U.S. Somali “Refugee” Infestation + San Bernardino Militant Jihad + Officialdom’s Omerta Re “Refugee” Crisis: Where Is The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

COUNTLESS are too terrified to touch the hottest PC potato of all, that is, the inextricable connection between so-called “refugees”  – aka “migrants” – and those who LITERALLY execute military jihad. VERY grave error. Fatal.

AND this PC omerta is not only endemic within the general media, but in social media, the likes of which is having – and will continue to accrue – catastrophic knock-on effects. Guaranteed. More on that aspect in the near future…stay tuned

While speaking at a town hall event in Berlin, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg praised Germany’s “inspiring” refugee policy — which now includes censorship of online speech by Facebook — and said the United States and other countries should “follow Germany’s lead.”

“I hope other countries follow Germany’s lead on this,” he said. “I hope the U.S. follows Germany’s lead on this.”

He also expressed his commitment to tackling so-called “hate speech,” which these days is little more than anything a liberal doesn’t like at that particular moment in time.

“Hate speech has no place on Facebook and in our community,” he said. “Until recently in Germany I don’t think we were doing a good enough job, and I think we will continue needing to do a better and better job.”

Now, he added, Facebook’s ever changing policies will “include hate speech against migrants as an important part of what we just now have no tolerance for.”continue reading….

O RLY?? Who died and anointed Zuckerberg king over freedom of expression? Not on this end!! 

SO if Allah-washing – by hiding the slaughter of countless innocents under the boot of Islam – is now considered a western interest, rest assured, the tone-deaf, dumb-ass, and blind as a bat enablers will pay the ultimate price too. Yes, creep by creep, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are exploding inside Europe and America. Resultant, this site is placing the west, in toto, on notice.



THUS, it is imperative to connect all the relevant dots, despite all the silencers in our midst. To said end, it is not for nothing that alerting to the wildly dangerous infestation of Somali (and all the rest of Islam’s barbarians, regardless of origin) “refugees” into America is an absolute mission within these pages. 




AS reported in February 2015: 

OUTRAGEOUSLY, it has become a “regular” fact of life to find out that jihadis are embedded within America (all over the west), yet few make the headlines as many times as Somali Muslim immigrants. How so?

FIRSTLY, please recall previous commentaries re their “hidden” thrust within America, yet their Islamic brothers and sisters within the nation’s belly are equally dangerous.

FAST forward to today’s thesis and it is accurate to state: the west is literally ! funding jihad through its non-stop welfare benefits. More specifically, taxpayers are footing the bill to pay for acts of terror against themselves and fellow citizens, as Muslim immigrants feed at the gov’t trough and no one takes a stand against them. How many know this?

WHILE America’s out of control welfare system subsidizes Muslim clans who overwhelm entire cities (even outpacing the actual count of native citizens in real numbers), no one seems to find this worthy of protest. Why?

The Jamestown Sun reports that 400 Somalis have applied for public housing in the past four months. The Somali immigrants in Garden City, Kansas and nearby small towns have created the Somali Community Center of Southwest Kansas in order to tap into public welfare programs. Within this section of the heartland, white Christians have become the minority.

NOT only that, have you heard about Minnesota’s Islamic infestation via Somalia? If not, pay heed:

SO along with Islamist plots outside America’s borders, additional helping hands are given by the Islamist-in-Chief through an open sesame “Refugee Resettlement Program”. How quaint. The thing is, these “refugees”, for the most part, are Shariah law adherent! As expected, they are a particularly anti-western crew. Go figure.

It’s called the Refugee Resettlement Program, and it continues unabated under the leadership of the U.S. State Department and with the help of several Christian charities.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, sits at the heart of the controversial program. Known as “Little Mogadishu” to some critics, the city has since 1983 welcomed thousands of Somali refugees, most of whom are practicing Muslims and attend a local mosque or Islamic center….

MOST significantly, only the comatose should wonder: how the hell did Liban Haji Mohamed end up on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, due to giving material support to al Qaeda and al Shabaab?

ONTO this week’s Somali…New Most Wanted Terrorist – Naturalized U.S. Citizen Born in Somalia Added to FBI List….continue reading….


(Another Somali-American jihadi…and so on…)

SIMILARLY, it was reported the following month:

MOVING right along, let’s segue to this site’s warnings re Somali Muslims in Minnesota (other states too) and their linkage to ISIS and ISLAMIC Brotherhood front groups. Like pigs to their sh-t.

BUT just in case some may think that Rep. Ellison is being given an unfair rap, well, you may want to re-calibrate your calculus.

Reported on March 20, 2015….Rep. Keith Ellison, known for defending the Islamic State group against allegations of being Islamic, just decided to upgrade himself from a mere jihad apologist to a full-fledged jihad lobbyist.

He did so by travelling to the terrorist-ridden nation of Somalia to help some terror-sympathizing constituents in Minnesota funnel money right into the hands of … wait for it … radical Islamic terrorists.

These transfers of money are allegedly designed to help American Somalis support their friends and family members back home. More often than not, however, the money winds up in the hands of the jihadists….continue reading….

ENTER….the Somali nexus to San Bernardino’s militant jihad!

The Somali-American refugee who investigators believe helped inspire the attacks on Garland, Texas, and San Bernardino, California, has turned himself in to authorities in Somalia, according to reports.

Mohamed Hassan, also known as “Miski” on Twitter, was one of the Islamic State’s most prolific terror recruiters.

He came to the U.S. as a refugee and was enrolled at Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis. It was during his senior year in 2008 that he boarded a plane and left for Somalia to fight for al-Shabab, an al-Qaida affiliated terrorist organization.

Hassan is one of at least 50 Somali refugees since 2007 that the FBI suspects have come to America and then left the country to fight for terrorist organizations in the Middle East or Africa.

“Miski” surrendered Nov. 6 to Somali government authorities in Somalia’s capital city of Mogadishu, the U.S. Department of State told KSTP TV in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis-St. Paul area is home to the largest Somali refugee community in the U.S., but Somali refugees are also sent in large numbers to Ohio, Maine, southern California, North Dakota, Tennessee, Georgia and Washington state.

The U.S. has resettled about 110,000 Somali Muslim refugees since 1991. And Hassan is far from the only concern among that community. On Jan. 29, the FBI announced, as reported by WND, it had added Somali refugee Liban Haji Mohamed of Virginia to its “Most Wanted Terrorist” list after he left his job as a cab driver near Washington, D.C., to join al-Shabab in Somalia and is known as another avid terrorist recruiter.

Dozens of other Somalis brought to the U.S. have been charged with sending money or aid to overseas terrorists groups.

Born in Somalia, Hassan “is a lawful permanent resident of the United States and is in the custody of the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency in Mogadishu,” a State Department spokesman said Monday. “The U.S. Mission to Somalia is discussing this case with the Somali federal government. The United States does not have an extradition agreement with Somalia.”

Like most news outlets, KTSP didn’t report that Hassan came to the U.S. as a refugee. WND remains the only major news outlet to have reported this information, first in May and again last week when it was revealed in a Fox News report that he played a role in recruiting Syed Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters who killed 14 and wounded 21 at an office Christmas party.

TO wit, isn’t it obvious why this investigative journalist – in the beginning of 2015, and even beforehand – highlighted the absolute threat level from Somalis embedded in America, as well as that of their fellow Islamists? Clear as a bell.

NOW, since little happens in a vacuum, what happens in ISIS Islamic controlled Middle East (portions of Africa alike) cesspools inevitably wends into the west. READ: Rape-jihad throughout Europe and militant jihadi attacks within America

THUS, having reported on the induction of kiddies into the jihadi arena, many are informed about the next generation of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists and what awaits the west. 


ISIS have got a kid to execute the 'Israeli spy'


IN this regard, let’s just put it out there: Islam’s barbarians are indeed “equal opportunity” trailblazers! Now that they have trained Islamic male “cubs”, guess what? They are onto their female counterparts…. 

A 12-year old girl who is under the control of the Islamic State is the brutal terror group’s latest executioner.

Speaking on Wednesday, March 2, a local source in Ninveh who requested anonymity told Alsumaria News, “On the evening of March 2, a 12-year-old Islamic State girl executed five women including a doctor who refused to take care of ISIS fighters who were injured during an air strike conducted by the international coalition. She shot the victims in the El-Razalani (Ghazlani) camp [in Mosul, Iraq]. This was considered to be the first time ISIS used a young girl as an executioner.”

Mosul has been under the control of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) since June 2014. Since the takeover, residents of the city have been suffering from a security and humanitarian crisis under the extreme strictures of the group.

ISIS children training.


CONSEQUENTIALLY, just as night follows day, know that among some of the innocent looking male and female kiddies who gain entry into America, Europe, and other western nations – be they from Somalia or another Islamic-infested hell hole – mixed in will be trained stone cold killers!!

INVARIABLY, even the little girl with her puppy dog eyes – perhaps clutching a doll or a stuffed animal too – may very well have been exposed to the “training” exemplified below. And for those who refuse to believe in such truth-telling, well, it’s your funeral(s)!

(12-year-old cold-blooded female militant jihadist!)

(Photo: Screenshot from Islamic State propaganda video)

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

5 thoughts on “U.S. Somali “Refugee” Infestation + San Bernardino Militant Jihad + Officialdom’s Omerta Re “Refugee” Crisis: Where Is The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: U.S. Somali “Refugee” Infestation + San Bernardino Militant Jihad + Officialdom’s Omerta Re “Refugee” Crisis: Where Is The Nexus? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Boudica2015

  2. Pingback: WWIII: BEATING BACK The Islamic Invasion. Mosques, Mecca & Medina & A Crusading Enemy. Lessons Learned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  3. Pingback: Americans, You Have A HUGE Jihadi Problem, While Embedded “Soldiers For Allah” Scream: Entrapment! What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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