US-Based PA/Hamas Terror Supporters, ISM/BDS Leaders, Weaponize “Lawfare”: The Case. The Verdict. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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AS night follows day, scratch beneath every Islamic jihadi surface and a Jew-hater will crawl forth. Similarly, they are anti-western and pro Sharia Law. Be they Mohammedans who plot frontal attacks, or fellow Islamists who lend material support, rest assured, a horde of leftist-fascists are on board to assist – some of them literally!

ALAS, it is along this treacherous minefield that ISM/BDS (International Solidarity Movement/Boycott, Divest, Sanction) “peace activists” aid, abet, agitate on behalf of, even lend their bodies in support of PA/Hamas terrorists – whose sole aim is to destroy Israel and replace it with “Palestine.” Don’t ever forget this naked and unvarnished truth, as you watch the late Rachel Corrie – an American ISM human shield – eulogized and heralded as a “martyr” by terrorists, having been less than three degrees separated from their terror activities!! Lesson learned: you lie down with (terror) dogs, you may not wake up. Oops. C’est la vie.

ONTO the background of the cast of (terror-supporting) characters – the case, the verdict.

(Larudee shaking the bloody hand of Hamas’s terror leader, Ismail Haniyeh!)

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(Larudee’s sidekick, Jane Stillwater…prostrating to Allah!)

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ISM/BDS Sues Stop The ISM And Lee Kaplan – And Loses

By Lee Kaplan,

On July 6. 2017, I was sued by ISM leader Paul Larudee (of Gaza Flotilla fame) and one of Paul’s acolytes, Jane Stillwater. I managed to get undercover videos of the Board of Directors of Norcal ISM and BDS in California exposing their lawbreaking and how plots were developed to destroy the Jewish state. The videos and reports can be seen here and here.


Jane Stillwater, a seventy-five-year-old grandmother, lives in Section 8 housing in Berkeley, California and is a member of Larudee’s malevolent ISM/BDS group. She claims she is a lawyer (not) and a “war correspondent” (not really) and runs Jane Stillwater’s Weblog where she posts articles that run at various anti-Semitic and anti-Israel websites such as Counterpunch and Electronic Intifada. Jane writes constantly she is not anti-Semitic, then blathers on incessantly about Jewish conspiracies to control the U.S. government – notably, AIPAC – or how Israelis behave like Nazis. Her residing in Section 8 housing is of interest because Jane wrote an article on her weblog about her solution to the home foreclosure crisis in the U.S. a few years ago. She wrote that the way to do this was for people to just claim they are Jewish and then the U.S. government would pay for them to have free subsidized housing in a modern state-of-the-art condo in Judea or Samaria. “You don’t even have to be Jewish,” she explained, “Just say you are Jewish and you are in.” This particular article got Stillwater banned from the notoriously anti-Israel leftist website Daily Kos for its blatant anti-Semitism.

Both these sweethearts recently went to Syria in solidarity with the butcher of his own people, Bashir Assad. Jane Stillwater posted on her weblog that ISIS is actually a concoction of the United States, Israel  and the CIA. She’s a maven on Jewish and American conspiracies for the tinfoil hat audiences comprised of various anarchist movements that want to overthrow the West.

Stillwater is a publicity hound. Even though she allows the U.S. and Berkeley taxpayers to subsidize her home – then manages to travel the world as a phony journalist and “war correspondent” – she somehow is a world traveler like Larudee. Her publishers consist of pseudo news sites that are little more than anarchist, radical leftist and anti-Israel organs. Her latest trip is to Myanmar for this poor impoverished woman who needs subsidized housing.  She even visited Syria in support of Bashir Assad who she thinks is really a great guy deserving her support and getting a bum rap from the West. After all, she explains to us, ISIS and Al Qaeda are really concoctions of the U.S.A. and the CIA (and Israel too, don’t forget).

Stillwater, akin to all media hounds, always makes herself the story. She announces ad nauseum that she was a war correspondent having been twice embedded with U.S. troops in the Middle East. She didn’t embed with the troops in any really hot zones, but was kept safely behind the lines where U.S. soldiers had the added burden to protect her geriatric behind. She applied for a third embed over in Iraq, but this time a more mature officer saw what and who she really is and canceled her embed. She received her notice of cancellation, but instead of seeking a refund on her ticket or an exchange, she flew to Kuwait anyway to force the issue on the military. Along the way, the airline lost her luggage (lucky for U.S. troops!), so she claimed she had to live at Starbucks ingesting fourteen mocha lattes as she waited to hear if the U.S. military would relent (they didn’t). She then flew home at U.S. Taxpayer expense, when the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait made arrangements to get her home. Once back in the U.S.A., she filed a small claims lawsuit against the Department of Defense for $7,500, the maximum allowed in small claims court to reimburse her for the plane ticket she should not have used and for those fourteen mocha lattes. She boasts about how the D.O.D. had to spend thousands of dollars on government lawyers to answer her complaint when they legitimately refused to pay her for her self-imposed “expenses.” The D.O. D got the case moved to a superior court, but some fuzzy-minded judge remanded it back to Berkeley small claims.

She never got the $7, 500. The government settled with her for the cost of the plane ticket to Kuwait – no mocha lattes – in order to save American tax-payers the cost of having attorneys attend the minor case which would have exceeded that amount in payroll anyway. She settled for the cost of the ticket to Kuwait in an arbitration, but wrote that she “won” her case against “da man.”

Once she settled that case, she went back to making accusations in her writings that Gaza is as bad or worse than the Warsaw Ghetto and even posted photos of Auschwitz prisoners during the Holocaust with captions underneath explaining that “these are Palestinians in Gaza.”

(pics of well-fed Gazans!)

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(pics of survivors of the nazi Holocaust!)

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She also posted on Facebook a photo of PFLP terrorist Leila Khaled with an AK-47 directing her followers to donate money for a film to glorify the “freedom fighter” who invented aircraft hijackings. Still another photo showed Marwan Barghouti and declaring “Victory!”  on her Facebook page for the phony hunger strikers in Israeli jails.

Stillwater has trouble with numbers. In her Facebook page next to Barghouti’s smiling puss, she wrote of the 1,600 Palestinian “political prisoners” who were part of the strike. Of course, these were convicted murderers of Israelis, not just Jews, but Jane explained how every last one of them – all given fair trials with lawyers of their choosing – was in prison solely for “political “ reasons. Being an experienced “war correspondent”, Stillwater also entered a post bemoaning the 1,600 civilians killed by the IDF in the 2014 Gaza War. According to her, every casualty reported by Hamas was a civilian “murdered” by the IDF, not a single armed combatant or terrorist attacking the IDF.


Based on this distinguished literary career of hers, and puffed up by her case against the U.S. government, it should have come as no surprise that Jane Stillwater filed a small claims lawsuit against me and, also asking for $7,500 for “pain and suffering” she experienced as a result of my exposés of the ISM as a terrorist support group over the last fifteen years. First, she denied the ISM supports terrorist groups such as the PFLP, Palestine Islamic Jihad and Hamas and said this was a false accusation by me. Of course, the leadership of the ISM had on several occasions admitted to such support and collusion for the last fifteen years. Had she bothered to look at the latest exposés by me, she would have seen photos of ISM leaders like Paul Larudee receiving gold medals from Hamas for the Flotillas. I guess it escaped her that Leila Khaled is still a member of the PFLP who Stillwater only recently encouraged her Facebook readers to donate money to a producer for a film praising the first female hijacker as a “freedom fighter.”

I’d never seen, nor wrote about this woman even once before my latest article broke. Ultimately, I learned she was photographed briefly in the background of an undercover scene of Paul Larudee spilling the beans on ISM and BDS activities. She was still unidentified and said nothing, she might as well have been a piece of furniture. But now she was going to make attention for herself and her fellow ISM BDS activists. In her complaint, she claimed she had received death threats (none attributable to me), she also accused me of murdering ISM activists who were actually killed by their own Arab handlers, and she went on to claim she lived in daily fear of me due to never occurring “unrelenting threats” that could only be cured by giving her $7,500. Stillwater tells us she’s also an “actress” having appeared in many unpaid student films. As she whined to the judge she was afraid of me, it was clear she needed more training.

The case filing was seen on the Web by a Judge Judy produced court television show, Hot Bench, that offered to televise it and pay the actual claims as an arbitration. Of course, Jane Stillwater jumped at the chance to be on TV! But as the shoot date approached, she got cold feet, canceling the production four times over three months.

I got Paul Larudee deported from Israel back in 2006 when he went there to meet with Hamas. Once deported, Larudee went to Lebanon to assist Hezbollah there during the 2006 war. Now back in the San Francisco Bay Area, Larudee was leading Norcal-ISM and promoting BDS against Israel. Jane Stillwater must have felt Larudee would be more of a match against me in court. She’d add him as a plaintiff then remove him, then add him, then remove him only to have him show up and claim he was a plaintiff during the actual trial that took place on July 6th because Jane Stillwater no longer wanted to do the show on television.

So little Jane Stillwater, renowned war correspondent, pseudo attorney and journalist and terrible actress, a slayer of the U.S. Department of Defense was now facing the big bad “Israel-firster” investigative journalist Lee Kaplan in court and would even make him pay money! She even asked the judge to tell me to “cease and desist” my reporting on the ISM and BDS.

What this case revealed was the thought processes of those in the ISM and BDS Movements. Where the Big Lies against Israel and the Jews may play well in the lazy mainstream Press, or at endless bash Israel conferences, in a court of law those same lies did her in. Laughably, when asked why she should get $7,500, Stillwater explained to the judge that one of my articles had shown Norcal ISM/BDS was breaking the law by not having a permit nor meeting health code standards to sell Pure Extra-Virgin Olive Oil to the public to raise money for their beloved Palestinians in Hamas. She explained that the California Health Department, when inspecting the facility, found rat feces in their kitchen that had to be closed down, along with several other changes made to upgrade to the national and state health codes that cost them upwards of $10,000. She wanted an even greater sum to cover these expenses from me, and she wanted to amend any award on the spot. “The health inspector told us if Lee Kaplan hadn’t alerted them to the violations, we probably could have just kept going on with what we were doing and nobody would be the wiser,” she explained, hoping to get a bigger payday. In other words, Norcal ISM/BDS was violating the law and exposing the public to health risks and because I tipped off the government agencies with my articles I should have to reimburse them their expenses. I’m sure that to the mindset of these people who report and write that Israel is an apartheid state when it isn’t, and that Israel is committing genocide against the Arabs, that terrorists are “political prisoners” and ISIS is from the USA and Israel, their plea to the judge made perfectly good sense. Stillwater, the pseudo-lawyer even cited state law that when read properly completely back up all my reporting.


The judge didn’t buy Stillwater’s and Larudee’s claims and she awarded them absolutely nothing. Nada. Bupkis. What struck me as interesting was the judge saying at the start of the case, “I’ve never heard of this International Solidarity Movement before”. Now she has, and it should be a lesson to all those who care about Israel to teach as many people about what makes up the ISM and BDS movement in any way possible. There are other Jane Stillwaters and Paul Larudees all over the U.S.  and even inside Israel, so It should be incumbent on all of us to expose them for the liars and terrorist enablers they truly are through the Press and, if necessary, in court.


MOST significantly, whether the accomplices to jihadi terror are Larudee, Stillwater or countless others across the western world, the underlying basis is the same: Jew-hatred. Anti-western values. Their end goal: dead Jews – and all others who dare to support Israel too.

Sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, if anyone still has doubts as to the likes of who the ISM/BDS terror supporters aid and abet, look no further than to the heroic tale of Aynaz Anni Cyrus, an Iranian – a real freedom fighter – who escaped from the clutches of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and, thankfully, lived to tell the tale!

EVEN so, as is said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Demonstrably, Larudee’s pic (with a medal hanging from his neck – gifted from Hamas, in gratitude for this and that as depicted below, seated second from the left) is worth many thousands!! Yes, he was an honorary guest of….guess who….Hamas’s terror leader, Ismail Haniyeh! 

THIS site’s verdict: guilty, as charged – Larudee and Stillwater, et al. Case closed.

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(re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network) click on “Archives” icon to read, dated July 22, 2017

(re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line)

(re-blogged at

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{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:


U.S. Academia Fetes Islamic Infiltration Via Taxpayer Funds: An Inside Report. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THIS investigative journalist expends a countless amount of time, energy and resources to expose Islamic infiltration and penetration inside America, Israel and beyond. No doubt.

RELATIVE to the aforementioned infestation, American academia (the so-called ‘gold standard’) plays a key role. Incalculable. Consider:

MOST recently, two universities were exposed as ‘sympathetic’ to ISIS. You got that?

AS revealed on March 29, 2015 via ‘America’s Academic Cesspools: Full-On Support For ISIS & Appendaged Groups. Parents, Donors Beware’, a spotlight was featured on Cornell University and Barry University, with a hint of more to come.

  The only objection? Asking students to support a group with 'ISIS' in its name, a multicultural program coordinator thought, might hold the organization back – so why not rename it?

When an honors student at Barry University in Florida asked campus administrators about getting college funds for a club supporting the ISIS terror army, her idea was met with approval


SIMILARLY, on June 29, 2014, the following was noted: ‘UC Berkeley’s Pro Terror Prof Hatem Bazian: ‘Islamophobia’ Rises To ‘Thought Crime’ Status’, and it exposed his direct linkage to Hamas and the Brotherhood Mafia! Smoking guns, aside from his associates and their signature neck-wear.

 NOTE: Hamas scarves in the background! 








Hatem Bazian:Co-Founder of the Violently Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Group Called Students For Justice In Palestine (SJP)

TO wit, it is within this dangerous (familiar) terror landscape that this investigative journalist intersects with a network of specialists, most of whom operate in the counter-terror arena. And it is into this mix that a cooperative effort is made with fellow investigative journalists too.

RESULTANT, said linkage with Lee Kaplan comes into sharp relief ala his world class credentials re the unmasking of the International Solidarity Movement. It is a U.S. based (with offshoots all over the west and the Mid East) non-profit which raises funds on behalf of Islamic jihad to destroy Israel. Incontestably, its knock-on effects blow back against America.

SO without further ado, this site presents Lee Kaplan’s latest investigative report….

Taxpayers Made To Pay For Islamic Indoctrination In US University

By Lee Kaplan Contributor to

Hatem Bazian is a senior lecturer in Near East Studies at UC Berkeley. A Palestinian Arab, Bazian is also a supporter of Hamas and one of the terrorist group’s apparatchiks in the United States. Bazian was the founder of the Students for Justice in Palestine which has chapters on over 80 campuses in the United States and that operates as a Hamas support network in the United States. Bazian also co-founded American Muslims for Palestine which also links to Hamas and functions as a propaganda and fundraising mechanism to Hamas in Washington and is active with the Muslim Students Association on over 150 campuses in the United States and Canada. As an organizer, Bazian is tough to equal and he has used the California college educational system and its taxpayer-funded deep pockets to help facilitate massive propaganda events and fundraising not only for the Palestinian terrorist group, but for pro-jihadist groups across American campuses and Europe as well.

It is through his bully pulpit at UC Berkeley that Bazian also created his Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at UC Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender Project. Racism and Sexism are hot topics on college campuses today. The fact that Islam is not a race, nor is a concept of Palestinian nationalism one, both of theories are being sold by Bazian and his acolytes in the university sphere worldwide. Thanks to UC Berkeley and surrounding colleges like San Francisco State (where Bazian did his undergraduate studies and led a Palestinian takeover of that campus as class president), Bazian’s campaign keeps gaining legitimacy as it aids the endless war against both the United States and Israel by militant Islamists including those who are fighting U.S. troops abroad.

A perusal of the websites for Baizan’s “documentation project” and the Center for Race and Gender events page at UC Berkeley reveals endless programs, lectures, events and other promotions dealing with alleged prejudice against all Muslims and “Islam” in America as endemic racism. On May 7th, the Center offers a book signing and lecture by a colleague of Bazian’s at Cal who claims American racism is the result of a refusal to establish a Palestinian state that would be led by notorious terrorists who support America’s and Israel’s downfall, such as Hamas.

“Islamophobia” refers to an irrational fear of Islam. It is supposedly to counter this irrational fear that Bazian staged April 23-25, 2015 his sixth annual “International Conference on Islamophobia: The State of the Islamophobia Field.” As done last year, the event was staged at UC Berkeley’s prestigious Boalt Hall Law School. Aside from providing a free venue at a distinguished law school, the event gets the entire imprimatur of one of the most distinguished universities in America. Other “sponsors” of the event included the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), who members of Congress and terrorism experts have declared a Hamas front group in America. The “Ethnic Studies” department at San Francisco State was also a sponsor, a professor of “Resistance Studies” named Rebab Abdulhadi in attendance and one of the conference lecturers who had gained notoriety by spending $6,000 of California taxpayer’s money for a sabbatical to visit female terrorist Leila Khaled in jail in Jordan to “show solidarity.” It should also be noted Hatem Bazian posted personally the conference’s schedule on the website of Bay Area Intifada, a blog that claims to promote “News, Updates, Analysis & Action Alerts for 3rd World Liberation & Decolonization from the Bay Area & Beyond.” An Intifada refers to Palestinian terrorist attacks that have killed thousands of Israeli civilians. The blog features photos attacking Israel and the United States.

I attended this latest conference with a video camera and tape recorder. I did the same thing last year and sat almost next to Hatem Bazian the entire time. Bazian was very cocky back then during last year’s event and joked about my having recorders. I wrote anarticle about that event. Only last March, Bazian staged yet another “Islamophobia” conference where he claimed Muslims were being denied a voice for their “studies” in the American university system despite his constant conferences and demonstrations to the contrary that I previously reported on and recorded.

Things were to be different at this conference. Bazian had me watched closely. On the second day, he approached me in the audience and told me I had to turn off my recorders. On two more occasions during that day, two goons came to my seat and ordered me to turn off my recording equipment , the last one threatening to “call the police.” It is against state law in California universities to hold private meetings and prevent recordings and a quick cell call to the Chancellor’s Office who contacted the campus police prevented any problems. I noted this occurred after one of the attendees during a question and answer period addressed the current panel and asked to discuss how the “Zionists” (Jews) were responsible for contributing to Islamophobia in America and how a Jewish organization was sending people to Israel to learn public relations that could be deemed as contributing to Islamophobia and how the New York police department was being propagandized by Jews.

From the get go, the accusation that criticism of Islam was racism was a central theme of the entire conference. Discrimination of women was also frequently discussed, but never in the context of Islamic exclusion of women or issues such as honor killings.

Bazian kicked things off accusing certain reporters and writers of contributing to Islamophobia. He dropped the names of Steve Emerson, Frank Gaffney and Ayan Hisri Ali, Brigette Gabriel and Pamela Geller as well as Fox News as being responsible for what he claimed was a smearing Islam to the public. Ayan Hirsi Ali’s speeches on discriminatory practices against women were all branded as “lies.” All the opening panels suggested that Islam is in no way linked to terrorism and it is the misrepresentation by such “Islamophobes” and it is racism to suggest so. What struck me was that as the conference progressed over three days it became more like a meeting of the German-American Bund in support of the Third Reich before the Second World War.

Baizan and company discussed only fleetingly the attack on 9/11 and how the Patriot Act supposedly had a deleterious effect on Muslims in America. But there was no logic to this. The fact is, the day after 9/11 the President and the US government declared that Islam is a peaceful religion and that the US was not at war with Islam itself, only militant Islamists and terrorists. This is still the US government’s position, yet the “academics” at this conference chose to suggest that any opposition to terrorism at all was just another manifestation of “Islamophobia.”

Of interest also was that Islam was not defined as a major religion, or idea, with different sects at this conference . What about Wahhabism? Or Sufi Islam, Shiism or Sunni Islam? None of these differences were discussed or explained, nor the fact that different sects of Islam sometimes fight wars between themselves. The entire conference was a “them v. us” event where any criticism or negative discussion of Islam was branded “Islamophobia,” particularly in the US or Western Europe. Terrorism wasn’t discussed at all unless to accuse the US and West of terrorism, or of false accusations against all Muslims, and no mention was given of terrorism where Muslims killed other Muslims. ISIS was not discussed at all. The Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris were mentioned, but not in terms of their relationship to Islam as much as something westerners brought upon themselves.

Almost fifty presentations were made as examples of Islamophobia from presenters from across the United States and some even from Europe. But not all were academics or college professors or PhD candidates. Some, like Ramah Kudaimi from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, which is the renamed International Solidarity Movement in the US, another pro-Hamas organization whose activists devote their full-time calling for the destruction of Israel and who support terrorist groups, promoted what she called the Adab, or Muslim-American etiquette to promote Islamic activism against the West and American support for Israel. Sana Saeed, a producer for Al Jazeera, the television network funded by Qatar, a Hamas funder, lectured on “The New American Muslim and Faithwashing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” in which she called for Muslims to meet their obligations to call for the continued attacks on Israel rather than outlining Islamophobia in the US. Bazian followed where he lectured on “How does it feel to be a Muslim? Thinking through the present colonial perspective. His speech was hardly an example of Islamophobia as much as an adversarial approach by Muslims in America to be at odds with the US government and those fighting militant Islam.

“Free ‘em all!,” Rasheed Shabazz who was listed as a Fellow at the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley, one of the program sponsors, shouted at the start of his presentation. “Free ‘em all!”

(continue reading the explosive findings here)

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, Bazian (and a host of others throughout academia) is less than 3 degrees separated from terror, although garbed as an academic.

WITH the above facts at your disposal, whereas the IRS is used as a bludgeon against conservative groups by Obama’s surrogates, taxpayer monies are also spent feting academics who call for the destruction of Israel, as well as the overthrow of America. 

IN which parallel universe is exhorting to genocide (the Mid East’s and Africa’s slaughter-fest are foretastes to their upcoming genocide – Bazian’s fellow Islamists are busy laying waste to said region’s Christian and minority communities – as they prepare to execute the same towards Jews/Israel and eventually to non-Muslims in America) a ‘democratic’ right within academia? 

IN this regard, we can agree that funding said academic-cloaked programs – whose sole aim is the destruction of another people – must be the moral line in the sand which should never be crossed within a civilized nation.

AT the very least, to hold them to account, an urgent message must be sent to university officers. Firstly, demand (as taxpayers) that they open their books, relative to the monies spent on the likes of Bazian and his terror associates.

INHERENTLY, is it long overdue to withhold taxes, not as scofflaws but as a matter of justice and morality. Yes, taxpayers fund many distasteful programs, but at a certain point a Rubicon has been crossed.

NO time to lose…ISIS (part of Bazian’s same Islamic-hydra) already volleyed its opening shot in Garland, Texas!

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}


Medea Benjamin in Cairo

Code Pink’s leader Medea Benjamin was stopped at the Cairo airport on Monday along with other U.S. women within her organization and placed in a detainment cell. The radical left-wing anti-war group, known for its support of Hamas, was on its way to Gaza for International Women’s Day 2014. 

Internalizing the bloody footprints of Islamic jihad didn’t just fall into this blogger’s domain. Assuredly, certain converging events led from there to here and they were (for the most part) described within said interview link. 

That being said, it is important to understand (or recall, whichever the case) the following connection herein to “Stop The ISM” and its founder, Lee Kaplan:

I am an investigative journalist and independent op-ed contributor to various Zionist andConservative media outlets. I contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan from 2003-2007.We are still working together . Go to the 5:59 timeline at – as well– – to listen to him address the current situation in Syria. He is a world class expert on the ISM (International Solidarity Movement), and he utilized my foundation in forensics and investigative journalism to “follow the jihadist money.” Unfathomably, the ISM was able to accomplish the above money laundering, courtesy of their IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Specifically, my name appears at the end of the expose’, ‘Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Laws’? 

In this regard, the reader must square the circle to the embedded nexus between the red and green alliance, in order to fully appreciate the dangers the west is facing. Why? Well, how many are familiar with the leftist (red) anti-American, anti-western activities of Medea Benjamin and her penchant for aligning with terror soaked (green) Islamists? This rabble-rouser is not just venting steam. Far from it.

In the main, this site has yet to find a radical leftist who is NOT in bed with equally totalitarian-bent Islamists! Hence, the coinage, the “red/green alliance”. Bringing down “Amerika” is key to these (not so) strange bedfellows.

So, along comes Lee Kaplan, an associate herein, and he believes in taking no prisoners. Yes, this is a prerequisite for any said association. As such, although Medea, publicity hound that she is, manages to turn lemons into lemonade, suffice to say Lee Kaplan smacked her butt VERY hard – Egyptian-style! Mind you, Obama Inc. hearts with her, even as Demsters feign to be upset with Medea’s various “naughtiness”, carrying on here and there at their rallying cries. Indeed, she is a like-minded anti-American foot soldier. Don’t forget this.

Onto Stop The ISM!

Op-Ed: Egypt Deports Code Pink Leader: ‘Stop the ISM’ Did It

Published: Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Sometimes pro-Hamas activists do get what they deserve.
Lee Kaplan, Head of Stop the ISM

The news wires were all abuzz today with the report that Medea Benjamin of Code Pink was deported from Egypt on trying to enter Gaza through the Rafah crossing. Stop the ISM, a division of was responsible for this.

Upon learning that Benjamin was planning a trip to Gaza under the ruse of bringing lanterns to the Palestinian Arabs, our agency contacted the Egyptian embassy in Washington D.C.  and alerted them to her plans. The result was  Egyptian officials met her airplane when she arrived and immediately arrested her.

Benjamin, who exults in creating media scenes, attempted to resist the Egyptian police who, she claims, then dislocated her shoulder as they dragged her to a holding cell prior to her deportation to Turkey.

Benjamin is a lifelong communist and funds the BDS movement in the United States through one of her nonprofits, Global Exchange, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Until recently, Benjamin was employing Dalit Baum of Who Profits in Israel to tour the U.S. and promote BDS against Israel and Jewish institutions as well as corporations that do business with Israel.

Baum now works for another part of the ISM, the American Friends Service Committee, whicht helps her organize her tours, mainly of college campuses.

Benjamin has become famous by creating rackets and demos in the U.S., demonstrating against the United States and Israel, appearing topless on more than one occasion. She even interrupted President Obama during a speech in Washington to scream about drones being used against al Qaeda in Yemen. In that instance, she was not arrested, as usual, and got away with her antics.

Benjamin’s arrest and deportation show a serious shift in Egypt’s relationship with Hamas since the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi from that country. Only days ago, Egypt closed the Hamas office in the country and put out a clear signal that Egypt recognizes that the threat from Hamas extremists poses just as much of a threat to stability in Egypt as elsewhere in the MiddleEast.

Benjamin is part of the ISM network in the United States and was involved in several excursions to Gaza where her NGO’s would bring support to the Hamas terrorist leadership in Gaza.

Egypt is to be commended for finally putting a stop to this woman’s penchant for encouraging aid to a terrorist organization and disguising that aid as “humanitarian work.”  In any case, her arrest and removal by the Egyptian authorities is the first concrete step taken toward reining in Hamas in Gaza.

Hamas has been aligning itself more and more with Iran, also increasingly supported by Benjamin, so that she is seen as posing a security concern for Egypt.

{P.S. – The benefits accrued through Lee Kaplan’s investigative work resonates around the world, as Americans, Israelis and now Egyptians (others too) are alerted to those who attempt to do harm through tactical subterfuge. When deciding where to make charitable donations, the non-profit operated under his auspices is more than worthy – by paypal or mail to DAFKA 118 Pelican Loop, Pittsburg, Ca 94565 USA…..501 (c) (3) deductible}

So, thanks to ‘Stop The ISM’s’ efforts, a big whoopee is in order. Yet, it is certainly a tragic day in American history when one acknowledges that Egypt is taking the lead in outlawing the jihadi progeny of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas (see below). In fact, they already banned their parent, the Brotherhood Mafia! On the other hand, Obama Inc. is jacked-up with the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia and they are going from strength to strength in overtaking America’s Constitutional basis. Beyond contemptible. Traitors – Obama Inc.

You may ask: where’s the proof? Here and there:

Proof One:

For a change, back in July 2013, this site brought readers some optimistic news:Egypt’s Brotherhood Mafia Defanged-For Now-YET Muslim Brotherhood Calling The Shots In America! How Did This Happen? The Islamist-in-Chief’s Hysterical Reaction: Why? Ponder the proofs from 8 months ago.

Proof Two:

As a result of earthshaking events in the Mid East, Egypt’s military head took the lead, DESPITE Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s hysteria:Egypt’s Strongman, General El-Sisi, Gives Barack HUSSEIN Obama The Finger! Now, what does that tell you? Mind you, Egypt is a Sunni majority country and Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood is too. Yet…

Proof Three:

To be sure, Egypt’s leadership have boxed the Brotherhood into a corner, at least within their national borders:Egypt’s Al-Sisi Triumphing Over Brotherhood Mafia:Trampling Over Barack HUSSEIN Obama Too. Again, what the hell is going on here? 

Proof Four:

8 billion reasons and more helps to expose Washington’s/America’s Brotherhood Mafia:EXPOSED: A LIST OF MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD MAFIA OPERATIVES INSIDE AMERICA. Next Up:Their Linkage To Obama Inc! 

Proof Five:


Proof Six:

Kismet….and along comes another Egyptian – one with American citizenship too – and he pins the Islamist-in-Chief to the wall: MALIK OBAMA, OBAMA’s (CLOSELY CONNECTED) HALF BRO’ OUTED AS AL-QAEDA OPERATIVE.HOW DOES THIS “NEWS” LINK BACK TO OBAMA? 

NOT only that, but the scuttlebutt is such: when Lois Lerner is FINALLY compelled to testify, re her IRS bludgeon, many skeletons will be revealed.

“Time to spill the beans or ‘go down in flames’ Lois.For starters, the date stamped at the top of the Barack H. Obama Foundation’s 501(c)(3) approval letter which bears Lerner’s signature, is dated June 26, 2011. That day was on a Sunday. This new revelation comes after it’s been known that Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) received expeditious and potentially illegal tax exempt status from Lerner when the approval was backdated by 38 months. That this approval was granted on a Sunday raises more questions…..”

NOW, let us meander below and see how Egypt’s courts are dealing with terror-spawn Hamas, in juxtaposition to the kid-glove treatment given to them under Obama Inc.’s reign. Have mercy.

Egyptian Court Bans Hamas

Hamas furious, blames move as ‘serving the Occupation.’
By TovaDvorin
First Publish: 3/4/2014


An Egyptian court outlawed the terror group Hamas on Tuesday, much like it banned the Muslim Brotherhood earlier this year, and ordered all of its assets seized.

The judge explained that the decision stems from the risks Hamas poses to Egyptian security. He accused the organization of terrorist activities in cooperation with the Islamist group called Al Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula.

The court ruling is a blow to the economic power of Hamas rulership in Gaza, which had previously cooperated with Egypt in facilitating trade and smuggling activities; in addition, Hamas offices will be shuttered all over Egypt.

Hamas officials slammed the decision as a political tactic. “Any decision such as this is an attempt to besiege the Resistance, and serves the Israeli occupation,” Bassem Naim, a senior official in Hamas, told AFP Tuesday.

While the government of former Islamist president Mohammed Morsi was friendly with Hamas, the military-led government that ousted him has cracked down on the group, which it accuses of a December attack on Egyptian police headquarters, and of planning church bombings in Sinai last Christmas.

Hamas has denied the Egyptian government’s allegations, claiming they were an “attempt to demonize Hamas”.

Egypt has been clamping down on the smuggling tunnels which are used to smuggle goods, but also arms and terrorists, between Gaza and the Sinai.

Sources in Egypt recently hinted that now that the Egyptian military has taken care of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, its offshoot Hamas was next to face the music.

“We cannot be liberated from the terrorism of the Brotherhood in Egypt without ending it in Gaza, which lies on our borders,” an Egyptian security official told Reuters in January.

Oh yeah…while it was decidedly delicious to uncover (as expected) one terror hydra after another, via this American-Israeli’s work with ‘Stop The ISM’, NEVERTHELESS, the IRS’s Criminal (anti-terror/fraud) Division (Newark, NJ) pussyfooted around the compiled evidence. They continue to shower the ISM with tax exempt status. Hmm…

While the ISM is on the IRS’s radar – due to heavy lifting by Lee Kaplan and this blogger – it is nowhere near enough, especially considering the truckloads of evidence against them, in more ways than one.

Therefore, before getting to the meat of the latest news, a recap is in order.

Firstly, a full forensic investigation was undertaken during different points between 2003-2007 by my corporate tax practice (as a co-owner had full latitude and discretion to do whatever was necessary), regarding the ISM and its tax exempt status (refer to Many hours of pro bono work were accumulated, due to the seriousness of the issue. NO (financial) stone was left without examination.

A midway point in the investigation led to a centerpiece expose’ at Frontpagemagazine – ‘Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Law?’ – At the time, it was intrinsic to keep a lower public profile, therefore, make note of the credits (via a footnote) at the end of the investigation, coupled with William Levinson, who assisted in its review.

But make no mistake, the underbelly of their inter-related terror ties became obvious throughout the investigation. In addition, there were so many 501 (c)(3) IRS violations, they became glaring to anyone with a working background in forensics accounting (and the office was duly up to speed in said techniques – well before this project was undertaken- the practice offered it as a niche specialty ). More to the point, the results from the office always turned out in favor of the client, whenever engaged in a forensics examination.

MOREOVER, since the forensic examination of the ISM (International Solidarity Movement) commenced under Bush’s tenure – and Hamas aligned fingerprints were already found within – imagine how deaf, dumb and blind Obama Inc.’s (corrupt) IRS operates, when terror-tied orgs come up for review?? Now, how many don’t know about the Criminal-in-Chief’s hanky panky, illegal activities within the IRS, in relation to smacking down pro-American and pro-Zionist non-profits?

Bulls eye. 

NORTHEAST INTELLIGENCE NETWORK Digs Deeper & Deeper. Do Americans Know Who Their Neighbors Are? The Jihadists Next Door…Compounds Galore.Hezbollah Cells Too.Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

As many Americans obsess over “reality” television shows, others in their midst are busy toiling away in less than American pursuits. Many in obscurity too. IF only citizens, hooked on this or that show, understood the real reality of their surroundings. Ignorance is not always bliss. In fact, it can be downright life-threatening.

It is with this in mind that many sleeper cells  are able to comfortably “fly under the radar”, thus staying burrowed, in effect, “hiding in plain sight”. Know this – instant gratification rarely floats the Islamic boat….if it takes years and years, so be it….as long as many infidels are blown up…. that is how long they will wait. This is their Islamic mindset, and pretending otherwise will get many western innocents killed.

Nonetheless, others make it their life’s mission to keep track of them and to expose their whereabouts. Lee Kaplan, via his perch at Northeast Intelligence Network , is one such tracker – – amply demonstrated through the above commentary.

Americans (and others) will find further proofs below, detailing why it is imperative to internalize these threats, particularly in light of their direct connection to rapidly unfolding Middle East events. Connecting the dots (from another previous commentary) aids in the discussion – . Uncomfortable truths, albeit necessary.

Specifically, with the Middle East on tender hooks, the following should be interpreted as red alarm alerts .

Lee Kaplan has exposed one particular Hezbollah cell operating in San Jose, California. ‘Hezbollah Cells : Who are the Basijis & IRGC ?’ – .Absorb it.

With this report as a starting point there are – at the very least – a dozen Hezbollah cells spread across the US awaiting orders to strike. Strike they will. Their main bases of operation ( that have been uncovered) are New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago and Los Angeles.  Though generally busy raising funds – sent overseas to their Hezbollah/Iranian paymasters – they are assiduously training for operational jihad in the US, as soon as they are instructed to do so. They will pounce.

To paint an even starker picture, readers (particularly American & Canadian) must familiarize themselves with jihadi terror compounds ,  and all its attendant implications. ‘Terrorists in Our Midst’  – – is one of the best primers on the subject.

As reported in December 2009, Jamat ul Fuqra (a leading Islamic terror group, deeply entrenched in North America) is mainly involved in tactical techniques, sort of like high level masters in jihadi boot camp training. You gotta see it to believe it. Unfathomably, they escape much too much public scrutiny – and con many – by operating under innocuous sounding names. Here’s a sampling – The International Quranic Open University  and The Muslims of the Americas. How gullible do they think westerners are? Very.

Jamat ul Fuqra are awash in infidel blood. Most infamously, they are the head choppers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. They are particularly fond of beheadings. Say what? Too close for many fellow New Yorkers (my home state) comfort, the group receives some of their paramilitary training at their Islamberg compound in New York State. Not to get too specific – as part of a “research” project  in 2006 –  this blogger accompanied a trusted contact to the outskirts of the compound, knowing full well that this was as far as we would get. No matter. We came, we saw, we went…..hearing constant sounds of gun popping, and intermittent shouts of  “allahu akbar” – god is great – in broad daylight !!  Roaming guards dressed in (Islamic) combat fatigues, and watch towers on each side, were clearly visible.

Normal folks surely are wondering – how is it possible that terror compounds can exist in the land of the free, the home of the brave? What is going on here??

To add insult, to grievous (US & Canadian) injury, Islamberg is one of 35 ! jihadi compounds in the US. About half a dozen (which are known) exist in places such as Charlotte County in central Virginia, Hancock, New York, and other  rural confines all over the US. ‘Islamberg not the only radical Muslim compound flourishing in North America’ highlights the dangers, yet there are more than a few sources –

For those who prefer visual aids, here is a heart stopper – ‘Terrorist training camps in America’  – Take a breather…..then read this report  – ‘New Film Exposes Nashville Islamist Network’  – – the video will hopefully work through this link. Regardless, read the whole thing. Plus, view this short video ‘American Nightmare: The Islamists are Here’. Exactly.

Again, do you know who your neighbors are? And if so, what are you going to do about it? Most disturbing, relevant authorities have been approached, regarding all of the above. They opined about the constitutional right  of other religions to “practice their religion”, as well as to separate themselves into enclaves (perhaps they were confusing them with some ultra Orthodox Jewish sects, living apart, yet hardly practicing jihad). The authorities never even bothered to answer the real biggie – how is it possible that paramilitary training can be practiced under their very noses? Is this also their constitutional right ? Looks like it.

Astonishing. Unfathomable. Treacherous. Lawbreaking and illegal – the jihadists and US authorities!