the country’s diplomatic staff in South Africa.”

One 2010 document shows that Iranian intelligence had been using various other civilian covers, including an Iranian news agency, the country’s national airline, its shipping services, and much more.

Among other things, these Iranian spies were making contact with citizens of the country considered to be extremists, and who maintained ties with Hezbollah and Hamas cells in certain target countries, or who recruited people to join them.

One of the more troubling details was the shipment of arms to Iranian embassies, “both the Ministry of Intelligence and the revolutionary committees have used diplomatic tags in order to send weapons to Iranian embassies overseas,” the report said. These weapons are “then stored in the embassies, with full knowledge of the local ambassadors.”

The next step, according to the intelligence report, was to train terrorist cells in various missions against specific targets, which are usually “Israeli or American.” By using local terrorist cells, South African intelligence noted, the Iranians can claim that they are not involved in the subsequent incidents….

MOREOVER, from day one, how could anyone think it would turn out differently  with the Traitor-in-Chief at the helm, especially with countless mega alarm bells blaring to the highest decibel imaginable?

THUS, the heretofore super power of the world, the global destination for freedom-seeking people, has declared that the world’s largest sponsor of worldwide terror is now its best friend in the Middle East, its “BFF”!


{re-blogged at Israel’s voice}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}