Rape-Jihad, A Catalyst For Civil War In Europe. Racial Terrorists In US Tap Into Jihadists For Domestic War:The Intersections. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS always, Europe’s wildfires, its knock-on effects, continuously ripple toward America. Said fires are generally lit via the continent’s close proximity to Middle Eastern cesspools. North Africa’s alike. And once a tipping point emerges, its cast-offs stir up whatever undercurrents are already roiling inside the US homeland.

MIND you, without decades of suicidal immigration/”refugee” policies (initiated via the Muslim dominated UN, yet, more than readily accepted by America’s globalist linked leaders), the jihadi element wouldn’t be a major factor. Not only that, major world events don’t just drop out of the blue sky, as if by magic or dumb luck. Rather, the ground is carefully prepped for their eventual and inevitable arrival. Yes, capable (even those who straddle the middle tier) students of geo-politics understand how to read the signs – at least they should be able to!

AND if one exhibit stands out above all the rest, look no further than to HUSSEIN Obama’s purposeful upending of the Mid East order – such that it was – when he took over the People’s House.

COMMENCING with his apology tour (June 2009) in Cairo, he set the stage for the Arab world’s most populous nation, Egypt, to oust Mubarak. This interference was facilitated in order to hand the reins to the Brotherhood Mafia. Ahh….Obama Inc.’s pre-set “Arab Spring” lit the region on fire.

MORE specifically, a straight-line – albeit, crooked in intent – can be drawn from HUSSEIN Obama’s machinations in Egypt (January 2011) to his illegal thrust to war in Libya (March 2011), which ultimately led to Benghazigate in Sept. 2012. Readers, are you sensing a pattern?? And this is just the tip. Machiavellian.

IN light of the above, this site has repeatedly focused on the Islamic mandated hijrah, migration for Allah, that which was an intended outgrowth from the wildfires cited above. Its subtext, as well as its cause and effect. Resultant, Europe is on fire via various trigger-points.

WHICH leads us to the impending civil war in Europe, and its inextricable linkage to Islamic barbarians swelling inside its gates. And aside from their takeover of many cities, turning them into “NO GO” zones, American enclaves are now overrun by Islamic style Shariah Law dictates, on the verge of becoming “NO-GO” zones too! Believe it – or not.

ADDING insult to grave injury, one of the main knock-on effects is: rape-jihad! Its effects are endemic within Europe and on the verge of becoming so in America. Again, believe it – or not.

THUS, is it at all unexpected that heads of security agencies throughout Europe are coming to the same conclusion as the French: migrant sex assaults could trigger a civil war! Ya’ think??

The head of French police recently warned that the country is on the verge of a “civil war” that could be triggered by another mass sexual assault of women by migrants like the one that occurred in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

Patrick Calvar, who is the head of the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI), told members of a French parliamentary commission, ” “We are on the brink of civil war.”

Calvar said that the situation in France is so potentially explosive that one more major Islamist terror attack or mass migrant sexual assault could lead to a massive right-wing backlash.

“This confrontation I think it will take place. Even one or two attacks and it will happen. It therefore behooves us to anticipate and block all these groups,” said Calvar.

Hundreds of German women were sexually abused during a series of attacks in Cologne on December 31st, a situation that eyewitnesses described as being akin to a war zone.

Most of the culprits, who were largely comprised of Arab and North African asylum seekers and immigrants, were never charged for the outrage. Two men who were part of the mass frenzy of sexual assaults recently received suspended sentences. Pictures show them cheering and celebrating outside court.

Other mass sexual assaults committed by migrants have also taken place throughout Europe over the past year.

Calvar’s warning has been echoed by numerous other prominent police, army and security experts throughout Europe.

Back in May, Former MI6 head Richard Dearlove cautioned that Europe faces a “populist uprising” if its governments fail to take control of the migrant crisis.

Top security experts in Germany told Chancellor Angela Merkel last October that the middle class was becoming “radicalized” as a result of her open borders migrant policy and that domestic disorder could ensue as a result.

French security forces are also preparing for mass civil unrest and radicalized immigrants taking over entire neighborhoods, according to intelligence sources.

Last year, Swiss army chief André Blattmann warned that the risk of social unrest in Europe was intensifying and that citizens should arm themselves.

Danish Professor Helmuth Nyborg also commented in April that “civil war” was the most likely outcome of current EU immigration policies.

NOW, on this end, a civil war in Europe is the only answer to said onslaught, regardless of any input from official agencies. Yes, it is a people’s revolution, one which mandates freeing themselves from the grasp of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists! Not a moment to lose.

WHICH brings us to the racial fires in America, purposefully alight to bring down the nation. Yes, the 1960’s/1970’s plot to bring down America is currently playing out, in epic color, before the horrified eyes of millions of patriotic citizens.

BRINGING DOWN AMERICA is a gripping tale of plots and subplots, each one aimed at “the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie [and] the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jeff Jones exhorted in their 1974 manifesto, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism”….continue reading….

OMINOUSLY, in tandem, Black Lives Matter terrorists (with the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam’s revolutionary arms) are completely enmeshed with Islamic terror groups, thus, acting as a force multiplier.

Before long, Black Lies Matter will join forces with ISIS to being down our legal constituted republic. You heard it first here.

CONCLUSIVELY, prudent Americans should be carefully watching, transfixed, for the signs of each impending Islamic explosion inside Europe. In turn, it will enable patriots to internalize what’s in store for the nation – aside from what has already taken place – in respect to Allah-inspired wildfires inside America. More than a precursor.

AS to an actual racially-charged civil war, well, its been in process for a few years. Still yet, its soon-to-be explosions will pale in comparison to the racial fires during the 1960’s – all credit to the Race-Baiter-In-Chief and his major surrogates!

ONE terror group….

PLUS another….

INCONTESTABLY, America is in for a mega sh-t storm!!

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

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