9/11/01’s “Bag-Men” Redux:Qatar Buys Off Brookings Institute/Indyk.Philip Zelikow In The Mix…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Zelikow: Executive Director of 9/11 Commission.

Philip Zelikow: Executive Director of 9/11 Commission…oh, what a tangled web of leftist/jihadi collaboration between officialdom/academia and the MB!

WHAT were the chances that the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the 9/11/01 Commission (mind you, as soon as the report became public – knowing full well that its contents would somehow be helpful for professional hunting and digging re the MB  became FULLY acquainted with its underpinnings!) didn’t know with whom he was sharing a podium with…breaking bread…rubbing shoulders….whatever….when he agreed to be a speaker at “the annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF), an event co-sponsored each year, beginning in 2004, by the nation of Qatar and the Brookings Institute, a prominent U.S. think tank”? A snowball’s chance in hell…in a pig’s eye…

BUT even if one prefers to believe in fairy tales and accepts: no, he didn’t know anything about the forum and its guests, that it was a “Who’s Who” of TOP Brotherhood operatives, even billing the infamous Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, well, assuredly, he had zero business being the Executive Director of said high stakes Commission, let alone the Director of a dog and pony show! Agreed? Let’s get real…

BESIDES, what IS a done deal is the dangerously toxic, incestuous, symbiotic relationship between leftists and Islamists, a terrain very familiar at this site. In fact, it is the raison d’être for the blog. None of this info is “Monday morning quarterbacking”, rather it reflects the clear mission statement found within the “About” tab. So, is it any wonder that sniffing out said collusion, complicity, is easy peasy? 

Hopefully, my small effort will enlighten Israelis and Americans (and the west in general) to the dangers posed by our common foes. These dangers are fueled exponentially by the morphing of the Red/Green alliance-radical leftists and Islamic jihadists.

THIS is precisely, almost like clockwork, why the most vile venom – for daring to connect leftist collaboration with Islamic jihad – enters this sphere. Hair raising threats…

REGARDLESS, their footprints are manifest within these pages, but they do bear repeating, in light of certain developments.

Footprint One:

INTRINSICALLY, many are no longer in doubt where Barack HUSSEIN Obama stands on the issue of Islamic jihad. But fewer realize that to accomplish his overall objective, the acceptance of Shariah law into mainstream America, “red” (left) hands are required. Yes, they are.

It is a national imperative to link all the dots (red and green alike), not only those which are seen but those which (seemingly) fly under the radar.

It is these “unseen” dangers which enjoy the FULL support of the Red/Islamist-in-Chief and his Congressional helpers:U.S. CONGRESSIONAL COMMUNISTS & The Ties That Bind: The RED Portion Of The RED/GREEN Alliance

Furthermore, the timing of their publication – the above new (old) red manifesto – is not incidental to the helping hand(s) from their chief enabler – the POTUS!

It is with this in mind that patriotic Americans must internalize the following: America’s internal fifth column, with the assistance of outside forces, are hell-bent on bringing down America. WHATEVER it takes!

Footprint Two:

PROTECTING America, Israel and western civilization depends upon countless others waking up to the insidious relationship, as such, it was not for nothing that Brookings starred with Qatar in a previous commentary: 

ALAS, to understand what is at stake, one must connect the dots from deep within the bowels of Washington. Guaranteed, Hill is up to her neck through both her red and green connections. Significantly, Brookings is wholly “owned” by powerful leftists and Islamist forces. Damn them all to hell…

As for the significance of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s involvement with Qatar, two things immediately jump out. First, as a 501(c)(6), the U.S. Chamber’s donors can remain anonymous. That wouldn’t be nearly as disconcerting if not for the second thing; it accepts foreign contributions.

MOVING right along….onto the 9//11/01 Commission’s Executive Director and where he fits into today’s thesis, and the blog’s aforementioned mission statement – the red/green alliance.

Less than three years after the 9/11 Commission released its report in 2004, Philip Zelikow – the Commission’s Executive Director – shared a stage with Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi in Doha, Qatar (yes, AFTER the comprehensive report that should have revealed al-Qaradawi’s connection to al-Qaeda). The occasion was the annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF), an event co-sponsored each year, beginning in 2004, by the nation of Qatar and the Brookings Institute, a prominent U.S. think tank.


Two years before the 9/11 attacks Zelikow’s Commission was charged with investigating, al-Qaradawi was barred from the U.S. because of his support for Palestinian suicide bombers. In fact, al-Qaradawi was a shareholder with the al-Qaeda connected al-Taqwa Bank which also had connections to Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman (the “Blind Sheikh”), the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Prior to being banned from the U.S., al-Qaradawi was on the list of “Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees” of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB). The ISB is a mosque that was attended by the Boston Marathon Bombers.

The ISB Cultural Center, located a short distance from the ISB is led by an imam named Suhaib Webb, who was in attendance at the 2009 US-IWF, identified as an Imam with the Muslim American Society (MAS).

Today, Barack Obama tells us that ISIS / ISIL / Islamic State is not Islamic. Yet, Webb, who is touted as a purveyor and proponent of ‘moderate’ Islam has called for… wait for it… an Islamic State, while speaking at a CAIR event. Note what he says: “Secularism is a radical, lunatic ideology”. Is that not calling for an Islamic State? (h/t Jihad Watch):

Last year, when Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) asked then FBI-Director Robert Mueller if he knew that a convicted terrorist prosecuted and convicted on Mueller’s watch in 2004 – Abdurahman Alamoudi – founded the ISB. Shockingly, Mueller said no:

In 2004, MAS Secretary-General Shaker Elsayed conceded that his organization – represented by Webb – was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members. Elsayed is a close colleague of Bassam Estwani, the former Chairman of the notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque once visited by al-Qaradawi. This mosque was visited by no fewer than two 9/11 hijackers:

Estwani (background) and Elsayed (foreground) in Honolulu.

Qaradawi (L) and Estwani (seated on floor) at Dar al-Hijrah prior to 1999.

Reasons for McCain’s Strong Defense of Huma Abedin beginning to take shape
The disturbingly close relationship between Qatar and Brookings was explored in some depth by the New York Times last week, as Shoebat.com reported. As a nation state that harbors Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Qatar qualifies as a State Sponsor of Terrorism but is still considered an ally of the U.S.

In 2011, McCain, Hillary, and Huma were all in attendance at the US-IWF, held for the first time in the U.S. Also in attendance was al-Qaradawi’s deputy Abdallah bin Bayyah:

Bayyah: al-Qaradawi Deputy

Little more than one year later, McCain took to the Senate floor and shockingly delivered a passionate, though unsubstantiated defense of Huma Abedin and an unwarranted, stinging rebuke of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) for raising legitimate questions about Abedin. While pleading his defense of Abedin, perhaps McCain revealed a bit too much when he said he had gotten to know Abedin over “the past decade”.What McCain did not acknowledge was Abedin’s familial connections to Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Huma served as an editor with the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) from 1996-2008. Serving with her at IMMA was her brother Hassan Abedin. As Shoebat.com reported, while both Huma and Hassan were with the IMMA, Hassan was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies (OCIS) and Yusuf al-Qaradawi served on the Board of Trustees. The Chairman of the Board was none other than Abdullah Omar Naseef, a chief al-Qaeda financier, a Saudi, and the man who founded the IMMA.


In light of McCain’s coziness with Qatar, his defense of Abedin does make quite a bit more sense. Now that you know why McCain acted a fool in this video below, you might appreciate it a bit more:

In light of these developments, it’s worth pointing out again that when Qatar-based al-Jazeera America kicked off last year, both McCain and Hillary appeared in the promotional video to tout the Muslim Brotherhood propaganda network.

McCain and Hillary embrace.

Chief Benghazi Investigator attends 2013 US-IWF
Though the Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB) didn’t have as high a profile as did the 9/11 Commission, there were similarities between the objectives of its Chairman Thomas Pickering and Zelikow. Benghazi was the second 9/11 attack on the U.S. and Pickering was commissioned by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to head the ARB.

Six months after completing the ARB report, Pickering would also attend the US-IWF, six years after Zelikow.

ARB Chairman Pickering listed as Participant at Muslim Brotherhood-friendly conference

Other noteworthy individuals in attendance in 2013 were ISNA President Mohamed Magid and Rashad Hussain, two of six men identified by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) as Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators of the Obama administration. A third man so identified has attended the US-IWF in previous years – Salam al-Marayati, in 2011.

HOLD on tight…there’s more to hogtie the “bag-men” from Qatar, as they bribed Washington’s never say no to “peace” Mid East Jew-boy, Martin, the sell-out Indyk!

How Peace Negotiator Martin Indyk Cashed a Big, Fat $14.8 Million Check From Qatar

LEST there be any doubt as to the quid pro quos, this much is resoundingly clear: aside from other so-called “friendly” Arab/Muslim nations creating Islamic mischief, Qatar is a special case, in so far as they have been very open about their collaboration with Hamas and the Brotherhood Mafia in toto, the most dangerous worldwide terror apparatus, bar none!

LESSON(S) (hopefully) LEARNED:

YES, in the same manner in which Saudi Arabia’s Wahabbi Islamists bought up Middle East Studies Departments throughout the U.S. (know this first hand…Columbia U…more than a Wahhabi cesspool…the rest too…and Europe’s Mid East/Oriental Studies is surely in Islamist pockets), in tandem with funding mosques throughout America – fueling them with their dangerous ideology – so too is Qatar following the (monetary) influencing peddling geo-political track.

STILL, if anyone doubts that inimical anti-American/western catastrophic events are not in the offing – due to Qatar’s pay offs to assorted powerful leftists, both individually and organization-wise – let’s just conclude there is little more to say which will finally convince the naysayers, or even the fence-sitters.

IF this is where it stands, don’t forget to turn out the (western) lights on your way out!

15 thoughts on “9/11/01’s “Bag-Men” Redux:Qatar Buys Off Brookings Institute/Indyk.Philip Zelikow In The Mix…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: 9/11/01's "Bag-Men" Redux:Qatar Buys ...

  2. What does MB stand for..I enjoy your articles but many times…there are acronyms used with no explanation what they stand for…and then I feel I am missing the point of the artic

  3. Fantastic Adina! What a tangled web of evil and darkness. I’m amazed how many people want to remain in denial and refuse to connect the dots. It’s all there, if one will be honest, open and willing to dig for the truth. Also amazed at talking heads, who lie with such ease and when corrected, shake their heads and continue to lie with smiles on their faces. Thank you.

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