Multiculturalism And Islamofascism Marches On While Non-Muslims Are Slaughtered On The Altar Of Diversity. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


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IT is manifestly clear – at least to those who are not blinded by the left’s idée fixe that multiculturalism is the only way forward – that a seismic shift in the “balance of power” between western nations and 7th century steeped third world Islamic-infused barbarians is on the march.

IN this regard, civilized westerners should be able to depend upon their so-called enlightened leaders to beat back (militarily, politically, and ideologically) against the aforementioned barbarians hands down. Not so fast.

ALAS, it is due to many mitigating factors that the west is in the throes of a precipitous decline; a life and death struggle. However, certain fault-lines should be considered primary thrusts. To wit, hot on the heels of this site’s most recent commentary, “Cultural Suicide Facilitated Civilization Jihad: The Clash Of Civilizations And The Death Of The West. Is It Too Late?”, it is hardly incidental that a colleague – who happens to be an Editor in Chief and political commentator – wrote the following piece. 

CONCLUSIVELY, his analysis is both stark and indicting.

Multiculturalism And Islamofascism Marches On While Non-Muslims Are Slaughtered On The Altar Of Diversity
Recently, I strayed across a video clip from a segment of Bill Maher’s show that I watched because the topic was Islam, and Maher is probably the only Liberal willing to tell the truth about the alleged “Religion of Peace.” I now realize that the human race is in even more trouble than I originally believed after I heard a Canadian woman with a voice so annoying I clicked on the closed captions for the deaf and muted her to suppress the waves of nausea her voice induced.
I shook my head in utter horror at the incredible nonsense this madwoman was pouring out to mindlessly defend Islam as Bill Maher and his other guests provided irrefutable evidence that between 250 million to 300 million Muslims are on the side of ISIS and believe that it is acceptable to kill an infidel. What this “queen of diversity” doesn’t want anyone to say is that there are more Muslims who would like the entire human race to be either Muslim or dead than the total number of soldiers in the combined armies of the entire Non-Muslim world many times over. She is incapable of even comprehending that the other three people in the conversation might have something to say that she should at least consider. Her childish behavior was the politically correct version of sticking a finger in each ear and screaming, “NA NA NA NA” at the top of her lungs in order not to hear something that may save her life one day.
What she does say in typical Progressive code is anyone who criticizes Islam and refuses to renounce their own culture and national identity in favor of the imaginary “Global Village” is provoking peaceful Muslims into leaving Islam to become mass murderers. As usual, the Allahu Akbar shouting butchers who behead three-month old Jewish babies in their cribs after slaughtering their family are not Muslims, according to our multiculti princess. They are common criminals who were forced to kill because we hate Muslims. She can’t even comprehend what Bill Mahar means as he tells her over and over that no one hates Muslims. The issue is the dogma and teachings of Islam and the demand to permit Sharia law in Muslim communities in secular nations. We are being asked to reject our culture and values in favor of the culture, values and religious beliefs of the people who want to come to live among us as equals. While we should treat all immigrants as equals, asking us to reject our identity and be accepting of theirs is no different from blaming the badly beaten victim of a home invasion for not having better locks on the door.
We are reminded that there are 1.2 billion Muslims, as if that means their lack of concern as the main culprits in the suicidal overpopulation of the planet somehow makes Islam even more special and valid. This comment then segues into reminding us that only a “small percentage” of Muslims support “radical” Islam, another made up word that is used to excuse the vile hatred of non-Muslims found in the Qur’an, the Hadith, and Islamic Law.
In reality, the “small percentage,” according to repeated polls conducted in several important Muslim majority nations amounts to 250 million to 300 million Muslims willing to impose Islam by force and kill anyone who refuses to convert or pay the Jizya to live as virtual slaves in an Islamic Theocracy called the Caliphate. These so-called “radical” extremists outnumber the total combined  military forces of the entire non-Muslim world ten to one, and they are not ordered by their leaders to consult a military lawyer before they return fire as the battle commences. People with her delusional belief in “diversity” have crippled the American military to the point of uselessness by insisting on rules of engagement that guarantee our troops die and the enemy wins or is able to fight for decades.
Either you crush the enemy as quickly and completely as possible or you don’t even bother to fight. While no one wants to see our soldiers deliberately killing civilians, we must remember that in WWII 19,000 civilians died every single day for six years. Now, we are fighting an enemy who deliberately opens fire from inside the homes of their own civilians. If one alleged non-combatant dies during an engagement or battle with an enemy deliberately embedded in the civilian population, the accusations against American (and Israeli) soldiers committing “war crimes” are shouted from the headlines of every mainstream paper and news website on the planet.
The refusal to confront and crush an enemy that has openly and repeatedly declared war on the entire non-Muslim world is so out of hand that Secretary of State John Kerry made a speech warning the Nigerian government not to violate the human rights of Boko Haram terrorists who have told the 85 million Nigerian Christians they will continue to kill Christians until they either convert to Islam or flee Nigeria with nothing but the clothes they are wearing.
Obama refused to give any weapons or even provide intelligence reports to help Nigeria stop Boko Haram while their Christian head of state, Goodluck Jonathan, begged for help.Nigerian schools and churches were blown up along with dozens of Christians and Boko Haram wiped out an entire town killing more than 1000 civilians. Hillary Clinton blocked the State Department from putting Boko Haram on the official list of terrorist groups for more than two years when she was Secretary of State under Obama. Had she not blocked a very legitimate policy, Nigeria would have been able to receive enough technology, intelligence sharing, and weapons to wage an effective war against an army of Islamic supremacist butchers.
The purpose behind Obama’s and Clinton’s treatment of the nation of Nigeria and the betrayal of a Nigerian leader who loved America, and spent part of his life living here, was revealed when the Nigerian national elections approached in 2014. Obama Administration officials put the word out to the media that the Muslim General running against the incumbent was the best choice because of Goodluck Jonathan’s failure to stop Boko Haram. Obama set up the man to fail. He refused to help him as hundreds of Christian teenagers were kidnapped and sold into sex slavery by Boko Haram, hundreds of Nigerian college students were slaughtered in their beds for receiving a secular education instead of studying the Qur’an, and entire communities were annihilated.
Obama’s minions put the word out that Goodluck Jonathan was the reason for the failure to stop Boko Haram. The first Christian President of Nigeria was replaced by another Muslim General with a history of aggression toward Nigerian Christians because imposing Obama’s world view, which is based on shamelessly pandering to Islam just like the Canadian woman did on HBO with Bill Mahar, is more important to him than the lives on 82 million Nigerian Christians and the national identity of the American people, who wish to live in a secular Constitutional Republic.
The Liberal and Progressive refusal to accept reality is truly a severe new form of mental illness that will eventually cost millions of innocent non-Muslims their lives. If and when a clash of civilizations begins, the woman who nauseated Bill Mahar will still be calling us Islamophobes while an Islamist saws off her head. To allow people with her worldview to participate in the governance of a non-Muslim nation is treasonous stupidity, as was electing Obama twice, and anyone who defends her or Obama’s worldview is just as crazy and dangerous as they are.  Of course, people who can think for themselves know that when the SHTF, the useful idiots are always the first to be disposed of by the very people they so blindly defended.
One final point that is never raised is the fact that almost all the heroin killing and crippling millions of American civilians is coming from Afghanistan, yet both Bush and Obama refused to destroy the opium crops that are the raw material for 90 percent of the world’s heroin. Afghani warlords affiliated with an alphabet soup of Islamic terror groups have total control over the poppy crop., The same warlords, who previously supported the Taliban and al Qaeda while spilling rivers of blood, are allowed to grow their poppies and produce their opium in exchange for ending their active support for the various Islamofascists who tore Afghanistan to shreds while receiving financial and military support from Pakistan’s ISI.
Our so-called leaders remain silent as America is flooded with heroin. We could destroy all the poppy fields in Afghanistan in a few days if our military was allowed to do their job, but instead, 40,000 Americans died of heroin overdoses last year, while the poppies bloomed and the raw opium was harvested. Afghani opium provides the Islamists and their terror networks with two billion dollars a year to finance their war on the non-Muslim world, and Obama won’t give the order to bomb the poppy fields into oblivion. Obama is as responsible for their deaths as are the Islamic Warlords who are laughing all the way to the bank.
Bottom line, folks. Multiculturalism? OH, hell no!