The “Divided United States” Pits Islamists + Marxists Versus Patriots: The Upcoming Civil War! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS readers of this site are duly aware, certain constants stand steadfast. In the main, there is zero tolerance for PC bull-crap, that which lends to an unwillingness to pussyfoot around, come what may. In other words, above all else, yours truly is beholden to no one, even though grateful for this and that access to a high-level network of experts, some of whom are sources and the like. Resultant, it goes without saying that particular associates require full anonymity, emphasis placed. Regardless, the end-product of all efforts rests solely herein.

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THAT being firmly established, only fools or knaves can’t smell the coming wildfires in the (American) air, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the first Civil War. No exaggeration. In fact, stoking its flames has become an official “sport”, and with Obama Inc. in the forefront with mega buck Soros aligned surrogates.

The Obama administration’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has made an impassioned video plea for more marching, blood and death on the streets – a video that was later posted on the Facebook page of Senate Democrats as “words of inspiration.”

The video is less than a minute long and begins by stating that people are experiencing “great fear and uncertainty,” with the unstated implication it is due to Donald Trump’s takeover of the White House.

Without offering any specifics, Lynch goes on to say that “our rights” are “being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back.”

But the strongest words come in a statement that seems to suggest the answer is street action that will inevitably turn bloody and deadly.

“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

“Subversion, Inc.” outs the radical thugs who’ve always been part of the Obama apparatus.

Lynch, who is scheduled to receive the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal of Law from the University of Virginia, goes on to say: “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

Lynch succeeded Eric Holder as Barack Obama’s attorney general in 2014.

Lynch is most well-remembered for her famous private meeting with Bill Clinton, her former boss, on her airplane while a federal investigation into his wife, Hillary Clinton, and the private email server she maintained as secretary of state was under way. Obama stood behind her when the news leaked out about the secret meeting on her plane sitting on the tarmac of Phoenix airport.

Lynch said her conversation with Bill Clinton did not touch on the FBI’s investigation into his wife’s private email setup at State.

Lesser known about Lynch’s history is that she was the prosecutor assigned to the biggest bank scandal in history – the probe of HSBC’s involvement in money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels lodged in 2012 and a scandal revealed first in WND, long before she was nominated for the post of attorney general.

While large fines were levied against the biggest bank in the world, no officials were charged or prosecuted by Lynch. While the subject was raised in Senate confirmation hearings, 10 Republicans approved her nomination — Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell.

When WND revealed the evidence provided by a whistleblower inside the giant global bank, HSBC used its immense power to persuade bandwidth providers to take WND offline – a situation that was remediated within hours.

MIND you, it is not lost on this investigative journalist just how dangerously effective the tactic of doublespeak is for stoking the flames, as L O R E T T A understands full well. Yes, in true Alinsky style, she dares to compare her “call to action” to “democratic” directives supported by the Founding Fathers! Beyond the pale. Moreover, as if enough mayhem isn’t already roiling the streets (prior to the former AG’s commands to leftist/Islamist shock troops ala future chaos and murder, albeit, if “necessary”), Obama Inc.’s orders have more than left the (revolutionary) station.

THUS, it hardly takes a rocket scientist to figure out what’s what and who’s who in prepping the upcoming ground for civil war, be it next year or several down the line. Not only that, what took place during the out-sized wildfires in the 1960’s/70’s will be looked-back upon as child’s play, when compared to what lies in wait. Guaranteed.

IN this regard, listen up to the following prescient words of wisdom – a full-throttle clarion call – from one in the counter-terror and counterintelligence know; having spent years within this dual-based arena – stateside, as well as from deep inside the belly of the Islamic beast, the fiery Middle East!

Pending Civil War in America
March 4, 2017
I have written about this issue a few times and believe we are now closer to this happening in America between the liberal nation of America and the conservative nation. There is a smell in the air that our beautiful country is about to erupt. No longer do liberals and conservatives march on and work with one another.
Obama set us on this course and it is my belief he did it intentionally to advance the Islamic ideology throughout the world. It is no secret he was pro-Islam to the millionth degree. A little story from behind the scenes. So much is going on about whether the Republican aides had contact with Russia. Now when Obama was running for President he had meetings with terrorists like Bill Ayers. In 2008 my team had infiltrated the Muslim Brotherhood known as CAIR. I had several people working from inside CAIR. Guess who showed up at CAIR before Obama was elected in 2008. You guessed it, it was Obama’s entourage. They were working with the Muslim Brotherhood leaders. Why no investigation? You guess why.
There is so much hate in the air between liberals and Muslims against the American patriots (conservatives). The liberals are like a pack of rabid wolves. This type of toxic atmosphere can not last forever. It is my analysis that war (physical) will erupt in America before ten years go by. The Islamic leaders are pushing this agenda and have been doing so for decades.
The vast majority of colleges are liberal and the professors are brainwashing our children. The liberal children have become zombies with hate in their eyes and actions. It reminds me of the years I spent in South Korea. The students were protesting more than they were in school. They were violent.
Now the most important question. What can we do? America is like a car on inches of thick solid ice. We are cruising at 100 miles per hour and out of control. We have crossed the line of no return. There will be a war in America and there is absolutely nothing that can be done at this point except to prepare for it.
I encourage all families to begin preparing for a long battle. Have at least a years supply of food and water stored. Keep your 2nd Amendment rights alive. You do not want to wake up one day when hell breaks out and have to tell your children or grandchildren that there is no food. Then you look out your window and savage people are coming to your door to steal what you have and willing to kill for it. A kitchen knife is just not going to do it. Prepare now or your children will suffer. 
MOST significantly, if any rational American still believes that Islamists + Marxists are not inextricably aligned (and for many decades too) in bringing down “Amerika”, well, it’s your funeral(s). Indeed, the evidence is overwhelming, as to their collusive nexus, regardless of all attempts to decouple their ties.


BUT if anything of late smacks of the above truth-telling, look no further than here for additional confirmation:

WHAT is TOTALLY rendered an omertà – akin to the plague – is the continuous part played by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, not only in their OPEN threats to the “infidel” public, but in their DIRECT nexus to leftist revolutionaries! How can this be? Incontestably, that linkage entails the poisonous fruits accrued via the oft cited red/green alliance. Mind you, it is not as if this site is void of (more than enough) indictable proof of the same. For heavens sake, it is this site’s overriding basis!

The fact that social justice warriors are now using ISIS propaganda in an effort to intimidate their political adversaries is interesting given that ISIS has written in its own manifesto of plans to recruit members of the far-left since both groups broadly share the same goals.

Entitled Black Flags from Rome, the December 2015 manifesto includes a section called European Muslims Allying With Left Wing Activists which states that jihadists and left-wingers “will start to work together in small cells of groups to fight and sabotage against the financial elite.”

It appears as though at least some members of Antifa, the anarchist/communist group that caused mayhem in DC yesterday, are open to that possibility.

STILL yet, if the above doesn’t scream out, yes, the aforementioned deadly alliance must be uprooted (with Bill S.2230 as the FIRST corrective course of action), perhaps featuring a linked analysis from Jan. 2015 should render (some of) the mandatory clues. Introducing, a major Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Islamic jihadi, Linda Sarsour! 

BET you thought the above was “old news”, alas, officialdom must have placed her jihadi ass in jail! If so, you would be manifestly, gravely, and deadly wrong.

Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.….

Related image

BTW, this too is a bird’s-eye view into Sarsour, a highly connected Brotherhood Mafia (“Palestinian”/Hamasnick) Muslima darling.

PATRIOTS, the January 2017 “Women’s March” was merely the most highly visible shot from this deadly alliance, since President Trump took office. And those who fail to see the writing on the (national) wall will go down in history as complicit. After all, it is not for nothing that the following dictums have withstood time: “he who is silent is taken to agree“, aka “silence implies/means consent.” Yes, so too is there an inherent truth within: “the unexamined life is not worth living.” Incontestably. 

SO, at the end of the upcoming civil war, as always, there will be winners and losers. Inestimably, wishing it doesn’t come to pass won’t make it so. The die has been cast. Set in (metaphorical) stone.

BUT know this: if millions of patriots fail to “withstand the test of time”, relying on others to execute the heavy-lifting and a myriad of all-important supportive services, future generations will be very unkind. Unforgiving. Deservedly so – to those who sit on the sidelines!

ENOUGH said.

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An Overview Re Beating Back Militant Islamic Jihad. Americans (Israelis), Pay Heed. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


THE most efficient long-range path to a nation’s destruction is through the (incremental) decimation of its armed forces. Let’s just agree on that. Okay?
Gen. Mark Milley, the US army chief of staff, said Wednesday (March 16, 2016) at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee that he is concerned over the army’s ability to confront Russia, China, North Korea or Iran due to a lack of resources, readiness and trained forces. He said the army is not at the required level “in terms of time, cost in terms of casualties or cost in terms of military objectives.” At the same hearing, Air Force Secretary Deborah James said 50 percent of the combat forces of the air force were not “sufficiently ready” for a confrontation with the Russian air force.
The US air force has a shortage of 500 pilots and the number is expected to rise to 800 by 2022. The military’s budget for the 2017 fiscal year stands at $148 billion, with the number of troops in the standing army to be cut to 460,000 from the current 470,000.
MIND you, the devastating effects of the military’s castration is not just confined to its stripped down budget, dearth of updated acquisitions, gutting of rigorous training standards and actual lack of manpower. Its demoralizing and insidious effects have taken root through the purposeful insertion of gays into the military, and with NO redress for those who are subject to the blow back. Well, let’s just say that taking a shower in already close quarters – as just one example – is a little more dicey. There is no reason to sugarcoat this dangerous situation.
CONCURRENTLY, the domestic front must be primed for implosion. This is precisely why HUSSEIN Obama increasingly fires it up.  As per the facts on the ground (over his two-term reign of Presidential terror), the pyromaniac Prez couldn’t achieve his major revolutionary tinderboxes sans the heavy lifting of his main Wizard of Oz, George Soros. Georgie boy, the west’s most dangerous megalomaniac, is worse than the devil incarnate. No exaggeration necessary.
NOT only that, to bring down “Amerika” it became mandatory to trip-wire the economy ala Obamacare and the like; open the borders to millions of illegals and Islamic terrorists, and to shred the Constitution. Resultant, the country is teetering on the brink. What a shock…..
OMINOUSLY, wherever one turns in a westward direction, the danger keeps escalating. And even in loosey-goosey Sweden – where multiculturalism is their hallowed banner – the dangers are acute. Effectively, they are the poster nation for appeasement gone off the rails, having become the rape-jihad capital of the west!

Horrible. It is something out of a nightmare, yet it is an everyday occurrence in Europe, thanks to the over one million and still increasing Muslim “refugees” and their barbaric way of life that a handful of godless Eurocrats have decided the European people (but not them) have to live with.

This is why Sweden is the rape capitol of Europe.

From Speisa:

During Saturday night, a woman was subjected to an assault rape in Strängnäs.

When she escaped the rape, she was raped again by other men outside an asylum accommodation – all within an hour.

According to the local newspaper Eskilstuna-Kuriren, which refer to “informed sources”, the woman was raped outdoors twice. When she fled after the first rape she was assaulted once again by “other men”, according to the newspaper.

The first rape, according to the woman, occurred at Tosterön. The second rape took place between one o’clock and half past one at Tosteröbron, which leads to the center of Strängnäs.

A torched Nigerian village after a previous attack by Boko Haram (Photo: © Reuters)

(A torched Nigerian village after a previous attack by Boko Haram)

BACK to America’s IMMEDIATE danger….
WITHIN this vortex of hell, an increasing preponderance of non-Muslim Americans (westerners overall) are internalizing that the nation’s IMMEDIATE danger requires taming the domestic Islamic beast(s). Of course, leftist apologists are in league with them, therefore, they should be ignored or stepped over. Whatever works.
A poster on Telegram by the Islamic State Cyber Army
AS repeatedly evidenced within these pages, be they Sunni or Shia militant jihadists – aka Allah’s Muslim Terrorists – Americans are in grave danger. There is no time to lose, nor any other way to spin it. And despite this and that, Obama Inc. is importing thousands of Somalis EVERY year, with over 200,00 now in the country! Mind you, most keep their mouths shut because the “refugees” are both black and Muslim! Deadly PC. But never mind, black Christians in Africa aren’t given a second thought, even as they are slaughtered en mass by black Muslims with the same murderous ideology given entry into America.

The Islamic State’s Caliphate Cyber Army posted a “kill list” of names, addresses and other personal details of 36 policemen in Minnesota.

The FBI confirmed the list included full names, phone numbers, home and email addresses. The agency is investigating how the information came to be posted online.

The website Vocativ, which conducts investigations on the “Deep Web,” says individual cards with the information on them were shared through the mobile phone app Telegram, an encrypted messaging service (similar to Whats App).

“It is troubling to have that type of information online for the public to see,” FBI spokesperson Kyle Loven said.

Officer safety is the agency’s first concern, Loven added.

“We’re not going to look into whether or not this is a legitimate threat or an illegitimate threat,” he continued. “We’re going to take it and move forward with respect to what it is that we have to do in addressing this matter.”

Minnesota police officers confirmed their site had been hacked and the officers listed were those employers who had requested a quote for auto insurance,CBS local news in Minnesota reported.

The FBI advised officers on the list to maintain a heightened state of awareness “in case there would be someone who, unfortunately, would be inspired by this type of information being available,” Loven said.

The fact that Islamic extremists in Minnesota have successfully recruited and trained terrorists in the past is being taken into consideration by the FBI.

Most of the officers on the list live in or around the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). The area’s Cedar Riverside neighborhood is home to the largest Somali community in the U.S. Since 2007, 24 men from Cedar Riverside have left the community to join extremist groups.

According to a congressional report released last November, one in four Americans who have attempted to joined the Islamic State are from Minnesota.

The Caliphate Cyber Army (CCA) has previously hacked into sensitive material on a number of occasions:

  • Last week, the CCA published a file containing information on 55 New Jersey police officers. The file was downloaded 300 times in 24 hours.
  • Also last week, the CCA posted a threat to financial institutions, saying they would target “banks, money transfer services, stocks and so on.” The threat, made on the group’s Telegram channel, continued, “Beware of us, economical war has just started.”
  • In November, a group called the Islamic State Cyber Army posted names and addresses of a number of people who have worked for American security agencies (although some of the details were already public).
  • In October, a UK citizen connected with the Islamic State published the home address of Robert O’Neill, the Navy Seal who killed Osama Bin Laden.
  • In January, 2015, ISIS hackers were able to command the YouTube and Twitter accounts of the U.S. Army’s Central Command.
NOW, a few tidbits are worth noting:
BACK in Dec. 2014, this investigative journalist shouted a similar alarm, but in the direction of U.S. military personnel. They too are on a targeted hit list. Hmm.
NOT only that, but counter-jihad females are advised to “watch their backs.”
MORE specifically, let’s put on our thinking caps and figure out why this investigative journalist continually features the INTERNAL threat posed to Americans by the Somali community, as well as having cited Minnesota as “Minnesotastan.” Not for nothing….
ALAS, “harping” on the domestic threat level from Allah’s Muslim Terrorists (whether Somalis or others) should be considered the Number One Priority for millions of well-armed patriots. 
MOST significantly, under normal circumstances patriots should be able to rely on the FEDS to take care of the domestic front. As it stands, this is no longer a realistic position to take. Flying pigs come to mind.
SO whereas there is little that Americans (westerners) can do about militant jihad far from its shores (which the armed forces are normally responsible for), this is certainly not the case within the domestic arena. 
BOTTOM LINE: Once millions of patriots stop viewing mosques as houses of worship and start seeing them for what they really are, that is, forward arms of militant jihad via (enemy) barracks within, the calculus will change drastically and immediately. 
THE overwhelming evidence to the above charge sheet is bullet proof. As such, this investigative journalist defies anyone, be they Allah’s soldiers, or their leftist apologists, to contest otherwise.
JUST let them try it….

U.S. Kiddies & Stepped-Up Islamic Indoctrination: CA Pubic School Teaches “Jihadi Fight Song”! The Whys & Wherefores. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



IN order to fully comprehend the pernicious Islamic indoctrination of America’s kiddies, some basic truths must become self-evident. Second skin.


HUSSEIN Obama is Allah-bent on destroying America by whatever means necessary. Alas, if you utilize this fact as a basic starting point, what evolves becomes an offshoot thereof.

IN this regard, it is hardly surprising (albeit, shocking…watch this 2-minute clip of Sharyl Attkisson’s interview with Steve Malzberg) that he refuses to review any Islamic-related intel reports that interfere with his plans for America, that is, to swamp the nation with Islam’s followers! You got that? If that doesn’t rise to the level of treason, nothing will meet said criteria. Simply put, there aren’t enough spinmeisters to kosher said pig. None.



SO, when you couple HUSSEIN Obama’s devotion to Islam with his twin fealty to Marxism, the convergence of Common Core becomes the only way forward. The perfect storm. For it is through the overhaul of the education system – via Islam’s “stealth-like” indoctrination and penetration – that generations of kiddies will become attuned – and in sync – with anti-American ideologies. Guaranteed. Captured. 

THUS, the fingerprints of main comrades, uber leftists and Islamists, are all over Common Core:


MORE specifically, if America’s schoolchildren are expected to become self-sufficient adults, how exactly will gobbledygook math (numb-skull verbal skills too) fare in the marketplace? Precisely. Trenchantly, the point of dumbing down America’s youth is to create a dependent class, one which is “equal” across the board. That’s the left’s plan – aided and abetted by Allah-bent Islamists – to bring down “Amerika.” Submissive-like.

BUT to effectuate said outcome, targeted “lessons” must be aimed in the direction of America’s school children. Still yet, some remain skeptical and query: Are they just misguided in their approach? Conversely, what are they truly aiming for? Indeed, the (mis)education of the kiddies has NOTHING to do with teaching the fundamentals of basic disciplines.

ENTER: Common Core and its actual mission statements.

Mission Statement One:

TO understand the core component of the (mis)education “process”, one must catch it “hiding in plain sight.” Hint: Its name! The left loves to play mind games. Therefore, spitting in their opponent’s eye gives them an added boost. Leg tingling. Thrilling.

Mission Statement Two:

EVEN so, what is titillating for some is a nightmare for many millions. As mentioned, America’s academic “overhaul” is a cesspool of the highest order, and college kids can’t even escape their grasp. Why? Their indoctrination isn’t complete without creating a complete climate of PC uniformity up and down the system.

Mission Statement Three:

BUT guess who is ALWAYS skulking in the (mis)education background, thus, designing the underpinnings of said radical pedagogy? You would be right, if you named a Chicago buddy of HUSSEIN Obama: The founder of the Weathermen – a domestic terror group – Billy boy Ayers!

Mission Statement Four:

NEVERTHELESS, despite all the chilling aspects of their penetration via the schools, what’s the overriding upshot re Common Core? In a nutshell, complete surveillance of the kiddies – literally 

BUT if the above is still not registering on your alarm meter, what about stepped-up jihad within a California school? Will that be enough to raise the threat level to the kiddies to the nth degree? It should. Still, before we get to its thrust, rest assured, the (following) claim that the teacher veered off the Common Core curriculum is beyond nonsensical. Not only that, CAIR, the Brotherhood Mafia’s mouthpiece, also got in on the act. Par for their taqiyya-driven course, they created the impression that teaching a “jihadi fight song” was problematic, even though the welfare of the kiddies wasn’t mentioned! If anything, one of their mouthpieces opined that it will raise suspicion against the Muslim community! That’s their key and core concern. Hmm.

No Bibles. No Christmas trees. But these public-school kids are being forced to sing the jihadist-themed anthem, ‘Allahu’s on the way … Spread Islam now’?So, why isn’t the ACLU on their way to this school?

Please contact the school and tell them what you think about the fact that they are seeking indoctrinate their pupils into the death-cult that seeks to destroy the USA and the rest of civilization throughout the world.

Spring View’s phone number: (714) 846 2891



Parents at a California middle school are demanding to know why a teacher had students sing an Islamic “fight song.”

A seventh-grade teacher at Spring View Middle School in Huntington Beach, California, deviated from the district’s official curriculum and had students sing “This Is My Fight Song.” Parent and grandparent Nichole Negron and Susan Negron told KCAL 9 Los Angeles their seventh grader was told to participate in the activity.

“I believe that by singing the song, the children feel comfortable that maybe Allahu is the only god and maybe that they should start following him,” Susan Negron told the network Tuesday. “I’m not OK with that.”


The women only found out about the activity by accident when Negron’s son brought a pamphlet with lyrics home.“How can we as parents combat against what we don’t know is going on?” the mother asked.

The two women went to the Ocean View school board on Tuesday night looking for answers. The teacher allegedly wanted students to learn about Islam through a “catchy” tune. (Begs the question, why should students be forced to learn about death cult posing as a religion in public school?)

The lyrics to “This Is My Fight Song” go as follows:


Ojaala Ahmed of the designated terrorist group CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations) in Anaheim told the CBS affiliate she wanted to know why the teacher shared the song, given that Islamic radical terror attacks in Paris, France, last Friday killed 129 and injured over 350.


“Especially with the recent massacre by ISIS terrorists, knowing that this potentially Islamophobic backlash might come about, what was the teacher’s intention?” Ahmed asked.

The school district sent an apology to parents and said it would continue looking into the incident, the network reported.

MOREOVER, if anyone still believes that the teacher’s jihadi “assignment(s)” simply materialized out of thin air, said assessment wildly misses the mark. As such, who recalls the following jaw-dropper, that which was gleaned through one of this investigative journalist’s main contacts via his interrogation of (captured) al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq:

David Gaubatz: As we all know children are the future of the world. Sadly most Muslim children are being taught hate and violence from an early age. Most people think Muslim children are only being taught this ideology in Palestine and throughout the Middle East. The vast majority of mosques in America teach hate and violence. There are several references in the Quran that inform Muslims to never take Christians and Jews as protectors and friends. The Sunni manual Tafsir Ibn Kathir is an excellent reference to what children are being taught in Islamic schools.

When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people. These terrorists said the attacks would not necessarily be physical attacks, but rather a slow indoctrination in U.S. public schools and universities. The indoctrinating would include the Islamic ideology is peaceful and even as non-Muslims they support Islam and the Muslim people.

I have had several Islamic leaders tell me that Muslims who practice ‘Pure Islam’ have what is called ‘Black Hearts’. These Muslims had no conscience, feelings, emotions, love or caring about anything or anyone aside from Allah. Essentially they have no souls. They have an empty heart. These people have no feelings for even their own children; needless to say they have no feelings for children who are not theirs. It is just as easy for them to behead a neighbor child as it would be to behead even their own children. Children are simply a tool for them to use to achieve their ultimate goal of an Islamic Ummah (nation) under Shariah law.

Based on my experiences and studies, the Islamic ideology itself is a dangerous and violent weapon. The true enemies of the non-Muslim world are the ideology of Islam. We can fight and defeat Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the dozens of other Islamic acronyms, but we will lose in the end if at some point we do target the ideology they teach within most mosques. When someone discusses the Hitler ideology of hate and violence, almost automatically people get a sour feeling in their stomachs. Most people realize the ideology of Hitler was a danger to the whole world. Sadly in order to defeat Islamic based terrorists we must have the same sour feeling in our stomach when Islam itself is discussed. Islam is not loving and peaceful and Mohammed never intended for it to be….continue reading

INHERENTLY, when this site reported that several school systems have succumbed to Islam, a core eye-opener for many readers was Tennessee’s school system:

Tennessee’s Brotherhood Mafia (in concert with leftist collaborators, duly demonstrated below), through Common Core, stealthfully elevates Islam via the Shahada, the Islamic profession of faith ala ones “testimony” to the acceptance of Muhammad as God’s prophet!

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول اللهlā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur rasūlu-llāh ….There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God

Tennessee’s Maury County Director of Schools Chris Marczak has asked parents concerned about a seventh grade social studies class on the history of Islam to discuss their questions in a Sept. 17 meeting with district teachers and administrators.

EARTH TO PARENTS: Is the above subliminal indoctrination to Islam – or not? If not, why not?

PATRIOTS, please pay heed to the assessments within this site. They are calculated and gleaned through much more than open source. Key and core!



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Obama’s Ebola Weapon:Controlling Citizens;Settling Scores;Exposing To Untold Dangers..Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS is said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. And this saying is wholly apropos when describing the Anti-American-in-Chief. He is deadly serious in his animus by exacting revenge on America (and the west in general), come what may. Bringing down “Amerika” is in the forefront.

BESIDES, why is anyone surprised that it turned out this way? We all heard what he said, especially during his first term campaign. We also knew about the cast of rabidly hateful anti-Americans he surrounded (and still does) himself with. Birds of a feather. His plans centered upon “transforming” America from the world’s superpower, effectively, to be on par with third world countries. Indeed, these sentiments were front and center in the run-up to 2008.

THE question begs: aside from the die-hard left, what about the so-called center? Did these folks have wax in their ears, or were they simply incurious as to what type of “hope and change” his “transformation” would bring? How many times did he have to utter said sentiments before the swooners – aka leg-tinglers – got it? And hasn’t he kept his word? Totally. Yup, you have to hand him props for delivering. Yet none of his anti-American hatred emanates from a vacuum. It permeated the air he breathed from childhood, and it will continue to do so until the day he takes his last gasp.

Memo to leftists: are you scared yet, or do you think his “deliverance” will pass you by unscathed? 


ALL of the above – plus so much more – impinges upon his seemingly tone-deaf (non) response to protect America from Ebola. It is no accident. More on this nexus can be gleaned below. Patience.


BUT to get a handle on what is really transpiring, one must logically understand the genesis of his rage. It is this aspect which is completely significant to his seemingly bizarre attitude to the various ills plaguing America’s house. Resultant, one has to internalize a few facts: rabid anti-colonialism permeates his hatred for America, as well as for the west in general. It is his all-consuming fixation which melds together his adjunct passions (aside from gay sex, alcohol/drugs and golf, no facetiousness intended), causing a constant pull towards his roots in communism – as if THAT system isn’t exploitative – though much more destructive than colonialism/imperialism. Rational he ain’t. He is fixated.

SIMILARLY obsessed and pre-biased towards Islam, please read between the excerpted lines from his maiden speech to the Muslim/Arab world in Cairo on 6/4/09, as he laid out his fealty. He gave grudging credit to America for certain “progress”.

We meet at a time of great tension between the United States and Muslims around the world — tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate.  The relationship between Islam and the West includes centuries of coexistence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars.  More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.  Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam…..

Now part of this conviction is rooted in my own experience. I’m a Christian, but my father came from a Kenyan family that includes generations of Muslims.  As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and at the fall of dusk.  As a young man, I worked in Chicago communities where many found dignity and peace in their Muslim faith.
As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.  It was Islam — at places like Al-Azhar — that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment.  It was innovation in Muslim communities — (applause) — it was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed.  Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation.  And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality….. And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear….


ABSOLUTELY, he is drawn to, rooted in, totalitarian constructs. In effect, his Kenyan/Indonesian childhood seared Islam into his consciousness. And later on he imbibed the lies wrought by Edward Said’s Orientalism, though deconstructed by other scholars who exposed Said’s anti-historical “facts”, truth be damned. Hmm…revisionism as a political bludgeon. Indeed, judge people by their friends, and the late non-lamented Said was a constant presence in the Liar-in-Chief’s life. 


THOUGH seemingly non related on the surface, each idée fixe is part and parcel to his destructive policies towards all things western, especially American. This is precisely why he went out of the gate, during his first term, to assure the third world that America is not an exceptional nation, no better than the rest. None of the above is accidental. It is highly germane.


CONSEQUENTIALLY, this site implores the readership to step outside their comfort zones and to see Ebola “through Obama’s eyes”, Orwellian as it seems.

EVEN more so, internalize that Ebola has many uses….none of which appear on the surface, but are very possible outcomes. Weaponized.

PLEASE, pay heed to a courageous on duty General, head of the U.S. Southern Command, whose conclusions mirror those at this site, when reporting on the dangers from America’s (purposefully) open borders. Go figure. 

BUT if you need some qualified psychiatric mental health back up, to prop up this and that, that’s fine:

An Ebola outbreak is being allowed by President Obama because he “wants America to suffer” along with the rest of the world. This is the charge leveled by Fox News columnist Keith Ablow , who is also a psychiatrist.

 “I believe the President may literally believe we should suffer along with less fortunate nations. And if he does, that is a very dangerous psychological stance from which to confront Ebola,” Ablow said.

Ideas like that written by Ablow are starting to take hold throughout the country, mainly due to the administration’s unwillingness to enact an Ebola travel ban to and from affected countries…..

IN line with the thesis at hand, it behooves us to compare and contrast the knee jerk reaction that the Islamist-in-Chief had when ONE rocket exploded well outside the perimeters of Ben Gurion airport during this summer’s fiery war with Hamas. Bear in mind that he immediately BANNED flights to Israel (knowing Europe would follow his lead) in order to wield a double-edged sword: to pin Israel’s appeasement-oriented leaders to the wall and to keep them from wiping out Hamas’s Brotherhood leaders, whom he wants to remain in power. He understood full well that Hamas would crow that they closed down Ben Gurion! “It be” true. They did.

The Revolution's photo.
ON the other side of the spectrum, when asked whether or not a travel ban was in the offing – considering the potential death toll to American citizens – here’s what the Bastard-in-Chief’s newest mouthpiece opined…they are breathtakingly shameless.

PAR for the Demsters butt-kissers, leave it to Sen. Schumer  – damn the opportunistic bastard – to back the outrageous choice of Ron Klain as Ebola “Czar”! Not only is Klain medically ignorant – can you believe it – but as Obama’s chief adviser he touted Solyndra to be a model green company, despite its burgeoning signs of insolvency. A crook. Indeed, a precocious 13-year-old would have been a better Czar choice.

EGREGIOUSLY, despite a possible pandemic, the Reprobate-in-Chief will not allow the facts at hand to get in the way of his ideology and plain political chicanery. Payola. Truth be told, to call Obama Inc. whores is to tarnish the reputation of real prostitutes. It’s that bad.

YET to all those who are still skeptical as to the charges that he is purposefully, maliciously and willfully ignoring action plans (for ex, by not BANNING flights from W Africa and then inviting non U.S. citizens with Ebola to be treated in America to further contaminate/compromise the nation’s health…who behaves this way?) to contain this scourge, just look past all rational paradigms. In its stead, segue over to historical precedents, rife with evil leaders who KNOWINGLY led their citizens (and others) to tortured ends and outright slaughter. Take a peek – .

WELL before Ebola became a headliner in America, this investigative journalist posited that Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s plans for America lie within deep-seeded roots from national/nazi socialism. You may want to consider this thesis, making it easier to go from there to here. Even more so, its genesis ties in with his Islamic sensibilities.

CONCLUSIVELY, where does the above info leave the American people and others who rely on the U.S. to lead? Well, in the main, do not follow anything the regime is touting as “protocol” via the incompetent CDC. It would be the gravest error. Instead, remain calm and read up (from non-governmental qualified medical/research sources) on what steps you need to take to protect yourself and your loved ones.

BE prepared by stocking up on essentials.

cdc issues a checklist for ebola preparedness


Are you ready for the possibility of an Ebola pandemic that will interrupt the day-to-day life of most Americans?

Because now, the CDC has issued a checklist and said that “Now is the time to prepare.”

You can read the entire document HERE. As well, the state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits.

The checklist is a directory for hospitals and medical personnel.

“Every hospital should ensure that it can detect a patient with Ebola, protect healthcare workers so they can safely care for the patient, and respond in a coordinated fashion…

While we are not aware of any domestic Ebola Virus Disease cases (other than two American citizens who were medically evacuated to the United States), now is the time to prepare, as it is possible that individuals with EVD in West Africa may travel to the United States, exhibit signs and symptoms of EVD, and present to facilities.”

The CDC’s Ebola virus page is HERE.

The World Health Organization and other agencies have gone to great lengths to avoid releasing information that might cause a panic. You can bet that if they’ve gone so far as to issue this warning, things are about to get real.

The state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits. If the government is getting ready for an outbreak, shouldn’t you get ready too?

Are you prepped for a pandemic?

Last month, I wrote an article expressing my concern that the virus was going to rampage across the country. In it, I suggested that the best way to survive unscathed was to go into lockdown with your family:

This Ebola thing could go bad in a hurry. And by bad I mean that it has killed well over half of the people who’ve contracted it in West Africa. Not only do we have the possibility of Ebola to contend with, but several varieties of plague are also on the uptick over the past couple of months, something that has been put on the back burner due to the fear of Ebola. A city in China was locked down last week due to the Bubonic Plague and the Black Plague caused one man to die and 3 more people to become ill in Colorado last month.

If the situation hits close enough to home that you decide to go it’s time to isolate yourselves, the rules to this are intractable.

No one goes out. No one comes in.

I know this sounds harsh, but there are to be no exceptions. If you make exceptions, you might as well go wrestle with runny-nosed strangers at the local Wal-Mart and then come home and hug your children, because it’s the same thing.

Once you have gone into lockdown mode, that means that the supplies you have on hand are the supplies you have to see you through.  You can’t run out to the store and get something you’ve forgotten.

That means if a family member shows up, they have to go into quarantine for at least 4 weeks, during which time they are not allowed access to the home or family, nor are they allowed to go out in public.  Set up an area on your property that is far from your home for them to hang out for their month of quarantine. If at the end of the month they are presenting no symptoms, then they can come in.

It sadly means that you may be forced to turn someone away if they are ill, because to help them means to risk your family.

Now is the time to plan with your preparedness group how you intend to handle the situation. Will you shelter together, in the same location, and reserve a secondary location to retreat to if the situation worsens further or if someone becomes ill? Will you shelter separately because of the nature of the emergency?  Decide together on what event and proximity will trigger you to go into lockdown mode. Make your plan and stick to it, regardless of pressure from those who think you are over-reacting, the school that your children have stopped attending, and any other external influences. If you’ve decided that there is a great enough risk that you need to go into lockdown, you must adhere to your plan. (source)

At about the same time, Mac Slavo of SHTFplan sounded the warning as well. He wrote:

What’s most bizarre and frustrating about all of this is that neither the U.S. government or the Centers for Disease Control have provided any actionable information or advice to the American public. They maintain that they have the facilities to stop any such outbreak and continue to tout the narrative that there is nothing to fear, because they have it all under control.

Should even one single case pop up in a random U.S. city, that narrative will fall apart instantly. If someone in Georgia, Ohio, New York or any other state checked themselves into a hospital and are found to be infected with Ebola it will prove without a shadow of a doubt that all CDC containment efforts have failed.

In such an instance where Ebola is found to be in the “wild” anywhere in the continental United States you can be certain that panic will follow.

Take a look at the following photo. It was taken last week in Toledo about an hour after the city announced that their water supply had been contaminated with toxins:


Notice how every drop of pure H2O has been removed from the shelves.

Imagine for a moment what grocery store shelves, pharmacies and hardware supply stores are going to look like within 12 hours of an Ebola infection or outbreak being announced on U.S. soil.

Things will happen fast.

Now, for all we know the CDC’s containment efforts are successful, and perhaps Ebola will be stopped in its tracks. But being naturally skeptical of our government’s abilities to mitigate such a virus, especially given the lack of any actual information from the CDC or government, we must assume that Ebola will eventually start popping up in the United States.

When it does, the CDC and Homeland Security will likely announce a number of precautions that we need to take. Those precautions are going to include supply lists and strategies. (source)

ALAS, the once maligned “preppers” don’t seem so crazy now… do they?


Coming to your neighborhood armed with IED's, anti-tank weapons, automatic weapons and WMD's
THE top mission within this site has always been to alert the readership to the grave dangers posed by the red/green alliance. Nothing has changed. Everything unfolding within America – and, within the Mid East, to a considerable degree – has its origins in said LETHAL nexus.
THAT being said, little is more emblematic of the above than the co-joining of leftists and Islamists to destroy America, Israel and the west in toto. This is where, as is said, the rubber meets the road. But in operational parlance, let’s be somewhat starker: where narco-terror via gangs meets Islamists and their leftist cohorts. Sans internalizing the above, well, it becomes impossible to connect the dots…the unfolding disasters.

MORE specifically, right out in the open – yet few Americans took note – Mexico’s lawless leadership co-joined with Guatemala’s to “officially” storm U.S. borders. And, what a shock, Obama Inc. is giving its wink and nod!

SO, a recent analysis should be reabsorbed, if only to internalize what the latest information means to America’s national security.

ENTER: narco-terror and the illegal “kiddie” putsch against the borders. The nexus.

And while Hezbollah is highlighted within the above mentioned commentaries (they are at the epicenter of narco-terror within the “triangle” border region of Latin America), when it comes to decimating America, even Sunni ISIS (aka ISIL) terrorists fighting Iranian Shia proxy forces for control in the Mid East, join hands to bring the U.S. to its knees. The enemy of my enemy is my friend….

And, as a stepped up “student” of all things related to Islamic terror, well, it became impossible to miss the most intrinsic linkage of all, at least regarding the infiltration and penetration into America. Elsewhere too.

IN this regard, porous borders, mainly via Mexico’s entry points, are a pre-requisite. So, isn’t it convenient that Obama Inc. DENIES that Latin American networks are front and center funding bases for Islamic terror?Not only that, but MS 13 leads the pack. Their tentacles, for years, have reached into innumerable U.S. cities and towns, both large and small. Are they just plain stupid, or evil? Rhetorical.

BLOWING up the border is their last stage, before they fully bring America to its knees.
This MS-13 gangster is coming to your neighborhood armed with IED’s, anti-tank weapons, automatic weapons and WMD’s

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the Border Patrol actually arrested an illegal border crosser. The bad news is that the person is the wife of an American ex-Marine veteran and should have been legally allowed to cross the border.

KFOX 14 is reporting that Oleksandra Bronova, a Ukrainian National, was singled out by border agents as she tried to cross the border and she has subsequently been placed in a maximum security prison. Bronova originally fled to Mexico when it became too dangerous to continue to live in Ukraine. People from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and West Africa, where there is a current Ebola outbreak, are free to come to the United States, but a war refugee from Ukraine WHO WAS LEGALLY TRAVELING WITH HER AMERICAN HUSBAND, IS NOT WELCOME!

The Worst Has Not Yet Been Revealed

In this column, I have reported that this new wave of illegal immigrants pose a potentially catastrophic and pandemic health risk to Americans, some are connected to human smuggling (i.e. child sex trafficking rings) and all threaten to overwhelm American infrastructure should the onslaught of immigrants continue.

Even Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, has challenged President Barack Obama’s administration to investigate whether or not, some of these illegal aliens who are flooding across the border, are from MS-13 and are  threatening national security by accompanying the illegal immigrant children across the border. MS-13 is the most violent and dangerous street gang in the world. However, we are not just importing thugs, these MS-13 criminalfoot soldiers are entering the country in great numbers and they are entering as a well-trained and well-armed paramilitary group with provable and strong terrorist ties to known Islamic terror groups.

“The administration’s refusal to properly verify that violent criminals are not among those entering the United States shows an alarming lack of concern for our homeland’s security,” Brewer wrote. “As a nation, we cannot sit back and allow this policy to continue”. It should be noted that as  reported in an earlier document, these MS-13 gang members, some of whom have admitted to murder and torture in their home countries, are being held for placement inside the United States by the Border Patrol under the direction Homeland Security.

MS-13 Members Flooding Across the Border

MS-13 was founded by immigrants fleeing El Salvador’s civil war more than two decades ago. Its founders took lessons learned from the brutal conflict and are in the process of bringing their people and the lessons learned to the United States.

Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Nogales Placement Center, have recently discovered that 16 unaccompanied alien children (13 El Salvadoran males, two Guatemalan males and one Honduran male) currently being held at the Nogales detention center belong to MS-13. The MS-13 gang members admitted to their gang associations following a discovery of graffiti at the detention center. Homeland Security was notified and nothing was done. The number may seem small, however, these are only the ones that were caught in just one area along the border. Art Del Cueto, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tucson, Arizona told the National Review that officers who recognize gang tattoos on the minors are supposed to treat them like everyone else and to completely ignore their MS-13 affiliations.

MS-13 Has Begun to Target American Citizens Deep Inside the U.S.

Minneapolis-St. Paul is a long way away from the Mexican home of the Sinaloa drug cartel, but that didn’t stop three cartel enforcers from making their way up to Minnesota in an attempt to hunt down two teenagers they accused of stealing drugs and money from a stash house.

The three MS-13 enforcers were allegedly sent by the Sinaloa cartel to find the people who stole 30 pounds of methamphetamine and $200,000 from a stash house in St. Paul. The two teens that the cartel hit men kidnapped were tortured, had their lives and that that of their families threatened and were told to find the missing drugs or come up with $300,000 to compensate the cartel, according to court documents obtained by the (Minneapolis)Star Tribune newspaper.

Federal authorities told the Star Tribune that they are not shocked that the Sinaloa cartel would go to such lengths, but what worried them is that instead of using their own people, the cartel apparently hired the hit men from MS-13. This is very ominous because MS-13 is now associated with Islamic terror groups. Also, the FBI estimates that there are 10,000 MS-13  gang members in 46 states, the gang has expanded beyond its initial and local roots and they engage in crimes ranging from kidnapping and murder to drug smuggling, murder for hire and human trafficking.

MS-13 now has a large presence in Southern California, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia and all areas with substantial Salvadoran populations. And in any community where the gang operates, MS-13 is also known for targeting residents and business owners for extortion from violent protection rackets. They have a growing presence in Central America, the United States and in Europe. And as you will see, they are the next al-Qaeda. And for the CIA, they constitute soldiers of opportunity.

Not Gangsters but Terrorists Possibly Armed with WMD’s

There is incontrovertible evidence that criminal drug cartels, like Los Zetas, have not only used MS-13 gangsters as hit men and child sex traffickers, but so has the Juarez Cartel  and the Barrio Azteca to enforce their will, but Los Zetas have also conducted training in parts of Central and South America, and have even allowed MS-13 gangsters to lead in operations as when “El Comandante Kilo” operated in San Fernando on behalf of Los Zetas. This training consists of two parts, military training and assassination. In plain corporate language, the Mexican drug cartels are outsourcing paramilitary activities such as assassinations and terrorism.

Job applicants or terrorists?Job applicants or terrorists?

A very disturbing and  recent report from the International Assessment and Strategy Center stated that MS-13 is moving away from handguns to the use of AK-47′s, along with grenades, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and light anti-tank weapons! The same think tank also reported that MS-13 gang recently acquired multiple shoulder-fired SA-7 anti-aircraft missile launchers obtained  from an open arms market in El Salvador from left over former civil war stockpiles. MS-13 is equipping its forces with these weapons as they can easily knockout helicopters and airplanes from the skies and these weapons can be obtained for a mere $15,000. This is chump change for a gang associated with the drug cartels. The same report went on to state that MS-13 has begun to smuggle drugs, weapons and human beings for the Zetas. MS-13 members are being trained at Zetas camps outside San Salvador and the training includes high level military training. Think TET offensive from the Viet Nam War. MS-13 is well-armed enough to take over cities by knocking out the headquarters of local police forces in a simultaneous series of attacks in which WMD’s are introduced on American soil. If you think this is far-fetched, please keep reading.

Paul Williams, a former FBI Consultant, wrote a book shortly after 9/11 and stated that reliable reports had reached United States officials that al Qaeda operatives were able to get at least two nuclear suitcase bombs into the United States. Williams went on to state that bin Laden had previously used his vast wealth, derived from control of Afghanistan’s poppy trade, to pay off high ranking MS-13 leaders. Williams further asserted that bin Laden paid as much as $50,000 to smuggle sleeper agents into the United states. Williams is not alone in this belief as the author of Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, Brigitte Gabriel, stated that there are terrorists coming through our southern border due to the cooperation and joint efforts of  of MS-13  and Hezbollah and they are intent on introducing a Hiroshima event on American soil!

Back in 2010, an internal memo was leaked from the Tucson Police Department. which stated that Islamic terrorist groups are commencing operations in Mexico and forming alarming ties with the country’s brutal drug cartels. In turn, the drug cartels are now associated with Hezbollah. The memo also references a large weapons stockpile in Mexico as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant Jameel Nasr, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America. Nasr was apparently bringing this terror network north when he was captured. The memo also discussed the April 2009 arrest of Jamal Yousef in New York, which exposed a huge cache of assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives and anti-tank munitions. According to the report, the weapons were stored in Mexico, but only after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. As a temporary aside, where do you think ISIS is getting its weapons? The preceding references contained in the Tucson Police memo just answered that question.

Also, revealed in the report, according to Yousef, was the fact that the weapons were stored in Mexico after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah.The memo further warns that there could be dire consequences due to the new level of cooperation between Hezbollah and Mexico’s drug partnerships and this could be disastrous given Hezbollah’s advanced and new weapons capabilities. The report goes on to state that some Mexican criminal organizations have started using small IEDs which is clearly illustrative of the use of car bombs which is a hallmark trait of Islamic terrorists. IED’s are clearly the least of our worries with regard to the increased influx of MS-13 terrorists. By the way, it was reported, yesterday, that TSA is allowing the illegal immigrants to fly on airplanes without an ID.

Dot Connecting

We already know that MS-13 has a long reach inside of the United States as evidenced by cases such as the Minneapolis-St. Paul event described above. It is now documented that MS-13 has a long-standing relationship with the Mexican drug cartels and frequently carries out assassinations on behalf of the cartels. There is absolute proof that Hamas and Hezbollah are in bed with the Mexican drug cartels. Therefore, it is not a leap of logic to now be certain that MS-13 is serving as operation agents for Islamic terrorists and that link has been conclusively established. This makes a lot of sense because it would make good business practice that the Mexican drug cartels would partner with Islamic terrorists because the cartels can gain smuggling and high grade weapons from Islamic terrorists as well as access to low cost heroin from Afghanistan. (Is this why the war in Afghanistan, without any identifiable military objectives, is still raging?)

It would also make sense that this unholy alliance would be fermented since the gun running of Fast and Furious was exposed and supposedly dried up. Subsequently, the arming of the cartels can continue unabated. Interestingly, the American people thought that Fast and Furious was only about undermining the Second Amendment by supplying arms to border drug gangs. It looks now like Fast and Furious was about arming the drug cartels (i.e. MS-13) so they could carry out operations inside of the United States. And what operations would these be? Simple, the drug cartels now have the means to carry out the same kind of terror on American soil (e.g. assassination of judges, police and media) as happens in Mexico with officials who do not cooperative with the neo-feudalism, narco-kleptocracy being brought into any area controlled by the drug cartels. However, there is one more beneficiary from this alliance which should scare the living hell out of every American.

The Islamic terrorists benefit from the impending lawlessness and its open borders because Islamic terrorists from the already identified groups can make it across our southern border armed with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Don’t think it’s no possible. Just ask the Border Patrol agents in Nogales, AZ., who are finding MS-13 graffiti on their holding cells.

Partnerships between Mexican organized crime and Islamic militants are mutually beneficial. The cartels are able to gain smuggling and weapons expertise, as well as access to cheap heroin from Afghanistan and Iran. The Islamic terrorists gain access to highly valued U.S. targets from military trained units who will act as their proxy troops in the coming false flag attacks.

The operational details of this unholy alliance will be laid out in the next part in this series. And in the next article, we have confirmation of the impending false flag attacks from high ranking state patrol officials and former members of our American military.

WHILE America’s national borders have essentially collapsed, the fact of the matter is that many inside America – via officials from both parties and their outside shock troops – are interested in 2 main goals. Not only that, but they are mutually inclusive.

BASICALLY, bringing down “Amerika” has been front and center for decades. Mixed into the pot are die-hard leftists/RINO’s (Bush included) from the U.S., Canada and Mexico, and they have been exploiting the “war on terror” (even though they REFUSE to name political Islam/Shariah law as the source of the terror!) to create a border-free region, a North American Community. This region would become a gateway for third world peoples and it has been in the works for years. To wit, the Radical-in-Chief is wielding the forceps. Bingo.

045 helicopter 610


IN essence, as long as America is toppled as the super power, all efforts are sanctioned. As always, their deception is shielded and couched under the rubric of “fairness”, “equality”, “humane” and “just”, the epicenter of the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

MIND you, to a one, Obama Inc. (with Hill as a dedicated disciple) has been working towards this goal – their foremost alliance and mission!

















It is impossible to wrap one’s head around the criminal-bent actions perpetrated under Obama Inc, unless one is of like-mind. But let’s get this factoid settled: the POTUS, whoever holds office, is sworn to protect the public from harm and there is no getting around this obligation. Case closed. Or, so you would think.

In the main, there is every reason to believe (and no reason not to) that the current despoiler of the People’s House is running a criminal operation, not unlike Al Capone back in the day. A regime which runs wild, hell bent on bringing down “Amerika”, will stop at nothing to achieve its goals.

Such is the case within every realm of their operations, but some actions stand head and shoulders above the rest. From gun running, resulting in many murders, due to “fast and furious”; to the slaughter of Americans via Benghazigate; to IRSgate, and the release of Taliban terror kingpins, where does letting loose illegal criminal aliens factor in? Everywhere.

Factor One: 

Just consider the ramifications of not only “legalizing” millions of illegals, but the fact that the Lawbreaker-in-Chief honors one of its chief proponents, herself a felon!

Factor Two:

In this regard, what are the chances of reining in said leadership, when they not only abet illegal aliens but their champions too? H E L L O….

Factor Three:

But never mind, the IRS rewards and pays illegals for their lawbreaking, yet hounds patriots for their national honor. What the hell is going on? Oh yes, Obama Inc. has the nation in its vise-grip.

Factor Four:

Consequentially, who other than a renegade POTUS would preside over an out of control DHS? You know, the very same agency tasked with securing the national interest, yet losing ! illegals under their charge!

Factor Five:

As a result, the sham of immigration “reform” is exposed for what it is; illegals are “koshered” and DHS is caught – with its pants down – ferrying illegals to U.S. shores!

Factor Six:

Exactly how much more criminal does it get, then when Feds actually DUMP illegals at bus stops across Texas, Arizona and elsewhere? Why would they do this? 

Alas, here they go again…..but before you read on, a MUST view video is embedded within!

IF Barack HUSSEIN Obama is not guilty of GRAVE dereliction of duty…or worse, then…..

Feds Released Hundreds of Immigrant Murderers, Drunken Drivers, Sex-Crimes Convicts

Immigration officials knowingly released dozens of murderers and thousands of drunken drivers back into the U.S. in 2013, according to Obama administration statistics that could undercut the president’s argument that he is trying to focus on the most serious criminals in his immigration enforcement.

Among the 36,000 immigrants whom U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released from custody last year there were 116 with convictions for homicide, 43 for negligent manslaughter, 14 for voluntary manslaughter and one with a conviction classified by ICE as “homicide-willful kill-public official-gun.”

The immigrants were in deportation proceedings, meaning ICE was trying to remove them from the country and could have held them in detention but released them anyway, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, which published the numbers Monday. The Washington Times also obtained the data.

“This would be considered the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the president and perpetrated by our own immigration officials,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican. “The administration’s actions are outrageous. They willfully and knowingly put the interests of criminal immigrants before the safety and security of the American people.”

The data raised thorny questions about how the government decides which immigrants to detain and which it will release as they await court hearings and final action on deportation.

Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies, said the numbers undercut the Obama administration’s argument that it is trying to keep its enforcement efforts targeted at dangerous criminals.

“We keep hearing from the administration that they are focused like a laser on enforcement against the worst of the worst, convicted criminals, as their top priority. On the other hand, they are releasing, at a rate of about 100 a day, aliens from their custody with criminal convictions, and many of them are serious criminal convictions,” she said.

In a statement, ICE said many of those it released were subject to electronic monitoring, posting bond or having to check in with officers.

In other cases, the agency was required to release immigrants because of court decisions, including a 2001 Supreme Court ruling that found immigrants whose home countries refused to take them back could not be held for more than six months.ICE said 75 percent of the convicted murderers released in 2013 were considered “mandatory releases” in compliance with court decisions.

“Others, typically those with less serious offenses, were released as a discretionary matter after career law enforcement officers made a judgment regarding the priority of holding the individual, given ICE’s resources, and prioritizing the detention and removal of individuals who pose a risk to public safety or national security,” ICE said.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson will have to answer questions.

Mr. Goodlatte and Mr. Smith asked ICE for the release numbers but said the agency never turned them over.

“These criminals should be locked up, not roaming our streets,” the lawmakers said.

ICE has told Congress it doesn’t need to hold as many immigrants in detention. In its budget request this year, ICE asked that Congress fund slightly more than 30,500 detention beds a day, down from the 34,000 set in current law.

“This funding level of beds will allow ICE to detain the current mandatory population, as well as the higher-risk, non-mandatory detainees,” ICE Deputy Director Daniel Ragsdale testified in March.

Ms. Vaughan said that rings hollow if the administration is releasing murderers and other serious criminals even with 34,000 detention beds.

The 36,007 criminal aliens counted in the data had more than 87,000 convictions among them: 15,635 for drunken driving, 9,187 for what ICE labeled “dangerous drugs,” 2,691 for assault, 1,724 for weapons offenses and 303 for “flight escape” — a category that would seem to make them bad candidates for release.

The immigrants are in addition to the 68,000 other immigrants that ICE officers came across but didn’t put into deportation proceedings.

ICE came under fire last year for releasing thousands of immigrants and blaming it on the sequester budget cuts. Among those released were 622 criminals, including 24 with repeated felony convictions so bad that the administration had to go recapture them.

Officials later said it wasn’t the sequester, but rather the regular budget process that caused them to have to release the immigrants. They said they had been running above the 34,000 detention level for too long and would have had to cut detention to average out the numbers.

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Similarly, as is said, there are “a lot of ways to skin a cat”. So if truthfulness is the sine qua non, the bottom line, what else can one conclude from the very same words uttered by Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s alter ego, Valerie Jarrett?

President Barack Obama’s top adviser and confidant told a group of global elites on Thursday in Las Vegas, Nevada that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has made a commitment to the White House to try to pass amnesty legislation this year.

After hailing the Senate’s amnesty bill that the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the wages of American workers, Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s senior advisor, told attendees at the yearly invitation-only SkyBridge Alternatives Conference that Boehner would help the White House make a push get immigration reform enacted in the next three months. 

“I think we have a window this summer, between now and August, to get something done,” Jarrett said, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “We have a commitment from Speaker Boehner, who’s very frustrated with his caucus.”

Addressing attendees at an event described as conference where “investors and elite political donors” along with “hedge fund managers, political and business leaders and celebrities” can “speak freely,” Jarrett said that the Senate’s bill would pass in the House if Republicans brought it to the floor. 

Jarrett, echoing the sentiments of Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), who has said that Democrats would want a piecemeal approach to immigration reform if they get all of the pieces of the Senate bill, said that there were “a lot of ways to skin a cat” and that there would be “mounting pressure” on amnesty legislation in the coming months. She also reportedly claimed the high-tech industry needed more “educated workers” even though numerous studies have debunked the myth that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers. 

Indeed, since the Lawbreaker-in-Chief took over the helm, rock solid plans to terrorize American citizens – into submitting to their “transformation” – have been in place. Thus, it behooves all Americans, whatever their political fealty, to hold Obama Inc. accountable. After all, does anyone believe that illegal murderers, sex-offenders, criminals in general, repeat drunk drivers too, “discriminate” when committing their crimes? Do they care what your ideological affiliation is, or anything else you deem sacred, before they assault unsuspecting Americans?

Rhetorical questions.

Valerie Jarrett



This site, since its inception, has been tracking the radical left’s grasp, specifically as it relates to their infiltration and penetration into America’s kiddies. Cretins. NOT a pretty picture. Downright creepy. Unconstitutional. Defacto anti-American.

In this regard, a repeated, extensive and exhaustive trail has tracked their thrust (jointly, and separately, with Shariah Law proponents serving as back benchers…really…) towards America’s children. The dangers are grave, but few have a clue. Their tentacles wrap around each and every child, as soon as they enter the school system.

However, we need to back track to the NSA’s unfettered spying, in order to realize how insidious their reach is, as the left’s clutches operate under Federal cover. The kiddies are part and parcel thereof.

Clutch One:

Like most well-oiled criminal operations, gathering as much background info as possible is critical to the job’s success. Ditto with accessing the kiddies:Aside From NSA’s Unfettered Domestic Spying, Obama’s Goons Are EYEING America’s Kiddies: How Are They Doing It? What Are They Up To? 

Clutch Two:

So once requisite questions re America’s children become clear – how/why they are eyeing the kiddies – the next step is to internalize what Obama Inc. is loathe to reveal in toto:The Snowden Affair & NSA’s Outing: What Is Obama Inc. REALLY Afraid Of? It’s not what you think.

Clutch Three:

Could their spying be any more insidious:The NSA:Caught, Dead To Rights!

Clutch Four:


Clutch Five:

Yet, those who think that the so-called “war on terror” necessitates blanket spying – you would be wrong:NSA’S MONSTROUS LIE DECODED:INVASION OF PRIVACY (DECEITFULLY) PREDICATED ON “WAR ON TERROR”!

Enter: common core and its entrapment of America’s children!

Common Core One:

Out of the gate, let us ask the most obvious question:Americans, Do You Know What Barack HUSSEIN Obama Wants Your Children To Learn? 

Common Core Two:

In the midst of all this madness, FOX’s psychiatrist-in-residence has this to offer:Radical-In-Chief TOXIC To America’s Children.The PURPOSEFUL Deconstruction Of America’s Exceptionalism! Can you believe? You better.

Common Core Three:

Alas, even though the official name is common core, rest assured, its most appropriate name is Obamacore:“OBAMACORE” TIED INTO DOMESTIC TERRORIST BILL AYERS: BRINGING DOWN AMERICA VIA THE KIDDIES!

Common Core Four:

But if readers are feeling hopeless, don’t despair: A WAR IS RAGING AGAINST “OBAMACORE”:30 STATES, PARENTS, TEACHERS ARE ON THE WARPATH!

Nevertheless, even though there is an upside, hidden within “Race to the Top”, a core component of common core belies traps and more traps. Be aware…wary…awake…


Watchdog says personal details about attitudes collected, measured, assessed

The spying on Americans by the National Security Agency and the Internal Revenue Service’s attacks on conservative groups are “like a walk in the park” compared to government plans to track school children, says a prominent national education researcher, analyst and Johns Hopkins-trained pediatrician.

Dr. Karen Effrem, president of the national watchdog group, Education Liberty Watch, is sounding an alarm about Common Core, the federal education standards that almost all states are adopting by accepting federal “Race to the Top” funding.

Under Common Core, Effrem said, students’ personal information increasingly is being collected, measured and assessed while the standards shift the focus away from academics and toward psychological training and testing of personal attitudes and behaviors.

Jane Robbins, senior fellow with the American Principles Project and a Common Core expert, shares Effrem’s concerns.

She said an agreement between a group that develops the Common Core tests and the DOE requires the consortium to give the DOE “complete access to any and all data collected at the state level.”

Robbins said parents will not be notified if personal information about their children is released, nor will they be told who gets it.

Common Core, Effrem said, creates “a womb-to-tomb dossier on kids and families” that includes between 300 and 400 different data points, such as parents’ voting status, religious affiliation, medical data, newborn screening and genetic data.

That personal student information is to be stored and shared between states in what amounts to a national database clearinghouse of information that Effrem said will follow children and may help determine where they work or go to school.

“It’s lifelong,” Effrem said. “And, it’s not just phone records or tax returns or that kind of thing. It’s literally their entire lives and everything about them and their families.”

Robbins added it is illegal for the federal government to establish a student database, “but they get around that by having the states do it.”

Effrem cited concerns about what these kinds of personal data collections will ultimately do to freedom in America.

“It’s going to be like what happened in the Soviet Union or China,” Effrem said. “Only it’s going to be with super computers; it’s going to be at the click of a button instead of on paper.”

Teachers as psychologists

Effrem said many Common Core standards and assessments will be used to collect data that go beyond academics to focus on student’s psychological attitudes, values and beliefs.

She points to documents from the National School Boards Association, the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and the U.S. Department of Education that promote teaching children beyond academics to focus on “non-cognitive” “21st Century skills” that include the disposition, social skills and behavior of children.

“Various elements of SEL can be found in nearly every state’s K-12 standards framework and in the Common Core State Standards for the English Language Arts,” states the National Association of State Boards of Education in an October 2013 paper, “From Practice to Policy.”

SEL (social emotional learning) is also starting to be incorporated in federal policies and initiatives, such as the Race to the Top, according to a 2013 CASEL report, “The Missing Piece, How Social and Emotional Learning Can Empower Children and Transform Schools.”

That finding was echoed by Pamela Orme, Anchorage School District social studies curriculum coordinator.

Orme said the SEL aspect of the standards became evident as they “began to unpack standards we found a clear correlation between Common Core and social, emotional learning.”

The CASEL report adds that some states like Illinois and Kansas are also implementing social emotional standards on their own, a practice it found is supported by a majority of teachers it surveyed.

The report also called it “critical” to develop social and emotional assessment tools so teachers can “measure students’ social and emotional competence.”

The Orwellian lengths the government is willing to go to to measure those results is made clear in the U.S. Department of Education Technology’s February 2013 draft report, “Promoting Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance: Critical Factors for Success in the 21st Century.”

Dubbed “affective computing” the report explores the “growing movement” within schools about how traits like dispositions, social skills, attitudes and “interpersonal resources” can be measured in students.

It also indicates a move toward changing student behaviors to promote what government declares are keys to success beyond “cognitive.”

The report also states assessments “can serve a wide range of purposes well beyond accountability” to include research and “diagnostic indicators for vulnerable students.”

It lauds the use of “affective computing” to measure social-emotional competencies, such as a student’s level of grit, tenacity and perseverance.

Included are photos of equipment that measures student responses: a facial expression camera, wrist wires, pressure mouse and posture analysis seat.

The report states the equipment has been used in studies of “data mining techniques.”

It states the sensors provide “constant, parallel streams of data” that when used with data mining techniques and self-reporting allows measurement and examination of feelings that include frustration, motivation, confidence, boredom and fatigue.

The report notes, “While this type of tool may not be necessary in a small class of students, it could be useful for examining emotional responses in informal learning environments for large groups, like museums.”

It also indicates collecting such data would help “individualize” learning, the latest trend in education.

To achieve individualized learning, many districts are providing computerized devices to students.

The devices not only provide a new way to access content, they are another way schools can track student activities, raising concerns of some parents and privacy advocates.

At least one school district has spied on students using school-issued laptops as revealed in a 2010 class action lawsuit against the Lower Merion School District in Philadelphia, Pa.

There, remote webcam spying was revealed after district officials attempted to punish then 15-year-old Blake Robbins for behavior in his bedroom.

The district admitted it gave students laptops they could use at home that included webcams that could be activated remotely by district personnel to spy on students.

Through the suit, it was revealed that two high schools in the district had secretly snapped 66,000 images.

Another student filed a separate lawsuit against the district after he discovered his school-issued laptop had been used to capture over 1,000 photos and screenshots without his knowledge.

These days, many districts have graduated to more portable products, like iPads, to give students.

A concerned father in Farmington, Minn., said the iPad initiative has resulted in district officials frequently examining the equipment that many also use at home.

He said middle school announcements regularly include a list of students who are ordered to the office so district personnel can inspect their iPad.

Since the iPad includes GPS tracking device capabilities, the parent, who asked to remain anonymous, cited concerns about the extent of data tracking the schools could access.

“Is there a tracking chip in there so that you could theoretically follow the student wherever he goes?” The parent asked. “How much information is the school district collecting through the iPad?”

There are few limits on how geolocation data collected in electronic devices can be used by educators.

Whatever information is on the iPad is completely accessible to school administrators, whether or not the device is owned by the district, according to Mo Canady, executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers.

Canady said in most cases, school administrators have a lesser standard to meet than police when it comes to searching students and their belongings.

He added that school administrators have even more latitude when it involves a school-owned device.

“Law enforcement are bound by the Fourth Amendment (prohibiting unreasonable search and seizures),” Canady said. “School administration is not, so it makes a lot of difference.”

He said the same type of information school administrators can access if they have “reasonable suspicion” would require an officer to first obtain a search warrant before accessing the content.

Districts across the country that have allowed student iPad use also have polices that govern their use, and all reviewed for this article state they can be “seized and inspected” by the district at any time without warning.

The level of information about children districts are able to access, collect and distribute concerns Effrem, who said it is not their role as educators.

“I do not believe that parents are sending their kids to school to have psychological teaching, manipulation, monitoring, testing and data collection performed on their children,” she said. “That is not the role of the school.”

DESPITE all the evidence linked above, one still has to wonder: what’s their end goal? Well, if one accepts the premise that bringing down “Amerika” is key to their revolutionary plans, then what better way to do so than to capture generations of American children?

There is none.


Medea Benjamin in Cairo

Code Pink’s leader Medea Benjamin was stopped at the Cairo airport on Monday along with other U.S. women within her organization and placed in a detainment cell. The radical left-wing anti-war group, known for its support of Hamas, was on its way to Gaza for International Women’s Day 2014. 

Internalizing the bloody footprints of Islamic jihad didn’t just fall into this blogger’s domain. Assuredly, certain converging events led from there to here and they were (for the most part) described within said interview link. 

That being said, it is important to understand (or recall, whichever the case) the following connection herein to “Stop The ISM” and its founder, Lee Kaplan:

I am an investigative journalist and independent op-ed contributor to various Zionist andConservative media outlets. I contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan from 2003-2007.We are still working together . Go to the 5:59 timeline at – as well– – to listen to him address the current situation in Syria. He is a world class expert on the ISM (International Solidarity Movement), and he utilized my foundation in forensics and investigative journalism to “follow the jihadist money.” Unfathomably, the ISM was able to accomplish the above money laundering, courtesy of their IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Specifically, my name appears at the end of the expose’, ‘Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Laws’? 

In this regard, the reader must square the circle to the embedded nexus between the red and green alliance, in order to fully appreciate the dangers the west is facing. Why? Well, how many are familiar with the leftist (red) anti-American, anti-western activities of Medea Benjamin and her penchant for aligning with terror soaked (green) Islamists? This rabble-rouser is not just venting steam. Far from it.

In the main, this site has yet to find a radical leftist who is NOT in bed with equally totalitarian-bent Islamists! Hence, the coinage, the “red/green alliance”. Bringing down “Amerika” is key to these (not so) strange bedfellows.

So, along comes Lee Kaplan, an associate herein, and he believes in taking no prisoners. Yes, this is a prerequisite for any said association. As such, although Medea, publicity hound that she is, manages to turn lemons into lemonade, suffice to say Lee Kaplan smacked her butt VERY hard – Egyptian-style! Mind you, Obama Inc. hearts with her, even as Demsters feign to be upset with Medea’s various “naughtiness”, carrying on here and there at their rallying cries. Indeed, she is a like-minded anti-American foot soldier. Don’t forget this.

Onto Stop The ISM!

Op-Ed: Egypt Deports Code Pink Leader: ‘Stop the ISM’ Did It

Published: Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Sometimes pro-Hamas activists do get what they deserve.
Lee Kaplan, Head of Stop the ISM

The news wires were all abuzz today with the report that Medea Benjamin of Code Pink was deported from Egypt on trying to enter Gaza through the Rafah crossing. Stop the ISM, a division of was responsible for this.

Upon learning that Benjamin was planning a trip to Gaza under the ruse of bringing lanterns to the Palestinian Arabs, our agency contacted the Egyptian embassy in Washington D.C.  and alerted them to her plans. The result was  Egyptian officials met her airplane when she arrived and immediately arrested her.

Benjamin, who exults in creating media scenes, attempted to resist the Egyptian police who, she claims, then dislocated her shoulder as they dragged her to a holding cell prior to her deportation to Turkey.

Benjamin is a lifelong communist and funds the BDS movement in the United States through one of her nonprofits, Global Exchange, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Until recently, Benjamin was employing Dalit Baum of Who Profits in Israel to tour the U.S. and promote BDS against Israel and Jewish institutions as well as corporations that do business with Israel.

Baum now works for another part of the ISM, the American Friends Service Committee, whicht helps her organize her tours, mainly of college campuses.

Benjamin has become famous by creating rackets and demos in the U.S., demonstrating against the United States and Israel, appearing topless on more than one occasion. She even interrupted President Obama during a speech in Washington to scream about drones being used against al Qaeda in Yemen. In that instance, she was not arrested, as usual, and got away with her antics.

Benjamin’s arrest and deportation show a serious shift in Egypt’s relationship with Hamas since the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi from that country. Only days ago, Egypt closed the Hamas office in the country and put out a clear signal that Egypt recognizes that the threat from Hamas extremists poses just as much of a threat to stability in Egypt as elsewhere in the MiddleEast.

Benjamin is part of the ISM network in the United States and was involved in several excursions to Gaza where her NGO’s would bring support to the Hamas terrorist leadership in Gaza.

Egypt is to be commended for finally putting a stop to this woman’s penchant for encouraging aid to a terrorist organization and disguising that aid as “humanitarian work.”  In any case, her arrest and removal by the Egyptian authorities is the first concrete step taken toward reining in Hamas in Gaza.

Hamas has been aligning itself more and more with Iran, also increasingly supported by Benjamin, so that she is seen as posing a security concern for Egypt.

{P.S. – The benefits accrued through Lee Kaplan’s investigative work resonates around the world, as Americans, Israelis and now Egyptians (others too) are alerted to those who attempt to do harm through tactical subterfuge. When deciding where to make charitable donations, the non-profit operated under his auspices is more than worthy – by paypal or mail to DAFKA 118 Pelican Loop, Pittsburg, Ca 94565 USA…..501 (c) (3) deductible}

So, thanks to ‘Stop The ISM’s’ efforts, a big whoopee is in order. Yet, it is certainly a tragic day in American history when one acknowledges that Egypt is taking the lead in outlawing the jihadi progeny of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas (see below). In fact, they already banned their parent, the Brotherhood Mafia! On the other hand, Obama Inc. is jacked-up with the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia and they are going from strength to strength in overtaking America’s Constitutional basis. Beyond contemptible. Traitors – Obama Inc.

You may ask: where’s the proof? Here and there:

Proof One:

For a change, back in July 2013, this site brought readers some optimistic news:Egypt’s Brotherhood Mafia Defanged-For Now-YET Muslim Brotherhood Calling The Shots In America! How Did This Happen? The Islamist-in-Chief’s Hysterical Reaction: Why? Ponder the proofs from 8 months ago.

Proof Two:

As a result of earthshaking events in the Mid East, Egypt’s military head took the lead, DESPITE Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s hysteria:Egypt’s Strongman, General El-Sisi, Gives Barack HUSSEIN Obama The Finger! Now, what does that tell you? Mind you, Egypt is a Sunni majority country and Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood is too. Yet…

Proof Three:

To be sure, Egypt’s leadership have boxed the Brotherhood into a corner, at least within their national borders:Egypt’s Al-Sisi Triumphing Over Brotherhood Mafia:Trampling Over Barack HUSSEIN Obama Too. Again, what the hell is going on here? 

Proof Four:

8 billion reasons and more helps to expose Washington’s/America’s Brotherhood Mafia:EXPOSED: A LIST OF MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD MAFIA OPERATIVES INSIDE AMERICA. Next Up:Their Linkage To Obama Inc! 

Proof Five:


Proof Six:

Kismet….and along comes another Egyptian – one with American citizenship too – and he pins the Islamist-in-Chief to the wall: MALIK OBAMA, OBAMA’s (CLOSELY CONNECTED) HALF BRO’ OUTED AS AL-QAEDA OPERATIVE.HOW DOES THIS “NEWS” LINK BACK TO OBAMA? 

NOT only that, but the scuttlebutt is such: when Lois Lerner is FINALLY compelled to testify, re her IRS bludgeon, many skeletons will be revealed.

“Time to spill the beans or ‘go down in flames’ Lois.For starters, the date stamped at the top of the Barack H. Obama Foundation’s 501(c)(3) approval letter which bears Lerner’s signature, is dated June 26, 2011. That day was on a Sunday. This new revelation comes after it’s been known that Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) received expeditious and potentially illegal tax exempt status from Lerner when the approval was backdated by 38 months. That this approval was granted on a Sunday raises more questions…..”

NOW, let us meander below and see how Egypt’s courts are dealing with terror-spawn Hamas, in juxtaposition to the kid-glove treatment given to them under Obama Inc.’s reign. Have mercy.

Egyptian Court Bans Hamas

Hamas furious, blames move as ‘serving the Occupation.’
By TovaDvorin
First Publish: 3/4/2014


An Egyptian court outlawed the terror group Hamas on Tuesday, much like it banned the Muslim Brotherhood earlier this year, and ordered all of its assets seized.

The judge explained that the decision stems from the risks Hamas poses to Egyptian security. He accused the organization of terrorist activities in cooperation with the Islamist group called Al Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula.

The court ruling is a blow to the economic power of Hamas rulership in Gaza, which had previously cooperated with Egypt in facilitating trade and smuggling activities; in addition, Hamas offices will be shuttered all over Egypt.

Hamas officials slammed the decision as a political tactic. “Any decision such as this is an attempt to besiege the Resistance, and serves the Israeli occupation,” Bassem Naim, a senior official in Hamas, told AFP Tuesday.

While the government of former Islamist president Mohammed Morsi was friendly with Hamas, the military-led government that ousted him has cracked down on the group, which it accuses of a December attack on Egyptian police headquarters, and of planning church bombings in Sinai last Christmas.

Hamas has denied the Egyptian government’s allegations, claiming they were an “attempt to demonize Hamas”.

Egypt has been clamping down on the smuggling tunnels which are used to smuggle goods, but also arms and terrorists, between Gaza and the Sinai.

Sources in Egypt recently hinted that now that the Egyptian military has taken care of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, its offshoot Hamas was next to face the music.

“We cannot be liberated from the terrorism of the Brotherhood in Egypt without ending it in Gaza, which lies on our borders,” an Egyptian security official told Reuters in January.

Oh yeah…while it was decidedly delicious to uncover (as expected) one terror hydra after another, via this American-Israeli’s work with ‘Stop The ISM’, NEVERTHELESS, the IRS’s Criminal (anti-terror/fraud) Division (Newark, NJ) pussyfooted around the compiled evidence. They continue to shower the ISM with tax exempt status. Hmm…

While the ISM is on the IRS’s radar – due to heavy lifting by Lee Kaplan and this blogger – it is nowhere near enough, especially considering the truckloads of evidence against them, in more ways than one.

Therefore, before getting to the meat of the latest news, a recap is in order.

Firstly, a full forensic investigation was undertaken during different points between 2003-2007 by my corporate tax practice (as a co-owner had full latitude and discretion to do whatever was necessary), regarding the ISM and its tax exempt status (refer to Many hours of pro bono work were accumulated, due to the seriousness of the issue. NO (financial) stone was left without examination.

A midway point in the investigation led to a centerpiece expose’ at Frontpagemagazine – ‘Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Law?’ – At the time, it was intrinsic to keep a lower public profile, therefore, make note of the credits (via a footnote) at the end of the investigation, coupled with William Levinson, who assisted in its review.

But make no mistake, the underbelly of their inter-related terror ties became obvious throughout the investigation. In addition, there were so many 501 (c)(3) IRS violations, they became glaring to anyone with a working background in forensics accounting (and the office was duly up to speed in said techniques – well before this project was undertaken- the practice offered it as a niche specialty ). More to the point, the results from the office always turned out in favor of the client, whenever engaged in a forensics examination.

MOREOVER, since the forensic examination of the ISM (International Solidarity Movement) commenced under Bush’s tenure – and Hamas aligned fingerprints were already found within – imagine how deaf, dumb and blind Obama Inc.’s (corrupt) IRS operates, when terror-tied orgs come up for review?? Now, how many don’t know about the Criminal-in-Chief’s hanky panky, illegal activities within the IRS, in relation to smacking down pro-American and pro-Zionist non-profits?

Bulls eye.